Minecraft Livestream Gameplay (live-streamed on my Twitch)

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Okay I’m live it is loud sorry let’s check volume to be louder okay I don’t need my mobile dashboard my chat is fine um we’ve got light bulbs there cool and somebody in 10 seconds this is my chat it’s gonna be squeaky it isn’t it like that uh I’m thinking

I don’t want to progress myself well there we go extremely started and I guess I’m ready to do sorry um I do have to have it a bit loud okay I can’t hear myself when I talk Okay cool so my mic isn’t picking up my phone okay good

Good I just need to be able to hear the music when someone requests it I don’t think what I want to do I don’t know I have assigned stuff anymore I guess I could mine for Tunisia and Cameron uh hello how you doing welcome if you would like to request a song you

Can do by putting in exclamation point Sr and the song of choice what’s my fursona if that’s how you say it it is uh wolf dragon or as people like to call it a wagon so it’s a it’s a hybrid of the species um speed boost I do damn it

So how’d you find my stream did you someone recommend it to you did you just come across it randomly one two Gap remember I like to support stream for the low following oh no that’s okay it’s not it’s not offensive I know I have a low following it’s fine

But as I did say um I have a move bot so you yeah I’ll show you oh okay my mic is picking that up sorry but yeah there you go so if you want to play a song well I’m doing this you can just remember um

The chat rules as well uh it says no profanity like racial homosexual stuff like that it goes along with these songs as well but uh thanks for hopping on my stream uh Xbox Xbox I mean I would love to play on PC all the mods and stuff but sadly I am

Don’t I’m not I’m not I have a lot of money that’s what I’m trying to say so yeah sadly I cannot get myself a PC one two three four I’m gonna make this tidy one two three four five okay it was five okay are you gonna slap this

I’m not gonna mind that because we don’t really need like this right now and also this is a realm so if you are asking oh wait yeah I’m saving for a PC right now I also play on Xbox oh nice uh which version like series or just the normal Xbox One

Series oh fancy you got any uh games oh how about me um yeah I’ve got the uh shitty version the normal Xbox One but you know it works for me I can at least stream and it hasn’t died yet hello still surviving but you are looking forward to any games coming out soon

Any interest for you because I mean I’m looking I don’t I don’t really know what games look I’m looking out for I mean for PlayStation at least it would probably be expirement two that looks good um I mean Forza Motorsport that’s coming out soon there’s also a train Sim World 4 coming

Out which I’m not happy about because they could just stick with free and that’s it but they decided no we need to make a fourth one and we’re going to go Austria why austrial I mean no offense to Austria but I mean Australia is a good company too

And there goes my night vision I’ve been waiting for photos of me huge cup guy yeah same okay how do you feel about them not naming it Forza Motorsport 8 though are you okay with it or does it like make you upset one second okay oh dude did you mean my uh your

Appointment my pfp whoops I’ll explain to you when you get back hopefully you met my like my main persona six minutes okay foreign with me before starting this stream I’m like using this bam oh wait a minute what was that it was lapis never mind then

I remember oh I should have made it for the most bought yeah a in which is in the new Roman numerals two of eight to me that would be cool yeah that would be cool but I decided to make it for the low Sport and that upset me a bit because I

Was like well see that’s a bit confusing because we already had a Forza Motorsport and that was one and it’s like okay I’m pretty sure that’s what they’re doing with Mortal Kombat as well we’re just gonna get Mortal Kombat like I’m not much of a Mortal Kombat fan anyway

So it doesn’t bother me but it’s it’s just confusing why they would do that I really need myself a [ __ ] shovel I do because there was just so much gravel along this area I mean yay loads of Flint but like why that went um I’m trying to think of more

Conversation stuff to talk about I always get confused as well because I don’t know where you’re from so it could be night time it could be daytime I always just like arching so how was your days last night because it’s easier that way to ask if I don’t know where you’re from I

Always ask her so you know how was your day your night whatever okay I’m pretty fun it’s night time okay so how was your day then what’d you get up to it’s like I always say like it’s not you know my stream I mean I like to interact

I want to know how you’ve been it’s not all about me it’s about the viewers and me I always say if you’re in my stream with friends you’re part of the stream itself I want you to have a voice for yourself you know unless it’s you know embarrassing and I wanna

You have to say anything about it then you’re fine I won’t judge I don’t know I try to pull an all-nighter but fell asleep and woke up at three so I didn’t have much of a day no that’s okay I mean at least you tried

Okay I guess I couldn’t I guess I could hop out of this world and start up a new one like a stream like viewer world so you could hop in if you felt like it I know yep just in time for my thing to go out how many diamonds did they use

The [ __ ] okay guys foreign okay I need to definitely make myself feel I mean I don’t really mind me using that wouldn’t mind me using one Diamond I I mind these diamonds at least one of these can be mine shut up don’t judge me I’m at least allowed to use one

I like do you like cfv I love sea of Thieves it’s a [ __ ] amazing game also yeah mature content warning I do swear and I will swear but uh today is a Minecraft Thursday so but I might I could play on Tuesday if you’ve felt like waiting can I swim in chat

I mean if you know something’s happened then I mean don’t just swear on purpose because my Auto mod might [ __ ] time you out or something it’s a it’s just meaning that I’m going to swear so you know if you’re like if you were like a kid and

It wouldn’t it would be like a warning saying hey this person swears you know recommend don’t watching this person that’s pretty much what it is but like if you’re over age I think like 16 plus I think it’s fine I don’t know what the freaking it’s usually 15 plus is m

I mean you can you can try and swear and chat if you want and see what Auto mods does if you get timed out I’ll just untime you oh I’m an idiot I forgot to grab my night vision bottles potions ah I’ll be back So about that University uh hello welcome I will meet again don’t know where don’t know when okay Um sing ERS like there’s like a reference to sing or something or do you want Oh is sing it’s a song we’ll meet again no join uh hello unreal I I didn’t know who you were yeah yeah I I don’t think I’ve ever heard that song before unreal oh

I’ve never heard that song but welcome uh this is the realm I’m in I would have to leave this one and I would then have to do a new world so I guess I can do that no I I can do that um yeah I’m streaming right now I mean so Um and I have moonbot I have mobile as well which means you can can I add you uh yeah sure thing kill two um it is literally okay yeah sure thing unreal yeah okay Minecraft on Console yeah okay um so yeah killed what do you want to you

Mean Discord Xbox what do you booming Xbox um yes so it’s my username yeah there you go you already found me I mean I guess if you feel like joining kill you can if you want to if you feel like it yeah no that doesn’t I know you’re not swearing on Wheel

It wouldn’t it probably bro I sent the wrong the song link no you need to do exclamation point Sr like this there you go you need to do exclamation point Sr There You Go Kill um I guess I need to make a new world yeah I did I didn’t I didn’t even make

It um thinking private on Wheels so you could just join whenever where would that oh there you go party audio I mean you can if you want you can if you want just no homosexual or racial no you can swear f b stuff like that just no homophobic racial do you know what

Trackmania is yes I do and it it looks it looks like a fun game kill two bucks but I don’t know if I would be very good in it I don’t know also don’t play music like in the background if you want to play music just use moo Bots

I literally put an example it’s exclamation point s uh it’s Sr and then the song you want to play do I just have to put in the name yeah I have to put in the link no you can also do a link as well it works that way

So you can do a link over song but if you’re doing this if you’re not doing with the link you have to do the artist and because it could there could be like multiple songs with that name yeah come on man I’m trying to put in with me again

Well are you putting in Sr exclamation point Sr so like if you’re not doing it right there you go yeah so with exclamation point Sr you also need the link as well okay give me a second I’ll go get the link again should we should we do a starting map

So you get a map yes yeah it worked did it yes I sent it okay let me check this uh no no there’s nothing in the queue actually so it does not oh yeah what’s what’s the uh what’s the link you want what’s the song We’ll Meet Again good song okay uh also

Is your stream playing oh wait I paused it yeah yeah you sorry that my phone was up close to the thing and um we’ll meet again No no win by who oh let me get it small on the stream delay is funny no it’s just I need my phone to be a bit loud so I can hear the music okay here it’s very we v e r a yeah capital V by the way it doesn’t

Need the capital V it will know who okay then l y n n space between Vera and Lynn okay so I know how to spell Lynn okay there you go now my stream is probably going to pause because it’s gonna be stupid What what do you mean is too [ __ ] okay so maybe boy has decided to break my [ __ ] thing because it’s now saying my [ __ ] oh never mind it shouldn’t be if I do it this way I’ll fix it okay got a good song yeah it is I just hope we don’t get

Coffee right no it won’t get copyrighted okay good so is um box one of your friends or something no they are a viewer who oh you got viewer nice yeah is it a song playing No No it should be because I can’t hear it because uh

I’m not able to have my stream up right now it should be playing oh no here we go let’s do the loading screen they’re doing it now it’s incredibly quiet but yes okay I can try and turn almost as quiet as a as little pattern that’s final try and turn it up

And see if that works oh I’ve actually the volume thing is as loud as it could be so I don’t know hey why not hello I hate that thing oh Lord Lou maybe you want well I can’t even watch my stream from Star Wars yeah I know did it pause

Yeah no wait it didn’t oh it did I have to turn my stream off because I caught the tree didn’t break so if you’re still in my stream uh you’re gonna have to watch it for me so I can because I don’t think I can have this yeah

Is it still playing just tell me yeah it is okay cool okay so I’ll access I’m gonna answer the question again once I close this is it playing still yes yeah good okay okay cool great I’m a bit more delayed than you oh that’s a lot of stuff on here yeah

Sadly I don’t hear the music but that’s fine okay honestly hold on could you like stay near me ish what’s wrong they’ll get some wood I’m just gonna get Spotify open so I can listen to my song I have the song playing in the Stream though it’s not absolutely love

Well I can’t what other games do you play on off stream uh I don’t really know I I mean Roblox is one yeah Roblox is one definitely I guess on and off fortnite I’ll do that sometimes um uh codeword another one Cold War I have played it on stream before I have

Played it on stream I think but I mean it was only like once I did a bit of War zones I got a grafting table okay cool okay I’m gonna try to figure out a way to turn what happened to my arm your arm what what happened my arm yo I’m still

There for me no you’re all okay so um on my screen my arm is above the map oh give me a second Oh weird there we go I’m up here I’m trying to think there’s no way for me to turn this up because it’s already loud

It’s as loud as it would be I can’t actually you know turn it up like that’s make it Loop no yes I did no you didn’t oh did you make your song Loop yeah my Spotify because now my stream is paused with it like this I don’t know how

No for me because if I’m looking at the song like at mubot it will freaking pause it annoying no it’s just the way it is because you know like if you’re watching something on YouTube and then you open up like twitch and just like watching like a live stream or like you’re

Watching a live stream and you open up YouTube and then like there’s a live streaming will pause and YouTube will take over it’s like that uses YouTube stuff and so it um it will pause my stream if I’m watching it and I can’t play the Stream

I also have auto rotate on and I need to turn it off so it stays in landscape because it’s annoying when it does that so I guess yeah I’m just gonna have to do it that way I have no way of turning it up so I

Don’t mind why do we have to spawn new a [ __ ] God damn location I mean look acacia’s good but the trees are just too tall and I can’t get all of them yeah uh I mean you know usually also you’re not in a party or someone else when you’re watching a live stream

Watching their live stream I guess so maybe I’m playing Minecraft with you for a while actually so I guess what’s happening maybe is even turned up like is my stream fully turned up because that might be the problem that’s why you’re thinking it’s quiet because it’s not so I haven’t changed it

We’ll see it’s just also you’re on a party it turned out too much yeah so I recommend maybe it would be easier if um I’ll just stay in the Stream I mean you know because my streaming delay isn’t that delayed it’s like a bit it’s not that delayed it’s like five

Seconds it’s almost real time like almost real time like it’s real time oh I’m trying to think of a [ __ ] word okay yeah I need to yeah maybe and we’ll just hop out of the party and then just you know watch me through the stream because it

Would probably be easier that way sorry dude no look you’ll soon be able to hear me you’re not [ __ ] like it’s almost real time like um react wow you hear me I mean you can talk in chat and it would be anyways I’m getting into my own right now are you mining

Yes I’ve been I’ve been in the game for a bit now okay now yeah I I definitely need I definitely need my stream up so yeah do you play the rocket League yes I do kill so it wasn’t I had to have my stream closed oh so that’s why you your stream wasn’t

Updating no it wasn’t that it’s just also um it’s you know it updates even though it’s even though my site’s closed oh I’m the broadcaster I’m not a viewer so it doesn’t matter what are we doing all right I have no idea I’m trying to think of what to do I

Definitely need to make I mean you have a crafting table I can’t do [ __ ] without your crafting table I’m not gonna make my own there’s a cobblestone like here’s a crafting tip that’s something I do I don’t like making multiple crafting tables the war rebuilding base anyway

Anywhere yeah we want to find a suitable area I mean yeah we do but you know that’d be smart and I guess you don’t understand that shovel equals flatness oh you can make the world flat oh sugar cane we could use this for a farm what are we gonna make with sugar cane

Sugar paper to make bookshelves uh yeah but we can also just get bookshelves from villages in the stronghold yeah really really I was like that’s the only thing sugar cane does it’s it’s sugar to make the paper and then an ingredient in cake to make cake that’s literally it

But yeah sorry kill if you’re still there um yeah I do play rocket league but like on and off I mean there is actually a clip I have of brought me doing rocket League well I had like a really where did you go do you not have name tags on

I do oh yeah it’s just like due to how my name tag type thing is I made it where they’re harder to see why I don’t know I just kind of when I re-downloaded Minecraft it was like what’s my link and I don’t know how to fix it

Um I haven’t played for a while so I would have to check so I’m going to get back to you on that oh come on yeah I’m gonna go for Village first so you can get that mine uh iron it was a singular piece of iron congratulations so far I have five iron

Oh nice you could get something good well I’m going to do this I’ll just assume okay I’m definitely going to be breaking these let me just eat um or you could get the uh Hey blocks and make wheat out of it to make bread okay oh the item

Literally got 13 which will go to a stack uh 54 so second oh what number okay sir is so ugly excuse you I mean look I I get what you how I get what you’re saying but it’s nice sometimes it can be nice in front of builds yeah

In certain builds it can be nice but not oh what the hell happened here I’ll grab these melons okay oh there’s two unknown Maps nice orange dude we’re in a village yeah I know bro ain’t no way I opened this chest and you all know what I get what what you get

Blue buckets a little bit of bread nice so let’s sleep yep they both got buckets I mean yeah I I know you’re saying it’s literally orange but like there’s a wood type which is literally blue um here’s your bucket by the way come take it oh

Hold on this guy tried to yeah here’s your bucket thank you I know what we need it for but we just eat some bread uh water and also make if we want help don’t leave me here yeah help him my God loaded him do you play forza four and

Five uh I have played Forza Horizon 5 before but not I mean five well I’ve missed messed up my English please [ __ ] work I have played Forza Horizon five today honestly English is one of the worst language it is sometimes but no I have played Forza Horizon five

Sorry I want that Loom but I never fall I mean it looks good but it’s in the UK I’m gonna name you death week and there’s nothing wrong with the UK it’s just I don’t understand how you know they would have off-road areas in the UK I mean look

I don’t know what the hell no I’m not even near you I’m looking for Luke I’m looking for loot shut your trap it’s not cute I don’t care if he’s cute why why is he in entirely different color oh do you mean Motorsport they’re killed because you didn’t specify and I

Probably meant the you probably meant a different game I don’t know which game you meant all right I’ll go continue collecting the hay bales and melons well this house got blocked by a hayabel yeah I feel bad for that man yeah with normal ones not my sport ouch

So whoever likes to learn a sport uh probably just got offended now I’m drinking my way kill I mean look the normal one like Horizon are good games but sometimes you know you need a break from doing the open world to just go on the track and cause chaos uh he is

I don’t know I was just kidding by the way killed don’t don’t hurt yourself like don’t don’t worry about it dude don’t get yourself down um okay yeah but no I have played five just never four but as I said it does look good I would like I mean and I’ve also played

Three Forza Horizon 3 is also good I mean the only reason I say that is because now we have a total of three iron where the other five iron go uh look that’s Raw that’s still iron you’re stupid six seven eight we have a total of eight iron yes

Also you need to turn my stream down dude oh yeah I got you are you going to stream tomorrow ah Friday let me think I’m gonna check for you schedule oh um no I do not have a stream planned but on the Saturday which is the day after I will be

No water and that will I’m probably going to read down tomorrow it’s Thursday I’m in Australia uh kill so it’s actually Friday for me tomorrow I mean Thursday for me so Friday tomorrow yeah it is Friday for me tomorrow yeah so yeah I’m in Australia so it’s it

Would be Thursday for you tomorrow and it’s Friday for me that’s why I named my stream uh Minecraft Thursday so that’s why today I’m streaming Minecraft because it’s a Thursday for me same here so when it’s a Friday for you kill I will be streaming zombie Saturdays which will be Resident Evil 2.

Or maybe I might do it could be either or though it could be cold war or it could be Resident Evil 2 because Cold War has zombies in it and I could just do a zombie stream all I might just do a random when will they add the money a lot bundle

The bundle that Minecraft has been saying they’d be adding that can hold up to like three to four six Stacks or something a bundle you mean like a backpack a bun yeah the backpack I mean there’s a mod for that or like an add-on you could get I think yeah

Minecraft has been saying that they were gonna add it they said all the way back in the caves in cliff update as long as as well as on dude now we have archeology but we don’t got the bundle yeah uh could you drop down your uh crafting table basically oh yeah

Let me turn this Wii into bread yeah good I mean but yeah if if you just um I’m trying to think of what to say damn I remember stupid I’m not like forcing you to follow but if if you want to make sure that you are

Caught up with the stream yeah I know you do I’m real but if you want to make sure okay unreal I’m trying to talk here Please shush okay um yeah no if you don’t want to miss out on a stream I do recommend following because it’s the best way to not miss out

On if I do like a random stream or when I am streaming because it’s the best way because it’s a bit hard for people to know and not eat when I’m talking it is very [ __ ] annoying [Laughter] you’re not getting anywhere you’re not getting any of my bread by the way on Wheel

Oh yeah I have like almost two stacks you’re gonna forget the [ __ ] crafting table I was giving you something I didn’t need the bed need to give but yeah um I might stream tomorrow kill I might not it depends on how I feel like I like to stream discount multiple

Times over the head and it said no I like to stream but sometimes I might have an off day I know I’m gonna [ __ ] Bonk you on the head of my stone sword if you don’t shut up Josh what do you play blockchards what you play a game on Roblox called block

Shirts blocks fruits no I don’t yes okay I don’t know how I understood that oh I know because I speak [ __ ] gibberish and I understand the language of this the language of read actually no that’s not right no no no I can’t say that word on Twitch never mind

Oh nah you remember Chase yes of course I remember them I’ve played with them multiple you all know the iconic Rio somewhat sure The Three Idiots yeah I actually I actually cannot say the r word on Twitch it is not allowed yeah I know it’s not allowed to call someone the r word

And that’s why I said idiots oh no that’s fine I understood but yeah no uh blocks Foods is just for weirdos no offense just saying I get no no the only reason I like it is one reason you can wait look kill I agree with you buddy it is just the weirdos

I’m running away foreign it’s a very good show look watch it on Crunchyroll for free you just have to deal with six ads who no no no repeat yourself don’t be mean to my chat members dude [Laughter] you did nothing wrong they are correct you are a weeb

I’m not a weeb I’ve only watched how many how many seasons have you watched how many seasons six more okay I’m actually I’m not actually a question are you gonna watch the movie when it comes out on Netflix okay cool okay okay so kill we can deduct some points then he’s like half

Weeb then is that is that reasonable don’t live action is number one English bro is Faking It on God the person who plays Luffy yells his moves out dude I need I want to I want a VIP dude but I can’t yeah because I haven’t unlocked it kill I am I am going

To VIP you when I get to the chance to that I’m not faking it I’ve seen a TR the trailer for IT guy my brain said this is a [ __ ] am I allowed to say that what say what [ __ ] [ __ ] yes what okay how old are you free

Well I don’t know twitch’s rules okay Chris’s rules uh speak on stream okay you’re not allowed um racial homophobic and run okay we have to find we need some cactus I’m sorry did you just say you’re eating some cactus oh that’s a husk you knew I don’t like that

It’s a baby husk yeah they’re very fast and annoying we are definitely going to have to find a way out of this but no kill I think you are the only person who has joined my stream and has made me laugh that hard also by the way I’m not faking it I’ve

Seen that trailer and I want to die I’m sorry I I need a I need a break oh my God hey I’m not racist you just scared me did you just say that to an Enderman yes because he teleports oh he does yeah oh my God how long have you how long

Have you been playing Minecraft for and like a maybe six years ago [Laughter] you wanna [ __ ] go [ __ ] I gotta shovel out okay yeah we we need to find a [ __ ] Village or something we need to find them oh yeah well oh no oh no that’s a [ __ ] don’t get out of water

Oh no yeah why do you think I said we need to get out of the water it sounds like every weeb says he doesn’t like an anime eventually watches it on his free time dude can we can we mod this guy kill kill one piece live action then there’s one

Piece on Crunchyroll and then there’s Netflix one piece English one piece the characters sound like idiots okay kill I actually think he might not be thinking but like kill I mean and then in the anime he has an actual good voice yeah like okay he doesn’t know every anime channel boy

You’re the only anime I’ve watched I mean are you talking to kill are you talking to me are pretty simple they’re called One Piece One Piece and one piece I mean look kill I’m I’m gonna admit to you but I have watched a bit of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures the first TV why

Should I watch it watch what JoJo hold on there’s a pyramid right here yes and we’re going to the Village so we can sleep I’m installing Cold War right now by the way so we can play it sometimes uh yeah sure I mean as I said on the Friday for you

That’s when I’m doing zombies Saturday and I might do zombies I mean I will do zombies so yeah sure you can join oh yeah I also love how I guess no one do you play games off stream yeah of course as every street would have title of them before I’ll scream um

I will punk you with a shovel don’t try me okay just shut up you’re embarrassing yourself um hi there already loves all my courage and happiness okay well while I’m asleep I’m going to take drink some water because I need it no don’t [ __ ] do no British

With me mate I’m not British I’m Australian I know but um Jack picture of him holding a bottle of water in his hands just think pointy moment games I play or stream oh that’s a witch I saw that bottom oh yeah does he he sounds like he goes to homeschooled

I think do you you go home so wait unreal yes yeah he does you know my uh voice local boxer I wish I didn’t have he literally said he says he he sounds like he goes to homeschool does he so I think yeah that might be the reason

I’d rather be mute than have this voice box not gonna lie you ain’t no [ __ ] animatronic from Five Nights at Freddy’s dude you don’t have a voice box you have vocal cords I got [ __ ] bro I got that new Finance no dude killed like as as I I’m I’m honest like

Honestly kill as soon as I get VIP stuff I am straight up VIP You I’ve always what sounded like you have made me last I think the most anyone has ever laughed like made me laugh before raw life I sound like that means yeah I don’t know but I I want you to fix it it is on fixed off I mean for you yeah

Man I guess no one’s playing music ah what am I stuck on how old are you uh 18 . I sound I sound no I sound young it’s just weird did you go down the thing already on Wheel well I’ve been staring at a bed for like

Maybe the past five minutes oh no did you did you go down the temple oh yeah I already loaded it I thought I told you that no you [ __ ] didn’t I said ooh some more iron oh a saddle is that not give it away no because I’m I thought you’re in the

Village saluting The Village but yeah I’m 18 kill hey I sound [ __ ] young it’s just negative six years and that’s how old I am he’s 12. if you want to know kill has he already said that impresses me you said you would that’s six years buddy oh I guess you can’t do [ __ ] simple math who me yeah I said six men I said negative six years and that’s how old I am yeah that’s it I’m 12 I mean you said if you can’t do super matte simple math I’m proud of you but it usually weirdly because you meant

To say like you meant to say if you can do you said if you can’t do yeah you did he sounds like his name is Christian um actually I don’t I don’t know what his name is so I can’t remember and replace that with the T it’s trit

Yeah there you go he just told you I’m hungry now what’s your name Josh you’re an idiot you’re even you’re even an idiot or you’re literally just [ __ ] playing with me right now oh yeah don’t you by the way kill but not you by the way kill it’s which one do you think

It would be what what do you mean what was I playing with you probably playing with me no no no not definitely playing with me um I need to kill this sheep so did you know that if you are Rick Ashley for his uh copy of up he actually

Can’t give you up but in doing so he lets you down thus creating the Rick Ashley paradox and then stop killing the chicken damn simple give me that little boy did you know that I never asked I’m just making a joke dude damn not to be so Savage

Kill you you’re kind of mean what what are you hold on yeah we need food to you okay I mean I have it too but if you want them blue I don’t need it I just need more than just bread because eventually we’ll run out of bread and so I’m just making preparations

A what a Saturday thing probably if you eat certain types of food for too long you lose Hannity and your screen starts turning more black and white that’s not how it works and your screen starts turning red after your sanity drops enough bread I checked chat once in a while on my

Phone yeah oh some coal right dogs on that chicken I grabbed a man what the hell do I have melon cheese from did you like did you drop melon seeds at some point yeah I did I don’t know why I picked them up for but I started

Climb can I just couldn’t do that jump don’t [ __ ] me up well I’m already at the top look going to the top I’m heading to this cold thing I saw when I’ve lost oh this is a nice area it has a nice view we just need to like make it more flat

And then we got a nice base yeah I’m gonna put some playing I’m trying to think oh whoa I like this song I don’t know if you guys will like it I don’t realize chords aren’t on this makes it fun well isn’t on or coordinates oh yeah it’s not on whoops you never

Turned them on did you you turn them on it doesn’t enable cheese okay no I I know that’s what I was doing right now okay I just didn’t know where to find Chords Anymore ah beautiful and see our chords now do you like good to have a Snapchat

Sadly I do not but I do have Facebook X as I now call it I don’t like it and um Facebook so and punch me no you just [ __ ] fell yourself why did I lose one and a half HP I was on the ground and then like a

Couple that’s my YouTube and my Discord I haven’t I haven’t linked my uh you have a YouTube channel I’m not I don’t use it as much but I might turn it into a lie I might you know you know you know Smitty right how he has his like minus Channel

Okay you know Smitty unreal where do you think where do you think Alistair does his Java Jafar voice form voice you know his voice he does sometimes that funny voice trying to mimic it hello I’m Dr Jafar hello oh yes this field invite didn’t work for me

Oh [ __ ] that’s right that is my Discord server I had sorry I don’t have to change that too much I’ll change that to my Twitter one I’m gonna have to fix that eventually what oh no I said yeah X whatever shut up I will change the Discord link to my X link

I’m not gonna be able to get used to that and um then it won’t be the Discord anymore because sadly I did get rid of it honestly if Elon Musk never bought Twitter I’m not showing inmates um I mean Elon Musk just changed it because he felt like it

Also everything did you know uh did you know X stands for corn I can’t say the p word it’s not allowed on Twitch oh yes the average America so yeah X actually stands for corn so Twitter is now one you said corn I was a [ __ ] say if you

Said it you would ruined this whole entire stream because I cannot edit it out for sure I can’t edit stuff oh my God another Village oh really yeah my voice is soothing oh I have never heard it I’m not gonna lie no no no no shut the [ __ ] up I am

Talking right now oh I don’t think I’ve ever had a compliment that nice foreign I thank you my good sir he thinks you are so nice you do not have to be that nice to me I I respect I thank you though Tim bench oh nothing Ben thank you because

Actually do need to make myself some help oh did you not put it down you put it down and you picked it up or something you better stay outside if we bring a crafting table down find one tell me you didn’t hear come here no there’s one up this would be some up

Here dude shut up I stole a bed a while I don’t [ __ ] care oh bro what damaged you oh zombie um you know who I choose absolutely Pikachu oh oh here we go I found one second okay uh [ __ ] loud my leg on this stretch or something oh I’m full apparently where

The hell do I get this winter color from what the [ __ ] are you just dropping [ __ ] on me back in first Village I broke a house what the [ __ ] where’d you get glowstone dust from if you kill a witch oh that’s a good film okay I don’t need this oh

Okay I’m back welcome back uh by the way uh kill if you don’t want to just say uh one sec you can put exclamation point BRB also haha skeleton missed me dumbass BRB and then oh no not BRB sorry exclamation point look and it will you know tell me if you are going

Somewhere all right I’ve gathered carrots okay that’s good good job also thank you for following kill all right thank you what you found oh cherry blossom nice we live there okay I guess we live there as the [ __ ] great leader unreal suggests psych actually I chose we live here

I mean yeah yeah it’s one of the newest biomes and I’d like to live here this is the biggest cherry blossom I’ve actually ever found you know the first biggest it was a singular tree I think I think kill is gonna be very happy with me what I just did

What did you do I felt the acacia wood because he hated it so where are we are we gonna build at like the top of it um yeah I just need to find uh oh there’s a beehive here as well do you have do you have one more Cobblestone for me

I don’t have a lot of cobblestone you have a lot well okay can you just add one come to the top I want to go to the top make me come to you damn it oh come party up here it’s beautiful down here uh sadly not kill I am poor and I don’t

Have enough money for it but hopefully one day I will be able to get one but as of like I think this would be a perfect base spot but did you just say [ __ ] butt I think this will be a perfect baseball what do you think

Okay you should spot I thought you said the base bird laughs yeah I guess it would be okay can I have that stuff please it’s that singular kabusta give me a second what that apparently you don’t have Cobblestone okay turned out a [ __ ] idiot believe me funny thing is

I don’t care anymore I already got one well I made a miniature mic bro can I bro it took me like a year to get to this come and look I don’t care I just already got cobblestone oh yeah oh yeah I already have enough I

Don’t even need you to give it to me there’s literally a cave over there yeah me a second that’s a loom I’m Marching for crafting tape did you you forgot I was being chased on by the iron golem of course here’s your crafting table okay making My Level trap I wanted and

Then I’m going to make Stone ax I guess I accidentally hit a villager in the second village we found because I turned around after hearing like some loud noises and all I see is a iron golem trying to hit me yeah um I mean I actually do like this I do like

This um no bio mess with what I was looking for ah because of the particles from the trees yeah honestly we can build our base right here we’re going to destroy the flowers instead of clearing forget I can just craft all and it would be so much [ __ ] quicker so flowers

This guy makes me want to commit commit what I’m scared what do you mean commit also I read the message I read the message first and I thought about this vomit but no I oh deaf oh so suicide what did I do to you I think it’s because you’re a weeb

I’m not I win talk say that to Wally he’s watched like 20 animes he’s a bigger read than me I’m not even a weeb dude so my voice is soothing he says your voice hurts me [Laughter] do I need do I need to call 9-1-1 kill or triple zero for a stream

Because I just he just burnt him so [ __ ] hard did I go to this man why you hate me I think it’s the voices you do your guy’s voice don’t mix well wow oh wow that’s very mean of you very nice to me okay anyway we’ve cleared out the area

Can we build with this okay we’re building with this I’m gonna build you did not build okay you build base yes I’m build based you don’t build base you build you are you are a man are you okay no you think I’m okay man please I’m not okay physically mentally my sanity is

Practically nothing no I get that yeah I understand if you see what I’ve seen in my life I don’t think I want to but okay well number one every time I look at something and I just glance over it for more of them I’m sorry I was just bouncing around the base okay

I’m gonna clear out this laundry that should work that bit better what should be better I just removed one of the entirety of one part of it it didn’t matter you you think you have seen bad things bro if I gland over something for more than a second if I don’t look anything

For more than a second first thing I see is some demonic creature from heck okay it also might be the the choice of words by the way uh unreal what me yeah I’ve been on a oh you’ve been on Omegle oh my god dude I feel sorry for you

I’ve still been on Omegle and it will show you for you it was your own fault for going on there I ate yeah as I said it was your own fault they made me want to die also I’ve got to be nice to my viewers I don’t want to you know upset

Why you hate me I don’t hate you it’s just you want me to go get some sand for the windows sand I wonder where you’re going to find sand on a [ __ ] Mountain unreal I’ll be back don’t be now man I wish this game had proximity you know same same kill

If you find Cole on your way back I mean wherever how you’re going we need coal oh I won’t give two [ __ ] okay then don’t get don’t come back until you get cold anyway I got sand okay couldn’t find any coal though come on bro what the [ __ ] is this house

Oh mate I can teach a monkey better okay there’s no need to be rude to me it’ll look better when it when it’s finished okay when it’s finished like it’s not finished yet it’s five percent finished stage also this is the only wood type and you don’t like a queso so

Also I just flipped off a creeper I could be you know mean and uh make it out of Acacia if you want to be rude like that every time I’m gonna have to stare at Orange yeah oh hey there’s a there’s a average uh there’s an average Archer at our house what saved it what’s that there’s one behind you oh oh I’m at two two and a half HP don’t pull out the nine let me in

I’m almost dead let me get back here buddy boy oh there’s also oh [ __ ] spider I gotta block up and heal I’m sorry [ __ ] dude I’m at half my HP ah block off I don’t need to block only a block off I’m scared father eat I can’t freaking eat because I’m not anywhere

Food do you mean don’t the nine millimeter I mean I don’t have a nine millimeter any demons down here probably not um my recon mission was successful I found out they want to touch us okay they’re mobs dude of course are going to want to touch us

Can I sleep okay I set my phone yeah but I don’t have my bed in my hot bar right now set your spawn pause um what do you mean pause kill no I really hope we soon get a roof I’m in this place don’t remember what I was about to say

Sorry I forgot okay my spider is that [ __ ] creeper okay I’m gonna let’s bed um [Laughter] Well I mean because they’re Hostile Mobs what do you think I meant hey there oh okay he just kind of wiped out some outside okay now Ben go sh so that happened second night second night went horrible kill them the Hostile Mobs of course they’re gonna want to touch us that’s

What I meant but I didn’t mean like where’s this where’s this creeper going oh there by it I’m set up a bit of mine I don’t have mine inside when there’s a cave outside you [ __ ] stupid I just wanted to rock I hate my life there’s a literal cave right next to us

I think I just want to get some Cobblestone but I haven’t got that man anyway let me go get some cold be right back okay as he says that goes outside yeah makes perfect sense oh [ __ ] ing a lot about chaotic that night was I don’t know when once again

Don’t do the weird voices because I’ve that’s the reason why kill does not like your voice is because of the voices collection look cool I’m very sorry but this is content right here and I need to keep this in I am ready 15 times my friend you know

As I’m getting off some glass I even was booked the [ __ ] I already got glass oh you’re slow you mean you’re cooking I’m smelting it smelting cooking whatever um well as I was blocking myself up the hill yes I know this I blocked the window up yeah I noticed

This is the one I walked up yeah okay you want glass planes or just a normal glass blocks planes paint plane planes yes glass panes yes all right don’t need to color it do you want colored things I mean I could piss off uh kill more and make them pink if we

Have any pink kill hold on give me a second no don’t I was [ __ ] joking oh oh give me this give kill unreal I was [ __ ] joking I will kill you if you make [ __ ] if you waste for glass don’t hey you should look at what’s in my hand don’t I was joking

Don’t you even [ __ ] think about it [ __ ] anyways yeah good decision okay honestly anyway it is actually if I check my schedule for usually Minecraft yep it is time to wait out so sadly I’m going to have to finish up for the night sorry

So I’m going to if it was a song playing I’m going to pause the playlist and I am going to then why is it on portrait it should not be there you go and Landscape um no just when I wasn’t even playing Just clear playlist then whatever boof uh close that

Now but it’s only been an hour no if you check my schedule for Thursdays um how do we check your schedule it’s on my channel if you’ve if you check my schedule it says for Minecraft I do it from 4 30 to 6 p.m

Um I have been doing it for an hour and a half it’s 6 p.m I’m sorry kill but I need to raid off it’s just no it’s my bed I don’t care it’s my house don’t worry kill I’ll be I might be swimming tomorrow I might not I don’t

Know but I’m not going to leave you here I am going to raid out to someone um so I need to find someone who is live currently and I guess hmm yeah okay I guess we can do them so I thank you for staying um I am going to initiate the raid so

Slash wait get my face unreal I will kill you no um if you want to join the raid you can um if I am streaming Friday it’ll probably just be a random stream where I will do anything uh you can choose I don’t know and then on the Saturday or Friday for

You kill it will be zombie Saturdays which I might do Resident Evil 2 or I might do Cold War where if it’s cold war you can join me um could I join sure I mean I don’t know if kill would want you to but whatever like Guild Wars zombies in a while

Okay I guess not sorry and we all know you can’t join do I look like I give two potatoes I will block you if you try and join so yeah you should um so yeah no he won’t be joining don’t worry kill um So yeah thank you for watching

Um I’m probably going to keep this and I’m probably gonna make myself uh a live stream channel and I’m probably gonna upload just to upload it to that so you can watch at any time the raid will be uh going out now so thank you and peace out

Bro I swear I looked behind you and I see this demented ass Pig

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Livestream Gameplay (live-streamed on my Twitch)’, was uploaded by Joshyboy143 VOD’s on 2023-08-24 12:26:04. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:35 or 5855 seconds.

Some fun gameplay of me playing and streaming some minecraft thanks for watching in advance

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft mess-ups: just went down

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft mess-ups: just went downWell, looks like this meme got a critical hit with a score of 31! Looks like it’s super effective at making people laugh. Read More

  • Crafting Chic: Minecraft’s Tiny House Trick

    Crafting Chic: Minecraft's Tiny House Trick In Minecraft, building a house is an art, With blocks and designs, let’s make a fresh start. A small and stylish abode, cozy and neat, With windows and doors, a perfect retreat. Gather materials, wood and stone, Crafting tables and tools, make it your own. Place each block with care, in perfect symmetry, A house that’s unique, for all to see. Roofing and flooring, add the final touch, A home in Minecraft, you love so much. Easy and stylish, a small house so grand, In this virtual world, where creativity expands. Read More

  • Cursed ores lead me to hot lava! #MinecraftMadness

    Cursed ores lead me to hot lava! #MinecraftMadness These cursed ores will probably take you straight to the nearest lava pit or into the waiting arms of a creeper. Good luck! #minecraftstruggles 😂🔥💣 Read More

  • Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure

    Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure Welcome to the Boundless World of Minecraft Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds. In Minecraft, you have the power to explore endless possibilities and embark on thrilling adventures. Exploration and Adventure Await From lush forests to vast oceans, every corner of the world is yours to discover. Build towering castles, sail the high seas, or simply roam the countryside in search of hidden treasures. Unleash Your Creativity But the world of Minecraft is not just about exploration. It’s about creation. Let your imagination run wild as you design intricate structures, craft powerful tools, and shape the… Read More

  • Unbelievable Tips to Master Cinema of the Dead Round 100!

    Unbelievable Tips to Master Cinema of the Dead Round 100!Video Information theck out of the buing uh tornadoes we should be live now that’s Windows that’s Windows know tornado uh we live guys we should be we should beuck suck all right give me a sec guys I’m seeing if I’m live right now uh we should be ex I just stand on and tornado will never come are live hey guys what is up S guide here today guys we’re here with another live stream for today guys got a good one for you all know guys we are here doing some uh B3 zombies uh going be… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft’s Parasite Outbreak

    Surviving Minecraft's Parasite OutbreakVideo Information every second this Minecraft world is going from normal to being completely infected with parasites and once they take over it’s almost impossible to stop them what’s that oh what is I’m sorry this is really really bad what can we survive till the end or will the infection win guys where are we uh I don’t know normal field yeah everything looks looks pretty normal looks I’m not seeing any weird creatures or anything yet well I see a building over there what about that spider looking thing in front of us oh God it started oh… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Reunion After 4 Years!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Reunion After 4 Years!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing for the First Time in Four Years! | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Shrodinger Valentine YT on 2024-05-26 02:33:09. It has garnered 42 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:32 or 15452 seconds. So long story short, I fixed the Microsoft Account situation with my PC, so I can now play Minecraft again! Read More

  • “Unveiling Secrets of Enderman in Minecraft!” #minecraft #enderman #shorts

    "Unveiling Secrets of Enderman in Minecraft!" #minecraft #enderman #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft’s Enderman #minecraftshorts #shorts #minecraft #enderman #games’, was uploaded by Everettian on 2024-02-17 12:57:53. It has garnered 441 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. JOIN MY DISCORD SERVER ———— https://discord.gg/Wv3RGsMvKE —————————— MINECRAFT REALITIES : UNDERCOVER ENDERMAN The answer to this question will be explained by me , Everettian in Minecraft about one of THE MOST MYSTERIOUS creatures in Minecraft, The CATS. Exploring this challenge alongside with new videos like this soon ! This was done in Minecraft 2024 after the newest update that… Read More

  • HcL Playz – Insane Hacks: Removing Netherite Armor in SMP!

    HcL Playz - Insane Hacks: Removing Netherite Armor in SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why I’m Removing Every NETHERITE ARMOR In This Minecraft SMP…’, was uploaded by HcL Playz on 2024-01-12 09:04:08. It has garnered 186636 views and 4616 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:35 or 1115 seconds. Why I’m Collecting Every Netherite Armor In This Headsteal SMP So today, I am collecting every netherite armor and remove them all. Join My Discord Server here : https://discord.gg/Bda2dUXNC2 For business enquires – [email protected] Don’t Forget to ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ #nizgamer #smp #lapatasmp #minecraft #senpaispider #psd #lapatasmpseason5 #himlands #lifestealsmp #elitesmp #yessmartypie #proboiz95 #loyalsmpseason3 #psd1 #loyalsmp hcl hcl playz Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Live Stream with Crazy Orange Nibbles!

    Insane Minecraft Live Stream with Crazy Orange Nibbles!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Live Minecraft With Viewers’, was uploaded by Orange Nibbles on 2024-03-02 03:24:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 1k minecraft skinpack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vchjq714hrl9mx9/feesh_gang.mcpack/file “Violence isn’t the answer; It’s a … Read More

  • Minecraft 1 de junio – ¡Evento especial Pacure ok!

    Minecraft 1 de junio - ¡Evento especial Pacure ok!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Evento especial Pacure ok 1 de junio #minecraft #event’, was uploaded by pacure ok. on 2024-05-30 19:33:19. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • BUCAMU – [🔴Better Minecraft HardCore] No Sleep Challenge!

    BUCAMU - [🔴Better Minecraft HardCore] No Sleep Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘[🔴Better Minecraft HardCore] แต่ ห้ามนอนข้ามคืน’, was uploaded by BUCAMU on 2024-05-26 17:15:07. It has garnered 203 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 04:03:27 or 14607 seconds. #Bucamu #Camu #betterminecraft Support me at https://tipme.in.th/bucamu Donate with PromptPay and no fees will be deducted. ___________________________________________ twitter : https://twitter.com/bucamu tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@bucamu ___________________________________________ General Hashtags:#Bucamu Fan Art : #BucamuFA Meme : #BucamuMeme BGM: Get Ready By Kyatto BGM: [Free Use] Lazy Rabbit | VTUBER THEME | VLOG BY Tofuus BGM:FootStep | Japanese Kawaii Chill Vibes | Free BGM No Copyright Music | 無版權背景音樂 | negative… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Memes Revealed!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Memes Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:看看你知道多少梗!《方块轩热梗合集》【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-25 10:10:16. It has garnered 4027 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:00 or 240 seconds. Hi, I’m Fangkuaixuan! 🌟 As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animations! 🎬 Our channel focuses on integrating popular Internet memes and delivering happiness with funny humor! 😄 This is the only official channel of Fangkuaixuan. Videos posted on other channels are pirated and unauthorized! 🚫 Update wonderful original videos every day, come and follow us, and save unhappy moments with… Read More

  • Kerberus

    KerberusWelcome to Kerberus, the most distinctive 1.20 Minecraft Server in the world. We a team of experienced and well-known creatives, we’ve been perfecting a range of exceptional game modes including survival, originsSMP, prophunt, Dungeons, Fowlplay and build, each offering unparalleled gameplay experiences. Everything within the Kerberus network has been uniquely crafted for our players. From our specialized runes to our enriched economy, you’re encouraged to let your imagination run wild. Establish and run your own shopping complex, become a seasoned fisherman selling precious catches, or transform into a renowned farmer with the world’s largest crop field using our massive array… Read More

  • OrbitMC: Semi-vanilla, whitelisted, new, active.

    Welcome to OrbitMC! We are an ever growing semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP server that has released our very 1st Season! We have an active staff team working to make sure that your experience in the game is the best that it can possibly be. Along with that we have a very fun and positive community of people just like you! If you are interested in joining our community, check out our Linktree that provides ways to get involved and join the server! Once you join, go ahead and get yourself whitelisted so that you can join and play on the Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is it just me, or…🤔

    I guess we all need to level up our meme inspection skills to catch that elusive hidden humor! Read More

Minecraft Livestream Gameplay (live-streamed on my Twitch)