Minecraft MADNESS: Weekly Live Podcast & Let’s Play!

Video Information

1 2 1 2 3 4 the following video may contain content parents may find unsuitable for children viewer discretion is advised hey everybody it’s hunger again and welcome to another podcast stream ah we’re gonna put some music on here let’s see here all right anyway uh so last week I finished

All the girls for this uh pixel art creation that I’ve been working on and uh today I wanted to go ahead and try doing a background for the thing so um wanted to get kind of a color that that that is distinctive you know oh I wonder if I could just

Use deep slate gold or because because the idea is for it to look like space maybe this is uh a bit too much but I’m going to put it down and then see what uh see what it looks like you know astral background yeah like I kind of want it

To since we’re dealing with you know Sailor Moon here you know I feel like a starry you know glittery space sort of a background works so problem is from a distance it just it’s just going to look like that like so oh hey this song wasn’t expecting to get this one so

Soon I have it on shuffle so this is one of those few songs on the playlist with vocals in it ch they Christmas Ch okay so I’m thinking it’s probably going to be better to do like a darker background and then just put um the occasional light in that way it’s it’ll look more like a space the the space sort of a thing that I’m going for Okay maybe it’s a little too Light H I feel like I could have used that earlier I don’t know why I didn’t anyway oh let’s See h yeah i’ say that works about right okay all right let me jump in on the uh Discord chat here real quick wrong thing all right hello okay hi hi how’s it going yeah all right ah man there is just too much anime to watch on Saturday right

Now in a way I kind of hope that next season they don’t like just bombard me with amazing anime the way they did this season I feel like they won’t I feel like uh I feel like they’ll just do you know a couple things that I like here and

There and it’ll be fine yeah like this season was just crra full of awesome [ __ ] I shall survive using potions freaking uh tear Moon Empire Apothecary Diaries yeah like there’s there’s so much stuff I haven’t even watched all it like there’s there’s Seasons there’s new seasons of older stuff that I’m going to

Have to binge later like Shield hero and Goblin Slayer and you know spy family CU like I just I could not keep up with everything like there was just too much it was crazy but thankfully The Season’s almost over there’s going to be shows having their season finale probably like next

Week and and uh the week after so Yeah For All Right Mr tur how about you [ __ ] off there we Go all Right Everyone knows the turtles are worthless unless they have an aircraft carrier style uh catapult on their back right yeah I’m just kidding now Turtles are still way better than quals look out what if the turtles are of the t ninja variety well you know they they would be better if they

Were teenage meting catapult Turtles heyo hello oh man as in the Catapult itself is a turtle or they are catapulted no the uh no the uh there’s a Yu-Gi-Oh card called catapult Turtle it’s a see it’s a turtle with an aircraft carrier style uh catapult on its back for launching

Things yeah yeah it is yeah sounds like a machine card no it’s actually it actually counts as an aqua Monster uh it just has the it just has the uh thing for launching stuff into the air on its back so it’s a giant turtle with a that basically functions the same way an

Aircraft carrier does as far as uh allowing things to take off from its back so I see yeah definitely a mega launcher candidate yeah well it’s funny because the uh there’s a there’s a guy that uh comes up to the story work at pretty frequently and uh he was telling me

About this Yu-Gi-Oh card uh called numeron dragon and uh depending on how you summon this thing it can have a whole bunch of attack power when it’s summoned uh you know like like more than enough like like more than twice what you need to kill somebody right um but

The problem is is that if you summon it on the first turn you have to wait until second turn to attack with it so um and that’s no good so uh catapult Turtle fixes that problem uh because what catapult Turtle does in the game is it

Lets you sacrifice a monster and do half of that Monster’s attack points as damage to your opponent so so uh so basically so basically when he told me like about this numeron dragon and how he can play it with like 17,000 attack points I was like I was like I was like

Oh he needs he needs catapult Turtle to help him out you know so we started brainstorming ways to get both cards on the field turn one uh and after about 20 minutes of like searching for Relevant cards and things like that uh we put the base idea for a

Deck together he took it online to um uh a website called Yuki Pro and started refining it uh and so now it has like a 90 something percent win rate on on turn one uh and uh and the people on yui proo are uh calling him a terrorist

Like they’re posting memes that that like they posted a meme that has a picture of the Catapult turtle and the caption just says when you want to play Yu-Gi-Oh but your friend’s a terrorist so you know and it’s funny too because catapult Turtle has been around since

The second Yu-Gi-Oh set it is really old like and you know nobody’s nobody’s just nobody’s done anything like this with it before like this like like people are ups are legit upset when they get beat with a card that old like like it makes them so salty and their fifes So so yeah uh so basically uh part of the deck that he built out of it is using uh cards that aren’t available in Yu-Gi-Oh Master duel yet so we were talking about it he had uh when when those cards are added to master duel finally uh he’s going to give me

The deck list for this uh and I’m going to do a master duel Series where I where I basically play it long enough to get all the cards for this deck and then put that deck together and make people cry uh the the fun thing is is that um

Master duel has a thing where when you beat people or or when you play you play people they can um they can copy your deck list they can look at they could you know use Master duel to copy your deck list and if they have all the cards

They can build the deck for themselves so uh we’re going to spread this deck online like cancer uh uh and hopefully Turtle hour yeah so basically we’re thinking that that that one of two things is going to happen uh one uh either Konami flips out and bans the

Card um or it bans other pieces of the combo and then we just build different cards that do the that help that you know that Cannon Turtle could throw at the opponent’s face turn one uh you know so it doesn’t matter uh or uh instead of banning it they like like Konami

Realizes everybody’s playing with it so they start making like sleeves and deck boxes and you know Ultra Mega super chocolatey fudge coated super rare versions of it you know like you know I just think it’d be funny I think a chocolate covered card would be messy yeah probably but you know we introduced

A new card to counter catapult Turtle it is called catchers mitt snake yeah well here’s the funny thing uh there actually is a card that counters it really well uh there’s there’s just a couple problem yeah well there’s just a pro a couple problems with it uh number one

It’s a trap card uh like there are other there are cards that you could use to negate its effect uh and those are really good against it uh cuz if it can’t if it can’t use its effect it can’t launch monsters at your face uh so

That that’s helpful um but the uh the best the best thing that actually like just the straight counters it is a trap card called Barrel behind the door and Barrel behind the door says that when your opponent uses a direct damage effect on you you you can

Activate Barrel behind the door and it t and it sends the damage to their face instead you know but the problem is Barrel behind the door is also a direct damage effect so so it it’s its own counter play so so Barrel behind the door counters Barrel behind the

Door so if you if you’re playing like a late game uh like if you get past turn one and you like you just want to be sitting there with a bunch of barrel behind the doors on the field and then like know you launch the you launch the

Numeron dragon with the Catapult turtle and then they go Barrel behind the door and you’re like I Barrel behind the door you’re Barrel behind the door and the thing is if even if they use all three Barrel behind the doors if you have three2 then they can’t then they’ll win

That chain you know because you because they activate theirs first so so yeah so you get to just direct the last barrage damage right back to their face so yeah no it’s it’s fun TR the nuclear stalemate will keep us all safe right yeah yeah no that’s

The mutual assur ruction be be a catapult Turtle uh you know oh my God that’s say yeah you know so you know but we we we just you know so when we talk uh up at up at work you know we always like you reference the stupid

Turtle it’s like it’s uh like it’s got to the point where when he goes on uh on Yuki Pro to play the deck uh people won’t duel him because they recognize his profile like and he named his account sneaky Turtle uh wow so we started brainstorming ways

To get around that so we so so I I like I I’m giv I keep giving him like ideas for different uh for different profile picks and and profile names so that people won’t know just off of that you know so so so like I’ll

Uh so like uh one of the names we came up with was uh preemptive hugs it’s just it’s just uh the uh hugs the the uh baby hugs from Care Bears uh in the profile Pi funny so yeah just you you know and uh it’s funny too because people have started putting

Notes in their profile like no catapult Turtle ftk like just it is so funny like they are so salty about it that is insan but yeah nice powerful crickets Crick uh out fan of Yu-Gi-Oh maybe I’m not a big fan of card games uh-huh I’ve had too many I’ve had too

Many negative and disappointing and just playing irritating experiences with them uhuh I’m not a huge fan of car game either but interesting as [ __ ] I’d say it’s probably more of a uh you’re not a big fan of card game players in general but uh right yeah there I know you I know

There’s some card game players that you that that you’re fine with but you know there’s a lot of card game uh typ people that have rubbed you the wrong way for sure anyway not just people I’ve encountered it’s uh games themselves yeah the way that they’re designed to just consistently reset themselves so

You have to constantly invest to stay current especially if you’re actually in the competitive scene I’ve had problems with uh jumping on a new game because it was based on an IP I love dearly and then their distribution is absolute crap yeah like uh lur I’ve had that type of

Thing no well I know I know you didn’t I know you didn’t have a bad experience with lurana I’m just saying that a lot of people are experiencing that with lurana right now uh right and and that particular huge company and license there’s no bloody excuse right with this

One the company was shaky at best and I jumped on it anyways out of love of IP and hopes that I would be one of the first few whales on this on the whole game and be able to you know help make it be a success but no it

Just it’s just another and a long series of disappointments and aggravations and um it sounds like somebody is just getting the tar beat out of them in the background what’s going on with uh Holly on my Bali till I what happened are you are are you juggling like cardboard boxes full of

Metal or something because that’s kind of what it sounds like in the background jez it’s driving me sane see that already loded his microphone down a pipe jeez Oly on my b till I Jolly who is oh my gosh right I was like I was I was curious as to who

That was until I heard heard his voice and I’m like okay that’s Qu h i mean it it on one hand it kind of sounds like you’re juggling cardboard boxes full of metal junk and then on the other hand it kind of sounds like you’re constantly tumbling down an endless staircase if someone pushed you down just pushed him down fly

Stairs yeah like like you got push down the upwards moving escalator yeah you know oh pushing opponent into Perpetual will fall down up escalator that sounds worse yeah I kind of jumped on here to uh inform hunger that due to circumstances Beyond My Control our weekly Gathering

Uh of the two of us for Thursday is cancelled okay it’s understand you super super Advanced knowledge it’s a busy time of year so yeah freak all right but yeah you know that’s understandable I I’ll give you more details later on but I thought i’ give you super advanced notice yeah totally

Fine appreciate it so you can plan accordingly yeah yeah or just nap all day accordingly oh man you nap nap all day accordingly sounds like the plan uh anyway oh you got to do something fun every day otherwise you’ll get sick in the head yeah well one of the reasons

That I uh stream uh because it’s fun and I enjoy it you co and I can entertain other people while I’m at it so you know you mean like you’re doing now something you I mean right now I’m just building you know pixel art basically but you

Know right oh uh did you finish the Sailor Moon thing last week so the the the girls themselves are done uh I’m doing the backround right now so basically all I’m doing here is just uh filling in the uh awkward going in the blank uh blank spots basically and then uh yeah once

I’m done filling in with this color I’m going to add some lights uh to it so that it looks like uh star Stars you know that’s the that’s the plan is to is to make it look kind of like space in the background so you’re not going to so

You’re not going to squeeze in a tuxedo mask or his Ecentric or his eccentric cousin bowler Shades Bower Shades the heck yeah it where’s a bowler instead of a I feel like have more right to be there than M yeah Hey where’s a where’s a bowler

Hat instead of a a top hat and instead of a mask he wears a pair of Shades no no that’s he wears a nice Italian blue outfit oh no h that just sounds like a member of the mafia exactly oh God there’s a navy blue suit baby Royal oh God uh

He’s the guy who’d be at uh soggy and what’s his face is wedding and say hey man you need anything done my wedding present to be to you would be a break their legs say the word and it’s done right and I can make that stereotypical joke because I am in fact Italian

Fun the one uh RAC aren’t they called something different over there though uh yako Warner that ain’t it jeez oh Yakuza oh that’s uh Yakuza is the Japanese Mafia so that was my joke yeah Japanese organized crime uh the the difference the difference between regular Mafia and

Yakuza is uh the Yakuza will take their shoes off before they walk into your house to break your legs uh okay very responsible they’re very respectful yes uh they’ll say oh excuse me before they knock your eyes out of your socket so that you can watch your own vicious beating

Yeah they’ll say thank you for the meal as they eat your wife’s homecooked Bento after taking you out on the street God and anyone surv says you know that is the most polite butt kicking I’ve ever had to endure Right like the that’s what the Trope is guy gets beat up gets inspired joins group who beat him up right oh and I apologize for the earlier noise that was hor going over oh car driving over hobo no no not this time dude that that was last summer

Right H that was last summer right yeah they’re they’re out in groves and it’s warmer oh man uh we could actually say that about frogs where I grew up we had a season I don’t even remember what time of year it was but they’d come out and go all over

The road and people would just hit them because they didn’t they didn’t feel like waiting for frog season end well and you know the thing is you know that’s better than the uh crab season that they have on that one Island oh godz like on that island the crabs

Are like endangered so you get like seriously punished for killing one so but like even though they’re Tech they’re quote unquote endangered they’re like swarming the island in the millions and it’s like it’s like how are you endangered if there’s millions of you yeah and and they can [ __ ] climb

Uhhuh maybe it’s because they’re not uh blooding the planet with them yeah I don’t know hello Mario Hello Luigi hello caps let me show you be very cool Christmas sweater I got for Christmas this year post it and uh the stream memes it’s a it’s a meme of a

Sweater not really I’m pretty happy with it all right three memes you say okay didn’t straighten it out or anything but you get the gist oh while caps lock has appeared oh that’s sick yeah but now I have something to wear for my Christmas photo that’s awesome

Yeah as funny as the business casual in Santa hat is I I think a Christmas sweater will go a long way where’d you post the picture stream stream memes oh stream memes I went to stream team yeah uh I think uh I think C is going to want to

Know where you got that sweater it it looks like it came from somewhere not official but it says Capcom license for use so.com where he got it isn’t as important as whether or not it comes in a four or 5x let me check what got me I’m I’m I’m

Going to assume that it doesn’t because 90% of the time when I see some cool clothing item like that I just assume it’s not 14 plus I’m pretty sure it’s a single size yeah yeah well the thing is when I got my inheritance I went almost Bonkers uh

Filling out my wardrobe with new stuff and that includes hoodies and all that good stuff so I’m I’m pretty well covered yeah see what you did there yeah I don’t buy a lot of clothes usually but every now and then I splurge and get like a t-shirt or something but

This was a Bonafide gift I don’t get those super often but friend decided to send me something for the holidays which was a nice surprise good friend yeah I’m happy for you yeah mhm yeah I don’t expect everyone to you know even reach out every year but just

Every now and then stuff like that just makes me feel a warm and fuzzy and holiday deer just hits you in the fields yeah all that good stuff I can’t wait for our first snow after that I’ll be over it you exactly and so will all the homeless I me Uh oh jeez it’s I know right the climate just like breeze in like gaps of fall in between like [ __ ] frigid Michigan temperatures it’s nice yeah everybody’s still [ __ ] down here but I I’m like it’s it was worse where I’m from yeah fall is weird right

You know cuz the thing is right the way that we count our seasons is also weird right yeah so basically winter is the season where the uh where this where the planet is farthest away from the Sun basically like where where our our half of the

Planet is uh on the other side and you know and like you know face basically facing the the opposite way and and uh we you know and so it we’re not getting any as much sunlight right uh so it’s colder you know but uh but the thing is uh the day that

Winter begins according to the calendar is basically uh what is it the solstice like when and that’s where that’s basically the day that the that that the Sun that the planet is at the very farthest point away from the Sun that it can get you know and then like December 20th

Yeah so but the thing is you know by that time it’s already it’s already like so basically every day after that it’s moving back like so it’s just yeah you know like half of it already actually yeah it’s like it’s half done already you know so it’s weird you know but uh

But it’s you know it’s it’s just weird because like you know it does feel like it gets colder after that but it’s it’s so it’s interesting you know like some of that too is uh like just large bodies of water sustain the temperature yeah kind yeah like residual heat that’s

Being conducted throughout the the environment and everything yeah residual cold in this case you know right but yeah it’s just interesting yeah you yeah right oh man and yet there were kids who zoned out for this completely in high school right despite how interesting it was right cuz they had no imagination or

Desire for no and that’s the thing is you know I’ve always tried to cultivate my imagination whenever possible uh because I feel like it’s a great resource that a lot of people waste yeah you can use it for fun you can use it for problem solving yeah you could

Use it to make uh to make troll Yu-Gi-Oh decks that everybody hates uh yeah I was going to say inspiring people but you can also put them down too if that’s what you’re into well you know the the the thing is the the the goal behind it right is um

There’s a card in Yu-Gi-Oh called Canon Soldier and it recently got banned in Japan uh but Canon Soldier depending on how you use it is not as good as catapult Turtle uh so like cuz Canon Soldier the thing with that is you can sacrifice any monster

With it like any monster on your field that that can’t can’t just sacrifice your opponent’s card unless you have an effect that lets you do that um and it does 5 damage flat like it doesn’t matter what the monster’s attack power is so you know if you have monsters with

Zero attack power uh Canon Soldier is way better than catapult Turtle but if you have like a monster with thousands of attack power it’s like you’re better off just launching it with catapult Turtle instead so but uh you know it’s something where cat you know there’s a bunch of

Cannon Soldier Decks that basically just let you summon and sacrifice infinite numbers of monsters until your opponent dies and a loop you know like so uh so it got banned and I and you know and the thought but but only got banned in the Japanese version of the card game it’s

Still legal here in the US so uh so my thought was uh well catapult Turtle worse let’s try to get that banned then and then if they ban that uh then we could break C Canon Soldier too uh so but yeah cuz don’t mind those weird ass looking white lines that you see

Uhhuh uh I’m just measuring oh you’re measuring things out for the map yeah it’s it’s a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be it’s very it’s very very very big it is very very big right [ __ ] well what’s the name of that Dragon hunger that you were talking about

Numeron Dragon uh I believe it’s an exceed monster XYZ Um curious curious I would like to possibly spread this mental flashbang if possible among amongst your efforts yeah no but what uh so Hugo what we were talking about is I have a friend who told me about numeron dragon and uh and he was saying that the way he

Summons it uh he uses uh his deck has a bunch of Horus stuff in it so he when he summons numeron Dragon it’s at like 177,000 attack power uh so when he told me about it my first thought was oh catapult turtle is his friend so we started brainstorming ways

To get the two of them on the field together on turn one uh and then uh about 20 minutes later after like researching what kind of cards we could use to make that happen uh you know we B he had a basic deck idea in mind for it and

Uh he uh he put it together and went on yui Pro with it and uh everybody hates it uh yep so basically T the competition yeah so it’s got like a 90 something percent win right now uh and that’s before people started conceding just after seeing his username uh but nobody

Wants to fight him anymore because that’s it yeah yeah people people started you know started conceding as soon as they see the username because they’re not down for it uh anyway I can’t yeah I’m not strong enough well cuz there’s a there’s a card uh cuz we found a card called trans

Modify uh that lets you take uh like cuz cuz the part the problem with getting catapult out first turn is it’s a five-star monster so you have to sacrifice another Monster to summon it if you’re normal summoning it so so the solution we came up with is

There’s a card called trans modify it’s a spell card and basically what that does is it says oh if you have a fourstar monster on the field like a like you know and we have a bunch of fourstar Aqua monsters that he that he

Put in the deck but if you have one of these fourstar Aqua monsters in the on the field uh and you play trans modify you can sacrifice that monster and then go get a monster that’s the same type but one level higher so so so we just sacrifice a four-star monster that you

Can summon you know anyway and then uh and like we have a couple fourstar monsters in there that you could just special summon if you have legendary ocean on the field uh so he runs the field card legendary ocean for it um anyway yeah I was going to ask does that

Still rely on having I don’t know how Yu-Gi-Oh hands work anymore uh does that still rely on having catapult turtle in your hand like to start you don’t have to have it in your hand because trans modify goes and gets it out of the deck

So awesome if you have it in the hand what I was wondering yeah if you have it in the hand there’s cards in there that reduce its level uh while it’s in your hand so uh so it’s just so you know it’s just uh you know it’s just a matter of

Uh of what’s in your hand and and how like cuz basically like it’s it’s geared up to where as long as you don’t like get like an absolutely terrible hand you should be able to drop both catapult turtle and numeron on the field first turn um cuz there’s a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh

Cards that that go and search things it’s kind of ridiculous so you just have to make sure that you get uh a few of those in your opening hand to start the combo and then you can just and then you just go for it you know I’m a big Trader

In computer search guy yeah so oh this this one so listen to this song Siege listening yeah like not on the stream like the the song is playing on stream oh crud you’re missing it Carol of the cats it’s Carol of the meows oh oh man

See it’s one of the the few songs uh that I that I put on the playlist that have vocals in it well on that note I’m going to call tonight someone to drop in say hi and all that y have a good week guys thanks a bunch good night everybody all right

Have a great one okay I love you byebye but yeah anyway Ah Well your map’s only slightly off oh yeah as in this is still going to be a [ __ ] to move everything oh no well I mean if you need to you can just expand the frame out you know until it till it hits the when you see how close it is to the

Edge of the frame you’re going to let me just show You Uh so I have a cat to from when I had an additional two cats in the home only one of them ever played with it and it was uh not mine but I kept the toy for some reason uhhuh and uh the guest cat has taken quite a shine to it

Gu however uh she has done something a little advanced in that she turns it completely [ __ ] upside down and then starts playing with it t and it is bizarre because it is now her favorite way to play with it despite the fact that she used it normally initially huh

Jeez well you know cats you you buy them a fancy expensive toy and then they enjoy playing with the Box way more so yeah I have my brown paper bag for the other idiot but the uh the one that enjoys that toy it I’m not sure if it’s like that’s her

Way of making it more interesting yeah there’s a there’s a novel series uh called loner life in another world um and the there’s a part in the book series where the the protagonist is going through this you super dangerous dungeon right and he and he’s got a

Skill that makes it to where he uh doesn’t level up very fast so his level’s like under 20 and he’s like fighting all these super high level monsters in this dungeon so uh so he keeps having to come up with interesting ways to kill them that don’t involve

Like you know having like a standup fight with them you know like so anyway in this uh in this one room in this dungeon it’s like full of these Giant Tiger monsters so he uses he uses earth magic to make a whole bunch of boxes and they jump in the boxes and

Then he and then he shuts the boxes on them boy right curiosity did K right so funny just be like what the [ __ ] anyways hunger if you come over here to where I’m at you can see the the actual map as it is oh okay all right give me a second

To uh like I haven’t got all the the pieces in yet but you can kind of see like why or where it’s off and how it’s off okay uh maybe we should have measured the canvas first then all right let me uh let’s see where you

At oh is this it where where you got the Little oh yo that’s awesome So yeah it feels like it does kind of need to scoot over a little bit huh yeah my and my one problem with that is it’s like I can’t move all this now because there’s there’s actually too much to clone yeah yeah so [ __ ] that’s what that’s what I was

Worried about like yeah I mean I could do it it’s just going to take us a bit yeah um well like on the right side there like I said we could just stretch the frame out a little bit Um I mean maybe we could just stretch the frame on on both sides and uh like put like a big moon up there or something like but Uh well let me put all of the map pieces in there then so we can see what the whole thing looks like all right well let me let me keep uh keep putting this stuff in then let’s see H I forget where any of you ever in the undertale at all I mean I I played the undertale on the channel at one point oh yeah okay okay then uh yeah I don’t know if uh there’s any interest but they had a fan game undertale yellow come out and it’s

Pretty well polished nice oh yeah see that yeah like I wouldn’t say I don’t know I’m like it’s my biggest fan series or anything but I’m pretty fond of those games and the Delta R whatnot so pretty nice like just free [ __ ] game basically mhm in a style I’m familiar with

Yeah so that was another Christmas present for me and get that couple that month oh Dear sometimes I wish it’s just say like corn or something K’s so goddamn noisy it’s part of it to be fair I live in a very small space so it’s not really their fault I can hear them chewing no matter which Jeez Yeah well it was definitely always going to be too wide to fit into a four four uh or two wide frames but you could have done two two tall at least oh well yeah would it have fit in Too Tall it looks it seems like it was a little too

Tall for them just it it would have like just barely seems like it was too tall for Too Tall no like it’s going to be three Maps wide like it would be three Maps wide and two maps tall that’s what it would be total interesting so a total of six

Maps yeah but with the where it’s positioned now it’s going to be nine Maps oh boy little off kilter little maybe I should look into adding a tuxedo common Sprite tuo coming oh and I I never really watch much power R have been watching one of the Super Sentai Seasons with some friends recently ah yeah and it [ __ ] me up because I can’t remember the actual name of the show we just call it abber Ranger Oh abber Ranger yeah it’s

Uh [ __ ] great that is a stellar show all right I think I think I’ve got a problem here give me a second problem yeah I think I may have forgotten to color in this part this part looks like it’s part of her legs First St all right let’s take a look and see what this looks like oh yeah yeah that’s definitely supposed to be colored in whoops a good thing you cut it yeah so this this is part of the skirts so that’s supposed to be this color so that’s easy enough to fill

In don’t know how that didn’t get fixed and then just G to All Right okay I am going to uh turn on stream effectively effectively and leave call but I’ll be until I go to bed okay cool appreciate it take care thanks have a great one okay that fills that in glad I double checked that cuz I was like wait that doesn’t look

Right it definitely wouldn’t have if I had uh Gone on and okay here we are all right all right okay all right yeah buddy go ahead and fill these in okay is all right in for there we Go oh man Do is is Yeah yep yeah we got Christmas music on to go in this in the uh in the Stream So I did a poll last week asking if people wanted Christmas music in the playlist for the next couple podcasts and they said yes so there were a few people that said no but

I anyway I picked mostly instrumentals uh so it shouldn’t be too distracting uh and uh Mariah care is nowhere to be found because it’s all copyright free stuff so or not copyright free but uh stuff that I I can use with permission on YouTube and not get copyright claimed or

Have to or be forced to share Revenue right so copyright safe is more the yeah is the is the more correct thing Ch Chist Chistmas christas is not a Christmas Song it’s one of the few songs that I picked that has vocals in it ch all right hunger I got it lined up to the right oh nice H It’s looking pretty Good Yeah maybe we’ll have to make some smaller pictures around it or something and post it all as like a collage or something anyway for this is Is Ah For Okay so we still got a bunch still got a bunch left to cover but uh it’s looking Better for Sh Sh Okay For Okay man I knew it was going to take a long time to do this background but dang there we go oh no is and Is is m y For Yeah For Okay For What All right there we go That’s amazing oh did you get a shiny with the same Mark or is it just the have mind it Mark Nice just normal shellow shiny oh man okay so the goal now is to find an absent-minded shiny minor I got it cool huh oh yeah the new lock on thing where you can see if they have a mark Or Not before you try to catch

Them I wish it would show if they were shiny that would that would really help uh with the hard to notice ones yeah yeah I’ve already I’ve already updated my lock on it’s pretty great so you sure For oh that ah she Existed All Right Sh For okay look out there we go For So What the dog doing yeah what is the dog doing I don’t know it wasn’t my turn to watch it your mother I’m just kidding dang is there we go okay it’s the car F I think it is me me Wa For By the way the new item machine is probably the best new feature in the game yeah I became multi-millionaire overnight absolutely because I’m just selling like oh God I have so many [ __ ] metronomes and loaded Dice and [ __ ] like that scope lenses stuff stuff just just stuff just stuff

That’s really what it comes down to it just gives you so much [ __ ] it’s like I have almost 3,000 uh points saved up do I want to uh do I want to upgrade my terrarium or do I want to just gamble it all away yeah yeah see I’m just going to get all

My upgrades done first and then worry about gambling but well cuz I wanted to be prepared for dren’s uh trial cuz I heard something like you have to make like a new team or something for him yeah you have you have to use Pokemon that that you caught in the terrarium for him

Yeah so basically build a new team like yeah it all has to be in the terrarium and it has to be your OT specifically yeah so just build a new team just out of the guys that you found there right I mean all I mean all I did was

Catch two re unices only to get through the trainers I mean I’m I’m I’m a tryhard yeah I built I built a whole team and barely had to use any of it like it was I’m a try hard when it comes to little cup Pokemon cuz like my uh

Because like I’ve already got like an arch aloon like fully maxed out like I’ve actually got like I’ve got a full team already built and I’m working on three guys at the moment yeah yeah ra yeah also ra denm don’t count either even if they’re in terrarium oh I know I

Know like because it it never actually tells you like where they’re from it just says that they’re from a raid den and that just means that it’s a generic location yeah all right Ron was pretty easy for me I swept him with my Garian the

M I haven’t had too much trouble so far like the fire the fire one was uh was like I think the fire one got one of my Pokemon uh the steel girl she didn’t do anything like she was she just got swept she has a though she has a tricker

User know well yeah but it’s like you bring out somebody who has sunny day and she’s [ __ ] like that’s really what it comes down to like she had no she had nothing against like just being like torched that’s probably what I should have done the first time when I fought

Her is bring Sun team yeah I used a rain specific team uh for a fire [ __ ] I did too but he kept he kept uh clearing it like he was the second guy I took on I took on I took on uh what’s her name amoris

Amarus Amir the girl that has a crush on Kieran yeah oh jeez she does like it’s it’s pretty much very implied in the story like I actually thought it was kind of adorable because she has no emotion otherwise uhhuh basically what I did for crisen

Was uh I did the gastor I get the gastor stats with my uh shells and nice it was funny I actually had so many Pokemon for him I forgot to grab my gastrodon like I was like I was in the middle of battle and like why the [ __ ]

Didn’t I just bring Gasher out of this I would have SW I would have swept him with it oh chisen the fire guy yeah cuz they would cu the guys I had like I had them setting up rain and I had them like using like Surf and everything and I’m

Like dude this team would have just played off of each other if I would have just brought gastr do yeah but yeah I’m going I’m about to take on fairy the fairy chick uh I’m saving dren for last oh yeah he’s the one I had the most trouble with what dren uh Lacy Oh yeah cuz I I beat I beat dren and the fire guy already like see well for for Lacy I’m I’m not too concerned steel types are kind of my thing and I mean I I also have the I also have like alolan muuk and stuff

Like that that I’ve been raising up so it’s like I got some good poison types and some good steel types to oh [ __ ] he’s already Hugo really wants to trade here let me get this taken care of first I will say this show though she does have a poison type

Herself I’m not going to say what it is though goldena with Choice specs and Berserker Berserker turn and X special anding are nice oh those X items that everybody forgets exist right the only time I had to use it was uh during kier’s final fight it helped my volor eat

Hits at least shooting two people at a time is amazing yeah all of the ma gotcha did you get your master ball gift yes I used it to catch my [ __ ] shiny uh alolan grimer because those things use momento ah I was like yeah I was [ __ ] I saw

It and I was like that fucker’s going to he’s going to kill himself he’s going to [ __ ] kill himself I’m like NOP we ain’t doing this master ball you just you just save before you fight them I didn’t know that I didn’t expect I don’t know the mechanics of shinies in

This game like I don’t feel like it’s something where if you save uh before you fight a shiny and then it like blows itself up or something you can just reset from your last save and then uh and then challenge it again I just I

Just make sure I thought that was just a pla thing no n shinies in the in in this game like it’s like when you save the game it saves the state of the random mods around you um oh well that’s good to know now I do

Know yeah I I I ran into a shiny uh scun tank and forgot to save and it blew itself up so for momento users I just use a TA on them but yeah I also I use my master ball on a Shiny Beldum that worth yeah you don’t have to deal with it

Shitty catch rate right yeah exactly good as B good as gold blocks momento does it stop it from activating all together so they can’t kills oh actually so so so if you see a shiny with momento get your gold Ango out right yeah now stuff lightting lit way or

Coughing just just make yourself like a false swipe gold Ango All right Hugo I don’t know if you’re watching or not but uh I got your guy right here oh goodal swipe oh that’s I’m sending you a shield on with a star Suite oh he already caught a shield on this one’s got a star site

Though uh we were in a union Circle one time and I and I spawned a shield on BMS right but he’s giving him a star Suite is the important thing is is what he’s getting at it’s the item that he’s trading more than the mon wait did you already catch an Al me

Though he’s he’s giving him a specific suite for a specific type of alur that’s the idea oh is it like the rainbow one or something it’s the star sweet he just said star sweet with the rainbow form all right can you hear me now testing no he said he has purples but no

Yellow so yeah I can hear you okay this headset’s P I don’t know what has gone on with my shiny look today like I spent five sandwiches trying to shiney hunt Solosis and then eight sandwiches trying to shine hunt Pig and nothing jeez yeah before finally a shiny shows up jeez shiny Tre shiny Trio nice before I do any more any outbreak

Hunting though I need to yeah I I need to get more salties cuz yeah I’m like I’ve got like two Left All right yeah I need to I need to grind for I’m not not low on running low on any sort of herb cuz I have over 200 me jeez yeah I grind a lot I’m mostly worried about the EXP candies though I don’t see how you can have that

Many herbs and not have enough exp candies ow ow ow ow see cuz I use them all on my little experien candies now what now caps I said did you see you can actually buy the experien candies now I mean yeah like I’m pretty sure there

Were ways to buy them earlier but well no you can actually go into the school shop and just buy yeah like before then you couldn’t like right I think there were other places in the game that you could get them or something but uh no you’re thinking of pla you could buy pla

Maybe but anyway a [ __ ] I remember there’s a one spot in me where you get one of each type of herba from a guy for showing all the tablecloths in the game yeah I’ve been doing that and actually the blueberry Academy had one as well

That I went back and talked to him for he has special dialogue for the place cuz he’s like I’ve ever heard of blueberry Academy oh yeah so you can go back to that guy after you get a special tablecloth for blueberry and yeah and there’s T cloth I

Still haven’t gotten because you have to do the [ __ ] olive roll mini game oh yeah I got that one I I don’t I don’t want to do it yeah like I I tried it like a couple times I’m like this is stupid I’m not doing this yeah uh

Um if you want to see how I did it I did it on stream at one point but yeah it was a pain it was it was a massive pain did I did I actually complete it on stream I might actually done it off stream can’t remember I think about

It yeah I don’t have the patience for that kind of [ __ ] it was annoying AF I I got I’m not going to lie that’s actually why I was kind of happy as hell finding out that uh ogre ousting was actually like reduced in difficulty oh they they they fixed ogre

Esting with this newest patch yeah so yeah the oging a hard mode is easier now oh no it was it was uh it was reducing difficulty all around like all all of it like easier now so you just need less less balloons for everything yeah like it it’s like like especially

For single player like cuz that was just [ __ ] for single player like yeah you could do anything in single player after uh like after normal or easy whatever I I I could barely [ __ ] beat it on easy I’m not lie I [ __ ] hated

It I was like flat out I was like I am not playing this I said I had no reason I I don’t even need like a shiny uh I don’t need the shiny but if it actually is a lot easier now like I was saying it’s like well

That’s probably the best way then to get uh get your Pokemon [ __ ] max level and everything then or get them all like stats uh max out yeah yeah cuz I know I helped a few people uh get uh get theirs uh [ __ ] done for ogre ousting but

Yeah right yeah my my problem is is that I I’m this is the only night of the entire week that I actually bother staying up yeah like and even then it’s still I’m still struggling to stay awake right now actually but like I woke up like a half hour half

Hour late like half hour into the stream yeah and uh and yeah I was like cuz I I took a nap I I usually take a nap before the stream yeah it’s understandable cuz what is it like a three-hour time difference between where I’m at and where you’re

At that over here over here it’s like oh I think it’s like a 2our time difference over here it’s like 239 oh I’m I’m at 139 right now oh you’re only an hour difference that’s not as diff that’s not as bad as I thought it was yeah the

Problem is is that I get home from work and it’s it’s definitely after 8 sometimes sometimes it’s more like 9 and then I have to like make food and eat it and uh and on Saturday especially like there’s anime that I need to watch so have that to do as well that’s understand

Yeah okay that is looking a lot better now okay I’m because it was just showing up too pink on the animation station Okay so I think I’m probably going to call that good for now um yeah the stars in weird positions but you know what it worked I mean it’s

It what do you want me to do with the Stars like it’s just I’m not saying it looks bad it looks fine it’s just I don’t know we could still put an actual moon in the background we could have we have all that space all that space

Now yeah yeah it’s supposed to be like an astral background see my joke was it’s like we’ll just make it a collage of a bunch of different anime characters now and that’ll just be this and the Sailor Scouts will just be the center piece right yeah we could do that

Surrounded by like everyone else yeah yeah I could you know oh wait there’s there’s a I missed a spot [ __ ] but yeah that that was kind of my thought is we could do a bunch of other uh [ __ ] Sprite deals there and just kind of put them around it and then

That would fill out the rest of the thing and then it would make a nice uh spot for them Mur so yeah well because my other thought was you know you could actually uh like I could actually just move it while we’re off stream but it’s really

Going to take it’s going to take a long like a bit of time to actually get all that moved into the right spot all right like and even then it’s it’s still going to be uh I’m still going to have to line it up more towards the uh

Towards the bottom of the the map yeah than uh than the sides like the sides aren’t as big of a deal to me like cuz that’s you know Right what the [ __ ] are these cats doing all right well I made some changes to it So hopefully it still ends up looking okay I’m sorry I I really should be like I i’ I I’m literally like I I’ve got my my switch in my lap and my controller in my hand like I’m playing two games at the same time oh okay

I really can’t wait for you to get back to town though to see all the the [ __ ] that we’ve worked on yeah my brother actually finished the uh the house I I asked him to to finish oh so you didn’t have to put a giant

Jesture hat on it oh no no it was going to be a straight up clown head like I was going to make I was going to make a full-on 3D clown head I had I had the schematic in my head and everything yeah but no he uh he turned it into a clock

Tower oh nice but yeah so now I got to surround all the rest of I I still got to cuz I’m I’m cying all of it yeah is the clock always at the same time uh he wants to set it to permanently be 420 oh okay uh if not

That what I’ll probably end up doing is figuring out some way to to make it so that it changes uh time based on the time of the day when it’s so like night time it’ll just like change into like a a night setting and daytime it’ll be a

Day setting probably like I’m not sure exactly how I’m gonna finish I feel like I feel like you could just put it in PC there and have and and have them uh be like we well even a brok a clock is right twice a day you know you

Know yeah I set up all these little archery ranges they got three different difficulties settings and then uh there’s even a uh secret Target that actually gives you uh uh bonus points to your stripes if you hit It and I still need to figure out what the [ __ ] I’m doing with them and get rid of the sidebar while I’m at it actually you know what I can get rid of that right now all things considered because oh man showing 13 track players on the

Scoreboard yeah I might uh see if I can find some other pixel art images for Sailor Moon and see if we can maybe uh you know like you said put a some other like close-up type images on there yeah that could be fun you know like like some mug shots or something you

Anyway how do I how do I remove the display f O I don’t I’m trying to figure out how to get rid of the sidebar oh because I have it set up now where all of your your money and stuff is actually listed below your your player name and honestly when I had the sidebar built it was meant to be a temporary fix

Because I had no [ __ ] clue how to make a currency system just proper enough like that was supposed to be my temporary fix and uh M I still think it looks ugly I always thought it looked ugly that’s the only thing I I know right now is it’s a scoreboard functionist Chistmas L are oh man if this doesn’t work I might actually end up accidentally erasing the money system Al together oh no I mean it’s at this point it’s Fine removed money Successfully teleport to you and you have no money as well I got rid of currency oh joy but that sidebar is gone all Right I’m fine with that it was really just to get some extra stuff for the the arena and I think I can come up with a better System Traer at I’m looking all around for the wandering Traer I expected to pop up today him and his little creepy ass uh climbing on top of people’s legs and [ __ ] oh yeah I’m sitting there playing [ __ ] uh Indigo disc every like all over the map those are frog lights to you too aren’t

They those [ __ ] those one structures that are just made out of like Lego blocks and [ __ ] those are frog lights to use to too as well aren’t they oh man like you even I even talked to somebody uh like uh in the game and they mentioned that the little blocks are uh

They give off uh ultraviolet and infrared light mhm so they are light source like they are light blocks which they’re frog lights yeah they’re frog jeez and it makes it really easy for the uh the people doing the uh what is it the the Pala project the

People make remaking the entire map of Pala in in Minecraft uh for some reason they hadn’t actually considered that the DLC was going to add an area below area zero oh no and so now they’ve been mulling it over and they’re like well we really don’t have a choice now we’ve either got

A raise uh the elevation of the entire map that we’ve already built or uh we have to make a teleporter going from area zero uh like into a new into a new location and I’d actually been telling from the very beginning that that’s probably what they’re going to

End up having to do like I even had a hunch back then I’m like you’re probably going to go even deeper in area zero y I feel like please don’t spoil this for me soulless I won’t I promise but like I was all hyped to go there and

I feel like once I get under into the area Z like the new part of area zero it’s just going to be a giant nothing burger like oh yeah Right like I’m a little disappointed that like the new uh Paradox mods aren’t like found down there or something Right I mean there’s there’s a lot of stuff that’s disappointed me about the DLC this past week mainly the story or at least the uh the confirmation uh the final confirmation that uh of uh well no spoilers I said but like the debate that’s been going on was finally laid to rest once

And for all And I don’t know I don’t want to say anything because I don’t I like I said I don’t know where you’re at H that’s oh I’ve beaten two of the uh BB Elite 4 so far Okay yeah I don’t want to I don’t want to ruin the story for you because I mean it has it has its own like it has its own twists and turns MH and Uh there’s even a so there’s a secret uh Mythic in the game hunter oh yeah that you can get you can get right now oh yeah you can catch Aletta oh okay oh yeah I saw I saw images of that and it’s playground rules or like to catch it like you know how

Like they have like those weird [ __ ] stories like on the playgrounds like catch certain Pokemon [ __ ] back in the day so so the method to catch Meloetta you have to go to a specific spot on the map in the coastal area MH and when you get to this uh when you go

To this spot there will be uh like a little breeze like it’s spinning in a circle and your music will like it’ll like go quieter just a little bit like when you’re standing in this spot and uh so when you’re standing there you spin uh in a circle for 30

Seconds and then you take out your camera immediately take uh turn it to the cpf filter and then uh and then put it on the uh sleep uh the Sleep uh sounds or whatever it is and then just turn your camera around the circle and you should eventually see uh if you

Heard the Relic song playing uh you’ll actually see Meloetta show up and yeah this sounds [ __ ] crazy like it sounds like something that you wouldn’t ever expect happen but I did it and it works H funny I caught her in a heel ball I was trying to go for the what was

It the premier balls and stuff but she just kept breaking out of them and so I was like well I’ll buy some time like I’ll buy some time by throwing the heel balls and then uh uh and then it was just like the first [ __ ] heel ball I

Threw out she caught or caught her and I was like okay [ __ ] it heel ball it is but but yeah that I mean that is kind of a spoiler telling you that but at the same time I don’t know if it is or not because you can do it in your game you

Can actually do it from the very start of the the Indigo disc like you can go straight like straight there to that spot and do it like right as you get into the game now if there’s some sort of like weird uh story event uh that uh or not story

Event but if like there’s some sort of like weird event that kind of triggers getting Peter run the same way uhhuh that’d be dope I think I liked it better though when everybody was calling him uh uh peachy Kean peachy ke so uh I just uh I

Just found this GIF and I and I displaying it on stream now it’s Funny a oh man the loop it’s can you put can you put her falling flat on her face in the thumbnail for next week I probably could yeah oh it’s it’s good stuff s all right just but yeah I was looking for more more Sailor Moon pixel art and that came up

You should you should see if you can get one for like oh you know what I should do I should get that gift and then uh and they get the sound for you know uh for the welcome to standing up school meme welcome to standing up school and you fail [Laughter] oh my

God oh that’d be so good h oh somebody posted a uh streames that’s not an ugly sweater though oh oh Quint yeah he posted a sweater earlier yeah oh just Quint sorry when everybody CH or when you change your name and your and your icon at the same

Time yeah I actually have to look into your usernames to find out who you are right but yeah the thing is I know that there were a whole bunch of Sailor Moon video games uh so I’m like looking for Sprites from those but like I keep finding like what

Looks like other people like people who have uh just taken uh Sprites from uh like other games and then turn turn them into Sailor Moon Sprites like that’ll happen yeah that’ll happen a lot see my thought is like couldn’t you find like a Tuxedo Mask or something or

Uh yeah I mean I like or even Queen Barrel yeah like just some of the characters that weren’t in the uh in the collage to start with yeah but yeah we’ll do uh what Ed uh let’s see what are the names of those those generals zoite what zoite zoite s yeah

Um and special shout out to ji because when I was a kid I actually thought his name was Jedi oh funny is that I wasn’t aware that jadeite was actually its own separate uh gem separate from Jade yeah oh Man somebody was here on this on this island at one Point but yeah but hello wow I’m late yeah hi hello [ __ ] and I’m still sleepy all yeah I’m definitely not going to be able to I’m you know I did make it I did make it for a small Cameo so yeah I’mma piece back out hoay wait can I do can I do

Soundboard for my phone I don’t know I don’t know I better I like the loud ones they’re funny jeez oh no I don’t think I I don’t think I can okay all right peace thank you you’re you’re you’re a true pal whoever did that so uh so zo zoite

Uh in Sailor Moon uh zoite uh boyfriend uh in the dub uh they call him malachite but uh he’s actually named after a different ore in the Japanese version uh his name his name is kunite understand why they change yeah like wait a minute uh ah W wondering Traer hate those things oh man yeah you you were pretty loud rude you you were pretty pretty loud on there I don’t know what the what the deal is there Relic song the move got buffed nice very cool uh h i I so need to get that welcome to standing up

School make oh oh hey uh I don’t know which one this one is um the I can’t even say the green haired one the old lady one oh Sailor Pluto yeah sailor Pluto’s got a hole in her head like three holes in her head where right next to her eyes

Oh well [ __ ] what was supposed to go there hang on me pull this back up for some reason it feels like I just missed a bunch of [ __ ] on her So there we go oh okay I see what I see what was supposed to be there now yeah I don’t know too much about the uh the ancillary sailor Scouts I guess is what they are yeah well they’re they’re so in the story uh they’re referred to as uh the outer CI

Um the uh cuz Sailor Moon and and the and the other four uh represent the inner planets of the solar system um and basically the the others are you know they represent the the outer planets and their roles are completely different and so the inner CI are meant are basically it’s like the

Difference between the FBI and the CIA right uh the inner CI are basically meant to deal with domestic threats and the outer CI deal with uh external threats so okay so basically when something arrives from outside of the solar system uh and and poses a threat to it the

Outer CI uh take action to stop it uh and when something is a threat you know locally uh then the ineni do something about it like that’s that’s how it’s supposed to work you know so but uh basically uh because their interests are both in protecting things they kind

Of end up just you know getting involved in the same messes so so it’s just you know but uh depending on the situation in some cases the uh outer CI aren’t uh you know afraid to kick the inner CI to the curb uh so but yeah the it’s something where um because when

When Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune when they first show up they have a semi antagonistic relationship with the rest of the group um because they’re searching for uh the uh for for the relics that that can summon the Holy Grail um uh you know and it’s you know it’s one

Of those things where the it’s it’s it’s just a really funny ironic twist when you finally find out where the relics are like you know so but uh and Sailor Pluto just has one uh like she’s are like the like like one of the relics is the is the gem on the end

Of Sailor Pluto’s staff like so um but the the the relics that that they’re looking for are based on Japan’s three sacred Treasures um which are an orb a mirror and a sword uh so those become legendaries so yeah right because because the thing is you see you see

Those used in uh like anime stories and stuff uh pretty often uh for example in yaka show there’s uh you know there’s a group of demons who steal three sacred Treasures from King enma and it’s an orb a mirror and a sword and they all have different superpowers uh

So I mean we got the we got the treasures of ruin this gen so I’m I’m sure you know yeah like it doesn’t seem like it would be that crazy for them to be like right yeah but yeah they’re basic they’re based on the three sacred Treasures of the uh the Japanese Imperial

Uh court or whatever but uh yeah it’s like a thing so so yeah see so when you see anime and they and there’s a trio of of items and it’s an orb of mirror and a sword that’s what it’s based on usually so now you know yeah is half the battle

Because you Haka show does a lot of those types of cultural references in it see yeah well the thing was is I watched I watched that show back in high school and I I I wish I remembered it yeah like yaka show like uh they reference uh the

Tale of of Oshima Taro and uh they also referen the motoro uh story in there too um there’s a uh there’s a uh group there’s a team in the dark tournament and they’re all based on fairy tales like [ __ ] like Japanese folktales you know um there’s makintaro

Who’s basically an evil version of of kintaro from the story about kintaro um and then you have uh Yuro yisha which is reverse yisha uh from uh the tale of yushima yisha Taro yoshim mataro or Yim mataro um and uh and then you have uh Kuro momotaro or black m black momotaro or

Black Peach Boy uh you know so hey yeah know so but yeah like but each of them you know like I said each of them is a distorted version of the fairy tale they’re based on um for example in the tale of osim mataro or urish mataro

Uh I believe it’s urashima but um is how it’s supposed to be pronounced but orishi mataro uh in the in the original story um he uh saves a turtle from being bullied by children on the beach and as and then uh as a thank you uh he’s

Invited to the undersea Palace of uh like the I can’t remember what what her name is it’s a princess like that lives underwater like she’s not like a mermaid princess she’s just a you know uh if anything I think she’s more of a dragon princess but uh anyway but he ends up

Going down to the palace and partying for a while and then he gets homesick and decides he wants to go back and uh uh I actually know the story right and he she gives him a box um and uh you when he when he when

He goes to leave she gives him a box and tells him not to open it uh and then and then he goes back and he finds out that like decades have passed since he left and everybody that he loved and knew is gone and dead you know like yeah and so

Uh he he ends up opening the box and this smoke comes out and uh basically restores all the all the age that he’s uh acre and he ends up dying like you know so but uh in yaka show uh reverse eishima uses the smoke to uh deage his

Opponents uh you know so it so it go it reverses it reverses the age instead of Aging them uh uh so and it ends up backfiring on him stupendously but uh I forgot about that yeah like there I said like there’s like 300 some 400 [ __ ] episodes of that

Show it’s hard it’s not that it’s not entirely that long I think it’s more of more more like a it’s it’s a little less than 200 episodes I think it’s still a very long series very long series but yeah I mean they all it’s it’s a shown

And they’re all wrong right yeah a lot of them are yeah but uh I thought was one of the more tolerable ones right and the yeah kurl momotaro uh black Peach Boy uh his thing is uh you know in the tale of momotaro motaro uh uses dumplings to recruit a

Dog a monkey and a phoenix uh to help him out uh or not phix a pheasant uh dog dog monkey to Pheasant to to help him out out um so Kur momotaro in yakush show uh has an ability where after he’s taken an attack he can eat one of the

Millet dumplings that he has and it transforms his body and then the new and and you know in the new form he’s immune to the attack that he took uh previously so um so he you know the the forms that he takes on though are based on the dog

The monkey and the feasant uh you know but the you know so you know so yeah it’s like uh but like you know he’s like he calls it like a a gorilla a wolf and a phoenix though like that’s the like you know but it’s

But that’s what it’s based on is the you know so you know it’s funny how how many uh how many of the notes that y Hawk show uh has touched on that Pokemon is also hit in game like yeah cuz uh you ha show

Also did a thing uh based on the four uh they call them the four Saint beasts in the dub uh but it’s basically the four guardian beast of Kyoto um they did a an arc where near the beginning of the series where they were they had to fight the four of them

Uh remember that yeah and uh we just recently got that with uh the uh uh enamoras being added uh because when you have see I remember that because of the I remember that one because of uh Digimon yeah yeah yeah and yeah Digimon touched on that too but uh but yeah when

When they added en Amorous uh they it it’s they basically kind of retconed that Trio in into a quartet based on that you know cuz they cuz their thean forms are a a tiger a turtle uh a dragon and um and a phoenix so so yeah so it’s pretty

Funny yeah makes me wonder where the uh the fifth golden dragon flying uh uh Genie is gonna be oh is there going to be a fifth one well no because you know how like because there’s like the the I guess it wouldn’t be like a not a trio Master

Anymore but like uh but like there’s there’s like the the central uh Central Golden Dragon or whatever the [ __ ] it’s called I forget uh I forget the name of it but like I know Digimon based uh uh now I can’t even remember its name uh King Longman I want to say

M is he longm or or King Longman no no no you’re you’re no no no that’s wrong uh the the one that was like the that turned into the final boss in in the ging Digimon game H oh that thing yeah no I yeah the the Digimon survive thing where uh yeah I

Know what you’re talking about but yeah I don’t think that’s related to the uh to the quartet at all like so anyway but yeah anyway but it’s but yeah it’s it’s something where um cuz the oh the yellow dragon is okay I was wrong it’s not it’s not gold it’s

Yellow yeah but the thing is the um the the four holy beasts uh are whatever from the from in the lore they’re based on the geographic features that protect Kyoto uh so uh one of them is based on the roads uh that lead Merchant traffic to it uh

The other one another like the turtle is based on the mountains uh that protect it um the uh the dragon is the river um and uh I can’t remember what the other one represents but they but they all represent very different the the geographic features around Kyoto that

Made it a good place to build a city okay so they explain it in the Digimon 02 dub uh but uh there’s also the thing uh because this is also it’s also a Chinese mythology as well yeah because there’s two different versions of it in the but the Japanese version

The Japanese version doesn’t have the the central doesn’t have the central Dragon it’s just the Chinese version that has the central Dragon right could they could still technically add it in it would be like its own its own sort of thing more them but it would be different more

Right well and and again the there there’s a there’s a couple different versions of it in because uh in uh in one version uh the turtle has a snake wrapped around it like cuz there’s you know the there’s there’s a version of it where the turtle has a

Snake wrapped around it and uh and I think the Digimon version kind of tried to combine the two cuz they they just gave the turtle two heads twoed and they made all of them have four eyes uh for Digimon as well uh so you’re right I

Didn’t I never thought about so the the turtle has two heads so it has two eyes on each head and then the others just have an extra set of eyes uh so but that’s another little detail that that Digimon did and then they all have

The the 12 spheres or whatever uh so so like they all have certain shared design traits that kind of group them together Digimon uh so but yeah I actually thought about that that specific design element that you’re AB absolutely right yeah yep yeah they gave them all four eyes

And didn’t include a single pair of glasses man see I always forget like how how much thought they actually put into these Digimon designs it’s like yeah most people just [ __ ] at it’s like well they just put a werewolf in pants and it’s like yeah but at the same time

They’ve got [ __ ] Digimon based on like myths that you would never have [ __ ] thought of Prior yeah like but yeah it’s something where you know they do pay a lot of attention to the to the lore and stuff that they’re doing like cuz you know when they have a

Huge group to work with like the dvas uh it that that really felt like they were just kind of pading it after a while like some of those designs were very basic but um you know they they did have certain characteristics that kind of that kind of tied them together though

Um so I see what I liked was finding out like like certain things like the one Mouse I thought like he looked kind of ridiculous with that weird thing on his back and then I find out that the weird thing on his back is actually like an ancient [ __ ] uh Japanese weapon like

[ __ ] like that like it was like yeah like they actually did put some attention into it I still think the thing looks like this the the mouse one looks stupid but I mean at least it’s not that yeah no like like I said they they tend to like I said they they do

Put they do put some thought into things but it’s like I said some of the designs on some of the some of the David Digimon might end up looking downright ridiculous but uh you or just not good uh but but uh it is kind of funny though

That they have uh that I never like nobody real or nobody really ever talks about the fact that Digimon has a sheep sent for uhhuh yeah well AFK Arena has one too what what what did you who AFK Arena it’s a it’s a mobile game uh but yeah let see what is her

Name think it’s Nira give me a second Oh namora yeah there she is no MOA here I’ll let’s see where should I drop her General gaming I think that’s where I was dropping uh AFK Arena pix uh yeah last time okay yeah that’s where I was doing it last time so yeah just drop this in general gaming So oh neat but yeah yeah that’s this that’s that’s like her portrait deal that’s that’s what she actually looks like in game yeah yeah she’s a heer like they gave her like a a nice pointy looking Spear and everything but she’s more of a Healer character what do you even call a sheep

Centur uh you know I don’t know uh what the what the term is see now we need to uh now we need to make a zebra centor right they have a there’s a character in the game uh her name’s uh safia uh and she is is uh based on the Sphinx

Ah uh this is what she looks like this is this is actually a her an upgraded version of her that they released recently but uh yo that’s neat yeah so but yeah Carol lived in the ow oh man see this is uh how she normally looks in

Game uh with with without the without the upgrade but yeah like uh the cool thing about her is in the in the game uh she sets up a pyramid shaped barrier over your back row uh that that basically protects them from damage so uh so she’s

Really nice when you have a team a team full of squishy support members you know so uh anyway it’s another shot of the uh the upgraded version let’s see here see youo I would I I’m not sure uh exactly um like what was Data mine like apparently like the the meloetta fight

Was was known uh in the day or from data mining it but nobody had actually um nobody had actually found it until like yesterday I think I think it was this morning somebody like somebody posted a video of it nice that’s Prett funny though like honestly it’s just crazy that

Like not only that they thought to do that like uh like game freak actually thought photo bomb mea you know well no like game well the fact that they thought to do like a convoluted like Discovery method like that right because like that would be like something like that that is me

Under the truck levels of like yeah yeah crazy and uh the fact that they did something like that is I mean it’s it’s nice that they actually considered it right but uh similarly uh from data mines and stuff there was also uh there was a data mind from sword

And shield back in the day that said that there was a Deoxys encounter that apparently nobody found H so I mean we could go back and play sword and shield and try to try to come across this mystery be the first people to post that I don’t know how somebody came or

Somebody had the idea uh to like to to do like I feel like that had to have been leaked or something like there’s no way somebody actually thought it’s like well maybe they were maybe they were just messing around with the with the camera and uh they were playing the

Music and they and they ended up with The Relic song and they were like wait a minute that’s Meloetta and so they started [ __ ] around with it but you know that’s well we got it they got the they got the steps down too precise too quickly like like it took

Them like a [ __ ] week to figure out how to get uh uh what’s his face the Dolphins like alternate form took them a [ __ ] week to figure that out and less than like a couple days to figure out how to get meletta like something doesn’t add up here yeah

Well it depends on what kind of d they had in the data mine the the data mine data might have had some you know insights but yeah it’s crazy like it probably had like it probably has like location spawn data or something in there something and that’s probably how they came across that

They’re like well that means we got to do something in this spot man like I don’t know it it’s just this whole this whole season this whole game has been right has been just just one of the weirdest [ __ ] [ __ ] shows for for like I mean not just game freak but like

The fandom in general right all right well I think I’m going to go ahead and end off the stream uh all you know kind of yeah and then you go to one specific [ __ ] spot yeah and you make food when you’ve got them on there right like

Yeah yeah there’s so many weird [ __ ] methods like I would I would love like if like I would love to be able to discover like the Deoxys fight actually hidden in the code and sword and shield somewhere you know what would be funny if you could get all three of the

Paradox uh swords of justice and then take them to somewhere in area zero and get get this get like the celo version oh like iron Splash or something yeah that would [ __ ] sick right iron blade or something anyway iron Horn uh the only issue with

That is then what would you get for uh all three of the the legendary beasts right would you get like an ancient oh God Primal ho yeah Primal ho yeah yeah yeah and it’s like for some reason he’s like a pterodactyl just be called burn just be called burning Phoenix just I don’t

Know be funny anyway but yeah uh so we’re gonna go ahead and end off here though I want to thank everybody so much for watching I love you byebye sorry sorry Primal ho would [ __ ] the whole time right anyway I do want to thank everybody so much for watching uh we’ll be uh

We’ll be back to do this again next week so look forward to that and of course as always I do hope everybody has a great day bye-bye good everyone this is the way it had to End

This video, titled ‘The Weekly Live Podcast Stream (Featuring Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Hunger’s Entertaining Let’s PLays on 2023-12-17 08:50:55. It has garnered 21 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:39 or 12039 seconds.

Not for kids! I’m not here to babysit children, this stream is intended for older viewers. I’m playing Minecraft with my friends in our Private Realm. Please Don’t Ask to join, the realm is full. Please be respectful to each other in the chat. Donation button is available, please don’t give money that isn’t yours or money you can’t afford to spare. Sorry in advance if I don’t notice your chat or donation right away. 🙂


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    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information हेलो जड आर्मी मेरा नाम है मैक्सी और आपका स्वागत है मेरे चैनल में और आज के वीडियो में आपको सिखाने वाले हैं हाउ टू डू कमो आप कमो कैसे मार सकते हैं आगे वाले को वह भी एमसीपीई में सो अभी हम तीन इंपॉर्टेंट चीजों के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं सबसे पहला थिंक है इन गेम सेटिंग सेकंड वन इज प्रैक्टिस द एम थर्ड वन इज इंप्रूव द मूवमेंट सो सबसे पहले हम पहले नंबर के साइड बढ़ने लगते हैं रुको रुको जरा पहले नंबर का टिप देखने से पहले आप चैन को सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Play.creste.ro

    Play.creste.roplay.creste.ro Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe play.creste.ro play.creste.ro Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷https://x.com/PunkichiGames ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ9ahZ5SFuo Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More