Minecraft Movie: Impala100 Part 3

Video Information

Thanks so much for clicking on this video this is Impala 100 previously known as that KS dude for first time viewers this is part three of our old school Minecraft playthrough if you’d like to watch this series in order you could find a link to Parts one and two

In the description of this video for those who already watched the first two parts I deeply appreciate your support as always and just like last time if you’re wanting me to continue to upload these make sure to leave a like and a comment below thanks again for your

Support and I hope you enjoy hey guys how’s it going it’s that KS dud welcome back to another episode of my single player survival world in the last episode we got a really good start on our own melon SL pumpkin farm and uh there are no melons or pumpkins in it

Yet basically we just dug it out and we have basically you know the whole gist of what we want to do so we have a little bit of a problem okay so again we have this I haven’t really touched it at all cuz I want to

Do this more on camera with you guys today but we have a huge problem and that is over here you see we have a bunch of pumpkins but we don’t have any melons me being the problem solver I am I went and just went caving for a good 3

Hours and man I got a bunch of resources but I could not find uh an abandoned M shaft to save my life so instead today we are going to be going on an adventure to find a jungle Bome um so you know that ways the area

For good biomes we’re going to go this way today we have not explored this area squat so um what I want to do is just like follow the coastline up and uh and see what we can find you know um and usually I find jungles near coastlines

So that’s what I’m doing it’s kind of like a Superstition for me and by the way this was working like a charm again um yeah it’s kind of like my own supersti so uh before we do that though we need to enchant some tools right here

Because we’re about to run out here and they’re not worth like uh re-enchanting again so instead we’re just going to do this so let’s go o That’s Unbreaking three this is Unbreaking three and this is Smite for heck no okay let’s go with the shovel that’s usually the best for Unbreaking three

Oo that’s nice but it’s Fortune um but it’s going to be super fast which is good so I just won’t use that to get gravel because when I mine gravel uh that’s just going to end up uh giving me Flint so and we need gravel for the

Pathway but no biggie sharpness for I’ll take that probably unless o that one’s tough you know what guys man you always want a good sword that knockback kind of pisses me off but I could always merge the two right here as well um and Fortune three on an ax you’re kidding

Me oh you’re kidding me not too big of a deal honestly I’m I’m going to use these tools up first I believe I have some tool enchants where are my tools at efficiency for I could put on an INE efficiency too cuz what’s yeah Smite I could definitely put on an efficiency at

Least make that somewhat good um so do that quickly eight level it’s not a big deal I’m down to level 22 but I have that farm now so that makes everything a lot better all righty guys um I think I’m all geared up to go this uh Journey

So just give me one second though just to get prepared mentally for this AKA I need to clear my throat so which one to choose no I’m just kidding I would not choose the donkey you’re an ass all right I’m kidding around I’m going to be choosing my horse though for this one

Guys for all the people who love my donkey I’m sorry so anyways we’re going to head on out now and uh first I want to find the coastline and then we’ll just kind of hug it it’s going to be kind of tough with the trees but hopefully we could like run into PLS

Biome or desert biome or or something to where it’s a lot more open and I don’t need to hurdle trees the whole time like this it’s annoying as crap and dang he does not have a lot of Hearts I remember thato all righty so um yeah let’s keep

On moving along let’s see if we find anything cool um but other than that I have nothing else to tell you guys so I’ll be back whenever I find something interesting or cool that I want to talk about hey look another PLS there we go that’s exactly what we needed maybe we

Could find a better horse this guy sucks you never know uh but anyways let’s just keep hugging this Coastline we don’t want to get too far from it just because my super holy there we go that’s awesome that’s not what I was looking for I was looking for that in another

Episode but this one can work too so I want to find a librarian lock this dude up and it looks like we should have a librarian in this Village is that a armor let’s see what his trades are nothing good right now hey I have some coal I’m not going to trade that

Just yet though um o a clerk close on trade ooh like not too bad all righty I’m going to get out of here before like I I I shouldn’t even lock him up I’m just going to stay at a distance but I actually need to save the coordinates

Here not far at all that was that’s been here the whole time this actually a cool area look at this this is sweet we we may just do a like expand this Village make it look cooler I don’t know I I really like this area

H now I don’t know what to do should I follow that or should I keep going around that just looks like it’s going to end off so I’m not even going to have to worry about it that much I don’t know I want to see if there’s anything else

Down here though now I kind of want to look for a little ocean Monument too CU it’s like right near a base if we can find a village this close heck there should be an ocean Monument we’ll just look down here quickly see we could find

Most sketchy jump of my life ooh that good that’s good all righty now it looks like things are opening up thank the Lord that was a really sketchy ride for a little bit all righty so this is just going to dip down let’s see if we could

Find ourselves an ocean monument and I know we’re getting sidetracked don’t worry we’ll find a jungle jungle sooner or later um they they’re a little bit more easy to find the Mesa so and if we could find a Mesa that easy we’re going to find a jungle that easy um I’m not seeing

Anything oh yeah we’re just going to keep moving along there if I find an ocean Monument or anything else cool I’ll let you guys know oh holy crap this is the right way to go Superstition hey superstitions are a thing if you don’t believe me look behind me right there look behind

Me superstition are a thing oh man all right but it is across okay I’m not taking my horse goodness this is like the end of the peninsula I couldn’t find a water temple and then all of a sudden I I find this oh my gosh I have I have some luck

Guys I have some luck that’s for sure oh come on man come on what the hell are you doing okay go in here think about what how dumb you are man I really need an upgrade of a horse guys I don’t want to waste a name tag on

Him it sounds so cruel but it’s it’s true he’s just so frustrating to ride with all righty so let’s get that and oh I’m excited now we could find a jungle temple if we want guys that’d be so sweet all right all right but the mission is just

Melons we actually have another task at hand I understand guys I understand this is sweet man I love jungle biomes I may want to building one here not too sure but I may want to and it looks like this is just a nice little Coastline area I’m

Going to go to the first melon that I see or if I find a jungle temple I may just go to that but melons are top priority that’s for sure and this is sweet oh oh man what the hell is going on underneath me I guess boat’s just

Lagging for me I know all right o cocoa beans all right I hate obstructing nature guys but I actually want to take some cocoa beans back uh just for brown dye uh just so I can just for the sake of you know being able to farm them so I

Have some jungle wood and cocoa beans which is cool I can Farm it from there now it’s just a matter of getting myself man it’s taking longer than I thought I thought a melon would be like right here and there all right um yeah let’s try to find ourselves a melon

If we can or not I don’t know o uh we’re going to get lost soon we’re going to have to stick close to the the ocean right here but I just need to find the light green melon is that one no that’s Reeds that’s reads I think my world is melon

Deprived I think it’s like yeah we’re just not going to load in any melons for this guy not cool enough doesn’t meet the the standards no standards whatsoever ooh you don’t meet the standards you don’t meet the standards all right that’s the best comeback ever I thought that was melons gosh dang it

Getting my hopes up I can’t find any whatsoever right as I say that I see these melons right off in the distance there we go we have ourselves some melons not any just normal sort of melons jungle melons jungle melons people now I have a question do do melons actually grow in

Jungles that’s what I wanted to knew I thought it just grew in the South or something or I thought that was a temple I think that’s a temple we can’t get distracted we can’t get distracted I got to get back guys ooh melon on the cliff man have some Cliff melons people

Big deal no all right now it’s time to head back back we got what we were looking for in a pretty sweet jungle not too far that is super close um I’m not hey there hey there little buddy oh it’s a little kitty cat hey there do you want to be

Friends n I’m good I’m good I’m straight I’m straight people all right we’re going to head on back see you soon all righty guys so now we’re back at our base and I just took a little time to get ourselves with a bunch of different building materials So today we’re going

To be decorating this whole area then after that then we’ll start filling in the Redstone I know it’s kind of backwards but I’m in more of a decorating mood if we do have time for the Redstone we’ll definitely get started with that and finish in the next

Episode um but yeah we actually took a little bit more time than I thought we’d take on get into the jungle and that’s more recording time rather than actual time because it’s actually pretty dang fast I just talked a little bit too much but regardless uh we’re going to get

Started right here so um I want to do this little floor pattern that I think will look good here um and let me just make some planks quickly let’s do this right here so here’s the floor pattern that I want people I want to do uh stone brick so we’ll be doing

Stone brick and then in the middle we’ll just have wooden planks and this will go around everywhere um in here so these are all the pathways these are kind of unnecessary it’s more for looks more than anything but there’s going to be a big pathway going all the way around the

Edge here and that’s what I want to do so uh quickly I’m going to be making these Pathways I’ll get back to you guys in one second um and yeah it’ll just take a little bit of time you may see a speed build here you may not I don’t

Know all righty guys now that we have the four pattern done now we’re going to move on to fill in these little granite slabs not really granite slabs but Granite blocks and it’s actually going to be quite simple we’re going to be using Nether Bricks yeah we haven’t used this block yet

People it’s a brand new block for us to build with um essentially this is what I want to do with it though I want to take it up top all right I’m going to be having it going all around and then in the corners over here we’ll have them

Just like this and you’ll see and then we’ll go around the top like this as well and in the middle which is right right here we’re also going to be having it let’s be the zombie to it quickly but yeah that’s what we want to do pretty simple and then we’ll take it

Across just like this too so that’s how it’s going to work and it’s going to separate both different systems it’s just going to look nice in my opinion and um yeah I I’m I’m pretty stoked about this at least um where’s the zombie at I hear him I hear him but

He’s not here yet now but essentially this is what we’re doing people um and then we’ll have this going up all the way way and then it’s connected like that and there’s a zombie around the corner that I just demolish uh but yeah that’s what’s going to happen people and

Dang this is what I’ve had to deal with the whole entire time doing this project it’s ridiculous I love how he just went up the stairs once I pulled up myow that’s great um yeah I’ve had to deal with that the whole time but yeah basically all this Granite is switching

To a nether brick and I’m going to be putting it all the way around on both ends so in the end this is what it’s going to look like however I don’t have enough for here or anywhere else I only have seven left um so I’m not going to

Worry about that anymore um and probably what I’m going to be working on next is um I don’t even know um I’ll probably start doing the wall design I’ll try to come up with something kind of cool I’m thinking about using uh stone brick Cobblestone Uh Wood and then maybe

Pumpkins just because you know this is a pumpkin SL melon farm maybe use Jack laners on the wall I thought that that would be cool so I’m going to try to come up with some sort of more geometric pattern so let’s see what happens so here’s what I have for a

Little pattern here I’m just going to repeat this throughout and I’m hoping that it works going to the wall so I’m actually going to do that here see if we need do any problem solving or change this pattern but I think we’ll be good um one second let’s dig all this out

Though I love having good tools guys if we would have done this back like when we were digging out our um our base over there that would have been so tough like this would have been impossible without all this TNT that we use and everything so then we’re going to keep going like

That again so it’s a pretty simple pattern once you get used to it um ooh I think it could work we just transition it around the corner or something yeah yeah then we’ll just have stone brick right here or Cobble we could transition it from Cobble and then

Stone brick Oh no I’ll find a way to make it work though cuz I don’t want to dig this out anymore and it’s a good size right now so yeah I’ll deal with it and I’ll find something that’ll make it look good so yeah all righty guys so I

Finished all the walls right here which is great and now the last thing that I want to do today is to just uh finish up the ceiling I think that’s all we’re going to have time for today uh just because we’ve spent lots of time on this today

Um again a very big project our biggest project that we’ve done yet so obviously we can’t get done in one episode and I was kind of shooting uh to go for two but it we just don’t have that time um but yeah I’ll continue working on it I’m

Going to try to maybe gather some more nether brick I’m not sure I’ll probably have to do that off camera um but I want to get a ceiling design and I basically just want to mirror this onto the ceiling and instead of Oak planks probably just Cobblestone I don’t know

We’ll find out but uh let me uh play around with some uh stuff and let’s see what looks back bet best be or best best what am I thinking people all righty all right guys so I’m going to have to call it quits now um but overall it’s looking

Good um I really want to add glowing pumpkins in the wall though and here’s my reason it gets pretty dark here so I’m thinking like around like probably up here in the wood area I want to add a glown pumpkins so I’ll probably do that off camera as well

Because I do have some pumpkins farming up there so I’ll have plenty of them um but overall guys this is starting to look pretty cool I’m very excited um in the next episode we will be finishing this for sure as I break a torch we’ll be finishing this for sure I’ll make

Sure that we have enough time and everything and and enough planning to go into it uh which would be wonderful but now to end off this episode since we haven’t done it in a while uh it’s been too long we’re actually going to go over to our Enchanted Forest answer question

For you guys all right guys so today’s comment question is coming from from Stuart Kennedy and he asked and he asked are you good or bad at Redstone creations in Minecraft and um well I was planning on finishing this today so I would have been like yeah you

Guys saw how good I am I’m decent um I’m not really good at coming up with my own designs I know how Redstone works and everything but I’m not really good at like efficiently like compacting the Redstone design down to the bare minimum but I know how it function and

Everything which is good and I could say that around 6 to8 months ago I wasn’t good at all and one of my good buds actually taught me and like had just like a lecture he’s like I’m tired of you not being good at Redstone he sits down he teaches me um

How to use Redstone um and I thank him a lot he’s an awesome dude and um but yeah um I’m decent at it I’m I’m decent at using Redstone uh not the best not the worst I know how it functions and everything I know how to make like some

Basic farms and such um so I could say I’m decent probably uh five six out of 10 on the Redstone scale so all right guys well that’s it for today’s episode in the next episode we’re going to finish that gosh Dar thing and move on to bigger and better things so take care

Have a good one if you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a like rating if you didn’t leave a gosh darn dislike and as the sun’s setting and as I’m about to harvest all my um crops right here uh thank you for watching and peace out hey

Guys how’s it going it’s that KS dude welcome back to another episode of my single player survival world in the last episode we found a jungle and at the same time we also started decorating our little um pumpkin SL melon SL basically our allpurpose farm it also has reads in

There as well and I did lots of off camera work thank you very much I did so much off camera work and I’m excited for today’s episode because we’re going to be finishing this up we’re going to be adding in the Redstone and everything’s going to be all nice and dandy I can’t

Wait to get this going seriously it’s been long enough I’ve never worked on a project this long besides my base my base was an ongoing project like this is one single thing you know what I mean um so it’s taken a while we had to dig it out then we had

To decorate it all and now it’s time to make it fully functioning which is awesome so there’s going to be lots of different steps to this um I’m going to try to do this in steps try to take it one time well one step at a time um and yeah and

Oh I forgot my stone brick there oh that’s whatever I did so much doesn’t matter look at all this glowstone like you guys wouldn’t believe how much off camera work I did and just to show you cabang I want you to shift your eyes over to

Here and man I had to get two stacks of slime so I had to go I actually did this in a live stream by the way I did a test live stream went over all the way over um to the Slime uh not to the slime

Chunk to um the swamp biome and I was just grinding for slime there and it took me around 30 minutes to get all that and it was just crazy and then Hoppers and whatnot I mean it was just crazy and we finally finished all that

Um but yeah uh so the first thing I want to do is actually create the water tracks going all the way down so that we have wait no we can’t do that yet we’re going to do the Redstone first and then we’ll add that in last that doesn’t make

Sense um so yeah we’re actually going to start down here all righty so uh give me one second I’m going to get everything set up for us to go all righty so the first thing that we’re going to be doing is actually well we already placed down these blocks and now we’re actually

Going to be putting sticky pistons all on top of these blocks these middle ones here are just temporary by the way um but yeah essentially this is what’s going to happen I’m going to take uh blocks going like this Pistons going all the way down that need to be facing

Upward and we’re going to do that underneath all this dirt here and this is actually going to be litterally from here like all of these ones it’s not going to be for the reads because the reads are going to be a different pattern but uh for all these Lanes we’re

Actually going to be using um Pistons facing upwards so I’m actually going to do that very quickly one second and I also want to do a timelapse right here of me just uh putting the Pistons I want to talk a little bit to you guys about an idea that I had so Yeah so anyways guys the musician who made this song is Nexus 3 music incredible musician I want you guys to go check him out he’s already been on all my other speed builds basically and the dude’s just mad talented I love his music to death he probably knows I’m his

Biggest fan and he’s a good guy um I’ve known him for quite a while now and uh just never fails to impress me uh but but yeah it would mean a lot if you guys went and actually checked out his channel that’ be awesome if not it’s

Cool if music’s not your thing it’s cool I have a very big passion for music and I could go on for ages about that in another video but this is not the time and place for that so anyways I want to talk about the 1.9 snapshot that is

Supposedly coming out very soon so the question is do you guys want me to put in a snapshot I have no particular you know I don’t even care honestly so this is why I’m asking you guys because some of you are probably going to be very you know leaning towards yes playing the

Snapshot some of you are probably going to be like oh heck no wait until the actual update comes out so what I’m actually going to do this is something very different I have never done this in a video before I’m actually going to put a straw pole and this is for the time

Being before the next episode so if you guys have a strong opinion a strong yes or a strong no you can vote in the straw pole and that would be cool um if you guys are watching this this way in the future you probably won’t see it not a

Big deal um but yeah it only takes 2 seconds it’ll be in the description hopefully you guys don’t mind but yeah uh give me your input and that’s really all I had to talk about all righty guys now back into the real footage of the video all right guys so I got carried

Away a little bit but hopefully you enjoyed that little talk that we had and be sure again to leave me some feedback in the comments down below of regarding that topic so anyways we have um all the Pistons in we could actually go down here quick like could give you a little

Show and tell even though you guys already saw it and then as well as that I also got the hopper system put in and if I could quickly do this oh ooh that’s not good all right one second um I need to do this hold up um and

This all right one second I’m thinking out loud people and I do that occasionally but I want to make sure that this goes right in here all right cool so let’s just test this out quickly um let’s go on up and let’s see what happens when we do

This so we’ll put in one Thin of cobblestone now what I want that to do is when it gets triggered it goes down there goes into The Hoppers then hopefully down in here yep that’s exactly what I wanted so then we’ll leave this above it so just like that

And yeah no problem and then basically we’re going to be mirroring this on the other side um but there’s still more to this Hopper system um so I’m going to be doing it here as well so essentially on this side it’s going to be the same

Exact thing um I forget which way go I believe it goes down this way if I’m not mistaken let’s just quickly check here yep it’s that and I lost the wood but it goes down on that side and I’ll keep the wood just so I have a reference up

Here but yeah I actually want to connect both of these and they’re all going to be going into the center chest so when we go down here uh we’ll get our rewards so down here we’ll be doing the same thing we need to go down one

Two then a third one then go this way all the way until we hit the hopper cool and um yeah I just think we go from there and then we’ll just add the hopper so one two three four five and then we will go from there again one second lots of Hoppers involved

Cool go up all the way and then Hopper well first off there then Hopper over there then yeah there we go um it’s as simple as that we’re basically going to have it well first off let’s test it we’ll put in one more Cobble and it

Should go right down to where we want it to so let’s quickly just check just to make sure yep all right so the hopper system is fully functioning now which is great um but now we need the automatic um well first off when you duplicate this on the other side then after that

We’re going to be working on the automated piston system regarding this so uh give me one second I’m going to duplicate this design quickly over there and then we’ll start working on the Piston setup which is pretty simple all righty guys so now it is time to work on

Our Redstone system so this is going to be very very not so fun but it’s going to be worth it um it’s very repetitive but I’ll show you what’s going to be happening we need to power all of these Pistons here so in order to do that we’re going to need all

Of these repeaters and this was tough to make this is expensive this is a very expensive project guys just for a bunch of melons and reads and it’s actually going to be very handy cuz it’s all going to be fully automatic I won’t even need to worry about it I’ll just reap the

Rewards uh which is cool so um this is sort of like what we’re going to need um and I’ll tell you in just one second and I’ll bring up the problem uh because there is something a little bit different that we need to be doing here

So we have all 64 repeaters down it’s going to get a little bit funky okay you guys ready cuz this repeater is not going to be here same with this one same with this one same with this one all of you Redstone gurus know about repeaters and

How they can only go 16 well you guys know that a signal goes 16 uh blocks this is a full 16 from our signal if we had one going from here that’ be 17 be too long so we can’t put one here we can’t

Do that it needs to we need to have a signal coming from there so to power this piston at the end we’re going to be using repeaters just like that so it’s nice plain and simple so basically we’re going to be looking at something just like that then have this here and then

Repeater just like that so nice and simple nothing really too you know fancy or anything it’ll actually be something more like this and we’ll have this come around here and then in here it’ll be something like this you guys get my point so again we’re just Back to Basics

Here with this baby and um very excessive lots of redstone again um and I’m going to make sure that all this works this signals and everything are fine and uh yeah all that good stuff so yeah let me just uh work on this a little bit um wiring is pretty simple

Again we just take the wire down I’m assuming you guys know about Redstone blah blah blah blah blah so the wiring will go down this way we’ll have wiring go like this and yeah lots of redstone uh but yeah all the wiring going down just like that and then we’ll

Probably hook up the the both systems here and yeah uh pretty cool stuff though pretty cool indeed I’m not sure yeah I can’t put torches down but no mobs will spawn here so it’s not a big worry to me um but yeah um that’s all it is and then if I have

Power which I really can’t make anything to power this maybe I can make no I even can’t do that um I could do no but I need a comparator yeah no worries um so I’m going to Tamper around with this make sure everything works so

Give me one second all right guys so I made made ourselves a redstone block and here’s the test to see if everything is working or if everything is just failing so that looked promising okay I think we’re good yeah yep everything is going right here I want to make sure everything on the

End is going perfect perfect now here’s another question that I had for myself um are The Hoppers still going to work are The Hoppers going to be powered which shouldn’t be a huge deal but I thought we’d at least try see how this would be so we’ll put in four

Pieces of cobblestone well just two and we’ll see if they show up down here and if not we have a problem one just one didn’t get my second one that’s not good all right we have a problem cu we put in two I’m not crazy maybe I am maybe the block just got

Stuck right there is that the block that I see I think I’m crazy all right so it’s not stuck in those Hoppers it’s stuck in The Hoppers beneath maybe it’s over here is it stuck in the H maybe I’m just crazy one second all right time to turn this off

Quickly let’s see if it goes through after this I think it should yeah never mind that shouldn’t be a big deal even if the so The Hoppers were powered and they did power the um yeah they were powered but here’s the thing this is only going to be on for like a split

Second so when the Redstone signal went off that’s not a big deal so we don’t need to worry about that too much so not a huge deal whatsoever um um but yeah uh looks like things are working good for us um now our next task so this is

Completely done um our next task is now going to be hooking up our sugar cane area and that’s going to be fun so uh let’s get a good started in it right now all right guys so first off we’re going to be setting up a collection system before we set up any

Pistons just because it’s is a little bit more tricky because we don’t want this to run into the Redstone down here what I was thinking about doing is putting all the Hoppers they all chain down right here but there’s a problem um Redstone right here so we could place it

Right here um chest right here a little bit tougher than I’d want it to be so it’s going to be uneven I’m sorry for all you guys who hate things being uneven uh which is actually me I’m in pain doing this right now um but here’s

What we have to do we’re going to have to just have a rad of Hoppers go into a corner probably right here um so what we just need to do quickly is we just need to take a hopper just from here well not from here we’re

Going to have to find a chest to be our output so I think just right in the corner should do probably right here which is cool and then we’ll just take the hopper just like this and and yeah oh oh oh oh I did a boo boo I need to go

Um I don’t know why I broke that last one but it needs to go like this and then we’ll be good and then we’re just going to take the Hoppers going all the way down and that’s it uh a lot more easy of a collection system um than our

Others but yeah just lots of Hoppers very expensive and then we need to go all the way down to this one right here and then we will go up quickly then kabang we’re all good on Hoppers uh that’s all we need I’m fully done on Hoppers which is cool don’t need

To worry about those I’ll pocket those keep the extras for another project and then on the side here I just want to use some uh stone bricks and we’re just going to go well yeah just like this to start out and that’s going to be over

All the granite here uh so give me one second and then we’re going to do our next step which is adding in the Pistons what a surprise all right so here is our next step and that’s just placing Pistons just like this all the way across very very very simple and

We’re going to be using 64 of these and we don’t need to be sticky pistons because sticky pistons aren’t needed here this is just going to chop up reads not a big deal so just quickly do this on both sides and then uh yeah and then after this we’ll be hooking up Redstone

Very similar uh to the other system it’s just at this level cuz sugar canane uh grows to be three tall so it’ll be growing up to basically the glowstone up there and then it’ll chop it all off and then it’ll go down into these uh little

Holes right here so again very very very simple really nothing much to it um it’s a simple but it’s just a huge build and um or maybe it’s complex maybe some of you guys don’t know Redstone and hopefully I’m good at kind of teaching

You all cuz I know it’s kind kind of a a forgotten Concept in Minecraft you know there’s that building aspect to it and then there’s also Creations like this um there’s probably something else that was very similar to this um but I don’t know uh this is my own creation you know what

I mean um and it’s nice I like it I like it a lot so um I’m actually going to need that let me quickly just take this here and I cheaped out guys I’m using water streams they’re a little bit more noisy but the thing is is that even though they’re

Noisy it’s saving me a ton of iron I don’t think you guys realize that so very happy about that so now we have all the water in which is wonderful and then uh we be uh oh wait one second now we have all the water in and now it’s time

To move on to the Redstone portion here um so we’re actually going to open this up right here hopefully it’s not too much of a problem so um it’s actually going to be very similar to the other one there’s the hopper right here I mean

Um what is it uh man guys I forgot how to speak um I believe we’re going to be at this level as well let me quickly uh check just to make sure I give myself the um you know I’m I’m not sure if they act differently vertically um so I

Actually found out that I have myself a redstone torch right over here conveniently put in here I don’t know why it just was we’re also going to take out some Cobblestone while we’re here but I believe we we’ll see how this works so is this yep all right so this

The level that we want to be at and then we’re just going to take all these repeaters right here and since it’s not 16 long there’s really no worries for it um there’s no worries in terms of uh having any other funky placement um it’s all going to be very constant for this

One which is good so um yeah um basically again super similar to the other one nearly identical just four columns this time and um back here we could put down some more of this I did some unnecessary digging underneath here I figured out but it’s no big deal um we

Could somehow utilize that space in the future um but yeah um I’m saying am a lot cuz I’m thinking so uh we’d have this right here and we’d have a row of redstone going from here around here and then down the middle we going to have this and then

Like the other times uh not there cuz there’s no piston there and I put that on a tick that would be annoying I’m going to have to double check to make sure that all ticks are on point um but yeah that’s what it’s going to be um and

Then also I’m probably going to need to put repeaters like around here and yeah then I think we’re good yeah we’re nearly good people um let me just finish this up uh very similar get to the one beneath so I don’t think I need to talk about it any longer um so

Yeah uh let me finish this up and then we’ll start trying to plant some of these things and also find out a pulse system to use all right guys so I believe I have all the wiring correctly hooked up let’s check it out all right I have a feeling this is

It’s going to be very laggy all righty so it looks like that side’s good and this side’s good perfect so now we’re at the next phase of the project so now we have both systems that will be fully functioning however now we need to connect the two

Then also connect it to a pulse signal that will automatically go after a certain period of time now um basically a pulse signal will simulate something I’m not sure what everyone’s Redstone knowledge is so I’m going to try to take this back to a very beginner uh type of teaching you

Know when you press a button uh for instance just like this this is a pulse if I can get a button um there we go button so we can put this butt right here this is a pulse then it stops that’s what we’re looking for but I don’t want to push

This button all the time so there’s a couple options you could do a clock which is some something like um if you have a repeater um something like this where you go like that so the signal when I put it through o I did it wrong I I’ll do it

This way so when I put in a signal for instance it’ll delay it so if I put in this there’s a delay see that delay I’ll do it one more time bang bang so that’s what a clock does and basically it’s a bunch of different repeaters um delaying and then over a

Certain amount of time then it’ll go again and there’s many different versions of clocks that you could do in Minecraft that’s just a basic one but they also cause a substantial amount of lag and that’s the last thing I need so instead I want to do a daylight pulse

Trigger to where we have a daylight sensor and every time it becomes morning there will be a quick pulse that comes out and then it’ll Harvest everything that we have and I think that’s the best solution it’s lag free it’s only going to be laggy for that 1 millisecond

Instead of having a clock and it’ll be laggy forever because with all these Pistons it’s bound to lag a little bit so um I just hope it doesn’t get too out of hand that’s that’s my only worry but I think we’ll be good um but yeah I’m

Quickly going to put some stone brick all around the top right here to make it look good and then after that then um we’ll hook up the Redstone and then we’ll make that pulse signal up on the surface and I connect everything it’s going to be fun we’re nearly done all

Righty guys so now I have the signal all set up which is great so let me just show you quickly what we have and it does fully work I already tested it so no need to test it but essentially everything is hooked up right here here’s the choke point so if

Anything from here basically anything from here all the way up here gets broken the system just stops working so we want to make sure that this is fully secure and everything um which will be kind of kind of tough you know be kind of tough but we’ll try to fence up the

Area light it up make sure that nothing comes in that can destroy it um no absurd creeper um explosions and just stuff like that um so yeah um yeah it’s cool um let me actually quickly make myself a daylight sensor and then we’ll get started right here we’re just going to

Need a little bit of space um not really too much though but yeah let me get started one second all righty so before I finish this sorry I got ahead of myself I already started it a little bit and I caught myself I was like oh crap

Am I supposed to be recording this but yeah so anyways guys here’s the plan we are going to be adding a hopper a daylight sensor which is powering this Hopper I mean not a hopper sticky piston then we’re going to be having this block here

So how is this going to create a pulse you ask so anyways whenever day comes which day is here um well when it’s night time it’s going to be retracted okay so this is giving up power because it’s like a solar panel takes in power exports it out to the Redstone wiring

Through here it’s powering uh the Piston right here because it’s powering the block but it’s not going through but whenever daytime hits there is going to be a split second to where it goes up where the power goes through but the Piston doesn’t go up and in that Split Second that fragment of

Time a pulse will be sent out throughout the entire system which is really cool and um so that’s how it’s going to work it’s all set it’s all set people um we’ll leave this alone we won’t touch it I’m actually going to do not sure if this is going to affect

It at all I don’t see any power going through um yeah this is essentially what I’m doing here I am just just making sure that nothing stupid happens and this still needs to be here but yeah that’s literally all that we need um as long as that’s here then

We are good and also I can invert the signal too but I don’t feel like messing with that cuz it usually screws it up for me but yeah we’re all done um and now all we need to do is just try it out um I’m actually going to be planting

Down all of our crops now and this baby’s going to be put to work I’m EXC excited all righty guys so just for the record we have everything planted however this is still not done I still want to add glass all around here these are what the frames are for I just want

To add glass in it and we have not gotten to that point yet um so I’ll do that off camera so glass is going to go in all of here so nothing can be trampled um so yeah uh that’s the plan and then also if you’ve noticed I’ve added these pups right

Here and this is also not done I’m still going to do some design work off camera but I am burnt out honestly done so much Redstone work today and yeah um I’m just waiting to see whenever this daylight sensor will go off so what we’re going

To do is we’re going to go out of order a little bit we’re going to answer the question then we’re going to come back here and uh by the time that it’s almost daytime I want to see if this works so let’s actually quickly go over here

First I want to make some signs I always forget to do this I have a ton of signs in my base uh from this habit that I have right here making signs right before I do it uh but anyways today’s question is going to be coming from Chen

Brad or Brad Chen and he ask what’s your favorite thing now that could be a lot of things um so I’m going to try to be creative with this question a little bit because it’s a very broad you know um a broad um question I guess you could say

And I messed up right there big time um so what’s your favorite thing um I’m going to interpret this as what is h your favorite thing in Minecraft how about that there’s lots of stuff that is very cool in Minecraft um like for instance you have um you know you have

Redstone for instance you have building you have you know um adventuring all that sort of stuff my favorite thing would have to be multiplayer um that’s my favorite thing about uh Minecraft is the multiplayer aspect that’s what really drew me to the game uh to be able to play multiplayer um I

Got introduced to the game from scen ERS um he had his playthrough and that was awesome that’s so fun to watch what uh drove me to actually start playing the game was me watching vintage beef I believe it was season two of Minecraft and he made this really cool in and I

Thought it would be awesome to you know to play smpp and this is way back in the day and I watched him on um that smpp on Minecraft back in the days and then all of a sudden I learned about Etho and and his single player playthrough man that’s

So good and it’s still going on today one of the probably the most successful single player um playthrough on YouTube and it’s something that everyone needs to look up to and and take notes on um but yeah um I found out about multiplayer through and that drove you

Know drove me to buy the game which is cool so I guess my favorite thing is multiplayer man my favorite thing is multiplayer um really off topic I guess I could tell the story while we’re still waiting for that moon to go down a bit I guess I could tell the

Story of how um or or just go more in depth on on this story um so anyways yeah I found out about vintage beef um started watching him started watching Etho got introduced to the whole Minecraft scene which is really cool and um wanted to join an SMP and um

So I actually played I wanted to play at this point in time I had that Minecraft client that was you know it wasn’t registered so it wasn’t actually the legit version of Minecraft and because I just wanted to play and also I played Alpha online for free cuz that was free

On the Minecraft uh the Minecraft website and um I actually played Alpha for free on those Alpha servers that got griefed all the time and it was actually hysterical that’s by Roots people I actually played Alpha um and it was just very funny um and I used to make builds

Hotels and that’s where I started building and then I’m like you know what I want to play Survival I got that um sketchy CL viant and then I was friends with runic Titan who is on um my you my S&P server that I’m on right now

Afterlife and then uh so anyways um long story short I wanted to play on his uh server but I didn’t have an account and I was subscribed to him at the time and the cool dude that runic was he actually gave me his old account to play on

Called horror Titan so I then started playing with horor Titan on his server that he had it’s like a fan server is really cool as factions and everything and I was playing on that and then finally I have my that KS dude account right now and I gave it back to him and

Now it’s his camera account so there’s a little fun fact for y’all and it worked yes that’s a great story time and a stall I’m happy about that perfect perfect that’s exactly what I wanted all right guys thank you all so much for watching the video it is a

Success and uh if you did enjoy the video be sure to leave a like rating down below and if you didn’t enjoy it leave a dislike I don’t know why you can dislike this I mean that was pretty awesome that was so worth the wait hopefully my story didn’t bore you guys

But yeah um more history with KS maybe I’ll have to do another history lesson whenever we’re trying to stall for daytime to come all right guys take it easy have a good one and I will see you all in the next episode tata for now hey everybody how’s it going in that KS

Welcome back to another episode on my single player survival world in the last episode well we made this we finish it up and there are lots of nice and happy pumpkins besides the trampled ground over here and also some reads back there and I ran into a couple problems um the

Efficiency is not too good uh when it comes to dropping into the water only around 1/4 of our actual um stuff at least 1/4 of the reads it’s actually a lot worse out here I’m around 17th or 1/8th of the our actual Harvest goes into the

Water stream so we’re going to have to improve efficiency here um but not today I’m kind of tired of working on this we’ve worked on this for the like the past three episodes kind of sick of of it and um we’re kind of in between projects now we are going to do

Touch-ups on that again just not right now probably not for a couple of episodes just because we’ve worked there a little too much so today I thought as a nice little miniature product uh project and not really project um but something that we could work on today

That’s not really too work intensive and something that we need to think about too much is we need to beautify this area just a little bit more um there’s too much open ground for me we’re getting to a point where this area is actually starting to look a little bit

More complete I’m not talking here or here we’re not there but I’m talking about this area this whole valley right here um I’m pretty much done uh building around here for a little bit and now I’m going to start expanding standing out this way to uh finish off the valley and

I’ll introduce that project later um but today we want to beautify this make it look nice and developed and make it you know look just like wow he made that like you know he has such an awesome seed um so we may be doing a little bit of path building throughout the episode

Um we’re going to be doing some terraforming we’re also going to have a mechanism uh to light up the field here and I’m also going to be introducing a lighting mechanism some for the pathway as well we want to start getting rid of torches not having to use those as much

So it’s going to be fun and um I cannot wait to get started um so without further Ado uh I’m going to get all my thoughts together get all the resources I need and then we’re going to start here all righty so a good phase one

Project that I was thinking of is to add a fence around this gosh dang wheat field and um yeah it’s been like this for a while I think of fence is going to be good and I don’t know it’ll just make it look a little bit nicer um we don’t

Even need to go in here uh that’s the thing we’re going to have a separate Wheat Farm we don’t really need one right now because the wheat that we harvested from here is that one little test a while ago um we still have that we still have a lot of that actually um

And yeah this is supposed to be wheat right here I got trampled um but yeah uh that’s the plan um so there’s not going to be any more we’re going to have to put in some fences here and um as well as that it also makes it look nice

I didn’t even check this out I just kind of started placing doesn’t look bad doesn’t look bad and then we’ll also need to add some lighting around here too can’t wait until we do that um definitely gives it more of a farmy feel though um so I want

To take this fence all the way probably all the way around um yeah we’ll probably have to have it up here because remember we’re going to have a pathway um I’m thinking about just terraforming this um all the way right here and finding something to do

With this lava here I think this is um one of our main areas of focus here is to at least make this area look super good because we need a pathway and I want to do that today I want to make this pathway going up and around and as

Well as that I think we need to fence it off completely find something to do with the lava and um add some trees and some Greenery as well um so let’s finish up the the fencing and then we’ll start lighting the field uh because I have a

Cool idea I think it was suggested in the comments honestly I’ve had so many comments you guys have been killing it um but I forget who recommended this but I was also thinking about doing it when I made the wheat field in the first place I just never got around to it and

Now since we have the um uh that farm over there we could do it and that probably just gave a huge hint um but yeah uh let’s fence this up and then I will give you our lighting mechanism all righty guys so now we have at least most

Of the F set up I actually ran out of oak wood completely so we’re not completely done here we’re going to have to do some more of that um oak wood harvesting you know how it is people um but yeah we’re actually going to move on to phase two and that’s the lightning

Mechanism like I promised and it’s not fancy lightting mechanism just saying that word mix s really oh we have to kill him we have to kill him looks like that did the job why does he keep teleporting back there that has to be the dumbest Enderman alive I’m guessing the ender pearl burned

Yep oh man wow so it looks like he he’s like no instead of letting him get the kill and getting the ender pearl I’m just going to die in this lava he keeps teleporting back to the lava it’s just like he was teasing me okay enough of that making me mad and

Stuff Mr Enderman we are going to be making scarecrows and I already hinted that big time it’s not a huge deal I want to make him oo Oo there we go I didn’t want to trample any ground right there there we go yeah I didn’t want to trample any ground and basically we’re just going to put this throughout the entire Wheat Field um wherever we feel as if it look good so maybe you know one right out here why

Not um so we could actually put one here and the good part about that um is that I want to be able to jump up and put a jack Lantern on while not trampling any ground so see that works right there so yeah essentially we want to put him throughout the uh entire

Field um it’ll just look a little nice you know and look at this guy already trampled um but yeah um I’m going to just be placing him in random spots you know to make it look cool and so no crows come over trample our ground stuff

Like that you know you know how bad um crows can be no you guys probably don’t because you don’t live in Kansas and you guys don’t own a farm like I do like I totally do dang it all right I’m just going to have to I’m going to have to deal with

Trampling the ground and um I’ll deal with that later no need to worry about it but yeah I’m just going to put these guys up sporadically throughout the field um yeah uh let me finish that and then we will start working on the pathway cuz you know why not we need a

Pathway so all righty so I have my scarecrows up I’m not sure if I’m digging the Cobblestone walls I’ll probably have to switch that out with a uh fences which I’m actually fence deprived right now so that’s not going to happen but later I will uh not bad

Not bad um a little excessive I think I’m not sure how I feel about them you guys will have to let me know in the comment section um I think if we change them to fences we’ll be good but you never know maybe they they still won’t look good and

Maybe not white wool maybe we need to pick a different color of wool I don’t know you guys give me your thoughts in the comments um not sure how I feel about that but it was suggested so I thought why not put it up give it a try

At least um so yeah we need to make a a pathway around here now that’s going to take a little bit of terraforming a little bit of time I was thinking about putting it right up here uh this looks like the good distance for it o man this

Is a super super shovel all right um so we’re going to need to have something like this right here just need to make sure that we have a border and everything and we want to make sure it also goes with the flow if you guys know what I mean

Um and what I mean by that if you don’t know what I mean is that goes with the terrain you know something very nice and simple um so I was thinking something yeah something like this should work um so we’ll have this and we’ll have um a

Couple more blocks dug out right here on this level and then we’re going to want to start going like this uh going a little more diagonally and I know this is just such a good such a good vocab word to be using here very detailed as you can tell um so

We’ll curve it once then we’ll curve the path again right here ooh and it looks like we’ll have to go one more time this is going to be weird we’re going have to go like that and then we’ll be good all right so we’re in the queer so now it’s connected

To our base and I’m having trouble hearing myself with the volume here um I have the volume a little bit more turned up than usual I don’t know why but it is like that we should turn it down just a bit and maybe no it’s at 15 it’s my

Actual computer volume so I just won’t tamper around with it just for recording purposes um but yeah kind of loud for me like you guys care that Okie do so this is how the pathway is going to be lined out at least come to here and then it’ll have like a

Little stair down from this point and then we’ll probably go right here um something like that and then it’ll just keep going for a little bit and then over here is the tough part cuz we have lava so presto presto there we go and then we’ll just cover this up with some

Dirt but yeah that thing has been there forever we’re going to have to we’re going to keep it I already decid that I want to keep the lava um a while ago I don’t know it’s just it was here and it was just one of the reasons why this

Place was was so cool um but we’ll have to try to find a way to make it look good so that’s going to be our challenge here is trying to find a way to make it look good and have some sort of way to still plant plants you know around here

And stuff plant trees without it being burned down so it’s going to be interesting to play with it’s going to be fun so and then yeah I think right around here even though we just placed this dirt I think that we’re going to have to destroy it a little bit um something like

This o and then we’re also going to have to do some digging that’s not fun all righty so um I’m going to continue digging this out though I think uh my commentary is kind of bland right now I’m saying this and that and and lots of um different pronouns but not

Really anything specific not really doing too good with uh the color casting here um but I think I just need to take away a couple weers uh right here which I’m doing right now um but it does need to be three wide and we do want to at

Least have you know a good amount of space here for us to work with so it’s easy on the eyes so we’re going to do something like this here and then I was thinking just have the pathway coming up from here and then whoop just like

That all righty um so I think we’re good right here um I’m going to quickly fill in a pathway U make it look nice make it look easy on your eyes here and I’ll get back to you in one second all right okay guys so I finished the path basically um completely done

Actually I don’t know why I’m saying those words but I completed it but I want to talk about something I just had this idea out of the blue I think I talked about it earlier but Extreme Hills bother me in one way and that’s because there’s so much Stone just on

The surface surface Stone hate it so I’ve actually been doing this I’ve been putting up some dirt just going over it I’ve also been replacing the blocks too like this cuz I think it you know it’s easy to do that way um what do you guys think of that I

Think it’ll look a lot better up here add some trees some Greenery I think it’ll look great and also we could leave some like for instance right here we could do it again we could uh leave some Cliffs open like this for instance and have some Stone that’s not a bad thing

Um my only problem is having a whole Cliff side you know what I mean just being completely Stone and that just kind of bothers me so um yeah we’re changing that right now if you have a problem let me know as always um I always read all your comments always try

To reply to them as well unless I’m unable to there are some people where I think your accounts are too young to let me um reply or something I don’t know um I don’t I don’t know how that all works honestly um but yeah uh basically use of

All my dirt um and then for some instances I also uh just erase the the stone completely and then I just replace it with dirt um but yeah it’s actually nearly done um I want to finish this up then after that I want to start um you

Know lighting up the place a little bit more not really lighting up but Greening up the place and then maybe start our light pattern uh for the pathways um and I’m probably just going to show a picture of it later on I’m not actually going to start it because it is a little

Bit more expensive um and you’ll see why you’ll see why not really too expensive but it’s just I don’t have the resources at the time and I don’t have the time um to go get them so uh yeah let me quickly finish this up and then we’ll move on to

Our next phase uh project beautify ks’s world all righty so the Hill’s all done what do y’all think I think it’s cool I think it’s cool um yeah I like it it looks a lot better in my opinion now would just need some like some trees up

There and everything it would look epic um no offense to the Enchanted Forest I love it but the thing is that it’s just kind of you know out of the blue it’s just the force is there but it’s nowhere else I want the force to kind of extend

It into here but this won’t be enchanted that’ll be the enchanted area and I’m going to be adding some cool stuff there in the future to make it like you know stand out from everything else but I do want to start adding trees all around this area I don’t have too much bone

Meal so I’m not going to be able to uh do the most just yet I need to go over to my mob grinder and I have a problem with that because there’s a ton of wither skeletons and a ton of blazes in the Nether and I only have four arrows

So that’s going to be interesting I’ll actually do that on camera uh but right now I’m just going to plant some trees where I think they’d look good and yeah I’ll get back to you guys one second all right so I have all the saplings where I

Wanted to plant them so I just kind of made a little ring around this area didn’t really go too far back this way this is probably something I’ll have to do off camera is to beautify up to the windmill as well but yeah essentially I’m just just going to go around and

Bone meal as much as I can here Qui just quickly we’ll see if we get anything cool it’s just normal trees right now if it’s a if it’s a bad tree which we haven’t gotten yet um we’ll just take it down but it looks like everything’s

Actually good here ooh this is okay it’s not in the pathway so I don’t actually mind it too much um but for the sake of just keeping this nice and concise here’s my plan so I’m going to be doing this everywhere um just because I don’t

Have the time today I’m not going to um but here’s what we want to do so basically we’ll um get the trees up and everything then after that we’ll start putting down some grass then on top of that we’ll also be mixing in like you know like a sunflower or something which

It’s facing that way so maybe over there would be a nice location for sunflower maybe one more right here and then we could switch over and put in the rose bush maybe right in there then a white tulip in a couple of places you know just making the place look nice um

And then on top of all that we don’t really need a oh I love these flowers probably put like one right there and then um maybe a Vine growing you know H where’s a good place for a Vine there’s really no low tree maybe one right there who knows and then you

Know after a while yeah let’s say that we’re basically done maybe we could add some Too Tall Grass as well maybe some can be too tall um but essentially that’s what I want to do um to the entire area I don’t have enough bone meal though which is the problem so um

The plan is I’m actually going to run into The Nether and try to cross you guys will see when I get in though it’s actually pretty crazy uh so we’re trying to make it to our hot air balloon I only have four arrows we quickly need to put some stuff

Away them um yeah essentially I want to get this whole area too uh making that all nice and spruced up just so you know you know people will be impressed you know what I mean it’ll just make everything look better um too much wide open space we need everything to start

You know tying in together just a little bit better um so I’ll just quickly throw in all of this stuff just cuz I can um and I think that’ll allow me plenty of room um in order to get the bone meal needed um so Cobblestone will go in here

Uh because all this is full up here um dirt we will put you right there and then we’ll put good old andesite right there diorite oh good old diorite the best block in the game and then gravel and I think we’ll be good I I don’t want to put anything else away

Let’s just go for it let’s just go so we’re just going to try to get some bones cuz we’re completely add at my base you guys will just have to trust me this I used up all my bones to make this bone meal here um so there are a ton of

Wither skeletons out there and creepy noise right does it say wither skeletons my world can understand me okay there were a ton of creepy yep right there and what I’m worried about is a blaze those guys are not fun oh you scared the crap out of me

Buddy come on see they’re they’re so just cheap all right going have to fight our way through three wither skeletons let’s go let’s go let’s dance let’s dance let’s eat let’s eat and do I have a Wither Skull I don’t know okay a third guy is over here come on Wither Skull

Wither Skull me dang it all right we made it we made it I thought it was going to be more scary than that dang that Blaze to my right scared the crap out of me didn’t even know he was here but no weer school I really need a

Looting book I’m gonna have to spend some more quality time here to make myself a looting book um and I’m probably going to have to get that from staying right here just afking for a while um but yeah okay here we go bone score look at that my organized

Chest and we’ll get some more right here and ooh lots of Bones see that that’s a good thing about this now I do have a problem here um it’s not AFK just yet um we’re good up there don’t worry there’s no mobs spawning up there

Maybe some on the very tip top of the balloon but we’re good in that regard the one worry that I have is baby zombies they could actually fit here so I’m going to have to put some half slabs and I’ll have to hit them underneath

There but that was my only my only thing just need to put some half slabs there nothing too big all right guys so I’m going to go back I am going to try to you know make this place look just nice and green um and then I’ll also introduce like

What I’m going to be doing for hidden lighting and stuff like that one of my favorite tricks in the book so all right um I’m actually going to get right on back and I’ll let you guys know hey I will let you guys know if uh anything interesting happens but most likely not

Cuz we’re just um Landscaping all righty guys so you’re going to be pretty impressed I’m not going to lie this looks really great you guys ready you can’t see anything because there’s all this green and I love it this is wonderful people this is one of my favorite parts

Of of um what we’ve made here so far right here this pathway it’s so cool cuz this tree kind of goes like right over the edge here goes right over it I love it and it also despawn some leaves for some reason I don’t know why but I love

This pathway right here that we made today incredible and it looks cool from this way too from the wheat field and stuff dang I want to take a screenshot looks incredible um again I’m kind of sketch on the um the pumpkin people right here can’t even call them

Scarecrows but I’m kind of sketched out on them uh no need to worry too much about it but I think we’re good for an episode um I’m going to plant some more exotic flowers and stuff in here not too much I kind of went a little overboard

There but you guys get my point um every now and then put down a really cool flower and such um yeah um we’re going to end off the episode pretty shortly um we’re actually going to be answering a question um but first off look at all these signs okay

So to stop my whole sign problem that I brought up at the end of last episode we’re just going to keep a chest full of signs at the enchanted Force because it’s kind of ridiculous um how often I’m making Signs Now not that way see this

Is kind of confusing with all my exits in my base now um but yeah super duper duper cool and also goodness gracious all these saplings over there um yeah I think it Blends into the Enchanted Forest well kind of see that um so it doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb

Anymore which is cool and the enchanted force is Awesome by the way but yeah uh time to find a tree to put this on ooh man I think we need to make ourselves a new tree Hold Up Wait we I started going to this side though

Yeah we’ll put it right here so today’s comment is um wait what is it um s SOC frenzy that’s his name and his comment was from episode 11 and he ask I’m starting a survival world too any tips and I thought this would be a good question to answer um because people I

Don’t know um I think it’s good to talk about Minecraft the game a little bit in this question um just because you know it’s an endless game um what I love about this game is that no one can tell you how to play it um so that’s my

Answer um I can’t tell you how to play your world you know um my tip to you is to just express your creativity and have fun doing what you love to do that’s basically it uh you know just have fun playing the game that you love to play um whenever you’re starting your

Survival world I mean I don’t need to tell you what to do I mean there’s always a certain stereotype of what people need to do I need to make shelter on the first day did I do that sort of I just kind of dug into a whole went down

Went caving because that’s what I want to do some people want to make a house right off the bat and still of stone tools that’s cool and all I need my diamonds you know what I mean or at least iron for my first couple of days

Um but what I’m saying is that when you start out just um have an open mind and be as creative as possible just just do what you love about the game um and that’s my answer to that so love love from KS over here you know being all

Philosophical over a game and um it’s a fun game it’s a fun game and um it’s always fun uh doing what you love to do on it and that’s what I’m doing here on this channel I love recording Minecraft sharing it with you guys and yeah that’s

What I’m doing uh that’s what makes the game enjoyable for me all right guys well I’m going to end off the episode right here thank you all so much for watching if you did enjoy the video be sure to leave a like rating down below and yeah thanks for watching in the next

Episode we’re going to do something over there it’s going to be fun all right guys take care and have a good one peace out hey everybody how’s it going it’s that KS dude welcome back to another episode on my single player survival world in the last episode well we

Beautified our area and we’re leaving off like right where we left off I haven’t actually gotten to play a lot um so it looks the same you guys had some wonderful suggestions about these guys over here these little scarecrows I guess you could say um glowing pumpkins

Um man you guys are awesome with that because this looks pretty pitiful doesn’t look the best and um we’re definitely going to have to work with that near the end of the episode um but to start off the episode I actually want to show you guys something so we

Have had lots of projects recently that have been kind of painful in my pockets uh coal we’re good iron not so good we’re only at five Stacks there Redstone we’re pretty good and diamonds and everything I don’t know we need to go caving and we haven’t

Done this since a while ago but from popular requests not really popular requests um I thought we did some caving highlights to begin the video just because we haven’t done it in a while and why not so let me take you on my journey and uh let’s get started ooh

Emeralds look at that wasn’t expecting to find any of these here I guess we’re in um yeah Extreme Hills that’s cool and I I also hear lav whoa was not expecting this to be lava level is this no this is 14 so this is above lava level we could still find

Some diamonds in here possibly it’s not looking like it though but yeah uh we found this right here um I just started honestly haven’t really gotten too good of a start um just in that phase of where I’m organizing my inventory to keep it nice and squeaky Queen haven’t

Found any iron that’s my main concern and we have not found that so kind of disappointed there but not really too big of a deal it’s just you know it’s just iron and we could always get it um but yeah um I’m just trying to M shaft

Out try to find uh just trying to find a good cave honestly and uh whenever I get there I’ll get there but in the meantime guys just stay put and we’ll be there momentarily hey iron finally it took me long enough look at this there we go we have some iron which is

Wonderful oh wasn’t even expecting I get the iron right here Diamond’s right down here that’s pretty nifty look at that it’s so Nifty it’s making me use the word Nifty I never use that word that’s what Lamer says all righty looks like we have ourselves some diamonds wasn’t even

Expecting that uh let me try to organize my inventory a little bit more this is kind of embarrassing people um probably going to want that over here um let’s get rid of a little bit of this stuff yeah we should be good right there all right let’s continue on

Hopefully we find a cave and look at this we’re just getting all resources here it might not even matter if we find a cave we’re getting a good amount of stuff but a cave would be nice so are you kidding me I’m finding all these diamonds and all this iron but no caves

No Caves at all let’s see how many is here so one two three four five okay cool five vein let’s just check Corner veins just in case you never know and O I thought I had some more up there but I didn’t all right let’s continue on and

In total we have 13 diamonds goodness gracious all right let’s continue on oh no no way we found ourselves an abandoned M shaft that’s is sweet this is the first one on this on this uh World here and man I’m almost out of torches all right

So that’s our first cave that we ran into and bye golly I know I sound so old oh man we found ourselves an abandoned Min shaft uh that’s sweet um so I’m going to explore this thing very excited and I believe there’s some guy right in here oh he’s about to come in

Here all righty but yeah um let me get equipped right here let’s see if we find anything cool I’m excited I just hope we don’t die these things are kind of dangerous ooh did not not mean to do that I guess I do have fortune on this

WOW three diamonds from that not bad didn’t mean to do that but dang I’ll I’ll take the uh three emeralds I meant to say emeralds not diamonds just realize that sometimes I do that sometimes I swap words within my brain I don’t know why I know that I’m not the

Only one person who does it though o not silverfish block so okay I think we’re in the all clear I’m so scared of these places you don’t know how many times in my life I’ve been attacked by cave spiders and those guys are probably the creepiest

Mob in the game to me just cuz they’re so man I don’t even know how to explain it just the noises of the spider and how fast they are and how little they are they just scare the crap out of me and how they could poison you yeah dude

Those are by far my biggest fear in Minecraft the cave spider this things give me the chills give me the chills oh man I’m going to get lost in here whoa whoa going away man this place is way too big oh no hate these guys dang it ah and I’m poisoned

Yay gosh dang it hate these guys see what I mean man I saw that guy coming out of the corner of my eye dang okay so I found my first chest and coal and pumpkin seeds which we don’t need at least anymore all righty what’s over here not bad efficiency two efficiency 4

Books my goodness I’ll take that that is a really good find um we have some lapis some iron I’m good without that um man that’s nice dang yeah that’s probably one of the nicest things that I’ve ever gotten um from one of these uh what are these um

Abandoned M shafts that’s awesome all righty um well I think we’re all good here for caving highights I think we have plenty of resources a little bit more iron I guess um but also we are just kind of short on space in the inventory here but not too bad let’s go

Back let’s Fortune this up and now let’s actually start this episode all righty guys so now we have all of our resources in and as you can see we have a little bit more of stuff by the way we have 64 diamonds plus 19 and also 30 emeralds

Now which is pretty cool and uh I say we’re doing pretty good in resources now um just a little boost we’re going to have to do some more off camera though um but I did want to include just a little bit of caving highights just because you know it’s cool to do that

And now I want to introduce our project today I kind of teased it pointing to that area over there and we’re actually going to be taking ourselves back to the good old days of Minecraft um whenever I’d watch a playthrough I’m waiting to sleep so then we could get started but

Whenever I’d watch a playthrough there would be one thing that everyone would make and that’s a tree farm we’re getting to the point to where we don’t want to want to like chop down these trees around here because we want them to stay here because they’re more for

Aesthetics uh not I’m not looking at them as resources anymore at least over here over there I could still chop those down but essentially I’m going to need a place to where I need lots of wood and um and where I could get lots of wood

And where I could Harvest it and over there you know the forest is cool and all but I think we should make our own Farm uh just thinking into the future I think that’s what we should do and um basically I want to have a farm for

Every single type of wood from regular to Oak well Oak is regular from Oak to Birch to dark oak to um Acacia basically every single type and we’re going to have rows individually for each type of wood which is awesome and I think it

Would be cool to have for us just and um I don’t know I’ve always liked the looks of it just rows of trees so that’s what we’re going to be doing today um and I’m very excited about it so um it’s going to be out in this area and

I actually did flatten it out a bit I still need to do some more flattening out over here but I think we could get a good start on it I’m not expecting to finish it today but I think getting a good start is all we really need because

It’s a very repetitive project if I do say so myself so um first off I really do want to make the plots for this and we’re actually going to need some wood ironically we still have a little bit of force back over here that I did not chop

Down so I guess we could do that quickly and then yeah by the way um we’re gonna have to find a way to camouflage that a bit and I have a couple of ideas I have a couple of ideas um but for now we’re not going to worry about that man that

Project was huge people I’m tired of working with it I’m tired of working with that farm it’s ridiculous um yeah let’s quickly make ourselves a crafting table and um I want to use smooth stone slabs uh those are always really cool with tree farms that’s just always how I’ve seen it

In the past so that’s what I’m going to be doing um this is kind of nostalgic for me and I’ve never actually made one so what I’m thinking is just having a huge row of Oak going down one side so I’m thinking maybe around here we want a

Certain block length so let’s probably try to get it um so let’s start I guess why not right here so one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 all right 24 is pretty healthy

And then um it’ll be a length of 22 trees total which is a hefty amount actually you’re going to get over a stack of oak wood for that um whenever um it goes so it’s going to be like this this is what I’m rooting for and uh we’ll basically take this

Line going down all the way and um wait no no no I’m doing this wrong I’m doing this wrong hold up hold your horses so um I actually want it to be elevated a bit too so I’m just using these as markers here we’re actually not

Going to want to use this we’re going to want to use the stairs right here that we have to go around so we’re actually going to do this then bang just like that then we’re going to be going down then dirt will be in the middle going all the way down so where

Is my crafting table ooh lag Spike I’m sorry about that by the way um before I forget I actually want to introduce you guys to Bandy cam um I’ve been talking about how I’ve had troubles recording and yada yada yada not really that important um I’ve been having troubles

With frame rate lots of you guys have seen it and I’ve tried you know accommodate it as much as possible tried updating uh drivers and stuff tried updating Java um updated yeah my my graphics card driver and everything and um I did get to the point where I updated the graphics card driver

But I’m not taking another chance with it just yet so this is Bandy cam I’m not sure if it’s completely uh different than what you guys want not sure um but I think it’s good I don’t know um if you guys have any problems with it let me know but I

Think it’s just as good it’s also a little bit more light on on the frames here and I’ve also been told to purchase action um but as long as Bandy Cam’s working fine I don’t really think I need to switch to action even though I’ve heard nothing but good reviews about it

From multiple sources so um but yeah if you guys have any problems with the quality or anything like that let me know um because I don’t want to be upsetting people um with quality and I know that usually shouldn’t be a problem but you know sometimes it just is so um

But yeah uh tell me what you guys think so over here is going to be the oak row and there we go and then in the middle we are going to have a pathway around three ooh dang we’re kind of close our Farm’s right down there by the

Way um wow we’re going to have a three wide pathway just like this in the middle and then all right just nice and wide open and then we’ll have ourselves some smooth and slabs just going across just like that and maybe something in the middle um I’m thinking about yeah these

Being on the edge and then maybe something in the middle to Accent this a little bit maybe we could Stager a little pattern maybe with a cobblestone then uh stone brick I don’t know something like that um but we’ll think about that later so anyways then we’re

Going to have our next row over here and then this is going to be a different type of wood and I’m probably going to go um Oak uh Birch then um Spruce um the AAA I’m not sure um so let’s just mark this out quickly so we’re going to be doing that

Okay what did I just see I swear I was just hallucina I thought I saw a chicken flying there but maybe it was just the um I have no idea what I just saw people I just hallucinated like crazy all right so we’re going to have um Oak Birch

Spruce and then Acacia whenever we get the chance and then after that um man then it’s just dark oak and jungle right I’m not crazy right just dark oak and jungle there’s no other type of wood I’m forgetting something um all right let’s think Oak Birch spruce

Acacia and then dark oak and jungle and I’m going to be doing something different for the dark oak and jungle because they’re different types of trees um and I think to fully be capable of harvesting the the um the dark oak and the jungle we’re actually going to have

Four wide plots so it’s actually going to be completely different and it’s actually going to be pretty cool to make in my opinion um so just to give you a little run down this is what we’re going to do so there here’s a 3 wi path and then over here is

Actually going to be four wide well one second you’ll see yep just like that and then like that and then essentially we’re doing this down all the way so um I’m not sure if we should have one in between or three I think for efficiency we’re just going to have one

In between two two three 4 and come over 2 three 4 and three four I think that’ll be healthy and then we’ll just have another row right here and then we’re good so that’s how the Farm’s going to look um it’s going to look weird near the end

Here but I think overall it’s going to be cool to see in the future and to have this Farm here and then I was also thinking about gaing it off as well and then for this area over here I don’t know I was thinking about maybe doing

This in the next episode or or some episode in the near future um maybe making like some sort of Shack here very decorative though um but just some more decorations to you know just finish off this farming area something Farm oriented or related to farming um so

Yeah that’s the plan at least um I’m going to actually get started on this do lots more work here um but hopefully that gives you just you know the rundown of what’s going to be happening here I’m super stoked for what this is going to

Turn out to be um so yeah let me do a little bit more work if I have any uh questions well not questions but any comments about um anything I’m doing here any more information you guys may want to know I’ll let you in okay all

Right see you soon all righty guys so we definitely have a good start on this right now and let me just show you what we have so we have all the stone brick stairs finally in place that took forever to cook up all that and by

Forever I mean like just 10 minutes not too long um um and then now I need to be adding in dirt to every single slot right here uh for trees to grow on and then as well as that I also need to continue the uh path design that I’m

Going to be using for this area just for this tree farm it’s very simple just um alternating with um smooth uh polished andesite and Cobblestone so it’s very resource light as well which is great about this design and uh yeah uh just alternation so very simple yet it is

Good and it blends and it’s it’s a blend of different colors as you can see so um I like it um I’m going to continue this um going forward and as well as that we may also just introduce the lighting mechanism to this and then that’s about

It um we’re going to have no time to uh fix the scarecrows um on the video today just because I want to focus a little bit more on this I’m kind of in a zone I’m just grinding away um but yeah uh I’ll probably have to do that off camera and

I’ll just show it to you you guys it’s not that big of a deal um yeah I’ll show you one of you guys suggested something really cool and I’m going to be doing that so Okie do uh let me just keep grinding away here though and uh yeah

I’ll get back to you one second all righty guys so now we have all the blocks placed which is awesome man I’m so happy I finally got this done so now I’m actually going to be adding in lighting which is exciting people very very exciting not

Really uh so anyways I’m just going to sample this for you people just give you guys a free sample nothing too big nothing too big to worry about I’m just going to be adding Jacko lanterns every two blocks so this is how it’s going to be looking and uh yeah uh pretty simple

Um so we’ll go every two so it’ll be right there and right there and right there and so on and so forth so yeah um that’s what it’s looking like and we’ll have to compromise somewhere cuz we want it to end up here so I’ll probably

Figure out a pattern in the middle here I’m still deciding on what to do because honestly there’s a sort of a problem here when it comes to Counting I should have done the dimensions differently but hey I’m this far now um I don’t really want to change anything um but yeah

Essentially that’s the plan maybe we’ll go in h we should figure this out right now so we’ll go in two from here and then one second let’s put down some cobblestone where Cobblestone needs to go and then we’ll put down this um not that polish and aight where polish and

Aight needs to go and then so maybe we’ll have two there then maybe three between these so then we’ll do three like that and then two between those and what are we stuck with one two 3 four five six ooh that’s tough um wait one two three four five

Six yeah so we’ll probably have to do that all right and then I guess that’ll work we’ll just have to work with this right here um so yeah so it’s even at least that’s that’s what we want as long as it’s symmetric I’m fine with it and

Uh but yeah that’s what it is and it’s going to be like this on all different ends so no need to worry about that but yeah and then as well as that and I’m also thinking about like putting carpet on top of that let me know what you guys

Think I think the Jack laners it’s fine with Jack laners there um over here we want to actually go up eight blocks so 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 and we’re actually going to take out some glass here and we’re going to run it down this way the

Reason why we’re doing this is because we don’t want the trees to grow Too Tall at least for these plots right here um because it gets all messy and you don’t want it to get messy um so yeah uh we’re actually going to be taking this glass

And we’re going to be doing this all the way down for the long rows we’re not going to be doing it for the jungle trees SL dark oak trees just because those are going to need a little bit more um space to grow you know what I mean so we actually

Won’t need this for those um but for these Oaks and um other types of trees we’ll just need this just as a precaution and um yeah um you can’t barely even tell that it’s there it’s just there and um yeah not too big of a

Deal yeah and then and I guess we could start placing down Oak saplings here cuz this is completely done so uh yeah no gigantic trees will grow because there’s an eight uh block Gap and um if I did have bone meal I’d do it for you for an

Example um but yeah guys we’re actually going to end off the episode right here um I have really nothing else I want to share with you guys today um I’ve been on for nearly an hour and a half so uh plenty of time spent here I’ll probably put a path connecting

This in somehow and probably path winding around that way um not too sure um and then as well as that I’m also going to be fixing the scarecrows in the field there um there is no comment of the day today but stay tuned for next episode I’m definitely going to be doing

That there um but I do want to leave you guys off um you know just with a warm goodbye I’m wishing you all a Happy week I know it’s Monday right now so keep grinding through the days people and uh yeah um hopefully the rest of your week

Goes well all right take care have a good one if you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a like rating as that really helps me out a lot all right guys without further Ado it is that KS dude and I will see you all in the next

Episode take care hey how’s it going guys it’s that KS dud welcome back to another episode on my single player Survival series it is episode 25 and I did not click in unison there but dang guys episode 25 that’s incredible um 1 14 of 100 uh pretty cool

Pretty cool and it’s been a fun ride I have to say that much and again thank you all so much for your amazing support on this series if without your support I probably still wouldn’t be here you guys are what make this series so much fun to

Talk to you guys see what you guys think about what I do on here um it’s just great um off camera just finish up the uh Tree Farm over here and uh we did pretty well pretty well over here uh we have our regular Oak our Birch and whoa

Lag Spike and then also our Spruce over there and then dark oak and it is the circle those are my only four saplings there and I tried to farm for more saplings but I keep getting four I don’t know what’s up so I’m going to have to

Probably go to our do our dark oak forest over not too far from here and I’m probably going to have to get myself a good amount of sapling so then we can fill it up we just need 12 uh so not a big deal and then it’ll be self-

Sustaining for from there uh but yeah guys before we get into today’s episode I just want to give out a friendly reminder and also um just a little update regarding this episode 20 I told you guys about this building competition I want to have and we’re going to be

Doing it on the World download that I provide in the links um in the description of all my videos um but essentially I want you guys to send in a build anywhere on my world here um that hasn’t been taken up already so like for

Instance if you have a build and my tree farm area well then sorry we can’t do that anymore um but what you guys need to do is just tweet me a picture of it um you can send me a picture via emails um you could what is it uh share

Me a video of you um creating a build somewhere on my world downloader anything like that and essentially by episode 30 I will pick a winner and that winner I will actually make your build on my world name it after your Channel which is pretty awesome I I think it’s a

Cool idea um people seem very interested in it but no one has really submitted anything yet so I’m guessing that people just kind of forgot um so yeah that’s just a friendly reminder and to all of those who didn’t know and are new to this channel um yeah that’s going on

Right now and you have until episode 29 or until the you know yeah till episode 29 once episode 29’s released it’s probably um not wise to get started unless you really want a last minute build um but from there usually I pre-record one episode um but yeah guys um just a

Little friendly reminder there and at the same time just testing to see if you guys are interested in doing so and leave me a comment down below if you are interested in doing so just so I get an idea of the level of interest because there if there isn’t any like interest

Or anything or if everyone all of a sudden just didn’t want to do it um then it’s all good then I could try to figure out another way to implement your builds into my world in some sort of other way but anyways guys today um oh I want to

Give you guys a good view one second let’s do some Parkour here quickly whenever I start getting off on a tangent whenever I just start rambling and talking I always jump on trees uh one one guy NOS that man I made this jump earlier because I was scouting

Out the area here all right we got this uh parkour 101 from KS always look up whenever you’re jumping and that did not work um but trust me that does work you just have to oh man that was terrible let’s see if we can get this jump I

Really want to do this MLG oh we got it there we go all righty so I want to have a pathway you see how this splits off here it’s going to go around like that and I want it to go all the way around and meet up with our pathway there if

You know what I mean so I want to do that and at the same time I want a pathway curving out that way around the tree farm so in here we we have a couple of options there’s this little plot of land that’s going to be here which I

Want to build something on then there’s this over here and I want to work with this today cuz this looks ugly we have this Cobblestone just Cobblestone everywhere and it’s over our little um uh trigger mechanism our pulse mechanism for our Redstone Farm down there our um

What is it our automatic farm and uh so anyways I want a clever way to cover this up and at the same time um make the make it look good you know what I mean so I’m thinking I’m just having total Aesthetics today I want to create like a

Little farm over here with a little Hut over that with still still with daylight above the daylight sensor and I’ll find a way to make that look good and then at the same time I’ll also have like a little backyard with like some reads and stuff so like this person was like a

Farmer and had like his own little Plantation I guess you could say with like reads and stuff and then uh yeah just make this area look really cool add some builds there um up here um I have many different options for what I want to build here um but still unsure of

What exactly I want to do so if you guys have any ideas for what to put up here if you want to participate in the building competition I highly suggest build something right here show me um because I am looking to build something epic here maybe a tower of some sort I

Don’t know I think that would be cool uh yeah guys send me your builds again or or just give me an idea if you don’t want to build it um but yeah uh without further Ado I want to get started on that just give me a second to prepare

And everything and I will get right back to it all righty guys so I think it is about time to get started on this here so to start off this build I’m actually going to want to terraform the area a bit um to around this level I think

That’ll look good I just want to blend this up here a little bit a little better because it doesn’t even look that good right now so maybe something like this just coming around and I remember remember I actually harvested dirt from this area so there may be some very

Shallow Cobble oh well not Cobble smooth Stone coming up here uh which is cool not really that’s that’s a really unnecessary thing I needed to tell you but I felt the need to for some reason honestly I don’t know am I the only one who does that just tell like tell like

The most random things just cuz your mind’s thinking it so you’re just like okay I’ll just say it maybe I’m not the only one gosh dang guy get out of my way all righty and I think that this is a good level right here and we’re going to

Have to fix this around here as well yeah guys this is one of the final touches here in this Farms area um yeah and and it’s just all aesthetic really I have really nothing else I plan on putting here um I am going to be putting

In an auto wheat carrot and potato farm I think that’s something I’ll do in a live stream um and I plan on putting it in that Hill underneath the uh Windmill and have like an automatic um Hopper system like going up with an item elevator going into the windmill to act

As sort of a CEO um reasoning why I won’t be really doing a video on that those because I already did basically the same thing without the um the item elevator on a single on my uh multiplayer series on afterlife SMP server um so that’s why I just don’t

Want to like duplicate different projects and such on on both because I want to keep both series unique and the stuff that we do unique in each series um so that’s the only Reon why it’s not really a huge deal and I and I think you guys really wouldn’t mind too much um

But I may film the CEO because that’s something that I haven’t done on camera um again one of those unnecessary things I really didn’t need to tell you um but yeah that’s basically the last thing that I really want to do regarding farms in this area so yeah um I’m

Excited as you can tell I’m very excited with how this series is going I’m very excited with what I want to do with this world and how we’re going to be moving on to a new project soon which is going to be very sweet I can’t wait um the new

Project is going to be longterm it’s a whole new area oh man if you guys want to you could guess down in the comments as well I know I’m telling you guys to comment about everything today but if you guys leave duplicate comments that’s

Cool um but yeah uh tell me uh what you think um our next Project’s going to be uh that’s going to be so fun I can’t wait um I’m super stoked for it and uh definitely something a little bit different than normal um definitely different than anything that I’ve done

On the series so far how about that and I think that’s a good enough of a hint so um yeah yeah too stoked too stoked all righty let’s get this going up here and then we’ll fill that in later we don’t really need to worry about it

Right now all right so I think we’re basically good here let’s add this uh third row here just in case and we have plenty of dirt all the dirt we need basically ooh and there we go Bango all right I said Bango that’s like a new

Word for me I just created a new word to go into the dictionary all right so I do have some materials as you can see um I’m going to be sticking to Oak Wood and Birchwood uh reasoning for that is because we used well we use Birch and

Dark oak and I don’t feel like using dark oak here so maybe we’ll use some Birch just like this and uh we’ll go like this this is one of my uh first builds in Minecraft it’s not my very first one but when I played on

Console back on the Xbox 360 I made a house just like this um and I think this will be interesting to see how this turns out so it had a birch here and then it had oak wood planks and it was like right on the inside just like

This and maybe this might look good um yeah that’s the plan let’s take a look see how it looks right here I’m probably going to have to this is just like a rough draft again I’m probably going to have to add more detail to this build yeah I could already see what I

Could do to make it look better 1 two 3 four five six 7 eight so it’s going to be two Wide Doors all righty or I could uh go for a more abstract look like maybe door right here and that could work yep I could definitely do that then

Add um a window just like this oo I like that see guys I I could be creative sometimes you guys may not know that but I could be one creative dude sometimes I’m not just a CHS dude I’m I’m that creative dude so uh let’s light up this area cuz this guy spawned

I don’t know how he spawned so close to me look at that Thorn’s going to work on him oh I do not have any arrows let’s quickly kill him what did he have feather falling too that’s not too bad swear just heard another one all right um we have to be careful

You know we’re going to sleep I do not want to risk blowing up this Redstone and having to redo it so I’m actually going to sleep quickly uh hopefully it’s not too big of a deal for you guys but I’m going to sleep and we’re going to continue on the build

Don’t want to waste any more time all righty guys so I’m back sorry I I kind of got carried away kind of forgot I was recording and just started building a little bit not too much I just basically finished the outside of this no biggie no biggie at all so anyways

What I wanted to do next was first off make a crafting bench CU we need to do that and then we’ll start adding a little bit more detail to this um we’re going to make the roof and then we’ll focus more um later on the um the

Outside see what we could do to improve the build um so anyways this is what I was thinking about doing uh we’ go up here and uh let’s go out one more and I want to show you guys how magical no that not that kind of magic come on all

Righty so we’re going to go like that bang bang and then like this going around I thought this is cool going around the different uh posts right here these little Birch posts so essentially we could just do this here no need to to make life hard on ourselves right

And then we’ll just go around just like that and essentially do that all the way around the edge so then I think it would look nice uh let’s see what it looks like right here I think that’s a healthy level um okay perfect so I’m actually

Going to continue that pattern I like it enough to continue it and uh we’re going to go like that I think 21 is good for now we’re actually going to continue around the edge of this house see what it looks like so we’re going to go

O I like this definitely like this there we go and then just pull it up front right here all right not too bad um I like that we’re actually using uh Birchwood um something that’s not used as much as it should be in my opinion at least um in

Minecraft not really neglected uh Birchwood planks are used quite often but not really the Birchwood I don’t see that in as many builds as it used to be um in the good old days of Minecraft all righty so we just need to couple more I’m thinking

Okay no it’s going to be 12 I’m feeling 12 if it’s 16 or something over 12 I’m going to be sad but I have a feeling I only need to make 12 so I might be terribly oh no no guys I was smart look at that I’m not wasting any Cobble here

Even though I have a second level I’m not wasting any Cobble not at all man I’m terrible place in blocks though but yeah 12 looked like the magic number there are at least 10 so we have the first level done and then we’re just going to go up one more

Level from there um but at the same time we’re also going to be making ourselves a fireplace oh man that creepy noise Man O spooky fireplace all right um but yeah uh we’re actually just going to be making it a more of a cosmetic um fireplace so the four y that

We want is right here so we wanted to go up around o no no no no I just depowered the the thing for a second um but yeah uh this is what it’s going to be looking like and then we just have um slabs right there and then it’s just

Going to be regular stairs um in this area here so I could actually place down a couple of torches in here to ensure that spiders won’t spawn and I don’t know what I’m think thinking people I’m placing the wrong everything today just everything’s wrong all righty so we’ll

Do this we’ll come around like here perfect I’m liking the looks of this and then kabang um we’re going to have to have this go up like around two more I’m thinking or maybe just one more that’ll probably do and then we’re going to need again some half slabs in here and then

Half slabs up there so it’s just a matter of making half slabs now and we’re probably going to need 12 that’s it then we’re all good we’re all set people and I think it’s I think it’s good and at least for the roof we’re all set um not too sure about everything

Else just yet but I want to take a look to see how this looks with the um the chimney um so we’ll take a look from right here not too bad it looks kind of awkward I’m not going to lie it does kind of look awkward um I have some ideas

Though maybe we can make it bricks that was another idea make a brick chimney and how much are we going to need because I don’t want to waste any of these so 1 two 3 four five six 7 8 9 10 11 okay so we can make 12 basically 12

Bricks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Bingo and uh we’ll see if that works if not we could always use it um in our base if we expand it um but yeah um I think and don’t quote me on this I think we’ll be good with the

Bricks oh no please don’t drop down please don’t drop down no gosh dang it no no no no no no no no no no okay not bad I thought it was going to be terrible I thought I’d had have to rip through all the Redstone and stuff but nope no

Biggie um that doesn’t actually look too bad hold up let’s see it the brick doesn’t look too bad it just kind of awkwardly juts out at that one area yeah like right there um just awkwardly kind of juts out but it wouldn’t be bad if it wasn’t

So awkward there so what I’m thinking we should do H you know I say we leave it honestly it’s not that huge of a deal it’s just like I’m kind of because the thing is L da da I’m running around oh look bricks cool I don’t really think of it too much

I don’t know I don’t know about you guys it’s really not bothering me that much I mean sure it looks sort of funky but I mean it’s not too bad um by the way I’m thinking about putting this up to right right here some funky terraforming I

Know right um I think it’s not that big of a deal um right here as well putting all of this in yeah that’s not too bad all right and I’m kind of doing things a little bit different here I’m kind of breaking some Minecraft rules but I want

This area to look a little bit more like we developed the land so like with the two the two wide and everything that’s not that big of a deal to me um put this in which means we could bring this out all right all right I like it we can

Work with this we can work with this fa show oh man there we go cool so then we we have a wide enough Gap here so we could have the pathway winding from there and then from here now I want to start adding a fence going around I think that would be

Cool and um as well as that we also need to light up the inside here and we’ll also put down a door which we should just do right now why not because we can make three doors from that I love that update we can make three

Doors and maybe we may even need to change the oak door to something else um but yeah from here we’ll just have to add some windows which we do not have so we need to do that but no biggie to that no biggie to that

Um so yeah now we need uh fences as well we need lots of things and um I want to use the fences for both uh decoration and um well of course this whole thing’s decoration but what I mean by that is decorating the house and also using it

To fence in the backyard for that decoration as well so like um what I mean by decorating the house is maybe like putting some like there and and such H not too sure what I think about that maybe we should try Birch um fences there and then for the outer edges just

Leave it to regular oak wood I think we’ll be cool with that so um we’ll just have one two three four five six and we’ll just have the same for here 1 2 3 4 five six and then we’ll have some more coming in this way o that’s not

Good this is going to be six but I don’t think we’ll have enough ooh all right Pistons went something went yeah that was cool they kind of caught me off guard though I was kind of scared there I was like what did I do um that’s actually odd timing it’s not

Supposed to go off at this time it’s the middle of the night what was that all about did I uh put it on the inverse I think I may have inversed the signal by accident no okay so the mechanism just went because it’s nighttime but it didn’t trigger it it just

Went all right all right cool I was worried I did something to the the whole mechanism I’m like oh no what just happened I just screwed up my Redstone thing and I’m tired of working with it even though it’s not fully efficient we still need to fix that um but I don’t want

To oh man I just don’t want to all right so in this backyard here I’m thinking we just have um you know lots of different plant matter and such uh nothing huge like not like a huge farm that that we’re going to be harvesting just something that looks nice um as well as

That I’m also going to be adding trees and stuff around the area here uh which would be cool which will definitely be cool um but yeah um dang uh let me continue working here if I have anything I want to update you on I’ll let you

Know um but yeah it’s just a matter of just making this place look even better we have the house all set up and now it’s just a matter of widening up the area and as well as that maybe putting down some pathways uh getting some trees

In here I I know guys it’s kind of repetitive but we’re at that part where we’re polishing and we’re trying to just make everything look nice and dandy and ready to go so we don’t need to come back and and we’ll probably come back at some point and and make some changes

Here uh but for now just so I’m happy for now so yeah be right back all righty guys so I want to update you on our situation and check this out you ready yep I’m impressed too look at this we have the pathway made and it fits in

Perfectly here look at this just coming around the bend right here this looks great I love it so much and then we’ll have a pathway splitting off right through here and I want it to like go like split off from here then go out this way too whenever we want to expand

Out this way if we want to and um yeah it’s just so awesome and um now it’s just a matter of me putting in saplings also um finishing up the farm area for the backyard here it’s not too big of a deal um so yeah I’ll finish that up

Quickly I’m not a huge deal ooh I also need to put a pathway going this way totally forgot about that so I’ll have to do that as well and uh and then yeah we’ll basically be done dang we’re so close all righty guys yeah that’s just a

Little update and uh I’ll continue on try to make this place look even better all righty guys so we are all finished at least for now um with this area besides adding glass I keep forgetting to do that I promise you I will add glass here

After the recording um but it looks nice and we’re basically all done here um off camera going to be putting in a pathway going around this way going to be doing this sort of stuff over there and uh yeah that’s about it and um I can’t wait

Until the next project guys it’s going to be insanely awesome but yeah this is what it’s looking like just a nice little Scenic path um going through this area so we did get a good amount add on to our world today and I’m very happy about that now to end off the episode

We’re actually going to be answering a question up here and uh crap I don’t have my questions document open now I actually have a huge list of questions for you guys or or from you guys then I basically put it into my document here so it looks like we’re

Going to have a tree right here hold up let me actually um do this quickly you guys are getting behind the scenes um looks right here all right so my next question is coming from kingy’s game and he asks are you going to be building an

Ocean Monument farm and oh I just full screened that my bad okay so kingy’s game and he asks so kingy’s game comment on episode 12 I believe um let me check comment on episode 12 yep and yep perfect I got that right all right kingy

Let me answer that so will I build an ocean Monument Farm yes I will it’s just a matter of time if we ever find one uh those are very handy because not only can you make an XP grinder out of them and I’m jumping on the trees again I’m actually

Not going to jump I’m just going to stay right here um but not only can I make my own XP grinder out of that you also get the um the different shards that allow you to make the blocks which is really cool and I really do want to use that um

Just because those blocks are actually really sweet I love the light blue and then the dark blue contrasting the one with the squid um the ink sacks as well so I’ll probably have to make um an ink sack Farm as well um right near the um the guardian Farm um but yeah I

Definitely want to do that um it’s a great suggestion it’s just a matter of you know just finding um an actual ocean Monument which we should try to do in the near future I think that’ll be fun um but yeah guys if you do want to be in

One of my episodes as well be a part of the Enchanted Forest up here just comment a question and uh make sure you watch all my videos I’m not going to be answering duplicate duplicated questions unfortunately which means uh questions that have already been asked um yeah no

Big deal but yeah guys uh yeah thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy the video be sure to leave a like rating down below and if you didn’t enjoy it well heck you could leave a dislike tell me why in the next episode oh I’m so

Excited new project cannot wait I’ll see you all then take care have a good one and tell the family High peace out hey guys how’s it going it’s that ksed welcome back to another episode on my single player Survival series and the last episode we worked on a little bit

Of a decoration I guess you could say we made a little cottage and a little plation of just some sugar cane and such right over here and we also added in this pathway all this Greenery uh this black sheep came and visited but yeah it looks pretty nice I

Have to say just nice in the forest and uh yeah pretty cool good piece of decoration in my opinion and it also covers up the daylight sensor from our little Redstone mechanism beneath here um so yeah I did a good amount of work off camera um so I actually finished the

Pathway going down here and also decorated this area as well and and um but yeah looks cool and then the pathway splits off right here um we’ll see what we do in the near future if we want to add any builds over here or whatnot but that’s not too big

Of a deal sorry I just readjusted myself on my chair there but yeah guys and then also we’re starting to work up our uh Hill up here but we did run out of bone meal um and we need to get oh man that’s not good both of these trees got to go

They got to go I don’t need to worry about it just yet um but yeah we’re going to be working our way up here we may add some more builds up here I don’t know just yet uh but for now I think we’re good in this area I told you guys

We were going to be working on a project today and I already kind of started on it um reasoning for that is not because I wanted to um do it all off camera um I have an embarrassing story so I was recording well what’s supposed to be this

Episode um and everything was great the audio is great you know video was great and I started editing my audio well you boy messed up and um I was in such a hurry this morning um to go out because I had things to do I accidentally exited out

Of my audio program without exporting the audio Yeah so I’m technically finished I’m technically all done um with the episode here but I’d have to do Post commentary and that just didn’t seem right I thought I’d take you guys along so we’re actually going to do more today more

Than I wanted to but heck I’m excited for this project so I’m actually very happy that we have this opportunity uh to be you know furthermore expanding on this project here so it’s right past our little spawn Village well our spawn point um over here so we spawned right on this

Hill um I’ll show you just for reference we spawned we saw that we oh that’s cool and then we made our base there well I it was actually just a temporary home and then I’m like you know what it’s so cool here I’m just going to make it a

Permanent base cuz inspiration struck I spawned like right around here not sure which block I think it was in this tree like right here I don’t know but it’s cool but right over here we’re building something not too far away at all and I already have a good start and I want to

Make sure I take you guys along for the ride and basically explain everything I explained in the last video before I get started here yeah what the heck is going on I already did some work this is full of trees there’s a hill right here and everything I terraformed everything like

Crazy and I’m going to do some explaining so let’s actually get a good view of this and let’s go to bed um but anyways the plan is to make a village here I know right I don’t have a name for it yet I I don’t know what I want to name

It but I know I want to make a village here and I have so many sweet ideas for this that I cannot wait to do them um so here’s a great angle right here um actually I’ll be back in 1 second um I’ll get you guys all caught up and

Everything um but yeah I just need to be right back give me one second boy needs some P all righty now where was I oh yeah that’s right I’m going to be explaining a little bit more information about this Village so I wanted to span from there see my

Crosshairs I want it to go just like this around this mountain and then all the way around that’s the area for the village and let’s quickly sweep right here but yeah I I’m very happy about it so um basically in my recording session we did a whole plan for the village and

What we want to do with it so let’s head on down here so it just looks right to have a main pathway going down this way go straight to the ocean the land juts out like this not only that but the landscape is just perfect for it right

Here and so I want us to have a main pathway going all the way down this way the Torches represent a pathway by the way so like it’ll like kind of curve this way curve that way stuff like that we also have another pathway coming in

This way um another one going up here up there which is cool but everything feeds off of this one main pathway um and in each section well I want to have a section um for each part of the Village um so one’s going to be like you know the regular Main Street

Section we are going to have a little fishing section all across there um behind the mountain by the way behind the mountain maybe a liouse on top of that that mountain something else on top of there I don’t know um and then in here these little Cobblestone uh blocks represent an

Outline of a house but you notice there’s a ton of them here’s a huge cluster so in these four there’s going to be one in these four there’s going to be one and in these four there’s going to be one then over here and these four

There’s going to be one and then over here there’s going to be a house like going in going out from the actual uh Cliff which I think is cool so we’re clustering these houses together um and this is a little bit inspired by Etho at

The same time it’s not um I first got this idea from Etho I’m like n i shouldn’t do it um and I need to let you guys know that this is going to be heavily inspired by a game that I play a game that’s near and dear to my heart

Not really but I’ve played it for a while it’s one of my earliest games I played as a kid um I’m not sure if you guys played this game um way back in the day like 2006 2007 when I was a little kid I played this game called RuneScape

And it was awesome it was this MMO RPG game basically you get this guy you level up there’s just like this huge world to explore it’s still fun and you can still play it and I actually started playing the old version of the game the 2007 version because the new version is

Just not like you know the old version so they brought back the new version It’s nostalgic started playing it and when I saw this area on my world I just immediately thought of this one town um and basically in RuneScape all the houses um in drainer Village uh

Which is a city they’re all connected in some sort of way then there’s like this little clde saac and I’m like well that would be cool to use in a village and then it reminded me of ethos let’s play where he has his little desert village

Um and it’s a little bit different cuz he has like he like Stacks houses on top of each other I’m not going to do that um but having like a little culda sack here with like three different houses would be cool then we have like another

Two right here and then over here we have another three um I think that’s a great idea um at least for this area and I want to differentiate it to where there’s like different types of houses so in this area is going to have the clustered houses in that way

Um I want to have a little wood cutting Camp somewhere out here like out in the forest like it’s like they just get Lumber all day um that’s the job of these people and I’m thinking about putting on this hill up here which would be cool so maybe like some tints I’m not

Sure maybe some log cabins um I’m not too sure I think that’d be cool something right up here and you can see it right from our spawn point there which is pretty cool um so then over this way I was thinking about doing something even more just crazy um first off down

Underneath this Cliff I was thinking about making a Marketplace making it all Lush and green and and making it like they dug out underneath this I don’t know having some sort of marketplace underneath this cliff and U maybe making it look like they dug it out instead so

I think that’ be sweet um to utilize what Nature has given us here or Minecraft yeah um and then over this way I already kind of started it I know another underground build I was thinking about making like a little underground part of the Town a mining area where people

Actually lived underground like there’s underground houses here that is going to be fun to work on one of the something I’m really excited for and then over here in the fishing area I was thinking about mixing a concept together I’m kind of going with a clustered houses over there I was

Thinking about adding like a FLL sort of thing like right on this hill right here where houses like stack up on the hill more for looks more than anything um but yeah specifically just off of like uh the map FLL on Modern Warfare 2 I’m pretty sure some of you guys have played

That all of you Call of Duty fans out there um but I just wanted to do something like that have like a FLL sort of thing going up this hill with just a ton of houses and then having this massive dock system out here um and again from you RuneScape people um

There’s this dock um town called Port serum where there’s just this huge array of docks and then like boats lined up left and right and you could go to different parts of the world um and I want to do something like this except without like you know you can’t like

Travel through it or anything o is there a cave down here ooh interesting all right all righty but yeah guys um those were my ideas and then over here the fish themed uh the fishing Town Theme continues all the way maybe not as more this is going to be

More like less flla I guess it’ll stop here and O there’s a cave up here we’ll have to do something right here too all right that’s sweet that is sweet maybe a hobbit hole maybe a sea monster maybe the Grinch lives up in this cave I

Don’t know but yeah guys dang okay I thought I spent a whole day talking to you okay only half a day so it wasn’t too bad but those are my plans um yeah put a lighthouse up here maybe as well yeah it’s pretty sweet um I’m actually super excited about this and um

I thought today I’d start working with the houses that I placed down there maybe get a house design going um just because I’m super excited about it and literally I got you all caught up for what I recorded um earlier so now we could continue off of this and um try to

Make some something cool maybe make a cool house design nice and cozy and yeah I’ll get started I left my stuff over there and I brought a wide variety of materials I also collected a bunch of materials from doing lots of Excavating and terraforming um but yeah I have a

Good amount of stuff right here I think enough to make a couple of houses and we’ll just work with the blocks that we have see what works the best and you know just have some fun while doing so all right so um give me a couple minutes

To just get prepared and then we’re going to get started try to build something cool all right we’re all set let’s get going so I have a couple of materials that I think will look good and I have sort of an idea so we’re going to start in this

Corner right here and place down that um Cobblestone wall I’m thinking we should make a little bit of this and a little bit of this let’s see what looks better so and then also maybe some birch wood wood okay you know no I can’t use that we’ll just stick with

Planks so I’m not sure I’m torn I’m not sure whether or not I should use the Birchwood planks or oak wood um because oak wood looks a little too traditional for me but Birch I’m not sure if it will look the best so we’re going to try to

Experiment with both see what looks better and then we’ll just continue it on or it could differentiate the different woods but I think it would be better to make it more constant so this is tough so we’re going to get started right here I was thinking about

Having the entrances in like that and then have something like this but uh it’s a little too much for me a little too much uh Cobble so I was thinking about doing this and having the birch wood in like that and then over here we will have the cobblestone

Wall or we could have the front to another house so not completely set in stone yet on what I want to do um but it’ll somewhat look like that which you could only see it from the back for it to make sense um but yeah let me actually get

These four corners quickly so we’re just all on the same page here yeah essentially this is what it’s going to be looking like going to have that and then we will have the Birchwood I guess we’ll stick with that for now um in the middle and then we’ll actually keep it out just

Like this all right so not too bad so far not too bad um we may still have to change it up just a bit maybe we don’t need the Cobblestone here maybe we could just use Birchwood all the way around and maybe that’ll work we’ll see um if not we

Could also change the oak if we’re not too fond of the Birchwood so let’s just keep the front right here and we’ll probably have to build up now a little bit um so we could use a little bit more we’re not wasting anything we have we

Have ourselves a tree farm come on come on now KS um so let’s put this up the second lay let’s go a third and then from there we should be good and then let’s place up the Cobblestone walls right here so not bad and then obviously lacking lots of detail um walk lacking

Lots of detail um H so then see I’m not sure if we should invert it if anything I think we should exvert it I’m not sure if that’s the right terminology there as in we place it out like this like that see what I’m saying and then over here we still go like

That H that does look a little bit better not going to lie um but I’m not H here’s the thing is this um to all right just like that place this here you know what I mean I’m not sure how that would look um going forward with

This we’ll just make some more birch wood why not I’m I actually don’t think it would look too bad honestly yeah one two and then we have a third one right here yeah not bad um we just take this out but then it’s going to actually look funky

Here because it’s not seven they’re different you know dimensions and we want it to not be exactly alike but we want them to look similar um so 1 2 3 4 five so 1 2 3 4 maybe we’ll just have to leave like that or we could bring it out from right here

I’m not sure that could definitely work I mean there’s nothing wrong with it it just looks a tad bit weird if I do say so myself very weird um so is a little bit more blocky yeah know I guess you could say that about anything in Minecraft um so

We could have some windows in those ones and then man see it’s just lacking detail for me though it’s lacking um given detail that I just need to have maybe we’ll have to start working around here putting some detail um around the doorway I think that’s what it needs um maybe we could

Try using these Cobblestone stairs seeing how people will think not like that wrong way wrong way KS come on I want to see what people would think about this see not bad the only problem is right here is that they connect a little bit and and it again it’s going to get

Really funky here you know what I mean like really really funky yeah see I’m not sure if I’m too hot about that but we need some sort of detail to make these doorways not as awkward so I guess it’s a start and we could work from that we could also add these in

Instead have something right there okay I think we’re working with something here we could put some like potted plants that would actually be good put some potted plants on those just lifting them up maybe have some dirt in there I’m not sure but that’s definitely a start

Having uh yeah that needs to be right there something like this where we could just try to you know include all the way around which is cool so I think that could work with these messed up doorways still here um that could work um I also have an idea

Maybe just have one big roof over this you know um maybe that’s not the best idea at the same time um okay okay maybe I should also put this into stair form that’s another thing I didn’t even think of maybe we should add this as a stair I don’t know

I’m going to take the crafting table over here because I know it’s I’m just bound to have more errors um I’m going to be wanting to try more things so maybe if we get stairs maybe it’ll add in texture that’s needed you know what I mean so maybe if we do

This that makes it look a little bit better not going to lie um let’s add these in to here take these Birchwood planks put that behind okay there we go we’re getting somewhere definitely getting somewhere we’ll probably have to get yeah a couple more right here

Cool so I’m thinking we’re going to need some something more than just Birchwood um without a doubt um I think the the gods are shining upon me they’re saying use the dark oak use the dark oak and I’m trying not to I use that combo way

Too much but it just looks way too good and I can’t get over it I’m thinking it may come down to the point where I’m probably going to have to use some dark oak somewhere and I’m thinking right at these doorways is where it’s going to

Be and I feel terrible but I I think that’s the only way I’m going to approve of this house um so let’s actually get myself some dark oak I know I promised myself I wouldn’t do this but I’m thinking we’re going to need it and it

Stinks because now I’m going to need to really farm that dark oak if we’re going to follow through on this so let’s quickly make a good amount of dark oak here and we should be good for one house at least and let’s make some stairs and then let’s use some planks so

Basically I just wanted to use it as a doorway and that’s it and then we’d have the stairs being dark oak it’s not a big deal so just like this this and it’s actually not looking that good from what I could tell you never know though all right so we we have ooh

That’s actually not looking good but we’re still going to follow through on it um H see it needs something more if it’s going to be dark oak you know what I mean it juts out it just doesn’t fit in honestly um if I had to pick I’d

Actually keep the Birch Birch wins guys look at that it doesn’t need the dark oak I’m probably going to have to use on the Interiors them which is you know yeah it’s reasonable um and why did I do that all right but yeah it looks like Birch

Stairs would be good um I’m going to try to come up with something that looks better though I’ve been rambling enough um I’m going to try to see what we could do to better this make it look more you know nice um tight together more all

Righty so I worked on this a bit and it looks good definitely looks good um little sort of still been doing just some minor tweaking and everything and really not not too much tweaking more more just finish finishing up what I started just so I can evaluate my

Thoughts further more and I have to say it’s actually not bad this has just a ton of potential and I’ll show you so I just put in some glass right here and that looks great um and I know it’s a little too birchy um so I’m going to try

To tie in some more blocks for the roof I’m thinking actually smooth Stone um so I’m actually going to be trying out some different things here okay so first off I’m trying this out which is kind of a bold move I just kind of wasted some Stone there and then I’m

Also going to be trying out um I’m just going to try out different block Styles you know I want to make sure that this looks as best as possible and um and make it look as unique as possible instead of being Birch Cobble stairs you

Know what I mean like I I want to make sure that it looks good um more than anything so I made some stone slabs and we’ll see what we could do to to make this a unique but you know goodlook build at the same time so we’re

Actually going to make our way up here quickly put this stair back down and uh we’re going to see what it looks like to do this right here this is so bold all right maybe doing something like this this is going to be weird because

Well we can’t do that and I already know we can’t so we’re going to have to do this just along the top right here and we’ll see what it looks like that’s actually not bad hold up that’s not bad let’s continue let’s continue with that I like

That um let’s actually get this going up this will just be temporary don’t worry we’ll have this going around the uh perimeter here so all the way around the house is perimeter we could definitely do that um just to get an idea of our of our um

What is it our our house here I’m not going to do it all the way um we actually need some more walls right here okay but I’m liking the looks of this people definitely liking the looks of it I wonder why I didn’t ever finish that yet all right

Cool all right so we have this first one done right here um I was thinking then after this stone brick uh stairs just like that um going up all the way and we’ll try doing something like this that should make us three sets so 16 which is probably a little bit less

Than what we needed but that’s cool and basically just do this all the way down four five six 7 yeah it’s going to be a little short so do this all the way around didn’t mean to place it like that but you guys get what I’m saying

Right so we’re going to have just a unique not not even unique okay I’m done saying that word I just don’t I don’t want to make generic builds people um so we actually roll with this cool um can I get a view from over here quickly what that looks like not bad we

Just need to add in some more details I think so let’s actually quickly do this put in a little bit more and then we should be good here at least for this set all right so we put that in and then I say to finish it off just

Cobble along the top bang I know it doesn’t matter what the roof looks like but down here that looks cool without that looks cool um so that’s what our house would look like in here um now my only problem is that it just man I’m not

Sure I’m still just not sure of what to do here I also had another idea right here um I was thinking of actually doing this something like this and then get a slab instead slabbing it up just like this ooh ooh I like that I actually like that

A little bit more and that that makes it look better with the uh the the style of uh roof we’re going for all right guys I’m digging this now I’m now finally digging it you know I I was okay so put these above the doorways just like that

I’m having a build gasm right now I mean seriously look at this this is awesome I’m so excited about this too so enthusiastic oh my goodness oh my goodness my Cris move just came out of me my inner Chris move I’m digging this my goodness I am

Digging this um a little bit too much Birch for me still as much as I like it a little bit too much Birch I’m thinking of maybe mixing some oak wood back here so this is where it’s going to get fun oh my goodness I just found the

Solution oh man this is like some serious build gasm stuff right here goodness gracious all right I found it I found my mix um we’re going to try to work with this here so we may not keep the Oak in the middle H we may not do that um we’ll probably

Have to put this back to Birch but I think I like it on the outside right here keeping it yeah all right and that may be our solution to our problem I never thought about using it that way I never thought about using oak wood logs I like that hold up let’s

See that looks really nice it ties in well it def does tie in well I mean look at that I like it maybe even going to the extent of this right here we’ll see this probably won’t work no won’t work worth a shot worth a shot um maybe even I know

We’re getting out of hand here maybe even doing something like this take this out and and I’ll show you what I’m doing maybe doing something like that just like little details like that can sometime make a build that much better so let’s quickly try this

Out not bad not bad I might even keep that I like that not too fond of the inside of course but out here I like it you know we’ll actually keep that we’ll keep that I I man I get too excited when I build man goodness gracious so I guess that’s our

House style um that’s what the houses are going to look like around here and uh not too bad not too bad maybe add in a couple potted plants we could actually do that right now I forgot that I actually brought bricks with me this guy was so

Smart this guy named that KS dude such a smart guy he brought bricks what a guy and we’ll just make a couple of these here yeah it looks like we could only make five that’s enough to you know that’s enough to make me happy yep really all I wanted right

There and add in whatever flowers I can let’s just add in some daisies for now I’m thinking we’re going to go with a more bright color um nothing you know nothing Bland like this but you know that’s all that we have right now um so we’ll deal with

It but I’m liking the looks of this guys I’m definitely happy that’s way too bland they’re just boring that’s sweet okay tell me what you guys think about this okay super excited about this Village we basically have our house outline here we’re going to have some more over there and then

We’ll create some more right here maybe another cluster somewhere else but these are our first houses here in the village um off camera probably not going to do much work besides you know just finishing these houses up maybe adding a couple more um and then maybe doing some

Interior decorating too I was just thinking honestly dark oak floors um nothing too fancy just cuz I have the dark oak with me and I could show you quickly if you want I could even make a floor design quickly uh but not a big deal not a big deal at

All um so in my uh mess up episode while I’m building here I had a question and the question came from steuart Kennedy and don’t worry his name is actually in the Enchanted Forest right now but it was from Stuart Kennedy and he asked what is your favorite block in

Minecraft and I thought about it for a while CU lots of people you know it’s not a serious question okay don’t get me wrong it’s not a serious question like it’s not like you know there’s a deep meaning behind it and stuff like no there’s nothing like that um but I did

Think about it for a bit just because you know what is my favorite block I never really thought of anything like that I you know I just play Minecraft I like playing it um thought about it for a bit and came up with the conclusion that you know my favorite

Block is that right there stone brick reasoning being it’s not the coolest looking block but I use it in like every single one of my builds you could look at all my Builds on here I I guarantee you 99% of my builds have stone brick

Somewhere in it and it just cuz it ties into anything you know for instance with right here tied in perfectly with you know Birchwood and um it just tied in amazing and um it it just it’s all reliable for me you know whenever you’re trying to make a build a good stone

Brick you know all reliable um so pretty happy about that but yeah guys anyways I’m actually going to end off the episode right here thank you all so much for watching if you did enjoy the video be sure to leave a like rating down below as it really helps me out a ton

And again thank you all so much for watching sorry that it was kind of a a more rambly episode but I got you guys caught up with the uh lost footage of chos and at the same time we started up our houses here all right guys take care

Have a good one and I will see you all in the next episode take care well we don’t have any villagers here yet but we have this guy just chilling out uh he’s been there for a while now probably the past 10 minutes but how’s it going everybody

It’s that KS dude welcome back to another episode on my single player survival world we need to sleep but anyways in the last episode we made these houses over here the first houses to our brand new Village in goodness gracious it should be night time right I

Don’t know but uh off camera I just finished up the houses and uh completely um this one was completely finished uh before we ended last episode but I just finished the other two here didn’t take too much uh time but still it took a little bit of time you know what I mean

I’ve been busy recently uh with schoolwork and everything so I haven’t had the most time to do off camera work um to you know like speed speed along the process I guess you could say so anyways in today’s video um we’re not going to be making more houses I thought

We’d put that on hold for a little bit and we’ll do that another time today is going to be a fun project it’s going to be very basic not a ton of thinking it’s just mainly following our imagination today we’re going to be working on wait for

It you can’t see anything but we’re close to the ocean here I want to work on our array of docks out here the huge dock system that I want to do and I wanted to go out far into the ocean span wide and everything and um hopefully

Adding maybe some shops some stalls out there not only that um but also like some boats and stuff that we could put in the the future and what we could probably do is have you guys submit um I don’t know this could be our episode 30

Challenge I don’t want to give it away right now but maybe having you guys make different designs for boats and stuff and um maybe that will be it um one of the challenges and maybe I could pick more than one because there’s a whole dock out there but that’s in the future

And uh that’ll be fun uh but today I want to work on the main dock I want it to be pretty dang awesome if you ask me so I’m trying to think of a good location to get this started at I’m thinking maybe uh right around here somewhere

Um uh so I want it to be three wide and um it’s going to be five wide here so one two three four five man I wish I didn’t have to waste the wood here but I did have to and yeah so to get started I’m probably going to need to craft

Table honestly dang it what are you doing guy so let me place down did I just say PR down let me place down this crafting table here and we’re actually going to make a good amount of slabs here and you’ll see why um so we’re

Actually going to need this to go up one more right here and you’ll see why um I want it to be decently you know elevated and everything uh when it comes to this dock here so this is how it’s to work going to have this come out just to here

Which looks perfect so this looks like a good level to be off of the water from yeah I like it I like it it’s it’s going to be simple it’s just basically going to be this pattern going all the way down and I think every five blocks there

Will be another support um so like for instance one two 3 4 five in the middle we’d have this one going up all the way and wow this feels like a waste of wood it really does maybe we’ll have to do something else down there but essentially just repeat it on this side

1 2 3 4 five I did this wrong one two three is there only four Spa four Gap hold up I think I counted wrong one two three four oh man I counted wrong I never do that I never count wrong I am a perfect human being

Until this moment people I don’t know what happened there all righty so there we go so this is where we need to go and essentially I don’t want to be doing this too long cuz I know this is going to be repetitive but I wanted to give

You an idea of how this is going to work for me quickly um so yeah after this is done um basically I’m going to try to form some sort of shape though um and I want this to go out a good amount goodness gracious I’m struggling here

People um yeah I want this to go out a good amount of blocks and uh we’ll see what we can come up with with but uh for now I’m going to leave you guys off just for a little bit maybe do a speed build I don’t really have a commentary so we

We’re probably just going to be doing a speed build here quickly uh very basic though so it’s not going to be too long it’s just basically going to be showing more of the um what is it the progression rather than the cool thing that I’m building um but yeah give me one Second cling in building up stacking seems to be no way out but I believe you never leave me you’ll never leave me here of the lost and found of the lost and found of the lost and found of the lost and [Applause] [Applause] of the lost and found the L of the lost and of the lost and Of okay guys so here’s a huge Time Warp into the future uh not really huge as in it’s probably been a good 20 minutes I’ve been building this and I’m nearly out of wood I I’ve been making all these pillars it feels like a waste but at the

Same time it it’s you know what it’s supposed to be and I’ve actually been mixing in dirt too so don’t think I made it 100% out of wood um but I did use lots of wood um I only have 34 left and I had like six Stacks to start with so

Yeah this Dock’s pretty big that just shows you how big this dock is so I want to get more wood which means uh more stuff to do you guys don’t really need to see it unless I really want to show you you uh the trip um but basically I

Got to get more wood uh so that I could finish this but not only that but start here and I mainly want to focus on starting this here then I’ll finish this off camera this stuff’s boring um but I do want to get started here um very

Quickly um I was also thinking about incorporating some sort of design right here I’m not sure what it’s going to be I need some sort of railing um so maybe half slabs on top upside down stairs I don’t know what we’re going to be using here just yet um you guys will probably

Have to give me some feedback in the comments um but yeah basically um the ships would be right here and here um and yeah you guys get my point you guys get my point so but yeah uh let me try to sleep it’s dark and it’s telling me

It’s not night goodness gracious they need to have an option where I could sleep whenever I want that would be cool um yeah cuz sometimes you may just want to sleep during the day who knows um but yeah uh so I’m going to quickly go gather some more wood probably for my

Wood farm and um as well as that anything else that’s at my base um if I have any extra wood there um but yeah I’ll be right back guys all right guys I think it’s time that we get started here I went back to the base got a little bit

More wood and uh so yeah I’m thinking about making some sort of different shape I guess you could say um for this shop here so I guess I wanted to start right here and I kind of want it to ease in a little bit um and get and gradually

Get wider um so maybe it’ll start by uh with a one uh yeah right there and then maybe two or maybe H yeah maybe just like that I think that’ll be good we’ll get a two and then maybe a three and then you’ll you’ll see what

I’m doing here so then here’s a three and then maybe like a two and then a one there we go so kind of like a spherical uh front SE right here it’s a little sphere formula if you guys are not familiar with it I’m kind of doing it a little bit backwards

Though uh just like that there we go so that’s what the front will look like at least in the inside and then on the outside we’ll have something a little bit different but we’re actually going to be using oak wood I know it’s going to be kind of repetitive but we wanted

To go with the theme of The Dock and I think it’ll look good it’ll it’ll all tie in uh which is what we want here um it’s not really a fashion show or anything it’s just what why am I saying this um but yeah it’s just supposed to

Look docky if you know what I mean that’s a new adjective that I just made up just then and there um but yeah so lots of regular uh wooden slabs here so that’s what it’s going to be looking like basically then on the edges we’ll have a couple more of these but

Essentially uh this is what the front’s going to be looking like one two three and then we’ll just have something like this on on top I don’t know something like that maybe take these out no no no we need this and then maybe right here we have

Something like that I don’t know would that work let’s see doesn’t look as Grand so we’re going to need like a little arched window up there uh without a doubt so maybe right around here is where we’ll have um another support right down here and I’m going to cheat a little bit use

Some dirt just like that and then get up here y perfect and then we’ll go two more and then we’ll do the same for this side and then I think we’ll be good and then we’ll add like a little upper layer uh with glass which we don’t have too

Much with me so that may be a problem and I did not mean to do it like that all right um and then one two more and then we’ll just take this around the edge just like this all right cool and okay kind of screwing up but it’s okay

So we’ll have that and then we’ll have the supports go up more and then there will be a little glass entry entry way right there and then there will be another log pillar probably around there actually so uh let me build this up just just a little bit more guys and yeah

I’ll get right back to you all righty guys so here’s a little update with the front of the shop right here so you come on in and uh here’s the here’s the outline for it I think this is cool so in these panels right here we’re actually going to be placing glass which

I think will look very nice and it has a pretty nice shape to it uh from coming from the front so I very much so like it and am happy with what it turned out to be so far which is great so a happy KS is a good CHS

Everyone here knows that whenever a chos is not happy his wrath usually shows just like that right there I’m not too happy that that dropped down but it’s whatever we’re wasteful people so anyways um I’m thinking about probably doing our little support beam or our little arch in the front here CU

I don’t think we’re going to have enough time to actually finish the whole thing here today so I’m thinking of just getting this uh Arch done with and over with get out of the way um so I was thinking maybe starting it right around probably here actually now that I’m thinking about it

Um yeah um so this is where we’ll actually begin these we won’t need to worry about let’s actually grab that quickly um just so we don’t uh forget it and uh we will try to get up here if we can uh uh there we go okay that works for me

Kind of a mess um so we’re going to want it in this corner and we’ll take it up around two and we’ll do that for both sides so we’ll take it up right here up to so and we could always change that uh from the bottom so no need to worry

About that then from here we’re probably going to go up uh one more that’s my guess at least we’ll probably go up one one and then from this one we we will go up um probably one but it’ll be like this um man it’s kind of a pain to build with

Wooden blocks and I totally forgot about that so if we look at it now let’s actually go down here quickly fix this oh man um so let’s take a look at the shape there let’s see if we like that and if not we could always change it

Always um so that’s not bad and then we’ll we’ll go up um three right there so we’ll have one more level and that’ll probably look adequate um for what we’re going for here so let’s actually use dirt instead of wasting any more wood here and did not mean to do

That we’ll put up there we go so we will go up three right here and then oh gosh dang it two and three and then all right let’s get up here goodness gracious good Oak so two and three and this will be our top right here our top

Three all right cool awesome so then we’re just going to repeat this for the other side and it should have a pretty nice Arc formation here um from my experience and it does have a very nice Arc all right awesome I’m I’m going to do that for the other side and then we

May even start pushing back the walls here all righty guys so I have the shape all worked out for what this little Shack’s going to be like this fishing shack and so it’s going to go all the way up to here and so very it’s kind of

Like a football shape almost um it’s a little bit different from the front because obviously we want the entrance to look good and there’s really nothing that we need to look too impressive out here uh so in the back it’s just going to be very simple just like this

Here um but yeah yeah uh looking good looking good here and let’s break that o that wasn’t good but yeah Okay cool so now I just need to get up and then I will tell you what’s going on um but yeah we have the football shape

Going for us uh wasn’t really on purpose it’s just kind of how it turned out to be and uh we don’t really need too much space but we do want it to look good and at least I think it looks good you guys are going to have to give me your own

Opinions though um if you have any suggestions you’ll need to let me know um but yeah so anyways this is how it’s going to work we’re just going to have this going right over here so it’s one two 3 4 five 6 78 so um in the middle

Right here we’ll have six in the middle and then um at the end right here um we will have the wooden uh logs right there what other logs I really had to say wooden I don’t know why Okie do but yeah that’s how it’s going to work out we’ll have the uh

Log right here we’ll just place it there temporarily uh just cuz I don’t want to do that right now and uh then over here we will have our ooh no not like that need to up one more level we’re going to have our little ledge right here that

We’re going to be continuing on and I I think that’s a pretty nice touch is this little ledge that we have going around it’s going to add some depth to this build and um that’s not what I’m looking for oh man yeah right in here is what we

Should do and then we should have some sort of support right here I’m guessing I no maybe we’ll have a support right here and then this will come out like this so um so have probably One support right there and then that’s how it’ll end up people um it’s looking good though

Definitely looking good I’m excited I’m very excited um for finishing this we may do it in next episode we may do it a totally different time who knows um but nonetheless super duper excited uh for finishing this area and and we got a great start in this Village area already

Um a lot more than I thought that we’d get done um I don’t know why we’re just we’re just a Workhorse machine here I just going crazy at this Village area already I think it’s because it’s the first time we’ve ever really branched out um from this area

So what happened here one two three one two three we should have okay I see what we did wrong I don’t know why that guy was there but we should have a support right here and then this guy should be up just like that yep and then we’ll just take that there

And then take this here and then we should be good for the shape at least and then we’ll just build up from here um I’m probably going to do the rest off camera just because this is kind of boring and we’ve been working here the whole episode um so we’re actually going

To go head back to my base and we are going to be answering a question to end off the episode but hopefully this looks cool though guys it’s a very good start here and we’re probably going to have to torch up each different pillar and we’re

Going to have to find a way to light up the area but for now it’s going to be done and a huge system of doxas seriously huge and we may even expand it more in the future but for now this should be good so um yeah guys let’s go

Back and let’s end off the episode by answering one of your amazing questions all right guys so we’re going to do a little walking and talking right here so the question coming in today is coming from Titan HD and he’s asking what’s the first thing that you’ve ever built in

Minecraft um very great question um it’s actually very stereotypical though at the same time so it’s not going to be too entertaining honestly um you guys know that I watched a bunch of uh let’s plays before I even started building Minecraft so um you could imagine that I

Was very influenced by what YouTubers built so what I built was very stereotypical and by the way here’s um Titan HD I think he had some capitalization somewhere oh yeah yeah yeah yeah all right one second just like that there we go and then his comment

Was on episode 13 as well comment on episode 13 but yeah like I I was saying um I was very influenced by YouTubers and their builds and on Minecraft lots of people the first thing that they ever built was a plain wooden house and um so

I did that and this is on the Xbox 360 um way back in the day when I didn’t have that good of a computer um yeah on the Xbox 360 I used Birchwood on the outside and then I just used regular oak plakes on the inside

Then some uh windows that were um there um I don’t really think I have a picture of it anymore um maybe if I wanted to just delve back on the YouTube I I probably couldn’t find it um but it’s probably somewhere I don’t know it’s

Probably back on my Xbox I never get on it anymore um but yeah it was kind of cool and um one of my favorite houses and I actually use um I don’t really know how to explain it was very simple but it looked good and I kind of use it

As like the layout at least for my entrances for um all my houses like on the afterlife S&P for instance um elements of the house that of of my first Minecraft house were actually implemented into that one which is kind of cool with the stairway being right at

The front and stuff so yeah guys uh that’s all that I have for you all today thank you all so much for watching if you did enjoy the video be sure to leave a like rating down below as that really helps out my channel and yeah thanks again for watching

And um yeah take care have a good one and peace out hey there people how’s it going it’s that KS dude welcome back to another episode on my single player Survival Series in the last episode we worked over in our village our seaside village down there and you can kind of

See it we had some houses there and we made the dock and uh I did some work on it I don’t feel like going all the way down there uh just because I don’t want to work there today so today we’re just going to take a tiny break we’ll work

There in the next episode for sure um or maybe not maybe not we’ll see um right now I want to do a little bit more planning before I continue that on everything like there so far was just impulse and it had like no really thought into it for um so now between

Now and when we start working on it again I’m going to try to design a little bit more builds and stuff in my head uh what we want to do and um we’ll go from there um but for right now we want to take a little break and um so

Anyways guys I’ve gotten a lot of comments recently um from you guys which is amazing your comments are wonderful um and one of them I was talking about something pertaining to my world and coordinates um I understand lots of you guys are new to the channel um so you

May not have known this but back in episode 10 um I ask you guys as a courtesy not to like tweet me any coordinates or to um you know what I mean not to message me any coordinates anything like that just because we don’t want spoilers on the world um I’m a kind

Of guy who doesn’t like being spoiled of of what’s told and what’s where um but one person um told me um that a zombie spawner or s a spawner I don’t really know I didn’t look at the corners I immediately shielded my eyes when they said I found this spawner here um but

Basically it’s close to my base apparently it’s near my mind um I don’t know but apparently there’s a spawner very close to us and we have not found one yet today um so even though I’m not huge on spoilers I was told that there is one I don’t know where the

Coordinates are at um since then um I didn’t you know even check the coordinat I don’t want to check them um but we’re going to try to find it today but that sound right there um another comment came in telling me that whenever that creepy noise is played that creepy sound

What you just heard right here that means that there’s a spawner nearby within the given chunks so that’s why we’ve been hearing that so often right around this area so I’m guessing it’s somewhere down beneath this area um so today we’re going on a little caving Adventure uh to

First off find that spawner and turn it into a little mob trap so we can get XP right here near our base even though I love our mob trap over there which is still great for gunpowder and everything um it would be cool to have a little XP

Grinder so there’s these caves back here well more cave entran is probably going down to the cave um down there but maybe this will lead us uh to a mob spawner maybe it won’t um if I explore this and it doesn’t lead us to any spawner of any

Kind then what we’ll do is we’ll just go back here and try again and it’ll probably dig down from here maybe uh worse comes the worse we’ll go down to our little mine and we’ll go from there so uh anyways let me get equipped uh for

This cave I just need some torches and stuff and we’ll get all set all righty we’re all set let’s explore this cave let’s see what we find and um yeah you guys know the gist of caving so I’m not really going to bring you along for too

Much of this uh but if anything interesting happens I’ll let you know all right there has to be a zombie spawner here there has to be oh goodness oh goodness what is up here all righty there has to be something here but I’m not sure if baby zombies spawn all right there we

Go what is okay so it’s all up there like the noise is scary oh holy crap holy crap what the heck is going on oh oh dang oh dang what the heck all right hold up how did they all get up here all right all right no way there

There has to be a zombie spawner right here there’s no way what what the how did these guys all spawn right here all right there has to be something did they glitch through gravel oh my gosh like what the heck all right here’s my educated guess maybe they spawned up

Here maybe they spawned up here and then the water stream all took them um into that corner there then they were just lodged up in that corner so maybe let’s see o kind of scared not going to lie man all right I need to get some more coal

Here but what can explain that I don’t get it I I really don’t get it but it’s no biggie all righty so that’s our cave that we were coming up through so it’s not a big deal let’s get some more coal we’re going to need that for some more torches

Here all righty wow that that was weird um I could have sworn that we had a spawner and I was super excited because we’re so close to the surface we’re at y 64 so we’re basically inside uh that mountain behind our base I believe um

Which is cool that a cave goes up this far all righty guys um I’ll let you know if anything else cool happens whoa hey all right I want to see where this exit’s at so it’s growing grass which means that there has to be a surface right near here whoa oh that’s not

Good my bad my bad wheat that’s funny there’s a cave going all the way up here that is awesome so all these caves are basically interweaving with each other because this if the cave pops up here that means that it’s very close to the I remember seeing this one I

Remember patching this up crap and this is where it went to yeah that’s cool that that is so cool knowing uh where caves go to I sound very lame right now by the way but it it fascinates me all righty Enderman time to die time to die give me ender pearl never on

Camera by the way I got an ender pearl off camera couple more I believe I have four now only four I know how many episodes is this is this episode 28 we only have four ender pearls we really need a looting sword what is that

Ooh ooh scared the crap out of me in there this is an epic cave entrance this is the coolest cave entrance I’ve ever seen it’s just right at ground level that is sweet um well I’ve been exploring this cave for a bit and it’s just a mess I’ll

Show you quickly one second it is just like all these caves intersecting and it’s just one big mess and yeah just not tough to navig it’s super tough to navigate what am I saying it’s not easy to navigate that’s what I was trying to say but it’s just

So I don’t know there’s just so many different directions and it’s easy to get lost however I’m so close to home that it’s not really that big of a deal um but yeah there’s your little update for it um pretty tough to navigate um not a

Big deal I could survive I mean we’re so close that doesn’t really matter that much um but yeah just thought I’d let you guys know what’s been going on here um yeah nothing really else to talk about um wow this is cool oh NOP nope all right before I get ambushed by

Zombies I’m going to keep continuing on anyone else any other takers oh I guess so come over here buddy oh I know why goodness this thing we haven’t actually been in here too much this place is sweet we’re going to have to do something with this this cave

System like goes out into this yeah way too cool we may find a way of even expanding our base to make it go in here I don’t know maybe we could have it’s tough It’s just so cool um we’ll do something over here for sure man it’s just so massive this cave

Is and it like goes into this mountain which is the coolest part I mean like literally this whole Mountain just has this cover it’s just so sweet it’s just way too cool we we may even need to put a couple torches in here it’s so dark but this is definitely a sweet area

We’re doing something here and I’ve said this many times I just don’t know what yet if you guys have any suggestions or if you want to make your own build in here that’d be cool send it to me um the episode 30 build competition is still

Going on we’ve had a couple of takers since I updated you guys all on the situation and uh they have been pretty cool so far so if you guys want to send in your own builds watch episode 25 uh it’ll explain a little bit more about the competition and time is running out

At least for this um chapter of it this first competition so uh yeah uh for more information again episode 25 near the end of the video uh you’ll get a lot more but yeah oh no no it’s at the beginning of the video one of the two

It’s either at the end or beginning I don’t know but I’m going to try to continue looking for a spawner I think it’s not going to be near the surface um from what I heard though is that there is one near the mines but again I just

Don’t want to find that just yet um just in case there is something near the surface but doubt it so guys I have just explored the crap out of this cave and I can’t find anything so I’m actually gonna go down and try to search for a

Spawner now um down where I start Branch mining so we’ll see um if we could find it um anywhere near there and I know that there is one down there but let’s try to have some fun and and try to you know look around a little bit try to

Find it without you know cheating so um yeah let’s see what we could find okay I just heard that sound all right so creepy sound happened right here going this way all righty so it’s somewhere around here and this is exactly where I was hearing it up on the surface from here

Um because cave entrance is basically up there somewhere all righty so somewhere around here we’re going to have to be digging around using our F3 now if you look up in the top left corner where it says Minecraft 1.83 go down a couple um of letters to the fourth letter name named

E and that is entities so we’re trying to look for uh entities and we’re trying to look for mobs basically I believe that’s what it is right oh no I don’t know but I know that mobs will pop up through there somewhere and we got to be careful around here

Sheesh um I think that’s how you look for mobs I’m not sure I know that it counts like for instance if I put this torch on the ground that’s one entity I’m not sure if mobs count is it um maybe it’s something else I don’t know

But I’m going to be trying to use that to help us find it I don’t know I’m probably really dumb it’s probably something else for mobs but I’m I’m guessing entities so um anyways I’m going to look around and uh yeah try to find the spawner somewhere around here though oh I

Just just a little lava opening dang it I was expecting something else oh that worked okay cool or could just do this what am I thinking there we go maybe we’re getting close I don’t know I don’t hear any mobs spawning though all right guys so I’m

Not finding it down here I’ve been digging for a good while I don’t think it’s at lava level I actually think it’s going to be up a little bit um so when you said mine it could just mean my cave down here so maybe there’s one around this level around this

Opening um that we just haven’t seen yet so I’m going to look around a bit more try to see okay heard that all righty so I’m getting kind of uh excited here cuz I hear a zombie all the sudden in another Cave System right here and here it is just like

That all right so maybe this is what he was talking about o ouch and I’m going to die all righty so oh doesn’t look like a spawner down there maybe we go up a bit maybe there’s a spawner up here I don’t know uh let’s use this a little bit and

Let’s get up and if this is near the surface I’m going to be excited nope ends up right here all righty so I’m getting excited over nothing thought it meant something not too sure if it really does all righty never mind back to square run um I’m going to keep digging

Around that looking around though um we may find something who knows creepy sound again I’m telling you it’s near here somewhere or maybe I’m just being trolled maybe the comment section is trolling good old chaos over here just making them think there’s a dungeon but there really isn’t who knows all right

Already we’re going to still look around though all right I don’t know why we’re digging down I know I hear lava though why not just keep digging down are we at 14 13 12 11 this is lava level and we’ve already been here and we

Were just digging here why do we we keep going to this spot we keep going to this exact spot here so we started digging oh ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch dang dang lava scared the crap out of me we keep going to this spot though what’s the meaning what does it

Mean I don’t know how I got through there just wasted my water we keep going see we started here we dug around there dug around all this area there’s a meaning to it x marks x marks the spot okay it has to be around here we we keep

Going near here and watch it not even be here but we’re right around this area all the time and I don’t know how we ran into that that’s funny all righty um yeah I’m going to keep looking around around I guess all right he one right here two zombies come

On I hear Enderman and zombies all right before I go any further I need to make some torches all righty all righty come on this has to be it this has to be it oh a there we go oh man so we finally found it what’s the Y level okay

25 all righty we found it all righty thank you person who commented this um I I I was self-disciplined didn’t look at the coordinates but it gave us something fun to do today so I want to thank you um hopefully you don’t feel bad cuz I was kind of like you

Know I’m not too into the whole spoilers things but the thing is that this gave us something to do around here and here are little buddies right here who are just bundles of Joy ouch all right I guess they don’t like that and this is a tiny little spawner

Too maybe this is a totally different one but our first actual spawner of the game which is cool and let’s see what’s inside o two Enderman too this is a fine people so we have a couple Saddles name tags more Saddles horse armor that’s sweet um

A horse armor we don’t really need but the Saddles is cool definitely cool and so let’s actually take the name tags and the Saddles and why not um the horse armor why not um and then in here we’ll take another name tag some more iron and and

Then a couple more Saddles so now four more Saddles which is sweet and now we three Enderman all right let’s see how many ender pearls we’re going to get zero ender pearls watch this all right see Zero from there Zero from there we got one this is our day this is

Our day I think this is like the only ender pearl that even got on camera all righty so um I’m actually going to dig out the place we’re going to make ourselves a simple little um zombie XP farm so and man there’s so much more cave to explore now uh we won’t I’ve

Been there before okay been there done that no need to worry about it Okie do so I’m going to continue on and I’m actually going to create this uh XP grinder so um yeah just give me one moment it’s actually very simple to make I’ll explain it all but we are kind of

Short on time or at least I am not you guys because I’ve been looking for this for at least 40 minutes now so now we’re all done let’s go make this all righty so now we have a 9×9 area and now we need to dig down by one block um

For this all to work so we’re actually going to dig down to here then this is going to be the uh base right here the base of the thing whoa here’s slime oh don’t tell me there’s a slime chunk here as well well I already know that

Now that’s cool this is a slime chunk and it’s right near our base oh man we have some work to do with this mine now is now we know that there’s a zombie spawner right there for XP and while we’re waiting there we could also AFK a

Slime farm here I don’t know we’re going to have to double check that all right so we found slime here I don’t know where here but I know it’s here so I may need to go to like one of those websites where find out like where the slime

Chunk is actually located so I get a more precise thing but there’s one right around here we saw it spawn so we know it’s around here somewhere so um I’ll have to do that off camera as well maybe we’ll have to make another slime farm here that’ll be fun um but yeah guys

Anyways I was just getting some water uh because we’re about to move on to the next phase of our little zombie spawner here um so you’ve probably seen this before so I’m not going to go into too much detail basically the water is going to go eight blocks down to here and then

It’s going to catch down here going eight blocks and then begins um a little elevator going all the way up so yeah that’s basically it um that’s literally all it is it’s pretty cool though um without a doubt pretty dang cool and so

One two 3 4 5 6 7 8 and then I believe there’s like a little Gap here and then the item well the zombie elevator will go up starting from here and then yeah that’s literally all it is um I’m going to have to look up um the exact placement of signs right

Here this is literally the only confusing part and then after that it’s just a straight you know drop from here and uh yeah so let me uh start working all the details out right here all righty guys so I have all the water worked out now now it’s just a matter of

Making this elevator happen um so we’re just going to go up a good amount of blocks and then um yeah I believe it needs to be 24 blocks if not 23 it’s an easy fix um but yeah it needs to be a 23 block drop to where they’re at one heart

To where you can just hit them with your fist so um I’m actually going to do that quickly it’s pretty easy so anyways this is how it works the guy goes down and then he gets funneled right into there without tracking me and even when he’s still

Tracking me he still gets funnel and then he goes up the elevator right here so pretty simple and yeah I’m going to continue to do that now so guys I think we have it all set up um so there’s only a way to test this out to see if it’s

Going to be working or not and that is well first off we need to make an entrance so hold up let’s actually go down here quickly and I believe we can get yep right there cool so now we have an entrance going into the actual grinder portion which is cool so we’ll just

Leave it just right here and have a little wall right here signifying that we need to go up this way now let’s just take out all these torches and this is going to be fun guys let’s see if this actually works now I believe it’s 100% working so we have the um the

Elevator going up all the way up there and then it goes over to where I just showed you all right let’s get out of here before we get killed all righty let’s see if this works I’m excited all righty and uh probably off camera I’ll make some sort of room here

A swor room with all the zombie flesh and and armor it’s really not that big of a deal though um but yeah uh let’s see come on come on I’m hoping it’s working not really a ton are spawning don’t know why oh there we go there’s another one H we’ll see

I’m all right so the drop’s a little bit too high because that has run 23 so this will be 22 right here and we could always raise the room by one it’s not a big deal overshooting is a lot better than undershooting so let’s see if this

Works come on come on down the water’s fine come on I believe I just overshot by one though yep there we go so we just need to raise the room by one and then we’ll be good but we have ourselves a fully functioning zombie XP spawner here we’ll

Probably have to get an enchanting setup down here as well um but yeah guys a successful episode here we’re going to go back to our Enchanted Force answer a question and finish off the finish off the episode okay guys so the comment I’m going to be answering today is coming from tcg1

1921 and he asks is there a chance you’ll be making mod reviews this question has been asked multiple multiple times um for around the past month now but this is the first time I’ve ever been asked it was by TCG so anyways my answer to that is yeah

There’s always a possibility um as of now no cuz modded isn’t really something I’m doing on my Channel right now so if I made modded videos or or mod pack reviews or anything like that it would kind of be out of place because I don’t really play mods that much either I mean

On this channel I play what I do I I I record what I actually play and and this is what I love about Minecraft is vanilla U modded hasn’t really been anything I’ve looked into as of recently it could be something I go to in the future because you know as people play

Minecraft this much on their Channel over time they usually get burnt out so there could be a point where I start uploading modded videos and as well as that mod review videos but as of now no so um yeah always a possibility but yeah so anyways as I’m done jumping on my

Trees as always I’d like to thank you all so much for watching if you did enjoy the video be sure to leave a like rating down below as that really really helps out a ton and if not that’s totally fine fine uh but yeah guys thank

You again for watching and I will see you all in the next episode take care well guys how’s it going it’s that KS dude welcome back to another episode on my single player Survival series it’s been an entire week what usually I upload three times a week

Usually I upload this series twice a week um well at least that’s how it’s been going since I started this Channel and I was pretty good at it um until recently when life got busy and I didn’t have any time whatsoever to be be recording last week

Um so I’m sorry about that if you watch my videos up to date if you guys watch my videos like and you’re behind on the series then it probably doesn’t matter too much to you um but yeah thank you guys so much for uh joining me today as

You can tell we finished this little uh spawner right here and we have a good amount of zombies here I was afking a bit and I got a couple of books I got a protection 4 and a a sharpness for and let’s see what we get right

Here and oh feather falling nice feather falling and smite I’ll take it um what would be my next book just curious I need that I will remember that uh we’ll actually keep our our books down here why not we’ll have to come back down enchant some more but today I want to

Work on a new project I know that I have my ongoing villager project back um at my Village but I want to put that on pause a little bit more today um because we need to start thinking about putting in a nether Hub reason for that is because

We’re starting to expand out a little bit more we have a tunnel to a Mesa biome now we have a tunnel uh that’s going to be going to our eventual Village and as well as that we also have a tunnel going to our hot air balloon

That I still want to use and actually add an enchanting setup up there as well um because I think that’ll be nice to AFK there and get a ton of uh variation or variated um mob supplies so um yeah since we’re expanding out so much I

Really do want to add in this nether Hub today and maybe get some tunnels going to some of these locations um and yeah that’s the plan at least um yeah people have been also requesting for me to do this as well and I don’t blame you I

Mean my nether is pretty sketchy as it is so we want it to be a little bit more safer of a way to travel through the Nether and not have to worry about getting blasted by a Blaze or gas or um getting attacked by wither skeletons and

Skeletons and falling off into lava so give me one second um I’m going to gather up some materials here and then we’re going to go and get started on our nether Hub all righty so we have our supplies people and now it’s time to go into The Nether and yeah let’s get in

Here and let’s get started on this Hub here so hopefully there’s no guys out here all right get no creepers there are a ton of Pigmen though just realized that okay we’ll probably die if we fall just for the record we have not died on this series yet we have never

Died on camera on my channel before which is cool fun fact for all you guys out there um but I have died twice in my afterlife series and yeah both off camera both very funny deaths too I should keep this here for now I don’t know what I’m thinking because we’re

Still not in the clear a blast could a gas could come here and just obliterate my portal so we’re actually keeping this for now and plus um I’m worried that blades are going to be coming in here soon so let’s actually place this down place in all

These varied materials I have no set and stone no pun intended by the way um no design set in stone but I do have an idea of what I want to do um I really really want to make um a spherical not a sphere um a circular uh ground and I

Know how to make a circle I’m I’m pretty educated on circles in Minecraft so I think I know what I have to do so it’s probably going to have to be um a healthy distance to make it look good um because we’re going to have portals in

The middle and my plan for the portal is to have it going like this and and have them 3×3 as well so it’ll be a 3X3 right there Then 1 two three and then another or we could even push this back one more to where it’s right here and then we

Could have the three and that’ll probably work better so we’re probably going to have to go from here um if this is the center we’ll probably want to go Around it has to be an odd number this is a good distance though around here at that all right Wither Skeleton just making sure that I don’t get killed right here that’s around 21 I think so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 we could do 21 right cuz 21’s a little bit better yeah yeah 19’s good I’m not sure uh we’re going to do 21 there we go bang 21 and that’ll be the edge um so we want to have a radius of 21 coming out from the

Nether portal so technically the radius would be 2 2 23 24 um or 25 one of the two but 21 from the portal is a healthy distance so uh yeah let me actually get that radius going and then I’ll connect the dots and make this an actual Circle hey look at that my

First man I have such a dry mouth right now my first Wither Skull too happy about that and yeah um I’m just getting the circle um done right now I was killing a few Withers while doing so so I have uh one little end going for me as

I lag a little a lot oh crap am I good I think I’m good um but yeah I have a decent amount of the circle done at least one side and I just got to do that for the other three then I should be good um but yeah

Guys good little update there and complete there we go wow that took forever and I have to readjust myself in my seat that took so long um but we have a full Sphere not sphere I keep calling it a sphere we have a full circle right here which is

Wonderful and that took forever that took at least 20 minutes I had some Dimensions wrong it is a 25 um radius Circle and it’s completely done so now we need to fill it in which is going to be great we need to find some sort of design that’ll just suit us

Well and the most man get me away from these guys these guys keep coming back I swear I don’t have enough arrows for them oh my goodness oh man just don’t miss I just don’t want to hit the Pigman that’s the thing cuz when the Pigman hit it’s game

Over there we go all righty so we need some sort of design uh for the sphere now um I really want to add a barrier now but I know I can’t oh man look at all these blaze rods seriously this is ridiculous people and the more I walk around the more that

These guys are just going to spawn ow you dang guy get away from me and I see his little buddy right here oh oh get away from me man this is the exact reason why we’re working in this nether Hub it’s a pain in the butt goodness where are you I hear

You oh man gosh these guys just won’t give me a break seriously that’s ridiculous so now there’s two okay I see the third one now all right oh man time to just knock him off all right goodness um I’m going to be playing around here for a bit I

Really do want some sort of design though let’s just go in here just we’ll let him come to me goodness gracious man these guys are so annoying and then he’s going to fire at me no he’s not cool I guess I’ll take the Blaze Rod why

Not man too many of them all right let me try to find a design though seriously um I was going to do it on camera but it seems as if we have too many visitors here that’s not going to allow us to do so um so we’re probably going to have to

Make a stop at my hot air balloon I’m down to three arrows um but yeah I’m going to try to come up with some sort of design and get this full platform working for us gosh all righty so we have the sensor done and I have a cool

Little design here lots of alternating blocks so we have regular stone brick then diorite polished diorite and then smooth stone slabs in here and then in the middle we’ll work on that later it’s going to be the portal Miggy um but yeah now um we’re going to be basically

Repeating the uh pattern very similar to this um I’m going to be going around the stone brick Circle once more with one more coat and then uh will then be doing the same pattern with the polished diorite then smooth Stone on the outside here to cover the four corners and then

After that we’re going to be wanting to put up some walls but right now I’m going to be putting in this design right here uh pretty simple pretty easy and I’m super excited for that and uh yeah um but I’m all out of arrows I swear these guys are just following me

Everywhere they track you like zombies uh these blades do and it’s been very frustrating rating um trying to uh work here and trying to finish this up um but it will come in lots of handy so it’s not as sketchy and also we can make our

Nether look kind of cool and I can hear one right now he’s right on my trail right on my trail somewhere he’s beneath me or something I’m going to try to get this Wither Skeleton see if we could get a second skull why not um a

Viewer told me in the comments I’m not sure if he was trolling or not told me in the comments that if you hit a wither skeleton in the head you have a higher chance of getting a Wither Skull which is something interesting um but yeah can you guys

Confirm that for me cuz I’m not too sure okay I have one Arrow left this guy’s being a pain in the ass there we go so we got one out of the way oh goodness gracious people this isn’t cool I’m worried a blaze is going to hit one of my Pigmen

Here and the Pigman will get aggravated at me which is not cool so okay I’m running I am running I’m going to my balloon I’m going to get some errors for myself but yeah um I was actually thinking about adding a third balloon up here uh to do enchants on we’re going to

Have like our own balloon uh Village which is something really sweet um but yeah tell me what you guys think about that we’ll probably have to do that in the future um yeah it’s episode 29 it’s insane and I also wanted to talk about quickly uh the episode 30 special um so

Essentially guys I just want to give you more detail on what’s going on with um the whole building competition I talked about in the past in episode 30 I’m going to be picking out one of your builds um and essentially okay there we go arrows perfect um but essentially I’m

Going to be picking out one of your builds um to build on my world and you guys already did it I’ve gotten a a couple of people sending in either a video or screenshots which is awesome and you guys still have time um by the end of the day that this video is

Uploaded so in case any of you guys are watching this day you have until then to submit your building competition if not you can wait till episode th um oh man episode 30 and from then we’ll have a new world download um with a new building competition then you could save

Your build for then so no need to rush it um we will be continuing this every 10 episodes like I said and I’m super excited uh for when we get to get the uh the first building competition out of the way and lots of you guys submitted

Awesome builds and uh yeah super duper cool super duper cool uh but yeah um we’re actually going to try to find a good uh pattern to put here for this forign and I do want to stay just talking to you guys for a little bit just because I think we hit a

A soft spot when it comes to blaze spawning so we should be good for a bit and let’s actually take out all this stuff I think this would be a good place to start working on the pattern um but yeah I wanted to match what we had in

There I thought that was pretty nice and um so I’m guessing we’ll probably have to put a coat of the smooth or polished diorite going around uh with the smooth Stone um bricks here so that’s going to be interesting and uh yeah we haven’t used diorite a lot that’s what I noticed and

I’m like yeah you know what we should use some diorite it’s not that bad of a block you just need to use it correctly um it’s one of those blocks that are very good at accting uh smooth stone for instance like right here looks great with it that does not look great and

That’s just so I can protect my portal here but you guys get my point um diorite one of those really good accenting block there’s a certain accent blocks there’s certain main you know blocks that you need to use for build such as smooth Stone it’s a very good

Main block to use oak wood planks very good main block um but as far as as diate goes not really a good main block it is a very good acting block and I think people get confused in building and look at me giving my own lecture on

Building even though I struggle to make goodlooking builds man I should have to do like um I should do like a building tips and tricks series probably not probably not um however I do have some good news guys I have a third series that will be coming to A near you

Shortly and that’s all I’m going to give you um I think it’s going to be a helpful series it’s going to be a fun series um and you guys will like it I have a feeling you guys will like it I need a little bit more planning done um

But I’m super excited because we’ve only posted uh vanilla Minecraft on this channel since its existence and this is still going to be based around vanilla Minecraft don’t get me wrong that’s what I love to play um but it was all like let’s play series um

It was never really um a series like this let’s say so it’s going to be fun and I haven’t seen anything like I’ve seen stuff similar but I haven’t seen anything like what we’re going to be doing which is probably the main reason why I’m excited um because I I want it

To be one of those series that people are like dang that’s pretty dang cool and um yeah that’s what I’m going for that’s definitely what I’m going for but yeah okay there we go let’s get some more diorite I’m scared whenever I hear a gas I just get scared especially when I’m out

Here and I’m worried that a gas is just going to blow me to Smither oh man I see him all right so he’s right out there one you’re kidding me I have a feeling that blazes are going to be spawning in our Hub here I have that feeling um

Yeah that’s probably going to have to happen so we’re going to have to make sure that they’re incapable of spawning by adding half sles to the roof and making sure that we have only man crap I’ll find a way to make sure that they don’t spawn I I’ll work my KS magic we’ll

See oh I’m just worried I’m just not really worried when we’re in a confined space and they can’t fly away I’m not too scared of Blaze I’m not I’m not scared of you blaze that’s right you’re heard me you down there not scared as I get shot off the ledge by a

Blaze oh man yeah uh so that’s how the action’s going to be going and then in the middle um we will be having probably a three wide o man that’s tough we’ll probably have to do I don’t know um for now we’re going to do this

But I think we’re going to be changing things up a bit um I have an idea for the corners or the ends I guess you could say the crests so uh give me one second guys I’m going to be uh doing some more work right here and I’ll show

You what we have in store it’s going to be cool so this is what I was thinking about doing it at the edge of the uh the nether Hub right here so at the four different crests um so it actually will go out a bit like this and then we’ll

Have like another semicircle half circle right here which I thought was interesting and I think I like it um yeah if we walk around there yeah it gives a little bit more depth and it’s not just like a perfect circle you know what I mean there’s a little bit more uh

Detail there which is cool so I’m actually going to keep that and then we’ll have a three wide path coming from here actually so it’ll be something like H or we could keep like that honestly I think I like how it comes out to three

And then it goes back in so uh we’ll actually keep it like that cool um but yeah I’m going to be doing that on all four Crest and then we’re going to going to be filling in the middle sort of like uh this right here let me give you an

Idea so then we’ll have o there you are little buddy look at that oh dang I thought I had him oh he’s getting close he’s okay cool sweet just wasted an arrow but essentially we’re just going to be doing this around the edge right here and uh trying not to

Waste blocks too um but yeah um that’s what it will be like just going around pretty simple though uh nothing too eventful and didn’t mean to rhyme right there but y all righty guys so we have warped so far into the future it’s unbelievable I’ve been working here an

Hour and 20 minutes and we’ve only gotten this done it’s very intricate very thought-provoking um that’s a weird word to use but it takes lots of uh thought and energy and oh goodness you we just got hit right there and these guys have made it so much more of a pain in the

Ass gosh dang it um but yeah I’ve been working my butt off uh trying to get everything done here um so I think that we’re just going to be able to get the four done today I don’t think we’d be able to get anything else done um but for the middle here I

Was thinking about adding in some and ooh andesite and it looks great and uh yeah so it’s not even a thought anymore I’m going to do it um I could already tell it just looks great all the stone uh coming together is just um making this thing look wonderful

And then I think that’ll be the end of it and then we’ll just have stone brick in the middle so lots of the detail is going to be focused on the middle and then um and each of these four quadrants I forgot to tell you I want to put

Something different um whether that is um I’m probably going to have it like as Nether wart Farms maybe um because it’s like right here so maybe all four quadrants would be a Nether wart Farm um another thought I had was like making like a little area for like um I don’t

Really know I think I was just going to add nether W Farm in the middle and it was just going to be a big like a ton of Soul Sand and then Nether wart um what I was also thinking about doing is doing a sort of nether more of a nether Hub

Thing that you do on an SMP like maybe have like a corner where there’s like some smelter have another corner for um an enchanting area but I don’t think that’s necessary for us um yeah that was my ideas but now it changed and I think just adding Nether wart Farm in the

Middle will be cool cuz it’s right near our base and it’s right here and it doesn’t have to be overkill on Stone stuff so yeah that’s what we’ll probably do actually in the middle so um which means we’ll need to go down and add a cobblestone layer or a layer of some

Sort to support the Soul Sand um which will take forever so um yeah I’m just going to continue doing this adding in the an aite but I think that’s an idea people it’s a great idea that I had see I’m full of great ideas they just they just take time you

Know there we go so we have a full quadrant for andesite and we’re going to do that for the other three uh so yeah oh crap oh crap Pigman are rad Pigman are rad Pigman are red ah all right so I don’t know what happened [Applause] there okay so I got shot

By a blaze so I got shot by a blaze fire my arrow at the blaze I’m guessing a pigman was behind me or inside of me and I shot it or the blaze shot the Pigman either way they made that one noise when they’re very mad and I don’t want to go back

In oh I was so close to getting finished at least for the main part um but we got some good work done there for the most part we’re going to call it an episode I’m going to try to figure out what happened there I’m going to work off

Camera on it of course and um in the next episode our sole purpose would be uh dedicating the episode to you guys whoever won the competition and and just to all of you wonderful subscribers uh who support this series so guys I thank you all so much for watching um we’re

Actually going to head on over to the Enchanted Forest name a tree after you and then we’re going to call it quit so give me one second all righty guys so today’s comment is coming from David VES or David vals or David valis I don’t know

One of the three I think I but butchered his name at least twice maybe even three times maybe I just mispronounce it three times but his comment is from episode 15 and he asks how do you imagine yourself if you did YouTube full time uh that would be pretty cool you know um

Obviously that’s a huge dream dream of a ton of people um is being able to do YouTube full-time and there are certain people who can actually make enough money from making YouTube videos that they don’t need any other job so which is pretty cool so YouTube’s their job um

Yeah how could I imagine myself doing it can I imagine myself doing that heck no um the possibility of that is very slim to none um but it would be fun if if you had that opportunity you know honestly um I personally know um that people who do YouTube full-time

You know they have a pretty awesome job because I I make videos myself three times a week well at least when I’m not busy and it’s lots of fun it’s definitely lots of fun and uh doing that for a living and not having any other responsibilities um in terms of work um

Would be sweet and um but yeah um how could I imagine myself doing that yeah probably just taking it easy and and uploading daily since I’d actually have the time there there and just making sure that I keep everyone in my audience happy that’s how I can imagine myself uh

Doing YouTube if I did it fulltime um but yeah uh can’t I imagine myself doing that heck no that would be very um I’d have to be very lucky but yeah I’d like to thank you all so much for watching if you did enjoy this video be sure to

Leave a like rating down below is that really does help out my channel and uh if you didn’t enjoy it you could always feel free to leave a dislike and also tell me why that actually helps me out a little bit but if not it’s totally cool

Uh but yeah guys thanks for watching again and I will see you all in the next episode bye-bye hey how’s it going people it’s that KS welcome back to another episode of my single player Survival Series in the last episode we actually worked on a nether Hub still

Not complete there I’ve been super duper busy this week so I haven’t been able to work on it that much but I’ll be sure to get some more work on it we’re not finished with it by any means we still haven’t even gotten the full platform down uh but we’re basically there we’re

Basically there today is episode 30 um which is actually going to be the episode where I show off one of your builds that you guys made I had plenty of people sending me tweets with uh screenshots of your builds for me some people even uploaded videos and

At the same time I also got some private messages on YouTube etc etc you guys are awesome I’d like to thank you all so much for your support um and interaction is just incredible on YouTube and um I can’t wait to actually make this build today so this build is going to be

Dedicated to uh frags it’s frags and um he actually sent me in a really cool build to do today and I can’t wait um it’s actually building in a place that I wanted to build at but didn’t know how to and it’s also making something look a

Lot better that looks very blank and we’re talking right up there that Cliff side that lonely Cliff side let’s get a good view of this right here there’s nothing up there it’s just bare Stone a little bit of coal so what a little bit of andesite up there very

Very plain and we did work on this early episodes to try to terraform this I remember it used to come out a lot more was a lot more rugged and it looks better but we still need it to look even better if you know what I mean um so he

Had this very cool idea to have like this little hangout area up in our Cliff up here and that’s what I wanted today I want to make that hangout area make it look cool it’s not going to be block for Block but heck it’s still going to look

Pretty nice so we’re actually going to get started so he had two different Windows here I’m not really sure where they went block for block again but I’m going to try to eyeball this to make it look even better um so I don’t want it

To be exactly uh parallel to what we had here um so I’m going to go right around there and I think this is a good spot to make it so there’s a 4×4 then there’s a 3X 3 yes I know I’m using my silk touch pick before anyone yells at me and says

KS you’re using your silk touch I know my work pick’s low and I thought I could use the smooth stone for the nether Hub so uh yeah I’m using silk touch big whoop so we have this one right here I’m not sure if this is too tall um let me

See what he did actually I have a little screenshot right here and um it looks like I’m actually a little bit off we’ll see I’m a little bit higher than I should be oh didn’t mean to do that um so right up there could work I was thinking yeah that’ll probably have to

Move over two blocks that way and then I’ll have a 3X3 over that way so that’s how it will work not a big deal at all I mean it’s literally just shifting it over two blocks that way but we want a window right there so yeah we’re going to make this window

It’s going to look cool um is there any purpose served right here kind of um the reason why I picked this build is because it sparked my interest and for what I want to do up here on this hill because I I kept saying this in in like

Previous episodes like we need to build something cool on this hill so it could be an entrance to like man well I’m I’m not going to give it away fully just yet but I want to build something cool on the hill and um I think the place to do so is

Here so okay so we have the four and now I’m thinking and we have the 3X3 up here that’s too high still we’re probably actually going to push this 3×3 down one all right and we’re probably going to push the 4×4 down by a couple I’m sorry if you guys

Could hear this my phone is exploding um group texts are the worst thing ever invented and I wish that my phone had silent like it it still buzzes like I don’t have the option to not have it buzz it has to notify me somehow in some

Annoying way um so I I am sorry about that people but uh NE nevertheless we should continue on I think that this is this is a good locations for where I need the holes to be at so I think we’re going to go off of that right there all right

That’s cool so that’s where the holes are going to be and they’re they’re going to have like the circular shell around it as well which is going to be very interesting did not mean to make that rhyme by the way uh for the record

So to get up now we’re going to have a little entrance right here um so we’re actually going to have to terraform a tad bit not too much um which is why I have the dirt with me so that’s all I really have to do then there’s like a

Straight passage up so there’s actually it was by twos um I’m going to do it by threes just because odds are better than evens so I’m sorry I’m changing up your build a little bit you shouldn’t worry too much though right it’s not a big deal but um anyway while I’m while I’m

Doing this right here um anyone else who submitted a build for this contest it was actually amazing there’s lots of very talented Builders um who enter this which I’m very blessed to say I have some pretty awesome subscribers for the stuff that they were coming up with I

Mean you guys were coming up with some crazy stuff and I thank you for that um but now for between episode 30 now and 39 technically we we are going to be doing a themed one for episode 40 so when we get to episode 40 we’re going to

Have a themed subscriber contest you remember my dock um for all of you viewers who remember my doc that I made a like around five episodes ago maybe maybe three maybe before I forget I’m very bad at keeping track I think it was three episodes if I’m not mistaken um

But we made a dock and I said for people to make boats you know what I mean make boats for me just as a joke and then and I was like crap this is actually a good idea so my idea is for us to have a themed

Contest and that is that you guys will make me a certain type of boat okay you uh again you upload the pictures on Twitter uh you send me a video you could upload it unlisted whatever just make sure that it gets to me do whatever you

Think is necessary um to contact me as long as you could show me an actual IM of the build and um obviously um yeah yeah give me your YouTube channel name or Twitter name just give me the name that you want me to address You by and

Then that’ll be cool um but yeah that’s really um the plan though it’s going to be fun and I can’t wait to see uh what builds you have in store well technically what boats you have in store uh for this next contest here um super duper excited though this is going to be

Very very fun and I can’t wait to do uh just more with that so anyways I’m going to make some ladders quickly I’m going to try to get some digging done we’ll start decorating this place pimping it out and maybe uh hinting at why we’re making this and and what inspired me to

Make well technically what inspired me to choose this one and um at the same time uh what’s our plans for on top of this hill pretty fun so here’s a little update people we have the ladder going up and we have this duck out for the

Most part um it’s a lot different than what he had uh but this is what we’re going to have to deal with I think this looks cool uh so hopefully there’s no problem with it um but anyways uh so we have one little area right here you can go up and then

There’s a little viewing area and then there’s going to be like a little Lounge area right there and then up here is just going to be another view with maybe like a couch and stuff my Throne you know stuff like that cuz I’m King Kos you guys already know that I’m King

KS so anyways but yeah yeah that’s what we have here I think this was an awesome idea so now we’re going to be doing some interior decorating making this look nice and this is going to be called ks’s Clubhouse and this is going to be the

Place where we’re just going to hang out from time to time just chill out and soak the in this awesome view by the way this is an awesome view right here too uh but up here dang some guys are already trying to they’re waiting in line to get into

The clubhouse look at this they’re burning up there’s another guy right here I could hear him where you at pal where you at there you are that’s why you’re not burning up you have some gold armor look at this guy let’s watch him fall off the quiff oh man burned in midair

Never seen that before wow such a great view up here though I actually have not been up here since a while that’s why it’s still not litting up I just never go up here and I forgot how good of a view this was nonetheless the view is amazing with all of our builds

Here um but up here we may make a viewing deck we’re still you know I still have a couple of things debated um upon in my head um but I imagine having like a fortress up here of some sort whether it’s a probably not a medieval

One we may go with a medieval I’m not sure um but some sort of Fortress up here where we can just chill out enjoy the view really no purpose and you know really no purpose really no function for it to serve other than that it’s an amazing view we may put something

Important up here maybe a brewing station like an automatic brewing station that’ll Force us to come up on this hill like Brewing hill we could call it Brewers Hill I don’t know um yeah give us a reason to come up here and just take a look at this amazing

View so we may do some stuff on this hill that’s what I was thinking but over here is going to be the Clubhouse it’s also going to function as a way to get on top of the hill so then we could probably have a pathway coming up from

The clubhouse right here and this is going to be all enclosed in some sort of manner maybe we could just terraform the way out here I’m not sure uh but that’s the deal people um this is going to be like just like an a little Outpost area

Just to refresh your memories and uh it’s supposed to look pretty cool so we’re going to be using we’ll guess it stone brick and uh probably some smooth stone slabs that’s always is very nice to use um but for the stone brick especially I want us to start off um

Right around here making a little pathway going this way and uh we’re probably going to need some dirt on us as well because we’re going to need get that so it’s actually going to have to be something like this around it for this to function and for this to work

Which is basically the mean they mean the same things I don’t know why I said both but I had the feeling that I need to say both I don’t know why but I’m going to dig this out now going to be adding in some four patterns and such

And uh at the same time try to make this place look nice um what I’m going to be going for is a four pattern I’m going to try to make it look like we’re inside a mountain still so the walls are going to be the same I may add up some paintings

And stuff maybe some torches maybe some signs we’ll see um But as time goes on we could find an actual function for this but for now this is just going to be ks’s hangout spot and um it’s going to be the coolest spot in in this world

Um fully dedicated to hanging out uh we’ll probably switch this up though let me show you something quickly where is a crafting table that I can make and I can make one CU this and let’s actually just plop down a crafting table right here and let’s make

Ourselves some of these guys right here stone slabs are great and all so this is what we’ll probably do just going down this way nice and simple looks good clean look that’s what I like about this design right here so we’re going to go on in we’re going to design this up

People I’m going to design like a maniac a freaking Maniac people and I’ll get back to you in 1 second so just uh sit tidy for these next couple of seconds so I have some updates for y’all uh really nothing much has happened um but I’m

Still working on it a bit and um I’m adding like some supports around the area just to make it look like you know it’s being supported as dumb as that sounds and so this is what it looks like uh as of now let me finish this and then I’ll show

You it’s pretty cool but yeah that’s what it looks like uh pretty simple pretty cool I like it not sure about you guys but I think that this looks sweet and that’s what we’re dealing with so far so I’m just adding supports where they look like you know they’re kind of

Necessary so I may again put like one right there one right there um yeah I’m not sure I I think I like this though I’m I’m good with this this is a good amount at least for this area and then maybe I’ll put some supports like down here for

Instance cuz this looks like it it’s a place where it would need supports and then right behind here so we’re basically all set and I think we’re good there we go people um but yeah um we’ll add a little clubhouse out here as well um right now

Probably not cuz I am so busy but we have this going for us and now the outside we need to make the windows look a lot better um which is another great thing that frags did here and I’ll be showing you quickly I have to make a

Little bit more of these guys right here we’ll actually head on down don’t mind taking a little bit of fall damage why not you know with our feather falling and with our amazing oh Bow that we missed with all right all right here we go and

Oh man so what does that look like that already spices things up a bit and I forgot to work on the upper level I keep neglecting that um but here’s what we’re going to do here um what am I doing I’m going to get blown up by a creeper I

Better watch out I better not cry I better not pout I’m telling you why blah blah blah blah blah sanqua is coming to town all right so this is how he kind of did it I liked it so he kind of had the corner shut in and then around the

Edges he’d have his stone bricks here so this is what it would look like at least right here so we kind of outdid ourselves a bit and then H we have to go down a bit and then go up a bit uh I’ll show you why there we go oh yep

Nope didn’t mean to do that dang it no stairs are so annoying to build with they look great Annoying to build with them I’m trying to oh that was sick these creepers are out that’s a sign for us to go hit the hay quickly um unless a creeper waiting for

Us in here one’s about to fall I have a feeling one’s following us this will be funny man this is just KS being careless careless KS man those guys were after me dang God look at that zombie look at that creeper over there man when I heard that Sizzle I’m

Like he followed me up that creeper blocked up too that’s just me being dumb that definitely makes it look better though I liked how he did that adds layers people Ling he was listening to my building lessons he probably knew it though he’s a smart fell he was probably listening to my

Building lessons and layering and how if you layer looks so much better all your builds will look so much better if you just layer this juts out one makes the build look completely different makes it look awesome man I can’t believe a creeper was up here too I’m just going to ignore

It uh but yeah that’s how it’s supposed to look and it looks magnificent I love that aspect of this build so um that’s a great suggestion I went out way too far over here way too far and we’ll just go on up now and we’ll complete the top of this

And we’ll also get the other one um going to look awesome though I I definitely love this idea of um the layering and such so let’s go on down here let’s just see how it looks quickly I like it I like it from here I

Already kind of saw it so I kind of know what to expect luckily we have have this smooth Stone right here as well as that we have some dirt so it’s going to look like nothing happened here people nothing happened anyways you know what happened creeper don’t know what you’re talking

About um but yeah shoot I need to get this all done I’m worried what this is going to look like here so I kind of did this on the outside don’t know why it looks better on the inside which is why I’m doing it

Um so I guess I I may be giving this some sort of use because I I care about like what it looks like on the inside and such but it shouldn’t be too big of a deal so we’re just going to place this all around the edges right here we’re

Going to try to funnel all these blocks I guess not I tried people I try I try to do the right thing like for instance there’s some stray blocks Why not pick them up while I can creeper hole let’s patch it up why not but dang I’m not perfect

All righty um so bang Bang bang bang all right cool so we have those four knocked out I need to get this guy quickly and then we will go with the stone bricks again not like that and then we’ll go down a couple and we will get that and that and then we’ll

Have to get once again even though I place on that side it still switches over man I swear stairs are SW stairs are something else there’s something else people don’t like them too much not too fun if you could be friends with an animate objects I guess it doesn’t make

Any sense there if you could be like friends with like any objects stairs are not on my list it’s a weird thought I’ve already decided that though in my weird brain a weird head man they have caused me some trouble creepers have caused me some trouble

Today my own brain my own brain causing me trouble what is wrong with you KS what is wrong with you all righty so I think we’re good here H we can make this jump there we go cool and that’s our way down let’s take a look see how this looks give me a

Rating right now we’re not looking up from the bottom yet give me a rating on how you think this is going to be doing one out of 10 one out of 10 and as we’re picking up these I won’t look up all righty once you commented that uh

We’ll pause quickly comment your rating and then resume and let’s see I already am hoping that you pause all right let’s go not bad not bad we could definitely use some more though and this is just the the Stepping Stones to making this look a lot better I’m making this hill

Look a lot better um so definitely cool though I love what we did here though um this is an excellent suggestion thank you so much frags um for helping me contribute to this world um definitely epic uh we’re going to have to add some minor fixes though I could already see

Like for instance this corer pieces we’re going to have to change and some other stuff uh but up there we’ll probably have to do some live stream soon I’m doing lots of stuff where I’m starting projects on on camera never finishing them that’s mainly due to the

Fact that I don’t have any time but um basically I’m going to finish this off camera I may finish it on a live stream I don’t know something along those lines so I’m going to get this done um I want this place to be looking just magnificent

Looking like fresh AF you know like Class A just fresh and and we’re going to try to get this place just looking awesome and um ready to move in into even though we’re technically not moving into it but you know what I mean ready to just chill out in have good timeing

And we’re not there just yet we still have some stuff to do like finishing this up uh but we’re very close to finishing it just a couple of minor fixes and then we’d be well on our way um but yeah definitely pumped up definitely excited uh for what we have in the

Future uh so much is going to be going on in this world and I’m very excited for the next 10 episodes again if you guys are interested in having your build like frags over here being put on my server not on my server on my world here

Let me know let me know and I’d be more than happy to Showcase it here as long as you guys are willing to make me an epic build idea like this one so um actually we’re going to go over to the Enchanted Forest now we’re going to end

Off the episode so yeah I’ll meet you there we’re going to answer um just just incredible question all righty guys so today’s comment is coming from sdp Hunter and how appropriate is this question what is your favorite part of making YouTube videos well you guys saw it right here

In this episode um actually pretty incredible my favorite part of YouTube videos is you know you guys uh just coming commenting on my videos giving me feedback and quite frankly that’s why I post videos is for feedback and boy do you guys give me amazing feedback it’s been wonderful um what we’ve

Accomplished on this channel so far your support has been incredible and yeah without a doubt that’s my favorite part about YouTube you guys contributing to my world making stuff look awesome like even more awesome than I am I know right no but in all seriousness guys uh

That’s the best part about YouTube and um for all of you guys who want to build a fan base and um you know build a community overall build a community that you get to talk to get to you know share your love for with um with a game like

Minecraft and such um YouTube is a special place and if you want that go for it you know definitely go for it it’s changed my life in so many ways so uh thank you guys so much for watching if you did enjoy the video be sure to

Leave a like rating down below as you very much so um you know could help me out I kind of butcher my words there um but yeah guys thanks so much again I’ll see you all in episode 31 it’s going to be a blast so I’ll see you then take care for now

This video, titled ‘Old School Minecraft: The Movie – Pt. 3 (ThatKSDude Season 1)’, was uploaded by Impala100 on 2023-12-24 17:05:00. It has garnered 457 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:14 or 15434 seconds.

Due to popular demand, I decided to re-upload Season 1 of my Singleplayer Survival series from my old channel, ThatKSDude, in a movie format. This series aired from January to July in the year of 2015 during the Minecraft 1.8 update. For new viewers, or viewers newer to the game, it might be a neat experience seeing how the playstyle and game mechanics have changed in 8 years.

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOF8R6NNIPQ&t=2s Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf0ABW659rU

Time Stamps: 0:00 Intro 0:30 Episode 21 19:28 Episode 22 51:18 Episode 23 1:16:30 Episode 24 1:39:32 Episode 25 2:06:58 Episode 26 2:41:08 Episode 27 3:02:47 Episode 28 3:28:48 Episode 29 3:53:14 Episode 30

Thank you for checking out this video! Whether you’re a visitor or a returning viewer it’s much appreciated. This channel is all about producing videos for people to enjoy and escape from their daily lives for a brief minute! I always look forward to hearing your feedback through the comments.

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  • Newbie Herobrine’s Minecraft Quest

    Newbie Herobrine's Minecraft Quest In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Noob Herobrine’s Adventure is a dreamy scene. A tale of a beginner, eager to learn, With secrets to uncover at every turn. Join him on his journey, through valleys and caves, As he navigates challenges with courage and saves. With each block he breaks, a new skill he gains, In this Minecraft world, where creativity reigns. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And follow Noob Herobrine on his adventure so bright. For in this world of blocks and pixels so fine, There’s always a new story, waiting… Read More

  • Crafting a King: Act 3

    Crafting a King: Act 3 Act 3: “Birth of a King” Prepare to witness the epic tale of the birth of a king in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we delve into the exciting events and features of this thrilling adventure. The Rise of a Monarch As the story unfolds, players will witness the transformation of a humble character into a powerful ruler. The journey to kingship is fraught with challenges and triumphs, making for a captivating narrative. Embrace the Power Experience the thrill of commanding your kingdom and making crucial decisions that will shape the fate of your realm. With great… Read More

  • Teacher’s Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan’s Class Clash

    Teacher's Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan's Class Clash In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter is found. With humor and joy, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. Pirated copies, beware and take heed, For Fangkuaixuan’s channel is the only one you need. Original content, each day a new delight, Subscribe and follow, keep happiness in sight. MC Funny, Classroom Series, and songs to sing, Fangkuaixuan’s creations, joy they bring. So join the fun, in Minecraft’s world so grand, With Fangkuaixuan, happiness at hand. Read More

  • Moo-tiful Minecraft Cow Farm: Easy 1.20 Tutorial

    Moo-tiful Minecraft Cow Farm: Easy 1.20 Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where cows roam free, I’ll show you a farm that’s easy as can be. With 1.20 update, new features to explore, Let’s dive right in and learn some more. Dipesh Indian Gamer, the man with the plan, Bringing you tutorials, making you a fan. Cow farm tutorial, a viral sensation, Trending video, sparking admiration. In Minecraft PE, version 1.20, Creating a cow farm, plenty of plenty. From survival mode to creative design, This tutorial will make your farm shine. So grab your tools, let’s get to work, Building a farm, no need to shirk…. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Speed Up for Big Update in Minecraft Java

    Crafting Chaos: Speed Up for Big Update in Minecraft Java In preparation for the update, I’m on the grind, Crafting fire-resistant gear, exploring the Nether to find. Nether fortress and Piglin fortress, my goals in sight, Growing sugar cane faster, a challenge to ignite. No bone meal for sugar cane in Java, it seems, But with patience and care, I’ll fulfill my dreams. Expanding my village, setting up a new base, No time for devices, just exploring with grace. So join me on this journey, as I speed up my days, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity plays. 6/13 is the date, the update is near, Let’s dive… Read More

  • Hot Nether Portals: Minecraft Edition

    Hot Nether Portals: Minecraft Edition I tried using a diamond portal once and ended up in a realm where all the creepers wore top hats and monocles. It was quite the fancy explosion! #minecraftmadness Read More

  • 10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together

    10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together The Power of Minecraft Multiplayer Minecraft has revolutionized the gaming world with its multiplayer feature, allowing players to connect and collaborate in a virtual world. This innovation has propelled Minecraft to the forefront of online gaming in the 21st century. Building Communities One of the key aspects of Minecraft’s multiplayer feature is the ability to build communities. Players can join forces to construct elaborate structures, explore vast landscapes, and engage in epic battles. This collaborative element has fostered a sense of camaraderie among players, leading to the formation of tight-knit communities within the game. Shared Experiences By playing together,… Read More

  • Chaos Cubed: Decked Out Adventure

    Chaos Cubed: Decked Out Adventure Welcome to Cubed Chaos SMP Server! Welcome to the exciting world of Cubed Chaos SMP server, where Minecraft adventures come to life! Join NastikCraft on a thrilling journey as they dive into a new Minecraft community network reminiscent of the popular Hermitcraft server. Cubed Chaos offers a vibrant and engaging community that promises endless fun and excitement for all players. Establishing a Strong Foundation As NastikCraft sets foot in the Cubed Chaos world, the first order of business is to establish a solid foundation for their adventures. Starting with the basics, they gather essential resources such as sugarcane for… Read More

  • BobbyBoley’s Insane Minecraft Horror Adventure!

    BobbyBoley's Insane Minecraft Horror Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nightmare SMP_V2 #minecrafthorror #minecraftmods #smp #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by BobbyBboley on 2024-04-29 07:37:55. It has garnered 7259 views and 203 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #herobrine #herobrineinminecraft #scary #horrorgaming #weird #forest #fear #entity303vsherobrine #entity303 #mod #nightmare #demon #gameplay #gaming #game #gamer #minecraft #minecraftworld #minecrafthorror #scary #horrorgaming #minecraft #zombiesurvival #apocalypse #endoftheword #minecrafthorror #backrooms #weird #nightmare #demon #survival #minecraftsurvival #vhsrecords #vhstapes #vhsrecording #playthrough #gameplay #game #gamer #film #scary #horrorstory #horrorstories #creepy #creepystories #foryou #foryoupage #weird #strange #unknown #monster #creature #gameplay #playthrough #fullplaythrough #gameplay #gameplaywalkthrough #fullplaythrough #zombiegamingchannel #playthrough #horrorgaming #game #gaming… Read More

  • Minecraft: Psychological Horror Game Live

    Minecraft: Psychological Horror Game LiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But It’s A Psychological Horror Game.. (Live)’, was uploaded by ItsFilsFR on 2024-05-11 06:43:12. It has garnered 239 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:06 or 4986 seconds. Minecraft But It’s A Psychological Horror Game.. (Live) SUBSCRIBE linktr.ee/itsfils https://discord.com/invite/3DjSeANrVN Read More

  • “INSANE Ice Survival Challenge 🏡❄️” #shorts

    "INSANE Ice Survival Challenge 🏡❄️" #shortsVideo Information [Music] the planet come on sing it with me sing words relate to the key key it’s a pattern if it’s a pattern just repeat after me life and death and and and War on the planet Earth life and death then This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cute Tree House🏡🌳 #shorts’, was uploaded by HellFrozen on 2024-05-03 06:00:12. It has garnered 112698 views and 6557 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. ⬇️ Download Build ⬇️ https://hellfrozen.mcmaps.app/download –My Socials– https://wlo.link/@HellFrozen –Music– #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Unbelievable Survival Challenge in Twilight Forest Malaysia

    Unbelievable Survival Challenge in Twilight Forest MalaysiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Survival Tetapi Di Twilight Forest (Minecraft) Malaysia’, was uploaded by Itz Mizie on 2024-01-13 04:00:10. It has garnered 182 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:59 or 539 seconds. #malaysia Mode: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-twilight-forest The boss in Twilight Forest is very difficult when you fight without creative mode, but I have defeated 4 bosses in this mode in a survival video, but there is a mode Read More

  • Dad Builds EPIC Minecraft Mansion! Click for Crazy Fun!

    Dad Builds EPIC Minecraft Mansion! Click for Crazy Fun!Video Information hello everybody Welcome to my channel guys we’re playing Minecraft and let’s go play we’re going to build a biggest biggest mansion so I’m thinking we don’t need a oak plant we can use the iron block and we need glass I need to find a Clear Spot finding oh wait this should be a good spot let’s get building though let’s place it right here here here we need to make the world biggest now I can carry on the world biggest house last time we made a biggest house remember guys and let’s make it even… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Saitama VS Genos 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Saitama VS Genos 🔥Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh help me [Music] what This video, titled ‘Destiny Run: SAITAMA VS GENOS😎 #minecraft #fypシ #minecraftanimation #minecraftvideos #shorts’, was uploaded by FlyingCow Toons on 2024-05-31 01:37:41. It has garnered 25419 views and 2018 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Please Don’t Forget Like & Share The video THANKUOUUUU😍😍!! Pleas Help Saitama!! Read More

  • Insane Hack to Level Up Fast on Skyblock!

    Insane Hack to Level Up Fast on Skyblock!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today back for another episode of The Sky Block series here on royal. Enchanted mc.net IP is on your screen right now and it’s always you know in the top left of all of my videos no matter what server I’m on you guys can always see that and whenever you guys directly hop on using that custom IP it will directly support me in the channel so obviously I greatly appreciate that now guys it has been a minute since the last Sky Block episode at the… Read More

  • INSANE Secret Bases in Minecraft by JeromeASF!

    INSANE Secret Bases in Minecraft by JeromeASF!Video Information today we’re going to be setting up a secret base inside of one of these mountains to stop our friend from breaking in all right well I kicked blade so we can’t cheat all right guys let’s get to work so I’m thinking we put it in the side of this mountain right here so let’s start carving about this m this mountain right here so let’s just carve out a little area and cap you know what to do buddy can you make your magic happen okay time to make it thickens all right so first things… Read More


    HOW TO PLAY MINECRAFT LIKE A PRO vs NOOBVideo Information как Нуб играет в Minecraft так а вот тут алмазы подберу их стоп а как мне выбраться как про играет в Minecraft стой стой стой Если ты сейчас поставишь лайк и подпишешься на канал то завтра найдёшь iPhone под подушкой о тут алмазы ха-ха какая тупая Ловушка просто поставлю два блока под себя This video, titled ‘КАК НУБ И ПРО ИГРАЮТ В МАЙНКРАФТ’, was uploaded by henkall on 2024-03-09 15:12:36. It has garnered 10513 views and 1036 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft… Read More

  • MilkFactions

    MilkFactionsA Nice faction server to hang out as a community with multiple players and you can gain multiple types of armor and custom enchantments Read More

  • The Grotto SMP – Java 1.20.4 – LeveledMobs – Dungeons – MapArt – Quests – Jobs – Community Events

    The Grotto (1.20.4) Join us at play.thegrotto.gg About The Grotto The Grotto is a 4-month season-based survival server, offering a unique experience for players of all types. Whether you enjoy exploring custom-generated landscapes, battling in raid dungeons, or simply making new friends, we have something for everyone. Core Features Custom World Generation Custom Items & Recipes Boss Dungeons No Pay-to-Win Ranks Player Leveling/Rankup System McMMO Jobs Economy Interested? If you’re curious about The Grotto and our features, feel free to join our Discord or connect to our server at play.thegrotto.gg Read More

  • earth

    earthearth is and will be the longest running server of all time and will last for eternity.the purpose of earth is to keep the world running forever, any player can join and do whatever they want, call it anarchy if you will.with a powerful host, capable of maintaining everything, earth is essentially what we will have left once the universe decides to take us all away.server version will be updated always, the current being 1.20.6 Vanilla. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Polished Diorite floor resembles a classic arcade titled XYZZY, way back in 1980!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Polished Diorite floor resembles a classic arcade titled XYZZY, way back in 1980!Well, with a score of 20, it must be more than just a coincidence that this meme is hilarious! Read More

  • Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer

    Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer In the Minecraft world of layered rock, I spent 100 days, ticking the clock. Mining and crafting, building my base, Exploring the depths, at a steady pace. With each block I break, a new challenge awaits, Creatures and dangers, behind every gate. But with skill and wit, I conquer them all, Leaving my mark, standing tall and tall. So here’s to 100 days, in the Layer Rock World, A journey of triumph, my flag unfurled. I’ll keep on exploring, with joy and with glee, In this Minecraft world, where I’m truly free. Read More

  • Minecraft: The Hottest Block Party! 🔥

    Minecraft: The Hottest Block Party! 🔥 Perché Minecraft? Because punching trees and building virtual houses is way more productive than my real life. #minecraftlogic #gamerlife #virtualreality #procrastination101 Read More

  • New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1

    New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1 Minecraft Java Edition Playthrough – EP 1 – A New World Embarking on a New Adventure Nine-year-old Alexa Grace D. Elizaga takes on the challenge of playing Minecraft Java Edition in Survival Mode for the first time. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, she sets out to explore a brand new world. Surviving the Unknown As Alexa navigates through the game, she encounters challenges like finding sheep for wool and dealing with the dangers of nighttime. Her survival instincts kick in as she builds a makeshift shelter and crafts essential tools to stay safe. Exploring the Terrain Despite… Read More

  • Zozo: Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Hacker in Hardcore Minecraft – Epic Mob Battles

    Zozo: Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Hacker in Hardcore Minecraft - Epic Mob BattlesVideo Information on day one I spawned into the Redwood Forest as a hacker oh nice I wonder if there are any computers in this Forest that I can hack right away a redstone Golem appeared and he didn’t look happy to see me Red Alert there’s a hacker stop right there this is a no hacking Zone uh-oh I wish I could remember some sick hacker moves to get me out of this situation but I can’t remember anything guess I’d better just run instead I ran as fast as I could but that Redstone Golem was gaining on… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Lethal Company in Minecraft

    Unleashing Chaos: Lethal Company in MinecraftVideo Information where the [ __ ] are we what the is that the Ender [Music] Dragon and that’s the Enderman uh This video, titled ‘This game is wiild… #lethalcompany #scary #funny #minecraft’, was uploaded by ITZ_MJFINN on 2024-01-15 23:04:28. It has garnered 54 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Ravager vs Iron Golem! Subscribe for EPIC Fight! #GamingClickbait

    Ultimate Battle: Ravager vs Iron Golem! Subscribe for EPIC Fight! #GamingClickbaitVideo Information CH P de French French French French French CH de FR frente frente frente frente tem Ti P de frente frente frente frente frente contente This video, titled ‘Subscribe ☺️Ravager vs IRON GOLEM#music #animation #song #game #minecraft #epic #fight #pvp #vs’, was uploaded by Gaming GUAG on 2024-05-11 05:45:02. It has garnered 961 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More


    UNLIMITED AIR & IRON - MANUCRAFT WORLD T3 #32Video Information Hey gente Sean bienvenidos aquí a un nuevo video Sean bienvenidos aquí a un nuevo episodio de la serie mundo manucraft temporada número 3 continuamos del episodio anterior episodio en el cual hicimos una escopeta láser del Industrial Craft e hicimos un montón de máquinas nuevas que de hecho hay muchas más como yo les había dicho en el anterior episodio que iba a ser de cada una de esas máquinas una igual para tener dos de cada una y así agilizar todos los procesos y terminar haciendo otra otras máquinas más y modificando un poco lo que… Read More

  • Get Ready for Epic HIVE LIVE Action! Fixed Computer in 2 Hrs (Parties, 1v1s, Tournaments)

    Get Ready for Epic HIVE LIVE Action! Fixed Computer in 2 Hrs (Parties, 1v1s, Tournaments)Video Information hello why you live because I want to because I want to be live why is my Minecraft not loading up that’s the best question and my fan is dying that’s great that is great so it kind of took me like 2 hours to fix my laptop but it’s but it’s fixed can you hear the fan what is it like I’m back bruh sorry I left for 10 seconds what very slightly what what do you mean by that yeah my fans are like going oh I lost my login street because a computer break great… Read More

  • Insane 1.20 Mods & Data Packs for Minecraft!

    Insane 1.20 Mods & Data Packs for Minecraft!Video Information [Music] goblins tyranny is an expansive Minecraft mod that introduces a vibrant and intricately designed Goblin civilization drawing inspiration from fantasy RPGs this Mod enriches The Game’s world with detailed Goblin societies and provides players with new challenges and interactions players can find Goblin Villages primarily in the plains these Villages are uniquely generated each time featuring a variety of structures including H houses decorations and a Central Square ensuring no two Villages are alike the world is also dotted with smaller Goblin structures such as camps watchtowers and Merchant Caravans each adding strategic or resource elements to… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane New SMP Minecraft But Server – Comment NOW! 🔥

    🔥 Insane New SMP Minecraft But Server - Comment NOW! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Comment NOW ! #smp #minecraft #mcyt #minecraftbut’, was uploaded by JstJamieShorts on 2024-04-21 03:17:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. What ru doing down here. Today JstJamieShorts (on the JstJamieShorts not the JstJamie channel) plays not Minecraft, But Water … Read More

  • ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon – Watch NOW!

    ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon - Watch NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘* 3 HOURS* OF “BEST” JEFFY MINECRAFT VIDEOS!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! on 2024-05-24 11:00:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome To Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! We post daily Jeffy Minecraft videos, to keep our viewers entertained. Minecraft is a sandbox … Read More

  • Coastal Minecraft Trending Viral Video #Clickbait

    Coastal Minecraft Trending Viral Video #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft new coastal Trending Shorts #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-04-21 01:23:12. It has garnered 3569 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft but minecraft animation tiktok shorts minecraft alan becker dancing cow daisy dancing moo bloom moobloom minecraft polish cow minecraft ethobot moo bloom funny meme #shorts #minecraft minecraft memes minecraft challenge dream minecraft funny memes techno gamerz minecraft survival minecraft friend avm shorts animation vs minecraft minecraft but you are immortal minecraft but i cant… Read More

  • Svegon vanilla server

    Svegon vanilla serverI run small servers from a group of friends and potentially a few outsiders. This server focuses of vanilla experience, so I only added a few plugins to make sure people don’t grief you or scam you. 😉 sub.falix.gg Read More

  • dotMINE SMP Server

    Server Information: The IP address is mc.dotmine.se. Features include history, /back, /home commands, land claim, kr€£ plugin, mcmmo, public farms, market for purchasing items. Players are friendly and the server supports both Swedish and English languages. Additional features include /ah, locked chests and doors via LWC. View the map hosted on map.dotMINE.se. Read More