Minecraft: Search for the Cave Dweller

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Oh what a start stranded on a desert island had never seen something like this before well at least I have a turtle friend hello hello everyone and welcome back once again to Minecraft but from the fact that I’m playing it I’m sure you can tell this isn’t regular Minecraft

No this may be the worst possible place to demonstrate it but I am playing with the much requested cave dweller mod what exactly does the cave dweller mod do well to be honest I have no idea besides well the obvious I’m assuming it adds some kind of

Entity which stalks the caves under the game but I’m only going off of the title I’ve deliberately avoided any information on it so that it would come as a surprise the point I’m getting at though is that while Herobrine was part of an already established Legend

I truly have no context for what to expect from this which makes it that much more terrifying just to know that something is out there but then again that’s kind of the whole appeal of Herobrine too isn’t it I’ve always felt like stories Like This

Were Meant to sort of fill in the gaps where players already felt something must occupy I mean how many of us have been terrified by the idea of something being down in those caves slowly coming towards us when we hear those cave noises even if this may present completely

Differently from how from the fog does I still think it’s coming from very much the same place speaking of coming from the same place I actually like to think given our start here that maybe I’m actually another survivor of the same wreck that stranded our character in from the fog

Look we’ve even got a different appearance in everything based on some fan art from that series thanks again to uh Greg Basalt for making the skin based on fan art by commie scribbles but we’ve got yet another hard swim ahead of us and oh boy we are fast

Burning daylight okay swim for our lives even if there’s nothing else on that island out there there’s at least some trees so we can build ourselves a boat man there were tons of trees on Gilligan’s Island the professor had no excuse hang on what was that we can actually

See better above water than under huh an old nether portal and what looks to be some kind of shipwreck maybe we can get some additional supplies from there in the meantime I think we’re doing a hobbit hole tonight let’s jump down here and try to grab ourselves some Cobblestone so we can get

Some actually useful tools oh man after playing from the fog for so long I’m so not used to being able to have anything I need on demand oh great nope nope mobs definitely can spawn here it is not too small for the oh a ton of mobs can spawn here this is

The worst ever and maybe I just make myself a boat right now all right forget this nope nope nope nope we’re safer at C than we are right here so long suckers I don’t know where you guys came from maybe just sprang up out of the ground oh we’re going diving

Oh I already see a chest excellent uh what’s down there a whole ton of gold tools oh it is so dark it’s so dark but we found treasure uh there’s some potatoes but we want to save those for farming and some coal if we come down through here uh maybe we

Can come through here Aha and grab that are you absolutely kidding me right now I don’t think I’ve ever found diamonds before iron before that is nuts two diamonds right off the bat I’m literally don’t even have a house yet don’t even have a hobbit hole yet

Given all the Aquatic enemies that could be about I almost don’t even feel safe leaving here but it’s very important that we find some land I just got startled going over the magma so let’s just pick a direction and go I actually really like to move in a

Straight line in a situation like this because I want it to be easy to navigate back to my house not my house I mean my starting point I mean the starting point of any world is always such a nostalgic place isn’t it a place you want to come back to and

Reflect on what you’ve been through in your game land ho yeah truly this is a strange and cursed land is this world glitching out already I hope not but let’s do the coward move and start digging in we need to set up our accommodations for the night

We’ll also need ourselves a sword for this early game so that we can make it so that there’s less folks about like you oh it’s been so long since I’ve had to fight you guys with a sword Um I really need to eat something now okay we’re really at that point we’re really at that point where we’re kind of doing some manual fishing yeah but desperate times call for desperate measures in this early game as we all know a house isn’t a home until you slap a door on it

So there we are to Mark ourselves for well ourselves and any potential Travelers and I think we are now good to make ourselves a bed and sleep through our first night now that we’re a little bit more food stable food stable in this case meaning I have

Full health and two fish in my inventory I think it’s time we start looking for some caves not only because we want to see what this mod is all about but because if I want to progress it all I’m going to need some iron and if caves are something we want to

Find under such mountains there are definitely one place to do that oh wow there are some really tall ones off in the distance uh Imagine The Treehouse City you could build on top of that Bang oh why do I always get the coolest World Generation all right we’re definitely heading over

There not even for what’s above but for what’s almost certainly beneath hello I don’t have my spy glass but what is that over there oh my God uh is that a shipwreck oh no the bones of the sailors are being picked clean by that Brigade of turtles

Oh this is a dangerous aisle indeed uh but I think we’re gonna have to do some excavation to maybe see if uh I don’t know maybe the ship had like a black box or something but we’ll have to be very careful not to anger the cannibal natives

I don’t know why I bothered opening those all right let’s start digging archeology is the name of our game right now and we’ve already found something and a whole lot of poison potatoes and maybe the turtles were just scavengers maybe they just had a really bad cook who fed them some bad food

You know I had thought that turtle on the spawn Island was my friend but and maybe it was just waiting for me to stop moving uh this is in underwater thing now this is not what we’re looking for we need something with access you know and that might be just the place

Anything we should be seeing Oh wait I have OptiFine installed will it yes okay this does work excellent excellent excellent excellent but there are mobs spawning here this has access to deeper levels but there are mobs spawning now uh can you please give us your bone meal

Thank you and you just chill right there actually yes to explode do explode you’re not the most dangerous things down here are you and as we return to the welcoming glow of our cozy Hobbit hole I think we can finally rest easy been like such I always forget how

Difficult it is in the early game the reverse difficulty curve that this thing has where in the early game you’re like oh man I gotta hide in the ground so the zombie doesn’t find me and later on you’re like yeah I’ll fight a God Dragon I’m kind of bored foreign

Looks like there’s an even crazier mountain in the distance uh how deep does this River go how close can it get us oh look as it loads in we can even see like a waterfall coming from above and you know what water in this game is also an elevator but

That is the mouth of one very very large cave and the water takes us straight in let’s get out our handy dandy torches although this cave glows at night doesn’t it because there’s a lava flow on this side [Applause] now the hope is that we can find someplace

Where this goes deeper into the mountain no no no no no no no no foreign Brigade is active today I’m trying to burn through all my food so soon but yeah it’s like none of these entrances I’m finding actually go deep uh whereas in the previous world I just

Couldn’t stop tripping over crevices to the Center of the Earth and it’s like the world itself knows what I’ve Unleashed on it and doesn’t want anyone to find it oh this is around side that great Mountain and maybe there’s more caves to be found here I mean probably not smart being out

So late but this yes uh it’s underwater oh even after all these huge exaggerated features of nature we may have actually found our ticket in a small hidden away crevice now that is where these things tend to hide though isn’t it Charlie don’t go in the crevice I could not resist that joke

Goes deeper here but everything seems to lead to water this is a very wet World a water world if you will but I can’t tell if it actually leads somewhere I need to go now underwater cave diving not the safest thing for me to be doing right now what about this way

Yet another one of these such structures yeah I I think this probably does go deeper but not without some kind of breathing apparatus doesn’t maybe there’s something we can tell you what something that might be a possibility maybe I can go full idiot on this and in the name of rushing

Just sort of create points for myself to breathe I mean physics never stopped me from doing anything stupid in Minecraft before all right thinking what we do is if we Crouch right here well mine at normal speed so we can do stuff like that and here’s our breathy Hall

And we’ll just keep doing that as long as we have something to stand on we’ll be okay so we can go uh Russian Russian Rush In and I think we have our ticket this is so deep and dangerous What was that I have never heard that cave noise before hang on get okay get out get out I’m so distracted and I’m gonna start losing health I’m so distracted and I’m gonna start losing health that sort of sounded like a vocalization almost I mean I it could have just been regular

Cave noise it caught me so off guard but that was really weird especially to hear it like diffuse through the water like that oh wait I’m drowning here wait how how why am I drowning here why am I drowning here why am I drowning here I was in an

Air pocket I was in an air pocket all right I managed to get my stuff back you really cannot breathe for a long time when you don’t have any upgrades it’s like I go two feet and then I look down and it’s already gone I really need

To put these things just like everywhere also apparently being inside the oh no yeah apparently being inside a thing that doesn’t draw water doesn’t actually matter you know what it’s going to be very time consuming but maybe a better thing to do would be to actually just illuminate these Source blocks

Now look I know it’s not going to work as far as like you know actually removing the water flow but if we work slowly maybe we can actually make this into an engineering project uh to have some sponges right now now this will be more or less a

Permanent air pocket right or at least one that’s considerably easier to work with then again is all this a waste of time because it seems to me that a place like this like it’s just going to lead to more underwater caves it could always come out in something that isn’t

But I have always ever gone in Reverse going from well not submerged caves to ones that were and occasionally back out again but it’s still difficult uh creating a lift like that helps a lot there’s cave noises never cease to be spooky okay right here should be perfect go

And let’s actually Mark these with a light because they might be pretty difficult to find on the way back it must be pretty deep because I am seeing deep slate it’s kind of in the name you know and now that we’re leveling out it’ll be much easier to just hop from place to

Place like this and there are wonders in the Deep truly and now it bears fruit oh that is so cool to see this idea work I mean kind of I died doing it but you know what I mean lots of enemies here though but potentially lots of Rewards

Oh and we’re in one of these like hanging Basin things these structures which Overlook the whole caves it’s kind of weird to go down and come into something that’s above something else kind of makes you wonder what your whole path through there must have looked like

Now in from the fog I had actually stopped using torches to light caves uh due to Herobrine’s annoying tendency to turn them into Redstone torches but here here we have the opportunity to start making them our own so we’re gonna need a whole bunch more let’s just make another one of these

Things just so we have it That was not a regular cave sound no no no I think I just heard something spooky afoot but The Show Must Go On Right This Is Why I’m here we’ve got to investigate that noise you know when you first start playing a game like this there’s certainly an

Anxiety in the unknown in coming to these places and not knowing what’s down here with you but I feel like it’s a different thing not just in how unfamiliar this is but also in the clash between the familiar and unfamiliar I know Minecraft it’s a game I’ve been playing for over a decade

And yet there’s something here some new element that has yet to reveal itself to me and yet there is also you know that familiar element because it sort of represents a fear that’s always been present there you are getting hit with that thorns but there’s a lot here and we do not

Have a lot of food is that like a was that like a elephant or something we got cave elephants because that would actually be pretty rad not gonna lie why does this water look different actually have we found a mine already oh this video is progressing rapidly ask

Anybody how long from the fog took yeah we already have a mine which always begs the question just what did cause it to be abandoned I feel like we’re hearing that more and more the deeper we go uh Enderman and a whole lot more structures all over the place I feel like um kind of not doing the right thing right now I came down here at the start putting torches marking territory and denying spawns to enemies

So I feel like by exploring by letting my curiosity get the better of me I’m actually putting myself in unnecessary Danger but it’s just so hard not to look all right well look utilize our Primal survival instincts we’re always safer in these tightly wedged compact spaces because nothing can see us from a

Distance and anything that can get in here we can fight at least that’s the hope and moving into these uh moving into these mine shafts actually provides us a nice natural or I suppose unnatural way of doing that all right with any luck we’ll be able to find some

Chests in these mine shafts containing some food I’m actually running quite low I think all I have left is this cooked salmon and if we do maybe that’ll extend our trip a little bit if that is wise but at least we do have plenty of iron right

Now I did not set these torches up and there’s more of you great ah it’s going to make it difficult to navigate This is a fairly large chamber connects to another side but it’s almost like they excavated this and then never actually built anything within It’s not good okay I guess it’s up to us to finish this one oh look it’s all suspended by chains one Arrow one badly placed Arrow right now let me go falling below speaking of arrows we do have a couple and a bow courtesy of some uh courtesy

Some skeletons that have the courtesy to die but that’s all we’ve got so we really want to start lighting our way now look at all these Bridges just suspended above the chambers I’ve never seen it generate this way this is so cool looking but there’s all kinds of creepy crawlies

Still about that we’ve got to be wary of and you know very notably we heard those strange sounds a lot when we first showed up but I haven’t heard any in the entire time I’ve been exploring these Chambers it’s actually been quite a while and well if anything that just sets me more

On edge I mean having that play when we first arrived well I can’t help but be reminded of entering an abandoned building or something that some animal has been nesting in and even long before you see it it wants to make it very clear you’re not welcome here

Probably the deepest we’ve yet been I haven’t even been besides these torches I have not been doing an adequate job of marking my way back oh it goes so much deeper okay this will be a landmark to pay attention to then you know it’s always real creepy

To look down one of these shafts and see a light from a torch you know you didn’t place and yet like a moth I can’t help but be drawn to them now this one goes on for an unusually long time we could use the last of our food maybe

We can find some more here and no such luck but we do get some beetroot seeds and some more torches to keep us going but I I think it’s time for us to head out I think we pushed our luck enough okay now this Central area with all the

Bridges that kind of is Gonna Act as our Hub it’s the way we ground ourselves to the overall structure that we find ourselves in we need to know where we are inside the greater Beast having that mental map or even those frames of reference that’s how you do it I’ve always been really

Bad about getting lost in caves and yeah I know there’s ways of doing it but they’re just so complex at this point that so few of those things really work for me the only thing that’s always been like consistently helpful for me is to make arrows on the ground out of contrasting materials

I have fought all I can fight and I am completely and utterly worn out Ash which I don’t think is really an option for us at this moment I haven’t gone completely The Descent yet Oh of course you choose the room with the best Acoustics to do that that wasn’t just your typical cave sound that actually sounded like it came from a direction I almost felt that like vibrate in the back of my skull and then when I whipped around well it was definitely coming from in

Front of me that audio panned did I come through here to begin with uh there’s another one of these deep crevices and I’m out of torches I realized that now or well I’ve got these that I got from the crate what am I doing down here I know I didn’t come from here

Now that I’ve heard that stuff I’ll be honest I am leaving here with almost a feeling of having been like marked in a weird way okay we don’t have a lot of air left but we can just make it unfortunately in making my big air pocket and subsequently flooding it I’ve

Sort of negated a lot of the little air pockets that I was killing myself over on the way in but subsequent Journeys should be quite a bit easier hello boat hello boat I raced over here after I died the first time let’s just mark this is the entrance to Horizon speakable

And get home before it gets dark although that thing whatever’s down there it lives in the dark by creating that tunnel to the surface if I potentially let it out I’ll always feel in a situation like this even if I have no evidence to support it that and maybe whatever’s

Down there will come knocking on my door in the middle of the night then again my playthrough of dark wood might have touched my spirit a little bit we’re gonna need more wool and I think I’m gonna knock down these trees to build ourselves a bit of temporary housing on site

Because it’s definitely going to get a little bit draining having to come back here every single time and especially with a cave of bat and magnitude I know we’re going to be exploring that for a while great uh you guys will just find me anywhere won’t you all right Yeah Boop come on two more arrows yeah Boop and yeah Boop unfortunately I don’t have quite the resources I had in the other series to just utterly murder you all in like two hits hey over over here can you see me hey yep both of them just look at each other and

Then back at me all right vehicular manslaughter it is and by a vehicular manslaughter I mean drive by rowboat sorting which might actually be a first in terms of crimes but you guys make it so difficult and you will apparently hit yourself and apply me the bad Omen trait which I

Guess doesn’t matter I’ve never seen one of you guys puff up before don’t worry this wasn’t about you I’ll tell you what maybe this can go right over here to serve as a warning to all who may dare to sort of disturb the piece and what passes for my front lawn

Oh who am I kidding I have a Oceanside property this place is worth millions oh man wow wow whoa whoa whoa the whole bomber Gates here okay yeah some of you guys hit each other please okay it would not Retreat Retreat Retreat Retreat too strong for me okay skeletrexes certainly amassing his hordes

Knew exactly where to find me we’re gonna have to go to the Future crap dang it this sucks okay so just as part of my inoculation campaign for those of you who are new viewers uh I need everyone in the world to know what that is from so the link to

The sketch that that is from will be in the description there we go die and some bones uh we’re becoming very wealthy in the world of the bone Brigade you know the bones of our money hooray I defeated the bone Brigade see so this is something that’s consistent

And not just a one-time bug for whatever reason it just doesn’t rain in front of the Hill that would become my hidey hole just another strange thing in an ever-growing list of weird things that have happened to me in this game but in the interest of moving on I think

I have enough food now to head over to that crevice in the earth and start building my home away from home I think the best course of action would be to set up right on this hill overlooking the hole so since I do actually want to sleep here tonight

I’m gonna have to make this quick turn this into a barn raising well it was a very rushed process to be sure but we have ourselves our dream vacation house overlooking a pit to the depths themselves I know I’m not great at building but I feel like my skills have improved at

Least somewhat over the course of the previous series and I think this will be a nice comfy spot to spend our time when we’re not down in the deep dark being chased by unknown now blessed with plenty of food a nice suit of iron armor to protect us from

What’s down there lots of tools and if all else goes wrong we do have a closer spawn point although I have to say if I was worried about that thing coming for me in my sleep in my other house well I guess we just hope it can’t swim well

How appropriate is it that we enter This World by literally diving in oh when I hear stuff like that it makes me think that maybe it can swim especially with how directional it seems to be compared to other cave noises like does that actually mean that it’s near

I didn’t even notice this crater get ourselves down there I want to go deeper and both to increase my chances of encountering something down here and also because I could really use some more diamonds but we want to bring light with us of course and now now we’re in the Deep I hate that God every one of these sounds I would love to know how they were made because oh geez they cut right to the spine don’t they but it goes ever still and gets ever more claustrophobic imagine coming down here with a flashlight or something and seeing the

Glint from a pair of eyes staring back out of that huh I I creeped myself out definitely hearing it very frequently now you know it’s weird that this chamber is almost creepier now that it’s totally empty I mean sure I felt like I was intruding when I came down here and was

Immediately met with a hail of arrows and explosions but oh no this just feels wrong see now this is a classic Minecraft cave scenario made a little creepier than classic by the Deep Sleep being darker but it’s just those moments where you’re looking up mining something And you can just feel that you have your back to the darkness I think that’s the feeling that this mod aims to sort of give a face to yep got our first diamonds well not really but what would have been our first time inside the game not been incredibly generous for no reason

Uh this actually links onto that system Or at least I hope it’s the same system now what is that okay my curiosity is absolutely Peak now let’s get down there look at the way it’s up on these supports this might be one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen in Minecraft I’ve seen some pretty cool things in the

Last series yeah this might all connect to the same system but it’s definitely not a part of it that I’d seen before Oh it’s going to be so hard for you to see but look all these suspended Bridges leaving chains going straight up to the ceiling and possibly high ceiling I desperately need to keep moving now uh maybe we can oh look so many diamonds so many diamonds but this structure

Is that made a bone when has there ever been structures made of bone in this game I don’t even I knew the blocks existed Not near my diamonds you don’t ooh slimes they seem to be dropping from above oh these things are so hard for me to find often like I so rarely see them getting rid of you is definitely going to be something we want get out of there you now let’s finally after all those

Distractions have a look at what this is that’s literally it it’s just an enclosure of bone and diamonds at the bottom of this pit you know whose fault is that I can’t help but feel that this might have something to do with you but I want

It all because well you know each one is worth nine bone meal and I need food and more diamonds bring our total I think to nine you know I really have to wonder maybe this place wasn’t intentionally abandoned maybe what I’m mining right now is what became of the crew

Truly there is all kinds of magic at play in these depths actually really surprised I haven’t seen this thing yet now there are actually two different versions of the mod one which is mainly used for testing where it apparently spawns a lot more often so I’m gonna try that at some point but

Honestly I don’t know if it’s not working or if it really is just that patient but either way we found a wealth of resources down here today Darkness will soon envelop the Overworld as well as the underworld and I have made myself some diamond tools to get down there for a final Expedition

I’m gonna find this thing even if it kills me and that’s a very distinct possibility hey guys sorry you’re not the focus of this video goodbye you know I’ve been at this for over four hours now and I still haven’t seen this thing and for that reason I’ll probably have

Cut a lot of this and so it may not necessarily be clear what the actual geography of this tunnel looks like so let me Trace our steps to that large dark Cavern so that you know what this looks like and also so you know that Beyond this everything else is completely unexplored

So we want to come down here drop down into the right and this will lead us to that like even larger drop off through here and this is the large tunnel with the mine shafts running through it and before there were too many enemies to really see it from a distance but

This is just absolutely Wild and the Explorer in me really wants to map it out some more put torches everywhere but uh unfortunately in the interest of our bit of Cryptid hunting we’re actually going to be going darker than I would like and you know since I’m so dedicated to

Finding this thing now kind of figured that would happen I’m actually going to start removing torches that I find because I’m not sure if the game actually recognizes the light from the torch being carried by me but what I really want right now is to immerse myself in the dark

It’s almost ridiculous how many enemies are here and something is definitely coming for me you know I actually asked on the Discord what it actually means when I hear these sounds because they sound so much more directional than the other cave sounds and well if from the fog it’s anything

To go by a disturbing thought that some people brought up to me is that maybe it actually is there when I hear it maybe I just can’t see it staring back at me from the dark feels so wrong to be knocking lights out like this

But I just don’t know what else to try at this point but I mean look at that image good time for a cave sound imagine seeing something come running out of the dark like that that’s the thing I have no idea how this thing is actually going to behave or if

It’ll actually hurt me or not after a while I knew that Herobrine wasn’t able to actually physically damage me but this Oh my God I think that’s it feels like shooting to zoom but it’s right over there by the hang on wait let’s try and get to it let’s try and get to it oh my God oh my God Jesus no no no no no no no no

I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I tell him to love and I lost all my diamonds oh holy Christ I’m not even mad what was that thing hold that didn’t behave like anything else I’ve ever seen in Minecraft

Chase me into love I’ll show you chase Sue into lava I’m going back down there and I’m going for round two this is no longer a scientific Expedition this is Obsession now oh my God that was after so long of nothing and then it’s just

It was just like a couple of out of place pixels in the distance and as soon as I took a closer look I was like is that a face and it’s like elongated Twisted head looking down at me from up above and just as I was getting curious

It lets out this shriek and Sprints off that I can’t even oh my God I can’t even commentate right now we’re getting back down there and we’re putting a freaking bullet in that thing said I mean a sword this is fantasy so it’s PG now thankfully we had enough materials

In reserve to make ourselves new tools and armor and definitely to make ourselves a bucket of water which I should have been carrying but it’s going to take us a little bit to build up enough food and other survival gear for round two uh you okay there sheep

Oh man you are not dealing well with being sheared anyway I just need to build up this food what what a memorable first encounter four hours of playing in the last record session and nothing and then like five minutes down in the tunnels and that happens oh my god look

It actually says tried to swim in lava to escape cave dweller absolutely brilliant okay well you know what now I’m realizing when I first saw it my first instinct was curiosity I had been trying to find this Beast for so long but what I realized now is what I should

Have done was use that Stillness to take a shot at it my goal now isn’t just to find it to find out if I can kill it it is a dark and stormy night and now that I’ve encountered it every time I look over towards that gaping

Hole in the mountain I think I’ll see that white glowing face staring back at me just got some potatoes in the oven and once those are done we’re going straight back down there we have most of what we need besides that uh Enderman don’t do this to me huh

Seems the rain behaves strangely in all parts of this world let’s just be the continent I’ve washed up on but all right pregame gear check we’ve got weapon pick we’ve got a bow some arrows courtesy of the bone Brigade armor torches and food let’s do it oh God foreign

You really want to let me know that you know I’m coming huh oh my God oh my God I can’t spawn underwater I can’t spawn underwater I can’t spawn underwater Oh my God okay uh wait for it to come up wait for it to surface listen to those sounds is it

Is it drowning aha I think you’re drowning and like so am I right now but you know what I mean did you just die oh that is such Poetic Justice after all that after all that the biggest challenge to me was also the biggest challenge to you

However I’m assuming you’re not down for the count I didn’t actually see you die so either you fled or there’s more of you down here oh God what if what if it never stopped chasing me after death and it just got as close as it could

I mean that was real weird to just find it down here this time I got a slightly better look at it up close and my God it’s face I mean I had seen its tall dark lanky form that allows it to blend in while still having its glowing face tall in the Darkness

I’m nervous about every sound now but its face there’s just something about how it’s so elongated and featureless it almost looks like seeing a sperm whale or something come at you head on but its eyes are pointed forward its mouth so low it’s just it’s almost like an illustration from

Like a children’s book or something the kind of monsters a child might conjure up in their mind when they’re looking into the dark from their bed but here it is here it was staring at me from the darkness and then somehow even worse back up at me through the depths and

Those confined underwater tunnels but both times I mean it never even got to lay a hand on me at least I don’t think so both times it was actually the environment that did me in it was the fear of it that killed me maybe if we can conquer that fear we can

Make it easier to conquer the creature itself then again it was pretty mad about me destroying its bone Throne which to be honest I can relate well now that we’ve seen it now that we’ve seen it we know that it has a tell we keep this place dark and we just look

Around for that Telltale glow I mean bad thing we saw it crawl over the ledge of that cave and then just kind of watch us almost as if it was curious but then once I saw that I wasn’t afraid it had to let me know that it wasn’t either

Maybe it’ll follow me in maybe I want that uh more diamonds that’s useful and yes okay the good news is that watermelons have not gone extinct in all this and a golden apple excuse me you’re being rude I’m here for a different monster it can bleed we learned that we learned

That this thing can be killed but it may be a lot of help I mean it took it quite a while to drown far longer than it would take me that’s for sure ground chamber even more diamonds yeah you’re almost part way to repaying me for all that

Actually this should be about half but you know it would be an even bigger prize just you making an appearance more diamonds I’m getting insanely lucky with these things in this run okay I realized what I forgot a shovel more and even more okay we are officially good with interest

Okay just in that moment realized how much a bat space looks sort of like the cave dweller and that’s the thing like you know a mob that comes to try to kill you in the night is one thing but we know where invading it it’s territory

It just screamed and ran off oh my God uh even from a distance like the muffled sound of that how literally when people say something is spine chilling that’s literally what that means oh you led me to more diamonds thank you maybe you felt bad maybe you want to be

Friends maybe I know better see the thing is I don’t know if that means I saw it or as the sound implies it’s on me from behind I’m scaring me baby zombies I might be a little bit jumpy right now okay it is just absolutely unacceptable to die right now

Because it would be real hard to find anything specific and uh I’m currently carrying 17 diamonds as well as six more worth in the tools okay so those last two runs were much more successful than the ones in the previous session but now forget me being marked it’s been marked by me

Look it drove us to our death once we drove it to its death once and some might call that a draw and I’m happy to do so but in that third encounter it ran and hid so I just want to see it up close one

More time that’s all I want just to see what it does reliably reliably every single time I enter this way it’s like it knows foreign and I really don’t like the sound of that coming from behind me Where are you I know you’re about somewhere maybe it’ll be better if I just stand still something I really have to ask you for you guys and please let me know in the comments had there been times when it was there and I just didn’t notice it

Because then from the fog that happened plenty of times with Herobrine and it it never failed to make my stomach drop when someone pointed out a moment when I didn’t even notice it especially in those real close encounters where it was right there there’s just something about knowing that something was there only

After the fact that makes it that much creepier actually now that I think about it how many scary stories had that as some kind of a factor so many stories like yeah I was at the grocery store or something and I bumped into the sky and yeah he seemed pretty

Nice and then later I saw in the news he was on the run for murder or something I think there’s just something like especially scary about later learning that you were oblivious to some danger and got out of it only through sheer luck what is that noise

Trying to heal up after eliminating that nest but I know you’re in here somewhere also it actually kind of sounded if you’re taking damage like maybe you got tangled up in all this or maybe other NPCs can attack you I don’t know oh it is so deep and thick with this stuff

Another spawner Oh oh man I think that’s okay that’s web hanging down didn’t that didn’t that look like its face in the dark for a second uh this is getting crazy though I am at almost seven hours of recording and we’ve encountered it a grand total of three times that I know of three times

And that’s been really annoying me until just a couple minutes ago when I was thinking about it and I realized you know what this mod is this is something like an old time video game urban legend I mean it sort of reminds me of yes Herobrine but also of riding around on motorcycles

In the Liberty City metro looking for the rat man or the ghost of lockout or all kinds of other things I mean I was down here not even playing the game just running around for hours and hours trying to find any hint and then when I finally did it was quite

A memorable experience almost framed like well like a boss fight but then again all those other times well they were more like those stories someone might tell on the internet those stories about I totally saw something in the caves dude and it totally freaked me out and then nobody believing them and

It being so brief that there’s no way they could have gotten a video or a screenshot it’s definitely increasing in frequency though we’ve seen enough to know that the cave dweller is very real which is a statement that would probably pack more weight if I hadn’t you know

Gone to the YouTube video and click the link and downloaded the Google Drive mod and put it in my mods folder but you know let me dream for a second I guess after that it tasted blood and wanted more that button trying to reach its hand in

The cookie jar the cookie jar being the world above and we kind of caught each other in that space between worlds well after that it seems to have gone back to being intent to watch the one other time I saw it and just kind of slinked away when we spotted it full disclosure

For the final run out of here I’ve enabled the version of The Mod that causes it to spawn much more frequently so maybe it’ll have a chance to do just something else while we’re making our way through but once more it simply runs runs until it’s out of sight and then we

Lose it completely I think I think we’re kind of each other’s white whale at this point which is maybe how we should leave it uh but please let me know if there’s other things you think I should do or things I should try but in the meantime I just I saw you I

Saw you sorry I definitely saw you over there but in the way distance no you’re still there yeah I’ve actually caught you off guard oh my God okay you are definitely definitely spawning more now oh my God oh look your arms are all splayed out as

If to say where you going leaving so soon yeah that’s what I figured a noise for when we see you and a noise for when you go well um it’s kind of weird how much character it showed even if it is mostly my own imagination or at least I assume so

Let’s get out of here honestly even though we got to see it more with this alternate mod after playing for seven hours trying to get like not even half as much as what we saw in those last few minutes I honestly think the Lesser way is the

Way to go see what I love about having it appear so rarely by default is that I feel like that’s what makes it perfectly capture what video game urban legends are based on and what makes them so appealing it’s this thing that you just go in having heard that it’s there

And then if you’re like me you spend seven hours looking for the thing not even sure if it’s working correctly or if there really is anything at all and the whole thing’s not just a gag and then you just catch that fleeting Glimpse and that alone is enough to

Cause you to want to pursue further you tell people they don’t believe you next thing you know a lot of people are looking and all people are coming up with their stories and their claims for what they saw I just love so much the idea of having

This creature in the game that is horrifying but truly elusive that we almost never see and when we do it’s even rarer for something crazy to happen most of the time we can’t even be sure we’ve seen it I don’t think I’ll be doing like a whole

Series on this I don’t think this was meant to be something that’s focused on I think it was meant to be something that you add to the game just for something to be out there just for a legend with truth to it and I really appreciate it for that

However if the versions are ever compatible I could certainly see myself adding it to from the fog or even just adding it to my regular gameplay experience to be honest but if you like this video please remember to like comment and subscribe for more creepy and comfy content

If you have any ideas for other videos you think I should do the best place to suggest that will be at the Discord which I will link in the description if you want to try this mod out for yourself that link will also be in the

Description if you want to support me on patreon that link will be in the description and as always I will see you in the next one foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Search for the Cave Dweller’, was uploaded by The Librarian on 2023-07-24 20:00:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

We’ve all felt that sense of unease – of being watched when hearing those ominous cave sounds whilst mining alone in the …

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  • Saminkus DESTROYS School’s Anarchy Server!! 😱 #minecraft #smp

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  • Shockingly Real: Yellow Pikmin invade Minecraft World!!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! BattleFox’s TOP 5 Insane Shaders for Minecraft 2024 – Boost Your Low End PC Now!

    UNBELIEVABLE! BattleFox's TOP 5 Insane Shaders for Minecraft 2024 - Boost Your Low End PC Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 5 Minecraft Shaders 2024!! | for low end pc #minecraft’, was uploaded by BattleFox on 2024-03-14 04:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecrafttexturepack #minecraft #minecraftshaders TOP 5 Minecraft Shaders 2024!! | for low end pc #minecraft … Read More

  • Insane Potato Update & Retro Doors – Balancer April Fools Stream!

    Insane Potato Update & Retro Doors - Balancer April Fools Stream!Video Information any moment now it’ll be working I hope maybe let me go there we go now it’s going do that hi I’m reos and a little thing I love about the Chick-fil-A chicken strips is dipping them the chicken strip [Music] is there we go now we got music music is indeed working I think yeah at least I hear it okay here we go boys today we check out the totally official totally real and not fake Minecraft update don’t worry about the fact that it is technically like I’m going in you know what I think… Read More

  • CREEPYMINE Clutch God Unleashed!😱 #viral

    CREEPYMINE Clutch God Unleashed!😱 #viralVideo Information व टू थ लेट्स गो अबे एक मिनट भाई अबे एक मिनट भाई वो पानी की बकेट वो पानी की बकेट आ में अब देखो दोस्तों रेडी फिर से फेंकू मैं फिर से फूंगा कैसे नहीं कैच होगी भाई फिर ओ आ अबे यार भाई आई लेकिन वो मैंने अपनी इन्वेंटरी क्लियर नहीं रख रखी थी ना तो खाली स्लॉट की जगह वन में आ गई यारक अप टू रिटी थैंक यू जकला थैंक यू बेबी थैंक यू This video, titled ‘HE IS CLUTCH GOD!😎@GamerFleet @AnshuBisht | CREEPYMINE #gamerfleet #minecraft #shortsfeed #viral’, was uploaded by CreepyMine on 2024-04-12… Read More


    EPIC SOLO BASE BUILDING IN MINECRAFT FACTIONS!Video Information yo yo yo what is going on guys it is your boy Beetle bring you guys another video here on Minecraft Factions and today what we are doing is that I am back on the cosmic PVP and I’m playing some faction or not Cosmic but I’m on a cosmic test server because my Cosmic test is opening up soon guys as you know on April 20th come and check it out if you guys want to and yeah um I have so much trash I’m not allowed to drop stuff at spawn will then I only have… Read More

  • EPIC Meta Dragon transforms Nickelback hit!

    EPIC Meta Dragon transforms Nickelback hit!Video Information [音楽] あOG [音楽] 3 [音楽] Tお [音楽] This video, titled ‘Photograph Noteblock Cover (Nickelback)’, was uploaded by Meta Dragon on 2024-05-27 15:46:52. It has garnered 100 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. I made Photograph by Nickelback in Minecraft, just… ignore the chorus, ok? I can’t do electric guitar strumming. Credit to Nickelback for the song, watch the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB0DU4DoPP4&ab_channel=Nickelback Read More

Minecraft: Search for the Cave Dweller