Minecraft Spyderrock: INSANE MINESANITY

Video Information

Hello guys this is spyderock and welcome to mine sanity my new add-on pack that contains over 30 add-ons i’ve been working on this for a really long time and the add-ons in this pack are made by a ton of different people that i have gotten permission to include

In this pack in today’s video i’m going to be basically going over all the add-ons that are in this pack and not everything that you need to know about all of them but just enough that you can get the general idea i will leave a link in the

Description to like a wiki page that i made that does have information and credit to all of the add-on creators for all of the add-ons including including my own a couple things i’d like to note before we get into this i’d appreciate if you subscribe i’ve been

Working on this for a really long time but also i know 1.17 will be coming out really soon i’m really hoping it doesn’t break much with this pack but i wanted to go ahead and release it give it a little bit of time and then update the pack eventually um

After 1.17 comes out if it does in fact break anything i’m hoping it doesn’t but if it does i will update it so i just wanted to go ahead and release this version because this is the one i’ve been working on also i’m going to be starting a server

With this pack on it for channel members as well as myself and my friends and i will be live streaming that pretty soon so uh so stay tuned for that and uh yeah let’s let’s get right into the add-ons so first off here we have plenty of biomes by i corbin this is

Probably the most obvious add-on in the pack as you can see all around me i have some custom biomes and that’s what this add-on adds a ton of custom biomes some custom structures new blocks new animals as you can the panda rolling down there that’s kind

Of fun i chose to do my little showcase thing here in this like cherry tree forest or not cherry tree what’s that called i can’t remember what these are called cherry blossom yeah cherry blossom tree forest there’s this like maple forest looking thing but there’s a ton of new biomes i don’t

Have time to like go in depth on all of these so i just gotta go overview quick you know whatever but this has a ton of biomes um which is very cool it really spices up the world next we have miners miners dream plus by me i

Messed up my words this is an add-on that adds in some new minor stream items that can really assist you with mining so i’m just gonna dig down and show you uh exactly what we what they do if i use a miner’s dream right here as you can see it deletes all the

Uh the stone and stuff around you we’ve also got like farmers dreams which grow crops striders nightmares which get rid of lava fighters dreams which which kill mobs gravel the leaders which well delete gravel um we’ve got guardians nightmares which delete water and strip miners which will mine and

Then another dream which is like the miner’s dream except for the nether um and it also gets rid of gravel uh in the overworld which is nice next up we have crazy weapons by me um also by the way i did kind of center this pack around all of my allens it

Just kind of makes sense given that i made the pack i feel like that’s okay i hope that’s okay anyway crazy weapons adds in a ton of new weapons 25 to be exact into your game that can allow you to do all kinds of crazy things

Like a sword that allows you to throw potatoes a bottle that will break on impact although i don’t know if it’ll break because i’m in creative a sword that allows you to make mobs freeze grenades shurikens custom enchantments uh cool rods that you can use to like

Blow everything up uh hammers that allow you to smack things into the ground i don’t really know uh it has a ton of new weapons though and it kind of revamps the entire uh weapon progression anyway next here we have uh crazy tools also by me this is kind

Of the tool partner to crazy weapons which adds in a ton of new tools new pickaxes axes uh shovels hoes everything that you could really need you’ve got all these things you can you can disable phantoms you can breathe underwater you can dash really far you can get rid of all

The weeds you can suck in all nearby mobs and items to you let’s see if we can collect some of these mobs it’s kind of funny you can get haste with custom pickaxes you can axe what you pick ax i don’t really know disable phantoms or disable enable phantoms you can snipe yourself

Places with a pearl sniper there’s a lot you can do with this anyway next here we have more gear also by me i’m going to showcase a few of mine first more gear adds four new sets of gear all completely well i don’t know why it wouldn’t be sorry friendly i’m only including

Survival things in this pack anyway each of these has a full set of armor and one of each of the tools except for hose because i didn’t feel like wasting my time on that uh we’ve got all these new tools though tools weapons and uh armor and it works pretty well i

Feel like this is going to be the main armor progression of the add-on pack or the main tool weapon and armor progression is you’re going to want to get these after you get netherrite stuff um so that’s kind of like a decently big thing then we have questcraft also by me this

Is an add-on that adds in a whole quest system with new quest uh trader villager kind of people that you can find around in uh as trades from i believe wandering traders and also in some of the structures uh you can spawn the guys in trade with

Them for these quests um let me spawn in the collection quest vendor as well you can get the quest you can fulfill the quest as you can see you can do these ones which will spawn mobs like little bosses for you to fight um and then let me just do a slash kill

At you to get rid of them and then when you complete them you get these loot uh things these loots and the payments and things like that which will give you some pretty good loot when you use them as you can see i’m kind of getting stocked up on really

Good loot and then you’ve got these ones which i have adjusted this a little bit for this pack specifically as well um anyway next we have boss born also by me as the last one by me and here don’t worry anyway this one adds in 10 new bosses to your game

These are bosses survival friendly bosses with soundtracks and a ton of custom loot plus like a little lore book system you can get explorer’s logs and find out exactly what you need to do for different things and then you can spawn things in and then you can kill

Them uh hold on there are some new structures that you can spawn in on your own and then fight the bosses and then kill the bosses and then get all kinds of custom loot things like right here i got this heat blaster thing there’s all kinds of stuff

You can get all kind of bosses you can fight most of them are going to be harder than the ender dragon and harder than the wither let me see if i can find this chest and there’s all this new loot stuff here plus a custom crafting table for uh for

Crafting the things you need to spawn them next up we have basic oars generator by capture this is an add-on i hope i said okay there’s an add-on that adds in some ore generators that you can use to generate ores and other things in your world they will put blocks above

Them it seems a little bit op but i will say they are not the easiest things to get you can place them down you can mine all the ores and they do generate everything really that you will need um and it just kind of speeds up the process

Next we have trees generator also by cafter this adds in some new tree generators you can throw them down and they do take a minute to start working but once they start working which i’ll just show you in a second i guess we can move on to the next

Add-on but hopefully they’ll start working in a second they will generate everything that the tree of whatever type of tree they are including the nether trees and mushroom trees would normally drop hopefully it’ll start generating in a second yeah like you can get mushroom trees and everything

We also have crops generator which is pretty much the same as trees generator except these generate crops instead of tree loot um hopefully we should be seeing some some tree loot also all these generator things are bike after we also have over here basic resource generator which this is like the

Basic or generators all the basic generators will generate blocks hey look at that we’re already getting some tree glute here we’re getting some uh some leaves some logs things like that anyway these basic ones will uh generate you some some nice little uh nice little blocks here for you to mine

It’s a nicer way to get resources than actually having to go out and collect a lot of them once you have gone out and collected a lot of them you can craft these um which is pretty nice we’ve also got advanced resource generator also by capture which is basically the

Same thing as like the crop and tree generators except for normal resources and you only generate like one type of thing per resource and and these advanced ones also take a second to uh just start generating but once they do they generate the items instead of the blocks so you can have them

Routed into a system which is kind of where some of this uh goes and the advanced auras generator also like after follows into the same thing uh follows falls into the same thing you can start to generate hey look we have we’ve generated some sponges but it also

Allows you to generate the ores um you can upgrade your your basic ores and turn them into advanced or generator things we’ve also got the xp generator by capture which adds in a whole system of xp generators you can have a custom table that you can use to craft them

And then you can get these xp generators which if i hop into survival for a second and power this on you can watch my levels are going to go up insanely fast but that’s because this is kind of like the best one let me go ahead and get rid

Of that though because i feel like that the noise the bing bing bing is going to be annoying let me also get rid of some of these because i feel like it might make my game lag if i have all these generators constantly generating that goes for you too sponge

Sponge generators next up we have the filters add-ons um which i group these all into one chest because they all pretty much do the same thing or not all the filters are here but there’s a ton of filters for each one of the resources there is a filter you can use and you

Can spawn in the filters and let’s say i wanted to uh let me see if i can find like apples or something or something that i can easily filter out so i grabbed a sole soil filter as well as a soil soil and if i drop the soil soil onto the filter

It will pull the soil soil directly below it so you can put a hopper there and it will allow you to filter out things but how are you gonna get things on these filters you may ask well you use something from these filters add-ons which are the conveyor belts

The solid panes and the power conveyor so you throw a power conveyor down you power it with a redstone dust and it turns on then you can have these conveyor belts which you can place down and you can drop items onto that will oh well i dropped it off but

You can drop items onto them and they will get powered and move down down the conveyor and then you can cover them that’s kind of annoying to build but you can cover them in these like panes and you can you can make some pretty cool stuff you can make some like tubes and

Contraptions and have your stuff going through everything so that is pretty cool next we have simon’s tool belt by someone or someone plays or simon or whatever this adds in a ton of new variants of all of the pickaxes axes shovels swords and hoes into your game

These are going to be a little bit more expensive and a little bit better and give you some really interesting abilities which i don’t know if it will work if i’m if i’m in creative and not in survival but uh let’s see where are they where are they they’re in this chest right

Uh let me grab like say the shovel see if i can make this work yeah so as you can see it will like mine all of the dirt here which is pretty cool um and you can kind of exploit them to get into bedrock a little bit but it’s

Not that big of a deal and you can mine things really fast and mine a lot of them but they do break pretty quickly but it’s still a pretty neat thing to have and they have like all recipes durability enchantability all that next we have havoc biplane by

Not a big gamer this is an add-on that adds in a plane that you can use to traverse around your world if i spawn it in as you can see right here we have a havoc biplane which you can craft the spawn egg and you can

Fly around which i feel like this goes really well with the biome add-on because you can but there’s a lot more biomes so if there’s a biome you want it’s going to take a while to get to it so you can just make a biplane but also

If you have tnt you can drop tnt from the biplane and if you just like drop it like normally you can blow everything up which is which is pretty cool and very satisfying to blow up this like little little cool looking pink forest here i probably spawned in too much tnt

And now i’m kind of lagging um they they do lag a decent bit i don’t know i kind of messed something up i think um yeah i don’t know what’s going on with that plane something’s up with that uh that plane right now i think i probably shouldn’t have dropped that

Much tnt into my world anyway next up here we have the more simple structures add on by icorbin this is an add-on that adds in a ton of simple structures to your world in all of your biomes is the same person that did the biome add-on

I had a teleporter set up here to one of my favorite structures which is this like little abandoned like run-down uh some kind of dungeon tower thing and you can go up uh into all these structures which will generate everywhere there’s dungeons there’s towers there’s

All kinds of things is this a village or is this just okay i think this might be one of the structures it’s just like a rundown a rundown one of these places church or whatever these are called um anyway this is this is a pretty cool add-on adds a ton of structures

Of course they’re not all going to generate in the same place but there’s a lot of like little structures that you can find around just little like uh little rocks and things as well but there’s like hundreds of structures it is pretty cool and it does really

Give you a lot to explore but let me go ahead and teleport back if i can find my little uh button right here anyway next up here we have the nether plus add-on by twitch tube this is an add-on that adds in a ton of new mobs for your nether so i

Don’t have another portal set up right now i probably should have if i’m being honest but i’m just gonna go ahead and grab some of these from the inventory because there are a lot of mobs to work with here we’ve got you know base salt blazes we’ve got mushroom twisted

Pets bloody meats crimson black mushrooms i don’t know we have all kinds of stuff here for you to mess around with and fight and become friends with in your nether and i don’t think these guys are in good terms this oh man poor mushroom that dropped rotten

Flesh for some reason let me do a slash kill at e to get rid of all these guys um but this is a pretty cool add-on you’re gonna have a lot more a lot more life in your nether anyway next here we have the soul magic add-on by llama studios

This is an add-on that allows you to essentially craft um like mob spawners and craft spawn eggs to get mob spawners i’m not going to go completely into it because you’re probably going to have to read the page for this one because this is like a pretty deep add-on there’s a lot

To it you can spawn in infuser cores you can put i put that in the wrong place i can i place this down here you can get pedestals which you can place down uh to fill this up and then you can like place things oh

I just spawned a little soul guy um well you can fill these up with like sparks and then put in soul jars and generate all kinds of like all kinds of spawn eggs and things and it’s really cool and there’s like a whole craft to it like it’s a whole process and it’s

Really really interesting and fun to do next up is llamas forges also by llama studios this is an add-on that adds in a whole forge system uh yet again this is another really deep one another thing that you can do to really like go into like all kinds of enchants and

Stuff um so i’m not going to grab everything here but i’m going to do like a little demonstration you get assembly tables and casting basins and melting basins and all of them actually come with little books um when you spawn them in that can give you basically a tutorial so you don’t

Have to look at their website i’m not happy to survival though because you can grab say this casting basin you can grab all these things you can put a lava bucket in here and a diamond you can get a bucket of molten diamond and then turn that into diamond legging

Base and then you can like shift click through here to to get different things let’s see if i can get leggings yeah and so i have one of the things i need and you can get like diamond iron leggings which give you different enchantments or diamond gold leggings which gives you like protection

It’s pretty cool and there’s like a whole like i don’t know how to really describe it but it’s it’s really interesting and this is definitely one that i would recommend like looking into next we have return anchors by psycho sofi this is an add-on that adds in

Basically like the equivalent of a slash home system except even cooler um but also a little bit less convenient so you can get return anchors and totems of returning you put down a return anchor and i believe crouch and right click yep there we go and i got return point updated

Then i hold out my totem of returning and i can go say wherever i want and i can just use it if i just hold down the uh totem for a little while then the time the thingy runs out and then i get teleported back to my little

Return anchor so if you have the plane maybe and you go out like 20 000 blocks and you don’t feel like coming home you can just make a few totems returning and just use that and go back to wherever you have your home set to and you can just get teleported right

There which is pretty cool pretty interesting pretty swag i don’t know why i just said that next we have salvage by derpy boy this is an atom that allows you to salvage um a bunch of things including some stuff from some of my add-ons which is actually

Really cool but i’m going to grab a few swords just to show you exactly what the salvage add-on does hop into survival you can get these uh metal crafting tables which you can craft all the parts you need for the salvage stuff in and then you can get a

Salvage crusher eventually which allows you to salvage things so i can say throw my i don’t think there’s a salvage for the evil slayer okay well i can throw my diamond sword into here and craft a diamond and a stick from that put the gold sword in get a stick and a gold

Ingot put the iron sword in stuff like that and i believe some of these things you can like as you can see some of my add-ons do have support i don’t think um i don’t think this add-on necessarily does but uh like uh crazy weapons you can turn the honey

Sword into a honeycomb uh you can turn from crazy tools a snorkel into bamboo stuff like that that is pretty interesting and there are a couple more add-ons other than mine that it does support but not ones that i have in the pack it is still pretty cool though and i i

Definitely think it’s a good add-on considering it’s one of their first add-ons i believe uh next up here we have astro lucky box by effect 99 this is a lucky block out on basically it’s just a pretty basic lucky block add-on but it is a very cool

Very nice lucky block add-on you can craft lucky blocks you can break lucky blocks and get lucky loot that’s not what i meant to do and get lucky loot hey we got a pig i’m looking for bad things so we’re not getting them you can also get astro lucky blocks which are

Like cooler lucky blocks which give you different drops and have different events and some of them don’t have events or yeah i don’t really know what that was i got a horseman and that one didn’t seem to work but most of these do work hey i

Got jump boost oh that’s a lot of jump boosts okay um and then you know you can get enchanted books there’s like different structures that spawn there’s creepers that’s a lot of creepers jeepers you know what i’m just gonna i’m just gonna deal with it okay next

Here we have new adventure plus by guardian deep this is an and adds a handful of new mobs to your world um and some new items to go with them as well you’ve got a bunch of new hostile mobs a bunch of new peaceful peaceful i can’t speak anyway

You can also get things like piglyn cauldrons which look cool and cookies um among other things but you can also get like red phantoms which is daytime so it’s gonna burn you’ve got beach crabs which are gonna hang out in beaches and in the ocean and vibe

Got brute enderman’s in the end that are like really really tanky enderman’s you’ve got drowned skeletons which will spawn underwater i even saw one of these around here somewhere hey there’s a drone a couple drowned skeletons right here you’ve got indoor mares which are like in the phantoms that do not burn

So maybe don’t let them get your overworld if you could figure out how to do that you’ve got base salt worms which are cool cool worm guys just kind of hang out in the the nether i believe you’ve got brown spiders which are cool spiders and white endermen which i

Don’t even know what their deal is but it is a really neat add-on i think i might be missing some stuff but i i recommend exploring uh your world just to see what you can find anyway next year we have the launch pads and on by psycho sofa

As well and this is the add-on that adds in some launch pads to your game that you can use for easy and quick traversal so you can throw down a launchpad use it and then launch over to wherever you want to go you can get different upgraded versions of launch

Pads which are pretty cool you can get like uh mark 2 mark 3 mark 4 and the mark 5 which take you insanely far like look at this that’s like insane i think it just blows up but like doesn’t deal damage with the explosion so you can really go find

Flying and even i think if you like jump up when you’re using a launch pad oh you can kind of go up but i kind of messed that up uh let me see if i can do that okay well i’m not really doing it well right now i gotta get back because

We’ve got like one more thing to do and the last one here the last add-on we’re going to that is included in this pack is something that was kind of a last-minute edition but someone on my discord server actually contacted the people who made it now so if it could be

Included in an add-on pack and they said yes and this is the dungeon expanse add-on by warhead and psycho so far this is a really cool ad on the ads in randomly generated large dungeons like this one here you can find these in like uh i think

I want to do a whole video about this or at least include it in a video but i’m going over it for a minute here it makes these like roguelike style dungeons that spawn around your world hey we found some zinc ore you know that’s going to be kind of useful eventually

Um but yeah these dungeons that spawn in that you can go down to the depths of and they’re just really long really big randomly generated dungeons with randomly generated loot and hey these uh these have i literally got a summon quest vendor from one of these

Loots like it’s it’s really cool you can get all kinds of like default loots and there’s like custom loots and trap rooms and cool chests and you can get pretty much anything in them they’re like really really neat dungeons um they’re really rare though i

There’s like a one in like a few hundred chance that one will spawn in a trunk and they have to be in i think planes bombs and deserts anyway that’s it for mine sanity there’s a link in the description where you can get this add-on

I will be setting up a server with it eventually pretty soon actually anyway thanks for watching if you made it here i spent a lot of time on combining the stuff in this pack and making at least my part of the add-ons in this pack so please i hope you enjoy it anyway

Thanks for watching see you guys later and bye You

This video, titled ‘MINESANITY Addon Pack (Bedrock/MCPE/Xbox Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Spyderrock on 2021-06-03 01:15:01. It has garnered 378037 views and 9997 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:19 or 1279 seconds.

Merch – https://www.bonfire.com/store/spyderrocks-store/ -_-_- Discord – https://discord.gg/RkWbKqz ——————————————————————————————————— Soundcloud – https://soundcloud.com/spyderrockmusic ——————————————————————————————————— Addon Showcases – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBWcUwhQNQsjDcIBu4YGg6HkILSR9TOot ——————————————————————————————————— My Twitter – https://twitter.com/Spyderrock10 ——————————————————————————————————— Spyderrock is a mostly Minecraft channel and yes, I play bedrock edition 99% of the time. I like making addons and maps and showcasing other people’s addons and maps too. I try to stream every Friday as well as whenever else I can. Subscribe! ——————————————————————————————————— Hopefully there aren’t too many issues…


Beh – https://www.mediafire.com/file/jzdle02kmdy3me3/minesanitybehaviorseee.mcpack/file

Res – https://www.mediafire.com/file/ivolvpklgxe97kz/MinesanityResources.mcpack/file

Wiki – https://minesanity.weebly.com/

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    Top Secret Minecraft TikTok Hacks Exposed!Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK 🥺 🧐HACKS # 32!!!’, was uploaded by drpthunder on 2024-06-13 14:31:16. It has garnered 10454 views and 239 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok hacks shorts bhoot mami free… Read More


    YTCRAFT_PLAYZ - CRAZY PANI PANI CHALLENGE FT. SENPAISPIDER 🥵 #minecraftVideo Information तुम्हें सनपा स्पाइडर बनना पड़ेगा मतलब बहुत लोग बोले थे हमको कि हमारी आवाज उनकी तरह है इसलिए हम सोच कि उनकी खोपड़ ही हमारी स्किन में फिट कर लेते हैं कूल लगेंगे हम भी लेकिन माहा कसम काफी डेंजर आदमी है वो देखे थे उनका एक आधा वीडियो हम भी अरे पानी भाई आप भी ठ उसमें क्या बोलते वो आपके पास आके है पानी पानी पानी [संगीत] This video, titled ‘PANI PANI🥵 FT.@SENPAISPIDER #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by YTCRAFT_PLAYZ on 2024-04-20 05:31:29. It has garnered 4282 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is… Read More

  • Emperor Pikachu’s Epic Journey Begins! Watch Now!

    Emperor Pikachu's Epic Journey Begins! Watch Now!Video Information take that Bowser this finale will make the entire universe my captive audience aha whoa what’s it doing uh that was a weird dream uh where are where am I uh let’s see how’s the village doing today everybody there’s people on the roof hello Village hello villagers nice to meet you hello Iron Golem how are you doing time to climb up the old Hill again to go and sleep ah through the wheat field this thing has produced me so much bread ooh this moon is rising and the Sun is setting such a beautiful sight… Read More

  • Shark PRANKS Friend with Real Pain Mod in Minecraft!

    Shark PRANKS Friend with Real Pain Mod in Minecraft!Video Information my friend Kevin is live streaming on Twitch wearing this homemade haptic suit meaning he feels pain in real life bro what are you doing dude look at this I made my own freaking haptic suit dude look at this oh Jesus okay bro okay sorry sorry sorry creeper blew up that really really hurt what is going on so technically I guess that counts as uh kissing a creeper so we can mark that one green as done okay yeah that did not feel good so at least we know now that we got out of the… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Unlocking MAGICAL POWERS in Modded Minecraft! 🌀

    UNBELIEVABLE! Unlocking MAGICAL POWERS in Modded Minecraft! 🌀Video Information all right hello everyone welcome back to another stream welcome back to another live welcome back to another video as you can tell by the title of today’s stream we are doing a low accurate SMP video l here stream this is going to be one of the most important streams uh recently by far because if the ones before leaked a lot about the story this one is going to leak a lot about the world and stuff so make sure you pay close attention to it and everything will make sense as we go on anyways… Read More

  • Sahil’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft 24/7 Live Server – Join Now!

    Sahil's Mind-Blowing Minecraft 24/7 Live Server - Join Now!Video Information double Tak [Applause] down first Doom double Tak down thanks [Music] I need equipment resources here thanks good job [Applause] first Doom sh resources [Music] help me first Doom a need [Music] equipment resources here I need equipment I need equipment thanks thanks than I need equipment good job first kill spe double Tak [Music] down [Music] free fire India is set in [Music] a oh [Music] [Music] a oh [Music] yeah a oh [Music] [Applause] that oh [Music] a [Music] h [Music] oh [Music] [Music] e [Music] free fire [Music] IND [Music] a oh w free fire… Read More

  • GUMMIGOO Survival Challenge: 100 Days in Minecraft!

    GUMMIGOO Survival Challenge: 100 Days in Minecraft!Video Information gummig goo is one of the coolest new characters to come from the latest episode of The Amazing digital circus which is why I decided to add him and the rest of the candy Canyon Kingdom into Minecraft now for the next 100 days I’ll be surviving as gummy goo pulling off explosive heists and making Great Escapes as I encounter all the members of the digital circus and transform into even bigger and more powerful forms will I be able to overcome the odds and defeat the fudge or will I get deleted from the circus you’ll… Read More

  • INSANE MINERS GO TO THE MOON?! 🚀 Minecraft Animation Song

    INSANE MINERS GO TO THE MOON?! 🚀 Minecraft Animation SongVideo Information This video, titled ‘♪ MINERS ON THE MOON – Minecraft Animation Song Parody INSTRUMENTAL’, was uploaded by Bubba4827 on 2024-05-21 20:24:26. It has garnered 163 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:03 or 183 seconds. This is a VERY GOOD instrumental Read More

  • Rabisu TR Minecraft Server

    Rabisu TR Minecraft ServerRabisu 2016 yılında kurulmuş, yenilikçi ve modern Minecraft server sağlayıcısıdır. https://www.rabisu.com/tr/ Minecraft, Markus Notch Persson tarafından beceri gelişimi üzerine çeşitli küpler ile tasarımlarınızı yapabilmenizi sağlayan bir oyun olarak geliştirilmiştir. Minecraft oyununun Notch’un kurduğu Mojang şirketi çatısı altında 16 Mayıs 2009 tarihinde herkese açık şekilde yayımlanmıştır. Oyun yayımlandığı günden itibaren çok sıkı bir oyuncu kitlesine sahip olmuştur oyunun yaratıcı modunda ve hayatta kalma modunda oyun becerilerinizi geliştirerek dünyaları keşfedin, inşa becelerinizi kullanarak yeni binalar ve şehirler inşa etmenin inceliklerini farkedin ve arkadaşlarınızla minecraft’ı hayal gücünüzün dibine kadar birlikte oynayın. Minecraft 2019 yılının dünya genelinde en çok oynanan oyunları arasında 5. sıradadır…. Read More

  • Cozy Corner Semi-Vanilla 1.20 21+ Java Mature Whitelist Discord

    Cozy Corner Community Welcome to Cozy Corner, a 21+ Minecraft Java server community that is looking to expand! About Us: No server resets planned Relaxed environment Features include backpacks, /spawn, /home, dynmap, Vanilla Tweaks datapacks, and core protect Join Our Discord: Our Discord community focuses on building friendships through gaming and shared interests. We have a quick application process and welcome everyone to check us out! Community Guidelines: We are game-centered, but enjoy various genres. Our Minecraft server may be quiet, but Discord is active with daily conversations and gaming. We are seeking active members to chat and game with,… Read More

  • LumeoMC

    LumeoMCWelcome to LumeoMC, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft adventures! Our network offers an immersive experience in both Survival and Skyblock modes. Whether you’re a seasoned survivor or a sky-high architect, LumeoMC provides the perfect playground for your creativity and strategic skills.In Survival mode, embark on a journey through diverse biomes, gather resources, build magnificent structures, and defend against the perils of the night. Collaborate with friends or challenge yourself to thrive in a world where every decision counts.In Skyblock, start with limited resources on a small floating island and expand your domain into a sprawling empire in the sky…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft gamers after creeper explosion: “emmmmm”

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft gamers after creeper explosion: "emmmmm"Well, I guess we better watch out for this meme, it’s clearly a high scorer in the meme world! Read More

  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

    Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, no room for pains. With animations funny and bright, He crafts a world of pure delight. Children’s eyes wide, watching in awe, As Fangkuaixuan’s tales they draw. From jumping off buildings to forgotten kids, His rhymes bring light to what he bids. In the eyes of elders, children see, A world of wonder, pure and free. But Fangkuaixuan knows the truth, In Minecraft, there’s no need for proof. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting stories that truly shine. For in the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • From Noob to Pro: Minecraft Glow-Up

    From Noob to Pro: Minecraft Glow-Up Noob’s shape changes at different ages in Minecraft…just like how my shape changes after eating too much cake in real life. #relatable #gamerproblems Read More

  • Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial

    Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial How to Get Command Block in Minecraft In Minecraft, the command block is a powerful tool that allows players to execute commands in the game. While obtaining a command block may seem daunting, it is actually quite simple with the right steps. Here’s a guide on how to get a command block in Minecraft: Enabling Cheats To get a command block in Minecraft, you first need to have cheats or commands enabled in your world. If you are playing in Creative mode, cheats are likely already enabled. However, if you are in Survival mode, you will need to enable… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20

    Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20 Exploring the Nether Fortress in Minecraft 1.20 Recently, a group of gamers embarked on an exciting adventure in Minecraft 1.20, where they discovered a Nether Fortress. This fortress, shrouded in mystery and danger, offered them new challenges and rewards as they delved deeper into its depths. Unveiling the Secrets of the Nether Fortress As the gamers ventured into the Nether Fortress, they encountered a myriad of hostile mobs and treacherous terrain. However, they also discovered valuable resources and hidden treasures that made their journey worthwhile. Conquering the Nether Fortress Despite the challenges they faced, the gamers persevered and navigated… Read More


    INSANE MODDED MINECRAFT 1K SUB CELEBRATION 🎉Video Information so something dude you’re accent hold on what do you say d e r r o wait what wait a okay yeah f i in one in one okay r m a okay craft got it c r a f t this this will get it trust okay no you have to do it in one word yeah yeah and then switch mod packs to mods and then first yeah yeah you just press install and then create a new profile file and just name it anything um anything you want bro okay and then go to Advanced… Read More

  • Horror Gamer Kite in Minecraft Pocket Edition

    Horror Gamer Kite in Minecraft Pocket EditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘kite🪁🪁in Minecraft pocket edition #minecraft #like #gaming #trend #viral #minecraftshorts #comment’, was uploaded by Horror gamer on 2024-02-15 04:30:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. kite in Minecraft horror gamer command /effect @e levitation 99991 #minecraft #like #gaming #subscribe #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Showdown: Me vs. hogline! #shorts

    Hardcore Minecraft Showdown: Me vs. hogline! #shortsVideo Information यहां पर है 100 से भी ज्यादा हॉग ंग्स और हॉगिंग जिसको कहा जाता है जिनके हाथ में एक्स होती है और यह मेन वर्ल्ड में होने की वजह से ऐसे हो चुके हैं वरना जो वो मोटे से कपड़े पहने रहते हैं वही होते हैं और चलते हैं फटाफट से वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं यहां पर देख सकते हो 100 से भी जाता है जो काफी ज्यादा तेजी से यहां पर घूम रहे हैं और यहां पर देख सकते हो हमने इनके ऊपर हमला कर दिया है और ये देख सकते हो काफी ज्यादा गंदा डैमेज… Read More

  • Pool Ceremony Jackets: New Features & Server Teasers!

    Pool Ceremony Jackets: New Features & Server Teasers!Video Information hey everyone welcome back to another MC recap episode for some reason it feel like it’s been years since an episode anyways today we’ll talk about some Minecraft updates some barck news and maybe 21 leaks anyways let’s get into it on Tuesday got H fix update which addressed some crashing issues and instead add some new bar add-ons to the marketplace which is cool then on Wednesday we got new Barack preview and j s and this week Struggle No More locate chop chamber out your nearest photographer to dreamman for your to trade for locator map… Read More

  • CraftyMasterman Creates GD in MC! [EPIC STREAM]

    CraftyMasterman Creates GD in MC! [EPIC STREAM]Video Information [Music] it’s a good [Music] thing [Music] [Applause] a [Music] w [Music] it’s a [Music] [Applause] good d [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] oh dude I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared my hair dude I’m trying to use my my headphones as a headband cuz I have this much hair in my face it’s all over my face and I’m using my headphones as a headband it’s crazy I’m so not set up though hold on hold on why are there math why is there math on this whiteboard why… Read More

  • INSANE! Baba’s 1 Second Nut Bust Storytime

    INSANE! Baba's 1 Second Nut Bust StorytimeVideo Information okay so on this channel I have a lot of embarrassing moments in my life and I will admit even though some of them are really out of pocket they are really entertaining but today’s story is a bit personal and honestly I won’t lie to you if you can see the title of this video yes I used to be a one pump chump what does that mean well today’s story will explain it all but before we get into the story make sure you guys do leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you… Read More

  • Insane twist in Minecraft stream 4: YertaPain CHILLS

    Insane twist in Minecraft stream 4: YertaPain CHILLSVideo Information yo yo yo yo yo y y y y yo y yo y y y yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo there we go is it working I do believe it is working all right it’s I don’t know how this is going to go I don’t know how this is going to go we are Live Twice on the same channel at the same time so this is going to be fun this is going to be very interesting um let me see uh me see oh hello you guys… Read More

  • Neocynical Tinder Date Minecraft Challenge!

    Neocynical Tinder Date Minecraft Challenge!Video Information I’ve got some pickup lines are you ready oh yeah please all right okay are you an FPS booster because man you’re OptiFine it’s no secret bedwar players are lonely my [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] 800 stars and for what what the [ __ ] do I have to show for this what do I get out of this nothing so I was thinking about it I want to find the love of my life so what I’m going to do I’m going to put my bedwar stats onto Tinder and hinge and… Read More

  • Insane Holostars Minecraft Livestream!

    Insane Holostars Minecraft Livestream!Video Information n [Music] you’re late [Music] oh no my little chat thing’s not working that’s all right [Music] testing what [Music] happened why isn’t this working [Music] man that was tough I think I fixed it woohoo all right [Music] okay I think everything’s working [Music] nice you guys are late he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I think I fixed it I think my OBS was super [ __ ] up but uh I think everything’s okay now um dude what does that sound stop it very annoying hello hi everybody you’re late uh you have a hole… Read More

  • Rabisu Miami Minecraft Server

    Rabisu Miami Minecraft ServerRabisu is an innovative and modern minecraft server hosting provider founded in 2016. https://www.rabisu.com/en/ Minecraft was developed by Markus Notch Persson as a game that allows you to make designs with various cubes on skill development. It was published publicly on May 16, 2009 under the umbrella of the Mojang company, which Notch founded. The game has had a very tight player base since its release. It is ranked 5th among the most played games in the world of 2019. Many servers prefer Rabisu as a hosting company, including Craftrise, Turkey’s largest minecraft server. If you want to set up… Read More

  • Reunion SMP 1.20.X Updated to 1.20.6!

    IP: reunionsmp.com Discord: https://discord.gg/8NXMEZbFFc Origins: This server is sequel to Union SMP after it was shut down by the owner while it still had an active community. It happened to be shut down right before the very anticipated server update to 1.20 leading to the creation of this server. Union SMP was notable due to it being promoted in a Youtuber named Salc1’s video where he tried to ask for OP on Minecraft servers. Features: Community Decided Features Robust Claim System Homes Paid Cosmetics Graves Discord Connectivity Some Vanilla Tweaks Player Economy Market: The only item that you can sell… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Musical Minecraft Mastery: Epic Guitar Drop

    Minecraft Memes - Musical Minecraft Mastery: Epic Guitar DropWhy is Lena getting applause for a meme with a score of 5? She must’ve built a pretty mediocre creation in Minecraft for that kind of recognition! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft Welcome to day 52, where the challenge is alive, Gathering wood, one more piece to strive. The sunrise was stunning, a jungle trunk in sight, Stone easy to find, everything just right. Luxury in every step, a day to cherish, No desert in sight, just pure flourish. Shoutout to Pablo, Benja, Renzouu too, And Camiseterodepapel, sending love to you. StevenInfiny, Juan, Perseo as well, Noah Lopez, Papita, Benfi, can’t you tell? For the full video, check the link below, Join the journey, let the Minecraft flow. Big hugs to all, until tomorrow we meet, In this challenge, where every… Read More