Minecraft UHC SOLO #1 (Season 9) – Ultra Hardcore with Vikkstar123

Video Information

Hey guys it’s me vikkstar123 altra hardcore this is a tournament mini game in which myself and these 10 or so other players spawn into a randomly generated 2000 by 2000 Minecraft world which will shrink in size they had no health regeneration only way to regen hearts is

Via golden apples and the last person surviving wins we’re playing solo this season this is actually I think maybe the eighth season of this on my channel so be sure to check out the previous series or seasons if you like before we get into this one right here Swampert

Actually great places to start off because swamp trees I say swamp trees yeah swamp trees will calm swamp trees have a pretty high yield for dropping dropping apples which is good good Kenny says TPB away from this area it sucks Wow okay you know I’m just going to drop

Straight into here I’m glad that wasn’t a bad decision just get straight involved in the stone down here hoping maybe we luck out some iron or some other resources around the area but no no no so yeah the way this works the only way to regen it is with golden

Apples which I’m going to try get from the swamp above what height are we out here we are we are oh yes a sea level pretty much just to check we’ve got a desert around maybe I’ll have a little scope around the villages or desert temples but realistically I want to get

Enchanting book enchanting book and chanting table materials Chris possible full iron some food and then just get on the offensive so there there we go the server is speaking to us the evil UAC server and this is all recorded in one straight take so there’ll be episodes

Every other day there will be 28 minute episodes and they will be like I say every other day and until until I die at that point the series is indefinitely over for me I’m out I’m dead that’s it no respawning no nothing and pretty much less person surviving wins so let’s get

Up and out of here publish it have brought my crafting table or some spare stone I stare down a couple of these bad boys hopefully got some apple drops when I return and just have a little look round for food and Reed’s been the two key things to get

And the world border shrinks I think something like 200 blocks every episode food-wise actually I can use the mushrooms to make a bunch of mushrooms soup or stew which will be fine for the first the beginning add gee I might get a ton of Apple drops here as well maybe

I’ll get another Apple drop squeeze and get myself some some just apples to eat even though usually they say for golden apples for regen that sort of thing and I’m gonna be honest spoiler alert for previous UHDS coming in here boy that spider don’t wanna mess with the spider

Nice tray top-down I don’t I just don’t I just don’t right now any damage I take like I say will be with me for the rest of the time and even up to the point that maybe I’ll die and yeah so previous season the viewers here I’m gonna be

Honest recently I haven’t been doing too well in UHC maybe that’s because I’m not that good at USC maybe that’s because I’ve been unlucky maybe it’s a combination of both but I’m gonna try my best as I always do and they will see where it takes us I think I know all the

Mechanics and the strategies for the most part of UHC to the fullest I don’t have as much experience with it as other people in this game right here hopefully that shouldn’t matter too much in terms of PvP I like to think I’m proficient all ravines can be good

Actually near the world border it’s just there that’s worth keeping an eye out for I say we can find any reeds or cows for lava slash food those who may want our apples for days this is why we turn out a swamp swamp trees have the highest

Rate for dropping apple / leaf block of any tree on minecraft those seems to be just that one Oh nope there’s some Apple here as well let’s carve you up and I let’s look for some reeds there’s surely going to be some down this water somewhere how many

Apples we have three apples that’s huge don’t particularly want to be sprinting around here but not as if I have much choice when I quickly scout the area um I mean I said how much choices just I want to kind of be productive fortune I

Do have a good food source to my right so with that said and he reads that is strange you would expect there to be read in an area like this so I’ve one little look up this hilltop here is there nothing by the way of reeds not

Even down at this water here here that is weird so no paper for me now in chanting books and now they start let’s go back to the area where the leaves will be despawning when we Castle I don’t even take falling damage that would be bad as well probably want to

Get in that ravine once I’ve got some food made got probably enough apples at this stage honestly so let’s get just get a bunch of mushrooms these will be my my reliable source of food so I can break through a couple of them nice and quickly think I broken off trees as well

Got a bunch of red how many to focus more on some brown ones from here if we see any it doesn’t look like oh Cal’s perfecter and chickens beautiful beautiful gonna keep an eye out for the spiders but don’t seem to be around so this is good

Don’t run away Cal I’m going to kill everything XP and food and leather hopefully two cows as well now this is a little bit of a spoiler for the last season of you actually with myself and Preston but um chickens are really good week as you can’t find any obviously making arrows

Would have been useful lassies and that’s all I’ll say another kind of oh yes as you shoot camera it’s not enough to make it’s not enough to make a whatchamacallit a some paper for a enchanted book so I may wait for it to grow that’s what I may do here unless we

Find ourselves some more things it’s quite Moody and dark ground here so I want to be careful that you get the random skeleton spawning he could wreck my day probably about four hit me on my current estate damn I need this sugar cane real bad can it even grow there I’m

Not sure I don’t think it can it I’m not sure I even care let’s trim this tree just so it has space to go into I don’t know maybe I take it underground grit with me I’m kind of waiting on that there was this ravine looking like

Ravines looking good see a creeper at the bottom now probably the easiest way to get into here is just going to be – should have had a shovel for this honestly it’s going to be just to dig a little root in like so Lighting’s a bit bugged up but we won’t

Worry too much about that surely there’s going to be more reeds around here I like to read and I like to write and I like to smite my enemies in UHC that’s that’s the hope that’s the hope at least checking for day so good food more ravine I’m not sure for the

Same one or not are you serious there’s just two bits of read around here I’m learning to read or write I think honestly it’s more likely to grow when it’s existing we planted I’m considering going underground bring with me planning some sand or dirt and although we get

More beautiful I think I’m just going to eat some of this straight up just because don’t really want to be worrying too much about cooking up or crafting soup right and I just want to get that sure okay then get on the ground that is the aim here sprinting is not usually

Advisable unless you’re in a hurry that much probably goes without saying to that yeah if we get to the other well hard do we get do we I think any leather that’s a joke killed two cows no leathers I’m pretty sure I didn’t leave

It on the floor if I did I’m a massive facepalm kid but I don’t think I did so that’s that also one thing to keep in mind this is all recorded in one straight session one you know full up recording straight so and yo you can like obviously you can watch it from

Multiple points of view and I’ve given me advice and that sort of thing but if this is all posted kind of after the fact after it’s happened so there’s not too much point in doing that and it’ll record in one session so I don’t get any

Breaks so towards the end yeah maybe a little more serious this is pretty much play to win I may be a little more serious I’ll come on please please cow so many mobs so good you serious I’ve killed three cows and not no leather unbelievable and before I just get like

Punched in by a chicken let’s just get as much of this as we can I’m honestly tempted to look for another cow I can’t believe I’ve killed three cows and received no lover that is real rough wonder if that’s gonna be any more around here somewhere

Come on cows I am your friend I’m not really I just need them for their leather I guess we have to call it there for as far as I I really want to get some chatting table before I go in the ground it’d be really nice to have not good I’m

Shocked usually one cow’s enough to get the ladder I’m just checking I don’t actually have it my venture I’m always in disbelief right here we should probably try and follow up some gigs it’s 10 minutes to an OPP and I don’t want to be getting caught out when that

Does happen let’s put some number 1 slot all right where’s that creeper make sure this area is clear this lighting is so derpy check is not hiding in here somewhere ok let’s get into this I’ll at least you’ve got a good start for iron and potentially future carrying down that

Little space there so this will be a nice place to kind of set up shop as it were that’s the plan looks like the creeper wandered away maybe got pushed away by the water I don’t know I don’t know I’m not expert on creep building behavior it’s gonna be

Careful nothing drops down on me from above so he pies up for that at all times and we got decent bit of iron we’ve got a decent iron hole here look that was too kind of yes to chunks of iron together looks like Justin saying hi so maybe he’s found somebody jeez

It’s always nervous finding someone when there’s no pvp and just kind of wearing them up thinking if I had to fight this person it’s getting dark so this is where I want to be let’s make her make a bunch of crafts nibbles just saved me

Time down the line so I don’t have to think about carrying around with me make a fur nice put this down let’s get the iron cooking in there one two let’s get some torches made while we’re just chilling in the surface here so it’s a little safer down here I don’t

Really care that anyone will know that I’ve been here maybe I should maybe I shouldn’t who knows let’s take a look into here ravines with them ravines do not look at that Enderman Vik that would be the worst thing you could do right now honestly major I’m route this water

Through into that ravine so I have another route to follow that’s what has helped me to send much faster than usually wouldn’t you see though that looks like a dangerous place I must be honest I must be honest must be honest with all you good people right now let’s

Uh grab some of this it’s got to keep listening out for mobs and potentially other players get about two of that what are we thinking is it gonna be better to staircase down or just take the water rapids have a look I don’t think that is somewhere I want to water descend into

Um public and a little staircase down just because if I’m going down a skeleton starts shooting me that is a bad news bear alright that’s actually the iron up there am I gonna go for that yes I especially this alright please skeletons don’t be around

Actually gonna dig in a little way so I have some more cover oh my gosh you got all this iron then maybe I would be brave enough to go into the ravine honestly still I play it’s that if you don’t take any damage because like I say

That sticks with you for the whole time literally half a heart can be life or death in UHC let’s get that iron ore work our way over to this pocket over here yeah I’ll probably go across and get that load over there I think it

Might only be what one two or three but hey every little helps every little helps grab this iron ore here she’s being very risque on the edges here but it’s risk/reward is UHC hopefully I can get what I need nice and early am I gonna go

For that I said I would I’m gonna I literally don’t hear anything hostile around get into the clear space here right let’s dig down get involved in this was it literally one what else it was one alright we’ve we’ve made we’ve made quite the home out of this ravine

And hopefully things stay good should replace that torch probably make some more while I’m here let’s throw this like that there we go okay we should have some good iron armor down here first episode of no PvP ending in six minutes these episodes I don’t know if I really said will be posted

Strictly every other day or something throw some wood in there to cook that fifteen what should I make with this a chest plate let’s go for a sword and a helmet or a pickaxe oh wait I have more iron let’s make a pickaxe let’s make a

Helmet and I can get the pickaxe once I’ve got this cooked here we go is making another furnace here could do some more coal we’re off to an alright start maybe it’ll be daytime again I can go cow hunting again before I get deep under make some of this into wood we go

Through that in can actually take half of this out put it in there so I’m going to have some good food eat up right five minutes we’re doing we don’t alright we’ll be loving life if we had enough material for a book right now that’s the only thing to consider we have the

Sugarcane we have the apples pretty much I mean it’s the middle of the night we’re probably best going down heading down under in fact I may as well start that right now let’s get one more iron in a sec when we’re ready to move under be ready to rock and roll all right

There we go this would just save us time from an early point in the game which is good news they’re all I can come back and go through it there are rulings against kind of strip mining downwards but it’s basically just you know be reasonable with it down um don’t

Obviously Oh compass tracking who’s a nervous person to me rob is 400 blocks out that way okay that’s that’s quite far away I’m not too concerned by that um it is worth watching for it’s worth just kind of just be reasonable with it pretty much don’t just dig – you

Know why 13 and strip mine until you have 50 diamonds that kind of thing so if you’ve got a caveman Explorer obviously I’d be dumb to kind of jump straight into that massive ravine so I’m digging myself an entry point where I can start clearing out from probably

Want to start getting this well I think the ravine that I saw from above maybe leads into it a little bit from down here let’s work our way down and then hopefully wouldn’t set with the side of it in just a moment here probably going to try and get myself some more iron

Armor as well trying to listen up that water I feel like I may be a little bit beneath the ravine did seem quite deep maybe I’ve gotten too far though oh geez that Enderman scary I think I went a bit too far under which is fine I’m gonna go

Get my stuff in the furnace and then maybe pop out at a lower level just so I can actually see what I’m working with which is all good so one’s going well though let’s get all of you I’m going to make the boots just because I can with

This spare iron probably should have made a water bucket in hindsight scrub you mister furnace yeah you’ve done enough enough let’s grab you alright let’s head down underground alright is it this way how far do we have to go here oh my gosh please don’t tell me I looked at that

Guy oh did I uh oh I think I did I think I agreed that Enderman oh dear oh dear so you get a teepee there or is he just screaming for the fun of screaming alright I just need to jump into a too high space if he gets mad so it goes out

Leads out this way if I hear that sound I know I’m in trouble although he walked into water Wow choko is ripped so there we go just shows that you can get but I may seem like I’m being stupidly you know careful but a lot of people in this you

Know in UHC they die too mobs they die too lover they die too falling damage bad stuff happens let me tell you that and then all fun and games gotta be careful there’s no mobs up in the buff like skeletons or such so the good cave though right let’s get involved in some

Of this iron and iron in coal that water actually may have saved me from that Enderman I think the animal walked into in it makes them teleport around manically and lose their agro so that’s good stuff let’s get all of this showing up my full armor up nice full iron armor

Up nice and quickly um am I gonna actually brought down my supplies what I’m gonna do is get some more torches going most well actually put a furnace down so one ending soon we’re off to a very nice start but like I say can seem like you’ve got an awesome stop you can

Still get our okay old buy anything you can be super stacked and no stuff can happen you can get really unfortunate with mobs and get some sneaking up on you you can be game over just like that rights make sure this is all lit up on this level

I feel somewhat safe down here but I think any sense of safety should be taken with apprehension if that made any sense at all probably best to just wall this off just so I can get back material there all right let’s just get these and this should be enough to get those iron

Leggings honest you shouldn’t be digging above me never know might have a lava flow pop through there I have a mob pop through there so it’s well staying at arm’s length away let’s get the coal do I want a lava bucket lava buckets are pretty huge

Although the thing is I don’t know how it worked with my ping on the server would I manage to kill some with a lot of the bucket or would it just not go down in time that’s the thing usually we’ve done a lot of these partners in

The past and it’s nice to have a teammate with good connection I’ll tell you that much it’s placed on another one oh my god that bat scared the life out of me that’s honestly just make a stack of furnaces alright episode one is about to end right here got some gold over

There which is good Kikki material in UHC hopefully you guys enjoyed episode one we’ll be back the day after tomorrow for episode 2 of the CHC thank you and goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft UHC SOLO #1 (Season 9) – Ultra Hardcore with Vikkstar123’, was uploaded by Vikkstar123HD on 2015-02-13 20:30:00. It has garnered 198627 views and 5658 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:59 or 1199 seconds.

Minecraft UHC! (Minecraft Ultra Hardcore Tournament) Enjoy!

Minecraft UHC Season 9 Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9O6nOlKeOlflvUeAuVEVcoaEZHkcoptb

Like my Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/Vikkstar123 Follow me on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/#!/Vikkstar123 My Instagram: http://instagram.com/Vikkstagram

Hello everyone and welcome to UHC! A 2000×2000 world where players in try to survive in the harsh conditions of ultra hardcore. You cannot heal normally, if you die and you are eliminated, and golden apples and bloody heads are the only way to regen hearts!

https://www.youtube.com/Vikkstar123HD https://www.youtube.com/PrestonPlayz https://www.youtube.com/Supersaiyangamerz https://www.youtube.com/MrWoofless https://www.youtube.com/Kenworthgaming https://www.youtube.com/kwehcraft https://www.youtube.com/Petezahhutt https://www.youtube.com/TheNoochM https://www.youtube.com/NoahCraftFTW

Host: https://www.arkhamnetwork.org/

My headset: http://geni.us/hyperxvikk

Use “Vikk” for 20% off Beastnode Servers: http://bit.ly/1cZB4PS

Scuf controller: http://bit.ly/1aAsJx9 5% Off Code: VIKKSTAR

My capture card: http://e.lga.to/v

Follow me on Twitch for Livestreams: http://www.twitch.tv/vikkstar123 Check out my other channels linked below: FPS & More: http://www.youtube.com/Vikkstar123 Lets Play: http://www.youtube.com/VikkstarPlays

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  • The Perfectum SMP – SMP, Hermitcraft-style, Java 1.20.1, LGBTQ+ Friendly, 15+, Whitelist, Community, BlueMap

    Welcome to the Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP, a semi-vanilla, application-only, survival server designed for an authentic and mature gaming experience (15+). Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others! What to Expect A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A server seed selected for its stunning landscapes and exploration potential. A Discord-based application process for quick and easy access. A suggestion channel with upvotes and downvotes to make sure every voice is heard. A friendly… Read More

  • Dystoria Patch -Chains- I Weekly new Content

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Amethyst geodes: The OG Minecraft travelers 🌌

    Minecraft Memes - Amethyst geodes: The OG Minecraft travelers 🌌“Amethyst geodes really hit rock bottom before shining bright like a diamond in Minecraft.” Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes

    Spicy Minecraft Memes Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base: Zombie Trap & Pistons

    Ultimate Minecraft Base: Zombie Trap & Pistons Minecraft Adventures: Building Bases, Zombie Traps, and Pistons Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with our fearless protagonist as they make significant progress in this episode. From constructing bases to setting up zombie traps and utilizing pistons, there’s never a dull moment in this virtual realm. Exploring New Horizons Our intrepid explorer delves into uncharted territories, seeking resources and crafting materials to enhance their survival skills. With each block they mine and every tree they chop down, the foundation of their base grows stronger. Building a Secure Base Using their creativity and ingenuity, our protagonist… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight! 🔥

    Unbelievable Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] you [Music] n [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] Gamers hello why is it not pulling up Minecraft oh I know why cuz I didn’t do that oopsie hello Gamers how are we doing hello [Music] Gamers uh chat that’s uh not chat but now there we go how are we Gamers um I will be hopping in Discord in just a second here let I get everything ready whoa there I am hi Gamers hi gamers hi Gamers Gamers Gamers hi humans and vtubers hello fish being let me just uh shink… Read More

  • Going Insane in Minecraft

    Going Insane in MinecraftVideo Information it’s kind of [Music] awesome is that real are you today I played the insanity mod in Minecraft actually it was yesterday but we don’t talk about that this is one of the scariest mods I’ve ever played in Minecraft it adds a little icon in the corner of your screen that controls your sanity it’s kind of like the game don’t starve where if you go into darkness you lose sanity but I didn’t know that by the way YouTube says that two people are subscribed so please subscribe anyways enjoy the video I don’t know how… Read More

  • Unveiling Dronio’s Face in Minecraft 😱 #shorts

    Unveiling Dronio's Face in Minecraft 😱 #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком и подпиской я показываю лицо я реально его покажу Если вы поставите лайк или подпишитесь о’кей и прежде чем вы что-то сделаете это случилось быстрее чем я думал ладно А наша единственная цель – это найти один Алмаз и я думаю это будет тяжелее чем кажется Итак добываем дерево и что зачем вы опять поставили лайк и подписались пожалуйста прошу хватит это делать и Вау кажется я нашёл деревню И что Зачем вы так быстро ставите лайки и Подписывайтесь Ладно бежим скорее в деревню Ой здесь есть кузница в ней у нас стоп… Read More

  • ApplePieLord333 reveals secret lunar base updates!

    ApplePieLord333 reveals secret lunar base updates!Video Information hey everybody and welcome back to lead ditions and the we there was no audio and mouse now I’ve made a little bit of expanding for the trios space as you can tell it’s is still in [Music] progress but it is being worked on off screen um reason I’m doing it off screen is because so I do not and of course I am using a gr skin yes why not bring girls in game School anyways So today we’re going to be what put where to go didn’t oh the go on from Wich I forget… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Iron Golem in Super Heroes Pack! #Shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Iron Golem in Super Heroes Pack! #ShortsVideo Information oh my Lord and all my days the Iron Golem has a face they’ve done it guys they’ve merged iron golems and villagers this is the iron villager oh my days look at that he looks like he’s like holding in a fart it’s okay bro when nobody’s looking you let that out okay look at that amazing costume though we’re going to take a risk and go behind him here don’t let it out now mate um yeah that is nice that’s a nice costume nice outfit very very futuristic pack here this looks like This video,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Live Stream – SUBS Play! 🔥 TMPBOLTELIVE

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Live Stream - SUBS Play! 🔥 TMPBOLTELIVEVideo Information हेलो गोल्डी हेलो गैलेक्सी हेलो डेविल थैंक यू सो मच फॉर जॉनिंग माय स्ट्रीम गा प्लीज लाइक कर देना फर्स्ट एंड माइक ऑन करो जी हमने कर लिया माइक ऑन दो सेकंड बस दो सेकंड में आ गया ए आहा सर्वर ऑन करो फटाक से लाइक करो या स बंद खेल लेते कम से कम लाइक तो बनता है ना गल ओ हो लेट नाइट के ऊपर आ जाओगे आज आप सही है गिवन ब्रदर मैंने आपका आमर ट कर दिया तभी मेरी लाइट गोल हो गई बदर जैसे आपका कर मैंने तो मेरी लाइट गल हो गई… Read More

  • XBrandonUwU goes CRAZY playing Minecraft! #shizo

    XBrandonUwU goes CRAZY playing Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Disociado… #twitch #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by xBrandonUwU on 2024-05-03 03:12:00. It has garnered 425 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • “Minecraft Top 5 Insane Hacks Revealed! 😱🔥” #minecraft #hacks #omg

    "Minecraft Top 5 Insane Hacks Revealed! 😱🔥" #minecraft #hacks #omgVideo Information top five mini buil hacks you didn’t know in [Music] Minecraft oh This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT TOP 5 HACKS|#minecraft #viral #subscribe’, was uploaded by TUSHAR_YT on 2024-01-07 08:59:16. It has garnered 3331 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Bed Wars Gameplay on Minecraft Java! 🔥

    INSANE Bed Wars Gameplay on Minecraft Java! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Bed Wars Live | Minecraft java |Garg Gamer’, was uploaded by Garg Gamer on 2024-04-15 22:38:29. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds. server:topn.pika.host Apart from YouTube title and description I am doing Minecraft stream Where I will play with you I have my Minecraft world where we will play together and grind and we will also go in your Minecraft World We will make houses some farms and many more things we will do in this stream and My server IP pinned in… Read More

  • OasisSMP

    OasisSMPLifesteal/Survival Active staff, Events, Giveaways and more! Unleash your inner warrior and conquer the wildest survival challenges on our high-stakes server. Raid, pillage, and unleash chaos upon your foes as you battle for supremacy in a cutthroat world. Embrace the rush of adrenaline as you thrive in an environment where raiding and griefing are part of the game. Show off your cunning strategies and formidable skills, and let your legend be written in blood on OasisSMP. We’re always innovating and pushing to improve, and all community feedback gets taken into account and implemented. If you the player wants something changed,… Read More

  • MeinKraft Nostalgic: Anarchy

    MeinKraft Nostalgic [Anarchy] Gonna keep it short and sweet! MeinKraft is an anarchy survival server themed like an older Minecraft server. No giant hubs, no pay-to-win. Minimal rules enforced and efficient plugins installed. MeinKraft Anarchy is for those who miss an authentic anarchy experience! Hosted 24/7 with lockable chests. Join us at IP: Read More

  • ————–(– XetaPixel –)————–||| Likimi-AcidIsland ||| SF, CE, Tycoon, Skills

    ————–(– XetaPixel –)————–||| Likimi-AcidIsland ||| SF, CE, Tycoon, Skills Read More

  • Pocket Realm

    Pocket RealmWe’re a new pixelmon server thats looking for members, and we’re slowly adding things and working on other stuff to try make this a nice little community to get away from all the tryhards (this is a non-p2w server)discord.gg/hK8eUHN8R9 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Hard Mode Upgrade

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: Hard Mode UpgradeLooks like we have a crit-ically acclaimed meme on our hands! Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Secrets Old Players Missed

    Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Secrets Old Players Missed In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, From hidden temples to mushrooms that astound. Digging down, finding treasure in the ground, With diamond armor and swords that are renowned. But beware of traps, lurking in the dark, One wrong move, and you’ll miss the mark. So light up the way, with torches bright, Navigate carefully, through the night. And when it comes to schoolwork, don’t delay, No excuses for not writing, come what may. Headaches won’t save you, from the task at hand, So grab your pen and paper, and take a stand. In the realm of Minecraft, adventure… Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Fails: When You Forget to Bring a Pickaxe” 🔥😂 #minecraftfails #pickaxeproblems

    "Hot Minecraft Fails: When You Forget to Bring a Pickaxe" 🔥😂 #minecraftfails #pickaxeproblems When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch. #minecraftproblems #oops #minecraftmemes Read More

Minecraft UHC SOLO #1 (Season 9) – Ultra Hardcore with Vikkstar123