Minecraft World Destroyed by Chat – Click to See Thiccity Split!

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What is up chat welcome back to the thicky stream I think I’m live got to type this out really quick uh Uh all right thank you guys for joining the stream I really appreciate it I’m glad you’re here what do you mean no what do you mean no what do you mean no I don’t understand also welcome to the the chat Infamous coffee it’s glad to I’m glad to

See you back here it’s good to see you here so we’re going to be playing some we’re going to be doing it’s funny cuz I only do this like one time every month they stole first from me how dare they how beat them up beat them up I

Want I want to see chat fight each other all right square up get your fist ready anyway um we’re going to be playing some Minecraft uh but there’s a little twist and we’ve done this twist like two times now where chat can um uh become a little funny

Member and uh I have to spin the the punishment wheel um which consists of a lot of different things actually you know what you know what I should do I should turn on this instead and turn this off oh wait actually that’s fine because then you can see the funny punishment

Wheel which is right here so we’ve got we’ve got the creeper horde we’ve got the Dig straight down uh we’ve got hunger for 5 minutes we’ve got um lose your item in your hand we’ve got mining fatigue for five minutes we’ve got clear hot bar we got

So many things so if you if you become a funny little member I’ll spin it or if you already were a member and I didn’t I didn’t spin it before then you can definitely do it and uh anyway let’s get into it why is my there we go all right so last

Time we built this beautiful little home this little Cozy home we we were very focused on on cozy cozy was the goal and I think that we perfected cozy you know I might have died maybe like 40 times trying to build this but look at how cozy this is it’s so

Cozy you can’t even walk two feet without running into something that’s how cozy it is that’s just my my secret word for extremely cluttered add destroy house to the wield well there essentially is one I added called a creeper it’s spawning a creeper horde which is like like 10 creepers so

I’m pretty sure if you do that while I’m in the house it’s over for me the house is gone the house is toast there is no more coziness allowed not even a little bit of coziness left after I destroy this house is this not the most cozy

Thing I think feel like we should add some more I think the plan was to add a lantern coming down from here oh no wait it was to add a low Stone thing here that was the plan p spin the punishment wheeler I’m I’m punishing you tonight I

Might not I might just not not spin it I might just not spin it at that point all right welcome to the chat Mr comp glad you’re here hord is only 10 what do you mean hord is only hord is that’s a lot that’s a lot of them that’s

A lot of them but hunger for five minutes is also so much fun I can’t wait to die 40 times so this is going to pretty much run my Hunger down to zero immediately and I have no health for some reason so there this is going to run

Through all I’m going to run through all my steak I’m going to run through all my steak the only reason why I can only spawn 10 of them stop rubbing your eyes flexing on me like that oh I’m so tired how are your eyes feeling better though I know

Lucas got got some got some ice surgery oh my God so I have to continually Munch or I will perish eat or die as I always say I’ve never said that once in my entire life my eyes are so itchy oh man that’d be so much fun to be me it’d

Be so much fun to be me I’m glad they don’t hurt anymore that’s very good and the redness should be gone in a week do they look like poke oh my God my hunger’s already down to zero stop okay so I’m going to have no steak

By the end of this but I think the main plan of attack today the main plan of attack is to um what’s it called what’s the main plan of attack today it’s two I plan this uh I think we’re going to I think we’re going to hop on the boat and uh

And go fishing a little bit I think that’s the main plan of attack today hold on I need to situate this thing a little better there we go there we go there we go all right what do we have here here what do I got what am I looking at right

Now would be kind of funny oh oh I know what the main plan of attack is today I wanted to make a nether portal that’s what we’re doing today it’s nether portal time so I need to make myself um a an iron pickaxe maybe two if I’m feeling so inclined if I’m feeling

Quirky enough if I’m feeling so quirky as to make an make a make a little pickaxe I’m going to get nether portal we’re going to go to the ne with intense amount of hunger right now okay we go all right I think we had a little mining hole down here I had a

Little mining hole I got to go down in that hole and I’m going to hold this thing because I have OptiFine and OptiFine is beautiful and I remember there being a giant is there a giant drop here it’s going to kill me oh I guess I’ve been down here

Before I don’t remember I don’t it’s been a month since I’ve touched this world I hope the scar on my eyeball stays stays visible as after the redness is gone wait what kind of Scar is this like a cool scar like you’re going to show up and all the ladies are going to

Be like wow you must be super tough ah like a cool badass scar on your eyeball that’s how you know that you’re really tough real tough guy over here all right we need to get some diamonds so that’s the plan I need to get a diamond pickaxe I think I had one and

Then and then uh it it um I’m not going to give me your give me your sacks I want your sacks now give them to me give them to me this is very important that I obtain your sacks oh my oh hold on no no no get me out of this get me

Out of this give me out of this get me out of this okay never going into the water ever again I I cannot believe I just run through 20 stakes in the past in like 2 seconds I’ve run through 20 stakes in like 3 seconds this hunger is

Awful I don’t think it looks as cool as you think it does Mr comp I think it looks really awesome and he’s super attractive with that scar on his eye so what are we at right now uh when will this this pain be over I

Don’t even know if I have any more food oh wait I do have more food in the house okay we might have to stock up a little more on on some more stuff I think a farm might be might be a good idea actually a farm might be the plan

Because then I can have animals that I can raise and then raise for the slaughter they will have no no other purpose but to be my food you got to make up a cool story for it yeah he does got to make up a cool

Eye injury story or did it or people are going to think that it happened with something stupid that’s not even true like eye surgery they’re just going to think that you’re weak that you got it during eye surgery or something weak and silly like

That oh we have oh my God I’m a I’m I’m the bread man I am the bread man the bread hoarder the the bread connoisseur okay oh the hunger is gone as I get all of my you know right oh do you have anything good if you don’t have anything

Good you’re going to die I hope you realize that you better have something good don’t hum me you better have something good you’re disappointing me although I will take your lime dye actually will I or is that easy to get you do have leads and I like that

Where’s my horse I had a horse I don’t know where the horse went but I had one a while ago it’s gone now maybe I can I’ll kill him for those leads okay let us go down what what are we at right now we are at 31 so we got to go

Down for diamonds diamonds are the plan right now if I don’t get any diamonds I don’t know what I’m going to do oh those explode it’s diamond are bust right here where did my okay whatever I don’t know where my torch went did I place it down on

Accident I may have placed it down on accident anyway guys how’s how’s your uh how’s your your your breaks been if you’re on if you’re in school your Christmas breaks your um Can this stop being a giant cave can this Stop opening to a giant cave that’s

Going to inevitably kill me because I don’t know how to play this game okay I’m going to put this here and hope pray even that I don’t die okay okay here we go iron is not important but it is a good side quest and I’ll take it when I can get

It considering I don’t have any although everything everything in this world is uh nothing is permanent here everything could be taken away from me in a second because of chat Chad could take everything away from me giant cave is good it’s good for people who know how to play the game for

Me it is an OM of death like that thing stay away no back up all right that could have gone worse I made a plant versus zombie mini game in Minecraft a while ago for the day levels and I’m now forcing myself to make night levels you can make Plant versus Zombies

Mods oh a mini game in my I don’t know what I was reading I read that out loud and I just didn’t comprehend it at all all right like with commands can I can I could I play it on stream I want to I want to give that a

Shot I feel like I have to give that a shot hold on chat I feel like got to get at least give that one one tiny shot give it my all it’s on Bedrock I have Bedrock I got them both I got them both baby I hate Bedrock but I’ll do it

For you I’ll do it for you for your mini game where did this gold go is this is there an air pocket down here there is an air pocket pocket down here oh my God this might be the greatest discovery of all of in in in the history of of a Minecraft

Kind oh God oh God oh God oh God no no no no no no no oh bread bread I did not mean to place that okay this is going to be a problem this I got to focus up oh my bread my bread my bread my beautiful beautiful bread it’s all

Gone what is hold on I think that what’s my um uh uh uh uh how do I change my fov my fov feels really weird I don’t I don’t know how to change fov I feel Everything feels so close to me we all despise skeletons exactly Nostalgia exactly I did win also welcome

To the chat I’m glad you’re here how do I change my fov I feel like I feel like I’m one of those one of those those Pro Gamers who’s like an inch away from their monitor at all times I’m blind did I miss it oh [Laughter]

Okay I’m going to I’m going to up it to like 90 feel like that’s what I usually play at okay okay okay okay now I’m ready to speedrun now I’m ready to speed okay we got we got to go back down to the uh to

The cave I’m just going to go down there oh actually I should probably sleep one night I’m going to go down there try to grab as much as we can try to grab as much as we can and I got back into it all all right come on that’s right burn burn

Ow stop it leave me alone die woo oh man this is rough okay did he die or is he still alive with all my bread now okay you’re you should be low I’m just going to come slap you I’m going to slap you slap you so you die die please die

God we go okay first try I can’t be I can’t be killed I can’t be killed I can’t okay did I go this where did I go where did I dig this way this is the way that I dug I Dig Dug Dug this way uh oh shoot okay parkour

Master that’s not that’s not a fun that’s not a fun group of group of guys over there okay and then I went here and then I went here and then I went here oh my God woo oh okay okay we’re we’re a little rusty we’re a little rusty that

That’s all that’s all I’m going to say great start great start of the stream I don’t think I’ve had a worst Minecraft stream yet oh my God okay okay surely this this will be completely fine oh my okay okay we are going to have zero nothing bad will happen to me all

Right this is going to work I I know it’s like it’s like I’m a speedrunner like I’ve got I’ve got the speedrun down I’ve been practicing it for ages I know exactly what I need to do that’s a funny Arrow there okay I’m going to go this way so I

Drop into the right thing oh my okay this is a mistake okayy get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out can’t follow me can’t follow me the fastest I’m the fastest block man to ever do it okay all right all right all I need to

Do now is um okay we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re perfect we’re perfect even amazing this could not have gone better okay so what did I miss I had to have missed some stuff I have my crafting table which is good so that means maybe we can maybe we

Can get a a little oh I didn’t get any torches damn it you’re gonna you’re you’re going down I need to grab my torches back give me those back you can have everything else we’ll make a little trade you can have everything else I just want my torches back so I can

See right now I’m really struggling on that on that in that department okay ow No back in the cave back in the cave another another little Cave Run I can’t wait to do this again can’t wait to do this [Laughter] again okay okay this is gonna this this one’s the one see I was messing around before I was just playing around I know

What I’m doing I’m just I’m throwing for Content I’m throwing for Content all right I would never purposefully die I wouldn’t do that that’s silly and stupid and dumb who would do that okay there’s still my my stuff’s still there that’s a good that’s a good sign oh I got

Bread or the skeletons that are en going to shoot me in the face in a couple seconds okay think I went this way did I go this way I don’t remember I don’t think I went this way as long as there’s no skeletons I’ve got this I I can always

Outrun them I think I went this way yeah yeah yeah I did go this way I did go this way okay okay oh run run run H why am I why am I not able to Sprint okay okay okay what’s up tead welcome to the chat glad you’re here glad you’re here okay

Okay I’m I’m going to regain my health in the corner over here and then we’re going to go back out there why does streamlabs link so if you join as a member I spin the funny punishment wheel Mr Tech head but if you become a remember then

You have to see my beautiful Christmas video and I don’t think you want to see that as you said in the Discord that made me giggle a little bit by the way made me giggle that was a funny little comment just dislike the stream good job do it more honestly everybody dislike

The stream right now we hate this stream we hate this stream I hate this stream who is this dumb guy that’s streaming right now named viit the worst please stay back my God my God you evil little child stay back should I change the thumbnail I it was it’s ironic guys it’s

Ironic I thought it was funny I thought it was a funny thumbnail I thought it was a funny thumbnail did you guys think it was a funny thumbnail or should I change it cuz there’s so many other options I was like perfecting the Zoolander stair in that video I’d be

Like singing and then I’d be like hit him with the Zoolander stair the beautiful little Zoolander stair it’s crazy you didn’t get me on the track for that song it was a it was a personal project I did it in one day I fil I shot I recorded and filmed that all on

Christmas day all right it’s authentic that is an authentic ass Christmas song I did it all on Christmas day uh I sang um the the Christmas song that’s what it’s called I guess uh it’s by Nat King Cole I think he does a rendition of it that’s my favorite it’s

The most popular one it’s the one that’s like chestnuts roasting on an open fire that one I’m going to die again oh my God I’m in a hole uh-uh hopefully he killed his friend this game sucks don’t worry I shut up it was good I thought I did a good job in the

Singing W comp reference I’m the one who who said that wouldn’t mean wamp comp reference that’s a me reference but your reaction was very good and funny and awesome I will say that I do need to eat though before I die wamp comp reference that’s a tried and true split moment right

There nope get away from me get away from me okay I should be able to eat okay okay okay okay okay I just got lucky I got lucky okay okay okay there should be should be diamonds down here there’s got to be there’s got to be diamonds down here there has to

The split Serenity exactly it was so Serene and beautiful you know what I need I need a shield that’s what I need I need a shield I got to cook this bad boy up and make a shield that is the pl I need wood I don’t have any wood I don’t think I’m

Making out of here alive I ain’t going to lie to you guys I think we’re going to have to we’re going to have the only way we’re going to be able to get out of here is the old dig up and hope that you don’t get crushed by a bunch of uh sand

Or gravel or something please please perish Parish perish you evil beams are there more zombies I hear more that that’s kind of awful go down there though oh I have wood what am I doing okay okay okay okay I just need Cobblestone and there’s none down here that is really awesome

My insanely funny moments are all because of my intellect and humorous brain your funny moments are just luck and a bit of chyia look chyia triumphs over [Applause] all all right take compost take compost all right I’m going to Mission Impossible this I’m going to Mission Impossible this

These are going to get so Mission Impossible that’s not even funny sorry I’m back oh there they are there they are okay okay these beautiful beautiful specimens okay okay we have the mission impossible just now people say that they think I have 80hd I do not think I have

Autism yeah of course it is I love cute circus I need to add more songs to my stream playlist or my my oh my God the security here is insane okay hey that almost went straight through my skull I don’t know 580h people say I do

I don’t think I do but who knows regardless I’ve been survive I survived 21 years without any meds I think I’m okay uh okay okay okay okay here’s what we’re going to do oh God there’s one there no and I’m in the lava woo thank you for thank you for the

Member thank you for the member I really appreciate it really appreciate it popsky it really it really means a lot to me it really means a lot to me popsky okay well I’m going to respawn really means a lot to me um I’m going to I’m going to uh spin the wheel now

I’m crying I honestly I feel like at this point they’re all lost we might as well just start over and get new stuff cuz what did I have on me this bunch of bread oh I mean yeah you can you can redeem it later we can do we can do another time

So let me know when you want it all right looks like I have to go collect some wood cuz that’s rough okay I’m going to we’re going to mine somewhere else all right I don’t now he’s going to beat Slaughter actually you know what I do want to do a

Geometry dash stream soon because I did get it on the winter sale how would you guys like a geometry dash stream I’ve literally never played it it’s just not a game that I play you have to poop go go release the beast right now all right go drop the

Kids off at the pool I believe in you release the beast what how do we feel how do we feel about a geometry a geometry dash stream deny it oh yeah no permission you can’t sorry permission denied permission denied all right all right all right all right you know what I’m

Thinking I’m thinking we make ourselves a good old good old pickaxe and we go mine somewhere else because that mine is not working out honestly I’m just going to close that mine up and we’re we’re we’re never returning to that mine ever again I’ve died like four times in that

Mine I’m done with it I’m done with it I’m not putting up with it anymore I’m not putting up with it anymore how much iron do I have none ooh you know this is really important though this is extremely important you know why this is important leave me alone this is important because

I need to give you oh finally finally now it’s better time than never do the 2 point I just got it I got it on Steam so I’m down to play it I’m the game owie owie owie owie okay that hurt a lot okay let’s see what is the plan here

Okay let’s make some pickaxes let’s make I got some I got some bread I got some chicken and I’ve got I’ve got I’ve got determination determination to be the best to be the best crafter that’s ever crafted I’m going to sleep though got to start this

On an on a nice nice good day of a nice got to get some good sleep before we start off on on this adventure right here all right we’re going to go mine over here I’m mining over here instead honestly it’s going to take a while to

Get good 2.2 stuff or the 2.2 stuff I heard that it was going to take a long time for like good Geometry Dash levels to come out cuz everybody I saw a bunch of videos where it was like look at how bad you’re definitely not a good enough for

The I’m going to be amazing at Geometry Dash all right I’m going to start on that game and I’m going to just destroy it I’m going to demolish it you’re your mind’s going to be blown blown your eyes are going to pop out of your sockets and you’re going to go a woa

He’s so good at video games that’s what you’re going to do I don’t like the sound of lava right there it’s kind of bothering me it’s scaring me a little bit okay let’s go make I think we have enough to make cuz I literally don’t

Have anything like I I lost all of my stuff in that cave all all of my good stuff is gone o arrows I’ll take those I’m going to need these for my revenge plot on all the skeletons that have ruined my life I was so I literally

Touched the N my feet were standing on top of them I was feeling their power radiate within me oh my God taking a bath I’m sorry did not mean to interrupt your bath time let me get a sword real quick so I can oh or we can make a bow and I can

Kill you with your own weapon yeah you like that I like this idea this is a good idea I’m going to kill you with your own weapon and I’m going to laugh at you as you cry out in skeleton pain right there I see your stupid little skeleton head that’s right yeah

How does that feel yeah this is why I only play multiplayer I’m going to watch thicky split at the gym chat check this out wait what what does that mean what’s up kic welcome to the chat glad you’re here glad you’re here exactly Revenge it’s so

Sweet and I also got extra Arrow so that’s pretty sweet all right uh let’s put the D in here this is very this is my this is my um my valuables chest and these are especially valuable although there is something important that I need to do um if you are

If you are if you get a little queasy look away cuz I’m about to commit murder I’m sorry it has to be I know I bought from you but it has to be this way guys guys I’ll let you live I just I just want your leaves are are you hurting each other

Now I’ll do it don’t do it you goof ball you look like a fool right now the leaves are fight each other fight fight fight fight fight fight come on do you guys like friends or something I wanted to watch a llama fight I I paid good money for

That okay let’s go let’s go get this mining on oh wait hold on this might be a good there we go there there we go right let’s put these bad boys in here beautiful beautiful the circle has been completed what’s that music oh what is this what is this is this in my

Playlist no it’s not I need to set this to be like this okay back at the start back at the beginning all right let’s go uh let’s go mining please don’t commit murder and make me queasy I just slammed 2.5 McChickens I will throw up what are you

Doing with the other5 McChicken can I have it I would love I’m really I feel like a five McChicken would really hit the spot right now5 McChicken would be incredible now where was I going to make my mine I had it somewhere oh well crafting table time

I’m going to make a new mine that’ll be better than the old mine ever could ever could possibly hope to be here we go this this there we go all right new mine is here this is new mine I gave the extra chicken to my dog did they enjoy the five McChicken that’s

All I need to know did they enjoy the five McChicken tell me now oh this is what I wanted I was about to make charcoal too but no the coal gods have blessed me I’ve been a bad I’ve been a naughty boy this year that sounded awful been a naughty naughty boy

Okay uh all right let’s make a stick and let’s make some of these bad boys there we go she gobbled it up gobbled not even enjoyed didn’t even appreciate the chicken the5 chicken that was given to her by the way the Carol mug is making a re an appearance again it’s coming back

The Carol mug is back all right I’m sure you guys miss the Carol mug cuz I missed the Carol mug what did you get for Christmas thy I got a cool shirt um I also got I don’t have it with me um did I get anything extreme related anything computer related that I

Could show you I don’t think so so I got I got this cool like like card I got a shirt though I got a really cool shirt I can show you the shirt I can show you the shirt hold on check this bad boy out it needs to be

Washed still cuz it’s it’s it’s new it’s I don’t know I don’t I don’t like wearing shirts that haven’t been washed but look at this I pretty sure this says Panda sushi on it hopefully it doesn’t say something like big ass poop balls or something like that but look at

How cute this thing is look at this like a little Panda Sushi guy I don’t I think this might say panda on it I’m not sure I did I looked at it and I put it like in a translator but I forgot what it said it was something related to Panda

Yes I’ll wear it I’ll wear it next stream this will be the next stream attire Raw it’s raw I liked it I’m I’m I’m a big Thrift guy I’m a big Thrift Shop goer I like I like thrift shops I can never get a shirt why don’t

I know what it says on it it’s not anything bad you wouldn’t get a shirt with like cool writing in another language oh I could I could definitely do that I can put it in chat right now here if you guys want it uh here I’ll put it right here but I’ll

Make I’ll make a link for it I’ll make a link for my Spotify in case you guys want any of the music that I’m playing no because Gatekeepers will murder me murder you for what for giving your dog five of a chicken sandwich is that what they’ll murder you for

Okay so for tomorrow’s stream um I’m either thinking I might try to get I don’t know if Kevin’s free and maybe Cass too I’ll try to get a Monopoly game going maybe I’ll see if Mr Root is also free cuz I’m pretty sure Mr Root played with

Us cuz I’m and I need to get the Monopoly working but I I want to bring the Monopoly back so maybe a monopoly stream if we’re feeling that tomorrow people gay keep languages I mean I don’t really have an issue as long as I don’t know maybe

Maybe I would have an issue with like like tattoos maybe not Gaye keeping it but like I’m just worried that like if people get a tattoo and they don’t know what it says like a shirt you can always take off if it says something funky but

If you get a tattoo that says something weird like I’ve seen those people with tattoos that have like Chinese writing on them and it says like it just says like white man or something like like that cuz they don’t know what they’re buying okay that’s kind of messed up that’s really

Weird that’s that’s odd as hell I wouldn’t say gayy people from getting anything but I just say be wary if you’re going to get a tattoo with another language on it just make sure you know exactly what that says although I feel like honestly I

Feel like a I feel like maybe like a tattoo that just is white white man would be kind of cool like in another language that’s what I am it’s pretty it’s pretty spot-on just just honest it’s what I am have you seen the guy that have you

Seen that guy who does that exact thing who like gayek keeps language Gat keeps like shirts with different languages on them no I have not I have not at all that’s weird Okay anyway you know what let people do what they want to do that’s that’s the that’s the general

Philosophy of life I think oh I think I did see that I think I think I did see that ooh carrot give me give me I don’t think I planted any that’s embarrassing is that a dolphin did we get anything from today no but we will tomorrow all right

Tomorrow will be a better day where did my horse go did you guys see where he went cuz I gave him diamond armor and he ran off with it he just took my took my diamond armor and ran I’m going to die out here I feel

Like I’m out here with a wooden sword and a dream I want to find this horse I do have another saddle though so if I do find another horse we should be okay I think I have horse armor but it is kind of bothersome that by the horse ran off

With the pristine diamond armor that I gave it it was beautiful I need to go back and sleep this is a bad idea ow he eat it no I didn’t have leashes but I do now I didn’t have leashes back then but I do now so next horse that I get maybe

We’ll maybe we’ll have to go horse shopping tomorrow ow and then we’ll um go horse shopping tomorrow find a good one that’s right burn burn okay so here’s what I’m thinking we have a saddle I’m take this with me do I have any horse armor I do

Not I do I was lying the whole time did I get you good I bet I got you good okay how much more stuff do I need to cook what has been UNC I think do I have any more uncooked stuff in here nope okay I think it’s more shopp in

Time I really do want to go to the Nether Nether today I feel like that’s the main goal of the stream today is to get to the nether survive in the nether okay there’s got to be a horse in these planes over here there’s got to be

A a gaggle of them what what is a what is a group of horses called uh not a gaggle uh I don’t think anything’s called a gaggle except for bunch of silly guys maybe it’s a a gaggle of geese or something like that is what it’s called what is a group of

Horses that is cool I kind of want to build a house up there but I’ve already built a house no don’t do it don’t do it I’ve already built the house I’ve already found a homestead okay now where is where is is it where are these horses

At there’s a village over there I wonder if they have horses a Band of Horses is that what it’s called oh I’ve been over here I built myself a little I think there I found a horse over here earlier surely there’s another one wonder if he went

Back home maybe he went back to his home a stud of horses I don’t think I think a b oh there’s one right there I think a band sounds more right than a stud I think oh my God there’s so much food here do you guys make this while I was

Gone did you guys make this while I was gone make fun of this man of what man oh he loves me he loves me right put the armor on there we go come on my trusty Ste that I haven’t even like tested to see how good you are at

Anything you’re M now I want to get a name tag so I can name you while I’m here I might as well collect oh my God somebody’s house I hope you had Insurance my God no oh kic by the way since you’re a you’re a

Member is it not that fast I don’t know we’re going to find out though that’s for sure um by the way for those of you who are new to the stream if you are a member or want to become one um you can let me know and I will spin the

Punishment wheel which will give me a funny like effect or something um oh why is this not breaking K you can spin the wheel Poss don’t do it not with my horse where’s my horse set my okay spinning the wheel this is a good this is a good way to just

Demonstrate you want your spin we’re going to do two spins in a row two spins in a row two spins in a row oh please don’t be something good what is it my leads oh oh my God my God of course it is of course it is cuz why not cuz why

Not I have to wait for another wandering Trader to come through and then I have to commit murder again all right that was popsky spin all right now it’s kic spin I think that this is probably the worst series of events this is the worst so this effect will give me half a

Heart I have to reload the world but it’ll give me half a heart until I die I can’t wait I can’t wait to do you know what we need to do we need to build a stable because I genuinely don’t have a lead anymore and I need to find a way

To keep this guy two double you spins of course half a heart is all I need though I don’t need anything more than that I don’t need anything more than that I can do anything I want on half a heart all right you guys are going to be shocked

At how cool I am and how good I am at this all right let’s let’s go home I don’t like this Village anyway smells bad smells bad it’s gross you should do hardcore next I used to do I used to do hardcore streams a while ago we can bring that

Back for sure though I want to just like do one where we like play the whole game through because I will never I’ve never actually beaten this game like genuinely beaten this game and I kind of wanted to do that like I kind of wanted to do that

With this series I wanted to actually beat the game for once against chat against chat trying to ruin it for me will you ever do a cruelty Squad stream you know I want to but I also watched pyrro cynical video on cruelty Squad like the full thing like the I

Don’t even how was it like 3 hours long I watched the full thing so I pretty much know I like I won’t I’m like it’s all spoiled for for me that’s the reason why I didn’t play iron lung but why I did play scavenger sv4 because I watched

Pyrole video on scaven on iron lung and so it was spoiled for me but then he said to play scavenger sv4 like as a recommendation yeah I watched that whole thing um he said to play scavenger sv4 so I was like oh my God I want to do this okay so

I streamed that instead and that was like that was fun that was a good that was a good fun time oh the cruelty Squad it’s a good video sit down get yourself some popcorn watch that bad boy all right so where am I going to build a

Stable I think a stable would go go really well like right here next to my house like where this tree is that is going to now perish and die a terrible trendic death don’t go anywhere I hate I really hate though that these things can kill me in one

Shot now that is terrifying if they want to they could just end my life they could just go off go off the deep end hey you’re making noises I don’t like that I don’t like that at all they could end me in a second I would I couldn’t

Say I couldn’t do anything about it okay have to get rid of these though build a tiny little stable for you wait wait did you say thinking about what could have been if I was a thicky fan before the is that a koala clip could have been me and not pyro

Cynical it could have oh I think that video came out a while like after that okay okay okay okay so I’m going to put these up here you see you have a pretty little area you can stay in all right you’ll be happy in your little jail prison cell but you’ll be

Happy okay I just need to make myself um some sticks so I can make some fences fence and then I think I want to copy what they did in the village because I do like that one you know I’m usually not a huge fan of Village architecture

What did I do there not a huge fan of Village architecture but today today is a different day I’m a different man now slab so I need the slabs there we go all right here we go so what I’m going to do here is stop it all

Right so we’re going to do this I’m going to need I’m going to need more fences for sure uh and then we’re going to we’re going to do this in the back so we’re going to do like a where did that get placed that’s exactly where I wanted it thank you game

That’s exactly where I wanted that to be placed really appreciate that this is going to look terrible but you know what whenever I whenever I freestyle build it always looks awful but who cares who gives a freak uh no wait I want this I’m going to go this

Way may have to extend this out slightly uh will this break the whole thing please don’t break the whole thing you’re going to break the oh you’re not going to break the whole thing beautiful incredible even okay can you stand in there though I don’t think you can I have to go one

More level might have to you greet me I greet you welcome to the stream the angel gamer welcome I greet you so good I’m a good greeter I feel like if I if I wasn’t I could do that as a good job like as a greeter for for something I GRE I would

Greet people crazy well be so good at greeting people I greeted you I did did I do a good job did I do good did I greet you well or would you like me to greet you some other way like oh my God is that the angel gamery in my chat right

Now I can’t believe it I need to greet them right now we got 12 of these oh was going to be easy easy PE where did you go where did you go come back don’t run off on me like that I can’t I can’t have what happened last

Time I I don’t think I could I don’t think I could I don’t think I could live with myself if I lost another horse like that do you want a genuine game recommendation absolutely give me one give me it hit me with it give it to me right

Now what is what could The Tech head possibly give me I want to know I want to know that the tech head recommendation now all right I’m going to make some good old planks out of these bad boys and make some little slabby slabs here we go all right

Yum me your only move is hustle what is that about you got to give me a rundown okay can you fit under here is that comfortable here I’m not going to give you any more roof that’s all the roof you get all right that is all the roof you

Get I like how you’re standing that’s actually very nice of you to stand so nicely oh of course okay I need to go one more one more and then that’s it you only get one more roof so imagine a fighting game but it’s ch I like chests you know we should do a

Chest stream too chest stream coming soon I haven’t played chess with chat in a long time but it’s always your turn so I win every time I can’t lose I forgot I was on one heart I I I saw my life flash for my eyes right

There oh wait this’s a problem okay we need it no oh okay okay here’s here’s what I’m going to do use my tactical balcony there we go tactical balcony usage right there both people turn oh so it’s like intense it’s an intense chess match is

It like as fast as you can move whoever moves the fastest wins essentially fence there we go all right fency fence all right I think it’s very important we need to add a gate what do I need for a gate wait a gate is just so fences what is fence versus a gate

Then okay it’s very difficult for me to explain in chat well I’ll give it I’ll give it a just send me send me something on Discord about it so I don’t forget cuz I will forget if you don’t send me something about it okay now you have a beautiful horse

Table and I don’t have to get leads for you anymore because chant decided that I wasn’t allowed to have leaves very rudely in fact this is so beautiful are you not wait I wonder if I have a name tag we should name this bad

Boy somewh I need I need more iron but I do I have I don’t even have a name tag anyway I couldn’t even if I wanted to that’s so sad it’s time to make more bread I’m going to make bread bread and cry myself to sleep I’m going to make sad bread dry

Bread there we go I have lots of bread now but I’m not happy bread does not bring happiness chat all right no matter what no matter what you might think bread does not bring you happiness oh my God where do I even put all this garbage

I need to get some I need to get some more wood so I can build a chest here okay after this the plan is to go mining we’re going to try to get some uh some good old diamonds although on one heart is going

To be an issue for sure but I can do it we need to make a shield though do I have any iron I do not so iron is definitely number one and then we get we get a shield from there cuz I’m going to need I’m going to

Need that I’m going to need that can make a banner too a funny little Banner would be fun KNE I don’t want any of this gross stuff right here put the carrots in here it’s where all the food goes with the food chest all right I’m I’m staying somewhat

Organized like even the tiniest semblance of organization that’s all I need we we do we do a little organizing around here we do a tiny bit of organizing around here just a little organizing all right okay I didn’t even read all that so pretty much you do an attack then a

Couple frames pass then you can do something else like block throw or counter both people’s turn good game great game it’s free for older versions so no reason not to try it it’s very difficult for me to explain okay I got you yeah definitely I’ll I’ll give it a

Shot what is in here again if I swear if there was going to be something really cool in here I would have been so sad what’s up paintball welcome to the chat how are you hope your day is going well we’re about to go mining with one HP and this is going to

Be really awesome and I’m not going to die at all surely not I will not perish I think it’s smart to maybe make at least a better sword before we go off though let bring some wood with us cuz who knows who knows what kind of scary terrifying creatures we might face how’s

Your day going okay I have a sword I have Oak planks Cobblestone beautiful wonderful amazing okay I have to focus intensely right now intense focus at this moment all right think about think about think about the diamonds think about those diamonds I need to get two diamonds so

That we can get a diamond pickaxe and then I can go get a I can go get some obsidian and then I can make a another portal and then we’ll be golden PB and J oh my God oh my God is a PB&J kind of day is that is that

What you’re telling me right now it is a PB&J kind of day the best kind of day folks drop what you’re doing stop what you’re doing right now it is a PB&J kind of day all right so I’m hoping that we just happen to run into some iron and not a

Giant cave please God don’t put me in a giant cave or I will die again I have to avoid everything at all costs I cannot interact with a single Monster with Oreos and milk that is a crazy combo like at the same time what if okay here hear me out right here take

That PB&J open that bad boy up take those Oreos slide those in there close it back up dip that all in the milk all at once I’m going to spin a wheel of what leave of what leave stream and to go to go play we’ll spin that bad boy what do you mean

What no it’s revolutionary you might you might you might look all the revolutionaries we all talked down going to try oh my God you got to tell me how that goes you got to tell me how that goes oh I hear zombies doesn’t sound that bad look I’m

Just full of great ideas what can I say you got heads so what does that mean wait what did you say Geometry Dash all right good luck good luck dashing Dash away I believe in you not the witch the Witch Is the worst okay okay I just got to pray that we avoid

Any caves no caves no caves no caves no caves I hear so many cave noises right now this is a problem oh it’s of course A M shaft of course it’s a m shaft why wouldn’t it be a m shaft it’s really cool and awesome

But it’s a Min shaft and I’m going to die okay I’m going to leave this here so I know that the M shaft’s here but we’re going to avoid this m shra at all cost going this way the Oreo vanilla tastes salty wait you put you put it

Together it tastes said salty the combo wait why is there vanilla in here okay please don’t be a giant cave down here I will cry I will cry here I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to change this up so that people don’t get confused I feel like this is very

Confusing hold on this is confusing sorry I don’t know how this works your Cam’s blocking the text but I just joined well I’m glad you’re here wait what text is it blocking I’m so confused also welcome to the chat Lauren welcome to the chat Roman glad

You guys but the combo I’m glad the combo is great see I’m a revolutionary let me just change how what this says cuz uh how do I change this I can do it here I’m just going to say become member there we go see I feel like that

That that kind of explains it a little bit better people aren’t people aren’t tricked they don’t feel like they’ve been tricked okay avoid caves caves are not caves are not are not the move if you do that again yeah I feel like that you’re playing a dangerous

Game there with that it might be good thank you for the subscription I appreciate it so you’re playing a dangerous game there but it could be worth it all right all about tell about what you’re willing to risk what are you willing to risk how’s your day going

Laura you having a good good uh winter time I don’t know if you celebrate Christmas or not but winter vacation maybe if you’re in school here I’m going to move this over here there we go see now nobody will be confused at all ever I do have to go oh wait actually I

Could just make my crafting table here but I’m going to have no wood after that I really don’t want to walk all the way back up cuz I’m lazy I’m a lazy guys I’m going to use the only wood that I have to make a crafting table of all things

Okay so we need I’m going to need to make some more sticks after this hopefully we get some iron that’s the goal right here it’s like the pineapple Fanta it’s so great but has a lot of sugar I have tried that a couple times and yeah as

Long as you don’t look at the nutrition facts it’s great it’s wonderful okay just don’t look at the nutrition fact just don’t do it all right that’s the secret to life ignorance is bliss you know what I’m thinking I’m think if we’re going to strip mine for

Iron all things might as well do it not in the the slab cuz that’s going to just ruin my stuff it’s going to ruin all my stuff I’m going to cry I have vacation I I like have vacation because I have school yes most I’m also on vacation I’m on winter break right Now break from the grind of college it is great isn’t it I mean you can you could have as many PB&J Oreo milk Abominations as your heart desires okay come on please just give me some iron I’m begging you I need one piece of iron I’m not even I’m not

Asking for that much Minecraft Gods just one piece of iron just one piece of iron for a weary a weary Minecrafter oh my God God they answered all they they only gave me what I asked for too they did not give me any extra they are not you know what I’m not going

To complain I’m not going to complain I asked for one and I received one and that was it now what do I cook with please please just give me the one iron ingot wait I don’t even have enough wood anyway we’re going to have to go back up okay

My beautiful one iron ingot guys that that is a successful day of mining right there that’s a problem how many arrows do I have one damn it I have a plan so I’m going to block you off then I’m going to go around this way

Okay no I’m not dead I’m not dead I’m not dead I’m not dead I’m a genius actually and I’m going to block lock you in your in your stair tomb for the rest of Eternity look at how stupid you look in your little stair tomb how does it

How does it feel in there huh you’re going run out of oxygen soon yeah you’re going to run out of oxygen soon and you’re GNA die look at you goofball idiot dumb spider indoctrinated into the what dude this this stupid heart is like covering up everybody’s chats okay there we go I

Figured it out mind the cat emote Universe uh I have kind of I do enjoy a good cat emote I will say I’m a cad mode enjoyer definitely okay let’s hopefully I make it hopefully I make it back without dying although looks like stuff hasn’t spawned yet cuz I just haven’t been

Around just got to make it the bed just got to make it the bed just got to make it the bed beautiful all right I’m going to grab some water real quick chat I’ll be back back give me 3 seconds I’ll be back was that 3 seconds was that worth your

That was 3 seconds come on that was at least that was only 3 seconds you counted wrong that’s all you just counted wrong what’s up ship welcome to the chat glad you’re here okay okay one heart and a dream that’s all I need all I need is one heart okay

So I got bread I got CH stream CH stream you guys like my chair it’s a good chair this thing has done me so well what a beautiful what a beautiful chair okay um I need to get myself a good old oh wait no here’s what we need to do

I’m going make myself an axe we’re going to chop some wood up we’re going to chop down some wood don’t kill me please God we’re friends we’re friends today for today no no it’s okay I died like two speet out of my outside of my

H but being on one Heth was kind of fun I feel like that that’s a good that’s a that’ll be a good CH that’s a good Challenge Series okay we stop can we stop this do they all die no just one of them did just one goofball one little goofy goober

Okay I don’t know why I’m like game’s lagging so much I’m trying to dual stream okay all right here we go beautiful beautiful now come here you know I’m not scared of you anymore I want you dead and I want you dead I want everything

Dead now that I can now that I have the hearts I was scared of you but now I’m not now you’re just little creatures little tiny creatures that I can crush with my little what’s the name of the Discord uh the link should be in the you can either do exclamation mark Discord

Or the link should be in the uh in my in my little bio oh the link doesn’t work that is so cringe try exclamation mark Discord I got you try that surely that’ll work unless it just doesn’t want to work sometimes streamlabs is being dumb and stupid and I hate

Them I’ll to fix that link if it’s not working but it is called the koala Kingdom I don’t know if you can find it by looking it up I didn’t even know that was a way you could find servers but I learn something new every day now I I haven’t gotten any wood

That’s what I’ve been trying to do for the past like 5 minutes I keep getting sidetracked okay it’s wood time it is wood Gathering time look at how stupid you are all right I will rebuild you can’t you can’t break me you can’t break me the indomitable human spirit will always

Prevail okay I need food now give me the give me the yum yums give me the munch munch I guess I guess it’s not I I guess I’ll have to fix it I have six wood I meant to get more than that but who cares anyway let’s um let’s

Make a shield and I’m going back down into the caves back down into the mines I yearn for them I yearn for them I’ve always yearned for them ever since I came out of the womb I’ve been yearning for the mines okay okay okay beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful let me just put this

In here I have a shield instead of a torch but that’s fine I’m going to put the torch here just so I can hold it out if I need some light this wherewe I just saw a creeper I’m going insane I swear I saw a creeper standing outside of my house for a

Second I’m starting to lose it I’m seeing things now I am seeing things oh no wait why are you by yourself I thought you were supposed to be in a group oh you are in a group okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m

Sorry look I’m going to go on my mind you just leave me I’ll leave you alone I’ll leave you alone actually hold on oh okay okay they had other plans I guess wait I have a shield what I not what am I do that’s right where’ the where’ the one

With the banner go I want his Banner now there’s always one with a banner right I need to add it to my to my uh to my shield like an effigy like a skull on a on a on a pike just to war warn off all the other

Uh warn all the other the pillagers I don’t mess around thick you can’t mess with thick split all right you do not mess with the thick star ah okay I cannot see anything okay now that we have this I’m going to try we have to we have to get

Um some more iron so we can get an iron pickaxe and we go for diamonds actually you know what we can do now I’m allowed to go in here now I think am I allowed in here you guys let me in I didn’t caught you what does that mean

Okay all right have a good day kic thank you for for popping into the stream always appreciated okay I’m ready for a fight I’m not ready for that fight though or that one there we go oh my God no why the poison spider why do you got

To how long does this last for 7 Seconds no no yo always cook you’re cooking no toasty you can’t do that you can’t do that not allowed not allowed okay I’m me just mine this up wait no I hate you so much give me something good hey that that’s not bad that ain’t

Bad that ain’t too shabby oh I didn’t know I had one of these I guess I could load this up just in case just have it at the ready so I can just pop one off I’ll do what I want do what I want I will take this though I I do want

Another chest can I break these apart or no I don’t think I can that is maybe I’ll just put the mine cart in there it’ll be funny that’s right ow don’t do it please God don’t do it oh oh oh I thought it was over for a second I

Thought we were done I thought we were done but no I Prevail I never die I never die I stay back I think that’s a normal spider oh my God I’m a I’m a legend they’re going to tell stories about me are you guys sad for the spider

You’re s don’t tell me you’re sad for the spider come on come on think about me I almost lost my life here take split my life was almost taken by that spider oh oh wait I can’t M gold I’m a Fool don’t drop down on me what an [ __ ]

Uh going do that going to do that right now all right so now now I can make uh this and then this and then uh this and then uh can I burn rails I cannot I’ll just burn these sticks spider important no spider’s Dead all right we’re having spider soup

Tonight that’s what we’re doing we are having spider soup tonight did it cook it did cook my God I’m cooking right now that’s right cry about it cry about it cry about it all right I prepare myself for battle right here preparing for battle hello that is a thing over there that’s

Right okay they’re these noises are messing with me Oh my he did drop down I think I’m dead here oh there’s three of them I’m so dead I don’t even want to go all the way over there again this is going to suck all right I guess it’s I guess it’s

Better to just sleep right now it’s better to just sleep it off sleep off the pain all right I don’t know I’m going to get my stuff back I have I have good stuff down there I don’t want to let it go to waste I don’t have to redo this all over

Again I all my stuff back I want my stuff back oh okay I’ll get my stuff back it’s coming back it’ll come back I believe it’ll come back I know it will they’s revving their car up outside God they are so cool my God they’re so awesome they should rev it up louder

Actually I think that’d be more awesome of them to do can I do this with with nothing I think I didn’t go far did I I think I went I think I just went here did they are they gone oh my God this is beautiful they left fools fools I got

Everything back like I never left all right oh no I hear them they they did not leave actually in fact give me this gold though I want this gold I see you baby zombie Nope dude I really need iron armor real bad stay back stay back I’ll do it I’ll do it that’s right run away run away where you at that’s right hide hide what’s up Calvin welcome to the chat hope you’re doing well dude it’s been so long since I’ve since we’ve seen each

Other okay okay okay okay okay okay I hope you’re doing okay dude You’ been up to anything fun over over the break over the Christmas break also welcome to the chat Molly didn’t up anything fun over Christmas break over over Christmas in general the holidays oh my God so much blue my God

Okay nope got nothing over here I am I am I got my I got my eyes peeled obviously not for that but I got my eyes peeled for one of those Minecart chests I need all that stuff give me this wait oh I’m out of out of

Room Cann not believe I’d see the day where when think split right out of room I’m going to go this way instead this is a problem though I need to eat food I really need some armor on me ah no no no no no I’m a dead

Man oh my I really need I need armor so bad oh this is tragic this is tragic come here come here let’s let’s brawl two okay I can fight them all I can fight them all damn it no wait what’s happening I think it lagged why is why is my single player

Game lagging like that that doesn’t make any sense this is so tragic this is so tragic oh my my God I know it’s okay it’s okay you know why it’s okay because we’re close we’re close to I should be able to find it again pretty quickly I think I believe I hope I

Hope please God let me find it quickly I think it’s okay if I remember correctly we went I think I might have backed up into the that little like death Corner that I’ve been in I you know I think we should just get our stuff and get out of the M shaft cuz

I need to get more iron before I before I Venture back down into there I think it’s here was I back here no where did I go oh there I was I like how at least they all go away when I die you know that’s that’s that’s

Not that’s thoughtful of them they’re at least thoughtful monsters thoughtful evil creatures of of the night I don’t know what that noise is but I don’t think the stream’s picking it up so all right got this got this bad boy okay I’m just we’re just going to

Strip mine over here I think is the best idea what’s the name the name of the I don’t know the Discord server is called the koala Kingdom here give me one second I’ll do this so fast it’s going to blow your mind it’s going to blow your mind uh

Uh is it going to blow your mind no I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know maybe maybe it’s not going to blow your mind uh boom my YouTube thumb I’m really glad you like them I’m glad you like them I’ve putting they’re a lot of fun

To do I’ve putting a lot of different of them now that I’m like I did my little face reveal thing you know I can get creative with them it’s been it’s been it’s been fun especially now that I’m on break you know I can like I I can have the time to

Like be a little be a little funky be a little silly be a little goofy I really hope yeah I feel I feel like just like strip mining for some iron might be the move at this point because if I go in there I’m just going to get bombarded by

Spiders until I can’t see anymore there’s going to be a bunch of spiders all over me let’s get dog piled by them they love me I smell so good they like they find me they sniff me out okay I’m going to put this in my hand

Cuz I don’t think I’m going to need my shield down here I say that and then I’m going to open up into this giant cave and just be like attacked completely and utterly maybe we should make um a new pickaxe because I don’t want to waste my my beautiful pristine iron one my

Pristine specimen okay there we go I can’t leave you behind though my beautiful beautiful my beautiful beautiful crafting table I don’t have much wood down here I don’t want to leave the gunpowder though what what’s stupid and dumb and I hate pumpkin seeds no wait rotten flesh that’s dumb well welcome to the

Discord come just give me some iron my God can I get some iron down here get this man some iron thank you for popping in Calvin have a great rest of your day okay oh hello yes yes give me more give me all of it I need armor so bad I crave

It I crave it why can I talk why can’t can you talk uh should have given you the roll I’ll figure it out after stream do right now uh I don’t know why I didn’t give you that that’s weird okay you should be good now I

Don’t know why it’s so weird usually the B doesn’t for me all right oh my God the armor is coming along so nicely this is what I was talking about see we need normal caves not weird M shafts M shafts are gross normal caves are great we love normal caves beautiful beautiful

24 oh my God could this get any better oh it can oh it can is this enough for like what I think it’s enough for no I’m just going to cook all the wait um all right I’m just going to cook this and hope that it does

It now we just sit with our little mug I feel so cozy right now I feel like I feel like a middle-aged women with woman with my with my uh with my little mug out in the out in looking out at the window looking out of the window

On in the morning with my little mug of tea oh my God mug look Carol this was Carol’s mug right here I’m now Carol you can call me Carol I’m rebranding to Carol I love this mug so much it’s my prize possession all right how much of this do

We got five that’s enough for a helmet right there that is helmet levels of of iron right there that’s what I’m talking about oh my God the drip levels are off the charts oh oo oh the drip levels are Insane okay now what else come on give me enough for a chest plate I feel like a chest plate would really would really help me out a lot right now oh maybe I I should probably make a sword too there’s anything else around here a little Crown from for little a little King

Koala oh fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight yeah all my money my money’s on the skeleton oh okay you know what I’m done with you I’ve had it with you that’s right I’m the you think you’re the king I’m the king um okay so I talked about this a little

Bit in the Discord but I’m thinking of uh once once New Year’s rolls around um I’m going to be doing a subathon like I think maybe on like like I’m going on a trip and then I’m coming back on like maybe like the 6th of

January and we try to run on like the 7th maybe um just do like an uncap it’s not a subathon actually it’s a member Aon an uncapped member Aon I think that’d be fun so I usually do one every year I haven’t I did one in 2023 I did one in

2022 I just need to plan out what I’m going to do I think be a good way to kick off the new year cuz for the past two years I’ve been kind of just like laxing on the content making but I made I made a pack to

Myself that I’m going to do more for this because I really do enjoy do enjoy doing this I’m going to do more I’m going to do more this next upcoming here okay you know what you know what I’m going back into that old that old uh

That old cave after this and I’m getting those diamonds I don’t care what it takes I’m getting those diamonds look at the Discord check check your DMs check DMS that is a good joke there’s so many why are there so many seals oh God just a cute cat just a cute cat what

Can I say okay oh my God wait hold on are we we’re looking at a full set of armor here kind of I don’t know if I’m going to go for the boots though cuz what do I have four do I have Four yeah I’m going to I’m going to go for I’m going to go for the extra armor I think I I need it so here’s the plan though we’re going to go um I’m going back to that cave after this I don’t know how I’m going to get

Out maybe I’ll just dig my way out but we’re going back to that cave the original cave and I’m going to fight those I’m going to fight them I’m fighting them and they’re done they’re going to cry let’s make some booties I’ll leave this furnace down

Here I don’t even need it it’s gross doesn’t really do it for me okay let’s see if I can find my way out did I where did I come from I think I came from I came from here did I I don’t know I don’t think I

Did I see some iron over here I’m let me grab this ah leave me alone leave me alone okay that’s right that’s right perish Parish all right Um I don’t like that noise is I don’t like that I don’t like it all right oh okay I think the plan here is just unless this goes up to where I want it to go oh wait what is that green is that that green green that I’m seeing right

Now I think I think we might have found our way out somehow some way I don’t know how but we did and I’ll take it I really need to eat food though cuz I didn’t realize that I was at like two Health okay so I’m going to drop down

And this time instead of like building around and trying to be like a little sneaky guy I’m going to just I’m going to go crazy I’m going to go buck wild and I’m going to kill everything alth there is one thing that I need to do and that is make a sword

And maybe another Shield because the shield is about to break I can’t have that breaking on me in my my time of of great need when I need the shield the most ah the slowest jump scare ever I’m reposting that immediately immediately balls do itch oh okay hold

On hold on we got to find a way around this ah no okay wait have I’ve been lied to don’t tell me you lied to me why is there all why is all this is it night time oh okay I wasn’t lied too I got a little

Scared for a second there’s a weird cave though thought I got lied to for a second give me all this I never have too little coal I think I like 30 in my base though okay here we go ow I’m not even going to deal with

You I don’t even want to deal with you wait I’m going to sleep this off and then we’re going to I’m make a sword and then we’re going to go in and we’re going to go back into that mine tomorrow and I’m going to be

Awesome I got a suit of armor and I got DET termination and that’s all I need that’s all I need to to get those diamonds it’s going to be great it’s be so good oh my God it’s going to be so good uh I’m going to make a chest really

Quick though so I can put all this garbage into it I don’t know what to do with there we go I’m looking at the Discord for attractive man right there okay put these bad boys in there or should I I’m going put these in here actually these are going to sit in

There all right I’m just going to throw all the garbage that I don’t want in here I want to get rid of it all it’s gross and I hate it that simple I’m going to cook this up though while I’m sitting here and also this will be

Cooked this in there this in there I want these I don’t want these okay okay that’s a lot of extra stuff that I don’t really know if I want but all right oh wait no I need to make iron sword iron sword is important right now Killing Spree it’s killing spree

Time it is killing spre time no don’t don’t don’t put salt in the wound don’t put Sal in the wound of course oh my God God this is this could not be more tragic I I don’t even want to re you know what I think these Renovations were good honestly this is

Just good renovation I want to fight right now I want to kill they made they made honestly thank you for just make give me a bigger door creep I appreciate that all right making this place a little more roomy little more roomy in here all right I’m gonna get these

Diamonds it’s gonna happen right now where did I go I went this way and then it was down into the no was this way and then it was this way and then it was avoid not get shot in the face e a steak that was part of the speed one

Right here I go down into this can’t believe I remember all this okay I go down here I’m going to fall this way but then I go this way I think and then I kill this dumb little thing okay which way did I go was it this way did I go this

Way I can’t remember anymore oh I think it was this way was it I think I died over here a couple times actually yep you can stay in there I’m not going to mess with you you know what you can just you can have that little

Room that’s yours that is all yours I’m not here to take that away from you okay oh it might be time for new Shield soon that’s right that’s right that’s right wait can I get you to kill this thing no no no give me this give me this all right

Lot of gold right there I’m going to make some golden carrots and we’re going to be set now where where were those diamonds at I don’t even know where I went for these I think I might have ran down here cuz I do remember this area but I’m not

Sure where I went from there do I have a make it down here wait did I oh wait no maybe this is a better way to go there’s got to be diamonds down here right surely oh wait no they were down here give them to me give them to me

Give them to me oh all right I’m out I’m out I’m out of here there was Zero resistance this time actually you know what you know what just just for the hell of it you killed me earlier I see that block you’re holding no I’m not going to take this

I’m not going to take this that’s right die perish all right now we’re going to leave now that we made we’ve we made we’ve set our piece we’ve left a message left my calling card which is their dead bodies like the Joker okay that is a ho

Right I got to get out of here is it possible I don’t know oh shoot I need to eat I need a Munch oh this is good this is good this is good this is good there we go back from itching your balls glad you’re back glad I hope you had a good

Time ow ow ow move move damn it okay woo all right so here’s what I did I went this way no no no no don’t eat don’t eat don’t eat don’t eat this not the time to eat ah Sprint Sprint damn it ow oh oh no not like

This ow how’d you hit me from there oh that’s how no God no God no move oh more diamonds ow no no no is’s a skeleton around here no okay I think okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good just barely just barely good but we’re

Good give me these diamonds but reward a little a little treat for my troubles please tell me there’s two of them oh damn it that’s not good going to keep going I’m just going to keep going ignore them ignore them they don’t even exist they don’t even exist we’re just

Running oh okay I can’t ignore this guy stay back okay here’s the plan I’m just going to dig up and hope I don’t get crushed you’re holding the Flesh of your Fallen Brothers here we go he’s going to give me coal he’s going to give me a nice little present and not

Anything weird okay come on take me to safety and don’t put lava or gravel on me or I will cry I will cry I will I will you don’t want to see me cry do you you don’t want to see me cry you would hate that wouldn’t you you would hate that

Wait is this this can’t be this can’t be the surface okay tease me like that okay I need to I need to prepare for the worst so I should get my health up before we keep going just in case something does fall on me guys don’t worry this is the safest

Way to get back I promise what happens when I’m lost this is just how I get back okay I need some more Cobble okay put this in my hand so I can kind of see what I’m doing please God no gravel no gravel I’m begging you for no gravel not even a little

Bit ah oh oh my life flashed before my eyes right there flashed before my eyes I thought I was done I thought it was over for me what’s up em welcome to the chat glad you’re here oh my I saw every little tiny thing that had ever happened in Minecraft in

That Split Second my entire little Minecraft life all right oh I forgot they did this to my my beautiful house we’re just going to have to do this these repairs really quick I’ll have to make some more of these later I don’t even have any dirt on

Me cute house it was it was it was a really cute house and then some dumb mean creeper came and just ruined it all I think full things go here I guess we should fix this huh uh yeah we’ll make this guy back to kind of its former glory

Just got to get got to get some more of these things I got to I got to take down a tree I’m sorry so sorry environment the fog is coming no ah is it the fog that turned your skin inside out you’re terrifying me what’s happening no the fog’s not coming the

Fog tell the fog to stay away fog fog go away come again another day oh God please I I want to keep my skin right side out oh wait actually I have the perfect amount to do this okay I just need some some grass blocks I don’t mind sacrificing themselves for

The greater good of humanity some dirt to fix this now I’m one of those people I know it’s gross but I’m just going to I don’t even fill I mean maybe I could fill in the hole just just to do the service for Humanity but I usually don’t fill in the

Hole that’s a lot of dirt to fill in you think I got that kind of I don’t got that kind of dirt on me actually I think I might probably have some dir in a chest somewhere I got to oh 21 perfect actually we should be fine no dirt needs to sacrifice

Themselves a day usually I don’t do this I’m doing this just for you chat you guys should feels special okay this is just going to be temporary for now all right well we got revenge on those on those little guys that were guarding the diamonds and I got my diamonds and my

Diamond pickaxe so that means that next stream we are going straight for that nether portal I’m going to do it and you can’t stop me none of you can stop me anyway Thank you chat so much for hanging on the stream uh if you’re new

Here uh thank you for for popping in I really appreciate it um I’ll be live tomorrow I don’t know I’ll be playing yet maybe Monopoly with some friends uh so should be a fun time anyway have a good rest of your day I love you all and bye

This video, titled ‘🔴 Chat Destroys My Minecraft World’, was uploaded by Thiccity Split on 2023-12-27 22:49:57. It has garnered 111 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:04 or 7204 seconds.

how could you :'(

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  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

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    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r4ITYhKLdY -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More