Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate The Purge Again

Video Information

I have been preparing for this for months Carefully I have guided the pieces into place I have a proposition and no in exactly seven real life days my Minecraft server will switch to hardcore mode and we will commence our second annual Purge At this time I have a carefully laid out plan to win Die I was a man who had one Mission and one Mission only do not die and uh okay the first phase of my plan was to make sure that I didn’t die and to do that I wanted to focus on getting top tier armor as fast as I could this meant

No bases no Adventures not no no going after a pig in an amount nothing like that just getting armor and the best way to do that I thought would be villagers so immediately after the server launched I asked everyone if they wanted to work together to just try to save some

Villagers that we could all use you want to start friendly let’s let’s secure these villagers let’s kill the virgins I’ll just take I’ll just take this one in this one we share everything secure the villagers secure them we can all work together here stole this crafting y’all beat me to is

That okay because everyone’s stealing everyone’s crafting tables hey it’s already becoming nighttime oh oh what do you mean well you’re killing this man yeah this man does not deserve it he does not deserve his life he’s he’s too loud there’s a bamboo over here ‘s my bamboo I pretend that go away

Remember all the other scenarios where you make enemies right at the beginning what have you already done I don’t know what you’re talking about we would share okay okay in the midst of that I looked at a cross from the village and saw what looked like the

Entrance to a dungeon and I thought maybe if I got enough people to agree to going down into the dungeon I would have safety in numbers and I could just grab something out of a chest and run right out of there uh that that didn’t quite work out the way

I thought it would oh oh God oh God yeah it is partially underwater so be careful oh who’s who just did that who just did that pork poured water on my head well I’m getting mauled alive I I was trying to wake you up Ryan

Are you awake yeah I’m awake to who I can trust now oh this is such a mistake for a man like me this is such a mistake for a man like me oh my God I’m dead I’m dead for sure I’m dead So not even 10 minutes in and I had already died but but but but I’m happy to announce that this right here is my only death leading up to The Purge you will not see me die again okay so if phase one is still a go I just rename it

That phase one don’t die again okay so I spawn in the village again and uh Kim and Steve were already up to something that’s good job actually sooner than I expected sooner okay Sean Sean I need to talk to you face to face okay Sean listen to me sure

Okay I need someone to help me out here what’s going on I need I need Stone oh Steve ass no more screwing around I was a man on a mission so I headed up to the mountains to get iron it didn’t take long to find some and then I started smelting it I

Spent the first night in a cave but I’m assuming so did everyone else just go watch their videos and see that in the morning I left the cave and kept looking for iron there was uh you know this mountain I wanted to call it Iron Mountain because there’s so much in the

Mountains and while I get iron here I’m gonna tell you about one of the things that we were doing differently in this purge this time around we were allowed to set traps before The Purge began which meant that anywhere at all in the world could be booby trapped and you

Could potentially walk into a house and die so technically speaking you were able to kill people before The Purge though it had to be indirectly the only exception to this rule was that you were not allowed to trap portals that was it so although it was still early I was still

A little bit nervous as I moved through this mountain because someone could have easily set up some sort of pitfall trap or something like that very early on and I didn’t want to fall for it although later on in one of my more nefarious phases of my master plan you will see me

Return to this very same spot and set up a couple traps so you just sit back and wait for that okay after mining for a while I was I had a ton of iron and uh so I switched my focus trying to get diamonds and I was digging and digging and digging and

I I could not find diamonds and I started to get worried that this this map just didn’t have any on it all I want is one diamond if I found one I’ll be the happiest man alive if I find two I’ll be the happiest man who’s ever lived if I find three diamonds

Okay whatever I was saying there does it’s stupid doesn’t matter I have no idea what is going on about there anyways like have looking for diamonds I was starting to get very desperate as you can tell from what I was just saying I was starting to go a little bit nutty

But then I thought my dog keeps slamming this ball around me I’m recording this you know what not cutting this out go in the video If you hear a slam is my dog dropping a ball on here now eventually I found this huge cave and usually now I have enough

Brain power to understand that when you find a cave like this this deep down you can you can usually find diamonds down here so I started to peep around look around and see if I could find anything where are all the diamonds right there it’s a lot of stuffed away it’s fine Oh Who’s with this guy okay here we go all we’ve been waiting for one diamond all of that work I found one single Diamond you can’t really do much with one Diamond so I just I stashed it for now when I came back up to the surface I

Had no idea at all where I was so I got in the boat and sailed out onto the ocean to try and find a village to start trading in but then I found a treasure map and I thought okay well you know let’s follow that maybe you’ll find some

Diamonds in the sand or something like that but the thing is is that I I have zero clue how to use these I’ve used them before but I do for some reason I just couldn’t remember how the how the map works so I was I was

Following I was just I ended up going somewhere completely different from the I don’t know but I found a village though which was good because this is ultimately what I was looking for next to the Village there was some sort of uh structure made out of wood I’m guessing

This is one of the mods sorry I took a peek at it what you know this place is this is a this is this giant structure that I’m going to be converting into Diamonds the first villager I wanted to establish was a Fletcher so I could turn

That man into an ATM machine but to do that I was gonna need Flint so I jumped in the water and for some reason the Flint made me start thinking about my man sneeve I think Steve should change his gamertag to something to do with Flint the man of

Flint don’t you think when you think of that man don’t you think of Flint do you think Steve does as a job my theory is that he’s like a writer who knows here’s another thing I don’t know about Steve I don’t know if the guy is British Australian or like New Zealand

Got no clue next time next time I’m talking to him in this I’m gonna be playing real close attention try to try to figure it out you don’t want me to realize now I know nothing about sneef come on what are you doing okay come on come on

His dog’s going nuts Steve was now my number one target I mean not really but you know what maybe who knows who knows what I was gonna do later actually I know I’ll tell you about it later I have a kill list and you’ll find out about

That a little bit later on the video for now I was still focused on this man the Fletcher I’m getting him to get him in a little prison little bank machine thing beautiful but don’t go anywhere you go anywhere I’m gonna lose it on you you’re the you

I need you to relax I need you to relax We’re gonna get you in here believe me if it’s the last thing just walk in just walk in just walk in just go and do your two when do you do when you’re tuned go into your tomb there you go it’s good in there believe me all

Right now let’s see sticks for emeralds that couldn’t be better now watch I converted a bunch of wood into emeralds then converted another villager into an armorer or salesman or whatever they’re called and then I started investing the emeralds I was getting from the Fletcher into the armor guy I

Repeated this process of cutting down trees turning them into sticks selling the sticks to the Fletcher and then spending my emeralds at the armor guy for almost an hour occasionally going off course to make things like an anvil I used to enchant a bow and if you’re wondering where I got these enchants

From I found them when I was looking for this Village in the treasure map stuff I found some floating barrels and there was like enchanted books in there so I went there there was some good stuff so I was stashing all the stuff anyways I was a busy man doing all this stuff

Someone here has got to be selling food they got that butcher was he selling food I don’t know I don’t want to buy food from 14 chicken rabbit stew one Emerald oh this is such a waste don’t get don’t get too excited all right oh buying your boots

I’ll be the bottom eventually I had to armor up to selling Diamond gear so I bought pants what are those what are those enchantments those are awful you can remove enchantments right like with a grindstone and then after about another 40 minutes I had a full set of diamond gear there it is

Phase one was progressing perfectly back when I was cutting down trees to get emeralds I had been messaging lagundo about meeting up I suspected that like usual lagundo was making his rounds on the server trying to form an alliance with uh everyone on the first day so when he

Showed up shortly after I had gotten my full set of diamond gear I wasn’t too surprised to hear him pitch a potential alliance with me I have okay because these scenarios they rhyme right you and I we talk you eventually betray me you partner up with Robert and try to

Kill everybody like there’s a pattern no I didn’t show you in the Game of Thrones in the Game of Thrones one yeah okay so all right they’re like two to three who’s keeping score yeah anyway what if we actually work together I was thinking about that however

Right now I’m not agreeing to alliances with anyone really yes even even for that but I’m not ruling it out okay because I had an offer what what is it these are the boots of friendship golden boots of friendship the golden boots of friendship okay and if you were to wear the golden

Boots of friendship yeah we would be friends I’ll be yeah I’ll be friends I I the thing is is I’m my plan there we go got him on my plan is I’m not going to make enemies of anyone I’m gonna I’m just gonna be a man who’s just gonna try

To ride this thing out and survive till the morning I remember in the first Purge when we said that and Kim said that and then we all agreed to kill Kim well that time I said I was gonna work with someone or we’re gonna work together this time I’m

Saying I’m I’m not I’m not purging I’m not going after anyone I’m just gonna try to Bunker down to survive the night Ace of curse of binding on them yes my friendship is forever Sean how do I get these off you didn’t read first no I just you

Didn’t even let me say it you just went for it okay so that you have they have cursive but don’t kill yourself but I’ll just just how do they come off you gotta break them oh my God I just spent so long getting diamond boots okay so these are the boots of

Friendship and because of this because of this and because of friendship and because I know you can’t don’t you can’t shoot me because I know it can’t go over ten Yes I know and I’m spending it well no no no it’s not a transaction I’m not a I I’ll hold on to it I’m not gonna eat it but I will return it to you if you lose a heart this is mutual Trust I was very very careful with my words because I

Didn’t want to form an alliance with anyone not yet at least plus I had suspected that lagundo had already had this conversation with at least half of everyone on the server by now so I was very careful not to form a formal alliance with not just a laguno but

Anyone at this point because anyone and everyone was going to be fair game on Purge Night my work on my armor was far from done now I needed to enchant it so I wanted to make a lectern and to do that I was going to need books which

Meant getting leather so I went out looking for cows after searching for a while and I mean a while I found some horses which you know what after you’ve spent like 30 minutes looking for leather and you come across a bunch of horses yeah good you’re gonna kill that

Horse all right so that’s what I did slaughtered a bunch of horses for leather The roads out of a village and when I went into the village I felt sick to my stomach maybe they have there’s no doors and loaded there’s also no villagers someone is killing all the villagers foreign someone came to this this is dark this is sickness someone came here to this beautiful Village

And slaughtered everyone They’re All Dead uh it’s so close to mine if I put a villager in my house then they can’t kill them maybe that’s what I need to do maybe you gotta start moving villagers into my house I’m gonna put them in boats and move into my house one one of

The guys I want to save is the food guy not my armors I gotta put them oh this is a huge job why there’s just there’s a straight up serial killer on the server I was gonna figure out who did this there was one sick sick mind on our server slaughtering

Innocent people who what type of man would do something like this well you know when leave a comment saying whoever killed the villagers is sick and twisted and probably sends Trojan viruses to all of their friends go ahead and leave that com okay anyways as soon as I saw that I

Knew immediately I had to get all of my villagers out of the village and into that little house that I had that little wooden house that I had been stashing stuff in because sooner or later whoever this sick sick mind was was gonna find my Village and Slaughter the people that

Had just spent like five hours leveling up well you know I’ll just take everyone I’m saving these men I’m a serial killer Who are you here’s a regular farmer your life low priority I mean with the food get it and get him get in and get in getting this evening for sure I’ll bring over your smoker don’t worry hey my man the Fletcher good to see you guess what

I have six for you but I also have this boat for you where you going here got a new job I do now it worked for me oh sorry sorry let’s try to get these guys whoever gets in first gets saved What are you all doing Time to go my man on the Move these places this place isn’t safe very who’s ever doing is gonna find you and he’s gonna kill you all right you want to come too you’re a farmer but I haven’t traded with you before Is it new Fletcher did everyone okay that Farmer’s still here that’s good have like 10 Fletchers in here now by mistake I put one of the unemployed villagers in a corner and then started to repeatedly place down a lectern hoping to get a good enchant from them and eventually I got something first

Flame these are all good ones but then mending there it is for 19. okay beautiful so let’s lock that in before he decides to change his mind in a book I was I realized I was gonna need way more Librarians if I wanted to get a bunch of different enchants so I left

The little house to try to save more villagers from the psychopath that was on the server whichever one of you gets in this boat gets sick doesn’t get killed by a serial killer so maybe you want to think about that before you start walking off okay this guy right here I gotta keep

Him from the lecterns or the you know what I mean I need to in fact put him in some sort of container before I take him out of the boat something similar to the one that I got the other librarian in and once I

Got this guy all settled in I made a new lectern and I began trying to get protection for and it it took so long so long to get that book to appear as a potential trade from this guy I I was speechless of how long this took except Fortune three origin three Oh lock that in oh I was running out of books though so I went out to find more leather but I ended up finding a village which had a bunch of bookshelves and also it had a lectern in it so that I just grabbed that which was it was good good find

Right here but this was some good stuff because now now I had absolutely everything I needed to put protection for and mending on all of my gear it was like the first day on the server and I already had full diamond Gear with protection 4 and mending I was feeling

Very very good so for the next little while all I did was collect logs trade them for emeralds and use the emeralds to buy protection for and mending a chance and work my way through all of my diamond gear until I was fully stacked I still had those annoying Laguna boots on

Me though stupid golden boots look at that I settled on getting flame from another librarian and I combined that with the power 4 book that I had found and I got a nice Juiced up bow already which I’m not gonna lie I was feeling pretty good

About that that bow that was a fight the bow and having it this early in the game very good very very very good but I was getting sick of being with these villagers in this tiny house for so many hours at this point I was starting to go a little bit nutty

Uh uh-huh huh so I asked my dear friend Kim I’m sort of guy if he wanted to meet up and after he told me he was eating a banana for some reason uh I he gave me his coordinates so I went to go meet with him this time around Kim refused to

Let me build near him because last time I completely abused uh being his neighbor so he this time he opted to build a tiny little island in the middle of the ocean so that no one could bother him look at this little house hello no entry Kim oh hello hello

You woke me up I mean I woke you up I’m sleeping oh may I enter hey yes hey what do you got going here you got your mic turned up real full blasted I can hear everything I can hear you breathing oh oh I’m sorry about that oh man look in your chest

Um huh may I look inside of your chests why you want to do that okay so what are you up to huh I haven’t seen you since day one uh I’ve just been living you know I got these stupid golden boots on that I put on without thinking about it

Or cursive binding yes I have I have a fully upgraded diamond ones but I can’t wear them because I have these stupid well I can wear them in the meantime yes so this is my home I brought you something really a flower a sunflower yeah thank you it’s really kind

I’m thinking about moving I was gonna build on an island I thought the Island’s a good idea well this location is known to too many everyone’s everyone’s visited here well enough of people at least I had absolutely no idea what this guy was planning for perchai and to be honest

I’m not even sure that Kim Kim knew that we were that we’re doing a purge scenario because prior to us starting to record this whole thing he was in our group chat talking about Islands which is a future scenario that we’re doing and here he was living on an island I

Don’t even think that he knew that we were doing The Purge thing to be honest at this point anyways I sailed off with this guy looking for Dungeon salute here come on let’s go for an adventure oh okay let me drop off some things I’ll bring you I’ll bring you somewhere

And I’ll show you something that you you’re going to want to see okay no get in my boat you’re going to want to get in this place with me I’m bringing you both with me in case you I don’t know about me that could happen in the jungle you’re going no

Oh look at Turtles how many turtles do you see the turtles Yep this is called Turtle jungle I found a village that was just completely slaughtered yay was that you could be yeah I was getting worried that’s when I brought all my villagers into my house

I’m on a huge village with like 40 villagers and you killed them all I killed them all even the Younglings even the Younglings especially the youngins they went first oh my God look at all the villagers yeah they’re alive this is not I’ve not been here people

Get a lot of books oh Kim yeah someone’s been here like they locked the villagers in you know see what that means right hey hey one of those potatoes if the villagers are locked in their houses already doing like uh someone’s someone’s saving them so that they can

Uh or maybe they’re doing a raids to get there together what is it called totem of annoying or they’re getting ready to trade at the villagers so if you want to uh do what you like to do I’m not gonna stop you come here I found what you were looking for what’s that

Ah two of them too look at that Emerald gold Kim let me out of here what is that it’s gold oh boy oh boy is right oh boy need help uh yes let me come down there actually I think I can manage you just not gonna you gotta be not scared okay yeah

Don’t be scared come come for you okay you’ll help me out yeah yeah How’s it going [Laughter] let’s work together what what are we doing down here oh you just all right let’s give these people are you safe no what are you doing then Kim I almost just died because of you no way dude yes I’m so sorry safe now no all right come here no no don’t come I’m gonna make myself safe okay oh my God my heart’s pounding right now oh my God I need to get out of here How do we get out of here I have no idea where are you I’m in the same room you got a pickaxe yeah I need it at home I almost got buried by the by the sand trying to get out of here but I my pickaxe broke there’s a lot of zombies

Now way more than I expected air to be I’m out are you out yeah I’m on the staircase it was fun yeah I’m not doing it after that I was done with this man this this man was a complete psychopath and I knew then and

There that that Kim was going to have to die on Purge night and he became the first man on my kill list anyways we got back and I sailed away from that man goodbye Kim had given me diamonds so I when I got back I made a diamond pickaxe and

Enchanted it with one of the other books that I’d found I spent a little while cutting down more trees and then trading them for emeralds and trying to get sharpness five from one of the other jailed uh Librarians they had and after like 30 minutes of again just spamming

The selector and slashing it down slamming it getting into I finally had it pop up 46 emeralds though look at that it cost 46 emeralds and I had like two emeralds so I was gonna need to go out and get more and then as I was collecting more

Sticks to get more emeralds I realized that trade might not be there when I get back so I started absolutely panicking trying to get back in time for it to be there I need so many he better have them when I come back he’s gonna I’m gonna lose

That enchant sharpness five on the sword oh my and if I get another right sword with sharpness five oh or maybe an ax is it better to put on an ax I don’t know Robert wants to go into someone’s house not going mine no I need a Fletcher Kind of regret getting that meat guy only Fletchers are out of stock okay I need a Fletcher willing to make the trade come on you guys will just Come on one of the one of these three Fletchers Come on restock there we go That’s one did you all restock I don’t even know who I’ve spoken to you haven’t restocked you’re the slow one well you no you no okay how am I do I need again I’m at 44. was a 48. so I had to start doing this again I sat

There for like another 20 minutes trying to get sharpness five and it didn’t pop up I I was going absolutely nutty so I agreed to meet up with Robert and Kim again Robert when I got there for some reason already had full netherright gear

Kevin I have no idea how he got it so quickly it was only like day two at this point regardless I asked if he wanted to if he had any more ingots and he said that he did immediately I offered him the enchanted golden apple that lagundo

Gave me as a sign of trust that I was then supposed to give back to him later to show that we were still in Alliance but you know what when a man offers you netherright gear for absolutely nothing well I guess he was offering it to me in

Exchange for Laguna’s trust I took that deal all right took that deal I didn’t take that deal again 100 of the time Laguna’s trust for another right easy easy trade but Robert didn’t have it on him he had it in back at his house which again was valuable information for me to

Find out where Robert was living so he brought me back to his cave which I guess we were all living in a cave at this point and boom made the trade I then used Robert’s smithing table to combine my fully Enchanted netherright or at the time Diamond chess piece for

Another right one and just like that I was a man with netherrate gear fully upgraded so early in the game absolutely incredible but while Robert and I were talking Kim had just randomly without saying anything at all had gotten up and walked out of the cave

Which made both of us very worried okay where’d you go he’s going up there with the TNT okay he’s left look at him in the look out in the ocean why why did he leave what is he doing out there [Laughter] what is happening give us the weirdest guy ever

He just he just walks out and gets in a I was going to show you something Robert tell me something you you leave without saying anything and specifically Robert too yeah what what show me what see here follow me what do you mean just follow me like a 10 blocks

What are you planning here Kim this is way more than 10 blocks what’s this is this a spawn oh is it drown spawn yeah what do you want to show me the Drone spawn and you guys thought I left for no reason well you kind of you didn’t say anything

You would have loved it if you didn’t see this it’s not like you saw this from inside Robert’s house I saw it out this window after all of that I logged out for the night in Robert’s house later when I logged back on Robert was was gone he was offline so

I wanted to pull a little prank on Robert so I spent like 10 minutes building this stupid thing I called it Meat Man of meat no I should just say yum yum yum yum yum I am meat man that was perfect if I put this here

There we go wait that kind of looks like pants if I do this so that’d be funny if there was like a whole when I when I tried to make meat man a little pooping hole I fell into it I heard villagers down there just secret stash of villagers I can’t enter that but he’s got a secret stash of villagers under there that told me that Robert was potentially withholding information for me which was interesting but with my armor mostly done it was time to enter the next phase of my plan phase two come with

Okay at this phase two or become lethal easier said than done for a man like me because a man like me is doesn’t know what he’s doing at all with my armor mostly done because let’s be honest here there’s no way a man like me is gonna

Figure out how to get another right efficiently uh I was happy with how it was now I need to shift my focus into forging fully upgraded deadly weapons and on my way back to my base I stopped by Kim’s stupid little island and uh I left him a little note

Let’s just stir the pot a little bit I offer peace from lagundo I had one more stop on my way home I was gonna meet up with Shadow for a chat but before I got there I took my armor off because I didn’t I didn’t want him

Seeing what I had just yet not at least until I felt like I could trust him hello is this your house no this is uh Robert built this is cool I’m coming up then he said this is a safe meeting area oh I didn’t even think about that did you

Check it for traps yeah I checked it okay do you have no armor on I have some but I don’t want to lose it I was scared about coming here and dying oh okay so if I die just lose the heart but I don’t lose all the armor that I’ve no I

Uh I haven’t found anything yet I found a and then another Village but there wasn’t anything in it really oh no yeah I found a few someone someone’s been killing villagers are they yeah they’re slaughtering them so if you find them I would keep them safe

So someone doesn’t want us to get books yeah I guess so my guess is it’s Kim because I didn’t hear me I prom I’ve been to his base and he’s got a bunch of villagers in his uh basement oh does he yeah I think Robert has them in his basement

Too so right I met up with Ryan Ryan is just kind of trying to make alliances yeah with me are you looking to trade you have anything to trade no I don’t really have anything I uh just spent a good portion of the day just getting materials for building

I don’t even have diamond stuff I have one diamond pickaxe well all right I’ll show you something I can help you out laughs I can help you out if uh I’m not I’m not gonna bring any of my armor just because of that geez that’s great

Yeah I I got access to some stuff if you wanna if you want some help and I’m willing to give you access to some of it in exchange if you bring me a bunch of emeralds like you gotta pay a little bit of a tax on some of the stuff but

Okay okay if you want it I might have an enchanted golden apple for you okay then if you’re interested in doing that I will gladly let you use anything you want to the ex as much as you want for uh the golden apple don’t tell anyone about my

Villagers that’s the only thing that’s part of the deal you can’t tell anyone about them okay that’s good no one knows about them and if we keep it that way it can benefit both of us I haven’t talked to Steve since we started yeah neither have

I in lagundo I just talked to him just just a little bit when Ryan was around last night but they weren’t talking about anything interesting they were trying to figure out where you’re living though they were yeah interesting as soon as I heard that my My Ears Boom your ears got real big

Like in a cartoon sort of listening a little bit a little bit more because lagundo wanted to know where I was living and specifically he wanted to know where I was living after we had met up why why does anyone want to know where I’m living well you know what I

Thought as soon as I heard that I wasn’t no one was going to know where I was living I was gonna keep that a secret to me and me only it wasn’t no meetings going on in my base no one come and meet me there every time I was going to meet

Someone I was going to meet us meet them somewhere else don’t want anyone knowing where I lived anyway Steve came up and he met with us too oh yeah what the hell happened to you oh he’s got he’s got Cobblestone armors whoops sorry you weren’t supposed to see

Me so I guess there’s an alliance between lagundo and Ryan yeah what’s my name take showing uh yes yeah oh okay hold on [Laughter] it certainly isn’t an alliance between Kim and Robert I know that much hold on no no no okay continue okay hold on that’s

Between Robert no not Robert and Kim and there’s an alliance between uh Ryan that’s it that’s it yeah I figured that last night the way they were talking yeah just trying to get me to be in Alliance with him too but I was just like you gotta offer me something if I’m

Gonna okay but he did nothing so I’ve been here the whole time I heard everything yeah wow Steve was just the man that I wanted to hear from because while he was sitting there talking to Shadow and I was hidden I was listening very closely very very closely to his accent trying to

Geolocate his Origins and I still have no idea where this guy’s from more importantly my big takeaway from this late night meeting was that it sounded like lagundo and Ryan had some sort of secret Alliance and were planning something big also that Laguna was in fact making the rounds and trying to

Make alliances with everyone the sign that I put outside of Kim’s base earlier would uh kind of strengthen this rumor because everyone was gonna see it because it was outside of his base and just in case that lagundo was working with either Shadow and sneeb and they

Were playing me I needed an extra way to make sure that basically so distrust between all of them and that sign that I had put outside of Kim’s house earlier this would be the perfect thing but I needed Shadow and Steve to see that sign so I suggested to them hey let’s go

Let’s go visit Kim’s Island and pull a little prank on Kim you see Kim doesn’t like when we use his house as a server-wide meeting point as a result everyone on the server always meets up at Kim’s house and so I suggested to them hey let’s go to let’s go to Kim’s

House and uh leave a bunch of boats outside of it so the next time Kim logs in it was going to look like a hundred people were meeting outside of his house you want to put a bunch of boats here so [Laughter] oh he’s got a little sign outside of his

Door I offer peace yeah yeah I don’t know what this is that like a trap No I think it’s safe [Laughter] what the hell is this is the worst trap I’ve ever seen look at this sign I offer peace I guess Laguna was trying to make an alliance with the Canada there’s a side over here saying stay out yeah well there was a sign yesterday

Saying Sean followed the rules we sat outside of Kim’s house chatting for a while and came to the conclusion that lagundo and others were likely trying to get an elytra and their plan was was going to be to keep it hidden until the moment that they needed it so

Our plan was to stop him from getting it all together in the first place and our plan to do that was to trap the portal room now not the portal itself because you’re not allowed to do that but you can trap the room so that’s what we were

Set up to do but to do that we were going to need Eyes of Ender which none of us had so we went to the nether the problem here though was that none of us really knew what we were doing in the nether well then we found some netherite to do

I found some ancient debris really thanks to you serious well he was trying he was cutting underneath me and so I started jumping up up on the basalt and then I broke one and it was right there you can find it no problem I had found that forest biome where lots

Of Enderman spawn which is a good good start because it meant that we were going to be able to get Eyes of Ender here but when Steve and Shadow got here Steve somehow got himself killed did you get anything in the chest uh I got

Another word oh dude can can I have some uh can I have one you got this guy coming after you oh my God how did he not see see that he was How did he not see that he was just standing there he was talking to me and saying let’s make a trade well well it was bubbling him wow you watched something like that and you think to yourself what what happened there well I want to go ahead and leave

A comment saying wow I can’t believe this uh Man Steve got taken out like that speaking of Steve what country is that guy from anyone know please reply to my comment with your answer lots of us want to know what countries that guy sneeves well why don’t you go ahead and

Leave that comment right that won’t be a good one after Steve seeing sneeve gets slaughtered I knew that our mission was absolutely going to be a failure so we left another went back to spawn and and look who look who it was there the man of the hour Mr

Laguno Laguna had recently died in the dungeon and I mentioned that Kim had recently tried to murder me in a dungeon and laguno was very interested in finding the location of that dungeon thinking to myself that him and Ryan were working together to try to extract as many golden enchanted golden apples

From dungeons as possible Laguna wanted to know where this dungeon was but I thought okay you know what I’m gonna go with him and maybe just maybe I’ll be able to grab the golden apple before he does so I said sure my man let’s not realizing it was like three o’clock in

The morning at this point let’s uh and I had been playing for like 10 hours let’s go to the dungeon see what’s going on there not to mention this was also a great opportunity for me to start progressing through phase two and maybe get some some good weapons on there Foreign that place clean I got so much good stuff from that dungeon and going through it with a man like Laguna who actually knows what he’s doing makes this whole thing so much safer and easier I would have absolutely been slaughtered down there had it not been

For lagundo and because of that it made me think to myself that had it not been for the idea that Laguna was planning on betraying me and had a secret alliance with Ryan and God knows who else I would have trusted this man at this point but

I couldn’t trust him because I felt like he was planning something so I sadly just grabbed my stuff and got out of there it was the next real life day and I was finally finally heading home I had realized that I had not been home in like

15 hours at this point so I had to sail home but together at a pass by Kim’s house Kim’s house is a it was a dump I finally got home and that was it was one very hungry man but I’m here because I need to speak to one of you very

Important I speak to one of you where is my personal chef Furious I love this guy give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me I just wasted so many emeralds on that are you in the basement have you just

Have you reconsidered the trades you’re offering loyalty that is unacceptable give me something better I had a lot to do I needed to enchant my weapons specifically I wanted to finally finally get sharpness five did I I’m just looking at my script now did I earlier in the video say sharpness V

If I said sharpness V earlier in the video I’m the big I’m the biggest idiot in the world go ahead and replay what I said in this I’m not I’m not gonna go back and listen to my voice over if I said sharpness V i i

What is wrong so I I went back to refreshing enchants on this guy and after a moderate amount of time I finally had it Foreign It’s going to be gone by the time I get back I had the enchant but I’m an idiot and I yet again did not have the funds to buy it and lock it in so I begin wildly like a scared animal trying to scrape up scraps to to get him oh oh

My God oh my God oh my God the clock I need 10 emeralds 10 emeralds 10 emeralds 10 just 10. 10 emeralds I’m gonna find a big tree I’m not gonna bother with the little trees just want a Big Tree Circle hand oh my God 56 10 emeralds 10 emeralds 10 emeralds 10

Emeralds it’s all I need 10 emeralds 10 emeralds 10 emeralds 10 emeralds 10 emeralds right here I should only have to cut down approximately half this tree enough but I I I I I don’t know if I should I don’t know what to do okay do

The calculations I do this so each one of these is eight eight sticks eight sticks and he wants 30 he wants 30 per so eight how many times does he go into 30. how many times is eight going to Thirty uh eight sixteen sixteen plus eight is

Um why can’t I do the number right now 16 plus 8 is 22 no 24 I don’t know sixteen plus eight so let’s just see what is 24 24 so that’s three and plus another eight uh so it goes in four four times I can’t do basic math so it’s four

Four times four Emerald plus twenty and then the emerald divided by the the cost of the sharpness and then the sharpness the bow what am I saying right now the bow the bow what does the bow have to do with this the ball has nothing to do

With this there’s an Enderman I don’t need I don’t need the Enderman I need I need the sharpness stop relax relax relax relax you get you get so hot oh my God if he doesn’t have it if he doesn’t have it if he doesn’t have him I’m gonna

Lose my mind I’m gonna go you’ve never seen me go more Buck Nettie then I’ll go buck nutty if he doesn’t have it oh my God oh my God relax relax relax relax relax relax relax relax relax relax relax relax relax relax relax relax relax relax just relax calm down calm

Down calm down calm down there’s no problem no problem now you’re just gonna walk back he’s still gonna have it where is the exit that’s not the exit where’s the exit where’s the exit where do they come from where’s the exit to the forest is it this way

Where’s the guys sharpness okay relax relax relax relax relax relax I need to eat some chickens I’m gonna slow down oh Robert I can’t I can’t why the rubber has nothing to do with this right now oh my God if I get this enchant I win

The game no I don’t relax calm down you don’t win the game if you get this enchant it won’t win if you get this enchant get that get that thought right out of your head right now I had 41 Birchwood this whole time did I have

This in my hot bar the whole time oh my God oh my God oh my God come on come on come on come on manufacture sticks manufacture sticks I need sticks I need sticks I need as many sticks as I can get come on you you brought me the emerald let’s go

Let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go [Applause] I can’t believe this but you know what Sometimes some some things just just work out because not even like 30 seconds later the enchant came back and I nabbed it this time there it is again for 23. oh

Oh yeah yeah what the what was that what in the hell did I just my dog’s looking at me like what did you just do Sean oh without taking care of I Enchanted both my sword and my ax with sharpness V if I seriously said sharpness V I’m

I don’t know anyway so I had everything now I had mending on all my gear I had mending on my ax My Sword I had sharpness V I had uh everything I was a man who was feeling absolutely incredible and at this point Robert wanted to meet up so I said you know

What Robert let’s go let’s go have a little chat I was specifically curious to see if Robert was going to show me his hidden villagers or not and sure enough when I got there he thankfully thankfully showed me although if he didn’t I otherwise would not have

Trusted this man I would have thought this man is a man who will go on my kill list but he showed me the villagers so he had a lot of them too he had this he also had this crazy tripwire duplicating thing where you stand on this platform

You jump and you get like an extra tripwire thing that you can sell to one of the Fletchers and get a lot of emeralds that way but honestly this was good but I think cutting down trees was a good axle is faster anyways but you know this man had a whole operation

Going on in his basement he also showed me Meat Man I don’t know someone made meat man I don’t have no idea what the hell is this what meat man I don’t know I think shadow that sounds like something Shadow would make feet man the very last thing that I

Needed was power V on my bow and Robert’s Army of villagers was going to give me that I so I spent the next little while down here selling sticks and trip wires to his Fletchers buying power two and power three bows and combining them in an anvil to eventually

Get a second power for bow which I realize uh probably was not the most efficient use of an anvil and as I would later find out I was going to make it very difficult for me to enchant anything else using an animal specifically when I finally had a second power for bow to

Get to the power five bow it was going to cost a ton of XP and I was completely out of XP in the process of doing this and I eventually needed 31 or 32 levels or something like that to get the the upgraded bow which is insane how can a

Man get that match XP Robert also needed XP so we had a plan to do that remember those zombified pigland spawners that I had found another well we were thinking of turning that into a mob farm so I brought Robert there showed him at all and we set something up or they dropped

Down to a pit and then you hit them and stuff it worked okay but it wasn’t the most efficient so we thought this is kind of a waste of time the real ticket to getting a lot of XP would be killing the ender dragon

And then if we did that we’d get a lot of XP for not only doing it but we could also set up an Enderman Farm we get dragon’s breath which we could use to make arrows of harming and then we get access to the end which we could potentially stop someone else from

Getting the elytra by getting it ourselves and then destroying it it opened a lot of doors so that was our new plan we went back to Robert’s house and started our journey to the portal room which was insanely far from where we spawned I’m hitting combos here okay

Give me one second no I’m hitting combos I’m hitting combos out here Robert yeah I’m hitting combos out here okay does he hit combos yeah helicobble That was actually pretty good we don’t need a boat really I want you to hit all the combos okay Sean we could very much well much well die here where in the end yeah go down there I was gonna see if I can hit the combo go for it no you try first

I’m gonna die I don’t trust myself all right I think we’re far enough let’s hit another Chicago let’s hit the gritty oh man I just hit a nasty combo oh boy um oh man I’m gonna have to hit a combo here so we won’t want it to be known

That we killed the dragon we don’t want it to be known that anything oh my God what bamboo I’m gonna hit a combo in a second don’t hold falling at all oh I legitimately almost want it right in there how if we can how will we if we can hack fire is this

We’re gonna run out of bad report oh that died oh I just hit it I had a nasty combo all right only one way to go down I want to build my base right in the middle of this Lake like this looks cool though it’d be nice to build here because it’s so flat yeah and you can hit combos here I didn’t I’ve never what I’ve never seen it be this far away but how many cows are

Using we should have a little Feast hey Robert yep do you know uh what country Steve serum hello Steve um Australia or I think New Zealand I forget which one unless you all ever want to say because one both wolf and the other is he or is he British

You know what I I don’t know I’m like 80 sure he’s from New Zealand I thought he was British um 20 sure he’s British he could be Australian still but I don’t know let me check oh why look at that hole watch out ancient cities in there

For sure oh my God oh my God Roberta combo no hey the combo of PayPal u50 fifty dollars for hitting a combo yeah no no because you can do it 100 never mind you do with a shield this is the furthest thing I’ve ever gone in Minecraft

I can’t believe how far we’re going oh my God it’s still going seriously this is reminding me of that time I was hitting combos Robert the boat is leaving oh nice what it’s here we’ve we’ve gone far enough okay go to that house right there let’s just check that house really quick I

Have to see what that is yeah what the heck’s going on what’s over here oh it’s a witch’s hat yeah but it’ll be a lot of good stuff here after we finally got there Robert I guess Robert I think Robert needed to go to the washroom or something I think

Maybe he said he had he had eaten something not so good I I don’t know we both wanted to take a little break but I I saw I saw something in the distance and before I got off I wanted to see what was what that was yeah I’m not going down there

Oh they’re coming out Foreign And then I thought you know what let’s let’s get my good friend Robert to take a look in this hole go down there let’s go down there oh watch this what is this watch what well I’m not going down there oh it’s messed up go down there there’s golden apples down

There God apples I hear so many spiders already oh Sean oh my God are they poisonous yeah oh my oh my God oh sure there’s so many down here in the mail come Jesus we both wanted to know what was down there and uh you know we thought there

Might be an enchanted golden apple or at least some reason that there’d be this giant infested spider hole out here so we we went in and started clearing it out we went room to room cutting down those webs killing the spiders killing the spawners and we found a bunch of

Nothing it was just a complete waste of time going down there so that was that was good but you know what where we did find stuff though was when we finally got into the stronghold this place was massive and it’s not the same as the usual stronghold because

We’re using the better strongholds mod neither of us had ever played with this mod before so we had no idea what the layout of this place was going to be like or where we could find the Portal room so we spent a considerable amount of time searching this place for the

Portal room and what a maze this place was but it was good though because we found a ton of stuff but we were being very very careful not to take everything from the chest because our goal here was to make this place look fresh like no

One had been down here so every time we opened a chest we only took one or two little things and tried to make it seem like the chest had not been looted yet when we finally did find the Portal room though we made a secret room near it and

Stored the stuff that we didn’t want to bring into the ender dragon fight in there we stashed it filled the portal and then realized that everyone can hear this the sound it makes foreign if it’s safe you first no no if it’s safe you write in chat Cowabunga okay

You first why did Ryan just say AO you hear that oh I think the Whole World Hears it Ryan What okay fine fine fine Little baby oh fine anyways we went in and uh kind of kind of made one crucial error okay give me some models oh my God I love I put them all in the chest can we make bottles out here with the sand no you can’t oh my God truly

I swear to God we forgot to bring bottles and with only one way out of here that didn’t include killing the ender dragon uh it meant that one of us had to die now this was kind of a big deal because whoever died was gonna lose a heart of

Uh Health permanently and uh I I didn’t want it to be me so thankfully Robert volunteered and he uh dropped himself into the void after that he grabbed all the all the glass bottles we needed came back in we filled them to the brim with a Dragonfire or whatever

It’s called dragon breath killed the Ender Dragon and got out hey all good two men do men slaughtering the Ender Dragon getting the stuff The Next Step here though and this was the most important one was we wanted to make sure that no one else was going to find the

Portal room and to do this it was so simple we just built a false wall on our way out it made it look like one of the regular walls in here it took us so long to find this room and it was open can you imagine how long it would take

For a man to Define this thing when it was hidden that’s exactly what we wanted and I don’t want to spoil anything but my man Laguna spent uh he spent some hours down here looking for this portal you gotta go watch this video this worked okay it

Worked anyways we did that we got our stuff and we raced home I finally had enough XP to get uh Power five on my bow so I did that when I got back to Robert’s and I was it was a very very happy man to finally have that done

Lastly I needed to repair and upgrade some more of my tools so I did a bit of Mining and you know it’s kind of boring to watch so I’m gonna watch the whole thing you’re gonna see me just get I got a bunch of times all right and

Especially because now that I had like looting or whatever Fortune three on one of my pickaxe it’s finding a ton of diamonds I was a man doing more Diamond than you know what to do with so uh I Enchanted some stuff I repaired some stuff I was man and very a very good

Position at this point and when that was all finally taken care of it was finally time for phase three okay phase three uh four to five this died now you needed to build a beautiful base but not just any base a base that would also act as the world’s biggest

Trap a place that no one knew existed until they did know existed at which point they died that that was phase three build the perfect building okay I waited a long time to start building my base now and now I finally couldn’t and then my base was a

Very integral part of my plan a base was the heart of everything I was gonna need this thing to be in tip top shape and designed meticulously in a way that would work exactly for what I had planned on purchasing but first I needed somewhere to build I

Needed to be able to see completely around me 360 Degrees if anyone was sneaking up on me I needed the terrain itself not to be grass because I was gonna put down traps and everyone would just see them they’d see like Stone pressure plates couldn’t be that

And I also didn’t want to be in a desert because uh I don’t know it’s kind of I I don’t I didn’t want to be in a desert it’s bored me it doesn’t rain that’s why but I found the perfect spot this was it

Was kind of like a desert it had sand it had gravel it had some like dirty grass I don’t know it’s called and bushes over this place was absolutely perfect so once I had this place locked in I got to work I got bored of building okay that was

Like four hours of straight building well not quite four hours it was like three hours and 20 minutes I I was a man who had enough right I was I needed a break from building so I went up and met with uh my man kipley kipley had joined

Very very late I think she was like in jail in real life or something I don’t know who knows what a man like kipley is up to anyways when I met up with her something very interesting happened hello hey uh how’s it going it’s going good hey you got the iron armor already

It’s pretty good oh you’re looking very fancy you got any any extras for the poor you know uh I do I’m sorry I do but I forgot to bring them next time I will I’m not going in here I’m not gonna die I’m gonna take a peek though and do this I want to go in the well keep out sign what join the mushroom cult to survive Purge Night hiply oh my God Wait I just want to talk yeah I listen all right you want to survive Purge night right of course you want to become a brother in arms right just there’s a cult okay and you just wear this on Purge night and you know you won’t uh you won’t die how did

You even get this that is cult secret information who else has this I gave it to likes likes is all that knows okay I don’t know if I’m gonna give one to Shadow yet I don’t think I was supposed to get that mushroom head I I think I was only given

It because I saw what was in Laguna’s house and that put me on high alert and you’ll see later this this whole mushroom head thing it led to a lot of problems for a lot of people okay this caught this caught this spiraled out of control

Anyways after that I was ready to start building again so uh back to the building Montauk foreign Building again that was I can only do so much of that before I start wanting to do something different and this time what I wanted to do differently was meet up with none other than the man himself lagundo he said he wanted to talk to me

And to come to the Village near his house and then he gave me coordinates and when I got there he was on top of a mountain with a whole bunch of phantoms there was something going on anyways started talking to the guy and I have information that might keep you alive okay

I don’t I don’t know if this is true or false I’ve heard this through someone through someone else so you have to take it with a grain of salt but it is irrelevant to you so take it how you will I I told you I’d bring you information if I heard

Anything so so there’s people are under the assumption that you and Ryan are working together and he is planning an attack on you I my I suspected that if if you guys did have some sort of Alliance he was planning on breaking it no I I mean if it’s vague it’s

Legitimately literally super vague it was like we both have God apples on day one and then we’ve broken I haven’t seen himself okay okay well I just figured I’d share that information with you you’re the only person I’ve tried to become an ally with all right well and I

Guess technically friendly with Robert see this a shroom hat head wait where’d you get that from I found it in a chest waiter like one of the other dungeons or hats or like locations or stuff and there’s another one of those zombie things it was like already

Looted but I saw this isn’t a chest in there that’s interesting yeah okay John follow me Sean I need to show you something come in oh welcome to the bunker yeah you need punch too wow Laguna showed me his secret bunker the question I had though was how many

People had he also shown this and was it a trap for Purge Night shortly after meeting up with lagundo I went home and started working on my base again I had it mostly complete the only thing that I still needed to do was set up all of the traps and arm them the

Problem with doing that now is that a bunch of stupid mobs would walk on top of them and detonate them so this was something that I was going to need to do later on pretty much the night of the purge or at least uh close to the end of

The Purge for now it was it was time to finally enter phase four instigate Phase four my personal favorite instigate during this phase I would make everyone distrust one another and cause a lot of paranoia and confusion and to do this I would simply put traps all over the entire map in front of everyone’s base in random points and just try to cause as much

Confusion and distrust as possible my plan was to booby trap outside of people’s houses and hopefully hopefully cause some distrust and paranoia between everyone for example here’s Steve’s big pumpkin looking house I don’t know what this guy was built it’s like Halloween Town here this is Steve’s house what I

Did was I made sure that no Steve was not online and that whoever else was online was not nearby and I sat there for a few minutes looked around made sure no one was there and then very quickly I started digging a hole a very

Very deep 16 I think maybe it was 20 I don’t know it was a very deep hole directly in front of his door I got this thing very very deep and I climbed out put a block of TNT down uh one block below where I started digging the hole

And then put a piece of gravel on top of that and the pressure plate now to blend this in a little bit more I put some more gravel pieces around the door so it Blends in pretty well now whenever Steve steps on this one blocky presumably when

He walks out of his door a man is gonna fall down 16 or 20 blocks killing him and removing one of his max Hearts before Purge Night and the the true benefit here would be to get him to distrust everyone on the server because he couldn’t be sure who’s set this trap

And you know what sneeve fell for it you got to go watch this video to see that though but here’s the thing though Steve’s house that wasn’t the first house I booby trapped no I had already set up several of these bad boys rewind the whole thing go back go back to uh

Several okay several days ago I had set up another one of these traps outside of Ryan’s house I had walked up and down this man’s staircase over and over and over again trying to figure out which block he would be most likely to step on that I could actually hide this trap on

And I settled on this one right here and I dug again a huge hit that goes down way way way way down got to the top put a piece of TNT down and then a piece of gravel on top and a stone pressure plate to hide the whole thing and you know

What Ryan also fell for this you gotta go watch his these things were incredible I also tried to set up another one uh there was this base that someone had built in Your Spawn and at the time I didn’t know whose base it was this was several days ago as well I had

No idea who had built this base but I thought you know what let’s let’s give them a nice warm welcome by something about booby trap in front of that door so I logged on late at night very very late at night hung around for like an hour at spawn looking around making sure

No one was there no nothing was going on and then once I felt like it was safe to do so I started digging a hole underneath the staircase and then I got caught Sean what are you doing under my base this is your base is this yours yes okay

I have to talk to you about something okay I need to come in sure this is actually your base this I built this last night okay I thought this was kipley’s base you didn’t hear me talking just now no did you see me out there I

Just saw your name tag yeah I heard blocks breaking that weren’t me and I’m like wait what’s going on I thought it was kipley’s base I was getting ready to put a big trap in front of it oh which is right by it’s right next to spawns I figured she just joined and

Well good thing I know it’s your base now because there was about to be a huge trap in front of it is there still a huge trap in front of it nope there was about to be though he called me at the exact right time that would have caused a lot of problems

Because Sean well Sean oh yeah well I mean yeah I know I was like I can’t enter it so I wasn’t going in no you can enter you can enter but no I’m just telling you Sean this is this place is going to be a lot of problems for people oh I see

This was a close one but this was also back this happened before lagundo has showed me his secret bunker so obviously he still trusted me after this which was uh that was good now all I had to do was sit back relax and wait for the traps to

Go off and I cannot wait to watch everyone else’s videos and see them fall for these traps because this was this was incredible work on my part yeah anyway so purge night wasn’t far off down I still needed to get all of my traps set up at my house my plan to

Survive Purge was very straightforward I had one rule and one rule only do not under any circumstance for any reason leave my house on Purge Night just stay in there and make that thing as impenetrable as possible and that if anyone did enter my premises make it so

That they would die it was that simple now ideally the distrust I had been sewing between everyone and all the traps I’ve been setting up and all the lies I had been telling would make everyone not trust each other and hopefully try to kill one another completely forgetting about me and

Leaving me safe however the more likely outcome here would be that everyone would figure out that it was me all along pulling the strings and you’ll see later on I start to get a little bit carried away with the um the manipulation is a strong one I got a

Little bit carried away with the persuasion I was doing inevitably I felt though is that everyone was going to figure out that it was me setting up these traps and all this stuff and they would eventually come to kill me on Purge night but I would be ready and so

Would my base I would win surrounding my base would there would be so many of those Pitfall traps along with that there would be a sea of pressure plates some of them real some of them not real so as they walked across something no one’s gonna walk across those they see

That they’re gonna go I’m not I’m not doing it because one of them will go off and they’ll realize how dangerous of a situation they are in and then they’ll realize they need to look where they’re walking because they don’t want to step in a trap and I would just light them up

With arrows if they did somehow men advantage to get across my my Minefield well then at my base I would then make them chase me into a series of underground tunnels where I and only I knew the correct route through these tunnels any deviation from the correct route would result in whoever was

Chasing me to fall into yet another pitfall trap not to mention the tunnels themselves would look like the exact place that you would not want to walk into I’m talking a two by one tunnel with sand floors and pressure plates everywhere this was my ultimate plan so

I started digging that all out and setting up more distracting objects in the field or I was putting down like tree brushes and putting down sand and gravel and just trying to make this place I was planting bamboo trying to make this place look like a huge mess

That you get very hard to tell where you’re walking it was gonna be good in my tunnel I replaced the floor with gravel so that it looked like if they followed me down there they wouldn’t feel no man would feel safe going through here right then at the very end

Of the the maze I set up a fake wall which was I used stone blocks and pistons or sticky pistons to make this thing that I could run into impress a lever and then it would look like just a dead end that was the plan so I spent

The next several hours building this whole thing out and I got it mostly done although I had not set up the traps completely yet but it was pretty much ready to go and I was also very bored of doing this I’m a man who you know I

Can’t stay in one place too long because I start to get bored so I went over to Ryan’s Castle just unprovoked unannounced I decided to walk over to Ryan’s castle and Robert was there for some reason hello what Jesus what are you doing here oh my gosh hey

What am I doing here I I announced my PR that I wanted to meet with him why are you meeting with Ryan I don’t know why are you here he’s talking because Ryan’s the only guy that I haven’t met with yet so uh what are you

What are you doing here I want to talk to you gotta talk to me I want to talk to you and I you know what’s up with you Robert I just I’m just coming to say hi I’m gonna go to the end soon and I just

Wanted to say hi before I did that where’d your armor go well it’s in my chest I just said that drop Sean what trap oh here I’ll show you right right over here uh where this little white people all of a sudden talking about a trap Sean yeah

Nope but I fell for one of those yeah it was uh wait wait wait don’t say don’t say just say it just say what was your trap what was your trap it was a piece of gravel with TNT underneath it and a pressure plate

I stepped on it by the tree and fell and almost died thankfully I did not so so someone’s sit in these traps yes just a madman and I don’t think I would do it I saw another one by um uh do you there’s a there’s like one

Of those not Sandstone Villages what are they called the Mesa Villages by the river that Village that Village had had one in it I heard that’s where the legend of was staying he trapped his own house though I don’t know doubt it maybe he’s not living there anymore yeah well there was

One there I just left it because I want someone to fall into it but oh that’s so mean I’m not gonna remove it and someone worked on that Brian who are you working with who who have you spoken to what’s your plan for pretty much I’ve just spoken to Robert

And um we spoke a little while earlier um then uh you and kipley are the only two I haven’t talked to the other uh the other guys we don’t have anything formal with but what about Lagoon though haven’t uh haven’t talked to him since like day one

And a half you guys aren’t planning some sort of secret Alliance at the end or anything like that no what about The Golden Boys Golden Boys Golden Apple Golden Apple boys oh yeah yeah that was like day one because I uh found one at the at the warden was

Like wow I’ve got one too he’s like that’s cool that was the extent of that we haven’t done anything with it how many hearts you got left most of them Don’t worry I want to know I know nothing about Ryan I’ve been in everyone’s base yes here come on in come on in I’m worried about you Ryan oh you know you know I I was working on my channel got some stuff up here yeah you know we

Go up to the room it’s pretty flat currently I was gonna say let me ask you this question right if you had to Target someone who are you going after I mean I don’t really have any enemies current maybe one person you have to name one person of who you would who

You’d want to kill if you had to um it kind of depends um I’m not liking this answer crap okay well judging by what what you’ve been saying laguno he’s spreading the the word that we’re doing stuff or anything like that you know I don’t want I don’t

Want his name tarnishing my reputation because I believe I still kind of believe that the two of you are working together I mean what what proof could I present to you there’s no proof you could give I just have this hunch after hearing her for like three people

Makes me worried so what there is there is an alliance no there isn’t I did not trust Ryan at all and and I was 99.9 sure that he and lagundo did have a secret Alliance that they he was pretending didn’t exist absolutely these guys were working together but what was their overall plan

I had no idea even you know you could smell it on Ryan he was up to something this man was doing something I didn’t know what I was also worried about Shadow and sneeve working together I was afraid that they too were planning something for me so to I think I had a

Plan to try to separate them a little bit and you spread them apart you know so a little bit of more distrust between the two of them so I asked Shadow if he wanted to meet up okay he goes let me guess Shadows of that I

Said well I’ve heard it from a few people Shadow is one of them and he went yeah of course Shadow was trying to listen in on one of our conversations yeah so uh he goes but I have not working with Laguna I haven’t spoken to him since day

One and I did not believe him oh yeah cause that’s the only time I’ve seen them together was day one and I was I was standing right next to them it was funny I asked him to take curiosity I’m like who would you go after on Purge Night

And he said uh that his Target uh if he had to choose someone not being forced to would be Laguna which I I doubted um but that’s what he was saying it’s I think it’s too convenient he’s trying to he’s trying to deflect too hard yeah and it’s it’s kind of obvious

I got a question for you you had you had the mushroom helmet I’m assuming you got that from Kipling yes do you have one Robert yeah so I’m assuming that’s like a like she was like if if we have it she’s not gonna attack me so I was like okay cool

I’ll I’ll deal with that there’s not like there’s no ties to it or anything it’s just yeah no I got it too I understand but I saw this hold on if you come here there was a chest right here with a sign if you jumped you

Could see it that she was giving into Laguna to the mushroom head oh yeah but why give it to everybody I don’t know she she hasn’t given to everyone Robert wants one Kim wants one right so are you the one going around trapping everyone’s front door no I’m actually not

Believe it or not okay so I’m gonna let you in a little secret sure okay so my tower yeah the whole reason why I built it is that I’m gonna lace the entire center of it with TNT oh my God and the if if you go in there’s a spiral

Spiraling staircase that goes right to the top yeah so if someone flies into the top and starts to come down they’ll have to keep going around and around it gives me time to light it oh you’ll take him out yeah wow have you heard okay I guess I’ll see this have

You heard of anyone who might be planning on going after me no okay good I’ve I’ve heard I’ve heard maybe Steve wants you Steve wants to go after you no for me he you are an option that Steve would consider oh yeah I was thinking

About that so I gave him a couple apples so that if if he does come after me his audience is going to hate him yeah that’s perfect now I needed to to uh go talk to my dear friend Steve to uh both push him away from Shadow a little bit and also pay

Very close attention to this man this man’s accent to try to get a get a positive ID on where this man is from did you set the Trap outside the front door no no but that’s something I do have to talk to you about all right I think

I think I know who did it but I could do it I could be wrong it depends on it well see it depends on who’s in your alliance if you have an alliance because that’s this is also why I wanted to visit you because this is going to tell

Me about like who’s working with who yeah so I my suspicion is that the person who’s booby trapping doors because you’re not the first person is lagundo but I don’t know if you’re working with him or not because if you are then obviously he wouldn’t booby trap your door Uh no well it would be silly I think to booby trap your allies doors unless of course it was part of some conspiracy but no I’m I’m not working with lagundo in fact lagundo is very much uh the the he’s gonna be trouble on uh Purge day

Yes that’s what I I I’d be looking for alliances to help with that that’s uh so yeah that’s one of the things that seems like everyone’s kind of aware of that he seems to be the big trouble boy this time yeah um because he’s just he’s playing hard

You know playing real hard how closely are you working with Shadow are you friends with Shadow yeah I’m friends with Shadow I think that he’s I I feel that he won’t betray me or attack me I’m I’d say I’m friendly with him on the scale

Okay okay hey well if I mean if you two are an alliance then he wouldn’t mind me telling you but he’s uh he’s got he got the uh thalassia mama or whatever it is but yeah like I I I if you two are in Alliance then I don’t see why he wouldn’t

Um tell me yeah well yeah he didn’t he didn’t mention it so hmm keeping secrets hey shadow interesting and then uh kipley I’ve spoken to kipley she shared some information with me about mushrooms have you heard anything about that mushrooms yeah no so you know Shadow has one of the

Heads lagundo obviously has one because uh he had it in his base and that’s where I discovered it and then I saw a sign upset of Robert’s house saying join the mushroom cult and I cut the sign down before Robert could see it oh so okay that’s that’s so many people

That’s so that’s Robert Robert you kipley lagundo Shadow so that just leaves Ryan and sneeze oh I don’t think and Kim I don’t think I don’t think Robert got in because today he was asking for it he came out to me he’s like what’s this mushroom thing what’s

This mushroom thing and I wouldn’t tell him well here’s the thing right I I don’t think that I think if the mushroom the mushroom men are really trying to make a big group then um we we need to have a counter group but that’s that’s the first thing

Um and then the second thing is is that what what happens once the Mushroom Men succeed are they all going to sleep together I doubt that yeah probably not um so I I think you can pretty much count that lagundo’s not going to sleep together with the rest of the mushroom

Boys I’m I’m fear I’m telling you Sean I reckon that I reckon the Mushroom Men is uh the reverse Bugaboo yeah you’re right you’re probably right I will uh yeah good call okay so so purge day you and I we’re we’re buds We’re Not Gonna attack each other you flash this

If anyone flashes as well yeah this is how you know this is how you know we’re in business yeah perfect all right okay at this point I was absolutely certain that that mushroom cult uh was actually a system that lagundo had developed to Target everyone who was involved in the previous Bugaboo

Incident from the previous Purge and if anyone did have a mushroom head they weren’t in fact safe but rather on a kill list so if someone showed a Mushroomhead to someone they would know okay this is the person we’re gonna kill on Purge Night which made sense because

Everyone who had received a mushroom head was someone who was involved in the Bugaboo I felt like I was understanding their plan and was unraveling before me the next day I met up with Shadow and uh we started discussing some of these things and it turns out that him and

Steve must have met up after we chatted because he had a he got one of those chicken heads indicating that he was in the alliance but more interesting than the chicken head and honestly the chicken’s gonna Shadow and I had found something that somebody probably did not

Want us to see over the past several days Shadow and I had spent hours hours discussing what was happening in the game and who was planning what and who was aligned with who and what they might be doing on Purge night and where they might be going and where information is

Coming from and who was talking to who the most and what we’re we’re two men who were going real hard on figuring everything out and one of the things that we were very certain on was that lagundo was planning on killing us both be because of this I disclosed to him

That I knew about lagundo’s secret bunker and I knew where it was so both Shadow and I took a trip out to the desert and started to swim around in the river where Laguna had previously showed me the entrance to his bunker however we weren’t allowed in so I couldn’t go into

The bunker because it was a closed door and also because I actually could not find the entrance anymore but I wanted to show shadow that I knew where this was when we were swimming down in that River though we were hearing villagers confirming that it was there however I

Just couldn’t find the door to get in then I had a very faint memory very very faint memory of when lagundo showed be his bunker I thought that I saw a nether portal in it and if there was another portal inside of it well that means if we were

In the nether we might be able to find the other end of that portal and considering that there was a nearby portal next to the Village his portal if it existed should be theoretically pretty close to that portal and if we could find that portal in the nether we

Could then theoretically enter lagundo’s base in a legal way if the portal was in his base and not closed off in a room or something like that at least we could go look and see what we saw so that’s exactly what shadow and I did

We went over to the portal jumped in and started looking around for another another portal and after about an hour or so of searching we found it we found another nether port so we went through it this is not oh my God but don’t go in what is he ricking up

The door was open when it came through he’s he’s bringing his base to blow that’s why he showed you it oh let’s get out of here this was a this was absolutely what lagundo was planning for me on Purge Night first he invited me over we’re genuinely set for

For this and now I’ve fully committed to this as long as there’s no Bugaboo going on here we are probably the best equipped for this minus like a big trap that we fall for then when I would enter his bunker this man would blow me up much the same

As I had attempted to do to him in the previous perch this wasn’t we had figured the whole thing out and right then and there I made the decision that lagundo this man that I went into this purge with every intention on trusting and not going after

Had to be a man that was going to die hey I was just shocked that he would leave the door open like that for everyone to see now we need to meet up with Robert to tell him what we had found [Laughter] how close are you with Laguna interacted with them I’ve interacted

With them one time I’ve been truthful with that to everyone I’ve been seeming like Ryan’s been lying to our faces now is the time to be very honest about this I’m being 100 honest did he invite you anywhere on Purge no did he suggest anything on purpose I

I talked to him one time this whole time and did he show you did he show you any sort of um mushroom stuff no he did not I did not talk to him I’m not lying I don’t think you’re lying I don’t think you’re like that’s not the

Point that’s not the point here okay okay I’m trying to figure this is something out here okay did kipley speak actually Kipling was supposed to speak to you I stopped that from happening didn’t didn’t talk to her once I’m gonna show you something come here what is that Kim’s I want you to

I want you to bring me this on Purge Night okay that has nothing to do with what we’re talking about we filled Robert in and but none of us really knew what what our next move was or what we were going to do on Purge Night of course my plan

Was to still try and stay inside and hope for the best but I I there’s still a lot of loose ends and things that didn’t quite make a hundred percent success like Kipling for example where does Kipling fit into this whole plan that means she was involved with Laguna

And maybe she was planning on I had to speak to kipley so we invited her over to Robert’s house I think Ryan was there Shadow was there and we’re all hanging around for a little while I had to be honest I don’t know what we’re doing we

Were there for a while but when kipley said that she needed to leave and go back to her base I followed her to see what she was really up to Sean hey what’s up what are you what are you doing and I can’t kill some zombies for X experience points experience points yeah do you uh what do you need to enchant I need a enchant my armor it’s fully Enchanted no no no no not my a different piece where’s your base

Why do you need to know that listen I’m poor what do you want from me okay tell me about this mushroom thing you got a mushroom head yes right that is your purge mask if you are wearing that you’ll be safe that’s all you need to

Know but who who orchestrated this who I I want to know who I can’t help but feel like it’s a it’s trap for me why don’t we ask [Applause] ing for mushrooms we must have a mushroom head okay I was looking for mushrooms mushrooms people all right

I will just have you guys if you okay that I think Kipling is trustworthy I don’t know who knows anyway I was basically ready for Purge Night it I I just wanted to stir the pot One Last Time one little flick to get things really going and that was Kim

What are you doing in my water you you cannot kill my dogs oh Kim you cannot keep you cannot kill my dogs you’re disqualified I decided I gotta tell you something okay where are you chicken now Laguna’s coming for you is that you can just say it doesn’t leave say more come back

You might be wondering why why am I doing this to this man well the answer is very simple I knew that after I sailed away Kim would follow me and he would figure out where my base was because inevitably I did want these people to come to my house so that I

Could run them through my Maze and if Kim knew where it was that information would leak and sure enough several moments after I got home after I sailed away from Kim’s base I look out across the water and who do I see Mr Kim sailing right up hello

This is where you live huh your secret what is that no do it what is this how could you explain yourself I’m taking that on Purge Night I’m gonna wear my head I’m taking it off you oh he’s a threat I see after Kim had left I had one last

Thing to do practice running through my maze I ran through it over and over and over and over again until I had the path completely memorized I don’t know I wrote memorize there I had a piece of paper on my desk with the left and right

Written down anyways with that I set up all my traps I got everything ready got in my tower and I was ready for the purge when The Purge began I sat in my house and waited and waited and waited and nothing happened not for a while at least that was until

I saw an arrow fly by my head Thank you Kim you’re not gonna get here I can hear you and see you Kim don’t even bother you came here to murder me no Kim you’re trying to murder me right now Jim stop you won’t it won’t work it’s not gonna work Kim why you no die because I’m not gonna die listen we can both live

Okay what are those traps you have here you just killed half your dogs listen there’s no point in fighting I I I’m trying to throw a Laguna off by getting cue don’t walk over here the whole thing is rigged oh yeah and I could tell yes listen I’m

Not why can’t I don’t kill you what do you mean I cannot kill you you won’t kill me I projectile protection and blast protection I could blow this place up and be okay I don’t even bother coming over here oh listen lagundo yes is planning to kill

Us all I wasn’t joking about that I’m not trying to kill you okay I keep sending I keep telling him I’m going to your place and stuff and it’s acting like I’m trying to kill you because he’s going to try to meet or try

To kill me out on the water he has an elytra all right his entire base is rigged and he’s trying to get us to go into it or he will try to get you to go into it all right and then I will return to my

Base Jesus look at that guy man somehow I I don’t know how we believe this I convinced Kim that I was invincible and I couldn’t be killed if for some reason he believed me and that was enough send him back I just watched the clipper just watch the clip again

He blows up one of his dogs and you just hear him go sorry okay so funny it’s so funny okay anyway so Kim left he left my house because I I think he would have killed me to be honest if he had to keep you keep shooting those arrows at me probably

Would have got me but thankfully he left I don’t know I don’t know how I convinced him to leave but anyways he was gone so then I was just hanging out in my tower a little bit more waiting watching the chat messaging people like lagundo who was trying to at this point really

Convince me to go meet up with him and there was not a chance I was going to do that so I kept kind of just delaying it telling him hey don’t wait wait a little bit longer no hold on I got turned around oh hold on can’t do that oh Kim’s

Just just basically delaying meeting up with this guy all while talking to Shadow figuring out where things where people are trying to track how far Laguna was moving because it seemed like he was moving very quickly you know this stuff is boring basically what had happened was I had got wind

That there was fighting going down at spawn and that if I made it to spawn I could then get to Shadows Tower where I’d be safe I know what you’re thinking Sean you had one rule do not leave your house on Purge Night under any circumstance for any reason

So here I was leaving my house on Purge Night for a very bad reason and a bad circumstance however the only thing I I felt safe doing is because I brought two invisibility potions with me these what these would carry hopefully if I got into trouble I could just drink one of

These and run and that’s exactly what I had to do because as I started sailing there you know who was patrolling the ocean I got I guess he thought he was a pirate now oh Kim Sean what are you gonna do I was to see what it was that was me who did they leave yeah just now because I heard stuff’s about to go down yeah between Robert and the good yeah they’re fighting at spawn can I trust you

Why did you stop here because I saw you in the boat and you got me nervous now why should I be nervous you’re the guy who is on killable and why as a hypothetical I mean it’s hype huh I mean I’m killable but it’s gonna be difficult

You said you can take a ton of TNTs you didn’t even Flinch of my arrows yeah my base is fine what do you have a beacon is that we’re saying do you want to go to oh do you want to go spy on them where are they at spawn I want to get

There but you’ve got me stressed out now in your boat you’re like a pirate Patrol in the Seas okay I’m going to shoot you no he won’t be I shoot you oh never mind I don’t shoot you I will never shoot you again I needed to get the Shadows base that’s

Where everyone was apparently and in hindsight you know I probably should not have gone here probably should have done something different but you know what I did I was there look at this going on the tower boom there’s everyone I told him I was gonna Bugaboo them it’s the

Whole thing where oh yeah look at that look here all sitting around having fun I went up and yeah nearly everyone was there it was kiply sneeve Robert Shadow the only people and this is interesting the only people who were not in the tower at this time was Kim again I guess

He had become a pirate for a person lagundo and Ryan and seeing neither lagundo or Ryan there on Purge Night I told me everything I confirmed in my mind what I was suspecting that the two of them were working together and this alone was enough to make me declare that

We should go to Ryan’s Tower and Slaughter him so I’m fine how about we do this screw it I’ve been trying not to inspire to kill anyone we’ll just do this we’ll go kill Ryan once Ryan’s dead we go kill Kim and then the five of us

Just Slaughter lagundo we go to bed Purge over let’s not look here Ryan hey Ryan do you want to help us I had your back I had back I didn’t want to kill you Ryan I know you did Robert but the rest of you guys are snakes when we found when

We found Ryan and dragged them out we stripped that man down took all of his gear and made him follow us around because if he was working with Laguna which he still to this day even after it says that he wasn’t but you know I know

You never know right you never know what this man right we we brought him down to the spawn and we started chatting in main chat saying that we were here at spawn and we got Ryan and all this stuff and we just kind of waited for something to happen and sure enough

After a little while out across the water I saw Laguna and Kim Kim and Laguna down there down to the water on the a lot of them and they started coming at me there isn’t easy with Kim yep new plan new plan then they see me yeah

Should we sacrifice Ryan hey hold up hold up I mean I don’t like that idea I don’t like that idea you know you know what Ryan Ryan is complying and so I’m I’m okay with keeping him alive all right Brian you go up you’re the

Messenger go up and talk to them if they remove their armor they can try to purge okay I’ll let him know so you’re the example this can all end tonight I mean it’s possible Laguna this is the best and only way and as far as I know this is not everyone

Everyone can sleep through the night look at this who did this who who put this together and so I don’t think there’s no big cabal the man in blue up there why not it’s nice it’s really beautiful wait why did you sell the fireworks who was shooting at me here cam

I know I know we’re in good terms we don’t no one here needs to fight or die but what were shooting at me no cam come here I know I declared war on you look good though here buddy I know you’ve been asking for them so I’ll give you one

Wow that down he goes nice I pulled the hearts before but you can you can join me if you want no one’s going no one has to die literally everyone here can survive the purge I kind of I don’t like standing in between all of these bows drawn at each

Other do you mind if I come back Take the pants off too okay I want to know Ryan have you been working with lagundo Now’s the Time to answer I have not been working I mean Step away We’re gonna get canceled I think Kim might be trying to Riptide up here I mean I was told is that an act of war no it’s just Sean Come back up here Ryan oh look at it hello Ryan come up who just tried to shoot around oh my gosh who was that oh Robert what do you do that I did not make you do that Kim is way out in the ocean there where’s where’s the gun though He’s out in the middle they’re both out there poor Ryan where’s where’s Sean where’s Sean the somebody’s purling over here Sean what is happening I’m trusting you guys you ready What What yes yes now we’re talking now we’re talking we’re lining up everyone else here come here come here come here come here on me Sean on me is this part of the time all the time fire rest speed and strength go kill him I’m heartbroken I I demand that thing hello why we are people what’s happening they’re coming okay you got a motion um Sean Sean get over there guys gotta help him Thank you oh God hey how’s it going he’s got a pearl away he’s gonna pull away where’s Kim I almost caught him he got down into the water damn damn Sean yes you literally broke my heart there for two seconds I was like I trusted this man for three days three days

I almost had Kim I told you from the beginning that’s what I want that’s a good that was a good plan that was good that was good you should have told us [Applause] [Applause] Oh who’s there who is it who is it is it you sure speak use your voice Before you attacked me you attacked me first that was earlier it’s different why you do this why you do this what are you doing Kim are you sure me I want answers because you attacked my house and you lied to everyone never attacked your house you did we’re running

What happened to Lagoon though he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead no it’s not I think it came he didn’t die no who knows that I didn’t die oh we’re trying he’s running he’s coming out for me that’s campus what is happening here and what are you doing Kim we can we can

Work with you Kim where’s the gundov he’s down I mean he’s right he’s he’s with us huh join us Kim come back Kim no wait let’s give some distance please Kim Kim don’t run don’t run Kim this will only be worse for you if you run I

Need to know what’s going on first well then don’t run yeah he’s gone where’d he go he took the Trident and zipped across the ocean oh my God Kim Kim what are you doing okay that’s it that’s it stop stop moving stop moving I won’t kill you I won’t kill you stop curling

Stop I just said it won’t kill you okay okay near me Sean has a pickaxe in his hand oh he’s trying not even multiple times shots oh my God he’s still hitting me just leave the murderer I don’t I don’t know what to do in this situation

Kim you might have to die if you keep running I’m running only because I’m getting hit by arrows and axes wait wait okay okay okay drip down strip down right now where is lagundo shut down everything he was attacking me I managed to escape strip everything Kim we won’t kill you Kim

Oh he has not where’s shadow oh my God I see someone hiding yeah Shadows up there we’re not gonna kill you Kim get over here you’re gonna murder nurse next to me wait was coming he’s trying to shoot us with arrows now look at though enough is enough where’s where’s Laguna

Someone has to die he is the only person who’s murdered someone it was an accident I don’t know what’s going on right now should we should we put on that should we put on one one battle most ridiculous ending to a scenario we’ve ever had I don’t know we can’t kill each other

It’s like it’s like we’re all just super power this fight lasted for a while and no one died I mean I guess Ryan died but you know what that man went out in the worst possible way no dignity no fighting just executed so and who is Kim Kim going where’s Laguna

It’s so funny Kim is the master of The Purge in this one So eventually I yeah I do after seeing everyone fighting I was like what am I doing here get back go back to the tower so I just left went back to my tower there’s no way I’m dying out here

On a beach like Ryan so I got back to my tower I waited and waited and sure enough everyone showed up in my tower are you in Shadow kill everybody else what do you think no why not because it will it won’t work what do you mean it

Won’t work there were six of us hitting you when you didn’t die yeah and then it’ll be three of us hitting we all target one person easy peasy there’s only one of me being able to put out damage and everybody spent all their equipment trying to fight me I’m gonna

Sleep here in my house yeah but you won’t win if you sleep here in your house Shadow is in for this me you and him turned on the other three we killed them it’s over we win you survive the perch get them to come here and I’ll do it what you’re my chimney

I’m coming over to tell you that they’re coming to kill you are they yeah are you coming yeah they’re coming Kim Kim and Steve just brought on top of the mob farm and everybody else is heading this way to kill you hey what are you guys doing

Oh my God why are you shooting me why are you why are you sneaking up on me how am I sneaking up how am I supposed to announce myself to you I’m not far away why are the pressure plates outside what are you guys doing here where’s is here not yet

What do you mean not yet what are you doing here what are you doing just hiding out in your house I want to win The Purge yeah why are you leaving the building so no no now you’re shooting at us well because you’re coming to my house for some reason Will you cut it out don’t come in my house shot we’re in active War right now up against us where’s shadowmac I don’t know Where’s Laguna shot okay he’s pulling the whole thing run Robert yeah what are you doing in my house I’d like you to know that you’re you’re at War well you you came here what do you mean I came here so what you came to my house you built stuff in my house you guys showed up sneaking around outside

I’m gonna come get you or Shadow Man right here I knew it Sean stop shadow where’s your armor why are you hitting me I’m helping you Alice I’m helping you a house right now what I’m helping you bro what Shadow what stop I’m helping who are you helping God I’m helping you why are you helping him because I don’t know I’m hunting hunt

Sean listen let’s all kill Sean right now shut up shut up oh my God this is up out of control It’s the morning The Purge is over and while the fighting was going on the sun rose marking three hours of The Purge meaning it was over no one died I mean except for Ryan everyone survived the Persian except for run and that was it so technically speaking I did survive the

Purge which was my goal but next time we’re doing it we’re limiting the armor because uh this was the Armory basically became unkillable it was crazy you can’t kill me also turns out that Ryan and lagundo were not working together uh that was just a misunderstanding because

Someone said one thing on day one which spiraled out of control and led to a ton of paranoia over the course of seven days and a bunch of fake storylines were made up in all of our heads that we then tried to it’s just spiraled out of

Control because in one comment and all you know all that TNT I found that was Kim’s base not lagundos the whole time laguno was not planning on betraying me this man was honest from the beginning although he makes it so hard to trust him because he does go and talk to everyone oh

Yeah there it is do you know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna go watch all their videos now all right there’s Purge Purge two

This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate The Purge Again’, was uploaded by Forge Labs on 2023-04-01 12:34:13. It has garnered 2631890 views and 61456 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:11 or 7511 seconds.

I Made all Crime Legal for 1 Night on my Hardcore Minecraft Server

We made all crime legal on our Hardcore Minecraft server for one night… this is what happened. Featuring: @Legundo @ShadowMech @Kiply @OkRobert. @unsortedguy @SneveYT @It_Ryan

Data Pack: https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/contrition/

Similar to the popular Minecraft series – Minecraft Players Simulate Civilization, but in this Hardcore Minecraft video Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate The Purge.

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About ForgeLabs: Welcome to Forge Labs! I review video games and discuss video game industry things. On the channel I post gameplay experience reviews, video essays, and satirical pieces that I hope you find entertaining. Enjoy!

Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate The Purge https://youtu.be/bjyQ4OBeoc0

Forge Labs https://www.youtube.com/AirsoftXX

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    Crafty Update 1.21 Deception: Minecraft Trial Unveiled In Minecraft’s world, the updates are grand, With new features added, like the Deception Trial’s stand. The new mobs and items, all so unique, Crafting stories and adventures, for players to seek. The Trial of Deception, a challenge to face, With monsters to fight, in a limited space. The Windward, the first mob, armored and strong, With benefits aplenty, it won’t be long. The Breezer, a mob with flying skill, But weak in damage, its rod a thrill. The Marshwalker, with poison arrows in tow, And a Brazilian green look, a unique show. The Windward’s upgrades, special and bold,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Snapshot Revealed!

    Ultimate Minecraft Snapshot Revealed! The Final Major Minecraft Snapshot! Exciting New Features The latest Minecraft snapshot has brought some incredible new features to the game. Players can now enchant the mace with three exclusive enchantments: Density, Breach, and Wind Burst. Density functions like sharpness, increasing damage based on fall distance. Breach deals higher damage to armored enemies, while Wind Burst launches you into the air upon landing a hit. These enchantments add a new level of strategy to combat in Minecraft. New Customization Options In addition to the mace enchantments, players can now customize their armor with new trims, including Pottery Shards and… Read More

  • Powder Puff: Minecraft’s Explosive Gun Fun!

    Powder Puff: Minecraft's Explosive Gun Fun! In Minecraft, gunpowder drops from creepers slain, But no guns in the game, it’s quite a strange name. CaptainSparklez himself found it odd, In his song “TNT,” he gave a nod. The naming choice is quite peculiar, But in the world of Minecraft, it’s just regular. Read More

  • Survival Shenanigans: New Season 2 Episode 1

    Survival Shenanigans: New Season 2 Episode 1 Minecraft Java | 1.20 | Survival | YENİ SEZON!! | Sezon 2 Bölüm 1 Merhaba Arkadaşlar! Bugün @HergunOyunVar ve @TheDvX_ ile Minecraft 2. Sezona başladık. Creeperlerden kaçtık, daha iyi bir ev yaptık ve manyak canavarlar peşimizi bırakmadı. Komik ve eğlenceli bir video oldu. Umarım beğenirsiniz. Survival Macerası Başlıyor Başlangıçta Minecraft Survival macerasına tanık oluyoruz. 1.20 sürümünde 2. sezonun heyecanıyla evler inşa ediyor, yaratıklarla mücadele ediyor ve kaynaklar topluyoruz. Arkadaşlarımızla birlikte eğlenceli anlar yaşıyoruz. Yeni Sezon, Yeni Heyecan 2. sezonun başlamasıyla birlikte daha da heyecanlı bir oyun deneyimi yaşanıyor. Ekip olarak birbirimize destek oluyor, yeni stratejiler geliştiriyor ve zorlu engelleri… Read More

  • Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20!

    Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20! In the world of Minecraft, where seeds are sown, I bring you the top 20, all freshly grown. From Stony Edge Island to Lush Cliffs and Icebergs, Each seed is unique, with its own special perks. Cliff Village Island, perched high above, A village on cliffs, a sight to behold and love. Igloo Island, with secrets below, A hidden basement, where zombies may show. Small Forest Island, a cozy retreat, With trees and turtles, a peaceful seat. Flower Islands, a colorful pair, Sunflowers and blooms, a vibrant affair. Witch Hut Island, where magic resides, A cauldron bubbling, where spells… Read More

  • Haunted by Herobrine: Minecraft’s Spooky Site

    Haunted by Herobrine: Minecraft's Spooky Site In the world of Minecraft, Herobrine reigns supreme, But have you heard of Herobrine.com, a site that once caused a scream? From a Chinese blog to a screamer, it took a twisted turn, But now it’s just a sunset, a lesson we must learn. The mastermind behind it all, a man named Sunzhen, Spreading fear and shock, scaring kids again and again. But as time went on, his focus shifted to a different plight, Air pollution in China, a battle he had to fight. So now Herobrine.com is just a memory of the past, A reminder that even legends… Read More

  • Time’s Tale: SMP Episode 3 – Connections Unravel

    Time's Tale: SMP Episode 3 - Connections Unravel In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Chronological SMP takes us on a ride. From Stone Age caves to Medieval strife, Exploration Age brings new life. Ruins in Scandinavia, a mystery to solve, Punishing players for crimes, with resolve. Chile’s speech, a distraction in the mix, But building and crafting, still the main fix. Content creators, a talented crew, Each bringing something fresh and new. Advice and criticism, always welcome here, In a friendly atmosphere, let’s keep it clear. Timestamps guide us through the tale, From Xyxy’s visit to the trial’s unveil. Building roads and fishing taverns with… Read More

  • Minecraft Survival with Mods: Chaos Ensues

    Minecraft Survival with Mods: Chaos Ensues Welcome to the World of Minecraft Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft mods with Kreinzin! 🎮 Exploring New Horizons With mods, players can enhance their gameplay by adding new features, mechanics, and challenges to the game. From new weapons and tools to unique creatures and environments, the possibilities are endless in the world of Minecraft mods. 🌟 Surviving and Thriving Survival mode in Minecraft becomes even more thrilling with the addition of mods. Players can test their skills and creativity as they navigate through a… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “2014 And 2024 Difference Minecraft” by Fanatic Gamerz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the evolution of Minecraft over the years. As Minecraft continues to grow and evolve, so does the need for a vibrant and engaging community to share the experience with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With its unique gameplay features, active player base, and exciting events, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Crafting a Spooky Tree in Minecraft

    Crafting a Spooky Tree in Minecraft Building a Spooky Tree in Minecraft Are you ready to add a touch of spookiness to your Minecraft world? Follow along as MegRae_MC takes us through a tutorial on how to build a spooky tree that will give you chills! Getting Started The tutorial kicks off with MegRae_MC guiding viewers through the process of building the base of the spooky tree. Using various blocks and techniques, she demonstrates how to create a twisted and eerie trunk that sets the tone for the entire build. Adding Texture As the tutorial progresses, MegRae_MC shows viewers how to add texture to the… Read More

  • Boom Time Villagers: Minecraft Pocket Edition Addon Madness

    Boom Time Villagers: Minecraft Pocket Edition Addon Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Two addons to explore, like a vivid dream. First up, the TNT addon, with explosions so grand, Redstone and blocks, in your hand they’ll land. Launch the TNT, watch the world destroy, With lava and more, it’s a sight to enjoy. Ultimate TNT, rainbow TNT too, Beautiful and deadly, a colorful view. Next up, the Warrior Villagers, a brave new sight, Defending your village, ready to fight. Links in the comments, for you to download, Enjoy the game, let your adventures unfold. That’s all for today, in the world of… Read More

  • CATNAP VS ZOONOMALY: The Ultimate Poopy Playtime Showdown! 😹🦍 #minecraftmeme

    CATNAP VS ZOONOMALY: The Ultimate Poopy Playtime Showdown! 😹🦍 #minecraftmeme “Catnap vs Zoonomaly: the ultimate battle of who can nap the longest without getting caught by their owner! Place your bets now, folks!” 😹 #catfight #naptimebattle #whoisgoingtowin Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate PvP Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate PvP Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft servers! Today, we want to introduce you to a server that is taking the Minecraft community by storm – Minewind. While watching a video about the best PvP server for Minecraft, you may have come across some exciting gameplay and intense battles. If you’re looking to experience that level of excitement and challenge for yourself, then Minewind is the place to be. With a focus on PvP gameplay, Minewind offers a thrilling and competitive environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Boubou’s Mischievous Minecraft Server Fun

    Boubou's Mischievous Minecraft Server Fun Minecraft Community Server Adventure Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where players from all over come together to explore, build, and survive. Join Boubou on his community server, where Java and Bedrock players unite to embark on thrilling adventures in version 1.20.4 and 1.20.71, respectively. To join the fun, become a Level 2 channel member on Boubou’s Klötzchenbande and hop into Discord to accept the rules, provide your in-game name, and get whitelisted. It’s a token of appreciation for the amazing support from the community. Exclusive Benefits and Support For those looking to take their involvement to the… Read More

  • Caffeine-fueled Minecraft Sky Revolution: NEW Tech Skyblock Quests!

    Caffeine-fueled Minecraft Sky Revolution: NEW Tech Skyblock Quests!Video Information this is Sky Revolutions a fairly new 1.19 questing mod pack from the creator of project sacrifice however unlike project sacrifice which was a previous Sky Block that we played best around blood magic this one here is much more techb as you can see on the left hand side here in the quest book we do have mechanism we do have thermal expansion we do have I believe a little bit of pneumatic craft and of course we have some create as well and as you might guess this Quest book here starts up at the top… Read More

  • Alastor Kissed Angel Dust! Possible Couple?

    Alastor Kissed Angel Dust! Possible Couple?Video Information I just woled down food without chewing so it’s time to bounce my buddies must have missed me big time oh husk hey glad to see you what about you man I was actually enjoying my time when you weren’t around come on buddy calm down where are our other Pals alaster and Charlie I overheard some sounds sounded like moans I bet they’re up to something important in bed man I envy Charlie right now got anything to drink bro let me check seems like I’ve got something stashed here any booze will do drown the sorrow… Read More

  • INSANE Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Madness

    INSANE Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by HapLegit on 2024-03-27 06:30:03. It has garnered 389 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Hardcore This is a trailer for my new minecraft smp video. It has to be planned to be uploaded in April. Make sure to subscribe to channel to get the notification.. The video took me a month to make. I hope you will like it. I will try to take you guys after we will have good… Read More

  • Unleash Your MLG Skills in Minecraft!

    Unleash Your MLG Skills in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Types of MLG | LEVEL 1 TO 6 | #minecraft #pocketedition’, was uploaded by ANAV 1124 on 2024-01-10 15:03:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Raid on Psd1’s Giant Sugar Farm! Watch Now!

    Insane Raid on Psd1's Giant Sugar Farm! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why I Raided Biggest Suger Cane Farm In @Psd1 servers | Fire mc’, was uploaded by Steve_gaming on 2024-01-04 09:47:49. It has garnered 676 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. minecraft i raided biggest suger cane farm in fire mc https://discord.gg/fgn2P4HM lifesteal server ip: play.firemc.fun you can join from every platform from this ip and also join my discord server for empire smp application subscribe and like kardo #firemc #psd1 #lifesteal #public #minecraft #java #youtube Read More

  • Enter Cartoon World – Find Secret Minecraft Pit

    Enter Cartoon World - Find Secret Minecraft PitVideo Information an infinite number of round eyes in Minecraft we’ll have it in this clip today hey guys I’m with you zomok at the beginning I’m going to ask everyone to like subscribe we get everything thank you so much I appreciate it very much and we’re starting we’ve got round pits today these are the kind of interesting cool lots of cool characters let me show you a dream catcher here rainbow friends remember from the digital circus this is Khloe bourjois ladybug’s friend well as a friend she’s a little Moon SpongeBob and the scariest and most… Read More

  • Unbelievable adventure in search of the blaze!

    Unbelievable adventure in search of the blaze!Video Information Halo teman-teman kembali lagi dengan aku putakun jadi di video kali ini kita akan BL ya teman-teman dan gue udah cari nethernya dulu di kamera jadi kita tinggal bunuhi blnya saja let’s go Oke teman-teman kita atur dulu modenya jadi mode normal Oke dan Kita serang langsung Astagfirullah e pedang pedang pedang Oke teman-teman ini gua akan cepatin aja ya Di menit ke eh di mana gue dapat sekitar 7 R ya teman-teman supaya tidak lama let’s go Oke teman-teman kita masih masih ngebunuh ya satu lagi ya teman-teman kita akan dapat tujuh Oke Belum masih belum ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Mongster in Minecraft 1.7.3 Stream!

    Unleashing the Mongster in Minecraft 1.7.3 Stream!Video Information [Music] nug H nug h [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] fore oh [Music] [Music] speee [Music] foree [Music] spee [Music] for hey everybody how you doing just relaxing my vocal muscles after belting that one out sorry hell yeah good thing I got some tea with me how y’all doing yeah it it does it rocks so much especially when I’m singing it hell yeah this is what plays in the Senate no comment uh just got some good oldfashioned Earl Gray didn’t drink my fill this morning picked it up yesterday last night pretty good if I… Read More

  • 🔥Insane Minecraft TNT Run End Challenge!😱🔥

    🔥Insane Minecraft TNT Run End Challenge!😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🤯TNT✨Run🤣in😎Minecraft wait for💯the end🤯#minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraft #shortfeed #viral’, was uploaded by SK NAYAN GAMER on 2024-03-06 12:30:11. It has garnered 3679 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. 🤯TNT✨Run🤣in😎Minecraft wait for💯the end🤯#minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraft #shortfeed #viral Sure, here’s a new description for Minecraft: “Immerse yourself in the limitless possibilities of Minecraft, a sandbox adventure where your imagination is the only limit. Explore vast landscapes, mine for resources, build towering structures, and craft intricate tools. Whether you’re a lone survivor or collaborating with friends, every block you place shapes… Read More

  • Lonely Lobby

    Lonely LobbyCome on, and join us to our server, and be a part of the community! In this server, you can talk, chat and also communicate with each other! Life is good! Life is Fun! We should have to stay alive! lonelylobby.tk Read More

  • NTCSMP – SMP Semi-vanilla, Java 1.20.1, Survival, Fabric, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Adults Only, Whitelist

    Welcome to NTCSMP: A Unique Minecraft Experience! Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey in the vast and blocky world of Minecraft? Look no further! NTCSMP is the place where adventure, community, and creativity collide. Server Details: Version: Java 1.20.1 Game Mode: Survival Play Style: SMP (Survival Multiplayer) Flavor: Vanilla-Like Modding: Fabric and datapacks Inclusivity: LGBTQ+ Friendly Age Group: Adults Only Access: Whitelist (because quality matters) What Makes NTCSMP Special? Community-Driven: Our server thrives on collaboration and camaraderie. Join a tight-knit community of passionate players who share your love for Minecraft. Vanilla-Like Vibes: While we embrace mods, we… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m a robot. Ban me already! 🤖🔨

    Minecraft Memes - I'm a robot. Ban me already! 🤖🔨Looks like this meme just crafted itself a high score! Read More

  • Minecraft: Wi-Fi TNT Fails! 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Wi-Fi TNT Fails! 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme “When you’re trying to blow up your friend’s house in Minecraft but your Wi-Fi is so slow that the TNT takes forever to detonate. Talk about a real blast from the past!” Read More

  • Bee-utiful Chaos: Infinite Flower Shards in Minecraft ATM 9

    Bee-utiful Chaos: Infinite Flower Shards in Minecraft ATM 9 Exploring the World of Minecraft: All the Mods 9 – ATM 9 Minecraft 1.20.1 Minecraft’s All the Mods 9 (ATM9) is a vast world with over 400 mods, countless quests, and an integrated endgame. Players are challenged to create the ATM Star and face off against the formidable Gregstar. Dive into this immersive experience and see if you have what it takes to conquer the challenges! Unleashing the Power of Bees One of the fascinating elements in ATM9 is the intricate world of bees. Players can engage with beekeeping, creating hives, and producing honey. By attracting bees with honeyed… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience!

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft Let’s Play series? If so, we have some exciting news for you! After watching the latest video from a popular YouTuber announcing their new 3D Minecraft series, we couldn’t help but think about the perfect place to experience epic adventures, thrilling gameplay, funny moments, and unforgettable memories – Minewind Minecraft Server! Imagine exploring vast landscapes, embarking on exciting quests, and building your own unique creations in a community of like-minded players. With Minewind, you can dive into the wonderful world of Minecraft and create your own unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Ultimate JAVA Mods for Minecraft PE

    Ultimate JAVA Mods for Minecraft PE Exploring the Top 3 Java Mods for Minecraft Pocket Edition Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft Pocket Edition experience with some exciting Java mods? Look no further! Here are the top 3 Java mods that will take your gameplay to the next level. Java UI Mod The Java UI mod brings a fresh interface to your Minecraft Pocket Edition, reminiscent of the Java Edition. With this mod activated, your game will feel like a whole new experience. Explore the various options available in the global resources pack and witness the Java-style interface in action. Create new worlds and… Read More

  • Dronio’s CRAZY Minecraft Random Spawns! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio's CRAZY Minecraft Random Spawns! 😱 #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком спавнится рандомная структура Итак я заспавнился и теперь я вас очень прошу пожалуйста Поставьте лайк и что вы ставите гораздо больше лайков чем я думал Кстати а наша единственная цель – это найти один Алмаз о и вы заспавнил пустынный храм Надеюсь там будет хотя бы один Алмаз Эх К сожалению в сундуках Одна фигня и вы просто посмотрите сколько структур уже заспавнился А это означает что вы продолжаете ставить лайки и вы заспавнил город края там то точно должен быть Алмаз Нет не трогайте меня так открываем сундук и да Алмаз This… Read More

  • Creating Kitchen in Minecraft – Building Tutorial

    Creating Kitchen in Minecraft - Building TutorialVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] for This video, titled ‘Making Kitchen In Minecraft || Building Tutorial || Pakistani gamer || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Pakistani Gamer on 2024-02-09 11:04:41. It has garnered 59 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Making Kitchen In Minecraft || Building Tutorial || Pakistani gamer || #minecraft My Instagram account:- https://www.instagram.com/pkgamer_288?igsh=bzVqZnRpaWx3c3do Video related keywords:- minecraft build tutorial,minecraft building ideas,how to build in minecraft,minecraft build hacks,minecraft shorts build hacks,cool minecraft builds shorts,minecraft build shorts,minecraft tutorial,minecraft building,minecraft shorts building,minecraft kitchen tutorial,minecraft build ideas,let me fix that minecraft,minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable Ender Pearl Trick in Minecraft! 🤯🤑🤯結- MapleSpace

    Unbelievable Ender Pearl Trick in Minecraft! 🤯🤑🤯結- MapleSpaceVideo Information trucos de Minecraft que probablemente no sabías si necesitas ir de una isla a otra con Ender pe y no sabes cómo medirla puedes tirar una bola de nieve ya que esta tiene el mismo recorrido que la Ender peel Así que podrás calcular la distancia a la que debes tirar tu Ender peel This video, titled ‘EL TRUCO PARA NO FALLAR ENDER PEARLS 🤯🤯🤯🤯🎮| TRUCOS DE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MapleSpace on 2024-03-29 02:00:13. It has garnered 11685 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Maple Spaciest Minecraft 🎮🎮 THE… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Iron Golem Vs Zombie 🔥🥵 #Shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Iron Golem Vs Zombie 🔥🥵 #ShortsVideo Information मेरा दिल था केना तूने खेल ऐसा खेला तेरी यार में जाग रात भर बाजी कर चिंगारी सर में बदन में कपड़े ंद This video, titled ‘Minecraft Iron golem Vs champion zombie 🔥🥵#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Raj Rai Gaming on 2023-12-05 13:30:50. It has garnered 2533 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft Iron golem Vs champion zombie 🔥🥵#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft#minecraft #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraft#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts#minecraft#ytshort #firstshortvideo #minecraft #minecraftshorts #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft#firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft#ytshort… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: No Touching WHITE, GREEN, or RED Blocks! 🚫

    INSANE Challenge: No Touching WHITE, GREEN, or RED Blocks! 🚫Video Information Minecraft habe ich darf nicht die Farben von der Flagge von Wales berühen Multiplayer ausstellen [Musik] welerstellen This video, titled ‘Minecraft ABER ich darf NICHT die Farben WEIß GRÜN und ROT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Berühren! ❌️’, was uploaded by MCTiger on 2024-02-22 17:00:43. It has garnered 9356 views and 381 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • LIVE: Insane Minecraft stream 😵 4h sleep challenge! 🚀

    LIVE: Insane Minecraft stream 😵 4h sleep challenge! 🚀Video Information he H H ra br actually wait I literally have the sound effect like on me at all times what am I I could just play it I could just play the let me see how well I can do it hold on [Music] oh oh oh no that’s not you’re not making it through the stream dude I’ll I’ll be fine I’ll be fine right I took I took my meds that should pick me up also had a glass of tea that should wake me up also had a little bit of coke cero that should… Read More

  • Insane PUBG Trio Gameplay with Dicaprio Family

    Insane PUBG Trio Gameplay with Dicaprio FamilyVideo Information yo Welcome back to my channel b sama gu Kal ini Waduh 996 nih subscriber kurang terus nih tapi ngapa guys Sorry banget ini lagi agak sibuk banget dan kita tadi masih ada bug di server jadi kita istirahat dulu guys karena capek banget ngurus server kita main pubg dulu nih sama para Admin let’s [Musik] go [Musik] Aduh live chatnya belum ku ini cuy guys stream sampai subuh kayak [Musik] Git stream sampai [Musik] subuh [Musik] t [Musik] gampang [Musik] ya Buset anjing gede banget eh maksudnya tekatnya guys Apanya gede tuh di anu ya di di… Read More

  • Insane Tips to Overcome Minecraft’s Progression Failures!

    Insane Tips to Overcome Minecraft's Progression Failures!Video Information if you’ve played Minecraft for at least 5 minutes you probably know just how terrible the progression is you get some wood some stone tools get some iron do all that basic stuff make a house get some food find some diamonds go to the nether then after really just a couple hours of game play get to the end and kill the Ender Dragon then what for a lot of players it feels like after you beat the Ender Dragon the game just kind of ends it’s not really over really nothing has changed except you beat… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Crazycraft with ThorneBusch!

    Insane Minecraft Crazycraft with ThorneBusch!Video Information oh [ __ ] about to kill you I like a [ __ ] silverfish oh my God I understand how the bat flying works now you have to spam space bar holy [ __ ] you fly in the air yeah it’s a Ser [Music] like oh [ __ ] so this actually drops another eight scps when he come didn’t realize that I’m at the EMC some [ __ ] iron no cheesy oh B works the same way for mhm all I broke your glass [ __ ] to watch even load finally been loading how do you H how do you EMC you asking the wrong… Read More

  • SmGCraft

    SmGCraftWe are not just a Minecraft server. SmG stands for So many Guns and originally started in March 2010. Games include Minecraft, Valorant, Fortnite, Halo, CS:GO, Overwatch, PUBG, LoL, Roblox, and CoD. Despite your favorite game not being mentioned, it will still be played! A community with over 40k members! Version: 1.15.2 mc.smgclan.net Read More

Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate The Purge Again