Jack Pattillo – Dungeon Jack! Jack & Jackson play Minecraft Dungeons!

Video Information

Hi I’m Jack and I like videogames and I am very shiny tonight welcome everyone it is currently 7:05 p.m. Central Standard Time here on Sunday July 12th 2020 how are you how are you doing this lovely evening a little bit earlier for me which is terrible because seven o’clock is

Already pretty late on my end but I’m a night owl what can I say hi how are you doing I’ve got a very special stream today I’m gonna be streaming I’m playing some minecraft dungeons with my buddy Jackson he’s starting up right now do you want to check him out

You think it’s flannel Jax twitch.tv slash flannel Jax JX highly recommend you can for you to follow both of us at the same time if you want to see his perspective in my perspective it’s a good friend you should absolutely go over follow him and if you can subscribe

To him because he’s awesome throw some bits his way all right but before we get into that let me catch up with all of my beautiful beautiful people here Fenix binary Jack where we dude it’s minecraft dungeons I enjoy playing that and I haven’t played enough of it and I’m

Excited to get back to it and check that out a little bit i Reimer six months ago for i Reimer thank you very much wise man 23 14 months in a row thank you guys appreciate y’all honor 27 how are you doing good seeing you

Cps 243 e 21 months in a row 21 months I’m excited to say I’ll be getting a new tattoo very soon it’s gonna be the Bioshock logo but instead of saying Bioshock it will say would you kindly and the bloody style from the game that’s pretty rad man that’s cool send

Me a photo of that so we made fun of that when you’re done with it I wanna check it out also 21 months thank you very much a big zach vapor may Jack chat in words how are we all tomorrow’s my birthday so it’s great to have a Jack’s

Dream as an early 34th birthday present hey happy early birthday Zack Fila crux a stream at a reasonable hour what is this absurdity great question great question Felix I don’t know Wintermute gifting 5 subs starting off the stream with 5 gift subs thank you very much to that guy in

The back Evan fruit of the doom volt wa tan man 350 and gist Lord thank you guys welcome everyone by the power to be reminded love you Larry we’ll give you one of these by the power of the beer we thank you very much everyone for subbing and re subbing all

That fun stuff smooths have hey Jack mold chat anxious today so I might mostly is lurk but excited to catch on the stream dude take your time relax enjoy put it on a screen have some hot cocoa you don’t think if you want to chat you’re welcome to but it’s okay i lurk

In most of the stuff I do I don’t do a lot of chatting or commenting I’m gonna read it and stuff a couple reasons for that I mean if you do a lot of commenting then people will start trying to get you to comment on things so I usually sit

Back if it’s something like I feel like I need to jump in on I’ll talk about it but also people react differently when they know that hey someone from roosterteeth might be watching me when I’m writing stuff on Reddit so anyway I get it so relax no big deal smooth to

Have love you buddy Kim : thank you very much seven months in a row seven months every whoohoo hey Jack what are we doing minecraft dungeons yes Kim Kunlun we are by the powers to be reminded so uh tonight I’m gonna be I’m gonna have twitch installed on my

Streaming machine I mean I usually just pop up on the website so I’ve got my buddy Jackson he’s uh he’s gonna be streaming as well on his channel and you should absolutely go check him out his twitch TV / flannel jacks make sure I get that spelled correctly

Here then I’ll post it in my chat as well I see I’m gonna have his don’t tell I’m gonna have his stream going up as well oh there he is there he is that handsome gentleman hanging out here so he just started streaming not terribly long ago

Go watch Jackson i misspelled his name Jackson and then link you can have him up there as well if you want check him out he’s a really really good dude and yeah he’s a Canadian guy so you know he’s friendly yeah and anyway so we’re trying to build up his his base over

There he’s a he’s a solid guy there’s a lot of extremes much more consistently than I do which isn’t saying much but I mean he does and he’s good good guy he’s a good friend of mine he was a figure skater he’s to skate for disney on ice

And then with all those Kovach stuff they’re sort of companies sort of wrapped for now they’re on all furloughed and whatnot and so he’s uh he’s currently working some stuff up in Canada and he’s streaming so yeah anyway good buddy of mine he’s got good beard and he’s

Wearing flannel of course so anyway CPSU for three how high can an AV Tech count to testing one to get it to testing one two got it I missed it I missed the joke there Corvus the Luna 25 months from oh hey Jack I’m happy it’s been two years I

Hope for many more I’ll be deeming my first D&D campaign soon as persona themed hope hope for no TPK loll much love not on the first game not on the first condoning to murder all those people in the first game maybe the future by the powers be reminded thank you very much anyway

Yeah we’ll see here what what is Casa vara saying oh yeah a Canadian you’ve been replaced oh that’s right cause far as Canadian that’s okay Casa he’s much cooler than you he was a figure skater and a hockey player I don’t know maybe you were a figure skater hockey player

Before uh let’s see here’s a car wire heart hey Jack your beard is getting salted peppery and trimming plans they’re on just living with it Wow okay and trimming plans they’re on just living with it okay I think I got that any any trimming plans there or just

Living with it I’m assuming is what you meant to say either way looking forward to seeing this game in action more gray I’ve actually cleaned up I’ve trimmed my beard down once since the stay-at-home stuff happened so I brought it down pretty close because it was getting hot

It’s honestly so hot in Texas right now in my hair is getting just out of control look at look at that crap look at this it’s beyond my nose I can almost put it in my mouth that’s how long it’s getting so anyway my hair is out of out

Of control it’s way too long it’s getting curly it’s so silly so silly I don’t like it but I’m not gonna go get my hair cut yet so anyway uh what’s here el fuego thirteen thirteen twelve months in a row subjects up el fuego thank you very much happy one-year anniversary el

Fuego cps two for three gifted five subs too sweet nyow tingu stormy rata wave of babies nickel on 85 in Duvalier you thank you guys welcome everyone can’t pay that forward you know it’ll be great we can pay it forward if you can’t you know spread spread love um

Fold that’ll pander to subscribe with Amazon Prime brandy worden right there don’t forget if you’ve got Amazon Prime you’ve got twitch prime which means get a free subscriber a free subscription to a streamer of your choice you can use it on me if you want but you don’t have to

Just set an alarm on your phone and go use it like because it comes up every month you have to manually don’t want someone I would recommend go check it out flail jacks good buddy mine he’s an awesome dude I’m gonna be playing some minecraft then tonight he could use the

Love Billy crux so it’s time to shave it off again right no no that never get shaved off trimmed yes shave no she be a Serb 24 months in a row two years woohoo have fun with Minecraft on just Thank You TV a sir appreciate you happy two years

Show your new badge and DT vagabond brand new prime Ward CDT was like oh I’ve got Amazon Prime I’ve got twitch Prime I can use my prime thingy there you go alright by the powers be reminded love you guys alright let’s let’s see if we can get Siva Jackson in on this you

Know I might play with headphones tonight just cuz the sound mix is gonna be a bit funky with over the over what is this or is the stuff that I use speakers somebody be talking with him anyway alright I’m gonna let him know that I’m

Good yeah what Jimmy gifted a sub – I have a plans thank you very much Wintermute welcome I have a plans it’s good to have you here ultimate X 13 15 months at a rebel of you Jack I’m going through some tough times right now family stuff so I just want to say

Thanks to both you and the rest of a cheap monitor for keeping a smile on my face throughout it all and I’m glad you’re here I’m glad you’re here we all love you we have a good awesome loving family here with the wardens and I hope you find

Some find some comfort with all your friends here so love you take care of yourself Ultimax alright by the powers be Rabbani alright let’s do this I’m gonna I’m gonna undef and myself start talking Jackson hello can you hear me he’s not there I’m gonna start moving

Around the game you get this going we’ll say to the wrong clock eight will say 855 what is up everyone I’m here I’m playing some minecraft dungeons with my buddy Jackson who I don’t know if he can hear me just yet but I he’s still there he is

Hey what’s up dude it’s good hearing from you absolutely I’m trying to it’s really really hot though that’s the one issue but other than that everything is pretty solid I want to make sure that my chat can hear you quite well sure sure okay I turned you up a little

Bit more see if that works alright Mic Check Mic Check you actually might be a little loud now oh no okay so uh Jackson tailed my beautiful or at first of all hi Jackson stream how are you guys doing good seeing a good meeting you and well I’m sorry

No no Canadians are much nicer than anything that we’re doing right now anyway Jackson you and I met what about God five years ago more than that so Jackson was he was skating for Disney on Ice and he was coming through town and I use like he messaged I thought someone I

Think Kayla but Achievement Hunter and he was like hey first contact yeah he was like hey I’ve you know I know some of you guys have kids and some of you guys like Disney I’m part of this Disney on Ice thing coming through town coming through your area you gonna come see it

Let me know I’ll get some tickets and you know maybe we can go backstage like meet some people and it’s like alright cool and so Katie and I winced and some other people were like Geoff and Millie were there a few other people and and so

We go and watch the show our tickets are there we go watch the show and then after the show is over we go backstage like we go it like he’s like hey meet us at this door and I’d never seen it before this point he’s like me to sit

Like meet at this one door here and you’ll fill out some paperwork and then I can get to take you backstage like okay so we go backstage and we say our names in this this big security guard like guy like hands of some boards and we fill out the paperwork and stuff and

Is this you knows big hulking dude and then if he takes information goes oh yeah hi I’m Jackson by the way it was like wait what it’s like you are not the person I was expecting to see and yeah so anyway but then yeah you were in like

Clean-shaven and look really good it was like a good dude gave us a tour and then we became good buddies and so yeah so now you’re now you’re playing Minecraft so that’s exciting I don’t know if you’ve heard of oh yeah I’ve heard of something else so I’ve been home for a

While and this was another way for me to continue to entertain and be a part of a community so that’s just kind of what we’re doing over on our side just trying to build up a good group of people and it’s it’s been really successful so far

Nice everyone that uh that we’ve brought in has been really really fantastic lots of good people nice well yeah it’s been fun and I’m I’m excited to play some games with you actually I mean I am excited to play this again cuz this was something that I was digging and had a

Lot of fun when we were playing it then we get to kind of stop because that’s how we roll we just sort of start playing stuff and then kind of drift away from it so do you want to do redstone minds or cacti Canyon Oh cacti Canyon just get calls to me I

Don’t know what it is about that okay yeah or a default difficulty some for me so how’s it up in Canada I know you guys won’t let us come to your across your border now I think there’s a lot of other countries that were also like no

America yeah because like I have a lot of friends in the States I’ve spent I spent nine years touring with Disney on Ice right so in that time a lot of our cast members were were American and then a lot of the people I kind of met along

The way we’re also American so I had plans to just go down and be like hey let’s hang out and nope yeah no deal so it’s been okay though we’re staying pretty safe it’s it’s an interesting time for sure yeah very very interesting time oh geez nothing explodes I checked

The dynamite it bounced back okay says he’s hard I’m plating why neither of I so I’m gonna definitely take some time to remember things yeah Wow okay I’m almost dead I don’t you’ll up a little bit here yeah it’s it’s been pretty well actually I read an article is like showing off

Where like where Americans can visit right now and it’s like three countries like it is yeah it’s wild how how many like how many countries have banned us so far I mean it makes sense like I mean we’ve been dumb about it right yeah

See you what are some more oh my yeah I leveled up actually I thought I was dead and actually leveled up what is my head attack oh it’s a little totem oh it’s a healing totem oh okay yeah all right that’s nifty what else do I have I’ve

Got a pretty sweet bow actually TNT catch I like that very nice little baby burn here yeah it’s certainly it’s it’s not been fun man I do you know what more than anything like I miss theme parks a lot yeah like I miss traveling like I

Could imagine you I mean you travel more than I do and I travel a lot yeah I know you’re like yeah and now you’re stuck like is that yeah are you going through withdrawals of not being anywhere I just have this sense of I’ve been so

No nomadic right I haven’t sat still for the longest time it’s been nine years and basically for 10 to 11 months out of the year we were touring and we were in a different city each week sometimes a different country each week and now to sit home and stay still for any amount

Of time just feel so far and it’s yeah it’s a million I mean that’s and I know people my chatters saying well Disney Open yesterday’s like yes but I am NOT gonna go to Disney right now like was like 15,000 cases or something like that in in Florida or something it’s

It’s bonkers how bad it is another Disney on Ice isn’t necessarily a Disney owned company so it’s owned by a company called Feld Entertainment that basically leases the rights to Disney on Ice and is able to put on their live shows so while Disney is opening up Feld

Entertainment has still not made those notions yeah so so you’re not necessarily like I mean you’reyou’re currently out of a job just due to timing stuff but it might come back right I mean it might be there yours it’s feeling less and less likely unfortunately a major there’s been a lot

Of the thing is all of its talked to like not a ton of it has been clear communication a lot of it’s rumors okay so what we’re hearing is with the way that everything happened we’ll likely have to come back in a limited capacity so whereas we were just running nine

Disney on Ice shows around the world yeah it seems like we’ll come back with maybe two oh wow okay which is a little bit problematic because I was a hockey player before so if they’re gonna take 450 cast members and Whittle it down to 90 mm it doesn’t necessarily mean I make

The cut yeah yeah so it is a challenge in that sense you have some seniority though maybe like I do nine years is the longest of a lot of different people that I’ve seen and I’ve kind of run the gambit like I didn’t come in and was

Terrible and stayed bad really hard and got a lot better to a point where I was able to understand Prince Hans of the Southern Isles which was like a big big moment because it’s not just acting or performance right it’s also this level of ability in figure skating so yeah the

Fact that I brought that up enough to impress people was was a pretty big moment and I could I I I’m a duck footed so I can’t I can’t do anything like that I can’t figure skating I can’t rollerblade and I can’t skate yeah it’s

Because well I mentioned it to my to my chat as well before we started that the last time I was in Texas we were talking about how I wanted you to come out for and go figure skating the next batter just skating in general the next time

I’m in in town you said you were very opposed I mean like I would do it it’s just it would I would not do well that’s the problem yeah I just pushed in what’d you do that for I ran out of arrows was the main issue okay yeah

Knight will hurt you Oh God hang on Knight is here oh wow you’re doing great Ryan oh god I’m very close to death now I think it was irresponsible of me to dive in like that okay alright we’re good now we’re back I still don’t have arrows okay there we go

I killed those guys what is oh I forgot I had my healing totem I probably should have used that oh yeah I forgot to also what did I pick up here I have a level 23 that’s what I have already fishing rod don’t really need that a hunting bow

Pets attack targeted mob that’s cool man I got crap I got nothing here this sucks you got enough na a little bit a little bit also if you sell old stuff it gives you back like your upgrade points yeah that’s that’s actually pretty cool I do

Dig that many games at all yeah that’s the kind of thing works like a fuse like I feel like well yeah I’m gonna lose that and then that’s gone forever so I hoard them like a dragon with gold yeah this Marilyn I guess I got so I guess is

Is I can open this – no nice so we is loot not instanced are we sharing loot I mean I saw you open it in more arrows and bread came out and then you pick them up so I think I think we are sharing that’s lame but we did get to

Two opportunities to open but I guess that might mean gear is something that we can steal from each other like if you grab see I got all those those all went to me okay they went to me as well so you’re not so maybe certain things are certain things aren’t hmm I’m getting

These souls to I don’t know what that means neither do I hmm I have an item that is Souls II when used the harvester releases Souls in an explosion so maybe you also are collecting them just because I don’t mind me just roll out just roll right up the side back I’m

Back hello yeah my I meant to uh not roll off than up I’ve been trapped this way oh that really hurt alright yeah I played this on a stream right when it came out and I really liked it like I I love to Diablo style game yeah I played

A ton of it and this one has just such a interesting it like dynamic to it it’s cool oh my yes definitely like like Diablo light you know like Diablo jr. yeah yeah and I dig it I like it I like that to power the beacons alright let’s do this alright

Oh an enchanted cow why you what I’m like mousing over something it says enchanted cow or maybe yeah I don’t know no he’s over here it’s here like a mini boss I don’t know this I don’t know that I want to fight him I don’t know what he

Does have double damage fire tail and he’s quick I don’t think there’s any benefit to us fighting him is there no I’m think so there’s another one okay yeah there’s a whole gang with special cows all right I’m gonna like this one up oh you did it got it

I’m trying really hard not to fight these cows oh I think we’re fighting cows I don’t think they were Ches I threw dynamite I should have told you first that’s okay I’m not going to count a psychopath like you can hit them and they just don’t care all right and also

Their fire doesn’t burn us oh it doesn’t know so maybe they’re friendly cows maybe they’ll their fire burns I guess it is interesting that’s pretty rad okay do we want to continue across the bridge no it doesn’t look like we really need to let’s see here well we got two more

Beacons we gotta get over here oh yeah okay yeah uno mas this way we have Ellen Rose who hopped in the chat to say she got she woke up in the middle of the night and just wanted to pop in and say hi oh hello Ellen Rosie that is the lovely

Last one lit up the cab oh well you one more beacon ya back I guess where we started this way maybe yeah because this your bat friend or my bat friend this is your bat friend yeah it’s following me a bad friend I don’t know interests you though yeah I

Don’t mind there was a when I started I was really eager to bring in all of any summonable animal that was my build so I was like let’s get a llama and three wolves let’s do it so someone in my chat is saying kill the

Cows should we I don’t know is it like a lewd opportunity because that’s enough for me that’s what it normally does it okay apples I got an apple and seem to really do much hmm cows moving alright I mean your call I killed one you can kill the other one if

You want to you know I’m passive today I’m gonna say hi to my channel quick bareback sure you playing them okay thank you very much let’s see here knee op effects thinking run much 17 months rope we can hear him thank you Niall effects allele in W thank you for those

Bits my sister is gonna give me some Katie’s candles right birthday I can’t wait awesome what we’re just about to restock Ally so keep an eye on that Peter Hayes 17 months Roche Jack what are Jack are we doing what yes Peter Hayes love you del underscore two months

In row 23 total who Jack and minecraft dungeons next month or is our two anniversary what are you getting me jack money to a lovely stream del missing no thoughts on doing Eve online stream fleeta I have to imagine at least a number of us willing to do a roam with

You as our fleet commander someday that could be fun actually possibly and see t-rex 144 months in a row how’s it going Jack hope we having a good day thank Charlie entertainment while the world burns down absolutely by the power to be rebounded thank you guys I’m back

How you do gyms alright trying to catch up on my chat there’s a little gap over here ooh little secrets we haven’t found any hidden chests yet I’m terrible about that I don’t yeah I played it for the first couple of times and then realized I saw articles that

Were like hey there’s all these secret things and I was like oh I was not attuned to that at all yeah I’m pretty bad about it my harp bow here do those armor guys are brutal yeah I guess one of my my items is uh like an

Armor boost for us thanks again to a hack-and-slash moment I’ll just try and stay on top of that and uh oh Jesus oh okay skeleton horseman oh wow and they hurt they hurt when they hit you well don’t let them hit you yeah oh wow make quick work of them though all right

Let’s see here dude hi is there a loot pig in there I’ve got like a explosion tome or something cool do you need that Apple I’m good again don’t do that it’s not getting hit yeah yeah also don’t roll off cliffs Oh supplies here one thanks hey no problem are you playing

With a controller or on a mouse and keyboard yeah I am how you find that bad not bad I mean this is this very much Diablo light so it’s not like there’s a lot of intense usage of mouse and keyboard kind of stuff so fair point

No see if there’s I think arrows again I I’m running low actually I should oh man come here all right go get them yeah Maya attack is pretty weak right now Thank You PAC monster for the bits can you do me a favor and ask Jackson do you

Know what a do you know what a but for what’s a but for what’s up but for for pooping silly yep well done thank you there’s some arrows on my side you can grab those of you on I’m gonna grab those arrows but I guess I’ll probably

Pop this over there you know there’s the match so you you can grab that I have more than you right now as well how can you see oh yeah look at that okay I can see yeah I thought it was like your level number so that’s why I was asking

What left me or when we started we’re like 53 yes do all the murders allele insist you have a favorite candle recommend I personally like birch infer and volcano those my favorites yeah so Katie Katie and I’ve been making candles like last two weeks so she’s got

A bunch incoming like she’s about to restock her whole store and I’m gonna have to get on some of those dude she’s got one called library that’s really really good she also has patchouli and owed wood which I don’t know what the hell that was but it’s actually really

Really nice I like that that’ll be coming see she’s got it but she’s got some smaller runs of newer sense to see if people like them and then and yeah and then some classics that are like birch and fir volcano vanilla those are all coming back and so survived the

Ambush how did you kick off an ambush follows over here tonight I’m kicked off a little bit I found some new armor was that you oh that’s a power that’s a supercharged creeper oh okay I threw it through it’s antique I like that you said it after you threw it well the key

Here yeah where I set off the ambush is where that key where we pick up that key all the keys in there double back the way we came all right let me kill this creeper let me let me take a look at my arm Rex I think

Picked up something you know sure sure I’ll keep you alive in that time level twenty four eight crap um I got good armor but I’m switching out my boat is something weaker just because it’s got better things I’m gonna cook up some this stuff okay masters bow so slower

But it’s powerful I kind of like this has a bunch of different shots though your bow currently yeah it’s it’s it’s a like a heart bow or something and it does like a spread effects actually pretty nice okay heal up yo huh stir oh my goodness I don’t even know anymore

That’s our big boy there we go Oh Dini there this is sweet ocean though it’s strength I thought it was help here’s the key yeah there’s that key can you break any of these oh it’s got a face little legs in a face whoa I don’t

Know if I like that more or less yeah hold on what’s that screaming oh that’s right no no secrets no secrets dang it I’ll find some secrets hmm also bugs me that the archer shoot through stuff it’s like you should be able we can’t oh yeah that busted by rocks

Yeah well I’m saying like that you can shoot through their own teammates and whatnot you know it’s like okay alright I really like this bow the longer I charge it up yeah the bigger the arrow is once I actually shoot it nice alright here’s an this is a gold key here yeah I

Think the blue ones down behind us okay I’m gonna take both these button those can go for it I see you have a pen – alright this looks like it’ll be chaotic I don’t have the key anymore where’d the key go did he jump off of me

Did he run away I don’t see what the key wins oh he’s over here yeah he’s running away genuinely all right oh you got attacked him I feel bad now I beat him into submission to take him over here gos world Jones thank you very much 24

Months in a row just came to mention Katie’s candles they’re all out of stock at the moment you know when they’ll be ready to order very soon I promise probably well she’s waiting on some actually some like paper stuff like stuff that goes inside of the

The candles but once she gets that and then then they’re all good all the candles are now done which is pretty cool our house smells really really nice I bet yeah I have so many arrows everything over here before we advance maybe go let’s do this creeper oh really

Laughter the guy passed me maybe he meets shielded gold key I got it Adam oh God guys alright there’s some hell for you perfect husk spin nice okay Oh where’d he go oh I think I rolled and he jumped off of me Oh baby there we go all right everyone be dead

It was supplies here thank you I I keep trying to okay that’s uh it’s below one of my item buttons and it keeps going off yeah excuses excuses I got big fat fingers and only nine of them more we use the chest back here we did look at

The minimum gives us the icon good job almost just rolled off than that it was like here somewhere I’ll may have gone away huh was it timed I don’t know but it’s not on the map anymore they missed an opportunity that seems like a big one gone invisible I’m a ninja

You see his chest anywhere I don’t okay I saw the icon on screen for a second too weird alright let’s yeah bizarre we shall advance audio if you go all the way back around I think we go up around this way well I heard good sounds I keep hearing

Things too opening no no we’re just gonna run around with TNT for a minute terrible terrible terrible that’s okay yeah we’ve been making a lot of candles this would I know we would have just been past r-tx Katie was planning on making just a boatload of candles for

RTX throw yeah and yeah but unfortunately without r-tx happening at least not not in person it’s a delayed take it man yeah what’s ours how you feeling about all that I mean that’s such a big moment I mean I come down every year to hang out with you guys at r-tx

I know it’s I mean it’s it’s a blast we also we always have like a post RTX a little a little gathering as well which I’m gonna miss out on out and yeah but uh but yeah it’s uh I mean it’s it sucks obviously like we love seeing

Everyone in person and like that’s getting to interact with people directly is my favorite thing I got to do that’s why I love like you know H lives and let’s play lives and r-tx because like that’s when I’m so fast right now like that’s that’s when we get actually available get responses because

Most of the times just like us in our own rooms or and like in our achievement our office is trying to make each other laugh but we actually have a crowd there that can like react to you and respond like that’s the best then like you know

What it’s like playing to a crowd as opposed to playing to this like an empty house makes all the difference right so not only do you get that immediate feedback to know that what you’re doing is entertaining and and but just the energy you get off of a live audience

I’m in the pool I get in and do not okay that’s okay they’re digging deep but not deep enough yeah I mean like that there’s there’s a thrill to playing to an audience that you just don’t get with the yeah yeah I mean I went down to let’s play live in

LA as well to hang out with you guys yeah saw the one for RTX was that last year the year before we’ve done it before our teams like three years in a row now I think okay yeah I didn’t make it last year because I flew out to Asia

That’s right to Japan the weekend that that you guys had r-tx which was a I mean I love him to pan it’s my favorite place in the world but missing art CX that’s like a once in a once a year once every other year that I get to make it so

Oh here we go murder him survived the ambush oh god that’s a lot of oh wow that really hurt that was quick too but yeah those lot like the live audiences that it lets play live it’s unbelievable it’s so cool to see the sponsors from everyone on big screens

That’s just so fantastic man I’m heartbroken for you guys that you can’t do that right now as well we also have such a great audience like arc our audience is so friendly and so positive and like hearing them feed off of what we’re doing is just so much fun and it

Makes the show so much better because of it yeah I love hosting myself so any opportunity to see someone else do it and do it so well it’s just fantastic like the first RTX I went to we went and played what is it geeks who drink

Yeah it was your buddy who hosted yeah and he was a fantastic host – anytime I see someone who hosts well I go out of my way and like I don’t I’m a little socially awkward at times I don’t approach strangers but if someone is hosting something and they’re doing a

Good job I’ll go to my quick just to be like you’re fantastic at this and I just want you to make sure you know yeah yeah it’s so it’s always nice to hear that – when like like you do something for so long as like it when someone recognized

Like oh that’s actually not an easy thing that you’re doing like yeah you know that’s it’s very cool be like oh yeah okay I know this game that you’re playing right now there’s like a secret area over here somewhere I’m on it maybe up to it oh nice this could be my first

Secret in this game there’s something that’s just gyms that’s it really no come on yeah was it I guess soon horizonte’ 12 think very much 19 months in a row preciate you or some king of anime thanks recommending Jackson he’s a blast and I became a

Regular in his chat oh thank you oh yeah Kings over here all the time actually last Friday was King’s birthday he threw a birthday party for so we had some pizza nice come hang out and then we sallied is his birthday that way it was cool sweets

Fullmetal panda i’m sorry to step away to get my girls the bed didn’t answer my question earlier fullmetal panda what did you ask you asked I don’t I think I must have missed it what did you ask fullmetal panda I’m looking now let me just scroll back and see if I spot

Anything the animations opening opening chests are really really cool I like that a lot yeah I got wonderful wheat wheat so much wheat it’s common the item has a faint smell an open field baked bread and freshly cut crops what does that do I have a wind horn pushes enemies away

From you and slows them briefly it is not that oh it’s someone’s a llama to aid me in battle there it is team llama alright alright I’ll take that a lot let me see what else can I upgrade my hunting boat can upgrade the hunting bow

If I want to can I do more on this oh yeah these weak ones out of the way I got like a fancy ass boat I’ve got a master’s bow I can enchant two it’s got two enchantments on it thanks umm I might try that instead can I take off

Enchantments no I can’t okay but I can just cook it I tried this maybe I’ll put that there yeah you were saying I remember when I played last time you hopped in on on chat and said that lute scales to your your current item level is that right I think

So I think like that FV right the more you’re like decked out so like right now my lowest things like a level 19 is actually holding me back okay all right I’m gonna I’m gonna try this I’m gonna swap that and see what happens here enchantment and I guess we can’t share

Or trade items at all can no okay we rush near after shooting I was pretty sweet all right extra to ricochet off mom’s okay that growing as well I’m gonna salvage this and get all my stuff that’s right there’s blacksmith we could buy stuff oh but it’s all random interesting interesting

Well okay I probably should have done that before I started doing other stuff like be able to see what is it what do you got random artifact will wind Horning rod what do right now I think like accident is an arrow or something uh let’s he pulls the closest mob in range

To your position and stuns him pushes them away interesting I don’t know that I really want that I usually like to keep things further from me yeah well I have a wind horn which is the wind horn echoes throughout the force with the over all the creatures of the night

Tremble with fear it pushes enemies away from you and slows them briefly that’s no you know what I have that too maybe i combo like pull in push away like what are you doing confused I think one cat’s confusion on them all right I was gonna answer that

That’s the question and I want to spam the jack I was wondering if there’s a way to ask you some questions for school sure full metal pan to email me Jack likes things at gmail.com that’s the way to get ahold of me if you want if you

Want to ask questions and stuff so Jack likes things at gmail.com yeah we have a few people in my chat over here saying that speaking in front of an audience is difficult and paying some homage and and appreciation to those that do it well yeah that’s certainly true yeah it’s not

Easy well part of my job too was what’s PR right so I’d have to be on these interviews for TV radio sometimes we did blogs sometimes we did newspapers and I got to a point where I was training other people to do that nice so I was

Going through and sitting down with them and being like okay well this is kind of the approach you want to take consider these things and yeah there are some people that just really really don’t like to be in front of an audience like that which is so strange because they’re

Skating performing in front of eight to twelve thousand people every night when you put them in front of a camera with like a cameraman in a news anchor and that’s it for them they shut down yeah it’s it’s funny like it’s it’s it’s such a weird talent to be able to like

Perform in front of a crowd and not get intimidated by it heavy crossbow don’t need you but yeah it’s but it’s funny because like actually I learned mine from from Disney I mean I was working at Disney World yeah all right I’m all good I’m ready to

Go you keep using your tome of regeneration no I’ll see what do I have I’ve got wonderful wheat so I got a llama I’ve got a harvester which when you use the harsher releases Souls an explosion oh that’s what it is okay so it flex solos okay yeah cool and

Then it blows up all right and then I’m yeah I’ve got my totem of Regent as well yes I do I still have that and I also have a new new bow which we’ll see looks kind of cool I guess yeah anyway but it has piercing other things anyway good

All right look we’ll see redstone mines or dozen all the other the redstone mines this time cool uh yeah team power your power says recommended power 22 we are 21 but we should we should be able to pick it up pretty close no nice yeah all right I like that

Uh let’s see here whisky wolf 15 brand new Warren think very much cam chin as well three months four oh thank you for being a bright light in dark times thank you for that Sant Rocca three months in a row appreciate you or a sonic nineteen

Months in a row as well by the power of the beaver bonnet thank you guys okay so whose bat is that is that your bat is on my bad I guess it is my bad I have genuinely no idea llama where it came from it’s nowhere in is it one of my weapons

No oh yeah my armor gives me a pet bat that’s cool cool there you go you weren’t even paying attention to it I wasn’t I didn’t give him enough credit mm Wow okay that hits pretty hard Wow yeah just one shot everything I’ll get an achievement could Shing collect a

Total 1000 mineral emeralds achievable oh speaking of achievements I was I tuned in in time to watch you finish every achievement in Minecraft oh man and that’s probably the most ridiculous gaming achievement I’ve ever seen it’s it’s not easy say the least yeah oh yeah yeah that was pretty wild and now this

Since I’ve done that they’ve actually added more achievements yeah they’ve added four new ones three of which are pretty easy to get apparently but one’s a little bit more tricky ow they’re all involving this new stuff on ER oh no with a spawner oh wow Oh where’s

My I want only Souls I need Souls give me my soul are you taking my souls I think we split souls I have some Souls oh I was hitting the wrong button that’s a big chest over there what were we saying I get distracted oh yeah treatments yeah it’s uh it’s

Apparently the ones that they’re not terribly difficult I am gonna go back and finish up all the achievements though so I will I will get them at some point a lot of people been asking about it this long is not doing crap where’s Lama that’s right all right let’s pop

This chest yeah I got an achievement find and open your first fancy treasure chest oh okay so that popped out different weapons because you picked up a dagger it says yeah I think a dagger a rapid crossbow so I guess we get our own stuff all right so interesting I guess

That’s a little better than what I have now although okay I don’t mean let me cook this up real quick put some enchantments on it change this mr. Eko okay it’s okay I might explode there am I gonna blow up I’m trying to oh there’s an enchanted creeper oh great

Llama is very bravely facing him down alone I only have seven arrows again okay there’s a few enchanted creepers over here great yeah not great oh I hit the wall oh that hurt all right we’re uh my totem down here little Gila oh I got some armor I got a

New armor wolf armor nice oh the work wolf armor it looks really cool sorry the work worth over a worth larva okay I’m gonna swap that out I’ll mess with my in shame it’s later yeah oops yeah actually I’m gonna do that now since I got a little bit of time give your

Protect food reserves whenever using a healing potion oh that’s cool random food items fire trail just cool down yeah cool down as good and food items so what have you done I started a fight with a creeper forgot I didn’t have any arrows how you out of barrows I use them

All the time I really wish I was an archer in real life actually you met I think you met Merida the first time you came out to it is now and I showed him oh yeah that sounds right most famous of archers yes I suck your arrows sorry

Okay try not to throw this TNT until I need to all right I’m gonna pay attention so that I don’t immediately walk into it eat all right I have some arrows now there’s a chest back here that I popped open I don’t know if oh yeah you know supplies you would come

Over here and get more churchy there’s more arrows for you thank you teamwork I’ll take the bread are we free villagers Oh get out of there buddy you’re safe now freedom Jim what’s your take don’t worry we’re safe the minecarts can hurt you yeah I’m hurting myself a lot more than

I’d like to be oh man we have accordion chat jack Jordi’s our mod and he earned that position because he came to the first like three or four streams she kept the most ridiculous stats ever nice random things as we were playing and he kept track

I think the first stream he had four pages of notes requested it so he’s definitely earned his key it’s a bit wild I respect that though I think one of the stats was how many times we requested stats as well nice okay that’s good yeah yeah gotta have the in-depth

Stuff I got new daggers a wave leading on them that’s nice 300% increase chance for mobs to drop cool and drop and creepers from a distance from a distance roots little spiders okay did that spider explode oh I hope you didn’t know that’s okay I’m good okay

Good I’m gonna Chuck a TNT add a creeper it feels right there’s a cave I don’t mean these guys are bad did it poison overtime they well if it’s anything like the actual game like they just hit harder right these daggers are fast which is really lucky there’s marrows

For you yes I have more than you now so if you need anything you let me know I won’t feel bad if I take some yeah myself yeah and world some of us were uh worst casas data logs true yeah Casa come on where were you keeping track of

Everything that’s fine see how it is salmon like mice okay actually let’s go down cuz there’s a like there’s another path over here that might have some stuff secrets in there oh no Aayla this may be this looks good I’m sneaky sneaky sneaky right in the

Middle oh man that was a power play oh we got a weld-on oh my god okay we’re good Oh give me all the souls oh man uber myth nineteen months in row thank you very much uber may appreciate you by the powers to be rebounded thank you very much

Oh okay let’s get back to it who do you do you know who your longest running sub is uh there are a few people that I think of 51 months and that would be right when I started that’s wild right day one I need to go back and re-watch

My my first streams and track down how far you’ve come yeah man it’s I still watch it oh sorry I tell people psychic streaming is such a different beast like doing stuff solo especially is so unique and so different than anything else I mean like it took

Me a long time to get decent at this because you have to be able to talk to no one Oh Pig I killed it got spelunker that’s probably guy he’s probably looting on it I imagine yeah yeah because you have to be able to talk to yourself and keep it interesting and

That is not easy it is really not yeah I rely on my my chats always great for that I mean they’re all super kind people yeah and very willing to share their personal life yes yes oh we talked about stuff it’s cool I’ve had someone come in and we’re fighting in a poker

I’ve had someone come in and then partway through the stream he goes hey do you have any advice for anyone who’s been friend-zoned it then I went yeah let’s talk about him and then it became like a everyone was popping in with advice it’s really cool I feel bad about that got

Him good job thanks you drop some TNT I got a new crossbow thank you go through your stuff you all gonna see I’m safe missingno think we’re much we’re not no one oh wait who said that oh you it like too early people like what’s I’m

Confused and it’s a you’re not no one I love everyone equally oh I’ll do it my turn excuse me there we go all rights down all right now I have enough Souls Oh what would you do these big guys with the axes come in they hit hard yeah this

Game is very forgiving I see what you’re saying about it being like a little light yeah because it uh like if I shoot an arrow at someone but you killed them in the process it just changes targets and shoots someone else yeah it’s pretty kind oh I leveled up it’s definitely nice you

Know like this would be a game I would enjoy playing with like my nephews you know it’s like yeah this is I mean it’s a lot of just kind of blood mashing you know there’s not a whole lot to it but still like it’s a lot of fun yeah where

The baddies oh I’ll stay back catch sorry villager a little pace but yeah no worse for wear oh that’s bad very bad we got a something a rare gem er you jerk alright priest is down there’s bread here if you I just maxed out some good perfect so how did I there’s something

Back here that we looked over here already I can’t believe we haven’t found any like secret rooms yet right that’s what I’m all about I want the secrets yeah artistic arithmetic arithmetic I’m not sure to say hey Jack long time machine her fan I love this game so much me too it’s a

Pretty fun game I’m playing it nearly enough I’m down to play endlessly honestly it’s like especially on stream most of the games we play are stressful yeah really stressful games like I led love dead by daylight but that keeps my heart rate so well I’m so stressed most

Of the time so this one is like really nice and laid back but not super easy it’s still a challenge right yeah yeah I think it’s a great balance it’s fun game to play a lot of people to you oh oh you’ve got it you got it I’m gonna throw

It yeah stay back see I did it before this time nice I saw you and I we both saw two you two you both ran like oh yeah oh yeah we both use that one yes not totally intentional nice to mine down to so many things

All right no one’s down oh wow that went really well a lot of death there Aloha honor everyone here was our everyone here was there for me all the way through the finalization by my divorce so chat is definitely helpful and awesome yeah absolutely that’s it’s it’s

I like to think that we’ve built up a very very awesome community here full of really positive loving people yeah well my mom is gone realize that no bring back oh my okay watch out my cart I got an achievement break the spell defeat if 50 enchanted

Moms nice oh oh I’m down oh I got surrounded and died honor can I heal you or sorry revive you I think you can I can also get myself up I think okay hold on I’m coming to get you oh I’ve made a mistake I made a tactical error okay

There we go yeah there were a lot of bad guys they’re coming to save you okay we’re back where we going all right let’s be a little bit more careful this time yeah Obama Obama there we go there we go okay oh I got that he’ll oh my okay I don’t

Know how many souls we need to be able to blast that thing but it’s really helpful yeah that explosions pretty rad oh oh I really need some house some gyms I’m all full on health right now one wrong dude thank you for everything that you do inside and outside of Rooster

Teeth aniseed maja you’ve inspired me for months No thank you very much one long view that’s very nice me to say by the powers be rebound appreciate you do you have a name for your subscribers are they Tartans or something like that one of the people who’ve been here from

The beginning suggested the the plan old family nice oh my how did you how did everyone become the wardens I think I mean though so Katie’s last name is Ward and then kind of rolling off that I don’t know exactly where it came from but it was like all right sort of based

Off that I forget who threw that out as an idea but uh yeah kind of stuck and we liked it yeah because it was the wardens of the petit Leon like that was the the name of our kingdom I like that so alright do you think golem or golem I

Say golem well he’s got a lot of interesting I’m hurting Oh watch don’t stand in fire you know like video games and oh okay all those things explode hurt they sure do I’m just gonna keep his aggro for now I died you know I almost got you up that’s okay

Just stay alive hang on hang on I’m trying to get believe in you fight myeloma Wow oh yeah it’s fighting a lot oh okay just got you up all right cool oh well I am very hurt oh we got him Wow all right nice I’ll throw down this

As well we’ll heal up and I’ll throw this double it up oh there we go oh I was dumb I healed up and then drop bread and picked up the bread I was already full it’s mark okay Kaggle is our tag alixus I’ve made a mistake jack this is

Where he knew he messed up yes that was exactly it oh that’s the end right there okay there’s gotta be great it looks like this way no just this there’s something back over here did we hmm how are you missing all of the secrets nothing over here cuz there’s like

Hidden there’s like multiple hidden chests and like every map and every map all right Gollum is two L’s Gollum is one L okay I got you that’s a golem so one elements two outs gotcha gotcha nice what I always do this MLA or me what is it it’s men melee yeah melee

Okay that’s what I say too when I remember too I’m gonna talk to my job two seconds be right back yeah no problem I totally muted him all this talking anyway hey what’s up chick gifted five sub sorry missed that from before to sauce pitous cher bears to reign 0:22 oh

Mac one in wolf tech three five nine thank you very much appreciate you may Thor well thirty months in a row thank you very much made by the power to be think you may appreciate you and yeah I think we’re all caught up alright that’s good

Thank you very much love you guys also you guys make sure to go follow Jackson flannel Jax on Twitch it’s good dude and yeah you should follow his stuff yeah I like him a lot he’s good guy alright I’m back I think he’s muted me now so that’s okay

It must be nice there he is now we got a hundred percent chest open so I guess we get all the chests alright I’m looking at the stats there I got fireworks so I got a new harvester went off without fireworks what uh well I mean

There were still fireworks not not in my house I I mean we weren’t launching our fireworks but uh certain rank people were alright yeah we heard some but there was no official stuff everyone was meant to to stay in but I don’t know that it happened yeah I think I think

More people were shooting off fireworks than normal this year because sorry well I think you know there weren’t any like you know there weren’t any big events or anything like we’re working out you know no official fireworks anything like that so right yeah so I think people were

Just like excited to be able to blow stuff up and so like there’s a lot of people our neighborhood blowing them up and it’s funny because Katie and I on July 4th we’re actually we’re doing gardening because it’s like 300 degrees in Texas so you can’t really garden till

It gets dark and so we were like gardening well as fireworks were going off all over the place around us was pretty funny that’s kind of cool I like that let’s see here do I want to use my wolf armor or this new spelunker armor I

Got a pet bat with that 20% weapon damage boost ro and 173 health or wear this is 129 howl 20% weapon 20 I’m gonna go I’m going fire daggers that just feels right alright I’m gonna try buying some stuff and see if I can get anything

New yeah I got some months I got some some income scale mail level 27 steel mill thank you I’ll check that out a totem of shielding dude I’m a full shaman now I’ve got two totems there we go I’ll put that right there plus melee

Damage all right all right there we go I got to start leveling up all right blacksmith give me some more stuff Oh a grave bane it’s going that’s fancy what is that it’s sort expert damage the undead yeah and it’s okay it’s unique it’s level 31 look at this thing move it

Look at that but I’m watching your swords just crazy in the background that is red okay thank you blacksmith I appreciate that I’ll go ahead and cook that up nice goodbye okay 24 sick man I could go full support with the amount of items I’ve picked up here power bow all

Right power bow if you do one of three strong charged attacks don’t really want to think I’ve enough I think I have enough I’ve got cosmetics what I’m gonna get these what are those I can have a parrot or a baby chicken follow me

Around how do you do that hit hit up on the d-pad and then go to like at the very top for me it says left bumper right bumper I can switch between like all melee ranged armor the last one is cosmetics so I got our hero cape oh I

Got a parrot and a baby chicken I think get any of that that’s really cool jealous I don’t know where that came from maybe just from owning minecraft maybe or maybe that’s your reward your payment for getting all the achievements I don’t know is awesome they decided I might actually be from

Getting achievements within within dungeons perhaps cool I like that alright let me know Kayla needs real take a look at this real quick here alright sure from the blacks sums basic day not better than what I had bonus damage lame we see him talk to the wanderings

Rater what can you give me corrupted beacon was this a no I think it’s another explosion thing oh man we should just do all area-of-effect explosions that should be our fires a high-powered beam that continuously damaged mobs what yes please all right Lama I’m sorry but you got to

Go hold on so just the case these suck but yeah my power is 26 now still might my my artifacts are still my we caught up there we go level 28 flaming arrows I found a chest on the map just in the waiting area it had 50 emerald so I don’t know if

That there’s of interest to you I do appreciate that you used the the little icon I I figured I did it incorrectly so many seconds I had one opportunity to do it right and I should lord Tavish is in my chat saying hey mr. Jax I would like

To sub when I’m broke as hell hey don’t even worry about it just thanks for being here that’s all that matters you’re in and you’re engaging in chat you’re chatting with other people that’s fantastic you’re contributing in a very very positive way Jack I currently have a subs goal up and

Is reached I will go through my disney on ice career and show videos of my most embarrassing moments of which I’ve many beautiful yeah oh it’s gonna be fun we’ll see here so what’s your sub goal right now yeah I’m at its 50s my goal

And I think I’m already at 43 oh wow okay close up really quick why started it last week because I was at 33 and I had to stream on Friday and randoms came in and started gifting subs to everyone and then all of a sudden it popped up

And now I’m real close to finishing line I see inside like a week which is already cool if any of you beautiful people over here watching me live right now I want to check out Jackson’s stream go for that sees a few more sub you can do that right yeah I’m seeing

Some people following right now that took that took no time at all thank you guys for coming over I don’t want to steal anyone from Jack please actually I can share Wow Fila crux just gave out seven community subs well there you go all right thanks so much man I

Appreciate that that’s crazy booyah nailed it that’s crazy all right now you gonna get silly now I got a I have to share all of the most ridiculous things I’ve done in my life all right well he makes you move faster cause real fire behind what do I want faster

Attacks be nice all right yeah I remember meeting Christian Christians over in my try right now I ma’am he he was that one of the the RT X’s that I was at we had a you had a warden hangout yeah and I was on one of your streams

Maybe to over like the three years prior I think I sat in on a Dungeons & Dragons that you and Katie were in the middle of nice and I did one other that we were just playing random games and a dart II actually approached me was like you’re

Jackson and I went yeah and he’s like I saw you on Jack’s stream I was like that’s an insane memory like he saw me twice for maybe a few hours over a total like within three years and then picked me out of a crowd that was ridiculous it

Was great was so cool yeah all right well the new follows guys I hope you guys come to hang back and we got a big paper using a exact vaporize there it is the bigs a ah dude I do wish like I wish people puts like capitalizations or

Hyphens or something in their name because there’s some of these are just like it’s all lowercase I’m like re I’m gonna have to figure this one out all right here we go exact exact from now on there you go look if that’s cool with you Zack I mean it’s up to you wow

This is pretty that’s the coolican level there’s a Chester hey can I hit it almost almost Oh John you’re doing great yeah I thought maybe my giant sword would be able to hit it from there pop there we go oh I was weird you okay you seemed frozen a second no I

Was just watching and with interests you tried to hit step through walls look at my little chicken oh man oh he does he spit eggs at people I don’t know now I think he’s it’s a cosmetic so I don’t think he actually affects gameplay he looks pretty oh that’s right I’ve got

The spiders near they will sticky to stick you to the floor no one wants that I had a run-in with a spider the other day let me tell you the spider was bigger than the circle I could possibly make with my hands with like a finger

Thumb and I’m not proud of how I reacted there was a lot of screaming no crying though it was intense I picked up a short bow – mines mines up 36 holy crap that’s a helmet okay that’s cool yeah I’m gonna go ahead and smell is that my

Problem is my oh I’m using now is orange it’s a unique but it’s 24 and now I’m getting stuff in like the 30s so it’s one of those it’s always the issue when do you when do you give up on the good-looking stuff for a higher level stuff you know all right

Projectiles do more piercing attack speed is this like oh it’s arrows this double heals I’ll put in I’ve got two healing items right now nice Big Papi Jordy thank you very much brand new warden right there Gigi good boy as well 36 months row happy happy three years gee good boy appreciate you

And also big zach Vapor says so while I’ve been riding have also been getting Jack I’ve been getting back into magic what scattering doing magic streams pennies any general advice on streaming and getting over the nerves of performing I’ll be honest it’s you got

To do it you just got to keep doing it over and over and over and that’s how you used to it I mean there’s there’s no easier way there’s no like magic like sauce of like oh just think they’re naked no no that’s doesn’t work you just

Have to literally get comfortable I mean these literally just have to keep doing it to the point where you’re like alright I’m comfortable in my own you know in my ability to do this in front of people or in front of in front of a camera or whatever it’s legit you just

Have to do it and there’s no easy any easy thing about it so that’s just a skill that you for practice and I remember being terrified for my first sets of performances as well it is something that I feel like people need to to be reminded that it gets easier

Over time like Jack said it’s a skill right so the more you more time you’ve spent honing that skill it’s gonna become more and more comfortable for you absolutely chop chop like this this long-range thing here you go I’ll take that was level 32 mine’s 31 interesting you know

Give me more it has a cowardice thing you can do when you’re at full HP you deal increased ranged and melee damage you getting hit by something about look like a ninja that’s awesome looking oh man you look like a really cool name alright I’m gonna this upgrade my thing

I’m quick I’ll keep you alive attack speeds increase – yeah okay I’m good oh well here’s another chest mechanical shortbow I got better thief armor and I got a torment quiver oh cool what is that give slow arrows that knock back mobs and pass through walls hole throw that hook off the souls

So we’ll see how it goes finish shooting it’s good bonus shots power boost arrow damage yeah well not let’s do that okay lots of good stuff lots of goodies here Fila crux honestly thinking they’re naked is probably for another type of streaming that’s well I guess you’re right Felix

A pistachio in case you think we’re much or L&K pistachio inc excuse me there you go brand new warden by the power of the bee remonda Thank You brand new prime warden don’t forget if you gotta Amazon Prime that means you got twitch prime which means you get a free subscription

To a streamer of your choice like maybe maybe Jackson here go check out his shoe man hey thanks Jordie suggests that you call the chicken cluck Liddell Liddell I like it oh all the gyms Wow there’s also an area there’s an area we missed back come on there we go yeah

Death laser good god that was awesome alright let’s go back let’s go back this way there was a thing over here we must narrate as so that thing also uses Souls so as I can use either use my explosion or that it’s kind of one or the other

Okay cool but that’s my dream wicked oh you know what I do have two things that also use Souls I got morphe farmer they really want us to be doing thieves just so is always too alluring all right I’m level 18 now if I go in there next me – yeah Wow so

We both played this independently and then came together for tonight’s stream and both were level 13 yeah which worked really well just like we were concerned we didn’t know how level scaling was gonna work we’re literally exact same level how did that happen turbo convenience oh Jesus I was even paying

Attention I was like glanced away and I looked back I was like oh my god how did I survive that what are we gonna fight don’t worry about it yeah that thing is so awesome it’s only level 24 to the corrupted beacon but man that is great

Are you able is there a chest for you to still open here what was it hidden back here I don’t see any – oh this one I see the supplies one right here yeah there you go okay cuz I already opened it so I

Didn’t know if we do and you can you can take the arrows now you did take the arrows okay I took it I mean I waited [Laughter] there’s definitely a moment oh my god and that it fires along that time Wow yeah anything harvest souls as an artifact is crazy

Yeah that’s pretty rad I think that I don’t know I feel like I should be dead I feel very fortunate Oh hey buddy I’ll meet you around the other side okay good luck oh here’s the key all right got the key there’s a weird C on the mini-map there’s like a live

Happy passageway there just an arrow yeah oh well now c’est la vie secrets I want the secrets come on is that not hurt them oh you okay you took the key oh I have the key oh it stopped me but it did not kill me it literally pinched

Me but not enough to take me down all right new objective find the tomb ah oh here’s a there’s a path appear I like this there’s nothing here cool come on is it uh it’s procedurally generated right I think so oh look at this blade that’s been

Holding oh I finally got I got got he took a shot yeah I took my luck too many times all right so there’s the exit right there I believe so I think or can we need to go out this way no I’m curious what happens here maybe this is the secret travel

Oh it just takes you a different part okay I’m coming with you just feels secretiy yeah It was bound to be some kind of secrets over here right oh look at that something good there’s a gum I don’t know if that’s just scenery or what but looks cool it looks like we can get there through here on the mini-map there’s a ghost thing looks like a

Bridge is opening maybe you can do something to get a bridge yeah well here’s a button right here okay I activated something maybe we just wasted that that’s okay all the souls feel like it’s one of those hit a button and every quadrant type of situations there’s another one

So have you watched Hamilton yet on a Disney Plus I’ve not watched it yet but I’m exceptionally familiar with Hamilton it was a figure skaters soundtrack dream so everyone loved it so anytime there was music to be played while we were on ice someone played something from

Hamilton nice so while I’ve never seen it I can probably sing 80% of the music okay yeah it’s a fun show man like I never saw in person but I’ve listened to it now like pretty much have it on in the car and yeah I’m diggin it okay how

Do we get around yeah I miss movies that’s a dude and emic issue for me I missed the Alamo Drafthouse so bad my god so much Drafthouse I think they’re building one in Toronto now – so Rena de can finally have a taste of the Alamo Drafthouse

Hey we open it we did it what’s this cool scroll grab well what’s it unlocked lower temple unlocked okay okay interesting don’t know what that does exactly but cool Oh Jack Jordy is asking what’s so good about the Alamo oh the Alamo is pretty much it’s like Church

For movie lovers like it’s everyone treats it was so much respect in like in your min a while oh we got a villain where you go okay that hurt a little bit okay oh where is it Gil all right see farmer that marthy farmer for you ain’t ya yeah I’m not

Seeing anything worth giving up what I’m wearing nothing yet yeah but the Alamo Drafthouse it’s like so the way it works is they serve you food like proper food while watching the movie I know that’s not an uncommon thing but I’ll be honest that was like oh I’ve got a pig here I

Have it’s an orange Armour for me I got a shock powdered spider or armor I’ll see the soul knife where the hell that is a small knife sounds badass good more lots of things there’s dying in there my first Alamo Drafthouse experience was with you what are we seeing with I think

We saw what we do in the shadows well first one it’s such a good movie yeah but we also saw solo the last time I was there okay yeah solo surprisingly good movie I actually really enjoyed it yeah especially because of like the fairly negative reception it received yeah and I went in

I was like there’s nothing wrong like this is good the kid the kid and it’s actually not bad it was like yeah he did a good job I’ve not seen him in anything else since of you uh no he was in a Coen Brothers movie the Hail Caesar

Everything’s what it was yeah yeah he was like the cowboy dude and Hail Caesar the one nose is terrible okay yeah he was in that’s and I don’t know what it was oh did you find something back there I was a chess match no no that I’ll just let you just marked

It oh that’s it oh so when you do that look it pops up on the map that’s what we thought we were looking for maybe in the first level we did there was a definite moment or being around looking for the marker that I put on the ground

Okay but uh yeah so I really like solo I thought it was actually a solid movies great yeah I really will my god watching what we do in the shadows the series oh yeah yeah Katie Katie and I are definitely hooked on it I love it that’s so good

We actually got to go Caden are very lucky that we have a friend in New Zealand who’s who works with like Peter Jackson a few those people and he and you know in the the New Zealand community filmmakers community’s pretty small so he knows like tyka and Jemaine

And all those guys and so he was like hey do you want to see the what we do in the shadows house and it was like yes so we get to go see the actual house that they filmed it and pretty rad so we got to go inside the house where they

Shot it and I was like I mean first some of it obviously wasn’t the whole movie but it’s still pretty rad oh they spawned around me and just continued until I was dead oh I’m healing I’m bringing you back yeah thank you very much sir Aaron Bert sir

Yeah the so the TV series is filmed in Toronto oh yeah like like almost everything on the planet yeah and there’s supposed to be Staten Island right yeah so they’re always talking about Staten Island and then I’m watching one of the shots and in the background there’s a Royal Bank of

Canada which surprisingly is only in Canada so I had to google it and I went yeah of course that’s exactly what happened even one arrow oh I have one special oh we have one okay yeah yeah what was it I used to watch fringe and they shot a shot in Vancouver

And but they were supposed to be in New York it’s all the time like you to see like random like oh there’s a maple leaf in this copy should coffee shop for whatever reason alright shoot arrow in Vancouver as well nice and one of the later seasons villains I forget the

Actor’s name he’s got like super strikingly blue eyes and he often plays a villain um but we were in long long beach playing shows yeah in California and intermission of our show rolls around and he just wandered backstage he was like hey can my daughter meet

Rapunzel and we were like no no you’re not supposed to be back here he goes oh I’m an actor he was talking to goes yeah I’m an actor too you still can’t be back here Wow yeah just wandered in little ballsy yeah I paid off because because our boss

Was a big arrow fan so he was like yeah we’re gonna set up a meet and greet for him after firming his terrible behavior ya know teaching mount works and then they also had one of the actors from new girl came in that week as well the guy

Who plays Schmidt Oh Anna Schmidt II I liked Katie Katie would have lost her mind for that she’s a huge fan of that show I love that show and I only recently finished it it’s a show where the last season I’ve watched most of like five times

Yeah then never never finished it kid he’s a huge fan of odd it was a Jake Johnson I guess yeah yeah is that Nick Miller yeah yeah the oh he’s my favorite character so funny any great spider-man as well really good really good oh man

How good was into the spiders oh so good oh it’s getting funky in here oh I don’t like it I remember how we were talking about how relaxing this game is how laid-back it is yeah no kidding I will say I’ve got something on my my weapon that heals me anytime I hit

Something with it so that’s super nice wow that’s crazy any light skill I like to play life steal kills in these games a glazed rickety cat 25 months Roe thank you very much 25% I’m 100 months ooh thank you very much Felix oh I feel Crocs oh man I forgot

About the Alamo being a thing in Texas have many ones since I moved from Nova in 2012 Northern Virginia and guessing in OVA or Nova Scotia Canada there you go Nova Scotia never gets enough love no proportionate amount of love it deserves the proper amount of love yeah

This weapon hits slow but is powerful only hit when it does hit I’m opposite right now I’m daggers so I’m I’m like it’s got fire burn over time too oh I shouldn’t be here yeah what are you doing over there Felix yup Northern Virginia there’s one in Winchester okay

Yeah they’ve been spreading around there’s quite a few others a pig down here I got a chest or supply there we go come and I killed I killed a pig while you were killing bad guys yeah it’s no problem it’s a team sport we just gotta get through it together

Yeah the Alamo Drafthouse it’s a it’s a special thing so good I saw one of the best so that’s the another thing about the Alamo Drafthouse right is that they’ll play independent films they’ll play like really really small films they’ll have like just like a one-off

Showing of different films so I went and saw one in Denver I had some friends and we went and saw this movie that became one of the best films I’ve ever seen in my life was that it’s called one cut of the dead hmm so it’s a Japanese zombie film okay I

Love zombie things so I’m a little bit biased in that sense but at the same time the first 30 minutes you’re gonna be super confused because it seems like it’s just the worst movie ever okay but what’s happening is it’s a film in three parts and the earth that is them showing

Their production and then the second part is their production as it comes together so and then the third part is the explanation as to why the first part was ridiculous it shows all of the things that went wrong behind the scenes to make it look the way it did okay and

It’s hysterical it’s so funny interesting highly recommend one cut of the dead one cut of the dead I’ll give it a shot oh man man Katie and I are currently going through and watching beep right now I was bringing this person back to life we are really

Enjoying it we’re on season four yeah we actually dig it a lot it’s it’s a fun show Julie Louise Dreyfus is great of course I’ve heard she’s fantastic in that specifically as well oh my Oh downhill we heard it down oh yeah with uh Will Ferrell well yeah I saw that in theaters

That was one of the last ones I saw before the world shut down yeah I think what was the last thing I saw before everything went to crap oh my god no oh my come on chicken do work get in there cluck Ladell Oh keep your nails keel or circle thank you

Iceland oh i leveled up oh wow i died in level of it alright levelled up just before I died I should say nice kept you alive train to Busan someone mentioned in chat is a great zombie movie South Korean zombie movie and then I actually went to Busan

At one point as well nice we were in South Korea last about this time last year actually oh oh I’m very close to time just trying to stay alive right now oh okay lucky yeah okay okay this is not an easy boss fight’ I notice not you

Have a lot of room to move around I think maybe that’s gonna be helpful oh come on oh he spawned right on top of me and then hit me and now I’m almost dead again how was visiting Korea always interested in going Korea was really cool I really liked Japan’s my favorite

Place in the world and Korea has a lot of similarities and then the difference is that it has makes it very very unique as well so I think that’s really cool it’s got its very own distinct very distinct culture as well so I highly recommend if you ever get the

Opportunity and I’ve always want to go to Tokyo with you well the thing is I want to go to like I want to go to like you know like Shanghai as well like I wanna go visit the Disney sneeze like there’s so many different theme parks I

Want to go to cuz I’m a super nerd yeah you had a conversation with me about how we should just go see all the theme parks yeah and I was like yeah we should absolutely do that so Disney Shanghai our company played Shanghai around the same time last year

Till I was in Korea and and Japan as I mentioned and typically our company as I said isn’t Disney so we don’t usually get tickets to see any of the Disney parks yeah and sure enough we went to Shanghai and they got tickets for the entire cast to go

That’s an ember talking to you about it Jack and you said they’re the only ones that have a a Tron ride yeah yeah right yeah the other really wanted to go check it out the Tron poster yeah but they messed up the Canadian visas oh we

Didn’t get to go we came in a day after everyone got to go to the parks oh it was heartbreaking and I had a friend cuz again I told him about this this coaster and she sent me videos of it just to rub it in my face that she was about to ride

It well if it makes you feel any better they are currently building a version of it in Florida right now so there is an opportunity for you to see it I’m so close to death Christian’s over in my trad at Fang Oh considered I’m dead I’m dead Han

Oh good you got me up just in time considering Japan for a honeymoon how would you rate a first going experience highly favorable everyone there is so kind and so eager to help everyone that you’re just gonna have a blast your first time they they’re so accommodating

As a culture oh man I’m still down here you before this timer starts there gets gets us tonight I’m trying to get to you 19 just friends five seconds oh oh that’s not good alas hopefully that doesn’t that kicks us off where we were not good I thought we were starting over

So this is all right we’re still gonna finish this and it wears it in here no it’s in here the next row okay Jordan no I do not know any Japanese if only I did I know very very little nice oh I’m just trying to stay alive

Honestly I have his attention there we go down it goes oh my goodness there is a massive squiggly sword in the middle of the room the thrust seeker no no truth seeker my English when it goes wrong it goes so wrong so so badly I have the truth seeker crap increased

Damage to wounded mobs thrust attack and gather Souls all right I got a I got a soul knife and I also have a cleave a thirty level 35 clave soul knife it hits for 138 damage and it gives me plus one soul gathering yeah that’s what I have here too

I’m gonna cook this oh and this has a thing where each soul oh I’m getting hurt oh okay we’re good I think yeah we have the same sword looks like the truth seeker no but it looks the same yours might have extra like squeeze on it than

Mine oh I have more squibbles I think so let me see oh yeah you’re right many years is a probably a faster short sort okay this has a gives me a small amount of health for every soul I got one of those as well yeah I like that a lot

I’m gonna use that entirely okay so I’ll try to die less now that you key in stitches four months row yeh four months thank you and sir Yeti three two months rojak love this game and wondering your opinion of it I’m diggin it I’m having a

Lot of fun playing it so yeah go for it by the power of the be rebounded thank you alright well I lost my ranged weapon you lost it well I traded it for this thing okay let me see what you got it’s the sole thing I’m teleporting to

You I’m swinging a sword in circles okay oh I thought we’d be done this match no no we’re still going this level okay I don’t know what about cool items I think maybe I like the Rings item better oh morphe farmer does it heart though I will say I’m just gonna see if

My survivability and did indeed increase you have a cool cape right now did you know that yes that’s my that’s what my thing my chicken and my keeper like cosmetics right Oh what is this oh don’t stand in fire calm down Springsteen fire bad thanks okay is there any way you could

Track how many souls you have it looks like there’s a bar underneath oh yeah there’s usable but I don’t know that it gives you specifics as to how many okay but cuz I am oh there we go we’re done yay victory yeah I’ve recently discovered Xbox games pass game pass for

PC oh yeah oh man that is worth your time yeah there’s a lot of good games in there two hundred and sixty-two percent projectiles hit how does that work oh you had piercing I guess right yes so oh you know is that laser eye shoot I want

Every counts as a project oh yeah okay laser give me a sword nope that’s shock powder had that already okay I’m gonna just clean house on this I think I might switch this glaive it’s more powerful anyway I don’t think I like that so my

Bow is my lowest so I think I’m gonna go blacksmith and try and get some good stuff little 32 grim armor big zach is in he’s thrown some bits to me thanks very much buddy it says wandering the origin of your username on tour with disney on ice we had a

Flannel friday that was a holiday that we celebrated so everyone would come to the venue to perform shows wearing flannel and honestly I don’t want to be like a hipster kind of guy but I was doing that already I already had like 12 flannels that I traveled everywhere with

Me and flannel is a very integral part of Canadian culture it’s not necessarily and so it is a very stereotypically Canadian and I have a certain affinity for it so I just kind of threw the two together I just got basically Thor’s hammer oh sweet all right why there’s lightning

Bolts storm Lander it’s called mmm I’m just gonna switch that out immediately I wish I could give you my squiggle swords oh that’s okay I switched out to a Glade I got another long-range nice 2300 is there anything any reason to save money chat do you guys know great question so

I got almost I got 2,200 coins right now gyms whatever I just spent all of mine I’m slowly getting more oh cuz I’m salvaging asked Jackson what he thinks have cats the musical and cats the movie oh my goodness are you a big fan I’ve

Never seen cats the musical I have a guy that toured with me who was we were two halves of the same costume so he was the other half and he loved cats the musical and waited with such anticipation for the film to come out more person and I

Gotta say some of the disappointment was just the most entertaining I’ve ever seen you and I have that kind of friendship where we’re gonna take great happiness in each other’s misery he was also a hockey player so Disney on Ice had maybe 400 to 500 figure skaters in

The company and we had two hockey players in the entire company and we were in the same costume on the same shot so funny yeah we just they just they pigeon-holed us hello ellee’s came by and said hi and she stepped on my keyboard who did my

Cat oh I only say hi say something now she’s I just want to say anything hang on let me do this so you guys can see her Ellie say hello hi Ellie good girl I miss you too she look at me like what did you do that for

Alright my new hammer J signer 1988 17 months RL howdy jack how DJ Schneider gets seen you appreciate you welcome oh I get a level 30 lot llama dude that was cool was that your flash powder yeah that is a shock powder stuns nearby isn’t somebody nearby enemies

Stuns nearby enemies hmm I do have it in reserve it’s the only thing I’ve not broken down I’ll drop the llama for now hold onto the nut llama all right let’s see what do we got here a man who wasn’t there says Jax is the cat whisperer and

To be fair Jack when I stay in your house all of your cats come and hang out with me that’s true they do our best to kick him out so I love them any time okay so we got lower oh so we got lower temple we unlocked the lower temple okay

So I guess that was a secret mission we can do fiery Forge or lower temple that’s the secret let’s do the secret yeah let’s do the secret thing cool sounds fun yeah well uh we’re getting getting texts here blowing up yeah all right my sister’s trying to my sister’s friend is trying

To buy us the Nintendo switch now after I finally got mine I saw your your process I was all going it took about a month and a half for I finally was able to grab one and now what are you playing right now animal crossing man yeah oh yeah baby I’ll come

Hang out on your island be playing as well I started into it I started late and felt a little overwhelmed as a result okay but yeah I’m still trying to burn my way through it clear them out yeah sure yeah I finally get to the point now where I can manipulate my

Island like actually I can do like like the carving and stuff or whatever and like that was the thing I was trying to get to like I was like okay now I can actually start playing the game because that’s that’s what I wanted the whole time to be like actually make it look

Pretty and shape it how I wanted and everything and so now that I have that I think I might actually do stuff but I’m trying I was thinking like oh I’ll make something cool looking and now I’m like what what am I gonna make I gotta even

Know like Katie made the call that try circle thing that like the the Nordic sort of symbol or it’s like three it’s like three triangles kind of interspersed like it but it’s like one line it makes I know it’s a forget the name of it I’m sure some of the child

Remember but she made like she made that in her island looks really really cool Homer six nine anything for those bits preciate you Wow I heard you gotta get okay we got him leveled up nice allele in finally apply to education program my college have about three semesters left hey

Congratulations nice that’s fantastic Katie’s still figuring out exactly what she wants to I think she finally figured it out I’ll let her talk about that when she won’t show you the world needs to resume you just fly down here and then we’ll put you in our guest room for two weeks

Before you’re allowed to come out roll Cal around and watch it watch it watch it what’s the TNT bounced off the wall yeah you know what you want to study this I’m looking at a broadcast and online journalism mm-hmm yeah I’ve spent a lot of time on in broadcasting situations so

It seems like a good fit you start a podcast that’ll be great perfect come on this has to open oh man okay so we have possums in our backyard now that are super cute are they cute er I’ve heard they’re aggressive uh well they don’t enter they don’t interact

With us at all okay all right that was pretty rad there’s was a chest lifesteal on my Thor’s hammer nice and I think I’m invincible now he’s running and smash things and yeah scream Valhalla okay we going back this way but yeah we opossums in our backyard and I’ve got a there’s

We had a little like I thought those are like a rabbit hole underneath the fence that goes towards our neighbor’s house and Emma kept sniffing at our dog she kept sniffing at it and stuff all right what’s going on here we found this little gap and I’m like oh must be

Like a rabbit and so I put one of our outdoor cameras just kind of pointed at it like oh yeah let’s see if we you spot anything and sure enough it’s like oh that we got possums that go in and out between our our neighbors house in our

House that’s super cute and then now we also have a shed in the backyard and there’s clearly something that like hides under there because Emma glues her mind every now and then it’s like roams around it so I put a camera under there as well to see if we’d spot what’s been

Hanging out under the shed nothing yet well I literally put on there today so we’ll see probably tonight we’ll light out that’s excited so we’re slowly putting all all interest is to our I’m getting hurt really badly Wow Wow oh and I’m full of souls too Mario do you have anything that uses

Souls yes two things one is a heel so if you need it you don’t know well there was a big-ass chest right over here I’m not a get to see you right here oh it’s on the other side and looks like maybe on the other side if to get around to it

Like maybe we climb up and come around and drop down maybe there’s the key oh okay he’ll run back if he needs to oh yeah so I guess it’s whoever hits you last takes it that’s what it looks like okay I flip the lever up there we go oh

My oh you’re the chest ooh growing staff we’re rich I have to tt’s know I could do this oh that’s fantastic we should just when you hold on to them the whole time and we’ll see if we can triple stack here oh man no screw it that’s better good night

I cannot have my volunteer no think I can die look at me I’m in the middle of a massive group of people the good thing you’re loading me up with Souls which is nice we’re getting all the souls so I’m gonna sit back in Tony Stark iron you know and

Just just laser everyone Wow I’m Thor in your Ironman it’s perfect there we go the third player here – Captain America oh man do you know captain Canada is also a comic know is it it’s not Marvel the the the comic house that runs it sweet is the creative director is Jay

Baruchel oh cool yeah the actor he took over recently oh I got a I got a orange staff 72 216 oh my gosh I don’t know if I want to use it though probably not oh let’s put it back it’s uh increased damage stylish combos that’s yeah I got

That too I could put double looting on it yeah let me see oh that does look cool we only put stuff on here see you a good leeching oh yeah I’ll take that oh I got the key through the wall that’s good we don’t have to go around anymore oh nice

I’m a big Jay Baruchel fan yeah he’s a funny dude I one of my favorite guilty pleasure moves achievement worked like a charm and Chanin item an upgrade the enchantments to tier 3 suite one of my guilty pleasure movies is she’s out of my league I love accidentally quoted all the time

That’s like subconsciously like like it’s just some settled into my subconscious so every now and then if I go back to re-watch and I’m like oh I say that all the time because of this movie it’s a really good film yeah and the the actress who plays the brother’s girlfriend as she’s

Actually in veep as well and she was in the shoes she was in space force – so how did you find that I liked it some people are disappointed by it actually I dug it I thought was fun I think it exceeded my expectations really because

I think I saw so many people being like this isn’t that good don’t waste your time that it lowered my expectations enough hello skeletons just tried to attack Oh watch just let them come to you because they’re just gonna pushed off that’s funny yeah that’s excellent handle Oh so

Let’s go back this way because it’s telling us to go this way so we should go back the other way we’re not supposed to go exactly how it works you tells you where to go you go the opposite until you can’t anymore anything video games this is where all

The goodies will be girls let you go in there and not die hey give me my souls all this my souls are maxed out yeah I think I broke it Thor will never die there you go let’s see if I can soak a boss and just sit

There with it we’ll see you found the perfect combo no I actually enjoy space war I mean I’m a space nerd in general so anything space related is kind of cool and like some of the stuff in the show they’re actually psycho they actually got that

Right like the the what the what they were talking about and like some of the things were pretty cool I like um I like Steve Carell a lot John Malkovich I thought was really funny in the field it I think he was my favorite yeah character but like Steve Carell did that

Great job of like riding the line of like he’s kind of an ass but he’s actually pretty smart about stuff and it’s like I like that they you know he sort of be like he’s supposed to be like that sort of brash a-hole well it’s like oh it’s actually there are reasons he

Does that and I do appreciate that and I do I mean they set it up for a sequel or for another season I’m curious about you to do it I sure did so I think it’ll be good Netflix seems to just be giving away stuff yeah anyone can do anything

So I feel that way I’m back oh wow I’m dying I gotta get that that’s set up you got there man I get it the Thor’s hammer what’s it called storm Lander of course you know close but not close enough to be in to get you into trouble

Same deal yeah because it lands storms it doesn’t break them exactly I got him Wow did you ever most of them there you go now he’s dead it’s not one skeletons like why just the one guy why me looked at me funny so the the other so my storm lander

Weakens and has leaching so it slowly makes them weaker which makes me do more damage which makes me heal more Wow and thus I will never die that’s a good combo yes not bad it’s kind of fell into it oat Reaper one brand new Ward thanks very much NASCAR as well thinking for

Those bits appreciate you SLC punk one brand new warden thank you very much appreciate you guys you guys are just tuning in now thank you very much welcome playing some playing some minecraft dungeons here my buddy Jackson who he’s streaming as well as you go check out his channel flannel Jax JX

Yeah he’s a newer he’s new to this this game newer to the twitch game that is the streaming game and so yeah go check out his stuff it’s really good he just had a stream goal a sub goal so he’s gonna be showing off some classic stuff

From disney on ice yeah you know I think I have a VHS of myself doing the spiel from great movie ride like it was my show but it’s a VHS and I have no way to like convert it to yeah so I’ve to dig

Up a VCR and figure out a way to get from RCA to HDMI or something be really cool to see actually once it is beyond eyes kind of felt fell apart I considered going to the parts to work oh yeah my resume is not catered to many things yeah professional figure skater

But being within Disney for so long you might it’s catered pretty well for parks that’s true video so you know there’s a beauty in the bee show there’s a I think there’s a new frozen show others that I wasn’t in thingy here it’s an exit or

Another travel oh it took us to another level well maybe we’ll find access to another another level because that’s how we did it this to get here right true stick our wire heart hey Jack I was thinking of streaming by doing model billed streams that’s but cameras are expens have been sold

Out any ideas using your smartphone like you think you do for the Lego stream so I have a program called epoch cam EP och that will turn your iPhone or iOS device or Android device into a remote webcam so yeah it’s like I think it’s like five

Bucks or maybe even ten bucks but you can have multiple cameras oh my gosh this is way too many yeah I can’t okay yeah it’s all these range guys were murdering me so I’m gonna back up a little bit to protect you a lot of dead stuff back there if you

Could be a superhero who would you choose I mean Iron Man’s pretty rad right I was gonna say I’d probably take Tony Stark I’ve always thought it was interesting even when I was a kid that he doesn’t have like powers per se he’s just like no I want to help people well

Yeah he wants help people he’s super smart he can fly like that’s my big things flying like him if I had a superpower I want to fly less even even like spider-man spider-man school was like spider-man can’t fly no he cannot there was a fancy chest over here

Alright see ya I did it right this time oh you did I got a battle staff I got reinforced male put extra postage on it yeah I knew there was a joke there some way you got to it before nice so that’s good we really enjoy puns in our chat on this

Stream oh yeah yeah so I tend to give away a pun of the a pun of the stream if I can nice anything that sticks in our heads we throw out I’ve got tea and tea it’s dynomite more grim armor yeah me too now win the fight so when you were

In your costume like the half of your costumes yeah and I was a good explosion like what are you listening to what like what did you hear some interesting things there was a moment where we played shows and I want to say it’s either New York or LA

Obviously but mama Jenner was in our front row okay so we were very distracted at that point in time cuz no one can see us right so we can basically do anything so the other hockey player as previously mentioned was trying to take photos of the Jenners okay sides of the costume so

That’s always an option we also used to do a thing where if we were very lucky because we had such a busy schedule we got to stay out of a show once a year to watch the show as an audience member to kind of have this appreciation for the

Beast that we that we created right so if people did that I would FaceTime them from inside the costume which I always thought was really really entertaining that’s pretty rad yeah man so you had your arms free then like so you okay so the so if you can think of you know what

What kind of costume would take two people yeah yeah basically Jackson was in the back no I was front oh you’re frying I got I got to make sure people okay so you’re the front I was the front so how I mean how hunched over were you

Though I mean I guess if you’re in the front were you standing straight up right yeah so for that one specifically we were both able to stand upright nice because it was a tallboy costume I was hunched over when I wasn’t in the costume because it destroyed my posture

So I just had terrible back pain most of my life well how much is the costume way I mean I know you split up but still so much more we were in a costume in my second and third year probably the year that you came to see the show the first

Time and they claimed it was a hundred and seventy-five pounds all which I don’t believe and waive the new costume after that and that one waves about like 75 pounds each she and again we’re attached to another human on skates so there’s a lot of things making it difficult all at the

Same time I think my llama died at some point I just got it back well I just brought it back then yeah poor guy I feel so much weaker compared to you now like that you’re just super-powered I’m like do you want me to stay back a

Little bit no that’s okay this is great because you’re basically you’re charging up my you’re charging up my laser perfect and I can just torch from a distance we yeah so we’re an Iron Man such a good team yeah a man who wasn’t there in my chat says Jill referred to

You as the back half of the costume Joe doesn’t know that I bring in history and some stuff he’s a lot of fun yeah he doesn’t no of course not there’s always the front man so are you are you’re like I guess like traps just like ripped

After something like that are you just like holding up the whole time genuinely yep it was a running joke that we had because again we were both we were both hockey dudes so we had we had different body image issues than the figure skaters right so we didn’t want to feel

Like we were getting skinny so there was times where we would just do shoulder shrugs weighted shoulder strength on the ice just to try and get some some added bulk to the tracks Wow one tough chick part of our er got evacuated today because they found a quote suspicious box in the street

Outside it was a discarded minecraft TNT pinata that’s pretty wild ironhide amulets ironhide a mess both ancient and timeless sand mysteriously endlessly slips through the cracks in the iron the Hellas own fancy provides a major boost to defense for a short time exciting exciting cook up all of this

Stuff here I’m just gonna burn at all my nice I’m still looking for a new I got an achievement collect a total of five thousand emeralds yeah oh that was pretty cool oh I’m finished I’m gonna swap out my llama the llama I don’t really need it yeah he’s kind of he’s

Kind of just hanging out and he’s not really doing a lot I really wish I yeah I might go mmm I can I look for another artifact spend it up for some artifacts and what am i what am i weak on I mean I guess I’ve

Got a quiver my lowest thing is a 24 is that is that beacon I’m not gonna get rid of it but it’s level 24 everything else is like my lowest my next lowest 31 and that thing just slays 4 yeah I was like ok I only jump up 1 if I swap it

Out so so I’m 32 and I got my bow holding me back at 24 that’s got another I’m gonna keep pushing for a bow it’s tough a man who wasn’t there is headed to bed thanks for coming out man I appreciate it this was a blast

Miyamoto cushy 35 months in row oh my good golly Stream almost at three years boy ah time flies hope everyone is having a good evening thank you very much MIMO MIMO go say hi to my friend Jackson he’s streaming on his channel right now flannel jacks okay there we go

Well 35 oh man I got cool stuff but none of them none of them are boughs so I got a firebrand which is an axe that burns mobs has a spin attack created in the blackest depths of the fiery Forge was enchanted with fiery powers it does have leaching it has the same

Two things oh so it could be the exact same which floor also had an axe for a minute Denis true ok so it’s called it’s called leaching what’s the other one called leeching and weakening leeching weakening alright yeah that’s the comma but again so without that I feel like

Was since it was this secret map I feel like that was mostly like a loot run yeah that’s true I feel like if we go into a match with a with a boss that’s my main curiosity if the if the strategy keeps me alive all the way through that

As well wait I’ve got leaching and weakening on mine as well my growing staff okay I did maybe it maybe I didn’t notice it as well as yours I don’t know we’ll see mr. Allen thing yeah we get one more try one more the fact light and

Also that’s probably part of it is the the hammer has a great splash effect so I think it hits multiple enemies at once which I think draws leeches from all of them at the same time all right I’m gonna do one more they call it one more artifact fireworks arrow explosive power

Team he came by with hi blossom and Romero go wrong it’s a cool one – that sounds fun what is this surprise gift no well larger an entire DPS that’s true blacklist this is true I’m looking at something that gives me more range gives me more damage for ranged and melee if

My HP is full which honestly it is quite often yeah so I think I’m gonna roll with that I think I’m never gonna die yeah that’s that’s your plan all right let’s see here I always got one mission fiery Forge here we go this is no this

The highest the hardest mission we can default 7 so oh ok yeah I don’t know if this is like how to get different story missions like island realms we haven’t unlocked oh can i unlock this no it’s too low Wow oh these are DLCs we have to defeat the art

On default so once we get to the our Chile’s er is this it is that is the fiery Forge last one here’s one this one’s long I’m seeing high block halls have you seen that no Matt I’ve got a couple long locked missions Wow yeah this is another one that’s

Default seven okay I’ve got fiery four just the only one that doesn’t have a checkmark next to it so we’ll give that one a shot so that happens yeah oh that’s interesting it’s the opposite for me so I have high block halls that doesn’t huh Oh MIMO came over here and

Subscribed with Prime thank you very much I really appreciate that good deal yeah all right running a raffle for a hot second and by that I mean for like a month and a half no where we had various ways to enter the raffle but the winner

Of the raffle will will be spinning a wheel on Monday to find out and whoever wins gets to design my facial hair for a week of streams nice right now I’m rocking off a full full beard and if they decided something else then that’s what its gonna be and that’s that’s

Pretty uh pretty trusting right there yeah I almost immediately regretted it because people started talking about me dying at different colors I can feasibly do that like I don’t well that worked really well so who knows what’s gonna happen for about a week of my life hopefully nothing important happens that

Way yeah yeah oh I just got I got a great hammer oh did you get one I did this is getting more difficult I’m not indestructible I can see that now okay alright once once we get to a kind of a pause point I’ll take a look at the great hammer and see

What I can do with it yeah these guys are strong they’re at level-cap Oh dynamite yeah I was walking towards Allah oh look at that oh that’s bad that’s bad bad all right what’s over here oh here we go just nice reinforced meal okay let’s

Take a look okay I got this hammer level 37 it’s got Splash Damage but only it’s nice it’s a common one it’s not doesn’t have extra stuff in it so freezing committed ISO I can do weakening but I don’t have leaching on there so yeah I sauce is lame okay that reinforced meal

You know let’s upgrade the growing staff that’s cool cowardice explore deflect snowball thorns is pretty rad all right small sheet deflecting coming why not let’s try that all right I’m good to go there to go I don’t know how you always have more arrows than me

Maybe it’s not firing him nearly as much whoa this is cool then you looking Matt it’s amazing like the the block art of Minecraft always to me felt like a limitation in art style yeah they’ve done so much with it that it’s it’s really really impressive throwing throwing TNT good thing you got

Those two zombies totally totally gonna waste that work for it there aren’t different combos you can do oh yeah hey lava hurts by the way al you can roll through it and I won’t hurt you okay safe be safe I like the zombie knows not to walk through it dude your

Staff does look cool and I can there’s like different combos I can do with it somehow like I just think I got like swinging around I think looks bring me yeah did you watch the Ubisoft forward event today it’s pretty cool they they made they announced far Christ 6 which

Kind of leaked already so yeah that huge of an announcement but yeah but the trailer they they launched it with us pretty badass it was a Giancarlo Esposito it was Gus fring and Breaking Bad he was Pierce Hawthorne’s brother and community oh yeah that’s my one of my favorite episodes from community um

Anyway but it’s like like the snow here it’s kind of cool it’s beautiful but anyway he’s in it it’s it’s crazy how good it looks I mean it’s like like I said on Twitter’s like like just approaching the edge the uncanny valley like like they pretty much have gotten

To the other side of it I need to know a better bow so do I pick time my bows kind lowest item in inventory right now but yeah the trailer looks awesome it looks like so it’s this guy he has a son and he’s basically

Teaching his son like how to like how to rule people and and it looks like his son might be boss from a far cry yeah I loved three so if that is the basis are you ready I’ve been a big fan of for a long time well you’re in a couple UV

Soft games aren’t you I’m in trials rising you know I was also in trials of the Blood Dragon I had a small line and trials of the blood drive Wow yeah you get towards pretty quick very clearly oh oh you just trying to stay alive okay oh

Wow gimme up like that yeah I played a ton of trial to the Blood Dragon because I think initially I played it because I knew your voice was in it I mean I three lines of dialogue in that one worth it but then in trials rising that the newer

One Gavin and I actually got to to voice why you dead again buddy yeah Gavin and I got to voice actually do the voice of like the the trials Rider like the main character in the game which is pretty far out so cool so that was uh I don’t

Do I don’t really voice act I was like I’m not gonna I’m not gonna pass this up right yeah and so read that – I’m in Red Dead – which was another one I’m like I don’t really voice act but I’m not gonna pass this up it’s freaking Red Dead remember before

It came out you mentioned we’ll know you didn’t employ once it came out I remember playing it and then checking out cuz you’re in the end right oh yeah I’m in the inin Valentine yeah so I went into the end and then my girlfriend at the time was in the room

As I was playing [Laughter] so she was in the room and she met you before this was coral and I freaked out she’s like what are you doing in this game that’s his voice and she didn’t understand it with the same amount of energy [Laughter] meanwhile like when Jeff and I went to

Go record it also you missed it I totally rolled off and this one little pit here I rolled right into it and died it’s horrible when Jeff and I want to record it like we’re in the booth a rockstar right and it’s like oh this is the booth like this is where everyone

Major has done their audio is like they’re like oh yeah Sam Jackson was in here doing GTA SA in our GTA san andreas and you know the guy does Marsten was in here and it’s like oh my god like that’s so rad and and it’s intimidating as hell

And then they put this giant rig on you to like map your face take the lip-sync right and so I’m like ok and there’s just a camera pointed at my face and like you know three producers watching me the whole time like this is the worst

And and then trying to voice act which I’m not really good at and and then they say and perform yeah and so that was intimidating and it was it was actually the the voice producer is Laszlo if you ever played GTA 5 he’s he’s like their

Voice producer for the game and so it’s Laszlo who’s super nice guy he was a DJ in New York for a long time and super duper nice guy though real friendly and yeah and so I was like him just like he was trying to get performance out of me

So he was like yelling at me is like come on do it and so but I think it turned out okay i listen to it i was gonna cringe i’m like oh god it’s not horrible but you know that’s why i can do thank you like I can do the the voice

Acting when it’s like big announcer voice type stuff you know like ladies and gentlemen like I can do that and I feel comfortable doing that I know I’m like okay I don’t sound just trash with this so um so I can do that and be okay but when it’s like a moding through

Voice acting i am not good at all and so that is something I would like to get better at I’m gonna go this way first see if there’s anything up here Ellie what are you doing what are you playing with just knocking something around all right nothin okay perfect

But yeah that was pretty wild that was definitely one of the surreal things like holy crap and so like and then getting you that the voice of the trials Rider was pretty huge and when you selected it literally says jack or Gavin like you can let you can like like oh I

Want to sound like Jack that’s like okay and when I was talking to him I was talking the producer is like what do you want to be called and I was like honestly they’re like how about we just put Jack and Gavin I’m like how about I

Only kill this [ __ ] real quick pigs dead what did you do yeah I remember that I’m not I’m not anyway but they’re like oh yeah we could put like Jack and like we put like Jack or Gavin I’m like but there’s gonna be people that play this

Game they don’t know who the hell we are and they’ll be like why what like and so I said why don’t you put it like why don’t you say you know Oscar I say English and Texan like it and that could be your thing and they’re like huh but

They end up going with Jack and Gavin anyway I was like all right I suppose I don’t even think about that I can ask him a good friendly competition a hat man I think Gavin sounds funnier Gavin’s definitely he’s got the high pitch kind of like

A little nasally dude I threw my voice out so bad cuz like so when they do it like again and we were talking to their voice producer we do and they’re based in and not Helsinki oh yeah Helsinki and and so it was like 8 o’clock in the

Morning with us and I was like 5 o’clock for them and they’re like you know we’ll do as much as we can you know we know you guys have limited time because we had booked two hours to do both gavin and i and you can take and they were

Like oh when we did it before with our guys like our voice actors like because they had six voice actors do characters they like three women three men they each of those voice actors and actresses got three hours of piece and Gavin and I had two hours total for both of us and

So I was like alright here we go and we started working through it and it’s pounding through the pounding through the dialogue and everything initiative is Deford so it’s just screaming and stuff and so they were very specific they’re like you can’t I’ll get another Gollum they’re like you

Can’t use any you can’t say anything you can’t use any any words you can only you can say okay and yeah I know you can only say yeah that’s what it was you could only say yeah yeah that was it oh yeah don’t do that yeah I was like Bomberman style okay

Yeah exactly but yeah they’re like okay you’d only say you can only say yeah and that’s it I was like all right and then we started kind of like the weaker stuff so the idea is like literally like this thing was like imagine falling imagine is

Falling over and give us an effort for that okay it’s like alright now imagine you you’ve fallen 5 feet now give us an effort for that okay imagine you’d fallen like 10 feet all right and imagine you’ve fallen off like a three-story building and then imagine

You falling off like you know like this is a fatal death a fatal fall now and it’s like okay and they just get louder and louder and louder and more progressive and it was fun but man and you say you lost your voice after that well that so the last ones like we

Saved the worst for last which was it was supposed to be a 10 second effort so the idea is like whenever you have like a massive massive jar you dead where are you oh you’re so fine to call Gollum I think throne well they were like for

That one are you going up there like for that one basically it’s as you start falling we’ll just track it so it’ll be like if someone Falls for like five seconds it’ll start going and it just won’t stop until you run out of breath and that’s like okay boom gotcha okay

Now I’m trapped there and so like it’s literally like yeah screaming as loud and as long as we could and and it was just that was it like I was just downing honey and tea just trying to do any any trick I could and it’s none of it work

And I my voice was gone for two days after we shot after we recorded all that okay I watch the watch the columns alright it’s gone I did it nice I survived this one but it was a blast Oh creeper all the columns but yeah that was

Definitely like one of the things I was most excited about ever cuz I’m a huge fan of trials and getting to do a hoist and that was great and now like I’ve been so fortunate now that I’ve done so many like I’ve been in so many amazing

Games already like my only dream now like I would kill to be in an assassin’s Creed game somehow which I don’t out I don’t know what it would be but the idea of being like doing the Sasson street voice would be freaking rad I’ll get big

Here I hit the thing don’t be in the way of it got it exacting yourself trapped in a corner okay that’s all that happening great brave brave brave Sir Robin you showed it there’s another chest here somewhere being chased help standing it oh that was weak

But yeah if I could somehow be in an assassin’s Creed game and then maybe a Grand Theft Auto game I think that would be like a dream maybe that’s not dying buddy forever he likes you you’re friendly yeah so Grand Theft Auto what did six ever going to exist

I don’t know online they’re making so much money on five is like why why want even more why did I do that you’re up close okay and I’m gonna I’m gonna roam a little bit hopefully okay he’s chasing me I’m just waiting for my my region to

Come back see the little guy Sarah damn good no help comes back Oh No died well done okay whoo that was right here’s the last of the course there’s also a door over here to I can launch that but there’s an interest that’s something over here I’m

Coming into your door now well this looks cool oh god that looks bad oh I don’t know what that is but it lit up red when I got close to it yeah stop trying to hit me and hit me nice okay yeah I think this is this is just a

Horde round it looks like oh that was easy oh that’s played an exotic you get an exotic exotic well unique I guess dude sickle it’s a cool sickle I saw somewhere in there I got a level 41 armor Wow yeah I didn’t even think about at level 40 that’s crazy high nice it’s

The wish that splashed a bit harder I still have a level 24 corrupted beacon I don’t want to get rid of it I mean it it it does slay it does some pretty excellent things okay Kyla librarian think for those bits comedor wk Sunday night is steak night

All right awesome Joe Schmoe gaming brand new prime warden thank you very much Joe Schmoe atomic Cobra 46 months bro 46 months age of the game two months are out jack is using us unnatural force of power unnatural force powers to keep this one alive something something something dark side something something

Something complete by the powers that be Ruben I think you guys all right so health synergy that’s I guess I can’t get this back that’s what I should have done differently it’s been nice honey power what does this guy have max damage fuse piercing bonus okay

Oh level 40 bow unchanged level 40 bow yeah I’m still 24 it’s the lowest thing that I have cuz I haven’t gotten anything better alright that’s not what I want to do how I own in chant this dammit alright it’s good I don’t know that we can I was just trying to figure

The same thing out because I have I wanted to change up my my armor stuff cuz I’m dying a lot that’s what I wanted okay I guess just look cool though it does look cool alright I’m good did you check out the unique armor you picked up poop I use that by accident

That’s this the renegade armor renegade armor plus 25% melee attack speed 35 percent damage reduction nice this is good really cool god I really I need to get a better thing though another thing oh my chicken it like I guess we’re working somewhere on the map is leaving

Feathers can you see the feathers being left behind it oh yeah because we’re warping somewhere my chickens leaving a feather trail that’s funny look go alright here we go let’s keep going machines of war I am a war machine I’m not even messing around with you yeah here is new area not bad

Murder bros yeah smash huh someone’s last time you went to a theme park in Florida like as in like a few months ago or like a year right a year a year and a bit ago it was fun man oh there was an exploding bit and then I got exploded

Thanks okay they’re taking on all of our spaces oh Jesus painful so yeah Florida was my my last one we were playing shows in Tampa and we rode all the way over to Orlando oh no no we weren’t in Tampa we were in Fort Myers okay Fort Myers Florida and we we rented

A car three of us and drove out there to hang out with my friend my friend Jenn who works at the parks actually and I met her at r-tx nice okay yeah she was cool a lot of good people come to RTX yeah a lot of good people in general

So again if you’re tuning in go follow my buddy Jackson here hes streaming aswell flannel Jack’s on the Twitch’s we have fun you’re playing did you ever finish was a maneater maneater oh man I didn’t finish it so you playing that one I think those one your first streams you’re doing

My very first dreams yeah that game is fun yeah but it gets ridiculous really quickly I think it’s something I’ll go back to at some point definitely seems like it seems like one of those games re kind of very quickly can kind of like outgrow it right sort of like repetitive

I guess oh yeah very quickly very very quickly yeah Chris Parnell Yellen s yeah that’s pretty cool it’s cool he kind of maintains it he creates longevity for that game because you’re right it gets really really repetitive in its quests so quickly but as soon as his voice

Lines come in they’re all ridiculous non stats about sharks they make some sense like that’s not true put all of his voice chat is fantastic there’s voice acting that’s great pig towards the fish yeah all right oh I got I got another great hammer nice you really wanted to make sure that pig

Wasn’t going away oh it’s a level 42 great hammer what I’m not getting anything forties but it doesn’t have the it only has one thing I could do committed or thundering deal increased damage or summon lightning strikes damn it okay more than that soul healer heals

You and nearby okay oh man I mean I mean I just have to give up on the my death box yeah you think it’s time you’re still getting really high level stuff I guess so it’s not like it’s holding you back in any way I have dynamite five TNT so why do you

Pick one this spider double double TNT that spider and that’s he didn’t you didn’t have much to live for sixty okay defeat the monstrosity oh great oh wow that is large so do you think we can use the Bomberman I’m thinking so I’m thinking that’s probably part of it like

We go whoa hey you to launch 100 there’s a some kind of cube is floating towards me oh I’m getting like five cubes attacking me at the same time you got it you’re invulnerable I was for a second the game caught up to me really quickly

I just I’m not close enough to you but I saw beam just penetrate the entire screen oh wow that didn’t hurt me somehow I’m curious if this actually is hurting him yeah I am 200 fire cubes oh I rolled right in the lava and somehow I spawned you spawned right on

Top of us it can be knowledge convenient oh my oh my oh I put this down if you need it help Gemma oh wow this guy’s not messing around let that guy up it’s like calc use like mushroom cubes yeah arrows are the way I think yep

That hit him I guess not I guess that’s not it I don’t think it does anything to him oh my oh my oh we’re low on souls no soul week you just sitting there let me beat on him I was pretty easy there we go got him yeah man

Apprentice adventurer range level 25 nice oh I didn’t I didn’t I got renegade armor also now what did I get I got a soul healer level 42 38 mercenary armor and torch you too great hammer 37 great hammer but and the attack speed goes up that’s not bad

You got Thor’s hammer I know I got another one but it’s only got one enchantment on it I just keep getting common versions of it I want the fancier version of it yeah the fancy bow this one’s got increased damage can wind it enemies and 30% chance of lightning I’m

Going to keep my spider armor put switch to renegade once I’m able to upgrade some stuff I’ll give it a shot for a little bit see okay escape the Forge oh that looks great bonk wow look at that holy yours is lightning mine says have lightning I like that you also shield

The chicken yeah that’s very important see me thundering I can add lightning to it do I have lightning now that doesn’t show up as lightning okay no crackles okay all right escape the for Joe we’re not done yet oh we’re not done oh I thought like the door was right here

Oh no we’re really not done well we got more use my hammer a little bit see what happens it’s pretty hard but I think I’m gonna switch back to the other one it’s good feeling that well it’s just it’s not as enchanted I don’t have as much cool stuff enchanting with it yeah

That’s true I went the other way across the bridge that’s right and just take out these guys yeah 25 now – nice angelic 356 thing ever much brand-new worden right there appreciate you by the power to be real bond appreciate you oh I’m stuck in a hole I’m okay now

Lots of librarians oh my oh I’m trying to get up there I’m okay alright chickens doing nothing he’s looking lazy chick he’s not even saying encouraging things to you there’s stereo there was a staircase right here did we go off that’s right oh we did okay it’s a narrow bridge alright

We’re done dangerous Oh little drawbridge to get out jack first time joining stream finally Hey space boy thank you very much welcome I hope you enjoy yourself just chillin playing some nine players down I think that was all you single time I used seventy-five items trying to stay alive

And it did not help good lord yeah forty flaming quiver how are you getting forties I don’t know it’s crazy lots of forty stuff no I’m gonna switch out my armor which I think my armor had a six percent life steel aura so I think

That was part of the reason I was so able to stay alive but I’m gonna get rid of it now you did me so good spider I mean I got a dog like you got a dog yeah powerful powerful Doge a final show when your health drops below 25 percent all your

Artifacts are used wow all of them that’s cool can be used every 12 second I’m just gonna do that that sounds really fun alright now I’m gonna try and get a load so I try for another bow or just slightly increased artifacts the bows tough that’s a tough choice let’s go

Artifacts for now oh I got your corrupted beacon 35 oh you bastard that’s a good one I want to give it to you I wish oh there I forget about that the health totems pretty good to try again I may be able to go for a second

Firework zero a torment quitting my dad two of the same and I was arguing ooh it’s cooking all my stuff spending so much money what is that greatly increases attacks and movement speed okay so it’s like a frenzy mode I guess region we’ll try that for now

Oops oops why is this one rare and this one is common a trick bow interesting gale now yeah none of my stuff you’re getting all these level 40 stuff I’m not getting anything like that sub fatique it’s good seeing you nature up click they were much 34 months

In a row by the powers to be rebound appreciate why might know knows we’re slowly gaining coins oh I totally Jeanette’s not bad flaming quiver I’ll hold on to you this is really I think holding me back here but like so I just found a 33 bow and it’s green not too exciting

Yeah but it’s attack range is 25 to 50 so the bow that I have now is 24 so way low and level but it’s damaged its damages 50 to 99 that’s weird oh and or a sonic in chat saving the day says trick bows are very bad and because

Of that get outta here tails a trick bow trip Oh King is that enough to afford one more it is no hunting bow let’s just say pets attack targeted mobs oh that’s kind of cool all right ready to go when you are yeah let’s do it

Hi block halls I think it was just the end all right you ready yeah let’s do it seven the goose thank you very much 15 months in a row by the power that be rebound appreciate you seven the goose master Alan I’m happy mutters playing getting back into arc yes we’re going to

Be yeah one more week of seven days than in the arc I’m excited for it yeah I saw you one of your streams you were talking about hassle the switching to the stream blocks has allowed you to play those longer survival games yeah matching

Armor was that not you and me oh I can see you moving around in the cutscene I’m still in the cutscene but you’re moving around in my screen that’s funny and there we go reach the throne room okay so I think this might be like the last stage or at least approaching the

Last stage yeah we’re getting there that’s crazy Wow there’s already two two sets of dlco for this is there’s like two DLC realms to travel through after this well is an island thing I know yeah yeah do you feel pretty indestructible right now well the thing is that when I

Kill someone I get health back but some of these people are taking a little bit longer than one hit so it’s I’m not getting help back as quick as I’d like hi Emma hi Cooper how are you doing nice we have a dog all the critters visiting

Oh you big wolf yeah I forgot I had it oh oh yeah watch out I threw a TNT in there not my fault I’m trying to keep it under 9 this time that’s it keep it under just oh thanks old room what power bo you finally get a

Better bow maybe green but it is 38 and it does too oh this might be the time it might be time let me take a look let me take a look take your time with us I’m just gonna pull the trigger on it oh I sit my dog with a TNT

Super charge is what I was using so that’s good and infinity or piercing I like that infinity is nice because you can get you get all the dogs dead I mean a sad noise do you want to die don’t ya I feel good about the new bow I feel

Good about the new bow new bow in the two strings pretty pretty cool lightning effects out the window I was a big guy halo I just was enchanted went after the librarians there we go we’re down Cooper’s on the desk licking himself right now he says hello perfect

Make sure make sure that’s not on camera you only get suspended from twitch fun cat was licking licking his testicles like well mmm he is a cat a valid point I see both sides of the argument he’s just doing it he’s doing it for for the tips yeah

Mimmo good Kubo in the two strings reference solid movie thank you very much I knew someone would pick up on it so I have a thing called rage or something a wild rage so sometimes when I hit people with an arrow they’ll turn and they’ll go but like fight for us see

When I hit there we go like they see a guy in red to it he’ll still come at for us he just attacks anything I begin someone from a distance or someone big yeah a really good point I like the paintings be nice of an

Alligator on the left yeah oh I’m out of arrows that hasn’t happened in a while oh I’m at seven so we’re not looking good at range right now great but I got a dog oh no it’s wrong there’s a lot of people I got scared I thought something

Was like attacking other what’s going on I may have overreacted where you were a little panicky there who would have guessed figure skaters would be dramatic that hammer I’m still jealous that hammer I’ll give it to you you can have it I don’t even want it okey oh we got

The key good good oh we’re spawning in common axe I took a swing at the dog does it charge me oh yeah we right in the middle of it all we were forced right now so JP Rachelle what was that what was the the end of

The world movie is it called the end of the world oh my goodness there’s two that came out at the same time one is Simon Pegg those worlds in which yeah and then ends this is the end this is the Jay Baruchel like all-star cast yeah Jonah Hill Jonah Hill

I lost the key by the way I don’t know someone sang it and steal it from oh hey someone grabbed it he was running away with it yeah I got the key there’s some emeralds all right unlocked I’m coming in just getting there oh I forgot I had tea and tea I worked

Well that worked out yeah I also killed my dog I went to fire an arrow and I chuck some TNT as I go I was mistake yeah I really enjoyed this is the end it’s gonna be weird movies on computers way back it was very weird like they

Were all basically playing spoofs of themselves and microcell got like a coked-up Emma Watson was in that as well was she yeah very very briefly channing tatum’s in that yeah oh my goodness so good oh I got a scatter cross but I think that’s some stuff we’ll see here I got an axe

Spinet actions looting what son chanting no okay not all that it looks good but not enough not enough okay how much do I need for this to get it up three okay soul healer soul robe is pretty rad but I’m not gonna not gonna swap that out

Tin Tin Tin Jack if you get hit the key runs away that’s funny okay okay I like this Souls mechanic there’s a little lever right here you see it uh yeah I’m coming down on the other side of this wall I want it on and it’s on the dog go

Dog go get him I want to get over there there’s a shortcut somewhere all right that’s good Oh can we climb on this wall that’d be some kind of secret but and that’s alright we’ll figure it out later dad I want all the secrets I know

Crashed the party let’s see where we go this way always a key kill all the things there’s a lot of people lots of things the murder I also lost the key a long time ago that’s okay we’ll get it we’ll track it down later let’s just clear out some styie

I believe in our abilities alright everyone if you could all line up in a straight line thank you those you I was torching you that’s okay I [ __ ] good my head was getting a little too big I need to be put in my place I I think my dog died again no

Maybe it’s best not to name him because I just get sad every time he dies so I still haven’t gotten something that can have three enchanted bits – no me neither so that’s why I was curious about the if there was a level cap of any kind well I

Wonder if we plan harder difficulties if we get better stuff that’s I mean that’s almost always the case in games like this so great all right there’s a door over here somewhere oh that’s a fence I got trapped stupid stairs oh I love about 26 oh it’s got an achievement diamond sword

Defeat 2,500 mobs oh it’s the well I think we might I think we’re supposed to go in the well actually all right I don’t know let’s give a shot I mean I don’t know if this the way we’re supposed to go this might just be an aside for some loot Oh work fighting

Bosses there we go whoa oh my okay so he took the thing I got him I’m blasting him right now no the chest somebody grabbed the chest and ran the pig grabbed the chest and ran you you tracked down the pig I got the pig

All right pigs dead I got a soul robe blasted nice job all right we got the pig got the pig the pig died okay yeah that’s some good stuff right tough luck come over – yeah none yeah I’m not entirely sure if this is the area we’re supposed to go that’s

All I need that’s all the motivation I need get all the things all the things alright here’s the exit over here there’s a little corner we’ve not supposed alcove no just one singular zombie that dog keeps dying and I keep forgetting it alright poor little guy do

You hear about the new game from the left4dead makers no what’s that crap what’s it called no no no okay someone in chats god I know someone in chat has a heads up nice oh man Wow all right so look crash the party they want us to literally destroy this these

Tables done oh we destroyed the buffet here’s what we’re missing that was on the other way but oh well that’s all right let’s chat says we should back for blood is that the name of the game yes that’s what I’ve heard but my chat dirty saying that’s not

Really a game more of a behind-the-scenes look but I thought it was okay so this is where it would have gone so we’re at where’s on the other side of the green of the gold door okay okay so we’ve we explored it all this is

What we linked them to what is in this room can you get into and it’s like a library over there yeah it doesn’t look like it’s in our math though okay a little anything down there nothing important it will be published by WB games hey that’s our that’s our parent company

Well we’re friendly with them that’s good for now at least apparently WB games is gonna be there like looking to sell it pretty quick so really yeah I don’t know I like but uh they’re saying I guess like Mortal Kombat’s up for grabs and they’re tough tough guy Wow oh mine okay

All the villagers pillared your sounds reach the throne room you still fighting those guys back there yeah there’s just a couple I got a map right there we go just that one on fire there’s fire don’t stand there trying to get to you all the dog look the saddest sound yeah

Let me put some armor on that dog Oh that’d be cool any game what’s the pet armor is a good game to me staying on space selecting Souls well done hello Emma hello Ellie all the critters welcome to play a this room gets super warm here so overwhelming yeah

They enjoy hanging out in the heat oh that’s nice there there’s a puppy where the studio is gosh she was 12 weeks old when they got her and she’s a husky pup so she has endless energy she chewed through the power cord to my router oh so I showed

Up dead to do oh man you know those guys not messing around they hit hard they sure do nicest nice she chewed through the power cord to my router and I showed up to do a stream and then freaked out and had to go buy a new a new rhetoric cable and it

Was on Canada Day oh and luckily Best Buy was open so I had to go get a new cable because they’re heathens from America yeah how do we get to that thing oh I want it can you roll oh why don’t you just walk off look at all of those emeralds oh the

Problem take it was a trap yep there are y’all okay oh hey I’m alive I am dead on the spot a little things bond and killed me no we’re back I forget that dying doesn’t have a terrible repercussion nice I I launched that one down low kick

Them down hi Emma do you want to say hi just walked over and start breathing hot breath on me and my dog anything else we miss over here we’re moving there’s some emeralds if you want him to I do it must be nice must be nice I don’t big boy now

Oh I killed our ally whoops it’s alright you turned him and I immediately shot him oh my goodness this guy hits hard he’s not messing around another soul robe I picked up anything good not really no I picked up only trash although I am seeing things at 40 and 42 now so that’s

Good that is good none of them are worth it though just chewing them apart and this is that’s such a low level thing – it’s like like that is literally a level 24 and everything else I have is like in the mid to high 30s yeah okay confront

The arch villager where as a concern oh that’s my dog that oh did you try and kill him I swung at him oh here he is is that him yeah no he vanished oh I gotta killed while beaming everyone okay good they’re laying on top of you

Now all those pushing my dogs off the cliff what a bunch of jerks oh there’s a little zombie boy various survived well done there you go oh my goodness nice well done I was dying and getting help back so quickly it was scary all right walking a fine line yeah oh yeah

I love about oh yeah 7.now jack did you play a lot of division – I’ve been playing it up peoples might watch it watch it watch it she okay a buddy of mine worked on it and so I’ve been playing a little bit more with him so I I play when I first

Came out and then out Wow and then I’ve just recently kind of picked up started playing like the New York stuff yeah but it’s definitely I mean it’s it’s a Loutre shooter right so it’s like you mean it you just all you do is kill things collect more select more weapons

And so forth and so on wow this is a lot of baddies I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m dead we got one more team life left okay I raged one of the big guys okay he stopped all right that’s good nice nice oh nice oh my god oh my lord

Okay yes just jumped up pretty quickly alright got some TNT alright this waves done there’s one other guy down there so if we can kind of kite him together I can drop this TNC and hopefully drop quite a few oh there we go alright we’re pursuing him now we’re gonna chase him

Down we get that emerald alright so we’re going back here I think you finished oh we did it beauty nice well done Oh 80g oh yeah I got a too high and dry allele in what is your favorite Hamilton song oh man there’s so many good ones I love that

All the as a King Henry our King you know King George I like his stuff and that’s off country born ninety two months in a row have you been loving the concept of good work thank you country boy I appreciate you when supply blocking for those [ __ ] shout out to cat testicles

Alright well done well yeah that’s great mimmo could go the Kubo thing yes thank you death cap mushroom yeah it’s like a it’s like a rage mode not cool oh I still need something grayling Creole okay I got some soul robes all right I think I’m going

Artifacts oh I got wonderful wheat we could have a level 35 llama the lamb yeah I might get rid of my dog I don’t have my dog really did much I might swap my dog for something else yeah I learned that it’s not great like the summonable ‘s and the pets yeah

Usually I would just throw down every pet and just like let them do all the work but it just it does not does not abide all right okay okay okay let’s do this for now yeah the dog let’s try how much money as I got okay 19 20 another

Fishing rod it really doesn’t do it for me mm-hmm hear me let’s try this shock powder again more shock but I’m going to try one more Harvester harsher Simon sold it before okay so it’s the explosion one level 39 explosion one oh damn that’s really good but I still I

Want my my corrupted beacon is so rad yeah and it’s so low level is it is it also common is it a common it’s a common level 24 yeah so how much does your how much damage is yours you – 336 per second – 546 yes you’re doing 200 more

Damage than I everyone yeah it’s such a pushes everyone back like a good thing yeah all right all right I think we’re gonna go fight or we’re on the Obsidian pinnacle okay there’s a couple secret missions we didn’t unlock I’m sure we got to find other stuff all

Right here we go obsidian pinnacle pinnacle yeah okay ready to go oh it does look cool it looks real cool it does look pretty rad who actually might watch the yeah the cutscene this time the highest tower I see you there but I don’t see me I see my chicken I only see

You oh we’re stacked we’re stacked on top of each other okay oh the heat effects out a lot there we go do some do some damage kill for us I stopped man oh I’m stuck in a hole oh I’m really stuck in a hole Wow all right I’ll teleport to you don’t

Worry that’ll get me outta there wow that was tough alright throwing my my Death Cap mushrooms thing that was actually pretty rad man so when I teleport while I’m holding Thor’s hammer yeah does it spin around he throws it into the sky then he teleports next to

You and lands in a superhero pose okay that’s why I struck the TNT off the castle hope there’s no villagers down there bounce I bounced across whee yeah Jack I saw you playing a lot of astronaut that I’m loving that game in yeah yeah worth the time oh absolutely

Yeah I like world building kind of games like Minecraft obviously is a you know simple one up but uh no I was trying I was trying to show the was it the supplies here but for some reason it’s the right thumbstick instead a left one

So it’s like you have to hit that and hold it and then hit a button so it’s like it’s tricky what are we doing here well so this way is short alright chicken this way it looks like it’s dead in two so might as well clear down

Yeah ask for near man that games been a lot of fun I really have been enjoying it we have blacklist pilot in our chat asking so he tells me to ask you about the battery hole what happened the battery hole oh yeah we found it yeah

Yeah so if you’re watching or if you missed it from before I I made a battery and then I lost it in a hole somewhere I couldn’t find it and then I spent a lot of time and someone actually in chat it’s like rowoon the video and found

Riot dropped it and they’re like go check here and I checked and I was there sure enough it’s pretty awesome yeah someone spent a lot of time looking for it now it’s pretty rad we’re good over here yeah it’s I love you glide and viewers I

Appreciate that whoa my rose a stun it’s nice for those big groups yeah when you just get surrounded see y’all I’m dying less that’s good right that’s true yeah you’ve yet to die a fewer times oh I didn’t even read it what did a how many

Did I die last time oh I didn’t see it this is just zoom like a t-shirt go oh man I’m using this death cap I just pretty much drop in the middle of watching guys throw death kappa nose start mowing them down hi guys that combo is really well when I

Throw down the shock powder yeah I got him walk one yeah today’s my day my time down here K H rain flame thank you very much brand new prime more depreciates you lots of murder alright well this has in the sky yeah she tanking oh this guy’s here oh he’s

Invincible we can’t get him give me a second there he goes oh by the power to be Ravana thank you very much reign flame nice nice oh okay this guy’s it takes it back here chicken uh-oh we got going on it’s murder lots of things pretty good

Okay oh hey guys I got the 100 heard of Milan what is the familiar names and uh and uh what we do in the shadows not Gabriel what’s it it’s very much Guillermo as it is yeah Guillermo he’s he’s probably my favorite character in his arc and season

To his fans hat it’s good I really entered a you know what what is what’s her name Collin like she’s gizmo keeps calm gizmo what is it Colin what’s his last I fell in Robinson Holliday Robinson so my cousin and I play some games together we’ve been playing a little bit of Valor

It okay and some of the community is fantastic and some of the community is like the League of Legends type of really yeah so he found his new play to deal with those toxic players without like getting upset or or engaging and fighting and stuff like that he just

Turns on call it Robinson like becomes really really dry and draining and it’s really difficult to listen to but it works well girls from there on I think all right should we go back the other way and uh yeah this looks like the actual and I think I think this is the

Correct way to go I’ll go back I just wanted to get an emerald anything that oh no actually there’s the arrows pointing the other way so this is this is not the correct way persistently running at all right I’m feeling good literally stop for seconds that’s hefty fancy chest and sea chest

Even came I that was that you get an evocation roba oh cool it’s like a like a mage is really like a claymore yeah I did too that’s usual yeah fancy never touch it never feel Kruk says I think there’s a hole a hole in the wall back where that

TNT was thrown might it be a secret I’m over here somewhere Jarett look for a whole mall looking for any secrets you played this whole game without any secrets no no were you talking Fela crooks secrets um I’m not sure backpedal a little bit yeah oh well you threw tea a little more

Recently now yeah oasis okay no just spacing the walls around the cauldrons okay we’re all right false alarm false looking for fancy everyone relax all right let’s go this way for this sequence you got it oh it’s your house holding on top of this thing

Here I feel like I need to throw the TNT at it oh we got a red stone golem okay Ginty didn’t even really care that much oh that does not knock you back yeah there’s really hurt in that not much oh oh oh hot hot hot

Oh wow just grind in oh I’m hurting I’m hurting karna keep running keep running oh this is gonna be it that’s all it’s gonna take well done okay I need these to explode so I can go loot gosh yes crossbow it was water here place them if that went

All on fire so left or right here this way first left oh come on another one and we’re on a very thin path oh oh I heal just as he got me goddammit no I like hit left bumper just as it dropped me okay right there okay I saw the

Chicken I figured he’d be protecting you okay oh I don’t have enough Souls there’s a fancy chest down here it’s all gonna be worth it in the end down he goes oh I got a vocation rose as well let’s see here sold crossbow level 35 I

Still have my level 40 new armor and nothing nothing too fancy here hook it all hold on tight Claymore I guess and that’s old now – and that’s way old I’m not gonna trade that okay oh okay we’re gonna do this we’re gonna kill this illage or yo he’s mean he’s been

Bullying us the whole game I know the story that is giving through that much I know excuse us we’re here to murder you please come out I haven’t presently I has present we come bearing gifts travel the music is tense it’s good no I turn the music off yeah I think we

Recorded an episode or we played something in like the problem is when you uh when you stream it like alright when you have multiple people stream it oh that was dumb I threw the TNT and then killed myself on it if multiple people have music going it doesn’t sync

All the time so it’s like if you cut back and forth between them all it’s like oh god this is a nightmare fairies ya evoker calls them that’s an orange something oh you got something good a heart stealer is that it’s super powerful and slow it’s a oh my god it’s

Leeches health for mobs oh it’s built in leeches health got it all right hang on hang on me all right I don’t want to cook everything else up yet chains rampaging prospector shockwave and radiance it says if you mouse over them sometimes it says powerful like there’s a special powerful and yeah I

Got some powerful ones but they’re both in the same one so it’s one of the other either radiance or shockwave radiance all the ways that people are saying people that’s 20% chance to spawn a circular area that heals all allies within it okay and then rampaging all

Right yeah okay let me I’m gonna I’m like I’m swapping over I’m cooked up my old one to get to Oh we pulled the trigger on it finally okay what you think go people saying shockwave our radiance radius is only good for fast weapons well it’s a slow ass weapon go

Shockwave great for team boy at rickety can’t what shockwave which it what should I do okay I think rampage refrain but radiance or shockwave what do you think guys radians 20% chance claymores or slow it is true shockwave shockwave is better for that one are doing shockwave doing it

Alright it’s it feel good I’m gonna do that one I need to level up one more time alright do you know how big this thing is okay that’s pretty rad alright you’re killing everything while I was you looking through my stuff anything okay there was a like an emerald jar up this

Way I don’t know if it’s important to you okay that looks like it’s gonna be cool that does some damage yeah oh yeah I see it okay pretty dang powerful let’s get him go wrong way first to get loot come on it’s not not my first not

My first game Makdessi not your first rodeo oh man it looks really cool you look really cool running around with that clay oh oh my goodness okay you don’t even need me anymore I’m just gonna walk around taking the scenery still hurts oh that leech is pretty rad though

That’s super good night survivability is big these are enchanted Royal Guards up hearing so they’re probably in a mess beside handled Wow that hurt quite a bit oh my god watching you just swing that overhand is crazy you’re rad I’m pretty nifty little weapon here alright cleared all this out

Finn Mill 41 months in a row that very much Wow 40 months really absolutely thank you for mill and then Mogwai hunters well for 28 months by the powers that be rear bond appreciate you guys love y’all thank you for hanging around being part of the patil eon the wardens yeah

Now oh oh yeah t got it that time I that time I survived heads corpses just shout honey one close to death no this way he’s torch that post so if I die or if I drop below 25% health it pops all of my artifacts at one because it uses all my

Souls and I don’t want it to so there’s something behind here oh there sure is maybe TNT is that how it’s meant to be getting probably lever or something somewhere maybe can’t roll through that hmm I want to get back there so badly right now yeah there’s definitely I’m

Curious oh they’re saying someone said you can’t get in that area at its secret secret area you get to go through that area when you get the game on a second difficulty okay alright okay Thank You Chad knows supplies yeah yeah check all the corners alright going up

Moving up the castle music is back really intense okay that’s blonde just stabbing just tearing everything apart I like this sword this is a good sort that makes me happy it’s a good toy alright I don’t I think we’re yeah we’re probably supposed to go this way oh wait that’s maybe no that’s

All let’s go back as some let’s go back okay I have lots of souls really that’s it oh come on oh there’s a chest over there we couldn’t go though yeah we can see the mini map you can see is like hmmm wrapped around it yeah but we were we

Were stuck there right there was debris in the way yeah yeah I mean it looks like maybe we’ll go around possibly okay hopefully and $10 one give me your body I want to show you a secret I have this okay I used all my cells Wow so do you only get help

Per hit or only on kills I think I get it on kills but I threw my protective shield and then I threw my mushroom yeah so I was just standing there taking hits oh here’s another another one another Golan I don’t have any helpful I don’t

Have any souls okay I’m coming in oh he doesn’t gets done yeah just use mildly inconvenience them I killed him it’s a crossbow for me anything fancy over here I think that we have a team uniform with the same yeah you gotta get a better uniform I do need a cape

I wonder if maybe I got this stuff because I played and uh like the beta oh cool like yeah maybe wait hang on what happened I’m just gonna stuck there it goes okay I think my I think Cooper sat on something and it may be bit stuck

Leveled up you’d open eyes yeah I can knock Cooper likes us walking in and laying on my keyboard hills look at me and sit on my keyboard he’s like come on dude he just he’s just sending a message like I just walking a fire and die so I

Want that for him oh dude what’s ailing oh I level up now too while carrying TNT nice hit the guy for 1,100 what my all trite now I just did was 257 for my crit sorry yeah I think I think maybe this the way we’re supposed to guess I’m

Gonna turn back Oh backwards the help my thing is just firing off that was weird Oh Cooper he laid him like my mouse on the mouse yeah he laid on the mouse and like triggered the animation are the the attack that’s great oh this hall ends there stairs maybe

Something tiny chest I got a small flame or boy come on chicken let’s do this I feel like we’re approaching the end of this I think so I mean killing the leaders like the are chillage is the the main the big bad so I did not expect this until you

Find out he was being controlled by someone else that’s how video games go I’m a ghost 1,400 I hit something I hate someone for 1400 and your shock wave is blasting people you and I have both had I’ve had different awesome weapons we’ve had different moments of just destruction

Rekka tude big zach be I’m gonna head out to bed before I do I’ve been wondering if you think you’ll be able to have an extra life this year sorry if that’s not an easy subject night y’all we’re gonna do something obviously we’re gonna do some kind of extra life thing

Whether or not we do it how we have normally done it I don’t know yet so I can’t answer that we do have meetings scheduled than stuff to talk about it but obviously we want to be safe especially when you’re talking about you know sick kids is like why would you do

Something that would get people sick in the process that’s kind of silly so but yes we do want to do something extra life related obviously yeah so we’ll figure it out alright I go left you go right yeah three two one go I was awesome oh this

Looks fun alright this is it we’re fighting our children ow is it let’s just pursue him oh really something’s up there’s certain fighting there is oh my a lot of people okay oh this is bad wait I haven’t been hitting him with you I I hit him I walked up to

Him and smacked him oh wow he does not have a strong he does not yeah he’s very vulnerable it makes me feel like it’s a multi-tier all right that can’t be right that can’t be it yeah there we go oh my god Oh God ie don’t do that that’s horrifying oh

Wow I died immediately I’m right in the middle of all that hell oh I’m back did you revive me or did you die too okay do you think you’re gonna roll through the beam if you went kind of opposite direction no can hey I’m down again Wow you were

Putting in more hurry up there you go that’s bad spot that’s bad spot all right well he’s almost down we got this okay oh my god I’m toast you threw a bunch of fire and I was I just got burned to death I’m right where we came in you

Could probably get me oh don’t yeah don’t get caught with that okay I got you okay all right all right we got this okay we got this we got this yeah roll it takes like a little bit of damage but not nearly as much Oh got him yeah after oh great

Alright I’ll pick you up before I collect everything and that’s a real friend we have we have buddies I play apex with a friend who insists on looting before reviving well I got another broadsword which is actually weaker the one I currently have I feel like we should have been rewarded

Handsomely for our work oh what’s the it’s like the ender stuff it’s like the crazy injured jaded 12 months for a 1 year what are we doin Jack were playing some minecraft dungeons were wrapping up some minecraft dungeons Jade it appreciates you Zipcar hate Jack give the hero dish in

The gamer may be given the hero audition it comes with the cable and extra skins yes this is the hero edition our friends of Microsoft Davidson ow all right oh hey buddy I talked to him there we go cutscene hundred gamer store don’t like that was defeated we defeated you

It was close it was very close that last life oh wait a minute bump bump bump when he gets up and walks away yeah oh look at its general things oh we’re gonna be nice to him as is the Canadian way friend thanks you always

Well until there you go there it is pop pop pop oh it’s tea its Robert Patrick it’s ac1000 what is that what is that Iron Man Felix I’m disappointed I want to see a sucker punch true oh that’s it we’re back to we’re back to camp Mogwai official announcement coming

Monday NFL will announce Washington [ __ ] will be retiring their name Wow big news too huge they were so stuck like the last decade people brought it up and they were just like nah and now the fact that they’re considering it that’s cool lightning rod you got a cool

Thing I got weed again I got a rare lightning rod crafted by illage or geomancer’s item is channeled power of the storming sky oon we got a new difficulty yeah and it says rewards are better than no you’re an artifact you gear an artifact that’s what I’m all about

There it is hey let me see what this is oh no hard ok see what this is can I use it I can’t use it I want to use it swing how do you it’s a soul thing what does it say you can spin souls to call down a

Bolt of lightning on to an area Oh 1301 artifact damage that’s pretty rare oh yeah well that’s pretty hugest so it’s instead of a instead of a blast it’s like a bullets like it drops down I’m curious how many souls I need well dude we did it hit it holy I didn’t expect

This yeah it was pretty rad man can my parrot out now well I mean now we have let’s see here new missions can we get that oh yeah we can do that Island realms now oh yeah and also its own adventure difficulty so we’re on we’re on defaults now we’re on adventure

So we can either so we can go to the island realms or stay on the mainland yes the island realms creeping winter is not released yet okay it’s coming soon but the jungle awakens that one is available it says three new missions battle new mobs new boss battle all-new

Gear so that’s cool okay yeah I’ve got dingy jungle and then a locked one right now and then creeping winter I guess is the next one so yeah if we want to play it again we can we can jump over and try we can redo that the early ones because

We have some secret missions that we didn’t pick up because I didn’t get those secret missions yeah I’ve got I’m missing a few secret missions I think three of them yeah three for me as well but difficulties cramped up bang yeah so oh yeah Adventure 1 always recommended

Team power 39 for the first level and then for the last one recommended power 68 for soggy so let’s see let’s see the okay obsidian pinnacle I recommend 68 team power yeah so yeah oh man that’s crazy cool alright well good timing alright well that was fun thank you very

Much absolutely well Jackson if anyone wants to go follow Jackson he was my good buddy who’s now streaming he’s a streamer checking out over at flannel Jack’s we got links in the chat as well please share some love spread the love of the other wardens over to him he’s a

Good dude and I want to play up well Cooper has knocked over a measuring tape Cooper what do you do so anyway there it is Cooper you wanna say hi Cooper come here so big you are so big and heavy you did not want to be picked up that way

Hey buddy how are you doing you all right you have fun you’re relaxing and I picked you up and I ruined your day you don’t want to be on camera do you okay from the camera like I don’t don’t show me so knows anyway but yeah thank you

Very much Jackson that was a blast man yeah man thank you very much for having me this was ton of fun yeah I’m glad it worked out where we were roughly the same we literally the same level to start so that worked out pretty well so it wasn’t me just like dragging you

Through being like oh yeah are you dragging me through it’s like oh we actually did some work together but yeah please if you’re watching right now go go follow Jackson you know if you want to subscribe over there you’re welcome to as well are you an affiliate or

You’re a partner yet okay so there you go so working his way towards partner then we do some squad streaming once you become a partner when do you normally stream sir I usually do Monday Wednesday Friday Monday and when I start 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time I’m in Toronto area so we

Are Eastern Time okay so Monday Wednesday or 4:00 p.m. because do we actually have quite a few people that our regulars are from the UK which was really neat okay we start a little bit earlier to accommodate them and then Friday nights we normally do a later

Inner stream usually about 9:00 p.m. and then we kind of throw in bonus ones here and there wherever I can so this week I know I’m doing Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday nice yeah well now usually changes each week Twitter and Instagram I throw up the schedule is kind of at the beginning of

The week and that sort of stuff so at flannel Jack’s for both of those as well cool there you go so please go check out Jackson he’s a good dude and now he’s gonna show you lots of videos of him in doing is doing disney on ice stuff so

I’m excited for that you let me know when you do that I want to check it out so alright man well I’m gonna I’m gonna I’ll disconnect for me to let you wrap up with your chat I’m gonna wrap up on mine over here and we’ll have to play

Some more Minecraft dungeons again soon thank you so much for everything appreciate it all right you take it easy man that was horrible you take it easy man alright well thank you very very much everyone for dropping in tonight that was a lot of fun and Jackson is a really

Really good dude you should go check out his stuff if you can over flannel Jax yeah I’ve known that guy for a while now and it’s good to see him good as the game he’s getting some love from the horns I appreciate that you guys are great

Rade shield or attorney we could raid we could raid uh raid meg sure why not we’ll send you guys over to Meg if you want to say hello to her be kind tell her the wardens are sending you her way I get two all prepped up over here

And yeah but thank you again everyone for watching that was a lot of fun right do that’s okay yeah so that was a lot of fun and I’m off the place again some time that’s kind of cool worked out well we actually beat the beat the initial

Vanilla game and so now we can do adventure mode play harder and get better and better and get more armor and weapons and stuff and maybe I can get one of those cubes that works for my level anyway thank you very much everyone I appreciate you guys we randomly stumble in here tonight

Hopefully it’ll give me a follow and if you are following maybe someday you will become a warden because the wardens is the best people on the planet ever and I love each and every one of them thank you again to Jackson for playing with me tonight that’s very very kind of him of

Course Christian Kosovar and Zard my mods love those guys that make my life so much easier if you’re out there please take care of yourself especially right now be very safe don’t leave your house if you don’t have to wear a mask if you do have to leave your house it’s

And wear it over your nose it’s the important thing because what’s the point of just like I don’t like this you still you’re supposed to cover up things that you can anyway don’t be dumb wear a mask is very important and if you have the

Means to take care of each other too and let’s make this planet a better place the one we started with because we only got the one if you make any donations to Coba 19 relief blacklivesmatter charities a lot of great charities out there please do so

Alright that’s it I’m done I’m gonna get some rest that was a lot of fun I appreciate you guys for watching tonight and I’ll see you again soon if you’re watching live right now thank you very much and and go say hi to Meg for me and and yeah so that’s gonna do

It love y’all I’ll talk to you again soon we’ll be streaming maybe not tomorrow night cuz I’m playing I’m playing some some GTA with funhouse tomorrow from like six until eight my time so I probably won’t be be streaming after that but maybe Tuesday or Wednesday we’ll be straight

So all right I want to make sure I get Hey stop beating that jerk I want to make sure that I watch Meg when we kick this over to her so there it is and do that and all right okay I’m done I’m out that’s it I love you guys take care of

Yourselves I’ll see you soon I love you and remember as always by the power of the beard we are bonded see you next time everyone I almost turn my mic off bye

This video, titled ‘Dungeon Jack! Jack & Jackson play Minecraft Dungeons!’, was uploaded by Jack Pattillo on 2020-07-14 22:30:01. It has garnered 6595 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 03:54:31 or 14071 seconds.

Gameplay begins at 8:54

Jack and his buddy Jackson play some Minecraft Dungeons together! Watch them power their way through to the Arch-Illager!

Check out Jackson on his Twitch channel at twitch.tv/flanneljax

Recorded LIVE on July 12th, 2020!

Follow Jack and Caiti on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/jack_p http://www.twitter.com/caiti

Join us live on Twitch as well! http://www.twitch.tv/jackpattillo We love you!

Props to Christian for the thumbnail! Check him out at https://www.twitch.tv/christianrpediting

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  • Westville

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  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

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  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

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  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

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  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

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  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

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    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

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  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

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Jack Pattillo – Dungeon Jack! Jack & Jackson play Minecraft Dungeons!