Minecraft | HELPFUL VILLAGERS MOD! (Create a Villager Army!) | Mod Showcase

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3 horas Grimm I’m home from a pretty unfortunate adventure all I could get was this clownfish what what’s going on here are you bored what do you want to do let’s choose anything in the world you want to do and we’ll do it today get this clown fish out the way I think

Craig dropped it somewhere what you want to do you know what that doesn’t seem as crazy as it sounds I have the perfect mod for you today buddy Well guys looks like we found what we’ve been looking for a village so try us where are you you’re so slow sometimes you really are but you’ve only got tiny legs I guess so the model we’re using today to help us out and create your amazing fully automated villager army is

The useful and villagers mod which allows us to use your very kind the humble villager race in a little bit of a different way so that they can help us to dominate the world does that sound good to us ah good then let’s go and introduce ourselves now bear in mind

That there’s going to be a little bit of a difference here so prepare yourself prepare your mind because look look what the villagers have changed into they’re a little bit short so they’ve lost a little bit of weights look show us a little bit plumper you might have to get

On the treadmill tray Horace they’ve also had changed head size and more importantly they now have workable arms which is perfectly important for what we’re going to use them for today so try us you just stay here for a second and I will get your army together awesome

Right then so let’s talk to this guy right here the chosen one his name is let’s call him Kevin and that’s right click on him and you’ll see straight away there is an immediate difference because you don’t have any bad trades to make which is awesome but you have three

Different buttons and we’re gonna explore all of them so the first one is follow me and let’s see how quickly he can follow he’s actually really speedy look at this he’s got really long legs he’s probably got like triple the length leg a tray or ax so he’s actually a lot

More speedy and he will follow you to the ends of the earth and back until he dies or gets blocked or anything like that so yeah he’s really cool really smart as well so let’s bring him over here come on Kevin let’s go over here

Kevin come on come on you are a little bit faster you actually go through the floor as well it’s interesting so let’s do stop following and now go into the trade option now you’ll see this isn’t a classic trade so you won’t be able to trade with villagers anymore but what

They can do now is a lot better than just offering bad trades believe me so the top inventory space here is actually the villagers imagery so he can now hold a whole chests worth of stuff so if I put some of this cobblestone in here and

Then get Kevin to follow me he’s kind of like a walking chest now which is awesome so if I get him to stop following and then trade he can have the cobblestone back which is really really handy and he can also do other things as well he can actually pick up

Stuff so let’s grab this cobblestone let’s grab this armor and we’re gonna treat Kevin we’re gonna give them some gifts so let’s say I’m gonna throw some cobblestone out to him as you can see it disappears straight away it doesn’t matter how much you give them or how

Much at a time he will pick it all up straight away and he’ll go straight into his where did you steal that cobblestone Kevin what’s wrong with you why have you stolen my cobblestone Kevin come on that’s a bit out of order isn’t it so Kevin apparently doesn’t like taking

The stacks he only likes it one at a time so let’s just give it in one at a time and then it will all collect into his little trade post and also you’ll notice it’s a blank space here which we’ll get to in a bit but there’s also

Some armor slots so let’s throw some armor at him and not only will he pick it up he will also equip it as well and Wow Kevin Brown is definitely your color you look you look pretty fancy Kevin let’s actually trade him the leather tunic and

The leather pants for a nice gift of note I put them on myself they’re pre ward now go in there secondhand so let’s put them on and we’ve got a chest plate and leggings so these guys can now be equipped with armor and if I give Kevin

Quick punch he won’t take any damage take a look at the top left he won’t take any damage whatsoever but he will get a little bit angry at me it’ll only be the armor that takes the damage for him so that is really really cool right then the next button is probably the

Most interesting is the change profession button and right now Kevin is a simple villager but we can also change him to a lumberjack a miner and a farmer so let’s go for a lumberjack first but you can see it’s blacked out at the moment because we need to build a guild

Hall now to do that you don’t physically build one you just take one of the houses that you found in a village and you place a certain thing on it which is an item frame with one of three tools in so you can actually place this on any

Block that’s touching a door so you can put it here here here here here here or here and I think you could put it in the corners as well but I’m not hundreds ensure you’re okay chicken what’s going on there chicken is a little bit distressed but we’re gonna put this

Above the door and then we’re gonna put a iron axe in it so now that is considered a guild for a lumberjack so Kevin where did you go buddy Kevin here we go he’s trying through his friend so Kevin allow me to change your profession quickly to the Lumberjacks as

You can see you can now select it which is awesome so we’ll click that he’ll change it to a nice red outfit and now he’ll trot off and go and spend some time in the lumberjack guild house so what I’m what I want to do now is add a

Chest for later on because now kevin has some magical abilities as a lumberjack and if I gift him there’s some beautiful iron axe here he will now go and chop down trees in the vicinity and pick up all of the logs and the leaves and the saplings and he’ll pretty much be able

To make you an automated tree farm as well because he will pick up and plant saplings as well as just pick them up and when it gets to nighttime or he’s run out of trees he’ll come back to the chest and deposit them all in here so

Kevin follow me for a second I’m gonna give you a few trees to chop down so let’s go over here and see if he’ll do it if not I’m going to grow some of my own so stop following Kevin and go ahead and chop down this tree for me let’s see

If you’ll do it let’s go for this tree here go on Kevin mind that tree for me buddy and given you access to it go go ahead it’s okay it’s okay so over time he will actually plant trees chopped down trees pick up everything and start making you as I mentioned earlier a

Really automated farm so I just threw that sapling at him and he planted it and now it will grow good job Kevin good job now I think the problem with it is that they need to be in the vicinity of it so let me try him I mean you need to

Be in the vicinity of his village so Kevin will you chop this tree down for me or is he going off somewhere else let’s let’s follow Kevin for a second don’t chop oh my goodness oh my goodness he’s ease off planting many many trees Kevin are you okay Kevin Kevin stop stop

Oh my goodness he needs to stop Oh Kevin you don’t need to plot that many trees buddy okay jeez he wants to plant them in the water and everything are you okay you’re okay look you know what follow me and I’ll bring you to a tree and then

We’ll leave him to N see if he chops it down Kevin Kevin oh my goodness this is a tragedy this is an absolute tragedy what are you doing what is your problem come over here speedy gonzales Jesus you’ve been eating loads of candy or something cuz you’re you’re really hyper right then stop

Following and hopefully he will start chopping down that tree right there necessarily another villager and we’re gonna select his friend Brian over here and what we’re gonna do is change this profession to a minor and then we’re gonna change another one through a farmer but of

Course we need to make guild halls for that so this is gonna be the guild hall of the minor and this one over here I am do they can’t even get to it look at that let’s make it a little bit more accessible for them this one is gonna be

The guild hall of the farmers so there we go they either chests in each so they can all collect all of their valuables and put them in here and yeah that’s pretty much it you’re gonna be able to automate everything so I’ll show you what a miner

Does let’s go change pressure and change to a miner and he will change into a grey outfit and if I give him an iron pick Brian Brian a Brian that was that was incredibly rude what is wrong with you crashing on me like that right what

I’m gonna do at this time is pick on let’s call this guy Phillip here let’s right-click Phillip and give him the iron pickaxe first and what why did you give it back do you not want it do you know what it you do want it let’s put it

Into okay he’s got it it’s okay he’s got that and now when I changed him to the mining profession let’s hope that it does not crash three two one there we go so he will now a go off on mine which is awesome so what he’ll do is go to the

Edge of his boundaries of the village and start mining down in a spiral and also if you give him some solid blocks if he comes across any kind of ores or anything but there’s a gap in the way he will be able to bridge across that gap

To get the ore which is incredibly smart go Phillip go Brian wasn’t up to the challenge of being being an awesome villager miner so where are you gonna mine here he goes what’s he gonna do here we go he’s gotta go down here now we’re gonna leave him for a moment as

Well and see what he ends up doing and hopefully all of these trees that were planted where did they go they must have helped with the crash I have no idea where we’re ISM whereas Kevin gone Kevin okay buddy um I think we’re gonna leave him for a moment and we’re gonna focus

On the farmer so let’s give someone an iron ho let’s give this guy no name a little bit of an iron ho he’s got seeds as well which is really handy and now we’ll change him to a farmer okay we need a guild who I’m pretty sure I made one though

Not make one I made yeah I’m pretty sure I made one maybe because it doesn’t have a door so let’s break this and make one with a door let’s choose this one over here how you doin show us by the way we’ve seen Kevin anywhere he’s looking

For Kevin but he cannot find him a Kevin has gone lost I don’t know where he is right there let’s put the iron her up here and try and finds no-name who he gave the hoe to was he you yes okay I guess let’s change his profession to

Farmer and he changed into a nice green tunic and he will pretty much just keep your farms ready to go let’s go ahead and bonemeal some of the crops I mean it looks like they’re pretty much grown already but what he’ll do is take the fully growing crops pretty much just

Mind them up and plant seeds in their place so he might take a while he might take a while indeed why are you trying to go into the lumber jack one huh you’re not a lumberjack you’re a farmer but we’ll leave him to it and let’s go

And see what the miner has um has ended up doing and it looks like oh my goodness Kevin’s been here look Kevin has mined down this tree and that tree is Kevin over here and he replanted it as well Kevin there he is I found him Kevin oh my goodness you’ve actually

Been doing stuff let me give you a little bit of stairway over here buddy there we go he’s big okay now awesome so he’s actually going ahead and mining up trees a long way away from home but I guess that’s okay don’t fall back down Kevin please please don’t but he as you

Can see here from the evidence isn’t knock down this tree and he’s planted a brand new one a Keysha word my favorite wood actually and he’s also gained 20 aka wood in his little imagery write him let’s go and see if howhow old Phillip is getting on oh my goodness look at this

What do you been up to Phillip geez so he obviously found an ore through here and mined it all up might have been coal or something this high up and as I mentioned earlier he will start doing a spiral staircase down but if he finds an awl he’ll dig

Straight through it and pretty much it’s a way of strip mining when you know where the ores are so it’s a pretty powerful mining tool what did you grab it looks like he grabbed something else from over here what if you grab Phillip he’s actually grabbed some cobblestone

11 iron ore and 32 cold look how impressive that is I think that is seriously impressive and now we’re going to go and check No Name our little farmer and see if he’s doing anything or whether he’s just a little bit confused I’m gonna turn it

To night in a second and show you them coming home and depositing all their stuff in the chest right there he’s obviously trying to get to the farm that he can’t get to that’s fantastic work no name good job good job buddy but you see that he actually hits that wheat there

And then change its let’s see if we can catch him doing it again go on mind these ones over here mind them it’s okay it’s okay you can do it you could do it buddy it’s pretty much instant as well he hit them with the hoe and then

They’ll change from a grown crops oh my goodness all of them at the same time that is efficient work my friend really efficient look at that and he’s gained 45 carats 58 wheat and 15 seeds in that time and what I’m gonna do now is time

Set to 1,800 18,000 even and it will change tonight and hopefully they will all make their way back to their appropriate guild halls because that means they’ll deposit the stuff in their chests here comes Kevin look how speedy Kevin is he’s amazing look at this come on Kevin across the

Across the water okay doesn’t want to go in the water but he should return to his guild hall did I break his guild hall I hope I did in and deposit all the stuff in his chest come on Kevin you could do it buddy you could do it where’s your

Guild hall is it round here come on Kevin you could do it it’s right here deposit all the stuff in the chest and have a good sleep you deserve it you deserve it you really do that’s the the wrong one but anyway seems good enough it seems good enough did you deposit in

The chest he did indeed actually this is the right one this is the mining one how silly of me I apologize Kevin but there we go is deposited there’s a cashier would and when it becomes to morning again when it’s safe he will go ahead and mined out all the

Trees and here comes Phillip how you doing Phillip there we go Philips in here and he should have deposited this stuff in here he ends up came forth Flint 14 cobblestone three cold four take gravel and 11 or so maybe let me go and check he might have used

The cobblestone to bridge over a gap because he had a lot more there earlier and also our farming friends no-name should be there as well on the way back look oh my good is he so smart he used the cobblestone to get out of the mine

This is literally insane that a eye on these things are incredible and trailers west trailers gone think he’ll run away too quickly because he’s literally a boss when he’s killing zombies you don’t want to see her but is that you’re amazing how do you feel about using these guys for your army

Assuming I have accomplished something today which is awesome so we’re gonna get busy employing all of these guys and getting them to work and that is pretty much what this mod has to offer so if you like what you see and doing a player for yourself it’s one of the coolest

Moths I’ve seen in a while so please do head to description below where you’ll find a link to download this mod also if you haven’t enjoyed the channel then please do subscribe and join team TN today for daily minecraft videos and if you did enjoy the video a like would be

Greatly appreciated too so thanks again for watching everyone and I will see you all next time come on show us let’s employ all of these people good

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | HELPFUL VILLAGERS MOD! (Create a Villager Army!) | Mod Showcase’, was uploaded by DanTDM on 2014-07-31 19:49:06. It has garnered 10088878 views and 96901 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:42 or 882 seconds.

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Today, we take ourselves on a little field trip to a village to introduce Trayaurus to the brand new species of villagers WITH HANDS! Now that their hands are untied, they can farm, mine, chop down trees and maybe even TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!

► Get the Helpful Villagers Mod: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2162777-helpful-villagers-v1-0-0

► Want To Send Me Something? :: The Diamond Minecart / DanTDM Office 34 67-68 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8JY UK

► Merchandise! US: http://thediamondminecart.spreadshirt.com UK: http://thediamondminecartuk.spreadshirt.co.uk EU: http://thediamondminecart.spreadshirt.net

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— Find Me! — Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DiamondMinecart Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheDiamondMinecart Instagram: DanTDM Skydaz: http://www.skydaz.com — Easy Mod Installers!

— Credits — All titles and images created by TheDiamondMinecart Title song: Super Street Fighter Remix – AntoineLavenant – https://soundcloud.com/antoinelavenant Other music by Kevin MacLeod at http://www.incompetech.com

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    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More

  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

    Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24Video Information okay here we are back on vulcraft everybody I know I’m currently paused but that will end soon there we go uh back in the base what have we done since oh yes I will show you something that we’ve done since last time wow uh I changed up our vine farm now it’s this so we get a lot more vines that helped me I filled up the whole store um up the entire store with stuff I did all the the rest of the Terracotta down to here uh I think there’s a one layer underneath… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!Video Information what the heck is going on I don’t know but this chunk is feeling cramped can you all move back not without falling into the void a Zane uh guys hey where’d they go we were going to turn them into elements I think our friend just found out of the world oh uh maybe we’ll do it if they respawn I’m not waiting for that come on let’s go get them ourselves okay so we need to get back to the one block yeah what the heck is this place huh oh wait wait wait wait I’m… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨Video Information ще изле от вънка че не мънка ле ната и поява а защо се пръкнаха тия металните къде бе ти влезна ли че правиш такива работи влезна вънка що ма ама влезна ли чакай ще чам рима аз съм го пуснала ти правиш някакви работи там май [музика] напра така да видим да се чуваме да видим дали се чуваме ще видим ще се чуваме будност е се да цък цък малко ли какво не знам не се чува до добре се чуваш ми увеличи го малко и че няма значение лаче прави minecraft мота бнка а значи… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information hello everybody my name is Chris sh gamer welcome to rain world this is a mod pack created by my lovely friends known as um Camila SK mg uh link her Twitch down below um when I get the chance so yeah I’ll link it down her twitch then you guys can check out out the check out her stuff um let me just grab the link so I can post it on the Instagrams I have break my mind stuck in my head and I don’t know why and now we grab the link for YouTube and… Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!

    Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!Video Information [Risate] [Musica] th F [Musica] B This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) |’, was uploaded by Battle Ground on 2024-05-28 20:45:00. It has garnered 74 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) | I play the game, record a screencast, edit and upload it to my channel. this video is meant to entertain my subscribers and those who enjoy it.. Music Credit….🎶 I’m Not Owner Of Any Music, All Credit Goes To… Read More

  • FrogPond SMP

    FrogPond SMPWelcome to FrogPond SMP, a heartwarming Minecraft server where positivity and inclusivity take center stage. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where players of all backgrounds and skill levels come together to enjoy the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a complete beginner, you’ll find a place here. Dive into our FrogPond SMP server and experience the joy of crafting, building, and exploring alongside friendly and supportive fellow players. Join us in creating a world where positivity and camaraderie thrive, and let your creativity flourish in our uplifting community. Hop on in and let the adventure begin!… Read More

  • Valleycraft: Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, SMP, Survival, Hard-Mode, No-Cheating, No-Grief, Trusted-Players, Hermitcraft Style, Long-Term, Terralith

    Valleycraft SMP Reopens after Four Years! Welcome to Valleycraft SMP, a server with rich history and culture. Join us on an epic quest to rekindle the embers of a lost great civilization. This SMP server is for dedicated players who go beyond the vanilla game to create something spectacular. Mega bases, massive farms, businesses, and wars await! Rules: Stay dedicated! No unprovoked killing. No stealing from bases or shops. No griefing. No hurtful language or childish behavior. Join us on this challenging journey where you get out more than you put in. Let’s make this season unforgettable! If you’re interested… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It’s time to mine!

    Minecraft Memes - It's time to mine!Score of 228? More like score of too late to be relevant! Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

    Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy's Farm Descubra o mistério: Quem é o vilão na fazenda familiar Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Minhas Redes: Instagram: @nickolboy Blogspot: Nickolboy Oficial… Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

    Uncovering Pharaoh's Curse in Minecraft The Curse of the Pharaoh: Searching for the Scattered End Eyes in Minecraft In the latest episode of the Minecraft series, our protagonist embarks on a quest to collect the scattered special eyes from around the world in order to journey to the End. Exploring the World The adventure begins as our hero sets out to locate these mystical End Eyes, each hidden in a different corner of the vast Minecraft universe. With determination and skill, they traverse diverse landscapes, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. Unraveling the Curse As the story unfolds, the curse of the… Read More

  • INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!

    INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!Video Information This video, titled ‘sub-Crystl PvP with the Motion Blur gameplay -(pojav launcher) #cpvp #pojavalauncher #minecraft’, was uploaded by NEAR25⚡ on 2024-05-20 16:12:41. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft pvp montage, minecraft hardcore, minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft shorts, #minecraft, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft sumo pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,cpvp, smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft combo, minecraft hacker, minecraft smp,minecraft pro, minecraft 1.20,minecraft mods, minecraft sumo, sumo minecraft, minecraft combo lock,minecraft combotage,egirl minecraft, minecraft video,minecraft short,best minecraft combosminecraft, minecraft pvp,minecraft shorts, minecraft god,minecraft memes, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft the boys, minecraft… Read More

  • Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFC

    Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft McDonalds vs. KFC Challenge 😂🍔 (WHICH RESTARAUNT IS BEST?!)’, was uploaded by PixelPals on 2024-02-27 18:30:41. It has garnered 74 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:56 or 476 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft fast food showdown! In this video, I’ll guide you through constructing iconic restaurants: McDonald’s and KFC. Whether you’re craving golden arches or finger-lickin’ chicken, these builds will satisfy your virtual hunger. ——————————🍔 VIDEO DETAILS 🍔—————————— SHADER: BSL RESOURCE PACKS: Default AUTHOR: PixelPals Shaders Configuration: (Post Process) = Bloom OFF ——————————⏰ TIMESTAMPS⏰ ——————————: 00:00 – Introduction: Let… Read More

  • SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeper

    SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper 😓😭 #minecraftcreeper #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Reedop Gaming on 2024-04-22 12:00:10. It has garnered 43219 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!

    EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft small building #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial’, was uploaded by VINU on 2024-05-21 17:19:50. It has garnered 550 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:25 or 325 seconds. Song: AXM – Sunlight Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://bit.ly/3mTaHsP Song: Thomas Gresen – Elevate Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://bit.ly/3A2wbGx #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial #funnylogic Read More

Minecraft | HELPFUL VILLAGERS MOD! (Create a Villager Army!) | Mod Showcase