Prowl8413 – LIVE – Mojang Hates Bedrock? Marketing Ruining MC? Legends Update! | Prowl Reacts

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Thank you Whoops foreign People how we doing today decent amount of you in here already thanks for hopping in I do appreciate it make sure you slap that like button show a little bit of love helps more people find the stream sends out more notifications um oh I forgot I need to reset the goals thing

I’m not gonna have anything special for goals if anybody wants to contribute uh any memberships today of course that is always greatly appreciated save that there perfect and let me just do a little refresh over here good okay we’re all good to go there um hey pickled peaches hey death how’s

It going I saw pickled Peaches I think it was said cold pizza is better than hot pizza that’s blasphemy absolute blasphemy always eat your pizza hot and when you’re eating The Leftovers the next day pop it in the air fryer or oven if you don’t have an air fryer and make

It make it just bring it back to life make it good as new like it just came out the oven a second time okay people that’s what you got to do I love the like button okay I like it you can slap the like button you can

Love the like button as long as you do it in odd number of increments I don’t care um so how’s everybody doing today um I’ve like I’ve literally been out of the house all day I’ve been up like usual since uh 5 30 this morning so a long time however long that is

Um and I’ve been out like running errands like basically all day at but after getting the kids ready for school um and then I just got back from not long ago from taking the cat to the vet so that’s been done um and I have literally like a couple of

Hours before I have to take my daughter to her soccer practice like today’s just been a jam-packed day um and then when I get back home from that I’ll probably stream on the um on the live Channel I might do some more Diablo 4. um over on the live Channel tonight

Um unless the unless the wife talks me into something different but that’s the plan so far um and then tomorrow will probably be like all me recording um the 100 days 100 days video I think that’ll be tomorrow sounds like a father life yeah man I just hate when it interrupts with uh

Interferes with work so much I had to like run and do some like errands for my in-law earlier this morning I had to go return an Amazon package then my wife needed me to uh stop and help her out with some uh some shopping decisions so

Like I was already there in town and she was there so I stopped by and helped her out with that got back home got ready to leave again to take the cat out got back home hopped on stream be here for two hours and then it’s back out the door

Again for soccer practice you’re killing it last night by the way dude my um my necro is pretty powerful we we found that my limit’s about 30 levels above my character which is pretty awesome um question for you guys how are you feeling about me doing the star field stream

On the Minecraft channel here um coming up in on August 31st seven days I’m kind of I’m a little worried about it but I’m very excited to do it uh you should make a day where you don’t wait where you do it all and not stream

I mean no I I gotta work man I gotta be here whenever I have a free moment I I need to be on here like putting in time streaming or recording or whatever excellent Channel doesn’t bother me personally yeah hopefully most people like I’m just I’m more worried I’m not

Worried about individual feelings like if people don’t want to watch like of course like you’re you probably subscribed for Minecraft so I don’t I definitely don’t blame people for not watching that’s not my problem my problem is if like YouTube analytics for some reason YouTube’s algorithm like punishes the channel for some reason

That’s the only thing I’m worried about um so we’ll see we’ll see if that happens um today we’re gonna be going over three different videos I want to react to and we’ll see if we have any other like chat or anything else happen after this I

Don’t know how long this is going to take um we have one uh that Exuma void put out about uh marketing Minecraft I have not watched this so this will be a um a true first reaction to this video uh we have another one about um Minecraft Legends update I have

Watched this but I want to add in a lot of commentary to it um some good things some suggestions I have slash not so good things uh we’ll add in and then I have one uh put out by put out by toy cat recently I did watch

This one but it’s right up my alley in terms of things that I have strong opinions about so I thought it would be good to interject um throughout this and just throw in my opinions in the matter as well okay um first things first I do want to make sure

Um here let’s do this I need to make sure that my recordings that I do here because I’m going to record these they’re going to go into video form and come out on the channel sometime next week I want to make sure that these um I want to make sure that the recording

Actually works properly so let me see here is this the folder yeah here let’s uh let’s delete all of this and I think I should be good right okay let me just check my settings to make sure everything is going to come through good when I do record

OBS loves to mess settings up like absolutely loves messing up settings so I’m just kind of like double checking them to make sure tuning high quality oh no medium okay interesting okay so I think everything there looks fine um oh and where is it saving this to

Videos Minecraft okay let me stop the replay buffer uh let me just try hitting record really quick let this thing record a quick segment all right and I can stop the recording I can check and make sure it saved it properly whoops I just hit the wrong

Button or the wrong the wrong keyboard rather Minecraft uh I think it’s I think it’s working fine um where’s the yeah okay everything everything there everything there looks good uh let me check one last thing Advanced Audio properties I found something that might try to mess me up oh okay

Um games games PC yep I think we’re I think we’re all good cool all right appreciate you guys hanging with me double check stuff I haven’t played legends that would be very good okay yeah I mean you’ll get some of my feelings up about it once we get to that video

All right so um way we’re gonna do this is I’m gonna I’m gonna start this in like video form right and I’m I’m going to interact with you guys some throughout um oh what screen do I want to be on probably this no not that one I think

Just my normal screen here is fine um so like I’ll interact with you guys some throughout um which is perfectly fine and I will um what is that oh I’m not am I not on the right screen here I’m not uh Minecraft alerts okay cool there we go

Oh wait don’t I have like another screen for this hold on I thought I had another screen the hat that I I did that pulled like chat on here I guess not no I’m not seeing it I’m I must be like imagining things okay I’m gonna go is uh I’m going to be

Reviewing things as though um I’m recording it because I am but I will be also interacting with you guys in chat I’ll be reading some of your messages every so often as well I really feel like I need to pull chat into here hold on let me do that real quick um chat

Okay um hold on let me come over here has anybody seen the Exuma Void video the one that you see pops up on the screen who’s what let me know who’s watched this video is it good like what kind of like what kind of things do we have in there nope

Mojang is why we can’t have nice things I mean they can’t they can make some pretty bad decisions as a company sometimes for sure um uh okay hold on Switch Account I know you guys are getting a little bit of you might be getting like a little bit of stutteriness it’s only gonna

Happen while I’m like pulling this up um live I’ve watched it of course how’d you how’d you feel about it next though Exuma makes some pretty good points in there I I I Exuma usually makes some really good points about things I like his opinions on

Things even if I’m not like always like 100 in lockstep with like some of the things that opinions you may have always like the way he comes about like coming to his opinions and the way that he voices them all right hold I’m almost done happy

All right so if I pop this in here oh no oh okay custom frame rate okay I don’t know what this is gonna do oh man it just like legit just pulls in chat just like that okay um let’s lower this to like 400 300 oh no that’s not good uh 600 400

Let’s do it the other way hold on 400 600. ah okay all right hold on we’re getting there let me trim this thing uh transform we’re just gonna like change the Bounty box a little bit and let’s let’s trim down the bottom and then let’s trim the right side a

Little bit to get rid of the scroll bar shrink this bad boy back down a little bit like right over here you know what I might even um I might even hop back in this thing really quick and shorten it up a little bit make it like 500 height oh yeah uh transform

It’s like the idea of having like chat somewhere so like somebody if somebody’s going back and watching the video they can see what the chat was saying about like certain things I don’t know how much how many of you guys like watch react content at all but that’s something I always appreciate

When I do watch react content um and then last thing can I make this like semi-transparent or something I don’t think I can foreign I guess I guess this should be good it feels a little wide to me I can like narrow it up a little bit so

It takes up a little bit less screen space maybe like that sorry I know I’m like editing things like on the go with you guys appreciate the patience uh uh hold on my daughter’s asking for me oh all right sorry about that I’m back she

Wants to steal the cat from me but the cat’s sleeping on the windowsill so that’s not happening uh or in this bed that we have that hangs in the window okay um guys just let me know real quick does the chat look okay over there I’m going to like try to size this

Attention stream looks like this okay um and you know I may even shrink myself down a tiny bit I need to make a scene for the site and think about this okay let’s roll let’s do it all right uh so I’m gonna start recording all right we have a video here by Zuma

Void about marketing Minecraft and it’s is it a strain on the game is it like negatively impacting the game and I think I’ve heard even like it’s focuses I don’t like to update cycle and that sort of thing so I’m curious to hear his opinion I kind of already have like a

Preconceived notion what my opinion is but let’s see what he has to say three images have in common the answer to the question what do these free images have in common the answer will lead us on a series of thoughts and questions that might be able to I don’t

Know what do they have a comment growing trend of dissatisfaction towards Minecraft’s more recent features and updates or better worded a contributing force that has put negative pressure on the game’s development my last discussion video was mostly about the trails and tales update we also touched

On the history leading up to 1.20 as well as ideas to help that was a good video they better in all of that research and thoughts something else became rather clear which I decided merited its own video that you are currently watching so I’m not going to linger on the

Proposed mystery and turn it into a big deal it’s not these images are the air quotes promotional art promo previous updates okay 1.5 Redstone update 1.7 the update that changed the world and 1.8 okay full update okay all three of these updates were released before the Microsoft takeover using the internet

Wayback machine we can see the original posts from that time on the mohang website interesting and for the most part this was how they communicated these updates a relatively small and Casual blog post outlining new additions with little fluff or hype to be found and of course we can’t forget the

Classic trailers made by Hat Films on moyang’s now rebranded YouTube channel this is something we will come back to soon okay from the beginning around the game has always played a huge role in The Game’s success mostly due to how the nature of content made with Minecraft also promotes it today the

Scales have moved somewhat yes increasing activity on Yang’s half when it comes to promoting the game in the early days a lot of YouTubers and Community created content that would inform everyone to what’s what in the latest big release or new snapshot as I already mentioned update trailers for

The game were also fan made I believe Hat Films handled most of the trailers from 2011 during the beta updates up to the pretty scary update and the end update on Xbox 360. interesting 2013. so you might see what’s happening with this obviously things have changed since

Those nostalgic years now passed let me just say like in regards to this already like I really don’t appreciate or like the like intended like corniness that they do and they’re like update videos and like live streams and stuff like that like they always act like they’re

Talking to five-year-olds which I mean I get the fact that Minecraft is a game that’s targeted uh just as much to young kids as it is to adults right but like kids aren’t gonna they don’t go and watch update videos and News videos like I can’t think of a time my kids at

11 and 10 have ever gone and watched one of those so like that’s not the audience that watches these things so they need to they need to like learn how to cater uh learn how to cater to the audience that watches the certain things they’re gonna do and when they put in these

Little like like really corny like lines and try to be like cutesy funny like dorky like it just doesn’t it people the main people that are watching these do not like these at all they just don’t um like just talk to us like we’re people that care about what update

You’re gonna do to the game thus it’s in this change that we may find a course for some of the games off-putting yes it is very closer look at the Timeline between then and now the Minecraft YouTube channel is a really great resource for seeing these changes

Visually extra time it follows a similar trajectory as many other YouTube channels improving thumbnails now I will say um let me go back a touch here um I do like dislike art style do like these little like skits they do um with the animated um yens and um

Uh what’s her name I don’t know why I I can never think of her name in the moment but like I like those those are fun like they’re short little promotional videos they kind of showcase a little bit they like give some hints here and there

Um I’m fine with that what I’m not fine with is like they do this was like the voo buoy guy all the time we’re like they they really make him act like he’s putting on a bad play for um young kids you know what I mean and

It’s just it’s just really annoying like they they need to stop like trying to treat everybody like uh that’s watching like their children because they they have a non-child player base as well three as many other YouTube channels improving thumbnails and presentation streamlining the content and increasing

The production value to the point where most of their animated stuff is great let me I’ll even take it to that most of their animated stuff is really good so like if you want to put like the cutesy kind of stuff and the animated things

Where it kind of fits like I’m fine with that let’s just not put it into like the bad acting of when you’re like trying to tell us things can we can we just do that that’d be great full team of people now produce the videos seen on the

Channel a path many YouTubers have taken from Humble Origins in 2016 two years after Microsoft brought moyang you can see the shift begin trailers for Bedrock Edition map packs on the marketplace roll out to the oh [ __ ] here we go we’re already blaming it on Bedrock Edition

Doesn’t necessarily do that but guys so many people blame it on there and little even just like little side comments like that just kind of like lead people down that path of like it’s all bedrock’s fault and I really I just really despise that I know many of which can be found

Between the exploration update and the World of Color update a year later the promotion cycle for Minecraft Earth begins with additional content to be fair it’s it’s it does come along with with Microsoft had not seen before and then there is the mob vote notice which

One has the least amount of views yeah how curious then in 2018 more Minecon hype followed by the update aquatic trailer and the biome Chooser vote came along too yeah again like I like these animations like those are fine you may notice increasing thumbnail Clarity and

Also a tagline text it’s in 2019 and to be fair too to Mojang like everybody kind of has to do this if you want your videos to get seen even if you’re like a huge like thing like Mojang and you’re a big company that’s like got millions of

Players playing your game you need to put out professional thumbnails that that are like appealing in a YouTube sense start to see interim content between the previous standards interviews with developers and Community figures as well as our first April Fool’s trailer known as Minecraft 3D fast forward another

Couple of years and we see the ask moyang series and top 10 lists which is very much modeled on the Minecraft videos made by the community these are where facts and knowledge about the game are assembled into lists a very popular format at the time and have even made

Some myself the rhythm of content has remained pretty consistent since then there has however been a noticeable uptick in teasers explainers and excitement videos linked directly to the content inside the updates start and I had this conversation the other day um I can’t remember who with but I think

I think I think I did it on Twitter um X whatever the heck you want to call it um they they they let too much information out there now and they tease too much I think and like I’m like you can’t help but like be all about it all

Right right like if they put it out there you kind of want to find it all and like learn it all and find it all out and dive in but I do think to some extent the game is worse off for it because like it takes a it takes out like any

Kind of hype about an upcoming update when you know and have seen everything about that update before it hits you know what I mean halting with the 1.19 Wild update really exploding with 1.20 although I haven’t analyzed Minecraft social media presence in the same way as the YouTube channel

My own organic experience through covering updates and snapshots has led me closely following their Twitter account tweets and posts I’ve noticed the same thing an uptick in posts and media to create engagement Annex next though said microtransactions are real terrible and Bedrock is filled

With them I see I don’t I don’t see that like the market like I’ve never felt compelled to buy something from the the marketplace I’ve only ever purposely like sought something out from there if I if I wanted to take a look like they don’t like give you advertisements in game

They really don’t like they really don’t do anything in game to make you want to visit the marketplace it’s it’s just there on the intro screen and like there may be like a little like extra like animated graphic down there like that’s kind of it so

Um I don’t think they do anything there that is worse than any other companies that do it in fact I think they probably do less than most other companies that do like micro transactions and seasons and stuff like that they’re not even really I mean I guess they’re micro transactions in a

Way but like they’re just like Community created like skins and maps and stuff like you can you can either go get them or you or you cannot like a lot of people give Bedrock as bad rap if like it has a Marketplace therefore it’s terrible and that’s just not that’s not

The case like it’s um it’s it’s it’s easily avoidable um and really the only bad thing you can say about them the marketplace is just the fact that it exists like period could be seen as a negative because it keeps away like free content from the

Game and that sort of thing and I think you could make an argument there I think that makes sense but to say that the marketplace like in the way it’s advertised and presented is bad I don’t think I don’t think that’s true at all excitement around the game this became

Very apparent recently with a ton of promotional material betrayals and tales coming through the official Twitter account these observations have led me to the question this video is about making all of this well-produced content takes time resources and more importantly coordination it has become somewhat of a trend since the never

Update God another update was so good like like if you look at another update like that update was Banger like there’s nobody that has anything bad to say about another update and then you get to caves and cliffs which we thought was going to be all in

One update and it ended up being like update part one and update part two which kind of makes sense like it was June 2021 November 2021 so like they were six months apart but still they split them apart and then we got more of it in June of 2022

Um and then we got more of it in June 2023 right we got we were promised we were promised all of this stuff including what we got in 2022 which was the um ancient cities and and down here when we got some like archeology type stuff so it kind of feels like these

Four were meant to be one but it just didn’t work out that way because they like over promise and then have just been slowly under delivering since then and they keep adding they’ll add in like little extra stuff here and there but it’s just felt underwhelming big Minecraft updates to release in June

Just in time for the holidays a good business move no doubt getting the hype for the game revived in time for a large portion of its player base to spend their increased free time on this is a far cry from the casual attitude moyang had over a decade ago updates were

Dropped somewhat out of the blue with very little attention given to the marketing machine that has now been built around the game of course not long after 1.20’s release the summer celebration sale arrives to cash in on the trails and tales excitement so what’s the issue all this increased

Marketing around the game is highly coordinated with deadlines to meet and promotional content ah and here we’re getting into the key problem to produce in time deadlines how does this affect game development deadlines can create pressure and time constraints that could lead to Features being cut if they are

Not ready in time marketing needs may also impact the demands put on developers not only to progress the game as they see fit but to hit demographics and I know a lot of people that watch this video or that are in the Stream here are going to hate me for saying

This fortnite has handled so much better than Minecraft is like infinitely better like fortnite has like um a place where you go to like play in like special maps and things like that and guess what they’re all free you can all you could play all of them for free um

They have like a cool battle pass where you get like free stuff every month the stuff that you can pay for actually like feels worth it like it kind of looks cool and looks fun right um the skins and such the emotes Etc uh they if you’re paying for it obviously

You feel like it’s worth it obviously they don’t do pay to play which Minecraft can’t really be a pay to play type game anyways but like it’s here we go you got a free game that gives you a lot of free stuff outside of the base game that has like a Marketplace that’s

Completely optional than audiences with features that suit for example a cuteness Factor something for the kids or an easily marketable addition that feeds into a growing promotional cycle these are of course questions not accusations moyang have every right to promote their game however they see fit the issue is that

Some of these aspects are clearly linked the summer release date a seemingly self-evident one with these links an increased demand in one area surely affects the other to some extent that area of concern being the game’s development this has led me to wonder and of course ask all of you if this

Might be a contributing factor to the recent Rocky times within our community setting aside the drama of chat reporting account migration and selective Eula enforcements is the game lacking Direction due to these external factors and thus leading to updates receiving a mixed response um I think the problem comes in and I do

Think part of the problem is is this whole like annual cycle slash release date thing like they’ve they’ve artificially produced or created this like expectation from the viewer base where everybody expects for a big update to come out in June of 2020 of in June of like whatever year it is right and

That’s just kind of it um and I don’t think Minecraft like there’s obviously different ways to do a game right and Minecraft and Microsoft and Mojang have kind of decided like our way of doing things is going to be we’re going to push one major update that

Changes a lot of things with the game or adds a lot of things in the game every year and then that’s kind of gonna be it and the problem with that is is if you’re gonna do things that way the things that you bring into the update have to be

Interesting and compelling enough to last you throughout the year on their own if that makes sense so like if we look at like if we rewind rewind back to the nether update like the nether update added in like a bunch of new biomes a ton of new blocks like a whole new like

Dimension basically to explore um and just like a lot of like a lot of stuff right so we kind of felt like oh like that’s really cool like I’m gonna restart my world or whatever and like I’m going to explore and find and do all of these things

Um but then you get to something like I don’t know let’s look at 1.20 for example like this is a major annual update and really what did they do they made armor look a little bit different which is cool like it’s fine I I like it

As an update but they made armor look a little bit different they gave you this like dinosaur type thing that you can find that walks around and digs up some flowers and they prettied up a biome that already existed and oh well no this was the cherry blossom so basically they like they

Added like a different type of tree and some flowers into the mountains that were already there they gave you a couple extra blocks um hanging signs like again like these things on their own are they’re they’re not bad things but are they things that when they get added to the game they can

They can hold a person’s attention for a whole year until the next full update the next major update comes out and to that I think the answer is very clearly no they’re like these quick flashes in the pan that like you you like they are cool on their own you can

Kind of get excited about but first of all we hear about them like six months before um we get to test them out YouTubers like put the information out there in front of you like non-stop for for six months you get all the information about every

Single thing so by the time it releases it’s already not new you know what I mean so like when you play it for the first time in the live game even if you haven’t actually played with it before you kind of feel like you already have played with it because you’ve seen and

Heard about it so much and then once you do play with it for a little bit like how long does it take to like experience a hanging sign to see a camel that doesn’t really do anything to get a sniffer that doesn’t really do anything

Um and to be like oh hey pinkwood is cool and like that’s basically it so I think the like the size of the updates they’re doing aren’t conducive to a full one year update they’re more conducive to like a three to six month update if this came out and then three months

Later they had something else come out like it’s similar in size and scope then I think we would be like oh man this is so cool like this is awesome like I keep getting these new things added into my world but if they’re going to go with an

Annual update the things need to be bigger they need to be an end update they need to be a new dimension they need to be we just updated all the structures in the game and like refresh like a bunch of the biomes like they need to feel huge they need to be here’s

A brand new system we just redid how you could XP uh we we redid enchantments we redid potions like we redid inventory like we just changed all these major systems in the game to like really change your experience like they need to be big and something that feels like it

Could last you a year now what do I think Mojang should do I think they should go away from the the huge once a year update change it to a huge update like once every couple years like a really big one like like like redo the end as big as

You did another if not bigger but every like six months every three to six months give us an update the size what you gave us in 1.20 like give us some new blocks give us like a refresh to a biome um maybe add in a new mob like that sort of thing

Um and then every so often you surprise us with this like really really really big update that’s like game changing because then the little stuff will kind of carry you along and then the really big update it’s a reason to like oh man I’m starting like a whole new world now

Like let’s go like let’s do it you know what I mean and maybe they don’t have to exactly do that but you kind of see like what I’m getting at with the balance here is we need some stop Gap things to kind of fill in every few months to like

Trickle like new things to us and make us feel like we’re getting fun new exciting things and then every so often you just like hit that home run out the park where you’re just like oh man like this is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen like I I have to play Minecraft every

Day for like six months straight now because what they just added into the game is so cool all right that was a long run let’s get back to Exuma if Mo Yang were to focus on update entirely on stability quality of life changes or tackle fundamental systems like Inventory management would

This be allowed and in here he’s going to get on this and I’m sure he’s going to talk about this but I need to talk about this too um and I’m sure I’m like on the same page with Exuma void here the reason why they don’t do these things is because

They’re not marketable you can’t you can’t um sell a product that shows uh change to the combat system there’s no there’s no action figure for inventory management that you can’t sell party supplies based on modding API like you know what I mean like these things aren’t sellable or marketable at all but

At the same time they provide huge huge huge benefits to existing players especially the existing players that played the game a lot um and it kind of feels like they’ve gotten themselves stuck in the fact that we can’t Market this therefore We’re not gonna do it or you know what honestly it

Probably is we can’t Market it so we can’t put a lot of Dev time on it but what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna try to be efficient at doing the things that we that we have to commit to for marketing purposes and we’re going to

Try to squeeze in a little bit of this stuff here and there like we got we got Tim over in in the dev team and like he doesn’t have anything to do for the next three days because he’s waiting on somebody else let’s see if he can like

Squeeze in one of these little tiny things you know what I mean let’s see if he can make one change to inventory management to kind of help things out and that’s kind of like the cycle that got themselves stuck in it’s certainly harder to Market small features and increase game performance

Over new blocks and mobs it is that actually what the majority of Minecraft’s player base want in terms of numbers the game seems to be doing fine on its current course but for how long and as someone who follows the development closely I do want to point out there are consistently under the

Hood performance changes as well as tweaks changes and fixes that can make a big difference I’m not suggesting there is any slack in this department Minecraft is clearly increasing its marketing strategy and it’s probably paying off listen best-selling video games Minecraft number one 238 million copies of the game

Like that’s crazy right like it’s the most popular game in the world it just is so obviously they’re doing something right and honestly too that kind of works to the detriment of the game because the game is so successful as it’s been run in the past like several years to where

Why would anybody like higher up look at it and be like hey like let’s let’s do this different to make the game experience better for players because like they don’t see that the bigwigs the guys at the top they don’t see that they just see they just

See dollar signs and the dollar signs look fine right now so to them like if if Jeb or you know whoever like somebody asks for like more money to do this or do that to do quality life stuff and it like goes up the chain like Microsoft’s

Like no like you guys are doing great like you’re doing really good you don’t need the extra five developers to like do this project like just you’re fine keep keep doing what you’re doing bye off however this game succeeded on its merits in the past without such coordinated campaigns and the question

Should be asked is it necessary for example Team Fortress 2 is another long-standing game I mean older than Minecraft as it was released in 2006 it’s also been continuously updated over the years yeah completely for free much like moyang back in the day the latest update was announced via you guessed it

A blog post lots of text outlining the changes and not even a single image this update brought 14 new maps to the game and an entirely new game mode the first in seven years valve is not the only company lacking big promotion and marketing efforts if one were to look

Around we could probably find a but like here’s the difference Team Fortress 2 isn’t selling products in stores people people aren’t buying Team Fortress 2 T-shirts and backpacks for their kids you know what they are buying they’re buying Minecraft pajamas and underwear and uh Legos and backpacks

And lunch boxes and water bottles and pencils and party supplies and like all of these different things people are buying that kind of stuff my I don’t know who knows how much money Mojang you know makes for marketing or from uh from merchandise but and Merchant I guess merchandise and um um

I don’t know the word I’m looking for like like selling like their IP to people to like make stuff right like Lego for example but like I guarantee you it’s a lot it’s a whole lot so that’s why I don’t know if Zoom was about to say this or

Not this video is getting close to over but that licensing there you go thanks Tarvin um that’s why these big updates annually are a thing they have a clear strategy for it the clear strategy obviously comes from the top Microsoft likes this because they can do the licensing and the products as

Long as Mojang keeps putting out something that they can Market that they can advertise that they can make products out of look at Minecraft Legends their freaking toys are all over the stores and the game sucks and we’ll talk about that later the game launched in the worst condition I’ve seen a game

Launching in a long time like it was just lacking so much it’s like they only spent a year developing it if that but the products are all over the place it’s everywhere that was already pre-planned before they even saw if people even liked the game which they didn’t

So that’s just unfortunately the state that ran you know what we’ll probably get another half baked Microsoft or Minecraft game sometime in the future I don’t know what it’s going to be but I guarantee you when they do it it’s not gonna be good because they’re not going

To get any Community feedback about it at all a whole range of approaches with varying success my conclusion is a simple one Minecraft’s visibility and successes always come from its Community if the recent wobble of mixed reception has anything to do with the obvious increased coordination of content and

Marketing it might just be wise to ditch the strategy the long-term goal should be sustainability keeping all players interested and attracting new ones to achieve that the updates need to reach a certain level of quality that the developers should be given the time to fully explore and and that’s the problem

By the way too um and that’s why like I always fight for the developers and I never Target them out specifically because dude they’re just they’re just guys and girls and people that are working for a big company that says you need to do X Y and

Z by this time and date I mean that’s all they can do right so you know every once in a while they reach out for feedback and they probably try to push a lot of that up to chain and I’m sure most of it gets ignored um but that’s not their fault

The updates and dragged out features to reach deadlines may have compromised what could have been so that’s the video please do share your thoughts with a comment if you want to answer this conversation and if you like this format of video and want to see more please consider supporting me on

Patreon your contribution there will enable me to put more time and money into these videos so thanks for considering and I’ll see you soon with another alright guys that was Exuma void um I just popped his uh video that we just watched into chat so if you want to

Go through and watch it uninterrupted without me blabbing my mouth um in the meantime then go check it out for those of you watching this is a video on YouTube later I’ll make sure I put a link down to the video and of course Exuma void Channel down in the

Description below if you’re not subscribed to Exuma void highly recommend it he comes out with great update videos I love his opinion videos um he’s also a member of hermitcraft if you like smps and survival play and that kind of thing all right that one’s over

We could have had copper Golem you mean random button pusher so any final thoughts from you guys before we move on to the next one hopefully I hope you guys felt like I added a lot to that really we just watched a nine minute video and it was 40 how long was

It I don’t even know it’s probably like at least 30 minutes long I talked a lot um but I try to I try to add a lot of good commentary to these um these reacts because React videos are a controversial thing mostly because a lot of people would just go through and play

The video say like one or two words and and that’s it they’re basically like replaying it I try to like I want to add a lot of value to you guys I want you to know my opinion I want to give that Nuance I want to give the context I want

To give all those things see you next though Okay so uh the next we’re gonna watch is this one about Minecraft Legends so uh what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna start recording again and um I am going to add in my commentary just like last time

Um this one I actually have a list of things I want to go over to um I probably won’t interject as much during and instead We’ll add in a lot of like uh we’ll call it negative opinion afterwards because I have some thoughts to share okay but I have some good

Things to say too that might that might catch some of you guys by surprise oh hi what do you need okay the wife like Pops in to look at me like she needs something and then needs nothing oh okay well you gotta give me some indication okay guys I gotta take a

Quick break I will be right back and then we’ll start the uh Minecraft Legends talk thank you thank you thank you foreign Where are we there we are I’m back and I have a guest with me today it’s stormy what’s up stormy is here she went to the vet today they put like a cream in her eye she’s very traumatized that’s why she seems she seems kind of calm and quiet

Um but here we go I’m gonna put her down and let’s get on to the next one that’s the one okay there we go wait did something happen while I was going well as I say we’re in subscriber only chat mode how do I change that oh here we go anyone

Cat did it probably okay I think we’re good I don’t know how that happened all right let’s uh get that off okay uh let’s start the recording and let’s talk Minecraft Legends so this Minecraft Legends update video just came out and this is actually kind of attached to some patch notes that

Recently came out about Minecraft Legends um this guy right here I don’t remember his name it’ll pop up here in a second um he’s kind of like the lead dude for Minecraft Legends um I actually got to interact with him some when we did the um the Minecraft

Legends uh streams like the competitive streams he was like commentating it so I was kind of cool and fun um so let’s see what he has to say about the things happening with Minecraft Legends because things haven’t been great there and almost nobody plays it anymore after like the first week or two

So let’s see what’s going on the big Minecraft Legends update is out okay a lot of big changes in here based on your player feedback and what you wanted to see in the game we’ve also added some brand new features which we’re excited to reveal to you today so

Let’s look at what we’ve done one of these brand new features is embarrassing by the way So in PvP have you ever been out attacking your opponent’s base with all of your mobs they’re destroying their Tower and all of a sudden your mobs disappear anybody that watched me stream this game knows that that would throw me into a rage more than anything your mobs

Just disappear because the other players on your team recall them over and over and over again they’ve gone back to your your home base yes recall well we’ve changed that in this update we’ve added new visual feedback so players know when their mob’s about to be recalled and we’ve also added new

Systems to make sure that mobs that are already lowered by a player aren’t accidentally recalled by another player this is this was really big this is probably one of the biggest things that they could have done for the game play in multiplayer because it was pretty

Much impossible to play with a group of random other players and actually do anything because what would happen is you would have your mobs that you’ve spawned in and created and you’re like active on the attack against the opponent you’re knocking down their wall you might be about to win the game and

Next thing you know poof all of your mobs are are just they’re just gone they don’t exist anymore because the other players can recall them back to their base which makes no sense and so then you go back to base to get your mobs back and start

Traveling back out again first you go back and see there’s no reason why my mom’s got recalled except for the person that recalled them probably just wanted to steal them so then you have to go and steal them back from the person that stole them from you try to go back out

There and continue your push and then they just get recalled again and it basically made the game unplayable unless you were playing with people that you knew and that were like competent players in some way shape or form you have more control over the mobs that you’ve summoned they will stay under

Your control they will not be recalled so you can go forward with whatever task you were trying to get to with Legends we really try to listen to our player feedback and we notice that some players were using Banner views they want to listen to player feedback

Do they they probably should have sought it out before they launched the game and did like an open or closed beta and got feedback from people who actually know about these kind of games and the people that they were trying to Target to play them you took the player feedback a little

Bit too late that we had hoped they would because it was a little too difficult to do in the heat of battle but now with the brand new this looks interesting it’s a much much better guidance to accurately Implement I didn’t feel like I had a problem with using this mode to like

Send mobs really the hard part was like this little menu right here on the left where you like change like what type of units do what but here it I don’t I can’t really tell I don’t really know what the difference is other than like they’re adding this like arrow thing

Can I go back some because it was a little too difficult to do oh so look they kind of showed it before in the way that we had hoped they would because it was a little too so like they’re showing like you had this like little circle

Thing and you would like select the Target and you would either like left click to like send units to it or right click to make all units Focus attack it difficult to do in the heat of battle but now with the brand new it see like I

Don’t right there it’s like he’s doing the same thing it just looks different new UI plays a much much better guidance to accurately Implement like this little menu over here is the same um and they have like the same thing charge which is all units go towards the

Target but fight other things on the way and in Focus Target where everything just focuses it down and they still have the little like circlally thing so I don’t really understand what’s different here I’ll have to maybe try it out for myself it is much easier now to understand

Which mobs this is this doesn’t look different this looks the same you’re sending to attack which targets by just simply pressing a button I don’t I don’t understand making improvements to the game like I see like this thing on the ground like that looks kind of new I guess

But before we look at those let’s talk about pathfinding pathfinding was terrible oh my God traveling across the beautiful landscape of Minecraft Legends there’s nothing more frustrating than turning around to find your mobs have died in lava yes they like they did not care they would eat themselves off of

Bridges off of cliffs into lava like they had no sense of self-preservation at all I’m burning half fighting in Minecraft Legends used to have its challenges um it basically didn’t exist new systems that now allowed the mobs to accurately follow the player across long distances and also dynamically change their

Formation to pass across very narrow ramps and bridges so now you won’t lose your mobs anymore they now should should follow you across the bridge um let’s be honest on this one um I am no promises that your plank Golem standing in the back won’t fall

Off into the lava what we sure hope not because we’ve we’ve updated it quite a bit like this is we were talking about this recently but like they add in like some of this like comedic humor and I guess I get why they’re doing it because like

They’re admitting here like yeah we the art design on this was terrible so now we’ve fixed our terrible design and made it better and they’re trying to like add in some comedy to it to like take the edge off of it for themselves um which I mean I guess is fine but it

Got you could just tell us like yeah this kind of sucked before and we fix it and it should mostly be better now if you see any other issues let us know like they don’t have to disguise it like this and make it all cute what a relief for the mobs

In the second act of Minecraft Legends the game opens up into a large strategic sandbox when the player can choose their own objectives but after launch we found some of our players went finding some of the features like new mounts the first and pli towers and so we’ve added a

Brand new UI in the map screen to tell the player their primary objective they basically added in like a quest a quest uh menu which I think is is fine um like the whole like campaign thing got kind of like boring anyways and I don’t know what like these like after

After campaign objectives like really are um but it doesn’t it never seemed interesting to me interesting enough for me to keep playing and do it um if they want the if they want there to be an after campaign experience like whatever it is like these like objectives like they need to like keep

Getting increasingly harder I think until like it’s not beatable like make it a challenge basically like you beat the game now here’s Like A continuing challenge to like make the game harder and harder and harder ever so slightly until the point where like you feel like you can’t like you can’t pass anymore

It’s like see as far how far you can get type of thing otherwise just just end the game when the game’s over you know what I mean just pick one or the other a secondary objective options so now you’ll have lots of things to do are you looking for a new challenge well

Then try our new custom campaign feature this this is kind of cool and change whatever you want do you only want to have certain resources available certain mobs they they actually they probably went further with this than other like games I’ve seen with these custom options which is really I don’t know

It’s really cool like if you’re gonna go if you’re gonna go One Direction or another like yeah give us more um I don’t know how like much people are going to like use it and try it and do it um but I I like the idea of it being there

Um but there’s gonna be one exception to this something that I think they missed out on that I’ll go over here in just a few minutes it’s available make the pigland stronger make more piglets in the world or no piglets in the world so look he said make more piglens in the

World or no piglets in the world make the pigland stronger but like that’s not a thing like you see these modifiers right here that’s all that there is that I saw I went through and looked for it there’s no way to make no piglets in the world

At least that I saw there’s definitely no way to make there be more piglets in the world and I that was one of the things I was looking for was like oh like if I was gonna have fun and go through and play the multi the single

Player again like I would crank the number of piglens up to 500 like I would want them everywhere just to see how much of a challenge that could make things because that sounded fun but that slider wasn’t there it’s like they they they it’s like this guy like

Meant to put it in and it’s like oops yeah yeah we forgot that make more piglets in the world or no piglets in the world with this new update you can do all of that and no you can’t so go out there make a new campaign and make a

Crazy new challenge for yourself because yeah like I would like to go in here and it’s like all of this is pigland’s and I’m just like holy crap like how do I get through this like that’s a fun challenge to me making them just hit harder or like have more health or something

Like that’s not fun I don’t want to I don’t want to beat on the same piglets over and over again I don’t want them to one shot me I want there to be like 5 000 of them right here and I just want to try to destroy all of them well in

Every game you always want to pet the animals right yeah well in this update you can do just that you can you have all these problems with the game you have all these problems with the game and one of their key focuses was let’s make it so people can pet the

Animals that’ll definitely bring more players to the game that will keep people from not playing the game anymore if we make it so they can pet the animals that solves our problems right there gather them up you can have them follow you around and like we didn’t need this

Oh my God it’s so embarrassing like why did they make him do this I feel like they made him do this it really I’m getting like that second hand embarrassment right now is anybody else and now you can actually pet them is it no God that no please he

Lost a bet yeah like this is like him being punished like okay dude listen like you really dropped the ball on missing a lot of these features in Minecraft Legends um we’re gonna make you make a fool of yourself about petting animals in the game okay you have to do it I’m sorry

But you have to do it um no you’re okay it’s hard not to be excited man either that it’s either that or like somebody from higher up was like you guys need to add in being able to pet animals and he was like pet animals like

We got other stuff that we’re doing like we don’t need to worry about petting animals and they were like no I don’t think you understand you need to make it so they can pet animals and like he reluctantly did it and now he’s just like making fun of the fact that he had

To put it in the game with our brand new feature affectionately known as pat pat you can pet all the cute mobs in the Overworld and see there we go lovely wonderful new animations you can interact with the wool I really feel like as anybody else

Like since a little bit of like sarcasm in his voice am I the only one am I the only one sensing that chickens the llamas the ocelots the pigs the rabbits the marmots the badges and the turtles I got them all but you can’t pet the War Boss

No okay you guys are sold that he’s that he’s just like is either really excited about this or he’s being punishing me to do this so we hope you enjoy these changes that we’ve made to Minecraft Legends as well as our joy the new features that we’ve

Added go check it out now and don’t forget to take a look at the latest Lost legend on the marketplace stay tuned because there’s more updates to come they need a lot more updates and let’s actually talk about that for a second um for anybody that wants to see this

I’ll I’ll go ahead and Link it down here for you um I got our handy dandy notepad right here okay let’s uh let’s do a little zoom in so I have some additional things that these guys they really need to do this was a good like in all honesty like

This is a good like start it shows that like they did like hear what the community feedback was and they started to do some of the things but it’s nowhere near enough to make people like actually come back into this game it’s just not like I see it and I’m like oh

Okay like that looks cool like that looks alright like okay that’s good but then I think okay like that’s fine like maybe I’ll come back if they do more things like it’s not going to bring me back to the game so what can they do to bring people back into the game okay

And I try to do these in some type of order of like what they should do them first of all they need to add in 1v1 2v2 and 3v3 right now you can just queue up for a 4v4 game and that’s it which isn’t it’s I don’t like that like maybe I

Don’t want to play four players maybe I just want to see how good I can 1v1 against somebody else or maybe I want to partner up with blue jay and do a 2v2 like do some 2v2 cues you know what I mean so I think the fact that

They’ve only limited it to 44 is really terrible and that should be an easy fix just add in the extra cues and maybe maybe that’s not an easy fix because there’s so few people playing the game they don’t want to like divide up the the pool of players anymore it’s like

How bad of a state the game’s in um but these things would like just that alone would make me think like yeah like maybe I want to hop on and do like a 1v1 right now you know what I mean like I could see like this would be a big one

To add in it shouldn’t be that hard to do um number two is the Lost Legends they need a leaderboard so the Lost Legends are actually kind of cool right like um if I were to um load up the game here we’ll keep talking about it while the game loads up

Like The Lost Legends are like these cool little challenges you could do and I only played the first one just because after that I lost interest in actually playing the game um but like the Lost legend was a cool idea like the one I played there was like you

You had to defend this town and there was like three large portals around you and then as those portals were like spawning in mobs you had to fight through like 20 different waves of them or something like that and I think what they could and should do is they should

Make some leaderboards based off of this okay so like here you go right here uh online wait Marketplace lost Legends so like they have like all these ones that’s that’s the portal pile that’s the one I played already um they have this one called breakout like they have these different things

And they’re just basically these like challenges you go through and do right I think the newest one August you have to like go in and you have to invade this like big like piglet base and there’s like tons of piglens in there and it’s supposed to be this like

Super hard challenge so like how cool would it be because these are our well made and they are fun but the problem with them is is you play it once you beat it and there’s no reason to play it again so if they added in some type of

Leaderboard to it to where like how what’s the fastest that people have done it like let me challenge other people let me let me try to beat my time let me try to beat other people’s times I think that would be a really cool thing for

Them to add in like bring a little bit of competitiveness to the game and give people a reason to want to like replay things um this next one’s big and this is a criticism I have of Minecraft Minecraft dungeons and Minecraft Legends like where the heck is voice chat seriously

Where’s voice chat like they have this they’re allergic to adding voice chat into their games and I don’t understand why like technology is at a point now software is that appointment now where parental controls are easy it’s not because of the kids guys it can’t be because of uh kids play this game

Because it’s so easy to add in parental controls to a game to give Parents full control of what their kids could do to where that’s that’s not a good excuse it’s actually a really terrible excuse but here we have this game that if you play online multiplayer or with somebody

Co-op like verbal communication is extremely important because there’s a lot of things to coordinate and they don’t have a way to do that um and again you can say the same thing for Minecraft Maybe Minecraft dungeons to a lesser degree is not as important there but still would be beneficial like

They need to add in voice chat I don’t know what it is like what kind of high horse they’re on what they’re what’s what’s going on there but they need to get over it and just need to add in voice chat as as a company they just

Need to jump in and do that um the next thing is like seasons and leaderboards um I think if they do things in seasons and like have minor changes to the game every season that’d be really cool right like what if the single player campaign changes every season and like these new different

Things occur within that campaign to make it different harder more challenging new things to experience and it’s not just the same old thing that would be kind of cool and then they have like little like extra extra little like modifiers to get added in with every season like some Seasons like big bosses

Can spawn inside of the piglet areas the other ones the their piglet areas like right beside your like I don’t know like give us different things it can change each season um add in like temporary creatures to like units to use whatever I think that could make the game

Continually stay interesting and make me think like oh okay like I kind of had fun playing Legends for a few weeks or a month or something this season like I’m done with it and then the next season comes out I’m like oh that’s kind of new

That sounds fun let me hop in and play some more matches like give me a reason to come back to the game like you do we need reasons to come back to the game and another one would be leaderboards like multi give me multiplayer leaderboards if I’m gonna play 1v1 or

2v2 or even 4v4 like how am I doing how am I doing compared to other people like I have a I’m a competitive person I know some of you guys are some of you guys aren’t but if you let me play 1v1 the gameplay is fun and there’s a leaderboard where I

Can compare myself against others like I’m just I’m gonna feel this urge where I have to try to climb the leaderboard and try to like see how good I can I get can I get in the top 1 000 players can I get the top 100 players you know what I

Mean like whatever it is like I I want to be competitive and I think that would give people a lot of incentive to play as long as the the core gameplay stuff is fixed and better um sticking with multiplayer um the actual AI multiplayer she could play against like uh computer opponent

There’s not really an opponent they just have a base and they like Loosely defend it with like some units that appear there and that’s it um I think like good games like this like Age of Empires and stuff like that right like they actually have like

AIS that you could go against I can I can say I want to do 1v1 versus the easy a normal or hard or super freaking hard difficulty and that could be a fun way to play the game or practice or just like pass some time or whatever I can

Decide I want to do 1v2 1v3 1v4 like I could like they just need to add in some type of AI to where you can actually do um like multiplayer practice rounds or just kind of screw around and have fun with that um and then just some other General

Stuff maybe they can look at adding in down the road um they need more like more structures more units just to make uh the gameplay a little bit more like have a little bit more variety to it right now the fact that like most games like this will have like multiple civilizations multiple

Factions that you can play as whether it be three or five or 10 or 20 like whatever like you have a lot of different factions to choose from and each faction is different from each other that doesn’t exist in Minecraft Legends right everything is you’re you’re all the same faction so that’s

Fine it’s an okay concept but if you’re gonna have that as your concept you probably need more like structures um more upgrades to structures more different types of units or upgrades to those units like paths you can take like give us a little bit of complexity in it

So that way like I’m different than the next guy and I can like vary my strategy a little bit more um and then I said more game mode options we already talked about this but like we need to be able to increase the piglet numbers in multiplayer I should be able

To increase the number of pigment bases that are around um I should have an option to wear like I don’t share my unit count with other people like I want my own amount of units I don’t want to have like a pool of units to share between everybody I

Don’t want to have a pool of resources to share between everybody I want to have my own like have that as an option I know it’s not like their core Philosophy for gameplay but having that as an option I think would be good and in terms of Minecraft Legends that’s

My thoughts on it is it a good game no not really does that potential to be a good game yeah it does and where these changes they made good yes they definitely were if they could keep going down this path maybe in a year or two

They can be where they should have been at launch and maybe at that time the game will be worth playing although at that time two they’ll they’ll have to try really hard to bring players back to it all right guys that was the segment on Legends I have stopped the recording

Hopefully you guys enjoyed that one like I wanted Legends to be good like I got into like the Early Access gameplay before like the game was launched and like it was kind of fun to play like structured matches against other people when the game was brand new

But that like that we’re off so quick it really could be amazing but are they willing to make the investment in time and resources I don’t know yeah that is the question um here’s forgot about petting animals oh my God like here’s the real problem guys like

It’s kind of funny actually so they they like for the base game for Minecraft they like project changes that you’re going to be doing pretty far in advance and they let us try stuff out pretty far in advance and test things and give our opinion on things but then like when Minecraft dungeons

Came out like nobody knew anything about it until it was launched basically right uh when Minecraft Legends came out nobody knew anything about it until development was pretty much almost done and it came out right so they’re going through these full development cycles and they’re trying to do these like honestly like cool

Interesting things with Minecraft and like expand it out to more than just like a Sandbox Survival game but the problem is is they keep jumping into these genres of games that conceptually sound like a good idea but the implementation on it is horrible Minecraft dungeons

It’s a pretty good game on its own but again it gets kind of like boring and Bland kind of quick like it could have been so much more and if they would have just included people that that know and play that style of game earlier on a development process they probably could

Have made the base game a lot better and a lot more interesting same thing with Minecraft Legends um and and like I said I kind of joked about this earlier they’re probably working on the next Minecraft Legends right now the next Minecraft dungeons right now right like they probably have had in development

For the last like two three four years whatever their next game is going to be and they have told nobody about it and they’ve got no feedback on it and it’s going to come out and it’s going to be whatever a real-time strategy like some kind of game whatever it is and

It’s gonna suck because all they were worried about is like hey let’s put today Minecraft on it let’s like make the Minecraft stuff we put in it really cute and fun and in Minecraft people are just gonna love it because it says Minecraft and then it comes out and then

Nobody likes it and everybody’s like I just play Minecraft like I don’t care about this so I get this break is brought to you by the best mob farm Bedrock creeper Farms thanks for the thanks for the donation Stargate so yeah they just need to um they need they need to include the

Community in this stuff there’s uh there’s no excuse well what happened with this um with the chat thing that’s kind of weird um transform edit transform hold on oh okay did it just update um hold on I’m I’m trying to fix the ratio of this real quick okay

I hope they let us pet animals in Minecraft yeah it’s such a silly thing to add into the game like it that just came out of nowhere and no like literally nobody’s asking for that and nobody cares about that or wants that like yeah sure there’s going to be some

Like people that are like oh wow that’s cool I’ve always wanted to pet the foxes but like that’s gonna be one in a million people but I I guess I joke there’s not a million people playing that game it’s gonna be like one in a hundred people all right

Um so let’s jump into the last video here which is ibx toy cats video Minecraft Bedrock is being ruined by parody I’m gonna try not to rant so much on this one I’ve seen it already um toy cat has a lot of good points I

Just want to add in some of my like points of agreement and um any extra opinions I have as we go uh let me go ahead and start the recording all right this next video we have is from ibxtoycat Minecraft Bedrock is being ruined by Perry I’m gonna go ahead

And drop a link to this video here in the in the chat and in the description below so if you want to watch this on your own feel free to do it um obviously this is a topic I’m very passionate about um I have already seen this there’s some

Great points here I just want to add some additional commentary to it and um it’s it’s a good topic to discuss because I think in a lot of ways it’s very true breaching the edge of your Minecraft world might result in um oh a magical blue border or a monstrous

Monolith Mountain okay the same is true for one of the best places to make a farm it might work entirely fine or give you an error message entirely dependent on whether you’re playing Java or Bedrock yeah oh God it’s so stupid it’s something that Mojang is Keen to fix

Because the color of shulkers the explosiveness of TNT underwater or even the ability for armor stands to dab should not be dependent on whether you’re playing Minecraft or Minecraft and just in case yes there’s so many things that are different depending on if you’re playing Minecraft or if you’re playing Minecraft

Like just the way that toy cap put this is spider one because it sounds stupid because it is stupid it’s so dumb like there’s so many differences between Minecraft and Minecraft and in terms of like your average player that makes no sense at all it doesn’t make any sense

It’s like walking to your house one day and it looks one way and then you walk in and like the hallway is going a different way there’s a second floor the kitchen’s on the other side of the house you’re like where am I but it’s still your house

Case it sounds like I said the same thing twice there there is Minecraft with the cross block for the logo and then there is Minecraft with the oh um so Mojang has been attempting to bring parity between the two versions of the game for quite some time now and

Although in the past they’ve done a great job with things like seed parody yeah spectator mode and it’s one of the things that is the opposite of what Mojang is I mean it took them a lot of years putting careful care into each feature and how they bounce it from one

Version to the other instead nowadays it seems like the like this this little like meme right here is so true remove cool Bedrock features or add them to Java and a lot of times they press that stupid Blue Button the solution is simply to cut features except yeah see

Yep slap the blue button that’s what they do it’s always the Bedrock Edition which loses serious lots of players love settling in a Windswept Savannah because you ‘d have which Mojang removed overnight yeah so like like I guess you could call this a bug right and maybe they didn’t

Intend for Windswept savannas to be like that green but um it’s just one of those things where like hey parody let’s um let’s go ahead and change this to make it look like Java Edition now and it looks terrible Savannah because you’d have this beautiful grass which Mojang removed

Overnight lots of people would use campfires to set entities that’s that’s another one which also makes no sense by the way like why can you not it’s a fire but it’s not going to set things on fire that get on top of it the game had never

Told you was incorrect over five updates of being in there but then this was removed by Mojang putting horses this one really like this one really sets me off horses and boats because first of all look the horse fits in the boat fine it fits in the boat

Fine the basic building blocks of a brand new world and then when you’re when you’re in it it’s still kind of sort of fits in the boat like this was just one of those things that I want you guys to understand like they make these decisions to like oh hey

We’re gonna do some parody stuff oh hey look horses can can go into boats on on Bedrock Edition well that’s not the way it’s supposed to be it’s supposed to be like Java let’s take the horses out of the boats and that’s just what they do

And they don’t give any extra thought to it they just think like Java is the way it’s supposed to be change Bedrock to Java when instead you’re going to see throughout this the process should be oh hey there’s a parody difference here okay what’s the difference okay horses

Can can get in boats in Bedrock cannot get in boats in Java okay well if we make bedrock match Java what’s the implications of that oh well people can’t put horses in boats anymore well is anybody going to be upset about that oh well maybe it’s kind of nice to be

Able to put your horse in a boat and you know travel across the water okay well if we just let Java Edition put horses in boats would that be a bad thing like what does it do does it like negatively impact the game does it like break the

Game does it make the game too easy does it do something that we think shouldn’t be done and then they need to make a decision in this case adding horses getting into boats on job Edition would have hurt nothing um it would have I guess seemingly been

Easy enough to do all they’re doing is making us a horse can get in a boat I’m sure that’s probably just an easy change in the text file um and people and then the net result would have been people are happy instead of people being mad you’re giving a feature

To job Edition instead of taking it away from bedrock and that’s the way it should work almost every time common Trends you can see recently alongside cropping recipe changes is that Mojang is simply making Bedrock slightly this is another one like you could find string and if you get that or

You can find cobwebs and if you use some shears to get those cobwebs you could make string out of it pretty cool thing that you could do on Bedrock Edition right but instead of adding that recipe to Java Edition they take the recipe away from Bedrock Edition now again follow

That same logic if we allow this to stay in the game does it break the game does it let you get so much string that it’s not even worth making a mob farm anymore no it doesn’t you know what it does it makes its where oh I’m gonna go and find

A um I’m gonna go and find a mine shaft and we’ll get some um some cobwebs and that’ll give me enough string to make some bamboo or I mean make some scaffolding or whatever like it doesn’t hurt the game at all it doesn’t impact the game negatively in any way shape or form

For them to leave this recipe in and if they added it to Java Edition it well nobody in their right mind will put it that way would complain about it and people would be like oh cool that’s awesome we can do that now but instead the decision was oh this is different

Java is the right way to do it bedrock’s the wrong way to do it we don’t care if this makes the Bedrock players angry we’re gonna take it away from them anyways was to make it match Java in an easier way this is something we must be incredibly cautious of as a community

Obviously as Bedrock players they are removing Bedrock features in the name of parity but also it’s incredibly important that Java players realize the features that they’re missing out on they could have simply added the horse boats to Java and everyone would have been happier they could have simply

Added this prettier grass to Java yes everyone would have been happy yes the same is true potentially like imagine this right imagine if at some point they’re like oh well we can’t make the um we can’t make the uh leaves a different color on Java Edition so we’re just

Going to take that away from Bedrock Edition like what if they did that like that would be really terrible um so like I could see them doing that right like at first you would think like I mean they wouldn’t do that like it looks so cool and like Bedrock players love it

So much but what if but I mean I guess if you look at prior evidence they are willing to do it so it’s very feasible they could come in and say yep you know what we’re gonna make it so the leaves don’t change white in the snow anymore

For winter mode this could come to Java unless they just remove it from bed Kyle said also what are the chances the changes aren’t coming from OJ what if it’s Microsoft point of strings I don’t think so I don’t because this is so like low hanging fruit like nobody for Microsoft

Is going to know about any of this stuff they’re not going to care about any of this stuff it doesn’t matter to them to me this reads like there’s somebody in charge of parity between the two and rather than like actually critically thinking and doing their job properly

They’re just like they’re kind of being lazy employee and they’re like yeah we’re just gonna change it to be like Java oh this is different all right we’ll just make it like Java Edition and like that’s just the way the decisions are being made that’s what it seems like

To me Bedrock the mushrooms in a swamp could come to Java unless yeah they could take they could take mushrooms out of swamps giant mushrooms out of swaps in in Java Edition and Bedrock Edition that’d be another one it’s removed from bedrock and the same is true for every

Single feature in this list and there are a lot of them but it’s important that as a community we all collectively demand that rather than bringing the better version of Minecraft down to make it match the worst one when there’s a feature that’s hard to add and sprays

All Ships up better as a whole you can’t reach equality by dragging everyone down you can only reach true quality by lifting yes up and so that is what we must be that’s what they need when it comes to Minecraft parody too with that said let’s talk about the good things

Because I don’t want to just point the finger at Mojo yes there has been a lot of good things there are all sorts Bedrock have the same season it’s important huge structures but it’s a very big Improvement they need to they need to fix the structures part this was a

Recent one uh this came to Java in 1.9 and it came to bedrock in 1.20 yes I’m happy to see it it took a long time yes the ability to use to change the text color the short sneaking is huge as well yes with horse bidding traits the transparent Beacon and conduit particle

Effects and all of the new sounds I’ll give you the the full list of everything here there are so many good positive changes that they’ve made and I would love to see it be the same going the other direction it is not that common that you get a lot of good features come

From Bedrock to Java and I think clearly as someone who Advocates a lot for Minecraft and the community on this channel it’s important that we all say these be good parity changes yes these be improvements to one version of the game rather than negative changes to another foreign

These are things that Java players should specifically want you know they should make a good parity change not a bad one and let’s start with the biggest one biome tinted watercolors this is I didn’t even know the drama didn’t have that like I just thought that was a thing

Because yeah like it’s cool if you find a mushroom Island and like you’d see that like gray water coming off of it it’s really cool imagine if they took that away Bedrock exclusive features and I’m honestly not convinced they would add it today if they were starting from

Scratch it’s also quite weird because as well as having this weird red water that you would never realistically see in survival for the never and this purple water for the end we also have the ability to die water any color because you can put water in a cauldron on

Bedrock and then diet using regular dye in fact this is I don’t think they would ever actually take this away I think that’ll like the really cool the cool stuff like they’ll give that to Java Edition it’s the it’s the things that like seem inconsequential it’s the little things

That are benefits in some way that they’ll take away this is the way the die system works there you can’t just put dice straight onto armor that makes no sense compared to dunking your leather clothes in here I think the best way to duplicate this this is a prime example where Minecraft

Says oh dying works like this on Java and like this on Bedrock but the clear solution is allow both platforms yes both this might seem redundant but actually if you look at it the Java system is easier to do but is much more wasteful of diet you have to use one

Piece of dye for every piece of armor whereas on Bedrock you put your same piece of armor and The Cauldron which has been dyed just once meaning one die can go much further using a cauldron meaning that even if both editions had both some players would still choose go

The easy way and some players would choose to go the efficient way this is similar to how potions can be placed in cauldrons and to be honest with you this one is kind of weird to me because what is the point of a cauldron on Java if it

Can’t do either it really can’t do anything but that is besides the point next up we have four very much see they are sideways on the ground this is one of those slightly odd features that honestly adds a tiny bit of Ambience to Forest I have to admit that

When I use the bedrockify mod recently it did give me a tiny bit of the glimmer of joy that a dead tree could give but it is a weird one but the weird one is dying trees why is it that a tree covered in Vines is dying if you covered

My house in Vines wouldn’t I don’t wait I don’t understand that dying trees I just always thought they were trees with vines on them does Java dish and not have trees with vines speed wants to get clear just like how uh placing blocks is something which I

Find to be oh God if they ever change this one I would revolve you have to crouch over the edge and you have to place one like this I don’t think they would ever change it but they’ll also never change add it to Java either Honestly the only thing that makes the Java method even somewhat redeemable is the fact that they added Swift sneak but then that means that Swift sneak is way more useful on Java where you actually need to crouch a lot and so now by fixing this parity issue you also kind

Of nerve one of the enchantments but I guess that’s a fairly small issue another one that I think is just kind of odd is the fact that blocks placing speed does not mean yeah you could place blocks so much faster on Bedrock I could use button on bedrock and just keep

Placing as you go along this is a creative mode is so much better on Bedrock you guys have no idea and it’s really funny because uh doc M77 was talking about how like he hates creative mode on Bedrock there’s so many features about creative mode and Bedrock that are

Better like so many the movement the block placing the block breaking it’s just so much better really clever thing to line up just like how blocks being placed from further away is just generally I did a parody video on a lot of this block placing stuff by the way a

Couple years ago now but yeah like you can you can place blocks about a half block further on Bedrock than you can on Java or like reach to mine about a half block further on Bedrock than you can on Java and if you’ve played Bedrock a lot

And then you go over to do so like just play Java it’s extremely noticeable it’s it’s very very noticeable this is no one has ever complained that they can place blocks from too far away especially in Creative but the next one here is one you might not have even

Known about and it may be as hard to explain so hopefully as you look at this you can understand that if you blaze blocks continually using the use button and then very nice your Crosshair Direction then they will still place in the same direction which is really handy

Very convenient controller stuff uh this is something which is just it’s very nice for like building cell phone like PC too like I do this all the time if I’m like trying to like build something wireframe something fill something in it’s very quick and easy to just hold

Down the button and just drag nice it’s a weird exclusive but as you can see it just makes Minecraft a little bit easier to build in I think buildings should be made as easy as uh can it come down to the limitations of the Java software

That that’s why it can’t be added I mean maybe for some things but really not I guess mostly no because a lot of the things that they that like toy cats going over here or they talk about or show um like Java mods can do that kind of

Stuff really easy like Java mods can do some like really crazy stuff so I’m not really going to believe that there’s some type of like engine limitation on Java Edition outside of like very rare and specific scenarios like um like with colored lighting for example I think is

One which I think somebody correct me here tell me a chat but I think they’ve even done stuff with like colored Lighting on um on Java recently with like some kind of mod I’m not sure or maybe maybe not maybe I’m thinking something else possible

A lot of blocks by hand this is a near given for 99 of players I know there are some things out there that can ease this up but why not make this as easy as possible every single step that can be taken yeah it’s a game of placing blocks

Placing blocks should be easier should be doing on any device in my opinion and the only reason it’s on Bedrock is because it’s from console this is something that should move to job Edition just like how uh I think the way skeleton horses will kind of odd

They do not require a saddle to control them on Bedrock something I really love it’s kind of don’t have the inventory slot for it so they couldn’t take one even if you wanted to by the way something else that you could have even if you wanted to are squids glow squids

And dolphins or having baby vets this is a good one these things are also cute I mean I have to say though they’re really cool liquids are a bizarre concept because it’s not like you can breed two square together instead the baby squid just kind of spawns into nothingness I

Feel as though almost every mob in Minecraft you could make a decent excuse for breeding them and I think rather than you know happening to make I think it’d be cool if you could breathe if you could just have breed some squid in it maybe that’s just track from the main power

Parrot here’s an easy parity Point chess Hoppers dispensers and droppers cannot be pushed but that’s why I’m saying Kyle that the the reason why the point doesn’t that you’re saying doesn’t really matter is because there’s Java Edition mods that go Way Beyond like anything that better Rock Edition does

Currently on its own and can there’s Java mods that can do a lot of the things parody wise that we’re talking about so um it’s it’s not it’s not a technical limitation on the game for like pretty much any of these things my pistons on Java they can on Bedrock

Why not move the speech and reason why it’s the way entities work between versions but that is the sort of parity feature yeah and this one I don’t think they’ll ever get rid of them better off because again it’s something useful that Java players want so since Java players want it it will

Make its way to job eventually Minecraft should be thinking about because it would add value to Java Edition players also Snow logging is a really weird one but I think would be great it’s not being affected by gravity as a whole Leaf stunning white jokes they just changed the gravity thing for Java

Recently I think full this is kind of known as winter mode that’s a very old Minecraft game mode that’s referencing coordinates being displayed on the screen at all times bone meal being able to be used yes sugarcane watch mark my words at some point that’ll be one they take away from

Bedrock they’re gonna say that um sugar cane bone meal bone meal and sugarcane isn’t supposed to be a thing and they’re gonna take it away it it’ll just be it’ll be the stupidest thing because I’ve talked to Java players about this and they’re like no you shouldn’t be able to to bone meal

Sugar cane that’s just too easy and it’s like what like this is then okay then don’t bone meal it gross Puffs being obtained using silk touch armor stands having arms armor stands having different poses you know this dab is the famous One Cake’s stacking up to 64. potions of Decay

Desert Wells having doubled the chance to generate in exchange Java gets double the never fortresses maybe all structures should be made more common on both yes you could probably have the same consistency on both because right now that is a big thing stand between us and C parody also the fishing rod being

3D instead of 2D wet sponges drying after some time when placed in a desert Savannah or Badlands by him leads being attached to walls and bolts strongholds having a specific increase in chance of generating when under a village cauldrons in a witch hut generating with

A potion inside this is this is a lot of things specific Bedrock feature did one of the Minecraft Pocket Edition developers just love cauldrons or something yes but anyway the next one here is if a nether portal generates in mid-air it will generate with neverack

Around it this is a really cool one yeah Java players hating easy mode stuff is how we get villagers that just make the game more tedious which is really funny because they’ll also say like at the same time if you bring up like oh well you shouldn’t be able to like build on

Another roof they’ll be like but just let us just let us play the game the way we want to play it what’s what’s the big deal if we could decide to build up there not just let us play the way that we want to play but then like other

Stuff they’re like no that’s too easy that’s just dumb you shouldn’t be able to play the game you want to play the contradiction is just ridiculous one a lot of the port Barry let’s play outside um because honestly when you generate a portal in mid-air happen to fly back

Into that or build blocks back into it it’s interesting but when you don’t have just a few never act blocks around it this is I didn’t know that was a difference it was made by someone who actually plays Minecraft and although I do think this is massively sick of the

Game I’ll admit the opposite is true for the never reactor core and the glowing obsidian these could be added to Java just for the sake of new blocks they’re only really available via commands and editor mode on the bedok version but still there’s some value in it also

Drowned and gas lies glowing these are quite recent mob editions so why is that the case I’m not too sure but something that should definitely be added is armor stands holding items in their hands booking quills showing two pages at once yes seriously why do Java players get to

See one they’ll probably get that eventually oh inferior Android players just don’t have as much screen space so it can only fit one page there but it’s the other way around why is it that Bedrock just has a better book and quill and why is no one complaining given that

The keyboard uh you know input method is the best one for the book and quill it’s so confused using just like sheep who don’t retain their wool color when shared if you have a Java sheep better um Kyle asks uh proud of you had to choose would you rather have sweeping

Edge added to bedrock and Trident Killers removed or Trident Killers added to Java and sweeping Edge removed um you know I think I think just that question is probably like the biggest problem with the way that Mojang does things is they think everything’s like a A or B

Instead of there being a c answer which is all of the above uh they should look at these things and if it’s something we’re like we have to either add something here and remove it there or add something there and remove it here they should really just like

Re-look at it and be like can we just do both like in this in this example like there should just be there should just be Trident killers in Java and sleeping Edge and bedrock there’s no reason why that can’t be a thing I think there just

Needs to be that like both needs to be the answer more often I hope you know what color it was before it was it will share a sheep some of that’s going to be level we’ll probably get this at some point we could improve the Java Edition

I see it certainly uh but there are some things where I’ll admit it’s a bit more of a blurred Linus where it really adds to one addition or not so for example having dead curl blocks generating yeah it’s kind of weird you don’t really know that that’s a great Bedrock feature it’s

Not because you could just pick up the core block and then just place it and let it die I’m not sure or that it needs to be there it feels natural to me but I’ll admit I don’t love it I’m just really used to it and I admit that I

Might get just as easily used the other way and the same thing has to be said for the paper doll that exists in the top left what is this guy and why does he exist I always turn it off I forget that it exists a lot of times experience

I really don’t know why this thing is here and if it’s so important why is it a Bedrock exclusive it does look kind of cool though flying or you’re running or you’re swimming it can be quite useful in those ways but surely you would know if you’re flying or running or sprinting

Or swimming or whatever else based on just exactly what you’re doing manually I feel like you’d have to be really new to Minecraft you know it’s really funny so whenever you’re playing a game in first person view the game’s not actually rendering your character which is why your character doesn’t have a shadow

Um unless there’s like another player like in the world around that loads you um it’s also why um I think it’s also well no I guess it’s just like so like if you’re playing on like if you play with shaders like the new shaders that exist in the

Game now or if you play with like RTX mode like your character doesn’t have a shadow because your character is not actually there but it’s funny because in this they they don’t render the character I think to save on system resources but they’ll render a 3D version of your character up

In the top left-hand corner of your screen like how does that make any sense at all and even then it’s a tiny little pick paper doll so who is this really helping I would love to know if you’ve genuinely found this useful because I don’t know that anyone exists I feel

Like the vast majority of people are just now learning oh yeah there’s a person in the top left because you can play Minecraft for years without noticing this thing so why does it even exist it takes up quite a bit of real estate too just like how these pandas

And these bamboo are taking up valuable real estate in the jungle I do feel as though having bamboo spawn a little bit more commonly is never a particularly wait bamboo can generate in sparse jungle oh but it doesn’t on Java that’s kind of mentioned something fun what in

The process of making this video one of the features I was going to talk about has been removed from Bedrock the very issue I’m trying to talk about with this video added to Java literally happened to one of the items on this list and I’ll mention it real quick I just need to

Also quickly mention that there is brand new merch available toy cat’s got good merch that’s good salmon energy obviously the best Bedrock exclusive but there’s also the that’s future me’s problem which is a great shot and all of these shirts are deliberately designed to be worn by basically anyone without

Having to be particularly tied to a YouTuber I don’t want to be one of those people who’s like yeah wear this to specifically show you love me no I really like these designs and I hope you will too they come on very high quality t-shirts and we can ship to basically

Anywhere in the world if you want to get your hands on a high quality t-shirt then is the place to do so also hoodies if you happen to be cold and also mugs that remind you will all die someday man wow okay to create merch selection just like how Mojang has a

Great collection of features which they’re painfully removing from Bedrock one by one and the one I just mentioned the one that I really loved and really thought was great was putting buttons on walls and fences this would allow walls to go wide in a way that was great and

Also like yeah that’s kind of silly Generations it has been they should have added this to Java Mojang please I wish you’d but obviously I think he’s clicking the button to try to put it there and he can’t yeah you used to be able to put

Like buttons on the top of fences and it was just like a cool little like it was minor but it was like an actual like detail that you could put in to like decorate your fences and make them look like a certain way and the same thing with walls and you

Can’t you can’t do that now it’s just like one of those things like why why like why did you take it away and actually in this case it might not have been something they took away on purpose um because I tweeted about this and um uh xylophan responded back and it’s like

This sound this sounds like a bug and he supposedly went back looked at it I was like yeah like this is some kind of bug that happened when we um went to change something and this like happened too so I don’t know I don’t know how that happens I know it

Happens a lot uh will they will they decide to to like go in and fix it or will they just leave it broken forever I don’t know but like it is it is a silly thing to happen yeah that was really cool the dog really really fun Bell’s being run with

Projectiles are things that you could add if you’re if your jar of Edition developer and you’re sitting here thinking how do I make it like how is that not a thing on Java Edition game better any one of these features could be great armor stand stacking to 64. their armor stands can’t stack

Is crazy to me how is that a thing renaming boats and Minecarts displaying the name above them wait is is that really true okay this is my renamed boat using the URL of that great merch site and whoa you can put it I didn’t know

You could do that boats I don’t know how I didn’t know about this one also man boats are such weird items huh none of this makes any sense to me but I guess maybe it doesn’t need to although that seems to have broken something huh

What have I done I don’t know I really don’t know so yeah did you know Minecraft is filled with all sorts of fun exclusives and bugs just like I don’t I found that by accident right now but it is kind of cool huh did you know this also applies to armor stands

Apparently so we go in there and we type in armor stand but for the American way despite having British English enabled uh and we renamed this to uh you know my other favorite thing which is to subscribe that’s definitely subscribe then boom now we have an armor stand

Which does not have the label oh that’s actually quite weird huh so yeah uh boats being renamed but not armor stands apparently okay that book gets me thinking clearly the way the boats work is slightly broken because you can play sand in the boat in a way that doesn’t

Necessarily make sense to anyone outside however if placing it on this last block causes buggy things to happen as you can see it definitely does we should be able to place a bunch of sand blocks there even which means we can play say 100 of

These in the air and then uh all right we’re gonna skip ahead because he’s just going over a lot of the same things and and it’ll give you guys a reason to go watch this if you haven’t watched it already getting a big debate about how combat

Works in Minecraft and how it should work differently I think there are a lot of changes that Minecraft need to make and I do agree that as a studio it’s very hard to work out when a certain change is good and bad and there are all

Sorts of new features which do require a lot of testing and I understand that there’s a big task being done at Mojang and making new updates but I do think that the one single guiding star they should have when it comes to parity is don’t make wonders of the game worse

This is like 100 sure don’t make one version makes both of the versions better don’t destroy that feature if 10 of the players made their base in a Windswept Savannah specifically because they like the grass there don’t remove that feature even if you think it was an

Accident if 10 of the player base really loves putting horses in boats yeah indeed have been using that as their main way of getting around don’t break people’s existing worlds for the vague notion of parity that is my message to Minecraft developers and my message to

The community and by the way that is their motto for parody features that could change the Java if it affects Java players in some negative way they won’t do it this is why um quasi connectivity is a thing this is why they can still build up on the

Nether roof this is why honestly even why they have a F3 console they don’t like the F3 console in the game they don’t want it there but because it would negatively impact Java players they leave it there anyways but they don’t have that same way of thinking for

Bedrock Edition it’s very important that we stay active and we stay opinionated in praising Mojang when they actually make positive parity changes and that we obviously guide and make our opinions known because I think that a lot of java players genuinely don’t know much about the Bedrock Edition and don’t know about

All the features they are missing so hopefully if anyone in your life plays Java if that’s you or anyone around you uh please watch this video and if you have a feature request you can go to or the Minecraft suggestions subreddit and if you put something on there don’t worry it will

Probably get deleted because that’s what happens to half of mine if you try to format it in any way add like bullets or something like that gets Auto deleted and if any of these features are important to you I would encourage you to request them on your

Version of the game we know that Mojang aren’t just going to take one random word of one dude on Twitter but they might take your Collective opinion and that is something we need to do we need to take action on and I hope that this

Video has been useful for that it took a long time to uh go through every single Edition yeah for sure regardless this is part of my big uh push to make sure Minecraft does a better job in parity and so I hope it’s great to see subscribe toy cat like

Take on this battle between better and pay attention to this and I think more people need to you might enjoy that we need more larger creators to like be in on this and to help lead the charge on um on this front because they keep doing these things

They keep making these bad decisions and we can’t we can’t let them keep making these bad decisions obviously we need to like do it in the right way we need to make sure that we are constructive and intelligent about how we make our arguments against this kind

Of thing but at the end of the day whenever they do something like this we need to Rally against it um so I’ll always do that um and hopefully at some time they’ll get the point and maybe if we if they really got the point they would go back

And revert some of these changes they’ve done like some of the ones that toy cat talked about earlier so anyways um I gave you guys a link to this video earlier I’ll give it to you again um you want to subscribe to toy cat if you don’t already and when this thing

Hits YouTube I’ll make sure I put the description the video uh link and channel link for toy cat down in the description below so thanks so much I’ll see you guys next time all right so that’s all done with that now I gotta start getting ready for my daughter’s soccer practice so we’re

Gonna kind of like quickly and abruptly in the Stream here uh what I’m going to do though is I think is he live still toy cat was live earlier and he’s still live right now uh so I’m gonna send you guys over to watch uh toy cat

Um you can let them know it’s a prow raid coming in let her know that we just watched and reacted to his video and that it was a good one like definitely let him know that you guys appreciated the video um so I’m gonna go ahead I’m gonna send

You guys over to him thank you so much for watching I do appreciate you all and I might get back one later tonight on the gaming channel so stay tuned bye

This video, titled ‘LIVE – Mojang Hates Bedrock? Marketing Ruining MC? Legends Update! | Prowl Reacts’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2023-09-12 19:46:07. It has garnered 1165 views and 116 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:40 or 6760 seconds.

Prowl Reacts To Various Minecraft News and Drama going on in the last week! Today we watch a video by @xisumavoid about marketing ruining Minecraft, a video by @toycat about Mojang not liking Bedrock Edition, and a video by @minecraft about a new Minecraft Legends Update!

All the links! Visit my website at Become a member to get access to perks: Follow me on twitter @prowl8413 Discord Channel: My 2nd youtube channel:

  • Isaac’s Epic Minecraft Jukebox V2

    Isaac's Epic Minecraft Jukebox V2 Minecraft Bedrock Multi-Disc Looping Jukebox v2 Are you a music lover in Minecraft looking for a way to enjoy multiple music discs in a jukebox seamlessly? Look no further! The Minecraft Bedrock Multi-Disc Looping Jukebox v2 is here to enhance your musical experience in the game. Let’s dive into the details of this innovative creation. Reliability and Efficiency The latest version of the multi-disc looping jukebox aims to address the reliability issues of its predecessor. Now, you can enjoy your favorite music discs in the original order without any interruptions. The design has been simplified to a compact dimension… Read More

  • Mezzy’s Surprising Gaming Adventure

    Mezzy's Surprising Gaming Adventure The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods: Exploring the “Dread” Modpack Embarking on a Solo Adventure Join the journey as our fearless explorer delves into the eerie world of Minecraft mods in the “Dread” modpack. What horrors await in this solo adventure? Encountering the Unknown Follow along as our protagonist encounters mysterious entities and unsettling environments. Will they survive the chilling encounters? A Creepy Companion Meet a peculiar entity that seems to be watching our explorer’s every move. Is this companion a friend or foe? Unraveling the Mystery As the adventure unfolds, secrets are revealed, and the true nature of… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Lost Its Roar: Skyrow’s the Cure

    Minecraft's Lost Its Roar: Skyrow's the Cure In Minecraft, the possibilities are vast, From building to battling, the fun will last. But in Hardcore Survival, the stakes are high, One wrong move, and it’s time to say goodbye. Exploring villages, seeking out loot, But beware of new NPCs, they may give you the boot. A Gorgon lurking, ready to strike, Game over in an instant, what a hike! So keep on crafting, keep on exploring, In Minecraft, there’s always something more in store-ing. And if you dare to take on Hardcore mode, Just remember, one mistake and you may implode. Read More

  • Crafty Controller: Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup on Portainer

    Crafty Controller: Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup on Portainer Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup with Crafty Controller on Portainer Imagine being able to set up your own Minecraft server quickly, easily, and without extensive IT knowledge! In this video, a step-by-step guide is provided on how to set up your own Minecraft server using Docker, Docker Compose, and Portainer. Whether for Java or Bedrock, this guide covers everything you need to know! Key Steps: Opening Portainer and setting up Stacks Inserting Docker Compose code Creating directories on the server Starting and configuring the Crafty container Configuring and starting the Bedrock server Adjusting server settings and adding players Highlights: Easy… Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Diamond Juggernauts: Speedrunner’s Hunt

    Diamond Juggernauts: Speedrunner's Hunt In the world of Minecraft, the speedrunner runs free, Chased by hunters, a thrilling spree. Diamond juggernauts, a force to be reckoned, In this epic battle, who will be beckoned? The speedrunner’s skills, swift and sly, Dodging traps, reaching for the sky. The hunters, relentless in their pursuit, But the speedrunner’s wit, they cannot refute. With each twist and turn, the story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where legends are told. So join us now, in this epic fight, As the speedrunner races into the night. Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Arena & Diamond Dugout!

    Crafting Chaos: Arena & Diamond Dugout! In Minecraft’s world, we craft and we build, Creating arenas, with fields to be filled. Part one reveals the arena’s grand design, With interiors hidden, a sneak peek so fine. Stay tuned for more, as the project unfolds, Subtitles on, let the story be told. #MinecraftBuilding, a world of our own, Where creativity shines, in blocks we have sown. Read More

  • Lilyville War with AnshuBisht

    Lilyville War with AnshuBisht The Lilyville War in Minecraft Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, the Lilyville War has captured the attention of gamers worldwide. This epic battle between factions has brought excitement and thrill to the gaming community. The Lilyville SMP Lilyville SMP, a multiplayer server, has become the battleground for this intense war. Players from different factions, including GamerFleet and others, have joined forces to fight for supremacy in Lilyville. Key Events One of the highlights of the Lilyville War is the final showdown between the factions. With new members joining Lilyville and alliances being… Read More

  • Cubed Drinks: Minecraft’s Summer Sips

    Cubed Drinks: Minecraft's Summer Sips In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy and no pains. With animations that are funny and bright, He crafts a world that’s a pure delight. From potato mash to lychee arms, His videos bring on the charms. With every rhyme and every line, He brings a smile that’s truly divine. So follow along, subscribe with glee, To Fangkuaixuan’s channel, where fun runs free. In the land of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, He’s the creator who shines so bright. Read More

  • Empty Minecraft Skyrow Prank

    Empty Minecraft Skyrow Prank Minecraft: A Never-Ending Adventure Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can feel like a never-ending adventure. From building magnificent structures to surviving against the elements, there is always something new to discover in this virtual realm. The Thrill of Exploration When players embark on their Minecraft journey, the possibilities are endless. Each new world offers unique landscapes, resources, and challenges to overcome. Whether it’s mining deep underground for rare ores or venturing into the Nether for dangerous encounters, the thrill of exploration is ever-present. Setting Goals and Objectives One of the key aspects of Minecraft is setting goals and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cottage Witch Mod – Episode 6

    EPIC Minecraft Cottage Witch Mod - Episode 6Video Information hey Minecrafters welcome back to the channel or to the channel if you’re new here and to episode 6 in our Cottage witch mod pack series I was a busy B between episodes and I’m going to show you everything at the start of the video so grab a drink grab a snack whatever it is that you get for while you watch videos and let’s get on with the fun all righty so we have some comments to go over because of course you guys are leaving so many amazing things and tips and tricks and all… Read More

  • Creating Liminal Spaces in Minecraft

    Creating Liminal Spaces in MinecraftVideo Information this is so weird there’s no way this is Minecraft so recently I saw a video by thght where he made some like super cool but like super unsettling limal spaces in Minecraft and I was like okay that’s that’s pretty sick I’m I got to do this so I’m going to make the most Lial experience in Minecraft and uh torture my YouTube Friends by making them walk through it and also to make their experience like even more uncomfortable I’m going to be pretending to be Herobrine and scaring them this might have been my most… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Chaos with Crowd Control | Part 03

    Intense Minecraft Chaos with Crowd Control | Part 03Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Vanilla Minecraft w/ Crowd Control | Part 03’, was uploaded by MattMightCraft on 2024-03-29 07:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thank you for subscribing and liking the video! Without you, the streams and videos would not be possible! Thank you for doing … Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Sand Art in Minecraft | Dadduji’s Creation #plankton

    Mind-Blowing Sand Art in Minecraft | Dadduji's Creation #planktonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Video of Minecraft Sand Art Video | plankton |#plankton #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Is Dadduji on 2024-01-04 00:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. plankton #minecraftshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed #amongus #freddyfazbear Hello Guys, Hit the Like and Subscribe button to … Read More

  • Wolfen Farm: Crossing 4 Insanity!

    Wolfen Farm: Crossing 4 Insanity!Video Information hello everyone and welcome to farming Crossing 4 so I used to play farming Crossing 3 and I absolutely loved it and if you don’t know what farming Crossing is it’s a um it’s a mod pack for Minecraft that is heavily inspired by Animal Crossing and Animal Crossing is probably one of my most favorite games ever so I really was super excited to find out that this one came out and it was released not too terribly long ago and I’m really looking forward to hopping right in so let’s go ahead and do it uh… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: BUILDING EPIC MINECRAFT HOUSE #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO MAKE BEST HOUSE IN MINECRAFT #viral #minecraft #video #like #subscribe #share’, was uploaded by GHOST.GAMING on 2024-03-09 07:54:17. It has garnered 27 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:19 or 139 seconds. HOW TO MAKE BEST HOUSE MINECRAFT #viral #minecraft #video #like #subscribe #share Read More


    EPIC CHARITY MINECRAFT STREAM: PRIDE FUN w/ @itsfroggychair15Video Information e e e wow w [Music] wow wow [Music] wow [Music] wow wow [Music] wow [Music] wow e e e e e e [Music] oh my God wait hello everyone hello hello hello hello hello hello everyone I’m so sorry wait wait wait wait I’m just posting something on Tik Tok to notify everyone that I’m live and also sure everyone um go what you need to do wait wait wait let me post this on Tik Tok hold on okay hi everyone oh my God I can’t believe y’all breaked me oh God oh my God as… Read More

  • MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🤯 #shorts #mcpe

    MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🤯 #shorts #mcpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-05-05 05:15:43. It has garnered 359 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!

    EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!Video Information all right guys I’m live we’re doing something new today hold up oh am I live I’m live okay there we go we’re doing something new today we are doing bedw War grinding now and I also have a new mouse so it’s kind of all right let’s see how let’s see how good I am with this new mouse I’ll get into in just a second hold up let me make sure my audio is good though hello hold on all right my audio is good scamer what’s up bro welcome to the stream are you going… Read More

  • Westville

    WestvilleHey, welcome to Westville! A RPG in the world of the old wild West, with many unique features and a dedicated team! We have a custom explorable map, custom models and lots to figure out yourself. Come play today! IP: Discord: MC version: 1.20.1 or higher Read More

  • Thugcraft Semi-Anarchy Vanilla New World No Resets

    Welcome to Thugcraft! A no hack Anarchy server with no player homes, economy, or player teleports. Join now and explore our recently generated world created on 2/23/2024. No hack clients, duping, or server lag allowed. Ip: (1.17-1.20.6+) Discord: Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: Death and Destruction” 💀💀💀💀

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft: Death and Destruction" 💀💀💀💀Looks like this meme really knows how to dig its way to the top with a score of 56! 💀💀💀💀 Read More

  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes

    The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes When you spend hours preparing for the Ultimate Minecraft Server Event, only to be killed by a creeper within the first five minutes. #minecraftfail #respawnneeded Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

    Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before! Welcome to! Are you a fan of exciting adventures and stunning visuals like those in the teaser trailer for the upcoming ‘Minecraft’ live-action movie starring Jason Momoa? If so, you’ll love the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can embark on epic quests, explore various biomes, gather resources, and face off against hostile mobs like Creepers and Endermen. Just like in the movie, teamwork is key as you uncover secrets about the world’s history and your true destiny. Experience the thrill of creative world-building and the power of… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses!

    Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses! Exploring the World of Minecraft Licenses The Rise of Minecraft: From Obscurity to Global Phenomenon Back in 2009, the Swedish developer Markus Persson, also known as Notch, created Minecraft. The game’s open world, limitless possibilities, and gameplay quickly propelled it to immense success and popularity. But did you know that Notch didn’t finish school and faced personal struggles? The journey of Minecraft’s development is truly fascinating. The Battle Between Piracy and Minecraft Licenses While some may argue that Minecraft can be easily pirated, understanding the value of a Minecraft license is crucial. Dive into the world of digital keys,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

    Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information the other day no do you know I I remember this guys guys chill out we’re live now yeah no it’s it’s play the baby hurt you it was the child’s fault are you still atro grinding for Terra 9 I still atro grinding for ter 9 actually Dam that’s so cute of you Luca screen shot when you give away please ma’am never again ma’am now my WiFi is decent maybe are you sure maybe y me to tab your stream for you Koolaid give you watch time yes please yes please yes please you know once… Read More

  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More

  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

    Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]Saga of Erynth is an up-and-coming 18+ MC RP server using D&D 5e as a base for the mechanics, with original lore and a high-fantasy setting.We intend for a unique and story-driven RP experience where the players can dictate the story in meaningful and interesting ways.We’re currently in early development and looking for talented people to fill our ranks, from builders to lore writers to server devs. If you’d like to assist us, follow the discord link: Preview:Discovery and Blood. These words defined the age after the great Violation in the realm of Erynth. Nations rose and fell as… Read More

Prowl8413 – LIVE – Mojang Hates Bedrock? Marketing Ruining MC? Legends Update! | Prowl Reacts