Ryguy – Roleplays – My BULLY Is A DEMON! – Minecraft Movie

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Welcome back to the academy do you guys like when I snap my neck like that probably not it probably looks terrible anyway let’s go and let’s head into the academy today uh take this lovely turn love that frame drop okay go over here and crash oh

Excuse me what Nova did you just say whoa whoa whoa not so fast blue shirt first off first off okay the name’s Ryan not blue shirt also it’s a blue sweatshirt the shirt I wear is white underneath the blue sweatshirt they don’t deserve a name anymore that doesn’t even make any sense

You don’t deserve a name coming from the guy who was a snake tattoo not after you got me in trouble with unicorn man first first off when you say like you man it sounds like you’re saying like University of man like it’s some sort of like School uh he’s not a university

Calm down there second off okay that’s your own fault because you guys no I’m not dissing you it’s your fault you guys started that whole shenanigan thing you got a problem Nova you got you got some beef with me or something what’s going on yeah whatever yeah I can tell you you

Know what in fact Nova Nova let me ask you something who do you think who do you think who do you think runs this school do you think it’s Class B or Class A because I think it’s pretty clear and you need to remember that class B no

No it’s Class A I think you forget Class A is number one class a have you seen my hero Academia you got class A Class B no one knows Class B just saying that’s you that’s you and you know what I can prove it I can prove it uh let me double check

Who I got in class let me go in here real quick scanning scanning scanning yeah we can win classic I you know what in fact I’m gonna do this for everyone everyone gather round I am here by challenging Nova to war no he came in to school making

Fun of me saying Class B was better than Class A and I got to put him in his place so it’s time Class A gather round Class B you can go to know if I don’t really care what you do Class A is clearly number one class B even teams like usual

Well okay well we’ll probably have to go uh kick someone off our team so anyway Sam uh Sam yeah you mind being that you you can be the uh ref oh even better yet Unicorn hey guys what’s up unicorn in fact you know what perfect that year

I want you and Sam to be the referees of this battle we’re going to war with class B sorry what do you heard me Nova came in saying Class B was better than Class A and he’s wrong if I told you guys to stop right now

Would you no no all right yeah I’ll be referee okay cool Sam you’re gonna co-referee even though you’re kind of in our and that’s wearing your better anyway anyway uh okay everyone follow me we’re going to war and we no no you Nova I said follow me I said nobody I’m

Leading the way ha in your face Nova we’re going in the portal in three two in your face And welcome to the war zone everyone tips on Blue oh well you want red anyway Blue’s better than red oh I okay uh so I guess I’m going to be uh you know kind of keeping tabs over the whole situation here yeah um Sam come on up here be my uh

Be my co-announcer okay so we all need to grab some weapons I’m gonna take and also no explosives for the record that’s not what I want I wanted this one yeah that’s what I wanted and then perfect that should be all I need okay I’m all set

Just making sure the flag’s down there for you oh yeah that would be bad huh yeah you’re Gooch okay it’s are both sides ready well I mean probably not weapon ready but all right both sides Flags ready unicorn yes I believe so um additionally if you go down there and

You don’t find a flag um they’re Chess With Flags hey you just grab one oh okay well either way I got myself a lovely uh my I got my guns ready so I am ready for battle okay is everyone else ready for battle what do you get my guns

Um it doesn’t sound very battle ready doesn’t sound very battle ready at all Goldie battle ready armor Goldie get in there and go get your weapons I’m not done hold on I know but you’re taking too long so I’m sending her in go in all right okay here we go we’re ready I

Don’t care if Billy’s not ready we don’t need her the countdown okay uh everybody knows the rules go the other uh Place plays and get the flag we’re going in three two one go moving in okay I’m using the sniper rifle that seems blue watch out Blue’s taking the first oh

Wait what all right I forgot you can’t reload certain guns right oh I think you forgot to set your reload key I did oh man okay yeah water yeah I got another I got I’m out of ammo I need to reload it okay I need to set the reload key

Quick okay I’m reloading oh but nobody’s moving in oh boy we got it we got him thank goodness there’s no killer now I can use my main gun again because you’d have a nuke already wait you do what run Goldilocks got the flag wait she’s got the flag go I’m covering you

I got another go Goldie no she dropped it oh oh what color was that red a red banner he’s moving up closer oh watch our penis the band is still right here fellas is it I didn’t see it right here is she going she’s going she’s going hey we’re switching this gun run

Oh okay blue team about to get a point okay okay we’re good we got one I think oh I’m dead I’m dead did we get one point yes we got one now this is uh best of uh up to three specifically so uh you know I’m gonna

Have to get that okay tell re reset everything unicorn and let us know when we’re good to go yeah I’m working on it what do you mean you’re working on it it’s a little slow unicorn into our computer yeah that’s what they all say okay Tony what are you doing

Get inside we have not started in fact the miners have been placed I’m sorry Tony that’s right there we go okay it’s time for round number two everyone we’ve won round number one and we got a round two one we need one we we need one round

To win and we can’t risk losing it because then it becomes a one to one and then we have to win the third round and that’s a pain in the butt okay does everyone understand you don’t have a blue tunicon go get a blue tunic on okay everyone

Else get out there and get ready for war when we hear that countdown uh Tony you’re on defense and I recommend getting something Beyond a pistol oh hello give us the countdown to begin okay well I just want to make sure you’re all ready oh so we’re going in three two one go

I shot Sam see what’s the announcer I want to see if I can do it once I’m going down I’m shooting the guy in the quad Drew fell in the water oh yep we got some waterlogged Drew going on Drew’s dead I’m moving up plenty of quads of being uh being taken out

Oh Goldie has stolen a red quad goalie there’s someone in front of you okay he’s dead oh oh geez okay all right looks like red had a little bit of a setback oh a major setback if you will unicorn there’s so many of them well I

Mean what do you want me to do about it I’m the announcer okay I got one you only watch out I’m getting out I’m getting down I’m moving up I’m moving up cover me I’m gonna go get him okay I got Nova oh there’s two of them there’s two of them

I can’t get them both I need help I fell in a hole I watched you do that oh man come on ride in that Tower he’s really good oh I got him everybody he’s not that good oh whoa okay oh no it’s coming in with a minigun foreign

Is pulling off some stunning plays Ryan has stolen one of the vehicles to take the flag back to his base oh my goodness whoa he’s going he is going there’s no stopping this man I have one heart oh unicorn I had one heart driving across that Battlefield wow good job you know

What you get for winning what pain oh I can’t shoot you what yeah because I’m a superhero you know what that sounds like that sounds like Victory hold on I gotta grab it Nova’s face hey Nova that sounds like you’re a big fat loser a disputable victory over here you guys

Didn’t even score any points um yeah maybe we should tone it down a bit guys come on and no oh I mean hold on I’ll get him oh I can’t reload my guns right the reload isn’t working ah there we go spying Class B is the loser Class A is the winner

Anyway unicorn you ready to get going I think we’ve proven ourselves the Victorious team uh do not Wrap Me In the little boat of self-hierarchy please uh personally it’s not a boat I think it’s a ship a massive massive ship that’s called a yard yeah yeah that sounds even better

Because Yachts are like expensive I have half a heart so if I even get like punched I’m dead the first one didn’t even kill me and now I’m this is what we get now I’m stuck in place Goldie now you get this it’s okay I got you Ryan there we go no

We’re good oh I took care of it don’t you worry Goldie fell out of the world somehow can we please go home let’s head on over three two one go wow okay and that proves it classic is better than Class B Class B has nothing in class I mean were there truly any

Winners today yeah yeah I won tonight I think uh from a rather diplomatic um approach you’re all just one big class you know there doesn’t need to be this big class we don’t we’re not here for the speech unicorn we’re here to be Class B okay so

Come on Class A let’s go but you guys are just class yep uh-huh that’s what they all say unicorn it’s only class A and B to organize it yeah whatever you say unicorn it’s all just a class that was another day at the Academy Uh do you have any sixes uh no you’re supposed to say Go Fish Unicorn oh go fish okay now you ask okay do you have any sixes no Go Fish Go Fish uh do you have any fours yes okay okay uh unicorn I’m bored uh well I mean I’m

Sorry that I don’t have a whole lot of board games down here we’ve literally been playing Go Fish for hours yeah well that’s all I have I have a pack of cards my guy a pack of cards yes of course you do uh well uh can we play like maybe uh

Use the glove and shoot everything around again no don’t I I will not permit you to do such actions why it’s literally like the best part of this whole okay you’ll have plenty of time you’ll have plenty of time to do that late oh but hello oh

For you it’s for oh it’s for me uh hold on wait let me okay yeah let me let me answer the phone okay uh hello oh hello there right now hi Nova um what should I say um I don’t know make small talk oh uh

Oh how I uh I’m doing good um just playing Go Fish how about you Nova it’s true Go Fish yeah we’re playing uh go Fish is that right I didn’t want to play Tic-Tac-Toe well to be fair yeah of course not um what Go Fish isn’t well

Okay yeah it’s pretty lame it’s pretty lame yeah it’s pretty lame game instead of trying to free your friends uh well that’s because unicorn said not to do that plus we don’t know where they are uh yeah aren’t you the one who told us to stay put otherwise you’d hurt them

Yeah you got it got a point got a point that’s high five I’m glad you’re finally listening okay well uh what what do you want how do we get them back because did they take Tina did take Tina I think okay yeah uh I’m gonna need Tina back

Because like I don’t actually do any of the presidential duties she actually basically runs the place so uh kind of need her back right right um so anyways you can come find me now we can go find them okay uh be there any second uh yeah

We’re gonna kick your butt oh but he said oh but but uh only Ryan oh unicorn’s a cheater and well I’m not a cheater I don’t think he’s a cheater yeah I think yeah I must agree he has wish magic maybe I will play you could just wish Nova away

Well why would I do that that’s not that’s inhumane I have standards Ryan okay well then you’d put them in jail or something I don’t know okay you and me Ryan or are you no no I’m not too chicken I’ll be there uh right do not make

Chicken sounds I’ll be there in the blink of an eye where even are you do not make chicken no it’s where even are you stop being on laughing we know uh yeah we do oh I forgot all the cards got to my hand you’re in Russia okay where in Russia Russia’s not very

Specific kind of a big country look all right Nova look we’re gonna find you okay I’m sending Ryan and you’re not gonna be able to stop him okay oh yeah well good yeah we’re tracing this phone call yeah I get it now that’s how we know where you are no you’re the loser

Ah now we look like the losers no it’s fine we’ll get him okay look Ryan you’re about to go on a very dangerous mission where he is yes all right you need to get changed into your suit okay so if you go do that I’m gonna go

Get some stuff set up for you okay I’m gonna go into the chamber I imagine hitting the switch for me since this is the more fun way to put it on yeah I got you okay what’s my name again titanium titanium titanium s Assemble we’re good all right perfect

All right you got your glove um yep all right cool all right Ryan uh yes I’m going to outfit you here with an earpiece excuse me pardon me there you go okay this will help me stay in contact with you while you’re out on your mission okay okay out of my mission

You’re gonna stay in contact me with that earpiece okay I’m gonna try to give you as much Intel as possible and also um use this as a last resort please but it’s just last resort remember yeah totally uh anyway unicorn more importantly uh how am I getting to Russia

Well Ryan I can just teleport you oh right with wish magic right forgot about that hole the hole wish away thing yeah yeah okay we’ll send me to Russia oh yeah you’re right okay Ah okay we’re here in Russia hello Ryan can you hear me who’s in my head oh oh right right it’s only been a couple minutes yeah yeah okay okay I’m here in Russia Uncle Tom’s are working yeah there’s a big tower in Factory in front of me yes

Directly in front of you okay you need to make your way over there okay and the warehouse itself I’m detecting lots of hostile units so be very very careful there’s a guard Tower near here um so what do I do if they’re not bothering

Me do I walk by them are they going to shoot at me later uh if you can if you could just kind of sneak by that’d be amazing you know it’s okay conflict as possible it’s good oh they don’t even have a window on the backside we’re good

We’re good there’s some guards out front though okay let me just uh turn down my uh my eyeballs real quick as before I enter because there’s a lot a lot of people in here okay here we go uh uh I’m just gonna you know what die uh okay

Come on fight me dude yeah oh they’re fast oh you’re really fast okay you died now higher mercenary boom and boom yeah okay why did he drop he dropped some pumpkin bread oh oh there’s another right there and he dropped an XP or oh ow oh he has a gun oh he has

A gun oh they both have guns ah all right Ryan yeah I better fight kind of busy right now oh okay okay we’re good that you’re at the entrance now uh yes their guards really love banana bread yeah there’s there’s quite a bunch of guards unicorn uh-huh

Okay hold on we should also be keep hold on uh one sec what was that okay you okay sorry I see snuck up on me uh okay you said there’s key padded doors oh there you’re hiding yeah oh he had a keypad in his hand okay I

Got I got a yellow key card oh that’s barred off darn okay so is that what this is for aha oh dear wait was this dish oh I could have jumped over the wall there there was a little uh area I could jump over well that’s fine whatever either okay unicorn I’m going

Uh I killed three more oh I missed one and I miss you okay uh unicorn question Unicorn oh is it a one-way earpiece wait no I’ve been talking to it maybe he’s not here I don’t know okay here we go another mercenary here oh here you go ow

You have the knock all my other two of them oh there’s three oh there’s a lot of them okay hold up yeah get me oh dear I may have Corner myself here may have cornered myself here come on boom hi unicorn hello oh man we we love oh okay yeah I’m currently in

Battle I almost uh I was almost in trouble but I’m not anymore so as I was saying uh some of the guards happen to have some key cards on them you want to try to get those to kind of get through the uh the little pad security areas

Yeah I got through one already all right perfect so you kind of know what you’re doing a little bit Ah oh boy oh not the firing squad again ah remember uh I gave you an emergency weapon if you need it yeah we’re good I’m good for now okay hold on oh

And gotcha oh it missed got him and got him okay Ryan I was doing a little digging here yeah little digging a fun little trivia thing I found out uh Nova likes to likes to pay up front with uh pumpkin bread it turns out like so what about pumpkin bread

He likes to pay uh up front some of his mercenaries with pumpkin bread which is probably why that’s that’s great hey unicorn yeah uh I I’m in his base and I found a secret area that says secret item with anything on your radar about that it’s probably trolling you okay gotcha

Just making sure I I have an orange key card right now I don’t I’m not really sure that’s why I was a little confused uh oh wait unicorn I found a way on top of one of these shipping crates Just walk over the whole oh my God there’s a lot of mercenaries through the store it’s about okay well I’m gonna go ahead and use the top of this to uh up above one of them to kill a bunch of the soldiers who are got just guarding this entryway

Stop camping the entryway you dumb mercenaries okay unicorn I’m doing it honest there you go happy I use the orange key oh and perfect we’re through I am very happy actually thank you very much for staying on us yep oh oh you’re huge what mini boss oh God

Oh I’m in trouble shotgun time oh oh hello hello are you good Ryan uh a little bit yeah I’m good oh we’re good we’re good I got a key card I got a key card oh that was hard okay I got a red key card unicorn my radar indicates that you’re about

Halfway through that’s great uh currently having some other issues right now like uh the guards love to Camp these doors it’s pretty smart by them but it makes my life actually pretty easy recession no actually I’m good I’ve taken up majority of the guards in this area now because of this

Oh okay perfect it’s actually working out my favorite the plasma cannon is so good as a machine gun let me oh okay there’s another mini boss nearby all right oh oh okay I got stuck up on yeah yeah there’s a bunch of them okay I got them all

Oh okay hold on I still don’t have a key card though or if I do I don’t see it oh wait a sec there’s stairs oh the stairs lead to oh do you have the key card back here in this corner nope no key card oh you do it’s in your

Hand I see you he was hiding okay unicorn I got I got the next key card all right that’s what I like to hear you’re making waves my guy Making Waves okay now I’m literally the key card has put me on top okay cool eh

Okay there’s a oh my oh they can get up here oh get down get down all of you get oh owie uh careful Ryan my scanners indicate they they do have guns yeah they’re shooting me okay I want to make sure okay oh yeah they’re shooting all right I’m trying to

Blow one up right now um here we go I know you’re kind of in a hot spot right now yep a little bit uh but I’ll have just texted me okay what did Olive say you wanna you wanna be in trivia night what unicorn this is not the time to

Talk about trivia night there’s literally a bunch of mercenaries shooting at me well she was she was that’s that’s great unicorn we can talk about this later don’t you think I mean well I mean I gotta kind of give her an answer uh no I’m not going to trivia night I’m in Russia

Look at that we’re okay thank you yeah kind of have a little bit more important things on my mind okay let’s see I killed all okay I’ve killed all the uh the things did I get a level oh I did I got a level five key card

Okay unicorn uh there’s a second floor am I supposed to go up there Nova’s waiting for you okay so make sure you’re absolutely prepared I actually think I I think I I think I see him but he looks a little different so maybe I’m gonna quickly look at this wall and uh quickly do this little thing here called um

Reload skins okay look back oh hey it’s Nova now okay uh so yeah anyway unicorn uh don’t go up yet Nova’s gonna be up there yeah I can see him through the glass floor um so here’s a show he probably has something ready for you so uh you gotta be careful

All right okay you’re gonna be kept up and whatnot okay also by the way found a way over his his big security order to get to the top floor yeah I jumped over the door he put a lamp outside to jump over but it’s still legit because I got the

Key card so we’re good okay hot guns out of ammo wait oh I have shotgun ammo never mind I should probably reload that Port going in huh okay well I’ll reload that in a sec okay unicorn I see him should I should I go to him yeah confront him

Nova oh my God I’m here to stop you just like I said oh God slow turn well hello there Ryan glad you could finally make it did you collect all 72 loaves of pumpkin bread uh I’m sorry was that the secret item that was Dad supposed I was supposed to find

I only got 39. yeah I only got 39. what do you mean how dare me defended Ryan he does seem offended it’s just pumpkin bread dog I learned I learned from last time that monologuing will get me nowhere so let’s fight already wait what fine let’s fight mono imano man on man is

Yeah okay here we go Nova let’s fight don’t nope Nova I will defeat you that’s right yep you keep running Nova you run into that box you’re gonna you’re gonna fight oh oh he’s fine oh oh he’s so fast Ryan are you okay don’t worry about it he’s just really fast

But get over here uh yeah currently no Nova was running into a fence and then a box oh yeah you want a piece of me I mean I do seeing as you keep running into this fence fight me dude he keeps running unicorn he seems to

Have really fast legs he does yeah when he runs he gets really fast fight ow ah nobody get back here you can’t get away from me get back here no but no no you do not shut that door no no let me in oh okay um um okay there’s some conveniently you’ve

Got traps ready well ow unicorn I need help oh hello hi nobody locked himself in a room and um he’s shooting stuff at me and I can’t get to him okay Ryan uh well be careful he can spawn zombies on the side of his thing uh okay he’ll

Probably be sending out troops uh my analyzers indicate that there are bows in some of the crates try to grab some of them I have a bow I have a bow okay uh boy okay all right there are TNT Minecarts on the sides of the warehouse if you push them using the bow

To their destination which is behind where his thing is so she shoots big old control center okay I want to shoot the TNT Minecarts you say yeah well not the Minecarts the buttons to make them go oh I could do that where do I oh oh the things he shoots he drops arrows

Oh I didn’t yell that at all there’s a lot of zombies okay okay I got an ID I got an idea here I’ll move this one first let me get behind this box so he doesn’t see me okay I moved it once twice three times and I think that was all my

Arrows all right you’re doing good my guy I think there’s some more arrows yeah there is there is most of them go to the back okay I’m just gonna take out the zombies because they’ll fire more arrows at me while I’m in the middle yep we got some more arrows nice

Four arrows unicorn I got four ow oh I jumped over it I think ha in your face Nova yeah I’m doing okay oh I missed I missed uh no there’s just zombies on me uh plus I don’t need your emotional sport I’m doing just fine unicorn look

At me okay wait you can’t look at me uh you can hear me though uh I can’t hear you uh are you sure you don’t like a uh like an I love you or something no I’m good oh baby zombie baby zombie I unicorn I have one of the

I have one of the Minecarts in place all right get the other one in place and that thing should blow up okay foreign I got it I think I think I think I can get it here we go one two three oh I missed no I broke the TNT

Minecart unicorn what do I do it’s okay I’m gonna teleport a new one in okay do that I’m gonna fight the zombies and not look in that direction so I don’t see anything suspicious okay it’s in okay perfect okie dokie and ah okay I moved it try not to shoot it

This time uh yep didn’t mean to do it the first time and oh oh perfect unicorn I see it it’s back in place let’s hope I don’t hit it again okay unicorn is moving they’re both in position here we go enjoy this one Nova take that Nova

Nova get back here he keeps running away every time I beat him in his own game Nova oh you better not clap do not climb that crane nobody get down here Nova oh God that’s a pistol oh that’s a gun uh unicorn unicorn yeah what’s up Nova has a gun

And I backed him up onto a crane uh superhero dog pursue him oh even if he has a guy no let hold the phone I’m a sidekick not a superhero bullet still hurt me even if they don’t hurt you yeah bullets still penetrate my skin pretty easily it’s crazy what they do

Sounds like he’s throwing provocate nobody get back here he’s really good he’s navigated this crane several times in the past clearly okay unicorn I’m walking along the crane I’m gonna get to him at least I’m I’m attempting to get to him I’m not a wimp I’m climbing this crane

Just like you are just slower because it’s kinda you know we’re kind of high up you know oh you better not unicorn he has a clear shot at me on this crane you know okay Ryan I know it’s a little scary right now a little bit a little bit

Oh I promise you it’ll probably be fine okay he’s just shooting at me don’t worry about it you know the normal stuff okay there’s cover though there’s cover okay I’m good I I’m doing good come on we don’t have to do yeah he’s just shooting every time I try and talk it’s

Not it’s okay here we go I got an idea I got an idea what I’m gonna do unicorn is I’m gonna pull out my my claw and scare him with the big the big orb thing here we go I’m getting close Nova surrender see what this does

I can send that right at you right now if you don’t surrender oh he’s running I think still how big is this crane my goodness crayons are usually pretty big you’re cornered now there’s nowhere left to run Nova put down the gun come on give me the weapon

Unicorn I’ve got the weapon I have the subject secured why are you doing this Nova like seriously oh God uh no it’s not obvious look I’m gonna I’ll put down my weapon too let’s just talk for a sec it’s not obvious why you’re doing this

Look I I know as much as the first person you didn’t like me and I didn’t like you but I didn’t hate you and I didn’t think you hated me enough to go and you know do this whole Russian thing so why why would you oh here comes the tears

You know what I don’t do good at the whole sympathy thing um uh so what what what oh god I hit a touchy spot why can’t I beat you why are you always the one that wins I have money connections and power so why is it so hard to beat you well

Um first off why would you want to be me what would you even do if you beat me you hate me why do you hate me do what if anything I should be asking you these questions which is fair because I should be asking you these types of questions You don’t want to be a super soldier and you don’t want to be a criminal mastermind well you don’t you don’t have to be you can be a normal kid at the academy uh I think I think that’s possible still but you’re mad and angry all the time

That’s that’s okay that’s not not your fault and I I understand that now they did this to me made me feel pure H that’s why I have to beat you you don’t you don’t have to beat me what good would come of beating me

Anyway look I I and I get it no but it’s not your fault me and unicorn know everything there is to know about you I know your name is Nikolai katowski I hope I said that right and look we know about all that stuff okay so

I I it’s hard it’s a hard name you want to do what normal people do then then come back to the academy you don’t you don’t have to live this life you know there’s people like unicorn he could protect you he’s literally a superhero Arjun energy before I don’t even know

What that is that’s too big of a word for me that’s the kind of energy used by the demonkin it’s much more powerful than man-made energy oh well your part demons so they were probably yeah using you and well no no you you were you’re Nova

You are not made to be used you can live your own life I’m giving you a way out of this you you can get out of this you know there this isn’t all over just because you did I mean yeah you did some pretty horrific things but look I wanted to

Look past him I’m sure unicorn will too and it’ll probably protect you too Hands up hold on what hands up uh who’s this who are you he looks like blue zephos this is the rfbi oh not the Russian FBI unicorn we have a problem yeah the Russian FBI is here uh and they’re here to arrest Nikolai uh no no unicorn you don’t understand um we can’t

We need to turn we need to come back to the academy they’re using him it’s not his fault look they’ve been using him for his powers and stuff like that and we can give him a chance to live a normal life can we just talk about this later uh

Teleport us back please I okay fine I’m teleporting another quick grab my hand s okay well uh at least on the bright side of unicorn uh everyone came out on top and I think I’ve got a lot of explaining to do with the rfbi now uh but look look

Look look look look it it it’s totally worth it because now Nova can come back to class and be a normal person yeah yep right that’s that’s that’s right right yeah I can I can do that ah I just have a lot I believe Nova just asked why you saved

Him oh well I saved you because I had a REV hold on no script says Revelation I had a revelation and uh that everyone um unicorn unicorn hold on this the script is uh in not in English it’s doing a lot of big words but that is English they’re just big

Words well I can’t read big words unicorn all right well maybe if you look at school more often oh okay here we go let me tell you what why I saved you I I basically was like you know you you’ve had a rough life Nova and I don’t think

That you acting this way is your fault at all and I think that with proper edumacation you too can become a normal person well you know Ryan that was actually the first grown-up thing I’ve ever heard you say ever really yeah I’m I’m really proud of you on that one perfect well

Anyway unicorn um with that in mind um hold on Nova um you gotta knock off the the whole pilot in Russia and doing all this illegal stuff stuff please yeah and additionally you need to release those hostages oh I forgot about that yeah you need

To release now I just can’t let her see me she’ll murder me yeah that’s fair I’ll try and talk her out of it she listens to me sometimes yeah I’m gonna have to um me and over gonna have a talk why don’t you uh get lost Ryan all right okay yeah I’m gonna

Go get some ice cream yeah have fun later I should probably also see Tina real quick and then get somebody oh I’ll invite her to get ice cream perfect I’m a genius okey dokey so let’s uh see where hi hi I missed you that was so scary did you

Hear about everything that was happening oh wait well I heard that you saved us ah oh uh uh what stay there for a sec um okay she didn’t question it okay anyway um yeah see anything come on let’s go get some ice cream wait wait why not don’t worry about it

Everything no Ryan no Hey look it’s ice cream top oh that’s a mountain okay let’s go get some ice cream Tina and hopefully we can go back to a normal day welcome back to the academy um wait where’s my where’s where’s my face that hey hey

Face where’d you oh right we got rid of it because it’s dumb I don’t need a face anymore let’s keep going okay here we go welcome back to the academy where I’m pulling in to say hi to oh right oh my God stop driving vehicles in

The Academy I don’t I don’t see the problem there there’s a big problem like okay vehicles are meant for outside yes inside but we’re inside yes you see the problem no I don’t see why being inside oh hey put that down do not balance that on

Your head I’m taking this away hey you you get you get you get oh there it goes well that’s unfortunate um hey Darla what up I can’t believe the amount of files I have to sort you is this here empty than it was I don’t know hi everybody

Anyway uh what up Tony what up everyone um Drew flying like normal I shouldn’t be shocked um Josh is here right forgot about him and Nova is what out back um Nova yet where is he going what oh he wants me to follow him okay uh what is it Nova

No vote what what is it all right yeah wow hey hey hey hey hey hey hey huh Nova what the heck why did you where am I why did you knock me out I’m in your oh this is just the boys dorm what was that for

You need to get me here to talk privately so you knocked me out You didn’t you know do the normal thing and be like hey come to my room I need to talk to you privately you know like because that’s what a normal person would do Nova normal people don’t just punch each other and knock each other out to get conversations across anyways

You need my help okay what with it’s about Tina well what about Tina she’s driving you nuts well what do you mean okay yeah you’re trying to be calm about things now she is in class B now but all she does is wine wine well look I mean she’s in your class now

I don’t see what this has to do with me and she talks about you all the time well I guess I’m involved now you’re tired of it okay well look I I don’t see I don’t see what what what I can do to help with that

You need her out of class B we need to fix your relationship with her oh and how do you plan to magically do that how do you plan to magically repair me and Tina’s relationship you have a plan well I’m only going look I’ve already followed someone’s plan and ended up

Getting me in more trouble I’m willing to follow this plan if if you stop kidnapping me and knocking me out fine tell me about your dumb plan let’s go what are we doing at the library Nova what’s over here oh oh God that okay anyway what’s over here Tina Tina’s over here

You’re gonna give Tina this soda everything will go great from there what what type of Half Baked plan is that give Tina a soda and it’s just magic oh my fine Oh you’re never in the library my goodness it’s so nice to see you learning and stuff uh yeah uh Library are you here to check out a book and stuff um but yeah yeah I’m here to check out a book okay well it is Library so make

Sure to keep it quiet I mean oh yeah yeah my sparse I’m just gonna go look at some uh books have fun uh do you know where the uh History Section is uh I think it’s over there have fun okay okay perfect oh uh oh history oh history is right

Here oh let me oh Arnold Schwarzenegger um you know history of of uh oh uh hey hey Tina you look a little thirsty you want this soda it’s just an extra I had on me oh uh sure wait oh uh well there there you go

Um mind if I sit down and we we talk a little bit um I mean it’s kind of weird to talk in a library but sure take a seat oh cool um so I was thinking um you know since we’re talking uh you know we could start being uh together again and stuff

Uh no oh um what about if we uh hang out later tonight or something Look Ryan that’s really nice and nice and everything but I am um busy sorry right that Oh Ryan oh I told you it wouldn’t work what a dumb plan that was it’s she was happy for the soda and to be fair I guess she did talk to me for the first time you always feel better when Sam gives you free soda I thought Tina would be

Head over heels for you um well uh no no didn’t work can’t say it wooed Tina foreign what are their plans okay okay I’m coming you’re right Nova she is over here huh okay well you’re right about that okay so what is this amazing plan you’ve

Got some connections I can call up to set a hit on see do not call anyone to set a hit on Tina what are you crazy it’s fake we’ll start by saying that but it’ll get her in danger so you can save her I feel like I’ve done this before and I

Feel like this never ends well just saying you need to swoop in and rescue the Damsel in Distress with what all I have is my fists oh a bat where are you gonna get a Hitman on such short notice anyway get ready wait did Jordy call you already called before we

Even got here didn’t you are you kidding me oh there he is he’s behind you um Thug man he’s the best in the world oh okay um that’s that’s cool man um if you actually touch her I will actually hit you with his Bat okay anyway Nova let’s just get this

Done playing on the road because I just don’t I don’t think this will work okay there he goes I really are you sure this is a good idea Nova okay okay uh can I help you here I’m sitting right here mister well don’t be swinging any weapons at me hey you

Stop right there mister I’m here to save the day and stop you Thug man that’s right I’m here to wait unicorn wait hold on a sec unicorn wait wait nobody endangers my students oh yeah of course I’ve heard um it’s feeling a little dangerous since no

I mean like my unicorn Powers I’m about to call your name oh yeah um I I was here too oh uh good job yeah about that are you okay yeah I’m good yeah I’m good I was actually yeah why were you were here anyway oh I was uh just walking uh bye

And Todd you were you saw that from all the way over there yeah I was I was uh by the the gardens did you get that baseball bat that’s pretty cool oh um I’ve been I’ve been playing baseball in my spare time you know I’m practicing my swing I I do now

Recent yesterday picked it up for the first really yeah maybe we should start a league that’d be cool a league yeah oh yeah that’d be that’d be great anyway uh look at the time uh I gotta get going uh Merry Christmas all right but wait it’s not Christmas yeah wait a sec

I told you that was a dumb plan that didn’t even come close to working because it’s a dumb plan Nova do you have anything better in mind he was so young yeah well okay I thought he anyway look do you have anything else in mind any other genius plans I don’t know

It’s a bit more loose though okay fine uh okay yeah just explain on the way okay Nova you’re sure this is gonna work I mean I won’t lie it’s probably the best idea you’ve had yet of course I ask you this every time because right now you’re over two

It’s gonna work okay well it better work it better work because I think she’s coming yeah she’s on her way already okay here we go music always moves a woman okay well here we go uh Ryan oh Tina I’m your cutie I’m sorry for being Duty so please will you just

Forgive me cause oh oh Tina I’m your cutie I’m sorry for being Duty so well please oh please just forgive me Oh that’s oh no but can you like no but Nova what do you do no do not start Nova no nobody had her she was adding her over for a second

No not the time for a crazy drum solo I actually had her for a second she left Nova you got lost in the music okay okay well clearly this this did not work I don’t know what to do nothing works and this was genius and I thought I had her

I just give up I don’t know what to do ah what do you mean I can’t give up what else is there to do there’s one thing remember back in Russia what about Russia you mean like when I went to get you off the crane

Yeah well what does that have to do with this you just used your words and got me to see sense yeah but I just Maybe I mean kind of I guess okay well you know what you know what Nova I’m gonna talk to her tomorrow morning

I’m gonna do it first thing tomorrow and I want you to be there okay uh well I guess I guess we’ll see see you tomorrow morning I feel like we’ve been waiting Camp forever like literally forever ah girls take so long to get ready doesn’t she need to eat yeah right she

Hasn’t even got come out for breakfast yet and class starts in literally five minutes talk about slow how long does it take oh she’s coming she’s coming oh uh yeah Nova it sure is sunny outside wait Tina stop yeah can’t we just go back to the way things were before please

Look Ryan I’m really happy that you’re getting the guts to just talk to me to my face about all of this but please don’t act like I can’t see what’s going on here but you mean with me and Nova how can I not notice that I mean yeah that’s true that’s that’s

Kind of true look I really appreciate all the effort you’re putting in and don’t get me wrong I I notice it okay but the thing is is I don’t want things to go back to the way they were before I want something better and until you can figure out how

To get that better then you don’t deserve it yet oh what what do you have to say about it you guys need to get back together tired of my life my whining right right because it’s my help has gotten the class you know a higher average than Class A so far oh

That’s my whining I meant what I said figure it out and stop complaining about me um yeah that didn’t that didn’t work Nope um well you go to class Nova right good news what I have decided to bring your gold cart back from the dump that I put it at just do me a favor and don’t drive it in the school please and oh Ryan Ryan don’t drive in school it’s another day at the

Uh Academy

This video, titled ‘My BULLY Is A DEMON! – Minecraft Movie’, was uploaded by Ryguy – Roleplays on 2023-09-16 11:00:05. It has garnered 10761 views and 599 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:04 or 3664 seconds.

►Episode – My BULLY is a DEMON!


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  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More

Ryguy – Roleplays – My BULLY Is A DEMON! – Minecraft Movie