Shocking Minecraft MONCH CRONCH by Maika Mallow Ch.

Video Information

[Laughter] I Come on it ISM the in the the wind is getting strong makes Summer bikin every corner the sun is shining Bri don’t forget SC come [Applause] Onm baby put on your body baby I help you my lady I’m a and I can’t deny it oh we par on the beach see your big smile feels like a Dream too I put the sunscreen Onone the sun is way too put the on the beaches and the water the wind is getting stronger it makes me happy let the summer bikis Corner the sun Shin don’t forget come on it is [Applause] Summer I waited three seasons long to see my the BS the sun is strong the ocean view is sparkling Coconut’s falling down coconut Landing grab them coconut shaving scar them coconut drink them I don’t need to back Toy with pearls in my hair hiis is compl the flare the sun is way too h i put the scen on I’ll it till it’s the sun is way too I the sunre on wind ISM every corner Shin step come on guys is Sumer the beaches and the water the wind is getting stronger it makes me happy out in every corner shining brigh don’t [Applause] Forget Try [Applause] the Wind every the sun is shining Bri and don’t forget come on Baby your party baby I help you my lady I’m a and I can’t deny it oh oh we par on the beach see your big smile feels like a dream Caribbean I put the suncreen on I it it’s gone the is way too hard I put the sunre water the wind is getting stronger and makes me happy let thewi outm bikis every Corner I waited three seasons long to see my Island we see St by the bombs the sun is strong the ocean view is sparkling Coconut’s falling Dodge them Coconut’s Landing grab them coconut shaving scarve them coconut water drink them I don’t need to go back to dry When is complete the flare the sun is way too hard I put the suncreen on I’ll rub it till it’s gone the sun is way too hard I put the sunscreen on I’ll rub it Wind Shin on guys Sumer the beaches and go water the wind is getting stronger it Mak out is summer bik every corner just on a shining brighter don’t forget to [Applause] Subscribe Hi welcome everybody every malow welcome welcome to suul MRA yes it’s mcraft time Bros it’s mcraft Timea flash viewer Sammy Elija Big C Mr first minute CL from the very first minute very first time that the Stream was bored Robert melon how am I doing I’m doing just fine I just had some spaghetti yummy yummy spaghetti and then I had a recess yummy so my mouth is very happy right Nowa AA welcome a minute are you back in time I to Peter you got sick oh no what did you get S did you get ligma either way it doesn’t matter I shall heal you with the power of Minecraft Minecraft will heal all ligmas second time

CL who else am I missing who else must I greet who else has not been greeted yet we got ly in the chat too great concert thank You how you guys like them concert how do you guys like the concert I was in I was in two concerts I was in yanana first and then the next day we had Obaka Pam’s concert too in Pam’s I was singing within a group so it was not like me alone on

Stage it was it was like a group of a lot of other vtubers too I had never met any of them so so I hope to like I followed a couple of them I followed a couple of them and subscribed if they had like like a YouTube or or followed

Them if they had like Twitter or twitch so I kind of want to see like more of their content cuz I had never met them before I never seen them before but we we got put into our group and then we got to sing together unfortunately all I could do was like

Record my part I didn’t get to talk to them or anything but I hope to like maybe I’m too awkward and shy but like maybe just maybe I could like maybe talk to them Somehow but in Yana it was like the stage all to my sale so and I and it was in 3 so I got to dance and everything did you guys like it we worked a lot on that one between me and Jana and a couple other people who are not

YouTubers AKA like um mods and other viewers that know how to do uh that kind of stuff uh like VR chat type stuff we all got together and made a cool looking concert we all got together to make me the songs and I uh between me and Yana we did all the

Dancing we took over their bodies but yeah it was really fun I really liked dancing and last year we also did another concert for some of you guys that didn’t see the last year’s one we ALS I also like took over bodies and danced I try to make it look as awesome

As possible the dancing full of movement and and power or or Elegance if it was like a soft song An Elegant song you were vibing to my cenal music uh I enjoyed both concerts I had you thank you Robert I’m glad you watched both of them

Al I can’t wait to do another one I’m hoping that maybe next year we get to do something more advanced so maybe not even in VR chat something like you know how have you guys seen other YouTubers like that are from agencies that do their concerts a lot of them do it on

Like a studio so it doesn’t look like VR chat it looks very professional and it’s like it looks very different it’s 3D but it looks very different and very beautiful and I’m hoping maybe one day we could do something like that we need to find like a studio that we can

Use I think most of them are like on un Japan though so I’m not sure how that’s going to work it might be expensive or something something I don’t know we’ll have to see how we can do that we’re still figuring it out we just finished

Our concert so we’re figuring out how to make that happen iy was talking about how much effort went into the Nana concert oh yeah baby you don’t have no idea that was a lot of work but it was so fun I don’t know being a part of

Something so cool like that it’s just so exciting to me I just want to do them every day no matter how hard and and and and difficult it is and how sweaty I get dancing constantly over and over and over and over and over again it was just

So much fun I’ve never really been someone to that was like a dancer but I don’t know watching other YouTubers dancing it made me curious and do now doing it myself well not now I did it last year too but doing it myself was just so exciting I don’t know I

Guess I’m not into like other types of dance daning where people are like oh yeah dance up like I don’t know uh regon or something like I don’t like that dancing but dancing like the idol style it’s so much fun it’s so much fun welcome nice to see you again it is

Fantastic the most complicated dance I can do is no you did a step up from whatever the heck I would have done macarina is is good dancing okay don’t don’t talk about the macarina the macarina is good everyone can do it which makes it Good tell I’m still here because I’m a virtual singer made by Krypton oh yeah virtual singer M when you’re having fun it doesn’t seem like hard work chill chill although I was like out of of breath if you if you saw me like finishing a dance I was so

Out of breath I do not I I’m not an active person so for me any dance was like oh God okay okay up to the next song like I was so TI but I was I was so ready to keep going I want to go to a m concert me too

That’s one my biggest dreams I want to go to a Miku concert I worry about the the stiffing crowd though I mean everyone has their own spot you’re not supposed to like be running around different areas you have to stay in your own spot so nobody’s

Supposed to go like bump into you that’s that should not be happening in Miku concerts everyone’s got their own chair slash spot SL whatever the heck it is like if you at least in the Japanese one if you look at the Japanese ones like everyone’s got their own

Spot um so you shouldn’t have to worry about like people bumping into you unless somebody stretched out their arms so wide they smack your face or something I don’t know but they shouldn’t they’re not supposed to go that crazy or else they’ll probably get kicked out they can’t hurt

People there was a lot of them you did a lot during it thank you I think the most active dances that I was in was my own and yuchu I did nuch Chu’s too I went crazy on that one her song was like a rock song like a pop rock so

I was like jumping left and right and W doing a spin in the air okay maybe not in the air but I did a spin like that one was H that was really fun I really like doing nites I like the more the more hype ones the hype ones

Are really fun I kind of wish I did aby’s but we were’re running out of time so I soana did aby’s while her recers were dying unfortunately Abby kind of had to stay in place I would have loved to do uh oh nana really wanted to do pippa’s

Dance like she was begging like let me do Pappa I want to do paa and we were like yeah do Pappa do your mama you got to do your mama in that one like we got lucky I think it was Destiny because her trackers were dying but for p it didn’t

Die it was like a miracle it was a miracle her trackers didn’t die so bi’s dance came out so cute it was so cute buto on Twitter I saw someone like um I I I saw someone make a gift of pppa dance like they they

Speeded it up it looks so funny cuz the legs were like light speed kicking we’re like zoom and her legs are going Zoom it was so funny that gift someone made was so funny cuz most of f dance was like doing little cakes it’s so cute oh oh I didn’t think of retweeting

It I commented though I commented on it I was like L and then I added VI it was so funny did I say GI bro I don’t even know but I’ve heard people say so many versions of it that I have no idea what

The the official one is a gif a I think I used to say GIF but then I’ve heard so many people say GIF that I think I’m starting to say GIF too but I was telling people like it can’t be GIF it has to be GIF but like

Now it’s like getting stuck in my tongue because so many people say GIF but ever since like GIF was like a a well-known internet term so many people are saying GIF but I think it’s GIF because like I think what it stands for the first G word I think it starts with

A g sound so it only makes sense to say GI I think I think it’s like a good like a GI sound like gon then internet for flame for to 10 something like that I don’t know what it stands for say that you like wait what does it stand for I’m

Going to Google it what does gift stand stand for graphics interchange format okay so yeah it’s a good sound graphic so it has to be GIF it’s wrong if you say GIF everyone Chang it now do don’t ever say GIF ever again it’s officially GIF the

First word is Graphics it’s not a just sound at least it doesn’t super no don’t nobody know nobody Google that word don’t Google it don’t Google that word that super said don’t Google it wait it’s currently talk me to LY and Ren’s birthday happy birthday Len cuz he’s in the chat happy birthday Len I have fun with the oh my God I’m getting attacked look who it is it’s no none other than auki I I’m getting abused die die no no no don’t die auki don’t die all love to the auki if only we could hug in if only we could hug in

Here do you like this weird ass town I found the only problem with this town that I found in Minecraft here is that it’s right next to a Goddamn like cave and I keep finding like creepers popping in all the time like I can never freaking leave and there’s only like

Three houses in here also I’m trying to get fish so I can catch this cat did you make this Hut no I didn’t make it ah see I’m telling you the creepers are everywhere look akiaki found one are you keep found the creeper oh are you are you good are you good

Don’t destroy the house this is somebody’s house I’m trying to catch fish so I can get this black cat wait did how many fish did I catch though I think I caught some um I got three is that enough to get this cat to love me let me see

Where’s the black cat where’s the cat here kitty kitty kitty there was a cat here oh I see it it’s in the water it’s in the waterfall oh wait what the freak it teleported okay wait I need to give it this Fish where’d he go huh Kitty huh oh it’s trying to this C’s trying to take a bath what the freak it loves me it loves me it’s my cat now three was enough is my cat now is my cat now kitty kitty where are you did you make it

Sit how dare you it’s supposed to be my cat oh there’s another one there’s another black cat a do you want it AI a look another cat let’s have twin cats look it’s right here let’s have twin oh my God my cat like lights speed teleported did you see that it went

Zoom it’s in the water it’s drowning no Kitty oh look coal M delicious coal Kitty Don’t Drown cool cool Co cool M let cool m I got coal for Christmas guys I love coal cats say water not true one out of five stars that’s to real this is a lie they’re lying to us they’re

Lying there’s a lot of animals in this okay I’m going to go on an adventure to find the jungle again because I forgot where it was I found this little town and was like I need it I must explore it but I need to find the jungle it’s

Somewhere oh look pumpkins wait what the fre oh you want to ride you want to ride wait do you need fish oh I I think she I think she’s getting fish ‘s just getting fish look look at all the pumpkins here what up R oh my God look at all the pumpkins

Oh okay wait a minute we’re in like the Savannah area I want to be able to see from a distance uh where’s that thing uh uh Sim uh render biome blend what does that mean maximum okay we’re doing that uh entity distance what does that mean M

Map glint I don’t know what any of that means let’s just see if that if that did something I want to see from a distance a why is this like floating in the air what is that is that is this a mountain and it’s just like blocking it

Up I want to see from the distance it just looks like it’s floating no give me the high quality fov is that what it means no it does not what it means uh video is it in video or maybe it’s in Uh control no what does this mean threaded semi block Max frame rate uh did you take a picture of the chords when you last played uh about that um I Mean maybe not I’m just going to Max everything will that will that break my my PC will it will it explode my PC explode it still looks weird okay I don’t know whatever I give up let’s go find Our Land it’s close to the desert it’s close to the desert which is uh

Which is this question mark it’s close to the desert so okay wait is it well this is a savannah though was it was it also the Savannah I think it probably was this a savannah I call it a savannah I don’t really know what the official term is

What the freak what was that shoot oh I think it’s this this um oh it’s this fish dude he just popped up how cute okay anyway we’re zooming I got to find it I got to find the jungle it was somewhere around here somewhere I was using the compass to find it

So uh oh what’s that is that another town what is that I see some kind of did I find another town it’s a town cutee we found a town we found L it’s time to park beep here’s my kitty too my kitty came with me I had another kitty in the

Other town but I think I made it sit and I forgot to make it come with me so it’s forever gone look we found a town now it’s time to steal okay there’s nothing good in there H there nothing good in there what about here nope uh their houses look so different

Nothing in here their doors are so weird a oh my God were they doing some kind of cold thing they’re dressed so differently the desert people wasn’t here nothing somebody been through this town already they’re nothing in here bro all bed three beds what the freak it’s just

Dirt it’s just dirt these people collect dirt wa up brick n we have so many houses though it’s a really big town it’s not like that other one I was just in N there’s nothing in here what’s in here finally something good finally I don’t need cobblestone okay zoom in

Umy how many houses have I been to already if I left the door open I was already in it you yelling ping I mean my little kitty what the heck why is there plants of grass in here oh wait I was already in this one right I left it open Look it’s auki I think I already I already broke into every house in here there’s nothing good only one Emerald I found only one Emerald where are we d uh just found this only good thing was one Emerald L I don’t know how to spell emerald wait why did you put those

Teleport blocks there just now wait what teleport Blocks what teleport blocks what’s that you’re telling me I’m making command blocks to teleport in the middle of nowhere I don’t even know what that means Bro okay we should probably sleep what the heck is that we we we start adding like a mod to teleport to each other like in y Server I’m going to I’m going to put like my bed on next to this weirdo wait where’s my bed uhoh I think I left my bed in the other town I’m going to have to steal one God damn bro I love my bed in the other town no I’m going to sleep

Easy it’s my mother Freer and Ice to know that Minecraft is teaching hisory while playing the game I King this heard lyrics Exactly hell me I sing h bro I have like this entire cult in my broken into house now they’re all dancing on top of me leave me alone I’m just trying to sleep oh what the what is that Oh okay so I he just wants to battle throughout the night I why not murder them all I need to steal a bed from here I forgot my bed in the other Town you found the bed nice girls close the damn door oh what the Oh I thought I thought I broke myself in E let’s go okay now was mine H mine the orange bed is mine what the fre tp2 a a tp2 m m oh myo a how does this thing work how does it work click the button oh maybe this oh it doesn’t oh ooh N so should should we place them in every like counter or Something I think we should only have one Oh n okay oh okay well I’m going to go find my jungle again because I’m stupid and for G where it is okay it’s time for adventure my cat is coming along here we go zoom in is that dead fish oh no that’s living fish never mind I thought they were fish Corpses I did not take screens it’s somewhere near the desert I don’t remember if I passed by to Savannah too um what is is near the desert I think oh there’s the Desert whoa dolphin you see jump just now he did a big old jump big old SP flash in the air who going where’s the dolphin somewhere around there some dolphin oh look at him he’s right under he’s right under me look at him little dolphin cute little

Dolphin happy boy okay I got to find my goddamn jungle home it’s somewhere somewhere somewhere oh another dolphin or is that the same is that the same boy little dolphin bro I want I want to see sharks I want I want there be to be an update where there’s

Sharks and they attack your boat okay I don’t know about that maybe I don’t want to W I found the enemy Zone wait have I been here before okay I’m definitely in the wrong way but holy I found the enemy Zone enemy home big old enemy Tower let’s

Take a spy from a spy from from afar I definitely can’t fight these guys alone because I will definitely die I’m definitely in the wrong way though I got to find my goddamn jungle where the freak is it my J jungo where’ you go Jung where was it it was somewhere in the desert yeah Pillager that’s what it is the Pillager Tower we found the enemy Zone okay I am on my way to the desert on my way y it was somewhere near the desert it was it was like desert and then like immediately jungle I

Think like there was no in between so I think the Savannah was not there so if I see Savannah I’m in the wrong way I think from what I remember from what I remember back in my olden days what the it’s my old boat I found my old boat

Bro it’s my own P this is where I last was yeah akiaki auki like tele oh my God look at the amount of turtles holy look at the amount of turtles the entire family is here holy wacka moly hi auki no this is not it this is no l this is saan or

Desert the tles okay it’s somewhere around Um it’s close to the desert I will I will find it I just got to go a certain way from the desert I think it’s around here this is the desert oh you got to go bigie Okie doie be vocal in your chat yeah baby I got

Vocaloids I got Vocaloids in my chat okay wait wrong way this is a dead end dead end dead end okay it’s got to be this way it must be this way get out of the way squid going I have to catch the bot at a later date I keep dropping off oh you’re

Going sleppy go sleppy sleepy sleepy big SE sleepy sleepy boy boy Me okay I’m zooming I am zooming I will find this godamn jungle it was around here somewhere I just went like a long like a long river like this so I think I’m almost there I think I am almost there I think me thinks me thinks I’m almost at the

Jungle any any second now I will find in the Jungle is this a river no how That oh I think I found it is this is this the jungle I found it I found the jungle let’s go I’m not lost I’m not lost at all let’s go I did it I found the jungle I found the jungle let’s go look at how beautiful and thick these

Trees are don’t these look thick as freak look at these thick old trees look we even found the the bamboo forest how thick these trees are holy wacamole thick ass trees with two Seas the beautiful Masterpiece that is the jungle okay so I’m going to cut off a

Chunk of this land and turn it into an island that’s my idea right now so I’m going to do is take like a like maybe this whole chunk right here I take this whole chunk right here and divide it oh my God we got a Parrot wait what do they

Eat what do what do they eat I want one how do you feed them anyone in chat know what do they eat how do I make them my friend a journey of self-discovery to find him what do they eat do they eat certain seeds any seeds do I have seeds I

Don’t have seeds wait I I need to place a a a box in here okay wait I’m getting off here my B mine oh oh I’m full okay AMA we got to make a Box why do the chest look weird is this the mod that iuki made they look like presents okay we’re putting one of the boxes in here we’re putting a ton of sand in here whatever this is whatever this is this that this that we I’m keeping the boms I don’t need

This in my inventory small sand I don’t need that uh I don’t need this I don’t need these for now Papaa didn’t they have another boat okay whatever I don’t know where it is right now so it doesn’t Matter holy it’s dark I didn’t real oh right right I couldn’t even carry that boat that’s why oh whoops no the okay it’s na let’s sleep z z we got to take our z Oh freak oh oh wait what the fre I click on okay oh my my

Thing okay I’m ready we’re going to take a chunk of land and we’re going to turn it we’re going to turn it into an island so let’s um this corner right here I’m okay this chunk of land right here we’re destroying nature from here on out this is nature destruction yeah see we’re going to divide it by water Chop Chop jump jum jum destruction of nature I feel like I probably should have used axe to destroy the leaves Um div I tangle the lands by Water Nice 12 hours later while destroying nature honestly yeah I feel like it’s probably going to take a long time but this is this is how much it takes to create to to to create a a creation to to to to make your imagination come to life these are the these are the steps

To take to make imagination come to life you must you must sacrifice time and energy to to create a masterpiece these are how how masterpieces are born so there is no complaining here if you want to create your perfect Island you must you must GA gather the will and energy through the

Forestation deforestation is how you make forestation that’s real forestation through the de uh de the sound make the forestan you must also forestan oh my God this is not even going to reach wait I have a bucket of water this is how you do it watch and learn uh okay wait watch and

Learn uh watch and Learn something doesn’t look right watch and learn Uh Huh uh something ain’t right here why does that look so weird they’re not in the same Flow huh you know I I’ll deal with that later we got to deforestation Shan more B I’m hitting it all with a bucket I’m Terri for me do you have a permit I have a flag and a gun to bed yes I have a permit to destroy

Nature and land I am I am one with I control the Land I’m H H destroys everything that’s my that’s my permit it is it is in our nature to destroy and create otherwise am I really human if I do not destroy and create will I really be can I really call myself a human if I do not destroy and then

Create and then destroy some more okay destruction of land think was that I heard a noise it was another bird it’s a circle of life it’s a circle of life that’s why deforestation is natural it’s a natural cause which is human you know humans are natural if you really think about

It humans are all natural we’re we are born from Nature and we destroy from nature because we are natural it is just a circle of life if nature can’t protect itself from the human then the circle of life is completing itself okay get punched by a by a torch get torched get torched oh freak I can’t Waste man this really goes high up huh wow wow okay more deforestation on its way bam oops bam B bam bam bam okay destruction Mega sings the hits of David hassle Germans love David Hassel Sciences fail to explain why I’ve heard that name who is that guy what did what

Did he say sing his name sounds very familiar stop it with me singing songs right now are you are you telling yourself oh wait what what’s my coordinates okay give me sec I think it was F4 right no wa F5 no F3 oh yeah here we go

Um holy uh it’s the XYZ right oh my Lord how do we write all of that three two oh my Lord okay it’s the XYZ right is that the one wait is it XYZ uh 3274 okay wait oh I can just okay 3274 dot five 99 slash 66.00 Slash4 95. 465 there David hassle was in Night Rider I don’t know what that one is is that a movie is that the Batman it was like some wait no that not that’s not night night that’s night night that’s oh God I don’t know what night rer

Is he’s that one dude who cosplayed as a life card in the SpongeBob movie wait really oh my God okay I know SpongeBob I know I know then make this things tell your world in English achievement World pleas oh my God tell your world is such a beautiful song it’s a beautiful

Song I for how it goes right now let me try to remember oh I didn’t have to add the dots is that the one that Goes or am I mixing down one with another song I know it’s a Miku song I forgot how the melody Goes I think that’s those Right oh there’s a oh another bird there’s two there’s a blue and a red one oh my God bro I need seeds I need seeds where are the seeds they like ca beans I like beans they’re your birds how dare you I need the I need the

The the teal teil one I saw it in the other side of the water excuse me where’s the oh my God there’s a green one never mind I want the green one wait but I don’t have beans seeds I need seeds what this i l seeds I need

Seeds seeds I want the green one get It do they like Leaf seeds oh I got some seeds Okay more more more more you got seeds okay she’s all the way on the other side I want the green one get a B oh that’s sharing your world give me seeds oh my God it’s on her Shoulder where’d he go oh this way you want to see this have some SE that wasn’t enough what about full beans no he doesn’t like them oh there’s another seed that’s still not enough this guy needs too many he’s too picky mother freaking mother freaking mother freaking I need I need a

Parrot huh oh I got another one where’s a green boy green boy come back green boy stop flying away from me green boy that’s still not enough give me the seeds do I have them no where where did I go where are the seeds I don’t even see them where don’t

For come on green boy come on green boy still not enough this guy’s to picky oh my Lord I se this guy thinks he’s that I’m not good enough asking for too many Seeds maybe just like collect a bajillion at once maybe if I if I add too much time in between he’s like well I forgot you existed you have seven no we need more we need 10 we need 50 we must please the green boy just destroying every freaking plant Gathering there is Shing

Your sharing your another one Ear okay I have six wait give me yourss chicken wants my seeds where’s green boy green boy ow oh is he on the other side green boy he loves me did you just punch my bird or was that me where’d he go where’s my where’s the green boy green boy where are you

Where’s greenen boy I lost him I lost green boy wait unless he’s on my shoulder oops he’s on my shoulder look at him my green boy he’s so cute okay I’m happy I don’t need any more seeds I am a happy I am a happy bird mom now I’m a happy bird

Owner I have my own bird boy my own green boy he’s so cute okay where uh where’s the Island Division I was doing oh yeah here it is you have two birs um I’ll try to get the to whenever it shows up I want to have different colors so we can have

Different colors collect the birds we must collect different kinds ah ah holy okay maybe we should go to sleep um I’m just going to like uh jump into the water right Now my green boy protect yourself sharing the world oh look another green boy is that my green boy I don’t even know which one’s Mine oh there are two green boys one of them is mine I want the to I got a to some other time sharing the why do I have a freaking seed away I don’t need you right now IAL The the I forgot how totally World Goes uhoh that’s skeletone over there come on green boy you have three oh you’re going to have a humongous collection of birds what’s your third one what does it look like oh another green boy we got two green boys now I want the gray one the gray and yellow one hello GRE Boy what do parents do is there some special thing parents do like you know how cats scare away certain monsters or some oh yeah and then they catch you items they catch items for you like dead animals you have so many birds use me what was that

For make yourself a bed so we can Sleep well what how do you make beds anyway I think you need like St wool or something okay oh we need wool n Nal I need to go to My Island Division Island where are you here it is I’m going to put like a like a torch here so I know where it is and then there we go dividing the lands dividing the lands we shall conquer all land conquer the

Land like the humans that we are land Conquerors sharing the water oh World hello baby hello my little green boy he little green Boy his name is officially green boy look at him he’s so green he’s so green little green boy is so green my goodness the green boy Mr Blue Bird on my shoulder it’s the truth it’s actual everything is s satisfactual is that a song it sounds kind of like a

Song There’s a tree right under me oh man I should definitely make an axe since I’m going to be destroying a ton of trees uhoh I think I hear a skeleton I hear the skeleton where is he you want a piece of me here you go I only heard

But I don’t see him this this Forest is too thick your green bird died you’re the worst bird owner you do not deserve green birds you do not deserve green birds how dare you you’re going to traumatize my green boy his own brother died you killed his brother

This is so sad Alexa play This I found them want a DI over there never want to see your family ever again I hope I didn’t hurt you green boy okay he did we’re all good in the neighborhood back to dividing the lands dividing and Conquer okay I should probably eat something

Though yum y y y y y y okay maybe one more okay avoiding coner The I will destroy this with chicken destroy the land with some CL Chicken Little Fried Chicken good old KFC Andy Fried Chicken yall py I wonder how wide I should make my Island maybe I’ll maybe I’ll divide it like the other way now like this way my bird is watching me destroy

Nature she’s like why must you do this to my homeland that you feed me seeds how could I say no to this human now without her I would never have sheeds again I’d have to work for them I must accept the horrors that my master creates as long as she Fades made them

Save it’s okay B your Homeland is with me now you do not need nature anymore for you have me all you need is me careful bird I’m about to punch more dirt don’t get in my way green boy my little green boy destroy the lands create the island looks like we’re

Going to have to destroy another tree let’s go oh wait I don’t have the axe I forgot got to go by hand got to do it manually this is a huge this is a fig tree look at this guy he’s four blocks large maybe even more if you look at the

Top probably here’s a thick tree thick boy I should make my house out of jungle jungle wood and make it all truly Island truly the jungle I shall become clean of the Jungle oh look we found we found another end where it’s um uh what do you call that Island water we

Found the other side we found the water now we’ll just kind of thicken it out a little more the lion is not king of the jungle for is me m I am the queen of the jungle I’m going to go anime a he It I’m Queen of the [Applause] Jungle we got to really deep in this hole here I made like two walls bro two walls of dirt just dirt just good old sht yes what is your goal out here div divide dividing and coning I don’t know how to still coning AKA making an

Island oh lord I can’t spell how do you like the rain green boy how do you like the rain dividing the the lands and pouring water around it and connecting it to actual ocean water uh For uh wait I’m still around the same area but let me give you uh F3 okay 3 3 2 two 63 15 10 okay we shall divide the lands and create ocean y just using jungle nature for the tree trees and all that I’ll probably make the island bigger as time goes let’s

Go water time oh yeah yeah I spread those Waters I need bucket oh wait it’s like this I for destruction of nature Yeah why don’t you use the voice chat oh yeah AI I said that she wanted she had like a certain do you have that mod you mentions earlier about voice Proximity I don’t know if I just just wants to chill right now she mentioned that she was going to try like getting a mod oh never mind she no like my bird is taking a Bath oh okay she want wants to do the chat she’s calling me right now hey Yo hello wait can they hear you oh no they can’t hear you say hello again hi it’s a hi am I’m just grabbing some water oh R I forgot you were streaming too oh my Lord yeah someone in my chat was like well specifically was it Mr show wait uh

Oh Robert Robert melon is like why don’t you guys just talking in like voice CH if you’re doing the same thing together yeah I don’t know just I don’t know Are you getting attacked zombie zombie zombie zombie what’s in oh coal I love coal for Christmas oh someone did I did show them on stream oh I don’t know someone they sent a message with the qus oh let’s go wait what okay what’s in your hand not saying on oh who’s saying your saying unsafe someone accuse me of saying the

Unsafe lands why I had to at once I don’t know they’re gone I think now okay I found it 38 I wrote it to Treasure full of like batt and oh yeah it’s it’s it’s like wide open and at the edge of the ocean uhoh there’s a monster nearby

Can’t figure out where that is oh okay um it’s close to I currently am but there’s a monster around here so I I hear it voices I I’m literally looking at it right now it’s on the other side of this River you’re the one directionally challenge this

Time there’s a lot of stuff oh where’s the child oh my freaking God you want to die today mister you want to oh where’d he go what the freak is he drowning drown why can’t they drown all right they’re dead already I me what [Applause] is what I should put a torch

Here a you want to die today mister get in the water now well you get scared now huh scared baby baby okay going back to Business okay all right everyone why are you Cheating o the audio rain outside while I’m in the dry sounds really nice it sounds like you’re inside your house and there rain against your window yeah but that’s if you have a glass window cuz in Puerto Rico I had a metal window and that sounded loud and

Annoying you know it sound like a car charge in car engine it didn’t sound like a nice cozy subtle sound of rain the birth of a great Canal yes less of AET powder more but exactly I think it’s my bird making the zombie noises or maybe not no I’m not

Sure what if I happen to my cat I have not seen my cat in a good old while oh really oh it’s probably hanging around somewhere in this thck Forest I made a way back home oh nice yeah that was definitely not my bird I think it’s Behind These Walls of

Dirt the m the m I don’t know why it’s hard for me to Pronounce what do you mean you mean you saw chickens oh yeah we have like a chicken farm I think or something we had like a various Farm literally shooting them well let them roll why not Raiders oh in the town right now here oh oh wait

Really it’s aana raid I wish there was like a like a like a stream pop up so I can know that there’s a raid like with a noise otherwise I wouldn’t I would I wouldn’t know until it’s like very late yay everybody welcome I’m making I’m making a an island in Minecraft right

Now I’m making the great my Canal right now I’m trying to divide the lands divide and conquer the lands to create a manmade um ocean around it cuz the land is already there you want to die today die die oh there’s too many monsters okay I wish my bird could help

Me okay with the with the power of water oh my bird I hit my bird I’m sorry my child I’m sorry my little green boy okay there we go what hole you mean my hole no what what you mean the the the whole the UND dividing and conquering the lands that what you

Mean no you know the giant long hole I’m making what the to divide the lands to create a fake River oh oh my God it’s my bird making the noises shut up already bird you SM scaring me that there’s like baby mom baby zombies I hate those the most what’s in your

Head by the way I must greet all you peoples hey all you people hey all you people would you listen to me and Justin the blood show St shot and who am I missing magic hit it until it starts helping no I can’t abuse my little baby

Bor check that spelling um oh it stopped raining oh now it’s peaceful where where are you looking oh really I guess someone just decided to start making holes no I need wait who’s Claire Patterson who changed their name to the most basic girl name someone changed their name to a

Very normal female name the most huh coolest someone change their name to the most basic American girl name huh is this n wait there could be somebody just joking to us one of our friends well I don’t know who they are who we streaming I guess but they could be joking for the

Stream that don’t let them finish the joke again he only asked once who the Crimson CER Huh who are you are you wait who how many fake names are we getting here I’m sarting to get worried did I expose with the F3 or something huh I don’t know did I expose the our account thing server or whatever okay I guess I got on the server

Real quick uh okay should I leave who the heck yeah oh no what happened who are these people should I leave the game yeah okay okay I got kicked anyway who the heck are these people how you guys who of you guys in chats wait did I

Share something with that with F3 does it show it doesn’t show your I he how else does it sh let me just make a okay oh my God I’m scared how does the server get breached like that I only have friends in my server like close friends unless one of my friends got

Hacked probably got sped around let me just turn on the Uhoh uhoh a private Ser get Le I don’t know maybe one of my friends got hacked they or accidentally shared the IP or whatever and now I maybe shared it to a friend who they thought they could trust or something there’s a few ways oh

My Lord I mean I’m supposed to be the one to share it I told him not to share it who the heck can I not trust now who’s getting in trouble someone getting in trouble I’m going to have to ask my friends around and be like which one of

You shared the IP I told you it was between us oh my Lord OHA Sammy welcome I’m getting raided in both Gam and for real what up for It okay hello is a wanted to drop by for a sec hope you’re doing well thank you while I still can’t intend stream I’ve been working on building that house I made in Creative of reality in survival ooh nice what are you doing server it’s okay Rob but you’re here

Anyway oh wait oh you miss stream oh yeah yeah that’s true I only got to pop in y stream for a little bit oh rage Play Welcome there’s an impostor someone yeah somewhere yeah I wonder I wonder yeah um punch the like button like you’re punching dirt in Minecraft yeah I got

The a whole bunch of access attempts really how Okay do do you know like what the where the source is Noe I see their ID but no oh how suspicious I’m going to have to ask oh yeah we’re getting bot rated oh it’s Bots yeah so is there like a antibot thing or

Something how does that work um well we’re probably just going to have to sh down the server for now and just um I guess I could go to n because what’s going to happen is all these attempts are going to oh so yeah and now they’re using um

Racial connect racial what does that mean raci Flur oh oh really oh bro we won’t see any of it the white list will prevent them from connecting but uh you can technically have multiple virtual uh devices yeah spam trying to connect and it will be the server oh my

God well um give me a second okay I could join y server and I can get Nana to let you in cuz it’s okay oh okay so that’s going to work then yeah okay I was say uh are youi to the rescue my God you guys get to watch you guys

Got to watch a rare instance where our Minecraft server got hacked bro or well attacked by Bots I don’t really know what to call it hack we got hack Bros we got raided by Bots oh my God live on stream live reaction on stream oh my God our server in

Danger it’s like pillagers attacking your town instead it’s real well not real it’s Bots Bots spamming bad words no no no words bad bad no naughty words although they didn’t see it on stream luckily it didn’t get shared on stream they didn’t they didn’t reach that level we just left

Quickly and I said she was hungry on her stream now she’s here she’s going to eat us she’s going to eat the Coconuts you guys you guys are coconuts they could be watching this live stream right now yeah I thought it was real people at was like

Maybe I accidentally shared it with the F3 or something I what they were doing they were uh going around and just taking everything out of chest oh what the freak so they’re not Bots they’re real people well could be could be a bot but U yeah they did um

Stealing okay I mean I’m the operator I get theet oh okay but how do they steal it like where would they take it you can’t just take it to another server but you can’t take it to another server they right what you would do is just take all the items and then

Disconnect oh oh okay now it’s trapped in there oh I see what the heck Minecraft is too easy to hack what the heck Minecraft’s sussy can’t just turn on the wh less yeah yeah I’m like staring at the thumbnail for a solid 3 minutes and

Pondering if it’s a mouth doing the P or a coconut Chell I tried to make something really cous so what that mouth is is the meme of the cat going is that cat the cat pop mouth thing I just cut around it I put it on my character on my on my Minecraft

Model and it looks super weird all right we’re back in business guys back in business here’s my bird let’s get down to business to defeat the Bots did they bring me daughters when I asked for Wuss did they bring me doys when I brought when it ask for a real life I’m trying to make something that works business are we in we’re in the business of oh freak we’re in the business of of creating an Island we’re um manually creating a man-made Island oh what the freak I fell all right Zoom they asked me wait they asked me for coal and I asked for gold no I like coal I like coal in Minecraft no what daughters wfus only please yeah wfus your information is on the dark web oh yeah it might be on the dark web is

There a way to get rid of that uh no it’s okay oh my God someone going to break in our house someone going to go someone going to steal all my figures my perfect life with figures I might know what’s going on got to check after stream okay magic thank you for Helping let’s see there’s we got boats like parked on the on the side I must create my perfect Island my beautiful island you shall all be heard once it is completed it will be the best island you’ve ever witnessed in your entire living life living love livelihood Okay I got to I got to climb up I got to bring in more water that’s what I need to do this you’re I’m just dividing it I’m creating water river division thing I’m inside one of the whole I mean you’re going to see just like two

Walls but I’m going to destroy some of the walls and and put like grass to make it look more natural no no what’s the coordinate oh okay so my current coordinate is I’m going to type it um 33562 oops 2 slash 1510 to bring some more wait I already have a bucket of water in here I’m mean you’re going to you might fall into a hole so careful there it’s not like a whole hole it’s more like a uh I don’t know I can creating a weird ass

Cave don’t know what else to call it Okay now we’re dividing this Side uh ohly it’s gra gra whatever you call it s stop yeah I’m dividing dividing and Conquering there I see the sky and the I um so far I’m just kind of creating a water circle around it then I’ll like try making it look more natural like an island for now I’m just kind of figuring out where I want to create the line which is what I’m already doing connecting one side to the other

Side and it’s going to be connected to let me let me bring my water it’s going to be connected to the actual like normal ocean and just taking ocean water and like creating it OHA find coal and you will succeed yes sorry you L still stuck in Mexico and

Got in a family member house with no Wi-Fi or data bro how do they how how do they live like that D should live like this no Wii I guess he kind of helps dividing the land more oh yeah he took down my torch yeah e get in money Ow my bird my bird a my Bird your bird my bird die yeah that’s L too okay hi green boy hi green boy rest in Potatoes oh my God they’re still after me bro how dare you kill my bird I don’t know if that was me or this skeleton oh my God I heard that explosion yeah hi green boy just uh plan deol plan illusion my green boy I’ll find another green

Boy to many zombies my mother freaking Lord probably the bird is on the on the one of your birds is on the boat holy bro I’m surrounded by mon is not going to let me sleep one are of your burds the blue bird is on your on your

On your bow it’s so cute he sitting there sleep I’m going to like run away from monsters and find a good spot where they don’t see me Flying not a St okay this is a good spot here we go oh yeah going back I see the zombie he coming my way but he’s on fire on my way on my Way Um I’m hoping take the oh thank you got to put some seeds in here for getting out of the bird later let’s see what else do I not to Need yeah some gra on there okay dump some of these Items we don’t need you I’m e Archangel became a malow angel aligato thank you for becoming a malow wherever malare you stuck on this island with me never to leave never to escape welcome welcome to my tiny Island oh it’s raining again okay we’re done jump in this into the

Water into the ocean you Go uhoh oh I think that was the parrot okay and there you go you’re stuck on an N with me I will take good care of you don’t worry oh what the freak no you’re safe with me you’re very safe with me I will definitely not eat you when

I’m starving on this island as the only Survivor what is it called yeah Mal oh what the freak just did you never think of one M money s new Lance wasted $147 of monies stuck on an island with M sounds fun thank you suul you’re feeding me for another day your

Parr I guess we both have a dead parrot now A C of I think was to true we didn’t give them names cuz we don’t have a naming tag yet I hav’t found one dumping all my garbage what why sure me it was in mine too the folds I don’t know what that

Means okay oh look at that little blue boy we have to make make them sit somewhere like where the box where the chest is or something it’s not dead it’s pinning for the F what does that mean oh pining for the fs is that like a type of land I

Think I’ve heard of f somewhere Lo loading gel Norwegian blue like the ocean S I don’t know where to put this to where it stops looking like it’s getting into the middle and sinking Nintendo how do I make it stay into where the freak it is it’s like

A oh a Terrain and what’s finding oh like wishing for a person I’m wishing I’m wishing for something something two what gigs what does that mean I mean and like what do you mean Geeks of memory like does does Minecraft have memory S doated wh what deated diated dedicated wh get Wham I don’t know the rest of the song holy I heard that explosion I was like is it near me I don’t know which way to look I don’t see anything I only have two walls What oh the fuel it sounds so foreign oh there’s one in for world Warcraft yes for warft my tongue is drunk I don’t know from what probably from the recess you’re still eating no I mean I was earlier oh my God I found I found I

Found I found I found I found uh the blue gem uh holy there’s a bunch of them oh my God there’s more la la lapis yeah what is this from oh she says it oh it’s TOA she said it hey hey hey hey she has a certain like voice hey

It sounds like really really thoy hey that’s actually really good really see it sounds really throaty I don’t how to explain it like tightening your throat a lot and a little bit snow stuffy too really holy I can voice act oh my God you you you thought I played an

Audio clip what holy I know was that good at doing Pi I [Laughter] record that’s actually really good wait really yeah what the holy there was a creeper right there oh my god oh that’s PE hey that’s pretty good what’s that oh OT I don’t know who ocelot is oh okay I know

Him oh no he thinks this is our town bro I barely created the town Yet oh thank you bro I haven’t even created a home in here what do you how do you think this is my home the man’s crazy I’m only just throwing water on the Ground yeah that’s exactly what else does he say any any common cast phrases from I don’t know how to do her she sounds a little more mature but still a little kind of pry a little bit I don’t know pickle that came out weird you have such a good I don’t know I

Just I don’t know I’ve done her laugh before I’ve heard people say that it’s a good a good Fake she doesn’t know do okay yeah that’s just a that’s just a written meme okay okay okay okay I got to give it like a like a Japanese accent or Something hey hey what oh god this water is like pushing me come here it’s time to drown wrestling spider out of context that sounds really hilarious like how how do you wrestle the spider they’re tiny Maybe oh yeah it is night Time I got a bed get yourself a bed I’m sleeping all right just leave the game being bullied by water I’m getting bullied by the W the w how do you say water in Japanese I think it’s misu right yeah me how do you I

Need to like come up with like a whole sentence to do like just saying one word is like me uhoh there’s a zombie in the distance want piece of me I can’t hit him from this direction oh wait I can die die die die you couldn’t touch me

Okay now we should probably like destroy create like a like a sandish thing so got destroy more nature nature Destruction oh I could probably use some seeds so I can find another green boy the parrots in Puerto Rico are green oh oh there like they’re green with like a little blue tail or something I I want green Boys oh she has like a background like a classic background music that’s like very recognizable oh wait what it’s m yeah wait what pi got background music is copyright free oh oh yeah I know uh from that one website that all the whole Live members use the DOA

Syndrome yeah something like that oh Yeah can you ask admin to give you megaline rides okay explo explosion yeah building an island is is going to take its time but in the end it’ll be so worth it once you guys see the Masterpiece of my Island you will be so amazed even though I’ve never done this

Before in my life my first time creating my own Island my own tiny wi Island it’ll be my home and I will create a little Hut in there made of jungle wood and it’ll be so cute and nice and Pretty it will if you keep digging to Earth Co chicken it’s the superior way of digging you use fried Kentucky Fried Chicken to create an island to dig through the dirt how else would you make how else do you dig shoveling that’s the that’s the noob way of digging with a shovel

Pce it’s with cooked chicken with KFC that you dig it’s a superior way you’ll see the difference once you start digging with cooked Chicken was it coming what’s a common catchphrase other than just mean that that says I got like a longer sentence and just Pi Pi pickle pickle pickle pickle Pi I can watch all night yeah this is this is a masterpiece being born just like watching um Bob Ross painting you watch from the very beginning from the blank canvas this is basically Bob Ross art right now I’m becoming Bob rice Ross right now I’ll eventually put be putting down sand as

Well if you don’t get my DG try looking up try to cook chicken by slapping myella oh thank you m that look so cute out of like emojis haai I got to make like a k l and W like Emoji Like official Emoji in in YouTube

So we can like create my whole name out of emojis uh cook chicken by slapping I think I know that one it sounds familiar to me I feel like if I watched it i’ probably will recognize it I’ll probably remember it immediately it sounds familiar but I just can’t can’t quite

Remember right now I believe I believe every day is a good day with you with a good day with your pain I need to make a new pickaxe yeah the bird is still sitting so night neatly in the boat he’s so cute what what back home

Oh okay I need I got iron I got stick I got W now to make Pickax and now going back in There I’m just put all the boats Outside I’m going to park all the boats this is a boat parking now boat parking okay Uh Organizing a little bit the uh this the Box do you have another box where where is all that chicken here oh you’re in the snow place yeah n went back in the beginning go what they’re doing the sysy they’re doing the real sysy must oh my God they’re going wild at it what

It’s not the end of the world D you don’t got to repopulate how let’s that’s the important question how did two H make new are they all hens roers oh but there are no roosters in Minecraft you just kind of they’re technically all either hen or rooster they all look the same

There’s no difference that’s a real question all just like clownish oh they’re both male and female the Minecraft science don’t question it Minecraft biology just don’t question It I’m polluting the water sh this is just creating an island it’s necessary this is how you do it don’t question it all right it’s time to go back in you’re enjoying murdering you threw your sword I broke it oh what the freak from killing so many chickens my Lord the chicken

Murderer make get food I need food oh well actually I have 12 uh cooked chicken right now but you know you can always have some more holy okay never mind you’re you’re good you’re doing the the oh okay it’ll take me back to the island okay well I’m I’m I’m a little

Too addicted to destroying land right now so I might go back there when I’m starving right now I’m good actually let me eat some chicken yum yum y y Yum Yum Yum okay Destruction but this is for my gu to make an avior giant bird cage and name of the island boys that’s a great idea once my island is complete I shall collect all the the island creatures I will collect Turtles I will col collect um carrots I will collect um

Seafish uh pretty fish the the ocean fish I will collect um uh what else is in oh frogs to make them cookies I’m going to collect frogs and make them cookies they frogs yeah they’re frogs in this game I’ve I’ve seen them with my own

Eyes or at least a Nana server I don’t know if that’s like a mod or something but it I I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them in normal like gameplay as well like I’m not not just me yeah it definitely is but I don’t think the frogs are modded

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen frogs I think you have to find them in a swampish area yeah FR official yeah oh so I can find them I think you got to like go to specific biome though I think it’s like a more swampy biome I think

Well then again H wait is there a swamp or is that just a jungle I’m not sure I think they’re close to like water or something I think you just got to go to Water Area nice we can use that to collect fishies for my Island

Later okay oh my God this going to take forever forever but let’s do it destroying the land creating the Island when you have to fish um I think there’s going to be a sound or something oh I got it okay how you know what what is it a sound I don’t remember was it a sound I’m a pro I oh okay would you like to share that knowledge yeah

Oh okay I think I’ve done it before but I just don’t remember of course I know how to fish I make digital from the future but wouldn’t fishing in the future be very different the technology you have in the future will probably very different very different No what that the Future How is how does fishing change you’re you’re not you’re not coming Through I’m I’m trying to get to New I’m trying reaching from the from the past in the past in the past has transformed into multiple I am your mother Grandma I’ve been trying to contact you for 50 years grandma says that I made you some food in the fridge and you never ate it and because of that Grandma

Fail is that what happened to you me my grandmother she on Long on what the freak was that H you you can fish me you can fish me as I told you I am a pro you can fish people too I didn’t know I was of the fish species this

Whole time I was adopted I’m actually part fish ah my tree destruction I’m trying to kill trees here oh I didn’t realize that count against fishing against it’s wearing yeah it’s wearing down my fishing that’s cuz you’re trying to fish a home Sushi I am part Sushi my species is

Sushi sushi I eat my own People I like sushi very very skillful Yum Yum Yum Minecraft T support M good app the my fishy Busai a masterpiece is being born I haven’t seen a monster for a while oh you caught garbage Ocean garbage destroy and now with chicken oh yeah they got a bunch of mods yeah yeah yeah Minecraft is so addicting for some reason I think I especially like how oh like watching someone makes

You want to play Trill Trill that is well I agree 100% I remember viewers I mean I kind of have in a way it kind of just happen I think if I the more the more the the few when you have few viewers it’s a lot easier to be

Friends and then you have too many people watching at the same time it’s just harder to like really just talk to one person at or a small group at a time to like really get to know them but I don’t know like um I mean I don’t have that many

People so it is easy to especially through this oh what the own um I don’t know I feel like I feel like my viewers are don’t have any like suspicious motives or anything yeah like we just chat about normal daily things on on Discord and it’s like nice Sation like nobody’s doing anything

Weird maybe if it’s like somebody who’s trying to also make content and using me as like as a way to get popular too but like I’m not even popular so it’s like not worth it with me so I think that’s why I don’t get any of that type of

People but I’ve heard of some of like other vtubers complaining about that where they they have people talking to them and it’s not even to be like a real friends is just trying to raise their popularity they keep they make it seem like it’s for friendship and then it’s not and it’s

Like uh I think I’ve only seen that kind of once but like don’t really I didn’t just I didn’t really let it happen that easily so I kind of just G up on that like it’s cuz I’m I’m already super awkward so it’s like not even that that

Easy to friend me in that way cuzz I’m super weird so I don’t know no I’m just I’m just awkward like I don’t know how to start a conversation and that kind of stuff which is why I have very few cuz you w easy to talk

To like you you offered to help me and through that like it became like easy to befriend you there’s some people who are super easy to be friends like some people are just so easy to be friend cuz like I don’t have to like really initiate as much and then

Just end up being super awkward because of how I tried to initiate and just didn’t go well some people are like like they’re they they they’re easy to bounce off of like I don’t I barely even need to try that hard to initiate anything like they just they’re just like yeah

Bro then we like the conversation just keeps flowing so naturally like with you and Nana it was super Easy beening I just started um as a chatter in her I knew I wanted to start streaming you you kind of were trying it like you were at the beginning of trying it I like I could unless I like oh I also kind of what well I mean some of the friends I

Made on reality weren’t like serious streamers they were just people who were playing the playing the game because it’s kind like it’s both a game and a place to kind of stream but most people are just fooling around in there it’s not really taking it seriously YouTu oh that’s true yeah I

Forgot we we met through YouTube but I mean like you don’t have to be like a serious person just like do other things together not necessarily strange like play games whatever helping each other out I also oh what I’m using a goddamn oh yeah like or you know I keep my uh arms

Like when it com and I feel like well I I think it yeah it depends like you can tell who has good intentions and who doesn’t and if they seem like they’re chill and like yeah why not especially when you’re still small cuz once you get bigger like

People are going to have bad intentions and you know it okay hold on what is it about Minecraft that makes people talk about things I guess cuz you’re kind of doing repetitive things when you’re doing when you don’t have like a like something that you have to H hyper focus on

Anything you’re just kind of destroying land like me right now it’s easy to just talk about things while just pressing the same button over and over again which one crazy oh like with Minecraft yeah time she starts hopping down oh bir specifically would you miss land uh were talking about we’re talking deep

Deep stuff about uh uh socializing with internet People I I wouldn’t give it that kind of sussy sussy intimate just just uh about friendship and how it works on the internet I mean yeah we were talking about uh slamming what what smashing your D maku down okay a different way no okay I’m going to shut up now

Did you just jump off something High a banana SL you slime in some bananas together and then you Create and then you create a baby banana want a banana and a and another banana love each other very much we make baby bananas okay moving on yeah they create a banana milkshake yeah yeah exactly that’s how banana milkshakes are born two bananas dancing together at night oh my God what do I say that um Is that Mexicano oh peo p yes it isoo oh Sayo like it’s a it’s a it’s not like it’s not just 8 cm no that is big I don’t I don’t know look at C ass like I need someone to give me a roller wait that’s pretty I mean it’s um anyway

So dirt in Minecraft is pretty brown right Yeah you really like the $5 foot Long Subway Subway’s pretty good in my opinion I like their pizzas oh wait I remember wait I just remembered there no is it true that American Subway don’t have Pizza bro you guys are missing out Subway pizza yeah bro what the freak the Subways and the Subways in Puerto Rico all have pizza and the Subway pizza are so good they taste so different from a regular ass Pizza there’s something about it something special about it I

Don’t even know how to describe it but it tastes so good do you guys need to go to Puerto Rico and go to a Puerto Rican Subway and just have their pizzas it’s like a mini pizza like a like a whole a whole a whole pizza but

Mini like just for one person like a small like a small size um round thing and Rec cut for you and you just grab the little baby slice and you know you eat it obviously and it tastes so good and you can put different like ingredients on it

Like the same ingredients that you put on your sandwich you can put it on your pizza uh higher what’s higher what are you talking about yeah Puerto Rico is supposed to be part of America of the USA of America but wait say that again your accent is really bad La Pizza uhhuh Manda M Manda Manda what p p p pesta with a p pasta Maya piz stink piz piz stink to you Maya P like te see isn’t tiny it it bothers you Pizza annoys you is that what it’s saying can you write it down I don’t your accent is really hard to Understand Okay are you are you using deep b or something Google translate what’s happening play go look at my on Twitch go look at it yeah I thought I wasn’t sure if you were saying don’t look at it or go look at it yeah go look at it Okay I’m going to look at ai’s stream oh my god when you’re I’m looking at it you’re doing that effect oh my God everyone go to go to a stream even got rid of that oh my God this is this is I if you guys are

Interested oh wait I gave you the twitch oneops it looks like you’re doing something that’s what he’s saying I think something Susy made me like it looks like you’re doing something like I assume what I didn’t understand that I don’t understand what that’s broken spam here we go this is this is

Ai’s ai’s um YouTube Wait I should be able to do that too yeah it’s me look for it I think it’s a camera and then oh visual effect and then oh right I forgot I had other effects on this Sor from the beginning oh uh how mean she say uh like stop it

Already like you were pretty like like oh like if you were pretty like like she says like stop it already and and he’s saying like oh like if you were pretty like you think you’re pretty you know what yeah so mean my God I think he’s just joking uh just oh L Distortion uh holy thank you zoom in thank you squish oh my God wait I need to move Myself oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m becoming 3D I can’t believe you’re 3D I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter I can’t believe you’re 3D what is this cursing look I’m big brain now I have big Brain I got big brains hi oh God I have brain you look at my big brain now it’s my brain G like they’re violating you look like they’re they’re they’re they’re doing bad illegal thing to you they are and they say that it looks like like that it looks like they’re doing something to you like they as in

Like just anyone random like anyone somebody’s doing something to you he’s spelling bolando wrong though it’s with a V not a oh you’re Mega M yeah no beaches no beaches no beaches I know I’m going to make a beach so I’m going to have lots of Beaches that was something yeah thank you har that was something yeah for real AR what is this going into the fure how does that look oh my God so something something is very pretty something that you have your friend talking about me I guess are with SP just pret I’m 3D guys SP

Just I’m Tall you like my new 3D Model All I’m just going to stream like this from now the slice is Missing I’m in your walls I don’t know I guess I’m safe I’m like in the hole I think I haven’t been looking I’m streaming like in my new 3D model gross favorite music to avard there’s more I could do to myself do you think you like a lot of um comfy Jpop

What yeah like more chill day pop relaxed day pop maybe some Jrock yeah she’s like a JP like a relax or not not super hype or anything like I’ve heard your music I’m like oh let’s put something like you know me that’s just more um electronic and you’re like nope yeah

I holy something exploded I like yeah I like some of the like the cutesy I like a lot of kawaii stuff but I also like a lot of I like I like a lot of like 80s music too oh City pop yeah I like City pop on like

American oldies like just a lot of old like a lot of disco or Funky Music I like that even if it’s like modern days funk I still like funk I like I like more hype stuff or just really freaking Cute I like J wait What what is what is it called wait I forgot the the word after that This a very pu thing unless you’re pu you won’t know what the freak I’m saying me very old puican stuff oh that song is so pretty I only know the chorus No to see her sh Yeah that was really pretty are you aware that you’re in the middle of your screen and you’re not showing your Minecraft very much okay destruction of nature oh that song is so cute make me feel some kind of way this Is I like the one by a YouTuber actually which Youtuber oh yeah oh but she didn’t invent that one she’s it’s not an original though Oh you mean like you just like her version more yeah her version is super freaking Cute and then different languages Dam you memorizing It was really high you practic you me too and unfortunately I’m B for the New Year’s that’s right CH this is how you party for New Year you bend yourself you make your life to the 3D you force your life Tod to become 3D I’m I’m not well adorable can mean

Different things like maybe you’re not good but it’s still cute but like think I’m that good no but like it doesn’t matter cuz sometimes like what matters is that it’s cute some people they don’t care if you’re good at certain things if it’s cute it you already won

Exactly F not good Kevin shut up Kevin shut up You volum time what it’s not you’re screeching into anyone’s ear if anything people people lower the volume on mine because I scream a lot on my stream what I’m in 3D what are you talking about I’m in 3D for the new year this is falling falling in love well um it’s in its

Process Alexis I’m creating my Island right now I’m just destroying nature it’s um it’s still in the process it won’t look like an island until I like create a lot of ocean space and then like I put sand all around it so far there’s none of that so it’s going

To take some time but I’m creating like the the what do you call I’m dividing but also um oh that looks so cool I got to like learn how each effect does because I don’t know me no no I got to I got to practice that let me see I move

Myself to the side oh you’re doing like a double effect where the freak is that let to try it I need to learn each effect what’s forground what does that mean hello I can fix that the fre does this you lonely I fix this is make any sense okay I’m going back you’re

Right backlight and outline what does that mean holy hello everyone oh my god spoopy oh no uh these effects that I’m doing right now my cold are you cold right now is it it’s super warm in here my cold are you cold right now really C though is it it’s super

Warm wait warm traumatic aberation what the fre does that mean whoa okay that’s cool I’m keeping that one I’m trying to I’m going to mess myself up as much as possible oh you got sick yesterday e something you got sick yesterday heck particle show I’m just like jumping

Off oh never mind I’m not doing this I’m just like jumping Off Whoa guys it’s it’s an earthquake right now holy you guys want to get Seizures Hello that look beautiful shap all of the island to suit her desires like a Sci-Fi terraform in a drama series yeah where’s the other one cinematic letter box no we don’t need that Music it’s raining freaking Music no no no she’s leaving us save youbing Forever we’re all doomed fur Yeah hey guys I’m in water holy you guys I only throw my rod when I only they have too much power Now you all have power now nothing come on how do you guys like my effect M fluid M Life yes I’m water now I am like liquefied just like cats what I’ve become liquefied I got it what you did it chat you broke my I got it broke though you did it chat

You I’m going to add all the effects are possible in this thing VHS effect cool holy okay maybe that’s too much no that’s too much I’ll do another one Edge detection outline what does that mean holy oh my God you guys like this effect that look cool for I’m like a comic a

Disaster athe like oh yeah yeah I don’t remember there’s a there’s a game that kind of has that aesthetic last effect you’re broke oh yeah guys I’m freaking numbers and letter let’s Go oh yeah you’re mixing too many Filters you’re mixing too many filters so it makes me look like oh my God this looks so weird aamer hello it looks freaking Cool what options the source code is actually what’s that noise I’m getting attacked I have no no no no no no no no no no no I’m in the hole I created want to die I want to die where are you where are you where he go a zombie you fting thank

You okay I’m going to remove some of where’s The oh is it this one no wait yes oh it’s right Here this one’s Fine um oh I think it’s this one nod way to make it looks so weird way to uh where is the lens Distortion this is probably It Holy am I beautiful L hey yo please We are here we are I’m Beautiful oo let’s go with this hi hey I’m being sucked in by the wall I have outlines O I do oh yeah you want to grab it oh I mean yeah I’m just trying to make more I like ocean space cuz I’m also going to put in Sand oh zombie Zombie to all zombies in the world what’s in your hand to mine another mine another one oh yeah yeah definitely I want to try to mine like a lot of row like uh maybe at least like 10 rows to like make it feel Island Manie I can’t freaking yeah the water keeps dragging me out yeah I think I heard one too like I I know I know wasr this time I didn’t want to doing what you wanted a true troll mentality doing what you Wanted yeah exactly you guys came here from me not Minecraft exactly you guys came here from me it just happens she just happens to be playing Minecraft I can’t see the game you don’t have to see the game exactly you have to see your wife is I

Can’t see the game you don’t have to wife yeah you’re here to see pretty girl pretty anime Girl and CLE and cook and care for the children oh my God yeah man real lives suck but anime lives that’s real real bro the real beaches remember of it you must have beans on me oh am I giving you a headache with

The yeah I’ll fix it I’ll fix it I don’t I don’t want to give you a headache I know the suffering okay I I’ll fix it I’ll fix it don’t worry it’s turning it off you’re just making everyone sick Me sick I make you sick I I tried so hard you you make me sick I tried so hard I got so far in the end it doesn’t even matter motion sickness no M sickness I make you SI not willing to suffer a headache yeah for real you suffer the

Headache suffer the headache right now yeah for real what’s in your head it’s like a disease that’s in your head we get more sickness we get more sick without my oh what the freak without my exactly the no Mica disease is when I’m not there and you get

Lima I am the only cured Al ligma not Lima not ligma no not what in your hand and Z the M the mik yeah you’re going to get the the mik LI the LI that makes it sound worse we did it oh you evened it oh we did it oh perfect water completely pure nonpolluted perfect well we need to widen it a little more else it’s just going to look

Like a river not ocean wait you want to make a giant ocean well it doesn’t have to be that giant maybe like 10 rows or something I don’t know what wait you want to make a giant yeah so it looks like an island it just looks like it’s in between other lands

What you sleep it this looks like a a small little Canal I need Much deep fried told Me you don’t like the flavor of deep fried m What are you doing creating like a roll like a line oh wait we have to yeah make it wider wider water why is there wood under here what if you need like dirt or something I have a lot I was fing it I’m bored enough I’ll do it oh my

God okay I’ll tell you what I’m B you guys you guys help us are you are you are you okay we’re sharing the the IP your asew okay yeah yeah I I would invite some of the people like watching me too on some of you guys watch me which one of you guys

Like Minecraft if you like Minecraft let me know okay let me get something to drink yeah which one of you guys like playing Minecraft if you guys want like Minecraft and I we could just invite you into the server make sure you’re um adult though I’m basically an NPC on N server

Oh you you want to you want to you like playing you play Minecraft thing you know you know how to create Island you know how to create the Bermuda Triangle will you want to help me make an Island you want to do it for you want to do it for she I can log on and yel with the island if you want okay you can play Disney M with my there’s disy mod in Minecraft what all right Jak please are you on are

You on uh Discord are you on my server no this is very powerful did you do for I need help with iron you join it you are you are on Discord right if you’re on Discord oh my last I’m down to my last pickaxe DM me

On um if you want to help DM me on Digimon in Minecraft do me your mcraft and I’ll wait with you do me your Minecraft and I’ll wait with you let oh I’m getting hit oh let’s go a Discord oh you don’t have my Discord okay let me let me share it I

Shall share the link the Link people okay here’s my Discord yo uh laosa feel free to join anybody can join as long as you’re not going to um hack uh like a bot not going to hack this again you just play with Us okay DM me if you want to if you want to be on Discord I mean I mean on on M if you want to if you want to play with in and M and my mine good After oh I got I got someone who joined although I don’t know if they want to actually play let me see I think this is Jake Jake did he just joining all Lao it’s in your blood to do manual labor feel free to DM me scen chat

Okay oh you can also DM II cuz she’s also in my server so if you’re not in her server but you’re in mine you could also uh just DM her from my server did Jake did Jake um already DM you or not yet Jake I don’t know I think

On YouTube he’s Jake play a lot but I don’t know what he is on Discord oh Su last let’s go yeah hello actually to me you DM me oh whoops I didn’t see oh yeah I see it now all right your Minecraft name is the same okay I’m going to

Uh oh freak I forgot I have freaking scamer mode on okay so it’s Jake plays YouTube uncore I mean YT uncore uh let me just s it right here this is his name all right I’m going to put some materials for here so that you can make

A all right I’m going to put some materials for here so that we can make a run away what you there going be materials foring oh there’s going to be materials for making um I sent you um I damned you the name of and also join the

Server oh the server the server IP is um between us is secret so we don’t get random people popping in and hacking or anything did you did you send it to Jay give the I I sent it to You the island almost finished not even close it’s still a long way to go and we’re dividing the L dividing conquer a what whiping allery oh oh okay I thought you said weapons or something I was yeah the wh oh okay okay yeah so what we’re going to do guys is yeah the

Whip what um I guess as long as it doesn’t look like a river and it looks more like ocean whatever you think it looks more oceany okayer mining dirt with cook chicken is definitely start to the right exactly this is how you this is the best way

Shoveling n man that shovel is the weak way you use Kentucky Fried Chicken today the way four 2 this is the way to do it exactly you’re a professional cler you understand the the here Up no problem take your time up no problem destruction what to do yeah expector time viewers help ACH viewers helpa dig a trench trenching all the way this is the best Christmas gift making an island for me yeah manual labor love yay manual labor woohoo best Christmas gift yeah

Manual R had a Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to me you’re going to blow it up that’s that’s one way to do it oh that’s true but come on let’s make it not cheat let’s make it hard yeah okay Jake Jake come in is Jake in yet did you give him the

Okay uhoh I think I hear a Pillager where the freak is he I hear him where’s the Pillager I hear a h but it sounds very different it’s not the same boy I have to change versions since my mods aren’t supported Ling on now oh okay Jake welcome to the party we don’t

Have yeah we don’t have destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy get destroyed get destroyed get destroyed no more nature is that what you doing yeah I was just mashing it with some chicken although right now I’m using a to that way I’m sorry what does it say I the block

Right I Min the block right place let’s go oh wow I hear the Pillager but I don’t see him I think he’s like behind the wall I’m I’m like a little far from you guys hi J hi hey yo I’m right here Y destroy the lands destruction to LS I hear the and I hear the pill uhoh spiders oh going to die I’m going to die sure you take theing from it wait wait wait wait wait I literally don’t have health oh Sho the Pillager the SL oh Sho a creeper oh my God I got I got it I got

You I need to eat creep I need to eat chicken I got it I got it I need to eat my C see I just heard the explosion I just ate it you ate the the Creeper I think I put a string in the Box I needed the Str the blowing a creepers the creepers oh yeah R to where are we I I ran a bit far but I see you I’m right behind you now I don’t even have an iron sword

Anymore oh I put iron in the Box I don’t even have an IR I’m a oh I’m a weird what the hell am I doing here I don’t belong Here send me Your I’m good to keep mining my Own Hello suul Land I destroy this nature I hear Zombie I can to fill the water after we can worry about that later placing and breaking ice oh does that do that ice makx more water than normal uh water will it fix s blocks good question um place in the water you just Mo it by taking the water the water just okay

Did Oh I didn’t do bro he didn’t do that didn’t explode anything you only hurt me it didn’t even make a hole little wasting my time didn’t even do anything useful Wiest creeper I’ve ever seen he’s so weak bro oh it’s go what it oh that one works wait how

Did you spawn a creep look all that oh look at that it worked now you spawn the creeper oh that wasn’t You the water going to be it’s destroying the lands that’s hard this is only the water is going to be the easy part oh yeah That’s you don’t know where you are skolar of games he’s here wait are you are you in the jungle skar uh we’ll teleport oh we’ll Tel oh he’s in the snow area yeah that’s that’s like the spawn location but we’re going to we’re going to go to the

J 3,000 blocks away yeah it’s far it’s really far Yeah Own Po Oh yeah Real solar needs uh you to guide are you digging over here this giant are youing Here down or um where like going around to the land um down you should not be able to bre make it you should be able to die should not be able to bre you can you have to do it out of Water you can you have to do it out of water so it m after an apple oh I don’t have space in here what oh I wanted the Apple okay there we go whoa we’re making so much water let’s Go the world shall never thirst you know what the smart thing to do dig it out and then break the down oh oh does that make it Baken first EAS all right M yeah okay so we Thisen we’ll Okay Kevin this way I guess Okay Kevin good job I he’s the boss here all right you’re going help me over here all right going help me make this over here this one fire wall and until you H until you dig dig dig dig dig

Dig what’s Jake doing Jake um good question I I’m like a little alone in this area right now I’m sure he’s just digging some more you probably ask him he’s in the server I think righte J Vier Yeah huge project the viewer we’re a better CLA do we get cookies we can make some cookies we got coca beans in this place in the jungle it’s actually you can actually can make cookies there’s other cookies make a cake in here can make cakes and cookies in

Minecraft oh diamonds wow wa you found diamonds already okay for real feel Jake is actually the Pearl Cal the new capes are packed really oh you six wow wow wow cont a hole content I like diing a hole TNT or some holy got TNT t or some you got creep oh you got creep Sur it’s Raining you taking your Cactus cactuses are ones to cause pain you canot cause pain to the C for he is the the pain source for all and eight Thorns enchantment o nice so bob cat let’s Go Zo I yeah we been watch you know where to go makes sense yeah hold Mak sense destroy the trees destroy the trees destroy the trees destroy the Treese destroy the cheese get destroy get destroyed get Destro oh my God together in my Room They’re everywhere I’m going to throw away some useless material in oh you like watching me build I’m glad Robert the time you spend will be worth it in the end yeah once we see the the Masterpiece be born exactly it will look amazing uhoh how dare you hurt me like that you

Want to be me there you go die Okay mining in this game yeah it’s it’s actually pretty fun something about this kind of mindlessly rep repetitive like stuff is kind of something about is satisfying in my room It’s true oh I don’t remember how I got this game I think I didn’t buy it either I think I don’t remember I know the first time I played Minecraft was in the oh a friend got it for you never played the game before fews you’re play before oh you’re still alive

Oh my God I’m I hear an angry angry what’s his face uhoh someone looked at him in the eyes did you kill him di so many monsters here oh my God sorry thought you o o Freo I in my Room but I’m dumping the popper I don’t need this zoom in Okay It’s will’t be an as many as needed exactly yep oh really oh yeah really in one way I don’t remember oh my God that’s too overwhelming for the for the for the for the poor shark It’s zombies stuck there this looking real nice oh my God freaking surprised it’s a black sheep damn you got a fancy chest from the from the end I think right that chest is from the end uh no it’s the black one uh let me see it’s black and

White oh really has to unlock Ender Chest yeah it’s an Ender Chest he has one a succulent I don’t know get not sure got some pears in here oh what the how dare you mother oh God I’m I’m what oh my God I had no idea we had I oh my we had what oh what oh no we died just the teleporter to me to jump right on top of me uh I’m only going to use sand Probably the torter right next to between the two FS Chicken Chicken F the pink you’re near spawn it’s near the the pink he went too far what do you mean solar what do you mean by too far yeah just don’t make it wider yeah keep going I mean we could

Make it wide it’s fine doesn’t need to be a perfect rectangle or anything well for that one uh going yeah just going to connect it to the Oan oh yeah just keep digging until you hit the other side of the world people yeah I said hi to gladon welcome GL I hope GL un Me St Raining getting knocked out yeah so you all this getting knocked out yeah so you keep Tak all this yeah Grandma’s annoying I see another Blue Parrot let see how many block one two three four five six S8 n one more room and In my room oh you won’t have to Pi very Far Thank god with Water sure what up we the creepers I have heard of that but I’m not sure anymore because I think somebody said it doesn’t do that anymore with the up or something not sure could be wrong I’m not sure wow got to use her as inspirational she needed a c for Dynamite

Farm but do you need oh oh you need Creepers to make Dynamite Did you just say River yeah it needs to be an ocean no River ocean we’re connecting the river okaya welcome it’s okay yeah like maybe warl but you’re in the process of watching a masterpiece be be reborn me River blasphemy exactly River okay I didn’t do Uh mine in your am how do I freaking make this not a weird hole why am I supposed to throw it uh oh into the hole oh I missed what out for it how do I do this n one side no not doing anything them down oh I think I did something them

Down the other Side fire is a bad idea oh that’s true cuz we’re in the we’re in the flo start ready oh yeah it’s that commercial the be man from forest thing um don’t know I don’t remember Barry island isry island island so I did I did get really bro I I completely mess made

That up I just I’m know I’ve seen the commercial but like what just keep back up and totally lost be alive what’s that from bar Allan the fastest bear alive I’m so confused it’s the bear the Fire Bear why is he the fastest I don’t Know iig original um confused but all good are you just dumping garbage into the ocean oh your streamer good oh Okay oh you’re a streamer too oh nope I’m not a streamer yeah that name makes it sound like you’re a streamer play nope I’m not a streamer YouTube Chanel Ago a YouTube Chan ago I know right yeah not just what people on the internet are real I mean I’m not so like strange to think other people are not real oh really A’s double oh I think I do oh whoops thank you for telling me Nana Oh my God the Sheep is stuck in the water hey y you’re not real thought you were my only female oh the only female streamer alive that doesn’t stream we’re not female we’re clearly men you not see it in our eyes oh man I am so manly get out the way

Sheep yeah look at my pets bro a I’m so manly I got the longest beard in the world you I have a Dumbledore beard you see coconut got a beard D longer I say d longer long I don’t know what I’m saying what language am I speaking longer than Dumbledore men language

Yeah of course men have their own language too man splaining my God what is this wall you guys are creating would be we’re not making a wall this this wall is we’re the okay okay okay now do hold You have a lot of Wood Wow personal of course we understand God razor thanks for the raid oh let’s go ra hi everyone your Star your star from the future I’ve come to bring my digital wisdom to the Past today we’re playing Minecraft oh yeah if you want to turn into tle go ahead I reaching clear tactical wolf ra I got that looks so cool that looks so cool on your background effect actually looks super

Cool the text showing in the Background where are you guys what part are you destroying how is it going what do you think I think it’s looking epic it’s still halfway it’s like like confusing to look at if somebody didn’t know what the heck are we doing but yeah yeah a water trench I you want yes please

We can cook some food we can make some torches dwarf Max what does that mean yeah this is for war it’s a war Trench them AR minecrafty and lovea I don’t know why it’s always lovea no other yeah I don’t know a wardian leosa I think it wind Guardian I’m not sure I

Don’t remember I think Guardian it’s when guardian leosa not Guardian Lea Ohi have what um the person who raed me they they played ah now do hold in the Box nice I think it’s the the special looking box right the Ender box well this is a this is working it’s going just

Fine going smoothly this is how masterpieces are oops see the pickle pickle how do you how’s that so good I mean I’m trying to just like listen to her and try to copy that but like not in the Laughing way cuz you know when someone naturally laughs it’s kind of breathing

Inwards oh wait no I’m breathing outward yeah but I’m I’m trying to like force my throat to sound a certain way cuz I know like if you know your throat well enough you know what sounds it’ll sound like if you try to do something I don’t know

What def I don’t know what I’m saying I need to make more pickaxes zoom in oh wait zoom in uhoh got a spider in town AR did someone die here the arm the arm arm oh should follow got to go to bed no problem R there’s a there’s an axe here someone

Didn’t pick up their Axe and a group of torches feel free to take off I think it’s succul look your your your ax is here your ax is here buddy you didn’t get your axe for axing oh and a bunch of torches are over here too you didn’t get your

Torch Tor your torches ful L he over here your torches your torch bro I didn’t even see himer okay okay I’m going to make more mcraft pickaxes we going any wider cutting off thep yeah go ahead I think I’ll think about it like once we complete it we could just like not even

Go that that deep to to widen it oh my freaking God no not narrow The Wider the better oh my freaking God I’m going to Die I’m in the snow how do you teleport you use the stone um in is it in town where is it yeah in town yeah it’s next to the chicken farm okay take place oh my freaking God so many monsters here they have me oh yeah I already see a chicken I see

Another one I see another see there’s so many eggs they’re everywhere holy the amount of we are having viewers we’re sticking with view we know a great for cheap labor yeah oh my god um yeah I’ve seen you around yeah cuz you’re in my server you’re in my in

My chat we’ve spoken many times Oh something earlier wait where uh you said it was close to the chicken farm oh I see it okay and the berries too yeah just teleport okay hey yo where’s my it oh thank you succulent standing next to my thingies let me see where you are what area are we on

In uh I think this is not the spot I think it’s back here I’m Zooming I’m Zooming I’m Zooming hey I’m grabbing all myself I was running to get to my thing oh I think my pop my my pocket’s full okay oh I threw my helmet there you go put on helmet on boots Um this and this uh grab everything uhoh oh no oh no he can deep in the trench alley oh what the freak there was another one on the other side holy my Lord M I got two swords uh chicken okay the rest I’m probably going to put it in either the box

Or throw it into the oce your have I would I would have expected to have work but I guess they didn’t give me work for this week so I guess I’m good apparently New Year D in that over I had some I had a I had a job

Before my previous job where I we did we worked on every holiday oh really oh yeah that was the airport yeah yeah it was fun like I stopped like remembering holidays to be honest vers just College oh yeah why you kind of grow up it’s like you’re just so busy that it’s

Like oh yeah holidays I forgot about that I get to enjoy them again really yeah I have a tons of I forgot we freaking boxes I’m not Meed during vacation ah yeah I just choose not to but today I was lazy oh you cook New Year’s dinners cool

Yummy what kind of food is it like any food or some specific Theme specific type of food it’s your birthday food Aries oh are you a New York baby a new year baby baby a New Year’s gift you’re gift my January 8th oh you are new year baby let’s see put this here Monday It I Know There it is your what are you going to do for the birthday what do you got planned we got fun stuff going to tell me about the realities of having a birthday as an adult when I was still living with my family birthdays you forget your viewers

Birthday what what no uh I mean uh I mean you only get one chance to write it down when they tell you your birthday I when they remind me is when I when I do something about it I don’t you remember your birthday happy birthday how yeah I’m like oh my God I

Forgot anyway let me do something I sing them happy birthday ice cream cake ice Cream ice cream that sounds yummy yummy delicious Delicious what do you call the container in your body that holds Food say that again stom you call the stomach yeah yeah you name very nonant they call it sty the sty yeah I’m just wondering if that’s like a like zomer language oh she Zoomer it’s like I’ve heard of sty but than oh oh I assume maybe she said it as a

Funny thing in the past and now just it’s so stuck in her like song that she can’t undo it that happens to me too like when you when you say that something as a joke then it stops being a joke the more you say it I I kind of

Want to say these terms but I don’t know if I’m like trying too hard to for something like even boys do it sometimes it just gets trapped in your mouth like when you when you say something like ironically so much it stops being ironic you know yeah so it’s

Not like if pretending to be an idiot I used uh I used to say that back when I was like 18 I’m slowly becoming not becoming a joke all right because you were before but now okay we’re not uhoh running out of Iron same With bro is that what you sound like who you I mean this is my voice what do you mean see what no I’m the young one I’m just a 69y old a youngster what do you mean I’m not old really I’m not old Exactly I’m So Young hello Yeah so young Dam the amount of water in this yeah I Wow get the where I put on ack a rocker on the I feel like if you do that nowadays people like harass you don’t you dare talk to me or my son ever again feel like less respect for noway that’s true yeah so they won’t even like get off the

LA they’re going to like go you until you fall over and then walk run away yeah I heard I remember I saw this video on YouTube about par a teachers left teachers making these YouTube shorts about how not even the parents do anything about it they say like oh

Uh your son is having behavior problems they’re not listening to the teacher they’re not uh doing good job and they’re like Wellen don’t make my son do that if he’s not listening then he doesn’t want to do it don’t don’t just keep telling him what to do hello and

It’s like what up for you’re the parent you’re supposed to teach some of this stuff but man like the argument yeah but that’s the parents fault the parents are not doing anything about it a lot of like the new parents these days they’re not they’re not even trying to

Be a parent they’re just like I’m tired of life just let the kid do whatever he wants and then they yeah and then the kid like they’re tired of being a parent or something so they’re not even trying to tell their kids like teach their kid how to behave

Or anything and then when they go to school like they’re they apply the same like oh I’m free to do as much as as much trouble as I want to the teachers and then a lot of teachers are giving up on being teacher like they’re quitting

The job cuz they can’t stand it like it’s it’s such a like a like a pandemic almost like all the kids are doing this like all the teacher all the parents are are like not teaching their kids to behave all the parents are don’t are not being parents they’re not doing

Anything I think are completely right isn’t that right oh yeah just like the customer is always right the kids are always right do what they want isn’t that right yeah destroy the world destroy the world the world burn right go be Criminals yeah go be criminals spored by leg a oh the I robber going to sleep oh yeah I definitely don’t know what blockbuster is yeah what is that I’ve never heard that in my life what you don’t know Blockbuster what was that only in Puerto Rico what the freak

I thought it was an American thing I’ve never heard of what What now you’re joking you you don’t know about the about Blockbuster what but you’re older than me no you’re freaking lying you’re lying what do you mean anyway yeah uh aie is uh very young very Zoomer this is Z movies St you know back when movies were physical Netflix yeah sure Netflix it keep just grounding me every time I’m trying to clear the top I’m just digging in a straight line and then you’re like standing on it I’ll have you know I’m AAL autopilot oh my God what the yeah gas g boss that that’s how we all do things here return to

What part was dball machine withal uh SP I don’t remember the gumball machines I just cared about we would rent games all the time I remember one time my brother thought it was uh the the the Michael Jackson music TV rening thing was like a video game cuz it looks

So cool like like him posing in a certain way so he thought it was a video game so he was like let’s run this one it looks so cool and then my mom was like okay I think my mom tried to tell him that it’s not a game but he wouldn’t

Listen and he was like but it looks so cool I want to play this game it’s like it’s not a game it’s so like I don’t know every time he hits every and then like so like my brother put it in the my mom put it in the DVD

Player thing or what CD whatever the freak it’s called and like we were like oh what the AF there’s no image it’s just music but we actually ended up liking it a lot so it was all good I like the songs no it was CD it was like a CD of

His music like his best singles or some I don’t know he looked metallic or something it was like a really weird cover my brother thought it was a video game monsters oh you’re right oh we should probably end stream hours bro this is freaking this is what Minecraft

Does to you I swear to God I could be on Minecraft for like 12 hours and not realize I wouldn’t realize it’s been 12 hours everybody oh we’re going to WRA the yeah we’ll continue our adventures later’s of everyone come us being chased by a zombie right Now oh someone Died where are we going to take this picture uh just in the middle okay I Am I going to take a picture with some cooked chicken oh my God there’s another one where is he oh no I don’t see him off your armor I’m almost naked anyway I lost my armor in the explosion one am I not covering anyone okay what the did you get the diamond

Aror everyone go naked strip naked now naked okay okay all right everyone oh God let me turn off My I don’t know where the camera is but I see you looking a certain direction so I’m looking there Too oh cute okay everyone yep everyone look my direction let’s go picture time all right chees with my KFC how do you hide the interface oh what do you mean oh hold a good question I think there’s a way to do it everyone gets a marina is a historic moment

Yes um wait I’m going to remove my y it’s kind of annoying oh my God you little the enemies there all right everyone him beat him all right M get in front of me or next to me okay oh oop can everyone line up behind oh let me all right everyone like

A Minecraft where I’m looking all right everyone so thanks for coming for the stream today um right thank you for oh my God thank you for coming to help um we appreciate it and where are you looking I don’t know I’m trying to look at whatever Direction you’re looking at

Up am I doing it make your body you go right everyone all right it’s a family te all right we otherwise um yeah you have any announcements wait how do you do screenshots that’s okay I did it um I would like to announce that oh I’m streaming tomorrow

Too and the day after and the day after makes it look like oh and the day after and the day after and day after and day after I will be um what the is this my diamond wait is it raining we have like get the Ender yeah bro like

Yeah some people are waiting for real I know for real all right everyone we’re going to W up the stream here contributors who put all this help us yeah thank you the fre how he just exploded he literally just exploded what happened he jumped out in front of me what the

Heck literally just fell and exploded on us it was for the fun right everyone all righty everybody it’s almost in the future signing off I don’t have any announcements I I’m going to try to stream daily like usual yeah I stream every time I’m not working or like if there’s like

Something I I actually have planned for a holiday then I might not stream that day although sometimes I end up like finishing early and I could have streamed but what I do instead is just like what the freak I I make use of that time to do like behind the scenes stuff

Let me see if there’s anybody we can oh yeah good idea let me see who’s who’s streaming who’s streaming let me check I have a Actually let’s see if there’s somebody who I kind of know or is not super famous that I could rate oh sorry there was only like six people streaming oh oh okay I’m going to stream pistachio she was in my song in the song that I participated in in Pam’s concert

Pistachio I remember yeah she’s so cute she’s actually really freaking cute I’m sending you all off to my I watch my Roso we’re going to do into thanks for everybody coming by yeah bye bye bye everybody my on me let me like you’re really nice yeah make

Sure you you stay on in my stream so you guys can watch pistachio because she’s super freaking cute bye’ bye bye My What do I do with my broken heart I had one go from the very start I thought I could work on making art it’s all a pain it’s all pain no one in my simple dream losing hope my faith was leaving me Royals are the ones that will succeed I’m such a

Shame I’m such a Shame I myself inside my room outside Jo there’s only do I the on responsility while I explore the inter World online talents make my smooth mind s dream start to form and shine like Pearl can I try this should I try This I I put it on it feels for the first time I’m breaking open up behind Thea I everyone people around the world are having fun viewers coming I Am numers slowly rise throughout the years we are far apart but up here near feel so lost when you’re all here I found myself I found Myself Gra

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 MONCH CRONCH’, was uploaded by Maika Mallow Ch. 🏝️【VTuber】 on 2023-12-27 06:31:52. It has garnered 291 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 04:20:23 or 15623 seconds.

Holaloha, Mallowers~ 🏝️ Welcome to my tiny island in The Bermuda Triangle! #MaikaLives

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

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  • Westville

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  • Thugcraft Semi-Anarchy Vanilla New World No Resets

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

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  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

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  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

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  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

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  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

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    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

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  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

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  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

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  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

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  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

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  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

    Minecraft Memes - Dream's Real Face:OReal Dream :O? More like Real Creamy-O, am I right? Looks like someone had a little too much virtual dairy before bed! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge TutorialVideo Information Cómo lanzar una carga de viento en [Música] Minecraft Mira mi último vídeo que está ahí y entra a jugar a min latino This video, titled ‘⛏️⚒️ CÓMO LANZAR una CARGA DEVIENTO en MINECRAFT 🍃 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rikamyt on 2024-06-20 20:00:27. It has garnered 140 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Hello Minecrafters! 🎮✨ In this super fun meme-tutorial I’m going to teach you how to launch a wind charge in Minecraft 🌪️. Ready to unleash the power of the wind in your world? It is easier than… Read More

  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

    Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient's Feature Score In the world of Minecraft, a hack is found, StepClient brings aimbot, spinning around. But be cautious, my friend, use it with care, For the consequences, you must beware. Batuhan, the narrator, takes us on a ride, To a villa in Raccoon Rise, where secrets hide. With a zip file to download, the client.dll in hand, Craft R awaits, in a virtual land. Aimbot and ESP, at the click of a button, But beware of bans, they may come sudden. In a bedwars game, the cheat takes flight, But play fair, or face the admin’s might. Bug boxes and… Read More

  • Blowing up my house for science, again

    Blowing up my house for science, again “Who knew that Minecraft TNT experiments had so many sequels? Coming soon to a block near you: Minecraft TNT Experiment v258 – The Explosive Saga Continues!” Read More

  • Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts

    Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts Mind-Blowing Facts About Bees in Minecraft 1.21 Understanding Bees in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, bees play a crucial role in pollination, honey production, and even combat. These neutral flying mobs add a touch of realism to the game, showcasing behaviors like stinging when provoked or protecting their hives. Bees are not just passive creatures; they actively contribute to the ecosystem within the game. Beehive vs. Bee Nest There are two types of harvestable bee items in Minecraft: the beehive and the bee nest. While they serve similar functions, with bees pollinating nearby flowers and producing honey,… Read More

  • “Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!” #shorts

    "Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!" #shortsVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] Halo semua selamat datang kembali bersama gua sini di live streaming kali ini gua ke mana-mana semua dengan bermain Minecraft Halo alpa Halo kepiting ada orang lain itu ada kepiting Halo Duta Halo Duta gaming Halo semua selamat sore selamat datang di live streaming aku [Musik] gak live Bali masih dilanjutin [Musik] entar ya [Musik] Oke kita langsung Mul buat lu semua yang sudah nonton jangan lupa like komen share donate kalau gak bisa gak apa-apa yang penting nonton aja sama like let’s go [Musik] ak gua gatal banget [Musik] [Musik] Halo Ra Abang Maf minecraftnya… Read More

  • Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!

    Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!Video Information hello hello hello how’s everyone doing guys may have been wondering where I was um I’m not going to lie I fell asleep that’s um you might be able to hear my voice a little little odd but um yeah I was I was asleep it’s unfortunate um but I’m here now I’m ready to go ready to get things started so how’s everyone doing doing first of all I’m kind of doing I’m a little out of it that’s all I’ll say I’m a little out of it but ready to have some fun um but yeah… Read More