SHOCKING! SP1D3Y’s Epic Connections on Lotus SMP

Video Information

And we are live how is it going everyone welcome welcome welcome oh my goodness we are are finally back to streaming after a few weeks of not streaming I think it was all worth it though because the most recent episode of lotus went so crazy thank you guys

All so much for the support I cannot thank you guys enough it has been insane you guys are amazing uh welcome 2023 uh going to go eat see you next time all right have a great day I hope you are doing f fantastic welcome Rose welcome Quantum welcome

Card I think who also left have to go hopefully be back yep all right have a good one hopefully we see you later card welcome John welcome welcome welcome made a banger video it was awesome I appreciate it I’m glad you thought it was awesome hopefully the audio on the

Background music isn’t doubling up let me know if it is and I will see see if I can make changes to it but how has everyone been I have missed you guys all so so much um let me go ahead and go ahead and share this uh this is

My first stream after the newest OBS update which if you guys aren’t content creators and you probably don’t know too much about that but it’s cool to me because I can through OBS which is like the streaming software I can copy and paste all the YouTube stuff like the URL

And like the link to the stream straight from OBS now which is awesome um the only thing that’s missing is the live chat inside of OBS that would be cool um but at least this allows me to have the the chat as like one entire

Screen on my setup so that I can see your guys’ chats a lot easier which is super super super exciting let me go ahead and share this stream with everyone on all the Discord servers that I am in and we will get this ball rolling all spidey’s content

Is bangers thank you thank you I appreciate your guys’ kind words I’m glad you guys all think that highly of my content all right all right Ender glow welcome welcome welcome I love your name and your profile picture they both look awesome uh welcome to the stream I hope

You are doing fantastic we are just starting here so you have not missed a single thing um but welcome welcome welcome sub to you like 3 or 4 days ago let’s go did you find me from my newest video the video where we made this starter house if so what did you think

About it uh let me know your thoughts and actually while we’re here in the Stream welcome Brody um and welcome Gio welcome everyone holy so many people showing up at the start of the stream yeah let’s let’s go ahead and do like a little more of an in-depth tour of the

Place because you guys got to see it for the most part in the um in the video but I want to give you guys like a um more indepth look at it while we’re here because why not I think you guys would like to to see things from all the

Different angles blw me away the reason the sub I appreciate it yeah I’m so happy with how this house turned out um and let me know if you guys have any questions on this and I also have been seeing your guys’ comments and I made a community post about seeing those

Comments that you guys have really enjoyed the interior design of this place and I’ve taken that into consideration um Boston Crushers yes yes I do remember you Brody um but yeah I kind of want to make a video on interior design and maybe even exterior design if you guys have seen

The the community post you guys have probably seen that that has been something I’ve been thinking about doing um um after you guys’ responses to that episode um and so yeah we’re probably going to do one um it’s probably going to take a while for me to get it out to

You guys um but I’ve been going um through like a big like I’m making a giant Google Docs sheet that just has all the different ideas and what I think I’m going to call the series or whatever I decide to do I don’t know if I’m going

To do it as when one big U video or if I’m going to divide it up um I know you guys said probably just keep them all together but I don’t know I’m back and forth on it um but I’m going to call it like the Builder catalog and I’m going

To go through multiple different themes of building I’m also going to go over all the different topics and like my build process and also some tips and tricks that I’ve learned from other creators and things so I hope that I can get that out to you guys sooner than later but

It’s still going to be a while because that is a lot of content to make and a lot of different things to build and plan out and all that good stuff yo lenol Licious welcome uh I was like bro this dude has less than 1,000 subs and so underrated would have

Thought you had at least a half mil with that bed that is so that is such a high compliment Ender glow that is amazing um thank you so much can’t watch a lot cuz it’s really late I have to wake up at 3:00 no worries Quantum I’m glad you were able

To at least stop by and say hello and I hope you are having a great day so far uh as you guys can notice too I kind of did a little bit of work off camera kind of like clearing this place out there was like trees over here um well

You guys probably saw on like live streams and stuff while this was built but the video hadn’t released yet was like I had bamboo surrounding this house um and that was just to kind of cover all of the house from being spoiled before the video comes out um

And there was also like a big like Mound right here in the middle which I got rid of so very nice looking area now that we can work on putting roads into um but yeah let me just show you guys around the house a little more so something

That didn’t really get shown um during the video we have the good old front porch here with a little table and a little couch here family reunion did you watch that short Geo uh that was one of my favorite ones to make honestly Um what weird accent is this uh I have a northern United States accent that’s awesome that I’m getting recommended to new people that is so cool I’m so happy to hear that that YouTube’s uh doing doing some uh Rec recommending to other people um my channel that that’s so cool um check out

Your channel you’ve been on YouTube since 2015 things about time you deserve an amount of popularity I get how hard YouTube is as a Creator myself thank you Ender thank you so much thank you thank you thank you Man what what a video that [Applause] Was all right I also have to make the announcement we’re having pizza tonight um what kind of pizza do I get I’m really kind of feeling a chicken bacon ranch pizza but I might just settle with the works let me know what you guys think is the best pizza or what kind of

Pizza I should Order but yeah back to the tour I’m getting a little distracted here I know um we got the beautiful mud room some custom paintings and stuff this is the immersive paintings mod to people that do don’t know about Um about like the the pictures and stuff um definitely a real really really really cool mod you guys should definitely check it out um if you guys are on Java Edition it allows you to like put your own pictures into Minecraft and like make them into paintings it’s so cool not pineapple and

Pizza even though I love that I’m not risking people leaving fair enough fair enough um and then we have this awesome thing which is an invisible armor stand we have a data pack on the server that allows for invisible armor stands so I can make this a little bit of a like

Coat hanger and also we have the little um spot here to put your shoes little shoe bin kind of deal which is very very cool um we got the beautiful beautiful living room with a ton of living space in it as as well as a nice bookshelf here that I

Need to fill up with books uh sometime uh we have a awesome chandelier which didn’t really get shown very much in the video but I think this design looked very cool um we also have the wonderful Bedroom with the amazing bird picture the bird of judgment as we like to call him on the server or something of that sort um but very very silly little dude There the bird the bird is the word look at the attention to detail by the way got little handles just using the letter o on these Signs oh we have a little Harry Potter room which also wasn’t featured in the video do I have Discord yes um both our Discord links are down in the server or down in the description oh my gosh words um yeah they are both down in the

Description so the one is for the Lotus Community Discord so that’s for all Lotus members um um and all the fans of all of the lotus members um and then the other one is for my personal Discord server um so definitely feel free to join both of those and hang out with our

Communities we would love to have you there got the wonderful kitchen I think I’m eventually entity welcome welcome welcome welcome what is up eventually I want to make this furnace array into like a super smelter maybe like hide one under here or something that might be cool uh we got another little coat

Hanger here this one doesn’t function like the one in the mud room yet uh just cuz I haven’t got around to it got a little garage here I want to build a car in here but I haven’t yet let me know what kind of car I should have uh sent

You a friend request by the way I will be sure to accept it thank you so much for joining got a nice picture of all the Lotus members from season 1 of the lotus smpp uh all here on the wall which is a very fun picture made by this gentleman here

Mr camman the boss who is one of the admins of the server we have a back sliding door here which doesn’t lead out to anything but I eventually want to build out a deck that like comes comes out into the water maybe put a diving board or something in

I think that would be pretty cool yeah this is kind of a side of the house that you guys really haven’t seen cuz it wasn’t really in the video or anything either oh my gosh Sean hello it is you that’s crazy no way it is that gentleman right

There he just joined the stream I literally like summoned him welcome Mr C man how’s it going but yes this is the wonderful dining room um and then let’s go upstairs I love the little frog light uh different colors of lighting through here I think turned out really really cool pretty

Fancy and also uh with these paintings because they’re ones that I can like add to the game if you guys ever make fan art I I’ll be sure to add it to the house or at least somewhere in the base because I think that would be awesome to like incorporate your guys’

Like uh hard hard worked on uh pieces of Art and like incorporate them in the house I think that would be very very cool um but we got the second bedroom which I love the colors in here I love how this one turned out it’s a very fancy very

Bright and vibrant I very very much like it roye summon cman I I really did though I am doing great cman hope the same for you it is going well that is amazing Robert the G welcome welcome welcome welcome Robert is the G is he the top G that is the question

Probably he probably is the top G I want to put put a pining here I haven’t thought about which one I would like to add yet um but we’ll see what we want to put here eventually and also can we just talk about this view I know we saw it in the

Video but it’s just an amazing view and it’s also very fun to like just like drop down from up here very fun oh I hear Leno you guys hear that the the music might be a little too loud to hear it but Leno is somewhere here I saw his

Gamertag and I hear yeah I still hear stuff birds and not die yes this is my favorite bathroom I made diorite work in here and I think it turned out very nice um let’s see what else we got my master bedroom which is like the smallest master bedroom that

You’re ever going to come across but it’s cozy and it’s it’s a small little room which is very nice oh and loo just left 07s for Leno and then the even smaller master bathroom oh he’s back again yes who’s back so yeah I think this house turned out absolutely fantastic you’re from Germany

Nice you know I almost had the chance to oh hello um hello hello hello what you doing I’m just streaming you know you know you admiring the house yes I’m admiring my own house being very egotistical about it and oh no you should that was this is

Amazing I saw it the other day thank you L put in the work in in these in-house decoration these inside decorations are absolutely amazing dang it there’s monsters nearby I can’t sleep is there a bed under there yeah there’s probably mobs under here or something I don’t

Know who loo robertt the G’s Grandma’s named Leno well tell Grandma Lino I said she is Awesome all righty well good seeing you Leno all right where was I where was I oh hello rzy looks like Rizzy is probably going the stream too oh yeah right we were on the topic of Germany yes I did have the chance or I almost had the chance to go to Germany um I had to choose between Germany and

Hawaii and I made the decision to go to Hawaii and I do think it was worth it oh I’m sorry I’m sorry Robert come on let me sleep well I guess we’re not sleeping unless I’m able to sleep in one of the other beds nope what about bed number three there we go thank you Jason thank you thank you thank you very much all right it is time to order pizza

What what kind of pizza are we ordering we’ll set at the dining room table and we will order the Pizza H H I heard people say pepperoni pizza was a good idea h I don’t know that chicken bacon ranch is kind of speaking to me right Now extra cheese okay okay always a good Call H okay how about we compromise how about I get the cheesy crust pizza that’s where the extra cheese is how about I don’t know wait they have barbecue chicken bacon but they don’t have chicken bacon ranch I mean barbecue chicken bacon doesn’t sound bad though and I could Al always like dip it

In ranch let me know if you guys dip your ran or p and Ranch welcome Evan welcome welcome what is up what is up what base is this it is my starter base that I just released a episode on um a few days ago and it has been such

An amazing and successful video I’m so happy with how this house turned out how the video turned out it’s just all amazing so happy about this project oop I made a I made an error there I just noticed that is a very fixable error at

Least see if I can come on come on I haven’t been practicing my jumps wait there’s a floating block wait where this better not be a mage you Look you you better not be tricking me here 2021 there we go that’s looking better that stair wait what stair I’m so confused my head hurts you spent 13 hours playing this game I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve put into this Game using flying to jump two blocks yeah you can use flying to jump extra extra high where is this floating stair we might need to arrest you for a clickbait no no no no no no don’t do it don’t do It all right I think it’s time to get this show on the Road I still haven’t finished ordering pizza though uh okay yeah epic stuffed crust uh add to order let’s go ahead And hopefully get a coupon or two the FBI wants your pizza oh no welcome lineway welcome welcome welcome your son teras is subscribed let’s go let’s go wait did we hit 750 does that put us at 750 can someone can someone check are we 3/4 away to a th000 did it

Happen no way it actually happened A dang it my card information didn’t Save let’s just triple check that I’m not revealing any of that information to stream that would be Unfortunate the FBI would like my credit card number oh wait that’s why it’s cuz I’m not logged in silly Spidey pineapple welcome I’m not revealing my uh credit card information let’s go you have 50 Subs lineway that’s sick that is sick now it’s 750 let’s go we’ve done it we’ve done it 750 lovely people subscribe to the channel 3/4 of a thousand people that’s amazing uh let’s go 530 and place order All right back to your regularly scheduled Programming ordered for 530 mother approved all right let’s see what we can do about this whole Road system do we want to use black stone or deep slate cuz we have a good friend on the server that’ll probably let us have some of his deep slate

Um that would probably be easier for us in that regard what shall we make these Ro out Of H black and white like normal yes yes yes this is a good call let’s go 750 we’ve done it let’s go yeah even the zombies Celebrating um you know so hey hey hey 2023 let’s let’s not let’s not go there let’s just say a magician never Reveals His secrets getting closer yes I’m catching up to you Pineapple you better watch out I’m catching up let’s go 51 Subs that is amazing that is amazing catching up

Wow what you think I’m not catching up how many I’ve gained today I’m not sure I am not Sure but I’ve been gaining a pretty good handful like every few days 749 Heroes and one lineway yes this is turtle versus snail how many in the past 28 days um let’s see open YouTube Studio yeah it says 750 woo Um let’s see let’s See in the last 28 days I’ve gained 47 subscribers okay so my plan here is to use Nether rack um just to kind of Mark out how we want the road to get go yes yes I am catching up pineapple watch out yeah we’re definitely going to have

To smooth this part out because that is a very Steep Hill there um but we’re going to continue it out this way and then I think we’re going to do like a fork in the road actually no we might do an intersection here and then have it go up the hill and

Over into this Area he’s copying my joke that I said the 749 people in the one Robert the G signed Robert the top g wow wow Robert I think you should sue uh 20 or no Sue line away for that is it for the public the SMP is a private server eggy but I hopefully if

We have enough growth that I’ll be able to um eventually get monetized and be able to open up a server for all of us to enjoy all the subscribers of the YouTube channel so with your support we can eventually make that happen but welcome to the stream I hope you’re

Having a fantastic day and eggs and toast is a amazing combo so I can appreciate your name and your profile picture both very very cool but yeah so I think I want it to come up here just like along this side of the Hill and then yes Sue

2023 actually no don’t Sue 2023 because it was actually a good year it has actually been a pretty good year at least in my opinion of course we’re going to have to clean this up um but but yeah so we’ll come up here and we’ll have an area here and then

We’ll also have an area up here um probably smooth this area out a bit um and yeah I don’t know how much we’re going to get to like smoothing all the terrain out in this episode but we might be able to work on it a little Bit yeah we do have some plans up here for some builds and of course we need to have some sort of roadway up to the McDonald’s here so yeah that is all the Plans so I guess for starters we’ll just continue this going this way spidey’s click baiting oh no I promise I’m not I promise I’m making a road see I’m finally doing it uh you know I kind of want this world to like curve in so what connections are make being made

So we’re connecting our base area to Lumas through this roadway um we are connecting um my starter base to up here and into like Melody’s area and I guess kind of Bison uh we’ll probably move the um vehicles to somewhere else for the time being so we’ll probably have some sort

Of road going up here music is quite loud okay thank you for letting me know hopefully that is better might make a smooth roadway up to this higher level because we do have some flatter space up here that we could potentially do some things in

H yeah of course we need to connect our house this spot here spoiler alert uh this place that has like the weird definitely can tell manmade um spot here is going to be the mega Bas is I know spoiler alert spoiler alert but that’s what the plan is for this

Spot so we’ll have to make the road come up here have I ever killed a Minecraft spider all the time they’re my cousins and I could care less about them there I said what I Said Squirm welcome hello hello hello how you doing Squirm I’m committing more crimes than riggy in 5 Years see that’s that’s why in the short that I made about like a family reunion and everything that’s why I had them be cave spiders cuz the cave spiders are my brothers and so they’re a little cooler but regular spiders they’re the stupid second [Applause] cousins we don’t like the second cousins

We’ll curve this up to Here and then we’ll probably do another sort of um maybe like a t-shaped intersection here like a three-way intersection I think that’ll look good and of course I still want to like accommodate for like a lot of space for things to be built around this area so I don’t want to

Like close in on too many areas because or else it’s going to be like too narrow of a gap to do anything in terms of building in certain Areas but yeah so then we can have a road here and a road here and then all this area in the middle can kind of be built through and then we’ll have an area up here after we terraform all this um all this will get gotten rid of Welcome

Aaron welcome egg yolk oh my gosh wait that’s two that’s two egg people that have joined the stream in like the past 10 minutes that’s amazing and they both have egg and toast on the on the profile picture that’s fantastic welcome to the stream both Aaron and agiel hope you are both having

A fantastic day yeah that’s what I’m saying what what are the odds of that that is crazy especially if like you guys do not know each other like that’s that’s wild it’s like I’m having Deja Vu or something he’s game mode one no it’s a it’s a mod the free cam

Mod see I’m still here I’m still I’m still right there and look I can even do stuff like this with free cam and watch uh look at this I can move my character around so that’s how you know I’m still in survival mode what’s up we

See it still takes me a few minutes to you know break things and whatnot I promise you I’m not cheating I’m not cheating I’d get banned if I was cheating and I don’t want to get banned not today at least who’s this handsome fellow wait were you talking to me well Hello even if you weren’t talking to me I’m still going to I’m still going to say you Were be that selfish spiders can’t be handsome you don’t know what you’re talking about 2023 welcome fetch welcome Welcome so yeah we’re just going to continue this road all the way up through here and this will allow for us to have like all of this space here and you know what we’ll come back this way with a road maybe make like a culdesac kind of deal here

Um just kind of thinking for like more areas that we can build houses in I’m probably going to have the biggest house out of this whole area um so as long as other people have like a pretty good space to build in then we’ll be good anybody on the server with you

Uh right now fetch Leno and Rizzy are on the server um but we do have like 20 other members other than the four of us you have a pet tarantula that is awesome I wish I had a pet tarantula I’ve always wanted one I’ve always wanted

One this you egg yolk and eggy toast oh no they threw him on the pan squirm that’s that’s kind of mean maybe I killed a spider last night that makes me your enemy um oh hello Skipper no it’s okay it’s okay if it’s a Minecraft spider then it’s fine then it’s

Fine but if it’s a real life spider I don’t know I don’t know real life spiders are pretty good they eat all the Flies and the mosquitoes and the gats and all the stupid little bugs that no one likes that’s why I like the spiders and they’re more afraid of you

Than you are of them so I find them very okay to let hang about the house and long legs and it was in my bed okay that that’s fair I I could see where your instincts would come into play there I mean to be honest I don’t think

I’d want spiders in my bed either wait ulks Australian in 2021 just like randomly guessed that that’s amazing 752 we’re flying no way thank you guys so much stream’s barely gotten started and we’re already gaining traction still this is this is kind of crazy you guys are just I I

Can’t I can’t explain the the words that I’m trying to say because of just how much support you guys have been giving well wait a minute line way let’s not get personal all right let’s not get personal I mean the name is right there in my PayPal

So am I in a relationship nope single Pringle and happy to be there all right let’s take a look at this again uh yeah that curve might be a little too much maybe I just continue it down this way have I gotten asked that question a

Lot uh not as often like as I would think hey whoa whoa whoa whoa you don’t need to see that you don’t need to see nothing How about that how is that for shaping yes I like that I like that yes make sure you like the stream everyone make sure you like the stream stream questions can be very odd sometimes true true you always got to be ready for uh for everything it’s for personal reasons

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa in Australia they deleted the episode of Peppa Pig that talks about how spiders are okay and not scary that’s hilarious that is amazing why the nether are you using Netherrack good censoring there 2023 I like that I like that um I am using

Nether because it’s one of those blocks that can be instantly mined with a pickaxe because I don’t have like a haste two Beacon or anything it just makes it easier for like getting rid of it once I get around to to it little personal about how old are you I don’t

Mind telling people how old I am I am 22 years of age I will be 23 coming up in March so in a few months which is crazy to think cuz this year has gone so fast it is flown by um H I think eventually we’ll probably

Like do a tunnel all the way through the mountain here I think that would be cool um let’s go so you’re just like a week and a couple days older than me egg yolk that’s awesome yeah I think a I think a cave uh or like tunnel kind of deal through here

Would look pretty cool you know what would be funny I just am thinking of the elf movie right now where it’s like all winter the Sea of uh swirly turly gumdrops and the candy cane forest and all that we could build that as like an Easter egg on this side and then build

The tunnels like the Lincoln Tunnel and it comes into the the town area or like the the city um if we if we go that route with this cuz I mean we’re doing roadways of course and like there are going to be modern roadways

Um but I have not come up with all the ideas for the actual like area here so we might do a big city we might do a town we just know that it is going to be kind of modern to stick with the theme of the starter house and of course the

McDonald’s and all the other modernes builds and then we have the house on the hill but yeah I think we’ll probably stop the road here about just because I don’t know what else we’re going to be able to do um with this area are what the decisions are and of course I am

Kind of shared base here with a few other people being Melody um bison with the tower over here Mr pug with these two builds here um so yeah I’d kind of like to talk to them and stuff first before we go that far what’s the main goal of this SMP so

This smpp is sort of like hermitcraft so the goal is really just to become creators together and uh create fun content for you guys to enjoy um it’s not like a life steal SMP or anything it’s just a freefor all kind of SMP make shops make farms and just work together as a

Community to to build a a fun place for you guys to explore at the end of the at the end of the season finally determine if me and SP me to be friends Messi or Ronaldo ooh ooh Obama I like Aaron’s answer I think Obama’s the right

Answer I don’t know Messi kind of kind of killed it um the soccer season but I think Ronaldo still Takes the Cake in my Opinion then again I’m I’m a little rusty on my uh oh yeah it’s football my bad my bad you’re Australian I’m American so I I still say soccer from time to time oh you think Messi is the go okay okay yeah I think statistically Messi is but I don’t know something about Ronaldo

I just like a little better than Messi the 1976 Channel the goal of the S SMP is simply cash yes lots and lots of cash um which is funny because the um the head of the server’s name is chesp cash so it is a lot of cash but this is all my

Cash say it’s a pretty good amount of cash um all right on to the next sections of Zero okay so this is going to be the front of the mega base this corner here so then whoa whoa whoa Legend you didn’t see anything man you didn’t see anything but welcome to the stream welcome to the Stream question is do I want to make like a road at the front of the building or like a parking lot kind of deal I don’t know what are we up to we are making the roads in the infrastructure to the base area okay yeah I think from here we will

Do a another road what dog what are you thinking Man like I just took this guy for a walk like right before stream what more does he want from me I need to reach to egg toast cuz this town isn’t fit for for two adorable eggs on toast we don’t take the eggs on toast around these parts pew

Pew yeah I think sending that straight across will be pretty cool or or or or I’m just sounding like a seal now or or or maybe I don’t send it all the way across maybe I just make it like a dead end at the end of it um

Going to become farmland or become houses probably houses um we’ll probably have Farmland somewhere else on the map can’t believe Minecraft was made in 2011 yeah it is crazy oh my gosh my dog’s tail just sounded like it was going to bust down my door making it like a small suburban Town

Yeah I think that’s what we’re going to start it out as what if I did this like as if it was like a um Tycoon kind of thing and like it started as a Suburban town and then as the server progressed through we would like build things even bigger and

Like just upgrade all the houses and stuff like what if my starter base here like just turned into like a skyscraper at the end of the season that would be hilarious but no I’m thinking a small suburban town is what we want to make this place definitely think that’s the way to

Go how long have we been live for about an hour thank you for nine likes on the stream by the way you guys are fantastic make it a Roblox Tycoon Yes on your channel picture where the comment is from what video is that from um you know Aaron I I hate that I did this um it is legit it is legit I have the screenshot um it is from a short that I privated and when you private a video it gets rid

Of all the comments on the video I meant to unlist it and I privated it and it got rid of the it got rid of the comment and I was so sad um but if you guys remember a uh year or two ago they um uh they had something called like

Uture uh which was like a content creator like contest that was hosted by like Alia and I had like put a submission in for it and YouTube commented on it which was really cool and actually it was uh the short that uh made the admins of the

Lotus SMP um see my channel and like notice me and how I was able to get on the server so that that video is very important to me even though it is privated because yes it it very much changed my life and the life of the channel of

Course oh speaking of pug hey pug I was just going to text you and ask you um would you be cool if I took some Cobble deep slate down from the tunnel Bo to make some roads but welcome to the Ser or welcome to the stream hopefully you get on the

Server soon pug I miss your face oh I mean I guess I don’t really need to miss your face when it’s right there but I still do miss your face regardless go for it got plenty thank you you’re a legend and hopefully when this infr structure

Is complete that means we’ll be able to have like room for all of us to make our own builds welcome Ethan welcome to the stream yeah I know we’ve kind of been like in the works of talking through through how we’re going to like build this place out

Um hopefully this gives us a better idea of how exactly that’s going to play out watch your clone short what do you think of it line way what do you think fill the stereotype in your head I’m eating macas upside down down with my pet tarantula let’s

Go wait how do you eat upside down H how how does how does one uh how do you do that oh my nose is itchy oh there’s a lot of stone in that one I really need to go get more shulkers oh wait no I don’t never mind

False alarm false alarm we have an empty Shuler let the gravity of food fall into your mouth see see that’s what confuses me cuz like wouldn’t it just stay in your mouth if you’re upside down Sid can’t say long if you need anything else with storage Kasa stew storage Casa including

Shulkers oh my gosh pug you are you are too kind you are too kind my friend by the way when’s the next pug stream I need to see a new Stream need to empty your hamster’s cage out it stinks yikes that does not sound very Fun hello deep dark my home away from home there we go now we’re Talking um let grab as much of this as we possibly can and then we can head back up who’s a girl in the family reunion short cuz we don’t know her cuz spy is the main character of the lotus ISP I’m far from the main character of the lotus

Smpp but uh the girl in the uh short was Melody uh who is a good friend on the server and she is also going to be my base partner this season when the mega base eventually happens so that’ll be very very fun but yeah she has a very big fear of

Spiders so for full context the first day that I met Melody and like gotten a voice call with her um there was a giant spider that was like crawling on her wall and she like for half of the call uh for literally like half of the

The voice call she was like freaking out about what to do about this Spider and like she had to like call someone from I don’t even remember where uh they were from I think they were like from college or something uh and she had to like call them over to be like um oh no no it was like uh it was one of her

Neighbors that like she had never met and she had them come over and uh kill the spider it was absolutely hilarious cuz this was like 3 hours long of just her like panicking so I was like H she has to be the one to to be in this um to be in this

Short pineapple you wish you were the main character yeah that’s what I’m saying that poor spider let’s get rid of this birch wood I need to get some dirt let’s go doing some hardcore love to see that don’t die like I did hug says my warehouse is your Warehouse

Including scarves yes pug has the biggest scarf collection that I’ve ever seen he’s got all different colors of scarves all different patterns of scarves all different styles of scarves like it’s it’s very very very very cool like you’ve never seen anything like it Yo Baro welcome wait is Boston Crushers still in the Stream is the other Brody still here cuz that’ll be amazing if we can have both broes Here first message I see is someone begging for mod I mean to be fair lineway has been on the channel for a long long Time but right now I’m not looking for more mods at least at this given point in time so I will have to say no for now if you are asking me but I will definitely keep you in mind most of the mods I have yeah are people on Lotus Does that mean I’m special sure yeah not Fogers all right finish up this spot here dab some reason every message I say has to have smiley face I mean smiley faces are cool can’t go wrong with a good smiley Face [Applause] wonder if weo lost connection or if he’s actually Gone oopsies I forgot then PD face yeah let’s cut this back a little bit there we go that’s a little more gradual and then let’s see how we want to do this I think s is probably a good size for the road because wait one two three yeah seven should be

Good can you pin a message I mean you’re able to like it’s possible yes deep Site Road interesting yeah I don’t know what what other thing I’d make it out of I feel like like deep slate has a good like texture to it for a road got

To leave now spy see you later have a great day you as well lineway we’ll see you later thank you for joining hey watch the merchandise all right keep this going over here and then we will drop this down one [Applause] more Spidey is the best I appreciate it broy I appreciate it volano welcome sneaking in the shadows you were indeed sneaking in the shadows sneaky snitch one two three four seven okay looking good looking good and get rid of You going to put stairs for the path uh we’re going to put like slabs and stuff along the side here so that we can like make it um what’s the what’s the word I think we’re going to do like sidewalks I think this is the plant

Who’s on right now looks like four of us squid Fetch rzy and myself we’re going to go try and sleep because yeah this is getting to be pretty crazy out here and Rain plus nighttime is just a recipe for Disaster into the house we Go there we go so much nicer amazing beautiful hakun mat I can tell Rizzy that she’s Cool yeah tell her I said that I think Rizzy might be streaming right now actually I didn’t know she was a girl yep that’s fair that’s fair but yeah down in the description is her Channel if you wanted to hop into her stream real quick and and you can

You can say it to yourself uh for yourself to her cuz I’m pretty sure she is streaming right now doing homework nice good stuff volcano what kind of what kind of subject are you working on give me the details give me the details math nice are you doing like graphs and like

Algebra kind of stuff are you working with like shapes and geometry geometry was my favorite ooh multiplying decimals that’s that was always a fun one that was always a fun one good luck good [Applause] luck it’s not my favorite but it’s good yeah multiplying decimals was always an interesting one that is for

Sure not the most difficult but some of them can get a little [Applause] [Applause] complicated if you got any questions I I was pretty good at math I was pretty good at math back in school so let me know if you have any questions I might be able

To give you a pointer or two pick at my brain because I have not I have not like looked at math proms very recently let’s go broy no it’s all right all right volcano the offer’s out there the offer’s out there my friend so uh Spidey you want to do my homework

Uh only if you’re editing my videos Brody that sounds like a fair trade I’ll do your homework and then you do my homework I’ll just record and then you edit man just kidding darn thought we had a deal going on Here all right 3.1459 26 that’s as far as I remember yeah I don’t remember using INF all that much so that one I’m not as familiar with 535 I knew it I was I was going to guess five and then three I didn’t know the last five but 26535 I was

Like I didn’t want to like say it for the sake of possibly being wrong I should have I should have just stuck in my gut that was good at math once I think part of my brain has been in cryosleep for years uh I mean it happens to the best of us Pug I think this will look cooler if I make it a little bit of an offset here yeah like so my brain likes to phase out sometimes I’m so good in subjects yeah I’m the same way mom is studying for law school and my mom is studying for law

Dang well best of luck to her best of Luck all right here we’re just going to bring over like a So never ever join the necro smpp wasn’t planning on it I wasn’t planning on it oh hello pineapple and what is pineapple doing on the server today probably either coming over to bother myself or going over to rzz to bother her because that is what a pineapple does H I don’t know I don’t Know arnos welcome let me know if I pronounced your name right but welcome to the stream welcome welcome welcome I hope you are doing fantastic today we are here on the Lotus smpp working on some road work for our future base I think this is looking good so far

Think I might have to adjust the shaping on this spot a little bit because it does look kind of chubby um but we’ll we’ll get back to it kind of just want to get the general idea going and then we can work on the detail work I did pronounce it right okay cool

Deal cool cool deal so what’s everyone asking for for Christmas this is a question I haven’t asked yet and it is getting to that time of year that those things need answered those kind of questions need answered like if you guys could ask for one thing for Christmas what would it

Be okay so we got two people wanting new keyboards I have two people wanting some new keyboards that’s pretty funny you guys both said keywords at the same time I just want money me too pineapple me too that’s what I asked for last year I was just like gift cards and money

That’s all I want and I did get quite a few gift cards and it was nice and the best part is is that they’ve kind of just sat in my wall and I’ve kind of forgotten about them so I just have a bunch of gift cards just

Sitting in my wallet probably not the safest idea but I wish I could just like cash in the the gift cards or just transfer the money onto a credit card or whatnot want an early gift bro don’t don’t be spending your money on me but no bad

Brody I mean I know I can’t stop you but but it’s seriously and not an obligation that goes for everyone your money is not an obligation I will appreciate you whether you donate or not no you have no more Nitro rip a so you were going to give me Nitro

I get it I get it yeah I never was able to figure out that one year of nitro thing never did end up working for me you’re too kind Brody I appreciate it but it’s okay we’ll we’ll live without it we’ll live without it it is our money Stalin

Road Road I just got that SpongeBob song stuck in my head or Patrick just says Road a bunch of times and SpongeBob’s all like on the road when will there be Lotus SMP season 3 um I honestly don’t know I don’t know I mean hopefully there is a Lotus season 3

I mean that’s our goal um but really the only answer I know is after season 2 I know it’s a smart alec answer but that’s literally all the information I have that’s the best answer I can give [Applause] you I think so many of the US already like

Have so much on our plates in terms of our own bases and stuff and if we want to finish those bases before the end of the season then we’re ideally going to want the season to go on for a while um I think it’ll probably if if it if and when it does

Happen it would probably be sometime around the next update cuz that’s how we did it for for this season is we started season 2 just after the um the cherry blossoms and trails and tals and stuff happened so I would think we would do the same thing but that’s all up in the

Air still I don’t know anything and probably won’t know anything until we actually get There and of course being in the Discord communities will keep you guys up to date on those kind of things so that if you guys were wanting to like apply to join then that would be there as well when that kind of thing opens up and just like that resi’s gone never to

Be seen again and fetch how many people are in the SMP right now um on the server right now there’s only a three of us um but the um the full Rost for the SMP there’s like 25 of us or something like that so yeah we have a we have a lot of

Members all of them are down in the description uh if you guys want to go check out their channels I wouldn’t be on lot but I’d be the amateur I don’t know we have we have a lot of different uh we have a diverse team of creators on the

Server all have different build Styles a lot of them consider themselves to be amateurs but are definitely far from it um so I don’t know I I think anyone could fit right in I don’t know I don’t know volcano all right so we have that part there let’s continue this way man I am so excited for that pizza I don’t normally eat on stream but I might just have to cuz that Pizza just sounds so good right now no squid

Left I think squid might be getting back on [Applause] though anyone wants to watch me make rzy uh gfx I am in the VC nice that’ll be cool how much deep site do I have um a lot this isn’t even all of it volcano our good friend actual pug uh

Has a tunnel Bo system down under the mountain and the dude has like mined so much Cobble deep slate with that thing like it it literally goes for Miles like if it was if it was made in real life it would go for literal miles it’s crazy and

There so this is the Deep site I borrowed yes but I mean pug is also kind of like joining us in like this area I mean that’s his house there um and then he has his face on the side of the mountain Mount pugm more um so

Like he is pretty much a base partner so it’s it’s kind of we all we all share at the end of the day our little group over here so much deep sleigh me and my family are doing Secret Santa got my sister uh and I just purchased a gift I’m doing Secret Santa

With my family too very fun stuff very very fun stuff sharing is caring Stalin did St just say everything was he just the was he just the man of many many important words I don’t know yes you learn something new every day you learn something new every

Day who loves veggie straws because I do like no joke I’m addicted to them I haven’t gotten hooked on them honestly I haven’t had them enough to like really have a a liking to them they’re okay I’ve just never like had them often enough to like get obsessed with

Them most of the time like a friend has them or like at a get together or something and that like that’s the only thing to choose from like okay I can I can eat these I don’t think it’s ever been like my first choice Though oh this is looking good so so Far very very neat very cool I’m going to keep your stream open but I’m not talking I’m going to go play Minecraft let’s go enjoy your time on Minecraft arus it is such a fun game and that is why continue to play it after over 10 years of having it and not

I don’t know what I was trying to say um speaking of Minecraft I guess um I just recently got back into building Legos um because my nephew decided to pull them out of the craw space uh a few days ago and man I missed playing with Legos before Minecraft I played with

Legos all the time and then Minecraft happened and and the rest is history I’ve always just enjoyed building things to my imagination’s extent and Minecraft is just another another tool for me to do that in and that’s half the reason why I enjoy it so

Much is cuz literally when I was a kid I would sit in my room for hours on end like I’d be sitting in my room like through the entire night just playing Legos like it would be day time at one moment and then the next

Moment I look up from my Lego build and it’s night time and I’m like uh where did the day go you have been building all day with Legos Spidey that is where your day is gone you have a server let’s go spent 12 days in Minecraft haven’t not got any diamonds yet

Um if you’re playing on the new updates like 1.20 uh I’d recommend digging all the way down to bedrock the closer are to bedrock in the new versions the easier it will be to find diamonds on the older versions like before caves and cliffs it was y level

12 between y level 11 and 12 was like the The Sweet Spot diamonds then my uncle is a lot of kids favorite teachers or teachers assistant because he’s so nice and funny that’s awesome what’s the hardest block to get um H probably one of the unbreakable ones like Bedrock or

Um the reinforced deep slate in the ancient cities or suspicious sand and gravel are pretty difficult to get too yeah you just don’t get anything in return for it right like you don’t get the actual block once you break it I don’t think one two three four oh dang

It I knew I was doing something wrong I was like something doesn’t look right here one two three and four okay there we go can I have mod please I’m a fan I have so many mods already Brody I also already have a brody as a

Mod or else I would say yes I’m a mod Miss on Dr Donuts that is awesome if I needed more mods then I’d probably say yes but right now I have so many yeah let’s go the two broes well time for sleep have a good night pineapple

My dream to come to be a mod on your live I spent 50 bucks on your on your match huh long legs don’t build webs by the way you’re right they don’t they’re not even spiders I’ll spend 50 bucks on your merch oh Goa I hope eventually I do have some merch

To to show you guys that’ll be awesome hello Creeper welcome back welcome back saw spider that had legs and like one and a half inches long for the legs eating another spider oh dang it’s kind of crazy you know what we’re going to go to bed real quick especially now that there’s no one else to do it for

Me I even saw it kill it yikes that’s crazy have a good night AEL thank you for joining the stream I hope you had a good time I hope you had a great time and I hope you have a great rest of your night Two three four five six 7even okay I hope you are hiring hiring mods or hiring because I’ll do it for Free oh dang that’s crazy uh let’s get rid of these Sher boxes real quick yeah all all my mods moderate for free and they know that going into it other than Brody Brody pays me like every other yeah I don’t I don’t pay him bro pays me for him to stay

Moderator it’s like rent 1 2 3 4 5 six yes oh my gosh I just stopped the rain going to start doing animation videos I want some tips on YouTube yeah I’d totally be down to give you some tips to a I’d love to I’d love to see what things

You come up with got to go might be come back might be back later all right squirm thank you so much for hanging out hope to see you later Never Back Down never surrender Never Going To Give You Up never going to let you down never going to run around and desert

You never going to make you cry never going to say goodbye never going to tell a lot and hurt you when will I stream again um I don’t know I am hoping next month becomes another month of just streaming well actually no take that back I’m hoping to get another

Episode of lotus out next month because there is still some stuff that I’m keeping secret on the server here um so I definitely want to get the episode where all that is revealed out to you guys sooner than later so I’ll probably have another episode next

Month um and I’ll probably stream a few times next month too and being that it’s coming to the end of the year um I am hoping we can do what we did last year at New Year time and do a New Year’s subathon make it a yearly thing that will be the

Goal um I know my work is wanting me to work some of that though so I’m going to have to see if I can try to make accommodations so my thought is that we’ll possibly instead of doing a New Year’s subathon that starts on New Year’s Eve and like goes into

The um goes into the new year we’ll end this year off with the Sabbath on so the a couple days between Christmas and New Year’s um we’ll do the subathon and it’ll be a subathon countdown to New Year’s now I don’t know if I’d want to stream through New Year’s Day

Or if I would want to just end the stream at New Year’s Day um but it would start a few days before New Year’s Day and then hopefully would be successful enough as last year’s was for the um for to go all the way into the new year

So those are those are my thoughts DMS are free for Secrets let’s go remember we played bedwar for New Years yeah that was amazing that’s what that’s what she said oh welcome back rose welcome back do a Christmas live stream I have so much family in town I don’t know if

I’d be able to make that happen good night actually this time have a great night aiel we’ll see you later get some good rest my friend look at DMS tell me what you think let’s take a gander here let’s take a gander all right let’s look at this Brody let’s

Look at this I’m too tired for this only got like 3 hours of sleep get some more sleep Ro it’s okay I I get it I understand I appreciate you joining but your your health is definitely much more important yo that’s cool that is really cool yeah I think rzy would love

That one two three four five six seven yeah I’m only running on like 6 hours of sleep two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven eight oh dang I just realized what I Did do you guys notice what I did I made a big oopsie then again though it’s going to be hard to build on this h H Yeah I think my intention was to build on this Level I don’t know if this is necessarily a bad thing though though uh Actually H get out of here spider okay here’s the big question chat do I do I destroy the road and rebuild it a block down or do I just slope it down at the end bit or do I keep it the the way it is and then just have like the driveway go

On an incline can I go to the toilet do whatever you need to do EG Yol do whatever you need to Do h oh right yeah give me one second stream e Yes you heard Opera GX Brody I hate the sound that it makes every time it opens now it’s just Eric Andre just screams in your ear hi YouTube hi Brody G to go sleep all right have a good one rose get some rest yeah I think this is what we’ll

Do we will just get rid of this part of the road on this incline and it’ll just be brought down to this level I think that’s way we’re going to have to do it you had the best day let me hear about it let me hear about it what made it the best

Day guess what what what am I guessing I don’t know you want a million dollars and you’re not broke anymore oh come on you made me walk into that really that’s it no more moderator for Brody he just hit me with the chicken butt joke

No I don’t just sit here and let that happen nuh-uh no way I’m not answering Brody or I’m not answering [Applause] volcano just tell me I’m not I’m not going to I’m not going to fall for it again I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know if I can trust that oh

My phone died my welcome welcome Myer how you doing triple promise I guess I can’t argue with a triple promise what do you want to tell me about volcano what do you want to tell me please don’t be a chicken butt please don’t be a chicken butt please don’t be

A chicken butt please don’t be a chicken butt oh my gosh egg Yol I appreciate you hanging out but if you’re actually that tired I definitely I definitely hope you get a good amount of sleep getting a healthy amount of sleep is more important than my Stream I am doing great my the stream has already been great everything everything is going great I’m a slave to the no no no no no no I do not I let’s let’s not let’s not make people think that I put my viewers into slavery what am I making I am making some

Roads making some infrastructure to the area here no no no I don’t AOL don’t don’t make people jump to these conclusions these are some legal matters that I do not want to have a part of oh dang broy you didn’t have to do them like you didn’t have to do EG like that

You didn’t not have to do them like that h maybe I’ll also lower this part of the road too maybe like up to here Brody guess what you cannot chicken but a mod well I mean technically I’m a mod and you chicken buted me so like [Applause]

I hear so many mobs down there kind of crazy that’s just a bunch of skeletons ow rude how dare you try to burn me to a crisp why are these grown men talking about chickens you know that’s a good question that is a good question egg Yol

I I don’t know if I could answer X-Ray Mod hey I’m not using x-ray I swear recam and x-ray are distinctly different one’s cheating and the other one’s a mod first of all I’m not 18 plus second of all I don’t care oh hello creeper aha you shall not hurt me anymore [Applause]

Oh hello yes shoot at each other that sounds like a great idea yes Warfare amongst all the mobs but I don’t have to deal with that oh well this is not going according to my favor see you later and Spidey 22 and we’re both born in March

Yeah eggy Hulk I think you might be the oldest one here which then it then it comes to the thing like you said I I put you into slavery but like I’m younger than you no no way that I being younger than you could even fathom do that wow

Brody I don’t know what that says man but you better be careful all right hello creeper ah well this is fun um that’s still older it might only be a week but but it’s still older you can’t mess around with the facts gee whiz where did you come from gee ler Sco oh my gosh leave me alone creepers oh my Everywhere I Go everywhere you look everywhere oh my gosh there’s another One everywhere you look everywhere you look there’s a creeper there’s a creeper and he wants to blow your face off All right now we can go ahead and start adding things like this to the Mix oh wow UL just said that they hate You I took German for a few years so I know some German I I didn’t retain a lot of it I don’t remember a lot of it but I do remember some and I know that means I hate You oh we yeah was this chest over here maybe oh no it was the one with the the bamboo in it wasn’t it uh bamboo all right yeah that’s cute I like It oh that looks so Nice and [Applause] then think I want this to be stone that will add some noise Too You know what this whole thing will will add some noise To so we got that and then let’s find some we do some stone brick and also maybe some Cobblestone if we can find a little bit of that Yeah that looks good I like it add a few more cobblestone bits in here there we Go Nice I’m going to get rid of the petals for now because I think it would be cool to add some like flower beds or something to this Area maybe even do something like this uh actually no do I have a water bucket blue ice I don’t have a water bucket what am I doing Burnley welcome whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa psych psych you really psyched me out no way can’t believe you would do such a Thing that’s okay I didn’t want to say hi anyways no way it’s UL Again welcome back egil from the other phone all right we need to go find ourselves a water bucket there’s one iron ingot there’s a ton and let’s go ahead and make a couple buckets I seem annoyed nope Hello Duck Crafting table can go right back here Yonder huh not right now the pizza has arrived welcome back Aaron welcome Back uh for now we will put the water source here hey you watch it man you Too no way we got a charge creeper here I mean we can we can get the charge creeper risk free here because this isn’t hardcore this time I am Dutch whoa just changing roles on us now no Way okay man I was going to let you hang out but if you’re going to if you’re going to be rude then get out of here skeleton all right here’s what I think I’m going to do why can’t I get a charge creeper I mean I can get a Charged Creeper um

Oh my goodness that almost looked like it was going to be my house luckily we have fire spreads off so it wouldn’t have mattered but doesn’t mean I want it to happen still dang see that’s like getting close like that’s getting like personal levels of close okay so here’s what we’ll

Do I think this will look very cool oh whoa okay no that’s kind of that’s kind of neat I did not know that you could do the flowers little flowers like this on tilled dirt interesting [Applause] yeah that looks pretty you have a flight to catch at 11:00 p.m. dang

What else should I grow in this little Garden area get out of here you too let everything here grow a little bit Yeah I think this is a cool little Spot get out of my garden you silly zombies there’s so many mobs over there if only one of these creepers gets hit by lightning come on Captain volcano more like creepy volcano dang can’t believe you’d say that about Captain volcano that’s not very cool any charged creepers Anywhere no not yet not Yet ow man how many different languages do you know uh a that’s kind of cool man so many mobs oh my goodness is still still thunderstorming though so I didn’t really want to go to bed yet but is getting to be too chaotic I think I’m just going to do it

Anyways might as well that sound like a crazy thunder right there oh charge creeper charge creeper no way it happened I knew it I knew it okay um full natural charge creeper no way it actually happened and we don’t have to worry about losing anything this time because it’s not hardcore

So the the next question is what head do we go for cuz I mean we could go for the difficult one get the piglin head or we could keep it simple that’s cool Burnley that’s cool so what do you guys think do we go for the Gusto get the piglin

Head all right skeleton you’re going to have to get out of here last thing I want you doing man is killing this creeper well if I put him in a boat he won’t despawn either right oh those quick moves that I had to have There okay Okay now he shouldn’t despawn well actually quite a few people have one already on the server um because people have like the channeling Trident but mine would probably be the first one that’s from a naturally encountered Charged Creeper so that’s the difference now some head that I don’t

Think anyone has is like the regular Steve head don’t you get that from getting killed by a charge creeper if it is just the player I don’t remember legit Bots welcome we just got a charge creeper in a not hardcore world so we can get this uh Mob head and not

Have to worry about anything this time which is very very cool because even if I die who cares it’s a risk-free death yes the channel is blowing up right now it is kind of crazy and I cannot thank you all enough for the support lately it has been

Fantastic that’s so kind of you to say legit Bots I appreciate your kind words it would not be possible without you guys just got 700 in like two months yeah yeah with this momentum it it is definitely possible for me to hit a th before the end of the year even though

We only have a month left it is still definitely possible that’s why I so badly want to do a subathon at the end of this year just so that um just so that like it comes down to like the last days if anything and then hopefully we would head a th000 during

That Ro to 1,000 before 2024 I don’t know cuz I mean we were at like we were at less than 300 at the beginning of this year and now we’re at almost 800 so we’ve more than doubled oh sugar plums I have a flight at 11:00 a.m. I need to be at the

Airport at 9: goodbye I have equal crazy friend I’ll send him in let’s go have a good one aul enjoy the rest of your night enjoy the rest of your night oh my gosh dog stop whimpering man you’re okay Muhammad welcome welcome welcome welcome how’s it going my friend hello And how long have we been live for now almost 3 hours and we have gotten quite a bit of work Done I am very proud with how much work we’ve gotten done do I recognize you is this the good old mod 55s alternate Account oh my gosh it’s UL again UL how many accounts do you have you are crazy you were absolutely crazy dog no you’re fine you are fine 17 are you going to watch on all of them cuz yeah I don’t want dead Subs if you’re going to subscribe on them you

Better be watching on all of them cuz I do not want dead Subscribers dog you are okay okay hi yes zero zero time yes I know there’s food down I want it I do I really do you have to it’s okay you can do it I believe in you oh My H how do I want to do this that’s resource heavy if I do it this Way H I don’t know also I need to make some some of those guys yeah that looks good No way Spider-Man what am I doing I am building out some roads on our little area nice little sidewalk we also did a little bit of gardening to our front yard here at our starter house this place looks so cool I’m so happy with how this turned out we also found a naturally spawned Charged

Creeper do I recognize you H could this be the one the only egg yolk is it possible that Spider-Man is egol and this is the egol spiderverse He might be coming for my kneecaps uh he comes over here but it’s okay I am the French Batman Restart your stream with Me I just realized we can also add these half slabs over here of course we’re going to need more than that but that’s some good thinking sometimes my brain likes to work I don’t know if I remember you get a couple more h there we go looks very nice very nice Dr Goodman

Welcome oh wait it didn’t do the the welcome prompt so so Dr Goodman has to be a rename of an already existing account so let me guess yes let me guess egg yolk this is Funny got going on sp’s Mom whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa all right what you needed opinion what’s the opinion needed so so so uh ow ow ow watch the merchandise I am talking yeah yeah you are uh oh this guy I can’t hear this guy what the Spidey huh hello

Still can’t hear this guy what the uh oops I can hear open bye wait trust me what the I’m waiting come on hello hello I can hear my game I can’t hear you what’s up what’s up with this uh uh uh Sur it’s not me it’s definitely chesy hello hello

Hello hello hello Spidey hello nope can’t hear you oh wait you know what hello it was you hello hello y that it fixs it let’s see is it this one right hello ah there you go you’re loud you have $1 in the trash according to Captain volcano yeah a

Dollar unfortunate yeah I got coffee oh well that works okay so accidents happen you know happy accidents as good old Bob Ross says um I I built Road up and it was intended to be on this level so I did like this little slope thing uhhuh but then that comes the question

Of what do I do with the sidewalk just open it up so I was going to like just Elevate some of the terrain I don’t know well you’re going to have to elevate the terrain if you sloped it up you got to you got to you

Can’t have like this road be up and the houses be down I mean I can I just have the road go down again I mean that’s boring flat roads are boring got to have some height difference elevation difference fair enough fair enough fair enough you got this you just got to

Raise this all by one again how how far out do you think I should I should bring this Out well I mean you’ve got it all the way over there you’re a poor share the wealth I have a dollar seean I don’t have a dollar hello stream hey you can say hi to my stream too if you want I mean hi Spidey stream unsub to Spidey now go hey wait a

Hey get back here get back here who do you think you are uh let’s see oh yeah well okay hold on so you you started in that level down there and then you raised it up why are you going to go back down here well I started over here this is

Where I started building the road at and then I brought it this way why’ you start over there cuz I started from uh lum’s connection oh and then I brought it down and then I branched it out what’s my there we go hi rad welcome to the stream

Rad let’s see is rad in your stream huh yeah huh Dar said hello Spidey is that the first time that Dar was on your stream may maybe welcome Kyle welcome to the stream jokes on you Dar was on my stream first hey pug is on my stream first so ha

Well I just started streaming so eat my shorts uh I don’t want to eat those I don’t know where they’ve been also do you like my pet you have a pet yeah the charge creeper over there yeah he got zapped during a thunderstorm full natural oh

Natural let’s see wait so what was your question I just been looking at this road does it does it look weird or do you think it’s fine how it how it is even if it’s elev would it make more sense if he made the houses outline house outlines for stand the roads that

Would make more sense oh hi R oh hey D hello I agree with caman it would have made more sense if you did the house outline in the path or the Roads like not full design a house but like where you want houses to be yeah I know I know because then like you have this section right here is like what are you going to do with this is there a house going to fit in this little the

Trees the trees the house tree house but then the thing was was like I didn’t know what everyone else’s plans are like pug Melody bison I didn’t know what their plans were so like I didn’t know where they were building houses and they still haven’t so um what are you

Talking about pug house is over there look at that yeah let me start at that level good idea very good idea you all chose to group up together you you got to find a solution you’re the city man yeah yeah kind of point you you you got you got

Bison’s Tower over there to connect to and you got the birthday cake to McDonald’s over there to connect to yeah I already have a plan for the McDonald’s and stuff so yeah all the is I’m going to terraform the cliff make it more isn’t supposed to isn’t isn’t

There supposed to be a build with that tree mhm there will be oh okay so I need I need some roadway to get up there so I’m think I’m going to smooth out this Edge right here mhm and then build a road up up to there and it’ll probably like wrap

Behind that build and then over to McDonald’s yeah says you have to make a road from ht’s base to yours oh crap I’m making an underground highway where is HT HT is there’s Dan there’s HD oh my God yeah you got to so what you got to do is

You got to connect your path to Yogi have a docking system at yogis and then have like a fairy travel from yogis to HTS how about this I just built an airport at HTS base in an airport here and call it a day no no no you got to go

The fery route you know we got we I want a Scenic cruise from from yogis I want to see Skippers land I want to see I want to see o Sims I want to see Woods Temple Jackson Castle thing I want to see everything and then look at there’s

Even a little river you can you can terraform that river right there you can see the the the chesie temple then you go through the river you’ll see Blue’s place you continue down that River oh my go you got to tform some more River and then go into bhd’s place so uh who’s

Helping me with this project that’s your project man I got my own Mega base you got this okay I still have to build my base first I don’t have time for that yet this will be this will be your mega base the fairy you see how fast it took D

Let’s ideas you see how fast it took D to build to build their Mega base you got this I probably did in like two weeks see that was like on and off so and it took me a week to build my mega base last season it definitely didn’t take me

All season to get all the materials but you know it’s besides the I want to feel like I’m traveling the Oregon Trail every no that’s what you got to do they they’re making a bike lane like a bike trail that goes from from Washington all

The way to the other to the east coast that’s what you got to do make a bike lane like a a bike trail and we’ll go biking what in the world I don’t is there any land masses that connect you guys to us or is it just straight up

Ocean uh uh I don’t know I don’t I think it’s all just ocean hi Captain volcano I think maybe we go to the right a little bit I got coffee I got coffee I’m going to be all hyper I mean there is if you go like way

Make a load of Spiker gang if you go way over to like the east then you can like go up and around the ocean kind of but that’s like a very long winded way to go says East I looks West my gosh this guy I say you go from

Your place connect it to Yogi’s head down south along the coastline connect it to there’s a little dark oak area then you connect it to that sand and I’m assuming that Sand’s going to lead some eventually to um Sims and shadden’s place and then you can go to Skippers

Then to Jacks and then from Jacks you can go to seian and pineapple and then we can go to from there to HT and then from HT to Dan and from Dan we’ll go around that Lake we’ll go to town oh no no wait from Dan’s

We’ll go to the gaming district and from the gaming District we’ll connect it to Pineapple thing and then from pineapples thing we’ll connect it to we’ll connect it to DAR and then from Dar we’ll connect it to Legend and then Legend to to squid and then wait to you yeah and

Then squid to me and you’re you’re insane I think that is a good plan and then we’ll make a ferry from mles because M has a little boating dock we’ll make a ferry to go from mles to to woodchucks okay here’s the thing this isn’t Riverton we can’t just make a

Little path and call it a day this is a very wide span of terrain chesp I can’t do this on my own what you mean it’ll work I think you can do it on your own think your scales it’ll work no ocean T seec has got it the

Idea I have my own responsibilities my own things I need to get done what yeah no like the path that connects oceon I did it last season I did Riverton you get oceon you can do your mega base last like chesp yeah next next season next season L with my mega base

Though yeah so do I oh you you can cram it all in in one video no he Mega base can be the [Laughter] sewer that’s my real life what do you mean are you going to have you live in a sewer yeah damn dang any do you have are

You going to have a sewer system in your voice I was thinking about it I mean cuz the the whole under like underbelly of like half the terrain is hollow so I mean D we got to we got to make a sewer base okay as long as you it’s got to be

Fantastic wait I have an idea he can’t hear us oh I guess not um what we need to do is we need to get Timmy over to it and he can be with the ninja turtles in the sewers yeah I don’t think Timmy is safe

Here what what do you mean mean I’m I’m trustworthy I don’t I don’t think this is a safe place for Timmy hey this is farther away from from Dan than it’s like on the opposite side of the world yeah so I mean I think it’s a

Good idea I I don’t want to travel to see Timmy I mean I don’t even see Timmy in general but I don’t see Timmy in general but I don’t want to travel to see Timmy don’t you share custody with anyways so how’s your day dar doing great I just finished school you know

Done oh dang nice that that wait what yeah I have no homework I don’t finish till Thursday must be nice oh yeah I don’t have any homework done for the school for the day like oh oh oh done done I wish I was done but that’s I’m done done on on on Thursday

Done Dad look custody I don’t even know where he yikes look spotty’s not even streaming look first tab he’s not even streaming what do you mean unbelievable I I I can’t count that you know I can’t count it stre streaming you’re not streaming you’re definitely not streaming oh my

God I don’t even know how to do it I’ve never been able to do it so like yeah I can’t find the controls for that I don’t it’s you I I have that as something else wa I that’s the problem if you have the mod menu I’m pretty sure you can change it

Oh what in the world you can just access that mod itself what’s the mod H status status it doesn’t give me any like things oh yeah oh wait I guess you can’t never mind you lied to me what the heck the status was the friends we

Made yep and spot’s not streaming so I won’t count what we’ve counted it every other month that I haven’t done it so it’s all or nothing now well I guess that means instant three strikes hey wait a second yeah open status gooey um five there better there you go Hi how are

You Hi how are you what wonderful weather we why’ you put your chest plate on Dar I don’t know maybe it’s a the bat that you’re holding in your hand that won’t protect your knees you see chest plates for chest plates or chest plates for chest chest

Plat for chest plate is for a chest plate good good job chespie I I have some leggings you know Merry Christmas oh um thank you Merry Christmas actually I’m going to need that oh wait wait wait hang on hang on see you Merry Christmas Secret Santa this was our secret

Santa s doesn’t get anything what oh dang I’m getting that piece of back getting that piece of wood back ow I’m in pain I’m in pain pain I’m in Pain all right so what did you need to what what was the opinion you needed did I give you your opinion kind of yeah okay it sounds like my job here is done well here oh look what do you need huh what what do you need I ain’t helping

You actually you signed the contract you have to I don’t remember signning no contract is that spidey’s temp mailbox mhm why is it facing this way that doesn’t make any sense uh you know that you got mail yeah Luma made this and and Luma can you have this thing up are you

Trying to return the mail yes dang got a gift and doesn’t accept it what a weird garage not even a car in here I I wanted I wanted to know what kind of car I should make have you been hurt by Spidey you may be entitled for a large cast

Settlement better call Seaman oh I know who to call now do you know you have rights the Constitution tells says you do let’s see decorations M hey look there’s St no way hey look there’s me taking stuff from Spidey no way don’t mention it let’s recreate it you

Later he grieved he’s getting kicked off the server oh look at there’s a barrel look at hey hey hey hey I don’t have a spa here I suggest you be more careful careful you say cyber bully you have a chest plate mhm that a coat hanger yeah

Nice pretty smart eh oh yeah look how’ you do that look at this look at this ready no way boots wait the shoe shoe rack wait it’s an item there’s a there’s an armor stand right there D oh okay I to say how is it so small hang on wait

How did I do what the floating pots you can make floating pots yeah flower pots float they oh they do yeah they do mhm yeah you’ve never done flower pot parkour no well I mean before Teran I came from Bedrock so I still haven’t learned everything wow Noob you’re a noob it’s

Not possible with redr okay okay I see you brought back the rug yep the good old shag rug yep nice nice where’s the TV the TV is all natural yep hold on hey hey hey hey hey that’s breaking and entering I mean exiting welcome to chesty news breaking news

Today today we have a uh breaking news according uh in Spidey Spidey Ville uh spidey’s home is now on sale for the small loan of one Diamond he just got repoed and it’s now on sale buy your house now you have an in here huh he there no under chests yeah

There is it’s just in my room that one’s not my room it’s a three bed three Bath House well I know I’m just exploring the GS have rooms in here now wait a second he’s bringing it back no that was season one that was season one are these the natural paintings why

Is this in like from The Pack Is this a sleeping bag a sleeping bag hey hey it’s a c style it’s a c style bag wait hold on wait yeah all these all hold on it’s all on slabs so I I why did you do it onc hold on hello hello

What’s up one two three four five one two 3 4 five 6 7 5 by seven how big is that room 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 you got less space in here only because there’s a roof but I also have a master bath though so it accommodates

Point I would rather I’d rather more room in wait hang on is this the shower and then you have to be really short in order to use it I mean like really no it just shoots upwards it’s like a fountain it’s a fountain sprayer ah I see have this is the

Beday wait a second wait a second wow big T Big T is in my chat saying ches be no cash yeah I don’t have cash broke I’m in debt imagine being broke that’s already a well-known fact though so why are you what’s the point why you see you

Could have kept you could have just destroy I would have taken down this bathroom right had more room in my room and then just walk out and go into this bathroom well then I wouldn’t have a master bath well you don’t need a master bath if the bath it’s about the principle

Get out of my house get out of my house I’m done I’m done you’re you’re criticizing my own house get out of my house this poor person I like it it is the house is the way I like it this poor person has to walk all the way over here

To go to the bathroom and you could just walk right or straight down that’s more work that’s more work you’re more work dang I would also like to know why is this this bathroom like it’s so small this is this is um this is the bathtub right here no it’s gosh dang

It we at the little Harry Potter closet time to put a sign outside that says no trespassing do not enter all oh golly chest B typically when you’re around pot you’ve been sent on a mission by egg yolk are you egg yolk that is the question okay so where’s the oh

Well what are they doing over there you know the construction mhm uh so they’re clearing out the space for the eventual spot for the Mega base now they’ll be being moved once I get the road over there mhm ah you’re ail’s friend awesome well welcome to the

Stream well I got to go work on my place bye Spidey bye hold on this is embarrassing I have to eat this guy he’s a silly goose silly very silly I’ll leave you to your stream all right thanks for hanging out rad thanks for checking out the area and criticizing

Everything I’ve ever built making me want to destroy it [Laughter] all you’ll be fine we got this maybe you should have started with the houses all right byebye bye I know everything you are building a road I am building a road indeed indubitably how long have we been

Streaming for 3 and 1 half hours okay um I think we’re just going to finish this section of the road terraform this out a little bit not too awfully much H actually you know what what we might end up doing is something potentially like this oh

I’ll end up filling all this space in so that we can just make this like an even playing field here let’s see let’s see let’s see You are egg yolk I knew it I knew it I don’t know know how I knew it but I knew it someway somehow I knew it the entire Time yeah so we’ll make this whole area up a block so it gives the illusion that this is like the end bit of that yeah I think that’ll work it’ll also give some different like levels to the um to the design of the houses so that they sit on like an

Offset I think that is the plan but the question is do I have more dirt on me or do I have to go oh I do fill this in a little bit you are egg yolk I knew it something told me that you were egg yolk

I don’t know how I knew but I knew no I didn’t you’re right I didn’t you’re right you’re right you got me caught me red-handed whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I’m your friend so that is impossible absolutely impossible all right well I am out of materials right

Now so I think with all that being said I think it is actually a pretty good spot to end the stream cuz we have been going for a long while now it has been a fun stream it has been really good seeing all the new people and I appreciate every single one

Of you for subscribing for liking for hanging out for just lurking if you were here thank you especially you egul especially you and your 25 alt Accounts Silver Fox welcome welcome I’m sorry I am ending the stream I’m so sorry but the the video the uh the stream will be up on the channel even after we end so you can always watch it back and enjoy it if you’d like to but thank you guys all so much for

Stopping by and saying hello but until next time this has been Spidey and I wish you all a great day a great afternoon a great evening and a great night bye oh yeah if you guys haven’t watched the episode where I built this house behind me you still definitely should

Cuz it was an amazing video okay bye

This video, titled ‘Making Connections! | Lotus SMP Season 2 LIVE (Minecraft 1.20 Survival Server)’, was uploaded by SP1D3Y on 2023-11-30 00:16:06. It has garnered 112 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:08 or 12848 seconds.

Welcome Everyone, to the LOTUS SMP: SEASON TWO! . . Today, we work on the infrastructure of the base, adding roads, sidewalks, lights, and more! Let’s see how much progress we can make today! I Hope you are as excited as I am for this episode! Make sure to hit the LIKE button, and if you really enjoy this, hit the SUBSCRIBE button, and while you’re down there, hit the BELL! Thank you so much! 😀 . . This server is similar to Hermitcraft, an SMP with all sorts of Minecraft Content Creators, all with the goal of creating, inspiring, and entertaining. We will be making bases, shops, games, and much more on the server! . . Follow Me on Twitter! . . If you would like to support my content an extra mile, consider donating here! Thank you! Support the stream: . . Join the Lotus Community Discord! . . Join the SP1D3Y Discord Community! . . Check out our members

Actual Pug =

AusCrafterSim =

Bison =

Buzzycombs =

Captain Pineapple =

Chespi Cash =

CmanTheBoss5875 =

Danesto =

FeaturesGaming =

HaySquid =


Jax =

Lenolicious =

Mayyple =

Melodious =

RadLizard =

RizzyAndMizzy =

Roxiere =

Shadan2three =

SkipperStudios =


StellarLuma =

WoodChuck Gaming =

YogiMan = . . MUSIC:

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    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus! In the world of gaming, where updates fly fast, We bring you the news, with rhymes that will last. From Call of Duty to Minecraft’s new show, We’ve got the scoop, so come on, let’s go! Ubisoft and Activision, a merger so grand, Bringing Mario and Shepard to the land. Kendrick Lamar in Multiverses, a sight to behold, With Doom DLC and Fortnite stories untold. Helldivers 2, with controversy in the air, PC players and macros, causing quite a scare. Sony’s Astro Boy game, a treat for the fans, And Netflix’s Minecraft series, with creeper plans. EA Games in… Read More

  • “35 пропущенных от родителей – горячий майнкрафт мем” 🔥😂

    "35 пропущенных от родителей - горячий майнкрафт мем" 🔥😂 “35 missed calls from your parents? Looks like they’re trying to join your Minecraft server without an invite!” 😂 #minecraftparentproblems #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

    Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Minecraft Adventure: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Exploring the Football Team Caves In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, Sausages and his friends embark on a journey to explore the football team caves. Each cave represents a different team, with surprises and challenges awaiting inside. From Galatasaray to Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş, the team caves hold mysterious rewards and traps set by the infamous Baldi. Challenges and Rewards As they navigate through the caves, our brave adventurers encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and enemies. From dodging arrows to solving riddles, each team cave presents a unique challenge. However, with teamwork and determination, they… Read More

  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

    Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!Video Information for Bruh Bruh did it ever end it never ended no it ended definitely ended did it ever end it never ended nope definitely ended for oh yeah it’s slpi toggle SE in 3 minutes what’s your IGN yeah I know what ended Peter very sad yo we got two tabs that’s two columns yeah two columns how do I do backwards momentum you you uh here here let me let let me do it let me do it I got you I got you hold up so you go to this front of the block right all… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

    Unbelievable Nether Adventure - Ep. 4Video Information for all right welcome back everybody we are back with some more monumental experience I need to make myself a Lobby screen or a starting screen where I’m talking and yet you could still see the game and I I haven’t done it yet I’m just too [ __ ] fat and lazy um I keep saying I want to do that but I don’t but anyway how how’s everybody doing um we are going to try and get a little bit of create done today uh it kind of depends on what we have to make first… Read More

  • Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!

    Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Water Bending In Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:54:10. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. Latest Versions Java or Bedrock Server ip: Discord Invite: Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍

    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍Video Information फ्री गेमस आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में क्या आप लोगों को भी m के बेड का टेक्सचर बहुत ही बेकार लगता है या या या तो आज मैं आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आया हूं एक ऐसा टेक्सचर पैक जो कि आप लोगों के नॉर्मल बेड को डिजाइन में बदलकर बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्यूटीफुल कर देगा तो वीडियो को एंड तक देखते रहना वरना कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा और अगर चैनल पर नए आए हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना और वीडियो को लाइक करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information यो यो यो व्हाट्स हैपनिंग गाइस माय नेम इज लॉगी और आज हम एक बारी फिर से अपनी माफिया वाली सिटी के अंदर मौजूद हैं तो पिछली वीडियो में गाइस आपको याद होगा हमने यहां पर थोड़े से पैसे यहां पर कमा लिए थे तो अगर गाइस मैं अपनी इन्वेंटरी खोल के देखूं तो मेरे पास यहां पर आ चुके हैं पूरे 1500 और भाई वो जो टिंकू वाला बंदा यहां पर आया था ना यार वो उसके पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा था तो इसलिए हमारे पास अभी 1500 भी आ चुके हैं और ये रहे चपाती भाई… Read More

  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information हेलो जड आर्मी मेरा नाम है मैक्सी और आपका स्वागत है मेरे चैनल में और आज के वीडियो में आपको सिखाने वाले हैं हाउ टू डू कमो आप कमो कैसे मार सकते हैं आगे वाले को वह भी एमसीपीई में सो अभी हम तीन इंपॉर्टेंट चीजों के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं सबसे पहला थिंक है इन गेम सेटिंग सेकंड वन इज प्रैक्टिस द एम थर्ड वन इज इंप्रूव द मूवमेंट सो सबसे पहले हम पहले नंबर के साइड बढ़ने लगते हैं रुको रुको जरा पहले नंबर का टिप देखने से पहले आप चैन को सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷 ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More