Shocking Twist: Toji Joins Demon Slayers! Ep. 2

Video Information

Hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some what is basically our cursed Demon Slayer mod pack welcome welcome so uh yes things went well things went well clearly uh yes this is quite hard uh impossible to be honest so what did we do we started a new thing we played

The Demon Slayer mod but uh with a bit of a Twist in the fact that we put in the updated to uh well it’s updated as it gets to 1.6.5 anyway uh did you s mod in cuz I gave us way more difficult things to fight cuz Demon Slayer it’s

Not that difficult like there’s a lot of things this mod makes it so you can get through it very quickly like you can become harsher in like you know two hours quite simply uh yeah know it’s it’s not it’s not too difficult even then like you a lot you don’t have to

Like do a lot of the work yourself in a lot of cases you can just be near people who are fighting and they’ll do the work for you so you know this one’s got a lot of ways to make it simple J kais Mod’s a bit less friendly

In that regard I mean yes enemies can fight other enemies nearby you and thus you can gain experience but the the fighting gets a bit more hectic in the old the kaen mods AKA yes that seems a bit stronger cuz a recently updated and it got fun new mechanics done in and it

Got upskilled and power quite a bit which uh I quite enjoy and then they also got hardwood Inu to make it even more difficult so we’re try out do and slay yeah it’s been a whole thing currently I’m holding this thing in my hand so it turns out I need curse energy

So I can actually hurt them with a you know a blade and things cuz up until this point I’m not really doing that realistically whenever I build this thing and throw this thing around I that effect coming off there that does damage not a lot but it does some the actual

Physical hit in my blade though that does nothing so yeah all that stable Stu got that’s pointless useless no you no get to me at all so for that reason I do believe I think we’re going to have to make a we we compromise here mostly because it’s

Going to be like it’s already pretty impossible even with the idea of hitting them it taking away would make it even harder and well I don’t mind the idea of it being harder I do also want to have at least some fun in this so I think

We’re going to take a d Ka in class and we’re pretty much just not going to put any points into it we made difficulty so we don’t rank up in that we’re ranking up purely as demon slay but I want to get access to curse energy just so I can

Infuse my blade whichever blade I’m using so that should be a thing the question then becomes which class do we go for cuz no okay the most obvious one and one people saying comments as well is we should go for Maki SL toi idea you know go for the one that’s get like

Basically no curse energy thing is though I can’t remember if you can fuse curse energy using them cuz I’ve never tried it like they they start off with some curse energy but very little very very little like the idea of them is not to have much curs the idea of them is

Just to use physical attacks and stuff to get more strength and things I yeah so I I don’t know I don’t know if that’s a good sh or where I should just go for some random person I could just go for some random person and just not use

Their technique and just ignore it and that way I can you know still access to curse energy but yeah I I I just I just never build up their technique or anything that that also seems like aaable seems like an idea it’s just obviously on theme the Maki idea seems

Like a good idea like it it FS on brands for the Demon Slayer side of things you know well me thinks we can obviously just change around if we need to I’m going to run the Mary idea for now we’re going to see if it does anything BL

Don’t oh I just told you stuff straight away wait what wait wait wait a second also get my strength up because that by one level so that’s a whole thing I have a total Lev three curse energy my attacks do nothing can I actually charge them and put any

Curse energy into it no which means yeah this isn’t going to become a curse blade this way this this plan will not work that said though why you give me toes close why did it give me this thing where did you come from why why

Why are I I I am assuming that you is if you go as Mary you just get given a good weapon and it’s random I didn’t know that would be in a cycle okay that’s a fun thing to have yeah okay this doesn’t work so okay we’re going to go for Plan

B I’m going to go into a different class I’m going to enchant my blades with curse energy AK I’m going to I’m going to just attack the air a whole lot of them and then I’m going to switch back to being toi slaki that seems like the best

Compromising all far cuz yeah I’m getting one strength boost going to be honest that makes no difference that means nothing one one strength boost means nothing uh with the current stuff we’re thinging but yeah I want I want at least curse energy will be a

Thing in this so yeah plus at least this way we’ll have access to infy attacks if we want them I don’t know forever going to use them but I mean there I suppose another thing maybe I we’ll see what we end up compromising with B I’m going to

Quickly switch over to someone else and go to a couple of practice swings it does also mean anytime I get a brand new sword I’m going to have to like switch you over if fuse energy switch over but whatever that’s fine we’ll roll with it okay so since I’ve got like no curse

Energy I can’t really put a lot into this but in theory I can like can put a little bit of something into this so uh laser n curs thingy zero so that’s a whole thing I’m going to quickly give this a we try so I’m I’m

Going to switch back to the mar out build cuz that seems It’s on brand oh we given this thing this time along with toi’s chest plate leg yeah it doesn’t realize that in my inventory over here that’s fun uh yeah okay yeah it just it just gives you a random thing apparently

Interesting so it is just a random item I just happened to get one the SEC things okay is yeah Al I still to be u m while we were trying to infuse curse energy all right we’re give this a try let’s see how this feels we I I have

Literally one curse power so that’s fun okay h i I want to see this I want to see this what on Earth is happening I hear lightning wizy I’m assuming that’s upper Moon 4 shooting lightning around the place oh boom bom also also yes so Dem not demon

And I’m going to mix it up a lot it’s going to happen cuz I’m I’m so used to playing Ka but now we’re playing demon slay primarily and I switching between the two I was going to mix this stuff up a lot but yeah yeah so K mod it got another update

I’ll probably looking that come over the weekend T looks like a fun update it’s 1.20 though so for obvious reasons we won’t have access to it here but whatever it be it be uh yeah I do 10 now that’s actually way better than it was before I can also technically run just

Attack and all of a sudden huh could sworn game I put the difficulty for that up quite a bit hold the bus slash game R get the difficulty I think I put it like 20 I’m surprised that I H whatever it mean it means literally it means literally nothing my

Stats haven’t gone up from it so it’s whatever uh yeah okay this means now my attacks can do something to these guys which yeah okay that’s great those are low great curses though uh not that big a deal I should still in theory gain more power from ranking up ow as

Uh dos evil chicken get out of here I should in the still get more if I level up of Demon Slayer assuming Demon Slayer and J Ka don’t overlap each other way where one can only upgrade and the other one can we’ll figure that one part way also

In theory because I’ve never went a rank I I don’t think things will try to kill me from the good guy SES that has made my life significantly easier but you know it’s whatever like we went through the first episode of torture we saw how the we saw things were going yeah I

Could progress like that it’d be really tricky sticking to it just cuz the everything was a struggle it a fight for everything we were we were getting knocked out left and right and that was going to be pretty much our entire existence for a

While D Al oh yeah I need to remember so okay uh buttons they are tied together I should probably switch some of the buttons shouldn’t I uh to the end uh so change B technique that is our primary thing so we’re going to leave that where it is so change attack uh

Uh on be sure why not I never click that button that’s fine now I can switch between attacks without any cure awesome you’re you’re okay don’t use te I about L of technique there and never realizes a person hello you’re a big guy uh okay so that’s that technique oh okay

We’re we’re currently on these all right go dud what are you doing I actually I’m doing no damage to this thing oh wow okay wait take a regular attack how much did that do there I don’t know luckily this thing only does its damage VI a charge so if I keep dodging

Around I should be fine that actually hurt a little bit not a lot though you missed low yeah that missed too I I can do find I actually suppose that makes sense he’s a lot of armor so you know is that oh Oho it’s going for a second

Do could you at least try a bit harder man come on where is he no seriously we’re oh there you are I completely lost track you there for a moment anyway uh yeah I can do my thousand soccer thing that do a little bit to you all right cool yeah I really

To rank up as a d slay a lot more before I try messing these things but hey yeah you’re no Baler then again you’re really a Baler you Dragon Boy is great if he catches your guard it’s all funny games but yeah he attacks like you’re just

Standing their RM so not a big a deal oh so oh the thing so obviously I’ve been running around last episode I suffered I ran around the place could not find a biome from the Demon Slayer mods which was a whole pain thing is I then loaded

Up a single player world to get a thumbnail and you’ll never guess why I spawned in yeah I spawned literally in the the Dem slay bi except not just one I spawned right in the middle of two of them basically cuz there was a mountain in M

Train biome it was perfect it would have been absolutely amazing if I spawned there cuz you know just right Vault Los demons stff sh never mind anyway I I still need to continue looking for one so yeah I need to go into new territory and go look for one so where are we

Going so there’s temptation to go over there but I don’t think I need over there uh I’m currently here I went down south before if I go that way yeah sure why not I’ll head down to the old Southeast and see what’s over there oh

Yeah also as we walk may have also see yeah this one’s not live stream this one’s just me playing normal and stuff yeah basically uh I mentioned last episode uh we were about to go play boulder skate and that that that session of Boulder skate went on for a full 10

Hours basically my I ended up being like a 11 and 1 half hour stream or something like that it was great fun but my my goalie I was tired after then I D and D the following day to host and run and you know dm4 so yeah I was I was

A bit uh knackered by the end of all that and I ended up not streaming this although it was an idea at the time I ended up not doing it so uh yeah the thing of having videos prepared each day and with the F knowledge that Saturday’s

Also going to be a busy day for me cuz uh okay so it’s going a busy day it’s actually maybe like more of a relaxing day because it’s mostly just me sitting watching things but you know Bally WWE pay-per-views on and it’s in Australia so for once for the very rare occasion

For once I don’t have to be awake at 1: in the morning until 5: in the morning watching a w review instead I get to wake up to it so that’s yeah the Americans get to suffer with that instead also hello well well well what we got here

The house of healing is what is yellow oh the spawn in for demons there never change beautiful things anyway House of feelings all the things in here if I do remember right right which I believe is also a potion brewing room all right Lads you you like just go do whatever

You’re doing yeah should a potion brewing room in here somewhere then oh car yeah yeah grab the carrots as well we need those as well we don’t need food we eat insects f is something be I do I do need potions or bring and stuff there should be a potion room in here

Somewhere I do believe cuz it’s it’s it’s butterfly poisoner can I don’t remember her name it’s been a while it’s been so long it’s been so long that said though yeah demon SL mov is coming out and like I I’m pretty sure from what I’ve seen I’ve

Seen all clips and stuff of it so far originally I wasn’t like to too bothered and yeah it looks like they’re adding like stuff in for funsies now I also heard that it’s not really like a proper movie it’s more episode one of a new season or something something I don’t I

Don’t know how I don’t know what’s what with this new thing yes yes it was correct there is stuff in here this makes life so much simpler see this this this means I don’t have to go to the Nether and go do all that jazz I can just go here into this

Also that’s just sitting there uh that makes life simpler too all of that as well thank you and all these books sitting here yeah you can take this Jasper yeah so I don’t know what’s going on with the whole thing movies and stuff I is movie or just you know just like a

Cool first episode or something something but either way cuz I I think someone said a big bunch of it’s going to be uh basically Recaps and things that with uh yeah then there little subdue stuff or something something but I I from the bit I’ve seen I’m never very excited like I was

Already kind of excited cuz demon Slayers got good that’s you not told you I panicked for a moment there and obviously got really good cuz it’s really good but you know I’m watching a while and stuff so okay okay things coming out here there all clips of it and I’m like really

Excited to go watch it at some point if I’m going to get to the C to go watch it though cuz fun fact my brother was planning to go this Saturday to go watch it and I said to him yeah you you might want to go there like super early though

Cuz like like tickets that will sell out probably you’ll never guess what happened to all the tickets he went to book online which is a smart thing to do and uh yeah it’s already sold out he is too late I’m getting rid of this iron I

Don’t need it I do want these to know we found the desert M which is glorious and uh I need to look at where the rest of these traps are oh there one there well luckily I have a sword is really good at annihilating people so yeah good good

Luck kind to get the jump on me now yeah it’s a shame for the uh brother he was looking forward to go watch it but you know it’d be how it be SM like it comes with the territory so Mo it it’s uh quite popular understand well I keep

Saying a movie it’s actually a movie I I really wish I knew knew the effect the situation with this thing was cuz I feel weird calling a movie when it’s not a movie but like I it’s effective being treated like a movie it’s like Bas if it’s an elongated episode even then it’s

Still you know it’s like movie Glens I’m just going to call it a movie I’m just going they framed it as a movie I’m just going to call maybe what in Earth is attacking me it’s worms okay cool also this lad’s here yo you’ve got

A kill thing wi King going on and all that yeah you’ve got kill bit Ah that’s a demon kill I I’m slightly tougher than I was before though I have ranked top I have RS up again Buton okay I was trying to look at my inventory that that was a

Sil to do one thing yeah cool it’s going to yeah that did nothing to him wow okay uh my physical attacks a bit more that’s cool that’s cool cuz my these attacks ar oh no some of it the blocking part of it what’s happening oh these blocking bits I mean that makes

Sense oh yeah blood toxin I’m really this is partly the only reasons why I’m really happy to not have enemies right now because if the sky was going for me it’ be horrible cuz it it absolutely destroy me so that’s the thing Al I see

Anami over there I’d like to heal and go chase Nami but means for that right now anyway we got for our rank what our things looking like exactly the same yeah because I think we’re now on rank where this is what our health would be so hey that’s

Cool do I hit him with my techniques is my next question uh hit you with it clearly oh demon no ah it still count as partly as mine I’ll take it oh yeah you’re the little oh my oh my Lord you still look like that in this oh it’s adorable you’re

Adorable compared to your monstrous new form you got also yeah I’m I’m losing okay I’m just going to I really shouldn’t be involving myself in this fight this is arguably a bad idea oh H steon yo I’m pretty sure I’m all right where I can just beat you

Yeah I been say wait what no I I that wasn’t me that wasn’t me I was so though I hit a black flash and he and he click the attack option no okay yeah I it still count as I think it still count as my my kill

There so that’s we’re good we’re good also yeah coincidentally enough that that b we uh rushed into to go and get what Zach is that yeah you you absolutely destroy me no thank you uh a demon no demon come here what back off I need that demon to go over to me I

Need Acca not to notice me yeah there we go you I can do with you’re fine you’re you’re within you’re within expectations cuz yeah I have my my various techniques and whatnot here I’m going to switch back over to the wind blade I think about it cuz yeah the S I’m getting way

Too confid with the Sacura blades and that will happen because the s Acro blade is like my favorite thing to use but it means I’ll use nothing but it I’d like to use other swords for a bit maybe try and learn how some more of them work

So far I’m getting nothing at this thing though I don’t know how this thing works is the problem Bonk okay that’s much easier once his defenses down he stops guarding oh here it’s a snake aser next to Dragon Nest that’s terrifying hello yeah okay that hit B need to

Figure out who I I uh what my various attacks do I don’t think I’m going to stick to win that seems very unlikely formate I think that’s the big one in it did something first form when D wi car yeah I really don’t remember how

This works good fun yeah you get out of here yeah okay we’re feeling a lot tougher now all of a sudden I think part of it’s also cuz we’ve also get pretty good armor on to which uh wait what wait what hold on oh here I

Can see things again hold the bus why are you at 17 armor wait what what what I’m so confused why is it 17 173 is it being in Hunt in some way what they’re at nine they’re at 13 no they can’t be cuz my my armor isn’t at Max it’s at

20 I I was so confused for a moment there I had no idea where that was I was looking at uh but yeah 9 22 uh 22 Yeah be like 4 uh like 49 yeah or 39 sorry game I’m trying to jump forward I’m not trying to have you make me jump

Backwards can you stop making me jump backwards please what the [ __ ] I’m trying to jump forwards why is it making me jump backwards I completely missed I don’t want to get too close to this guy he’ll just he’ll fing eat me if I do anything

Too weird also who is that oh it’s a drum demon oh yeah I can f y oh there’s the big move Bonk oh is it mine huh yeah was I getting confused oh yeah what are going on here let’s all all oh wait hold on yeah no no no no no

I I was about to say like no everything doesn’t up yeah it doesn’t add up nothing this add up what’s going on I don’t understand why is the why why is the numbered the way it’s numbered I don’t know also this dud this [ __ ] guy this guy destroyed me last

Time can we do any better OD have never get curse energy yes I don’t know if the curse energy is actually doing anything for us or what’s going on here we tanking things so much better it also could be because we had resistance like what did we have last time I like resistance

One actually well for the first part we had resistance nothing and then we got resistance one and once we got to resistance one I guess we would do slightly better now we’re at resistance so resistance to I feel like significant jumping power going on here interesting oh whatever anyway I need to

Find one of those mountains for making clothes well for getting or for making swords mainly but so I can make clothes I really need to make I need to make extra clothes cuz these clothes can break which means I need to get enchants on them which means I need to make a

Mending person luckily there’s a mod in so that getting a mending person will be significant easier than what it normally would be still going to require staying up a person and all that but if you can find a sky village we can make that work again but yeah coincidentally it’s another thing I

Haven’t seen so far I I still haven’t seen another SK Village up here since our uh since our since we entered into this world whole thing also hello big old blindness can I take on blindness at this point probably my intent there was to hit him

And as I okay yeah I got Flo up a bit more than I necessarily wanted to there but okay yeah I for yeah this is this is bad bless this is bless before he gets all power ups and stuff like this is BL this we can absolutely deal with it’s so weird going

To the old versions of these things okay yeah since I turned this thing into a curse blade though weird enough yeah we’re we’re doing a lot better than what we were before coincidentally if we were decided to get a hold of a soul sound we could get that think effect so that we

Can think yeah we we could get a hold the uh the effect so we can uh pierce the soul whatever it is I I imagine that would power us up more I don’t think it would affect the demon well wait would it affect the Demons What appear like yeah would the

Piercing quality from did seising carry over to the demons maybe actually not sure something to think about it I’m going to go this way going to keep traveling along L I don’t want to cross the ocean if I don’t need to but like yeah it’s looking an awful all like sh

Might need to cuz we’re not we’re not fighting the biomes very quick all the biomes are fting these like I like some of these biomes desert is great if I want to go fight stuff but right now I want to find a dune biome yeah Spell’s another part of this so we’re basically

Going uh what if toi was a do SL cuz uh people seem to think that was a good idea and I mean yeah better than i’ actually get C under my belt cuz then my sword can actually hit things and not be absolutely Petty I’m not even use the

Attack ability I’m pretty sure if I use that i’ do even better cuz like I do wonder how powerful that would be also wondering how much of this how much extra things would be applying to our uh sword and things but Okay I try to run the if told a d thing that could be fun I don’t know if that means we’re going to useally gifted orb I think that’s more of a if things go really bad for us and we’re like really struggling maybe that’s like a thing we

Pull out when when tames get really rough we save that in the back pocket I say this there’s no guarantee even find that item but like you know if we’re going to use it as as well save it for like a a rainy day sort of thing freaking

Hate Dem demon chickens get out of here fing [ __ ] tracers how dare they oh herey prison wonder if I could take out the uh finger bear any though that we’ve uh switched things up a bit I it’s looking a lot more likely now that we are uh thrashing

Everything that said though I don’t know where he is is all right where is the fcker uh oh there he is hello big attack oh oh he fell Bonk yeah so you can block most of my technique for a time he’s doing no damage to me though what’s happening with my defenses

Uh okay that did CL it never mind never mind okay yeah so even at this St so still taking a bit of damage when he actually hits us okay never I I take by I I thought this was going to be too easy there for a second his initial

Attacks were doing nothing but now that let the warm up set the way okay I can just guard though wait is that mechanic and Demon Slayer I think that’s mechanic and Demon Slayer as well isn’t it the guarding technique did I get added I can’t remember I know it was in the one

Piece one as well I don’t remember I I play all of orcus mods I played all three of or well I say like this morning three but like I I played arus B the J again though I I I get a bit confused to what techniques

Are in what place and what not so yeah I enough blockings in this I think I think enemies do do it though I know clashing is in this I know you can Clash techniques so like you know if I use a breathing technique and use a Brea techical clash and cancel

Each other out and stuff I don’t remember if blocking in it I thought I feel like something got added but maybe I’m thinking cuz one piece and D Ka have it the Demon Slayer never got it I don’t remember when the last demon slay it wasn’t what lasted in Pao give me your

Arms I’ll fight you bring it on Bonk something hit black flashh okay I’m maning against this thing but it’s also hitting us a lot I don’t appreciate you hitting us so much cuz I have armor and armor takes durability damage and you’re done okay that was no bother I feel like

I made be a bit too strong for the current point I’m at wait it is is does the Maki thing provide any additional benefits I’m not thinking of I thought it just provid a slightly higher starting buff and like I oh wait no no you do do slightly more physical damage don’t

You but like I’m still R grade four sorcerer so that extra damage shouldn’t matter too much right cuz if it is a tiny bit more it’s still like grade four level so so it’s for fighting against really low level mobs so like even though my physical abilities are

Slightly higher from the mocky boost it’s not it’s not that much higher though right like that’s H whatever we decided the theme fits so we’re running with it cuz I like I had half an idea what I want to do mixing these two Mods together but I

Wasn’t really sure how it was going to play out because I i’ really I’d mixed the two together before but normally it was me just playing about with like really specific ideas for oneoff or it was like me using a mix of all the powers together cuz like I’ve mixed all

Of orc’s Mods together before I mixedit and uh Demon Slayer and one piece together before and utilized all the powers together before it was good fun but you know it also ended being incredibly overpowered incredibly quickly cuz of course it did cuz of course it did

But yeah I I never really thought of it trying just Demon Slayer itself really against you know ever not that I really think about taking what was basically it’s a bit like a multic class like I I’ve took stuff from J it’s like I’ve took like

One level you know in it and then we’re just going all Demon Slayer from there we’re taking you know the B the very Basics you know just so we can fight against our enemies without you know it being a grindy mess where is the finger

Bear he might be upstairs he might be on the earth let’s go check don’t that’s whatever I’m sure people in comments will tell me more things about the toi build and whatnot CU I don’t this isn’t what I’ve used a whole bunch I don’t remember how powerful is

No so yes the L is here hello hello you caused me problems a minute ago so did you seriously okay quickly at yeah there he is where you going you’re going I get back here I clash with this technique maybe oh I was wondering where you went there for a moment

Lads really to get a hold of a different sword though wind sword people say wind sword is like one of those P ones I get that it’s not among my favorite I mean it’s not among my unfavorite CER like I dig it but I want sing sword I want to

Go get the sound breathing I want to find the mountain and get the special gror and find the sound breathing swords but I mean I need to speak to a very particular uh B blacksmith but like I want I want the thingy sword I want I

Want I I want so breathing so do be my favorite thing so that’s that is a goal right there hello little Demon Slayer all right I’ve got a plan I need extra weapons anyway so just going to do this the other way hello take you long

To figure out as your can give me that need to take his stuff need to take all their stuff at some point that that’s a plan I want extra swords and extra armor so I can repair my armor so might as well do it this way hey also

Ow fighting someone with projectiles on a mountains never a good idea cuz they knock me off oh oh wow yeah okay I I don’t think I was regard as a technique for I think getting this SP was a very bad idea oh it sounds Kos say what’s going on I hear explosions what’s

Happening that’s Joo that’s Joo don’t F Joo hello oh I see a demon I see a demon I see a demon get the demon get the demon we want the demon kills yes we ranked up again our strength is still the same F I really hope it isn’t a case

Of it’s going to attract my U kaisen level for strength and stuff cuz that would be really awkward yeah looking through the world there’s a lot of a lot of things SP around a lot of them aren’t demons on no something to think about yeah there’s

A very high concentration D to ka could be because there’s more of them technically like technically there’s not that many demons but I by that’s a bad person that’s a bad person that’s a really bad person I want to finish this guy off first though give

Me your stuff wait he’s not going for me I don’t know who he’s going for but whatever M my my I get that finger no where’d it go there it is Jump forward demon sl’s got a thing for making you jump backwards for dodging for some reason it’s Mak controls controls controls controls

Where is the thing uh sneak jump step back step I’m not clicking that button though so why is it why why is it making me dive backwards when I’m trying to die forwards wait is that is that Mari toi thing I don’t know I don’t know I don’t

Know I don’t understand I don’t understand why why is it making me jump backwards right now F off F oh oh he’s not Gooding quiet just remain quiet just remain quiet and run it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine this little little big guy here hello bunk D we’re not hting our rank where

We’re way stronger than you so yeah you’re no bother I really need to figure out what the fck is making me Dodge backwards what what is what is happening is there a Dodge button back step again no I’m not clicking I’m clicking forward game why are you doing why are you

Making me go backwards why why is the backwards motion happening it shouldn’t be I am 100% not trying to go backwards with these movements I’m really really trying to go forwards believe me it’s going that’s going to drive me out the wall I don’t know why it’s doing

That but how hello goo yeah whenever I randomly jump it Cas it just to say hey so you want to go backwards I’m not understanding it not understanding it like yeah right now it’s doing it right now I don’t know why cuz I’m holding W to go forward

So it really really shouldn’t be if it really really wants to also I have I found another jungle have I found another jungle before I found a single Demon Slayer biome how has this occurred this makes no sense this makes no sense I’m not happy about it also hello

Goldfish I’m a rank where you’re not really a problem either I forget what that rank is it’s that one which isn’t exactly a super high one but it’s high enough that basic demons aren’t going to be too much of an issue anymore I think Oh that’s toldy oh yeah that’s toy oh

Wait a minute okay so Roman numerals are a fun thing and uh you know I love Roman nums they’re great but I do I will occasionally when I’m quickly glancing at things get bit strong s is currently strength six not four um did I start after going in the marit toi as strength

Four or strength six cuz I don’t remember AKA has me ranking up as a Demon Slayer put me at rank six in strength instead of rank four have I gone up I just thought I hadn’t because I I I quickly glanced and saw the same Roman numerals and got

Confused I don’t know maybe Mary that was just a bit red there like I I I don’t know why you slaughtered that per civilian man but you know was completely unnecessary also hello fat demon it’s called horn demon but he’ll always be a fat one to me I say that

Hand demon exists I shouldn’t say that wait was how one’s how much that is mass and how much that is just PS oh well to you don’t hate me for like hating you with that technique do you like I I know I just use my wind thing on you but like

Yeah you’re cool with that yeah you don’t really care you don’t care it’s fine any I need to keep try I’m just running through bioms at this point I I I cannot believe it’s taking me this long to find One Singular Dem slay biome but this is happening the game has

Decided to revolt against me and it’s decided hey you’re not getting things and then there’s this chap oh dear uh I could be at some point what n interesting yeah basic demons no baller Now kill oh no I forgot I forgot I forgot I forgot I forgot you guys are

Insane I made a mistake I forgot your bugged in this version so your arms go incredibly crazy for no reason look at all the things look at them allall this guy is the worst this guy is the worst wins yes so key key Cas in point don’t

Go and fight him don’t do it unless you can beat him incredibly quickly he’s currently bugs I think he’s ever going to get fixed at least I assume it’s a bug cuz I don’t think they’re supposed to spawn at 100 hands a second like they currently are I think the DPS is a

Little bit bugged for him like oh dear yeah he’s he’s not someone we can de with currently he’s going to leave him alone also Hollow Lads Bonk oh game game why no he’s main yes rank up still stren six h I’m beginning to wonder beginning to wonder is our strength being affected I

I just read the ran how is Thea here again how do I keep finding this guy he’s the worst one I don’t want to find hello another finger bear great many you have been finding today well I mean two of them have been like you know in places where you’re guaranteed to spawn

PR much but like you know I found two of you out in the wild as well that’s not exactly call why is happening I thought I thought someone do K was using a technique there no it’s just Demon Slayer spawning in a house okay

That I can do it that I’m true with that I don’t mind that’s perfectly fine where’d that finger go I think I got it cool it’s the Master’s Mansion oh this place is cool got lot of trees too apparently oh wait hold on right next to it I didn’t

See it I didn’t notice it cuz the spawn in is that is that M Train biome oh my lordy it is finally a jutu biome it’s why I’ve always wanted also I’m going to quickly go yeah I was jumping through that Forest a second ago I’m got to

Quickly jump to the Master’s Mansion maybe go for a quick nap in one of the beds cuz I would really actually one of those houses right there that work perfectly hold the bus K me you I require a bed for evening hello bom you also have a little of demon blood give me

That yeah uh I don’t know where you’re I don’t know where the doctor went um she might have already went outside they are a bit dumb these guys they will literally walk outside and end themselves quite unfortunate for them uh right cool we’ve got this place too PR

Fancy is there any c stuff in here there oh okay yeah those of that but also there is an Ender Chest I can store things away in don’t worry about sakuna demolishing it huzzah all that’s a bit better St with the valuables and all that he has tons of books and stuff

There’s tons of good stuff in here randomly perfect uh but yeah most importantly okay here uh most importantly we now have this so now I can alter the day and time night cycle which means boom bom I don’t have to run around for hours during the day anymore I can I can just

Na to day and run about during the night we can constantly of things to fight which is glorious also I need a quick okay that tram is definitely not there a moment ago what the heck okay you just you’re just blocking my my exit now thanks for

That thanks thanks for that game I know the biome is here though that it’s Del light you’ve already shown it to me all right hold on quick scan around though is there another bi potential mountain biome thing like a you I forget what the mountains are

Called but what are the Dem SL biomes attached to here like is there is there something no no it’s looking like more regular biomes attached to here this a very small M Train bom so far oh dear whatever it’s still M Train bom which means it should have a higher

Concentration hopefully of Demands which means I can grind up my level really quick excellent that said though I’m a bit panicked about my current strength situation why is it still strength six I thought I L I got I got more strength every level up if that’s not the case

You know fine whatever After Next Level I should definitely G more strength I really hope it’s not bugging so I’m just getting Ka that will make getting stronger a bit more awkward but right anyway I think for today though I’m going to wrap things up there for now so

Thank you all very much for watching hope you enjoyed the show so yeah we’re running with this experiment we’re going to see what happens if we sent to to the Demon Slayer Universe well there’s still curs ver about so really the demon slay part of it

Like they’re not it’s as compared to the KA stuff you know it’s still still my idea was using the Demon Slayer properties like a you know Demon Slayer Buffs and swords and whatnot and then seeing how well they apply over to the D kaisen which is basically just taking a

Little bit of the D of kaisen Stu just so we get like have the base like entry level stuff required AK mainly I just want curs en on my sword that’s I just want to be able to hit curses properly like they taking no damage for my

Physical aspects kind of a pain like I kind of need them to so you know that’s all like right anyway people thank you all for watching I’ll catch you all next time for some more of our demon sler SL it’s it’s mostly demons I’m just going to say

Demon Slayer from now on all Demon Slayer Adventures go bye everybody also just want to say a quick thank you to all of the channel members for the extra support and a special thank you and shout out to our Elite members the Johnny member Sebastian Ramsey and the Uno member monster Q

Thank you all very much for the extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘BUT WHAT IF TOJI WAS A DEMON SLAYER?! Minecraft Demon Slayer Mod Episode 2’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-02-23 21:00:30. It has garnered 3393 views and 188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:34 or 2554 seconds.

Minecraft Demon Slayer Mod Review – Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review (v28) –



GingyGames Channel –

BUT WHAT IF TOJI WAS A DEMON SLAYER?! Minecraft Demon Slayer Mod Episode 2

#DemonSlayer #Minecraft

Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ

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