Sly Attempt: Alvaro’s 2nd Hardcore Minecraft

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Okay I think the stream should be live right now testing testing okay so uh yes hello everybody uh I think for this stream right here uh we are going to start without uh Destiny I think it’s busy until like 1 hour from now this time I have a notebook on a pen because

I oh wait I always forget that I have to turn off my volume I I’m listening to my own voice all right um okay so what I’m going to do now is I am going to join the game uh but I’m going to try to like take note

Of like our location like just do some scouting some basic stuff to be very prepared uh I think I know how to like see our coordinates which is quite important so let’s go okay hopefully I don’t screw up this time that’s so Weir wait Destiny are you here right now what okay hold

On all right I’m just going to call you Dude you told me you were going to be busy hello okay just let me double check if your audio is on uh like can you try speaking hello hello okay yeah your audio is is on dude okay scared you yeah you just

Couldn’t let me uh go swallow this time right and I never can all right you know it okay what I’m going to do is I want oh wait so can you give me a hand like how do I see the coordinates uh where we

Are uh if you press F3 I can’t I can’t press F3 because I’m on a a Mac in any case like can you tell me the coordinates of where we are right now uh I can post in chat if you want to okay uh that’s coordinates of our house all

Right so house is like 893 8838 all right cool uh just taking out of all that kind of stuff uh okay so basically today we were supposed to go to the to the nether right exactly although I tempted tempted to do something else and I know I have to

Switch to switch the camera there we go sorry I forgot I had to do um um I’m tempted and you probably like don’t like this idea um to try to kill a warden no and but there’s a strategy that that I have to kill a warden

Uh which is once you find uh the spawn location of warden you can like make a small hole and and put like uh trap doors it has to be like two blocks deep and then you like Mark kind of like 15 blocks away because I think that’s the

Range of the warden’s attack um and then you start hitting it with arrows and after like 60 arrows or so like you will kill it I am tempted to do that you know like although I think we haven’t found any like spawn location for wardens you

Know but I don’t know man like it just sounds like a safe way to kill a warden uh I actually like searched for YouTube safe ways to kill it so I don’t know like any concerns yeah big concern because the warden can one hit you basically cuz he

Can basically kill you in one hit you won’t even know it if we screw up he has he yeah okay okay let’s go let’s go to the nether uh but I’ll come back to this later we we we can we can do that once we have silck touch because with silck

Touch we can mine the Sher like the spawn thing that with the warden mhm and then we can build it somewhere else we don’t have to be in the cave them okay then it’s easier to do okay that’s my only rule to have because I don’t want

To do it in the cave with all the mobs around yeah okay sounds fair uh also I am uh moving my resources uh I also I wanted to like there’s one thing that I do want to actually do before we go um which is I

Have a saddle I want to go tame that horse of course let of course my horse I have I also have a saddle now let’s right let’s see if we can find the the horsey okay so yeah I see Jupiter commented that I have to press like uh FN plus uh

F3 I don’t have F3 in my laptop and I’m playing this from my laptop I might look into how you can still enter like the the coordinate thing yeah I I Googled it and found nothing also yeah we need to do a bridge for this part as well that’s your part I know

I’m the Builder and you’re you’re the Great Master yeah balance that’s use a horse so if you want to tame him you have to have nothing in your hand nothing completely empty hand mhm okay uh although I actually want to want to try the one that’s uphill I feel like

That more it should still be there right or do they like run away I think they should still be there horses don’t really despawn okay I’m going to get this one because I like this onece and I got it okay so okay this is actually a slow

Horse I’m not I don’t want this well not now it’s yours so yeah there you go no I I I I just leave it there no poor thing man that’s how Minecraft works okay so uh I take stuff out of my hand six okay and then then I okay press

And then what do I do waiting until their heart pop like waiting he might be he might kick you off sometimes okay and when his C Pops like the way and if normally yeah try to press e like the inventory thing if he already is like

Friends with you like he loves you like some some kind of thing then you can open the inventory and give him to cell so you can uh I can like I like I open the ENT and I see the horse so like can that that that means he’s already in love with

You and then you can give him the saddle and the armor and oh nice that’s a fast horse all righty oh my God I told you man myself a nice horsey can I name it uh we can later y I want my I want my horse first okay chat what should we

Call the horsey okay I’m see the chat right now it’s getting nice Juan okay so it’s going to be Juan the crow Juan the horse a lot of ones can you fight oh yeah you can fight in the horse oh nice I’m just going a whole new like layer to Minecraft right

Now I’m just going to get the other horse down there I don’t want to leave it alone yeah like finally you felt some compassion don’t let me change my mind theut okay yeah it’s going to be one okay oh there’s a new mob approaching what’s that that’s a Phantom

Cuz I haven’t slept in 3 days okay okay I’m going to kill him for second that’s actually good to we have them though cuz they drop something okay I’m just going to run because I don’t know what ah don’t die can you not die can you not go away okay

They actually look cool kind of I love okay so we got that one all righty nice can you just just just ride home I’m going to get my horse and then yeah nice like I have no idea what those mobs are so like I’d rather like we better

Prepared those are Phantoms that’s the worst mob wait what happened my horse di no you can’t swim in water with the horse yeah like I I did that and my horse disappeared like did I kill it no it’s in the water where I think where where oh my God

No it like I completely vanished no it’s here it’s oh man I got sced it was like room the hor oh do we need to do like a bridge then yeah I’m going to make a super bridge for now we can cross the river a

Dude I I I thought like I lost Juan for a second I was like getting bombed there you go now you can cross the river yay thank you finally you build something yeah just go go straight up to you cuz the skeletons don’t like you and the Phantoms I’m actually faster by

Ah oh my God just go home just go home I can climb this horse is so dumb the hor is actually good horse you got one of the best hores you say it’s dumb oh I can’t enter the house no you can go into back like with the fence with the farm

Oh yeah okay or you leave it out here and then go into into your home will the enemies attack my horse how do I hop off no uh shift like the boat sorry Hy oh my god there was a there was a mob close by like a there’s a creeper oh my

Goodness yeah just just go sleep I’m coming to you just have to clear the mobs out because otherwise you can’t sleep okay let’s see if I can help although I need some food have food let’s let’s go sleep otherwise phants will spawn every time again where’s your

Horse by the way it’s somewhere else I love that we didn’t like close the close the door all right okay I’ll just sa now the Phantoms don’t spawn horsey horsey is here back here back here I’m going to bring it to you here we go

One oh yeah that mob is like the the most annoying mob yeah it doesn’t like the spawn okay the thing is my horse need to name too yeah yeah good point guys give give my horse a name what I name my horse let’s also find like

Where’re like we should be like a stable for the horse right uh yeah the thing is we have you know we had at the start we had to war ing Traer with the llamas yeah and the llamas have leads maybe and the thing is we can use leads like to basically let

The for say one placee oh nice on that note like where do you put oh name text there we go do you have one y I got one too nice and now you can come here oh Ender come here I want you to show how you can use

The name tag you can go into the Anvil this back here that’s Anvil yeah okay and then put the name tag in and then you can rename the name tag to something else okay then you can rename the name tag to and then you can right click the

Horse your horse please y my horse why you so far away for I need a name too I have an idea actually what there we go beautiful okay I need need a place for Juan to like stay boot come on um I’m actually going to just for now let me where’s my

Horse I know people wanted a us to get a dog but uh B we can do as well soon yeah okay I’ll be where’s my horse where my actually where is it wait why can’t I like build a no horse die did it die like did it like despawn it can’t this

Spawn but it’s it’s gone oh wait I need I need sticks or did he fall down in the thing here and Di that maybe it dude that’s what pressing honestly if I see a saddle somewhere I know he died let’s just uh wait no actually right 15 of these actually confused

Now and I think fence there we go okay D I hope it’s alive your hor is back there yeah yeah okay uh here we go should we like use this section over here as a stable like it looks kind like yeah we can we can we can do that yeah next to the

Portal and yeah I lost my horse it’s gone yeah I see that I’m sorry dude man all righty uh Pan’s brother Pedro no not better I had a different name I’m going to keep that name until I have the new horse I think we have another saddle so

I’m going to just give me another horse yeah there should be more horses over there I hope sobly can get like a faster one as well right I have a name for my horse already people what are you going to call it I’m going to show you later

It’s going to be a surprise all right okay also I slept way too long today oh yeah yeah like 2 p.m. my time I think basically we’ve been doing this for like a one two three four five so I can actually longer one two three four five there we

Go and I’m going to put some torches so you can so you’re not afraid at night what else can we do for the like horse table and of that come on uh like do they need like food or anything no they don’t need food they only need food if

They’re hurt and then you can like give them apples or something I don’t know exactly if it’s apples but I think you can give them hay fails and what does that do like does that make them like happy or something no it just that just heals them if

They’re if they have lost Health then you can heal them with that they don’t really need to can I Bond with the horse or something or is it just like are we like BF now that’s the first thing you do you bomb the with the horse that’s why you

Can ride it okay so okay it’s your friend now goodbye Juan there’s also my friend as well if you a friend I’m I’m friend with him that’s just how Minecraft works I think people asked last time about milu like he’s here talking about friend like animal friends over here ah there he

Is give me a sec I can hear anything yeah check it out it’s meu oh let’s actually show everybody on big screen there it is oh okay it’s like a it’s like the best puy in the world okay uh okay so uh I will is this yeah this my iron Sword can you like repair repair like a sword or something like if you enchant it if you if you have an iron sword you can repair it with the iron material if I have a diamond sword I have to use diamond sword okay uh I normally don’t repair stuff

But here I may do it because yeah it’s a one hand thing yeah to check some of this like thing over here I don’t have horse that’s that’s bad man there we go oh wait uh oh no I I could have renamed my sword right as well

Yeah it costs levels every every time you do something in the enchantment table you use levels what should I call the sword guys what I can’t rename it on uh on the enchantment table no you can only rename it in the Anvil okay that’s what the

Anvil is for okay come on guys like Juan junor come on [Laughter] guys uh everything is one yeah everything is one this world uh they love the name theator Spell slinger I like that Rea Spell slinger you win you actually had a good idea for once yeah Spell slinger there we

Go all righty oh no I I need more levels to Bane of Arthropods what is that that’s good against spiders mhm then like knock back oh actually knockback should be good um you can’t enchant knockback yet because you have three levels I think yeah and you

Need five yeah okay let’s uh what should we do to level up fast I see some we kill other mob we can go into The Nether and my nether quartz that’s the risk’s do like right right next to the ne so Spell slinger is a fortnite sword you

Know what I’ll take it I’m going to take the Anvil with me for one for once I good idea needed for something else cuz yeah I’m going to put the Looting three on my sword oh it actually have too much uh I have Stu exactly uh I don’t I want some actually

Feathers you want a water H just get grab grab some wood okay uh Spruce I don’t need uh these do you have food like I I I I don’t I have five cooked por pork chops I have eight that’s not that’s not enough wait as I just noticed we thought

The carrots didn’t grow actually because we weren’t here we didn’t Lo chunk oh yep that’s all we have it should do I guess I don’t know we can’t be in the nether for long if we have a but we can go in there now and just look around

Okay uh I will uh Phantom membrane I’m trying to like figure out where should we like store most of this stuff but oh the top one is just blocks and low one is just oh you’re taking d right like maybe I’ll that I’ll take some iron ingots as well okay

Um food food is like we’re stor it in this one uh oh no what what what am I doing okay uh arrows I only have three like we should we should eventually like try to make more arrows as well uh and string I have like so much

String that I’m not even using so I’ll just put it here oh God how much how strings do you have uh thousands 1 thousands man Phantom membrane I don’t even know what that is uh so that’s the things we killed the flying things oh I don’t even know I have

It wait maybe we can actually quickly level up with like the mobs that are about to spawn over here I’m sure actually like do do like uh creepers spawn on the Nether and I mean they can’t spawn here the nether no in nether only there is no

No mobs like in the over World there is different mobs okay and there is different biomes and there’s one biome which is called soul and Valley and there skeletons can spawn oh my are you kill You Killed My Horse it went into you that’s why uh was [Laughter] gone thank

You that was a perfect G to your Horseman okay please don’t fall down that’s the scariest thing yeah I know I know I’m uh yeah it is this quartz what these this can give you levels experience wait shouldn’t we have R some gold by the way

Uh no not we can do it yet we can do it I can go back and get it if you want so should we attack these guys no no no no no no if you attack one of them everybody will attack you okay let me just grab some XP

Yeah oh my God I hate this place like yeah I just want to get looting three on my sword what is that thing up there is that like another iron or like you know that’s gold that’s gold the other thing is quartz nether quartz I mean this right here yeah that’s nether quartz

Okay oh come on dude like I almost attacked the pig it literally went pleas don’t like it’s stood up like right in front of me thankfully it’s St okay please wait here and don’t go anywhere I just grab The if I see you dying on Fall damage I’m going to don’t worry I’m staying close to safety as much as possible these guys are like moving and trying to like these guys are like literally trying to ra the gold okay I’m level seven now I should be good now some

On let me just get all the gold I have I think I think a stack should be okay mhm f are you going back I’m here yep I’m here okay nothing else okay the thing is um let’s what do I see here see a souls

And Valley over there cuz I see the blue fire first of all I’m going to improve my sword Spell slinger oh I forgot I need actually a lap this and this knockback and what does smite do H Smite is against good against skeletons and zombies I guess

Knock knock sounds better in this case knock sounds good for you yeah like just like throw push away yeah throwing the like throwing the how do you call these things though I have a gold uh ingots should we process them gold in good yeah you have gold nuggets oh yeah that thingy

Yeah gold nuggets don’t do anything you can make gold but like I mean like what do we exchange with the uh with the pigs gold ingots oh okay so yeah okay then makes sense because they love gold on that note like how do we how do we turn them

Like I put them in the furnace and nothing’s happening oh no the gold ingots are are actually finished you can just cra gra them into gold ingots oh nine gold nuggets is one gold ingot nine gold ingots is one gold block which means you need 81 gold ingots for a gold

Block oh I’m good at math okay I’ll just put it here the more you know spell finger all right uh should we go back I would say y okay people are asking about the W Revolution y it’s coming up tomorrow I probably watch tomorrow’s episode and then I will play with you if

You have time this the episode is more important yeah I’m not sure if I’ll be like available tomorrow oh that’s a zombie pig so this one what we can do is give him gold you see and what we can do is like put him in the hole and just throw gold

And see now he gave me boots with soul speed too okay just give me some give me some gold and I’ll try it here right just drop him gold just like constantly or like do no I well just one just one and now he takes it okay I wonder

He’s like looking at it in like expecting it then he gives us AB okay one more he get should we like put more pigs over here it’s only those Pig like you see he’s different from the others here those are zombified piglins this is a pck li

And there is no else it’s just one here I don’t know what he gave me let’s just give him one more he can give us various stuff what do we want him to give us he give us iron nuggets we want us he want him to give us ender

Pearls which he can do wa am I supposed to throw the you can throw it or you can get either way okay if I press Q like am I going to like wait quartz that’s just how we do it all righty is there like another one of

These uh not right now not not here how many do we need though oh my God we don’t we don’t need really much of them like I just want some of the ends we can only trade with him we can get like five of them if we have them

Here this just takes longer fire charge have we like uh received any of them so far no you know how oh there another it’s just like R exactly okay but with a stack of gold we should be good if we have Lu of course okay by the way

Like we should like agree on who’s throwing them because I think we’re doing that at the same time right now I know I I didn’t do anything now I give it to him I still have 25 gold I like he gave us spectral Arrow that’s good fire charge yeah actually you can

Actually you can do this yeah I’ll do that maybe you like try to find a okay why why am I Burning just make sure to not like destroy any blocks around CU he will attack you I don’t want them to attack you what’s up that was a gas like a g more Blocks uh let see what find here Co just wait I have a he gave me like nether brick nether brick is just something you can use the build with you can make a Nether Bricks like another one another brick two here he gave me fire charge another

Brick maybe while I do this like like you could try to open like maybe a path uh around this area or something yeah I’m just here I’m building away down here just looking around more uh Black Stone okay do you know the exact chances of uh of like us getting the getting

This no really don’t look at the chances oh you got crying obsidian yeah what the hell man that’s why it says who’s cutting onions because it’s Dr okay I’ll just drop the leather I don’t know I don’t Need I got a iron boots with soul speed one okay s speed too Soul speed means that you can basically it’s your soul not normally Soul s slows you down Soul speed two at the other hand one makes haard so mhm that’s just a good thing

Okay so far so far nothing just like no so far we had bad luck that’s why I said bring a lot of gold yeah do we have more more at the house or no uh I think H stack yeah how did you uh like finish the game

The other day like uh so fast because I know what I’m doing I just thrush everything like boom boom boom I do two things at the same time I had good luck with end pearls I had bad luck with um getting a fortress to get blaze robs that’s

TR no me we may have bad luck with um getting end the pear but we may have good luck getting a fortress I have like so much leather please take it away I don’t need it no we need that it’s good you can use books you can make books oh okay

You can make with books we can make good stuff like we can enchant books and then combine it with more levels of the Anvil and then make our armor better so far nothing at least we have a like potion of fire resistance which should come in front handy

Later it’s actually good for you cuz I it’s also a reason why I do this because P res it’s good for you in the nether he also gave me a lot of gravel like and the gravel is nothing we really need you just drop stuff away that you

Don’t need then I should look if we need it nether wck I don’t need Nether Nether wck okay just blocks always take Block leather yeah let’s see chat because this kind of like automatic uh somebody singing the Encanto Song Bruno okay we don’t talk about ice ice ice they’re feing the big gold yeah apparently this is what we have to do only 15 ingots left by the way yeah we have bad luck

Now but it’s okay since we have looting um three we can kill end and they made Rob four end PS that is just the RNG we had this time my horse died M somebody killed my horse yeah I don’t know why that was so mean yeah totally do you still have gold

Yeah you meic saying if we get the cat we should call them EP and wakey okay I we find cats I think dogs may be a more sufficient things we find because they’re easier to get I don’t want the T capson boot with speed three he four

Arrows I think the best three best three things we can get is Ender pear the SP arrows cuz we don’t have to get arrows and Fire Resistance potions okay fire resistance is good wait are you just like burning stuff away yeah the stuff we don’t need okay we got literally no

Ender pearl so far now only have five the Ender Enderman can spawn what did I get ne I I okay I have a lot of nether Quartz gold how much do you have uh three maybe he will get us some end PS more arrows do we need Soul Sand right now no unless he want to spawn a wither we need we don’t need do you know if every single peig has the same

RNG it it’s just the game it’s not the pig And one more oh fire resistance thanks I have a bunch of those yeah no more gold left let’s see what it gives us probably not an nope you were bad why do you kill it shouldn’t we like keep it there so we can later n n he

Will spawn it will there will another one that will spawn okay we can either go that way or we can go this way and go here I should also get another headphon cuz those headphones hurt my neck so down here you mean okay uh do we have the Flint and stone

Because I think we could uh like maybe build another portal as we go down right but then we go uh then we have another portal uh like we spawn another one I know it’s not always the same portal we have what’s that thing up there about this here yeah glow them

Like freaking peig gave us nothing yeah okay just be careful in nether I know I know know let’s go this way I was kind like thinking about I can remember is that gold gold that’s gold I’m just going to look around for a second that’s two and I have I’m carrying so

Much stuff that I can’t even like carry this uh do we need Soul Sand for anything no okay okay now I have like 22 gold nuggets so that’s good 29 now lava so none of these guys will attack us as long as we don’t attack them right

Don’t attack them exactly okay where are you by the way I just looked around I’m going to come back to you there you go there there you have you found any gold uh so far I don’t mind gold at the moment I just want to have something

Different um I reckon we go this way somehow yeah let’s go down Here oh there you are isn’t down here I want to go this way okay I keeping track of the way back by the way I know where close to 0 as we didn’t move and oh uh-oh I got you okay yeah like I actually took my shield out so I’ll put it back

On oh no I actually have uh all right give me a sec I’m going to get rid of some stuff uh actually first of all I’m going to do more uh torches I nuggets as well I don’t need uh cooked blah blah blah yeah um Iron boots Soul speed like

Should I just like throw that away I think you don’t need it I may need them but I think you don’t okay now I have some uh let’s go up here okay first of all I’m going to did you bring the ambil uh yes okay I like the sound cuz it’s

Echoing yeah one oh that was smooth okay why should we call the pickaxe guys all right let’s see the chat see if they have any good ideas I would actually make them make a new pickax out of those three iron cuz it’s cheaper make it oh wellow you’re

Right I make a new pickaxe and then yeah I need wood which I don’t we I I I don’t have one I got two sticks for you all righty uh then yeah like and then I will just although I can’t change the name of this I don’t whatever oh you can you can

Craft them then you can change the name did you seem like box wait no but I I can’t oh wait there we go um I got your graphic okay let’s see the names Mars marer oh marer yeah I got a reference there’s my old pick all righty okay let’s go up here

Now the nether is in like the ne is a like a dimension where you have to travel a bit to get what you want yeah to notice it and you see what I meant with being slow on Soul s oh if I take the speed and if I take

Those out you see how fast I am I’m just going to use it to fight the mobs here okay the thing is we need a fortress and I think we have bad luck because we don’t have a fortress nearby I’m not going to go down here

With you so I think we just go back here and then mine a way through somewhere then look for a fortress that way okay cuz that’s much safer So should we like try to build other uh Nether Portals as well uh uh no not we don’t need it really okay Al you can take this one as come here I have some stuff that you also have so we don’t need to have them both in your your inventory

Oh man I my instincts don’t hit them I know I don’t yeah that’s that’s that’s the difference in the nether I’m going to mine here because there can be Lava probably sometimes and lava is like water in the in the over World pretty fast okay and the the music in the in the

Nether is just the best music in the whole game what sorry that’s what I meant that’s what I meant don’t wor you can’t burn we have the fire resistant potion you can burn and that doesn’t take damage okay do you have a potion already do you

Have uh I have yeah I have a potion but uh how much two I have one two three four four yeah here you will have one oh my God that was lucky then okay it wasn’t as unlucky as I thought cuz those potions are good

Yeah I can see that now see like this lava infested world no are you like hitting the attack or something Yeah oh I killed it there we go and he dropped us an item called gas tear he dropped us his literal tears n gun Powder um what is that jumpy thingy that’s a oh drop knock my Cream let’s go to this way look for a foress so I think I need to ask do you know the way back yeah I I I got this Okay there’s a fortress I found one that’s good wait what I just I just see The Fortress in wait let me wait just wait wait wait wait wait I know I know know I don’t want you to go here without having protection cuz literal every mistake can kill you here you

Go and you see this Fortress uh is that a fortress that’s a fortress it’s the another you know what I feel right right now like I feel like like when you go like to a to a country as a tourist you know you’re like oh what’s that oh yeah

That what’s that the thing is um I only have three cooked pork chup that’s it uh we need more por cuz I’m not going to go do this without food okay I have a five cars uh cooked mutton and I have like four pork chops so I guess let’s mark

This spot I know where we can go to come here is there a way which yeah like okay maybe we could use uh the Blackstone as a kind of like a way to make a path I I can I can do this I have Blackstone do you have Blackstone as

Well I have yeah give me that Blackstone and I know where you can I make a path maybe we can like this no I I know where let’s just go here one block here un block here hold on we go okay I Kind right so now Fortress will be the next hardest thing we can do oh we got a got a GH here G gas here where we okay we came from here yeah here did we came from no we didn’t wait wait wa wait remind ourselves there’s

Through yeah want to get rid of this I just look where the entrance to this whole thing is so we Min ourselves through uh this whole thing they didn’t no actually no no we we came from up here like I remember we like fell down from this section okay I didn’t remember felling

Down so then it’s up there yeah To are you sure yeah and we and we can like mine uh you see this way I know mind I just I’m just I’m just looking for the St where we came out that’s what I I’m going to do uh chat do you guys have any

Ideas I’ll just let me look around for a Second just wait and don’t kill anything but we came from here I was right said was wrong we came from here yeah okay my SI I’ll be there in a sec Min need some gold my instincts never never lie to me all right so where are you right

Now down here okay waiting for the puppy I’m going to kill you at night if you say that again man he wouldn’t be don’t T me BR don’t T me are you sure oh yeah maybe you were yeah okay I have no Blackstone anymore so you have to mark Way I mean this really is just that way see that we have the the just place a block there we know we have to go up okay so Kat asks what am I trying to do right now uh I’m I’m sming the path because we

Need to like later on we need to like go back to from where we came from to find a fortress which apparently is important hold on wait a second where my brain leaves me let me just look around for a second in the meantime I’ll do what I do best mine gold

Okay I’m not going to call you puppy I’m going to call you Goblin okay I have six six left on these things oh no we came from here right from the lava thing oh so that way where are you yeah you see where the lava is

We blocked off I block him off the lava here right now lava kill us come back come back follow your Blackstone so we might the wrong path like should should like destroy these ones yeah we can okay cuz I I was like we never went here then I remembered the lava and then

Then I thought of cobblestone wait okay there you are I need food so we have to go back This is actually pretty scary not you go watch out watch out watch out I’m good just for just for you s and now we’re here that’s the portal nice yes okay hold on I will Actually I’ll just make it almost like a like an entrance there we go I’m kind of nervous whenever I M because don’t go don’t please don’t mind her please don’t mind her there is I want to show you something I know I know that this is not like too deep so

I’m kind like trying to uh I have to go just just go up because I think one more block down and yeah I know I know I know I’m I’m mining with the Minecraft logic of like don’t mind straight down okay [Applause] okay why is why is chat why is the chat

Exploding right now that was going to say one let’s sleep first and I’m going to get myself something a drink be right back all right as I said I was going to kill him in his sleep niame I wouldn’t do that or would I okay in the meantime you know I still

Hear you even though I’m not on my microphone I heard that I was temped but I restrained myself M I hope so okay where’s the golden there we go okay we can make some golden nugget and some golden ingots I am I’m doing 5 6 7 21 okay did you give me

More oh no I just give you some that I don’t want okay you can give me just put everything in the chest that we have maybe we can look we need mhm and then this what why is the chat exploding guys what did you what did you do okay

Sorry look at the chat yeah what’s up guys everything’s like I I have an idea like why don’t we uh actually like build uh an obsidian portal close to the Fortress which will take us out and then we kind like use like build another small base close to

That location like outside of the nether because that could be a good a safe way to like go back and forth I I think what you don’t know is every block you travel in the nether is eight blocks in the Overworld if you meaning if you travel

100 blocks in the nether you travel 800 blocks into overall I mean like but but but I’m saying like we build another base yeah yeah no I just want I was just wanted to tell you that’s the way it works uhuh okay so that like we can go

Back and forth in the overall easily no we have to go through the nether to be faster and I also want a new chest plate cuz my chest plate is about to die yeah we do need food right I I want to have the Anvil what I am actually confused with the

Chat yeah just let them blow up I let them blow up all right this efficiency efficiency Unbreaking uh what does efficiency do for like pickaxes make them faster yeah okay look what I have my hand ever one sec what’s up ooh let’s let’s us let’s end this in a dramatic

Fashion they want to have blowing up we can do blowing up yeah the end okay so so far uh we got absolutely like nothing out of the uh whole pig situation but we found a Fortress no but but it’s okay cuz we still have the

Sword that I have and it at looing three means we can still get stuff okay so I would let the gold stay here we can do the piglins later okay Trust you then uh spectral arrows should we also just deposited oh you can give me the spectral arrows cuz those arrows are

Just like the arrows I have a bow so I can use them pretty good and just so you know what happens and if I use a spectral arrow on me okay just we actually have a a lead right now I can use I know that’s the lead I still no

Your horse is still on your that’s my lead see I already put your horse on lead is he on the lead wi now oh wait win yeah that’s what I did for you you notice that thanks also if if I put if I have an arrow in my hand like the spect

If I if I shoot on myself I’m glowing and you even you can see me through the blocks oh cool that could kind of like mining okay so uh only thing is yeah like we need food to go down there like do you have enough food now I have

Nothing so we have to go get it okay MMA cream what is all this stuff oh my God before before we um do this though I I I want to show you something I want to do something for the ch stay away please made no no Happ my favorite

Corner all right uh should we like try to go and like find more sources of food or try to like I don’t know yes we kind like really do like do you have the boat yes just let me put the blocks away cuz I don’t use my

Horsey yeah but you can’t use the horsey to get through water so we need go on fo stupid horse t one I didn’t mean that okay let’s go uh wait I’ll I also leave the potions I think we don’t need them right now I I already have I have one on my

Inventory cuz just better to have one imagine you’re dying like is there you fall in lava and you are about to die you can just ring one you can’t die okay leather as well I don’t need it right now golden nuggets fire charge I don’t know what what I would use that nether

Brick so like is nether brick better than like iron or those kind of things no it’s not it’s nothing it’s not a material it’s um just to build okay you can’t make anything out of it except blocks okay all right you ready let’s go this way I think Venture wait

Weights also I saw somebody in chat asking what’s my favorite Tintin movie uh or tin in comic I think one of my favorite ones was the one like maybe it’s obvious but uh the one on the moon uh T goes to the moon like that

Part Comics I think I think I’m going to kill all the food because I have looting three means we get more food when I come them nice oh with your sword right yeah yes my sword now we also eat turtles I if a turtle no Turtle doesn’t drop anything

Okay let let let the turtles be Turtles let’s go this way actually cuz I think in Planes there spawns a lot of um anyal yeah you know what to do yay there’s like no way we can do this before the pirat of the Caribbean song no

We and we also drive like them what we also drive like them okay like small empty bucket of water not anymore I’m just going to follow you because we we know the home back uh the way back home okay in the meantime we can get some wood

Okay I see some cows if I’m not mistaken yeah I see some some stuff nice and here’s a wool do you have bones in your inventory I don’t cuz now we could have gotten w W oh no bones no bye Wolfie probably like we turn night anytime soon and then it just

Doesn’t that’s true okay um we can go down there and I think you should also be able to see that’s the wrong side no come back where are you where am I yep there you are let’s you see the pigs down there uh P cows here’s a chicken yeah yeah oh

Here’s a Logan let’s let’s kill Logan I’ll try to do the thing you always do so you place the bucket wait oh you can’t place them in it leaves cuz yeah damn it you get you can get it back get it back I can’t you

Like can get it back yeah I’ll just like pick some water elsewhere later food come here oh found an egg I guess we can also eat eggs right or boil them no we can’t eat eggs we can only throw them we can make pumpkin pies with sugar pumpkins and Eggs po Peak let me kill all the food you can get wood I have I got like a ro beef and pork chop I already have like 13 pork chop I have enough the cow that be like C I get more food oh yeah I think I get like 30% more food

Than you 30 okay I know I don’t know exactly how much it is but like it’s definitely more this is the best CH from looting now we just made a loop we back at the thing where we started there’s pigs moving I don’t know where that is a spider with

Invisibility oh wow I they couldn’t get any worse like I said spiders can’t have any effects and he just happen to had invisibility should we go back for the day no we can’t die anymore so it’s okay we to stay at the night we can still die but like you know

What I mean mhm still be careful with creepers but but like it’s okay to risk it now yeah talking about Creepers cuz right now I need two hits to kill him aome I needed four let’s go into the woods what there a sheepy sheep sheep more sheeps let’s kill the Sheep food

Here’s another sheep good oh we got three bones yay give me one no cuz there’s another skeleton I no creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper watch out how much health do you have I’m pretty good yeah you CU You full diamond that’s why you good yeah I’m counting on that see somebody

Moving oh wow uh then somebody throwing potions at me wish go away please where you can I eat right now that’s not good uhoh where you where did you goad I think I’m dead where did you go there go go go go go go away go away go away go

Away oh freak never leave me you leave me why do you do this dude like this guy can of come out start like thr potions but you but every time I’m like killing something you always go away oh man what was that a witch he can throw potions stupid

Witch he’s the witch he’s the witch Master he’s still throwing like stuff on me yeah uh well oh cuz that’s cuz you always leave me yeah ah anyways it’s all Al’s fault I told you to go back for the night H not about the night you had full

Diamond yeah but like what was that like I I wasn’t like I didn’t know like an enemy could just like make me like because that’s that stuff started ignoring my armor and just like started taking that yeah exactly exactly potions ignore your armor oh man I wasn’t aware of

That uh so Canada says like I should join the Minecraft server that they have uh oh that that’s also my servers yeah yeah we played Survival on there on normal difficulty and we strugle with like some people and I think right now we can PL people can join

There so I have an idea um like we could try like I don’t know if there’s a like a like a good like maybe we could check some seats that are like like of course seats that we don’t necessarily know but like maybe seats that are like better

For uh hard for uh for finishing the game um I don’t know if like chat has some in mind or something we could try to go for that I don’t know what you think oh yeah I can look through that let me just turn off this one I’ll miss my horse ah horsey

We got like the sad Minecraft music now check out the comments right now Real L is juanan okay I’ll quickly check for so what about uh found this one so so what’s what’s kind of like the best uh uh like what I guess like what’s the

Best kind like SE that we could get like I see that has like U like diamond um uh caves or that kind of stuff or what’s best um I don’t know actually cuz the thing is we have to look at how good you are at the game because there’s seeds

That give you stuff through things that you can find like structures but the structures may be still difficult to go into okay okay so we could try let me see because I think you know like we could try to finish the game you know

Like maybe in a seat that’s not uh uh as difficult and then eventually like progressively move towards like maybe one day like um me just finishing the game like 100% like by myself oh yeah I’m just looking I think I some seeds here Java are Java seeds the same as uh

Bedrock I don’t think so now okay can’t find any okay I found like a screen run one that we could actually use cherry blossom Village ruin lava portal desert test ice B small village desert twin iron Village sunken treasure like what do sunen Treasures have by the way sunen Treasures they can contain

Diamonds and all that like every material basically cool um yeah a lot of Stu okay let’s try this I I don’t know much of this se you know but uh for what I’ve seen is a good is a good SE seed for U like speed running

Okay seed yeah also I will stop the stream and start a new one since this is going to be attempt number three so I’ll see you in a bit guys

This video, titled ‘Alvaro tries to beat Minecraft Hardcore – Attempt #2 – Part 3’, was uploaded by Alvaro Calmet on 2023-12-30 04:29:45. It has garnered 570 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:44 or 4724 seconds.

Let’s see what happens!

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  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

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    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More

  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

    Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]Saga of Erynth is an up-and-coming 18+ MC RP server using D&D 5e as a base for the mechanics, with original lore and a high-fantasy setting.We intend for a unique and story-driven RP experience where the players can dictate the story in meaningful and interesting ways.We’re currently in early development and looking for talented people to fill our ranks, from builders to lore writers to server devs. If you’d like to assist us, follow the discord link: Preview:Discovery and Blood. These words defined the age after the great Violation in the realm of Erynth. Nations rose and fell as… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

    Minecraft Memes - Dream's Real Face:OReal Dream :O? More like Real Creamy-O, am I right? Looks like someone had a little too much virtual dairy before bed! Read More