Testing Minecraft BUILDS That Will Break Reality (Full Movie)

Video Information

I’ve been challenging my brother to a bunch of build battles for the past few weeks to see who’s the best builder in the family and who gets bragging rights you see today we’re going to compete in a series of insane build battles like impossible optical illusion miniature builds that are actually miniature and

Even curse builds that’ll give you nightmares you’ll decide who’s the best by dropping a comment down below small house you got 10 minutes to build a small house by the way Whoever has the least amount of points by the end of today’s video they gotta call Dad and

Tell them they’re engaged good luck that is the dumbest punishment I don’t honestly know what a small house looks like he made this video he already has like blocks planned what else could we just like put down a mushroom and say it’s a house oh wait I can’t even Place mushrooms in

The white I don’t know what we’re doing guys this is really bad a beehive is a house guys I am screwed I’ve wasted 100 seconds already like literally doing nothing but I guess we’re gonna go ahead and use some Oak and maybe I can try to create a few tiny little baby houses

Here so let’s try this let’s try like a legit tiny house here pop in like a little trap door on the front which might look like a little baby front door what can I do to make this actually feel tiny like maybe like some baby looking trees that

Can’t grow bro I feel honestly like I’m getting wrecked right now I don’t know what he’s doing ease right there okay what else can we figure out some wood now we just need a roof for this thing and this could be a house oh my gosh this might actually be

Perfect I’m gonna get literally destroyed right now I could put some flowering azaleas though around the side here maybe okay so we’ve got micro trees around here which are great string keeps them from growing the azaleas look like little baby like baby trees are on the windows we could actually bang out some

Stairs and create like little baby stream little baby River the problem is it doesn’t fully match the rest of it so I don’t know the best way to pull this together we still have 300 seconds left though so I feel like I can do this here’s what I’m gonna do these trees I

Don’t think are Innovative enough maybe these actually look a little bit more like trees so you can put these around this is gonna look decent okay guys the objective was to build a tiny house and this is what we have I mean can you get tinier than that that’s

Basically a one by one block you come in doesn’t look like anything you can even close the ceiling on yourself and now you’re in your home but that’s not it you open up the floor and boom secret entrance into a little Heidi home got some candles for light a nice clock so

You know what time it is because there’s no daylight down here and then a bookshelf for some reading as you’re laying in bed this is the perfect tiny house we’re gonna add a little bit of depth now maybe like a little bit of a Sandy Hill and seconds remaining I you

Know what Zach I didn’t do anything for the full first five minutes of this but I pulled together I think wow I thought mine was bad yo bro actually wants to call Dad and tell him he’s engaged look at this listen hold on a minute I’m gonna beehive go inside now oh

Secret entrance dude got me good oh crap oh crap welcome to mini person Paradise okay very similar theme you instantly saw tiny house and went we got to get the little trees in because we’ve got little trees but I want you to take special note Isaac of the palm trees I bet you’ve

Never seen those before Oh I you like those micro hot tub micro pool and of course a micro lazy river is there anything in it no it’s a tiny house you can’t see the stuff because it’s micro sized I love the exterior Zach you out you will you will I did me

Out here but the house doesn’t even have a bed all right voting time pick your color this is one point for bronze two for silver three for gold three two one pick oh looks like two Silvers folks we are tied up heading into the second round Isaac

I’ll do it that’s fine I’ll worry about that go ahead and put that up here on the frame folks round two is the nether theme all right round two nether be good let’s first of all guys this build is nether themed we need to get a a portal

Right away we’re gonna build a regular nether portal and the idea is that it’s gonna if you stand right here the illusion will make it look like as if the nether is right behind him step one uh we’re gonna create the foundation which is gonna look like this so if you

Look through this now it should kind of start to Fan out so we gotta bring it back more oh my gosh it’s not working that is detrimental to what we were doing all right we got a mass place by the way we did uh we did agree on a

Gentleman’s rule of no world edit so I won’t be doing that in the in the honor of the role we signed all right let’s go ahead and take a peek through right here that’s what you’re looking for folks we’re gonna take it back just a little

Bit here more here we need to find like this this block will be good we’ll use this we’re always literally not gonna know what hit him when he sees this is gonna be so good bro’s probably still sitting there not even sure what to build what does it mean by optical

Illusion really set him up for failure with this one so this should give us the illusion now that when you stand in front of the portal you’re actually looking into The Nether you got to stand right in the middle of these because I know Isaac’s gonna roast me if I don’t

Like actually set this up correctly so the positioning here is a little bit off but we got that set up now let’s get the details in another tree so here we are with three minutes left guys and absolutely nothing to show for it I don’t exactly know what we do from here

Definitely I think I could get some lava too that would add a big element of fun to it whoa I just thought how sick would it be to have a Strider in here because then you look through and it really looks like the nether that is not bad

Dude that is not bad at all I want to get a little bit more depth uh I think it’ll be kind of fun if I could design it so there was like a glowstone maybe just barely peeking down oh that’s not bad okay is that given us any sort of

Illusion not really oh God I’m about positive that we’re gonna be walking away with a big dub on this one bro oh my gosh I’m getting so bored of this this is the most boring thing that you could ever do in Minecraft so we got this even there literally looks like

He’s actually mining you might think there’s a player I mean this literally looks like the nether 26 seconds I feel good I think we did the best we could on this one three two one all right round two okay so right this way sir I guess that’s an optical illusion please stand

Right between these okay I I okay sure oh yeah this would have gotten you a gold if you had done one thing I I think if you had done this I would have given this gold oh I feel like that takes it away a little bit I

Don’t know guys what’s better mine are his drop a comment because I’m actually curious because I feel like I don’t know that’s not bad either I try to make like a realistic optical illusion using nether blocks and let me tell you what if I were to tell you Zach that all of

Those circles were the same color concrete what would you say don’t don’t check don’t check no checking I’m telling you and you can’t check because that would be against the spirit of the competition I would say that is I would say those are not the same color what if I’m telling you that

The the crisscross of the nether blocks has caused your brain to think that those are four different colors I’ve given you my words actually honestly I gotta give you a point just because of how bad it is that it became more it’s incredible I’m actually giving

It a silver just based on how bad it is I’m giving you a silver too but you already scored in mine so you can’t take it back yours was way better Zach but I’ve seen yours before in a lot of videos so I the creativity aspect of it

All right well that’s fair I did get it from a video next round colorful things in a little bit spicier though from here on out because this next round actually only has five minutes to build what the I don’t understand how to think what is an optical illusion colorful all right

Let’s go ahead and get this thing started now for our optical illusion today it all begins with a beautiful color white glass now I’m just gonna go with the rainbow because instantly when I hear colorful I just hear the rainbow now Isaac clearly cares about the details so I’m actually going to enclose

This room all the way because I feel like it’ll be the go you can close the room all the way minus one point we’re even gonna add a door welcome to the house of infusion all right so you’re gonna walk into this and then you’re gonna look out of this little corner

Here and you’re gonna be blown away with a rainbow colored optical illusion I think we maybe can just follow this pattern and then kind of bring it in one and follow it again I don’t know honestly what I’m doing I just feel like it’ll look cool let’s see what that

Looks like so really the Orange is where the red should start okay lesson learned so can I follow that same path will that work oh that’s cool the problem is I feel like it’s gonna close the gap up though I don’t know how to not close it

What if I do this still closing it what the heck well it’s it’s better than nothing I mean we could at least continue on that seems to be the strategy that works best this one’s really hard because it’s so hard to actually create oh there we go we have

All the colors it’s it’s odd how large our orange and red sections are compared to the rest but it’s still an interesting illusion like the weird little tunnel here we have 30 seconds remaining he may want an extension which I would be perfectly fine with and be real honest with you

Uh oh how you looking um well I started two minutes late but I did get done so all right guys round three we’re taking a look at Isaac’s color illusion walk me through what you’re building here buddy now what do you see Zach as we’re approaching my

Amazing build a rainbow funnel so what would you expect the inside of this said funnel to look like a funnel well I mean of course a funnel but you expect it to be rainbow uh-huh but boom Zack those blocks down there what if I told you they were rainbow you can’t

Keep pulling that one what if I told you you can only do that one once per round all right I know my rating but it’s not a bad build at the end of the day it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever seen now what do you see here in mind I see a

Rainbow Caterpillar why don’t you come on in welcome to the house of confusion Um so what exactly is confusing about it’s if you move it wobbles looks like an elephant trunk I’m not seeing any wobble you gotta move forward back in a circle and then it wobbles it goes like it like changes how it looks uh yeah I got my score three

Two one go I hated it I’m sorry it was the worst thing ever I hate it too no you picked silver I saw it yeah no that is unfair voting let the record show that this was a retaliation vote it’s just untrue I gave you a freebie

Next round bird’s eye view this one’s gonna give us the illusion where thousands of blocks high and I actually had my team secretly prepare these maps that have been sitting in these chests the whole time and Isaac had no idea they were here so we’re gonna take these

Back and use this to make our build I feel like a dirty human being for cheating this bad but I’m just trying to embarrass my brother in front of people I honestly don’t know how to build any illusion in Minecraft like this whole build battle is just ridiculous all

Right for this one I gotta fly around and get a couple Maps here and the idea is if I can place these correctly on item frames and connect them then it will look as if we’re literally floating super high in the sky oh God this is gonna be tough

We only have 100 80 seconds left dude this is not good dude this might be the first one I actually can’t finish in time I’m getting a little bit uh nervous about it all right I have no idea what we’re doing again that’s been a common

Theme of this video today I’m gonna lose this one I know it I’ve tried so hard to blow this one off but getting these Maps correctly is so difficult man like when I go put these in it’s gonna look like honestly like crap look at this I mean

The least I can do is try to connect them but it’s just not good man oh that’s not good that is not good at all all right man how you feeling um yeah can we just start with yours and make me feel better about mine well what

Happened to the world why is it so tiny ah what you know Zach is this what a bird sees oh this this could have worked but I don’t know what’s going on with the edges oh God I know it’s so hard I couldn’t get it I couldn’t do it I tried

So hard I know I know what it is I know okay you know what though that’s probably mine’s pretty bad uh hold on you gotta get high enough up where you can’t even see the water movement it’s a lot you can see the water movement then

It’s not gonna work I said bird’s eye view bro not satellite view okay hold on dude just just get it so you can’t see the water moving okay I can’t see the water moving okay I can’t really see it does it look like there’s a waterfall on

Ground that’s all the same oh it’s too far away come back down then come back down come back down right there right there right there yeah it all looks like it’s on the same level but there’s a waterfall if you very particularly move someone to a very specific location it

Still doesn’t work no come come on dude that’s what it was it was a bird’s eye view at least I didn’t just put down a map I attempted something pretty difficult you beat me so I’m gonna give you yeah okay good I think it’s fair guys final round it’s all tied this is

Pretty intense right now Winner Takes all last round baby big house all right guys you may not have noticed but I actually just picked up 64 maps that I’ve pre-made before this battle started specifically to ensure the dub this is the map and uh that took quite a long

Time to place in order to create this optical illusion build we’re going to create a massive wall full of glowing item frames first it’s gonna take a while again no world edits gentleman’s battle so we’ll keep it smaller I did see this one viral Minecraft clip that

Uses like furnaces in the corner and I just want to build it because it feels like it would lead to a door idea now as we start placing more and more of these Maps the screen that you’re viewing from is gonna struggle to look at it now as

You move it literally like makes these weird wavy patterns and so the idea is can I make a door in this using these frames oh that’s weird now that is a illusion door folks if I’ve ever seen one just imagine walking through this so what I want to do is

Make this a lot bigger so I’m going to go ahead and do that now okay this is the start of our Minecraft illusion door as you can see the illusion furnaces on the outside of the door now those are more just decorative candy to draw your eyes to the center

Now I don’t know what to do guys now this is the issue okay this is so weird I have 395 seconds now that took about 100 seconds to do to finish off the last two walls in the ceiling and then you’re gonna have a full room after walking

Through this door of these weird trippy Illusions I’ve got to be able to finish it in time so I need to get to work and stop talking All right item frames the last wall I just break it into little sections I think I can keep the Rhythm up here in the speed all right last section Oof let’s freaking go it’s gonna be really tight this is where all those Stakes count man all right I have no idea what we’re doing by the way guys we literally have finally pulled it off this is our optical illusion door all we now have to do is

Seal it off of the door that can’t be seen through and this is what you walk into look at how insane this is I’ve never seen anything like this before in Minecraft and it’s so trippy as you walk away from it it just makes all these weird patterns and shapes this to me

Feels like a guaranteed Victory all right sir how’d you do um I did so well I took the last minute off just to browse wow okay let’s look at yours first then this is the build no go ahead take a look at the inside go ahead

I’m not giving you the Win For This that is cheating there’s no way get it now get in here look at this the idea was optical illusion door and you just built optical illusion room the door is the optical illusion hold on a minute where did you get the map this is

Complete cheating I built a map wait show me show me where you built the map I will show you where I built a map right here listen no there’s no way you did that in 10 minutes I can’t help this is an invalid I built this myself oh my

Goodness this is legit I mean it’s a sweet build I don’t know how this fits the theme besides like it’s a because I thought the door was supposed to be the illusion all right it’s it’s valid let’s see yours let’s evolve criticism what do you notice right away Zach you notice

Inverted crafting tables that’s an optical illusion walk in boom four inverted furnaces one of the most famous Minecraft illusions of all time and then you come up now you have to stay on this purple block and then I want you to squint your eyes like so you can’t see

Very well yeah it almost looks like there’s a yellow pillar at the front there okay okay and that’s all my build where’s what stuff do with a secret door ah and that’s exactly where I got you you walked through this whole thing and you missed the Secret Door that’s it

I got you with the power of deceptions act that’s a magician’s first trick uh guys this is for the final round uh Winner Takes all three two one pick that was faking you out no you can’t pick out you said no fake outs you picked up the gold we’re tied bro

There’s just a mini buildings anything you want mini build okay guys first build hack of the day we all know what we have to go to and that is going to be the sea pickle the best block in Minecraft we got to build an aquarium first though to get this going all right

Guys for my first one I’m gonna create a miniature tank scene so what I want to do is create some dirt paths right here I’m going to put some mini tanks down but I’m going to put a bigger one right behind it and the bigger one is going to

Kind of be moving in right behind these guys and so I think we’ll use slabs oh this is kind of hard actually all right this is actually hard with the pressure right now oh dude I’m a little bit nervous about this because I’m not sure what Isaac’s building all right

There is the start of our build hack I know it doesn’t look like much guys but once we add some water in here it’s going to be an aquarium boom boom boom I think that just went through the wall oh my gosh why can you place water through

The glass panes who thought that was a good idea you see that’s supposed to look like the cannon of the tank you see what I’m saying this thing’s gonna literally shoot Isaac’s base and destroy it because I’m not trying to lose my younger brother today two minute warning

Oh gosh I don’t even have my thing don’t be scared oh this is good if I put these down on the sides oh oh that’s not bad that gives me like a little bit of like a tank Security on the inside now it would look even better

Is if I could put like a chair back here oh I can look at that we have an actual chair where you can sit and control the tank okay so this is a very simple hack for round one guys now you might be thinking wow that is a wonderful

Tropical aquarium but you might be saying that’s missing a dead sea pickle and that’s exactly what we’re gonna use the green candle for hey look at that a live sea pickle dead sea pickle I don’t know if Isaac realizes we can search for heads on my server and I’m gonna

Literally search for Wheels and put actual wheels on it I think we could actually win this the only thing that would take me on the next level is if I were to go a little bit more detail in the last couple seconds here I needed the cannon to shoot though what I’m

Gonna do is take a dispenser put a fireball at the end of it and I think this is gonna give me the wind because there’s no way it’s putting Redstone in his so if I break that put a dispenser oh that’s kind of ugly actually oh that’s not bad now that it’s back

Here I can actually launch it for when I’m sitting down all I need to do is put a button on top and then it should work there we go there we go bro this is sick I actually am very impressed with myself all right let’s put the buttons in I

Think we’re about a time right now oh what the hex actually blew something up that’s a tank this came out oh my goodness dude my build hack sucks all right go take a look I’ll show you around mini tanks in the front big tank here Wheels well

That’s cheating those are like heads I don’t know about that it was cheating look at this you could sit down fire the tank okay that is gonna make my build hack look like it’s not even a build hack we don’t even need to look all right let’s take a look at yours

Let’s take a look at yourself I’m just gonna see if you can tell what mine is all right all right oh what the oh all right a mini hold on hold on is it hold on is it that you’re using a candle as a dead sea pickle oh my gosh you got it

Yes yes double build hack it’s also could be a new sea pickle that hasn’t gotten the girth yet you built a baby pickle Zach it was a build hacked it was a functional tank and you built a baby pickle folks we have won this first round I’ll tell you

That right now all right let’s give ourselves a ranking guys it’s one two or three points the most points at the end wins the dollar Isaacs will be a two it’s interesting okay Zach’s I’m gonna also give you a two and I feel like we didn’t tie but how is mine are you

Joking I thought mine this isn’t even it’s you should have given me a one okay I didn’t do okay round two invent it never before seen many buildings oh my gosh I have to invent oh man round two let’s go okay so this one’s really tough because I can’t really Google it

To get inspiration and uh I’m not gonna lie to you I don’t have any idea round two guys we have to come up with our own build hack oh we’re gonna be I’m I’m actually panicking right now guys there’s too many blocks I know that you

Can use this on diamond and this makes it kind of look like magma I could do the diamond which we already know kind of looks like a glowing Blue Block okay this idea is not gonna work I’m a minute and a half in and I haven’t even thought of an idea

Yet there we go I got it this is going to actually be an excavator that’s but it’s too big a mini excavator that’s the idea okay hold on hold on hold on if I get small blocks like fence posts this actually might come out kind of nice okay guys I

Panicked and I made the hopper wither as my build hack but that obviously cannot be our move here that’s just temporary in case we can’t think of anything else come on gotta be something better than a hopper Hopper weather okay chains chains seem like they would have something that

Could be a build hack look at this I’m making it turn I don’t think he’s gonna notice the insane detail in making this thing turn all we need is a glass cabinet that we can work from so we’re gonna add this in that should be elevated just a little bit I really

Don’t know much about these but I would assume you would be up just a little bit higher and then like a little ladder to climb into it it’s not bad I mean it’s not good okay guys I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m making some sort of trellis to grow

Watermelons on you know because watermelons in real life grow like on Vines and some people like hang them up I have 15 seconds this is going to be the most tight window I’ve ever had dude I don’t know what I am doing over here gosh I couldn’t think of a build

Hack on the spot dude really I actually came up with you man I’m really impressed by and I won’t even lie to you I think it’s kind of decent okay well that is not what I needed to hear let’s just take a look at yours I I actually

Created a miniature excavator how are you building these things I’m pretty good what is that there’s no way oh my gosh she’s just building tanks every round I don’t have I can’t compete all right let’s take a look at Isaac’s this was totally original and Isaac has

Melons grow on a trellis and then I try to build a trellis but I didn’t have enough time because all melons grow I was gonna give you the bronze again it’s okay you earned a gold this time good job our next build hack is a random mini build so uh literally

Anything doesn’t matter just make it cool five minutes three two one go I’ve got a really weird one right now to try to make some miniature trees we’re gonna do an azalea tree so what you can do is actually take I believe a flowering Azalea head from a player and put it on

And this allows you to create a miniature tree the only way to beat Zach is to build a bigger vehicle than him that’s what I’ve decided we’re laying down the wheels right now and they they’re pretty big if you’ve noticed this is going to be a big cat truck okay

Guys we are speed building a truck right now I have no idea how to build this but you know what vehicles have won every round so far so there’s clearly something to it I don’t know how to upgrade this to make it more like that’s

It that’s the whole idea that I that I have here and I don’t know what else to do like I guess I can make more of them like a little oh I could Azalea Forest okay wait that could be good a few of them oh God I can hear him building he’s

Doing something magnificent over there okay so guys for round three we could build anything and I’m attempting to build one of those big cat trucks but you know it doesn’t look like that at all so I don’t know what he’s gonna score this but it’s looking like another

Bronze we are not doing well this game we’ve got to pull this together somehow all right so we need some levers for some controls we’ll take a shuttle out I’m trying to get really Innovative we’ll make like a little path right between it all and then I’ll have to I

Have to give this some sort of a story because if it’s a bunch of mini trees it’s not that cool this is going to be a giant turtle cage using baby trees that way the turtle can feel like he’s bigger now we have a bunch of baby turtles

Wandering around a baby turtle village with miniature trees this actually is not that bad I’m gonna use the final few seconds now to spam down a bunch of trees here time okay wow you scared me there this time we’re gonna look at Isaac’s first and see what your mini build is

Let’s just see if you know what it is what crap this is like a full-scale Tonka truck okay it’s a Tonka truck yes it’s not even mini it’s a cat it’s a it’s one of them CAT trucks it carries the dirt and see it’s stuck in the mud

I’ll tell you what I like the mud it’s actually not bad I like the detail I think I think you did it you know what we were struggling today but you know what we I think we might do pretty well on this round I think that’s a solid

Silver to me all right take a look at mine I made a read the sign read the sign is this a zen garden where babies go to feel big oh it’s a little mini world it’s a mini world with many trees for the mini turtles that way they feel

Like they’re bigger wow you know I I kind of like it but I just feel like this is a bronze oh come on I put so all I had was a tree I I put so much into the snow right here I like the story deserves it you fit the theme better but

I build a Tonka truck I’ll give you tonko a solid silver I think it’s good guys I think it’s good it’s definitely earning a point there yes ladies and gentlemen round four is coming up this one’s special it’s a random mini build but for this one you’ve got to use

Glazed terracotta somewhere in your build oh glazed terracotta is the build Choice the first thing I think of is Roman bat man I am so good at this game sometimes I feel like I’m putting Zach to shame on this build I think he’s not gonna know what to do with the glazed

Terracotta but me Roman bathhouse instantly came to my head what I want to do is actually create miniature cactuses that you could use maybe in fact I think we might win this one if we make this a little bit more detailed Isaac cannot keep up with the speed that I’ve been

Building boom now we just gotta go around the whole area with this stuff and then we’ll fill in the inside with the glazed terracotta okay we got that building built now I’m gonna put slabs in the corner as a little bit of ventilation for the hot

Tub air to get out into the main world okay now we gotta get this hot tub in and we gotta go quick now we begin the miniature cactuses we’ve got our little environment here the miniature cactuses are actually going to be uh they’re going to be candles I’ll put some

Candles down as if they’re little babies that are growing some dead bushes here to give it a little bit more flavor I want it to feel like you’re walking into a new world when you walk inside of this like welcome to mini cactus land all we need

To do is put the glazed terracotta in we got to choose the correct glazed terracotta and I think it’s going to be this light gray one it’s probably the least shocking one to look at okay now we need another terracotta I think now you know what we’re gonna use gold gold

Literally is going to be rich it’s going to frame the Terracotta and then we’re gonna go water over top of this oh my gosh we build it too high okay guys we got the Terracotta in now we just got to fill this thing with water and then add

Some magma blocks I think so it’s an actual hot tub we have to go quick we must be running out of time here you know what get rid of the gold entirely and just use magma blocks now that is a Roman Hot Springs if I’ve ever seen one and we’re technically done but

Let’s keep trying to build to see if we can add anything else maybe there’s a cat there we go cactus fruit that’s gonna look okay there we go that gives it a nice little Vibe a little something fresh and unique oh I forgot to even use terracotta the whole time I didn’t even

Do that trying to make a large thick Cactus that’s what this is supposed to represent Look at this look at this an owl in the cactus are you kidding me are you kidding me this is a dub folks this is a major dub time all right I’m done mine is again quite terrible let’s take a look at Isaac’s first all right I built a Roman bath house

Now what what if you come in you see we got the Terracotta on the floor here it’s in the hot tub and then if you look up we use the Terracotta as a nice Sunshine coming in through the top now listen I didn’t know whether I didn’t

Know what a Roman bath house was but look at that it’s bubbling on you look at all the bubbles oh it’s not bad oh yeah it’s not bad it’s definitely it’s definitely a mini Roman bath house thank you I would never have in a thousand years expected to see a

Bat house thank you mine is wow what oh if you know what the big Cactus is called that’s a gold block Sequoia Ah that’s a tree I actually really like this I’m not gonna lie really um I wouldn’t give it a gold I like it I

Give it a gold yes I liked it it’s creative like I want him over I did not think of that wow I’m getting dominated today I might as well just go home let’s go next round is a impressive mini build this one must be your most impressive mini build you’ve made

I don’t know I haven’t built anything good today so guys what I’m going to try to do is create a miniature campsite now one trick I learned recently you put slabs by this and then your bed turns into a little mini sleeping bag and then right next to it we’re going to build

A staircase that leads to our little mini campsite so we’re gonna do a andesite Edge I would recommend making your campsite out of like you know Stone but it’s gonna look pretty cool okay guys most impressive mini build here we go I don’t know what to build but I’m

Thinking bone blocks are instantly coming to me I think we try to build a skull or like a rib cage or something out of these things is there any more satisfying noise in placing bone blocks in Minecraft that is such a good noise I wish I could have that as my ringtone

And now you’ve got a miniature campsite right here okay now I think maybe we need a backside as well because you don’t want anyone sneaking in your backside when you’re sleeping and then this is going to be a miniature swimming pool Isaac loves swimming pools all

Right guys we were supposed to build an impressive mini build and what we have come up with here is a I think it’s a fossilized elephant centipede now I don’t know exactly what I was doing with this I think what we need to do these were supposed to be ribs but they are

Now just going to be arms and legs and he’s never going to know the difference wait a minute now this is actually kind of coming along now whatever I just did actually worked now I’ve been really impressing Isaac so I want to keep this

Energy up right now and I want to get a little campfire as well maybe like with a path little baby campfire now if I bone meal it it’ll give this more of a Vibe so that’s gonna be a nice detail we have a minute left right now to clean this up I

Feel like I need a bear or a sniper rifle or something like you know what I mean like if I could get a sniper rifle out here right now I’m just freaking absolutely destroy Isaac with it that’ll be really cool but I don’t know if I can

Build a sniper in a minute I’m gonna try though yes look at this guys this is a Woolly Mastodon and now let’s put a spear in it so it looks like he died from getting attacked by humans I’m not even gonna lie this might be my favorite

Build of the day so there’s the sniper all right it’s literally shooting out bullets Isaac like that’s sick this dude’s like in the freaking Navy SEAL this is not just a mini build this is a mini build movie so stupid let’s go check out Isaacs because I think he’s ready all right you

Know what I didn’t finish all the way but it’s pretty good yo it’s a woolly Mastodon that got taken down by a spear do you know what the word mini means act like Zach look at the spears he got nailed okay this is actually a fantastic

Build to me it’s okay there we go that’s our first goal of the day baby now we come over here to Zach’s and I don’t quite know what this is besides a cult uh uh this are you wait wait are you stoning me he’s a sniper rifle that’s a

Red dot sight on a mini sniper rifle shooting snipers at Isaac’s okay oh God that’s your grave and I put a stake in it cause I know you’d want to be buried with steak but the real build is not this mini battle scene but the fact that I made a miniature Warfare all

Right designed with a sleeping bag a mini pool and a mini tent that way I can get in here sniper you and get out listen I like this build I think it’s from seeing all your other builds today I think this is a silver I almost gave

It a gold deck I almost did then I saw my dead body and I said nope we got a couple rounds left these ones are worth double points so now it’s double Point rounds maybe the this one just has to be unbelievably stupid the Dumber build wins okay I got

This I’m ready you should all right so I’m going to try to create some miniature uh power lines because like that’s a really stupid idea in Minecraft I just feel like it’s so Random you would never expect this so Power Rangers that’s what we’re doing folks now I

Guess we can do that Branch these off on the side you can see how that honestly looks like a little bit of a power pole and then we can actually trap a rabbit inside of this composter with a lead and use it to another we’ll do this we’ll lead you and then

All I have to do is lead you to another rabbit I think we’ll have a miniature this is weird stupidest build we can think of guys instantly I thought of a cheeseburger this is gonna be our Burger build and it’s going to be a live burger that is talking making this one much

Smaller than our previous round to learn from the previous rounds okay and look at that tell me that doesn’t look like a burger right now the next thing we are going to need is what else could we do on this hmm on this uh idea that I found

Online this guy is actually kind of putting like spider web here um to kind of I’m not really sure I guess look more like a power line or something I don’t really know honestly it’s one of the worst builds I feel like I’ve ever created myself okay guys here we are we’re

Supposed to be building the dumbest build we can think of and here is mine so far it is a burger we just gotta add the arms and I think you’re really going to be able to see what this thing is looking like I think the only thing I

Could do to really separate this is build a nice super highway right on the side of it you know I think a good old-fashioned Super Highway down the side is going to win Isaac over because there’s one thing he likes it is a road it is a good Highway cutting through

Nature we might have ourselves folks a last minute comeback story here but what are we time you need more oh no I’m good all right let’s start with mine first I built a super highway with telephone poles I thought this was supposed to be the stupidest build and

You build a functional road because it is stupid because it’s a super highway cutting through nature come on to be honest I like the build that’s the issue it looks good explain this to me there are telephone wires that go along all the highways is this supposed to be

Weird it’s just stupid there’s rabbits I trap the rest of it smack it I don’t know what you were doing with this one but this is a bronze all right let’s take a look at yours then welcome I call this piece modern day cannibalism this is so unbelievably good artistic

And Innovative I’m actually breaking out the Platinum score for this one Platinum this is incredible man and I said it was like nothing so I guess it’s not really Platinum it’s just a triple gold wow yes that’s a big round of course guys guys for the last round Isaac and I each get

To put up a rule in the board and that rule we must use in our mini build so Isaac my rule use 14 cows okay my role is a little bit different you must scare them with your build okay all right so I’m not sure exactly what I’m gonna do

Here but these all have to be many so the first thing will be a miniature gravestone right here and we’ll go ahead and get a uh skull of Isaac and we’ll put that right on the gravestone and then we’re going to use select turns here to create a actual coffin

This is going to be a mini Mega Monster so it’s going to be just over Isaac’s skull here I think what we’re gonna have to do is make a milk factory right it’s the only thing that we could do and to do that we need to make a milk jug all

Right guys we’re getting our bottle built I’m trying to think what we’re going to do do we want white milk or chocolate milk now chocolate milk is probably better because everybody likes chocolate milk better it’ll probably get us more points okay you know what that

Kind of looks like a milk jug now what we’re going to go ahead and do is change all the glass to Brown glass so that it’s chocolate milk I’m going to call this build factory farming guys we’re going to have all of the cows on top of

The milk jug and that is where our milk comes from they’re just forced in a cage and they get milked right below them all day long so we gotta Place 14 cows down now one two three four so it’s like a miniature Alaskan bull worm that’s eating Isaac the smoke

Kind of makes it look a little bit creepier because why not then we can go through and honestly just Hail Mary this thing and replace the entire floor then all I have to do is add a couple arms to the side of this thing bring the arms out like this

It’s kind of cool 11 12 13 and the 14th cow has been placed now guys if you can see this this is called factory farming the cows are forced to live in this small little enclosure while their milk is taken and sold to Consumers as chocolate milk horrifying

To see this is probably the most horrifying build I’ve ever built if Zach built something worse than this then he has real issues in his life this thing this is disturbing dude you ready um I think so we’ll still get yours first walk me through it Isaac the final

Round welcome to the chocolate milk factory as you can see we have 13 cows right here held in a cage dripping down chocolate milk into the jar which is two percent by the way as you can see and they are only producing the milk because their baby is being held captive right

Across from them oh wow that’s yes oh my God it’s not a mini build Isaac but it’s good it’s pretty mini dude I’m Gonna Keep My score in my mind and I want you to see mine next yours has to scare me now what is that that my friend is the

Alaskan bull demig organ oh look at the coffin here is that me yeah that’s you you’re in the coffin that’s your dog all right I got your score I’m gonna give you a gold for that oh giving you a gold too which means we tied oh a tie yes

That means I get it at 50 cents 50 cents staying well for each kiss folks all right build number one what’s this one now what I didn’t tell you Isaac is today’s theme is redstone build my brother loses he’s gotta tell my dad that his girlfriend’s pregnant good luck

Buddy all right guys I’m gonna start the timer right now so we have 10 minutes on the clock to get this thing rolling and um yeah I’m gonna be honest with you I have no idea what I’m gonna build all right guys we have to build something

Practically useful I have no idea what that means but I’m just gonna put all the blocks that look like they do redstone in my inventory no idea what any of these things do okay okay what I’m gonna try to do is I’m gonna try to create an insanely efficient Auto

Smelter like nothing you’ve ever seen before instead of spending a bunch of brain power building something actually useful we’re just gonna build something that puts a pumpkin on his head with cursive binding it’s genius so what I’m gonna do first is use world edit today because I’d like to be extra efficient

So we’ll go ahead and do this and then above each of these cauldrons y’all probably guessed it we’re gonna hammer down some drippies all right so and then underneath each of these we’re gonna have to have a drip Stone all right so the idea is this will drip lava

Down and give us infinite fuel problem is I don’t know if it drips through Redstone so we’ll find out it might not all right does this drip oh it does I mean it’s definitely it’s definitely dripping this one has water in it what why are these dripping with water that

Doesn’t even make what so we have basically 300 seconds to the one of the most complex designs that I could actually imagine in the entire world and I’m not sure I can do it because I’ve never done one of these but step one get your lava step two we’re gonna find a

Way to automate this and get it over to here but now I just need a chest where all the items go and then a bunch of Hoppers that connect to the chest a few moments later I’m really not sure what I’m doing I’m a little bit worried here

Minecart with a hopper that’s gonna go up here bro this is so confusing okay go oh it didn’t come back why didn’t it come back all right maybe it’ll come back now bruh okay guys I am running out of time but basically what we’ve done here is

Build a giant Minecart that sends Zach around into his eventual Doom to get covered with a curse of binding pumpkin but not only that guys I added a detector rail in over here and with my expertise in Redstone I have created the biggest delay I have ever seen so this

Basically makes the Redstone signal take forever to get over to this dispenser which is going to drop a book on him that calls him a noob right as his mine cart lands down into the hole I mean this is genius the only idea I have now since there’s like 28 seconds left is

I’ve literally got a lie to Isaac and hope he doesn’t notice that I’m lying to him because this doesn’t work and that is time ladies and gentlemen that is time let me tell you what I need to test one thing if you don’t mind I do mind

Actually I do mine um okay you know what it doesn’t even matter I don’t need tests go ahead test it go ahead I don’t need tessac I need you to get on this mine cart though oh interactive okay here we go yep give you a little push

Oh look at this okay is that his whole design a circle Minecart and off he goes what is this design what is he trying to pull off here look at this Zack look at the practicality of this thing that’s it oh wait wait there’s oh what is this

Oh bro did I get him with the pumpkin that’s oh my God you actually just pumpkin me why don’t you check your inventory for the book with a book that says winner oh double got him right there bro that’s pretty Innovative I’m not gonna lie to you you just roasted me

That’s a great that’s a great utility build yeah there’s a lot to it all right time to see mine I gotta warn you it’s pretty spectacular over here look at this now I’m muted so he can’t hear me I’m gonna let him guess what it is so he

Tells the story to make it more impressive I’m not on you hello yeah yeah what do you think this is Buddy um what I’m seeing is an automatic lava Farm but is it a tank it’s not a tank it’s even better so it just collects a

Lava and then oh it auto smells things that’s right that’s right and look at this lava right here that’s pretty good Zach I cannot lie you have outdone me on the Redstone today well let me show you something else is this dripping water for you as well are you

Seeing that oh look at that yeah there’s water right there that’s a Minecraft purse hack good job I know I didn’t even mean to all right let’s go to the voting here come on over the voting stages at tennis that’s right it’s a tennis court this time you’re gonna vote on my half

I’m gonna vote on your half there’s three blocks here they are for reference all right go ahead and pick your vote all right Zach I’m gonna put you in the back left here and I’m gonna I’m gonna give you a gold I think it could have

Been a diamond but I’ve seen it before absolutely fair and I feel like you voted very well good job let’s go ahead and go to the next round what do we have sir a trap oh man my literal Bill I just use the same thing

Gotta be a new one all right phase one is hooking up the dispenser to a comparator which I think goes this way to one of these this is gonna be a little food trap I’m gonna invite him in for a meal and blow him up like I should

Do and how is this a redstone block to Target I mean what is this even that’s a cool looking block though I kind of want to use it now oh my gosh does this send off a redstone signal when you shoot it is that why it’s listed in the redstone

Blocks because I have no idea how this works if so this is going to be implemented in our trap design this is how it works oh my gosh it does guys I didn’t know that but we are 100 gonna use that that’s your build right now folks so down here we’re actually

Going to connect these to two powered rails I feel very comfortable now compared to the last round I feel like I’m more in my elements here I don’t want to blow the whole Arena up so we won’t do infinite we’ll just do a couple of them

Okay so we’ve set up our Target now we need to get a redstone line out the back of this and somehow that needs to trap him now it’s going to be pretty difficult considering he knows the Trap is coming but we’re gonna have to figure out a way around that but first we’re

Gonna do a trapdoor to the front entrance it’s gonna be like oh it’s not the Trap Isaac it’s a fake out then on the inside we’re gonna have a tripwire also a diversion to make him think that’s the Trap but it’s not and this will actually trigger just redstone

Lamp that’s it oh man oh man there we go that’s how you get some Vision in here let’s get a quick roof I need to use world edit to save time because we’re down to just 300 seconds okay guys my original trap design did not work but I think dispensers will

Work through carpet so new plan is we’re going to have him stand right here on the white piece of carpet and once he shoots the target it’s going to send a redstone signal all the way around the outside to activate the pumpkin dispenser which is right below his feet

We Supply food you cook we Supply food you cook so that’s like the BBQ Shack we Supply food you cook get her done so like Ozark’s gonna be like oh cause I know he likes meat he’s like oh maybe Q Shaq and then he’s gonna come in here

And be like Oh I’m so excited to actually cook some barbecue and he’s not gonna realize that really what he’s doing is killing himself bro I made a full-on story on mine which is absolutely beyond what I expected to do 11 seconds left let’s go ahead and unmute ourselves here see this last

Little detailing six seconds come on one more one more one more get it down get it down get it down time Zach I just want to make it clear when you go over to my place I need you to not look at anything until I tell you to

Come understood I actually prepared for that uh Isaac oh I just wanted to invite you in instead of making a traffic yep oh what kind of barbecue we got here Zach go check it out go check it out get on in there Texas barbecue I wish okay welcome to the barbecue shack

Walked over a tripwire Zach Hickory we said smoked go ahead and grab some hickory wood and some grass-fed meatballs it’s just a barbecue shack I didn’t want to like do anything weird I just wanted to give you a little surprise go ahead and just bro you gotta cook it

Oh why me and Zach it should already be cooked if I’m coming it’s not did you not read the front entrance it literally says we Supply food you cook get her done what kind of barbecue makes me cook my own it’s like fancy dude exactly why you don’t cook your own food

When you go to a restaurant people did you see that coming be honest I I’ll be honest that was a lot of TNT I was thinking like one maybe all right you can tell all right Zach I want you to stand on the white Target because this is a

Shooting competition versus me today okay so I need you to stand there while you shoot it I missed he missed it okay again wait how what bro are you sick you didn’t even see it coming you’re actually completely right I literally have never in my life seen this design

This is the dumbest thing with the Redstone on the outside this is so bad Zach I don’t know how Redstone works so you’ll never see it coming because I don’t do it the right way watch this Zack you shoot the target and the Redstone signal travels all the way

Around and then below you and then shoots the dispenser up I’m honestly speechless let’s get to the voting because that is quite the design I gotta be honest with you man I I liked it a lot I’ve never seen anything like it I’m going Diamond I’m gonna go for you I’ve

Never actually got exploded by me either so it’s a good build okay all right on to the next round then here we go folks button favorite part where’d it go where’d it go re-roll re-roll re-roll Gotta re-roll okay I have no idea has no purpose whatever it is another re-roll hidden

Room hidden room all right okay I can do that all right we’re going for a completely hidden door I want to try something never ever seen before in Minecraft history I’m trying to push the limits because I feel like Isaac should give me a diamond so we’re gonna do here

Is try to create a really engaging hidden door that really isn’t going to be easy to find now part of me guys once they just put a button down tell them it’s a hidden room and then it just puts pumpkin on his head I mean I don’t see

How we could go wrong with that so we might need to consider that right now what’s interesting is the lectern from the bottom has the exact same texture as Oak planks but I have to line it up correctly oh it’s literally invisible so now in theory if I put a book here look

At this this is actually invisible there’s literally no way that he would know this is up here I swear like it’s not possible that is set up all I have to do now is literally just cover this thing up okay guys we only have 200 seconds

Left and I have absolutely zero plan for this round now I usually don’t have a plan and it really ends up not mattering ever so why is oh there it is take the book then it opens then you walk down this dark hallway and you can get it and then you

Get pumpkin now we’re gonna make it feel like a little bit of a game here between him and like uh I don’t know maybe like him and like the guy from Saw all right there we go we’ve got little creepy signs around here and we have 97 seconds

Left which I’m going to use to create really uncomfortable disturbing distractions okay guys we have 43 seconds and I don’t have the pumpkin crafted yet this is going to be a very tight round right here okay get the pumpkins in the book in and there we go now we just need to fill

In these dispensers with these pumpkins and we are done for the round yeah let’s do yours first are you ready can you teleport to me all right here we go I made a beautiful little starter home right here I tried to make the top look

Like Doug Dimmadome do you think I did a pretty good job at that not tall enough but all I know is I don’t trust anything I just wanted a pumpkin you to be honest let me let me show you the secret room though oh got him again that’s four

Times today where’s the secret room where’s the secret right so this was all just a diversion to get a pumpkin on your head but if we come over here to the Garden Zach we noticed it’s a little different no wait this would well kind is that there this pumpkin up here is

That was carved and you were supposed to notice that it’s not connected to the stem why oh oh you just made that wood oh oh that’s the wall wow you’re in a secret room all right all right that’s interesting I’m gonna tip you into mine oh you can TP to me now

Okay now go ahead you’ve kind of forced me into a box I don’t know if this is go ahead and stand up my friend you find the room in 60 seconds you win I get an iron you can’t take longer than 60 I walk away with diamond rules no breaking

Use chest items only what is on the wall there is that Morse code Zach what am I in the Joker movie your timer begins now let’s play a little game guys I’m just gonna start hitting all the buttons maybe it’s just a button maybe he was

Lazy let’s play a little game Okay now what’s happening supplier hooks can’t use them anywhere nope that is not gonna work right here I think now if I put string across there so the string can only be too wide though time’s halfway expired he did give me an

Oak button I think so if I just start putting that everywhere all right once you get 30 seconds you get a hint the hint is the items I gave you do nothing they’re all distractions to waste 30 seconds well Zach 15 seconds does anything then it’s what did a passcode a passcode

Signs do nothing that’s something the chest does nothing nothing in this room even the carpet does nothing oh wait I think I know what it is I think I know it is one of these is a crafting table uh once I use it it’s gonna a book D

What does that mean why is this a book take the book you got it done way after the minute you can put that diamond on my ranking come this way buddy I’ll put it there for you to make your job easier bro you couldn’t find the secret room for that I’ll give

You a gold you got me with the pumpkin I’m giving you a silver I’m giving you three Golds dude I could have given you a silver at some point today you know what I could have given you nothing because you’ve had four pumpkins on your head push the button what are we doing

In games is what this one is fun and games you have to invent a fun game made of redstone all right guys I’m gonna attempt to build a seesaw today so here’s your seesaw gonna go both ways here just like that then what you’re going to do is pop down a piston right

Here oh just like that and what makes this really work is the hidden rail you’re gonna put on the Piston so I wonder what Isaac’s making though okay guys fun and games the obvious thing to do was to make the entire four slime blocks so now we have a giant trampoline

But that’s not good enough for me I want to get some furnace Minecarts going into this now I think in Creative you can just like one shot these in survival so it’s going to be like a mini sleeve with a furnace Minecart all right Redstone is

Going to come in boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and then of course a torch actually goes in so that’s going to make that one Higher there we go look at that all right five minutes on oh I feel like he’s gonna love like a cute little oak

Sapling like a little something like this pop that down with some bull meal a little bit of that all right I want to get a campfire down you see the more I set the scene it’s really gonna sell this all right it’s really gonna sell it

He’s gonna feel like he’s actually at a park actually all I want I want them to fall forward I want him to love it okay guys no idea what I’m doing here but we have this elaborate mine cart rail track that you use the levers to switch the way

You’re going on the mine cart and I’m thinking one player rides around in a mine cart and has to change where they’re going and the other person has to run away and try not to get sleep what I really need to do is find an Innovative way to get a dispenser to

Launch a pumpkin at his head this ends up allowing you to create like really cool weapons and Shields and stuff there we go so this one’s got a sword on this one over here oh we only have 25 seconds and the redstone’s not set no

Time is up all right so we need to go into game mode survival for this to work okay one person is going to be the minecart Chaser as I will put them now you’re gonna get in this Minecart Zach I’m gonna give you a diamond shovel okay

All right think oh crap no slow down Zach I’ll give myself one not ruining the game okay so imagine this deck with a hundred players now you are the Chaser you’re the Spleef guy I am the runner so you have to try to squeeze oh and you

Have to use the levers to move around the map I wanted to hate it but it’s super interesting and Innovative I actually love it didn’t work though come on over come on over welcome Park funded by the city of melon welcome I didn’t make the seventh grade basketball team

Zach listen dude that is so long ago come on in come on Hop On Hop on get up over there hop on one of the um yeah go ahead okay whoa you know what this is more than a seesaw it’s like a shark yeah I like it

I I don’t know I feel like I try to go so much bigger than you though yeah but mine works you know there’s something to be said about something that actually works you’re right you were creative and it works so I’ll give you that yeah

We’re all tied up go ahead and pick your color at the exact same time for the rating you’re gonna give me three two one pick oh another tie all Golds for you today wow wow great oh gosh I don’t know any build hacks for that now this one’s

Gonna not make a lot of sense to you and I wouldn’t recommend doing this in real life because you do need a railroad do this dig a hole pop down some railroad tracks like this because you’re gonna be driving that dead body right into the heart of this great okay round one we

Have to build a building hack with a grave now I don’t know where to begin but the first things first I feel like we have to build a grave duh you actually want to put a zombie into this oh yeah get in there buddy get in there Down the Hatch

This is pretty easy but you just gotta piss in this bad boy down if you all have been watching my content for a while and you’re a Super Fan thank you because you already know what I’m doing here piston Redstone Pop It Down Bam Bam

Bam that’s how you do it uh it has to go one more though because um you know it’s not on the ground yet all right it didn’t work well I want to go down ah there we go just had to break that piece of grass obviously there we go

This is a long process just to get a little grave all right guys I know for a fact I have seen this before I am trying to make like some sort of like coffin right here that’s opened up and then we’re gonna put like an actual body

Right here this is going to be our build hack for the day we need a little Bloodstone as I like to call it little blood leaking out of his body we need some wither roses because it needs to feel creepy it’s a good start I don’t think this is

By any means a winner uh what was even the challenge I don’t even remember okay I have completely changed up my build I am now turning this into a ritual to bring back the dead um as you can see we have the candles all around the skeleton

Grave right here I mean this is basically a scene out of a horror movie this is some sort of witch ritual right here but what I’m gonna do is right here I’m gonna create like a giant um tune something like this look at that dude like some like super

Wealthy man was buried here we gotta get some skeleton heads now and pop these all around because obviously put one right there put one right there we’re gonna have like one maybe just like poking out the back right here in the corner so I’m gonna snuck in okay we’re

Running out of time and I’m about to do something very risky I’m going to use Redstone that is something that I should never do but I feel like this is going to work beautifully to hide our little skeleton right here it’s going to cover up the bottom part if I can push this

Wood onto it now I don’t think this is very Advanced Redstone I think anybody could do this but I don’t know if this is going to work or not so I think all I have to do is power this thing and it should push that into a boom we actually

Did it now we just need to put it back together and our build will be complete so we really have pretty much everything you could ever want here at the end of the day I mean this is quite the experience the last thing I really could

Do here is maybe label some of these to kind of give you a little bit more I don’t know if I have time only 20 seconds okay we’re running out of time but I think I just put the finishing touches on the build once I set this to Soul Sand oh I’m choking

Okay there we go Soul Sand this is complete this is not bad dude all right time is up let’s go check Isaac out Isaac meet me in the center now guys in order to switch things up today we’ll still be voting for each other and we’re

Gonna see who wins at the end but our real Champion will be decided by you guys so leave a comment down below who you think wins every round Isaac first round let’s take a look at what you’ve created all right Zach so this is a witch girl you know the witch girls in

Real life okay this right here is a witch girl bringing back to life her Fallen boyfriend right here she misses him and she’s bringing him back all right that’s pretty good that’s pretty cool rip lover fella lost too many build battles okay I like it what are these

Eyeballs this one has a guardian over the guard for the grave that’s why I didn’t get raided by the witch dude I’ll be honest with you it’s very creative all right aesthetically I don’t know but it’s creative come check out mine thank you wow you have like a whole forest in

Here what the heck dead bodies ice cream I’m going this way celebrate the death of your loved one today this is what what this is absolutely horrible you can’t be doing that keep going keep going grab yourself a bite did you just kill me are you are

You like the owner of the Grave onto the dead body’s boyfriend Halsey what ah it’s just the name of a child that’s murdered a young baby Soldier what what kind of grave site is this it’s a very Dynamic one it’s a very that’s what I said it’s Dynamic oh look

At that you did the coffin thing too I saw that once oh yeah keep going keep going what else we got oh what is that there’s a zombie in there oh you do the same thing I did oh look at that oh I made a full detailed graveyard with an

Entire family that was murdered over the course of a thousands of years with free ice cream all right guys here’s the voting we have iron we have gold we have Diamond Zach and Isaac go ahead and get your scoring ready in three two one place it in the row begin

Sorry dude wow whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I just didn’t think it was good I lied to you when I said it was I thought it was awful you had a coffin I had a coffin plus the other coffin plus a bunch of details all right next round I

Just didn’t like yours here we go next round okay pumpkin carving good luck sir if we have world edit on this world it’s gonna substantially help me build quicker we would do what we do oh yeah baby that is about the perfect size for what you’re going to be looking for

Today you got to start with a big pumpkin because that way you can actually carve it okay guys I guess we have to worry about making the entire place look good according to Zach and little does he know there’s a command called slash pumpkins and I’m gonna do

This everywhere to get the actual Ambiance of this place a lot better because apparently that’s all he cares about Foreign Pumpkin command I’m just going to go ahead and fix up the floor too I feel like it’s not very fall-like all right now in order to make the eyes you can actually use I would say you could use Acacia stairs but I think smooth Sandstone is going to work better so we

Could kind of do this and this and then have the eyeballs look kind of like that all right this is interesting I’m really curious what he’s going to be making because I don’t know how else you can make a pumpkin other than kind of like

This all right guys I’m I don’t know why I just feel like building a giant pumpkin I love watching the people in real life grow those giant pumpkins and I feel like we can build one out of actual pumpkin blocks and then there’s like these new Vine blocks in the game

That we can use too and I’m thinking we’ll use the twisting Vine as our like big stem coming out I’m actually going to also replace my entire floor because I feel like if I don’t do the entire scene the build just doesn’t go well so I’m gonna do the entire floor I’m gonna

Set it to like podzuel dirt sand kind of like a pumpkin patch well holy crap these Vines are growing on their own I’ve never actually seen Vines grow I don’t know if that’s because the tick rates higher they always do that but that’s actually a pretty cool looking stem coming out of

The top of this pumpkin now we just need to like carve this thing because I think that’s part of the objective here today if I can create like an actual pumpkin mouth here using these stairs at the bottom this would look so unbelievably cool Place upside down there we go okay that

Is our creepy pumpkin smile it needs a light source in here so I’m gonna use the only block that would make sense in a Jack-o-Lantern I just gotta find a spot to put it and I think we’re just going to take the spot of this chest so

This is actually going to be the perfect size for our pumpkin I’m gonna have to leave it like that and then some drip stone for spiky teeth maybe all right I need to zoom out and see how this looks that is a creepy pumpkin bro that’s literally not bad I’m actually pretty

Impressed with myself it looks like a joker smile all right Isaac let me show you around what I just built here today all right let’s take a look last time apparently it looked like terrible wait did you use the command pumpkin patch obviously dude so it’s in a giant pumpkin patch right

Here and here we go I call this Casa de pumpkin did you just do sliced pumpkin on my build I wanted to see if that was actually a command it is by the way you made a pumpkin house yeah and as you can see Zach there’s lots of seeds and it’s all slimy

Carving one out oh creative the seeds the Slime well done that’s pretty funny and it smells like vomit in there in real life too so I like this I’ll give you honest rating I actually genuinely like it come take a look at mine now oh wow dude a local little Hometown show

That’s right enjoy this walk around couple interesting little ones you need stuff just some unique pumpkins on the pumpkin walk to the grand finale there’s not pumpkin Donuts here I’m probably gonna score this pretty low oh this one you better prepare yourself for oh

How about that now I have to say this is a really good build deck but the the paper specifically said pumpkin carving I could literally carve the pumpkin a face into it what do you call that I can see that you built onto the pumpkin I carved it you know like you’ve added

Stuff to the pumpkin I literally don’t know what chocolate bar is not even it’s really gonna settle this for me Zach and how I score this I’m gonna look to see if the pumpkin is follow it’s not it’s not the pumpkin is not Hollow so you didn’t even carve the pumpkin it’s thick

Bro it’s a thick pumpkin all right favorite treats Fair critiques those are valid I’ll give it to you all right voting begins three two one go wait wait what wrong wait iron again everybody sorry I meant gold my bad wrong button oh my goodness dude round number three a spooky biome okay guys

Round three we made a little bit of a comeback there well not really but we at least tied that round I know exactly what we’re gonna do we have to build a biome and the scariest thing on the planet is a salad you heard me right any vegetable is absolutely disgusting so

I’m going to build a salad biome all right so this is our dead spooky tree right here in our dead biome we’ll put a little bit of mycelium on the ground here as well kind of like it’s leaking out of this tree like it’s extending and spreading everywhere not exactly sure

What this is just something really creepy this is really cool looking actually so far okay here we go we have all of our salad bowls right here complete now we just need to fill them up with a bunch of different salad things so I’m thinking lettuce and tomatoes and onions thank you

Okay guys salad bowl number one is done we got some Tomatoes some carrots I think these are purple cabbages I wouldn’t know I’ve never eaten one and then we got lettuce right here all right the base of this we’ll do some details with all kinds of like random dead stuff

And then I want to get some Crimson Vines as well this just kind of tentacling out here so now if I’m good I could actually just take this copy paste and world edit it a couple of these I think the last thing we’re going to do

In this biome is to just build some giant vegetables we only have 370 seconds left but I think I can build at least an eggplant and a few others in that amount of time that’s interesting looks like a weird little plant yeah we’ll do it weird little weird

Little pillar plants okay what else do biomes have we have we need weed and mops we need mocks we need like a skeleton or anything that’s skeletal I think would look good in here that is absolutely perfect so we have a beetroot a giant carrot an eggplant and then we

Have a purple onion and a white onion is there anything else we can add in 40 seconds that would really put this over the top to get us a gold so it’s actually going to be interactive he’s going to literally be able to walk in break the glass and enter the biome and

It’s gonna feel like he’s walking through a portal I could actually make the entire portal out of bone which would look even more interesting I think it came out decent let’s go ahead and break her up all right Isaac are you ready I’m gonna take a look at

Yours first today welcome my friend go ahead and walk in whoa portal to the haunted Boneyard go ahead and hop on in I must say I like the little portal you did there thank you I wanted to give you a little feeling like you’re hopping into a new dimension oh completely

Themed after death bones ghost and grunge am I getting Terror in here no I actually kind of like the feel of it no it’s supposed to be real creepy I like this it doesn’t blow me away but the portal at the beginning was pretty good I really like that well that was

Literally a last second idea let’s see what Isaac says then if he didn’t think mine was scary vegetables welcome to salad world oh bro this was absolutely terrifying to be over here for that long Zach I hate salad the level of difference in our builds is unbelievable why does this

Have freaking what’s this how puffer fish eggs what is this no no Caesar salad has like fish in it dude they grind up like Anchovies and there’s no anchovies in Minecraft you’ve literally never had a salad that’s so untrue what is this milk okay branch okay I take off some points

You didn’t label these items so it looks like milk and dressing listen Zach what am I standing in right now I bet I guarantee you know what this is this is a cucumber or pickle or celery it’s a celery there’s no peanut butter well that’s because we’re in vegetable World

Zach there’s no peanut butter and vegetable world I guess there are a lot of people that would see this video and think to themselves yeah vegetables are really scary and they would agree with you truly incredible let’s go ahead and get the voting on I mean honestly it was

So weirdly creative I’m popping it with a gold I’m giving you a gold too the bone portal is actually why you got the gold if you didn’t have that I was gonna give you a silver we’ve got one more round guys and then you’re gonna decide

Who the winner is at the end of today’s video and see if you agree with what we voted Isaac go ahead and do the honors for the very final round I’ve been waiting for this this one has a lot of potential a cult the timer begins now but this one

Actually has 15 minutes for the build you got a little extra time because points now are gonna be worth double in the last round so go ahead and take your time and try to blow me away Isaac now first thing that pops in my mind is

Tadpoles so let’s go ahead and set this to a water biome then the bottom is going to be a block that maybe tadpoles would like and to me it’s gonna be mud so now we’ve got this okay I think I have settled that we are going to be a

Cake cult cake is probably the best food in the world well that’s not true there’s a lot of better desserts but it’s the best dessert in Minecraft so we are going to be the cake called exact opposite of last round we are going to build my dream world today so this is

Going to be the center of the cult it’s just gonna be like just flayed out with like a whole bunch of books like this so that looks really creepy and then we can surround it with a little pattern this is very ritualistic guys I mean I’m

Gonna be honest with you this is looking pretty clean we’re gonna pop down some lights on the edge here and then we can Spruce this up in some major ways here okay we just put on the white icing and honestly it really does look like a Minecraft cake right now I’m pretty

Impressed with this um we do need to get the top decorated still but for now we have a cake I think what we need to do is put a staircase to the top like a Mayan temple okay guys and we have the Mind staircase

Up to the top of the cake and I kind of just continued the cake into it so it actually does look like it’s just part of the cake the staircase was just built into a part of the cake that sticks out and the top now needs to be our cult headquarters

Um but for now I think we need to to spruce up the outside a little bit so we still have five minutes left uh the first timer just expired the goal of my ritual is to be a tadpole layer so to lay tadpole eggs like I’ve done so these

Are all my babies that’s the idea here we created something quite disturbing we have all the baby little ritual guys down there looking awesome so here we go with the red shirts on everybody surrounding might I say a few descenders these were some pumpkin pie fans in the

Pit right here and we are all watching over them as they smoke to death and the Final Touch we gotta get these guys in some fresh sneakers and the red ones are looking absolutely perfect on all these guys and the cake call initiation up here is complete I mean these guys are

Learning what it’s like to be a part of cake game are you ready yeah I was getting the drink please enter and commute all right begin the ritual welcome what the heck welcome to tadpole land step one make your way to the ritual chamber read the book for your

Very first challenge I like this oh there’s challenges oh I can’t even get through the tadpoles dude how many did you put in here please quickly before they hatch sacrifice a villager yes sir oh there’s a already one there to your left oh complete the four challenges for the

Ritual in order to unlock the ultimate tadpole Queen okay which one has been completed let us lighten the candles swim with the god tadpole is he over here God Tad pulls in the cage in front of you all right guys second ritual’s coming in right now he has swam with the god tadpole

We light more candles I’m really enjoying this clan complete the third ritual use your soul with it hold on hold on hold on hold on what big jump there big jump there future soul with the energy Spirit okay okay man this is I would definitely get

Inducted in a cult in real life I’m all down for this you are now one with the tadpole and then I need to oh is that it and now I’m a catapult member you are now one with the tadpole Kingdom when I light these final two are you prepared I’m ready is

It actually gonna turn me into a tadpole because that would be incredible are you ready oh I like this music all right you’re not a tadpole that’ll be fifty dollars I gotta pay you now I’d rather you just eat me let’s go take a look at old Isaac’s here before the

Server crashes from 50 000 tagpoles being hatched welcome to cake gang over here Zach if you look over here at these guys right here they’re watching cookies slowly have bamboo growth grow through them now this is these are new members that’s like a form of torture yeah

Exactly because we’re cake gang we don’t want cookies so these guys are learning what it’s like to be a part cake game that is disturbing what and then if you come over here pumpkin pie is the other enemy of our clan that’s so funny and so these guys are

Watching the pumpkin pie get tortured oh my God as we make our way up the pyramid it’s a giant cake if you notice yeah yeah I actually discovered you can make groundbreaking it bro I’ve never seen I know this is a build hack you could do a whole cake

Build hack video there’s so many things you can do with them I cannot believe you just did that this guy used to be a big member of the clan he was actually a dragon head at one point but uh he uh betrayed the clan so we put him in

Frosting up here he’s died oh my God and then in the middle these are this is a cookie gang member and a pumpkin pie member wait you’re birthing them oh my God oh my God it crashed again bro that is literally the greatest thing I’ve ever seen you’re getting a diamond what

Am I getting Zach you are getting a diamond too final scores are here guys that’s what we voted on now tell me what you vote on in the comments below and decide who wins peace

This video, titled ‘Testing Minecraft BUILDS That Will Break Reality (Full Movie)’, was uploaded by LoverFella on 2023-05-07 19:00:22. It has garnered 411573 views and 5631 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:24 or 4164 seconds.

💖 My Server IP: play.loverfella.com (java only) 🌳 Linktree: https://linktr.ee/zachspangler

Thanks for watching friends! I try to post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3:00PM Eastern time. See you next time 😎

💰 Become A Channel Member: https://bit.ly/LoverFellaMember 🐧 Reacts Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@LoverReacts

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  • bloomcadia

    bloomcadiaJoin our Discord to be the first to experience the excitement! Bloomcadia is a brand-new and unique multiplayer survival server that offers a multitude of amazing features for you to discover and enjoy. We are committed to providing regular updates based on community suggestions, ensuring that your voice is heard! IP: play.bloomcadia.org Discord: discord.gg/bloomcadia play.bloomcadia.org Read More

  • FroobWorld Semi-Vanilla SMP PvE 1.20.4

    Server Information IP: s.froobworld.com Discord: Join our Discord Website: Visit our Website Dynmap: View Dynmap About FroobWorld FroobWorld is a small survival server established in 2011. If you appreciate old-school SMP gameplay, you’ll feel right at home on our server. Our rules are simple: no griefing, no stealing, no cheating. We maintain a PG-13 chat environment. Features Land claiming with no size limit Lockette-style chest locking Convenient commands: /rtp, /home, /spawn, /tpa, /back Long-term maps with 32 view distance No donation rewards or vote prizes Read More

  • ProjectServer

    ProjectServer**Welcome to our ultimate Minecraft Anarchy Server!**Are you looking for a Minecraft server that offers you the greatest possible freedom while still allowing you to enjoy a fair and exciting gaming environment? Then you’ve come to the right place!**Server IP: ****What’s waiting for you:**- **Pure freedom**: Experience the ultimate anarchy experience. Build, destroy, fight and explore as you please.- **No restrictions**: Apart from hacks and cheats, which are strictly prohibited, there are hardly any rules. Enjoy a gaming experience without annoying restrictions.- **Team play**: Form teams of up to 5 players to expand your power and dominate your opponents…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft mess-ups: just went down

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft mess-ups: just went downWell, looks like this meme got a critical hit with a score of 31! Looks like it’s super effective at making people laugh. Read More

  • Crafting Chic: Minecraft’s Tiny House Trick

    Crafting Chic: Minecraft's Tiny House Trick In Minecraft, building a house is an art, With blocks and designs, let’s make a fresh start. A small and stylish abode, cozy and neat, With windows and doors, a perfect retreat. Gather materials, wood and stone, Crafting tables and tools, make it your own. Place each block with care, in perfect symmetry, A house that’s unique, for all to see. Roofing and flooring, add the final touch, A home in Minecraft, you love so much. Easy and stylish, a small house so grand, In this virtual world, where creativity expands. Read More

  • Cursed ores lead me to hot lava! #MinecraftMadness

    Cursed ores lead me to hot lava! #MinecraftMadness These cursed ores will probably take you straight to the nearest lava pit or into the waiting arms of a creeper. Good luck! #minecraftstruggles 😂🔥💣 Read More

  • Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure

    Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure Welcome to the Boundless World of Minecraft Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds. In Minecraft, you have the power to explore endless possibilities and embark on thrilling adventures. Exploration and Adventure Await From lush forests to vast oceans, every corner of the world is yours to discover. Build towering castles, sail the high seas, or simply roam the countryside in search of hidden treasures. Unleash Your Creativity But the world of Minecraft is not just about exploration. It’s about creation. Let your imagination run wild as you design intricate structures, craft powerful tools, and shape the… Read More

  • Unbelievable Tips to Master Cinema of the Dead Round 100!

    Unbelievable Tips to Master Cinema of the Dead Round 100!Video Information theck out of the buing uh tornadoes we should be live now that’s Windows that’s Windows know tornado uh we live guys we should be we should beuck suck all right give me a sec guys I’m seeing if I’m live right now uh we should be ex I just stand on and tornado will never come are live hey guys what is up S guide here today guys we’re here with another live stream for today guys got a good one for you all know guys we are here doing some uh B3 zombies uh going be… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft’s Parasite Outbreak

    Surviving Minecraft's Parasite OutbreakVideo Information every second this Minecraft world is going from normal to being completely infected with parasites and once they take over it’s almost impossible to stop them what’s that oh what is I’m sorry this is really really bad what can we survive till the end or will the infection win guys where are we uh I don’t know normal field yeah everything looks looks pretty normal looks I’m not seeing any weird creatures or anything yet well I see a building over there what about that spider looking thing in front of us oh God it started oh… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Reunion After 4 Years!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Reunion After 4 Years!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing for the First Time in Four Years! | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Shrodinger Valentine YT on 2024-05-26 02:33:09. It has garnered 42 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:32 or 15452 seconds. So long story short, I fixed the Microsoft Account situation with my PC, so I can now play Minecraft again! Read More

  • “Unveiling Secrets of Enderman in Minecraft!” #minecraft #enderman #shorts

    "Unveiling Secrets of Enderman in Minecraft!" #minecraft #enderman #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft’s Enderman #minecraftshorts #shorts #minecraft #enderman #games’, was uploaded by Everettian on 2024-02-17 12:57:53. It has garnered 441 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. JOIN MY DISCORD SERVER ———— https://discord.gg/Wv3RGsMvKE —————————— MINECRAFT REALITIES : UNDERCOVER ENDERMAN The answer to this question will be explained by me , Everettian in Minecraft about one of THE MOST MYSTERIOUS creatures in Minecraft, The CATS. Exploring this challenge alongside with new videos like this soon ! This was done in Minecraft 2024 after the newest update that… Read More

  • HcL Playz – Insane Hacks: Removing Netherite Armor in SMP!

    HcL Playz - Insane Hacks: Removing Netherite Armor in SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why I’m Removing Every NETHERITE ARMOR In This Minecraft SMP…’, was uploaded by HcL Playz on 2024-01-12 09:04:08. It has garnered 186636 views and 4616 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:35 or 1115 seconds. Why I’m Collecting Every Netherite Armor In This Headsteal SMP So today, I am collecting every netherite armor and remove them all. Join My Discord Server here : https://discord.gg/Bda2dUXNC2 For business enquires – [email protected] Don’t Forget to ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ #nizgamer #smp #lapatasmp #minecraft #senpaispider #psd #lapatasmpseason5 #himlands #lifestealsmp #elitesmp #yessmartypie #proboiz95 #loyalsmpseason3 #psd1 #loyalsmp hcl hcl playz Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Live Stream with Crazy Orange Nibbles!

    Insane Minecraft Live Stream with Crazy Orange Nibbles!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Live Minecraft With Viewers’, was uploaded by Orange Nibbles on 2024-03-02 03:24:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 1k minecraft skinpack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vchjq714hrl9mx9/feesh_gang.mcpack/file “Violence isn’t the answer; It’s a … Read More

  • Minecraft 1 de junio – ¡Evento especial Pacure ok!

    Minecraft 1 de junio - ¡Evento especial Pacure ok!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Evento especial Pacure ok 1 de junio #minecraft #event’, was uploaded by pacure ok. on 2024-05-30 19:33:19. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

Testing Minecraft BUILDS That Will Break Reality (Full Movie)