The Hunt for One Piece Continues | RLCraft Adventure

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What’s up whoa my my microphone’s working at the beginning of stream again today uh one sec one sec sorry chat I have to before I before I do my intro I have to mute real quick sorry working on my jawline uh every every person has to do that at

Some point um all right I think it’s intro time now I think I think I did the bit that I wanted to do what’s up guys how’s it going today we have another big fat stream absolutely juicy and gorged and large for me um yeah today we’re going to be

Playing a bit more rlcraft just because I have uh I have no ideas currently and it’s just kind of easy I mean because I really want to complete the game and uh it’s my passion the game’s my passion okay and I’m going to find the one piece

Mason don’t worry uh but yeah we’re we’re going to get there we’re going to get there so uh currently we’re going to get right over to the game I have it up right now uh I’ll switch the perspective in three two one crazy remake the Remake the God of

War video that would be kind of fire I might just I would honestly just stream it I’m just you know view brained for some reason and I’m like oh [ __ ] I wouldn’t get that many views playing an old ass game but why should I care it it

Would just be fun it would just be fun all right I forgot that I died last time I also I really want to um switch this music cuz I just don’t feel the the hype uh coconut ma Vibe right now I’m not on Coconut Mall mode currently I’m only on

Uh run around with stone Axe and pet cat mode right now hello bro what’s up little bro hey man okay uh we need to get some items now because I ran out of items last night which is [ __ ] make a video of you crying and playing

Ukulele I think I should make an apology video for having too large of a wiener and too mute of a drawline I do that all the time it’s [ __ ] up I need to stop doing the me bit H all right well we’re going to we’re going to just chop some trees cuz

I need to get [ __ ] I need to go get that wooden pickaxe cuz I’m messed M up I messed up guys I’m sorry to say it maybe it’s apology video time already I messed up I uh I made an axe instead of a pickaxe and now I can’t get more Stone I don’t

Know why I thought an axe was the move uh is there yeah you need to fix me fix me up doctor doctor can you help me cuz I don’t feel right that’s a cold cold cold by Cage the Elephant and it’s cold cold cold cold inside yeah that’s that’s the song

I like that song play the God of War 2018 you really want me to play God of War bro there there’s just there’s a lot of God of War praise coming from you it’s a good game I will say maybe I should maybe I should

I would I would love like D I want to take like a game like that honestly a Souls game and just force myself to play all the way through it in one sitting that just sounds like the worst experience that I could ever have but like no sleep until an

Orlando nah not No Sleep till Brooklyn No Sleep Till in Orlando that sounds kind of fire it just sounds like a painful experience though I know people have done it before it just it sounds fun sounds like a way to make myself feel awful yeah I know I know I’m overheating

Right now I’m Not Afraid though I’m not afraid of a little warmth heat Strokes nothing it it ain’t nothing but a button all right I’m now going to sit in the water I just wanted to get that pickaxe before I forgot and started jumping around and wandering forever let me in

Grape vine not going to break my grape vine we’re going to go all the way to the ocean to cool down all right I need to find some iron now it might be strip mining time finally um let’s get cold real quick I’m just taking a a quick cool down a little

Bit of a dip in the water uh I should probably grab glass so that I can have some bottles too how am I still overheating so bad thank you thank you speaking of heat Strokes did you know why it is a huge nerd wow thank you

Mason that’s thank you thank you chat I love you guys too I I didn’t realize it was flame me night tonight that’s that’s pretty unfortunate I wasn’t looking to get my name dragged through the mud but yeah I mean I did I did make honor list

In in my my first semester of college all I’m saying all I’m saying so maybe I am a nerd but like a cool chill nerd like lip bite like like a cute nerd all of the uh 6′ s goth baddies in chat please hit me up

Um that’s all I’m saying but yeah that’s uh I am a nerd unfortunately um what was I doing [ __ ] I’m so bad at staying on task is that does that make sense to you guys at all I need to go grab some iron that’s what

I need so let’s go find some iron shall We I’m falling I’m falling he real um I need to get some some iron please por favore uh nope there’s none there I need to figure out where they’re hiding it at I should just make a mine rather than being a loser about this okay I also need

Food let’s get some food quick yo horse give me your meat uh yo horse I need your meat right now come here oh bro you got absolutely clapped I’m sorry to hear it I really am I didn’t mean to hit you with 14 damage in one hit that was kind of my Bad do explain hobon I’m a little concerned honestly I just killed her my destructive action is something I’m going to have to read it on the stream because I didn’t get all of it oh it’s drawing in chaotic energy that’s crazy is it cuz I killed a wisp

Too um oh [ __ ] I had fish too and some pork hell yeah look up Mr H it’s a really good horse I’m sorry Mason but I already have looked up Mr hands before sorry to ruin the surprise but yes I’ve seen a man get [ __ ] to death by a horse before very sad

It was a quest to talk to the Catgirl behind working in the back well we’ve all been there okay we’ve all been in that exact situation I know every once in a while I just end up going to Walmart and seeing an 8 and 1/2t Tall

Giantis of a gothom and I’m like please please give me a little attention but not too much make it like uh fine I’ll talk to you cuz that’s better for me it does more for me all right like I want attention but not too much attention if that makes sense all

Right this is good you’re not getting ignored I you’re waiting for me to play Roblox I did see that and I was like I’ve never heard of this Roblox game before Oh shoot gosh darn it guys gosh darn it chat you see that oh also I

Think I fixed the bot situation you guys can say [ __ ] in [ __ ] chat now oh to have an 8 foot tall goth giantis to spit in my face over a petty dispute real actually all right you you guys ready for some lore getting your mouth spit in is not as hype as it

Sounds um I I don’t know how to start this story um but yeah it’s not as hype as it sounds I feel like that’s as far as I have to go TBH um but yeah uh it’s it’s just kind of like it hits the air and it gets cold in the

Time it travels from the air to your mouth so it’s kind of like uh it kind of it doesn’t hit like some would expect it to Let’s uh let’s not bring this up ever again guys uh I think I think that this one can stay here in this

Stream uh and it’ll be totally fine if it doesn’t leave this one um make it a slight amount enough to bring satisfaction none enough I didn’t say I wanted just just in my face in my face is totally chill that’s totally chill yeah um oh my God it’s time to get some

Water and I’m going to survive this ordeal okay water bottles activate YouTube won’t let me clip thank God bro thank God that one needs to die with me I think I think that one’s I’m taking that one to the Grave and by that I mean I’m talking about it

On live stream right now but that’s chill um we’ve got where what what was that little giggle giggle [ __ ] that I just heard going a rewind and OBS that’s crazy all right Pig get clapped oh hey you loser jenu been a while thank you all right I’m going to sleep now

Watch me nap I’ve had a goth girl spit in my face it was essential to my growth as a person that’s dude that’s such a w that’s such a huge W I’m so proud of you I didn’t realize that we had like ballers in the chat God

Damn oh wait I keep forgetting that the bed isn’t in this house you know what since this is kind of my base of operations why don’t I just just do the leg work to clean out my hands cuz they’re all full of poop and [ __ ] and

Pick this thing up let’s go red bed red bed Redemption if I die right now it’d be really embarrassing though which should be it would be kind of funny though honestly like in the tiny ass walk to where I was going all right I’m trying to figure out what’s the optimal

Floor for bed placement I think it’s this not this one I think all right this is the living room right we chill in the living room this is where we take her to freak it right here here right next to the crafting bench if you ain’t freaking

It next to the crafting bench uh you ain’t freaking it that’s just how it works okay one time a goth girl glanced at my shriveled and rotted Rems that’s so fire oh dude the look of hatred is the entire point though going to [ __ ] Denny’s to be

Mean to The Goth waitress so she spits in my food [ __ ] man I didn’t oh you said you didn’t like Hamilton that is kind of a cardinal sin but that’s how you get the the goth girl to spit in your face dude I had a Hamilton phase when I

Was younger believe it or not I uh I definitely I got deep into Hamilton I I think this was I was was in like sixth grade or something no not sixth grade seventh grade and I could recite every single song not the proudest moment of my

Life I can’t say what that I want a goth girl to spit in my face I didn’t say [ __ ] in my face very big distinction there why is it so hot out oh my god um did I find Iron no I didn’t somebody shoot at me be honest chat did somebody shoot at

Me Chad chat it’s okay I said I didn’t like Hamilton uh in Game of course in Game of course oh you can insult Hamilton yeah I mean it’s okay we’ll we’ll let it slide all right we’re not here to defend Hamilton all right I used to think it was very hype

Though and now like I ruined my Spotify DJ okay I’m I’m going to complain about this I have a rant okay I I use Spotify DJ a lot because I feel like it usually gives me a pretty damn good mix of like my music and it’s like oh yeah no this

Is stuff I like until it’s like now time to rewind to uh oh [ __ ] summer of 20 [ __ ] this was a summer before my freshman year of high school God damn I didn’t realize um anyway so it’s like summer of 2019 let’s go back to some of

The hits you were playing back then and it’s like all of a sudden oh [ __ ] you didn’t know how to listen to music we’re just going to play the entire discography of Hamilton NH just ruins my vibe every single time I’m like listening to music that I love and then

Lauren shut the hell up shut the hell up no I do I look like I would like Hamilton be honest chat be honest chat chat God I love saying chat it’s it’s become a a guilty pleasure of mine I think it’s [ __ ] up but yeah look I

Didn’t need to see her art of Lafayette making out with Washington while wearing pins yeah you did you did okay that’s that’s important that’s character development all right I’m trying to find surface iron like a little little [ __ ] boy cuz I’m afraid of what the deep dark underground

Could bring this is me being a little [ __ ] boy but yeah so the Spotify DJ will just drop like Hamilton on me and I was just listening to like Frank Ocean and Tyler Creator right because I’m I’m so cool hey girls uh go out with me please um no it’s just unfortunate that

I actually like that music and it’s not a bit um anyway uh yeah I’m just listening to stuff I like and then all of a sudden I just get gigas slapped by the [ __ ] Hamilton soundtrack and it’s like lafette oh [ __ ] I can’t do the Lafayette rap anymore i’ I’d have to

Read the lyrics but yeah it’s like I’m not throwing away my shot and I’m like bro bro I want to throw it away so bad so bad imagine if a goth girl told you to kill yourself damn it I would be so conflicted yo Drake what’s up

Bro oh [ __ ] yo Dr chill chill chill yeah that’s right you’re afraid of me you know it God get the [ __ ] out get the [ __ ] out guys get out H Drake come at me brother all right cool I got I got a bit of an assist from Shield man oh I’m getting

Hyperthermia dog I didn’t they invented a new thermia bro that’s crazy that would push me over the edge TBH all right we got to we got to fix the hyperthermia right now dude my entire body is missing they took my legs they took my my feet

Oh I was looking at chat and didn’t realize I was [ __ ] drowning wait is there somebody in here chat chat did you see that I think there’s somebody in here maybe I’m schizophrenic be honest am I schizophrenic I think I might be schizo just a little bit all right um average

Spamilton suggestion and not even the good parodies either I pick it beggar woman’s part three or something real yeah I just remember [ __ ] I didn’t even like I wasn’t even in the Hamilton fan base I just liked it I don’t think I’ve ever been a part of a fan base of

Something is that crazy like I’ll I’ll talk to a bunch of my friends like online friends that I made and they were all like part of fan bases like BT Sol 323 dog was in the the Chuck-E-Cheese fan base porcel uh rest ripping peace to my boy

Uh and then like not logical they were both big FNAF fans and they like interacted with the online community and like uh does it have a drag in like an inn where you can go to to see people in drag that would be kind of tight honestly do they have that would

Be so fire bro I want to I want to find some some hot hot drag queens in in this right now then they’ll spit in my face I’m just trying to get my face sped in [Laughter] bro I’ll take anything these days I’ve been in the fan base trenches

Before not a fun time yeah I know I know it’s not like a fun time I think the only time I’ve interacted with a fan base was literally just joining a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure memes uh subreddit which is damn damn we’re getting deep into my [ __ ] lore right now that’s

Crazy yeah I was a part of God what was the [ __ ] it was some pun on Stardust Crusaders I believe I can’t remember it’s the big JoJo one do you think CDs are outdated chat um I wonder where this is going oh I lost all my XP when I died there God damn

It yeah I only have three levels now where is it where is it where’s the where’s the punch line please please please give me the punch line I need it give me the punch line cuz I need it Lauren’s such a fake fan such a fake

Fan only Pops in for like 2 minutes and then escapes effectively and quickly but like every single time CD’s nuts cross your face I would have just said CD’s nuts I don’t think you have to add all the extra to that I think CD’s nuts gets the job done enough TBH all

Right come back you’re blue dinosaur and I don’t [ __ ] with you I’m sorry I don’t know what keple means [ __ ] Kepler space program ass [ __ ] come back here oh now he’s stuck you can’t do anything can you little guy oh it’s Drake oh it’s the baby get clapped dumbass dude I love killing

Babies did you see that new Rog light game did you see that new Rog Light Game Room 40 uh no I actually haven’t seen room 40 guys uh is does it look good is it like a Binding of Isaac inspiration does it look more like Hades I’m like is

It more of a dungeon crawler type thing I’m not sure that’s that sounds interesting though room 40 are there like 40 rooms God I’m just letting I’m letting you guys [ __ ] me out right now it’s kind of unfortunate for me in my image oh Lauren is still here that’s

Crazy oh it’s more of a dead cells game gotcha that’s cool dead cells is Chill I like the the Metroid Vania Twist on Rog likes you know what I actually literally played for like 3 hours today was risk of rain too that game [ __ ] so hard I love that

Game guys look I found a Minecraft there’s no punch line it’s real holy [ __ ] wait I thought you were hitting me with room 40s nuts in your mouth God damn it there’s no shot there’s no shot it’s real that’s crazy I was I was really I was trying to hand

It to you on a silver platter and you just brought me an actual game that I now need to like watch the trailer for should we watch it right now chat should we watch the trailer I am kind of a rogue like pig boy I’m a little pig

Boy for rogue likes dirty little pig boy um one sec aim tag wall running what the [ __ ] let’s you run on walls oh [ __ ] I wasn’t quite sure what it did one second uh let’s let’s look up um room 40 trailer oh [ __ ] it’s actually real no

It’s not or did you wait a second the Mind M though me why are there crows in Minecraft okay it’s not real and I just got Jed that’s so fun um all right why are there crows in Minecraft why not bro this is Minecraft on on the the evil Spongebob cart all

Right okay we’re doing fine this is kind of a bad M shaft I was expecting so much more from this and it was just kind of unfortunate what’s up Colt myself up is it night time oh bro I’m about to get blocked up oh it’s kind of cold here at least I

Can cool off I was a little warm before hey Drake what’s up baby girl oh [ __ ] Drake kind of diced me that time all right I should probably find a place to hide for the night all right I should just go home all right Chad you think we can safely

Make it home at night time right now also for some reason there’s a popup from that favorite song this one the the one that was just like going not that one yo bro why does he walk like that why do you look like you got [ __ ] in your pants bro he’s just

Walking around he’s got the mosy of a man who [ __ ] is pants that’s unfortunate maybe there’s a bed here I think there might be oh [ __ ] I got picked up by a weird looking bird I got so scared there that was real terror yo there’s oh

Sh I’m sorry guys I wait I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt um holy [ __ ] we just walked in on something guys chat we just walk in on something but that doesn’t mean I’m walking out on it per se no guys pretend pretend I’m not here

I’m this I no stop looking at me stop just pretend I’m not here I’m I’m invisible oh no what is my favorite song Oh [ __ ] um my favorite album is swimming by Mac Miller I yeah I’ve been told I look like I watch Mac Miller too or not

Watch listen to but guys just look away this is oh my God one sec I need a I need a better way to I don’t like this bit anymore um anyway yeah I I think my my favorite track on that album is uh on swimming is what’s the use but um

Favorite song overall I’m not sure that’s tough I like a lot of songs I mean if I said my favorite track off or my favorite album we’ll just say that’s favorite song when I can’t think of one I think that’s just the default you default to that I think that’s how liking albums

Works oh [ __ ] that’s a dungeon all right Chad we found a dungeon I’m going to sleep here I think I’m just going to pretend I’m just going to sleep in front of them name three bands I like um well I can yeah I can name three artists I I

Like bands too uh [ __ ] then we’ll do The Strokes MC Miller and uh I don’t know if I want to say Tyler the Creator in top three Frank Ocean or I have uh Childish Gambino and Tyler and Mac on vinyl right behind me just because I like getting vinyls uh

But I also no Peach Pit Peach Pit is definitely number three I love Peach fit so basically indie rock and r&b/hip hop are my favorite uh types of music and those are my favorite artists all right that was that was a very tough question for me to answer CU

I just like a lot of music so it’s difficult to narrow it down you had me sweating a little bit if that makes you feel any better I’ve never I’ve never felt so so loaded of a question in my life all right um should we do oh I have

To do a saw first obviously obviously we have a saw so that I can cut my wood into planks all right now oh you can’t do the normal style crafting recipe anymore though that’s a fun little tradeoff I didn’t expect that anyway um I’m going to overheat

Again I hate how warm it is right here is it cuz of this fire well he’s overheating too yo bro I’ll put you out of your misery oh [ __ ] it’s the Reaper out of my way oh [ __ ] broke my axe thank you that was terrifying all right we’ve turned off the

Fire I do I do listen to Cage the Elephant that is real I do not look like an AJR listener you can’t hit me with that you guys can’t keep hitting me with like embarrassing bands to listen to I do listen to Cage the Elephant though that is real I was literally just

Singing uh cold cold cold earlier and like the first song I learned to play on guitar was uh cigarette Daydreams cuz it’s just easy but yeah I a Cage the Elephant fan unapologetically all right let’s get some glass bottles going um blena SE cold cold cold is so fire it’s

Such such a good song yeah it’s so good it was it’s really fun to play on guitar 2o it’s just it it sounds really good and it’s not that difficult to do and that’s the best kind of guitar piece because it sounds like you’re so much better than

You are when you’re playing it and that’s awesome I got to get into the divorce dad rock that you look like you listen to divorce dad Rock Lauren you you look like that type of person also there’s something up there that kind of is freaking me out a little

Bit because it’s got this dark shadow cast upon the land and monsters be there um why is it always so hot God all right I need to get oh once my iron’s done I should boil my water that would make it less uh oh that’s literally what

This setup here was for I can boil water here all right let’s uh um yeah Jeff explained how to do this when I was talking to him cuz he’s actually played rlcraft before um let’s make a sword I’m thinking a sword and a pickaxe right chat right chat I kind of

Mess with the pickaxe play um we’re going to dump a lot of the stuff I don’t need in here I do need these Jeremy rener music you’ll be taking that as a compliment yeah I guess where we’re from that’s definitely a compliment I think I can use a shield cuz I have high defense defense 12 are you kidding me that’s insane I figured it would be the same as iron armor but that’s

Crazy I need to upgrade my mining though unfortunately um okay I wish it was easier to get a experience in this I need to just make an XP grinder but I don’t know a safe XP grinder to make an RL graft it’s I don’t think it’s that bad but you

Would never catch me dead listening to Imagine Dragons if that makes any sense is that makes sense chat if I were to say that uh Imagine Dragons isn’t bad yeah exactly it is kind of NPC music that’s what I would say because it’s objectively not bad music but listening

To it is like yes I like the music okay that’s that’s how I would describe it I’m going to have to find a a bad [ __ ] to keep me alive right now because parasites are going to eat my brain out um I think there was one up Here where are they at I cannot find the one that I was talking to earlier yeah I think that’s what I would say as well I don’t like I mean they make music that people like so and they make a lot of money doing it so they can’t be

Horrible right that’s just how things work if they were horrible they wouldn’t be making money doing the thing that they love unfortunately um but yeah that’s that’s kind of the situation I’m just going to walk over here so that I can find her I think she was up here honestly otherwise

I just use these and all it a day well is this balers gate yes this is Boulder’s Gate that was a game that Jeff played the hell out of I got to get that guy on the stream again one of these days we need to do another lethal company run it down

Moment but unfortunately I know this as uh as a close friend of Jeff’s he is currently doing 10hour days of chemistry right now for his [ __ ] degree which is ass like his degree is pharmacology and mine’s like the hardest engineering uh degree and I think his degree is more

Taxing than mine I guess I’m not in the hard part of my engineering degree yet cuz I have to like do research and [ __ ] but at the time at the moment I’m just doing like math and it’s really chill um I need to find a damn

Thing I’m an engineering major so my you should play Redstone Active I’m waking up to Redstone Dust yeah that’s that’s a fire one I wish I could well I mean you know what I don’t care I the problem is it’s iffy with the claims cuz sometimes they will actually try to take your

Video down and other times they won’t and they’ll just let it be so that’s why I hate messing with them them I hate tickling the Beast English is better you you’re you’re going to be an English major crazy that’s that’s disgusting no I have no problems with we need English Majors

We need everything I I hate when engineering Majors think everybody else is dumb and dog [ __ ] it’s kind of a lame mentality but for the sake of uh [ __ ] on Mason verse God English is a terrible major bro terrible major um I need to cook this um honestly my body is in decent

Enough shape to to boogie wogie right Now oh how many years of school am I going to have I have to do uh grad school with my current major cuz I’m a fiend and I was like yeah I I’ll do grad school I don’t know why but I I like my major unfortunately

But yeah uh that means it’s going to be eight or more that’s how that’s going to go for me Mark that’s not surprising okay that’s not surprising I’m not surprised that Mark rubber’s favorite band is AJR that’s just that’s in character I Think you can play the Retro versions cuz they have original music oh that’s fire yo send a send a link to me in DMS cuz I think chat block it with the Bots I would love some more interesting music than what I’ve currently got going

On I hate how I don’t get water from eating meat BR walking rocking with the environmental science Majors yes I rock with every major Great and Small she let me hit because I care for All Creatures Great and Small look I love that anyway that’s that’s besides the point right now um beside the point you good kid you can play them on stream I need a I need a new playlist

This playlist is trash do I just make a stream where you guys submit music that I listen to so that I don’t have to do it myself I feel like that’s that’s a good idea because then you guys can send me music and I don’t have to look for it

Myself and it makes my life easier and I I start using my chat as my own free labor I think that’s a great idea actually all right let me come here I need your help I need you to turn my body into the temple that it once was thank

You cuz I have Terraria bed sheets that’s Real all right I’m a little bit faster now once I sleep all my injuries are going to go away anyway so I’m going to have to go hit that dungeon over there and see if I can find some iron down there cuz I think that’s kind of the move

Currently and I also think it’ll be a little cooler once I get underground play some Cannibal Corpse my brother loves Cannibal Corpse I don’t know if you know this Lauren but my brother loves Cannibal Corpse it’s crazy can I get a torch unlit torch what

The what the hell does that mean do I have to light my own damn torches in this economy God damn it well looks like we’re going to have no visibility for a little bit there’s got to be some torches at the bottom of this right right Guys oh oh yeah oh yeah there’s some light this way can I break iron bars or is it going to tell me I’m not strong enough okay thank God I’m always afraid it’s going to tell me I’m not enough wait I mean not strong enough never sorry sorry guys

I that’s a different fear of mine that I was letting bleed through a little bit there um anyway there’s a lot of redstone down here and a lot of mob spawners which is scary oh oh [ __ ] okay this is bad this is bad oh the vexes are terrifying all right whatever oh

Man oh I actually do have DMS where people actually sending me the music hell yeah so I can actually just play TNT by Captain Sparkles right now that’s so so fire oh my God you’re supposed to do this when you play Minecraft you know if you’re not listening to old Minecraft

Parodies whenever you play this game it’s not real are they the same year is yours 2005 Lauren oh God this goes so far go so hard I mean I don’t know why I said so far I can’t see anything this time oh there we go this one’s still fire it’s better than Dynamite

Honestly wow this is like very different I I’d kind of forgotten it doesn’t even didn’t sound like the original which is kind of fire I can’t see anything I should just leave I I don’t like this place I’m just going to hide right here this is my new home oh what’s up

Bro I totally had an iron sword that I just didn’t use against the vex’s that’s embarrassing am I getting weird things oh do you have a flint and steel bro give it to me okay I can totally Dungeon Crawl I didn’t realize I didn’t realize I was chill like that one

Sec let’s put this back on I want to don’t mind don’t mind at night is such a banger that was one of the few songs that I had on my uh on my iPod Touch Apple music back in the day okay we did it we did it chat all right

I need a way to light my torches can I one second do I craft a lit torch yeah I figured I figured that was how I did it the problem is currently that I don’t have lit torches does that make sense guys does it make sense that that would be a

Problem all right I want to do I want to do this one let’s let’s swap just because cuz it’s a goat song drinking oh you drink a lot of milk damn that’s try hard this is 2009 I think we would never have gotten these remixes if the video

Audios on the original never broke real oh my God what are you what are you it’s God leave me alone oh I’m so dead oh don’t fall okay this is going to be so much harder to did it say I forgot to drink the Shroud coffee this

Morning I didn’t realize they had so many gamer references in rlcraft that’s messed up all right I have to go get my stuff back again I feel like this dungeon is kind of my next move though you know all right we’re fine okay I’m probably just going to die again aren’t I yeah I feel like this is going to work out for me I’m going to grab some of these torches so that I can survive that that’ll probably help I wish I had like a leash so I could bring one of these Shield guys with me as a pet bag drinking water all

Right yeah this this remix it just doesn’t sound like the actual thing you know it’s messed up but it’s okay all right we’re just going to have to fight him off like an actual goat he just moves so quickly like I can kill a zombie cuz they move like d little slow little

Zombie boys see that oh my God there’s so many of them oh [ __ ] I didn’t realize that I didn’t realize we were going to have a problem all right I’m going to is there I swear to God there’s fire yeah oh I can’t get to it though I was

Like I’m going to use oh [ __ ] which all right I’m on fire all right we’re fun we’re fun I had to lock in for a second there I apologize hey what’s up baby oh my God what the hell is your deal zero deaths zero deaths that’s a oh my God that’s a PewDiePie

Reference All right I’m actually just so interested in this music right now and like how it is just actually like creeper a men but it’s just a different backing track and it’s messing with my head damn well that’s GG I guess I’m on the wrong side of the

Bars am I dumb oh that was dumb that was stupid oh it didn’t it saved the block progress for some reason I’m so all right with that I’m really hoping I don’t get shot in the face by a skeleton right now dude everybody had a PewDiePie face

Don’t worry about it Lauren I had a long PewDiePie face that was another PewDiePie reference that’s crazy there’s a reason I’m getting the PewDiePie references all right 10,000 million downloads is PewDiePie tuber simulator bro I grew up on YouTube isn’t that crazy isn’t it crazy that I’m of the the generation of

IPad kids that watch YouTube videos exclusively that’s crazy not the iPad kids who watched Tik Tok exclusively no there is so much less than I am because I watched long form content and they watch short form content oh my God the skeleton has hands bro that’s crazy they actually destroy me

Cold cold cold cold is cold inside I always thought it was cold as ice for the longest time and I still haven’t completely corrected that in my brain I swear I’m going to get my items back I swear it’s not a lost cause right we’ve done it we’ve done

It all right I want to get this torch down in this room I feel like that’s going to help me dramatically I can’t swing the pickaxe I forgot what the hell how did I get struck by lightning in a cave and there’s a giant heater what is

My most amount of views on a short um like 50k I hav never popped a short like a lot of my friends have I’ve watched some people pop a short like it goes wild I just I figure it’s an editing issue and it’s mainly because the shorts

I make aren’t short form content and they’re just stream Clips I feel like if I made dedicated short form content it would be different there’s there’s a large difference there for sure oh [ __ ] yo leave me alone oh my God the vine almost got me

Killed are we going to get her we got her all right we did it chat all right now I need to find what is left of my items most of it lost the chest plate I think that’s about it I also have a witch hat now can I put that on

Did I just drop it yeah I did I want to put the witch hat on nope never mind seven locational armor what does that mean anyway oh these are my bottles maybe I should move the torch quick it was kind of in a temp spot okay that’s the skeleton that gave me trouble

Earlier I do think that cuz there was a lot of fire on the ground and I also got struck by lightning I had a bad go at things if you guys remember um but yeah I think we’re fine now that’s where I was trying to break through I’ve not heard lotus lotus by

Who I guess maybe I have and I just haven’t noticed because I’ve totally done that before I listen to songs without knowing their names because I just play like random mix on Spotify all right I need to see is this guy still here no okay got a spider though absolutely

Smoked is that the oh [ __ ] he’s back he’s back he’s back guys oh destroyed destroyed okay I need to turn music back on one sec uh music oh Cage the Elephant oh I swear to God I’ve totally heard this song man one sec well I can’t just play it on stream um damn

It I’ve definitely heard it though sec I’m going to pull up Spotify and we’re going to pretend I’m not listening to it all right this is lotus by Cage the Elephant yeah I have heard this song this song’s fire yeah I’ll just totally turn on um like Indie mix and it just plays whatever I’m either turning on Indie mix at any time or I’m turning on uh hip-hop mix and those are my two mixes that I play and Japanese jazz mix

When I’m feeling really fun all right anyway oh my God what the hell is that we found the rat oh my God chupacabras what the hell I’m getting my goat sucked right now Dam the Goat Sucker sucked on my goat DMS oh you got more music for Me okay we’ve got Take Back the Night another classic another Minecraft classic let me pull it up on YouTube we’re only playing Classics yach Rock goes hard real this one was such a goat song this is yeah they just don’t feel right you know I love not being able to see on

This I wish there was one of the Wisp girls that could give me night vision and I just had her with me at all times okay chupacabra I didn’t realize that you get help from eating me oh my God God damn it emotion emotional damage oh really I think singing is

Different like I could I could literally run uh shampoo bottles by Peach Pit right now if I wanted but I it’s different like I said I was going to do a Weezer stream one of these days where I just learned an entire Weezer song on guitar just for

The I totally don’t remember the words that’s so sad oh God the skeletons are the worst this is such an unfortunate stream A Summoner staff this is a thing okay thank you Chad first useful message stable summoning stuff summoning stuff oh my God that’s difficult to make I need an ender pearl um I can totally find an End one of these nights I just want to get myself and get

Out at this point I’m starting to get annoyed oh yeah you’re right I haven’t died a single time I like how any gaming stream I do just becomes a just chatting stream that’s just my vibe at the end of the day okay why am I only doing one damage

Rlcraft is kind of a [ __ ] huh yeah kind of I wish I knew all the words this one wasn’t good though dude I didn’t Captain Sparkles has pipes Bro like I realized it one of the days that I was uh just [ __ ] around and we saying all of Fallen Kingdom just in the the basement of the dorms just cuz that’s what college is at the end of the day people people think oh College might

Be scared scary though you just dick around and sing Minecraft songs in the basement oh [ __ ] how did I not find this this is a fire little station I’ve found here I I’m just taking all of it oh yeah that’s why I don’t take all of it that’s why greed is is a

Sin gluty is a sin guys all right oh wait I need my horse meat so I still need to light my torches unfortunately oh okay got you D didn’t Captain Sparkles just like literally retire recently can I light my torches on nope I can just put out the fire awesome What

If I throw my torch into the fire guys is it lit now why can’t I light my torch on the fire be honest is it because they don’t like me oh [ __ ] what are you grw go back to the minions loser oh oh he dropped an ender

Pearl what the hell oh my God that’s so big wait I can make the summoning staff with that Hunger Games by beijan Canadian oh my God Hunger Games I want to win it win it all oh my God that one was so fire god damn it I’m nerding out to Minecraft parodies right now yeah I don’t know the ins and outs of it because I’m not learning them oh

My God there’s a banshee dude that’s so annoying I’m just trying to go down the stairs right Now I just I spin my fingers in a circle and hope for the best awesome oh this is so annoying this is what I’m going to do this is how I’m going to get out guys we’re taking back the night today Um iron bars and Gravel um that’s not going to work stairs dude I messed up oh my God all right that’s so unfortunate I I did not think I’d be able to die with that I forgot that head shot just kill you though that’s so sad all right that’s such a I forgot no the the song

Is more about the video on that one because there’s like the whole Herobrine fight or whatever um that’s fine anyway let’s uh we can go back to our regularly scheduled Animal Crossing music Now I was chilling in the hot box when I passed Mike the ox and he played the FNAF 2 song and I sung the [ __ ] out of it bro that’s so real actually one of my other songs that I had on my I okay so my iPod Apple music

I had three songs as like every single kid my age has the experience of cuz you had to buy music back then we didn’t have Spotify back in my day when I was little and um so I had the Five Nights at Freddy’s one song by living tombstone

Um don’t mind at night and Counting Stars by One Republic so those were the three songs I knew and that was it I only KN knew those three songs and I would just sing the [ __ ] out of those Health Crystal Shard that’s cool all right so that’s that’s a little more

Lore you’re you’re getting to understand what kind of person I am a little bit more every every time I reveal lore why are there so many of these come to the surface with me little guy G anyway now he’s at the surface I hate rlcraft this is

Terrible you said I know you sent more than take back the night we already listened to all of them though oh wait never mind I see dragonhearted real okay yeah we’re we’re running through the entire Captain Sparkle’s discography I like how we’re not playing them in order right

Now cuz it’s the Saga or whatever all right come at me eyeball bro I need to make sure that he doesn’t get too close to those things all right we’re going to get this guy Done now we’re Safe not this song We Don’t don’t mess with this song Chat also I think there’s gambling functionality in chat now if I’m not wrong all right this isn’t good I need him to blow up but not kill me that makes Sense there we Go [ __ ] oh I totally left behind That all right we’re the dragon hearted chat here we go um God I need to stop saying chat so often it’s become a tick of mine I just say it Now all right did I get I did get the ient or the ender pearl back that was a big thing that I wanted to make sure I didn’t use bone oh that’s literally the entire recipe all right I can make a something staff now cuz there’s a bunch of gold at

The little Camp I was at um yeah I mean as long as I have all my stuff back I’ve killed a few aises does that mean I’m going to have to level up my magic oh wait I can totally cover this up now I don’t know why I’m going going

Back to cover it up when I could just leave but oh you’re getting under my skin what are you talking about you don’t have skin oh my God this guy’s so stupid he also doesn’t have a brain I guess he’s got a big old bone for a

Brain I guess a lot of people have a big bone for a Brain all right we’re going to get up out through the dark maze of the of the staircase all right we just have to that for the time being I’ve never cried listening to music leave a like if you cry every time this isn’t just music it’s a masterpiece I think that’s fair all

Right I can’t it’s not quite night time yet it’s going to be night time soon leave a like if you’re scared right now leave a like if night time makes you quivering quick got stone pickaxe can I get the gold or am I going to I

Swear there was yeah there was a gold bar I was right all right summoning staff Time okay so I need I I figured I would need a higher magic Level all right looks like it’s time to get back to grinding I guess I’m just going to run back to the village that I lived at Do I like streaming more than making videos honestly kind of maybe it’s cuz it’s easier but I also do like interacting with chat it’s fun I want to I need to make more highly produced streams that’s one thing that I want to do soon what the hell is that what are

You I need to kill that thing guys I need to kill that thing I need to save the weird dinosaur that it’s got in its grasp right now it only has 48 HP I’m going to kill it before it gets me okay I did not kill it before it got

Me looks like I’m going to sleep so it’s daytime I think yeah I I want to make more highly produced streams that like lend themselves to videos I do like the style of videos I made and I do think they’re fun to make because I like writing dumb [ __ ] that’s my favorite

Thing to do I like writing comedy uh but I just I also really do enjoy streaming cuz I love having a chat I think a chat’s really fun oh dude the the piglin just got shocked just so you know that’s the that’s a tear jerker right there all right visit

Site now we run through this one I wonder if you could grow by primarily streaming probably not I I will say I’ve been getting like very small spirits of growth like spirits of growth that are noticeable on my scale but you wouldn’t really notice since

You’re a bit bigger than I am quite a bit at that all right he’s dead I killed him oh big crab big crab I keep hearing zombie on that and it’s scaring me okay he’s got a lot of armor I’m just going to fight him until

He dies I bet you didn’t think i’ would be killing you today crab but you were wrong it’s just like punching it he’s so stuck look at him what a loser okay anyway that works I think would you be down to a fourman shock collared lethal company stream if

I had a shock yeah cuz I think that would be funny but like I think streaming as if you were to primarily stream on any platform not just YouTube it could be anything your streams have to lend themselves to making content in other avenues whether it’s videos or

Short for or whatever and that’s the only way to grow as a streamer yeah I know I I can gain a bunch of viewers from uh or from shorts that’s what I used to do a lot I’m just too lazy to make shorts right now for

Some reason I also haven’t I need to I’m working on editing down some lethal company that I played and it’s just going to feel different than what I usually make just because that’s what it uh oh my God I need to turn this down yeah but I’m I’m editing down some

Lethal company right now just because uh I recorded it and I thought it was fun and I thought we had some funny moments but like it’s going to look very different than anything else I’ve uploaded because it’s not going to be like a a voiceover scripted kind of

Thing cuz you can’t really do that with lethal company but I also really had fun playing lethal company on stream and I just don’t know how to to reconcile that because like I’m not going to be like an idiot and be like I’m going to go make a

Live Channel where I make stuff from my live stuff like dog I have 500 subscribers nobody cares uh but yeah I don’t know I’m I’m struggling to find an a like a concrete Direction because as much as I like Terraria I don’t want that to be the

Only thing I do I like the idea of variety just because I have a lot of fun streaming and I feel like variety is better when you’re streaming and at the end of the day um my streams are less about the gameplay and they’re more about the just chatting aspect of it

Which is why I feel like more produced streams where I do like more stuff is better like I would love to someday be able to do some something where I just dick around in the kitchen and cook something like just fun stuff like that but I don’t know this is endgame [ __ ]

And we’re talking in the short term right now all right I need I think I can hit yeah I can hit next magic level am I I did get my gathering eight my mining isn’t quite high enough to use my iron pickaxe yet I just need to go

Farm right now unfortunately what is wrong with me right now I have weird oh is that the resistance yeah I think so so I need I can’t even look at the stuff to summon yet then we’re going to go Farm some boys then making the ultimate grilled cheese would be so fire

Actually I literally already did that in college and it wasn’t for content is that crazy I made my own loaf of sourdough bread by fermenting uh like flour in my dorm room and then I made the the sourdough out of it and then we went and bought like designer cheese cuz

I live in Wisconsin and we were able to get like some really insane cheese and we made a grilled cheese out of it I hit it with some monsters some cranberry white cheddar and some Gudda so that it had like a bit of bit of like I think a

Little bit of fruit and a grilled cheese kind of hits sometimes that’s what the cranberry white cheddar was for and the the fresh sourdough bread was so fire too um I feel like I feel like this isn’t going to be every time I play Minecraft we listen to Minecraft

Parodies I don’t think that’s the case but I mean if you want to I will I’ll play it sometimes for sure we need to we need to make a new stream playlist though because my current stream playlist is All Animal Crossing two songs from Calamity mod and then uh what

Was uh a bunch of Mario Kart songs like it’s it’s pretty basic stuff which is usually what Minecraft streamers play honestly which is funny anyway let’s see if I can get a bunch of XP from over here that’s the plan right now coming for your

XP this is the best part of AR craft is that I can get XP from farming wheat I need to make a uh a micro Farm actually I don’t know those definitely worked in 112 didn’t they cuz if I can make a nano Farm it’s

Called a nano Farm not a micro farm and just like speed Farm potatoes that would be insane that would be a nasty XP farm R craft XP farm all right I’m level eight now I’m going to get magic off of just doing this hastle Crashers that’s crazy it is

A perfect video and I just didn’t capitalize on it mainly because it was just something that I did with my friends unfortunately so then it just didn’t feel like right to make a video especially cuz I hadn’t they didn’t know that I made YouTube videos yet at the

Time cuz I was still tesing the waters like with the the amount of embarrassment that comes with admitting that you have a YouTube channel when it isn’t big if you have a small YouTube channel it’s embarrassing to admit it if you have a large YouTube channel you can

Like swing swing your [ __ ] around a little bit like yeah I have a big YouTube channel what about it but like when you’ve got 500 Subs it’s like do I tell people I do this for fun do I tell people that this is just my hobby because I like watching people on

YouTube and it it feels like a very revealing personal thing to reveal you know yeah yeah I should I kind of I kind of like the the character of my current thumbnails just cuz they’re funny but yeah I I should try to make an actual thumbnail I think like I don’t think the

Vods are terrible content but I personally hate sitting through watching vods unless it’s a really like hype VOD like if it’s a streamer that I really like and they’re doing like some high effort content that’s the only time I’ll watch a bod if I missed it but other

Than that I’m not much of a VOD viewer so I always forget that like people do watch vods which is crazy it’s insane um one second I’m just going to turn that back on cuz this is what makes the B viewing experience beable is music um I need more inventory space drinking

Water it is basically record a video live it’s just it’s a boring video you know and I feel like you need something that’s really attention grabby these days unfortunately that’s just how making videos works now you need fast jump cuts and [ __ ] or people just don’t

Stay attached for long I think it’s just post Mr Beast YouTube I think he taught everybody that like the the instant dopamine that you get from Fast editing is what everybody really secretly desires it’s the food for our souls That We crave and um ever since that like

Short form popped off harder and just every every editing style is much faster paced on every video that pops off and it like there’s not a dull moment or whatever and I feel like that’s the problem with vods I think live streams are different and the the thing that

Overcomes that barrier is that there’s like the Live inter action uh like fake friendship kind of thing except for you guys we’re real friends I swear we’re we’re all real friends um I could upload stream highlights that just requires more editing time which I just don’t have the time for

Unfortunately that’s a problem like I’m technically editing a stream highlight right now with the um lethal company video where it is pretty much just stream highlights but it just I don’t know it requires a lot of time and I don’t have all that time right now because I’m still still like

Busy I do currently I could work on it more I’ve just like I’ve still got IRL errands to run unfortunately and like I don’t make money to hire an editor right so then like the couple times I’ve asked people like my friend a to edit and I

Was like [ __ ] it you can have like once I hit Revenue if you continue to edit for me I’ll just 5050 the Channel with you because it’s more of a hobby right so why not like treat everybody like they’re part of it right but um you know it’s that’s just how it goes

I’m just not sure of what to do currently this wheat farming is crazy XP by the way but yeah the live interaction I think is what makes a live stream overcome like uh a VOD a VOD just feels terrible to sit through unless it’s highly produced which I would my end game would

Be I would love to do like giant IRL events and [ __ ] that’s the kind of stuff I love watching on Twitch whenever I watch it or on YouTube with YouTube streams that’s just my my kind of content so that’s what I want to make believe it or not we want to make the

Kinds of things that we enjoy to watch yeah it’s crazy my voice is stying to get horse I brought the water you do intentionally see that’s why I just hate I hate the idea of Outsourcing it for free mainly because of my my my ethics unfortunately but

Um yeah it it just feels weird because I want to give somebody something because it’s work I don’t want to do and I hate doing it without getting paid that’s why I like the streaming part of it cuz it’s fun to me unfortunately and then it’s like oh now

You have to edit and it’s like I don’t want to you know but yeah that’s why I hate the idea of offering it without pay what is my bit rate bad because I’m back home and not at my dorm uh that’s just how that works unfortunately um wow there are a lot of

Guys here I do plan to stream a lot more next semester I just took 17 credits last semester I’ll just I’ll owe you my soul of course I mean it’s just like I don’t know I mean I just hate the idea of doing it without offering something because it’s

Work you know and like I feel like somebody who does it for free also isn’t bound to the deadlines of like doing actually real work where you’re getting paid money you know that’s another thing that’s I don’t know there are a lot of reasons I rationalize not like

Accepting people from chat that want to edit or something and that’s that’s another one of them I don’t know you enjoy editing door Dash me some McDonald’s once a month that kind of [ __ ] actually I mean I swear to God like if you were to help me I I would pay you

Someday I just hate the idea of not paying you currently you know I I just can’t reconcile it in my brain what do you edit on by the way Hoban I use Premiere I use a uh premere Premiere I I use Premiere that’s all I will say

Um I should I want to level I need to use this guy now no summonable creatures uh you need rank two knowledge of a creature to summon it okay so now I just have to start farming the aises and then I’ll be able to summon them is that

How it works I assume I think the farmer is going to replant everything for me that’s why all the crops are always in a terrible phase there aren’t any aises here what the hell are you I just whatever this thing is is pissing me off okay yeah I see why it’s pissing me

Off a level 40 Spectre of course of course there’s a level 40 Spectre $500 check for the thumbnail I made you yeah it is kind of a goated thumbnail yeah my my previous thumbnail on that was definitely very lwig inspired uh as as most of my thumbnails

Are I think just because that’s honestly what one of the channels I watch the most uh did he no he did not kill the level 40 Spectre I don’t know why I figured the Aegis would be able to do that um yeah that’s going to be a

Problem you use filora Pro G gross yucky does it have 1,500 Health oh my god oh no it’s 151 okay I was really scared for a second there I think it’s killable now never mind it’s just going to keep sucking me into the wall am I

Just going to have to stand here while it sits at the the door okay Yep this is what we’re stuck doing today this is how I wanted to spend my Tuesday night oh I mean sorry Wednesday morning all Right okay now he doesn’t take damage awesome I’m so glad it doesn’t take St damage you don’t remember what the old thumbnail was I could probably find it somewhere I think I still have it on my computer somewhere I don’t know what to do about

This guy I might have to go out the back way and by the back way I mean I’m going to remove the fences from the Windows one of these days I’ll get another 50 person raid on the stream hopefully this time people won’t be spamming slurs in chat that would be ideal cuz I prefer when people people don’t do that but one of these days it’ll happen that is one thing about twitch is that the whole raid

Functionality is kind of tight all right I have a sword now oh he’s fighting up there all right the aises are taking care of it while I sit down here and be a little little stupid boy that’s fine I don’t mind all right I got

The did I cook that no that’s raw Chupa Cobra meat I I’d have to find a picture of the old thumbnail I don’t think it was bad per se because I mean I it did get most of its views under that thumbnail dbh but it wasn’t great either it was kind of

Just like the thumbnail was always an afterthought I know it’s not supposed to be an after thought I was just like all right we’re going to we’re going to go simple it’s like rule of three is make sure that there are three focal points and then you also have them in the rule

Of thirds positions just basic graphic design [ __ ] because I did take a graphic design class at some point believe it or not I need a picture of you staring directly into the camera so I can make a shitty Photoshop edit one sec here I got

You wait let me make sure I pause this oh already paused all right I got you we’re going to we’re going to even do this come on come on stupid camera deactivate activate I hate when I have to do that I hope that was enough I hope I hope that satisfies you oh not with this bit right okay I’ll I’ll get I’ll get you something don’t worry about it I’ll send you like a screenshot off of a uh off of some video literally off of this VOD

Honestly um is that going to fix it activate I hate I hate switch ing scenes on streams it’s so annoying I need a I need a um what’s it called I need a stream deck I was trying to remember what they’re called stream deck though that’s what it’s called all

Right um so what’s my knowledge of this creature I need to kill you I’m sorry no hard feelings bro all right I have killed quite a few of them I hate how I only do one damage to them cuz I have so much armor I’m disrupting the balance of

Nature sure sure come at me nature turning you into a trus to add to my frog beard mate Kratos That’s So Fire H all right do I have okay there’s a maca here here baby girl I just need as much xp as I can get I think they killed the thing cuz I

Don’t see it up there anymore I’m going to keep disrupting the balance of Nature and I’m not going to be careful about it I’m probably going to get attacked by some vile creature and it’s going to ruin my night but for the time being I’m going to keep disrupting the balance of

Nature I don’t care guys I’m not in the right spot open door oh I love when they start spinning it makes my life so much easier I saw that was there was another one upstairs I did yeah no we did we did a podcast at

Some point me and some of my friends and then I realized nobody cares because we’re not talking about real [ __ ] it’s just like a comedy podcast and uh nobody cares when you don’t have followers if you’re doing a comedy podcast believe it or not all right that sucks whatever

I’ll just go kill it now I’m not trying to get XP I’m just trying to get oh there’s literally a door right here I could have used he’s dead I’m also getting some loot off of these damn things I mean actually 5 Seconds Of Me erasing everything that’s so fire

Actually that’s honestly I just use lasso select tool and grab something and then put it in somewhere that’s the the level of Photoshop that I’ll use most of the time when I’m making stream thumbnails cuz stream thumbnails are such a beautiful art and I think I’ve really mastered them

Honestly all right I will say I was looking at my analytics on the last stream where I used this exact same thumbnail cuz I was doing the exact same thing and um God what was I going to say uh my my percentage of viewers from like recommendations was 45% and we peed at

Like 12 viewers or something so like I don’t mind all right I use the object okay so I’m going to tell you another embarrassing little fact I don’t use Photoshop I use Photo p and I don’t know if they actually have that on there honestly I do need

Photoshop training knowledge 250 oh my God I need to kill so many of these things all right we’re going to go back to I wish I had a bow so that I could bring these guys down what if I punch a villager villager punched you know I’m here now oh he

Knows he knows bro knows bro Knows ow oh my God you hurt big guy run inside thank you oh he has a lot of Health I didn’t realize Dark Ages had more Health this is going to break whatever we’ll just break the sword on them maybe I don’t use the sword I use

The saw because they do the same amount of damage in this situation I could honestly use my hand and it would do the same amount of damage whatever we’re going to get the ages summon though I don’t have Photoshop no all right I’m also just going to use

These levels I’m getting on the side obviously I can probably use this now that I have magic crazy um all right now I’m also going to cook this chup of Cobra meat cuz why not I have mock meat too just gives me absorption never mind um

What am I going to spend these levels on what do we think mining probably I’m going to punch another villager if anybody wants to come kill me you look like a great candidate I bet you can do it bro come on keep coming you can kill me I swear I know you’re strong

Enough he’s on defense mode oh [ __ ] oh the Cobble takes advantage of me that’s so sad oh okay I I think that would make sense what did the Cobble take from my body they steal from you I know it I know that he steals from me cuz he’s a a dirty little

Freak he attacks me when I’m weak there’s no way that doesn’t mean he steals from me right all right all right come here come here big dog they seems to get close enough that he activates Attack Mode Attack Mode activate yeah I mean I just I don’t pay

For photoshoop so I just get the one the one work around which is photo I guess my friend Aiden knows of other workarounds but um that’s not here or there all right oh I hate when they stop taking damage for whatever reason yeah I just Community posts don’t really Reach people do

They I mean they would hit my subscribers but other than that they’re not really going to do much I don’t think anyway uh there’s a russet Aegis up here somewhere and I need him to come down and fight me I’m going to punch another villager and see what that does for

Him come here come here guys I’m punching your friends oh hey what’s up dog I need a better way of killing these things it does take two clicks true I mean I might as well you’re right you’re right I’ll start preparing those ahead

Of time so I don’t have to do it in the middle of the stream I feel like middle of the stream is bad timing but yes let me I’m going to I’m not going to kill you you don’t worry five durability I have five hits left on this thing what should I use

Them on and use all of them on this pig I’m not I’m only going to get these two all right we have one durability left we got to make it count um I’m going to go kill that chicken let’s go let’s go let’s go guys no I understand totally

What the hell durability doesn’t oh no it has a zero durability stage I guess all right goodbye awesome making Aegis hit the Wisp how about hit the whiping N that was for more jokes like this follow my Twitter yat I think I think I got at y I don’t even know

Um let’s uh mining I’m almost there need to get to level eight I’m going to go back to the Village to do the rest of the farming I’m thinking cuz I just want to be able to summon the ages you know anyway how do I check my knowledge

Creatures is what would it even be under is it an elemental knowledge rank 1 375 out of yeah yeah very cool all right we’re going to get there oh wow that’s wild okay so I can fuse them that’s fire how do you know all of this [ __ ]

Bro how do you know all of this it’s almost like you know this game and I don’t don’t that’s crazy all right here we go what’s up myth gem I don’t know you that’s uh that’s what I’m going to hit you with to begin with but I mean we’ll see I would have

To look at your channel and see what kind of stuff you make obviously not going to just hit you up like this believe it or not um you’re such a big fan cold yeah real um let’s uh let’s get the the music restarted because I’m starting to I’m starting to

Itch I’m itchy because I don’t have music and I need music or my the demons come out all right um did you join the Discord real um okay anyway we continue we move on what am I looking for what am I looking for I’ve already forgotten oh my God I didn’t realized

That I was crazy crazy I was crazy once um anyway let’s uh let’s find some items quick I need to make a stone pick or a stone a stone something I’ve already forgotten what the sword is called yeah I’m already losing my memory my memory loss is crazy Today uh all right so we need to mine some Cobblestone first of all I’m going to make a stone sword because I’m tired of breaking iron swords because I’m going to have to kill a lot of these things unfortunately I didn’t realize that rlcraft was grind simulator they made Minecraft into a

Longer game cuz it’s kind of solved already I don’t really know what I’m just going to kill the Ender Dragon like I’m just going to do what I no I need to get some sticks unfortunately so we’re going to have to get some logs which means I have to use an axe

Doesn’t it oh no I guess not I can use a pickaxe look at me oh he makes Minecraft mod videos solid I know nothing about Minecraft mods TBH all right second no it turned into to a button of course oh no there cuz there was a button on the end oh wait I

Literally have a saw what am I doing I’m stupid don’t mind me just being stupid like usual also can I not open these chests if there’s a chest on top of them for oh maybe it’s if there’s a dirt block on top of them forehead awesome

Okay so now I’m going to have to what was I do yeah it’s not normally a progression game like Terraria I know it’s crazy I listen when I play Minecraft I just play vanilla Minecraft and make giant redstone contraptions cuz that’s what makes me happy okay but yeah

I I don’t understand it on whenever I hit mods I’m like I haven’t learned this game and that’s a problem uh we’ll make two like I prepared for all right now it’s time to go kill more of these things it’s really fun when you play with friends though real that is true

I’ll just I literally whenever I play on servers it’s speedrun how quickly can I make 150,000 iron per hour with one farm and then once I’ve done that I immediately lose any flare that I had for the game it’s it’s a vicious cycle I start the game off I make a villager

Breeder and then from the Villager breeder I uh instantly get like a trading hall and then full diamond armor and then with my full diamond armor I’ll uh go kill the end Dr Dragon like in 5 minutes and then yeah it’s just it’s a vicious cycle and then eventually I

Reach end game which is the the iron farm and then the game isn’t fun anymore cuz I spent the entire time just doing the same repeatable task that I do every time which is why I’ve always had more fun with Terraria because I can replay it and like have different runs and [ __ ]

I just I don’t have fun with Minecraft when I play it and that’s the problem I’ve made it less fun just by how I play it crazy he yeah I know some people do play Calamity before vanilla and that’s really funny to me I mean I play

Calamity more often than vanilla now and I don’t know if you know this but I honestly haven’t played vanilla since before 1.4 and the first time that I had played vanilla um in 1.4 was with Thorin when we did the tether and it was like bastardized vanilla because it and then

And then we had the past the world and that was an atrocity because I didn’t know what uh what Shimmer was I just turn them on into sticks God damn it yeah but I didn’t know what Shimmer was so I was like sitting there and I was

Like what am I supposed to do with this emblem it doesn’t match my thing am I going to have to go farm more Wall of Flesh so then I was just sitting there in disbelief for a while and it was like oh there’s just a thing I can go do that

Fixes this problem now because I’m too much of an old head when it comes to Terraria see yeah I’ve I’ve been I’ve been spoiled by modded for the longest time quality of life this quality of life that it’s weird because I can only play Terraria when it’s modded and I can only

Play Minecraft when it’s vanilla usually it is kind of embarrassing I know that’s why I I admit it in a safe space like my own stream oh I lost my bottles damn sad whatever uh my spawn isn’t set set here though so maybe it’s not whatever damn looks like we’ve got to go

Get bottles quick and my my arms and legs are all broken unfortunately so now I move really slow all right big now I go put this in the smelter um I do also want to something anyway yeah I’ll I’ll look at that later never mind okay cool you need to just play through

Vanilla on stream I haven’t played the game in a while yeah that’s fair I I I should just do normal people things but I I hold myself to this standard where I believe that I have to do something that other people don’t want to do and that’s what makes content

Interesting and I feel like that is definitely true to an extent I feel like as long as I feel like creating Works in a very specific way and it’s just that everybody has to have a breakthrough video and I think the most common kind of Breakthrough video is is like a a

Challenge of some kind if you’re in the gaming sphere or even in just normal IRL stuff it’s doing something that people don’t want to do and everybody’s like oh this is really interesting that you’re doing this thing that nobody wants to do and then after that you can develop

Yourself as a personality and then you can kind of do whatever you want and I feel like since I haven’t had a breakthrough Discovery kind of thing I have to like prioritize doing crazy [ __ ] like that before I can just do things that are more like oh this is fun and

This is kind of kind of what I like to do and have fun with it unfortunately but live streaming is just me having fun with it that’s literally what I’m doing right now so [ __ ] it yeah make a video about y literally that’s what I’m saying that’s uh it’s

That Breakthrough video and your breakthrough video was in a different kind of gaming video it was less about building a personality and it was like I did this cool thing which is kind of fire and that is its own kind of personality it’s just not like a a

Player kind of personality it’s more of like a a knowledge of the game kind of personality or like I can make mods which is totally something people are they watch I mean obviously my my understanding isn’t fully fleshed because I I don’t have as much experience as a lot of people but that’s

What I’ve noticed from trying to do research okay I died before I slept unfortunate I went on that whole mission so that I wouldn’t die before I slept and then I just died before I slept isn’t that crazy that I did that to myself all right insane Let’s uh not die

On the way back shall we oh there’s another one of those big tall things I just don’t want to run into it honestly we’re just not going to run into it we’re going to avoid Itoo make shorts explaining Teraria crafting trees literally I mean I know a lot of people who do that and they do very well for themselves and I mean that’s the other thing I’ve never felt like making like Terraria explanation shorts would be fun because for some reason if I know

Something I’m like why would I watch this and I always think of things like why would I watch this cuz if I wouldn’t want to watch it why would anybody else want to watch it but when you’re doing something in that kind of sphere where you’re like explaining something a lot

Lot of people watch it but I just wouldn’t it’s weird I don’t know I don’t know how to explain it but I always hold things to a standard like if I enjoy watching this then anybody could enjoy watching this I think that’s an important standard to have when making

Things and unfortunately then I go ahead and make things that I would enjoy watching and then actually other people wouldn’t enjoy watching which is fun cuz I like played Cult of the lamb and very few people comparative to like a lot of other things care about that and it’s harder

To get discovered on there unless you have a personality already that’s the problem with smaller games like that even though it’s a fire game Love Cult to the lamb or luck be a landlord has no online base but I was like this is funny this

Is a funny game where I gamble to pay rent I think that’s just a funny concept you know and like since I didn’t have a personality already I can’t do something like that that’s not a breakthrough video and that’s why I was like it’s it’s not a waste because I think it’s

More uh like video library videos which are important too because if you have a discovery video and you have nothing else for other people to watch then you don’t have a personality for them to latch on to you know I don’t know I think about this way too business busy

Unfortunately well you watch the shorts because they come on in front of your eyes and then you can’t take your eyes off because of how they’re edited that’s how that works this part of the game sucks fix it yeah yeah I figured it seemed like a lot of

Effort but it was a good video I mean chippy commented on it it was a good video like I hate having to measure your success based on how other people in the space view it but I mean that’s definitely a a pretty clear way of measuring

It where did that russed AIS go because he would have given me so much understanding of his kind whatever I think it’s time I can finally start farming again fortunately H it didn’t gain oh the game itself I thought you were talking about my video I was like I don’t think my

Video gained traction bro I mean it was just a meme game at the end of the day that’s what it was and that’s what it was made to be so it didn’t fail that’s for sure oh I forgot the stone swords don’t do damage when they’re in this mode they still do

The same amount of damage as if I were punching them that’s why you use an iron sword against these guys so that you can actually hurt them we go in here now now I just punch but yeah I I I just made the video cuz it was fun and then I realized that

It’s not going to be a break and I shouldn’t expect views on it I tried I feel like the thumbnail was ass I kind of rushed that one just like I rushed the video I mean it was an 8 minute video 8 minute videos don’t take that

Long to make even if they are scripted like the editing was minimal and it also did this thing that I’m definitely trying to work on cuz I’m trying to hone my editing Style on long form and I definitely was a little heavy-handed on the um the IRL bits which I thought they

Were funny but the IRL bits just aren’t like they’re not they shouldn’t be the substance of the video it’s just there wasn’t a lot of substance to the game so then I was like okay I have to compensate by just writing some dumb skit and the dumb skit just wasn’t it

Even if I thought it was funny personally it’s just they’re not fun to sit and watch through because I’m not good at editing skits I feel like that’s something that either I work on editing skits and I know I’m definitely going to tune them down in the future cuz they’re

Just too much sometimes but like I should probably work on editing them too if I want to keep them because that it’s something something I want to keep I feel like I didn’t do them too overhanded in the big Terraria video that’s that’s so real that’s the

Problem I I wish I was like you hobon unfortunately but I’m not and I like attention I like being Center Stage I’ve always liked that for some reason I like when people look at me so that’s just kind of how I am so I could never be the

Side character I just want to be a character yeah I’m I’m sure I I did think it was objectively pretty decent it’s just like at the end of the day it’s too much for the substance of the video and it was pretty poorly produced I think it could have been improved is

What I’m saying and I feel like it was a little heavy-handed in the video not to say I don’t think it was good or anything I I don’t think I would put something out that I didn’t think was good it’s just I feel like it didn’t

Fit um all right does this do more damage than the sword no it doesn’t okay let’s just checking I feel like these are better to just punch if I don’t have an iron sword though oh [ __ ] come here oh they’re all here now the gang’s all here he’s pressure plates

Are going to get me killed all right get out of my way what’s my knowledge by the way let’s double check creatures until 450 I think they give 25 a piece what is up Michael cogill I like the guy who’s like hey like this guy’s around your popularity

Level want to do something with him and then I’m also there yeah that’s fair I’m going to go sleep so I can eat breakfast tomorrow that’s such a fire reason to go to sleep I like that I mean yeah if you’re just if you’re trying to bring together the

Avengers of tiny content creators that’s cool bro I think that’s fire that’s something I want to I like having a network that is fun I just have to come up with more group ideas unfortunately I need a network of people that I like mesh with while too that’s

Another thing cuz I’ve I definitely do have a group but it’s not everybody’s at different levels of commitment obviously because when you’re at this size everybody’s obviously going to be at different levels of commitment because you can’t put all of your time towards it if it’s not generating you revenue

And you can’t live off of it right that’s just kind of how it works so it’s it’s difficult to find people around my size that have the level of commitment I’d like to give this and I there’s a difference between the amount that I I’d like to give it in

The like the amount I can because I also have debt that is 13 or like $14,000 that compounds every four months which is really fun it it’s really awesome I love student debt it’s really tight I would totally recommend entering student debt to anybody uh willing okay we also have iron pickaxe

Now so I can probably go get more iron swords now I think we found the first mine right here and I can also get a a damn what’s it called oh [ __ ] we got marble here Marble’s cool what was I going to say I already

For I like I lose my trains of thought because I I I see something I’m like that’s cool and then my train of thought is gone I I swear maybe I should go get tested for ADHD one of these days I think I think I just developed a

Attention span disorder because of uh YouTube shorts I think they did it to me I think they were the end of me I started making it taller or did I no I didn’t I hate when mines are This Tall I think it’s more of a need to have people

To play games with because everybody always have something else to do and when the scheduled date actually comes yeah that’s true I mean I just also as I said don’t only want to do um gaming stuff at the end of the day I want to do some IRL stuff because obviously I like

Writing comedy I think it would be so tight to like host a show or something that’s something that like a was uh and have been kind of cooking up in the kitchen we’ve been like oh maybe we could like try to make a show I’ve also

Been trying to think of a Terraria show that I could make CU I I think hosting a show would be really fun uh where I just make other people be my content for me and I just have to comment it I think that would be so sick if I

Didn’t have to be the content for a second and I was the content cuz I’d get the most talking time but then there are also other people who do the [ __ ] for me isn’t that a crazy good idea hosting shows is so fire I would also love to be a

Contestant on a show though at the same time as long as the editing is out of out of my uh out of my plate I’m happy but the problem is like with my long form stuff I don’t think anybody else could do the editing the way I want

It to be done that’s a that’s another dilemma that I have right there it’s kind of difficult because I don’t want to just hand it over because there’s a specific way I do it and I don’t think it’s hard to emulate honestly I think I’m giving it more more meat than it

Actually has but yeah it just wouldn’t feel the same cuz like I mean honestly the script writing is also a part of it I love I could totally have somebody edit it the problem is when I want to do like an IRL bit and I want to do like

The filmography and everything for it it’s like I I have to do that myself it’s different a game Raiders collab video no no I want to host a show it’s different it’s different yeah wouldn’t it be so tight if I could just never have to do any

Work and I could just sit and play games and be funny sometimes and then everybody else does it for me sometimes is uh in all caps right there by the way make sure you know that oh [ __ ] you died complaint it my twitch chat that’s so fire damn this guy’s a goat actually

This rocraft guy’s a goat I didn’t realize all right I need to go finish that thing off cuz it killed me and I’m pissed soon I’ll be able to summon this damn thing though it’s all that matters to me you’re dead now are you stealing from me hey I

Shouldn’t assume that he’s stealing from me that’s oh no he’s what the hell why are you just breaking blocks bro do you have a problem with this Village I kind of do too but like still where’s my sword at oh my God this little guy come back oh you took my sword and

My pickaxe I knew he was stealing from me no no no no no no no no no it’s different it’s different it’s different I was thinking of a game show it’s different all right that’s different I want to make a game show but not Jeopardy because I think Jeopardy’s

Limb because it only tests knowledge I wanted to test all sorts of things okay I want to make I want to make people have to Cobble together a load out out of a bunch of random items and have to beat a boss with them and everybody gets

The same random items and it’s whichever player beats the boss the fastest with those random random items whoever can build the best load out and there has to be like a few viable paths and it’s like based on what weapons that people feel more comfortable with it would have to

Be a very meticulously planned show but then I also want to test people on knowledge because you can’t get away with doing a game show without testing people on knowledge so you know all sorts of [ __ ] see I’ve got plans unfortunately but I just haven’t taken the time to flesh them

Out I feel like yeah I don’t know Terraria shell would be fire though of course I can’t damage it right now of course why like I don’t know why they like stop letting me damage them sometimes host Terraria wipe out that would be so fire yeah exactly I just I

Want more fun ideas like that because honestly I feel like that’s kind of a breakthrough video too and then it’s like people watch it because it’s like it’s a game show and oh it might also have creators they like in it but then I have I have the chance as like the host

To like throw a spin of my comedy in there and make it not just like all about the creators that are there and also make it like my own product and then people are like oh I kind of like this guy and I think that’s literally I

Think a lot of uh streamers that are big today did that kind of thing and I I could also make it a live event which is the other thing but yeah I think a lot of streamers that are big today have done things like that where they just kind of

Ran something and let themselves shine as a personality inside of that I think that’s literally where lwig came from uh where Austin show who’s popular for doing shows came from a lot of people are popular from doing that kind of thing in the streaming space so then like I feel like that’s

Just a good route honestly and I I think I’d have fun doing that too of course I’m always sitting here thinking strategy but then never following through because I don’t have the time to plan it God I need to just sit down one of these days plan something get people get

A Time get a date because just sitting here thinking about it’s not doing anything believe it or not all right we need to get some torches I need to collect torches because I have to light my torches if I make them which is annoying as hell all right got all of

These all right can I go mining with this many torches maybe let’s see let’s put this Theory to the test Discord The Bachelor is literally what Austin show did sometimes doesn’t do anymore he doesn’t do anything anymore it’s just like once a year he’ll do a show all

Right God I hit the gym today for the first time in a little bit and I’m sore it feels bad being sore I don’t like being sore guys no I don’t mind being sore being sore is Chill not all right we’ve got a creeper right there who’s glowing absolutely radiant

Right now beautiful skin this creeper has great skin care routine and he’s dead now with his beautiful Skin uh I can’t breathe anymore I do have a bit of a stuffy nose chat very sad all right this song is so goofy I love it it just hits so hard sometimes I think this is the J schlat freakout song actually all right once I get deep enough you can

Start doing some real mining uh I can still use F3 does it not tell me my it doesn’t tell me my coordinates now oh [ __ ] am I going to have to estimate it off of Chunk relative position all right I can’t do chunk borders either damn all right so if I’m at zero in this chunk I’m going to assume so this is sea level right here sea level is [ __ ] can I see all right what’s SE level Minecraft SE level I have to

Check yeah I know okay yeah it is 62 I was right okay so 62 so 62 is 14 so when we hit zero here it’s going to be 48 this one’s 48 is where I’m at okay we can do it off of that I’m still going to find y1 branch mine watch me

All right so we we’ve solved it there’s always a way there’s always a way yeah I know I’ve I’ve tried to do that in the past but as it goes with small creators everybody wants to do a collab because they think their first collab is going to get them to 10,000

Subscribers and it’s like oh wait no it actually doesn’t believe it or not and then people just get demotivated instantly it’s crazy right we found a bit of a thing here oh [ __ ] what is this oh did I look at him or is it just proximity to the Enderman yeah no he’s

Chilling is this an Enderman spawner am I going to get that XP I did hell yeah really trying hard not to look him in the eyes right now all right so this was 32 31 dude I’m going to branch mine you cannot stop me I watched a Zuma void when I was

Younger I know the best way to mine is Branch mining bad in rlcraft is it going to get me killed it probably could honestly I wouldn’t be surprised oh [ __ ] I’m hearing some water we’re near a cave beautiful and we are at the cave all right this is kind of scary Right my my perspective is freezing over a little a little bit very sad oh iron that’s what I need that’s what I need guys all right let’s finish the stairs just in case I die yep okay good thing I said just in case I

Die [ __ ] I was trying to get a sword out I should have just tried to kill it I’m sure I lost a bunch of Stuff yeah they do like to slip monsters into blocks however I’m a goat believe it or not I’m not going to give up the most efficient way to mine just because of monsters all right hopefully I didn’t lose the summoning staff that’s the only thing that would actually make me

Sad all right I’m going to just have a bunch of rocks and I’m going to throw them at him watch me all right summoning staff is fine oh looks like he’s just gone that’s fire that makes me happy and my saw survived those are honestly the biggest

Things oh [ __ ] what’s oh my God it’s it’s this thing again that one’s only level two though the other one was level 40 God why is modded Minecraft so terrible there’s no normaly I just want a pleasant gaming experience and this this isn’t giving it to me and I play on hard mode in normal Minecraft not that that means anything cuz normal Minecraft is Just easy period but this is really [ __ ]

Annoying I think it unloads this area when I respawn so we’re fine however there is a baby zombie with a sword damn it oh my God this is awful so we’re going to retrieve my items whether it’s the last thing I do and like it it very much could be

At least I’m not playing mft monsters real I don’t know what that is but real I Agree I love when I I tilt forward and I look at my camera and it’s like oh you’re just looking at my nose right now all right big gaming moment all right I figure that’s the Bab zombie cuz he won’t Despawn right we got that let’s try and bring a little bit of Health back I don’t have torches so I can’t really do anything about that I think my iron pickaxe died rest in peace to a real one however we can get this iron and bring it back to life in our

Hearts Fs in the chat for iron pickaxe all right oh wait iron pickaxe is fine false alarm false alarm everybody we’re fine um F3 am I okay this is 16 15 okay stone bricks 16 15 oh my God leave me alone leave me alone please that was oh [ __ ] my stuff was in

The water I hate coordinates I need to bring a bunch of blocks if you touch water you die how fun all right I’m going to bring some blocks this time so that I can block off my M shaft area my Minecraft Zone Never mind I don’t have blocks to bring there we go blocks FX oh that’s Awesome it nine holy [ __ ] imagine using the entire number pad to do your hot Keys that’s crazy I used to have a whole hotkey set up that I would do when I was playing PVP I think it was 1 2 3 rfz C alt and then my one of my side Mouse

Buttons and then the other one’s pick block why are skeletons actually the worst mob they’re actually the worst mob in this you cannot survive them because they just hit you at weak points and you just die like he just killed my torso and I was just done For all right I need to get a new headset by the way very sad my headset has uh has officially [ __ ] out the left ear doesn’t play sound anymore so I can’t play first person shooters anymore oh that’s so tight actually that’s kind of Cool I I feel like it’s more fun to play once you have knowledge of it though that’s the thing just like I’m sure rlcraft would Be all right let’s hope that I can find the summoning stuff I have a feeling a lot of [ __ ] burned in this lava here Though found that iron pickaxe might actually be gone this time oh stone pickaxe cool oh my god oh it’s just a zombie I ran away for nothing basically that means I just got launched by something and that’s terrifying to me oh okay this is a bit of a zombie

Situation we have an invisible zombie all right I killed the rare zombie oh it’s this thing again oh that’s bad Axel okay very cool I don’t know what it’s for but it looks cool I did kind of read it I will say used to create a powerful equipment using equipment Forge I do have to figure out what an equipment Forge is cu I’ve seen that I need to use one in a

Lot of places it rlcraft has made early game Minecraft feel a lot more like early game Terraria though honestly I got to go underground to find [ __ ] every tool awesome I think that might have been the end of the road for the summoning staff unfortunately oh he’s stuck dumbass still have the saw oh looks like things don’t burn in lava okay cuz they sit on the ground got That um oh it’s a chupacabra I can kill it before the lava goes away nope I can’t more like a violent chup Cabra bro bro has hands are you waiting for me not going to come to You I don’t want to hit him from that side so that he doesn’t Discover that he can just run that way [ __ ] well he’s going to die in the lava a rap here okay I will make a rap here is there a reason that you suggested a Raper I just need to get some iron though on God this chupacabra business is really messing with me though hopefully he died in the Lava oh my god get stuck Again all right I lost that but I do have iron I need to get the hell out of here but I need to get rid of this lava so that I can loot it dilemma moment all right lava’s going away now for real this time and then hopefully my items are still down There all right I will look into Raper Rapier that was an accident that was a mistake um St Sword also are these oh yeah heart crystal shards of course they’re probably used to make heart crystals like Terraria the game I cannot break those without an iron pickaxe very cool looks like I have to get a new iron pickaxe guys crazy a lot of heart Crystal Shards very Cool salamander I like when I discover something but I can’t see it that’s always terrifying I figure he’s in the lava I don’t like That all right whatever I’m out of here Escape while I still Can oh okay um IRun holy [ __ ] mic Gathering okay oh we got a lot of weapons to use from all right Spartan Weaponry all right sweep one and make an iron hird a katana dude I can be a weeb in this game too holy [ __ ] make a handle wool okay he needs

Wool don’t have any string on me at the moment hey what a fool all right how did my phone finally die Crazy Al birds are expensive but so good I figure they use like iron blocks at some point in there I don’t know ho oh

Phone okay I have a little bit of iron now un fortunately I fought tooth and nail for that [ __ ] but I did get it I’m going to have to encase the staircase if I want to get all the way down to where I want to branch mine at but for now we’re doing

Fine that hey bro oh I see why it’s chaos oh my God I see why it’s a poison Cloud well um that was unfortunate to say the least all right well I’m messing with this music right now that’s so fire this one kind of goes really hard I’ve decided all right I

Need you to heal me please dog can you help me cuz I don’t feel right I’m winning right now hey wait don’t leave don’t leave it’s my fault yeah yeah I I I now know more which is good I can start building myself finally all right please bring me to

Full health now thank you thank you I can use my body again all because of you fire okay I don’t have sticks anymore I need to go to the chest that might have sticks in it this thank you all right oh [ __ ] I need to saw pretty bad fortunately

So we have to make that sacrifice then we’ll make a pick I think that’s fine make some marble cobblestone hopefully this is enough to encase my M shaft and if not that’s unfortunate I hate the length that my forget what forging mod this pack uses try searching at Tink for me

Okay no nothing there is nothing this definitely is not enough to in case my M shaft however it’s close I hate how little Cobblestone I get from mining blocks kind of makes me mad all right I can go get more blocks though yeah I’m glad I did not run into

The Vulcan right there I’m going to just where do I want to get my blocks from how do I want to Source my blocks probably from here oh there’s a chest right there is it safe is it safe to go for that all right now should be hopefully nothing squeezes through

That block that’ be sad ah look like I’m finding things on my own silver rap here and a silver Pike am I strong now guys tell me am I strong all right I think this dungeon is probably going to end up changing my life either for the better or for the

Worse what I do know is going to change my life is this spawner if I don’t get rid of it all right Eyes of Ender are pretty tight does not tiners construct I’m at a loss yo what’s up a was how’s it going you want to hop on call you can I don’t

Really have anybody to talk to right now which is chill for the most part I just my phone is dead so it’ be sick if somebody was reading chat to me all right we also have blocks now I do need to get a flint and steel so that I can light my dam

Torches oh that’s scary oh oh God what’s dragging me oh it’s just you it’s you again oh no it’s you again I could never forget those eyes eyes eyes forget those eyes look at that all right this thing is kind of strong honestly I’m happy about that I need to

Increase some of my skills before I die we’re going to work on defense so that I can get a shield up in here po me on brother okay I got you H okay yo what’s good chat what’s good chat what’s good chat’s kind of dead now it’s just

Habon which isn’t oh my God how guys oh I got grew again that’s crazy I’m going to die to grw yeah dude grw is such a jerk he needs to stick to minions gr yeah from like the minions yeah yeah he’s kind of a jerk when he’s not with his

Minions I can hear my stream through you right now it’s really funny oh my bad I should turn that down honestly yeah you don’t like I should actually swap yeah I should well I mean you probably don’t like hearing it twice I don’t but if you do you can like just

Turn it down and listen to it in secret oh he’s still here [ __ ] I hope you beat Gru G I got him we’ve done it we’ve done it chat we killed guu W guu will not be rising with his minions any longer not this time all

Right should I escape or should I just drink this healing potion and move on listen in the words of my great granddaddy don’t be a [ __ ] real we don’t be [ __ ] here no [ __ ] being in these no no [ __ ] no [ __ ] in this part of town yeah only

Wiener okay only wiener only dick and ball oh he’s strong okay I killed it though I wouldn’t have if he wasn’t stuck okay that’s scary oh my God Argus just one tapped me oh my God bro they turned Cobble into lava how fun oh my god did they turn cobbled marble

Into lava I hope not we’re going to have to we’re going to have to change that then we’re going to have to update the strategy I’m going to grab some wood cuz there’s no way they’re going to be be able to break wood if they’re made of fire right chat

Right I bet he’s got no counter for wood all right I guess I’m not using Cobble if I use the stone bricks from there though maybe the stone bricks are the move I hate these banshees bro especially when they show up when I’m Underground I cannot do anything if I’m in the

Stairs and a Banshee shows up banshees yeah no way by the way check a DM I just dm’d you really quickly did you second I did oh no that’s chill oh we’re chill okay we’re chill we’re chill I don’t mind I don’t mind if you’re a little silly

Tonight oh I’m a little silly I’m actually very silly right now you’re very silly right now let’s go yeah I had yeah I feel amazing that’s good good to hear all right always good to hear I also have a big toone you have a big toone that’s so big yeah like like a

Massive toone my sister gets this for me every year and it’s always the best for Christmas right it’s so sick oh it’s so sick you don’t even know man oh hey wait oh [ __ ] is Argus back Argus was back we don’t [ __ ] with Argus in these parts all

Right am I going to get Argus no it’s going to get zombie headed getting head from zombies guys we’ve got the zombie glory hole right here uh they just they zombies GL all right um so your dick is not that big if this is 16 right here 15 14 13 12 11 and

Big this is my optimal strip mining uh height because this is what I heard was the best from isuma void eight years ago so I have always done it without fail okay so we put that away now we start breaking blocks and help nothing spawns on

Me I’m not going to do that I don’t want to [ __ ] with gravel right now already found iron huge all right do I leave now with this iron so that I can make a flint and steel yeah probably you very well could okay we don’t leave all of those broken

Cool all right I’m going to make a flint and steel and then I can make torches let’s go let’s go guys I grabbed some gravel so I can turn it into Flint I’m plotting right now and scheming some no bobles real okay oh [ __ ] I need to kill this guy unfortunately

Unfortunately yeah because I need a new summon staff I should get back into rlcraft I haven’t really been doing anything on there I I’m just trying it for the first time right now believe it or not it’s kind of obvious cuz I’m did you know you can dual wield weapons if you have

Offand crazy that’s actually insane yeah if you have a weapon your off hand you can use your right click to to do the right like to do the offand stuff oh that’s crazy actually that’s awesome it is I’m going to dual wield rapers I didn’t know I had another

Professional on call right now oh my God I’m back back to the [ __ ] Banshee dude these things are so annoying when they’re in the mine [ __ ] I’m going to die cuz he hurt my head really bad or I escaped mind that the one I was fighting do you

Have your stuff yet yeah I did did you get your stuff back yet oh W I have a little bit of a delay you fire I do you’re just asking me instead of waiting what I’m supposed to do wait anyways yeah okay oh it’s the weird rats

[ __ ] no not the weird rats I hope I got an ender pearl from that guy cuz I miss having ends in this game yeah they got ender pearls in this game I thought they were exclusive to Minecraft not real life craft yeah that’s what I was

Saying see as soon as you add the real life into it that’s when it gets a little weird that that’s when it’s like oh yeah I forgot about the the flying lava in real life he found the one piece the one piece has been located this is so big I was really

Hoping I would do that some day this is the one piece the one piece is real the one piece is real can we get much higher so high [ __ ] oh dude I just diced that Chupacabra I got the the point and click ability I love hearing your toble so fire cocka

What that’s my toble room my bad yeah actually this is my flossing I have I floss now oh you floss now you just discovered that that’s so fire I’m so proud I’ve been flossing but this is like I found a new way to floss it’s with these little stick things oh you’re

Using floss for the first time floss PS yeah hey do we have a problem has indeed been mewing do we have a problem here oh [ __ ] new glory hole just dropped guys no way can I hit it I want to kill it is that the glory hole of

87 yeah I think this is Freddy Fazbear oh that’s why I can’t kill it it’s probably an NPC dog no there was a block there but I couldn’t see it through his giant H [ __ ] another rat go I like the face cam you’re looking real cute today thank you man thank you

That’s what I I try to look cute on my streams bro yeah so that some eight foot tall gothom will come into chat and see oh wow I want to spit on this man’s speaking of which I need to play I need to play Crush Crush right now

Oh [ __ ] I reminded him of eight foot tall goth women yeah crush crush got to load it up still gonna floss though don’t worry I’ve been meing so much I Alex you didn’t see the beginning of the stream that was what I did instead of talking

For the first three seconds I just like did the me thing where I tap on my jaw and like hold the Mee pose I don’t even know what meing is can you please describe to me what is cuz I just never you haven’t before no I haven’t can you pleas really

It’s a really old thing it was like old school forchin I think where people were like oh if you do this it’ll give you a better jaw line so you can looks Max which is making your look maxing is a a term for making yourself more

Attractive I think it’s I want you to check my camera right now so that you can see if I look attractive via my insane looks yeah let’s see oh you’ve been looks maxing for sure bro for sure for sure dog but yeah it’s like some old Insel terminology which is funny that it’s

Just popping off right now but viewing is when you like press your tongue to the top of your mouth and bring your lower jaw out to the point where your bottom teeth are like your bottom front teeth are touching your top front teeth or or back

In that matter mhm okay I’m me right now watch me are you let’s go mhm I don’t know why this mouse can control my movement it’s kind of pissing me off you should you should watch me me it does look like you’re me right now that’s

Very good very good thank you thank you I appreciate it oh no dude the rat just threw me into the lava pool these rats are so [ __ ] annoying crush crush is so mid just play honeypop no crush crush is banging just play honeypop honey poop’s kind of goated

Bro crush crush is crazy though you don’t even know dog am I going to be able to get that stuff back I’ll literally play crush crush on stream yeah I mean you don’t have the 18 plus DLC so it’s chill oh yeah I totally don’t oh you totally don’t you totally don’t yeah

Yeah I totally don’t have the 18 plus DLC I I think some of my favorite Markiplier videos from back in the day were the Markiplier videos where he would play horn games I thought those were so funny and then yeah no those like I saw PewDiePie one where he did

That yeah dude that was I was 10 that was back when I just learned about boobs dude that’s such a fire way to further your knowledge in boobs watching somebody play a hentai game uhhuh I’m just doing boobs studies right now oh yeah I can get all my [ __ ]

Back just going to drain this lava pit because I know it has a bottom cuz I blocked it off earlier yeah hell yeah look at that I keep forgetting that items don’t die I did not [ __ ] the bear I did not [ __ ] the bear what you what what I feel like there’s a

There’s a disconnect CU I don’t know about enough about crush crush there’s a bear woman there’s a bear woman in crush crush and you could [ __ ] her and I didn’t because I’m not far enough into the game I [ __ ] the the first one though real okay

Real you’re just getting to the fa woman currently yeah yeah yeah no I’ve been at the beom I just haven’t [ __ ] it it’s a right of passage [ __ ] the beom exactly all right let’s uh let’s go let’s go guys oh it’s just a [ __ ] bear are you thinking of yeah Boulders

Gate no it’s just a bear no it’s it’s in crush crush it’s a bear but it’s also a girl technically oh you you were making it sound like it was like a a bear woman it’s it’s a female bear it’s it’s a female bear and it’s also a bare woman

No I feel like those are two very different things no but it’s both of them cuz it can transform into a bear girl like you know like a girl with cat ears oh transform into a girl with accessories and it’s also just a [ __ ] animal bear oh okay I yeah all

Right I got you I understand now I played the game I I should know man no you you do you bro it’s okay I I didn’t [ __ ] the bear it’s you do you bro you’re not hurting anybody I guess I I didn’t [ __ ] the bear please this is slander not playing blush blush

Real am I going to be able to do damage with this it doesn’t do enough attack damage I can do damage with this though come here big guy I’m going to poke your eyes out [ __ ] no he’s going to poke my eyes out run I don’t even know what that means

Bud what does tool boat quiver emerald rings uh you should subscribe to a wise one by the way eh you can do that at your own discretion yeah if you want to but I’m I’m not going to force it on you but you definitely should yeah of

Course I like that you’re giving them the illusion of choice now thank you mhm it’s like undertale oh yeah yeah yeah it’s just or Delta room you know Delta room just gives you yeah we need to play Delta room trust me I’m on stream you have to play undertale Yellow

Cuz I just finished that on stream and it was genuinely I think it’s better than undertale really the pacifist rout as well it yeah you should finish the pacifist route of undertale first okay before you do anything you got to do neutral and then pacifist of undertale you can do

Those pretty like at the same time pretty much okay okay it’s going to is it going to take me 9 and a half hours or some I don’t I don’t need you to comment me I will say no I won’t I won’t commentate but I can help you if you

Want okay okay like if you need me I’ll watch and then be in the background for you all all right and then give you tips and pointers if you really need it I’ll hit a nasty viewer Peak again or I’ll just give you a list I’ll

Give you a list and then I’ll say don’t read this part until you’ve done this right there why am I even using this oh it’s cuz it reaches farther oh and then when he does spin I can use that I’m drawing in a lot of chaotic energy right now

Yeah Mercury is in retrograde guys mhm what don’t mind me just flossing I’m just flossing is are you quoting floss like a boss 73 right now no I’m actually just flossing flossing right now I got the floss sticks and everything there’s this guy on Instagram who just showed up I’ve

Seen that guy I’ve seen SE FL like a boss oh my God I’ve seen floss like a boss he’s such a goat oh my God bro exactly I like he just goes on there and he’s like my name is floss like a boss 73 uh follow my page and it’s awesome

Yeah it’s hilarious so cool I love it yeah and I was like I followed him when he had like 700 followers it was crazy I’m like an old head on there yeah you’re I’m an OG flosser and bosser okay this is bad this isn’t a good

Spot I like when they start spinning cuz then I can kill them easily don’t forget tool belt quiver emerald rings Emerald necklace crush crush Thriller game I am just playing Terraria I always end up here it is it’s crazy all right are they still mad at me

They probably are no okay whatever call yourself Spirit of order that’s fine I’ll just order wings on door Dash DB M I had to make something I don’t to remember what it was right now oh I was making a sign so that I would remember yeah that was

It not quite enough for a sign I love crafting signs cuz they take two full logs of wood but not the entire second log so you just have to craft two full lugs all right all right let’s uh let’s let’s write this down let’s get myself a bit of an itinerary

El junko has hair now no way this is so big um tool belt quiver emerald rings Emerald necklace quiver emerald rings quiver emerald rings ring Emerald necklace done I don’t like how I had to type in the four lines let’s go die these guys are giving me so much

Trouble and it’s making me really sad and I wish they would just be nice to me hey I they’re probably giving me trouble because I keep poking them with my long stick but oh [ __ ] please let me be I love you no I don’t actually love you I’m

Killing you we only hurt the ones we love we only hurt the ones we love come here I’m going to spread my love to you okay I loved all over him that’s we don’t take that out of context please please don’t take that out of

Context damn it okay I hate how I move slower I’m going to take it out of context I’m sorry I’m back by the way how’s it going wait I noticed bro I was flossing in the bathroom okay that’s cool yeah that’s awesome I’m glad you take care of your teeth yeah I was

Yeah thank you I was listening to you by the way oh you were listening to me you were listening to my like listen to you all right I do I do like to listen to you I don’t like these balls that I’m holding why are they they just don’t go

Where I want them to look at That stupid balls all right well how what’s my knowledge looking like on these I can’t even summon them anymore cuz I don’t have an ender pearl but we’ll get them I can hear your game Sorry Sorry I’m just playing undertale yellow oh real he’s an undertale it’s actually a fire game you

Should you should really get it I’m just going to eat this thing I may or may not be a speed Runner may or may not be tell them that I’m a speedrunner I’m telling them you’re a speedrunner he’s a speedrunner yeah I am a speedrunner actually sorry F you guys

That like that but I am a speedrun all right I should speedrun the game really quick yeah get that done get it over with yeah one of these days that undertale video will be done one of these days listen you haven’t really been doing anything yourself I’ll I’ll I

Don’t even know if I have it did you even send it to me uh I think I uploaded the VOD for you it was just a 9h hour long VOD I just cleansed myself I don’t know what that I took a shower guys I did it I took a shower finally after

Years of not taking a shower in this game I I took a shower in game in game in game in game Dante Dante I know I know I’m doing the Dante right now in game in game in game though in game oh oh I accidentally punched her

[ __ ] wait I didn’t mean to punch you I would never hurt a woman I love them okay I love women hash I love women actually if I kill a bunch of pixies can I start summoning them I went from I love women to if I kill a lot of them

Can I have one that’s no that’s [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] we don’t we don’t like that that’s that’s that’s definitely a misogyny moment yeah that was accidental accidental misogyny whoops my bad bro all of olive just comes out and says bro it was an accident it was an oopsie sorry I just

Made a mistake I didn’t mean to be awful I have made a severe and continuous I rolled the D20 on uh on being a nice person and I got I got I got a n one I got a Nat one on that [ __ ] it was just unlucky sorry but now

My turn’s over and I canoll and I rolled like a seven this time so I’ll be all right and decent to you bro Donald Trump comes back and he’s like my bad guys I just rolled a natat one in life oh my God I need to stop dying to these things

It’s making me sad that’s what she said oh what what what’s she dying sorry I think I think I think I misheard that I’m going to be honest oh okay that’s yeah all right that’s fair damn that made me sad everything’s making me sad today I’m just an

Emotional wreck right now okay that’s okay all right should I finish this guy off chat don’t take that out of context I swear I’ll do it okay thank you I’ll take it out of context thank you for giving me content I appreciate it thank you for playing right that’s

Not that’s not exactly that’s not exactly what I was hoping um the reper I like this Eye of Ender thank you also going to take this or this is not iron this is coal but I can use it to make my iron harder so really it’s

A thank you for the Peter laugh I needed that did you know that guy’s in fortnite that guy’s in fortnite I know so make that jump one [ __ ] watch me watch me watch me [ __ ] God damn it no no no no no wait wait wait let me prove myself to you I’m

Going to prove myself to you Alex watch me it’s cuz sprinting Works differently in rlcraft and I don’t like it see that I made the jump okay if you say so oh the game’s all here now I’m screwed bro oh he just got trounced crazy no way he just got Tred right now

How many how many skill points do I have on these these puppies um Elemental uh I don’t know I need to kill eight more eight more of them then I can summon one for myself and I can finally have friends I hate how the only way to make friends in this game is

Slaughter emotional damage real okay I’m slaughtering people right now actually really that’s so fire bro yeah undertale yellow undertale yellow genocide right now yeah yeah I really didn’t want to so then that’s that’s why I did those events ah okay you mean you didn’t do genocide on your first playthrough crazy

No no I didn’t I did pacifist because uh oh cuz you wanted to experience I explained I explained it better in my stream yeah I explained it better no I’m making fun of myself right now don’t worry yeah I Um uh cuz I I feel almost I I genuinely forget the word I don’t know what the word is I’m going to have to look the word up I love you and it’s you play a lot of genocide so I figured like at some point somebody’s got to get

Genocide what what does it mean like deprived of sensation um dude I’ve become I’ve got I’ve become desensitized that’s the word you were looking for under as a whole yeah I was looking for desensitized damn desensitized to yeah that was my bad I’ve been looking for that one for a

Long time I’ve become desensitized to undertale as a whole pacifist used to mean something to me and now it doesn’t because I’ve done so many genocide attempts right oh so now you want to understand what it’s like to love again yeah well I did I played through the pacifist Road of undertale yellow

And I was like oh I just got this is crazy yeah that’s that’s good at least that’s good to hear it was bizarre it was a bizarre feeling embarrassing embarrassing dud Alex odity is kind of a girl boss did did we do we all agree on this

Do we all agree that Alex a I do 100% that man is an absolute girl boss that’s cool all right I need to go back to the mines I think I think I’m yearning for the m right now a little too much oh my God it’s I become so numb

I can’t feel you there oh I didn’t realize I wasn’t adequate for you I apologize I’ll uh I’ll I’ll make it up with with better moves my toone your toone my toone um I’m gonna make a hat I think I’m feeling hat killed right now all right on SEC manipulate man’s Blain Manore

Exactly what I’m saying okay I need leather iron and string I need some string pretty bad I String has been escaping I almost I almost ate my earbud dude that would have been so sad if you ate your whole earbud what the [ __ ] yeah I was eating chocolate and then I took

My earbud out for a second and then I put it back in and I almost ate it little extra silly tonight I guess unfortunate yeah you know how it is you know how it is it happens happens to the best of us mm real I need to go back into the

Hole I miss my phunny hole oh dude I just I just realized what my problem is I was going to make a is this the lantern from 114 but they just put it in here that’s so weird mhm anyway um yeah I just realized I was going to make a

Flint and steel so I could light torches but I didn’t do that manipulate mansplain man wh dude I’ve been man whoring so hard that’s what I’m saying that’s that’s what meing is that’s just me man whoring mhm MH all right meeing is is the definition of manorn yeah real

Real three four time to mine a branch guys I have two torches that’s all a man needs just two torches yeah I figured that was going to happen to me watch this we’ve done it we’ve done it today we invented sence you check your stream did you did you check your streamlabs

This is the one problem I checked my streamlabs yeah check it again I checked it right now oh did you just donate check it again maybe oh my God I love you you TI hey did it show up on stream did everybody see the tip it did it did

Oh my God mhm I wish it wouldn’t play a sound for me I can’t hear it you should uh you can edit that in streamlabs browser oh I know I can edit that I just haven’t for some reason yeah maybe you should yeah so that I can show you the love you deserve

Exactly all right this is scary a little bit honestly I don’t like that I don’t like that just going to push through watch this me just enter back in I’ve got to be cooling down right now right I’m away from the lava which I do need to get my torch

Back two torches is all man needs that is cool I was like this is that not cool let’s get back to mining like real real miners yeah miners what I mean what I mean um nothing I guess you are 17 yeah can’t blame me yeah I can no longer do anything um all

Right we’ve got some gold right I’m only a miner for how many months did we say you said seven yeah seven from today now or I guess yesterday now we have gold now so assuming I find another ender pearl I can make another summoning

Rod I really hope I don’t get M by some she be summoning on my rod she be summoning on my rod till I uh something yeah you know I hear some kind of scary creature outside kind of afraid that it’s going to end up in my cave if I dig this

Way oh iron iron my beloved yeah maybe I should maybe the end goal is to stream Minecraft until people start making edits of me in that heart-shaped locket you know maybe that’s what I want yeah like like Rambo yeah I am kind of I am I am a boy white

Boy with brown hair so I could I could make it in the Minecraft streaming Universe I am the murderer they call me Mr Murderer all right this hell yeah see how Branch mining

This video, titled ‘Finding the One Piece in Minecraft Day 2 | Wyeeett Minecraft RLCraft’, was uploaded by Wyeeett on 2024-01-03 08:55:33. It has garnered 69 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:58:49 or 10729 seconds.

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    100 Days of Minecraft Shenanigans: Day 3 Adventure The 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft: Day 3 Adventure Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as the 100 Days Challenge continues! On day 3, our intrepid player has completed work on the ground, setting the stage for even more exciting developments. Exploring the Ground On this day, our Minecraft enthusiast has dedicated their time to perfecting the groundwork. Building a solid foundation is crucial for any successful Minecraft journey, ensuring stability and security as they delve deeper into the game. Building Structures Constructing various structures such as shelters, farms, and storage facilities is essential for… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Battle Royale

    Sneaky Minecraft Battle Royale Minecraft Battle Royale with Friends: A Thrilling Tournament Event Are you ready for an epic Minecraft Battle Royale tournament with your friends? Get your FOV set to 90, DPI at 1200, and sensitivity cranked up to 100 for the ultimate gaming experience! Meet the Team: Shoutout to the amazing gamers who made this event possible: legend_sonic Anurag_07 KINGS_Gamer7392 Tojowarrirors Hero123red456 Nirobplayzyt Music Vibes: Rock out to the tunes from Capcut music as you battle it out in the Minecraft arena. The right soundtrack can make all the difference in your gameplay! Engage and Connect: Don’t forget to show some… Read More

  • Jiren’s Minecraft Monument: Vlog 5 Unveiled!

    Jiren's Minecraft Monument: Vlog 5 Unveiled! In Minecraft world, a Jiren statue to build, With blocks and creativity, our skills to guild. On Lo Do Vo channel, the vlog takes flight, With dedication and passion, we shine bright. Despite the haters, we push through the storm, Creating content that’s unique and warm. So join us on this journey, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Stay tuned for more updates, more rhymes to come, On Lo Do Vo channel, where we never succumb. Building, crafting, exploring the unknown, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams are sown. Read More

  • Talking Angela 2: Zoonomaly vs Minecraft vs Angela Cosplay

    Talking Angela 2: Zoonomaly vs Minecraft vs Angela Cosplay In My Talking Angela 2, a cosplay showdown brews, Angel Angela versus Devil Angela, who will you choose? Witness the clash of good and evil, so divine, As Angela transforms, her powers intertwine. With radiant wings, Angel Angela takes flight, Her grace and charm, a heavenly sight. But beware of Devil Angela, with fiery wings ablaze, Her mischievous energy, in a darkened haze. Join Angela on her journey, through challenges untold, In a world where light and darkness unfold. Will purity prevail, or mischief take the lead? Watch the battle unfold, in this epic deed. Subscribe, like, and hit… Read More

  • Armorception: When all armors unite! 🔥

    Armorception: When all armors unite! 🔥 All armors combined = a walking tank with a fashion sense only a creeper could love. #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Empty Minecraft Skyrow Prank

    Empty Minecraft Skyrow Prank Minecraft: A Never-Ending Adventure Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can feel like a never-ending adventure. From building magnificent structures to surviving against the elements, there is always something new to discover in this virtual realm. The Thrill of Exploration When players embark on their Minecraft journey, the possibilities are endless. Each new world offers unique landscapes, resources, and challenges to overcome. Whether it’s mining deep underground for rare ores or venturing into the Nether for dangerous encounters, the thrill of exploration is ever-present. Setting Goals and Objectives One of the key aspects of Minecraft is setting goals and… Read More

  • Isaac’s Epic Minecraft Jukebox V2

    Isaac's Epic Minecraft Jukebox V2 Minecraft Bedrock Multi-Disc Looping Jukebox v2 Are you a music lover in Minecraft looking for a way to enjoy multiple music discs in a jukebox seamlessly? Look no further! The Minecraft Bedrock Multi-Disc Looping Jukebox v2 is here to enhance your musical experience in the game. Let’s dive into the details of this innovative creation. Reliability and Efficiency The latest version of the multi-disc looping jukebox aims to address the reliability issues of its predecessor. Now, you can enjoy your favorite music discs in the original order without any interruptions. The design has been simplified to a compact dimension… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cottage Witch Mod – Episode 6

    EPIC Minecraft Cottage Witch Mod - Episode 6Video Information hey Minecrafters welcome back to the channel or to the channel if you’re new here and to episode 6 in our Cottage witch mod pack series I was a busy B between episodes and I’m going to show you everything at the start of the video so grab a drink grab a snack whatever it is that you get for while you watch videos and let’s get on with the fun all righty so we have some comments to go over because of course you guys are leaving so many amazing things and tips and tricks and all… Read More

  • Creating Liminal Spaces in Minecraft

    Creating Liminal Spaces in MinecraftVideo Information this is so weird there’s no way this is Minecraft so recently I saw a video by thght where he made some like super cool but like super unsettling limal spaces in Minecraft and I was like okay that’s that’s pretty sick I’m I got to do this so I’m going to make the most Lial experience in Minecraft and uh torture my YouTube Friends by making them walk through it and also to make their experience like even more uncomfortable I’m going to be pretending to be Herobrine and scaring them this might have been my most… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Chaos with Crowd Control | Part 03

    Intense Minecraft Chaos with Crowd Control | Part 03Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Vanilla Minecraft w/ Crowd Control | Part 03’, was uploaded by MattMightCraft on 2024-03-29 07:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thank you for subscribing and liking the video! Without you, the streams and videos would not be possible! Thank you for doing … Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Sand Art in Minecraft | Dadduji’s Creation #plankton

    Mind-Blowing Sand Art in Minecraft | Dadduji's Creation #planktonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Video of Minecraft Sand Art Video | plankton |#plankton #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Is Dadduji on 2024-01-04 00:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. plankton #minecraftshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed #amongus #freddyfazbear Hello Guys, Hit the Like and Subscribe button to … Read More

  • Wolfen Farm: Crossing 4 Insanity!

    Wolfen Farm: Crossing 4 Insanity!Video Information hello everyone and welcome to farming Crossing 4 so I used to play farming Crossing 3 and I absolutely loved it and if you don’t know what farming Crossing is it’s a um it’s a mod pack for Minecraft that is heavily inspired by Animal Crossing and Animal Crossing is probably one of my most favorite games ever so I really was super excited to find out that this one came out and it was released not too terribly long ago and I’m really looking forward to hopping right in so let’s go ahead and do it uh… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: BUILDING EPIC MINECRAFT HOUSE #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO MAKE BEST HOUSE IN MINECRAFT #viral #minecraft #video #like #subscribe #share’, was uploaded by GHOST.GAMING on 2024-03-09 07:54:17. It has garnered 27 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:19 or 139 seconds. HOW TO MAKE BEST HOUSE MINECRAFT #viral #minecraft #video #like #subscribe #share Read More


    EPIC CHARITY MINECRAFT STREAM: PRIDE FUN w/ @itsfroggychair15Video Information e e e wow w [Music] wow wow [Music] wow [Music] wow wow [Music] wow [Music] wow e e e e e e [Music] oh my God wait hello everyone hello hello hello hello hello hello everyone I’m so sorry wait wait wait wait I’m just posting something on Tik Tok to notify everyone that I’m live and also sure everyone um go what you need to do wait wait wait let me post this on Tik Tok hold on okay hi everyone oh my God I can’t believe y’all breaked me oh God oh my God as… Read More

  • MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🤯 #shorts #mcpe

    MINECRAFT HACK: Insane Mini-Build Trick! 🤯 #shorts #mcpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-05-05 05:15:43. It has garnered 359 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!

    EnderGaming dominates The Hive with insane BedWars skills!Video Information all right guys I’m live we’re doing something new today hold up oh am I live I’m live okay there we go we’re doing something new today we are doing bedw War grinding now and I also have a new mouse so it’s kind of all right let’s see how let’s see how good I am with this new mouse I’ll get into in just a second hold up let me make sure my audio is good though hello hold on all right my audio is good scamer what’s up bro welcome to the stream are you going… Read More

  • Westville

    WestvilleHey, welcome to Westville! A RPG in the world of the old wild West, with many unique features and a dedicated team! We have a custom explorable map, custom models and lots to figure out yourself. Come play today! IP: Discord: MC version: 1.20.1 or higher Read More

  • Thugcraft Semi-Anarchy Vanilla New World No Resets

    Welcome to Thugcraft! A no hack Anarchy server with no player homes, economy, or player teleports. Join now and explore our recently generated world created on 2/23/2024. No hack clients, duping, or server lag allowed. Ip: (1.17-1.20.6+) Discord: Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: Death and Destruction” 💀💀💀💀

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft: Death and Destruction" 💀💀💀💀Looks like this meme really knows how to dig its way to the top with a score of 56! 💀💀💀💀 Read More

  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes

    The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes When you spend hours preparing for the Ultimate Minecraft Server Event, only to be killed by a creeper within the first five minutes. #minecraftfail #respawnneeded Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

    Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before! Welcome to! Are you a fan of exciting adventures and stunning visuals like those in the teaser trailer for the upcoming ‘Minecraft’ live-action movie starring Jason Momoa? If so, you’ll love the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can embark on epic quests, explore various biomes, gather resources, and face off against hostile mobs like Creepers and Endermen. Just like in the movie, teamwork is key as you uncover secrets about the world’s history and your true destiny. Experience the thrill of creative world-building and the power of… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses!

    Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses! Exploring the World of Minecraft Licenses The Rise of Minecraft: From Obscurity to Global Phenomenon Back in 2009, the Swedish developer Markus Persson, also known as Notch, created Minecraft. The game’s open world, limitless possibilities, and gameplay quickly propelled it to immense success and popularity. But did you know that Notch didn’t finish school and faced personal struggles? The journey of Minecraft’s development is truly fascinating. The Battle Between Piracy and Minecraft Licenses While some may argue that Minecraft can be easily pirated, understanding the value of a Minecraft license is crucial. Dive into the world of digital keys,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

    Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information the other day no do you know I I remember this guys guys chill out we’re live now yeah no it’s it’s play the baby hurt you it was the child’s fault are you still atro grinding for Terra 9 I still atro grinding for ter 9 actually Dam that’s so cute of you Luca screen shot when you give away please ma’am never again ma’am now my WiFi is decent maybe are you sure maybe y me to tab your stream for you Koolaid give you watch time yes please yes please yes please you know once… Read More

  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More