THE NEXT GENERATION OF SKYBLOCK! EP1 | Minecraft Mechanical Mastery [Modded Questing SKYBLOCK]

Video Information

Hello everyone welcome back to cyber fuel Studios my name is listen of course I’m joined by the man himself miles how you doing man it’s me I’m at this side hello how are you I am doing fantastic and Miles we’re back today playing a brand new Modpack mechanical Mastery you

Know we’re back in the skies and to be honest this is a mod pack which is like it it’s different that’s all I can say it’s very different to what we have done before it’s all about automation that’s the number one thing automation automation automation that’s that’s

Everything miles so is that number one two and three that’s one two and three I’d say three’s EMC because it’s all right okay basically if I had to sum this mod pack up miles it’s basically an EMC Factory mod pack because let’s go what you have to do is these different

Tiers and you’ve basically got a to me everything to produce EMC and make these mechanical Essences and these different tiers these five different tiers uh maybe more added in the future who knows but it looks amazing from what I put it it’s uh we haven’t played anything like

It miles I’ve got to say you know it’s good are you ready to build a factory not even like not too complicated that was very AMC based no but it we didn’t automate stuff in that didway with EMC you made Power flowers and stuff and all

That stuff but this is like so what you have to do I’ll basically think do you want to start chopping down these trees and I’ll basically read it because the questline doesn’t better than me it tells you what to do so you go into the overview and I’m picking up all these interests

Before I read I was in this cheesy cheeky chest let’s look you got water lava transmutation table let’s go oh exactly yeah Boop that right down so let’s have a look uh welcome introduction and explanation so mechanical Master is an expert Style Skyblock mod pack it’s uh yeah sure

We’re we’re some more expert Smiles well it’s just uh leave it at that so focused around automating everything in order to keep progressing EMC has been completely overhauled see that’s what I’m saying that’s why it’s like different to not too complicated because it’s nice it’s overhauled it’s completely different so

Um yeah he is being completely overall and only raw resources such as all chunks have EMC and that and uh new mechanical Essences can be crafted out of those raw materials with multiple tiers giving exponentially more EMC the more complicated they get in order to succeed in this mod pack you need to

Learn how to automate these mechanical Essences and gain as much EMC as possible good luck sir let’s go what basically happens so you take that we go on to tier one which is thermal so we’re going to be using thermal to kind of automate everything to double ours

That’s basically what you’re going to be doing as well I think it’s it says that you can get up to like 25 times uh maybe even more uh for one Ingot wait to go we like that yeah which is pretty nice so yeah if we take this welcome to this mod

Pack where your objective is to automate everything a mechanical crystals yep through this Quest book you’ll receive many of the basic materials you will need to fulfill this jaw make sure to learn the items first because using them up no refunds so go ahead accept everything and then if you look to the

Right after you get a cobblestone you’ll then start getting all pieces for each stuff so you’ll get oh yeah Redstone or you’ll get iron ore gold copper all that stuff and they all have an EMC value so you’ll need to put them inside your transmutation table and

Then kind of go from there and then so that’s basically like you going to mine is over here you go you get your EMC value and uh then you like cook it up smell it up oh so we don’t ever have to like set up a digital Miner and stuff

Like that no no yeah you don’t have to do any of that any of that garbage miles you come over here you get your R and then it’s all about making the most out of that horse so we basically have to make a double triple quadruple all that

And then make these Essences which will give us even more um EMC for what we made from it you know I feel like I’m not doing enough Justice we need to we need to get started so oh yeah man look at this guy thinking we’re not tight on EMC these days using full

Planks absolutely oh you’d even learn it the the word but we can grow trees out though sir yeah so uh the old planks are actually emcable just the logs are and then yeah something that’s all this happens yeah so some of the supplements uh something

We are going to face an issue with is just our EMC like uh values because we don’t like share one which is a bit weird um oh yeah are you putting the REMC table down on I wouldn’t I mean I can do but if you want my EMC table to go there

Yeah I need loads We need oh we need so many of them right if I have some book please good because uh yeah I haven’t learned one there’s one of there’s one sapling there’s one chord uh yeah thank you I didn’t need the other stuff but

You know I’ll take it let’s just bang it all in there and we need to get started so wood you’ve got that you get saplings and then it says clear so uh claim to return into bricks another important resource for automating and crafting there you go and yes 16 clay make sure

To learn those miles yeah so learning very important in the mod pack uh no refunds so learn everything miles okay be big learn it all yeah and also while you do some stuff I’m just gonna quickly show how to turn on the vein mine thing

So in this I just believe it is FTB ultimate so I click here I’ve just got mine set to left alt I don’t know if you have it as well miles or not no I’ve got mine at C see because why see why C can I ask it’s

Easy to click with the way that I hold the keyboard I hold the keyboard by the way wait I’m holding the keyboard right now that’s how I played the game you just told oh I don’t even know how you play I’ll be holding if I keep it

Yeah that’s pretty snazzy I’ve got to say I like it myself good it’s real that’s how you get the most reaction times yeah yeah RPM and stuff yeah I’ve heard that’s true Pro Gamers all of them hold the uh hold the keyboard the keyboard yeah that’s the tricks that you

Don’t want you to know about that’s right that when you’re watching it they always show the face cam but never the handicap never the hand cam yeah they hold it like you’re playing Guitar Hero yeah yeah yeah true I mean the I don’t know if you’ve uh like watched like CS

Go or whatever and they all have it like tilt they all have it like straight down yeah like they tilt it like almost yeah it’s like a 45 degree angle I like I like how I’m here turning my actual keyboard like people could see it for the car but

Yeah they all have like this yeah like uh wait what what’s going on here I’m adding more Oh I thought you guys sure again yes I know I’m saying like this like I’m doing right now oh yeah why are you doing that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Um but yeah I don’t get it like why turn it 45 degrees what does that give you in terms of um like thing extra ability to click and also another thing like writing they sit right in front of the mic like the Nerds is touching the monitor premium yeah you’ve got to have

You’ve got to have all the peripherals you’ve got to have Wicked peripheral vision as well as soon as you see someone move on that screen you’re gonna one shot yeah I I could not play like that with my nose touch I’m sorry I’m not a professional csgo

I mean that could be the that could be the thing holding me back I’m not gonna lie as soon as you move your keyboard and you put your monitor right on your nose boom instantly I don’t know what the ranks are uh I see like Global Elite

First well no you’re just gonna be first I’ll just gonna be first off the top of the charts me and I’m winning I’m winning everything all tournaments mine but yeah so real quick Lewis yep so I’ve got 42 more planks are we making the fancy Cobble Geno the seven by seven square one

I think we need Tina I think we just need to make the one gen so I think uh Rivard what we need to do you need to turn those planks now that you’ve got into crafting tables I think that’s the next thing that you need to do but we

Don’t we can just use this dirt underneath us right if if you want to be like that and watch take this Wonder oh yeah see it or miles I mean I I didn’t even think about it can I have that one do it please I mean let’s get EMC I mean

I don’t want to take the landscape you know I’ll I’ll put what you’ve put down oh you make it right here in the middle like a full-blown psychopath I just I’m gonna do it over here all right do you want to get set out then Bud um who

Who doesn’t do it in the ground you better be doing it around there’s gonna be another one in the ground here so it doesn’t burn that’s fine all right you you get that set up I’m gonna keep making some more of these uh some more

Wood for us we want all the EMC we can get at the moment and boom there we go so we got a bucket of water and a bucket of lava from the questline yeah from my experience I know that this needs to go like this

Yep and needs to be made out of dirt um no yeah the water one doesn’t Bud all right all right all right if it spreads and sets is all on fire look I’m blaming you when the uh the big men come from upstairs yeah annual party Christmas party

Halloween pie yeah we’re gonna be throwing soon yeah yeah when they come for the Halloween party I’ll look right at them dead in the eyes and say nothing set on fire all right okay that’s right you uh you better have a Halloween costume ready um oh I do this month actually oh yeah

I’ve got a Halloween right I’ve got a Halloween party to go to yeah and I don’t know what to go as a minion thank you specifically uh I think it’s Bob Bob all right Bob from the menu is that the one with one eye I think he’s

The one the small one that acts like a baby um I I do believe that’s him if I’m not mistaken anyway perfect do you want to get a thing then and smash that a medal yeah yeah go go go go go grab yourself a medal out of the uh out the drawer Bud

Oh thank you oh yeah why what were you thinking of going as did you have uh someone else in mind and not a minion um well I wanted to go something like kind of cooler [Laughter] things wow okay I didn’t know you could get cooler than the minions nowadays is

There something going on here it just keeps jumping into the lava like stupid oh what I did for that I just made like a little top for it so if you got like three Cobble and made like top three and they’d stop going into it

Um oh I mean you can’t do that as well if you want there you go that should stop it yeah oh thank you very much you’re never getting another one I mean about oh they said 64 in the quest line so boom there you go grab that so we’re

In the Stony Channel miles what we can go ahead and do Quest it open up all of these things so we want to go through accept each one of these quests and that’ll start giving us the raw ores or the um things for it oh you’ve gone through and just rapidly accepted them

All and boom yeah because um trust me I’m a CS go player you’re a your processor right now you’re playing Minecraft face to face basically holding machine wow okay that’s pretty spicy so what you could just go ahead and do just put everything in there so just shift click

Everything in there boom boom boom I’ve got 33k EMC yep I have 34k EMC don’t want to flex but you know what I’ll just do mile steel yeah I gave you one piece of coal so can I have that back uh yeah sure you have one piece of callback uh

There you go that’s gonna make all the difference there you go Bud enjoy so from there what we need to go ahead and do now is start actually making just the basic automation stuff so it starts with a sterling Dynamo to get some power and then moves on to some thermal machines

And they’re what we’re going to use so the basic thing for tier one is I basically I think it’s just a polarizer into a redstone furnace is what you’re going to get and that will give you one maybe two times sometimes with some of them and then maybe a chance to get

Another thing so like with iron I think you can get nickel as well and it’s also got like a maybe a 50 chance to get another iron uh which would do right okay so if I if we put Flint in the bottom of the pulverizer uh it also gives you additional chances right

Uh yeah maybe yes isn’t there a thing yeah over here it says over eyes a catalyst primary modifier 1.1 auxiliary modifier 1.5 energy modifier 1.1 and it uses it’s a 20 chance to use the Flint yeah um it also tells you that in the uh or processing so overhauled or processing

If you go into that when you start making your first in gear I’ll tell you but it gives you all the basic catalysts so it says a thermal pulverizer gives you 1.2 times um and then the Flint gives you 1.1 and then 1.25 like you said it goes down

Then mechanism Crusher is times two and then create 1.3 and then so on and so forth things get you better stuff if you get so real quick if you look at this uh the same overhauled or processing questline yep the way that I figured it out is it goes backwards so for example

If you want 1.2 times you can use thermal pulverizer but if you start by using the create a crushing wheel you can then put the money the stuff that you get from there into the mechanism Crusher yeah and then you can use that in the thermal pulverizer and get like

Multiple modifications so you can get 1.3 the add times to add times 1.2 yeah so what I like after a while that’s how you’ll get to your 25 times processing setup by doing stuff like that but anyway miles let’s go Carry On Let’s make ourselves this uh Sterling Dynamo

So we need to create a no no we don’t you’ve got yourself a furnace uh let’s get some call so we can actually yeah so I’m thinking okay I’ll sell mine again yep and then go ahead and mine it and then pickaxe it up indeed there we go

Lovely stuff and then place that in there that’s in there now nice nice you can spend all your resources now I’ve only got 32k left don’t worry I’ll get I’ll get some mine out making sure I get like quite a bit of it because we’re not gonna to duplicate or make stuff

Efficient just yet we can only start doing that once we actually get the pulverizer and the Redstone furnace that’s the only time we can actually get efficient um there we go the only things that we should be mining up are the coal and Redstone now you can smelt Redstone but

That only gives you you can smell Coral as well well no because if it gives you if you can get the multiple drop chance like the 1.2 maybe you can get more yeah uh for now we want to do the Redstone or just mining up but you do

Need an iron pickaxe for that which is a bit sad but you know what that’s fine uh once we get the polarizer though we do start getting like six or seven per one redstone ore so that’s when we kind of want to start using that instead so do

You want to make a pickaxe out of live just or inside of there what uh I’ve already spent it but on what what are you spending it on look at the questline oh what injuries that’s scar we don’t wanna Engineers tell me yeah that’s not doing anything that’s true I thought we

Wanted to make these plates these plates what why do we need to play it’s just yet let’s play it’s fun for the machines no no no none of these play none of them use plates just yet what do you buy you’ve been you’ve been a bit scammed right now because that basically wants

You just to make rods at the moment for the business dust right yeah and dust but I don’t think the dust actually does anything useful like it doesn’t duplicate it Constantin blend uh that’s how we get Constantine no no you can get constant in other ways just by

Pulverizing it and then mixing the dust together good oh um yeah yeah I’m very all right I’ve got enough to do this so boom made myself a pickaxe and okay there we go we’ve got 18 on now let’s go and he does the quiet so for this I need

Four five six iron and one gold as well I’m just gonna spell so you’re making the Sterling Dynamo right now yes I am indeed well seeing as though I’ve gone this way yep I’m gonna take one piece of this oh you know I’m having this one yeah wow all right I’m gonna make

Another phone as well just to kind of speed stuff up to begin with there we go and make us another juicy furnace right right we’ve got 100 XP let’s go let’s go why what are you going towards oh I can make this first basic mechanical Crystal and that’s worth 8

000 DMC yeah you can’t make the first uh Crystal if you wanted to if you wanted a little cheeky um EMC boost because once you get that first one you get 16 more from the questline which could uh kick stuff up a notch so that’s up to you if you want to

Do that um so whilst we met your Sterling Dynamo I may as well make one of these right yeah you can do uh still in Dynamo I should be able to maybe make it now oh no I’m missing a bit of Aina boom yeah draw an aimplate I can give you a

Nameplate oh um no not really I’m good for a name plate you know I’ll leave it um all right here he’s trying to play it back there you go enjoyed you I need two Stern as well lovely stuff wow I’m already I’ve already spent 10 10 G’s miles what’s up

Three G’s wow having me spend all the G’s in the world no anytime you need an eh just say I need some G’s I’ll I’ll follow right yeah okay that’s fine that’s good oh also something I forgot to show off in the quest book as well is the configuration panel now this I’ve

Not seen in any mod pack whatsoever but I I already like it so you can set it just to be daytime if you want to just uh click the tick box and then it’ll set it so it never goes nighttime and then also you can reverse that if you want it

To come back so if you changed your mind so you could just go boom take me back to the Moon you can also set it so you don’t lose your grave or if you do want to lose your grave you can set that as well bedtime who wants it who needs it

Phantoms you don’t want them to spawn boom you can set that as well and you can also turn this back on if you like and finally the rain well you know I hate the rain whenever it comes on hit it so you just take that boom no more

Rain and if you want the rain to come back you take this again I think that 10 out of 10. you know thinking about the players all about the players you know when yeah each company says like uh their game was designed by Gamers for gamers this Yep

This is designed by Modpack players for Modpack players yes miles bye bye players for Minecraft players that’s what it is that’s the selling point right there um but I like it 10 out of 10 from me so boom I got my uh Sterling Dynamo if you

Got the pull friends yeah or have you been super rude not got it I’m being super rude and not got it because uh I was working towards the crystal to get us loads of EMC because you were whinging about spending 10. wow okay all right I say always I can make this don’t

You worry bud I’m on the case for the polarizer so we can start our main stuff oh and the power source in this uh you get the power cable yes the power is in this as well so we can maybe get some of that because I know you love that but

But one thing that is in this as well is pretty Pirates I don’t want to talk about that that’s a garbage oh pretty pipes but like we’re not setting that system up I’m telling you that for now yeah you have to you have to use pretty pipe smiles there’s

No other way like look at me there’s no other way to do it but I think it’s fine I don’t want to talk to you yeah I’d be messing around and he doesn’t seem too bad you know or like the stack limit isn’t it as long as right no I apologize

As long as we don’t have to have the stupid storage network uh at refined I’m I’m fine no so refined storage is in this I don’t know how difficult it is to get into it uh there’s no crafting recipe for oh no it’s a creative one that’s why uh

Improve the cataclyss so I don’t know how long that’s gonna take to get to ask here Marine oh let’s go what Ballers now according to miles I mean I’ve got 169 000 DMC oh that’s a lot of EMC hey give me one second let me accept my questline

Boom and bang it in there 1.9 almost 150 let’s go oh man do you want to make the Redstone furnace then Redstone furnace yes on it yeah good stuff we could get some automation going so Paul friser done we need a nice area you know because right now look at look at this

What is this why is this dirt thing that’s going on here miles this is the Cobble gen we can take that down if you want now uh yes please get get your bucket take it down right I want it all gone and then we’re gonna get some

Chests on the girl the place our garbage in uh here we go and right where’s this going uh that so stuff like okay it’s going there along with your one probe readme you can place that in there as well anyway just just in there yeah and one pro yep and

Then let’s take down these planks because who needs them here uh let’s set your bricks are done by the way here you go enjoy those get out a bunch of iron because we always need iron for this stuff mine in there I’ll play it and then probably just some more

Upper and Tin you’re right you’re on the trucks with two bricks there’s only two in there wait do you have them in your inventory oh no you’ve still got on your idiot no I don’t know shush they were left on the floor oh look at this already not even no no no

You’re doing it you’re on the ball here miles all right so what what’s this what’s this building all about huh this is just this this is an area to work in just an area like areas to work in yeah yeah okay all right that’s fine uh can I

Did you say you made this Redstone first or not are you still working on it no no yeah I just I’m working on it I need some iron some tin I need some stuff you are hugging It All I’m gonna make my own furnaces at my side oh no no what do you

Need what do you need tin anything else uh oh wow you’ve got loads let’s have a look it happens in a way I don’t mess around with this stuff man I now have a machine for him which is nice and Redstone I need three Redstone one

Gold uh one two three and eight copper one gold there’s four copper I can put nine inside of here it’s a nice sign why do that I’m gonna get some cable for our thing so to make dollars to replace you can even use lava or Redstone I think

I’m gonna go with the Redstone way instead of the lava just because we don’t have much lava and we can’t make it yeah I don’t think uh all right because infinite live is not a thing is it no oh no no no no no no no is it is

In yeah I think you need a drip Stone people are saying yeah over a cauldron and that’s what people were telling us to do you know um but we don’t need Latvia I don’t think it’s uh that that’s necessary but I like the fact that we’re not having to

Do you know ex nihilar the usual stuff yeah yeah seven yeah yeah yeah they start you know I’m feeling it I’m liking it it’s going well so far so what’s this chest for should we get rid of it yeah get rid of that garbage chest that was

Just in the middle so if we wanna place this next to here like so you could put valuables in here so just anything that’s not garbage basically um yeah feel free to put apples and stuff in there and sticks it doesn’t just happening yeah and then let’s just

Fill this in with a apples and sticks sticks sticks yes sticks where else am I supposed to put my stick Smiles huh not in this chest but I’m in the junk chest wow they can’t go in the junk chest Vega there’s some copper by the way let me

Get a bunch more uh copper and Tin gonna need quite a bit and then bang them yeah what’s up it’s night time yeah I know uh I can sleep in a second what was I doing making these kids I’ve got this I’ve got this thing bud oh Redstone furnace all

Right okay uh Java one Iron by any chance it’s in the chest Bud remember okay all right I thought you might still keep everything on you um right give me one second next I need a little more Redstone and then I can make the cable so we can actually start

Powering this stuff as well boom nice uh bang this in here to make the block right you ready for this boom yes get the big kind and then are missing two more iron which should be in here and then we can make the basic cable it’s the base expenses yeah

Basic is better than star yes yeah all right boom boom there we go basic cable achieved and then we get more basic killer from the quest light so right good night miles I’m gonna sleep don’t disturb me please I took myself you know all right what have you done come on no

Don’t ask explain no okay please don’t ask I just take a slowing fish so oh man get game bed miles get in bed I’m just like okay you have to sleep oh constant and blend wait wait which way did you do it how did you make constant on blend

But you’d ask yeah you better made it what is it what is this he’s made a nickel play garbage twice okay all right so I’ve got the pulverizer Sterling Dynamo you’ve got the furnace we need a nice area you know just start off with so I’m thinking

Do we make out of cobblestone is that what we do for now just so everything’s not made out of old planks yes and then we can upgrade it a bit later on all right let me get you can use all the REMC for that three stacks you know

Because you know I I’m a big big spender over here big spender over here and you know we need some stairs stairs are where it’s at when creating stuff which side do we want to go off we want to go off over the back side yes over here oh

Over there I think you’re like a corner you know having like a corner up oh do a corner on there we’ve never done a corner before like uh boom boom boom boom show off the building skills yeah look at my building skills they’re some of the best around I don’t like

Everybody drawing differently boom here we go look at this this is Top Notch you know what missing we’re missing your leaves people like those oh where are they we need cheers can I can I waste two iron for that I don’t know if it goes with the the Cobblestone aesthetic

The you know yeah of course I bet it will how far we might need to go further up or not or do you think two ups just good it’s just right two ups two ups pretty good yeah so it’s pretty good all right and then how do we want this to

Kind of gird we just want it to you know be an island that goes off like this uh let’s have a look it just kind of goes flat around oh no oh uh yeah yeah uh let me just get a bunch more Ryan and start smelting

That up because we need a whole lot of it boom there we go yeah and what what else can we do we’re really really not Builders how we’re in this yeah I’m a builder you’re an expert bit all right I want this sprucing up to the maximum then okay

I want everyone to look at this and then comment down below like 10 out of 10 building skills oh look at that that is beautiful that Miles I’ve got to say look at three oh uh it’s kind of gone off the rails here anyway guys what’s this Archway doing you know hmm

Ah look how nice that is uh uh ah you know sweet you think you think it’s sweet but okay I think that’s lovely all right we’ll we’ll we’ll let you happen you know I’ll get rid of these ones I think it looks a lot more Lovelier now

Lovely yeah okay is that a word hopefully yeah probably not yeah I was just baked up words here a lovely stuff all right what what do we do next lovely stuff lovely air stuff we need to kind of a big area so do we want this even bigger than it is

Right now uh What uh yeah definitely what the heck this is only far wide yeah I know but I don’t know how big we wanted it you know and man I’m trying I’m trying to get let me get somewhere no I don’t want the leaves do we want

Some uh right what is going on here look how fancy that is uh yeah it look it looks it looks magical but look at this you can see straight through it’s fancy this is the CFS miles building where I like it Bud good job uh boom and pack off wait you

Like to park r on the leaves right I’ve made my job a little bit easier okay I made myself away you built a wand I made a wasted iron it’s not waste dying because it’s speeding up production here look at this did you use iron as well if

You would have made a cobble one no I’m not a chump you know that’s why I didn’t do that right how is this working yeah okay oh I need to use my leaves yeah you could get more leaves and leave cmcable oh no no no they’re not that’s very sad

Look at that that’s perfect miles I like it I like should I build all the way on the back as well is this the finished room yep I’ve decided to the Finish room yeah I’ve made an executive decision this is a finished room okay that’s fine

Do you wanna do you wanna put some leaves here as well because I could fall off very easily which I don’t like uh Mr executive your stick let me yeah I gotta stick from punching a leaf you you make some more of those while I uh get some

Well I can’t even get some Blend or anything can I asked me Constantine here you go um no I need invar actually bud and I need some uh here’s a hammer I mean I don’t want to make it that way stop stop trolling me I’m gonna make it

The good way instead you know why is this tree not growing Lewis so you’re in the way move okay enjoy no foul down I’ll get the tree don’t you worry go ahead and Spruce it up a little bit well where did you say you could fall off

Yeah no no no no I don’t want it there okay get rid of that and get rid of that I want you to go up like the stairs no what what is that okay down here put one there there behind it there we go perfect then uh trust me come on

Look at I’m gonna make it simple yep all right look at this Base building right here this is It’s amazing sorry oh you know sometimes it’s just infuriated so we’re going to start over here what what what is this as if it were planned look at that I

Know look at that all right so what we need now is some coal to burn so let’s get some of that out so do you I think you do get more if you put it in the polarizer but we can’t do that first we can do that I use the spare wooden plank

Wait what and I’ve got 3K Fe from it nice good job I’m gonna put four call in there and then with that I’m gonna make some more cool because I’m a genius guy here you go oh wait we need some Flint in bottom of it we don’t have any Flint just yet you

Don’t you don’t need Flint just yet because we need to you’ll probably need to get that automated as well the making of Flint so here we go two for one yeah this should get us like two maybe three uh call which is real nice oh nice that’s what we’re like yeah so from

Where where else gonna wait real quick where else can I put these leaves easy hold on for next time bud put them in the uh sure make a Miz why are we making them ears what’s with the beers that base could be amazed I mean amazing

With that all right you loved it and you know you did I think you could I could think can save your leads for next time if we need them decorating anything so there’s more right so anything on three yeah anything we want to make now if you

Want to be efficient you can put it for the through the pulverizer if you want to be a quick they’re just going to use the furnace uh no big deal and well I mean the Red Sun furnace uh well we’ve got gravel we got gravel yeah we’ve got

Three gravel and got some sulfur as well which is pretty nice free gravel into one Flynn oh okay oh no I don’t know why I tried to use that make it boom Oh no you can’t that’s not a thing uh Flint right we’ll pulverize

It I mean you want me to stop this poor rising to make you flip oh no it’s finished now aren’t it yeah good all right boom I’m not gonna pulverize that because instead what I want to do is I want to make my invar which is two iron

And a nickel there we go let’s put my iron in there and then what would oh wait will this give us more than one for one now it will work there’s a chance I think if I take a look at the pulverizer there is a 25 chance to get an

Additional one and a five percent nickel so we’ll just have to wait and see on that one whilst I do this do you want to get started on the multi-server Press bud uh multi-server but yeah that’s why we’re doing and you shouted at me yeah here’s your constant turn back there you

Go have fun with that but excuse me you’re using a hammer who uses hammers nowadays huh not us uh me no no not you you don’t use hammers uh I’m using this Redstone furnace though it’s so much quicker whoa okay it doesn’t require coal either which is pretty sweet I mean

That’s just not true it does require cold because you need to power it with coal uh you can power it with sticks idiot how many sticks you got bud is that where you’re gonna power all this with nine right look at these sticks giving us it smells

Eight items all smelts exactly wait no not take it you can’t smell a items no it doesn’t usage fuel 0.0.5 nice one miles yeah you keep using your sticks Bud let’s see how far that gets no but no right okay it smelts 0.5 yeah but it

Burns and creates 1000 RF okay and how much does Cole do right um you tell me call boy oh boy bye Michael boy all right uh let’s go in here you fancy cool boom so where does it sit oh this gets you 24 000 RF per call

Well I don’t care yeah so get ready I can get more sticks and you can get cool that’s just not true at all don’t don’t look at all these leaves these leaves have a chance to give me sticks hello it’s pretty nice miles you know you know

That’d be pretty pretty spicy so anyway have you made this thing yet for us oh I’m still flapping your gums [Laughter] all right um quite harsh off right I need to I need to pull fries to gravel now to get some sun so you might think

Okay okay okay okay okay okay yeah yeah so you better be happy about that not rude boom here you go Flint look at that the pulverizing Catalyst Flint I need another sand as well uh so we can actually wait I need to make bronze yeah you need to pick bronze that’s why so

What I’m making over here is actually gonna help you quite a bit because I’m making an induction swelter ATM Bud all right induction smelter is also done now I’m just gonna Place wait so you got this you got the eye in somehow yeah just here in this Redstone first steal

It I’m still in this getting rid of that uh just place that there for now lovely stuff and then sequential fabricatory somewhere else we need uh that’s what we’re gonna that’s what’s gonna craft everything for us which is pretty nice so I think for this first kind of self you need

Three if each 73 pulverizer and three Redstone furnaces and that’ll get you at the automation oh what’s this a multi-servo press let’s go so now if you want to make some dies as well like the gear working die that would be pretty nice oh yeah and that saves us iron yeah it does

Um you also don’t need to use this Hammer anymore by the way uh so that can just go in the garbage I do for now so what what do you need to use it for don’t say plates do not tell me plates it’s not like we’re going to get multiple players

Yeah now here’s some info by the way that you gave me earlier enjoy make Turtles and make the yeah I think the gear ones important first and the rod one is in Pawn first uh for all this well look at you Lewis I can’t turn invite into into

Easy claps uh boom there we go so so you’re rude there is a sequential fabricate we want to make that just yet the substantial fabricator or sequential not Sub sub sequential all right miles sorry I I like the subsequential for prepare it’s a new one nice yeah can you say

That three times yes dude I can’t shut up all right in here boom how we run on call mask no I need gold I need gold can you get that copper out of the machine it could get some gold then God get some don’t don’t use my polarizer you better

Be inefficient I’m definitely not being inefficient should we make another polarizing because that seems to be the the root of all of our problems right no do you know what the root of all of our problems Either does start the actual gold I need the gold oh you make the gear right yeah that’s what you’re making I am you need four of the stuff okay all right yeah so we’ll make an another thing polarizer I think that’ll help us out a bunch come

On give me like more than one for one Paul Verizon you may be good uh what’s this one do I got this copper this has a 25 chance and a five percent chance I mean we’re not getting lucky with these chances aren’t we that’s the only thing

We did get copper yeah from gold I think that’s a five percent chance to be fair to get copper from gold we did it twice can I put can you put my copper back in now that I requested yeah of course there you go thank you very

Much I’ve got two I’ve got an Ingot of copper here as well and there’s another one there thanks very much bud and there’s three in the system you’re a gem uh all right so let me make over here I’m missing pretty much everything I

Need oh wait I can make a gear like that oh nice I don’t need an iron in the middle ah what is it just four just four gold makes the fancy gear yeah ah all right look at you yeah so go ahead place that inside of there and that can start

Making us some nice gears I actually need copper gears right so which other gear do we want because yeah you get a choice uh sorry or which other die do we want you get a choice from the questline oh dear okay so we need the rod one so I’ll get the

Rod one do you want to and unpack in Mirror uh that maybe I think the packing time might actually be better no the packing’s just like crafting a three by three into one making like a an iron block out of nine eight yeah what

Do we need to take from like a three by three intent well a block turning into anything on unpacking day if you see what it does do my fancy stuff with it oh okay let’s have let’s have a quick look unpacking die usage you can turn iron into nine

Nuggets come on oh that starts huge all right okay yeah get that one if you want then yeah unpacking die if you no I’m pretty sure it is useful for something like maybe later on yeah if you say so boss uh I will choose to believe you on that

Um oh no let me put it back in there get out and right so we are running a bit low on oh because cool that’s why I take everything out stop stop all Productions made some call numismatic day he got a bot there’s a numismatic diet keep keep trying that one

Uh let me just umatic day what does that do uh let me place this in here oh we can make coins oh I can’t just got EMT value by any chance or not uh coins don’t have an EMC oh that’s a big rip you know

I thought we were going to be rich we don’t need coins I think that I think the main ones at the moment are the gear one and the rod one that’s the only ones we need to work uh we need to do for the moment uh

Shall I get another gear one or an unpacking one oh we’re actually get another gear one yeah yeah that was a good good shout out because to set this up we are gonna need to automate uh iron gears and aluminum gears so that’s two different um multi-servo presses we’re going to

Need for that nice uh yeah that’s that’s a big shout Mouse good good job bud you just went right yeah thanks thanks thanks no problem no problem sir halfway through making this pull Riser I’m missing Lewis what are you doing in this uh Redstone furnace but I didn’t mean to

Make that bud uh I think gravel got smelted in there because it’s Auto been taken out you know do you feel me that can that great can that go in the Sterling Dynamo no that can go in the bottom of the pulverizer that’s a better one than

Flint in it is it I didn’t think it was I think it’s just useful useless pass it me all right okay uh enjoy that bud go crazy is it the rich stuff that’s used for it might be the rich stuff I think that’s just useless and has nothing

You can you can make um White Rock wool excuse me White Rock I mean why didn’t you lead without miles holy yeah that’s the good stuff that’s what I like exactly all right they finally some cool here we go and I need to get this Redstone pulverized up as

Well the bang that in there okay we should be good for Corbin now I think we need just a whole setup just for call as well being made yep fully powering these but then we need to oh wait so can we just go to the right and make this basic

In and out no because we need some Next Level yellow yeah they’re very they’re very easy to make it’s just um yeah it’s just it’s very easy to make a look scary it’s not scary miles don’t worry it’s very easy I know I’m a very

Scary guy uh me but you know boom boom there we go um pulverizer can I make this now I’m missing a bit of or planks and that should be right so I’m done on my end you don’t know are you making this sequential fabricator no I’m making another pulverizer that’s what I’m

Making I will make the sequential fabricator then and boom pool Riser V2 done um just for now everything is looking very janky at the moment it just it’ll be sought soon what I’m I helped in the looking of this fancy platform look at these stairs you

Will never thought of yeah no no no no think about it with these stairs and this platform without the leaves this is just Cobblestone platform do it don’t be like that the stairs were revolutionary you know yeah no sorry that’s exactly what they were yeah yeah I know they were

Yeah I know I’m right uh what other materials do you need for this sequential fabricator uh tin iron in a bunch of tin I’m gonna punch a tin out and a piece of gold I’ve got a piece of gold so I don’t need that actually 21

Rotting boom uh you know what I’m gonna make another Redstone first so I’m gonna start making the other stuff um boom okay but you know like um what we need to make multiple of uh so I need more clear over here oh we eventually got a two for one hey let’s

Go then mine this up boom boom look at this I think we’re making good progress here not you that’s good and then once we started getting another pack get right out of the pack you know boom there we go it’s gone right out of the

Pack and once we get this first one set we should start getting EMC out the Wazoo but I don’t know if at some point it’ll be worthwhile just constantly having these automated and not making a basic essence if you know what I’m saying I’m not making the basic mechanical lessons yeah

So like why not making it though no so like making iron copper gold ingots just point them straight into a system so that we can use them for making machines so that is all right yeah yeah ultimate that way and we don’t have to like you

Know oh we want to make this machine so would we would we set up a new system for that or would we just pause no the setup of the mechanical Essence for now I think we make a brand new system for it because I think we want the things to

Run constantly we don’t want to be switching stuff um yeah so we have to be producing a lot of EMC be able to like you know BL2 spend more on just getting the ingots to make other stuff if that makes right sense why is this thing going this 10 oh

I’ve got I’ve got it all in my inventory I’m waiting for this machine to be ready I’ve got 10 dust waiting to be smeltered put it in put it in put it in boom there we go I don’t need this Redstone furnace uh bricks copper gears oh I could

Actually make the copper gears with the multi-servo press that we now have is real nice to I need fall for a gear do I need a Ting gear for the middle of these yes yeah or the thing you do indeed there we go you feel

Free to put it in there bud and I’m gonna don’t you worry about it and then oh I also need gold as well boom there we go for raw gold uh I’ll put in this thank you yeah Brian uh so now and I just need two ingots which

I’ve got and I think I’ve got the sequential fabricator now nice so that as long as I get four of these cobblestones yeah that’s not gonna be too useful as of yet just because we need to get everything automated first uh take that out there I want gold smelting up right now

Lovely stuff and then what else am I missing boom nailed it nice good job honor roll do you have a lot of tin by the way that I could maybe borrow wait what the hell is this it just so it’s connected to the power you know

There’s two what so it’s taking more of the power wait we’re running low on power as it is no it’s just starring the power yeah I know but this point Riser up here can’t work because everything is storing the power yeah pick it up move

Get out of the way you shift it there we go um what am I missing there yeah that’s beautiful there love it 10 out of 10. hey let me just go Redstone furnace I need so did you just give me tin things I don’t know why you scared me I’m going

To be insane at the moment I gave you two 10 ingots all right that is fine thank you very much what are you making uh I need to make the tin gear or which I can do and then another Redstone furnace boom boom there you go two red

Surfaces we now have so if I put this on here as well that also will get power uh yeah I know until we we probably need another Sterling Dynamo to catch the power these so we only need one more setup of this so pulverizer and Redstone furnace and

Then we need two more multi-server presses and then miles we should be all good to then start automating this uh first mechanical Essence nice yeah and then we could Auto pipe that into the the EMC table and we win yeah we were in the first chapter at that point but I

Think Miles that should wait for another day because we’ve got started we made this juicy thing right here we’ve got over 100 G’s in EMC well at least yeah we do do you how much tell us your top left yeah yeah it does as well one five

Three holy yeah you’ve been stack I’ve got 102 I’m just above the 100 g mark Wow Come on get wrecked yeah yeah just uh man you’re too rich for me Mouse you’re too rich but anyway with that we are gonna go ahead and end the episode there so you have enjoyed the video

Please make sure to leave a like comment and subscribe we’ll see you all next time

This video, titled ‘THE NEXT GENERATION OF SKYBLOCK! EP1 | Minecraft Mechanical Mastery [Modded Questing SKYBLOCK]’, was uploaded by CyberFuel Studios on 2022-10-10 19:00:32. It has garnered 51831 views and 975 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:00 or 3000 seconds.

THE NEXT GENERATION OF SKYBLOCK! EP1 | Minecraft Mechanical Mastery [Modded 1.18.2 Questing SKYBLOCK]

In this New Minecraft Mechanical Mastery episode, Lewis and Miles start on a Brand New Island, where they are tasked to Automate Everything and produce as much EMC as they can. Everything they about SkyBlocks have been changed and completely overhauled.

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ About Mechanical Mastery: Mechanical Mastery is an automation-focused SkyBlock Modpack in which players have their tech mod knowledge put to the test. Players use ProjectE to purchase raw ore “chunks” with EMC, which can be processed into their respective ingots. then craft custom-made “mechanical crystals”, which can then be sold back for much more EMC than their basic resource cost!

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    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! πŸ”₯ #minecraft #minecraftmemes

    The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! πŸ”₯ #minecraft #minecraftmemes When you spend hours preparing for the Ultimate Minecraft Server Event, only to be killed by a creeper within the first five minutes. #minecraftfail #respawnneeded Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

    Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before! Welcome to! Are you a fan of exciting adventures and stunning visuals like those in the teaser trailer for the upcoming ‘Minecraft’ live-action movie starring Jason Momoa? If so, you’ll love the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can embark on epic quests, explore various biomes, gather resources, and face off against hostile mobs like Creepers and Endermen. Just like in the movie, teamwork is key as you uncover secrets about the world’s history and your true destiny. Experience the thrill of creative world-building and the power of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

    Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information the other day no do you know I I remember this guys guys chill out we’re live now yeah no it’s it’s play the baby hurt you it was the child’s fault are you still atro grinding for Terra 9 I still atro grinding for ter 9 actually Dam that’s so cute of you Luca screen shot when you give away please ma’am never again ma’am now my WiFi is decent maybe are you sure maybe y me to tab your stream for you Koolaid give you watch time yes please yes please yes please you know once… Read More

  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

THE NEXT GENERATION OF SKYBLOCK! EP1 | Minecraft Mechanical Mastery [Modded Questing SKYBLOCK]