The True Gingershadow – DEVIL UNION, NEW GRIMOIRES, NEW BOSSES & MORE! Minecraft Black Clover Mod Review

Video Information

Hello everybody ginger shadow here and welcome back to the minecraft mod review with me and today today covering a vlog that i covered not too too long ago but has had quite interesting little updates since then black clover mod or the black clover elite well i believe it’s cold or it’s clove

Really something along those lines that could be down below bam yeah 1.615 black clover mods had some really cool stuff in it last time being things like the grimoire like what i’m holding abilities magic it had the anti-magic it had the team the uh the squad the squad outfits

That’s it but only had it before i think it was golden dawn and the black books so um yeah so an update has happened so uh long ago you know what what could have really added to it and it looks at the oh god if i did quite a bit into it

Uh strangely though added a bit into it took some stuff out of it which i thought was pretty odd okay i i don’t know like maybe i just can’t find it but you know the outfits i just mentioned there for black bill and the can’t find them so they’ve been removed

Possibly they’re getting remodeled possibly it’s got a different plan and also seems to have removed the anti-magic stuff you can’t count some of the demon the human sword and all that stuff so yeah that’s a bit odd but hey holds a bunch of other stuff added in

Which is really really cool so great take a look at that but uh my magic is freaking out i don’t know why it seems that uh magic’s being you’ve got a bigger cap of magic to play with and your magic returns a lot quicker now which is good because beforehand it

Was like you used one spell and that was basically glued on for like a good solid little bit and then get to wait before he goes which kind of sucked because you want to be playing with the magic don’t you uh so yeah it seems like a lot more work with there

Bugs also a lot more buttons to play with now than what we had before before it was just i think three buttons plus i think that was just it actually i never got a menu but uh which yeah this is interesting so it looks a bit messy with like the default extent

But you know for a first maybe you know fair enough again it lets you see most of the stuff you know some of it is a bit thingies in together but i’m sure you know overall time stuff will get changed for that but yeah anyway uh

We’ve got points and you can get you can put points to various things your manager your health you’ll be doing your mana region you’ve got grim bar level level zero and you got a current amount of experience how you get xp well there’s a few things there’s a few different little ways i

Guess i’ll get some of the particular items that’s spawning but yeah uh it’s just a button for that you can check your uh controls now you figure out which button it is and then yeah you still get your basic attack buttons a few other extra bits i’ve been adding there’s some extra

Stupid okay magic books there’s been more grimmars added i’m currently holding the wind grim more uh is it currently stan oops there’s a girl randomizer which do anything well there’s something creative oh done is he working that doesn’t fancy working all right nevermind irrelevant uh yeah so as things currently stand

I see if i hit the wind one and you try i know that uh you try to use attack currently right now i don’t have any magic currently set that’s still a thing with the black club i don’t believe there’s any way to naturally and survival obtain uh

But grim more magic and just putting stuff to do the command slash magic and then with a capital at the front wherever the imagination want to be snacking to wind at this point no oh yeah i’m the big house to be in your offhand forgot about that bit

Yeah uh at this point now you can activate the magics in this case back to the flight which i already have technically survival there we go i cannot fly if i want to change your magic really really quickly flight but you know in turns lets you fly and magic’s not cap nose so

You can just increase your magic over time so right now it’s really short but if you increase your magic and off your world access you know a bunch more bunch of belly attacks you’ve got requires 500 mana right maybe i should jump to the minor recovery items

Maybe we should look at those okay let’s just get through the magic is available because we saw a bunch of them before in the last review which i guess i’ll link if people are interested looking at that one um yes we’ve got the wind one from before we get fire wind earth water

Lightning mercury light spatial uh darkness which i believe was still there before which could coat weapons in which was really cool because slash which was all right here we go uh about two ones reaping blood and cotton now i don’t know i had number of lightning was in before as

Well i don’t know if lightning was there uh exciting’s position closer to the slot yeah uh reaping magic blood magic and cotton magic are three new ones so i guess we’ll take a look at look at those ones uh so again like the other ones you’re gonna have to set the thing you

Want so if we say reaping as our thing just slash magic reaping at this point now if i click the button And there we go summon i’ve summoned them a magic reaping spear spear scythe i’m selling the repeat scythe called a service applies a tetra stack to the enemy on heat i don’t know what that is slash summon i’m gonna regret this minecraft all right 79 golem ow

What am i stacking on you i don’t know i forgot to keep inventory on oh god okay so you’re just ignoring that yeah scythe it does it does damage it says it does other stuff in spell but i don’t really know so much about that one so

Just we’ll just take it out for now um yeah i’ve got a reaping scythe we’ve got our don’t ask me to pronounce this stuff i’m not gonna uh but yeah got a big slash attack forward closer than 500 magic kill kill uh there’s another attack requires 300

Which we’re just about to reach in just a second there we go slash the enemy apparently can we just be just doing a little bit of damage yeah i’m just using gold as my attack targets for this because mate is well to balance they’re fair enough targets uh and yeah is there another

Yeah there is four attacks this one because yeah there’s four buttons you can press uh so the last one requires 750 which i’m guessing will be our ace attack which actually that’s the commit yeah maybe we’re going to quickly jump to a couple of items because our items actually help you

With experience in leveling up and getting stronger and all that just yeah i think i want some of those to get my mana total up so this this is a lot easier so going into items we’ve got the katana cool uh katana doesn’t crack him just be currently does six

It looks alright i assume it’s mostly there so you can use uh the black darkness magic and use the black covering thing on it uh we’ve also got three rfx which um yeah i don’t know what these two i don’t know what these do i like i looked at them but

They’ve got me whatever they’re made to do i can’t figure out usage for them so they’re just currently there i guess maybe a little bit purposeful there maybe there’s a secret purpose i’m just not aware of but either way it’s it’s whatever they’re currently maybe they’ll play a role later on

But um all right yeah so we’ve got that uh then we’ve got scrolls xp scrolls if you’re wondering how to get xp for your level ups that would be a way how x-ray shows they fall from enemies mobs are branded into this very interesting mobs which i guess

We’ll look at some of them now cause i can use them as attack targets uh but yeah so we’ve got various scrolls for one ten twenty five fifteen a hundred so various drops depending on the tier of the point you went and fought see if eat the one the one xp 10 i’ll

Get 10 xp 25 get 25 experience first of all 100 100 i don’t get much luck from that i know we could spend some points so uh yeah as you level up higher hp of course required recruit level 10. our grammar level student level one i’m not sure how you upgrade that

Currently because like there’s maybe a grimoire or gui a button but i can’t get the work i’m i’m pressing it it doesn’t want to work uh so i mean i’ll get more into that later because if i look at the buttons right now spoil stuff i’m still about to get to uh but

Yeah i don’t i don’t know that i’m guessing there’s maybe a thing a menu for the grim bar to do stuff with but yeah i can’t figure some of this stuff out possibly it’s hard to tell if like some stuff’s still being worked on or whether it’s just a case of i’m

Misunderstanding how certain things are meant to go but anyway uh cos so we currently have 10 points to play with now as you can see though getting rejected magic regen costs a bit more but we can just increase our max manner there we go what does that increase it by about 20 i

Think it’s hard to stock it’s freaking out but yeah if we put five points in that should make my total go up to 100 yes yeah it seems to so yeah extra 20 points per minute pointy pin for health every one point gives you two extra hearts

Or is every two points oh no i’ve used five i think points every level gets your textual height it costs you five points so there’s that so in this case let’s just quickly grab some more scrolls and oh there we go let’s make an advancement get fresh grime reach level

20 then press you ah that’s why when i was testing i was trying not to get my level too high okay okay no now it’s opening up okay this makes more sense so you can get a group mind survival i know i just cursed the future i just

Didn’t try to content i didn’t level up a lot um all right so wait let’s try this then let’s say we picked is this point we get the darkness does that say our magic should be darkness you might type is ripping no it does not apparently or because maine’s already

Said it just doesn’t blower potentially okay and now the button doesn’t work anymore cool uh but in this case quickly oh yeah reaping actually let’s quickly just finish that one i’ve got one more attack to show off let me grab this and we’ll just go no wait that didn’t work um i pressed

The wrong one oh there we go didn’t really do anything though although it helps picks health isn’t a term but the bar is still full odd uh okay we’ll use an attack i don’t quite know how to say and it seemed like a perry thing moves an air effect

Attack i don’t know uh also press the button again to return our scythe away cool reaping that guy did that’s nice uh darkness okay just quickly grab darkness just as quickly checking through slash magic darkness to the katana so we’ve got magic go dark isn’t it

No it’s a plush bearing to enter is dark yeah there we go dark cloak blade it’s not covering the blade what why oh i thought it would for some reason it’s not that’s a shame dark slash dark binding which i couldn’t really understand before i think that’s all it

Takes we currently have for that uh yeah the dark i didn’t used to i’m going mad hold on iron sword didn’t cover it before am i going just am i just going mad i need to look back at my old review to try and remember this but yeah some

Features which you can get something i’ve been playing all right well the dark coating blade thing at least powers up the blades it does more damage so that’s cool okay uh we’ve got 13 points to spend uh let’s quickly level up some more see if it triggers anything

Yeah possibly making my level wouldn’t go up because i didn’t have a grim bar yet but i was still currently level i still don’t have to level up okay now we get 50 points defense at this point yeah we can put more into our mana we can put more to health which point

Yeah we can get way more health uh we can put points into our regular region which i guess would make you an absolute monster but i guess you’d have to grind a bunch to get the 25 points and as you go it’s costing you more and more so

There’s that uh getting our magic reaching up seems like a great idea but um i’ve eaten all those scruggs now i’m just gonna just get my little i wonder if there’s a cap also i don’t know why it says point zero as if like you can get half a level

Maybe it’s just the way it’s coded because like some of the other stuff’s in there like you know they can’t get half a point though so what’s the point in that exactly i don’t know ah that’s a bit odds all right well we’ve just developed all these really

Quick just so we can power ourselves up attacks we’re going to be faking that golem again more gold again uh get our natural regeneration up uh yeah we spent just about our points again fantastic yeah by getting vegeta we just look at natural regeneration just kicking all the time okay you’re

Gonna become so busted this aren’t even the points i mean okay it’s gonna take time to grind but equally one thing i do enjoy the fact that even though you’re gonna be able to get stronger by you know putting points and stats and stuff at the very least they have other mobs

And stuff to make it more chat like to challenge you because honestly if it was just regular minecraft stuff and you were given all these extra powers it wouldn’t be really that hard but yeah because there’s some of the mobs about in here it still could be quite hard so that’s

Something okay now magic’s operating a bit better now we can maybe try some other stuff so let’s try let’s try cotton magic cotton or cotton caught on cool uh cotton magic bedroom sheep master chef what does that do it summons another item manifests because yeah it’s quite nice charming’s magic

Which i’m yeah this is one of the items that was available all right yeah not craftable this part the cotton magic tree kill kill kill what does this do well let you freshly make lots ah then yeah eat it and actually a little bit of mana back i

Guess yeah i think it’s like 50 odds or 56 guys giving you that time it’s hard to tell man it is is going up quite rapidly but um yeah technically you could use this in a bun like use all your man up let the regen you know have the food ready for

When you’re gonna go in a fight so could be useful oh now i’ve got sleeping sheep strike you know maybe this would make more sense if i summon an enemy where are you there is cotton magic the wrong one boom that is all seven also next christmas 500 oh god damn it

The very milk rub sheep fluffy slingshot does a little bit of damage i mean if that would do more if i had item in hand possibly oh i’ve tried one more now it does a bit before so it’s not overly powered magic attacks and doesn’t appear like this one’s got

An extra attack beyond that so just the three fair enough but yeah it gives you access to food and stuff good kill last but last one last one well i don’t know if this is not like i’m trying to remember what ones were in before but ones have been added

Like extra kind of lightning was added in or not and plus some things might have some slightly new movements look at a couple other interesting ones just to see them but right slash magic blood magic say the blood grim bar but um just quickly onto the attack aren’t you

Blood sight another size this one’s red though there’s no damage little one though uh other than that also got blood strike doing a bit of damage and scaffold of flesh blood i don’t quite oh careful uh not enough mana stranger that one doesn’t tell you how much matter required for that one it

Just does it and this one seems to freeze him or something go away oh god thanks because my natural regeneration i mean another thing that uh just by having black cover mods in are you actually getting actually i jump right you can jump based on speed two

You’re seeing it saturation too so your fruit doesn’t run out like it takes a while for your food to go down even when you’re naturally rejoining so even without any parents of that you do seem to get a bit quite stronger yes it’s really some kind of a blinding uh binding thing

Because um yeah goldman boys not really coming for us after did that one interesting right anyway yeah some other grandma’s just looking yes through the new ones uh slashing darkness system before spatial still i think so i think it looks i’ll take lightning water fire wind so looking at lightnings i’m curious

Slash magic lightning ah here we are lightning goddard remember lux ability just wait hold on oh no yeah it is there i’m like wait where grandma am i holding uh yeah you can summon the lightning armor which eyes gives you more power so hold on we actually do four damage yeah strength

One ah oh god i put up with the armor ah the armor doesn’t provide any armor uh the lightning effect is pretty much just to empower you so you get quicker and you hit harder but that’s that’s pretty much it lightning arrow that is way more

Requires 500 mana oh dear and with that are armored by the way uh so it’s not really like it’s basically lux thing i i think it’s specifically the one he does with the after he merged with the elf right because before that he just did

He did claws and feet that was like phil armor very egg golem is very annoying with me at this point maybe i should go and grab the other right uh no he’s still coming for me leave me alone i will kill you god damn it what did that what what the kernels

Okay hold on let’s try that again go okay it’s just a high speed movement technique all right i think we’re fine away from the goal now ah quickly though looking at some other items we also have this ah leave me alone god damn it oh why don’t i just pick these golems do

Things with i never enough mac like i can increase my mana cap so it’s fine but it will be able to take the right things yeah so we’ve got this xpr effect which you know the other art effects i don’t know maybe we’re supposed to crack them up we can get this

Uh just gives one level so just you just flat go up by level having this cool i’ve also got a boss key and a boss summoner oh i’m assuming you find these or you’re giving these you buy these or something we’ve got the kingdom crystal what does that do

I’m not really sure uh it’s here but i don’t i don’t really see any usage for it so blah and then we also get these two things which are far more useful because they come from this chappy chat where the npc’s uh the kingdom shop this chat

Will you give him money and you can buy off of him the swallowtail and the mana stone which are useful items the swallowtail shift right click charge manner right click consumer that’s basically shifting right click and you can store a lot of your man in it so basically you have a massive build-up

This is just a handy little pill thing pretty much after it’s been stored up uh if you’re in a tape bend you can pretty much just swallow it and absorb all the money you’re going to require i’ll make that by three at a six this bits do a thing but yeah it

Could be very handy to fake or useful little item should i get this out to like 500 there we go uh so yeah looking at that i can’t see my mana because of the chat being in the way um i want to say that it’s drained my mana although obviously because i’m

Regenerating a very quick crazy doesn’t go by any uh that looks like this thing uh but using the minus stone actually gives you 500 mana but if you go over the cap then it your mind just starts going back down to where it would be normally so i normally get 1200 mana

So it’s dropping down to 1200 but temporarily using the minus stones and powering it up i can basically have more mana than normal so that’s really handy okay yeah expert effects is there a cap maybe it’s level 999 who knows either way i’m just getting 64 points says i get even stronger though

So with that we can increase our mana regen by a bit but then we can get natural regeneration up on our level yeah you’re very quickly going to become very powerful i mean not very quickly at 50 levels but like you know it could get very powerful in this play you know

And i can see that why mana doesn’t cost very much because you’re making 20 at a time which realistically isn’t that much uh but yeah but uh there we go a bunch of points per thing it’s a little 140 odds so yeah it’s interesting things you could play in a survival type setting

Against other people and stuff like that i i do think the rejecting thing’s probably a bit too powerful because i mean okay it’s gonna cost like get it but once you get region two or three put some armor on and it’s pretty much gonna be a case if someone doesn’t one

Shot you you’re just never gonna die like it’s gonna be really hard obviously yeah use coins how do you get coins murder probably probably murder maybe we should take some opponents out to test that theory sold on let’s put this away for now let’s take the fire grim bar for a

Little spin slash magic fire what they got here mages now they’re a bit weird because they’re numbered wrong i can tell the number wrong cause it bloody says the number wrong uh so say for for there uh yes this is actually mage one mh2 then mage three

Four in fact you can see two of them are named three so it says down below one two three four and five i quite like these they’re quite cool so basically mage one and something’s arranged with a little clock on who is now shooting magic at me

Ow um and yeah like the cloaks are actually gonna create a bunch of this just to ah just to show this all right the cloaks are glitching out a little bit but i love the idea of it uh the idea of well majors being around and just

Fight them uh it’s numbered wrong the clocks are odd but yeah uh if you beat them yeah that’s how you get xp schools that’s always one of the ways but um yeah each of the majors have got a little bit different look something here but this one’s got covering over them

Get this one which is slightly different outfit thing looks kind of more like a holy paladin sort of thing this one one’s got a magic star for like a half keep thing which is really cool this one which is the double cape thing but like look at kill outfits i like

Them this one’s the most sinister of the last magic king and the top well not top hat but that on uh but yeah so basically this thought will just as soon as you get higher up they get stronger because all the health goes up um but yeah it’s

I like this i like the idea of uh you feel the same majors in the world i can get xp from fighting them makes sense you’re getting battle experience and also yeah these guys are thinking they look quite interesting their outfits are freaking out a little bit but

I quite dig their outfits i hope we get clocks less than the options latest for our outfits and things say i do hope miracle i don’t ever hope clothes guided back into this and you can use them but okay let’s quickly test your magic win no fire explosion fire ball that’s the

Good old snack yep we got that that fiery thing there exploding wait what was that it’s like firefly technique oh yeah i’ve got a fire jump kill so no yes okay see i’ll get this as well which is odd because there is actually another thing with fire odd

I just thought also check slash magic water i don’t know if this was in before the war dragon appears to be now there’s a mage see dragon roar was in before i really can’t remember that’s a water line so it’s killed that one he dropped an xp scroll 10 uh which will

Ever you your level five yeah sister print twain i don’t know what that does oh it’s coming out milestones yes all the mana what’s this do i don’t know die are you gonna give me uh school 25. cool uh but yeah kill those guys get scrolls

Uh yeah again the money i spent i’m not really sure we get money from though like i assumed you just killed things that you’d find it in chess or something maybe not been applied yet i’m not 100 sure because i haven’t seen any way of getting it

I’m killing stuff killing cell phones it seems to give xp and stuff at this point so that’s the thing but yes that’s mages they’re fun little opponents i don’t want to take a look at grab for earth’s mercury i’m just start using this as a chance to like

Try out magic while i’m also thinking fighting opponents i’m still sad anyways you took away it is a shame but i uh boss summoner boss key no crafting recipe how do you get it again still don’t know possibly find it possibly given it possible there we are some in the fire boss you

Have three minutes to defeat the boss oh lord why why do you do this to me game uh so yeah there’s a boss that’s been putting the fire boss uh the assumption is it will shoot fire at you but um actually i wear it water water my water water go come here you

Yeah i’ll get three minutes to defeat them i need to do this i don’t really i’m gonna do it anyway i mean i just want to see what he drops yeah he’s got a proper fuel boss bar in that oh watch too many more dragons i know they’re glitching

Themselves there we are oh there’s the money i killed the boston money i haven’t killed him yes i didn’t know that uh so he gives expert effect and coins again though how do you get the key the boss summoner boss summer i assume we’d find it

I still would just be somewhere oh he’s got a minion as well die didn’t drop anything no i mean it explodes that’s odd uh progression is gonna keep spoiling for a few minutes uh yeah i assume that these will spawn like a location or maybe a structure if

They’re going to add structures in or something and the key you’d either get from someone or maybe it’s like an artifact you could find or something like the other artifacts i don’t know i i’ve not really traveled the world looking for this stuff yet philly i haven’t seen anything mentioning it so

Far but i’m assuming it like a lot of stuff right now you spawn in and if not it’ll be somewhere in the world uh but yeah so that’s those creatures kill coco that was the firebox next i was going to quickly show something then there’s the next thing

Low tier demons now again at least i’m like boss summoning things list i don’t really know how yeah would find them maybe they just spawned the world maybe they’re really rare encounters i don’t know but yeah interesting which is the dragon devils in which um yeah murder devil i would

Actually drop something there we didn’t huh uh but yeah not just that www mid tier in height as well so these are essentially other bosses so i get loads of 100 we’ve got the mid 2 devil at 300 and the height or devil which seems to be currently invisible

But does have 500 health kill kill um yeah i’m going to take a lot of effort killing them i have to get i get well should we get stuff off them but that one didn’t drop anything maybe it’s not fully implemented yet because like there is stuff for devils in this

There is still things i’d assumed for you wearing hold on quickly enough mana damn it my minor stones wait hold on i can see this one there we go ah no no that’s only give me the one time use okay so just it just empties itself afterwards where is he where

There he is i’m gonna quickly kill this one just see what he drops nope he’s making a run for it where are you come on there we go you didn’t drop anything i think it’s quite odd um yeah so there are devil stuff in this i’m a bit surprised you can

Do that currently yeah i mean guess i guess maybe it’s just stuck you’re supposed to spotting yourself at his current point which you know fair enough uh but yeah i do quite a little auditions this that stone is quite an interesting little mid battle thing you can use

Uh adding in bosses and stuff could be really fun because we know just different various magical creatures and stuff in black glover so cool addition to mages of fate really foundation the devil’s love is obviously going to be fun as time goes uh things like the mana stones and stuff

To recover your mana temporarily uh ways waste increase your mana cap and stuff through you know experience and things yeah i quite like stuff like that i’d argue possibly the health regen might be a bit too powerful because if you let it go above even just like

One stage people are gonna become quite hard to kill if they’re just focusing adding into that but you know it’s easy to tease and then yeah there’s some national additions to magic including like charmie’s magic and stuff and the blood dripping once they’re all right don’t make it yeah charlie’s worth

It quite interesting because of the magic food but yeah just the last bits though just to show this yeah lightning thingy armor from lux thing coco from lightning book uh that’s all well and good yeah also got flame drive so i didn’t know if this would be something

In the flame book but essentially yeah i get the flame split right because there are buttons for this and then there are also yes spirit i mean devil things achy can use which is from the latest things in black clover and this lets me just quickly show the controls for this uh

Yes you get the four ability buttons devil attack one which was basically becomes ability one if you get nothing else set for it open grammar section which was the black open to uh check the grammar your ability you get spirit drive armor and union mode so spirit driver actually means you

Gotta have a spirit so that case slash spirit fire will that work slash magic fire to the fire book where’s the fire boot i just want to see this works currently oh well it’s just still being implemented yeah currently press the button nothing’s happening uh so possibly it’s

Just been added in for future things but yeah spirit drive looks like they get plans to make a big fiery dragon boy which i mean as far as i know flame spirit drive hasn’t been in black clover it’s not been animated a lot for certain

I don’t think it’s been in the manga yet but i assume it will be because you know we’ve got the wind but i’m not going to spoil the manga but yeah we’ve seen the wind spirit drive stuff with you know doing stuff with the wind spirit stuff uh yes you think yes there’s

Possibilities that the other spirits could potentially do the same thing so that’d be really cool if it does happen and this is just a guess at it surprising didn’t go for euros one first interesting i think uh but yeah going from there though uh the sp the no

This stuff the devil stuff seems to be in but not fully implemented i guess because there are devils here fire water wind earth but then we have one attack and it’s pretty much case over okay if we take a fire devil plop it in italy joins with us at this point we now

Have a devil at this point if we click the button to use the devil ability what no you’re mad at work hold on survival why are you not working i had this working i did this but i was testing wait what let’s try let’s try the darkness devil instead are you working

Ah there we go darkest devil acting for 37 seconds i don’t know why it’s 37 seconds but i did my test it was for uh less than a second it lasted i guess the time goes up depending on your level or your level your minor cap or something

I don’t know uh basically you can enter you can enter a devil mode apparently so yeah cursive binding on these two i’ve got what strength six resilience two health boost snap was already there before my speeds went up a bunch they’re implementing it i don’t know why

The fire one didn’t work that was a bit odd i guess maybe the dark devil i just i have to be level four and now time’s up i never gotta wait for it to cool down before i can use again so it’s being implemented that looks a bit let’s try another one

Sound kill then come on game give us another shot i want to see this i know how long the cooldown is uh i don’t know if it’s based on how long it lasts it doesn’t say and i don’t see any bits actually like look at it that’s my grandma’s not level two

How are you level two how has that happened killed in there we go uh union mode tier four still tier four i don’t know how you make it any lower uh when i did my test for testing at some of the stuff it still was level four so i don’t know how

You’re supposed to make it lower but you can oh you can enter this mod apparently that’s cool if you join with the spirit thing uh i was thinking maybe something to typing but you saw me eat the light one that didn’t matter i’m sick spirit okay

So it also got where it should when you’re halfway through your time that’s cool uh yeah devil stuff it’s there once this can i just can i force this to go away uh please take off all your armor okay i can’t expand it what are you under power please take off all armor

I i can’t what do you mean odd uh like if we just look at the stuff though level one was just this bit here so you just get one little wing uh level two comes with a helmet pieces as well so you get arm stuff going on and the arm is a cape

I don’t know absolutely different wing uh level three slightly different bigger horn things and bigger wing kill kill and then level four was the one you saw before where we go boom boom even bigger horns an even bigger body thing uh yeah i’m really interested in this this looks really cool

It’ll be five minutes off this is fully implemented and you can have a big goal time for the train like i guess defeat a devil in union with it or something you know they’re processed for it we have some really interesting additions to the mods i’m still a bit confused inside that

They remove certain things like demon slur swords and ah the outfits but again possibly it’s because they’re planning to re-add them in later with other stuff actually they’ve got a bunch of plans for certain things i don’t like fully get her works like the artifacts for example it seems to be something going

On there there’s boss stuff getting into we’re gonna add more bosses this is a spirit drive thing but i don’t know how it works maybe it does work i’m just not using it right it’s very possible but um i can’t figure out and then agree more thing

I opened up my grandma it may be just me maybe through continuous use because i use the watergram a bunch of times maybe when fighting the things maybe that just leveled up over time but i’m not 100 sure but yeah either way black clover mud

It’s got some fun stuff in it i quite like it can we see all the stuff that i didn’t over time but yeah people anyway that’s all for this little mod if you again if you want to check out like all the different books getting used and stuff i

Did that in my last review so i’ll link that down below if you want to check that but i didn’t think it’d be worth going through all this stuff again especially when i wanted to go look at the newer things like this so yeah but anyway

Thank you for watching leave a like if you enjoyed so to note this is a 1.16.5 mod same as last time and yeah link could be in the description if you want to check out the mod itself it’s i quite like it i don’t know if it’s fully ready for survival uses

Because you need to get essentially level 20 before you can even get your grimoire and i’m not even sure if it sets your magic so possibility still i think if you have to be in creative mode to use it but and yeah it doesn’t sound like they’ve got a lot of stuff planned

To implement in there a lot of stuff seems to be going like it seems like they’ve got a lot of things in their own mind uh so when it does become survival uh playable it will be quite interesting little mods with some very like various opponents to fight against uh various

Magics potentially wield power yourself off over time by training yeah i’m looking forward to it but anyway people though thank you very much for watching i’ll see you next time whenever i find another enemy mods better be you there’s been a lot of we’ll put 16 but five anime odds been loving it

But yeah everybody you wonder what another one updates um which also yeah if you’ve got any suggestions for anime mods i haven’t seen before if you know any they haven’t seen ever updated i haven’t reviewed let us know in the comments because i sometimes miss them

Also yeah let us in the comments what stuff would you like to get added into the black clover mod for me outfits outfits for days oh i i created the mage cloaks and stuff to put in so hopefully yeah other than just the um other than the squad outfits maybe also

Yes just some general magic clothing so i think for the mods could be quite cool just stuff for mages and things to make you look cool and that i always dig anime-based clothes and stuff and just clothes get added in the mods anyway thank you everyone for watching

I’ll see you next time for another minecraft mod review go by everybody also just want to say a quick thank you to all of these channel members for the extra support and a special thank you and shout out to elite members the journey members austin quinsenberry sebastian ramsey alexander nolfinity

Dagger catcher bubble fight spot opmb river tempest pikaman 88 and noah sarisaki and our andrew members gold dragon aragon coats and woods banished gaming 23 harmony hagner true drauman firebird phoenix 2k and foxy yokira thank you all very much for the extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘DEVIL UNION, NEW GRIMOIRES, NEW BOSSES & MORE! Minecraft Black Clover Mod Review’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2021-07-22 21:00:08. It has garnered 42368 views and 1364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:30 or 2310 seconds.


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Minecraft Black Clover Mod –

DEVIL UNION, NEW GRIMOIRES, NEW BOSSES & MORE! Minecraft Black Clover Mod Review

#BlackClover #Minecraft #ModReview

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  • Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

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  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

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  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

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  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

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