The Yogscast – A new Minecraft tournament! | Capture the Wool Invitational 1

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome to the inaugural yogscast capture the wall that’s right it’s a brand new race for the world designed and built by the bleb community i’m joined by my co-commentator barry hey how’s it going this is this is a really exciting thing we’ve got two teams we got boba on the

Blue team already making our way across to the first dungeon oh my god i can’t believe we’re already off it’s instantaneous action lewis there is no hanging around we’ve got xylis we’ve got ben as well we’ve got penguin fighting a skeleton we’ve also got the red team

List we’re also joined by bree duncan oc and rav so this is a traditional race for the world uh you need to get three walls to win only there’s a little twist there is a little twist so rate capture the ball plays a little bit differently

To race with the wall um instead of playing in two lanes the map is divided into nine major islands with teams respawning on each of these corner islands and then around the map blues you can see these wonderful big dungeons that our teams are going to be going into

Today um it looks like we’ve got our first death boba has been knocked out of the world by a spider on her way to attack the first castle which is i think the jungle ruins there the first lit just a little so there’s six dungeons each of them has

A wall each of them has a one at the top and a boston yes well blue team were already making their way up the jungle uh tail which is the the first one so you can access the ones near to your spawn immediately uh you begin with a

Little key that lets you open those those dungeons but in order to get into the harder dungeons you need to get the keys from the previous dungeons correct so at the top of this not only will there be a wool at the top of these the library tower and the jungle tower there

Will also be a sneaky little key a key to the next one okay this dungeon is already tricky yeah once we start getting some loot it will actually become quite easy it’s the getting loot parts you know getting past these initial wave of mobs yeah just getting some iron gear

Sure are any complete noobs here today we’d have been ben is old ben has never played bed is our fresh squashy so i guess he’s our one to watch right we should be finding out how does ben do right i did it i did it i got the stone

Swords and the leather leather doodads the layered doodads those are op the leather dude deads so as always we’re seeing a lot of deaths especially on the blue team a lot of deaths is there any difficulty differences between the jungle tower and the old library are they both they’re about on par their

Bosses differ slightly but also they each have these different kind of puzzle rooms that they get to then if you can see there’s a second uh emerald key a bit further up that has these um yeah there’s a little bit of a debate puzzle so some iron golems for one team to

Fight in the one in the jungle tower and in the um in the lorbry tower there’s some shulkers that the teams will have to fight so i think that kind of that usually ends up deciding which team is either better or which team they think the dungeon is harder because if you’re

Better at fighting shulkers you really like that one and if you prefer just safe spotting iron golems then you’re pretty happy with the jungle tower all right ped looks like he’s already pretty close to us i just [ __ ] eaten bree duncan just watched the spider skippy duncan taking out some blocks of boba

And knocking her into the knocking her into the void i think we’ve got duncan and ped of like dosie doed and ped is all the way over already so it’s worth noting for this map all of it is open apart from the enemy spawn you can go absolutely everywhere so teams are going

To be running around the map and pvp as pedgwin’s already doing yeah it’s well it’s a good idea to disrupt their team i mean boba’s trying to get to the so the wool needs to be deposited on the central island correct um you can’t actually build on the

Center island i don’t think no it’s knocked out but you can fight yup you can’t you can’t do pvp but that central island there’s a long elevator in the middle that’s right boba’s just about to go off it look yeah look she’s flying up the magic elevator so there are hidden

Chests i notice there’s a hidden chest up here on the central elevator with something in it but boba’s just gone halfway up because oh no she’s got a chest there you go she’s have she she’s collecting a little bit she grabbed some bits of loot

For her team so i guess this is a choice yeah she’s just going around collecting it’s always good to just make sure you’ve got enough gear to do all the jobs you need to do right and you know boba’s played this map quite a lot she

Might know where a sneaky little bit of loot is that she wants the interesting thing also is that boba’s playing the ranger which is uh well the she just she just killed herself in order to get back to the spawn i guess it was tactical i think it was cool i

Think it was a tactical suicide yup [Laughter] we’re gonna see a lot of that i don’t think that’s gonna be the first void def we see yeah it is worth talking about the classes we’ve got a little bit so the classes aren’t too complicated they usually work by a class as a positive

Attribute and a negative attribute is it’s how we like to think about them um and we’ve got yeah boba’s the ranger arranges a pretty cool class so they’ve got infinite arrows which is wow pretty pretty strong very powerful um and they have a really good jump boost so they

Can actually jump two blocks high which i’m not gonna lie i kind of turned my nose up i always think like i always think that jumping two blocks higher underestimated wouldn’t be that good double jump in a pvp scenario very powerful to be able to jump onto

Like half slabs be able to jump onto fence posts you can just get on everything it’s really really useful for getting around these dungeons um but that sadly her negative attribute is she has weakness so and attack slow so she can’t really use melee weapons yeah so

Boba and brie i think who’s also a ranger are gonna kind of be forced to make make use of some bows around the map so i think that might have been what she was looking for well as always in race for the world uh there’s a choice between building infrastructure and or

Killing your opponent or working towards fighting through uh or making progress towards the wall and in this case there’s a lot of fighter dungeons to be done but quite a bit of it is you know dark holes and being a ranger is not necessarily the

Best way to do it you’re up and close in mobs it really doesn’t you know work too great sometimes being a ranger yeah it might be best that she leaves some of the uh dungeoneering and relief some of the dungeoneering to their team um and

They go off and do some pvp it’s usually how we like to see it there’s loads of iron in this chest and taking it yeah make sure you’re always dumping the look back at the the chest when you get them looks like ped’s coming along again oh

No anybody want to come and fight anybody anybody yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let’s get paid let’s get paid let’s get i didn’t realize he was right on us we’ve already got ped in that dungeon he’s saying this he’s he’s all in there yeah

I think the red team are much further along actually in terms of progress Doing a lot of offer he’s talking cobwebs oh look at that i like this though they’re working as a team red team are all on him oh my gosh oh see it’s starting to get ped ped’s taking him down i mean he’s already got one kill and now he’s getting pushed out

So so there we are each of these you know he’s buying precious precious seconds for his team you know he’s just caught up three players having to fight him and the blue team are all making progress while this is happening well the other thing about this game mode

Which we can just quickly mention before we go back to the classes for sure is that there are coins um yeah something really important and when you are fighting in these dungeons if you fight in the iron dungeon you get iron coins you fight the gold dungeons you get gold coins

And each coin lets you buy things back at your spawn yeah um really really useful stuff really everything you can get food gear you can get ladders and all sorts of stuff super powerful arrows in the end you know lots of really really crazy stuff when you get to the diamond

Dungeons and the bosses also drop a series a special coin called obsidian coins oh my god i’m excited to see what we get purchased with the obsidian coins today so it is worth bringing your team together or considering bringing your team together when you kill the boss because those obsidian coins can really

Swing again yeah so when if you if you lose your obsidian coins it’s a pretty disastrous moment you know they buy very powerful items or very powerful upgrades yeah i mean it’s worth saying however that you know the obsidian coins are ever keep your batteries on yeah so

You’re not going to drop them when you die nope um but yes the opponent if you leave them in a chest or or something like that for your team to pick up then that might be a problem because you know that like you said peddwin might sneak in

Just snap those uh hedges making no friends today he is back at the red team’s base again he is running interference hardcore hates them so what class is peddling playing penguin’s playing the minor class which doesn’t sound like an aggressive class but the minor class’s two attributes are he has

Haste two so that’s minecraft beacon buff haste two so he mines blocks really quickly which is really good for breaking cobwebs and getting himself out of sticky situations he also has resistance so all damage incoming is kind of reduced on him so he’s actually a bit of a tank as well

Right so he’s actually quite good at doing the melee fighting yeah so as you can see he’s trapped he’s fighting wraps ravz is also the minor class so they’re fighting and here’s duncan duncan’s playing the loot boy and so the loot boy actually is a a healing class he’s healing yeah he’ll

People killed the ball well here’s the thing you should understand the loot boy heals people within five blocks so all he was doing there when he was fighting duncan was getting healed by he’s getting killed by duncan and of course because he’s more resistant the loot boy isn’t really doesn’t want to be

Left on his own no he’s the one who won he needs friends uh do you wanna just go create a participatory mode because i think oh sorry am i in there i didn’t even realize i didn’t realize i was just totally in their face you get to know clifford

I thought i was i think pedro was a bit like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] lewiston um so yeah quickly to cover the minor class does have a negative though and that is that the final two hot bar slots and the final two columns in penguin’s inventory are filled with blocks he

Can’t get rid of so he’s lost a lot of valuable hot bar space and inventory space for carrying loot but he is absolutely shredding that pedward is doing a real work on the on the on the red team right now he’s the only one left in the red team dungeon he’s killed

Them all he’s actually wiped the whole team which i i don’t quite understand how that’s happened i mean red team need to play together i think also they hadn’t gone back home and spent the loot that they’d gathered they hadn’t you know made iron armor it looks like raps

Is coming in for an armor now with that axe and stuff so i think ped could oh pedogram fell to his death well i think he’s again i think it’s a possible suicide because he realized that he’d done enough disruption true anymore nothing else to do he wouldn’t just help them yeah

Progression through the dungeon wise it looks like actually the blue team are pretty far ahead whoa my god it’s the golem totem pole that’s like the mini boss oh my god it just got me down to like one health immediately oh my goodness the eye golems are out come

Another look at this oh no what so they accidentally they must have accidentally picked up the overall key and released the golem stack look at the eye golem totems oh man there we go bed’s dead well of course the thing is you can walk away from them and they’re very slow but

Ben obviously didn’t realize he was panicking very confused one of them suffocating the ceiling uh boba dived out to escape out of that room yeah she looks like she’s oh gosh she’s kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place there’s the lower corridor which leads to the key which is filled

With mobs and there’s iron golems above her oh my god so despite the fact that penguin has given them a huge amount of space huge beam the red team is still squad ahead because the blue team don’t have penguin you know guys they’re guiding their their dungeoneering whereas look at this red

Team loose bree is using this crazy block strategy to stop getting hit by the shulkers like they’re figuring out this shocker room way better than the other team are figuring out although is just about to die he’s down at six health i mean shulkers do do a lot of

Damage in the end so it’s worth noting these shulkers are disguised as book uh bookshelves yeah yeah just about make them out so it’s pretty it’s pretty tricky actually it’s three is you harder in the morning he’s healing up he’s doing well this is this room is hard this room is really

Hard so there’s invisible shulkers some of these some of these bookshelves are disguised yeah it’s very sneaky this is this is this is going fantastic barry already i think we’ve introduced the classes so people are familiar there are some other classes that we’re not going to see today yeah there’s lots of other

Classes we’ve also got loot boy we kind of discussed a little bit about that you touched on it a little bit yeah this hat that you’re seeing people wearing a ben playing the loot boys and loot boy is kind of a troll class because it’s positive it’s also it’s

Negative everyone around the loop boy in a five block radius gets healed constantly while they’re near the loot boy you know he’s a friendly class he wants to be friends the trouble is he also wants to be friends with the enemy so he could end up healing the enemy

More than he’s healing your team yeah so it’s you know you’ve got to be careful how and where you’re using we saw it used negatively when he was losing a fight to penguin one-on-one and we’ve seen it used positively because i think he has been helped by his team you know he’s he’s

Hanging out with his team he’s keeping his team alive he’s making them eat less yeah it’s really useful really really useful constantly having regeneration going is really strong in mind there we go so we’ve got all four red team working on their way up the tower i think red team are actually somehow

Ahead after that disastrous you know entire team wipe to peguin they’ve actually they’ve killed the shulker room and they’re doing the key but you know same thing for blue team they oh my can you can you see they’ve actually they’ve built a staircase for the iron golems to

Get up oh i see they’ve they need to remove the staircase oh god the icons are down they’re in the water oh i see that’s where they’ve gone but they’ve actually thinned their numbers a lot there’s only two left okay they can do this carefully ben needs to not drown

Though oh my gosh oh we didn’t even notice that ralph’s had stolen perhaps had stolen a key or duncan had stolen a key oh really from the old library yeah it just respawned so maybe they were trying to steal it out but apparently one of them killed each other so when it comes

To keys and wool they can be stolen by the other team they can so you can go into the opposing team’s dungeon and rob them yeah so you get lit up if you’re carrying a wall you don’t get lit up if you’re carrying a key but everyone does

Get told that people do get told yeah if you die with the key or well it gets respawned where it was originally yeah um so obviously for mostly if you look at the map you know if you’ve grabbed like the gold key from the jungle ruins

You can run it either to the pirate island which is obviously closer to the other team spawn but you know equally you might you know you might have already had your mushroom mind open and you might want more loot you know this yeah there’s arguments to do both quite

A clever play we see from some teams sometimes is you don’t actually use your key you go to the other team’s dungeon you steal their key and you open your dungeon with it because then that puts the owners on them to have to come over to your dungeon grab your keys climb all

The way to your judge which you finish so you can then trap and block up and fill with monsters make as annoying as possible yeah so it’s there’s some interesting plays to be had looks like pagoda is actually doing that right now he’s running through this uh law bury

And he’s running straight for the key it is look at him yeah he’s gone for their gold key trouble is he’s in he’s in a dead end now he’s got to work his way back out there’s monsters everywhere and four red team members you see pretty much

But he look he’s hacking through the wall oh and he’s got to see if he can like find a way up i don’t think there is a way out here no he’s going to find he’s in trouble because he’s a dead end penguin’s low i mean this is sad this is

A sad end for pedword if he gets out of this i’ll be mind blown oh oh there’s swimming tv put down this there’s some water could just be careful he’s just healing pedword there’s dead oh he’s a gun okay there we go kiwi spawns someone can grab

It oh see oh she’s gonna drown oh see oh gosh one health oh god is there is there water here it’s something some strange water oh there was no they were they were poisoned from the spiders that were poisoning them right that’s why she was from one health okay poison

Isn’t lethal but you can obviously die to other stuff when you get down to one hp oh my god boba’s having such a terrible time with this eye and going i’m stacked loose oh my god they are they just they’ve they’ve screwed up safe spotting this stack completely

Silence with what man he’s actually xylis is doing well he’s kiting oh silas is in the game i haven’t seen anything from xylis so far the xylis is playing the night which is a bit of an interesting class you get five extra maximum hp i’m sorry or five extra

Hearts 10 extra maximum hp it’s a bit weird in minecraft how it works um but he also slowed so he moves a little bit slower it’s a bit worse for pvp a little bit worse for just respawning and getting around the map so quickly but it looks like he’s actually did pretty good

Job with bunny hopping he’s a battle boy yeah he’s doing good there we go that extra hp is very strong when you start giving your knight really oh god it’s like golems it’s so hard i love it i love it wow you really have to be so careful wow quickly but they’re doing

A bossless oh my god i didn’t realize we’re the worst commentators ever all right we find him yeah you got a drop book sent to the fire to trigger his next phase so when you kill these books they’ll drop a book drop them in the fire uh

Press one and tp two uh tp2 oh uh okay three in the five he’s down he’s ready all right get him this is crazy cool this boss died brian bryan good job oh my god they did it so quickly we didn’t even get to see it i

Guess this is no this is the power if you put four team members in to do a boss you’re gonna destroy it this is it was good work by them i like this play as an actual team not just run around so yeah that’s the first boss down well

Barry that’s like first that’s a that’s first blood by the red team i’m honestly i’m really i’m really impressed by the red team doing that you know grouping up as four and actually taking down a boss super quickly it means that there’s no chance the blue team had you know had a

Moment to snipe it or sneak someone in and steal the coin ravs has the wall on his head so yeah we’ve got the volume ravs i don’t know who picked up the obsidian coins but i imagine we’re going to see them spend it now i think the

Interesting bit we’re going to see here now as well is are the pollution going to react they’re currently finishing off their iron golem room but they need to start moving players to the central island to defend it or they just gonna accept that they’ve lost this world and

They’re not gonna be able to defend it because it looks like all of them are kind of caught up trying to do their own little jobs in this um in this jungle base yeah i guess that’s the choice you’ve gotta pick isn’t it it looks like xylis has just finished the iron golem

Room so they’re going to be on to doing their boss soon but is this kind of i don’t love this timing lewis this kind of they’re going to have players occupied doing the boss but i kind of want them defending the island from this wall you’ve got to think barry how

Easily can the red team run through this dungeon which they’ve spent a long time securing they’re nearly out that’s how quickly they’re they’re nearly through the main door There you go look we got pedwein he’s already gonna start destroying some or putting some blocks down why is he helping them he needs to be destroying this bridge yeah this is i mean red team is moving in as a unit so i think the

Plan here is keep ravs at the back keep him safe and everyone else just start wave assaulting in you know perhaps his life is really important because if he dies with that wool they have to go all the way back up the tower and get another piece so they they want to keep

Him alive and send him onto the island last ones one’s climbed up the tower well no they’ve g they’re sending they’re sending one up so i need someone to go up and deal with them boba’s chucking arrows but wasn’t able to do any disruption there really just running

In like they just won it they wanted it they were tanking through and oc just so oc is playing the rogue rogue class um i think has a very fast attack speed and you see in action they go bam there’s only one more blue member of defending

And it’s pedkin right at the top of the tower he’s in a sneaky little spot look at him he’s hiding at the edge of this tower what a little try i don’t know if he’s good he’s gonna try maybe and knock grabs out he’s actually doing the

Fishing rod strat louis oh what’s the fishing rod strap so it’s a strat i did to pedrod on my stream where you use a fishing rod to fishing rod them out of the elevator he’s going to try and do it on the ball carrier is too late it’s too

Late they’ve already gone past oh no no rams is below raps is below with the wall still looking the wall carrier goes up the elevator slower he’s going for the fishing rod strap oh gosh he got one what else he got breathed ravs you cannot get fishing rod or wraps please pay attention

Fishy fishy fishy no he survived he’s coming back up okay you need to benefit now grabs his sandwich there’s blue players above him and below him that are moving in his team needs to support him well there’s a red player at the top of the of the top interfering

With with with this though there is duncan but he’s also got xylis behind but ben’s behind him shooting down i think duncan doesn’t realize that that that silas is there perhaps needs to not go up right now this is i i would not be going up i

Would be going back to my teammates who just respawned and getting you know perhaps oh my god lucy nearly fell again oh my god this is he’s doing it he’s okay good he’s leaving he’s leaving he fell he fell he fell he’s still in he’s killing him we gotta chase him he’s

Sleeping wow what a defense what a defense of that tower i didn’t expect it but all they’re doing here is buying time is they’re not making any progress on their tower yeah so what i’d love to see from the red team is you know maybe just a change of tack you

Know send a player into get your golden key and just say we know you’re not making any progress we’re going to start opening another dungeon oh right and just hold on to that world just hold on to the wall because you know the blue team kind of have to just stay committed

To this defense oh it’s it’s tricky though because how long do they defend for unless they can i think they have to they have to either completely defeat the wall carrier okay and then they’ve got a a a burst of time to make some progress and stuff

Yeah but boba just got knocked out and not very regrouping fishing showing the power of knockback right so there’s a lot of holes a lot of void to fall into and if you have a knockback axe like ravs does you can really just just just get you know you don’t have to

Chip down all their help no you can just knock them off especially when you’ve got people who are playing bards and you know they have night classes and they’re tanky it’s sometimes just easier to try and say it’s a fishing rod but what they’ve done is they’ve sent up brie brie’s got

Fishing rodding but he’s felt forward to the elevator they’re wise to it yeah it’s not gonna work again i’d like to see them just keep grabs at the bottom they’re giving me anxiety those every time i get called out like this elevator i get anxiety what are they doing

I got him good work bad at having jeweled but he catches himself every time he’s home oh and look at this fishy fishy fishy oh no oh duncan’s got flight wow the the fishing rod into interference is is really really strong really he’s just catching all of them oh

My god they need these down oh my god what are you doing yeah we got him we got him okay full speed head on our own wall though because now they know that the red team have to go back and get the whole wall again now the bluetooth so they’re going

To sell some research dive into their table i’ve got some reset times correct the truck you know i’m worried actually it looks like the blue team you know what this they’re right there they’re just at the iron golem room and they’re about to go into their boss room all

Right bob let’s do this yeah all right we’ve got beater crouch the keeper of the bees lewis he’s riding on a bee he summons b he’s all about bees it’s pizza grouch um and if you uh you can also see there’s some stone statues that have

Come alive they look a bit buggy in our spectator mode but they look very terrifying oh my god is that just gonna die he hits so hard both yeah was on the road melee remember as well this is this is really bad this is not i think the uh boss fight

They wanted to have well look at the bees lewis they’ve got little swords they’re sad and angry oh this is a disaster for these guys it needs to either escape she’s got it she’s got it she needs to get that coin she needs to get that coin before she dies okay she

Got it she’s good she died she’s down but they got the coin and the wall is now open so they can get another block here ready to go it’s got a little the little poggy face on it yeah it’s a little happy little face time yeah i keep getting stuck in little things

Wait did i just oh bree dropped his bow how did he oh my god did he oh my god that is huge take it take it okay i got our key so ben ben grabbed hold of the jungle key so honestly that wasn’t that wasn’t the play we wanted to see from

The blue team but we’ve got ben with this um with this jungle key now and you know i like this they feel like there might be a little bit of stalemating on this wall so they’re going to open a new dungeon and i i really like that play i

Mean that’s really good meanwhile ravs has picked up they’re back with the ball it’s round two lewis do you believe the red wolf so of course blue need to get up to the top of their tower because unfortunately just that silas boba action they weren’t quite they weren’t quite cutting the mustangs

Did get the obsidian coin though which they can now use to buy a uh a power up so with one coin lures these are the options they can buy they can buy some sticky socks um don’t ask about them uh a wilted blood petal and some great

Shields so sticky socks they are immune they make you immune to knockback so if you buy them you won’t get knocked back at all by anything which could actually be game changing on bringing these walls back this could be the thing that red team need to finally get this bull in

Yeah these boss coins are so so powerful they really do change the game um this wilted blood battle gives you two bonus hearts forever for the entirety of the game super strong and you can buy two great shields which are two unbreaking great shields which doesn’t sound very strong but actually

In this game mode your shield ends up breaking very quickly so having a permanent shield and never getting caught out i must admit i’m such an old-school minecrafter that i just don’t use a shield i’ve got the world you have to nowadays i know i used to be of your

Same heart but shields are strong i need to i need to learn how to use shield we’re seeing that i feel like if i’ve got a choice between the shield and two axes i’m gonna pick the two axes jeremy yeah well here we go careful wraps oh rabbits

Head is running so much interference in this game compared look at him he’s got two health running away back into the tower he’s really really going for it oh but the red team were chasing him although he has jumped off he’s suicide he might be going back to help his team

Because he realizes that ben i believe has the key lewis and is making his way out of this i can’t believe that that this comeback is is is so repaired has runs i did warn you barry that i thought was going to be the mvp and so far he has he

Has the interference with the the the blocking of that wool capture i mean oh but it feels like his team needs it he’s making so much space for his team yeah because red team i just feel like red team everyone on the team is playing so consistently well right now like they

Need these spurts of energy from ped to try and keep the blue team in the game so silas obviously playing knight moving very slowly with his extra five hit points running through the iron dungeon slowly make his round he’s nearly there he’s nearly out though

Um and so i guess we’re going to see blue team roles are going to reverse now bluetooth are going to stage their attempt to bring a wall back i think i think after that last um wall push and defense by the blue team the red team are just saying you know what

We’re going to do it back to you taste your own medicine we’re going to defend now but what they really what they don’t realize is that they’ve got an opportunity now to send someone back and what they also don’t realize is that the blue team are coming over the top of them

Also the blue team have the key they blue team could dip whoever is carrying the key right now which i think is ben correct me if i’m wrong i believe ben has the key and i kind of like to see ben actually split off here and go open

The gold dungeon because that suddenly could drag red players away and secure this breeze falling they’re kind of getting plinked away red team needs to hold a bit stronger than this no peds getting ambushed and killed by oasis we should see a big push in the red team

Here we go okay i’m on my own i’m on my own with rap santosi i’m distracting no i fell there’s the gold key gone that’s the goku don boba’s up there so remember you as as a um as a player on the monument island you aren’t allowed to build it’s adventure mode on

The monument islands so it’s a real it makes actually defending quite difficult because you know they can build all of these angles and stuff to attack from whereas you aren’t allowed to build when you’re on this island so you’ve got to use whatever defenses there are see i

Got them now we push and then we look at that kill sure i’m gonna push from i’m going to push from the top in that case oh who is this artist moving in yeah it’s always scary as soon as you take that first step onto the monument

Island as the wall carrier you’re kind of you know it’s that moment where suddenly your pants are down oh and look see the pitchers slowly rushing in suddenly is really low on the blue team yeah boba’s just probably just fell out of the elevator straight away and

And just just died the xylis is on a 10 10 health look at bree’s the rich glass he’s just bobbing in the elevator just pinging arrows down down zara seems to hug ben that’s it get some heels yup look at this look at the shoes look at

The power of the loot boy ben needs to slow down oh great careful freak was that was that a hook from the bottom i think it was a no oh my god oh she accidentally caught brie in the crossfire it’s a disaster louis is it absolutely a disaster team killing a

Little bit of team leaving space for the blues and xylis is uncontested slowly going up this this elevator but duncan and rabs rabs knocked him down Knockbacked him straight out of that elevator hero play disaster okay well okay we’ve got we’re back to a full reset and honestly i think this might be good i reckon this is where we’re going to see the teams pull back look for the keys and go to open the other dungeons

Dunker finishing off pad and finishing off off ben but yeah as you can tell the teams are looking like they’re starting they’re fighting with very basic gear yeah they need to run out of food and arrows unless they go back into those dungeons yep and it’s going to make

Fighting really scrappy yup um i think they also identify you know you know they’ve had they’ve had a bit of sizing up of the other teams you know what i mean they’ve had an attack they’ve had a defense each they both say you know what you can hold pretty well maybe i might

Need something else this is quite good actually here as you can see what what the bluetooth have done here is they’ve built like kind of a one-way path across this island right so duncan can’t get across here oh nice they build a sort of like a drop yeah so so if they

Wanted to build their own way across here it’s gonna which they weren’t doing right now is they’re gonna have to either climb all the way up yeah nice it’s really slowing down actually it really has it’s given them like 30 seconds of space which is giving blue team time to actually re-gear that’s

What they’ve used their time to do they’ve all been buying more stuff and just trying to get you know together whatever last bits of loot they have onto everybody okay i’ve got the wall remember that brie has their wool do you know what you know what’s interesting though we might we might

Actually see before we’ve had it kind of go one team bringer will you know at one time and now one now basically both teams are bringing the bullet at the same time which i don’t know if that’s gonna affect how this works out i think we might actually see a capture here i’m

I’m worried for red team i don’t feel like this pvp performance just now has shone very well please you kind of walked in and just destroyed them i think each team has like shown decent skills in pvp though yeah i mean i i really i think we can’t

Underestimate ravs true he is a a very strong also like player oc is the as the rogue having like bonus attack speed on a sword if you one of your teammates can just hit them with an axe disable their shield and you get to slap you literally

You can kill people in like a second it’s mind-blowing i i would love to see i would still see a key pick up but here we go blue team trying to take over the main tower red team they need to just move as a unit this blob of free red

Players who don’t have the wall they just need to work together but what they’re doing is they’re going to go up they’re planning on clearing out this tower so that they can move their guys up and so i like this i like this a lot this is exactly how you have to attack

You know move as a team keep your ball carrier back and and safe and just send in send in the plebs first we’ve got penguin at the paper at the top 24 health so has he spent ah has he spent the obsidian coin he has house upgrade it looks like they’ve

Invested in penguin as their team player and um yeah they bought they bought him the extra health upgrade as you can see we’ve got some we got some fishing rod battles here duncan’s trying to fish headwind out well edward’s fishing rams out hey come on duncan duncan you’re really

Into quite are you really interested you may have got it right click dunk that’s not how you catch a fish that could you don’t just constantly spin the flipping fishing rod a little nibble oh lois look if bree gets fishing rod out here i’m gonna i’m gonna lose it

This can’t happen oh it’s gonna happen again oh all right brilliant i’m going up i’ve got the wall i’ve got the wall i’m coming behind you we’ve got the blue wall carrier now coming up oh my god blue and they’ve said this should be secured and there’s no there’s no oh

There is a fighter at the top there’s duncan versus ped but duncan’s not using an accident he’s just swinging wildly you can’t do that you have to use axes here we go oh heads knocked him down ped’s looking down he’s seeing coming up look at this the slow movement

Upwards it’s worth noting that the wall carrier moves slower up the elevator so that’s why it takes so well and silence moves slower as the knights and look at these shots from bree though these arrow shots flying past him really close desperate desperate place but looks like

We’re gonna get oh first the point first point of the game for the blue team oh honestly at a well fought over point wow it has been hasn’t it hasn’t been this epic battle i love it i love it good capture good capture well there you go the blue team have successfully placed

Their first wall uh in the tower but that doesn’t mean that they’re actually that far ahead because both teams are actually now returning to their original towers to collect the keys to access the second dungeons which contain the second wool the mushroom tower and the piggling tower the

Pickling pirates as we like to call them the pirate island i guess skull top of it yeah and the other one is the mushroom tower and man you know the map’s pretty balanced on both sides i gotta say i have a favorite and i really enjoy doing the piggling tower i

Just like it i like the pigglings they’re all pirates it’s cute it makes me happy um and also i just don’t like being poisoned and the mushroom tower it’s got witches it’s got vindicators it’s got it’s got some creepers right as well some real nasty enemies yeah i mean both

These towers are certainly a jump up in difficulty so we’re going to see the teams try a little bit harder use all that loot and their resources they’ve gathered thus far well i don’t i think they’ve spent a lot of it scrapping in the middle so we might find that they

Both struggle here to do this anyway there is better loot though they’re going to be getting better gear and they’re also going to be getting gold coins they’ll get access to the gold shop which gives them lots of cool stuff like webbed arrows tnt better food better

Oh we got penguin and we’ve got some fighting seeing ravs are fighting with pep peds oh the one-man wall defense oc you can’t be trying to take the world back look at this though he’s got the key he’s about to put it in the lock come on bree just get it in

There you’re so close don’t die now i have put i have put the key in the dungeon but i have not turned it so they don’t even know but he hasn’t turned it he’s got interesting right okay so i think i think this is a play

To potentially i think he might wait for basically a couple more of his team to come over basically the worst thing in the world is if he opens that dungeon and his and the blue team come over and start stealing loot i think he’s worried about that so i think he’s gonna wait

For all of the red team to get over to that dungeon and then they’ll open it together so pedwin’s still running blocking which is great a very smart choice because it means that the red team have to commit a couple of people to just dealing with him to get through

To that she’s really he’s really annoying the red team right now yeah well i i think the problem is is if you know as the red team coming in if they’re not heel to full and not prepared to fight pedwin they’re gonna they’re gonna lose a 1v2

Okay this is the moment that we go into the dungeon dunk all right go now go now all right good yeah we should have bought some [ __ ] ladders with me i’m gonna go try i’m gonna go try steal their mega look yeah go and go and pinch it if you can

All right i’m gonna open it are you healed up i am not let me look for you it’s open nice all right boys sing us a song ben we’re gonna be the very best yeah like no one ever watches there we go gold dungeons are now open so surprisingly close obviously red are

Still running a wall um but they’ve got they’ve got a wall carrier it’s oc she’s going to try again on her own and hopefully she’s thinking that that um might be distracted though look at this bluetooth we’ve already lost silas and boba those vindicators they are strong

Peddwin with his extra health and his resistance is trying to tank it but he’s taking so much damage yes they they’ve got to just find these spawners you know you’ve got a gas mileage he’s stealing the loot he rubbed down louis he’s going to steal the loot in he goes

I mean he goes down but i mean wow and peggy died too though so worth it i think i think ravs was destroying pedward’s infrastructure and he realized that he could have a quick run across to where they were run a little bit of interference and

Then get back to his own spawn and then go back to his golden team yeah very good choice very good strategic decision-making who is this bree is already so deep he’s already on the second layer i know he’s just clean on his own well he’s got piglets behind him though that’s the power

That double jump is really helping him get around oh must have got lucky in the they didn’t spawn always managed to kite them around he’s a one health three he’s jumping though he’s using the double jump really really well oh see that’s what’s put him up there hopefully he’s got food he has

He’s slow it’s very dark in there he’s he’s about to get eaten i mean this is a horrible little bit of the corridor he’s actually right next to a spawner there we go he’s dead well we expected that meanwhile blue team getting chain killed in their dungeon yeah not having a nice

Time and the red team are bringing the wool up the elevator they’ve got to defend oc here they have to defend it now of course blues are very late to realize this they’ve set in pet and silas but duncan and ravs are running him with running um interference at

Ground level xylis though sneaks around the side oh she hold a shield and of course oc is slower than silence on this elevator and silas is gaining on her really quickly you got to decide how are you going to deal with this how are you going to deal with this oc science has

Got more healthy thought i’m gonna just fight the two of them keep them busy what they needed to do was they needed to defend that election yeah i mean you only put the wall carrier across when you’re ready and now this is actually this could trickle into

A disaster because the blue team looks like ped’s going to be looking look at the chat log barry it’s just blue team dying over and over again to these vindicators ben and boba cannot fight them on their own it seems like so it’s worth noting vindicators are one of the

Strongest mobs in the in in this game they they have axes and they disable your shield so you have to you have to make some kind of play you’ve got to either get high ground on them you know it’s not good enough to just run at them

Because if there’s a group of indicators they’re going to slap you down so quickly so i i don’t know if blue team you know they need to figure out a strategy it doesn’t look like they’ve got one right now well it’s tough if they if they’re dedicating people to disruption

They’re not they’re costing themselves potentially progress yup um slowing them down on the on their own and you have to take those risks you know it’s that’s part of race for the wall you’ve got to gamble whether you want to risk you know taking time disrupting and giving yourself more more breathing room

Or just just squaring down on progress and letting people you know potentially letting the other team get some free yeah it is like a gamble you’re right is that back and forth you have to kind of accept some losses to try and make some progress i do feel bad for oc though

Who’s climbing up again oh my i mean you know that commitment that absolute commitment well she knows the route she’s very familiar with the path they’ve built through to the top so you can do it the quickest you know what no ravson’s just spent like a minute destroying loads of blue infrastructure

Around this monument island i mean they identified this is their problem they haven’t been holding this island well and they’re going to make a far stronger hold this well that’s rhapsody’s role too though remember he’s minor so he does destroy blocks quicker that’s kind of effect it’s kind of useful doing that

Um and i think you know i think i think bree’s just saying i can solder this dungeon just give me a minute i’m the ranger i can jump around and i think bruce confident that he’s just going to go forward he’s not going to remove any

Spawners but he’s going to grab loads of loot for his team he could really help them in these pvp fights interestingly enough actually it looks like duncan and rouse have said we’re happy with the progress we’ve made we’re going to start going into the mushroom

Base perhaps is on his way in wow so okay so so ben here very low hit points from fighting he’s gonna heal up slowly silence though as the knight is clunking his way through these vindicators killing hitting the crossbowmen they’re doing pretty well i’m actually impressed they’re making progress up this mushroom

Mushroom biome very quickly and there’s some scrapping happening outside there we go look ravs is trying to fight head and actually it’s very close ramsay’s on three he’ll click on one ped quick kills him on one health gets the gold coins from outside the dungeon goes straight in

And ravz is mad he’s mad and you can tell ravs is mad because he doesn’t realize how low penguin was no and he had his he said he has his shield up axes i think that’s probably what happened there but it’s worth knowing both those both those players rabbis and ped had

The um protection free iron armor on they had that fully enchanted iron armor set which is really good yeah they were both very evenly matched there you go pedwin looking in there looking in a loot chest finding swords of greed oh swords of greed are nice swords of greed

In here still sharpness five he’s just leaving him there they’re gold they break quickly he might know pedward is the miner he lacks inventory space remember so he’s got less space to carry around luke so you might be just leaving that he’s saying you know okay that’s

Not super important but i’ll leave that for a friend he’s up into this witch room this is awful he’s going to grab a spawner there’s already 12 health he’s poisoned he’s he’s this is good though he’s got a spawner down he’s grabbing some loot this is progress there we go

And now he’s dead and actually look at that the witch threw a potion of damage and it actually killed both ped and about three other enemies so it’s actually fairly clear in here now the witches are scary you know honestly which is everyone thinks they’re kind of

Easy in minecraft but when you’ve got multiple of them throwing all of the different potion effects on you you can be poisoned you take damage they’re healing it’s really really hard to kill them ben’s doing his best to try to take him down ben you can’t get the spoiler but it’s right behind

You please get the supporter well you know that’s the problem is you’ve got to make these choices haven’t you gotta choose and he’s on his own but he’s doing a good job here well while we were distracted with ben it looks like we’ve got pedograms sneaking in behind brie in

The gold dungeon and oc is finally making way with this wall and they’re in the elevator this looks good lewis this actually looks good yeah blue team got cleared out of their their dungeon unfortunately so those witches are going to respawn so they’ve really made no progress whereas oc is finally very

Cautiously oh my god i’m so nervous for this i’ve never crossed my fingers so hard about it it doesn’t look like any of the blue team have got any any anything straight hour here come the hours here come the hours from boba she has to keep

Her shoes oh my gosh i could see that one fly by boba is a crack shot oh see move you up oh oh don’t walk out the elevator don’t walk out of the elevator oh she’s not now not like my heart can’t take it i’m gonna pass out this please oh see please

Oh she looks like she looks safer now she looks fine okay we’ve got india in the pirate dungeon brie and pedrin are both running deep looks like brie actually died to a cave spider and pedkin is now the deepest person in the picking dungeon and i think he’s here to steal lootless

I think he’s here to just rob some resources from the red team i’m going i’m going what’s he heading in there we are don’t worry i’ve got it don’t you worry so as you can see like it doesn’t feel like the blue team are ahead i mean sure

Pedman what he’s done is crack into the opponent’s dungeon and he’s just he doesn’t want to kill spawners no no he doesn’t really want to give them too much infrastructure and digging but he does want to steal these chests and he just wants to you want to go deep

Here this is the best stuff does he does he know where this chest is no doesn’t look like he does he’s grabbing it oh he’s open he’s blocking it he’s blocked him he’s blocking it i don’t know i’m not sure he intended to do that these spiders are

Destroying him lewis but he’s gonna get killed by the spiders they can climb yeah they’re climbing i’m not so is he gonna die to puffer fish in this water section this would be embarrassing you don’t want to die to pop a fish lewis on the big camera well

Six health he’s securing himself up here he’s making a real mess of this room really made it annoying for the opponent he’s put a lot of blocks in here and he’s probably gonna suffocate to death momentarily oh no he’s actually doing okay nobody’s poisoned oh that chest is

Filled with good lootless he just robbed a lot of gold and a lot of dogs oh yeah a lot of gold bucks in there oh that’s a disaster so ped’s looting all our stuff in our dungeons oh my [ __ ] god oh [ __ ] i think he just got like a lot

Of our legitly look the red team are all here and we’ve got rav’s right right he’s into the creeper rooms the creepers are right there but there’s a lot of creepers up here oh my gosh i can’t believe that he’s managed to to dive this deeply into their dungeon and now

It’s a full health in this room as well the creepers are helping the red team by blowing the way back up the penguins trying to cover so looks like pogba might go for a place to just hold this or is he gonna go he’s gonna he’s going for luke he’s going for

Luke he’s running creepers he’s missed one chest underneath that staircase he doesn’t don’t who knows about it he’s quite deep right now he needs to be careful that’s a chest he’s got into that chest there’s there’s uh there’s all sorts of stuff in here oh my

God armor and stuff he’s stealing it all peddwin is doing a ton of damage to the red team by taking a look because there’s even more iron armor protection what you do is when you’re running through these dungeons you’re clearing them out right you’re not you’re not rushing through to steal the loot

Whereas that’s what your opponent can do oh my god it’s a very smart move yeah it’s a it’s a really strong play but there are teams here now they’ve arrived they’ve arrived they’re angry with him they are not happy they need to be careful that they’re low they’ve got rattlesnakes

He got two sets of iron protection arm from what i saw so it’s bad but it’s not a disasterless it’s certainly come back yeah and you know cut back to the blue side not much progress has been made this room full of witches is the bane of

Xylis and ben’s life what we got here is we got rabs building future infrastructure to to take the wool a little route he’s building that avoids this gateway i love this center island i love this now of course he’s going to find that he can’t build any further

Because it’s a venture boat you’re not allowed to build on the center but this is good you get the tree advantage and then i like this this is really nice though they’ve also got a way up to the top of the ship’s mast this is just you

Know he realizes maybe i’m not doing much you know the team can handle this let me go do a job for future you just want to be maximizing your use of time and i think that what we see in the race wall is big losses of time you know when someone

Spends a long time getting a wall only to die yeah you really want to avoid those huge swinging moments where and if you invest little bits of time and make sure those big losses time don’t happen it’s really worth it it’s definitely something we saw earlier with oc

Bringing the wool back you know she died three or four times with that wall she was spending five such a loss of energy right spending so much time going to grab that ball it’s it’s 20 seconds for her team to group up with her when

She does have it and defend her but here we go let’s red team into the pirate boss all right let’s go then is it uh yeah i guess so all right you kind of need to like kite this guy because he runs fast in the war and we don’t this

Is good creeping up again by the red team we saw four of them do the iron dungeon boss and we’re going to see three of them do the gold dungeon boss so it’s worth noting on captain got when he gets to uh every a third hp he’ll

Teleport away up to the shot of his ship’s mask and you would have to uh you have to fight some ads here we go he’s brought his crew along wow he fires creepers out of those cannons little creepers yeah we might see some keepers look at his little

Piggling sunburst you wouldn’t kill him well you have to you don’t have to do you actually have to you have to get a roger oh man he doesn’t attack you want a poor lad you have to kill roger he’s quite sneaky though they’re staying back they’re quite cool the creepers creepers

Out of the cannons they’re a bit scared they get roger there’s roger miss son you killed my son roger classic classic writing by the blebs classic captain [ __ ] they need to be careful they’re gathering [ __ ] hits really hard i need to save your shield because he’s a

Piglet brew does nothing duncan is it a fake shield what was that i think he got himself caught in a corner he wasn’t deceiving because actually has uh oh no here come the real crew uh-oh wow they just pirated boating out crossed disaster don’t mess with captain gox crew they’re now suffocating themselves

Meanwhile while this is all happening ravs has infiltrated the blue dungeon killed a lot of a lot of infrastructure and is now battling penguin at the top of this dungeon see these two are both very well armored very well geared yeah a lot of rejects is actually winning

Somehow oh my god peg in the dark corner him and peg we can’t fight this is a great play by wraps i i’m amazed oh it’s close pencil two health goes down brown ped good had full diamond and rav’s managed to defeat i think this is gonna

Do a lot of work for ravz’s uh psychology right because yeah because when you fall behind in a game it’s really tough you know oh she’s losing the wall over and over again and and now suddenly ravs has turned the tables and he’s the one interfering with

Ped ped came into the red dungeon took a lot of loot but now raz has done the same as the kind of defender he gets to kind of decide the pace of the game now if he wants to he could hold the top of this water section really easily all you

Need to do is just block it off and mining in water is really hard here we go i think he’s going to do it yeah i love this i mean this is exactly what his team needs he needs to just hold this water station and not just say no

More progress is going to be made on this mushroom biome because his team is in they’re they’re nearly done with captain gog they’re nearly back up there so i i love this i mean this is actually potentially a game-winning play by well perhaps did so much damage to the

Infrastructure on the way up he took out so many blocks so many ladders how much time they’ve just spent just blue teams have to completely rebuild to get back up the top here and when they do get back up to the top they’re going to find

That ravs is waiting for them with good gear and an act i think he’s run out of blocks ravs okay this is it this is right this is where he’s gonna hold well he’s gonna he’s gonna spot these two guys coming in he’s gonna try and suffocate them in the

Water yeah they’ve got these magma blocks they can get their air back on but this is awkward this is really awkward for them are here oh and look at this silence silence and ped are not taking this no they don’t like this this is this is exactly what

They needed to do overwhelming with with multiple players raz is getting pushed back he’s going to go down but he’s giving his team a little bit of time though this is good yeah i think ravs will be disappointed with that i think he felt like he could have got more out of it

It was a good opportunity it was hard it’s you know if he if he had a stack of blocks you know it shows again being unprepared is very very punishing if he had blocks there he could have just blocked up so quickly he said he was having to gather wood and stuff from

Around and yeah i just i don’t know he needed to be a little bit more i don’t think he expected to end up where he was i think he just thought i’m gonna go in i’m gonna destroy a couple of ladders i’m gonna get killed by them i don’t think he

Ended up thinking i’m going to be in the boss room yeah i think he um he quite had a plan to be honest he didn’t really no and so now they’re going to take the boss uh because they’re all full of their team are rapidly approaching this

Boss room i think we’ll find that pair and zyrus will just go straight in because they’re the best geared very tanky boys here we go yeah all right let’s go let’s go i’m here my gosh it’s really just a trial to get through to this boss the

Poison sucks man yes it does oh [ __ ] he hey the way that she’ll do nothing it’s all right it’s your car you’re in the water i’ve done it you can do it it’s all right we isn’t here we go he’s so dead should have three obsidian coins we

Should have three in total yeah yeah yeah she’s almost dead i’ll i’ll grab the wall i want to try a new strategy got it so that’s it they’ve got the obsidian coins they’ve got the key and they’ve got them uh which they all need to bring out this is

It let’s see let’s see what they see who carries it yeah it’s going to be pedwin looks like penguin’s picking up this wall because this is the turkey boy it feels like he’s the he’s the new wall carrier interestingly enough it looks like the red team while

We were distracted by that have also done captain goglus and are already halfway out with their world you are joking me i didn’t even notice that this is close they have got a i you know what lewis i think i’d like to see one of the blue players maybe just respawn

And try and attack from the difference this is what they should do but they don’t realize it no they’re they’re running through the tower with they’re gonna win they’re gonna see in one minute they should they should be suiciding if they can this might be a

Free one this might be a free will for the red team i think i think red team have huge applause for red teams this is crazy swung back bank bank that will bank that will bank at bank at bank don’t fall yeah the the world’s already we’re already safe it’s banked bank all

Right then they’re they’re gonna get free-handed yeah unless ben can stop him no i’m not even out of our dungeon yet actually bobby if you just wanna bob i’m gonna kill you maybe you can kill me killed me maybe you could kill me and then we go boba was slain by

Xylis it’s too slow it’s too slow they’ve got it i mean this is this is great this is this is game winning this is honestly game winning two wool down one ball to go loose for the red team that is it i i mean this could be really

Really big for the red team if they can hold this defense then bluetooth are gonna have a horrible time they have to get the wall back out of that dungeon again that’s going to take them time ah i i mean what the heck is peddwin doing they’re levitating arrows they’re

Using levitating arrow he’s firing levitating arrows on himself to go high and i guess he’s gonna try and go to the monument he’s gonna just fly up what kind of plays are these barry i mean i’m not gonna lie lewis pagwood has played a lot with my plebs and we’ve developed quite

A few strategies that i wouldn’t describe are um a usual uh penguin’s now going to take a perch on a mushroom i guess or is this this is this is just about allowed loose i’m gonna lie i think he’s gonna die to full damage i

Don’t know i don’t know if i like this play well you know pedwe knows what he’s doing i am on top of the map okay it’s fine i’m just gonna raid some arrows from above he he’s obviously concerned that the red team are very strongly defending the

World monument which is what they are doing but by him delaying he’s let them reinforce it right because yeah i and he’s given them more time to get this key out louise for the time duncan was dead there was only i think only oc defending doug is dead again now and

Penguin is just miles away they can’t capitalize on any of these kills that these teams working really hard to get he’s now going for the run over but he’s interesting hour isn’t gonna last he’s gonna have to do it again he’s gonna die to full damage

I’m not this is a real one he’s going for the flag can he land on the flag this is a this is a play so what he’s done a sprint run-up and he’s good this is a lot of the leverage crunch he’s dead what a what a mind-blowing play ambitious play

He didn’t even he does get one lemon from milo well listen if he was if he’d been able to double jump or something if he could have pulled that play off lewis i would have eaten my hat it would have been mind-blowing i think he was so scared

That red team had a full defense that he didn’t want to have to deal with fighting through it yeah and they the team didn’t have the key they didn’t have an alternative they didn’t they couldn’t open the other dungeon you know what they do though actually ben has

Snuck the key out and he’s right by the diamond oh my god i’m so worried about him falling in these gaps lewis i’m so nervous there we go looking philly okay and now he’s like now he’s how do i use this then p lock question mark

Mushroom key taking my bed here we go there we go here he goes put it in but he hasn’t opened it i like the strategies that the team uses because they know that you can put the key in and now if you die with it it doesn’t

Matter it’s in the lock but now they don’t the other team might not realize that their diamond dungeon is open that dive dungeon couldn’t be opened now it’s very weird play i i like it it’s an interesting play i’ve got i’ve got the wall okay yeah just defend that tower now let’s just

Let’s just let’s just let’s just start with the we can just open the first floor and get the loot ourselves right now [ __ ] oh no i fell down there was a hole there that i did not see yeah there’s a few holes one square hole no

I mean they’re gonna come to you guys they’re gonna they’re gonna open our diamond one there we go ben didn’t want to live in the same boat as the ice that was only a matter of time wasn’t it it was only a matter of didn’t want to live

In the same world as ice cube i don’t either sometimes sometimes i don’t lose uh i wonder if the red team realized this because they could just give up on getting their key if a diamond dungeon is now going to open they don’t need to waste any time

Getting a key they don’t they can fight over it and that’s the beautiful thing is this is the the ice dungeon is equally far away from both players spawn true so for the first two dungeons the defending team has an advantage because they have to run a lot less far to get

Back yep for the iron dodger for the gold dungeon they’re going to be to the left and right of your spawn but on the map the both the diamond dungeons are equally distant they’re at the corners and since one team has the blue team here has chosen to open the ice dungeon

The other team looks like the red team they can just gonna commit to building infrastructure to get across there we go the ice palace is open oh my god there’s so many points i know i’m gonna just walk just try to take as much [ __ ] from the chest as you can yeah

I’m just gonna [ __ ] i’m trapped i’m trapped by these [ __ ] boinky boys all right let’s go through this ice dump we need good infrastructure to get to the ice dungeon i’d like to see a little bit of a defense effort from the red team but no one’s there yeah i feel like

Red have got an opportunity here because i think red thought you know blue team they’re just going to go and open the dungeon they’re going to make progress because bluetooth is behind right they’re well behind pedwe needs to put it in everyone in red team is in their

Base list no one’s even running towards the monument right now wait peg was get to the middle yeah we’re leaving him we’re leaving him with the wall you think can you can you stop him right now you want to try and wait he got

We’ll get him get him get him get him go get he’s already halfway oh do you need any help well i don’t know if they’ll be able to get to you still this is a big mistake by red right because red are committed huge mistakes they’ve forgotten that that they have

This advantage all this time they spent building defense and they’re going to throw this advantage away because this suddenly puts you know blue team back in front i mean yeah i really dislike this by red i don’t know why they haven’t defended them i’d love to you know if

There was a choice bit of comms that we could listen to right now lewis it would be great if they edited it in right now why don’t we stop why weren’t we stopping him you know i have no idea where we didn’t stop him i think about it Duncan is actually here now duncan’s here at the elevator but ped’s already at the top all right go hey good job you’re the best one will remaining to win so yeah red team have got to make a decision they’ve got to decide whether they’re going to

Fight blue team for the ice or whether they’re going to try and race blue team with arguably the hard dungeon um the red dungeon can be a little bit more tricky it’s got i mean and innately having more fire stuff sucks a lot of people don’t like being on fire in

Minecraft and that just puts people off and it is annoying it does hurt but i think i think actually if you’re good the red the fire dungeon can be completed far quicker than the ice dungeon can be i just like these guys trying to come to

Our dungeon i’ve got a fire protection 4 in childhood by the way and a crossbow with multi-shot oh well lucy’s got a fire x so that’s pretty handy see you later ramps head just knocked ravz off very well played got shot by brie but

Did a lot of work boba what i would like to see from boba is what she’s doing now she’s actually building across to this tower it’s guard town which has got some loot in it but she can then use that guard tower as it fits however bree

Might well ambush her here and knock her off oh my god she hit by levitation arrows she’s flying so actually uh she’s going to probably dive to full damage though here oh but she gets bruised three as a trade she can land on this little spire she might be okay there you

Go and there’s bob or dead you can go now uh but there’s somebody in front of you now it’s only ben yeah there he goes you’ve got time to make a bridge now if you can we’ve got a lot of wipes here yeah blue team and red

Team have been working so hard to kind of get their team together and secure infrastructure that we’ve what we’ve ended up with is all four of red team are outside the ice tower but are about to but need the infrastructure to break in whereas all of blue team are miles

From the tower and running back hedging solo running in he’s going to try and hold the first vertical assembly like except pedclin yeah you know what lewis i don’t think i’ve seen what the teams have spent they’re two obsidian bucks they got from the gold dungeon on

And i wonder i wonder if we’ve got a sneaky weapon hiding in someone’s inventory i wonder if we’ve got a starburst or a fully automatic crossbow or a magic wand or i i think there might be something up someone’s sleeves that we haven’t seen just yet wonder what

They’ve chosen there’s all sorts of really cool stuff tnt arrows yeah you can get some powerful items and of course the the knockback immunity which is really a big one i think that would be my i mean that would have made the first ball uh return far easier for both

Teams they kind of struggled with getting knocked back and fishing as you can see now looks like red team have arrived i love i like this move as a team you know they understand penguins hard to fight so they’ve got to move as an attacker they’re doing it great ravs

And bree sorry breeze destroyed the infrastructure and he’s staying outside because he’s the ranger he’s gonna make it difficult for blue team to recapture the ice island pedwin’s the only one in the ice tower and there’s the three red team are already in the bottom

What i really want to see them do is just move as a unit when they go to fight him they no more of this just go and send one person at a time like this isn’t okay i’ll be getting picked off guys took one down and now he’s gonna

Have the high ground advantage of ravs who’s trying to chop him but perhaps he’s sort of feeling locked down i mean a couple of strong hits on oc look she’s trapped in the corner now the rav’s coming in there we go rams is ready now everyone’s levitating everyone gets to

Fly today lewis everyone’s levitating but ravs has got an axe and he’s not going to take any [ __ ] from paired no heads they’re ball raps 39 penguins at 15 health slimes though rabs and oc coming in to try and take peppermint down louis it looks like someone is actually

Up at the obsidian vendor right now silas is spending some obsidian bucks i wonder what he’s buying i just get everyone flower pedals i can only get two blood pedals that’s all right yeah you get two just you you guys have them it’s fine so there’s a couple of good

Items in the obsidian shop there’s powerful shields really good shields which are really good at versus the fully automatic crossbow that people can buy also starburst very strong a small note on starburst you can buy more ammo for it so it it it doesn’t have um it doesn’t

Fire normal arrows it fires arrows of harming which you can buy from the diamond shop right in spawn so teams might choose to go for that and just continually reload it on more arrows so it’s got some decisions to think about it’s a very powerful defensive weapon to

Stop people coming down a corridor or to get people who are trying to push across a small bridge and if people don’t have the um the powerful shield you can buy from the obsidian shop you melt their shields if they’re trying to block your arrows oh pedwin again taking down two red players

Securing the dungeon for himself and taunting taunting louis in this game mode i can’t believe it so that’s that was a big swing because blue team got wiped out and it is a big string and ravs is like ben is here ben is playing aggressive for

Looks this is not what i expected from ben’s first game he’s at their spawn he’s destroying their bridges what do you mean he’s bet the red players spawn ben’s running disruption disruption is the loop it’s the most heroic effort i’ve ever seen in my life i love it duncan coming in behind him

Behind boy versus loot boy look at that duncan nearly died on that fall how was time that was that was a good amount of time ben just bought his team which is important because pedward needs to get the blue team together they’re going to be taking losses yeah

And they need to um they also need to they need to make some progress in this dungeon i wonder what the strategy here is because of course there’s the other diamond dungeon full of loot but it’s gonna be a lot of work to grab the key

Open it up and crack it open i wouldn’t hate a single red player going to grab the key sneaking off you know sneaky sneak go grab the key and open that dungeon because suddenly that changes the game do you think this is we keep pushing here do you do you think this is

I think so or should we give it a crack at the other i think if we stop we haven’t even got the key though although aussie if you want you could go get the key we could open up the fire dungeon and we could try bullets the fire

Dungeon even if we just get something from there you know it might be okay so that is a huge time investment you know um not if we if we are holding two of them back and pushing their dungeon she go get to get the key we don’t

Really lose much oh she wants to go get the key yeah okay uh i mean whatever happens now i i can’t go into the diamond dungeon by myself go help aussie aussie yeah yeah yeah yeah all right i’m coming to do infrastructure footage then you know what lewis ocs make you play

For the diamond key she’s up in the top of the picking down she needs to be really careful there are still mobs up here that are really dangerous but i love this i love this on the red team sneak someone off and why not just take

A little peek oh my god this creepers in here are you kidding me ah my god all right don’t be alarmed at all the explosions there you go look she’s getting through she’s doing it the creepers are kind of helping it’s it’s kind of funny the creeper isn’t helping

She needs to be careful though creeper she used to kill that oh she’s got hits here 11 hearts there yeah brutes are very strong oh so you need to be careful oh see oh see just don’t stop clicking oc just don’t stop clicking this is so much cutting so much monsters

For her to go all right i’m dead yeah leave the key to me i’m gonna go get the key okay right let me try and help get some infrastructure in place then okay i can see that i can see another spawner i’m gonna

I’m gonna go for it go for it go for it girlfriend okay one down okay is anyone here with me for the puzzle i am here see you go do the puzzle i’ll deal with the boinks in these last couple of dungeons there are a couple of these

Puzzles so in the ice dungeon you have this sliding ice puzzle and so there’s this obsidian block and you need to push it like the old school zelda puzzle it’s worth noting that when they go into these puzzle rooms they go into adventure mode just like they go on the

Main island just like in the boss rooms you’re an adventure mode so you can’t build or break blocks so they can’t break the spawner they can’t try and you know cheat the puzzle and they can’t progress until this posit is completed and they stop being in adventure mode so

It is it is hard and it makes also defending these puzzle rooms while you’re trying to complete them with your team really hard bent’s doing it wrong ben’s putting it back to where it was how close are you bon willing just pushing them i just keep pushing and i don’t stop

Pushing i’m getting pounded it’s like a truck tingle novel did you did if the spawn is gone no it’s cool it’s cool yeah yeah yeah but there’s still still spotted like 19 of these guys i’ve got the key this is the play i love

It three get this key out get it in the fire dungeon and let’s get it unlocked and get your team progressing because this would be a real play if they can if they can pull this off just let them open it yeah like generally i might open

It like just because we want them to stay away from us yeah like actually because we’re so close yeah there’s so many [ __ ] wither skeletons what the hell ben is not in a happy position right now he’s very sad perhaps he’s gonna get the drop

On him i think if he’s at least he’s careful oh knocks him down he’s in a disastrous location he’s managed to sandwich himself oh hide himself behind all this they just swapped positions they just they just swapped rams is running deeper and ben’s retreating how are you doing

Brie um at the entrance now where did he come from all right bree let’s do it we’re going in Bring it on death so red team ozzy duncan they’re all on fire ozi’s looking like she might die to this fire if she’s not careful duncan’s taking down blazes he’s doing good he’s doing good um the loot boy very helpful here to heal up this fire damage duncan doing

Well to stick with oc and healer up what i’m thinking about lewis is are they here to think we’re gonna get the wood from the fire dungeon or they’re just thinking we want to grab some loot and then go back to the ice dungeon well i think that’s what i would be thinking

Are you thinking let’s get some loot because we can’t test this blue dungeon let’s get some loot and then when they finish the blue dungeon we’ll go in and we’ll steal it we’ll stop them we’ll break their wool attack we’ll take their wall and we’ll we’ll win from there and

It’s a bit of a hail mary yeah i like that rav’s almost here by the way it’s all right we’ve done it we’ve done it oh wait get that get that spawner we need to stop wraps okay well stored up like just just block up the the chute

For now that’s that one done so that’s two layers done now there’s three puzzle layers in the ice tower yeah there’s only two puzzle layers in the fire tab but the fire puzzles are a little bit hard so we can see the red team are making progress on it now so it’s it’s

This obsidian blocks that are invisible and you have to have a red team player or a sorry one of your team players go above up into the secret dimension above and reveal the path you can walk on so you can see that they’re having to look directly upwards so someone could really

Get the drop on them right now if one of the blue players came over it looks like they’re going to be pretty uncontested looks like the blue team are currently running the four team members all of them are live in the tower and they’ve actually i just saw boba seal up the way

Behind them oh and now rabs is cutting through um it looks like boba and zilus know he’s there and they want to make sure he doesn’t he doesn’t get anywhere any progress so they’re kind of damaging their own infrastructure to keep him at bay i mean this is a sad

Time for for ravs you how did you get through here how did you fight upwards even though you’ve got to think if ravs is just taking up two of their players time yeah that’s that’s what he’s doing i mean he’s yeah he’s doing really well at running this offense i i’m very

Impressed one harasser if you take out two of their players or at least distract you their players for long enough you need to be careful the boba hits very strongly with this bow someone take too many arrows she might just get him yeah he’s already half hp

So i heard earlier that bree dropped his bow bree accidentally fumbled one of the strongest bows in the game from the end of the fire from the end of the iron dungeon you get a punch one bow which for those who don’t know they’re not super familiar with bow and charms which

I don’t expect everyone to be punch is the same as knockback so when you hit someone with an arrow it will fly them back a series of blocks and unfortunately bree dropped his punch bow and boba picked it up from ranger to ranger they’ve exchanged and now boba has two punch bows

What she did was she combined them on an anfield and she gave her punch two which is so strong and i think that’s what we were seeing when she was defending outside the ice dungeon yeah i think that’s why she’s because that’s the knockback there you see it on rabs it’s

So impactful it’s a six block knockback if she hits them at full power here comes the starburst ravs oh my god that’s the reveal of the power item wow the full auto rapture says i’ve had enough screw this little girl didn’t expect that at all i guess she didn’t

Tell her team because they didn’t she thought she could handle him on her own and what that’s left is that’s left them you know sure they’ve made progress with the three of them but now you’re scared ralph’s is coming behind you now you have to dedicate another team member to

Protect yourself from revs this is scary it’s worth noting the starburst fires arrows of harming which ignore armor they just deal straight heart damage so even even if you’re really good this is kind of the perfect catch-up item for ravs right now because they will have diamond armor he doesn’t care he’s going

To shred through it red team pushing their way through this lava infested hell hole that is uh the red dungeon they’re doing well they’re moving to the unit and no one’s died yet so i’d count that as actually a success yeah it looks like they’re past one of the puzzle

Rooms as well yeah they did that well and this is renowned for being the hardest layer in the fire dungeon this snaking lava corridor so if they can make it past here it’s kind of home dry and you can just run the rest of it yeah

They’ve got one more puzzle room to do yup and then it’s happened to the uh kind of blaze blaze area which really isn’t too hard and then a little bit of wither fortress and then you’re there it’s really easy yep but meanwhile the three members of blue team are still

Working on this third puzzle level and ravs is coming to get him here he comes with this starburst he needs to be so careful with how he uses it it is expensive but he’s ready look he’s locked and loaded loose bam he’s opening up on pedwin pepper is trying to knock

Him back and pedro’s shield holding the shield right out of run out of arrows on it and peggy’s just taking all over him doesn’t even get a chance to use the crossbow oh my god so aggressive i think pedram was so ready for that to happen i i really like

That there’s good team play by blue they all three of them rushed him they did i didn’t give him a chance it’s exactly how you need to do and now they’re perfectly set up you’ve got three team members you’ve got a really easy puzzle look at this nice and open

This is this is great and looks once they complete this puzzle this is they’re through to the boss can we can we just give revs a round of applause for bothering us it’s so rude all right we’re nearly there we’re nearly there brie there you go hey we’ve

Done it that was really quick oh my god we’re done complete bam i think i nearly got it guys i think i i think i figured it out guys i figured it out look you did it silas we’re gonna finish it we’re gonna finish the puzzle here

Oh oh my gosh gold star get that thing blue team they’re headless they’re going into queen slushie here we go oh [ __ ] a little bit of a different boss it’s one of the diamond bosses so it’s considerably harder than anything we’ve seen before first thing that’s important

To note is you can’t hit slushy with range damage she doesn’t take range damage you have to melee her um and she has two archers defending her that have knocked back and remember this is adventure mode so you can’t build any blocks so every time they go in and they

Get knocked down into this horrible mix of fire and river roses you’re gonna take so much damage so we’re gonna see this team slowly try and just eat her down jump back into the little arena and fight her it’s it’s not an easy boss to do i’m trying to get

Where you guys like back but like i don’t know how to get out how the [ __ ] do you get back out i mean okay ted i’m pulling her away from the door no i think the door is the strat actually uh there’s another sharpness three sword here for somebody i’ve already got one

So diamond dax the boots i guess and the axe well is it what’s better acumen all this now it’s pretty better i think the red team are feeling a little bit despaired at the moment a little bit demoralized yeah good slapping slushy down honestly he’s got a strategy it’s

Clearly not from everything we’ve seen not pedkin’s first rodeo he’s got a way of killing slushie and it seems pretty effective um and i guess this is going to be it do we think blue team have a strategy for getting this wool out do we think that they’re ready oh [ __ ] silence

Is down pedro’s gonna take over [Laughter] full near the right still gets squashed by queen slushie and pedro is getting squashed as well and he’s going to get knocked into the window he’s be careful he’s very low oh my gosh that was so dangerous he full if he’d

Choke that remember boba can’t do this boss this pits would have dragged this game out for years he needs to heal he needs to just heal you don’t choke look how low she is you don’t choke now come on a couple more hits also remember this is free obsidian

Bucks going to the blue team that’s it she’s down there we go there’s the big obsidian coin look at them tasty tasty he’s got a dump so we can have his adventure to do it they go um and then he’s gonna take a little prize seat on the throne he’s gonna take

On the throne then he’s gonna go get the wall which is down here down there but there you go and pedward’s gonna take it and it’s gonna trigger oh a warning to the other team let’s see how the other team react oh dude yeah we need to go and defend all right

Yep we could do it yep What do we think this final defense looks like we’ve got starburst we’ve got rabs with that fully automatic crossbow i wonder how you would how you would do this it’s such a risky play to gamble on the other team getting the wool first and then you taking it it’s going to be

Really hard they’ve got a lot a lot of work to do they have to kill the wall carrier bear right all of their team is in full never right that’s not going to be easy once they kill the ball carrier they have to work their way all the way

Through the dungeon again which is going to take time the other team could be doing stuff in that time re-gearing getting more loot then they have to work the ball to pull all the way back out into the monument they’ve got like three really hard jobs and the other team they

Only have one lewis and that’s just return the wool i mean boba is scary with that bow here comes paired he’s coming through the main doorway loose and this could be the final moments of the game gotta avoid getting punched by random bows i’ll go first i’ll go first i’ll go

First dying why am i what is happening okay you can die that might be quicker oh yeah yeah someone go up top please probably breathe all right yeah break it up get get up liberty because i think they might go for the levy play oh yeah

I see if they do if they do do that i’ll just let him up even higher yeah what are they gonna do fall to their deaths like nerds do you reckon we’re gonna see pedro go for one of his fruity levitation strats i i don’t think i think he’s going to

Play it safely there’s too much to play for this is this is exactly what they’re doing right though they’re moving as a team yep no risk like this is just you got to do it plain and simple play safe keep pedagon at the back keep him healed everyone

Else go forward and start making progress looks like blue team are actually going back to their spawn they might be doing a final bit of re-gearing just to just finish up the gear up you know at this point you want to spend those coins spend all the coins get as many arrows

Good to know tnt being fired into the opposing team’s sport what did you do what’d you do i just sent tnt hours into their baseball accident i thought i was using regular arrows whoops he apologizes don’t look looks like no damage was actually done it’s worth noting you only get 60

Seconds in your spawner with the wood to stop spawn camping so he’s gonna make what he wants and get out okay looks like they’re leaving the spawn they’re running into opponents immediately yeah this is some good defense like that laying down some some covering fire it’s just so this is the exchange

Of exchange of gunfire to start and his tnt hours from brief from the side all the way on the on the on the monument island like artillery lewis oh she fell back almost got caught by a tnt error there as well look at this look at xylis and that full never right

Versus duncan what are you doing all right bree’s at the top we need to kill bree pedward’s running in he is on fire he has got caught by a five perhaps arrow penguin’s shooting fires back i like this position on top of the stake statue this is all rev’s got knocked off

With the levitation oh good shot oh she’s gotten knocked out somebody is beneath me yeah i’m going i’m going i’m going i’m going up in the tower i’m going to stop him peddling’s sneaking around the side he’s like taking this opportunity to just run for it i mean

This is the right of a gamble but look he’s doing it they need to react red team needs to react to this right now well they have they are they’ve got duncan tnt howard onto the center island he doesn’t know tnt is not allowed that’s a

No no no i wag my finger at you duncan no tnt in the center is just gonna take duncan out he’s like i’m not gonna get harassed by this he’s not standing for any of this he just takes him down rav’s has fallen i think

This might be it okay go go go go go this is our chance who’s at the top three it’s all on you you’re holding the elevator breathing a dream oh it’s not much left breathe breathe out red team right this this could be it i mean it’s worth

Noting head could move slowly up this elevator red team probably get one final assault and then this is gonna be it won’t find well it’s gotta be a hail mary shot they’re coming in the hail mary shots are coming in they’re dreaming loose dreaming of hitting pedro

But he’s got that shield he’s got that never right i don’t i don’t think it looks like ben’s got a body block as well i took a bullet for you repeatedly oh ben my hatred is trying to get past ralph’s trying to get past just scrambling anything loose anything to

Try and stop that one return but it’s gonna happen pedword’s about to get to the level and that is three walls what a game g an amazing game barry honestly they had a few moments where they were ahead in this game man it wasn’t that was an incredible game of

Capture the wall i’m really really happy that was a great game thank you for watching the thank you for joining me barry it’s commentating this very first capture cast capture the wall hopefully there will be more with other teams other exciting events other classes let us know if you enjoyed this

Give us a little like or something i don’t know whatever they do on youtube these days whatever whatever you do goodbye goodbye

This video, titled ‘A new Minecraft tournament! | Capture the Wool Invitational 1’, was uploaded by The Yogscast on 2021-04-30 17:00:14. It has garnered 513972 views and 21167 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:42 or 4902 seconds.

It’s the inaugural Capture the Wool Invitational! Lewis and Harry follow two teams as they go head to head in a series of increasingly challenging dungeons – first to three wins.

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Commentary: Lewis: Harry:

Red team: Breeh: Axles: Ravs: Duncan:

Blue team: Ben: Zylus: Boba: Pedguin:


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    Insane Minecraft Mod Pack! The Exciting World of CRAZYCRAFT Mod Paketi in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of CRAZYCRAFT mod paketi in Minecraft? RSmoody has compiled an exciting mod pack for all Minecraft enthusiasts to enjoy. Let’s explore what this mod pack has to offer! What is CRAZYCRAFT Mod Paketi? CRAZYCRAFT mod paketi is a unique collection of mods that add a whole new level of excitement to the Minecraft gaming experience. From crazy creatures to epic adventures, this mod pack has it all. Get ready to embark on thrilling quests and encounter dinazors, all within the world… Read More

  • Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft

    Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Survival with Only One Chest! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the unique challenge of surviving with only one chest! Join Mert_mn as he navigates through this intense gameplay, striving to stay alive against all odds. Unleashing Creativity in a Limited Space With only one chest at his disposal, Mert_mn must carefully manage his resources and make strategic decisions to progress in the game. This challenge pushes the boundaries of creativity as he finds innovative ways to thrive in a world of limited supplies. Strategic Resource Management Surviving with… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live: Play with Viewers & Win CS’s!

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live: Play with Viewers & Win CS's!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh hello hi well speak to myself let’s go we got speaker to myself don’t we all right hello subie hello Ray hello Gog hello Josh how are we aler let’s go I’ll be backck I agree oh my God bro why is my mic so loud all of a [Music] sudden oh my God bro okay there we go way better let’s go all right this I’m just going to turn to 5% how are we doing I’m doing good let’s go if I’m too loud uh tell me please… Read More

  • Revealing My Highest Rank in Minecraft/Fortnite!

    Revealing My Highest Rank in Minecraft/Fortnite!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zgadnij moją najwyższą rangę! #minecraft #polska #mc #fortnite’, was uploaded by shizak2 on 2024-06-04 16:39:27. It has garnered 67 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts Minecraft Pet simulator X Pet Sim roblox studio how to send robux free robux for free robux January February March April May June July August September October November December roblox roblox pl in Polish roblox verification scam how to ignore roblox players roblox verification protection roblox scam account roblox murdery mystery 2 spend robux cheap robux allegro free robux bloxburg best… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Temple Start – Insane Roots UHC s3e1

    Ultimate Minecraft Temple Start - Insane Roots UHC s3e1Video Information hello everyone and welcome to Roots UHC season 3 this season we are going back in time to make a couple of you feel old we’re playing a version that came out in January 2013 which is over 11 years ago 1.4.7 to give you an idea of what is in 1.4.7 you’ve got anvils you got enchanted books but uh Sprint key is not a thing you can’t drag click in your inventory I actually don’t even know if water bucket landed is a thing so just be aware of that and the other thing to let… Read More

  • EPIC Vindicator vs ALL Mobs in Minecraft!!

    EPIC Vindicator vs ALL Mobs in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vindicator vs Every Mob in Minecraft (1.21) – Vindicator vs All Mobs – Minecraft mob battle’, was uploaded by MetaFit on 2024-01-14 20:02:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Vindicator vs Every Mob in Minecraft (1.21) – Vindicator vs All Mobs – Minecraft mob battle Get ready for an epic clash as the … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Showdown! Guess the winner!

    Ultimate Minecraft Building Showdown! Guess the winner!Video Information This video, titled ‘Which Minecraft Building Looks The Best ? #shorts #viral #gaming’, was uploaded by GOUPENARD on 2024-05-14 12:53:14. It has garnered 13418 views and 612 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Secret base Minecraft at different ages! #shorts #viral minecraft ,minecraft, monster school, monster school, animation, minecraft animation, Vtuber, monster school animation, monster school challenge, monster school funny, minecraft school, minecraft funny, cursed minecraft, noob vs pro minecraft, lucky minecraft, unlucky minecraft, minecraft but cursed, minecraft life, minecraft challenge, monster school life, rip monster school, funny animation, animation minecraft, monster school… Read More


    CRAZY FIND: JJ & Mikey Discover GIANT EYEPRINT!Video Information I’m finally here could I have ended up in this stupid world well now the people you’ll have to pay for sending me to Hell let’s see what you can do now I hope you won’t disappoint me I couldn’t believe what I just saw it’s just terrible we need to tell everyone urgently guys run some kind of demon has come here it’s too late to run because I’m already here are these your houses they’re kind of fragile you used to have huge strong locks what happened to you why did you decide to switch to… Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE RICH DADDY SHOWDOWN: WHO'S THE REAL MVP!?💰Video Information was findet ihr die restlichen Körperteile von feister seine Beine Arme und sein Rupf sind überall auf dem gesamten Server verteilt aboniert habt wir müssen uns drauf einigen dass wir aufhören damit ALR okay wir müssen wer ist Mike Mike wichtiger ah sorry das ein bisschen länger da im Start aber was habt ihr gedacht neun Leute die erstmal alles einstellen müssen was habt ihr gedacht dass wir direkt nach 2 Minuten starten ich mein stegi ist dabei This video, titled ‘BASTIGHG CORE – WER IST WICHTIGER!?…😏🥶 (cold moment)’, was uploaded by Opa Rico 🅥 on 2024-01-14 18:05:03…. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Car Impound Build by Benny!!

    INSANE Minecraft Car Impound Build by Benny!!Video Information all right what’s good guys welcome back to another video um so I’m going to start a new series on my channel where we do a let’s build Minecraft sort of thing uh it’s going to be like fully unedited you know no webcam it’s just going to be simple let’s build you know if you want to learn how to build stuff uh and also I’ll be learning how to build stuff on the way as well so we’re just going to building a city um and you can see behind me that I have got a… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Hacker vs God!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Hacker vs God!Video Information हो एक्सप्लोर कर रहे हो तुम्हें मजा आ रहा है वाओ भाई कितना प्यारा पिग है वो देखो कितनी प्यारी काऊ है हेलो गाई कैसी हो और एकदम से तुम्हें पता चलता है कि वारे मैं तो एक न में गिला ह This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #backgroundmusic #freefire #mlg #music #gaming’, was uploaded by MR_RID_GAMER on 2024-03-02 04:59:12. It has garnered 426 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • FatCatMC

    FatCatMCFatCatMC is a vanilla based community ran SMP with some added quality of life features to make things a little more enjoyable without taking away the vanilla feel and experience of Minecraft. We are a new server looking for more players to join, if you’re looking for a chill server to play with your friends this is the one. Hope you enjoy. Read More

  • The Perfectum SMP – SMP, Hermitcraft-style, Java 1.20.1, LGBTQ+ Friendly, 15+, Whitelist, Community, BlueMap

    Welcome to the Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP, a semi-vanilla, application-only, survival server designed for an authentic and mature gaming experience (15+). Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others! What to Expect A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A server seed selected for its stunning landscapes and exploration potential. A Discord-based application process for quick and easy access. A suggestion channel with upvotes and downvotes to make sure every voice is heard. A friendly… Read More

  • Dystoria Patch -Chains- I Weekly new Content

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Amethyst geodes: The OG Minecraft travelers 🌌

    Minecraft Memes - Amethyst geodes: The OG Minecraft travelers 🌌“Amethyst geodes really hit rock bottom before shining bright like a diamond in Minecraft.” Read More

  • Kerem’s Clash: Mafia Mayhem in Minecraft!

    Kerem's Clash: Mafia Mayhem in Minecraft! In the city, the Evil Mafia reigns, Kerem Commissioner sneaks in, no chains. Will he defeat them, save the day? Or will the Mafia make him pay? The guards check IDs, no room for error, Kerem must be sly, a secret bearer. But in the end, he’s caught in the act, Will he escape, or face the fact? Under the train, a risky move, Kerem’s disguise, will it prove? The guards are fooled, but not for long, Kerem’s mission, right or wrong? Into the city, Kerem goes, To face the Mafia, his foes. Will he succeed, or meet his… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes

    Spicy Minecraft Memes Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base: Zombie Trap & Pistons

    Ultimate Minecraft Base: Zombie Trap & Pistons Minecraft Adventures: Building Bases, Zombie Traps, and Pistons Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with our fearless protagonist as they make significant progress in this episode. From constructing bases to setting up zombie traps and utilizing pistons, there’s never a dull moment in this virtual realm. Exploring New Horizons Our intrepid explorer delves into uncharted territories, seeking resources and crafting materials to enhance their survival skills. With each block they mine and every tree they chop down, the foundation of their base grows stronger. Building a Secure Base Using their creativity and ingenuity, our protagonist… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight! 🔥

    Unbelievable Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] you [Music] n [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] Gamers hello why is it not pulling up Minecraft oh I know why cuz I didn’t do that oopsie hello Gamers how are we doing hello [Music] Gamers uh chat that’s uh not chat but now there we go how are we Gamers um I will be hopping in Discord in just a second here let I get everything ready whoa there I am hi Gamers hi gamers hi Gamers Gamers Gamers hi humans and vtubers hello fish being let me just uh shink… Read More

  • Going Insane in Minecraft

    Going Insane in MinecraftVideo Information it’s kind of [Music] awesome is that real are you today I played the insanity mod in Minecraft actually it was yesterday but we don’t talk about that this is one of the scariest mods I’ve ever played in Minecraft it adds a little icon in the corner of your screen that controls your sanity it’s kind of like the game don’t starve where if you go into darkness you lose sanity but I didn’t know that by the way YouTube says that two people are subscribed so please subscribe anyways enjoy the video I don’t know how… Read More

  • Unveiling Dronio’s Face in Minecraft 😱 #shorts

    Unveiling Dronio's Face in Minecraft 😱 #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком и подпиской я показываю лицо я реально его покажу Если вы поставите лайк или подпишитесь о’кей и прежде чем вы что-то сделаете это случилось быстрее чем я думал ладно А наша единственная цель – это найти один Алмаз и я думаю это будет тяжелее чем кажется Итак добываем дерево и что зачем вы опять поставили лайк и подписались пожалуйста прошу хватит это делать и Вау кажется я нашёл деревню И что Зачем вы так быстро ставите лайки и Подписывайтесь Ладно бежим скорее в деревню Ой здесь есть кузница в ней у нас стоп… Read More

  • ApplePieLord333 reveals secret lunar base updates!

    ApplePieLord333 reveals secret lunar base updates!Video Information hey everybody and welcome back to lead ditions and the we there was no audio and mouse now I’ve made a little bit of expanding for the trios space as you can tell it’s is still in [Music] progress but it is being worked on off screen um reason I’m doing it off screen is because so I do not and of course I am using a gr skin yes why not bring girls in game School anyways So today we’re going to be what put where to go didn’t oh the go on from Wich I forget… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Iron Golem in Super Heroes Pack! #Shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Iron Golem in Super Heroes Pack! #ShortsVideo Information oh my Lord and all my days the Iron Golem has a face they’ve done it guys they’ve merged iron golems and villagers this is the iron villager oh my days look at that he looks like he’s like holding in a fart it’s okay bro when nobody’s looking you let that out okay look at that amazing costume though we’re going to take a risk and go behind him here don’t let it out now mate um yeah that is nice that’s a nice costume nice outfit very very futuristic pack here this looks like This video,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Live Stream – SUBS Play! 🔥 TMPBOLTELIVE

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Live Stream - SUBS Play! 🔥 TMPBOLTELIVEVideo Information हेलो गोल्डी हेलो गैलेक्सी हेलो डेविल थैंक यू सो मच फॉर जॉनिंग माय स्ट्रीम गा प्लीज लाइक कर देना फर्स्ट एंड माइक ऑन करो जी हमने कर लिया माइक ऑन दो सेकंड बस दो सेकंड में आ गया ए आहा सर्वर ऑन करो फटाक से लाइक करो या स बंद खेल लेते कम से कम लाइक तो बनता है ना गल ओ हो लेट नाइट के ऊपर आ जाओगे आज आप सही है गिवन ब्रदर मैंने आपका आमर ट कर दिया तभी मेरी लाइट गोल हो गई बदर जैसे आपका कर मैंने तो मेरी लाइट गल हो गई… Read More

  • XBrandonUwU goes CRAZY playing Minecraft! #shizo

    XBrandonUwU goes CRAZY playing Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Disociado… #twitch #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by xBrandonUwU on 2024-05-03 03:12:00. It has garnered 425 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • “Minecraft Top 5 Insane Hacks Revealed! 😱🔥” #minecraft #hacks #omg

    "Minecraft Top 5 Insane Hacks Revealed! 😱🔥" #minecraft #hacks #omgVideo Information top five mini buil hacks you didn’t know in [Music] Minecraft oh This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT TOP 5 HACKS|#minecraft #viral #subscribe’, was uploaded by TUSHAR_YT on 2024-01-07 08:59:16. It has garnered 3331 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Bed Wars Gameplay on Minecraft Java! 🔥

    INSANE Bed Wars Gameplay on Minecraft Java! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Bed Wars Live | Minecraft java |Garg Gamer’, was uploaded by Garg Gamer on 2024-04-15 22:38:29. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds. Apart from YouTube title and description I am doing Minecraft stream Where I will play with you I have my Minecraft world where we will play together and grind and we will also go in your Minecraft World We will make houses some farms and many more things we will do in this stream and My server IP pinned in… Read More

  • OasisSMP

    OasisSMPLifesteal/Survival Active staff, Events, Giveaways and more! Unleash your inner warrior and conquer the wildest survival challenges on our high-stakes server. Raid, pillage, and unleash chaos upon your foes as you battle for supremacy in a cutthroat world. Embrace the rush of adrenaline as you thrive in an environment where raiding and griefing are part of the game. Show off your cunning strategies and formidable skills, and let your legend be written in blood on OasisSMP. We’re always innovating and pushing to improve, and all community feedback gets taken into account and implemented. If you the player wants something changed,… Read More

  • MeinKraft Nostalgic: Anarchy

    MeinKraft Nostalgic [Anarchy] Gonna keep it short and sweet! MeinKraft is an anarchy survival server themed like an older Minecraft server. No giant hubs, no pay-to-win. Minimal rules enforced and efficient plugins installed. MeinKraft Anarchy is for those who miss an authentic anarchy experience! Hosted 24/7 with lockable chests. Join us at IP: Read More

  • ————–(– XetaPixel –)————–||| Likimi-AcidIsland ||| SF, CE, Tycoon, Skills

    ————–(– XetaPixel –)————–||| Likimi-AcidIsland ||| SF, CE, Tycoon, Skills Read More

The Yogscast – A new Minecraft tournament! | Capture the Wool Invitational 1