TheAtlanticCraft – I Survived 100 DAYS as THOR GOD of THUNDER! (Minecraft)

Video Information

Today in minecraft i survive 100 days as the god of thunder my goals for the 100 days include transforming into thor and mastering all my lightning abilities this will require me taking on hordes of monsters improving my worth to odin and asgard there is legendary thor armor and

Weapons and i plan to collect them all i need to be careful as my 100 days journey will not be alone i will be hunted by the leader of the cree and loki the god of mischief will i find stormbreaker the tesseract in the rare home of asgard

Watch to find out in today’s 100 days minecraft video also if you subscribe and follow my instagram atlanta craft you can have the chance of winning yourself a nintendo switch i’ll be announcing the winner january 1st on my instagram Welcome to day one of my journey of becoming thor thor is going to be an epic superhero that will be able to take on any monster in minecraft the god of thunder himself it’s going to be a long journey a tough journey trying to max out my thor abilities getting the stormbreaker

Mjolnir and so much more the mod is the loocraft mod and it is amazing there are so many different superheroes in here and super villains so i might be seeing my brother loki the first steps will be obviously regular minecraft stuff but there will be monsters not just regular minecraft monsters but

Monsters like this charger here we will take down that beast with ease as we a thor wood pickaxe we’ve got it and oh what we got a cave cyst no it’s not a cave system but this will help me get my first stone tools because every superhero journey

Has an origin and this is my origin guys i cannot wait to be the king of asgard once more the god of thunder wielding a stormbreaker which will be able to take out thanos now i’m kind of curious will i be able to find infinity stones or perhaps thor wields the infinity

Gauntlet that is very possible on my journey now i found my first village on day number one this guy right here sells me freaking nether stars that is a really easy trade if i want to do it uh currently i don’t have any emeralds but um yeah the village didn’t have too much

To offer right off the bat gave me my beginning supplies and there’s this giant rat trap perhaps i’ll uh keep that for loki if he tries to come i’ll just hide that in my base and well okay the infinity gauntlet yeah i i knew this would come this will be very

Difficult to even craft having the cast we’ll need to get some gold titanium alloy plates and that’s not a simple simple task oh more cheese and another rat trap block of cheese will give me regular cheese okay that and can i oh my god i can do that

That is science at its work so we have already started a pretty good uh we’ve had a good day until now i am trapped the wishing well of thor has eaten meat alive no worries this pile of trash will do nothing for me what’s in here

This is a big building oh it’s a pet shop okay the pets we got gray rat igloos we got some wheat so this is a great village you just get some beginning supplies these poor bunnies are just trapped in here when i am strong and powerful enough to defeat

This village i will come and burn it down and let all the the animals out you know what i should do release all the hounds and the wolves will attack the villagers so on day number one i also found a nordic village not too sure how big it is guys but nordic villages

Are amazing because you can find the tesseract here along with a ton of other loot so the tesla rack could be found inside this little church let me break in sorry villagers excuse me part of me does not look like it’ll be able to get tesseract here

Okay well i i’m sorry i broke into your church but i i still need to search the rest of the village all right on the top of these buildings i can get inside they will actually have some really good loot there’s my shovel okay excuse me i just need to check your

Attic for uh stuff and see if there’s any leaks oh yeah it’s not looking good up here you’re gonna it’s gonna cost about 250 to get fixed iron armor storm breaker cast right off the bat so there we go we have the first start to our journey thor boots thor chest plate and

The mule ultimate mjolnir to be to be fair bunch of bread i’ll put some of the iron armor on we have no helmet right now but we have so much more than we even bargained for just on day number one dude end of day one is coming up but i wanted

To check that last house here no baddies around so let’s just enter oh my okay that is a lot of villagers hello villagers you are great great people let me just see if there’s any good trades okay we have farmers fishermen shepherds that’s not gonna do it oh my god that

Guy’s got hat pants he’s very cool oh just completely looted but i’m gonna hold on to this just because well we’re gonna make a base at some point and what’s inside of there uh boots at a pickaxe an iron pickaxe okay that’s a good stuff oh hold up

We got a dark beast so like i said there are other monsters we have tons of mods added in i’m getting my butt kicked we’ve run out of food let’s get inside here you shall not okay you’re you’re passing he’s gonna break in guys don’t mind me just gonna eat my bread

And watch as this monster terrorizes he hits me through the glass that is just not fair okay mr dark beast i have slain you you are dead and you just literally no more village everybody’s gotta move you’re way too crowded up in here hello sir are you

Evil or you’re a naturalist oh i think you’re good okay you trade uh i do not have water malone on me oh my god there’s like a dark imp out there we gotta shut this we’re just gonna stay inside oh my god the dark aim got in here okay

You freak beast you’re gonna die there’s something else out there mccree i told you we have a ton of mods guys thor is going to have his hands full whether it be loki tracking him down or mccree from overwatch can i actually grab his weapon

I i think i can well at the test just need to board this place up it looks like we’re going to hunker down for the the night i did not get a bed and it was a tough first night but day two begins and i am set to do some amazing

Things today excuse me pardon me village oh that guy we should have let you in last time i’m so sorry hope it wasn’t too cold so i actually have some big plans for this church i’m going to tear it all down gut it out and make it my home i

Really hope the villagers are not going to be too angry with me but yeah let’s begin now i have a ton of stuff that i’ve managed to get in day number one and i just don’t want to lose it all and i kind of got to settle down

For a temporary base in here so sorry about that villagers now there is a desert not too far off it’s a perfect spot having a base here because i can access the desert and go over to the plains biome but in the desert there’s going to be a lot of hostile mobs and

I’m going to need to be very very careful my hope though is to find a mjolnir spawn this will be a spawn where the hammer is already in the game now i’m not sure if i’ll be worthy yet to be able to wield it but i will at least

Have it in the game and i can go pick it up when i am worthy so let’s venture out into the desert see what we can find those spawns are just a little bit more common in the desert and easier to find cow i’m sorry i just need to murder you

You have to die i i’m running out of food none she’ll escape all right now that we have some bread we got some steak on us let’s go let’s push the desert uh dude what is going on he’s dropping tnt uh he’s a bomb carrying dwarf he was a okay

He dropped that on his death what is that okay he is dead he has some retribution but uh he did not get far all right sand golem and i my axe okay my axe is gone i have no fear i have a stone accident oh sphinx okay please

Sir you need to just perish this is not going the best uh skeleton skull i suppose i hold on to that just killed that wildebeest looking thing in these critters okay these look like face huggers whatever aliens are on this planet thor will take you down for i

Am your leader i i i will smite you all seriously that my dad’s zeus and he owns the place so yeah you’re always gonna have to evacuate this vicinity we also got some gems over here i gotta see what those gems are okay alien bugs they are

They are actually alien bugs i was not i was not wrong on that uh well what type of jam come on dude maybe there’s diamond in there okay that one’s dead i’ve killed one you all just need to leave me alone okay they’re pushing me i got half hearts

We should be fine yes we are but do more spawn in oh more more clearly spawn him can i take out their spawner they’re coming from underground do these freaking things of laid eggs two hearts we can’t no i i thor will hold my ground oh

One heart wonder baby we out here doing big things all right if my dad home odin could have seen me now uh there’s also infinity arm in this game so that is very possible i could get sort of the cosmos or something like that uh let’s just mine down let’s see what

We can get for some resources i’m going to need some more iron this pickaxe will not last forever we already lost our iron axe as well things just have not gone well for me what is that skeleton beast okay i think i just saw a skeleton walking on all

Four legs oh my god it’s hiding from me it has a tail and it’s missing half of its skull okay well i i think the only appropriate thing would be to put this thing out of its misery oh yeah did it bleed okay it has bloodlust i i’ve just obtained that

Oh geez that is a sand charger and he is uh ugly okay night is falling we are getting attacked this is not good what is hunting me right now i am literally being hunted i did not send it for a manhunt we gotta get the heck out

Of here speed i am speed oh oh it’s tracer dude tracer if i need to teach you a lesson i will teach you a lesson you have over extended and you’re a glass cannon so see ya later yeah it’s definitely night time and guys it is possible for a blood moon event to

Happen that means tons of mobs will spawn like an ungodly 10 times the normal amount of hostile mobs um maybe we need to seek refuge in this house there’s a mob spawner uh if i take all all these zombies i will be able to come

On break it break you break it why do i have a shovel in my hand i need my pickaxe i committed already uh but there is some good loot to be had all right we killed all the monsters uh whoa we got some gold up in here in redstone

I will be taking all this in fuel tanks uh yeah i mean could thor wield a flamethrower or a chainsaw i don’t see why not that doesn’t sound like a bad idea but i’m going to hunker down for the night oh day three is uh starting off with a bang

Here we dropped our pickaxe it’s just it’s not gonna go well so today i plan on getting a full set of iron tools we got a bunch of iron last episode um we ran out of my iron axe beautiful we are back in business now we need to be extra careful traveling up

Throughout the world i did talk about loki he’s going to be possibly hunting me down but another thing that can happen we have the cree the cree have started invading planets one by one and dimensions in minecraft so i assume the cree will be making it to the

Overworld at any moment with those alien bugs they could have been sent by the korea i am not entirely sure but we need to be ready for anything this world oh wow this thing is a freaking tank hello okay are you sent by the cree no you’re you’re like some weird cat stinks

You’re gonna go down okay one more hit should do it i should have dropped me a diamond for all of that just a lapis we’re running low on food once again thor is a hungry beast i do not want to become fat thor comment down below your favorite version of thor because mine

Has got to be fat thor he’s just he’s a hunk of just burger he’s just a chunk actually he turns from hunk to chunk that is what i would say day three did not go much better than day number two i was hunted down again by another overwatch monster i think

This is soldier 76 chasing me down he’s got freaking aimbot right now he’s oh he’s healing well we killed him before his heels got off that was actually incredible i cannot die thor he needs to live i traveled through a swamp real quick and um yeah well i found myself this

Little home for a villager i stole his bed and um yeah this is a nice little outpost destroyed it a little bit and i told the villager to pound sand and leave me alone so yeah that’s what happens sometimes you just you lose your bed when you wake up in the morning

Somebody will come and steal it hold up okay that’s a crashed ship and there’s cree i knew it i i i knew it we we’re not prepared for this but i can’t let them go around the world they’re going to multiply okay i got to stand a fight even though

I have two hearts this is where i make my stand i gotta protect the world wait he’s got flesh can i consume his flesh uh all his brothers and sisters they know that i am here and i am ready to kill okay you guys want an axe i will give

You an axe it’s it might not be my trusty hammer or my stormbreaker axe but uh it shall do all right where is their ship they must have some sort of spawner we gotta take it out and see what loot we can get vibranium ore this is going yes that is very nice

Looks like they just gave me a freaking loot drop baby cree battle axe uh well that will probably do a little bit better than normal you know a cree battle axe uh sure thank you we got tons of iron and gold now we are literally just getting rich and rich

There’s some other wars that i just don’t really need at the moment vibranium that is that is pretty good for day number three we’re being attacked oh gee it is chasing me down i don’t wait i don’t think that’s a cree i think that’s just a regular mage

Rogue mage you know what probably a maid to live at the house where i stole his bed yeah um is this a temp oh hitting gold block they’re sneaky dude these these temple builders all right well i will take that i think we’re making our way back finally to our

Little church base so let’s get all this loot sorted see there’s the rogue mages okay finally test on my creep battle axe we are half health oh my god he was keeping me at bay all right so yeah we’ve tested oh there’s a pants man what’s up what’s up villager dude you’re

My favorite day three is coming to a close i still have not buttoned up the church so i will be sleeping upstairs in the attic um yeah day three it was a tough one here we are day number five so we skipped a number four because well i did

A lot of base upgrades it looks a little bit better okay eventually i want to have some sort of lever here that way there won’t be any mobs able to just come through we got a two-door system cleaned up the entire church here we got

A second floor all the way up to the tippy tippy top just in case there’s a cree invasion and i’ll be able to defend from the rooftops and then we started expanding the church a little bit building out and yep it’s looking pretty good if i do say so myself look at all

The stuff i have right now we’ve gotten so much limitations but i’m gonna just button up the church just in case we get attacked um the expansion is not done just yet i will be working on getting some extra diamonds today i want to try and get

Some more resources guys so my first diamonds that is a big goal for day number five so i spent the rest of the day mining and finding my first diamonds it came to fruition my patience paid off because well we landed with 11 diamonds just in time for day 5 to close On day number eight i set up to go adventuring yet again and i start off with a bang so i explored the planes by him and i found a crash site at this crash site i might be able to find thor’s hammer but to my surprise it was something else kryptonite

Now i don’t know how kryptonite plays in the marvel universe but i will obtain this just in case maybe thor has to go up against superman in evil superman you you really never know and now i have obsidian right there if i ever need it

To go to the nether but i grabbed the kryptonite i rolled out and we are going to continue our search for thor’s hammer i can craft it myself using the cast but it might be a little easier putting in the effort traveling around the world to find it

Eventually i came across a savannah different mobs all around some that were hostile and some that were friendly he found another desert and there was a giant cave with a bunch of creepy crawlies and what i’ve learned before just ignore the creepy crawlies okay i’d rather grow up and check out this town

And these other dungeons so i did find a wizard tower but i’m not really in the business of becoming a wizard at all so i’m just gonna straight up ignore it head to the village hopefully i find some more resources and possibly some materials in the blacksmith’s chest for crafting thor’s

Hammer now i also in search and need a pants currently i have iron leggings and i’m just i’m outgrowing them okay i’ve just been eating cookies and lots and lots of bread and i’m blowing up like a balloon i’m just getting too fat from my pants

So i’ll need some more um let me loot this village see what supplies i can gather hopefully they are good oh more cookies yes my cookie supply was almost depleted time to explore the village before night set so i needed to quickly find a spot to call home oh this

Is the witch’s house with cheese and i had to spend the night here i woke up on day number nine with a vengeance i knew i needed to get thor’s hammer as soon as possible and find a way to get the god of thunder injection without it i am simply just a

Man with a dream of becoming thor i’m basically just wearing a costume in halloween right now i am not thor i’m just wearing his plate body now to become thor i knew i was going to need a ton of resources managed to find another gold block some diamonds and

Other things raiding the village this place was quite bountiful i also got this snazzy new backpack that i could store all my supplies in we got kryptonite we got diamonds gold blocks it was not a bad trip out here even though i still have not found what i

Needed tons and tons of food and look at that cookie supply 41 cookies i will become fat thor in no time now on the outskirts of the village i did find something a crash site yet again there was no creed protecting this one looks like it was destroyed for

Quite some time more vibranium and i was going to need that cree battle axe so where did these cree go did the villagers defeat them dwarf star alloy blocks i looted those gathered all the materials i could find because i believed they would help me my quest for becoming thor kryptonian fossil

I’ve never seen that block before in my entire life we’re pulling out of here right now with 14 vibranium perhaps i can find some more a check underneath all the uh sand and i just didn’t find anything else i didn’t quite make it back to the

Nordic village for the night so i had to hunker down at this plains village in the morning i did what any viking would do loot in terror we destroyed their bases and i also found what appeared to be a laboratory i entered in found a bunch of scientists

Villagers and some sort of contraption they were doing and this machine an extractor this was the block i needed the machine that would help me a minecraft player become thor look at that dude that is a big step in becoming the god of thunder we would

Just need the correct serum to be able to make the injection for myself upon leaving the village i found this assassin now i wasn’t sure if he was sent to kill me but i found out later he was a traitor and then a real assassin came out of nowhere junkrat so i battled

Junk rat and took him down with ease but he used his bombs to explode and then i found it mjolnir the god of thunder’s hammer now i tried to mine this block and couldn’t do it but anyways this hammer i simply could not lift it i was not

Whirly enough i simply could not just leave the hammer here i needed to figure out how to become worthy enough to be able to lift it so i was going to move my nordic base over next to the hammer i couldn’t leave this hammer into the

Wrong hands fast forward to day 12 and we have a brand new base to work with here now i did a little research of how to get thor’s hammer and my worthiness up see that number 126 at the bottom i need to get that to 201 so what we’re

Gonna have to do is we’re gonna have to go kill monsters every monster will give me two points added to my total karma once karma’s at level 201 i will be worthy enough to wield the hammer now it’s not quite how the marvel cannon

Works but hey i will be able to lift the hammer whether i’ll be able to fly with it and use all the abilities from that that is another story and i believe i’ll need the injection for all of the god of thunder abilities i’ll be using this extractor here to be

Able to become the god of thunder let me plop it down right here um actually maybe next to this perfect okay extractor place i don’t have all my items at the base at the moment guys i will still have to go back to the nordic village get everything transferred over

To here but we got um some decent supplies to tide ourselves over for raiding those two villages now i was kind of curious with other monsters from other mods give me karma experience so i killed whatever the heck that bunny thing was and it did so i

Have a total of 130 i’ve killed two monsters today and now i’m just gonna go on a flippin rampage slight everything in my path even if it is passive okay maybe that will bring up my karma actually maybe not it could bring down my karma that big bowl just got freaking

Steam rolled uh so i wandered a little past my base and i found one of these bomb carriers in also an army base he’s gonna blow up yeah okay thank you for not blowing up your loot though yeah this army base had a bunch of defenders

In it so uh i was dealing with a lot of baddies thor he just is not equipped right now i’m gonna die this might be my first death i am the one hot wonder god you cannot say under otherwise it renamed me from the god of thunder to one heart wonder boy

We’re gonna go hide in this village for a minute we’re gonna need some apples and apples i did find day 12 i mean it’s a good day all right nothing will bring me down okay not even bastion did you see he had a giant ultimate minigun that is not going to

Happen i will slay you and take whatever i need karma’s going up guys after killing juggernaut for the second time i had to go back to the base because i had half a heart freaking half a heart and also i was hungry i i forgot my cookies and storages cannot forget his

Cookies man all right cashtag cookies in the chat please thank you charger easy karma xp let’s go night was starting to fall but that didn’t stop me guys i was going to try to get that 201 karma before it did go completely dark i found this like robot

Cyber unit i had to kill it and heading back to my base something was off i noticed off to the west side cree they must have found me they they got a tracker on me or something dude there’s doomfist they’re working with doomfist he uses his ultimate throws me

Up in the air i somehow negate the fall damage and we’re just hacking and slinging all these cree oh my god doomfist is a beast we take him out and get his gauntlet it might not be the infinity gauntlet but it’s still pretty cool we might just get 201 karma i think the

Crew are helping me uh this is not good we are poisoned we have four three hearts this little thing this crab thing is just eating me alive it’s full of funguses and it’s gotta die there we go it’s dead i gotta get back in the base okay

Oh my god no i am trapped and now i’m on fire what is a fire in more cree okay they must have crash landed another ship here or something cookies i’m down to 15 cookies right now you demon in two hearts hurting one and a half hearts

I’m doing this i will hold my ground even with the creator right to my left i’ve got to be close to 201 by now oh two oh nine meow near whoever holds this hammer if he shall be worthy he shall have the power the god

Of oh my god we’re gonna die we’re gonna die oh gee you you’re getting smacked never mind we’re not gonna die this hammer is amazing the cree they sense that i have the hammer do we got a bit of jumpers right now and wait did i get thor’s

Powers i don’t even need the god of thunder injection it gives it to me i had the power of lightning i am worthy i think i just flew i i’m a flying beast i can fly i can fly dude and everything out here is just

Going to die if i fly into you with the hammer it will just kill you that is so cool all right something to darkness that is unc wait why is this so many bunnies i was hungry perhaps i’ll feast day number 13. i didn’t manage to rid the world of the

Bunnies they just kept multiplying it became a problem but i needed to test out this hammer baby i i will need to get rid of those imps to fire mc purge the world of them they’re just so annoying but my hammer look at this thing dude i can fly i can

Shoot lightning strikes down to the world and here’s my my lightning ray yo this wizard over here he thinks he can mess what are you throwing a poison orb at me or something not a chance oh god a cree bass looks like they’re they’re base building near me

Okay we gotta deal with this there’s so many of them i am the god of thunder i shall take you all down look at my ray i’m a beast i will hold the line god mode is activated baby oh so much flesh cree flesh on the ground

That is morbid dude i am bowing this army down what type of army are you you’re like a zombie army maybe if you were smarter using your shitari guns you would be much stronger i needed to get inside the base find the spawner or something they just kept multiplying there’s another sasquatch

He’s after getting vengeance uh for his wife or something like that well he’s gone too all right i’ve destroyed most of them consuming their flesh will be my reward i love this hammer it’s a good hammer it’s a shining hammer it’s my best friend look at it i can fly with my hammer

And i could die bomb did you see that that’s high ball that’s so cool okay looks like the cree have also recruited the chitari to help them yep that is going to be a lightning strike taking out their back lines these guys got pew pews but i’ve got uh a hammer

And it’s a sasquatch’s uncle i’ve killed three sasquatches today day 13 is amazing all right let’s see what we got shitari gun yes this is what i was talking about before oh they’re inside my base what were you doing with my bodies the bunnies are still multiplying

I i can’t kill them all these they always just keep multiplying there’s always one more hidden in the world okay i think we got most of them no there’s one escaping fine you can escape you can live out there just kidding now there’s no more bunnies

So it’s day 16 and i’ve just been having way too much fun with my hammer to get too much of anything done but my base it still needs a bit of work guys so i’m going to get a mine shaft going down here because we still need full diamond

Tools i might be thor but i still need a pickaxe to mine some stone now you might notice in top left i’ve actually unlocked god mode with thor and we’ll be trying that out a little bit later sadly there was no diamonds on my run

But uh still some good stuff to be had anyways potatoes i i really don’t know where those potatoes came from may have killed a farmer or two but store all the resources in there we’ve eventually got to go back to that nordic village i keep forgetting about

It i set out patrolling around the base looking for any baddies it looks like the cree and the chitauri are definitely after me but i cannot let them win are they hiding in the forest are they like the elves where are the elves there’s mystical flowers down here smells weird

Oh yo is this another thor hammer or is just kryptonite okay this thing can break stone i did not know that or it could break kryptonite oh geez we found a landing site okay the cree are here i have no fear my hammer is also here they’ve recruited the mages in the world

Finally i will have to just go god mode out all of you to stop you if it means going to your home planet and literally blowing it up to smithereens i will don’t test me you guys should probably wear some like rubber boots in a rubber helmet because

My lightning is here and god mode is activated literally god mode god of thunder do you see that glowing hammer that that means i get to go rage mode for the next like 10 seconds oh my god what if these guys are all peaceful though they’re just you know they

They’re escaping their planet is full of war and i’m just destroying all of them as they come out no that that can’t be it i’m the guardian protector of the overworld how many more how many more will you send to my hammer this is the best way to do it just run

Into them oh wait the charger okay to kill it what is going on where did these guys think they were gonna go i think they were gonna land here amass a little base well too bad oh i can throw my hammer the more i kill things the stronger i will get with

Thor i will level up my thor abilities there’s more cree in here they were just hibernating i’ve awoken them and they’ve awoken the beast inside me okay dude we got four five hearts we gotta start lightning god mode activated just keep tanking three and a half hearts come on

We got out of there with three hearts i ran into cookies okay they have not dropped in yet that one’s got an axe oh we almost fell to the ground god mode right through him oh i think i just took out at least 15 with that one plow through dude lightning goes through

Buildings that is nice to know well i believe i wiped the face of the earth or the overworld of the cree they stood no chance against me day 20. dude this day is actually getting a little weird does anybody else hear a lot of spider oh my god

This day was dreary and it is terrible because there’s spiders we need to burn the house down we we are moving again maybe i can kill them all i’ll squash them with the hammer that i either burn down a house or use a giant hammer on a

Spider that is only a way to defeat them come out come out wherever you are dude first it was bunnies actually first it was creed then bunnies and now it’s spiders i feel like this house is literally plagued squish the spiders i will leave none of you alive

I mean this isn’t working there’s too many of them that was insane there’s still some that survived it dude i felt like the senate out there dude i’m down to one cookie my base i i might just have to handle it there’s too many spiders look at them they’re still chasing me down

What is this ai they’re like blood thirsty beast trying to annihilate me somebody’s shooting rockets at my ba it’s junkrat or no that somebody else that i couldn’t see before i killed it maybe it’s pharah okay are you the last one i have 37 sp four of them okay they’re

Coming out of the ground maybe i built my house like on top of a graveyard i definitely built on top of a graveyard we might not see day 21 guys back up to the base eat my last cookie what else is down there are we good

I think we’re good i’m just i’m gonna sleep we’re gonna have a nice night i’ll have some hot cocoa and we’ll just forget about this night that it never happened day 22 hello in there excuse me um who are you in what’s wrong with your face

Uh just a little bit of googly eyes going on don’t find me top of the morning sir my name’s locally pleasure to meet you i’m sorry can you repeat that you said flo yeah sorry sorry you know these googly eyes they got my mouth there it’s loki it’s loki

It’s a pleasure to meet you though sir and uh i am in need of assistance if you uh are not otherwise occupied well i know of a loki and he’s not a good man um if you don’t back up i will have to kill you uh i’ve seen a hammer like that before

Boy and i’m not that worried about it let me tell you um yes but i do need help right now i mean i would do it myself but i mean it’s more fun to watch i mean uh i need help yeah that’s it i’m i’m weak i’m i’m definitely weak

You’re acting really weird and i am curious um what is it what do i get out of this uh the sense of adventure and um i also won’t kill you i’m sorry wow that was kind of rude of you uh i don’t like the way you’re speaking to

Me guy and you know with this hammer i’ve got a newfound power and i’m feeling pretty strong yeah i’m literally a god you understand that right then a god should help himself let me be crying most of god if you really want to try it you can try it

I’ve got a knife on me and i’m not afraid to use it trust me i’ve been around people way stronger than you i’ve taken on the cree and you don’t know what i can do the tutari the chitauri they’re all gone dude they just they they came to the world and

They just annihilated them all smell the hammer smell the hammer in the god mode yeah see let’s see what you got go ahead huh what what do you mean very effective hmm that look at you hey wow swinging around your hammer all tough yeah your crushes go with this hammer okay think so

Boy don’t call me boy i’m a man i’m a god man why is my lightning not working but it’s because you’re weak and also mortal i’m a god boy bow at my feet huh i thought it was a god he’s literally invincible i’m invincible i’m immortal invincible

And also devilishly handsome so uh what is it you want just assistance just help me help me tomorrow okay you’ll find it it’ll be fun we can we can make you feel like you’re doing something you know worth your time anyways i’ll be be here tomorrow i’ll see you then oh man

What did i get myself into hello sir excuse me looking for a helper oh there you are three days three days you made me wait i thought you said the next day oh a god i arrive when i need to arrive not when you need me to arrive all right

I’ll practice my abilities and i have more hearts than ever now so whatever we’re doing i’m ready for it and don’t try to double cross me because i’ll get something up my sleeve to take you out if need be no it doesn’t involve a hammer by chance

Big big surprise big surprise can you not fly look at me i’m flying you’re running on the ground like a peasant no i can’t fly but can you do magic no i mean exactly fine fine teach me magic friend no we’re good we got to get through with

This mission here because i am going to retrieve my item that has been taken from me by these evil people well if you’re going to retrieve it then why do you need me you know the best thing about being a god my boy is that you don’t have to do any of the

Work you just get stand by and laugh tell me a bit more of what we’re going up against because i i like to plan you know in not knowing my mission and just that i got to go somewhere point a to point b is not helpful enough

Is it uh well uh i can tell you uh two things uh this item is of the utmost importance and it will save the world save the world so we’re like superheroes or something absolutely that’s what we’re doing this building is insanely big is this is this the building

Oh oh yes that oh that big that thing’s tiny it’s like a daycare on asgard are you kidding me look at it it’s so windy but yes that’s where we’re going um a daycare on asgar dude this thing is like massive uh how are we gonna get in

Because it looks heavily fortified and i can’t just break through walls with my hammer circle around to the back and uh if you alert any guards just know that i i have your back i will make sure that that i i’m right beside you fighting you’re like my sidekick right yeah absolutely

That’s it for yes yes sidekick for sure shooting is my favorite way to go to the top of that thing uh yes stop no inside i believe but uh watch out oh yep look at you you’re doing well i’ve got it let me focus oh yeah i got you uh you’re doing great

Over wait i threw it okay it’s back i’m just gonna sneak in while you’re fighting um oh oh you’re done you’re done nice oh there’s another guy make sure you get him yeah i got him did you even help but you just looked like you snuck past all the enemies

Uh i’m your sidekick of course i was i was giving you moral support all right now you go first i’m going how did the cree get here and build this so fast i thought i killed them all uh yeah that’s the problem with these fellas uh they just they never stop they

Never stop i’m having to watch you fight oops i accidentally hit you in the back there sorry backstabbing oh you got two knives now well oh you backstabbed me twice it was a mistake to be honest i’m totally lost i’m just clearing everything okay it’s not in here there’s just a lot

Of test tubes let’s let’s check the next room um i’ll clear the next one dork stuff machines everywhere oh oh watch out there’s another one there oh no go left i think that’s the way sure going left this place is amazing here check the door behind you after after

That one i think that’s oh my god what is that okay an emperor beast you got it go look at oh look at this i’ll just i don’t know it’s so good i i got one roll of hearts look you need to help no no you got this see look oh my

Goodness he actually made it out okay oh yeah well follow me oh don’t feel good you don’t look very good i just want to start slaying everything why are you so wobbly get out here stop wobbling all right i’m good i’m back to normal cat that boss did a number on me

Oh there’s a lot of them watch i’m gonna do some lightning well i mean uh thank you for clearing them and i’m glad we worked together and there it is is that like an infinity stone or something no it’s just the tesseract i appreciate you helping me get this uh you know it’s

It was a very difficult thing to get and uh i worked hard it turns into oh my trickster the god of tricks and the oh my god and i just killed all these cree for the tesseract how did they even get the tesseract oh my god there’s so many of

Them the red alert has gone off the alarm is sound we gotta just get out of here lightning i will kill all of you in my rage there will be no cree left standing i gotta go loki betrayed me i knew i should have trusted him i could

Have had my first infinity stone if i didn’t i got two hearts although i wouldn’t have found this place without loki come on two hearts in a dream dead i think we’re good we all taken care of check my left there is one lonely friend oh couple other guards huh well there was

Okay i just walked on fire we might this might be the end of thor i i got tricked by loki and now i die half a hard one did you understand this is the fourth time this has happened i’m literally a god of luck loki might be the god of tricks and deceit

But i am the god of thunder and luck two hearts almost come on eat up we are so low i gotta use every bit of power i have remaining we gotta get out of here is the coast clear it looks much clearer than before we just gotta get out and fly away

And then night with our hammer i believe this isn’t the last time i’ve seen loki i need to hunker down in this house for the night and when i see loki next i won’t let him trick me so easy day 29 i spent a few days rounding up

The rest of the cree they were just running around burning villages nearby but i defeated them all and then on my way home i found another nordic village if i died at one of those bomb carriers i swear okay now i wanted to check here because there’s a chance

Another tesseract would spawn and i could get the space stone but there was no luck and i may or may not have lost where my base was loki had me all twisted and turned around i just wasn’t sure where to go just aimlessly flying around the map i found something i’ve seen before

This cree ship this is where i had one of my first battles against the cree and i knew i was close to home also my third junk rat and i got his junkrat frag launcher so i decided to test it out on those wizards it did make quick

Work so having a ranged weapon and my hammer sure why not and it didn’t take me long for day 29 to find my house now i didn’t show off my new walls but yes the defensive structure is pretty intense i probably should just fill that gate with blocks

Because well loki just walked in for the past few times we can’t just have that again or perhaps you could teleport with a tesseract i need to find a way to prevent him teleporting in here you know what i’ll reinforce the base i’ll use my cobblestone it’s not quite

Obsidian but it will at least not catch on fire so easily i’m sure one of those mages could throw a fire potion and up in flames my entire wall would be day 35 rolls around and well the wall is finally complete that was a lot of cobblestone but i have two thick walls

Now the first layer being the cobblestone and then the second layer being the wood but um yeah we have a little bit extra protection as long as they don’t have fire arrows well i was about to go to sleep so i was doing my daily routines and just checking my tower

And then i heard a noise something was coming or it was already here searched around till night the rain made it hard to see i feared invasion was upon us well loki was here to finally finish me off he was almost indestructible to my hammer i need to find a way to damage

Him at some point what’s that noise oh god it’s gone louder that world world it’s a shame look what we have here is that who are you think that you can literally walk into my base kill my men oh god steal my tesseract your tesseract just get out free

Kind of uh i don’t even have the choice beam down we’re overwhelming this man’s barbarian base barbarian it’s a cool base all right you know what i will take all of you at once the kree invasion is here and their leader is around once i take out all your men here comes

The second wave the second wave yeah keep the waves coming after i clear out all your men i will literally go up there and smash more send them all yes send them all send them all come on lightning one lightning strike takes an entire wave is that all you can

Muster i’m having a field trip i don’t know the best part about having technology what oh my god um okay what do i do what do i do i there’s too many rockets they’re barraging me am i going to move i’m going to move hopefully draw the rockets away i’m over here

No both my bases no no no it’s made out of wood yeah it’s made out of wood what’s it to you guy please stop i don’t have the chest warp drive please and let’s get out of here drive what is happening what are you what are you warping to it’s gone

My base is gone 35 freaking days and my base is gone and all i have to show for it is a stupid hammer that’s it i’m done and i’m leaving all right it’s day 55 i have a new base i didn’t record for a few days i just

Kind of grinded it out i lost literally everything here’s my new supplies yeah i organized everything it’s a pretty sweet base and it’s in the desert and i built a little dome around it with sandstone hoping that if the cree ship does come again and their leader tries to attack

I’ll at least have uh a bit of disguise to it hopefully he just thinks it’s more desert um but living down here in the cave it or tomb i should say where i’m gonna die i’ve kind of just hermited mobs like to spawn down here so i’m constantly getting my karma up we’re

Almost probably at a thousand karma or something like that we’ve been battling day after day just training my thor hammer i’ve gotten pretty good at throwing it further and further every day just the stronger i get you know this little base little watchtower that i have trained on the mobs as they come

I like it you know it’s my home yeah 20 days i’m not recording it just just wanted to uh get back to where i was you know i feel a little bit better loki no clue where he is haven’t seen him at all on the server what he’s doing where he’s been

I have not a clue now throughout the desert i did raid everything i could villages these buildings took all the resources they had and you know my stockpile is getting pretty good i do believe my enemies will eventually find me and i will be prepared for that day day 65.

I haven’t really left a desert in 20 days i’ve just been building my base training and getting stronger my armor is getting a bit depleted and you know i gotta go out and find another nordic village to get some more armor so i was gonna have my first adventure in quite

Some time the last one didn’t quite go to plan get back and kill the beast before they could enter into my base and now it was time to fly away it kind of feels weird we’ve spent so long hermiting just going around the world it’s gonna be weird

I traveled thousands of blocks away trying to find anything new and there it was i read that this possibly could spawn in the game asgard freaking asgarden this is my home it’s controlled by ice giants what are these ice guardians doing here get out of my home hey i will kill you

You freaking giant ice giant i will run you down with my hammer does lightning even affect these beasts they have so much defense it’s dead there’s there’s too many of them there’s so much ice we’re gonna have to melt it all you know what can melt ice lightning

You know what i’m gonna do i’m gonna thunderslap all of you yep it’s gonna hurt i’m just gonna group them all up lightning strike oh that did some damage to that one right there in the center my lightning ray is chaining on multiple enemies i just gotta group them all

Together just so many of them i’ve lost an entire row of hearts can i save asgard if i can save this could this be my new base i mean it’s my right to claim it as my base for i am the son of odin wait there’s an ice giant leader which

One of these is the leader i think i’m attacking a minion how do you like a thor hammer to the face one more should do it there we go is this a leader i grouped him up i started going nuts but so did they they were all chaining their attacks together

But i would just plow right through them with my hammer throwing it through one enemy and plow right through the next one i believed if i took out the leader the ice giants would run in fear i needed to find it though almost a full day of fighting

I’ve been battling these ice giants they keep coming i haven’t found their leader just yet god mode is literally melting them their ice stands no chance but i i can’t be in god mode forever it has to be charged after using it for 10 seconds oh but once it’s on it slaps

None of them were the leader so i believe the leader was living inside there he was the ice giant leader show me what you’ve got have you been hiding in here for too long you seem pretty weak the lighting’s doing its job god mode mjolnir you didn’t think i would come back from

My home how silly of you to think asgard would be left abandoned for its eternity yes the ice giant falls look at this place relics every where is that is that what i think it is it’s that stormbreaker baby i feel the power here we are day 70 i’ve had so much fun

Using my storm breaker and i’ve claimed asgard as my home guys i moved some of my items and stuff over here and made some improvements so we have some more defensive structures just to make this place a little bit more safe in case of an invasion or attack or deception

Whatever may come my way and i’ve also built this little dome entrance protecting the palace just a little bit more come over here yes take that skeleton i place a bunch of torches all my items are in the center area i put all the relics down in the asgard

Basement which is pretty cool in here got three beds a bed fit for a king or a god and you know i also give a bed for each of my hammers you know just my hammer gets that bed to the storm breaker and then i get the bed on the

Left you know we just we all share that’s great and i probably could dual wield mulener and stormbreaker at the same time which would be pretty freaking cool if you ask me this is the coolest minecraft face of all time man so this is a fun start to day 72 these

Two monsters spun inside the palace and i must kill them they did some weird effect to me also things are not going well for thor’s pants or thor’s shirts i’m outgrowing them guys my durability has gone to nothing for all the epic battles that i’ve been having there

Hasn’t been too many changes to asgard besides me adding in this brand new mine shaft i was looking for vibranium possibly crafting myself some vibranium enhanced armor but had no luck sadly why am i using the stairs gods do not use the stairs for god’s fly

That is one of the best things i have dude just flying and getting away from anything so it’s going to take me a few days guys there are a lot of days trying to find this armor we gotta go to nordic village to nordic village it’s gonna be

Thousands and thousands of blocks apart and they are rare at times but i am quite desperate right now my armor is almost depleted so day 72 still and i managed to find myself the first nordic village not the biggest one it only had one building but

I needed to check it nonetheless so they are always up in the attic guys this is where i’ll find my armor pieces uh new pants i have new pants thankfully and they are a size three bigger they are much bigger and nothing on the second besides the armor cast which i do

Not need for the weapon cast for my uh storm breaker and my hammer day 75 and it’s already nighttime i found another nordic village this one was very difficult to find get out of the way you stupid villagers all right top floor what do we have to offer anything please

Boots again we got a duplicate that’s okay and one last chance i have three boots i i don’t have six feet oh geez it’s there’s cree in the village no i was hungering for some more cree flesh holy crap there’s a ton of them they’re attacking the villagers

They know this is the nordic tribe they’re trying to kill my people i will not let that happen god of thunder the lightning i will protect the villagers oh i i think i actually set the villages on fire it’s okay god axe activate day 75 we are three-fourths of the way through guys

And i’ve managed to kill probably a thousand cree has anybody been able to count i want you guys to comment down below at the end of the video how many cree you think i actually killed dead yes let’s get it and that’s a ton of food for me to have

Um let me just check on the villagers is there oh they’re witches uh oh throwing the storm breaker is probably the coolest thing it like throws sideways and the witches poison me okay i think i see i’m saving one villager kill it one more hit should do it it’s a tank even lightning

Okay the crate i must protect this one villager he shall not fall jeffrey the villager dude i’m trying i’m giving it everything i’ve got oh they’re about to swarm him that poor man he’s he had no family his family died in the last kree attack and now he’s about to die

Never mind i saved you jeff you you stand tall but you stand tell you that you know the chieftain of the village for everybody else has died Towards the end of day 76 i found something pretty wild so i was just roaming the world and then i found this psycho dome of rainbowness so i tried mining in i i couldn’t i even tried using the axe and plowing through but i have to use the actual entrance

When i dropped in i had freaking no clue what to expect there was a bunch of baddies shooting some crazy stuff at me i tried throwing my hammer and missed wildly and there was multiple rainbow things attacking at every corner i tried dual wielding my axes it was quite

Effective and then the lightning they nothing likes lightning unless you’re like a pole and you’re or a kite or you’re thomas edison or something like that what am i saying all right i gotta get through this i gotta find out what is in here dude come on is that cree

The crew are working with the rainbow skeletons okay there’s got to be some good weapons i i want a rainbow sword please phew okay i think i took out most of the uh the rainbow mobs they did drop a bunch of stuff i got rainbow arrows i got a bow

There’s a second floor up here oh i found more baddies okay guys if you want to all just step in one of the that’s what we need to do all right lightning yes they’re all but gone there’s gonna be a chest up here for me luke

I i am so hyped to get one of these swords checking around the corners there’s a couple more i am almost through this if there are cream here i need to destroy it oh that’s some damage baby let’s get it i gotta like hit somebody with this bow is that everything

My mind is melting with how much rainbow there is oh there’s a chest okay there’s some guardians by it and i think we’re clear the coast is clear now unless something’s hidden back here nope we’re good all right oh yes i got a shovel a new bow and three swords well

I’m not gonna really need three swords but i will grab the arrows sadly we did not find a rainbow axe but i found that who’s that that the wand oh they all have different uh enchantments that’s really cool well i’ll use the looting one that’d be very fun

Get some extra loot when i kill the cree Okay we have been eight days into grinding my armor i need this to be over i need to find my chest piece the helmet is just too rare out of the way i need to get through i i had to do it that last one he was

Trying to hide he was helping them but he was trying to act like he wasn’t a part of it more pants you could never have enough pants i suppose yes we’ve got the chest plate dude oh that is that is a relief to have because seriously there were so many nordic

Villages that were just empty or it was just a church with no loot they vary in size but now we can finally head home day flipping 90. we were so far away almost 10 000 blocks away dude it is so good to be home um that bridge was it always glowing like that

All right it definitely looks a little different somebody here Did something happen to asgard all right well anyways i i managed to complete my whole set of armor maybe i just didn’t notice it was like this maybe i’ve gone insane uh no that that carpet was definitely not there anything else dude what is that button can i activate the button with lightning

Didn’t work all right gotta press a button what’s the worst that can happen when i press the button or who put a button in my base they want me to find it clearly because it’s like a glow behind it all right three two one what was happening uh secret trap door

That’s cool to me i say we go down i will you know uh yeah i wish i had a servant throw down there or something or a peasant but i’ll go down there myself got my axe at the ready we’re underneath asgard right now dude i had no clue this place flipping existed

Wait is this some sort of dungeon is there a boss this looks like a boss room oh yes my helmet i have thor’s helmet oh this is the ragnarok helmet is so freaking cool look at me i i am good to go yeah i you yeah i’m looking fancy

Day 95 it is unreal we’ve reached this so i’ve been doing a bit of research in the meantime i realized pretty soon that the helmet oh whoops hold up just one second i may or may not set fire to asgard there it’s out but yes the helmet the thor’s helmet is

Actually upgraded compared to my regular armor and i did a little research guys i can upgrade all of my armor if i have euro ingots so i spent time grinding these up and getting some and i needed to have this little hammer which i can make euro plates so we’re gonna take the

Euro ingots and this hammer here and we’re just going to plop them in like that and we can make a bunch of different plates so let’s do that and we will be able to use the plates with our armor set and make an upgraded version boom we got

10 there’s still a bit more use on that hammer let’s take our armor luckily we didn’t get it degraded it’s still full durability and we just got place i think the chest in the middle and boom we have an upgraded thor leggings and chest plate and finally boots

That is so sick so they’re gonna have more armor longer durability and it’s just gonna be a lot better to have look at that dude i got to move like keybinds here so what happens if i press v oh it’s like a tank top dude it’s a oh

That is cool i can get to show off my guns day 100 it’s finally coming to a close wait i’m hearing something oh geez oh my god oh my there’s a machine out there it’s gonna be the cree what are those beams going hello how are you doing

You i’ve been waiting to see you for so many days i’ve been me i’ve been meaning to thank you see i wouldn’t be able to do this coming up right here for you had to help me get the tesla look at all the spaceships loki you led the cree right here

Why did i helped you uh well you know you uh you made them really angry you see you went into what their base and you killed all of them i didn’t even hurt anyone you’re liar lottie oh look at you get over here muchacho i’ll show you my new moves

What do you mean what are you doing what are you doing i’ll show you my new moves how about that and i’m gonna go up to my spaceship and watch you panic for a bit this is asgard this is our home oh oh my that’s a flying flipping whale

There’s multiple whales that fly uh oh god they’re leviathan no the the the chittari he’s combined the chachari and also the creed together to battling kill me we gotta kill him every single one of them get my minions get him please there’s a blood moon oh okay we gotta we gotta kill the

Leviathans before the troops get in i gotta somehow find a way to close this portal okay you will answer to your crimes in portraying me dude this is the most uncool thing ever that happened in minecraft and you know it’s well i’m having a i’m having a drink right now

Actually with my feet up on a chair i’m just relaxing so i hope you’re having fun down there let me know how it goes i’ll come down in a wee bit and see how you’re doing we we could have been friends loki we literally we were

Partners for a little bit you were my sidekick it was so great i i’m not friends with trash sir i throw trash out you don’t know what i can do i’ll battle all the cree all the chitari oh you want to shoot some rockets from up there fine

Destroy asgard but i will not die i will show you that i am also strong i’ve been training for 100 days in minecraft just for this moment to defeat my greatest enemy yeah or die right can’t end like that the portal is closing yes they’re getting scared we’ll get it to reopen

No there’s too many of them the portal’s gonna reopen what is he talking about everything in the world is trying to attack me right now it’s a blood moon things are spawning in overdrive i gotta take out those spaceships what hit me shut up the portal’s being powered by something

Wait maybe he’s harnessing the power of the tesseract to spawn in that portal we gotta close it down this is too much going on loki face me you little dweeb hey get off one of my ships that’s not even my ship that’s one of my friendships but get off of it we don’t

Want your dirty mortal feet getting it all dirty where you where are you where are the portals open again no he’s got to be down here somewhere what if i just oh yes it’s the space stone he turned later hang on i have the space stone now what you can

Do loki too scared to fight oh he’s running it’s gone i will find you the ships are shooting rockets come on we gotta defend asgard there’s too many mobs the day’s clearing we can do this we can do this i’m gonna eat up a little bit get my hearts back

And face loki and show him my die move let’s go air dropping in we are waiting down here shut up he’s in the palace this lovely design room that you made for me look at it oh this is so nice i’m going to love redecorating this you will love what i give you

I guess uh you know i’m waiting uh she’ll find you now backstabbing how about that to the face totally i literally did it i took out loki oh i gotta get out of here i gotta go dude asgard is literally falling it’s overrun i can’t save it

Where will the tesseract bring me come on take me somewhere good it’s dark in here maybe a little too dark fine i you know what i can make this my home for a little bit 100 days in minecraft how about 100 days in this dimension i’m done being a superhero

Everywhere i go brings trouble

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as THOR GOD of THUNDER! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by TheAtlanticCraft on 2021-12-23 15:31:52. It has garnered 235318 views and 6711 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:21 or 4281 seconds.

Today in Minecraft Cody survives 100 DAYS as the superhero THOR! This mod pack can transform a player into the GOD OF THUNDER and you can craft mjolnir and stormbreaker. Cody must master his abilities and battle bosses to gain his strength. He must be careful as the Kree, Chitari and LOKI will be hunting him down.

Thor Superhero Mod:

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My Other Channels and Friends ​ @TheAtlanticCraft ​ @PotatoSaladMan | Roblox ​ @Kraken Kid | Minecraft ​ @Cannibal Crab | Minecraft

➖100 Days➖ Inspired By Luke TheNotable100 Days : ForgeLabs 100 Days:

I Survived 100 DAYS as THOR GOD of THUNDER! (Minecraft)

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  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Crafting a Minecraft Prison!

    Crafting a Minecraft Prison! Expanding the World of Minecraft: Building a Prison Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players often delve into creating intricate structures that showcase their creativity and imagination. In this Minecraft Build, the focus is on constructing and expanding a prison within the game. Creating a Secure Environment Building a prison in Minecraft involves designing a secure environment to confine virtual characters within the game. The player’s creativity comes into play as they construct walls, cells, and other necessary facilities to mimic a real-life prison setting. Attention to Detail Attention to detail is crucial when building a prison in Minecraft…. Read More

  • Baby Minecrafter: Stupid Day, Girlfriend Play

    Baby Minecrafter: Stupid Day, Girlfriend Play In Minecraft world, a tale unfolds, Girlfriend turned baby, chaos unfolds. One day to protect, from dangers untold, Stupid things done, the story is bold. Superngao, the hero of the hour, Facing challenges with gaming power. Defending his love, with all his might, In Minecraft realm, a thrilling sight. Emojis and rhymes, in every line, Engaging the audience, feeling fine. Minecraft news, with a twist so grand, Superngao’s adventures, across the land. Stay tuned for more, in the gaming zone, Superngao’s journey, brightly shown. In rhymes we trust, the story sings, Minecraft magic, in all its wings. Read More

  • Crafty Modding Tricks in Minecraft 1.20.6

    Crafty Modding Tricks in Minecraft 1.20.6 Understanding the Logical Server and Client in Minecraft Modding Minecraft, a beloved sandbox game, offers players the opportunity to delve into the world of modding. In the latest version, Minecraft 1.20.6, Fabric MC introduces the concept of the logical server and client relationship. This programming concept plays a crucial role in modding Minecraft, guiding players to make decisions based on the logical side of the game. Deciphering Server Side and Client Side One of the key aspects of modding Minecraft is understanding the distinction between server side and client side. The server side refers to the backend operations that… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You!

    Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You! Bugs in Minecraft That Can Save You! 😎 Introduction In a recent video, Vinícius showcased five bugs in Minecraft that could potentially save players in tricky situations. These bugs, although unconventional, can be game-changers when utilized effectively. Let’s delve into each bug and how they can be used to your advantage. The Boat Bug One of the bugs Vinícius demonstrated involves using a boat to avoid fall damage. By standing on a boat and continuously entering and exiting it, players can descend from heights without taking any damage. This bug can be a lifesaver when navigating treacherous terrain quickly…. Read More

  • Shocking! My 7-day Minecraft obsession with Poko Rakun Ch. idol-EN

    Shocking! My 7-day Minecraft obsession with Poko Rakun Ch. idol-ENVideo Information [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] you didn’t see anything listen we like doing a little bit of pranking we like doing a little bit of trolling we do a little bit of trolling okay we do a little bit trolling we do a little bit trolling you know do I’m just building in Minecraft what are you talking about anyway hello bu welcome to another uh stream Pogo stream today uh I’m playing Minecraft uh but this upcoming week as you guys have seen on my schedule I’m not going to be… Read More

  • Friends In High Places – Parasitic Skies #2

    Friends In High Places - Parasitic Skies #2Video Information hey guys it’s uh Clubby here uh apologies about uh the audio in this video I uh apparently bumped the gain knob on my microphone before recording that and and I didn’t uh I didn’t even notice uh and so the next 3 hours uh I Peak my mic a lot and it’s really really hard for you to hear uh my friend Evan who’s joining me in this video um um I’m really sorry about that and there’s not really much I can do now and post um but just so you know I am aware of… Read More

  • Insane Finale on FireMM!

    Insane Finale on FireMM!Video Information [Music] all right all right um here we go we are on okay so today guys today what we are going to do hang on my music is way too loud I’m not going to lie um I know it is an early stream uh I’ll wait for you guys to join before I properly say everything but um I know it’s an early stream and stuff like that however wow all right hang on um hang on hang on hang on hang on let me cook here let me cook um maybe a bit laggy that’s the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks You MUST See!

    Insane Minecraft Hacks You MUST See!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hacks You Need to Try!”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-25 06:35:54. It has garnered 93 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Here’s a suggested description for a Minecraft Shorts video designed to go viral on YouTube: — 🔥 Welcome to my Minecraft Shorts! 🔥 In this video, we dive into [brief summary of content, e.g., epic builds, crazy hacks, or insane moments]! Watch as I [specific highlight, e.g., create a massive castle in under a minute, showcase unbelievable redstone… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Horror Mods w/ Kaboodle & Clownpierce!

    Insane Minecraft Horror Mods w/ Kaboodle & Clownpierce!Video Information clown hey Kaboodle hi hey Kabuto hi what hey kabood what are you doing the [ __ ] is that that one kab what yes hi hey Kaboodle yes what do you want Kaboodle yes hi you can hear me right hello hi kabood I mute hello no I didn’t mute you’re just an [ __ ] what hello what I’m here you can hear me stop being a dick hello Kaboodle hello wait can hi hello Kaboodle hello helloo hello Kaboodle hi what kabood what you can hear me are you there yes I’m here what you… Read More

  • Unmasking the Skywars CUBECRAFT player! | MINECRAFT PE

    Unmasking the Skywars CUBECRAFT player! | MINECRAFT PEVideo Information [Music] 3 2 [Music] [Music] 1 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Skywars CUBECRAFT gameplay |MINECRAFT PE|@JitR @PadaiOS @SpunkyInsaan20’, was uploaded by Anonymous Player on 2024-04-04 11:03:09. It has garnered 44 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:51 or 231 seconds. Skywars CUBECRAFT gameplay |MINECRAFT PE|‎@JitR  ‎@PadaiOS  ‎@SpunkyInsaan20  pvp minecraft pvp minecraft tips pvp minecraft bedrock pvp minecraft pe tips pvp minecraft server pvp minecraft pe pvp minecraft texture pack pvp minecraft video pvp minecraft mobile pvp minecraft montage… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. – Can You Beat It?!

    Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. - Can You Beat It?!Video Information [音楽] 足りないのよ ほらエンダー [音楽] マン [音楽] お 足りないのよほら [音楽] エンダーマン [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー マン [音楽] で [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー [音楽] マンてますはいはきましたましてみました ましたはいこんにちはこんにちは こんにちは こんにちははい本日はつまりいただいて ありがとうございますえありがとうござい ますはい自己紹介とかします一応しとき ますかいしとくしとくはいし とこう人いるん だどうぞどうぞすいませんどうぞはい ブイスポ 担当役無理です ポだっ たあで今日はブイスポ担当で終わるなんだ ブイスポ担当はいブイスポ所属え大臣 カンパニーでは平社員をしておりますやも 紅ですえ本日はキャリー枠やらせて いただきます従ってくださいよろしくお 願いしますって くださいはいはいさん 社長俺かはいうんえ何自己紹介って雷人 ですマイクラマイクラはでもちょっとえ なんかライ様のマイクラマジかみたいな めっちゃ見たちょちょっとだけやったこと あるえそうなんだじゃキャリー枠 Twitchでこのエンドラの討伐RTA 企画みたいなのがあったあ へえすごい昔ちなみに何も覚えて ないいけますねはいはいことでよろしくお 願いしますお願いしますお願いしますお 願いし ますじゃあ 部長 部長ゼロさんじゃ ないそうだよ思い出し てけどうもゼはいあのmcraは中学生の 時に騙されて人のにTNT爆弾設置して やめました5分5分しかやったことない です頑張り5分中学生っぽい なはいめっちゃ切れられた足だけは 引っ張らんように はい 厳しい 厳しいすごいキラ社員なのにいやいやいや もうここではもう部長暮らしですかそうね そうだはいじゃマザマザさん部長はい部長 部長なの俺もわかんない親親方じゃない 親方親だよねあ親方あどうも雷人 カンパニーえ親方担当マザーですはい皆様 お久しぶりでございますあ久しぶり久し ぶりです久お元気でしたか確かにはいに はい元気ですはい僕はもうあの撮影終わっ て帰ってきて寝そう です寝ないで追ってくださいだめだ よはい じゃあじゃあ次も上から行きますか上から ひまちゃんかなはいえ皆さんどうも こんにちはこんばんはござほんまひりです 2さじの一部を務めており ます1はい229を務めておりますえ毎 代表だったの にそう一部ですマイクラはねなんかあの2 時3時では結構頼られたりとかハードコア する時とかにされるんだけどやっぱベ ちゃんがいやいるから今日はいっぱい甘え たいと思いますそしてガチキャリー枠です よや生活習慣がちょっと最近良すぎるので ちょっと11時ぐらいになったら多分あの すごいデバがかかってくるの でやりたいと思いますよろしくお願いし ますお願いします願いしますお願いします はいはいじゃあはいはいえどうもアクカド なんて言ってたっけえれオールマイト オールマイトえムですがマイクロではバブ 枠です今日は目標迷子にならないを掲げて あとスタッシュの中身を汚していくのは 止められないと思いますよろしくお願いし ますいやマイクラ でマイクラで汚せたらすごいもんだそれ はやめない方がいいよ 社長のチェストを作ってもらえないと困っ… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLuk

    Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLukVideo Information în clipul de astăzi fraților Eu alături de Ana am făcut un concurs de cine face cel mai șmecher Roller Coaster din Minecraft stați Până la final și Scrieți în comentarii care s a descurcat mai bine și dați neapărat un like dacă vreți mai multe clipuri de genul ăsta Și cât timp Apăsați voi pe subscribe Lăsați mă să vă spun și despre noua colecție de pe Unde găsiți și pufoșenia asta de cățel pe nume Rex Și cam așa arată și colecția adică este foarte șmecheră e cu mine și cu Ana Când cântăm știți… Read More

  • AARAV’S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!

    AARAV'S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!Video Information [संगीत] वि [संगीत] वि [संगीत] [संगीत] This video, titled ‘How to Play Minecraft #music’, was uploaded by AARAV KA DAILY LIFE on 2024-04-29 15:24:34. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • iCunny

    iCunnyFULL DISCLOSURE: This server is being self-hosted, expect latency to not be the best. We are working hard to eventually move to a dedicated server. iCunny is a free to play modded Minecraft anarchy server on 1.19.2 with no report system, and with only 2 rules: No illegal content, and no people under the age of 18. Mod list: To play on this server, download these mods, extract them, and add them to your Minecraft mods folder. Read More

  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    -1.20.1 -Close community -Long term world -Proper SMP (Hermitcraft-like) -Shopping district + Minigame district -Forge server, light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) + create mod I own a Hermitcraft-like server with about 9 consistent players, looking for more. Interested? Join the server built on community and trust, where we work together. Members should be 16+ or mature enough. Hoping for 15-20 active players. Join us on Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Guess What This Means, Newbie

    Minecraft Memes - Guess What This Means, NewbieI guess this meme is a solid 45/100 on the Minecraft humor scale – Not bad, not great, just okay. Just like my survival skills in the game! Read More

  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you accidentally ask for a “pedi” instead of a “pet” 😳 Guess we’re getting a pedicure in the game now! #oops #minecraftfail #pediornotpedi Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless adventures to be had, Minewind is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Imagine embarking on a 100-day challenge like the one in the YouTube video you just watched. Now picture yourself doing it alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts on Minewind. The possibilities are endless as you explore, build, and survive in this exciting virtual world. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation

    Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation The Quirky World of Minecraft Logic When it comes to Minecraft, logic takes a backseat to creativity and fun. The game’s unique rules and mechanics often defy real-world physics, allowing players to build, explore, and experiment in ways that would be impossible in reality. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of Minecraft logic and uncover some of its most intriguing aspects. Gravity-Defying Structures and Floating Islands In Minecraft, players can construct gravity-defying structures that seem to defy the laws of physics. From floating islands suspended in mid-air to towering structures that seem to defy gravity, the game allows for… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay – SpellBound #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay - SpellBound #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpellBound – Minecraft ModPack #майнкрафт #minecraft’, was uploaded by Лаки on 2024-06-12 14:09:16. It has garnered 456 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You can download it from the link in tg: Read More

  • Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!

    Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!Video Information I’ll try to go through all 10 stages playing as nuclear monsters starting with the radioactive barrel and ending with the acidic Godzilla while my team plays in hardcore mode first stage and I really became a radioactive Barrel I can run and I even have a superpower look I can roll pretty fast all right guys let’s run and evolve we have to evolve faster than my team around me were ruins in a huge sphere despite also being a monster other mobs were also attacking me and after dealing with them I went to explore the… Read More


    DAMIIR HARITONOV - CRAZY Anarchy Phone HACK! NO XBOXVideo Information Как с телефона зайти Покажи хорошо Сейчас покажу с тебя обязательно ла подписан погнали пишешь всё точно так же как и у меня и не медлишь и нажимаешь на кнопочку сохранить после выбираешь сервер Full Mine и нажимаешь на кнопочку присоединиться к серверу после входа тебе остаётся лишь нажать на NPC и выбрать любой из этих лобби Я выбрал первый и всё с этого момента я могу начать развиваться хоть с телефона хоть с ПК хоть с консоли в принципе можешь играть удачи Y This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Дамир… Read More

  • Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!Video Information hello welcome to episode 284 we are going to be doing some more seats this time we’re going to use two interaction entities so we’ve got more control over where they actually sit and we’re going to make ourselves some building tools so we can um place them really easily um when your map is running I mean it looks like there’s a lot but when your map is running these are the only command blocks that will be turned on all of these other ones are for building so if we do some examples if I got… Read More

  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

    🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘⛏️ Minecraft Tutorial :: 🎈House in a Hot-air Balloon 🏠 [마인크래프트 열기구 모양 집짓기 건축 강좌]’, was uploaded by 만두민 ManDooMiN on 2024-06-19 04:15:07. It has garnered 12061 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. Today we will build a house inside a hot air balloon! Sounds like a really good idea, right? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⛏️ Mark Version / Minecraft Versions ⛏️ Java Edition (JE) 1.20.4 ⛏️ Shaderpacks / Shaderpacks ⛏️ BSL Shader ver 8.2.08 – ( ) ⛏️ 리소스팩 / Resource Pack ⛏️ Prime’s HD Textures -… Read More


    💎 LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. 🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information today Noob versus Pro versus hacker will be battling it out to see who can make the most epic police station in Minecraft who wins you [Music] decide looks like Noob knows what the inside of a police station looks like wow [Music] Yoo here we go it’s PR’s [Music] turn all [Music] right knock knock who’s there subscribe right now that’s who Yahoo a hacker has joined the [Music] chat whoa this hacker means [Music] [Music] business [Music] Noob needs to be locked up he stole this idea from [Music] trash [Music] wow someone calls SWAT this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

    EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4Video Information yeah when we wake up we shall fight is it daytime yet yeah it’s daytime okay we shall fight to the death bring the bed over here no no no we fight with a whole whole town not just that stupid little black [Music] Castle live no and am mending okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want back here little boy a all right do myself over here okay that’s one out of let’s say best of best of five are you ready anywhere near 3 2 one um actually you can give it to me another time because I’m… Read More

  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

    Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!Video Information a huge Minecraft update just got released with tons of new blocks mobs items and even a whole new dimension that’s the 2024 April fools update poisonous potato update and as always Minecraft has gone above and beyond with adding so many cool things that I can’t wait to show you so let’s start right here on the new poisonous potato main screen and let’s generate a new single player world when a SP into the world you have a chest in here you can find a lot of potatoes but also poisonous potatoes but one of them… Read More

  • Chinchilla SMP

    Chinchilla SMPChinchilla SMP is a happy SMP about Chinchillas! We have a friendly community, so why not join now? We have many things to offer such as commands like /sit, /bellyflop, /crawl Read More

  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

TheAtlanticCraft – I Survived 100 DAYS as THOR GOD of THUNDER! (Minecraft)