Transform into a mermaid with this Minecraft mod!

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And welcome everyone had a sort of strange beginning there OBS um bombed but I think it was my maybe even my fault but it did bomb um hi but I’m here now welcome hello I am monster to mermaid this is Minecraft with mine colonies mod and some wonderful music okay I’m

Going to change my view this morning I really really got off to a really sort of Rocky start in twitch and I accidentally damaged the Hut block on the mechanic so the mechanic is being rebuilt so Emory we got this is why it’s dark in here see Emory Emory is in the

Process of taking away the pieces that were level one and two and three and making them them into a level one again and then she’s going to actually um take the level um see all the all the good wood is disappearing so um she’s going back to

Raw um Spruce Etc so all of that oh thank goodness wo okay there we go so let’s get the level two done and we’ll get back up to a level three I can at least have Chanel start working again because Chanel went away of course because we didn’t have a Hut block Massa

Salo Salo Massa so now Chanel can work Emory is faster than Valerie so we’re going to have Emory continue this and bring it back up to the level three that we need and most of the things that she took away she took them away so they’re

Still here Chanel is that you yes it is okay Chanel is um getting situated and Emory is continuing what she’s doing so we switched because um Valerie was actually working on that which made sense because Valerie um all Valerie had to do was just come up to here she’s she’s

Actually no both of them are in the same location yeah they’re both just as equally away I believe but Valerie is now going down to do the graveyard so it’s going to take it’s taking her some some time to do that to get down each time you’re

Working on the restaurant balloon oh my gosh excellent excellent yay um Massa is saying in chat that he and Matt LOM are working on a restaurant balloon for the cliffs and that is going to be wonderful and it’s going to kind of be modeled after but we’ll see the idea came from

Fifth Element and um when Corbin Dallas is in his apartment and the restaurant the fast food restaurant um pulls up to his window and it is essentially a flying machine a little flying machine and it’s just perfect so um that was the that was the uh inspiration for actually

Doing a restaurant balloon and that is going to be so fun so we are recovering from that from the fact but we it it is a setback for us because we had intended for Emory to finish the level three for Valerie to finish working on this

Level um three here to make it a level four I think it’s in the processes of becoming a level four right and we just halted it and so um when these two are closer to being done we can actually have I believe see that right there this is

What we wanted look how close that is but that’s the hospital what we actually need is we figured out a way they could do it but now I don’t see it how they could reach it but now I don’t see it I might have to recreate um how they would reach it

Again um because I think in order to do it they have to come out right here see where this is right here so they would be coming out to this piece right here coming up here and then they would come up here and this is close CL enough I

Think to reach the enchanter we need an enchanter so badly and without an enchanter we can’t get our own nether Ambassador and that is definitely what we need that looks like the sun is going down it is and so that is something we are looking forward to we have a

Restaurant the restaurant is a level three if I’m not mistaken up here and we’re going to look right now and no it is only a level two because we stopped working on it to try and get um some place for Clemens and Chanel to be in

This house right here there is room for one of them to live with Emory um this is only a level three of the balloon even so we we have a ways to go we do have um I thought Emory was a five she’s actually only a four um down here this

Is a level four of this and I should have known because when I went in here there is no button right here for the secret room so um she’s definitely a level four and I thought Valerie was level four but she is a level three and so she

Can’t work on this building and we were going to have Valerie for instance start this she can start it all the way up to a level three she can do the restaurant to a level three and then have Emory come in and bring the other things up to

A four and so that that is part of what we’re looking at in this area and um it’s coming along hello hi and so this this is one of my favorite looks this um this particular residence um one of several residences I think there’s five altogether or seven res um

Residences in the cliffs style which is really nice it really adds to the variety of the Town ah and there’s the sun setting and we can see people going home there goes tank tank um moved from downtown to run um to run The Courier platform so we have a courier platform

Right around the corner here we should put some lights on this shouldn’t we we have a Courier platform right here why don’t we put a light actually why don’t we put a light right here and the light there I think that’s enough for right now but this Courier

Platform um tank came to run this platform this is where the Courier balloons come and they uh land and then they can be filled with um with the all or uh drop off materials from the warehouse downtown and um this is in fact a level

Three we wanted to get tank at least up to where she was down in the village and so she is meanwhile down in the village we are still working on having some kids and um the kids um need education and the education is the thing that we were working on I

Don’t think we added anything that we needed at this particular Point um to get more um I think they’re still working on the research that we had this morning in the twitch episode let’s come here we don’t have any pumpkins yet which is why I keep taking them away um

We don’t really really have them and um it’s an interesting design I’m not sure what’s going on with that but we’re going to fill in these holes here where the vegetables are growing let’s come here let’s CH turn I’m going to do it right outside here right in the open I’m

Going to turn into a survivalist and um now I have legs and with my new legs I’m going up here and I’m going in and just check on I don’t think that we have any of the things yet that we needed but we can check and see how close we are

Here and um we’ll do that for a second let’s look at this here here we go I have a disturbance in the force um we do need some apples um how many can they do they oh they can do a lot okay do I have enough apples I don’t

Think so do I have enough of anything nope all right so all I’m doing is just making sure again that we ask for the things that we need um so civilian right now we need golden apples um we need um oh good we only have 15 minutes

Left on this and it did open this up look at that that opened that and we can now make vaccines and we do have the eggs for that so let’s take those and I think we can do do that or we already did it um we’ll find out in a

Minute let’s hold on to it for a second and let’s hold on to this for a minute and see what we can work on for a sec let’s come here let’s come to civilian um that needs apples we don’t have we don’t need to go up to 100

Yet um we do need books and we don’t have any there goes the music there it Goes let’s do vaccines vaccines going to take a while it’s 3 hours and it says researchers are investigating vaccines good when they come back to work let’s come down here we do have a bakery we will start to get cookies and cakes and that will work

Work we don’t have this yet we still don’t have the level three that we need for that and that is what all that belonged to let’s go to technology yeah let’s go to technology for a minute um this is what we needed and we

Do have it yay so they can work on that that is for the apiary to be able to produce both honey honey and honeycomb at the same time and we needed that I don’t have any of this yet I don’t know that I’m going to do that but I do have

Jungle Master which means we can have a bamboo farm and we’re coming down here see that right there for 128 sheets of paper I might have that do I have any red stone we’ll check on that there’s it right there do I have enough of this it says that I

Do I’m going to do that and there we go so we don’t have any more that we can do right now I think we don’t quite have enough paper for that and I’ll have to look and see ah here’s another so we might have enough paper ah look at this

Um we definitely don’t have enough apples but let’s look yeah that might be I still don’t think that’s enough but for the for the paper that might be enough all right and there we go okay let’s turn right here at 3:00 in the morning be time I’m going to turn back into a

Fish and there we go and so we’re coming out here yes a fish who loves that music see I’m dancing but I’m dancing on my tail not on legs So I think that um I’m going to begin to transition the music a little tiny bit Sam has some other music um that can be played that is a part of this and um um oh I’m sorry sincere and there’s Angel actually he was waiting for Angel so I’m

Just saying hi we’ll close the door here and let’s look and see what everyone’s doing there’s sincere walking around yes all right so postco and Elise might not be working on anything postco just finished this remember we had him bring it up to a level three four to get

Rid of the heavy Stone um top and we haven’t made up our mind postco actually worked on these houses back here all these houses have to be brought up you are not late Mr villager o Mr villager so all these houses have to be brought up to a

Four in order to get a set of beds back down downstairs so right now they’re level three with three beds upstairs that gives us the um the KingSize bed upstairs and um I’m good I’m I’m a little I’m have a little bit of a disturbance and I but I think it’s okay

We’ll see um And so the level four of this has a bed right here so this one’s already why don’t we do this one we’re going to remove these pieces um those pieces are um not supposed to be there like that um we’re going to put this back where it was for

Right now and I believe that are is the only changes that we made yes so oh food now I’m going to leave the food he’ll probably eat it postco will probably eat it but right now let’s take this and bring this up to a level

Four ah to the bem Mr villager says that he is good and Massa says that he is fine so this is good postco postco is going to spend this time upgrading all of these to a level four now there are a couple this is a level three that’s a

Level three but these are Level twos um this one is level two this is a level three right here and then we have um two other level 3s over here that um either dond ass or Elise will bring up these are um level threes as well and they do not have the

Bed downstairs now the bed downstairs will be added um during the kid time or will be kept there during the time when we have kids so that kids will move into the house but um but the rest of it is going to depend on um I mean it’s good pretty good what is

Going to be done today that’s what I’m thinking about for just a moment um dandas is still working on this up here and he is waiting for materials um to put in here something’s going on with that floor so I think that is is um that is

Him changing out the floor there let’s come down here and see what he’s waiting for for just a moment let’s see what’s going on he’s waiting for a lot of stuff what are you so I’m going to cancel all these things so that he can ask for them again and I don’t see

Anything that he shouldn’t be able to get um including polished and aite but I’m going to come over here for a moment where spog is and look at something here we’re going to make sure that the builders are building for a moment I think that um postco Now

Is working on that but he least doesn’t have anything so we’re going to check um I’m looking for andesite I’m looking for polish finished and deite there is that says mud bricks and that is not mud bricks um let’s come up here let’s see if I can get this to

Reset I think that’s and aite there but that’s not what it’s saying just a second let me see I don’t see it I thought I just saw something just here but I don’t see it there there’s stone brick what’s that that is polished and tode Polished diorite do I even see that

I don’t see it okay nice to know how the progress with the update of the cliff style is going and you can’t wait to see how it’s looking we’ll go over there and show you in just a moment let’s do some Dio right here let’s get this and let’s

See how I don’t want that we don’t have to make it we’re just going to do polish di right there it is and polish di right stairs and slab and wall cuz I think we’re going to get some of all of that all right and granite um we do have granite and let’s

Look for a second right here let’s teach recipe wait wrong one let’s come here again that’s spog by the way who’s walking by let’s see ah we know how to make them already excellent so we do have diorite that means but I don’t see them I don’t see them

Um I’ll wait until the recipe calls for them again cuz I don’t see what I was looking for we have a location for a restaurant but we’re not going to put it in until we get kids and um till we’re closer to getting kids and then while

The kids are in school that restaurant can be built and we’ll see who’s going to run it for a while until we have some kid who can run it look at this this is now the level three of this town hall and the level four is not what I need it was the

University that I need a level five of and this is the level four so this is what Elise is going to work on right now we need a level four in order for there to be a bachelor’s degree um at the University for the children and then we also need a higher

Library and I think it’s either a level four or level five of the library and this should be sure enough a level three hi Easton Easton’s coming back to get a book Easton used to work in the library but now he is a courier which is what he

Was supposed to be from the beginning we just didn’t have a spot for him and There She Goes she’s working on the University and so now Mr villager here it is here it is and so here we are and we have have um Emme working on

The redo of the mechanic shop because of the mistake that happened this morning where I um made the Hut block go away so we had to build it again and Emory is building it now it’s a level one now she’s going to bring it back up to the

Level three this has been a setback for us so Emory was working on this this level three housing right here and making it a level four so that there would be a place for Clemens to sleep right now Clemens and uh Chanel are sharing a bed um just so that they don’t

Have to go back downtown and they are but this will be a level four in a little bit um as soon as Emory gets done we’ll have her do that so so we switch Valerie to working on the level three of the graveyard which isn’t done yet Emory was doing it we

Pulled her off um to put um Valerie on it because Valerie cannot do a level four of those buildings and so we were in here this morning but this isn’t finished so we are waiting for Valerie to finish working on it it’s pretty intense even at the unfinished stage it is

Gorgeous on the inside and on the outside and I’m just really loving this is probably my favorite of the graveyards at this particular moment in time I’ll show I will show you um what it looks like shall we sleep in the graveyards no let’s go down here let’s go down here let’s sleep

Underwater I haven’t slept underwater in such a long time this is a nice area down here let’s come down here see there’s bass on the ground there this looks like sand beautiful sand let’s sleep here so it’s been a while when you are transforming your base but then you are too tight

Yes okay so this is under the little we’re in the little Lake that’s near this Lake right here it’s more like a river isn’t it than the lake let me see no that’s definitely a lake or the end of a river I had no idea idea that was that close oh my

Gosh I had no idea this was that close wow whoa there’s a bear look at this hole next to it goodness sakes oh waa okay this is scary stuff down here wow look at this that is glowing Moss carpet on top of mud and diorite Whoa wow it’s just a deep hole I mean it has a place that goes off here uh do you see that I see more mushrooms in here ooh iron and then it goes up this is this is a former skeleton Palace is what this is ooh a trap look at the Trap

M that’s a trap door if you disturb that door it comes down and and locks you in but look at these beautiful skeleton rooms down here and then it come wow oh my goodness look at this this is on the outside wow goodness sakes look how close this is

Wow how did I miss this I mean this means missing it on the map even goodness let me look here inventory isn’t generated I wonder what that means look there’s emeralds goodness sakes there is emeralds in there yeah we don’t take from people um wow this is wealth there’s a

Lot of wealth here who is this let’s put a light and just in case um let me see um it could it doesn’t look like witches it actually looks like skeleton like a skeleton place but let’s see what happens up here look at this oven I don’t see

Anybody okay the fact that I don’t see anybody leaves me to believe that maybe I’ve been here already there’s a map ooh oh and a Golden Arrow waa it’s a spectral Arrow wow and look at this up here look at the apples in here what a beautiful beautiful view

Um they are not telling us who they are so I have a feeling I either have been here already or um this place they’re gone they went away maybe we were too close for them because this looks deserted but it’s not deserted all their belongings are here

So it’s just that they’re not going to show themselves look the fire is lit so yeah ah this is so close this is close hold on I heard something I would have to wake vincentius up yes I heard something um what did it sound like um I

Don’t know could have been Roberto’s um thing falling or it could have been someone at the door which is what I wasn’t sure of um all right and from here I have no idea so let me push look look at there it is there it is and there is Guardian wow

So from guardians Rock they can practically see that which is what happened um thank You um wait let’s go back Guardians Rock which is to the west and we are facing sort of South so we’re facing kind of the right way to get back unex expected spectral arrows will be useful later oh yeah for [Laughter] what for what for

What come visit I will give them to you we will um I will secure them from that building but for right now um we don’t need them as much probably in the nether or at the end is what what you mean yes when we have another Ambassador ah they probably

Would be a an excellent price I think they would be mystical sight level five ooh okay well we know where to get one we will have to offer a price for it but we know where to get one from that that is wonderful what a curious thing to

Happen so yeah so that was a part of me sleeping in the lake and wondering where this went and I sort of finding out that it’s kind of a Waterway and I was trying to see if it heads out towards something you would think that I had done this

Already no this is a lake there it is fed there’s there’s a river piece right here does this go out to the ocean or is this solid let’s see what happens right here it is a lake it is completely enclosed so that means it’s fed from the

Mountain and fed from rain and probably an underwater source is feeding this but yeah this is the village right here and right over there is Guardians Rock and it is looking so beautiful it really is so I’m looking at at um chenel Chanel is waiting um she’s probably

Watching um Emory work I’m looking for Valerie to do something here and Valerie is not and so let’s see if we can figure out why uh messenger just left so let’s see what it is that she needs yes it is let’s cancel these I’m going to have her re askk for

Them and where are they here the candle will go down the lyan um I’m well that was interesting what just happened there did you just see that that was curious it was like she was looking at it um um we don’t have any way of getting glow

Len the Soul Sand for that needs to a purple candle can be made um The Colony Banner all of that can be made flowering aelas um Jace can actually grow aelas and we should have some um and let’s continue so she just went up to start work so we’ll let the other

Things come in and get done let come down here there she is so Valerie came downstairs does it actually take her all day to do this now she’s turning back no she didn’t have what she needed and that’s what happened all right I’m going to do something right here just because

I want to for today I’m going do something right here see this I want to put something here and I don’t know what this is the graveyard right here so I don’t want to put any housing it’s um early evening I don’t want to sleep

Here there it is right there I want to make sure everybody gets home for a minute this might not make sense Valerie doing it if it takes her all day to get down the mountain but I think she was waiting for things and I think that’s what was going

On I’m waiting for everyone to go to sleep I’m going to come back I’m going to put something there while while we’re waiting for everything else to be done hosco is working on something Elise is working on that D denas is working on that house which is going to be um up to

A level four went by the time he’s done I saw that who is that what the baker worked late there’s oh no Eon what just happened there that was very strange who’s up here how B Us in that bed what’s going on guys what’s happening you two that’s railen and

Easton and they are not going to a bed there are plenty of beds um they’re not oh did something that I do oh is this actually too low that shouldn’t be too low let’s put a slab there for a minute they’re not coming at upstairs um let’s do a Polish slab there

Instead right here right there and let me see does that make a difference no let’s look at this door this door right here he’s upstairs that’s fine and she is upstairs by herself and let’s come down what’s going on guys guys are you just spending the night together let’s spend the night together

Um yep that’s that little closet we made uh I’m just going to say that they wanted to talk about stuff Easton is a courier and um that is our Baker who is um what’s his name Ryland Ry the Baker and there they are and they apparently are just talking this bed

Wasn’t moved so that is where that bed is and the bed upstairs there’s already someone in the bed Upstairs well that’s interesting that would be interesting if no one wants to sleep with Kaaba or Kaaba didn’t want to sleep with anyone and kicked Easton out and so now Easton is talking to Ryland about it and they’re just staying up late talking about it o cuz what happened there what happened

Let’s get this for a second what do I have here architect’s cutter let’s get an architect’s cutter um do I want some of this I probably want some of this dark oak I’m not going to like the door like that so let’s do dark oak um strip dark oak let’s do three

Let’s do just regular dark o and let’s not make it too fancy and let’s come here and make a door for her this is Elisa’s place this is a fortress um Builder and I need a door there we go and I need this door and nope let’s do

This let’s do this one but let’s turn it around and do this one just in case and let’s look at the doors for a second hi nothing there was a mystery got a mystery well that’s okay thank you for looking ooh that’s kind of neat I

Like that kind of let’s see the other one for a second which one do you like which one do you like look at that I don’t know now which one do you like anyone have an opinion on that or should I make it into plank should I make it with plank

They’re really well there is that part let’s try making it with plank for a minute and see um let’s take um this right here let’s make this with plank instead don’t I have any no let’s get some plank dark oak dark oak Plank and let’s try that

Instead let’s put this up here here here okay there we go and let’s see um let’s do this and let’s do the plank part no the other way around I’m not going to like it um that way and let’s try this let’s try it with this instead that’s interesting ah because of the

White it looks kind of weird doesn’t it it looks like we should have some kind of light colored stone or something for that what do you think Mr villager I’m going to try one more let’s look at um whoop let’s take this out let’s do um calite for a second see

What we can put here um let’s do calite c l there it is let’s see if we can make doors out of calite um did I make the wrong thing go away should I use this or should I use this let’s use this let’s come here

Let’s put this here and this here nope this the other way let’s see what this looks like this is going to be curious so let’s take these up and let’s do this one here and one there yeah look at that Mr villager that actually works the best doesn’t it that really

Does let’s keep that I think I like that the best so we will do that as the door let’s come here we’ll make these go and we’re going upstairs for a minute um in this place in the past I’ve actually done a balcony here there is a balcony piece on the outside

And what we tried to do was not have the desk piece come all the way around bring the desk piece more over in that direction and have this right here actually be this so um we’re going to make that go away look at this look at this beautiful

Balcony and so we’re going to use this balcony um I think with do or with um Regular door panels you think it’s too strange to use a stone as a door but okay okay and let’s put this here on top of this door and let’s see what door we can use I

Don’t think this is going to work I think our doors are going to fit differently that’s a firefly it’s going to go away in just a moment um we would have to use full block up there so block glass as let’s do oh let’s do this and let’s

Do this and let’s make a glass door to go there let’s come here hello there we go and let’s do this and this and that use us a door like this let’s try it this way and then let’s reverse it no well let’s try it and see and then we need um

Bonk then we need um two pieces of glass here like that and that’s the same glass it is and then we need a door that opens that way so there is the glass like that let’s see the other one I think we want that door I think we want this door to look

Like this and I think that’s fixing what was supposed to be fixed since ages and there we go D okay so let’s have this be like this now they like to take um the piece and if we did that I think I’m going to do what they would do here this

Is one of the times I am going to do that glass let’s come down here and get a glass stare there should be some here there’s white and there it is is you think you try a mangrove not with the not with all of this white part here see

All of this white the woods don’t look so well and that’s the thing that I’m trying to kind of um work with let’s put this in um what we could do which would make it um work better hold on for a second instead of using this let’s make that one go away

We don’t need this for a minute let’s get the architect cutter from here and let’s get um some wood let’s get a lot wood let’s get the dark o wood right here and let’s just try lining it with the same wood as down stairs or around wait isn’t that plank it is plank

Let’s do plank dark hook plank there it is and see and um so stripped um what kind of Mangrove do you mean um Mangrove and glass or do you mean a mangrove door entirely I’ll wait for that while you’re telling me what you mean I’m going to

Just go ahead and fix this for a second I’m going to make this and this wrong way and let’s put this here and let’s see which what he is talking about Mr villager I’m open to it what would you like to see let’s make this go away here for a sec take this

Away um go ahead Mangrove tell me I mean that is red right there so and the roof is red so if you’re talking about how would we do the mangrove do you mean white and red maybe H let’s try something for a minute let’s come here oops I’m in the way

Let’s come over here out of the way of the couriers um Mangrove gee this is mangrove wood this is mangrove plank we could do those and glass G ass let’s do a glass and let’s see for a second no you mean Mangrove doors yeah no I knew that’s what you meant Oh

You mean um the ones that are provided ah doors so this is a mangrove door right here and are there more Mangrove Doors Down Below let’s see those are domum and we just have these are MAA swamp doors bamboo doors are maaz doors those bamboo ones waffle doors and this is swamp

Doors this Mangrove door let’s put um this away for a second and this and um let’s come up let’s look that’s a mangrove door that’s actually quite interesting Mr villager I actually kind of like that Let’s do let’s do this so what we would have is this right here like that

Do you like that let’s get um this piece here let’s get this to work again right there and what do you think of that the upstairs I’m still going to do one of these two and I think I’m going to do the one that has this because this

Is a door to the out to the deck and let’s do this door actually it needs to go this way so it opens that way and they go out right here they can open the door and go out onto the deck okay this is the one that we want to put upstairs

We want to put a glass one because we want that to be glass all the way down now I think that before I actually did bring this glass all the way down right there as well just to make it even upstairs and I like that and that works fine for what we

Have here um this is old Tech right here that they have that um fence part there but that’s actually okay and we will eventually yes do something about um her desk and things like that so I think you’re right Mr villager I think I like that like that I definitely

Do and let’s go probably because of all the Red Roofs rofes in this area um we’re going to have that okay um let me come here how many things do I have up here I’m holding on to ladder just in case I got a piece of glass in my hand

Let’s make all of this go away for a second let’s bring this down we’re going back over to the cliffs and I just want to check hi Orion and see Valerie said she started on the grave graveyard Emory is done Elise is started on the University and I don’t see postco for today

Um I don’t see Dess doing anything dond denas is waiting for something he’s not getting oh and there is Easton Easton is delivering something to Dand denas right now and let’s see what’s going on here Dandan ask what is it that she need um let’s cancel and let’s have him ask again I

Might have done that with him already but I don’t think I did all right and then postco is working on the new house and it doesn’t really need anything that he can’t get that from the warehouse although he is looking a little like he’s um being held up by all

Of this are you no not again not the pumpkins no not the pumpkins oh he needs a lot more stuff though including bread whoo now I can’t give him pumpkins anymore um because um bega is growing pumpkins bega is supposed to start growing pumpkins and she

Is and so we do have pumpkins and so he’ll be able to get them from there and Mr villager did you like that Mangrove Mr villager is um doing something playing are you playing I haven’t heard you talk about your your worlds in a while I really haven’t and I used to

Like hearing about your worlds I liked it a lot so yes so we’re switching from potatoes to pumpkins it’s a slow process but it’s working look there are pumpkins growing in the field yay Y and Trinity is going to the school she’s a school teacher and they still have wreaths up

Some people still have some decorations you know how there’s always some hi and so we will leave everyone down here doing what they’re doing for right now I’m going over here I want to put something here now this would be a good good suggestion where is she at on this Emory

Said she finished building the mechanic ah thank goodness so this is the level two Emory’s really fast she was a level five and even though she’s a level four here she does have that skill set so build options the Builder is Emory upgrade the building and then Chanel

Will have her entire shop back that I messed up and let’s come over here now so on top of the graveyard on top of old smokey um we’re in this corner right here we actually can put something so the server is fixed with just a a slight roll back of

24 hours that’s not like losing the whole place oh congratulations yay oh I’m so happy but still better than a crash server so happy to hear that excellent Massa see see magic okay so um that’s excellent all right um this morning the server that makes sassa and Matt L are

Using for their building crashed and there was a possibility that he was going to have to start the colony over so I know this is a daytime storm it’s 9:00 in the morning so we’re not going to get anything going on here Valerie is not going to work she’s not a level four

Emory is not um both of them are not level five so they’re not going to work um this Fox likes being in the water which is really interesting There’s Something In The Water maybe he’s fishing maybe he has a taste for fish but um I want to put something here

This is a guardian right here this is the graveyard what do you think I could put between the guardian and a graveyard that would make sense other than just a road um let’s come here yay we’re beginning to have um Malik is going to have some help as far as

Keeping people well that’s what that Lifesaver is and that is excellent let’s come let’s switch to Cliffs and let’s put that in c i f f s s so flower shop but they don’t get enough traffic to have a flower shop here I don’t think there’s enough traffic enough um um

People come to the graveyard but that’s not enough to sustain a flower shop here I don’t think um we don’t have a library yet but this is low for the library let’s look and see we have hospital and we have the Hospital alternative which is really

Lovely we have a mine and we have a Tavern can’t have taverns we already have one and I don’t see anything Forester maybe let’s look here M shafts um not really Keen about having any weapons the archery in the past Massa and matum have had archeries that have been fairly uh

Fairly um usable in either wartime or not and I like that um let me see what we’re looking at so it at least has this flat which is perfect for the fact you made another Builder balloon and this the same but with blue with diamond instead of emerald oh nice cool

Yay let’s look and see what this is this right here a level five ooh look at this whoa oo I like it oh look at that um we have a jack of the green right in the smack dab in the middle of this location this um piece of Forest right

Here um this is the graveyard the blue line so any thing that we would be doing would be coming out to here and coming in like this and sitting in front of that and look at that sitting right almost practically where we want it to

Sit on the other side of this tree we would lose the tree unfortunately ah and it oh look at that gosh we might not lose the tree which would be wonderful although the trees location would be kind of weird cuz I do believe that this is where this is their

Firing range on this wall back here but I can’t see see there’s um targets it looks like there’s target practice to train them to the expedition to find Mangrove and other strange blocks uhuh wow we’ve got some speaking of I don’t know what goodness sakes that’s our Air National Guard

Um flying by that is not that is not commercial that is actually the Air National Guard um going by right there um is this coming up one into that it sure is so this would have to come down another one to right there um there’s something really weird about this but I

Think I would like to have this here I think I’m going to put this here here now it’s archers so so the way I’m going to justify it is it’s Elven that’s what I’m going to say about it it’s Elven and but there’s a problem Houston look at that see that right

There that’s coming out on this side too far and then there isn’t going to be anything here cuz there’s nothing here this would have to come down to this walkway this walkway here with this being here let’s go up a little bit from there this being here so this would come over

To here and then we would have to fill all of this in we’d have to fill this entire thing in right here it’s not fitting as well as I would like it to if it wasn’t for this Guardian right here it probably would fit all the way across this

Mountain piece let me show you I’m going to go to sleep it’s almost time it’s it’s rain and I’m just going to wait for it to turn over and I’m going to go to sleep for a second and let’s See I don’t know whether Mr villager heard me ask that question like what’s going on with his um towns CU I haven’t heard anything about them in a while and I was just curious um I like it um if I hadn’t put the guardian right there it would fit

Right in and I like the fact fact that it had that balloon that’s actually really quite fun I’m going to put a balloon something here I think yep using my using my sleeping bag again um let’s look we don’t have a nether mine yet o we don’t actually have another mine yet

Here oh that is much narrower and if we stuck it back right up against this right there like that and right to the corner here let’s see what we’re talking about so we’d have to put in this part this isn’t going to be here cuz there isn’t

Anything there so we would have to fill that in with mountain let’s bring it down for a second let’s look and see where it’s saying this is it’s saying this is at 69 and I believe this one is at 71 right here it is at 70 oh that’s perfect okay

So if we brought it down to here and had this like this what are we talking about this is the nether Mine level five wow do you see the building now this is probably supposed to be out um buried in the ground that part right there we’re all the way up to

The wall we have one block between us and the wall let’s bring it all the way back so yeah we would have to cover that we’d have to build out a portion of this wall section here to cover those pieces but this actually fits this actually fits right here now

That part right there that is see that part that is the guardian’s place right there we would have to do something about that this is down too low for both of these um so it looks like I would have to bring it up at least but I don’t want to look where it

Is there it’s too low for that I’d almost have to make like a winding road that came down here and these trees would replace um this Jack of the green right here and these three Guardians are saved um I’m definitely going to put this here it’s going to did I unlock it

Not yet um I’m trying to see what I can put in here in this location that will allow this to reach over to this right here here which goes along here so it kind of does except that there’s too much room between the two of them there’s too much room between I would

Really need this to be up so this is at this is 70 and This right here is 73 this would be in between the two of them if it’s just up let’s 70 73 let me just bring it down one more that makes it much more realistic that it can be reached from there I’m good with that I’m good with that I’m actually going to um

Put it here as a reminder to myself no we can’t do anything with it miassa cuz I don’t have a I don’t have an uh an enchanter of all things doesn’t it seem weird that I don’t have one yet it seems that way to

Me let’s put this here and I think if I put a sign of Builder it’s going to oh there we go so there it is all right so um this this walkway here is attached um to what was here to match this part right here so that can be

Fixed we can do something different with this um bring this out a little bit more to go off to this and there it is I think that’s going to be the best place for It on the Mountain I think it is it’s the nether mine so the Ambassador for the nether

Mines is going to be right here which means that they’re also going to need a house on the hill on the Rock and this looks like we could have maybe a house on this side for the Grave Digger the Ambassador um tank I think I like the idea of them being

Here let’s look at this for a second let’s touch this this is the guardian right up here let’s touch that let’s go to residences residences um this is an inner section we could do the inner let’s see if we like it or whether we want to do something

Different um we don’t have this here yet we have this at the other we have this at Rosa Oru but we do not have one of these here yet I actually do not this is the inner one and let’s raise it up so that it’s not in Conflict that’s out of the conflict

Area and let’s put it in let’s see if we can put it into this corner here see this corner right here this one let me see what happens if we turn it up that is definitely the way it needs to go and let’s look for a second and see what we’re looking

At and if it was this way it can’t go that way it definitely has to go that way now let’s see how much it’s backed off of Tanks area here that’s too close you’re playing us too close let’s come here one two let’s come here still too close still

Too too too too much there there’s too much backdrop to that so let me see if I can fit something else the elevated is this one we haven’t done this here we can look and see if it will fit on this wall it’s got some big

Pieces and it would be fitting up above That like this it’s too wide it’s too wide to go here see that it’s too wide to go into this area it’s got too much Land part it has less than the others cuz it’s just that but I don’t have any land right here and see how it wants to slant out

So we can’t do that I’m probably going to end up putting a balloon in there this is elevated um this is the inner um we looked at and the outer one is what we’re doing on the other side and that’s the one that definitely needs a corner in the other

Direction and we don’t have that okay so we might end up with some balloons we might end up with a balloon balloon on top of this in this area here so we have the nether mine right there we have tank right there we could have a Balloon let’s try that we have two balloons um I haven’t done the purple yet in either town and so we have the red one here on the other side or the orange one and we have the blue one in Rosa Oru let’s do the purple one for a second let’s do a level

Five and that is what it would look like above the nether mine that would be kind of interesting wouldn’t it there just isn’t any any place for them to walk so they would have to be connected to a walkway and let me find it it’s on the other side

Maybe I know I’m doing this at night but there’s the door that’s the door that’s not the main door there’s the main door and look at that so I don’t want to put it too close to that because balloons land there so let’s go to sleep for a

Second so we can look at something and I think that’ll work um yeah it actually is hard to um hard to imagine that I don’t have one of those yet but I do not um the entrance to the house is I’m doing it I’m clicking with my blanket um the

Entrance to the house is here on this side we’ve got a balloon we’ve got a thing here will the balloon fit if we ran a road around the mountain on this side and then just had the balloon sitting near it um we could sit the balloon this

Way and the balloon would be here so let’s look for a second that would be something now wouldn’t it above the graveyard and above the nether mine like that it usually ends up connecting those different lives um yes so what I would need to do is run

A Road between these two right here and then this could be on that road and that would be um some of the people now if they were connected to this down to that area down there how would they get to it how are they going to get to all of that

Slowly but surely we have to get people to go around and around and around and around where they’re kind of going up or down every time so so with this one this one’s going up um this is here and then it’s going up to here which goes up which goes up

To here which goes up to here which goes up to here which is going to go around this way so yeah that would actually fit in a way that we could have something up above it if we had it right there that would be most interesting it’s it’s a little

High right now we could bring it down one and I think let’s move it over here for a sec so I can see I think I’m going to end up putting a um one of the balloon houses the balloon house right here you’re doing the same thing Circle

Walkway with a small Mountain you have yeah it it’s cool to be able to do that have it go up like that let’s see this is it right here let me see what we how much space we have up above for things so see we’ve got a

Building um right here and it’s going to come around so something’s going to have to go above that on its way around here and um there’s that but there has to be a way up to here because there is the Mystic site at the top of this

Hill so yeah I think that is what is happening cool all right I’m going to make this go away for minute x marks the spot um because we’re going to pick some Road pieces to go to follow the inside of this mountain piece here around like

This and we did put in a bunch of pieces um and I think I have some let’s switch to monster to merid here we go and let’s go to scans spr Cru roads um let’s do a corner so we have a corner piece right here let’s turn

It that way and there it is that’s the corner that we have now this is a jungle Corner um I think it can come out one more there we go so there’s a jungle corner right there we could do a diagonal that way and see if we can actually do a

Diagonal um but we want it tight to the wall um so that we’re not using a lot of sky space right now for that let’s try this that’s constructed and that is there I build the roads sorry I’m building the roads and let’s come here and let’s see I should have a diagonal

Ah thank goodness I do have a diagonal so let’s push this out push this this way now what we did was these are jungle pieces that we made into made with Spruce so that we could do exactly this right here like this and there is no no

Um Lava Flow coming down here to burn this this time and that is going to fit there so let’s put this one in that’s not there don’t stand there and here we go and let us build this hold on it says it’s Spruce that’s Spruce okay here we go and constructed

Okay oh I forgot it messes up the building but that’s okay we we’ll put it back okay and then let’s X that so we just have to put that square back in I always forget about that that it does that now we could just go ahead and do a

Straight I I think the diagonal is going to be too much to reach there um let’s try for a second and see what we’re looking at I think the diagonal is going to be too much a straight is I think going to be too long but let’s See um I think that’s the straight what am I looking at there we go so if we do it like this then we’re going to have a corner right here and that’s okay ah see that it goes down one this is where it comes to is that piece right

There and so right here between this and this balloons come here and here so that has to stay and then this right here is empty I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see if we have anything there we definitely will um let’s come to this area here and I think this is going to

Work um I need this to come down one right here and I think I want it to come down right here I would rather that the come down part is right there and so let us put in this piece constructed and there we go how much time oh no we’re out of time

Wait wait wait wait we’re almost done and I’m not really done because this there’s nothing holding this up so all these log pieces have to be put in that took away a portion of this wall but we’re going to stick that back into that area there let’s see what we have

Under here this looks all good I’m looking at that we’re going to have to put logs underneath for this but I might as well go ahead and join these two and so let’s come to here this is only a level uh level two I think this is or a level one

It’s not even look at that wait is she done Emory’s done isn’t she did were we so nope she’s almost done okay she’s working on the level three um yeah cuz that doesn’t have a cover on it um because we’re going to Rosa Oru I’m just

Going to put I’m not we’ll just stop here but yes so we’re having the walkways work their way around and up and up and they’re going to go all the way up but they’re going to have pieces all around them and we’re definitely doing that and

Then this right here this one down here is another set I don’t have a way for them getting up yet but I need them to connect to something that is here um that comes down to where this is so this area right here needs to be connected to the other

Side on this side it’s connected this way and there it is so that is what we’re doing okay it is time for Rosa Oru and let us go here and let’s go here we will come back tomorrow to this soon the first half of the secret of your citizens technology

Yeah definitely okay save and quit to title it’s good it’s very good I’m I’m very much enjoying um doing that making making them making the roads do that twitch thasia twitch so we will have the enchanter we still need an alchemist we still need um the nethermind of course and the spa is

Going to be there um as uh the hos the second hospital and so so Logan has a problem um the trader brought his llamas up here and they are in his pool and he’s a little Logan’s a little disturbed about that he’s called for one of

The um one of the Guardians to come and the Guardians are like going um look we can drag them out if you want is that what you want and it’s like yes that is what I want and it’s like okay let me see if I can I don’t know that I can

Break his hold on them that one’s not attached I’ve had very bad luck today using a lead and trying to get animals out of the way so I don’t know whether you want me to do this but um let’s see if you soon you will have pink llama yes indeed we will indeed

Um let’s get this one to come here I think I can get this one to come out is there a way for you to get out without falling girl um let’s go this way and I have to be a little there there we go okay so the llama’s

Out and I’m going toing bring them over here there all right so now the Llama is here trying to get back to um the other llama but I’m going to put it right there and it’ll just have to stay there for right now it’s very unhappy about being

Separated I don’t know how to get him to let go of this without hurting them I can’t do anything I would have to move him what do you have look at all these things what’s that player damage plate causes player damage to anything that walks on it dark

Utilities I didn’t even know I had dark utilities got uh why are you doing this to your llamas no they are not going to become magenta that is true yay Lila those fireworks were right below us because Lila she oh you did take down the yurt

Good okay how many pieces of wood are left here let me look I’m going to count them out um for here one two three four five six six pieces of spruce log um 1 2 3 4 5 six this is their materials one piece of wool two pieces

Of wool and let’s take the wool and let’s get one two and let’s put it here um let’s take this down let’s go to satto and makino’s house and let’s get a door a door sample we’re going to use these we’re just using the pl old doors for right

Now and this house is going to be where there we are um where Jet and aidil that’s right they’re going to move one more time Jet and aidil are going to live here and let’s manage housing Coulson how can Coulson be homeless okay let’s do Jet Jet and Asphodel let’s find Asphodel

For a minute let’s find out where she is there she is and this should say that both of them live here okay so let’s come over this way and we’ll take care of that now Julie Julie is going to move into the suite up here Ember intended this suite

For Julie anyway so Julie is going to move in above the restaurant into this Suite right here so we’re going to move Julie here let’s see where she is staying right now there we go yes this is farther away she’s fine with it she wants to be with her friend and she’s

Fine um there isn’t a kitchen yet but she’s going to be okay with that where is Coulson why he does not have a place coulson’s our Stone smelter so he can either live here or here let’s see if there’s any room in either of these places so there is room here so we’re

Going to put coold son right here so um let me see if there’s anyone now living in the tavern there shouldn’t be Zasu hello welcome welcome welcome how are you po say let’s look and see how many people are living here everybody’s living here so there’s Isabella remember Isabella gave up her pretty little house that she had she decided she wanted to live in town and Angeline and

Uh Casey should be living here and let me see if that is true we’re going to come around to this side this is the entrance right here they don’t have a walk yet that’s something I need to do who’s in this bedroom this this is Casey

In here Casey is one of our couriers and Evangeline is living in the other bedroom yes there we go the other bedroom right here it’s so nice to see you zap and for those of you who Wonder zap has been watching me since the beginning practically and um he and Johnny speed

Johnny speed was my very first person to say hi to me in chat when I started um when I started streaming and um and zap was um oh look at that look at that right there um Ventus yes I heard a honk and that sounded like like we’re expecting

Something to be delivered and that’s the reason why I keep um interrupting to see if there’s somebody actually Downs sounds like they’re down a okay okay um and that’s why I did not realize that there was a windmill how did I not know there was a

Windmill as a part of this I don’t know well luckily none of the higher um levels right here see this part right here um that interferes with the windmill um Wind Blows off of this off of this um land here and see the way the mountain comes up like this so there’s

Plenty of wind to do this so this is going to be really interesting not for us I’m a little concerned so I know yeah um the only reason why I’m concerned is because it’s medication that my sister takes and um they changed the VA changed the delivery some

Kind of way or they decided they were going to get tighter about security of those things and right during the holiday they asked for a signature for the package to be delivered all this time the package has been actually being left in the mailbox because the post the mailman actually

Knew um that my sister is not able to walk and so that someone was going to get it for her and so they were this is this is this is what happens when you have wonderful people the male person was actually leaving it there so that

When it was when one of us either me or my other sister got the mail um it would be there however it was really it’s really supposed to be signed for and whoever got it this time uh tried to deliver it and no one answered the door which probably means that

Vincentius Primus and I were not here at the time my sister is not going to the door and so they left a you know a thing saying that you’ve got this thing that’s going to be delivered um the only thing is it says you have to contact them for

Redelivery now you never did but I can understand why you do in this day and age um but we didn’t know that it was the holiday and a couple days have gone by they haven’t made a final delivery they’re supposed to put that there is a place for final delivery but that hasn’t

Been put there yet and so when I tried to get them to redeliver and I put in the number into to the post office um uh website it said I don’t know what you’re talking about and that’s a problem because it’s medication and um so that’s something

That we have to if we don’t get an answer I’m probably going to have to take time um tomorrow between the streams and go to the Post Office and um see about what happen happened to it cuz what are we going to tell the VA what are they telling the VA

They delivered it CU they didn’t so that’s the thing that we need to find out and uh yeah that’s some of the stuff that’s going on so so if you think I’m being a little anxious about um people coming to the door that’s what it’s about that’s actually what’s

Happening um yeah so any anyway let me go to sleep and then sliver of moon Slice of Life let’s come down here that’s I know I have the lights off I have the lights off in the room you heard some other people going to bed

At 3:30 in the morning I wonder who that was probably one of the Guardians is checking it might have been Pierce maybe someone um wanted something and kept him up late kept um the bar open early late I mean really late and is anyone upstairs did they leave already I think everyone’s

Left it looks like it yep everyone’s left for the day this is pretty isn’t it look when I come out here at the saloon we can see the balloon look at the balloon you see it’s being built there it goes right now I wonder how close we

Are this is the level three we wanted Ansley to be able to have um walls cuz she and Robert live there and we wanted there to be walls for them and um so she is working on this when she’s done with the level three which is means

There’s three beds um that will be the end of housing for now um we still need an alchemist we still need an enchanter we still need an ambassador to the nether but those things are going to happen oh my goodness look at this this is the town hall now I could have

Sworn that this platform for the balloon was out here more out on this Edge more and I’m a little concerned about where about its location it means that a balloon comes and lands right here there who is that let’s see that was Ansley yes it is Ansley is done I suppose this

Is going to be okay I’m a little um I’m a little disappointed that it’s not sitting out away from the uh walk I thought I was putting it there it’s a very blue balloon yes it is yes it is it is indeed remember a water bridge that we wanted to look at mhm

Hold on a second and it’s pretty I really like it and I love that you added the two extra colors um so there’s an orangey red there’s a light blue and cyan and then there’s purple and the mix color the insides are still similar um to the original high are you

Okay you guys are going to be okay here do I need to take this bed out of here we’ll find out in a little bit and see if I need to take that bed out I don’t think so I think they’re going to go for the for the double bed

First and that’s what I’m hoping on so we’ll find out in a minute but in the meantime anley is done with that this is a level three I think it might be a level four if it’s a level four the level five is outrages and I don’t want to build that

Right now let’s see what this is it sure is so we’re not going to build the level five um we’re not going to build the level five until the level five of this farm and the level five of this Farm here this Plantation this sugar farm are

Finished and then this Tower will be too short and we’re going to need this was a bit lazy for the inside you just wanted to give more color outside that’s okay that’s okay because it makes it that if um I want to I can go in and change the

Colors on the inside of this and it might be fine or it’ll just be the way it is we’ll see what happens um while we’re doing this but right now um these are the colors I see these panels and I see that’s on this inside

Wall and so that gives them a good walk right there so um if I want to do that um when we have children or something you know and other things are up to Snuff maybe I will um this Logan um Hera is supposed to be working on this for Logan

And I’ve got to look at some of the other level ones that I have um this is obviously not because we needed a Crusher level three in order to ooh oh I like that I hadn’t noticed that oh that is so cool look at that it comes up right

There oh I really like that um that we needed a level three Crusher in order to um do some Remy can you get down oh yeah you can can you get down let me see no you couldn’t all right they get into the weirdest places

And then it’s like okay I see how you got there can you get down and so there we go okay um Nova is I think only a level two might might even be a level one she’s a level two let’s have Ansley work on bringing her up um build

Options or no I could have Ansley go back to working on the house down here So it becomes what is more what is the most important thing right now we have enough housing with prudence and um and Bal Bal bildas they’re both living here so they’re fine um because that’s a level that’s got to be a level two there’s one right there and there’s

The other one right there so um prudence and bildas are living there um everyone else is living in this building right here we don’t actually need this is a level three we know from uh proo that that’s a level three um to put on the river yeah and

Um and there we are so in actuality what I really really need is this I need this to be a level three but this is Hera’s project here and I believe the fact that it has that around it means that Hera is supposed to be working on that after he gets done

With Logan’s place let me look and see if I want him to start working on that right away and have here um have Lyra or Ansley work on the other pieces so let’s come here and let’s look hello you and let’s see let’s see and sure enough let’s cancel this let’s come

Here let’s get this you’re not asking for anything good and here and so now he’s going to ask for stuff but that’s brand new so he wasn’t asking for anything Lyra finished um working on um the house and she is not working on anything we can have Lyra look at

This look at what’s happening here this is a level um three mine let’s have Lyra build this up to nope we’re going to wait until we have the other level 3es so that’s a level three this is a level five because we were putting it right here this is actually um a piece

Of Steampunk I think one of those ones that’s like a group so it’s actually a level four it’s not even the level five we’re in trouble okay minino is a level three and that’s fine Sato is a level four that’s good Julie is a level four that’s good so that means that

We’re looking at the people down here this is The Crusher and this is uh level two let’s bring the Guardians up but let me make sure that I don’t have some else this is a level four of this farm this is a level five uh or four oh that’s

Right I forgot about this guys I have a conflict here and um yeah zap I remember that you were talking about that what zap is talking about with the moon over there is that um it looks like right AC right here and we would have to have a little

Tiny bit more light so let’s let me go and sleep and I’ll show them zap that what zap is talking about is was actually putting in and let’s um turn this light on in this room for the evening and I’m going to settle in with a book for a little bit it’s important

And um let’s look Here there go and here we are okay ZF is talking about this that we had uh one of one of the Guardians passed away and he was talking we had people coming over into this area because believe it or not the um this is their stuff I should put it in here so

That it does doesn’t get mixed up I’m going to show the border right here here’s the border so the border is all the way across on the other side of this and zap had mentioned having a bridge go across here but if we have a bridge go across

Here this boat has to go underneath it and that would mean bringing a bridge up over the top and coming to here I I would like to do that we can put lights on the bridge that is true and make it very pretty um I would like to do that I

Could get Hera to do that um zap has ACT asked me for a boat before and we never got to it we still have to in Gro but we haven’t gotten to it yet um but this from here to here this is a big bridge and it goes to the Border part

Right here there’s almost enough room for it to be right here it would have have to come from here I see this what if we had the bridge come across but there’s nothing here there’s nothing right there if it came across right here there isn’t any land

There um here we could actually have people walk down in between uh this guard Tower and this and they would be right here we could pretend that that was some kind of uh nature walk here because the visitors do come over here it would make it different wouldn’t

It let’s try something let’s look at it just for a second and let’s see so we’ve got this location right here if we took this this piece away right here I’ve got a shovel Pierce is going to have a fit but I’m not putting anything in yet Pierce

So just hold your horses we can still have poppies grow there and see this right here the fact that this is here like this coming directly across here but it has to be high enough for that boat to go over top of we’re going to have to look at some let’s look at

Some Colonial might have Bridges High Enough and um Urban saah I don’t know Los Mesa might have Bridges High Enough and Fortress might have Bridges High Enough incin I don’t think so let me look for a second infrastructure there’s an odd minor thing going on there

Bridges um let’s look at a long bridge for a minute and let’s move this over here and let’s see what we’re looking at this says it’s a long bridge piece this is actually quite nice this piece right here if we could attach it to something right in this spot right

Here pagota you think it’s not very high yeah I don’t think so either let me see this this is meant to go from a high sort of down like this and we needed to go the exact opposite way let’s look at pagota for a second a g o d a Goa actually had Some um pieces that worked let’s look at the infrastructure for second Bridges um I don’t know that they’re high enough that’s the thing small spans medium spans covered footing most of these are covered and that’s the thing a covered end so this is a covered

End right here so you can see how big it is let’s come here uh and that would be on this part we would just be making this some kind of event over here event um let’s look at this and so what if it came to right here like this is

This first of all high enough it is not vot has to fit underneath let me see if we can raise the boat piece up in some kind of way let me see for just a minute this is a level three we don’t need that I just want sort of that

Level one would be good um let’s look at other piece of the bridge for a minute infrastructure Bridges covered footing let’s see so there’s a problem see that right there where it wants to have that piece in the middle like that and this isn’t wide enough for the boat

To go through that just isn’t wide enough for this boat to go through so let’s look at what did you say Shire let’s look at sh for a minute sh bridges are small let’s look at I infrastructure for a minute and bridges plank Stone and

Wood let’s look at Stone let’s look at a long pillar huh I remember building this at the island do you remember this um do you remember seeing this at the island but let me see this is the only one probably that is tall enough to get

Over the top let me see how tall this is is that the bottom am I looking at the bottom I am looking at the bottom let’s put it here so if we had one here and one here is it reasonable that this would I’d almost need this to be in the

Water right here right here oops I’d made that go down I didn’t mean to make it go down in the water right here like this have some sort of bridge thing that comes up to it have it be here have another piece be on this side

And have the separate thing in the in the middle who knows if it can look good that’s it right there um that doesn’t have a level one two or three that’s the bridge right there Shire infrastructure and then we’d have to have some way of reaching the

Bridge um this is right here is um 68 and this is 66 that’s not too bad that’s only three three steps sh has three steps it looks perfect okay so if we do this I’m concerned about this corner here where the chips come I would almost rather that this was back a

Little bit more right in this spot right here right in the mud right at that point and then it would come across to here let’s try putting down one of these right here constructed that’s there and there it is so let’s see if it’s actually on the

Ground I think it is we’re out of light for a minute um it is late I’m going to sleep in the poppy fields with poppies in my [Laughter] face look at this oo let’s come down here see what’s holding this up um it is in the ground it is not that’s what I

Thought okay so let’s take this and put it there and now that’s on the ground and that’s part right here this is on gravel we’re going to put it down into the ground right there okay the water is okay there yes okay so there’s one part let’s come across

Here so what goes in between these two so let’s do Shire right here Shire infastructure um Bridges um this is Stone floating let’s look at this floating piece oh that’s supposed to be floating on the water nope that’s the wrong kind infrastructure Bridge Stone long there it

Is so this is it right here these are the pieces that fit here to go across is it tall enough it actually is tall enough for the river Runner to go underneath it’s tall enough zap it is let’s put this one in I think this is

In the right place oh whoa look at that we had all that space good okay so let’s put this here and let us uh construct it and there we are yeah look at that so the top is here and we can see the river runner from there there’s

Plenty of room for it to go underneath and that is really good okay so let’s continue this is interesting and Bridge Stone now should we change it to Wood here let’s see what happens if we change it to Wood long and let’s see what this looks

Like I don’t know that I like that I think I need planks don’t you agree so we want to make it look like this might rise or something like raise up like open up and so I think I want two of these in case some bigger

Ship decided you know that we have those other River Runners that are that have sails so if one of those ever wanted to come through here um they would be able to because this part Rises raises up now we have had a a bridge that did that in original

But it’s too short this actually is tall enough for what we want and this is what we’re talking about right here see this right here this person so this bridge would actually help but I don’t know that I like that let’s look at um switch infrastructure Bridge let’s look at plank

And let’s look at the long and it would look like that I definitely like that as the middle piece and so we’ll do that here is started working on the plantation this is a good thing and let’s come here and let us do constructed all right so there is is this

Piece I need two pieces like that and that would be another right there and then I need two Stone pieces to reach to the other side and I think that’ll work let’s see if how this works and let’s come here let’s do infrastructure Bridge planks long turn this move this into place and

Bring this down and that’s it right there and now if we wanted to ooh that would be interesting let’s take a short piece let’s take a short um let’s find a short piece for a minute this is the long piece right let’s do the short one I’m

Going to change it into some sort of metal or something and make it look like it retracts in some kind of way so we have something that looks like it moves we can do some kind of metal stuff and make it look like that I think I would

Like to make it look like it does that and I think I could do that if I put in a separate piece and let’s do a short yes here um let’s make it um just uh wood for now because then I’ll know which part it is see this part right

Here this is going to be the part that we’re going to make into metal and it’s perfect look there’s two pieces so there’s one for either side of the wood and that will actually work out really nice so let’s put that in right here and we’ll do that and that is constructed

Right there that is actually there so let’s come over and I’ll wait until after I have this part done for a minute before I change that to metal um or to something that looks like things that they use on Bridges so we’ll do infrastructure the bridge of the wood and the

Long and nope wrong kind of long um nope wrong kind of wood Plank and long and there we go and let’s move this into place right here let’s bring this over and that is it so then we have this piece and this piece so see there’s that break in the middle right there

That’s where the bridge does something I don’t know what we’re going to say that it opens some kind of way we’ll try and figure something out but right there is constructed and let’s look and so we have this coming all the way across like this people will be able to

Stand here and look isn’t that nice that’s going to be quite interesting and now this is made up of two p pieces and I’m hoping that those two pieces will reach that corner there so let’s begin with the stone long and we’re going to put that in and look and so we’re at

Infrastructure Bridges Stone long let us pull this out let’s turn it and put it out and put it down and that’s it right there wow that’s close that is really really really close I think that is just going to make it I think it is and so let’s come

Here and let us do constructed right there and we have it and there we go so then we need this piece this piece the piece that has the hold on it so what is holding this up what’s holding this up it’s not a suspension bridge how how what kind of um magic are

We using to hold this length of bridge as long as this is don’t we have to have some kind of traction or some kind of Bridge pieces some kind of uh suspension suspension I don’t know let’s look here let’s go for bridge let’s go for stone and let’s go for the long

Pillar and I think this is it yes it is let’s bring it this way let’s bring it down and let’s bring it out so it’s coming here down one more and right to here and there oh my gosh it reaches the coastline wow ZF look at that that’s pretty

Intense that is pretty intense that that actually reaches that coastline is pretty amazing so let’s go to sleep we’re going sleep on the bridge and let’s see so anybody got any suggestion of what’s holding this bridge up is it small enough that that length um would would

Make sense I mean it would be okay is that clay no that’s terracotta um that it would be okay for that to just be coming from there like that anyone with any knowledge put two Stone pillars in the middle as the beginning you could add to

No I can’t the boat has to go through see this boat this boat has to go through this water right here and so I can’t put anything in underneath um well let’s see how long this is for just a second and see if we can put

Something hold on so this is one 2 3 4 five this is five wide let’s come here and let’s look this is um one 2 3 four five so right here we could add another set of pillars but you don’t think it’s needed miassa what do you

Think do you think another set of pillars is needed for this let’s see not needed nothing is um ready yeah I know we have to put the ends on I’m not talking about that I’m seeing if in reality does it look like that would hold let’s see

If I mean you Z what do you think do you think it needs something else it might be okay it might be strong enough that it’s made out of stone and stuff and that might be strong enough that these pieces are strong enough that the fact

That this is wood in the middle is light enough to make it um and that this actually like lifts up or something if we wanted it to has that look um that might work let’s try this let’s come over here while it’s raining and let’s look and

See if we can find some stairs down um you’re not a special but it seems fine to you okay seems fine to you too zap right okay I think we got ourselves a bridge zap you’re going to have to name this bridge this bridge has to have a

Name on it we’re going to put a name uh tag on it it holds small River think as it is yeah Matt LOM is not here too bad he’s studying Bridge and Tunnel construction oo okay so we’ll see what mattom says um when he gets a chance to see it but

Right now we’re going to put stairs on either side and let’s begin with that and let’s come here um let me look at this for a second it went back to Cliffs we’re going to go to Shire and let’s see if there are any matching stairs to go with this so um infrastructure

Bridge Stone I don’t see any stairs let’s go to Road Road um let’s go to whoa whoa you heard whoa did you see that lightning oh my goodness we’ve got balloons let’s hurry and get here goodness sakes whoa let’s close the door let’s go to sleep oh my gosh you want me

To name it okay or Mr villager if he wants to or Massa okay anyone would like to name the bridge zap is saying anyone can name it oh look at that look at that ZF it’s beautiful that is beautiful okay so hi Mr villager so let’s come here and let’s

See if I can find some sort of stairs because did you see the Lightning Strike wow let’s find some stairs um that would go here and um we’re going back to Shire and we’re going to look at roads because the bridge doesn’t have any stairs I suppose I could bring the

Bridge over to here rather than have it go down let me see what I want to do let’s see at we’re at Shire infrastructure let me look for a second what’s a head and what’s a short and what’s a short pillar ooh is that pillar shorter hold on let’s

Look at something there’s a shorter pillar let’s look here for a second and see if I can get this to go over and go closer to this part right here and then it just comes down into this area like this and just have it come down have a double piece right there do

I need a double piece on this side that might actually be interesting over the poppies especially oh that might be what do you think of that Arcane Waters no the waters have a name the waters are um remember we named The Waters long time ago the waters this is

The Narrows River and that’s what they call it and um let me see what was that name I remember us having a name for it do can I find it is the thing we had a whole thing where we were making the name for the river and I don’t

See this is going back into that looks like it’s going back into 19 it is we did we we this river is called The Narrows for sure and so anything in regards to that we’re not changing the river name and um we can call it Arcane way if you want and that’s

Fine yeah I have to look up I I have another set of papers and I’ll have to look that up um Arcane way is fine I like Arcane way we can use that as the name of the bridge arcane way and that’s good what do you think of

This guys I’m going to put a double piece right here um just so that we can bring this down let’s bring it down one nope not that way this way so we’re going to put this back a piece so that we can bring it down one that should be one

Block and that’ll give us a place where we can put a ramp and have it come down it’s because this desert brings a really a wait wait what wait okay I’m not put I’m not going to do anything just yet we already have Hillway so why not the Arcane

Path um Hillway is in um proo so we don’t have a whe here yet so Arcane whey is fine Arcane way is fine I actually kind of like it so we can do that zap is fine with it and that’s good I’m going to bring this piece here here and then

Let me see if I can put this right along here we’re going to have to bring this up to here which means bringing this part up because it comes down too far so let’s bring it up well that is it and then this right here I see that but

We’re just going to bring that to that that’s pretty dangerous isn’t it right right at the foot of our Bridge like that that is Cactus I think I would prefer not to have some pieces of cactus there so this is a rough area where people can come

Over there is this Monument right here and this is one of the reasons why this is okay um there’s a monument right here and which looks like a ruin and I really like that let’s do this this isn’t here yet so let’s build this constructed and

Let’s put this here see this part right here let’s put something there so what can we put we’re going to have a problem I think let’s do stone let’s do stone let’s see if I need I don’t like that let’s take some of this let’s do um architect cutter we’re

Going to to get some Stone pieces and let’s come here let’s put the cutter down right here and let’s go in to here this is what we need we need this so we can put that there but we need it right here like that there’s one and here’s one so we’ve got that

Let’s come over here and see if I can make this fit here so what happened to the other piece did go up here yes it did see if I can put that I can put it there but I can’t put it there all at the same time this

Slab let’s bring this slab piece down and put it right there for a sec and then have this piece why does it keep going away that’s very odd um and put that there oh it’s perfect it’s perfect let’s see if I can get the other piece to attach right here I

Cannot let me see if I come down or am I going to have to put a slab across am am I going to have to have this part of the bridge actually be a solid piece right here I think I might have to I can put this here first and then I

Can take away portion of it if it needs be let’s see what that looks like what are we looking at we’re looking at this being here and this being here and then this piece being here here and here so there’s the walk and there’s the

Piece down how do we get these are these on the outside yes they are so I need leaves leaves l e a v and let’s get some leave action going here let’s make that go away for a second um that is actually on the

Outside is it on the outside or is it on the inside no it’s definitely on the outside so that means that the leaves are here so let’s put this right here right here and right there on both sides let’s put this right there the fact that I can even put that there

Means that that’s where that is and then let’s add these pieces right here I don’t think I’m going to get a piece there let’s come on this side and add this piece right to there there we are okay there it is so that’s Arcane way on this side and

Um there is this now where did they put the name of the bridges usually let’s do a sign um usually bridges are what color do you want to do black canvas we could maybe let’s try that let’s put this here let’s see what this looks like if we

Have the bridge you know how usually they have Bridge names like right here like on the bridge let’s go down here and let’s do that a r c a n e w a y done and there it is on that side although does that look like Blackboard that looks like it’s written in

Blackboard hold on for a second I don’t think I’m going to like that I think I need it to be um not looking like it belongs in a classroom um yeah nah let’s get a different style of sign piece IGN what do we have sign wise These Are biomes of Plenty and

Farmers Delight hanging signs let’s just use normal it’s going to end up being Spruce everything is Spruce let’s do it this way and let’s come down to here they are should we capitalize it a r c a n e space w a y it fits perfectly look at

That oh that’s much better so we have one on this end and one over here this one here and do the same thing here can e let’s bring that down with more a no let’s come back can I get that to come back up delete I’m stuck all

Right nope let’s break it let’s break it let’s do that again and I went down too far this is where we want to be a r n e space w y and there it is and there it is okay so this is these two let me see how I want to do this

Side we could do um just like on that side have another piece come over to here next to the guardian right here um we can have it’s a shame I oh I wish I had thought of that sooner we could have had it just a little bit closer to the

Guardian and had the guardian’s house um be connected but what we can do this is the Upper Floor of the Guardian I believe this is at the exact same height so we can run a walkway from the guardian over to this now the guardian we’ll see when we get

Closer we’re definitely going to put in another piece um this is a short piece here I don’t want to bring it down so this piece is going to come straight across we could have it come straight across to here um you decide another YouTuber began an underwater Colony oh excellent excellent MX sassa

Congratulations that is cool well we don’t have this side yet Mr villager we still need to get um them to the coast to this walk right here and I really do think that I wanted to wow I just have this weird thing that I’m going to go this way I’m actually going

To make the people come through now wouldn’t that be weird to make them come through this um to get to the bridge so they come here and then here leads to the bridge and the bridge actually is squared off right there I like that there’s just one problem this Hera finished something let

Me see what Hera nope he started working on the plantation Lyla finished the residence and what’s Lyla working on Angley finished I thought I assigned them to something but they’re not doing it yet I would need this to be a level five five but as we get closer to it let’s

See what happens let’s have this turn into let’s have this have the same thing that this one has where it has the double short right here so we can put the short at the end of that and then from there we’ll um we’ll go from there and miass is saying think he doesn’t

Make stream only YouTube video okay epic Gamers TV and you think you already saw him on the official Discord ah okay and let’s look here for a minute um we need these pieces I don’t need this right now let’s take this and let’s go here and let us look at

This it’ll be interesting to see how his turns out definitely will be and CU it’s always fun with those um we’re here let’s go to bridge let’s go to Stone let’s go to short pillar and let’s pull this push this let’s bring this down let’s turn this and let’s look

At it and there it is and let’s move it out um this one doesn’t have to have that extra piece on this side because it’s not going down it is I think exactly at the right place that we want it to be for that and this is just going to come

Across the question is come across as what so so far it’s going to be like this and then we’ll see this is what this building looks like so this stone is actually going to be perfect for this building so we can have the bridge come

All the way up to here and make a corner right here you can see on there where there’s fence missing in this piece right here so this isn’t going to have fence wouldn’t that be beautiful look what that looks like the combination of the wood fence inside the stone fence that is most

Interesting ah mhm Mr villagers says he knows the person who is going to start doing underwater base and um that’s pretty cool just a question for Massa style actually has underwater base you forgot how it is makes a lot of time that doesn’t see this style being used um

H well it’s one of those things where um it depends on what people want to do a couple people have done it AGA and Plum they’ve done the underwater style and it is a complex style and it does did I just walk out on the one that’s not there right okay

Let’s put this and let’s construct it and let’s come here we’re not doing too bad to the poppy field also so the next one is going to be Stone as well small decoration for the town hall central place the Cyclops and that’s all that you think as far as

Decorations okay let’s come here oh yeah the town hall can have different centerpieces and that was cool and if he does that that’s going to be pretty interesting um M all the connections okay I am all the connections um let’s come here let’s um touch this again right here um

Touch this again let’s go to infrastructure let’s go to Bridges let’s go to Stone do we have a corner we are not going to have a corner here people um what’s ahead let’s see what a head looks like that’s up up oh aha oh look at this you see what that

Is um that needs to go over here that actually needs to go here but I think it’s too long um to go there that is a piece that comes down we don’t need a piece to come down and I’m not keen on having one um come down and this area because I really

Want this to come like this unless unless we had it well now I have a dilemma do I want it to be here like this and just have a piece come out and meet um the bridge a piece come out to um the other and meet the

Bridge cuz look at this this is actually coming down pretty well here we just need it to come down one more but that isn’t getting it close enough to here nah I I’m not going to use this because I really want it’s nice but I’m not going to use it I’m going to Um for decorations inspiration and time that’s the thing and motivation that’s the other um let’s see ah I have a problem here Houston let me look at so that’s the bridge and we don’t have anything else Stone head short pillar floater short there’s no Corner no turn no piece like

That so what we would be doing is putting in a long piece here that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to put another long piece right here so even though we have the short here that’s to match the other side of the bridge over here so those two pieces match

But then we’re going to have a a long piece right here and let me look for a second let’s go to bridge let’s go to Stone let’s go to Long pillar which would be this piece right here let me do something here can I bring this over like this have this come

Here have this part in the middle we’re trying to get a place where they can come right here and go and just a normal Bridge area right there and have that be there like that how close are we we still have some time this is making it

That I almost want it to come out Beyond this so it would be a bridge here let me look at this for a minute so see this coming into this part right here there’s poppies and stuff right in this part but this would be where it

Would come to we would say that’s some sort of road or something see it’s close enough to this area right here here see this right here we that’s a straight right there right to the bridge right down here without um doing too much damage to the poppies we could actually

Put a bridge piece over it that comes to here so if we put this piece here and then have two straights and one piece comes over to this when the time comes and this is finished and so um The Guardian has an actual location Guardian a person on the bridge

Can actually go right to the guardian from here and I like the idea of that let’s try this and see how badly this is going to tear things away h H so let’s come here I just got a notification from a friend that their rent went up in their

Place and they were just barely making it as it is I’m really sorry to hear that let me see here for a second let’s construct this oh oh ooh oh he’s not going to be happy with that but I think we can make it up

To him I think we can get um I think we can get Pierce to be okay with cutting into the mountain there we can put all that back and put the poppies back we can say that this is the reason we’re doing this so that um this part doesn’t

Have poppies on it so you didn’t start it yet okay let’s go here let’s go to here I’m looking at um the talk in chat as well as doing this um they’re playing yeah the next style will be later later and yeah because they’re actually playing with their style right now matl

And Massa are in a server playing with their style at this particular time I don’t want a long pillar I just want a long and we might need a long and a short to make sure or we need two Longs we’re going to need two Longs

Here so that’s a long piece we might need three Wow Let’s let’s bring this down to here let’s bring it over to here and that is lined up and let’s do that and let’s constructed let’s come out and let’s come to here and here we go what do I have um this bridge

Stone uh long turn it this way bring it out yep it’s not quite enough so let’s do it from this end right here let’s do it from this end first and bring it down and bring it out and I think that’s the match right there it is and constructed all right so that

Part is here and look at that it’s not an exact third piece right there it is so let’s just go ahead and put the third piece in right here infrastructure Bridge Stone long let’s move it over turn it this way bring it down and look at that

Whoa oh my gosh look at that guys smack dab that is per Perfection that is absolute perfection constructed we didn’t even have to do anything to that wow and there we go so this is Arcane way and this is interesting because that means that this walkway here is

Long this is a long walkway look how long this is this is cool and then this is over the river and look at the view of the Moon from here with the balloon and the town that just looks gorgeous right there doesn’t it the Moon is setting um before

The sun goes away let’s take that off let’s go to sleep here I know I’m using a sleeping bag and sleeping everywhere and um there there we go look at this so we’re bringing this down to the top of this hill and then there’s nothing here this is this is a

Nature path essentially but here this comes across here this is really neat and there is our Fisher there’s Davis going to his fishery this does not affect the fishery it does doesn’t affect the boats the river Runners they can actually go through they can go underneath and look at all this space

Look at this so even two River Runners can Passat pass each other right there and I really like that and then eventually um let’s just try for a second I’m just going to try a bridge right here as the last thing um let’s do this and let’s go to Bridges oh we got

Changed let’s go back to Shire let’s go to Bridges right here let’s go to infrastructure let’s go to bridge let’s go to Stone let’s go to long and see this right here this we’re actually going to have this piece come out like this this and join this piece

Um right here so it’s going to come right to there and right down here I don’t think that was for me my sister sent something but I don’t think it was meant for me um and I think it was metant for my other sister so there it is right there

Um if I build this right now it is coming right to the edge so we actually can put this here that is interesting let’s construct this constructed and look there there is that piece coming away and let’s come here like this and let’s X so see we have this right

Here um we could could have these pillar pieces right here come up into that space right there um let’s see if that space is where that Poppy is I think it is sorry Poppy and we’ll bring this up and it would be right here like that on this

Side let’s look at this side this side going to be a little bit more difficult but I think it’s right there and it is okay like this to be here bring it to here like this on both sides and just have that be so nothing can walk through that and it’s sitting

There like that I think we’re going to do that that might not be the prettiest thing we’ll have to see for this part right here we’re just going to put this here for right now so that they can walk when they start um working on this um then we’ll put something else

In um I think if we do that we can bring this to here on both sides so let’s do that here and then bring this right here like that just to make it look like it’s supposed to be like that and there we are so the guards can

Have access exactly and it goes right to their station right here and they come down and so this is where um do we have a guardian here I’m not sure that we have since Oba left um left us and um we’ll check and see it doesn’t

Look like anyone’s down here I know I saw the books but I think those are oba’s books that she got from Louise and we’ll see there is no one here but someone might want to be here now based off of putting that there we could actually have another guardian

Come down and be here a druid definitely and we can do that yes indeed and there it is people we did it we put in a bridge zff I hope I hope you like it it’s really beautiful it really is and I appreciate um all the contributions you have made

Through the years to my builds and this is one that I really and truly like the way this one is turned out this is really nice they can still do this I don’t know why they want to go that way but they want to cut across I know the

Warehouse is there and I’ll have to figure something out when this is a level five I will try and figure something out about why they end up swimming but this worked out really really really Nice this is really really nice I love it so there we are and right here where we have this little entryway here we’re just going to have to put some walkway that comes up to this past this house and right here comes down down the walk right here you have another Fisher

Where this no Davis has always been here that’s one of the couriers see The Courier that’s a courier bringing him either bringing him a new fishing rod or um getting his fishing rod repaired for him probably taking it to have it repaired but there’s Davis right here and the people you

See are the C see that I don’t know why they want to do that but that’s how they want to go isn’t that weird that’s sh that’s something going on with Shire and they’re both going to do it who now she actually got hurt that time did she

Fall she did something wrong there and actually got hurt ter I don’t know why you guys have gotten into doing this it’s almost as though they’re stuck see this all right let’s do something for a second I’m going to put I’m going to have to put something here this is the shy build

Right here that’s doing that but for a little while I’m going to put a fence along this line here it’ll go away when um when they start um when they build up this but I’m going to put this right here and see if I can stop

Them from taking this way across here I see that piece right there let’s take this away until this is finished that little piece right there see this right here where it comes down in here should I go ahead and fill it I think I will let’s just fill this part right

Here and let’s I would have to have this come down right in this spot here I’m trying to get them to stop going over top of the top of this and I think this the fence is the only thing that’s going to stop them from doing that I need a fence to come

All the way up to here let’s get this part to not be that high there I don’t know how this is going to be I’m just trying to stop them from using this as a normal path and I think this might do it and there we

Go so and then down here like this so it’s not an easy thing to do now so we’ll see what happens with this it’s the time end it is you are correct I am out of time but I’m going to bring this part right over like this sorry guys right to

There and right like that all right let me see how terrible that looks it doesn’t look too bad let’s go to sleep for a minute nice lovely sand and then I am leaving it is the end and I do have to go but I just want to see what that

Looks like okay maybe that will stop them from thinking that they can just walk across here and jump in the water so we’ll see what happens when they start doing things today and we’ll look at that a little bit later the town hall is finished whoa the town hall is

Finished I see another balloon I see another balloon I see another balloon whoa look at This oh it’s nothing like what I thought look at this this is where the platform is uh-oh I see you I’m coming here I come let me bring this out to here and um he should be able to go up he should see that and we’ll see if he will here it

Is so there is um oh I made it that they can’t get up now they’re used to going up right here but that’s okay I’ll just have to do the whole thing up and stop it I’m just going to stay for a minute because I was looking at

This so let me fix that and he’s just resting right here this is the balloon platform right here and I’m looking at that balloon and we do have stuff that’s loaded right there and this is in fact the level five right here so here’s the interesting

Thing see where this is this part of the mountain didn’t come down isn’t that wild so it means that the town hall is behind this mountain thing here um say that again um put a sign saying warning this is a private Lake do not it’s not allowed to yes

Instagram yeah I do I upload all I upload game photos to my Instagram and so I do do that and so I ask um you all I ask you guys look at this this is it this is the town hall level five that can’t be level five is it level five let’s

See it’s a one it started over okay I’m glad of that it actually did start over MX sassa excellent I was afraid that it was going to build the five and I don’t know why it started over we had a town hall but I probably didn’t put it down I love this though

Isn’t this gorgeous look at this so This is actually the level one one and let me take a second for a minute I’m looking at chat um it depends on what is happening the Fisher was a woman no not here you’re thinking of aana who is not the Fisher she has the

Plantation the sugar Plantation that is right next to that and that’s what you’re thinking of so when we go down here um this is the Fisher right here but right here right here is the sugar farmer and I think that’s what you’re thinking of and that is aana right here

That’s her right there and uh over here is Davis on this side right here and and um yeah um I was wondering why it why it didn’t have any colors to it why it looks like it’s under construction and I really like that so the building’s under construction and

This is a construction platform for the town hall and I love it this is my thing and I’m going to say um I’m going to say this um ZF and Massa and Mr villager should I take down this wall should I take down this piece right

Here that is directly in front of the Town Hall see it right there should I take that down that whole piece down it close to the Plantation looks like a shipwreck let’s keep it um it’s actually where the um sea uh the seaweed Farm is going to go so it’s going to be

There for a little bit until we get the seaweed Farm going um Massa are you saying yes I should take down that wall take down that wall so we’re going to take this whole piece down and and Mr villager is saying it really looks exotic look at what it looks like that

Is quite fascinating Massa look I’m so happy it’s doing the level one that’s the level one and we need a level three I think in order for the kids to be able to um have the educ that they need so we’re going to have keano continue and keano is here

Upgrade the building and but this is the the way it looks right now at least just the higher part or at least uh very aggressive [Laughter] cut yeah it is going to hide some things it definitely is um right now and I love this I just love that

This looks like that this building is under construction and that just works out so nicely and this is beautiful this um building that’s being built right here I love the way that looks and there is a platform here where this balloon is landing and we’ll have to see what

Happens in the long run um if that is the balloon platform we think it is we’ll see as time goes on now that it’s clear that we’re not um actually uh building the level five which I’m actually kind of glad about so right here see this part right here this

Is one of the hallways and it comes down the stairs here right here isn’t this nice and there is this part of the town hall right here you liked a lot of the cliff Town Hall the interior in level one looks a bit like Shire builds

Yeah except it’s on the hill which is nice actually they would kind of go together the Shire stuff but I like this there’s our Bakery right next door we’re supposed to put something on this side right here probably a flower shop or something we’re going to put some

Something like a flower shop or something there for the people who are coming out um the bakery see where the bakery is and see where that walk is right there so we’ll probably turn this walk and have it go up at a like a ramp to meet this walkway right here and that

Will work for this and yeah I think um I think um Mr villager that we are going to follow Massa and um see see how it is the feeling of walking close to the big rock oh H yeah that is kind of interesting isn’t it that is curious It’s like being in

The Grand Canyon or something okay well we’ll we will see how it works out um as this continues to be built and um this is going to be really interesting to see what happens with that and then this side is going to come around and somehow come down to there

And people are going home from work oh no AAR what’s wrong with you um let’s come down to airus she’s not feeling good let’s come down here and let’s recall her there she is she’s going to the doctor I recognize that yeah I know yep I knew it she

Collapsed she collapsed on that on that thing um you have a good afternoon and night zap is going away atio um uh afist thank you for being here and thank you for the wonderful idea thank you so much that was lovely and um a and thank you I send you

Hugs as well and here we go um it’s it’s actually after the time that I’m usually supposed to be here so we are a little over time and I think I’m going to stop right here since saf is leaving Mr villager oato thank you for being here and um it’s always fun

When you’re here Massa m Mercy Bou Mercy thank you for being in both streams today and um enjoy your games everybody and enjoy watching all the other Gamers Abu Massa see you all tomorrow um thank you everyone who watches here we go music music I hear music bye O

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Meditation with the Minecolonies Mod Cliffs Style’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2024-01-05 11:09:50. It has garnered 42 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:43 or 11983 seconds.

– Strange Day – In Prasino, looking at Guardians Rock and planning for the future while waiting for builds in the village that will allow for children. In Rosa Ouro, A new bridge is built to cross the Narrows River and Keanu moves to the next stage of building the Cliffs Town Hall.

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  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

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  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

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  • Lava Craft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

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  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

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    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

    Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!Video Information for Bruh Bruh did it ever end it never ended no it ended definitely ended did it ever end it never ended nope definitely ended for oh yeah it’s slpi toggle SE in 3 minutes what’s your IGN yeah I know what ended Peter very sad yo we got two tabs that’s two columns yeah two columns how do I do backwards momentum you you uh here here let me let let me do it let me do it I got you I got you hold up so you go to this front of the block right all… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

    Unbelievable Nether Adventure - Ep. 4Video Information for all right welcome back everybody we are back with some more monumental experience I need to make myself a Lobby screen or a starting screen where I’m talking and yet you could still see the game and I I haven’t done it yet I’m just too [ __ ] fat and lazy um I keep saying I want to do that but I don’t but anyway how how’s everybody doing um we are going to try and get a little bit of create done today uh it kind of depends on what we have to make first… Read More

  • Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!

    Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Water Bending In Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:54:10. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. Latest Versions Java or Bedrock Server ip: Discord Invite: Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More