Ultimate City Shop Makeover – Insane Minecraft Stream!

Video Information

Hello hello hello everybody Welcome on in welcome welcome how are you all doing today sorry if I sound a little stuffy I’m still getting over my my cold that I have but we’re here we’re vibing today um if you notice things might be a little bit different today we are back

In the Cozy stream world today so not the chill survival world this is our longterm stream world that we’ve been working on for about a year and a bit now so we’re going to be working on uh some of the shops today over here decorating them decorating the exterior decorating the

Interior again and it is going to be a really really fun time if some of you are not familiar with this world this is the world that we started on stream on YouTube over a year ago so if you go into the live Tab and you see the very

First VOD it is this house that we built right here let me just land really quickly it is that house right there that we built on stream over a year ago and since then we have been uh working in this world for over a year now uh we

Moved it over to twitch but we’re slowly bringing just a couple streams back here and there so this is the world that we’ve been working in uh you can see it’s got a lot of progress uh made to it but also a lot of things to be done

Still so let me just like do a quick little fly around as we all settle into the stream today how are you all doing happy Monday it is December now I hope uh hope you’re all getting festive if you enjoy us celebrating the holidays and stuff hope you’re all doing well

With that excited to watch the stream we getting some work done heck yeah love it love how we’re all being super productive today Jade welcome on in my coffee dehydrated me same I literally I have a water that I need to start sipping because I had two cups of coffee

This morning and I feel quite dehydrated as well this is my first time seeing this world because I normally watch your silent long plays looks so beautiful oh thank you so much Aaron I appreciate it and thank you for watching those long plays as well that storage area is so

Cool it is one of my favorites so let me uh let me fly into that again really quickly I’ll show you all some like cool things that we have in this world if some of you have not seen um any of the progress we do stream on Twitch so if

You do exclamation point twitch there’s my channel over there you can follow me as well that’s where most of the work is done in this world um but this is our little storage area there’s an auto sorder here this is for mostly Our Big Blocks that we have um so like all of

The gravels the stones some of the wood types we still have a lot more storage to expand on but everything is Auto a atic you go up here you toss in the dirt it funnels through this system and it funnels into the place where it needs to

Go it’s really cool really cool so we’ve got that we’ve got an auto sugar cane Farm over here which I I was afking a little bit at this morning I don’t think I got too much sugarcane we depleted most of it cuz I haven’t been working in

This area recently so that’s kind of a problem because we need more Rockets today but let me gather what I can from here that’s that’s a little bit should get us through today love the map overlay it is uh I think it’s called Zero’s world map so

There’s mini map and world map and they work together so you can have the little overlay in the corner and then you can have the big uh the big map to view as well very very nice azy welcome on in so nice to see you and speaking of which

Azy is uh A’s the person who uh recommended it to me and we’ve been using it since definitely need to hydrate infinite sick no for real for real I’m going to hydrate right now and you all should too happy Monday and happy December indeed indeed I might make a tea later

Might make a tea later we’ll see but for now we are chilling we are chilling okay so I’ve got a little bit of paper we’re going to have to see if we can uh get some Gunpowder as well before we get started cuz stack of rockets isn’t going to do

Much for me so this is the area that we’re going to be working on today we’re going to uh decorate we have to work on the exterior for some of these shops actually you can see that they’re not very well decorated yet um we’ve been working on this giant creeper tower for

About I would say two weeks now but it’s one stream a week so this is a creeper tower that we’ve had in this world for about like I mean since like I don’t even know the beginning of this world and we’re finally starting to decorate it into this like really moody Castle

Except it’s kind of cottage core so we called it Cottage Corridor like Mordor love it love it my laugh is uh so unhinged today because of my cough that I still kind of have I’m feeling a lot better though feeling a lot better uh let’s get a little bit of gunpowder if

We have some it doesn’t really work well even though we’ve been in this area you have to AFK really high okay we’ve only got 41 but that should that should do do has this single uh has this been single player uh this whole time this world yes this world has been single

Player this whole time what’s the vibe here what’s the vibe what do you mean uh what’s the vibe for this world or all right let’s make some Rockets we’ll put this gunpowder away we have a a little bit more here for today if we need it but I don’t think we have

Much sugar cane That’s okay though I’m one of your biggest fans uh so nice to meet you oh thank you so much I appreciate it and welcome on in hope you’re having a great day The cold took your lungs out oh absolutely it’s been like about a month

Now I’m feeling a lot better but like I cannot believe it has hung around oh look at all this paper I can’t believe it’s hung around this long it’s actually been so brutal feeling a lot lot better this week though all right so the vibe for this world is this is

Just like a world that we have been working on on stream for about a year and a half now just over a year and a half and it’s kind of just been a collection of a collection of like mind and chats thoughts and ideas there’s some unfinished stuff but I think that’s

Kind of like the fun in it there’s um it’s just a mish mash of what are we doing today chat I don’t know let’s figure it out and then just building whatever we see fit so there’s a lot of mess but there’s also a lot of like cool

Stuff if you look past the mess it’s uh it is coming together though we have a lot of projects on the go right now I think that’s the problem so right now we’re just kind of trying to finish it up so basically like right now our main projects have been this

Giant City Center that we’ve been kind of working on for a little bit um we’ve got this area which we’re going to be working on today it’s it’s getting there I think we can complete most of this today it’s shop fronts you can see we’re going to have to add more to it

Afterwards and then we’ve got like some more like fleshed out areas like this little town by our storage center our farmlands pretty good we’re slowly adding on to the Farmland but it’s all it’s all pretty clean right now it’s kind of yeah it’s kind of like a cross between Community suggestion and

Like I like let’s say I say I want to build a wool Farm today and then we all just kind of like toss ideas into the bin and see what works as we go along it’s super fun super super fun I only dream of creating a world

Like that Harbor towns are my favorite oh my gosh my favorite as well honestly so nice yeah don’t forget to like the stream everybody uh if uh you’re enjoying the stream I know we just started but if you enjoy it please hit that like button because it really

Really helps out the reach on these streams um um so another thing just just a little bit of just a little bit of uh little bit of Maintenance here this morning not really maintenance but I also have a second channel so if anybody is interested in watching anything that

Is not Minecraft related there are some minecrafty things on there like me and blown have done a run of off of the diversity map so if you are all interested in checking any of that out we also played Lethal company the other day I think you have to do uh second

Channel I got a command for it SEC yeah second Channel there we go go check it out hit that subscribe button if uh if you’re interested in any content that’s like not so much Minecraft related just just a place for us to all like kind of hang out try to

Try new games all of that stuff so cool and your style is just so cute oh thank you so much I appreciate it hi how you doing I’m doing great so nice to see you Katie how are you doing today we had a really um really fun weekend we actually played the new

Fortnite update all weekend and well all day yesterday cuz that’s when it dropped and it was so so fun I can’t wait to play more today probably uh sometime after stream today when Big Tiny duck gets home we’re going to play a little bit more fortnite after dinner we’re

Going to be having tacos tonight as well and it’s going to be a very good time I’m very excited so let’s start off by fixing this window cuz that was not built right the first time around uh oh there we go ow oh wait there’s a window there didn’t even notice didn’t even

Notice your lethal company video was so fun I’m so happy you enjoyed it it was honestly really fun to film that that game’s very very scary but like in the best way possible I think the chaos makes it less scary in some ways it makes it more like tolerable to play

Whereas like don’t get me wrong I love games like phasmophobia and stuff but it is so scary that like I’m almost crying by the end of it you know but I think lethal company has like the perfect mix of scary like jump scares but also just

Like humor to kind of like really cut the edge a bit glad you’re feeling better enough to stream definitely need a chill drift time after the workday I’ve had oh I hope I hope all is well Jody hope all is well and yeah we’re definitely here to chill today we’ll

Hang out for a couple hours hopefully uh that helps you relax and stuff I feel like I need this too it’s been about I missed last week’s stream so it’s it’s been a haot minute since we’ve done this you know definitely have been uh missing you guys for

Sure so I think the best thing to do is kind of continue decorating the exteriors of these shops this one’s already done I finished that one up I really like this exterior I think it looks super cute so that one’s done we don’t really have to worry about it uh these are all

Done and I think what we just got to do now is kind of work on these ones and chip away at them and we’ll we’ll see where we get we’ll see where we get so I’m going to start off uh with this warped woodh house I don’t know what

This one will be cuz maybe it could be like a nether shop you know what I mean it could it could like sell shroom lights and stuff like that so this one is a potion brewing shop we don’t have to worry about that today so we’ve got

This one all sorted out that one’s already done I’m kind of thinking like nether related Goods so you could do shroom lights like Vines we could have like the vines in pots or like growing under green lights not green lights Greenhouse lights whatever they’re called but we could do something kind of

Like um kind of in that style I think would work it’s a little bit of a narrow shop but we’ve still got space we’ve still got space to work with can’t do scary games way too much of a chicken no I feel it I can only do

Scary games now if I’m like playing with friends cuz I I feel the same way where I’m like I’m too scared to do this on my own I can barely play in the Nether and the caves without freaking out okay Minecraft is scary though agree right

Like we talk about I feel like we all can collectively agree on that and we’ve talked about it before where we’re all big babies when it comes to this game but you know what this game can be scary sometimes it really can just going to lay a trapo literally

Right here so I can put that there have some light the baby and I are loving the stream a William I hope you’re both having a wonderful day that is so sweet so sweet shroud how’s it going so nice to see you Zion nice to see you as well

You just made a very good suggestion oh my gosh I may have missed it what did you suggest definitely recommend some hot early uh Earl Gray and lemon okay we do have Earl Gray I might I might make an Earl Gray soon might make an Earl

Gray soon all right we’re going to need a floor I feel like Nether Bricks is the way to go with the flooring in here it’ll be dark it’ll be moody you know I don’t really have many Nether Bricks though might have to go get some unless we probably have some

Honestly at our base let’s see yeah we’re going to have to go get some I think we might have some in our old storage you’re a major scared scaredy cat in the nether oh yeah no Like Anything Could Happen though it’s the problem with the nether I find is that

Just like there’s so many things that you have to be aware of and you have to be able to to move quickly where like if if you have like one misstep you could go into lava a gas could get you you know there’s just so many things that can happen and it’s too

Scary too too scary okay we’ve got some bricks here that we could use that would work for our flooring I think yeah I think that’s fine I do need these walls try searching fantasy Harbor Style on Google it’ll actually give you some ideas on the builds o yes I will I will

Cuz I’m looking to um thank you for that suggestion suggestion by the way cuz I’m still looking to fill in this area and as well as the back right there so when we um kind of complete the next phase of building I’ll definitely have to look at that Minecraft is a psychological horror

Sandbox game no for real azy I actually like kind of have to agree on that one truly is just passing by to say hi I like the stream cuz there’s no electrical power in my area I’m on energy saving mode oh no I hope your power comes back up soon thank you so

Much for popping in by the way I hope uh hope everything’s okay with the power shortly it’s nothing worse than that H welcome on in how you doing you’re here and ready for the nether okay shroud so maybe what you can do is you can be like you can give advice on

How we decorate this shop then I feel like you can be the advice giver for this let me just go around to the other side cuz the Warped wood I don’t think I want actually you know what windows on either side of this one might be cool I

Feel like we’ve got to do like a purple window or something with some shroom lights for the upstairs though I think that would be kind of neat some of these shops we kind of have to like not cheese it but like they are a little bit more tricky to decorate

Because they’re so small they go they they look good together aesthetically on the on the exterior but interior wise like they can be a little bit of a challenge but we did manage with these ones like these ones ended up looking pretty cool and the last uh stream that

We did on YouTube we did like this barber shop and stuff so cute uh the window or the mirrors amazing shout out Azie for that one and we got like a ton of uh really cool suggestions for what we should place in there we did the uh

The plant shop so I want to do something similar to this but with like nether uh foliage and stuff I think that would look really cool can we have a spooky scary fast stream soon I was thinking about that cuz I was talking to Sev about how we

Haven’t played games in a while I don’t think probably not not enough time during the winter months like December but definitely we want to get back into playing some scary games for sure that is uh that’s definitely not out of the question okay I need some

Lanterns however I think I want to I might just grab some wait wait wa wait I think I have some at the creeper Tower if not we can go get get some from our villagers are you able to play in stream as a full-time job I am very grateful

And lucky to be able to stream this and play this as my full-time job yes I am busy every day of the week making content for you all and I couldn’t do it without everybody’s support you all are just like the best for watching all this

Stuff just just a big thank you big big thank you wandering Trader Joe’s oh my gosh that is such a good name that is such a good name for a grocery store no I feel like we’re going to have to make that we are going to have to

Make something like that oh that’s so good I’ll give you some guides when uh traversing in the nether don’t stop running if you do block yourself in a wall or dig two blocks deep I think that’s very good advice just never stop moving cuz as soon as you start move

Stop moving something’s going to get you something will indeed get you all right we’re going to need I feel like a warped door would look cool there I never really use the Warped doors to be honest I need to go get more warped wood though so what thank you so much I

Appreciate it I hope uh hope you’re doing well Mrs dark fairy welcome on in it’s so nice to see you azy you just had waffles what did you have anything on the waffles like did you have syrup whipped cream waffles are great I love like real waffles but I

Also love fake waffles like EG waffles so good as well so good love your other channel it’s basically 20 minutes of you screaming at all the all the stuff trying to kill you Jody I’m so glad you like it we are like block down is doing

A lot more content as well you may have noticed that we’ve done a lot of collaborations um definitely check out his channel as well but it it has been so fun I haven’t had that much time to play other games recently so I’ve I’ve been trying to kind of get back into

That and it has just been such a treat I think I’m also going to try to do some more like cozy games on there like Dave the diver and stuff I would love to give that game a shot um so definitely keep an eye out for that stuff as well what

Kind of shutters would look good on this let’s see we’ve got not Oak it’s got to be maybe Crimson if we have Crimson wood though oh yeah we do I don’t know maybe Mangrove might be a good one as well I need to get a crafting table there’s one

Here let me pick that up quickly you seven gleam be no absolutely I feel like we’re the dynamic duo for the uh for Faz or not the dynamic duo that’s two people Dynamic Trio why not put rockets in your offand honestly anytime I do I usually just end

Up like they just end up getting wasted cuz I’m always like accidentally firing them off like that so I usually just keep them keep them in my inventory we need a type of window in here I feel like H trying to think I think maybe like not brown maybe gray or black

Stained glass and then having glow lights behind would be kind of cool I know I have some black stained glass over here what got you into becoming an online Creator oo that’s a good question honestly I’ve always really enjoyed kind of like streaming and stuff I used to

Stream a long time ago very casually um like on Twitch and stuff before I started this Channel and then uh when pandemic happened I ended up just like kind of putting more time into Minecraft really falling in love with it and just kind of making content because I was

Like I just really wanted to give it a shot and it it just ended up working out and I ended up really really enjoying it it was very like SA fine and very rewarding so yeah it it’s just always been something that was like kind of

Kind of one of those hobbies for me that just turned into into what it is now I finally went into the nether after 300 days in my world and it’s literally the first time I didn’t die I’m very proud yo that that is awesome honestly

The amount of times that I have died and that I still die in the nether is just like it’s a wild amount I think I need shroom lights chat I think I might actually legit need to go into The Nether very quickly my uh my elytra is almost done too been flying

Around a ton so maybe what we do is we go to the end very quickly and then we go into The Nether grab some stuff for our shop and then we uh we continue working on this also that Crimson that’s just too bright we’re going to have to

Switch it to something else I’m thinking maybe dark oak the Crimson with the uh the warped wood is just a little bit much the terrific Trio I like that Lisa I like that good evening from Germany Thomas welcome on in how are you doing I hope you’re having a good

Evening loads of melted butter on waffles quick and easy uh these were packet waffles in the toaster azy nothing beats melted butter on waffles so true so so true that and then like get a little bit of syrup if you have it if you you have it very good white

Paines could be cool too Acacia trapo could be nice as well it’s got the gridlike pattern that’s true it does have it looks a little bit like um it looks very industrial Abby welcome on in how you doing happy to catch a stream for a little bit little bit before I have to

Go to work well I hope work goes well for you thank you so much for popping in netherite Armor Plus Fire Resistance potion makes you almost Invincible that is true that is very true we do have our netherite now so that’s good all right let’s pop into here really quickly and

Repair our elytra um our tools look pretty good should be okay snow welcome on in how you doing lurk in time no worries J Frost hope uh your lurk goes Well my inventory is about to fill up with all of these uh let me turn this down really quickly it gets so loud let me let me save you all pretty much fully healed look at that all right we’re good going to have to change the game

Sound really quickly for you all again so it’s not silent for the rest of this stream Barry welcome on in so nice to see you Merry Christmas season how you doing lately doing real good absolutely vibing um been really really busy lately uh getting over a little bit of a cold

But feeling so much better and just like just vibing this uh weekend was uh one of the first weekends that felt very like I guess like holidayish it just I don’t know there was something very cozy about this weekend I think also because we were really excited for the fortnite

Update so we woke up early to play that on Sunday and it was just the most fun we played all day yesterday I had such a blast and yeah it just like it kind of reminded me of like being excited for like a midnight release of a video game

Which I don’t think I’ve like the last game I remember doing that for is maybe like Fallout 4 it’s been a long time since I’ve had that much hype about a game and it was like super fun add maple syrup proper stuff to not flavor but that ends up uh being sweet

Sweet on sweet so I saved that for pancakes no that’s totally fair totally fair oh no why why do I always Panic here I need to stop panicking stop panicking that could have been very bad I have died in this very specific biome right here before as well and it was not

Good I think that was the time that I literally almost cried and uh Roo was luckily like on stream and helped me get all my stuff back it was wild I think that’s actually a VOD on my channel somewhere I don’t remember which one it is though but that

One that was a terrifying terrifying time just going to try to be as careful as I can cuz if that happens again we’ll be in a lot of trouble today chat we’ll be in a lot of trouble there we go okay we got five so far I would like

A couple more there’s one that fell down hopping on while I eat lunch then it’s off to a blood work test so wish me luck Cloud so nice to see you I hope it goes well good luck you got this and I hope uh hope everything’s

Okay all the Taco waffles I think I’m going to have to make pancakes for lunch honestly I do have some waffles in the freezer that I might might have to grab honestly might have to grab okay it’s very dark in here and I think that’s cuz I took away most of

The most of the shroom lights around there there’s a couple trees over here that I can I can get though my launcher is crashing every time I want to join a server or single player and my Autumn world is corrupted oh no I’m so sorry to hear that oh

No honestly I was a little bit nervous streaming today cuz I mean like I’m literally okay there’s no Enderman around me I’m literally knocking on wood right now cuz I got the windows blue screen on the weekend it was while I was uh playing the OG season of fortnite while

They were like installing the uh the big old chapter like end of the chapter so hopefully that’s what it was but I panicked I was like oh my gosh if my PC goes so I was like a little bit nervous to stream today I was like What if I

Blue stream blue screen while I stream pray for me chat pray for me please okay we got 17 that should be good I would like to go home I’m scared cozy nether vibes cozy uh nether Long play with commentary I still remember the nether portal breaking that was a time that’s

So funny cuz that was also a separate incident too another separate incident I think that’s happened twice now I think that’s why I have this wall here got any recommendations for new or aspiring creators honestly I always like say like make the content that you Vibe with and also experiment with other

Different types of content you see that a a lot with um a lot of creators you can see that we all try like different formats out to see what you like and what you don’t cuz you never know unless you try so like I always think it’s

Worth trying like a let’s play maybe it’s worth trying like a long play or like even even a 100 days format I say experiment but also like try try your best obviously to keep true to your style um but your style will also evolve over time you know you’ll find that you

Like your your content does natur invol like evolve but it’s it is always important to experiment but within the Realms I guess of your uh your style and stuff the nether smells like a warm and toasty marshmallow I beg to disagree I feel like it smells like just like Ash

And just like not great not great my heartbeats too I was a little bit scared in that moment I honestly thought maybe I would have uh I was going to mess it up what happens if I actually cover it like this and then we do the one thing is I hate that like

That t- shape attachment we’d have to do like full glass or something plus it doesn’t really look like anything maybe if we did dark oak actually no that wouldn’t work either cuz it’ll attach to this trying to think of something trap doors trap doors would actually be good what if we

Did what do we got here I feel like the Savannah what’s it called The Acacia log could be kind of cool I think I cleaned some of this up though I got to go get some of it there’s no such thing as cozy in the nether it’s just anxiety and Enderman

Noises for real and then once you hear the gas the gas it’s like all over it’s even worse still makes me be anxious when you go into The Nether without flint and steel after the incident you’re so right I feel like I have a chest nearby that

Has it but I’m not 100% sure I really do need to double check that Cass what’s going on so nice to see you hope you’ve uh had a good weekend and all that blue screen that’s pretty rare these days right it was really weird like it happened out of nowhere too and

I was like uh-oh is like my hard drive with my OS failing or something it was really weird and like I I honestly have experienced it with like an old laptop before and I was like okay like that makes sense like that thing was like really old it wasn’t functioning well

But this one was really weird azy I’m hoping it was just like a one-off when they were like kind of uploading all of the uh the stuff for the the end of the season update cuz it was kind of going on while the OG season

Was happening that day so I I kind of have a feeling maybe it was that got to head out now still need to do some paperwork no worries at all thank you so much Kaiser for hanging out I hope it all goes well and we’ll catch you later started my witch world found

An interesting spot and made my starter house has a witch hat roof we admit that you have inspired me to just keep trying new things thanks for that oh that makes me so happy if you have any pictures of that share it in the Discord for sure sure I would love to

See I always um I love fantasy builds like that I’m not too good at them myself I think I need to like kind of experiment with them a bit more and get better at them but I’ve seen builds like that with like witch huts and stuff and they look so cool so

Cool nether probably smells like sulfur and Ash that’s what I was thinking too Reaper Kitty that makes that makes the most sense all right let’s let’s make some dark oak fence smells like sulfur and Ash and that specific smell that a very hot and dry summer day has oh my gosh yes you

All are very good at like describing like descriptive words very good I must say okay I think that’s perfect that’s like Moody it’s good we’re going to have to add a little bit of detail up here obviously but that is the vibe so far I like that I like

That put a little Lantern there little Lantern moment and then we got to add some stuff here as well I’m kind of thinking maybe like H we could do like a big pot or something with maybe some of this stuff in it I don’t know if I have any bricks H I might

Burned popcorn’s a really bad smell it’s awful remind me to use candles for this build as well okay we’ve got small flower pots big ones we do not have is this a silk touch yeah it is okay I’m going to have to go get some

Clay I thought I had some in here oh we got one we’ve got one okay never mind my nether portal and my new save PO me right uh on top of a fortress you know what that’s a blessing and a curse now you don’t have to search for one because

I’ve had worlds where they’re like so incredibly far away but also who wants to deal with that when you’re first figuring that out the clay balls are right here they were there all along chat and we got tons of bricks here look at that look at

That all right so let’s try can that go in a pot I’m not 100% sure I feel like maybe I don’t know put that in there let’s see no you can’t I for some reason I thought you could put vines in there that’s okay though I wish I had some more like um

Shards to get decorations on it but for now because that’s very like very clay that’s just a big old clay pot is what I’m trying to say I wonder if you can put dark oak signs kind of surrounding it I don’t know if it lets you it does

Okay I like that that’s a little bit more detailed you know Acasa buttons yes definitely that’s a great idea let me get some buttons as well if there’s any uh sweet smell in the nether it won’t be from anything nice it’ll be the coin sweet smell of singing flesh that’s terrifying

Terrifying but you’re so right so right okay buttons we’ve got one there I want to do like a gate up there as well and then maybe like a little bit of detail on this some like uh let’s see do I have them in my inventory yes I

Do let’s get some dark oak fence probably do a couple pieces like this I would like a gate in here as well and then you know we got to get one on top too I need to remember to share my cozy nether builds uh to the Discord yes

Please you know what all jokes aside I always do love seeing like builds in the nether they’re wild like I don’t know how people do them either like we were working on one in our chill survival world and I’m so happy with it but like people do like massive stuff without

Ever having like a problem I’m like how do you do it I would die try using composters and fill them to the brim add some bits of Det details oh my gosh that’s a great idea all right we’ll see you later Kaiser thank you so much for that uh suggestion before you

Head out let’s do that actually that would be sick maybe like in this corner I like that actually all right let’s fill it with some seeds probably have some leftover seeds around here yes we do that’s swag uh drift the signs on the pot no for real I didn’t know that either

Oh no oh man I made bone meal instead I went I went a little bit too far with that we should use Spruce leaves for this build too I don’t use Spruce leaves that often anymore but like they do fit the vibe of this one I think the nether just smells like

Drifts fear so basically my sweat ew gross it’s nasty probably right though honestly there we go no oh okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine oh my gosh maybe we could have like another little pot here with like another mushroom yeah that’s cute we’re going to have to have like a

Sign here as well for what the shop is I think that’s looking cute so far I wish there are other types of mushrooms right I think it’s the the other uh fungus or whatever it’s called cuz two pots right here would be nice as well and then

Finally I need to get that gate in the top gates are it’s like this and then the sticks are on this side right yeah this is how we do it happy Monday drift in chat looking forward to Cozy Vibes to kick off the week a Chloe welcome on in so nice to

See seea thank you so much for popping by so down for all the Cozy Vibes today chat so so down so um actually yes I I I’ll so I’m going to it’s going to be no spoilers but but just so you all know next week maybe or

One of the coming weeks I might switch around the schedule a little bit I always I always um make sure that I put all of that info in the community tab I’ll let you all know but we all we always stream on Mondays here one of these December might be a Friday I’m

Just letting you all know now and then we’re going to be on Twitch on Monday instead I will let you know in the community tab just so you all get a heads up but it’s for reasons it’s for fun reasons don’t worry don’t worry that’s all I’ll

Say why is it taking me an hour to make a basic outline of a base I feel that I feel that I feel like I’m the slowest builder in the world but okay well it depends on what I’m doing too like especially if I’m talking to all of you

I get distracted so easily I mean that in like a good way though but like honestly I used to be like a little bit I guess maybe like self-conscious in some ways about how slow I build but at the same time like at the end of the day

If you’re having fun and you’re like you’re getting stuff done and you’re happy with it it really really does not matter doesn’t matter but I I do feel that I do feel that where it’s like wow I feel like some people can throw up builds in like

5 seconds and I’m out here like building one thing for like 1,200 days but it’s all about the process you know if you’re having fun it’s all good it is all good just going to do tiny bits of detail here like you can’t even really see the buttons but I think that

Works what about for this spot maybe like a little sign hanging over like this actually it’s too too close to one another whoa there we go what map mod are you using it is called Zero’s world map it is absolutely awesome highly recommend it all right I

Think this looks really good I’m going to add just a couple of pots to the flowers pots to the flowers to the pots and then we’re going to add in some uh Spruce leaves around as well what was the error when you crash sometimes it’s not enough memory or sometimes it’s a

Clashy mod oh are we talking about somebody else’s crash for a second I was like wait my blue screen all right let’s get some Spruce leaves in here boom boom boom maybe one here also just as a reminder so we are going to be starting our uh Christmas build

Uh on Friday in this world so that’s going to be over on Twitch so exclamation point twitch if you want to follow the progress of that we’re going to be building out a Christmas Village uh this time around so we did drif Miss Island last time which was

Super super fun and now this time we are going to be building up uh we’re going to kind of be revamping a villager uh like a village with villagers in the tundra and then adding some builds to it so if you want to follow along with that progress that’s

Going to be starting on Friday over on Twitch and it is going to be a hecking good time I’m very excited for it it’s going to be super fun let’s get both of these and then we can do knock this out I think this uh this shop yeah I think that’s enough detail

For this one that looks pretty cute we just need to add a little bit of leaves or not leaves sorry flowers to the pots and stuff but it’s pretty much good to go I think I’m happy with that one I do love the another but I haven’t

Built anything cozy in it in a while last time I built in there it was a farm uh it was to farm Charmander spawns and the cobon for a shiny that’s awesome I still need to play that mod it looks so fun first time watching your stream love

Your long plays what’s your least favorite building block oh that’s such a good question honestly I don’t know anymore I like a lot of them but I think if I had to choose honestly even though I just placed some down I think Nether Bricks might be one of my

Least favorites I feel like I don’t use them a lot because they’ve just got like a really weird texture I find it’s very hard to incorporate them into like gradients and stuff I would say maybe that one but who knows maybe once once I learn how to use them that might change

You know okay we’re going to need some Spruce so I’m going to go over to um the tiger forest nearby to chop some down let me grab a bed first just in case we’re going to need lots of spruce for today before I forget uh did you read

About uh the HC league as I said last stream this little town reminds me of the harbor districts in the cities that were a member in the league wait let me let me Google it again cuz that was another one that I completely forgot about I’m so sorry pan this is another good

Inso yes perfect okay I’m going to I have this I have this in my tab now and I’m going to take a look at it later I totally appreciate that welcome in R how you doing all right let’s go go over here and chop some tiger trees down that is a

Very tall tiger tree with no leaves what is that what the heck why did you hurt me I’m sorry shroud I’m sorry I just had to be honest I had to be honest Mangrove warped crimson and Cherry go really well with the nether brick see I I need to see people use it

Cuz it’s just like in my brain I cannot visualize it cuz I think it’s the texture of it it looks almost shiny but I totally believe it I feel like I’m I I haven’t quite figured it out yet you know what I mean Mar welcome on in how

You doing trying to texture some yellow and orange terracotta walls in my giant villager libraries any ideas I feel like I’m hitting my head against the wall trying to make it work so yellow and orange terracotta um the yellow what have I I usually use like honey blocks

It depends on like how big the areas I’ve used like honey blocks and Honeycombs for yellow terracotta and for the orange I always go with like the um the orange sandstone and also like the orange sand that provides a a lot of really nice texture all right let’s chop down a

Couple of these trees and then we should be good Brown’s in with the yellow and orange that too if you’re doing like a full-on gradient you could get some like um Brown concrete and stuff which honestly I never really use that much in my builds cuz it’s such a pain to make but

Brown concrete powder is like incredible it is such a good building block I honestly kind of forget about all of the concrete powders very often cuz they’re just like such a random block but they look very nice woo let’s grab these let’s replant them cuz I’ve been deforesting a lot of this area

Lately and let’s get a couple more trees chopped down didn’t even think of the Sandstone yeah that’s definitely one of my um one of my favorite things to texture with for sure although it’s been kind of a hot minute since I’ve done like a Sandstone terracotta roof I’m obsessed with Mangrove Mangrove is

Such a good block I just hate how annoying it is to gather but like recently I’ve been kind of like using it a lot more too it’s very fun some small areas like 1x3s and some really big walls like 10 plus so trying to find a good balance yeah I would

Definitely say uh try throwing in some of those like the thing with terra cotta is I find that it just needs some something with more texture to about balance it otherwise it looks super flat and I think those those blocks usually do a really good

Job got quite a bit of spruce which is good might grab some of these berries as well as plain old mushrooms oh no these not oh wait they’re going into my inventory they are they are let’s Shear these really quickly these are good decorational blocks oops and I think we’re pretty

Much good to go home we going to make a Christmas tree absolutely I think we’re going to do that in the uh Village that we’re working on on Friday for sure falling tree mod is amazing to Harvest Mangrove oh my gosh um I had that in better Minecraft what a game

Changer of a mod I loved it it was very nice to have all righty yeah that’s already The Mangrove shop is or not gr sorry the Warped wood shop is already looking so much better so much better very nice you know what to keep it simple

Hold on a second let me first before I get ahead of myself let me just like these are just a mess I’m going to try to organize it where like all of this junk is at the top and then I could do like this there we go

Before I forget though feel like two ferns at the top here would be nice on either side just simple should explore Alex’s caves I don’t know I feel like I had that pack in something recently and it was really cool or maybe that was Young’s better dungeons Poss Poss which was also a

Really cool one to have there’s there’s some really good really fun mods out there honestly I’m just going to put this bed down let me just close my curtain really quickly hold on a second starts uh getting pretty bright in here and I can’t see too well uhop Boop there we

Go there we go okay perfect so I think the exterior for this one’s all done I like it I think it’s cute it’s simple we’re good to go so this one I am going to do probably an acacia door I think that’s cute I don’t know what

This shop would be maybe like with the theme that we’ve got maybe desert Goods or something it looks a little bit like a little Villa you know it looks very similar in some ways to this I feel as though it could it could sell something like yeah desert Goods leaves not that

We’re going to be filling it with items it’s just kind of nice to plan out uh things for our interior so it all is kind of like working together I’m going to need a little piece of Mangrove to go at the very top cuz there’s a missing component

There I have to go get that though do you remember that uh mod we talked about a few days ago I tried it out it was hilarious you did oh my gosh how was it that’s hilarious oh my gosh Lisa Lisa what the heck with the five

Gifted memberships Lisa thank you so so much I really really appreciate that chat you know what to do you know what to do throw down all those big big swags for Lisa thank you so so much I really appreciate it and everybody who got a membership I hope you enjoy it courtesy

Of Lisa thank you so much that was very very kind it looks a like a little Cita I definit make a desert Savannah theme shop absolutely yeah EX exactly it’s kind of what I was thinking too um let’s get some Mangrove over there we’re going to need these barrels too I’m just

Taking some of this stuff just cuz we can just cuz we can once these are all decorated this front is going to look so cool I’m very excited all right so let’s get this right here and what I’m thinking is the roof kind of peels into this one

I don’t know if we need this piece here that was like the one awkward thing about building all of these together some of the roofs like Collide a bit and there’s like some awkward spots honestly something like that could maybe be kind of like fudged with leaves or something you know what I

Mean I’m thinking um for leaves for this one though we would definitely do Acacia I like the look of Acacia leaves they’re very like they look very like dry you know I think we do have some Acacia saplings around somewhere there’s some trees here Acacia leaves here we go jungle

Saplings Casa saplings in case we need them Bamboo qua trap doors got lots of lots of goodies around the base add the farmers Delight Mon and make it a taco shop oh my gosh Taco Shop that would be so cute the farmers Delight mod was such a treat to play

With on Castaways so good leaves fix everything they truly do they truly do like I’m thinking maybe even like right here is where we uh toss down some leaves they’re very vibrant looking I really like that Lisa with the five thank you so so much I really appreciate that chat you

Know what to do you know what to do throw down that big old swag in chat thank you so much I really appreciate it why do I think Cactus rabbit and dead Bush shop thank you for the Sandstone one ooh that would work for this one for

Sure yes you know what Cactus is a good shout as well for a decoration I kind of feel like this one doesn’t need an overhang rather we get like a pot here with like a cactus or some bamboo just to kind of show off what the

Shop is and we could also do something like H where are The Acacia trap doors I want like a stand of some sort but that looks a little bit goofy maybe we could do something like that with another pot on it perhaps if we have any more I know we’ve got bricks

Boom probably do have pot still oh wait no we don’t we didn’t have anymore okay do something like that and then next to it maybe an acacia sapling that’s kind of cute of course a little Lantern right here okay okay the mod was hilarious and seriously fun

You get player perks after uh after it all teleportation for emergencies faster healing all that cozy Jazz that’s actually hilarious that they included that that is so good all right let’s add another lanterns on the side here something like that and then for Windows honestly The Acacia trap doors

Are good but we have them kind of like for the planter as well so that might be a little bit too repetitive I’m thinking maybe glass for this one anyway just like white stained glass perhaps keep it kind of simple you know cuz we have a lot of texture going on

Already so sometimes it’s nice to just keep things a little bit more simple same look like right here maybe something like that with we have any Spruce fence although I don’t think the spruce fence is going to work because this one is on the top layer of the um of the block

Uh let’s try I need Spruce whoops I need some Spruce slabs and I got rid of them out of my inventory did I unb you uh from the Discord oh my gosh I’m so sorry I forgot I will have to look into that is it the same username that you have on YouTube

Maybe a lamp o where about should we put a lamp I Love Lamp I would love to see in the future more like lighting opportunities for uh Minecraft I mean we’ve gotten some like really cool ones with like frog lights and stuff but those are Big Blocks I

Would see I would love to see like different styles of lamps and stuff you know also you know what I forgot about I forgot about Soul lamps that would have looked good with that shop we can still add them though I think this is looking cute

Though this light needs to go I feel like having a lamp on the side here would look better if we could somehow hang it we could see if we hang it with um a lever or something it’s too low though maybe we forgo that it’s a very like small space that’s a

Problem my first life as a channel member let’s go big swags welcome on in I hope you’re having a great day you were about to say stained glass let’s go yeah that’s starting to come together I think we need like possibly a pot or something here with some

Leaves so we can do this if we have dead bushes anywhere that works really well as like um the branch and then some Acacia leaves to go with it I think would be really nice I’m going to trim this a little bit solely for the reason where if you look

At it from like far away having like two leaves here and then two leaves down here is going to look a little bit goofy so we’ll trim that put these two here and then H I am going to have to fix this up though I think if I move rearrange the leaves

Up top it’ll be fine the white works so nice yeah I think so too I think it complement like um the colors we got going on there really well that doesn’t work maybe if I break this how’s that looking it’s like a little bit better and then we could kind of

Place something here that will make basically what we need is an imaginary stop as to why these leaves have stopped here I think that’ll work though you know what I mean if they’re if they’re just kind of stopped there like for no reason it doesn’t make sense

It looks like they’re floating but if we create an imaginary border such as like like um something similar to this like the uh fencing that we have there it’ll work a bit better I’m kind of thinking for this one we go um Oak trap doors for shutters instead because we have two of

Kind of like similar window decorations going on which I don’t mind but if we did a third I think it would look again a little bit too repetitive so we got to break it up a little bit use a gate for the window to hold up the

Trapo awning over the window trap door awning over the window wait let me reread that let me reread that use a gate for the window the problem is this chat’s delayed so I’m like wait which window are we talking about also oh my gosh Ian tootes what the what the heck tootes

Thank you so much for the 20 chat you know what to do you know what to do throw down the big big big swags in chat thank you so so much Ian I really appreciate that tootes I hope you’re doing well it’s so so nice to see

You homie and thank you so much I was so so kind I really appreciate it really really appreciate it chat you know what to do throw down all those big big swags big swags I was going to do that but I think having them like closed makes more sense

Cuz that’s like the stopping point here jeez tootes homie I don’t know if you’re sticking around for uh very long I know you’ve been super busy with uh work lately but I hope you’re doing well hope you’re doing well and it’s so nice to see you okay what I was talking about before

With the stopping point I think that kind of works with those shutters maybe we could get like another another one going down like this I don’t know if that’s too awkward it’s like very maybe just two I know I’m overthinking it as well two like that and then we could do

Something here I think right now just like this one lacks balance because it’s so flat and then once we add more detail to this one it’ll be okay I think that’s kind of the vibe right now so dou a question how you feel about Terraria well that’s a good question

Because I actually was planning on doing a playthrough of Terraria cuz I’ve never given it a fair shot it’s so funny we were talking about that on stream on Friday where a lot of us have like seen Terraria gameplay and we’ve all tried it once or twice but the general consensus

Of chat last week was like I don’t know what’s going on with that game but I’m willing to learn I was going to um I have it on my list of games that I’d like to for my second Channel which I’m going to going to throw that down again

If you do exclamation point second Channel that’s where I do uh other other types of games I play through other types of games so if you want to if you want to check that out that that one’s on the list I’d like to give it a proper

Shot for sure you’re here cooking dinner what’s on the menu tonight what is on the menu tonight maybe extend it over the roof that is so smart maybe let’s do that maybe we’ve got to you’re so right we’ve got to go up not not down it’s quite hard I’ve heard that

It’s uh it is pretty tricky of a game but there’s like so many good tutorials and stuff online I feel like I feel like I could maybe figure it out maybe I’m being a little bit too hopeful too though let’s let’s be real can you see that you kind of can I

Feel like being able to see these leaves you can kind of visualize it going up and around maybe that’s the trick and then here what I wanted to do was add some Acacia signs to the top as well oh you know what I’ve got I’ve got an

Idea I’ve got the idea that will solve all this I’ve got the idea in my brain right now so what we can do is this this this maybe or we can just do it for that one yeah that looks a little bit too awkward that works sometimes on like the sides

Of houses but for that one it’s like too much oh no I really I really done did it didn’t I chat let’s just grab those maybe we’ll do this instead I think that work works there we go I think that works a little bit better maybe and then we’ll

Add some like details and stuff to here cuz I was planning on anyway uh one up here got a couple buttons just for a little bit of extra detail maybe can I place them here no you can’t maybe one here and then pasta with me meat sauce nice that sounds

Delicious we had pasta last night with mushrooms um we also bought like truffle salt because we would like to cook with truffle however like we were talking about it I was like I don’t know how much to use how little to use and we didn’t want to mess it up especially cuz

Truffle is very expensive so we found truffle salt to cook into our pasta last night and it was very good it was like kind of like a cream sauce um with truffle salt mushrooms and some zucchini and it was delicious definitely we’ll make that again I think tonight we’re having tacos

Though definitely later on before Big Tiny duck gets home I got to uh prep some of the ingredients for that how out I need to focus on work have a a great diet chaos stream no worries shroud I hope work goes well for you and we’ll see you

Later thank you so much for popping by I appreciate it okay I think keeping it simple like that works I was asking this question to uh Minecraft players cuz a lot just say it’s 2D Minecraft they are very similar but I don’t think that’s like a bad

Thing you know I think some people kind of like rip on that the idea that they’re like very similar but I mean there’s so many games that exist that have very similar Vibes but are also very different I think that just means that there’s more of a chance that if you

Play something like that you might enjoy it you know so it’s like if you like Minecraft chances are there’s another game out there for you you know I’m terrible at building how do you do it honestly building can be so so like I guess like frustrating in a sense

When you’re trying to learn it but um honestly practice there’s lots of great tutorials on YouTube uh I know shout out to one of my homies Sev she does uh some tutorials on like really cute houses and stuff and just like a lot a lot of practice and kind of like working

Through the ugly I think my problem was especially in the beginning that I would start something be like this ain’t going to work and then like not understand why it wasn’t working even with this we power through ugly all the time like these were basically just like very

Basic boxes to begin with you can kind of see it with this one how it’s like very like once to add all the details and stuff in you kind of power through it it all works out in the end all works out unfortunately I have to leave I have

Another appointment soon no worries Thomas thank you so much for hanging out I appreciate it hope the appointment goes well yeah if you are enjoying the stream hit that like button really helps out the streams on YouTube Okay so this one I think the exterior is actually looking

Pretty good it’s kind of simple in a way but I really like it they’re all flowing together very nicely I think so I say we kind of continue on this path with the decorating that we’re doing no notes no notes what did we say this one would be like we were picturing

Desert Vibes this one’s like savan Vibes obviously this one would be more desert so Cactus is one of them we could do like a Sandstone awning here possibly actually I can’t really do an awning cuz I committed to that but you get the point we could add some like

Cute little sandstone stuff to it uh cactus cactus cactus cactus when’s the next fast stream oh my gosh second person to bring this up second person to bring us up I love it um we were just talking about that and I was thinking like I would say I would

Love to kind of um play around with some Faz in the new year for sure definitely although as much as as I would love to during like Christmas break and stuff there’s so much going on and there’s some planned content already so I think in the New Year oh gunpowder uh when

Everything’s like all sorted and done I think we should get into some Faz again it would be super fun also don’t forget in February my birthday’s coming up and we last year we did a really fun stream for that so keep an eye out for some uh maybe some birthday Shenanigans as well

You know I think we might have to go get some Cactus chat we are kind of close by a desert also what about like sea pickles and stuff I feel like sea pickles could be a Vibe as well I’m kind of thinking maybe we fly out to like the warm biome for a

Hot minute and just collect some stuff along the way what if we did like a little aquarium in here feel like we could fit something we could do it be careful if truffles less is better okay less is better truffles have a very strong taste that can easily overpower

Whatever else is in the dish that’s what we kind of figured we were like a little bit nervous to um to get the truffles I’m assuming what you do is you kind of like grate them with um was is it a microblade or whatever is it called a

Microblade we do have one of those now I found one on sale and it’s been a it’s been a game changer for like parm and even like grading grating garlic and stuff it’s been fantastic um very happy we got that but I’m assuming I would microplane that’s what it’s called microplane not

Microblade that’s something with eyebrows archaeology shop that’s such a good idea oh my gosh rocks and gems and fossils yes okay that’s a great idea I think lighting it with some like sea pickles and stuff would be kind of kind of a Vibe though like imagine okay in

Here we have like the Florine it’s such a small shop but like the Florine would have like sea pickles with glass over top so it’s like stuff that you could view within the floor almost like what if we did a fossil I don’t know if I

Could fit a fossil on the floor but that would be so cool uh let me get my bed wait is my bed here yeah bed we have all that paper where’d it go is it in the other chest I had like a ton somewhere and I’m going to need more

Food if we’re going to go out on a quick trip here’s some perfect we’re going to get tons of rockets even though I’m sure we’ll be fine and then I just got to feed the cows quick so we can get some more food and then we are good to

Go the herd is actually there’s a lot of cows in there but it’s looking a little bit thinned out accidentally ordered my boyfriend’s Christmas gift from an Etsy shop that’s located in in Ukraine first of all I hope you don’t get just absolutely hit with like Duty and like shipping costs

Really hope you don’t cuz that that can get quite pricey and I also hope it ships in time if that’s the case really hope it ships in time may be Daydream toots uh joins infinite drift in a fast stream toes when’s your birthday when is your birthday

See I thought you were like a fast en enjoyer in the sense that you liked watching I didn’t know you liked playing it too truffle slicer thingy that’s it is there actually like a a blade thingy for for slicing truffles though are you supposed to slice them but not grate

Them Max welcome on in how you doing oh yeah good point I don’t know if it would ship from you crane possibly if you have sea pickles in the floor why not put Coral in the fans in the floor as well yes that would be super cool as well okay we got some

Buckets we can absolutely do that the best thing I like to do in building is making another portal out of glass with purple and pink ooh that’s a Vibe I like that oh it’s January 31st nice another another winter baby in the chat let’s Go all right let’s get out of here 35 steak should be enough for our little mini trip that we’re going to do and of course let’s toss some of this in my bone meal machine since we don’t need it and we’re good to go all right let’s

Head out to a warm biome really quickly where we can gather up some stuff oh you slice off thin layers I see I see so the thin layers okay I have eaten it where it’s like sliced off thin layers but also like to cook it into

Something you could grade it so it kind of like integrates into the sauce right you’ll send off the birthday presents for your best friend this week I hope they’ll get there in time shipping from Germany to the US is slow but got some really good stuff for her

Oh that’s so sweet yeah I I wanted to like um ship some stuff to the UK but I’m not sure how one how much it costs and two how long it takes it really depends that’s also like the same thing with like ordering stuff from the UK

I’ve wanted to order from this brand called Lucy and Yak for so long but I know that duties can be very expensive if you get hit with them so I’ve kind of held off I’m great at giving um great ideas for the builds but I suck at actual building

Unless I wait about 4 months for me adding all the various details for that time no I feel that I feel that it’s all the details that really really get you I mean we built these um houses a couple months back and I’m only just getting to like detailing them now it’s

Wild sometimes I feel like you have to sit on stuff for a while too to be honest or at least I do anyway my sister’s pregnant in due uh in January she’s naming her baby Henry after our dad who passed away last year it’s so sweet I’m all for that name that

Is such a sweet sweet like gesture Reaper Kitty that is so sweet also congrats to your sister as well I hope uh everything goes well almost there we just got to go this way a little little bit I believe yeah and then we have that giant Mesa we’ve

Got warm ocean all of that stuff looks like a lot of us are winter babies in chat have a friend in UK send you uh the things as a gift wait if there’s something sent as a gift there’s no import duties is that how it works I didn’t know that that’s good to

Know top of the hour make sure you stretch and hydrate thank you so much for that for that reminder I’m going to hydrate right now before we jump into this ocean let me hydrate you all should too if you have uh some water and stuff oh the

Bunny February baby let’s go me too summer baby but winter is my favorite season listen I love winter too I don’t think it’s just cuz my birthday is in the winter I just genuinely like like the cold I don’t know like sometimes the um the time change can get to me where like

The sun set’s really early but then there was like days like yesterday where I was just playing fortnite all day and it was super cozy we put up our Christmas tree it was just like such a lovely time and the fact that it was like really gloomy out just made it so

Cozy we had some tea it was just nice you know I know it’s not always like that some days can be just kind of like but yesterday I really enjoyed it all right let’s grab some of these I’m assuming these fans have to be on the coral blocks to survive right I’m pretty

Sure we’ll grab a couple of these does the coral block have to be on anything to survive as well I don’t quite remember I usually use dead coral like as building blocks if anything so I don’t really use the live Coral as much the Starks were right yeah winter

Is coming I mean you know what I we actually we got a little bit of snow this morning just a just a little sprinkle just a little sprinkle nothing crazy I would I would like some snowfall though it’s more sad when it’s just like gray and gloomy no snow here or like

Rain oh that gets a little bit much just got to just get them to repack it and you’re all good I did not know that about gifts um labeling something as a gift that’s kind of nice that you don’t have to pay duties or anything on that heck

Yeah the fans just have to be on or in water the coral block has to be in water fans can be placed on water soaked uh water soaked leaves and survive okay sweet that works they can be on uh stair on stairs and then water log the stair

Okay well that’s a lot easier than I thought it was chat I think we’ve got a good amount let’s see got some fans got some stuff and then I want some more cactus cactus is kind of the thing that we’re missing in this equation I said duties she said doties she said

Doo Jag what’s going on so nice to see you I’m a summer baby too and I much prefer fall and winter let’s go I feel like we’re all very similar in that it’s kind of it’s kind of nice I like it all right let’s grab these

Guys also chat um I’ve got two fall long plays ready to go for you all um I might kind of schedule them kind of closer between cuz I was hoping to get a fall long not a fall a winter Long play out as well we’ll see though cuz I had them

I had them scheduled last week and I was like oh my gosh it’s already like December so I think I’m going to try to get a couple videos out to you all like a little bit earlier than I anticipated we’ll see I’ll I’ll still like schedule

Time in between them cuz I know they take a long time to watch but instead of weekly I might do like um I don’t know maybe maybe one at the beginning of the week and then one at the end of the week or something so just keep an eye out for those as

Well FR just had her first boy out of four girls on Wednesday oh my gosh congratulations his name is Jericho that is so sweet congrats to them I hope they’re all well Autumn Supremacy I’m so sad that I couldn’t go mushroom foraging this year how long is the season for mushroom

Forging that would be so fun to do I think there are spots in Ontario that you can find mushrooms I’m just not it’s not as popular here and I don’t think I’m smart enough to figure it out so is doing the manh hunt stream right now saw drift was playing and came

Over here oh welcome on in Haley I hope uh hope it’s all going well man hunt sounds very fun I don’t think I’ve ever done a proper Manhunt game actually everything’s so dry in August and there are grasshoppers everywhere I hate my birthday being in August see the

Thing with like summer for me it’s too hot too hot I can’t handle it I hate wearing shorts I like wearing hoodies and pants get me out of here you know love your channel and so does my little sister could you say hi to my little

Sister hi Katie how are you doing thank you so much for the support from both of you I really appreciate it hope you’re both doing well all right we’re almost home we’ve got a good amount of blocks to kind of figure this out and then we’re good then we are good

Oh there we are we are back home back home we are I might have to make a tea soon chat just be very very careful of mushrooms I generally go foraging when it just rained mushrooms love moisture interesting actually that that does make sense that does make sense that they would love

Moisture I know it’s very popular in parts of Europe I just don’t think it’s so popular here so like it’s one of those things where I would be have to be very careful to know what’s up I think it is possible there are some mushrooms around here all right let’s get

A what do I want to do here I want something over top of this window so I can put like a cute little pot maybe jungle trapo we should definitely use jungle trap doors for stuff like this feel like having a trap door float is kind of like awkward

Though what have I done I need some inspiration oh yeah I forgot that those exist the scaffolding would be kind of cute scaffolding even a barrel possibly let’s go scaffolding though boom and then we’ll do a little pot for cactus uh where did I put them where did I put

Them dropped a bunch of stuff off here we go what are you doing in my inventory get out of there do that sea pickles would be kind of cool to light up an area around here I don’t know how I would go about doing that

Though cuz they need to be in water to be lit right maybe just having one kind of outside would look kind of cool I just love the look of like sea pickles think they look Super Fresh oops what about three that’s cute I do like that so real Summers here in Ontario are

Supposed to be cool not hot can’t go outside no for real in Ontario it’s like it’s humid too what is that humidity huh I think that’s what gets me about like the summers in in Toronto it’s like I step outside and it’s like just like it’s just humid I hate it the

Worst this is like the one thing I’m so passionated about is how much like how miserable I get in the summer every summer I’m like it’ll be different I’ll enjoy this one and I don’t I don’t and I think that there like a huge difference

Is like I don’t have a pool I don’t have like I don’t have a cottage to go to so I’m just like I’m hot I’m so hot right now she says thank you she uh screams so loud oh that’s sweet that sweet I hope you’re both having a wonderful day I got

A new laptop so now I can play modded Minecraft and use different texture packs my PC overheated and the main power died oh my gosh that’s brutal crashed uh playing Dave the diver what really wait was it a different like was it um like a a tower or was it a p uh

Sorry a laptop that crashed that’s brutal oh my gosh I’m glad you got a new one though of all things Dave the diver Dave how could you do that how could you how could you do that I’ve heard great things about that game by the way I was

Planning on doing a playthrough of it soon but Dave what the heck how would it look if I did like trap doors here trap doors with trap doors looks a little goofy in uh in my mind so let’s do that and then we can do like a

Trapo trim up top oh my gosh raw thank you so much for the five thank you so so much I really appreciate it chat you know what to do you know what to do big big swags thank you so much that’s so so kind I really appreciate it hi drift be

Kind to yourself today rot you be kind to yourself today as well I hope you’re having a wonderful day hope you had a wonderful weekend as well and thank you so much again for that five big swags chat big big swags I think they have to be in water

And on Coral for them to be lit fam dab okay we got to we got to light them we got to light them fair enough fair enough we can do that tower now we have to be rebuild it that is literally a nightmare do you have to are there other components that got

Fried with it or is it mainly like the power unit is the Bloodlines role play finished or will there be will there be more Bloodlines uh story has concluded not sure there will be more but uh yeah the the uh story has indeed concluded I

Do have uh the movie up and so do some of the other uh Bloodlines gangs if you want if you want to check them out but if you watch that series thank you so much I appreciate it definitely appreciate all the support on that one that was that was a fun series to

Do I don’t think this one needs like a little cover I think we just need like a gate or something to cross oh I remember what I was going to do but then I got distracted I was thinking about Dave the diver when I was contemplating what to do next

Maybe something like that I think it’s got to be Spruce actually I wanted to do the jungle wood cuz the trap doors but I think it’s got to match the tri it has to match the trim of the roof in order for it to look good we aren’t sure if the graphics card

Also went yeah I don’t know how to figure those things out that’s what kind of stresses me out about like with computers and stuff is having a general understanding but not fully knowing like if something goes kaput I would definitely need help troubleshooting that hopefully hopefully it’s not too many issues with

It I’m rooting for you guys at its best case scenario be kind to yourselves too chat yes exactly everybody be kind to yourself thank you so much again RW I really appreciate it all right I need a little bit of Oak but we’re surrounded by Oak Forest so that’s not an

Issue you watch it on Mr B’s Channel heck yeah love it love it Mr B what what a builder that guy is actually so good at building he’s also killing it with his create Series right now the things that he creates in the in his create world is just like absolutely wild I

Don’t know now he does it what a guy this is the second stream I’ve tuned into happy to be here oh happy to have you here ow my phone also saw itself out the other day but to be fair it was ancient hopefully my new one arrives tomorrow do

You have a are you Apple or Android I my phone is on its way out and I’m a little bit worried about it just a tad bit worried about it cuz um basically like it’s just gotten really slow it’s old it’s like I think it’s from like 2018 or

2019 and it’s just not functioning properly anymore I keep trying to update to iOS is it 17 and it just won’t let me I think maybe there might be a bit of a memory issue but the problem is I already have like the cloud and everything and it’s just not cooperating

So not too what’s going on with that one it’s also just so old now the more updates that pass like the jankier it becomes you know power’s back now I can relax and have a nice afternoon with a stream on in the background oh I’m so glad it came

Back up so glad it came back up and welcome back okay that’s perfect I think what I’ll do is I’ll add a couple of leaves to the top uh do we have any more Acacia leaves not sure ah here perfect I just need some jungle trap doors now and maybe some jungle

Signs block down seems very concerning to me blockon is very sus in that series very very he he was not to be trusted not to be trusted at all I’ve had it since 2019 um something around that time yeah yours is about so we’re like in the same boat pretty much

I think like for me the vibe is that I’m going to have to uh definitely going to have to replace mine soon luckily nowadays I guess it’s a little bit easier to like I I don’t know replace your phones and like get your data onto like onto the next phone like it’s

Really easy to transfer everything over but I still hate doing it you know I think this one would look better with some lights that’s the point how how else would they get you to buy more phones so true so true didn’t even think of that all right

I think I’m going to do an aelia Leaf is there a leaf or a tree flowering aelia we’ll do that boom boom and then a little Lantern here and then we’re good to go I don’t know what I want here maybe just like a little little jungle trapo

Uh where are my jungle trap doors are they in my inventory I don’t see them I probably put them away I put them away in this hot mess right here perfect I don’t know just don’t know you know what let’s go jungle slab just needs a little bit more like

Thickness to it I think something like that is fine eh stare we’re going to go stare jungle stair I’ve made my final decision if this isn’t it I don’t know what I was going to do another planter and then I was like we have so many

Planters going on that I just I think something like this is a little bit better just keep it simple you know give it simple like that that and then what if we did some signs on the side or something I think that’s kind of cute yeah I like that a lot okay

Cool and then up top on this maybe we put so we got Cactus down there we could do another bamboo stock or something you can’t put drip Leaf in there right I don’t think so oh Mangrove let’s do Mangrove that’d be cute C welcome on in how you doing it’s

Gotten better it’s not too bad uh to Port things over to the new phone nowadays exactly especially if you’re just switching over to like it’s the same brand of phone they make it pretty streamlined now to be fair like pretty much everything’s like on a cloud nowadays all right that’s looking oh I

Love this one I really like this this one a lot so cute these are looking really good so far cool I just need a door for it honestly I was going to go jungle but I don’t know might just go oak might just go oak I have to go get I

Think I spent all my oak on um trap doors lunchtime let’s go I’m about to make a tea real soon my uh cough is acting up just a tiny bit so we’ll we’ll take a break in a second if that’s good with everybody how to Shader settings I

Really need to get a video out for you all but my main difference that you do for complimentary get rid of Bloom up that vibrancy so it’ll look a little bit more crispy and I think the water is classic I think those are the like the big changes that I usually

Do yeah let’s get uh some lunch started real soon for all of us well if if you are having lunch some of you are on to dinner breakfast time zones they’re a thing and I always forget all right here we go boom all right that’s good we just need something

Like maybe a little something here and then we’re good how about we take a quick little break chat uh go grab a snack if you need to whatever stretch your legs and we will be back very very soon let me eat this steak really quickly all right BRB Chat Let You All right the kettle’s going to take a little bit so I figured what I can do while we’re waiting kind of like doing this now we uh uh afked in a spot the other day just to like watch the fish while I was gone just so it’s a little

Bit more a little bit more interesting let’s go over here where should we go this time oh this is like a cute little little area to kind of AFK that’s kind of cute what about that what about That Coral uh Coral fence leaf box are so finicky yeah they’re very finicky I remember kind of trying to use them with my um with the area you know what I’ll I’m still here so I’ll show you like over here we had a little bit of trouble

Don’t did I end up using the coral blocks no oh wait here I did so they attached on Sandstone just fine they seem to work there and then the sea pickles how do you light those again is it bone meal I don’t remember not too sure Cherry welcome on in how you doing

So nice to see you I’m just about to head back downstairs very quickly I’m going to leave you all on this screen while we uh just AFK for a couple seconds I’m making a tea right now so I’m going to leave this open for you all

And I will be back in a minute or so hopefully the kettle has boiled by then beb Chat what hello I am back all righty hi from Japan oh welcome on in hope you’re having a great day I got an Earl grade T ready to go I think this will help out with my uh throat a little bit why ises the sign say toilet

Um there’s just this is just toilet town I guess I may I don’t even know why I did that it’s just the only signs that we have in this Village are just dire directions to toilets cuz why not oh jeez oh I want lasagna yeah I’m I love an Earl gry tea

It’s so good there’s this we got one that’s called like Earl gry cream so I guess it like it has like a little bit of a creamier taste than Earl Gray it tastes more like kind of like a l in fog I guess but I add milk to it anyway just

Just a touch of sugar and it’s it’s delicious it’s so good all right so that house is done I like it I think it looks very good the only thing I could ever like ever the only thing I could add to this is maybe something in the corner

There I don’t know though I kind of like it we’re going to have to add signs to the shops and stuff too so maybe we just leave it all right the last one would be this one however we’ve added quite a bit to it there are windows there actually I

Don’t think we have no we don’t have window panes in this one we do have them in the bottom however they’re very like I find that the gray and the black stained glass like don’t I I wish they were almost more saturated you know I might switch these

Out to um stain like white stained glass cuz you can’t really you can’t really notice them well enough finally someone else who likes it oh it’s so good so good it’s it’s become one of my favorite te’s I think I feel like it’s like best afternoon tea I

Always go for like herbal stuff at night when I’m going to bed but afternoon tea earl gry love having sweet teas love honey and tea Cass thank you so much for the two thank you so so much I really really appreciate it chat you know what

To do you know what to do big big big swags in chat thank you so much Cass very very kind I really appreciate it finally an Earl Grey bestie love you for this let’s go go Earl gry Club who’s here type one in chat if you love Earl

Grey te I want to see those Earl Gray earl gray ones in chat you love having sweet tees though honey and tea honey and tea I’ve gotten a little bit more used to I’m not usually huge fan of honey but recently I’ve been having it especially because I’ve been um a little

Bit sick lately and let me tell you I get it now I get it okay I’m going to do stained glass on top like white stained glass and then glass paines on the bottom of this like Tavern thing that we have as someone who lives in London I

Absolutely don’t want to drink anything that tastes like London Fog no I totally get that I absolutely totally get that I feel like London Fog is like I feel like it’s one of those things where like North Americans love them but people in um in like the UK are like no

No okay I need more glass we got some ones in chat let’s go you just had to burn your hand when taking the lasagna out no got to be careful that is that is just like the most painful thing ever getting like like burning yourself on food and stuff

Earl gry one sounds like a DN group I love that I’m obsessed kind of does though Earl Gray a little bit of honey no milk or a tiny splash of milk depending on the mood I like that I like that yeah I did a splash of milk I didn’t I don’t like

Tons of milk in my tea just just a little bit tiny little bit and then we’re good let’s get all of this in the furnace I do need lots of glass So What on earth is London Fog so London Fog is oh my gosh what is it even

There’s there’s like fro milk Earl Gray tea is that it and then sugar that’s what I thought it was I haven’t had one in forever but I know I like them London Fog Earl tea vanilla flavoring raw honey and milk of choice yeah we usually do like froth

Milk so it’s a little bit kind of like latte Vibes you know it’s very good I feel like it is one of those things that might be seen as an Abomination to the UK peeps though and I’m sorry I’m sorry if it’s it’s ruining tea ooh no milk slice of lemon lemon is

Great I find in like kind of like the herbal ones my bedtime tea is always sleepy time tea it’s got like all of the the herbs in it it’s a little bit like minty I think too Moon’s not in chat today but one of my mods uh Moon knows what’s up with the

Sleepy time tea he’s got like a huge collection of like um what is it the hon Shu bear brand the one with the Sleepy Bear I forget what it’s called it’s really good though I drink tea pure as it comes fav is Forest fruits ooh Forest fruits

Sounds very good Big Tiny duck is a big fan of like the fruity teas as well I usually drink like the the peppermint teas and stuff as they come I don’t really add anything to them maybe some honey if I’m if I’m not feeling great keep hitting like that hit box of

The lavender let’s just do it from the inside there we go perfect now I need to dye a bunch of glass I don’t think I can dye glass panes can I I think I may have messed up on that that’s okay though we’ve got lots of glass burning if we need

To uh where is my bone meal turn this into white dye lond fox sounds similar to Berliner left which is very disgusting tasting peppermint schnaps taste like toothpaste no I swear it’s not like that I swear it’s good trust me I swear oh you can you can make it that’s cool didn’t know

That I swear it’s good Viper welcome on in how you doing Peppermint’s good too just really depends on my mood exactly it definitely depends on my mood as well for what type of tea that’s a thing with teas I mean coffee you know what I was going to say

Coffee is not like that but coffee is like that I find that like if I I don’t know like midday I don’t necessarily want a drip coffee I prefer like lattes midday it really just depends in the morning I love having drip coffee though it kind of like it’s

Just like coffee really easy coffee not too much milk and it just get gets me that caffeine boost that I need in the morning you know I do like a latte in the mornings every once in a while but not always not always I’m going to have to put

Like squares of glass behind the part right there I do like that that window design but we’re going to have to do it a little bit differently to get glass there or what we can do is ooh do we have H what’s the color palette for this

Thing again I was thinking we could put trap doors behind it maybe Crimson would be good could try that oh Azie thank you so much did you did you just write out that command I feel like that’s such a good you wrote that out personally I need to like copy and

Paste that that’s such a nice command to have for the Discord let me try to I’m copying it and I will add it to the uh to the bot for sure I put that in my chat real quickly hold on a second heck yeah that link has been

Working ever since too I think which is good is this a shop too I think this one might be I don’t know it I feel like it would either work as a library or like a weird Tavern you know what I mean I can’t really decide I think maybe like a library

Would be kind of cute though you know very like magic Vibes you know what there’s what actually be a great place to like um to display like our dragon egg and stuff and end items coffee ice cream and coffee cake are the only coffee I like and hot uh

And only chocolate covered espresso beans oh my gosh chocolate covered espresso beans are so good coffee coffee cake is delicious too I haven’t had that in a hot minute I want that now and I just love cake to be honest copy and paste it from a notepad

Oh it’s condensed from twitch nice it’s a good one though pumpkin spice latte and nothing else can’t stomach anything else coffee related no that’s fair that’s fair it’s totally not for everyone what does that look like I wonder if that’s going to be too awkward that’s kind of cute actually I

Think I like that it’s very subtle yeah I think I like that that’s neat library and tea shop yeah I feel like maybe a librar and tea shop would be the vibe I just don’t like we already have a Tavern and to be fair we do have a

Coffee shop like at another part of the base but this just gives gives off like Library very studious and cozy you know mushroom shop could be cool too we have a lot of end items or End Stone and stuff in here though it feels very like end

Related all right I think that’s good we’ve got to decorate this out just maybe a bit more although like honestly that’s I think we just need something else here like maybe some leaves or something up top cuz the the palette is very like contrasty so it’s fine in that

Sense I think we just need to decorate the top I don’t mind the bottom decorations those are very like simple but I think the top needs something probably just some like lighting and stuff I would say h I’m thinking we get some chains hang some lanterns books and leaves exactly we’re going to

Have to come up with some good names again y’all came through last time we had some really funny names for the last few shops that we did really good stuff right let’s get a couple chains also chat if you are enjoying the stream and you don’t mind tossing down a

Like would greatly appreciate it cuz it really helps out the streams on YouTube absolutely appreciate it boom I just came from watching a Minecraft Manhunt stream the cont the contrast and atmosphere is Stark I’m assuming that there would be a lot of screaming in that situation that’s really

Funny yeah we’re we’re just absolutely absolutely vibing here right now absolutely vibing well welcome on in I hope you’re doing well all right chains I feel like we could also do with like a couple maybe on the beams here as well yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so let’s get some right here

I also feel as though like some type of roof trim along here would look nice too they’re screaming here to be fair just not as often you’re so right azy so right and when the like it’s usually over something really ridiculous too this this house isn’t even complete yet

The backs of these builds are so funny I need to finish those yeah there’s there’s usually unexpected chaos here that’s that’s the main difference for sure all right nice nice we need to get a trim along here I don’t know if I put the trim on the the top part over here

Too yes I did okay it’s dark oak dark oak slabs what’s going on here oh that’s a stair I see why is that there why’ I do that why did I do that I don’t I don’t even remember like what reason why I did that

It looks kind of goofy but it might work I don’t know let’s see I might change that up a bit dark oak where did I put it got some here Astro welcome back how you doing okay let’s get some trap doors you know you’re a pro Minecrafter when

You don’t finish the back no like literally literally that was like the running joke in Bloodlines uh this the roleplay series that we did um anytime people went over to like the shrine thingy that was in the at like the top of the base they’d have to run past my

Uh they’d have to run past my build and it was so embarrassing the back was like not finished properly and they were like d finish it I think I ended up not even finishing the back of that build it was so funny you know I think I like that better that looks

Good drifty I’m eating an uncrustable Alie oh my gosh so nice to see you how you doing oh my gosh what kind of uncrustable are you eating which one I am actually obsessed with those now I can’t stop eating them I really like the hazelnut ones I tried those the other

Day for the first time why are they so good but my go-to is obviously the PEB and uh strawberry jam they’re so good so so good I had one this morning actually for breakfast believe it or not you don’t have to believe it or not to be honest I

Like literally I think that’s expected at this point that I’m I just I eat them all the time now I can’t stop they’re so good you finished your house yo Astro nice nice what what kind of house did you build ignore the back folks we’ll tidy

It up later proceeds to never finish up the back no literally I feel like every Creator does That you have the grape one I want to try the grape one I don’t think they’re available in Canada yet to be honest I don’t think we have access to them yet they are so good though why are they delicious I wish the hazelnuts had strawberry jam uh in it they are so

Sweet wait what you want jam and the hazelnut one no no no no no no no no that you got to have it plain you got to have it plain I don’t know if I’d Vibe with the jaming it to be honest just not sure you buil a hobbit uh Hobbit kind of

Nature style home oh let’s go I love builds like that like Hobbit holes and stuff so cute so cute what’s an uncrustable let me tell you they are a delicious sandwich basically it’s like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that’s cut into a circle like listen you could make this

At home easily you could easily make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the crust on your own I get it but there’s something about these it’s the bread it’s just so soft and so chewy and the ratio of peanut butter and jelly is just so good I love them I love them

Literally like they’re actually delicious they become like my new obsession okay I just need something around here can you put like some of the end stuff like what’s that popcorn stuff called you know what I’m talking about the stuff that turns into popcorn those weird Vine thingies in the end can you

Put those in pots probably not right Uncrustables are in the top five of best snack absolutely agree absolutely agree hit one in chat if you’re an uncrustable fan let me see those ones what are you building we are building out our uh Little City Center that we’ve been working on for a while

So we’re just decorating the exterior of the shops now they’re actually looking really good we’re almost done with them they’re looking very very nice today very very nice all right I’m going to have to see what we got for end materials I don’t think you can put that like stuff I was

Talking about in a pot so we might be out of luck you know what would look really good on a pot though um it would look the Cherry leaves the saplings that’s what it that’s what would look good chorus trees yes Aly one one one one

One oh my God I still have my cough I’m sorry I’m going to mute myself why is that so funny one one one one one I was out at the peanut butter no I get it I get it peanut butter is not for everybody listen I like peanut butter in

Certain situations but like I have some friends who are like peanut butter obsessed and I’m like that ain’t me though that ain’t me so I I do understand that we got some ones in chat I mean we have a bunch from Ali but we got some more ones in chat those shops are

Adorable thank you yeah we’re just doing like a a variety of like cute little themed shops they’re not really going to be anything like they’re they’re pretty much for decoration but I think they’re going to look super cute honestly oh hi 7-Eleven 7-Eleven is chatty today can you heat up an un crustable

Okay a lot of people on um cuz I posted about it on Twitter the other day a lot of people said you could some people are like yo throw that in the toaster oven and I’m like you know what I feel like if you like coated it in a little bit of butter

And fried it in a pan it would be pretty good almost done with my real job and I’ll be here to make sure everyone is behaving Moon so nice to see you I was literally talking about your uh tea collection earlier I was uh talking about how you’re very knowledgeable with that one

Brand the honk shoe brand the Sleeping Bear I was like Moon got like all of those you have like a mega drawer of them it’s so cool am I sick yeah I’m still a little bit under the weather right now unfortunately I am doing a lot better uh

Doing a lot better today but I’ve been a little bit sick for the past uh month and a bit it is been uh this this cold has been kicking my butt lately okay we got Cherry leaves here you know what what if we go like full

Send and then just do like trap door down there whoops I fell he you want to try it in a waffle iron I feel like that putting it in like yeah like a sandwich press or something would be ideal you know you know what I love

Them as they are to be honest like no notes but also at the same time I think kind of like trying to heat them up would be like a game changer must be heated for 8 to 10 seconds and it’s smacky I’ve got to try this now a lot of people were saying

That on Twitter they were like you need to try it warmed up and I’m like okay okay I get it I get it I’m like the people have said it I’ve got to try it then you know there’s like some uncrustable connoisseurs on Twitter it’s hilarious I

Like tweeted about it and everyone was like I love these so much you can get molds from Amazon to make them at home yo I should actually do that because like the problem with Uncrustables as delicious as they are they’re a little bit pricey for what

They are I’m like I’m paying a lot for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich you know have you built a bakery if not you should uh call it amethyst pastries recall to your name oh I love that you know what I have not built a bakery yet

I have not this one’s probably going to end up being like a tea shop or something book and tea I think but I would like to build a bakery at some point for sure we have a couple more builds to place down that’s definitely got to be one of them

All right we need some aelia flowers for some of these so basically I think what I had in place was aelia I don’t know why I put for some reason I thought that was aaia it’s not we need to get some aelia leaves honestly never got the whole

Peanut butter and jam thing but I have to admit warm jam and peanut butter does sound kind of nice honestly yeah I think it’s like one of those like Staples from when I was like much younger where I’m like I can get behind this you know

What what if I change this like Center one to like an amethyst Crystal cuz there’s a lot of texture going on with the um the Cherry leaves I feel like changing the center to an amethyst Crystal would look kind of cool but complement the leaves nicely you know we’re both sick oh no

I’m sorry you’re not feeling well feel like everybody’s uh come down with some stuff lately it’s brutal could also get some glowberries like hanging in certain spots as well I’m kind of thinking like maybe to the sides of Windows to frame them we’d have to Shear them though but

That’s a that’s a good thing about glowberries is you can Shear them when they grow to the spot that you want them to you know York loves Uncrustables but refuses to get them uh with how much they cost no totally get it totally get it they are

Quite pricey I think like the next box if I get more I’m I’m going to have to get them at Costco or something cuz I’m like I literally cannot justify buying these all the time Wonderbread jam peanut butter panini press and butter to seal edges and you have your uncrossable heated to

Make the PB gooey enough to smooth over your tongue Lisa you get it you get it you got to yeah you got to get like that fake the fake white bread I think that’s like the main thing that makes it so good you know for sure also azy we were talking about that

Um what’s that Japanese bread called again which would also be perfect for it as well I forget the I forget the name of it you’re all making me hungry I’m so sorry all right I need an amethyst Shard really quickly I think I have some do I

Still have them in my inventory I don’t remember you love Minecraft me too me too I wish there’s an N NPC in one of your shops that’s how cozy it looks aw that is the highest compliment honestly oh I need orchids orchids would look really cute I always forget those exist

Even though I love them Yo Bree and cranberry sauce fire so good same with like goat cheese and um goat cheese and like be like Cranberries or like some form of like jam on top so good thought I had amethyst here oh here it

Is don’t have any we do have some in the caves over very close by this is already looking infinitely better though with all the details and stuff it’s looking so good soou pan that’s what it is milk bread yes yes that’s what it is I’ve never I don’t think I’ve ever actually

Had the chance to try it which makes me really sad cuz I know I would love it I saw the other day I was at like um I was at a mall and there was this Bakery it was like a Japanese Bakery they had um that with like the strawberries and

Cream Sandwich oh my gosh it looks so good I feel like I would actually W creeper City I would vibe with that so much I just haven’t had the chance to try it yet if I go back to that mall anytime soon I’m going to give it a shot whoa these really grew

Okay I think that should be good maybe you deserve 1 million Subs a thank you I appreciate it hey I appreciate all the support you guys are the best I have so much fun making content for you all and doing these streams literally such a joy I was looking forward to today so

Much cuz we missed uh last week’s stream I was super excited today bacon Bree and water crust on H meal whole meal big at that sounds so good oh Bri is like great in sandwiches with like you got to get like the cranberry and like some turkey oh so

Good underrated oh Cruiser I appreciate it you are just too nice too kind I appreciate it hey like I said have having having you all just like hanging out with me today has just been such a pleasure I love it so much you guys are the

Best it’s like kind of goofy but also like this whole build is Goofy no that’s not goofy that’s swag that’s swag you love the sound of amethyst shards me too they’re so nice any plans for Christmas oh my gosh um Christmas I think I’m going to see

The Nutcracker one day I haven’t seen that ever um my mom used to go with my sister and then life got busy so this will be my first time I’m going with my sister and my mom and I’m very excited it’s going to be like a nice nice nice time

Cuz I never got to experience it and I’m so so excited really looking forward to it we’re going to have the best time together oh my gosh red how’s it going so nice to see you homie how you doing what you been up to today what else do I

Have planned I can’t think what else I think we I was going to try to go to the Christmas Market but honestly now that it’s December like it gets so busy cuz we only have one in Toronto and it’s pretty small it then becomes like a ticketed thing like because it gets so

Busy they can only let them certain amount of people in which I totally get but then like I just know that if I look this year I’m going to be like these tickets are way too expensive and it’s just like not I don’t think it’s going

To be worth it so I might pass on that trying to think of what else um sometimes they do the orchestra in Toronto does um events Like Home Alone Orchestra live Orchestra so maybe I’ll go see that I did it one year it was like so amazing it was like such a

Beautiful experience and also just so lovely seeing like families enjoy it and stuff super fun super super cozy might do that as well we’ll see I think we’ve already started watching some Christmas movies we started with the romcoms um so we’re going to get back into watching some more of those and

Honestly Big Tiny duck has some time off over the holidays um I might try to stream a little bit more try to do some Hol holiday stuff with you we’re going to be doing drift Miss not driftmas Island driftmas village uh starting this Friday on Twitch and so going to try to

Get a couple extra streams in and I’m going to play the heck out of fortnite the heck out of fortnite drift stream hi oh Sugo welcome on in it’s so nice to see you how you doing I just had an Uncrustables and it made me think of your obsession red we

Were literally just going on about those you just missed that combo I’m I’m so glad you like them too though that makes me so happy that builds so good thank you I appreciate it getting things done so half lurky no worries no worries I hope your work’s going

Well sorry I’m just taking a sip of my tea yall need to see the Christmas markets in Germany that’s the real deal I’ll go and take a few pictures oh my gosh I I’m not even kidding it is like a dream of mine to go to a Christmas

Market in Germany they look so beautiful like the Toronto one is it’s like I’m like it it looks so weak compared to what you guys have it’s wild definitely a dream of mine to uh go to one one day so I got Spruce and jungle trapo here okay I can do

That my German friend comes to London every December and forces me to watch Lion King the play with with her every year how many times have you seen it now I saw that play a long time ago and I remember it was really nice it was really

Good I don’t I don’t remember much of it anymore though it was like a long long time ago that show’s been running for like how long I don’t even know we just have the Trans Siberian Orchestra here this weekend ooh nice what did they do like kind of just like classic Christmas songs

Or yeah the orchestra I feel like is just very fun to see I do need some more aelia leaves uh that’s not the diamond hoe that we need I’m going to have to make some shears really quickly I put the other Diamond hoe away cuz we were

Shearing uh Mangrove and it was I didn’t want to keep any of the leaves you guys were talking about incestables oh red it was a hot topic of discussion very hot topic of discussion the consensus is most people really do like them as well ow you saw them about a decade ago but

Still listen to the CD I got they’re amazing and worth going I wonder if um they’d ever come to Canada have to look out for that I was at a Han Zimmer concert this year and it was so rad hearing Davey Jones theme live was amazing I feel like

A Han Zimmer concert would be incredible very incredible have you all seen like the stardo orchestra concert or like the live music concert that’s been um well that will be going around I don’t know if the tour started I saw there were a couple dates in Toronto and I was like

Ooh I don’t know I feel like they might have sold out though which kind of stinks but it looks very interesting you’re going to Paris for Christmas oh my gosh that sounds very lovely I feel like that’s one of those cities that like I don’t know very

Christmy you know it’d be very nice to spend Christmas there that’s awesome hope you enjoy I mean I know you’ll enjoy it’s going to be a heck of a time actually I think I’m going to keep with the regular zel els for this one and then I’m going to do this this this

Yeah I wonder if the trap doors will just stop the glowberries from growing actually they might cuz that’s I want them one more one or two more blocks down anyway so it was amazing it was also the time I realized that Han Zimmer is German and not American with a German name

Honestly no that’s like that’s fair though that is fair to like I don’t know I I feel like I kind of assumed he was American as well actually now that I think about it h there’s a three block here I feel like what could I put here

Instead I could just do a full planter I don’t know if it would look awkward cuz these ones are only two let me fill them in and see what it looks like I feel like that works I think now we just need like a little bit of a trim or something going

On up here think I might do like a dark oak trim saw that going around soon yeah they opened up more dates I think Toronto got an extra date I’m going to have to see if tickets are still available cuz I feel like I would actually enjoy going to

That I think it would be nice all right let’s try to get a trim along here me just fix up this scaffolding a bit love soundtrack so much uh so I can sometimes tell who I’m listening to like with Han Zimmer Joe hasashi or when a director and composer do a lot of

Projects together oh yes yes definitely who’s that uh who’s the one that does the home alone and has done like other projects as well oh I forget what their name is but like it’s it’s very obvious is it not Christopher Nolan Chris Columbus or is that the director I don’t remember

But should make a Christmas tree we’re going to be making a Christmas tree on Twitch I think starting Friday we’re working on a village trying to figure out how this trim would work everything’s a little bit awkwardly spaced right now it’s cuz of the tube block

Here I don’t know if that will work I might just do like a dark oak trapdoor trim all the way around bunny welcome on in how you doing mam hope you’re doing well how’s the decorating coming along it looks really cute oh thank you so much I really

Appreciate it yeah it’s going it’s going pretty well we’re pretty much like almost done with this block of houses actually well the exterior anyway John Williams there we go John Williams yeah the soundtrack for like home alone and stuff is like pretty iconic those movies like always make me

Cry though I don’t know what it is about home alone I feel like cuz it’s like part of it so nostalgic and then also like Katherine O’Hara looks so much like my mom like from the ’90s like the ’90s version of my mother and it just like really gets

Me I’m always like oh God lost in New York is my favorite though I love love love lost in New York what a what a good movie ah ah keep messing that up I have to make a couple more How is Ruth definitely give some

Kisses uh to Ruth for me please oh my gosh I absolutely will Ruth is doing so so good she is she got over her dermatitis by the way it’s completely gone now so she’s totally good she’s in the clear for that and she has just been vibing lately she has been very attached

To Big Tiny duck like I don’t know like she’s always like just like following her around right now BTD is the chosen one that’ll probably change it always changes I don’t know why Ruth just like she picks favorites it’s kind of evil but it’s also hilarious but right now

BTD is the favorite in the moment and like it’s so funny Home Alone was John Williams aka the Star Wars God there we go there we go doing good just trying to learn DND Basics nice how’s that going are you dming or are you just trying to learn

Like picking out a character and stuff I believe he also did the Lord of the Ring soundtracks along with Harry Potter too yeah I think he did like the um the first two Harry Potter movies I’m pretty sure the orange roof on the bigger build

In the back can I ask which blocks they are this one this one is a gradient from like green moss up to there’s orange terracotta and smooth Sandstone into like the Terracotta Birch and regular Sandstone if that’s the build you were talking about if not let me know and I

Can uh show you another one I think that’s the one you’re probably talking about though uh I just need a couple more here I think we should be good yeah I think that works nice I feel like that’s all it really needs we just need to detail out the

Back and then we’re pretty much good so we just got to put the planter boxes and uh oh hello and then we need to get a light there and we’re good to go big tiny duck obviously giving up the best scratches right now absolutely absolutely I need to step my game up I

Need to step my game [Applause] up trying to learn characters and how to play it’s going confusingly no I bet I think I would love to try DND out I think I’ve got um some friends who are interested in it but one thing I I feel a little bit

Better about going into it is that I have listened to some DN podcast so I think like I understand some of the basics we’ll see how that works in practice though honestly I I say that now and I might just like be a wreck by the end of

It that was the one princess nice nice looks great thank you I appreciate it all right let’s get our last little bit of detail onto this build I have a whole playlist on Spotify that’s just instrument instrumental music from TV and movies it’s my favorite genre and music I think it’s so

Nice to listen to that while you’re working on stuff too you know like when you’ve got a project going on sometimes like I like having music that’s just instrumentals kind of just like helps me Zone in on all of this stuff and not get too distracted who’s played Fable the theme

Is uh by Danny Elfman of Burton film wait what really I didn’t know that I used to play a lot of Fable Fable 2 I think I think it was Fable 2 that I was obsessed with that’s wild the more you know honestly okay what did we do for this one again a

Three let’s do that and then this this and then on either side we’re going to go like this jump up again there we go and then we just need a sign in between or not a sign sorry a fence with a lantern on top in between just want to learn how to make

Characters and how to plan again because I want to use that game Concept in my writing oh that’s a very good idea that’s very smart all right I think we add this and then what else is there anything on top of that I think that’s pretty much it I think that’s

Good I’m quite happy with that I would say let me just do like a little walk around now so I think I might leave the interior decorating um um to another stream cuz we are going to have to end things soon but I think this is looking

Really good I think the plans that we have these are all pretty obvious what they should be except for this one what do you think this should be I don’t know not sure what what house that should be but we’re pretty much done decorating the outside of these

Guys I think they’re looking really good I think that’s very swag I’m happy with them so the whole block is completely decorated now on the outside anyway that is looking significantly better if you like I think you can rewind on stream to see what it looked

Like but it’s it’s looking a lot better than how it was before wasn’t this building supposed to be a library I think for this one we’re going to be doing a library and t- Shop best Minecraft Youtuber a thank you uh YT I I appreciate it beop ooh

Yes or Reaper Kitty did you say this one was supposed to be a library I don’t remember I think a bee shop could be kind of cute too eh I really like the I I feel like this one’s my favorite I don’t know there’s something about this like offset Beam

With like this in the middle and the window on the side it’s like very satisfying to look at I think that’s my favorite one that one and I would say I think maybe the botney shop are my two favorites bookstore yeah I think like maybe this would be like better suited

Is not necessarily a library but like a bookstore so we could do like big I think this would lend the space well to have like shelving units of books in between you know what I mean and then like whether it’s upstairs or downstairs in a corner we could have like a little Tea

Bar I can’t I I feel like I feel like that would make the most sense you know I like that idea I’m going to have to wall up this though this is very not right we’re definitely going to have to put a wall there we could do like a cute little

Like terracotta wall design or something here I’ll show you what I mean let’s uh with like the idea that I have I just finishing can’t be finishing now I’m so sorry Moon we’re not ending just yet but I’m going to be wrapping up soon I want

To um also kind of show you all where the drif Miss uh Village is going to be as well cuz we’re starting that on Friday on Twitch don’t forget also I hope uh I hope work went well Moon so nice to see you we have a local store called The

Book Nook Cafe bookstore and coffee shop that why is any time I see the word nook I just think of Tom Nook now why that’s such a good good name though purple roof yeah I think I think maybe a bookstore might be kind of Swag you

Know uh do I have I do not have the purple terra cotta hold on a second let’s let’s dye some stuff also Lisa oh my gosh with the 10 Lisa thank you so so much chat you know what to do you know what to do throw down those big big big

Swags thank you so much use a bookstore and place uh to store the enchanted books you don’t want that is a great idea cuz we do have all of those um the chiseled bookshelves that’s a great idea we have so many enchanted books that I don’t need that’s perfect big swag for

Uh for the Dono thank you so much and also big swag for the idea that’s great that is great I love it um what was I going to say what was I going to say also oh I did use Nether Brick look at that I was I

Was kind of like saying I hate Nether Bricks I used it in a build look at me go I completely forgot about that that’s hilarious I was like I don’t know how to use them all right that’s enough swags that’s enough swags um okay let’s uh get some dye I think like

Magenta I think I have some dyes over here you’ve sent too many swags it’s okay it is okay you are you are forgiven very much forgiven all right chorus fruit can you oh hi Ruth oh you can’t get dye out of that uh how do

We get dye I want magenta and purple how does one do magenta I mean lilacs would give me some right ah what would this be is this just pink no this is magenta how do I get purple though what would give me purple you don’t need a particularly

Spendy or high uh n GPU for shaders I have a 1070 it works great 1060 would also work I think I was rocking a 1060 before and there are adjustments you have to make to Minecraft to make them run but agreed azy you can you can luckily still run shaders um on

Something that’s like like a 1060 mods maybe might be a little bit like um a little bit iffy but definitely definitely you cannot run some shadies on a 1060 craving cheesy food oh my gosh now I want that I want any like I don’t even know I want like pizza or something this

Is pink Maybe Pink would work for us I don’t know if we can get purple dye can we maybe ooh pink terra cotta that’s it that’s the one that’s what I want that is very nice we’re having tacos tonight though and I know I’m going to be loading those

Up with cheese let’s be real do statue of your cat that is hilarious cuz in a world um that me and Big Tiny duck had I actually did make a stat it was called Isle of Ruth and it was the scariest statue I’ve ever made of

Her I should recreate it one day we do have a statue of Mike wizowski though maybe green would be better but this is kind of the idea for the this wall I think that’s kind of cute we have to change the flooring of course I think

Dark oak would be really nice in here let’s just do that really quickly we still got a little bit of time chat I do want to show you all um the area before we head out today for uh drif Miss Village but I think we can replace this really

Quickly thought you needed a really good graphics card so there might be like a little bit of stuttering but honestly I replaced my graphics card I think last year what what time did I fin like did I replace it I don’t remember it was sometime around Bloodlines

Actually I think like April of last year and I was running like shaders I was running some mods I don’t know if my computer would have been able to handle like better Minecraft and stuff like that but Shader packs was actually like pretty decent for me I still leave my

Render distance just very low on Minecraft for them to function properly sometimes like I you like like uh for screenshots I use a really high render distance and then if I’m playing with like 25 render distance it is chugging along it cannot handle it even with the graphics card I have

Now but you should be able to get away with it yeah guess get the best one you can afford now and I I would say Ram is very important I think I might have to upgrade my Ram eventually not the Mike statue oh yeah let’s go visit Mike it’s been a hot

Minute since we’ve seen him we can fly through him again classic we’ve got to decorate around him too why does this look like Lord of the Rings but Mike wasowski woo I wish you could go upside down in Minecraft can I do it again oh I can’t believe I did that that was

Wild also here’s drifa Island there’s our tree I forgot that we made this into a tree uh a tree skirt that is the funniest thing in the world so here’s last year’s uh Christmas themed area that we did we did a gingerbread house with a Christmas tree and the tree

Skirt is a dragon that is actually hilarious I kind of forgot about that does anyone use shaders on laptop I’ve been wanting to get Minecraft on mine but no I don’t know what the GPU is I think your system settings or preferences not preferences one of those

Should be able to tell you what your GPU is I would also like to know cuz we’ve been looking into getting a laptop for Big Tiny duck and some of them are really pricey and I’d like to get something that literally just functions as long as it

Plays Minecraft that’s all we need I don’t want to be spending like a ton of money on that why is he teing so originally That was supposed to be I think drift the frog from Animal Crossing and then halfway through I really screwed up the body and it just looked like a te-

Posing um Mike wasowski instead so that’s the story behind it oh gosh King welcome on in it’s so nice to see you how you doing how goes it all right let’s uh let’s finish up the flooring really quickly with some dark oak do I have any left though H here we go

I wonder if we do like dark oak and Spruce checkered floors very specific but hear me out hear me out youngest sibling Vibes who me cuz if it’s me you’re not wrong see what this looks like if they’re all like the textur is facing all this

Way if not we could also do like a deep slate floor no I feel like this is good I love a good like checkered floor you know there we go say cat if you love her cat I love that you all love Ruth she is a little Menace

But like I love that we’re all here for it remember when she tried to eat my birthday cake that was good times she is just so funny I woke up and trying to find the motivation to get out of bed might try to jump on the PC Today haven’t in

Months cuz I was getting migraines every time I’m so sorry to hear that I hope it I hope uh you don’t get one today if you try to jump on that is always the worst get on that PC are you going to play some Minecraft also I know I talked about it

Earlier but has anybody played the new fortnite update has anybody tried it out yet I’ve been having a blast with it we’re not going to have enough to finish this flooring sad I have to go get a little bit more dark oak just a little bit we need way more terracotta too

That’s the vibe though I think maybe I don’t know what do you all think I think for like a library this fits the color palette but I was kind of thinking maybe greens instead however I don’t know I think this fits the color palette more so we’ll probably stick with it

Oh T posing Mike is Peak youngest sibling I’m dead so true so true fortnite best game I swear well Minecraft’s amazing too but you’re literally the only one who plays it no come on come on come on chat I can’t be the only one it’s so fun dang it dang

It listen me and Big Tiny duck are probably going to do another fortnite stream together eventually when we have the time there is a frog in the tree oh my gosh I repeat there is a frog in the tree that is all thank you everybody going to play Minecraft any

Suggestions on what to build uh for a brand new world ooh okay if you haven’t gotten this set up already a barn for your animals second enchanting setup for sure cozy little enchanting room third get that iron farm get that iron farm that’s like my biggest mistake when I set up new

Worlds is I don’t set up iron Farms quick enough they are so handy so so handy libraries are more muted color see that’s such a good point that is such a good point that’s like kind of why I was like leaning towards the green but then

I was like the other one fits the pallet on the outside but does that really matter you know what an axel a sanctuary would be very cute too King you like watching me play it and nobody else no that’s fair that’s fair that is fair it ain’t for everybody I’ll

Tell you that much I don’t I don’t even know how I know how I got into it one of Big Tiny Duck’s friends was like you should play fortnite and I was like fortnite what and then I kind of like roasted her a little bit but then I was

Like you know what maybe she’s on to something like there’s a reason why she’s playing it I trust her and then I downloaded it and I was like this is not great and then but then I kept playing it and never stopped and I’m like no I

Genuinely love this game now it’s so funny all right I think that’s enough dark oak also whenever I play fortnite with big tiny duck it just turns into a roasting session she has roast me the whole time it’s so funny it’s gleam me coming to say hello

The tree frog absolutely I should have named that gleam be you’re watching this with your mom oh happy birthday candy Buffet’s Mom I hope you have a great day hope you have a good one the paint gives me Umbridge from Harry Potter vibes okay say no more

We’re getting rid of it we are getting rid of it then that ain’t the vibe that ain’t the vibe we’ll go green love your sorry that was why did I scream I will read that that lovely message again in one second after I’m I’m done repairing this wall oh no where where’

The piece of mud go where’d it go love your videos I play on bedrock in peaceful mode only the mobs keep spawning in my house even when it’s all lit I can’t get rid of the mobs does anyone have that problem with bedrock that’s strange peaceful mode it should

Be they none of the mobs should spawn unless maybe spiders if anything but I don’t know that’s very strange if anybody’s encountered that please uh throw some suggestions in chat on how to fix that oh there’s the piece of mud I was like how did it go mysteriously missing

That makes no sense also thank you for the kind words by the way I appreciate it does BTD not just roast you constantly yes BTD roast me constantly but if we play fortnite together you all get to see it and it’s entertaining Peak entertainment what am I doing here there we go boom

Baby oh missed one okay cute let’s try green let’s try green the the pink was very ice cream shop you’re not wrong you’re not wrong I think you’re all right where it just was not appropriate I think we’re going to need lime lime dye as well how do you get

Lime Dy again is it sugar cane I don’t remember these things anymore I’m just kidding I never remembered them to begin with what would it be would be grass these chests are an abomination I would love when BTD stops by to roast you in the comments and then dips

Absolutely me too it is so funny she has not been by today what is going on with that what is going on with that am I safe am I safe today from Big Tiny duck I think I just might be I think I just might be lime is Green Plus White

Okay dark green only a but a stripe would be so cool a stripe would be so cool hear me out just just trust just trust trust this one trust you’ll see you’ll see I swear there’s got to be another plant that makes lime oh my bad is gone I took that over

To the other area of course I did I need to play in peaceful mode uh I meant to say I need to save for a PC one day oh I see I see a Bedrock is very limiting and I found I can’t play easy mode it’s so hard and I’m a longtime gamer

Listen Minecraft is one of those things where it is surprisingly a very difficult game I say Minecraft has a huge learning curve you know it really does I forgot that made sugar that is a a piece of a turtle isn’t it I cannot use that for dye I

Cannot what can I use for dye grass I don’t think anything makes green dye why oh away you want to even see the stripes be on the bookshelves you might see a couple though trust me trust it’ll be there you’ll see like a little hint of it you

Know you have trust issues I’m sorry I’m sorry it might work though might just work it’ll be fancy it’ll be like a fancy little wallpaper you know and we could also get like a little border around it too it’ll be swag if there’s one thing I know it’s what is swag what

SWAG got to do got to do with it what SWAG hey let’s do that let’s do that watch watch this ready oh no I went to too high I feel like a trim around would look really good too well let’s just start with this oops I swear there’s like some

Other plant or something that makes lime dy I don’t know only Cactus makes the green dye though I wish there were other ones cuz green dye is so nice it makes me kind of sad I think you’re all right about the um the green wall though I feel like

This is more the vibe for the inside of this shop let’s take a step down see look at this and then picture like a bunch of bookshelves so we can make we can make bookshelves really quickly this is an Abomination actually it is hurting my eyes to look at this this is terrible

What is any of this I’m going to have to sort through all of this chat this is Bad chiseled chiseled bookshelf so if we do this and then we do like a little bit of this it’ll look kind of similar to like the storage units that uh we do sea pickles Okay Sea pickles make lime dye okay okay I was like there’s got to be something you

Know I really wish that chiseled bookshelves I wish that like see the problem is if we do like bookshelves like this it’s going to have a backing like that we do need more space too that looks a little bit uh-oh oh no I forgot you have to Silk touch these it’s it’s a

Whole thing oh wait oh yeah yeah that worked that worked we’re going to need more space in between but I wanted to do like rows of bookshelves maybe some can be chiseled and some not you know what I mean but not like integrated together the problem

Is that I’ll look a little bit goofy this kind of looks nice on the side I was actually going to top it off with like this oops I don’t really think it needs it though does doesn’t look as studious maybe what we could do instead is like cover the

Back something like that then you have your bookshelves going this way the one plus about the other shelving units would be that like it like both sides show books cuz I think having like shelves kind of like this like a shelving unit would be kind of cool or

Even facing the other way we could have it against the wall hear me out oops broke that one they break so quickly too I don’t even have time to react good thing they’re not that expensive that’s a one thing I don’t really like about these things why

Do they why do you need silk touch for them you know I think maybe we could do like a mix of units that are chiseled and then units that are like regular bookshelves you know smelting sea pickles makes the dye see the thing with that is I’m like sea pickles are

So like precious to me too that it’s just one of those things where I’m like I don’t even want to smelt these they’re decorations green dyes they need to be easier to get just my opinion okay let’s try this a couple more of these sea pickles make one green cacti make

The other green no exactly that’s what I know too azy that’s exactly how I see it as well that’s hilarious one one is one green the other is a different type of green okay I think something like this in theory would be super cute we’ll have to play around with

Like a setup like this this and then I’m pretty sure we have quite a few books somewhere I think put chiseled bookshelves against the wall and regular bookshelves in rows yeah we could do something like that too that would be cute make a sea pickle farm is that easy I feel

Like that could be potentially easy what’s everyone’s Christmas plans yeah what’s everyone’s Christmas plans mine are I’m going to see The Nutcracker um end of December I believe I’m very excited for it I haven’t seen it yet I’m going with my mom and my sister and BTD it’s going to be great

And my niece how could I forget it’s going to be super fun and also would love to if I can see the the orchestra perform a movie they usually do something christmy like home alone that’s always like a really fun time as well and just watch a bunch of Christmas

Movies at home oh that looks so cute look at that we could also do things like I don’t know like put lanterns on top and stuff HTS I think that would be super cute we are going to have to fill the floor in up top that’s okay what if you made the bookshelves

Too thick the thing with um making them like too thick let’s try it it might be a little bit too much let’s see oh we do have regular bookshelves too with the spacing event eventually with the spacing as well it might be a little bit of a tricky situation cuz of the

Walls you know what it might work yeah it feels a little bit too um too clunky sorry I feel like my nose sounds so stuffy sometimes it’s cuz it is I’m I got still a little bit of a stuffy nose it’s okay though yeah I feel like

That’s a little bit too uh too clunky but having rows like this could definitely be all right I would say like a two block Gap in between them too I think that’s a good start that’s a good start ooh hanging plants are a good idea too definitely definitely all right my inventory is

Getting so full it’s cuz all these chests are very full got a family lunch and then I want to head uh to the beach and play some Cricket with some mates that sounds very fun very fun yeah I don’t know if I’m going to get together with um some of my friends

Before Christmas either I would love to if we all have time we all got together the other day for some board games and it was really fun probably going to go on Christmas Day I think we’re doing stuff with uh Big Tiny duck spam though it’s going to

Be really nice I think they might be uh they might be coming here there we go perfect and then for the flooring up top I just want to fill this in a little bit to see what the vibe is you love game nights me too we used to

Play board games all the time and just like kind of haven’t really had much time lately and stuff everyone’s just so busy so the other night my friends were like come over and let’s try board games again and it was super fun I used to be so into

Those I feel a little bit out of practice though cuz like learning board games is like almost like a specific skill like having to be able to figure it out easily I feel like the more board games you play the easier it is to understand new

Ones but once you get the hang of a game it’s like fairly easy and you kind of get the ball rolling out of chandelier oh yeah we got to add some nice lighting for sure I think this one will be a separate floor I would like to maybe make this into

Like either I think this has to be like a functional space as well I was going to say either a Dusty old attic with some like I don’t know with like tons of books and stuff make it messy or I think an extension to the library area cuz I

Would like this corner to be like a little tea shop so I think having more books upstairs would be nice I just want it to look super busy basically let me just sleep quickly yeah I think uh I think this is all going to turn out very

Nice feel like I miss some drift L who be D she is my fiance she pops into chat every once in a while to uh absolutely cause chaos and then just dips it is hilarious yeah I think this is the a start like a good start to what we’ve

Got for this space it’s going to be super cozy and then in this corner we can do like some chairs and stuff we got to do a staircase going up possibly to the second floor I feel like a spiral staircase will look cool up here and that’s pretty much it big tiny

Dog don’t make me laugh I’m still weak oh my gosh oh God I’m crying I’m crying what no this isn’t right now what the heck there we go perfect oh gosh all right I think that’s pretty much it so we will come back to decorating this let’s go check out um

Driftmas Island before we end not driftmas Island driftmas village that’s what it is it’s a village let’s go check that out just so you all have an idea of what’s going to be happening over the next coming month for Christmas stuff this looks really good though everything’s all decorated and stuff looking very

Cute that looks so much better we need like a bench down here but we’ll we’ll do that another day so that’s looking real nice um so what we’re going to be doing for the month of December is another Christmas themed uh build this time we’re revamping a village I kind of figured

What we could do we could do something on here as well uh if you’re all into the Christmas stuff I would love to bring some of these streams over I was kind of thinking about making like maybe a couple of YouTube specific builds within that Village uh I think it’s over

Here yes it’s just over here perfect so basically the idea is we found a tiger Village that we’re going to revamp into like a really cute Christmas Village kind of go in theme with uh what we just did today where we’re going to have different types of

Shops we could have like a Santa’s Workshop I think we’re going to be doing something Hanukkah related as well um just like a bunch of like cool things into one village with like a tree in the center you got too confused with DN so I’m going to play Minecraft when

Stream’s over let’s go let’s go always always good to have some chill Minecraft sessions all right I think this is close to the area where we’re going to be building yes just up a little bit it’s a little bit of a tundra yeah here it is I

Think what I want to do by the end of it is honestly plant all like a ton of like um spruce trees sorry I’m losing my words right now I want to plant a ton of spruce trees to kind of enclose this area a bit more because it looks very

Bare we tried looking for other Villages honestly had no luck I flew to like a bunch of places and we we couldn’t find anything but I think this area would actually look really nice if we just honestly spammed a ton of trees to kind of inclose this little area this is like a

Pretty good start to a village too I would say it’s pretty much got a good base to start with like I was kind of even picturing over here I think the town score is here we could build the Christmas tree instead and then surround it with a couple more

Builds we got some stuff going off this way I think this is a good start to a project you know so we can definitely um do some YouTube streams as well uh if you all are down for that cuz there’s going to be quite a few builds to transform I’ll

Probably Spruce these guys up a little bit I don’t want to tear them all down I think they’re kind of cute and they’re something about like the the tiger Village that has just like a little bit of charm so I think if we fix these up a

Little bit and then add some other things to it it could end up being like a really cute area so that’s going to start this Friday on Twitch exclamation point twitch if you uh want to give me a follow on that platform that plor PL plor I always mess up my words oh

Gosh I think it’s time for me to end stream soon but yeah we’re going to be starting this on Friday I think what I’ll do is I’ll get uh I’ll get us to do some YouTube streams as well uh we can come up with some really fun build ideas

Together and add them to the Village so YouTube has its own mark on this as well will you add a Christmas mod uh if yes you could do a u log so I don’t think I’m going to be doing Christmas mods on this world I don’t really want

To mess around with like uh inputting mods into like this vanilla World especially cuz it’s so it’s such a long-term World however there may be a Christmas themed other Christmas theme stream coming up soon that are going to have some mods keep an eye out for that can’t

Share too much on that right now but keep an eye out out for that actually wait yeah I can share that you unlocked it you guys unlocked that stream um basically me and froggy when we did our charity stream I can talk about this when me and froggy unlocked our uh or

Did our charity stream we unlocked a donation goal of doing a Christmas themed build together so we’re going to be streaming that soon um we have we have it in the works for soonish I’ll let you all know about the date it is going to include a ton of Christmas mods

Though so there’s going to be like a ton of really cool stuff that even I haven’t seen yet very similar to the um the Halloween world that we did for the charity stream so we’re going to be vibing doing some builds in that I can talk about it yay

Yay you think the area is super cute you like that it’s not too flat too me too I like that the terrain’s a little bit wonky I think it’ll be fun you have to go now no worries R thank you so much again for that uh Dono and I hope you

Have a great day I love a little bit of terrain tried to build on a flat area on Camp cozy but it was such a hard area to build on I feel that I like having like bumpy terrain to work with as well miss you guys already we miss you too

Moon yeah if you’ve not already slap that big old like button that big old like button also I’m going to link you all to the second Channel as well cuz we have been dropping some fresh content on there as well um I’ve been playing some games with block down I’m going to be

Doing some solo cozy games as well I think I’m going to be playing through Dave the diver if you’ve all heard of that game it looks like a really fun time so if you’re interested in secondary content that is not Minecraft related go on over there and subscribe

Locy welcome on and I’m so sorry I’m just about to end the stream but thank you so much for popping in all right chat I think that’s going to be it for today we did a lot of decorating on the exterior of these builds it is all

Complete now we just need to finish the Interiors which I think we’ll probably get to not next week I think we might be doing some uh christmy stuff some holiday things on the dri driftmas Village so we’ll get back to these another day uh we just need to finish

Off the Interiors but this looks amazing so good so so good so thank you so much again everybody for hanging out with me today I had such a blast thank you so much for all of the memberships for all of the donations and just for hanging

Out while we build out our area I appreciate your support so so much I have so much fun with you all on these streams so with all of that I will catch you all on Friday on Twitch when we start the driftmas island all right everybody take care also look forward to

I think a Long play Maybe scheduled tomorrow uh so enjoy it if you if you’re watching that series and I will catch you all later bye everybody bye

This video, titled ‘Decorating City Shops in Our Long Term Survival World! – Minecraft Cozy Stream’, was uploaded by InfiniteDrift on 2023-12-05 10:16:03. It has garnered 3553 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:51 or 11811 seconds.

Today in our 1.20 Minecraft stream world we are going to hang out while decorating the interior of the shops in our city centre. Thank you all so much for watching the stream and I hope you enjoy!

Find me here! https://www.twitch.tv/infinitedrift_ https://twitter.com/InfiniteDrifft

Minecraft version 1.20 Shaders: Complementary Shaders Resource Pack: Jerm’s Better Leaves Add-On

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  • EPIC Minecraft Live Stream with CollinC1317!

    EPIC Minecraft Live Stream with CollinC1317!Video Information I let me check real quick hold up are we live Henry you good Jesus no I’m not but thank you no thank you give me one second um are we are we live second I’m at 10:15 a.m. it is 105 hry [Music] stop hold up oh oh wait hold up it says live for me hold up oh oh we’re live okay um hi everyone I I gotta I think I got to open up Safari all right no it’s fine so we’re already live okay so uh hello everyone it is me Hen Henry and… Read More

  • Unbeatable VaroelCreeper – Epic Pet Reveal! #minecraft

    Unbeatable VaroelCreeper - Epic Pet Reveal! #minecraftVideo Information será mi mascota la legendaria sal el salmón acaba de morir por mi culpa es Pues nada no sé dónde está el salmón yo quería llevarme en el cubo y decir gu tú se ha pirado lo acabo de ver se ha pirado se ha pirado o ha muerto No no sí se ha pirado se ha pirado para el principio de la cua voy que yo puedo tener el cubo de agua con un salmón y usarlo como agua entonces mi objetivo es este salmón lleg vi a casa si llega vi a casa va a ser… Read More

  • Unlock Your True Self – CCM Time Secrets!

    Unlock Your True Self - CCM Time Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unshackling Expectations, Becoming Your True Self’, was uploaded by CCM Time on 2024-05-27 13:46:31. It has garnered 93 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. #mindfulness Moments in #minecraft #367 Elevating wellness one sandbox at a time. #motivation #help #selfimprovement #mindset #relax #relaxingmusic #selfcare #viral #shorts #mentalhealth #healthandwellness Find out the meaning and purpose of CCM here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fola1ZOmCEY Check out the Coffee, Cannabis & Minecraft Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/767085214082112 (Adults only, sorry kids it’s not personal, it’s a legal thing.) *”CCM Time” videos are intended for mature viewers,… Read More

  • Lost on Island – The Ultimate Beta Day Reveal

    Lost on Island - The Ultimate Beta Day RevealVideo Information hello everybody and welcome back to Beta days I’m beanan and today we are moving some supplies over towards the uh portal stronghold Island yeah or the portal Island whatever it’s called we’re moving some supplies over there because we need to start working on our little base that we have and kind of getting it more syndicated if you will uh to our need before we get into today’s video please remember to leave a like leave a comment and subscribe if you’re new I make videos every Monday Wednesday Friday with random streams and videos throughout… Read More

  • Infaru Semi-vanilla Roleplay Political Sim No resets 17+ Java Bedrock

    Infaru – Vanilla Political Simulation Server Welcome to Infaru, a political simulation server where players lead all events. Join towns, run for Senator, report news, or start an uprising! Features: Utilizes Towny plugin for town creation Complex political landscape GeyserMC plugin for Java and Bedrock cross-play Join us on Discord: Discord Server IP: play.infaru.gay Website: infaru.gay Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gamemodes with friends – the ultimate Minecraft adventure!

    Looks like they ended up with a “fun” game mode called “Accidentally Burnt Down the Entire Village and Villagers Hated Us” mode. Read More