Ultimate Shizo Clickbait: Armpit Salad & Minecraft Fat Dabs!

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want me to ask Auber if he wants anything do you want me to ask Auber if he wants anything I got you y what up it’s armpit salad wait yo what up it’s armpit salad that’s right we’re going to take a dab [Music] all going to stop charging this we’re going to turn on the stream so that we can see us so we can see you so we can see everybody forgive me if there’s a bit of a lag in the video and stuff it’s I did my best to make it look better quality but I sacrif sacrificed the you know like the movement so it’s going to look a little choppy it’s going to look a little choppy little choppy chappa how are you doing how is your day going leave a comment and let me know you don’t think I care I do I may not read all the comments well right now I can because there’s not that many but even if there’s a point where I can’t read all the comments I’m still going to read some of them I like to reply even if it’s just say say high five you had a good day excuse me my son’s going to join us right now he is a little busy we’re going to dab some of this super thick before I even heat up Liquid look at that drop right there let’s get right into this my dudes sorry that you missed the live version of this but it’ll be up later for you to watch here’s the Dirty Dutch hopefully you can get that TC see what all up in your btom with because it are fancy cheers trapasaurus it’s my brand let’s s a drink the only reason I did a lot like [Applause] that so I didn’t get the you weren’t drinking you were just pretending now you heard the noises there’s no way you’re going to sip on it and then just what spit it back in don’t be gross I was going to take a double but um n we’re good we’ll wait let’s get into the game dude we’ve been trying we’ve been trying to set this up for a minute now I got lucky that my son is pretty much um what’s the word my son is computer literate very computer literate so he added all these mods to make our game look good right and the best part is it looks whack that’s the best part I’m joking as you can see it still has some of the original Minecraft um style to it right like the like the leaves the the wood you know it doesn’t like everything doesn’t have a whole new look to it so you get some of these like you know you just get the like there that’s like I think the only thing we’re we’re having an issue with is the water the water sucks dude the water sucks but the shaders and stuff see how we got like be Moon beams and stuff oh that’s cool that part is is cool with me it just adds it makes Minecraft look a little better that’s what I see that’s how I feel the Stars the moon the way they move you see them slowly spinning well they look like they’re going straight but if you look they’re like you know what I mean like orange they’re not they’re not turning no you leave them alone you son of a [ __ ] get off of him get off of him you crack [ __ ] you crack [ __ ] yeah I dude I’m going into the I’m going dirt deep I’m going be a hobbit I’mma Be a hobbit I just hung up on my mom that’s not good for [Music] you bam this is just for now cuz these creatures are going to get crazy I’m put this right here watch bam no cuz if we do that a creature could just pop down right there so we can see what’s outside and not get hurt I don’t like your nipples dude put a shirt on you leave me alone okay put a tab shirt on pleas all right what should we do right now we just got to wait till till morning comes cuz it’s too dangerous outside right now I mean you could you could go outside if if you have um if you have anything to to defend yourself with but n I’m scared dude I’m freaking scared you know what I am going to get some wood though I got wood right here if you want some I can make a b wa wait what the hell happened look look come here come here there’s there’s nothing out here what the H look at look at the tree look at the tree it didn’t work for me oh did you use your hand yeah that’s why this is stupid I hate it here come back inside real quick start making some stuff this game is stupid let me just get my black pile this game stupid here you can get I’ll give you the Birch world and then let me place this on the senta then you use it or you know what n whereit it yeah place it we both hit the same one yeah buddy behind you what was it nothing I just wanted to see what was right there n you’re lying man some he’s trying to kill me on no oh I got to make sticks and then just watch like a little leg Nibbler just come in and just start eating us oops if it happens that’ll be sexy um I’m trying to figure out what I don’t need and what I do need I can put this way I’m going to keep the wool out cuz I have enough to make a bed for us I have enough to make a bed for I got four iron from where I don’t remember the pattern for um for the axe it’s two sticks one in the middle one in the bottom middle and then three in the top right corner like that’s right I was missing just one I’m on so you guys saw that I thought that but if you want to if you want to do you see all the items next to you on the side yeah oh yeah I saw you see the little search bar on the bottom yeah look up Axe no do it I have it right there well not on the thing but I have the axe up i s I saw that I could punch it in but I wanted to see if I remembered how to do it you know what I mean cuz I kind of wanted I wanted to remember if I could do the the what’s it called I just I wanted to put it together and I couldn’t cuz I’m a piece of crap what search bar are you talking about no which sear bar I know which search bar you’re talking about the one in the in when you go to crafting yeah hold on let me go to crafting why can’t I go to crafting wait where’s my oh okay when I when I go to the crafting on the right side it just shows you a big list of of of things that you can craft and then on the right side for me it’s on the right it says like 74 but what I could do is like let me see if I were to put um uh firework it’ll show it’ll pop it up and it just singles it out but I just want I just wanted it to um I wanted to feel special you know I wanted to be like I remember how to play this cuz I remember how to do the how to do the um the pickaxe the pickaxe is just the diagonal two and then the the full range on above it but I just couldn’t remember the axe I thought it was only two I thought it was um two sticks in the middle going down and I thought it was um from the middle right up it was just those two yeah I did you try clicking on one of the items on the right side though yeah and it showed you how to craft it right uhhuh and not only craft it it shows you like when you press uh huh I I just wanted to say that that’s all I wanted to tell you that so so in case you want to be like oh I want to see if I can like what doors they have and then then you look it up you’re like oh all I need is like I need the wood and then and then like a freaking glass plane in the center so I can have like a glass door or some [ __ ] like that you know what I’m saying that’s all I wanted to say that’s all I wanted to say there is one there’s one item that I clicked where is it at and when I clicked it it cycled through every freaking version that you could get like um where is it at was it the ghostly pickaxe was it or maybe no no oh you it might have been a uh it might have been a block of wood and it was cycling through the different types of wood H all so ones that were available I I got to look I I’ll look it back I’ll look I’ll look it up when I was when I watch the live while I’m editing for like little Parts cuz it was cool I was like oh that’s pretty sick it’s like letting it’s letting me know like what I could um oh there it is there it is look I I I picked the crafting table right yeah but because the crafting table is um is just wood there’s no other like pieces to it it’s showing me every single piece of wood that can be used to craft the my the crafting table Yeah but like if you were to pick um oh no look at triip out on this oh don’t yeah it is a crafting table because if I were to pick anything else it’s individualized that’s it’s like says like uh end brick Gothic window so it has to be end brick but anything that isn’t given um a specific I guess it’s just a crafting table because yeah everything else is is specific that was cool I just like seeing everything cycle it was nice not only that but I looked up some of the weapons some of the weapons you can’t even craft and the reason being is cuz it’s a m it’s a Minecraft dungeon weapon which means that it’s a boss drop dude we can’t play this anymore you know how dope that is no we can’t play this David that’s it oh my gosh racist towards us I can’t wait and you can make a freaking Claymore you can make a giant ass Claymore that does 10 damage but it just hits really slow dude that I just I just made a raper do you want a raper why would you say that it does small damage it only does three damage but you can hit really fast let me see it I’m I made an arrow or would you like a dagger dude a dagger does more damage than a freaking Raper and it hits I think just as fast nope it hits slower do you want a dagger oh but you know what I think the Raper has longer range oh I’m I want I want to like I want to build two okay I want to be special look at you you’re already surpassing me man you know what go jump off lose your stuff and then start over again I’m take the Apple sorry I’m trying to get to it get away from me okay my my en look at my little body my little body needs it come here I can’t grab it let’s I can’t grab it I don’t know how what do I do got to walk up to it come here the Apple I need to eat you I’m dying there’s more apples up there m delicious a [ __ ] I fell my Apple it’s freaking delicious oh let me go make a pickaxe I might as well just make a little we can’t live here no we’re not this is just so that we could get out of here we got to make little ftios oh no you can’t see I’m start working [Laughter] my I said we’re trying to make little FL Shields but that’s not a good word can’t say that man I know I can’t I don’t know why the F yeah I don’t know what it means though I think I was going to say faulty oh no facilities facilities don’t I it doesn’t even make sense I’m so cute I’m going to have to buy another inhaler soon fist look at I’m carrying two things I’m carrying a block and I have on aent my but look at this amethyst break it oh wait where right here look it break it that’s a flower no break it I don’t want that’s a flower it’s a freaking radish dude it’s radish that’s so awesome it’s an onion actually Burger Time Burger Time Burger Time a bee I don’t want to kill it but I just want to go look look at little baby bee that if we follow over it’ll take us back to Honey Chase it we’re already ahead of the game man we’re going to have honey soon what’s up little be yeah yeah go chase the bee cherry blossoms cherry blossoms I was saying that but yeah go go go chase that I am I’m going over there right now no forget to be be my butt cherry blossoms I got to live over there I got to live over there Cher oh my freaking my serotonin levels just spiked so hard right now like my brain is having a boner of happiness I found the raccoons no David cherry blossoms cherry blossoms don’t you understand um with these mods that means that that um cherry blossoms would be a little more common right yeah like they wouldn’t be as rare and there’s pigs up no idea D I found the Beehive come over here please build with me build me build with me a the most massiv massiv wait the most massive look I I can’t even speak because a skunk I’m going to spray me little skunk spray me please is it really yes is it really and a humping bird I can’t tell if you’re lying to I’m not lying to you I’m on stream are you poison no look at it the hummingbird look at oh it’s just flying right over my head dude can oh and when you get next to it you hear from his little wings flapping dog that’s awesome oh my God that’s sick that they added a hummingbird and it’s in the cherry blossoms because it knows that it’s flowers I’m in love dude that’s actually that’s very smart this is I told you man mod pack and I like that it’s not all I like that the majority of it is normal Minecraft but it’s just with better shaders vanilla based yeah man it’s it looks better like this I don’t think I would want it to be like the naify like everything looks great the only thing I want is water in this cuz the water looks like [ __ ] I changed it I changed it I know I know what you got to do come over here to me if you look on your mini map I mean if you see the mini map press d I pressed b instead when you press or when you hold Z you can see everything around you if you see like a white Little Dot that’s near the water that’s me okay I know which way go you wanted to like to find me that’s where you’d want to go I’m going to go look at you for like 3 seconds and then I’m going to go back to build a house cuz well I’m saying for you to come over here so you can look at the water so I can tell you what to do so you know that it looks good yeah I um that’s what I meant like I’m going to go over there and look at the water for 3 seconds and I’m going to build so excitedly I can’t wait man I’m so freaking happy yeah cuz the water looks like crap right now man how me fix this cuz my it’s making my boxes full off settings me press like pause yeah go to options options yep video setting video Shader pack Shader pack um press Shader pack settings near the bottom yeah go to materials go to water hold materials where is it at oh I had to scroll down my bad you’re good okay oh then water yeah water and then where you see where it says water style yeah press click it to where it says Unbound un and then water costic style I’m pretty sure that should also be as water same as water same as water and then just press apply at the very bottom yeah and then it’s done and then just back all the way and it should have fixed it it kicked me out it kicked me out did it really well it did I know you wait a minute it didn’t fix it like it so that you can see through it right so it’s not all shimmery weird looking shimmery hold on let me like it’s hard to see right now because it’s raining he let’s go down just a bit oh you know what your fog too you need to you need to fix your fog go to go back to it to Shader packs to that to that go to Atmosphere Shader pack settings materials no no no no no no no not Material they should be atmosphere oh yeah atmosphere fog go to fog and then you can I put it to very subtle I want the fog to still be there so it doesn’t like just cut off the map I put it to very subtle and then I put the fog altitude to 10 you can put it to five if you want to but it should like really chill out on the fog and I put K fog off I don’t want any K fog I want to see that as clear as day fog out and then you can put you can change the atmospheric fog distance as well I I’mma put it to like 75 or something like that just so it gives me like a bit more room to breathe oh I like that I like that I like that I left it so that it’s like at a distance I can still see what’s in front of me front of me but it makes me want to walk because it’s like oh what what what’s going to open up in these little hidden fog um moisture droplets so it looks better though heck yeah that’s good that’s all that’s all that matters okay the water yeah we’re good the water the water’s good it has nice little ripples yes sir yeah buddy I dig it I freaking dig it I kind of want to jump off into it but I know I’m going to crack my face open and I don’t want to do that oh it’s starting night time yeah well we got to go that’s we got to make we got to go to the Cherry Blossom so that they can protect us from evil near the Little Bees I want to be they have freaking what do they call they have the um the fireflies they have fireflies where right here look I’m going to go run to it I want to give it a little hug and it blinks it doesn’t stay lit it blinks like a real one I don’t believe you ins I see it oh no wait no it’s a raccoon with glowing eyes oh you oh my God you have rabies no let me see it has R his eyes are glowing there’s two of them there’s a whole family I’m scared come here look I’m scared get they’re chasing me they’re chasing me look at it oh shoot dude does it become your BFF oh there’s a zombie There’s a Zombie coming look at him there’s zombies coming I don’t care there’s zombies coming David save me please oh my God thank you I’m I’m a I’m freaking two and a half hearts here here here here here holy no please don’t why why Pi up run pick it up and run pick it up and run oh my god oh there’s a there’s a creeper get out of the way I baited it oh my god dude I’m sweating I’m sweating look at my my palm okay now show me did it become your BFF when you fed it no man I’m turning it into pink dye so that we can freaking have beds already did you kill one no I picked up the Cherry Blossom flowers look it wait what and you can turn them into oh oh you can turn him into pink Dy and then you can even Place him as more pathing I like can we feed the flowers to the raccoons I hope so now [ __ ] or shoot I mean that’d be freaking awesome oh we can say [ __ ] we just can’t say the we can say Flack but then we might get sued by you know who yeah but I’d rather I’d rather try to keep it like everything down to minimum like like if it happens it happens you know what I’m saying here oh wait how how did you what I thought we needed whoa oh [ __ ] oh crap it kills you yep actually one more tap oh but you place your spawn point yeah so I’m good all right let’s go to bed go to bed Hur cre I’m going to die there’s a creeper D pick the fire stuff dude you have no idea okay all I heard was I hear the smartest coming right in here and all of a sudden I I hear something like I thought it took you out and it took me out but like the moment that I that that I decided like like took you out I just heard you like when it you know like when there’s those videos where it’s the perfect cut off where you see the person they scream and it cuts it off right then and there and it’s that it was that because it would the scream I don’t know if you screamed but whatever that noise was so loud scre dude the freaking mic all you hear is like like the mic couldn’t handle it it was the best hor moment of the game ohn that was can we please cuz they’re chasing me still dude a snap pick up your bed how’ I pick it up how did you even make the bed I got wood and then I got wool where the hell where’d you get wool I sheep there’s no sheep around there there’s a creeper behind us wait wait kill them back there when you started walking towards here B I’m running no run a a I don’t have my I don’t I don’t my bed’s gone oh no oh sh oh well I’m not too far I’m 300 M away I I’ll be there right now it shows you where you died though huh yeah yeah yeah so we’re good hell yeah dude I’ve I’ve never had this much fun [Laughter] dying I picked up your stuff I’m going to put into the chest right here so it’s all safe I’ll get okay okay I got I got to sound like an adult because people are going to start thinking I’m like a little mantle I got to act like a father hey what’s up Crow yo buddy you want to be friends can I feed you come here all whatever bro that’s not cool man he ran for me I don’t know all you had or it flew for me I don’t care just just like typical stuff you know what I mean bar I think I’m giving you the stuff that I believe you had cuz I or I’m giving you the stuff that I remember me not having basically who cuz I had most of my stuff inside my backpack anyways like I gave you most of the wood oh should I gave you your ax back I have my coal did you have any coal um I’ll give it doesn’t matter if I if I did just keep it cuz we’re going to end up using it for the same purpose anyway I’ll give you I’ll give you no we’re going to use it for the same purpose it’d be like it would it would defeat the purpose of it would is that’s just for just in case like hey I want to craft some torches so you can just have some on head so you don’t got to worry about it I’m not going to I’m not going to I’m not going to keep saying no give me that coal son hell yeah I’m going keep all the important stuff is it Jak jener J J start by name start by count start by oh oh oh this little Cliff side is hurting me okay we could just we’re freaking Michael phps in this Sheba Smurfy yo yeah can I just like oh jba smurphies yeah I don’t want to go through there oh you know what let’s just let’s be smart about this come on armpit you’re not thinking St here budy sh yeah you’re going to make an enemy out of me see and get those bees and shoot you up with a bee gun see yeah yeah raccoons e wearing Mas so you can rob me he your eyes glowing like the lies you tell there we go finally it took me 17 hours okay so now it’s time we can’t chop down these trees because they are protected so um we got to figure this out I’m jacking this ax thank you yes hard I don’t mind handouts I don’t mind stealing bread from the M of De hry you can change the freaking color of your backpack inventory that’s crazy I wish I had armpit here in this game this is very very crazy actually dude there’s only one tree up here that we can chop down all this is protected look at the skunk come here there’s a skunk I’m going to kill it oh you better n you leave him alone where where you at I’m over here at wait I’m trying to get up on a high point so you can see me right here to get wait just press how do I I I see you over there me actually let me go to my mini map settings I we got to like really collect wood if we’re going to build here but it can’t be the protected wood we can can’t build here yeah we have to man this is the cherry blossoms the cherry blossoms you know what I’m talking about let me just tell you something we cannot build I don’t want to hear any of your sassmouth assassa dude we got so much more exploration to do I need didn’t even take all the stuff from your chest oh we were going to build here we have to build here it’s the cherry blossom Forest it’s a big cherry blossom Forest you see that crater in the center on your map yeah I dig that I’m going to go check it out I see the skunk look and then there’s the be let me go grab my stuff we have to build her wait if if we I got poisoned for from the skunk cuz I hit it oh you got hippie smell you see that dude and it makes you trip balls I’m not Jing it’s it’s going to seem very M like sad but just you got to hit it once nah dude I don’t I don’t believe in violence the skunk is right here it’s calling your name just letting you know where you at I’ll kill I’ll hit on I’ll kill a raccoon I don’t care I will kill a raccoon man in fact you know you open the inventory hold shift mean when you go into the chest I broke it already a [ __ ] get out of here little whack ass I totally forgot to say I wanted to say for when you open it you can hold shift I believe yeah hold shift and then hold left click and then you can just drag your mouse over all the items and it’ll just like go czy did that it’ll all go into your inventory what when we oh my God why are there tigers here there’s Tigers why yeah oh is this [ __ ] going to attack me um it is it it will you just don’t oh H yeah I’m okay I’m out of here I’m out of here dude I have no food I am hungry well if you don’t mind stealing bread from the mouths of decadence o there is a big crater in the center oh [ __ ] yep that’s a tiger oh yep that’s a tiger you’re going to build in the crater nope cuz there’s a tiger and your boy has no Health let me see that I got any food inside I got a maggot do you think I can eat maggot I’m pretty sure you can yes you can yeah it probably doesn’t taste good though it gave me I think one acid in digestion oh we could to when you chop down the the the blossom trees doesn’t it give you seed to grow them again saplings yeah so yeah we can still chop these little punk asses down the only thing that’s going to we’re going to have a lot of pink wood cuz what if we leave here and we don’t find another Cherry Blossom Place like this man the colors dude you don’t get the colors just make me so happy my heart I agree I’m not saying we just ditch it I’m just saying like we we still got more stuff to explore that’s all I’m trying to say oh like I just want to build the little house so that we could put our shat down yeah let’s do it I’m down no I don’t want to do that cuz we don’t don’t forget I also added the waste the waste stones to this so we can if we find a village we can get that W Stone from it or if we just craft it just look up I’m I’m look it up right now actually how to craft not how to oh wait does does the map we press Z right oh [ __ ] oh you need a warp stone and you need an emerald four ender pearls and a amethyst sh is Big that is crazy well okay I know what I’m going to do I know exactly what I’m going to do I am going to I am going to build here just a little a little a little baby house so that I can put my bed down and then we can go exploring cuz if I die I’ll just respawn here yeah there’s a lot of hostile mobs near you or no that is a hostile mobs that’s items yeah that’s items never mind sorry I saw red on the map and it really scared me I was like that is hostile my I want to build in in a tree you know what I mean I really like building in trees cuz you’re a monkey man hell yeah you you’re Tarzan and I’m mly I dig that dude that’s freaking awesome I dig that so much let’s go to bed right now actually yeah yeah let Yeah Yeah by is very tired I left the bed oh my gosh you lost the bed no I left it you lost it forever why is it how long does it take for us to sleep I don’t think this works what laying in the bed my deser just haven’t laid down yet I was coming to you oh what the hell so that there’s an earthquake I don’t feel it just floating I guess so how did what oh all right dude you mooving your sleep do we move in our sleep yeah I guess so huh that’s the only explanation for that I really do I remember you saying that when we went camping I would move so much and like I kicked you in the face one time yeah you did or something like that and I cried I don’t know how to handle it I think you you can’t say it like that but I think you said that I woke I slept like like my face was head like my head was towards the trunk that I woke up head towards the front of the car like towards the steering wheel like that’s how much I moved type thing that’s happened that’s freaking crazy I remember that happening dude I remember that happening like not even inside that car though I think I brought I bring up the car though because that’s like small confined space and that I just think it’s crazy you’re just a tiny little baby you know what I mean yeah I guess so and you’re like Daddy Daddy but yeah I that that that was kind of rude I even looked at you like why you doing this [ __ ] to me kid you’re all asleep like you don’t know what’s happening have you seen that one where the where the guy where the baby’s like crying or something or something something like that and the dad’s like shut up and and he just keeps on crying without her so the dad just like headbutts the son in the head and the kid just knocks out he’s like he like good he’s asleep now and then he just walks off that’s all I can imagine you doing to me cuz like just keep on moving just like Jus kind of monster do you think I am a crazy monster head butting babies I would right in the soft spot Dad don’t say that please this is how you get cancelled I felt like I the time you kicked me in the sack was when I wanted to send you to heaven and I can’t remember I can’t you can’t say that first of all I don’t remember that well I do that was that was that was a that was a horrible day yeah bet that does not sound good my life I mean I I really don’t need to make it like that right like it doesn’t have to be that big you what I mean I got three stacks of wood we are making it that big do you understand understand um nope dude I freaking love how the bees are just chilling in this cherry blossom cherry blossom biome this game is so so where do you want to build it at what the house oh I’m building in the in the trees already do you see me oh you’re already building in the trees oh [ __ ] I get see so we stay out of the way and then from here we can just like make doesn’t have to be big just something small enough so that we can live in there cuz we want to go exploring so it’s just literally going to be like a 4×4 just for now and then as we as we progress like a real house like oh you know what I’m going to do some renovation a little bit and then build the little the little Waypoint you see what I mean look at this this is the only time I get creative all right let me make this clear you want to yeah yeah yeah cuz most of the time it’s only black and white I don’t see gray so like like if some if we were playing like that’s why we played with armymen and we didn’t play with Power Rangers for the most part it’s hard for me to try to pretend cuz it’s like oh cuz I really don’t no not it’s not hard for me to pretend I can pretend but it has to be like logical pretend yeah but building on top of leaves or or flowers in this case I don’t mind cuz it is so freaking like if I really could I know I would I’d be like yeah I don’t care about physics I’m just going to build on some damn um cherry blossoms and live there because it’s probably going to smell beautiful and then there’s going to be bees obviously we get honey from that and then we can eat the bees if we ever starve bees things are supposed to be good for arthritis so I could just be shooting myself up all high off of be pollen or whatever here it’s just a it’s a beautiful thing do you want to FL out this so that we can make it somewhat and if you want to we can are I don’t know okay let’s get this one right here too we could excuse my I think this would be nice little wooden stairs yeah buddy did you fall off forever yeah but it was cuz I needed to place a specific block so that’d be somewhat symmetrical oh you know what you’re right hold on I’m doing this backwards we’re in a cherry blossom and I’m building with non Cherry goodness I was a little bit confused but I thought you were going for like a con con contrast I was but it’s it’s just not going to work the outside stairs are going to leave like that I’m not doing redoing that [ __ ] but in here it’s definitely going to be oh that and it does look nice I like this way when the ladies come over like oh my gosh they’re so in touch with their with their sensitive side it’s like no girl I just like pink dude pink is a bomb color dude ha on it for no reason wearing if I’m like when I’m really in those moods if I’m wearing pink for some reason I I don’t know what it does to my brain but I’m just like all right I’m not as depressed anymore yeah I love bright colors I really I love wearing black but cuz black is such a sexy color too it’s so gosh darn sexy yeah but bright colors man bright yellow freaking orange terracotta but it has to be like the really bright nice looking terracotta terracotta most people are like but that’s like an ugly type of um of clay you like that no you’re not thinking about ter I’m think thinking about the Terra Cotta I’m thinking about is like a vibrant orange and it’s still called terra cotta they’re like and I’m trying to explain to them like it doesn’t matter to me man if you don’t if you like it or not man it’s my favorite color not your favorite colors you right you’re right terra cotta I love it dude this house is oh I already love it I already love it see then again we got to hear the con why you right there just so you know cuz if you do break a log that is near Another Log it’ll break down the tree shift so watch let’s say I do it like this you see this oh never mind but but it was doing it though it was doing it so I was I was just going to say just shift and then you can break it all individually just so heads up we got to build around this part of the tree I really like the the I don’t know if that little Hummy bird is going to be stuck there forever I hope it is cuz it’s like it’s a beautiful little sound yeah or maybe we could no I I like it there that’ll be like our like one of the exits or something where we can stand on like a or there’ll just be Windows here so that we can stare at it yeah but Windows means we got to get glass which means we seriously have to explore yeah how many hide do you want to go four or 10 I’m just starting off the the the Let’s do let’s do three High three High all right I’m going to follow what you’re doing right so you like um with these you’re going to fill in with with all of these right with the pink blocks like that yeah okay we’re going to do that right there I think I’m going to keep I’m sorry no yeah I’m dude I kind of like this corner just the way it is because it has the tree kind of going into the house yeah I I I like I mean we could build around like a wall like this like but then not touch the tree so or the leaves on it so it’s actually in the house yeah and we just pretend that it’s like insulated or something like that yeah I I this is these are the times where I’m okay with pretending and where physics don’t work cuz you can literally see outside and just like yeah there’s going to be cold coming in from there but in my brain it’s not I’m going to force myself to pretend that we are warm inside and there AR drafty breezes coming through oops two three two three can we actually place our beds on the leaves I don’t think we oh no we can okay let’s place our bed down real quick oh I I I don’t remember how to open my my inventory or you know what that might a bit too small of a room I’m scared man where do you want to place the beds at you I don’t mind I don’t mind being in a little tiny baby room okay let’s get it what happened to your bed oh oh shoot yeah how do you place it no oh [ __ ] n did you see that though it was right here what was it my bed I saw it in your hand oh [ __ ] what yeah for for me it wasn’t in my hand it was invisible hold on we are we do got to do I think can we do chocolate floors would that go with this yeah 100% I think that would be sick man chocolate floors I’m going to keep it like this just so we can keep on looking out or I don’t know no I like that I like that I like that okay well we we we’ll still Workshop it but oops oh you know what I’m I’m going to keep that little there thing there so that you don’t kick me in the head okay okay just for now just remember that remember that who who said it who said it was it John M he was like he was like yeah I was sleeping at my homies at my homie place and we were sharing the same bed and he decided to build like a big ass pillow fort in between us and he and I was like dude why is this guy doing this and and John is like like I asked him he like hey why are you doing this he’s like oh so you don’t do anything to me when I’m sleeping cuz I know you’re yada y y he’s like you really think of pillow is going to stop me from who was that I can’t remember you really you I remember that yeah I remember that yeah yeah who the hell was that or was it aiz no that wouldn’t be aiz would c c is last handled this Acy [Music] man oops oops Yeah it’s a pal androme there was a car chase around here yesterday oh yeah yeah I wanted to go look at it but they came pretty close to yep that that little Hummy bird is going to be stuck there forever hey that’s cool with me heck yeah I like that little guy it’s taking pretty good so far he’s like just a little Glutton he’s a little Glutton he just does not want to stop eating nectar yeah oops secret tunels secret tunels oops tunnels tunnels everywhere tunnels tunnels everywhere do we want to have an open roof or how do you how you feeling about this we can leave it open I don’t mind because that just means that it’s a beautiful day did we want to change the the wood stairs yep cuz it’s going to be chocolate for now we can use the pink but when we get the chocolate wood it’s going to be chocolate oh I can’t wait for chocolate or what if we were to just use these like cuz you can change cuz for at least for now it’s going to be a bit of wood but we don’t got to really worry about it all too much watch we can put the blocks into a block like this to where it doesn’t have any of the pink stuff on top you know what I’m saying so it’s literally what you would want to do is get the the wood the logs put it into the crafting table and the 4×4 and just like completely f it out oh that sounds a little racist I’m just going to do it for the stairs right now we’re going to keep the leaves that it is until we get chocolate yes I say that and I’ll keep doing a beautiful job being a kind soul whoa easy there pal well I need more wood I was in a rush I guess sure seem like it just don’t hurt me man I love you I love you too I just can’t get back up there now man oh oh oh yeah cuz I have some some blocks I got to out whoa I heard it’s going to rain sometime in the future got to get ready for that that’s going to be bad or maybe not bad it’s just going to be it’s going to be very good theyy I hope it doesn’t flood around here I hope the Hing bird gets into cover cuz I don’t know if his little M can take it all the range is hitting down on his body yeah you know what we might have to build him a little a little cover cuz if we don’t know one else will yeah oh but I can’t get up there there we go I already built some a little cover nice hummingbird you’re going to be safe forever whoa whoa whoa whoa wait did I make a mistake what the Snapple what the wood in the corner of this wall just disappeared and what wall one of the Interior see the like the corner Edge wait right here it’s gone you didn’t make a mistake it’s just hidden behind this pink it doesn’t matter it’s just right there so that so that I’m so confused don’t worry about that so confused I don’t know how to live my life anymore yeah man this is looking nice I think I want these three to be open like that too see I I closed this one off just a bit I just closed those but I like I like the way this look typically that looks dude it’s coming on good so far are we going to um Do you want to build a a Stairway going down from this side too we can if you want to yeah I think that would be a beautiful design no Mommy the Lions tried getting you I fell and almost died oh wait oh darn Carn it is that a word maybe it could be if you really wanted it to yeah I’m going to pretend it is cuz I’m too lazy to go get a crafting table from over there so I’m just going to go do it right here Che Murphy’s what what was I going to [Music] do eat some chocolate stew where was I going to go need a little chocolate Amo totally just could have left it the way it was and I didn’t and now I’m now I’m paying for it darn it oh up up up up let me see what that message is from why did you send me the message these people send me the message like hey you want to take this order and I’m like oh I probably would and they just take it away and it’s like it’s not even there man now it’s like just disappeared I don’t know where to go oh no no no that doesn’t that looks gross what the way that that block went oh wait a minute though what um in which direction is the wood grain going upwards or the wood grain is going side by side I don’t know if um like on the stairs is it going does the wood grain go against the direction of the stairs like how when you’re going down but the wood grain is going from like left to right of the stairs the wood grain is going or is it going with the flow of traffic if that makes sense oh I actually have no idea cuz in the front of the face it’s going side by side ah I seen that in the chat but on the top it’s going up and down I died again you got to stop dying oh I’m hungry oh I see it it’s going oh wait it’s going in all the directions that’s what I’m saying bro that’s exactly what I’m saying okay the ones over here I’m going to have them going straight down with the flow of traffic I can make it over there I know I can no I’m going to do that again come on hey do you think I okay you know what they they if there’s anybody watching they can’t get mad cuz my stream specifically says dabs and fat dabs and and Minecraft what is it Minecraft mods so I’m going to take fatty right now man up what’s up babies if you’re watching I hope you’re having a good time wait it goes It goes this show is not for children H know it’s not which we only what which we only say to let the babies out there know how cool they are for listening what’s up you cool unless you’re one of the unless you’re one of the Poor Unfortunate children that has to use cannabis because of a of an unseen event that is completely unfair for you to go through and every day before I go to bed I will send an extra little prayer up for there for you so you get out of that situation because that is not cool buddy this show is not for children which you only say till that the babies out there know how cool they are for listening what’s up you cool babies yeah what’s up you little babies for the most part if you’re watching you’re Mo you’re you’re an adult and if you’re not what I’m about to do do not repeat you got to be 21 and over at that point it’s beyond me but it’s like I’m not going to Advocate what I do because I’m an adult and I am not going to advocate okay what I do because cuz sure I’m just not going to Advocate it oh I’m going to Advocate it right now though for adults not for children not for little babies oh we got to sleep shiznits I’m going to get hurt that’s why I want to go to sleep I don’t want to they’re trying to hurt me die where did oh shh I almost forgot what how to navigate my own house let’s take this dab over that T hope you get that t your because cheers oh my gosh Yep this is the house is complete dude I can’t believe we did [Music] it dabino carb cap and we’re going to take a swig give me a sec your stuff is still on the ground I just took a took a nice fat [Music] dab Kevin Kevin yeah I’m going call you Kevin right now Kevin in oh the I was going to put the the stairs in this and um that we’re going to be going with the traffic you know what I mean bar oh okay okay so you’re like when you’re walking down you’re like oh cute so you got to place it sideways like this [Music] yeah yeah look at that oh baby pick up your stuff though there’s more of it down there yeah oh yeah you’re right right here get right here yeah that we make like a little step up right here that oh sorry there we go see now we can just get down up and down easier it’s a beautiful little thing we’ll do it like that we’ll keep it like that I like that oh yeah all right let’s break this now oh yeah I don’t know who built this oh someone’s texting me all right it’s time to explore damn my cousin also got power world and he wants me to play with him but I don’t want to which cousin H it was um it’s it’s a cousin no it’s a cousin from from Albert side of the family it’s a it’s an older cousin he it’s him he’s like 21 or some [ __ ] like that but it’s him and some other of his cousins and friends and he wants to play Power the I he he’s really cool it’s just I don’t want to have to split my time between two different Power worlds and then you know what I’m saying I’m just going to sound like that he have to join our world damn with my right now oh you know what this could actually just be a chest and they caught one on me right now watch bam we got this on pretty quick I like that ow how is this oh yeah going right oh we need one more damn that’s crazy okay my girlfriend my girlfriend no is it like that hey what the heck what BR no kid you got pink lemonade for a reason I did I got pink lemonade stop I’m playing with my daddy there he goes chill out BR chill out BR I don’t need all this energy going from you right now my boy please oh my gosh what happened I fell and I almost died my whole body dying kills you yeah I’m trying not to do that right now but um I’m having a problem what are you doing right now fixing the directions of the front stairs because no I had a perfect no what Mom oh wait if I just do like this then I can do this hold on we got to make it even sced I got [Music] it my finger on the Trier to pull oh you can’t be sing that dude you know that song though it’s a good song I’ve heard it but I like I don’t know who sang it or wrote it or dance to it but it’s like that with a lot of songs cuz this I have to be really jazzed about the information for me to retain it like gu someone be like did you know that one of Snows but I have no idea buddy I didn’t know that one is s dude these these freaking Tigers were I don’t know if they’re Siberian tigers or some [ __ ] but I just want to hit one do it like I just want to like hit one of them at least you know what I’m saying let me see what we get from H how can I get this a turn there we go but this one take do it cuz I don’t the parents are home I I don’t got to worry about going anywhere I mean not a dab I can eat my dummies s Patch Kids nice your super Stony ones I dig it no no no no no no no super Stony my my M guates flavor I like M guais it’s a real flavor though psych I don’t know what I’m talking about I can eat some ganim no way are you serious what dude you have no idea wa I’m not going to say anything until you come over here I don’t know where the H where look on the oh yeah the Press Z when you go say m why do I see chat the when I do it I see a big old chat I should have no idea why that is kind of irritating though huh yeah like cuz it’s I can’t see that’s why I’m saying it we’re we I I will literally we’re going to switch up the the maps when we redo it yeah I wait oh no that wasn’t wait how far did you go I didn’t go far I’m like right on the edge of the of the charry biome but actually I don’t see you either yeah I don’t see are you a red a red dot I thought you were white white dot yeah I am white hold on let me press y let me see way point overlay block change position I way points view settings like how do I to going enlarged mini map off I keep that on actually let’s toggle that potion effects push effects hide screen Zoom Auto [Music] off keep rotation off frame style default off lighting there is s a Phenix entity radar setting did you know that entity category settings living item other setting for any cancel yes entity doze shoot we’ll do two smooth do display [Music] names like like that what the hell is that it’s a phoenix oh my gosh that’s freaking Majestic doesn’t it make you want to just dance cry yes oh I thought we were going to dance that’s the make Corina that’s the me Corina you want to dance Macaro burn I have nothing left can we catch it like a pal I have no idea I really want to catch it like a pal where did it go Sarah Sarah where did you go Sarah Sarah stop playing okay it’s gone oh I’m running back this sucker is trying to shoot me but i r you barrier I locked the the back door don’t worry nothing can get in but I got to finish this work this amazing work that I’m doing whoa no Daniel what I’m having a damn Daniel moment damn it I got hit damn Daniel back at it again with the arrows I’m going to see if that the guy that says says that if he has a um one of those accounts I forgot what it’s called but like you can pay them to say stuff and I’m going to have them do my intro does when he does that voice it’s the best oh no there’s a little little baby guy zombie man he’s trying to kill me and I don’t believe in violence but I don’t want to hurt him I see you I think you’re just too far yeah you were just too far I need to change the render distance that’s what it is I’m about to go go now no no good away oh my gosh I got this just got to stop panicking that’s right buddy shut up don’t me make it noises at me oh those zombies trying to eat my brains my gosh oh now I got to pump iron real quick cuz I messed up give me a second punishment punishment we made a mistakes out there my dudes you must punish yourself mistakes were made [Music] I got to get my arms ready for one when I got to use those damn crutches again so I’m losing weight so I don’t freaking have to carry my big old butt upstairs and stuff imagine with makes me sick yeah I think I got to 19 before I or I hit um I didn’t even hit failure I could have done like two or three more I should have went to failure look in your map can you see me that baby okay how do I see the map without pressing Z I see you I see you I see you oh [ __ ] I’m going to die get no you got to hide I can’t I’m also dying of hunger one hit hit and I’m dead wait wait I’m going to be chased by a baby zombie yo okay let’s go to bed yeah cuz a baby zombie oh I made it to feel after that you should follow me let’s go who I was inside of [Laughter] you I said that a little too loud okay 3 2 1 go we got to run we got to book it oh oh he’s on my body dude luckily I put everything in my back let’s keep on going quick as right around the corner I hit me with the oh oh he’s burning now a vage do you know what it is though that is the overhauled Village which means it should have a lot more better loot d wait where’ you go I you know man I’m right here I’m next you oh you want to go explore it real quick yeah we’re going to find you a jacket you need to find you a jacket cuz your freaking nips around I want to jump I’m eating onions you got it no I don’t wait what what the what I’m glitched what do you mean I spawned inside the chest I was inside the chest man what uh what I don’t even know what kind of oh wait hold on let me go to obs I got to see what tius was I I got to oh let me take a screenshot your stuff is going to despawn it’s never going to despawn where did it go it didn’t go anywhere you took it oh never mind it’s on the side of the cliff already took damage is that a barracuda oh SN no there’s salamander snakes in here though I don’t know if that’s a real thing I’m already in the village what’s the max weight I can carry 25 that’s not a lot it’s kind of whack am go oh my gosh and there’s a dungeon right next to it I saw Barracuda where’s all my stuff it’s on the side of the it’s like like I can’t even I can’t even die with all my stuff kidding take there was a crow trying to take no you didn’t take my stuff there was a crow trying to take my stuff who a crow I I um did see some of it going to the water and I don’t know if where it went actually no there like it like I mean like I could take a clip of this the crow landed all my stuff and was pecking at it like it was trying to take my stuff yeah I got my stuff back I think but the crow oh get I almost I need that we’re joking chat David stole my stuff I did I don’t even know what else I had all right I’m going into the dungeon no you don’t I’m not there yet well I’m going upstairs so go Jack everybody’s stuff first oh let me kick some food real quick though cuz I’m about to die don’t know not the champag river inside the champagne River holy moly champ River I don’t really drink champagne that much I really I freaking need champagne I see you I think the champagne is gross you know I’d rather drink zero free sugar imitation Dr Pepper cuz it’s just as good in my in my pretend brain like cucumber sandwiches you know what I mean you know what I mean dude look how nice this Villages oh my go I drilled a little bit see that yeah I drilled a little bit dude and it has the freaking dungeon Tower thingy right there we built our little house a was Stone we can put a wasone at the house or we can wasone here actually whatever you want what do you want to do we got to put one at the house wait wait no no no what do you mean we can waste on here here from the house we no we we can if we build another wa Stone yeah we can waist Stone from the house here no we did that here and we build a w Stone we leave it here yeah all right you just click it left click yeah buddy so now this is a a teleportation spot freaking sick we we wasted our time building over there cuz um yeah we’re going to seeds you better stopen F yo what’s up what’s up what’s your name Todd Todd I’m going to take your stuff you ain’t got nothing Todd no slam the door on Todd’s face a man my freaking pickaxe who’s in here oh I’m taking all your stuff wait how do you do that trick oh [ __ ] oh I got it yeah buddy should all Jack all the stuff oh I’m not doing anything uh excuse me inspection inspection we’re making sure that everything’s up to code oh what’s up with this big old chest huh oh oh you’re trying to hide this huh H from your government buddy you’re trying toade taxes boy yeah it’s tax season buddy it’s taxis H me we’re about we’re going to have to build something though like a fire department cuz they’re going to get suspicious they have a lot of food yeah oh my gosh I took it all those kids are going to starve I got freaking 15 potatoes four bread and 20 apples oh and it’s the best food but dude that’s food nonetheless that’s that okay with me food oh hey villager um uh how about you go outside real quick thank you hey hey and it’s crazy dude they got got the freaking dungeon Tower right there got Anderson hey yo Anderson was trying to catch him stealing I mean um collecting taxes yeah you didn’t see anything Anderson he’s taxa yeah he was but he almost saw me take everything oh jackpot I mean um y these taxes got to be paid here we got a lot of staring people oh my oh my what did you find nothing oh you’re you’re trying to taxes huh no but you should come in here though all right there you go I was oh in my house not into my house into his house [Music] oh taxis wait until you see what people are trying to keep from their their amazing government that’s just trying to build a fire station I see there I go we’ll fix the roads for sure that’s what I want to focus on is fixing the roads cuz these are damaged yeah hey your last your last government sucked buddies we’re going to fix you up right oh look at that there’s a librarian where is he at hersel the Hershel the librarian whoa Hershel oh my gosh there’s a chest in there dad herel oh oh oh herel what are you check it you see what’s oh my god dude chus Murphy’s there’s only three good ones on that one book we can either get a power four bow you got dep Strider or a level four sharpness sword dude and then we can no no no I want I want you to have it I don’t want it this is gross to me but dude they were not joking when they said that the loot inside these places are crazy yeah that was beautiful we I really am now going to go out of my way to fix these roads for them cuz this place deserves it yeah they’re letting us Rob them for all their good stuff yeah it’s going to be worth it though villagers when we’re done with this place you’re going to be like first off Cobblestone people can like hurt their their ankles on Cobblestone but is there like a better version of cobblestone cuz we have a lot of options oh yeah cuz Cobblestone is too is too it’s too common it’s too common can’t do that to these villagers man so we would look up um blocks look up um look up path look up paths let’s see path oh dang it you’re right so since you’re since you’re um Co what would it be like Mir so since you’re co- there’s a lot of things that we could we could go with no I’m not going to lie and the options are endless except for the point that or except for the part where they end at page two yeah yeah but I mean I see wow wow are are by any chance are you digging the the broken ones where the ones that are called the broken strewn Rocky path broken um see or should we go just solid like the ones above it where do you see broken it um where it says like oh um which one was it the brick the brick flag Stone path the strun rocky path the Sandstone one or the or any of those hey I I don’t care with any of those I don’t care would you now would you think that because of the amount of of taxes they paid should we go with the complete covered path so that that way they’re like a they didn’t all they did was take some some pieces and threw them on the floor they couldn’t even give us a full path should we go full path yeah the phone agreed the phone the phone went off so I think we have to do a full covered but how do you feel about the the like the one you said it was the stone flag the stone or brick flag stone path or the how do you think or what do you feel about the flagstone pants at the flag St PS where is that that one that one is right below it’s like the second the third row from the bottom it like any one of those or or like is there one that you’re looking for specifically like you looking at Brick uh just regular Stone flag stone what do you think would go look good with with with this decor with what we oh [ __ ] there’s a bison yeah I saw there’s two there was two of them down by the water there’s another oh my gosh let’s go to bed real quick we let’s just camp out at one of these guys’ houses I’m scared cuz after that I need you to come to me I’m already in bed okay I’m too [Music] where you at I see you I see [Music] you okay go watch come this way I can’t run oh cuz I’m I need bread let me eat some bread real quick do you see that oh there’s another freaking waste on we can take this bad boy back and bring it back to the house dude that’s freaking sweet now we got instant teleportation to that house to this place and to any other place that we that we so desire oh my gosh dude our luck here is so awesome I know these guys are freaking crazy good yeah you know what you know just because of that I say we do [Music] something I like the way because of that they’re coming for US flag stone flagstone yeah I think yeah I think flag cuz this isn’t like I was thinking of like upgrading it to like a windmill weave but I was like but it doesn’t feel the atmosphere if we were going to do something I say we still go with flagstone Davi what I think we stick with windmill weave windmill weave they deserve it if that’s what you’re going if that’s what you’re were thinking about I think it does because it’s a windmill and this is like this is like a little village I I do see like a like if there was a windmill here it would totally fit the the decor but that’s why I I like that so I think we go with this one you then I say we do that but with a earthy tone because I was looking at the freaking diorite cuz I was like dude that looks crazy but I don’t F di right though we could do like a Mossy Stone no we go diorite you want to go diorite I do and I’ll explain why it helps him see the road easier okay it’s nice and and it shows how clean they are because it’ll never get dirty obviously because it can’t yeah I think they would like it let’s let’s ask him we’ll do this again let’s go up to a couple of of random like a random Village villager we’ll ask him 48 times if he wants die right and then if he makes a noise and any one of those 48 times that’s a yes okay so it’s fine all hey here excuse me sir sir um we we are your your your Mayors and we wanted to ask you a question we’re thinking about putting up hey you stand the door on our face sir now we’re considering uh fixing we while we’re going to fix your floors Hey sir you’re going to hurt yourself that goes against oosha violations sir we’re going to go and fill we wanted your opinion on the floors or the paths we’re going to put up we’re thinking diorite windmill diorite what say ye he said yes thank you very much for for your assistance sir we’re going to get to work thank you and thank you for the contributions you made to your government in the form of all your taxes all I don’t sound too happy about that if you ever try running from us again when we ask you a question you’re dead you hear me don’t you ever lucky let’s go I think I think he knows what’s up so we got to get diorite where do we find diorite it’s just another song that we can find within the caves oh we got to go hunting it shouldn’t be too bad let’s do this I need like about 2,000 pieces no joke maybe even actually maybe 3,000 there’s andesite right here andesite what’s andesite is there a way to make andesite botes yeah it’s just green instead of white we could go and aite oh there’s dead sounds though I mean there is a lot of and aide here there’s dead sounds though I’m cool with it okay let me let me build let me build what am I playing Lego fortnite mama give me a second [Music] yo do you have Jam to make peanut butter and jelly sandwich I think I do and it’s sugarfree oh can I have some you can you can take it with you I’m not really using it cuz I don’t like this I [Music] [Music] I can’t see I don’t like that we could get in there but is that copper got C in here really good oh want a ruined portal that’s awesome hey Mama I like that hey Mama a and there’s another Village [Music] [Music] y [Music] another stone cutter why are these guys so give me a second I’m going to give milk to a snack [Music] okay no I got inside his ring P little body too cold and wet over here my poor little body okay so what I’m about to do I know it looks gross you guys will get over it once you watch this especially after I get super famous I’m going to D it okay and a year from now when I’m like super sexy you’ll understand but this is just a tiny little snack I I don’t need too many extra calories so this is where my calories come in from so good this is like 20 calories these are like five so if you want flavor put your calories just in a little bit of this so that you can eat healthy man I want to wear nice butter Nubs and I want to be in a nice ass suit one day with the long ass train and be talking like sh that’s so good once I stopped eating a lot of processed food it’s like my taste buds changed I have dirty hands well not dirty but I have sauce I don’t like doing that okay somebody I have no idea there somewhere in the in the in the chat excuse me I think it’s time to go to bed now no got to se forever do we have a house in here no it’s very dangerous in there you want to go up there you hear those noises I hear those [Applause] noises I say if we go through it we need to like go through the front though okay here I’ll [Music] do do the front door they sound nasty don’t talk to me like that okay there you go I’m cleaning my hands wait I can’t get up there I’m scared how did you get up there where did you go I’m being shot with arrows David help me please I’m dying where are you I have no idea David you say you went through the front door I don’t know where the front door is at David I said I was going to the front door David quick look look look look look oh I think the front door is like right the side is oh yep there’s the front door great watch up sh oh there’s a creep Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper okay hold on go oh my gosh I st to the eyes of a demon okay okay look we can hit him right here oh sorry sorry no no you’re okay you’re okay how much health okay one of them actually died oh [ __ ] sorry sorry sorry Sor sorry it’s going down oh shoot there’s more they keep on poisoning you I’m going to M damage you need to eat I have a piece of bread but did you know that when it snows hey you see that I here than I need to crab something real quick oh okay oh I can’t make nothing oh I’m I uh hey didn’t I CRA the sword oh no I didn’t wait what what you died yeah I was trying to crap the sword I don’t have anything on me man I’m dying David is coming for me oh snap oh what health were you at very low cuz it keep hitting me with stuff you know how many times they hit me 49 I’m just waiting for the zombies to die and go over there yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I think this time for 17 dabs back to back you want to s snack hold on ch’s like feing right now here mhm look I’m going run in there and I’m going to kill everything David do it I believe in you I’m getting hit I’m I’m being I’m being exposed to the elements I died she on me I’m on my way oh wait dang nits bag nabot they have beds in here where you can set your spawn point just for the time being here I’m going to go back down actually so I can show you how to do your thing man I I don’t know what I’m doing or you got to come over here quick quick quick quick quick before your stuff despawns oh I like I can’t get up there like I can’t I can’t I can’t can’t build oh [ __ ] watch out oh my gosh my legs hurry hurry hurry hurry okay here here hold on this is all your stuff how do you crouch it should be oh you know what it might have changed in your setting you might need to change it in your settings cuz I know I had to rebind my Crouch oh man oh there it is [ __ ] you’re going [Music] turbo um he then watch come this way so you can set your spawn point in here at least okay wait I made a shovel what am I going to do with the shovel knock them out oh man where come up here come up here oh [ __ ] just be careful not to jump too far yeah there you go a lot of there’s a lot of bad people I didn’t even know if we should go upstairs no just said your spawn point here just just in case see they got beds right here I put mine in this corner oh and they got it downstairs too nope nope nope nope nope we blocked that off there’s someone down there dude this is too dangerous there’s someone behind you oh my god what the hell is that it’s a they’re devil people come in here come in here come here come here come in close close Okay okay here’s what we do we open this like that so at least you can see them but they don’t want to show there they come oh got her double person so they look like skeletons with like Oni masks okay they’re they’re not as strong as the other guys and the freaking Minecraft music comes on and then it’s all like where are you at on TM if only we had a bow or something like that there he comes come here on in your face son okay very good we took out the O baloney okay grab this place it in case oh just grab building materials where is he out there no I’m just paranoid I’m going to see if I can okay they’re they’re all they’re all on top they’re all on top they’re on top we got to come got to come got to come got to come face face space space I died no it killed me and it hates my guts oh [ __ ] oh no oh [ __ ] no oh please Lord have mercy of my soul a this is the No No zone I’ll kill it don’t worry you’re going to die hold on I got to I got to put on a mask I got to put on a scary death mask okay now I got to beat him up okay hold on you thought I going let you out buddy how about this one I’m just throwing stuff at you huh oh you want to go heads let’s go [ __ ] oh you going to respa let me respawn huh what the heck is that me hitting him cuz they’re all a lot of them dude and I’m just is there a spawner yeah there has to be cuz they’re just all right here dude oh [ __ ] all my stuff is I just realize my backpack oh no oh no o o o get crush on y we got to take a break for these messages take that Jensen you want to turn your W report huh evading your taxes committing tax fraud you money laundering out here buddy oh we don’t pay those I just realized we almost lost your your books but I was able to pick everything up and a put it onto a chest oh my gosh I think I would have cried I got to build like I got craft or something cuz this is a little dude the only issues that tapping this fast freaking hurts my like d I don’t have any weapons I don’t know what to do how to made a how to make a wooden weapon two of that as you got wooded on son there definitely has to be a spawner on here how are there still more up there huh somebody down there I see I see a spawner I just can’t break it cuz they just keep on spawning too fast booty over there huh I get my weap on oh come on the moment this guy dies I’m going in there and I’m breaking it [ __ ] more of them just spawn dude oh come on uhoh come on buddy and they just don’t stop spawning okay I know what I know what I’m just going to go from above and just break it those things are a little okay I’ve been calling them names it’s not working okay if they’re all right there then that means I should okay only one’s coming come on dude oh what from where Oh shoot no from behind oh [ __ ] I fell I going pick you up oh there a a freaking course there’s a door there’s a actual door that we needed to go through so go and stop then no there’s like a door entrance like it makes it easier to get inside which is great to know oh but not good to know that they’re going to be coming through and I lost the a yikes oh you yeah let’s go to sleep I set my my my spawn point to to one up here and I don’t know if that was a good idea I don’t know either yo what this place has like knobs do you want some cake and beetroot kind of oh I got you some cake and beetroot do you want some jelly jams there’s a blast furnace in here there’s a couple of them okay so let’s try to do this are you going go bed hold on no no I’m not in bed yet it’s just I’m freaking trying to figure out how to get to my stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff run run run run run oh come on okay I see how to make all the freaking crazy crazy ass n guys stop [Music] spawning oh so they leave us alone from now on no oh [ __ ] dude there’s just so many of them oh I can’t I’m messing with the wrong cowboy cowboy then I fell down here my last this was there what’s in here over here died right there okay I need to try to get that bag oh the I okay the spawner is like right here be behind you behind you what the the guys are are chasing you oh oh [ __ ] damn it I just want my backpack dude I should have put my backpack away I don’t know what I was thinking a [ __ ] I should have put my backpack away should we take out the spawner that spawns these ninja dudes or should we just leave it oh yeah no no we need to take them out just I I didn’t do it I just really want that backpack back d okay [ __ ] it was a sexy ass backpack too and I ain’t going to stop until I shot don’t stop oh whoa there is a lot of dudes there did you see what’s in the chest in here uh-uh David what chest David we’re in the spawner room I didn’t see it dude there was iron in there and a diamond oh [ __ ] do you want an iron an iron sword no oh oh I just see to get around it and just pick it up I I got it I got my backpack I don’t care oh that’s all I wanted je was Murphy’s dude I had oh yes cuz it had the waste on theide of it too okay I’m putting it back into the chest and then after that then we’re good to kick ass no I die what here look oh I grab it how I drop it oh you don’t got to drop right now if you here here here hold on cuz I’m going to I’m real quick wait wait wait no no no you you you you stay like cuz I need to drop down and get the oh [ __ ] uh the backpack it’s an iron sword man I’ll get it right now but the f I got to go get yes Shield oh my point oh I forgot about my XP what was I doing it’s okay we’ll get a lot more when we kill him right now okay I’m putting all of our stuff inside this chest up here out in the front and then that’ll be good all I need is this pickaxe I that’s all out all I want is pickax so I can break this thing already chus Merc man he was one tap too that’s crazy oh there’s another one damn it get inside no I’m dropping you your stuff cuz I’m going to die hopefully die by breaking this [ __ ] ah I wasn’t able to oh thank you a dope young man is do the kids still say that today I say dope where’s the pck oh it’s right there damn it yo I don’t think we can break the spawners no we can CU I tried and guy killed me okay that’s all I needed just enough time to get them out of the way I broke it I broke it I broke the main one I broke the main one of of of all the ghost guys of all the ghost guys but but but me they all died wait no they did it I don’t know what the hell that was no damn it I’m coming back bastards Mo you bastard move you stupid man you annoying sack of [ __ ] move yo BR what happened yeah I’m still playing with my dead [ __ ] I know how to do this oh oh [ __ ] okay I don’t know how to do it though get him to the corner nope that wasn’t oh I died I’m not parkour mtic of course they come from both freaking sides what the why close the goddamn door you stupid man oh yeah but it’s closed now fud oh God okay oh Jus Murphy’s yeah come in the room [ __ ] come in the room please all right let’s see did one of them pick up my pickaxe nice I just need to see where my pickax is oh that wasn’t where it was yeah I see it all right oh my [ __ ] why can’t I click on the damn door yes did I get everything yeah oh I hope so at least oh now it’s time to make you bastards pay I think I did it oh I did it well I’m going to get endless XP here I got it all right come on bu you want me to leave these red guys so we can get an infinite XP or do you want me to break their spawners no we we leave these guys cuz I already broke into the like walls into the room so we can just stand her and get XP when we want want but we need to close that door off and Mark it so that we know which room it is that is holding them there’s too many in here for me to okay then I’m going to leave that right there then and I’m just going to let them kill me I’m going to actually options oh [ __ ] no please key [ __ ] [ __ ] man oh my God and of course that one isn’t freaking locked from where this game is getting effing annoying get back in this room I’m stand there stupid get in this room why are they oh I got to get into this first oh oh but I didn’t grab all my stuff I got to figure out how I’m going to I’m going to like stay in here come on just die dude come on will I make it if I book it I feel like I’m like I won’t is there like a chest here so I can just drop my stuff dud why to just build one build let me craft one I don’t have blocks what do you wait what the I want to like how do you get into the regular thing you know what I mean you know what I mean oh cuz I need a no [ __ ] is no sh I got him I need a craft in here [Music] oops okay dude it’s all going to part of plan two dude that’s all that matters cuz then I go here go here go here dude part of the plan baby how do I make a chest can I go here okay it’s too dark in here oh [ __ ] damn it yes yes I got the door closed so now they stuck in here I just got to the other outside oh hey boys give me that XP that you guys stole from me huh booyah okay so now we got that all right so when I got to kill the guys out here all right Dad where are you at let me see where you upst cuz I I know you got your little XP system going thing too come on buddy just go down there you go there you go where’s your partner where’s your partner dude this might be the best XP farm that we got so far I think so I’m already at at 9 even though I died like 75 times oh yeah no I was at freaking 20 funny when in the very beginning when when we when we first started getting through that door and then we went inside all the way cuz we were getting like really cocky about it but n freaking this is this is the way to go okay at the same time I also stole your XP too in the very beginning because we just kept on dying near each other so oh so that little that little area where we were at yeah um or the the second floor to that place whatever doors are open are accessible rooms whatever doors are closed are are close because of the the flesh eating viruses that are inside yeah I don’t know if this is a good one oh yeah can we can open this one [ __ ] okay yeah it’s just that door right there then move my chest I’ll put this chest back in here oops so that I can hold myself while I explore cuz I don’t want to lose it a shift yeah there’s a spawner on the third floor okay which room do I need to run in so that I can hit this guy from right here yo secure the third floor oh no I can’t oh the I see where the third floor is at or what the third floor does damn I lost all my XP [Music] [ __ ] I about to do work to get this back a [ __ ] he just spawned out of nowhere what an [ __ ] [Music] oops all right I looted the second chest that was inside that room I got five iron six gold 21 arrows and seven beard I don’t know how to feel about that but it does feel pretty good not do bad if I say so myself I dig it I dig it a lot no not right there oh I’m never getting that back now and then I trapped off the where you at let me see where you’re at are you upstairs yeah I’m here I a burped oh [ __ ] no yeah any door that’s closed leave it closed you do not want to open those doors cuz there’s demons in there unless you want me to automate it automate the demons yeah there we go now if I go up can they hit me from here why would I fall what what kind of nonsense is that oh yeah they oh they they can hit me so I don’t know who told me they couldn’t but that they can okay it looks like I’m going need to shut that door shut that door got it okay just kill these last guys and what we’re going to do is move the blocks just a bit okay do you want them okay which way where do you want them to go to cuz I can I can either hit this block and have them fall down here to you oh no come here dude just come ready follow me just smack them from here they can’t get out of the door so they just come back over here and just keep smacking them and smacking them all right let me show you mine it’s mine oh cuz yours is down here yeah remember remember this one yeah this I hate this one sick you just you just stra you just run straight over here to this bookshelf just like run here I’ll bring him over here to me I’ll bring him over here to me I’m scared man how do I run I was on to press Crouch oh please don’t press Crouch did you make it yeah and I fell in oh my God they’re going to get me oh shoot did you fall down the center no okay look it so see you you get their attention by opening up this door they don’t know that this is the trap door so they just walk straight through it they come down here anything that gets trapped on these will get will get taken care of we’ll put water right here put a sign in the middle so that they get towards funnel towards the center and they all come towards this door here and he just oh and the reason why I put it right here is cuz it’s literally right see this that’s where we’re supposed to go through I want to automate M that’s a cool idea oh there’s a Skelly yeah see [ __ ] burn and because you’re killing more of them moral fine sweet how do I get back up I want I want to build something like that that was genius I’m glad I thought about it yeah just keep on coming up here I’m going to put a door right there so that if you want to you can just excuse me I need to get another trap door though run run run come here suck I’m going to get this truck so you can just there that’s what I was saying cuz if we do that if we do yours oh yeah I’m going to do mine right now and we can make him drop through that hole we can make them drop through this hole they’ll take damage right here and then and then we can just have them funnel through through over here to to this door and then they did you know what I’m saying it needs to be there David oh don’t tell me I dropped all my wad and I didn’t pick it up my wad I put a lot of it inside the chest oh [ __ ] my w oh I have no wad I don’t know where I died so I wouldn’t know where to pick up my Stu [ __ ] damn it behind you behind you behind you where’d he go oh there it is where trying to have him kill me huh wait where did it go it won’t come down what the hell you got to be kidding me yeah boy [ __ ] that’s okay I just need to make a thing in the back so that the weapons and loot doesn’t get all stuck up in there oh you know what I know what I can do when that happens I’ll just have to I have not and then just use this I’ll probably use this it that too him back up don’t man boy feel I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can I lied I can’t why there’s got to be [Music] something yeah okay that’s good enough like this then yeah that’s go how do I make a chuckas okay now to just get my weapons and we fight this through dude we actually freaking did it dude for a second I didn’t think we were but we did it I I didn’t think this through I’m so proud of us Dad D I didn’t think this through what this section right here I didn’t think it threw the section yeah oh I did never mind I thought it threw nice oh never mind I didn’t think it through what did you do never mind I thought it through nice okay I’m I’m trying I have a a trick that I want to do but I don’t know if I can do it you know what I mean cuz sometimes the stru Lis yeah no I get you I get you sometimes when it sows you can see Diamonds oh wait how look there’s a little guy right there huh talking about smack he’s looking around talking smack Shan oh I see what’s down there so then all I have to do is look up right we can funnel them over here will these turn to ladders are they up where are they oh you know what ouch oh I can change this stuff yeah I was going to say just have them jump straight down there I’m going check this this painting cheing this painting I like it oh terot oh oh [ __ ] please don’t scare the crap out of me damn it dude I need to make an axe cuz freaking your boy peep I’m just not going to be mining wood with this freaking hand that is crazy [ __ ] or not mining I guess it’s breaking if you want to be accurate but your boy a accurate I wonder dude I wonder actually me too I wonder if if we put torches around their spawn if they won’t spawn cuz that’s usually the case and if that’s so we can work in peace while they just Freak the freak out so see that’s a big ass tube going down to this level let me just oh he was right there what a guy cuz if they are we can just make a quick ass water bucket and just have them like literally like Hydro funnel them you know what I’m saying oh yeah give me the Pick give me all my sword level six within a couple hits level seven 8 9 10 11 [Music] 12 14 with 26 arrows and 14 uh bones I ended with 15 levels 20 bones 26 arrows dude that is freaking [Music] crazy but we really do need to try that torch method though because that was a good 15 level like genuinely good 15 levels and that was just with a handful of those guys if we get like they don’t want to like watch I got you hold on I’m going have this guy jump down place this what you want to do is place a trap door right here o that was an accident but look it you place a trap door because they don’t see it as a trap door they they just see it as another way to walk so let’s say I hit him I hit him he just Falls straight through it because he doesn’t know what the hell to do and then now they’re on that so now we just got to get an automatic system to funnel them out of this room whenever they spawn into the thing without us having to be here because without oh [ __ ] without us being here they will just stay there forever so I say we get a water bucket and funnel them out through there like that come on yes get in there my wife or you know what may because I’m there let me just come to this side actually we also need to okay I want you to I got it I got it I got it actually place this right there yeah because they just kept don’t walking straight through they they Sprint too fast that’s what I do I just Sprint straight past but yeah see and then do one more just in case you get hit I’ll put it right there so you can have some room to like just keep them coming through for now until we figure out something to get them going let me nah I got it I got it I got it I know what to do I know what to do we are literally just going to make a water bucket and just have them funneled with the water bucket maybe if they get targeted if they can like Target a um a uh villager we just put the Villager right there we put the Villager in this corner so they target it or some [ __ ] I don’t know actually no I like the water oh that’s a pretty nice looking skull I’ll take that actually okay my wife nope nope nope nope nope your diamonds I see I’mma to put the other stuff inside there too just in case die I don’t want to lose any of it where they come from when they spawn do they spawn on top or they just spawn random they they spawn within that radius that they got right there so anywhere within that block they they’ll spawn did they die wait wait wait oh [ __ ] that scared the crap out of me they were chasing my ass okay so they fall straight down there and then we just need something to Target them through here unless yeah cuz whenever we play it’s usually going to be us two right like at the same time yeah unless we just take turns and like okay we’ll do you 5 minutes or some [ __ ] like that like we’ll get you to level 15 and I’ll be standing up there just drawing their attention while they funnel down and then and then and then um and then we’ll swap like like okay I only need a level 15 and I’m like okay can can we get me to level 15 you know what I’m saying yeah cuz that will it’ll be the easiest solution easy solution without having to do as much I am going to get the water bucket still though because getting them out of that room into that funnel tunnel going down to this second floor is really vital is what we need we could do the water bucket method yeah um there’s water in here did you know that in oh oh you’re so right inside that steam bathroom and I have there’s two iron up there we just need one more I have I had iron on me it’s inside my freaking no no no no no no please please please please give me the I have five iron actually no [ __ ] come on and I got to go to that [ __ ] room with all that [ __ ] in there oh darn it where was it oh I knew I was I was trying not to curse but down like down there something I don’t even remember oh in here yeah yeah was there the okay they’re right there they’re evil oh I’m running away no oh [ __ ] no you’re good you’re good you’re good okay come get very good oh look at oh that’s freaking awesome we can take this and decorate the house I know your stuff is right done but I just wanted to get that real quick okay oh my wife I got to go down to get my stuff I know I got you watch watch watch we’re going to go down here like [Music] this we’re going to go my wife where is it exactly inside there with all the demons okay it’s like in a room or something I got I got this place freaking cuz when I was traveling Oh my wife which room was it oh I see I see where it’s at I see where it’s at damn cuz there’s not a door I need to put a door right there okay it’s free come come come come come come come grab it go go go go go go go oh shoot there’s a little right there they run oh my gosh okay okay I’m about to die you eat this carrots so I eat the carrots I can’t eat all these carrots I’m a vegetarian all right I got the water bucket just come back over here we can just yep yep yep yep yep yep yopa I might I might need to just make that just a bit easier okay we’ll just do that for now kind of want to jump in there with him I want what I want to do is put play in the corner yeah buddy got him is it flowing towards this room yeah it’s but it’s stuck on the door oh you’ve got to be joking me why did it not go that far here come here so you can drop down so I can try to fix it real quick my wife I want to fix it you want to do it no okay H just get in there I fell into a hole just to make this easier so we don’t got to yeah excuse me I ried O just so like if we wanted them to come this way we just got to walk this way but H I don’t like this I’m probably going to need a pick yeah I’m going to need a pickaxe for this quick swey s movie movie T guy oh he’s trying to trying to tricky me huh trying to tricky me very sneaky guy huh but I’m trying to make a shut Lama you know what that is you know what it is didn’t I make a yeah right here oh did you do it I about to see a kind of ouch [ __ ] move kid how deep is this hole punk ass boy okay hold on we I I we can do this I just need to block it off real quick hold on come here it’ll work if you use the bucket and hit the wall over there it’s cuz I want it in that corner so that when he when they do spawn that they come over here to um to to this side of the okay I got this it’s just going to take a little bit of sing from my life do you have a sign I have a painting I think oh no I don’t I thought I did come on Don’t Make Me Drown okay okay cuz he my [Music] wife okay so watch okay for this to work we are going to need a Ste let’s get a let’s get a sign real quick because that that’s literally the only way that this will work is with the sign and I don’t oh sign oh so freaking lucky dude I have a sign right here I don’t know what a sign is you got a torch yes can you place it right above this right here on the on the red pillar right above the spot so I can see whether or not yeah yeah yeah that do D okay so look it come up here so you can see the genius behind the madness Okay so you see how the sign stops the water yeah it’s going to push them to the ledge it’s this they’re not going to get they’re still going to get damaged because there’s no water stopping them mhm this since I broke it the water can go up to seven blocks with and then it stops and since it stopped right there I broke it again so that they can fall again and then they get tunnel into oh I need to I need to put a bucket of water in that section give me second but this is how it’s going to get automatic dude I’m so freaking ready for this where is this bucket of water at that I need where is my life do you know where the water source is that dude I’m so lost um oh cuz I’m not on the right level yeah I’m hey get over here follow me follow me you little predicate my life me see oh they are actually all up in that corner though damn I couldn’t place it in time okay where is my wife y I just need one more bucket of water Dy noted they’re trying to fight their way out let them they they don’t want to be in here they don’t want to Bath they’re nasty boys that’s why they’re stink ass boys okay they’re escaping h h excuse me no Mr Stinky Jor stinky boy why you do that H CU my life note to self need to remove stairs oh oh no ouch [ __ ] oh didn’t get all of it but I got a good portion of it enough to make oh man cry but not this man get back in your T okay I got those Stu not anym cuz they’re escaping for some reason I don’t know how how are they escaping oh [ __ ] oh I got them oh Snapple oh yeah that’s right I needed another water source right here yep got it got it freaking did it now the last thing we need to do is get the other one automated with water buckets as well damn that’s going to be a freaking chore dude I need to break all that [ __ ] yeah this going to be a minute see all I I know what I know what I know what I know how to make it automated fully automated to where we even got to really kill him like that with a torch and then set him a fire about to get mind oh please don’t scam me like that Minecraft my heart can’t take it oh [ __ ] you know what I actually need to kill all these guys first I need to close this just for the time know there we go okay so it it’ll get us loot drops but it won’t give us XP that’s the only trade up oh no we need XP yeah oh but no loot or or No Loot but X I mean no XP but no loot I mean no XP no XP but loot XP but loot or if we wanted to make it automatic no XP but a [ __ ] ton loot oh W so oh no we we can do it either way but let’s say let’s say like oh we’re not going to be freaking getting the XP we just make it we just turn it automatic basically that’s all it’s going to be like oh what we need we need some XP just turn that [ __ ] automatic oh sorry okay I already dropped the head bomb I said fiduciary I still can’t believe you said that like there’s children watching you told me to who told you to you why would you say that you Brickle bum what you think about that one huh fuer got nothing on that one hey those guys are getting stuck over there huh you know what I’m talking about yeah I’m try oh wait no they’re working oh shoot I just need to get some torches get me a I wonder if lanterns will work on them dude I mean cuz this is sh hard ton of lanterns we’ll try it just because it’s the only light source that we got only I think I’m going to jump down there do it try give it just like a little ouch my iron are those are those guys right here what the hell am I this isn’t good somebody can get hurt some oh no [ __ ] there are a bunch of guys I here just because I genuinely don’t want to do with you guys I just freed the crap out with the wooden sword make making all these little Busters stay with the wooden sword they don’t know what’s happening to them ouch all right we need to block that I’ve been punching these guys for a minute how long is going take she like that it’sing me and I’m I’ve been punching over for for 30 minutes where you at oh the second floor CH up I think I kill anybody yet why don’t you just go through the door so they can spawn downstairs cuz there’s a jewry and a berry son of a [ __ ] it makes me mad oh they’re not targeted on me it took a while about to killed over you Che Smur 75 years of punching and I’m still punching Jesus damn where did my ax go I want my can’t keep punching them like this yeah yeah yeah whoa oh [ __ ] did they whoa how did that happen wa why am I oh cuz I’m starving to death [Music] Bo ni we go eat some food I’m hungry at the game I mean there’s a chest some food in here okay I think the lantern actually work it didn’t work it didn’t work it didn’t work it didn’t work it didn’t work [ __ ] why don’t kill you like that H because my okay oh [ __ ] and I died in the Trap that I set for the guys cuz that’s the P things do I was thinking I was thinking of making an emerald sword they have that shut up really I don’t know oh my gosh how do you do that to me no no no I that’s why I asked like like they have that I question I got excited dude got me excited I was like there’s no way I added these mods how did I not know freaking my life oh there’s a different type of David what I’m not joking David the hawk brand three emeralds a what is this sword two it cost three emeralds um a regular sword and a block of iron and and you and you make a sword that’s yeah that you can you can make one with Emerald oh my I’m going to do a kick with my fingerboard I’m so happy I my finger I got a pee but I’m going to hold it for another hour there’s no way that was real dude oh we only have one you can make a wi room what maybe oh sweep your enemies off their feet they have Enchanted brooms I’m wondering if I could make damn if I had one more Diamond I could have made us a diamond sword of what what is this a diamond sword of diamond and it does seven damage what about daggers Oh weird this is all [Music] evil what oh a dagger huh well we don’t really need a dger right now though that’s what they all say until they actually get it all right congratulations damn it dude how did you get up here you [ __ ] you’re going to need one more bucket of water if I can get to the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh it hurt my B everybody get their sorry asses over here into this room okay this oh shoot he’s going to kill me that’s freaking jerk stupid guy piece of craps where is he you think someone just slide like that [Music] sh I need to remove you letter I need to this a [ __ ] [ __ ] I got the bucket nice good sh that’s actually oh but there’s a little sign right there you can still get it cuz they they’re they’re um focus on me right here go for it go for it go for it I’m trying to figure out what what I need to do to automate [Music] this maybe break this right there place this place this on top we’re going to see if that clows it down if it doesn’t that’s okay I need to change this for nope it doesn’t actually yeah [ __ ] I do need a block I need to remove those slids there’s a guy above you be careful be careful next to you next to you oh shoot yo what’s up homie I just see to remove these slabs as well about what about Megan mared okay don’t you want to talk about Megan and Mary can you pass me the bucket yeah I I took it though I left with it I’m not going to give it back I’m going need to do this like quick ASAP Rocky stuff no ah ouch why is there a skeleton in there shoot it oh [ __ ] okay that was a b good yeah come at me boy don’t make me whoop you with a stick don’t make me whoop you with a stick all right on what a stick man they got watch some New England cha hit them hit them [ __ ] he spawned behind what a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no no no no they got inside David they got inside there’s 80 of them [ __ ] I’m on my way down part of me just wants to break that spawn J was Murphy’s get your [ __ ] ass out of here zombie damn dude [ __ ] you damn I need to make a bunch of slabs bouny slabs oh man there’s another once this thing is done I’m going to be so happy I need a a wooden thing I’m I don’t have any wood cuz I lost everything oh [ __ ] I just got a bunch of building blocks and what not okay note to S we need to block off the other side of entrance [ __ ] oh the reason why we want to do slabs cuz they can’t spawn on slabs so anything that is in a slab we actually kind of need to break cuz they will spawn oh no my stuff my $3 worth of stuff a come on I need another bucket of water oh [ __ ] a [ __ ] [ __ ] slice my face in half you [ __ ] cuz my life I even where I’m out anymore what else am I missing I dropped yeah excuse me oh yeah I was going to try to build the wood ship but I’m not one okay I need a sign I need a [Music] sign okay so I got a WR I it is down that should be pretty automated then we just go here pick it open what am I missing I’m missing something dude how the [ __ ] [ __ ] did you come out oh my gosh [ __ ] hate the Dum asses how did he come out dude what a [ __ ] how do make these stairs more practical [ __ ] more practical Bro [ __ ] [ __ ] sorry it’s okay I already got cancelled dude like how did he escape je was Murphy’s get the I’m going to beat I’m ever living [ __ ] out of you spider you you touch me you touch me and I will kill you and your entire where did te come from family your ancestry is going to be wiped off of Google because it’s going to be non-existent cha Murphy’s dude the hell is he struggling so much because they’re all getting pushed into that corner okay [Music] H oh oh I don’t know that’s what was down here oh crap I like torturing myself oh [ __ ] I didn’t even get out I least I’m by the door okay okay okay that’s fine let just run by the door wa it’s so almost done I can taste it but it’s just being so difficult on these last parts because everything is so round it’s Minecraft people this shit’s supposed to be square stop making Circle buildings oh that’s where the stuff is at oh [ __ ] there now it’s a what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up boy what’s up boy what’s up boy damn I lost the wood that I had must I go hunts for did you see the chest that was down there I’m going to go get it I don’t know how but I’m going to go get it cuz I’m greedy oh [ __ ] if I just fall I’m going to die there’s no safe way down except for screaming at the top of my lungs oh shoot I I I made it I survived I’m a cowboy you’re right are this special great get special oh you did get the freaking chest man yeah I told you there is an abandoned uh nether portal I came not to get wood cuz I need to build okay I’m going to go I’m going to go um oh hey what’s up how you doing how you doing I’m sorry I’m like so focused on there but I got I got to pee man I’ll be right back I got to pee so bad and I’m going to take a dab but I got to pee I love you for watching if I ever get rich I’m going to send you 45 bucks remember that remember that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh what oh yeah I needed to block off the um yeah that’s right oh shoot what happened oh hey what’s up yep they asked for it they want the dab let me get this going [Music] the moment I me the moment I mentioned [Laughter] you all right let’s this CRA I’m going to give y give y’all two cuz I did I did take a long time to get get it started have old school torch old school torch it’s not even old school why do I have oh cuz I have sweet baby raay cream of buffalo sauce I got to stop drinking that stuff you said buffalo sauce yeah I’m like addict I drink it I really do out of the bottle you’re such a weird so good what are you talking about hell no not yeah that’s worth it try it just try it just try it you never know to try I don’t have water with me okay so after this dab if I do get a little you know just forgive me cuz I’m going to be doing I’m going to be doing I’m going to be dabbing some diamonds and these are extra as spices my life I wish the the items in the chest where the villagers at would like respawn after a while cuz that would be dope yeah I really need some some fabri eggs you know what I mean dude I really need a freaking so empty bombass weapon excuse me I’m G to crush up some diamonds one person heard about the dab and they got scared they left oh for real yeah I’m like dude what the the the title says we’re going to dab buddy now everybody can handle the the dabs they see the that big ass flame when they get scarred and I always mention like I’m so spoiled I see these little crumbs most you be like no you can’t throw those little punk ass crumbs on the floor punk ass crrs my desk is a little messy right now but all right hope that t I’ll up your B pingers up cuz we’re fancy my fingers up see little let me let me hold it up this way it looks like when you when you take off a piece of a crunchy toenail that cheers crunchy toenails I know because I ripped mine off don’t you dare say that I did last one I ripped off completely it was all bloody no I might be able to get away with three hold on I don’t see if you see the lid but there’s a bunch of dust on there and need a funnel oh right here to get some some legal documents you flatten them out you turn them into a funnel cheers let see a do like this you can see okay so you turn that into that I turn into the world I turn it into the world one day I’m going to end up getting a sponsor for these dabs all oh my God I can’t wait say that because I already had a sponsor before we’re called East Side smoke shop shout out to y’all oh once I get that sponsor back oh it’s going to be great cuz I could take like four five gr Dabs at a time I told you guys too right that was even though that was three times that was one set that was just one set I was just one set I don’t back down Never Back Down what never put your chonies in the microwave cuz elastic is going to melt words of wisdom oh I got to gr for this my throat’s already like the throat’s already on the hyper dry type of sensation or I want to drink some water and I don’t want to get up and get water hey look these breathing techniques that I Do Don’t Judge Me on them okay these are tested they’re tried and they’re true you got to do this go big there we go someone came in the live saw the big ass dabbing flame and all the Ruckus were making they got scared and left again don’t be afraid of dabbing and just TC notice that I’m taking all these fat disgusting THC THC field dabs even though my speech is little slur does not mean that I am high yet and I’m not going to get high cuz my tolerance is crazy cheers my throat’s done but I got the lightheaded cough again oh it felt good now let’s go drive I’m joking don’t don’t dab and drive don’t be weird okay you shouldn’t be telling people that D I went through 29 puffs of my inhaler in just two days cuz this stuff is so spicy the best weapon ever what is it B the dagger I could have made a dagger you know that dagger is the best weapon you should have made a dagger can I make a wooden dagger those there such thing come here KY goodies I’m going to find I’m screwed my esophagus is on fire second place to the H hey what’s up humingbird look there’s there’s houses up there I don’t know if you’ve been up there yet but I just saw a frog what the hell moh move dirt ouch dude yes son of my mother freaking Bingo buddy yo what the fudge I didn’t mean to cough through the mic I’m sorry I’m doing my best not too cough but I get over freaking bur man that was a lot of dabs there was a lot of DBS but it didn’t hurt I got the hershey squirts bye bye right now I don’t I do I got I got a lot of with the Hershey squirts yeah my butt hurt baby oh you’ve you haven’t heard the the world famous uh Tik Tok where the guy goes um I’m a Begg King with my V Queen can I get a or can I get a orange fry she’s a vegan please so no what she’s a oh she’s a vegan please so don’t I know cheese with some honey mustard on the side or some [ __ ] like that yeah it’s my favorite song dude best farm ever and I got it fully working now what thought you going to say dude was my car I got 18 levels 64 bones no yeah 75 bones 56 arrows now we just wait for him to spawn yo so you’re just cheating right now huh maybe all but I’m down here man cuz I don’t have shat but my good looks did we go through any of these little houses right yeah we did yeah we freaking did oh no he didn’t ouch dude I have so much food right now like I’m going to start a pantry why do these guys never leave anything in the uh Tax Collectors your mayor speaking don’t forget everyone we said we’re going to be fixing the oh sh we’re going to be fixing the the roadways but we still got to collect your taxes cuz we’re out there protecting you from the people in the tower D these guys had mad tax money oh do they know yeah this one dude was like filth oh my God look at this dude he has 1 2 3 4 5 6 wait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 loaves of bread oh my God four apples like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 like 11 or 12 potatoes this guy is hoarding food tell him I said stop it stop it get out oh look at this I almost choked because of the tax fraud here five emeralds and a hell of a lot of loaves of bread man this guy was totally trying to Jack us all right Tax Collectors don’t forget this is going this is going towards the the cares on the street that street meat all right I’m coming back you ready should I put a waone here inside like just like no you know no it’s close enough to the village where we going to got to yeah I really want to start find we got to go into like a a cave so I can Farm a bunch of the the stone that we’re going to use to um to fix the floors or the the floors the pathways I want to do this for the people because they paid a lot of taxes get these guys I’m not they paid a lot of taxes man we made a promise to them remember we can’t go back on our promise cuz then they’re going to do that to us and then we’re going to really not like it you see that guy right there that you’re looking at right now where I don’t know but I’m not helping him I see there look it did you loot him look it I can do wi the freaking yeah look it I’m going to make some daggers now thank you dude and they have fast attack speed too with four damage so you’re basically doing eight uh damage I mean you could do the same thing with the with an axe but you can’t hit as fast as an axe oh kind of drown right now though do you understand me sir oh yeah 62 stacks of Bones two stacks of arrows oh yeah all right how about this show you up and the head of a human skull while I was out collecting taxes three gold nuggets two flowers 14 saplings a compass two empty Maps T paper 16 onions three uh three dandelions uh 46 loaves of bread 17 tomato seeds 45 apples 53 potatoes and seven emeralds I was out there doing the Lord’s work oh yeah oh you and I saw the skull too and I left it up there cuz I thought it was just a decoration I felt stupid oh yeah I found three emeralds one Diamond that was mine inside no but we got to we got to use that that diamond to do something cool yeah let’s go to a cave we got to put do some [ __ ] we can M Minecraft dungeon we have to get look I’m just going to start mining this crap like this straight back man using this for whatever it is I want a burger Queen with my Burger King I got to do a lot of work on the side excuse me um we got to build a a micro Shack around here cuz we we can’t just put our stuff in these people’s chest they’re going to steal it so I’m going to go building I’m going to go build in this cave system over here I want to be like a caveman oh no wait yeah this will work and then I can just build the shop to the way down over there oh whoa what’s down there is that a demon no it’s not a demon trying to live in a cave my dude oh what the hell is all that whoa whoa whoa whoa can I get back up or am I going to die down here who knows huh bro what am I doing down here I don’t even have a pickaxe oh there’s an exit over there you got to make the h bow with the di the creeping tentacles of this bow reach for the unknown void so that’s the description of the weapon what I want to do to set on fire I hear you loud and clear to my brother dude we’ve done so little yet so much yeah that’s really true that’s actually so so true that I’m singing about it does anybody have a crafting table true I’m stealing these guys’ chests be because oh but this is the the the map maker we at least even one he’s a map maker he needs it he makes Maps who is this guy oh you can Ste whatever this is just Thomas I think Thomas does or is Ernesto Ernesto can you come out please I’m trying to see what I have what did I I need I need everything I can’t do I don’t have wood I don’t have stone I don’t have shes dude we spent too long working on that spot yeah and we still have 5 hours to go no a burnt out for the year on on you um I can’t I got to keep going I got to I got to deliver on the Promises I made while I was I’m running my C let’s at least let’s at least get back to the house so we can start placing down all these chests and freaking sorting loot cuz I got a lot of shiii mushrooms but also wait don’t know but also there is another chest up there full of loot where up in the castle oh I don’t want to go grab it I’ll go check where the has again cuz I don’t remember if it had the utmost important stuff no we got to go we got to get we yeah we got to get it if we don’t it it might have like the cure to the zombie disease that’s infecting these Undead and then oh [ __ ] it had your book your book of tranquility and a compass P the compass [ __ ] on the coal let’s run around and see what this Compass says it’s telling me to go north I’ll take your books so that they’re safe please I would appreciate that and I’ll keep your diamond I mean and I’ll take your diamonds to you those emeralds are mine to give back to you nope no no no no no no no he’s chasing me how the [ __ ] did he spawn up there I mean [ __ ] I’m so sorry oh yeah someone someone said they’re reporting me now I didn’t grab your books I saw them and I just dipped we got to get to the third floor cuz there’s more up there oh there’s another spawner up there but it’s just as hard for me to get get to it we’re going to need armor so we got to go let’s go we got to build dude all right hold on I need like a five minute break or some [ __ ] like that all right go just take the break at the at the smash Spellbound cross is that cake is that a what is on it’s a cake on the floor where I don’t know no I’m not even joking it’s a cake on the floor where look I was hungry I needed that thank you oh come here come inside come inside pretty baby all right here I’m going start dropping some stuff done oh I care anymore all that is oh my God I’m going to need these flowers these things take all candles I want to take a shower I don’t need this that’s our tax return there you go buddy wait is there any more St I can throw out is it $1,000 for my tax turn yeah it’s three it’s a bush or it’s a rose bush two poppies three dandelions and a block of calite don’t give them those bones we can turn that into something dude I can’t believe it I’m rich now because of those poppies oh look at you know what and I’m going to leave them to flowering gilas no I don’t want the okay how about this do you give me all of yours and I add in two string all of my what all of of yours all of my strings oh you know what and I’ll give you an unattainable item how about I give me this no no no no no no okay I’ll double it grass block I’ll raise you it’s it’s super hard to what I’ll raise you a painting oh okay just one okay what about an animal addic oh come on how about just a regular book how about okay uh 100% like 100% working and durability golden leggings oh they’re they’re maxed out enchantment you thought you were going to don’t don’t look into it though you thought you were going to wreck me but but a [ __ ] there’s only one slot a whole lot of food a whole lot of food you know what I got to take it dude that’s just too good that’s mine no thank you I don’t get that out of here I don’t want I don’t want any of this stuff well the book yeah just just leave it in there we’ll take all of it back I’m taking a book you turn a villager into a scientist they’ll take the rotten flesh for emeralds if not that I can download a mod that’ll allow us to turn the rotten flesh into hide which is also really good that actually helps out it helps out the whole world here do you want to you can take the gunpowder I have one gunpowder I don’t know what to do with it let me see what I got okay I got you I’ll give you one feather for that powder oh you can take it I don’t have room for it no no no no I’ll give you the feather for the powder so you got to take the feather and I’ll take the powder but I don’t have room for it you drop you drop okay there’s nothing that I have that I can drop except for maybe bces both of your paintings no oh wait a minute your signs look at there I got it oh oh oh oh [ __ ] you know what hold on it’s freaking Kawai oh my gosh a I gave you the best pting a wait what what are the other two what are the other two what are the chances of that being the what are they I’m jealous no he took my ping you li oh wait wa want that’s a horsey oh that’s not bad that’s a new one ah don’t get a crown with the horsey here let me see take it out to a big spot take it out to a big spot that makes me sick oh Je meries o I’m dring I can’t breathe I can’t breathe get out of there I have that doing crazy look at my painting what about my painting oh wait here I took your your weird cat no I’m joking it it changes no I took your word cat yes sir you just got to keep on breaking it and placing it until you get a good one damn dude what’s up with that guy I got sunflower okay that’s not bad it isn’t the coolest like Kawaii cat look he’s giving me the same to I don’t want these I keep getting the same ninja and the same freaking skull and some pry good ones I got some pretty good ones what is this look at weird ass I’m keeping that it was a lady with a pig oh yeah a lot man now what do we do we sck with the Kawaii cat that’s a good one I don’t like it it looks it looks very I think it’s beautiful sexual nah it’s beautiful sexual but not sensual look at kitty cat I’m a ky what I end getting I don’t want that one where’s my lady right there why is it a pig cuz that’s the best thing ever wait I took a an o oh what the heck eyb stop giving me sexy cat sexy cat it’s freaking buff oh that’s a oh sick I do that oh how romantic oh I had Little Dicky I got worms from drinking the water yeah why are you drinking the water you know you got a man it’s going to come out of your backside and hang out like a tail that’s have you ever seen when bears get it that’s cute right oh yeah put in braids what one is oh it’s oh no no I’m in the water I’m in the water Little Dicky and day my Show’s amazing okay so there was only a couple good ones there’s only one more um it’s an all right one but watch I have to find it right now it’s going to be hard to find it though you know what no I can’t find it right now I’m not not going to you can’t make me okay we got to start working on the three hour project we have a whole oh sh a whole village Pathway to build I’m not even going to say anything but just shh you can’t say that right now get ready you can’t say that right now we need 2,000 blocks I’m going to take my 5 minute break no we need we need to get those blacks going to lay down the bed a oh where’s the where’s the where’s the salmon roll yo where did we where were where were was it where was it where was it where was it can I see it on the map or something yo what color is the is that thing Mig that does that thing where you’re like and it takes you there do you remember is it the red thing I’m trying to find that point of winess what are you talking about I was going to go drop this stuff off at the at the laborator I don’t know what talking the wayo what wayo the thing magig so I could like travel to the pad real quick oh um I don’t know where it’s at no you can’t travel to the pad yet yeah I got to put this stuff down I’m like full I can’t grab anything no like I’m like like you literally can’t teleport to it yet you need to sit down the Waypoint oh my God point the um oh my gosh we’re never going back there huh I don’t know where it’s you [ __ ] we’re never going back to the house we can’t we don’t even know how to get there where is this stone at oh my gosh oh my gosh we’re stuck here forever it’s right there what do we you doing yeah all right I’m going to go to Egypt house you already looted the big house you liar hell yeah it says select your destination I don’t know where to go select it it says to go to askaban do it I don’t have one I can’t put ask type in type in ask I really have to type that in yeah why is it making me do work what the [ __ ] no I’m joking you don’t even to type about what the freak just follow me I’m going to the house right now so I can place down that that spawn point I don’t even know where you’re right I lost you or you know what oh shoot no I see you I see you oh God you’re fast the fudge I’m a little frisky boy what the hell dude [ __ ] I attacked the Bison hopefully to get bison meat oh we need that hi he didn’t give me any hide he just gave me bison for every so often I take a look at the emeralds and I just want to jump inside of them like I want to put them on the bed and then roll around the emeralds let’s see what I can do with bison for I’m pretty rich right now you know what I mean what the sh bison what the hell am I going to do with a block of Bison fur become a bison sick sadistic animals what kind of weird fish is that it’s disgusting looking don’t fat shame the fish it wasn’t fat it was ugly don’t fat shame the fish I like fat fish they makeig better fish and chips my dude dude I see a horse that’s like the fastest thing on Earth because it has like a cool hair color so it has to mean that it’s like the super fastest horse on earth you’re scaring me hey it looks like somebody took a crap on his back what about H Dave can I ride bud how do you WR horses oh I punched it and it did not like it it’s not going to accept youmore oh I punched it and I did punch it and now it’s like it’s trying to fight fight me horse horse oh what if I give you an apple oh you like apples huh but you’re just going to eat the apples or you’re not going to let me ride you you jerk you think you just eat my apples huh no here huh that’s not Center okay I don’t know how to wear the I’m we’re going to have to move the beds I’m almost there I don’t know how you can do it it’s a lot of jumping I should probably build some [Music] stairs cuz I’m tired of hting this space key oh [ __ ] I can’t WR I named it Cherry home oh that’s cool and I placed it in the front because inside the house there’s no 3×3 or 5×5 for me to place it directly in the middle there’s only a 3×4 and that is not acceptable the only 3×3 that we had was the where the beds were but I really like the spot that the beds are so that is a not get out of our beautiful land no don’t I kicked that little fly’s ass but it didn’t it gave me a oh tried to give me a maggot I was going to eat that little bastard do in fact eat it also hit the skunk so they can spray you remember like how I said it’ll make you drunk I saw what it did to you you could you never recovered he’s right in front of you he’s right in front of you he’s no you didn’t recover fully man no no no no please hit it please hit it please hit it just once I want I want to see your reaction no no no walk no he’s chasing me he’s chasing me walk into it I’m walking into that I’m addicted now come skunk I’m addicted to you you’re going to kill it and it’s just a baby I think cuz I already let out the gas you wasted a good skunk oh it’s not oh oh it didn’t get me you killed it I’m going to cuz it won’t spray me oh my God you’re going to die skunk oh shoot there you go oh my gosh dude you’re I’m going to hold on let me take a quick little nap for that one oh [ __ ] I got to feel like this I got to feel like I got to make it real I got to make it real I got to make it real but it only lasts for like a couple seconds dude yeah it’s over that’s so s cuddle team leader fell off the table though man oh no I think she died I got I think she died I’m going eat a sour Pat we’re going to be here till 400 in the morning you have to you got to eat five of them right now 10 hold let me pick up cutter team leader man that’s messed up she just they’re 30 Mig calm down chair bur myself for real hey you see my ass crack freaking perverts I believe they’re 30 migrs each I have no freaking water I really should get some water cuz that’s been one too many dry ass dabs you want to see what we’re going on a big ass diamond is over going on buddy oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they’re 30 milligrams each should I eat a six you s go I only got 10 well eight now cuz I already ate two four n you’ll get Blitz you don’t even know what’s going on I’m trying to break this [ __ ] up so it’s like sugary I want to go red hot for you guys but oh I don’t want to like destroy my esophagus or my bronchial excuse me [Music] cheers I need to go pee be right back I’m not gonna fall as sleep [Music] on [ __ ] I need a Max wi my lungs dude sheesh I need the I need the match Queen cheers pinky up remember that Pinkie is up pinky up Mother Love pinkies got to be I’m going to bed I need to get that EV actually I’m going to be laying down uh and well I’m going to go pee and while I’m going pee I’m going to be lay no I’m going to lay down cuz I need to go pee in the in Minecraft though I’m laying down in Minecraft because I need to go so when you’re ready to goe I’ll go to bed now be all right sounds good if I you where the house was at oh my gosh those diamonds are too damn thick I can never I can never dab them like I can never dab them to where they don’t cause like a they don’t they cause the cough where it feel like there’s something in your throat and you want to keep coughing it out [ __ ] I definitely need a Max ween I do not want to be there I you with a stick you freaking arach [Music] nid a noob ass [Music] arag that hummingbird is going to be there for the rest of its life so I’m going to be doing that with my my saliva cuz I’m like super salivating now from that come out into the sun I see that you’re feeling fire hey yo you freaking Snapple look at that bastard over there I hate that bastard I’m going to go mess with him what’s up hird what was I looking for [Music] before I need three freaking Fallopian tubes I don’t think I have three yet no even after I killed that spider I didn’t get three so we’re screwed again until tonight my dudes oh this is not going to be fun I wanted Bor this freaking freaking Sweeney Tod is messing with my [Music] B you freck fracking Noob I’m going to use stairs for sure didn’t I oh yeah I remember I’ll just put this over here watch oops s you picked it up a you you fizzle fazzle as he was right on top of it let’s just do this what would we need sorry sorry sorry what would I need got to focus got to like snap my brain into we’re doing a bow we’re going to do a bow in each stram so we can’t actually do that right now so we’re effed out of that but he might have no he did put up the string so we wouldn’t have it so if we’re going to do that we’re if we’re not going to do that right now there’s going to be something else that we got to be able to do like what am I supposed to do y I’m thinking of letting the freaking what happened to our hummingbird oh it’s there now all right well at least it’s not going to get rained [Music] on wood wood wood wood wood get wood [ __ ] I got to get it close to the house so I can make something out of it nope I learned my lesson the first time there we go I think I need like three or four or five or 20 okay I’m go from there we’re not chopping down any of these trees cuz these are this is our tree house yeah one two far and then from here we build a pickaxe of Doom and Destiny yo dude where’s my [ __ ] oh cuz I need sticks gosh darn it and then I should be able to just build one ax right where’s my axe you [Music] freck I can’t make a cherry pickaxe really don’t lie to me a you can what am I going to do with my day just make it a regular you freaking jabble Walky oh wait [ __ ] that’s a pck that’s the same [ __ ] though cuz I don’t have it why am I still putting pick I’m putting why am I still typing pick oh you make me sick oh cuz it’s three is it three it’s three huh I swear sometimes I want to punch myself in the dick what’s wrong with me I don’t know why I thought it was just too oh that’s right cuz I even asked David and cuz I thought it was two and he was like no it’s three and I was like all I remember had it wrong fud I’m stupid I’m so stupid I didn’t pick up the damn wood that fell that’s freaking smart would probably hop if I check my inventory to make sure it was there you just clearly see that it’s there there’s only two items in there right now besides it bam now we do this sh bam Bam Bam Bam believe it there boy now we can drop it down yes so delicious so nutritious why are you up there damn that’s the way Minecraft should have done it I was freaking jump up there and collect all of it I was wow what do we not to listen to logic and just good old science right it should just fall over like that why don’t they get it I got all this wood I don’t know what to with it is there 35 n 35 isn’t that much just making sure I grabbed it all I see I would have left that behind I want that be so bad okay now we got to come over here hey get away from our house [Music] bro where’ he go oh there you are yeah yeah why did I lean back like I was going to get blown up get over here buddy I’m going Jack you up bro I hate your kind I don’t know what the hell that was that was a David monster where are these little stairs I mean these stairs where is this freaking um no there it is I can’t hear you uh I couldn’t I couldn’t hear you because I didn’t have my headset on wow I see how but I was laughing oh I heard that very I had a very tasteful laugh right there that was on a on a scale of one to 10 how tasteful was he that was not tasteful at all no you can’t lie to me that gave me that gave me the impression that taste was not there I forgot I had I forgot I had a maple donut in my closet cuz I was hiding cuz I didn’t want my mom to find out cuz she was going to give me [ __ ] about eating all these sweets so I hit it and then I found it right now looking for the charger for my pen and I’m eating it just eat a fist full of sugar man you heard what Mary poppin said house a medicine go down what the hell was I going to make oh I remember I remember hey how do you make a pickaxe what do you say okay it might be a little a little baked by little arm man a lot I tried building I tried building up I see you on your stream I just saw bro with you oh man oh that was great oh oh my Shad I’m going to get blown up chat who is this guy am I play with I do not know why that I thought that was going to work n but frozo I need to put on a shirt a who a shirt o dude just those nips here you try on the the skull I want to see if you can see it past your hair it didn’t work got equipped it a you just got a big ass head now I thought it was going to have like the oh that would been cool if the afro stood on I know that would have been dop you can just I’m not going to be wearing it like that so you can either put it inside here or you can put it onto the side balcony oh you know what can we put l like right here yeah I I don’t care it won’t let me it says that that this item is non-refundable non-refundable yeah what’s up okay let me try something else oh I lost it they had a lot of decorations inside of there though we might need to go back and get some uh I think we do like they had a ceg and I was going to put it right by my bed so I can act like a yeah let’s go get it I’m perfectly done get my B it’s freaking awesome I want a k i want to get let me first clear out my backpack inventory cuz I got a lot of [ __ ] inside there I’m taking all this food cuz without food there’s no food where do you want the furnaces at somewhere where I got a smoker a regular furnace and a blast furnace we can put all that stuff down here so that it’s away from the room the the the room should be somewhere where we go to just chill we shouldn’t be doing work over there since I got three flowers and stuff I don’t know if I just want to throw them away I think I’m going to put it right here I’ll do this this nope that hey that was pretty good thank you I like that I’m hungry I’ll take the life I also take the potatoes too all we need coal yeah so we’ll go over there and we’ll mine forever you know what I might go mining right now let’s go um let me make 17 more axes yeah I’m taking a craft table too let’s go hold no easy easy there n I’m already on my way um dude these leaves are moving C like look at both of them they think they’re so cool these freaking um these skeleton dudes tell them they’re not Co they they’re just like standing there they’re they’re trying to start something they want to start something something something can you make string want something I in the [Music] middle I don’t think so ory dorky let’s go I’m on my way I saw a piece of dirt over here no we got to go into a cave huh all right where’s the cave at I’m on my [Music] way oh I threw my my my only one only [Music] toe how many is that that was a waste I’m just running in One Direction till I find a massive cave system that I can scream into and hear the echo yeah I found some lava if you want to go dig in some lava you know what I would like to get some lava oh no wait yeah s well for real for you actually got lava yeah actually I will take that imagine if I want a set [ __ ] and I just like and then we never got lava kind of need it o I need to get my bucket back first hell yeah I found a Cave System inside of a Cave System inside of a Cave System H yeah whoa what is this this some sort of cave system is that a Cave System yeah yeah it’s a cave system and another Cave System I’m getting shot at yeah there’s some some little bad guys over there with some arrows and stuff I don’t think you want to talk to them sucks you see that what it’s like a little mini Village yep can where wait can wood get iron no right I need Stone no yeah DEA I got you I hear you loud and clear partner it’s a Pillager Outpost let’s go get it wait wait what am I doing but a small baby Pillager Outpost yo I’m trying to build but I can’t build you know what I [Music] mean and then let do like this let me go like that let me go like this what the H was I going to build build what was I going to craft someone just told me that I should get fired wow thanks a lot guys who said that I did that’s kind of crazy yeah you’re going to C man am I crazy cute cute cute no you thought the exact same thing didn’t you I did I was about to do [Laughter] it oh froppy if only her mom was like like Mama froppy but like what’s up D I wear goggles too I wear goggles too but she just black rib ribbit and I probably get upset cuz they like don’t speak to me like that don’t speak to don’t rib it at me ever again I should just rabit rabit oh shis it I just found the mamal lo oh yeah yeah it’s a it’s oh is that a oh oh my God I almost looked it in the eyes and it was judging me yeah I found a Talisman it’s called the Talisman of coal I don’t know what that is I see another way point a waystone I mean oh I see a waypoint so um I’m taking credit I have good news and even better news I found coal and the coal was free at the expense of my pickaxe I killed him I got him dad or us who was it and America the guy Nathaniel I told you I I went to the mini villager Outpost and I freed the Villager that he caught I got you boy I don’t know if I should go down into this cave yo you think there might be good stuff inside of it I hope so cuz I’m risk risking life to go down in here got the end are trying to move into a position where where I can look at in the eyes man they’re trying to force me to look at them you got to believe in yourself there’s no way I’m going to get out of this Cave System I’m lost you got to believe [Music] yourself you got to believe yourself I found a way out I’m safe safe and sound and I got us three iron giblets oh wow got realize he’s trying to hurt you are onions oh my gosh I love onions they’re so delicious oh wait carrots oh even better we can make stew bro I’m all about the stew I like stew so much to com you I found another Cave System but it’s a little cave system inside of the cave system I found this like a little bit of valuable resources but I don’t know what to do with them so I’m going to sell them to a Trader for apple seeds no sell them to me you want all right I got you ouch I was just here what the hell just where L think I don’t know where you are you’re scaring me you’re scaring me you’re scaring in the middle of I found a second soccer biome I found a bunch of what are they called of of um what the hell sheep I found a bunch of sheep cantaloup ah [ __ ] oh yeah at D so cute what happened who killed you a um I found onions do you want onions I could go for could you go for another um boss not boss but like uh you know dungeon Tower yeah why where’s it at show me it is by my why I can’t see you on the map the coordinates are -400 positive 70 remember you don’t got to worry about the middle one as much just go to the coordinates 400 neg 400 positive 70 you’ll see it I went to negative 400 ooh these guys look highly highly sophisticated highly no dangerous like these guys are just walking around and [ __ ] you know what I say we don’t based off their weapons and attire and the time of day it is not if you want to I can place a way point by it yeah oh but there’s more h hungry tigers are you in the oh I see you on oh I see it what the hell how did we not see this I well this isn’t the same soccer Cherry biome what are you talking about this is a different one nuh-uh yes sir it can’t be dude oh no no no it it’s they’re trying to kill me now I got you from above daggers boy no D it he never touched me all right so we can keep on going cuz what I can do I can place it right here and then we just teleport back home go to bed real quick and then and then come back let’s do that let’s go and then we just come empty-handed except for like a pickaxe and a sword or some [ __ ] like that wait I went to the wrong spot oh my gosh I don’t know where to go I don’t know where to go I’m I’m lost why did you not go to Cherry home I don’t have that you didn’t mark it at the house no cuz you told me not to you said it was dangerous I didn’t I said I left it in the front no I don’t know how to get there I’m lost are we east south west north north south Northwest okay so how about this Norwest I bring nothing but the okay okay I with this all right I’m going leave my I’m leave my chest by the feet of my bed just so I know that’s what I had inside my inventory I’m only going to be bringing a bucket an Axe and a pickaxe maybe I should probably bring your sword oh I fell oh I fell like 15,000 ft sword maybe maybe just probably maybe bring a sword gu can you get up there please you know what hold on in the middle of June me in the middle of June dude we we cannot actually go on another freaking raid cuz we need SLS you know how irresponsible that would be cuz we need slacks Maybe should we craft something called the truth Seeker yeah what is it sounds like it I have no idea oh you piece of [ __ ] you can’t call me that no you the guy that shot me with the narrow he doesn’t even care that I have arthritis I know but I wanted to start some TV drama you want to be starting something oh [ __ ] why did I get scared is in real life hi my name is Samuel Al Jackson and I want you to watch more movies I was going to say Samuel Adams but I don’t know who that guy is I’m at the house yeah what’s up hey check me out again did you mark it yet no cuz I’m scared to go downstairs and then you see all the guys now there trying to Har and ask me for my phone number they’re like hey you want to give me a call later on and I told them no but they want they want my goodies not my goodies give me your string you [Music] jerk yes string [Music] boom boom boom two hits jerk ready Bam Bam Bam you blew yourself up for no reason you CA so much destruction conjunction Junction what’s your function I really don’t know I’m just singing this song drun drun [ __ ] what y all right that he be back to the place oh we can go back now I like that idea I can fill this in no I can’t I’m out of here all right so I’m going to go no I already teleported back to that place I’m there my lips are dry as [ __ ] man I don’t want to go get my Chapstick though hold on I might have some in here cuz they are dry no there’s none oh my gosh my my lips are cracking under the pressure how do I not have any oh it hurts so much hold on I got to try this instead oh this isn’t going to be good all right I got 44 wood I think that’s good oh now that burns it burns with the fire with 1700 Suns you liar the [ __ ] is so mincy my breath smells oh I can taste it taste what do you what I got to eat the the Chapstick uh-uh uh-huh Vaseline there we go M the me what’s your [Music] disa oh I just realized I’m like in here I should probably wait I’m almost up there it’s just taking me a while cuz well I’m not in there oh my gosh I’m just I was just kind of right there if if I was jinxy right now I’d be like I am so wet oh I set it anyway I found a diamond I need that wait no that’s not a diamond that’s an [Music] emerald I couldn’t tell no you’re big that’s what it is dude look at that I thought it was blue but it’s green I don’t want that how many hits did you take oh that’s a center from the t pot the world may never know you’re cooked you’re freaking cooked not enough to be bu can’t believe you you want to make a bridge to go over there yeah I think you do ter oh I need to dig up [Music] actually oh oh oh oh [ __ ] you’re scaring me please holy moly I almost fell was per because it didn’t let you place in front of it huh yeah and then I I forgot I let go of the crotch button yeah there I made a double white so it’s cool now I might need to kill some of those raccoons and then I’ll just um make a little staircase right here oh so we can get on easier father forgive me no away if yesterday was wrong I’ll ride it down today no I died all my stuff just scattered everywhere sh no it’s so far down to day if I away if I for you oh dude this took me forever to get up here and I still got to go over there and get all the stuff I dropped for the rest of my life what the heck is wrong with this he’s kind of making me music who the hell is that guy oh heck no Dad we cannot do this what all my stuff is not doing that one where’s all my stuff but there’s there’s iron down here so that’s cool I’m keeping it safe I got iron don’t worry aren’t you proud I need some food aren’t you part of the iron did I bring no I didn’t yo did I get all my wood oh sh I’m missing a lot of stuff I hope it’s up on the bridge y CU okay yeah I see a bunch of stuff up there you know what chus Murphy that was a freaking axe okay I’m like this I’m going like this I’m going like this I’m going like this cuz now this has to go here here here I made it where to the top of the mountain here I go I’m inside the what’s it called and I found the yeah I found the first chest and it had nothing in it what the oh [ __ ] nit what happened no oh oh cuz there was a freaking tiger and I and I I ran I panicked you went inside no I went on the outside there just a gosh dang tiger was trying to eat my bones I actually chased you no I just went and I was like yeah I don’t want to find out okay I’m coming I’m like right around the corner oh [ __ ] I heard it I heard I heard exactly what you were talking about oh what’s up daddy whoa guess don’t come me I’m very scared oh that is not a good sound to be heard come on dude get over here huh what was that you sicko that wasn’t me trying to bait this the skeleton boy wo wo wo whoo whoo wo please stop please stop I’m scared oh the skeleton people are fighting they’re fighting wait wait let fight I will break this spawner though once I find it why did I duck down like I could get lower did you actually loot that first chest cuz it’s right there oh no I didn’t do you want to go get it they didn’t kill each other oh look it there’s Jimmy Jimmy no no no they did they did there’s one more in there though oh I got it Jimmy is he around the corner nope he’s upstairs it’s another you got to get the other chest since since there’s a chest right here oh I died no no please oh [ __ ] I’m staying in this corner why did I die we got to put the this thing B closer like we got to put it inside of it okay I can if you want no cuz you need to pick it up with [Music] um or we just um no yeah we got to put it right there like right there I see something up there is that Jason Jason Mamoa I don’t know what all you had good one oh but most of it is on the ground anyways no no no most of it’s on the ground anyways so much stuff I had like five diamonds on me a diamond collector I should have just jump right there what am I doing oh [Music] [ __ ] wait wait wait that’s Thorns all the skeletons are freaking outside dude yep all of them were outside I didn’t even no what [Music] B chicken [Music] nuggets where are you at I just made it back my stuff is by the very oh Sho you see all the guys yep and they’re all attacking me they all me want me to die we made it I’m uh right around the corner [ __ ] [ __ ] never just Slaughter my ass and all that good good [ __ ] these guys are too strong for me speed oh sh isn’t it yep I saw that maybe I can break it with my hand no should I try it no cuz then we’ll lose it forever no no no no no we’re going to lose it forever n no no you got to trust me in this one I’m a professional you want to grave it my whip it’s for the Raptor oh shoot oh my go there so many guys with arrows babies after that’s a four [ __ ] R Shar four freaking rain oh sh oh my god there are so many people with bow and arrows out here I’m I swear to gosh I’m going to slam my face into the monitor you yo garbage there’s a city over here or a city there’s a village oh no it’s a castle what the hell is this are you going to kill me do it then murdering me and my cousins she was of course he gives me slowness like out of out of everything yo how about we just go to bed and all this [ __ ] just disappears cuz holy [ __ ] it just drives me closer to my death gate I died oh my [ __ ] God please pleasee oh dude and those right at the exact same time that we basically all right I wonder if that guy’s still yep he’s still down there why is he evil that guy scares me I wonder if it’s been five minutes and I’ve lost all my stuff already I hope not I hope it’s only been four minutes we took that we took that feature out meaning like it despawns automatically yeah why the [ __ ] are you guys still [Music] alive oh that’s right I fell and it was still out there I just didn’t get it [Music] [Music] Raptor that’s a for freaking right you got to go [Music] you know who that’s from yeah do you really know yeah what song I want to rock that one it’s a parody of the song yeah but it’s not where it’s from it’s from that one movie why is this raccoon chasing me like see with the for freaking Ranger I made it but I had to go around cuz those stupid guys were shooting with bows oh there they go again and because they have armor they won’t despawn of course of course that’s the craziest news ever why does no one ever told me I can’t tell where my stuff is at cuz it all despawned yep including my stuff too all of it actually damn that’s tough as [ __ ] dude cuz your boy has some prettyy good stuff actually yeah your your stuff despawned my stuff despawned only thing we can do is break this freaking spawner already there is no spawner it was just a chest with uh chest plate and sword there there’s some stuff in the in the chest though besid the front chest over here take it no like it not this one right here oh there’s a little bit of stuff in here B yeah take it take it take all of it freaking cuz the stuff that I got in the other one was a bow but it’s just like literally just a bow and an iron chest plate you got the iron leggings you keep the you keep you get this stuff right here what’s stuff okay cuz there like a a thing onama jig oh no that was your stuff that I put inside the chest that I picked up of what I picked up I didn’t pick up all of it because I didn’t know how to organize that was your stuff that I deposited there oh you know what give me give me a make me a pickaxe yeah or make a pickaxe so you can get some of the stone and make a stone pickaxe to get the way point and pick it up so we can just dip oh shoot there’s another guy in here where oh I’m going to die in here upstairs upstairs yeah go down go down go down oh [ __ ] A F [ __ ] man [ __ ] oh my gosh are you serious I’m going to beat oh yeah I’m going to beat this guy’s ass tired of him or I need an ax there we go you better drop your axe too you [Music] J did you kill them no he killed me but I want to kill him again I don’t know where he went I know I’m just going back we I died up there with all the stuff I don’t care about anything other than the armor chest play and the sword honestly the I can remember what I had to everything else you can have I’ll drop it I just want to buy a sword it was a uh make glov and sword oh shoot he’s he when you teleported over here he came with you oh no there’s there’s oh no there’s two guys over there oh by the teleporter aole oh shoot yeah there’s a bridge oh my [Music] God pooky’s missing who Thanos Pooky Thanos Thanos I’m sorry Thanos you know which one I’m talking to [Laughter] about hell yeah are you fighting someone right now yeah David you killed him yeah dude I think I don’t think you know what I got I don’t know if you had this on you a sword what was this your sword an iron sword of Unbreaking one uh-uh David don’t you lie was this yours because it was on the floor with like all this other stuff hey look you’re going to you’re going to take everything that was yours cuz I’m not I’m not doing no David he in here Dad no get out of there I’m trying I’m trying to put on some armor so I can beat him up oh no Tad I don’t know my spine up there oh no dad oh my God died no how could you I’m tired of going over there over and over again I got you I got you I got keep climbing and keep climbing and keep climbing I got you I got tired of this [ __ ] your yours hey hey hey shh I’m tired of it no no no no no sh let me tell you something I’m tired of this [ __ ] man let me tell you something hey let me tell you I’m tired of this it’s okay we got it I’m tired of climbing this [ __ ] there no no hey hey hey let me tell you something we got it okay I don’t care that we got it still freaking taking forever climbing this damn Mountain hey let me just tell you something there was a sort of Unbreaking up there and I still couldn’t beat that guy and I had armor on and I still couldn’t beat that guy and me tell you little something real quick we got it we don’t have anything we’re losing to this hey oh my God and I fell down the whole way oh God oh my God there’s some freaking crazy ass loot up in [Music] here [Music] oh my God kill him Daddy’s H wait here this is all your stuff kill him I’mma fast put it into the freaking thingy kill him and then go kill him no these arrows are actually yeah I’m take these arrows cuz I’m taking the bow and the pickaxe the bow and the pickaxe and then they had the loot in the chest up here as well I’m going to go kill him an uncraftable tipped Arrow I wonder what that is they got two wither roses a map I’m going to take those iron leggings though that are inside there oh my God oh my God oh my God what happened oh my God take I don’t want the the are wet here here you can have the horse armor actually I’ll Take N I already have the sword I’ll that’s all I want the map and the Wither roses and the emerald now we got to go up hi hi get up there [Music] hi hi B H very very peculiar respawn point oh yeah please oh no I hope I don’t fall I don’t even have stone scw these tiny ass legs that take damage every time I accidentally miss a step piece of [ __ ] game can I make um can I make something on a dark prism a dark prism pickaxe right to your stuff maybe I should put the wa stone at the house right in between us on on the beds you know what I’m saying so like right when we respawn it’s right by our respawn or the the home teleport is right by our respawn yeah also I’m going towards the city that you said there there was cuz I think that looks kind of cute big city I don’t know how to get there full of robots right you said they’re robots Nicola Tesla robots no they’re perverts can’t say that about trying to show me their nipples you can’t can’t hey you can’t say that about our guest okay you kept pinching and pulling them you can’t say that they were trying to stretch them in front of our guest please trying to stretch your nipples like rubber bands sir in front of our guest you can’t please they even hung stuff off of them you’re lying right now serious weight I can smell it you’re lying right now that was a lot of weight that they used one man used like a 5B weight it was a barbell was a dumbell where whoa whoa whoa I I I am too where are you I’m trying to get down [ __ ] damn son you’re ready to go looting no these guys are strong be careful who they yeah he one shot me all Let Me Wait wait come here come here come was was was wasone was wasone um Leroy J I love the way he says Jenkins dude it the ler the lero but it’s the cuz he doesn’t say Jenkins he says or something like that you know what I’m saying yeah yep I love that man dude it’s a crispy ass noise he just does it so perfectly you want some wheat I want uh they have watermelon and pineapple and asparagus I took you know what I might do I might go get me some cereal that sounds crazy doesn’t it oh oh my gosh what did you find cuz I left something there go I left something it’s mine okay I say we split it I I found gold cuz there there was two chest basically with the same thing of everything I’m not even joking dude no way basically split with the same thing of everything oh I I found a bunch of stuff but I can’t get it it says that I need some wheat L Coe dude it was freaking like not even like it was split down the middle Like Glue that’s crazy okay I’m put it in the chest so that you can actually see it oh second collect the stuff that I left there David oh my God David what are these it’s called a clock a clock I found a clock David but there’s not just one clock David are David a book of Unbreaking two and piercing two David efficiency one David looting one efficiency 2 David protection two uh loyalty one David power one David sharpness one aqua affinity I need to help carrying this I can’t carry all these books dude but I need you to come get your loot though come here but I I don’t remember where this place is at David please I don’t know where you are David efficiency another one efficiency one David bane of anthropods five power of five David sharpness one David protection four Quick Charge two power four David power three sharpness two David power two bonus shot two David I can’t carry all this David I’m looky all these books there’s so much wheat little Co here what are you saying is or is a fungus that grows on I could hear you I I thought I saw your username oh [ __ ] oh you’re right there what what how did I I just need to help carrying these books David dude I don’t where the hell oh you know what I think I see it cuz I went up the stone path here inside the wooden path oh [ __ ] nice okay let’s go I got a couple books inside there too I had the I just got a sharpness to Unbreaking too but we can I got the stuff in there already okay let’s go to your spot where was um was it was it did I still get it hold on no it wasn’t that oh no these are empty yeah cuz I got these what what was I freaking out about what did I get all horny for what the heck where did you go I went upstairs oh now I see why you couldn’t find dude oh that’s right the chest gave me 13 iron and 11 emeralds and like two name tags buddy what yeah there freaking two name tags we both can get with something but come look I have okay yeah there we go I found an chest how do we get out of here again we go to the whe you can’t jump yeah I can look no you’re going to hurt yourself ouch Mommy I tried mantle criming like in fortnite oops okay where are you going where am I you went up here oh okay you got to come back to here let me go follow you but I just wanted to see what was in there no hold on let me show you is it is this it yeah dude dude I told you it gave us like like almost one of everything to each of us I’m not my gosh dude it was like split down the middle perfect I’m just grabbing the St on the bottom okay no way although I’m kind of full on almost all of it yeah I can’t even pick anything up I’m what is this okay I’ll leave this behind I can carry the arrows and then wether FL I can’t leave I’ll leave that yeah I think I can carry the Wither flow so we don’t got to worry about it what does it do like chocolate cholate I think it damages all mobs so like if you plant like a like a line of them that they’ll just like be like Ultimate Defense okay yeah we need those yeah we’ll take them they got Iron Golems trapped I didn’t even notice they’ve been calling out to us this entire time should I leave do we need INXS n no okay I’m leaving taking it makes black dye when we can get black dye uh I think if not with the flower we just kill more squid don’t dump on a squid meu call me we got look for more stuffing in your Wii they call me me me they have an iron golem just imprisoned here I know fre they two of them wow they’re just [Music] Savages we should free them but Savage arold this guy’s head is just sticking out he can’t even breathe he can’t even breathe he can’t say like that he’s doing just fine I asked he said he said he’s my little champ I asked some what um what his aspirations and dreams are in life and he said just to get out of this trap I can’t put on a Jacko Lantern you Liars these guys are harassing me I need to run no why are you dying I fell off a a high point and then I went back up and I jumped right back off no don’t do it you got so much to live for what oh snap oh snap that’s a freaking neing thingy that’s a nether we need we kind of need this one who just text me makes me scar scared it’s my mom it is my mom no it isn’t don’t lie to yourself Mama Ain work right now [ __ ] [ __ ] damn it stop being mental David this is easy I know I have an ax but I’m not using it a [ __ ] Dad I just realized my vision is impaired I’m seeing all funky I don’t know where am I I couldn’t do it let’s just live up here it took too long to get up here you knew how to do it h you knew how to do it you didn’t tell me how I just broke through the wall you saw me struggle for a me I broke through the wall and I just found I was like oh there’s a ladder oh [ __ ] I was struggling that why didn’t you just break through the wall I was trying I was trying to CL up the wall we went through every we’ve already been here now we got to leave yeah want me place down the Waypoint so that oh it’s in the front yeah I don’t know where the front’s at though I’m just running around the whole thing until I find it this right here oh there’s horses over there no come back to come back you can’t where where is it at what the heck it was behind you where dude it’s where I turned where I went straight you turned around oh there it is why did you tell me it was over here you said go left you did you did a full 180 sir you said go left hurry quick we got oh I went to the wrong one to reload okay there yeah we have so much stuff yeah I need some now the government’s going to want to talk to us we are the government of our city or our town but the big time ones are going to want a little cut of this CH bu Murphy’s I’m splitting the iron and the emeralds that we got okay forever I just throw everything in there the only stuff that I’m keeping is the crossbow my arrows and my other half no that’s alline oh that’s St you’re talking about is mine what everything you’re talking about is mine wait do you got a name tag did you get a name tag that’s cool huh yeah yeah there you go I I just wanted to make sure I was like how do I trying to steal my do you have a horn too cuz look we can sing with look what freaking yeah but mine’s like short do you hear it you see hold on let me try this thing cuz I got a different too I got not here it’s both the same you try it okay let’s see let’s see if it’s like different for each person oh no that’s what that those are two different horns freaking crazy we need need to get more of these bad boys dude they’re so unique we can like play Trumpets if I play mine and then you play yours we can do and then we can wear the Bison fur as wigs no I love my hair the way it is we’re going we bison wigs but you got a crouton afro you can’t wear bison wigs bison wig your Crouton would eat it your Crouton would eat that bison hair alive I’ll eat that b going back I’m going back to the nasty boys tonight everybody talk about it yeah did my horn just scare away the freaking crows do you know how crazy that is if if that’s true dude that’s freaking awesome what about if I do this that means the other like sounds like they work with each other the freaking horn worked with the freaking Crow mod pack freaking crazy got scared of me Eye controls guys now oh [ __ ] they’re coming after us I oh there are there a bunch of red stuff just spawned sh oh my gosh a playing no I’m running away no let’s go no I’m running away I don’t know where you went but I ran away I’m going towards him run away I’m going towards him we got to go toward him that’s the only option oh what’s this got to go fast got to go fast it’s in red gotta go fast gotta go got gota go oops wish I there’s an enemy around here and I want to see [Music] it we got run I see bison oh my gosh I don’t know what to do I don’t know where to go I’m just running got to go through the sky why are you running to you hey gra you guy I thought I was going to find something crazy I didn’t find anything but disappointment oh we almost jumped into a Ravine and died oh Lord have mercy on my soul where am I going oh I found an ocean of water I found found the city or not the city but I found a village a village there’s like a I don’t know I see like a um oh it has an iron golem in the in a [Music] cage I don’t want to be here oh my gosh it’s night time n you got to be there oh I’m going back home you can’t you got to be there’s no way I’m going to be here I’m already I’m already going to you stop I’m already going to you where are you going I don’t know I’m going to you though I’m back at the little village thing you what little village the one with the with the iron golem I was seeing what the with the sights look like oh I see okay okay okay okay okay okay I was about to start going I didn’t know where I was going but I was I was going to you I don’t know where to go I was going to you okay let’s go let’s go just straight let’s go west how does that sound yeah I’m running west and I’m shooting arrows in the sky for no reason we got to do the horns let don’t know who’s boss dude that’s actually terrifying look it you see that in front of us I see a cloud do you see that in front of us oh I told you I saw a city but you didn’t believe me or not a city Village I told you there’s like there’s going to be an iron golem there in the cage and and um there’s going to have they’re going to have poppy seed bread cuz that’s what they specialize in poppy seed bread I’m going be a poppy poy SE poy seed bread is so good PO said muffins man just a muffin top though this this is crazy oh [ __ ] please St me we’re here to collect taxes oh this guy has a yellow bed don’t hurt me why does he have a yellow better and I don’t that’s it just one villager City baby don’t let me eat you deing with I’m keep going worse that was hey come back baby hey baby the he was baby hey baby come back baby what kind of place was that huh baby come by baby I ran West I just kept and i r no please please please I’m stop I ran all night and day I couldn’t get away there’s a there’s like a a herd of bison over here dude I’m running as can can here my Battle [Music] Cry I on B Avenue never thought I see some like y I blow my horn and you you just ran you ran so far away you just ran you ran all night and day you’re getting get away oh look it another Village oh do you see it it looks actually pretty big it looks pretty big it looks pretty big dude pumpkins those are just pumpkins oh look they’re right there oh there’s a village yeah that’s what I said yo I’m so oh wow what’s up about this B oh [ __ ] that scared the crap out of me B being all freaky dick why are they making those noises get out of here we’re raing tax time suckers oh [ __ ] I’m actually taking stuff they have everything that I ever wanted who lives in hereid who has chest Dage who has chest oh shoot tax time taxes thank you for your contribution we don’t we’re not the mayors of your city but we’re still taking the taxes I feel like I feel like that would be of the spot team pulling up into the house break breaking through the [ __ ] like through the ceilings and Through the Windows I’m robbing I mean I’m I’m tax collecting okay are tax collect which makes it better they’re going to be all right they’ll recover they’re hardworking people taxes taxes can’t scream taxes like that sir please please have mercy on them oh there’s even another place over there they thought they were going to move further out so not be counted with the village you know what I’m going to go text them right now no where are you going hold on did you get the way points the way point no I’m going straight to this person’s house they’re they’re trying to Bamboozled us man they’re trying to move over here be like we’re not a part of the city we’re not a part of the village no they at that they’re trying to tax oh whoa what the heck they they don’t even have a a a step to the front door because they’re trying to avoid avoid paying taxes I got in though they ain’t got no oh David there’s a there’s a dungeon thingy over here no don’t do it I’m going right over there man I’m going to go grab all that good stuff no I’m going to go I got to collect taxes first sir pleas taxes taxes taxes you can’t say that I’m getting itchy from all the taxes I’m not getting enough I’m might have to start taking people as I’m going to take people as collateral which way are you going west I’m going east to collect these last two little houses this guy had they had a a house full of dirt that’s not cool ah come on man I can’t use that for taxes I don’t know where you went I’m in the last building oh I see the big ass dungeon that you’re talking about nice I’m going over there right now we collected all the tax already we got the taxes oh yeah now it’s time for Dungeon was the dungeon was the dungeon West yeah yeah yeah yeah it was over there I see it was it was it a red renion yeah it was like the like the little house looking ones or not the little house looking ones but it was like a like kind of like the one we just in yeah oh I see you yeah yeah okay so I must have passed you cuz I also saw those two little houses but I thought you were more ahead of me so yeah I just passed you then okay yeah excuse me not good is nothing crazy my bir tast like cucumber okay I got a waypoint on me okay yeah so we’re going to place it in the front so we can just spawn at the front because I ain’t doing none of this young young and long jba Jaba you understand me you understand me buba I don’t know how to get inside I’m going I’m I’m lost I’m going I’m going baby I’m lost oh my gosh this is part of the set dude oh wow this is part of the Clutter mod you get this and then and then you get this freaking pile of books that you can add to your freaking Furniture that’s sick we might have to just live here this is actually pretty nice yeah oh they have an aquarium oh we’re living here we’re moving in we’re moving in my gosh that’s freaking awesome we’re moving in oh but there’s baddies hold on come here come here come come here place I I looked at the I looked at the at the Enderman are you talking about the Frog no no come here do the was out there you go see it’s just a frog frog yeah we got to break that we got to break that no no no no but it’s just a frog it’s just a frog it’s just a frog I broke it no don’t please it’s just the Frog it won’t actually hurt us there is stuff inside these barrels you get the other Barrel I broke it if it’s oh oh sh oh [ __ ] if it’s just frogs I think it’s all chill I think it’s all CH was just rocks yeah no no no there’s nothing over there there is you missed it you can’t get me I can’t get over there oh my gosh I can’t get over there I closed the doors oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dad what is it is that dangerous where are you I’m inside the little steamy boat or little steaming room oh I must have passed you then yeah I went upstairs and there’s no um there’s cake you want some cake dude do you know what this little thing is where it’s a freaking potion room where not a potion room but like a PO makes potions where are you look at watch do you have any potion effects right now no step inside of it see how it gives you protection and healing we’re living here we are living here a little potion room over here and it just just it just doesn’t stop dude we can dip and then like literally take a dip and then take off and go do some work dude has a little buff and it has frog spers which makes it 10 times better because frogs are cazzy I found a head you found a head look there’s another one I think is that a head no that’s a b i see a head there’s so many frog so many FR I we upstairs but I’m running in circles they call me I BR well you’ll see my head and I think you’ll I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised yeah going to be like oh is isn’t that chipper isn’t that chipper y I’m kind of lost so this is kind of like a labyrinth where did you go I just I just saw your username I was inside the middle I’m going to stairs again yeah you got to keep on going up yeah see here you go you’re scaring me FS you’re scaring me everything hold what’s in here why why is there why is there random Waters in here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] your room Nothing Cake no are you serious yeah I just cake no no no I found I found um uh Sil iron iron iron 1 2 three 3 4 5 six six iron you got iron yeah what bide here it’s vegetables you found veggies no that’s yours I want vegies okay it’s IR it’s you got to get it cuz I’m already wearing Iron get oh you just going to break it oh wow oh wow oh wow my gosh oh crap I found the Harry Potter room oh what’s this is this some sort of portal they have a spawn here bro oh wow I want a spa it’s kind of it’s kind of kinky I’m not going to use it cuz it’s too kinky for me the Spa’s too kinky for you yeah they’re going to try to see my goodies dude this [ __ ] is just so big oh my gosh yeah there’s a lot ches I keep messing this stuff up dude this is honestly a very nice place to call home but it’s just so big ah we’re going to do it no is this going to be home Prime Prime oh [ __ ] I got something for you this was for you this is for you this is for you this is a cholate it’s a cholate I’m going over there cholate Supreme chot [ __ ] Supreme get your asside the room I don’t even know where you’re at behind you running from me please you’re running from me [ __ ] you col you know what that is end Ender sight moon moon beam no that’s a that’s a turtle helmet it gives you um freaking plus like eight armor or some [ __ ] like that cuz it’s like toughness and you get aqua infinity I think it’s a bomb you uh left click no right click right right click I am right clicking have a free hand on I think I don’t have a free hand here I’ll pick it up drop it for you I drop it for you dude equip it is freaking awesome yeah I Daniel and then everything inside that chest oh dude that looks magical as [ __ ] huh yep that’s go to the room ohud so many I we can craft so many things with it a lot of Swords the amethyst yeah that [ __ ] was freaking op oh my gosh there’s too much funky butt Ling in here funky Buttle oh but this is the last of the rooms I wanted to say that I found there’s even a bedroom in here where there’s beds where you just might just stay here forever man is there any more oh I think did we reach the top part no I saw I saw somewhere um with the ladder going up I saw a ladder going up somewhere right here right here right in the middle where we’re at there’s more beds [Music] oh wait there it goes higher than this we’re totally [ __ ] living here dude no we can’t I I’m going to I don’t know what you’re going to be smoking on you can’t this is the [ __ ] dude you can’t you cannot I don’t know who you think I am but I’m totally going to all right I found my bed I found my bed sheb this is dope yeah I’m going to stay in this in this other room this this is cozy I don’t mind it being a little small cuz this whole place is just awesome what is this why oh it’s like a little secret room I found a bunch of bread and I found pumpkin pie we could have a pumpkin pie party oh my gosh it goes higher oops I fell off oh no that was as high as it goes wait no there’s a room up there oh yeah we did go up there though with these little l [Music] this is sick man bed dude what you’re claiming um which room are you going to claim okay I’m up here I’m up the ladder at the little at the little room up top now look it right here in that little room right yeah I was up there look there’s another one over here [Music] I’m over here what’s over there it’s the bed what gu this ladder here see no way get I’m going to go make one over there oh yeah I’m going Jack one of these BS I’m going drag this bed oh yeah now I live in a beautiful Home Free Like a Bird oh but there’s a freaking spawner here I’m going to have to break it I’m sorry yeah just break it there’s too damn many use a pickaxe it breaks faster I don’t have a pickaxe Oh no you’re going to have to catch it catch it no or not right now I through it it I got my here oit is it not a fence a cuz it goes inward what the he I it fell to the very bottom on the spawner oh I know what I can do hold on I got you uhoh [ __ ] I don’t know how do I get back up how do I get back up Dad darn it I’m scared oh I have no idea see I I’ve only been I’ve only been a human for three days not an appropriate response sir here take it I’ve only been human for 3 days thank you here you break spawner and I’ll break this chair so you got room yeah you take the sign too thank you you can take these too cuz I don’t want them I can’t even carry that you got to I can’t you oh man I’ll put the food in here and my burel my Burl will be where all the f is at the barracudas yeah cuz you got to put food in the B the maranis I like the maachis but what about that stuff that was over there that barrel and I was like what’s up with the barrel but the barrel was over there uh excuse me we got to go we got to get out of here this is not a house anymore we gotta go going I don’t know where I’m going but I’m going I know we already found this place now we got to go find another place no yeah I live here yeah but we got like a way point we got to find the wayfinder I live here yeah so we need to get the get the wayfinder I’m never leaving this location yeah that’s okay but I’m just saying we need to find a wayfinder I claim this was my b you you can’t say that okay I’m putting a bunch of bread in my pockets sir please you’re scaring me Can I some of this here oh I can huh look at that oh look at that I have no more room um well I guess I’ll do that and I can leave that and um I can leave that I have a potion of sad and warning I brought my horn and I brought the axe I brought the pickaxe and I brought this and I brought arrows forever all right it’s time to it’s time to go we got to go explore I got my potion I got my potion effect I’m I’m I’m running out of this joint I’m also taking this potion I’m I’m not um I’m not afraid to say that thr it out the hip I have no idea how to get down from here get a honey bottle this place is so big I don’t know where to go I said to get a get it get it honey bottle I said get it get it get it get it on baby I’m on the outside of the building I’m going to die [ __ ] jump into the water oh shoot I was about to jump off and I would have died cuz there’s no water there jump into the water there is no water you got to love the water to feel the water oh [ __ ] do you love the water yeah but I don’t know how to get down I see the way point oh yeah I just cut down never mind I just had to use the outside I believed in you and then what else where El oh how do I get down from here the hell I’m going though I I miss going I don’t know where the stairs are on the r again you’re going north why are you going north I’m on the run again why are you going north CU I’m want to run again there’s nothing there’s nothing North we already set the way point we’ll find our way home someday but we not that you just need to know we’re on the run again I found a village but it’s been it’s been blown up can you g up like a pony though why is it yeah but why is it blown up like this what is it these ruins ruins some type of ruins is there a chest with ruin stuff in it there might be these look like Stone henges yeah there’s Stone henges oh W there is a ruin in here oh yeah hell yeah yeah smashing success I’m going north you’re going north yeah I don’t know why we’re going north but we’re going north CU we’re on the run again but we got to find a dope big vage with vage like people oh wow there’s lava lava I was about to jump in it but that wouldn’t have been a good idea it would have been very toasty though yeah probably turn my nipples into oh I found something it’s a big jerky oh but it’s nothing big it’s whack it is that’s whack and I hate it there’s a ship next to us though what the hell what the and I found a chest oh [ __ ] dude everything happening there’s a freaking whale that’s happening right here there’s this [ __ ] and dude oh my gosh here I’m going to throw this out right ready I’m going to fart in real life so I’m going to make a big Noise Okay there here oh [ __ ] everything else is just arrows and and more food oh [ __ ] Arrow was arrows food and some apples if you want an apple let me know well I did say food never mind oh I see it let’s go let’s go let’s go how the hell did I not see that you see it I see dude it I was at such an angle I couldn’t see it this go this is our new house this is our new house this is not newest house house oh my go this house’s name is Bubba this is that newest house and there’s a little vage with oh Taxas let’s go get taxes first taxes taxes first taxes first taxes first that’s what I’m thinking about I have my bow and arrow important I’ll shoot them if they don’t want to pay their taxes oh [ __ ] you got to do the ratings The the it’s tax season nextx season open up the mother lover doors B open up the mother l d b you know you know you got to contribute you know you got to contribute oh whoa whoa what’s going on in here I don’t know if this is a sexual act or if he’s trying to commit murder you can’t see this he was standing over the guy’s head oh [ __ ] so it was either one or the other man someone was eating ass someone’s n hey they don’t have chest in here what’s going on nobody has a chest at least nobody that I went to there nothing they’re avoiding taxes they’re trying to hide it they have to have it in some sort of like underground bunker found it okay as long as you found something they got to pay something they can’t just live her for free they got potatoes though it’s only potatoes and a do you want a potato and a flower no flower potato what we we don’t have anything here we got to hook them up with we got to make them like Wy or something appreciative here here how about this this what we’ll do we’ll make a CR kill everybody we’re going to pee on everybody oh but look watch to help them out do you got a fence on you by any chance negative I can probably we make one though or we can steal from them here I got it I found seeds nice now what are we doing look at right here oh man it’s going to be hard got it it’s a freaking scarecrow that works the SC oh I guess it doesn’t it’s a faulty scarecrow no I do you we’ve I mean I’ve seen it I’ve seen him do the thing look hey hey get out of here man dude they’re going crazy for these craps Please Mr SC need a scarecrow we really do need a scarecrow the freak is happening man got get pinched going get punched punched [ __ ] I hate you all right they had no taxes we got to go redeem oursel with old batsy oh [ __ ] what Archaeology archaeology where um I don’t know what it’s called brush is it brush we can make a brush yeah we can do archaeology and find fossils and [ __ ] I totally forgot we need copper fucku copper go get copper we need copper we need to mark this spot dude oh [ __ ] I need trees for trying trees and bees and please I need knes for the bees with the keys trees bees I see you D oh [ __ ] I’m running I’m just gunning put the trees I’m going keep shooting these CS if they don’t [Music] [Music] stop I’ll shoot them crows man where are they at [ __ ] keep trying to take the crops man I’m going to shoot them where where are you at [Music] crew oh it’s teasing me he’s teasing you yeah it’s playing mind games right now quad you think you’re cool huh you freaking CR you fre wait till I shoot your an arrow you croe head Crow guy I found a cat and I’m going to kill it I’m joke I’m not killing no cat I’m killing the crow all right I’m going right into that [Music] building what’s in here huh everything oh my gosh oh my gosh go there’s nothing in here there’s every oh my gosh this one’s whack no man it’s oh my gosh oh whoa I found something oh my gosh this is what you found you can have it I took it but you can have it oh my gosh this place is wax so I just took it so we can get the hell out of here wasting our time in this freaking house baby let’s get it buba there whack why we come up here man if we were just going to go back down oh shoot think about that Bubba did you see the Redstone system that’s up here no that is a it’s a crazy redone system is that a button I turned it on it’s lit up from the outside [Music] now that’s you man I thought that was like the power coming on I was like oh that’s interesting he freaking no I seriously thought it was like like the light cuz I turned the Redstone on and then right when I did that it was like so I thought it was a redstone being activated like oh shoot man that’s cool and it wasn’t it was your shenanigans I’m sorry I didn’t mean like that I just wanted to face some funky Jazz man how did it light up like I didn’t see anything I saw inside oh yeah look I see it I see it dude that’s freaking awesome and that’s why it was called the the freaking Lighthouse achievement that’s super sick dude it was freaking called The Lighthouse and that’s why he did it Dad you freaking did it we saved the town dude it’s freaking lighting up like a lighthouse we saved it and now the city or the city the The Village will succeed this city El taxes here I come [ __ ] taxes I’m taking damn we that bit excuse me B me you’re still going taking taxes David get over here get over here get over here the pirate ship the pirate ship David I don’t know where the pirate ship is go South go south go south just go south I don’t know I already I already already there I already got all the pirate SHP treasure wow wow man it’s a lot stop stop you’re going too far too fast too quick I can’t help it I’m greedy I want all the treasures here too far too fast too quick Too Fast Too Furious oh it’s just another Lighthouse oh wait no David David David David David David D David David tell me if you hear this David ready no you crazy you freaking crazy doodle bob how dare you I can’t believe my ears you sicko I found it you sexy sicko that was the coolest thing I’ve ever found you’re a little nasty there so now I have this one and then there this one the little one dude you freaking sicko that all was up here though I’m kind of disappointed I wanted there to be Max I need a Max wi Max [Music] wi I need a I need a Max wi I need a Maxx what is this oh it’s a smoker should I take this yeah maybe well I want to smoke some smokey look they made a little pirate ship little yo look at these little blue things inside of a cage don’t don’t you kill them so they give you magic maybe we got to go do that I don’t think you should they’re like little blue animals I don’t know where you are I went South to the pirate ship like all the way South oh I see you look at oh no that’s that’s not you like right where the where that Lighthouse was I just went South and then it was to the left a little bit you went in a whole other direction I didn’t know you were trying to find a needo Max wi man you can’t be doing that I’m don’t know where I that’s not what it’s all about man my freaking leg man it hurts cuz I didn’t know where any I found a village David get over here hurry up right now booty ho oh I see you it’s did you did you raid that village already where right next to you you see it what are you talking about it’s an need a Max win right there oh [ __ ] baby where where are you there’s I was looking I was trying to get hidden treasure from the pirate ship but apparently those pirates are broke I missed you man I missed you too that’s why I was over there trying to get Pirates stuff so we could sail sail around the Seas you were burned in me this is the same ass place that had they had a freaking Place full of dirt we like dirt what kind of weird place is this man we like dirt they had a room full of dirt D who does that lck of dirt even if I was a dirt farmer I wouldn’t have a room full of dirt like that but where are we going these guys have but where are we going now pey can’t feel my legs they have nothing I’m running South South into the wind bull but I thought we were going north but this Village has nothing we were going north weren’t we I was going to check this Village but I mean to the taxes West taxes man don’t you understand nobody goes to taxes no more so do we go west oh okay they PID taxes never mind did they really yeah they had one chest oh [ __ ] at least that I found I didn’t see anything else so wait but you’re not even going to tell me that I got a freaking was onone we got we take those mister mister look it we take these so we can save it for later so let’s say we do find like a cool spot that doesn’t have W Stone we can place it over there and have it forever in our memories I was trying to make sure that I have as much tax call you baby city tax payments are important Village tax real good guy no one has anything here I need to get some cereal but I need you to promise me you’re not going to leave me I’m running west already no okay here I come I’m joking go for we got go bed good we got a bed serial time can I get a both seral yeah yeah for it oh yeah yeah boy all right thank you here go let me go peel a cucumber cucumber [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] h a a water you want SM oh shoot it’s raining it’s raining and I need a Max wian I like snacks we’re being raided oh [ __ ] you said West M go north east west so we’re going wait where did you go huh thank you oh let’s go Northwest east south yeah go Northwest okay let me take one more bite oh wait no or was it Northeast we going to little after home okay I’m going Northeast uh Sor we already went Northeast i s we died we did yeah I have a death box over there oh [ __ ] anywhere you see there’s a d we been oh [ __ ] you lied to me Jason we got to go Jacob we got to go Southwest oh follow me we’re going to Jamaica I went into a hole and yeah I have a feeling about oh wait wait we came from that direction we got to go Southeast no we didn’t wait did we he’s saying to me right now cuz I thought we saw this this um yeah we came from here this is where the ruins were excuse me I Didn’t Mean To Burp we let’s keep going south we just go south forever okay okay I can agree to this I like this excuse me I’m get back I’m going to speedrun this map I’m almost there let’s get him let’s get it I’m so [Music] ready the crazy horns pretty crazy horns why I’m suck oh to to to the to to to the to the left uh look look on the map I see it yep taxes that’s all I care about taxes get ready boys y fellow tax collector cus I fell in a hole get violent this time hey where the where the taxes at where the where the where the mother love it where the mother love it they’re being protected by um where the mother love it these freaking B are protecting them you know that this has already been looted we’ve been here we’ve been here oh that’s right we were here ah we were we going where do we yeah now we got to figure out where to go I need a I don’t think we went cuz we just came from from the Northeast like Southeast area I say we just go keep on going Northwest cuz I don’t remember going any further than that how about we go Northwest let’s do it mhm I kind get the sweet baby rays out sorry bit my lip not hurt to drink water which over are you going I’m running Northeast Northwest Northwest I’m running Northwest I see pumpkins already pumpkins are a good sign yep there’s a city right there but they don’t have taxes I know they’re not going out taxes I can tell I like potatoes and [ __ ] oh my God oh my gosh we’ve already been here what yep mind you B here I took the waist Stone from this place I can’t pick where to go next that I keep on leading us astray why isn’t there a big map that’s what I was saying man this map is janky this isn’t the one let’s just go west straight west okay and we never stop going west okay and we won’t we will not stop going wor even if we see anything batshit crazy okay yeah like at some point that bat [ __ ] craziness is going to end that [ __ ] does oh no kind of not complete West but like a little Southwest I was right in the beginning cuz we just came from that direction too look that’s where the lighthouse is is that I’m going to keep going Southwest oh look there’s a big old pit oh whoa I almost fell into the pit should have cop I thr in the pit I don’t want to go to the pit I think I found onions carrots carrots carrots I think they’re carrots or radishes no carrots onions told you they onions I know my [Music] onions yes look it there’s a freaking Stonehenge we’ve been here but it’s okay yeah we’ve been oh my gosh remember we said we’re going to keep going west until like South Southwest no man we keep on remembering on these specific ways because we’ve already done this and we’re too high to figure it out that it’s cuz we keep we going we go One Direction We like go west we go okay now let’s go Southeast okay now let’s go Northwest so we’re just like going in a circle we got to get out of the circle I’m going to run forever man I’m going to I said we go counc clocks I found something this look at that I found something don’t tell me this is the same thing it is dude cuz we cuz look we’re going south now we turned we’re not going west anymore is this the r the bunny house I mean the dad Ribbit dad that’s the Frog house with the SP then we just keep going south no because we came from South we need to start going west we can’t cross that ocean David just get we we make a boat unless we just forever I need a Max wi there’s wood over there I need a Max wi I have wood no we need right there here I be one look at easy monies excuse me I’ll be up about you’re scaring me oh wait here we go I got it oh ready do you want to have that junk effect cuz I’m drunk you want to have that drunk effect why do you want me to be intoxicated I’m going to be selling the ship I here no if you’re going to be staying in the shape you got to stir drunk okay I don’t want I can’t that’s illegal if you’re going to steer you got to drive drunk that’s the rules look it yours is awesome screw my brown boat you drive wait but you got to drink it what is it sir I don’t have it drink it come here you didn’t give me anything come here cuz you didn’t take it from I don’t know how to jump out I can’t get out press control I’m stuck in here here you got to drink this and right when you’re done drinking it you jump on that bat okay no questions asked now drink it all right now start driving sir you need to take me to my taxi a he got the sir just go in a straight line I’ll tell you when where am I going we’re getting chased by arcas we’re getting chased by arcas go oh my go straight go straight go no you’re going down should I go backwards no no no no no just keep on going just keep on going it’ll straight out it’ll straight out oh go he I I see his village but I can’t stop because it’s I’m I’m so intoxicated I can’t see what I can’t tell what I’m seeing you’re going up or slow you’re going straight down go away wait do we go to that house to go to the right oh it stop shaking I don’t want to go there yeah screw that house oh my God hell no get me out of here get me out of here how do i p faster it’s freaking chasing me the Arca yes no get away from me please stop following us I don’t have food there’s a ship where it’s small baby shap what kind of random the hell let’s live there wait I can’t tell where I’m going all right we’re on this SE for the rest of our lives in 18 minutes of just yo ho yo ho BL blop you please cannot say that you cannot say that we’re never going to make it a dry land man we’re both people now you left me you left me we’re both people now you left me what the hell you just left me where are you at where where you need to go east there is a big ass whale in oh my gosh I don’t like this I can’t go back for you just keep swimming West and then um I’ll let you know if you’re getting closer to the land okay oh you oh you why did you get off there’s something there I didn’t really mean I was going to live there I wased baby oh I was committed man wait I can’t why can’t I turn this freaking thing there we go okay okay me we got to hurry cuz that orc is trying to follow us I don’t like this we’re going to be sailing at night and I can’t see I can’t tell where the where the sky starts and the ocean ends [ __ ] we lost 14 days of sailing because of this we are behind 2 weeks in schedule I hope we find land soon I don’t think we are I think we hit the vast oceans over the ocean pacifics we’re going to have to just um dig beneath us oh no we’ll just build a floating wooden raft and we’ll just start a settlement out in the ocean assuming our coordinates we’re near the we’re near like a 100 like like negative 100 positive 100 or some [ __ ] like that we’re 2,800 away basically 2,000 for for the first one and 800 for the second one we’re far away from the spawn hell yeah where the heck is this land damn we’re just I see a small bit of land oh no that’s just a pirate ship ship oops all these people that tried to be Pirates and got lost that see yo ho yo ho the Pirates last wait wait what’s that to the to the left where you see it oh yes yes nice but we’re going to keep going west [ __ ] no hell no you your sweet ass over there baby please we got to go west give me through the thes man give me through the thes man we got to go west look there’s a real nether portal there’s a NE portal that’s cold baby that is cold there is a freaking chest I jumped right out so I can drown and get it you drump straight I can’t believe oh I don’t want any this you keep whack ass treasure a fire phoenix a oh no it’s a Burning Tree you took it from me I don’t want any of that stuff D you keep it get that stuff out of my life you took it sweet baby rays David sweet baby rays you ever see the video where they’re they’re talking about um the dude that own that start made um uh Facebook I forgot Zach Zach something BG Zach williamsberg Zach Zack Heisenberg but anyway yeah yeah yeah but anyway so he’s he’s that constantly talking about how Mark Zuckerberg there we go and then um they they constantly talk about how he’s like really weird and he seems like like a robot and one of his streams he just kept mentioning sweet baby race cuz they were barbecuing oh that’s creepy as [ __ ] I was like and we got the sweet babes oh don’t forget the sweet bber should I get the sweet bber and the sweet B oh we got to put on the sweet B like oh [ __ ] no I’m dying no this whole place is on fire it’s it’s all on fire it’s over there the fire station yep oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it is from the lava wait where are you right at the bottom it’s you you psycho I saw you setting stff on fire first it was a lava I was like no I need to make it look worse but the first it was the fire the beginning was not me I promise there’s our house there isn’t you’re lying to me oh I said there’s there’s our house we’re going to live in that pit oh no it isn’t you’re lying to me there seagull around be careful maybe is is that a dome I found the mega Dome what are these ball Stacks hanging from the trees the captures they’re captured why are there ball Stacks in the trees cuz they’re captured release them with fire should I burn the can cage off of them but they’re going to die maybe you don’t know I do know I found it I found it no I I found it I can’t believe oh my gosh that’s actually really nice do you see that yep and I’m going to live there every a beautiful place to find I’m going to live there I claim all the good stuff I prom is guaranteed why can’t I freaking get up man what’s aie of [ __ ] oh this is kind of whack what are you telling all this climbing it’s only one it’s a one time climb I’m going to live here but I don’t want to go up these stairs all the time yeah oh this is nice and spacious yeah you totally have like a party here there’s no way to get up oh that’s it this is all it is my gosh oh oh [ __ ] [Music] I’m G to jump off if you do that to me please I found it I got it oh my gosh oh my gosh green pants and it’s so many ores of iron this is such a liar to me I’m not joking to again 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 iron two Enchanted pieces of armor Le green leather pants um and coal if you want it there’s a book of piercing too a level 25 that’s okay cuz there there is practically the same thing in the chest behind yours oh no that was my chest too I need that back what I found a music this too I’m keeping that that’s a bad that’s a bad boy right there I follow wax so hey how about you give me back my chest huh there’s chain mail in there if you want the chain mail there’s a second Barrel oh my god there Diamond can’t believe I didn’t see it what the heck that’s crazy and there’s so much iron in here dude holy [ __ ] you didn’t even check the the ones next to yours I didn’t oh my God that’s me crying I’m crying right now Daddy I’m collecting all the all the sticks because sticks are important if you say so I’m going to leave this um I’m going to leave the diamonds behind we don’t need that [ __ ] that’s why can’t do that you can’t do that oh my gosh diamond diamond you going need a diamond you can’t do that I don’t no diamonds no no you can’t do that they have carrots in here that’s [Music] important oh guess what I don’t know what I found but I didn’t find anything you need IR I got I got IR big oh my gosh there’s even more leather green pants oh my gosh it’s full this this is too much I can’t deal with this you want Str we got to stop playing now check the other box I’m what other box this m but I have too much stuff see that see that b yeah right jump what the hell is that that’s that’s hseep poow horse jump oh we call it oh I can’t I can’t carry anything else you got carry more okay I’ll take the I have potatoes I’ll take of these yeah I’m taking these do you happen to have like um a small stack of arrows yeah baby I got it you want more you can have it I got you baby oh no no do you need more cuz I have I have already have 64 oh [ __ ] you know what baby yeah see will take it I will take it that wasn’t all that I had okay I have more than 64 yeah let’s go but you’re leaving behind the iron leggings I don’t need the IR legging oh [ __ ] but you left them behind I don’t need him baby I got it but you left them baby God baby I don’t know if you know this but you left him behind I do want to let you know I got it okay no you left them behind I fell I fell down forever no you can’t you can’t do that to me how did you even get up I need you there’s no way up that’s I don’t know there is but you’re not looking I don’t know where it’s at I need you oh [ __ ] trap trap bunny bubbles trap bunny yeah trap bunny bubbles trap booty bundle pop bubble pop bubble double double dot Tri Dam di oh that one guy from that video dust don’t give a damn oh sh David wait did you huh what the hell did I just come from here or or or or or or [Music] what do I drop though fire protection oh yeah so this was all my stuff I lifted here fire protection iron horse armor I can’t carry it Dad you need to take it please for me cuz there’s going to be another one here you open where the fudge oh yeah again I I found this one H it that St was W there’s nothing up here man there there was a nothing but r r r r or you can’t say that that’s not that’s not legal whoa what is all this I left there the horse armor what is all of this the horse armor okay so do you happen to have any fiduciaries maybe I took all the gold oh [ __ ] baby yeah cuz that’s very important again the helmet but we can’t make any room for the for the horse [Music] armor oh or or you can’t say that you look I’m going to switch this out to Bam all right we’re blessed let’s go oh [ __ ] I’m going to fall I’m going to fall oh what about this whack ass chest that had whack ass stuff in it if we just had leather I can make us a back back oh we can be car all this stuff right now actually what about green Le let’s go kill some cows we’ll kill the cows and then we’ll kill the cows cuz there’s still some pretty good stuff up in here I’m going down to hi I burped up the hall way sick but Like A Champion I don’t see any cows I don’t see any cows oh [ __ ] how do we miss all this how did you miss oh hell to the yiz you have no idea what I just put on my body a gold chain in my remember car gold yeah it’s insane we out your lane you insane you want you want some green leather boots 24K we go we stay in [Music] L you really just jump down I I’m out of here where are you I jumped all the way down no you didn’t yeah I did oh you did I’m behind you can I please what the [ __ ] happened what health are you at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [Laughter] 8 there’s a leaf cutter end look look at it look at it right here look it and it’s caring the leaf get okay we got to find find um was there really still more stuff in there yeah actually I’m not even joking all right we really do have to find C in I mean it was a couple good stuff like we could probably find some some other good stuff too is just like if we don’t I mean I don’t know if we find cows we’ll find cows whether we’re close or like if we like run far ways we won’t come back we just keep on going forward cuz homeboy don’t come back like that the new underwater cave systems did I just drop something no you’re dreaming I brra I’m swimming I don’t have to but I but I am what swimming swimming mhm instead of running I’m swimming in the water good that’s good exercise for you we go this way a long way I can’t run through this bamboo like a burger I’m stuck on the bamboo like a mother love a burger baby remember we got to go west Always Forever 100% I can’t get out of this B baby 100% baby tell me little s baby always and forever why can’t the freaking sheep give us leather too I mean they got skin oh oh [ __ ] we’re getting swarms attacked oh [ __ ] I can feel all the W stinging me my arm’s Tweaky be just gave me a little sweet honey kiss where are we going to the ed tomorrow to Nowhere this is just one what one big island there’s just one big island we we we got to sail off of here let’s go a [ __ ] Dad I think I just realized that’s one big island I have a was Stone we could just get out of here no we can’t because we have to keep going could dump no we could have dumped all the stuff off at the chest at the house and just come back there’s grapes oh my gosh they’re Apes I’m out of here oh [ __ ] he was beating his chest at me should he hit it we have to keep sailing west you want to hit it yeah let’s go west baby I’m down let’s go dude I was all down for West entire time me and West were babies West Coast babies one big island oh shoot you know what I don’t have the here watch hold on I’ll make a cheting table oh take materials this time I’m going let you sell please cuz I’m going to take a dab oh see I sailed the first 18 hours I sailed the first 18 hours Mr frisky my arms are tired think I want catch on Mr frisky want to be a little frisky frisky oh yeah I want to frisky up this dab real quick oh [ __ ] okay I like the way you do I take take it with a power okay don’t even worry get your with a little bit boot tie in the boat I see you looking at me when you’re talking like that and it it’s freaking me out man let make you a pink I got a bat I got a bat I got a bat got pink no it don’t got to be pink boy this myat this is my boat this my boat you my boat it has to be pink yeah my boat all oh [ __ ] I can’t drunk I just realized let’s go Southwest Southwest can I send up in the boat I have to sit down huh yeah I’m just staring at the back of your head man oh [ __ ] oh sh what is the back of your head made of huh Kentucky Fried Chicken if only dude if it was I’d be pulling the back of my head like crazy yeah I would I like that I like that thick chicken skin that’s on the crispy side of the the chicken that like that nine chicken ass you know what I’m saying yeah dude that chicken game is crazy I need a Max pump I got to go back to the gym so I can work on my fat ass muscles muscles oh you fat boy you’re not going to be so fat in about 17 18 19 25 years it’s going from cold Waters to warm Waters you see oh I like that you know what that means sharks oh [ __ ] did you hear that yeah I did it was the thing that went wa we got shot by an arrow cuz there’s people us okay I see Island well what’s all this glowing stuff see is it the shape of what the hell what the hell is that guess where we going guess where we’re going it’s a should we go to the small one first or you want to go to the big papa let’s go big papa oh [ __ ] got to the houseold we got to drop off all this crap no no not even cuz I like when they come big that’s how these get wait I’m selling away is it flying help me I’m selling away press control press Crouch how do we even get to this it flew away huh what the heck was that is that it right there that big ass fly right here look at that isn’t it that’s it look it’s a big it’s a big place I think we got to build up to it no how many blocks is that going to be quite a bit I presume let’s go this way at least isn’t that is that just a skeleton M try to try to get up there what if treasure wasn’t for me it wasn’t a skeleton it was a freaking like mechanical thing it looks like a skeleton now well for my in my view it’s a skeleton huh that’s weird cuz I didn’t see skeleton at along it looks like a dragon skeleton Branda cancel my I need to talk to corpit there’s a Hornets oh there’s rabbits you know rabbitk leather what oh yeah you right you right I going to say lucky fo to be honest but oh [ __ ] you see that oh you know what yeah should I shoot it it’s a Road Runner Oh I thought you talking about shooting the Road Runner my bad no these guys look at them kill them why cuz they’re from Coraline don’t you remember no they killed her ouch what the how happened I was shooting um I can’t believe you done this like that one video of the guy that gets punched in the head yeah I can’t believe you done this there’s a chest oh my gosh no no you get away from me [ __ ] I’m on fire oh my gosh oh it’s all mine oh [ __ ] I can’t take any of it damn it you have to I can’t you have to you have to oh [ __ ] oh my God I just realized what it is oh my God I just realized what it is yeah baby I’m getting rid of these leather pants what the hell am I carrying leather pants [Music] for oh no I can’t carry it and then we can’t give these gold medallion you left boots with mending on them but they’re gold here you can have my beer I’m taking those boots cuz those boots were made for walking no you’re those boots were made for walking and that’s just what they’ll do one of these days boots are going to walk all over [Music] you now we got to keep moving because there’s a lot to explore let’s go south you thought I was going to go south huh wait were we going west so yeah okay going rest get out of my way road runners you stop leaving me behind oh wait let me mine hold [Music] on we summoned it oh shoot I found something see of Life what is this is this a a temple of doom colive what’s in here oh it’s protecting by tree it’s oh I was about to say I thought it was an actual dungeon I was about to like freak out yeah we got to protect that tree can you can you craft a boat real quick we get through this I think I see gold oh my gosh I see gold like in the Rocks so we got to go get it it would be cool if gold was more valuable in this game like in real life it’s very valuable not just because it’s cost like what you can buy it for but cuz if it’s using electronics and stuff yeah if you eat gold you gain superpowers is that so yeah that’s why rich people like or not like but love gold so much and like put gold everything like gold cereal I killed two rabbits oh but it didn’t give me l oh yeah I did not a sicko nice so now whenever there’s rabbits and I shoot them I’ll just pick up the leather if they drop it yeah you’re going to have to that’s the only way you’re going to be not a sickle yeah so we can make a backpack we can carry more stuff oh shoot I shot a snake oh [ __ ] and I killed it that’s right stupid rattlesnake it was just trying to be your friend oh yeah it was all hissing at me about to strike he said I love you I said I love you back with an arrow I was trying to play Cupid he said you been the B Papa snake I ever had well I shot him with Cupid’s arrow and just that love was just a little too much for it I love you can I get leather from the road runners only if you say I love you I’m not saying I love you to a Road Runner I see something to the right maybe to the left but it’s probably to the right it’s near a yellow dot oh there it is I see they claim it h those those are my my uncle’s houses right there and um I’m going to go see if he left me any gifts it’s my birthday they oh yeah what are you hey hey get get off get off get off I’m taking it it’s mine I got it already oh [ __ ] look at oh yeah oh I can’t carry any more arrows you got to take them I’m going to the next one though I saw I see it look it UPS you know what it you know what these things are in this in these ropes the zeins yeah we’re going we’re going we we totally forgot what the heck dude we spawned by a Ze yeah and we then go up look at they’re ladders damn it what the heck hey but we still got the spawn to to to to that spawn though we still got the cords to the spawn though oh you can’t go up that’s says there’s no way up onwards buddy wait I should probably do the hold on do the wayo cuz oh oh let me know you’re stting when you’re getting close to my little baby body oh shoot I’m going to fall off I’m going to die ping it down don’t die please [Music] all right I named a zeppelin okay I haven’t really gone up that high yet why didn’t you just press it with me so in case you die you can come back and oh shoot I’m going I’m just falling down you can’t fall any faster so we’re stuck WI a other oh oh my God I thought I jumped off and died boy ready boy you got to go first because you put down there what the hell is that oh we got to run that guy’s going to kill us I’m trying to get as fast as I can but I can’t I’m like really slow climbing this ladder I don’t know what my character’s problem we’re so ha can’t to see the map now it’s pure black oh do I have a an amulet of climbing maybe I seriously hope that there’s a freaking parachute up there or something cuz I do not want to climb back down that take the taking forever just the parachute of falling I don’t I don’t know if the if the boots can can take a fall from this high who made it it has a button I’m stuck okay oh I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t like this why did I place the freaking waste for oh [ __ ] there’s blood no they killed him they killed them there’s a zombie in here oh there’s there is a thing in [ __ ] in here what is that it’s spawner for snowman oh my gosh I don’t know I don’t know what any of this is and I don’t care it doesn’t matter mostly that’s the super rare stuff what are you talking about I need you to kill this thing too cuz I get what is this some Demon yeah I’m not testing it o ooh o ooh there’s oh my gosh how do I get in here I want to rob it I want to rob it I thought oh my gosh there’s so much of these things I don’t care about oh oh yeah oh there’s another Spawner in here I don’t like all these spawners man they’re tripping me out uh I’m going break it cuz I don’t like it don’t break it I shot it with an arrow don’t let be a this scary what are these things spawn oh co how do I bring out my there we go how do I bring out myself oh shoot oh my gosh oh my gosh okay we really seriously have to there there’s three name tags in here three name tags oh three I can only pick up one I got the armor we got a map we got to carry this map cuz it doesn’t say it doesn’t say blank map it just says map and I grabbed it it’s over I already have it it’s mine this one says jungle ruins oh [ __ ] oh I don’t even know what the hell I’m looking at [ __ ] this map’s going to lead us to Jungle ruins how do you look at it ah you left clicked ah do we we even want to try to go to Jungle ruins I feel like that’s going to be so far away why would you call me that what else was in there oh oh ohly [ __ ] oh what’ you find um did you find Tamila B um let’s just say your boy got four emeralds oh I just ruined the the freaking I just ruined it I’m sorry what I freaking um I broke the the zeppin so now you can see outside and it ruined the Mystique I fixed it I can’t believe you done this you I can’t believe you’ve done this you most oh you hungry oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I took it here you can have those I didn’t see your treasure in there what are you talking [Music] about I didn’t see I didn’t see some treasure labeled David where’s my cake at I didn’t see a cake labeled David’s cake please do not touch ah [ __ ] what was up with this cake this cake there [Music] oh [ __ ] come on B crafting tables I’m out of here Shane no remember there’s like a whole another 17 levels we haven’t explored what the hell is this it’s just freaking it’s freaking what that Stony mixst St ston Boney it’s that’s Redstone stuff likes Redstone people think they like Redstone but you know when they ever they see it they’re just like G this guy again Redstone oh my [Music] [Music] gosh [Music] [Music] oh this a beautiful game but look what I found I didn’t find anything I’m locked out someone help me I’m I’m running escaping forever we what about all the stuff that’s in here there’s nothing in here so basically we found nothing yeah psych we found a bunch of good stuff all right I’m just going to jump down and hope up my my booths carry me oh [ __ ] save the David I’m falling oh my gosh David Dam it this is actually jump off and then just just do it last second do what jump off and like move backwards then forwards yeah like [Music] that ow you waited too long oh that last one Mis back to the house damn 5,000 blocks away W yeah dude I’m back at Cherry home that was a ridiculous Adventure she was smurphies 5,000 blocks away from home we got to drop all this all this mechanical dude our our treasure is just like ridiculous now just throwing everything in there I’m hoping that it [Music] lasts I’m just throw everything else in here too oh my gosh so much [Music] treasure do we have a record player uh not yet oh there was a bunch I’ve seen a couple of them over there when we were around and I don’t know why I didn’t grab it I don’t know why I didn’t grab it [Music] that wasn’t smart oh we do we have a JW box I knew I grabbed one I knew I grabbed one cuz I was like I’m not going to let this go by [Music] ready okay okay [Music] okay freaking sweet oh D dude oh that went [Music] hard oh that song’s yeah oh it even gets it gets better [Music] she [Music] there we go we don’t need that [Music] anymore that’s so sick [Music] this one has to be [Music] forever [Music] yeah everything so the Monstrous [Music] [Music] bottle [Music] oh have much [Music] on a weapon that was [Music] dope that was the most beautiful slime I’ve [Music] [Music] ever I’m going shoot a couple hummingbirds there’s a tiger I kind of want to shoot the tiger already think it’ll give us like tiger fur maybe keeps looking at me beat him up [Music] I shot it twice it might be coming for me I’m afraid of it now but I’m going to pretend I’m [Music] not [Music] oops [Music] wow it takes a lot of damage oh but I got it what that’s it you kill a tager you only get one little green ball wow they did me dirty where did you run off to [Music] Canada oh no wait wa [Music] I don’t know where you where you spawn that Dam [Music] it where did you spawn at oh no no no no no no no no no no I messed up dude oh my God a fudge dude I didn’t click the freaking Waypoint from the last place [Music] oh yeah I did oh my God I went to the zeppin and I ran West I don’t know what may be out there for me in the big great Yonder I found a pyramid I’m in Egypt [Music] oh my gosh I can’t believe I made it to Egypt there’s like no entrance I wonder if I have to just break inside all right forgot to loot the monies oh it’s just legit a freaking pyramid oh my gosh it would have been nice if there was something in there what’s up there is that lava I’ll find out that’s for sure hell yeah oh wow that’s a lot of lava I’m around a lot of sand wouldn’t it be a good idea to get class I can always come bigger I found a d and what the velocity Banis no I don’t know where you went I asked you fell asleep so I ended up going west at the at the zaplin and I found the Lo city of alenis what is this Randomness oh there’s a villager in there nice another name tag hey what’s up Bradley you want me to let you out bro I want let you out Bradley there you go Bradley he doesn’t seem too happy to be let let go he seems confused about being let go he keeps going there’s nothing in here shut up Bradley going east I mean not East West for the next 6 [Music] months is that a structure looks like somebody tried to make a vape out of [Music] stone oh I see what it is please tell me that’s somebody’s beautiful AB boat it is summer out here in the desert in the Mojave Desert yeah there’s rattles Saks everywhere oh that’s a structure that has to be a structure I know those aren’t trees what is that yes I don’t know what the hell this is but I’m a part of it well all be there’s some cows and camel here there’s C there’s a camel laying on top of nothing it’s just floating in midair don’t say no cow yes it is okay wow what a rude cow beat the little [ __ ] out of that cow he just show was like no but who’s taking care of these animals I am I’m David Hof dude nobody’s here taking care of these camels they’re just they’re just going to let them die oh they seem prepped though they have like food and stuff oh oh I see well I’m going to ra this from the top to the bottom damn that’s a lot of [Music] bread and cheesecake I think that was um I can keep going I’m my find the lost city of Atlantis I don’t think it’s going to happen cuz I already read me I already read I already ran to the edge and it’s just more no I was running the wrong way oh what what is that whoa whoa what is that is that a big old kangaroo yeah did you stay back at the base no why you just take I went West from a zeppelin but did you find any of these places kind of I’m out of Village I just found malari I’m like at a kind of small village I think I think I might be at a village you visit cuz there’s like an open there is an Open Door that it make sense I did visit a village and open the door so whatever you find that may be good inside that it should be given to me cuz I forgot it n you’re not here man yeah I was I was you have no proof of me wasn’t being how about I build some stairs man oh shoot there’s a villager sleeping in here I’m sorry Mis oh you have a chest though full of bread I don’t want your bread yeah I do I took it I lied under under o I said I don’t want it but I took it that bread let TIY this guy’s breads too you guys can’t just keep paying your taxes in bread man this isn’t how it works did I come up here no I just more bread I what to do with the bread just so much bread and it’s cold and hard it tastes like like gum bee it tastes like gum bee gumy bread oh is there like oh shoot oh Sho I fell wa this is a really weird yeah that’s why you only have bread in this freaking Village huh oh I thought I put the cat in the bed there’s a baby villager in here I’m kidnapping it get it oh yo this place has bread for days [Music] I already have a full stack of bread these guys are really good bakers I don’t know how to get out of here there’s a a there’s a way Plant I don’t I don’t think we want this place to be the the focus oh okay an emerald all right buddy you’ve been doing work tax seas in buddy thank you for your contribution even though it’s just bread buddy oh wow this is a pretty big Village [Music] a pretty big village with a lot of taxes it can pay was there anything in here have I been in here yep I took all the bread here I just see the doors open when I’m when I’m done collecting taxes oh you got bread heck yeah do you have taxes on [Music] you oh you don’t huh oh but you have carrots huh nice you have anything in there keep searching for taxes what’s in there move sir why would it be Hollow I need to get off your boy’s falling asleep okay I’m probably going to just camp at this Village though I’m too scared to move because can’t cuz I have all the bread you know what I mean Jamal will fix up the better Journey map so that we can actually see each other from a far distance heck yeah then we can actually set better points too but yeah that’ll be somewh else thingy oh no it has to be right now we need three more hours no even though my eyes are on fire when you say you’re ready I’m saving and quitting oh wait just let me click the last of this bread I was like one more house I need to taxes I don’t know why I’m so interested in collecting this bread but it’s my life’s goal oh my gosh I found a cookie maybe hold on okay I maybe I just let you do it now because there’s think like three more houses now oh my gosh more emeralds you know what just call it hold on wait wait wait wait I just CL there’s so many more places to go so I can just disconnect [Music] right do I have to save oh I don’t believe so cuz I had a bunch of like million dollar million dollars on me oh no maybe he did need to save oh it’s too late now yeah it said save and said you didn’t save so your stuff got deleted so there all that stuff that I just grabbed it was like two stacks of bread two whole stacks of bread can’t be true two whole delicious stacks of bread just gone we’ll never get them back you’re lying to me yeah no I mean no but we lost him maybe all right little bit bit all right that was a really do that was really really Suave Sito yeah you going to jump back tomorrow cuz now we got to grind even more a lot know okay little baby you have a good night all right d good night good [Music] night

This video, titled ‘FAT DABS AND MINECRAFT MODS!’, was uploaded by Armpit Salad on 2024-01-28 10:13:10. It has garnered 42 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 07:49:36 or 28176 seconds.

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    Unmasking the Skywars CUBECRAFT player! | MINECRAFT PEVideo Information [Music] 3 2 [Music] [Music] 1 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Skywars CUBECRAFT gameplay |MINECRAFT PE|@JitR @PadaiOS @SpunkyInsaan20’, was uploaded by Anonymous Player on 2024-04-04 11:03:09. It has garnered 44 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:51 or 231 seconds. Skywars CUBECRAFT gameplay |MINECRAFT PE|‎@JitR  ‎@PadaiOS  ‎@SpunkyInsaan20  pvp minecraft pvp minecraft tips pvp minecraft bedrock pvp minecraft pe tips pvp minecraft server pvp minecraft pe pvp minecraft texture pack pvp minecraft video pvp minecraft mobile pvp minecraft montage… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. – Can You Beat It?!

    Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. - Can You Beat It?!Video Information [音楽] 足りないのよ ほらエンダー [音楽] マン [音楽] お 足りないのよほら [音楽] エンダーマン [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー マン [音楽] で [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー [音楽] マンてますはいはきましたましてみました ましたはいこんにちはこんにちは こんにちは こんにちははい本日はつまりいただいて ありがとうございますえありがとうござい ますはい自己紹介とかします一応しとき ますかいしとくしとくはいし とこう人いるん だどうぞどうぞすいませんどうぞはい ブイスポ 担当役無理です ポだっ たあで今日はブイスポ担当で終わるなんだ ブイスポ担当はいブイスポ所属え大臣 カンパニーでは平社員をしておりますやも 紅ですえ本日はキャリー枠やらせて いただきます従ってくださいよろしくお 願いしますって くださいはいはいさん 社長俺かはいうんえ何自己紹介って雷人 ですマイクラマイクラはでもちょっとえ なんかライ様のマイクラマジかみたいな めっちゃ見たちょちょっとだけやったこと あるえそうなんだじゃキャリー枠 Twitchでこのエンドラの討伐RTA 企画みたいなのがあったあ へえすごい昔ちなみに何も覚えて ないいけますねはいはいことでよろしくお 願いしますお願いしますお願いしますお 願いし ますじゃあ 部長 部長ゼロさんじゃ ないそうだよ思い出し てけどうもゼはいあのmcraは中学生の 時に騙されて人のにTNT爆弾設置して やめました5分5分しかやったことない です頑張り5分中学生っぽい なはいめっちゃ切れられた足だけは 引っ張らんように はい 厳しい 厳しいすごいキラ社員なのにいやいやいや もうここではもう部長暮らしですかそうね そうだはいじゃマザマザさん部長はい部長 部長なの俺もわかんない親親方じゃない 親方親だよねあ親方あどうも雷人 カンパニーえ親方担当マザーですはい皆様 お久しぶりでございますあ久しぶり久し ぶりです久お元気でしたか確かにはいに はい元気ですはい僕はもうあの撮影終わっ て帰ってきて寝そう です寝ないで追ってくださいだめだ よはい じゃあじゃあ次も上から行きますか上から ひまちゃんかなはいえ皆さんどうも こんにちはこんばんはござほんまひりです 2さじの一部を務めており ます1はい229を務めておりますえ毎 代表だったの にそう一部ですマイクラはねなんかあの2 時3時では結構頼られたりとかハードコア する時とかにされるんだけどやっぱベ ちゃんがいやいるから今日はいっぱい甘え たいと思いますそしてガチキャリー枠です よや生活習慣がちょっと最近良すぎるので ちょっと11時ぐらいになったら多分あの すごいデバがかかってくるの でやりたいと思いますよろしくお願いし ますお願いします願いしますお願いします はいはいじゃあはいはいえどうもアクカド なんて言ってたっけえれオールマイト オールマイトえムですがマイクロではバブ 枠です今日は目標迷子にならないを掲げて あとスタッシュの中身を汚していくのは 止められないと思いますよろしくお願いし ますいやマイクラ でマイクラで汚せたらすごいもんだそれ はやめない方がいいよ 社長のチェストを作ってもらえないと困っ… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLuk

    Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLukVideo Information în clipul de astăzi fraților Eu alături de Ana am făcut un concurs de cine face cel mai șmecher Roller Coaster din Minecraft stați Până la final și Scrieți în comentarii care s a descurcat mai bine și dați neapărat un like dacă vreți mai multe clipuri de genul ăsta Și cât timp Apăsați voi pe subscribe Lăsați mă să vă spun și despre noua colecție de pe local.ro Unde găsiți și pufoșenia asta de cățel pe nume Rex Și cam așa arată și colecția adică este foarte șmecheră e cu mine și cu Ana Când cântăm știți… Read More

  • AARAV’S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!

    AARAV'S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!Video Information [संगीत] वि [संगीत] वि [संगीत] [संगीत] This video, titled ‘How to Play Minecraft #music’, was uploaded by AARAV KA DAILY LIFE on 2024-04-29 15:24:34. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • iCunny

    iCunnyFULL DISCLOSURE: This server is being self-hosted, expect latency to not be the best. We are working hard to eventually move to a dedicated server. iCunny is a free to play modded Minecraft anarchy server on 1.19.2 with no report system, and with only 2 rules: No illegal content, and no people under the age of 18. Mod list: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GPj4mtMmIgtIEVzreziFkfpZwmfqSfad?usp=drive_link To play on this server, download these mods, extract them, and add them to your Minecraft mods folder. icunny.com Read More

  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    -1.20.1 -Close community -Long term world -Proper SMP (Hermitcraft-like) -Shopping district + Minigame district -Forge server, light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) + create mod I own a Hermitcraft-like server with about 9 consistent players, looking for more. Interested? Join the server built on community and trust, where we work together. Members should be 16+ or mature enough. Hoping for 15-20 active players. Join us on Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Guess What This Means, Newbie

    Minecraft Memes - Guess What This Means, NewbieI guess this meme is a solid 45/100 on the Minecraft humor scale – Not bad, not great, just okay. Just like my survival skills in the game! Read More

  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you accidentally ask for a “pedi” instead of a “pet” 😳 Guess we’re getting a pedicure in the game now! #oops #minecraftfail #pediornotpedi Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless adventures to be had, Minewind is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Imagine embarking on a 100-day challenge like the one in the YouTube video you just watched. Now picture yourself doing it alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts on Minewind. The possibilities are endless as you explore, build, and survive in this exciting virtual world. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation

    Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation The Quirky World of Minecraft Logic When it comes to Minecraft, logic takes a backseat to creativity and fun. The game’s unique rules and mechanics often defy real-world physics, allowing players to build, explore, and experiment in ways that would be impossible in reality. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of Minecraft logic and uncover some of its most intriguing aspects. Gravity-Defying Structures and Floating Islands In Minecraft, players can construct gravity-defying structures that seem to defy the laws of physics. From floating islands suspended in mid-air to towering structures that seem to defy gravity, the game allows for… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay – SpellBound #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay - SpellBound #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpellBound – Minecraft ModPack #майнкрафт #minecraft’, was uploaded by Лаки on 2024-06-12 14:09:16. It has garnered 456 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You can download it from the link in tg: https://t.me/spelsbound Read More

  • Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!

    Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!Video Information I’ll try to go through all 10 stages playing as nuclear monsters starting with the radioactive barrel and ending with the acidic Godzilla while my team plays in hardcore mode first stage and I really became a radioactive Barrel I can run and I even have a superpower look I can roll pretty fast all right guys let’s run and evolve we have to evolve faster than my team around me were ruins in a huge sphere despite also being a monster other mobs were also attacking me and after dealing with them I went to explore the… Read More


    DAMIIR HARITONOV - CRAZY Anarchy Phone HACK! NO XBOXVideo Information Как с телефона зайти Покажи хорошо Сейчас покажу с тебя обязательно ла подписан погнали пишешь всё точно так же как и у меня и не медлишь и нажимаешь на кнопочку сохранить после выбираешь сервер Full Mine и нажимаешь на кнопочку присоединиться к серверу после входа тебе остаётся лишь нажать на NPC и выбрать любой из этих лобби Я выбрал первый и всё с этого момента я могу начать развиваться хоть с телефона хоть с ПК хоть с консоли в принципе можешь играть удачи Y This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Дамир… Read More

  • Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!Video Information hello welcome to episode 284 we are going to be doing some more seats this time we’re going to use two interaction entities so we’ve got more control over where they actually sit and we’re going to make ourselves some building tools so we can um place them really easily um when your map is running I mean it looks like there’s a lot but when your map is running these are the only command blocks that will be turned on all of these other ones are for building so if we do some examples if I got… Read More

  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

    🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘⛏️ Minecraft Tutorial :: 🎈House in a Hot-air Balloon 🏠 [마인크래프트 열기구 모양 집짓기 건축 강좌]’, was uploaded by 만두민 ManDooMiN on 2024-06-19 04:15:07. It has garnered 12061 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. Today we will build a house inside a hot air balloon! Sounds like a really good idea, right? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⛏️ Mark Version / Minecraft Versions ⛏️ Java Edition (JE) 1.20.4 ⛏️ Shaderpacks / Shaderpacks ⛏️ BSL Shader ver 8.2.08 – ( https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shaders/files ) ⛏️ 리소스팩 / Resource Pack ⛏️ Prime’s HD Textures -… Read More


    💎 LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. 🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information today Noob versus Pro versus hacker will be battling it out to see who can make the most epic police station in Minecraft who wins you [Music] decide looks like Noob knows what the inside of a police station looks like wow [Music] Yoo here we go it’s PR’s [Music] turn all [Music] right knock knock who’s there subscribe right now that’s who Yahoo a hacker has joined the [Music] chat whoa this hacker means [Music] [Music] business [Music] Noob needs to be locked up he stole this idea from [Music] trash [Music] wow someone calls SWAT this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

    EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4Video Information yeah when we wake up we shall fight is it daytime yet yeah it’s daytime okay we shall fight to the death bring the bed over here no no no we fight with a whole whole town not just that stupid little black [Music] Castle live no and am mending okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want back here little boy a all right do myself over here okay that’s one out of let’s say best of best of five are you ready anywhere near 3 2 one um actually you can give it to me another time because I’m… Read More

  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

    Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!Video Information a huge Minecraft update just got released with tons of new blocks mobs items and even a whole new dimension that’s the 2024 April fools update poisonous potato update and as always Minecraft has gone above and beyond with adding so many cool things that I can’t wait to show you so let’s start right here on the new poisonous potato main screen and let’s generate a new single player world when a SP into the world you have a chest in here you can find a lot of potatoes but also poisonous potatoes but one of them… Read More