Unbelievable! 1300 Days in Hardcore Minecraft LIVE!

Video Information

Welcome welcome welcome it’s Christmas Eve we’re doing stuff because why why wouldn’t we let’s let’s just do it uh the crafting of the mining is going to take place we haven’t done it before we’ve never played Minecraft we don’t know what we’re doing that’s a lie we

Know exactly what we’re doing and we know how we’re doing it I have no idea where I am in the world I’m hoping I’m back at my main base and not in front of the big spoiler for the YouTube video hopefully hopefully I’m not where I

Think I am which is right in front of my main world yes I am I am where I think I am awesome cool for those you haven’t seen the YouTube video Welcome um if you have seen the YouTube video then you know what that is if you don’t then go

Watch that YouTube video then find out what that is how are we doing M hien Reese welcome everybody hope we’re having a great Christmas Eve Merry Christmas I finally say it it says actual Christmas in the day right we’re doing it I’m trying hard not to show

What’s to my right uh today we’ll do a couple of different things Tik Tok dude thank you so much for the Tik Tok appreciate it you get wrecked okay so spoiler alert Jinx how we doing who’s seen the video if you’ve seen the YouTube video spam

Yes if you haven’t say no right and then I’ll show you guys that tried so hard not to see how you doing Megan welcome everybody you’re live I am live I was not meant to be live if you haven’t seen it right go watch it go watch it YouTube

Ripm it’s 10 minutes 16 minutes actually it’s a little bit long so close to Christmas I know we’re pretty much there snowy pretty sure that is triang right snowy or is it Chloe no precious snow hello there how are we Ting Merry Christmas Eve everyone how are we doing

I’ve been so good man been good I’ve been doing uh that yeah by the way the orb in the background 6 hours yesterday six hours it took dude it’s a lot happy Christmas Eve and indeed a I want to move the RS actually hang on let me just move

Something on Twitch cuz that that really annoyed me then when that appeared where is it there is that it blur needs to go more can someone just do a can someone redeem a sound I just want to try and see where I put it I’ll put it in the middle at the top

That go there it go there it go there it looks better someone just do I’m good it never slows here but I’m getting the book there we go No No Yeah Bang smack bang in the middle at the top beautiful that’s what we want to see so

Yeah that’s the build awesome it’s also a massive mob farm hey want dude that it’s insane look I’ll flow you around it if you haven’t seen the YouTube video go see it it’s a thing of beauty look at this that POG your POG is different me

Why is your POG different B doing live during day hello I know it’s a it’s a weekend right BB need food get food man yeah this thing took a while um also I genuinely forgot to bring Eyes of Ender to actually even open the portal I’m not

Going to lie I forgot I have six of them I didn’t have enough to finish the video so that’s why it ended where it did all right cuz I couldn’t be genuinely couldn’t be bothered I’m not going to lie it was that yeah so this is what the

YouTube video is all about uh there’s also going to be a beacon down there but it it it took 6 hours to place this this this this this and then that don’t even don’t even get me started man don’t don’t even get me start me your your POG thing looks

Insane but yeah that’s what it is uh three shorts so I’m going to get three of those today because I think we got to get it done like cuz that makes sense look at it it’s bloody beautiful go watch YouTube video you scumbags it’s lovely a it seven days let’s go 7day

Watch streak keep it going I’ve lost the portal what we’re going to do though is going to move the portal uh we have a portal we’re going to move it am I dead I don’t know what’s going I’ve lost the Paul hello where’s my portal hello hello

I might put my nether portal in the nether makes sense right you’re on live earlier today yes I am uh I’m live I usually go live earlier on a weekend just because of the fact that um uh it’s the weekend and I don’t work during the

Days on weekends you know we have our own free time to do stuff uh the new YouTube video is out if you want to see it it’s it’s me building this all right trust me pain it’s a beautiful video as well guys it’s actually doing relatively well we’re going to

Move think about what we’re doing we’re going to move it should we move this yes or no do we move this and put it in the Nether biome let’s do it we’ll do it together right dude dude it’s happening go gold how you doing gold welcome to

The stream oh I’ve got YouTube closed why is YouTube closed why have I close that oh my God gold heyo go my name welcome to the stream man that be good I’m live across twitch Tik Tok and YouTube and everything all right we’re doing it all it’s happening i’ like to

Just mine this if no one’s ever seen any of my videos I recommend you do uh there’s one where I mine down an entire netherite pillar for for funzy ancient no obsidian pillar from the end because funs this is stupid how’s everyone’s Christmas going so far or if you don’t

Do Christmas don’t worry about it we don’t need to worry about Christmas spider welcome to the stream how are we doing yeah how you do be welcome Cruz thank you for the follow you guys are awesome let’s do this I think today it’s

Going to be a big day I want to do a couple of things um the main plan right was to actually log into the world and start building the cliffs we were talking about the the other day um but I’ve changed my mind already I’ve uh

Yeah I’m not doing that because of the fact that I need I need to there it is um why I can’t remember why what was the reason help me uh yeah I wanted to do that I really did oh bar I got got vipu

Give me two seconds chat D VIP who am I VIP in Barry enjoy it you filthy animal there we go beautiful CH back it’s going good man good nice I’m glad everyone’s excited for Christmas cuz you know it happens once a year every year seems to be all the bloody

Time let’s be honest right stick this nether port in the nether how do I have diamonds if you’re on a world if you’re on a flat world what do you mean if I’m on the flat world that if’s quite offensive Joe thank you for the hearts

Mimi thank you for the heart and also Joe thank you for the star man you beautiful person right let’s check the other pole in I don’t know right around here maybe this looks kind of like a good spot if anywhere just a bang I really want to just stick it so it looks

Kind of unnaturally there oh please don’t palls this up one two three is it three High and and then no wait how’d you build this let’s got to go along the top hang on sh it’s fine okay yeah yeah so basically I play with world watch yeah my latest YouTube video I explain

Everything there’s a reason why I did it guys some of you might be able to figure that out it’s so I can turn around and say watch my YouTube video that’s literally the reason why we did it I don’t have a flu of Steel oh my God

Me VIP yes you are you got that little star make a beacon you want me to make a beacon all right I can make a beacon it takes 2 seconds to make a beacon beac in Minecraft Take 2 seconds um I don’t have flint and steel oh I might have gravel hang on

Let’s see if we can big brain this do I have gravel anywhere I bet I didn’t put gravel I built I built a ma I built I have all the biomes go guys it’s fine in my Mountain I definitely put gravel I definitely 100% put gravel there it is

Oh my God I actually did this this could be Fortune fortune on an axe it’s fine don’t it works the same yes absolute genius God I’m so damn clever sometimes you’re welcome welcome George what up bu make a beacon we’re going to make a beacon we’re not going to make a beacon

We don’t need a beacon oh do actually uh I’m going to go to the end first that’s a lie yes I am and collect my beacon I’ve left it there God I’m clever today’s a great day full of beans guys don’t if you can tell welcome haza

Welcome how are we how’s Harrison how are we welcome thank you so much for the house man R afternoon bro how we doing uh wait what hello oh you’re joking where the hell am I oh I’m oh wait I’m underground hang on wait I need the coordinates I got to

Link these up hang on uh I need to math this let me math the math hang on uh facing south we go math math it math it guys we need the math uh what’s this wellit no we don’t need to math it at all we just need to get the X and the

Y which is 2.3 which is two we’ll call it two and then that is negative – 229 22 9ish right then we rebuild that and then hopefully we should be able to Jesus Christ R terrify you got you got to reink the chords to the pole yeah

Yeah that’s what I’m going to do uh basically when you say relink the chords I’m going to relink the whole thing what I’m going to do is I’m going to put this up top just cuz I know where we are we’re down in the bottom got dinner to

Prep D but be back shortly nice how was it Merry Christmas everyone hey Lauren wel to the stream how are we are we good my throat’s killing me already I’ve started off strong guys we’re going to die eventually don’t worry about it I mean not in game obviously my throat

Will die I feel like it’s mocking me by having gravel everywhere like that’s a thing so we don’t need to Rel link we just need to move it up up is the way as long as we’re roughly where those coordinates are we should be close really I should have linked it to the

Overworld and got the thing do I get VIP you did get VIP never mind there you go there you go it’s beautiful it’s a thing of beauty and if I’m honest I’m so lazy I forget to take it off people 99% of the time so home is this way oh let’s

Grab a bit of gold on I mean it’s rude not to grab a bit of gold always grab gold guys if you’re ever in the nether grab gold always use silk touch do not use Fortune if you’re using Fortune you’re an absolute wrong and you should be sent to aaban right it’s a

Fact a I oh here we go random I saw a thing on um Tik Tok uh and it was about uh like space obviously zero gravity in space and then um the comments section was all about sort of people going could you imagine if like so zero gravity

Right you’ve got no momentum at all you’ve got nothing you’ll just be like static in space and time essentially just like floating right you got this yeah so just floating there like this bottle right if I move it it’ll continuously move but if you manag to

Get it in sit you where I’m going to I don’t have my sword up no hands No Hands shielding no hand shielding I I’ve broken Minecraft just so damn good no I’m shielding right I don’t know what’s going on Hacks um yeah what was I saying confus myself I’m going the wrong

Way what was I saying what what on Earth before 8:00 p.m. I know Li I do apologize it’s cuz I got to do stuff man we got to do stuff today it’s Christmas Eve man I got to get one in early and then you have the evening space that’s

The thing so yeah space like if you’re stuck in that amount of time does that mean that sometime in the future like if it’s infinite right and we ow colonize space or do whatever with space like prisons would be in space you could just get a person and be like oh you’re

Sentenced to whatever in prison and you wouldn’t need cells you could literally just get people and just prop them up in space and just leave them there and they’re just being constant like I don’t know what to call it dangly hey hello welcome to the stream oh

Hello I only have one so we’ll be careful yeah she just be in like constant suspension of like movement I know it’s a bit deep in it for a bit too to early in the morning you know what I mean like if you can’t move right in in

It like if someone stops you physically moving and you’re just in space you just be hanging there right infinite amount of time you can just be there forever especially if like medical stuff kept you kept you alive that’ be horrendous horr I don’t I said like that I mean just horrendous normally spoken

Like a normal person uh right we need to figure this out I don’t know why this has now become such a math Mammoth task all I did was move a nether portal and I’ve ended up in an absolute I why my shield still up I don’t know how I’ve done this we

Fixed the game of The Craft also if you haven’t seen the new YouTube video go and check it out it’s bloody amazing trust me and by trust me I mean I’m going to say that so you know what I mean up to you do what you want how are

We doing blue how’s everyone where are we going z z is this way somewhere I don’t know where it is there it is okay there’s my stairs we’re we’re on it YouTube video is an epic build it is epic right it’s a big build I was really

Worried that I’d overhyped the build um it wasn’t until it took me 6 hours yesterday which is why there was no stream to build the or bone um right I know the old portal was literally there in game me okay that might explain why the shield was up I was lagging or something

Had got on so that’s why this so some of you noticed that I dug out this area it’s because I was constantly back and forward from there to here which is the other the portal uh this takes me straight into the actual uh place of the dreams where dreams were made right this

Is the other uh this takes me to the the thing where we were where stuff happened which I can’t remember what it is my end Poole that’s where it is dude that’s how this works right the orb we’ll call it the orb right the orb dude left side

Dude welcome back man yeah so that video took me about a month I’ve genuinely been working on that for about a month um mainly because of resources is you know you know when I’ve been like oh need crying obsidian do you get it do you get why I needed the crying obsidian

Now and was so like anxious to get that done right I need to go to where am I going what did I write down two so two is this way so two is this no this one that’s two oh if it’s there that could

Not be too bad where are we going to neg 229 it’s definitely going to be there in it oh SC B what’s the next build dude I need some time offer and building the next build dude I spent a month building that one um I reckon I don’t know we’re

Out of portals now and that was all it was I wonder if I’ve got this I mean CH I don’t miss I hit every single shot you take you miss every shot you don’t take chat so I need a 229 oh 229 is only there I didn’t bring any blocks if only

There was blocks everywhere okay fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine 229 uh let’s build a PL let’s let’s go get some blocks for I have blocks what are you doing we got whole inventory full of stuff facing the mountain states next for it for the next

Build yeah I don’t know if that’s a good enough YouTube video though you know what I mean you are too good at Minecraft it amazing me the things you do Lauren I would I think we’re drastically overestimating the skills hello Ty tiny tyo too Tino life tyo Tino

T i n o don’t know what’s going Fang you’ve added me what do you want pal what do you want uh we’ve got dirt we’re not going to use that what we’re going to do instead is we’re going to bash this bad boy out and we’re going to grab

Ourselves some of the stone which i’ 100% got in here could do end right hang on let’s let’s let’s go fancy am I am I going to do wait hang on am I actually going to do this you sound like Sam from Made in Chelsea you see the problem is though

Sam from Made in Chelsea um is Posh I I I ain’t Posh the fact I said ain’t in that middle that sentence why W you live yesterday Jake well you see uh the problem was is I spent 6 hours building one incredibly stupid build that’s live

Now how do you get word oh you should definitely check it out Tino oh it’s Tino T Tino oh I did get right then I think I don’t know oh yeah coming out with the orb and the endstone in the nether yeah yeah that’s what I mean yeah yeah so like if

I create bit of an end here I think maybe we could uh we could be on to something uh so let’s grab all of this we can tar it all up in a bit right uh so we need to go up to what is it 229

We’re out by one block are you kidding me there this is where the poort needs to go right here so let’s build Out Chair reloaded wrong button right let’s build a pool bang bang bang I mean this isn’t risky at all I mean if this was risky I’d be rmon right

WR button everything’s fine now it I mean I was in bothered shut up it’s not scared it’s just Minecraft at the end of the day what could possibly go wrong I have no idea what I’m doing uh anyone got any ideas for a build no awesome nor

Do I don’t know what I’m doing I spent all my brain building a YouTube video uh let’s go from there and then go one two I need to build out a bigger platform can this get destroyed by wait can this be destroyed by Ghasts remember me when you’re famous oh mate it’s never

Going to happen Fire Res I’ve got it though remember when when you’re famous never going to happen oh did you stream yesterday I didn’t stream today oh I did stream today today yes I did sorry I thought you yesterday I was about to start fighting people uh

Right I don’t know what to do I really don’t do I create another Bowl I don’t I don’t want to do that YouTube video is 11 out of 10 I know right it’s sick make sure you watch all of it guys it really does help me out um even if you get

Bored halfway through just leave it on and then just put it on the side and go and do life right just please help a help a guy out get bloody monetized I do too much work for it not to be monetized on YouTube just thrown out there drain a

Bit of the nether I’ve drained quite a bit of it what we’re going to do though is we’re going to hide the nether right wait we’re going to hide the oh yeah that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine cool what’s that three right one two 3 genuinely terrified of Ghasts

I’m not going to lie to you like if a ghast appears we could we could actually have a bit of trouble soz I don’t know if um if the spawnings of the things matter out here no wrong words what’s happening I don’t know what’s going on dude make an End

Island a little Hut with an Emerald City Block with Emerald City Blocks and city blocks bloody Emerald City bloody idiot sorry I do apologize do what hang on make an End Island so it’s floating end Island yeah the only problem is oh I should have done it like up there

Then hang on think think think what doing end Island Kieran thank you so much for the follow man if you haven’t followed consider it I mean why wouldn’t you great content average at best let’s be honest do it uh I think we do this we do this just a block it in so

You can’t see it to start with right that’s how we’ll start this off that seems like a cracking idea I should probably check this even right before I start building to be honest could be very much wrong oh that’s satisfying right Flint steel go through have a little badges

Fingers crossed D thank you for the follow man appreciate it you can always unfollow if you don’t like it R why is this wrong I did maths I am well out as oh you know when I said I make great content take that back don’t even know anything about Minecraft this is

Ridiculous and then right this has got to be the most ridiculous stupidest good the and it’s night time awesome I mean Here We Go Again fudge let’s use the word fudge but you all know what I really mean right that word we don’t swear in stream guys

Because if we say we get banned right that’s what happens get out of me you scumbags done oh there it is there’s the build go watch it YouTube I’m only out by a little bit I’m making End Lake oh I like it oh purple glass the top right purple glass

I will die on a hill before I use purple glass ow ow right can the sun come up in like two just leave me just not now not now I’m having a moment all right leave me alone okay I’ve got another one coming in coming in hot there’s a

Creeper coming in as well those you are looking on your phone sideways if you turn your phone landscape I’m learning landscape right you will notice that I have a map in the top right hand corner it’s called mini map it’s by um is it zerox zerox zerox map something like

That basically allows me to see where mobs are at all times I can keep a little bit of an eye on him and no look there’s a creeper right next to me a spider coming over and this bad boy over wait where’s that zombie gone There’s a

Zombie like right next to me sorry slime I missed the Slime that creeper if you can just disappear over there that’d be beautiful thank you so much right I’m losing my voice already we got this so yo Sensei how you doing buddy oo even so do apologize you did tell me

Before right we got to go link up this has all gone very wrong very wrong zero yeah x a e r o is how it’s spelled right maths Math’s no spelling this is the YouTube build if you haven’t seen it go and watch it bit of a spoiler but there

It is go Build It Go watch it it’s beautiful I know spoilers M oh no I didn’t watch the video yet go watch it quickly uh need to get the coordinates for this and then multiply it by eight no divide by eight I’m clever leave me

Alone eighty right what we got pause two seconds maths how do we do math anyone can do maths I thought it was normal hardcore no no super flat hardcore man super flat we don’t do normal hardcore that’s boring what we got negative 1188 one8 and then it’s what negative

1,730 13 divide those by eight how do how do I do maths Joker thank you so much for the follow man you absolute bloody genius if you follow guys you’re Geniuses if you don’t well guess what you’re still a genius because you’ve decided not to watch me and I

Mean I can’t blame you for that bad boy velocity thank you so much for the follow beautiful people no this super flat hardcore man super flat hardcore where we only had one workplace incident little Cav cavat yo ar welcome to the stream buddy I’m live across multiple

Platforms if you hear me talking to other people don’t worry about it divide by eight that is -14 -4 so I’m miles out by that one right close enough right 17 and then we’ve got 1713 ided 8 equals 214 so that’s -214 I’m well out of that bloody hell -214

Boom we’re out by quite a few blocks let’s do this uh if I head through there it’s still causing problems we may have to fly home go through our normal poll and figure it out right home is that way that way that way that way anyway if you

Want to know what this is I’m standing on right now Lauren thank you for sharing the live Jake thank you so much for the 10 flaming Hearts you genius right behind me that is a YouTube build go and watch it I did Flood the area for the thumbnail it’s my first time

Watching Minecraft live what you’ve never seen any Minecraft live mate you’re in for a treat you’ve picked probably the worst streamer in the entire platform going by statistical things you’re welcome I can fly home no you haven’t mad nor have I to be fair the only ones I watch were uh oh oh

Sorry really got distracted halfway through a sentence um has anyone seen like a lot of the uh is this only one Tik Tok what do you mean only one Tik Tok is this only one Tik Tok I don’t know what that means Shane yes I don’t know am I the only

Person live on Tik Tok I don’t know probably that might be why it’s doing averagely well oh look oh whoops got all the support dude you become famous one day got all the support ah Dam found it so yeah this is my build this is my

World uh for those you who have never seen it before my world is super flat as you just saw as we flew across it can you watches on YouTube t Tok oh yeah you can watch on everything Shane I’m on everything no I was just about to send

You on Tik Tok nice dude I watch YouTube video watch it now this is the super flat worlds we’re building this is my ocean biome or it will be and it’s going to get bigger Mountain obviously Mountain tree of wisdom my nether portal which is over here which is where we’re

Heading right about nice The Cliffs are going to be good good so the cliffs we’re going to be expanding today uh once we figure out the whole end portal nonsense of whatever the hell’s going on with that right Jake thank you for the perfume man I appreciate you trying to

Say I smell or something you nasty bro sadly in our country Tik Tok is banned what who bans Tik Tok I blame Obama I don’t know if that’s a thing anymore is that a meme anymore I don’t know right we need to go to-4 so basically where I

Just built that in absolutely the wrong place what the hell was that noise so this that we were just building I’m so glad because it looks abs horrific is uh is very much uh basically we’re nearly 50 blocks out somehow oh my God see a lot of what

Anyone’s seen a lot of what oh sorry distracted again um basic the uh the hermitcraft who watches hermitcraft right is any you must are you Minecraft people hacks I know things man I know everything maybe you build this all super flat how oh effort absolute hacks

Jez in it how many blocks does it go down three my overw world goes down three so it is a um I have a grass block on top and then I have two dirt blocks that is it that is my world yeah hermitcraft anyone seen it hermitcraft I love it I

Love hermitcraft man um basically I’ve missed from when uh Mumbo basically restarted his base know when he blew it all up with scar haven’t seen from then and then I saw that it was over genuinely good rard thanks for the follow man appreciate it no it’s not me

Our pres just hates Tik Tok so we did it oh man could you imagine just hating Tik Tok I mean who could do that tour of the world oh derpa you want you want a tour of the world well head over to YouTube I’ve got a YouTube video for you it’s

Amazing am I streaming tomorrow night no I’m not it’s Christmas day unfortunately guys uh which means I’m not going to stream uh I say it fortunately I mean it’s a good thing technically that we have Christmas well is it a good thing we have Christmas I haven’t quite

Decided um like it’s down to me um yeah I don’t know also this stuff whether you use efficiency or not takes the long hope you’re having a good Christmas everyone as well hell yeah man I’m not gonna be live tomorrow but I am live obviously now uh in I don’t know what

The word is difference for it yeah I’ve got a YouTube video or also on Tik Tok guys there’s a 10-minute uh video on the world tour if you want to see an in-depth version if you want an older but quicker version that’s like a minute

Long again twitch or uh sorry Tik Tok or YouTube have shorts of that version of the uh the world I think I nailed all of those words in a sense s maybe maybe not but close enough o that’s nervous makes me nervous I really need to get rid of

Soul speed it freaks me out too much every time I do anything Soul speed just yeets you into Oblivion I feel bad for it right it’s fine grab that grab this we’re off again let’s go for it dude you’re underrated I don’t think I am I

Think people just say this you know what I mean that is my most commented thing on all of my videos is underrated but we get 10 views so you know you know what I mean we Just Vibe with that where we at boom negative4 is back up I swear to God

Is it back up here -4 is no wait NE 214 is this way no that way no where’s NE 214 oh you’re joking me is out of course it is of course why wouldn’t it be why wouldn’t it be Amed Amed thank you so much for the follow man appreciate it we’re doing

This true the sound about speed is pretty pants right we don’t we don’t like that Barry thank you so much for the follow then ignore it working together ignore it wasn’t together what happy Christmas Eve together everyone welcome yeah man I haven’t seen um I finished uh what’s it called though um

Last life is anyone watching last live did anyone see the whole Secret Life apologies you know what I mean has anyone seen Secret Life anybody like in on it knowing what’s going on with the secret life stuff uh hang on I need to get to negative -2 is this negative2 no

Yes no one that’s this is negative2 this is two right this is two wrong 14 you buffoon of a human being NE 14 is this block here right we need to go out to negative 214 oh that’s convenient this is genuinely terrifying and I’m out of blocks of course I am

That’s right I’m so genuinely terrified of myself 14 this is our block right we need to place our portal up on that bad boy and do four blocks go in oh no like this across here somehow right let’s do it our Paul goes here I think one two three four right ow now

It B smashed it where’s my phone gone off wait why is my phone what huh hang on my phone’s over here give me a second baby thank you for the follow key and Gerard thank you so much for the follows uh follows thank you for the uh two

Gingerbreads you genius Jake thank you for the bracelet and the hearts man appreciate it murder camel what murder cam is epic see yeah I’ve missed loads of stuff I haven’t seen the Camel stuff like who would you recommend watching sorry guys I got really distracted by my own brainles at behave

Yourself Jinx I’m paused how is there going to be stuff there isn’t going to be a thing is there cuz it’s paus you know what I’m saying I meant to have my live stream open just in case things went wrong right what we doing bro bro

Cover up one side of the pool don’t you worry about that we’re going to build this entire thing out cuz it’s going to look absolutely bloody average and that’s what we’re about can those fly absolute monstrosities of things destroy uh this end stuff End Stone whatever it’s

Called say green and scars is Joel’s as good yeah I haven’t seen um yeah I’ve seen green obviously cuz it’s green Series so I tend to watch Green first cuz I don’t know I feel like the person behind it should get the credit first they get my view first right if it’s

Your idea like I watch iscal on um hermitcraft first as well cuz he’s the boss of it so that’s kind of the reason I watched that are we going to do an end Island wait let’s figure this out what are we doing D send this live to my

Friend dude yeah if you’re enjoying it send it to friends if you’re not enjoying it then I don’t know krack on have a great Christmas you know what I mean that’s it it’s How We Roll I want to do uh we go two here come out by one

Then go two again and come out by one then go two again then come out by one two three wait hang on I can do the maths here that’s three there that’s there one two three there oh the maths the maths people is amazing I I don’t

Know what I’m doing if we go there oh the maths work oh my God could you imagine geometry could you imagine it guys also in a grinch outfit so I got no idea what I’m doing I don’t know why that would mean I don’t know what I’m

Doing I kind of want to build an end Island it looks a bit like I don’t know symmetrical you’re walking on air Christmas miracle I am man I’m doing it all right you let’s have a chat behave yourself sunshine it’s Christmas leave us alone all right Christmas mate

You can’t be doing that don’t have that kind of monstrosity stuff going on over here at Christmas mate this is right I’m going to pop this just cuz they are they do have arrows and I don’t have life saving stuff in me jigs you know what I

Mean my thingies got this so what’s everyone got planned for tomorrow you all got like family stuff going on and stuff and things and all the greatness right is that what’s happening it’s because that’s what it’s about is it apparently seeing people you like who have no choice giraffe

That’s insane look at it oh what’s it again can I replay that cuz I missed like half of a giraffe dude thank you so much for the giraffe I I have no idea what that means but I mean thank you for the giraffe of things it looked

Impressive I’m not going to lie dude that giraffe looks sick I don’t I don’t know what a draft means though drafts are good right we like drafts fact uh this will be our end Island platform I don’t know what’s going on we’ll do this

Let me just box this in and then we can design off of the back of it right rmon check to make sure it’s connected nah I’m sure it be fine I mean when do I ever get things wrong stop building rip and check look you’ve actually got this

Right sure be fine I mean what could possibly go wrong whoa it’s insane thank you for the heart Mimi what was it I don’t know what they are depends if you want to watch who wins oh yeah oh yeah don’t spoil it oh set a portal soone set a portal

More viewers are on the way La set a portal what does that do what is going Lauren you spending money please don’t be spending money are you also live on Twitch I am I’m live on Twitch Tik Tok and YouTube draff is a th000 coins Lauren thank you so much my voice is

Gone I’m shouting way too much yeah try not to spoil the ending but yeah yeah makes more views come over to your live oh man that’s amazing Lauren thank you so much you’re number one apparently that’s what it says on the screen tells me things right right we’re there that’s

Our portal right Portal’s look like this when you first start off for those you who don’t know I’m quite good at building I’m not I I just Spam blocks down and it kind of works out sometimes right you do symmetry what you do is symmetry like nothing nothing works

Badly in Minecraft if you do huh where my blocks blocks over there um you can’t go wrong if you use symmetry in Minecraft cuz like it never looks bad it genuinely can only look good if you do things symmetrically in Minecraft and if you get it wrong it looks

Genuinely bad so always do symmetry in Minecraft that is my top tip for Minecraft um symmetry is everything and if you take one piece of advice do not let it be that and how the hell is that right when it looks so wrong everywhere else it’s fine symmetry okay we got this

Um how you going Zach I’m doing pretty good how are you bro I’m doing pretty darn good I had some weird dreams today weird dreams the morning watch the user so I can follow RMS on everything cuz I’m so damn good what am I doing for Christmas and how’s Mrs mon Mrs monster

Is good she’s currently I think cleaning the house if I’m honest or having a lay down or doing something I don’t know we didn’t P I pay attention in my own house and I and I really don’t um I don’t pay attention to things I’m I’m I’m quite oblivious to what’s going

On normally uh put one there and we’ll Place one there because of symmetry bang bang symmetry we like it right uh I kind of feel like we should do this and have like little random walkways another giraffe Lauren save money it’s Christmas you behave go tell Lauren to behave your

Dude thank you so much am I excited I’m good you’re excited for Christmas see I’m a little bit of a grinch I’m not going to lie creeper welcome to the stream man yeah yeah uh but I’m going to go go to watch class going to watch class bro I’m going to watch class

You’re going to watch class hell’s Crist merry Christmas everybody thank you so much holy Jesus yeah that’s a lot thank you really really genuin thank you Alie thank you for the follow I really like the name Alfie I’m not going to lie Alfie is a hell of a name um

I kind of want to do there I don’t know why and then the same one there how’s this look I don’t know what we’re building by the way I’m just throwing stuff follow to Tommy for the follow thank you so much yeah we’re going to go

With that I feel like it needs to be fatter though cuz it looks a bit stupid yeah let’s let’s make it a bit thicker right let’s get do a bit add a bit of thickness right we’ll do what rip monster does best which is uh I yes I believe can break

End no they don’t meimi do they genuinely my life they don’t break endstone please tell me they don’t break endstone can you give me a world is if I’m new to your videos oh Alfie I’ve got even better than that I’ve actually got a video if you’re new to my stuff I have

A full-on actual video of a world tour uh we’re currently just in the end this isn’t entirely the plan for the stream I just got very distracted by myself while I was over at my new YouTube build um genuinely can I guys break this the glazing of you Lauren thank you

So so much I really appreciate it this looks good it looks too good it doesn’t look good yet I haven’t got anywhere near it yet top tier building coming I don’t know if it’s good that was real we’ll soon find out if it can break it scumbag can you break my endstone

Have a try no you can’t get wrecked you scumbag get out of it that’s what I thought that’s what I thought bro Pigman right Pigman behave yourself Sunshine Pig Lins yeah that’s what I thought bro that’s what I thought back up sorry I’m getting very very excited top quality average

Content that’s what we’re about hit I feel like I just got judged I got very much judged by this guy then got carried away I’ll sit back down out of coffee all right leave me alone scum back right anyway let’s just randomly do terraforming because that’s what we do best here guys terraforming

Is what we do the game of Minecraft is required terraforming top top C average content that’s all we do we don’t do anything decent you know what I mean if I did well I don’t know what would happen the world would explode I know Christmas would end it’d all be terrible

Let’s be honest let’s just keep it average not do anything well that’ll do I think how does that look do it look okay if I bang the portal on let’s see where it even takes us I swear to all that is Holy if this is genuinely in the

Wrong place I might just end the live and jump out the window right please please I mean it’d be a hell of a clip wouldn’t it I mean that’s viral why did R MOS go rival launched himself out of a window top tip Mr Beast gives away money

Rip monster jumps out of Windows do you not find it funny how it’s always called terraforming BAS actually Landscaping don’t blow my mind it’s too damn early for this Blackjack thank you for the follow man I really appreciate it if I’ve missed anything else I do apologize you guys all awesome join me

We’re about to go to the Nether in the Overworld yes I’m a genius I did maths oh wait I need to get rid of this better right we fixed it that’s what we do that’s how we roll nice if you want to see this build uh YouTube

Video ritm I did this in a YouTube video it’s the thing that happened right check it out um it’s my latest video it released yesterday it’s doing what is known as terribly on YouTube because you know YouTube That’s How We Roll actually there’s more people in the live stream

Now than have watched my video that’s that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying MIM thank you for the 44 ggs you beautiful person right this is going to be a floating island I mean what could possibly go wrong uh and also use endstone slabs and stairs wait you can

You that doesn’t exist wait does that exist where’s my wait a second is that a thing endstone slabs and stairs wait wait wait wait wait one down R to a minute uh wait no hang on I’ve got a better plan I’ve got a better plan we’re

Not doing this today this was just a a side project on what I’m meant to be doing this could be the first time ever rmon actually pays attention to what he said he’s going to do wait someone subscribed who was that who subscribed Lauren thank you so much for subscribing

Holy Jesus thank you and welcome to the community of the rip monsters you are now officially one of the top six Geniuses in the actual universe it’s a fact Einstein has got nothing on what we’re doing oh it’s the endstone slabs in it it’s like the bricks okay yeah we

Can I don’t know I don’t know oh Lauren go on the wall remind me cuz we know how that works out give me two seconds to Chuck some stuff away we made a bit of a mess also you don’t want to look at the mess I’ve made

In my base right wall we’re going to the wall subscriber wall it’s happening the wall o intrigued how do you want it written figure out how you want your name written I’ve got to figure it out we’re going to repurpose one of the totems for one of the other scumbags who

Failed to resubscribe imagine this is the World by the way whoever hasn’t seen it this it’s all placed by hand this is a super flat world two layers of dirt that is it let me just head down here ignore the Redstone it’s an elevator it’s beautiful uh right what AM we

Doing I’ve forgotten already what I came back for oh yeah um oh oh Christmas oh I forgot hayen you’re a scumbag you didn’t resubscribe guess what happens you get you get nerfed where’s my do I have an anvil down here hello how do you get to the end is super flat I can’t

Remember spec spec we were literally at my emple that big thing was my empo I’m going to die I have oh also if you’re new to the streams hello um I have an inability to be able to drink and talk at the same time uh I think it’s normal I can’t do

It Christ I’m I’m going to I’m I’m good guys we’re alive everything F where’s my Anvil did I break all my anvils wait a second add anvils not the ads I know twitch I’m sorry guys oh look at these ones they’re trees oh this is a new Farm I made

Diamond B just stream this is a new farm that I’ve made it’s kind of amazing um it it it’s not difficult you can guess what it is just by looking at it there’s a water source there you place concrete powder there you hold left click and right click and you can Blitz through

Tons of it and the hopper just picks it up and it goes into a you’re welcome and then all you do is you dump all the other stuff on the floor you hold it in your off hand you fill this up with everything else and you just Blitz

Through I’ll show you in a second cuz I’m a genius right that’s how it works uh what was I going to do oh gun powder P’s working nice see oh beautiful perfect timing uh distracted by myself what are we doing chat help me I’ve lost my Shuler now on all

Platforms twitch ripm and YouTube Lou thank you so much for the rose welcome to the stream Lauren how do you want your name written I haven’t been looking uh give me two seconds I’m not paying attention to anything at the minute right how do you make one of

These bad boys Anvil that’s so distract this looks so cool though don’t get distracted don’t be don’t right uh how you want it how do you want RI oh this guy’s can have an anvil in between them why not makes sense pinned comment Lauren is okay right bang you’re getting

That Hayden you’re being deleted Kebab hey everyone join no one even a why would you do that anyone who’s a mod on YouTube and twitch twitch mods someone ban this person for coming and promoting why would you do that absolute scum back Lauren l a u r e n are you happy I’m

Doing I can do it all caps or all over case we can do whatever cuz you know what we’re a special person bang done tough you’re having that right down there you’re going to have to go down here though cuz we’re filling the list up right who have we got extra here how

Many do we have we’ve got six and there’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 s someone needs to be banned someone needs to be banned Mimi you’re there right I’m not a twitch mod just rude right I’ve got this i got this I’m going to ban I’ve got this you ready

I can ban things I’ve got rid of twitch YouTu chat to apologize the one time you chat you come in and promote other things I mean who does such a thing uh I don’t really want to ban cuz I feel like Banning is just a bit scummy I don’t

Really like Banning yeah that’s perfect I’m I don’t like Banning people I feel bad like I don’t know I I know I shouldn’t feel bad for Banning people who are being absolute scumbags but I mean you know I just I feel bad though man V just go that’s Christmas spirit

Look at it look at the Christmas you guys happy I got your a present right hang on we should trade with every single one as like a Christmas oh hang on as a Christmas present and then they can give me a present that doesn’t make

Any sense I don’t know what I’m on about I’m just rabbiting on cuz sentences and words and things right anyway doesn’t matter right put that over there put this here put that there we have an iron farm it’s the most simple iron farm in the world you’ll ever see who who’s

Missing who’s missing we’ve right just saw the new YouTube video I have to say it looks it’s a good build is it I’m genuinely impressed with how it turned out by the way the um the pillars initially up the side hey Jojo like you could see I’m back I watch you want what

Do you think Alfie think it was all right which one the 10 minute or the one minute who needs to go two best friends is me and Dan that’s fine oh is it Dan if it’s Dan we can leave Dan Dan might be number seven I think I’m leaving Dan

Up there forever Joe K Megan pineapple and Lauren I think that’s good and MIM is up there well love it 10 minutes it was good nice no I’m glad you enjoyed it that’s that’s the main thing that’s what it’s all about it’s just hoping you guys enjoy the video it requires like 10

Minutes of boredom uh CES 10 minutes of bordedom that’s what we’re about let me just get rid R some of this and jump it into okay let’s put that back into that chest cuz there’s a technical issues we’ll we’ll just pretend that doesn’t exist all right one one suggestion is

You make a huge cave system in the hill Oh Alfie you did not watch the full video and didn’t pay attention cuz I said we’re building a full Dwarven Kingdom in it uh that’s starting to get really full uh okay I’ve got distracted what was I doing what was I doing who

Why is no one helped me we need to put all this stuff away smelt some stuff right you smell uh dra doesn’t matter not that this is weirding me out so hard kelp Farm go I don’t know what a Dwarven kingdom is oh have youve seen Lord of

The Rings if you’ve seen Lord of the Rings you know what a Dwarven kingdom is we we can get that sorted don’t you wor about that Sunshine bang how’s that looking good cool more logs more planks in you go beautiful showing us new Farm oh Paige I’m showing you the new Farm

Sorry I wanted to show you how it worked thank you so much for reminding me I don’t have any of the blocks where are those shulkers oh yeah by the way this is how many shulkers we had I’m going to go get them and come back

Remind me f f f farm farm farm new Farm new Farm new Farm concrete powder right yeah so yeah the concrete Farm I’m not a twitch mod I know I’m I know Jake I know lawen sent another portal Jesus Cy how does this work I find it bad that

You can pay to your viewers that way I don’t I don’t know how I feel about that feels a little bit of scumbaggery ow Absolut I want to use the door anyway I don’t want to fly through there this looks so weird don’t if I like it I

Should actually really sort that out me here Mimi I know you’re good Mimi don’t worry don’t worry I got it I’m over it I’m all over it Mimi oh oh bit oh it looks disgusting this is how many shulkers I used of stuff by the

Way to build that so for those you who watch that video and go ripm that’s not real you didn’t really build that this is the shulkers I used and some of the leftover Shuler stuff this is all the Shuler boxes I had for the build in the YouTube

Video that is that it’s a lot right some of the stuff didn’t get used like I’ve got like quite a bit of Netherrack in here as well it’s a couple of empties uh where’s powder look at oh there is concrete powder yeah this one I didn’t

Actually use a full stack of but yeah that was all the stuff collected for the build and used it was a lot it was a lot I’m not going to lie pain in the ass basically is what I’m trying to say so many so much of an issue just trying to

Physically build and come up with I yes I ducked all right I genuinely felt myself duck whack posure check sorry JX you missed it we got this so right right the way this works is what you do is you Chuck that on the floor you fill your inventory up right like

This you take that out and then you throw all of this on the floor or a load of it on the floor like that right and then you’ve made a mistake so you have to then Chuck it all a little bit further away cool so it all stands there right you

Pick up a stack you put that in your off hand like so and then what we do is we do this Chuck it on the floor do that Chuck it on the floor right GE your shovel out hold right click and left click buom Ain it

Amazing that’s how it works this is how this Farm Works Diamond thank you for the 20 roses dude thank you so much Louis as well thank you for the the 11 roses I did I did quick math yeah look that’s it that’s all you got to do I

Normally a silent Watcher but I also so watch your YouTube videos dude Kirsty I really appreciate that thank you so much oh thank you for the heart that’s all right if you’re a silent Watcher you don’t have to talk I’m I’m I’m nothing against it it’s a little bit easier for

Me if you do but at the same time it’s absolutely fine you know I’ve never ever put anything against it but as you can see if you can see my hot bar the blocks in my off hand right of constantly picking up the uh powder that’s on the

Floor and then we’re just chucking everything into it l welcome to the stream you know this is how this Farm works it’s pretty simple there’s a water source block on the right hand side all you’re doing is placing it it’s it’s really this simple and as you see it works

Perfectly once we i’ make CU I put another hopper in front of me rather than the chest this is beautiful did you have some great Vibes I do my best right I just try to make it interesting cuz like my little boy loves watching you and he loves playing Minecraft and tries

To copy you but he’s only three a he can copy it watch my YouTube video get him to copy that it took me a month if you want to lose him for a month there you go Chuck him Chuck him in one of my check in the videos I love it

I really appreciate that oh that makes me quite happy that warms the cockal as they say I don’t know what that actually means it’s a phrase I’ve heard so thank you for the follow man I really appreciate it I have no idea what that says from somewhere and oh I I don’t

Know what any that’s German if from Germany I think or Austria could be could you build a batcave no I’m going to build uh the Dwarven Kingdom will be from Lord of the Rings for the uh the dwarves under the mountain that sort of thing it says Merry Christmas to all oh

Does it oh Merry Christmas sorry that was not even close what I’m guessing from where am I from I’m in the UK man in the UK England of places doesn’t it sound weird saying England now like even I think England’s going to disappear soon it won’t be long sounds weird

Saying England I don’t know why oh yeah I just watched a video gone oo what do you think was great man wa no wa yeah yeah oh oh by the way I go to uh insomnia every year like a few of us have met up a few times but that’s

Something that I do regularly so so I know people have asked I know I’m not the person like nobody think I’m not the guy to be like oh come and meet me do this no not that guy but I go to conventions regularly whether it’s twitchcon or whether it’s um basically

All of them in the UK I go to D Sam thank you for the follow and also Ricardo thank thank you so much for sharing the live man they do help me out yeah UK is pretty decent I’m not going to lie I think it’s fine I think it’s

Just one of those places where once it’s cold but there is another way to get diamond is the best percentage for div is end raing did I not say end raing did I miss saying end rating oh yeah I know yet mate I’m not going to

Lie that video took a month and I was losing my mind by that point uh hang on things have gone wrong I just want to Chuck all of this how much should we do in that short amount of time I I’m just trying to prove that like you can get quite a bit

Of it that’s all I’m trying to do uh we got I’ll B off for a second yeah that’s how much I made of concrete powder in that like short time we were just having a little Chey chat right what’s going on I really like your wood fam the wood

Fam’s pretty good I’m not going to lie I think there’s someone made one I think Ray Works has a similar one um which has a uh a boom boom at the end of it to make it more efficient I don’t do efficient all right that’s just not how

I roll uh I do just that’ll do could you please show off how the concrete converter works oh that okay that was the concrete converter so basically the way this works relatively simple I’m not going to lie uh there’s a water source block at the end of here so if I come

This side it’s just a hopper at the bottom going into a chest right Hopper into a chest but what you want to do really is oh you already say blacksmiths and then trading yeah I know I kind of just threw out there I’m not going to

Lie m m thanks so much for the follow man appreciate it what’s up Adam how you doing man so this Hopper go well I’d put another one here and go into the double chest and put the double chest here uh but behind this block is a water source

That just flows down and he just place it there signs there just to keep the water in no I’m not I am not super yeah yeah Villers got that Christmas they love it dude I built one where I do is stand on a pressure plate automatically met gives you four chest

Logs Yeah Yeah so basically it’s the same hey Felix welcome to the stream thank you for the following man appreciate it you guys are awesome who dropping follows Kirsty thank you so much for the gingerbread I’m not sure if that’s been there a while Logan as well

Pay for the rose and the ggs I can only see back three so if there’s anyone before that I do apologize thank you mad thank you for follow really appreciate it where do I find an easy iron F right the easiest fire iron farm is made by

Ray works it costs one hopper and quite a bit of wood but other than that it’s fine right I I I’ll show you I’ll show you I’ll show you quickly it’s over here this is the iron farm and it works ridiculously well for what it is uh iron

Farm so zombie and a composter with like two slabs above his head beautiful Crafty Lady happy Christmas Eve you feel I’m gay why is that cuz I’m excited happy just don’t have to be man yeah three beds villagers are in there water source water source one of these people will

Spawn any second don’t make don’t make me be a liar don’t make me out to be a liar bro spawn and then they’ll walk in the reason I built it here is cuz this is a slime chunk yeah yeah yeah but how do the powders get placed down the

Powders you place them you hold right click and left click at the same time on your mouse so what’s going to happen is is there he comes look he comes in he sees this guy he wants to absolutely smash his face in what happens is he hits the

Water boom he falls in and nature takes its course right and then what happens is underneath that lovely you’re so sweet and nice Izzy I really appreciate that thank you so much I I Tred to be I guess and then there’s all your iron and then you grab all the iron right and

Then you turn oh my God there’s a lot of iron uh we turn that into blocks because see what I mean it’s a little bit much Xbox is behind Xbox is behind what PC hell yeah PC is the best master race yeah there’s quite a bit of um

Blocks that you can get of like you see this is why I don’t particularly like iron Farms cuz this is uh what is known as insane how much this is right look at that so stupid I have pc pc is the best mate I’m not going to lie dude I can’t

Oh okay I so I can’t do I think you can you just have to like Place break Place break you’d have to like do that essentially unless you can find a way of doing stuff you know what I mean uh there’s my armadillo how good an

Armadillo is that by the way just going to throw that out there dude isn’t it better to have a dispenser or gives you concrete powder when you place one yeah you could do that like it could do that but the um the way that I do it just I

Don’t know it was just something I could do I just threw it on the floor yeah the arm oh yeah armadillo sorry yeah it’s all right shut up it’s a good armadillo no bloody no oo no bloody no let me sleep I don’t like the chests in

This room uh Izzy thank you so much for dropping by I really appreciate it have a great Christmas thank you so much for dropping in I really appreciate that I using an auto composter to get rid of the roses and the g drops yes J James

That is a bloody good idea not going to lie uh but you I need to create an item filter sort of thing Miggy that’s that’s where the issue lies and if I’m honest I’m stupid are you playing a survival world on flat yeah Ellis I’m playing hardcore on super flat we’re playing

Hardcore on super flat we don’t muck about here you know what I mean we don’t mck about all right obsidian we have no obsidian left that is it that’s a lie we’ve got a little bit left right we got a little bit left I think where’s my shulkers we need to

Sort all this out and if I’m honest it’s going to hurt me brain right what we got slime balls empty don’t care don’t care don’t care oh yeah hang on we have Fire Res potions right empty shulker let me just oh two right chat if

You want to go grab a cup of tea now is your moment all right I’m going to be mucking about with shulkers for two seconds whilst I sort out inventory I just want to grab I’m looking for a certain block uh that is oh michul going in there right come here

I’m looking for all of the uh stuff that comes from a thing that looks like a stuff that comes from th there’s the obsidian there it is right by the way that’s how much obsidian I still have left over from that build I had way way too much Stander thank you for the

Follow Ellis how you doing Merry Christmas Eve by the way wish every all the best hell’s yeah have a great Christmas Perry thank you for the follow yeah dude didn’t you break all the tours in the end the to Towers on the end to TOS on the end Towers on the end you’re

Asking if I broke all the towers no I broke one and it took me Saturday to do it watch your video of how to make it never portal bookshelves here it is so I nabbed all these bookshelves because if I’m honest I don’t know why but I did it because of

Reasons I got all these bookshelves now and emerald oh there’s my emeralds okay oh yeah and by the way all the time if you notice now we’re on one oh day 1,300 let’s go how’d you get all the stuff uh how’d you get all the different stuff

Kirsty I a lot of effort right I need to clean and put it off go back Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Megan catch you in a bit thanks so much uh basically I do a lot of stuff Brian have a good Christmas and thanks for your streams

You’re amazing oh thank you so much I hope you guys enjoyed it or enjoy it still we’re not we’re not ending just yet you know what I mean keep it going uh what’s this how do you different stuff super flat a lot of game mechanics

Dirt you just get a shovel and you have a dream and you start digging holes right that’s how that works these blocks you mine from the end right so all of this is ends block things which I’m going to be using in part of my build

Which is what I’m after actually I was genuinely after all of this stuff uh where am I looking here empty shulkers I just need to sort these like so this is your chance guys let’s have a little chage I need and theight I didn’t use as

Much as I thought was going to Shuler box and andite done uh dirt grass composters sticks random don’t care not dealing with that no oh empty empty Mossy Cobble fire Coral okay that was my ocean stuff so this is what the ocean was made of all of this sort of

Random genuine nonsense I don’t even know what that is 99% of that don’t know uh that’s how you make it an ocean that’s Netherrack that’s dirt obviously dirt Stone don’t know I said like that grab that Chate in there no okay right we keep like that oh my God I have

No idea where stuff is that’s an actual stone stone stone stuff can go in the stone chest I have no idea what’s going on dude you’re here early I’m always here Joy thank you for the follow right T who have a PlayStation so I can buy

Ps+ please DM me why are people so scumbagged on Twitch why are twitch like this you know what I mean I don’t get it I don’t understand it you know what I mean I never understand it I don’t get it I don’t get it twitch that’s why

People don’t watch Twitch or bother with twitch anymore the absolute scumbaggery of it all like four three shers of dirt four shers of dirt Soul so we don’t care about dirt we don’t care about me I know right another dirt that’s six shulkers full of dirt why do I have so much dirt

Nobody knows Cobblestone crackst brick there it is that’s the one I want is this the one I want you’re the one that I want are you H kind of I want that that and that and that I think and then we can put this this this this and this

And okay none of that actually goes in there right keep this uh I think we’re good I think that’s all of it dirt bone meal fine concrete powder and emeralds oh yeah there’s my emeralds I have no idea what I’m doing right now grab the emeralds and the fire rares and this p

There we C that d right let’s going build something dude leand thank you so much for the follow and also James and also Nikki and also Zen zenu got it God I’m good with names tonight today we’re smashing it when you have time could you show me around your like base my first

Time coming across you Leland right what’s the IP there’s no IP for this Elliott if you want to play our s SMP together I do have a separate S&P this is my hardcore world no no no mhm so Leland uh the world looks a little something I have three rockets so

We got to end up doing a bit of a sweep here uh this is my so my world’s flat right there’s nothing here completely flat apart from everything we’ve placed which is a mountain Trisha thank you for the follow and also Riley thank you so

Much um we’ve built all of this at the moment we’re working on at the moment there’s a lot of at the moments CU there’s a lot going on this has all been placed by hand every block you see is placed by hand uh this is our ocean

We’ve Dugout and placed a lot of bloody water we’re currently designing the flooring so it doesn’t look so plain today we’re working on these Cliffs this is our current project is this um that’s what’s happening if you want to see a full World Tour head into twitch or you uh

Tik Tok or YouTube where I actually have written out what we do which is um a world tour uh thingy what’s the word oh my God playlist that’s it World Tour playlist there’s two videos in there one is like a 10-minute video uh which is quite detailed in how I get

Most of my blocks my farms and stuff like that kind of just showing off a little bit more of the actual thingy Jiggy that is the world of the bases of the stuff of the things right that is what that is about uh right let

Me just get rid of some of this crap stuff out of my inventory crap basically get rid of it right what we got Stone boom let’s do this so terraforming is the aim of the game Minecraft is the actual game itself right let’s do this

How do we do it uh I don’t know let’s just terraform like so we have no idea where the cliffs are going to go I don’t know you don’t know this is just how this works cool Cliffs need to go all the way out so let’s just do

This cool I think that should be decent hopefully uh that’s going to spawn what is known as bloody them this is a slime trunk the reason it’s paed out is so they don’t spawn uh we need one there fine fine fine fine fine fine cool right and then we do is

This do you have any tips when you’re terraforming yeah spam it literally spam blocks it looks decent you can always like pretty it up afterwards so if you’re doing this just throw blocks in and then just kind of follow a shape a little bit you can always tweak it like

As long as you’ve got plenty of blocks you’re fine that is how I do it I just Spam it until you you fake it till you make it guys with terraforming uh especially when you’re starting off with like a base layer like I am at the moment like you don’t want

Too much of this like this looks bad like when you have it leveled so Chuck things in to give it like this up and down sort of texture man frankly thank you for the follow yeah it does it has taken a while we’re on day 1,300 actually we’ve just ticked over which is

Quite cool uh so yeah that’s where we’re at right now you scumbag thank you bug off right I hate slimes by the way I would not recommend doing super flat unless you have the patience of a saint I don’t and it genuinely hurts my feelings every

Time I play this FR think the follow as well you guys are insane today with following holy cow thank you so much I appreciate your support uh especially on Christmas Eve as well it’s mad what am I doing uh let’s check a little bit of

Cracked in just to give it a bit of texture here and there uh let’s just throw a bit over here why not can’t see what can possibly go wrong uh chck it along the bottom as well actually yeah so terraforming Works in multiple ways you literally just Spam it

Ethan thank you for the follow yo disaster thank you so much uh Merry Christmas to you too or happy Christmas Eve whatever it’s called I don’t know what’s going on anymore it’s been a long day by a long day it’s only 1:00 Jesus I been live hour you been live an hour and

I’ve lost my mind it’s going well cool that’ll do for texturing for there and then maybe we’ll just texture this out of a little bit of this little bit of that creates a bit of texture right one more of this beautiful more Stone go upy go so terraforming Works a bit like that

As you see I just randomly throw stuff in what time I stream until about 3:00 catch you later Ethan I really appreciate you dropping by best YouTuber Whitehead oh I don’t know I don’t know about that i’ say I’m quite average and thank you for the follow at the same

Time I really appreciate it nibon welcome I don’t know what that is that’s sub clown appreciate it MIM cre behave yourself I’m doing pretty good Luke how are you Merry Christmas Lenor thank you for the elf there’s no name but thank you person in a white coat blue scarf

Yellow app that’s all I can see I think I’m squinting I could be so wrong I could be a picture of a duck for all I know I don’t know what’s going on what am I building my cliffs what’s going on it’s your vibe that makes you better what vibe there’s no

Vibe here man we just average Minecraft content that’s what we do today I’m just excited I don’t know why I just feel really happy to be streaming I wasn’t going to stream today and now I’m streaming I’m I feel I’m I’m in it you know what I mean I’m in

It we’re just we’re just vibing with it that’s the idea also this is a super flat world as you can see uh I’ll show you proof uh it is two one layer of GRA that was really dangerous uh one of grass two layers of dirt and then there’s Bedrock right that’s it that’s

All we got so everything you see here everything above this layer which is y level four if you turn your phone sideways uh Supernova uh turn your phone landscape sideways you know what I mean that way you’re so handsome I won’t go that far I need a shave look at my neck

I look fat I look like a thumb see uh so basically all of these blocks above y level four if you turn it sideways it’s in the top left of your screen it shows you everyone just pop into Bedrock together back in 30 seconds yeah Supernova hell yeah

I like Supernova I think it’s a good song man Champagne Supernova best of wasis song I don’t know actually wonder wall is pretty God damn good touch grass bang nailed it oh fell on the wrong side oh I could just place a block there and

Hop over but that would be too easy and I’ve lost my bed exactly I was thinking the same thing Jinx how do you get so much stuff in super flat you play it for 1,000 days and then you end up getting stuff Farms so all the Stone comes from a stone

Generator which is just H do I need any no I’ve got shulkers of it uh basically inside my under world if you want to see my world tour I’ve got it there basically it’s uh water coming on the side lava coming down on the boat got

Two lines of it and I just Spam it not this world is not afked uh so everything you see is done legitness uh where is fireworks there they are also I found this chest guys i’ I’ve missed it for quite a while not going to lie that it’s been a while

Since I’ve why have I got bookshelves on me I feel like I’m not quite right in the head sometimes please tell me I’ve got room in here for dirt oh yeah so by the way people say rip monster is no way You’ mind all of that legitness I have

Dinkle double thank you for the follow buddy I’ve absolutely smashed that name I’m starting a super flat world you bloody should Jinx you should especially on Java make sure you put uh thingies on and be prepared to lose 99% of your life to playing this game for the forever cuz

That’s how it bloody works right we’re building the Cliffs of mons I don’t what it is DOA Legion KN thank you for the follow NE neelson thank you as well for the follow man you guys are awesome thank you thank God thank I don’t know if you if you Dad my message

But you’re amazing I love your streams have a great cont ran thank you so much I really appreciate I I did Dad your messages I really appreciate them thank so much it means a lot you’re all are being too nice to me tell it’s Christmas cuz you being nice I

Thought you weren’t live today I know T Tyler I’m so sorry I changed my mind McKenzie thank you for the follow s my message I know what you meant it’s fine I just take the Michael out you it’s easier it’s fun there it is Bosch right come up here

I have no idea what this is going to look like but the grass blocks need to go above this so we’re going to leave it like that right leave some ruggedness to it come down and then we’re going to come here wrong block uh right block actually

Hold done na it what fly na it sign my life away and being annoyed by slimes yeah genuinely if you’re got to come on lad what’s on Bella what have I done what did I miss Bella I missed something did I what farm should I build

Ooh um what farm should you build uh build a tree farm wood Farm but don’t build like a boring one where you’re just like build placing and building do a proper like proper automated one and don’t use a tutorial that’s what that’s one thing I try and say is don’t use

Tutorials uh obviously see as a as a YouTuber I’m not a YouTuber let’s be honest I’m not I’ve got like one YouTube video um that’s a lie I’ve got thousands but they just don’t do well so I can’t really claim it yet um I would say yeah don’t use videos try and try

And figure them out cuz once you learn how to do stuff it’s more satisfying like creating your own sort of stuff like me for terraforming I just randomly place blocks right I have no idea where any of these blocks are going there is no plan right it’s all just placing

Randomly and hoping for the best and sometimes it looks good sometimes it looks bad if it looks bad do you know what you do you get your pickaxe you start again all right that’s literally how this game works cuz that could be too flat oh actually looks all right Hoy cow I’ll take

That boo yeah uh nailed it have I nailed it no missed it actually that looks really good by the time we texture it oh it’s going look so good have the best Christmas everyone Andrew Ethan have an amazing Christmas dude McKenzie thank you for the follow sorry ABS he killed me then

Ad break your community is back Christ almighty can’t see a word you’re saying give me a minute oh you got an ad bloody eight ads on Twitch they’re killing my channel and by killing my channel guys it doesn’t matter cuz Tik Tok you guys are bloody awesome right where we at

Over here I’m out oft I’m out of stone you kidding me up more Stone there do we need that no let’s take these out the reason I have emeralds on me at all times is because wandering Traders are why is there a bat out at se anybody

Know what my building Cliffs mate Cliffs the fact you have to ask is disappointing I’m not going to lie I thought these were quite good I genuinely thought these I thought it was looking quite good I’m not going to lie and when people ask like I’m building a

Mountain so like over there we’re building the mountain people are like what are you building why so many slimes I know it’s stupid spawn rates are insane for slimes yeah that looks good I think that looks better than this add in a bit of texture we’re going to be absolutely laughing

Yeah I like it I like it I like it yeah I don’t know what that was I got bit aggressive I do apologize chat any small children who got scared I apologize I’m a big guy all right I do apologize also I talk a lot of nonsense guys don’t

Worry about it it’d be fine by guys I mean generic people it’s a term of a de for everyone hex hello there welcome thank you thank you for the merry Christmases you guys have a great Christmas there’s an easy way to make a silverfish mob switch in super flat

We’re never ever ever going to make a mob switch in this world guys um the reason for that is the part of the the reason that like uh this mode is such a pain in the botox is genuinely down to the fact that um the slimes exist

Otherwise it’d be a little bit too you know it’ be too much fun you got to have annoying slimes jumping on your face every 3 seconds to have a challenge in this game uh otherwise you’re taking away a lot of the things that make Minecraft Minecraft I feel with mob

Switches like mobs mobs are the reason why a lot of this world is a pain you know and if you make a mob switch I feel like you’re taken away from that and I don’t that’s I don’t like but it’s you guys if you want to build mob switches you build

Mob switches I’ve got no issues with that dude who’s celebrating with you mate my misses plans for today rip Cliffs I’ve even got it above my head you see I let you guys know cuz I put a thing above my head just to let you guys all and girls and everybody else know

What we’re doing today because you know what why do I what’s going on I hope you have a great Christmas and you Lucy have an amazing one I’m back after Christmas Day by the way way 8:00 p.m. UK time I go live normally roughly we have rip

Time which is a little bit later than some some people would like but you know sometimes I’m late I do apologize it’s it happens in life get over it right I I just I can’t help myself I watch TV I get carried away if I’m watching a

Program if me program’s a good episode I’m telling you finishing the episode right hello I do apologize and usually we all know what five minute warning means 5 minute warning before stream you know what it means right we got this I know what’s going on dude so the

Struggle is real building my mega project yeah yeah yeah so that’s the thing like my I the fact that I got that build done in a month I’m actually kind of proud of it took a while but we got there let me just land on this if I can

Land on top of here it’s going to be hello I I’ve nailed it there you go perfect oh yeah if I just textured this out quite well could have a decent bit of Cliff we’ve built all of this in what 3 minutes it doesn’t take long to terraform guys there isn’t anything

Above your head by the way above my head yes there is there should be what landscape there’s nothing above my head let me check oh there isn’t oh whoops I forgot I put new video out instead go check out YouTube video 100 out of 10 YouTube yeah new YouTube video

Out that’s that’s what I put there I genuinely forgot oh whoops oh yeah sorry that’s my bad I’ll take it back I I I apologize everybody yeah that video took a month so watch it please please watch it am I begging yes yes I am I don’t normally beg for things I

Don’t want your money guys I want your time just watch my videos please lucky welcome to the stream buddy thank you for the follow appreci hey man I’m getting a new gaming keyboard soon yeah what one what are you getting Black Widow razor Elite razor elite Black Widow thingy Jiggy would

Recommend genuinely sounds like something is taking off outside my door could be a Hoover or it could be a tornado uh I’m going to go with Hoover as a guess definitely the Hoover can hear it it’s freaking me out I’m not going to lie I have zero idea how this looks also

Yeah I’m building a cliff today I’m sorry I I didn’t put it above my head also you should be able to tell what I’m building right what’s your favorite series on YouTube let’s do it what’s your favorite series you guys like watch on YouTube let’s talk about that cuz why

Not I’ve got cuz I like I like hermitcraft right that’s one of my favorites and then the last life was so damn good though wasn’t it last life was good this year hyperx alloy ORS nice like hey Kelly welcome to the stream I don’t know what to build in my house uh

Build a library UK law about your TV license oh man I bloody at TV license absolutely horrific sh brain dump by H oh rip are you trying this challenge for yourself I’ve died to a creeper when AFK I now lost my motivation yeah I am yeah

After try this dude don’t do it Merry Christmas big man hope well Andrew Young have a great one young nasty thanks so much you you and your family have a great Christmas I’m just vibing right now here we got this let’s go there come out a

Bit like so also this is going to be a bit of a mob farm until I light it up that’s just you know how this game works if anyone’s played super flat before you know the the the uh the stress is real with Mobs like these guys just spawn

Everywhere dude life last life was great oh it was amazing right I kind of I lost hermitcraft a little bit this year and I’m a little bit sad about it if I’m honest I kind I I do love a bit of hermitcraft it is one of my favorite series especially Empires as well

Empires as well as a heavy um really good series but then I watch it for Joel mainly um just I like Joel I don’t I don’t know how else you can really say that you know what I mean do you have anything else I have loads of animals

What you mean do I have anything else do you have oh do you have anything else have loads in what I don’t know what that means it’s not easy so I’m very impressed with how far you’ve got thanks man I appreciate it Bor hey B welcome to

The stream T thank you for the follow man appreciate it right grass let’s go and then we’re going to dirt it all up and give it a little bit of what is known as texturing right we got texture This Grass out put a little Hill there why not if anyone knows how terraforming

Works if you’d like to send me a message on how it works can I get world tour George youve God world to my friend all you got to do is head over to Twitch Tik Tok why do I say twitch is the one place it isn’t to build

Oh what’s your favorite base in season 7 season what’s my favorite base in season 7 Jesus all right hang on season 7even which one was that one which what season was just now nine season nine was just now season8 was the smaller one season 7 was the first season I ever watched so

It’ be Green’s barge there you go boom the fact that I’m even remotely close with what was even built that year Green’s is it barge was it the barge please tell me the barge was that year was the barge that year so I’m so bad describing do you have anything else

I could add to my building in my house yeah a library there’s no way you’ve built a library already that is not a sufficient Library if you built that already I placed a little bit ter yeah it was BGE BGE yeah yeah BGE was epic

Meant to say your UK La TV license is crazy in America we stopped and say oh yeah it’s stupid it is stupid the TV license not do I play fortnite no I take a cheese grater to my eyeballs before fortnite but rmon you’ve got a YouTube

Video about how to build a chicken farm in in for Lego fortnite never played it that’s not even me in that video Someone Else recorded it and I told them what to do cuz I refused to play it Tim thank you for the follow you Absolut beautiful person from Australia hope you’re having

A great Christmas wait it’s already Christmas day happy Christmas man have a great Christmas hope you’re having a good day and if good day see what I did that do even mean it just comic genius me I should do stand up really yeah I don’t do fortnite

Fortnite’s one of those things that I kind of I’ve never got behind it’s just I don’t know I I don’t want to like I know I could do videos on it and I know they could Pro POS possibly genuinely it’s one of my best performing videos is

That video and I know I can do a lot of good content with it because it’s basically this but fortnite and we could just kind of start a whole new thing but I don’t want to be associated with fortnite if I’m honest I don’t want that

Like not only the community is bad but the community is a little bit it’s just toxicness cuz it’s all PVP we don’t do PVP here we have a community of Builders and great people who do stuff and want to learn and just have a chill time we’re not here for shouty screamy I’m

Going to win and do stuff there’s no winning here we’re all winners apart from me I win everything Lego fortnite with viewers no why would I do that I do Minecraft with you a lot and you destroy my entire happiness and for anyone going RMS that’s a really selfish thing to say

Bet yeah bet good day for man have a good did Merry Christmas man Kyle thank you for the follow what do you think about Minecraft update coming out soon um it’d be interesting to see what actually gets released cuz I will update the world um depending on what comes out did

You know St CL Orin from did also did you know he’s not red he’s green Co Coca-Cola turned into red factual statement have you ever built a star destroyer yes I did this year um it’s a little one it’s about that big genuinely come out of my uh Advent calendar my

Advent calendar is that I have Trauma from doing this with you yeah do it with you don’t do it Dino don’t do things with viewers they are the worst you think you think slime are bad if you play super flat and you think slime are bad you wait just do anything with

Viewers genuinely terrible you lot of the worst I love you guys but Jesus cist you blow my mind sometimes you abolutely destroy my happiness you know this I don’t even have to say it right how many hours do you have in this world it looks really good uh about 13

Days of hours whatever that is if you’re someone could math 13 days that’s where we’re at Dino thank you for the follow man appreciated rip you’re going to build a volcano on this world hell yeah always man you got to have a volcano it’s not Minecraft if you’re not building a

Volcano uh terraforming rip how’d you terraform don’t look just just do this and uh you end up with a terraforming bit and if you if you do if I don’t know where I’m placing it then you know it looks decent sometimes I don’t know how but sometimes it works out there are

Look see terraforms Bosch sporadic it looks good that’s how terraform in Minecraft if anyone wants to know you’re welcome kind of need to really undulate this undulate what a word let’s use it more often undulate I don’t what that means 312 hours is what I’ve spent on

This world there you go Kenzie you guys have got it Ash as well you guys have smashed it I am going to build a volcano it’s going to go on the mountain if you don’t know what the mountain is if you’re new to the world and you’ve never

Seen any of this we do have a mountain uh the mountain is pretty uh how do you guys explain it all right it’s all right a’t it it’s all right at the moment I think needs a little bit more work it does need a bit more fluffing up let’s say it’s over

There next to Spruce biome and next to sort of everything else Spruce biome needs to be made bigger mount vvus now it’s going to be Mount rmore Come on think about it come on we got to know about this that was any mistake nearly fell everything’s fine if I go there I think

We can then bing bing bring Bing terrible search engine fun fact unless they want to sponsor itms I am i absolute sellout for sponsorships you’re welcome right I think we can absolutely smash this if we do that that that there we go we got this nice Lego sub collection

Star Wars only no not Star Wars only I’ve got a l I’ve got some Harry Potter stuff but mainly leg Star Wars um there’d be a hint towards my Star Wars Obsession somewhere but I just can’t figure out where I’ve put it it’s literally on my head

Um spam blocks until it looks good that’s the motto with Minecraft there you go boom terraformed I think ah it looks relatively natural that looks F doesn’t look fine don’t like this okay I think that looks better when the grass dies will look good trying to see

I don’t like these sort of Parts here that are like flat this is too flat for me I have to bring it down dude do I have a collection lightsabers no but I am going to Disney not 2425 and I’m going to get my L over from Disney have

A great Christmas every uh Min minty are you off catch you later bro have a great one and what we know of the loot table can be changed see that’s the problem trial Chambers should be coming super yeah trial Chambers should be coming which giv us access to actual copper

Like it mean it so it means that we can actually kind of have a little bit more of summit summit let we just check below here do I already do here I don’t know if I like it I want to put a tree here we’ll put a custom tree berserk dude are

You the guy from the berserk video yes I am Vibes I’m pretty sure you said this before it’s not your first time here is it Vibes but yes I am I am the guy in the berserk videos I’ve done like three videos for bers well that’s a lie too he

Came in my stream for one and he got me to say berserk like a thousand times absolutely sell out this guy you’re never going to know it right yeah I’m well in it dude I want like I want lightsabers right I want the like the actual lightsaber thing to come out but

The problem is that I I don’t want luks I want um obviously cuz I’ve got my colors they all like purple behind me cuz it works quite nice nice how are you I’m doing good man I’m doing good man any tips to custom tree really bad at it right let’s

Build a custom Tree in two seconds I can soz I need Birch this is a this going to be a birch biome all right cuz I love a bit of birch right Birch is the best wood in Minecraft anyone who says otherwise well we all know them they are

A scumbag right absolute scumbag C in the nicest possible way scumbag love him his content is actually really good so I can’t really say too much but I mean genuinely scumbag for not liking Birch I mean how can you not like Birch uh someone forgot to light up underneath

Which means we’ve got mobs everywhere oh I screwed up I’m not calling ceron out by the way unless he wants to do a video one time and make me loads of people know me ucso no I haven’t no I Haven I haven’t got any of that

Now sh work like switch work bks and ples yeah see exactly the logs themselves right even I will concede look like absolute bird crap right that they are not great but and this being said they still look better than bamboo Bamboo wood is the worst wood ever to

Have been created why Jan welcome Christmas hello there welcome hello there right I love it I don’t know why everything’s become so Star Wars infused all of a sudden in my streams but you know what I’m vibing it cool so all these little holes what you do to make them look better

Is I’ve lost my bucket everything’s fine this is genuinely how I do stuff this is what we’re doing are you building a hill under the grass yeah yeah we’ve got we got uh a cave in there and I will be expanding the caves out and everything

Gets expanded I need to go get torches H torches how do you make Tor how can I make torches I don’t have coal I love Star Wars everybody loves Star Wars who doesn’t I love Spruce or Birch I also love a bit of cherry oh you like the the

Cherry see the Cherry is uh a debatable one for me cuz I don’t like it also this tree why is the map flat cuz that’s what we play it on bro we play it on super flat and then what we do is we take our flat world that looks like this uh we

Then take a shovel to this area make an ocean we then get a load of Stone from Stone generators and we build ourselves a Giant Mountain right that’s it’s just how this works right you build this mountain in and then people will be like oh ripm that’s not real that’s

Absolutely ridiculous uh what you should do is you should come around the back and realize I placed every single one of these blocks and if you don’t believe me ask anyone in chat because we did it all together and I’ve done it on live streams all of this has been live streamed

99.9% of the time right I like I like the question of if this is a super flat world you can literally see it’s a flat world smell logs to make charcoal oh you see we could do that or we get lanterns you know you just trade he’s lying it’s not

A flat world no what I did was I I loaded up a normal world and I mined out everything house uh I don’t believe it until the open back what until you open the back I didn’t believe you until I opened that up yeah yeah don’t ignore the backs okay everything’s Hollow uh

This is my hill this is the first thing we made uh and there we go photo shoot Photoshop oh yeah it’s all Photoshop yeah it’s all Photoshop I’m this is all just a recorded video guys it’s all smoking mirrors I’m just making it up how would you know apart from the fact I

Say thank you for following every time someone follows dude where did you get all the wood from uh farming uh I have an axe I have some saplings which you get from a village and then you start mining man I’m going to go to

Go my mom said we’re going to go out bye Lucy have an amazing time and have a great Christmas and I’ll see you guys after Christmas oh no if you come back having amazing stuff well build it is a little bit it’s a lot Karen thank you

For the follow Lucy have an amazing Christmas say hi to no no I’m not going to do that I’m not what about the stone right the stone is the easy one right the stone I can actually show you cuz I need a little bit of stone actually the

Stone all you do is you build a stone generator that looks like this right you mine it and boom you get a bit of stone easy if you want to watch my YouTube video I show you all everything in there cool there it is Stone I don’t like the

And then all my stone sits in these chests which um yeah I pretty much used all of it are you proud you’ve spent thousands of hours it’s not thousands of hours but yeah I would be if i’ done a if i’ got a little bit more hours I

Would be definitely ploud of this children’s video game I definitely would be if I if I could do a little bit better then yeah 100% at the moment yeah yeah dude what did you vote for in the vote I didn’t vote I didn’t vote cuz I didn’t log on I

Didn’t log on in time and get it done so I never voted but I wanted the armadillo I’m glad we won we won the armadillo I’ve come back for something I’ve completely forgot what have I forgotten chat Fe thank you for the follow what have I forgotten guys what have I

Forgotten chat what did I forget grass torch lanterns thank you I forgotten what lanterns lanterns how do I get oh yeah Jesus Christ genuinely my brain just exploded for no reason Lantern scumbag not Lantern scumbag Lantern scumbag thank you right heal this up

Right I need to get a bit of gold L am I just losing my mind lanterns thank you scumbag scumbag uh-oh not dealing with that real and Josh thank you guys so much for the follows I really appreciate it J I know I say it a lot and I say it quickly it’s

Just because you know what I do mean it and I don’t know I just I feel I feel um EMB balaced I guess is the word brain work do things please think of things what you doing rip selling this to him to get a little bit of extra summit

Summit thank you oh wait if I stand at just the right angle and get the XP yeah I did nice cool keep that on me you go back into there beautiful that’s my resources what’s there bookshelves oh the bookshelves right the reason I have the bookshelves right uh was to trade

With these guys then realize I don’t ask for do Ash thank you for dropping by I really appreciate it guys if you are new consider following if you’re not then that’s absolutely fine if you don’t want to you know you don’t have to it’s a free country do whatever the heck you

Want I say it’s free apart from taxes life everything’s very expensive you know that sort of thing but you know what I mean you can do it do what you want you don’t have to follow if you do follow though you are a genius if you don’t you’re an absolute scumbag I’m

Joking you’re all beautiful people let’s do this we’re heading up right Jerome beautiful person you got to go Ash you have a great Christmas and I will see you later uh hopefully I’ll see you uh day after Boxing Day at 800 p.m. UK time because that’s what time I go live

Normally Finn thank you for the follow genius Harry as well thank you for the follow James as well I miss James and Jacob oh okay right this could get excessive I maybe shouldn’t have said that right sleep time I’m not I don’t do the rain don’t do thunderstorms don’t do

Nighttime if it’s terrible guys Harry Jacob ducky thank you so much oh ducky I love ducky don’t know why I like ducks I think ducks are quite cool especially runner ducks you know like the little arms when they run I love that I love a Runner

Duck uh two squares with x’s in them thank you for the follow appreciate it Kyle thank you for the follow you guys are geniuses you guys are bloody awesome uh what am I doing yeah do I love Ducks yeah ducks are awesome we usually sometimes the only people we raid on

Twitch are um Dash ducks so if you’ve never seen Dash Ducks check them out on Twitch it’s just a puddle of ducks and I mean who doesn’t have a puddle of ducks Aries and Lon thank you guys for so much for the follow words what am I doing

With the lanterns lighting stuff up I need SW then hate Ducks Harry banned no don’t don’t ban last time I said that someone genuinely got banned cuz I was mucking about Paige thank you so much for the heart and the Roses genius don’t know why genius has come back all of a

Sudden is that say catw world or cotal coold C I can’t C C thank you for the follow I can’t read it’s a lot of Randomness going on yeah I need to decorate the bottom of this with a bit of dirt I forgot dirt thank you so much for the

Follow whatever emote that is is about this big on my I’m not even joking hang on you going to get a closeup here guys is that a cat I’m going with a cat I can’t see properly if I’m wrong someone tell me I’m wrong also tell me why I was

Wrong cuz I blood you know can’t see I feel like I’m going blind I’m not blind I have good eyes cat is it not a cat is it a cat it’s not a cat it is a cat shout fortnite battle pass never going to shout that in my life never

Happened B oh bindia how you doing bindia welcome to the stream Cowal is it a Cowal C coward oh coward oh Cowal is it supposed to be coward coward I’m new here is this super flat world this is super flat as you can see very flat

Nothing going on like my brain it’s a thing of beauty not my brain uh let’s go with a bit of this for terraforming ooh that that was a bit much I’ve kind of overdone it whoops okay break you let’s texture it up oh beautiful texture that’s what I like to

See bang beautiful we’ll do that then we’ll grab some Stone I don’t I don’t have any stone do I oh can I shout out someone please I can’t see who it is cuz the little arts in the way you have to press the first super flat Bedrock I haven’t a clue uh

This isn’t Bedrock what super flat I Bedrock no no idea build a prison I don’t need to build a prison this is my prison this whole world is my prison there’s also zombies and creepers everywhere hang on oh we made a mob farm see this is the

Issue with super flat guys look behind me look at all this this is what happens if you don’t light things up so people who are like oh rip monster why have you got to do that this this this is why cuz cuz otherwise these guys are absolute

Bloody scumbags right you got to be a little bit weary you can endex you can end X you can end X you can endex over there don’t even think about it sunshine back in your box you over there you over there rmon never misses that’s how we

Play the game of The Craft right bang hit bomb hit bomb hit don’t miss bang R doesn’t miss okay he’s okay I missed that one because um I wanted to scare him first how long have I spent in this world 1,33 Minecraft days and also have an

Arrow in me head it’s fine it’s fine I’m not even worried you get down I say get down thank you beautiful you off the hill thank you you guys get down I need to like oh wait let’s like this area okay this is a mod called mini

HUD what it does it shows me these numbers these are light levels wherever you see these zeros that means a mob can spawn and literally cause havoc in my entire world so we have to spam quite a bit of it everywhere just to just because we end up with a whole load of

Absolute Badness going on uh but what we can do is you can hide lanterns around work quite nicely um especially in this sort of style of a build you can kind of get away with having lanterns oh look creepers lovely hey guys uh do you want

To not cause me a scumbag thing I’ll rehat in two seconds guys I’m doing my absolute best to keep up man that’s a long time it’s a little while I’m not going to lie it’s been it’s been time but I don’t mind it if from honest I

Quite like it Bono superq bro bad streamer yeah I am a bad streamer Bindy I I 100% agree creeper it’s fine I mean I wasn’t even worried shut up it’s fine bang I say I’m a bad streamer chat I think that’s bad yeah he is I am a bad

Streamer Q Bindy says so it’s not how you s his name but I’m not even going to try and pronounce it properly because I’m a bad streamer that’s how it is bad streamer chat bad streamer he’s wall hacking I am wall hacking absolutely look at him x-ray straight away banned

Scumbag um guys can we get down ow ow ow okay okay right can we all just have a conversation about how ripm is great ow ow how are you hitting me twice every single time oh cuz there’s two of you right shut up it’s fine you can just uh un

Alive if you could just disappear over there as well this I have the issue is I can’t run away because the more I run away the more they spawn look at the state of that ow everything’s fine everything’s fine just not fine really head shot get down thank you you die die

Child no not filzer we’re better than filzer we don’t die okay okay ow do I need any more moderators oh we got this don’t you worry about that we’re all good yo Dr how you doing buddy ducky thank you for the 25 roses sorry if I missed that if it’s been a while

Merry Christmas Alfie you have a great day greatest name ever out there bang we are nailing these guys in the face is what we like to see but rmon why don’t you use flame because if I set them on fire and they poke me in the jabby jabby

With the Pokey pokies we lose our worlds he man thank you so much for the road as well really do appreciate it guys give me a float by a float I mean I don’t know don’t waste your money guys it’s Christmas have and save it on yourselves

If it’s a penny if it’s 50p it doesn’t matter every little Els get yourself uh actually can you even get a chocolate bad how do I get diamonds you should right need to watch a YouTube video bro I’ve got a video all about how you get diamonds in the world of super flat

Minecraft um also how to survive right let’s have a chat right we’re going for this I don’t care I’m going in R is going in I’m going in don’t care run away oh yeah fight scumbags fight each other going in it worked it worked I’m a genius ow ow oh my God half

Health run away everything’s fine not worried bro play it by sweeper why are these numbers on the floor oh yeah these are my light levels um I haven’t turned them off because I’m getting absolutely peppered by these absolute bunch of scumbags who don’t deserve to uh be in

The game of The Craft you don’t have the authority to be as good as Me Goodbye by the way my account got suspended it’s Jordan your account got suspended Tut t t sir Tut t t right you drop that right now creeper over there basically I’m playing m super with creepers it’s a

Fact light levels just need to be checked come on Creeper down you come hurt yourself and die thank you right you up there get down come on down you come down you come and dead no okay not dead wow you’re doing a lot of damage holy cow what was that

Bow if you die you lose your builds I lose the world uh as long as it’s a legitimate death I always do the caveat because we did actually have uh an unfortunate incident one time where we lost the world I uploaded a video yesterday guys if you haven’t seen

YouTube things of videos of stuff go check it out why not I would say there’s a link somewhere but I don’t know where it is uh Right light this up this is why we have the numbers on the light levels tell me everything light levels save all hello creeper hiding behind the

Corner oh yeah get wrecked awesome C there we go lovely yo just like 30 1300 days it isn’t it it’s a bit stupid uh the only mods we do have on the server is on the server it’s not a server it monsters my solo World um what’s it

Called What’s this called mini HUD it’s one of the best mods you’ll ever have it’s client side and what it does it just tells me light levels gives me a lot of other stuff why does that happen uh it’s cuz it’s super it’s hardcore but we have made the agreement amongst all

Of us in the uh the community because we have got to such a level where like you guys have I’ve streamed every day of this pretty much apart from my videos um I’ve lost my brain uh we’ve decided we’d keep the world ducky thank you again for

The 25 and Aman as well I’m not sure if I already said aan but you know what it never hurts to say thank you twice guys oh I’ve got so much just get out of here hang on let me sort this out in the air right we don’t need Phantom bines oh

Whoops if you have Phantom M enjoy another 25 thank you so much ducky I I did miss it I was defending saw I’m being really weird if you get what I’m trying to say so yeah makes sense I guess I don’t know what’s going on we’re

Just here for Good Vibes man post a video yes yeah I won’t let you send links uh through uh best off just saying hello over to YouTube and check it out how many goals have you planned to do in this world how many goals have I planned

Uh oh I’ve got loads this world is in is silly uh yeah it’s silly ocean we’ve got as a goal to do not done yet we basically people ask me all the time how do I stay motivated in this world one is uh I know life this literally I

Have zero life when it comes to this game um I’ll play it all day every day if I can uh I loves it light level check over there want to make sure we light level it so in super plat the reason I’m light level checking is cuz it’s so stupid right it’s so

Stupid um as you see how quickly they spawn it’s you know I think it’s fair right it’s fair otherwise we’d have so many workplace incidents it’d be genuinely stupid of us not to have have that right let’s go and uh do a bit of making look good oh my God this going

Looks so bad okay uh you up we go just place that there thank you yeah I stream this every day guys pretty much 8:00 p.m. UK time apart from Tuesdays uh and other days Sundays uh I don’t stream uh also like holidays I won’t do tomorrow because well it’s Christmas Day and you

Know it’s family time really and you guys should definitely be spending some time with if you don’t have family then obviously you know you know it’s it is I I’m sorry if that’s a bit harsh I don’t know I don’t know what I’m saying if I’m honest I’m

Just saying words and I don’t really mean any of them uh you’re saying it’s fake yet you’re new here so you don’t be chatting you don’t know what right even guys it’s fine don’t worry about it it’s all good howy you do Anonymous welcome to the stream that’s not how I meant

That to come out what I was saying by the way guys what I mean to say is yeah I I take take it off because it’s Sundays and that’s I have Sundays to do YouTube normally and they take months my videos take too long to make for what

Actually happens with them so I do apologize for that if you’re waiting for videos they do take a little bit while longer I am going to be trying to do it um a little bit better if I can uh I’m going to start changing up how videos

Are done I’m going to try and make them a little bit more raw so they’re more like a stream uh just because I think that’s more fun and that’s where we all as a community have more fun right uh so it just be me playing the game like this

Chatting kind bits out we understand what you’re saying don’t wor yeah I know I’ve worded it like an absolute buffoon so that’s why I feel bad uh that’ll do that looks a bit textured it’s all coming down a little bit better right fill you into there oh that was a big sniffer to

Apologize into the microphone you’re welcome guys have a great one where do I find the most Enderman except in the end oh literally my entire world is just full of mobs that it’s just it doesn’t even matter where I go or what I do my world is just mobbed up I’ve got more

Mobs in my world than the mafia mate it’s ridiculous I think that could be decent let’s stop there and then just go see what it looks like oh yeah by the way people would be like oh rip you scaffolding there’s one huge problem how do you how was you

Doing today plans any after stream so today uh I’m having about 3:00 so we got about an hour still guys to of stream you we got plenty of time got loads of time um what am I doing I’m not if I’m honest I I don’t know I’ve Been Told

I’ve never knew being good at terraforming was a thing I still don’t believe it is a thing if I’m honest I’m just placing blocks and hoping it looks all right that’s it terraforming you just Spam blocks is my genuine opinion on it and I need to go get some Stone

So right how does that look oh oh it looks good oh it looks good right let’s go have a little fly in oh I like it I don’t like that patch there but that looks decent I like it there’s like some Tetra shapes going on that’s what I

Like to see in my Minecraft builds land nailed it right perfect there I think I prefer this to this do I I do I need to add in a bit more moss and stuff here I think we Moss this section up and then kind of have it up

Back welcome back Izzy hope you’re having a great day George yo how you doing welcome back Megan as well welcome back arra back a frame again again cool it looks very natural it does look very natural doesn’t it that’s what we aim for and theight is the block that is

Like boom perfect right okay I wish I could terraform like scar same I wish I could do Scar’s level like actually I would I’d rank it here right there’s ripm me I don’t know why I said myself in third person but this idiot here right is down here at

Terraforming then I think you’ve got scar actually that’s kind of scaled this a bit better you got scar rmon then drops away right scar comes down a bit then you got Pearl Pearl is amazing at terraforming cuz she does it in a such a different way to everybody else like me

I’m just using like Stone dirt and then mixing in blocks to like create texture where she’ll use like bloody concrete concrete powder uh Terra uh terracottas she’s just so many just random blocks and it genuinely boggles my mind how well she does it uh we do need some and

Theight the only problem is though to get and theight I need to craft and theight cuz I can’t make it I can’t just get and theight I have to uh yeah o bugger that’s what I was supposed to do she put an Al that’s what I mean the

Alien biome is genuinely mental how she’s made that I need sand I made mistakes mistakes have been made what am I doing I’ve lost my mind I’ve genuinely lost what I was doing sorry guys I apologize I realized what I just did into a microphone Sor right

Apologies I forget what I’m doing get a decent amount of right you got a choice chat continue the cliffs or blow stuff up what we going for we can go blow up the nether or we can um go get a block of ancient debris we go blow up the Nether and mine

Around in the nether for a bit to get our block of netherite or we can continue to build what do you want what do you want are we going to build or we going to blow stuff up blow up the nether bang go blow up the

Nether let’s do it uh let’s put back all of I don’t have any okay we just casually get rid of all of our stuff I’ve got enough fire potions we should be fine i’ got some of that that’s fine grab the GW Mega thank you for the follow really appreciate it another

Megan got loads of them you going to drop this in here beautiful oh hello I’ll help you out guys it’s fine I’ll help I can help it’s fine I can help you out boom right loads of them beautiful let’s go blow some stuff up blow up sounds always sounds good it does sound

Bloody good does it right grab this let’s go TNT baby wrong thing that’s not a crafting table that be a crafting table that beat some oh yeah right let’s go that should be enough of both no we may have enough to actually get a de Fair D come out oh stream quality is

Gone down you’re on live Erin no I’m not Inception we always blow stuff up man it’s always happening right hello pick Ashley don’t want to disappear my friend disappear right ax wi we don’t need that and that are good TNT goes bang in here should be buttons where have I put the

Buttons all the FL where’s the Flint oh I’ve got FL still sry it’s fine I thought you weren’t live today oh no I thought you were going to yeah you got to get a block man I thought you went live until until late well not today cuz you know it’s Christmas Eve

Evening we have the evening with you know family and my girlfriend I say and my girlfriend just literally me and my girlfriend and spend the evening chilling so yes like I do this on weekend sometimes so when I go live on a Saturday um it’ll be around about this

Sort of time I’ll go live just cuz it gives me that evening then and it also gives you guys the evening cuz you know sometimes we do like to This Is My Grave by the way George thank you for the follow you know if you haven’t seen the

Channel before that’s what we like to do right we like to do some of that sort of stuff nether right let’s go blow some stuff up down here this is where we go uh we’ve got 16 blocks already this will be Block 17 Tiggy thank you for the

Follow right forward left right or back chat go quickly forward left right or back you get to try Street just got to smash It smash it quickly spam it in chat forward left right or back left Mimi boom Lauren decided gone done left Matt said left as well that’s it done

We’re going left run said left as well this is weird everyone’s just saying left perfect we’re going left see how far we go San Valley let’s get ourselves out of that at least CU it’s the worst biome for finding netherite while level 15 watching where we going cuz we got pay ATT attention

Let’s do a splash potion right about there beautiful I got I got go quite far right what did you what mik do you use our curiosity I’ve got the wave elato wave three I had to check even though I know it’s right in front of me it’s not really it’s over there

Right leave me alone I know what I’m doing whereever this way let’s go this way where these guys are are we are we friends are we friends are we good guys are we good we good we good I think we’re good I think we’re good we’re not going to be good in

A minute cuz I’m about to cause absolute chaos all righty right Shield out that on let’s do this Q is spamming that hot button if is Q I appreciate it whoever it is just really distracting we’re in all right we going blow some stuff up urine H urine it’s

Another name for piss all right we got this I’m getting very distracted by myself beautiful so this is where my map comes in handy for those you who don’t know I use a map called urox uh recommend it for well that’s going to be a lava field above my head coming

Down I am so glad I checked that because I didn’t normally all right here we go TNT is the best way of doing it who’s going to type the word beds first come back to type beds Bann what’s this yeah man how long have you been playing this server for it’s

Not a server it’s a world but I I get the point I’ve been playing it for 1,33 Minecraft days we finally ticked over it’s mad Barry SC back scumbags right fire in the hole run away get away from these guys just in case I hit one Yep they’re mad at me

Yep as I expected they did get mad at me awesome bugger we have a problem uh small issue beds bigger explosion radius no it’s not you telling me a bed’s going to do more damage than I’ve just done there okay cool those are pigs are about

To come and say hello to me there’s one hey bro are we good let’s just deal with you quickly all right how many if we got coming we got two more coming yeah this went well beds are dangerous and glitchy hell yeah U I made a mistake I knew

These guys were going to get mad so that’s how like I already had my plan to escape I’m hoping I get rid of this guy and then there’s no more around so we should be good there’s none around me we should be fine are we good everyone fine are we all

Friends these guys shouldn’t be aggroed they should not be aggroed over here are we good let me just are we good we good hey man we good I think we’re fine I think we’re fine I think we got away with it I’m so not happy with this oh hey

Pig I think we’re good I think we are actually pretty good okay the problem is if he gets angry these guys get angry they’re F I’m genuinely I’m like I I know there’s a level of like oh you’re a streamer rip you’re just doing this for effect genuinely terrified this guy’s going to

Get mad and try and come after me and then those guys will come after me gladiate them okay let’s just uh go like this I’m going to get rid of a bit of lava this is fine uh no ancient debris yet disappointing I’m not going to lie

This is oh ancient debris let’s go right how many do we need we’ve got three before which equals 12 right no bad math 4 8 12 is 12 Math’s I’m a genius this is how this works we’re going to come across like so got this bom I back you in a fight

Against the pigs all of them yeah beds beds aren’t good I don’t like using beds I think beds are one of the worst ways to uh do what I’m doing to find what is known as nether to be fair this hasn’t gone particularly well either there’s a

Nether waste though so we should quite a bit which is kind of annoying um yeah beds are where beds are terrible we did beds the other day and all of the beds were literally like every I think we had one bed that did well the rest of

Them just set fire to everything around me and set me on fire like three times and then also caused me a lot of damage it took me down to like two Arts I think at one stage all of them so I can stay long have a good sh dude you’re

Absolutely sound man I really appreciate you dropping in guys even if you’re here for one minute you know that’s that’s awesome thank you so much I really appreciate it right let’s do this I’m hoping we get more than what we’ve got we’ve got two so four is one how many do

We need we had 12 so that’s minus off of number what do you play on uh PC Java Java Edition you are able to do this on Bedrock the problem is though a lot of the mechanics are a lot different so you end up having like everything’s a bit

More difficult I think plus I play with structures on mainly because this is a live streamed world so it takes less time for me to do things otherwise these streams would be just me afking forever and ever and ever and it’ be really pointless and boring we do not AFK this

World this world is 100% legitly played with you guys watching so you guys get to see everything you know what I mean cuz that’s that’s the fun part is like you guys get to seeing what we get to seeing that makes sense get to see everything and how it works and then

Hopefully it inspires you to start your own worlds um that’s a bit big Ed is it to say that rf5 thank you for the follow buddy appreciate it you know like if you guys create your own worlds that’s what it’s about I really want you guys to

Sort of think oh this is doable and then realize how stupid a task it really is uh because it is stupid there is no good reason to do what we’re doing apart from the fact that you know we’re doing it because it’s fun fun reasons is why we do

This right you fire in the all and I’m out of it scumbag beautiful right fire in the hole there’s lava right above my head ancient debris right about there give me ancient debris there’s one piece there don’t go love it you going L it of course you are scumbag hate it also guys

I have a brand new YouTube video that went out last night uh it is about how to build an end portal and how to get to the end a lot of people ask me how do I get to the end I love actually watching Minecraft rumors they make me want to

Get as good as they are at the game oh get I I paraphrased all right but we got there we got the gist of it Jackie thank you so much for the follow appreciate it um you can get good it’s it’s just I’m not good I just press block I just Spam

Blocked man I talk nonsense and spam blocked I fake it till I make it that’s what you got to do just pretend that you’re good at the game and then eventually you’ll be good at the game that’s how it works a’t you debr no it’s very disappointing that I’ve got what

Five pieces that’s one ingots one four not even half way ltf thanks so much for the for the football for the follow it’s cuz you’ve got a football in your name imagine not say Jackie Bo though M thank you so much um right Telescope Saturn UFO rocket

Thank you so much for the follow really appreciate it interesting name I mean it just rolls off the tongue to be honest didn’t get it wrong though H sorry yeah you should be sorry oh I blew up down there as well oh let’s just blew

Up this bit in the middle then why not I mean that looks like all right is this this is okay that’s not good we don’t want that right this way I’m going to run straight into lava in three two one lava we ain’t slowing down we ain’t slowing down

Speeding up how far is this tunnel all right cool doesn’t matter TNT let’s go if we hit a pigman we could die three two one fire lava no stg’s running I do apologize I chickened out right guys I got scared I didn’t get scared I ain’t scared of nothing I ain’t scared of

Lava I your likes if I you likes I your likes I your likes I don’t know what that means I your likes love your lives oh oh love your lives oh lives oh my God how do I read that as likes dyslexia wins again right let’s

Head in here mine our way through the backs of this this should be a Bassel DOA 100% this is a Bassel do I Hae Bassel I got to admit not fun thank sh Jackie thank you for sharing the live also LS thank you so much for the follow

Really do appreciate there shares and likes and everything follows help guys I appreciate it if you haven’t liked already hit like right now and look what it does to the view account it’s amazing how long have I been in this world 1,34 Minecraft days

Now fire in the hole let me see the hole of the lava of the fire and I shouldn’t have done this way because I just realized I’ve just done all the ancient from this way look at this tunnel though in yeah let me see your beds do this

That’s what I thought a no beds doing this sort of greatness very distinctive amount of not ancient debris though got to admit I’m a little bit disappointed I was digging for diamonds on my server this morning I dug into a lava cave and died two stacks BOS gone

Have I beat the Ender Dragon yes I think we’ve done it five time wait how many times have we done the Ender Dragon mobs ender dragon eer dragon three of them we’ve done Three Dragons done 2,800 what’s our most it’s got to be Enderman right surely Ender Enderman we’re at 7,000

Ender 7,000 Ender 3 3,000 skeletons 4,000 slimes it’s a lot who wants to make a world together oh you want to make a world we’ve got one join ours vind one Traders 31 zombie pigman 3,000 yeah it’s a lot we have an S&P if you

Want to join ours can you be my G I’m everyone’s G I don’t know what that means not in like a weird or creepy way though right like in a normal way like we’re all good we’re all G’s together that kind of thing can I join please you

Can’t join this world you can join our s SMP uh it is a building SMP PVP is off it is for people who want to build chill and have a laugh right that’s what it’s about not about being an absolute scumbag trying to destroy each other and be the

Most I’m not that bothered about that bit of ancient debris in the middle got to Adit that piece of ancient debris that’s in the middle of that I ain’t that bored about do you know what I’d rather not have that let’s uh casually just go this way then and just ignore

All of that and pretend nothing happens right don’t know what you’re on about don’t even know what happened we’ll just completely ignore that like all of our problems g means friend I don’t know what it means some people you know what I mean it’s the internet I’m a boomer you can mean

Anything right now I’m going to blow this up instead I’m going to blow up this way why not oh hello guys uh if you can just not Walk This Way okay you’re walking this way that’s not what I wanted you to do okay let’s just keep

You a elf in safety elf in safety stay back elf in safety he it’s ch elves oh sh it’s fine I thought that was quite good not going to lie dad joke but bloody love that elf in safe you liked it Joe liked

It Joe liked it Joe got it I seen it I didn’t even notice it I just thought it was that Bloody good just oh come on no yeah die child go in there yeah run from me I’m going to run into lava got to be careful I found a piece though we don’t

I don’t understand 1180 what you on about 118 pops 122 I think you’re fine oh 199 damn three of you left you scumbags back up one came back yeah let’s do it right what we got blow up stuff sounds good I I love blowing up

Things man this is part of the best part of my day it’s a lie best part of my day is be watching The Grinch later on I don’t know if I like the Grinch or not is the Grinch a good film is it scarring who knows there no snatch is it let’s be

Honest also diard Christmas film fact I will die on that Hill it’s the best Bloody film it is a good bloody film it’s boring to be honest factual statement has been said handmade hand thank you for the follow could have said it better I don’t know what they said can they repeat what

They said if you’re agreeing with it I don’t know if it’s a good thing or not orever you’re saying that beds are better B kids got Miracle on 34 Street I got Die Hard ready to roll out later nice Grinch is Elite is it Elite die

Hard as a Christmas film fact it was on yesterday on Channel 4 for the UK people of you of the channnel basically Channel 4 for those you who aren’t British is a channel where films go to die um basically if anything’s been overplayed or isn’t really as good as you’d expect

It to be it tends to be on Channel 4 and if they make it themselves it’s it’s horrific also Channel 4 I am an actual registered um paid extra if you need me to be in anything I will be in anything not going to lie uh open to

Offers that’s not a joke either by the way genuinely am watch’s this dude it’s good don’t get me wrong but I’ve seen so many better things that is boring I agree the live action grin Jim Cary is wonderful the other ones are okay fact Jim Cary is an absolute God I mean that

Could be a big overstatement but I mean we’re going with it why not why can’t he be a God I think he’s decent he went a bit weird though any he’s going a bit odd I mean to be fair stay don’t do drugs kids Jim Gary that is slandering mon you can’t say

That you know what I mean though I just get those three bits of H the bridge Jo is awesome in the grge he’s awesome in everything like the mask amazing don’t know what else he’s good in there per is a terrible Christmas movie worst thing ever never seen it I saved myself from

That absolute horror film I don’t know what it is never seen it eight that’s two more so we got five we need four more so what’s four more 48 12 16 more what I mean all right but bloody H I’m not happy about it 16 more and I’ve got no

TNT I’ve done two stacks of TNT nearly three stacks of TNT for eight ancient debris Merry Christmas Sophie Andre you s I appreciate it um yeah my background’s all right isn’t it by the way if you saw what this genuinely looks like like I’m touching it so it’s not

That far away but if you saw my actual camera this is cropped very ni nicely um cuz it’s just a blank white wall like from there to across just pure blank wall you can’t see this this is all just nothing I’ve got like hang on I’ll show you got

Move this is my sound proofing boards right and everyone be like oh look rip it’s professional it’s not it’s on cardboard right it’s a cardboard box I’ve just stuck stuff too it works what do I do with it what am I doing with it uh basically I’m building myself a netherite beacon um

Yeah it’s going to take a while we do a bit is not the best method for this it is Tom it is oh yeah true that is the best method is to do the chunk border thing but we don’t do the chunk borders because uh I don’t know I don’t I kind

Of don’t like it there’s something about it I kind of just don’t agree with and I don’t know what it is but there’s just something I’m not a fan of it right not a fan so basically yeah that is behind you guys you guys can’t see but that

Wall is completely like covered uh in soundproofing cuz this room was so echoey when I E echoey yeah that’s the right word is echoey full of echo echo when I first started streaming you could and the mic really picked it up uh so yeah I’ve got got rid of that and yeah

Now we’ve got this I I don’t know what that is but yeah we’re doing it am I am I am am I doing this am I actually going to do this I don’t know if I really want to if I’m honest can we just accept that

I got that much no netherite Beacon the only reason it makes netherite to show you you’re super rich yeah basically yep in my own world simple no thank you so much for the follow man appreciate it how many follows are we on by the way now cuz I feel like we’ve got loads

Today you guys have gone ham you guys have been awesome thanks so much appreciate your uh oh yeah support that’s what it is support being nice you guys aren’t nice normally I don’t know what’s going on feel feel distracted by it distracted by goodness and niceness yeah we and everyone always

Complains that we’re always in the nether we’re always in the nether for a little bit Jos what’s my favorite color I like teal um I like I mean it’s quite obvious if I’m honest um just just look at my channel it’s all orange most of my things is

Orange apart from anything on stream for some reason I don’t know why I’ve not really gone with the orange theme on stream um yeah orange man every time you’re in the nether I know richan I know I’m always in the nether it’s cuz you guys join at the start of the

Streams and then they’re like oh he’s just in the Nether and then we go and build or do something for the sort of second half of the stream we spend about an hour a day in the in the nether that’s the issue I kind need to like mix

It up a little bit but I’ve kind of committed to doing this now it would depend on how much TNT we have or like uh gunpowder like we have a gunpowder Farm now but we do need to make a proper gunpowder Farm lav is orange exactly

That’s why I love it man I love Scotland can’t believe I had to say that feel bad feel bad I had to say I apologize for anybody who isn’t Scottish and I know I’m not saying about the Welsh Joe don’t you worry about that you should make a

Sheet F you can get loads of beds no we don’t use beds beds are terrible beds are the worst idea in Minecraft terrible no way you still stream first back time back on Twitch and is still cooking what no way you still stream first time back on Twitch you’re still cooking Harry

Mate I’m always on Twitch dude twitch and YouTube and Tik Tok all of them Scotland can’t just start shout see that’s a Scottish thing is it just shout what en CHS do I have on my pick efficiency five silk touch on this bad boy mending and Unbreaking three on the

Other one which is uh pck Ashley this one’s R2 silk 2 uh pck Ashley is the fortune version and he is made a netherite some people are like rip you’ve got 16 blocks of netherite why don’t you have all netherite tools right no no no no no no

No oh you want to eat lava I reckon it’s possible you know what I mean also did you know that rock like lava is solid state so like it’s a rock basically it’s just hot rocks so you know when you see people like melt into it and they go and

They sink right my opinion on knockback one of the best enchantments for Hardcore Minecraft ever made is knockback knockback is my favorite thing and punch uh they’re one of my favorite enchantments for hardcore uh flame is the the worst in my opinion I just seen two bits of ancient debris I like it

Right um yeah flame is the worst one that’s how filzer died just to throw that into context that’s how people lose their world usually is due to Flame if you watch if you didn’t have flame you would have won it how you finding ancient debris I’m in the nether mate

Mining it’s happening 15 pieces how much do we need 20 this could be a chunk border it is a chunk border is it a chunk border that’s a chunk border I think that’s a chunk B how long have I been playing Minecraft for about three wait we’re down when we need him yeah

About 3 years I’ve been playing Minecraft yeah three years I’ve been doing this doing greatness oh we had a YouTube Partner come into chat oh hello got to go Eric you have a great Christmas mate I know you’re in an AB break as well right now

As I’m saying bye dude you have a great Christmas I I can’t talk to you because you’re not there but it’s not the point H long been playing Minecraft I think you should make a gold Farm I have a gold Farm what you on about I’ve got a

Gold Farm watch my video man watch my video genuinely new YouTube video dropped yesterday uh rip Monster on YouTube go search it because it’s out specs uh ryzen 5 3600 3600 uh an RTX 2060 is my graphics card that is only specs and like 16 gig

Of RAM I do need to up my Ram though Gold’s bad though Gold’s good for trades see that’s the thing gold is bad but it’s really good for uh Pig baring piglin bars are good if you need crying obsidian hint hint go check the video I used over shuler’s worth for crying

Obsidian and by the way wasn’t enough mate you’re like the sound of Sky you seem like a lovely guy I’m not I’m an horrible person I’m an absolute scumbag don’t read a book b cover now I’m all right to be fair I need to ramp up we

Got 8 gig and a 30 3050 yeah I’ve got 2060 my graphics cards F it’s my bloody um what does crying obsidian do it just looks pretty I’ll show you guys what crying obsidian can do um let’s go and head over I’ll head over there in a second cuz I did the

Portal hello lava right yeah you can stay over there I’m not going that way bro I can’t believe it yeah have a great Christmas Harry you’ve just come out of an advert twitch is an absolute scumbaggery three minutes of adverts what is that about ridiculous um it’s like half my

Stream right I’m bored of mining I’m bored of mining chat are we born of mining yet stuff me with ender pearls hell yeah bro loves it how would that work you know end pearls right you know when they they come into contact with stuff do they work like a

Grenade like you’d expect them to pull a pin and then throw them right uh do you know how to make string droopers would never make a string drooper it’s not one thing I would do uh but you wouldn’t make a string drooper you just make a carpet drooper right surely if you if

You thinking beds no wait no wait yeah yeah string drooper you don’t need string drooper just make a uh string Farm just use a farm man don’t be duping the only thing we dup in this world is uh sand because you can’t get get sand

On the other way and you need quite a lot of it for like concrete is quite an important resource uh so yeah that’s how why can’t I place hello thank you better Co yeah so sand is the only thing we dup and the way we dup it is using uh sidecraft

No Shuler crafts uh sand juper using the end portal uh which is why the new end portal video had to be filmed at a completely new one because obviously we can’t use the old one I got really genuinely scared then yeah we can’t use the old one because obviously you know

That’s got a sand juper in it and I couldn’t hide at all so yeah that’s it dude how you doing CH how Bud yeah like that’s the thing like dender pearls like when you throw them you think like cuz he’s touching it if he then touches it

On another part of his like body or anything with it right surely he should then be just like sent into himself I think I’m I’m thinking way too much into this all right scumbag don’t even think about it bro you’re not that guy you’re you’re just not that guy

You’re not that guy I’ll let you on a secret nor are you right this is not how it works it’s not how we play this game right where we’re heading this way bang this is the way home we’re going home got B yeah it’s just because if you have

Stream you can Farm a lot of emeralds by trading it with Fletchers oh no no no no no Scotland why are you doing string why you trading string you should trade leather to leather workers or uh leather workers to leather yeah leather to leather workers that’s a pretty decent trade at

A minute cuz we’ve got an absolute ton of leather I went really far angry Ginge thank you for the follow man I appreciate it imag if that was the actual angry Ginge this would be the weirdest stream crossover would be me and angry Ginge granted I get quite

Angry at times but like that would be such a strange thing great great and thanks so much for the follow man cuz like that would be such a weird crossover like I could imagine angry Jin playing Minecraft imagine him dealing with the slimes in this world that would

Be I I should invite him to this world not that I know who he is you know what I mean spawner what this CU a spider spawn in this one yeah yeah is yeah so spider spawners are decent but all you need to do is make a gold farm right and

You can trade gold and you get loads of gold and gold is a one block trade or one item trade and get loads of why am I back here what am I doing oh wait whoops I was supposed to be going to my uh why I need crying obsidian I’ll show

You and hopefully you guys are going to like this and you’re going to go oh rmon I’m going to check out your YouTube video that’s that’s the plan you see what I’m Forward Thinking here it’s a lot of planning going on yes if you let go you immediately

Teleport to the end of your finger right that’s what I’m thinking eat one n n n n n n well said right this is where we’re going we’re going to our end pool right this is what we’ve recently built for a YouTube video I by recently I mean

Literally yesterday it came out uh this is new don’t judge me I’ve only just built this today we threw it together in about 10 seconds all right leave it alone no thank you can you stop destroying where I’m standing right that’s it I’ve had it I’ve had enough oh I

Missed wait I I missed I don’t miss behave absolute scumbag right gas in the end another bit things this place terrible hate them uh let’s just R I knew you were waiting for that and the worst thing is cuz chat’s quiet on your side of the old twitch V arties

Right I knew it was coming right let me get rid of all of this I don’t need any of this right bin bin bin gravel we don’t need that we don’t need that we don’t need that that that that keep those keep that keep that lovely get rid

Put that there thank you right we’re in boom so this is the reason why my YouTube videos took a month okay uh everything’s fine no I was I wasn’t worried shut shut up right it’s fine it’s absolutely legi I genuinely I got high palpitations right Now why why was he there did I hit it oh I missed it why this is all lit up it’s not all lit up at all so right this this is the reason why my YouTube video is taking about a month um that is all crying obsidian obsidian and concrete

Powder it’s it’s takes a lot okay it took a lot of hey Brian welcome back man yeah so this is why the YouTube video took quite so long um yeah that you want scale I’ll give you scale I’ll give you scale you want scale oh

Yeah I need to light that up as well um so if I stand here that’s an an end portal in the middle by the way that’s my build you genuinely can’t tell that’s good you can’t actually tell where I went wrong it’s insane right go check it out

YouTube Right Enderman this took me a month right where’s that scumbag Enderman oer a dirt block there this is so sh never oh get to 3:00 we going to be told it is a good build right three months it took a month you can attend to that as well now you’re in

Chat you check out the video made it yeah if you want to see how I made it go check out the YouTube video it’s 16 minutes of your life look definitely you could make a mob switch we will never make a mob switch um it’s kind of part

Of the game I won’t do I I don’t do things that stop things working how things should be working but yeah definitely no I haven’t seen it like properly like this oh okay go yeah look at that insane this has been a month of my

Life genuine or our life it’s been a lot gra thank you for sharing the live man I really do appreciate it yeah this has been a month like like I said a whole month of placing blocks and my life this this is one thing right okay

So terraforming is kind of what I do right I kind of enjoy terraforming the problem I have though is like I couldn’t make a mountain too big cuz then it over overshadowed the pillars so I went with like this tiny scale down version just so you guys can then use your

Imagination right that’s what I went for oh the little creeper in little oh look at him he’s so huge okay right we leave him alone yeah how did you actually like start a super flat world so on uh I’ve got a video for you on YouTube genuinely

How to survive 100 days uh basically all you need to do is load up a world in 1.7 if you’re on Java this is all for Java by the way Bedrock I have no idea right Java what you do is you load in in 1.7

17 so you spawn on your block boom you then instantly let the world like load around you make sure you have your render distance quite small and then what you then do is you then hit exit you then quit it and reload your world in the most recent version that you

Actually want to play in so if you want to play in 1.20 like I am 1.20.1 this is uh then just load into that and then you will have all of the structure so if I load my map up you can see I’ve got Villages ruined portals we’ve got uh

These are M shafts uh over here we’ve got a pill out post as well so you get all of the stuff and that’s how you start the world off and then all you need to do is find these guys the uh what’s it called Villages I forgot what this is called and basically

You get a village right make sure you mark where your um spawn point is cuz your spawn chunks are the most valuable things in this world so all you do is you just mine a couple of blocks like that right and then just make a pillar of three where you

Signed in that’s it then you’ve got your spawn chunks and then you know it’s nine chunk radiuses around is how you uh is then your spawn chunks right go to nearest villagers steal all the lanterns and just light up your entire area steal all the fences and fence in a giant area

And then just expand out from there that’s how you start and then get villagers in it and do stuff like that that is how you play the Hardcore Minecraft the say start of World is literally that easy you love the paint in the background everyone says that my M

Painted it it’s a paint by numbers but I mean it’s still pretty good right but I want that gold block cuz I like gold o shiny uh right in this chest there’ll be a diamond and a golden apple it’s Christmas BOS I mean a golden apple we’ll take uh

Do we need the gold no oh I’ll take the I’ll take those though iron we don’t need Fortune three golden hoe I do love it I do love a bit of a golden hoe and a flint and steel I don’t care about the rest of it I love I like this I like

That though like imagine this this sort of shape if you then had another one like this on the other side going that way you could have a decent shape for a um like if you take I wonder if it’ll work hang on sorry I’m getting very

Distracted by myself if I did that does that work it’s a bit high is it it’s a bit too high I might I’m I’m trying to I’m trying to make a lantern thing what’s it called not a lantern thing a thing and if you put a stare there it might

Look decent a stair there and a stair there dude Cy thanks for the follow I appreciate it I got really distracted I’ve gone the wrong way I’m supposed to be going home um yeah that’s how the world works like it works well lamp post that’s the badger that’s what we’re

Building where’s my base there it is oh yeah by the way this isn’t even my base this is just um a build no real reason by the way the entire video of how this is made is out on YouTube now just SE R Mons what would you use a fortune hoe for uh

Fortune hes are really good for getting leaves so you get better drops out of leaves uh for saplings and stuff like that and also you want to use I’m actually going to Lantern this area up just in case I come out again and we get a little visitor like we did before uh

Okay just stop them spawning just maybe hide them like lanterns around a little bit there should probably go all the way around the edges as well and Lantern up I torched up a lot of it but Lon the inside is hollow but lit up okay those

Numbers on the floor are light levels it tells me where things spawn how they spawn in everything else that’s how it works so that’s what we got boom how do you do all this in super flat uh a lot of time effort sweat blood tears that’s that’s how this works uh the crying

Obsidian so people were like rip why do you bother with gold um the main reason is for for uh for trading I needed crying obsidian the only way to get crying obsidion in bulk is from Trading with villagers I’ve done it quite a lot on the streams I do apologize for those you

About to witness it but yeah know it had to be done it had to be done um one thing I’m worried about is I really want to connect this hey AC how you doing buddy welcome to the stream I’m doing good hello there welcome how do you how do you get so

Much time to build this stuff I stream and don’t sleep I have like about 3 hour sleep a day have you made Enderman Farm yes but I don’t use it very often cuz in the time it takes to get there back and M around

I can just go to my gold Farm which is pretty much at my base and I can get quite a bit of XP and it takes 2 seconds hence how I’ve got 261 levels um so if I just nip to my gold Farm I’ll show you

The gold Farm cuz I’ve got a bit of gold on me actually I need smelt it first let me smelt the gold first then we going do it hi do you watch rugby love a bit of rugby support glester unfortunately so not a fan of good rugby just kind of

Average Monty how you doing buddy uh dude yeah super flat takes a while man one thing I need to keep an eye on which I’ve not been for a while is actually in here I keep neglecting these guys like I should be trading more of these cuz it’s bad what football team do

I support I don’t really I don’t do football I I don’t like it I don’t like it’s kind of the same reason I don’t like fortnite I don’t like the the culture of football is more my problem it’s just sort of there a pain

It get is there a way to make an area near my pole gas proof yes uh literally Cobblestone it up just fill up man fill it your name is Harris welcome Harris welcome to the stream oh thank God they actually stood near nearby for once cool right you can I trade again no

Can I trade again no awesome scum right get rid of these beautiful can you also play PVP no I don’t do PVP I don’t like it don’t enjoy it I don’t enjoy PVP it’s just one of those things man these gas are Menace yeah build like a cop if you

Cobble anything around it create a dome and light up your area you’ll be relatively mob SPO any tips for new streamers do every platform you possibly can any platform you can think of do it how’s Christmas Eve Callum it’s going pretty well how’s your Christmas Eve going probably one of the best streams

We’ve ever had so you know I can’t do it I’d say stream on everything and just learn just get used to doing it is that your base it’s so good yeah this is our base AA if you want a world tour I’ve got a quick one that’s a little bit old

Now um that is about a minute long right but I also have a new one that’s slightly longer at about 10 minutes all right 10 minutes explains how all of this is apart from this Farm which I’ve it’s not really a farm should build a Christmas tree you see the problem with

Building a Christmas tree is it took I didn’t put my Christmas tree up in real life until the 16th so yeah it’s kind of good on a super flat how’ you get diamonds watch my YouTube video I’ve got a whole thing about it boom do I prefer

Shaders no don’t like shaders what is the best tip for obtaining a lot of XP fast I’ll show you in about 10 seconds ink demon welcome back how much fps do you get I usually get about 800 on an average at 2 2K uh I don’t know FPS I don’t know no

Idea not a clue what my FPS is I don’t know I don’t I don’t really judge stuff based on FPS or anything if I’m honest yeah FPS isn’t really a bother to me uh I hate Christmas I want to take my tree down that’s fair agreed n it’s all right

Christmas is good I’m being good end farm y on a no we don’t use Enderman Farm well we do have end farm no rocket League yes but I’m a labrador I’m terrible it I just go B the whole time and I can’t deal with it slightly longer makes sense as I’ve watched Minecraft

Videos that are over an hour there you go then or if you want to watch a 16-minute video on how everything actually works um and how I built that giant bloody end portal I’d recommend you go and watch that cuz um it took it

Took me ages it took me took me about a month to build that video and it’s six like genuinely it’s horrific I play rocket League uh while listening you playing rocket League while listening dude if I haven’t got 100% competition uh what are your views on totems I don’t

Use totems I refuse to use totems in hardcore World um the only reason I don’t use them is down to the fact that like I said it should be one life and it’s not but that being said there’s always an asterisk against this world cuz we have got and I never ever hide

This we have got a where is it player death somewhere we died one time where is it time play since last death there you go two days ago we died three full m like play days we lost our world where’s times’s death death times died times died times

Died does it not says times died players hit player deaths is player deaths no anyway we died once but the video went out you guys will voted and you guys voted to keep the world because of the way that the world glitched for some reason in the nether I glitch quite a

Lot and I don’t understand why um so basically what happens is we got stuck oh it’s number of deaths there you go yeah won I sub on my penny I appreciate that thanks so much um basically yeah all that happened was the world lagged to the point where like I was just

Laying in lava stuck in a flying simulation cuz obviously I’ve got wings so rather than just doing that and standing up I just laid in the lava and I couldn’t move forward or backwards or sideways I couldn’t do anything so I hit a rocket I flew out I hit a wall which

Is fine if I have died to that fair cop that would be on me it’s a great skin right if you want the skin it’s on Skindex I don’t know why you’d want my skin um it’s under what’s it called rmon something I don’t know it’s fine it’s my

Grinch outfit I’m in a grinch outfit greet Swansea is what it is uh it’s made by griffy griffy made it for me genuinely amazing right grab some more of theion debris Beau how many have we got six we’re like three away how are you looking pretty good pretty good

Pretty good oh there got another one oo we’re two off kind of feel like we should go back and just get 8 H in the no we’re not we’re not doing it we’re not doing it yeah so basically what happened was I I was trying to eat and I

Got stuck how thank you so much for why do I stream on Twitch and YouTube um thank you for sharing the live haard really appreciate it I will get this out eventually so basically yeah I was trying to eat and I got stuck in the eating animation and it wouldn’t

Actually eat so I’m like chewing chewing chewing chewing chewing chewing chewing chewing chewing and nothing was happening so I had to stop eat and then reat and then I died but I gained half a heart as I died so if eating would have gone off the first time I would have

Survived so it was a bit more of a gold is from villagers but how do you get ancient debris I mined it by hand in the nether oh I blew up the nether a little bit but yeah yeah we Min it we M it all

It’s how it is it’s got to be done right done done no donezo right give me that cuz you’ve got a little bit left no wrong thing no no no no no bad don’t want to waste that don’t really want to waste that and I don’t

Really want to waste that so if we take you out of there beautiful you can go in there cuz you’re going to be done and you’ve got more in here you going to be done nice you done go on go on do it do it do it please what’s your YouTube name

Rmon everything’s rmon isn’t the never flat no it’s not velvet thank you so much for the share I really appreciate Leo thank you for the follow I just got them for disappear how’ you get your world back after diving ding basically we went to spectator we opened the world

To land put myself back in survival close the world open the world so it locks me back out of all commands and stuff that’s how we saved it wait hold at mon you stream in the afternoons no Casper not always sometimes on the weekend that’s all today’s Sunday right

We don’t even stream on Sundays that’s the weirdest thing beautiful we’re there we’re good to go right it’s you Lauren it’s you gone hey hey Liam hey buy yeah uh so I don’t use end f wa uh what’s your opinions on the 1.2.2 update is it2 update or whatever the hell the

New update is uh we going drop all this off and our gold F how do I think up my name I’ll be back to that one in two seconds L is there still there love it uh how long have I played this world 1,35 days so my opinion on the new

Update is if they’ve leave Traders alone if they leave like uh not Traders hey welcome back um so if they leave the new update if they leave villagers alone I’m happy but if they change villagers I’m kind of screwed a little bit so we’ll be updating quite late Hey Jake um but

We’ve got to try and like make it work if that makes sense like there’s no way otherwise we’ve got a problem so this is my own design um obviously I’ve gone off what everyone else has done which is creating a circle I’ve then got my little platform up here

That I can stand on they’ll spawn as you can see you up on down you get your bow out you smash one of them in the face with an arrow they all get a little bit miffed right and then there we go boom get ready for Christmas I’m polish and

We presents tonight oh yeah so I do I prefer doing that cuz then you got the data chill yeah that gold Pam it’s all right right uh what I could do is I I run a couple of mods one of them is mini

HUD which if I was to put it on it show C like um like gives you outlines of circles and it tells you like light levels and stuff like that it’s a really op mod it’s only client side does not affect the game it’s just kind of makes

Things better but if I ever use mini HUD in terms of like using outlines for circles and stuff we put it to a vote in chat and if you guys say yes we’ll use a circle and we’ll make a perfect circle like we have here but if you don’t and

You say no I have to just eyeball and hope hope to guess right that’s that’s all I can do um these guys are coming in pretty hot which is nice they all fall down these they get a little bit trapped because I haven’t used some of the right

Blocks but you know what I don’t care that’s literally where I’m at I think I could maybe change it to some something else but it’s good uh I like this I think the B to ever make is an automatic netherite farm the issue is if you’re making an automatic netherite farm

You’re making tunnel balls right uh a t Turtle legegg would be amazing if I could get turtle EGS right I can’t get turtle legs and super flat they don’t exist cuz they come out in ocean biomes from Turtles they don’t exist in this losing at Rocket league right now what

You should do is you should end it delete it and open Minecraft that is what you should definitely do that’ll make your life so much better trust me get rid of all those negativity negative things in your life negativ just get rid of bloody rocket league and fortnite as

Well I have Turtles they’re adorable I want Turtles Liam thank you so much for the follow man I really appreciate two facts exactly all you need in life is Minecraft if you’ve got fortnite delete it lisis thank you for the follow you know what I mean that’s how it is

Someone asked a minute ago uh why do I how do I come up with my name uh basically it’s rip you know rest in peace and I had a dog my childhood dog was called Monty put a two together you know what I’ve got basically when my dog passed

Away my mom and dad went um he’s pretty sad we’ll get him an Xbox and I became rmon that day and that’s it boom Minecraft is love Minecraft is life exactly but not PVP you know how to speedrun nope I can’t do speedr running I can’t do it the anxiety the terrible

Efficiency of this Farm it’s actually not bad it works really well when I’m not streaming my CPU kind of uh uh what’s the word sets itself on fire is what it is you want to see my base I’ve got a world tour in the linked videos or

Is a even in twit uh Tik Tok I’ve got it saved as a playlist so you guys can just check it out there’s two versions one is an old version from a th days it’s 300 days old um which is 1 minute or you got

The new one which I think is like only 50 days ago which is uh exactly 10 minutes long I think roughly can’t pull a dam I could I could probably do it but I’m not really a fan of it survival only how call this one

Yeah surv yeah I don’t like PVP I know I know guys I’m a bad person what can I say but yeah PVP for me just is a bit too I don’t know it’s a bit eggy like the whole Community is a bit eggy for my

Liking I don’t I’m not a fan user five 582 3877 26349 thank you for the follow I appreciate and your name is so easy to say definitely don’t recommend you change that ever I don’t like Crystal PVP I don’t really like normal I don’t

Like normal PVP I don’t like it I I get it World Cup 2020 guitar Jesus Christ that is a really random name thank the follow what’s your favorite game to play no idea I don’t really have a favorite game Lego Star Wars obsessed I’m at 92% I’ve still got to

Finish off the final missions and I’m dunzo uh yeah this Farm’s pretty good yeah PVP I think is mid I prefer this Mimi Mimi Mimi Mimi Mimi your name’s not doubled you sent a Paul Jesus Christ Mimi thank you so much uh tropical fish Nemo thank you for following glad so I

Do that I’m glad I grew up on Minecraft and not fortnite same I didn’t grow up with this I grew up on FIFA OG Lego Star Wars on top fact Lego Star Wars is everything apart from the Ferrari that got me that’s one of the best builds

Battlefront is a banger no PVP what are you doing Battlefront behave yourself Lego Star Wars is best if you’re not playing Lego Star Wars the uh Skywalker Saga you’re a wrong you play fortnite nope I cheese gred my eyeballs before playing fortnite that’s a factual statement Tom and Jerry no mega MOG no

Not Mega MOG what’s it called Mona the Vampire factual statements I was genuinely this is not worldwi top 15 in the world on FIFA when it came out oh Jesus to be fair a while ago it’s like 200 oh wait was it I was in Germany if I was in Germany it was

Before Afghanistan so that’ll be about 2009 I was top 15 in the world I played a lot of FIFA back then he says it but he’s also uploaded a fortnite video not long ago didn’t play it I I managed to do a whole YouTube video a thanks so

Much for the rose in the hearts I’m sorry if I missed that or if I didn’t we’ll do it again I know someone’s top 300 on apex Legends do they go outside not going to lie in all old Lego games Elite they are pretty decent yeah man

Yeah I’m pretty good at FIFA I won’t do it on stream though I I’m kind of got bored of it because it just became exploits now what about Call of Duty same game redesigned every single day that’s it don’t like it same as FIFA that’s why I’ve stopped playing FIFA uh

They used to but they don’t play anymore you’re in Afghanistan yeah 2010 fun times do you have a full time oh no I don’t do this full time I do the hours for this to be a job but I there’s no money yeah I don’t make money from this

Now but a little bit but not enough uh for it to be job I make genuinely what was it we make about this stream’s different cuz you guys have been insane but usually it’s about 50 p a stream or like maybe a pound two pound a stream so

We do that per hour that’s about 10 P an hour uh you say Cod is the same so Minecraft you still play that yeah good point Fair yeah but it’s not though I can do what I want here kind of where it’s just linear you know what I mean I

Can kind of do stuff I’m starting the world on Bedrock do it Kirky you got this oh my God that says Kirky I’ve been calling you Kirsty I do apologize I’m an absolute buffoon what about a netherite beacon in hardcore that’s what I’m doing I’m literally doing it I’ve got 16

Blocks of it already to go we’re starting it imagine if you could get on dreams s SMP or something like that you could earn thousands never going to happen well you never know dreams s SMP is got to be qmp that you want to be on or I’d rather do Empires if there’s

Anything that fits me I think Empires fits me quite well I think if I had to pick if if I could pick one at be Empires I’m I don’t think I’m at that level of building good news thanks so for the follow I’m not at a level I’m

I’m so sorry cursy could be anyone you know what I mean God could be anything God knows what should I add to my custom Oak biome custom oak trees nailed it kir is a nickname sorry kir I do apologize collect the XP yeah I should probably do

That cuz we’re going to start lagging soon uh let’s go and do this let’s go see what we got so we fly out the hole at the top we fly our way down boom and then down oh I’ve just realized I haven’t turned the farm on I do this all the time

Oh I screwed up massive I may have broke the farm oops uh big oopsy massive oops uhoh oops oops oops I’m bet this is all full of stuff mistakes were made oops oops oops oops oops oh Christ who said go down I hate terms so much same don’t do

Terms uh stoic oh for God’s sake stoic KY I’ve lost it it’s gone thanks so for follow what’s my favorite Minecraft update uh piglins I like the nether update caves and cliffs I love the caves and cliffs update I can’t do it here but

Do I play an instrument no I have no not a musical body bone body in me body bones things you know what I mean terrible can’t do it it’s basically cheating yeah same I don’t do it wish you luck good luck K this is the farm XP you ready Bosch

Wait how did a child survive we don’t have thank you very much how was it how oh this actually not done too badly we didn’t run it for that long D you come sunshines sword 4,000 does some good group videos wait you know sword I know sword I talk to sword regularly actually

Sword helped me with um the video he gave me like a little bit of a like directional pointy thing laughing Fox I’m not even joking shared your live more than five friends gron thanks you so much for sharing more than five people appreciate it I think you’d be

Good in a PVP situation no no no no no no M what’s your favorite Star Wars movie movie or series series is Mandalorian easy right I love it that’s what got me into it massively what difficulty do I do hardcore easily uh and then if you die you can put in

Survival Lo tutorials thank you so much for the follow man appreciate it also your fa thank so much for the follow uh favorite movie oh J know what my favorite Star Wars favorite Star Wars movie would be um trying to go off it not Ray and I’m

Not a fan of Ray I kind of feel that that was kind of shoehorned together I don’t really like it um I don’t mind it though like don’t me wrong I don’t think they’re bad because of it um yeah the XP is going insane I would go with oh yeah

Bedrock doesn’t have it oh Bedrock you’re going to have a big issue on Bedrock AC thanks so much for the heal man appreciated let me just do all my tools quickly it takes two seconds um there you go done that’s how much xp this Farm produces if anyone’s

Still using a uh look at that just look at look at it all look at it okay there’s a lot going on right that’s why I’ve got this chest hit that could have been interesting right in you go fly through what’s your favorite game Friday night or I don’t know I don’t

I’ve never played Friday nights I don’t I’m not I’m not a big horror guy I’m a bit of a buffoon I don’t really like him you know what I mean uh Empire suits you you’re terrifying reminds me of sausage or Bill stars like yeah that’s where

I’ve got a lot of it from like I would love to do Empires like I mean I’ve met Scott a few times now you never know you never know we’re just waiting we just need to get popular enough to start nudging it you know what I mean nudging him uh

Hey you got to give Mojang credit for putting an actual unbeatable mob in the game for what are think Golems also ATT trap bigs no they don’t we tried it doesn’t work it’s not Friday night it’s Friday Nights at Freddy it’s the same thing in it Five Nights at Freddy Friday

Nights at Freddy’s I like Friday Nights at Freddy’s better it suits it where does chisel come from don’t know where that came from that can go in there that goes in there that goes in there that goes in there uh we don’t need quartz gun poow can go away quartz can go in

There that can go in there right you give me this for two seconds seconds everything’s going wrong I haven’t paid attention to things and we’ve now got issues crying obsidian I could do a little bit more of that do I play gr Turismo 7 what a random game I’ve met rip a few

Times yes you have q you have met me a few times so’s griffy what Q where’s griffy banned dude I’m proud to say I beaten every five nights at Friday Night at Freddy’s uh with custom nights and watch the movie I’ve never even seen it

If I’m honest it’s not something I do I have to go now hey AC thank you so so much for dropping by I really do appreciate you have a great Christmas and uh hopefully I’ll see you after Christmas when I go back live again the day after boxing day Friday nights

Friday nights is like a battle see no Friday nights is the best version I prefer Friday Nights at Freddy’s rather than five nights at Freddy’s cuz Friday nights get a bit get a bit um get a bit tasty if you know what I’m saying all

Right we got this this is what I like to have I like to have three of each uh that way you kind of have stuff if you know what I mean you know what I’m saying if you got things of the stuff variety that’s how you roll it also the

XP is still going that’s still coming in beautiful dude you got the day after boxing day is my brother’s birthday that’s all right it’s not a crying thing enjoy it embrace it man yeah I go to a lot of conventions Sam thank you so much for liking the live if you haven’t guys

Consider liking the live press that button of things uh yeah I’m just showing off the gold Farm as you can see it works quite well wait is it done we done we’re done oh no we’re not done we’re still we’re still like here wait

Is this done no no NOP nope nope nope oh okay I’ll help the system out a little bit no NOP right is it got gold in here no gold under there yeah it likes to hide gold this Farm is the only downside right what do you come to fell

Everything’s fine I meant to fall down there 100% reach reach reach I wish I wish there was a mob vote where we could just like get a little bit of extra reach do you have a particular resource patch yes yes I do uh the resource pack I use so

You’ll notice at my I have um like bushier leaves uh that is from a mod pack I have called vanilla tweaks if you’re on Java you can get it do you just waste the swords yes I do cuz they’re not worth the hassle of trying to smelt them quick enough and having a

Super smelter just to get a couple of extra ingots bar XP uh are you going to use it I will use it eventually I um cuz I can like redo all of this stuff so it gives you good XP but yeah normally like yeah not really is the honest answer nah

Probably not but when it comes to renaming cuz a lot of my stuff is hella expensive first day but I’ve already I already love the stream that is so nice of you to say CJ I really appreciate it there’s a see something something is it like an anagram we got a guess we

Playing like hangman with your name I really appreciate you dropping by thank you so much does mean a lot right where’s this that can just Chuck in there I don’t care right are we done no how is there more stuff it’s just constant gold so the way this this Farm

Works I saw that come here that’s about nine come here if you’re not holding shift and like changing your stuff I even play Minecraft I’m too excited too because I’m going to get hyperx Podcast with a good XLR I’m going to get a hyperx podcast nice yeah I just used the

Wave mine’s just a plugin uh Wave 3 USB as you can see it’s just a USB it works really well though have you ever been Rick Rolled I Rick Roll myself all the time like my it’s called pck Ashley literally you can make a bamboo farm for

A small RXL for you get XP oh Scotland you don’t understand this is called super flat Hardcore Minecraft there is no bamboo Bamboo does exist my friend I’m getting a PC for xus it’s going to be my first time on Java ever I’m so excited right you’ll find the first

Month or so when you switch over is insane right plugin mics are so good yeah the USB ones is amazing I just take it with me so so good um what am I saying I’ve confused myself I’ve distracted myself with words this tends to happen can you get for from wondering

Traders nope bamboo does not come from wondering Traders I’ve been waiting no they don’t trade bamboo they will do in the new update potentially there’s potential for them to they’re changing the way that wondering Traders can give stuff which means there’s a high possibility that we can actually get a

Little bit of goodness and there’s still more coming through are you kidding me Oh I thought this was done wait what was this oh yo yers y thank you so much for the follow man uh follow even the cheer thank you so much yeah we can’t get it

Like and that’s the thing like wondering Trader the wondering Trader change could be massive also uh rd2 mines thank RDR Red Dead Redemption 2 memes thank you so much for the uh share I appreciate it yeah man it is sad that it’s one of those things I wish we could get along

With like we can’t get deep sleep we can’t that ticking is absolutely driving me insane right that’ll do done don’t care still coming through which means we’re going to get wait what oh I lay down I got to figure out if this is going to be it is

Is it now done are we done can I like turn things off we done here we are done cool right more gold so basically this produces an absolute ton of gold the only problem is that you have to then craft it auto crafting is going to be mental

Fishing IRL fishing or just like normal fishing it’s Kaden how you doing buddy is this say Kaden desire to make it better go on yeah man do twitch why not do twitch do them all twitch YouTube hi loat welcome to the stream I’ve recently had a Blue Yeti but I’ve just

Decided I need to change it why what’s wrong with the blue yeti I’d go genuinely this mic works absolutely fine I’ve had to turn it down a couple of times cuz when it updates it changes the settings drives me mental cuz I once had it I had it set up and it

Was perfect hi buddy hi is that just like a zero or is that a d I don’t know but hello there welcome to the stream uh do you have any tips for a wannabe gamer do it that’s literally it it’s just do it if you want to do something do it you

Don’t know if you can do it until you try it you know what I mean that’s all I can say about streaming or anything really uh I’ve also screwed up my filters as you can see I not that I I literally have shers full of dirt what

Am I doing I have shers of dirt that I genuinely have shers full of dirt why am I not shut up put them swords down your scumbags you want to go you want to go bro so D I’m not sorry good advice yeah that’s what I mean like the amount of

People who say oh I want to do this I want to do that literally do it you’ll get you’ll get a lot of hate to start with uh people will be very negative even now I get a lot of it I still get like the negativity from people um

You’ve just kind of unfortunately got to accept it it’s part of it kingley thank you for the follow man I really appreciate it uh now what can I add to an oak forest more more Oak Forest that’s what you add to it in my world I

Got bamboo from a random ship rre it’s so weird but I’m happy it’s so good Moss when you first get moss oh it feels good cuz you can do so much much more with moss uh but I also want to go to the military don’t do it I’ve done it been

There done it t-shirt don’t do it I don’t know depends if you want to though you know what I mean if you want to do it you do it you do you uh for me no thank you right the reason this gold Farm even exists okay now we get to the

Whole point of why I’m actually here and we’re listening to bloody ticking noises every two seconds uh is let me just double check I want to make sure this is empty before I go anywhere it is cool head on down to the paradise city where

R is pretty uh down here in the new Christmas boxy shelf thing M jigs right string for trading someone said you should make a string Farm you’re welcome basically a string Farm uh over here we got an iron farm this is going to make us uh you’re live again how always live

Is it for XP netherite or trades uh all of it netherite why netherite you can’t get netherite from Traders uh I wish you could but you can’t get netherite from Traders uh like Ingot wait can you get netherite from Traders no you can’t no you can’t because it all be set

Up there no you definitely can’t get another way from trip Jesus Christ what do I think in the Far Cry games I like them they’re quite good you can with a new update wait can you with a new update I’m going to lose my mind when that comes out if they’ve changed that

Pigling trades with wait no there’s no way they’re not going to give you ancient debris they’re not going to give you netherite no gold is part the crafting recipe for netherite gold is part of the crafting recipe for netherite you can craft netherite are you mental what do you mean you can craft

Nether are you gen no you can’t how do you craft NE you can’t craft right behave yourselves iron nuggets these nuggets have been kept as nuggets for chains cuz chains are quite important in builds and I’ve got I’m going to need a lot of chains for the Dwarven Kingdom

That we’re going to make uh leather we grab the leather oh netherite ingots oh yeah oh gosh yeah yeah nether ingots yeah and then crying obsidian this is what it was all about for rip you go mental I’m losing my mind mean you can craft ingots oh okay I

Think you can craft oh okay ingots sorry sorry all right okay I know that yeah but I mine it but yeah if you get ancient debris from these These are going to trade ancient debris they’re not going to trade hent debris that’s too op there’s no way thank you for the follow punch

Bin rip equals break from reality yeah Dan we’ve got you Joe don’t you worry bro what’s the use of crying obsidian go watch my YouTube video seriously a full box two Shuler boxes of crying obsidian and my life is basically over but it’s done I thought you were about to say you

Got all your netherite from chest from that’s what I thought he was going to say mental that’d be insane touch gr Cosmo you kidding me you got a touch grass okay let’s head home we going to head home Co hang on hang on a second are you still no you’re not still wait

Are you still are you still no you’re done cool we can head home ye one day I’m going to jump off there without my wings on I’m so used to just flying off you’re welcome thanks bro appreciate it Coan holy C welcome back and thank you

For the sub man welcome back you bloody genius thank you for the sub man let’s go Merry Christmas sck how you doing budy Lego better Lego is better fact not Lego fortnite but Lego in general is amazing can’t chat on Lego switch oh bro why can’t you chat on Lego switch yeah

This is my world wait what am I doing here why am I here grass we can see your whole game we see my whole game you should be able to M you can now watch your your stream in full stream yeah I know you just turn the screen sideways it’s been a thing

For quite some time touching grass also in long grass in case you want to be pedantic right I’m going to sneeze ohy God this world’s beautiful that I don’t know what that noise was I think at what age do I start to SC genuine heart attack I’m not going to

Live I love Scotland thank you for the live sharing the live even Jesus Christ Cass thank you for the follow appreciate it guys Co or renewed Coan thank you so much I really hope Coan has remembered that my world’s beautiful I know Joe is spamming lots of Christmas stuff

Crocodile not Christmas Rosa not Christmas a festive potatoes boil and mash them sticking in a I feel got that wrong I’ve just shared to like 20 of your mates dude that is the greatest thing you should do is really annoy all of your friends with my streams thank

You for the bless you thank you appreciate it God help me kiry you’re having fun it’s fun right awesome right let’s go trade this leather leather trading with these guys is one of the best things you can do look at this bang emeralds guess what boom emeralds guess

What boom you get you get the idea right Joe Phoenix is going insane with the gifts I know thank you so much Joe you’re bloody genius and you have a great Christmas as always you should do anyway brain brain no work brain work no right I’m going put this away and then

You know what it’s going to be guys we’re going to have to do something special which is SE goodbye I’m heading off you guys have been amazing this is one of the best streams I think I’ve ever had in my life you guys are insane I think we’ve averaged

At least 90 odd throughout most of this stream you guys have a great day and an amazing Christmas and I will be back uh the day after boxing day which is a w is a Wednesday I don’t know why I looked over there my brain hurt a thank so much

For the follow if you enjoyed the stream don’t forget to follow if you’ve liked it don’t hit like and if you want to see more of this I re I release a brand new YouTube video which is all about my new build right go check it out it’s genuinely huge it’s

Massive it’ll be on Wednesday so like literally on Wednesday the day after boxing day all right so back to work and everything’s normal how you doing shock you guys have an amazing night and have an amazing Christmas spend it with friends family whatever you’re doing hope it’s amazing and I will see you

Guys in after Christmas words next Wednesday on Wednesday 8:00 p.m. UK time if you haven’t joined the Discord if you don’t have a link for the Discord head over to Twitch right now my name is rmon on everything there’s a link to to there

All you do is X Discord it will pop up even if I’m not live you can press it it will come up and there will be the link for our Discord also I think I’ve got it in like loads of stuff s SMP party at

Spawn if you want to join it it’s being organized by some of the mods if you’re having a Christmas day and you want to play a bit Minecraft we have our stuff you guys are amazing I

This video, titled ‘1300 Day Superflat Hardcore Minecraft World LIVE!!!’, was uploaded by RipMonts on 2023-12-24 15:32:13. It has garnered 128 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:02 or 10382 seconds.

How to get Diamonds in hardcore minecraft Today i am building a mountain in hardcore superflat minecraft! Minecraft 1.20.1 How to Build a base! Insperation from @Mogswamp

The World is now fully in 1.20 lets go find some templated and armour trims!

Discord link:- https://discord.gg/sqWTfZyKuZ

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    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft: Death and Destruction" 💀💀💀💀Looks like this meme really knows how to dig its way to the top with a score of 56! 💀💀💀💀 Read More

  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes

    The Lava-Filled Minecraft Server Bash! 🔥 #minecraft #minecraftmemes When you spend hours preparing for the Ultimate Minecraft Server Event, only to be killed by a creeper within the first five minutes. #minecraftfail #respawnneeded Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

    Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of exciting adventures and stunning visuals like those in the teaser trailer for the upcoming ‘Minecraft’ live-action movie starring Jason Momoa? If so, you’ll love the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can embark on epic quests, explore various biomes, gather resources, and face off against hostile mobs like Creepers and Endermen. Just like in the movie, teamwork is key as you uncover secrets about the world’s history and your true destiny. Experience the thrill of creative world-building and the power of… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses!

    Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses! Exploring the World of Minecraft Licenses The Rise of Minecraft: From Obscurity to Global Phenomenon Back in 2009, the Swedish developer Markus Persson, also known as Notch, created Minecraft. The game’s open world, limitless possibilities, and gameplay quickly propelled it to immense success and popularity. But did you know that Notch didn’t finish school and faced personal struggles? The journey of Minecraft’s development is truly fascinating. The Battle Between Piracy and Minecraft Licenses While some may argue that Minecraft can be easily pirated, understanding the value of a Minecraft license is crucial. Dive into the world of digital keys,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

    Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information the other day no do you know I I remember this guys guys chill out we’re live now yeah no it’s it’s play the baby hurt you it was the child’s fault are you still atro grinding for Terra 9 I still atro grinding for ter 9 actually Dam that’s so cute of you Luca screen shot when you give away please ma’am never again ma’am now my WiFi is decent maybe are you sure maybe y me to tab your stream for you Koolaid give you watch time yes please yes please yes please you know once… Read More

  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r4ITYhKLdY -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More

  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

    Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]Saga of Erynth is an up-and-coming 18+ MC RP server using D&D 5e as a base for the mechanics, with original lore and a high-fantasy setting.We intend for a unique and story-driven RP experience where the players can dictate the story in meaningful and interesting ways.We’re currently in early development and looking for talented people to fill our ranks, from builders to lore writers to server devs. If you’d like to assist us, follow the discord link: https://discord.gg/23p8DsKNMHLore Preview:Discovery and Blood. These words defined the age after the great Violation in the realm of Erynth. Nations rose and fell as… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

    Minecraft Memes - Dream's Real Face:OReal Dream :O? More like Real Creamy-O, am I right? Looks like someone had a little too much virtual dairy before bed! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge TutorialVideo Information Cómo lanzar una carga de viento en [Música] Minecraft Mira mi último vídeo que está ahí y entra a jugar a min latino This video, titled ‘⛏️⚒️ CÓMO LANZAR una CARGA DEVIENTO en MINECRAFT 🍃 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rikamyt on 2024-06-20 20:00:27. It has garnered 140 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Hello Minecrafters! 🎮✨ In this super fun meme-tutorial I’m going to teach you how to launch a wind charge in Minecraft 🌪️. Ready to unleash the power of the wind in your world? It is easier than… Read More