Unbelievable Grinding Techniques with Rocchi – You Won’t Believe It!【PALWORLD】

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[Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] hello people how’s it going wait hold on I’mma I’mma move the chat down a bit so that it’s more visible how how goes is it long time no see since yesterday all of yesterday there this is way better to easier to see yeah let’s do that I changed my monitor setup so I put my viewer what is it my extra monitor on the right so now I think it’s a little bit easier to like chat with chat I think I hope also guys I’m supposed to get like a bookshelf delivery today cuz I really need a bookshelf so my intercom might ring and I have to get up for like 3 four minutes in between but I will I don’t know what I’ll do but it’ll be fine it’ll be fine so yeah okay Hackle hello jury hello fos hello Kimberly hello toasted hello CeCe hello koraa hello uh Boogie hello dip hello CeCe OHA OHA K4 hello Jil morning jail Jil you just jail was just messaging me like bro why do I keep getting raided I know dude I know I know it stinks my poor creatures are dying but we don’t talk about that we don’t talk about that you know what I’m going to do hold on I’m going to do this do this yeah it’s 3:00 a.m. it’s 3:00 a.m. that’s pretty that’s pretty early morning isn’t it thanks for being around all the way at 3:00 a.m. okay let’s oh oh no I can’t get out I can’t get out okay okay okay okay okay okay help help okay look at look at that chunky animal look at that chunky thing doing something okay cool what did I just drop did I just not drop it no I have to go back I have to go back back all the way AA Aura did did I not grab it I didn’t grab it okay I thought I grabbed it I thought I grabbed it but I guess not there we go okay so what are we doing today I don’t know guys I finally figured out how to get Anubis I just want to put it out there that I figured out how to get Anubis because you have to breed them you have to breed Anubis I managed to figure it out I feel so proud about that I yeah I figured it out so I’m put out there also I think this thing is broken cuz I’m level eight and I still have terrible capture power I don’t have enough pokeballs everything everything is not enough I’m trying to get Vixie to dig up pokeballs for me and Vixie only gives me low level I have to figure out how to get higher level pokeballs do I have food I have food on me okay so we’re going to go try to to level up get some more technology somehow like there’s never enough technology points there’s never enough never enough for me for me for me okay yeah I don’t even know if I want to buy these cuz there’s barely any points okay so we’re going to go adventuring to try to yeah let’s go check out some caves C hello Angelica hello all these uses you two can be here one day I believe I believe you two can get to this point one day so let us go on an adventure do I have ammo I have ammo I have things let’s try to let’s try to make some pokeballs really quick let’s make how many can oo that’s a lot how many can I make 55 how many can I make 17 okay let’s make just 20 of these oh I guess I don’t need any look at how fast this what you leave don’t leave come back come okay oh you guys should all try to get Anubis you can breed him you know what you need to breed him you need that chunky dude right there and then you need a bron Cherry I think we have a bron Cherry I’ll show you what a bron Cherry is I have a bron Cherry here somewhere that’s not this is this is Bron Cherry you need Bron cherry and you need the relax sorus and if you put them in the breeding thing they’ll breed and they’ll create like a rocky egg and the rocky egg will make this dude that is the trick I finally figured it out I asked my friend I was like bro you’re way lower level than me how come you already got like three an anai anai and he was like oh yeah I I I bre I bred them I was like oh okay so that’s what I got to do there’s like a whole chart online that has like combinations of like characters you can make so I just want to put that out there so what are we going to do we needed to I got the po pow balls I got I got stuffs let me let me just look really quick what else do I need what what do we really need cement carbon fiber Ino and Palladium fragments I’m going to set some stuff carbon fiber are you kidding me mag okay okay okay okay okay got it we need Co set this why can I not make this I need real coal for it well that that stinks what never have okay today we’re going to go on an expedition to catch Pokemon and grab coal yes that’s what we’re going to do it’s going to be fine it’s dexas it’s leave the animals alone okay where shall we go also I just want to point out that I got this dude and he makes look at look at that look at this chubby buddy look at this chubby buddy look at wait hold on don’t go don’t go wait I want to see your face wo wait wo look at his look wait no look at his face look at his face look at this chubby face I just I just palmon did I say Pokemon I don’t know what you’re talking about what did I say look at his chubby face that just I just love it so much okay all the chubs okay let’s go let me think what do I want to get pal deck I want to I want to finish grabbing Vixie cuz we just need a few more Vixie and then let’s also get this guy where is his habit habitat can’t be active at this time okay we have to get him at night I need just one more of this dude I need more Vixie I need four more Vixie so let’s go grab Vixie we have tent we need depresso who’s also at night we have cremas we have Daydream we need one more Rush Shore and one more nox is a night dude okay so I know where to get this guy we have enough of the this dude fuddler kilari how come I haven’t gotten kilari yet where do you where are you all at night number 24 which I haven’t seen yet I don’t know I don’t know malist we need a few more so let’s try to go fill out our pal deck a bit more today cuz then we can level up and I want to level up really badly so I can get some of the higher level Pokémon I mean po p house without dying all the time because I’m tired of dying so okay first let’s go get let’s go get our fuzzy fuzzy buddy I think H I think over here peacefully we don’t talk about that we don’t talk about that toasted yeah right Pokemon dance so how’s it going guys how is life for those of you who were here yesterday during the the um during my sea game stream I don’t know what happened we suddenly had a lot more traffic than usual but it’s fine I’m here for it can I get her without doing anything can I get you without doing anything see this is what I mean how come she’s level four I’m level 41 it’s a capture rate is like 14% And I have like level eight LIF monk energy like it’s buggy it’s buggy it’s not working I hope I should like put in a ticket to like the power creators be like your guys’s like lift monk energy thing isn’t working it’s supposed to increase your capture rate and it’s not increasing the capture rate at all okay we need to find a boar that’s a lift monk I don’t need a LIF monk boy it’s getting kind of dark I guess we’ll get to see night time today what the night not here let’s try to find there’s a bunch of Cris where’s my Vixie where’s my Vixie there’s oh there’s a Vixie okay no don’t run don’t run don’t run don’t go don’t go I’m kind I’m kind Kus and Vixie look really similar can I bomb roow no don’t do it bomb me and I eat you you bumb me I eat you I eat you or eat you right one or the other I don’t know which one depends on my mood it’s getting night time so then maybe we can find the owl and some of the other night creatures that I haven’t gotten yet clearly should we see since it’s night can we find them not bore this Broski noox where are you it doesn’t seem to be active at this time what do you mean it’s night oh this is how you do it oh they’re everywhere okay and then dark also here okay I see got it got it so we’re in the right area let’s try to find them is that Vixie falling asleep there are you are you is that a Vixie are you a Vixie no that’s a spark it that’s a spark it that’s a spark it just a bunch of sparket I tried for so long I cannot find nox MCO I feel you so much I have like tried and tried to find some of these dudes and I can never seem to find them do I have enough sweeper wait hold on hold on I I wish there was a faster way to kind of check your pal deck I want to see do I have any more sweepa do I have the big ones I need them okay I’m sorry to disturb you in your sleep no hold on hold on don’t die hold on don’t die don’t die don’t die sorry sorry I’m sorry to take you away from your little ones just pretend you didn’t see them I’m cold nice got a sea at least we got something there’s F I guess it’s not really night time enough yet the day day of dreams are there so it must be enough like Darkness for I don’t know I don’t know it’s hard to find black market had one I haven’t you know I haven’t met a black market yet I haven’t met like a black marketeer yet there’s Fu what just happened why did I just lose my where is everybody where am I this is my question where am am I even where am I okay where where are these creatures that I’m looking for depresso found the depresso found the depresso I always put away my character before I try to grab Pokemon cuz every time like I’m in a low level area my beacon kills everybody no it sorry I feel so bad attacking it like that it deserves better [Music] okay let’s try to find more are those sounds I’m hearing in the game or in my reality like am I imagining oh no okay we’re at the church again where am I on the map where am I on the map I’m over here I don’t think they’re here are the depresso in this area wait hold on oh this is the hard part I have to keep switching back and forth s switching back and forth go up I am in the right area Okay cool so they should be here there’s Daydream there I found a lot of Daydreams I can’t find depress though they’re always hiding I just happened to stumble upon one because of my curiosity I need to I need to somehow stumble upon one too M playing hide-and-seek with the tra was winning I know I need to figure out how to do that too and just I just want to level up I just want to like get my pal de completed kitsu finished his for those you don’t know kitsu my my friend who’s our tech tech bro he finished his deck twice I like can’t even get like half my deck I don’t even know where I am right now it’s so hard to like do it in the dark though it’s so hard to find anything okay let’s just so hard to see so hard to find anything yeah we’ll try Desmond how are you Desmond how’s it going going it’s great to see you how goes is it you know what let’s just get that lift should we get that LIF monk energy I don’t know I don’t want to waste my time I want to try to get my characters first who are you tomat I don’t remember if I have you oh kind of strong oh you’re kind of strong okay I sorry I just I don’t want to waste my bullets also I think I’m going to accidentally kill him there’s dead dream who are you a hookes you’re the one I was looking for can I have you you’re the one we found a hookes let’s go cuz more espresso less depresso more espresso less depresso exactly why is he this is what I mean it’s broken it’s broken it’s bro it’s so broken it’s not me it’s this game it’s semi-broken but that’s okay I still enjoy it we’re getting somewhere that’s what this that’s what day dream just said I can’t tell am I imagining those noises is that happening in game is that game sounds is that in-game in-game Environmental man why do these guys eat so much bro everybody’s always so hungry I fall off this map that’s a Cris I don’t know where I’m going but I’m going somewhere in the hopes of finding something I have no idea where I am I can like literally not see no idea where I am but I see it thing over there so I’m going to aim for it oh oh okay where am I where where am I oh I’m over oh oh oh I see the pink King thing wait hold on that’s not but I oh I kind of think I know where we are oh we’re near the church thing okay what was in here again what was in this thing again what was this again is this just the what was this oh this is the one where we had have the the Gris bolt GIS bolt I remember kind of we got the hooker tees so maybe we should try to go somewhere else lawren you have so much gold so much gold okay should we try to go for somewhere else try here again maybe I go go on to the other side of the settlement and see if I can find anything the other side of the settlement might have my answers not this direction let’s go let’s go this direction beyond the gossiping villagers no is that the wrong direction it it it oh wa Jury has more jur is so strong Drey has so many gold so much gold much gold gold very strong strong I have no idea where I am we maybe we should go find some dungeons to wait guys I know a dungeon I haven’t been to yet or like an area I wanted to go to but I I almost died when I went there if you guys oh wait I didn’t do it on stream I did it off stream she can bomb me more don’t bomb me I’m just child I’m just I’m just I’m just little r roll I don’t don’t bom me I’m just little r roll why would you ever hurt little r r oh it’s becoming sunny again okay let’s go let’s go to that one place that I haven’t been to in a long time and see if I can we can find anything so you know where it is it’s right here I just heard someone laugh that scared me okay this is where our old base used to be but if we go over here there was like this cave here and I almost died in the cave round two so there’s a bunch of wolves here okay lamb ball it’s over here there’s a cave somewhere here yeah right here and I died I just remember dying here that’s all I remember okay let’s hope we’ll not die this time Manuel how are you thank you so much for the Super Chat how’s it going bro hold on let me make sure the Super Chat sounds are on it should be on okay it should be on I went in here last time and I died I just want to make it clear I don’t want to die again hopefully my creatures can save me I think this is where the black marketers probably was but thanks so much menal it’s great to see you see this guy oh he’s only level 40 I think I can oh oh wait I see I trade any kind of pal whether it’s stolen pals are even prohibited take a look buy Contraband okay I’m here to buy Contraband also I realize I might not be in the right spot on my screen let me do this or maybe maybe I should be here maybe I should be here yeah they have hungu hungu is really cheap insert this guy I don’t know ARA ARA ARA ARA okay can I sell stuff to him how much money do I make if I sell something to him 1,720 they not worth a lot the my my characters they’re not worth a lot H I’m a little bit disappointed I expected them to be worth more okay okay that’s fine worth 10,000 the mammoth is worth 10,000 so wealthy I’m not surprised you can sell Pals this whole game is very very sus there used to be a giant creature here that always attacked me I guess not can I kill the black if I kill the black marketer will he respawn will he respawn I don’t know should I can you catch the dealer should I can I can I can he really respawn can I can I can I grab him should I try I don’t know should I go get him I’m not sure I I don’t I don’t know I don’t want to die okay let’s see I feel like if I try to attack him he’ll end me and before you catch him and bring him to your base and have full access do I want full access okay are we going to try okay I feel like I need someone stronger I need okay oh he’s strong he’s strong oh no you can do it you can do it what the oh my gosh why is this so low power okay the black market is still alive oh I got the Cognito I think maybe why does he have such a leave my sugaku alone leave my suzaku alone you monster leave my leave my oh no no don’t a that don’t aim that at me don’t aim that at me okay we’re almost I need to get him really low right before I can capture him what oh so you can catch them oh no okay do I need like an ultra Ultra Ultra thing yeah 6% 6% capture 6% no I need to get my My Pal back or else he’s going to end this guy okay last try that was like so many pal spars all my pal spars no enough of you how much do I have to keep attacking you to get you okay I feel like he’s going to die if I do this okay wait hold on time out time out where’s my stick okay can I can I get him if I do that it’s 8% now what brosi this is bull I don’t have anym this he’s literally at like 1% he is literally at 1% what okay I don’t know what else to do he was at 1% he was at 1% bruh he was at 1% I don’t know if he’ll respawn if I do that took me a lot to capture one regular guy I know I think I need to get like the next upgrade ball for this yikes okay that was painful that was painful okay let’s go get these dudes so they drop something for me by the way the Syndicate guys always is always drops stuff for me so if you need bullets and stuff they can at least you can handle level 40 mob well I’m level 41 I feel like at this point I should be able to right I’m just going to chill just going to chill here grab his stuff insta defeated nice okay where shall we go actually I didn’t mean to do that let’s go back I don’t know I don’t know how to find somewhere I can’t handle a lot of them yeah you you can once you level up and that’s why like capturing capturing Pals is really important for leveling up even if you don’t really use them once you capture them like right here they give you free resources and like they do barely do any damage to Beacon so see pal spere this guy what do you drop he dropped gold coins dropped more gold so it’s like easy points okay let’s go somewhere else let’s try to find another spot oh hello good day okay drop some more resources let’s go kind of around and see if there’s anything else to grab here yep TST painful I just realized this is like two fighting Warriors oh huh I just realize that very cool let’s find some more ooh ammo handgun ammo for me only five but still better than nothing yeah also different like animals have different like flying speeds I think I have all the cinem cinem yeah I maxed out my cinem I want this in in incin knocked I have to find it at night but where habitat at night wait hold on wait what habitat at night wait what this spot right here what is here I didn’t even know there was a thing here what’s over here wait I got to go check this out wait what only in one spot on my and over here somewhere I haven’t realize these are things there’s stuff here have you tried doing the GL grappling glider glitch I have not what is that I do not know this okay I think I have all the robin Quil too don’t attack me I’m chilling I’m not even attacking you sit down there has to be a faster way to search through this pal deck I need a search search bar Robin quill oh I need one more perfect oh oh okay thank you who who demon wolf thank you so much for the follow on Twitch no okay cool I need one more of him noise maxed it this mess over here let’s just have Beacon end it so that we can get all the goods nice thank you as they’re higher level they drop more stuff this guy over here is gone okay grab their stuff just grab all their loot they have the best stuff I feel really bad about it but they always have good ammo and things oh oh okay good day good day sir I think these pal Alliance people always have um they tend to have like AR ARs and stuff so if you need arrows you should grab them basically grapple ahead of you into the ground then right before you hit the ground cancel and open your glider oh you know that that really reminds me of fortnite not going to lie okay let’s get to should we go back this way is that the right direction no that’s the wrong direction this way okay this is the right direction I this map is a little laggy but it’s fine it’s fine do we have bushy do we have brista do we have enough brista brista do we we have you every time I open this to look you up did I just get hit Broski you’re not going to last long if you hit me good day good day yeah and this dude how dare you I wasn’t even attacking you I wasn’t even doing anything I was just chilling and you had no chill where’s my where’s my where’s the where’s the thing o there’s a box here fancy where is it’s over there okay I just couldnot find the Waypoint yeah arrows cross is fine for low mid Pals they’re really great also when you’re higher level and you can’t capture a pal but you need them to be a little bit lower Health without killing them then it’s good to have like arrows cuz then you can use arrows do such little damage so it makes it easier let’s go see is there anybody here I don’t think there’s any is there anything here I don’t think there’s anything here I should go try fighting elizabe have I not fought elizabe do you want to do you guys want to go fight elizabe really quick let’s go fight elizabe cuz we can let’s go fight elizabe and then let’s go find the new place that I didn’t know existed mother okay good to go we’re going to go try to find elizabe somewhere over here somewhere up here somewhere these birds always attack me I don’t like them the G always attack me I don’t like them I think they’re somewhere here elizabe is supposed to be here where’s my elizabe sometimes these spots are a little wonky cuz like it’s supposed to be here I am literally on this why not here why where the be where the elizabe elizabe hello hello is it below me where is the elizabe yo yo where the bee John how are you how’s it going where’s the bee I can’t find the bee am I in the wrong spot do they move around I don’t think so okay never mind then couldn’t find the bee let’s go up some more capturing the birds is a little bit of a pain cuz they they a little bit of a pain I’m just going to try to skip this guy don’t attack me don’t attack me I said don’t attack me okay we’re going to go I love how they come attack me even though I could insta end them it’s in a cave below what are you serious are you serious bro are you serious it’s in a cave below really okay okay we’re going back we’re going back thanks kill switch I was like I could not find I could not find okay okay I was like I couldn’t tell if there was anything below or not okay good to know good to know we’re going back we’re going back we’re going to go back below right oops that was by accident what’s Elizabeth’s skill weakness I need to figure it out okay my poor Bird’s hungry he’s hungry you’re hungry I have much food I don’t have much food at all I’m a guys I don’t have food wait I have I have bread I have bread I have bread will you eat some bread my poor bird not even enough food cave Below on this side ooh something over here these chests respawn too I think cave below let’s grab this is it down here cave below is this not cave below there’s no there’s no entrance here is it down further down is it further down maybe put the food slot in for I should do that I never do that wait is there there’s no cave here is it some other entrance might as well get this while I can some other entrance some other entrance where is this cave am I imagining it am I imagining it do I not do I not why do I not okay o there’s a pow ball here love getting pow balls on the ground they’re never big though they’re never like the really really good spheres but where wait what I thought it would be like right here but there’s nothing there cave is it real is there a cave somewhere here I’m supposed to be seeing why am I not seeing it this is not a cave can I go in here somewhere is there somewhere hello no yeah not here is it the other side on the other side cave right here oh there’s something here my poor Bird’s hungry I don’t see it I don’t see it I don’t see it guys I don’t see this cave I don’t see this cave I don’t see it kill switch where is it I don’t know I don’t know are you were you guys kidding what I thought I thought there was a cave I thought there was a cave what oh no I’m sorry I thought there would be oh no worries it’s okay totally fine it’s good to explore I guess let’s go let’s go fight this dude who is this I haven’t fought this dude let’s go fight that dude right there and then I want to go catch that kn creature that we were talking about earlier oh there’s a there’s a thing over here there’s a cave I don’t think there’s a cave over there I kind of need a [Music] dazzy okay look we got the last st e my my you know what let’s do this ice bro it’s been a while since I threw this guy out go eat them go end them oh no he got stuck why is he stuck what’s happening he’s so chub oh insta kill so CH oh oh oh oh what the who are you I don’t think I have you who are you who’s this guy he’s glitching out he’s glitching out oh he died okay never mind then well that was funky okay okay there’s so many goras they’re so cute Qui quick quick quick quick quick quick ah what the freak they attack so hard okay my suzaku killed one really fast bro hello my capture rate is supposed to be higher than this okay enough of you why are they so strong why why they’re half my level and my capture rate is so bad my capture rate is so bad is there really a cave there coordinates on this wait are there coordinates in this game wait hold on there coordinates there’s no coordinates there are coordinates in this game are you serious are you serious wait hold on no why am I being attacked why are you attacking me ma’am leave me be oh no she’s exploding she’s exploding she’s exploding no no no no no don’t come close Don’t Come Close Don’t Come Close Don’t Come Close Don’t Come Close Don’t Come Close oh my gosh what are these bees why are they exploding I mean that’s such a that’s so realistic to a bee though their wings are still flapping which is kind of kind of creepy okay wait hold on is there really coordinates wait hold on now I have to see 311 152 wait hold on minus 31 right here I didn’t know there were coordinates right here right there the cave for this over here that you mean it goes underground or something are you sure do I trust you I don’t know my viewers have steered me wrong before I’m going to go here first why did I not just fast travel there why did I not fast travel suzaku why did I not fast travel why did I decide to do this suzaku has like it’s slow but has a lot of sorry that’s wrong it’s okay it’s fine it’s fine I’ll figure it out I’ll figure it out I’ll figure it out southeast of elizabe ah next time then it’s fine we’ll go fight this dude first I’m dying because I don’t have any any food okay wait okay that gives me a little bit of food let’s try to go here first I haven’t done this one before we may or may not die here I don’t know they said it was on site to protect to the queen I know maybe you’re too intimidating roow I know they keep attacking I thought I thought it would be there it’s fine it’s totally fine it’s okay now biggie let’s go fight in the dungeon cuz why not why not let’s go PE Pew have I found it did you find it in the game I want this creature so bad I only have a gigos spere though do you think I can get them what goes against what what goes against Grass I think it is Fire come on suzaku I believe you can do it oh this dude’s really strong this dude is really strong okay hold on what goes against what what what do you fight what do you fight grass with I don’t even know what to fight grass with what what do you fight grass with I don’t know come on nubis you can do it that didn’t work okay maybe ice fire is the best so fire is the best bushy so it was fire okay oh my God this might we might die here okay you can do it you can do it suzu you can do it oh my gosh you can do it suzaku you’re dying but you can do it should have had more Fire PS I think suzaku is going to die so we’re going to put ice over here ice chubby body over here you can do it oh my my aim it’s doing like no damage it’s doing like no damage there’s like zero damage on this okay suzaku I need you you’re the only one so intimidating wait can I get you can I just try and capture you no okay that’s fine wait oh man I don’t even have my fire arrows e [Music] e you can do it Mo it’s like a little bit more he’s chasing me he’s chasing me he’s chasing me it’s like it’s like 50/50 am I going to win I don’t know am I going to be able to defeat this dude I don’t know it’s like a little bit more what no no no okay retry we got to get more fiery folks we’ll get more fiery folks man sad okay okay okay okay okay okay got to get more fiery folks got it put my suzaku back Robin [Music] ctera van this broski Wan Anubis is probably not the right person here this Broski over here pyron Pyon just take a bunch of Fire characters with me paled fire tornado add them they’re pretty strong yeah I was going to say I that this guy is mine too Vixen I have Vixen do I have a high level wixen I don’t should I grab a high level wixon and throw him in high level 30 31 they’re all fire they can do this I think they’ll be fine Mound needs to recover let’s [Music] borrow wait options Survival Guide elements yeah it is fire grass I always get this confused fire against ice dragon dark and neutral okay good to know good to know Nightwing I think we should just try maybe I should steal my my teammates um vixen should I do that I I don’t know I don’t know I feel like I should have some variety just take this level baby level Vixen fast travel back cuz I’mma die sadge it’s fine I did it had fire tornado but it didn’t work found Elizabeth if you want to fight her next I do I do J I want to fight her next after please tell me got to grab my stuff really quick cuz I died do I have enough bullets I have bullets okay we’re good we’ll do this and then we’ll go fight him no how are you round two this time for sure I do believe this time we’ll be fine I have so many fiery creatures is he taking a nap Broski is taking a nap guys guys he’s taking a nap he’s taking a nap I’m in the middle of a battle and you’re taking a nap don’t take a nap we in the middle of a fight how he just literally took a nap I walked in he was taking a nap why are you taking a nap vilet why why why is she taking a nap she’s on fire I feel a little bad for her but at the same time she almost killed me I need heal I needed to get food I should have gotten food when I was at the base okay after this will fast travel back really quick grab some food did I just miss did I just miss did I just miss hitting you no that was by accident that was by accident that was by accident pyron’s going to die let’s go chubby buddy let’s go chunky chunky chunky Roar that’s right oh so oh so so so so just a rock he summoned a rock and threw a rock at her no vix and I Choose You what they’re kind of not able to keep up cuz level 38 is pretty strong I guess H not these grenades every time my gun does not load all the fire all the tornadoes oh to to to vixen’s really strong I forget how strong vixon is let’s go Vixen let’s go o smooth oh so vixen’s really strong I didn’t realize oh no my vixen’s going to die maybe vanon needs to be the one to go out okay it’s really strong the flying around makes it hard to aim also I can’t change my my aim settings which makes it really hard to aim my manner is pretty strong though running in circles running in circles leave me alone leave me alone don’t chase after me I don’t like being chased okay a little bit more can I capture I only have a giga sphere I don’t even have the right sphere for this okay let’s see I don’t have the right sphere for this eat eat eat eat that no I wanted her okay that’s fine good job Vander you worked so hard I really wanted her okay Jil tell me where the tell me where the uh is he dead I know he’s so strong so level 40 black marketer dealer is weaker than level 30 it’s like it’s that’s the thing is in this game it’s kind of wonky like who’s strong and who’s not okay where do I go where do I need to go for this for the bee oh no send it also they reset they do they do they do reset but I don’t want to fight it again okay let me go back to base really quick and drop off my incapacitated pokies incapacitated appals I mean uh repo let’s keep man cuz she’s pretty she’s pretty strong we’ll drop Pyon and let’s take oh this guy’s also fire I just realized Blaze Hall is fire I didn’t realize that I really like dazzy usually fuddler wo no I usually go with my Mal Chris maybe my Mal Crist wo’s pretty strong but let’s go with this this setup I think for the next one also I need to get food before I go need food need food let’s take let’s take some Tom not not Tomatoes what food do you guys have can I take something honey you just have honey you have a bunch of milk and honey there’s a bunch of milk and honey and Cake milk honey and Cake yeah it’s not too bad 1 hour is there’s some that reset like take a long time to reset if I remember correctly and do this here reset this I think I need to grab a couple of the bigger pow balls before we go medicine box this thing this thing oh wait hold on all why is this here sometimes they put it in random boxes it’s kind of annoying you’re live h I haven’t seen you online in so long AR I’ve been online for quite a bit this week I think but it’s okay no worries it’s nice to see you how’s it going how goes is it uh put can I take something let’s go up really quick and grab eggs cuz I think I had some eggs incubating so I’m going to grab them really quick yeah had some eggs that were incubating let’s grab the incubating eggs first next time remember to retract your pal if the boss is low yeah I usually do that but at the same time I was like I wasn’t sure if I could capture him so here we are orer let’s go more orer okay look at this chubby buddy I love this chubby buddy so much you’re so cute my chubby Bud okay and do I have ammo Mo I don’t have much ammo it’s fine I guess why are they always so like what is it gluttonous I’m doing good was happy I finally got your stream I’m so glad I’m glad you’ve been well that’s nice to hear let’s take nine and then let’s go have some more ammo in the making so that we don’t have problems when we get back is that Quagsire I don’t know they’re yeah I don’t know let’s make wow I can make one set of ammo what is this why is it like this why is there Never Enough ammo and okay let’s go find the bee Jil where is the bee kativa is always cowardly yeah some are gluttonous by Nature I know that the do you need more ammo thanks for checking kill I think I need to go maybe we can go buy ammo really quick and then I want to go oh the Brun Cherry Aqua too wait there’s so many so many Pals I haven’t defeated oh there’s so many bosses we can go after now I’m I forgot about that okay wait hold on I want to do beard first but let’s go buy ammo really quick yeah let’s go buy ammo really quick I need to get more gunpowder but I just buy it because I feel like it’s faster to just buy dm’d it thanks okay I will check there’s a glitch for for catching the boss though for like some of the bosses I think we can figure it out we can figure it out it’s not a big deal we’ll go figure it out let’s just buy ammo really quick wait that’s not the right one yeah not this guy this guy this guy’s the one that has ammo bye I’m going to die oh I need to get out of here before I actually die my health is going down really slowly cuz I’m in I’m in a bad spot there’s a way to farm ammo like in like the farm ammo how what there is guys I don’t have a lot of I don’t have any food this is a problem every time K what’s this what’s this it’s shiny coal love finding coal on the ground you got to get out of here go back to thank you thank you so much for the follow GI Gian is it Gian Justin thank you so much for the follow on Twitch oh that is my bell I will be right back got to go got to go answer my intercom okay sorry guys I live in a I live in a building with like security so so I got a bell that my my I I I ordered a bookshelf from Amazon cuz I just moved and I need a bookshelf and so the intercom was ringing oh it’s probably going to ring again like three times because there’s like three different doors that they have to go through weird for Frozen fre row I’m sorry I’m hungry I’m hungry I need food maybe I should just take a bunch of tomatoes maybe maybe berries berries are good let’s take a bunch of berries this is their food let me not take it from their food let me take it from here let’s take some milk but milk doesn’t last long milk spoils too fast let’s take some of this and then is there nobody cooling it do we not have any pets that are cooling uh-oh do we not have any coolers we do okay by element where’s the cooling J can cool little s can cool guy’s a runner little s can cool good cooling SE ooh serious Sweet let’s have no this is my my lucky Sweet let’s not use lucky Sweet let’s just use a runner or maybe we can get the Mal Christ to level up this guy’s baby let’s have him level up is he going to go work are you going to go work oh you good little kitty look at him works so hard I’m so proud of you I’m so proud of you you where’s my Pat Pat Pat Pat you’re being such a good little good little good little Nick good little Nick Santos how are you food spoils in the game oh yeah it totally spoils it like expires I just saw your YT shorts now I’m here welcome thank you for coming over oh there’s my there’s my intercom again I will be right for I back you know what’s funny I so I ordered two bookshelves I ordered like a smaller one and a bigger one one and the bigger one was supposed to get here today and the smaller one was supposed to get here tomorrow but somehow the smaller one arrived so okay that’s fine I guess I what okay that’s fine I wonder if Roo’s boss knows that Roo is a streamer no my boss does not know I’m a streamer I no never my boss knows I sing but my boss doesn’t know that I’m a streamer actually like depending on what company you’re in it’s better not to tell your company that you have a life outside of work because they don’t like it when you have a life outside of work there some companies like that unfortunately and my company is one of them my company like you know my co-workers aren’t bad people they’re nice people but for them their priority is very much work and for them their life and joy in life is work and that’s totally fine you know like my dad’s one of those people who really loves his job like he loves working like his work but yeah I’m not one of those people so what’s up oi hello welcome welcome to chat G huh what you mean roro is boss I am boss I am I am the boss yeah that’s right that’s right oh she what is it g knows what’s up G knows what’s up wait hold on I need to feed myself I’m hungry I’m hungry I live off of berries live off of berries and I need to see what JL sent me JL told me that he knows where the where is it J I look I search it’s there oh got it thank you so much okay okay now I know where to go let’s fast travel why is my armor broken oh no okay wait hold on we got to fix armor really quick fix armor really quick I got I got attacked way to no that’s not the right one I got attacked too many times should I repair this I feel like I waste my money every time I repair that thing no I’m going to repair it it’s broken it’s fine how much choco would it take for you to speak fairy on stream never I won’t do it I’ll never you can you can pay me a million choco and I would still not speak fairy on stream you could pay me the entire world supply of chocolate you could pay me $10 million and I would still not speak fairy on stream yeah yeah no never it I don’t my the fact that I can speak fairy would do me faster than if I gave you the name of my college my if I like my what I speak would dox me faster then you know it would dox me so fast that I don’t even write it on my job applications for work I don’t write it anywhere yeah it would no I might as well just do a face reveal and I would get doxed more slowly than if I spoke fairy that’s why I will never speak fair and I mean I mean I mean um fairy is too powerful for the human ears and people might die and the world might end if I speak it so we don’t speak fairy no no no no no no no no no no no okay there that’s my answer let’s go fight the bee let’s go fight the bee I like okay here’s what I’ll say I like Fe I like speaking fairy but I also really really value my freedom in the human world I worked so hard to get from the fairy realm to the human realm and I don’t want to ruin my chance of like enjoying my life in the human realm because I think a lot of you understand this but in like your day-to-day life sometimes what the don’t attack my dazzy what’s wrong with you this Broski just came and attack me out of nowhere do you have to be born sping speaking fair or can you learn it on Dual lingual something um I don’t know if you can learn it on dualingo I don’t think so it’s a really uncommon language yes yes even fairies sometimes struggle to speak I don’t speak fairy well let me say it that way I don’t even speak fairy well so but I just yeah no no that’s all I’ll say no more than that no more than that it could be a whole language it could be a dialect it could be a fake language who knows who knows who knows it might it might dox me as a as a super fandom Star Wars I mean um I mean what I mean what I speak clling on what what I am here is this the one is this the one thanks so much J you showed me where to go roro species is endangered on Earth yeah it’s it might not even be a human language who knows who knows I can’t give it away but yeah I I will do anything to keep my anonymity almost anything almost anything so I that’s just really important to me so for a lot of different reasons but very important to me so you know when I was a kid I wanted to be an actress I loved acting so much but one of the reasons I never wanted to become like never really pushed for it other than the fact that it’s really hard to become an actress right like there are amazing actresses and stuff in the world and I can’t like compare to that necessarily but one of the reasons because you have to show your face I don’t want to show my face my this is my priority right here getting the lift monk energy fight why no no I hate this [Music] thing no my gosh I hate these bees I swear they explode is so annoying freaking so annoying okay hold on if I eat right now it’ll help me get my energy back okay I’m fine we’re fine I should have had one more fiery dude okay vander’s going to die fuder you can do it what goes against Grass it’s not it is fire right fuddy oh nice throw fuddy you did good I’m so proud of you don’t hurt fuder look at him small little boy why you attack him like that why you do [Music] that no I I should have broughten I should have brought bigger P spheres no no no no no don’t attack don’t attack don’t attack don’t attack okay cool I’m going to die I might I might die oh no okay I might die I might die I might die I might die I might die I might die no why why is this lady so strong oh my gosh no okay never mind whatever it’s fine boss kills it is why is it why it’s always like not having for moment I was terrified that was my game and a Bard snuck up on me bro I feel you I these these creatures I swear okay thanks for helping me find the dungeon guys thanks jail I hate those beasts so much this is what I found fairy that’s right that sounds about right I speak in I star heart Thunder symbol weird symbol music note star snowflake star dot sideways heart sideways Moon male symbol star dop o p heart that’s right that’s that’s be speaking fairy right now yes Amazon delivers on Sundays here in Japan yeah here in Japan they do don’t don’t the D dongin wait was it is it the wuin the wuin I’m sorry can you tell me how to pronounce your name welcome Hello swe is my second favor cute thank you eat hi everyone Hi Santa s Santa did I already not say Hi also Hano hello salutations salutations catching up but yeah sishi welcome grass Clippers are best against Grass I swear is that what it is is that how you do it fight grass with grass I love he just jumped in place let’s do this where do I go from here over here no over here no no no beard and to too because they explode on you and you’re just like why do you do that why do you n let flap flap over here grab this box of things always carry keys on you cuz some boxes need keys and you need keys to open the boxes no scissors are best against Grass if you have scissors can we go here I want to know what’s over here one of my pals is dead but that’s fine and I’m going to be feeling really hot here yep it needs to like give me a chance to change my clothes right feed everybody okay let’s do this which way what is happening over there is that a summoning Circle ooh let’s go see what they have hello there maybe they have something good can I say a dad joke bro no fine I’ll allow one because I’m kind I’ll give you one dad joke oh my gosh this is the dude with the flamethrower I hate this dude with the flamethrower hate these dudes with the flamethrower but they have good loot so I can’t complain okay what’s this where are we going where am I trying to go this is a settlement this is a fortress City oh yeah last time I was here I died I remember I was like level 20 something and I came over here and then I insta died can I say a d there you go I got you one dad joke spill what is this great dad joke you have sir oh no I should get ice how dare you hurt my mou chist [Music] no you can do it you can do it oh my gosh it’s just dark in fire now and my dazzy is on fire dazzy is on fire dazzy don’t be on fire oh my God what the freak is happening why are these guys so strong why is he so strong what the okay what is happening even my gun is stronger my gun is stronger why is it this guy I just can’t what is up with this capture rate I don’t understand I’m like 10 levels higher than him I’m literally 10 levels higher than him I don’t understand are you serious I don’t understand he is at like 1 [Music] HP no you’re one HP you’re 1 HP it’s one HP what E I swear I swear I swear this is rigged oh my okay Mega feere it is .1% capture rate I will keep throwing this until I get capture are you serious wow okay use a lower cap wow okay that’s fine we’re going to go back really quick we’re going to go back to base and we’re going to procure a bunch of pow balls if you jump off the top of the ball will it Escape probably I think I’ve jumped on top of the ball before I don’t remember I almost got taken into the sky I remember that part though I remember I almost like flew into the into the middle of nowhere I could try the pressure is on you only get one chance I swear this this freaking game I swear we got to make pow balls or else it’s just not going to oh man all my all my pals are like semi not well I feel kind of bad suzaku is fine now so let’s put him back my Mal Christ is not fine so I put the Mal Chris back fire fire fire all fire okay who else do we take my dazzy is here I might drop wyvern and grab a different fuddler different fuddler fuder is pretty strong so let’s take a fuddler with us digit toys the mamist I need I need a I need a g grass poke grass pal I don’t have a grass pal and dazzy only has a little bit of water I think I think I need to like get rid of one fire okay I fire electric maybe dazzy needs to go I’m sorry dazzy Let’s find let’s find a different watery pal to grab watery pal what’s a who’s a watery watery buddy which one of you is watery nobody’s watery okay I need someone watery Goin the most watery Broski I have is oh you know it’s funny because relaxa orus Lux is a is a it’s a dragon and it’s lightning yeah let’s drop this guy here how’s the weather in Japan it is sunny today actually kind of impressive how are they all I don’t know we feed them food and everything I don’t understand they’re always like upset about something they’re always like angry about something okay let’s do this and then I need to go sleep and wake up cuz they’re all asleep take a nap what do you call a group of men waiting in line for a haircut a barbecue they don’t get enough row R time I’m busy trying to put food on the table I’m busy trying to make sure that they’re fed I’m I’m busy trying to gather resources I’m busy I can’t do anything about it okay why is there what what do we what are we going to do what are we going to what are we going to do let’s try to grab a large Frozen egg grab some water stuff let’s grab some watery eggs and drop them in wait hold on this guy needs to be frozen cuz damp eggs is too much too close to the fire let’s do some pow pow this box thing okay drop down here real quick move this stuff over here it’s good if you stay organized cuz then it makes it easy when you need things later to like take stuff bro your children are hungry you’re just hatching eggs and not feeding them I am feeding them look they have a whole little box of food they have like a whole 10 boxes of food how much more food that they need huh like how much how much must I feed them for them to be satisfied huh there’s so much food over there what is what are they complaining what do you guys want look I will show you look at how much food we keep here look at this how much how much more do they need how much how much more do they need how much more happy they get to work Roo in the first place it’s a priv exactly it’s a privilege to work for me they should be thankful let’s see I need maybe I don’t I shouldn’t even waste time making these now let’s make some of the big ones let’s make a bunch of Let’s Make a bunch of these this guy is pretty fast such a fast crafter look at that rosi so fast gunpowder barely any I really need to make ooh just two okay we’re going to go try to get some coal really quick let’s go get some coal I’m doing my best Fang I’m doing my best I’m doing my bestest that I possibly can we’re going to go get some coal and come back if you guys think that they’re working for minimum wage working in a factory what do you mean minimum wage I give them so much food I give them so much sustenance I don’t understand what they could possibly want more than that these brosis never mine coal do they okay yeah how much food do you feed one pal all the food they could possibly want to eat I feed them I’m so kind I feed them like a bajillion resources worth of food bajillion bajillion food the office pizza party kind of pay what do you mean I give them high quality milk from a masarina okay high quality goods and they yet complain I don’t know what to say to that oh what am I supposed to say to that it’s not my fault I don’t know can a fuddler dig fuddler can you can you can you dig can you mine fuddler you can mine but you can’t be assigned here what do you mean he can’t be assigned does he not mine is this not mining only the digitals mines but digial like I have to find like a creature that’s really really good did one of your Pal’s died during the empress B fight that’s not good what are you talking about my pal didn’t die he just went to sleep he just took a nap my pal just took a little chunky nap I don’t know what you’re talking about what do you mean die I would never never hurt my pal like that what what do you mean walking super slowly but it’s worth it it’s worth it a very very long nap that’s right very very chunky long nap just needed a lot of rest no worries it happens sometimes they get sleepy you know it’s very normal it’s very normal I’m going to I’m going to take as much as I can before I go back X fos X how’s your day going my day is going well my day is going well it’s been a bit busy but it’s going well just trying to I have a lot of office work to do so I need to do that later but I’m just trying to get some other stuff done taking a break today cuz this week’s going to be really busy for me at work so taking a break oh yeah by the way the rest of this week I’ll probably be doing vertical streams throughout the week I don’t know how many I’ll do but I’ll try to do quite a few but I really want to push for 40K on YouTube guys we’re almost there we’re almost at 40K on YouTube I want to get to 40K so I’m going to be trying to stream a lot more this week we’ll play games and stuff of course um and of course it’s not all about the numbers in terms of what do you call it the channel like that’s not all that’s important but I really really want to get there cuz we’re so close so since we’re so close I want to try to push to get there there aren’t really any partner tiers on YouTube though do you edit your own YouTube videos it depends sometimes the video I edit it myself um my shorts I edit myself almost all my shorts are my own edits but some YouTube videos I sometimes get my friend who’s an editor um I helped him build his portfolio so he gives me discounts but editing is kind of it’s like a really tough job so I try to pay well for it and so I can’t always get all my videos edited unfortunately but yeah yes yes those take long yeah I I edit myself I have a full-time job it’s not even just full-time it’s like around 50 to 60 hours a week and then I try to do my YouTube stuff on top of it so it’s a lot of work and that’s why I’m not always as fast as I’d like to be with getting content out but I I appreciate your guys’ patience with sometimes me being a little slow but I’m working on my new um face update I’m getting a haircut I’m getting some new clothes so I’m really excited about that because that means that means we get some new new updates so the person who who’s um who did my clothing update isn’t the person who originally did my model for me like who did my my fairy face for me um but but yeah she’s she’s really I really so I tend to work with people who don’t have a lot of I don’t know I like finding like people who are really tal what who I think are really talented but who don’t really have as big an audience and I like working with them because then like it gives them I don’t know I I feel really happy kind of working with with other small creators so yeah so I’m really excited to show and then I’m I’m working on my rig with edaan again so the same person who rigged me last time is rigging me this time Z hello how are you so I’m really excited about that that’s going to be in a a couple months it’s in progress so I’m excited about it yeah okay what am I going to do what are we doing next oh yeah we needed to get some of this thing I bet I can scare you boo boo what what who said that who said that who did that who who did that who made that noise who who said that what okay should we go try to find this thing now one more time one more time let’s go try to find that that creature that was there somewhere in the distance that I can’t find right now somewhere somewhere trying to figure out where it is it’s this way I guess I haven’t been on this side before H somewhere here that area over there did not exist before I just want to put that out there can I go through this o I can’t it’s like a maze it’s like a little maze this was not there before I don’t know what this is but it wasn’t there before I just want to put that out there o she please don’t bring up other creators thank you I don’t I don’t also like I don’t think that’s a really fair question please don’t put me on the spot thank you so yeah we’re going to go explore this area that I’ve never I didn’t realize existed I thought i’ I CU I tried to go to that tree last time from over there on the right side I tried to go from the Ice Area to the tree and I wasn’t able to get in my bad I forgot no worries but I think most creators are like most most creators I don’t think are appreciated if you bring up a different Creator so same with me like please don’t bring me up in someone else’s stream yeah no no no cuz think of it this way it like puts them on the spot they can’t so how okay so like they can’t really say what they want to say either like they can’t be like like I don’t know how to describe it it’s just a it’s just a difficult question to answer so I just don’t allow it but yeah oh my gosh we found the in oh my gosh he’s level 41 he’s level 41 he’s level 41 he’s level 41 he’s level 41 he’s level 41 fos dragon is flying F dragon is flying F probably made his dragon fly I think your dragon evolves as you’re in the chat yeah would you hire an editor if it means getting more content out on YouTube um I don’t know criminal activity underway what does that even mean there’s a chubby Bon I want to get this guy though what does it mean criminal activity underway oh he’s not as strong as I thought he would be maybe I spoke too soon oh my poor little animal oh my gosh he’s kind of strong what is the criminal activity on underwe thing what is that did I just waste a hypersphere did I just waste a hypersphere I may or may not be poaching what do you mean what do you mean what is this what is this place I hate how many balls I have to use for this dude I swear it’s just going to be death after this okay look at this one oh no he looks look angry no wait hold on suzaku why is he so chubby I love it he looks like a chubby chubby like I don’t know I just really love how chubby he is look at that was painful sir he’s so chubby he’s so chubby he’s so chubby he’s so chubby why is it criminal activity why is this criminal activity what is happening okay suzaku needs to go or else I won’t be able to catch him 1.82% bro an animal stage what are you serious are you Ser I no why did they make this thing in the game why is this a thing that bothers me no are you serious are you serious I swear five P balls later six pow balls later six pow balls later get away fast after no okay do I need to hit him with the stick I will hit you with the stick I swear I will I will hit you with the stick I will hit you with the stick please 1.99% capture rate I barely have any balls left no oh wait I wasn’t using I always win I’m a winner I never die I was never defeated I me defeated never you saw nothing last time that happened to me it at least what the freak what the freak oh no F rest in peace my game broke it’s not even loading anymore it’s not even loading anymore goodbye goodbye are you serious yes what just happened what just happened what just happened saving what just happened bro it’s not even loading the game just died the game just ended bro bro you’re violating local lost by Microsoft I didn’t do anything you got this thank you thank you bro no comment I am just dead help help help no it’s not even loading anymore do I have to restart my game I think I have to restart my game I think I broke it I think okay time to restart power world time to restart power world time to restart the game roro The Destroyer you mean roro the destroy destroyed I mean what the Roo the the Destroyer yeah that’s me so so so I so so yeah no yeah okay it’s fine join game give me a second I need to restart my [Music] game h okay that’s how the game ends I just insta died just just all I feel is pain Bruh Bruh hopefully it [Music] loads I think it should load oh there we go okay pal team is hungry armor damaged why am I at this place why did I spawn here it killed you and your game it really did glitched through the map and insta died I don’t even have words for what just happened my pal I don’t have stuff to even feed my pals got to get food really quick let’s do this oh jam bread is really good for food and then is good too let’s make w i i kind of been getting hungry guys I think I should like wrap up stream soon but after we go back there cuz now I’m just mad now I’m just mad that makes me so mad I need to feed my team you can do it Roi I will do my best I will do my best okay let’s grab a little bit of food for our Pals cuz they’re hungry and then they’re going to eat tomatoes you know my cousin had a puppy not a puppy like an older doggo like quite an older doggo and this doggo loved Tomatoes would always eat all the tomatoes like it loved Roma tomatoes I don’t know why but that doggy loved Roma tomatoes I just want to put it out there okay let’s go back are all my creatures still alive yeah they’re fine they’re fine fast travel back to this mess over here fast travel back to this mess roro is a criminal I’m not a criminal my birthday is in Valentine’s Day which is in 4 days happy early birthday cat happy early early birthday I hope you have a good one I hope it’s an enjoyable one we’re going to go back there to get my stuff Bo weird but Ro materos are pretty good so fair I guess I know okay so you be like sitting like you’d be standing at the table like what is it kitchen counter trying to cut vegetables right and the moment you start cutting vegetables This doggo would run over she’d run over so fast she wanted all the veggies and then she would wait there until you gave her some tomato and you know what she didn’t like she’ll eat it if you just drop like a piece of a tomato but she wanted the whole tomato like she wanted like the entire tomato she wanted the round roma tomato that she could chew on I don’t know why I don’t know why but this Dogo wanted the entire roma tomato so that’s my story about my doggo not my doggo sorry my cousin’s doggo I wish it was M the doggo was cute but that doggo liked roma tomato doggo like tomato and that’s when I was like Wow doggo likes tomato I’m not prepared to give me my give my Valentine’s too how dare you get out of here here how what do you mean not give me your you you don’t have a choice you think this is an option you have to give me all the Valentine’s choco are you speaking of I had an idea for a stream I want to know what you guys think but I was thinking on Valentine’s Day I could do a ask roro advice stream look at this dude this dude that hurt me last time I was thinking of doing a ask roro for Valentine’s Day advice stream oh no that’s not what I meant to do that’s not what I meant to do that’s not what I meant to do yeah so I thought we could do an ask roro for Valentine’s advice sort of stream what do you guys think yay nay I have enough bullets okay this guy is fire let’s check the no options Survival Guide elements he’s dragon and he’s fire so I need ice but fire beats ice so I need water now I just don’t know which one I need what is it supposed to be can I get him oh my gosh he barely does any damage he’s barely doing any damage barely doing any damage you can do it fiery no my little baby oh no if that other dude comes here I might be dead yes let’s go he’s level no no no no are you serious I’m out of pal no no no wait no wait wait wait no no hold on hold on I’m I’m busy I’m busy I’m on fire I’m on fire I’m on fire I’m on fire father father come to my rescue m m m m m m Broski Broski oh my gosh I don’t even have space in my deck for this I don’t even have space in my deck for this I don’t even have space in my deck for this why does he have electric okay B over there it’s like just vill he’s so long no why are you so long why are you like a you look like g g Gad daros what was it called okay okay this fine this fine the no what do I do what do I do I don’t have any what do I do what is this flower can I pick it up ooh beautiful flower okay wait what do I do I don’t have any space I don’t have any space those what do I do can I what do I do no no no okay okay okay okay we have one option which is we got to get get back really quick we got to drop things okay okay I got to get back we got to drop things and then we come back and grab them broh the PF will hunt me no I’m just a be do anything what did I do I don’t deserve to be hunted I’m just a little one I’m just a little one why what h me for what what did I do what what do what oh no such a convenient pal really I know he’s really good at at using his fire skill which is why I wanted him but what the freak what the freak [Music] why hold on we got to get back really quick I got to go back and sort out my pals and then come back I’m factoring Pals from Wildlife Sanctuary that’s a wildlife sanctuary Bruh Bruh I’m sorry I’m sorry but they’re like rare Pals and I can’t find them anywhere else and they’re only at the sanctuary I feel like a horrible I feel like a horrible fairy I’m committing fairy crimes there’s a huge scorching egg found a huge scorching egg there’s a LIF monk energy right there which I also want and then we’re going to go over there fast travel back drop some stuff come back over grab this again go back grab yeah okay it’s going to be a process this is what I’ll do and then we’ll wrap up stream for today what do I do oh [Music] no why you finally become wanted no no don’t want me I don’t like being chased okay fast travel back really quick I want to explore the rest of the S Sanctuary though plus kindling and he makes cake he makes a mean cake I love cake cake is the best my armor is damaged but this one is okay that’s fine wait what do I do okay I got to I got to go up and sort my PS really quick and then I got to go back and grab the balls I dropped looks man looks High got to do oh frick I always forget to do this I always forget to do this you have to sort your pals Roo is always wanted am I just a wanted fairy just do a wanted poster hold on sword by pal deck number this is what you got to do first okay let’s go back here get things sorted out I don’t think any of these were yeah I don’t think I don’t really use Rush War let’s take a high level Rush War Burly body and then get rid of the not so great ones Burly bod but you know this guy has logging forance I actually kind of want him instead I love how pacifist is a negative trait I do feed my pills what do you mean I feed them all so much food I don’t know what more they want it’s really hard to get rid of these I’ve leveled them up so much too I’ve leveled them up so much no I don’t have enough whoops okay this Broski then level one but he’s a muscle head this guy’s like in insulated body but this guy’s muscle head and this guy has better skills but they can level up pretty fast so okay oh this guy level 14 but this guy’s Vanguard this was the boss I think but I can’t level him up without that wait hold on can you make two you can do two okay good to know you can you can condense them by fours I didn’t realize that I didn’t know you could do that okay so you can do like a four condenser thing you’re doing your best ran I hope you have a good day today thanks Fang I hope you have a good one I hope you have a good one this one is so strong look at him you know what we’ll do we’ll we’ll take we’ll try to get rid of these guys too there’s so many of them I don’t think I’ve upgraded any of them either so let’s let’s do this hooligan but he’s a logging Foreman let’s [Music] do this I got it just so many there’s so many of them and there’s not enough of me these guys are always really nice like they’re always really good hardworking little brosies okay we have a lot of dazzies I don’t think I’ve leveled up any of the dazzies my dazzy is here somewhere right I think my Dazz is level 37 yeah Vanguard you need 16 I need 16 dazzies there’s so many there’s so many it’s night where I’m at 10:45 p.m. o late cheesy hello oh sorry chesse hello Terren hello killing so many Pals I I don’t I don’t know what you’re talking about healthy don’t don’t don’t ask them don’t don’t worry about it just pretend that they’re fine it’s okay it’s okay they’ll be okay probably I think sort of oh I don’t have any of these guys leveled up so let’s level one of these guys up blood of the Dragon that’s fancy let’s go with waterproof is fun I love that he’s waterproof let’s just oh no what I don’t have a oh my gosh this is hard this guy’s already leveled up too so I have to maybe we’ll take blood of the Dragon I we take these guys just keep condensing them until they’re condensed no more no I don’t have enough G we have a bunch of the we have Bron Cherry I need I should we should have more I should have more Bron Cherry cuz Bron Cherry is kind of great to have if you have them cuz they’re really good workers let’s take this muscle head and give him I think that’s everybody downtrodden chickpea he really looks like a chickpea like the the chickp wait have I not upgraded any of you I haven’t upgraded any of you you guys are all just chilling you’re a coward over here okay this guy’s an artisan let’s do that okay I think this is is enough condensed milk I like I like condensed milk and coffee there’s this place like there used to be a tulies near my house and they like in the fairy realm and they used to have um what is it like this drink called a tuxedo drink and it was like coffee it was like iced coffee with like um condensed milk in it and it was so yummy I just loved it kill Swit are you going to make a realm whenever it comes out wait you can make a realm wait what what’s that I I’ve never heard about this I don’t know what this is you can make a realm this I did not know oh okay I think this is the most I can really condense I want to get 16 so I can get this guy I think I have one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 do I have 16 wait I have enough let’s go level up the Tanz yeah look I cleared it out let’s go I cleared my box success nice just real upgrading chickp might make them make eggs faster thank you for opening my eyes I got you that’s a really good point upgrading chickpea would maybe make chickpea make eggs faster that this is true I finally got this guy I really want to use this but he’s a glutton he’s a glutton what a pain the mamist has fire the mamist has ice I kind of want a mamist on my team right now okay now we got to go back now we got to go all the way back here and try to get the PW balls that I dropped on the floor because I have space there should be like an inventory upgrade thing to have like more Pals in your pal deck there should be like an inventory upgrade option there should there should be a way to get more Pals run Roo take the pals I got them good to got it look my two pals are still over there I got to get them I got to get them ah I really want the big chunky bro too like the big the big the Bon I want the Bon he’s so chub I want the [Music] chub I want the [Music] chub the chub the chub chub I really want the chub chub the chunky the chunky boy it takes such a long time to get here there has to be a wait Fast Point travel Point here I have to find oh it says Wildlife Sanctuary oh no how did I not notice that also guys that tree over there I tried to go to that tree and it’s blocked off like you know when you play genin and like you can’t get into a new region and it’s blocked off it’s like red like a red wall it has a red wall around it so I tried going there and I couldn’t go there really disappointed I feel really bad about this but at the same time like what am I supposed to do what am I supposed to do cat I’m sorry you’re getting surgery I hope it goes well but please don’t spam things thank you it would be kind of like Minecraft ooh like I I do think like what it’s not randomized here right they’re always the same I want this guy why does it always automatically lead to what why are you guys in a fight why are you in a fight why are you in a fight why are you in a fight why are you going to fight o he’s really strong against this guy I feel bad I feel bad I feel really bad I feel really bad no Beacon you killed him beacon beacon oh Beacon I feel kind of bad I feel kind of bad I feel kind of bad I feel kind of bad I feel really bad actually I feel really bad I feel so horrible did I pick up my spheres I think I did okay okay I’m on fire I’m on fire I’m on fire I’m on fire okay I feel really bad but I must know what is happening here I got to find I got to find a waypoint here I got to find a waypoint here somewhere there’s got to be a waypoint here somewhere how have I not seen this before how have I I not been to this area before why is it that my shield randomly breaks sometimes uhoh oh oh no oh oops quivered guys it’s a it’s a bunch of quiv oh my God I love quiver so cute I only have one quiver and I hatched it out of an egg I only have one quivver that I got out of an egg they’re so cute can I can I just can I have you can I have you I need you I need you I’m sorry I’m sorry no my quiver my quiver okay okay I need I need to grab you I don’t want you to die they’re so cute they’re so they’re literally walking bed sheets they’re so chub they’re like giant floofs FL floofy floofy boys oh no I’m sorry did that just not work they just not work my my stunt thingy just doesn’t work no I can’t waste these balls I don’t have a lot of them I want to hurt you [Music] no no I’m sorry I’m sorry I oh no oh just don’t look at that don’t like don’t look at it just unsee it that I just unsee that I am I’m horrible I just oh I feel so horrible what is this place is this it see you can’t go there it’s red when you try to go there where is this what is this place wait is there like no Waypoint here I’m sorry I’m so sorry I feel horrible about it I feel really horrible about it wait what is there like nothing here but is there like no that’s just land over there right what do I do there’s like should I go here and have I been haven’t been here instead maybe we should go here explore a little bit next time I feel so bad I couldn’t even catch the quiv horrible I feel really bad about that what just happened risky hello chesse hello tup I feel really bad about that that was not intentional it just kind of died feel really bad about it okay we need to get back now it’s best you didn’t see that how does your ring move your body um it’s I have a camera a camera that tracks how I’m moving like this and it moves my body yeah I’m a fairy I’m a magical fairy my body just does that because Magic G I feel really bad is this my second chance is this what oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no I’m sorry why is fuddler coming out uhoh I got stuck why is fuddler fuder no why is it f what is happening what is this mess leave my fuddler alone assault what oh my gosh this is this is the chaos chos I did not mean to happen can I run away can I can I run away is running an option isaku is pretty strong you can do it suzaku oh my God he killed my wyvern my wyvern my little baby I’m sorry it’s all your fault it’s all your fault oh my gosh this mess wanted oh my gosh no oh my God I don’t have anything I don’t have anything I don’t have anything I don’t have anything I don’t have I have anything I don’t have anything I don’t have any bullets left I don’t have any bullets left I don’t have bullets left I’m sorry this is what I’ve been roduced to oh my God there’s so many of them you can do it you can do it you can do it end this dude I think we got to get out of here I think the option here is to escape good day good day sir I’m sorry I’m sorry it wasn’t on purpose it wasn’t on purpose it wasn’t on purpose this a sanctuary I’m a horrible I’m a horrible fairy I run away I run away I don’t face my mistakes what I don’t do that I run I run like the coward I am no oh my gosh now I’m wanted I in the water bro why are you in the water oh my oh my God he’s facing through the rock he’s hitting me through the rock okay okay we run we run fast we run far he was tagging me through the rock that’s horrible that’s horrible water they’re going to keep spawning oh okay so there’s no end to that I see I see how it is okay okay I see this is how it works this is how it works [Music] let’s see oh what’s that over there oh that’s just a giant egg okay we got to get back somewhere where was the P where was the way point again oh my gosh they’re attacking me everywhere now oh no okay does it go away after some time like is there some like time range before it like stops is there like a it’s like a range before it like stops trying to attack me they’re everywhere bro okay we go back now fast travel back oh what’s this oh jet dragon that dude okay this way it’s fine know what happened I was gone for a day and you’re a criminal I I don’t know it’s it’s it’s a it’s not real what is happening where who are we fighting what happened what happened what oh omelette nice so I don’t know what just happened but it was unnecessarily dramatic I do say so these guys eat so much food eat so much food berries okay what the what the what was that do a giant explosion just now what was that what was the what was the explosion just now I don’t understand I don’t know okay let me sort and drop things I don’t need drop this here and drop this here go here and drop stuff too have to go to bed it’s 11:01 have a good rest sleep well just got to keep running away I should eventually go away I hope so I hope so I’m doomed if not I am doomed if not okay I think this is good what is this again oh yeah this thing giant box okay I think this is a good place to pause some one of my brosis is incapacitated that’s not good we’re fine this is fine this is good this is a good place to pause we’re surviving we’re fine no worries we’re good we’re alive I think it’s a good place to pause okay guys thank you so much for joining me hold on move things around my screen move my face okay guys thank you so much for joining me I hope you had fun I hope you’re you’re you I didn’t do anything bad I it’s fine it’s probably fine it’s fine thanks for the entertain no worries J thank you guys so much for joining and hanging out I will catch you later I don’t know if I’ll be able to stream tomorrow because tomorrow is really busy for me but throughout this week I’ll be trying to stream probably vertical um what else oh yeah I was going to say I might do a valentine Special Love advice what me fairy have advice for for finding your your what for asking that that cute friend out what me no never I don’t know we’ll see I may or may not have advice so we may or may not do a advice stream which I haven’t done in a while but we may or may not do an advice stream on Tuesday on Valentine’s Day I will see how my day comes and how I have time and I will try to set it up tomorrow if possible where you guys can put in like in a Google form you can kind of put in your question um and I will try to answer it on stream I’ll try my best I’m not I can’t guarantee it’ll happen but I’ll try my best yeah that’s all I got let’s to this let’s get some of this have a good rest of your week have a good Valentine’s Day if I don’t catch you then and I hopefully will catch you sometime soon soon what it what it what it [Music] boy [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music]

This video, titled ‘grinding.【 PALWORLD / パルワールド 】’, was uploaded by rocchi / ろっち on 2024-02-11 05:17:32. It has garnered 280 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:36 or 7716 seconds.

fortnite x pok*mon x minecraft x genshin x …. 《・〜【Socials】〜・》 + YouTube Channel Membership / Channel Membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfZlSUOVlHqGwoflo6xju2g/join + Twitter: https://twitter.com/rororocchi + Twitch: https://twitch.tv/rororocchi + TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@rororocchi + Instagram: https://instagram.com/rororocchi + Discord: https://discord.gg/GyGH5Wt7XE

《・〜【 Additional Credits 】〜・》 + intro BGM: @/KenneyonMusic + outro BGM: @/impikuseru

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    Minecraft: Psychological Horror Game LiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But It’s A Psychological Horror Game.. (Live)’, was uploaded by ItsFilsFR on 2024-05-11 06:43:12. It has garnered 239 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:06 or 4986 seconds. Minecraft But It’s A Psychological Horror Game.. (Live) SUBSCRIBE linktr.ee/itsfils https://discord.com/invite/3DjSeANrVN Read More

  • “INSANE Ice Survival Challenge 🏡❄️” #shorts

    "INSANE Ice Survival Challenge 🏡❄️" #shortsVideo Information [Music] the planet come on sing it with me sing words relate to the key key it’s a pattern if it’s a pattern just repeat after me life and death and and and War on the planet Earth life and death then This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cute Tree House🏡🌳 #shorts’, was uploaded by HellFrozen on 2024-05-03 06:00:12. It has garnered 112698 views and 6557 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. ⬇️ Download Build ⬇️ https://hellfrozen.mcmaps.app/download –My Socials– https://wlo.link/@HellFrozen –Music– #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Unbelievable Survival Challenge in Twilight Forest Malaysia

    Unbelievable Survival Challenge in Twilight Forest MalaysiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Survival Tetapi Di Twilight Forest (Minecraft) Malaysia’, was uploaded by Itz Mizie on 2024-01-13 04:00:10. It has garnered 182 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:59 or 539 seconds. #malaysia Mode: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-twilight-forest The boss in Twilight Forest is very difficult when you fight without creative mode, but I have defeated 4 bosses in this mode in a survival video, but there is a mode Read More

  • Dad Builds EPIC Minecraft Mansion! Click for Crazy Fun!

    Dad Builds EPIC Minecraft Mansion! Click for Crazy Fun!Video Information hello everybody Welcome to my channel guys we’re playing Minecraft and let’s go play we’re going to build a biggest biggest mansion so I’m thinking we don’t need a oak plant we can use the iron block and we need glass I need to find a Clear Spot finding oh wait this should be a good spot let’s get building though let’s place it right here here here we need to make the world biggest now I can carry on the world biggest house last time we made a biggest house remember guys and let’s make it even… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Saitama VS Genos 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Saitama VS Genos 🔥Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh help me [Music] what This video, titled ‘Destiny Run: SAITAMA VS GENOS😎 #minecraft #fypシ #minecraftanimation #minecraftvideos #shorts’, was uploaded by FlyingCow Toons on 2024-05-31 01:37:41. It has garnered 25419 views and 2018 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Please Don’t Forget Like & Share The video THANKUOUUUU😍😍!! Pleas Help Saitama!! Read More

  • Insane Hack to Level Up Fast on Skyblock!

    Insane Hack to Level Up Fast on Skyblock!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today back for another episode of The Sky Block series here on royal. Enchanted mc.net IP is on your screen right now and it’s always you know in the top left of all of my videos no matter what server I’m on you guys can always see that and whenever you guys directly hop on using that custom IP it will directly support me in the channel so obviously I greatly appreciate that now guys it has been a minute since the last Sky Block episode at the… Read More

  • INSANE Secret Bases in Minecraft by JeromeASF!

    INSANE Secret Bases in Minecraft by JeromeASF!Video Information today we’re going to be setting up a secret base inside of one of these mountains to stop our friend from breaking in all right well I kicked blade so we can’t cheat all right guys let’s get to work so I’m thinking we put it in the side of this mountain right here so let’s start carving about this m this mountain right here so let’s just carve out a little area and cap you know what to do buddy can you make your magic happen okay time to make it thickens all right so first things… Read More


    HOW TO PLAY MINECRAFT LIKE A PRO vs NOOBVideo Information как Нуб играет в Minecraft так а вот тут алмазы подберу их стоп а как мне выбраться как про играет в Minecraft стой стой стой Если ты сейчас поставишь лайк и подпишешься на канал то завтра найдёшь iPhone под подушкой о тут алмазы ха-ха какая тупая Ловушка просто поставлю два блока под себя This video, titled ‘КАК НУБ И ПРО ИГРАЮТ В МАЙНКРАФТ’, was uploaded by henkall on 2024-03-09 15:12:36. It has garnered 10513 views and 1036 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft… Read More

  • MilkFactions

    MilkFactionsA Nice faction server to hang out as a community with multiple players and you can gain multiple types of armor and custom enchantments Read More

  • The Grotto SMP – Java 1.20.4 – LeveledMobs – Dungeons – MapArt – Quests – Jobs – Community Events

    The Grotto (1.20.4) Join us at play.thegrotto.gg About The Grotto The Grotto is a 4-month season-based survival server, offering a unique experience for players of all types. Whether you enjoy exploring custom-generated landscapes, battling in raid dungeons, or simply making new friends, we have something for everyone. Core Features Custom World Generation Custom Items & Recipes Boss Dungeons No Pay-to-Win Ranks Player Leveling/Rankup System McMMO Jobs Economy Interested? If you’re curious about The Grotto and our features, feel free to join our Discord or connect to our server at play.thegrotto.gg Read More

  • earth

    earthearth is and will be the longest running server of all time and will last for eternity.the purpose of earth is to keep the world running forever, any player can join and do whatever they want, call it anarchy if you will.with a powerful host, capable of maintaining everything, earth is essentially what we will have left once the universe decides to take us all away.server version will be updated always, the current being 1.20.6 Vanilla. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Polished Diorite floor resembles a classic arcade titled XYZZY, way back in 1980!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Polished Diorite floor resembles a classic arcade titled XYZZY, way back in 1980!Well, with a score of 20, it must be more than just a coincidence that this meme is hilarious! Read More

  • Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer

    Rock World Shock: 100 Days in Minecraft Layer In the Minecraft world of layered rock, I spent 100 days, ticking the clock. Mining and crafting, building my base, Exploring the depths, at a steady pace. With each block I break, a new challenge awaits, Creatures and dangers, behind every gate. But with skill and wit, I conquer them all, Leaving my mark, standing tall and tall. So here’s to 100 days, in the Layer Rock World, A journey of triumph, my flag unfurled. I’ll keep on exploring, with joy and with glee, In this Minecraft world, where I’m truly free. Read More

  • Minecraft: The Hottest Block Party! 🔥

    Minecraft: The Hottest Block Party! 🔥 Perché Minecraft? Because punching trees and building virtual houses is way more productive than my real life. #minecraftlogic #gamerlife #virtualreality #procrastination101 Read More

  • New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1

    New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1 Minecraft Java Edition Playthrough – EP 1 – A New World Embarking on a New Adventure Nine-year-old Alexa Grace D. Elizaga takes on the challenge of playing Minecraft Java Edition in Survival Mode for the first time. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, she sets out to explore a brand new world. Surviving the Unknown As Alexa navigates through the game, she encounters challenges like finding sheep for wool and dealing with the dangers of nighttime. Her survival instincts kick in as she builds a makeshift shelter and crafts essential tools to stay safe. Exploring the Terrain Despite… Read More

  • Zozo: Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Hacker in Hardcore Minecraft – Epic Mob Battles

    Zozo: Surviving 1000 DAYS as a Hacker in Hardcore Minecraft - Epic Mob BattlesVideo Information on day one I spawned into the Redwood Forest as a hacker oh nice I wonder if there are any computers in this Forest that I can hack right away a redstone Golem appeared and he didn’t look happy to see me Red Alert there’s a hacker stop right there this is a no hacking Zone uh-oh I wish I could remember some sick hacker moves to get me out of this situation but I can’t remember anything guess I’d better just run instead I ran as fast as I could but that Redstone Golem was gaining on… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Lethal Company in Minecraft

    Unleashing Chaos: Lethal Company in MinecraftVideo Information where the [ __ ] are we what the is that the Ender [Music] Dragon and that’s the Enderman uh This video, titled ‘This game is wiild… #lethalcompany #scary #funny #minecraft’, was uploaded by ITZ_MJFINN on 2024-01-15 23:04:28. It has garnered 54 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Ravager vs Iron Golem! Subscribe for EPIC Fight! #GamingClickbait

    Ultimate Battle: Ravager vs Iron Golem! Subscribe for EPIC Fight! #GamingClickbaitVideo Information CH P de French French French French French CH de FR frente frente frente frente tem Ti P de frente frente frente frente frente contente This video, titled ‘Subscribe ☺️Ravager vs IRON GOLEM#music #animation #song #game #minecraft #epic #fight #pvp #vs’, was uploaded by Gaming GUAG on 2024-05-11 05:45:02. It has garnered 961 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More


    UNLIMITED AIR & IRON - MANUCRAFT WORLD T3 #32Video Information Hey gente Sean bienvenidos aquí a un nuevo video Sean bienvenidos aquí a un nuevo episodio de la serie mundo manucraft temporada número 3 continuamos del episodio anterior episodio en el cual hicimos una escopeta láser del Industrial Craft e hicimos un montón de máquinas nuevas que de hecho hay muchas más como yo les había dicho en el anterior episodio que iba a ser de cada una de esas máquinas una igual para tener dos de cada una y así agilizar todos los procesos y terminar haciendo otra otras máquinas más y modificando un poco lo que… Read More

  • Get Ready for Epic HIVE LIVE Action! Fixed Computer in 2 Hrs (Parties, 1v1s, Tournaments)

    Get Ready for Epic HIVE LIVE Action! Fixed Computer in 2 Hrs (Parties, 1v1s, Tournaments)Video Information hello why you live because I want to because I want to be live why is my Minecraft not loading up that’s the best question and my fan is dying that’s great that is great so it kind of took me like 2 hours to fix my laptop but it’s but it’s fixed can you hear the fan what is it like I’m back bruh sorry I left for 10 seconds what very slightly what what do you mean by that yeah my fans are like going oh I lost my login street because a computer break great… Read More

  • Insane 1.20 Mods & Data Packs for Minecraft!

    Insane 1.20 Mods & Data Packs for Minecraft!Video Information [Music] goblins tyranny is an expansive Minecraft mod that introduces a vibrant and intricately designed Goblin civilization drawing inspiration from fantasy RPGs this Mod enriches The Game’s world with detailed Goblin societies and provides players with new challenges and interactions players can find Goblin Villages primarily in the plains these Villages are uniquely generated each time featuring a variety of structures including H houses decorations and a Central Square ensuring no two Villages are alike the world is also dotted with smaller Goblin structures such as camps watchtowers and Merchant Caravans each adding strategic or resource elements to… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane New SMP Minecraft But Server – Comment NOW! 🔥

    🔥 Insane New SMP Minecraft But Server - Comment NOW! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Comment NOW ! #smp #minecraft #mcyt #minecraftbut’, was uploaded by JstJamieShorts on 2024-04-21 03:17:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. What ru doing down here. Today JstJamieShorts (on the JstJamieShorts not the JstJamie channel) plays not Minecraft, But Water … Read More

  • ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon – Watch NOW!

    ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon - Watch NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘* 3 HOURS* OF “BEST” JEFFY MINECRAFT VIDEOS!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! on 2024-05-24 11:00:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome To Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! We post daily Jeffy Minecraft videos, to keep our viewers entertained. Minecraft is a sandbox … Read More

  • Coastal Minecraft Trending Viral Video #Clickbait

    Coastal Minecraft Trending Viral Video #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft new coastal Trending Shorts #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-04-21 01:23:12. It has garnered 3569 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft but minecraft animation tiktok shorts minecraft alan becker dancing cow daisy dancing moo bloom moobloom minecraft polish cow minecraft ethobot moo bloom funny meme #shorts #minecraft minecraft memes minecraft challenge dream minecraft funny memes techno gamerz minecraft survival minecraft friend avm shorts animation vs minecraft minecraft but you are immortal minecraft but i cant… Read More

  • Svegon vanilla server

    Svegon vanilla serverI run small servers from a group of friends and potentially a few outsiders. This server focuses of vanilla experience, so I only added a few plugins to make sure people don’t grief you or scam you. 😉 sub.falix.gg Read More