Unbelievable! I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Mode

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome to Minecraft hardcore now I have been playing hardcore Minecraft almost exclusively for just over a year now and I’ve had some varying degrees of success however during this run I seem to have found my stride and I’ve managed to achieve something for the first time and that is

To survive for 1,000 days and this has been quite a journey for me personally both in terms of making videos and playing the game itself and as you can see we have managed to achieve something beautiful so I’d like to invite you all to sit back relax and share this

Experience with me as we start out with nothing but our wits and sheer determination and navigate our way through this treacherous World on our way to for the first time ever survive 1,000 days in Minecraft hardcore and hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Minecraft 1.20 the trails and tales update and

Here we go starting a brand new series a brand new adventure of Minecraft hot hello ladies and gents and welcome to Minecraft 1.20 the trails and tales update my name is fungus rck and this is Minecraft H hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Minecraft 1.20 the trails and tales update my name is fungusaur Rex and this is Minecraft hardcore and we have spawned in a mangrove swamp which is absolutely fantastic I’m just collecting some propagules here before we get going and

Next to us we also have a desert which gives us a chance for a desert village and the chance to find one of the new mobs in the game a camel and just look at those pretty fish anyway we’ve got a desert nearby we’ve also got a jungle

Nearby where we can get some bamboo and make use of some of the new blocks o Froggies anyway let’s carry on grab some stuff and then we’ll find a spot to settle down and we have managed K Village there’s a jungle on my left there’s a saano biome on my right and

The first thing I’m going to grab here is of course a bed and is it just me or am I running a lot faster than I used to this speed is absolutely incredible and I must say I am loving it so let’s just quickly rans sack this Village and then

We’ll do a little bit more exploring and I think we’re going to start off in the jungle because bamboo is now more than just cheap fuel it has actually become a valuable commodity and already we have discovered a jungle temple now my previous PC was a

Bit of a potato so I tended to avoid jungles as it couldn’t really handle them and I have never actually encountered one of these before so it is my mission to go through it and discovered what riches it holds so let’s just get some torches up and head into

Its depths all righty we’ve got some levers over here we’ve got some uh walls of oh that was close um okay dispensers with arrows let’s see if we can avoid those and we’ve got a chest with some gold some bones some bamboo and some rotten flesh however I don’t think that

Is the treasure we are here to find oh another one and I have been fooling around with these levers and I can hear some Pistons moving but I’m not sure if it’s actually doing anything opening or closing anything or just deactivating some dispensers so ouch I’m just going to

Take down these trip wires and I managed to catch both of them in the face and I can see some Redstone going there to that dispenser um and I have no idea what those levers are actually meant to do so instead of being subtle I’m going

To take a pickaxe to the wall and see what is happening happing here and oh look at yes this is what we came to find some diamonds some gold some bones and more bamboo and that is absolutely fantastic and now that we’re done exploring the jungle temple we are going

To be settling right here it’s pretty close to the Village just up on a hill and I’ve put down my bed my crafting table my furnace and that means this is now home and the first thing I’m going to do is build a bamboo Plantation so here we go clearing out

Some space and as you can see I’ve got some chests I’ve got my goodies in it and my space for the bamboo Plantation is almost ready just a few more blocks to fill in over here so let’s get that done and I think this will be large

Enough so let’s get some bamboo down and start our Plantation and with bamboo in hand it’s time to start planting I’m going to start right here put down a row leave one row open and then put down another row and I’m going to repeat that until I believe we have enough bamboo

Planted and with our first bamboo Harvest I’m giving back to the plantation and putting up a beautiful bamboo fence so here we go let’s just pop these down right there and already I can see bamboo fences becoming one of my absolute favorite blocks it is gorgeous

However we still need a lot more bamboo so let’s get this harvested and wait for it to grow again so we can carry on making some more bamboo blocks and fences and we’re almost done with a fence around our bamboo farm so let’s just go in here pop those four in there

And the bamboo Plantation is done and that is looking absolutely spectacular I really really do love the new bamboo fences and it’s time to start building our home now as you can see I’ve drawn out a rough shape on the ground here but other than that I have got absolutely

Zero plans of what I want to do I don’t even have a block pallet yet so what I’m going to do is put down some Oak pillars build them up build a bit of a frame around it and then see where that takes me I’m thinking I might need to use some

Stone for the walls as early game stone is abundant and I’ve used some of the bamboo to smelt some Cobblestone into normal Stone and I’ve used that to make some stone bricks and that is what I’m going to be using for a start to build

The walls so I’m just going to fill it up as much as I can between these pillars however looking at this I don’t think I have anywhere near enough Stone so I might need to collect and smelt quite a bit more so we’ve got some of

The walls filled in and I really think this is starting to look pretty good so let’s continue and with the walls built up I’m going to start working on the floor now it might seem a little bit odd that I’m starting on the floor when I don’t have

A second story or roof or anything really in place yet but I’m going to be using some of the new bamboo blocks for the floor and I’m really anxious to see what that looks like and here we go I’ve made some bamboo slabs and they are quite yellow

But a little bit of color never hurt anybody so let’s just get these in here and yes that is quite yellow indeed but I think it’s looking pretty good and I’ve decided to add a border of bamboo block with a pointy end sticking up this way the green color and the

Difference in texture really provides a nice finish to the bamboo floor and I think this is looking rather lovely I really am loving the brand new bamboo blocks and I can see myself using them quite a bit in the future and the floors are all done and they are looking quite stunning which

Means it’s time to turn our attention to the outside and as you can see I’ve added some paths I’ve added a wheat farm and I’ve defeated a pager raid in addition to that I have also made myself a cow Farm because so far I’ve been eating watermelon and that is definitely

Not the best food in the world so hopefully pretty soon I’ll have some tasty steaks to munch on anyhow let’s just get some food inside of us and then we can continue building our home what we’ve created so far is looking rather lovely so I think we are going to

Be safe to just continue in this fashion and I’m going to start to put up the Second Story and we have made some progress we’ve got a bit of a roof going on in the front there we have put up a porch as well and there’s an annoying zombie

Stuck somewhere that I simply cannot find however we have the Second Story ready to be built and I think I’m going to start by adding a bit of roof on all sides so in order to do that I’m going to need to collect just a little bit

More Mangrove wood so let’s get that done and the roof has been built on all sides I also M my way down into the bowels of the earth and got some deep slate so we’re going to be putting up a deep slate tile roof and we’re going to

Start right over here so that’s one side done let’s do the other side quickly and the roof is on its way we’re going to finish up the roof over here with some deep slate tile slabs and I’m not 100% sure what needs to happen here

Yet uh let’s just add that and no that does not line up at all which means I need to make another plan but I think I can actually take it out all together because I’ll probably be adding a wall over here and that will be the corner and the zombie has finally gotten

On my last nerve I’m going to find it and I’m going to eliminate it however to do that I need to dig into the depths of Darkness over here and there he is stuck in the corner like an idiot come over here let me take care of

You thank you very much and while I’m here I can probably just mine a few of these resources because coal is always welcome next up I’m going to be making a little bit of mud I have decided that perhaps it would be lovely to have some

Packed mud and packed mud bricks on the upper story so I’m just got my bottle here I’ve got some dirt and I’m going to be making a lot of mud and now now that our mud has been acquired I’m going to start the top story of my house and I’m starting once

Again in the corners with some Oak just framing it out and seeing where we’re going to be putting the walls I think I’m going to have a bit of a porch on this side as well so I can look out over the lake so let’s get the final pillar in

Place and the mud is going in as you can see I’ve got some mud bricks I’ve got some packed mud as as well so I’m just building a bit of a pattern here just randomly and then I’m going to fill in the gaps with the normal packed mud and

We’ll see what that looks like I’m hoping it’s going to look spectacular but I have to keep an open mind and come up with another plan if this simply doesn’t work with most of the walls in place I can turn my attention to the porch once

Again and I’m going to be using some bamboo fence to round this out and it’s coming together quite nicely I’ve been experimenting with some bamboo trap Dooors they give a very nice pattern but I’m not 100% sure on how to best use them yet as you can see I’ve

Been using them as some shutters but I’m not entirely convinced just yet that this is the best way to go however let’s add some more on this side get a unified look going to the building and then we’ll be able to better judge what we want to do with

It it’s definitely coming along but there’s something else that I want as well and I’m out in the wilderness in search of that particular item it is of course a cherry sapling I am looking for a Cherry Grove to get some Cherrywood and some cherry saplings so that I can

Plant it back home and see how I can incorporate that into my brand new house and if my eyes don’t deceive me I see some pink peeking out over the mountain over there and definitely that is a cherry tree mission accomplished let’s go grab ourselves some cherry and

There’s snow right next to it but I suppose we can’t be too surprised after all this is Minecraft and odd things like this happen all the time and we’ve got our Cherry saplings there was one tree in this entire biome and it is day 62 and our house is

Complete it’s been quite a wild ride this episode but we have finally made it into Minecraft 1.20 and I think our new home is looking absolutely spectacular we’ve got a carrot patch we’ve got a wheat field we’ve got a little Pond next to the path we’ve got some trees is growing big and

Small and we have a cow field as you can see we’ve taken care of quite a bit of pager raids as well and finally ladies and gentlemen our home is complete welcome to Cherry Mana hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft hardcore my name is fungusaur rx and as you can see we’ve got a bit of a situation going on outside this Pillager raade showed up and when I went outside to greet them I got met with a face full of arrows which

You can imagine hurt quite a bit anyway all that did was underscore how absolutely pathetic my armor is right now I am trapped in my house trying to stay alive and trying to get these guys just whacking them through the door as I open and close it but as you can see

Even that is quite painful additionally it is becoming night and I need to sleep but for these guys that is unfortunately impossible at the moment as you shall see if I run upstairs and go to my bed let’s just click there and we cannot because there are monsters nearby

So what I’ve had to do is jump off the balcony run away and set up my bed over here and now I’m ready to tackle these guys once again and his Enchanted crossbow bolts are going straight through my shield not ideal and we will definitely have to find a

Solution but first let’s get rid of this last guy and there we go we are now free of the Pillager Patrol and I think it might be time to look into upgrading our gear and for that we have to head into the village but it seems that our solution

Might be facing problems of its own because I have been through this Village a few times now and this is the only guy I could find which means it is quite possible that because I couldn’t sleep last night some monsters have spawned here and have murdered my villagers and

With just one villager left in here we will not be able to set up effective trade so that means we will have to find either another Village bring some more villagers back here or we will have to look into other solutions to get our gear up to speed and because I have no

Idea where another Village is I think we might have to go for option b which would be to mine some diamonds set up an enchanting area and get some better gear that way so let’s get down to bedrock and go mining and this is the deepest Ravine I

Could find it should take me very very close to bedrock so what I’m going to do is I’m going to bridge over to that water over there I’m going to take a trip down and then that should be a quick and easy way to access bedrock and

Of course once we get to bedrock we can start mining for some diamonds so let’s jump in and get on our way and already we are at Deep slate level and this goes down even further this is absolutely perfect we should be able to hit bedrock in no time and over there we

Have a bit of a mine shaft going as well and that would make a perfect halfway stop so let’s jump over there be careful not to fall put down some light and there we go we have a halfway staging area and you can see it goes no no is is

That what I think it is please don’t let that be what I think it is I suppose we’ll just have to go down and take a closer look because that is something that I really did not want to see right now and indeed it is we have an ancient

City right underneath our feet we also have some diamonds over here which I am gladly going to take however we now have a decision to make because as we all know these ancient cities are chock full of absolutely great Loot and could give me some really powerful gear to start

Off with but on the other hand I am not ready for this in the least and poking around here could very well mean my death so let’s just start off here we’ve got a chest full of rubbish which I’m going to take anyway and then I really should get out of

Here and I have not gotten out of here yet yet because there’s so much good loot to be found I’m just going to crawl as far as I can and at the first sign of any danger I promise I will get out of here however this might still be the

Dumbest thing I or anyone really have done in a brand new Minecraft hardcore world so let’s just take it very slow very easy and once that shrier goes off we will run because a warden is not something we can face right now and here’s another Tower over here

Let’s just get up there see what’s in the chest hopefully we can find something oh yes oh yes Unbreaking three protection for diamond leggings as well as a sharpness five book this is the loot we were after this is the reason why we are down here risking everything

To get some goodies and I’m going to put that on immediately hopefully that will help keep me alive just a little bit longer and there goes the shrier I am out of here and it says the warden approaches I don’t know whether that means he has actually spawned he cannot

Have spawned yet because that was the first Sher I set off but I’m not going to stick around to find out I am going to get out and that is if I can find out okay I’m just going to skirt the edge of the ancient city and hopefully that will

Take me back to the Waterway which will take me back to the surface and to safety okay so let’s see okay I’m going to jump down here I don’t see any s ooh diamonds okay I’m going to grab the diamonds and then I’m going to get out

Of here there we go let’s leave and I see light up ahead we have made it out alive and well and that spider shouldn’t give me any problems as it is daylight but right now it is time to get back to the original plan for this video and

That plan is twofold number one find and explore a trail ruin and number two get some sniffer eggs so we’re going to kick off right away with number one there is a jungle to my right and I’m going to go in there and look for a trail Rune so

Let’s just grab some gear and then we’ll head out and I realized there might be a bit of a problem with finding some trail ruins and that problem is twofold number one I have no idea what they look like so I have no idea what I’m looking for

However I doubt they’re going to be down there I might be wrong but I’m not going to waste any more time in holes and then part two of our dilemma not every jungle as far as I know has a trail ruin so there’s no guarantee that this one will

Have one and we found a trail ruin there was one and we going to get digging straight away so let’s get rid of a bit of the Terra Cotta at the top here and we have some very very suspicious gravel let’s just grab our brush and see what

We get here we go first suspicious gravel of a trail ruin and oh what what did we we got some yellow die yay all right no matter we will find some of the good stuff let’s just there that’s just normal gravel let’s get digging and let’s go down and see what we can

Find and we’re getting into the thick of it now as you can see more of the runes are emerging and I’m going to do my best to keep them as intact as possible and we’ve got a purple window pane over here that is very interesting but as I’m

Mentioned I’m going to try and preserve these ruins as well as I possibly can and that can help us figure out how these people used to live what the buildings we discover could have possibly been used for and we can piece together the story of their lives so

We’re just going to continue going down until we find the main part of this ruin and we have some more suspicious gravel over here let’s grab the brush and see what we get and that is a record let’s see what can I get rid of um let’s check

That for now and we have Relic I haven’t heard of that one before so it must be a new one I’ll have a listen to it later however right now we are in archaeology mode so let’s keep digging and we have Unearthed a significant portion of this Trail Rune

As you can see the shaft has become very deep I I’ve set up a chest over here where we can put all this stuff we unearth and we have found this little hidey-hole I’m not sure if this was perhaps a shop or a home however there

Is a path leading this way to nothing and then over here we have a much larger room now I think this might have been a communal room of some sort perhaps this was a well at some stage or maybe a market place and we have found some more

Very very suspicious gravel so let’s oh yes is that is a smithing template and we have found the wayfinder armatum that is fantastic we’ll add it to our collection and this place is absolutely packed with suspicious gravel I can see three just right over here and

I think that is some more yellow dye let’s get rid of that get rid of these and let’s see what else we have there is some more down there as well this area is absolutely packed with suspicious gravel and I think that was a red window pane we’ve got three more here there’s

Another red window pane let’s grab that quickly and then we move on to the next one and let’s see what on Earth was that okay let’s have a okay we have found a brown candle very useful indeed for lighting up one’s house and over here we have another smithing temp

We’ll take a look at that later but right now we have some more gravel to remove over here so let’s grab our shovel and let’s get digging so far it’s been a pretty good haul we’ve got a lot of pot shirts we have some armor trim and we are not even

Halfway done with this trail run it is absolutely fantastic and I am having the best time trying to unearth all of these things and now I’ve fallen in a hole let’s just get out of here and as you can see we’ve gone down this way and

There’s still some more to go and I’m hearing zombies but I don’t think they’re in the Rune itself and this is most definitely a doorway so let’s grab our shovel and let’s see what kind of building we have discovered just make sure that we don’t see any suspicious gravel that we might

Break let’s get that okay I see one over there let’s just break the one on no okay that was my bad I meant to break the one on top of it and completely messed that up but no matter we shall carry on and I think we have discovered the

Cartographer’s house and up here is his cartography table and this is probably where he came to get away from the other noisy villagers and do his work in peace so so we’ll leave that untouched and we’ll explore some more and we have found another doorway this one leading into this red house so

Let’s get digging we’ll try not to break any more suspicious gravel but let’s see if we can find out what this house was for and judging by the loom over here I’m going to say this was the Weaver’s house and let’s get rid of this gravel

And I think we have found the forge there is an anvil it has been well used and this is probably where they crafted all the finest weapons and armor in the land let’s see if they’ve left us anything that looks like an armatum yes that is another armatum and that

Confirms it this was the forge and we have Let’s see we have some shaper armorr and this gives us an overall view of the entire ruin that I have uncovered I don’t think there’s anything more to be found but this has been an absolute blast I have enjoyed every second of it

And I am so very glad that Mojang has added this to the game however it is time to leave these ruins and move on to the next part of our adventure which is to find some sniffer eggs and here we go we have crafted ourselves a bamboo raft

Because using anything else would just be sailed just look at it it is absolutely brilliant so let’s get going I’ll just hop on here and look at that it’s magnificent and here we go we have found our first Warm ocean ruin and apparently this is where sniffer eggs are to be

Found so let’s get down here I’ve got some doors for air and that will allow us to look around for some suspicious sand and hopefully they will contain a sniffer egg let’s get in here take a breath and carry on exploring and we have found some

Suspicion sand I’ve got my door down and here we go grab my brush and let’s see what on Earth have we found we have found a perfect iron ax that is phenomenal but no sniffer egg and we have some more suspicious sand right over here so let’s get our

Door down and let’s see if the elusive sniffer egg is hiding in this block no we have found another perfect iron axe now that is really great but I want an egg and this ruin was a total bust we found two iron axes but not much else of

Use and worst of all we did not find a sniffer egg so right now I’m just going to take an ocean bottom nap over here and then we’ll move on to the next ruin and beautiful as this is it is not making finding ruins any easier I

Haven’t found any so far and I have been boating for quite a while so hopefully pretty soon we’ll find another ruin and and with a little bit of luck we’ll find some sniffer eggs inside and here we go another ocean run has been found and we have suspicious

Sand let’s grab our brush and let’s see what we can une Earth and that looks like a gold nugget not a sniffer egg unfortunately and we haven’t found another ruin yet but we have found a desert village and in that desert village there will be a camel and I want

To go see it so let’s just park our boat here hello people where’s your camel I’m not seeing the camel so far but while we here we might as well just nip into these houses and see if they have okay I’m not going to disturb that

Guy whatever he’s busy doing I want no part of it but as I was saying let’s nip into these houses and see if they’ve got anything useful for us we’ve got a book we’ve got a C and that’s all that one has so let’s see

Oh I want this thank you very much let’s see if we can find that Camel nothing in this house and there it is there it is we have found our camel there we go ladies and gentlemen look at that magnificent creature it’s beautiful and look at all the villagers lining up to

Pet it oh my goodness I love the camel I will be back for it later because I have no set at the moment so before we go let’s just have a quick run through through these houses I will take that thank you very much and then I will come

Back with a saddle and I will take home my camel and we’re back on the boat not as exciting as the camel but we have found another ruin over here and this is actually a lukewarm ocean and as far as I know the sniffer eggs are to be found

In a warm ocean now I’m not sure if this qualif I but I’m going to take care of these guys and then I’m going to have a look and see if we can find sniffer eggs here and here we go we have some suspicious sand and what have we found a wooden

Hoe and some more suspicious sand let’s see what is a goodness let’s get rid of this door and let’s brush and see what we have over here that is the Believe It or Not Another axxe and let’s hope third times’s the charm let’s get our door oh goodness I’m

Going to drown if I keep placing doors like this so let’s get in here let’s get rid of this door and let’s see if this suspicious sand will deliver the goods and and yes yes ladies and gentlemen we have found a sniffer egg and that confirms that lukewarm ocean ruins will do just

As well as warm ocean ruins so seeing as we found one let’s poke around a bit and see if we’re in luck and can find another and this little patch of suspicious sand looks promising so let’s grab our brush and I do believe ladies and gentlemen we have found a second Snuffer

Egg that means we can pack up and go home no more boating for us for at least a while and we have made our way back home and believe it or not on the way home we found another warm ocean ruin which contained a third sniffer egg

So what we need to do now is build these guys a little home they can call their [Applause] Own And our sniffer pen is complete and they all have their own little houses over here we we have snuff over here we have snort and on the side here we have snoof so they are busy hatching and I absolutely cannot wait to meet them it

Has been a long time since I have been this excited about anything in Minecraft and snuff is almost there snort as well and snoof and I think I heard something I heard something yes yes yes yes yes SNF has joined us and there is Snort which means

Snoof can’t be far behind there is snoof as well we have three sniffers ladies and gents just listen to them just look at them I love them snort what the heck are you doing okay we’ll sort out snort later he’s just being very silly but look at

Them ladies and gents ooh snuff has gone directly for the flowers as befits a sniffer and look at that little snoot go isn’t it beautiful I love them And it looks like snoof has got some plans of Escape going on over here let’s just nudge him back in bad snoof and then we’ll take away these blocks for now I think I might have made that one block over there one half slab too low

So we’ll just have to patch that up however it is day 108 ladies and gentlemen hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft hardcore now over the last 28 days I have had an amazing response to my videos and I want to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you

To everybody who has took the time to watch who has left a like who has left a comment and of course to everybody who has subscribed to my channel I do read your comments guys I do try and make each and every episode better than the

Last so if you haven’t done so yet do hit the that subscribe button and I’m told when you do you get a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside so let’s jump straight into it and get going with today’s story now the first thing I’m going to do today is something that I did promise

I was going to do in the last episode and that is I’m going to go fetch my camel now I can already hear you saying fungusaur you cannot steal that people’s camel but guys I’m not stealing it I am buying it I have a totally legal camel contract in everything signed with

Purple ink by The Village mayor and if you know which other historical figure used to have a fountain pen with purple ink drop his name in the comments below and while you do that I’ll refret my camel and there it is look at it absolutely magnificent so let’s take it

Out for a test drive and it’s a little bit of a slow going but let’s see those Hops and yes that that is some fantastic jumping right there now there is a little matter of about 1,000 blocks of Ocean between where we are now and home so getting

This Magnificent Beast home might prove a little challenging so first off I’m going to see if camels can swim I think I already know the answer to this but it’s worth a try and so far it is not looking good nope so swimming is out of the

Question Next plan let’s see if we can get this beast in a boat and um initial signs point to know so um let’s try again from the other side I’ll just grab my boat over here and let’s pop it down over there and I’m going to

Say that’s a no on the boat as well so we’ve resorted to the simplest and yet the most effective method I’ve got a leash I’ve got my camel and we’re going home and there we are land is coming into sight and just over that jungle is home so I’m going to head for

The the shore and then I’m going to ride my camel for the last few blocks and I’ve discovered if you hold down shift this camel actually has a pretty decent turnoff speed look at it Go So for anybody out there wondering is a camel worth it the answer is

Absolutely yes now let’s just be careful over here I don’t want to fall into a Ravine and lose my camel that would be absolutely devastating so I’m just going to take it nice and slow and I think there’s just one Ravine left and I realized I have made a bit of

A blunder firstly I brought home a camel and I have nowhere to put it so we need to build this guy a home and secondly this camel has no name so if anybody has any suggestions drop it in the comments below and we’ll get right on building a home for our camel He And our camel pen is almost complete I’ve tried to incorporate as many things as I could from his homeland as you can see I’ve got some sand I’ve got some Cactus I’ve got some dead bushes and I think our camel is going to be very very

Happy over here one thing that I still do want to add is some colorful deser Nomad flags all around its pen and for that I’m going to need some wool so first things first let’s just complete this path and once that is done we can see about going out getting some wool

And putting up some flags for our camel now usually I gather my wool from the island sheep in the middle of the lake but today I’m going to give them a little bit of a break we’ve got some sheep right behind our house over here

And I think today’s wool is going to be coming from them so that’s one I think I saw some more right over here there we go that’s two and there’s another one right here and I thought there were a few more sheep than that but it seems I

Might have been mistaken oh that guy’s ready to go again so let’s grab that wool and I think I am very very short which means I will need to go to the island and sheare those sheep The Following preview has been rated R for ridiculous first win the Island Sheep

Thought they were safe it turns out they were Not in a tail packed with sheer action fungusaur is red is the wool ninja probably never coming to get this anyway ever so we’ve gathered enough wool to make some banners and we’ve hung them up in our camel house and I think it is looking rather

Good I’m on my way to fetch the camel but I think I’m just going to fix this little piece of road right here I’ve got some slabs so let’s just grab those and then we go pop them down here just one two three and the road is done let’s get our

Camel and oh the fact that he walked right over that fence gate is just a little bit concerning so I think we will need to do some tests in order to see if a camel can actually climb over these on its own or if it was just because I’m

Riding it it’s coming over here and whoop it can walk right over them so in order to determine what it takes to actually contain a camel I think we’ll need to do some tests because if this camel can’t be held by my fence we’ve got a

Problem and we’ve set up a little bit of a test ground here we’ve set up an obstacle course and the first thing we’re going to try is a simple fence so here we go fence number one and yep just walks right over it like it’s not even

There so I would assume if it does that with a fence it’ll do exactly the same with a wall so let’s try that here we go wall test in three 2 and right over it so first results a camel can walk right over a fence and a brick wall so next up

What happens if we put a trapo on top of it here we go and still walking right over it and if it does that with a fence it’s going to do the same with the wall so final test if we put a slab on top of

That fence and that wall let’s see what happens and once again the fence and the slab is no match for the mighty camel so I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s probably going to take a two block high wall to contain this camel and we’re

Going to put that to the test quickly so let’s get on our camel and see if a two block high wall can stop it here we go and yep it cannot climb over a two block high wall let’s see if it can jump over nope and so in conclusion it’s going to

Take a two block high wall to contain this animal and I’m not going to redesign his pen right now so I’m just going to keep him leashed for a little bit because we’ve got some other work to do and in the previous episode you might recall that I panicked because I thought

All of my villagers were dead as it turns out they were not they were just off hiding somewhere I have found some of them but the scare was enough to prompt me into finally building a villager breeder and as you can see most of the work is

Done is just a little bit of refinement needed to make it pretty so first up I’m going to put down some pretty Spruce pillars right over here in all the corners and in the middle so let’s get those dug down and put up um while I’m

Down here let me quickly just ho down these patches of dirt and turn them back into Farmland there we go and let’s let get this pillar set up right here so 1 2 3 4 and all the pillars are in place so we just going to install some Cross Beam

I’m just going to go and put one in between all of the pillars and one down and a few more to go our cross beams are in place however we have a little bit of an iron golem infestation over here they are ruining the crops and they are just generally in

The way so let’s get rid of them I’ve pushed them in the water let’s take him out and I’ve very carefully calculated that if I stand right here I can whack them without them being able to whack me so that’s the first one down let’s get

The second one down as well and of course we’re going to get a little bit of iron from this so next up we’re going to install some stone walls and I’m just going to place some random stone blocks leave a few gaps and afterwards we’ll fill those gaps with some stone bricks

The villagers will have a safe and sturdy shelter over here and the stone bricks are in however during construction our farmer has escaped so we need to get him back and then we need to find him a little friend we also need to get a roof in here but

We’ll get to that in due time and then lastly we’ll need to finish the area where the beds are going to go and our farmer is back in the breeder so we’ve done some work over here as you can see I’ve added a little bit of decorations I’ve added some torches and

There’s half a roof going up however I still need to finish this front bit over here but I’ve run out of stone so I’m just waiting for a little bit more to smelt and then we’ll complete this section and with the breeder complete it’s time to let these guys out and have

Them become productive members of the society so let’s just dig out the the blocks here come on guys you’re free to go let’s go find you a job and the Villager training is going Splendid we’ve got some Librarians with some awesome trades locked him however at this moment we don’t have much to

Trade with him so I need to upscale my sugarcane farm and I think I’m going to do that not by automation or anything because I don’t have the stuff to automate it yet we’re going to do it simply by making this Farm a little bigger so first up we just going to plop

Down more blocks just give us a bit more realistate to plant more sugar cane let’s give it another row over here and then we’re going to dig some holes and fill them with water and that should give us plenty of space to plant some more sugar

Cane and then I’m going to put some top slabs Over the Water Source blocks just to make it a little bit easier to farm and to work in the field and then finally it’s time to plant more sugar cane so here we go I’m just going to go all the way around and

As the sugarcane grows I’m going to grab it and just plant it down again So eventually this will be quite a productive little field and I think once we’re done we’ll have plenty of sugar cane to make paper and trade with the librarians and it’s time to take a look at what

We’ve done so far so we have the camel house and as you can see I have finally found a use for those annoying banners that get left by the pager Rays so just look at that and that should get everybody to stay away next up let’s check in on our sniffers because these

Guys have grown and they are absolutely massive if I had known they’d get this big I probably would have built their pin a little bit larger but they seem happy so I’ll leave it be and snoof has found something some torch flower seeds and oh oh look at snort go look at snort

Go and what have you got my boy he’s got a pcture pot good boy good boy snort and snuff you better pick up your game you’re falling behind the others but doesn’t matter I love all three of you you are absolutely fantastic so let’s head over to the

House because I have been doing some work there as well and I’ve got the interior all decorated so let’s just make our way over and the second we walk in the door you’ll be able to see that I have absolutely no idea what to do with

This spot right here at the moment I’ve got some picture plants and torch flowers growing over here but it’s not the most productive use of this space so if you have any suggestions let me know next up let’s take a look at the kitchen and we have a beauty of a kitchen going

On around here we’ve got some ovens and stoves some chairs some tables and of course we’ve got some herbs growing as well which we can use to make some delicious delicious food and last but not least we’ve got our coffee maker so the kitchen is all kitted out and ready

To receive some guests on the other side of the house I went absolutely nuts with a chiseled bookshelves and I don’t know if they serve much of a use but I really wanted to put them down here and I think I might have gone just a little bit

Overboard but no matter we’ll fill them up in due time but for now let’s get on with a tour and I turn your attention to the cupboard which is now the smelting area we’ve got our four furnaces in there for no other reason than I didn’t

Know quite where to put them and going upstairs you can see the bedroom has been Decked Out we’ve got a nice desk with a chair over here where we can sit and study all the artifacts we’ve Unearthed we’ve got our double bed with some banners some paintings and it’s

Looking rather nice we’ve also got some pots that I’ve made as you can see this one I used a few of my shirts to make a fantastic friend pot and this one I just had a lot of those shirts so I made it another pot I’m not even sure what it’s

Called but I really do love the pots and finally let’s check in on our villagers as you can see I have done quite a bit of work over here we’ve got some Fletchers we’ve got some Librarians we’ve got a toolsmith some armorers and all of them are working towards getting

Their top tier trays now I have been doing quite a bit of work with the armorers which has allowed me to deck myself out in full diamond armor and as you can see protection 3 Unbreaking 3 helmet a Protection One chest plate that one sucks a little bit still but we’ll

Get there we have an Unbreaking 3 protection four pair of pants and we have protection to feather falling three boots and all of this stuff should really help help me to stay alive a little bit longer but that ladies and gentlemen is it for today we’ve got some

Great work done we’ve got some trades we’ve got a camel and we have got ourselves some decent Gear hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft hardcore now no need to panic obviously as you still can see the village is still there there’s no flood coming down from the mountains above and that was all done in a creative copy of my hardcore World

Which I use for planning however I still will be destroying half the Village today and this Valley will be getting flooded now I’ve been thinking long and hard about what to do with this area over here and Fin finally I have come up with a plan however it’s going to take a

Lot of preparation a lot of planning and we’re getting started right away so what I want to do is create a lake in this Valley over here and that will require me destroying all of these buildings and planning out the damn wall meticulously because if I get this wrong I will have

To redo everything and once this is filled up with water that’s going to be a bit of a problem so while I’m busy planning if if you haven’t already head over and hit that subscribe button and let’s get this party on the way now this is the third time that I’m

Replanting this wall and as you could see from the very first shot the first time it was between the buildings I then moved it out to around about the middle of the lake and now it’s right on the edge but I’m getting some monster sounds

Over here so I better head down and just check what the heck is going on down down here and there’s a creeper I can hear a zombie but let’s just take out this blasty little Mister first one more and there we go and here comes Mr zombie

As well so let’s just get rid of him and then let’s just quickly head in here and see what is happening so we’ve got a bit of a cave in that direction some lava over there and then we’ve got more cave in this direction and as it turns out

The cave wasn’t very large or very interesting by any means so so we’re back to planning and I want to curve this wall in right here to meet up with this other Edge right over here and um that’s not what I wanted to do let’s just grab that dirt and replace it there

We go and on this end I’m just going to curve it back to meet up with that little Hill over there all right so most of the planning is done I think let’s build this up and see what it looks like because I think I’m only going to get a

Full idea of what’s Happening Here once I have put all these blocks in place but first let’s see what this Trader has to offer because maybe he’s got something useful let’s go have a look hello sir he’s got a f oh he’s got some beetroot

Seeds I really do want that um okay he got a lot of other rubbish but I need those seeds so wait here while I get my money and there we go we have some beetroot seeds and if you’re wondering why I’m so excited about beetroot seeds

Is because I have found that if you have a farmer who has been zombified and cured a few times the beetroot trade is actually pretty good you get an emerald for just three or four beetroots while if you’re trading with carrots potatoes or wheat you need a lot more goodies to

Get that same Emerald from the farmer so I’m just going to go pop these in my chest and we’ll get on with today’s project and we have another pager Patrol over here these guys have been really persistent and a big big pain they seem to be moving away but that doesn’t stop

Me from trying to hit them so let’s see if I aim there it’s a little bit low and oh yeah we got him we got him all right let’s see if we can hit him again nah we missed but they’re on their way so let’s

Do the same and get out of their hair before they decide to come back and it’s time to get rid of these buildings I’m going to start with the one right in the middle and this is going to take some chopping some picking and of course breaking some glass

Lovely and the first house is down just a few more blocks and let’s just grab these and get started working on the second house so here we go and with the first two houses demolished it’s time to give a little bit of shape to the bottom of the the

Lake so we’re just going to dig away some dirt here and we found a deep hole so let’s go see what is going on inside here and it seems that we have yes here’s one of my missing Fletchers um I’ll get you out in a second buddy and

That would be one of my missing Librarians now there’s not much that I can do for the librarian at the moment but I can get my Fletcher out of here and there we go come on up is a nice road all the way to the surface for

You let’s get you out of there because it’s time for you to get back to work come on and we’ve demolished all the houses in the middle of the lake we’ve built a little island and we’ve made a road that’s going to connect up with that little island via a bridge and it’s

Going to look fantastic but it’s time to get started on this damn wall we’ll just have some lunch and get back to planning and I have got most of the wall in place just a few more blocks that need to go in over here I’ve shaped it and reshaped

It and I must say that the final product is absolutely awful I hate it and I’m going to need to redesign the entire thing I think perhaps we need to go a bit simpler maybe some straighter lines which will allow me to build something that’s going to be a lot easier and a

Lot better looking so let’s take it down and we’ve almost managed to tear down the entire wall that we’ve put down and this has taken a lot longer than I would have liked but the new redesigned wall is now in place and as you can see we’ve got

Some straighter lines which will allow me to do a bit more design work on the outside of it without having to worry about the curves now the next part of the project requires me to go down into a mine somewhere and collect hundreds of blocks of stone but we’ll skip that part

And get straight to the Building And the wall is in place and it is looking mighty formidable I think once I have some detailing done on the outside it’s going to look brilliant and as you can see there’s also a second island that I’ve built in the front here and we’re going to connect that up to the

First one with some more bridges and now that I have a design I’m happy with I can start filling this thing with some water and this is going to be a big job so we’re going to start out over here on the far end of the lake grabbing

Some water and plonking it down against the sides and that one didn’t form a water source that is quite odd but it’s all right we’ve got plenty of water in the middle here so let’s just grab that and put it down over there and we’re almost done with the

First layer of water and I was right indeed this is a Gargantua task but no matter we shall persevere and we won’t stop until this entire Valley has been flooded we’re almost there I think just a few more buckets on this side and then the second layer of water will be oh

Okay it filled itself in that’s fantastic let’s take a look at what we’ve achieved so far and that is rather underwhelming but no matter we will get started on the other side and luckily we can fast forward this And our lake is filled in and as you can see we’ve got the two little Islands peeking out over there and I think it is looking rather Blended I’ll still see what I want to do exactly with those islands but I think we are off to an excellent start

Here and we have a slight issue as these pillagers have found their way into my sniffer pin and I’m not exactly sure how to get rid of them because if I just go in swinging my sword around I might hit my sniffers and I really don’t want that

So I’m going to see if I can take them out with my bow let me just get over here and um and they’re shooting and they have hit my sniffer they have hit my sniffer okay I need to get those guys out of there as quickly as possible um let me

Think all right I think first things first let’s get some milk I don’t want to start a raid cuz that is awfully close to the Village then I think I just have to go gung-ho get in there and get rid of those Raiders so here we go all

Right let’s take out the leader first and there we go next guy and finally let me just drink my milk quickly let’s get this Oak and there we go and once it stops raining and the light returns we’ll check out the results and the result is terrible terrible indeed we only have two

Sniffers left these vile villains have murdered one of my sniffers so let me replant these bushes get rid of this cursed paraphernalia and then decide what we’re going to do about this situation and as you can see snuffs pin is empty poor snuff has been slain and

Just look at them searching for their lost friend but I’m sorry guys snuff is not coming back But what’s that you’ve got there boy let me see oh torch flower seed that means we are able to bring back New Life to this tragic place and there we have it a brand new egg from which we will hatch a new sniffer and it will never replace snuff

But at least it will bring back some joy and here we say goodbye to Snuff he was absolutely brilliant he loved sniffing he loved digging and he will be sorely sorely missed thank you snuff we will always cherish the short time that you spent with us so leave a like in

Memory of snuff and the brave sacrifice he made in The NeverEnding fight against the pillagers and if you haven’t done so already be sure to subscribe to be the first to meet the new member of our family but this is fungusaur re saying until next time beautiful people stay awesome Bye-bye I’ve been rather bad why have I been bad well I make Minecraft videos as a hobby and as a hobby any time I get to spend doing it should be treated as precious and used wisely now over the last week I have done anything but that

Over the last week I’ve spent most of my precious time playing the new phasmophobia update and while there’s nothing wrong with that it has led to me worrying that I might not get this video done anytime soon however as you can see I have Rose to the occasion and this

Video is complete now if you’re appreciate the effort make sure you leave a like and hey if you haven’t done it already give that old subscribe button to click and so let’s get into today’s episode and we starting off on a happy note as you can see we have a new member

In our little family we have a wee little snifflers finally hatched and just look at this little guy walking around sniffing like it’s his job which it is of course but it’s so so brilliant to see him anyway he doesn’t have a name yet so if anybody has any suggestions

Pop them in the comments below and who knows you could be the one naming the new member of our little family but now it’s time to get to work and we have a lot of building to do so let’s get started right away and the first thing we need to do is collect

Some materials and of course the first thing we’re going to need is surprise surprise some Stone so let’s just grab a few stacks of this gray gold over here and then next we going to need a healthy dose of andesite and fortunately we’ve got some right

Here next up some deep slate and we’re going to need some Stu as well so what I’m hoping for is that as we dig out the Deep slate we run into a tough deposit but first things first first let’s have a spot of lunch and then we’ll get back

To mining a few stacks of deep slate and like clockwork there’s somebody trying to spoil our party so we just going to e this guy into the abyss there we go and then we’ll get back to mining our deep slate and we are in luck because right

Here in this corner we do indeed have some tough so let’s grab a few stacks of that and that should pretty much give us everything we need to get started on today’s builds now at this stage the plan was to treat you guys to a spectacular time

Lapse of me texturing the wall and building the wooden supports however we had a bit of a power outage and all of my recordings got corrupted so instead you now get to watch me drop some wood not a great trade-off but that’s what we got however I can show you the final result

And here we go as you can see we’ve got some deep slate in there we’ve got some tough in there and I think those wooden pillars are looking mighty strong and that pretty much concludes the first part of today’s build I think it is looking great so

Far now we just need to add a few more details to the wooden supports over here and I’m just going to to pop down these trap doors and once this is done we can get on with the second part of today’s build but for that we’re going to need a

Few materials and I thought I still had some sand left as it turns out I am fresh out so we here in the desert and the first thing we’re going to grab is a few stacks of sand and while we’re out and about I thought it might be a good idea to come

And check out this pager Outpost now it’s quite weird I haven’t run into any pagers yet but I’m going to let this Iron Golem out and as soon as they do show up he can take care of them and they won’t be my problem so now that

He’s free I can take my time and check if there’s anything valuable to be had here on this side we’ve got two more cages and unfortunately no allays in them so let’s make our way to the top and check out the chest and uh we’ve got

A bottle of enchanting and a bunch of rubbish now I thought for a second I heard the Iron Golem yeting somebody down there so it seems like the big guy is doing his job and yes the pagers have arrived and yeah a big guy has taken care of them so

While everything is still quiet on this front I’m going to be getting out of here because there is still a lot of work to be done and back at base I have made some gray concrete powder which now needs to be turned into gray concrete and for

That I’m going to be building a stack high tower just because I can usually I would do this differently but I felt like shaking it up a bit today so here we go one stack high tower of gray concrete powder and of course that allows us to

Jump down into the lake so all we need to do now is grab our pickaxe and mine the block the top blocks will fall in and turn into gray concrete and there were just a few blocks That Got Away somehow but we have taken care of them

And with gray Concrete in hand it is time to start the next part of our Build And the dam wall is finally complete and if I do say so myself it is looking absolutely Fantastic and we have some Intruders in the sniffer pen now I have no idea what these guys are doing in there however they need to get out you don’t see my sniffers going over to the village and sniffing around their goods so let’s just see there’s two more guys over

There this is not the place guys come on get out of there if you would sir please leave the sniffer pin in an orderly fashion and you back there I see you get out of there as well thank you very much now stay out and now that our Snuffer pin is free

Of intruders we can get back to building and we’re going to be building some bridges next because we want to hook up both sides of the dam to the island in the middle and then have a third bridge going from the one Island to the other so without any further Ado let’s get

Building And our three bridges are complete as you can see these two are still standing quite strong however the third one over there well that’s taken a bit of a beating over the years and as you can see it has fallen apart somewhat however it is still functional and we can still

Cross from the one side to the other but we still have a lot more building to do today and for that we’re going to need some more materials now the next two things that I need is some dark oak and some mud now the mud I know

Where to get I’m just going to grab that over at spawn and my goodness that wall is looking fantastic anyway as I was saying I can grab some mud at spawn but I haven’t found a dark Oak Forest just yet now I’ve been looking around in that

Direction is spawn behind the village is just some forest and to the other side I haven’t discovered any dark oak so I’m going off in this direction and I’m going to see if I can locate a dark oak forest now I think the best course of

Action is to just run in a straight line and hope I find something good and there’s another pager Outpost over here so let’s see what’s up and this one actually has some pages in it so let’s just take care of that guy there’s another one over here with

An enchanted crossbow so if I stop falling down Cliffs I can perhaps take care of him there we go and another one up here on the hill another cage no aays in it and we’ve got another customer right over here one more pagia to take care of and

Now we we can go and explore the tower and in the chest we have o we got a goat’s horn but um other than that one or two pieces of iron and nothing else of Interest really so I think let’s just loot all of the goodies that we can over

Here and I think there’s another guy down there who is now inside the tower one more guy over here and now I think it’s time for us to stop messing about with the pages and go look for that dark oak forest once again and we’ve been traveling for quite

A few blocks we haven’t found a dark oak forest just yet but we have found another Village so while I’m here I’m going to pop in see what these guys have to offer and ooh brewing stand I will be taking that thank you very much but other than the brewing stand not a

Lot to offer however there’s a beehive down there and there are a bunch of bees now I’ve only got one bee back at base so these guys will be very very handy indeed now while I’m waiting for night to fall I’m just going to go check out

This area over here see if I can see something useful and because the sun is still way high up in the sky I’ve got a little bit of waiting to do but if we’re in luck we will spot a dark oak forest in that direction and there’s no dark oak forest

But there’s a massive Chasm and just standing on the edge of this thing makes my feet hurt now I suffer from a bit of acrophobia so one of the weird effects of that is whenever I look down into a big drop my feet start hurting so just

For future reference if I say this makes my feet hurt it means it triggers my acrophobia so anyway I think it’s about to get dark so let’s go get our bees and it is night our bees are in the hive let’s go chop it down there we go total

Bee location and of course there’s a zombie who’s coming to spoil our party once again but in order to pick up our beehive we need to get rid of something first and um yeah let’s Chuck that and let’s grab our bees and I’ve been traveling for quite a

Few more blocks and I have come across another Village no dark oak forest just yet but let’s see see if these guys have anything useful and so far it’s not looking good few more houses over there let’s just run over there pop our head in see

If we can spot a chest with some goodies inside o this will have a chest and of course it is filled with bread and a compass not exactly what we’re after so just a few more houses to check out and then we’ll be on our way once again

And another Village another total bust but we’ve got some green up ahead and hopefully that will translate into a dark oak forest first of course we’ll need to Wade through this River over here but no matter we shall persevere and I just saw a pop of red

Mushroom over there and that can only mean we have finally found our dark oak forest and yes there we have it the precious precious dark wood let’s grab ourselves a few saplings and we have single-handedly wrought havoc on the scops of what is no doubt very rare and endangered trees but

We’ve got a bunch of saplings we’ve got a bunch of wood and we can finally go home so I think I saw a few more saplings in this direction there we go we’ve got 21 and it’s time that we made our way back home and completed today’s builds and we’ve got another beehive

Over here I’m just going to grab that and that however means we need to get rid of something else and I think I’m going to eat my crafting tables I’ve got a lot of wood on me I can make another one very easily if I

Need to but as you can see on the horizon home is just around the corner so let’s make our way down this Cliff over here navigate this weird little piece of terrain and then as soon as we get to the other side our warm cozy bed is just a few blocks

Away and now that we’ve put down all of our goodies we can finally go and get the last item we need to complete today’s builds and that is some mud so we are heading back to spawn and we’re going to dig out just a few stacks of

Mud and of course I have no boat so let’s just make ourselves a boat and I have no crafting table either because I got rid of them when I picked up my beehive so let’s just pop that down there and then we’ll make ourselves another bamboo raft because these things

Are just absolutely bril so let’s head to spawn and there it is the mangrove swamp where it all began and that is where we will find our final building block that we need today we are going to dig up some mud now I’m not entirely sure how

Much durability Digging Up Mud uses but it seems to be doing quite a number on my shovel but fortunately we’ve almost got enough I think we’ve got about six Stacks or so by now so just a few more and and we’ll be able to head back

Home and we’ve got a bunch more here that I just can’t resist digging up because it’s quite a trip out here and at the moment I don’t feel like coming back anytime soon so we’ll just grab a few more Stacks I think I’ve got about 9

Or 10 by now but I think that should be enough so let’s get on our boat yeah that looks about right and then let’s get home and let’s finish this build and we’re heading over to the second island because that’s where the next piece of magic is going to happen we’re

Going to build an old ruined Tower over here well half of it going to be on the island and half of it is actually going to be in the lake so first things first let’s mark out exactly where we want to build and with that done it’s time to start building here we

Go The tower is complete a crumbling relic of a bygone age there is however another relic of a byon age in this Village one brimming with life an absolutely beautiful Beacon cherished by the people as you shall soon see And there we have the ancient tree standing proud on the island in the middle of the dam a beacon to the people of Hope prosperity and life and we’ve added in a little hydroponic form over there to replace the one I destroyed in the previous episode and with all of that our work

For today is done I think the dam is looking absolutely magnificent we’ve still got some work to do on this side as I want to add a canal system running water from the dam to the lake at the Bottom hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft hardcore now in the previous episode we did a lot of work on our dam and it’s starting to really look like something special and in this episode we’re going to continue that good work we also have a few other

Things planned for today so let’s get busy now the first thing I need to do is gather some resources and yes that means we’re heading out to the Mesa to go and collect some terra cotta because I want to use terra cotta to build me a little

Village on the bank of the damn so here we go we’re at the Mesa and we’re going to grab a few stacks of each color so without any further Ado let’s get started and collect ourselves a few tons of Terra Cotta and we’re back and our pockets are absolutely packed to the brim with every color of terracotta you can think of we’ve got some red we’ve got some white we’ve got some Gray we’ve got some normal terra cotta and then we’re going to grab some yellow and blue dye and

Make ourselves some yellow and blue terra cotta as well but first things first we have a building in the way which means we need to destroy destroy it so here we go a little bit of chopping a little bit of picking and just a few blocks

Left and there we go our canvas is ready for us to start creating and the first thing we’re going to need to do is a little bit of landscaping and then we’ll get straight into building Yeah And our village is starting to take shape as you can see we’ve done the rough outlay of the land and now we’re going to start doing a little bit of texturing and we’re going to start off with these walls just add a bit of mossy cobblestone some bricks some Mossy

Bricks and already it’s starting to look a lot more alive but right now we’ve just got a few more blocks that we need to place here so uh let’s just grab our pickaxe and place these final few blocks next up we’re going to add some fences

So here we go we’re just taking a few Oak fences we’re going to put them up all over the place then we’ll take a step back and see how the village is progressing and it’s coming along well however it is still in need of some detailing some

Texturing and of course some doors and windows so I think next up we’ll tackle the windows and here we go every hole gets a window pane so pop a few of them in here and then it’s time to do a little detailing I’m going to start over here

And replace some of these mud bricks with some normal packed mud next up it’s time to add some bushes and we’re going to grab these oak leaves and just scatter them all around and then a little bit of detailing is in order so we’re going to add some buttons over

Here and on this corner as well and then next up I’ll add a few barrels because somehow barrels just have the ability to make a place look lived in so let’s put one down here on this end and then finally it’s time to add some roads and I’m just going to do dirt

Roads for now I might change this to paved dros later on but for now it’s just for us to get an overall impression of what the place looks like and so far I must say I really do like what I’m seeing just a little bit of detailing

Still left to be done and then it’s ready for the villages to make the big move from the old village to the new one and taking a bird’s eye view of the entire place it is looking rather spectacular I think just a few more potted plants in the like a few lanterns

And this part of the village will be done but now it’s time for me to go back to the place that I hate the most the place that has cost me two previous hardcore worlds ladies and gentlemen it is finally time for me to go to the nether

So we’ve got our portal ready and here we go and just taking a quick look around we didn’t have too bad of a spawn we able to reach the bottom with a relative ease we’ve got a warped Forest as well as a Crimson Forest right next to our

Spawn and although this might be a little bit premature I have a feeling that the nether is going to be kind to us this time so there we go there’s our portal I’ve created a little hidey hole over here for me to hide in in case something should start chasing me and

From our hidey-hole I’m going to set off in search of a nether fortress because I need to get some blaze rods I need to get some ender pearls and then I need to find the end portal mainly because I’m tired of having limited inventory space

I want some shulker boxes and I want an elytra and fortunately nothing I’m doing here is dangerous at all just a few dozen blocks between between me and the lake of lava below however this is the only way to get across as I seem to be stuck on a

Little island over there and we survived the lava bridge and we’ve made it through to the warp Forest over here and from here I think we’ll continue North and just look at this feat of engineering a super safe road but we have to go in that direction now in

Search of that elusive nether fortress and the biomes they are changing which hopefully is a sign that we’re getting close to what we seek so let’s dig through here and see what we have on the other side and finally we have found it we have a nether fortress over there so

What I’m going to do is just create a safe little road for me to reach it first of all and then we’ll go poking around looking for some blaze rods perhaps a few Wither Skeleton skulls and maybe some good loot from the chest chests in there so first things first

I’m going to dig out the road here and then build a little barricade to keep us safe from whatever is spawning over there and we’ve got a wee bit of a problem we’ve got a wither skeleton over there which normally isn’t too bad however we have a zombie piglin over

There as well and I really don’t want to accidentally hit him as you might recall that was how I lost my last hardcore world I accidentally hit one of those guys while fighting some blazes with my bow and arrow and about 2 minutes later it was all over so I’m trying not to

Make that same mistake this time I’m going to let them get out of the way and then I’ll take care of the Wither Skeleton and with a zombie piglin safely out of the way we can take care of the Wither Skeleton and we can finally enter

The Fortress so let’s put down a few torches to Mark our entrance and get exploring and we’ve already found a chest full of goodies and we’ve got two diamonds and a smithing template so we’re off to a good start however my inventory is already full of absolute

Rubbish so I think I’m just going to Chuck a few of the unwanted blocks in here grab my smithing template and we’ll explore further and we’ve got another chest over here two Saddles two pieces of gold unfortunately no diamonds this time and we’ve got a dead end over here so let’s

Backtrack and we found another chest let’s just light up here and it seems my chests are just getting worse but finally we found a blaze spawner which is partially covered and in a protected location so I think what I’m going to do is turn this into a little makeshift blaze farm first things

First let’s Place some blocks so that we don’t get attacked from behind and then we’ll create a little doorway over here where we can go through and we can safely take out these Blazers cuz there’s already a son of them that have spawned and I think I’m

Going to take this one out with my sword because he’s close and then I’m going to switch over to my bow because there’s a lot of them so yeah take it slow and steady just take care of most of them with my bow I think that’s about two or three

Down let’s go have a look oh no no no no no let’s get back in here and we’ll have to carry on with our bow for now and we’ve managed to bring the blaze population down to manageable levels uh just odd one or two spawning every now

And then which we can easily take care of and with blaze activity at a low we can finally build our little mihi blaze farm so I’m going to cover up the entire roof just a few more blocks that I need to put in here and then they won’t be

Able to fly off Out Of Reach and we should be able to manage them effectively so see they’re spawning again let’s take care of this guy there we go and then let’s just pop in a few blocks on this end so just fill up the roof here I think that should be fine

Let’s see if we can get a block over there and we’ve got a little door over here now so that will keep the Fireballs out and I’m just going to take out this guy over here which gives us 32 blaze rods I think that is enough I’m not

Going to be greedy I’m I’m going to take my 32 blaze rods and I am getting out of here and this warped Forest is absolutely packed with Enderman I need some Ender pears to make Eyes of Ender so I’m just going to annoy these guys over here there we go he’s very angry

But I’ve got a little hidey-hole which is going to keep me safe so let’s take out Mr Enderman as soon as he stops running away and then we’ll collect his pull get rid of that and let’s collect a few few ender pearls so we’ve collected seven ender

Pearls so far I’m back in my little Hideout near the portal I’m going to grab some of this gold and then I’m going to see if I can trade with some of the piglins around here to see if they will give me a few more ender pears and excuse me buddy dude

Seriously excuse me okay there we go let’s go see if we can trade for some pulls I’ll just grab my gold and so far the trading has not gone well I’ve got some gravel I’ve got some fire charges and this guy just seems interested in

Giving me a load of nonsense so I think I might need to go back to fighting Enderman for ender pearls I’m going to collect my gold these guys are not interested in good trades and we’ve got a bit of a situation going on up here I have no idea what this is all

About and I’m not sure I want to find out I think that’s definitely some sort of cult and I want absolutely no part of it so I am getting out of the Nether and heading back home right now and we’re back home and first things first we have some important business to take care of thanks to Daniel daon we

Finally have a name for our new sniffer we’ve got snoof we’ve got snort and Now ladies and Gentlemen please everybody say welcome to snoot so here we go he gets his own personalized name tag no not no snoot there we go and with that done I think it’s time that we went in

Search of the end portal so we’ve created some Eyes of Ender and we are ready to set off in search of the end portal so here we go let’s have a little bit of food first I think we’ve got enough yeah we’ve got some golden carrots we’ve got some

Potatoes and now it’s time to throw the First Eye of Ender so here we go let’s launch it and it’s going in that direction and it has disappeared and harvesting my entire sugarcane field in search of that missing Eye of Ender I finally found it

Hiding in this oak tree next to the cow pen so let’s get up there quickly and let’s grab our Eye of Ender and continue on our journey so down we go and I have no idea how far away this thing is but it’s taking me still in

This direction so we’re just going to keep following These Eyes we’ve already lost two due to breakage so I hope it’s not too much further and it seems we have sort of arrived at the spot where it could be I was over in that direction it sent me

Here and now it sent me back so I think it might be underwater here now I’ve lost another two eyes as they just went into the ground and never resurfaced so I’m just going to say it’s over here and I’m going to start digging so I’m

Building a pillar up here with some dirt I’m not entirely sure why I thought I might make a sort of a tunnel that I can go down but I don’t have that much dirt so I’m just going to start digging and we’ve reached deep slate I can hear

Zombies we’ve got water and yes here we are we have reached the stronghold so let’s get these dug out and let’s get in there and after a lot of searching I have finally found the portal room there’s a lot of dead ends over here but we found the portal room and first

Things first let’s get rid of this spawner and then I think I’m just going to get my bearings and perhaps see where exactly this is in relation to where I came in and I recognize that Fountain it is literally around the corner cor from where I came in yet I’ve been sitting

Here for well over half an hour looking for it and yeah 11 eyes missing I have got five which means I’m not going to be able to ignite this portal right now I have to go back home I have to get some more ender pears and I have to craft some

More Eyes of Ender but before we go back I am looking for the libraries and I found the first one hopefully there’s a second it’s quite a large stronghold so I assume there’s going to be a second one and here we have ooh I armor trim that’s

Fantastic now we need to get rid of some crap once more and I think the dirt can stay and perhaps the copper can stay and then I’m going to grab my armatum piercing four power four not bad I’ll take that and I found the second Library let’s see what goodies these chests

Hold and we have have another armatum and that’s it not very fantastic but let’s go see what we have upstairs maybe there’s an awesome book in the chest there let’s go straight over have a look and one more armatum okay well I’m getting out of here I’m simply going to

Dig my way out and head home hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft hardcore now in the previous episode we finally made our way to the end portal however once we got there we were a little bit short on Eyes of Ender so we’ve come all

The way back home we’re going to grab a few more eyes ofender and then we’ll head back and finally activate and go through the end portal because we have a massive build plan for today and we’re not going to do that without an elytra or shulker boxes so let’s go grab some

More eyes ofender and then let’s get back to the end portal and it seems we’ve run into a little bit of a problem as we have a grand total of one ender pearl at our disposal so that means we either need to train up a cleric or head back into the

Nether to go and fight some more Enderman but I’m going to go with option a first and see if we can train up a cleric and buy some Ender PS from him and things have not gone as planned as you can see we’ve got this cleric

Trained up all the way to Master Level and we don’t have an Ender pull trade which means it’s time to head back to the nether get some more ender PS make some more Eyes of Ender and then make our way back to the end portal however before we do that there’s something that

I have been meaning to do for a long long time and up until now I simply haven’t gotten around to it yet and and that is taking care of the chicken hole as you can see we’ve got a bunch of idiots constantly falling into the chicken hole and I think it’s time

To get rid of the chicken hole and create a chicken pen so let’s grab our shovel let’s level out a bit of dirt and then we’ll build a chicken Pen And as much fun as it was to be followed around by a wave of chickens I can happily say that the chicken pen is finally complete there’s no more chicken hole for the idiots to fall into so we can get on with today’s business and first things first we will need to make

Our way to the Nether and grab some more end the poles so let’s get rid of these eggs and head out now I’ve been back in the nether for a while and technically I have enough ender pearls to make the Eyes of Ender that I require however it doesn’t hurt

To always take a little bit extra so let’s annoy Mr Enderman over there run to our little hole and see if he wants to part with his pull so one or two more wax ought to do it as soon as he stands still and no pull from Mr the Enderman

But we’ve got five so far and it should be enough but let’s just take a few extra because it is quite a way to travel and I don’t feel like coming back again and there’s one more pull as soon as we get rid of this guy over here

We’ll see if he drops us another one and nope he did not but I think that gives us seven PS in total which is enough to activate the end portal and have one or two to spare so with our business in the nether concluded let’s get out of here as soon

As we take out Mr Enderman over there and we’re almost back at the end portal but this is the second time that I’ve come here since going to the nether because the first time when I tried to place the last Eye of Ender I accidentally threw it instead of placing

It it went into the roof somewhere and I couldn’t do that so as you can see up there we’ve got a big hole that I’ve dug out looking for my errand in end Pearl I did not find it I had to go make a few more but here we are end portal

Activated and I think it’s time to go and fight the dragon and this is actually brilliant we are encased in a box of endstone so we don’t need to build our own we’re quite safe in here so let’s just pop down a crafting bench let’s pop down a chest as

Well and then we can just get rid of all the extra crap that we brought with us and it won’t be in our way when we try and fight the Ender Dragon and here we go first things first let’s take out the end crystals there we

Go first one down and a bunch more to go one up here and I think that should either be the last one or next to last one so let’s just build up I think there’s one more somewhere perhaps over this way and there it is so let’s take

Care of that and then we can get busy with killing the dragon and I’m going to be fighting like a total weenie I’m going to stand up here I’m going to shoot the dragon with arrows I’m not going to take any chances whatsoever because if I die here I will be quite

Sad indeed so I’m just going to stay perched on top of the tallest tower over here and every time the dragon comes close I’ll just pepper her with arrows until eventually I am victorious and just a few more to go I think we can get this done oh yeah one

More one more and missed and missed again and there we go we have done it the dragon is dead so let’s make our way down collect our experience and then find ourselves an elytra and some shulker boxes which is after all the main reason we came here

Today so let’s make make our way up to the portal which hopefully is going to take us to an end City and if luck is with us we’ll find a ship and an elytra and we’re here so let’s pop this trapo right over there slam it shut and

Then crawl through the portal as soon as we’ve had a little bit of something to eat here we go and that is quite a terrifying place to spit us out but no matter we are safe and there’s an in city right there now I’m not 100% sure if there’s actually a

Ship at that n city but let’s make our way across and see what we’re dealing with and unfortunately this in city does not have a ship hopefully there’s another one nearby that oh yes yes indeed there is there’s another one right over there and this one does

Indeed have a ship so let’s make our way there and Bridge up to the ship and as soon as we get up there we’re going inside side immediately if I fall from this height I’m pretty much guaranteed to die because I absolutely suck at MLG water buckets but we’re

Inside and once we’ve taken care of the shulker we can get our elytra and there we go the sky is the limit I think I’m going to put that on immediately just to give me some protection in case I fall and along with our elytra we have our

First shulker shell so let’s see what goodies are in these chests I think I’m going to take the chest as well just so I can make some shulka boxes as I go and Stow some of these many many pieces of nonsense that I’m carrying around so

Let’s see what do we want what do we need to leave I think we are all right with that I’ll grab the item frame too because I do like item frames and then we’ll go visit the rest of the city and get ourselves some more shulker

Shells and we have collected quite a few shulker shells however I just want a few more let’s let’s see if we can get to this guy without him lofting us up in the air and oh no no no no no okay never mind we are going up but I think we

Probably have enough shulker shells so I’m just going to have some food and then I think I will be making my way back to the portal because I have a ton of building still to do in this episode and I want to get to it so here we go we’re at the portal

Where we’re going in and we are heading back home and with that we have completed Minecraft which means I can start building and today’s build will probably be the biggest one that I have done to date which is why I was so anxious to get my hands on an elytra and shulker

Boxes and first thing we’re going to need to do is clear out a ton of space because there’s nowhere big enough or flat enough for me to complete this build at the moment moment so let’s get up there chop down some trees dig out some soil and hopefully pretty soon

We’ll be able to start our Build [Applause] And as you can see I have also been breeding an army of cats and that can only mean my next build is going to incorporate a creeper Farm now that I have an elytra I’m going to need a ton of rockets and for that I will need tons

Of gunpowder so without any further Ado let’s build a creeper Farm and one very short time lapse later I have managed to completely screw up my creeper farm this entire wall is one block too far that way it needs to come out and I need to build the entire thing

One block wider but our creeper form is now fixed it is the correct width and no time we should be getting plenty and plenty of gunpowder which means it’s time to move on to the next item on our list and as we’re going to be needing tons of glass

I have to build a super smelter but it’s not going to be a very big smelter so I suppose we can call it a semi super smelter I’m going to make it six furnaces wide here we go six Hoppers over there leading into the chest and

Then let’s just pop our six furnaces on top And with a little bit of decoration our semi super smelter is now complete and as you can see we are getting plenty and plenty of glass and I think that is the last item we will need to prepare for our big build today so let’s get started

On the biggest build I have ever done in Hardcore Minecraft here we go Oh [Applause] E And there we go ladies and gents our Temple Cathedral call it what you will is complete and I think it is looking absolutely fantastic it is quite an imposing sight to stand in front of it and look up at its lofty paks and with our main build for today completed there’s one more

Thing that we need to do I only noticed while I was editing this video that I never collected the dragon egg so it’s time for me to head back to the end make my way to the portal and collect the Ultimate Prize in Minecraft the Dragon egg so let’s avoid all of these

Ender the egg is still perched on top of the portal and let’s just knock it off grab our torch grab our pickaxe and dig out a little hole underneath it so here we go one two three and one underneath place down our torch and then dig out

The one on top and then we can get our dragon egg which means that we have technically completed the game we we have the dragon egg and we can head back home and I think I’m going to place it right over here on my desk along with

All of the other artifacts that I’m busy studying and perhaps I can unlock its Secrets hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft hardcore now in the previous episode we built our magnificent Cathedral over there and in this episode we’re going to continue

That good work as we are going to give the entire Village a much needed makeover and to start things up we’ll be cleaning up the mess we made while we were building the cathedral in the last episode we’ve got a bunch of chests and shulker boxes strewn about and we need

To pick this up and clean out the Village area before we can get building now as you might recall we built a super smelter or semi- super smelter in this case as well as a creeper Farm inside the cathedral but we’ve add added a little something else to it I have set

Up a very cheap and nasty storage area over here just basically plunk down a few chests and I have transferred everything that I’ve collected throughout the game in most of these chests there’s still a few things left in my home but most of the stuff is

Right here and I think I’ve got one more chest left over in the Huts in the corner over there but other than that I’ve collected all of the chests and shulker boxes that I filled with a bunch of nonsense over time and now that everything cleaned up I can finally

Start breaking down what I have created and I’m going to start with a well over here because it’s a fire sail everything has to go so let’s get this well out of the way and then we’ll get started on the other buildings and this is quite interesting

Under the well we have another well and I have no idea why it spawned two Wells just out of sink with each other but this is quite an interesting find however it’s got to go so I’m just going to get rid of the water over here let’s

Get our mushroom blocks back and I missed one right there in the corner so let’s plug that up and then we’ll get rid of the second well as well and once that’s done we can turn our attention to the buildings and I’m going to start right

Over here just picking up some of the random stuff that’s been left behind all of this has got to be broken down and although I’ve spent a lot of time Planning and Building these and initially I was quite pleased with the results I have grown to dislike it

Intensely which means it no longer fits the aesthetic I have in mind it no longer serves any purpose and I’ve got to break down everything I have created however that will give me a chance to implement the fresh new look I have in mind so let’s start the Destruction M And we almost have a clean slate just a few more shulker boxes laying around but it’s time to start doing a bit of terraforming so we’re going to start right over here and then we’re going to carve out the landscape tailoring the terrain in order to receive the brand

New Village so first things first we’ll raise what needs to be raised lower what needs to be lowered and then we’ll make way for some roads some buildings and a bit of Nature and taking a look from up here it’s clear that there is a ton of

Work to be done we need to hide that villager breeder we need to build up the terrain at the back of the mountain there and finally we need to refine this Coastline so let’s get busy first things first we’re going to take some dirt away from the area on the

Right and then use that dirt to build out the section at the top creating a platform for a housing unit or perhaps a store of some sort where we can safely keep and trade with the Villagers then at the front we’re going to build out the coastline a little bit to to make

Way for a road that can lead up to the back section then we’ll tackle the area to the right where we’re going to be building the first house and of course the Villager breeder needs to be covered up not because there’s anything UNS happening down there of course but just

To keep it out of sight and out of mind and with that done we’ll get to work on finishing the back platform and start making way for some roads and now that we have a better idea of what the layout is going to be we can start start

Putting the final touches on the areas we’re going to be building on and with the terraforming almost complete we’ll start adding in some retaining walls to all the different areas and Terraces we’ll start at the back and work our way around all around the Waterfront but first we’ll create some space for the

Roads as well as our River that’s going to be running from the back into the Lake And finally the terraforming is done which means it’s time to start installing the roads now I’ve played around with a few variations in my creative world and finally I’ve decided that I’m going to be using some bricks and some Granite which always gives a beautiful upscale look to any road but

There’s one problem as you can see I am fresh out of bricks which means it’s time to visit the Lash cave now I’ve flown post this particular rock formation a few times and I’m always amazed at how much it looks like a church Tower with a big clock on it

But that’s not why we here we are here for the Lush cave right behind it and inside we’re going to be digging out just a few metric tons of clay now fortunately I haven’t done much clay gathering around here so we’ve still got plenty on offer so with trusty shovel in

Hand let’s get ourselves a few shulker boxes full of clay balls I think one or two ought to do it but who knows maybe we’ll grab just a little bit more and there we go we have gathered all the clay we need so it’s time to

Head back home and get these puppies in the semi super smelter and our Clay is cooking beautifully which means it’s time to build some roads And as you can see we finally finished installing all of the roads as well as our River some bridges going over the river and the floor planes for all of the houses that we’re going to build we’ve also added in some railings just a little bit of detailing one or two lamps

To light the streets and I think we are just about ready to get started on building all of the houses for the brand new Village so let’s fly down there and let’s get busy building the first of five houses that we’re going to be building today And our first house is complete I’ve added in a little bit of flowers just to give it a little bit more life and I must say I think it is looking absolutely gorgeous we’ve got a little porch roof over there made out of campfires we’ve got a custom tree over

Here and from every angle it is looking absolutely beautiful so with one down we have got four more to go and this wasn’t the biggest one of the lot but it wasn’t the smallest either so we’ve got a few more of various sizes and I must say I

Really do love the tone that this has set for the Village [Applause] He [Applause] And finally the first section of the village is complete as you can see I’ve added in a road coming over this way where I’m going to make the farming sector and I’ve added in a little Park complete with a few custom trees and a pond because the lake doesn’t have

Enough water already and we’ve added in a ton of bushes a ton of flowers and just look at it absolutely stunning I’ve also done a little bit of work on the cathedral itself as you can see I’ve replaced the Deep slate pillars with some Spruce and added in a bit of deep

Slate slabs but just walking over in this direction and all the custom trees that I’ve added in here is looking absolutely gorgeous it gives the entire town a lively Vibe and ties it together beautifully and I think the river that runs through the middle was a beautiful

Touch we’ve also got a dock over here where the people can have some boats which they can use to go boating on the lake and of course we’ve got some more custom trees up here we’ve got some ropes with banners going over the top and over here we have the Dino and

Sniffer in which is The Tavern of course so up top here we’ve got the big housing units and I think everything is looking absolutely gorgeous there’s a lot of detail around and there’s a lot of Life throughout the entire town now the one thing that you might notice is not

Present is villagers and that is because I spent a few minutes AFK to try and gather some Gunpowder and unfortunately my villagers had a nasty running with a zombie however there are still plenty of villagers left down in the Villager breeda and in the next episode we will

Get some of those guys up here and teach them to be valuable members of society however this section of the village is now complete and we’ll be doing some more expansions in future episodes but that’ll involve taking down half a mountain filling up another Valley and I have many many more

Plans and just taking a look at it with some shaders on it is is looking absolutely gorgeous I really do love this new look of the village and I’m so glad that this is the direction that I went with yes I spent a lot of time and

Effort on the previous attempt with the little Huts going up the side of the mountain but just looking at this it was worth tearing them down and starting over again hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft hardcore now in the previous episode we’ve done a

Lot of work on our village and in this episode we’re going to continue that good work but first there’s something that I’ve been putting off for quite a while and today’s the day that we finally do it and that has brought us to the nether

Now as you might have noticed I do not yet have a single piece of netherite armor or gear and the main reason for that is that since the 1.20 update crafting netherite armor and gear has become a little bit more complicated instead of just mining some ancient debris smelting it down and creating

Netherite ingots you now also need a netherite upgrade smithing template and in order to find one of those you need to go to a Bastion now because the nether is not my favorite place I have avoided doing that in previous versions of the game but unfortunately I can no

Longer avoid it and I’m sure there was exactly what the developers had in mind I still can’t say that I’m absolutely crazy about the idea but unfortunately I no longer have a choice so it’s off to find a Bastion for me and hopefully within I will find that all precious

Netherite upgrade smithing template let’s go explore the Nether and I have located a Bastion and this is not going well at all oh goodness that was much much closer than I would have liked but I survived let’s have some food and then let’s go explore this Bastion get our smithing template

And get out of here as quick as we possibly can now there are some nice goodies in these chest but I have not found a smithing template just yet which means we’ll have to poke around this Bastion a little bit more and see if we can actually locate

One and judging from the amount of pigin brutes that are pouring out of this crevice I suspect that there’s something good behind this wall now fortunately I am just out of range for them so I can take them out easily and one more to go and once we’ve taken care of this guy

We’ll cross over and go see what’s up there and there are two chests here there are some goodies in here nothing fantastic but sadly no netherite smithing template which means either I am doing something wrong or I have been cheated and since there’s a good chance that I’m screwing

This up I might need to do a bit more research and indeed I was screwing it up apparently there are different kinds of bastions and I need to find a treasure room Bastion which judging from the pictures I’ve seen online this is so what I’ve learned from my research is I

Need to find the treasure room which I think is in there and inside I will find my coveted smithing template so let’s get rid of Mr skeleton and let’s go see and Mr piglin is in the way but we’ve taken care of him and most of his

Buddies so let’s get in there and see what we’re dealing with now if I am correct down there is where I will find the treasure p which means I need to make my way down there without getting killed and so far so good we’ve got about a million magma cubes to deal with

But they’re not much of a threat and now that I’ve taken care of them I can turn my attention to this which is what I came for and inside we have our netherite smithing template we also have a netherite scrap some diamonds and now I have the difficult task of deciding

What goes and what stays because in all my Infinite Wisdom I came to the nether without my shulker box and I’ve decided that this gold is coming with me and apparently that is upsetting quite a few piglins you can hear them getting very very angry over

There but as long as I’m on this platform they can’t get to me so unless they have crossbows I am quite safe over here I’ve built a little wall on the walkway over there so I can gather up all my treasure with Leisure and then I can get out of here

And we’re back home and I have managed to make a complete hash of my recording my footage of me crafting my netherite items is lost to the ether however I have made some netherite leggings on which I have put Swift sneak 3 I have my netherite pickaxe with fortune 3 mending

And Unbreaking 3 and then my netherite axe with Unbreaking 3 efficiency 3 silk touch and mending but that was all the ancient debr I have and before I can make any more netherite items I I will need to go mining for both ancient debris and diamonds however I will do

That at a later stage right now it’s time to get Buolding And stage one the terraforming is complete it might still look a bit rough around the edges but as soon as we start building and all the blocks fall into place it’s going to look absolutely fantastic now we’ve dug out a massive chunk over there by the temple we’ve

Also done a little bit of work over there on the other side we’re going to have a nice waterfall coming down the mountain over here we’re going to build one more house and in the center of it all we’re going to build a magnificent Garden but first things first we have

Located another one of our idiots who like to fall into holes we have one of our missing Librarians down here and this is very welcome news indeed since the zombie attack I am extremely short on skilled Workforce and I am very happy indeed to see this guy over here and I

Turned my back for a second to fetch him a elect turn and he has managed to disappear once again I’ve been looking all over I can for the life of me not locate My Librarian so I think it’s time to cut my losses and get back to building

And this little section over here needs to be closed up and with that done I can finally start to build my garden to build my house and to build my bridge so with everything done and ready let’s get to it ladies and Gentlemen And everything has been laid out we have our roads in place we have our garden all laid out we have some beautiful fountains coming down the side of the staircase and right now we are busy filling them with water so as you can see I’ve already done a little bit of

Work on this side but there’s still much more to be done so let’s pop some water down there create an endless water source over there and then let’s get these little fountains spouting and the one side is filled with water and it is looking absolutely

Fantastic now it is time to do the same on the other side so let’s grab a bucket of water let’s move over to the other side and I think once both sides are filled up with water this is going to look absolutely brilliant and it is looking magnificent

Which means it is time to carry on with the rest of today’s Build And the house is done the Garden is almost done we’ve got our waterfall running over here we’re just busy putting in the last of the water we’ve done a lot of landscaping as well and everything so far is turning out beautifully I think just one or two more

Buckets needed on this side and then we’ll move on to the garden and the waterfall is done and it’s looking beautiful now let’s turn our attention to the Garden as you can see I’ve placed down some Mangrove roots and water log them and the reason for that is because

I want to use some Coral instead of flowers now the problem with coral is that as soon as you take them out of the water they die and they become horrible gray monstrosities however if you place them adjacent to a water block or a water logged block like Mangrove Roots

They will retain their color and remain looking beautiful and the result is an absolute explosion of color exactly what I wanted down here this area is looking gorgeous I added in a few small custom trees and I am over the moon with how this has turned out the garden is looking

Beautiful the waterful is looking Majestic cascading down the side of the mountain and in addition to that we have one new house in our village and if we take a look at everything that we’ve created today it is fitting in absolutely perfectly but now it’s time

To get busy with the biggest build of the day and that will be the bridge going across the valley over there as you can see we’ve built the staircase leading up to it and now it’s time to fill all of this empty space over here with a beautiful Bridge spanning across

The valley big Majestic pillars going up and eventually we’ll probably put a river down here as well but for now our main focus is going to be the bridge which will go from that side to that side and I think this is going to be a good One And our bridge is complete and everything is looking magnificent we’ve got our new house over here we’ve got the fountain and pools flanking the staircase over there painting a Serene picture and on the other side we have our magnificent waterfall coming down the mountain looking absolutely beautiful we also have our garden over

Here and it is absolutely exploding with color I do believe using the coral here was the best move I could have possibly made and then finally we have our Bridge the Magnificent structure stretching the breadth of the valley allowing the river to run underneath it and serving as a gateway

To the next phase of our build and all in all our village is coming along very very well Indeed hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft hardcore now in this episode I’m going to be starting my biggest build in any form of the game ever and that is quite a daunting task indeed which means first of all we’re going to be needing to do a

Little bit of preparation and the first thing on our list is to get our villager trading center up and running wow I have these lovely large buildings everywhere and I have a bunch of villagers ready to go so I’m going to be building a little

Bit of a trading center in this one over here it’s not going to be anything pretty it just needs to be functional for now so let’s head down and meet the contenders and as you can see I’ve already set up a little bit of a curing station over here I’ve got all the

Tracks laid out and I’ve got my spot for my zombie but no zombie G just yet but we’ve got the villagers down there and I’m sure they are just itching to get out of the little cage down here and we will accommodate them very very shortly

But first things first we need to wait for Nightfall and then go outside to find ourselves a zombie so let’s do exactly that and we’ve got a candidate on the way he is right on my heels and he’s coming down and he has given up he

Doesn’t seem to be too Keen to get into the hole let’s see if we can lure him back in Mr zombie please follow me if you will sir and this zombie does not seem to want to climb into the hole but there’s another candidate approaching in fact I think there are several approaching

Indeed all right let’s and we’ve got one down here now let’s see if we can just get in behind him and trap him in place I might take some yeah I’m going to take some damage here but it’s all worth it there we go the zombie is trapped we’ve

Got him in place and we are ready to start curing some Villages but first things first our zombie needs a name and we’re going to call him Bob because well purely because I thought it would be funny but Bob is a very very important part of this

Operation and I think it is time to put him to work and as you can see we have got our first load of villagers all zombified and now they are on the menend which means that pretty soon we’ll be transporting these guys up to the trading center where they will be given

Some important jobs I’m mainly looking for some Librarians but maybe I’ll have an armor or two and a toolsmith as those could come in very handy as well and finally we have a trading center chalk full of librarians we’ve got some armorers we’ve got a toolsmith and more

Importantly we’ve got a way of getting some valuable valuable experience now along with that of course we have got all the things we need to make some excellent tools and that should take us a long way in our project there is a ton of work to be done we quite literally

Have to move a mountain and we’re going to be needing all the XP we can get we’ve got mending on all of our tools so let’s get busy and even though we’ve got the best diamond pickaxe I could possibly get get my hands on it’s got efficiency 5 on it

It’s got silk touch it’s got Unbreaking three and it’s got mending but it is still very very slow and at this speed there’s simply just no way that I’m going to be able to get this project done that means we need a little extra help it means we need a beacon and for

That I will have to head once again back into The Nether and gather up three Wither Skeleton skulls now if you recall this exact task is what ended my previous world and I am not looking forward to it at all but there’s nothing that can be done we need to do it

Because otherwise there is simply no way that this build is ever going to get done I’ve been at it for about an hour now and I have barely made a dent in this mountain so with no other choices left let’s head back into the nether

And here we are on the hunt for wither skeletons and straight away we’ve got one coming at us and we’re going to do our best to stay alive but this is not going to be easy so let’s head out to a Crossroads and see if we can get what we

Need and there are an absolute ton of wither skeletons out here I’ve built myself a little safe house where I can hide from the wither skeletons and blazes because I am having quite a rough time of it here and so far I haven’t gotten a oh yes there we go there we go

We have our first wither skeleton skull and we have a spooky scary skeleton but this one is not spooky nor scary so let’s get rid of it and see if we can find some more and this is not going well at all these blazes are deadly accurate for

Some odd reason I’ve got a bunch of ow with the skeletons on my tail and I am rapidly losing health so let’s hide in our hidey box have some food and just wait for our health to regenerate let’s just lure these skeletons back no no oh

No no no no this is not I’m down to one and a half heart food please food please food please and my hearts are coming back up and I’m just going to hang around here for just a minute get all of my health back maybe take out these guys

While they are standing outside and I should be safe in my box for the time being let’s get the second guy over here and not even a wither skeleton skull from oh no I’ve got a blaze coming into my box out out darn Blaze and there we

Go all right it should be safe now let’s have some food and let’s get our strength back up and we have battled a few wither skeletons and so far we have not yet found our second skull so let’s just carry on and oh look at that we have our second wither skeleton

That is excellent indeed which means we need only one more and I’ve got I think four on my tail right now so let’s get rid of these guys hopefully one of them drops the last wither skeleton skull that we need and I think we got it I think we have

All three Wither Skeleton skulls and indeed we do which means we can finally get out of the Nether and we are heading directly to the end because it gives us the easiest and safest way to kill the Wither and get our nether star now I’m not doing

This to claim that I killed and battled the Wither I am doing this simply to make myself a beacon which is something that I desperately need and I’m going to do it as safely as I possibly can so I’m heading to the end I’m going to trap the

Wither and I’m going to get my star and here we are I am digging out a chamber underneath the portal I’ve seen other people do this before but I’ve never actually done it myself which means I’ll probably be doing a bit more research before I actually spawn this we because

If I have a weaer loose and floating about in the end it will be very very bad news indeed so first things first let’s dig ourselves a nice chamber underneath the portal and once that’s done we’ll take it from there and it is a very good thing that I did do some

Research because I was about to do everything all wrong but I am quite confident that I have got the gist of it I’m going to spawn the wither now and then I run simply because I don’t want to get caught in the explosion and it’s going to come soon as soon as that

Wither is powered up let’s just give it a moment there we go the explosion and now we wait for the Wither to suffocate I’m not going to go closer I’m just going to stand here and this has been painful to watch I’ve been sitting here for literally 5

Minutes waiting for this wither to die but at lost I have my nether star and that means I can finally go home make a beacon and tackle that mountain now I might try and battle the Wither later again but for now all I need is the

Star and here we go we grabbing some glass we grabbing our nether star and then just three pieces of obsidian and this will actually be the first time in a survival world that I have crafted my own Beacon so it is a proud moment for me indeed there we go we have a

Beacon now as proud as I am to have this Beacon I have another problem I don’t have anything to build a pyramid with I don’t have enough iron I don’t have enough emeralds I don’t have enough gold and I don’t even have enough even if I

Put all three together and that means I will be needing to build myself an iron farm so here we go and my iron farm has been constructed I simply need a zombie and there are plenty on offer in fact there are way too many over here but I think the guy

Following me right now is the man for the job here he comes he is very excited to get to work and I see we’ve got another candidate down there should this one not work out for some odd reason but this is going to be quite easy in he

Goes and that should be all we need and it sounds like we have already spawned an iron golem there’s just one problem he spawned on the wrong side of the gloss now that is something we’ll have to rectify and I’ll be back in just a moment and even though I have rectified

The problem I used to have it is still not enough because the Iron Golems are still spawning outside of the chamber so with that in mind I will have to firstly set this guy on fire and then spawn prooof this entire area close to the iron farm now that’s not going to do

Much for the Aesthetics of the place but we need an effective iron farm and right now we have more than half of our Iron Golem spawning outside of the chamber which makes this iron farm completely useless and it’s a crew job but it has been spawn proof and already I can see a

Massive jump in efficiency and I think with this iron we probably should have enough to complete our Beacon which means we can activate Hast to and make short work of that mountain so let’s go gather up all of our blocks and go build a Pyramid and our Beacon is active now we just need to pop something in here hang on how does this work again I think we need an emerald or something like select haste two and there we go we have haste two let’s see if this has made a

Difference and indeed it has now this is so much better so let’s get busy and tear down a Mountain And phase one of the build is finally complete we’ve got the staircase leading up to the top tiers and from there we’ve got the main grand staircase leading up to the Garden area and so far this is looking very very good indeed however as you can see we’ve

Still got a massive portion of mountain behind this that need to go so once again let’s grab our pickaxe and let’s get Digging And finally we have defeated the mountain even with haste 2 it took a lot longer than I had anticipated I even pulled in some TNT at one stage to try and make the work go quicker it didn’t do much but eventually we got there and with the mountain flattened we can now

Start laying out the roads and planning our Build And with the roads laid out we can already see some of the forms taking shape we can see some areas where there’s going to be buildings but I think we’ll have a clearer idea once we actually get down there and lay out the floor plan which is next on the list

However before we do that we need to gather a bunch of materials and first and foremost we’re going to be needing some leaves and for that we are heading into the jungle because we need about 21 stacks of leaves and the jungle has plenty of it now I had considering using

Oak leaves instead of jungle leaves but I think with a sheer amount that I need jungle leaves are simply the way to go we’ve got plenty of jungle around us which means we can quickly and very easily get all the leaves we need and this is the last bit of leaves

That we need I do believe we have about 21 or 22 Stacks now and with all of our leaves collected we can finally make our way back to the mountain and start placing them down so without any further Ado let’s get going let’s fly and let’s Place some

Leaves and the leaves are in place and it is looking rather enchanting I am loving the garden up front here I think this is going to be spectacular so let’s just land for a second and take it all in as you can see the area we’ve cleared

Out is absolutely massive this build is going to be gargantuan so let’s get busy let’s lay down a floor plan and let’s see what we’re going to be dealing with and there we have it ladies and gentlemen the floor plan is down and it is looking spectacular and looking down

On it from the top here I am actually filled with apprehension because this is going to be a mammoth task Hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft hardcore now in the previous episode we took down the mountain and we laid out the floor plan for our castle and it’s going to be an absolutely massive build but before we get to that we have two little spots

Down here that need our attention over here we’ve got a very ragged looking piece of land and up top here there is a bit of emptiness and I think this is the perfect opportunity to add two more houses to our village once that is done

We will head up top here we’ll give this Garden a little bit of love and then we will tackle the main event of today which is of course our Mega Castle build so without any further Ado let’s get warmed up and and add a few more houses to our beautiful Village here we

Go And the houses are complete and as you will see in the background we’ve also added a bit of foliage to the staircase and the platform at the back there we’ve done a little bit of work on the cliff surrounding the house and all in all this is looking amazing and we’re off to

A good start for today’s episode but this still a ton of work to be done and before we can get building we still need to collect a few more resources now next on my list of materials to gather is some deep slate and of course some tough and both of

Those we can gather up at Bedrock level and while we’re down there we can go poking around for a few diamonds as well so in preparation of that I’ve decided to move my beacon down there to assist in the Endeavor and I’ve marked out the

Exact spot where I need to dig down to bedrock in order to have an unobstructed view of the sky and that of course is right over here by this dirt pillar so let’s make our way down and there we go we’ve got a hole stretching all the way up to the sky and

All we need to do now is mine out a few blocks in each Direction and make a space big enough to place the base of our Beacon and here we go Beacon is in place we can add some IR iron there to activate it we’ll give it haste and

Haste to and as I’m doing this I just remembered that a beacon has no real effect when you are mining deep slates so I think all of this might have been for not but we’ve got our Beacon down here at least that will assist us a little bit when we encounter some tough

And yeah no mining deep slate is still the same old nasty slow process that it has always been but we’re here so let let’s make the most of it and with our mining session completed we have managed to gather just over a stack of diamonds and I’m going to grab

Some of these because I want to make a few more netherite upgrade ingots and for that of course you need diamonds now I don’t really have any netherite scraps at the moment I need to go mining for some more ancient debris but before we can do that we’re going to need some TNT

And as you can hear we’ve got the creepers in the back ground doing their job providing me with some much needed gunpowder and we’ve managed to get seven netherite upgrades smithing templates out of these and before we get building there’s another thing that I have not done yet

And I thought now is as good time as any I have not yet added any armor trim to any of my armor pieces and I have some netherite leggings that’s just begging for it so sir may I please use your table yes let’s get going all right we’ve got our netherite leggings we’ve

Got a ward armor trim we’re going to be using and we’re going to use some redstone dust and that doesn’t look too bad at all I think I’ll go with that and then let’s see what I look like in my pumped out netherite leggings and I really do like that it’s

Simple it’s elegant and it doesn’t look half bad but let’s face it that is enough procrastination it is time to get down to business and as you can see I’ve dug out a little chamber here where I’ve set up a temporary storage room and I’ve been cting up a load of materials I’ve

Got shulker boxes full of stuff I’ve got chests with tons and tons of stone and wood in them and I think we’re just about ready to get building and we have pretty much everything we need for now there’s a few more items that I might be needing later

On but right now ladies and and gentlemen it’s time to get to work And the first phase of our build is complete and this castle wall is looking absolutely fantastic I’m loving how this is turning out and I think once we have the entire castle perched at top of the mountain it is going to be brilliant but first things first we need

Some more materials and unfortunately this is not something I can easily gather up which means I need to do some work in in particular I need to build a wool farm and for that I’m going to need some iron to make some Hoppers and fortunately I’ve got an iron farm that

Can provide me with all the iron I could possibly require next up we’re going to need some dispensers and to make dispensers you first have to make some bows and for bows I need a ton of string now I’m not going to go out at night chasing a bunch

Of spiders down I’ve got a perfect L good M shaft right here briming with spiderwebs and I’m going to just Harvest those to get all the string that I need and as you can see there is quite an abundance of spider webs to be found in here unfortunately there’s also an

Abundance of hostile mobs down here and I just realized I no longer have a shield now I don’t know how long I’ve been running around without one but I think I better be careful and just get the string I need as quick quickly as possible let’s just light up here to

Make the area a little bit safer and there we go and there’s a zombie attacking me oh H little bit of damage but nothing seriously I really need to gather up the string get out of here and fashion myself a shield and I think I’ve collected all the string I need which

Means I can get out of here while I’m still in one piece and head for the surface to make my wool farm so let’s get out of this hole and let’s go make ourself some dispensers and there we go 16 dispensers that’s all we need for our farm and then

Of course we need a ton of wood to make some chests to make some Hoppers and of course the chests we’re going to be needing to store all the wool we Harvest and after a lot of deliberation and scouting quite a few sites I have decided I’m going to be building this

Wool Farm inside the castle itself and seeing as my plan was always to have a bunch of farms inside the castle this is absolutely the perfect spot for it so first things first let’s put down some grass where we will be housing the Sheep next we install The Observers so

It can pick up when the grass is actually being eaten by the sheep and then we have the dispensers which will shoot out the shears and snip the wool next up a few chests that can collect said wool and finally we replicate the entire array on the other side as well so we

Now have space for 16 sheep which will give us all 16 colors of wool available in the game and we’re off to a great start and before we build the pens to house the Sheep we installing the collection system a rail with a minecart Hopper on top of it and finally we need

One last ingredient which is of course the Sheep so let’s go out and go find ourselves a few of those and there are no beasts more Hardy and wool giving then the Magnificent mountain sheep up here so we’re going to collect as many of these guys as we

Possibly can we need 16 of them to get all 16 colors of wool and I think these guys will be absolutely brilliant as a start for our wool Farm now we’ve got quite a few sheep ready to go so let’s make our way down the mountain careful

As we possibly can and get all these guys safely down and into our wool F and we’ve even got a cows coming along for the trip and um yeah nothing happened nothing to see there we still have all the sheep that we started with nobody fell off the cliff and we still making

Our way safely down the mountain no incidents to speak of so far but I think I’m going to move the weat to my off hand because every time I stop to eat something or do anything else all of the sheep decide to scatter but it’s on my

Off hand they will now follow me to the ends of the Earth and let’s hope it’s not the literal end of the Earth and uh nothing happening here let’s get all of the sheep of which none have died safely down the mountain and into the wool

Farm and as you can see we have finally made it down and we have all three sheep still following us cuz that’s all we had to start with three none of them died and we’re going to breed up these guys so we can have enough to flow farm and

While we’re doing that I will quickly dispose of this evidence over here and then we shall speak of it no more but despite all the trials and tribulations we finally have enough sheep to stock our farm so the last thing to do here is get all of the sheep

Into their places and dye them their various Colors and our wool f is finally complete we have one of every colored sheep in here ready to give us all the wool we could ever want I’m just going to line it up with a few chisel stone blocks at the top here and then while we

Waiting for the wool to pour in we’re going to start building the next phase of the castle which is of course the inner part and this is going to be another massive job so let’s get to it and let’s Build And the main part of the castle is finally done and it is looking fantastic we still need some wool we haven’t quite collected enough but there’s still plenty to be done while we waiting for the wool to come in as you can see it is magnificent I am very very proud of what

I’ve built here however there are still a few things that need to be built such as the barracks over here we need some place for the guards to stay and right here we’re going to build their barracks and there we go like magic we have the barracks but that’s not all

We’ve been up to if we take a look on this side we also did a little bit of work on the Stables we also did a little bit of detailing such as the grates on the front entrance and the main entrance to the castle and we’re still waiting for that

Wool and not much progress unfortunately I think I’m going to have to dye a few extra sheep the colors I need just to get the wool a bit quicker cuz as you can see we’ve still got a massive hole in the roof but while we’re waiting for the the

Wo we can get down to some landscaping and this is the perfect time to do some Gardening and with our trees completed we’ve added in a few p ponies some lilac and some rose bushes and the garden is looking absolutely fantastic however there’s still something that is missing over here namely a gazebo and we are going to be building that gazebo right here and like magic a gazebo has

Appeared perfect for a cocktail party on the castle ground Lawns and it is looking brilliant up here we even have a little fountain complet beat with a pond around it we’ve got some lily pads we’ve got some small drip leaf and I think I’m just going to add a little bit of

Seagrass to the bottom just to make it seem a little bit more overgrown and established so let’s get in there let’s get down some bone meal some Tall Grass will be fantastic and I think the garden is just about done and I really do love the way that

This has turned out as you can see I’ve used a bunch of different leaves just to give the trees each a different color and they are looking beautiful I’m not too sure about that one over there it seems to be a little bit in the way I

Might cut it down at some stage but for now this Garden is looking awesome and unfortunately we still don’t have enough wool to finish off the castle but we do have enough to built the flags and I’ve built the massive one at the top here and down there I’ve

Built two smaller pen PS and we’ll take a quick look at them right now it is looking beautiful two colorful pendants flapping in the wind and then on top of the castle we have the big magnificent flag flying proudly in the wind we’ve also added in one or two other towers

That we might have missed during construction but everything is a work in progress and I think progress is going really really well last thing to do is install that floor up there and finally we have enough wool to complete the top floor and I’m just doing a diagonal

Pattern with three different colors of wool some blue some light blue and some cyan and we’re going to do this for this entire top section of floor which would explain why we needed so much wool and why it took so long to collect and I’ve completely screwed this up let’s fix

That and finally we are on the last stretch one more row of cyan wool to go in here and finally ladies and gentlemen the castle has been completed and I am extremely proud of it and from a bird’s eye view we can see what we have created it is looking

Absolutely spectacular never before have I attempted such a build and never before have I created something so vast and during construction we also passed the Thousand day Mark but that unfortunately ladies and gents is all the time we have for today I do hope you enjoyed the episode please

Leave a like if you did and if you want to see some more be sure to hit that subscribe button but this is fungusaur Rex saying until next time beautiful people stay awesome bye-bye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days in Minecraft Hardcore! [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Fungusaurus Rex on 2023-12-30 02:00:24. It has garnered 2602 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:57 or 11217 seconds.

I have finally managed to survive 1000 days in Minecraft Hardcore!

This is by far my most successful Minecraft hardcore world yet, and we are still going strong.

Come experience the journey as we grow our village from humble beginnings, into a majestic hub of civilization. Share in some close calls, exciting new encounters, and my biggest build to date.

And a massive thank you to everyone who has watched my videos. I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for being awesome!

#Minecraft #Hardcore #1000days

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    Block Xuan: Minecraft Review Rhyme, A Blocky World Sublime Welcome to my world, Block Xuan is the name, Where Minecraft adventures are never the same. I bring you news and updates, all in rhyme, Keeping it fun and engaging every time. From new mobs to blocks, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed, with a touch of sheen. So come along and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. With funny animations and songs to share, I’ll keep you entertained, without a care. Just hit that subscribe button, don’t delay, For more Minecraft fun, every single day. So let’s dive into the world… Read More

  • Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial

    Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial Unlocking X-Ray Vision in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? In this guide, we will show you how to obtain X-Ray vision in Minecraft Java Edition using a special X-Ray texture pack. Let’s dive in! Step 1: Downloading the X-Ray Texture Pack To begin, open your browser and search for the X-Ray resource pack. Be cautious of potential harmful websites and only download from trusted sources. Once you find a reliable website, navigate to the file section and download the pack that corresponds to your game version. Using the wrong version may… Read More

  • Outrageous Class Talent Show in Minecraft!

    Outrageous Class Talent Show in Minecraft! Minecraft: Class 61 Performance Schedule【My World Block Pavilion】 Welcome to the world of Minecraft where creativity knows no bounds! In this channel, dedicated to providing child-friendly content, viewers can immerse themselves in a world free from any elements that may impact their health and safety. About the Channel Greetings, everyone! I am Block Pavilion, a creator in the realm of Minecraft. I specialize in crafting hilarious and entertaining Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter. This channel is the one and only official channel of Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are unauthorized… Read More

  • Moo-tiful Minecraft Cow Farm: Easy 1.20 Tutorial

    Moo-tiful Minecraft Cow Farm: Easy 1.20 Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where cows roam free, I’ll show you a farm that’s easy as can be. With 1.20 update, new features to explore, Let’s dive right in and learn some more. Dipesh Indian Gamer, the man with the plan, Bringing you tutorials, making you a fan. Cow farm tutorial, a viral sensation, Trending video, sparking admiration. In Minecraft PE, version 1.20, Creating a cow farm, plenty of plenty. From survival mode to creative design, This tutorial will make your farm shine. So grab your tools, let’s get to work, Building a farm, no need to shirk…. Read More

  • 15th Anniversary Update in Minecraft!

    15th Anniversary Update in Minecraft! Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary Celebration Unveiled! Excitement is in the air as Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide celebrate the game’s 15th anniversary with a special event. Let’s dive into the details of this milestone celebration! New Features and Additions The anniversary event brings a plethora of new features and additions to the Minecraft universe. Players can expect exciting updates, exclusive items, and perhaps even limited-time challenges to mark this special occasion. The anticipation is high as fans eagerly explore what Minecraft has in store for them. Community Engagement One of the most remarkable aspects of Minecraft is its vibrant community. The anniversary… Read More

  • Minecraft: The Ultimate Comparison

    Minecraft: The Ultimate Comparison The Evolution of Minecraft: A Genre Shift Recently, a video discussing the evolution of Minecraft has sparked a conversation about how the game has transitioned into a different genre without necessarily becoming better or worse. Let’s delve into this intriguing topic and explore some potential solutions. From Sandbox to Adventure: Originally known for its sandbox gameplay, where players could freely build and explore, Minecraft has gradually incorporated more structured elements, such as quests, NPCs, and storylines. This shift has transformed the game into a hybrid of sandbox and adventure genres, offering a new experience for players. Challenges and Solutions:… Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness!

    Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Hanzi builds a mini mansion, where adventure sustains. Collaborating with hanzishanzi, the duo shines, Crafting hardcore Minecraft, with twists and turns in lines. Subscribe for more hardcore Minecraft, the journey unfolds, With challenges and triumphs, their story told. From building to surviving, every moment a thrill, In the world of blocks and pixels, where dreams fulfill. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft comes alive, With hanzishanzi leading the way, let the story thrive. In every rhyme and rhythm, the adventure sings, As the mini mansion stands tall, a testament to… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 2 News

    Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 2 News Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 2: A Comprehensive Guide to Changes Portal Changes In the latest Minecraft 1.21 pre-release 2, several fixes have been implemented for portals. Now, using an ender pearl to leave the end no longer skips the credits, and entering the end portal plays the portal sound once again. Additionally, issues with the obsidian platform spawning inside terrain have been resolved, ensuring a smoother gameplay experience. Enchantment Updates Soul speed enchantment now activates immediately upon landing on soul soil or soul sand, and ceases to work when landing on other blocks. Ranged attacks no longer trigger the Wind… Read More

  • “1M Subs! Playing Minecraft with Only 1/2 Heart!” #clickbait

    "1M Subs! Playing Minecraft with Only 1/2 Heart!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But I Have Only Half Heart #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by DARK DEVIL YT 1M on 2024-04-04 12:41:07. It has garnered 506 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #minecraft #minecrafthousetutorial #minecraftbuilds minecraft,minecraft mods,best minecraft mods,minecraft mod,top 10 minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,2024 minecraft mods,minecraft shorts,minecraft update,mods,minecraft manhunt,best minecraft mods for survival,minecraft facts,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft 1.19,minecraft funny,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft mods 1.20.1,1.20.4 minecraft mods,1.20.1 minecraft mods,best new minecraft modsminecraft house,minecraft house tutorial,how to build a house in minecraft,minecraft,how to build,how to build a suburban house tutorial,how to build a… Read More

  • Gaming madness in Wintergea – EPIC Minecraft adventure!

    Gaming madness in Wintergea - EPIC Minecraft adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Wintergea Ch. ゲア 【Yorukaze】 on 2024-05-10 02:12:26. It has garnered 272 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:27 or 5487 seconds. #Wintergea #GaBuT #GeaButuhTemen #GoodGEAming #VtuberIndonesia #vtuber #GEArlfriend ❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️ Yorukaze Production Affiliated Vtuber Gen 1 : Yorukusa https://yorukaze.xyz/ Discord Community ❄️️ Gea’s Garden in the Sky https://discord.gg/rhWnSn46kq ❄️️Yorukaze Production https://discord.gg/GhmGhXwg6j What is STUPID COUNTER? Sometimes I mute myself by accident and forget to unmute. So please tell me if I did stupid things like that cuz I sometimes just never realize it ;;w;;) ❄️️❄️️❄️️ RULES ❄️️❄️️❄️️ 1…. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Challenge: Welcome to Kodex

    Unbelievable Minecraft Challenge: Welcome to KodexVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Brand New Dimension of the IMPOSSIBLE Challenge (Minecraft Custom Hardcore Modpack)’, was uploaded by Kodex on 2024-04-03 05:43:12. It has garnered 86 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:48 or 10548 seconds. Welcome to the Kodex! In this stream, we try to beat Minecraft with an IMPOSSIBLE custom modpack. This should be an interesting challenge, so make sure to stick around so you don’t miss a moment of the action! HEY YOU! YES YOU! If you are reading this description then and enjoyed the stream/VOD, why not consider subscribing? It’s… Read More

  • Bullying Kids in Minecraft!? Benki Argyros Exposed

    Bullying Kids in Minecraft!? Benki Argyros ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘cyberbullying kids (in minecraft)【Hive/Zeqa】’, was uploaded by Benki Argyros on 2024-05-11 21:20:09. It has garnered 37 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:52 or 10672 seconds. Welcome to a degens channel huohuo model : https://bailyovo.booth.pm/items/5288339 sound effects : https://blerp.com/x/benki-argyros come bully me : https://discord.gg/PvTXXjD2HQ music : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT1ZkP03V18LmOj8zbyP-Dw ———— Friends youtube.com/@Jolluino youtube.com/@NightFolds youtube.com/@RiminYT ———— : Tags : #vtuber #stream #streamer #vtuberen #vtuberstream #variaty #benki This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More

  • Anarchy MC Project

    Anarchy MC ProjectHello. We recommend that you try this project. It is, in fact, considered new. The server was created on August 12, 2022. We have a very exciting game: an unusual world and game mechanics, complete destruction and anarchy! Come in and scare everyone! I hope you like us. The server supports entry through Minecraft Bedrock Edition. You can safely log in from your phone or tablet and play with us! The server also supports pirated clients, you can play with us without a license. And yes, I almost forgot, most Russian people play here! As of June 24, 2023, the… Read More

  • Life in the Village 3: Modded

    Welcome to our Community! If you’re looking for a town-building pack with a focus on NPC interactions and a friendly community, or if you just want a safe space to escape reality and hyperfocus, we would love to have you join us! Server Info Available commands: /rtp, /tpa, /back, /home and more Lag-free experience with 20 TPS when server is full (12 slots) Claims (Minecolonies and OPAC), Teams, Quests, Economics Forceload enabled for all colony chunks IP: omrs.servegame.com (Not a pre-added server!) Pack Features 🏘️ Manage (Colonies, backpacks, storage organization, new villager professions) 🧱 Building (decorative blocks, furniture, roofs, windows,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Omg chad, this is real spicy

    Minecraft Memes - Omg chad, this is real spicyWow, Chad must be a meme master with that kind of score! He’s living in the meme world and we’re just visiting. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! 😂

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! 😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! 😂 #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Running an Escape Room in Minecraft: Chaos Ensues!

    Running an Escape Room in Minecraft: Chaos Ensues! Minecraft Escape Room Adventure with @batscove Introduction In a recent Minecraft escapade, our protagonist was tasked with running an escape room challenge by the enigmatic @batscove. What followed was a series of mind-bending puzzles, parkour challenges, and a race against time to unravel the mysteries of the Matrix. The Lingering Potion Puzzle The adventure kicks off with a potion-making conundrum – the elusive Thick Lingering Potion. As our hero navigates the intricacies of brewing, they find themselves entangled in a web of ingredients and enchantments, all while bantering with @batscove about the Matrix. The Enchanting Table Dilemma Next up,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod Pack!

    Insane Minecraft Mod Pack! The Exciting World of CRAZYCRAFT Mod Paketi in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of CRAZYCRAFT mod paketi in Minecraft? RSmoody has compiled an exciting mod pack for all Minecraft enthusiasts to enjoy. Let’s explore what this mod pack has to offer! What is CRAZYCRAFT Mod Paketi? CRAZYCRAFT mod paketi is a unique collection of mods that add a whole new level of excitement to the Minecraft gaming experience. From crazy creatures to epic adventures, this mod pack has it all. Get ready to embark on thrilling quests and encounter dinazors, all within the world… Read More

  • Ultimate PvP Installation Guide for Pro Players | 1.16.5

    Ultimate PvP Installation Guide for Pro Players | 1.16.5Video Information This video, titled ‘ПвП монтаж| ProstoTrainer | Saturn-X| PvP 1.16.5’, was uploaded by Кебешкa on 2024-03-07 12:38:15. It has garnered 23 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Tweaks, ios, isaac, Island, iSprint, Items, ItsJerryAndHarry, Jepsnyz, joypad, jukebox, K, Kapamelka, Kill All Day Minecraft Music Video, Launcher, LB PHOTO REALISM 1.6.2, LED, Lego, leif, let’s build, Let’s Play, Lets Build Run speed run, letsplay, light, Light bridges and doors, Lights, Link, Links Awakening, Lord, LOTR, LP, Machinima, Mageasy, Magic, Magical, Majestic Sprint Map, Making, Manhattan, Map, Maps, Mash, mashinima, mass effect,… Read More

  • DanMC’s Epic Minecraft Speedrun Rematch

    DanMC's Epic Minecraft Speedrun RematchVideo Information oh you’re down here in this video I have to try and speed on and beat Minecraft while three Hunters try and kill me I have to kill the Ender Dragon to win this is Minecraft Manhunt also if you end up liking this video please subscribe it would really help me out also I have a link to my Discord server in the description definitely go check that out anyways on to the video I was open the ball I where is he oh God he’s over here D oh oh I fell [Music] no you were… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 4k Cinematic Clips! Free to Use | Non Copyright

    Insane Minecraft 4k Cinematic Clips! Free to Use | Non CopyrightVideo Information [Music] J [Music] spe foree [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you [Music] sh the [Music] [Applause] [Music] number [Music] fore [Music] foree speeech [Music] [Applause] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] This video, titled ‘Minecraft free to use cinematic clips 4k | non copyright | #minecraft #viral #youtubevideo’, was uploaded by Unlogical Gamer on 2024-04-19 02:34:40. It has garnered 148 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:35 or 395 seconds. I really hope you guys like this video …. these are non copyright cinematic clips which you can… Read More


    INSANE MILITARY VEHICLES in Minecraft Mod!Video Information [संगीत] यो हेलो गाइस वेलकम बैक टू माय चैनल तो फिर से हम लोग आ चुके हैं कुछ नए मोड प के साथ तो आज मेरे पास है कुछ मिलिट्री टैंक्स की मोड पैक तो यहां पर देख सकते हो मेरे पास है कुछ एयर प्लेनस और भी बहुत सारी चीज तो हम इसको आज फुल ट्राई करने वाले आपको इसका लिंक आपको डिस्क्रिप्शन में मिल जाएगा जहां से आप इसको डाउनलोड कर सकते हो तो बढ़ते हैं वीडियो की तरफ गया तो यह है पहले हमारा मतलब की एंबुलेंस जसा ट्रक ने बता किया कुछ काम करता… Read More

  • OmarSPD Gone Mad! 😱 Unbelievable Minecraft Moments

    OmarSPD Gone Mad! 😱 Unbelievable Minecraft MomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me Pasé de la Raya 😔 #minecraft’, was uploaded by OmarSPD on 2024-02-23 08:00:27. It has garnered 10056 views and 253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Dinosaur Frenzy on Lopho Lee’s Minecraft Channel!

    Dinosaur Frenzy on Lopho Lee's Minecraft Channel!Video Information all right seems that we are back in today’s stream with little more Minecraft because I really enjoyed yesterday’s session where I play Minecraft for a bit was very relaxing while I was busy editing so I still have a couple of videos left to edit so I decided what I’m going to be doing today is yes I will just keep on with this trend of me just playing Minecraft uh hold up do I actually have custom structures enabled I don’t know actually uh let me just quickly check I’m pretty sure I did though uh… Read More

  • INSANE! Hyper Hamster Goes Wild in Minecraft!

    INSANE! Hyper Hamster Goes Wild in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Game Play’, was uploaded by Energetic Hamster on 2024-05-22 02:36:34. It has garnered 21 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:14 or 2294 seconds. ABOUT MY CHANNEL Subscribe my channel for amazing Live game streaming, game reviews, suggestion and updates. Play your favorite games with me. My gaming categories are Adventure Games, Sports Games, Action Games, Racing Games, Car Games, Puzzle Games, Arcade Games, Exciting Games, Online Games, Video Games, PS5 Games, Xbox Games, Nintendo Games and Oculus VR Games. Famous games: Minecraft, Among Us, Fortnite, League of Legends,… Read More

  • Insane Twist: Johnny’s Nightmare in Minecraft

    Insane Twist: Johnny's Nightmare in MinecraftVideo Information wee this trampoline so awesome daddy look how high up we are guys be careful I still don’t think putting the trampoline on the roof is a really good idea no it’s so much fun I’m bouncing so high this is awesome yeah I’m having so much fun right now daddy why don’t you join us I am not joining you okay I got I got bad legs oo I’m pretty sure I’m going so high that I can see the edge of the o wait what how would you see the end of the Earth from up… Read More

  • Aksi Arnold: 100 Days as HARDCORE Minecraft NPC!

    Aksi Arnold: 100 Days as HARDCORE Minecraft NPC!Video Information [Musik] Hei Arnold jadi kamu suka festival cosplay oh aku tahu tagai Berta ada di sini Sayangnya dia hanya tertarik pada Minecraft Ar kamu harus menguasai seluruh Minecraft dan meletakkannya di kaki tagai tapi ini akan memakan waktu ada sekitar 920 kuadriliun blok di seluruh dunia Minecraft di semua dimensi satu streamer berhasil menambang 32 juta blok hanya dalam 2500 jam Arni Kamu pasti bisa tapi kamu harus melakukan hafta mengorbankan waktu dan kesehatanmu setiap jam duduk yang lama mengurangi hidupmu sebanyak 22 menit dan bagi mereka yang duduk selama 11 jam hidupmu berkurang hingga 40% ditambah lagi… Read More

  • bloomcadia

    bloomcadiaJoin our Discord to be the first to experience the excitement! Bloomcadia is a brand-new and unique multiplayer survival server that offers a multitude of amazing features for you to discover and enjoy. We are committed to providing regular updates based on community suggestions, ensuring that your voice is heard! IP: play.bloomcadia.org Discord: discord.gg/bloomcadia play.bloomcadia.org Read More

  • FroobWorld Semi-Vanilla SMP PvE 1.20.4

    Server Information IP: s.froobworld.com Discord: Join our Discord Website: Visit our Website Dynmap: View Dynmap About FroobWorld FroobWorld is a small survival server established in 2011. If you appreciate old-school SMP gameplay, you’ll feel right at home on our server. Our rules are simple: no griefing, no stealing, no cheating. We maintain a PG-13 chat environment. Features Land claiming with no size limit Lockette-style chest locking Convenient commands: /rtp, /home, /spawn, /tpa, /back Long-term maps with 32 view distance No donation rewards or vote prizes Read More

  • ProjectServer

    ProjectServer**Welcome to our ultimate Minecraft Anarchy Server!**Are you looking for a Minecraft server that offers you the greatest possible freedom while still allowing you to enjoy a fair and exciting gaming environment? Then you’ve come to the right place!**Server IP: ****What’s waiting for you:**- **Pure freedom**: Experience the ultimate anarchy experience. Build, destroy, fight and explore as you please.- **No restrictions**: Apart from hacks and cheats, which are strictly prohibited, there are hardly any rules. Enjoy a gaming experience without annoying restrictions.- **Team play**: Form teams of up to 5 players to expand your power and dominate your opponents…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft mess-ups: just went down

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft mess-ups: just went downWell, looks like this meme got a critical hit with a score of 31! Looks like it’s super effective at making people laugh. Read More

  • Crafting Chic: Minecraft’s Tiny House Trick

    Crafting Chic: Minecraft's Tiny House Trick In Minecraft, building a house is an art, With blocks and designs, let’s make a fresh start. A small and stylish abode, cozy and neat, With windows and doors, a perfect retreat. Gather materials, wood and stone, Crafting tables and tools, make it your own. Place each block with care, in perfect symmetry, A house that’s unique, for all to see. Roofing and flooring, add the final touch, A home in Minecraft, you love so much. Easy and stylish, a small house so grand, In this virtual world, where creativity expands. Read More

  • Cursed ores lead me to hot lava! #MinecraftMadness

    Cursed ores lead me to hot lava! #MinecraftMadness These cursed ores will probably take you straight to the nearest lava pit or into the waiting arms of a creeper. Good luck! #minecraftstruggles 😂🔥💣 Read More

  • Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure

    Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure Welcome to the Boundless World of Minecraft Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds. In Minecraft, you have the power to explore endless possibilities and embark on thrilling adventures. Exploration and Adventure Await From lush forests to vast oceans, every corner of the world is yours to discover. Build towering castles, sail the high seas, or simply roam the countryside in search of hidden treasures. Unleash Your Creativity But the world of Minecraft is not just about exploration. It’s about creation. Let your imagination run wild as you design intricate structures, craft powerful tools, and shape the… Read More

  • Unbelievable Tips to Master Cinema of the Dead Round 100!

    Unbelievable Tips to Master Cinema of the Dead Round 100!Video Information theck out of the buing uh tornadoes we should be live now that’s Windows that’s Windows know tornado uh we live guys we should be we should beuck suck all right give me a sec guys I’m seeing if I’m live right now uh we should be ex I just stand on and tornado will never come are live hey guys what is up S guide here today guys we’re here with another live stream for today guys got a good one for you all know guys we are here doing some uh B3 zombies uh going be… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft’s Parasite Outbreak

    Surviving Minecraft's Parasite OutbreakVideo Information every second this Minecraft world is going from normal to being completely infected with parasites and once they take over it’s almost impossible to stop them what’s that oh what is I’m sorry this is really really bad what can we survive till the end or will the infection win guys where are we uh I don’t know normal field yeah everything looks looks pretty normal looks I’m not seeing any weird creatures or anything yet well I see a building over there what about that spider looking thing in front of us oh God it started oh… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Reunion After 4 Years!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Reunion After 4 Years!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing for the First Time in Four Years! | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Shrodinger Valentine YT on 2024-05-26 02:33:09. It has garnered 42 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:32 or 15452 seconds. So long story short, I fixed the Microsoft Account situation with my PC, so I can now play Minecraft again! Read More

  • “Unveiling Secrets of Enderman in Minecraft!” #minecraft #enderman #shorts

    "Unveiling Secrets of Enderman in Minecraft!" #minecraft #enderman #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft’s Enderman #minecraftshorts #shorts #minecraft #enderman #games’, was uploaded by Everettian on 2024-02-17 12:57:53. It has garnered 441 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. JOIN MY DISCORD SERVER ———— https://discord.gg/Wv3RGsMvKE —————————— MINECRAFT REALITIES : UNDERCOVER ENDERMAN The answer to this question will be explained by me , Everettian in Minecraft about one of THE MOST MYSTERIOUS creatures in Minecraft, The CATS. Exploring this challenge alongside with new videos like this soon ! This was done in Minecraft 2024 after the newest update that… Read More