✨EPIC BUILD: Conquering the Desert!✨

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Tell me to Brea but I can’t cat breath Rest my world Shake I be like an animal like animal like an animal like an animal like an Animal Okay I Okay okay Like an animal I’m Okay hello hello hello it’s Tuesday hey gapa hey Primal hey Kristen how is everyone hey Jonah Pizza Pizza it’s van the sloth hi guys hi hi hi how’s everyone let’s do some of these while I’m at it Joe gab hello there hello there cheeseburger V Here all right hi guys hi doesn’t my voice sound so healthy oh I have keys in my pocket that Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper it’s sh oh jeez what was that sound like a door slammed V did you slam a door in my house we can see Lobby Heyen I can’t time my phone in the way okay there we go hey baby trash Panda I’m staying home today instead of going to school so I can work on stuff oh gosht oh oh it’s it’s night time I’m I’m sleeping van no I think it was the item frames

Loading it up I think you’re right van okay let’s do that don’t go away okay let’s go see kobby real quick oh yeah we made these we made these cool things look at this look at this how cool it looks whoa and look at this one whoa I don’t know

What oh going working on stuff while I watch on and off okay I’ll allow it I mean I I don’t know if I I’m going to say no you can’t do that I’m I’m obviously just going to allow itow all these cool sharp turns I’m doing whoa

Clubby whoa why are you so loud cobby it’s weird okay hello look at him he’s such a kind face I’m sick so I’m saying hang oh no I hope you feel better baby trash Panda hey Pro how are you I’m trying to squeeze two days worth of cleaning decorating and

Crafting gifts into my only day off oh my God sounds like you you know even though you just had days off you know for surgery and stuff you should most definitely take some more days off Kristen so you can hang out with me and then you know do all the stuff that you

Actually need to do got to go to school soon that’s okay I’m happy you’re here while you can be Pro you saying okay allow it is like a mom telling their son they can go do something I tell everyone okay I’ll allow it I tell beardo that sometimes

It’s hilarious to me cuz and he just lets me which doesn’t doesn’t make make any sense what is does everything seem really bright over here am I imagining things I don’t know I don’t know I don’t have school nice Jonah no can someone or everyone do me a

Really big favor if you do have twitch if you don’t it’s totally okay if you do have twitch and you have uh if you can can you go tell me hi on Twitch because after yesterday’s stream I saw that I had missed so many messages on

Twitch that did not go through and so it would just it would mean a lot to me it would let me do that cuz I felt terrible I’m too cool for school can you go get a panda and bring it back and name it Pro Gamer that is a deem thanks Myrick

And if I do not immediately say oh thanks so and so let me know because it means that my messages are not going through again I shall call him Greg okay Jonah’s got a name what you want Jonah I wish I could I was supposed to

Have Thursday up but my boss is being sent to help at a different store so I have to go in and help go in and open oh no Kristen yay Kristen says hi sweet I’m seeing messages that’s what matters that’s the important stuff okay thank you thank you thank you thank you thank

You f sloth says he does not say this but I have been instructed to say bread what are we talking sourdough or just sliced wheat if even if it’s sliced is it like French sliced is it white sliced is it wheat sliced is it pumper nickel

Sliced yay you guys thank you so much thank you Myrick okay good good good I was so worried about I felt so bad yesterday because like I pride myself I don’t know it’s just IO van it just made me laugh garlic bread there we go I felt

So bad yesterday when I saw that cuz like not that I am like amazing at it I get very easily distracted I’m very squirrel but like I like to think that I am like a a streamer that reads chat and responds to chat and so I was very sad when I saw his

Messages yesterday of people talking to me and I was just ignoring them and it was like new people too and I’m like oh gosh now I look like one of those streamers that like never ever responds to chat and I I didn’t want to be that

I’m going to the doctor’s later oh no well I hope everything’s okay baby trash Panda I do I do I do I do I don’t I don’t want you to be sick what am I doing or guess what I’m on the nation’s Nobles in spirit you are Primal CL be is

There on the Nations and Nobles server I don’t know what I want you to oh god well I can’t oh oh oh oh I did something I did something I did something I did something because Sean I don’t know if Sean’s still here has been hanging me I’m just kidding I said I

Wanted to do it and he’s just reminding me um that I should have like a a hall of viewers or like that kind of thing and I 100% want it but I wanted it to be ored and I didn’t know how to do that

Per se and so I kind of have this random idea I added a resource pack cuz you know how I love my resource packs where it get look at this guy he’s so cute where it makes normal pigs like there’s some normal ones there’s some regular ones but it makes normal pigs

Have different texture packs or different different different text like they they look different there’s oh see there’s a muddy guy up there look at him he’s so cute F and so we have a few I don’t even know how many there are but there are a few different kinds of

Pigs like the hall Peak concrete Primal clob me is the best shower attendant in Minecraft this is true did I fix the nether oh I maybe forgot to do that I’m so sorry baby trash Panda oh yes Pig variants well oh and that one there’s a spotty one right there look at

Him face is so cute so anyway we have different I will I will I will get to that the Muddy Pig has a flower on its head and it’s a door I know it’s so cute so before I was when I first started Java that was all I wanted was I wanted

A pig with a flower on its head and so I did that can I have a build named after me um I would have A are you pleased with yourself scared the crap out of me oh gosh hi van hi everything’s fine van do you see my you never mind you just see regular pigs uh you can send it to me later there you go you can look on stream and

You can see them look at them they’re so now now they’re all gone we’re all there’s a pig up there but he looks normal wait here’s one look at his little face he’s so cute and grayish just trust me on this got to go at school have a

Great day at school I like how he just immediately walked away I know he’s like I’m not dealing with this woman what have I done hold on is my vanilla tweaks is there why is all my sound up oh oh jeez there’s everything’s I fixed it that doesn’t sound very fine everyone

Only likes turkey bacon reg that is regular bacon Sean I don’t see I don’t know I don’t understand a difference I don’t understand what your question is everyone only eats turkey bacon that’s the only way to eat bacon don’t say anything just just agree with me mostly no not the chest but

Yeah hi van hello so I don’t know just kind of wanted to hang I don’t know what you’re doing but I don’t either I never know what I’m doing van you’ve watched enough of my streams do do you mind me being your Shadow for a I do not mind at all sweet

Yay wind portal so I was thinking the reason I was talking about the pig the pig variants is I was thinking that I could make like maybe a mind it had nothing oh sorry so Van van I was thinking with these Pig variants I’m probably not

Going to do this today I don’t know what I’m doing today but like I could make like a little pig Village sort of thing and okay like each variant have a house and because I don’t want to do and this is for my my viewers to like recognize

Viewers and I don’t want because I I can’t do a pig per viewer that would get a little laggy I think like even if you just put a couple I mean that’s not me saying like I have so many viewers that’s me saying my computer wouldn’t be able to

Handle 10 pigs in a room and so let’s go back this way do what would you like to get in a group oh uh probably not a bad idea because we’re probably going to be flying around a lot uh smash the face against the keyboard okay I love that that’s exactly what it

Sounded like oh but so anyway so a house per Pig like per each different variation of pig and then the viewer could pick what pig pick what pig that they wanted to like uh to represent them like you could pick what house your name goes in or

Something there we go that’s what I’m trying to say I was going to get there eventually over and over again in front of the cute piggies that’s why we say turkey bacon mck I want to order food but I have no money oh oh I didn’t make that connection about bacon

Oh it was we’re talking about turkey B the pigs know that the only kind of bacon to exist is turkey bacon yeah yeah I love we should use Pig Latin when talking about bacon what is that Aken Bay Aken Bay M I really love turkey Aken Bay hello oh it hit

Me tried to be cool oh I missed that was most dissatisfying moments I was just like oh thank you jaapa jaapa loves turkey bacon nice do you like my thingo Bobbers yeah they they they kind of remind me of like a moon yeah no they definitely are giv off Moon

Vibes but it kind of works because the colors that I like kind of do Galaxy is Vibes like cyan and pink and purple and black which I don’t build with those but I don’t know it just works and so moon in my head that makes perfect sense

I will have you yeah I get it I this would probably take a lot of time but I just had an idea what if you did like stars like like Frog Light Stars only over the past well I 100% thought about doing like floating lanterns oh okay and like and do them in

Like different they would be they would be high up but then you’d also have to be careful because flying but you know what’s a good Nation without a flying obstacle course built into it without you know it’s just Jonah I’m not naming a building after you it’s name an animal

I’m not building a building Minecraft needs to let us go to space I thought that’s what the end was the end always read moon to me like yeah it just there’s a giant dragon on the moon doesn’t doesn’t you know um it should be dynamap

Myrick I think I made one where it says dynamap but yeah I don’t know van would you like to hereby appoint ourselves since no one else has answered me the Christmas counil might not be a bad idea I I I tried starting the conversation yep like

Twice now it’s just like okay I I think I’m just going to choose that location and just go yep nope I liked the location I went out there and looked around and I found like I was I was going to start building this it does have a waypoint by the way

I don’t know if you noticed on the Waypoint list van anyways how do you how what’s a waypoint list it you go to a waypoint and it you scroll down you go to what what are we talking about Canon stuff no what no what is a waypoint list

I don’t follow me I don’t understand I’m sorry I I think I think your mind’s just drawing a blank maybe I just I didn’t know we had way points oh wait wait oh oh this oh waist stone crap what are these waist Stones okay okay no you’re totally

I was like oh no what am I missed out on I don’t understand let’s goow perfect that’s take yeah sorry I I I didn’t I didn’t want to mess with the snow I I took out all of the Tall Grass specifically just to get a white snow

Like pure white snow Yeah but um no you’re good you’re good I I I had to do on top of a tree don’t blame don’t don’t judge me no I like it I just wasn’t expecting it okay so oh this is a little farther from where I was I thought I

Think yeah cuz see there’s this I don’t know where you went to the ice bikes oh okay okay okay I wanted to put a giant Christmas tree here that works yeah I don’t know why I just I thought about putting a giant I mean I don’t like I I

Was going to be super cheeky about it too and like I was trying to find a light matica schematic so that I could just easily do it quickly without taking like six years because that’s what it would take me hey game boys and also hi Junior hi hi hi

Sorry sorry sorry hello hello hello but yeah yeah I I was thinking of just doing a practice run on a creative world because I have no idea how to do a pine tree yeah yeah like I’ve been looking a fox named after you I can do that Jonah uh

Arctic fox or an orange Fox thank you jaapa um but yeah no if you want to take I’m all for that if you want to take charge of the tree but I also don’t want to just like here van have all of these responsibilities I mean I’ve been planning on it

Anyways go ahead sort of thing yeah I was thinking of making like a 0. five episode basically just around Christmas so okay and also maybe a present that a certain dude has somehow not noticed yet cuz he spends all of his time afking a grumpy dude a grumpy

Dude uh slightly deserved it no on my end but it’s okay I immediately fussed at him I was like can you just like not ah oh no if anything F him that the fuss out him the fact he hasn’t been to his own base in like 3

Days he literally logged on when I was building it I am like oh no but like he never even came close he just sat at the gunpowder for orange okay orange Fox got it orange Fox named Jonah sweet I can do that I can do that I can do that but yes

What else should we do in the Christmas oh we need I’m going to go chop it that one tree over there I’m going to go chop it there I was thinking I was thinking of having like a a cozy house somewhere big enough to like for a fireplace not too

Big but you know um big enough to fit a good chunk of us yeah and also also has a bed because let’s be honest at some point we’re going to be dealing with Phantoms yes and we’re going to need a spawn because we’re us and we will burate each other what just

Happened yeah Emma Jordan thank you for thank you thank you for following thank you thank you thank you welcome to the stream why is there only five likes but nine people watching cuz people are turkeys baby trash you mean eight okay I may have forgot sh no you’re okay I do that a

Lot especially if I like see someone streaming and I’m like I don’t have time like I want to watch this let me finish what I’m doing and I’ll watch it and then I get super excited because I can finally watch that stream that I forget to like it I’m

Terrible but yeah no we need a house we’ll need a house because mortification will happen because it’s us so we could just do a big house with um a big fireplace and a bed oh okay now someone disliked can you even dislike streams anymore oh yeah you can

That’s funny well I mean you can but if you don’t have the the the Chrome or whatever plugin you can’t see the likes yeah I don’t see the dislikes I don’t I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life oh yeah my so I’ve noticed Kristen

My fun facts when I schedule all my streams like one week like like at one one at a time my fun facts disappear and because I’ve gone I’ve been going somewhere every I’ve like have to rush home and start the streams now because it’s the last week of school

And the last week that my kids are not home before Christmas break so I’ve been shopping every morning I I I’m like rushing home to start Stream So it I I don’t have time to i’ I’ve been forgetting I didn’t bring a bed such a goer hold on hold

On I always come prepared yay I was going to make a sign we’ll make a sign here actually I should probably put the bed on the ice so it’s not messing with the snow hopefully it snows a it’ll snow I need this tree to grow oh I have six bones ah

Sweet do you want oak wood H just just for the sign so we can plan all right that might be enough oh wait no now I need signs dang it uh this is not working for me all right you have a couple Oak planks left I have

Three o not enough uh and a stick yay that should actually probably work put that here oh I’m going to sleep I’m going to sweep there’s a squid I’m going to sweep I got to Sweep okay um that’s weird it is weird Kristen wood box what what why what wood box wait what what are we writing down um I kind of just went no no no no perfect big tree van I’m a Potato I’m a Potato I I don’t know if like yeah

That’s actually exactly what I was that is your task put another one on there okay um boom and this one is uh cozy house I’ll build the cozy house if you want Okie do and then do another one I I think after this it’s stretch goals stretch goals like yeah I don’t

Want to be rushing to the end no no no no no no I agree on things we see as necessary right yeah no no this this one is just going to be what’s in the house the bottom one so big fireplace spawn and bed it’s a long story wait

What I need to make more signs you should have Christmas lights hanging between buildings but we only got to have one building to capture maybe he means your town oh maybe but I don’t know if you’ll have time don’t know I mean I was gonna make I thought about doing like banners

Hanging between like that kind of thing but I don’t know so by spawn do you mean like a place to teleport or no I just meant like the bed so we can set spawn okay spawn bed Um there self-explanatory there you go perfect FC mobile I don’t know what that means okay uh um um um do we want to do it’s probably is it too late to do like a secret santa I was thinking about that um cuz I also thought it would be we we’d have to

Do that to like today if we want to which I mean we could do it it wouldn’t be a big deal a little at spawn like right next to the the town hall yeah like it could even it could be a present or something that just you press a button and it

Shoots out a name but then we don’t know just mandatory participation yeah I I’ll probably build a little station uh later down the line for people to put in their like Shuler boxes of stuff so we can just have all the presents together but um well what well

What my thought was if we do the big tree here we could in the in the The Ice could be like the tree skirt and we could put presents around the tree like around here oh okay okay you could put like everybody brings their presents when it when the time

Comes is that yeah you you can build a present or I can I can build the presents I mean like you as in who whoever is putting the present in there whoever is responsible for the present can build the present or I can just build a bunch of presents and then you

Just put your Shuler box in there or something like that yeah we could do that we could make might be the easiest to just do uh the Sher boxes cuz I don’t I have a feeling we’re going to be very short on time yeah yeah yeah and it’s it’s

Just something fun it’s just it can be something easy everyone get a gift and chest under the tree and every person can run up and take one oh like do a white elephant everyone put a gift in a chest under the tree and each person can run

Up and take one or choose to oh go people would just steal and if you mean by steal they would just mfate actually that kind of that kind of fits us I want your present van and then someone murders you I I feel like the the last time I

Did a white elephant I had no idea what to get cuz I had no idea you know what most people would like so I I don’t know you don’t have to do something people would like you should see what I get my family does white elephant every year

You should see the things we give it doesn’t have to be something you like okay did you know on Amazon you can buy fake gift box like fake boxes of things like it’s a Bo it’s just a card it’s just like a box packaging box like not a shipping box but like something

That a product comes in and it has like a it’s like for a fake product so like one time we put a gift card in there but it was the gift card was in a box for a sleep hood and it was just like this sack that you put over your head and

Drawring it and it blocked out all the light so you could take a nap wherever you wanted it’s not not a real product it’s just a funny box but yeah sorry tangent I missed the bunk bed idea I like bunk I actually literally thought about bunk beds like do a two FL

Twostory little cozy house a big fireplace in the bottom and then bunk beds up top it would be funny like nobody would actually have to use the bunk beds you could just use one bed to set spawn but it would be really funny I I’m so glad signs are editable

Now oh me too me too be right back phone call okie dokie Christian but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I like this I like this I like this so we gonna We GNA do we want to do Secret Santa or white elephant yeah um that might be something

We can do a I can make a we can make a poll in the Discord yeah might not be a bad idea yeah no I didn’t want coal the only thing with the white elephant is that would be the most fun if everybody was on at once and we know how that

Goes It’s hard that’s what that’s how that goes so we might need to do Secret Santa because then you could just come open your present after a certain date what do you think what do you think what do you think what do you think what

What do you think I I’m I’m going to be honest I kind of have a bias towards Secret Santa you like secret santa yeah I don’t know how I would get that idea from you that you you don’t you don’t seem like the kind of guy that

Would like Secret Santa you don’t do secret things for people yeah no I like it oh you you should see Yo’s gunpowder may or may not have that’s decent bit of farming did a bit of off camera mining off camera Min yeah so maybe next year

We do white elephant or we do white we can do white elephant for like a random holiday or something okay yeah we can make up na nation’s day yeah not this time okay I really like that idea gapa I just think we waited too long I’m sorry game boys my my streaming

Is very sporadic and it’s basically depends whether I’m not I’m in the mood I’m actually thinking of a streaming series but that’s that’s what I did with hardcore my hardcore is just a streaming series I don’t make any content from it which I should I was

But I was thinking of a concept of ultra Hardcore yes see I like the thought of like stream only hardcore because then you 100% know that it’s leg like you do everything on stream so yeah that’s why that’s why I do it no natural regen no

Shields no bed well I liked Ultra region until I got murderific by a dolphin that’s why I don’t do ultra Hardcore anymore cuz I die to things like dolphins but that was also a PVP one yeah the helm steep thing was amazing that was really cool you’re right

Myrick doing that with more people would be entertaining to watch yeah nice baby trash panda eat all the Oreos did you guys know that you can get a giant Oreo pillow really I saw it yeah I was looking at stuff and saw it on on Amazon I’m self-given Christmas present yeah no

That’s I mean it’s usually how it works but you can get like an actual Oreo or you can get like a um like a package of Oreos it’s it’s fantastic okay so here’s our tasks tree house with a big fireplace and beds and the Secret Santa station by Town

Hall so since we’re here oh wait you were planning on doing something completely different weren’t you what you talking about are you talking about for the stream or something yeah no I have I had no plan I don’t plan for my stream what are you talking I thought I thought you

Were thinking of the of the of the like the pig Village thing no no no no no no no no no no I just was explaining the pig Village I have zero plans for how I’m going to build this pig Village or where I’m going to build it or anything

It was just like I finally figured out what I could do for my hall of viewers but it’s going to be like the pig lovers tall I don’t know what I’m going to do I don’t even know what it’s called yet so yeah no not yet he misspelled it he meus wait

What oh eating Oreos no no no game boys okay so if I build a thing do you want to do the red stone uh okay I’m not a master of redstone I I’ve been learning it but I’m not a master so it depends you are probably more

Redstone Mastery than I I mean I can do redstone 100% it will eventually work but I did I did redstone on stream once and that went great so totally did not take me the entire three hours to make a dispenser that shoots out tropical fish

Um into an a Model T to be fair I couldn’t figure that one out no you’re okay oh did you see that I did I did end up moving it I oh yeah I guess he did yep I don’t actually remember what I did I I I was

In a bit of a days during during that so I had to I kind of forgot I did that oh no you’re totally fine I kind of forgot you did until I just started mentioning it that I was like oh yeah Van van was G

Man tried to help me with that and it it befuddled us both but yeah no you’re good I don’t even remember what I ended up doing now that’s how amazing I was at that I know that I ended up putting it underground I moved it underground

That’s all I got and the worst part was moving the fish I mean yeah moving all the fish underground because there was like so there was a lot it was a lot of stuff I found this really cute thing and now I’m like I want to never mind there

It is that’s what I’m building okay I know what I’m building at spawn okay um crap what was I gonna say I don’t know I need calite and diorite and Mangrove and black wool and Acacia and we need to still a bell from silver or we could just go get a a

Normal Bell I guess that’s an option too just go get a regular bell all sniffers are dinosaurs is I still want to join O’s realm but when can I finally join Friday we might be playing on there Friday’s just really weird there’s just so much stuff I want

To do and there’s not enough time van yeah I want to do a whole series on Minecraft but Lego but in fortnite cuz that was actually so much [Laughter] fun I I was only mostly lurking when it came to that so I try to do totally I

Didn’t I was half I was like I don’t care about this it’s going to be boring but then it ended up being it ended up being it ended up being fun okay okay yeah it’s not a dinosaur it’s a what it’s a prehistoric mammal no it’s a prehistoric platypus is a

Platypus a mammal platypus is a mammal it’s the only mammal that lays eggs right um is a platypus mamal I I I I I I’m not a biologist I can’t I I did not finish with a masters in biology like I expected so I don’t

Remember but um do you want to get like a a basic planning of like how big the tree is going to be like maybe the the radius of that of like the trunk then maybe do like the very basic layout of the of the house just like have a

Couple I don’t know Spruce planks to yes yeah we do need to the top layer yeah where yeah top layer and what what we can do is then use I need to turn this I feel like this is drowning me out the the the grass yeah I’m going I’m

Going to end up going on my I’m going to end up going on my rant about grass versus dirt again it’s not my fault it’s so annoying okay sniffer could be related to that since it lays eggs not the only mammal that lays eggs oh okay I couldn’t

Remember like I said I didn’t finish my masters in biology Okay so the tree I think that I need uh hold on why do you find it so necessary to use like 10 Rock wanted to go up really far okay this is like the middle I think this is the such a a bean it’s not a circle but that’s

Fine let’s go I I don’t know why that hit me funny it’s a bean it’s a bean it is a big ancient platypus that’s what the sniffer is that’s why the very first sniffer on Nations and Nobles is called Perry two three stop chest one two three four

Five six seven uh I’m going be right back I did get a bunch of spruce wood so sweet oh there’s a cow up here Cow two one two three one two one two three one two three one two you and me one one two three I made a circle oh there’s a nice landing platform right here on this random Iceberg wow look how completely center that is it’s ridiculous we could could make

It we could make it a circle how does one throw one tool in lava how much it cost like a bajillion Oreos you don’t want to do it I think it’s like 250 I am uncertain that looks man I’m so good at circles I haven’t seen it yet oh oh yeah

I literally have your stream on my my monitor uh yeah I like it that could be about that size it could be it doesn’t have to be exact it could be a little bit bigger it could be a little bit smaller but I feel like that’s a

Good I went the wrong direction what I want do I have a bucket throw it in the lava oh Goose Feathers I don’t have lava why are you I wish I could say that I did I glad you can don’t say you can’t do I’ll do it in a second what

Tool I’m glad you don’t have lava wait a minute found a [Laughter] loophole my pickaxe why do you guys dislike silky Steve so much poor silky Steve he just can’t catch a break everybody always wants to barbecue him he’s a nice pickaxe ah oh I should probably go to my

ICE Farm get should have got just got some ice that probably would have been a lot easier no it’s fine it’s all done now it’ll freeze Do I just want to help the pickaxe you’re not helping the pickaxe you’re making me turn the pickaxe into not pickaxe material alting the pickaxe yeah not he doesn’t need to be what’s the what’s the word when you like save something from something it’s a fancy word save something from something

You’re like aha I’m helping it break free what is oh gosh what is the word see this is why I don’t say words this is why I say things like think I’m a bob and ver because I can’t think of the words that I ever I can’t ever think of the words I

Want to say come on chat help me out what is it when you’re like aha I’m liberating yes thank you jaapa I’m you’re not liberating the pickaxe that’s the word liberate oh I’m out yay we have a Circle wait was that there piece there for a reason no it was just for me to count the center we’re good all right I got to go let me turn this off let me see if I can go find some lava BR my stuff in lava there’ll be Lava somewhere around here

Maybe oh look there’s a giant cave I’m sure there’s going to be lava in there don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die okay we’re good oh there’s no lava in this cave oh there it is I’m I’m sorry Steve should I follow you just to make

Sure you don’t die I didn’t die now I got to get out of this cave the problem is I need to okay no we’re good we’re good we’re good everything’s fine you need a netherite up you have netherite I do I just haven’t done it yet so that that’s basically Nan

Void like I’m thinking about making my armor netherite but then I I feel bad if I like cuz it’s a whole redeem about throwing stuff in lava so I feel weird about making my tools netherite but at the same time like maybe I’ll have like a stream set of tools and then like

Another set of tools hey that would be extra at all I’m still confused as to why you have that redeem because the people like it van the people like it h and I’m a glutton for punishment I reckon I guess so it’s what it seems like

Anyway no okay we’re good okay or ory or yeah just tell me to get ice but I I don’t want to waste your valuable ice materials I getting I use nature blue ice that’s the problem yeah no that’s true I do not need blue ice it’s like

Two shers of blue ice I’m like huh no why cuz he wants to make a racetrack I’m like oh I had that idea for a long time there’s there’s it’s literally isn’t it like a minimal difference between packed ice and blue ice I or at least it is on I honestly

Have not tested it on Bedrock there’s like a minimal difference and only know this because we always did ice roads in the nether because there was no nether roof travel stuff like that and so we’ve we’ve always done ice roads through the Nether and we like tested it one time

And it’s like like if you do like a thousand blocks it’s like a05 second difference if you do blue ice over packed ice but okay that might be just a Bedrock I don’t know plus it’s yo he’s not going to listen to reason he want he wants to do it the

Most expensive way I’m like you’re going to have to pay a lot for that yep that’s a lot blue ice does not come easy you need 81 ice to make one really I guess so yeah nine nine blocks of packed ice thanks oh my God it’s a child why

Does he have such a big head I know you don’t normally you’re not supposed to ask that about children but any was not a fan was a very it looked weird ban is not as expensive as lava I don’t think okay so how tall do you want to

Make this tree oh that is dealer’s Choice okay don’t make it so tall that you spend every second doing it I like to see you suffer no anyway you know I I know you you’re also a glutton for punishment so don’t make it like super tall but just oh I should

Probably not put that on the ice and it doesn’t this doesn’t have to be like super a it doesn’t have to go all the way out to this circle this I just wouldn’t do it any bigger than this circle for sure what do you want to b game boys

How do you have so many Oreos exact opposite way of going about getting eyes from Van and beardo placing block placing blocks that’s this is going to be a fun thing all right wait water does not count as blocks so I’m I can I can I can work on this still

Okay I I think that’ll do fine that kind of I’ll just see how tall this goes with this looking right yeah cuz I was thinking of doing like a a what would it be like five radius but I think that’s going a little too ambitious I’m trying to think of like

How much time we’ve got exactly that’s what if if we had more time than 100% I embrace it but we now now ory don’t have all the time in the world yes don’t don’t vain mine this oh no God the worst who put that on the

Server Zen it’s amazing and I love it but oh my gosh what is happening give me this did it work did it did it close okay we’re good now okay oh I still can’t nope there’s a cool down oh okay all right where is this house going to be I

Need need this Ender Chest oh no crap van and oh wait oh perfect you put you put an Ender Chest over here yeah I was trying to figure out a way to not have it melt things yeah where are you can you do me a favor when you come back

Down can you can you can you place my my suer down please I can’t place blocks I got I got to reference how tall it is right now anyways perfect thank you watch next they’re going to be like you cannot drop oh actually no you could just Place something in a chest and

Then I don’t have a pickaxe uhoh um oh I I can craft a pickaxe hold on I canra I have wood I can make a wooden pickaxe i’ I’ve honestly been debating on having an extra silk touch pickaxe for a while well I did have been convenient

Nowax and I just had to cuz the last Nation stream I had to throw that one in the lava oh my gosh and this and so that was my extra pickaxe so oh no I missed all right we’re good I’m gonna talk a lot to get a lot to get those

Oreos back oh all right let’s see should we put should we put the house on this hill like this mountain thing over here I was kind of thinking about that that could be cool and then it’s like looking down on the tree we might have to get should we

Get rid of that really tall ice bike oh the that one that’s like right up in front yeah yeah sure why not I’ll do that if can I borrow your pickaxe cuz I’ll silk touch it and then give you the ice okay no stop sliding stop sliding maybe

That was not the smartest place to do that oh you’re not allowed to burn that I’m this one doesn’t count they can’t burn this one it’s not mine okay I’m glad I did 3×3 because it still looks a little thick for the propor yeah no it’s good and if you want like

You could always thicken up the bottom like yeah I I intend on doing that yeah but I think I think that’s going to look good how long is the cool down figure out when it starts 30 minutes papering I think it’s a 30 minute Global cool down but a 60 Minute

Um player like personal cool down so like you can’t do it for another hour but someone else could do it in 30 minutes and I should stop explaining that part just you can’t do it for another hour that’s all that’s important no one else needs to do it

Either we got you like six blue ice with this [Laughter] just kidding oh I should have turned it into a little ice bike I didn’t think about that part it’s not too late I think that’s good enough has it been 5 minutes I will take my Revenge how long is how long was that I don’t have H on my I on my phone I don’t have times time stamps that’s annoy Probably has not I don’t know has it been five minutes I needs to eat probably yes okay sweet thank you Game Boys you’re fair but just no just but fair there we go that’s the word There watch out there now that’s a baby eye Spike much better now it’s a beautiful view no game boys okay maybe a maybe a little but it’s okay what was that H what was that jump oh that that was me flying up to the top but you were already on the

Top no I had I had to fly off for a moment oh I missed to to get reference it literally just looked like you did this like leap and land like really high in the air I am a man of being quickly perceptive I don’t know yes just yes all

Right so this is where the house is going to be one two three four five I’m probably have to go in like 15 minutes I’ll probably be back though you’re all good we got a lot decided which was the hardest part yeah which is funny you’re going to

Build a giant tree but deciding what we were doing was the hardest part I’m not evil I’ll do anything and I mean anything to be evil oh no there’s a little goodness in All of Us game boys welcome back Kristen I was genuinely like you know um beardo stream last night uh-huh there’s

So many times where I was so tempted to do um third person by my that yeah oh that cave dweller was no joke I yeah no I iena before I ne I I was I didn’t like him I didn’t like him I mean I think that’s the point like

You’re not supposed to like him you’re not supposed to want to be friends with him and be like oh he’s fun let’s have him on every World he’s a cuddly boy yeah not I mean not everybody can be the warden big Care Bear but I I didn’t like him and he made scary

Noises he he was very growly um MLG is pretty cheap it’s like a hundred I was a lot while James R on about work does do a lot driving oh he’s driving so he he calls you Christen is that what it is that’s funny one two three four five I don’t know why

Let get a bucket for this oh no I I get it yeah all right where’s the tree that has the I’m going to do this the easy way it’s over here isn’t it oh I oh look there’s lava right there where is the random tree that has the way Stone on

It uh it’s on the on the hill on the on the hill I’m building on I think so we’ll See on the hill perfect it’s on it’s on on a tree all right dude got to go do an MLG real quick I don’t have any water goose feathers do I have water Anywhere yes it’s frustrating because I’m like hey I’m busy it’ll be all grumpy because I don’t want to talk oh that’s funny all right here we go pro MLG nailed it nice I can just hear you waiting to see it no no you didn’t make it but at least

My water my water bucket worked it just somehow it didn’t work with me I’m going again how that work out for you it went great it it worked out great I’m here oh no you have to go all the way back oh it’s okay I have an elytra and

Rockets I can fly to the thingy maaba and then go back oh crap my Redstone box is red so like I see you take out Sher boxes you take out my it’s my rocket box dang it I heard van is one of your favorite people that’s true van is one of my

Favorite people am I you know except for like that that like 10 seconds where you just scared the crap out of me earlier this stream you might have fell off the top list but you but it’s okay you worked your way back up a crap I don’t have any

XP hold on there’s a cow somewhere I’m sorry Cal you’re not going to give me any XP are you nope not enough just from one no okay there’s another one this is why I wish you could like bottle your levels cuz I have 106 at

The yeah may may or may not have spent 200 on a certain something but uh let’s not worry about that oh oh I’m out now I mean there’s no more cows and I’m have still need half a level oh oh I me I wanted to see your stream yesterday with count but

Work yeah no you’re good oh I think I actually have XP in my inner chest hold on oh shoot my pickaxe is where you die oh no well luckily it’s just at my base so it’s okay I do we’re good or who’s your favorite van or count

What is Sean what are these questions it’s van are you just saying that cuz I’m here no I play more with you so I know you better so it’s it’s an easy choice I thought I thought you’ve been playing with him longer I mean I’ve known him

Longer but I haven’t played with him as much especially lately very fair questions these aren’t fair questions all right this looks like a very dumb rocket a very dumb rocket do I have it’s a it’s a rocket that just didn’t get the memo all right I have all the

Things you want picking you want to ban picking up items no that’s a terrible ban oh my gosh all right let’s return pickaxe uh there there’s a word that I’m looking for at the moment to describe game boys I forget okay I’m back and I have Quantum don’t worry ah there’s zombies what

What’s the opposite of masochist like when when you’re do against somebody else yeah there you go okay that looks a little better Okay my guys don’t judge me too hard this is my second ever custom tree so oh oh I have a netherite chest plate oh I didn’t I kind didn’t I forgot about that part did you miss that you had a netherite chest plate I I forgot because

I kept I didn’t want if I died in lava I didn’t want to have to make a new chest plate and a new elytra and all that stuff and I thought maybe it would make my elytra something I don’t know oh oh did you combine them yeah they’re combined

Okay Sor I annoyed you with my friend afraid that they were going to the elyt like uh item properties would take over oh game boys game boys when you were trying to remember the word game boy is like I hope it’s lovely but the word to describe

Him I mean it was close it it was very close G boys okay that needs to go more I’m putting your pickaxe in this shulker box with the ice than oh wait sorry you don’t know what that do I know what that means okay I like you’re good my my my

Sister and I both took German yeah I had she actually remembered it I didn’t all I remember is dona next donin Don okay Gaz TI Pig’s in here what Peaks Peaks hey Matt hello hello hello menacing all right do I have I have blocks for going to put you

There I hate impromptu Wing or elytra parkour impromptu elytra parkour oh my gosh it’s like spider central up here come here ow oh oh head Pat nice ory I like the H yay isn’t he just his face is just the cutest thing in the world you no no no no ow he shot

Me stop shooting me definitely needs to go up higher than shooting Me forgot I had a bow I forgot that was a thing I was like trying to hit everything I’m this is how you know I’ve been playing Vault Hunters too much I don’t have a bow in Vault Hunter have to hit everything with his sword like I’m somewhat interested in

Doing it but like mods and I have just never mixed well yeah no I get it I had put all it for a very very very long time cuz I was like this looks way too much I don’t like it I don’t want it I’m

Sure I’ll enjoy it but I don’t want it and then I finally was like h fine I’ll try it and it was a good distraction when I needed distraction so now where is Owl pester you enough or is I mean maybe that might have been a little bit what it [Laughter]

Was they just want to be Christmas spoter like Otis I know they just want like warmers and hat they’re just Otis is so cute it’s a yo we were just talking about you and how absolutely annoying you are happy late birthday yo I’m kidding yo knows I’m kidding Yo’s

My Yo’s yevo is absolutely amazing and we have all the love for yevo it was good had a good dinner what did you have for dinner can’t just say had a good dinner we need we need the Deets oh by the way yo um hold on where are you oh first off

Ory where I got us an elf you got us an elf what does that mean what does that mean oh I can’t look at you if you keep running behind the tree I’m trying to act like you’re right here behind the tree oh dang it okay I’m coming

You you’ll see when you whenever you oh okay I guess you just come now oh nice look at him he’s so cute oh unfortunately he’s not a baby ice spikes around there I have your stream on my other monitor yeah it’s it’s a lot I might go farm them that’s illegal

Honestly I was genuinely considering asking you if you want at least want to clear like a little bit up by the the lake shore cuz it feels like a little much yeah I know that looks like a tone I like it though like I like it in the surrounding

Area but right on the shore it doesn’t look right to me I can see that yeah I can see that I can see that that makes sense okay okay yeah I yeah though I ended up doing some more afking last night so you should you should be back to where you

Were or should have been I hope you’re happy he cancelled plans and no I did not he canceled PL it was not an issue or shush I’m trying to think something something else that super drastic he was supposed to take his mom out for dinner for her birthday and

He cancelled so he could AFK cuz that makes sense but what my bow wasn’t shooting at all it was like the arrows were lagging oh my I wasn’t loading for a second either I was flying in my place to my house also yo yes can you visit your house go

To your house yo jeez sure gosh oh I have you may or may not be a day but it’s fine oh yeah guys y’s birthday was yesterday it’s a new Christmas monster I shall name him Kirby I’m in my house love it am I missing something it’s not in

The house I’ll just let you know that where do I put food there’s a dirt block missing oh no he’s discovered it inter PL I I don’t think I did that one I don’t know what that’s about okay I’m he’s discovered the big plan surrounding area Okay uhhuh uhuh oh my

Gosh well I did see the the ruin that was built was that you yes okay is that what you were talking about or yeah there there is a little more to it I yeah I didn’t want to go in or anything yet cuz I wanted to record that oh okay

Gotta um but yeah I I did notice that thank you okay it was what like three three buttons in here was that what the sign said something like that yeah little mischievous who van no it’s not going to it’s not going to blow up for some reason Orie thought her tree was going

To blow up because she opened a barrel I’m like what why I do that you never know that’s how Redstone that’s how Redstone works you open you you have now become the Redstone person on the server van congratulations I’m not sure if that’s very accurate I mean it it’s it just

Because you’re not the best red Stoner in the world doesn’t mean it’s not accurate I’m trying to work on this spread out I can see man I like built this like Tower thing and now I need to try connect it to a yeah I saw that it’s looking

Good thank you thank you I just need to figure out how to Van do you yes ma’am oh I I might be okay I was about to ask if you by chance got a lot of uh ink sacks with your farm thingy my bobber but I have I have enough ink sacks for now I do I I’m wanting to work on an ink

Sack Farm I didn’t know because I don’t know any which probably is says more about my terrible Farms than it does guardian Farms but my guardian Farms usually make a lot of ink sacks yeah no that one’s fairly optimized there’s a reason why the AFK

Area is set where it is yeah no that’s awesome I had enough though I was okay I don’t know why I have so many but I had I had plenty I need to make a new pickaxe Goose Feathers hold on I might have stuff Fortune Fortune D one’s got mending on it silk

Touch perfect I had to throw my second silk touch pickaxe in the lava yo good cuz people are you cuz I want say people no cause game boys is so kind yeah there you go f so you just got to off screen just like AFK a ton get XP and form some

Pickaxes yeah well luckily I had already made two because um last time I streamed I also had to throw my pickaxe in the lava Oh wrong one I should probably make a road to the guardian Farm because I I think that may or may not be the the quickest XP farm at the

Moment yeah no in your video you had like a hundreds of levels right yeah yeah I had 300 holy I don’t think I’ve ever had that many levels ever in Minecraft rolling out clay to make evenly flat discs of clay is annoying what are you making with evenly flat

Discs of clay that was a weird sentence evenly flat diss don’t know what I said okay I need some aasha apparently don’t own acacia oh man who does anyone specialize in that uh that would be a that’s a good question silver he claimed acia wood mm but

Luckily I live by some so I can just go over here and grab a couple trees no no making ornaments Oh very cool I actually uh bought ornaments last night with the the kids nice that’s fun what the kids might have AC like somehow they got like you know the how they have like the ornaments on display uh-huh and then they have the boxes below uh-huh so somehow she managed to get off

The hook oh no like the display one so I had to figure out how to get it back oh like not discreetly at all like my sister was freaking out luckily you can you know you’re not the you know she’s not the only person to do that it happens a

Lot oh gosh that’s so funny I don’t need why do I why am I getting all this Acasia I don’t need this much Acasa I needed like one tree oh that was literally only 36 blocks mining a ton of upsa for this massive portal almost done though ooh

Exciting I enjoy this this is going to be weird ory I really enjoy when I need a lot of obsidian and I can just go mine down a pillar in the end very weird it’s very but it’s like one of those instant gratification not well it’s not very

Instant but it’s one of those like you make the whole pill brain dead accomplishments yeah it’s like you make the whole pillar dis appear like it’s cool like it is yeah I know what you’re talking about oh I got to go find my thing ofab bobber and get some more

Mangrove where should I do that was this away I still need to get a fox I’m going to go by okay game boys have a great rest of your day have a good one thanks for torturing me started out their themes are whatever was their favorite thing or biggest accomplish from of the

Year that’s adorable I like oh is there a bell here we need a I need a bell already have silver taken all the bells from my desert kind of wouldn’t surprise me that does sound very y y I have a bell success the uh that that alignment chart

I I remember that like one of the main things he used to describe silver was mischievous I’m like yep that’s our boy that’s [Laughter] silver Silver’s Bells Sil that’s so good oh look at this look at these frogs they’re so happy now that they have room to jump around I’m deforesting their

Area I think I might need a fresh eye on this or whenever you get back can you let me know if this looks right like none of the branches are on it’s just like the main stump but yeah I can ah I can do that I might add in some more wood types

Later but just working on the shape at the minute yeah no 100% that is also how I would do it can we pleas oh that’s right thank you y what was that yep no problem I don’t know ow the weather here has been it like got

Cool and it was amazing and then it got warm again this weekend and then this week it’s back to like bananas cold and so my Sciences are just like you know what I don’t like you for living in a place like this so you’re going to have all the drainage

And so now my voice in my throat is just like dunked and Scratchy I’m over it I’m just over it hi Martin how are you thank you for the follow there we go it’s like and I feel bad it’s bad enough when it’s me like the my like picklehead was just like coughing

Constantly like two nights in a row and I’m like I’m sorry I can’t help you are they doing better now or yeah she’s good now okay that’s good like just it’s just that laying down with the heater the heater’s been on the Air’s all dry and we run humidifiers but since we

Weren’t prepared I mean we only started running the humidifier and so it it had a lot of catch-up work to do so it just took a bit you have to like yeah you live where it’s cold a lot oh yeah yeah do you do you like do you really have to do

Humidifiers all the time or do you just have Superior sinuses that never in my life have I used You’ never used a humidifier but like I mean what do you do with like when it’s cold and you have to run the heater a lot I don’t run the heater you just it’s

Just cold at your house no it’s well I live in an apartment and I don’t run the heat like right now it’s not cold enough where I have to what what what what like I just leave leave it how it is you leave it

How it is but I mean if you don’t run the heater doesn’t get to like 40° in your house 50° in your house I’m so confid oh no no it’s like 70 something here oh in my apartment yeah oh okay in an apartment complex uh like a general H yeah you’ll and

You’ll have like things around to insulate yeah yeah and also you know hey I’m great how are you do are north of just you know Ohio and whatnot they have like you know dedicated furnaces and not just rolled into like both like both of them into an AC unit that’s

Cool yeah yeah wish we had that during the 2020 freeze yeah uh not this server um W this is a private this is a private one we have a Discord that you get the community Discord if you would like to join it but getting on the server isn’t going to happen anytime

Soon welcome to Michigan you’re now frozen [Laughter] solid thanks yo GNA go now though I have class in a few have a great day barries thanks for saying thanks for stopping in yeah most of the Midwest is pretty cold I mean like I thought so I moved from

Chicago to Minnesota and I thought Chicago was bad I mean especially when the windchill it can get super bad you know since it’s oh yeah but Minnesota man oh my God I moved last year um liter during a polar vortex it was so freaking cold and stuff it was

Terrible timing but oh man it’s something else I’m dumping off some stuff at my house and then I’m coming back yeah fan sorry sorry Evo you were talking so your name came out first yeah yeah I’m not beardo you sound very different to me I’m not confusing [Laughter] you oh I don’t

Need that it’s fine Um dude there’s just squid living under the ice I just noticed this I’m so happy Opera GX has ad block I don’t know what that is oh that’s your your oh wait is that the is that a new one um yeah it’s a uh browser yeah somebody was telling me they were

Trying out a new browser the other day also I wonder if that’s what it was now maybe it’s an old one I don’t oh that’s Primal oh been trying firef as of recent oh I’m going the wrong way I don’t want to go in the nether go back it take my Back yeah talking about ads for your streams like as a channel member I shouldn’t be getting any right what is that about wait are you getting ads oh yeah yeah I just what and I mean jaab is also saying talking about oh and yeah cuz you know on Twitch when you’re

A twitch sub you don’t get ads that’s like one of the that’s annoying I’ll have to see if I can do anything about that like if it’s an option maybe that I didn’t click or something I thought that was like a thing I I did too I thought that was

Like one of the big things I mean I know that Prime you think cuz like you know if you have a prime prime Channel not prime Channel but a prime YouTube sub thingamabobber you yeah sub you don’t get them so I don’t I never know when you get them because I have that

Yeah little uh that’s annoying I’ll play with that you do too Kristen I’m sorry didn’t know you guys watch you have ads that’s so I don’t think it’s your fault so kind I think it looks awesome Okie doie guess next time I’m on I’ll start working on branches woohoo

Branches you need some more I gotta look up how Pine branches work um do you need some more Spruce cuz I have a lot I think I’m good on Spruce I think my main problem is leaves leaves I can do that too what kind of leaves is the

Question that yeah that’s what I’ve been wondering that’s why I haven’t gathered any yet yeah um where am I going cuz I don’t I don’t want to do spruce leaves Spruce Spruce leaves like nice and certain situations I’m not feeling it for this though yeah no I get

That maybe uh what was it called that’s a thinga Um aelia it’s the yeah aelia thank you yep that’s what I those are my favorite leaves oh I think that might have I’m looking for oh God maybe that like oak leaves yeah but in any case uh thank you Orie for perspective then it played start of

The video I’m going to go for a bit I don’t know if I’m going to be back before the stream ends but I uh I got to do some things at work yep nope you’re oh he left he left real fast okay bye man

I got a h I’m going to AFK for work yep you’re good go ahead bye bye and it’s just me now all right so we have ghosts but I think right here I wonder if fan hi call me Barry how are you welcome to the stream you did everybody ditched

Me yo doesn’t want to y doesn’t want to talk to me unless there’s a intermediary buffer sorry I thought I was in Discord oh yeah no I totally do that van it’s so funny van van really quick before you leave leave can I maybe take down the

Ghosts I want spilled a spruce Le out of spruce leaves oh my gosh Matt that’s hilarious I’m great Barry I’m glad you’re doing good also cuz I’m thinking I’m going to build the little thing that I want to right here yeah go ahead I’ve been mean do that you’re good you’re good you’re

Good I love them and I didn’t want to take them down because it would be funny if we just had representations of every holiday but I might just have to get this guy down brains there’s a lot of brain brain brain eaters in there okay we’re good goes buers okay oky

Dokie now for the something now I’m going to have Ghostbusters stuck in my head thanks Matt okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay let’s do this and then we do this and then we put it here and then I need a chest because now I have ghost I have ghost guts in my inventory all right now we’re good just do

This and that perfect okay ow now I have the hiccups Plants versus Zombies is a classic [Laughter] now I 100% still need to watch that or not watch it play that um I’m going to do a little bit of landscaping jeez he scared me where did he come from

Oh I guess it’s a little dark it’s a little darker than I thought so let’s do something about that really quick so we don’t have to worry about things sneaking up on us quite as much underground underground Underground There is that no okay that’s better okay okay okay okay okay okay okay just finished a big worksheet on the Constitution oh Plants versus Zombies is on the little tablet things at restaurants sometimes really zombies on my line I try to speedrun it while waiting on my

Food if I can that’s hilarious or are you excited for Christmas Whopper Whopper Whopper I have I am a little I am kind of excited for Christmas it’s always I don’t know I don’t know I am and I am not I don’t know if that makes any

Sense but I am and I am not not no actually that works let’s put that nope you go There and we do like this torch H he’s not even AFK oh I’ve got to go or I can’t be in this call with you because I’ve got to be AFK not even AFK this is how they treat me can you tell what I’m building yet van left yep he had to go do some

Work I’m play Minecraft while listening to you play Minecraft nice Barry I approve When shopping at 7:00 a.m. the store was already busy oh my gosh same I dropped my kids off at school and then immediately went to the grocery store and it was

Busy both of them oh cuz I went to one and they didn’t have what I needed so I went to another one and it was it was busy it’s a penguin yes yes yes yes I want This and we do this and then we do this and we do this he’s a happy penguin he’s a happy guy nope not you uh No um I’m going to need something else okay we’re good and we do this right there Taada is it penguiny yet perfect and we need ad this all I needed was white cocoa chips ended buying a caral I mean I’m assuming you mean a cart full of other things not just like a cart full of white cocoa chips a pen a penguin I don’t know why the picture

That I’m following they have a bell but they have a bell right there t And then we do This duck needs to be more Gremlin we 100% have no no no our Gremlin is our Halloween decoration never mind I was like we that’s what we that’s what we use we have a baby Yoda for Christmas and a Gremlin a gizmo that sits outside for not Christmas Halloween that’s the word I’m

Looking for ow h I think that’s what I want I’m not confident in what the heck I’m Doing but it will be fine um this looks great right and we just do this um Um yeah this is going to be great no idea nope don’t like it this is terrible this is this is terrible what have I done um oh not you sh I’m trying to build here Thunder I don’t have don’t look at it don’t look at it don’t look at it don’t look at

It I don’t like looking at progress I just it needs to be done and then I’ll look and see how terrible it is oops sorry Sean I have not gone ice skating yet um we that’s usually a thing we do in January in January penguin and then like that maybe he still needs

Eyes you know what that’s not bad his arms a little weird oh cuz he doesn’t have the rest of his arm there okay that’s better there he just needs he needs a little I need a skeleton I need some white white some white wool poor skeleton where are my Rockets

There they are let’s go to sleep where’s my bed they’re building a local ice rink ooh that’s awesome my my oldest loves ice skating my youngest loves the idea of ice skating if that makes any sense whatsoever the the the first time we went my oldest was on her own doing her

Thing never done anything related to ice skating before but she was rocking it and then my youngest just clung to the the thingy you know the thing the thing all right let’s do this all right my girlfriend likes sheep so I’m building cute sheep statues everywhere nice Barry I love that that’s that’s

Awesome uh is it is this how you I don’t have a stick I put all the sticks in a chest 17 million sticks and I just made more okay we need two of those for two eyes and then so if I do can you go away

I need a I need a thing don’t I just go in there do I have a loom let’s make a loom there’s no string here zero string oh Goose Feathers I haven’t heard the original Minecraft music in Forever it’s playing because I got oh nice I’m glad you told me why it was

Playing because I was like confused for a second oh no I don’t have the barrels are louder I can turn my sounds back up now turn them up a tiny bit okay um I think I have there’s a there’s a there’s a farm over here I haven’t heard I’ve never been ice

Skating I really want to try it what wait don’t you live somewhere cold you Haven got ice skating how have I gone ice skating and not you Kristen I guess that means you should come to Georgia and we’ll go ice skating dang it wait I only need two perfect

Shh I’m trying to do things here okay and we need oh I put the stuff up is there any bones in here yes I’ve been ice skating I fell on my tailbone a ton skating and slipping are almost the same yep live in north and never been ice skating no you’re

Fine um okay let’s do this I like that okay that worked let’s do another one I wasn’t quite sure I was going to like what I have done no no this one this side okay you come with me goodbye spiders thank you for your sacrifice all right let’s go back at least I’ve

Been sledding and snowbo building oh yes I have not been sledding or snowmobiling snowmobiling snow Mo mobing word word my ninth nephew is supposed to be born today oh that’s awesome there there how is he how’s he look I think he’s okay he’s pretty all right for a penguin a

Penguin I think I made a hat A Little Too Tall maybe I should knock his hat down a little bit might be a little bit too big snow mobing is fun I messed that up sorry I’m sorry okay let’s do this instead so put you here and Then uh you you and if we go like this and then like this and then put you there I think that works I’ve never been snow bubbling hi gaming uh shoutouts are reserved for members my apologies he needs a snowball like a I I don’t have a

Snowball did I build it exactly back the way that I’d already built it because I think I did it looks the exact same I don’t think I made that any shorter oops hold on let’s try that again Okay let’s breing this one down and then we’ll bring this down we go like look at this and look at this and then look at that see how that works hoppity hop hop hoppity hop hop build building Penguins yeah that’s better I’m happy with that it’s me Cosmo the cactus okay well hi

Cosmo Li do I have any snow I don’t have any snow fantastic but yeah so there’s our penguin how does he look does he look Penguiny and we can have a sign Press button for secret Santa name Tada and there will be a button on the ground right no let’s make it this let’s make it Acacia get out of here Mangrove Tada nope I think I like the mangrove better decisions decisions of course you can s of course

You can he’s an adorable penguin yay thank you he looks very Dapper a I think he looks pretty all right you know what he needs though he needs some little Penguin friends and not talking about Yo’s Yo’s little guys let’s we’re going to make some other little we’re going to make some little

Friends um yep he’s just going to have some little Penguin friends hanging out with him but wait not there perfect oh that might be too close CU if their beaks go like their beaks go like this their beaks are going to be touching that’s that’s not I can’t have that

He’s going to have lots of little Penguin friends that’s the exact place I just put him there we go there now they can have little penguin conversations perfect Cosmo is at my grandma’s house Cosmo is at my grandma’s house okay use some Redstone to make a bell ring and a

Dispenser hit you with a snowball that would be hilarious did I help with this I posted one of these penguins in short earlier um I maybe saw a penguin somewhere and got this idea I don’t even remember it’s a Grizz hi Grizz it’s Connor I totally missed Connor saying hello

Wisconsin hi guys hi hi hi hi Hi it’s everybody uh oh okay we’re good get rid of this no no no no oh uh yeah I don’t need you or you of course I do really like that big penguin guy oh Goose Feathers um How are you Connor how are you Grizz how are you how are you how are you all right I need bones and oh gosh I need bones and what’s the other thing I need Stone are there any bones in yes perfect Who okay we’re good to go stone do I have stone ow in my starter house uh here perfect wait yes I have stone buttons I don’t have to make more Stone buttons stop growling La okay now let’s do this and then turn that into dye and then we turn this into wait a

Minute can I just make oh this and turn it white I don’t remember how this works can I just turn the whole thing white no what’s that look like is that going to work probably not no that probably doesn’t work just me clay ornament I’m amazing feet what just a teeny tiny bit

Sick oh no Conor why are you sick I don’t approve of this can you get unick it was my turn to be sick we agreed and now you’re encroaching on my sick time And this time we’re going to make it this one perfect and you go here and you go there Tada they H there’re they’re they have different colored bellies I don’t know why they just do yes again I live in England where it always rains and it’s winter

Oh I’m sorry maybe you should have founded Great Britain a little bit differently in instead of making it where it always rains jeez there how do the penguins look are they adorable hey I thought it was my week this week or since last week stop stealing dang it but I didn’t want

To the penguins are for a secret santa gz sorry I annoyed you with my friendship hey Sean thanks there’s going to be a dispenser and you’re going to press a button and you’re a name is going to pop out but that would include you know me actually doing things oh gosh none of

It’s working it’s all oh no what have I done can we go in here can you go in here um and you and you oh nope nope nope you and you you oh no there’s so much stuff and you um nope nope not you oh I’m full oh the only I have left

Is a chest and a crafting table oh goose feathers do I have I did have a Sher box it’s so fluffy gosh only I would have thought about this sooner save so much energy I’ll take you okay that’s better there Tada Penguins some kind of penguin convention penguin sorry I’m saying it incorrectly

[Laughter] IA oh I live in Ohio where we have all four seasons several times in one day I get it oh gosh ow okay penguins with they’re still ghosts what if we helped van out and turn the witch’s hat into a snow hat like a like a like a a Santa hat

That’d be kind of funny let’s do that that’s what we’re going to do now so we’re going to go here ow and use this it’s just going to completely stay the same and we’re going to no I’m the worst at This whoops it’s fine oh jeez I didn’t know his hat was Hollow slays are pretty easy what okay have you SE see slays require reindeer and reindeers are not easy penr have you guys seen there’s like a thing where bner batch cumber bottom tries or like says penguins and it’s like

Hilarious that’s what that’s what I’m being Pengin I find your lack of faith disturbing I find your lack of faith disturbing sorry Hon’s fantastic luckily we live in a desert where it doesn’t get cold so he’s Great ow jump jump why can’t I oh that’s why there’s candles I had not enough sleepy time yesterday and today I have sick time a I’m sad to announce that I am retiring from being sick thank you for your support Oh oh I’m glad it’s gone yay doesn’t have to have reindeer just presents get a Christmas hat for Hamilton oh my goodness I already have new pigs now I need hats for my old pigs what is this no I know that I’m breaking it with a pigx you win some you lose some

Oh okay we have this now let’s get calite and then we’ll replace the purple with calite D I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired I feel that statement in my heart in the deepest parts of my heart I feel it CU that that is also

Me all right and we have another one of these so we can replace this with this same caps lock was very much needed there it’s fine there how’s that works and then we totally oh no I need more whoops okay so much for that we’ll we’ll have to come back

Oh no uhoh uhoh uhoh aort aort I don’t have a thingy let’s put it back Tada problem solved totally just repurposing Van’s house or Van’s roof hat witch hat the witch hat is no longer a witch hat it’s going to be a Santa hat hat cuz you know

Santa hats are just like witch hats right oh but it fans out that doesn’t actually work crap that didn’t work I just thought about that guys you didn’t tell me that Santa hats can’t replace witch hats I can do the bottom a little bit differently I can I can get rid of

This I think and just make it more white like this I think this will work fine I hope this will work fine oh gosh what if it doesn’t work fine what if it doesn’t work fine at all but if we do this see how that looks jingle Whopper Whopper Whopper

Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper this is not now start to look like a wear’s Waldo hat oh no I’ve ruined it sandwich I can’t even can’t fix it and turn it back to a witch hat because I already tore it up okay okay wait I’ve got it I can do

This I can do this I refuse to chop down trees that have beehives on them because I feel bad I refuse to kill pigs because my uncle Pig died and that’s how I became Spider-Man I thought you refused to verificate pigs CU of me are you saying if it wasn’t for your

Uncle Pig youd still murder theate pigs I trusted you Connor I trusted you okay so we have this where’s the edge there it is so we have this I think this will be fine if I keep going like this um H all right let’s go see what this looks

Like that could work I think that’ll work if I get rid of the black and make it white I think that’ll work Peter pork her that I mean that was my thought as well myri I’m not going to lie wch no I protect pigs for ory as well

But him protect me while I protect nice okay good good good good good ow hush grumpy zombies all right we got this then we’ll have to just get rid of all the what can we replace the ghosts with I like the ghosts that oh no oh Goose Feathers ow that’s painful

Okay wait what have I done oh who do I need to get rid of that yep okay that was weird nope not You we go around and then we go down like at this and then we get rid of this like Kies okay hi Nando how are you doing welcome welcome welcome oh jeez that scared me gandi and L’s Fern I miss my magnet so much Fern it’s terrible hey gandi welcome welcome

Welcome hello hello hello uh oh what have I done uhoh oh I’m out whoopsie well flying flying snowman you have great confidence in me no no totally not just repurposing someone else’s stuff to make it Christmasy nope and this goes there there there we go okay now we just need crafting Table oh no we’re good I need this everybody in my classroom passed yay Nando he’s a coral rock monster the pink and green hair are just hair hair growth I’ve been learning a lot about beardo watching him play scared watching him play scared is hilarious tell your

YouTube to follow you on Twitch for a thousand preps I’m vaulting or I would oh preps I’m to remind you that if you follow me on Twitch you get a thousand Oreos LS Fern says So oh jeez that scared me thanks John welcome welcome welcome Oreos exactly you got to do it all for the Oreos it’s a rare bro wait what so where’s my thousand or then um are are you following me on YouTubes are you following me on the YouTube

Gandi no okay I think we’re good I think it’s time to murder certificate some ghosts going to be Ghostbusters this looks like a Christmas hat sort of right I’ll prove it be right back I’m following you on Twitch yes oh well well then hey wait what what what what what

What what dirty Christmas hat no it’s fine it’s it’s it’s a really big hat it doesn’t fit in many washing machines and Orie is definitely going to add the command to her I did I did Fern I did if you look right now twitch oh mck did it it pops

Up the Ghost of Christmas present future oh it’s perfect we’ll just put a label on them oh my gosh there’s so much Gunk on the roof there this is definitely 100% original and is not just someone’s repurposed witch hat on our town hall it’s totally fine there are three ghosts it’s perfect

Oreos I’m a Potato I’m a Potato if only I had a magnet I know in the Council of penguins pen Penguins I need some more dma Bobbers are there somebody I can ow steal from beo and say that van did it there’s 100% some of these that I can

Steal from Van and say van did it let’s give him no not a corn what can we give him what can we give him 64 Mangrove planks that sounds like a good deal hoity hop hop poppity hop h hoppity hop okay nothing is going on through going on Twitch I don’t

Know I don’t know why the Ghost of Christmas Past oo exactly Hoppity hopity hopity hoppity Hop have done since the start I believe I don’t know I’m sorry your Twitch isn’t working Connor oh I do have more woohoo oh that’s not what I wanted at all there we go I hope Van’s proud of me I hope van doesn’t absolutely think this Christmas

This this Santa hat is the most horrendous thing he’s ever seen and he’s like what did you do to my witch hat perfect you have me singing little random songs when I’m playing games now so thanks I don’t know what you’re talking about you should give him an inventory full of strip

Jungle no that’s gross my classro was the only one Past in school whoa that’s awesome Nando very nice PTO would be suspicious it’s true he would not think it was me LeBron James is a basketballer he wishes he was a little bit why is that stripped he wishes he was a little bit

Taller ow all right oh look it’s almost a perfectly Empty Barrel perfect okay um what was that about to get oh no I had a I had a thing I was going to come over here and grab it a spruce log that’s what I was going to

Get he wishes ow I started looking at chat and didn’t look where I was going it’s perfect okay can I reach it I can’t reach it and I just put all my blocks up I’m so clever sometimes just I’m I I amaze myself at my cleverness

Birch Birch yeah ow dang it okay hold on nobody pay attention to what I’m about to do you’ve never seen this that’s definitely not there definitely definitely not there what are you doing in my swamp boom and you put that there there Tada now it’s all fixed just like magic

Okay all right what else he changed the inside of this but I don’t know what to change it to and our bad guys probably need to go somewhere maybe I’ll just put them in a hole but it’s okay I’ll do that a different day I need to change the candles

What color candles should we have should we have red candles walk um nope not that one that’s the one on Wednesday next week in English I get to watch A Christmas Carol Nice very very cool Connor okay I need I got to go back for string don’t I that’s the wrong Way you know with Scrooge McDuck and that that’s not that’s not that’s the Christmas carol you’re watching now I can get on board with that where’s uhoh oh there it is Scrooge quick the mod’s gone misbehave [Laughter] time no okay we can have now we can have four

Candles what color candles should we have yeah you study A Christmas Carol in year 10 in England oh fun do we have the red just is too I worry the red is too red can you please get down here ow he hit me oh wait here’s Connor’s shout out so

You can learn a little bit about Connor oh that didn’t give me anything oh those are very cute cats those are very cute cats John thank you for the follow I don’t know if I said that thank you for the follow I appreciate it ow stop hitting me

Why are you only dropping spider eyes nobody wants spider eyes where the string at oh that’s right there no I have a mistake in this phrase uh oh I upload once every 100 1,000 years so yes sus oh they are Pam’s cats oh cute cuz you said you are

What a question right wait what what what what what what me and trash pan are playing Sky Block nice tell your tell trash P I said hi OD just wants a spider eye Otis can have all the spider eyes I have a lot of spider eyes there’s there’s a lot of spider

Eyes quite a quite a few there your emotes nice there wasn’t any string in that one what is this nonsense spider where’s all the string would you like to eat spider eyes an entire sh no no no that was that was absolutely horrendous I’ve eaten enough spider eyes for a

Lifetime I don’t need a crafting table for candles stop that there we go 16 I subed to Connor I can’t wait A Thousand Years bro hit me up and come laugh and something else the tree this tree won’t grow that’s the worst part about Sky Block is waiting for the tree to grow wow Mark really like those

Emotes I have no idea n I’m going to be honest with you it’s the eye of spider it was still funny yeah know it was I mean better I can’t decide if that was better or worse than the Kors fruit honestly no come over here I’m trying to get your friend right

Here oh I would like that XP please give me uhoh I’m stuck okay oh wow that gave me five more it’s terrible okay if I can get three more that’ll be 24 and that will be eight clumps if I do three candles Come Along come along come

Along that was two one more one more spider string thing please I need some butt rope can you please come here and drop it for me hello spawn Spa I’ll be lurking driving back home okie dokie van hello why are you not spawning oh there it goes come on I just need one

String ow drive careful oh how do I I don’t know how I hit them that works come on ouch you remember I made someone mind something um I remember making gav uh use gold tools when we went to go mine a bunch deep slate that’s what I remember

Doing oh butt rope that’s what it is it’s butt rope I have 28 that’ll work that’s fine the course fruit was amazing I disagree check quickly is believed to be bardo’s human Alter Ego check quick checkle sorry quick checkle the superhero oh look it’s a nice little little christmy hat it’s

Cute maybe I’ll just leave the oh I got to get a flint steel maybe I’ll just leave these as regular colored I think they’ll they’ll look good against the or maybe I’ll make them white I’ll make them white I think the white will look good against the um

Stuff um I need Dirt Works I need a flint and steel no stop it keep just shooting things off flint and steel flint and steel flint and steel flint and steel Flint oh this is going so well all right there’s iron now I just need Flint where’s where do I put

The Flint Flint Flint Flint Flint ow dang it that’s cold I need I don’t even see gravel oh Goose Feathers oh no Goose H or we need you to build my base on the realm you know the cords I’ve paid you I think oh gosh you paid me

Ow it cost four netherite and like a bit of iron I think what cost four netherite and a bit of iron why um dang it oh my shovel is not silk touch perfect why is why is none of this turning into Flint super annoying G

Ouch okay G to have to do this the hard way Y oh I’m sorry to disappoint you that you were still lurking yo goober okay and yo gets a shout out y gets a shout Out okay black belt hello there black belt back back I did it there there you go do you think program difficult I think talking difficult so [Laughter] probably oh okay ouch I hit the thing all right first we’ll put these and then we break these and then

We oh I didn’t make a flint and steel okay then we place three no nope no I can’t because Villa are behind us wait What if you vacated the top of the table what what are you guys talking soccer you’re talking soccer okay Villa is a PL is a is a thing I got you I I caught up hey gaming Shorts top of the table meaning the top of the Premier League table the standings ah soccer I see I’m clever I know exactly what you’re talking about that was not true and we light okay where’s more is there more purple candles anywhere I guess I could just put them I

Can put I can put I can put them wherever I want and nobody can stop me my town hall now just kidding it’s not finished a good bit of my perimeter fence on the Realms I’m going to take a break and work on some homework while I lurk Okie do Chapa d

Thanks for the lur I appreciate you let’s put one here we’ll go out here yeah you Muppet no can you answer me I’m not going to answer that question there’s a thing of rules in the chat and it says we don’t talk about politics just like we don’t talk about Bruno Oops okay and we’ll do one out here hoity hop hity H H Hoppity hoppity hop Oops not you actually no not you either all right I think that’s probably sufficient I don’t have I’m going to ouch it’s okay it was just my face look it looks like snow a that’s so cute let’s put one on let’s put above it and make it difficult for people to

Land and be difficult it’s my favorite pastime being difficult maybe that was too one too high stop it there we Go pro tip name your problems Bruno so you don’t have to talk about it exactly there that’s kind of fun just don’t look at my penguin from the side he only is cute from the front there perfect and then we have the Ghost of Christmas Past present and future I love that All right perfect perfect perfect let’s go empty my inventory cuz I have a bunch of gunk in there again now well that one’s full that one has room and look we’ll put that one back where it goes do I have the stuff to make a dropper or a dispenser o there’s

Redstone I do not have string but I can go get a bow let’s go do that trying to sculpt a dyo harder than I thought oh yeah especially depending on the kind the the dino that you’re attempting to sculpt it yeah Yeah okay or I have three more sh Farms to build

Nice do you have all the names you need or do you need more names ow I was reading chat again Cobblestone all right let’s make a dispenser woohoo do I have any repeaters I have two repeaters fantastic I need three more names okay for we need three more names for endermites guys let’s help out black belt three more endermites names Okay actually that we don’t even need that that’s fine let me just put this here right perfect there look at that easy mode Dave the shulker you want to name an endermite Dave the shulker name one poof because they go poof did you name one attack

Button Cirby are you on a you’re on a Kirby kick didn’t know what you I thought I thought that elf was named Kirby is that your elf name are you Kirby are you Kirby the Elf okay I need paper time to go raid silver sugarcane farm ouch yes Can Cosmo get a shout out is he a member he is not a member he’s appreciated it just means doesn’t get a shout out yet he doesn’t get a personalized shout out name one after everyone in chat oh my goodness he only needs three also I get 17 I get 17

Also Orie you don’t need to say hi to Connor just Connor I do need to say hi to Connor just Connor Ender Bender gandai suggests Ender Bender black belt let’s get some paper paper that’s way too many papers all right so Ori I’m going to run out of levels Obie silver van yo

Yo Colin orange the zombie what y left the game um B yellow’s back Raven um cha I spelled that incorrectly hold on I’m so bad with spelling names sorry Jane this is why you’re Jane I mean I want to talk I have an absolutely horrendous name but

Still I’m bad with everyone’s names uh phone again no tell him not to just hit 3K nice gaming shorts yep secret santa welcome back indasa in in in adasa is that it I saw I always say indasa I need coffee me too me too who am I

Missing I think this is everyone there’s a van van van van Van van van hello who am I missing oh you made a penguin I made a penguin do you like multiple Penguins yeah but one big penguin how’s the witch hat look oh oh oh I love it and luckily you had a

Perfect shape I just had to change the bill the brim nice and I changed out the colors of the candles and it kind of looks like snow falling it works but yeah that’s Awesome how many people do we have on this server CU I randomly forgot I have Jane Raven Obie Orie silver yevo beardo and Van is that everyone uh let me take a look okay good it’s a van everybody everybody tell hi it’s a van while he’s looking yes the annoying sloth is back

Everybody they’re not annoying you Muppet everyone’s saying hi I just got called a muppet by ory it’s it’s such an [Laughter] accomplishment I’m famous though you’re famous as uh as um Connor would put it oh I’m a raid Vance Pantry for the coffee he doesn’t have coffee he only

Has relax ification tea I I sometimes have coffee I like yeah he might actually have coffee he’s human he might have coffee I mean do you think owl would be around probably not she’s got a lot going on on the other servers I’ll ask

Her and if I need to I’ll add her but I don’t want to add her and make her feel obligated and overwhelmed three four five six seven 8 Nine without owl and Zen it’s nine who am I missing cuz I only have eight yo beardo Grizzly Jan Obie go I

Don’t want to talk about it he’s not he’s not in chat it’s okay sh don’t tell I definitely did not forget the bear one of the Bears totally fine that did not happen I knew I was missing someone oh I’m such a I’m the Muppet now dang

It okay there we go n sometimes I have to recount my I you know how many times I’ve forgotten myself well yeah know that’s who I 100% was like I’m going to forget myself oh she had Cyclones outside oh that’s yeah no yeah that’s that’s fantastic ow had Cy buy her house today

Yeah no I counted you I assumed that I was going to forget myself so I may I put myself first because I’m selfish or something oh there’s not an EA Sports that’s in the game yet redeem yet I’m sorry I’m sorry I’ll work on it Connor I’ll be

Better uh I’ll try to replicate one for you e a sports is in the game I think that was a perfect representation will that would that be okay Connor no black Bell don’t tell him don’t tell him he’ll hurt his little bear feelings you don’t anger a grizzly

Bear that’s just it’s just against the rules okay so okay I’m assuming there’s a just a dispenser under here yeah it’s literally one piece of redstone and a dispenser I I I thought I might oh yeah it’s nine slots perfect yeah so it’s like it’s it’s it actually is that it

Worked out very well if if owl decides to join in I’ll just have a sneaky Hopper to the side it won’t be truly random but it’ll be fine yeah I mean it’ll be random after the first person yeah that was perfect well it I mean it it would it

Would be mostly random it’s just that owl wouldn’t be one of the options yeah yeah for the for the first for the first person yeah yeah other than that but yeah so all you have to do is press the button oh no oh oh no oh no oh that’s funny what did you

Do no good luck hey bestest buddy I’m going to go hide over here oh oh no he’s got the poker he’s got the poker I forget what it was called exactly I just know poker was in it hey hey bestest buddy hi g hi hi hi this side wait a Minute hold on oh I didn’t do it so where does the where does the name came out come out of his butt not really oh I just I just know how you like to help other animals and check for Stuff make sure they’re clean of dingleberries or whatever Dingle exactly ah oh my

God what oh so did you just put on a super fast clicker or something what was that no I if you put your right click to like a a key like a key like a keyboard button it will just Spam like crazy that’s clever cuz you know how when

You’re typing if you just hold a letter it will like do one two and then it’ll just start spamming right yeah Yep this is Nations and Nobles trash panda baby trash Panda so we can go ahead and get our secret Santa do we want to make are you making a hot

Tub no don’t know what you’re doing I thought he was making a seat but then he added two other sides he kept going actually I could H with the hot tug oh yeah we already we have a hot tub on the server at Yos yeah in the

Cave oh I have your your s his dungeon oh yeah I have a screenshot of all of you guys in the hot tub I need to post it on the [Laughter] Discord then you can say you did a hot tub stream yeah that’s how you get speaking of screenshots I mean you’re on

Twitch now right so yeah I’m allowed to do those on Twitch oh gosh thanks Sean that was an amazing Warden can we go ahead and get our secret Santa can we can we get it can we get it can we get it mine’s not going to be secret I just realized

That crap never mind I’ll wait oh because you know the oh the cuz I’m streaming it’s the The Dropper is random yeah it picks a random slot what are the rules we we need a book did I hear hot tub St oh my gosh he got oh

Get all of them shot did really hold on is this is that a zero or a capital O It’s a capital O there we go g a n d a i that button and then that nope those are the wrong ones big little my ears still work for the right things oh

Gosh oh no not redeem hey is it add points what’s what’s black and white and red all over uh uh what a penguin falling down the stairs oh I had a feeling it was something about a penguin he’s right there in chat why are you telling me you can’t find him hey

Van van H what’s what’s what’s white and black and red all over no no a penguin That’s Falling downstairs nope a newspaper oh wow hey oh I because I don’t think the penguin went I think the one falling down the stairs is what’s black and

White and red all over and that’s a nun falling down the stairs oh I think a penguin’s different but you you just keep tricking them into saying the same one o carrots I’m trying to there’s I don’t know yeah a I don’t think anyone has carrots

Right I I don’t I I have a hard time keeping up with the crops I think um that’s my biggest issue with the export list if anyone it’ probably be Jane and Raven that makes sense right there is it two zeros or is it is it two o’s or is

It Z Z do you know do you know what your name is we’re gonna try that but uh bear bear grizzly do you do you want to go for the secret santa first go go go go go go I can do that I’ll be sorry I’ll be right

Back I’m just over at Yos I’ll be right back I’m going to put what how did you get there how did you get there so fast his starter base oh okay dang it I’m going to put a torchure on here cuz I feel like got I will have

To I’ll let me try it on streamlabs how did I get in here uh van should put ice around the Penguins so they feel more comfortable that’s true we need ice ice boy I I just kidding I’m sorry ice boy I’m sorry that was to make up for getting

Shot earlier that’s that’s what that was okay but yeah I can do that this is for both twitch and you’re this is for both twitch and YouTube oh the points is for YouTube Oh more Phantoms I need to put the I’m getting sh I’m getting hit there we go I need to put the at sign I’ll try that this would be so much easier if I didn’t have you might have to redo the the sign just oh that’s fine oh at uh oh oh that button these letters

Wait that button these letters I need a snow block I just realized it’s not going to go through this it’s not going to go through the ice yeah I think ice is a transparent block only one way to find out oh perfect good spot oh oh it worked

Black belt I’m I’m just going to look black belt I’m going I’m going how do I okay I’m going to make sure I don’t look I’m going to like squint my eyes there you go it actually does go through packed ice what do you know maybe maybe it’s normal

Ice oh yeah that makes sense I don’t know it didn’t work where’s that where’s that sign did someone pick it up oh did I pick it up not me yes I did okay or if you could rewrite that that’d be great yep so many sea lanterns press the

Button yeah that’s kind of my thing I should trade seed lanterns for you for my Lake what do you want secret Santa and I’ll get it for you person um there you anything uh that it is actually sold in uh the SL slop shop the slop

Shop the slop slop shop slop shop I need to go in there and check it out slop shop slop shop yep it’s got a nice luxurious buying [Laughter] experience yeah ow disregard the name there’s zombies behind you stop shooting me I’m going to get deaded not really no I’m trying to kill the

Zombies of don’t hit Obie’s dogs he might miss one hey he dropped risk he dropped a carrot hey a llama seriously where’s the traitor is he invisible they go invisible at night there he’s not invisible anymore ow yeah the llamas will attack you ow you good yeah just allergy stuff yep

That’s it but yeah I guess it would be allergies I need to put those lights back in but yeah not going to lie like instead of torches I just use Sea lanterns for strip mining now that’s cuz it’s less it’s genuinely less expensive for me hilarious I don’t know oh now there’s a

Llama head on the ice I don’t I don’t know how to switch just I don’t know these things are annoying I don’t know penguins eat llamas what if I time out oh more okay good they’re after me not worry what’s wrong uh Phantoms just wanted to make

Sure you weren’t getting hit while you were AFK oh sorry oh I’m a terrible shot there you go that made up for it oh nailed it okay grizzly SEC yes oh yeah you want me to do that that’s go oh I I would want you to tell

Me so but I was going to genuinely going to ask but I was like oh wait that doesn’t work wait why are there spru trees in front of my house wait what wherever Grizzly goes he just can’t get in poops out spruce trees it’s fine yeah yeah yeah seeds the seeds get

Caught in his fur and then they just out fall off sounds like a really good pokon I know you arey that’s how that’s how it works in the wild seeds for different flowers and stuff get your SE so what do we do with the secret santa D we have to discuss that

Actually how do I read it oh you hover over it or don’t tell us what it is though okay interesting I didn’t I didn’t know we had secret sand as of people that weren’t in the Stream his black belt how how am I supposed to get him

Something ah okay I guess I guess my turn I is it weird that I’m kind of nervous yes no I mean it’s not weird I understand wor he thinks I’m weird no I don’t ah murderer interesting can I get mine and not nobody tell anybody I’ll get it off I will not at

The I will not look at the just blank your screen for a second oh yeah that’s a good idea okay uh just put your hand over your screen so we can’t see it okay good idea all right ready all right did you see it Grizz got you for secret santa black [Laughter] belt

So we’re supposed to just give them something of ours yeah just give them some kind of gift what is what doing with their H bar I was scrolling really quickly over it try to see who I no you guys weren’t in the secret santa I’m sorry oh I’m sorry

I was too good now your whole chat’s going to be like can I Jo I that would have be the secret stand okay so the question is oh gosh um hold on being cold here I’ll warm you up think that’s what he said okay I need to move this off my hot oh

Jeez hold on man I like van what you’ve done with these Bruce trees making your home inaccessible okay we’re back can crawl in good I love the penguin someone should build one of the Mario Penguins the what Mario Penguin why am I not like from Mario 64 the one that you th off

Cliff wait what what I’ve never thrown a penguin off a cliff in Mario 64 no I was thinking Mario Kart never mind I didn’t play Mario 64 in Mario 64 there’s in the penguin land you can pick one up and throw it off the edge wait wait wait when did you reach affiliate

Um last week at the hot tub stream actually the hot tub stream it really was you were that’s right I did yeah we did a hot tub stream and then I reached affiliate okay uh um I I got to go I’m going to meet my

Sister for lunch yeah you got to make up for it because you you skipped out on your sister and your mom so you could AFK at Yow because that totally happened all rightow have a good rest of the stream ory I’m ending the stream also bye van because it’s lunchtime bye van

See you the throwable Mario Penguins I’m going to have to look this up because I do not remember throwable I mean because I didn’t play it that is why you missed the hot tub stream Fern sorry it was fun there were multiple people there it was

Great oh God sure I’m might stream later so nice jaapa Okay that said be right back Griz I’m G to talk in chat okay so we’re gonna stare at Grizz in his face we’re gonna watch him as he he’s moving too fast there we go turn around very slowly he’s not

Going to turn around very slowly but okay guys I got didn’t stream it’s after 12 I was supposed to get off kind of earlyish today and I didn’t but that’s okay but I appreciate you all bunches and bunches and bunches and bunches no one’s I thought you were dreaming Fern Goose Feathers let’s

Go raid I don’t know I got nothing looks like an eye [Laughter] patch that’s funny okay all right all right all right all right stop getting distracted guys thank you so much for hanging out with me we will be back tomorrow same ory Time same ory Place same ory server

And we’ll be getting stuff ready for our secret Santa and finishing and maybe doing the secret santa build with the giant fireplace and all that kind of stuff not the well hurry up so I can raid you Fern geez bye guys bye jaapa bye Kristen bye marrick

Bye Connor bye people in chat bye Grizz bye van bye baby trash Panda bye gamy shorts bye black belt thank you guys so much for hanging out with me I’m squirreling bye gandai bye Fern um I I I I I my my brains go gobbley gloop at this

Point there’s Grizz we’re GNA St what is he doing to my Penguins okay we just going to act like nothing’s happening the coat says have a good day nice all right guys thank you so much for hanging out I appreciate you all bunches of bunches I’ll see you

Tomorrow have a great rest of your day bye My shake I like an animal like an animal like an animal like an animal like an Animal Okay I Okay okay Yeah

This video, titled ‘Building My Desert Nation!’, was uploaded by Oraios Kako on 2023-12-12 17:21:15. It has garnered 133 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:33 or 11673 seconds.

Let’s work on our desert nation!

This is an awesome Minecraft SMP server that will be similar to the concept of the popular and famous Empires SMP!

Join me in this interactive Minecraft adventure where your choices shape the story! Watch as your decisions directly impact the gameplay. Let’s embark on a journey together in the Nations & Nobles SMP, as we search for the perfect home and navigate the twists and turns of this interactive series.

Nations & Nobles now has a Community Discord!! Join us!

/ discord

Become a channel member TODAY for some awesome, exclusive, new perks and support the channel! Click Join! or follow this link:

/ @oraioskako

Ori’s Discord:

/ discord

This stream is a safe place for people to hang out and we won’t be talking about body shapes and sizes, sexuality, ageism or race here.

My mods are very protective of me. They can and will ban people who they feel are causing me or anyone else in chat problems. I won’t unban.

Possible chat commands: !discord !lurk

I use Loyalty Points (called OREOS)! Here are some fun commands associated with those: !top – !oreos – !heist – !slots – !gamble – more soon!

and these are available redeemable commands: !redeem potato !redeem sus !redeem roar !redeem hellothere !redeem vader !redeem creeper !redeem oof !redeem harrypotter !redeem fluffy !redeem boom !redeem honk !redeem molly !redeem shrek !redeem yoshi !redeem quack !redeem warden !redeem ghast !redeem dory !redeem mario !redeem disgusted !redeem ew !redeem chest !redeem mordor !redeem grr !redeem whopper !redeem friend !redeem danger !redeem kidney

— NEW (and Nations specific) — !redeem lava – I have to throw a tool or weapon into lava! !redeem dig – I have to dig straight down 15 blocks! !redeem sayhi – I have to go say Hi to another player! !redeem nice – I have to go get another player an awkward compliment! !redeem nicetome – I give the redeemer an awkward compliment! !redeem beetroot – I have to eat only beetroot for 10 minutes! !redeem respawn – I have to perish and return to spawn! !redeem ban – You can BAN an action for 5 minutes! (example – flying, HUD, jumping, walking forward, etc) !redeem challenge – I have to play in third person for 5 minutes! !redeem name – I name a mob/animal after you! !redeem color – I have to go find 5 things of the same color – you choose: red, orange, yellow, green, black, gray. !redeem rainbow – I have to go find one item of every color of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink) !redeem armor – I have to go without armor for 10 minutes! !redeem story – You give me a mob and I tell you a story about that mob! !redeem mlg – I have to attempt a water bucket mlg from 100 blocks!

Check Out The Other Nobles! @YevoYT @BeardoMax @vanthesloth @obiwisekenobi @CopperRaven @Janerieta @CountGrizzly @silverstone6686 @CaffeinatedOwl7

#minecraft #nations #nationsandnobles #smp #survival #java #live #livestream #girlgamer #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftsurvival #nationsandnobles

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  • Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024

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  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

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  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

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  • Minecraft Memes – Guess What This Means, Newbie

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  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥

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  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay – SpellBound #minecraft

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  • Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!

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  • Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!

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  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

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    💎 LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. 🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

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  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

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  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

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  • Chinchilla SMP

    Chinchilla SMPChinchilla SMP is a happy SMP about Chinchillas! We have a friendly community, so why not join now? We have many things to offer such as commands like /sit, /bellyflop, /crawl Read More

  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: renascencesmp.org Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus! In the world of gaming, where updates fly fast, We bring you the news, with rhymes that will last. From Call of Duty to Minecraft’s new show, We’ve got the scoop, so come on, let’s go! Ubisoft and Activision, a merger so grand, Bringing Mario and Shepard to the land. Kendrick Lamar in Multiverses, a sight to behold, With Doom DLC and Fortnite stories untold. Helldivers 2, with controversy in the air, PC players and macros, causing quite a scare. Sony’s Astro Boy game, a treat for the fans, And Netflix’s Minecraft series, with creeper plans. EA Games in… Read More

  • “35 пропущенных от родителей – горячий майнкрафт мем” 🔥😂

    "35 пропущенных от родителей - горячий майнкрафт мем" 🔥😂 “35 missed calls from your parents? Looks like they’re trying to join your Minecraft server without an invite!” 😂 #minecraftparentproblems #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

    Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Minecraft Adventure: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Exploring the Football Team Caves In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, Sausages and his friends embark on a journey to explore the football team caves. Each cave represents a different team, with surprises and challenges awaiting inside. From Galatasaray to Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş, the team caves hold mysterious rewards and traps set by the infamous Baldi. Challenges and Rewards As they navigate through the caves, our brave adventurers encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and enemies. From dodging arrows to solving riddles, each team cave presents a unique challenge. However, with teamwork and determination, they… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

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  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

    Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!Video Information for Bruh Bruh did it ever end it never ended no it ended definitely ended did it ever end it never ended nope definitely ended for oh yeah it’s slpi toggle SE in 3 minutes what’s your IGN yeah I know what ended Peter very sad yo we got two tabs that’s two columns yeah two columns how do I do backwards momentum you you uh here here let me let let me do it let me do it I got you I got you hold up so you go to this front of the block right all… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

    Unbelievable Nether Adventure - Ep. 4Video Information for all right welcome back everybody we are back with some more monumental experience I need to make myself a Lobby screen or a starting screen where I’m talking and yet you could still see the game and I I haven’t done it yet I’m just too [ __ ] fat and lazy um I keep saying I want to do that but I don’t but anyway how how’s everybody doing um we are going to try and get a little bit of create done today uh it kind of depends on what we have to make first… Read More

  • Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!

    Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Water Bending In Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:54:10. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. Latest Versions Java or Bedrock Server ip: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍

    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍Video Information फ्री गेमस आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में क्या आप लोगों को भी m के बेड का टेक्सचर बहुत ही बेकार लगता है या या या तो आज मैं आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आया हूं एक ऐसा टेक्सचर पैक जो कि आप लोगों के नॉर्मल बेड को डिजाइन में बदलकर बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्यूटीफुल कर देगा तो वीडियो को एंड तक देखते रहना वरना कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा और अगर चैनल पर नए आए हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना और वीडियो को लाइक करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More