🔴EPIC SMP Prep – NEW surprises and builds! | Minecraft

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Mad at me because it’s really hard to a read social cues and it’s also this need to have dopamine always in our brains and that sense of relief when we’re like you’re doing great I’m so proud of you and needing to hear that all the time to

Like feel like we’re good enough in the world and then not getting it and then panicking I tend to find that like especially at meins I’ll make a small mistake and then I’ll spend so much time worrying about the small mistake I made I’ll make like a big mistake or I’ll

Just say something really stupid yeah and I hate that feeling why is Liz slacking off with Animal Crossing I don’t know why is Liz slacking off with that because look at this Amy have you seen the spawn for my SMP yet thank you Linda you always saved my

Life I literally owe so much to you guys so to everyone that was in the Stream on Friday seen it I was working on the outline of this area I filled it in and I was only just starting the outline I have now finished the outside and the

Inside and I’m starting on a few other builds I’ve never played Minecraft so look at this I finished the interior walls I’m on the I’m on the wrong stream your last stream is es for Bedrock Java or both it’s going to be for both everyone will be able to join okay I’m waiting

For I have arrived so this is like the big part the Inner Circle spawn is going to be inside here with a massive cherry blossom tree and there’s going to be a dome on top but I finally finished placing all of the lights to make it all

Glowy and then the path going down a Wizard’s Tower and I’m going to be working on making um a hotel here a little Motel so new players can pop in um have you K all this yep I wow well impressive this circle is kind of I I see it’s cheated it’s not

Really I made this half and then bubbles is amazing and knows how to use world edit and and they copied and paste it for the others and then I placed every single cherry blossom and Lantern and Vine here that’s insane that’s huge yeah but it’s going to be like this is where

You’re going to be and then you’re going to walk out and you’re going to see this gorgeous Arch and and kind of go on like a little adventure and I’ve made Mama M too pink Wizard’s Tower thanks for looking enjoy M me too yeah Liz ended her last stream guys but

If you go on Liz’s page she’s streaming on a different stream though I am I wanted to switch games I am literally having like the the biggest Minecraft like Obsession right now you are devoted to Minecraft currently it is it is a very big I am feeling the same about Animal

Crossing because I always get burned out really bad but this is the first island in a while where I’m not getting burn out because I just love Christmas Islands they make me so happy I love them I love it I’m glad you made a lot of progress as I’ve last seen oh yeah

I’ve I stayed up after stream on Friday I stayed up for another 5 or 6 hours I stay up till about 2 2:30ish my time in the morning and then I went to bed slept for like 2 hours then got up and got ready for work came home yesterday

Started playing Minecraft thought of streaming it decided not to I was going going play off stream um and go for there I will say though because I value honesty the Wizards Tower is not my original design it is someone that I saw on YouTube um zap piix I think their

Name is they made that wizard tower I just recolored it and built it myself in my world cuz I really liked it and this hotel thing is also not my original design but the gazebo thing is um do you download stuff from other people’s Minecraft into yours or do you have to

Build it I think you can there’s a tree that I’m trying to figure out how to download cuz I don’t know how to build big trees um but for the most part I’ll I like the the Wizard’s Tower over here I place that block by block I I did it

All myself I just followed the tutorial um but I also just don’t want people thinking that like I thought of that cuz I didn’t and I don’t want people to get a miss a a strued version of of of this I don’t want them thinking that I’ve created something that isn’t

Mine really cool though I’ve never played Minecraft so I do not understand what it’s all about it’s um I don’t know even know how to describe it like all I understand is this blocks and building [Laughter] stuff it’s a little oh thank you for liking the stream four five I actually have

To pick up my weed now Sandra’s going to be so proud six seven eight I don’t know where my rocks are going to spawn because uh there’s going to be no room for them once I’m done one two five did I just find emeralds are you kidding

Me Scoot and stitches are so cute together anal Crossing yes they are very cute oh my God it’s so messy up here will drop out um is a server open to anyone yet or not quite no the server is not open to anyone yet I’m still working on just

Building the base spawn area hey prator thank you so much how are you doing but I wanted to bring you along yes can you get um what’s his name the turtle dude to pick your weeds in the in animal cross in you can get Leaf to do it but not

Ttimer oh yeah I meant Leaf I don’t know why I was thinking of the turtle dude yeah I I for I forget that leaf can do it is cool I mean I’m nearly done now there’s not that many but still no graduation date for you beaut school I’m sorry I’ve got that that

Thing stuck in my head I know it was me sorry I am doing good good I’m glad you’re well Predator I’m okay I’m still a little bit full ofie but we’re getting there um gradual wish I can’t say but I want to pop in maybe back later of

Course of course to be honest now that I’m finally streaming and I’ve got Minecraft going I’m most likely going to be live all day until my monitor gives out on me or until my new monitor arrives or until I get tired I’m just going to keep going um so we’ll see I

Might end with Amy or I might keep going so basically Liz is going to ignore all of my warnings and not rest and not eat and not dehydrate and not sleep exactly I also want to get rid of this tree cuz I need to move stuff

Back have you at least got like a pint of water that you can down um I already drank a glass of water earlier so I’m good for the week no if you um down a pint of water I will sing a lovely British uh drinking tune

For you I don’t even have a glass that holds like a pint but but I did I did have a tumbler of water earlier I did have like a full tumblr’s worth of water I mean when you come here I will fill you with equal parts gin and water

Okay sounds like a hecking good time I’m ready I got like a lot of Jin in the house I barely ever drink this is why I have so much cuz people always buy it for me but then people assume I drink a lot but I don’t cuz they last a long

Time um I’ve kind of got a little bit sidetracked and I am rolling a really big snowball I feel like you guys are roasting me in chat right now cuz I said a glass will last me a week yeah we should roast her we you need to be drinking 2 liters a day

Girl two liters a day keeps Amy slays away How big can I make this snowball to be fair this um mysterious liquid does have like the entire thing is war water with a mixture in it um that may or may not be um caffeinated oh my God I screamed myself cough did you know you could push the Snowballs down the

Stairs in Animal Crossing I did not but I just saw you doing that was cool cool is that and you could push it up the stairs but it did make my snowball really small if if Sandra was here now she would have cracked the whip already oh

If Sandra was here she’d be so mad at me for distracting you and for probably even at me for like um getting unmotivated that’s this is why I wanted to stream with you today today cuz I was like oh if I stream with you then I I

Have to be productive and and and I’ll I’ll get stuff done cuz I’ll keep you productive and then I’ll do it and we can do Animal Crossing together and then stream came and I was like doing though is keeping me not productive I mean I have built an area we’re doing okay probably

Wor i’ I am going to build a a nice Christmas walk now okay it’ll be fine to everyone of my chat can y’all figure out how to use World editor cuz I’m getting real tired of having to like break all of this stuff myself like how do I get rid of all of

This rock right here like this giant square is that possible how does one do that I know there’s a way I just don’t know how I hear that if you drink loads of water you you you’ll know how to do it then I guess I’ll never do

It what’s in your water to make it caffeinated um I have this um energy powder that’s basically like an energy drink in um powder form um and I like I I I put a little thing in and I mix it up I typically drink it

Before I go to the gym but I haven’t been able to go to the gym because of my surgery my foot surgery um so so is it’s pre-workout kind of but not necessarily for workout it just gives you extra energy and it’s caffeinated um and it’s really good for

Like digestion and stuff and it’s amazing and it tastes like pink lemonade but it’s basically like an energy drink um that you make yourself is it like a natural energy drink if it’s got I think so what did you just say did you say it um Liz have you played Lego M Lego

Fortnite basically I have not played played it yet but I do need to Reet it um I need to reinstall fortnite so I can play it this Ro session oh my gosh I know how do you know how can you explain to me how it works we fill our creeper

Holes completely Linda I don’t know if I have to me I’m talking with bubbles to find out if um if um what’s it called um um if I can set like a spawn radius where monsters will not show up um within a certain range like um Dinkum where that you get

Monsters in your Island um well Minecraft how do I Mew knows Minecraft more than me Mew how do I explain what Minecraft is um if I can log on later I know how to do it unfortunately right now I’m not letting anyone onto the server just cuz it’s not done yet

Um but if if I could figure how to do it myself that would be cool uh break blocks Minecraft is basically like this open world that spawns it’s randomly generated world so every seed is different from if I remember correctly and you can there’s like survival and creative and in

Survival there’s like different creatures like spiders and creepers and zombies and they try to kill you but then you can also build super cool things and you want to survive and do stuffs and I just like building in it build stuff build things not sanctioned by pastel

SMP um I know Minecraft not advanced stuff gets Bann yeah Mew likes to build um certain shaped buildings that are not appropriate for a familyfriendly SMP oh I would feel build penis ship buildings too that is exactly what Mew builds even when Mew doesn’t intend to build something that looks like

Um genitalia it somehow turns out that way I love you Mew but you know it’s true oh that sounds like my type of build [Laughter] moo I’m on the way to open up for you Linda you are a star like the trees yeah like the

Trees this is pretty here is it not I think this is PR oh wait Mew I haven’t shown you yet this is where spawn is going to be this still needs to put the Dome on I’m just waiting for to to do the tree on the

Inside before I do that we going to spawn like right in here and there’s going to be a giant like swirling tree and then there’s going to be one teleport here um that’s going to take you into the combat zone and another combat teleport here it’s going to

Randomly spawn you somewhere within the world so you can do a secret base if you want to um and then there’s going to be I think we we have it set up where um woke SL bubbles has been working on a script so there’s going to be random um NPCs in

The server in like the town area where you can interact and they’ll actually give you quests and stuff so it’s really cool how they’re coding all of this for us um I’m open up now it’s always chaos with these two you’re right there Emily you are correct

There just wait until I get Amy in Minecraft so she can join the SMP I’m going to you know what we should do before the SMP starts we should do a Minecraft series together Amy where I we’re just going to spawn into a survival world and I’m just going to be

There for shits and giggles and you’re going to explore and learn Minecraft I’m try not to die I feel like I will Panic cuz I’ve never played it before okay I am open for you Linda this looks so awesome it stands fun yes it’s going to be absolutely

Fantastic WS has been brought me box to the front incredible in coding all of this um I have Pringles downstairs but I also don’t want to Crunch them on stream do it crunch it crunch it good but I I also like I like licking all the flavor of um

Of so I feel like I don’t need people to witness me being like I was going to make such a bad joke that’s not YouTube appropriate there oh my God what are you doing oh that would beting hello Cody how’s it going mute I hate gem also mute I can’t

Be a te excuse me sir get off of my Mountain um cuz I like so many of the Pokemon oo my chat saying to do it I don’t know if that means do the Minecraft thing or do the licking of the Pringles sorry Li up with

Me I’m stupid okay um is in the back my p p there we go sorry about that Linda the licking I I am stupid I am I’m licking you hey yo hey yo what look it good dude say like we should my back my words not safe for YouTube friend my my custard

Slice and my scone and my we just about cakes and my I need to play Minecraft to get after triy outs ooh what tryouts are you going for and I joined for um type of series guys also I’m a little scared of getting killed by mobs

Like Enderman you look at them when they keep kill you so can we spawn in pumpkins to wear on your heads um I don’t think I’m going to let people spawn in things but you can always grow pumpkins or like the city that I’m making is going to be very vast you can

Buy most things so you can do quests to earn currencies and and purchase from them to get pumpkins on your head why am I losing it but yes it is my pastel pass Liz AKA my pastal pass AKA chaos AKA croissant yeah to those that are

Confused I go my username is my past will pass but my name is Elizabeth so Amy calls me Liz and you all can as well I call her Liz and Lizzy and I never called you Lizzy but I mean you can call me anything Liz Lizzy lisbet any of it except for Beth

Just please for the love of God don’t call me Beth that is the one nickname in my name that I absolutely like I know some people think it’s cute I personally don’t like that is the one nickname where I’m just like nope straight up nope I feel like Beth is short for bethan

So as long as there’s no payal win crap with it I’m fine with server no no no there’s not going to be no payal win there are going to be loot boxes and stuff um that people can get if they want and then I’m going to do like

Server events where you can win Loot boxes and prizes and stuff but it’s not going to be pay to win there’s there’s not going to be nothing op in any of those it’s just going to be fun you’re saving my life got it Beth oh please please Brian don’t I genuinely

Hate that nickname so much don’t call it I’ll come for [Laughter] you um and Amy slays together equals chaos I I mean we are the queens of chaos so it’s bound to happen is it it’s bound to happen and I did lose my marbles in very long time

Ago thank you Linda you a star you match you match the island dance together you you know me you know how much I hate pay to win so you know I’m not going to put that in my server oh I needed illuminated presents you’re a perfect beautiful human thank

Thank you do you want me to kick you you always want me to kick you thank you I give you keys and I’ll give you claps the looks amazing does it I haven’t seen it yet maybe we’ll have to do a fly over I didn’t remember to look

When I came back from the Treasure Island hopefully op works for me when it’s time for me to mod in the server oh yes you I’ve got to get you and me you in a VC with Bubbles at some point so I can add you as mods for

This who me um you heave and Mew cuz okay Mew and heave are going to help me as mods and then um I know you don’t know Minecraft as well as us but I want you to be a mod too I want you to have all the

Stuff Have You Ever Had a non-chaotic stream with this no no I don’t think that’s possible I think hell would freeze over the day that there’s a non-chaotic stream between Amy and I it it’s impossible oh I’m glad the fly over looked good I have I keep forgetting to

Look at it when I go somewhere I feel like I have gone slightly off tangent whereas it started really Barbie at the front and it’s more just like pink Christmas the further back you get but I mean that’s still relevant is it um game puty not to want them

O I have a look good should we should we have a quick look at the fly over there I want cookies where can I go I’ll just go to halves and then I’ll fly back so we can have a quick look at the fly over even though it takes 50 million

Years to fly anywhere with this bloody door door um I want to Fly uh let’s just go to halves and then we we can go back and look at the fly over cuz I want to see what it looks like hey bubbles heart boo how are you doing welcome In oh Liz isn’t streaming uh isn’t streaming Animal Crossing anymore otherwise it could have gone to visit Liz yeah I I I wasn’t feeling motivated my ADHD is ADHD a little too hard today guys I needed the Minecraft stimulation okay you got to play what you want to play

And you can keep me entertained and and vice versa exactly I can literally stream um Minecraft for hours like when I first started the SMP I streamed easily for 4 hours straight and I could have kept going I’ve been meaning to buy holly bushes so while I’m here I’ll just do

That is there a way to buy holly bushes to my fellow Minecrafters can I gift Amy Minecraft is there a way that Mojang will let me do that no you can’t do it it’s not allowed no I’ll just when I come to see you I’ll sneak on your computer I’ll get Tim to

Unlock it for me and I’ll just be like shh don’t tell Amy and then I’ll buy it for you then I’m here to shop um Holly Have a Holly Jolly Christmas it’s the the I forgot the lyrics I don’t know Miss toe and something it was I don’t know if there’ll be

Snow oh yeah maybe Have a Holly Jolly Christmas um I asked for the Minecraft Survival series if we could spawn in things but I guess we can’t I just thought it’d be good to mention that real quick yeah no I in survival you can’t I know that

There’s a way cuz this is an SMP and we’re coding things in the background we’re able to do things that you normally can’t in Minecraft um so we’re not we’re not going to allow things like spawners or like to for individuals to spawn things in because we don’t want anyone going around with

Like op stuff um right off the bat like you got you kind of have to grind for it or do quests to to to to buy it from um the village and stuff and things like that so we’re not we’re not going to be like you can’t just like

Slash command spawn in this once the server is opened am I a good singer I don’t know I mean I’m not a bad singer but my toxic trait is that when I know people can hear me sing I purposely sing bad same because I got embarrassed yeah I’m like if I’m

Doing it on purpose then no one can say that I’m a bad singer exactly that’s exactly because I used to go to drama school and I used to sing solos so it can’t have been that bad bad but yeah that’s my toxic trait if I know guys that people are listening I’m

Like so maybe one day I’ll give you a tune is Liz a good singer I don’t know I’ve never he Liz sing properly um I don’t really sing properly for people I used to do choir and stuff in did solos so I assume that I’m good but I’m also

Terrified of someone telling me that I’m I’m bad at singing cuz I enjoy it so I don’t like sing I forg to look at my fly over again I’m going to look on the uh on the oh you don’t get fly over when you go to halves did you know

That I don’t think I’ve ever noticed that’s really annoying you find emeralds I find emeralds a lot in this mountain I’m not going to lie which is going to suck for y’all cuz anyone that wants to like mine it it’s there’s not going to be breakable blocks

Here heyo L how are you sing a Christmas song I think neither of us are confident enough to do that NOP not not in proper ways anyway I’ll be a roll I’ll sing in My Little Voices have hly jly Christmas it’s the best time of the year like I’ll

Do that I’m not going to actually try to sing cuz I’m embarrassed look at my big bow oh well Big Balls you say oh I didn’t know that Linda I mean I’m not a bad singer like hubic but yeah I don’t actually sing in front of

Anyone I have sung a few times in front of my mom and I’ve seen her look at me and be like that sounded okay and then I’m like wasn’t me how long will you stream for um I don’t know for a bit more for a bit more

Maybe another hour or so I’m feeling okay at the moment okay what do I do with this ball I don’t think it’s going to go any bigger um are we going to make a jail for the server to for people being bad um maybe I don’t

Know I’ll have to talk to Bubbles and see what the best course of action for it is cuz most of the background stuff I’m not too famili amiliar with when it comes to coding and whatnot those are a lot of like bubble questions that I’ll have to ask

Them or WS I I don’t I keep going back and forth between the usernames cuz on Twitch they go by WS but on YouTube they have bubbles bubbles nauy laser shop no singing for us oh no I’m going to Y you just put yourself on the naughty St for an hour

Laser may I add who I’m on the naughty list that naughty no laser just put themselves on the naughty naughty step I don’t think you’d be naughty not 61 minute naughty anyway an hour 61 yeah that is a long time how long am I on the naughty setep

For you were on the Nory step for 42 minutes but I think that’s been and gone now you can fly to My Island if you want to see oh yeah that’s a good idea Lind only if I’m not bothering you have a ho jolly Christmas it’s the best time dancing cream the 17 oh my God okay I need to chop that tree down why do I go oh I can do this I’m just going to like destroy part of a mountain it’s no big deal I can do this by hand um no I think the command was right I don’t know why it didn’t

Work sometimes things like that need like um time uh timers before you can use it again oh yeah it’s probably a cool down timer Matthew Liz’s probably right it’s probably like a five minute timer or something Have a Holly Jolly Christmas it’s the best time of the

Year I don’t know if this Miss um can’t move with an axe I don’t know about the code thing um I mean probably but I don’t know how to use world edit all that well and um WX is currently not available to hop on and help me teach me

How to do this so I’m just I’m just doing it by hand enjoy your lunch do I have trees or do I need to buy buy the trees I need I’m a little bit tired I need to find like a YouTube video on how to use world

Edit cuz that’ll save me so much time I can’t help you cuz I have no idea what that is I’ll open up to friends when you want oh thank you I’ll start planting a few trees and then I’ll fly over in a bit cuz I feel like if I don’t decorate

I’m not going to do anything else and we are running out of time got to run run run here I come wher my Under the Sun Cruising when is my shop going to update um like they’re taking the picky now I look for a simple tutorial put in Discord yes please um and just as like a reminder to everyone else in chat with this Minecraft server if there are things that you would like to see either builds

Or mechanics that you think would be cool to have write them in the Discord and the everything Minecraft Channel and ping either me or wokes and we’ll do our best like obviously we can’t make promise um on what is and isn’t possible but if there are certain things you’re like oh

I really want to see this or I really want to be able to do this let us know and we and and if it’s possible we’ll we’ll we’ll try the worst thing we can say is we can’t do that at the moment but we’ll always do our

Best you lier have a good lunch what are you having for lunch I think I think it’s the cool down Matthew it will work eventually but give it like 10 minutes before you what is it the cool down for the naughty command oh yeah is there any new Mobs or is it just

Uh Minecraft Mobs I’m scared if there’s the boss you added can I add bosses coordinates mod just like the corner like Bedrock permanently me crashing uh cashing in her request you know what I think that’s actually a really good idea I might see if we can’t add that to the panel

Here um where it says the smpp cuz right now we have it where it’s like my name my level The Kills deaths KD ratio cuz there’s going to be a combat zone where we can like have combat and it’s really cool oh my gosh wokes has done the

Coolest coding so when you kill someone in the combat zone um they’ll drop a skull that if they have over a certain amount of money you’ll get 10 or 5% of that money and that you can cash it as like your reward for it uh which I think is the coolest thing

Ever I deserve that Linda I definitely deserve the whip command then do I I heard whip do we need a whip we do Linda has whipped me so loud could you imagine if I would have done that instead of the ghost do you scare oh I think that would have scared

Me just as much that was equal terrifying so we can find places easily in spawn do you have to go through it might like the server oo okay those are good ideas would you mind writing those in the Discord as well cuz I don’t I’m currently

Functioning on very little sleep um so I don’t know if I’ll remember all of it but those are good ideas that I could ask wokes about I am just mapping out where I want some Harley and some trees and then we can like start uh doing the lights I’m going to

Have to time travel I think five days just so these grow so I know they look okay before we carry on have a hly Christmas it’s the best time of the I don’t know if don’t know the rest of the to have a cup of teair there we go I’ll make a Lista

Beautiful thank you yes cuz there’s things that you guys want I want to be able to like make it happen b e a or at least we’ll try to make it happen we will I don’t know what we’re trying to make happen but we

Will we’ll do it I can’t wait for Amy to join and experience Minecraft creepers what goal are you referring to Emily have a hly jolly Christmas uh I’m going to plant another tree there and I’m going to have to time travel now five days so I think that will be enough

Trees do you think that this would be okay if I just left it like this or should I texturize it a little bit like I’m I’ll change all of these to are you talking to me to everyone oh see cuz like right now it’s just like a

Giant hunk and if I make it all white it’ll look like a White Cliff with like the um hotel at the bottom here soz I’m going to move it back and I’m just wondering will it look well you won’t really be able to see it

Cuz the hotel will be big and the roof will cover it right so I don’t I don’t have to texturize it no not if you’re not going to see it there’s so much going on there that looks complex I don’t know if there’s missile to oh my God you got stop singing that

Song oh gosh my makeup is just like oh what’s wrong with your makeup there’s nothing wrong with it no my eyes are just watering I had a little yny yawn then I may go and get some Pringles now I feel hungry are you going to share those Pringles with the rest of

Us yeah why not I feel a bit hungry and a little bit lied even though I did eat today and I’ve eaten I ate pizza before stream it’s my illness making me Hungry Christmas um it’s the best time of the year but I’m going to have the path go from here around and then this grand grandio staircase going down I have to fill in that still and then I want to flatten a little another platform here I think of

Having it come out to like about here maybe and then having like a wraparound staircase going down to like uh Um maybe something down here and then all around here is going to be the actual town and then there is I’m just Ving there are other towns nearby Linda it would be a very different stream if I went to get some of that like a l type up please don’t

Delete in the UK I don’t know if it’s the whole of the UK but foof is another word for vagina oh oh my God okay a toilet came in had a good time [Laughter] there that’s not this channel guys that’s my my other see I need World Editor to like clear out this

Area oh that’s funny how are we doing Twilight [Laughter] oh my God that’s tickled me food I guessed you meant food I’m getting the feeling I need my duster in these streams now what what what what duster what have you done what’s a duster I need my duster in these streams

What what what what are you dusting is it because you’re bored am I Dusty am i d are you calling Amy boring I mean you’re not wrong oh no the weeds the weeds okay this is going to be pretty when we put all the the Christmas tra lights

In oh those trees are really close together I think we need to Pokemon DLC for um scarlet and violet I have a duster in Aaron and April stream to where innu Enders are used oh I love an innu Ender to clean up the chat oh I get you I get you you’re

Very welcome to have a duster here if you like if you’d like one I’m not deleted it or don’t it’s too funny Linda go tell me to get some fofy you’re very welcome to have a duster I think you need a duster when it comes to Amy and

I oh yeah our Min are in the gutters 1 million per Gutter Gutter mind our minds are in the G but I may go and get some Pringles it’s okay just reminded me of that well you’re very welcome you my mods are welcome to whatever commands they feel

Necessary because we all know that I can’t keep myself on track so you all do what you need to do oh my goodness with commands Okay I wonder if the commands is world edit cuz I know there was like a command that we used when we were doing it I just

Thought it was called world edit um H jolly Christmas oh my God somebody please help me I’ve got to stop singing that how is ail doing dancing queen I didn’t realize um well if you saw desire LOL I mean I may just s for some Pringles for now but I might have some

[Laughter] later what having some floof later floof not floof Foof you’ve a new word today you I have going to use that that’s what happens if I go onto a store cuz here like floof or like floof is like another term for like cotton candy so what happens if I go into like a grocery store it’s like I need some

Foof they’ll be like um you’ve come to the wrong [Laughter] store write down coordinates or FY you be a level you want and are you okay that accient pressed too early on the second sentence that’s B laugh I love that oh okay prettiest nature walk

Ever we we kind of need it these days I know we are oh mines are in the gutters aren’t they constantly okay I should have a million and one um ornament Garland thingies hi Daisy how you doing have a Hol J Christmas um heis sorry for making a proper greeting

Ruby’s puppies are getting ready for adoption of course getting the Run cuz she has some sort of issues um I have no idea what yet o that’s awesome do you have like adoption set up already like places for her to go two these are going to be like the

Accents and then we’re going to have a million ornament Garland it does something like this filth the dust that is supposed to be in the cover today that’s oh my God I love that little uh I love that command it’s like my yawn command cuz I can’t be trusted not to

Yawn don’t say that cuz I’m going to yawn to clutching clutching a dust there again pardon Li you see the word yawn then I’m going to yawn yarn we we we should have a a dirty duster a dirty mind duster oh I can you Dexter running upstairs again we need a DEX

Camera what are Dexter’s favorite treats oh he loves um sausages are probably his favorite does he like European wieners you PE and wieners I mean I don’t think he’s biased on the type of wieners I can get a jar of those and bring those for him Canadian European

Wiers I don’t know if he’d be able to eat them cuz if it’s a jar then there’s probably um is it in like brine or something yeah I’ll have to double check the ingredients to see how safe it is for for pets but yeah like I don’t cook

Anything like in brain or whatever cuz I don’t know if dogs are meant to eat that and and with dex’s brain issue I can’t risk bloody poison in him as well oh yeah no of course he can’t be uh I can’t spend anymore does Dexter have any

Allergies um no not foodwise no cuz I want to I want to get like a bag of treats or something for Dexter and like a a new toy and I want to make sure that whatever I get him is safe and like that they don’t have any

Allergies Hy jail I can send some to Hony jail within the command if you want oh my God that sounds like it’s my chat why do you have a horny jail I I feel like you need one as well that’s what I I do have a horny jail Mew

Is the uh Warden of the horny jail oh Twilight I’m down for that that’s funny that’s tickled me that is um oh when did our mins go this far into the ghetto everyone I said the tra to mod Minecraft I think beautiful thank you heave but you know uh it’s okay Daisy

We’re pg-3 well we’re we’re adults now we grew up we’re not PG anymore are we so just bear that in mind when you here random things like this um oh funny I’m G to put sow Flix behind this um oh this is going to be like such

A pretty area I’d prefer if you didn’t say um well Daisy it is uh we’re not PG anymore so Twilight can say that obviously if you are young then you need to bear in mind that this is no longer a PG Channel and things may not be appropriate

You I know you aren’t but still well I do apologize Sherry that’s uh that’s okay by me in my chat uh let me have a think and play that’s fine I don’t I don’t see anything wrong with that so it’s okay um do you like the new bossom

Blossom trees I’m loving the blossom trees uh I’m probably going to figure out how to make a Minecraft server when I can ooh that’ll be fun I want it to be like really pretty and like really illuminated I want it to feel like we’re going on a little Christmas

Walk Have a Holly Jolly Christmas you know we don’t aim to offend but I don’t personally see anything wrong with that it’s just a bit of fun oh my gosh this is going to be so pink and so pretty I can’t wait I want

To I want to make your map I want to draw your your Island map for for you for this island I would be honored if you did cuz I know it would be so pretty especially with all the pink oh yeah there’s a million and one pinks in this

Island but it’s pretty and I love it um where’s my ornament tree go that’s the only thing I’ve got so many things in my bag oh there’s the ornament tree there just imagine how pretty this world’s going to be with all the cherry blossoms in the pink when it’s

Snowing well first time I’ve seen like a built up Minecraft world and it’s really pretty I didn’t expect it to be that pretty just because I don’t think I’ve ever seen um seen it like that before the things that I’ve seen people make in Minecraft um is

Insane like it’s beautiful what did you get an ad for what’s Gina oh Gina the Phil is do you mean the film is it is that the film I’m thinking of wait G what’s Gina what is that Linda I think I’m thinking of something else oh my God what I just

Saw Linda just got an advert for Gina which is a vaginal tablet Oh my God I did not uh realize that is creasing oh my gosh Sherry I’m sorry I I have to and I apologize to Amy for if I’m over steing when I say this is too and like I understand that you’re uncomfortable but you have to understand

That this is Amy’s Channel and Amy’s rules and while it might not be comfortable for you it’s very disrespectful to ask the streamer stream you’re in to not say or talk about certain things that they are comfortable with um because it makes you uncomfortable thanks Liz you’re welcome

I don’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable but obviously we’re just having a little laugh here and if you’re young and it does make you feel uncomfortable then maybe you could just join us on the next one you don’t have to stick around if you don’t like the

Topic no for ladies problems I you you know what i’ never ever seen that before but that is funny I feel like YouTube here just talking about floofs I like the way Liz said floof I’m gonna say that floof floof because you have isn’t it isn’t fluff that’s like

The what is it it’s like marshmallows in a jar is that what you were talking about um the uh European wieners I’m trying to find you a photo of it right now so I can send it to you no you know you said like you get like is it marshmallows in

A jar it’s called fluff that flu fluff is like uh cotton candy like candy fluff yeah that’s what I thought you were talking about [Laughter] earlier you I thought K Wier oh my gosh okay I found I found a photo I’m sending it to you right

Now oh my gosh will they be like randomly generated Twilight cuz that’s funny Daisy I appreciate what you’re saying but we feel comfortable talking about this here so if this stream isn’t for you that is totally okay for you to jump out of this one it’s not okay to

Try to dictate what a streamer can and cannot say in their stream uh I’m sorry that’s no no no that’s that’s fine I appreciate it pushing this along um what was I going to say then yeah that’ll be funny Twilight I’m happy for the punishment and we can never have enough

Litter picking Duty there’s too much litter everywhere should we talk about something more serious like the amount of litter on this Earth I mean I am passionate about not litan but I won’t go that now I’m too scared oh no I’m stuck stuck do you get stuck in your own

Builds yeah you have a ladder to get down uh no but it’s okay I’m working my way around ah if I can find someone or something to help me making a Minecraft server other than a w that I’ll make it I can’t wait to make myself a little server with a

Cabin I’m a lur and eat for a while oh of course what are you going to eat it’s it’s one of our commands sheries Daisy so it’s going to be there I do apologize but it’s there so like I said I will not be offended if you do

Not want to take part in this stream I have lost all of my things in my bag again like your inventory yeah I can never find anything okay I will um be right back okay jump stream for a sec uh yeah I just want to um take a little bit of a

Breather for a hot second Okie do no problem are you okay I think this is really pretty so far um Sher that’s fine but I will have to please ask you to stop now like I said if it makes you uncomfortable I don’t want to disrespect anyone’s religion

But I personally don’t feel doing anything wrong we’re having a bit of light-hearted fun so I just please have to ask you to stop um asking otherwise I’ll have to time you up and I don’t want to do that because we know you’re a valued member of the

Community and I’m not going to say anything else on this subject I don’t hate you at all Daisy but I just don’t want to keep going on about it now so I would appreciate if that subject was changed so thank you no hate on my end here

Anyway okay so let’s change the subject guys what are we thinking about this this um Christmas walk so far you saved my life with all of these ornament garlands um Linda because I think he looking really pretty I hope I’m going to put a tree standy behind here actually so we’ve got

A bit more pink I love these blossom tree sandies Daisy that’s that’s that’s just gaslighting you’re just gaslighting me we don’t hate you at all I’m just asking you nicely to please drop the subject if you do not like what we’re discussing today I will not be offended if you

Leave I’m not going to say anything else on the subject because you you are starting to make me feel uncomfortable now because I only stream to bring joy to others and I personally don’t feel like I’m doing anything wrong so I will not say anything else on the

Matter I think we need more snowflakes I think there’s too many reindeers I like the reindeers but because it’s all one color I feel like it doesn’t give like too much um yeah thanks Twilight much appreciated I’m probably going to need more blinking snowflakes now but it’s fine I want this

Area to be like really well lit uh um yes I’m not going to say anything else I’m going to carry on building for a sec because I’m starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable and I don’t want to have to end because of this but yeah I just I

Want to build and I want to everyone to enjoy CU I feel a bit awkward now but thank you everybody and I’m going to put a million more snowflakes in my bag all right I’m back thank you I want to stretch my legs um that’s okay I know I think I face cam

Oh there it is I’m back you want some grilled cheese I do want grilled cheese I really want a new keyboard but I have to remember them my keyboard works the keys may not all not all align they do all different things to what they

Actually say but it’s fine we can get my dream cloudy keyboard soon see since you’ve shown that to me I’ve been thinking of getting the same so I have like this I don’t know if you can see my camera but I have this thing hang on my my stream is always a little

Bit behind so let me get up to uh but I can see now so like this thing is what I’ve currently been using and I’ve had this since I was streaming on Twitch on my laptop so this is like four years old now and like the the foam is basically

Non-existent um like it doesn’t bounce back it doesn’t really it’s it’s gone flat um obviously there’s a little bit of push back but not by much so I I want to kind of get that cloud thing so I have a new support for my wrist like I

Know you can buy the cloud thing separately but I just I really want that keyboard cuz my keyboard is um like my hash button has a slash on it like the buttons don’t correspond with what they meant to do I don’t know why but they

Don’t but I love that keyboard it is so pretty I want to build a keep my own keyboard also you know that moment when you get a text message from a random number and they’re like hey how have you been it’s been so long but you have no

Idea who they are and you don’t want to say that to them oh my God I’d be like so sorry my uh my phone deleted all my numbers could could you uh just tell me who you are please and thanks could I do that thank

You yeah I would be like oh sorry I’ve uh my phone deleted my numbers what who’s this who is this please and than but St as the truth when I switch to Apple I Um Apple I lost all my contacts oh yeah I’m all I’m okay thank you no oh thank you mods I appreciate you I really do you are all amazing we should get some some mod love in the chat I’m all good Norm till the rescue thank

You uh that sounds like it’s being set up in an American style keyboard it may it might be oh might be able to change that I didn’t know that cuz like this button here it’s got a little um slash on it but that’s actually my hash key so

I have a you know it doesn’t look bad or anything just I want a new keyboard a nice one and a nice Mouse oh sorry guys that keyboard is huge what the I love a big keyboard look at [Laughter] this I I love a large sized keyboard I’m just checking Mr slay is

Live and well yeah going through my real scene was live oh you never have notifications anymore it’s sad we need to sort your life out YouTube does that for some of us though doesn’t it I’m okay thank you Emily I appreciate the the C hey lovely fire bouquet how are you doing welcome

In you did yes and Liz you are very right Liz my pastal pass is on the other what on the on the line and you got gifted a membership by her earlier lovely fire so you can thank Liz for your membership oh I’m very like far behind on your

Stream oh it’s okay don’t worry mine does that as well it just runs really slow if I run another stream in the background um but are you okay lovely fire guys go and check out lovely fire bouquet if you haven’t already how are you doing um no are you looking forward to

Getting your no we’re not going to be no isn’t going to be doing my makeup because I’m doing super good and amazing and I will finish my eyland by then um and you can’t tell me any different because it’s going to be done uh it’s going to be done it’s fine

Okay no I’m excited to watch Norm do Amy’s uh makeup it’s not happening I do gift memberships Emily yes I do um oh my God yes no it’s not happening like so you don’t have to worry about that guys it’s it’s not going to happen it’s not going to happen at all

Oh it’s totally gonna happen never no it’s never gonna happen can I can’t even if I do gift on Emily they don’t get gifted um by me but you do actually have a membership see that Crown by your name so I think you might have been gifted

Earlier by Liz but it you can’t gift them directly to people that’s the one thing thatand bothers me on YouTube is that you can’t do like directed gifted memberships that would be good like especially you know when people have I don’t know done something exceptional You’ I’d like to reward them you know

Yeah um that would be I had a little sketch sketched out for like this build that I’m trying to find right now on my phone um cuz you see how I I have it like set up here I followed kind of like a plan and I screenshotted it so I have

Like the map layout so I can decorate around it till I’m ready to start building the actual like um oh chunk of it but I can’t yeah gifted goes to Ron oh no I’m happy to plug you cuz you’re very lovely and nice and you deserve

It oh how do I do I can’t it directed gifted memberships is being worked on oh that’s good to hear oh is it really oh um YouTube wanted to add it they admitted during an interview that it didn’t work oh that’s good that would be good if they could fix that for

Us I would love to watch Norm do Amy’s makeup on stream on stream you you can all forget it cuz it’s not going to happen cuz I’m going to finish this island it doesn’t matter finish the island it’s going to be Pretty to Norm as long as Amy wears I do still have the hot dog outfit what are you Whispering at what are you Whispering at it’s creepy oh sorry I’m counting I’m counting blocks um but question you a whisper I was like don’t be creepy question for Norm do you want any

Other candies from Canada other than Rockets when I I’m making a mental list of everything to bring he doesn’t deserve it don’t bring no I I’ll bring them a bag of rockets but if there’s anything else or you or anyone else for that matters want stuff from Canada let me

Know um go I’m going to bring Amy um like chips water try I love chips so yeah chips or crisps crazy my Island doesn’t even have snow yet oh no I I’ve time traveled um because I need snow for this island I’m currently building like a Christmas

Light walk what is it is looking good cow doing up here who is doing up where a cow how is it what is this cow doing here I have seen Mama Mia too but not for ages not for a long time I watched the first Mama film like three

Or four times in the cinema and now I cannot stand watching it because I I’ve watched it too much back in the day I do like a little Moss balloon they’re cute if I can find the other one where oh it’s over here somewhere um I still

Think we need a nor makeup stream if I can do gom’s makeup then that’s fine I think it’ll suit you n I think you’d like it wouldn’t you I think that would be fun I think you’d like it such an eye for design my island is boring I to be

Silly gets to give amyan full makeover I’m going to have to no don’t encouraging this yes yes yes no oh have I run out of all my ornament gallins already um I don’t know I just wing it I haven’t seen your Island I don’t think we’re I’m gonna have to come and visit

H hey I’m back I was sick last week hello sugar W welcome in I’m sorry I totally forgot to read chat there for a bit you cannot improve Perfection oh my God Liz no I’m back Liz what kind of theme should I you have whatever theme you want it to

Have that’s no worries lovely fire thank you so much for popping in enjoy your unpacking unpacking is always the worst once you’ve come back from a holiday so you’ve always got like a million pounds of washing to do as well grilled cheese with ranch oh I want that uh you can’t

Improve that’s something Norm isn’t short of is self-confidence I love it you go girl you go you go Norm I thought you were going to be like you go Glen CoCo you go yes that was the vibe you go Glen CoCo I love Mean Girls And Mean Girls

The musical is coming isn’t it like to the west end I would love we should see if me girls is around somewhere 2 3 4 when come to the UK yes or six of musical I really want to see that I I know it’s about it’s about um

Henry the8’s wives isn’t it oh yeah yeah I would see that too I but it’s like a concert version of them yeah I’d be up for that I like the good musical I would be down I would be down for that um where is the illuminated

Illuminated gift where is it I know I had one in here there we go um by the but I have more Moss balloons and more garlands if you need oh thank you I’m not going to use too many Moss balloons because they they’re not overly Christmasy but they do look good because

They are illuminated and more gar I may need more gallons I may have to to steal them um but I’ll let you know now how it go on no worries em um six is okay oh is it short how how long is it then how long is six the

Musical I’m surprised it’s shot it’s because that Hannah Lo Loa the Tik Tok lady she who worked in Tesco she’s in it isn’t she I’m pretty sure Dex is crying outside the door a let let the poor baby In I know he acts like he hasn’t seen me for five years I’ll bless him I’ll I’ll open the door now hang on where’s my ornament Garland oh there hi Bella welcome in how are you and yes it’s about Henry the E what did I just say Henry thei Henry the E’s

Wife they’re forming a band and battling to decide who should be the lead singer oh is that what it’s about I had no idea what it was about I’ll be honest it’s really cool yeah but one of them was divorced beheaded died divorced beheaded survived

So like a few of them are dead so that you know yeah pretty yeah glad you’re okay B I’m but anything that has anything to do with anolin I love do you love Amon I do I really do enjoy um reading about her and learning about

Her that’s fair I’m not very good at history her and her daughter Queen Elizabeth love them might be biased cuz same name but I think she’s pretty cool the uh the Virgin Queen my um I’m not good at history my history teacher called me fat in lesson in front of

Everyone so I dropped history as fast I I I need you to DM me this history teacher’s name I uh have some kneecaps that are uh overdue I want DM Mr Jones Mr Jones I’m coming for you knaps Mr Jones you horrible man don’t don’t

Don’t lose your head I mean to hurt any Jones Jones calling Dr Jones Dr Jones Dr Jones you know that one oh my God Aqua Dr Jones Jones calling Dr Jones oh I no I’m just singing to myself love in my life here baby I’ve been missing you how did I do this one okay I used that and that and then I did this and okay oh my God this is so pretty um I’m just going to

Check if Dex is trying to come in because I think he is we must protect the dexy boy Amy is beautiful what exactly Amy is a stunning gorgeous queen that we must protect and uphold at all costs hello come in come in come in I’m G let me take my headphone where you

Going where’s dexie what you doing can you see him running around hello come say hello to everybody right he’s back let me put my headphone in cuz I can’t hear you oh welcome back oh you smell de one if you been e you stink you been eating food there he

Is oh my God it’s I goop in my mouth e oh no oh not that I in my mouth I shouldn’t laugh you okay I know that’s disgusting you smell what have you been eating you stin we had Cuddles in bed this morning oh that was disgusting I nearly spoed on

Stream then next I on my lip I shouldn’t laugh I’m sorry miss me look at look he just loving his life little fat boy little fat boy fatty boy fatty boy oh there we are look at him he’s like I’ll just go to sleep here then I’ll just rest he’s like

This is this is home Amy is not allowed to stream anymore cuz I’m here and I’m baby that’s Dexter yeah he’s like I am the baby I am allowed all the attention I’m the true reason this channel has any SU success for my attention seeking friend she

Needs we should just get a little Dexter cam I should get a little baby holder cuz I’m sure he would happily just sit on my lap going in that would be so cute you’d be like a mama kangaroo with Dexter inside the pouch he’s like oh there we are then

He’s like I’ll just sit here oh where is he he can’t even see him I’m in the way I’ll just sit here I need to close my otan as well oh bless him I’ll just I’ll just leave him there then because he’s probably going to lie down

Although the ey goop just made me feel very unwell oh no I do feel unwell after that went on my lip I may have to feed him actually because I have a feeling Mr slay is playing card and if if I know Mr s Mr

Slams Mr slams Mr slays no what am I saying if I know is that Mr slay’s evil twin brother M yeah Mr Mr that’s the name of a villain that is I know if I know Mr slams well he has forgotten to feed Dexter I’m like I come home and I’m like

Have you fed him and he’s like yeah I’m going to do it now I’m like it’s like three hours late he’s starving like I mean he’s he’s a bit podgy so he he’s not good to die but he is hungry oh I’m stuck again I love that I love those emojis

I’m very biased but I do love the Dexter emojis Mr slams is always welcome he is thinking about streaming with me when I eventually get my new computer he wants to stream The Last of Us he wants to play that with me welcome back Matthew you welcome back

In I texted Mr slams saying are you okay with me still streaming like just checking you didn’t have any plans for us and he didn’t reply so that is my indicator for I’m playing Cod so I’m not even looking at my phone so we’re we’re good we’re good I

Know he’s uh playing Cod but I may need to just pop downstairs very briefly to uh to see if Dexter has actually had any food cu yeah Mr slams probably has not fed him I think I still feel unwell after KN index’s eye goop was on my lip a if you

Need to like go um get some water or something to try to get like that taste out of your mouth yeah I think I need to go and no I don’t know it’s it’s not even there it was on my lip but I’m going to

Go and get a drink now and just check if he’s being fed so you can entertain the formulas oh that’s a dangerous thing Don’t Put Me In Charge oh I’ve got mail thank you okay I’ll mute myself and I’ll leave you with Liz I won’t put my be back screen on

Because otherwise you’ll have the music blaring instead of being able to he Liz so just um I’m going to wait until Amy leaves before I start with my chaos don’t even start okay well make sure Liz doesn’t misbehave guys but I’ll I’ll leave you and lizz’s capable hands

While I go and check that my dog isn’t starving to death and don’t be gifting anything don’t be spending any money don’t be doing anything like that cuz I am not afraid I’m not afraid to whoop your ass okay you will be here in like T minus 2 months I will whoop your

Ass okay make no promises okay agreed right let me move guys I I will be back very shortly good be I don’t want no consequence consequence consequence consequences of my actions chasing me right now I don’t want no consequence consequence consequence I don’t want is Amy gone now

Okay guys now that now that now that Amy’s gone now that Amy is can Amy hear me did she leave with her headset on okay guys Amy’s chat my chat everyone Amy is gone what you guys have to do is you have to go to Amy Street and you

Have to spam the comments with I love Amy okay just just Spam spam the thing give her all of the love and I’m don’t tell did this don’t don’t tell it’s not me I’m not telling you guys to do anything you guys are just going to go and show Amy all the love

And all the affection and tell her how amazing and awesome she is and how much you love her mhm okay deal deal save your money for the UK If I Could gift I would but I do have to save for the UK um and Christmas is coming up

So I’ve got stuff to save for and I just had to buy a new monitor so unfortunately I cannot give more than what I already have um but I hope to in the future but but right I love Amy s like just send her all the hearts send

Her send her send her all the stuff see like this just I love Amy Amy is the best Amy is is beautiful and like send her send her all the hearts too all the love all the love and appreciation everything for Amy we’re going to we’re

Going to make Amy feel so loved and amazing and and wonderful and and and and we’re just going we’re just going to love Amy all all the love for Amy everything where are the emotes I need to love emotes emote love for Amy I’m going to spam emotes too going to

Cover cover cover it cover cover chat with with with beautiful love for Amy yes exactly just like this there’s a command Amy there’s an Amy love command I love this I love this I love this [Laughter] see A’s probably out there thinking that I’m going to be doing something something

Um something chaotic and I’m just be like baby there’s a command list I love that Amy is Amazing Amy is um I’m trying to think of like affirmations Amy is so kind Amy is fantastic Amy is an amazing friend is that how I spell friend that is how I spell friend

Um he’s going to come back to her and not know what’s happening and this is [Laughter] [Applause] great I can’t wait to see Amy come back and read all of the nice affirmations we sending here I wish I could win the lottery so I could just like gift

Amy as many memberships as she has subscribers or more I would I would double it I double the amount of of gifts I could give her I need I need to win the lottery I should buy a Lotter ticket I haven’t bought a lot ticket in like 6

Months I should buy a lot ticket and then maybe I’ll win and then I can gift Amy even more memberships I love Amy yes want say I would very gladly if I had the mem if I had the funds I would very gladly give Amy 1 Point 6K gifted

Memberships cuz she deserves all of the love and support but unfortunately I don’t have a lottery I I don’t I haven’t won a lottery just keep wri St in your chat more gifting list I won’t gift anything until I get back back from the UK how’s

That um and it’s going to be amazing and wonderful and fantastic oh she’s back I can see her what did you do nothing as I expected Mr Sims had not fed my dog oh no so I have to feed him but what did you do nothing I was a good

Bean oh what did you do nothing what did you do so many comments ands thing I didn’t do anything we just love you oh you you guys what are you doing to me yeah save your money for the UK oh guys that’s so kind of

You oh I have to read all these now without crying this is why you don’t leave me in charge I know I’ve learned my lesson oh Emily I love you Maddie I love you heave I love oh guys there’s people popping up in chat to say they love me I

Didn’t even know we’re here Amy is the best Amy is beautiful hot hot hot hot Liz stop it Maddy Linda oh mad he stoped oh Twilight you guys stop and Amy love Linda I love all of you too oh guys these cars are so Lush look at the hearts this is the

Chaos I support I I I where did I go I just went to feed my dog oh guys thank you she told us to give you the love I’m but I’m grateful you need to give Liz the love too you guys can’t help me like that it

Was supposed to be our secret so we can just love ab and they out here outting me like that honestly I am very grateful cuz all I want is to make people happy and to make people feel welcome in this community I never want to make anyone

Feel uncomfortable I just want to bring some light-hearted fun to so aam old world so thank you guys and thank you Liz for causing the chaos and thank you for not spending any more money so I don’t have to whoop you right [Laughter] now cuz I would whoop

You she made a Spam the chat I I appreciate it spam in the chat is that’s a nice type of spam I I’ll go for that I’ll go for that she said if she got the 1.6 what the Power Ball she would give 1.6 oh the Power Ball um from the

Lottery I mean yeah who’s winning the lot who’s winning the lottery I hope I win the lottery I would love to win like 1.6 million that would be lovely it would make moving to the UK so much easier oh yeah wasn’t the Thunderball like 140 million or something like that

The other night that’s so much also didn’t realize that we had Amy love well that’s that’s all down to the mods doing the Amy love command cuz they are amazing and very loving and there’s no need there’s no need I’m just to update you on eating de

Dex’s ey goop I did bring the Pringles with me just to just to get rid of The Taste you’re going to lick them Pringles I I am going to lick those Pringles I mean I feel like people are I feel like people are going to think I’m weird if I lick the Pringles

In front of everyone no lick them Pringles eat them however you want thanks and I got some more water as well so I’m hydrated Mr slay is loving his life playing Cod so I’m going to stream for a bit longer oo cuz we we’re we’re being productive Amy is a

Pain I know that’s oh I know that’s love in in Norm language you are weird I know she going to give memberships like the 1.6k I mean that would be amazing if I win the lottery I’ll do the same thank you yeah Norm’s weird I’m weird we’re

All a bit weird here I want a little Barbie head design cuz I feel like that would look cool in the snow okay now that I’ve done that how do I light this up again fire I need the fire this is how I eat my Pringles I don’t know if I want to

Show you but I lick all the salt off first I go like this show me what the tongue does and then I lick it multiple times and then I eat it but maybe now I’m thinking licking this on camera is not wise because it could be edited into a

Multi multitude of things oh yeah with AI these days you want to be careful with that so maybe we won’t do that anymore Amy is a beauty queen when made up no it’s not happening but I need to munch your sprinkle but I don’t want anyone to see

Me you turning your camera off I wonder what the world record is for most amount of memberships gifted on YouTube whatever that is I’ll break that for Amy I just put my head down to eat the Pringle and I thought that probably looks even worse hey yo what’s Amy uh looking over there

Is oh my God I’m not going to finish that sentence I’m sorry I was going to make a joke there but decided against it I think I made myself look like enough of a little Pringle lover hey how do you guys eat your Pringles if you don’t lick them

Um Can You Feel My crunch no I can’t oh good can anyone else he my crunch what do we think of this a okay Amy you can time out Liz yeah I will I do that’s exactly what I do I suck them until they’re soggy and then you are very you’re very

Right oh now it feels a bit more Barber [Laughter] what are you laughing at you you suck me they suck what are you laugh you laughing at me saying why are you laughing at I don’t know I don’t know what laugh if you want to finish by 23rd we are

Going to be finished by the 23rd we have two weeks mad you laugh you laugh you need to go see Li oh no [Laughter] how what’s happened oh my God I po in my eye now what are you laughing at I tears what’s going on am sucks it till it gets me taking

You best way it’s the best and only way to e Pringles I am referring to Pringles nothing else here guys my Liz is on the North see I was talking about Pringles guys nothing else I don’t know what Liz is laughing it’s just fell I’m Crying don’t you suck your Pringles until they’re [Laughter] soggy my Pringles are a bit far at the moment so I can’t trust me guys that’s how you can eat your Pringles back in I know now we now we need the gut command if we ever needed it oh my God my S

Hurts I I don’t know what you’re talking about it wasn’t me I was talking about Stu in my Pringles until thisy okay got to slobber him got there’s nothing wrong with a sloppy prle okay I just see in your face crying oh my God I still traumatized after eating Dexter’s eye booger on

Stream and now I suck bring dry Can’t even hear Liz anymore Liz has gone into ultrasonic mode yes get into jail get into [Laughter] jail oh Christ I’m I’m laughing never I was talking about Pringles I bre I’m trying oh my God I’m bloody crying can’t English oh my God yes pastal passes be placed in Hy

Jail you’ve being sentenced Duty I love that oh my God we’re all here for the chaos well we’re all here for the Soggy pregal and oh my God I hate to think about what’s going to happen when Liz comes to stay with me chaos it’s okay Twilight you you’re perfect you are perfect

Does I got on a jail it wasn’t me what did I do hey Riley welcome in how are you oh oh my god Riley did you know that Amy likes to suck your Pringles you can’t even say it without ping yourself often thank goodness there’s a cool down there’s nothing wrong with sucking

Pringles until they’re socky if you ask me is the only way to eat PR and Ro my head off good I’m glad I’m glad if you’re laughing your head off we’ve done our job oh my God all you’re doing is making my nose run and my Pringles [Laughter]

Sogg Li there’s no help for this she’s gone she’s done for four she is done I don’t think it this is funny oh well I’m sorry mad we can’t please them all we can’t please them all I I’m talking about my Pringles I don’t talk about anything else it’s lizz’s mind in the

Gut oh thanks M oh you guys I don’t even know my my mind is gone I don’t know how long I’ve been streaming I don’t know what I’m doing oh my mind is gone my brain’s in the gutter oh are you okay now Liz yeah have you take have you taken a

Moment to compose yourself sure that’s a definite no I could just hear you starting to laugh again I could just hear you starting to build he knows my laugh so well my annoying ass laugh oh my god that’s literally how it’s that do you know what it sounds like

Have you ever seen Family Guy no you’ve seen Family Guy right no you never seen Family Guy oh no so if if has anyone seen Family Guy the episode where Peter Griffin he’s wearing that like onesie and he he finds out that the the onesie because it’s like

Touching the floor it creates static and when he’s like he’s like Shuffle in his feet across the floor and he’s going trying to what trying to make the bloody s static that’s what it reminds me of I Linda I’m many beeless Emily said oh my gosh whip I’m being

Whipped yeah you need to be whipped Pringle who doesn’t like soggy Pringles I like my qu soy Pringles are great okay I love how this is still buckled there’s no hope there’s no hope for her she’s done she’s gone for please tell me I have an A my Garland I will cry oh crying I don’t like soggy

Pringles no I prefer my qu unless you’ve tried a s Pringle you can’t oh no I came all over down here without my shovel unless you’ve tried a soggy Pringle you can’t knock a soggy Pringle okay I think you both lost the plot I do

As well I do as well I want to eat another Pringle but I can’t lick it because everyone’s going to think I’m Weird today is the best day ever stop thank you so much for being a member for 14 months that’s crazy Oh Linda thank you for sticking around in this chaos for the last 14 months of your [Laughter] life hey guys call me Maddie how are you doing Maddie I appreciate

You a cockro yes there’s lots of cockroaches in my house oh my god I’ve used all the ornament garlands got one left oh Sandra hello we fall and truly lost the plot how are you doing Sandra I’m still here you’d be proud of me we’ve made good

Efforts we’ve made good things have we though well I have I’ve done quite a bit today I don’t know about you you’re too busy laughing at my soggy Pringle oh my god oh how are you doing Sandra Oh well obviously it won’t go in the middle stupid

Thing we’ve done all this we’ve done all this look at this Sandra we’ve done all this we’ve done a a little ice rink thing up here all this down here we did all this we did this section here of this uh Fairground we did this tiny little path

Here and we’re doing this we’ve done all this beautiful pretty Christmas walk thingy here which I’m going to take a picture of cuz it’s beautiful um all this all this all this all this all this all this all this all all this all this it sounds like you’re saying olives olives

Olives oh you’re home now now so you finished work and you’re having dinner next what you having for dinner I forgot to get the flowers that’s what I ran all the way down here for was for flowers and I forgot we’ve had a bit of a chaotic

Stream SRA I wasn’t me I wasn’t meant to stream this long because I didn’t feel well but Liz has successfully injected me with internet caffeine my job is successful yes interet yes Sandra does hey we we’ve been good feel free to give some ideas for jail um what punishments can we have for

Jail we can have um you must now eat people some people don’t like olives so maybe one of the punishments can be you must now eat a thousand olives I’ve decided that’s what the punishment is or um you can’t play Animal Crossing for one week or you were grounded go to your

Bedroom I don’t know I have litter picking Duty robbing the decks cleaning decks just poop yes I love that laundry Duty I love that um Amy it’s not Amy that’s being bad it’s Liz y I agree it’s Liz all the time we can blame it on my lack of sleep it’s

Okay let need a Liz does need a whip command cuz she can’t be trusted I was going to make a joke and I’m not going to do that cuz try to be family friendly very unsuccessfully at the moment yes we we’ve not been very good today no

No oh it’s okay it’s okay or at least I haven’t well I don’t think I am Yeah by this well that’s the thing you’re not even family friendly you’re not supposed to be trying to be family friendly no but I I respect your channel rules and I will be family friendly if I

Stream with you well I’ll try but with our minds being in the gut we’re not doing a very good job no I’m sorry to my chat do not pass go oh that’s a good one is watching for the naughty command Liz’s been timed out way too many times

I’m surprised I still have moderation right a few times I’ve been timed out to to be fair me too I’m surprised what that I this is still a mod for your channel well how many times I’ve been timed out I’m surprised they haven’t taking it

Off you that’s why we love you L we do we do love you not or not it’s allowed it’s fine I bar pitfalls on my Island oh my gosh Liz’s already experienced this I bet that’s brutal oh look at all of these Stones spawning up here where I do not want

Them I think I might put hedes behind there actually oh my God make me laugh that is my job is to make Amy laugh yes we’ve done good we’re doing good today guys it’s been funny it’s been funny and the mods are on point maybe we need to ask Liz for

Access to her nightbot Liz does need a whip I will very gladly give Twilight access to my nightbot you do need a whip a whip a Cool Whip why can’t I put what this hedge do this F hedge the fge the fedge oh it’s the it’s the it’s the tree stany that’s

Why I mean I don’t know 100% what I’m doing but we’re trying all of my mods are lovely I’m on the good list never done a bad thing in my life well I know that’s a lie Santa Claus came down and told me I know how you are don’t worry don’t give me

Ideas tlight if you want access to my nightbot I will give you access to my nightbot I trust you don’t worry I will G you at okay I apparently can’t English cuz I was trying to do like the office joke where it’s like Bears beats Battle Star

Gala I just did it again twister um that thing and I I couldn’t figure out how to say gal Galactica I kept saying like Galactica stuff St my words and they were making fun of me why are we why are we saying galac because I was doing the

Office reference oh I’ve never seen the office neither have I but I know this one referencer it’s like facts bears eat beats Bears beats Battle Star gal can’t do it can’t Galactica Galactica yeah you doing a remix Maybe is having an issue with my soggy

Pringle oh my God she going on about her soggy Pringle Again nice nice nice Amy did he say I’m on what on What on what what what oh yes you are on the good list Maddie I did speak to Santa Claus yesterday I went and I met Santa Claus yesterday morning do you ask him what um what this list I’m

On everybody in this chat is on the good list apart from Liz and [Laughter] nor youever on the naughty list Redemption he yo you know what I think I’m okay with that do you have a weird oh I don’t have a weird Barbie spot Maybe what can I do for weird

Barbie I do have a a weird bar by my museum you could do random um like a toy house using the kid core items but do it as like the random colors oh I can’t it’ll upset me I still want it to be a static what could I do I don’t

Know what could we do for we Bobby everybody we only need one more like to 30 as well guys that’s CR CR get any likes to 30 or Um I’ll be mad she will she will lick your soggy Pringles we need a soggy Pringle emote I mean chat will get the opportunity to pick my next emote at the charity stream on Saturday if we hit that Milestone so you guys could technically vote for a soggy Pringle

Emote I’m up for a soggy Pringle emote I need to finish your emotes do I have toilet paper TP toilet paper oh any more fun punishments to add in I can edit the list later um what can I use colors you don’t use for Barbie but weird Barbie’s house is

Still Barbie colors in the film though isn’t it yeah but it has like paint and splatter all over it so it doesn’t quite look um yeah maybe we could have like um maybe we could have an one villager on the the island who who isn’t pink or

Purple and they could be weird Barbie and I can turn their house into weird Barbie house all my Villagers houses ditches would be a good one for weird Barbie oh that’s a good idea oh but all my villager houses are like in a place but although there is one that I could potentially

Move um maybe I could cuz I haven’t got room for any more ramps on this island so maybe I could terraform and you have to get a l what there’s a tarantula on the island I thought something happened and I was like what who do I who who kneecaps I’m

Going for he’s gone swabbing the decks cleaning de po blitter picking Duty laundry um uh what did I say before I can’t remember maybe we could do a little yeah maybe we up a weird Barbie’s house up here amongst these rocks whose house is down here cuz the

Only house that I could really move which isn’t going to detriment my current builds is this one here I know I’m going to change the Villager but I was going to make this a cafe but I could make it a cafe without a house so let’s move bubble’s house

Then um well he won’t attack you if you don’t have a net oh I didn’t know that I’m disappointed I wanted to be attacked um I didn’t have a net on me sadly okay so maybe weird Barbie we can do stitches that’s a good idea actually

I I was thinking Petro but we stitches is probably more stitches just kind of gives me like a toy that’s been played with too hard which is exactly what weird Barbie is that’s better than Petro you are right I need somebody to confirm if you can hear me crunch my Pringles when I

Eat them cuz if you can hear me crunch then that’s game over volume’s all the way up do it okay wait can you hear I could not hear anything I could hear your voice I could not hear any um anything else what about now I I could hear like you moving stuff

But it doesn’t sound like a a classic crunch of a pringle nesly crunch sled crunch nothing major okay good I don’t like hearing people eat so I don’t want to trigger anyone else who doesn’t like that either oh M you can hear my crunch oh well that’s game over no no Pringles for

Me really I couldn’t hear anything and I’ve got like I put Amy up to like 200% oh I don’t want anyone to hear me crunch it’s it’s not nice I’m just going to have to mute myself a sec while I crunch this suck on them Pringle good I’m going to suck it off

Camera I’m sorry I saw an opportunity I had to take it I’m sck I’m sucking it off [Laughter] camera you got to get the Sal off is the best it’s only a slight crunch I don’t want people to hear me crunch I need to eat the up that’s why I’m hungry for

Pringles they haven’t had dinner yet is Bubbles a good weird Barbie I don’t like bubbles far asly as a villager not yeah I’m not a fan huge fan of bubbles but I I still have so many um villagers to to kick out as well I have so much to do and like two

Weeks to do it like I’m not worried about finishing the actual Island Building it’s the H the villagers and stuff picking them out it’s a bloody pain in the butt I love that you said that you have to finish this island 100% which would include the villagers by Christmas or Norm does your

Makeup cuz I really don’t think that you’re going to be able to um get the villagers out in time oh you don’t have any faith in me well because I I have faith that you’ll finish the island but in terms of the villagers there’s such a pain in the

Rear end to try to kick out um oh they are and like I mean I know from experience when I’ve tried to do it that it’s just it’s such a hassle you know I’m going to make this a little forest and it’s going to be like the

Forest up to weird Barbie’s house I’ve decided how many days till weird Barbie what we have like two weeks to finish this island which is scary I think I’m going to have to make this bigger definitely going to have to make this bigger place floating candles I said

It’ll look cute I said absolute B this is a test punish a sentence that’s funny weird Barbie lives up here her weird own s soggy Pringle emote have I got a ladder I I haven’t got room for any more stairs on this island but I think the fact you have to

Climb up a ladder to get a weird Barbie that kind of fits the weirdness doesn’t it I would think so have I have I got a ladder setup kit or no I’m going to have to get one oh somebody told me to check my mail didn’t you for something thing I can’t remember

What it was though I’ve got a Vine ladder setup kit I don’t want a Vine one I want like a pink one looks like it’s Treasure Island time we’ll just put it there for now 13 if you’re in the yeah yeah well 13 technically so I won’t be streaming

On Christmas Eve but I think when I complete this island I will drop the tour on Christmas Eve like I will FL it for Christmas can I tour your Island when it’s done of course of course you may okay I want to see how a good spot

But I am going to make that bigger cool this looks it looks cute oh thank you okay two so right so you come through here and you see this Arch and you’re going to immediately go to it and you’re going to follow The Arches right placing that house got rid of the

Rocks for me so we really need bubbles when bubbles leaves we need to replace with stitches oh you can buy the DIY okay I’ll have a look now how does does this look good does do we like this does it make sense to go from here to there I

Feel like I need to put something here um I’m going to have to look what weird Barbie’s house looks like it looks amazing house I’m going to continue being Pringles I’m sorry for the crunch do you think this is better than um the old server are you look are you asking me no

I’m asking heave heave is the only one that that knows well heave and me are the only ones that really know what the old server looked like before it got nuked so so weird Barbie’s house is on a hill surrounded by trees we can do that we can do that

This is Animal Crossing fire welcome in how are you sorry I’m eating PR how are you um Twilight one but hit the road we’re just going to make this a forest then because we at Barbie’s house is a for surrounded by a forest which makes my life

Easy because we just have to some trees and put some Decor around I don’t think Bedrock players would be laggy but in case there’s you know what I could do here I could make this into like a little Lookout so like if I fill this in I

Could fence it off cuz you could kind of see it and then and then we could like look out over the area with a cute little pink fence how’s your day going far sorry for me crunching these Pringles I’m apparently I’m hungry now crunch them Pringles I know I have been streaming

For 3 hours now has it been that long what time is it uh nearly half a seven for me UK time oh jeez it’s almost 12:00 yeah so I will have to end soon cuz I do need to eat some dinner and I’m the final of I’m a celebrities on if

You’re in the UK and if you watch that are you going to make introduction to roblo design I’m thinking of doing an introduction book um cuz I feel like that would be cute to have um oh I have the recipe didn’t know That can you move so what do I need to build the ladder if you suck them they crunch last well cute I don’t know much about oh thank you far we’re building a um Barbie Christmas Island so give you a little sneak peeks of uh of what we’ve been building this is

Kind of the vibe we’re going for lots of pink lots of Barbie lots of Christmas we have a little village down here leading up to a little Christmas sort of area I think we’re doing okay I think we’re doing good it’s nice to have you here Farah

Thank you guys for 30 likes as well you guys rock rock my STS s um apparently I have the ladder setup kit oh I do I need a ladder and five wood how does this work and a and a DIY table I’m absolutely exhausted oh my God how are you still

Going you need to go to bed girl no never Minecraft runs in my veins I’ve lost my uh DIY workbench oh I think I know where it is Twilight put one take the garbage out that’s a good one I hope you didn’t hear me B then I didn’t hear anything

Um okay good okay good um have I got customization kits in my bag obviously not cuz everything hates me let’s take this up there I actually crafted something for this island guys are you proud of me I think that’s the first time I’ve ever crafted anything for this

Island I’m proud of you need my C thank you I need my I’m got many customization kits don’t mind where are they I have two hopefully that’ll be enough chaos has unfolded we’re doing pretty good guys I feel like we’ve made a good dent today we’ll use blue then because I feel

Like there’s a lot of blue and we at Barbie’s house ah right hander you did get gifted Liz donated some memberships earlier we’ve only got this bit here to fill which I don’t know what we’re going to fill it with if you’ve got any ideas we’re going to do this as weird

Barbie now and then we can decorate the shop and then it’s literally just this here there still quite a lot I I need to build a cafe as well and then the beaches and the H and villagers why built a nice rink earlier we got a nice rink

Now why is there a brush in Minecraft what is what is the purpose of this I don’t know I do not know yeah we got an nice drink what else can we do I’m busy Sandra the no miles can wait sand treasure uh what’s sand treasure did I say sound

Treasure no my chat I was asking what the pressure for and they said it’s for sand treasure oh I just thought I was like I didn’t say sand treasure I said Sandre um I’ve made a lot of use of these ladders it’s one of the things I’ve used most especially if you got all 10 inclines they’re really handy a ski slope how am I going to make a ski slope I do I was going to make um

What’s it called a tree farm is it where you can buy Christmas trees I don’t know is that a Barbie thing we could do a spa as well haven’t done a spa yet boats on the beach for the Ken yes yes we need the Vol ball net

Like this do suspicious sand for the brush you get treasure oh okay that’s pretty cool but I do need to make a sign that says weird Barbie because I don’t think there’s going to be one uh change design yeah you still streaming yes are you okay T are you managing got try right weird Barbie now so this is going to be fun um I think I need to start a bit further over

Here goes me trying to write something on anal cross it again why is it so hard I mean it doesn’t have to be perfect does it it is it’s for weird Barbie isn’t it so it’ be good if it if it was a bit weird it’s not meant to line up because

It’s weird Barbie okay there method in my madness are you okay Liz yeah I’m just thinking sorry it’s all right you went quiet and I was like is she okay I’m trying to like figure how I want to do this and it’s been hard um

Is it open yet no I’m sorry the SMP won’t be open for quite a while I have to do like a lot of builds have to finish the entire spawn town area before I open it up and I’ve I’ve only just started so it’s going to be a

While I got so many snacks here with me to keep me going what are you snack what are you snacking on I’ve got like this little like um I don’t know what to call it but it’s like a strawberry neutr grain bar oh nice oh I’m cold um sorry I shiver

Then does this look does this look like it says weird it’s meant to be weird okay so don’t judge me if it looks a bit weird it’s meant to be weird sh I will gladly share with you guys that’s fine I’ll as long as you

Need a thank you I hope that it’ll be done sooner rather than later we could have rubbish for weird Bobby come we weird Bobby to B the AR and what too bad there’s not an end it would be here all night would be here all night if there was an end

It he doesn’t look too bad does it but h don’t look like a be that did not look like a bee at all it it’s meant to be weird but that was too weird I look like a Be to do the E over here the E dot how to do weird Barbie I mean it could be weird it could be worse couldn’t it then we’ll just do some dots um just to make it a bit more colorful well doesn’t matter if they’re

Not all the same it’s weird barie for a reason she has got some strange shapes all around her house and she I mean it could be worse definitely kobby w kobby b kobby wh do I need the chairs though uh yes I like the sign it’s really pretty what my weird Barbie sign

Yeah I don’t know I feel like it could be better but I’m not an artist design patent that’s a good sign idea thank you five maybe less ooh already righty cuz it’s not obvious whose it is um I’ve got one more uh what you call it customization

Cat I do need what I do need something wonky on my Island it’s a tradition I had a lot of signs where are they oh they’re here I’m going to put in blue cuz it’s like it’s not fully pink like everything else sack Pringles yay did it work Twilight you’re a star I

Can’t thank you enough you’re always doing these bloody amazing commands for us Twilight is amazing yes you can say that again we love the mods all the mods are fantastic fantastic I feel like uh that sign is questionable we have to pull it forward so we can find weird Barbie

Okay now let me plant [Laughter] plants are calling me weird basically I just went what’s the weirdest color I can pick and it was [Laughter] blue no Sandra I’m not calling you weird you are amazing I just noticed there was a lot of blue in weird bar

House um I might maybe I’m trying to say something no I’m not calling you weird I promise we love you we love you when you’re blue oh that’s not going to grow there we love you and you’re blue I mean this is just easy weird Barbie’s house in the film is just

Surrounded by trees and like we need like a weird path maybe what could a weird path be oh I know blue no I don’t know what can we do for a weird path oh my gosh lovely fire thank you so much for being looking this whole time guys check out lovely fire I

Appreciate you have a good day thank you so much who else wants to exactly being weird is much better than being normal that’s why I agree that’s why I am a funky lady a funky lady Oh are you starting to crush now who me yes never I just thought you might be a crash territory now maybe like a little bit but for the most part I’m just trying to like figure out how to make this look pretty in concentration mod my disability problems are not normal

There’s nothing wrong with being different Maddie and there’s definitely nothing wrong with having dis disabilities they are what makes us unique and overcoming any problem is what makes us strong people you should be proud of yourself I have my fair share of issues and and we we go on and we battle every

Day because we are amazing I never forget it dislocated hip at nine months oh my gosh I have problems with my hip so I I sympathize with you I hope you’re doing a bit better now hip issues are very painful and I can sympathize I need a hip

Replacement put a kids climbing rack by weird Barbie I think I might have one of them I feel like I saw one in my inventory I’m looking my Pringle guys sorry I feel like I have a climbing right oh I just imagined it cuz I have a million of These oh no I think I’ve just seen these clothing racks and assume they’re climbing racks I think that’s why I don’t actually think I have one I think I thought I had one oh although the egg thing is the bunny day Arch is perfect for weird Barbie in my opinion in my humble

Opinion where there it is you’re a star TW light thank you so much I can see how much effort you put into that I appreciate you guys you know the score go and subscribe to Twilight they deserve to be at 1K already because their content is fantastic we could have some leaves

Around weird Barbie like she’s not as pristine as the other Barbies even though she beautiful she’s beautiful in her own way I don’t think I have a kids friend right I thought I did but these could look okay around by weird Barbie some random oil barrels and tires and a flamingo because it’s

Weird why not oh yes I I could put them on the beach okay I do have Vol Vol Nets and a scooter I don’t know why I said that so aggressively then a scooter that day at 606 still Liz you’ve gone to jail again I’m sorry me

Why what did I do naughty naughty little girl it’s thank you Twilight you’re a star must be punished you are not a girl oh no um like the festival Garland is good is good for weird we just need to grow the trees so we can see what’s going on don’t

We cuz we we want the open into Weir Barbie to be enough but not too much enough but not too much you know um okay less time travel saw all these trees and the house has moved and then we can know exactly what we’re doing hi sopia welcome in how are you

How are you doing um poor Liz was the guinea pig she was it’s okay though because Liz is fantastic and she knows that we all love her I will very gladly be the guinea pig Twilight did an awesome ski lift oh I need to see the ski did I see the ski

Lift I do watch all all of your videos I’m sure I have seen the ski lift because I’m sure you told me about it and I said I might not have enough room in that specific spot I was doing at the time Oh I thought you did a ski

Lift who did the ski lift I was thinking did I see a ski lift I know somebody told me about a ski lift is the word ski lift starting to sound weird to you now ski lift nothing sounds weird about a ski lift why would a skift sound weird

Is the word skift supposed to sound weird there something different or interesting about the word ski lift that it would sound weird to anyone possibly for the word ski lift I think the word ski lift sounds really funny and really cool nothing weird about the word on the

Ski lift have you ever been on a ski lift before I love going on ski lifts I fell off of a ski lift once and face plans it took everyone else down the ski lift with me then they had to shut down the ski lift and no one else was allowed

To be on the ski lift are you going to lick your Pringle oh je it was last winter I’m going to have to end stream in the next 10 minutes because I need to have food and it’s nearly 8 p.m. so I’m going to finish weird bobie

And then we can end hey girl hey Sophia says hey crazy I was crazy on ski lift I was ski lift once they actually me a ski lift a white ski lift a big ski lift God knows the ski lift made me crazy who who in the ski lift

Ski lift I was ski lift once they locked me in a ski lift a big ski lift with ski lifts ski lifts made me crazy ski lift I was ski lift once who in the ski left what do we think of this area I need I need oh that’s pretty

Like you come in down here and there’s a little opening and then you can see that the path continues down here I feel like I need to actually like establish where the path is very pretty that’s very pretty is it too pink there’s no such thing as too pink

Right never too pink never you cannot say that to me build barie Island oh I’m done Amy said Santa Amy Santa said you’re not on the ly list yay I’m on the nice list am I on the nice list no never no oh my gosh thank you

Linda you’re always on the nice list because you are so kind and lovely a pretty I’m beautiful May out here going to make me cry and you got a nice booty hey so that put you on the top of the nice list oh my pockets are

Full I nearly choke then I said you had a nice booty and I nearly [Laughter] choked I’m not going to lie I feel like I’ve been looking at an Excel sheet for too long oh my gosh Twilight you are a star I didn’t know you had to go into

Bloody XL to do it oh no disgraceful kitten we don’t want you I have never been on a ski lift M oh I have I’ve never I’ve never been skiing but I went on a ski lift when I climbed the Alps so I have been on a ski lift they’re very high that

Was um a ski lift m is like a little it’s basically like a chair on a rope which takes you up the mountain so you can ski back down pretty much oh God than you so much for these ornament Gins mm I need to eat my dinner Sophia so I

Am snacking on crisps just for the for the last little bit of the stream I hate eating in public but I’m trying to get over my fears I’ve never been skiing skiing is a lot of fun oh there’s nothing wrong with Kiki it’s just that she does not fit my Island

Theme so I immediately had to Slit her because she does not belong on Barbie Christmas Island but there’s nothing wrong with Kiki she’s a cute little kitty just not for Barbie how are you doing jday um get the SK go on top of yeah yeah exactly uh I did

That okay I’m going to put like some lights around here somewhere oh I just put everything in my pocket I am a fool weird Barbie lives up there in this Forest which is fine a couple Jesus oh that’s cool what they jump um Minecraft bees or cats oo probably

The cats the goats it it bloody itself on top of my build did it did it ye yeah jumped up it yeed itself like a star a star like a star everything I I wanted to put around Weir Barbie’s house I’ve accidentally put back in my bag I’m a bloody idiot aren’t

I I don’t know why we a hord of trash around her house but she does what like that they jump what’s up he doing on the mountain I feel like uh the scooter is like hm weird weird Barbie why have you got a scooter we’re going to have some lights lights camera

Action Barbie deserves Christmas lights too but maybe just not like you know flat out Christmas lights just you know like these lights um going to say can she go the other lady who oh the the light I was calling the lighter she can she go the other way

I feel like the pile of leaves is now weird Barbie’s path God I entertain myself far too easily oh yeah mannequins good sh I’ll grab some mannequins now I don’t know why I made myself laugh so much then cuz it was not funny what I don’t know I just laughed at myself I

Was like this is a path now ha as you don’t know what you did with that choice what did I do with that choice I thought you were just asking me for my preference ah I’ve just lost of the original story the story in balamor wouldn’t you like to know

I think balamore is like a kids program here and that’s the theme too oh it goes what’s the story in balore wouldn’t you like to know I think it’s set Scotland or I’ve just made that it’s very possible weird Barby we walk the bridge for ex spawning as many cats as I

Can don’t break your will there be treats with pockets and sweets is that where we should go yes I haven’t he that for ages are you British or Irish I am British Sophia I’m from Wales so I do have quite a strong accent but I’m not Irish I was just doing a

Very bad Scottish accent for for the bamori song where’s the mannequins oh that’s what I wanted to do as well wasn’t it I said the um um what was it called No the bunny day Arch thing was quite good for weird Barbie where are the mannequins where are the mannequins have I passed

Them have a pass them have a pass them I can’t tell um oh I might just put random some funny day eggs around around in a wood around in around and the boot I cannot find the mannequins I know I had loads oh no maybe I used them in

My Barbie build oh no there’s a couple there there We I mean this is weird so it suits weird Barbie right cuz it is a bit weird random manins everywhere um yes tlight is correct I am Welsh yeah I do remember we spawned in all those cats and we likeed the server that was uh that was a fun time cats

I’m trying to push this over but I can’t seem to no I don’t want to shake the tree oh I don’t know I can’t seem to pull it there we go I got any more bunny Day balloons I know they’re a bit random but I’m I mean weird Barbie is weird is she

Not yeah you did have to get rid of all of them eh hey hey oh there’s no room for the arch there I have not left enough room it’s okay we’ll do some flooring and then I will have to end soon no Amy is not allowed to end stream right guys

I have to I need to eat dinner instead of crisp this London England or something no it’s not I am Welsh and I can prove it by saying the longest Welsh Town name which is have a c maybe I should move to that town I don’t cuz we’d have to say it all

The time are you ready I would just call it go go go for short yeah that’s what people call it but the long name is see easy I’m convinced that whoever named that just let their cat walk across the keyboard [Laughter] you’re not wrong I don’t think you’re wrong

There um I don’t think any of this path fits we Barbie I know she’s weird but you know she’s still Barbie she’s still a Barbie she deserves some pink you know how I said that I wasn’t Tired yeah you’ve crashed now haven’t you yeah I could tell it was coming cuz you started to slowly get quieter I have to turn my light off cuz it’s like genuinely making my eyes water you need to sleep so when I end you need to end cuz you need to go to

Bed I stay up all day and night again no no no you’re not staying up all day and night again you’re going to blood bed oh hello nightbot drink another cup of coffee night bu just decided to come in and put every command ever painting I feel like that’s a bit more

Obvious than the uh the other side so I’m put that there as well a weird Barbie um we need some more stuff to put by the house we will have to change from where the village is there though um I haven’t done any gymnastics I can’t

Say say oh my God I can’t say anything because I haven’t been practiced in my gymnastics apparently I can’t talk either are you okay Liz me yeah I’m just getting sleepy but you know what I’m going to do I was going to fill this in but what I could do

Instead I’m going to end now too so I I think you should go to sleep maybe weird Barbie can have some glowing Moss balloons but now I have an idea of what I can build here I can’t end now you have to you need to go to

Sleep I probably should sleep and let my computer rest before my new monitor arrives yes see you do need some sleep cuz if you don’t sleep and don’t rest enough you will um peel open like a banana a banana yep you’ll peel open like a old soggy

Banana I did not know they let off uh um that glowing Moss stuff that is adorable oh my God I didn’t know they did that I love it what was that laugh I don’t know I’ve started to lose the plot as well but I have been incredibly productive today and nobody

Can tell me otherwise um for Liz it is midday believe it is 12:05 for me but I’ve been up since 3:00 in the morning and I’ve got maybe 2 hours of sleep today and I got maybe two and 1 half hours of sleep the night before and yesterday was like an

Absolute brutal day at work for me so I’m mentally drained from that still yes so Liz needs to go to sleep because she never sleeps and it’s not good for her I do need to sleep and she doesn’t listen and she doesn’t get enough sleep she’s nauy

Yby you know what Amy is right and I can feel myself drifting and I don’t want to drift on stream so I am just going to call it here but I love you all and thank you all for joining me um and we’re going to raid Amy because I don’t

Know what else to do and I feel like it’d be funny and it’s going to confuse her so that’s that’s what we’re going to do let me find we’re going to do this and we’re going to do this and then I am going to play with Amy until she ends

And then I’m going to go take a nap and stay up all night again but I love you all thank you all for joining me and I’ll see you uh next time Bye

This video, titled ‘🔴Getting the SMP Ready!!! | Minecraft’, was uploaded by MyPastelPast on 2023-12-10 20:15:47. It has garnered 81 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:09 or 9729 seconds.

Hello Everyone!!! Today we are working on the community SMP and getting it ready!!! Huge thank you to @itswoak for developing this server!!

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  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

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  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More