A Christmas Empire on Hermitcraft! ▫ Empires SMP Season 2 ▫ Minecraft 1.19 Let’s Play [Ep.28]

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Foreign ly the hermitcraft server ain’t that weird it still feels weird to me anyway I have done one stream where we kind of got pretty well set up here I have an enchanted diamond pick I have a few diamonds to spare and here in the castle

I am slowly putting together an idea of what I’m gonna decorate this room like it’s gonna be some storage for me temporarily at least I still need to get the lower shield resource pack because honestly this is this is a little bit much but I have 23 diamonds now from a

Little bit of mining with my new pickaxe we have Fortune 2 not fortune 3 and honestly I think Fortune 2 kind of a myth to be honest I think it’s fortune 3 or nothing because I’ve not been getting as many diamonds as I was hoping to but

Either way 23 is not too bad and we can at least start to make a full set of diamond tools and if we’re going to be leaving our mark on the hermitcraft server while we’re here then we might as well have the tools to do it so we can

Put those away we got some boots we got some leg Kings we’ve got three diamonds left over since I’m not gonna need a chest plate we’ve got the wings here already and we’re going to be using those for the foreseeable future I think we whip up a quick armor stand so that I

Can put my original set of armor on that there we go up there and I can go and grab my iron chest plate that I made completely unnecessarily because I already had wings but I’ve been getting the lay of the land in terms of shops as well so I bought some fireworks from

Igevin I ended up buying some cooked pork chops from igevin as well basically I’ve been shopping igevin so far and I think my next stop is going to be the Enderman Farm where whoa okay there’s some at least some seven heads on spikes well this wasn’t in the estate agent’s

Listing I mean look at all of these something of a Rogues gallery and I think some of them are even doubled over here I also have I have Greg outside of the castle but I have been swinging on down here to get to the nether hub from this little handy portal that’s back

Here and I need to go to the Enderman farm and despite the occasional creeper taking me by surprise so much respect for Tango putting all of this together this is absolutely wonderful so charming and there are so many enchantment tables around here even though I had to make my

Own to enchant my gear for the first time so to get to the enemy Farm we actually have to take a bit of a leap of faith down here that takes us to the stronghold and the Enderman Farm is out there across the void and I gotta say

I’m a big fan of the way I decorated ours on Empires but look at this thing this is goth dreams right here I do love the way you can see the Enderman falling down but they kind of have this strobing effect thanks to all the slabs it’s very

Cool and thankfully once they reach the bottom they’re all a one-hit kill which makes it nice and easy for me to get XP this way even though I haven’t Enchanted my sword yet and then we need to head under the arch of the gigapai shop to this Old Reliable enchanting setup and

Only then do I remember that I forgot to bring lapis with me I could really do with a silk touch pickaxe as well but I think if these enchantments turn out well enough I might spend some of these diamonds on mending books so let’s see

The ax is going to be a nice easy one just efficiency four we can probably get efficiency and I’m breaking on that oh yeah we got silk touch as well perfect that’s gonna work out wonderfully the shovel knee needs Unbreaking doesn’t have Fortune even better Unbreaking three on the leggings they can be

Basically anything fire protection is okay Smite 4 okay not great not great after all and protection 3 on the helmet I think I’ll take it we’ll disenchant the sword we’ve still got 35 levels that means a couple more re-rolls looting at three Bane of Arthropods but look at the

Rest of the stuff on that sword can I still put sharpness on this Mr riffs Joel Joel smallish beams get just what what else happened to your ears oh these are I’m a I’m cute now I’ve gone away from the sexy brand and now I’m going

For adorable well it’s working for you I gotta say um how are you doing it’s so kitted out oh I’ve done a bit of mining I I ended up doing a bit of an early game grind out there in the wilderness of hermitcraft and I’ve come up with

Pretty much full diamond stuff obviously the wings were given to me by Rendog but everything else is pretty legit now oh nice well I’ve got my wings on green the armor don’t ask where it came from okay I won’t I went from somewhere I don’t know where all right I’m tapping and

Steal it I’m tapping my nose yeah I can I can keep a secret it’s fine yeah so if you want to get a little bit more oriented around here I I kind of know the lay of the land by now it’s it’s very strict in real life more or less

Yeah like it’s it’s weird actually being here because I’ve seen where everything is but obviously people will cut between different locations and stuff and I’m like I don’t know where all of that is in relation to everything else so yeah it’s just so crazy it’s so bizarre do

You have food by the way because I’ve got tons of um I’ve got tons of pork I’ve got 10 cookies and that’s it I’m ready to go after that if you go to like the shop next to the giant slimy Pig in the sky the place next to that is

Igevin’s pork shop and it’s like four stacks of pork chops for a diamond so it’s pretty cheap um and I’ve got a couple spare I was actually going to swing by impulses enchantment Enchanted Bookshop uh it’s the big building with the amethyst roof over here so it’s pretty Central I spent

Ages looking around the shop yesterday couldn’t find anything I found slime yeah slime you don’t need slime for anything yeah there’s a lot of stuff on this server that’s too much if anything like they should have less stuff overall but this is where all of the uh all of

The enchanted books end up so I’m actually gonna browse before I buy just to make sure I can actually put sharpness on this sword because I’m not sure if I can do that one today I’m not sure you can yeah no I can’t just replace it with a high level enchantment

That sucks I really wish they’d changed that do you know what I was thinking right we need somewhere to settle down as the Empire’s lot we really do yeah we need like a permanent home on this oh well a permanent I don’t know but some kind of sweeping Edge three come on come

On give me something good uh I got loot three on that one sharpness four oh thank heaven okay so I just need to put I’m breaking mending and literally everything else on this sword but at least I have looting and sharpness that’s fine all right well I found a

Little bit of a location that we could go to I can’t remember where it is but it’s a big donut of snow oh the crater I think it’s up this way yeah I kind of see it because I’m I’m staying at the castle right now and I think it’s

Kind of sort of on the way there if we go behind the the Giant Eagle over on the shoreline over here I think it’s this way this is lovely this is what you were talking about yeah yeah yeah and it’s kind of cozy in here you got all this beautiful mountain

Drop in the background and Christmas is coming up the snow right yeah no I like it we could start a kind of like winter Empire here I guess like if it’s gonna be the Empire’s outpost on hermitcraft then uh yeah we can we can really transform this place I think

I’ve already put down the Christmas tree it’s very small the the tree I think I get this I get the sense that this this tree with the power of lore is gonna be quite large by the end of this if I’m involved and you’re involved the two

Main law guys the look we are the team lore this tree is gonna be I don’t want to say too big because in people’s expectations yeah but it’ll be it’ll be better than this yeah we’ll get we’ll get a few people involved and we’ll see how big it can get there’s a

Chest up there I’m kind of wondering if if there’s anything else that we can pill for from the surrounding area there’s obviously lots of spice wood around I think it was a dark oak forest you look at the biome oh all right there’s just loads of lava in here well

I guess we can interesting they can turn this into a volcanic crater once it’s done being Christmas then maybe there is some more chess over here I did notice earlier as well Bears did this all right well maybe we should be aware of them there’s lots of dark oak wood oh I tell

You what we could make some good use of that I’m gonna grab the Torches and stuff as well because we’ll probably need to light this area up but yeah I’m thinking we can get to work down here and make this pretty special look there’s some red Concrete in here

There’s some really green grass it’s already looking like Christmas colors to me beautiful I can’t wait we’ll have to tell everyone else yes yeah we’ll get the word out to the other Empires and uh if we can really we can turn this place into something pretty special I’m gonna

Get terrifying at first I think after I’ve got some tools yeah make it a bit flatter there’s a bit of a rift in the way but uh once that’s done Rifts seem to be the uh the the theme of the last little while it seems like but yeah we

Can paper over Ravines like this no problem well I’ve been doing a little bit of terraforming over here as Joel suggested just trying to flatten out some of the landscape and create a more gradual incline I kind of want to have winding paths leading up around here and have

Little kind of Alpine houses up around here but I’m starting on something that’s going to be a bit more of a I don’t know maybe closer to a Santa’s Workshop Vibe I haven’t really decided yet but I just love the combination of red concrete and the dark oak around

Here I think that’s looking kind of nice it kind of feels like a a gnomes cap right now there’s somebody in the sky but that doesn’t look like Joel is that a Zuma Ahoy up there hello hey he’s coming in to land hello I can’t hear you

Are you muted this mod man I don’t know why it keeps it started when I went on to Empires and now it’s messing up on hermitcraft I don’t understand well I’ll say it again welcome to hermitcraft oh thank you so much no it’s it’s a

Pleasure to be here and uh I hope you don’t mind but we’ve we’ve started on a little Empire of our own over here this is the law tree uh planted by by Joel smallish beans and and uh around this we’re going to be building a kind of uh

We’ll call it a winter Empire something of a maybe a little bit of a Christmas land up here in the mountains that sounds amazing I can see you cleared out all the trees this thing used to be covered in Darko this wasn’t even us apparently Bears did this according to

One of the signs up there we’re just reaping the benefits there’s a whole bunch of dark oak wood that’s just been collected up there so evidently somebody had plans for this place and then abandoned them and we’re happy to take over at this point fair enough glad to

Have you here this sounds like an amazing uh project opportunity I see you gotten straight to start do you need anything like materials builds all that kind of stuff I tell you what some some Mangrove would be work Wonders on this roof I want to mix in some Woods type

Stuff to make it look like there’s you know paint and stuff that’s rubbed off but overall I think we can I’ve got a decent set of diamond tools now I can probably gather up a decent amount of stuff but as stuff occurs to us we’ll

Probably be able to let you know yeah I would say always ask because there’s probably a farm for that oh I bet I bet there is I bet there is yeah yours has been established for a little bit longer than ours so you’ve got materials coming

Out of your ears by now now do you have an Ender Chest lying around here there is one over there by the resource chests uh I don’t have a silk touch pick yet so I can’t pick one up and take it with me um but yeah over there on the other side

Of the uh the Gap in the landscape there is one I’m a little short on rockets and I happen to know where there’s some Mangrove wood oh no I’m out of rockets I have some but they’re back at the castle right now I’ve not been keeping

Anything in the end of Chess just in case I lose I can’t take any from you you just got here well I’ve been buying some like I’m participating in the economy at least I I know where the rocket ship is if I go get some Rockets

I’ll go pick you up some Mangrove wood how about that that would be a tremendous hellbex thank you so much and he’s back that was fast I’m back um I thought it would be cool to show you like where the mangrove wood is like basically someone left some at my base

So if you want to know how to get to my base right yeah yeah absolutely the original entrance doesn’t actually go into the base anymore so it’s a little bit silly but I’m sure you’ve probably wanted to see the skull so yeah yeah happy to have a tour yeah so someone

Left me a shulker box oh Burger on the nose that’s great and yeah no definitely hard to miss this once it comes into view wow so uh take what you need oh perfect perfect that’s great oh gosh I have so much stuff in my inventory right

Now I’ll take a couple of snacks and at least I know where it is if I need to come back for some more well I’m gonna I’m gonna Chuck it inside my uh my base so to get in there you go into pulse uh

I do if we end up hurling to the side of the eye it’s so terribly designed there’s a bit of a jump scare here oh I I I I heard the uh the sensors going off the shriekers yeah someone’s built a black rabbit what we just discovering all of these weird things

Yeah occurred since you’ve been gone jumping around what his name is apparently Gilbert at least he’s got a name tag I don’t understand this seems like it was either a dare stick situation or one of those King’s challenges that’s like leave leave somebody a parrot named Clive or

Whatever they were you know yes that’ll be it that makes sense I was half wondering if it were a trap if there were TNT in there or something I mean there might still be I’m not gonna I’m not gonna put it past anybody not get too close the one thing I really like

About this though is somebody’s managed to use string for Aesthetics here because there’s two string on either side for the whiskers and that’s actually really what it is yeah I thought it might be part of a trap like you get close to it and it sets something off you’re too paranoid that’s

The problem like you’ve you’ve spent too long on the server around people who will trap cute things like bunnies I’ve been pranked one too many times I’m sure so you used to like fling yourself down there to get into the basement that don’t work anymore down the spinal

Column yeah uh so we can just use the the never to sort of hop in oh look at that here we are instantaneous vertical transport and this is you’d never know that there was a giant skeleton directly above us I know right it’s such a departure from what I was originally

Going to do that whole concept just didn’t work out the rib cage like flying through is just plants yeah fair enough fair enough they’ve gave up on it basically and started this so if ever you need resources and I’m like hey we got that it’s it’s just down here so you

Come through the portal drop down and then you’re in you’re in the spot with all the chests wow it’s it’s all so beautiful so well organized down here is the rib cage so feel free to go explore that whenever you like yeah yeah for sure that is sort of The Grand Tour

Because there’s just the rib cage this room and then the little space up above and that’s kind of it it is pretty Grand though for for a grand tour I think you’ve done well it’s really cool seeing all of that stuff you’ve got a lot of a

Lot of copper around this place oh yeah that’s because I got a copper Farmers you know yeah yeah and if you had to do that you’ve Incorporated this very well into the the aesthetic of the place well back on back on Empires we were talking for a little while about me potentially

Rebuilding my copper aging facility here on hermitcraft yes so um is a wonderful idea which would you like me to do that because if you’ve got all of the supplies if you’ve got all the resources and stuff that I can put it together and yeah I’m sure there’s like raid farms

For Redstone and all that kind of stuff right we’ve got all of that covered I’ve also probably got more copper than you can imagine what to do with right yeah so if you follow me this way I have actually been working on clearing out an area for this

And it’s still new to me I think we go up here to the other side and then down over this way I’ll see there is more to this you you’re saying that was all there was to see but there’s cocoa bean Farms back here and everything yeah there’s like this is a

Whole little area I guess with a bunch of little things hooked up to it but nothing spectacular um this staircase will lead us down this mountain range by the way is massive if yeah they’re free you’ll see you’re actually like way above one two eight

Yeah yeah we’re at 145 on the y-axis and I’m like it feels like we should be really deep on the ground at this point but that’s the illusion of going through the nether as well I guess yeah yeah totally you feel like you’re underground that will weigh it way above sea level

Um and as you can see I’ve started to clear out like a giant ceiling area so we can just like dig this down and then we’ll have plenty of space to build a mega copper aging Contraption oh heck yes this is what I’ve wanted to do for a

While because it’s always the scramble of getting resources together in survival and I always build this on Empires where we don’t always go in for like Mega Farms right out of the gate yeah so like having the the freedom to do all of this stuff still in survival

But with enough resources that it feels like creative mode I feel like it’ll be a lot of fun doing that I’m concerned about a plan plan on just live streaming and grinding and chatting chatting and waffling away and just you know chipping away at getting it done

Yeah absolutely well I’m happy to pitch in and help with that right now my pickaxe only has efficiency for oh no it has efficiency three I didn’t even realize uh so I do need to do a little bit of upgrading still a little bit more diamond mining and what not to do

Um but if I can throw together an efficiency 5 pick or you’ve got one that you can lend me I’ll be happy to help out with this here we go take those all right this is my a down payment on the field day all right field yeah like this is you know

You’re helping me build this big Contraption and have a field day over at the shop and get kitted up and uh and you’ll be golden this is my budget now all right well the the uh the diamond block you gave me when we all popped in through the rift initially I ended up

Placing it in the throne room of the castle and then I didn’t have any tools to dig it back up again so I’ve just left it there now so that’s grab it now though maybe I maybe I should go back and grab that as some extra budget but

Uh yeah thank you so much for that that’s that’s really handy and I’ll probably go and buy an Ender Chest from somewhere so I can keep all of these resources straight because right now it’s just a a pain having an inventory like oh you’ve got one for me fantastic

Always keep ender chests in your render chest yes well uh now I’ll need to roll I’ll need to go and buy this don’t place it down I need to go and buy a silk touch fix so I can pick this up yeah or maybe you can I’ll mine it for you

Though yeah yeah no I’ll keep I’ll keep some of the the extra resources in here for now I’ll keep the diamonds on me just in case I can’t get back to one of these and then yeah that’ll do I think all right well I’m looking forward to seeing the space expand and looking

Forward to filling it with redstone Machinery I’ll I’ll leave you to it but let me know when you’re digging this place out I’ll be happy to help oh fancy seeing you here hi pixel riff how are you hi impulse SV I am very well have you come to shop I have indeed I

Have been uh yeah I’ve been patronizing this establishment for a while actually I’ve got myself a decent set of diamond tools now and uh I’m I’m in the market to upgrade because uh it turns out this one only has efficiency 3 and Fortune 2 and neither of those are good so right

Decided I should probably uh do some upgrading but I need to get silk touch on the go I’m helping a Zuma dig out a big area now I probably want to get silk touch on a shovel there’s there’s a whole thing um but I have my goodness Azuma has

Given me a budget because I’m helping him build like another copper aging machine on This Server now so uh I have a handful of diamonds to spend so I’m I’m looking to uh to cash some of those in here sounds good am I out of stock on

Anything that you’ve seen that you need that’s what I’m in here actually I think on it the only the only one that seemed like it was getting low was sharpness when I was looking before but I think I’m good for that so most of these seem like they’re pretty well in stock I’m

Noticing a few Royal emeralds here and there and I’m like well that’s gonna have to uh have set up some kind of exchange I’m gonna go burn those actually it sounds good apparently I just remembered like I can’t exchange them because the diamonds that they were

In place of are all gone yeah yeah that’s a mystery that has yet to be solved and uh exactly we need to put on our detective glasses and figure out who who done it um we can do it we can well with the the help of the empires peeps maybe we can

Get to the bottom of that we we are known for um yeah in investigating things poking on noses where they don’t belong so we’ll we’ll see what we can manage yeah um all efficiency five go down a treat should I just hand these diamonds over

To you so that you don’t have to like check all of the barrels again taking notes of what I need to restock book I became aware of the fact that there are now like almost twice as many customers oh yeah I really have to keep stock up now oh I’m I’m breaking three

Is another one that I will probably need because I got that oh it is gone yeah that was totally out of stock I want to be stocked in like 30 minutes that will get right on that basically always the book that I have the hardest time getting out of like an enchantment table

Or villagers or whatever like me and I’m breaking three we we don’t always get along but uh let’s see what else I need I really need to I’m gonna do lava Walker at all or yeah I would I would love that but I’m not gonna spend too

Much time in the nether so I think we can I can wait for you to restock basically if you’ve uh someday I’ll get I’m in my villager had an unfortunate accident I know it was so tragic yeah yeah like really bad on that like days since last workplace accident you know

Gotta reset the sign every so often um let’s see what else I need protection for you probably need that across your your gear right I’ve got fire protection and blast protection on the lake leggings in the boots and I know that’s probably not going to protect me from everything but I’ve got protection

Regular on the helmet so yeah I did some table enchants and those turned out okay okay um I’m I’m off to enchant this picture let me get the uh let me get the Unbreaking squared away I will uh I will message you perfect when it’s ready to

Go great stuff man shouldn’t take too long I’ll go I’ll go take care of that right now actually uh kind of itching to get over to the industrial district I forgot what I was doing over there yeah yeah I mean you’ve got a lot of memory

To refresh well um welcome home I guess because thanks like obviously it’s it’s been quite the time having you guys on Empires but I’m sure you’re happy to be back in familiar surroundings once again yeah it’s it feels it feels so good all right man I’m gonna go stock and uh good

Luck with your your big project with the Zuma oh yeah and uh I’ll totally stop playing uh this for you foreign he ain’t ready he ain’t ready for what I have planned but anyway uh let’s get to reenchanting some of this stuff I got efficiency for Unbreaking three so we

Just need to add efficiency five to that or double up on that we need to add silk touch to it and we need to add fortune 3 to this guy but I’m thinking I need to re-roll a bow until I get something a little bit better I already have

Infinity on a bow thanks to a couple of re-enchants but I could do with something a little more powerful you know what that fits the bill I think I like that quite a lot let’s swap that in and get rid of this Infinity bow you know I’ll drop that in there just in

Case anybody feels like topping that up let’s throw those two together for the silk touch pickaxe we’ll put fortune 3 on this one will get mending for that as well and I can finally use an Ender Chest so I’m thinking three more mending books for the silk touch pick the X and

The shovel plus efficiency 5 to cover up the efficiency 3 on my fortune pick which yes is called this pick on hermitcraft so naturally this one is going to be called my name is pixel riffs our writer is zloy XP and I have to work on which of the bow or the

Shovel works best for captions on this video were provided by Liara but I think I’m probably still going to rename my sword this week on hermitcraft just in case I kill somebody with it because that’s going to be a hilarious death message and now I’m fresh out of XP to

Put many on the shovel but I think that is money well spent and the last thing I think I’ll need to be really set up on this server is some shulker boxes which I’ve been reliably informed unless the shop has moved which it doesn’t look like it has are over here at impulse’s

Little pop-up shop and it is one diamond block 416 and it looks like I’m in luck there are still some left around so let’s make a few diamond blocks and let’s grab half a stack for two diamond blocks in there and now I should be able

To make 16 shulker boxes oh heck yes heck yes I feel good about this now look at this look at this oh I’m so happy Loosely speaking this is going to be the valuables shulker that one one’s going to be wood and other building blocks and

The rest of these are all empty for now and they have this shulkerbox tool tips mod on hermitcraft which is actually kind of cool I’m very excited to try using that for a bit but now with efficiency 5 on both these pickaxes and enough shulker boxes that I can gather

Some Stone let’s go help her zoom out clearing out that area okay I think she missed me gem is off to kill beef but she was looking for me earlier now to consult the directory and remind myself where a Zuma’s base was azuma’s based North one okay so that’s around here

Ah we’re back okay and I believe the area he’d marked out for the copper aging facility was over this way so happy he’s got all the haste beacons set up down here already this should be a cakewalk but you know what I think this maybe deserves a time lapse thank you thank you

And at long last it is done or at least the first stage is done at least because we have a very large open space here underneath the Zuma’s base on the hermitcraft server and I think we’re probably going to tidy up the floor a little bit it’s going to get rid of the

Diorite patches and the oars and everything that we could remove from this area just so the entire thing is one big gray Stone box the whole thing went very smoothly except for the fact that I died on that staircase at one point and Azuma had his camera account

Loaded in so I ended up losing a bunch of my stuff but that’s not the biggest deal that we ended up bouncing back the hermitcraft server is full of places that I can get hold of some decent gears so while some of my equipment may not

Look exactly the same I think I actually lucked out on getting better enchantments on some of it between myself and my twitch chat we also settled on captions on this bow were provided by liaro which I think is pretty good blame twitch chat for that one they are geniuses but with this

Whole room dug out we can finally begin phase two and phase two is looking pretty great what I have here is basically a 13 module per side version of David the copper aging machine and I made a couple of aesthetic tweaks to the one that we have on Empires and I might

Actually have this one embedded in the floor it’s just that if I do that the floor turns pink which is kind of distracting for the video the idea is that players will load in the copper on these magenta glazed terracotta box possibly the only good use of magenta

Glazed terracotta that I’ve ever found and they’ll be sent down the room to either side at which point somebody will be able to AFK in roughly the center of the room and all the copper blocks will be able to age at once and trust me this

Isn’t even the largest David can go I ended up looking into this looking at the random tick range that is possible in Minecraft and random ticks happen in a 128 block radius around the player but it’s confined to chunks so if you take the diameter of the widest part of that

Circle that it’s possible to build these in it is possible to have 21 David modules side by side each aging 18 copper blocks for a total of something like 750 copper blocks aging all at once I think this room will do about 430 the one on Empires does 180 so there’s

Clearly going to be a few changes here but I think it’s going to be a delight to build this thing on the hermitcraft server under a Zuma’s place and I’m pretty sure he has all of the resources or knows where we can get all of the resource sources that we could build

This entire thing right now but that’s obviously going to take a little while we might end up doing it on streams or on a video or something but I think that’s where we’re going to leave this episode from the hermitcraft server folks thank you so much for watching

This episode my name has been pixarifts leave a like on this video If you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you folks soon take care bye for now foreign

This video, titled ‘A Christmas Empire on Hermitcraft! ▫ Empires SMP Season 2 ▫ Minecraft 1.19 Let’s Play [Ep.28]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2022-12-10 12:30:13. It has garnered 149077 views and 12848 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:15 or 1755 seconds.

Empires SMP Season 2 continues! Empires SMP is a Minecraft 1.19 multiplayer server with a small group of incredible content creators… currently visiting the Hermitcraft Server!

In this episode, I wake up in the Crastle and craft some diamond gear! Meeting up with Joel in the shopping district, we make plans to transform a nearby mountain crater into a Christmas Empire. Xisuma stops by and gives me a tour of his base, and we get to work hollowing out his mountain for a copper aging machine – then I run into ImpulseSV while upgrading my enchantment game!

Throughout this series I’ll be collaborating, trading, scheming and fighting with a bunch of awesome creators! You can find their channels below:

@bdoubleo @cubfan @docm77 @FalseSymmetry @FalseSymmetry @fWhip @GeminiTayMC @GoodTimesWithScar @Grian @iJevin @impulseSV @JoeHillsTSD @JoeyGraceffaGames @KatherineElizabeth_ @Keralis @ldshadowlady @TheMythicalSausage @TheOrionSound @PearlescentMoon @rendog @Shubble @Dangthatsalongname @SmallishBeans @SolidarityGaming @TangoTekLP @VintageBeef @xisumavoid @ZombieCleo

Cinematics recorded and rendered using the Replay Mod: https://replaymod.com/ Shaders used: Complementary Shaders https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders

Background Music : Minecraft OST by C418, Lena Raine Time lapse music: Cineminate – “New Beginning” Thanks to Cineminate and @TheArcadium

Follow the Empires SMP Season 2 playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlt__jM620o&list=PLgENJ0iY3XBhAx6RhGFYqsyzFDg-a6_3e —-

Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm BST! http://twitch.tv/pixlriffs Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff! http://www.twitter.com/pixlriffs

GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #Survival #Multiplayer #Empires #SMP

  • Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker – Minecraft

    Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Escape Challenges! Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft with the exciting challenge of escaping from various mazes as a Noob, Pro, or Hacker? Join the adventure as you navigate through intricate labyrinths filled with surprises and obstacles! Experience the Thrill of Escape Challenges Embark on a heart-pounding journey as you attempt to escape from challenging mazes designed for players of different skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner (Noob), an experienced player (Pro), or a master strategist (Hacker), each level presents unique hurdles to overcome…. Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Recording Woes: Minecraft Part 18 Fails

    Recording Woes: Minecraft Part 18 Fails In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, A recording mishap, a slip in the fold. But fear not, dear viewers, for I’ll be more aware, No more missing footage, I’ll handle with care. From one moment to the next, a jump in time, But rest assured, the gameplay still shines. Equipment upgrades, a sudden surprise, But all part of the fun, no need for disguise. So join me again, in the world of blocks, Where adventures await, in caves and docks. Recording failure, a lesson learned, But in the realm of Minecraft, the fire still burned. Read More

  • Isaac’s Epic Minecraft Jukebox V2

    Isaac's Epic Minecraft Jukebox V2 Minecraft Bedrock Multi-Disc Looping Jukebox v2 Are you a music lover in Minecraft looking for a way to enjoy multiple music discs in a jukebox seamlessly? Look no further! The Minecraft Bedrock Multi-Disc Looping Jukebox v2 is here to enhance your musical experience in the game. Let’s dive into the details of this innovative creation. Reliability and Efficiency The latest version of the multi-disc looping jukebox aims to address the reliability issues of its predecessor. Now, you can enjoy your favorite music discs in the original order without any interruptions. The design has been simplified to a compact dimension… Read More

  • Breeze Farm: Bedrock’s 1.21 Rhyme Time

    Breeze Farm: Bedrock's 1.21 Rhyme Time In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, a Breeze Farm we’ll build, To gather Breeze Rods, our chests will be filled. With hoppers and lanterns, the setup is grand, Thanks to RaysWorks, we’ve got it all planned. Place glass and solid blocks, in a strategic way, To trap the Breezes and make them pay. With a redstone torch and fence gates in line, We’ll keep them at bay, our loot will be fine. Looting three enchantment, for maximum gain, Ominous Trial Keys, we’ll surely obtain. Multiple farms to switch, during cooldown time, Gathering Breeze Rods, a profitable climb. So join the Discord,… Read More

  • Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts

    Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts Mind-Blowing Facts About Bees in Minecraft 1.21 Understanding Bees in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, bees play a crucial role in pollination, honey production, and even combat. These neutral flying mobs add a touch of realism to the game, showcasing behaviors like stinging when provoked or protecting their hives. Bees are not just passive creatures; they actively contribute to the ecosystem within the game. Beehive vs. Bee Nest There are two types of harvestable bee items in Minecraft: the beehive and the bee nest. While they serve similar functions, with bees pollinating nearby flowers and producing honey,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of creative Minecraft building tutorials like the one you just watched on how to build a Strawberry Hot Air Balloon? If so, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. With a focus on survival gameplay and an emphasis on player interaction, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and creativity. Join players from around the world on Minewind and explore a vast open world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or… Read More

  • Wireless Power Shenanigans

    Wireless Power Shenanigans Minecraft – All The Mods 9 – Episode 19 | Wireless Power Lensmanoz is embarking on a new adventure in Minecraft with the All The Mods 9 pack as the foundation. This pack boasts over 400 mods, numerous quests, and a well-structured endgame. While it doesn’t contain all the mods in existence, it offers a diverse selection, including newer and lesser-known ones. Building a Minecolonies City Lensmanoz’s goal is to integrate tech mods seamlessly into the construction of a Minecolonies city. Despite facing challenges like unexpected deaths and limitations with the digital miner, progress is steady. Utilizing a second… Read More


    POMNI CAUGHT CHEATING IN BLOCK BUDDIES!Video Information today we’re doing a build to survive with the smiling Critters and the amazing digital circus you got to be kidding me right now again with these circus Freaks Come on okay that was just a bit rude I remember the good old days where you guys didn’t exist what do you mean come on guys we all got to work together as a team The Smiling creators and the amazing digital circus I’m not going to work with these losers okay um oh oh come on uh well I’ll just keep my distance I guess no come… Read More

  • Survive with Friends: Immortal Op’s Chill Minecraft Stream

    Survive with Friends: Immortal Op's Chill Minecraft StreamVideo Information गाली खाने ल क्यों करता है मो अगर तूने एक नहीं सुनूंगा अगर तूने एक और बार बोला तो तू किक खाएगा तो फिर मैं कैसे बताऊ जो मेरे को बोलना है अगर तूने एक और बार वो बात रिपीट करी तो समझ जा बेटा तू गाली खाएगा कुछ नहीं तू चूया आदमी है त गे है भाई तू लेसन है तू एलजीबीटी मेंबर त एलजीबीटी क सपोर्टर है तू ले है तू गे है तू रेनबो फ्लैग है तू एलजीबीटी क का फ्लैग है तू तू तू तू तू आथ है तू भाई आथ आथ आथ आथ… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Livestream ft. Fans 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Livestream ft. Fans 🔥Video Information basically looking for a maybe not a city I don’t know what to call it guys hold when are you going to make the hi Anarchy Peace restorers On Top e all right chat I’m basically looking for a civilization map it’s uh doesn’t seem to be working right now but we looking hopefully we do find one though hopefully we do find one hey why is it only for Java Edition Bru what is this can I join yeah anybody can join and R key peace restored on top hi Jam what’s up Mr crabes now course… Read More

  • Unbelievable Boss Battle in Minecraft’s Kitatcho Labs!

    Unbelievable Boss Battle in Minecraft's Kitatcho Labs!Video Information Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* *La sortie est fermée* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est fermée* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* LE SAVIEZ-VOUS?: BOULES JETABLES(TM)/-C’est la boule qui a le plus grand nombre d’applications!/-C’est le cousin éloigné de la "Boule de slime glacée."/-Les Boules jetables(TM) sont sensibles à 2.78%!/-Quatre fois gagnante du prix Kitatcho de la Boule de slime la plus vendue!/- Les Boules jetables(TM) ne collent pas aux surfaces et tombent. N’essayez pas de le faire./-En fait, le bleu est une couleur… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Live! 😱 Road to 700 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Survival Live! 😱 Road to 700 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Live!!!😉😉 || Road to 700 Subscribers!! || #Problizz #live #verticalstream’, was uploaded by Problizz Animations on 2024-04-29 22:41:40. It has garnered 522 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:37 or 6877 seconds. 🌈 Thanks for Tuning In to Problizz Animations! 🌟 If you’ve made it here, you’ve just experienced a whirlwind of creativity and entertainment! 🚀 We hope our animation took you on an unforgettable journey filled with laughs, thrills, and maybe even a sprinkle of magic. 🎨✨ 👍 Loved what you saw? Don’t forget to hit that Like… Read More

  • EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. Friends

    EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. FriendsVideo Information [संगीत] हम सरवाइव करने वाले 15 डेज इस मा फन ब्लॉक पे और यहां पर दूर दूर तक कुछ नहीं है और आज के इस वाली वीडियो में हमारे दो गोल है एक घर बनाना और इस गेम को बीट करना चलो तो जैसे ही मैं गेम के अंदर आया मैंने देखा इसमें एक ब्लॉक पहले से ही साइड में लगा है फर्स्ट ऑफ अपनी सेफ्टी के लिए क्योंकि यह मोड बहुत अच्छा है आपको चाहिए तो कमेंट कर देना मैं दे दूंगा और जैसे मैंने फिर ब्लॉक पर आया और मैं मैंने मांग स्टार्ट कर द फटाफट… Read More

  • Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!Video Information stream I don’t know what I’m doing here I am um playing Minecraft but Minecraft isn’t loading which is crazy but sure Minecraft load thank [Music] you hold up I’m wait still working on my stream uh hello or whatever other language you speak we’re playing m today because you know Minecraft is a game I play sometimes anyways stream say hello to this guy I’m playing with I it’s restarted so I’m yeah he’s there anyways he’s he’s there yeah he’s there don’t worry about him he’s a little special n if anyone if anyone’s special it’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!Video Information heute machen wir eine riesen busbauchallenge aber ich werde heimlich Hacks benutzen um meine Freunde le Lucky und B komplett zu Pranken mit dem hackerk slash/p wer ich einen riesigen Bus spawnen aber was meine Freunde auch nicht wissen dass ich die coolsten tnts am Schluss aller Zeiten benutzen werde der ganze Bus wird am Schluss mit dem krassten TNT in die Luft gejagt und jetzt l uns schauen wo unsere Freunde stecken so Freunde seid ihr bereit für die coolste bauchallenge aller Zeiten heute machen wir eine wer weiß es wer weiß es wer weiß es Challenge… Read More

  • Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!

    Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!Video Information [Music] hello guys right okay I I apologize for everything that is going wrong here it seems like everything’s kind of glitching out but um I hope you guys are having a good day today is Sunday we’re kind of vibing I was doing a bit of background things I’m trying to get points to work at the moment uh with streamlabs but streamlabs decided not to work so instead of um everything going smoothly like I wanted you got stuff like that so uh we’re going to we’re going to move on from that now though we’re… Read More

  • AspectSMP

    AspectSMPDM me on discord so i can whitelist you, my username in MrAspect, The server is on 1.19.4 and it is on Java. and also join the discord server. DISCORD RULES: NO Bullying, Racism, Sexism, NO Disturbing pictures/videos NO Spaming NO Self promos (unless in self promo channel) NO Threats. SERVER RULES: NO greefing NO racism NO being mean aspectyes.apexmc.co Read More

  • YourVillageSMP – smp, Towns, Unique world gen, Web map

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! Experience a world like never before with unique biomes, over 200 custom structures, and persistent progress. No resets, no wipes—just endless exploration and building. Defeat custom bosses for valuable rewards and forge crate keys in-game. Our town system is user-friendly and offers a seamless experience. Join us on Saturday, June 15 for an unforgettable adventure! Join Our Community: Discord: discord.urvillage.net Map: map.urvillage.net Teaser: TikTok Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – They’re coming…RUN!

    Looks like those creepers are sneaking up on them faster than they can calculate their meme scores! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, I’m the news reporter in rhyme, Crafting updates with humor, each one a good time. From new mobs to blocks, I’ll keep you in the know, With a spin and a grin, I’ll make sure it’s a show. So leap into the verse, where the truth takes wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. I’ll keep it fierce and funny, engaging and light, With Minecraft facts to share, each one a delight. From Cube Xuan to Classroom Series, I’ll keep you entertained, With rhymes that ignite, each update explained. So follow along,… Read More

  • Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme

    Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraft #memes #meme Read More

  • Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen!

    Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen! Minecraft: Defeating the Queen of the Twilight Forest In a recent Minecraft video by S5João, the player embarks on a thrilling adventure to defeat the Ice Queen in the Twilight Forest. The video promises an action-packed experience filled with surprises and challenges. Conquering the Ice Queen The player, accompanied by a loyal wolf companion, faces off against the Ice Queen with determination. Despite the Queen’s formidable attacks, the player remains resolute in their quest to emerge victorious. Building Strategies As the battle intensifies, the player strategically constructs defenses and prepares for the Queen’s onslaught. With precision and skill, they… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Zman’s Epic Minecraft Adventure!

    Unleash Chaos: Zman's Epic Minecraft Adventure!Video Information we’re [Music] live yes we are live we are indeed live all right this thing is just being stupid here but we are live any who what’s going on everybody hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday evening it’s JY and today we are playing some aged Minecraft mod pack as I I forget where I was going with that but by request I should say that’s what I was trying to say some people were wanting to see me go ahead and play this mod packs once again so why not go ahead and jump right into it… Read More

  • Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?

    Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?Video Information This video, titled ‘MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo’, was uploaded by Storm Light on 2024-05-09 06:55:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo minecraft shorts animation,minecraft aesthetic … Read More

  • Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!

    Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!Video Information it’s time here we go guys are we ready are we ready are we ready are we ready to move the mobs to the nether through a portal and not die in an endless death Loop why is Minecraft not showing Again Minecraft why are you being elusive every stream you don’t show up for me come on show up for me today I need you it’s going to be a dangerous it’s going to be a deadly day thank you Minecraft showed up for us today big day important day remember guys there’s going be some big… Read More

  • INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!

    INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!Video Information we’re back guys so I’m just going to spawn like I’m I made like I’m still working on that so one two three four four five six seven okay I’m going to spawn seven Villagers 4 five 6 7 just to make [Music] sure okay want to know what what those Iron Golems are doing down there there’s four of them unless one dies so I’m going to replace the chest there nope no wait so I go so I’m I’m going to think I’m going to go [Music] upstairs and then remove the remaining blocks there and… Read More

  • Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!

    Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!Video Information working now I just need to change the window capture or I need to change it to game capture only problem is sometimes like Minecraft that’s a weird thing uh with a full screen that I don’t like so that’s sometimes like uh it’s like alt tabbing I don’t remember man usually I play in window just because of that and I don’t really notice the bar uh how do I do it I forget how to do it because I have OptiFine installed and it’s different I don’t like change it’s different you don’t like it because… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Gameplay – MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Gameplay - MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIKE AND SUSCRIBE |#minecraft #jj #fypシ #gg |🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿’, was uploaded by Naoky_YGY on 2024-05-23 14:26:51. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT BINGO GAME w/ FRIENDS!!Video Information how are we doing ladies and gentlemen hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream it’s Bingo time baby and we ain’t play Bingo for a little while banging tune love it Mr bead Stone here again Mr bead Stone how are you doing my man hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream my friend guys welcome along Minecraft bingo today with the gang uh we’ve got myself we got PX we got Callum CPK we’ve got Oli the sound we got mythical sausage we got in the little world we got the whole gang playing a… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!

    EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!Video Information This video, titled ‘Game OF Thrones: Minecraft Castle Siege PvP SERVER [NEW] 1.12+’, was uploaded by ize__ on 2024-06-19 10:14:47. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:32 or 932 seconds. GameOfThrones New PvP Game CastleWars WAR 0.1 #IP: ————————————— make-kid.gl.joinmc.link ————————————— WEBSITE OF SERVER: https://t.me/+noxO1qZvuIszOGY6 #Minecraft #GOTWIC #Server #new #rp #castlesiege #pvp #war #war01 #PVE #CastleWar #castlewars #mineblaze #skycave #new #1.12 #+ Read More

  • Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6

    Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Versi Terkutuk #6 #minecraft #shorts #creepypasta #horror #mcpe #test’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-05-20 05:00:35. It has garnered 318 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Previous Video: Riot Playlist in Minecraft: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73Gu00VDNSoOIEfi3Jt-zHJR&si=hoFE8RQiQvY3nQnF Minecraft Mysteries: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73HQ_k7jZJlsJR1LfPeDSN3E&si=581gWXJ-OB4DaKcl Support me by: https://saweria.co/RazzGaming (gopay, dana, ovo, just link) SOCIAL MEDIA: 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0nGpa6n7j6aROfLn4IX_Q Subscribe : http://bit.ly/razzgaming Instagram : http://bit.ly/Razzgaming Tiktok : https://vt.tiktok.com/rHEYDL/ Join this channel to get access to various benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3f3SJ2rQGly1D3J5C-GSAQ/join ==================================================== Gathering Darkness oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100849 Artis: http://incompetech.com/ Long… Read More

  • Axen Network

    Axen NetworkWe are Axen Network, a Minecraft server network with a gaming experience like no other! We have two server gamemodes currently: – Heaven & hell SMP, a Minecraft SMP with a twist; when you die, you can become a demon, however if you pray enough, your sins may be forgiven, and you will go to heaven. Beware, however, as if you die whilst being one of these, you become a ghost, cursed to haunt the living. – Knockback PvP, a spin on the classic PvP or Sumo server, where your only weapon to fend for yourself with being a trusty… Read More

  • CrabCraft SMP

    CrabCraft 🦀 A whitelisted, community-focused vanilla survival server. Season 2️⃣ commences 15th June, on 1.21 We are looking for active community members to join us. Vanilla Perfection! We emphasize keeping the vanilla feel of Minecraft alive, inspired by HermitCraft gameplay. Voice Chat: We use Simple Voice Chat and require all members to have this mod installed. Thriving Community! Join a close-knit group of players who share the same passion for Minecraft. Active Discord: Our server’s Discord is used frequently for communication. Whitelisted Security: Our server is protected with a whitelist for a safe and friendly environment. Chunk Backups: In case… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When I saw the new update trailer I knew what to do

    Minecraft Memes - When I saw the new update trailer I knew what to doWhen you see that new update trailer, it’s like a beacon of hope shining down on your pixelated world. Everything else can wait, there are new blocks to mine and mobs to defeat! Read More

A Christmas Empire on Hermitcraft! ▫ Empires SMP Season 2 ▫ Minecraft 1.19 Let’s Play [Ep.28]