Birthday Cake Base! | Minecraft Base Invaders Challenge

Video Information

And there’s a skeleton shooting at me no hey guys what’s up ldshadowlady here and welcome to another bass invaders challenge today’s bass invaders are stacy plays smallish beans me of course and cpk so in case you’re new to the bass invaders challenge here’s how it works each of us built a bass filled

With puzzles traps and secrets and we hide our own skull somewhere in that base then we take it in turns to invade those bases and try and retrieve each of the skulls from inside but there’s a five-minute time limit and that’s why we call it the base invaders challenge so

Now all I have to do is build the best base ever to keep my skull safe in this tiny little square and I know exactly what to build tada the birthday cake base so as you can see this cake has a three layers and a weird carousel thing

On top so our players are gonna start at the very bottom of the base and have to work their way up all the way to the carousel which holds the secret to unlocking my skull so to start out I have grabbed a bunch of heads we’ve got

A polar bear a blue sheep an ocelot a horse and of course my skull which I’m going to have to hide well I say hide but I’m actually going to leave it in plain sight so back here I’m going to build a podium for my head to sit on and

Look all dramatic oh my goodness but then I’m going to surround it with glass so they can’t get to it before they can unlock this they are going to have to complete my challenge now with the rest of the heads I am going to place them around the room on little podiums as

Well so we’ve got the polar bear over here I’m gonna put the sheep up here the Ocelot and the horse and these are of course my pets so I’m going to put a chess right here with a book explaining to acquire my skull you must pass my

Challenge discover the names of all four of my pets and I will unlock this display case for you so now they know all they have to do is discover the names of my pets should be easy right except the names are not here the names

Are actually all the way on top of the carousel you might be wondering why there’s a minecart track that is because I’m super excited for this I’m gonna have all four of my pets going around the carousel with nametags we’ll start with my blue sheep and he is

Called Artemis next we have my Ocelot Esmerelda boom then we have my polar bear Fifi my horse Tongass now we just need them to go around the track properly because this looks so stupid right now there we go this is it it’s working so this is where the secret lies to

Unlocking my skull so I’m going to try and make it as challenging as possible to reach the top of the cake get to the carousel and find out the names but when they get here and discover dongers Fifi Esmerelda and Artemis I’m gonna give them a little shortcut back down so they

Can complete the challenge and retrieve my head very quickly as you can see each of the statues has a little hopper below it so what they have to do is name a piece of paper after each pet in the anvil and then pop it in the hopper so

I’m gonna place an anvil right here for them to use and hidden behind it is a chest which contains the paper that they will need and a bunch of bottles of enchanting so that you can have the levels to name it so I have all of the

Named pieces of paper here and I’m gonna test out to make sure that it works so we got Fifi Artemis we’ve got Esmeralda and we got dong this Tara and the head is revealed so they will be able to collect it and complete the challenge but we’re getting a little

Bit ahead of ourselves because obviously they need to make it all the way to the top before they can find out the names so how are they gonna get up there well right here I’m going to build a pillar of diamond which goes all the way up to

Here and on it I’m going to place some ladders however a few are missing which means they’re going to have to find them somewhere in this room so let’s put a little sign it says find the ladders so they’re gonna need one two three four ladders so we’ll have to hide them in

Some very sneaky places first of all we need some camouflage tada that should make it a little bit harder to find things in here so now all we have to do is start things I’m gonna put a chest with one of the ladders over here for them to find

Over here I’m going to create a fake crafting area for the sole purpose of hiding a ladder inside the furnace they probably won’t think to look in there the third ladder is going to be hidden over here in a chest underground that is hidden by a trapdoor

The final ladder is going to require a little bit of physical exertion to reach they might actually spot it in this item frame up here but how are they going to get to it they are going to need to climb up so I’ve built a little parkour

Route onto the central column here that they will have to speedily ascend in order to get the ladder unless they’ve collected all four pieces of ladder they will be able to ascend to the next level of the cake and up here they will be greeted with a horrible sight lots of

Lava which would be impossible to swim through without dying but they need to get over there to the ladder so in order to get to the other side they’re actually going to need to complete a little challenge first so this sign here says to cross lava lake you must pass

Through the door world and then there’s a button here which will teleport them to an under-construction door world so as the name suggests door weld is going to have lots of doors and they all lead to different places and behind each one is a mystery there’s

Absolutely no way to know which one is good and which one is bad so our base invaders could just start randomly trying all the doors Oh killer bunny that clearly wasn’t the right door if they go through that one they’ll end up dead and they’ll respawn back in the

Door room so they can try another one how about this whiner ah no lover try again now there is actually a little clue to help them through the maze without dying a bunch of times the order of saplings here is the order of doors that they’re supposed to go through so obviously we

Have oak wood jungle wood and spruce wood but can they identify those different doors of course we all know that this is an oak door that will lead us through to the next room you can tell it because it’s got a different color carpet and once again if you pick the wrong door

You’ll end up suffocating and gravel or something and all the way back at the start so once they finally get the correct order and get through all three of the rooms they’ll be teleported right here exactly where they want to be ready to proceed up to the final layer and they will

Emerge in this very right safe looking room but in order to get through this iron door to the very top of the cake they only need to put something in the hopper it says insert a skeleton key which is a horn because all they actually need to put in is a bone and

Where are they going to get a bone from it we haven’t seen any skeletons yet and there certainly aren’t any in here or at least not yet anyway what they’ll actually have to do is start turning off all these lamps which are providing the nice safe light stopping skeletons from spawning from a

Hidden spawner and as you can see skeletons start spawning I’m gonna help them out a little bit by placing a chest with a diamond sword in here so it is easier for them to kill the skeletons once they start spawning and then all they have to do is wait for a bone to

Drop which they can then insert into the hopper and then they can quickly go up this ladder and they will find the carousel and be able to find out the names of all four of my pets and then of course take the short clip down to complete the mission so the question is

Can they complete my base in under five minutes it’s time to go and look at everyone else’s fest up this is Stacey spelled Mesa themed let’s see CPK’s build reveal and now let’s reveal Joel’s build oh my gosh and finally my base oh oh my god look at the animals

So I guess it’s time to start invading the bases good luck everyone good luck I mean I hope you lose wow I have decided to start with the most horrifying base of all this giant clown thing that joel has built so hopefully I can get in and

Out of here with Joel’s head in less than five minutes let’s start Oh we’ve started at the top find the lever okay I’m looking in all the nooks and crannies wait is that it no it’s not there it could be hanging off this side of the cloud I almost fell off that

Could have been nasty oh my gosh what if I don’t find it and I’m here forever wait there it is yes okay we’re descending through the clown head next level looks like there’s three tubes choose wisely okay we got blue yellow and orange let’s go for

Orange Oh No is it a dropper I think it’s a dropper let’s try and make it all the way to the bottom without dying oh let’s try that again oh goodness I don’t even know if this is the right color this could be a complete waste of

Time but I’m gonna try the orange one again Oh maybe let’s try a different color this might bring me more happiness hour why am I so bad at dropper maps huh okay well what just happened well we’re just happened to me I think I went the right way well I’m here now

There’s a pig am I supposed to lead him somewhere with this carrot come with me little piggy let’s go hurry I’m gonna need to see some sprinting from you okay that is on there so maybe we then have to get something on this side come on come with me sheep quickly

Gosh you’re even slower than the pig get on here oh thank goodness okay what did that do it opened something let me out let me out let me out oh thank goodness you made it now how many cakes are there below you there are so many cakes well there are a few options

I’m just gonna have to start guessing because I don’t have time to count let’s just try it all of them I think I did it turn around if you want to go back and count how many anvils were there I also don’t know I hate this Joel I probably

Should have counted one two three four five 16 there are 26 but I also can’t count that well dang it’s not 26 I already tried that one let’s go 28 nope cool oh we made it where am I I mean heaven did I die with the head is right there there’s Paco

Standing between us I don’t know if I can do this oh oh wait how far back am I gonna go no I have to go all the way back here really is there a shortcut this is evil why would you do this to me Joel I don’t

Think I’m gonna make it it’s too close oh my gosh wait I’ll be good you think it’s so long to break I got it just in time oh I don’t care how ridiculous I look right now I have the head and I am happy next up we are taking on this

Adorable little house how bad can it be I’m pretty sure I’m just gonna waltz in there and grab the skull and be on my way real quick so letters begin very important touch the dog before entry okay good boy cpk stately Manor what does this say I think I put the wrong

Door here it won’t open can you open it well no because it’s an iron door bro oh my gosh let’s look for then I guess we’re looking for some kind of redstone that’s gonna open the iron door or maybe a button I’m just gonna see if any of

These drop anything that I want I got a lever maybe that’s to open the door on a chest I think we got everything we need wait there’s a painting what would I use that for and a dropper excuse me and these just random items falling out this just seems nonsensical

Oh there’s paintings in here perhaps this is a clue these are all furnaces am I supposed to check every single one for an item I really hope not do any of these whoa this was a secret room but there’s nothing he well is there anything in here or is

This just a time waste I see a chest has a lever in it now we have two levers I guess I’m supposed to open this door and then this other lever is probably supposed to go there but since I would need another lever what am I going to

Get that from is it in one of these furnaces this is crazy there are way too many are there more secret rooms oh there’s another secret room just a bunch of furnaces a chest with a lever I think we have the third and final lever but where will this corridor lead into a

Dark hole wonderful I hope the heads down here it’s not wait I don’t think I want to go down there there’s no other way though I’m just gonna have to I’m running out of time ah what oh my gosh wait where am I I’m backing Joel’s I don’t think anything

Any of these items I have are gonna help me but maybe if I place this down right is all about to land nope I think I might have messed it up for myself even more I’m gonna be stuck here forever Oh oh my gosh I didn’t die finally

That’s a lot of lava okay well let’s just [ __ ] off I don’t think I can make this jump you know who oh why am I so bad at parkour and how did he fit this inside his base I made it I made it now it’s just fence parkour and there’s a

Skeleton shooting at me no the skeletons are sabotaging me I’m never gonna make that jump again did I even at least see the head I bet it’s in that chest over there too bad I’ll never get that far dang it I [ __ ] so now it’s finally time

To take on Stacey’s adorable base I guess I’m just gonna go straight in the front door use the right tool and open the door oh my goodness there are so many tools in here well some of them are tools so I guess I’ll take these and

Then this is the dot it will be sheer look if you can get to the top in five minutes I’m not really sure what kind of tool I can use I could hoe the ground but that didn’t do anything I’m just gonna haul the ground just in case it

Unveils something well why don’t I start sharing all the sheep way I can share the mushroom cow Oh I open the door how did that happen take me to the purple area set spawn okay I’ve set my spine I guess now it’s time to do some parkour wait how are you

Supposed to make this jump what’s that say if you throw enough ender pearls you might make it what on earth is that talking about I have no idea where are the ender pearls Oh shocker boxes it lifts me up how are you supposed to do

That so quick oh I did it I did it no ma was annoys to you – ender pearls are up there okay huh Oh No okay let’s do this ready yep whoa I made it oh there’s so many into pearls I’m gonna take them all oh hello

I think I’m supposed to throw the end of pills down here oh I made it where did I am I supposed to be down here nothing happened I think I need to go back up oh oh gosh I’m gonna die where am I supposed to go okay I think I need the

Emergency hint spawn in a friend and hit him down the hole spawning a friend how am I supposed to spawning a friend if you throw enough ender pearls you might make it what ow I’m just gonna kill myself if I keep and appealing around like this oh

My gosh what is that get thrown there yes something happened what happened the door opened Oh what wait oh where am I supposed to go now ah oh no he shot me okay maybe I supposed to just float up to the top wow I really did not think you’d get that

One I can’t get down to press the button I made it just a bunch of horses I don’t know what to do and I’m running out of time No unfortunately I was unable to retrieve Stacy’s head from her base but at least I managed to get one skull this episode

Make sure you head over to everyone else’s channel to see how well they performed leave a like on this video if you enjoyed it and I will see you next time

This video, titled ‘Birthday Cake Base! | Minecraft Base Invaders Challenge’, was uploaded by LDShadowLady on 2018-07-21 19:15:00. It has garnered 3924268 views and 74529 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:32 or 1052 seconds.

Please *boop* the like button if you enjoy the video! 🙂

We came up with a cool Minecraft challenge game called Base Invaders! The aim of the game is to build the best base ever to protect your skull inside. Your base can contain traps, secret entrances, puzzles, parkour, red herrings and more! Then it’s time to raid the bases that we have each built, with a 5 minute time limit. How many of the heads can we collect?!

This time my base is a Birthday Cake!

Players: Joel: Seapeekay: Stacy:

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  • Lonely Lobby

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  • NTCSMP – SMP Semi-vanilla, Java 1.20.1, Survival, Fabric, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Adults Only, Whitelist

    Welcome to NTCSMP: A Unique Minecraft Experience! Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey in the vast and blocky world of Minecraft? Look no further! NTCSMP is the place where adventure, community, and creativity collide. Server Details: Version: Java 1.20.1 Game Mode: Survival Play Style: SMP (Survival Multiplayer) Flavor: Vanilla-Like Modding: Fabric and datapacks Inclusivity: LGBTQ+ Friendly Age Group: Adults Only Access: Whitelist (because quality matters) What Makes NTCSMP Special? Community-Driven: Our server thrives on collaboration and camaraderie. Join a tight-knit community of passionate players who share your love for Minecraft. Vanilla-Like Vibes: While we embrace mods, we… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m a robot. Ban me already! 🤖🔨

    Minecraft Memes - I'm a robot. Ban me already! 🤖🔨Looks like this meme just crafted itself a high score! Read More

  • Minecraft: Wi-Fi TNT Fails! 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Wi-Fi TNT Fails! 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme “When you’re trying to blow up your friend’s house in Minecraft but your Wi-Fi is so slow that the TNT takes forever to detonate. Talk about a real blast from the past!” Read More

  • Bee-utiful Chaos: Infinite Flower Shards in Minecraft ATM 9

    Bee-utiful Chaos: Infinite Flower Shards in Minecraft ATM 9 Exploring the World of Minecraft: All the Mods 9 – ATM 9 Minecraft 1.20.1 Minecraft’s All the Mods 9 (ATM9) is a vast world with over 400 mods, countless quests, and an integrated endgame. Players are challenged to create the ATM Star and face off against the formidable Gregstar. Dive into this immersive experience and see if you have what it takes to conquer the challenges! Unleashing the Power of Bees One of the fascinating elements in ATM9 is the intricate world of bees. Players can engage with beekeeping, creating hives, and producing honey. By attracting bees with honeyed… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience!

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft Let’s Play series? If so, we have some exciting news for you! After watching the latest video from a popular YouTuber announcing their new 3D Minecraft series, we couldn’t help but think about the perfect place to experience epic adventures, thrilling gameplay, funny moments, and unforgettable memories – Minewind Minecraft Server! Imagine exploring vast landscapes, embarking on exciting quests, and building your own unique creations in a community of like-minded players. With Minewind, you can dive into the wonderful world of Minecraft and create your own unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Ultimate JAVA Mods for Minecraft PE

    Ultimate JAVA Mods for Minecraft PE Exploring the Top 3 Java Mods for Minecraft Pocket Edition Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft Pocket Edition experience with some exciting Java mods? Look no further! Here are the top 3 Java mods that will take your gameplay to the next level. Java UI Mod The Java UI mod brings a fresh interface to your Minecraft Pocket Edition, reminiscent of the Java Edition. With this mod activated, your game will feel like a whole new experience. Explore the various options available in the global resources pack and witness the Java-style interface in action. Create new worlds and… Read More

  • Dronio’s CRAZY Minecraft Random Spawns! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio's CRAZY Minecraft Random Spawns! 😱 #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком спавнится рандомная структура Итак я заспавнился и теперь я вас очень прошу пожалуйста Поставьте лайк и что вы ставите гораздо больше лайков чем я думал Кстати а наша единственная цель – это найти один Алмаз о и вы заспавнил пустынный храм Надеюсь там будет хотя бы один Алмаз Эх К сожалению в сундуках Одна фигня и вы просто посмотрите сколько структур уже заспавнился А это означает что вы продолжаете ставить лайки и вы заспавнил город края там то точно должен быть Алмаз Нет не трогайте меня так открываем сундук и да Алмаз This… Read More

  • Creating Kitchen in Minecraft – Building Tutorial

    Creating Kitchen in Minecraft - Building TutorialVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] for This video, titled ‘Making Kitchen In Minecraft || Building Tutorial || Pakistani gamer || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Pakistani Gamer on 2024-02-09 11:04:41. It has garnered 59 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Making Kitchen In Minecraft || Building Tutorial || Pakistani gamer || #minecraft My Instagram account:- Video related keywords:- minecraft build tutorial,minecraft building ideas,how to build in minecraft,minecraft build hacks,minecraft shorts build hacks,cool minecraft builds shorts,minecraft build shorts,minecraft tutorial,minecraft building,minecraft shorts building,minecraft kitchen tutorial,minecraft build ideas,let me fix that minecraft,minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable Ender Pearl Trick in Minecraft! 🤯🤑🤯結- MapleSpace

    Unbelievable Ender Pearl Trick in Minecraft! 🤯🤑🤯結- MapleSpaceVideo Information trucos de Minecraft que probablemente no sabías si necesitas ir de una isla a otra con Ender pe y no sabes cómo medirla puedes tirar una bola de nieve ya que esta tiene el mismo recorrido que la Ender peel Así que podrás calcular la distancia a la que debes tirar tu Ender peel This video, titled ‘EL TRUCO PARA NO FALLAR ENDER PEARLS 🤯🤯🤯🤯🎮| TRUCOS DE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MapleSpace on 2024-03-29 02:00:13. It has garnered 11685 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Maple Spaciest Minecraft 🎮🎮 THE… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Iron Golem Vs Zombie 🔥🥵 #Shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Iron Golem Vs Zombie 🔥🥵 #ShortsVideo Information मेरा दिल था केना तूने खेल ऐसा खेला तेरी यार में जाग रात भर बाजी कर चिंगारी सर में बदन में कपड़े ंद This video, titled ‘Minecraft Iron golem Vs champion zombie 🔥🥵#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Raj Rai Gaming on 2023-12-05 13:30:50. It has garnered 2533 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft Iron golem Vs champion zombie 🔥🥵#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft#minecraft #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraft#shorts#ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts#minecraft#ytshort #firstshortvideo #minecraft #minecraftshorts #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #ytshort#firstshortvideo#minecraftshorts #minecraft#firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #firstshortvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft#ytshort… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: No Touching WHITE, GREEN, or RED Blocks! 🚫

    INSANE Challenge: No Touching WHITE, GREEN, or RED Blocks! 🚫Video Information Minecraft habe ich darf nicht die Farben von der Flagge von Wales berühen Multiplayer ausstellen [Musik] welerstellen This video, titled ‘Minecraft ABER ich darf NICHT die Farben WEIß GRÜN und ROT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Berühren! ❌️’, was uploaded by MCTiger on 2024-02-22 17:00:43. It has garnered 9356 views and 381 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • LIVE: Insane Minecraft stream 😵 4h sleep challenge! 🚀

    LIVE: Insane Minecraft stream 😵 4h sleep challenge! 🚀Video Information he H H ra br actually wait I literally have the sound effect like on me at all times what am I I could just play it I could just play the let me see how well I can do it hold on [Music] oh oh oh no that’s not you’re not making it through the stream dude I’ll I’ll be fine I’ll be fine right I took I took my meds that should pick me up also had a glass of tea that should wake me up also had a little bit of coke cero that should… Read More

  • Insane PUBG Trio Gameplay with Dicaprio Family

    Insane PUBG Trio Gameplay with Dicaprio FamilyVideo Information yo Welcome back to my channel b sama gu Kal ini Waduh 996 nih subscriber kurang terus nih tapi ngapa guys Sorry banget ini lagi agak sibuk banget dan kita tadi masih ada bug di server jadi kita istirahat dulu guys karena capek banget ngurus server kita main pubg dulu nih sama para Admin let’s [Musik] go [Musik] Aduh live chatnya belum ku ini cuy guys stream sampai subuh kayak [Musik] Git stream sampai [Musik] subuh [Musik] t [Musik] gampang [Musik] ya Buset anjing gede banget eh maksudnya tekatnya guys Apanya gede tuh di anu ya di di… Read More

  • Insane Tips to Overcome Minecraft’s Progression Failures!

    Insane Tips to Overcome Minecraft's Progression Failures!Video Information if you’ve played Minecraft for at least 5 minutes you probably know just how terrible the progression is you get some wood some stone tools get some iron do all that basic stuff make a house get some food find some diamonds go to the nether then after really just a couple hours of game play get to the end and kill the Ender Dragon then what for a lot of players it feels like after you beat the Ender Dragon the game just kind of ends it’s not really over really nothing has changed except you beat… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Crazycraft with ThorneBusch!

    Insane Minecraft Crazycraft with ThorneBusch!Video Information oh [ __ ] about to kill you I like a [ __ ] silverfish oh my God I understand how the bat flying works now you have to spam space bar holy [ __ ] you fly in the air yeah it’s a Ser [Music] like oh [ __ ] so this actually drops another eight scps when he come didn’t realize that I’m at the EMC some [ __ ] iron no cheesy oh B works the same way for mhm all I broke your glass [ __ ] to watch even load finally been loading how do you H how do you EMC you asking the wrong… Read More

  • SmGCraft

    SmGCraftWe are not just a Minecraft server. SmG stands for So many Guns and originally started in March 2010. Games include Minecraft, Valorant, Fortnite, Halo, CS:GO, Overwatch, PUBG, LoL, Roblox, and CoD. Despite your favorite game not being mentioned, it will still be played! A community with over 40k members! Version: 1.15.2 Read More

Birthday Cake Base! | Minecraft Base Invaders Challenge