Blooh Survives 100 Days Hardcore… INSANE!

Video Information

Today I’m going to be surviving 100 days in Minecraft hardcore I recently survived 100 days in my brand new Minecraft hardcore series so go grab some popcorn sit back relax as this is going to be a long one because today I survived 100 days in Minecraft hardcore

Looks like we’re going to be starting our journey in the middle of a desert surrounded by a badlands bone and the jungle and looks like there’s a village over there as well not even 1 minute into the world and I’ve already found something in important in the 1.20

Update the camel I looted a blacksmith which gave me three obsidian two bread and a saddle and now we have a huge problem we started the world and we have no wood so I quickly run over to the Jungle swimming through the water and collected my very first bits of wood so

I can then get a crafting table craft up my very first pickaxe and then I started collecting a lot of stone so I could upgrade all my tools all right now our next goal should be to get some food also so going to collect some of this bamboo I started exploring around the

Jungle for the easiest food source at the moment the melon where could this melon be it could be anywhere is it here no is it over there no no no no and as I was about to lose all hope I found it the melon block let’s collect this melon

And now we have a bit more food and next I want to make my way back to the village that I saw earlier and on my way I looked through a few caves to see if I could go mining but unfortunately they were all rubbish though this zombie did

Drop a potato which was pretty cool and now it was time to return back to the Village Journey to the Village now that we’re back at the Village there’s one thing we need more food and in the ground I noticed some mysterious obsidian what could this thing be I started Excavating around it and I slowly got deeper and deeper eventually I dug into a chest which gave

Me some loot I got some gold pants a gold pickaxe some Flint iron nuggets and even glistering melons I then made my way out of the excavation that I just did and then found myself in a villager’s home stealing their bed and whilst I was sleeping I dreamt

About becoming the world’s best chef call me blue ramsy because I’m going to be cooking the most Exquisite 10 Michelin Star Steak you’ll ever see well wait a minute pause for a second you may notice the day count isn’t like actually matching up with the game play that’s

Because this entire series I haven’t been paying attention to the day counter all I know is that at the end of the video I did reach day 100 so if you’re confused with why the day counter is off or looks weird or is going too fast or

Too slow that’s why anyways let’s get back to the video but Jokes Aside it’s now time we get some armor and tools and there’s only one way to do this and that’s by going out and exploring looking for caves ooh what do we have here it was a useless M shaft that had

Nothing in it so let’s continue running around oh what the heck there’s a mine cart thing out here there were quite a few of these chest mine carts and they had some pretty good loot in it I also got two diamonds looks like there’s a planes biome over here so I might

Actually be able to find a proper cave now okay game where the heck are the caves what is that ooh what do we have here looks like we finally found a cave so now I can go enter and look for the good old ey oh okay baby zombie get out

Of here all the baby zombies have been dealt with so now we can reward ourselves with some iron is there any iron in here and there we go our first bit of iron but unfortunately I think that’s all the iron left in this cave so

Let’s go ahead and look for a better one let’s grab some more food before we go back in the caves and then using our smoker we can go ahead and cook this up super fast and now I can continue my journey of finding a good cave I

Explored far and wide until oh here we go we’ve got a ravine this is going to be perfect I’m sure we’re going to get lots of loot from here and not long after entering into the cave things are already looking promising because we’ve got some iron

Here and whilst I’m still in the caves mining for iron I would like to quickly ask if you guys could subscribe but let’s get back to mining massive hordes of mobs started attacking me but ultimately they had no chance against me I continued exploring around lighting off mobs mining up iron and eventually

All my focus was put on to getting iron and there we go we now have 44 iron now I’m going to get somewhere safe so I can smelt all this up and get the armor and tools this looks like a good spot so let’s place down the furnace and start

Smelting all my iron and there we go all my iron is now being smelted so let’s craft up some armor and get ourselves some more tools and just like that we can now leave the cave and I can go ahead and sleep I woke up to a massive h

Of mobs trying to attack me I fought them off and now I have one goal in mind and that is to go out and explore looking for one thing and one thing only what is this thing that I’m looking for well you’re about to find out very soon

But before we get to that I just found a desert temple so let’s go inside and loot it and you know what for the fun of it let’s blow this thing up why isn’t this thing blowing up what’s going on turns out I need to go down and press

The pressure plate myself this is going to be very risky key oh go go go go go Go oh there we go and now that’s out of the way I could start my exploration once again on my way I found a ruined portal so I went over to it and looted it though I didn’t get too much stuff from it I continued running around I

Started in a desert biome then a badlands biome followed by a jungle biome and finally a PLS biome where the sun set so I went to sleep in the morning I found a village of off in the distance and you know what I had hey Bales woo and not too long later

Something amazing happened yo there it is oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh my gosh the cherry blossom biome is so big I’m actually so glad we didn’t have to run too far to find this and now we can get the cherry blossom Wood Now that I have all this wood it’s time to start building a house and honestly I think I’m going to build my house here because it looks incredible so let’s quickly prepare all this land and now it’s time we start building up a house I’ve got no clue what I’m going to be

Building and I’m pretty bad at building so this is going to be very interesting looks like I’m going for some oval shape here I don’t know if it’s going to stay like this but but let’s see how it turns out the next thing that I started doing

With this house build was the floor and to do this floor I was using Cherrywood slabs because it looks cool and it fits the overall theme of the house and now it’s time to actually start building up this house and to do that I’m going to need some balls initially I started

Building up the walls with the shape of the floor but after seeing the way this looks I decided to change my mind it is time to remove 30 minutes of my time and rebuild this entire house [Laughter] [Applause] The house is coming along quite ni nicely but now I need to collect some more materials so I can finish off this house the main material that I’m going to need is Stone because I’m going to be using stone brick stairs for the roof I’m also going to need some sand for

Glass and Terra Cotta for extra details but now that I’ve got all these materials let’s get back to [Applause] building [Applause] [Applause] The house is coming along quiet night nicely but as you can tell the roof is not fully complete and to complete this roof I’m going to need some more blocks but not any ordinary block I’m going to be using some diorite so let’s collect This and that right there is the house complete this is iron armor it’s pretty bad and if I’m going to do bigger projects than just building houses I’m going to need some better tools now I’m not going to lie to you I haven’t been on this world in like 3 weeks and I’ve

Kind of Forgotten where everything is and what I didn’t know was how painful it was going to be to get this full diamond armor all right looks like there’s a cave down wait where where’s the cave is it this way oh yes okay so we’ve got a

Cave here and looks like there are some mobs that we’re going to have to fight off so I think for this mining trip today we’re going to begin with the easy materials like coal and iron and then we’re going to slowly make our way all

The way up to the good old Diamond door looks like we’ve got some it was only one man hello creeper uh yeah I think that’s everything from this cave so we can go back out and start exploring in a different one what the okay we are crafting a

Shield up right away oh baby zombie okay you know what don’t I think now is the best time to be in this cave oh what am I doing right so now it’s time to go get full diamond armor and after all that I now know to be a whole lot more careful

Looks like we’ve got an amethyst geode here now not having a bucket in these caves doesn’t really help I can’t lie and we can start off by mining this iron right here yep that’s all we need oh okay we can get some Redstone as well and oh yes

Okay we’ve got some diamonds over here as well very nice okay we only got two diamonds from that though and whilst i m this Redstone I want to quickly mention if you guys haven’t already subscribed please consider it these videos take quite a while to actually record and

Would make my day and looks like we’ve got something here that we have to be really careful around I’m just going to be crouching all the way around oh okay no run run run oh no okay dig dig dig go go go go go go go

Oh it’s right over there I don’t think it knows I’m over here which means we’ll somewhat be safe but look at that thing it’s so ominous I’m not going to lie not a whole lot happened here but as I was exploring through the caves trying to get more diamonds I stumbled across

Something new oh boy this was going to be interesting I don’t think going down there would be very wise but do we make wise decisions definitely not I think we’re going to go enter into the ancient city let’s just do it I think it’s pretty safe to say that it wasn’t the

Best idea for me to be in the ancient city with just iron armor I was definitely risking the entire world at this point oh no yeah I think I need to start making better decisions oh well despite that I just continued going around the ancient city looting more and more Chests oh oh go go go go go somehow we’re still alive and chilling oh come on oh it’s up there I didn’t even see that what oh hello Warden we need to go is that diamonds yes don’t mind if I do I’ll take diamonds any day of the week well now

That’s all out of the way I think it may be time to leave this ancient city because I don’t think it’s the best idea for us to stay in here well we’re now out of that ancient city and I’m never going back to one of them but I mean hey

We got a cool diamond hoe I guess probably going to need some lapis as well since I’m going to be using enchants I kept running around and around and I couldn’t seem to find any diamonds all this mining is making me tired this is just one single Diamond

Then I’m going to be upset I’m upset but now it’s time to get serious and get that full diamond armor and diamond tools let’s get to it oh no oh what wait that just spawned a Wen in it is right over there for some reason I feel like I

Just walked around in circles not sure why but honestly I’m kind of finding it hard to find some diamonds it shouldn’t be this difficult right diamonds oh yeah there’s more right next to it as well oh my gosh wait there’s so many in this one spot we just got three over

There now there’s some more here and there’s also more on the ceiling over there now that puts us on 17 diamonds so we’re getting very very close to having enough now I kept running around found some new caves and eventually yes okay let’s go oh there’s even more there okay

So now we have 29 diamonds I think we’ll get a a little bit more and then we should be good to go I was fighting off a ton of skeletons and then eventually I run into something very cool oh wait there’s two of them and as I continued

Running through the caves I found something not as good as the two spawners but it’s definitely good oh there we go okay oh yes it’s more than one okay let’s have a look can we get more than two unfortunately it was only two diamonds but around the corner I

Found one more which puts us on 32 diamonds so I made my way out of the cave so now that we’re back at home it’s finally time that we craft up all the armor but before I do that I want to quickly empty out my inventory so we can

Put away everything that we got in this mining trip oh my gosh I just realized I forgot to get something I forgot to get all the obsidian this obsidian is from the bottom chest oh my gosh I’m so stupid so since I forgot to grab the

Obsidian I have to go out and explore and look for a lava pool or something because I don’t want to go back in the caves and I kind of need that obsidian so let’s go explore I hope there’s like a lava pool or something that is visible

From the surface because I don’t really want to go back in the caves you know that was kind of very annoying I just realized I don’t even have a bucket what am I doing I quickly went back home crafted a bucket and then collected the obsidian and there we go we’ve got all

The obsidian that I’m going to need so let’s go back home build up the nether portal and now I can get all the diamond armor and tools so we can get one step closer to becoming Invincible in this world and now because I don’t have bookshelves I’m just going to go ahead

And enchant this with whatever I can there we go so now you’re probably wondering you’ve got full diamond armor but that doesn’t make you invincible well what I’m about to do next will literally make me Invincible but first let’s go to sleep oh this is a really

Nice view the final step in becoming Invincible in this world involves me finding two things so I’m going to have to go and explore and look for these two things hopefully it won’t take me too long yep we need a Pillager Outpost breathe in because now it is time for a raid let’s

Go Yep this is what I’m doing I’m doing a raid because we can get totems of undying which literally makes us Invincible why aren’t these guys shooting at me I mean hey if you want to make it easy for me that’s all good by me yeah we’re just going to be running

Around and defeating this ra hopefully not dying as well and you know what whilst I’m here I’m going to steal all the Haven bails oh looks like the next set of pillages are over here oh damn first golden Apple they’re just not attacking me again nice this is perfect okay I guess these raids are like glitched out or something cuz they’re not attacking me oh now they are what the Heck I started to get really low on health the only option I had was to run I placed down the water bucket in hopes to prevent it from catching up to me and then everything was gone the rest of the raid was not recorded are you kidding me

After all that I did some like cool thing I found lava and then I killed the ravages with the lava finally now that I’m back at home I can do the last challenge thing to get invincible in Minecraft and that’s going to involve the nether if I had my render distance

Up earlier on in the video I would have been able to use that Pillager Outpost but since I wasn’t in the world for over 3 weeks I forgot that even existed but besides that I don’t think this is going to work let’s go ahead and get some

Flint oh yes second try nice and with this iron I can go ahead craft a flint and steel now we just need to get out of this place let’s go ahead boom now we can go into The Nether and look for two more items that we need I think we may

Have just found our very first Bastion and that didn’t take too long now let’s just hope I only need to find one Bastion not 400 of them all right let’s go and here we are we’re at the Bastion please give me what I want don’t don’t

Make this difficult okay we got to be really careful here the piglin brutes do a lot of damage okay we’re going to block it off how did it hit me through that Gap I don’t know but we’re going to quickly eliminate that guy now we can continue our endeavors in exploring this

Place oh there’s a chest down here oh no way first try oh yes let’s go I then went running around in the nether for literally over an hour but I couldn’t find another Bastion so instead I came back home and now it’s time to enter into the caves one more time

Because I need some diamonds and some Gunpowder we are not leaving the caves until we have a ton of gunpowder and enough diamonds to duplicate this smithing template oh my gosh I’ve never been more happy to see a water cave in my life there’s even more diamonds here

Oh my gosh oh this is actually perfect I collected a few more diamonds and then it was time to return back to the surface so I could enter back into The Nether and use the TNT that I just crafted up to get some ancient [Applause] Debris so now it’s time to go ahead and smelt all the ancient debris that I got which all of this ancient debris will be enough to give me three bits of netherite and whilst all that smells I want to quickly upgrade a couple bits of my armor again because it’s about to

Break and I’m also going to craft up a brand new diamond pickaxe and just like that I can go ahead and enchant all of this and now let’s go ahead and craft up the smithing table as well as the netherite ingots so I can go ahead and

Upgrade my armor and of course we’re also going to upgrade the pickaxe there we have it we now have some netherite and netherite pickaxe but we’re not done there because I want to make my armor look awesome let’s go ahead put the silence armor trim on this and then

Whatever the heck this one is there we go look at us now we’re so fancy there are four bosses in Minecraft including the wicked Warden the Eerie Ender Dragon The Wretched wither and the Elder Guardian and today I’m going to be defeating all of them in Minecraft hardcore starting with the Ender Dragon

So let’s go into The Nether and start collecting all the items that we need I only have 12 hours to defeat all these bosses otherwise I have to give my friend $100 because of a bet so let’s pick up the pace on my quest to find the nether fortress I encountered a few

Problems everything was up against me everything wanted me dead even the terrain oh oh oh oh leave me alone oh I just jumps into more fire oh no oh oh wo wo wo wo no no no no no no no no no we’re not starting this episode dying oh my gosh what is

Going on I continued running around in the nether exploring looking for the nether fortress but I couldn’t find it anywhere eventually I found myself in a warped forest biome this is going to be perfect for us because Ender can spawn in the soland valley the nether wastelands and the Warped forest biome

With the Warped forest biome having the highest spawn rates as I was running around looking for more Enderman to defeat for ender pearls I looked off in the distance and to my surprise there was a nether fortress I now had 13 ender pearls so I stopped

What I was doing and ran over to the nether fortress it was time to collect the other material that I was going to need yo a terrible Fortress I started checking every corner around this nether fortress looking for one thing and I’m sure you all know what this one thing is

I I’m looking for a blaze spawner eventually after exploring around the entire nether fortress I finally came across a blaze spawner leaping over lava I quickly made my way over to the blaze spawner and now it’s time to collect some blaze rods and now that I had collected all

The blaze rods and I was still in the nether fortress I decided I wanted to start collecting another material since we are beating all four bosses in this video we’re going to need some Wither Skeleton skulls so we can summon the [Applause] Wither are you kidding me as I wasn’t recording that oh Yes yes finally we got the third wither skeleton skull and now that we finally got the third skull we could now move on to the next stage of the video which is preparation for the very first boss fight there are four things that we were

Going to have to do to prepare for this fight starting with getting some more netherite since I don’t have TNT to collect this netherite I’m going to have to use my pickaxe and I’m going to do that by digging in a straight line and eventually I’ll find some netherite yo

Let’s go please be more than one oh yes it’s two can we get another please oh okay so that should put us on a total of four ancient debris which is enough for at least one more netherite Ingot all right let’s get back to mining I collected a few more bits of ancient

Debris and then it was finally time to return back home I then smelted up all my ancient debris and crafted up three netherite ingots but we don’t end there because for the next stage of preparation I’m going back down into the mines and collecting some diamonds [Applause]

Woo okay 32 diamonds will do now that I had all the diamonds I could start running back home I would need these diamonds so I could duplicate my netherite upgrade templates as well as craft more diamond armor and diamond tools okay so now I can go ahead and

Duplicate the templates just like that I’m going to enchant my helmet and I need to collect a couple more diamonds 15 diamonds is all I need so let’s go back home going to go ahead craft up some more boots and a brand new sword I’m then going to enchant my bow craft

An anvil combine some items in the Anvil to make us stronger and then finally I’m going to turn all my armor and my sword into netherite hey there we go full netherite armor I’m going to go ahead craft up some Eyes of Ender and now let’s begin the journey looking for the

Stronghold I started my very long journey running around looking for the stronghold it was now time to defeat the Ender Dragon see those guys I’m going to defeat them I really need a trident for later on when we take on the Elder Guardian so let’s give it a try

Hopefully we can get it maybe please oh my go I actually did what bro I was joking what no way now that I have a trident I can continue looking for the stronghold I threw a couple more eyes looking for the stronghold and eventually here we

Are we’ve made it I think so let’s dig down and now let’s look for the library so we can collect some bookshelves and now let’s look for the end portal room where we can put the Eyes of Ender into the portal and let’s finally go into the

End and defeat the very first boss of today’s video this is the Ender Dragon the boss of the end has 200 health and her name is Jean now that we were in the end the only way of leaving was to defeat the Ender Dragon so our only

Choice was to beat it I started using my bow and arrows to shoot out all the pillars destroying the crystals one after another I broke every single crystal in the I also pillared up the towers using my water bucket to destroy some more crystals once I ran out of arrows but

Besides that it is now time to finish off the dragon since I didn’t have any arrows we are going to have to defeat it using my Sword Yes there we go the Ender Dragon has finally been beaten so let’s collect all the XP and I’m also going to collect the Ender Dragon EG but we do not end there because I also want to get an elytra and to get the elytra I’m going to have to

Build up to the end Gateway pull through and now we’re going to have to go and explore and look for this n city now where could this n city be hopefully we don’t have to run too far and now that I’ve said that I’m never going to find

An nity let’s Pearl over to the other Island and now we can begin our journey on looking for this nity whil running around I had a few close calls to death despite that I bridged over the void continued running pearing and eventually finally found myself in front of an n

City so let’s quickly defeat all these shulkers and now we can go inside and start looting everything all right everybody watch this genius 5 million IQ play I’m going to quickly break this chest get bombarded with a ton of these stupid Shuler bullet things and then

Using this chest I’m going to craft up a Shuler box how smart of me I looted a few more chests and now it was finally time to visit the end ship all right now let’s go inside and loot this place get out of here I’m sick of shockers going

To quickly loot all these chests and now let’s get the elytra I’m also going to collect this buring stand for something later I collected the dragon head and then made my way over to the second n city and finally we’ve made it to the next one so let’s quickly get rid of all

These shulkers so we can actually get into the place and then I went straight to the end ship where I could defeat the Shuler loot the two chests and collect the second elytra so then I could make my way back to the end gate way H

Through and go back home and there we go that’s the first boss down and now it’s finally time to move on to the second boss the Wither and since previously I’ve already gotten the three Wither Skeleton skulls to spawn in the Wither it’s going to be quite easy to spawn

This boss in though we can’t really spawn it in straight away because we still need to do some preparations first I’m going to go back into the nether oh crap oh no the creeper went through the portal oh this is bad please don’t kill

Me where is it oh oh it’s right there I defeated the creeper so now I can go move on to what I wanted to do in the nether using all the gold that I had been saving up I’m going to trade with piglins in hopes to get some arrows

Because that is currently the easiest way to get arrows for me oh come on no way we just wasted a totem like that it was a pretty stupid way to use a totem but anyways I moved all the piglins into a holes so they could start trading and

Then I used three stacks of gold yeah and just like that we’ve used all the gold that we just had and now we have two stacks of arrows and some water bottles which will be used later so let’s pick up the shulker box and make our way back home whilst I’m here I’m

Also going to craft up two more shulker boxes you know since we can and now I think we’re fully prepared for this battle I used my ltra to get down into the mines I don’t know how I didn’t die here to be honest and then I started

Strip mining into the cave so I could then make a massive room so we can spawn this wither and now it’s finally time to fight this wither all right here we go let’s start shooting the Wither we got to be really careful let’s just keep shooting it it’s

Almost halfway all right now we need to go in and start hitting it with our sword come on let’s keep hitting it and last hit 360 boom I don’t actually think it hit me once that was way easier than I thought it would be and now I’m level

69 and it’s time to go ahead and defeat eat the third boss so now it’s time to prepare for the third boss the Ali Guardian I need a fishing rod and for some reason I don’t have any string in my chest so let’s quickly go into the

Mines and okay here we go please give me some string oh okay that’s like the perfect amount so now we can go ahead craft up a fishing rod and now I’m going to fish until I get a puffer fish Yes we finally got the puffer fish

How did we get a lily pad and a bowl before a puffer fish who knows now it’s time to go ahead and make the Potions by adding some blaze powder nether warts and bottles of water into the Bowing stand and then the puffer fish followed by some Redstone you should get some

Water breathing potions that last 8 minutes I added loyalty to my Trident and now it is finally time to go out and explore I was going to be looking for an Ocean Monuments so we can finally defeat the third boss on my way I also crafted

A ton of buckets milk some cows so I could remove the mining fatigue effect whenever I got it I continued riding my boat I found a village on my way and I also found a ruined portal under the ocean but it didn’t have anything good for me so let’s continue on our boats

Looking for the ocean Monument Yes we finally found an ocean Monument let’s go we’re about to beat the third boss of today’s video let’s drink up the water breathing potion and now let’s enter into the ocean Monument okay where can we find the Elder Guardian we’ve got to

Defeat this thing where the heck do we find it that’s not very good is it oh here it is okay let’s use our Trident and since we have loyalty it’ll just come straight back to us oh yeah this is perfect o okay we need to heal up really

Quickly ooh ow okay where’s the guardian it’s over there okay let’s get back in here and hit the Elder Guardian again and there we go we just took it out and now let’s quickly grab all these sponges I’m going to quickly block myself up so I don’t

Drown and then I’m going to remove this mining fatigue effect by drinking the milk perfect now let’s quickly just drink another water breathing potion and collect all these sponges and just like that we have finally beaten three of the four bosses we have put this off for way

Too long it is finally time to fight the warden but obviously we need to do a couple things before we do that I’m going going to use this Infinity book and put it onto my bow oh no the Anvil broke let’s quickly craft up another Anvil I am one iron short are you

Kidding me oh okay I have one in the furnace so let’s quickly craft this envelope and now I’m going to put the infinity book onto my bow next I wanted to craft up some fireworks but I didn’t have gunpowder and for some reason I didn’t record the gunpowder collecting

Process so instead let’s go ahead and fight the warden it’s time to defeat defeat the warden oh this this is actually terrifying any wrong moves and it could be over for us okay I think there’s no time to waste we just need to spawn this thing in oh okay let’s just

Do it oh oh it’s spawning it is spawning okay uh let’s get the chest plate on and now let’s try to kill it oh what oh no oh wo wo wo okay no no no no that’s really bad okay it just one tapped us we cannot use our swords against this we’re

Going to have to shoot it with our bow luckily we got Infinity so let’s just go ahead and start shooting this thing let’s stay all the way back it’s getting closer to us let’s continue shooting it surely it’s getting weak how much health does this thing have I shot the warden a few

More times and then eventually oh and just like that we defeated the warden what does it drop what does this thing drop I haven’t defeated the warden in such a long time I don’t know what it drops and we can’t get it because it all

Went in the lava oh no Okay this may be really really dumb but I kind of want to spawn the water in in again so we can see what it actually drops we got to be really careful for this lava because I don’t want the drops going in there oh

This is such a dumb idea oh do we do it there’s another one of those shrieky things over there so we could do it let’s just do it we have a totem we shouldn’t die okay let’s just spawn it in go go go go go okay okay

It’s okay is it going to spawn in oh there it is oh no okay let’s just shoot it and now we need to run okay where is it I don’t know where it is oh there it is oh where the heck am I this blindness

Needs to go oh it’s down there oh no don’t go back in the lava stay up here we need you out of the lava that’s the whole reason I respawned you um can we place water please come on let’s just continue shooting at it go go go go

Where the heck oh it’s shot at us again okay where is it oh it’s down there no don’t fall down there the warden may be the dumbest mob in Minecraft oh it’s up up oh oh half a heart half a heart half a heart oh that’s not good that is not

Good where am I we need to heal up okay the warden’s over there let’s get up on this hill all right let’s shoot at it from up here hopefully it can’t reach us oh my God wait it hit us it hit us okay our totems gone we have no totems left

This is really bad okay we need to get rid of this water now oh now there’s creepers here you know what I don’t even care about the mob drop anymore we need to get rid of this water now there we go the warden is finally gone I

Guess we’ll never know what it drops Minecraft XP arguably one of the most important aspects of the game and well yeah uh-oh I clearly don’t have much of it so today I’m going to be making a ton of XP Farms starting with the easiest making my way to the hardest and as we

Progress through each Farm we get more and more XP I’ve already gone and got a mending villager in one of these houses yep there we go and I’ve put in on my pickaxe so now it’s time to go out and explore look for an area to build the

Very first XP farm let’s go ahead mine up some coal so we can get some XP to repair my pickaxe a little bit sticking to the cave theme let’s go back to the spawners that we found a few episodes ago because we’re going to be making a

Mob grinder now let’s loot all the chests so we can get rid of them and now we need to start digging out a massive room yeah this is going to take a while hopefully our pickaxe doesn’t break it kind of would suck if our pickaxe broke it’s kind of got the only mending

Enchant I’ve got Get out of here and just like that we should be fully complete with digging out this room so now I’m going to use two buckets of water to make an infinite water source which will then push the mobs down here and now we can start using this mob grinder and just like

That our pickaxe is now fully repaired so now we can go ahead and make farm number two the next farm that I’m going to be making is a blaze farm and these are the materials that we are going to need we need we need nine stacks of

Glass and to get glass we need sand and Mining that much sand is going to take a very long time so let’s quickly make a maxed enchant table and enchant my diamond shovel perfect and now we can instantly mine sand so let’s go exploring and look for an area where we

Can mine up some sand well I found a patch of sand here so hopefully this can get us most the sand we Need and just like that I think we’ve collected all the stand we need and a little extra next I’m going to need a couple stacks of building blocks some chests and some Hoppers as well and now that I have all these items let’s go into The Nether and now we need to go

Look for that nether fortress now that we’re in the nether fortress it’s time to go look for the blaze spawner and there it is so now we can start digging around it and removing the area where the blaze spawner will be I need to try somehow block off this

Lava oh okay hold on we got it but we’re on fire okay that was actually almost perfect now I’m going to go ahead remove this tree and this Edge and now it’s time to actually build up the farm I’m not going to be watching a tutorial because I think it’s pretty

Self-explanatory to build this so now if we place the lava here it should just flow into the middle yes and now we need to build up the walls and I kind of forgot to change the sand into glass so let’s craft up a ton of furnaces and begin smelting all this sand let’s

Quickly make the collection area and now let’s build up the walls oh this is so dangerous oh it hit us oh that’s not Good I can’t be bothered doing a cool at it again well now the farm is fully complete this was the most painful thing I have ever done in Minecraft building this stupid blaze farm there are two good things about this Farm first of all I can use blaze rods for fuel for the

Furnace and we also get XP so let’s quickly repair our pickaxe now it’s time to start working on Farm Number Three meaning we need to make our way back home ah yep here it is so let’s go through and now we need to start collecting the materials for the next

Farm that we’re going to build which is an Enderman Farm however before we do that I want to go back to the Village over here where The Mending villager is and I’m also going to need a bit of wood and then I’m going to turn it into

Sticks so I can trade with this villager for some emeralds now we have mending on our elytra so the next farm that we’re going to be building is an Enderman farm and we’re going to need a ton of materials starting with a lot of leaves I think

I’ve got all the leaves that I’ll need now it looks like Herobrine’s been in my world but now let’s return back home I then collected some Bulls so we could get some carpets and wa what yeah I wasn’t really paying attention to the game I then got all the other materials

That I would need to build this Enderman farm and then made my way over to the stronghold went through the portal and now it’s time to build the Enderman Farm all right I think we’re going to build the farm here so let’s place down the

Shers and now we need to let this lava flow down into the void and now that it’s at the bottom I can go ahead and place some water and now let’s carefully place all the ladders followed by bridging out with over 128 blocks so this is the platform where we are going

To actually defeat the Enderman let’s place two chests right here and then we’re going to feed all the Hoppers into this chest and then put Carpets on top of the Hoppers and then I’m going to build up two blocks and pretty much recreate the entire platform

And now it’s time to use more carpets yes so we’re going to be placing Carpets on the two outer layers of the platform that we just built if that makes any sense and now that’s done it’s time for the tedious part you see with all the leaves that we collected earlier we are

Now going to have to build up to Y level 44 making this ring shape and although this task is easy to do it just takes a long time and it’s very boring and now this is the final ring that we have to build so I’m going to quickly head back

Down here and grab all the building blocks and now from here we’re going to build out 13 blocks wao okay that was uh pretty fast wait how fast can I edit this yeah okay maybe a bit too fast all right so now the next goal is to actually fill in

This entire platform so let’s get to it we’ll know it’s working if Enderman starts spawning and there we go the farm is now almost finished because now we need to go get an endite in some little trapped area so the Ender run towards it you know what let me show you what I

Mean just like that and now that we’ve done that we can officially use this farm and get a lot of XP okay so we’re currently running low on fireworks so let me show you what I do to get fireworks First Step go down into a cave

Next step is to go and find those things and then we’re going to grab some sugar turn all of it into paper and then craft up fireworks and now is finally time to make Farm Number Four and to do that I’m going to go into The Nether and we’re

Going to start collecting some materials I need 45 stacks of magma blocks so we might be here for a while luckily these magma blocks come in massive patches so maybe it won’t take as long as I originally thought I’m not going to lie though these random pools of lava it’s

Definitely getting annoying all right one patch down and now we have over four stacks of magma blocks so let’s continue and look for more areas where we can collect more of these blocks yeah we’re going to need like 41 more Stacks or something oh what do we have here okay I

Think I may have just found the jackpot of magma blocks wo there are so many blocks here what and now it looks like our pickaxe is getting quite low on durability so maybe it’s time to head back home and I know this isn’t the most efficient Farm we’ve built today but I

Think it’s going to have to do because I kind of forgot where the The Fortress was and the end portal is kind of far away from my base and just like that our pickaxe is fully repaired so let’s go back to the nether I went around collecting more magma blocks and

Eventually we had the 45 Stacks that we needed so now we can move on and start collecting the next materials the next blocks that I’m going to need to go around and collect are some slabs in fact I’m going to need 16 stacks of slabs I don’t think it matters which

Type so let’s just go mine up some cou stone or something so as usual let’s go back down into mines and start breaking out a massive room so we can collect all the materials I think this should be enough so let’s collect the next materials which will be 2 and 1/2 stacks

Of just normal solid blocks which isn’t too hard now we also need 2 and 1/2 stacks of walls and now we need some Scaffolding in fact we’re going to need 1 and 1/2 stacks of it belowed by 12 glass 10 trap doors eight Hoppers four iron blocks four chests two signs two

Buckets of lava one cved pumpkin one turtle egg one door and one Redstone Block and just like that that should be all the materials that we’re going to need so let’s head off to the Nether and now we’re going to have to get onto the roof luckily we have a ton of Ender

Pearls so that shouldn’t be too hard and just like that now we’re on the nether roof we need to look for a nether wastelands biome so using the F3 method we should be able to just go around and look for this biome there it is I’m going to quickly build up a nether

Portal so we can get in and out of the roof really easily because I don’t really want to break a hole through this Bedrock using that TNT machine is kind of annoying and we’re also kind of risking our life doing that so I think the nether portal is the easiest option

For now but now that we’ve done this it’s finally time to build up the final Farm hopefully this one isn’t too complicated okay so we’re going to quickly place all the scaffolding and now let’s quickly go up at all Yep this may take a little while and now if I’ve

Done this correctly once I reach the top I should be at y level 222 perfect and now see this little tunnel sort of thing using the blocks in the walls that I’m building yeah I need to build this up to Y level 252 and now

That I’ve made it up to Y level 252 I need to go ahead and put a sign exactly five blocks down from the top followed by some lava which which is three blocks down from the top and now let’s recreate this entire pillar on the other side and

Now it’s time for the main Shenanigans of this Farm yeah I’m going to be building out with a ton of magma blocks first we need to do this little shape 27 blocks out 12 blocks on each side followed by seven blocks back towards the main area I don’t know what I’m

Saying and now that we’ve done that we need to do that on each of the other sides and now once we’ve done that we have to fill all of it in with the magma blocks now you may think this is easy but every time I uncrouch I take damage

From these blocks yes I could get the enchant that prevents this but nah I like torturing myself anyways let’s get to it so apparently for the last like 20 minutes of recording my game play has looked like this yeah so I can’t really use any of those videos at least I did

Get the replay mod for most of it but pretty much what I’ve done I’ve spawn proof this area so gas can’t spawn and then I built this area over here here where the Iron Golem sits that attracts all of the Pigman and now I’m kind of

Just afking and seeing how much xp I get yeah maybe I did a bit too much of afking I’m now level 118 and we have quite a lot of gold but now I think it’s time we head back home because I need to do one more thing so now that we’re back

At home I want to go ahead and go back over to this Village over here and this Forest is going to come in handy I’m going to be collecting a ton of wood because now I want to go ahead and get mending on all my armor and tools so

Let’s go ahead collect a ton of wood and then using all this wood I’m going to trade a ton of sticks for more emeralds I then bought some mending books returned back home put it on my armor and tools and that’s how I built four XP farms in today’s video subscribe but now

We don’t end there since this is a 100 day video we still have a few days to go and now I want to quickly head back to the nether so we can repair our armor so let’s go through the nether portal actually this this is the wrong portal

Let’s go to the other one here we go and now let’s fly on up and get ready to repair our armor obviously since I don’t have many firework Rockets left I need to go ahead and get a method that can give me more fireworks so now let’s grab

All our shulkers and head back into the nether because I’m going to be collecting a ton of Netherrack I’m sure everybody who’s subscribed to my channel has seen me make the farm that I’m about to make wo Okay lava get out of here I then just continue to collect a ton of

Netherrack and now that I’ve collected all that Netherrack it’s time to start collecting some more materials starting with a ton more slabs so let’s go back down into the mines and start mining up a ton of cobblestone for the slabs and next we’re going to need some sand we

Don’t need too much of it this time so I’m sure this amount of sand will do so let’s use our shovel and collect all of it and now it’s finally time to start building up this farm so let’s begin with the storage area and then we need

To make a 5×5 platform using The Hoppers just like that next we need to make a ring around the Hoppers and build out seven blocks and then we pretty much just want to fill this entire platform in and then using my glass which I got from the sand I’m going to create a

Border around this place and now we need to go ahead and start building out the actual farm so we place the dispenser and then we build out using seven blocks on each side and now we need to build up like like this place an observer facing downwards and then we repeat this until

There are 10 platforms just like this there we go and now I need to come back up here and we need to start building out with slabs this is obviously to I don’t know remove the light from the area so now we need to build out 14

Blocks in each Direction and there we go so now we need to simply just fill this platform in with all the slabs this may take a little while and there we go the platform is now complete so now we need to build out seven blocks on each side

Then we need to make it two blocks wide followed by an extra block here and then we place a lever as well as a comparator and then we need to place a redstone and make sure all these repeaters are on the full tick and now I just need to add

Some water and then the farm should be complete and before I go ahead and AFK it’s time to build up a sugar cane Farm because we also need paper for fireworks so let’s quickly flatten this area out and then we’re going to start digging out a few

Trenches and now let’s go fly around look for some sugar cane and let’s collect all of this oh looks like we’re actually going to get a decent amount from it as well so now we can return back home and plant all the sugar cane and obviously since I wasn’t recording

Again somehow what I did next was collected a ton of wood and then I traded with The Mending villagers to get a ton more mending books for all my armor and tools that didn’t already have The Mending and now we have a gunpowder Farm well an every mob farm as well as

Some sugar canes so we can craft a ton of fireworks ready for future videos make sure to subscribe turn the notifications on for when those happen and thanks for watching

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore… Here’s What Happened!’, was uploaded by Blooh on 2023-11-29 10:40:22. It has garnered 5655 views and 321 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:12 or 3132 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore! [FULL MOVIE]

Today I attempted to survive 100 days in Minecraft Hardcore, Hardcore mode in Minecraft is the hardest difficulty of the game, so why not try and challenge myself to survive 100 days in the hardest Minecraft difficulty Minecraft Hardcore, making this video 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore! I survived 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore and this is what happened, how much can I achieve in these 100 Days? What crazy builds and farms will I make with-in these 100 Days on Minecraft hardcore?

World Seed: -3834186861152684239


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🎶 Music: All music from the Undertale OST, Super Mario Odyssey OST Track: Infraction- Boss Mode Music provided by Infraction No Copyright Music Spotify:

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    SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!Video Information hi everyone in today’s video we’re going to talk about the most popular game in the world having been purchased some 200 million times on various platforms like many of the best games it is simple on the surface but has a surprising amount of depth with unlimited play time the limiting factor is often how you choose to play it which sounds an awful a lot like life to me this is the first five things you should start doing in Minecraft otherwise it wouldn’t be fun number one which is everybody has a different experience and… Read More

  • JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!

    JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!Video Information all right y’all welcome back to the laggiest episode of Minecraft the modded Minecraft series this is episode 21 quick recap from last episode we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra um hopefully the stream is not lagging too bad but we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra and we ended up finding another n city who is your munting buddy not sure what that means L is bad lag no way hold on there’s no way we’re lagging this bad let me see uh all right are we back… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! MY BROTHER GOT A JOB! 😱🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🥺МОЙ БРО НАШЕЛ РАБОТУ😭#shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #юмор #приколы #мем #рекомендации’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-05-28 05:52:22. It has garnered 460 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🔴This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from open access on the Internet and used in acceptable forms. The author does not bear any responsibility for the rearranged material. There is swearing. All characters are fictitious and the action takes place in a parallel universe, do not take everything… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE MINECRAFT HACKS - AYUSH DON REVEALS ALL! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥😊☺️’, was uploaded by AYUSH DON on 2024-04-21 10:49:57. It has garnered 474 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥 #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok hacks… Read More

  • Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192

    Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192Video Information what’s up everybody welcome to another all the mods 8 Hardcore Minecraft video my name is Joshy and as we did yesterday we finished up the dimensional seed uh with our Emerald five times block and now we’re just working on our uh so there’s a way we can do this that will actually be quicker than just waiting for these to do their things um which actually I need to make sure these have 6400 so let’s do let’s do this real quick prediction let’s make about 10,000 more of them if we can we can’t because… Read More

  • Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housing

    Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housingVideo Information perfect how’s this look from the outside I’m curious like imagine you’re coming in and you’re like I don’t know you’ve been like shot down from the Seas you come up and you’re like wow look at that that’s pretty cool actually that’s got a Vibe right there I’m liking it it’s pretty cool [Music] yeah I think probably just flatten out the top piece maybe make it a little more stylish on the top a bit of a nice roof pattern maybe but for the most part it’s looking good so yeah eventually cuz my brain works… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Streaming Until Victory

    Endless Minecraft Streaming Until VictoryVideo Information okay oh wait okay we’re live let’s get the music going let’s get the music going let’s get the Good Vibes flowing and we’re going to be speed running Minecraft today uh I’ve gotten better at speedr running I’ll say it I’m kind of the goat now uh but my issue is I’m still bad I’m not the best in the world had what is up had okay we’ll do speed run I hardly know her that’s not I can spell hardly either okay we are speed running today we are speedr running today um we need every… Read More

  • KitaMC

    KitaMCWelcome to KitaMC, a thrilling survival adventure where you can explore a vast and ever-expanding world filled with endless possibilities! Immerse yourself in a community-driven server that revolves around the unique concept of embracing your individuality. Read More

  • MCSnips2 Modded Whitelist 1.18.2

    MCSnips Season 2 – No Bonemeal! Join us for the final week of Beta testing with custom loot tables, a unique storyline, and revamped fishing tables. We are in the process of configuring a few more mods before we reset the world and launch the official version. Experience tons of animals, dynamic trees, creative machines, biomancy, a revamped nether, deeper oceans, enchantable pets, artifacts, and NO BONEMEAL! Say goodbye to instantly obtaining infinite resources with bonemeal. In our world, crops will have real value in an economy system. Contact us for a Discord invite to learn more details and get… Read More

  • HellHoleSMP

    WELCOME TO HellHole NetworkWhat we offerAre you looking for a unique Minecraft SMP experience that supports both Bedrock and Java editions? Look no further! HellHole Network offers a cross play environment, allowing players from both editions to come together and enjoy the game.What Makes HellHole Network Special?- Plugins: Enjoy special features like tpa and teams to enhance your gameplay experience.- Active Owner: Unlike most SMPs, our owner is highly active, ensuring a vibrant and engaging server environment.- Voice Chat: Engage with other players through voice chat, fostering a strong sense of community.Bored of survival we got a solution!Join us on… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “We’re not racist, we just like skins”

    It seems Mojang values everyone, except for this poor meme. Read More

  • Aquarium Upgrade: GW’s Minecraft Makeover!

    Aquarium Upgrade: GW's Minecraft Makeover! In Minecraft, the aquarium’s in need of a change, Let’s spruce it up, make it look less strange. Start with natural blocks, like grass or dirt, Add spruce stairs, give it some flirt. Barrels on the sides, upside down they go, A frame, a slab, a banner to show. Fill the gaps with spruce blocks tight, Glass for the water, clear and bright. Fences and walls to keep it secure, Cover with barrels, make it endure. For a simpler touch, add a shelf or two, In this Minecraft world, let your creativity brew. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme Madness

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • New Quests! Day 3 – PC Gamepass Challenge Minecraft

    New Quests! Day 3 - PC Gamepass Challenge Minecraft Minecraft PC Gamepass Challenge: New Quests Unveiled! Embark on an exciting journey through the Minecraft PC Gamepass Challenge with TheGuill84! This thrilling competition features daily quests and two major alliances, the Nether Alliance and the Overworld Alliance. Players must complete quests to earn XP for their guilds, contributing to their alliance’s success. Quests Galore Each day, new quests unlock, providing players with a variety of challenges to tackle. From weekly quests to daily tasks, there’s always something to keep you engaged. Whether it’s hunting down a Warden or exploring new territories, the quests offer a mix of adventure and… Read More