CaptainSparklez 2 – Minecraft: All The Mods 8 Ep. 39

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All right everybody welcome back to another episode of all the mods brought to you by our server hosting sponsor who hosts the server that we’re sponsoring on uh Apex hosting if you want to grab a Minecraft server at 25 off your first month of server hosting maybe build a

Base like this yourself in all the mods check them out via links in the description use our codes get 25 off your first month and uh play some Minecraft with your friends thanks to them for sponsoring how is it going everybody don’t tell me that you were in the

Airship when you said that line I was in the Airship yeah oh okay yeah you guys can also hop on Atma and build a base just like see in fact if you built it it’d probably be almost identical precisely uh-huh oh there you go oh nothing I’m just wondering anyway

Why yeah it’s not working I’m very sad right now what broke for you uh uh I’m trying to make some oh okay nuts why is there old stuff in here and I can’t even blame it I can’t even blame anybody but me uh I feel like a record

For how long it’s taken before nuts have shown up right like you put a timer on that that was like less than a minute right I’m sorry my nuts come out so quickly my apologies whoa um uh I just noticed uh we’re good on uranium but we are not good on urananas

So I’m working on getting bolstering that even further this has happened poor urine at night I’m I’m trying to do what I can for you thanks man appreciate you uh oh Jordan I didn’t get the chance to tell you but uh I’m rocking with the shaved look I think it looks good

Do you you’re gonna you’re gonna pick so much more of what we say now because it’s gonna get through to you to you huh well like what we say it’s gonna it’s gonna Pierce into your right into your brain instead of getting stuck in in the

Hair oh yeah there’s a lot of hair that was in me getting stuck in your hair in between my uh headset and my ears yeah it was it’s a lot of hair there so uh there were some pretty funny comments in your latest atm8 okay yeah yeah hit me hit me but

I I I I I worry that if if you’re feeling a little sensitive they might they might uh they might bother you a little so I I don’t know like what’s the what’s the right play here how sensitive are you feeling tonight Jordan are you feeling are you feeling particularly

Vulnerable are you feeling pretty secure I mean I’m I’m pretty certain that any and all exchanges that happen between me and chat and comments are entirely just me being roasted so like I don’t think I don’t I don’t think that is anything but the standard this is a mental wellness check

All right yeah well I mean you’re doing okay are you do you feel like you’re holding up well in the face of those roastings oh yeah yeah I know I’m good um someone said that they’re drawn to this series like a moth to your forehead um oh yeah so the thing that’s really

Great though is that me doing the the headset hair band like pullback it basically just kind of it it prepared people for the buzz cut because with the buzz cut it’s almost exactly the same six head basically uh-huh yeah it was I I there were enough comments

That I went and paused in the middle of uh of watching and I had to chuckle a little like the lights were just high enough to just kind of be over saturating a little and and it’s just everything came together to kind of just be like oh that’s mean but kind of funny

You know yeah but but uh You’re great and everyone believes You’re great and uh do they so don’t ever I think they do okay cool um so don’t ever don’t ever let them say otherwise I mean nothing nothing is as great nothing’s as great as my forehead though um I mean six head

S too um so what do you think keeping the shave look or are you growing it right back I was fast again I can’t really affect the speed at which that takes place but like I suppose just cutting or you know in the process if chat continues to just each and every

Time that I need a haircut go you know what yeah because it ended up it was the first time I’ve ever been paid to get a haircut and if chat decides that they want that to be the norm then you know what you’re here I’ll happily I’ll happily keep buzzing my head

Um how did the whole payment thing work exactly did you put up like a menu and say here should I order what you want well no it was it was basically uh the the plan was I’m cars just gonna cut my hair when your car started cutting my

Hair she’s like you know wouldn’t it be funny if we got like a hundred thousand bits and then you had to shave your head and I was like I mean okay this is your idea and then they did that I’ve been making content wrong disassociated a little bit the thought

Of getting a thousand dollars to shave my head um hello when do I start yeah I just I I want to be clear that this was not like the objective was not me going please give me money for this haircut successfully yes yeah it was not that

Wasn’t the objective it just went that way he he’s been my mod for a couple years how do I get on that plan I mean who knows headshot it was a punishment and he looks good in it that’s not I don’t know about it it looks it looks uh

I don’t I don’t know if I’m I I wouldn’t personally keep it this way forever but I’m glad that you don’t think it’s uh it’s bad I I think you look fine and I I was in calm down to the compliments oh yeah Jesus get a room sorry my bed um but I

The uh the the the I was I was happy to see the uh the the the mop get tamed a little yeah didn’t necessarily need to be this much but it was it was a lot before you know like not like you know you’re a lot and you’re bad or anything

But I don’t know no it was absolutely getting a little bit it was getting along I completely completely am with you there Kilroy says the buzz cut looks good on you thank you Kilroy um I’m glad that you’re satisfied with something you have shared a great deal

Of equity in causing to have happen I’m glad you’re satisfied with the result um I mean it’s real estate in one way or another or a lack thereof apparently with the size of the forehead it’s a lot of real estate right oh yeah it’s huge tracts of land something else but uh

What I have no idea what that would be yeah no one does no one um but here the thing is like in the future I think the idea like why it would happen is because like I wasn’t I wasn’t looking for it to happen it was

Like the element of surprise the fact if in the future it just became a recurring thing this then it then it’s less exciting right it’s like oh this is just happening again you know it’s it kind of like I it’d be like trying to be excited

To be paid a thousand every time I cut my hair yeah from the streamer’s perspective but I’m saying from the chat’s perspective it becomes like oh you’re just doing it again it’s like um you know in the future some what the frick everything good somebody blow something

Up Mohawk next time okay in the future like there’s gonna be some movie Studios oh is everything okay the uh stasis chamber is doesn’t have power at the moment oh this is my fault it’s my fault it’s my faults but there will come a time when a movie

Studio or two movie studios are gonna be like um let’s try to recreate barberheimer right they’re gonna try to they’re gonna try to force it to happen and everyone’s gonna be like nah that’s not it has to be off the cuff it has to be kind of

Spur of the moment right the same is going to be true for the haircut right it’s kind of got to be like the spur of the moment off the cuff thing you can’t just be like hey guys we’re doing a haircut again and guess what the same

Thing as last time if you wanna you know it doesn’t feel as doesn’t feel as authentic right so same time next year I mean if if I really grow out the hair maybe and make it even more dramatic maybe we’ll see was there a contemplation for a mullet

Or was it not long enough it just wasn’t long enough yeah we we thought about that and it was and then we were looking at it right before we went for the cut and it was like it was more just like the volume but not enough length yeah in

The back it just wasn’t long enough okay how much your ananite are you using holy nuts uh a lot because there’s a lot of those reactors but like I mean with Pete’s uh with Pete’s Fusion it’s not really nearly as big of an impact any longer is Pete’s Fusion uh keeping keeping up

Like or is it still you know holding you can come see my Fusion 43 year end of night plants and uh I still can’t catch up I mean it may be better at this point just to you know go rely on the fusion probably you’re just saying all my work’s

Worthless I get it I get it no no your work is beautiful your work isn’t worthless it was worth something [Laughter] at one point yeah all right respect what what once was your machines walked so mine could run don’t make me pick up a crafting table

I’ll do it oh yeah yeah wait I need to I need to go check on um where our sh Steve is let’s see space station oh wait I’m not wearing the stuff make sure you get the stuffs yeah I would not want to just immediately freeze and suffocate there’s item

Friends with suits oh my God oh yeah we’re fusioned up so what’s our input here right now oh 60 minutes did you just fire all these up no they’ve been fired at 60 million is it fully like in the and all the fuel is just fully keeping up

So the fuel is good the uh input rate is 98 Max on all of them uh what’s weird is though and I haven’t looked it up because I’m lazy but the power output on these is 10.3 million Fe per tick okay roughly some of them are a little bit

Bigger but it’s weird because I was able to get one up to 19. yeah it was higher from the one before right yeah and I don’t know why that is there’s part of me that thinks that it might have to do with the fact that I

Need to build a wall of pipe with the tubes more pipe equals more throughput that’s how it works it was my senior quote my senior photo someone should write a PhD thesis on why more pipe equals more throughput well I agree with this you know same exit

Area size but just more behind it you know yeah same area size yeah all right um well that will be that is a pipe a great wall of it at that and no it’s not moving it’s still 10.32 not changing weird a very strange no I mean it’s still plasma doesn’t go

Up the case doesn’t go up in temperature but it could and how are we doing over here is the vision still going and doing oh we are not generating enough fuel to sustain here was there a way for us to get eggs other oh it’s the uh it’s swabbing

It isn’t it that’s what I’m thinking of I was like how do we get an egg of a monster but it’s the swappy-dobby anyway sorry I didn’t mean to no you’re good when you figure it out I’d like to know well we know that’s good on the

Sulfur dioxide that’s fine why is this thing not generating well this is 8x what the frick this is the world’s weakest can you pump DT fuel directly into a fusion reactor why is the oxygen slow getting eaten up by this we’re all so confused can and hello hi there we go oh

Is that what problem are you experiencing I just for some reason am not generating a lot of uh oxygen here like is it just that this thing’s eating it all up on affirm an output let me ask this there we go oh it was the hydrogen needed dumping oh yeah oh

That’s so much better this has gotten you before hasn’t it yeah okay that’s so much better and now we’re regenerating way more fuel up here hopefully yes okay the fuel is going up this is so exciting thank you sir you saved my life and now okay perfect do this thing now

Uh is there any reason that I can’t just up the transfer limit to 40 mil on the SPs do we need it to go up to 40 mil yes we need a lot of things matter we need a lot of antimatter well it’s not necessarily that

Doesn’t have to do with how much nuclear waste or polonium we’re putting in not necessarily the process though because like we could be a bit more No usually it like as long as the the fusion rate or the fission reactor is running which we’ve kept having hiccups but if we’re

Able to get the fission reactor just keep running then it will supply more polonium than this thing can actually process unless you really up up the tick will it okay I’m in probably get the fishing reactor up and going first and then of course it’s up and running now

It just we always run into some thing that goes wrong in between episodes basically like how you set it to 40 million before we you’re like should I do this you set at the 40 million it’s sometimes better it’s sometimes better to ask for uh forgiveness than permission you know so

Anyway yeah that’s good yeah you’d never need to get my forgiveness for anything so this thing is truly cranking truly good yeah that is cranking cranking cranking good DT fuel pumped into the fusion reactors directly and see if that UPS the thing a generation rate because that’d be cool if that worked

That way so um Zine we actually do need more emeralds I think because we need to get a 5x emerald block for the dimensional seed and trading with villagers I that’s a certain definite consideration yes yes you can theoretically get unlimited emeralds because there’s the stone cutting Emerald thing where you can

Restock the trades and you can just do it insanely fast am I going to do this for several hundred thousand how much do you need 5x emerald block so what’s 9 to the fifth power sounds like a good time to find out oh there’s only it’s 60k oh that’s not that bad actually

Pete did you leave the door open yeah it wasn’t me for once I was just double checking because I was like I swear I closed the door but then and uh-huh yeah um let’s see seed and do we have any more emerald seeds Emerald

Okay how many do you need for uh five XR wait I only go with the 4X I’m an idiot I only went up to 4X why am I dumb one positive self-talk too what do you what did you do only went up to 4X on the emeralds

Instead of 5x like a dummy do you mean like with the auto crafting or what yeah with auto crafting I let’s see okay so five extra one requires oh no it’s it’s uh 500 000 it’s 500 000 that’s what it is an emeralds yeah 500 000 emeralds oh

So it was to the sixth power I think it’s because it was like it’s it’s 50 it’s 60 000 blocks that’s the issue yeah yeah because like when you’re talking compressors dirt so on and so forth right you’re starting with yeah so yeah 500 000 blocks I was like oh my God

No 500 000 emeralds but are you really wanting to villager trade manually to 500 000 emeralds no no okay you’ll take a pass on that one yeah I’ll take a pass on that one thanks for offering though not a problem if only we could do some tokoken here that would be so great

Somewhat now some equivalent exchange okay this must be something you know from one of your uh other series that posts on captainsparkles no no that’s actually Full Metal Alchemist that’s how I know the phrase oh yeah I need to watch that yeah you should do that um

Yeah I’m gonna just do we’re just gonna grow a few more Emerald skis here from some more Zine did you um I I know you were making those like other fields and stuff like that where you uh I could actually replace a lot of the courts and

Stuff so you know what even if you’re planning other uses for those fields I’ll use the one that I made I can be self-sufficient really I can try I hate the fact that just standard seeds are something that are a pain to get what standard seeds just regular old wheat seeds

Am I missing something I don’t think I’m no I’m I’m looking right now and just was like oh interesting they’re actually they’re actually like something that’s uh not you can’t just do nature Essence in order to get them just kind of it’s weird how are we doing on Netherrack let me see

Oh there’s got a whole lot of it oh missing 58 000 Netherrack oh dear that’s the 6x we can make Netherrack I believe right oh but the nether Essence we’re gonna need more oh dear dear it’s cat so just make what you need right now I guess oh okay

At least you get 24 per that’s a pretty generous recipe here we are very nice come here you can I make a 5X ah okay can I do a 6X oh we just need 78 000 more okay oh that’s the nest so much like slimes I just spent a few

Minutes sidling up to us to a slimy penis like hey buddy what’s going on and then it turned out it wasn’t even what I was looking for oh there’s a lot of stuff currently crafting I see what’s currently crafting a big old uh induction coils setup induction coil uh Pete I’m just checking

You requested um eight more induction coils a thousand infused Alloys 64 cubes 10 chemical infusers oh that was me all right okay just just double checking you know yeah just want to make sure that didn’t happen by an accident or some something right now the 1000 um Alloys is that

You but you want to do that during the episode the Thousand alloys well that’s part of the induction oh it is part okay got it yeah I got it understood understood understood is I don’t know is there anyway you’re taking his time no no no no no no

No no I’m not he’s not we’re not nobody’s taking anybody whoever whoever did that is nobody’s taking anybody’s time here where did we get our fluid or XP buckets oh God Boop oh God I love time in a bottling dude Frick strange Hobbies oh yeah we’re shaming right now what’s that

No way we’re shaming right now I didn’t shame I just observed um it’s like Judgment day but if God sat there and did nothing just watched oh you guys are freaking out oh cool interesting okay what do I need less of silicon seven million yeah that was a

Good one he got it he got me good Walker into that one that one it’s hard not to walk right into my forehead sorry what do you eat for dinner tonight Chipotle burrito Chipotle burrito is not soon okay it gets easier and easier yeah you know what I might be able to

Just go full Emerald field over here you know I need a chicken s happy birthday taco oh dmca dmca it used to be dude the Happy Birthday song was Warner Chapel’s freaking bread and butter and then it finally got uh public domained that was a Monumental event of our

Lifetimes imagine singing a happy birthday in like a home movie that you post on YouTube and then it just gets copy striked by Warner Chapel foreign did they copy strike or just claim I just claimed pretty sure but you’re like excuse me we got composition claimed for singing our child happy birthday

Now that applied to past stuff as well what do you mean well like videos and such of seeing that before it went into effect they just go back and claim everything when you say before it went into effect there there isn’t really a before it went into effect it’s kind of like it’s

Just been that way for uh forever since long before YouTube but it only just um I think it was like five years ago or something like that finally it went public domain uh understand okay what’s this need is it sugar everything could use a bit of sugar God I love sugar

I’ve been putting I’ve been trying to put oh of course 33 less sugar in my coffee every morning and it’s 33 less good but is that just two packs instead of three but you feel 33 or better no I I don’t feel any better okay do you

Do packs are you like actually measuring out 33 I use a I use a measuring cup oh dang that’s fancy did you usually use a measuring cup before as well yeah oh okay it was you’re very consistent with your coffee I would add I would add

Three scoops before and now I add two scoops okay got it yeah I can’t fathom having coffee without sugar but just I don’t know man you know it’s there are some tastes that you do when you’re a kid like you have beer for the first time you’re like but you know then you

Get older and you’re like I can have a beer in my case I’m not like oh I love this it’s like whatever I’ll have it if it’s the only thing available but coffee is it was black when I was younger and to this day still you know unless there’s a lot of sugar

In it so now I’m curious no your Starbucks order is a frappuccino duh though the Starbucks is the caramel ribbon crunch is amazing I’m a ribbon crunch what is that what’s on the it’s like a caramel frappuccino kind of thing it’s delicious I mean it sounds pretty

Darn freaking good I’m I’m gonna be honest with you yeah yeah it’s whipped cream caramel and some some blonde coffee yeah um and then Dutch Brothers it’s a frozen Annihilator extra caramel for me Frozen Annihilator yeah the annihilators basically it’s it’s have you not looked at Dutch Bros menu

All their drink names are like that oh okay I’ve no I have no idea uh like a extra tall uh Cherry Demolisher today okay do you want you want uh sugar in that it already comes with about 100 grams but if you’d like some more

Oh man one time I uh uh ordered it and I got to the window and the the guy was like all right here we go ah that doesn’t that doesn’t look like extra here let me add some more it’s just for the aesthetic and just and oh man it was

It was almost too sweet I couldn’t finish it I was like oh that’s a lot of caramel oh that sounds like right up my alley unfortunately no no like I am very much into overly sweet things like I have way too sweet of a tooth

Um and it was it was like it was that like uh um starts to make you you like hurts the stomach level of sweetness okay I mean trust me I I love me some sweets but whoo strickior and then oh man what did I do down here

Oh the occultism rituals and stuff and things and yeah oh the occults I am joining a cult um yep okay okay guys hold on do we know which one which one was this which one was this and then the one down there was like the super basic so it’s like uh okay so

Um storage actuator base was asevious and is xevious I wish I could just quickly check the thing but then I have to go into here and this is strigior strigior oh wait It’s Tricky or is this this is trigger this is trigger yes yes this is trigger

Okay so we’re good so we just need to do a xevious right um yeah all right cool it’s like right over here cool the silence and then just hearing zine’s keyboard just maybe I was in an office sorry sorry yeah do not apologize for your keystroke’s king no you should be

Oh that’s not weird I mean I I got this keyboard based on Jordan’s recommendation I you you should make the all of the noise or not noise that you’d ever want ever as much as you want with that super dope keyboard we’re still talking about keyboards huh I love

Keyboards from a particular manufacturer is I believe with Logitech it’s code Captain Sparkles right it just so happens to be that it is and you should do nice sorry Peter hey Peter hey Peter hey Peter so okay Jordan even on my lowest I’m still a Family Guy I don’t know what that means

Is this actually work here do I still have to take it to a spa swamp with all this is that a serious thing are you are you a person who will have a child at some point uh yeah if the world stops dying that’d be cool man I feel that um

Can’t go to school today it’s 130 degrees out and you know they say uh teacher’s hair caught on fire third time this year uh what can we do all right homeschool this week so what you’re saying is no most likely that’s rough um I mean dude I’m 26 what kind of answer you’re

Looking for well I don’t know I I knew pretty I knew pretty finally this year I don’t know what what age was I when I was like pretty solidly knowing for sure that it was a no kid kind of life for me it was probably like 22 or so something

Like that I mean like I am more in the line of adopting necessarily because it’s like I don’t know if I really you know whoever I’m with I don’t really want to I don’t know if I want to bring a kid into the world and be like here’s all the the stuff you

Gotta deal with but like if there’s already someone who’s here and I could possibly give them a better life yeah no I I totally then like that sounds pretty good to me it’s a good way to do it yeah um okay um I’m I’m totally with you there

I’m from Utah so by 26 you’re supposed to have your two and a half kids already and right right yeah yeah it’s uh it’s a little ridiculous here do you know anyone here anymore is it like you know just everyone you knew in high school I assume is like big old families

At this point I don’t talk to me you’re talking about okay fair enough I don’t really either I I just yeah I don’t know um yeah since moving away from Facebook and all that like I don’t know that I have any contact with any like former high school friends makes sense makes sense

It’s interesting I I really it’s only like one person from high school who I um keep in contact with every now and again is really weird actually I can’t remember if I mentioned I probably mentioned this on a stream at some point so sorry if it’s redundant chat but I

Went snowboarding like a few years ago and after I was done for the day I uh went and like went to the hot tub and I was showering off after and um as I’m like getting ready to go this one’s like Jordan is that you and it was it was someone

Who like I knew really well through Elementary School and Middle School it was so so weird that like just after I probably hadn’t seen them in like 12 years 13 years something like that uh just out of nowhere like that was bizarre I’m sure that could happen like

If I spent a lot of time back where my mom is but like I haven’t seen anybody so out and out of nowhere for it to just be like snowboarding and Mammoth was weird yeah yeah uh my man it’s weird stories are a little bit more Macabre but uh oh that

That is strange to just like you know how you can run into people and just like well I was not expecting this at all um yeah yeah that that’s the only other person I have talked to from my high school since graduating basically um and we’re 13 years later do you have

Macabre stories that you can share or uh not so much uh you know like this is I this puts me at full Grandpa status because it’s like every grandpa but um one of the just kind of crazy things for me is that uh the growing up in in

Like Elementary like you know you how you have a kind of that cohort of kids that you just you know every year you’re together sort of thing um and literally the two uh like there were the two best players they were they were the ones that like sports guys they

Were the ones that whenever we’d play soccer at recess they’d you know be the team captains and pick teams and I’d get picked eventually after recess was over kind of thing um and uh like but both of them have died and it’s just it it that it’s like boggles my

Mind like these two like incredibly physically fit uh physically capable guys and just you know but it was to to find out that they had moved on was like oh that that’s weird you know but then I was also like all right I’m I’m now the

Grandpa that’s like you know you tell a story and you’re like and he’s dead now but um yeah it was just it was very surreal to find out that you know the the the kids that I wish that I was like growing up or um I don’t wish to be like now

Um I mean I’m I’m sure that there must be some kids who you know went to elementary school high school what not who like I have who are probably no longer around and uh I just don’t I don’t know you don’t know yeah like uh I I got tagged randomly by someone again

One of the kids from elementary which is was kind of interesting because it’s like I wasn’t you know I wasn’t a popular kid because I wasn’t particularly physical or anything and the the tag came from one of the guys that I would say I you know

Got along with some of the worst but uh it just tagged me and was like you know two of my Fallen friends uh you know respect and I’m just like what the heck is this I mean it’s like a random Facebook post and I’m like what the belt

And yeah it was just they and you know when I had a news article about it and because he was on his way to being a one of the college uh basketball coaches at the time and um but you know I mean there was nothing like nefarious or anything it was one

Was cancer and the other was uh diabetes I believe but it’s just kinda it’s it’s a it’s a weird life sometimes yeah dang dude welcome to Minecraft let’s talk death I mean you know people people come people come for the podcast element you know anything that I’m not really close with

Anyone from elementary school specifically yeah I wonder how they’re doing chilling that maybe like if if Facebook hadn’t been I don’t know taken over and ruined or whatever however you want to look at it um like that was like the one kind of thing that Facebook was good for was the

Random like I wonder how they’re doing like for all the people for all the people in your life that you don’t care enough about to go get coffee with but that you just like you remember their name sometime you’re like huh I wonder what the old Jim’s up to

Is the one person from elementary school slash Middle School slash whatever that I have kept in contact with his name is Jim hey Jim how you doing swinging a hit I guess uh nailed it but um anyway it it that was that was it is a surreal

Moment when you know you kind of start realizing like oh yeah we’re dying off now good it could be it’s got to be uh old you know heck yeah oh it’s just two I didn’t even need to oh my god I’m an idiot I’m an idiot I’m

An idiot I’m an idiot I’m an idiom idiot I’m idiot Stampy you idiot precisely I didn’t need to make the other one I didn’t need to make the Matrix I just needed to make the actuator times two so we wasted my time it’ll be a wild uh switch up to that

Movie oh you didn’t need to make the Matrix movie ends precisely the uh in my hand I hold the red pill yeah and this see how deep the rabbit hole goes in this other hand you continue in lot no before you take that okay he just grab the one that takes you

Back like nope I’m out I don’t want it someone’s probably made a truncated satirical version of The Matrix at least as an animation on YouTube where he just takes the blue pill and the end okay so tell me that God dang dude okay who is gonna bite the bullet and uh learn about

Freaking nature craft or whatever it’s called Elemental craft Elemental craft yeah I had started at one point I can I know you put down a tank what things what is the goal that we need to hit with it so we need um fire right is one thing that goes

Into the Philosopher’s Fuel and then there is also um anything here no it’s just in the dimensional seed there’s all these miniature portals that need uh making and those things are all um whatever they’re Elemental craft um that’s in the Philosopher’s Fuel and the dimensional seed correct

I can probably get working on that X episode I’ll take a look at it what’s your play today oh God using still okay Fusion fiddling around with slimes so look at that and go how’s the skeleton over here how are we doing on anti oh wow we’ve done like 70 millibucks of

Antsy matter here today nice pretty good yeah it sees this is cranking if only I could see what is in the pipe um it’s empty okay okay don’t die okay good good so these models say you cannot improve me further does that mean that I just put them in the machine and now

They run or oh were you talking about for the mob sample old mob farming potato models yeah once once it’s like uh sent or self-aware maxed out that’s that’s it forget to follow up on that later forget to follow up on that later yeah I mean that’s the life that’s a pormous um

I already done that so we’ve oh yeah so oh wait we gotta be close on this one oh yeah the Nexium emitter I forgot about that okay we can work on that dude I kind of like ignore the Nexium emitter I actually this might be low hanging fruit

I know that was I’d agree with you low hanging fruit uh yeah well I’ll tell you about it it means something that’s pretty easy to get around to that you maybe like you know just forgot about but now you can tackle it instead of tackling the hard stuff

And procrastinating that for later you know oh okay thanks man yeah no problem happy to help we love our definitions here hmm I don’t know it worked we love our definitions definitely dimensional chart S no dimensional seeds the frick the frick indeed what is it hmm you’re saying we need all those portals

We need your nether lands oh my god I’m an idiot oh dude I feel that all the time man no this makes so much sense because okay how does a fusion generator produce more Fe you gotta heat it up oh you want to retaining reporters are by default set to input Heat

I was using them for power transfer so just sucking the heat out of the pla out of the fusion react the whole time wait so you weren’t transferring power you were just transferring Heat no I was transferring well I was transferring power but I was storing heat into just the frequency

It was just sucking both out gotcha that because I I plug in the quantum single reporter and he starts going down that makes sense if I fixed it and now it’s going okay now it’s good that is so cool okay can I now make a wireless Universal grid automatically okay now make another

Wireless there’s got to be a book that’s not that it is there she be uh oh it’s already doubled maybe wait what oh no we are good okay cool all right no we we are good we’re good we’re good we got two okay perfect so that’s done now what

Else do we need to make the players oh this should be easy right we got we got Nitro boys all the way down well all right well let me just see player transmitter is gonna be a bit painful probably so uh but we can Auto Craft everything all the way up so hopefully

It’ll actually be pretty easy all right then we do that one um player transmitters blazing if you did not have refined storage or applied energistics when it comes to freaking power you would be miserable what what you what mate you have to do a manual

Thing you have to do a manual thing a manual donger in order to freaking do this me when I am forced to manually donger okay Ariel Pearl let me see do we have any zombies here like that we can just spawn a zombie spawner let’s see how it goes yeah Manuel

Manuel from car simulator 2023 or car sale simulator um and let’s see so what we’re gonna do is we have two of the same pattern it’s whatever it is it’s whatever bro it’s whatever skis because it it’s working right it’s working and it’s fine all right let’s put this down here and see

What happens you know put it down here it’s pretty dark this should work right and then what is it comparator in order to do um making it Redstone powered or something like that if you want to do that but a bing but a boom and now it’s

Redstone control we can put a lever on that boy and then do that okay it should be going come on come on you do it you do you do you can do it let’s go I think there’s a mega torch would that stop it from going would a mega torch stop mobs from

Spawning from a spawner sugar you don’t have a lot of sugar what the freak oh dragon egg though might be good yes we can do this ignore oh no it totally works it totally works oh what the frick um hold on so we do that and that and that it’s working

A little bit of that and then we could do dragon egg and there we go nice element I’m in Miami he really is he can’t be stopped all right Player thing Nitro cool that was a noise sorry what did you do move my microphone up oh gotcha

I should get there now we need uh oh singularities are we back in freaking create above and beyond well oh God be a multi-serve a press going right I’m pretty sure there’s one somewhere all right just crafting simulator 2023 uh so how’s everybody’s day going pretty good hopefully you know having a fun

Time here yeah I’m not producing crafting with our our boys with our friends here electron wire and sticky poos I already did that that’s probably a better way to do it then we need um need the electrum wider which is like how do we make the electrum wire super good you’re alive

Hey that’s you know that’s good news that’s good news you love to hear it extruding do I have the extruder because I could do that oh that’s an electro Mirage which how would we make that also that way which is oh extruding there um that’s a bit of an eye carambra

Moment uh do I want to make one of these bad boys hold on do I have an extruder where is basement endeavors I do not have an extruder set up I might have to make an extruder dude or two two extruder deters you’re tired goodge I like that it’s

Going good that’s always very nice and a good there we go and then boom and then there you know where you last left the digiminer Jordan probably inside of the mining Dimension if I had to guess or inside of the nether but I’d say maybe the mining Dimension try the mining dimension

How do you get to the mining Dimension click shift click empty hand on the orange thing next to our lovely base that’s right alrighty guys so what we’re gonna do here is we’re gonna take a couple of iron Crafters you know I’ll be like oh wait freaking ball oh it’s going it’s

Going it’s going because I was thinking we were fricked on that but we are not fricked this is good news very good oh wait in order for those to be powered they have to have that yeah HV cable I was right thank goodness with a bunch of dimensional shards heck yeah

Oh God don’t just make it so I can’t get back there oh we’re good I saw this really interesting issue that I had to that I attempted to address today we’re in the night in the new office room there’s a carpet on the ground and the carpet has fibers that

Kind of they go in a direction and so what happens is that my plastic chair mats that I place on top of you know whether it was the floor before the carpet here to protect the surface from Rolling my chair around um whenever I step on it or like sit in

The chair it shifts the the the mats like further and further back like every time every time pressure is put on it just it starts moving like warms its way along the floor and so it ends up like going into the back wall and if it goes into the back

Wall then I keep you know walking on it it’s going to scuff up the baseboard and so I keep having to pull it Forward today I have just uh I drilled holes in the front you know under the desk two corners of the mat and I tied it to the

Legs of the desk um and we are now concerned like these ropes are now so taut from me standing on the mat after tying it up that we’re like are these rope one of these ropes is going to like explosively uh like tension break and like whip my

Foot and and draw blood if this thing fails in catastrophic fashion so I’ve now ordered steel cable on Amazon to replace the rope and now I think that what’s going to eventually happen is the steel cable is going to eat through the plastic of the mat and eventually it’s

Gonna like work its way to the outer corner of the mat and it’s just gonna be wrecked it’s a fun problem to have yeah it’s it’s not something I had really thought about nor considered but you know carpet carpet is very interesting carpet is interesting it’s not the

Matt’s fault guys I’d have to resurface the floor in here it’s it’s the carpet you can get um tempered glass mats that are really nice yeah no uh Cara actually just got one it’s pretty it’s pretty slick it would also slide I see yeah yeah

Okay so so I just I had a super sidetracked there but that’s I think I ended up using double-sided uh tape at one point and just slapping big like you know big old the wide strips and just but was this on like uh a hard floor no on carpet oh really yeah was

Yours though like was it just moving from you shifting around in multiple directions or was it going directionally due to the Rain of the carpet uh it was it always moved in a certain way I don’t know like I didn’t like sit there and recreate it

It was just like every night by the time I was done it was slid out in in one corner um so I don’t know oh but it actually did like every day you’d have to shift it yeah oh okay so maybe similar situation I mean this should work it

Just I I will be very curious to see like how much force is actually a play here if once I do the steel cables it actually starts to eat through the plastic of the mat I mean you could do uh if you need B you know

If that does happen you could just uh go with the the glass mat and then the cable wouldn’t dig into it very easily yeah I have to drill through the glass but um I don’t know I don’t know we’ll we’ll see I could attach velcro to the floor in

The bottom but I don’t really want to adhere velcro to the floor because then if I have to pull it off it’s going to rip up the carpet so if it’s good and it would need to be really good adhesive for it not to just uproot the whole thing so yeah

Um okay what are we doing here I want to be able to make this oh oh I just realized we’ve we’ve been here for a while today dang is there a problem with that do not want to be around us for that long well no

It’s just that I was like so before and the reason I was a few minutes late so I was doing this portal map and we were cruising so well just making sick progress it’s going so good we get to the final level of the final map and

They just like hit us with a wall that just is crazy and I was like you know I’ll let you know when I’m done with the next thing in case we want to just jump back into it but uh we’ll see it might be too late I look

Forward to going back and watching this I love portal do you it was a it was a really fun little set of Co-op Maps um but anyway yeah just like it was going so well and then just you shall not pass um so I’m generating more power than

Apparently I know how to input into the Matrix I don’t know wait like the the flux plugs can’t handle it I wasn’t using flux see if flux can fix this issue what the flux dude 3M makes rug strips huh interesting do you mean yeah oh oh rug strips is very different

No this is yeah totally a rug strips you’re just saying so they don’t slide when it’s on a wooden floor that’s not it and not at all right that may work that might work oh that fixed it what happened oh it’s switching to Five Points flux fix it yeah instead of the quantity

Yeah I I just I don’t think that there’s a need to use the mechanism thingamadongers you know assuming not for power I’m I’m sorry if that’s like insulting too or something like that I know you think I’m a dumbers no I’m pissed that it wasn’t working so

I mean like we’re not cool with that anymore oh okay you broken up with them I mean it was never uh it’s never well it was never like that oh really yes it was do you think I am I think I just go you think I just go

Pulling around with a bunch of other power suppliers and the power mods and stuff Maybe hey Zine um infidelity is Alive and Well boys have you made hop graphite seeds by any chance Maybe I are there any in the system no it does not appear to be something that has happened for us

Then no the oh frick we need to do engineers workbench for some stuff uh Frick you Nexium emitter yeah man stupid emitter seriously what a what an idiot it really is I’m assuming there’s no way this works and then hmm that’s working tip did you just suggest I use magnets

For my rug my or my my carpet my mat how do I use magnets bro I don’t want to get it no wait how would I use how would I attach it with magnets I don’t get it we’re getting way too technical here that is a that is a fascinating suggestion though

I wish to see it at play that we have the green ones there I think so let me do that and then we do that I’m pretty sure we have the anti-matter just chilling working magnets how do they work magnet to the mat and then have it stick to the desk

I think if you saw a photo of what I’m contending with here you um you would yeah I I I it really I don’t think that would apply to the to the scenario um and also I we need the world’s strongest magnets but also like the the

Mat is it’s entirely on carpet it’s not like the the Rope goes like a ways to rope to the to the desk it’s fine guys it’s gonna work when I get the steel cable and if it eats through the mat it’s gonna take a few weeks or months probably

It’s yeah no it’s it’s good it’s it’s all good okay can we make one of these EV solar panels let’s see does it work can we get it oh I think we can do this that’s sick all right so that’s that one and then the singularity oh the matter condenser I

Remember this thing you just feed water into it and you win honestly yeah I could just glue my butt permanently to the chair and never actually move from it and then we would be set like if I just sit in the chair forever and don’t move don’t stand up or anything then

We’re good probably the best solution and then what you just put any disc in here right I’m pretty sure you just even put a 1K in if you wanted to um whatever I’ll just put in a freaking oh wait this is uh me system isn’t it it

Needs to be a drive yeah oh boy I’m pretty sure it has to be an Emmy disk drive doesn’t it is yes it does oh wait no it’s just the storage component just the storage component right yeah yeah that’s all it is get the storage bite you the matter condenser

And then you just feed like water and due to something we haven’t enter tank with with I’m pretty sure we do right we all uh enjoying our single player series just trying to make things look good that is important it’s very important mumbling at things how are you enjoying your time

I am just trying to utilize the matter condenser what’s the matter the condenser um okay um the condenser is no it’s not bothering me I think we’re good oh wait I could just do that and then this is disconnected into here maybe nice a shark Doggett oh

I do need a bigger disc don’t I um don’t sell yourself short gang do I need a bigger disc I also I need this to go fast I need a 250 zixer carelessly close to measuring that oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear well oh

Boy I have to sort this out uh later I guess God dang it’s cleaner how do I import water quicker here what I need to import water super oh I bet the fluid pipe upgrade oh my God there’s always more Auto crafting to be done they don’t call it a crafting Simulator

For nothing no they don’t they don’t God we need skystone dust no no oh no I have loaded so very many patterns today um guys I may have to wind it down on my end why do you hate things why do I hate things yeah the people the people who are enjoying

You and you’re leaving um I’m because I’m I’m just I am the worst it’s it is known it is known yeah You’re great and we appreciate you and we also appreciate our sponsor for this series Apex hosting if you guys would like to play with your friends whether

It be modded uh adventure maps or even vanilla whatever it is you want to do be sure to check out the link in our description you can save 25 off on your first month you’ll help support us what we do and so thank you for checking them

Out and thank you to them for sponsoring don’t forget we create these live you can see as it happens tuition on TV slash captainsparkles also captainsparkles on captainsparkles2 uh and Pizza Hut and uh throw some follows some subscribes and whatnot and come see

All the everything that is everywhere I there’s not enough time in a one-hour video for me to list all of Jordan’s channels though like it’s there’s a lot um and then if you have enjoyed this video please do hit that like button and leave a comment letting us know what parts you

Really enjoyed and if you haven’t already we hope you consider subscribing and turning on notifications anything for YouTube before we uh Sorry what therapy all right sorry sorry meet me I’m good I’m fine it was good all right I will see you next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: All The Mods 8 Ep. 39’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2023-09-13 17:00:19. It has garnered 15119 views and 710 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:58 or 4678 seconds.

Today we talk about not morbid topics Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: ATM 8 playlist:

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  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

CaptainSparklez 2 – Minecraft: All The Mods 8 Ep. 39