Dani3lson920 – 💀Minecraft Hardcore 2360 Days🏠 1.20 | Pillager Kingdom 🙂

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Foreign Foreign foreign Foreign Why didn’t it make noise uh one second how’s it going everybody how’s it going regular gamer how’s it going watermel Pizza how’s your days going what the heck I was actually going to start earlier than this but then I uh I I loaded my computer and it took like 13 minutes to

Actually like turn on so I was like what the [ __ ] so I I did a ton of like I just cleaned out most of my like I deleted like 13 apps it took like two hours then I installed more drivers and I did NVIDIA drivers I did so much before this

So it literally took an hour to do and I was gonna start started like three but then I’d start a little a little late but whatever luckily we’re here you know right I was gonna stream yesterday but I got super busy but hey what’s going on everybody

It’s gonna be fun hopefully I don’t know we’ll see I need to do I don’t know what’s up with this but whatever my day’s going good I I got off school at two wait what time did I get off at I don’t even know I think it’s like 150

Something like that let me look anyways I got off and then I went came home and uh and then I went to the store after that got food and stuff but uh yeah I just been cleaning out my drivers where’s my schedule there it is yeah I’ve just been cleaning out my my

Drivers for like an hour or so not the most entertaining thing I’ll say oh yeah I got up at 1 50 yeah 150 and then I I came home and been doing doing cleaning drivers since then so yeah I’ve been doing that for a while anyways

Oh the [ __ ] I don’t know what that is but I think I probably killed a zombie or something yeah we need to mine more stuff again unfortunately wait where is it over here we got two shulker boxes so far woohoo um we’re not going to fill all these up

No worries but um oh that’s so loud but we are gonna fill up a decent amount of stuff um also why is Discord not loading reload I was in a call and I need a disconnect from that but it says didn’t you did you know you can play a version of the snake

Game on our 404 page by pressing a secret button great where’s the secret button they’re totally joking this is such a lie I’m gonna waste my time all right I’m not gonna waste my time trying to do that well I don’t know why it’s broken but I

Can’t load Discord so we’ll just have to deal with it for now but it’s fine but no yeah today oh I also wanna I download this random game because I might do a longer stream today we’ll see I want to play a little bit of that game

But I’m gonna mine first for a little bit and then we’ll we’ll hop on that game and uh try and play it for a bit because I I was on Steam deleting games and stuff because I heard that can help you like help your computer load faster

If you just have less stuff and and that I knew that’s like that is kind of just true but uh yeah I’ve been just I was just deleting stuff but anyways while I was on Steam I saw that uh I saw that my friend had a random game

And I was like yeah I might as well buy it or not buy it so I download it it was free but uh get it just to see what it looks like and it was interesting I don’t know it’s like some random like grappling game

And I was like okay [ __ ] it we’re gonna play it so I downloaded it and we’re gonna play it today and then we’ll delete it and never Play It Again but first i’m gonna play high pick or not high pixel uh Skyblock no what what am I saying hardcore that’s what it’s called

We’re gonna mine for a little while I need to get progress done I have very limited time before I have to be done with this project I don’t think it’s gonna happen and I’m not really surprised because I mean I just haven’t had too much homework and stuff but uh if it doesn’t

Happen which it probably won’t but anyways if I don’t complete the project by my birthday I’m gonna do a 12 hour stream uh and we’ll hopefully complete the project within that or uh or not but you know we’ll get close to finishing it if we do it a 12 hour stream of it

Will definitely make a lot of progress if I can find more puzzle I know mining is so entertaining guys I’ve I’ve been like for such a long time I’ve been trying to figure out like I’m trying to think of like a way I can make mining more entertaining

But I don’t I can’t think of like a way to make mining more entertaining besides obviously talking but that’s not very fun see the channel points it was at least like there’s like a reason you know it’s just like you could get stuff like if you watched long enough you could like

Uh you get enough points and then you can like do stuff like Channel points that type of thing but uh YouTube doesn’t have that so I can’t do that unfortunately but I mean what can we do right I don’t know if you guys have any good ideas feel free to tell me but

I was in the Stream highlights which part but no uh yeah that’s it’s pretty cool and I’ve been just I’m just gonna start doing those like uh every once in a while we’ll see how often I do them probably not every single week but I do

Want to start uploading weekly but uh I don’t know like if I have a week where I don’t have anything to upload then I’ll upload a stream highlight because they’re all they’re like a lot easier to make than some of the stuff I do and uh they’re entertaining this somewhat

Dude know what we’re like legitimately out of puzzle there’s no more puzzle in this entire biome what the fudge oh my gosh yeah that’s where we uh oh there’s some pencil right here that’s where we were doing the the Halloween build last year and it’s been over a year now wait when

Did I create my world uh 9 13 of 23. oh my God wait what no no is that last played or is that am I oh no no why I’m tripping because it said 23. I’m tripping I’m tripping that’s that’s when I last played it is there a creation date

New World new world yeah no that’s my last played it I wish there’s a creation date I’m surprised there isn’t is there a way to look at creation date Jesus oh my God I just drank like I think a Dr Pepper oh my God that kind of hurt

All of the uh carbon or whatever so you guys uh want to learn something at cool that I found out the other day I don’t know most people might know this I might just be stupid but my teachers tell me like I didn’t realize that cavities are like how caves form in like

IRL like if you guys don’t know how cave forms it’s it’s so like well I get I don’t know if that this is what he told me so this is what my chemistry teacher told me and he’s like he said caves form from when it rains it seeps the rain

Water seeps into the soil and it mixes with something in the soil right and then it becomes slightly acidic so it seems that slightly acidic it can dissolve like Limestone and stuff and it will slowly dissolve Limestone over time and that’s how massive Caverns form from White rain water becoming

Acidic because of minerals in the in the earth and then uh and then it’ll eventually whoops that’s the wrong thing and then it yeah slowly makes it like a cavern and then another thing and that’s basically like or it makes a cave in the earth obviously like just like a like a

Massive hole on below the ground but I didn’t realize that but it also is like I guess it’s supposed to that’s what this is what my chemistry teacher told me and he said that that’s kind of like how teeth dissolve or like how you get cavities because you drink soda which is

Slightly acidic and it will dissolve your teeth slowly over time that’s why it’s good to wash your mouth out every time you like drink something or also just brush your teeth so there’s nothing like on your mouth your teeth but slowly like it it erode like just slowly dissolves your teeth that’s why

It’s called cute Decay and that’s how you get cavities and I had no [ __ ] clue that was like I didn’t realize that was an actual thing like I just like I don’t really like ever like realize that’s why but that’s that’s interesting it’s pretty neat I’ll have to look more

Into that yeah I hopefully I’m not like lying to you guys that’s what my teacher said he could have just been joking but like it sounds like it is like technique it makes sense because I mean that is what happens like uh that’s what happens when you like if you have like a

I think it’s like baking yeah it’s like baking soda and vinegar there’s baking powder whatever it is uh you know like the volcano experiment it’s like acidic so it forms a I don’t know it dissolves it so I don’t even know what how that works

But I know he was talking about he did like a whole like 40 minute speech on that and then he also talked about how it was related to like um the volcano experiment or if you put vinegar on like the stuff that’s uh you know like the white stuff that forms on

Your like your uh sink or like faucet or like your shower faucet after a while it’s like I think it’s basically basically Limestone or whatever and if you put vinegar on it and it’ll like dissolve that you can brush it off quite easily uh or something like that I don’t

Remember like the full thing about that but the cave one I’m not I’m not tripping about but I know you said something about like something about the faucet I don’t know I never forgot there’s an iPhone 15 now bro that’s insane like when was I born I don’t know

I bet that was was like the iPhone like seven was what I was like I it used to be called I was like oh my God the iPhone 7 is coming out now we’re i i iPhone 14 I mean 15. they have I didn’t realize the iPhone 14 was a thing

Yeah I really don’t care about technology like I care about it but it’s like I don’t have an iPhone I have an Android so I also like if I had an Android or an iPhone like I’m not trying to buy a new phone every single year

Like that’s kind of just like in my opinion a waste of money it was like I’m gonna buy a new phone if my phone breaks that’s like the only reason I buy a new phone I know some people they uh they buy a new phone every year like oh [ __ ]

The new Technology’s out time to buy a new one I feel like even if I was like rich as hell I don’t think I would do that because like bro imagine like having to transfer your files every single year and all that oh not worth it not worth it

But like I think my uh my phone will probably last such a long time that I’ll never need to they’ll be at the iPhone like 20 by the time I need a new phone that’s crazy though don’t didn’t like am like apple like come out and say that they legitimately slow down phones

Where’s the music though one second all right sorry didn’t they like iPhone come out and say that they legitimately slow down like phones uh when they release a new one like the old phones they like stop either like something like that I think I heard that somewhere yeah I could be wrong but

That’s crazy that they actually do that that’s why like I don’t know like people hate me for having like an Android and all that I’m like bro but like I’m not trying to waste my money on everything Apple you know one thing I’m pissed about they removed they removed headphone

Jacks on like all phones so I I don’t have wireless earbuds so I have to get this extra extension uh so I can plug in my uh my earbuds and it’s so stupid it’s like bro what I just don’t understand the reasoning behind removing it I mean like

Besides for like for apples they sell their air airpods right they’re like if they remove that then people have to get air pods or or something like that now uh Android I really don’t know why they did that because they don’t really sell like they don’t sell anything related to

That that’s crazy I don’t know that’s just like just iPhone has a monopoly on everything they sell that’s why I don’t want like I don’t use them because I know if I like they like basically just make you like if you want to buy something it’s like

You have to buy their product type of thing I don’t know if that’s like that’s not really true but also like so you buy you buy a apple and you want headphones they sell Apple headphones and then I don’t know but like there is one thing there’s one thing that it was

I forgot but anyways they can’t just like push everything on you you know I forgot bro there was something that I was always like I’m not doing this because I then I have to buy this this and all that but I forgot what I was

I forgot about it I forgot what it was if I if I think of it I’ll tell you guys and then it’ll maybe make sense what I’m saying but yeah I don’t know all the phone companies got like massive monopolies but I mean like they are like

Apple is worth like 2.8 trillion dollars and that’s like one of the main reasons they are worth that much uh because well they have a monopoly on everything they sell and because they they come out with a new iPhone literally almost every year and then people buy it and all that

Which is crazy like they are a smart company they are like I know I might not like I don’t buy any of those stuff because I know like if I buy it then I’ll have to continue buying their stuff or whatever something like that but it’s like they are very smart

Like that is how they became like a really two trillion dollar company although I’m honestly surprised they have more like they make they’re bigger than Microsoft like I’m honestly surprised by that because like Microsoft has a monopoly like they have so many things but I guess I don’t know

Like they’ve literally make like billions a year on on like on the like uh what are they called eyebrow they’re called oh the word things I’m just like in surprised that apple is somehow larger or is worth more than them or whatever that crazy but I guess they do like every like

Every year they sell like I guess like I guess it is more common for people to have phones and computers to buy a lot like most of my friends like at my old school had no computer they would always play on their phone or whatever it’s like oh

So I guess that I guess that is true like and people always buy phones like almost like I think it’s like 90 of 18 year olds a couple years ago had phones or something like that right it’s like every single year more people buy them and then like they come out with new

Ones so people who like lose their phone they buy them again like in new ones and all that oh no it’s crazy but that’s a it’s a business that is definitely a money maker I would say probably oh gosh are you I don’t know if that’s

Mad at me sometimes they’re mad at me for no reason I was like I’m walking and they just come up to me and attack me for no reason but I think that guy was chill well until I killed him but look how many shovels we need to repair

This is gonna be a horrible like we’re gonna have to sit at the end for like three hours oh my God I’m not hyped for that but I am not gonna do it for a while when I run out of shovels I will go ahead and have to do it I guess but

Until then no no not happening although it might not be as bad as I think it’s gonna be actually no it’s gonna be bad because like I’ve already I’ve repaired many like tools before but like having to repair an entire shulker box of them all it’s gonna take forever

How could I make that an entertaining extreme you know how could I make me repairing tools for over over an hour like entertaining I could probably do like I don’t know there’s some things that I just have no clue what how the hell would I do that but how’s it going Mr canarby

Hopefully your day is going well my throat got all uh messed up for a second there I was like when I was editing that stream highlights I could just like I could hear the difference between when I was streaming in the morning and when I’m streaming at night

I’d wake up and then start streaming and I’d always have a like a away like more like just like hired boys I would say I like it I didn’t realize how like obvious it was but it’s quite a quite obvious when you do that do karaoke doing oh bro that actually

Kind of be that’d like go hard but I suck like I suck at singing karaoke well dude I’m back all right okay should I do that like when I have to repair my shovel I went after repair shulker box of tools I do karaoke stream now my parents would be like what the

[ __ ] is he doing in there mom I got it I do karaoke while I repair my tools no I think I might do that that actually is like a good idea that’d be quite entertaining I wonder if I get copyrighted though like yeah join me on call we do karaoke for

An hour while I at least an hour ago while I repair my shulker box of tools yeah I was in a choir for a semester no it was a quarter I don’t know they oh yeah as a quarter because then my old school they had choir band and Orchestra

And they had us do a semester of each I mean a quarter of each and then the fourth quarter we picked are like music and then the rest of our school like from like I think it’s sixth grade all the way to eighth grade we would have to do that music

Which uh was was insane but I didn’t even realize at the time how big of like a commitment that was and then I just kind of did it I was like oh well I’m in this for now I guess but yeah I didn’t realize it’s gonna be like my entire

Well I kind of knew but I didn’t realize how like think of a decision it was anyways yeah I did a semester choir but I didn’t pick choir I picked bands so I’m not the best singer and yeah but hey I think it’d be fun improv rap battle oh no dude I cannot

Rap I suck at rapping I guess if I like if I practice I would get better but I’m not about to practice rapping because I don’t think I have a career in rapping and uh I think I would spend my bet my time better if I if I

Like learned how to code or something you know so I don’t think I’ll ever learn how to rap or practice rapping I guess all right where is did we are like completely where my shulker boxes that’s that’s the real question oh we’re good it’s just take it’s just talking fast

That is true but the thing is like coming up with like the words to say that is the hard part like I can talk fast you know you know no I’m just kidding that what the [ __ ] did I just say no I mean I can like talk relatively fast but I’m not uh

An experienced I I just can’t come up with words on the spot just like rap about you know you have to rhyme I’m not good at rhyming but I’m about to go climb no I’m just kidding I was so that was different like ignore that and just ignore that

I don’t even think it rhymed I might I legit don’t think that rhymed when I said and you don’t even have to do it fast just rhyme ba poo poo wee la bab room do uh Coco ah what though that’s better than what I said right but I mean that that’s what

I’m talking about hey see ya Mr uh sorry regular gamer I think you should you should start a rap career like just just like a side rap career you know it’s been like an hour a day learn how to rap become a muse like musician if you’d like spend one hour a day

For the next whatever grade you’re in until you’re a senior slowly like just doing that while you’re doing your other stuff then you can become like a complete like God rapper I mean you start there like you already have a good start you know the whatever the heck you just sent 10 seconds

And then uh in four years or wherever you are I don’t know what I actually don’t know what grade you were in but whatever however long you’re until you’re senior and when in senior year you’ll be making like Millions Jack Harlow took a shot at Eminem weren’t they like fighting a weren’t

Machine Gun Kelly and them fighting about he was like the best rap like rapper of all time it’s like what like dude such a random like why are they fighting over that they think they both think they’re the best although honestly Machine Gun Kelly like

Is not the I wouldn’t say the best like he’s like he also like but I would say machine and Kelly is like he actually like does an insane number of like different like Styles which is kind of crazy like respect I haven’t really listened to I

Didn’t do like hard like what was it he turned into like it’s either it wasn’t I know he did like rap obviously but then he did like oh there was one thing that he he became like it was like a hard rock or something it might have been hard rock I don’t

Know but that like I’m honestly like there’s like there’s some uh a number of like talents you know there most people like do one one type of music but Michigan Machine Gun Kelly does like a ton of Music Styles which is kind of crazy Entering dead zone for internet bye have a good one just hopefully your internet Adventures comes back I mean who knows my internet might crash my internet was like there’s like right before school started like a week before school started the entire week my internet my internet while streaming would just die

And just wouldn’t come back so I was like well I guess I can’t stream so yeah hopefully hopefully that don’t happen to me I don’t even know why like so and now like it’s completely fine and it’s just really random but some like some weeks slash months are like horrible like I

Can’t get any connection or any of that and then like it’s like oh next month it’s like completely fine I think maybe they’re doing like work on the like internet or something but I don’t know I don’t really know how that works another thing theory is like people on

My at my household using it but like most of the time when I stream most of my family isn’t even home and most of them don’t really use the internet at least not for like high like usage stuff they’re not here playing like Apex Linda okay Apex Legends they’re not playing like

CS no that’s not a good what the like high graphic game they’re not playing uh uh I have no clue I don’t play enough games to know this stuff Oh I thought that was a creeper I don’t know why I thought that was a creeper guys tell me this isn’t a high quality

High octane gameplay right here oh you’re mining puzzle minor puzzle having a fun time doing doing that that’s that’s literally all but oh yeah dude should do a stream together sometime I feel like that would be fun and he plays Hardcore Minecraft well I don’t know if

He plays hardcore but I know he plays Minecraft no I he played hardcore I don’t know if he still plays it I don’t know I don’t know if he’s following what I said or if he is playing before but I always say like yada how to try hardcore at least once you know at least one time before you quit well if you play Minecraft you play it

Once and then when you die you know no need to Play It Again but you know you gotta have the experience at least once although I can’t I mean most honestly like all of my friends tried it and they died after like getting like iron looked very many dumb reasons but it’s like

I don’t know you have to get like decently far right but most my friends never even got to the killing the ender dragon I think killing that Ender Dragon is probably the hardest in hardcore although if you’ve played the game for as long as I have I mean Loki not not

The hardest thing I’ve ever done not that it’s not hard I mean if you’ve never if you’ve never killed the Ender Dragon before killing Ender Dragon is freaking hard without dying like you know you know you can kill I mean as long as you can respawn it’s pretty easy but

Once you kill the crystals you just slowly kill it but without dying on your first ever playthrough it’s pretty like that’s pretty impressive if you can like pull like fully kill the dragon without dying like your first time playing like the game or whatever the first couple times

Your friends are noobs I agree they they not the best in Minecraft but they’re better at they they don’t really play Minecraft as much they play Minecraft like every couple months you know oh sorry like once a year they come on they’re like oh dude that looks that

Sounds fun so they they play uh Minecraft for a while but he had I don’t know they’re not the best at Minecraft but hey I’m just decent I’m good at Minecraft because I’ve played the game for 13 000 hours or like 23 000 hours although uh linksy dude oh my God bro

Like he’s not like how much time he does he have on that single world I I don’t like he’s good at the game because he’s lived that long but I’m just like more like how has he not got bored of the game is he like almost caught like every day he like almost

Always streams like straight up like I think he’s like like six seven hours a day maybe less it’s probably like five but still 30 000 days I don’t know how many hours that is I think he says it on his twitch but dude vanilla in a while been working on Tara

S p i mean yeah I’m sorry I almost just choked on the Dr Pepper Jesus [Applause] no yeah that’s kind of like how I do like the reason I’m not bored of the game Minecraft like after that much much time because every once in a while I’ll either

Well mainly I just swapped like servers and stuff but also I’ve played some mods before and I’ll just play that for like a year and then I’ll be like oh [ __ ] I can’t wait to play normal Minecraft again you know that’s that’s one of the only Reasons I’m not like super tired of

The game but also because I just come up with ideas I come up with too many ideas that I want to build and then I never you know I never run out of ideas so uh I never have to like stop playing I think that’s the hardest part once you

Finish killing the ender dragon you get materials and stuff you’re like what the heck am I gonna do you know if you can come up with ideas and then you know then you can continue playing and you won’t get bored but the hardest part is like being like I want to build

Something like this and then actually doing it I would say that’s probably the hardest part about like actually like continuing to play the game and not get bored of the game that’s crazy dude I can’t believe we actually like legitimately probably this stream gonna have to find a new area to mine because

I have no clue where we’re gonna find more puzzle but we’re definitely gonna run out very soon this is like one of the last mountains left although that other side looked like a pain in that ass to mind like that doesn’t even seem worth it like honestly

Like look look at this what the [ __ ] oh my gosh it’s fine TRG wait wait TRG what is that it oh Tara sorry that’s probably what you’re saying is SMP I just joined it with a few other YouTubers yeah oh yeah to anyone who doesn’t know what Terror SMP

Is it’s uh it’s just that SMP that he’s playing with them some other other YouTubers and it’s like uh well it’s modded I think it’s slightly modded I don’t know if it’s fully modded or if it’s like oh yeah I will it definitely has mods I know that

I don’t know how modded it is though creeper I swear if you jump on me nope he can’t even get over here we gotta get every single bit of podswell because if we don’t get all this puzzle then we’re gonna like we’re just gonna have to find more

Biomes faster oh my God I just almost landed on him oh [ __ ] I just that was not what I meant to do I’m so sorry about that nah bro I literally just talked about how I wanted to keep as much possible as possible and then I think blow up like half the puzzle

Oops hey I uh I’m surprised I killed Ender Dragon without dying if I just did that there’s two atarios and peas I’m on the smaller one all right got you wait wait also TRG if you want to check out uh the SNP make sure it’s the right one okay so

It’s t oh oh my gosh oh my gosh I suck this game I used to be able to three sit well I still can but I’m not those two apple mobs normally I can 360 mobs without a problem because 316 mobs is like pointless as hell but it’s actually kind

Of fun like I don’t know why but hey if you ever get the chance 360 a mod uh it’s fun come on yeah I’ve just done it so many times when I was mining my perimeter out for the black hole it’s not even a full perimeter but whatever

That’s not part of the point anyways when I was mining that out I I just was like every single mob because I didn’t sleep during that time I think I didn’t sleep for like 15 days IRL something like that anyways I wasn’t sleeping during that time so I

Just had to kill mobs like constantly and I just learned how to 360 mobs because I I was killing so many of them I was just like I tried to make this funner but now now I know how to 360 mobs although I don’t do it very often

Because if I always mess it up I haven’t done it in such a long time also my my sensitivity is like is insane this is like this is say like probably like five six inches on a keyboard that’s about five to six inches on my keyboard I mean on my mouse pad

So I mean it’s pretty high compared to most most people but I know uh who has a high I know someone has iron someone uh whatever I forgot maybe you know so what do you guys think I’m thinking like oh I think I finished a couple more

Of these and then we go play that random game that I downloaded just just because I wanna I wanna see what that is I’m surprised at my net because I don’t know my friend had it on his computer and I was like oh I should

Download it and see what it is so yeah we gotta try it out hey zombie okay I I’m gonna 360 this zombie right here oh let’s go I know how to do it again it’s all about the oh my God it just started thundering ah I’ll keep it I’ll let it thunder I

Think if we let it thunder it might happen less or in a longer amount of time I don’t know I don’t really like thunder especially near my base because I’m not trying to actually burn down like my Christmas tree or any of the stuff I built because that stuff is a

That took me way too long to have accidentally burned down although here I really don’t care although I’m pretty sure they can’t even maybe if it’s thundering that much I don’t know if they can even burn down it might be too fast or like the water

Might do it out too fast while I’m not taking No risks you know if it starts Thunder and I immediately sleep imagine like I come back and like you know like now I come back but like say I like let it thunder I and I go to my

Like castle and its entire like half of its burnt down all the wood sections burnt down I would be so sad are you [ __ ] kidding me because the wood took forever to place it would definitely ruin my day not really it wouldn’t ruin my day but like are you serious bro

It would definitely be an unfortunate event although what I want to do I’ve always added this like idea of like having like a hassle right and then like having a pressure plate in the center of the castle like that’s Vis like you can shoot an arrow

From like outside of the castle and if you hit the pressure plate it blows the entire Castle up I just want to have that like in my world for fun just so I could like one day like accidentally like every single extreme shoot at it once and one day I’ll accidentally blow

It up they’re like oh [ __ ] oh no and then my my castle just goes up yeah and just explodes I’ve always wanted to do that I want to do that since like 1.12 so it’s I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time but I mean like let’s be honest when the

Heck do I have time to like build a castle to do that like you know I should do that we’re gonna do that sometime will you guys think I should do that like I’m thinking okay we have plans for this month September and uh what’s the month uh October we have plans for

September and October we don’t really have any plans for November like we’re probably gonna do side project or start my base right what do you guys think about me building a castle that I can explode I think that’s a good idea when I have a like a a bigger Community

I wanna every month do like a poll on what I should do because I think that’d be more like that’d be interesting interesting like like do I build this this month or well for the next however long my project is where do I build this but I don’t think the community is like

Big enough right now for that to like I probably like it’d be like three total votes or something like that dog I’ll just continue doing that until you know oh my gosh oh look at that 360. he got clapped [Applause] but I think I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see how like

How the projects go until November if I’m still alive in November but most likely I will be but you never know you never know if I keep 360ing these mobs it’s like Enchanted bows I might not goodness oh you’re gonna die and all that oh no oh no oh my God

How are we out of space already where am I uh okay yeah this is like the last section right there his last section of puzzle wait a minute I was wrong we have more puzzles we have so much puzzle God we’re never gonna run out of pods

Why is there so many mob what the [ __ ] dude why is there so many zombies and skeletons I probably shouldn’t have landed on like 10 half my health skeleton you’re that okay how are you not mad at like this is like oh my goodness there’s so many mobs

I guess it is thundering I I don’t really know if that increases mob spawns but I guess it could I Square scale oh my God why is there a skeleton right here oh they’re not [ __ ] insane at this game never mind I suck sometimes I get hit a little too far

Where’s this up all right I think we’re finally chill no more mobs so we’re good all right look at that four shulker boxes entirely filled up perfect we’re chilling oh I’m getting pinged Discord finally loaded did it no it didn’t oh it actually did Discord broke

Earlier and I was trying to load it because I joined a call and couldn’t leave the call so kazuta hey I I finally realized what you meant by potato soup I didn’t realize you met you sent a message like last stream I was trying to figure out why like you

Were talking about potato soup but I understand nah why am I killing mobs we don’t even need to do this I need to like get my my podzel hey puzzle oh my gosh what’s so many mobs I swear this isn’t normal like it’s Pro I do like you do with

Thunderstorms like in game code do they spawn more mobs or am I like I didn’t if so bro I don’t know how I didn’t know that but it kind of like feels like it unless I’m just like actually tripping and this is how common mobs are at night and I just

Oh my gosh you know one good thing one thing I want to happen is I want to get struck by lightning in this game because I think that would be just like oh guys I got struck by lightning before 23 South excuse me what 23 000 hours in this game and I had

Not got struck by lightning yet unfortunate one day guys one day oh you [ __ ] that guy just like blocked my head no not really I just missed but we we like coming up with excuses so yeah I’m thinking we get like seven no not seven I’m sorry I don’t know why I

Said seven I think we we fill up like I think we honestly I think we finished mining out this entire biome what the [ __ ] is this sorry I’m getting distracted anyways we finished biting out this entire biome running out of words finish mining this entire biome

And then we go and play that random game that I found oh my dude oh my gosh goodness everything’s happening today besides getting struck by lightning I want to get struck by lightning bro it sounds so fun well not really but like I want the experience you know

Imagine like imagine that’s how you lose your hardcore world you get struck by lightning you’re like half a heart because you’re doing something and it’s lightning strikes you dude that would be the worst like I I like so sad honestly no that is that actually be like like cool like getting like losing

Your world to that that’d just be like the best way to lose your world like honestly I love how I lost my hardcore world to lightning like oh [ __ ] bro you know that that would be an insane way to lose your world I I don’t even think I’d be mad if

I lost it to that I’d just be like no hey bro there’s no way that just happened oh shoot look at that I could have got hit by that but it didn’t hit me but there’s like a pretty like low chance of it happening but it is possible

I’m hoping if I talk about it enough it’ll like happen oh my God I wonder you said if you lost your world you joined servers right um yeah most likely I if I lost my world but like yeah if I lost my world I’m not going to continue playing hardcore once

I like die in my hardcore world I I don’t plan on playing hardcore again maybe once or twice like for like like a day or two like just for like a challenge or something like that but most likely I would just stop playing hardcore because oh this is like

A one-time thing this is my only hardcore world the only hardcore the only hardcore world I’ve ever really had and I uh I plan on keeping it really that way I don’t really you know it’s an experience but I probably choking on my words I’d probably not to play it again though

But I this is this is like in this world I expect to lose everything eventually like when I die I’ll be able to spectate but until then you know I got my time but it’s like a I don’t know I kind of think it was like a CH you know what chapter

In a book and my Minecraft like time or playing Minecraft you know I played Minecraft hardcore for like a year and then when I died I used to stop playing because it’s like you know one time thing what the what just happened to that guy oh my gosh he’s got like comboed

He literally comboed himself I hit him twice and then he shot himself to death [Applause] combo maybe we could talk uh and Alec and let them into Tara well hey if I die if within the time that that server is still open or like this whatever if you’re still on it or whatever

Sure I mean I’d be down but I don’t plan on dying anytime soon I plan on having this for a long time once I finish all of my goals maybe I’ll I’ll straight up just try and get like the craziest hardcore death in my in ever but but I have so many plans

I don’t think I’ll ever run out of ideas like I’ll probably like definitely accidentally die before I run out of plans EBT make me a Minecraft World plot give me a a building idea for a Minecraft [Applause] uh there’s a random I don’t know why I

Said that but um I think that’d be a cool video building what Chad GPT wants me to build in Minecraft oh [ __ ] I’m doing that right now I’m just kidding I I will I okay maybe I do that this I don’t know maybe not this weekend I

Might upload a video on that though that sounds like a entertaining ass video building chat gpt’s ideas in Minecraft a whole Banger video it’s probably already been done I like I’m not I’m not even like gonna be surprised like I almost guarantee it’s been done but hey

I think that would be a very entertaining and a good video the plan on playing it for they plan on playing it for a while uh in season three at the moment ending in November and starting season four in December oh okay well yeah I assume like

It’ll go on for a long time but I don’t know how long my hardcore world will be like a love round for like I could lose it today you never know huh knowing my flying skill maybe that that is potential but I plan on keeping it for a while so

Depending on when I lose my world I’m down and if that’s not a server when I lose my world I’m down to play other Surfers because you know I probably won’t start a survival world for a while you know I’ll probably take a break from that I’ll probably do

Servers for a while or like random video like random ideas you know I might who knows we’ll see we’ll see what happens when the time comes I’ll come up with ideas because I don’t plan on losing it for a while this hardcore world for a while

I better be gatsy bro gatsy’s been at 3 000 days like I have been if you guys don’t know gazias he’s another hardcore player but uh good stream if you if you’re ever on Twitch watch him if he’s live I don’t know he he has a different

Stream schedule than me but hey anyways Gatti I was like like 10 days away from him and I’ve been 10 days away from beating him in daytown for like like five times now and every single time I like either like take like a quick break or like he just starts playing a

Lot and then I I get behind and now I’m legitimately like like 700 days behind him so uh a one day one day we will catch up to him that is my goal that is like one of my main goals I have never been at a higher

Day Count than him uh which is like crazy because like I don’t know I’ve been so close so many times but one day I would play more dog but I’m so busy and like also I don’t know if I play more then I might get sick of

The game not that I not bro like when I’m doing a massive project I never really get sick of the game unless I have to do like insane delicate building which is a it’s a little hard I I’m not the best at the most uh like creating

Houses that’s the main thing when I’m trying to come up with like an entrance to a building or something like that that’s the stuff that always like I’m like oh my God but if I’m doing like this project the project I’m doing right now ain’t no way I’m getting bored of the game

Anytime I start like a massive Mega project you know I’m gonna finish it might take months and months and months but eventually [Applause] this one I planned to do like hopefully by the end of September although hey I don’t know about that because although if you guys look how

Much progress we have we are like almost we’re like not almost done we’re probably like three-fourths of the way done with the puzzle and we just have to do uh the other fourth of the puzzle and then we just okay and that’s just the beginning because once we do that then

We have to actually build the houses the castle and all that so well we’ve already built a castle but besides the castle we have to build the houses all that stuff so there’s a low chance I’ll actually complete it by the end of September but we are gonna try and this week

Um I should be streaming wait what day is it is it Wednesday already oh my God it’s Wednesday wall stream tomorrow hopefully uh yeah I plan on streaming tomorrow and I plan on streaming tonight a while but we’ll see um definitely not Friday I never stream on Friday hopefully on Saturday I don’t

Work on no I don’t work on Saturday depending I know we’re gonna we’re either gonna do something for my mom’s birthday or uh like probably go to the zoo or something or I’ll hang out with friends so depending on when I wake up and when I

Hang out with people I might stream on Saturday we’ll see now I was gonna do the I was gonna upload my schedule but I didn’t upload my schedule this week because uh I was at work and they put me on the wrong day and I said I would swap with

Someone because I can’t work on that day uh so they were like yeah I’ll message you on message you and they never messaged me so I still don’t know if I have to go in like tomorrow so who knows if I get called into work I might have

To go in because I said I’d swap with someone but but I don’t think it’s gonna happen man and then we’ll see you next week hopefully I get a good amount of time to to stream to next week I flat dude I’m getting like frame drops now what the heck

I missed that what where’s the zombie at oh chill out all right there we go anyways uh you guys uh watch Avatar yet no no I have it how many of you guys have watched Avatar though put a put like a one in chat if you

Watched Avatar and put a two in chat if you have not watched Avatar uh or or just tell me because I mean either or because I’m trying to figure out I feel like a majority of people like I’m not I’m not talking about the Airbender I’m talking about the blue people

Uh if you guys are wondering but yeah I’m trying to I’m trying to figure out who’s who’s done that three what does that even mean so regular gamer you have wait oh but I forgot what I said so you haven’t uh you haven’t done Avatar watch the avatar

One for one two for two yes yes I should just do a poll honestly a poll might be easier but because I know like a billion oh no what they made I don’t know if a billion people have watched it but like I know a thousands like millions and millions of people how

Many people have watched it oh okay let’s look at them how many people have watched Avatar uh more than half of Americans 52 percent holy [ __ ] I’m sorry excuse my language but oh my God dude wait is this Avatar one or Avatar Two okay Avatar sold 313 million tickets

Where that’s that’s honestly less than I thought Loki well anyways if you guys ever get the chance I suggest watching it it’s a very good movie but if you get the chance to leave the state for a night and watch it in a different state

That is a better rate that is a a what how did that guy explode that is way better because then it it’s just it it’s completely different vibe if that makes any sense like I don’t really know how to explain it if you ever uh if you ever like go out of state

Go on a state for one night and then drive back the same night or the next morning and you know either or and watch it like at like at like 12 in the morning because then it’ll end at like actually no it started like 11 you

Know that’s what we did it ends at like two in the morning come out come out of the movie theater at like two in the morning like oh my god dude what an experience I don’t know it’s definitely one of the most like one of the most like insane experiences

I’ve ever like had but I was that’s the Avatar too so it wasn’t Avatar one but that was crazy bro the most insane like experience ever I watched the original not the way of water I like the way I water I watched it three times wait no I think I watched

It four times no it is really good but I don’t know if it’s worth watching four times I’ll be honest uh because it is three hours long but I watched one uh when we did that we went uh went to the middle of the [ __ ] what was that noise I was a fox

You guys got that pizza that Pixel Perfect aim I suck at aiming oh my gosh no but uh yeah and then okay so I watched it once with uh with my my friend and my brother out of state right and then uh we watched it

Um we watched it once oh no we watched it twice with uh two other friends and they left the first time they watched they left halfway through now they they left about five minutes into the the movie like they watched the ads and then

They had to go home I was like what did you probably you just wasted like 18 on a ticket and and you’re leaving five minutes into the movie it’s three hours a lot bro like I don’t know what they were doing anyways we watched that uh me

And my brother because my friends left like five minutes in and then uh and then we watched it again I think with them they actually fully watched it that time and then after that then we watched then I watched it um at my house with my parents so I’ve watched it a ton

But uh it’s a good movie you know I’ll definitely watch the next one when it comes out but I think that’s coming out like 2025 or something like that oh uh wait what oh no we are so close to like running out of puzzle I’m hyped up but at the same time

I’m not hyped uh to run out of puzzle you know when I where am I going okay yeah no no oh we’re good because when I run out of puzzle then I’m that means I like I’ve made a ton of progress on mining but also like

That means we have to go find a new biome which is not the most exciting but hey I don’t know if finding a biome will be the hardest as long as it has like a good amount because I mean honestly if we finish mining this entire biome right

We probably won’t need too much more puzzle after that to be like entirely good for the project so I don’t know it might be it might be good might be not I don’t know but when I finish mining that I don’t know I might do it before but if

Depending on how large this biome is I might go play that random game that I found earlier before I finish mining the puzzle but uh we’ll see because I don’t really know how how much more we have to mine we’re just gonna mine for a while

What is that the largest town find the hidden message oh my God uh-huh chicken sandwiches oh wait chicken sandwich wait chicken sandwich I think it’s just chicken sandwich that’s what I’m talking about dude honestly a chicken sandwich doesn’t sound that bad right now I am starving though so I need to get

Food although I’m not gonna end stream so I’m not actually gonna go get food I might depending on how long I stream for I might take like a 13 minute break and go eat in between during stream uh like you just go AFK or some [ __ ] go

Eat during swimming but we’ll we’ll see probably not I’m trying to gain weight this month uh so I’m gonna have to eat eat more it depends on how hungry I get I might like legit just start starving bro I know I have an an since lunch or eat

Inside I don’t know eight and Eaton I haven’t eaten since lunch so maybe when it turns like eight o’clock I’ll be like oh [ __ ] time to go eat oh oh you guys don’t I don’t know if any of you guys know I don’t know if I’ve

Ever talked about it I have a closet Garden like I have a closet okay I have a closet that’s pretty cool right and I can have my clothes in there and I have what the [ __ ] else do I have in there I have actually my actually no I don’t

Have that I put I have 3D printer filament in there no but that’s not even the point anyways I have a closet like with a garden in it so I like I can go with lettuce and stuff in there that’s what I’ve been doing I recently replanted them because I had it

Unplanted for like a month or two because I went on vacation you guys probably remember that and I uh I was gonna get back and plan him because I didn’t feel like water like having someone come over and water them while it’s gone so I just let him die and then

When I got back I never got around to it but I finally got around to it today wait no no it’s four days ago sorry I don’t know what I said today I finally got around to it four days ago so soon I’ll be making I’ll be making lettuce

And I’ll be uh growing lettuce out of my closet again I did it I did like a full Harvest once and then uh and then I started again and then I went on vacation and that’s when I killed him if that made sense so I’ve I’ve harvested

From there before but we’re finally back into the grind we’re finally making lettuce again making that nutritious stuff from my garden although I want to make a more complicated system right now it’s like it’s just dirt with grow lights and that’s about it I want to add I want to make it a

H what the hell is it called I don’t know what it’s called it’s like it’s not a quaponics is not it because aquaponics is water and fish it goes into like a fish thing and all that Hydroponics is where it’s literally just growing in in water but it’s a

Misting I I think I have talked about this uh well it was something it wasn’t about my closet but I want to make it a uh I forgot the word it’s like a misting system though it you you have like a a nozzle that Mists the like roots

Uh so it’s never like never sitting in water but it’s getting misted by water um it’s something like that I want to do that because I was like I could have it in like the roots and dirt but then I was thinking like gravity like all that like physics wise

Like Roots aren’t gonna grow as big if it’s getting held back by uh by um by soil so I was like yeah we’re gonna I want to do a missing system because it then it grows in the air and there’s nothing holding the roots back literally just like gravity is pushing the roots

To grow down farther right that’s the reasoning but as I want to basically make my closet Garden into one of those but I don’t really know the feasibility behind that but that is my goal by by the end of senior year so uh excuse me but that’ll just happen there we go

Why is there like puzzle in the water I’ve never seen this before interesting you’re gonna go more than vegetables uh I’m at the moment I’m just planning on growing like lettuce because lettuce grows really fast and I’m I’m pretty sure if I have the amount I have right now I can also

Make it double and technically a third no probably just two layers I could double how much I have so I could go from wait how much is it 6 12. I go from 24 to like uh 48 I think yeah 24 to 48 uh lettuce plants and if I do that then

I’ll be basically making lettuce like multiple times a day I’m sorry per week and then I basically be able to make like a full Bowl every like week and then that like that’s pretty good being able to eat a bowl of lettuce a week just for my closet that’s the hope

That’s the goal uh and maybe we’ll see but ever heard of black mold it was a question wait it was a prediction what oh I’ve never heard of black mold I do not know what that is but feel free to explain I also want to grow like instead of doubling

Um the uh the like the size because I could make two layers of it I want to make one layer of lettuce and then the other layer of mushrooms just like for fun I don’t know I think I’d be just like kind of interesting and then I don’t have to buy more grow

Lights because the grow lights only really reach about like bit like probably like 30 of the light actually goes for the second layer so I I could probably grow mushrooms there it’d be probably a good environment for that in my bags I don’t plan on just like having them chilling out there because

I’m not trying to like you know I don’t know is death if inhaled and grows in drywall and would I didn’t know that but that’s interesting it like it’s instant death if it grows in there no no if I plan on misting my walls no

It would be in it wouldn’t be like you know no no it’s I’m not that stupid but uh it would be like in a container the bottom section is like closed off and it has roots in it and it missed them and senses them and stuff like all

That stuff and then above it is like the actual uh the plants on a different like section of it so I I wouldn’t miss the walls and [ __ ] that that’d just be stupid and I know that wouldn’t work because I’m not trying to have a damp closet that’s like I’m so stupid

No yeah I know I never realized that uh I didn’t realize black mold was like instant death not instance but very deadly and poisoning oh okay at least there’s not instant imagine bro you’re touching you just die in like two minutes yeah what’s like the deadliest thing you

Can like actually do like what’s like the deadliest thing you can like inhale or like take like that okay like what’ll kill you like that fast like you can tell they kill you in like literally two seconds there’s probably some like insanely like acidic like there’s something that’s

Probably like really like like acid that’ll just start dissolving your body and you’ll die like really fast but I don’t know like what the fastest like if you drank something how’s the fastest you can die you know wait what was I gonna where’s the puzzle are we out of puzzle oh no

We’re almost out of puzzle it’s actually kind of hard to find puzzles in this biome we’ve mined too much of it doesn’t happen if you touch it even if you can’t see it it has spores its spores will get inside oh okay so if it like it’s always like gross

Inside your wall and then like the spores come through the wall and then it’ll kill you or it can kill you it’s bait is is basically what I think I think that’s what it is hold your breath ow oh my gosh now those things are like I wonder if you’re like hardcore heart

Like half heart hardcore if you’re in half heart hardcore would that like kill you if you’re stood in that for like a second I don’t think so I could be wrong though it didn’t seem to take half heart now if she stood in it for like five seconds look there you

Go that’s half a heart but I wonder like if it’s like yeah what happens if you accidentally step into one of those and a half hour hardcore risen could kill you if inhaled or ingested I’m pretty sure I have no clue what that is

I have to go out to to eat so I don’t know if I’ll be back for the stream ends well if not have a good day and all let’s see what we got probably tomorrow if you join but have a good uh have a good day dinner I guess I think it’s

Dinner time for you but anyways yeah have a good one what is the uh written or however you say it what is that is that like another type of mold like you know like oh if one thing I I learned like sniffing gasoline is like horrible for

You like I know it’s like obviously not gonna be good for you but like I like saw like a chart on what it does to your body and it is like disturbing wait let me see all right New York but I’m just trying to see I swear I saw like a

A poster I was like oh my God that’s concerning there’s like ah Brad there’s nothing coming up for it I don’t know I saw it somewhere made from lowly cast cast or bean rice and causes raspberry and organ failure followed by death within hours even chewing a few beans can kill you

What the f that’s insane so like what type of beans oh dude what was I talking about oh yeah gasoline yeah it’s completely off topic yeah I heard like gasoline is like obviously like you know that’s probably to be expected but I didn’t realize how like got it it is like oh

They didn’t get the same for alcohol like alcohol like legitimately does kill brain cells that’s why it’s all like ethanol ends with all because it kills I don’t know what it kills but something and alcohol it kills brain cells that’s that’s why it ends in all like ethanol alcohol uh

I don’t know any other any most of the things that end in all like like ethanol and alcohol they’re like they basically kill something I I forgot that the actual like definition of what it is but yeah I brought with ethanol kills or does something bad huh All right let’s get some of this lovely puzzle right here also my internet is slightly dying hopefully it’s not that bad but you never know you could just like do what I said it was gonna do earlier these zombies these skeletons these spiders oh my gosh

Oh you’re trying to kill me and all this oh my goodness dude what is this no I’m just kidding not really but this is why it’s good to sleep ah bro dude why is my internet dying dude that’s so annoying I hate when my internet dies because it

Doesn’t like it doesn’t ever come back it just dies oh why’d I have to jinx it earlier bro although like oh some days you know it’s totally fine and it never happens and then like a month back to back it just dies I’m like are you kidding hopefully it’s not that bad

Okay well by what the what can I be said it’s not good oh bro what’s wrong with my internet bro damn it dude I shouldn’t have said anything earlier yeah I’m dropping frames just constantly and literally every second I’m dropping frames all right we might have fixed it I think we’re good

Is that better hopefully it’s better it might be better now it doesn’t seem to be dying but if it goes back into the red eye it might just end and restart because I’m not trying to deal with locked up internet and who knows it might never it might

Never recover and if it just continues doing this for like probably 15 minutes I’m just gonna end if it constantly continues doing that but it seems to be working right now so we’re good we’re good it only dropped 1.8 percent of the the frames that I have streamed

Throughout the entire hour and 15 minutes only like a one percent of them that’s a good amount for an entire hour I did all that in like two in like a minute I think we’re good though my notification went away on Google or on YouTube so that has to be a good sign

Anyways if my internet doesn’t die before I run out of puzzle why are we getting so close to running out of puzzle let’s go but also uh let’s not go I don’t know if I’m like happy that we’re almost out of positive because like that just means we’ve made a ton of

Progress and we’ve mined a ton a puzzle but also it does mean we have to go find more puzzle I plan to not head back from where we are right now until we have like mined all of the parts of that there might there might be pods over there

I don’t plan on heading back to my base until I’ve like used up all of the puzzle here or I filled up every shulker box that I brought so we’re gonna be here for a little while depending on how much more possible there is which it’s slowly decreasing there’s becoming

Less and less of it that is for sure all right let’s see there’s some pods over here and then we’re basically out yeah there’s this puzzle and this puzzle and this puzzle there’s some so I will get a little more out but I think we’re pretty close to okay

Yeah I’m gonna sleep I can’t be bothered right now to deal with these mobs yeah no I’m good I’d rather not but now once we finish this puzzle which probably won’t even take that much longer we’ll just we’ll go ahead and uh play that random grappling game I found

That no it’s like a I mean I never really explained what the game was it’s like a random game I found it but it I think it’s like it’s kind of like grappling you do like you like grapple uh different areas if you guys I don’t

Know if you guys have ever played that game where you have to like do parkour off trucks and like make it to the Finish Line it’s kind of like the same like type of like gameplay of that but it’s with grappling hooks rather than doing parkour

So I don’t know it might be entertaining it might be bad who knows depending I might play it for a while I might play it for like five minutes depending on how entertaining it is and who knows maybe uh decide not to play it just because I’m trying to get progress done

What do you guys think should I play that game or should I continue working on my Fortress or not my fort my kingdom sorry my lovely uh my pods look or no my Pillager Kingdom because I do want to get this done by end of September or actually before then but

I hope to be done like actually fully done by the end of September but my goal is to be done by my birthday because when October happens when when I finish this project or when October becomes a thing we’re gonna stop doing what we’re doing and then start uh

Working on um on a massive skeleton or like something writing a skeleton horse uh with a jack Lantern head and then the Jack Lantern head is gonna be like a there we go like a Sit excuse me like a building or something uh but it’s gonna be like a massive Jack liner head

What game is it it’s called it’s called grapple that’s literally all it is it’s free on Steam uh but it just sounds like I saw it’s like oh yeah try it because like I know my friend has it for some reason so if he has it he might it might be good

Yeah I don’t know he doesn’t have that many games so if he has that game it could be good I don’t know it’s Theory we’ll see we’ll see if it’s a good game or if it’s a trash game I really cannot believe I literally spent I spent like three hours going and

Trying to find a lush cape and there’s so many I found like like like probably like 30 trees since then that are like right next to my base and I’m like are you [ __ ] kidding me bro it’s like so close to my base and I I spent like like three

Hours going to the middle of nowhere to find one uh I can’t believe that look at that word we filled up six shulker boxes nice I don’t know why I have dirt I’m not gonna lie all right there’s uh some puzzle there puzzle there also here here

And we are already starting to mine this puzzle is it it is this puzzle wait is hit where the where was I mining I like didn’t pick up all the blocks well I guess we’ll just continue here hopefully uh I find those blocks we’re not trying to waste pods all over here

We have limited pods will left there’s like none left sounds interesting all right I might play we’ll see I probably will [Applause] but if you guys don’t don’t wanna don’t don’t feel like me playing that then uh down to continue working but make it let make hopefully make the stream more

Entertaining that’s my goal because I mean look I’ve been mining for almost an hour probably where he found it from it was made from YouTuber oh yeah that’s probably that’s probably is where he found it from but yeah I’ll try you know could be a good game could be a like

Complete trash game who knows and if it’s boring I’ll probably just go back but I’m trying to make it the stream more entertaining scene is that I am literally just Mining and I’ve been doing that for like a month straight okay not a month straight but you know hopefully hopefully make the stream

Entertaining and now I gotta do karaoke next time I have to repair my shovels that’s interesting if I remember to do that like I forget I’ll be like I’ll just go like oh I can’t wait to do this it’s gonna be so boring and I’ll just forget to do karaoke

Hopefully I remember we’ll see we will see dude where is that like area that I just left because I swear there was a section that I was mining of podzel and just kind of like left might be here no probably not well it’s not here but whatever we’ll continue mining

There’s a few chunks left this will probably take like 20 minutes max we should play OverWatch sometime I’ve never played OverWatch I don’t have much interest in shooting games I’m not even gonna lie and that one looks kind of like not I don’t know if it’s complicated but

It looks chaotic the the one time I looked at it or saw it but I’ve never played OverWatch high level strategies that you would probably never use oh please don’t please don’t okay I don’t need that random knowledge guys you know how to do this in in OverWatch I’m just kidding

Now will the gym never use it though uh that is definitely true I swear I just thought there is going to axo animations how’s your day going well welcome to stream I’m about to I’m out of fire I’m out of fireworks dude I like when was the last time I

Like had to hunt for food I feel like I’ve been like I don’t know how I’ve got my food like somehow it’s food for like oh no that’s out I lived off fish for like probably like for like nearly 2 000 days that’s lived off fish and then I finally

Got villagers in the last couple hundred days and I’ve been going good just finished some math homework that’s always good always love doing my homework like doing your homework like sucks but when you get it done it feels so much better because you’re like oh my

God I have nothing else to do the rest of the week or like well till tomorrow until they decide more but still it’s like damn I I actually don’t have to like worry about doing something let’s go like this year I’ve been like doing all my homework the second I do it mainly

Because oh my gosh excuse bless you bro no I don’t know if you guys can hear that this one off really loudly but anyways uh yeah I don’t know I’ve just been doing like I quit using my phone so I have a ton of extra time but as I

Always do my homework when I get it and now I just like fine you know I have nothing to do so well I’ve already so yeah I can just chill and relax find out most of my like I normally procrastinated this is like the only year I’ve ever ever actually been like

On time with my homework well I’m always on time I’m always doing it the night before but this year I’ve been just like finishing it like the day it’s assigned and then I’ll just be like oh well I have nothing else to do them this week I’m chilling it’s actually so nice though

But uh do you uh do you play Minecraft axo animations let’s call you axo if that’s fine but I don’t know agreed yeah I know I I don’t know I don’t know because like I’m senior right now and like literally my entire the entire time I’ve been uh

In school I normally didn’t complete the homework until like uh well I guess in up to third grade I did but in fourth grade my teacher I gave us one assignment the entire year and it was the science fair then every single person was forced to do it that

Is I looked and yeah I looked in Harrisburg there’s one assignment Ben is they basically messed me over because I was like a good student and then it was like I got used to not doing homework so then I started procrastinating in fourth grade but it is fourth grade till like

11th grade I didn’t do my homework until like the night of uh and not the best but now that I’ve been doing it like that this day it’s a do it’s actually been so nice just like having this extra time to like relax interesting animal of the stream heck yes I love animals

It’s an endangered animal as well an okapi you can uh just call me axo and yes Minecraft is awesome heck yeah that’s what I’m talking about who doesn’t like Minecraft also like oh my gosh this is a zebra but like zebra horse that is actually kind of cool animal let me show

It one second uh look at it and it’s an it’s an okapi it looks like a zebra horse that’s baitlin I swear that basically is what it is oh my gosh look at that dude that is a insane tongue you know I I wonder like how this evolved I I

Wonder how this uh as always I’m wondering how it evolved uh there’s so many animals that I just didn’t know existed that’s crazy uh watermelon has showed me like 30 animals I’ve never seen before like what was that other one I forgot what it was called but it’s like it look it’s like

Literally a submarine that is like legit what it is uh some animals that just don’t exist like don’t know how they exist but this is a very cool looking animal and I wonder where does it like where does it uh originate or live origin all right let’s go to all

Uh Northeast Democratic Republic of a Congo in central Africa you guys don’t know where that is that’s like the middle of Africa uh yeah that’s that that literally is central Africa so yeah basically wait is it no it might be slightly left I don’t even know it’s somewhere there though

My teacher last year forced us to learn all the states and he didn’t tell us until a week before he’s like guys you have to learn all of the countries not not all the states you just have to learn every country uh and I’ll grade you

On its uh next week that’s like what the [ __ ] what do you mean bro and there’s like the it was like I think it’s like 10 of the final or like so they I think the final counts for like 20 or 30 of your grade and that was

Like 10 of it and then the other 10 was just like doing the AP exam which I didn’t do so I just got a free pass but anyways it’s like damn bro I hear telling us like a week before and we have to learn like 118 countries or

Something like that and we have to learn where they are you see the issue with doing that is the second we finish that test we’re not remembering any of those like we might slightly remember them but that is not like we’re not gonna remember that like for a long term you know

It’s like that that’s the issue like about doing that you know it’s like I learned it for this quiz and now we will never use it yet if you like if you had to how to slowly learn it throughout the year I probably would still know most of

The countries but soon as he had his learn every single country in a week oh hell no bro I don’t remember any of those countries they’re talking about freaking Jordan like I don’t know where Jordan is I know it’s a small country but I don’t know where that is somewhere in like

Like I don’t even know near near uh not really near India it’s farther left than India but yeah I don’t know I don’t know where it is but it’s like bro I don’t know insane that my teacher did that to me or to our entire class oh

I think we might be entirely out of pot no I don’t think we’re entirely out we’re insanely close to being entirely out of puzzle and then we get to go do other stuff geography is my strong suit oh is not your strong suit no agreed I suck at geography like

I learned that that face and then I I Disappeared oh the face looks like a a llama on the younger ones so it’s like the combination of llamas that animal if you’re wondering the animal is a combination of llama horse and Debra mainly horse and zebra though I would say

But honestly I could kind of see the the llama in the face you guys ever see alpacas before I went and like did like I went to like like alpaca like Farm oh crazy ass animals and they’re they’re like their wool is actually insanely soft I I knew

It was soft but it is like damn I didn’t realize how pack of her was like so expensive though that’s one issue it’s so soft that it’s like I think insanely expensive I don’t remember I think they’re like selling like I forgot how much it was but it’s quite

Expensive because they had like this uh gift shop and stuff no obviously that stuff’s gonna be probably a little more expensive than some like alpaca you can buy like on the internet but not like alpaca for not now pocket obviously but still it was like damn I’m not buying

That that’s way too much money and you’re gonna go broke if I do that uh we’re legitimately like out of podzel what are we gonna do uh we gotta go make sure there’s no puzzle I know there’s like three or four like places where there’s a little but

Alpaca Farm yes they’re so cute no agree alpacas but they don’t they spit at you sometimes if you’re like I don’t is it alpacas or it’s a llamas dude alpacas are [ __ ] cute bro like llamas are cool but alpacas are cooler uh no hate to llamas

Um yeah we’re I think yep we’re gonna have to go find a new biome that’s fine because we’re gonna probably play that random game you think it’s llamas yet okay yeah llamas I know I’m pretty yeah I’m like pretty certain llama spit at us at you but I don’t know if alpacas do

Also they could I honestly don’t I don’t know and I don’t know much like I’m not the most that versed in knowledge of that stuff hmm I need to put this in the fridge where am I going All right uh where are my shulker boxes at hi tripping over here where are my shoulder boxes all right we’ll eventually find him uh hopefully oh they’re right here we’re good we found him oh he’s not even coming toward us heck yeah all right uh puzzle puzzle look at that Six choker boxes of puzzle not bad uh we need way more but it’s fine because I didn’t really I didn’t expect to actually fill up that many shoulder boxes looked it up and uh they actually both spit dang is that like their only defense you know

What I’m saying like they must they must have lived in like a pretty on or pretty tame environment or because like evolutionary wise they only can attack from like spitting that’s crazy although I could be wrong I’m not like a like a biologist or whatever whatever

That is I’m not a life scientist or whatever I’m mad about that I’d actually be tough only being able to spit like some like [ __ ] Tigers charging at you and you you like Bitten on them like that’d be so bad you you just know you’re [ __ ] imagine that’s how we defended ourselves

Just spit at people get away from me You Wallace zoologist is a study of animals do they study evolution what’s the animal or what’s the like field of study that does uh that um whatever it’s called not zoologist uh obviously but um well it could be zoologist I could be wrong but that what was I talking about

Um Evolution that’s the word I don’t know that’s crazy so Axel what do you do like the actual animations are you do you animate or uh is that just like a name that you you gave yourself a while back and you never got around to it they’re called evolutionary biologists

Even though that is a job that I honestly think might be entertaining I like I don’t know though because like maybe that wouldn’t be entertaining but that sounds like an interesting job like I feel like that could be that could be fun learning about the evolution of stuff because you’re like uh

Oh my god I’m an idiot I can’t believe I just did that well whatever I’m trying to figure out where the hell might dude where is this I can’t find it is it this I don’t recognize the name ignore me I’m trying to find as crazy as

Animal and I’m like because I’m oh it is this one okay it is this one but I actually just showed like all my read like all of my history luckily I don’t like to look up anything crazy on there but like what the f how does something evolve to this like like what

How do you evolve to be that this is a good driverization these are not the eyes these are the eyes these yellow things that’s insane bro I just don’t like how do you evolve d That’s crazy dude now that’s um like yeah this is like actually what it like I could imagine

You know this is crazy though the evolution there all right anyways back to my uh my Minecraft world I discovered a flip a flip a flip first and just did a lot and my skills eventually uh grew and got better as my dry skills got better okay so for

Animation like do you have basically just have to like draw everything you animate or is there like how did that work like because I know I’ve seen like also it depends on what I guess it depends on what animation you do but like I don’t really like understand how it works you know

I don’t really know how to explain like what I’m trying to like figure out but I don’t know I think animation is cool but I feel like it’s something I just would like take too much time for me to learn if that makes sense I feel quite hard

But I’ve never tried it so obviously don’t I don’t think I’d have enough time to learn how to animate I have too many like random things that I want to learn animation is lower down there oh let’s see perfect puzzle now we just got the uh oh geez almost just fell

We’ll put these all back for now and then maybe we go find more puzzles soon but who knows make a giant soccernet is there a reason for the giant soccer night soccer not night soccer net also how’s it going uh shin Shin Godzilla I like the name Shin Godzilla full name

I did practice animation the other day of coffee and steam uh felt like it took an hour but it only took a half an hour for like three seconds first three second Loop interesting soccer is fun I can agree on that I used to play soccer and when I

Was in like fourth grade but then I quit I don’t know why I just no no just kind of quit but okay I’ll build like eventually I if if like okay I’m trying to think I’m not gonna build it right now because I’m I’m working on my project but if there’s a

Good like I need a good build idea to build you know massive soccer net I would like something that’s like original or like interesting like like kind of crazy like this one I’m doing I’m making I’m making all my pillagers I’m making pillages that are friendly right

You know I need something like that’s like makes it an interesting thing you know wait let me uh let me do this animations take so long for only three seconds yeah that that’s that that’s the thing I’m like worried about you know don’t animation take forever but I guess I mean like

I we have a ton of time every day like an hour you probably get faster out wait okay that’s what I was looking for probably get faster right well not pry you would get faster I I just assume like higher skill the more you so I mean the more you

Experience you get the faster you can do it but uh what was I I didn’t remember what I was gonna like talk about when I said that well I don’t even remember so this is what we are doing a while ago this is how we get most of the puzzle um

Is this the right one so touch nope that’s not the right one Fortune three that’s what we need um what was I even saying oh no this is how we like all the flat areas like this entire section why is there so many freaking Enderman bro oh my God

Oh you’re ruining my landscape there we go uh uh what was I even talking about I don’t remember oh yeah this flat area that’s how we get all the puzzle for the flat area we just build trees and then burn them down but I do need more uh more saplings so

Honestly props to people who animate for a living but anime TV shows are just puppets uh now to make it easier yeah how like how do you how do like people make like you guys probably don’t know the answer this but how the [ __ ] how do people make

Like animation like like animes you know I’m saying like how are you gonna how do people animate animes yeah is it the same like way or is it like a different different thing entirely to make like uh say one piece or whatever that’s the only one I actually know I don’t watch

Anime so yeah what is your coolest to build um I would say probably my find my black hole that’s by the the coolest thing I’ve ever built in this world I could show you honestly like might as well just Vibe and chilling on stream sure you’re not doing too much

I also need to go get uh why is there saplings right here oh that’s not a problem but there is uh there is what was I gonna say ugh like my bro my my like short-term memory uh it sucks some days other days it’s actually good

Oh my God what was oh flint and steel that’s what it was yeah yeah we need a Flinch and steal oh you know what I can do oh my God wait I need gravel but I have like I have two pieces of gravel well that’ll work not really is there any gravel here

That’s what I’m no gravel still very time consuming learned recently that a lion king took over a million frames anime heck no bro dude that’s what I’m saying like animation like I don’t think I would ever like it looks interesting and fun to be able to do but

I don’t think I would like ever be able to like get to the point of being able to actually like do that like like I just feel like I’ve spent too much time for so little I just one wouldn’t be able to level just do that for funny you know it’s

Just like oh my gosh it’s gonna take too long if that made any sense but yeah I’ll show you in a second chin I just gotta real quickly buy uh some gravel from the villagers this is also a cool project it’s like a like a cherry blossom type of uh villager Training

Hall uh but um not the coolest I would say all right my question is which one was it that it sells I don’t even oh it’s probably this one right it is look at that all right perfect now we are good animation definitely isn’t everyone’s cup of tea uh yeah that’s what like

Animation looks fun to be able to do but I just feel like it looks funner than it actually is you know I’m saying that I really just just I wouldn’t be able to do it also Let’s uh yeah I’ll leave the gravel here all right I’ll show you guys my lovely black

Hole real quickly and oh that’s my now the right armor sets if you have never seen this but uh um what’s gonna do oh my God my memory is so bad hopefully I don’t die from lag I normally get a boat but I haven’t done

That this uh I haven’t I haven’t been in the nether in a while so you know but this is uh oh yeah this is a perimeter kind of it’s basically for the end portal uh and we had a mind down a lot this is also the other side because

It’s a creeper Farm also um but it works down here always down survival worlds lose my stuff and quit I totally like I could see that you know quitting in like when you lose some like a lot of time there’s one survival world I had I spent hours getting an elytra

And I was flying in the end and my lights are broke and I went into the void and I was like yo I’m not playing this game again and I took a break from survival for like for like three weeks or like for like probably like half a year like six

Months and I just like went and played Hypixel I was like I’m not doing this anymore should I try to make a new one I mean on it yeah making a new one’s always fun also why is my okay oh it’s laggy it always is slightly laggy when you come into this

Well this is a this is my black hole let’s go to the entrance right here I need to I don’t I’ve never really got around to finishing the stars all the way around and I probably will eventually but that is like not high on my uh my list but this is it

It mainly uh it took us just took so long to do the reason I have a 1.4 million stone mind is because of this project but it also has a creeper Farm below so it’s all all that cool stuff never do something like that yeah I know

It’s just it’s all about how much time you’re willing to spend on something because I feel like most people could do what I’m doing right here because like all of this all this puzzle is replaced by hand like I had a like all this mountain area I had a mind the dirt and

Place puzzle and all that like all the way around like it’s like everyone could do it it’s just like who’s willing like who can come up with idea if you can come up with idea and if you’re willing to spend enough time but obviously like you know having seen

As I’ve like played the game also what am I doing actually I should probably keep that as soon as I played the game for so long I mean I really uh um I don’t know I have more skills I can do it faster than some people but if you

Have enough time you know anything you can do and anyone could do like anything in Minecraft I think that’s probably why it’s so popular but yeah most people just like don’t have like they make sense but they don’t have like the uh either they they don’t want to spend

Enough time to do something or they just don’t have any any ideas and that’s mainly why they like wait they’re like they want to play Minecraft for a bit they come they do stuff and then they get bored again like I don’t know what to do and then they quit that

That’s what most people do but you know I have so many ideas and I’ve played the game for so long that I uh I just uh I know I always come up with ideas so never get bored I also have to go pick up an instrument

Soon which is sad because I have to leave but also exciting a wood instrument I used to play the trombone but I quit because I I basically got forced to do it and like oh what like personally I don’t really like instruments well no I don’t hate instruments I I always get I

Got forced for like four years to play music and I was like I’d rather not do this so I just don’t do it but but I always you know if you like instruments heck yeah let’s see I used to uh should I use keep inventory or is it cheating honestly I feel like

Keep inventory is just not as fun because if you lose yourself like it’s like whatever I can die as many times as a one and then that’s fine and you die a lot but I feel like it just makes it a less like it makes the game like one of

The main reasons to make people play is for like you know surviving and all that and if you like never lose your stuff it makes it less less I would say less like entertaining and like less of a like a risk now if you if you’re gonna die like

Every minute maybe if you want but I mean it is it is up to you it’s not you know but that’s my opinion on keep inventory there’s some ways and I’m like oh shoot that could be like nice to have keep inventory but in general I normally don’t also why am

I all right let me finish doing this and then we’ll just start burning them all down I’m gonna play the flute my goal is to be able to play Zelda music eventually oh hey you know you gotta learn also how to do what’s that

This is a side quest for you uh just for me you gotta learn how to do um what that oh the is it Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit oh my God now I want to play it there’s like that flute music of like I think it’s Lord of the Rings

Oh no I think it’s Hobbit is it this uh it might be Lord of the Rings let’s see I’m gonna get like freaking copyrighted Oh dude you guys probably can’t even hear it hold on a second let me put my task manager like let me put my sound up this is a banger bro all right I’m gonna be quiet just for a second I don’t even know if this is the right song I might beat the wrong song but one of them is good I don’t know what it’s just like a kind of a banger mainly because I watched the movie if you watch something like if you listen

To a song well like watching a video it becomes better if the video is good if I know the video sucks is not gonna be as good but oh my gosh that’s so loud let me put this back on but that’s that’s one of the like

Main reasons I like that song a lot but also it’s a banger you know I’m just saying I might have to sleep I can’t sleep never mind we can’t sleep ignore that but yeah this is what we do uh to get podzel on most of this stuff

Because I cannot be bothered to spend my time uh actually like you know doing this I bet we just Burn It Down and somehow I like you can actually gain enough saplings like every couple of trees I mine and then I’m like back up to a stack it’s like we’re good

Don’t even have to do most of this I don’t know if these will grow this probably won’t grow yeah I forgot how the how does it work again we looked it up I forgot but there’s like some spawning mechanic on how it works have a good one shin and hopefully you

Have a good day and hope to see you again I have to go now have a good one axo hopefully uh you get to uh get your flute and one day learn how to play well your goal obviously and then also you better learn how to play The Hobbit that Banger song

I’ve been listening to that in so long I listened to it when I was like in eighth grade now I’m in 12th grade I haven’t listened to it since then but dude oh [ __ ] I forgot I existed bro oh my God it’s a banger not really I mean it’s good that way

No someone left is so so oh you’re not leaving okay well it’s all good it’s all good well welcome back then I don’t know I my brother played the flute for a while and I don’t know we we both like the issue with getting like my school

Board my old school used to force people to like play music the issue with that is you just not don’t want to do it you know like if I like I might like music more or like playing like the trombone more because I played the trombone I

Might like it more if I wasn’t forced to do it like for like four years but that’s the issue with the getting forced to play something or doing something it just makes it less fun a majority of the time but I’m not about to like you know and that’s why I had me

And my brother both instantly quit playing like when we uh when we left our our old school because like I know we just didn’t like it but I bet like if I wasn’t forced to do it all through like the entire time I went to that school well not the entire

Time like I guess what fifth to eighth grade I probably would like it more but uh not anymore Belle few years but in the second year I supposed to practice over the summer but I didn’t so I faked playing for them it for the entire year I mean bro that’s

The issue like getting forced to do it like so much it’s like I don’t want to do it like if I wanted to do it I would like do it but it’s not it made it not fun being forced to practice every night get like a weird Force like legitimately log like like

200 minutes and a day I’m not a day sorry a week it’s like oh [ __ ] yeah bro like I know I need to like practice and all that but I really do not want to do this take it on the first year but then I didn’t didn’t really want to play it

Anymore but then uh I was convinced to do it but forgot to uh do it over the summer for the second year it makes it you know honestly uh a note sometimes you just don’t ow I forgot what I was gonna say I’m gonna be honest I I totally forgot what I was

Gonna say never mind dude I got like oh that’s the wrong thing I got like no saplings from mining that the heck oh this is about a burn down also it’s gonna jump trees oh my God it legit is oh my oh my God and my jump trees whatever

I’m back I finally hear hear you now all right welcome back how’s your day going vanish hopefully good we’re making progress I just finished mining six or yeah six shulker boxes the puzzle but uh unfortunately we ran out of puzzle over in that other area so we’re gonna

I’m gonna chill here for a bit make a concrete Farm inside of a big soccer ball okay I like that dude let’s see let me write this down I always love having ideas but I need something like a reason to build something right well uh the reason I’m building my Pillager

Farm is I want to that’s the reason what was I gonna say oh yeah that’s what you’re gonna do write it down my memory sucks I’m doing good oh I made some progress today I’ve made a lot of progress actually but hopefully we’re gonna

Stream for a while what time is it oh my God it’s only 5 30. yeah I’ve been assume for a while uh today how many how long have I been streaming oh my God two hours already well anyways uh yeah I found out streaming for a while because I was gonna stream

Yesterday and on Monday but I didn’t get around to it because I was super busy and stuff so all right let me write this drop down uh where the freaking music go music as my in between a song or something I don’t know hopefully the music comes back foreign soccer ball On massive playing field or on massive what’s it what is it called like a soccer field is just a field a massive field I guess okay good idea now we have it uh maybe one day I’ll get around well hopefully one day I’ll get around to it I have so many plans

That’ll take so long one day I will build that though if I don’t die we love ideas like I came up with one idea like I want to make an ant hill in the inside the Ant Hill I don’t know I saw this in like there’s a random ass movie that I

Watched I saw like a massive like ant hill like type of thing but there are different creatures it’s about like an alien invasion and all that but I was like what if we made like a massive ant hill with ants in it but it’s like the Ant

Hill inside the anhill is a dirt storage and a dirt Factory now that’s the reason you know I’m like vibing and all that the reason I haven’t been very active was because my PC battery started swelling and wait I can’t read and many more use could make the laptop

Oh any more use could make the laptop explode but got a new laptop a couple days ago well nice I’m worried my computer is actually about to like die because the last couple of days my computer is like very has been very like I turn it on and I

Press the power button and then it it takes like 15 minutes to like open to the home screen and I’m like what the f why is it taking so long so I’m hoping my computer doesn’t die but it might potentially that’s why I I’m just hoping I don’t like lose my

World again because I’ve lost multiple hard drives to uh to that and I’ve lost multiple hard like micro not Hardcore Minecraft world to uh my hard drive corrupting so hopefully that doesn’t happen this time and that would be so sad I would ah what’s going on also I

Think actually I should keep this I forgot I was keeping eggs there we go uh what do I I need bone meal go get it checked out please don’t yeah I know I really do not want to lose my hardcore world but uh I mean I don’t know what else I

Can do like I what I did this morning or not this morning before I started streaming I streamed for like I was gonna start streaming an hour before uh I started but I spent like an hour cleaning out stuff deleting files and all that because I’m pretty sure the main reason is just

Slow is because I have like 13 thing like like a thousand things downloaded and it just takes forever to load because how many things I’ve downloaded that’s my theory and My Hope because if not uh [ __ ] because yeah I don’t really know what I’m gonna do if if that’s like

Wrong but anyways hopefully that’s right and if not well I guess I might uh move my hardcore World onto an external drive um because that that could always work we’ll see can you make it back back up and it should be fine the issue is I really don’t want to have

A backup of my hardcore world because if I die then I I can just like always like back it up you know I was like but I might I might make it back up on uh on a separate hard drive that’s probably what I’m gonna do the issue about that is another issue

About that is if it were to happen and I were to revert my hard drive to my old world uh or my my save the save would be probably like a bit behind because it I’m not gonna save it every single time I play because it my hard work my world

My heart my world is 50 gigabytes it’s like 55 gigabytes that is gonna take forever to like re like save on a different hard drive let’s take like probably a couple like an hour maybe I don’t know it’s bigger than Apex I’m pretty sure which is yeah that’s damn bro it’s massive though

I have a pretty big uh big hardcore now I’m actually in like so like impressed that my world is 50 gigabytes oh what am I doing pretty much impossible to die when you’re this far I mean that’s true but at the same time like one day you know I could die you’re

Never gonna there’s just so many random like occurrences that could happen like I haven’t lost a totem in a long time but you never know like Phil’s a three and three years in died now uh that’s because he didn’t have a totem maybe you had a totem you would have been fine but

But yeah no it’s enough you never know yeah honestly uh the biggest worry of me losing my hardcore world at the moment is a hard drive corruption and yeah I’m not I’m hoping that does not happen because that would suck see how many look I just got like half a stack from that

Let me I’ll move it to here hopefully this gets everything oh it does let’s go I’m kind of wasting some saplings right now but I don’t really care like I can make as many trees as possible as long as I just don’t have to do too much um use too much podzel right

Here because at the moment the puzzle is the problem and I’ll probably just come through and replace these with the puzzle because it’s not worth drawing a tree right there that’s just gonna instantly like I don’t know making some Pop-Tarts what type of Pop-Tart s i don’t eat Pop-Tarts but I you know

What I heard I heard Walmart’s biggest seller is Pop-Tarts I don’t know if it’s true it could have changed since then since the last time I saw it but I vote if that’s actually true that’s insane like you would I would not expect pop parts to be the biggest like seller at

Walmart but that’s what they it said that’s what they said because they have like they always take data on what they like purchase or what people purchase so they have to so they can like have the right stuff in stock more often than the other stuff that’s not but out of anything

Pop-Tarts really it’s like I mean it might make sense because I know a ton of people that own pop Parts but I never have Pop Tarts like it’s quite rare for us to own pop like have Pop-Tarts in our house foreign it does grow perfect chocolate wait okay I missed so many

Messages you have around 400 hours on your Minecraft world I did the math oh my gosh dude I don’t know uh how you did the math on that but uh nice I love uh I love hardcore nah I mean I don’t I don’t know I love uh no I do like

Hardcore but I wonder I think it might be higher than that because the main reason is I didn’t sleep for 14 days uh IRL so and I could add an extra like I don’t know how to do the math on that but yeah I didn’t sleep for I think like

300 400 like and it was a long time in game but also it’s I think 14 to 15 days IRL a hardcore world I’ve had for a little over a year now I think I don’t even know it might I think no it’s been oh no it’s nearly a year and a half

I don’t know fully but it’s definitely pretty good yeah 450 I let’s look because I know I have to add an extra 100 hours on to how much I have right now because I had my other Minecraft account uh taken from me by Mojang because they wanted us to

Migrate but time with time since last depth 25.4 days plus 100 hours I need a calculator oh no I do how much is that 20 5.4 times 60 no no sorry yeah that’s days we times that by 24 sorry oh my God I actually have like nearly 700 hours

I guess I just haven’t slept very much because I know I I didn’t sleep for a while but I’m honestly I 700 hours on my world almost that seems a little high on this that’s insane I am 2 378 days in and I didn’t sleep for nearly a thousand of them

Probably I don’t know how much like actually but it was a while you stay at 14 days in a row or no it was like 14 days like so when you go to statistics right and it goes down here it talks about how it’s like 25 days it’s at 14 days since

Last rest uh and that’s basically what it was so 14 days I don’t know of no sleeping so I was like oh there’s like I don’t even know how many days that is uh in game that is a while it wasn’t even bad the worst part was the freaking Phantoms

But uh and what yeah no once I got to a certain like when I the main reason I did it well no you’re the main reason but I mainly did that while I was mining out my black hole and once I got far enough down Phantoms would stop spawning

So uh so I didn’t have to deal with them because that’s far enough down which is good because I probably would have slept if Phantoms had continued these fandoms are probably the most annoying thing like that I had to deal with while doing that how’s it going Max the dog how’s your

Day going hopefully well all right I think we’re like actually out of dirt for this section look how much pause we just saved is that a creeper really so all this was dirt or grass that we turned into puzzle also and we are gonna put grass on top of it because then it

Adds more texture it makes it look better and also we’re gonna probably fill this in with puzzle but that this is just like the bare bare minimum oh [ __ ] oh no all right we’re good we’re good some of these it’s easier than mine did I not burn this down

It’s probably raining or something I don’t know let’s see it’s not gonna burn down oh I don’t think never mind I don’t think I spent a thing on it but no I think we’re probably oh my God oh my God a sec why is there so many

This is so weird because normally like when I was doing it on the other section there was like none of this like most of the stuff burned down and then I have to torch a couple of these but there is way more this time it might have been because of the rain

That is one reason there could it could have been uh but ow I don’t know another reason any surf we recommended I just got Java for the PC well obviously High pixel Hypixel is a great server and you probably spend way more time than you should on there

If you if you actually find something interesting to do on there but also let’s see I don’t even play that many servers out yeah I haven’t played like Minecraft servers in such a long time besides Hypixel that’s like the only serve I’ve played um trying to think like what other servers

Have I played oh I suck I don’t hockey so I did have to scroll that far which it wasn’t happening yeah if you guys have any service suggestions feel free to to uh put them in the chat because I don’t do servers very often not Hypixel and PVP Legacy okay that’s

Like the only only other server I have is people forced me to get it ow was it pvcp Legacy I was one of the PVP ones you get shaders if you upgrade your PC uh me no I don’t I don’t know I try and like build everything

In normal Minecraft because I don’t know if so if I ever like download make a download for my world everyone has the same view on the world like if I die in my world and I only use shaders like somebody I know some streamers literally only use shaders

Like it’s just not going to be as cool with you with when you don’t use shaders if that makes sense so I try and build everything without data and I just can’t be bothered to download shaders also but anyways I just try to build everything so it looks as good as possible without

Shaders but I bet that like my uh my black hole would look like way better if I had shaders but I can’t like first off I really don’t know how to get shaders I also can’t be bothered and if I ever were to release you know

Like a download in my world people from every single like every single person who downloads it has the same view on the world as I do like because I bet like some people they’re like I’ve seen like a build in like hardcore world and then they’ve downloaded the hardcore

World or something like that and then they they’ve looked at like what the this looks like way less cool because because it’s not shaders like because they’re not using a Shader foreign shaders look really cool I just like first off don’t know like I don’t even know how to download them but

Also like I don’t want to download any because I kind of like the vanilla aspect of the game oh not the vanilla aspect just like the I don’t know I like the normal the normal like look of the game also this is taking forever to burn

If you start stuff burning from below I think it burns a lot better oh let’s go why is there so many logs like this the last oh gosh the last one I did this on had like not it like no logs but there’s so many I went through an entire stack of rockets

Doing that oh my gosh what a waste also uh let’s see what up now that we’ve ran out of that we could place more dirt and continue this trend I’m thinking we go do um small other thing real quickly and we probably need to replace that

Soon but oh there’s some right here and whatever oh let’s see I when I use shaders the torture I make very light so I stopped using it oh yeah like where you when you hold the torch it it makes light everywhere you go this is our our Pillager King uh we plan on

Putting him in the castle up here but um I need to name him still and I need to like finish this Castle also I found out villagers can’t spawn if uh the light is above light level eight that’s why this is still here because it’s above light level eight so

We need to find out a way to hide these lights um because I had carpet here before if you guys didn’t know because this is this is nons or this is spawnable right here but the the rest of the castle is not spawnable so up here I tried making it

Like non-spawnable but it looked ugly but anyways uh we probably need to build like chandeliers and stuff uh so we can do that and then we can have this great seating area uh we’ll see and then um we need to probably decorate in here slightly I need to do this quite

Soon because I want to make this entire like project finished I probably won’t do it this stream but these are my plans this is where the king is gonna sit so we need to bring that guy from down there up here uh I’m probably gonna get a queen or

Something like that we’ll see um they’re probably gonna get like guards and all that stuff uh and I need to decorate in here and then another thing that I got to do is make this the King’s Room because this is where the king and queen live or

Whatever and then we’re also gonna have a staircase like probably over there up to their Royal balcony or whatever and this is their balconyer and uh and we’re gonna have that and then I might make like a small balcony up here we’ll see uh and then um

Out here I don’t know we’ll probably put like a couple tables and stuff but not too much also somehow there’s a chicken in here I don’t know how he got here but somehow any of you guys who don’t know this entire Castle is spawn proofed besides that like small section that I

Just showed you and the reason for that is below the castle there’s a Pillager Outpost that we got rid of and we’ve made a farm for uh yeah so yeah that’s the reason the reason but uh you know interesting interesting interesting all right let’s go save this egg and

Then let’s get back to working I think we just do some couch stuff like I was gonna continue working on the mountain but I think that that might be a little I don’t I don’t really feel like doing that right now so we’re just gonna work on the uh just placing stuff

All of a sudden setting the sun is like setting towards my window so now I’m about to get blinded I might have to take a break to go close that in a second but we’ll see all right that we don’t need that all right let’s see look at that for now probably

Just one yeah we’ll we’ll use more than one but just for now and then let’s put all these things back all right bro I’m blind I literally I pulse from this chest and had to go get flynnton Steels but I have three of them what I’m breaking through right here I’m an idiot

An idiot I am hey have you guys you know you guys like this like this stream feel free to like like the video you know I’ll put uh I don’t even know what what does liking do well you know just shows that people like the video or the stream technically

My backyard I have a good one watermelon Pizza well until I get back obviously but now we’re probably just gonna like replace some ground here for a bit and this is what I’ve been doing for the entire thing uh all the way around a proposal I have to mine it and then

Place it back that is kind of just how it goes because you can’t grow massive trees here so the only really the only like way that I know of is by doing this and it works it’s actually quite uh peaceful especially when you like have something to talk about or when you’re

Listening to music both are quite nice so uh but you know my goal is just to complete this I don’t know let’s see how much do we have left let me go over there for a second um my goal is to get this all the way up

The mountain for the most part another thing that we also have to do um oh wow we are like uh-huh we just need to finish this section right but right here we’re gonna make a mountain out of podzel and uh I probably want to go all the way

Up to the top with podzel um because this is also going to be a mountain we have to finish it we have to get all the way up here probably uh we’ll see them um but uh but yeah interesting uh interesting stuff but we are making a product we’re like actually like getting

Way way closer to being done I need shears that’s what it was my watch keeps telling me to move every two seconds and it’s driving me nuts you gotta take your watch off okay that either that means the time is flying because you’re having fun or or your watch is tripping

Or you’re just not moving enough you gotta like wiggle in your seat every like five seconds for the watch all right I will probably get rid of all of these shears like instantly almost because the amount of grass that we save also hey everyone we we normally mine grass

Or mine the grass and then uh because we’re gonna mine the grass and then place it back um but we want to have like we want to know like the amount that we kind of want to put down so uh by by mining it with shears then

We know the exact amount of grass that was there before we uh destroyed and placed it with podzel now placing all this grass back might not happen because I have mined like how much have I mind I’d mind 11 oh my god I’ve made almost 11 000 grass

Like that is gonna take forever to place like the entire you guys saw what how much I’ve placed right all of that puzzle wise is a little less than 66 000 puzzle excluding all the treat all the stuff that’s grown by trees that obviously uh does like not count towards that but

We’re gonna have to place a lot of grass will be your next big project be um let’s see oh my gosh I’m actually getting blinded by this light but I’ll tell you guys this as far as before I’m probably gonna take a quick break because I’ve been streaming

For two hours in 30 minutes almost and I haven’t taken a break well I ignoring that sorry I don’t know like I’m so like I always get off topic but uh my next big project so we’re gonna finish this obviously and then I’m thinking for Halloween we make a massive

Skeleton horse with something riding it and it having a Jack-o-Lantern head I don’t know what it’ll be it might be uh full diamond mob potentially depending we’ll see what it is but um depending on what it is uh yeah and then it’ll have we’re just gonna make a massive one of those and

Then it’s also gonna have like a building or like something inside the jack-o-lantern head I mean maybe maybe do a castle although that might be too big I might be going a little crazy there but something I want to have like a house or something inside the jack

O’lantern head uh and that that’s the next big project for Halloween um and then after Halloween I have no clue November is a uh is up to what deciding right now I’m thinking potentially if we build a castle I was thinking about it earlier we build a castle where um every single

Day every single stream we shoot a bow at a button at like the top of the castle and the castle is like all nice and all that but if I hit the button and I’ll do that I’ll shoot at it every single stream if I hit the button the castle explodes

That’s I just wanted to do that and I was like well I might do that in November we’ll see uh depending on I don’t know I don’t even want to collect ferns because these ferns are like not using these phones it’s only because of a jungle that there’s ferns

I think that would be an entertaining and great idea because then every single time we like guys we might lose our Castle today but we’ll see we’ll see what happens I don’t know if you guys have any I don’t know I’ll probably look at my list

Of what I want to do and depending on how early I finished that uh that build for Halloween and this build we’ll see when I uh what I will do because I could start my base because if you guys don’t know I live in a cave base and uh

No I I do not do a project every month it normally takes me like six months to do a project maybe not actually but it takes me a long time to do projects normally so I probably won’t finish this by the end of the month but I know like

My skeleton horse one I should be able to finish that like easily within the month it’s just more of like a time frame like kind of like guessing I just know by October I want to start that so if I don’t finish this project by October

I’m going to take like a quick break from it and then finish the uh do the Halloween project first because I always like doing seasonal builds because it’s you know it’s always fun and all that but then if I don’t finish I’ll come back to this uh and and finish it when

I’m done but definitely for Halloween I want to build that and I probably will not start another project before Halloween because this is uh well I know I won’t because I know even if I finish this before the October starts I’m just gonna start that build October

Because I don’t know how long it’ll take depending on my schedule but yeah you know I know do I play off stream oh not really although for this project uh every once in a while like depending on how like if I like get home like quite late or if like I’m chilling

On tall and like and I’m about to get off in like 30 minutes I’ll join for like a little bit but like only when I don’t have enough time to like if I don’t have enough time to stream and I want to play I’ll play uh but I normally

Don’t play for like any longer than like 30 minutes off stream just because like if I’m gonna play for like longer than that I’ll stream I am elbaco well welcome back what uh language is that is that like what accent is that is that a is that French oh I don’t even know

You probably don’t know what what accent you just spoken Maybe I really don’t know I mean one of them is one accent I like the accent though I am elbaco I don’t know I don’t know if it’s the best way to like I know it might be a little

A little challenging to like say every word in there though yeah that made no sense I don’t know what I’m saying my life but every single day I stream I make like progress although it might not look like making progress I can definitely tell we’re making a ton of progress

Especially when I do like that flat area when you start doing like the flat areas it just makes it feel like it’s do a lot more is happening because you I mean a lot more is happening like the blocks amount is getting a little like a lot

It’s it’s going up a lot faster if that makes sense but uh it it just makes such a big difference because like that area entire area looked like it was a entirely empty it’s like oh my God I have so much more to do but I just did

That small section and now it looks like I have a way less to do so once I finish that the mounting is going to be the hardest part the two mountains that I have to build by hand that is the stuff that I really have no clue if it’s actually gonna like

That is the thing that’s probably going to take the longest can you give me an example of German accent uh I can’t figure out how to do one I have no clue how to do a German accent like I know guten Morgan is a good morning and then that’s literally all that’s all

I know in German for some reason because like my I the only reason I know that is My Librarian in like when I was in like fourth grade told me that like I walked into school and they’re like Guten Morgen it means good morning I’m like oh thank you and

Then that’s so entertaining that’s so cool I was very very weird but it did I do remember it now that is a way to make someone remember something well I don’t know if that’s true but it made me remember it I was out here like damn bro I’m never forgetting that

Well I didn’t realize I was gonna remember it but I would vividly remember it you know now you’re like wow I can’t believe my librarian did that to me how dare they make me learn a language without my consent I’m just kidding I might take a quick break to go get water

And also just like do stuff I don’t know well yeah I need to use a restroom and I’m probably gonna go get like water I might get food honestly I don’t know wait let me see I’m gonna take a quick five minute break go check if uh see if my brother like

Wants to go into like town because I live on the outskirts of town but I just I go to town but anyways going to town to get food so if so I might we’ll see what time is it I’m in stream for two and a half hours

I might take a quick break to go into town or on my end we’ll see but I don’t know if he even wants to he might not want to so let me finish this real quickly let’s see how far along are like uh I don’t want to go too far over there

Because we have to finish this mountain once we finish this mountain then we can continue going like farther over there but till now or till then I’ll probably just chill over here so if I go too far over then I’ll get to the part where like I’m going past the

Mountain or whatever and then I’ll be wasting fossil what is the best food I don’t know if it’s the best and some people actually hate sushi but I like sushi a lot Sushi is very good um but I also love chicken tenders that’s chicken nuggets those are amazing

I would say those are on the top of the list chicken tenders unless you’re vegetarian then that probably won’t work you should ever know though I’m a sushi hater now are you a sushi hater because what is the reason behind you hating Sushi you know

Maybe just never had it or have you had it hated it or uh did you get food poisoning you know you could have got food poisoning you never know I know what why I didn’t I didn’t I had a camp counselor get sushi poisoning or poisoning from uh

Sushi I don’t know if it’s sushi though it might have been just some random thing because they ate a lot of like random [ __ ] they’re like is he a berry on a tree and eat it and I oh okay okay that’s interesting but but I don’t know maybe

It might have been from the sushi out here just guessing at this point if they cut it from sushi yeah you know I don’t even know I’m not just I know what to say we’re making progress that’s like legit all that we’re doing and you come up with a topic

To talk about oh that’s what I mean I’m going to save and quit I’m gonna be back in like like five minutes A little maybe a little longer we’ll see I gotta go get uh food I hate fish especially uncooked fish and that’s basically yeah that if

You dislike uncooked fish you know Sushi is not not it for you but uh yeah that makes sense but I I like I don’t really like uncooked fish but Sushi I like I actually love it so I guess I do like doing kick fish but by itself on cooked fish I don’t like

But anyways I’ll be back in like three minutes five minutes I’ll see you guys pretty soon oh Thank you Thank you foreign Foreign foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign That took a while I’m sorry that took so long all right what have I oh my God I missed so much let’s see uh welcome back Axel how’s it going where’s some uh somehow out of flutes that is that is unfortunate I’m gonna probably stream for I don’t even know probably until I’m

Three hours in the Stream for another 20 minutes basically and then I’ll probably end because I’m gonna go get food uh and I have to drive like 30 minutes to get food so I’ll almost drink for another 20 minutes at least I’m gonna use my older sister’s

Flute for the time being because she doesn’t use it anymore well that’s good at least you have a flute right Um let’s see gonna go but I uh wait Mercy what what can I be on stream highlights I def dubbed I don’t know I just put on a random stuff on the Rand random stream highlights depending on what I uh I talk about we’ll see or whatever I put on

But uh potentially depending on what the whatever edit because the thing is with those I have to edit like nine hours like at least nine hours of content so I I miss a good amount when I do that but potentially but have a good one uh she uh Shin sorry

I don’t know where I said she uh I will remember the goal poster I totally I wrote it down so one day I will write I one day I will uh I will build it one day I’m gonna go now have a good day Vanna shovel hopefully yeah we’ll see you guys

Uh sometime soon no I’m thinking okay guys I need to come up with a place to go I I need to go eat somewhere and I’m thinking fast food because I know I can’t be bothered to sit down but uh I need suggestions and I’m not I’m thinking Notch Taco Bell or

When uh sorry not talk about our McDonald’s because I I just don’t want to talk about McDonald’s so if you guys have any suggestions feel free to to tell me but most likely fast food because uh you don’t know it doesn’t have to be a good suggestion

I just don’t I literally can’t think of any fast food restaurants besides Taco Bell I mean I think of a couple but I don’t know if I want to go to them eating a Wendy’s frosty that see I I want to go to Wendy’s but I don’t know if my brother brother does

Because I do want a frosty from Wendy’s that sounds pretty good I haven’t had a frosty in such a long time oh I really want a frosty now tune in when I can bye have a good day oh no creeper oh my God please don’t blow up why is there two of them

There’s so oh oh my God that was close why there’s so many creepers like five of them let’s see now yeah I’m thinking I don’t really want to go to Sonic last time I went to Sonic like like legit like got poisoned because okay so I’d probably I already

Told some people this but I went I went to Sonic and uh I got food I got a milkshake I got the milkshake I had it I had half of it and then I I put it in the fridge like it was still cold when I put it in the

Fridge it was still like a very cold milkshake when I put in the fridge anyways the next morning I got it I went to hang out with my friends and I drank it on the way to uh hang out with friends when I got to my friends I had

To wait for 40 minutes so I sat in the car and then I got like a I felt like [ __ ] like right after I finished my milkshake I just started feeling [ __ ] for no reason because I like was just chilling in my car I didn’t get like I

Mean I didn’t get like sick or anything it just like out of nowhere I start feeling like like crap for like 30 like probably two hours and I basically just one of my friends got there he drove like to Starbucks and all that and something because we always

Get like free water from Starbucks and it’s just random but anyways the entire time I was in my in the back of his car and I physically like could not open my eyes because of like how bad I felt I like physically had to close my eyes and

I was straight up teleporting I swear I was teleporting like I closed my eyes and I did not fall asleep at least I don’t I don’t think I fell asleep although I probably did I was just like listening to him like the music and stuff and then I opened my eyes

And I swear we were like we’re like 15 minutes down the road and I was how the [ __ ] did we get here and I I did not feel asleep at least in my head I did not feel like I felt fell asleep um but I guess I probably did it or

Something I zoned out anyways yeah I I and I’m blaming it on the milkshake because that’s the only thing I really had with like within the time zone so yeah creeping creepers creeping creepy creeping creeper creeping around the creepy night that’s probably like straight up like that’s probably like a thing like a

Minecraft tongue twister that’s probably like a book there’s so many Minecraft books like she’s so Random Yoho skeleton my God get out of oh I need to sleep what am I doing no that’s almost already daytime but there’s monsters what do you mean there are monsters nearby there is not a monster nearby

Yeah I’m not going to Sonic that’s basically my whole point and I’m not gonna go to Sonic that is a bad idea I’m not trying to get poisoned again also it’s kind of expensive one day you know I’ll probably go to Sonic again but not

For a while I gotta take a break from that after I got poisoned I wonder if I could sue no I don’t think I could because there’s like no reasonable evidence like there’s zero evidence that uh well uh yeah I have no proof that it did that to me

Although it did do it to me I guess my my friend was there and he did watch me like basically like almost dying obviously not almost divided he was watching me he’s like like basically a nap and just be like crap the entire drive and then slowly after I think about two hours

I slowly felt fine again and I was like okay we’re good I feel good they’re fine again and then I uh and then we we did stuff it honestly worked out fine because by the time I felt better we had we uh we were ready to pick up my other friend

Because we’re gonna pick up my other friend but his ass didn’t put any clothes in the his clothes were all in the draw the washer so we had to wait like an hour for him so yeah I don’t know it kind of worked out but also not for me because I was

Like dying you guys remember creeper Ahmet dude what is that I forgot what it is hold up oh yeah anger time dude you guys ready for this song oh it’s not playing Creeper oh man side to side side to side oh oh yeah time is tonight oh yeah dude I haven’t heard this in a long time oh it paused Eyes eyes eyes eyes oh [ __ ] banger How many views does this have dude I’m honestly surprised that this like how does this song the Captain Sparkles has so many like Pockets 300 million views oh my God that is way more than I thought most people don’t have songs with that many views or that many videos with like

300 million views almost he has one with 285 one with 155 one with 148 one with 117 and then it goes to 46 42 41. like oh my god dude Minecraft parodies were a staple in my childhood facts I mean that those were like popular series I’m very very popular

Many people who played Minecraft back in the day listen to that I that’s insane that he got that many views though I was gonna say something else and I totally forgot what I was gonna say uh my memory sucks my memory bro is there like many saw like

Captain Sparkles is like one of the few people who had like the Banger like music videos like obviously not raw like there’s a ton of other people who have that like those are some of the top like he has probably the most viewed and uh

Most of them like he has like a ton of High View ones you know compared like there’s probably there’s tons of them that are probably like one creator has like one song or like two songs with a hundred million but like he has like four four to five and

One of them dude that has almost 300 million what are like what are the other game like songs that were like really popular back in the day like other Minecraft parody songs there was uh but that weren’t Captain Sparkles because there was like Hunger Games I forgot what that one was

Oh frick now I gotta look it up Don’t Mine at Night Hunger Games song that got 100 million yeah that’s crazy that let’s see most of these people don’t even like upload anymore yeah this guy uploaded a year ago that was the last video oh yeah that’s his big yeah all like literally all of his top videos were Minecraft songs

But it is a Hunger Game song yeah back on 100 million Don’t Mine at Night for sure is that is that Captain Sparkles Don’t Mine at Night I don’t even know let’s look mine at night was uh oh no it wasn’t some random person uh beep beep box yeah

Cast Yoga cast what I’ve never heard of this person like how have I never heard of this Oh but he had a lot of popular okay yeah he had 162 million 40 22 20 10. and I’ve I’ve probably listened to like most of the third half those at least Five Nights at Freddy’s song fan songs I’ve never listened to those then again I never played Five Nights at Freddy’s

That is not something I ever played One game it’s like Five Nights at Freddy’s world or something that I played a couple times because my friend like wanted me to play or he showed me and I was like oh it’s kind of such a pretty fun so I played it and then I like I basically got like everything in

The game then quit My shovel I don’t know dude that’s crazy we’ve gone through so many shovels we’re actually gonna have to like relatively soon go and repair her shovels because well not relatively soon but uh closer sooner than I I want because this is going to take oh [ __ ] it’s gonna take forever like I don’t

Know if you guys have ever like repaired a shuffle through an another red shovel through like Enderman Farms somebody you probably have but anyways like it takes forever also I just realized the music was like super loud what I ignore that I was just totally here raping you

Well I don’t know if I was ear raping you guys but probably kind of hard to hear me uh FNAF world is not the true FNAF Nights at Freddy’s no agree FNAF world has nothing related well I mean it has like the same characters and all that

But it is not really like not it’s not really a panda half game it’s more like a free roam adventure game uh but that’s like the only game I’ve ever like played FNAF related I know during like one thing I do remember is like before school started

Like people would sit in the cafeteria at my old school and play FNAF or like a couple of my friends and that is one that I remember they also play Minecraft on their phone they did a lot of stuff but that is one of them that they played a lot

Playing Five Nights at Freddy’s for the first time I could see it being an entertaining stream I would want to do something like I’m thinking something like added on though to make it like more entertaining because everyone’s watching that a good amount of people who are going to watch

That have probably played Five Nights at Freddy’s before right so I need to make it like more entertaining so there’s a wider audience and just so it’s like super fun not that normal Five Nights at Freddy’s isn’t fun but I I don’t know because I’ve never played it come up with an idea

Well if I won’t be for a while because I know definitely not to at least the end of September at least because I have to finish well I’m not I don’t have to but I’m trying to finish this by the end of September that is the goal hopefully it’ll happen

I technically want to finish it by my birthday but I want to be too mad if I had to go past that but I I do plan if I don’t finish it by my birthday I’m gonna do a 12 hour stream uh so I’ll probably get close to finishing if

Like on my 12 hour stream if I’m not done before then because my I definitely I’m like quite certain I’ll be done placing all of this puzzle by my birthday um I don’t know how far I will be into my houses and all that but 12 hours

Playing I probably won’t only play this for 12 hours but like I’ll get a ton of progress done within that 12 hour stream oh no I have to go bye have a good one XO hope to see you soon or actually I don’t know why I keep saying exhale I

Have a good one active I hope to see you again sometime oh it’s raining again well also I’m ending in two minutes because I’m leaving any after a three hour stream I was gonna do longer but I also have to uh I gotta go

Get food because I I did not eat like I have not eaten much today and my goal is to gain weight this month but not to not lose weight so because I’m very skinny so uh we’re gonna on the stream till I uh just a little longer and then I’ll probably end

But we made a lot of progress this stream what had me just say I can actually use my credit card though finally I had to credit like I have my I got a credit a new credit card uh and um I forgot to we forgot to unfreeze it the

Credit card so I was in like for the last month or two I’ve been probably longer than that I’ve been trying to like figure out why every time I use it it declines because I have like I have a second one I’ve been just borrowing uh the second one but

I we finally figured out that it was frozen and like uh we probably knew that but we just never really checked so but now we know right now we know dude this is insane like I wonder like how many more streams until we’re totally done with this because I mean

Like we’re getting pretty far along this way but once we get to that mountain that’s like that’s gonna be the hardest part once you finish the mountain the two mountains it’ll base will be done like it’ll take away one more stream probably like two more but still the mountains are the hardest

The hardest things left to do at least uh for the the base I don’t really know how hard the actual like build is gonna be because we’re right now we’re just building the bio the biome building is gonna be pretty chill at least the base of the biome

There is something like the massive Mega trees are also probably gonna be like really annoying and hard to build like I don’t know how I’m gonna do those but we plan on making like trees the size of like trees and like Avatar if you guys have ever watched it the

Blue people not The Last Airbender yeah we’re like if you guys like you’ve seen the trees in there we want to make a tree multiple trees about that size probably like technically smaller than those but scale wise we want massive trees and multiple of them and they’re gonna be like homes for like

Different like groups of the pillagers and then we’re also gonna have homes below uh in just just chilling in the trees and all that below the actual uh massive trees but hey we’re making progress and that is the main one the main thing make progress I need to sleep oh my gosh

Wait I did not realize I’m like far along on this side I didn’t realize how far along I was oh my gosh goodness gracious Dude wait look at that wait I already oh my gosh I’m like basically like the mountain I’ll probably do like kind of like this type of type of way so I might just like stop here for now and start the mountain like towards that way Chad is moving so

Fast no one will ever know that I’m unemployed and lonely hey well both of those you can always change you know those you can always always change oh [ __ ] tired I think yeah we might need to start the mountain soon although technically this entire section we gotta go all the way

To the top and that is going to take a little while but we’re making so much look how close we have like hold up let’s go to here Pause the game it’ll eventually load problem with changing with the second one is not really I’m kind of propulsive well I I don’t know how to change being repulsive but like I mean like I feel like that’s possible to change you know you just I don’t know look at this

That looks so like flat I think it’ll look more natural once we actually put this in this puzzle in right here uh also once we finish the mountain but uh yeah it’s looking good I think it’s looking good yeah look at all these grass this grass is really going to make a difference

Also this is just the biome color we have to build the actual biome uh after we build the biome color so this is a color scheme and then we put the trees the mushrooms the massive trees all that stuff but but I’m tired we literally just have to do this section right here

Finish all the way up here uh probably finish this mountain section and then I guess also this flat area but I mean there’s like honestly like we’re very far along and I hope to finish at least my goal is to finish at least the biome by my

Birthday and I hope to finish the entire project by my birthday but I’m pretty certain that won’t happen depending on how much like progress we get done but hey you never know we could do it it could be possible because it is only 13th wow I doubt it’ll happen but you never know

And it was I’m gonna get off I’m gonna go uh get food and all that so I’ll see you guys oh next time if you like the video or if you like the stream feel free to subscribe maybe like the video uh comment something you want me to do down

Below if not have a good day I’ll see you guys all I guess tomorrow I think um depending on I don’t work the rest of the week I’m not gonna stream on Friday because I never stream on Friday I always got stuff to do on Friday and then potentially not on Saturday we’ll

See it maybe Saturday but hopefully tomorrow and then Saturday and then maybe Sunday and then I don’t know about next week well Sunday I don’t know when I work they might have me work on Sunday they might not oh oh dungeon what they updated the game oh

What is this what did they add I haven’t played in a while uh check um All right oh no oh God I’m not trying to die oh [ __ ] okay we’re good all right today 11th of May no no view the patch notes ignore what I do I don’t know we’ll see I I don’t know if I I’m not gonna play Skyblock I just wondering what they did

They changed classes wait drop off range now starts at 10 instead of five indicated that the beam drops off in damage starting from 15 blocks but that’s not the not the case on live I know what that means they uh made the uh uh do you guys no

Clue what you guys probably have no clue I’m looking at but oh my God you can upgrade stuff now they actually added like items and stuff well anyway I’m gonna get off for tonight or yeah whenever today whatever time it is for you guys let me get off

I’ll see you guys all uh I think yeah tomorrow anyways have a good one bye please foreign

This video, titled ‘💀Minecraft Hardcore 2360 Days🏠 1.20 | Pillager Kingdom :)’, was uploaded by Dani3lson920 on 2023-09-14 05:23:25. It has garnered 109 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:12 or 11232 seconds.

Playing Minecraft Cause It Is A Dope Game


  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

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  • Crafting Justice: Trial Chambers in Minecraft UKR

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  • Ultimate FNAF Statue Build Challenge

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  • Isaac’s Epic Minecraft Jukebox V2

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  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

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  • Paul’s Hilarious Pick in Minecraft!

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  • Crafty Chaos: Hamster Havoc in Minecraft

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  • 100 Minecraft Builds Blitz

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  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay – SpellBound #minecraft

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  • Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!

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  • Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!

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  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

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    💎 LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. 🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

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  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

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  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

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  • Chinchilla SMP

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  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

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  • Lava Craft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

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  • “35 пропущенных от родителей – горячий майнкрафт мем” 🔥😂

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  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

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  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

    Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!Video Information for Bruh Bruh did it ever end it never ended no it ended definitely ended did it ever end it never ended nope definitely ended for oh yeah it’s slpi toggle SE in 3 minutes what’s your IGN yeah I know what ended Peter very sad yo we got two tabs that’s two columns yeah two columns how do I do backwards momentum you you uh here here let me let let me do it let me do it I got you I got you hold up so you go to this front of the block right all… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

    Unbelievable Nether Adventure - Ep. 4Video Information for all right welcome back everybody we are back with some more monumental experience I need to make myself a Lobby screen or a starting screen where I’m talking and yet you could still see the game and I I haven’t done it yet I’m just too [ __ ] fat and lazy um I keep saying I want to do that but I don’t but anyway how how’s everybody doing um we are going to try and get a little bit of create done today uh it kind of depends on what we have to make first… Read More

  • Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!

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  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍

    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍Video Information फ्री गेमस आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में क्या आप लोगों को भी m के बेड का टेक्सचर बहुत ही बेकार लगता है या या या तो आज मैं आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आया हूं एक ऐसा टेक्सचर पैक जो कि आप लोगों के नॉर्मल बेड को डिजाइन में बदलकर बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्यूटीफुल कर देगा तो वीडियो को एंड तक देखते रहना वरना कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा और अगर चैनल पर नए आए हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना और वीडियो को लाइक करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information यो यो यो व्हाट्स हैपनिंग गाइस माय नेम इज लॉगी और आज हम एक बारी फिर से अपनी माफिया वाली सिटी के अंदर मौजूद हैं तो पिछली वीडियो में गाइस आपको याद होगा हमने यहां पर थोड़े से पैसे यहां पर कमा लिए थे तो अगर गाइस मैं अपनी इन्वेंटरी खोल के देखूं तो मेरे पास यहां पर आ चुके हैं पूरे 1500 और भाई वो जो टिंकू वाला बंदा यहां पर आया था ना यार वो उसके पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा था तो इसलिए हमारे पास अभी 1500 भी आ चुके हैं और ये रहे चपाती भाई… Read More

  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information हेलो जड आर्मी मेरा नाम है मैक्सी और आपका स्वागत है मेरे चैनल में और आज के वीडियो में आपको सिखाने वाले हैं हाउ टू डू कमो आप कमो कैसे मार सकते हैं आगे वाले को वह भी एमसीपीई में सो अभी हम तीन इंपॉर्टेंट चीजों के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं सबसे पहला थिंक है इन गेम सेटिंग सेकंड वन इज प्रैक्टिस द एम थर्ड वन इज इंप्रूव द मूवमेंट सो सबसे पहले हम पहले नंबर के साइड बढ़ने लगते हैं रुको रुको जरा पहले नंबर का टिप देखने से पहले आप चैन को सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Play.creste.ro

    Play.creste.roplay.creste.ro Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe play.creste.ro play.creste.ro Read More

Dani3lson920 – 💀Minecraft Hardcore 2360 Days🏠 1.20 | Pillager Kingdom :)