Deadpine – Gilded Chests Everywhere! Vault Hunters SkyBlock Season 3 Episode 7 Modded Minecraft

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Hey everyone zap on here welcome back to Sky Vault season three episode seven I can’t wait for on seven already uh new day recording we’re gonna hop in we actually had another round of bees spawn in here I’m gonna go try to capture those real quick

Um in the jar and get that all that going but uh yeah we’re just gonna walk around the base a little bit and then we’re probably gonna get into volts it’s gonna be a good time see you in there all right so I am using uh pretzels broken today

So the music might be a little different or weird or off so apologies is very powerful the UI is very ah takes a bit floor that’s fair that’s fair Mr flip yeah that’s fair I don’t mind what they do just but it’s just hard to grow from Hardcore

Fidelity losing prop for the overall I mean that is fair that is Fair Point the fact is though like you can get your first Vault gear so easily now right your first vault gives you your bulk gear right and then once you’re bulkier it’s like so vastly better

You know just about to say um before I can catch up in the last uh VOD amazing content both Sky vaults and EFT you keep doing what you’re doing Chief uh lesson three hey Schrader thank you that’s all I’m I’m I love and I love anybody when anybody watches any

Content first and foremost but I do love it when people are like like the same set of games that I do like like the sky vaults and the escape from darkov content that’s that’s awesome that’s me know I’m not the only person out there who enjoys Minecraft and

Escape from dark guy you know definitely cool um now that doesn’t show until 20 by the way in the Royal vaults ah good to know good to know so we were actually doing a little research here YouTube uh let me hold on I need to make a jar here real

Quick cause that Bee’s gonna go over the side uh who did that heartsy boy with a 71 month resub holy smokes cheers armor value does help with all damage I mean feather falling helps the most but I do believe armor armor does as well all right boy thank you so much for that

71 months uh I need this I need one more smelted folate um and then I need I want to say it’s polished for this one uh jar we were looking at the simple storage and the simple storage oh it’s seven come on hurry up the bees are gonna go

Over the edge they have they have a tendency to fly over the edge we could also capture these vanilla wise to uh don’t have a silk touch thing they’re both in the hive right now we could definitely do this actually that actually might be not a bad thing either

I think they’re both in the hive right now oh yeah nice okay actually that’s that’s actually perfect okay we won’t bother with the jar because because sometimes the vanilla is actually easier to automate than the Jarred versions The Jarred versions you know have their place and are good but sometimes the vanilla’s

Easier to go so all right sorry I was just panicking about the bees I don’t want to lose them we’ll get that stuff kind of stuff going later I’m not too worried about that right now okay good um what was I doing yes we’re looking at simple storage that’s what I want to

Show so add simple storage networks so you need this storage Network root and I this is why when you’re before you unlock a mod look at what the recipes are because sometimes maybe you don’t have the stuff for it but we do blocks of quartz now the cool thing is we don’t

Necessarily so that fatal swipe just said um the other faults don’t show up to level 20 because that’s when they start appearing in the vault altar but we don’t need quartz from the nether vaults we can get Quartz from villagers so Mason villagers will will allow us to

Buy four quarts but you can’t make a simple storage Network without this so our focus should be really on either getting quartz blocks which I think they do exist in certain rooms in certain vaults or getting villagers which which are both really good right uh so we need

Sugar cane or another villager and we’re good to go I think we need to expand our mob farm a little bit so but uh speaking of mob farm I wanted to go show off what I was doing here um I also put a bunch of bamboo here we

Actually have all the mobs that we need pretty much passively so I just I made this a Big Bamboo farm for now I might make that a big tree farm at some point of course that’s still doing its thing we have a ton of chicken eggs now by the way

So but I just wanted to go to hop down here just double check if they’re still oh quartz and raw gilded as well right right so you can just get it that way because you don’t need that much so yeah this actually was fairly successful this is this is this is

Pretty good so there’s actually just one shots if you let it recharge so this is all I was doing just running back and forth I mean you saw at the end of the last episode so that’s how we got to level 34. it’s fairly effective fairly effective I just wanted to see if

There was any I don’t hear one you’ll see different colored pants in these and they’ll those will be the villagers so you can actually cure a zombie villager from there and if you do if you do come across that scenario I would suggest separating them adding some light in curing them on the

Spot and just waiting there I know that’s a bit annoying it takes about five minutes but just curing them on the spot really does help um and you can just pick them up it’s not like you have to like transport them out like you do in normal vanilla Skyblock

Or whatever so yeah so just say this one was a zombie villager I put some blocks on either side trap it in throw the potion put the Apple um put some light in there I guess we had a name tag you could name tag it then come back later because then it

Would be safe and then you just scoop it up because you don’t want you don’t want the zombies to aggregate to it as soon as it’s cured right so oh there’s our first stone Wing there’s our first stone link we’re gonna need one or two hearts that farm was really op before they

Nerfed it they did Nerf it into the ground uh in fact if they had endurfed it I probably would have um built one of those immediately because it gives you literally everything that this Farm does and more but um yeah they know if they’re for good reason is

Good reason to uh but anyway yeah I just want to show that off I just want to show that off um so I’m gonna pause you I’m gonna go get geared up we have the gunpowder we need now to complete that Crystal I think we’re going to do I think we’re gonna

Warm up with a raw ball and then do the normal crystals so I’m gonna pause I’m gonna pause uh by the way you can kill those guys with chaining or cleave by not looking at them uh that’s that’s a so you don’t have to like I think you

Have to hold a diamond in your offhand to kill them but anyway I’m gonna pause here I’m gonna go back upstairs finish this round of mobs um maybe we’ll enchant some stuff prior to going in because we’re level 30. uh that stuff and more but uh I will see you in there

All right here we go so uh we got our Crystal complete I just want to say I want to see what the next one is these these first crystals in the beginning are I think I think are exciting to see what we get I also want to do some Vault forging as well

Uh oh we don’t have any Cod so we have to set up a little Fisher okay yeah an AFK vanilla Fisher is your best friend these are so easy to set up they’re so ridiculously easy to set up um you can also do um we’re in a river biome so we can

Literally just have water cascading down like we have a platform down here although that depends depends on what river biome you are to get what kind of fish so like the AFK Fisher gets you a little bit of everything which is nice um but if we look down there right

There’s a map we can just have somewhere we’ll have water flowing down into some Hoppers that’s it that’s all you get a ton of fish also squid all that good stuff we’re gonna we’re gonna set one of those up as well you can bucket of cod oh you could buy

It a bucket of cod for a fisherman what do you mean by that Frosty like trade to or buy from that would take a while but yeah like you can buy from the Villager yeah yeah if you’re really desperate for sure for sure three all right we’re gonna bake up

We’re gonna make up these Forge here so good on us for preemptively buying these because I want to make a magnet if we can um magnets are really big deal really big deal here and I think this is just enough here a little bit over okay hopefully we

Don’t need to see able to actually make the magnet and two Vault Essence as well all right we’re foraging okay so this lets you craft items as well and this end trinkets but that’s you have to get the trinket before you can start crafting them but what we want is this so

It’s it’s one one gold it’s in Vault bronze form but it’s it’s one gold um five Diamond eight plating one netherrite we’re gonna leave the nether right in there and the magnetite Ingot which oh no the magnetite’s steel isn’t it so close yeah it’s steel for one of

These so we do have enough we do have enough magnetite we just need more steel so we need more carbon as always more carbon as always um to get more steel but we’re close we’re close uh is there anything we can craft here though now that we’re level 10 we get we

Do get better implicits or that we would want to craft maybe a better sword alloy bronze yeah so instead of the magnetite you get the full alloy which I think I think is also steel so I think it’s just for short steel right yeah so we’re short the chromatic Steel

So I like that they changed these recipes up so steel is the key factor which is um wooden chests wooden chests so can’t quite grip that um like I said I think I am going to warm up with a raw Vault though um and I I kind of want the

I kind of want the gear we get from the crate if we can complete the crate to be that I also want to give her a chance for an Elixir crate because we have yet to do one of those so that would be really fun that

Would be really fun so all right I’m gonna get uh geared up for that I don’t think there’s anything else we need to do I was so confident we could craft a magnet but we can’t um I don’t think there’s anything else we can do I’m just gonna get I’m gonna

Get geared up and uh ready to go all right here we go so uh do you want to do some enchanting prior to going in so set up the full enchanting table with the 15 15 bookshelves um got a grindstone going and just pertinent enchanting materials around

Here so uh we are going to this has only had Unbreaking two on it so our chromatic iron shatterer we’re going to undo essentially and then yeah basically I wanted efficiency for at minimum because it’s hard to get a fish I don’t think you can get efficiency five in these um but yeah

Then I want to do we care about Unbreak oh you can’t do that one limited enchantability oh because it’s uh it just it has to show up with an Unbreaking I see which again is totally fine um all right I’m gonna go for this this might be a mistake because they might

Have the limited there’s a respiration 3 which I honestly I kind of care about more no one breaking there but all right this one we’re gonna redo we really want better falling before if we can if we can get it which funny enough I think does appear

In that second slot at a certain level just don’t know what level that is there we go all right three the following three is still good beautiful okay good so that’ll enchant us up and now we’re going to hop into this raw Vault try and get some stuff here I

Think we’re good to go yeah level 10 Volvo we’re gonna try to complete I’m hoping for an elixir I think they’re harder to complete than the monoliths but I really would like to like the Elixir one so I just want to try it I want to

Experience it so yeah first of all today what’s up uh Joker how you doing today Deja moo how you been yeah no worries I’m just good to see you hey it’s Elixir nice oh come on you can load in I believe in you this one’s heading north

So gather Elixir from Loot orrs and mobs we’ve got to figure out which ones give us the most and then we gotta find a lodestone it’s really cool pardon me huh oh sorry I didn’t have time to pause you there YouTube uh I think we just I think for these

Ones you just dive in you don’t you know you don’t bother with anything else you know nope okay oh they give a lot so coins coins give a ton huh so I think you get it in the bar regardless of whether you pick up the purple dots I don’t think that matters

It just the purple dots are a visual representation of how much you’re getting but look at the bar more I think than anything else yeah oh another budding amethyst huh oh right we’re in a robot I forgot about that so also yes the chat was pointing out and I’m sure YouTube

Had that as well you can get um nether quartz from the guilted chest as well which is good you can also just take an enchanting table uh by the way if you don’t want to spend the obsidian in the diamonds so totally reasonable looks like everything’s kind of given

Quite a bit I don’t know doesn’t feel like we have to do too much to get this Vault going here I actually kind of want paper now there’s a lighter on our Horizon here so I think I am going to start grabbing paper I I didn’t think about that but

Now we have gun a steady source of gunpowder we could do paper and gunpowder for Rockets so coach always goes because each hit gives an Elixir I mean yeah that was fair but they will vary they will vary they aren’t unless they change something it depends on looks like wooden chests

Are giving a decent amount as well I also just think it’s a level 10 yeah like look at that look how big the orbs are comparatively so the wood chests are pretty high up there like there’s a chance we can get this all done in one room which is actually kind of wild

But yeah so pay attention to the size of the the glorbs I think they’re called oops did not mean to do that we don’t need Cobble the rest of these are fine what do you get there I’m breaking that’s fine these are all things I want so

There’s ornates well I guess ornates are not as good and we could like spend our Time Dungeon hunting here as well that’ll be good I do want that you can get I was gonna say you can get netherrite stuff from these so I would not say no to some nether right um

Did not mean to do that wouldn’t say no to some nether right uh tools not gear but tools all right uh let’s uh let’s go on let’s move on and we were still looking for our villager as well I’m still looking for that villager as well so

Do you want to go through the vault at a reasonable speed here but we’re like almost done with this thing oh when a chromatic cave huh um again one of those that’s good but I think we’re I think we’re good on this for right for right now for right now I

Think we’re gonna do this let me go grab a few maybe some more deep sleep because why not but something we don’t need to focus on do I need books I don’t need books I like books you know okay I do want emeralds I do want emeralds now

I know my priorities change so quickly but honestly we’ll just grab all these if I ever need a large amount of diorite and such grab it all this way I don’t know about the Redstone I do want to get a once we get villages I do

Want to get a villager farm going ASAP or a iron form going ASAP that’ll be good I think I think we’re still at the point where I always want to check for Um compressed blocks down here could set up a Quick Drip still I mean by quick I mean like really slow drip Stone farm right away be nice to just have you know because the sooner you get it set up if it even if it’s slow doesn’t matter because it’ll work overtime you know

This is a good room as well grab all of this stuff although once once level 20 hits once I’m level 20 hits and you can get the nether room it’s so much easier to get this this stuff but that’s okay hey dammit Janet how are you today

Hope all is well we actually have a decent amount of obsidian from that compressed obsidian we got but we’re in the uh this is all still useful stage so we might as well I probably deserve that that probably deserve that all right definitely want the netherrite

Sorry ancient debris did I see a second one might have been just that one diamonds for sure still gosh okay mob still give us what we need dude does no silk touch does not work on those we’re going to get where to get some shears and get the glow glitch in at

Some points I think a sickle might work on those as well that’s where you get the spider webs from so not too worried about that the pause gets much out here uh when you pause you tell when you pause can you tell me how to get a magnet I just

Started playing Sky balls I have to craft it in the Forge tracks there’s a craftable one in the Forge would you consider easy villager over body parts this round I would yeah I would actually because I kind of wanna I kind of want to grind and get like all

Of those like just easy easy easy Farming tools going and make like really compact slow but effective Farms that makes any sense but also like create does a lot of stuff as well so I don’t know another another chromatic cave here oh no this is a matador cave nice cool

So yeah this is how you get your matadors for your thermal expansion for your for create if you want to accelerate stuff like that very cool very cool don’t need any of that right now I need to do this though dang another chromatic this was a chromatic oh my goodness just

All the caves here this would be great if we had like a Pickering I mean once you get like good mining tools though sickle does work on the glow itching got it that’s good that’s good to know uh coin piles really good in raw vaults because it’s like a normal Vault thing

Yeah I think they’re not giving like big like look how small they are compared to those look how big those are right but you’re right because there’s so many instances of binding the pile you get a lot you know you do get a lot it is very satisfying I must admit

I’ve done about 15 full rolls without any sugar cane I’m starting to lose hope now I’m sorry yeah foreign it does stink I think it’d be cool if obviously it’s your first Crystal because like I found bamboo in the in a regular Vault right there’s something in the wall here

Throwing the other side of the wall here let me uh let me also put stuff away I think it’s I think it’s in the wall yeah so this is a dungeon so dungeons will have regular chests in them because we have to find a load Stone now

Ah bummer there’s an ore POI which means it’s vanilla boo I guess I guess they’re not all that way then that’s okay foreign I think because of the density it’s still worth grabbing where the load says they spawn like monoliths if I’m not mistaken they’re like a little purple thing

I’ve only seen them on streams I’ve never seen them um in-game myself Well literally copy that badly okay cool to find but certainly not uh maybe the best get you out of here we’re looking for quartz here looking for courts here yeah look out look how much they are so so that’s that’s a good part about the Elixir I think I think it’s the cool

Part about the elixir is um that was just wood as well okay let’s get let’s head back um is figuring out what gives the most like later on that’s gonna be really important figuring out what gives the most because it’s not going to be all like super easy to get a

Ton of right and then focusing those you can get the loadstone early and then base your play based on the load zone so got 14 minutes here to find the load Center 13.5 minutes here to find the lodestone should be all right I don’t think they’re super uncommon but I could be wrong

There’s coin piles it’s usually worth going for like I said Eddie coins you get from a raw Vault just feels not like cheating but like it feels like you’re getting like any dungeon you get as well it just feels real good correct we don’t we actually don’t even need so villager villagers work

For us as well because we actually just need the quartz blocks we don’t even need the regular cords as well but yeah we’ve been doing that the the compacting George trick in our our other two worlds or other two playthroughs so YouTube uh for for the magic SMP the

Server that I play on which is on the the VOD Channel if you you know want to check out any of those you know what what I do on a main Overworld playthrough um but I also play that word offline as well how does auto correct like its Burgers cooked wheel done

Oh my goodness cab cool happy birthday thank you for the 100 bits and Miss DD thank you so much for the raid I appreciate that how was your cast today what were you up to anyway if you want to go check out what we’re doing over on the magic SMP um

Yes all right South uh check out the VOD Channel but um anyway uh I just got refined storage up and running on that and it feels real good with it with a full drawer system with a bunch of compacting drawers actually less Compact and drawers than my

Then season two of Sky vaults funny enough but yeah definitely cool so playing two point campus I’ve never heard of that what kind of game is that or is it a mod pack but either way I hope you had a great time I’m sure you did

My name is dead fine we play lots of modern Minecraft and I throw my pickaxe on the ground too play Lots about my grandpa currently in the middle of our season three oh there’s some more chords nice season three aka the restart for patch 8

Of Sky vaults and it feels so good I love playing mod packs from the beginning how did you convert I’m so confused on that okay fair enough let’s keep going south here gotta find this lodestone do wall draws have regular still have regular chests haven’t played on opener

Through yet uh I believe they have a potential still and they’ve done if you find a dungeon with chess I believe the dungeons still do that that said I don’t know because that random dungeon we found didn’t have ball oars in it so I don’t know There was water down below but like it was very clearly out of the water so I don’t really know I think I need to go exploring more up and down here I do I do want to really find this lodestone Grabbing good armor it feels like I am taking a lot of damage look at that it’s like two and a half hearts per huh ever hear of Theme Hospital from the 90s nope I I I’m not gonna say boring but I definitely had not played a wide variety of games in my life

I’m a very all-in kind of person made a newer version called two Point Hospital Camp oh that’s also about that on Twitter people were really enjoying it it looked quite good or from what people were saying on Twitter it was apparently quite good so cool that’s good

As long as you have a good time you know that’s all that really matters right for that is the point of video games all right let’s keep going south here teachers how to learn Robotics and stuff it’s super fun nice yeah that’s cool we have all of our boxes here right

Put all these away we’re gonna find ah there it is look at that so that’s a lodestone that’s what they look like see we’re gonna find a lodestone right chat and speaking of what happened to my music hello yes I’m still watching oh my goodness um do we just complete this Vault

There’s not really much we need I’m gonna go I think what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna check briefly for gilded chests in this room I guess we could go look for um Villages right that’s what we need because I also need sugar cane for yeah the sugar cane or a villager

So this is our room so now we base all of our calculations off of this room so I’m gonna go I’m gonna go west so going Dewey’s gets us back remember that chat do Beast because I think we’re roughly Center volt so we can afford to do that and

I’ll stop for like yeah I’ll stop for stuff like coin piles and gilded chests and maybe a dungeon that looks like a dungeon on the top left of the mini map there good block good block I’ve watched and playable Hunters uh Slash Sky vaults a bunch nice heck yeah

It’s a good one the patch Eight’s really like patchette makes the early game arguably too easy not easy fast I don’t wanna say easy it’s definitely accelerated um and in a good way in a good way it’s really gonna set you up for late game if you’ve not played

I’m just I’m so I’m so jazzed about it it’s it’s so much fun like I’m really curious to see what level 50 looks like on this account after playing this you know and getting that accelerated start because I think the loot is actually not as accelerated um as some other ones

But the gear is so all right so these should be normal wooden chests by the way because this is a dungeon let’s let’s test this will be a pretty big deal if they actually are no they’re not okay so that must have been a bug then that they didn’t want okay that’s fair

So I guess I guess that was a bug I guess that was a bug then uh which is fine honestly we’re just gonna grab everything from here this would have completed the Elixir task like off the bat holy smokes um we don’t need arrows all right meat they’re so good

Dungeons they’re still good but maybe not that maybe not as good what’s the purpose that’s for the The Elixir Vault that we’re playing right now so we got to go one East to get back um all right I’m gonna explore once more one more West maybe two more West We’re

Not gonna lose anything in these rooms I’m just looking for a village room I don’t think we’re gonna do anything in this room like there’s there’s good stuff to be had down below but like that’s not what we need right now oh double double mine shaft room not to or Mini Mine room

Not what we need it may depend on the dungeon as well that’s very true that’s very true also very true okay so this is the side of the Vault oh uh that would be a lot of experience I kind of don’t want that though I actually don’t know though I mean

It’s got to be kind of free no XP the raw Vault right yep yep yep yep thank you chat good call good call good call my drown bounty’s not active I need to buy it mine one more Benny a type unfortunately yeah it’s not active at the moment

All right we’re just gonna get out I want to see what these Elixir crates like yeah yeah but thank you though Chad that’s that’s a good reminder because you’re right that would have been our drown bounty so but we can drown zombies easy enough is there any other like raw resource

We’re gonna grab on our way out here probably you can always grab more tough very easily having this have efficiency four is real nice put all that away always need more tough booster crates are all roughly the same now I mean that makes sense that makes sense right that does make sense

I am oh sorry Bros run it’s annoying did our first non-model with you know Vault right it’s always good look at Mega torch so I can get with us go forward rapidly faults I didn’t want to uh didn’t want to get an echo until after level 30 um yeah

Makes sense let’s go check these real quick because why not no reason to not good there it is a sister Ally so you can actually assist your Alloys Alloys you can assist your allies if you are in a co-op which is kind of cool so correct Mr purple villagers can have

Efficiency five books uh free slots on not a big deal for us we have the backdrop here it uh I would recommend putting a backdrop on your Vault you’ll they’ll I think they always point you a certain way but yeah finally got your sugar cane congrats congrats sugar Cane’s really a big deal

All right cool um bad looks dope though I like that very good stuff I will um see for the Looting phase though all right here we go we’re all organized up but first off Elixir crate that’s a that is a rare error epic plus helmet oh man it’s so they’re so good

Just pop those real quick picking size too big yeah those are all a little bit too big but like look look at this gear look at this gear would actually really like a sword for sure but lots of bronze some more Jewels some of this this is our

Decent decent jungle bronze from that volt it’s everything for the vanilla chests all of our enchanting stuff bunch of Unbreaking ones and two books a little bit of Fortune all the oars we got you know it’s fine it’s fine we did get nine we got nine courts so All right we got the line helmets here we go let’s see we got whoo baby look at that five armor so we High Roll on the implicits which is good so we could re-roll this and do quite well with it just because the implicits are so high

Um five armor three Health 15 Mana that’s super solid that’s six armor in quantity but like there’s a little bit of Regen oh and I also we don’t have a focus for that either and this was a low roll so really good armor really good armor this one has

Potential to be like it’s whether you want the three armor or two health and Regen although this one has the potential to get there as well but we’re not the foci right like I think bass stats wise I’d rather have the Rarity and quantity of this is just because we

Haven’t done enough looting in general uh that said oh I don’t know three Health might be better you lose an armor but you get three health and you do lose item quantity which is a little rough you lose a lot there item quantity is quite good

It’s gonna be 13 and 7 versus 13 and three yeah I think I’m gonna do that for now this is very good though I’m gonna put these in with the very much so could be a replacement so we’re also going to run a level 10 Crystal leave that there

Do believe yeah we’re gonna run we’re gonna run this level 10. um and then afterwards we’re gonna make a fish farm I think so we gotta get we gotta get boogie in here but uh yeah we’ll see how things line up I’m looking forward to what do you get carbon carbon and steel

So we really just need to get wood chest as much as possible um yeah and ornate chests and I mean living’s also good too because we want to unlock simple and we also need we need to get everything we basically need to get everything we’re going to loot as much as we can

See how we do but um I will see you for the vault so we have time to uh also make a fish form after all right here we go uh first level 10 Vault um yeah I think we’re good we don’t really need we don’t really need these ones so

Happy with that Prime gaming that is an amazing way to support the content both here on YouTube I appreciate you sharing your Prime over here big cheers hmm so bonus gilded means plus one set of Guild of chests which I think I don’t I I forget the terminology whether um bonus gilded means

One of these rooms right off the bat I don’t know how I feel about that oh these are all sizzles though interesting interesting I forgot whether I think bonus gilded means there’s just bonus chests oh oh it’s more gilded and pois okay sweet so any gilded POI has more chests in them

Which is actually really cool because there’s two different words for that for that for sure this is this from always Sizzle splatters now I feel like this room’s a lot more kind of acceptable if they’re Sizzle spawners you know oh my gosh yeah I mean they used to not be Sizzle

Spawners and that was the worst and I think we’re just trying to grab everything here and not worry about it too much it Sizzle up into a certain level gotcha that makes sense okay there’s probably spawners up top in these or like chest up on top of these maybe up here you know

Sort of feels a lot more calm than normal we should keep an eye out for um we should keep an eye out for pots with sugar cane in them I think that can be a thing rude a bunch of free beds nice chaining doing work like it does basement’s a little scary

Hey thanks for that hype train twitch chat I appreciate you really epic support today thank you thank you so I think these can actually have hit my head those can actually have some good stuff in them still gotta be careful we can absolutely die here

I need to put some more points in the heel we’re not healing super fast oh liking this yeah they’re doing like two and a half hearts roughly each all right um this is an eastvolt I think we got mostly everything there’s probably some chests up on top I did

Want to test out and see there’s gravel in here but this can have some good stuff in it as well I think I think yeah okay but it could also have TNT oh that that accepts it off okay well we’re out of here have fun with that bye

Ragnarok how you doing today good to see you okay well that’s a that was a fun first room put all that away in there there’s some more gilded up top I feel like I’d eat just like regular chests oh there is that down there I do

I do want to get try to get an idol I do think Idols are quite good are we sure I think the bonus gilded set might be the one where it face spawn randomly this is not a Sizzle spawner rude let’s go to spawn again wow they really do take a long time

Though tell you what I know it’s based on my level but they really do take a while which gives us time to to obviously mine them no I have chaining on the ax all right there’s our carbon that’s what we’re looking for good good good uh yeah those are definitely a thing I

Don’t really want what I’ve gotten here maybe a dungeon could just be a corner poi I also noticed I’m gaining levels back in the vault again was that a bug or did they change that It was a bug okay somebody said that was on purpose twitch chat lie never be misinformed never ever okay we should be good here fix it 8.03 gotcha yeah because that actually really helps with the altar stuff beautiful beautiful car carbon carbon good good good let’s have minimal value

I really do want to get this altar going as well I forget where that was though this right here got it okay got a blessing let’s grab that guy actually really powerful okay we’ve done pretty much everything else over here so let’s let’s move on let’s go east looking for looking for

Models here I guess I’m guessing level tens where they start to become a little bit more rare but I’m not expecting it to be like ridiculously rare still ah there’s living up there we should go get that you don’t get Cheney from a jewel yeah you just random it’s a random

Modifier on the on weapons that you can get by doing the Artisan table and the re-rolling yeah because that’s that’s this is a combat ax not a um this is a combat ax not the ax that you craft in the tool station those are different foci I didn’t even notice holy smokes that’s

Really good deal all right I did not mean to fall all the way back down but here we are yeah idle super pog I mean Shields are good too early on because the health and all that good stuff but like if we can get some like I

Don’t think speed can be rolling on them anymore but um uh maybe the last maybe the less good because of that but if we get like Mana regen or reach or something like that maybe damage wouldn’t say no to some damage output oh ores we definitely need oars definitely need ores

And we have a decent tool for it as well I do want to silk touch these though um and I would love to get so touched on this Hammer Of course yeah we need a pot we need a Pog so no Benny though huh oh I didn’t mean to do that uh bummer

Okay There we go that should be our Bounty nice touch on that so bad nice okay because we need we need Benny just for the knowledge stars as well not just not just because of our bounty All right uh that’s probably go upstairs meta region and cooldown reduction yeah I don’t know how yeah I guess the cooldown production is I guess a lot better that oh there we go nice I feel a lot better about this room now I feel a lot better about this room

I missed but we should be fine slabs and stairs of Ballston would be so nice agreed it’s a very it’s a very solid looking block CDR started making difference once you hit like 25 30 that makes sense yeah that makes sense yeah I think there is advantages to CDR for sure for sure

I can’t wait to get a magnet make all this so much easier all right uh I believe now I’m done with this room and we’re good on like I did not mean to follow the way or take that much damage because we had I’m gonna die there if we didn’t have uh

If we didn’t have that uh I did have a uh feather falling all right let’s keep going east let’s get this junk away oops oh no I was gonna put the bundles for I kind of like the Vault Stone though but let’s definitely get rid of like this junk crap I’m too close

Too close not good enough oh another another Wild West room oh my goodness I mean when they’re Sizzle spawners this room is actually a lot better you know like it is so much better when they’re sizzling sizzling out I am kind of curious because again some of these are good

Some of them also just have just gravel in them [Applause] which is also good for Sky vaults you know because I think Flint is required for one maybe no I don’t remember all right I’m gonna spend less time with this one because I do actually really

Want to find the monoliths here we’re on a we’re on a perfect completion crate streak this is a normal this is a normal Vault yeah that might be I was gonna say yeah that might be a uh an elite which I’m not like so jazzed about power leveling I think

Like I’m not like super into that I don’t know if you’re too big you might be too big nope foreign these guys are the worst all right a little cheese there why why are we stop playing music hello yes I’m still listening my God I sort of been like loot wooden chests

Another wild there’s three Wild West rooms the heck dude like I know I need carbon but like it’s hard to pass up on these a lot of value you know so much value you know all right cacti no sugar cane right yeah I always try to keep an eye for

Like sugar candy type things I guess we grab a sunflower too just to have them we only need one of the two tall flowers for now I think later on you need one of everyone this is another Aura there’s another ore room which I like the idea of in our

Room but I really we do need to get some metal wooden chests here foreign nope cake balls are still there they’re just different Yeah this is like truly a gilded Vault yeah for sure another or poi I think I’m gonna go back and then keep going west because we’re I think we’re either even or oh that’s right our last room is Western room so we got to go south then East and we’re back we’re

Back home sometimes the or oh no this wasn’t an ore room this is specifically this is just a that just happened to be a one-off for poi rude prefer not to be poisoned and more gilded uh uh classic I mean you know we’re gonna be happy when we finally starting to kill the

Loot so sure all right we’ll just do this this POI R2 real quick because this love carbon as well in theoretically much greater Supply could be a dungeon over here might be not gonna worry about it though can’t click that we already have all of them done

We don’t have kiwis man there’s so many gilded all right I’m just gonna I’m gonna leave I’m gonna secure our Loop we have an idol we’ve got so many good things going for us let’s just secure get out of here nope wrong way we need to go south

And that’s another reason to leave early because I’m dead Pine and deadpine makes uh these kinds of mistakes correct but I really really want my completion crate I really want my completion crate uh we could grab sand from in here I guess it was just a little bit

You know a little bit of glass why not all right good enough for me right here we are out of here and we can ditch those for the crate slot again just a good habit to be in but we should be fine 11 269 experience nice only 51 chests

Which is a little bit low but that’s okay still really good I think 3 000 for mobs we’ve got a lot from oars you know the ores really add up especially when you hit like yeah multiple black Opals multiple legendaries nice well there’s our level up and uh I

We’ll see if at the Looting phase all right here we are that was a really good Vault flute wise maybe maybe not the most carbon uh this is only two steel total but I think we got some nuggets too but I mean two Steals on the

Low end but that’s okay we just we looted so many gilded chests which is why we have so many of these going for us which is amazing um the jewels are man that’s a really good one that’s a really good one that one’s meh this one’s not bad

And then living yeah but like just good stuff overall we also have enough I think we now have enough knowledge Essence to unlock our mod which is good a bunch of random junk and then all the ores nice bit of larimar there oh we also have this bounty dope

That’s nice we’re just gonna submit that one right away because we can just do that look at that and then kill drowned in the vault it really does give some nice stuff so I think I’m gonna activate it but we can we can abandon it later you know so we have

Double Bounty grade plus a monolith crate which is gonna feel real nice so here we go and oh it’s so satisfying still yeah but getting the elytra going is really nice for sure just being able to fly around our base which is why I want to start grabbing that paper

Check the jewels here not the best but chromatic iron is nice but we’ll think it’s a very good we’re gonna be crafting stuff I mean being able to fly around even with Dash is going to be great um and then we’ll have some rockets and like honestly we can that’ll be faster

Than flying than doing the ladder will fly back up for sure uh that shuffling’s okay something’s okay but let’s roll some gear we’re gonna open up all these packs while we do that nothing oh that’s like where are you going hoping for a platinum or POG I don’t see

A Pog would be so good bummer yeah POG would be so good there uh just to get all that going but that’s still fine so many jewels here all right how we doing uh that’s pretty solid no we get Rarity instead of quantity but we gain five percent and lose an armor I

Think that’s worth how we doing there two chaining for the 12 attack damage which oh no we have two chaining I see we also get healing Cloud instead of Soul bound but we lose to attack might be worth there’s another item quantity and then just straight 17 Mana huh

I think the health and the block chance is probably better but I I just I have I like Idols these days but I think I think they’re better later on for sure and an elytra wow really good stuff that was uh that was a heck of a vault that was a heck of

A vault we’ve got some wild Foci here because I think this held this helmet we want to we do what a random role like it’s good but I I want to see better yeah like that that is amazing like even without the empty prefix they are rolled

Like we lose out a little bit of quantity and quality but like whatever I think like just defensive wise just so much better you know so seven armor to health yeah and the Mana regen’s nice Soul bounce nice we die so I think I’m gonna swap to that as much as I like

Quantity Rarity I think it’s less effective early game and better when you’re looting faster you know like that percentage is less effective the longer we go so all right we’re gonna have time here’s all right what I want to do is I’m gonna I’m gonna pause you I’m

Gonna get set up we’re gonna go do an ore smashing here we have a lot of stuff to get smashed up so I’m gonna set up everything uh we have our Fortune three pick I might spec into Fortune Bane Miner for this which will be two at a time but like

Whatever you know it I think it might be worth the extra the extra bit there um we do have two skill points we’re saving up for this though we are saving up for this guy uh we’re really close to that so I’m gonna get set up for that then we

Might unlock simple storage networks and like craft some of the items but I think what I might do is kick off the next episode with like getting simple storage Network up and running um ASAP you know maybe we’ll build our below platform for our chest storage etc etc

And then go from there um yeah because you’re not mending for the elytra yet all that good stuff so we’re going to do some raw vaults we also got to set up an AFK Fisher and or a fish farm because we are in a river biome

So we got to do like a little mini fish farm in the river biome I think um that would also get a squids and stuff like that so we’ll show how to set that up we’ll show how to set that up um and more um but I’m gonna pause we’re

Gonna do some more smashing first and then uh go from there so I will see for the worse all right here we go so we have all of our ores going but what I’m going to do now is one we’re going to hop into V minor Fortune

But that’s going to take a little while so we’re actually going to upgrade that twice for six blocks and we have order regrets here so I’m going to over regret this all the way back down afterwards but what I wanted to do first was also enchant this pick only efficiency three huh

And Fortune too uh which we don’t really need so let’s actually ditch that there we go we want the efficiency for yep that’s and that’s all we care about and then we’ll Anvil these and now whenever we hold V minor we’ll have Fortune four which is nice we’ll just smash all these down

Feels good decent amount of experience back as well okay so that’s all the vanilla stuff let’s do larimar we had a little under a stack of blocks which is good see how many we got there and a little under a little under two stacks you’re not supposed to get the

Full double effect give or take so I think void liquidating actually is better um because of the Randy you have a random 20 chances to get nothing from or always regardless of Fortune level otherwise you’d be more than doubling every time with Fortune four okay

25 from that we have four black opal now historically I’ve been really bad at rolling black opal that was actually pretty good three per three per seven here that’s a little over double take that okay so these name doors are also the big ones as well because we need these

For a Pog you know we need we need that one POG see there’s that 20 or another 20 percenter dude seriously we hit a 20 percenter three in a row three in a row that that was that was a little painful that was a little painful I’m not gonna

Lie to you that was a little painful that was a little painful that’s also point eight percent chance so it says somebody chat uh that was rough my Pretzel’s not my pretzel players not working so we’re just listening to Minecraft music although that doesn’t feel like it turned it down at all

There we go yeah that was rough it was rough I’m gonna put raw ore in here like things that need to be smelted I think that makes the most sense there so now in theory I think we’re gonna put the obsidian in there for now put those in there

Okay so now in theory I can go one two three And it’s not learned and it resets your specialization so I’m actually going to not do that and I think we’re just gonna do haste I think we’re just gonna straight up do haste we have the hammer you know we have the hammer that should be pretty good actually

Speaking of the hammer we can try to get we can try to spike silk touch on the hammer I didn’t even really think about that we’re what level 25 here um maybe not yeah somebody told me that last last season it’s a fairly powerful especially because you could do like you

Could swap between bat and finesse I don’t think that’s intended necessarily uh but it is interesting so all right we have our new set of armor which is fantastic right oh no I wanted to see hold on I think I was switching to these boots

Because we get we oh no we don’t net one more armor what was I switching to I guess not for some reason I had that backwards in my mind that’s fair uh I need to get a separate chest here you need to get a separate chest going here I just don’t wanna

Deal with these damn it give me a chest Scrolls a couple wooden chest Scrolls which are like okay we’re gonna make this like backup slash potential gear uh that one’s no longer like good oh this one was like good for the health versus I really like to increase damage though

Could take the book for silk touch true true true true seven Arbors better there yeah all right I think I think we’re on the best okay there’s I think there is an argument for this ax just for the healing Cloud but it’s 2 Us attack which I think is a big

Deal 63 already I mean yeah there’s a lot of good updates lots of good updates Okay so the other thing I wanted to do here was this this uh we need to use the Benny beniotite that we got which actually kind of low road on that huh it’s kind of a bummer

But we need to get eight of these for two of these and then we need our vault diamonds okay and then we need was it this yeah two of these meets 16 of these and we now have our first mod that is a big deal big hype definitely going simple storage

That works first um pout there’s an argument for pouches you could do like pouches way stones uh you could do pouches another thing but like not having to worry about it is just so good I think so um big hype there so um I would like to so if you type in at

And then the mod name you get nothing but the items from the mod so storage request table this is a big deal we would love to get there but we’re not quite there yet we do want the storage inventory we want the network root we need cable so I need to start cooking

Some more sand we’re going to need linking cables we’re going to need export import all that good stuff is like not super necessary at the moment like these speed upgrades as well endpoint for a network of inventory connections items inserted enter the network that’s kind of cool

So uh but the first thing you need is this root uh for sure which requires link cables which requires network cables which requires a bunch of glass um unfortunately you can’t use this framed glass that would be kind of cool we have 12 of that here and we got a

Decent amount of sand going for now as well so I’m gonna get this all prepped up in between episodes here um we’re gonna spend some time having these set aside to build with and then what I’m also going to do in between episodes Here YouTube is um we’re gonna build a underneath platform

Just like we had last time I really like that storage cabling area we’re going to transfer all these chests down there I’m not gonna do all of this but I definitely have the platform built um and then we’re going to put all these chests down below It’s actually an awesome argument for

Building up we could totally just like make the floor up here and have this be our storage area right so we have to move the chests uh but I think I want to move the chests in general it’s just easier to make a network that way so

Gonna gonna build a platform down below here while these are all smelting in between episodes just so we have something to work with tangible to work with um at the start next episode and we’re also going to set up and prep for making a fish farm

Um in both capacities I do think they’re they’re quite good actually here’s a question can you get sugarcane from fishing no I don’t think so it’d be kind of cool if you get sugarcane from fishing maybe it’s I think you get bamboo but that’s biodependent so anyway

Um but YouTube thank you so much for tuning in to these episodes watching them all the way through through I really appreciate those who do big shout out to all the patreons big shout out to everybody sharing their Prime sub in the twitch chat um Channel memberships you can join there

We don’t have any of those at the moment but um all supports the content but seriously just watching these all the way through um subbing to the channel supports uh sharing this with somebody who might like to Sky vaults play through watching all the playlists all that and more just

Always supports the channel I really appreciate those who are doing so and doing that uh yeah thanks for being you we’ll catch you next episode bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Gilded Chests Everywhere! Vault Hunters SkyBlock Season 3 Episode 7 Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by Deadpine on 2023-03-20 11:00:14. It has garnered 3671 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:06 or 4866 seconds.

Season 3 of Sky Vaults is here!!! Watch along as Deadpine starts a fresh world in VaultHunters SkyBlock in Patch 8!!! Deadpine chose to start a brand new playthrough to experience the numerous and awesome changes made to the early game of Vaulthunters!

If you enjoy this content don’t forget to drop a Sub on the channel and catch all of the series as it is released daily!

Sky Vaults is now OFFICIALLY in the main 1.18 Modpack and I have to give a huge shoutout to Iskall85 and crew for taking my silly little idea and making it epic! Join me on the this epic modded Minecraft journey of discovering new mechanics, abilities and vault rooms!

A playlist of Season 3 of Sky Vaults can be found here:

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  • “Dream_pro’s Secret tip to Awe-Inspiring Nostalgic Minecraft Moments!” #minecraftpe #shorts 🚀

    "Dream_pro's Secret tip to Awe-Inspiring Nostalgic Minecraft Moments!" #minecraftpe #shorts 🚀Video Information are you ready for the official release of [Music] Minecraft This video, titled ‘Nostalgic Minecraft 🥺 #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts’, was uploaded by Dream_pro on 2024-04-05 14:00:15. It has garnered 9041 views and 271 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #nostalgia #nostalgic #dream #dreamsmp #herobrine #herobrinesmp #shorts Read More

  • CaptainSparklez 2 – Ultimate Minecraft Exploits – SDMP #10

    CaptainSparklez 2 - Ultimate Minecraft Exploits - SDMP #10Video Information Hello everybody welcome back to the SDM PP um I’ve been visited by the prank wiin let’s hope you find the gift he left before it finds you who is the prank wiin um remove Astros HOA fine and the king is set free [Laughter] uh H I don’t know I don’t know if I can that’s a mighty friendly greeting after kidnapping the king you know you know I I don’t that doesn’t seem in line with the uh with what has been what has taken place here I don’t know have I found any gifts is… Read More

  • Minecraft chaos with tons of gifted memberships!? 😱

    Minecraft chaos with tons of gifted memberships!? 😱Video Information why is he hold the cat like that what he’s he’s holding the c a machine gun why wait guys there’s a [ __ ] picture of Neil newon holding this cat and apparently according to the caption this cat is what ins ire the attitude and personality for aaran but he’s holding this cat so incorrectly oh my God oh my God that looks so funny oh my God oh my God ow my head ow ow ow ow ow oh my God oh my God it’s like it’s like he’s holding this cat and this cat’s like leaning… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Infantry War with SHADERS in Serene Landscapes

    EPIC Minecraft Infantry War with SHADERS in Serene LandscapesVideo Information [Music] [Music] I [Music] f [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no [Music] [Applause] a e [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] for I [Music] I This video, titled ‘Minecraft Infantry War: Battles in Serene Landscapes with Shaders’, was uploaded by DasGamingHaus on 2024-04-06 12:56:48. It has garnered 2490 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:46 or 466 seconds. Minecraft Infantry Combat in the trees and hills Mods: BSL Shaders Flans WW2 mod bots Flans mod Modular Warfare Custom NPCs Optifine Read More

  • Minecraft ITA Penances: Unleash Explosive Energy with Hemerald Live!

    Minecraft ITA Penances: Unleash Explosive Energy with Hemerald Live!Video Information Allora allora Tano Allora io vedo comunque una descrizione che dice Salve straniero Ok piacere Mi chiamo Luca e sono un ragazzo con come tanti con la passione per detec non penso che sono tanti Tano No beh come come tante Cioè nel senso su 60 milioni quando siamo in Italia 70 Insomma Qualche migliaio ci saranno no intera Community almeno 1000 sono tuoi iscritti Quindi penso di sì Quindi Quindi almeno penso che già stai raggiungendo il massimo di iscrizioni No no c’è c’è molto margine Ok ok abito a Pisa Già ti sei fatto contro Praticamente… Read More

  • UglyDuckling

    UglyDucklingOn UglyDuckling, our goal is to expand our lovely new community with people who want to have fun and be a part of our community. This server is new and we are willing to expand and improve whenever possible. We strive to make a safe space for players to come together and have fun during these weird times. Our server has extra features that add to the fun of the game while keeping a vanilla feel such as Mob heads, /spawn command, /home bed, and multiplayer sleep. Read More

  • Hermitcraft Style SMP Bedrock Vanilla Whitelist

    Welcome to our Bedrock Hermitcraft SMP Server! If you’re interested in joining our small community of builders and players, feel free to reach out on Discord! Requirements: Must be 18+ (exceptions may be made based on maturity) Looking to reach 10 active players on average Contact: Discord: Biippie Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – A spicy Minecraft banger!

    I guess you could say this meme is truly mining for laughs with that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: The Ultimate Minecraft Debut!

    Crafting Chaos: The Ultimate Minecraft Debut! In the world of Minecraft, a hardcore debut, Building and crafting, a tale to pursue. From cherry tree islands to mountain base high, Every step in rhyme, as we reach for the sky. A world of adventure, with challenges to face, Surviving and thriving, in this blocky place. From farms to fish ponds, and rooms with a view, Every detail in rhyme, as we journey anew. So join me in this journey, in Minecraft’s embrace, As we build and explore, in this blocky space. Let’s craft and create, in this world so vast, Every moment in rhyme, as we… Read More

  • Creeper Showdown: Shorty vs. Level 999 Monstrosity!

    Creeper Showdown: Shorty vs. Level 999 Monstrosity! That short creeper is like the Napoleon of creepers, always trying to compensate for its height with extra explosions! Watch out, tall creeper, you may be towering over him now, but he’s got some serious explosive power! #shortpeopleproblems #minecraftmadness Read More

  • Join Minewind: Explore the Thrills of PvP and Survival in Minecraft SMP

    Join Minewind: Explore the Thrills of PvP and Survival in Minecraft SMP Welcome to! Today we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I think I saw something in the forest #horrorminecraft #trollface #pvp #minecraftsmp #smp #fyp”. The video description mentioned encountering Herobrine, the goatman, and the cave dweller in a heart-pounding Minecraft adventure. It was an absolute blast to watch! If you’re a fan of intense gameplay, unexpected twists, and adrenaline-pumping moments, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and a wide range of exciting features, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Join us at Minewind by… Read More

  • Games Better Than Minecraft?!

    Games Better Than Minecraft?! Exploring Minecraft-Like Games: A Review Introduction In a recent video, the gaming enthusiast showcased several games that offer a similar experience to Minecraft. Let’s delve into these Minecraft-like games and see how they stack up against the iconic sandbox game. Game 1: Craft Man Java The first game explored was Craft Man Java, which impressed with its unique textures and smooth gameplay. The world-building aspect and multiplayer options make it a must-try for Minecraft fans. Game 2: Crafting & Building Next up was Crafting & Building, featuring a cartoonish loading screen and familiar skins. The game offers a creative… Read More

  • Dytolan’s heart rate spikes playing MINECRAFT ClubSMP LIVE! #shorts

    Dytolan's heart rate spikes playing MINECRAFT ClubSMP LIVE! #shortsVideo Information I got to change my I stay at the factory I stay at the factory aado wait is it up no [Laughter] [ __ ] I’m GNA fight someone my skin works I’m not paying attention I’m I’m trying to go things one at a time at Le she think I don’t [ __ ] care anymore I’m stupid I’m just going to like upload my skin and I can load this is the most scuffed scuffed SMP launch I’ve ever had after the you’re the oneus to download was so much smoother well that’s vanilla yeah real um you’re fault instructions… Read More

  • Ultimate Modded Minecraft Blocks: DarkWolf Custom

    Ultimate Modded Minecraft Blocks: DarkWolf CustomVideo Information [Music] yeah every time I touch the mic this man’s getting silly cuz it’s monkey time Wukong and a diddy I’m a funky guy shap sh tricky ever customized Nothing Like the Sun what we brush the side I run I’m like I one every monster fight like what a guy is done sh time cuz I’m on more levels of construction s in heaven the sck on my body that’s ath weapon and I’m sick of this CU I want to teach a lesson they just want imortal they beat in seven and I a deep depression… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE!! Lightning in Minecraft SMP

    UNBELIEVABLE!! Lightning in Minecraft SMPVideo Information why Minecraft life steal smpp content sucks why Minecraft s smps are failing life Ste SMP is failing what Minecraft S&P content competitive Minecraft content is all the same I guess S&P content has ruined Minecraft content what the f SMP content is dying apparently usually a trend dying wouldn’t be a bad thing that would just lead to more innovation in the space after the gmmp died life steal took up all that void and gained immense popularity why isn’t there a new idea that’s taking over YouTube and I think the problem lies with not the… Read More

  • Pauli’s Epic Minecraft Debut!

    Pauli's Epic Minecraft Debut!Video Information hey I saw this clip today this is from [Music] [Applause] Minecraft so I was surprised whether this cor really happen or not so to see this High worst hand of clip [Music] [Music] [Applause] and after seeing this clip M me lost my mind and thought what is happening but the problem is that at the first time I I did not play now and about this Cam and how to play it and really I have no idea about this cam so can I survive here and can I play this Cam and suddenly I thought… Read More

  • “Terrifying Minecraft Encounter: Escape The Watcher” #cavedweller #fromthefog #fyp

    "Terrifying Minecraft Encounter: Escape The Watcher" #cavedweller #fromthefog #fypVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving The One Who Watches : A Spine-Tingling Minecraft Adventure #cavedweller #fromthefog #fyp’, was uploaded by vaceh on 2024-03-26 16:52:13. It has garnered 720 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. In this video I added Minecraft Horror mods like the Cave Dweller, Nightmare.jar, The man from the fog, Herobrine, Slenderman and much more Twitter: Server: ignore this lil bro you dont need to see #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy #scary #mods #modpack #memes #epic #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy… Read More

  • INSANE: My First Bounty Job in Minecraft!

    INSANE: My First Bounty Job in Minecraft!Video Information hello everybody and welcome back to Minecraft From Shadows it’s been a while since I’ve last filmed an episode it’s been like almost an entire month since I filmed the last episode and you might be thinking what’s happened where am I why have I got nothing the realm has been reset spot reset the realm because he said uh there were loads of new members joining and everybody already had like maxed down netherite gear so he reset the realm and he’s completely built a new spawn and everything so that’s what’s happened to the realm um… Read More

Deadpine – Gilded Chests Everywhere! Vault Hunters SkyBlock Season 3 Episode 7 Modded Minecraft