EPIC Minecraft Battle! JeromeASF takes on Avatar in Streamer Mode! CRAZY twists!

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Hello hello everybody what is up Jerome you’re along with the buddies and welcome to an awesome beating Minecraft live stream we are going to be trying to beat Minecraft with the Avatar mod which means we have access to all sorts of crazy abilities is there a way to change

What element I am or no yes yeah you just got to get the your I I think you’re ice right now drum uh yeah I I I don’t think ice bending is a as a TI Luke I’m not sure ice bending I’m actively doing it to right now that’s

Water bend I don’t know if ice bending is a type so uh Honestly though the mod is really cool I’m sad that it never was updated to later versions it’s all the way back in 1122 so there’s no wardens or anything like that um but it’s really

Cool and they have not just regular bending I think they also have like the cool combo bending something they have like combustion bending I was going to say like when you were saying ice bending isn’t real it is it’s just not common I think they have combustion and

Lightning bending as well and sand bending oh do they oh nice lightning uh but you need to learn the base bending first and then either you or someone can upgrade yourself all I’m starting fire and done parameters drum drum check out this Earth bending that’s not earth

Bending you just threw a dirt block so anyway guys we have to try and beat the game you guys are able to help or hinder us down below in the description this is long fountain all praise long Fountain long PR long Fountain all right now that long fountain’s been praise we

Must have a sacrifice I’ll do it I already jumped down there once wait where’s the scoreboard we need the shame Board of Shame wait is keep sham itude I think keep I don’t know I’ll check oh isn’t keep inventory meant to be keep inventory oh it’s supposed to be false

So that we can it definitely is right now no keep inventory is yes Alex with a $66 stream tip said I want a helpful intern he needs the help well unfortunately we don’t control the intern but you did just summon him but they they they asked nicely though they

Did ask yeah he can just be good until he dies and gets brought back and then he’s evil evil I think the intern’s always evil though I think that’s a also I don’t like how he started at nighttime yeah it’s pretty Luke broke time again I broke time we could have someone just

Sleep real quick we all just you know leave or actually there’s probably a lot of beds it is a village let’s go see uh probably is well no not this house I have two stacks of potatoes you want to eat all that or I mean I can share I guess do you want

Like french fries oh we have our first Elemental Bender drops you with an $80 stream tip uh give someone a scroll for their element o kind Elks I didn’t even I didn’t even pick yet well I was going to say my element is I think oh unlock bending

Okay insert three Scrolls to the same can I be an air bender yeah big cool so I think the way it works correct me if I’m wrong is around the map there are different like uh like Dungeons and stuff you can lo that have the bending Scrolls or you can craft it right

Probably yeah unlock it there’s other Bender like mobs you can fight and you can they Yeahs so do we want to work oh I got it now thank you yeah if you fight dropsy right now she might drop a squirrel sweet going to do is drop monkey oh my God was that

Explosion uh nothing what are you H doing nothing I meant to ask for uh for explosion bending I need Fire and Air don’t I I think so yeah yes probably something got make that happen we got to make that happen for you yeah like I need boom boom bending that’s not to say

I’m poop bending I can only start with hey 300 in the chat 300 300 300 300 all right I haveone want to throw some potatoes down in the Ravine for me wait monk I need to test something where are you Luke don’t kill me I’m busy never mind

Dru was that you it was on accident no it’s the person running you almost yeated me I was going to go for the water hey Dr you want to see something fun I caught it yeah oh my God abil is on cool down what ability are we free to choose the bending like

An initially or are we just finding the Scrolls first I think to see something yeah show me my sensitivity is way too high right now I can spam it so frequently o That’s nice restarted that oh good okay can you like launch people up with it is my

Question can you like I don’t know but whatever is happening right now y’all are moving slow said here’s some free food for you how are the Buddies doing today hey has a stick bomb on Jerry I’m doing good what about you Mr William I almost died to a skeleton

Because of server lag did die to one because of ser why okay why is this always a thing $400 stream tip from random gamer for dropsy to be unsummoned again she just got I’m just happy it’s not me for once as always I’ll be muted in case I’m

Brought back goodbye why do they always do this to dropsy she’s the only one holding his theme together every time probably why the drum do you mind tossing a stack of that down regularly you know sometimes I think I could hold the team together but then Jerome says stuff like that I’m

Like you know what I’m good there we go uh I made the top chest there full of steak there we go all righty well guys we’re off to a bad start here but we do have a stack or sorry a full chest of steak speak for your myself off to a bad

Start I already got 22 iron 22 iron yeah can I have one oh no just one the up there no I have a really good idea for it you’re already kind of I’m sure you don’t crush this Ravine Steve it’s like this one pretty much tapped I wouldn’t

Say I crushed it I definitely left some behind okay I’m finally about to start getting some stuff I just wanted to build us our little starting area because that’s my favorite thing to do yeah yeah I think I think we get iron and then we go looting like various

Structures and what not yeah I’m down I’m see my thing is maybe we shouldn’t have a solid like home base we might need to Adventure quite a bit killing our helpful iing something I I know I’m about to turn into a Pata give me what you’re

Holding tell you what if you turn around and you drop if you turn around and you show me what you’re holding I’ll let you live I wouldn’t do it never listen to Dr I can let you live I don’t believe you I don’t believe oh he has I’m taking it

The old fashioned way a fire bending scroll o another fire bending scroll I got two fire Bing oh another fire I’m a fire bender that means let me put these all to good work here look at that thanks in turn who’s going to roast first 400 400 400 probably Steve well

The thing is I don’t have I need another fire bending scroll if I want to learn anything right so I don’t have any of the abilities but there’s loads of stuff oh I forgot that this is slow swimming yeah yeah it’s annoying random gamer with a $100 stream tip said Kappy

What’s your pathing oh random why you in chaos you kill cap you B dropy oh all right I got a scroll nice what oh that’s right you can get scrolls from killing random mobs as well yeah what scroll did you get tier two earthbending scroll snap so I’m about to

Be an Earth Bender guys oh my gosh really you need multiple way to go dude oh do I need multiple you have mine if you sorry if you said it but where did you get that scroll from Steve uh I killed a skeleton oh oh wow they skons

Were skon wow yeah I got a tier one I don’t know if it’ll work but if you yeah if you want it you can have it Steve not here so I guess summon skeletons on player I mean there is a stream tip for that there could be a good way to get a

Lot of Earth bending Scrolls oh just summon them over like a like into a bunch of cactus or something yeah right we can make a farm uh like a mob farm yeah all right I’m up to 47 iron so far all right I am not up to any iron

But I’ve been doing a lot of household stuff for us we have a beautiful home thank you yeah I’m trying I’m trying my best to get everything like the basic set that’s what I always do every time we do this like I get that

All set and then I go for the rest you know is that why there’s steak everywhere well that’s not my fault that’s William’s fault yeah he did that good call chat good call Jerome did Miss wait do you think Willie is short for William or Willard probably will probably Willard probably

Billy I think his name is Douglas like the tree wa let’s go with that willly a short for what Willard I know I’m banned from the game but Douglas like the tree is really funny I’m glad you appreciate it I think it’s short for Wilbert Wilber what about uh Wilfred Wilfred or

Stash Wilfred Brimley there’s so many references that I’m just not getting so I’m just going to smile and wave smile and wave boys smile and Wilfred rley is the diabetes guy oh all right so if you see lapis pick it up lapis is very important and we also

Need books so making a sugar cane Farm probably a pretty good idea why okay what why lapis what makes it more important so I’m just lapis you can craft uh bottles of enchanting uh three bottles three lapis and an emerald piece oh that’s actually pretty sick and then

With that four bottles of enchanting four iron and a book makes a scroll tier one Jerry Jerry Jerry wait wait Michael Gentry with the $30 stream dip said skeletons for Steve help help help help help help PPG warrior with a $400 stream tip dropsy has risen yes welcome back is

Back oh my God I just got an earth beding squirrel for the skeleton perfect perfect Perfect Dude skeleton bombs epic dude I’m getting scroll like Scrolls like crazy from these skeletons yeah how many my God I got an air bending scroll from a chicken uh Earth bending and a tier 2 Universal

Scroll that’s huge oh man I think can be used for any can I have that actually I have fire fine because you came back you can have my Universal scroll can I have your other Earth bending scroll yeah hold on I’m trying to kill these chickens real quick I think chick

Welcome back to war chickens are giving me airbending Scrolls and yeah so I think that the Scrolls depend on the the mobs I think skeletons are earthbending and chickens are air which makes sense for chickens oh drunk can I have the scroll oh it’s in the bottom chest here the one

I’m staring at oh cuz I can learn a slash God this is so aggravating so I can deal damage vers of Minecraft M now nice kingley cyborg with a 25 stream said hey J Love vids and keep up the good work also bring back Lucky Block King of the Hill uh I don’t

Know because Luke’s been hitting me I would and I’m actively crafting so lucky block King of the Hill would be cool but I don’t know how we do for a stream like make it last long enough you know it’s usually a shorter game mode um we can

Think about it and he wants a s bomb on Cappy oh God no no and Willie said I always wanted to be an Earth Bender how about you guys a fire bender they’re the good guys also I hear you call me Willard and Douglas no no you must have been here and Wilbert

And bl Steve can you make me a shovel never mind I’m going to steal your IR to do it I was going to say I I have all the iron I needed can I have a i yet I should you should just leave the steak thing on and I can be a steak

Bender Mr Luke how do I upgrade bending skills like after I get them the first time and then we have a $75 Sher from Clayton Weber for a hot SAU and and squrrel for Steve so he feels loved Luke I have a special request Brian Decker

Gave an $8 stream tip for Steve to get a scroll can we just start instead of having like your actual can we just do them as universals give someone a universal scroll all right give someone a universal scroll oh sweet another Earth bending hand

Over I need to get grinding I want to be a boom boom Bender so bad oh uh monk I did get a uh air bending scroll by the way nice I’ll trade you oh and that’s a hot sauce and I forgot let me go ahead and open up hot sauce number one here

You go bu I gotta moveu SK um dropy I’m going to try to go through the air bending tree and just see what I can do I got another Earth bending scroll mon cuz if I can only do the tier one then air bending is kind of

Nice kind of not good yeah I’m getting all right let’s see Earth control use Earth Bing what you’re trying to do air slash yeah that’s the first one I did I think maybe they level up from use really I I think I might remember oh I I do believe that’s

Correct you need ability points so air vending ability experience and then you spend the experience to upgrade oh we’re we’re experiencing some lag here Luke can you get rid ofing the r yeah sure oh my God oh my God that lags bad Kronos with a $75 stream tip no we’re

Not why are you guys doing this that’s hot sauce number two for King of the Hill you can do a time limit and the most points wins but you can also use the points to buy Lucky Blocks or something like that and try I just feel

Like 40 minutes of fighting a king of the hill would get kind of stale you know that’s my only thing thinking about it I’m going to be clearing items on the ground be careful that mob speed just ramped up yep let me know Steve oh you’re good okay clearing

Sorry I didn’t even know I was low Health yeah yeah I just kind of blew up to a creeper a second ago in danger when I was looking at fire Scrolls Jerry what you should have known you were supposed to be alive in the game and I made sure you

Know D I was I was planning roasting Jerry next to the Village oh you’re over here yeah okay I have gifts did Luke clear things during the lag did he kill items you just kill all dropsy stuff oh man can you at least give her a Scrolls

Back cuz that’s we can give her we can give her cuz someone stream tip for that that wouldn’t be nice PPG warrior with a $40 stream tip let’s go 1,000 XP for everybody do you need any tools uh I would like my uh iron tools back that would be

Nice oh I finally got an air scroll ha I’m doing things mon yo if anyone wants to become an earthbender though combining those and making higher tiar is real easy that’s what I’m doing right now yeah get the combustion so I need to look into that

But I’m like 90% certain it is air and fire oh I don’t think you can combine tier twos to make a tier no you use tier twos to craft a tier three and two tier 3s make a tier four that’s what I’m even I I have two tier tws I can’t put them

Together uh did you try using should be able to um yeah tier three is two well well it says two tier tws and all the stuff but from what I can see you need two tier 2os three gold and four enchanting bottles to make yeah that’s what I’m

Saying they they C it’s not just the two together I thought you were saying that it was the two together no you you still need to just some extra I channeled my inie yeah how so have you come to the base so it’s every other one with upgrading Scrolls so

Oh my God I just made this Brandon the $225 stream Tippy said wither me bro I literally run oh my God dud I literally just made this R God I just built that house oh and my ax is Destro ow hey uh Steve how we doing on iron and stuff by

The way that’s a good question I put everything into the uh what push it away into the furnace TR train on it Michael Gentry with a $30 stream tip said skeletons for dropsy That’s Good Earth bending Scrolls right there oh my gosh all right let her

Rip where the got no food the I chased someone else wait no the withers’s glitched inside of the church beat the snot out of it you can make a scroll with a Nether Star I’m not messing with that guy yeah I need food uh top chest um but yeah it’s every other

Scroll that you have to craft uh with a recipe I think what do you guys think of all my hard work yeah good good great maybe not actually I need a shield if I’m hunting these creepers Steve that was really funny uh one second I’m trying not to die to this

Thing cuz of the server lag 600 in the chat 600 600 600 oh my God where am I being shot from yeah probably Jo Joe’s house okay Luke you were asking me a question oh my God which scrolls are you trying to upgrade here no no no what one like bending oh

Earth so Earth bending Scrolls every other scroll you have to actually craft so tier ones and then tell learn and you have to craft tier three and then you can combine two tier threes for yeah but you hit me you only have one ability at a time this

Is MHM oh yeah or ZN V don’t you guys miss old Minecraft swimming not much about old Minecraft that I miss I’ll be honest but how nostalgic is this there’s there’s people that are like I only play older versions of Minecraft it’s like you have to like some stay updated like like swimming

That is a good example yeah swimm is my objectively better and if anyone says otherwise they’re bades wait they have armor points no they had horses horses uh weren’t an OG m and they wer I got three Earth bending scroll I I remember horses being added to Minecraft is anyone else go on

Earthbending no I’m a fire I’m an air bender right Luke determined that for me thank you Luke by the way appreciate that literally game mode survival me and then chased me down like because you were supposed to be no you were supposed to be in survival not

Was tting I’m not counting that as cheating you were supposed to be in survival and you weren’t so I made you and then I killed you Monk i l dropsy is the judge here drops says it’s fair I didn’t say anything dropsy come on uh it’s fair yeah do that does that

Work okay I got two more air bending Scrolls a universal scroll and an earth bending scroll for us I’m trying to cycle my abilities z and v try that so um you have to set them specifically in the K menu K and then you click the ability um

Picture and then it should say like keybind yeah um I use G for my really annoy I mean really fun uh freezing technique that I’m about to use on cap not working no I can’t be frozen I’m too hot Frozen now leave me alone Luke yeah a light Gest of wind did you

Guys know the FNAF movies is coming out St yeah I’m excited so excited thank mhm uh here mon let me see T actually told me she would see it which is surprising because she doesn’t like horror movies neither do I but like I’ve I’ve I’ve

Been in the phandom for so long I just it’s a commitment at this point I have to see I was going say it’s funny as it time I even told her I was like look I don’t like horror movies either I’m like but it’s like you know it’s in the I have to

I literally have to it’s in the vein of respons every game I have to watch the movie dropy where did you see an air slash air blade oh never mind I see it I’m dumb all right um anyways oh wait wait through can you let me kill the

Chicken oh oh there’s more chickens over here no it’s okay I just um I know we get uh stuff from them dropping but I also can craft them easy with feathers that’s why I keep any feathers that you get oh yeah I was killing them for the

Feathers so you can have them I was just going to do for hours yeah I was just playing late stage like you’re getting them for arrows but yeah yeah totally oh Monk and I will be able to fly so like I don’t know if is the

Yeah with any luck we should be able to fly if you guys see creepers could you kill them apparently they can drop explosion oh combustion okay okay okay yeah close enough to explosions as you’re going to get anyways I had a I had a brain earlier I had to ask Luke

I’m like what’s what’s the Avatar word for spells bending bending bending Scrolls here dropsy I got these for you huh oh thank you okay I’m going to go mining cuz I still need some more iron but we’re doing all right we’re doing all right this is old yeah worse Minecraft Madara thank you

For the $10 stream tip said it’s been a while uh but he still finds vide hilarious and he just became a father today hey congratulations my God congrat congratulations conrat that’s amazing dude okay this ability is poopy poopy it says either redirect Blocks close to you with a right click

Oh right click hold up let me try oh so cool I’m my abili on cool down what is my ability um it seems like abili gives a universal message about abilities on cool down or create a shock wave sorry guys I’m so sorry I’ve just been like spamming trying to level up

The abilities so that I can do more damage and stuff I’m so sorry oh yeah that I’m not worried about it wait what let me know if you see like a desert pyramid maybe there will be explosion ability are you trying to do give me one second uh rainbow site with a

$500 stream tip blowing my mind thank you rainbow sweet they said for peanut I hope he has a great day peanut is going to have the best day rainbow sweet and I Tor and I want to do a video together where it’s Peanut’s Best Day Ever and we

Just do everything that peanut wants to do for a day we know what he does we we talk you know we we talk to him so we know exactly what but we’re going to get him we’re going to bring him to a drive-thru and get him a a puppuccino

And then we’re going to get him french fries and then um uh we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to just yeah it’ll be a good day BR to the park maybe uh rainbow sweet thank you for the bottom of my heart and in that video in that video I’m running it

Down here so I don’t forget we’re we’re going to shout you out in there oh my gosh rainbow let me sweet there we go I’m writing it down in my little Journal here so I don’t forget for real rainbow sweet that is insane thank you so much you’re getting the

Shout out you’re going to be a producer no I’m just kidding but I don’t know that’s so that is super cool thank you like for real thank you so much I’m excited I’m excited for peanuts P lovely chat I think can actually give

You a sky B oh yeah they can Sky I just unmuted but yeah yeah big cap I I’m assuming you obviously saw the pyramid right there yes yes yes yes and I am currently harvesting the uh TN okay oh I did it Steve but I did get some armor

And I think this could be big oh that was you I’ve got a looting two enchantment book oh my gosh like just for finding Scrolls if we can get that on a sword that’d be huge Monk I upgraded my air slash to tier 2 and I’m one hitting chickens

Now how do you upgrade to tier two I’m trying so the way they were they were uh right about um you just have to use the skill enough to unlock the tier and then you need a scroll of whatever that like thing is so like to get tier 2 of this

Spell I needed to put in a tier 2 Scroll once I had the experience for it yeah I still don’t have enough experience to get to two how do you is there a way to know the experience if when you go to the menu and you look at the skill that

You’ve like unlocked it shows you like how far in the bar it is and then it should tell you in chat um once you can upgrade it okay wait what that was me I’m sorry I was going to say I I I’m digging down hey 700 in the chat

700 700 700 and I’m digging straight down I’m going to try and get us diamonds because it’s old school Minecraft style so you know no star chart no star chart needed yeah Steve thought I was lagging I just missed my mouse button all right oh more iron piece of game babyy

Llama baby llama do oh it’s so cute but I wonder what scroll they Dr oh an intern what does he drop I know what I drop now my standards for intern drops only now oh well you know I haven’t tried before are you described with intern Prime though intern Prime what is

Intern Prime there an intern Prime that’s how you get intern drops this the he the intern Overlord um Turtle Captain thank you for the $30 stream tip he wants a bone bomb on Steve let rip on the skeletons and he wants to know will we play Escape the back rooms when it’s

Fully released yeah that’s the one we beat there’s so many different we beat that one yeah but uh the one we beat it was it’s in beta right now though they’re planning on adding a lot more levels hope give me a command yeah when it’s fully released I’m comfortable

Saying that’s a game we’ll we’ll come back to probably um dropsy might demand to sit out but we well I was the only one that uh figured out the levels so I don’t think I know we need you for that yeah desperately mm with C bravery and brains

We could take on any back room I’ve just seen a million things worse R and I showed up too yeah and with me and Monkey’s participation medal anything’s possible we to be honest Buck we did like nothing for that it was literally I do remember there was one specific level

That drw me I found an ostrich I there was did there was one that I did like actually was like the birthday one I think the birthday party yeah the clown party thing yeah yeah to do that one without even like me guiding you through

It so you you get that one that one’s all you I I don’t know why that was the only one that like clicked the only that was the one that was like yeah I got this formative memories from clown parties yeah yeah I remember just kind of wandering through the pool o Kronos

Getting dicey here with hot sauce number three thank you for horror streams for spooky month honestly we didn’t plan enough of it but maybe I don’t know probably not I don’t know I can check out the schedule tomorrow and see there anything we can move around you

Know has like a lot of updates out right now is demonologist oh I don’t like those games they’re scary okay I think actually Jerome would poop his P those games are too scary honestly I can’t that’s the best part yeah so does it matter what anyone home

Right now no not at the moment why oh man I had a surprise and John was the $30 stream Skeletron on the cator I oh they’re they’re shooting each other how how wonderful oh no how terrible yeah keep going yeah oh that’s ner scoll oh I could just totally take all these guys

Out I wish there was a dog in the um Timmy Turner Fairly Odd Parents Universe cuz I wanted to like give a costume for peanut cuz CU I’m going as Timmy Turner but isn’t there um Sparky who’s Sparky go as Cosmo Sparky that’s that’s a dog in hold on uh

Fairely okay I got another Universal scroll yeah I got one too I took out a creeper I’m fairly certain he’s a yellow dog too yeah uh I’m putting it in a nice and private just give him little Crown think he’s a dog from the oh my God there’s a

There’s sparky hold on oh it’s very recent this guy’s not old is that with the look at anti Sparky no not anti Sparky wait didn’t those guys have a different name like but I don’t remember like there was like a particular like sect of the uh you’re right yeah I don’t remember what

They were the Evil series or Pig oh might have been Pixies Pixies maybe John with a $25 stream di Stakes for dropsy or Jerry flip a coin um I don’t have a coin near does anyone have a coin no no yeah actually hold on I

Have my webcam cover you want me to you want me to flip a CO what do you want dropsy has Tails uh Tails good choice good choice all righty and it is Tails no jeez wait so just drop she want no I think I get go him cuz I won no one

Wants the steak bomb after the first initial one the first initial one was like thank you and then the rest are like this was a surprise where did you manage to be fair though cosm they used to like turn into all different things and disg themselves as animals jome you need two

Goldfish why one for each of my brains cells no for Cosmo and Wanda cuz that was their most common form oh oh yeah yeah yeah true true dude that would actually be a pretty good idea if I had dude get the I should have went all out on this I I messed

Up it’s okay buddy oh my God that Arrow just froze in mid a Brandon with $150 stream I don’t know if it’s good or bad it’s it’s a good thing uh give a player 32 diamonds for dropsy I thought for a second I got excited I was like is that the Bison I’m

Going to make armor actually no wait what does anyone need scroll stuff immediately BNS I mean I is it possible to craft a combustion scroll I need to check I think so may see recipe yeah I think you have to combine all the ones that are specialty I think

Might only be drops or dungeons uh is the server still alive barely yeah thank you Luke this is the nicest thing you’ve ever done for me oh I don’t know if something just happened or whatever I have five tier one universal Scrolls Jerry accidentally picked Up man these ostriches are fast yes they’re really cool land mounts just need to I’m not sure if I’m going in the right direction did you know that before horses they used to use use ostriches to ride into battle oh dude are you going to like post this on

The internet as a as a factual meme you immediately didn’t believe me no it tend to happen a lot when you say things yeah I’m sorry jeez all right guys I can give you a real F speaking of salt did speaking of salt did you know that it’s sodium

Chloride real fact that I recently found out from social media which means that we pretty much are all fed the same garbage cuz cat brought it up uh I think Tori brought it up and I think someone else in my life brought it up so we’re all just fed the same garbage through

The social media networks but that petria is just red peppers down so sad dude but now I’m curious what makes it different than red pepper flakes Jerome you started saying did you know in the mod came up with a prompt and said did you know dude there’s so many Enderman out

Here is he okay I don’t know what’s happening I don’t know what’s doing worse him or the the server die I don’t know probably close to be honest God why does that keep happening it it was blowing up as I saw you dud hey no worries man I brought another

Ostd I can give you some armor for yours do you know why sometimes I just I got chain mail and woven uh oh someone’s got a tornado hit the neck no no one else have the emergency broadcast system uh no yeah but doesn’t mean it’s a tornado here you go you get

To have the woven one maybe it is a tornado though oh I don’t think it’s tamed oh wa I also didn’t pick it up I don’t think it’s tamed mine is but Luke do you know why sometimes I just randomly jump backwards with a guest of wind around

Enough uh air bending I guess not I know but like what pauses that mean great gravity any Jerry no just got to do this I’m kind of ignoring gravity when I do it I could try putting it on there for you I was going to say I don’t

I’m assuming it’s just e like everything else right no I just right clicked it Jerry read the oh oh Karina right with an80 stream tip Jerry gets a scroll hand it over for over can you put yourself in survival I want to try and destroy you

Negative 200 40 am I going in the wrong direction dang it should I get this one this sounds cool flame strike 250 500 uh flamethrower is my favorite fire bending one just can I not unlock it till I get the one before it um you I think it’s just

A yeah so you can unlock it no the flame strike is tier two though oh so scroll you don’t have to have tier ones before it but you need a tier two scroll to get the base has it been night the entire time like what is happened it was day

You just happened to be at ground for 10 minutes do I not need oh you already have it unlocked you already have it unlocked fire shot oh okay um com set it to G I’d say but then what can I do with uh no you made it

R nice but then what do I do with the universal scroll one can I upgrade that to tier two um let me check no so Universal I don’t think so two no unfort can I do with this unlock a tier one there’s no other tier ones with fire but

There I’m got getting ripped off here hey well if you have the tier one you can craft it in wait is it a universal it’s a universal oh then someone else will just have to put it to you s wait fire on me whoa what is happening to the

Server obviously that alternate version of that parents dog has gotten hold of it I’m feeling real scammed out here anti give anti Sparky watch out baby wait a second wait a second here Luke can you with your other worldly Powers so guys read behind behind you

Behind it says it can spelt basic items can you drop an iron ore on the ground I want to see if I can like smelt it blw up the steak place it or it oh dude that’s so sick okay wait wait wait wait okay I have another test for

You real quick can you use the Ability again yeah yeah oh my God I’m going to drop a stack of iron ore n you’re getting greedy I think oh wait what yo you just did a whole stack at a time guys guys I can smell anything immediately you just drop on the ground

Shoot it hold on hold on hold on last last test okay okay and then I’m also going to be unlocking flame strike here nice strike with the power of condense fire okay so I got to choose a thing for it I’ll do F cook cook meat

Fire H is it only smelt I think it’s only smelt it’s only smelt yeah a that would have been cool though all right you want to test H flame strike out yeah drop oh my God jeez drop two and a half hearts The Burning uh I’ve got a looting two book

You could make a looting two diamond sword sick dude oh wait big actually yeah is actually big yeah like thank you Karina appreciate you for that scroll that’s sick uh I need help getting this cleaned up though I don’t have any wood on me there’s a chest on the ground so you can

Get it started but serious question serious question Here season one Ang Dumbledore who would win I think dumble season Midway through the season so before probably the only thing that saves is the Avatar State like the only thing that saves Ang is the all right Ang and Fire Lord oai versus Dumbledore Dumbledore

Might but he’s also double door is literally one of the greatest Wizards like of all time in their Universe like a one shot spell on someone a l dumbledor never would use that one shot spell but I mean he can like eradicate at least one of the threats

From their bending because there is canonically a flame freezing charm oh really okay yeah because to escape burnings and stuff like that and like that’s just part of the lore so he can just turn off fire bending at all times that’s pretty cool that is pretty so fire can still cast magic without

Technically needing a wand they need their hands and if he like ties them up in any way like it’s over I’m glad that wasn’t going to a darker place so I was like Jesus dropsy oh also my bad also technically Dum M so if Dumbledore just gets a a hatchet

It’s h over oh no no no just like I figure like kind of like what uh kind of like what rarded to aula and like just you know she couldn’t use her hands so she couldn’t do much even though she started breathing fire and that was horrifying but death shark

Thank you for the $5 stream tip but I the reason I bring this up is because I have a question for you I know inflation’s bad but how did you spend $115 on movie tickets tomorrow oh my God please tell me that was many tickets

Yeah it was like like a whole family you know whole family you got a popcorn or two like no he just bought in large popcorn one or two pop I don’t know California monkey I believe Mr key can I have the Looting book in California you would have to buy like 50

Tickets to get that sure okay I was just frolicking in the grass sorry about that understandable Dr 800 sometimes I just 800 80000 sometimes I prance hey no judgment here here you go looting too sometimes in France in there my extra stuff keep this on me dude I I’ve got to be

Doing something wrong because like all of the earth bending spells like do not work that’s rough have you considered quickly destroy blocks to mine out a tunnel let me quickly destroy you block hey dropy all is it just the keybind thing or do they not do what was I had

Enough iron left over man oh nice man oh hold up Kronos with a $75 stream tip now we’re getting to the real stuff ghost pepper number four not to say you’re wrong dropy but saying you’re wrong they can use just about their whole body to bend

Boomie uses his chin even oo that’s true all right boom Dum Fair Dumbledore boom versus Dumbledore boom is squirly man oh yeah he’s squirly so he’ll put up a fight but he’s not winning why do I feel like canonically boomy and and Dumbledore would be friends they W 100% yeah they would

Be Dumbledore’s cool with most everyone he doesn’t really care he doesn’t like that Voldemort guy well yeah that’s why I said most he still he pied Voldemort more than anything else um I’m going to go see about heading to the Nether and starting to use this looting sword for good okay

Cool if you don’t mind I’d love to join you because uh that’s another place combustion bending Scrolls can be found as like Fortress I’m going to just go down this cave sorry I blacked out when what what kind of looting sword did you get looting to cap found a book oh nice cool

Yeah I really blacked out for a long time then if you a whole inter Dr as well there was a lot going on at the time it’s okay yeah if you can get extra fire bending Scrolls drum could definitely benefit from that as I’m going to I’m going to attempt but I feel

Like most things in the nether are going to drop them anyways oh my God there’s a lot of mobs here okay where’d you go uh I don’t know I’m in house I’m I’m in the over here hello if anyone oh no take these Ving

No oh yeah oh so I can just yeah if you use them for your combustion it should help I don’t know how many tier ones there will be but that should be enough for pretty much all now I’m how much are movie tickets nowadays I mean if you not going on like

A Tuesday they can be like they can be like 15 bucks dude jeez I remember as a kid I I remember them distinctly being I think $9 when I was really young and then 10 for most of my childhood if it depends on the movie it’s just most

Movies nowaday are releasing some type of like IMAX real deed like whatever and so they cost more but if you’re seeing like just a regular Dimension movie that’s not opening weekend it’s it’s the still that it’s still like 10 bucks used to I remember he was saying he used to

Have that like those little camcorder things you put your eye to and you put a nickel in it and then it would play the movie oh yeah dude yeah back when he was a kid so back in the in the Stone Age probably still steam powered let’s your boy Pica said I’ve

Never paid for a ticket I always get free tickets what you just open the back door or something don’t do that it’s bad don’t listen to us we are full of terrible advice I have great advice mug just never takes it I wonder why uh could

Someone at home possibly make me a tier three air bending scroll there’s enough tier twos there it just needs to oh it doesn’t it doesn’t work like that you need to no I know you also need diamonds in the bottle of enchanting and there should be two diamonds there we don’t

Have bot bottles of enchanting yeah you can craft them we need Emerald yeah we’re in the biome for it Karina right with a $30 stream tips that stead have some bones ste’s not here I’m sorry so you have to pick someone else stead disappeared stead left us he’s off to

War guess think he’ll return who knows no oh well well I like her new Target hi Monk oh hi Luke hi buddy H look’s being a butt jungus I believe it no I’m not oh your boy said it’s the Cinemark monthly subscription read about oh my God I have legitimately been considering getting

One of those because if you see like two or three movies in that month like it it’s paid itself off already with just like going by yourself if you go with another person like it’s it’s it’s so good if I had a theater walking distance

I would but the nearest the is like a 15minute drive and I’m like whatever I actually have a mon subcription see my thing about movies my favorite thing is the other people so you saying you don’t like the other people or do I don’t like the other people whenever I’m watching

Movies he dude if you’re watching I agree on everything but Marvel movies you need the people dude you need oh yeah Marvel movies are made by the fan base pretty much it if you go to the movies twice it pretty much pays for itself where they get you though is if

You’re buying the popcorn the soda I always I always eat before and stuff and I don’t really get snacks I sneak them in Luke I’m sorry that’s you’re the problem listen I’m just saying like drops talk L I’ll I’ll say that I’m completely okay with sneaking a bottle

Of water in though oh yeah I’m okay with any any event that goes for I’m sorry that’s that’s my my take I like any event you should be able to bring water into that’s ridiculous I shouldn’t have to pay for a bottle of water at an event

Like if you can bring your own you know if you can bring your own yeah yeah absolutely I have no problems at all sneaking water bottles into places that don’t allow water it’s like no I’m bringing this like I’m bringing this water you know I feel like the culprit

Of all the random holes in the area very uh obvious Steve yeah like man you must have done some extensive I’ve been nonstop fighting such luck I’ve only found I had that one Diamond vein I got excited cuz I had eight vein in it and I have not

Got a single Diamond since well J you might want to take some time to actually like fight things so that you can level up what you already have but I want diamonds but they they could just spawn skeletons on them or creepers but Dad command Witcher said yeah Jerome you

Follow the star chart Steve didn’t give you the star chart this time it’s 1122 yeah that’s not this version the star chart does not exist in this world it’s cool down dropsy chill I’d be really stoked if they did a Skies update like there’s better clouds and constellations and stuff like that I

Love constellations in MC in yeah no I just want like a prettier Sky that’s fair the poor weer is still stuck in a house I kind of feel bad for it maybe I should let it free don’t don’t do it so I’m trying to unlock some bending but like whenever I

Try and click on the lock nothing happens oh you have to put a scroll to the left of it of the appropriate tier oh May oh so it can’t be tier one it has to be like a tier two Universal uh to the left of that it should say yeah

Maybe I do just go top side I’m not having any luck with the diamonds I’m going to start cry technically with these abilities even if we die at the End Dragon we can still do damage to it Jerome H H you’re right yeah maybe I’ll join you guys in

The nether then because that could be pretty good for fire Scrolls hello what’s up yeah oh I don’t know I was looking at an ability to like troll you with so why would you do such a thing cuz it’s funny Luke you can get me you know why ice is

You’re in Creative ice ice no I’m in ice that’s what I in Creative I’m ice in Creative you cannot you cannot put me in here I’m oh jeez you actually did half so it has four hearts of Health the ice sphere and caps ability uh took out half a

Heart that’s funny how much does this take out Rachel swander if I had a guess I would say pinky toe for sure flavored armor toughness and all that the server’s lagging someone’s doing bad L I would love to but the server is lagging so I’m going to just walk away while you can’t

See looking at you right now when you believe give it a sec what are the home cords any my oh I know where to go I ended up roughly -200 500 or sorrya 00 positive 500 if you look in any particular D Direction and feel your frames drop that’s the

Direction you need to go what if many connection was forcibly closed I’m going to start killing all these Endermen come on forcibly closed and then I come back to being dead dude I killed an end and he dropped two Scrolls that look like universals I crashed yeah I’m going to Universal

IAL yeah it could be the Wither actually let me get an Enderman guys a single Enderman two Universal Scrolls pretty hype and they’re tier on so I can’t use them if anyone else wants we got like uh five universals at home that are also tier one I think

Unfortunately um they’re garbage some of this stuff yeah some of the stuff drops them but that you can’t upgrade the tier one universals at all so yeah oh my God Enderman I think always dropped two cuz I just killed another got to who’s killing the Wither I think Luke’s trying to get it’s

Causing insane oh we think that’s it yeah I didn’t think that was it but I think it’ll help I feel like it might be we uh had problems with the Wither the other day whenever we used peeky on it I imagine it’s a more yeah that was a bit different

Yeah but I mean if it’s a intensive mob for Minecraft in general anything could cause problems with it $85 stri said I know it says random but can Luke randomly give extreme slow you w ever have extreme slowness for 30 seconds fine Bring It On Second Luke is a bit preoccupied oh my

Goodness why okay I just got a tier 2 Universal from a baby zombie nice that’s really good that one’s useful okay Luke can we make a rule chat you guys can vote on a two real quick type yes or no Luke um would you want make a rule that we could trade

Two Universal tier ones for a universal tier 2 like we can make like a trading system that’s fine ah God I’ve got the slowness yeah I can’t move whatever thing you put it on jum yeah we can still we can still jiggle jiggle jiggle jigle yeah but I hate how zoomed in my

Screen is you can jump everyone saying yes all right I’m bringing all these universals back I’m getting some t2s for the gang yeah I could I could do trade ups that sounds fair I could totally go for some TT I just kind of went with uh

Fire bending for now until I can find some combustion bending Scrolls so you you need to uh learn Fire bending in order to learn combustion okay nice okay so that works out for me found more diamonds nice good news slow for another 20 seconds I don’t know how this is hurting my head

I don’t know I don’t like how zoomed in it is how would we go about getting let’s say like combustion and sand Scrolls ohill stuff in desert I bet you you can get sand Bing Scrolls from the ostriches I was killing them earlier oh my God

Steve yes hello who I have returned what is this hey would you look at that it’s a funny conversation I’m in the desert and I killed a husk and I got a tier one sandbending scroll nice nice I guess we know Steve I think sand bending like the

Extended like bendings like ice bending and all that they only have two extra abilities uh active abilities anyway but sand bending you can make a sand tornado no way this enman just dropped three Universal skulls why is it dropping so many I don’t know but it’s pretty dope

Yeah end Rock that’s those are two different I’m sorry I finally found obsidian okay we’ll be going to creep tier two and tier two could I get a tier three if someone wants to get a did you just take all the universals from no I didn’t even check the chest

Going to say uh so I lied where’ you went back to the base why oh you gave me two two I was I was trying to give you to your free you go Oh I thought you already gave that to me I would also like to trade things yes

I the scroll Merchant how can I help you T ones what is this garbage you’re giving me another two another two another two I wait I you have lost me completely how many twos am I giving you three three more twos one two three all right and

Then can we trade these in for tier three two tier threes are you going to trade in the two uh the two tier thre yeah the tier four like we have been lagging L since the Wither’s gone yeah I’m telling you it was probably the Wither because like the

Fact that it was GL itched in blocks I think and then like rubber banding was making the server struggle yeah yeah that wither was sad I mean it just didn’t really do anything it ran into the church and then just sat there the whole time he’s having a crisis okay you got

To leave him alone yeah man fa want him have his moment with go happens to the best of us we did just pass the one hour mark guys so we have two hours left on the challenge we’re making pretty good timing it’s only been an hour it’s only

Been an hour yeah we crushing it yeah but no Diamonds though yet the time stretches on oh what seems like what did you I’m changing my bending what did you just hey cool you want to get rid of that that’s the only thing I can use I’m die that’s

Pretty good help I’m going to die to server lag I’m about to die to maybe it wasn’t the Wither God I’m at like two and a half hearts because time the server picked up I would get shot by another few so this is want to see a magic

Trick this is how close I need to be to use this ability it’s the range did you shot your oh god look I’m trying to show you magic have some respect you lit the roof on fire have some respect monk Jerry are you in the village Steve has something

Very impressive to show you he’s at home and he’s just just burning himself in the house I get coule two Scrolls from a trade Luke yeah once I start D does This Server need a reboot or what I think it’s just uh the mass like bending and

Stuff so J this is the distance I was kicked oh that’s really cool this is you want to see my magic trick this is the distance for my ranged attack this is great that’s it yeah oh my God uh here is four tier one Scrolls could I

Have two tier twoos I’m putting all my Scrolls trade the tier tws for tier three no I was just going to get some tier two abilities who filled up two chests with we only need one double chest h g I don’t know what that does I don’t know what that does it it

Happens shoots out of your ears when you’re very angry monk do you want to talk about something hold on luk can you go survival real quick all right I’m putting all my stuff away cuz I have to go be and I don’t trust the viewers not

To be mean to me so I’m going to stand way over here it hurt me and I’ll be back I’m sorry Luke I was never you guys better not be causing any problems while I’m going I me this guy all right I’m coming back with obsidian ouch I didn’t mine enough for an

Enchanting table hold on lock in obsidian that’d be funny no I need it for the four though but I also need to mine four more where is Jerry where’s he hiding he’s near Cappy he’s poop I found my super jump to space so it just happens whenever it’s on cool down what should

We do to Jerry mck luck luck yeah okay yeah we could sacrifice them to Kulu Kulu yeah AKA pool of lava yes mck luck luck yeah mck clck luck yeah Caribou oh that worked wait does this work to I can put out fire oh never mind he

Wait chat you call that I sacrificed Jerry to a lava hey Bender I’m getting more experience with this bro it’s sorry Luke all right you know what push Jerry no no no no no I have to put him him in jail you can put him in jail after I’m push saying no what he’s not taking damage this is just leveling up my ability and how long can this flamethrower

Go I don’t know but I think that’s causing lag oh that’s I don’t know yeah it finally turned off I want to I want to okay I won SA rice him but I will uh Whatchamacallit put him over a pit of lava is that better can I just leave him there over

It control got that one Steel by the way like I’m not actually going to make him lose his items I just want to put him in a in a cage over lava I think that’d be fun oh my God what the why do heck okay I have

Returned okay yeah we cool with that yeah cool thanks chat I knew I could rely on you guys all right nether portal has been built o where right at home ah I see L can I do a trade absolutely once I’m done torturing Jerry okay that’s oh wait never mind someone

Is a tier three scroll in here I’m going to use it wait what kind of tier three scroll Universal Universal internet I now have tier three where it says it can cut blocks I don’t know what that means though all right Jerry’s ex uh just hanging out over a thing of lava Hello

Friends why am I in the cage o Ved wait the chat voted to sacrifice me yep he they definitely did well I mean honestly I saw this coming um well a last word since I’m trusting interns like uh called hey don’t I get the last

Word I just like don’t know hi cap so for sacrificing him can you why is there a silver P did you build these fall out of infested blocks oops no Jesus okay well that was fun anyways back to business hey Luke you sugar nearby okay have a tier 700 has anyone

Gone to leather yet cuz if not I’m going in not yet tier get this silverfish out of here yeah you’re doing fine any need to bring any stuff I got us three end Pearls by the way oh nice I have one on Me L now that I’m back I have some trading to do with you oh okay um God that lag oh yo this spawn is perfect there’s like a blaze spawner right in front of took the you took the Scrolls and just left Bri Luke here you go you go y

What’s up hold on I’m coming I don’t have a sh either two tier tws three tier tws look four tier tws five tier twos five tier twos that’s insane you want to trade any of the tier twos in so with those five tier twos I will also give you these three tier tws

So then I that’s eight tier TW so I would like four tier 3es but I’d like to convert those into two tier fours okay here you go is there a tier five yes there is then I would like to trade these two tier fours for one tier five oh

My I have a tier five Jer once he was done I’m so proud of you yeah Chad I don’t think he can use that yet immolate temporarily boost your fireing powers for a short period of time but you may burn yourself in the process that gave

When I tested that that gave me fire resistance let me see oh God Jes oh my God you guys were 100% right I got combustion Scrolls from huh oh my God we’re okay he’s just watching he’s okay he’s all right we’re good so uh I spent all of our Universal

Scrolls on the ability to light myself on fire good great now get in the nether where that could be imminently useful huh ow so do does it do anything besides it Powers up your fire bending okay so my my fire bending stronger but but my bones are brittle yeah my dude it’s like

An awesome spawn all right I’m coming in I have a ton of stuff I already have 10 blaze rods by the way I’m just farming these fire bending Scrolls for you guys look look at this look at this Jerry okay so it’s got a spawner right there

But you come in here like that and it like leads right to another one oh my god um yeah I’ve just been farming right here I already have 13 blaze rods oh I’m staying here to farm an inventory full of fire bending Scrolls I have a ton of

Tier ones some tier 2s tier three and tier one com combustion bending already oh my gosh I’ll go to the other spawner then dropsy cuz I would like some fire bending Scrolls yeah now that I’ve wasted all of our I think I need three to even learn

It right no well I’ll probably get another one soon yep here it is dude you’re my favorite all right there you go uh no one else has given me the ability to imminently explode things also real quick I just want to thank all of our tremendously generous stream tip

Uh fans out there uh you guys have been absolutely amazing rainbow sweet our captain are tied for Captain live stream because someone else also maxed out today we had uh that and then earlier earlier earlier on in the Stream as well we had random gamer max out and PBG

Warrior close enough to our co- cap live stream again we’ve had so many people Kronos 50 gaming slamming stream tips out here too you guys been amazing without you guys we couldn’t do what we do on a daily basis so for real I’m mean this thank you genuinely thank you so

Much um and uh that’s all I got it’s it’s awesome just you guys are amazing and you support the channel you support us and allow us to do what we do every day so just thank you from the bottom of my heart all I got than Donald Anderson

With a $25 can we get another Monopoly stream with blade who’s that a steak bombing on and also I don’t think anyone wants blade in a monopoly stream ever agreed agreed we’re all on the same page here realistically against the Ender Dragon my abilities I don’t have

Anything that I can fight so I think switching off would be a good call Cap I if you want to unlock dude I’m like my butts right out the portal I’m backing it up Luke do you know how to get water bending Scrolls kill of oh yeah if you kill like drowned if

They exist yet um oh god oh don’t go down there it’s dangerous down there wait what’s that cool look oh you might have got lava combustion bending yeah the combustion one’s a cool looking one excuse me behind you squids squids I found them all right here is

Your te never Steve you don’t kill him you have to milk the squid yeah okay I’m killing him cap I found another tier two come back oh God I haven’t even had a chance to use this I know I know here here you go here’s the okay okay first I have

Good news yes he chose you for the steak b yes oh Jesus yes all right I’ll give me a second while I’m getting a steak bomb to go over here and actually start applying some of these I want to squids do not give you water Bing Scrolls well not it’s not always going

To drop kind of scroll that just means you’ve gotten unlucky they do I lied I found one exhibit a well it’s funny that as soon as I said something I had five drop like from from like every squid just continued to drop them that’s crazy how

Do I upgrade uh I have a tier one I want to get to tier two but the tier two scroll I can’t seem so if the skill itself is tier one you have to use it until you have enough experience and then you can upgrade it with a tier 2

Scroll wait what kind of scroll are you trying to upgrade fire oh I’m going to get flamethrower oh uh so Luke is there a way for me to get rid of Earth bending yes do you have to sacrifice yourself oh oh God I think I I forgot

That I also used that key for my imilate ability I’m on fire okay let’s change that one up a can I not fly with s Steven delanor liby to lose Earth bending TR for water I do okay I have three more combustion Scrolls if anyone want that what’s up

It’s bound to be for boom yes Gooding do you have slip stream already no thank you what oh I think I smelting the Netherrack from the ground that’s so cool I was trying to clear all the Steak Out by using my flamethrower ability and it smelted the Netherrack into nether

Brick that’s funny that’s pretty cool dude pretty neat this flame throw ability is actually so sick uhoh do I need water in order to water bend yep uh maybe Steve you’re getting beat man I know you want pending listen he didn’t read the terms and services

Ofing he just he just said I’m I’m going to spit at him like a lava well you know I didn’t expect Luke to be like oh yeah you know what go ahead become a water vendor and then be like ha you know there’s water over there to become a water vend all you

Need is a water skin like L is a support a friend thr the yeah you know Steve uh fun fact fire Scrolls don’t burn I’m watching One bounce around in the lava right now oh pretty cool that’s cool that’s cool yeah I like that what um what is it just netherite or what

What Minecraft like vanilla stuff doesn’t burn is it just netherite as in like burns down and lava oh yeah I think so in this yes bro no yeah NE it’s not even in this version I was going to say if it were that all right um I need another

Chest I need to get out of here before I die I can upgrade my explosion ability to level two I’ll need a universal or combustion Min scoll to do so oh see you later Brian good luck at school all right hi hello oh my God you

Have oh that’s right you have the stream tip is it you yeah and then hold on J watch this uh and whoever wants those uh yeah cap we got some combustion here mostly from drop um nice I can use them to level up combustion is so cool I love the explosion ability shout

Out to Sparky boom boom man combustion is so cool I love when they spontaneously combust who’s the homie you know Sparky booo man’s not a homie that guy is not a good guy py man but he was cool I listen what he did was cool but he literally was hunting them

Down yeah but also she would have been awesome well yeah fire bending has its like solar weak water bending has its lunar eclipse weakness but you know what explosion bending has it has boomerangs that are its weakness it’s very tender against pokes to the forehead I do we have any leather by

Enchants oh my goodness that is so many fire that’s crazy yeah looting too really popped off on that one for real thank you oh that’s right some lag cap you and dropsy with that um the hooa bobber with the Looting scroll on the sword that’s like insane yeah it was

Huge dropsy just did all the hard work I just got lucky and found something dropsy you want to see me shoot a fireball out of my hand want to see me do it again relax sorry I’m excited um just play around all my different abilities look well after you kill that spider

Look I’ve arrived at the conclusion that I don’t know where I am oh that’s um that’s like a Kora lemur though he’s like an as yeah yeah yeah this is a why is he okay oh that’s I’m confused spawn flying we oh that’s Momo Momo I don’t know how to tame them but

If you figure it out I guess have them I’m uh looking stay away from me child stay away yeah I’ve had no the baby zombie right now oh sick tier three Universal except I keep blowing the zombie into the scouts trying to help you out here

Cat I want an avatar world where it’s all zombies ooh that could be interesting and then like late stage they start like getting like abilities so a firebending zombie horrifying well they did the spirit zombes and stuff like that yeah where I think some people got taken over by Spirits I’m not even

Sure so reason was cor okay yeah didn’t like K cor isn’t bad it’s just really hard to stand up to the phenomenon that was Ang Avatar to last air bender it’s like there’s no comparison to be made I didn’t like the very like things just progressed too quickly they were in very different

Timelines entirely like one like took place like hundreds of years in the future it felt like yeah yes they definitely went through like an industrial revolution in between The Last Airbender and Kora well that was mostly due to Toof though right I thought it was due cuz she invented metal

Bending yeah but they also went through like a technological Revolution she got M and punched a cage pretty much but there were other weird things like throughout all of avatar The Last air bender uh lightning bending was this huge special thing but in Kora you’d see like giant like whole lines of factory

Workers like lightning bending to power the city mhm and that’s weird oh dude I want to learn how to master this ability here Dr look up right now light your butt on fire and then jump why am I looking up do you see me we you can I forgot you can craft the

Glider are you trying to hit me with fire that’s what I’m trying to do I’m trying to craft well I need leather for both a book for an enchanting table and for a glider oh dear God trigger happy with $225 stream tip said surprise that’s another wither okay guys

This time around maybe we can try and beat him with our powers who knows you see me now it’s worth a shot okay I can’t figure out how to jump using my fire jump ability oh you find it to a button press and then jump all right okay it’s like more of a

Horizontal jump than anything else oh oh Jesus God mov so fast fire Dash instead of a jump yeah yeah you probably use it to get over a ravine or something you got this B uh-huh thanks butt I’m trying to hit him with Fireballs but it’s not working oh thank

You uh-oh we got around the tree server lagged this is so hard I hit him with a fire it did nothing stop complaining how difficult you have it ow you literally have air b d saying bind it to space so every time I jump it does that every time you are able to

Jump it does that but I wouldn’t in case you’re on a small platform and you have anything ahead of you accidentally Dash into the abyss oh you hit it yeah it seems like a bad idea dude my Fireball ability does nothing to the Wither but that doesn’t really surprise me you can’t burn

Them I’ve got like arrows from all these Skeletons yeah this is going to end up how you thought it would is it trigger happy ending pretty well for them from where I sit yeah never mind this with is doing pretty good this is going pretty good got us in a in a tight spot here I use Arrow

Bending I you slap him in the face bending huh well that ain’t doing anything all right I’m going to go dump all my stuff terribly wrong yeah I’m leaving this I’m sorry I’m bringing the Wither away wait he’s no mind he’s not yeah he’s not hooked on me never

Mind I’m going to make a chest to dump my stuff in it and run so just don’t steal my stuff please stealing stealing stealing steing I’m stealing stealing stealing stealing from Monkey I’m going to take your stuff and then I’ll shout yep byy then I’ll break your

Knee trigger happy with $60 string tips to take that Jerome summon cre why trigger happy what have I done to You and then Tony with a 25b stream tip said I’ve bought I brought the hot sauce and we’ll take it with you for Monday I may regret buying this anyway steak on Jerry hey it’s a steak bomb on me after the creepers come in and that means that

He so now Tony is going to be joining us for the hot sauces I feel a lot of fans are actually starting to get into it which is pretty funny because they have no idea what they’re about to get involved with Jacob hunon knows but no one else knows what happened to the

Landscape okay that not me oh is that all is this all the creepers you have these little weaklings trigger happy don’t taunt I’m going to taunt I’m going to taunt those little weaklings you heard wi please you heard me your your creepers are so weak props

You can probably take on 20 of them she was just bragging about it now hey I’m not a part of this man you heard her you heard her gloat if you quote it right you can do I’m dot dot dot a part of this man Aid pumpkins where’ he

Go God I threw an air blade at the Wither to try to get firsted itav Crunch and thank you from the Shogun for a $45 stream tip that said give cap 5 TNT I love you capar yay and he said much love from Jacksonville Florida hi much love from Texas Florida hey

Guys how funny will it be when the direction I ran with their wither is the direction of the stronghold wait what oh you brought them in there oh I have no idea what bra break I was thinking Fortress sorry yeah trigger Execute Order 66 on Jerry bro

Bro because I bested all your the stuff now you resort to cheap tricks Momo wow that was pretty fun was that like Momo the Lemur or Momo the server guy the Lemur I think well first of all is there a difference hang on wait I think Momo’s trying to tell you something

J what okay but I’m now on you like you like poke play okay momo if you say soome my goodness he was on for release day yeah I know he was just on the competition he was literally just on to taunt me and that was it yeah you oh I should goodbye

Moo I hope someone sends that to him anyway all right so if I hold this right click look out a creeper thanks I have been running this thing for f with what she can fly wait did you get a bison fly she can fly what do you

Mean hold on I have air bending too what you doing and I can uh make myself go higher I have to like land gracefully hold on I can show you guys so I’ve uh got a lot of leather so that I can make the glider and then from there I just unlocked air

Jump and while I’m in the air I can constantly use the skill and jump with the glider out so I gain height bro trigger happy when it rains it pours the $ straight it was a skeleton bomb on Jerry nice targets for our bendy leave

Bley alone get over here Opa I just shot a fireball at him with a fireball that that’s pley thaty sit all right wither I have to go attack jome now no do your worst pal I need to get a level two I want I want to keep upgrading my fire jump

Ability I hope you like bones kill me there we go finally wait all all the skeletons are all kill trigger happy just working out the way you thought it would oh God there’s more oh God there’s more no keep on fighting each other I’m going to try using my new air bending

Staff wait which one is here wait it knocks wait guys wait watch me hit something with this you looking uh uh yes hi ow watch watch watch watch it it it has like insane knockback oh that’s sick what is that just a glider oh oh that’s cool oh that is

De whenever you try and fly it uh really SPS it out on my screen oh really yeah monk look look what look look it’s ble this is Bley Bley he doesn’t like Drome very much Dr shot a fireball Dr very much if I were Bley

There we go I want to check out the top of this mountain I hope it’s oh that’s where I got Bley from see there’s other ones up there too but there’s more blees coming I’m going to try to tame one you need hay bals and apples okay guys I’m have anle oh that’s

Right I have to keep using it to look that’s so lame they won’t be as handsome as Bley though I’m sorry all right what what’s my next I think this is the last ability fire redirect Ah that’s no point really cu no one else has fire ability

All right cool so now I’ve I just keep on using flame GL maybe I will attach it to space bar so that way I can keep training it more to level it up yeah I think it’s a really good idea I wish there was a way to override it you

Know maybe try shift jumping oh my God I’m going to die to server lag at this r I keep accidentally kicking off a walls that’s the cool trick with server lag monkey you’re already dead has grown chat you guys were right I needed to put it on space that way I

Just accidentally use it over time and it just gets better trigger happy with a $75 stream tip well we all know what that means that’s hot sauce number five that’s ghost pepper and ghost pepper powder oh my goodness what oh I died because of server lag

Why did you just use your water bending scroll to help you out well that would be true that’s I wasn’t bu water why didn’t you bend water to help yourself eat this then an apple uh when you see white smoke comes out and then you feed it an

Apple that’s was actually getting a little hot trigger happy they haven’t made me do it nearly as much so I feel like my tolerance has gone down cuz ever since the 53 day or 43 whatever it was 53 I think they felt bad for you after

That I don’t know if it worked at first I felt bad for me after that well of course you did server’s lagging yeah server’s Dy right now and then if you right click him when he’s on the ground that makes him SI like leppy but Bley likes to dance he likes

He likes being up there I’m I’mma let him be up there don’t worry Camp I got this hi buddy got this has to be you know uh I’m hearing from the viewers Luke that the lag might be caused by your Opa I think we’re have to sacrifice him no not

Bley I don’t know Luke that’s what they’re all saying come on buddy let me alone I heard that as well sorry I’m really saving my steak right now has anyone managed to upgrade one of their thingies or no yeah you have upgrade what yeah what a terrible spot for me to

Lag out in I was just in the air oh yeah I’m like halfway done with my thing now that I’ve attached it to space bar we oh how do you check that I I just went until I saw skill yeah so if you if you pull up the skill you can see how

Highlighted the arrow in between the things there it is CH stop sacrifice sacrifice oh got K sacrifice take you Sacrifice I made it there’s a guy up in the sky okay I’m close to getting Level Mountain well that’s usually the Des scriptor for Mountain isn’t it no not tall Rock I’m pretty sure that’s all Mountain yes big rock rock spider jockey I feel like I don’t see them as often in the

Later versions it’s CU there’s a lot more mobs so it’s just less likely to happen I can’t fight this thing oh my God this lag’s unplayable oh my God where’ that with go I’m just overing an entity clear I think that’ll help that will kill that will kill BP yes kill BP

Kill B I’ll try an entity clear once I get back on Garrett with a $60 stream tip said on Luke’s bison that’s not a doo it’s a player summon Creepers on Luke’s bison I don’t know dude Bley will literally fly away yeah fire oh I got give no we’re not

Sacrificing Bley sacrifice Bley sacrifice sacrif ice snack refice Willie said as a Minecraft expert I would like to say that Luke spicon is in fact the problem it should be taken care of now we know that’s not true if Willie said something no dude Will’s a pretty knowledgeable guy yeah he has

Approximate knowledge of many things yeah like watch this Willie how many fingers am I holding up he’s going to know leave puppy alone monster oh apparently a cre creeper exploded at some point next to me and I didn’t notice yeah it happens hey will get the right he said

Four it’s crazy that was crazy once uh have you had any luck dropsy with getting more ender pearls I saw you had a few and I I had gotten three but oh I hadn’t Oh I’m going to be honest I was not actively looking but I can do

That right wor we’re making great timing I don’t know if we even have that much to worry about I was going to say we’re good on like blaze rods and stuff like we are good so a I forgot this is old Minecraft there isn’t no Forest here

Mind I’m going back to the Overworld and finding a desert back to the old like right next to a desert and I would love to come and look yeah no it’s right next over there oh wait oh there’s two them in here though hold on yeah no the

Problem is that it’s lagging so bad that I can’t move I think we should try a server reset oh no I’m not it is something yeah we could try that unplayable yeah Garrett said as a veteran of the Air Force I can say that Flying Bison

Are the issue of lag see Luke we got to put them down dude I’m goingon to restart server oops well I guess not Luke do you want me to do it for you I mean he’s landed I was going to summon a bunch of creepers and and let you walk

In it would bring me great sadness I would take no joy in sacrificing BL you’re a liar no I mean I don’t I don’t think he likes to do that poor Bley that’s old Jerome it’s never a snack it’s never a sacrifice with Jerome it’s more of

Like just he doesn’t want anyone else to have a pet no I need steak all right server’s back up peanut has to be the goodest boy if he’s the only boy okay much better much better for now for now I kind of wish that like there were

A bunch of chickens around CU I’m not sure if it’s whether you hit a mob with it or if you kill a mob with it all right let’s see oh my gosh I still I’m like 2/3 of the way to upgrading my fire what’s going on over here Luke is

This the sacrifice pit for Bley I’m going down with Bley though okay let’s run blip I’m taking him out of here oh God oh God oh God wait why are you flying with Bley puty down let’s go B go that might have been the idea how are you able to fly up left

But I can because you don’t have the Poss to be fair I’m not really flying on him dude it’s just gyrating all over the place it’s literally impossible to Control stream what is happening help why does he do this not the true owner put me down guys am I high up in

The air I can’t tell I’m afraid Dr no you can jump you’re good like four feet off the ground Steve you’re staying a water bendery you know what you’ve done me proud good job oh jome get your stuff I think it all ble di sword no I got your diamond

Sword and a lot of it over here I got like your armor and stuff over here Dr oh nearly fell I think I got some of your stuff cap yeah I was able to block off the lava from coming any further but since the creep didn’t do the job and

Chat donated for it you’re blow upy I don’t want to look I’m not looking all right luk maybe you can help me with something just get it over with C oh God oh God I just attack throwing me around that to me too cap be careful when you jump you’re

Going to take a lot of damage Bley is not going down without a fight um guys we have a problem yes yeah what is a problem uh all our blew up our spawn like our chest did you dud my God literally I came in there to get something out of a

Chest and it blew up behind me like why do we not have walls if we’re going to be worried about Creepers cap stay don’t jump I’m going to you into water it’s not like I came up and said I’m going to blow up the chest I literally walked up

Went into the chest and a creeper exploded I got the important stuff I got the ender pearls and I got the blaze rod ow there’s a witch Zach with $25 stream said Jerry here you needed steak not at a time like this everything was going fine and then

Steve starts trolling me and then he blows up the chests I think I blew up the chest your punishment is you’re going back to sandb I’ve been sitting here for 20 minutes trying to get Luke’s attention Steve there’s a lot going on they want to kill BL Dark Age said where

To dropy go she’s avoiding this us okay other things for progression all right um I got five ender pearls on me but I don’t have any armor left I think monste or not Steve need me I have seven ender pearls on me we’ve lost all progress dropsy besides the we don’t have the

Blaze rods we have blaze rods and end pearls but half of us don’t have armor or weapons anymore there’s a lot of Scrolls on the floor here you go Jerome here’s your I can work on that too hold on let me finish getting ender pearls can you please get water bending I can’t

Use it there’s no water anywhere oh hey monk hey you don’t have no I know but I’m better off than half the other it’s a one time Ed situation here okay I have a lot of universal schools for people you want I’m still better off than half the other

People fire is fine we have tons of Scrolls the Buddies all right one more Enderman just one more water bending is literally I have two pearls on me dry oh and I have seven and jome is five okay never mind we’re good I’m going to fly back on wait

Before you go should we go try and get some more iron armor again thank you hello I’m landing give me a second guys let’s go get some iron I think cuz cap you have nothing that yeah I stole your shoes though how’d you get all I’m GNA

Go try and find some stuff okay I’ll back you up byebye by drop here cap I can give you a pick and we can divide and conquer yeah yeah yeah said did you miss the five lines of text in Minecraft chat probably do you know you can upgrade your ability flame

Got to level two good job C the best they’re dead oh those exploded chest there’s no chest now they exploded dropy that’s what we were going to St about no yeah I got that but I would have thought you guys put down new chests this is the only one that I put

Down so far I grabbed up a bunch of the Scrolls these and dud this actually significantly better bottom all right me and C are going mining Dr if you need us hey so Bley is still alive I just going to help you mine because I have all my stuff oh

That works too nice with that oh you know what dropsy wherever you put that let me bring my blaze rods back home actually before I get start I put them in the one chest that’s surviving okay so you know don’t do anything to that don’t look at me it’s

Steve I hate you you someone who keeps blowing up everything all right I’m going to am I able to clear ground items uh no you can I mean for what it’s worth Steve there a pretty bad string of 30 seconds of you lying to me letting me

Fall getting my stuff blown up by a creeper then the chest blown then a chest Blow by cre it was a pretty bad 30 seconds okay for what I know and Bley living through everything yeah and Bley lived that’s the worst part of all that most egregious you tried cap tried and

He just fought back ley’s a Survivor I find in I guess exploit is the right word but uh if I switch fast enough off of my glider I get the same swing speed that my glider has which is uh four it’s kind of sick for the for the

Pickax or not the pickaxe hey dropsy since you can fly do you mind looking for more leather for me uh I’m I’m mining so iron already we’re doing good I found like a concealed Ravine it’s like top is CLO up closed up dude fire bending is the way to go oh

My goodness I know air bending is kind of cool yeah air bending is cool to be fair I’m very envious of the air Bender’s abilities to fly cuz the fire bending flight isn’t nearly as good I think I found what might be part of the problem what what I found illegal Minecraft

Box oh are you talking about the one in the that’s definitely Steve what do you mean that’s Steve Earth bending yeah what did Steve do earth bending all the blocks that you flew everywhere are definitely just like landed somewhere no way Steve Steve told is the worst they fused into other

Blocks and then they’re just kind of sitting there oh so Steve are you an it’s not my fault the Earth bending did it and who was who was the one who was supposed to be not your fault about the Earth bending it’s not your fault about the creepers blowing up the chest

It’s not your fault about Opa dropping me off when you told me I was safe no that’s that’s my fault opa’s my fault hey everything name okay I’ve got 25 iron so far they literally just used the abilities in the game I don’t know what what to tell you like use them

Better no one else is having this many issues I’m just saying nobody else was earthbending okay well a sand bending I I never water bending a water bending all right I get it everything’s my fault you’re just having a lot say you’re having a lot of problems here

Today go try water bending go try it that when I have fire bending it’s cool no it’s hot Jerry oh sorry it’s hot it’s hot yeah man flame y hotman oh there go some iron ore nice oh my God site music the famous earthbender it’s so nice to meet you oh my

God can you sign my pley that just sounds wrong on so many levels Steven Libby on the on the side of op or something yeah that’s that’s it okay I’ve got 38 iron so far you need to the ability is on cool down drop so you don’t have enough Chi I’m not doing

It bro what type of chi are we talking like American are we talking parmesan mozzarella rently said can I just oh yeah you’re right I don’t need this coal yeah good call I can’t just SM my iron myself oh yeah I’m going have you do

That when I get back to the house that is so much more convenient yeah I want to get enough for a whole new set of armor cuz I’m missing boots but the other stuff’s all over halfway destroyed so it’s like all right yeah I’ll be honest I forgot you could do that cuz

All I saw when you tried it earlier was you let your hand on fire and then you let your out of the house on fire just dead silent every time dude just thinking about what he’s done gets that thousand yard St he like what have I

Done hey I found a gapple oh nice that was it just laying on the floor or no it was in a I found a u abandoned M shaft okay cool cuz like I had one but then people exploded you can have this one as a repace who would do such a thing no

One here would ever like I got that mad respect on Finders Keepers bro all right I got enough iron for me but I’ll I’m in a good mind sh get some extra yeah yeah I’ve got 52 I got 30 on me oh all right I’m head

Home don’t worry guys I can light I can light this ore up for you guys don’t worry about it oh yeah you quick yeah oh wait I found diamond one sec I can’t oh does that mean all the extra diamonds I found got exploded hello oh Steve J say everything you

Found got exploded yeah well and everything you didn’t find oh well so so children what did we learn today liby I was going to say we should have sacrificed Bley a lot sooner well I might have saved us some heartache soon as Bley died I started getting more frames uh monkey I don’t

Know if you’ve heard me but um Bley is still alive and he’s Immortal what yeah I mean I think he just okay I I have a level three boom boom now D just a mortal Bley is when I throw an ax at his head Bley eats axes A J bluffy attack get him

Himy get can’t attack yeah go fluffy go buppy get him you’re the original air bender goppy I wonder if he’s an adult yet no I don’t like doing this to Bley because I like Bley but at the same point you don’t you attacked Bley first I know but Bley is killing our frames

Bro he’s actually not have you lagged since we restarted the yes little bit I haven’t really lagged much at all since the restart the restart is pretty good all right you guys just had to say something Scrolls what happened what happened just start lagging lag I think it’s oh yeah I’m lagging again

Sacrifice no no not I’m to finish what I started Luke no oh God Joe you were the chosen one attack Bley goodbye Joe do we have anyone else Joe in the chat all can’t tell if Bley is just lagging or oh the server’s lagging I just tried to craft and it’s uh not

Crafting might die to Bley would you say that’s the most intense lag you can experience is that it don’t mine and it don’t craft yeah that’s that’s pretty much as bad as it gets I feel like right all right here we go oh there you go yeah I insta smelted my IR that’s

Such a cool little ability yeah I did it myself I might have you smel mine as well if that’s okay yeah dude it’s all I have in this world yeah Steve no Steve just left oh he’s back never mind have Steve again all right drum what that’s

Sick it’s the first time I’ve seen that used without it lagging so it’s really cool dropsy she’s broken dropsy D ex has stopped working I really wish she clue us cuz it sounds like it’s why am I on fire okay we’re good why is the fire bender on

Fire I don’t know yeah I keep forgetting I [Laughter] Havey what are you jiggling at wow wow shame on [Laughter] you shame on you oh Jerome I want to give you your diamond problem oh Jesus I want to give you your diamond sword back he is complete Jerome look

Jeff Jeffy Jeffy is wait Jeffy is that you look dude Jeffrey bpos he’s so big I know I still don’t know how to to be fair I would pay twice as much if Opa delivered my Amazon package here’s your sword by the way thank you

Sir I still don’t know how to fly on him though he won’t maybe he needs you need me uh to to light your stuff on fire god coming I’m coming back with iron for anyone that needs it um I I think that’s how you just transfer

Ownership no you can call it to you as soon as I’m done lagging some amazing concept dropy like that’ll happen flppy let me fly all right don’t worry dropsy I got this boom Luke stop moving Bley I’m not all we packages oh God how big Li is I think you can R now

No I can’t I don’t know I think he needs another stage I think he I we can build him bigger stronger big big we have the technology we have the we’re not cavemen or maybe we are we have technology we have all right there’s a

Ton of iron if people want to redo their stuff and to be honest I’m ready to fight the dragon I know you guys not everything I’m stacked I’m working on things hold on I just don’t think the dragon’s ready for us is all sign that’s fair this Dragon doesn’t know what’s

About to hit him FL yeah we aren going to be hitting him in this life we might need another re uh server restart there Luke yeah that’ll be good when do you want now uh yeah I think now’s a decent time I I reg glanced over it what I

Posted she he posted a me B big you guys you guys aren’t getting the the full visual the the the cat that’s in it is like doing doing the like oh it’s like a video yeah I just I couldn’t save it to to post server’s back

You mean it Luke I mean it and I have a surprise for everyone Steve come here left click Bley I don’t want to left click Bley I would if I wasn’t getting beat up immediately he won’t be able to follow you you left click Bley nope why is Bley on fire I can’t

Get on him left click Bley why Bley on fire Bley Bley must go I don’t know how to I don’t know how to Pilot this thing this is really I think it works based off where you’re looking with your mouse my dude am I ascending Steve died all over

Yesy Steve I’m going try to get back your stuff I don’t know what all was yours wait try um oh but I think this was oh wait no you’re not doing you try right clicking save try right CLI right C what about that that is

Punch I’m not going to punch no no no you can try left that’s how I got on him okay I have someone’s arm yes everybody un Bley Jerome wait are you are you serious left click him left click him oh my God my God he’s wait wait wait wait wait

Hold on hold on hold on stop stop is collecting all the kids I can’t control Bley luk is collecting all kids oh my God St Steve I’m not ready to go oh wait do you have any ender pearls or anything I have them all okay where are we going Jerome that way this

Way not ready to go eye that eye is gone yeah it’s okay we have 13 more Adventure Ascend look guys it’s a it’s the Avatar what’s the more to the right what’s the call phrase like y Yip okay no it’s Jeffrey bpos money money Jeffrey bpos Jeffy seey did do something

Good uh we just keep going till we’re a thousand blocks away which is you guys when we hit it yep then we fire another Pearl take let’s all talk about our it’s so Avatar was this I like how this technically like has you know the

The six seats required but two of us are in one seat and three of us are in another what’s wrong I don’t understand the problemy Big B can we bring Bley to the end we can try I don’t think he’ll fit no he definitely won’t fit he’s too big

Maybe when he was baby BL maybe if maybe you could try calling with your whistle in the end oh yeah guys this is pretty Sicky Bley oh God fpp me down I think they need to add air bison to M why wasn’t that in the mob vote mhm

Real there we should be able to I know we have elytra there should be a way to fly and like control it fully without needing fireworks and stuff Terraria has how many flying mounts yeah there should be a way to fly yeah fly that would be sick do we know anything about the

Armadillo really uh if you kill it you can make dog armor okay that’s it you can’t like feed it a treat it rolls into a ball and throw it cuz like oh maybe I don’t know that’d be pretty sick what C how did that oh we’re a thousand block a great

Idea idea pause pause I can’t control him please okay Circle oh wait okay walk go back go back go back go back this way uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this way this way this way okay cool don’t get wrong Captain keep on this line caught

Me caught me by and I’ll tell you when to throw you remember from Road El Dorado the little armadillo whatever they had that they could roll up and use as a ball yeah they use it during the one uh sport thing they did honestly you mean sportall I know sometimes my memory is

Not great but I also sometimes think you guys should have a very great memory because like your ability to like recall childhood movies in TV like I don’t have that I know I’ve seen all these movies and I can’t tell you a thing that happens oh there I’ve got several

Reasons to remember what happened in rhod De El Dorado reasons that we should one reasons me show it’s a great show it’s severely underrated like and the characters were amazing you want to throw another one remember there was an episode of Penguins in Madagascar where they have an armadillo that they use as

A golf ball lety up did anyone catch that oh my God C reason number one it fell right here right I know where I heard someone pick it up I think like uh Whatchamacallit didn’t go down here oh you can try throwing it again D oh my God moving oh I stopped

Bley true oh you want me again yeah yeah all right how do I Dismount uh left sh assume Crouch there’s more everybody off Bley leppy you’ve done so good I just got I got level three hold on a second here oh okay sorry what does this one do also why is B

Ascending while sitting B you stop he just likes being in air he’s a cool guy um all right I can’t find this thing I just saw down though right all right leppy we’re going to go fight the Ender Dragon we can’t bring you you’re too big oh we are just going

Straight down here I think so oh I don’t have I was serious I don’t have arm I don’t have armor made or anything just was impatient we bring a bed first of all Bley could not be stopped wa yeah uh we have no bed we have I have no looking

For sheep wait dropsy should we stay up here and get a sheep for a bed yeah yeah I’m in the thing though so um that’s your problem though come on oh wait did someone pick up my tier three book oh the water yeah uh tier three

Fire B oh my God we are right above the portal are we really oh nice yeah so uh cap when you get that water down it’s literally right here can I have some of your food jum I found an iron chest plate if anyone needs okay guys thank you can you hear the

Explosion yes that’s the hole you fall down all right we need a bed though yeah yeah that’s the one though count as down here can’t tell if he’s joking or not ony B on firey big fire uh oh I’m lagging who Li uh L on fire leppy flee flee Bley get

Out of here you’re free now yeah that sounds like this the cries of someone who just lit their pet on fire oh Emerald Big Life done good go be free I got the wool you got wool nice got the wo yeah I’m just chopping down a tree in order to make

A he’s got to go live his it’s all right I’m it’s all right I’m chopping this one protection oh help be free blippy go blippy go go yes blippy good Bley I like Bley goodbye Bley chat will remember you as Bley the we find the room did you say that

Dropy okay all right no I remember I remember I was just tripping for a sec it’s safe ow you do that I’m on my way hello know oh thank goodness we had 11 there’s one eye in here only so I had the other one I mean we had more before we left

But yeah yeah oh you guys want the bed stop me on fire drum I’m still making it there I had the bed but I had to go get it like I had to go farm for it so I’m almost here oh my god there he is all right

Steve hey Steve yeah oh wait this version of Minecraft why did you does it still work you have to I don’t remember it’s well there’s one way to find out it’s night time it’s crazy all right get up well okay y you imagine if that fire lit the bed

On fire and it yes all right guys this is a big moment ow uh that’s just our jump monk I’m going in all right let’s do this luck guys I didn’t activate it didn’t activate it didn’t activate Drome well all right drop well let’s go bro didn’t activate dude

Brh can’t believe you hey guys got some steak Yeah I’ve got like a stack in here for you once you get in here it didn’t do what I thought would do here you go um Jerome make sure you unbind the jump I’m oh my God hey remember when I said

That it’s probably a bad idea because you’re just going to jump off into an abyss I if this somehow ends up as like a thing I need that to be like clipped to prove that like exactly what I said would happen yeah crystals are gone already you got them yeah dude jeffsy

And I took care of this they’re air fighting the dragon I’m not waiting for you guys neither am I forg that hey anybody got any steak wait this is kind of sick flying up here with them yeah I know this is here you go St ow hey the dragon’s Landing Enderman Angy end

Angy oh my God who’s doing those wind attacks on that’s us nice dude air bending is the way to go Steve stop changing sides every second help vending style s with it you were like fire bending way oh my God roaring for a long time it just started roaring for

Me oh God time to fly again okay I’m getting like Ultra Instinct by this Enderman with the lag boom dude what is the point of fire jumping if you don’t go higher you just go horizontally or it’s like rocket Thruster boosts bro who like who did this that

Was me but it’s because I went to jump and I fire jumped away I was going to mine that out that last block that fire jumped right on off the edge oh uh the Ender Dragon is the eye bomb okay D got this we’re almost done dropsy dude it’s sick it looks so

Stupid I’m just exploding underneath it you guys got this you can do it you can do it boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom yeah oh my gosh is it dead I’m yeah it’s dead just my just punched it God

Guys I didn’t get the I got a tier three Universal scroll Nice Nice Guys B’s here I got B down here heon the portal all right everybody on Bley we’re getting out of here okay and so our heroes departed ever grateful that they took mg blippy blippy ever grateful they took down fire

Lord Oai honestly guys that was just straight mem love it so we ended up beating the Minecraft die so I think now we do have a little bit of time left so oh oh I think we should go and play a little bit on poke play get a little bit

Ahead here have some fun why not we got we got some time left so we head on over that one way but yeah guys we did it we beat Minecraft we beat the Avatar everything is all good and Bley survived no thanks to Drop oh my gosh I was using the Technic back yeah yeah I think we it might still be a little broky I’m not sure but we will find out it was supposedly fixed what rain it was supposedly fixed turn your volume up oh right sorry I forgot my mic’s still in recording

Mode hi which I suppose is a good thing but it also means that I can’t be on the other side of my room like I usually am you’re scaring me I usually have other things to do okay I found I was using curse Forge for it R just plays the game with his

Feet no I just take my keyboard with me like genuinely I take my keyboard with me to my other PC what’s after the third gym rain what what gy it’s dark also what did we get for the grass gy uh the only one who beat it so far is

Dro and he got nature mins oh sick I want to fight the grass J no dang it rain why you do this please oh yeah come on thanks buddy before everyone else gets on and alline forms all right dark Jim so pretty much for this one it’s all just fighting and

Bug is what I should be focusing on one could say potentially but last also fairy but yeah hop on the sponsor server play. pokeplay.io everybody as I start to try you said fery fery could be a good addition to my team what’s a really good good against

Dark good fair I mean xerus obviously but aside from xerus oh do you have to Flinch me trying to think Cable cable is me it’s only good for stall cable CL mhm this is really unfortunate I don’t think this team has a lot of chlorophyll users assuming that some of you would

Have brought sunny day teams ah I see you you all seem to have gone down a different path than this bringing fire against the grass gym well I have fire I have a lot of fire but I have my boy and he’s just wiping your team GG’s yeah just grab yourself

Uh I found for what it’s worth I found the grass gy the easiest one I just got my Pokemon it is very specifically meant to counter people who bring fire uh what was the last one right modest and good thing I have my Wild Card uh timid Jolly

Hello on I haven’t even done like any of the gyms oh gosh um the first do you have a team set up for the first one and just have to train uh I pretty much do have I tell you the first one is rock yeah I was

Just going to rely on like uh execute and Shel in a CL if I can oh sorry chat I didn’t realize that it wasn’t U on the thing there you go sorry about that guys what what happened oh no my screen just wasn’t on that’s all I was

Uh because I was transitioning games so oh gotcha instances there we’re all good all right so you were saying fairy types so zerus what’s a actually easily achievable one cuz unless I get a legendary fairy type yeah yeah oh I mean there’s able but um we’re we’re in a PLS biome a

Lot of fair SP I was going to say and we’re close to a flower Forest which also will have a ton of fairies if you want to do a fun one the cherry blossom biome I know spawns Garian Ponyta and Rapidash and that’s fairy type is that a

Good one though it’s it’s decent yeah it’s it’s it’s fine enough for a tip matchup you know I say it probably wouldn’t make it onto your final team but a I think I think glarian rapid Dash is cool dude if you you wouldn’t necessarily have to do

Fairy type there’s a lot of psychic types that learn fairy moves too it just doesn’t have any validity oh hey drum you got a legendary Crate Key I wonder if that’ll be fairy type oh my gosh you imagine I love it all right well thank you who

Was it are you able to pull it up or no I was gonna say who it was but I got kicked for Alpha red green blue uh oh yeah that happened to me I thought that was just me laging out but no glad it’s not oh again okay so there’s something

Near the base that doesn’t like to load okay I’m did something I got a landus that’s nice oh that’s that’s really good actually I think I might be able not good for the dark gym but but is a good one I’m going put that away for now in

My like you know Pokemons thing uh what um good Pokemon box I imagine it was theion form or no it was normal form he would have to get the mirror theion is normal and uh incarnate is the it’s incarnate yeah no incarnate normal theion is oh right land never mind I’m

Dumb um but yeah so like if you get I mean either one is good it’s just incarn is shear Force life orb special attacker the theion is physical attacker with intimidate yeah so it’s essentially what do you want on your team if you choose to have it special or physical

Attacker okay I’ll put it away in the Box for now but I probably will use them potentially in a future gym so thank you I was say Dr Drum spring goer yes brain explode I’m in Sherry Blossom now I’m looking for the glarian Rapides cuz I’ve never

Used them but rap dropsy endorses him and he looks cool cool h all right oh what are the oh no deerings e oh whose house is this it’s a very nice house in the cherry blossoms hey I got a out of an elite elite C wait

Really yeah I got Lugia oh my god oh my god dude what it’s big good job Steve that is actually huge yeah top dragon ninja you okay I’m not having any luck I’m assuming glarian Rapidash is probably a rare spawn uh e be able to find the Ponyta at

Least and then you just got to level it up and also I don’t know if it spawns at day or night let’s see it’s a morning my my uh mic was mut because uh Max was angry but I did this when you yelled my name I think I evolved my shelter too

Soon why what can you do oh cuz water stone you don’t get move yeah I did it too early I was just excited and he he’s like he was like shiny and I don’t want to give him up even the Mover learner won’t um where is the Mover learner at

Home in the house okay say doesn’t the Mover learner override that or am I just wishful thinking generally does there are some issues with things like ancient power where it doesn’t work properly okay this is darker than I expected infinite said I should get a hatteri yeah the hatteri is pretty good

Not bad it’s all right it’s essentially like a like another gav War let me see where I’d even find one end oh is it really yeah oh damn at least I’m hattenna oh Ione know where the end portal is actually we have warps to biome is one

Of those the end nope all right well I wonder sorry bud I wonder where the end portal frame is then need Eyes of Ender if I want to get there blade is probably disabled yep the music keeps coming back on Yep I’m not having much luck with getting good spawns but oh a Swadloon that’s a cute one it is a giant bug back my bugm bugm good okay wait there’s something on top of the tree up there what is that you got a legendary

Key oh my God I did wait a minute where did that come from no know thank you whoever got that for me hopefully we’ll be able to figure that out I’m actually able not check this store that would be a monkey or hey JP’s here JP can do it hey thanks JP um

In the tree is a Gruff monkey Pokemon is he fairy type nope rain I’m ready to battle looks like the keys were from Michael hey thank you Michael Gentry here we go big spin big spin of the wheel come on stream you battling come on uh grass give me a fairy type your Pokemon are all level 100

No no not man not man ify you’re allowed to oh okay like you’re more than welcome to fight me now if you want to take a challenge but you might lose it doesn’t help me out but Victini that help me out for this gym but for future gyms that’s

Epic so we’re like we’re putting him in the special box that’s awesome hey drum yes you want see something no I I have a little I have a lad a little lad look at this little guy oh this isn’t the little guyan tyion is sick though yeah hold on I got a smaller

One I don’t know where he is small huan tyion yes what why is he so tiny I don’t know he’s just a little dude this is why we don’t give you perms on right here right there drum that’s why all right PC can tornadoes learn

It you know uh a Geodude is pretty valid and they can learn Earth quick and that’s good which G are you on again sorry I haven’t even done the first one my dude which one I’ve been gone that long forgot rock rock oh yeah dude totally Golem’s a great

Choice I mean you’re resistant to him and you can also be super effective so why not why not is Golem just rock or is he Rock ground actually Rock ground he is nice okay that’s good so you get the stab bonus from your earthquake yeah like that I’m so proud

Tyranitar so Brad he just bonus Rock dark terizing Tyranitar with earthquake ruined Pokemon Violet for me because it just put the whole game on easy mode because it turns into a ground a stab bonus and like the whole thing was just easy mode after that literally I had an air Terra type

Dragonite m it was actually ridiculous people really like uh normal Tera Dragonite for normal stab extreme speed coming off of uh that’s pretty good yeah off Dragonite attack ter the terizing of Pokemon can be diff I thought like every Tyranitar was ground be anything it can be any type

You know special Tyranitar oh so like I legit just got like Mega lucky yeah the one you found is a set Spa like there’s a set larvar that will be ground ter type it’s like that he found it he wouldn’t have gone un Lu for any I was

Going to say I’m like you get unlucky and just get like a flying Terra type Tyranitar that knows no flying type moves you’re like cool that’s where Terror blast comes in it’s a move that switches to whatever type you terize to and it’s a base power

And 80 based power so he gets a stab bonus off of 80 based power H I don’t know I’m All Around not a huge fan of terizing but I also wasn’t a fan of gigantamaxing I thought they should have just stuck with Mega Evolution for a while I say Trel better than gigantamax

But Mega was better Z moves are okay but Z moves can exist with mega I don’t far the best in my opinion they should have just stopped at Mega and the Mega Pokemon should get a z move you know like it shouldn’t be an extra thing that that’s my hot Pokemon

Take someone make a mod for it I would love to be able to Mega Evolve Dynamax as Z move all at the same time God what would happen imagine my explosion with galvaniz going hey Drome that’s 100 rare candies whoa thank you do I even need to ask Michael Gentry

Let me check okay I guess I can fight the first gym if you’re around for it rain D Mor thank you Derek appreciate you dude for the Hun rare candies this will come in handy with the next three poke because I need three more Pokemon

For my team in order to get ready for this gym we’re having no luck at all right now but you know this mousehold is named pixelon fallback warning I don’t know if we should be concerned about that gra model yeah I got some shk that’s named to that hello

Kippy the belt no no whoever did that no yes okay never again I just used an auto clicker on the Bell it really hurt all right key where you be okay I’ll be here dropsy are you sure this biome has um I that’s where I’ve caught

One so that’s why I’m saying did you hit battle rules yeah we know do battle rules here ah dude one of them’s like level 51 can you run set party no you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine okay okay your level limit is 55 okay you could slightly out level the gym

Leader ow yeah earthquake I will also oh I didn’t earthquake aha now I earthquake oh oh you could be a problem yeah come on hit huge huge hydro pump my Rampardos uh Ralph ask the next gym I’m doing I’m doing a dark type gym uh so I

Have fighting coverage here and so I have two fighting and I have one I they don’t have SK link but I don’t have any fairy I have zero fairy type pokemon um and so I’m looking for a Garian Rapidash right now that dropsy recommended to add to my

Team oh dang I thought amasar was water type too he is he’s water Rock I mean it doesn’t negate we water doesn’t have resistance to water right yes it does that’s what made it neutral instead of H okay oh well I mean I I I

Could spear that yep ow and you got a crit yep oh thankfully Cil is kind of slow hey Drome another 100 rare candies uh who this time thank you whoever keeps giving me all like I said you’re G to help me out so I can just Spam level my Pokemon up here I

Char is Michael Gentry hey Michael Gentry thank you Michael appreciate you dude ice Shard that might kill actually okay go Wing beat okay go glay but oh man I get rid of one ice Circle and now there’s another ice Circle ice Fang woo ow my name is Aurorus uh no I’m pretty sure

Okay dropsy I feel like I’m being lied to that’s a nice type right well the time spawns I don’t know if it’s actually wait that’s be morning hit you with the strongest hper beam in the game to that area and look for other things like just be on

Rotation well it’s also an ice type hyperbeam yeah Pixelmon wiki and then let me look up cherry blossom Pixelmon yeah nice I didn’t realize many other Pokemon had that I think it was its ability first yeah and then Mega glal has it yeah oh yeah and you burn me that’s just rude

I’m hitting you with another hyperbeam that’ll do it probably one HP seven GG Cherry Grove okay now I have the full list here and if the reward involves any Pokemon that doesn’t explode we can just skip that part get any fossil Pokemon you want so figure

Out which fil Pokemon can exp none of the fossil Pokemon learn explosion I know I’m furious about it I’ll tell you what I’ll give you a falsa Pokemon and we can teach it explosion you might have had a layover dropy it seems like it from Nighttime actually and then you

Get any Rock item you want someone someone else said warning I wasn’t sure sion’s a rare spawn in the morning that’s got to be a sick fun it would it would be easier for you to find an Eevee and just walk around with it a lot in battle instead of finding a

Silveon oh how do how do you get Sylveon anyway anyway it evolves with high happiness oh but espon day Umbreon KN yeah Sylveon it doesn’t matter that’s why you have to make sure it has the happiness um it’s uh very oh specific wait so what I’m so confused so ah Espeon day Umbreon

Night Sylveon morning uh there’s a way to force it to be Sylveon but that’s also been like a year some time no yeah that’s what I was telling was but oh that’s what it is yeah if it knows it if you keep um I think it learns charm or something or yeah or

Baby doll eyes and then it’ll be silveon and then it doesn’t matter the time a day I will give have a Kabuto with a King’s Rock that nose explosion my God why they’re just an army of nimal that’s Luke I gave your friend one Master Ball for finding Tori’s phone in real life

That you giving away free stuff on our server Drome she found tor’s cell phone hold up how and through the craziest twist of fate we were at Whole Foods and then we didn’t even realize Tori lost her phone and I was getting a call from

Luke all of a sudden I’m like uhoh that can’t be good and so I answered it and Luke’s like hey did Tori lose her phone I’m like Tori you lose your phone she’s like yeah and I’m like yeah apparently she did how did you know and he goes

Well my friend uh found it and I was like what and he’s like my friend found the phone at Whole Foods and I was like what and he goes yeah uh she said just come to the front she recognized your face on the phone pictures background and I was like what

Like that I was like odds is this your boss and I was like yeah that’s him why do you have that he lost his mind he just gave me it yeah the craziest like what like how does this H you know like how does it even happen all I’m leav the cherry

Blossoms because it doesn’t seem like many good fairy types SP during the day it seems like it’s night and morning wait so did you oh my God there’s layers like an onion yeah sure get iron Valiant quad resistant to dark what’s iron Valiant Chi it is the mechanical version

Ofan Mr rain I will be that’s leaves irali oh right yeah iron Valiant is a mechanical version of galade and guard ofir kind of stuck together in the game yet huh what gy are you fighting dropsy grass mimikyu ah I’ve never ran a mimikyu team I always get frustrated

When someone throws one at me but they’re so cute all level 100 ready to go plushy and just Peg they’re level 80 you might want to be level 100 you know what if you lose I’ll give you a retry let’s go actually if you I have this right here I

Got it last year it looks like it’s sold out but um if you like mimikyu if you lose I’ll let you retry as being the only one to try this on level 80 okay cool that’s a weird looking cup I think I a bowl it literally says ceramic treat

Bowl in the link H read monk I’m dyslexic fair enough get a better excuse get excuse bro dang it he Tome he got me what do I do I’m I’m I’m come with L for for a fellow former New Jersey there’s not coming back from this one I got to go m i

See I no my leftovers you animal no more leftovers for you you got to cook tonight man I don’t want to peel potatoes again you know I’ve actually uh tried this like crushed potato recipe recently is that you have to explain between mash potato I got to

Google what do you mean oh my God you’re using a Genex yeah so what you don’t peel the potatoes and you don’t you just like wash them thoroughly and then you like use a hammer to crush them into a baking pan and then you bake them while they’re

Crushed and like still skin on and everything like that that’s like not M I think I’ve made them for you before Jerome to be honest when we were living together really huh yeah it just takes a little bit of butter literally I just used a cup and I would I would boil the

Potatoes they’re real small potatoes and then I’d smash them down and put garlic pepper or garlic uh powder on top of it oh these These are this recipe says you smash them and then you throw them in the oven Dr didn’t you say yeah yeah

Yeah so you you boil them you smash them you put the the garlic on top of it and then you you just go bake them so they get nice and crispy yeah night time so close it’s going night time guys this is my chance I’m going to find I’m already here if you

Want to TP over I’m I’m also at the forest just spawn and stuff it’s so close to home I already made it thank you though yeah I I’m helping keep an eye out for you I love R hey drum you’re dead if you want one there is a Clefairy underground right

Now I saw one earlier no I hey he right down here I’m not a big the Clefairy I is it clefable who oh sick I got the burn it’s decent it’s more of a special unfortunate cuz you would have had a chance to win otherwise yeah cuz flower

Just would have done everything the tag is not as great but what gym is after the Rock Gym flying gy flying gy oh I’ve got that one in the bag caps like I’m ready to take that one on too the only thing holding me back is

Levels I’ve got a mainly Rock and ice type like team over here yeah you grab your kits you can get some rare candies from those maybe I think all my kits are used up right now uh stop using knockoff have anything good game see it’s not like I

Was anticipating you guys using fire and flying types and specifically not running rock type moves or anything like that is clefable flying type too no no cable wings I see where he’s going yeah yeah I see where he’s going with it I’m cooking with something Steve it’s not just random you got

WIS you’re right is the uh whatam call gy the flying gem 60 60 got it actually wait pronos I’m glad it’s not just me that when C was describing and thinking of boil them mesh them stick them in a stew I’m glad it wasn’t just me okay Jerome do you are

You just quoting the meme or have you actually seen okay what do I what do I get oh right do I get something special cuz I beat it at 80 I’m beat the gym in real life you’re so proud of yourself could have wait 12 minutes no okay what

Do I get nothing what do I get what do I get calm down the guy just like oh yeah just like looks around here’s his Rock it was mostly just that the last person to fight it was monkey and he could give himself so uh on the bridge is your

Inventory on the bridge is a very intense spot that’s uh crashing me if someone could TP me away from this oh okay never mind it’s good it’s it’s good it’s okay it went away all right I have knocked out my leftover what’s wrong with you or clefable

Now I just walked up to you and knocked your dinner onto the floor what like what the heck my problem is I have this bias where like old Pokemon that weren’t fairy types that have now become fairy types I’ve just all but assumed are complete garbage and not like accounted

For the fact that they’re changed now like so I think clefable and I’m like normal type blle and like now it’s okay uh is actually incredible uh yes it is dark gy okay I still associate it with the old CF which was incredibly bad no it was always good it was just incredibly

Annoying it was a non-offensive Pokemon so for you and your click earthquake stage of Life which you still seem to be in yeah I was going to say that much has changed hey he’s a DEC some battler yeah yeah don’t make me call my big brother Cappy on you yeah he’s going to

He’ll I’ll throw my exploding Pokemon at you Geneva won’t stop me I would love for it to be a project for us to take you to Regionals one year Jerome that would be awesome no do I have to qualify no you get you just sign

Up for regionals oh I’m in but I I want to see how you do he wow you would make it to the finals by she coincidence can I cheat and just print like like fake cards or is this like a this is VGC not TCG is graphi

Okay is that a good Pokemon grai I mean graffi okay I just found him and grai it’s a poison type that I don’t use let that be what you decide because I love poison types what’s what’s the best poison type uh competitively neadel ohun wasn’t somebody looking I swear TP

To me I’m in a different flower Forest than you okay wellow look at that drone went suddenly went to Steve thank you Steve yeah no Problem yeah neadel is definitely the strongest poison type okay mck honestly GL not Glen uh Alan alolan mck’s actually extremely good in doubles isn’t its hidden ability weird like it copies abilities from Pokemon that have died in your party or something like that yeah but you didn’t use that you

Just used poison touch and spread poison with poison jab okay you had like a 50% chance to poison on every contact move I’m just waiting for Jerome to be like and I killed it no I caught him already thank you okay he’s already leveling it up oh weird Pony Garian

Ponyta is only psychic it’s not fairy at all it’ll evolve and get fairy typing is there a special evolve condition or up I don’t think so okay yep level 40 smash there we go dazzling gleam yeah that’s the one da and gle’s a good move I like um

Draining kiss I think draining kiss is one of my more favorite fairy type moves mhm R have you ever seen an obstagoon yes yeah that’s um Zig zagon galarian thing yeah he has the third evolution now so I just didn’t know is he good he’s actually pretty good uh you

Know what Pokemon I’m sad that I feel like it’s been forgotten to time as a kid I I used to run him on my team in Pokemon Gold and it made no sense but I used to run furet with surf like I mean keep in mind at the

Time this is like probably 2001 so I was seven years old so as a seven-year-old kid I would I would run furet with Surf and I had on that same team I had Gengar with zap Cannon I don’t know blame seven-year-old Jerome I don’t even know

How I remember this no he was on to something that’s something normal Jerome would do right now yeah uh so he’s kind of lost competitively to time but have you seen fur walking across the universe jome just look up for walk you’ll see it

Hold on I’ll send it to him I’ll send it nice I hate that that’s we want the one with lyrics without LS it’s so good I had it playing for 20 hours one day I won’t lie you guys actually want to hear something cool that I’m doing

What this this weekend I’m having a Halloween party with friends and I made a bunch of little goodie bags and I found Halloween uh trick or treat Pokemon cards and giving one their own packs to open I actually have those yeah I I found I found one that’s

Like made for trick-or-treating that are like smaller packs I’m every they’re called the booster packs yeah yeah I found the with those they sell them all over the place but you’re not going to find a better deal in Costco in my opinion dud oh Fair no I went I I

Because it’s crazy right you usually find them what for 20 to $25 for 50 of them at like Target or whatever or like something like that yeah there Costco I paid like $22 and got 120 packs they have a big pack oh my goodness yeah it was nice you’re

Prepared what do you mean he’s prepared he opened all of [Laughter] them yeah uh someone name a cool dark type Pokemon zor cry uh weile good choices choices no shot they’re out of stock but on the online version no one of they’re out of stock on online 9.97 for 120

Packs wow Costco has the best deal for wh wh oh trick or trade yeah I have like two of those I just like in one you Psychopaths I bought two of them too I have 240 packs I like that instead of like you know booster packs they emphasize the

Boo so it’s booster packs and I love it yeah I have no idea if they do trick-or-treating at my apartment but if they do I’m prepared same got candy and Pokemon cards we’re going to let them pick these cards are mine and those kids will never get them I was going to say

The kids are not touching them uh anyone got a good bug type that’s really good I have uh Volcarona already as you have you kind of have one of the best ones uh uh another good bug tape uh got a shiny lady I like lurantis I think

That’s a cool one but lurantis isn’t a bug oh is that one only grass I thought it was bug grass D bu grass Heracross Chris vill Anda is right for this gyac with a oh wait I think I have a hair mind I’m going to use that as my

Last Pokemon hey Donovan Adams seems like out here a little bit later to the stream time to spice it up some that’s number six buddy good to see you Donovan Adams yeah we had a good time playing with the Avatar mod was cool and uh Luke

Kept breaking it cuz he kept flying on Opa and yeah and then Steve blew things up and then wouldn’t take the blame for anything it was great his name was Bley his name was Robert bson and I take credit for you falling off I have the

Best bug type for you his name is leppy other than that I did not code the Earth bending to be poopy I did not code the water bending to be poopy like Jerome you could do a a lydian please no bad mod oh that’s hot thank you Donovan Adams for doing

That right towards the end of the stream level 100 yeah you can have up to 100 what’s the level of the gym 90 okay um Heracross what is that jungle what’s everyone’s favorite dark favorite dark type oh oh what Legend right yeah I will get Tigers looks like herir cross as Tigers

Oh is he okay that’s good yeah uh if I had to choose any one dark type Pokemon dig also hey drum yes uh the area right outside of Spawn is a jungle I would have to choose honchkrow you just walk like 5050 feet hrow is cool well I wish more competively

Viable outow by merro why was why is merro like eite or something like that prankster Dr what’s the chance that someone watching stream right now can make a Pokemon ROM hack that’s just all Diglett uh command wiery if he’s here actually to be fair that you could

Easily do that action replays back in the day I think there was a thing where you could just select all Pokemon to be a certain thing yeah like it’s every Pokemon is replaced with a version of them like with Diglett though that’s what I’m saying I think you could I think Pokemon

Infin pretty much yeah but no everything is replaced that no you you just want infinite there’s a setting you can do with infinite fusions where you can fuse every single Pokemon with a specific Pokemon really oh that’s so cool just fuse them all with diglet that’d be hilarious it’s like a config

Thing Pokemon infinite diglet I hate whenever monk lists Mr Pinsir did you make that Abomination or is that like a known no no that’s just that’s a known thing that’s what uh that’s what people did I didn’t bring Mr pincer into the world I just spread it take him

Out I couldn’t blame you if you did oh dang it is horrifying to look at place this guy but hey I wonder if it’s like AI generated or if someone like actually spent the time making every single Sprite because that’d be AI Sprites but they are slowly getting replaced by actual artist

Sprites within the community okay I think right now there are like 10 no like 20,000 handmade Sprites they’re not even close though because if you do the math on it right there’s 1,21 Pokemon so it’s 1,021 time 1,20 so there’s 1, 41,42 combinations like yeah so it’s like

They’re getting there like if you play the game every trainer has custom Pokemon like everything that a trainer has in a normal game if you randomize it not so much anymore but every trainer and every gym leader has completely custom art do you think we’ll get the

Honor of remaking Mr pincer who will get that honor no Mr pincer is made someone handmade that someone did that yeah that’s not most of them are handmade that that’s handmade most of the Sprites and infinite Fusion were just made by various artists who were passionate about the project of the game

So you know some are references some are whatever but also literally anyone could go make a Sprite if you want you make the Sprite you submit it and then they post the announcements in Discord and vote on it and if yours gets picked it’s putting into the

Game B MB face I can’t believe no one’s tried to troll the community there and just put something ridiculous through and get a bunch of people to vote Yes on it I’m sure they have but it has to be approved first so it doesn’t just instantly go to

A vote yeah other people could post all sorts of things well either way everybody I think this is where we’re going to call quits thank you for joining us today we hope you guys had fun remember to hop on the server play. pokeplay.io hopefully I’ll catch you guys online and apart from

That I’ll see you all tomorrow with your Friday stream let’s go catch you all there goodbye friends

This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft Avatar On Streamer Mode’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-10-26 22:10:51. It has garnered 38218 views and 1379 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:42 or 10542 seconds.

Today we play Minecraft Pixelmon Pokeplay.io Join Our Server: Play.PokePlay.io Store: http://store.pokeplay.io/jeromeasf Download Pixelmon: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pokeplayio-pixelmon-pack.1322312 ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JeromeASF 📷 Follow My Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/JeromeAceti 👍 Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JeromeASF 📱 Check out my Snapchat: JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Friends @sitemusic88 @Dropsy @CaptainBlastem @SteadfastGamesYT @Monkey1n2 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Production Music courtesy of http://www.epidemicsound.com/

  • Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker – Minecraft

    Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Escape Challenges! Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft with the exciting challenge of escaping from various mazes as a Noob, Pro, or Hacker? Join the adventure as you navigate through intricate labyrinths filled with surprises and obstacles! Experience the Thrill of Escape Challenges Embark on a heart-pounding journey as you attempt to escape from challenging mazes designed for players of different skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner (Noob), an experienced player (Pro), or a master strategist (Hacker), each level presents unique hurdles to overcome…. Read More

  • Techno Gamerz: Fire Mc Find Sparks Minecraft Frenzy

    Techno Gamerz: Fire Mc Find Sparks Minecraft Frenzy In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Techno Gamerz roams, wild and free. In Fire Mc, a realm of flames and heat, He’s the hero we need, with skills hard to beat. With Techno Rogue by his side, they conquer all, Building, exploring, never to fall. Their adventures are epic, their laughter contagious, In the world of Minecraft, they’re truly courageous. So join them on their journey, through fire and ice, In the world of Minecraft, where legends arise. Techno Gamerz and Techno Rogue, a dynamic duo, In the realm of gaming, where dreams come true. Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You!

    Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You! Bugs in Minecraft That Can Save You! 😎 Introduction In a recent video, Vinícius showcased five bugs in Minecraft that could potentially save players in tricky situations. These bugs, although unconventional, can be game-changers when utilized effectively. Let’s delve into each bug and how they can be used to your advantage. The Boat Bug One of the bugs Vinícius demonstrated involves using a boat to avoid fall damage. By standing on a boat and continuously entering and exiting it, players can descend from heights without taking any damage. This bug can be a lifesaver when navigating treacherous terrain quickly…. Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • MASSIVE Multiplayer Server Wipeout in Minecraft 1.21.10?!

    MASSIVE Multiplayer Server Wipeout in Minecraft 1.21.10?! Majority of Multiplayer Servers Disappearing in Minecraft 1.21.10 Update? The Evolution of Multiplayer Servers In 2018, the official server software BDS Alpha version for the Bedrock Edition was introduced, allowing players to engage in multiplayer gameplay using the latest vanilla version. Prior to this, unofficial software like “PocketMine-MP” was the only option available. However, BDS offers advantages such as plugin support, making it a popular choice even today. Key Point: The ability to run plugins on BDS sets it apart from unofficial software. The Importance of Debug Symbols Creating servers for Minecraft requires developers to replicate the game’s network,… Read More

  • TNT Cave House Build

    TNT Cave House Build Creating an Easy Cave House with TNT in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new ways to build and create unique structures. One popular method involves using TNT to carve out a cave and transform it into a cozy home. Let’s delve into the process of building an easy cave house with TNT in Minecraft. Building the Foundation To start, players can use TNT to blast a hole in the ground, creating a cave-like structure. Once the cave is formed, it’s time to start building the house. Players can fill the cave with materials like… Read More

  • Escaping the Superflat Jungle

    Escaping the Superflat Jungle Minecraft Adventure: Surviving a Superflat Jungle Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey in an infinite superflat jungle world! Join the excitement as our protagonist navigates through this unique and challenging terrain, facing dangers and discovering hidden treasures along the way. Chopping Trees and Crafting Tools Our adventure begins as we spawn on top of a massive tree in the jungle. With determination, our protagonist starts chopping down the tree to gather resources. Despite the flat landscape, dangers lurk beneath, including slimes that must be avoided. After collecting wood, crafting basic tools becomes essential for survival. As night falls, the… Read More

  • Ultimate FNAF Statue Build Challenge

    Ultimate FNAF Statue Build Challenge Exploring the NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S STATUE BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft The Minecraft community is always buzzing with exciting challenges and creative builds. One such popular challenge is the NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S STATUE BUILD CHALLENGE. In this challenge, players of different skill levels compete to create stunning statues inspired by the iconic characters from the Five Nights at Freddy’s series. Building in Minecraft Building in Minecraft is a fundamental aspect of the game that allows players to unleash their creativity. From simple houses to intricate statues, the possibilities… Read More

  • Talking Angela 2: Zoonomaly vs Minecraft vs Angela Cosplay

    Talking Angela 2: Zoonomaly vs Minecraft vs Angela Cosplay In My Talking Angela 2, a cosplay showdown brews, Angel Angela versus Devil Angela, who will you choose? Witness the clash of good and evil, so divine, As Angela transforms, her powers intertwine. With radiant wings, Angel Angela takes flight, Her grace and charm, a heavenly sight. But beware of Devil Angela, with fiery wings ablaze, Her mischievous energy, in a darkened haze. Join Angela on her journey, through challenges untold, In a world where light and darkness unfold. Will purity prevail, or mischief take the lead? Watch the battle unfold, in this epic deed. Subscribe, like, and hit… Read More

  • Homie’s SMP rebooted

    Season 2 [​LIFESTEAL]. Welcome to the HSMP server we are a new server that just started and we are needing more people to join so come right down and meet us and have fun also we have a discord server Read More


    Minecraft Memes - BLOODY MINECRAFT TRAILER SPOTTED?!Looks like Minecraft needs to step up their game and add some serious adult themes, like paying taxes and dealing with existential crises. Read More

  • Minecraft: Wi-Fi TNT Explosion! 🔥

    Minecraft: Wi-Fi TNT Explosion! 🔥 “When your Wi-Fi is so bad even the TNT in Minecraft can’t handle it and explodes with different signals trying to connect.” #Wi-Fail #MinecraftProblems 😂🔥📶 Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of creative Minecraft building tutorials like the one you just watched on how to build a Strawberry Hot Air Balloon? If so, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. With a focus on survival gameplay and an emphasis on player interaction, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and creativity. Join players from around the world on Minewind and explore a vast open world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or… Read More

  • Wireless Power Shenanigans

    Wireless Power Shenanigans Minecraft – All The Mods 9 – Episode 19 | Wireless Power Lensmanoz is embarking on a new adventure in Minecraft with the All The Mods 9 pack as the foundation. This pack boasts over 400 mods, numerous quests, and a well-structured endgame. While it doesn’t contain all the mods in existence, it offers a diverse selection, including newer and lesser-known ones. Building a Minecolonies City Lensmanoz’s goal is to integrate tech mods seamlessly into the construction of a Minecolonies city. Despite facing challenges like unexpected deaths and limitations with the digital miner, progress is steady. Utilizing a second… Read More


    POMNI CAUGHT CHEATING IN BLOCK BUDDIES!Video Information today we’re doing a build to survive with the smiling Critters and the amazing digital circus you got to be kidding me right now again with these circus Freaks Come on okay that was just a bit rude I remember the good old days where you guys didn’t exist what do you mean come on guys we all got to work together as a team The Smiling creators and the amazing digital circus I’m not going to work with these losers okay um oh oh come on uh well I’ll just keep my distance I guess no come… Read More

  • Survive with Friends: Immortal Op’s Chill Minecraft Stream

    Survive with Friends: Immortal Op's Chill Minecraft StreamVideo Information गाली खाने ल क्यों करता है मो अगर तूने एक नहीं सुनूंगा अगर तूने एक और बार बोला तो तू किक खाएगा तो फिर मैं कैसे बताऊ जो मेरे को बोलना है अगर तूने एक और बार वो बात रिपीट करी तो समझ जा बेटा तू गाली खाएगा कुछ नहीं तू चूया आदमी है त गे है भाई तू लेसन है तू एलजीबीटी मेंबर त एलजीबीटी क सपोर्टर है तू ले है तू गे है तू रेनबो फ्लैग है तू एलजीबीटी क का फ्लैग है तू तू तू तू तू आथ है तू भाई आथ आथ आथ आथ… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Livestream ft. Fans 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Livestream ft. Fans 🔥Video Information basically looking for a maybe not a city I don’t know what to call it guys hold when are you going to make the hi Anarchy Peace restorers On Top e all right chat I’m basically looking for a civilization map it’s uh doesn’t seem to be working right now but we looking hopefully we do find one though hopefully we do find one hey why is it only for Java Edition Bru what is this can I join yeah anybody can join and R key peace restored on top hi Jam what’s up Mr crabes now course… Read More

  • Unbelievable Boss Battle in Minecraft’s Kitatcho Labs!

    Unbelievable Boss Battle in Minecraft's Kitatcho Labs!Video Information Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* *La sortie est fermée* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est fermée* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* LE SAVIEZ-VOUS?: BOULES JETABLES(TM)/-C’est la boule qui a le plus grand nombre d’applications!/-C’est le cousin éloigné de la "Boule de slime glacée."/-Les Boules jetables(TM) sont sensibles à 2.78%!/-Quatre fois gagnante du prix Kitatcho de la Boule de slime la plus vendue!/- Les Boules jetables(TM) ne collent pas aux surfaces et tombent. N’essayez pas de le faire./-En fait, le bleu est une couleur… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Live! 😱 Road to 700 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Survival Live! 😱 Road to 700 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Live!!!😉😉 || Road to 700 Subscribers!! || #Problizz #live #verticalstream’, was uploaded by Problizz Animations on 2024-04-29 22:41:40. It has garnered 522 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:37 or 6877 seconds. 🌈 Thanks for Tuning In to Problizz Animations! 🌟 If you’ve made it here, you’ve just experienced a whirlwind of creativity and entertainment! 🚀 We hope our animation took you on an unforgettable journey filled with laughs, thrills, and maybe even a sprinkle of magic. 🎨✨ 👍 Loved what you saw? Don’t forget to hit that Like… Read More

  • EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. Friends

    EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. FriendsVideo Information [संगीत] हम सरवाइव करने वाले 15 डेज इस मा फन ब्लॉक पे और यहां पर दूर दूर तक कुछ नहीं है और आज के इस वाली वीडियो में हमारे दो गोल है एक घर बनाना और इस गेम को बीट करना चलो तो जैसे ही मैं गेम के अंदर आया मैंने देखा इसमें एक ब्लॉक पहले से ही साइड में लगा है फर्स्ट ऑफ अपनी सेफ्टी के लिए क्योंकि यह मोड बहुत अच्छा है आपको चाहिए तो कमेंट कर देना मैं दे दूंगा और जैसे मैंने फिर ब्लॉक पर आया और मैं मैंने मांग स्टार्ट कर द फटाफट… Read More

  • Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!Video Information stream I don’t know what I’m doing here I am um playing Minecraft but Minecraft isn’t loading which is crazy but sure Minecraft load thank [Music] you hold up I’m wait still working on my stream uh hello or whatever other language you speak we’re playing m today because you know Minecraft is a game I play sometimes anyways stream say hello to this guy I’m playing with I it’s restarted so I’m yeah he’s there anyways he’s he’s there yeah he’s there don’t worry about him he’s a little special n if anyone if anyone’s special it’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!Video Information heute machen wir eine riesen busbauchallenge aber ich werde heimlich Hacks benutzen um meine Freunde le Lucky und B komplett zu Pranken mit dem hackerk slash/p wer ich einen riesigen Bus spawnen aber was meine Freunde auch nicht wissen dass ich die coolsten tnts am Schluss aller Zeiten benutzen werde der ganze Bus wird am Schluss mit dem krassten TNT in die Luft gejagt und jetzt l uns schauen wo unsere Freunde stecken so Freunde seid ihr bereit für die coolste bauchallenge aller Zeiten heute machen wir eine wer weiß es wer weiß es wer weiß es Challenge… Read More

  • Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!

    Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!Video Information [Music] hello guys right okay I I apologize for everything that is going wrong here it seems like everything’s kind of glitching out but um I hope you guys are having a good day today is Sunday we’re kind of vibing I was doing a bit of background things I’m trying to get points to work at the moment uh with streamlabs but streamlabs decided not to work so instead of um everything going smoothly like I wanted you got stuff like that so uh we’re going to we’re going to move on from that now though we’re… Read More

  • AspectSMP

    AspectSMPDM me on discord so i can whitelist you, my username in MrAspect, The server is on 1.19.4 and it is on Java. and also join the discord server. DISCORD RULES: NO Bullying, Racism, Sexism, NO Disturbing pictures/videos NO Spaming NO Self promos (unless in self promo channel) NO Threats. SERVER RULES: NO greefing NO racism NO being mean aspectyes.apexmc.co Read More

  • YourVillageSMP – smp, Towns, Unique world gen, Web map

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! Experience a world like never before with unique biomes, over 200 custom structures, and persistent progress. No resets, no wipes—just endless exploration and building. Defeat custom bosses for valuable rewards and forge crate keys in-game. Our town system is user-friendly and offers a seamless experience. Join us on Saturday, June 15 for an unforgettable adventure! Join Our Community: Discord: discord.urvillage.net Map: map.urvillage.net Teaser: TikTok Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – They’re coming…RUN!

    Looks like those creepers are sneaking up on them faster than they can calculate their meme scores! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, I’m the news reporter in rhyme, Crafting updates with humor, each one a good time. From new mobs to blocks, I’ll keep you in the know, With a spin and a grin, I’ll make sure it’s a show. So leap into the verse, where the truth takes wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. I’ll keep it fierce and funny, engaging and light, With Minecraft facts to share, each one a delight. From Cube Xuan to Classroom Series, I’ll keep you entertained, With rhymes that ignite, each update explained. So follow along,… Read More

  • Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme

    Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraft #memes #meme Read More

  • Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen!

    Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen! Minecraft: Defeating the Queen of the Twilight Forest In a recent Minecraft video by S5João, the player embarks on a thrilling adventure to defeat the Ice Queen in the Twilight Forest. The video promises an action-packed experience filled with surprises and challenges. Conquering the Ice Queen The player, accompanied by a loyal wolf companion, faces off against the Ice Queen with determination. Despite the Queen’s formidable attacks, the player remains resolute in their quest to emerge victorious. Building Strategies As the battle intensifies, the player strategically constructs defenses and prepares for the Queen’s onslaught. With precision and skill, they… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Zman’s Epic Minecraft Adventure!

    Unleash Chaos: Zman's Epic Minecraft Adventure!Video Information we’re [Music] live yes we are live we are indeed live all right this thing is just being stupid here but we are live any who what’s going on everybody hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday evening it’s JY and today we are playing some aged Minecraft mod pack as I I forget where I was going with that but by request I should say that’s what I was trying to say some people were wanting to see me go ahead and play this mod packs once again so why not go ahead and jump right into it… Read More

  • Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?

    Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?Video Information This video, titled ‘MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo’, was uploaded by Storm Light on 2024-05-09 06:55:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo minecraft shorts animation,minecraft aesthetic … Read More

  • Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!

    Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!Video Information it’s time here we go guys are we ready are we ready are we ready are we ready to move the mobs to the nether through a portal and not die in an endless death Loop why is Minecraft not showing Again Minecraft why are you being elusive every stream you don’t show up for me come on show up for me today I need you it’s going to be a dangerous it’s going to be a deadly day thank you Minecraft showed up for us today big day important day remember guys there’s going be some big… Read More

  • INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!

    INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!Video Information we’re back guys so I’m just going to spawn like I’m I made like I’m still working on that so one two three four four five six seven okay I’m going to spawn seven Villagers 4 five 6 7 just to make [Music] sure okay want to know what what those Iron Golems are doing down there there’s four of them unless one dies so I’m going to replace the chest there nope no wait so I go so I’m I’m going to think I’m going to go [Music] upstairs and then remove the remaining blocks there and… Read More

  • Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!

    Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!Video Information working now I just need to change the window capture or I need to change it to game capture only problem is sometimes like Minecraft that’s a weird thing uh with a full screen that I don’t like so that’s sometimes like uh it’s like alt tabbing I don’t remember man usually I play in window just because of that and I don’t really notice the bar uh how do I do it I forget how to do it because I have OptiFine installed and it’s different I don’t like change it’s different you don’t like it because… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Gameplay – MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Gameplay - MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIKE AND SUSCRIBE |#minecraft #jj #fypシ #gg |🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿’, was uploaded by Naoky_YGY on 2024-05-23 14:26:51. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT BINGO GAME w/ FRIENDS!!Video Information how are we doing ladies and gentlemen hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream it’s Bingo time baby and we ain’t play Bingo for a little while banging tune love it Mr bead Stone here again Mr bead Stone how are you doing my man hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream my friend guys welcome along Minecraft bingo today with the gang uh we’ve got myself we got PX we got Callum CPK we’ve got Oli the sound we got mythical sausage we got in the little world we got the whole gang playing a… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!

    EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!Video Information This video, titled ‘Game OF Thrones: Minecraft Castle Siege PvP SERVER [NEW] 1.12+’, was uploaded by ize__ on 2024-06-19 10:14:47. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:32 or 932 seconds. GameOfThrones New PvP Game CastleWars WAR 0.1 #IP: ————————————— make-kid.gl.joinmc.link ————————————— WEBSITE OF SERVER: https://t.me/+noxO1qZvuIszOGY6 #Minecraft #GOTWIC #Server #new #rp #castlesiege #pvp #war #war01 #PVE #CastleWar #castlewars #mineblaze #skycave #new #1.12 #+ Read More

  • Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6

    Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Versi Terkutuk #6 #minecraft #shorts #creepypasta #horror #mcpe #test’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-05-20 05:00:35. It has garnered 318 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Previous Video: Riot Playlist in Minecraft: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73Gu00VDNSoOIEfi3Jt-zHJR&si=hoFE8RQiQvY3nQnF Minecraft Mysteries: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73HQ_k7jZJlsJR1LfPeDSN3E&si=581gWXJ-OB4DaKcl Support me by: https://saweria.co/RazzGaming (gopay, dana, ovo, just link) SOCIAL MEDIA: 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0nGpa6n7j6aROfLn4IX_Q Subscribe : http://bit.ly/razzgaming Instagram : http://bit.ly/Razzgaming Tiktok : https://vt.tiktok.com/rHEYDL/ Join this channel to get access to various benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3f3SJ2rQGly1D3J5C-GSAQ/join ==================================================== Gathering Darkness oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100849 Artis: http://incompetech.com/ Long… Read More