EPIC Minecraft Christmas World! Explore with Poseidon!

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I’m for this my friend 2020 president CID y would you consider the Candy Land like Christmas why is it not why is it not um showing Minecraft oh I have to do in Source don’t I wonder why it doesn’t show that window capture add Source add source and then double cook This

Mother uh dog huh it’s not it’s not showing Minecraft uh are you using Game Source yeah yeah all right then just do the thing that we did for Roblox that my yeah but it’s not it’s not showing up though y hold on my streamlabs I have it

On game capture use your game capture again dog I am it’s there it’s not it’s still not doing anything though oh my God share your screen oh my God [ __ ] yo you call me [ __ ] and I’m the one fixing your [ __ ] you can share your screen if you want yes give me a goddamn moment okay oh my God okay go ahead I’m live I am live streaming still by the way like it’s live it’s just they can hear me but just like yeah get rid of wait first off get

Rid of window capture for now all right now game capture you have Minecraft running right all right just delete game capture it’s literally recording it dog no it’s not check my hold on to it go back to it okay okay get rid of that you don’t need the Minecraft launcher anymore my game

Crashed did it oh damn itang man this sh make me mad all right and tell me it’s not recording right now if it’s not press all tab it’s not so go go back okay hold on I wouldn’t join yet okay it’s night time that’s go literally oh it’s working now oh my

God oh it’s working dog we’re good yeah I know holy [ __ ] it’s been a minute where you at want to stop sharing your Discord stream though cuz that could be demanding I’m in a cave because it’s night time it’s like right next to spawn look look down you’ll see my

Gamertag oh my my [ __ ] god huh beautiful Minecraft music C418 was too ahead of his time holy [ __ ] dude let me just make sure this [ __ ] gets oh Yeah what is this aial math or no I don’t remember which song this was okay all right I got everything set up we’re good to go oh are you in this big ass cave down here all right yo what are the chances that we spawn into the goddamn jungle but we don’t need

It this the first time I don’t actually need it yeah same that’s what I mean I H the broadside of a barn right now oh my God I used to be like literally insane at this video game like I used to be like really good but now I’m not good

That was a really dumb idea I don’t know why I did that I’m dead come down here I’m making a pick Christ I’m 1 HP can help me thank you bro yeah there’s another one on me dog yo I’m 1 HP oh my God yo give me my

[ __ ] wood actually I don’t care you’re good are you serious I just [ __ ] save your ass and all you do is complain and all you do is complain hey you got food I’m trying to make some but every time I try the K goes oh my God help bro help [ __ ]

I’m dead I’m dead to a [ __ ] skeleton bro I’m one HP I’m dead oh my [ __ ] god here you take this actually you don’t need here you going to hold on to this one for later okay I thre it behind you I threw it behind

You okay dude I oh my God oh thank you okay dude take all the [ __ ] food you need cuz I don’t have any get the way hell away from my furnace [ __ ] no way you’re spamming faster than me what the hell that’s so ass that is so ass

Dog I’m lucky I’m good yo if you steal my give me my [ __ ] back give me my [ __ ] back you won’t hit me brother I know you won’t hit you brother yo chill give my [ __ ] back [ __ ] that’s all I’m taking yo you took two of my IR oh my have everything

Else I can have everything else it doesn’t feel like everything you taken from each I want one more piece no no cuz I need for a pickaxe okay this [ __ ] guy bro I don’t want that stuff get it out of my inventory [ __ ] hey do you have any stone like bar real

Quick here I got something better merry Christmas a what up No I just I have an upgrade so I don’t really I know it’s kind of junk in my inventory at this point I was just like oh yo I just saw a bunch of wolves where are they at wolves I just saw you like [ __ ] up three

Sheeps oh [ __ ] you are not a wolf that is a creeper and a skeleton I think I’m going to go back here y Alex I think there’s somebody coming for you yo Alex are you serious what took all my damn coal oh my God and you got

An iron sword and you can’t [ __ ] fight a skeleton Christ [ __ ] little greedy [ __ ] oh my god dog you say oh my God as if you didn’t just take everything from me dog [ __ ] hey dog do you have any coal yes I have coal it’s in the furnace

[ __ ] you just took it all a second ago [ __ ] fck I did not you have any coal I can make torches yeah it’s in the it’s in the furnace okay no I’m just kidding there’s some right here come here go in there I’m teaching you how you can survive by

Yourself I won’t be around Hold Your Hand hey I’m sorry my phone back I’ll give you some all right deal trade thank you Dam you’re so [ __ ] demanding I need to be carried can I have some more coal I know you ain’t [ __ ] talking yo come here go up there

Always need your big boy here to take care of you your little brother I was trying to lead him down to your ass you would do that no way yeah I would you just took all my [ __ ] and left me with a [ __ ] bunch of knew you would do stuff

Like that there’s no [ __ ] way all right I’m going to go look for snow biome what’s up how you doing what’s up are you what’s up me too all right I’m going this way all right I know you [ __ ] lying after I didn’t your ass you’re gonna do

That oh my god do you can press F3 for coordinates not like we’re separating you not you brother I’m talking about the skeleton oh thought you were complaining that I was going one way DG I was like oh my God bro if I had bones I would have just created a goddamn

I mean you really want to go separated you think I want to make two different snow kingdoms you know but I want them to be semi near each other there’s no [ __ ] way we’re making them near each other dog there’s no shot I if you want we can just go with one

But no because then I mean think about it I mean if you can make your own kingdom you know then we can like visit each other’s on and we have like Chris ear like presents set up you know like something like that I’m saying yeah so we’re going to me one second

Just stay in the game okay I’ll be right back I left as well dog well I mean I can’t play Without You dog I’m literally just Googling something real quick why can’t you do that in game cuz if I get [ __ ] Dom by a [ __ ] skeleton do box

Up yo this isn’t [ __ ] fortnite dog you can still box up it’s no different what do you do this is the craziest Minecraft texture pack I’ve ever seen oh what was I Googling I’m looking for a Christmas texture pack yo get one on get one on this can you I’m trying

To trying to find the OG one that’s a huge idea actually yo that’s such a good idea oh my God I would have to leave for you to do that though right cuz I’ll leave right now if that’s the case oh yeah but hold on I I got to find one

First so just stay on it so it does what is that over there please find one the that’s such a good Idea you I don’t like how like Google and [ __ ] can be like oh we found out you don’t have an ad blocker I we found out you have an ad blocker and they’re like can you please disable it so then we can make profits and my dude’s like nuh-uh nuh-uh nuh holy

[ __ ] download for Java edition how many chests are on a a ship don’t worry about it the [ __ ] you mean don’t worry about it o oh it’s exclusive to what that’s dumb I got to find new one do it please please please please find me oh nice I’m actually near it

Wait am I near what the hell I am near it that’s lucky that means that ship got close isn’t that crazy about guys look how close they were before they fell know what I’m saying like they were so damn close Everything is a goddamn baby bro I need food I’m sorry but I my God I wish I could but I can’t all right no [ __ ] way dude just put on curse of finding pants I didn’t realize way P the what the I thought it was only

In sand oh it is only in sand it’s right here nice damn that’s lucky as hell actually that was a nice little find um trying to find one that you can use because I can use them but I’m trying to find one that because you don’t have the modding platforms

Oh yeah so I got to find one that isn’t you know I didn’t they added that though that’d be so cool oh my God what your opinion on romance anime dog some of them are dope some of them are just like what the hell is this you know

Yeah we I’ve seen some pretty good romance animes you ever heard of violet ever Garden I don’t think so actually gotta on resource packs all right dog I got one for you I’ll send it to you on Discord how do I do this sh actually I don’t know if I

Can all right I got to go eat in a second hold on I’ll try to send you it’s called does Discord seriously not support files no all right I’m g walk you through it real quick okay before I go yep all right let me share my screen all

Right no no no let me share my screen then you do it cuz I don’t I can’t do that that switch the screen all right I click go live all right tell me what to do it’s so hard to explain it to you Doug it’s not you can L just say

Click that button all right what do I Do download it okay now go to your Minecraft do I click open file yeah all right now that stay there that’s what you want all right so now go to your options resource packs open file F open pack folder then drag that other file into

There y wait why the hell is your computer called Hayden [Laughter] Johnson it was just some random name I found on the internet so I was just like why the hell not that’s crazy DG I bet he’s hot I bet he’s a hot all right now go back to your game uh

Yep apply it don’t worry click done all right you enjoy it while I’m gone all right holy [ __ ] now there’s not a lot that’s Christmasy yet but you’ll see later on when we get to our snow bi all right all right but it gives everything kind of a

Winter Vibe as well but you’ll see the mobs and [ __ ] but all right I’ll see see you soon all right all right I’ll see you let me just mute my mic yep he said why the hell is [Laughter] [Laughter] your all right this a cool text pack actually

I’m not going to lie we can rock with that let’s just finish cooking this um it’s night time though that is one thing we should probably head we just got trying to find a snow biome to be honest with you I don’t know how the hell I’m supposed to find one of

Them it’s going to be bad I already know it welcome to the stream welcome to the stream how you doing see look at him oh that’s funny actually this guys like trousers on what the hell was that is that a zombie no way look look at this cute little guy it’s

Funny up what up Thomas he’s said B yo tell me this texture pack doesn’t look awesome dude oh my like it’s nice for oh oh sh what’s up how’s it going I messed up it’s okay oh no way bro I know you lying what’s up bro you doing all

Right I can get a music K right here oh yeah pause pause pause hey I’m about to do like the [ __ ] hold up wa wait wait ready I’m not quick enough I panicked I’m good all right I panicked no panicking all right where the [ __ ]

Is I did it I’m him I’m literally [ __ ] all right hold up come on oh holy [ __ ] we did oh I got two of them oh my holy [ __ ] I’m dead oh no way dude hey we locked in all right I’m not dying I want that music disc though oh my God

Yo chill what is the spider doing what the [ __ ] you see that’s funny [ __ ] actually all right we’re good all all right I’m back for your goddamn music discs yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] zombies man now you got [ __ ] aot you got to go oh we’re good dude yo what F sket no way

Wait hey hold up hold up hold up oh wait are yeah they are wearing jamas is [ __ ] awesome no what I just blew my [ __ ] music disc up dude no way I did that ah bro what the Hell no way I was just about to be the coolest [ __ ] guy in with the God music disc this early I’m dead no shot I can’t even fight way too long I’m not even going to lie the hell was that guy that just join us

Forite I have no idea who that is I’m not going to lie he’s said fortnite yo who are you oh Merry Christmas to you too buddy hold on bro this shit’s pissing me off I got walk in fever that is still ass tell me I wasn’t like 9,000 back

Anyway I’m out of this goddamn place man this is some this stuff right here I I don’t even know man I’m clumsy as hell oh my what the is that is that a pig yes the [ __ ] that’s lovely oh that’s lovely mate what’s up you boing your head

For nice lovely L here he’s be epic no Kidd dude holy [ __ ] all right so we’re trying to find a winter biome at the moment so uh my brother is also joining me but uh he’s eating at the moment but we’re going to do like uh starting from

A week before Christmas we’re going to give each other Christmas presents but we’re going to have uh we’re going to keep this world even after Christmas but um we’re going to make like a kingdom a Christmas Kingdom and we’re going to visit each other’s kingdoms like that

Who knows things may escalate may maybe they won’t don’t know but we’re going to build build we’re going to have some fun I try to get the Christmas Vibes you know Rising High you know I feel like you we got to get that going I just make a

Circle okay I think I did but it’s fine I meant to do that all right we’re going this way and I really do think I’m him and his oh didn’t know this was a [ __ ] horror game but okay and I used to be really good at

This game but I fell off I stopped playing it for a while all right now how am I going to find a a snow biome eh I have no idea wait second hold on okay we’re good so how you going man you doing all right yeah that’s good to here man good

Here appreciate you stopping by by the way I’m doing good actually yeah I’m doing I’m actually doing pretty good trying to keep it what the I uh keeping loyal to the stream you know what I’m saying try to do it every day yeah I’m doing good though Christmas

Time’s right out the corner trying to get the mood up have a little fun all right let’s think about this if we can get I have no idea the fastest way to find a snow biome I’ll be honest I I I genuinely think we just got to haul it through every

Place man I I don’t want to be like I want to be like 23,000 blocks out like yo negative 24,300 negative four like come on though we’ll find it we’ll figure it out oh my let’s let’s let’s come on come on come on come on fight

Itap you know what though I think I prefer let’s just say how exactly so do I want to do for like an old style you know Kingdom like a like an old village you know do I want to go for like the um like a kingdom maybe a modern like I

Don’t know how I want to do this I could go in a cave holy [ __ ] my Heavens we’re doing it we’ve got food we’ve got light we got blocks we got wood we’re good to go you know probably shouldn’t be using this to Medieval oh yeah I think that’s what

I think as well I think medieval might be the coolest as well I mean if we could find like a massive Mountain like covered in snow with like a snow biome like that that like the the chances of that hella low but like with like a medieval that’ be cool I think that’s

What we’ll do again though I don’t want to be so far out from him cuz it’ be like want to travel so damn far oh my dude these goddamn skeletons this a massive cave though ancient Japanese oh yeah he he would love to do that as well oh oh

That’s a good idea cuz I can damn like for ancient Japanese I could do like uh like I can get the socer trees and that could be the roof cuz they have that that that like more R red Ted uh roofs in the Japanese culture so I could do that that’d be

Cool oh that’d be cool I could do that be a good idea that would be good idea actually where my though what is that is this a bat I thought it was a [ __ ] parrot that that’s funny I like that I bet you can’t even see can you

Let me put some torches down not my fault said nice hell yeah dude okay not going in that all right Mr Aimbot is back that’s wonderful we’re we’re bailing all right we’re out here holy [ __ ] oh my damn no no no no no wait wait wait what Is I am not him holy [Applause] hell never mind we’re not good what the H that thought I was him turns out I wasn’t but we still made it through right all right we’re good yeah we could do so you guys think we should do the medieval or ancient

Japanese what what what sign that ancient Japanese though like what exactly is ancient Japanese over this cuz I feel like a more modern would also be cool eh be interesting like what exactly not actually sure damn SP or something on oh my God I actually Dam they they hurt Is think medieval wood yeah that’s what I thinking as well well not only that yeah I agree cuz I feel like there’s a lot more things you with like slabs and stairs we could do that would make medieval look a lot better A lot more interesting I also think there’s

Like a lot more ideas I could do a lot more opportunities cuz I mean if we did if we were to do the Japanese culture I would want to do like a Red Roof tent and doing that I would have to use the sakura trees I mean that’ be like the

Only thing I’d use and it would kind of get like you know like kind of get boring after a while the same thing the whole time unless I found some way of mixing it up way I’m going to kill myself you can’t hit the broad have a

Bar they hit a broad side of a barn dog dog this is bad all right hold on hold up I’m cling right now no please please oh [ __ ] please Hold on anyway as I was saying though is we could do well like we’d have to use a soccer tree right but if we didn’t like medial there would be a lot more ideas like we do like deep Cobblestone you do just regular Cobblestone I think there’s

More options that would look a little more appropriate what do you guys think though what do you guys think I think uh so Thomas you’re say medieval I think that’s the play I I’m just talking about like what I should do for my my uh what’ you say looking at cars right

Now of course you are what yeah I know but did you decide against the uh the one with all those miles on it oh no I talk to my parents about it and I mean I’m not buying one right away it’ll be a little bit you know yeah yeah

Some random dud by the way I I actually think I know who it is but I I just want to see if you you know who it is um who is it is like H H I forgot the name I think I know who it is not going to

Lie but I’m not going to say it though I’m not going to say it though name again just because I look back at my stream and I just want to hear you freak out when you’re like that man I think I do know that I think I do

Though give me a second I’ll go on my phone I so my uh my spawn things are getting a little too a little too frisky around here actually you know what I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to make a few things actually hold on actually I don’t really need to do

That do I Thomas Thomas not him Thom boy he’s been hanging out with me the Chinese symbol I mean Korean symbols no look back like um yo there’s only Thomas in the no not like minutes ago they joined the game like like the actual like the Minecraft game like the

Server I can’t see that because I’m just tell me the name he said that’s me dog yeah I know it is I just I kind of wanted him why’ you say that bro it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine yo where’s this water at am I tripping yo I think you’re

Tripping cuz I’m I don’t even know what you’re talking about right now what are you on about who joined never mind all right just chill no I need to know no what’s username tell me the username he he’s already said it all right you ruined it

All right never mind all right look I’m trying to find this water okay you’re so confusing yeah I know that’s why I’m not famous anyway anyways I’m so lost but all right dude I’m in a cave right now I don’t I pulled out some like he said yo Asian

Guy yo I love this dude that’s funny as [ __ ] no we can’t I can’t decide whether I do what did you go to the sinking ship um I cannot confirm nor deny an you to a sink ship ancient Japanese okay so we got one for medieval one for

Ancient Japanese that sucks cuz I can’t decide either like they both sound good I just feel like I don’t know ancient japanes holy [ __ ] dude look how many there is this is about to be bad man I just grabbed like 80 suspicious stews I’m going to die

Tonight drinking these oh yeah yeah yeah no that was me yeah I did go to that one yeah yeah there’s dir SC all over it I prese you were definitely here dude I I didn’t realize there’s like curse of binding on them damn is it leather boots uh

Pants oh it was boots that would have been good cuz snow biome I have you seen the mobs yet yeah they’re all wearing pajamas they’re all wear theas I know it’s funny look good gr finding is cooked man it’s fine though cuz I cuz looking down at this I

Mean yeah they’re going to break really damn soon all right so we’ve got one for medieval one for ancient Japanese what are you doing for your for your city I’m just go on Christmas land Christmas land gotcha I’m going to do it of course I’m going to decorate it Christmasy probably

Yeah yeah definitely definitely definitely I’m going to I’m going to decorate it more Christmasy but like still going to have a I still want to have like a I’m like a general a general theme to you know I hear this water I’m starting to actually trip oh it’s right here we should build

On the same biome cuz if we build massively apart we don’t want to run for days you know yeah that’s what I was talking about as well damn dude whoever finds one first we’ll go to them that’s funny yeah we do that but I also but I

Mean if we depend on I mean if we’re going to build like a massive whole massive thing then I mean snow bies are usually quite big yeah that’s true that is true literally our things could be separated by Giant mountain CU bu terrain spawn damn it man I got to take these

You know maybe I can do like a I can do a play here hold on you that person from earlier I just I think he still did think I’m trying to figure out how to set up a Minecraft Java server the girl yeah she was like you’re not still

Eating and I was like yeah trying to figure out how to set up Java server and then left her R open bro chill I’m not telling her that we already have it set dog chill bro he’s probably trying to hang out do you were the one who were trying to

Dip well she said she had like five kids I’m not bro we’re not doing that that’s weird can you babysit my kids tomorrow play video games with them and was she talking about like Roblox though like what the hell she’s got Roblox kids what does that even

Mean okay my first problem is she has kids and she’s 18 the oldest is 14 old went to the adoption center and was like I might be 18 but I want this one it’s like yo the kid is 4 years younger than you kid probably has the same maturity level

Um have you seen that um it was oh my go hey we’re going to pretend that did not hey hey it’s okay it’s anyways imagine I didn’t my bed though like this would have been so close if I didn’t do that stop ear raping oh my God and don’t

Ignore me I’m listening what bro there was a show where it was just for a while it was about adult who would adop kid good I’m listening I’m listening chill chill chill chill I am listening you [ __ ] it was about adults who adopt adults adults adopting adults yeah what

Kind of yeah and then so the dude would be like 50 and then he adopt a 30-year-old it’s like like at that point you’re an adult you don’t really need a parent you know I mean a guardian yeah you’re right actually that’s weird but um what the hell kind of [ __ ] was

That and the dude this was his second time adopting right yo where do you find these shows my boy it was on TLC where else would it be TLC what is that you’ve never heard of TLC never yeah wait but did she actually mean kids or like Roblox kids cuz

Someone are both freaking out over here I don’t know what the hell’s going on anymore it it must have been like fake adoption stuff like there’s no way you have that many kids at that young yeah and there’s no way she she’s got to be capping about the uh but at the same

Time her profile picture is too babies I am ass so bad I am so ass so bad stop screaming I know I just thought about that my M was going to beat my ass what the hell is that anyways but um I know her profile picture is two babies so I know but

There’s no way she is 14-year-old kid there’s no [ __ ] way that’s what I kind of thought but like at 18 more I think about it bro that’s not possible she no she she would have had to adopt it cuz you can adopt when you’re 18 can’t you

Yeah oh my God she have got what am I playing bro this is scuffed are you kidding me I can’t get over the fact that I think she actually has some kids of her own cuz her profile picture is literally two babies yeah but that could be like her

Her sisters she could be had twin her mother could have got and could have been like twin sisters or it could have been like a niece or a nephew or something like that I don’t know I mean every time in the past two days all I’ve heard was

Baby crying and babies yelling in the background yeah I mean I am so ass at this video game it’s not playing dog just think about it dog I don’t think yeah but I mean she could have been babysitting for her mother yo what

Is this oh my God oh my God uh you tell me said dude the skeleton’s doing a 360 I I think that she lives in her own area she also mentions how she has her own job and she’s doing good and all that other stuff yeah but she never mother so

Why not live with him she had a she has a VR boyfriend or something actually could be a real boyfriend right cuz she does mention how he’s at work I mean like I know how to explain so they could be like together and two of those babies could actually be there

Yo what the hell 18 though bro come on that is crazy y i support people doing whatever they want but like no I know I’m just saying you should wait out a little bit and live your life before you go and settle down fine fine fine you’re legal adult that’s fine I’m saying

Though like a 14y old how how the hell are we going to account for that we never even Sol that mystery yet when you when you ad a 14year old kid there’s no way when you adopt the baby it would be like are you a mature parent I turned 18 last

Year exactly I turned 18 3 months ago oh that seems pretty mature to me here you go pal here’s your baby exactly which it’s not even big 14year old what am I playing bro this is so scuffed oh this is a nice kid though I don’t know how to feel about that you

Said said I was like I was like about to tell you like leave the call leave the call on everything I don’t know what kind of show he why it’s cook dude this guy you know I don’t know it’s it’s a weird situation all around I don’t know I I think I’ll ask

Ezekiel how how would he knowz is he that that’s Ezekiel like I literally didn’t know her until last night cuz we’re uh oh Ezekiel knows oh [ __ ] okay I know I know cuz we were reading together we’re like reading buddies you know what is that going thing okay all

Right you know it’s time to fight my God I can’t run I can’t run I’m literally fighting a damn War out here and man that’s actually my buddy honey right well sibling I think not sibling but like family what are you talking about H is one of my other

Friends but they’re related so I guess I could ask H we have a giant group chat called uncensored couch or something don’t what are you chatting about I don’t know it’s a weird logo name but basically it’s meant to be like you could say whatever nobody cares no screenshots no

Recording and that’s when we were playing um friendly games yesterday yesterday together all right bro just chill out right you want me to invite you to it tomorrow today no that at all you said earlier you did you said I want when did I ever say that yo I was I said hold

On yo I’m not going to expose you too much but I we were talking about playing Minecraft and you said yeah invite me I was saying how me and Ezekiel were doing voiceovers and crap remember in in Minecraft yeah wait what yeah yeah yeah Minecraft okay don’t worry about it guys

Don’t know [ __ ] you’re talking about I everything I don’t all right yo can you can you turn your streamlabs and turn your desktop audio and mic all the way down no I’m not doing that dog do it real quick so I can tell you no dog I

Will just say it right now me no I I will say it right now dog cuz I don’t want to move my hand off my Pikachu my Pikachu is cute yo I’m about to beat your ass my Pikachu is so my Pikachu so my Pikachu is so cute yo how much was

That yo I watched Pokemon since I was three dog I’ve actually never seen it I’m not going to lie first of all hey what’s what’s the depth of diamond oh [ __ ] there’s diamonds right there yo there’s no way I’m doing this I’m not even going to try

Hey I might make another bed actually doc I want you to think you know exactly what I’m talking about you get it now oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz right before she joined oh yeah yeah I know talk about I’m pretty sure I was streaming during that

Anyway oh are you trying to join that tonight or cuz it’s genuinely funny dog trust it is so funny this [ __ ] gu setting me up dog come on I’ll invite you to it tonight and we cuz dog trust me and Ezekiel and minty y this is a

Scuff server bro what am I playing on yo I just you’re playing that [ __ ] with me later God lock in bro I’m lock I’m locked in right now I am [ __ ] one Diamond are you kidding me that’s a joke I’m locked in now damn I just ran not that little bastard oh

Death is not an option my the [ __ ] is going on dude yo this is so ass so are we playing that game tonight no dog stop my [ __ ] god do quit whining you’re like you are crying like a little threey you’re going oh my God that’s fine it’s because nobody would to hear

You wh I don’t [ __ ] care bro this is Stu now you’re playing it with me later tonight cuz it was funny yo I’m telling you the game the lore goes crazy that’s all I’m saying in your server oh oh shut the hell up bro bro quit being so moody

God I swear I’m going to text your mom and tell her that you need to go to bed right now so confus so [ __ ] boot yo I I can’t keep placing torches I’m sorry guys okay Y what are you doing dude stop can you shut the [ __ ] up bro dude shut the [ __ ]

Up ohly [ __ ] oh my God what am I playing I need to pull up put the uh can you shut the [ __ ] up actually can you shut the [ __ ] up stop actually stop so are you going to play it with me later no die oh stop I’m not

Playing it with you cuz I’m such a like lame person bro oh my God keep forgetting I got the shield now Reviving yes anyway are you done being moody I I’m not [ __ ] Moody I’m not moody okay dude you are like one of the most moodiest person yo I remember when your

Sister said I think she said to me make sure Alex goes to bed by this time or else he gets Moody and you’re like I don’t get moody F when I was 12 yeah when we were 12 sure sure oh you still get moody dog five years ago sure buddy

Yo literally I was on the phone with you and then I was like yo why you so moody and your mom’s like I know he’s being so moody what the the [ __ ] that was literally like 5 minutes ago DG he said he said what about an

Underground oh sh oh that’s a good idea actually he said Fallout things yo Fallout is such a good game I’m not moody [ __ ] okay so are we playing later actually I think I’m going to do a Fallout City that’s a good idea ler what’s stop dude if you just we play later and

Quick okay let me talk to my to the Asian guy and promise promise me we’ll play it later and I’ll let you talk to whoever you want I’m not promising [ __ ] dog don’t do this is that a diamond right there Daisy eyesight holy [ __ ] oh my God I

Explod why would you hope for that cuz you won’t play games with me what is up with this you’re playing it later you’re playing it with me later tonight or else I’m going to cry myself sleep dog trust I know dang well you secretly want to

Play Nike let’s do it yeah okay actually we can do a underground yeah but how how we do like inside of the who the hell is mojo yo there’s no way it’s getting off of mine I’m not I’m not doxing us there’s no way that’s your people might be actually might be no

It’s not mine it how could they get it from me though what’s upo how’s it going I don’t think they got it from me either what’s up bro hold on I’m just going to ban him yo chill this guy might be cool we can do like a uh I’m going to do like

A like a underground and then he shares it with other people and gets GED you know all right just whatever look I actually think a Fallout like underground Fallout theme would be dope where you in an underground massive ass fine I don’t care what you do Doug

Just do whatever we’ll play it later oh my [ __ ] bro yo I played fortnite ranked get this guys I played fortnite I don’t even like the game I just play cuz he always on whenever I don’t get on no [ __ ] no don’t don’t even start with

That [ __ ] no you know cuz every time I get on do you want to play a different game yes yes after I play for like you know 40 matches the [ __ ] out of you played three oh yeah sure sure all right anyways Y is that kid still in the game uh

Yeah he got sto yeah oh my God bro are you caving you caving yes sir what the hell yes yes sir did you kick him what the hell happened to him no he was riding with us the bat him yo oh my God the cats have a little like

Sweaters on where’s my food bro cats are you at a village yeah I’ve been at two already what damn this water is clear as I got to make doors don’t I listen to me all I want for Christmas is for you to play that game with me later God stop dog

It’s literally the same thing if you want me to compete in that fortnite cup tomorrow you got to play that game with me later tonight yo what the hell uh deal no deal dog stop we’re playing it later dog it’s actually such a good game and Ezekiel bought it last night so you

I I’ll catch you up on the lore when you end the stream what you bought it wait how the hell you going to play it if e bought Ezekiel bought it he streams it and then we all just read our parts oh oh okay this Y show us that voice acting

Skills he said that’s not kidding what’ you say yo guys if if if we get five likes on the stream Alex has to play it and we’ll stream it live yo no one is on your side in this they’re with me bro and I have three likes holy

[ __ ] someone just liked yo stop chill out guys seriously all right if we get to Five Guys we’re playing it and Alex stream worry I can’t say I can’t say whoa whoa whoa whoa but we’re g to go on a different channel for we can’t be associated with

It after this whoa now let’s first of all first of all uh he said hey yo yo Jo he said say yo Asian dude he said hey random dude what that’s F [ __ ] are they arguing with each other no no no they just have nicknames right Asian dude and random dude

Yeah sweet said yeah he said [Laughter] what maybe the Minecraft with the friends with made along the way yo stop [ __ ] saying yo where kid in Roblox I can’t get over can you get away from me maybe he’s a Roblox oh that guy yeah yeah yeah you what did I say it was

Originally maybe the bathrooms was the friends we made along the way and then I was like what what did I say I don’t remember maybe Roblox no I went together we dead asleep I know I don’t know what year it was in my originally I said maybe the back rooms this friends of

Made lot the way and he’s like okay question mark and I put maybe together we are Roblox and he [ __ ] just left [ __ ] hell that’s awesome I [ __ ] wish I was record that I’m I’m about to hop out of the cave uh so are we deciding on the little

Fallout cave you I that could be cool I mean yo we could do I could do like a whole [ __ ] we could like the [ __ ] bunker Christmas themed Halloween themed whatever comes and then you could have rooms for each thing like farming and crap that’s a good idea actually an

Underground city though not like not like a straight up bunker but like so like that could also fall under like the um like almost more of a Medieval theme as well I could also be oh crap yo spider spider let me tell you something let me tell you something

Sper let me tell you something y CH man I I got got something to tell you you see this G this guy named Alex to play this game called um how many how many lik I have I have four you didn’t get there what Doug please I played fortnite ranked for hours

Doug you did not not for no [ __ ] hours you lying I know you lying I know for a fact was over cuz I have it recorded no it was not over two I have it recorded and why you recording our shitty or shitty uh I record everything

Rink mes bro yo that’s why your PC’s dead actually your PC is not no my PC isn’t dead my PC is the only one that lived you had 12 FPS we were playing horror games I had 144 I had 12 FPS how do I I don’t know how to fix that yo it

Was so what yeah know honestly I didn’t realize my graphics card is like really good cuz it’s a super one you know what is he enter what bro you got to find an End he’s wearing a little hat I love that holy [ __ ] so you weren’t joking about someone joining

Earlier no I know I wasn’t I literally thought that that was not him though that was a different guy yeah I know I I could have sworn that username look familiar as well but no one else can join well they she be able to unless you’re random I don’t get how

You can guess this server IP that’s like a crazy IP to guess which I’m not going to say it for legal but start nine just to give you guys a little heads up just don’t Li now you’re lying now you’re lying it nine no it is nine isn’t it

Nuh it’s five oh Metro them would be cool Metro that’s like a hang on wait what’s Metro them am I think the right thing cuz I’m I’m going sound stupid if I say the wrong thing hey what what’s Metro themed that’s like isn’t that like kind

Of futuristic or no I thought it was like yeah that’s what I thought like a futuristic like like a rail rail I could be completely wrong though I am probably completely wrong don’t worry so am I hey what do you mean by Metro Exodus ex I have no [ __ ]

Wood bro oh this is bad what your Metro Exodus I know that game I do yeah I know I do I do I the game story tell us the lore Alex no no not I the 2our L no I remember it was on sale one time I was like bu but I never

Did I never bought it though I I couldn’t tell if it was going to be good or not so you don’t know the game you don’t know the game lore or anything no I don’t know the game l don’t don’t pretend like you’re one of those guys you’re not that guy I’ve

Heard of the game again I’ve heard of it like I didn’t know like I don’t know the the let me tell you wait what was it are you guys talking about oh are you guys talking about Metro Maximus Maximus wait what wait wait what is it no hold wait wait what game I

Actually might have it let me check my scene this kid said Max on what’s the game name hurry Exodus Metro Exodus SP spell exodus go ahead I don’t know how so I’m just going to Google it first okay damn I’m going crazy with the Diamonds though oh [ __ ] is Metro exus

The um is that the first person shooter video game that was developed by 4A Studios and published deep Sil it is the third installment in the Metro video game series yo this straight no no no I’m just I’m just saying like if I was to guess is that what it

Was like I’m just I’m taking a wild shot in the dark you know so like that’s like crazy I think that’s what it was wasn’t it bro I think I dig right out of this damn place no I’m not going to lie I might just bu reading the Wikipedia page

It was the [ __ ] Wikipedia page Fu out of here hey wait what’s your Rec I looked at a [ __ ] I didn’t mean do that let me walk in sh overed I’m I’m going check uh I’m going check on eek real quick see if he’s almost ready to play oh my God I’m not

Playing dog yes you are you said you would earlier I have a video I was I was like dead asleep bro don’t yes the [ __ ] no I was yes the [ __ ] are you [ __ ] Li when I said you yesterday it wasn’t until you were past asleep so I didn’t

Tell you about the game until you were awake so don’t lie to me again little crap he said you little crap so he said 8:30 you little crap oh no so we still got like two or three hours no maybe less I don’t know what time is it in Canada on the right

Side on the right side what are you talking about I’m trying to remember where he lived trying to do by G right now y’all chill no I’m trying to talk Ezekiel oh you know I’m going just say I’m going to take could guess that he lives in monal I don’t really know where

He lives it’s not monal but okay Alex really you want to pull up the I don’t get up yo first remember that VR CH moment remember that V I said I’m notna say what I said cuz this sounds stupid look that’s not at all what I said

Dihe no you said I was like yo I can’t fight you it was during the vat market right yeah you’re like hold on I found some D here and you go you Tom me W yo say some random crap back you don’t even like and then I told you remember

Cuz I was like yo I have to teach you Japanese cuz that was the worst thing I’ve ever heard I literally didn’t even say it was a [ __ ] Naruto move bro that’s what I was saying it was no I didn’t even say it like that either

Nuh because I said I said I remember I said I said remember no I said the I said pain speech remember and then you thought that was so cool so you started trying to say it and you would make up some random crap you’d be like way

Tommy weed yo get out of here IED no I don’t remember exactly what you said but I remember you made it upy I know you [ __ ] lying bro don’t matter dude I swear my life I swear on our friendship I remember you making that [ __ ] up I’m sorry if I’m

Embarrassing you in front of your viewers no I didn’t no no you’re not but I did not add the AY I remember what I said I said I’m not saying what I said f yeah I know I had no idea what I was doing okay

First of all I still don’t know what I’m doing right but yeah what’s your cords dog I don’t I’m scared give me a minute I’m [ __ ] I’m so dead dude I’m just building my base here it’s not a snow biome I’m going just get a ton of

Snow [ __ ] I missc miss inut miss inut oh my God bro oh my gosh never mind I not bu my no yo what am I playing bro this [ __ ] is ass yo you can’t the broad side of a barn oh my Heavens oh that guy can yo die are huge

What like no I’m not playing it dog stop yes you are trust me dog it’ll be the most fun in your life most fun in my life huh yes dog it was one of my favorite moments last night we were all crying and laughing for hours dog yo I’m

Finding hell of a lot of I’m not going to lie dude this is my third Village I’m leaving or fourth I don’t I’m still in a cave Bro I’m still trying to find a bro I’m so dead I’m dead GG so yo this oh I’m waiting for death my skeleton that it’s coming dude that’s kind of lame I mean you could be doing so much more fun things like playing video games

Later what no dog I’m not doing it dog shut up yes you are you shut up no I’m not yo if you don’t join I will expose some wild stuff right now what the [ __ ] you said what at the age of three out no I’m just Kidd oh my God up yo

This dude right here come on I promise you if you don’t want to stay after we start okay what you’re going to do is you’re going to get in there you’re going hang out there for a little bit if you’re not having fun you can leave all

Right I’m not not right now anyway what hang on how many likes do I have we’ll do that oh [ __ ] I have five why you H five like you H five yeah I have five that’s the most lik I’ve ever had let’s [ __ ] go first of all okay so you’re playing

It I’m not playing it though dude oh my God [ __ ] don’t pull don’t pull that card on me that’s cheating first of all Doug first off I told I told you we got five likes better we’re GNA do all right you know how about this if we get seven

Likes you have to play it with me later yo Daisy so good bro is that deal is that deal what’ you say I was what you say seven likes and you’ll play it with me later all right that’s the deal if I get seven likes I will

But obviously we can’t stream it it’s a it’s a book I mean you guys don’t want to hear us reading so like we’ll see I wouldn’t stre I’ll make that decision I wouldn’t stream Daisy is okay Daisy’s good bro I love Daisy it’s a fun game yo whoever

Said Daisy is okay I like them they’re my favorite dog yeah bro shut the hell up bro it’s Thomas though Thomas you’re a g he’s say yo random dude that’s why crazy he said that he said yo Asian yo random dude I love that yo first of all Galaxy let me

Explain something all right I didn’t mean to punch you I was trying to put on a [ __ ] I was trying to put on a what you leave for it hold on give me a sec I was trying to put on a what a splint and this guy pulled up and

I punched his like I W like Hey Thomas what do you think about a Metro like like a Metro cuz like I know you weren’t talking about that but like now you got the idea like a like a common futuristic Metro I don’t know I feel like a I I

Still feel like a Metro would or like a Fallout would even be cool I’m not going to lie yo holy [ __ ] dude I have eight likes oh my God you guys are tripping I’m not I’ve never had that many before but first of all yeah you’re right I have I have nine

Now what the BR let’s go y’all are my favorite people come on man all right I’ve got two por shots is it time to go up I’m going up I’m going up this is bad I think I leave I think I ba I think I

Go you know what I am a man of my word unless it comes to Daisy it depends but might be hard yeah know I was thinking but like yeah but they like a futuristic like Christmas underground city that’d be kind of cool I’m not going

Lie but then again it would be a lot more difficult than like a Fallout theme design I feel like fall dog you have nine likes you’re you have play it with me later I’ve actually never had that many before I’m not going to lie and you’re going to be playing it later with

Me you know crazy if I didn’t say yo we should get on Minecraft yeah honestly though the horror game stream would be kind of dope yo you should ask them if they want like what they’d like to see all right yeah there you go they can answer you

The amount of diamonds I finding right now is insane yeah don’t worry I’m still above service I’m like trying to find the dream place yes I got it holy [ __ ] yo dog are you at 100 Subs yet far away I have 11 likes what the hell the hell man you’re going

Off a great day thank you for uh thank you guys very much oh my God a massive yo this is this is a lucky little diamond mine how much subscribers do you have guys um I have 86 see I told you you’re almost at 100 locking in bro it’s fine I’m finding

Diamonds though hey first of all we’ll talk about the game okay we’ll talk about no you just said you’re a man of your word people like still like right am my man of my word actually I I can I have a hoe don’t I no I didn’t

Grab my hoe oh it’s cuz it has Cur of Vanishing on it son of a that’s fine say you famous yes sir he said with the mimic mod oh hell no can I um can I get an autograph oh he said Lethy with the mimic lethal

Company I tried talking so I tried get him the mods earlier and he’s like no dog no scared of downloading mods okay yo I’m the one who can download them dog I have them all on my PC scared dog how much do you trust me with everything I was my life I’m just

Saying I’m just saying I don’t trust you with everybody no I’m just saying everyone makes mistakes and what if you accidentally made a mistake you know no if I would have made a mistake it would be my PC that suffers first you said you

Have VR I do have VR yes we do have VR yes we do we do we do [ __ ] we could do a VR not really many horor Gam you said what I was going to say VR chat hor VR stream but VR chat hor nobody we tried those they’re not that

Good yeah know I mean the devouring oh you can use your PC for streaming now use what you could you could use your PC for you know yeah but how the hell would that even work I’ll help you set it up sometime yeah all right cuz there’s one that I played a

While ago called devouring on VR chat it’s like a 4our game of just con I want to do that compy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] yeah I told you dog earlier that we hang pause pause Lu in here I don’t know what how many how many likes you have still

11 all I feel like every single second just goes up yay said every second I’m going to go gloat in the dark hold on holy [ __ ] dude he’s uh oh is it too early to tame him no okay you know I don’t know what your name is your name will be something I’ll

Figure it out later something it’ll figure it out later I don’t I don’t want to name him and then if if I named him and he dies I would cry yo it’s so bad when it displays it in the [ __ ] feed as say yo your boy

Just died like no what the heck you were here what what I’m so far away but there’s like three planks next to an oak tree yeah that was uh that was our boy that joined earlier no I am oh wait what I’m right back at spawn

What how did I loop around back to spawn he said home oh my goodness you know what screw this I’m going to going to build a basee at spawn spawn huh yo we got to find he said find whatever you tame name it Humphrey hump free what’s wrong with

Humphy did you say humph free like hump and free no [ __ ] you know what you don’t know how to spell bro how do you how do you pron yo are you the person that got Advanced on their English yeah actually I am I don’t know how I did all right

I don’t know how to get out of this what’s his name what’s his name again like hauh like how do you can you spell it in chat yeah yeah all right you’re telling me you’re asking or name him dingleberry hand okay I I think both of them are a

Little weird but we’ll name him hump free okay but don’t name it hump free though it’s not how it is it’s give me a second hold on humpy yeah humpy do that one no hold on no I don’t want it oh [ __ ] wait I think it’s like that

Right Humphrey is it like that yeah Humphrey like that you don’t know how to spell not going to spell okay it is actually pretty hard name to spell I’m not going to lie how do you not know how to spell you were going to name it like

This you were going to go like this you were going to do this don’t cap don’t cap you no I wasn’t I’m not that dumb I was thinking was it was all together like that because like it’s a name you know so like there’s no spaces

So like you know I don’t know how to get out of this [ __ ] game bro yeah don’t worry me and Humphrey are chilling on spawn Mr Humphrey how you doing today my God bro I don’t know how to get out of this thing I better I better add a sign for

His name ear I’m just going to start calling him humphy on accident what is happening man I’m just going to like I might just dig out like straight up it’ be boring as hell but like can you spell it out loud you do you have

Like what can you spell it out loud oh my God bro I just typed it in chat I can’t see chat when I’m typing in a sign h u m p okay oh my God I am so he yo someone’s walking towards me are you serious Alex hu no I can’t right

Now yeah h u m no yeah I’ll do it myself hu M pH uh h r e y h r e y yeah there you go no not oh thanks for telling me Alex no not what did I just put my bucket wait no not not two hes dumbass one

H pretty sure there’s only one H let me check my sign oh my God any more zombies want to come over here yo welcome to my world bro holy [ __ ] it’s insane yo you literally spelled it with two h’s you said h u m h r e y go into

Chat go into chat I am that’s what H bro h u m p h r e y yo yo I you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying right now I’m saying it with look not no what what else would it be hump free where else would be the

Extra H where would be the other age brother I don’t know you are confusing I know the hes aren’t next to each other it isn’t the first H and it just goes HP like I know that yo you got to chill I’m digging out of this goddamn cave man okay whatever

Your new nickname is Humphrey II what dude this is the most insane cave I’ve ever been in I got doors though I’m not worried guys you just say you got doors you’re not worried yep are you in like water or yeah yo I’m so glad we get to play that

Game later no bro oh my God you literally just said if you had oh [ __ ] P okay how many do you have now okay I have 11 damn okay if you get to 13 yeah we’re not going to keep now now it’s like it’s fake you know now it’s

Like yo guys like the video please you know y I’m going to share it with everyone I know n n you already said at 9: I did I did say at 9: I thought I said it at seven no actually you said seven and nine come on bro don’t make me actually

Do that please don’t make me dude literally you play for two seconds you said you would early oh my go yeah we’re playing it later maybe maybe oh my God who is creative Cas holy [ __ ] you this guy from middle school yes sir bro that’s that’s

Me me with my 11 likes that’s the best day ever yo did you the poor guy oh my God why did you ban the guy he might have been Ving you don’t know that he could have been chill bro all right let’s just lock all right so okay how do I make

This private okay hold on I’mma leave and look for an option okay wait what cuz apparently people are able to join I don’t know how but I would like I don’t dos anything there’s no way I have yeah advertising this little bastard that’s no way bro no [ __ ] way wait I can’t hit

It yo Follow Me Now [ __ ] oh I found I had my server on visible so other people could find it all right we’re good now ah so it was your Bo no it’s not my voice it’s just random people inv the I don’t I don’t care what

You saying out that thing is crooked bro it should make it like that yo how many villages you been to you said like four I think did you break any of the hay bales a lot how much is a lot I I mean the first

Village I got rid of almost all of them the other ones I don’t know all right how do you break them fast isn’t it hey what not hey not that’s say he said what you’re confusing me all right I’m just going to bring it with the uh with the axe yeah it’s not

The axe I think it’s the um the hay not the hay God damn it the hoe holy [ __ ] this yo do you have like extra mobs mobs I mean what the hell I’m dead I’m going to die to a Goddamn hold on it’s okay if I die now all right now

It should be completely private I don’t think any I just watch that trident fly across my head save at least one carrot where’s St guy at bro I see him all right hold on man I want that TR oh what’s up holy [ __ ] dude those do a lot wait what the

Hell oh he can’t hit me I’m I’m going to die I’m going to die [ __ ] wait don’t hit my feet please all we’re good we’re good let’s lock in okay all right let’s lock in yo this [ __ ] is ass bro what did you do you definitely put something on bro

Yeah it’s normal TR to piss me off what in the hell little Gremlin just flew past me I’m not even going to question what I see anymore my oh my God I can’t [ __ ] cck what I going to do oh yeah yeah I really appreciate it dog

What US playing games together dog chill okay I don’t have 13 I have 12 though oh my god let’s just calm down please I don’t want to play that game dog you literally said you would earlier just give it two yo I played Daisy I played the

[ __ ] you played that [ __ ] for 15 minutes and then you got off it you g mad after you got do by some r noit together for hours when cuz we went from place to place we ended up camping out in a tree and we’re I mean in a building and we’re

Like oh man let’s just chill out here and you have to cook fish do remember C fish [ __ ] died you died that sucks I’m still alive somewhere in a building but for real I remember we logged off in like I think I logged off in someone else’s base yeah prob you

B y these you can get banned for Ling off in people’s faces yeah I think so don’t say what I think you’re about to say because of that yo what the f Arc based game my ass Daisy is a good game I like Daisy Daisy’s fun da is a fun game okay

Okay I don’t know what Villages you’ve been to though you have to admit there’s been a lot of games that I tried that I really didn’t like but I played it for you not a lot of games like one game oh my God are you serious dog what gam I

Hate fortnite pretty much almost every time do yeah but besides that one besides that what do we spend like 80 hours on it no no no besides that besides us spending 80 hours name one I’m him holy [ __ ] come on Doug you just got to play

It out with us for a bit it’s fun all right I literally not asking you to play all night I’m literally asking you just to hang out for a little bit what not ask for a year for a month I’m not asking you for a week day I’m

Not asking for a month I’m not asking for a year but can you give me one more day just one more day come on D literally that’s all I want you to try it out for a little bit cuz I promise you we don’t even [ __ ] play

The game we’re just having fun we’re laughing together it’s a good time yo it’s weird though I don’t know those guys you know Ezekiel yeah I know Ezekiel but all the rest of them like that girl she said she was 18 with a 14-year-old [ __ ] yeah I know Ezekiel

Was like I’m going to kick her with t Jordan’s Back bro no but then then it makes me AR is a good G you said what it’s not like you’re the one kicking or anything yeah but I’m still the witness to it the [ __ ] no no she’s getting kicked like

Whenever zekel gets back on and then you know yeah well then what no she won’t know that you even got invited how in the [ __ ] is she not going to know she got kicked my boy no no she’ll know that she got kicked by Ezekiel but the whole

Point of it was she was only there supposed to be there because we needed her to settle something which was left her right oh that photo you sent me what’ she say yeah she said right and I was like I know what did you say you said

Right yeah I said right said ezekiel’s the only one who said left I’m with Ezekiel bro that’s my boy now everyone else but Ezekiel said right bro the left on everything thereo Y what are you talking about girl uh yeah yeah yeah yeah the up we were playing Fallout

Dog you just said my name my boy you just said it y bro’s name is Demarcus the thir Barbecue on chicken wings on Saturday night chill out chill out chill out on a Saturday night what are you talking about this guy bro what the occasionally with his

Rice what the [ __ ] I’m make my son’s name just a whole ass sentence that’s [ __ ] up bro that’s messed up dog dog it could be worse your name could be Hayden yo let me meet Somebody watch someone chat like d Hayden damn I’m getting a lot of hay bales hey food’s not a problem no more that’s good I just J drew a jungle tree and I’m probably going to do some wrong with someone said that yeah y what’s wrong with Alex di

Again now I’m getting violated what the hell o don’t even get me that it ain’t no Hayden but like it’s all right have you made a chest yet what have you made a chest yet using the texture pack yeah no I haven’t but I’ve seen them

Yeah okay well so much to ruin my fun it’s a cool present I know I saw but like I got I saw from the village yo where where are you what’s your chords how do I set chords again literally go to spawn press F3 F3 oh [ __ ] I just closed my game hold

On hold up oh my goodness what did you say it was F3 hey I support the alexes Thomas don’t worry my boy someone else in there named Alex F3 wait is it all F3 is it FN all F do literally it’s Lally just F3 okay I forgot holy [ __ ] okay this is cool

Um this is cool dude what you’re acting like I’m in the terminal I’m at 3 you’re going to walk up someone be like hey no you can go to a job interview and you’ll be like you want to see something press F3 and be like [ __ ] out of here how’d you do that

How’d you do that please tell me how Fu you mean that’s cool dog I don’t know it was just a bunch of numbers I know because remember I used to play on the old like broken bed Ro no not oh yeah that but like oh and I had to like hit

Fnn but like plus another well you have to press FN still if you don’t have the actual like F3 and then the volume thing I don’t know what your keyboard looks like but mine I don’t have to cuz I have so there’s a volume up and a volume down

And then like FN allows you to switch F10 that’s F10 for me yeah know so you would press FN to switch between F10 and you know what so oh my gosh think of it like you know how you have from you know you have a question mark or a slash like damn

There so many a question mark than a slash no I got Mark than a slash you know can put slash or if you hold shift and then press it it’ll be a question mark what oh my god dog do you not know how characters work on the keyboard I’m

Gonna hold on get off the game we’re going Nitro Type pull up the Nitro Type scream I’m not doing that okay look at your keyboard right now you see where it say hold on I just got rid of all my oh okay what you see how it says slash where does it say

Slash okay dog I’m talking about the character dog yeah like like forward slash yeah or back slash yes and then above it is a question mark so when you want to switch between them you hold shift right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the same thing except FN is so then you can

Switch your you know from F10 to a volume up for your case uh yeah okay oh my gosh you still never mind you [ __ ] lost a long time ago yo I feel like a keyboard is that hard to use D like I love you death but man hey

The Beast I feel like a name would be uh would be very beneficial in this are you getting Discord notifications or is that me uh I I’m on streamer mode my Discord notifications I don’t know I don’t see anyone that’s texting me CP I should check up on Ezekiel yo what are your

Records bro literally go to 0 I’m at spawn I’m I’m 1K out bro I don’t want to do that damn I’m screenshotting everything [Applause] damn I just took like 15 [ __ ] screenshots whatever all right my cords are 100 and negative 100 far are you actually building at

Spawn yeah cuz now now that it’s private no one else can join you a snow biome the tree just changed colors after I cut it down no I’m just going to grab a bunch of snow you know know what I mean going grab of snow from a snow biome instead of living in

That [ __ ] snow biome that saying well I’ve went thousands of miles I could not find a damn snow biome did you cut down a bir tree the tree changes leaves like the I mean the color changes what do you mean like when it falls yo

Give me the first letter of your name de Beast there you go that’ll get it yeah nothing happened my boy you got the Beast oh you’re right it changed to like purple what the hell that’s so cool yeah that’s cool I didn’t know could do that but I hate Birchwood so

I’m going to just leave that there there but you know I love Birchwood a oh God know how to build with it give me give me the second letter the first Letter’s a yeah give me a second letter I’ve already Amber Amber this kid said Amber get the [ __ ] out of

Here yeah I know a few ambers actually yeah one of them is my friend’s mom but I also know a dude named Amber actually yeah I don’t know his last name I could not tell you for the life of me but I only thought it because I was like

H isn’t Amber kind of a girl name AJ oh my gosh yo that brings back [Laughter] memories holy [ __ ] how did I not guess that was I I don’t know I that was the that was who I was guessing as well that’s why I thought it was what was I

Doing I completely forgot bro now you got me tripping out what was I doing go don’t worry about it oh yeah so my brother what we’re not I just want to have a serious talk with you no I want to have a serious talk

Yo what ban the P get the [ __ ] out of here what’s up AJ how you doing my boy I hope you’re doing all right is it the AJ or the like I think I I think it just chill out all right because it also could be another person anyway yeah anyways let’s talk

Dog you got what you needed so later tonight I get what I need I didn’t get 13 I didn’t get 13 likes I have 12 oh you dude if you promise me you got to promise me 13 likes and that’s it cuz I’m not going to

Do this no you go up a ton more and then yeah no I don’t do that either that’s just like that’s just me oh no he’s saying it’s AJ and then it continued yeah I oh I’m I’m building here is so cool what the hell so I don’t know any boys named

Ana ana who the [ __ ] has Anya as AJ as their first two letters brother think yo Ana AJ n a is the Ana I know what a n but it’s Icelandic I think so oh [ __ ] okay I will pull out my middle school yearbook right [ __ ] now don’t chat

Hold on actually I don’t think let me it’s fine I’m going to go over here I’m bu hey guys how many likes do you have Alex um 12 11 how many do you need oh 12 yeah and how many you said 13 wait what the

Hell yo this is should I build here guys you think I put here what’ you say yeah 13 you’re going to make a [ __ ] alt account I already know it don’t do that okay nope I’m gonna share it with someone no don’t do that I send it to

The girl that we were playing with earlier guys hit on Robo absolutely if you do that I actually swear to God I’m not playing with you do that you can share with people though I don’t care I already have a Colton or Ken Kaden I don’t remember no wait wait

Wait wait wait wait maybe not actually I know spun is a g I know that that’s my old buddy’s friend though I’m not going to lie don’t mind me buddy yo I think I might build here these have really cool trees I’m not going to lie yo my fault my fault my

Fault holy [ __ ] that was some crazy that that was not oh my bad all right my bad what did it say it’s a n or is it is it a oh my fault my fault I didn’t mean to he saying the first two letters are a n or

If it’s a the first two letters are a then I think I do know who it is yet it has been a long ass time it has been a very long no way what what are you talking about if I die right now [ __ ] I’m never doing that

Again my old school email they changed my password my I typed in my password but it’s fine what are you I typed in my old School password and it literally just said uh changed 59 days ago that’s quite recent dog what are you trying to say now you

Got hacked I knew it was you Anthony is I knew bro how are you doing I hope you’re doing all right actually I was thinking I thought about you forever reason I was talking with uh with uh with the Liam you st me I asked about you good one there you go Yo should I [ __ ] with my old school and change my email back cuz I have it on my old account like on my old phone I don’t even know what the [ __ ] wait R me what are you talking about so my old school account I was going to log

In right so I can subscribe to you of course you were again but so basically what happened was I changed my password 59 days ago cuz I got a new person working for them so what if I just log in on my old phone and tell them that like I just changed

My password so they can’t change it my god do it you won’t actually don’t do that that’s [ __ ] up no get this I don’t like that school they were corrupt it was no on I want exposed to school right now so this school if you had Sports they wouldn’t care they raised

Your grades like I’m not going to lie there was a class that should have failed but I was a track person and they wanted me to run whatever [ __ ] big people were like the good people people and they basically I couldn’t cuz I was UN eligible so they talked to my teacher

And then told her that she needed to raise my grade okay well you did that though like you talk to your teacher now no I didn’t the school made them raise our graes yo are we about to like yo are we about to catch this school up right now like I mean I

Meu Ying all right my boy for real I’m not going to lie I didn’t deserve to pass that class it kind of annoyed me that I did right it annoyed you that you passed the class get the [ __ ] out of what going CU I didn’t pass it dog it wasn’t me that

Passed it yeah that’s fair but I mean probably all [ __ ] ripped anyway honestly I’m going just like I’m just go this way y I kind of want to build on these trees though oh there’s more up there yo how many did did Ezekiel subscribe to you yo check it check it

Right now no he did not I’m doing quite good my friend I’m doing quite good he said he said he did it so I mean lot of things changed since middle school though eh he did um I mean to be fair I I don’t know my subscriber count because I haven’t checked hold

On Yo Anthony Anthony you don’t remember him is that uh Nick’s brother no [ __ ] he’s the guy I used to hang out with in Middle School used to get jumped like every day good times eh yo who was I’m trying to remember the blonde guy you don’t remember him oh is Anthony

No this guy Anthony do you remember me did I went to school with you so I must have you did yeah but Anthony um yo hold on I’m trying to think yo Anthony without uh doxing myself there’s no way to do it without doxing yourself hey dog I still have I still

Have 12 yo yo Anthony I’m I’m without doxing yourself from wait it was the Middle School uh you were there this is this is where we met you I was only there for a year though did we know him in elementary oh you were there before that

You’re you longer than that you were there too well that no was a year for Middle School remember cuz we met in elementary and actually so Anthony do you still go to the the high school that’s right next to the middle I mean uh hold on my brain’s having a fart yeah it

Is up anthy no way dud the bows are like no shot that’s cool dude oh my [ __ ] god Anthony I like I can I can bro he blonde hair you said yeah blond air bro anytime I used to get in a fight he was there come on yo is Anthony the

One that sat at our lunch table with us yes I I’m like vividly remembering him but barely Ken we were a fortnite yeah oh my [ __ ] God you remember that stupid [ __ ] I burnt that [ __ ] the fortnite Bro go hard holy [ __ ] no I I actually dead ass thre that [ __ ] away I

Looked in the class I said what the [ __ ] was I thinking yeah know my parents got me that for Christmas and I thought it was like the coolest [ __ ] in the world yo yo what you have this on extra what dude you have this on extra mobs or something [ __ ] funny oh my

God I just saw that I’m like watching it yo Anthony get the I’m trying to remember like a memory with him I almost just hit that dog again another yo what is something we all did together I’m trying to remember he didn’t ride

Our bus no it was a long time ago Dude I don’t remember that was way too long ago sh hey I still got 12 likes it don’t mind y I have 89 Subs though let’s [ __ ] go thank you guys so much um I got a dog now so I’m ready to go to

War with these goddamn mobs this generally going to piss me off I can’t remember him right y you got another like yearbook or something no I didn’t buy that [ __ ] it was so expensive Christmas for real I only remember eating lunch with Hayden I think I remember Anthony no I mean

It’s like after like all the hell broke loose like that final little Minecraft Christmas grind you know it dude yo Anthony do you still go to the high school near the elementary don’t dox yourself Anthony I’ve actually I right now this is like amazing Christmas grind bro let’s go

Yeah we we we we’re all the Minecraft Christmas grind I love it dude this is I kind of want to build on these trees like it’s kind of cool not on the trees but like near cuz they kind yeah you do all right so do I I do too um

Like they bring out that Vibe you know what classes do you have next semester oh so wait hold on now I can ask you Anthony so do we only have school for um the first four days I don’t think we have to go on Friday right this [ __ ]

Guy bro no I need to know cuz like I’m generally like oh man I might play hookie again oh my goodness I don’t know if I want to build it though should I I mean we kind of want to do like an underground idea have we decided on that yeah that’s tripping me

Out actually yeah Anthony I I came back I don’t know if we should do that though you might see some weirdo walking around with a man bun that’s me or a ponytail holy [ __ ] you know I can’t wear my hair down at schol like nobody else sees that

Unless I’m out around like when I go to school I look professional somewhat you you know but on the weekends I fing look wild dude on the weekends that’s your time to like you going to like chill out you know refresh the hair no dude cuz

Every time I my hair in a [ __ ] bun or something like it actually pulls on my head I like why does it do that cuz it’s too tight though yeah like how do I stop that from happening Hayden came back like how do I stop that [ __ ]

From Happ it hurts I so what I do is like kind of do it Loosely so my man buns usually look a little bit more messy so then I can come off every two seconds oh yeah you don’t have that long hair no I do like my hair is long it is

It’s not you’re not as long as mine it is long though it’s like really long actually like it’s just about to be touched my shoulders I mean like the back already does to be fair bro like when I get a cut though like how do I like what do I do you

Know yo usually I got the sides cut but I think I’m the [ __ ] out of here dude yeah know I’m I’m starting to grow out the sides cuz it looks really nice when you have the sides long I’m never doing that again I know but like I know

But I put like a hat on though so like mine looks spiffy as [ __ ] when I have a hat on yeah know I don’t wear a hat because I look like the [ __ ] newspaper deliverer I’m like [ __ ] I’m I’m the dude that you know what’s what’s

That movie water boy they made a whole damn movie about me oh my god dude exactly I think so too yeah it might be might I mean I’m gonna grow it out anyway so yo wait Alex am I supposed to be a junior or what you you are a

Junior yes you are a junior I’m supposed to be actually no technically you’re a senior you’re a senior you’re a senior but I’m a senior because I’m an early grad so yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m back Anthony I’m back to the same school you are Anthony he’s a smart kid so they

Bumped him up to a senior here now cuz he’s a nerd it happens yo I have fuing two his I was going to do the same thing but then I’m yo Anthony do you have Miss Meadows he watch Anthony be like I hate that Miss Meadows [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this is a wonderful

Little reunion I still have 12 likes though so I’m not playing with you N I already told Ezekiel I wasn’t going to play so I could play Minecraft tonight actually nice yeah so I guess I’ll just do it during Christmas break like Thursday but Anthony uh what lunch you

Have I have second lunch we just do tomorrow what the no because I like to play it when it’s later at night you know when did I come so this is a nice little reunion eh yeah kind of crazy who would have thought a [ __ ] Minecraft I know see that first

Oh that sucks ass but um how is lunch determined is this like the last name or something no lunch is just whatever class room like science I think his second lunch math is whatever and so on but um yeah it’s weird Okay interesting but um yeah I came back what

Probably almost a year ago no my I got office a third period the [ __ ] office y [ __ ] I was about to say what is off I don’t know what that is Yo Anthony we’ll definitely have to meet up eventually then I do not know how to work cords dude holy

[ __ ] I could see that okay go miles I just saw you go in the circle like four times but um it’s like free period oh oh that’s dope oh my God I wouldn’t want to sit in the office though [ __ ] yo who’s that Mr Atley I hate that

Dude yo quit doxing your [ __ ] principal bro my God he’s not my principal are high schoolers y but yeah know Mr Atley was like oh I don’t know if you can graduate and then the principal’s like yeah you can you can graduate early I’m like oh sweet yo qu doxing your [ __ ] teachers

Bro my God yo I am not doxing my teachers hey I don’t care if people know where live last name yes the [ __ ] it is bro that is Ling doc I don’t care if they know where I live yo yo I literally will share my location no you won’t just shut the [ __ ]

Up for real at Le just so annoying I don’t like him these guys you know he okay about yourself my friend what about yourself when when I tell him that I want to graduate early he kicks his feet up on his desk and goes hm and he like

Starts putting up his fingers as if this some like [ __ ] animated [ __ ] and he’s like thinking to himself he’s like oh and I was like oh my [ __ ] god this dude who the hell kicks her feet up as if they’re like that important dog I’m not going to lie that teacher I

Me that pissed me off better not [ __ ] die y don’t just stand there buddy [ __ ] I’m oh my God like 80,000 of yo what the [ __ ] yo your Shield’s going to break yo this [ __ ] dog bro yo I’d block myself in there Jesus Christ no you [ __ ] locked him back out there with

You holy [ __ ] Anthony so um give me that I I don’t know I look kind of different from when I used to yeah you look like a [ __ ] grown man but you still sound like a virgin so it’s fine yo I know your ass ain’t talking you only grew out your hair cuz

I grew out mine yeah that’s fair I know I stupid as [ __ ] when I had short hair broy first period i have computer whatever the hell second I have oh God what second guitar yo my inventory man [ __ ] the carrots nobody even likes those what the hell do I have third oh I

Have that science class and then last I have English I’m taking the go horn I need the arrows as well oh we locking in arrows holy [ __ ] hey we’re going to war I Declare War let’s go you have eight people watching right now dog how do you feel pretty cool actually it’s pretty

Nice I drop that [ __ ] ASAP that [ __ ] sounds stupid let me take the [ __ ] damn that dud next semester I have actually we’re taking it and we’re going to do something ready okay um yo what did I tell you I had next oh yeah I have English 12 talking about my dog my

Dog oh my God my dog dying yo you have to three yeah holy [ __ ] what is happening what in the [ __ ] yo you have to go three up remember they need both things open at the top yeah I know I know I know holy [ __ ] just get out of there

Dog but yeah know Anthony I have two histories English in study hall my boy get theu out of here buddy where’s my oh no we’re leaving I’m sorry Pig if you were my dog yo feed your dog he’s about to Die oh let the Golem cook holy [ __ ] I don’t want the bad Omen though my dog know if you let the dog kill it you’ll be fine my dog dead no he’s right there oh wait he’s right there you and I buddy holy [ __ ] barely oh what oh it’s CU you hit

Him I hit what my dog I didn’t hit my dog no you hit the omen dude so oh my God are you [ __ ] kidding me hey I told you L [ __ ] there’s a lot of them that sounds stupid sounds like a sorry Pig it’s you or my

Dog come here buddy hey hey Reaper come here what’ you name him Reaper you survive that [ __ ] all right we’re we got Yo is Thomas and Galaxy and everyone else still here you said eight people here you guys about school exactly this is so boring yo can you oh there’s galaxy oh

And there’s Thomas sweet they’re just fing and then there’s squid what about our Asian guy I just got can we figure out how to say his name instead of Asian guy I know who it is where oh he’s still here as well it’s more funny no bro no [ __ ] way no y how’s

Everyone doing holy [ __ ] BR weak dude no bro Reaper’s dead Reaper so [ __ ] dead yo let Reaper cook oh oh my no oh [ __ ] come on being little bastard Jesus Christ yeah if you want to leave until morning yo leave until morning and I’ll tell you when it’s day and then you can

Join back and leave damn it I keep I can’t the out of a barn holy [ __ ] all right I get in this guy I might just light the for on fire to get rid of it I am trying so hard to keep this guy alive of course I can’t

Kill my god get this dog out of the way Braxy I just had my dog I didn’t the whole [ __ ] oh my God my dog chill yo you know what we’re going to make our way out of this one damn that was way too much come on Reaper we’re out of here just wanted doer that oh my I’m died to a [ __ ]

Spider I just shot my dog okay this is some crooked little stuff right now make the [ __ ] hurry up hurry ass up oh my God bro I’m so bad with the crafting oh my what a yo Reaper you’re [ __ ] dead dude yo you’re so low I know I’m low wise guy I understand

This I don’t know what to do I don’t know I would just leave the game d yo I don’t this H is so weak oh WR I’m good guys I’m holding in I’m holding in strong should I light the forest on fire or should I just cut it all down with my

Axe Jesus [ __ ] you know what you should do bro my dog is so dead what am I supposed to do you just said you know what you should do my dog’s so dead what do you want me to do bro yo this dog need 1p yo how weird is that I know someone

That’s the same damn way yeah I learned it from you Dr squ don’t worry hey come here come here Reaper get over here where you at buddy all right’s he’s locked in up he’s locked in up we’re good look first of all you tell me run just

Just run if you can I’m not running when these dudes are are thirsting your down body bro that’s a stupid idea I’m not running no and then you’re like soon you die you go well damn maybe I should have ran yeah I know that cuz I told you it right I’m out of

Here you’re trying to play fortnite later I mean like you just were whining about that you [ __ ] don’t nah N I want to play my game but then I ended up canceling it for you dog oh my and now I got to wait until Thursday night to do it no no no we

Didn’t cancel I got 13 likes but no I didn’t get 13 likes haha someone un like I already uh are you sure we didn’t have 13 we had 12 yeah yeah we had to game with somebody M okay um yeah know I told them I missed

And it’s fine so you know screw it dog I’ll buy the game myself please dog oh my God bro why are you going to how much is it it’s like literally five bucks it’s not even matter how much is it you’re not buying the game that’s you

Know what you know what I promise you you could get some crazy content out of it obviously don’t live stream yo I Promise You It’s the funniest [ __ ] in the world D we’re playing it later tonight a deal at and then you made a deal at oh

God I hope my credit card doesn’t tell my parents I my Mone [ __ ] it I’mma do it D no you’re not stop Y no so I had this kid right and he’s like yo can you give me that YouTube converter and that’s how I watched like all my [ __ ] [ __ ] in class you know I’m like sure I gave it to him and he’s

Like [ __ ] you know how they have those damn popups yeah like whenever you click on it just brings you to the next place mhm like I’m watching it click on it and it [ __ ] brings him to jerk Ma on his school cromebook and I’m just pretended like I

Didn’t see it and I’m like okay well I’m never using that one again oh my God bro that poor [ __ ] guy when I was like holy [ __ ] I told him yeah DG I wouldn’t use it cuz I don’t know what light sights it could bring

You to you know and he’s like ah don’t stress it yo okay speaking of that story time all right oh God you know how I used to have to work with uh computers at the old school and like I’d fix them and [ __ ] yeah well we also get to see their like

Search history and crap and there was this girl we’re going to name her we’re name her like salty or something I don’t know she she was a [ __ ] okay so we’re name her salty all right we’re going to name this lady salty what the [ __ ] is up with you my God she’s an

[ __ ] anyways so I’m talking to Salty and he’s like I need you to fix my no I need you fix my stuff right so the first thing we obviously did like it works it works so we can go in and try to see what we can fix on it right MH so the

First thing me and my homie do is go through the search history cuz we’re like we got to know we’re a little nosy right of course you are and Rocky tells us yo I’d be careful going through that you know we’re like why what’s up and he said cuz that girl

Got caught searching up porn on her Chromebook before twice actually yeah and like the school knows about it so like whenever they see her they’re like that’s the girl that search like what job is this how did you even how were you able to do this what

Do you mean like to see it yeah what did you like sign up for cuz remember how I was doing it and I got to fix stuff and like skip classes for it and [ __ ] oh yeah yeah that’s right that’s right that’s right you’re right you know Rocky was [ __ ]

G didn’t he quit yeah know he works at a hospital now making a lot more better money than a teacher would sadly he was a good teacher though I’m trying to figure out these cords hold on so I go this y I give I give all my credit to Rocky for learning

Blender yeah he blend he taught you he taught you blender he didn’t teach me it but like he was my main motivation like during class he’s like yo you guys could do this and this and this and this and I was like all right let’s try it that was

Always the best at it but like but there’s also only like three of us so like you know but we always used to pop jokes with them [ __ ] I text him every now and then I’m like yo dog I miss you being a teacher all my other teachers lame as

Hell can say that they had their teachers well Rocky is like Rocky never wanted to really be a teacher in the first place you know why did the guy do it then I mean the state that he was in you know I’m not going to say the state but

It’s kind of hard to get jobs in that state bro my inventory is hacked I you know there’s not enough population so yeah that’s true that is true especially that state there’s nothing really technical that you could work for there in that state yeah that’s true he’s the best teacher I think I’ve

Ever had I might get him to write my recommendation letter yeah you should that’s what I was thinking what’s crazy is I actually might might be able to do really good on sats hey dude did good on one [ __ ] so and now he’s all hyped up no I I’m good

At math it’s the English one I was scared about oh [ __ ] do they have science onol yeah no this the uh ACD I think it is I think okay what what all do they have on the S Sol’s there is no it’s an SAT and it’s s is what I just

Did I know it’s reading WR wrting and um and math and then it’s and you have writing is one yeah writing so I am screwed for that one reading’s going to reading and math have to carry cuz I can’t spell it is all added together

Though yeah so if I just do really good on reading and math I’ll would be fine oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude I messed up no just run away from it that’s not your village is it no but I messed up though I’m not like hey get the D forget the

Villager let me lock in all let me lock in holy [ __ ] dude I need I need meat though die all hold on I’m going to go check out the steam page cuz I have a few bucks I just want to see what all this is you are not

Buying that game do stop no I am not talking about that game I’m just talking about like I’m checking out all the games you know hold on bro I need to find some meat this he’s going to Die I’m sorry but it’s you guys or it’s my dog my dog dog they have fimer simulator what the [ __ ] you know how my dad always call me poofing it y chill yo that’s not a bad thing calm down calm down bro I’m actually you don’t even know what it

Means no I don’t I know I’ve seen your grades shut the [ __ ] up bro I’m just kidding dog I love you dog what did you just do Place water to get him away yeah and it works it didn’t really dream delay my boy yo dog I just watched it it’s not stream

Delay all right it is worked I got away oh my neck just cracked like 80 times yeah know I heard it Jesus yo what’s on my wish list oh the day before that game finally released how expensive is this game where’s this dude at yo keeping my dog alive that’s

Priority number one right now holy [ __ ] dude this is dog you’re not buying the game all get off steam why are you yelling at me I am an adult no you’re not yo where is this guy at what the [ __ ] is going on yo am I supposed to notice he’s at

Or yeah you know what’s crazy I’m going go on ezekiel’s uh times for those games all right yeah yeah do it actually do it say 20 seconds yo I okay so view profile y somebody please am I missing something yo how on how on how I it I

Don’t even want to say it I feel okay don’t worry about it he told me this last night but I forgot it was this much oh my God no I’m just Kidd he only has five what the [ __ ] I I love eel I’m just sad cuz he wouldn’t play it with me

Tonight you are the one that said no to playing on well you said you wouldn’t play I’m not going to finish that s for yet I’m not playing okay well buy one then oh what is that is a whole ass memory oh oh damn yeah my dead he feel so rich did

He actually die FNAF sister location FNAF games I can’t keep up the go at the oh hello puppet is a good game area y oh ever aim at my dog again yeah it seems like he buys a bunch of games and then just never touches again I’m going to have a conversation about

This yo how many games do he have it has to add up to like 10K hours what no I’m not new FNAF game There You Go Thomas do what Thomas said do for us to new suggestion oh the VR one that would just be you dog it’s a single player

Game yeah I’m going to be [ __ ] scared shitless but okay we’re near but I I’ll guide youly long s what the hell is that yo yo what the hell crazy yo this is the last time I ever going Ral [ __ ] Dog nice we did it we did it Reaper we survived some more [ __ ] he said the VR1 is correct yeah yeah know it’s uh FNAF security breach something isn’t it but it’s not like the actual security breach game it’s like don’t know explain it Ezekiel has a total of 2,000 hours on

VR chat 2,000 hours holy [ __ ] dude 2,000 that that has to be about like a year right that’s a long ass time 2,000 divided by 24 cuz there’s 24 hours in a day oh that’s 83 days dog D then what the hell sound pad he said

He said no I think it was help wanted or something you said the wrong thing oh help wanted yeah there’s that one and then there’s a new one like it just came out it’s like FNAF security breach VR or something I think so let me check cuz I’m already on the scene first

Door FNAF is it FNAF help one and two yeah it’s not SC you just help on it too the second one yeah I know yeah he’s right he’s right I’m wrong but it has a bunch of the characters from security Beach right holy [ __ ] dog it looks so

Cool 0 y should should I buy it I always want the which one FNAF Help Wanted uh two good dog then you can stream it do I’m not streaming why it ain’t my goal to dream uh it ain’t my thing for stream mean make him [ __ ] it’ be funny if

You did this got to like it do it why not nah I’ll leave it for you dog mhm yo I’ve seen a bunch of like five nights at and it’s ripoffs but they’re hilarious like there was a five nights at what was that it’s not like it’s like

Um okay some these aren’t even legal to say on stream holy [ __ ] oh my God about well at least you can play Five Nights at floa fla however you pronounce it five nights at back rooms why who Edition yo y guys should I stre this should I stre this

Guys head over my head over my channel we’re going to play Five Nights at back rooms y Edition sh hey you want a saddle yes me yes who yeah yeah no no I’m asking T I’m all right all right you ask him yeah I’m asking you bro oh no I

Don’t yo wait we should play jackbox you remember jackbox TV no that in my life what the [ __ ] okay so basically you would stream it and um everyone else has to watch your stream and they can join in and it’s like for example maybe it was like create a word that resembles

This you know or like like there’s a bunch of them like um I got six people on my stream let’s not get to ahead of ourselves here no it’s like only a 4 to eight player game Max yeah we could totally do that dog one day that’d be [ __ ] cool as hell

What [ __ ] in the building actually [ __ ] I think I have it owning owned on my iPad I could just literally stream to you would they have to pay for it as well no they just go to Google and then they type in jackbox.tv and I host it for my

IPad here hold on I’m I’m going to share you a video real quick I’m going to find a video of it just to explain it well yeah know I did this with a bunch of people before and we all had a blast why not me a third down let’s do

It I’m going to we’re on Discord yeah all right then share damn it bro what was I going to do what was I doing oh I don’t remember oh so basically we’d share the TV scen right so we’ll you’ll stream it right mhm they go to this link jackbox.tv they

Type in the code and then whatever their name wants to be and then there’s a bunch of mini games like for example let’s go to jackbox actually I’ll just check Steam okay Jack boox for example there’s one of who’s faking it and like obviously we can’t play that one but you’d have to

Guess who’s lying but like on there’s ones where can’t explain there’s like drawing ones it’s just like whoever’s funnier you vote for them or the up or down [ __ ] trivia there’s like a thousand games on here sounds cool I’m not going to lie man that’d be [ __ ] fun as H just

To play with a bunch of your viewers and [ __ ] and friends yeah nevere oh my [ __ ] god dude this dog my bad buddy I’m a bad on her come here all right we’re out here Ezekiel and I said um Ezekiel I’m going to buy one of those games recommendations keep in

Mind he hasn’t responded yet but keep in mind he has 100 hours on one of [Laughter] them [ __ ] life you oh my God yo I’m going to I’m going to stream um escape the bathrooms no Five Nights At The Back rooms Wu edition if anyone wants to watch

Later this this game’s going to go crazy hard I’ll watch it was like a $3 game you know what maybe I should make a video where I play the cheapest shittiest games on Steam do it dude oh Outlast is on sale but I can’t [ __ ] play Outlast cuz I can terrify [ __ ] that’s

A so sir I’m put like can I not search anything yeah yeah and then I’m going to go to I would guess Indie anyone that makes it by themselves right like usually those games aren’t very good uh by user reviews so this is starting at highest

So I need to go all the way down y I’m so glad I have infinite scroll [Applause] wheel y this [ __ ] horse bro are you talking about the um [ __ ] that Big R oh my God [Applause] [ __ ] this [ __ ] dude just start getting scared like that yo whatever you got him

Reer P told me get the dungeon when it looks hot of course you knew that oh I got a fast one too nice holy [ __ ] dude let’s go Reaper [ __ ] my dog at of course he’s taking a [ __ ] fight my god dude this dog bro I can get Rob actually can i

D oh this dude is hauling ass oh it’s cuz of my dog if I search worst is that like is this Ser what trying to find shitty games for 99 cents and it’s a mostly negative game yeah the trailer is in three frames for [Applause] second oh God it looks like there’s puzzles

Well you’re not passing that game then eh [ __ ] rock with a [ __ ] Hammer oh that’s good this [ __ ] looks fire dog I’m put this to my wish oh [ __ ] what it said it was 99 Cents now it’s 16 I am not paying 16 for that stupid [ __ ] hey Will Will lightning strike me

Down I don’t know strike me down Zeus you don’t have the balls Yo um blank diary double trouble I’m I’m buying it oh chill I’m trying to find the [ __ ] worst games I searched up worst and it’s giving me like decently looking cool games what the [ __ ] is that that [ __ ] is just flying yo how do I find the worst games on Steam

Is there like a search filter for Worse what the hell’s way the day starts as always you choose what’s the most important and go fishing you have no idea how dangerous and incredible will be your journey you have only yourself and you got what I’m fine fin that can spawn bro

Where you at you have you have got yo you have got to survive on an open ke hey hey tto what would you guys like what what other games you guys would like like to see yo if they know any ass games for me

To play th why do you want to play ass games cuz they’re cheap and it would be funny I think just play a bunch of bad games and making Slammers on them would be [ __ ] awesome yo screw it I’m getting five nights to the back rooms where you

What yo hold on I’m going share my screen real [Applause] quick all right check it out ready hold up hold up guys I’m going to stream it later don’t worry everyone gets to see hey shout out your YouTube channel Qui I don’t know which one you’re going to stream on

But I’m going make a new one if I’m streaming this actually I think it’s PG-13 how do I check he said ready or not hey hey what happened to Reaper bro no [ __ ] way Aiden wants me to get that R so bad okay it doesn’t have an age limit I

Don’t know where it says age Limits go ready make that your choice 13 no yeah that’s your choice I can get the DLC floor 4 bundle oh oh I’m not getting that [ __ ] no yo dog are you looking no dog hurry up I have to show you so I can look at new Game Y I am not safe

Right now yo box yourself up as you told [Applause] Meing one review oh this game contains content you have asked not to see okay yeah maybe maybe I won’t be streaming this guys no dude what the [ __ ] is going on [ __ ] thought I was reloading this thing what y wait lethal company is number one on the store already yo

Lethal company is so [ __ ] good battler gate or whatever is second yo lethal company I think should have won the gameward like I’m not saying it’s the best game ever but what I am saying is like it definitely I think outranked it at the time it’s good I’ll tell that ready or not

Saying hey what’s your opion on lethal company Thomas I love that game hey wait later you what do AAL company eventually yeah say us love boom Man scary oh caps though oh no I love my pants have been pissed say what boo man scares me I this dude I I’m about to

Break the [ __ ] award for the amount of mobs like wait wait wait Thomas you said buy don’t have spare change to B holy [ __ ] yeah isn’t ready or not like 20 or 30 on ready damn he’s talking about Leal company 50 yeah talking about hey bro

Stream next time put Don on I’ll Don 5 bucks buy again y it ain’t five bucks how much is it wait what how much is it 10 [ __ ] did I get you EO company yeah yeah I remember cuz you like dog you didn’t just gift it to me you [ __ ] me

So M I’m building here this is myce spot hey does look pretty dope is this it how do that hang on let me let me let me just imagine I’m going Google worst Steam games on Google I don’t know if I could build this into the the idea the dream

Idea I want wor I’m finding AOW dude bottom 100 worse number one is war of three kingdoms of the worst that sounds cool I think it’s in Chinese wait are they just dissing bottom game Thomas how how did you find my channel did you was it a search or

Was it just did I just come up like just pop up come up because if I like search up yours you know I can’t find yours right away I have to scroll down a little bit because there’s someone with like 1.5k with same name I know but I have the S that’s why

I put the S on my name but it still won’t let me it’ll still go to posidon right and I’ll still show the other dude first yo according to this the bottom 100 worst theme games second is OverWatch third is modern Warfare OverWatch of the worst what it’s this is C [ __ ] way

Dude yeah they they’re just some kids lost and [ __ ] OverWatch it was like [ __ ] this game oh [ __ ] yo there’s a whole group dedicated to the worst Steam games yo could you imagine how sad it’d be if you spent all your time making a steam game then all said you just see

Your game in this group what you see oh you see G yeah no kidding dude I feel like I don’t know never mind yo I think we need to give some of these games a break I think we got to try them out yeah so we can call him ask get out

Of here on your algorithm I love your algorithm my friends holy [ __ ] dude coming in clutch for me the year is 1982 okay bad what’s wrong with 1982 I know I got be I’m I would honestly if I could go forward or backwards in time I’d probably go backwards a 1982 eh

Not what the hell happen you good yeah you good I tripped over my headset Gord I you’re not you know what dog I’m going start recording again CU I’m make a new channel and everything yeah but first I’m going go pee yeah hey holy [ __ ] dude Hey Thomas you think I should build

Like in this area thing I know it’s a pretty nice area what about you Asian guy look out of here we still few other Village D yo pick up the sword there we go all right check some things out here that’s still [ __ ] rip off okay wait don’t I need

Um how do I make the like the the loom not the L the uh Le ter is it longterm Le it’s Le it’s got to be le turn isn’t it turn Li turn Li turn maybe I’m sorry bro I’m sorry holy [ __ ] he said bro it’s just funny at this

Point yeah I think this place is all right as well I just kind of wanted to do like a I I kind of wanted to find a snow biome but if he’s building so far if he’s building here I mean I don’t want to be that far away you

Know as okay wait hold on I wanted to do what was I going to do oh yeah oh what the [ __ ] oh it’s that M Hut thing got you okay um hold up I got to look up how do you make it to make el next Turn SL on a bookshelf I can make that how do you make a bookshelf wait how the hell they make a bookshelf wait it just like this wait uh it’s not like that okay wa what the hell oh it’s three books and then planks or yeah Planks on top

Okay all right so we got this that yeah that makes more sense and then it’s damn it dude oh God how was it was like this yeah so now we get all right now we find a villager lock his ass up you’re the Frozen one tohe sorry

Buddy all right so should we feel like this huh two is wild who who who whoa all right how do I make how do I make the Villager like notic Le don’t worry about it that means there’s another one that’s trying to bring get

Assigned to it I bet are you in a normal village yeah and there’s only there’s only one I think there’s only there’s only one dude here there’s only one guy here though are you sure all the rest are gone yeah I’m sure are you sure he knows that

That’s his village like does he have a bed and everything yeah he’s sleeping in it oh well if he’s sleeping I don’t think he’s going to change his job no I’m tching him he’s waking up okay maybe just wait till the morning sleep cuz I’m not in the game right now

So get the [ __ ] out of bed then Jesus [ __ ] nearby oh my god oh it’s right there maybe that was the reason I you know what I think there’s some villagers can’t have a job oh oh wait is it a green one is it a green one I don’t know it’s a Christmas

Yeah yeah it’s a if it’s a what do they call it CL no it’s a green I don’t know it’s if it you could turn off your resource pack off and on so like just check if it has a green thing then it won’t change its

Job if it does then yeah it won’t change its job any color but it can’t have that Green Toe get the [ __ ] out of here they’re all green bro no shot dog hold on disable your texture pack cuz it might be like they made it bro no I know that’s why I’m

Saying disable your texture pack cuz it could be all villagers look the same you know so turn it off real quick oh how do do how do I do it again what are you trying to do get him to be the electon dude dude yeah then all you got to do is

Break all the farming things you got to break his farmer pot to comp compost composters whatever [ __ ] your mic you got to make sure he can’t join any other job y were you trying to give the little dude a job what no not the little guy I was about to say no wonder

He ain’t getting no job what are you echoing right now no but I’m lagging oh oh my God bro how do I do this [ __ ] yo break the brown composter right there that’s all you have to break to your right where dude the thing that’s next to the

Farm oh there the thing you put the seeds in to get bone meal that’s miles over here though [ __ ] what are you talking about it’s am I delayed on the stream oh I’m delayed by [ __ ] agent that’s my bad yo I was on like four nights before I don’t know how we’re even

Communicating that’s some [ __ ] yo place a block and then destroy it trust gone wait what place a block and then destroy it oh my gosh stop place a block destroy them. I am what anytime that happened to me I just had to place it and then come back he said

What I’m actually kind of confused now I’m not going to lie I’ve got 12 minutes to do this [ __ ] bro come on walk in why 12 minutes all right my boy H Dizzle I hope you have a fantastic night thank you very much for stopping by the stream I

Actually truly appreciate that thanks brother oh oh RP man I’ll miss you have a good night all right hold up bro how in the [ __ ] oh it’s back [ __ ] out of here dude is weird what’s up my boy you doing I oh my [ __ ] god oh oh my God piss me

Off okay this is tripping don’t know what’s going on no more give me that okay dog please help me how do I do this yo check your check turn off the texture pack and see if he’s a green person dog how this like how do you turn off resource

Yeah oh it looks awful now holy [ __ ] see like good night all right so how do I oh don’t worry about dog I’m a does that work dog I got this dude named server [ __ ] whispering to me like shut the hell up for a second know who this guy is some

Guy joined is there press tab press tab see if there’s anyone in no no nobody’s in what the hell are you sure are you screwing with me dog no dog someone’s not no one’s in loyalty three is that good [ __ ] not really but wait I’m watching check your check your show me your

Chat I don’t know no one’s going see hey check my chat the the Asian guy said something to you yeah I know I said good night yoe give me something good dog yeah who the [ __ ] is this guy beat his ass server bro what the hell are you talking about

You’s some here he is you said you just said server bro do you want be oh my God quit giving me SES bro yeah I can’t find any good Steam games I don’t know how do I find good Steam games yo what protection do good like is that

Worth it huh uh I wouldn’t do it until it’s protection 4 but Reaper can you boy what about flame I mean flame goes on bows and you can you know [ __ ] does this guy think he is bro I’m GNA beat his ass oh my God and you just dox the [ __ ] IP

Address too what a guy huh I was kicked dog this dude just [ __ ] kicked me I am beating his ass wait what the hell no wait I actually see it it says it it says that one joined and left yo maybe you should get off our damn server you brought like Herobrine

Or some [ __ ] on there um yo how’s the audio right now on my stream can you check hold on yeah let me check let me check I need iron a lot of it holy [ __ ] yo it sounds good it does sound good yeah actually how bro what the

[ __ ] I think it sounds good hey Anthony says that [ __ ] sounds bad bro on I’ll turn it back on cuz I my headphones died so like I gota wait till these [ __ ] shs up so I can’t do anything till then well I don’t know what the hell your

Headphone sounded like without it so we’ll skip the stream back like 20 minutes just move the cursor back oh yeah this is the worst thing ever he just said no it’s good okay I don’t know how the [ __ ] it’s good but okay I can hear the turbo jet in the

Background yo is that mine no I don’t have a turbo that’s fine on everything that’s mine bro that [ __ ] you have a [ __ ] turbo jet in the background guys he’s playing on a PS4 right now so don’t worry about it no I’m playing on a [ __ ] PS3 dude this [ __ ] is insane

No yo it’s my fans bro they go crazy I’m not even GNA lie like I actually took just give it like five more minutes and I put my headphones back in this [ __ ] guy bro oh I love that yo where am I going to find iron though that was a terrible MLG but

Diamonds ho [ __ ] dude oh this is a beautiful little area there we go yo how much yeah this [ __ ] dude bro who the [ __ ] are you talking about dog yo how do I never mind hey yeah how how much iron exactly is an anvil do you know I think

So 9 18 27 plus 4 to 31 my God [ __ ] dude okay that’s unfortunate we’re going to lock in all right if you didn’t have this modded ass server maybe I would be able to do it yo it ain’t modded I promise oh the mobs are insane I have to make armor like

Three times you know I’m literally just I guess it’s normal Minecraft is insane he said he can hear a turbo jet love that y I’m not finding anything for games can you not hear me when I click my CU I’m like slapping my space bar right now there’s no way you can hear

That y you just [ __ ] said facts y please tell me why this [ __ ] this this skeleton Paul’s ass every time my my my Uh my dog Jesus this is like a St game I like a what like this is a type of game you get high to or something I’m trying to find bad games but like they’re all so weird holy [ __ ] I clicked on the wrong [ __ ] button hey Reaper are you alive holy

[ __ ] Reaper’s fine holy [ __ ] dog what how am I alive I don’t know on half a heart die I was trying to find [ __ ] iron dude I can’t believe I’m looking at yo I just read a post that said what is the worst Steam games you played the number one

Person that said it was Terraria yo get this [ __ ] guy out of here bro Terraria is Peak fiction it is so good Trey is so good bro I don’t even care what nobody says well I’m just going to do search by rating and then just go all the way

Down actually I’ll just go by release date so any game that’s uploaded recently I’ll be able to see cuz surely people are posting some bad games this month right probably not oh I was right I was right is this Minecraft holy [ __ ] you know respect to

The dude make games aren’t easy so like honestly I respect these guys even if their games are kind of ass no way master master of pieces jakea puzzles cat family Christmas dude I was waiting for the Christmas fck are you talking about y I’ve been waiting for this [ __ ]

Game y wait what the hell why is this game actually kind of cool what the hell these games are actually oh what the [ __ ] is that all right I take back all the cool cool looking games [ __ ] just got ruined by one game three games don’t worry about it Reaper bro holy [ __ ]

Oh uh it was an accident but it’s fine he locked in Berry carrot what what in the hell is what are you looking at a [ __ ] dude dressed up in a bunny costume and he’s like a [ __ ] little [ __ ] dude and he just sneaks around

People I don’t know what I might be fine in the Wars game this shit’s awesome yo who the hell wants to play math World nobody even likes math you do you right this [ __ ] guy bro escape from boy boy gear oh what the hell the graphics actually

Look weirdly good oh it oh nope I am not playing that [ __ ] holy [ __ ] dude what the hell my God bro please this [ __ ] dog dude yo maybe you should leave it in one place holy [ __ ] Reaper is with me till the end Mech Academy I’m not going to lie this kind

Of looks like a porno G oh oh [ __ ] he saw titty and now he’s like no no they’re scary yo what the hell why is there so many non decent games on Steam I’m dead [ __ ] [ __ ] dude did anyone post on Steeve my own [ __ ] business worry about that guy all right I’m going go catch all right brother I’ll see you I appreciate you all right see you ftic I’m not lie what the [ __ ] bro home Defender dog no holy [ __ ] this game is bound to be the best game in the

World Reaper just a Prof No you [ __ ] kill those zombies yo dog think I got an idea man what the [ __ ] bro I might be able to bring him back all right [ __ ] bro I’m going to make a grave hold on you want him to come back [ __ ] bro Reaper and I were tight he

Was like that what dog yes or no what do you mean yes or no do you want me to bring him back he’s [ __ ] dead this is a sad [ __ ] moment bro Reaper and I were tight bro we was like that no bro [ __ ] bro that dog and I bro that dog

Survived so much don’t worry about it [ __ ] bro yo rejoin in a second dog no bro [ __ ] yo what are you doing you like restarting some [ __ ] cuz I just got a lot of iron dog just trust join back is Reaper back is it on all right try to join now I’m not

Sure if it’s on yet or not this is you reverse time just reverse time bro don’t worry about it how the [ __ ] yeah Reaper’s still dead dumbass no he’s not he’s somewhere it’s a save from a little bit ago did you jump down there yet no cuz Reaper should still be alive

Somewhere D you took me back like a [ __ ] he’s dead dog damn it do this is a back save dog yo where’s that cave at though it’s over here wait he’s dead bro where is he at did he jump in the lava you can’t you can’t bring back from the dead I’m going

To make a goddamn grave right where he died it’s not it’s not I’m it’s not over until I have Avengers his death where the hell is he I have to avenge doesn’t make sense I restored this area though I have to avenge his death Y what the hell where’s Reaper no

I’m like so confident he’s alive but I don’t know Where what [ __ ] zombie bro yo oh what the I don’t [ __ ] know cuz we should be alive I need to go make a grave I don’t know where he died at though yeah yeah yeah right here [ __ ] let me justop some [ __ ] me y the [ __ ] Minecraft music is going to make you cry Doug wait hold on what happened to my [ __ ] pickaxe there hold on I got an idea is there a way I can hide certain games for my steam being shown yeah don’t buy porn games dog

That’s what that is hang on bro no [ __ ] emotional moment give me a minute like that dog damn it dude no because I survived a whole bunch of [ __ ] too [ __ ] bro this [ __ ] made me mad oh my my God bro all right can all

Right let me let me head down there yo wait what the hell is this game that’s an RPG that you learn Japanese throughout the game like it’ll teach you stuff and then you can like level up get new swords and [ __ ] and then the game will slowly start transferring into Japanese

From things you learn interesting so like it’ll start for example if you learn the word yes is high then it would literally just start slowly cutting out yes and changing it with the Japanese symbols interesting that’s actually [ __ ] smart I like that Jesus I’m way too [ __ ] ballsy with that where did he

Do yo Urban masac $60 who is playing paying 60 for a game that nobody saw Jesus I’m about to [ __ ] join him holy [ __ ] time ladies and gentlemen it’s Time yo [ __ ] these creepers bro [Applause] f [ __ ] is loud boom let’s go May Reaper rest in peace he survived so much you will always be with us I have some tributes for him for the life he had before he fell the things he was able to achieve

The things he was able able to do things I had on me were for him and they are no more may you rest in peace thank you for all you’ve done for me Reaper rest in peace in the afterlife brother dog you ain’t even going to say

A [ __ ] rest in peace come on now my God Rest in Peace dog I am looking at some games that are crushable right now rest in peace rest in peace what questionable games are you looking at what the hell don’t worry about it you mean don’t worry about it

What the [ __ ] I said don’t worry about it I’m still trying to figure out how I can hide games as well so you can’t don’t download those [ __ ] games you need to hide don’t worry about it no I’m worrying about it what do you need don’t

Worry about it I’m worried about it look out of here hold up 1K Subs with no video here let me help out with that let me subscribe there you go I subscribed i f why not actually that’s kind of cool achievement 1K Subs with no video that’s kind of

Dope what in the hell who names himself 1K sub with no video I’ll be honest I don’t care if he’s your not it’s my old account he’s trying it is actually yeah that’s the one I’m watching your stream on oh my God are you actually

Trying to get 1K subs or no uh no that was an old name I had to make a bunch of fake names so I was like I saw a bunch of people have their names like that back in the day so I was like oh [ __ ] actually I’ll just name it that yeah

Holy [ __ ] obviously I didn’t try to get the K but it was more just use so I could get a bunch more okay half these games feel this should be illegal on the steam store but all right okay who the hell goes to steam to buy soundtracks yo we have a thing

Called YouTube 2023 my guy being honest spider Mall oh [ __ ] that looks intense holy [ __ ] it looks good what the [ __ ] yo wait what the hell what it actually looks cool as hell I’m going to stream this game dog do it it’s like two bucks but it’s like a

On how much is it oh it’s five bucks I’m going buy it D hey is there a way to uh like like repair my bow but keep the enchantment yeah you did go on Anvil and add another bow to it and it will keep that same enchantments on it

Yep just going to do it here you know screw it yo doc uh in a minute you want to help me record something sure do I need to end stream yeah that’s why I said later we can do it later no it’s fine it’s fine

Cuz I’m going to buy the game right now and then start downloading are you going to like record the video for the for the yeah and then I’ll share this my screen so you can also like comment no no no no no no don’t worry about it don’t worry

About it no cuz I want you to be there with me yeah but like I don’t need it on my channel though you can keep it on yours I will I will but I want you to like watch it with me dog and play it with me f of my water bucket though

That’s the real question also might as well post it on your CU I mean it’s just [ __ ] two of them at once might as well do it you know all right game do I go to my VI game Library let me cook holy [ __ ] how do I see Ste wish oh [ __ ] some

Goodbye goodbye what’ you say that [ __ ] person text me he’s like yo what you doing I’m like no no nothing why is she so [ __ ] addicted to you now what did you do I don’t know but doesn’t she have a boyfriend she said she did she said she he was out at

Work right now I know I feel like I feel like they should be back at work now so like wait why is she so addicted to you dog what the [ __ ] I hate to be that guy but I’m playing with my brother and that’s all I

Care about like what why is she so in you though holy [ __ ] that is weird that I’m kind of thinking that I just feel bad for her she might be lonely you know she has a boyfriend bro yeah that’s the other thing though like how are you lonely if you have a

Boyfriend I mean I guess that does happen but I mean it shouldn’t be like that dude that’s your significant other that’s you chosen you know how do I go to my buy checkout I have no idea bro everything I got from Steam you’re dumb ass gifted so purchase for myself

It’s called spider Maul dog except sons of the forest except sons of the forest I cooked with that but that’s a fun ass game abusive boyfriend yeah maybe it could be that too yeah oh don’t say that guys uh it could be but like no seriously it could be

Though no no no seriously it could be like in situations people I to bet you just lonely just lonely D that’s the same [ __ ] advice I gave you what do you mean oh yeah you’re right it is yeah it’s not like you’re actually hitting on this girl though it’s just

She’s just she’s just going she’s like Lon no I don’t think she’s even going then I think she’s just trying why do she want spend every minute of every day with you then I don’t even know her dude until [ __ ] 2 a.m. all right purchase are you actually buying the

Game spider Mall just got I’m buying like the [ __ ] worst games I can find well not worst but I’m looking for games that are super underrated ah I got you okay so then I can what the [ __ ] it’s a 5 gigabyte game it looked like a bunch of VHS

Horror [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this might actually be a good game [ __ ] guy bro is it multiplayer or no no I don’t even know if it’s I don’t know if it’s like video [ __ ] or you make stories I don’t know but either way I [ __ ] I just bought it cuz hey it’s a

Small developer and I think we should support small developers no different than me being a YouTuber trying anyway you know but I think everyone should hate on you no I’m just kidding everyone go subscribe to my boy he needs it he he deserves it I don’t know about all I but right

Hold on I’m back at this 30 minutes remaining 10es we got 30 minutes that that daily time is insane holy [ __ ] damn that’s really awesome actually what is daily time it’s like three 3 hours and 45 minutes it’s really good of uh Daisy of the yeah yeah Daisy

I can’t hear you you’re like glitching D actually it’s my Wi-Fi because I’m downloading a game okay got Yo [ __ ] spider mom going to go crazy this guy all right so I think well I’ll wrap up a few more things and then I’ll probably end stream uh and then tomorrow

I’ll stream again and we’ll begin building our well we we’ll we’ll make our final decision and luckily for him he has next week off so he’ll be streaming pretty much all of next week yep that’s good to um I’m going to try and stream stream for Christmas as

Well but you’ll be there for that as well so and uh and then we’re going to but yeah tomorrow’s stream we’ll start working on five the the finale of getting everything ready and then we’ll start the build you’re going to join me for that what are you going to join me for that

We’re going start building yeah yeah I’m just a little bit laggy so yeah I will but hard to hear you this guy at this time yep at this time same time as it was today yep same time or maybe sooner he’ll be streaming a lot more like like

Yeah it’ll also be sooner I mean I’m I’m I’m not just going to stream MC though because I mean I kind of want to wait until till you’re around for that so I mean you’ve got a few things you got to do tomorrow so I’ll probably hop on

Another game maybe I mean there’s a few more things I’ve got to do as well but you know holy [ __ ] I am lagging help me help I’m go make a Dr Pepper float while I my this exact same time all right bro I’ll be back okay yeah no

Problem I’m going just mute my mic cuz my data I mean my Wi-Fi y you’re good puts on all right I’ll be seeing you Thomas thank you so much for stopping by man I really appreciate that looking forward to your uh looking forward to you joining me for the next one all

Right have a good rest of your day oh this is such an awesome stream oh my goodness very cool I’m just waiting for a furnace to go at this point how the hell can make an anvil let’s see here all right whoever’s left or whoever

Is going to end up seeing this at some point thank you very much for stopping by it makes me very very such a w man it makes me so cool or it makes me so happy that that this is this happens it’s super cool

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Christmas World!’, was uploaded by Poseidon’s Gaming on 2023-12-17 02:16:31. It has garnered 69 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:11 or 12071 seconds.

Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/poseidons_gaming thank you tons for joining! I am new to YouTube and plan to keep this going, grab some popcorn and enjoy.

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

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  • CreationSMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

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  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

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  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

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  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

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  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

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  • SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey Survived

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  • EPIC S4 BOY XD – Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!

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  • DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICK

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  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!Video Information Sunny wake up we’re stuck in a circle Minecraft again bro let me sleep how can you sleep in times like this this isn’t right this is cursed by Craft is aut about blocks not circles I hate circles I kind of like them especially if we’re playing hide and seek melon bro it’s time for hide and go seek I’m going to wreck you brother we’ll see about that one sunny I guess it’s just a normal day in Minecraft no moded hide and seek nothing weird going to have wait what’s going on what the heck… Read More

  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

    Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11Video Information yo pohon tanpa daun lagi guys di sini guys kita cek keadaan sekitar yuk Guys kita mukan pohon tanpa daun lagi nih Mantap nih Kita coba hancurin kali ya kalau misal kita hancurin apa yang bakal terjadi sama kita ya Wah mantap Guys kita Menan pohon tanpa daun lagi let’s go [Musik] nah J Kita akan ambil daging-daging What the hell guys What the hell what what the hell guys Yo what Wah ini guys ini sih ini ini ini gila gila wah di sini kita menemukan This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #11 #minecraft #mod… Read More

  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

    URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraftVideo Information I realized that we were getting a cape uh oh yeah you should am I oh I think my game crashed This video, titled ‘This is your reminder to free up space on your hard drive… #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-28 16:00:08. It has garnered 634 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. I may or may not have run out of storage space while playing minecraft… Read More

  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

    Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information how to play subwoofer lullabi from Minecraft on piano easy [Music] Edition now add the left hand [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft – Subwoofer lullaby easy tutorial #piano#nostalgia#minecraft#c418’, was uploaded by Parsa shaaker on 2024-06-22 18:32:03. It has garnered 515 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is my piano tutorial for Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft soundtrack that is made by c418 . . minecraft nostalgia – Subwoofer lullaby tutorial Recorded by parsa shaaker . . 🎹Don’t forget to Subscribe, like and comments! And please click on the bell 🔔… Read More

  • Shadow SMP

    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More