EPIC Minecraft Hardcore #111! What’s Your Favorite Show? ЁЯУ║

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A He He N He He E He Nah He Hello everybody hi how goes it how’s life how’s the wife I was like yeah hopefully good hopefully good oh my good gracious oh my good God M me on my is Molly how yall doing happy Friday happy Friday yo pickle you were first that’s true that’s true am I don’t I don’t know

What you I don’t me L that’d be crazy no that’d be that’d be a crazy thing to do that’ be that’d be a crazy crazy thing to do oh my God yo buy out do he sh oh my gracious fell over there I thought FNAF stre would say

No no no no no it is not it is not F uh I’m thinking next Friday is probably I got to double check but I think next Friday is when I was going to schedule that uh just cuz it it seemed based on some some opinions in the Discord seemed

To be uh what was most viable for the most people but we shall see we shall see oh my good gracious yo howdy chat howdy lurkers howdy V Watchers howdy nap how do tiger I hope you’re well I hope you’re well we’re being chaotic with SH that’s not allowed that’s not allow

Everybody must be very strict organized orderly oh my God yo Angel howdy how howdy howy howdy howdy oh my God my seven fictional kids are doing great let’s go let’s go you got them all registered into um I don’t know uh where do kids go magic Camp is that is that where kids

Go is is that is that what we do with kids these days what’s the first step I guess I guess release them into the Wilderness for a little bit register them to be like rais raised properly in in in in in um in in in the Scout life

Way you know where they got to build their own lean to all at the age of two and a half maybe even actually question if anybody knows this do you guys know why people use months Beyond like a year does anybody else realize that like ever

You ever have somebody talk to you about a baby and they’re like oh he’s he’s he he’s 35 months and I’m like that is over 2 years he’s a he’s a 2-year-old he’s he’s two what do what do you say he’s almost three like what do

What do you mean it anyway that’s a side thing that just happened earlier this week and it still boggles my mind also I’m not late who said I was late oh yeah I am on hands and knees please this is the one well yeah but you run

The vods chit you must surely of all people you would love for there to be a great VOD to check out huh you you would love a real good VOD to like sink your teeth into right right like of anybody clearly oh my God are anthro monkeys

Aren’t we anthro monkeys wait aren’t we all in through wait what aren’t we monkeys already like isn’t that oh my it’s because the first uh about two years of human development uh there’s such significant change from month to month oh don’t bro I I totally get it for that

First year I I get it being like oh he’s he’s 2 weeks old he’s one month old he’s 5 months old like I get that but I feel like past two years yeah but but but I feel like there’s some people out there where they’re like oh he’s he’s um he’s

48 months old I’m like that is four he’s four what are you saying what what do you mean like this is like this is it it it’s it’s one of those weird things some parents do do you think your parents still know do you think if you asked your par like off the

Top of your head if you asked one of your parents today and you were like how many months old am I like they would be like oh well you’re this cuz like kept track do you think anybody has a parent like that who’s like kept track and

They’re like oh well sweetie uh you’re um 3,2 months old I don’t know I okay INF fairness that’s probably way too many that’s probably like it’s probably like 80 years old that’s probably way too many 3,000 months is probably more than has happened in like a century I’ll

Be real now that I think now that I think about it that’s probably more than a human lifespan uh but still oh my God uh I like being here to say the Lord live please well I don’t know what a Lo is so that’s fine that’s 251

Years oh no I’ve been exposed I’ve been exposed yeah secretly I’ve been saying A3 to seem older but really I’m 251 and and and as all as all new Immortals you know you just don’t you just don’t want to get caught in that you know you know your first couple centuries they never

Give you the respect they never give you the respect oh my God but I feel like it’s kind of like this might be a really weird question ddy your parents have like okay wait a minute how do I phrase this so it’s not like a freaky decky question

Um like do your parents keep teeth is that is that like did they like like like for tooth fairy purposes or whatever like like they they they had them for whatever reason and if so does that mean they still have them I feel like I need to call my

Parents I feel like I need to call someone about that I feel like that that’s a dangerous that’s a dangerous thing what if somebody wants to clone me they would be so able I’m so clonable and vulnerable in this position they would just need to they would just need

To locate me familiar and then they would then they then they’d be able to just get my get my get my teeth and they’d be able to slap those bad boys in in the goo and and bada bing bada boom baby I’m cloned like that’s that’s a

Pretty big lapse in judgment my parent even gave me my baby teeth back when I asked I ended up throwing them away because human teeth uh kind of get crumbly if you don’t preserve the oh that makes sense actually a lot of skeletons don’t got they don’t got teeth

Still so that that makes sense you know I get that for now I’m going to Vibe with my friends but that if you betray me I’ll St for 10 trillion years lovingly and I’m joking bye see you all later bye bye have fun bye bye bye MJ

Bye oh my God I mean In fairness my teeth probably won’t crumble I I imagine they’re they’re still in pristine condition just I mean like not not not because like not in the sense of like oh they recently came out or anything just like I imagine they’re in pristine

Condition cuz well like they’re absolutely Best in Class you know like they’re a pristine brand they’re they’re like the Bentley of te you know stupid te are like bones if they dry out they just lumps of calcium bones wait what oh I guess you have like burn bones

They go all like like split a bunch and stuff like that I knew somebody who did that like not to like human bones like they would like burn bones and like read them or something I think they were really into like Aug I don’t know what

Ever happened to them to be quite honest but maybe they’re out there imparting wisdom uh upon the Oracle of delie I don’t know uh we just went out into the staircase and ran back pretty fast cuz there were PE what do you what do you mean what do

You mean like like you’re a little like you’re a little mouse like you’re a little mouse and you came just booking back in you’re like oh God people oh Jesus Christ Miriam get the kids no like what do you mean I I opened the door and there were other human beings outside so

I knew in that moment I had to get out of there oh my God you’re embarrassing he grow up so fast and then they call you embarrassing they don’t want to be seen with you one day you’re there you’re dropping them off at school and the next day they want you to drop

Them off a block away oh where do I go wrong I don’t know why in this I I don’t I don’t know why in this scenario you guys are my kids but but but Elias you know what yeah sure why not there you go no you’re not that’s like I take that

Back I take that back I don’t want to be responsible for any of you I refuse oh my God yo dungeon I meant anthro monkeys as like uh they are kids between me and fictional character who is a monkey demon and has like human intelligent

Dresses as a human as a I mean I still like we are though like we me me monkey me monk me me me you know like like that me that me I man what I wouldn’t give to go Vibe out in like a monkey cage that’d

Be great like not with like like not as me like cuz that would that would suck I would I would get my face would be ripped off uh but like in capacity of like if I were a monkey seems like a great life seems like a great life be a

Big silver back gorilla oh seems pretty great seems pretty cool oh my God tiger no no no first of all I’m French so it would be Papa first of all oh my God to be fair I I’ve just did my buy those sweat pits and I’m not sure

If I want to see that okay fair that that’s that’s valid that that’s all right Fair well in that case you got to do the whole like um what is it was it was it um was it was it like an old Goofy cartoon I forget anyway when they

When they go out and they’re in like a sick they’re in like a sick big night robe and they and they got like the floppy hat on top and and and they got like a little a little candle on a stick you know what I mean you got to always

Have that yo random dude what’s up man oh my God uh what did I join into uh you joined into the most wonderful stream in town happy Friday you joined in the me discuss I think they spawned because I was discussing the concept that like you

Know when you lose your baby teeth and then it’s like oh I put them under your pillow and then then you’ll get a quarter from the tooth fairy or whatever it is like a shiny nickel or something and you’re like G willas yay um cuz I don’t know it’s

1902 and that’s the greatest thing that ever happened uh and so then then you and then you do it and then it’s gone and and you know your parents have it and then they just going to keep it for a while apparently I’ve learned this I’ve learned a lot of people’s parents

Just like have their baby te and I got to say it seems like a problem it’s seems like a moment of concern you know weren’t you supposed to do FF l no I’m not sure where that see normally if I’m going to do a big stream like that I do like

Multiple announcements through the week to be like this Friday give it up for Friday like a ring a bell and stuff like that I go everybody ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for and you know I do a whole thing yeah thank you thank you thank you Applause yes thank you

Uh I do a whole thing to be like oh well you know like this Friday we’re going to be doing this big thing if there’s an event that’s a sub just cuz you know it feel it feels nicer that way but yeah my my aim is probably next Friday to do the

Deep dive into all of the FNAF floor that just seems like a good amount of time you know oh that makes complete sense wow that’s you know awesome they don’t often say that about me they don’t a lot of people they got in thepoon Napoleon get to the point I don’t I

Don’t understand what you’re saying and I go how could you not understand you fiend yeah it turns out um it it’s uh I’m I’m I’m not the most comprehensive in so to speak I mean I think I do well but some people they got they got they got

Variances in their opinions you know um uh you do not make St that but we love you out way no I think I make a lot of sense I in fact I could even make a few dollars how very Droll all right we’re I hope it was the I hope it was the joke I hope it was the I hope it was the dollars and cense humor I hope I hope that just pushed it over the edge and you guys went I don’t even know why

We came to this stream this guy is a lunatic um we need to get out of here this is this is a prop how many of these how many things to play wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute hold on a minute hold hold give me a

Second all right so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 perfect we’re exactly to the right height awesome um and that go like that buoy this is exactly what I needed after this week he yo sounds like the week was

Not very POG I’m sorry to hear that dude but you’re entering the weekend which is always a lot more fun I at least think so or at least an offic the opportunity to be oh my God silly me no I mean you’re good prep for Emil who’s supposed to come over

Soon you say good prep like I’m like I you’re good preparation what what do youan what do you mean I’m good preparation in what capacity like like I’m I’m the warm-up act I’m the opening act he said I’m the opener yes pre-nap yeah I’m the pre I’m the

Pre-nap oh my God uh Absol I’m sorry to hear that dude yeah weeks like that are never fun never fun in the slightest well the good news is is behind you which is normally good news on account of the fact that uh well it means that you can you can you can move

On forward and and the next week will probably be better um all right perfect and then I need these bad boys well first I need these bed boy Baba gabble G um and then like That all right and uh like that like that no no in what world would I have wanted that to happen um perfect um FS are freaking terrible at bro bro I call this simp oh my god oh man that suck yeah those those are those are never

Fun well hopefully it was more a celebration of life type deal than anything that tends to be the best case scenario oh I’m I do my God what do you mean you n oh also what’s wrong with puns you know I think puns are are are truly the the

Peak of human culture you know and anyone who says otherwise is is is just flagrantly lying to them themselves they just don’t want to admit what good what good what good culture looks like you know Tru truth be told we all we all know it to be true in our heart of

Hearts clever word play that is easily easily the best and highest form of comedic effect nothing surpasses it I still have beef with your Towers uh but you don’t uh get the level of his what do you mean you have beef with my Towers what what is wrong with my

Towers what what do you what do you mean you have beef with them likeit these ones or or those ones which I’m so confused so confused this probably quickly becoming like the most developed area of this good Lord is Def flict in psychic punishment good good as As One ought to do listen

Listen it’s a it’s a test of your metal it’s a test of your might it it ensures that you understand life around you you know it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s a powerful thing you know it’s like it’s like the dad joke you know like like you know you know when a

Jokes like you know how to tell if a joke is a dad joke or not I mean surely you know right like the distinguisher between a between a bass pun and a dad joke I mean surely you know right like it’s a parent Let’s go oh my God I think it’s pretty parent guys I think apparent oh God I love it here um no oh why y not Trevy thanks so much for the follow appreciate it so if you’re not Trevy who are you oh my God it’s not Trevy who is it I don’t know

Oh oh my God it’s definitely a test to might of my f what currently leading a revolution against one of my teachers and I have support of my class and many others uh I’m getting her fired huh you what what do you what do you what what what do you mean

What good goog Bo what are you I I’m ending their career I went to my mother and a specific water bottle that I hurt my uh that I hurt Emil pretty bad was still together huh oh my God I don’t really watch TV shows often enough thank you

See somebody answered the question that I asked these questions and no one no one answers them espe the I do like one piece and my only scheduled programing the p in the seven stre let’s go Baby Woo s late my dog killed a square oh God hopefully it was over quickly good

Lord oh my God yeah see that’s the thing is I I feel like I want to show and not to just watch Over the Garden Wall again for the millionth time I mean I’m going to do that too I’ve been starting Shira recently that’s been fun I started Shira

Uh it’s been a really fun time but like I feel like um like I want a few other shows to like just pad out what I can have on you know you Know no biting oh at the end this titled the show dark what’s the show dark H is it is it is it is it a a a a uh is it a melodramatic is a dark series I don’t watch any TV either uh but I did watch cyber Punk Edge Runner which uh

With friends recently oh I found an Easter egg for that um in the uh in the game they added a BD roll into the G I recently decided to give after 2.0 came out I recently decided to give cyberp Punk another chance uh my gripes remain the same and despite everything like

It’s a cleaner experience I I still have my problems with the game that I don’t think can ever be taken out of it because of a lot of reasons like the inherent Inception of the game itself is flawed um for what genre it’s meant to

Be so it fails to be its own genre which is a little sad um but I will say that it was really fun to like just R I found a dumpster randomly put a lot of then I got the the kid U from from that show I

Got his jacket and then I also got a bey that apparently is like the opening sequence of like uh cyber psycho or whatever but Yeah is good om oh season 2 was really good for that show actually it it was very good I wasn’t sure how they’d pull it off but um you know they they had me at uh Bild dad the shoee you know I was like all right they’ve done it this is

This is well done this is perfect this is amazing so all all things said you know I’m I’m pretty sold on it I’m pretty sold um for uh they made good op into a show yeah they make a lot of NE game and the books into shows uh like um uh what’s it

Called um New Gods is that what it was called was it called New Gods um like where where where you know they had like all like all these I think it’s called New Gods it it it’s a good concept badly poorly executed you know what I mean

It’s first season pretty solid second SE season real let down third season fails to get back to the first and now and all they kind of just it it wasn’t really good had a second season yeah it’s real good I mean it ends very well I won’t

Say I won’t spoil anything but it it’s ending is oh whatever you want to take from that um and as they described uh you know I I don’t even know like yeah anyway listen uh of course it’s per uh Sandman I actually I watched the first episode of samman and then I

Didn’t follow through and it’s American Gods that’s what it is that’s what it is uh yeah I I don’t I love the cast in that show but um I forget the actor’s name who plays Wednesday he’s also in the John with movies I adore him I think he’s such a great character

Actor it’s always it’s always it’s always uh it’s always a fun time when you can have a good character actor like that you know what I mean uh is it that it wrapped around yes it is it is that it wrapped around of course of course that’s what I would do

Um and I already place it down there perfect good job Napoleon you you knew what you were doing with this one think I uh I I I planned it out did you now that’s pretty cool EG I worked real hard on it what am I doing what am I I’m now

Having a conversation with myself that that’s um that’s not going to help that’s not going to help um uh huh does a Zer Cy get Celestial divorce h no spoiler she watch it uh no hints for menacing menacing actually has to watch a show ah I will actually watch it

Now probably the best if I avoid spoilers exactly exactly no spoilers no spoilers all right we leave it Okie doie have a good rest of the evening dude hopefully it is a big Pok weekend for you enjoy your time with am or em or if it was em or am or or

Something like that speaking of good movies I’m was a great movie highly recommend it it’s one of those weird good movies you know what I mean I I say weird I guess I just really mean art but yeah I got the a in math yo let’s go oh

My God could never be made could literally never be oh my God meth not not not not a great not a great thing for your boy you know oddly enough I know I know I give I give the impression I give the impression of just being an absolute Sant at mathematics

You know uh like anybody would see me and they’d go well G Willers that that there Napoleon my God he’s got to be good at math uh but no as it would turn out um I’m God awful at it uh it turns out can’t do it just simply cannot and I am

Always consistently in awe of any and all peoples who can cuz it it really is just such a like I love uh the theory of math I think like theoretical math is like interesting it’s not even like a thing of like I’m just not interested

It’s just I can’t do it manoodle it just don’t it just don’t comput in me old Noggin you see it’s just it’s just off ofit that way where where where I just can’t can’t make the two comp you know fun math Whimsical and delightful It’s Magic see that’s what’s sad though cuz

Then I’m like oh man if there was if there was if if magic and Wizardry was real i”d be so sick cuz I’d do x y and Z and I’d just be like hey yo i’ like I I’d spend all day learning spells and then I realized it would

Probably be math and I just wouldn’t be able to I’d just be like I don’t get it and so I’d never be able to learn magic ah well can’t win them all I Guess oh my God I got to get the other side of this little Ravine over here get that little there it is here we go the fair Universe uh I I have no idea how I got a thousand blessings upon you well you just you just had some old some old and ancient Force very powerful Godly being looking out for you maybe cthulu who knows he will come in exact the price he there

Will be a price to be paid at the end of this woof uh like he wants he wants your yo-yo you imagine I feel like that’d be great that’d be great if I if I had to make a deal with like some sort of like Eldridge bean and they they were like

Can I have your yoyo and I got my what and they go y y yoyo I like it I likey yoyo I just going to be like I I I guess yeah sure sure man okay sure why not why why not yeah you can you can have my

Yo-yo oh I want a yo-yo man that’d be SI you guys ever had a yo-yo or like a paddle wall I realize this is uh doing actually it’s doing me great favors for the Bean 58 category uh but but let me tell you this when I tell that a paddle

Ball is the most infuriating and yet amazing thing in the world like they always break and so it sucks but when you when you get it going and it’s going well you’re cooking it’s amazing it’s everything you’ve always wanted oh man not bad at math I could be

Slow about it I adore math on a conceptual level like statistics with uh was genuinely one of my favorite college class um yeah see that’s the on the theoretical level I really enjoy it I just can’t do this stuff I’m just like hopeless at

That it’s just a big old a a a a big old problem of me actually being able to you know do any of it where I go like oh jeez I’m just I’m um incapable is the word I guess he I I need more wait do I have oh my God I’m out

Um yikes um uh but Tu day was wild w yeah sounds like a water B um do I not have any more of that I thought I did uh I have one that’s made of uh plain steel sealed wood uh it’s one of my favorite possession yo that sounds sick wait a Minute I don’t know any tricks but it’s fun anyway can I see even just just being able to like have it go down and then like bring back up kind of thing like just like like like not doing any tricks just purely like the the up and

Down motion of it that alone is just super fun in my mind like just just the like is yeah like that alone that’s all I care about man all I know is uh there’s patterns and I love patterns it’s like art valid King valid the numbers Mason I’m seeing a pattern

Mason you don’t you don’t understand kid this creeper oh man obliterated what a nerd what an idiot what a stupid dumb dumb ignoramus oh do a little thing obliterated that creeper Went to went to bed did a little dance refused to elaborate that’s what it be like baby

There that’s that’s life that’s life wow that’s what all the people say oh man shut down shot down in May oh I know it’s Flying high in April of course you can’t be shot down in April and then shot down I guess you could but that

Would just really suck um okay we need to go get some deep like hello sticky silly dum dum no I know you are but what am I yeah that’s right I’m rubber you’re glue whatever you say bounces off me sticks to you no you times infinity yeah that’s right obliterate Just simply Incinerated yeah that’s right medicine I pulled out the big guns I I pulled out the big guns no nobody nobody knows how to combat it no you times infinity that’s right I had to do it to him I had to they had to be put in their

Place no not allowed I’m going to get a spray bottle are you following me it feels like you’re following me you guys are everywhere today that’s so strange okay weird I feel like like they’re just kind of more present than usual that does Mak sense Mak sense I’ll probably just imagine

It Str just thing they always have this habit of coming up to me I’m not I’m not exactly sure why I I thought they wanted something at first but then they start of holding out items to me has never been able to make sense of it

Oh I M all the Deep slate I’m on it all to die I’m on all the Deep SL hip hip hooray oh my God I’m witness a Geneva Convention oh my god listen there got to be a Geneva for there to be a Geneva Convention and there is no Gena in the hardcore

World you know maybe they won’t want to trade I’ve tried that too it never seems to work out throwing things at them and they kind of just disappear again I hear them a lot at night lately I don’t know maybe they’re trying to lead me somewhere but that’d be strange like why

Not just why not just say it why not why not just say something you know you don’t you don’t got to be so cripp out you could just like come on right out just be like this is this is what we want you to do and I’ll be like

Okay but no they make a big show of it every time all ask you know it would just it would just be nice it would just be nice if for once I don’t know they they they just were open and honest about it you know what I mean but

Aless I don’t think they ever will you know know it just doesn’t seem something that they’re interested in oh Well my torch no I wonder when that torch was placed it was probably placed there like a year ago wow a silly em and want to yes see that’s what I’m saying man they got no reason they got nothing to say they’re not very good conversationalists they don’t

Care they don’t even pay taxes why should I even hear them out I only listen to the people who pay taxes and you know well only sometimes but that’s cuz sometimes they’re boring and I don’t want to hear about it you know it’s your they don’t pay taxes what about the

Dirt block they leave you there’s a there’s dirt they take it from my land what do you mean they just pick it up and move it it’s dirt that I already you can’t you can’t break into my house pull pull pull pull a flugal horn off my

Off my wall and just be like here you go this is my payment I already owned the flugal horn you can’t give me the flugal horn je this message sponsored in part by Lugal horn Incorporated you too can play a boss and Nova if you learn the flugal highly recommend the flugal horn

Very good you’re still here is is there like something I can help you with there anything that like you need you want no nothing okay I I don’t really stand strange you like you don’t like this stuff do you okay okay oh okay jeez I I get it I get

It it’s very lovely dirt thank you yes um I’m good though um I I don’t I don’t need that I I don’t I don’t I don’t need that dirt see you they’re so weird they’re so weird they like I there’s so much dirt around here they probably just took it from

Here why would I why do I look like I need uppies I don’t think so why why did he come over off for upy oh God doing their best he doesn’t know you don’t eat dirt maybe B is very intimidating they are aren’t they oh my God but also High High

Real uh he wanted to be friends strange way of being friends but yeah each their own I suppose each their own don’t be mean bro oh my God me for real menacing just yeah yeah whatever whatever whatever twitch count I eventually go to Medicine going to show up with a block and dirt

Be like do you think this isn’t good enough either yo nerd of mkw thank you so much for the follow dude is this not a good enough payment just holding dirt out to me just like uh is going to H great thanks man oh my God how you doing dude how’s

Life how’s the wife how’s the kid I don’t exactly presume that you have a wife and kids but as you know most people on Twitch don’t mine left me she she took the kids moved four states over can you believe it she was right to do so of course but it’s been

Rough oh oh my God I’m so bad at hardcore and it take it just takes takes some U it just takes some get used to inish I’m doing a very different very slowly progressing hardcore world so like this is a very slowed down version I haven’t done lots of things that

Normally get people killed um so you know this like cuz this hardcore world uh uh basically I’m playing through it in a way of like oh what if you had to try to play Minecraft but could only build things uh or do things that the

Game shows how to do that was of course the gimmick um which originally was like you know I couldn’t go to the nether until I found enough um until I found enough uh broken nether portals to be like oh it’s trying to make a door and

It always has a flint and steel G wiers I wonder what this is meant to be uh or like I can’t cure zombie villager till I find an igloo and then it teaches you that way you know what I mean so some of it certainly slowed down progress you’re just standing there

Being friendly watching the world go by man he’s just vibing there dude he’s just he’s just hanging out he’s like smells like rain don’t want to go out don’t want to be out there seems bad oh 10 stacks of cold loads of iron also a bit of

Gold I mean yeah it’s F like yeah but this world’s like two coming up on two and a half years old like this world’s a this this world is a long long existing world you know what I mean um all right we’ll just make that into a

Stack of those and then we’ll make that into a stack of those and then we’ll make you know what we’ll just make 32 of these why not why not how dare you insult my fictional wife and my fictional son I see for some reason I I initially in my head I read

That it’s fictional wife and functional children and I was like what does functional like like what do you mean what function are they meant to serve I was like what oh my God play uh 1.16 1.2.2 is trash I quite like it I like cherry blossoms those are pretty

Cool a big fan occasion Clips as well oh and the warden man oh man I know I I really like those stuff haven’t gotten to see it in this world yet but I I just I like it I like skull and the like and it just it adds so much uh so much

Interesting little flavor bits you know it’s a fun old time uh I especially love the U um o maybe that’s what I’ll do out here maybe maybe I I was thinking flowers like like we’re going to do a tunnel over there and then that’s going to come up to this

Gate and I was thinking just huge fields of flowers which I still might do but what if I added some cherry trees in so that they could have like the particle effects that might work that might be cool they’re decent at being children occasionally they will fail at being

Kids and golf and do axes and make Boomer jokes oh my God uh yeah one minute I looked I looked out from the kitchen and there was my sweet my sweet baby boy Timmy who was there he played with a fire truck it was lovely it was it was

Glorious it was doing just as kids ought to and then I turned away for a moment and I looked back and Coco melon was teaching them how to file a 401k oh God where did I go wrong no no PAW Patrol you can’t be explaining the you can’t be explaining the three

Tier balance of power of the governmental structure no Timmy’s too young to understand please balance of Po evades his mind let him be young oh my God please you don’t understand Paw Patrol oh my God that’s great that’s awesome uh uh I can uh I call my fictional husband my fictional

Wife fictional husband wife male wife male wife manipula oh my God I dare you to go speedrun a world is it a double dog there jeez oh God sweet Jesus not a double dog I can’t survive uh oh my God is he okay this well he’s still functional oh my God I’m

Poor kid poor little guy oh man and if you doing in under 30 minutes I’ll give you $10,000 $10,000 wowe out really $10,000 to little old me right here on Twitch no way that’ be crazy that’d be insane speed run time guys oh no I’m I’m probably good I’m probably

Good thanks so I appreciate it maybe I’ll take you up on the offer sometime but as it currently says I’m I’m just kind of vibing at the hardcore world I’m enjoying it enjoying the little the little the little back and forth I’m also just God awful of speed running but

I mean hey I if it helps if it helps I did beat Minecraft with nothing but a wooden axe you know so I got that that video still stands and I bring it up a lot and the boy my go boy howdy do I bring it up as though I I could have

Gone pro I could if it went from a bum knee I could have gone pro oh my God that’s probably my best accomplishment but in terms of like actual speedrun I don’t think I’ve ever actually um accomplished a full uh unless you count that as a speedrun I

Mean it took several hours so I don’t I don’t think it counts as a speed run more like just a more like just just a handicapped run in in the way of like uh like a golf kind of handicap um but like beyond that nah N I don’t

Think I could actually beat it that’s the thing I just I just know my capabilities but seriously I appreciate the oper that’s kind of you oh man are you big into speedruns are you just like that that that’s your Niche are are you looking for for the um

The next the next big big thing in Speed Run World any guy can be baby girl but it takes a band be a male wife what Sage ah yes as as as a as as as philos philosoph of of old of yester years once said oh my God that’s awesome any guy can be baby girl yeah I

Think I read that I think I read read that in shres you know I think it oh no nice nice sick I think here one second let me hop down nice yeah it’s coming together well I’m going to do the top bit there and then I need to do the the in

Between there’s speedruns out there that do take hours it depends on what the criteria the Run are for example the Zelda Twilight Princess run uh will you stand still holding a ruby for hours uh because idle animation very slowly get you out of bounds it’s still a speedrun

Because it helps you skip large parts of the huh who discovered this some speed runs are so long the runs have to take breaks and so all runs are technically segmented oh my God breaking your ankle no no I’m every bone in my leg what is with you guys in my

Legs like it’s like thunder thunder always goes for the kneecaps I Ang just going for my ankles what’s a Dame to do what am I going to do oh God you can’t just you can’t just you can’t just yon you can’t just Yony spinky a man’s ankles that’s it’s rude it’s it’s

Unconscionable what is the current world record for Minecraft speedrun isn’t it like isn’t it quite literally like uh like 2 minutes or no like isn’t it like 13 seconds or something now I think it’s 2 minutes for one that like didn’t have a set

Start want us to go for your toes no no no you you wish just staying away from that oh my God I totally can’t go for here you cannot stop me I can and I will it’s called bear traps I’m going to lay a bunch of bear traps

Around oh my God depends on the category but yeah cuz yes some of them are like like the the one where it’s like you can have a set seed and it’s like literally just that or whatever I think it’s like 13 seconds is the fastest Minecraft world

Record you know on one hand it would be it is funny that like sure there could have actually been $10,000 on the line there but on the other hand um I just know even if I tried I wouldn’t it wouldn’t work like even even if even if the money was on the

Table I’m like yeah but i’ just I’d be bad so um there’s not really a point oh my God uh Minecraft Java any percent glitches is 7 Minutes uh 45 seconds uh and some millisecond who holds that record who who’s who’s dead I feel like it’s going to be somebody it’s either

Somebody that like I’ve never heard of or it’s going to be like fruit berries or like dream or like um I don’t know who else speedruns um not zeoth who am I thinking of um oh God I can picture him I could Pi uh I can picture him right now but I

Can’t I can’t uh I feel like it’s something with a z uh not uh that would be uh uh zenox okay that’s not who I was thinking up but but that that that also has a z maybe Z is the key um def find the set seed runs ah uh

That would be uh should have said that the uh with the record time to be but yeah cuz I know there was a number of people who are like big in the scene or whatever cuz uh or or what’s his there’s a bunch of those cont content creators

Actually there’s um I think that puns yeah puns is a is a Minecraft streamer I I think he also I want to say um anyway I think that’s another speedrunner I could be wrong maybe I’m entirely wrong there but I feel like that’s another one there’s so many

People I’m like tangentially aware of because like like I have like it’s so funny um on the one hand like I do make Minecraft content obviously and so like I have some idea of who like people are and then also I have my toe in it because like I followed technoblade and

I was like I was a big fan of technoblade and I am still a big fan of PHS Minecraft obviously like I’m just like aware tangentially of people and it’s so funny it’s so like like I’ll just be like oh yeah that person it’s maybe it’s just funny than me I don’t

Know uh I have a story with some guy who quit speedrunning the original Pokemon Red because his run was so optimized he doesn’t think he could ever beat it and left the Pokemon Red speedrun Community oh my God the man’s Thanos that man’s like I I use

The stones to destroy the stones because I knew my work was done like man’s was straight up Thanos oh my God that’s awesome wait so he just like decided he was like I can finally rest thank God did I I got of regular you got to be

Kiding you got to be kidding me you can’t be real with this one man the man’s cracked eating Napoleon’s ankle bones no no no you can’t you see I what you what chatter is what you don’t realize is that my sensibilities are still clearly that of the 1800s only in

The capacity of Napoleonic era and only in the capacity that’s not social in the way that I should add that disclaimer I was going to make a joke about not showing off ankles but now I feel like I’ve gone into a bad location with this

I’ve realized what I was saying as I was saying it never mind I take it back I take it all back but yes I do still wear a massive a massive hoop skirt that that protects my ankles from view that that was the bit that was that was the Bit and then I realized where that was leaded he realized he could never do better and then quit speedrunning Pokemon Red forever but what about Pokemon green I assume that’s one of them I’m like 90% sure that’s one of them right there’s a green right every color has one right

There’s like Pokemon like red and blue and and yellow and and and green and Crystal and and and black and white and and and and ketchup flavored right there’s like a million of those suckers I really should do a stream where we like play through every

Pokemon I don’t know how we do oh there’s also the one with the dog that has a sword in its mouth and I love that one I mean like I heard it was not good and I never played it I just like that the dog’s there with a sword that’s

Funny that’s awesome whoever made that good for the good good they did right they did right they did a good thing There uh I wanted to get into uh Tor 3D speed running uh and I’ve never back seen was it yet know to get close to the world record and then it happened and I lost interest W was that like a thing you like lose interest really

Quick uh which means I can eat your ankles no it doesn’t I think Pokemon green is in the Japanese version a blue in the what what they just don’t think we have green what do you what because uh easy Duality green was called Blue here in the west why stop

Doing L whatever do you mean what what does MJ mean MJ’s going crazy and and for what and for why you know and for why I I can’t lore that’s crazy this there’s not been any lore happening here no no no uh because us weird Americans think

Blue is the opposite of red uh the green oh I guess I get that if it’s meant to be opposite colors yeah I guess I would associate blue and more is the opposite but that’s just because video games do that you know what I mean like I didn’t I didn’t

Associate it that way until like they had red versus blue type Dynamics you know dog with a knife I come for pets and for blood yes see exactly you get it it’s awesome yo J dude what’s up man oh I got outdo outdo how goes how goes

Learm uh I prefer the pixels and pixel and Sprite based games not very keen on the newer gens but man Ringo the Beloved see Oh you mean like little 8 bit little like uh like like you’re on your um uh what’s it called the um oh god there was

Just a movie about it well I mean the movie was about Tetris um Game Boy good Lord that was was evading me and every possible way my mind was just refusing to remember the word I actually have I ever had see I feel like I want to get one of those

I’ve never I don’t think I’ve ever gotten the chance to use a Game Boy um but like I don’t know they seem cool like they they like fold open they they’re like like they fold open and they do that whole like like you know what I mean like it’s

Just a cool way to start your little thing it’s kind of like the DS that went like like they’re both great but the I I will say the Game Boy was a lot more compact it just kind of became like the little square you know

What I mean it was just this little it was just this little square and I kind of love that I’ve played I played some Game Boy games I think technically uh cuz they like they went onto the switch right you could get them and they could

Plug it or not the switch Jesus Christ uh into the um um uh the DS you you can plug him into that and and I remember I was able to play I think I played I think I I think I played a a a game boy version of of

Ratatouille or maybe maybe it was a Mario game I forget uh T’s good oh my God how are you I’m doing great man living Lita Loca vibing we’re chatting about uh Pokemon and speeduns right now cuz apparently medy knows someone who’s like absolutely cracked at speeduns and was like I will

Never surpass myself and so I I retire like when you get to a point that you retire from a game that that’s crazy that’s like a crazy level of skill I feel like there’s somebody retiring from U the valerant scene soon which again like I’m not super familiar

With that scene but it’s just crazy that like V because I feel like valerant just came out but it didn’t it’s like several years old now but it feels so new you know what I mean there’s a number of games where I’m like didn’t that just start happening but then it’s like we’re

On season 93 and I go what like OverWatch 2 I think is on season like 12 already and I’m like I swear to God that game just came out but like it came out I think like a year and a half to two years ago I don’t know them personally oh I I

Thought this was just like your friend I mean still POG but I thought you were just like yes I just know some like someone who’s like not known to the scene they just personally got so good at this game they were like I’m I’m quitting I was like that’s crazy that’s like a

Crazy Oh these fold into this yes they can to make a perfect well that’s the worst thing that could ever happen um okay maybe maybe maybe I understand what my third grade teacher meant when she said I’m a little melodramatic well oh well Mrs kople that was not her name I’m using a fictitious

Name oh well not that I mean you guys don’t know where I am like it’s not like you could ever have found me okay well you know it doesn’t matter oh oh man teachers you know they can be wild sometimes they just like absolutely know how to come for your thread sometimes I

Mean fness I was a lot like at fairness to her I I was ooh ooh you know so so I I’m I’m surprised she’s still taught after B not like like I I blew up her classroom time typ way more of just like I feel like I was

Always asking questions and she was never happy about it it was always so many questions for them and I was like well I just I don’t get it like I like could could you explain it differently cuz I it was just I don’t know I was just never really like good

At like understanding how she would explain things there was uh which is why I really there was one there was one kid in my class who was very good at explaining to me and they actually became like nine times out of 10 the lesson would start and then I turned to

Them and then I’d be like right so what do I do uh and then they explain I’m like oh why didn’t you just say that like that makes way more sense um they would like relate it to things or whatever they’ be like oh well remember this and they like yeah they be

Like well it’s kind of like that but da da da da and I’m like oh so this is different and that’s different but it’s otherwise like yeah like that’s great that’s why didn’t she say that why’ she come at this like it’s Nuclear Physics like this is the third

Grade oh my God I just remember that that uh oh and then I’d get in trouble cuz I was talking to them but then I was talking to them about the lesson man oh my God couldn’t win I couldn’t win we to speedruns I think it’s very important that game makers leave years

In between their games this means we get silly speeduns such as Hollow night world speed run using DDR pads we playing the game uh my house oh my God see that’s the other thing I also think it’s important and one of the things that like like with with um the first uh

Breath of the with breath of the wild they they didn’t patch out the fact that link could like whistle and then run faster but I disagree with the fact that in the sequel they made it a punishing thing to do I’m like brother why like it was a it was a silly little

Thing nice I don’t know I don’t know why they felt the need to like get rid of it cuz it seemed like just a a lovely little thing to do you know it was it was like yeah cuz it was also like it had drawbacks and penalties for doing it you

Know what I mean like it wasn’t like an instant like you broke the game type deal it’s like yeah you don’t have stamina for running now you still have it while fighting and if you’re doing this you can’t stealth you have to be sprinting cuz you’re whistling actively

And that is calling attention to you so there’s like drawbacks to it too I think it’s just strategy but then they’re like no you wer meant to do it that way it’s so we’re we’re going to punish you it’s messed up man oh well it’s kind of Nintendo though you

Know they tend to be that way about things for whatever reason it’s like this crazy little thing about like where where they just they can’t for the life of them they can’t get over the idea that like oh yeah um well we just kind of thought we would

Have fun with your game you know what I mean y pickle hello howo um it’s it was a glitch but it was unusually balanced glitch uh I think it should have been left alone exactly especially when it’s a g like I know uh maybe less a glitch and an

Oversight in the mechanics yeah exactly is it’s just doing that prevented the stamina mechanic from starting so how’s the fake Napoleon doing I’m not fake I’m perfectly real why would you say that that so messed up like you know I’m unhappy like you know I’m trying why would you say that to

Me I just break that soing I just I just oh my god um there’s too many cons to Pros for it to be a glitch uh yes you gain infinite stamina but there’s too many bad things for it to be really good exactly especially cuz like what it

Attracts to you is like so bad like it wakes up sleeping Giants and like you can’t use it anyway as you’re trying to get through like it seems like a really balanced element to the game uh my favorite Dome tool rom hack uh my house uh was who built gay love

House fire and is inspired by house of leaves has a 4 minute 19 seconds speedrun under the category of % lawn mower what okay listen individually I understand every single I understand every single one of your statements together collectively you just spoke a whole lot of hville you know what I mean

Like don’t cry oh don’t cry over me cry yo M Master Falcon thanks so much for the follow dude appreciate it appreciate it are you a master Falcon in the way of like you you you got one of those little arm those arm braces and the Falcon with the

Little hat can land on it or is like Master Falcon in like Falcon Punch like that kind of Falcon hello um all right so there is going to be that it’s going to be on the Otherside then add an additional yeah all right really is like another language is

It yes it’s an entirely it’s like um uh what was it uh it’s is it is it Lori speak or whatever like that type of speech in like uh in in in in rural parts of of of the United Kingdom um I think I think it’s in like the the north

The north uh western part where they can like they just rhyme things or whatever they’re like sat on a b while I go to a log and it like means something and you’re like what username is best off uh pet Nam Falco in free yo that’s sick dude

Nice uh but please D I’m begging check out a video essay of the my house or something it’s so good oh my God but what does a lawn mower mod do you mean they like installed the game controls into a lawn mower like you put it into into like

Fourth gear and then suddenly you’re sprinting in game like what do you mean no no you’re fine dude you’re fine I just meme I just meme when you do it it’s it’s perfectly fine I I just me I go why did you say that you build me a

Trampoline how I I with what St stone brick here you go here you go all right there you go it doesn’t it doesn’t bounce very well um it is oh here you know it just just put some safety rails on it let me let me just

Get some let me let me just let me just get some safety rails down and um and and uh you know yeah yeah yeah there we go add some trim it will be lovely well we’ll see what kind of Bounce we got we’ll see

Here let me climb up St let me climb up There all right trampoline test number one let’s see how it goes trampoline sucks why’d you have me make this why why’ you why did you you personally why did you personally make me do this why why would you do that slime blocks I don’t have any slime blocks I don’t have any slime

Blocks I don’t even just mean on me I just don’t even I just don’t even have slime blocks Uh it’s secret lawnmower you can ride uh the mod lets you start at the beginning of the lawn mower and you got to get through to the end it’s difficult because you never stop mowing oh my God I’m calling you fake the P say hello I’m pickled every time I come in even

Though I’ve been here is me thingy yo yeah you were here first today go get him hold on that’s not a very nice way to ask that’s that’s a little young man young man that’s a little that’s a little bit of a rude way to ask I don’t know oh my

God you would love it don’t know if nap would actually love nap you’ll love it I don’t I don’t know if nap would actually love it probably hate it but nap you’ll love it what a statement you guys know me so well nap I don’t I don’t know your taste

In games so I don’t I only really see you play Minecraft and occasionally some other games someday we’ll go back and finish all the games we’ve started actually mind you we’ finished most every game we’ve ever started the only ones we haven’t are um typically Wednesday based games uh

Which are games what I’m just I’m just streaming to to to CU I want to stream and I got some free time and I’m able to um which are usually games like Hades or or or or Arkham Asylum stuff like That do I not have I I have some SC around here I I have that up there but don’t I have other scaffolding I don’t strange very strange I won’t presume per social baby you to struggle the true ending is impossible for people like we but watch a silly video

Essay what do you mean it’s a true end is impossible for people like we maybe maybe I’ll get it instantly H ever think about that you give old old Napoleon maybe he’s able to just instantly get it no bet you didn’t bet you didn’t even

Consider it you’re so silly f it it it’s true I have I have been uh and Goofy no no not goofy please please anything but that oh my God uh if uh easily losing interest in ADH thing for me it is uh I can be hyper fixated on something Point intensively

But if it doesn’t uh if it doesn’t make the jump special interest one day I’ll do the thing and it simply fails to deliver the dopamine so completely unable to keep doing the thing I mean kind of seems valid kind of seems like kind of seems like a valid

Way of doing things King not going to lie like that just sounds like you you know like that’s just sounds like you know when when when when you know when you like try to read a book and then it just doesn’t grab you like that just

Sounds like the smarter way to do things you know what I mean more people should do that um no oh my godon I am not goofy how dare you what what part of me and my personality makes you think goofy nothing nothing I’m a very I’m a very serious

Individual very frustrated uh I have so many unfinished projects because my brain decided uh to entirely delete my motivation for them oh I guess that would suck yeah I guess I guess that aspect of it would would fact be a problem oh wait no I need to get rid of

Something these flowers I don’t need we not finishing things uh but also can’t focus myself because uh guess what dopamine is essential to willpower well that just sounds like a real um uh pain pain in the butt is is the best way to describe it I guess that sounds Awful look he’s so Majestic the chicken I mean oh God yes you ran pause I messed up big time yeah yeah you did when you when you called me goofy yeah that’s right you should have never done that uh like that like that like [Laughter]

That uh I need need a little bit more where could I oh my God I’ll whatever give oh wait yeah cuz I have ladders why didn’t I just why didn’t I just replace it with the Ladders uh actually finishing stuff uh I meant because doing something that gives me no helps me con yo oh my God yo hey I’m glad I could be of any sort of assistance then dude that’s awesome it’s probably like it’s probably legitimately the best thing to come out of this

Tree oh my God that’s sick dude the wall looks sick though yo thanks slowly but surely slowly but surely surely we we we we we’ve we’ we’ve built up this area then and then once it has once it has the flower Fields I think it’s going to look really

Pretty here as like as like a gate gated entrance to the city you know what I mean congratulations with the 2K followers thanks dude uh you thought I’ll apologize we’re calling you goofy I mean kind of lazy though there another wrong with that people to put I I mean like don’t

Get wrong I don’t want to like step out of these to but I don’t know a lot of people put way too much like on productivity these days there’s nothing wrong with there’s nothing wrong with with taking taking your time with projects stuff like that having some

Days go by where you don’t get anything done at all even I’ve certainly had a million and three of those I’ve tried to write like the same script for a thing like seven times some days the words they just don’t um uh now here’s the question though this oh

Uh so what what is it uh this is from the initial three it’s one one one one two one one two why does that look misaligned one second I need to get rid of the oh that’s why it looks misaligned that’s not a two that’s a cuz it is misaligned that’s why it

Looks misaligned it’s misaligned of course um there’s going to obviously be more but this is the initial oh get get out of the way stop moaning and groaning at me you’re already dead it doesn’t matter o what flowers oh yes so the plan here uh I’m probably going to do uh I’m

See one thought I had which might be like really quote unquote striking uh is to like just do big groups but like like a large swath of roses like a large swath of peonies probably peonies and then roses and it’s just like like a field of them

Like just tons and tons and tons of the same uh of of of of the same flower just so it like is this big swath of color rather than mixed and matched uh mixed and match could also look good but it looks more like a kept thing

If it’s all the same thing you know what I mean uh and it will line a pathway that’ll come down here um turning into more of a rough path uh rather than the cobbled uh Stone path uh that will then come to here and and then cross and go

Into a tunnel that way uh which will be kind of the entrance to the city uh from this side uh and then up along there eventually I think I want to get a bunch of moss and turn that into uh similar to a build that I saw one FS of Minecraft

To which is a remake of the um or is is a a rendition of the um uh of the concept art for the tall Birch Forest that was shown off you know what I mean Um uh I think humans are only productive for like 4 hours a day or something like that see and that just makes sense I don’t get the people who are like you got to be working all day I’d squeeze every last time out of you in my sweat I mean my

Office we’re uh supposed to hunt together and then rest about it oh man that sounds so better uh Lions don’t hunt 24/7 even ants take days off nope not allowed get those ants back to work on the clock baby isn’t there like a type of ant or maybe it’s a type of bee

That’s like purely it literally just chills all the time unless something really important comes up and then it activates but otherwise it’s just chilling the whole time is it’s reason for existence is to just be like the fixer in like a big problem but otherwise it’s not being it’s not it’s

Not like constantly working or anything like that I mean it’s going to have like additional details so like I don’t feel like no cuz I like three or do I do I like the three do I what if I what if I got rid of this what if I what if I

Um what what if I got rid of the one at the bottom what if I got rid of that and um I just feel there’s something off about it I don’t know what yet I mean it doesn’t even have its details on so it’s it’s probably a little too early to be

Like making that call but like still um it is misaligned is it see that’s way too this also yeah does still feel like a little misaligned but it’s one two three and one 3 one two one two one two 1 two 1 2 3 and it lines up that way that’s the

Middle of it why does it feel so misaligned um oh you know what I know what I might try I know what I might try to do it a lot more staired like that let’s press to the city or something ooh made out of flowers that’d be cool or like a symbol

Of the city kind of deal yeah that could be really cool actually guys you’re not sneaky hey hey oh my God fine they’re leaving they’re going to hey how close are these Landing that they’re not those are all so close to where they were oh my my God hey nerds okay this one

Wasn’t these were all so close to where they were oh my sweet Googy mugy where’s your stupid yeah shoot your friend shoot your friend do it I dare you thank you it’s very kind you’re very Cooperative one second I I I guys I I I need to eat

Something guys no I called te guys guys you’re being rude you’re being so rude right now man jeez some people guess what what um you mean like Tron AK male uh beat his job is to uh with a queen be no that’s not the one that I meant but

Um uh it looked better before you uh broke those other blocks yeah and see I think that’s peaked too high that’s Peak too high um and it’ll be even worse once I actually get that like like that’s going to be way too high of a peak so I’m going to huh

Um oh that’s that’s um do that like oh my God one second and B and and he’s walking towards I know he I know he’s doing it talk about needy fans am I right I know right they’re so rude um yeah and then then we’re going

To uh wait no that that that’s they’re aligned now um yeah cuz the secondary facade still going to come down over top of this like oh well sorry this is the secondary facade isn’t it um one second one second I need to double check how I’ve done this before I

Always struggle with recreating gate doorways like this because I’m always I’m always like wait is it meant to be like this or like That that’s true that’s true actually uh oh I’m rude whoa waa to menacing whoa whoa to menacing who was brutally wounded by streamer during that what do you mean you’re what do you what what did I call you rude when did I call you rude in what capacity

Huh I said that I said that the illers were rude I said that the zombies were rude yo oh my God like level up Hearts Let’s Go actually question did any of you have uh did any you watch the um you know the show um our flag means

Death I heard it second season came out uh I have no idea if it’s any good I remember the first season was a pretty like it was it was interesting enough you know what I mean where I was like all right um oh that’s why oh I see I see I understand

Yes yes of course ah I’ve mistakenly placed I understand okay okay um I get it now I get it now gay pirate show yeah that one the one that Tao atiti made or whatever uh it’s based off of um apparently there was a character known as the gentleman pirate who was like a

Nobleman who did like you know just decide to go become a pirate um and then hung around with Blackbeard for a while I didn’t watch it uh big fan though so I know enough was was it any good I haven’t watched the second season so I have no idea if that he

Good don’t understand uh goofy fake thepoon what don’t I understand what don’t I understand I mean a great many things to be honest quantum mechanics ah statistics ah calculus was never very good at that um actually don’t really I didn’t oh geography to an extent um unless it’s

Geography of a certain time period Then I know it really well uh modern geography not so hot not so hot uh I only in the last two years realized Czechoslovakia no longer exists who knew apparently a lot of people uh no one told me I was unfamiliar

Turns out not still a place there’s there’s there’s two places now there’s the Czech Republic and Slovakia two separate places you what I didn’t get geography man no one taught me Geography okay I didn’t have geography in school it’s not my fault blame the education system no one ever explain

L listen listen I failed the one time that I had to do a modern world map thing I failed it simply on the fact that like I was writing down names of places that haven’t existed for like a thousand years like I only learned that

Like ayria is not still a place like how was I to know how how no one no one explained this to me no one no one was like oh by the way Napoleon uh yeah the that’s not a place anymore the assassinate gone totally gone so not really a

Thing uh you know you you don’t you don’t really need to to know about any of that uh as it turns out not a place Carthage not really a thing anymore you know the boy not a place the swayy nowhere for got Olivia was it a thing

Well like cuzz I listen at the time time I was used to it being a thing cuz that’s all that I was like learning and reading about at the time and I was like oh I know what country this is it’s ayria um and it wasn’t it wasn’t uh cuz

As it turns out yria stopped being a thing a couple thousand years ago um which news to me news to me I was pretty confident in my answers as it turned out I should not have been I should not have been so confident uh and excuse me it’s spelled UHA get it

Right the borders were different listen listen I just I my nose was not in modern books it was in ancient books and it was to my detriment it was to my detriment I later learned so as it turns out there’s a lot of things that were different there

There’s a lot of things things that are not as I as as as I was uh recalling them tragic though it may be tragic though it may be you Know perfect uh he went to the general school or whatever called uh Atlas and real nepoleon did unlike his fake the also goofy oh my God but um but yeah I don’t know it’s it was lots of things well like I just didn’t have like regular geography classes it

Just wasn’t a thing for me and so when they showed me a map I was like oh I know where borders are on this um and I didn’t as it turned out um I did not I I had no clue where the borders were um which you know they rectified they were

Like no Napoleon no not for like a thousand years what the Vatican is not that big the Vatican is a tiny place inside of Rome and I was like well you know I thought there were Pap States man I don’t know Venice not separate part of Italy now no no longer a separate

Local quirky as it may seem you know I know lots of people you know would would probably assume they’d be like well well surely Venice is still is still an independent city state turns out no turns out turns out no no it’s not actually um Venice in fact hasn’t been a

City state in a very long time yo M how do yo welcome Raiders how do how do how do how goes it how is the stream pal how’s life how’s the wife how’s the the kids hopefully good hopefully good hope life’s been treating you well um yo hello what were you playing

Dude I assume just a bit of The Craft just a little bit of the the old Minecraft nothing nothing too crazy today was it yo dude congrats man that’s awesome oh my God you must be so proud must be so happy dude that’s sick man that’s such a huge

Thing mo of On The Rise can’t stop them now they’re Invincible at this point my God there’s no stopping them oh my God yo oh my good gracious what were you playing what were you playing what you doing uh I hope you have a great stream I will D know will

Uh almost have dinner I’ll be back sh man is it oh man um um then I think do that and that that may no that looks stupid uh I I hate uh H maybe instead I will do a little bit of this and then I will add some

Details like so I don’t know about that one I don’t know I don’t know about that one I don’t I don’t think that one look that good I’m going to be real I’m I’m going to be honest and real with you I don’t I don’t think that one look what

About that what about just like a little what about just like a little thing what about just like uh Minecraft Lucky Block SkyWars braver than I a braver fellow than I I would never Brave SkyWars oh my God are you cracked were you cracked at the craft were you big

POG as the kids say were you huge pgus ro oh my god um surely I have more stone stone stone brick surely surely there’s more uh no no no don’t mean to be L I wish hey man I don’t know maybe maybe you’re absolutely cracked at the craft

Maybe you’re like a god at SkyWars and I’ve just never I’ve just never been appraised to this information no one ever went hey Napoleon fyr mosa actually holds uh the running champion title who’s who’s to say man who’s to say maybe maybe you do maybe maybe you’ve been like secret like every time

You enter into into a SkyWars Arena room like it plays like a little like like like little little Spanish guitar noise like and they’re just like and there’s just chatter everything quiets for a second they’re like like you know what I mean like maybe maybe you’re like a protagonist in

Like a or or not a protagonist I guess it would be like a um like like the impressive character that they see at at at the arena of the of the event uh in an anime you know what I mean I successfully God bridged once yo

But I up dying to poison the other few times hey that you know it D be like that sometimes you know that that’s life you know Flying Flying high in April shot down in May they’re trying to keep you down King they’re trying to they’re trying to keep you down don’t let

Them my God we can’t let them keep you down Okay well you know that was that was just a little rude that was just was just a little uncalled for on the part of the on the part of the scaffolding I’m not going to lie I play on an iPad the what I’m sorry you God bridged on an iPad

What what how huh oh oh my Lord yeah anyway I God bridg oh did I tell you I did it on a touch screen yeah it was crazy brothers that’s insane that is genuine Insanity at that point oh yeah I just I was just doing a little little bit little bit God briding

You know all the freaking oh my God absolutely cracked at the craft I can’t believe you tried to play it off like you wife oh no not me I’m not cracked at the craft I’m just I’m just absolutely owning fools it’s like yeah it’s a touchcreen oh sorry what oh my

Lord oh man how is I actually I’ve always wonder how is Minecraft on a touchcreen anyway I feel like it must be like complicated right like it must must be like a complicated way to play it must feel like I don’t know Insanity incar it it like like surely surely it can’t

Be like easy breezy beautiful Covergirl you know like surely surely there’s there’s some grit to it I feel like I just panic I hate it I hate it actually it’s awful it’s it’s the worst quite L if I could never do it again I would it’s the worst thing imaginable

You know honest to God they should they they they should be using it as a method to gain information from people it’s forever so it’s normal to me is it is it so wait is it is it just like a skill set that that you can learn

You could just be like oh yeah I guess I guess I’m just going to do do some some classic old um some some classic old bridging on an iPad I feel like it’s crazy that’s that’s simply Bonkers conceptually that is insanity um this needs what does this need um I

Mean yes it needs it other little side thing but um but we also need something more I think it needs for that front bit to come down a bit and that that’s my mistake not have done that already cuz I think if I can make this come down one to two uh Yeah and then we’re going to that then we’re going to that and then we’re going to do that that uh that that that Perfection uh this may have been a stupid idea to begin with but you know you know we we we win these ah we lost uh so everything’s

Funky oh what oh like like a new update came out like a like a patch or like a snapshot or like how does Tes didn’t even work for the iPad that’s crazy I know it’s like a big aspect as well of like uh how uh Minecraft updates does

Revolve around how the iPad part works so like it it’s this part that I really should know more about in terms of like understanding the development cycle of Minecraft goes through but I feel like I’ve never gotten the chance to learn uh 1 3 four five 1 five

Perfect yeah we’re going to SP that there and then we’re going to come around here and then we’re going to this ELO five idle uh where is there they are oh actually maybe these maybe maybe what what do I think uh both have problems

Um what if I What if I I do a little thing what if I do like a little a little thing I just I want to add some texture I mean there’s going to be like the little bit at the top as well nope it’s a problem

Um this just needs to not be this uh yeah I think it just needs to not be smooth Granite just it’s just it’s just presenting problems it’s just creating issues it’s it’s it’s it’s you know it’s going to get me arrested but I do think I prefer the

Stairs be these I think that’s a little cooler and then especially once that top it’sit done um create screen is completely different oh my God like they just overhauled the whole thing that’s crazy I wonder why they did that I wonder if the planed like a big update

Big old patch Oro and they’re like H we got to get this done got to get this ready no one can know no one can know our plan you know cuz moyang is a a conniving and villainous organization so they’re just constantly uh they’re constantly acting as though

They are the Sith uh attempting to to prevent people from catching on to the fact that they’re they’re developing such such horrific material material you know well which which better Actually yo wait a minute someone give me give me a sub yeah uh it was probably if my my guess would be is probably totally human uh they tend to be uh insane and gift a whole bunch of stuff oh they they they will put me they will

Put me a into an early grave to water oh specifically sea water oh that’s not as bad he is a fisherman for 8 years in the sea oh my God that was a roller coaster good Lord this poor man’s been out there every day like what do you

Mean you guys don’t just constantly feel like a garbagio I just like no no I mean yeah a little tired but you know no I mean we’re not we’re not constantly like feeling awful that’s so strange cuz I I consistently feel Awful um then yeah one block whatever okay okay so that’s kind of interesting but not great um thanks give it to sub y I saw the second message is like I’m totally H I was like uh my mind broke for a second I was like you wait you what you you’re

Totally huh I was like huh oh my God I could not spell for the life of me hey same we win this yeah let’s go can’t spell Club oh my God uh all right let me get to the top and then I’m going to add the little detail up there

Uh do I have I do I’m feel like I’m missing some of the the little Gaba goul oh there it is perfect I’m not missing the Gaba goul it is fine everything is fine everything’s chill you know we cool bro what you mean nuh you you guys seen

That video it’s uh it’s like a redo of uh it’s a voice over of of Darth Vader I’ll be like looke I’m I am your father and look like n and he goes you mean nuh you mean no no no no oh God I love it I love it here oh

What a great timeline what a what what a wonderful timeline there there is uh there there’s pillsberry cookies to get you know there there there’s there’s no all jokes hatsun mik exists and she is me and I am her ever just say something um yeah I I’d like to strike your honor I

Would have like to strike from the record uh the last 30 seconds thank you my God I spoke in haste and did not let my mind catch up with my mouth I am a human hybrid oh that’s why I hit the little gimbles all right okay I get it I get it

Now the little gmbl they serve a purpose after Allash perfect there we go there we add this and then got to add the little the little hats they need little hats everybody gets a little hat it’s a valuable little little little detail that they all get they all get a little hat they deserve a little hat it’s good

For the economy hurts no helps everyone you know um lamps I need lamps where’s the iron Uh I have left purple Wing right golden wing a left purple horn a right Golden Horn well at least it’s balanced at least it’s like got got a cool purple and gold aesthetic those are my favorite colorss actually well I mean specifically Imperial purple and the imperial gold those two which is like

The Roman like it’s a whole thing don’t worry about it I am people chatting do not worry don’t don’t don’t worry about it um is it this one it is let’s go Um there we go uh then we come over here uh we go and we go nope that’s not what I wanted there we go lamps uh what can I slap into this bad boy ah it’s fine it’s fine everything’s fine Um uh wait why did I come up here I have an auto sorder um I can just throw it up and it would go up there where those little there they are little gmbl um you know what these can join them these can join them I did not make space for the

And that is my mistake it it is entirely my bad um all right deck awesome perfect exactly as it is meant to be uh this Castle type thing is making me explain that huh oh at any oh so one one minute I missed the I missed a beat

At any moment if water chose to splash him he would just be dead because he couldn’t have be pet you know what I mean on board and because the needle uh whatever might break something about that this what good Lord how do you make an AO sorder uh so um this one’s a little more complicated than it really needs to be uh namely because uh I wanted it to be vertical so it it involves these uh water elevators um the long and the short of it is uh

Behind each one of these is a here again so I put something in there the water elevator uh which is powered by this Soul Sand makes it shoot up all the way goes then it goes into here which goes into that chest to hold it if I want to

Put a lot of things at once like control a chest it goes into here then it will go into this dropper this dropper will instantly drop it into this chest to start going down this one it’ll go all the way through each and every one this

Setup of uh an um uh this setup of redstone is basically causing uh giving enough tick time that uh that the Redstone item that the item passing through this Hopper can consult what’s in this chest first and that’s why I have to have the chest filled so if

Anything it it aligns with is in this chest it’ll go into this chest then if not like if the answer to that is no for this comparator uh it will go into the next one and then the next one and the next one and it goes all the way down to

The bottom uh trying to do exactly that with each and every one um but let’s say I was trying to do um these aren’t all full so that won’t work but let’s say uh I wanted to do stone so because it it’s going down and all these other are

Filled with dirt Cobble and iron and granite um when it got down here it would go oh Stone and it would like here I’ll show you so where there there’s 14 Stone to go in there that goes up there fell into there now sorting downwards and it’ll slowly yeah start to take into

Here that’s cool but it sounds like bad blash I promise it’s not I promise get away from me be it seems a lot more complicated than it is really it’s it’s basically long and short of it is your repeating the exact same thing which is comparator in repeater redstone torch into each Hopper

Goes it checks the chest it goes is there something that I like is something in here that I can fit into no I keep going if yes I go in that’s the longest short of it and then at the bottom of that it drops into into these to then go

Up this so if if it fails to go into anything here it’ll come down here go up to another item of elevator that item elevator will bring down here and it does the exact same process so basically at the end like at the end uh once I have all of these and

Then on both sides this will be a massive area which I’m going to add a uh a catwalk Midway through so I can actually guys yeah you I’m talking to you we have been you’re not allowed in here I’m trying to explain Redstone to people and you guys

Are sneaking in here as so what the the Snow White the Seven Dwarves is going to make their way on in here I don’t think so pal Jesus you even have a big banner good Lord hey yeah don’t you me shoot your friend yeah shoot your friend do it I I

Dare you I dare you I dare you shoot your friend thank you miss me miss me now you’re going to kiss me idiot dum dum boo rip boo I heard another where is he I heard him I heard him go yeah you down here yeah you are you idiot you missed you missed

Again okay I missed that time so you know fairb but he missed twice he missed twice so he’s stupider the Jupiter Jesus Christ oh my God too much work that’s why I want to make it I don’t get me wrong it’s it’s a um somewhat of a

Painful process but I mean it can go as tall as you want as well um I’m limited to the height of this um and yeah it’s repeatable you just always have to have that one block in between each one you know uh I think I’ll stick to my randomly organized chest categories by

How valuable an item don’t get me wrong oh my God I’m covering arrows don’t get me wrong that is 90% of what I do um to put it into perspective this world is I’m getting to Auto item sords like this past month I started doing those um this

World is nearly 2 and 1/2 years old old I’ve I’ve lived I’ve been alive in this world uh which crazy I haven’t died yet but uh for 2 and A2 years so like it it felt like time to actually like I was like okay fine fine I’ll automatically

Sort the items you know felt like it was finally time nice um I definitely need more detail in that um and it might even just be that the detail I add is going to be like texture it just feels like too much stone brick you know what I mean I don’t

Know what I’ll do for that yet but I’m going to work on the path right Now yeah they were polite about it no they weren’t they actually no they would see if you watch that back I turn around and I say guys and then they all turn to look at me and I was like oh okay they they knew they were caught

Any Trash items yeah that’s my normal just as well um probably out like by here um well do I want I feel like I I yeah I do I do I really do but I want I want it to kind of I want it to to to

Cascade down I don’t want it to all all all come down at once um I I would like this kind of like cascaded effect for how how this reaches the ground down here and then I’m going to keep it going down on this level until about yeah let’s stay here here okay grand

Grand perfect we’re getting some wh all right shck um it’s come up here then it’s going to me down this way again as well perfect all right I need Cobble granite or not Granite uh andesite yeah andesite uh Cobble andesite gravel Stone and maybe some stone brick as

Well yeah that sounds right that sounds like a good path and some dirt I’ll need some dirt but I Got Dirt you know I guess what I will need is this dirt block I realize I’m using a pick I don’t have a silk touch shovel I don’t leave me

Alone I go make one but I don’t really want um and I don’t need that much of this you Know uh I have the urge to play um honestly the auto soda would be uh very good for room on my world uh is there a tutorial for uh or do you have uh it um there is a tutori like I changed up a bit of how the like I I got

The idea initially from a dude uh on a a video on YouTube I have to find it I can link it but um uh but yeah so I got the idea initially from that and then I kind of retooled some of it to fit a bit more

To my style that I’m going for uh cuz kind of the idea was it’s the um it’s in the dry dock area of of the world uh do you ever just get the craving for something like really hard but you have no idea what you’re craving because you forgot what you were

Craving oh like you have a like a CRA like you’re craving it really hard like like you really want it I thought you meant you were crave like like you were looking for something crunchy like you were like like do you ever crave like just really hard peanut brittle like I

Was like I was like well dang I mean I dang I guess you just yeah I guess I’ve had the craving for like a really like a really like hard thing to bite into type deal yeah I guess I totally misunderstood what you meant oh my

God I want uh but I know what I want uh I’ll start looking around frantically thinking about will will appear it satisfy my non-existent craving it’s a sense of on we look that up there’s your there’s your there’s your $20 word for the day or whatever $2 word today or whatever

I’m back welome back yeah what I was saying was basically just that like um the uh I I retooled some of it there is a video tutorial that basically gives you the exact same thing some of it I retooled the back end just to fit my

World a bit better uh cuz I wanted it to fit into uh a big kind of like dry dock building um and I think my eventual plan is to have two of these uh that are kind of next to each other is kind of the auto sort area uh cuz basically the long

The short is I’m slowly building a city here uh so like all my fa like all my farms are in factories um and and then everything else as and this is kind of the factory district that comes to the docks and that comes out to here you know what I

Mean also ites it doesn’t sound that insane I feel like I’ve been that way where like I’ve really I’ve just been like I got a hankering for something but you don’t know what it’s like when you’re ordering food you know what I mean where you’re like you you don’t

You’re hungry and you know you’re hungry but you and you know you want something like when you hear it you’re like that’s it but you just don’t know what it is yet you know what I mean like like like people are say they’re like ah pizza and

You’re like no no they’re like um Sushi you’re like no no not that no um we could get tacos and you’re like ooh ooh baby ooh that’s the one that’s the ticket that right there that right there that right there that is the one that I want Go good for you sheep have a good meal I hope that was some tasty grass did you enjoy it was it good okay well good I’m glad glad compliments to the chef I’ll let him know I’ll let him know yeah yeah I’ve got getting to it jeez Jeez is he still down there he is he’s still down there and I don’t I don’t really know why you know what I mean like he’s just kind of chilling I don’t think the minds are anything particular to him but he’s sort of just like there with it you know what I

Mean kind of just is vibing with the whole process I don’t really understand why like it’s not like anything’s particularly there for him hey buddy can I help you you is there is there something I can help you with like you’re just kind of crowding the entrance a little bit you

Know okay cool and all well yeah I guess if you’re doing chill I’m fine with it you know it’s you’re fine to stay just you know don’t uh don’t feel like you got it all right yeah sure thing pal sure thing um yeah yeah oh oh hey personal space would be nice

Thanks I’m I’m I’m going to um I’m going to go this way yeah you’re welcome he’s a little odd you know just just a little odd bit of a peculiar fella you know he just he just doesn’t really know what he wants something down there further yeah but

I’ve mined out that place for so long I’ve already been through most of it I wonder if he means the lab no we’ve been down there so many times I could check it out can’t really imagine that there’s anything particular to see but hey are you you’re not

Like you’re like trying to tell me to go so down further what okay um all right I’ll check me AIT OD you know that some of these fellas they just got no they got no business they got no business they just tell you oh go here go there do this do

That doesn’t even pay tax doesn’t even pay TX my God unbelievable oh he can certainly check it out Oh here might as well might as well who we’re at it whoa we’re at it oh man I think we found this place forever ago it’s been eons and Eons I don’t know I don’t really think there’s going to be much to see per se but uh kind of I’m kind of I’m kind of doubted that there’s there’s much new down here you know what I mean this seems I don’t know unlikely of all things still

Here gold still here the crystals are still here oh yeah this stuff I never did find an I know they’re connected somehow I just can’t for the life of me figure out how something around it you know I know it’s rejuvenated I know that we’ve been a like David’s P that down

Easy it’s one of the first things he figured out half of how we know how to make these reverse engineer but this bit no this bit strange I don’t understand this bit it just seems out of place know it just seems I don’t know wrong out of all of it this is easily

The most confusing I mean none of this makes sense Oh it’s it honest it hurts to look at actually it’s a pain it’s all connected somehow I just don’t know how yet we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out in due time in due time why do he want me down here like he was guiding me I just don’t get

It maybe it’s just not for me to get I don’t know oh well come to a lot of dead ends I’m starting to get worried for so so I know David doesn’t want me to I think we got to go see that cleric at some point sometime

Soon got have a lot of on our hands otherwise to’s okay yeah I don’t know why he wanted this down there but stranger things you know stranger things have happened I hope that’s how that shows end I hope that’s I hope that’s how that show ends

I hope that show ends with with with with with with with just turned the camera of like 40 years down the road they’re like I don’t know here in Hawkins stranger things have happened end of the show that’s how they end the whole thing that great that great

Nobody tell MJ nobody nobody tell MJ nobody nobody tell MJ they’re going to be bad no tell MJ not let you clip anything well that’s strange I don’t know why that’s very peculiar actually I feel like someone else was having trouble with that earlier I forget who I

Think I want to say it was greed greed was maybe having some trouble with that at one point maybe MJ just has them all taken up MJ does have I feel like MJ still has like a whole window of of Chrome open it’s just like 40 Clips

Unprocessed cuz I feel like MJ takes a lot of Clips but now actually processes them and so they just remain out into the ether no that’s like the fourth or fifth time I’ve gone down there and he never joins me I mean they never do it was the

Same with the soldiery it was the same with the temple think about that Temple a lot you know that I go there more often than I should hard to leave it alone something there something power I just don’t just don’t know I was Guided by one of the more that time

Too right past the soul Tre and then another time they guided me to whatever that dream was oh well I’m sure it was nothing I actually thought I actually thought that super was in that dream you I keep feeling like it was I don’t

Know I saw a sketch once in his in his uh in his house of of just soup as a much younger man look I like him tricks of the mind I suppose tricks of the mind it always tends to get you I’m thinking T tiger which which you you had mentioned the idea of using the flowers to make a Crest which flowers do you think would you use would you use block one block size flowers or do you think you’d have to use just the double lock I’m thinking half of half a field

Of peonies or maybe a quarter peonies a border of um what are the other what are all the tall ones not sunflowers cuz those I feel don’t work well for like big thing Hi Sam hi how you doing buddy you doing good here one sec one sec let me just me put something

[Applause] away those I don’t need those Hi Sam hi yes you what a good little kitty what a good Kat Hank yeah whatever whatever oh man does t of undying work what is the Ender trying to say yeah I think I think they’re all connected it’s funny actually I I I feel

Like I found some of those little those little orbs those little pearls that they have I found some of those right out at the uh right out at the temple before actually I broke in I broke open a barrel and I I found about six of

Them I don’t know why there’s so many out them they’re normally quite a rarity normally you got to take them from them sometimes I found a few old locations that have had some them though so it must have been important in the old world found them in the desert temples we found

Them found them in the underground Crips found them in the temples way far out yeah around the giant skeletons we even found some of them uh we even found some of them I think uh in one of the Eglo strange very strange well I’m sick I love it oo peppermint

Tea I you know I I’ll admit it peppermint tea is one of those things where it’s like I’ll I’ll um I’m not saying I would uh load someone into a cartoonishly large clown Cannon and shoot them across the sky for the sake of getting one of these but I’m not

Saying I wouldn’t either you know what I mean like that feels a fair trade it feels like it all like it all evens out in the wash you know what I mean like at the end of the day you’re like ah but that’s life that’s life that’s what all people Say perfect y abon somebody say clown Canon yeah I said clown Canon what why do that that is that is that like your calling card oh my God very weird she on another half of it speaking of out of out of metal wise I should say for those who have not seen

Any of the major lore builds the um uh the giant skeletons and the um and the massive uh the massive uh Ender ey Temple uh are probably two of my fav favorite builds we’ve done I’ve also really enjoyed uh the uh The Godly uh Godly Temple area that we experienced recently

Relatively yo Tyler but we are doing FNAF that’s next righty where did everyone get the idea that we were doing FNAF La this Friday did I say that somewhere I don’t it’s not like like I’m just CU a lot of people said I was like

I thought I said next Friday but now I feel bad if people thought it was going to be this Friday I I I’d feel bad if if if ID said it was going to be this Friday I I I intended the following Friday yes it wait it is the wait a

Clown can into your call that’s what a great calling card to have like of all the ones you could you could have that would be a pretty good one you did you said this Friday when when did I say that where did I say that did I say that on stream

Um if I did yeah that’s my apologies I I I had entirely uh planned it in my mind to be the following subsequent Friday almost no gravel this far in I want it to be still very um very much based in I want it to be very much based uh That that like that like so like that all right sick uh means the immediate closest Friday not the Friday of next week oh man well like I I feel like um man that’s my that’s my mistake I must totally misspoke or maybe I changed it in my own

Mind cuz I remember I feel like I I I ended up Chang it because um uh I think it was totally human and MJ I knew were not probably available for today um and so for those two uh I feel like I changed it in part because of

That uh or that’s what that’s what fed the logic of my decision uh namely cuz I feel like if you’re one of the members who like contributed a lot to to the actual uh goal being achieved in the case of like totally human and stuff like that that it’s like well I’m

Not going to make it so it’s on a date where you’re not going to be able to that’ just be rude that’ just be a rude thing to Do uh no and there we go there we go and here we go yo here we go yo scenario um you give me a rund down a lore of This MC World um run down a lore uh so long and the short of it is this is a hardcore

World that’s uh basically designed that I can’t do anything in the world if the world does not teach me how to do it so um in terms of how that kind of works you know it’s things like I can’t cure the zombie villagers until I find Igloo

That teach me how to cure it I couldn’t go to the nether till I found enough uh material to uh to like found enough ruined nether portals with Flint Steels and stuff like that that I could be like oh it seems to keep making the same

Shape what if I made the full shape then little on fire oh and then that worked um and so stuff like which is why I’m still in Diamond um and stuff like that like this is this is a pretty old world at this point I intentionally like it’s like if i’ I

Have all the I had before templates too all the material to make full netherite but it’s like I need the game to explain to me what a netherite Ingot is uh which I need to find a ption first for anyway now with templates that’s an in World

Explanation of how you make this you know what I mean um I can see your messages uh brief summary of the Lord Napoleon the 7th um just kind of materialized out of nowhere and took over this Village and slowly build it into an Empire uh it’s heavily implied that there were six

Previous napoleons keep reincarnating or something soup is a villager uh who might have known previous uh Napoleon but we don’t know which one David is a librarian who helps that’s true uh well I mean that David is a librarian that helps me as to the rest of it those are

The speculations yes um there is a lot of things that are speculative I will say that um some of the best ways to understand it is through uh it’s called the series is basically called the Ageless Empire um there is a Wikipedia and there is a um uh the eoes haven’t

Come out for it for a little while um there is a newspaper um that also uh kind of notates elements of the world and stuff like that those are kind of the best ways to do it as it currently stands soup recently left the village uh

To go off uh in search of own answers uh as after a uh very early on uh after a incursion uh into this Village that I just decided to stop in and stay at up on my first night uh there was an incursion of um illagers a raid on the

Village um I managed to fend off the raid and save the village and there was a few villagers left but then over the course of the following nights uh zombies kind of moved in and the plague spread and a number of them have been zombified uh all that was really left

Was myself soup and David uh the three of us have more or less been working together to try to figure things out uh over time we’ve gained some new villagers uh we gained uh uh rain we gained uh Mason uh those two uh live right in that little masonry Hut there

Um they are fantastic they’re lovely uh or is he just actually lost uh canonically he left he left he left there was a um there was a dramatic scene uh we had a little cutaway l so sometimes I do fullon produced cutaway Lord where it’s like fade into something else like made

With a replay mod type deal lore uh that occurs in that soup decided he wanted to leave to go further research some things uh didn’t feel we were moving fast enough wanted to do his own thing so he left for a while he’s out currently adventuring as of late um I

Kind of had a weird well the character of Napoleon the 7th had a weird experience in a temple um mat here I well we go to the temple not so far away uh I had a recent experience in one of the temples you can see that in the vods channel if you want

To see what it was um where basically uh in a in a in a temple to one of the Gods um of this world more or less he got a vision that is soups in trouble potentially zombified who knows um so there’s more to look into there you know I love cut

Scenes yeah I like making them um I love them yeah made Mason and RA are lovely they live both there they live their silly little life it’s great well oh and I should say um so yeah in in terms of this stream uh the the lore and story kind of happen happen

Uh as we go cuz cuz in general uh I like to build up this area um incorporates our deities lore to the world even builds yeah that’s true as well uh CU yeah early on a way to kind of make it uh so that some things could

Be potentially learned only if I thought it made sense or was fair uh to learn it that way uh via the chat quote unquote that I’m speaking to um I I ripped a page out of uh out of uh a few different places I should say uh but obviously

Most notably individuals like techn plade and stuff like that early on at the time of oh voices in your head but instead of voices in my head I was like oh the is of the world that makes way more sense uh cuz you know why why is

Steve or your character able to punch trees and villagers can’t little odd Dam it God why not or chosen or whatever it is he’s not exactly sure what he is yeah so those are kind of like the base the big hit lines kind of things uh so we have some

Things like the soul tree that exists um which underneath had the which for for those that were paying attention earlier uh the area that we went to uh underground is directly below the roots of the Soul tree uh and then there’s uh some ruins of former civilizations like the area over there

Um which is a a a ruin where where I found the first nether portal uh but yeah in general yeah there’s kind of like a continuous story line that sort of um go uh goes on and off um how how how uh we approach it and

Yeah I just thought it was a fun way to do things it has meant that you know I don’t have things like an elytra yet cuz I don’t know about the end and I don’t know how to open the end and I’ve been trying to get a little more creative um

In my own ways which is why some big Mega builds like the um uh like the skeletal Giants and uh giant Ender Temple uh exist uh as sort of the beginning of oh there’s something else there’s something more uh there’s little details to think you know a fire pops off it’s me there’s

Been so many fires no please I can’t survive another one oh my God but yeah in general I think that the one under the sultry is the closest quote unquote lore build to the um the actual main city uh outside of the one over there yeah um oh yeah I guess the

Easiest thing to show uh is is um I will say sometimes I’ve been exploring some things like themes of deriz uh just as a bit of a warning for some people uh that is not always POG for everybody um but yeah things like uh cuz we initially we

We we we kept a little thing and then uh you know things got a little crazy and uh we keep going and um all blank page so there’s been lots of little things there been lots of little things uh oh yeah I should say yeah a lot of the chests in here actually

Contain uh a lot of lore based books um like a lot of lore based books uh that have been storyline important and the like um this one no oh yeah and then this is where we had dis 11 uh these are from there some more lore based books

Yeah those pages now all of those pages have been seen before tiger all of those pages have been seen before that’s the only reason I flicked through it that way I would I would not have been so careless of flicking through with stuff that that not uh already been seen but

Yeah U but yeah if on the vods channel is the easiest way to like see the playback of it but yeah it’s been fun it’s been fun they have yeah uh that book was part of um that book was used during uh what we call it uh leide body memory strikes again no

Worries dude yep that book was used during leide uh for those that don’t know leide is a a city uh that exists uh in potentially another time past future who knows um current day who’s to say yeah I’ve been having fun with it uh mostly we just kind of hang around uh we

Do we do uh we do we do a little bit of building we we we continue to talk to pick away we chat we do whatever you know um but yeah as as you can see as of late I’ve gotten um cuz like yeah for a lot of these builds over here the

Factory district of the city uh a lot of those are farms that I for the first two years uh really didn’t make I didn’t do redstone Farms cuz I was like well I don’t know anything about Redstone um but then I found a jungle temple and

Jungle temples uh prior to the deep dark uh were the only in World way to ever learn what a redstone circuit was uh because sure there was pressure plates and buttons in certain areas is but there was no like quote unquote complicated like piston moving from

Redstone Dust by pulling a lever uh so I was like boom that’s how you can learn about that yeah and so that that’s from that forward I started being able to make factories Industrial Revolution baby kind of fits the whole 1800’s aesthetic don’t you think oh my God yeah that’s kind of a

Rough overview uh rundown on the whole thing but yeah oh and then over there is is the bleed um don’t really know what’s going on with all that at one point it was just kind of a abandoned nether portal I guess or some sort of old portal uh and

Then time kind of went on it’s started to um bleed started to grow it seemed to have stopped for a while till it got really bad and well now now it’s a whole thing but I’m sure it’s fine it’s out of the city walls we’re safe I’m safe David’s safe that’s all

That’s important poop’s not here So for now what are the odds any anything bad ever happens surely not surely not the nether everything that I’ve read on the nether like David’s research and I’ve looked into it the nether doesn’t bleed like that not anymore hasn’t for a long long time only in stuff of Legend has it ever

Really had a bleed effect like that or transformative effect and those days are long behind us I’m not worried I’m not worried at all it’ll be fine what’s the worst that could happen oh I have fun I have fun 99% at leite you better start believing in Legend because you’re a living

One you better start believing in Ghost Stories Miss Turner you’re in one what a great what a great move what okay no don’t get me started on this again tiger we went through like a full year where I wouldn’t shut up about how much I about

How much I love the first pirates in the Caribbean that movie is so good God I like I was obsessed with it I still am obsessed with it man oh my God it’s just such a great movie it’s so good everything about it oh my

God uh yeah let’s do it that way why not [Applause] Actually you want toly a bad nether bleed I mean the most recent lore would probably be the one for that uh or not the most recent I should say but the most recent big lore which um yeah I should say yeah big lore tends to occur

Around certain uh times of the year um because well you know I got other other commitments in life so I kind of just uh pick away at it uh and try to get it done for certain times and certain moment uh which leads it to be slow

Going as well well as well because the big lore um I’ve decided to I I decided a while ago to start doing it off camera cuz it was a cool surprise trouble with that is I am always risking my hardcore World off camera like when you make a massive lake

Of lava to to have a half the like to have the nether have come to the real world that’s a bit of a problem don’t fall into it oh man up to YouTube let’s go let’s go we might actually hit uh a th000 subscribers on YouTube before the end of

The year man it’s crazy I’ve said that a few times now as a reason just cuz we’re like we’re so close it’s so wild I like I don’t know it’s blowing byby over there I tend to make uh uh video essay stuff like that if you’re

Into stuff like that I do some gaming content as well yeah I try to keep fairly regular uploads well well well you know I tried I tried oh man4 let’s go baby oh my God see that’s what I saying it’s yeah it’s um 16 away 16 away from

Uh from hitting a thousand that’s crazy like like the growth on it’s so wild it’s been like several hundred in the last like month just because of the one the Deep dive I did on Minecraft legends that brought a lot of people in um yeah this said easy you going make me

Blush this is D oh I appreciate the confidence I’m I’m I’m hoping for it I got another video in the works that’s uh a bit of a video I said we’ll see we’ll see how it I it’s in some ways it’s it’s it’s more for me

Than anybody else it’s it’s it’s one of the it’s it’s more of a a gathering thoughts typee deal but um but I’m hopeful for it I think it’s I would hesitate to call anything I make uh quote unquote important um that feels too lofty also hi R um hope you’ve been

Well hope you’ve been well uh but uh it is something that I think is I don’t know even even if not me somebody should address the topic of at some point if that makes sense I don’t want to I don’t want to say what it is cuz it’s

Hopefully coming out soon and I will reveal with that but yeah uh you didn’t ask how like bro personal space please me at the Ender me bro personal face bro we 1985 will be uh 985 oh oh hypers a stone block two what is stone block 2 that sounds

Magical wait that sounds so awesome what is is stone block too man I’ve I’ve never heard tell uh um like a mod pack oh it’s modded Minecraft oh see for some reason I thought it was its own like Standalone thing uh by the sound of it I was like oh what’s

That no no don’t do it to me don’t do it to me um do I want to transition this much I don’t know I don’t know cuz yeah this will then come all the way up here which will come all the way up here which will

Come all the way up here which come up to the bank it’ll come across that way and then these will be big fields of flowers uh CU guys this is the fourth time today the walls are here for a reason shoot your friend shoot your friend do it I dare you shoot your friend shoot your friend do it you won’t you won’t shoot your friend do it dare you thank you idiot stupid stinky dum dum doooo face got

Him obliterated the oh my God what for yeah they’ve been constantly out here man I don’t know Why going to change now where is it where is it sorry oh my God the number is changing oh I love it here Whoa Wow no no please oh perfect um cuz no one could judge me for it me as a streamer I mean hey that’s streaming baby that’s that’s streaming for for an audience of one no water what are you doing um yeah let’s do it like uh that and

Then here with it around like that Bring It Around Town Bring It Around Town Uh so that so like that Baba Gaba Baba Gaba easy ELO it’s an easy life Earth Earth slowly but surely slowly but surely gentlemen and just questions you oh my God yeah I’ve been dealing with that with these with these chuckleheads look at you I don’t even know what I was going to say

Like yeah let me just let me just throw like like tiger or medicine or or G under the look at you oh my God look at you totally human look at you Cale oh My I’m craving listening to funk music while vibing in Minecraft can’t throw me under the bus if I already live brother what do you mean oh my God I don’t know what I mean I’m I can tell oh my God I already live under the bth huh good

Lord hey live under a bus that’s that’s a crime somehow you know that that that’s criminal criminal Mr Criminal you deserve that probably cuz you’re a Criminal much more spacious quite nice oh yeah you can have a whole little like uh Bed Bed and Breakfast inside of it you think anybody’s ever run a bed and breakfast outside of a uh outside of an 18wheeler you think that’s like a thing anybody’s ever done I hope so I hope

Someone I hope someone’s had the gumption hope someone’s had the G to to run a beded breakfast out of the r cuz you know they can have like beds in it and stuff like that you know you know what I mean like they can uh I want do

That now you just pull up places you’re like yep here’s here’s the space like oh my God you’re going to be traveling with your bed and breakfast just so you’re aware there will be travel involved oh man great while breaking my neck to funk music but also my over 2 hours see you

Bye Anana have fun with the funk let the funk be within you and also with you oh the funk shall be within you and also with you oh I is that not what is that not what we meant to do I love the idea so just and also with

You no what do you what no this isn’t what oh I’m sorry I’m I’m Catholic I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t understand the cab of a big rig is too cramped but if you kid it out a trailer it might be a little extra big well

Don’t they do that with the cab of the big rig though don’t they make like a little bed and you can have a TV in there and like all this other stuff like it’s like where they sleep and stuff like that at night I could be entirely

Pulling that out of thin air I could be so wrong on that but I feel like that’s a thing I could be WR I feel like I’ve seen people like like post pictures and be like yeah my rig or whatever yeah but it’s so so cramps oh it’s just a cramped experience

Yeah probably probably yeah you know I wouldn’t doubt it all things considered seems Seems like a uh seems like a a logical deduction seems you’ve put together the puzzle homes yes tiger I’m now picturing was Robert Downey Jr from Sherlock hes discombobulate discombobulate throw handkerchief pleas Combobulate who lives in a plane and a school bus well there’s also uh someone who lives in a pineapple under the sea so what are we doing here what are we doing you know like what what’s even the point RJ’s transition goals not going to lie let’s go wait like specifically him

In Sherlock Holmes or just him in general I mean to be fair his Vibes are like pretty Immaculate he’s honestly what a guy I love you guys ever see that video of him just so like so done uh in like the 90s at like Wall Street or

Whatever like he’s he’s on Wall Street and he’s actively just like I have never SE never before have I seen a more wretched Hive of scum villain is what he says at the end like it’s like like he just roasts them oh my God yellow and something Horus is he Horus

Hor I don’t know yeah exactly no one knows no one’s ever going to know it’s secret it’s more secret than the crabby patty formula the crabby pabby formula Professor squeak the thanks so much for the follow appreciate it how do Minecraft how do I I I assume the only way to say your

Name is is I go like Professor sque I feel like it needs the how high are you um like from the sea level not super high up no uh in from like well I guess like I don’t know um I’m on a floor of a building so

Like probably a good couple feet all things considered a couple stories All Things Considered you know all things being equal my my uh my my my uh my ears haven’t popped so it can’t be that high up uh I don’t think the the altitude has changed I don’t feel altit sickness so

100 ft upo brother’s on a mountain I say that I actually have no frame of reference for how tall a mountain is uh all do you mind God some zombies man no no no class they got no Class [Applause] are there just like a million are there one second hold the phone wait a minute I’ll say this it is much more than 100t a mountain oh a Mountain’s a lot more than 100 yikes I um I may have misspoke then kind of kind of just went

Like 100 ft that’s got to be it’s got to be a it’s got to be like a mountain is it just like uh there’s just one guy oh there’s a few guys oh there’s there’s a few there’s a few uh Sparky boys uh there’s you know we we just we’re just

Going to we’re just going to pit maneuver them away where where’ they go where there they are thank you very POG no no come back thank you it’s so much easier when you just let me instantly uh obliterate you how did he take two shots and all the others were dead in one

What what is he made of like titanium what was that this David geta what what do you mean God oh God don’t get hit by lady don’t get hit by lady don’t don’t get hit by lady don’t get hit by lady don’t get my lightning don’t get my lightning oh thank God Bad p p power oh oh 200 oh welcome back medic out do out do how was your time how were you oh bad um H I’m going to go get a bunch of uh whatch calls it uh bone meal uh and some flowers it’s TI it is TI oh oh my good [ __ ] oh me my oh miss mly but yeah you know this is probably going to be one of the most complicated

Redstone things I’ve ever made I mean it’s which is funny cuz it’s not that complicated but it’s probably going to be I I like I can’t imagine me making something more complicated just cuz I I don’t got the um what’s the word I’m looking for uh the well let’s go with

Acumen let’s be kind to myself today let’s say I don’t have the Acumen for it um and not just you know me me me no no smart smart let’s go with something nice let’s let’s be kind to ourselves today let’s say Acumen why not oh I uh I just don’t

Have the Acumen for that Tracy turn blad uh M turn blad’s agent what a movie what a wild time you know what Tracy turn BL you turn right around um Had a wonderful dinner of pizza o and dropped day 10 of nav let’s go baby November yeah medicine is cracked beyond belief uh it is absolutely killing it in the fan Channel this uh this month do a daily is crazy oh my God it’s actually so Bonkers

I’m I’m also so hyp for your medicine that U that MJ’s Professor art history Professor was was amped on your um was was was amped on on on your uh redo portraits of of Napoleon cuz medicine for those that don’t know uh has done some genuinely gorgeous artwork um that

So often lives as my phone lock screen um cuz I uh I I I I am so I I I just you know I need it uh um I I I’m an arthist I’m a narcissist uh but anyway it’s uh redo artwork of like famous Napoleonic paintings but with like Minecraft

Symbolism of your boy the the 7th and it’s so sick see these Arts you should they’re so awesome uh there’s lots of different artists who’ have done great stuff in the uh Fan Art Channel menace’s currently been doing stuff but there’s stuff by menacing and Mythic uh Tyler

And uh by bees and by Melo Alo and by Pink um and uh I think uh I uh I think gar maybe at one point um uh weed King did some uh tiger did you I forget I feel like tiger you did do some at one point I forget apologies

I’m I’m so sorry uh I have them all itemized in like a I have them all itemized with like accreditation to them uh for my things and I I show them just like look at this look at this thing I just slam G Red 2 G Red 2 yes

Yes yes yes my apologies my apologies I did one yes okay I knew I was like I was pretty confident but I was like oh what if I’m wrong uh tiger just comes like no I hate you now oh my I think it was that counts what is oh my

God but yeah they’re all so pretty they’re all so beautiful man uh oh my God I didn’t grab the flowers I need sweet pe oh good heaven I’m now in far too many dis well leave every other one except for M you won’t need it get out of everybody

Else’s can you well that’s just the perfect reason to leave everyone else’s what are you doing there oh man oh that’s great Fair Point you’re so right King I should oh my God all right sick we need to do uh the old the old Flim Flam oh it didn’t even give me that many I thought it was going to give me so many more um oh my sweet Jesus I again for like a you guys need to get out of here you

Need to stop you need to you have been stopped sir what is with you guys huh what did I do to you you nothing sa for yourselves Jesus Christ the fifth time tonight you don’t think I deserve some peace huh you don’t think I deserve to

Not be harassed this is my own private domicile oh my God the nap hate CL exactly bunch of feeds what do you guys want yeah shoot your friend do it do it get him shoot your friend I dare you I dare you I double dare you thank you idiot stupid stinky dum

Dum shut up you’re irrelevant you’re irrelevant you don’t even matter oh my God they’re Relentless and for what and for why what did I ever do nothing I didn’t do nothing to them and yet they feel the right to harass me repeat oh my God you know what I need I

Know what I need to do know what I need to do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it we’re going to the molter baby the MRA 5000 the patent pendant nothing you remember medicine medicine sh medicine medicine oh my God all right yeah I’m just I’m

Just going to throw these in here this work way better I don’t know why I wasn’t ready Perfect uh grab all of that it’s going to be fine oh where did I put I think it’s over by the other area which is fine I can go grabb it from there but yeah it is it’s definitely over in the other area did I hear the rattling of

Bones better hope I didn’t better hope I didn’t if you if I heard rattling bones down here oh oh I hear you where are you I hear you rattling bones I need your calcium Come here you feed there she blows give me your bones another one give me your calcium give it to me right now I’m not wearing hockey pad y wa do hope you’ve been well dude hope you’ve been well yay calcium oh my God no one ever has to know and no one

Will ever know I’ll steal it and no one will ever know oh my God calcium sounds an awful lot like [ __ ] I’m just going to steal kum’s bones I’m going to Y him away he can’t do nothing to stop me he’ll have no choice I’ll go what is that over there and he’ll go huh and I’ll be like Z and

I’ll take them I’ll take I’ll take I’ll take them away he will have lost bone privileges uh L plus ratio uh he doesn’t get a say in the matter and uh they’re all mine now aha ho ho he h you know as one does as one may be prone to

Doing Huggers hogers I got sub message now what well anyway thank you for 15 months snap and chat I have been away a lot but that be life I still adore this community and hope to still be a part of it for years to come napole 16 heart napole 16 heart we

Play you guys you guys are way too sweet in your messes be meaner be bully more what is like the way KTV comes in with h oh stinky and you going to come in there being nice and sweet and kind people how dare you thank you so much for 15 months dude

That’s so nice you I hope you do well I hope I hope whatever it’s been has been a joy to do uh with whatever has been keeping you busy and like and and yeah you we all we’ll always be here dude we’ll always be here yeah

Baby yeah the compost to 5,000 the most intricate the most the most intricate of any Redstone Contraption I’ve ever made yeah baby that me no no no no no wait a minute hold the phone no oh we are not doing that medicine we a Hi Sam oh my God again I’m

Sorry I don’t mean to blow out anybody’s e drums I’m sorry I’m sorry the the comedic timing it’s just too good I can’t give it up oh my God how’s the week been W I hope you do well by the way oh God yo up man uh my favorite show

Lately is season 2 of Loki oh how is it good I’ve actually not got a chance to take a look at is it any good I I feel like I’ve heard great things and I’ve seen a few little clips that seemed interesting uh seems a bit more villainous than normal uh which I’m

Hopeful for um but yeah I I think cuz I think the finale just came out so I wanted to um I wanted to like wait till it was all out and then probably binge it uh which is funny cuz I don’t don’t like Ping shells but for whatever reason

With this one I was like we’ll wait we’ll wait oh speaking of a woof for the marbles that one ooh that’s not looking like it’s going to end pretty been really in and I hope this St going like that uh how about Ean how even I’ve been Dy I’ve been doing great

Man been vibing out been been expanding the h cor World been working away on a on a video that I’m very excited for been been vibing trying to get that done and by by vibing uh I mean U exploring existential themes uh you know as one does it’s the fall um

You know it’s that time of year It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year oh my he up oh yeah you’ll hear I’m sure Ty I’m sure he’ll mention what he wants done at some point around you it’s um it’s something uh it really need uh in MCU it

Was great but the finale uh is really what makes Season O see yeah I was wondering see I uh because of what was going on with the dude playing Kang or whatever I was like oh I don’t know how they’re going to escape that one uh I

Wonder if they figure that out but um but yeah the um in in terms of uh stuff like the Marvels and stuff like that yeah I don’t think that one’s going to go well and I do not you know I’m just going to avoid Twitter for like the

Weekend you know which In fairness I do most days anyway don’t go on to don’t go on to Mariah car’s you know what what I’m sorry what I came it that with way too much emotion I don’t know who died and made Mariah Cary the the the the queen of

Christmas I don’t know who let the capitalist like it’s the most listen it’s a fine song it’s all right all right I gu it’s not bad in the slight it’s a decent song who said that’s the song of Christmas who’s like oh it’s Christmas season play this like why do

Malls play it everywhere why does everyone play this song am I crazy like there’s so many better Christmas songs man you know what I mean name like three other artist naap what like just it uh just other Christmas artists uh Michael bé Bing Crosby Nat King Cole want three more I

Got I got him locked and loaded baby Selen Dion if you want you want somebody like that like what is like I got them locked and loaded what do you mean I’ll take Justin Bieber’s missl toe over it I’ll oh my God Last Christmas I gave you

My part the very next day you kidding me that’s way bit Wham there’s millions of you think I haven’t thought this sir you listen to me you you listen to me oh my God that’s great you think I haven’t thought this through El like any of

Them as well he is like the king no but see that’s the thing Michael blue Blade’s Christmas songs are at least like like I can get it cuz he’s just doing the old kuner music of just the like I’m dreaming of a white Christmas you know what I mean like it’s just what

He’s doing um I refuse to attempt to actually sing any of this um but yeah like that that’s what he’s doing like oh or you got like the weather outside is frightful but you got if you want the more uh if for whatever reason you want the more religious side of the holiday

You got your silent nights you’re all holy nights whatever yeah sure like Hawk the herald angel sing yada y y if that’s your jam oh you want a fun let’s let’s just go have fun Christmas you got your Frosty the Snowman you got Jingle Bells

You got uh what call you got Wham song you got uh you want something uh Baby It’s Cold Outside is me making excuses to take a little [Laughter] sleepy no I’m not I’m not going outside today no no no no no no no no just like

That I like yeah that’s I should say I’m I’m haming this up a little but like like I genuinely think it’s a decent song like that like like the All I want for Christmas is you like it’s great I just don’t know why it’s like the one that like like

Everyone plays it as like it’s already November 1st time for and I’m like it’s not even like the first if you told me name a Christmas song it’s never going to be the first one that comes to mind and I don’t get why we’re trying to make

It the first one that comes to mind oh my God Michael B is like absolutely and wh is so much better even even though like so this is Christmas if you want your melancholic Christmas song cuz yeah you know lots of people see the holiday as a Melancholy time I like

Bittersweet type deal you know did I okay good I was like did I not grab this the bone meal I needed Tom card is the best I can agree has some hilarious Christmas view I love see a thing there’s funny Christmas music I just don’t know why everybody treats it as so

Like Mariah car scks like the end o be all Christmas song I’m like like you all right but it’s also just like I mean In fairness peoples do this and then her markting like I got I understood the meme of it originally cuz like malls everywhere played it so much

But now you’re just letting her win you’re just letting her marketing team get big buck money for her consistently every year of like reinvigorating her her um her whole process and I don’t I I won’t stand for it oh my God David Bowie exists like like you can play his song oh my

God but that’s what I’m saying is like like even if you want something moderate I mean there’s even like the the uh how that song even go down I think about it um uh with you shotty with you with you shy with you with you under the missile

Toe oh my God I love it here it’s so great Everything’s Awesome with you shy with you oh my God what a like it’s just such a like an insane thing for people have decided like no Mariah car that’s the end of video you have to drop a Christmas album oh yeah M

Me let me let me get the old the old pipes ready to go yeah I’ll be the next lwig I’ll drop my own my own um dmca free one yeah you know what I’ll I’ll I’ll shoot videos for each one it’ll just be me it’ll be it’ll be me and like in it

Constantly obscured though constantly OBS scared me of D like a bush of Holly I’m holding up or something like that like no one can see the face she be walking around a piano oh my God I’ll Be Home for Christmas you can’t count on

Me that’s be exactly oh or or I do all the Mariah Carey so songs and I hit the whistle tones better and I hit the high notes better I go step aside Miss Mariah it’s naps time to shine that we horrifically real good oh yeah wallowing so lowan I can’t cancel that

Again J size 6 to seven J size oh my God it’s perfect I’m going to like mostly fill at least some blank areas I guess cuz that’s probably a good way to kind of start this but I needed to go deep I needed to

Go to get an idea of what it’s going to look like though oh Jesus we’re already through the first one sweet Jesus Sweet Christmas good Chris cringle my God Robin what are we going to do I don’t know Batman oh my God oh there’s a new Christmas King in town

Oh yeah oh yeah baby start spreading the no what a beautiful Melody you’re going to start doing a kick line I want to be the king of old Christmas Christmas oh my God just Insanity just I just don’t understand it man there’s so many better groupings and

People are like Mariah Mariah and I’m like no you have better people to look up to Dolly Parton has a Christmas album and I’m tired of pretending like she doesn’t I’m tired you come to me you come to me with with Mariah Carey when Dolly Parton clearly exists huh is that what you’re

Telling me for shame for Shame what is that Melody I feel like it’ll be cooler once I have like like I mean these are like nothing yet so so like it’s hard to tell but once once there’s like that on both sides you see what I mean like like once it’s like super flower fielded on like

Both sides I think then it’ll be cool right now it kind of just seems like a lot uh but like once once cuz the plan is it’s going to be like um big SWA of flowers on both sides actually I need to L yeah oh she even has some original like like

Original Christmas songs like she she U like her I think the big song on is the like I’ll be home with bells on I’ll be home with bells on I’ll be home with bells on you know what I mean uh add some Moss or green C genius

Genius uh or some of the shorter flowers see I like the idea of having them be all the same flower but I think the Moss will really add add a lot to it especially if I make it like if I make all of this blank grass Moss instead

Maybe like that could be really especially if it like uh adds this like really vibrant Green in amongst it a bowl of chicken dog is how many exactly 20 exactly 20 let’s go huge oh man actually speaking of music I have to still work on um I’m doing this

Thing where this is not going to help me beat the beat the beat the rumors up but alas I’m like I’m working on this thing of uh uh the theater kid rumors I should say uh the but I’m working on this paper for a media media media study okay all right

Yes where I uh where what I’m looking at I got to look at different like Duets and like how how they’re written cuz like it’s such like a weird thing in in in musicals type thing and I mean like Disney musicals or any kind of musicals

Like like any musical like like how they like frame Duets that like is so interesed in the capacity of like um how do I explain what I mean um oh so like you know you have like you’re like a ladin where it’s like he has his bit of

His part of a story that he’s telling then Jasmine says her bit and they’re like contained chunks for the most part it’s like the I can show you the wild shining shimmering Splendid like he does his whole thing uh lays that all out for he’s like yeah and and then she goes like

Indescribable feeling like she she’s like going into her own story you know what I mean you know what I mean everybody’s on the same page versus like um then you got something like say uh nosies all right and then you got something like newsies where where it’s

Like the like and if I’m G tomorrow what was our still will be like it’s it’s a call and response in the way that like each line is their own thought still but it’s calling response lines but then but then you have something like for those like for those that know it there

There’s the musical The Phantom of the Opera then you got that when I tell you it’s the most unhinged form of writing I think I’ve ever seen for like for like like I don’t understand what the inworld explanation quote unquote the diagetic explanation for how that song’s meant to

Work is because because like these people upon first properly meeting of like the Phantom and Christine their song is interwined to a way that they’re finishing finishing each other’s sentences on a level of like like the Phantom’s telling her what she thought and then she’s telling him like yes

You’re correct but all in like the same line it’s Insanity it’s Insanity it’s like um um I don’t know what’s a good except the um uh like in all your fantasies you always knew that man in mystery we’re both in you like like like she’s ending

The line as though she knew what he was going to say but how they’re uh psychically connected but that’s the thing that is what’s implied through that musicality is cuz it’s meant to be this whole thing of a trans and she’s meant to be quote unquote his Angel of

Music and yada y y he puts her under transes and it’s a whole thing it’s a whole thing but like my point is like like she like cuz then it goes from that like uh where Bing you and then they start singing the exact same thing at

The same time of like and though you turn from me to GL behind or whatever like it’s this it’s this musicality that’s meant to be like I think it’s meant to be showing uh based on like notes stuff like that that like it’s meant to be showing that their their

Minds are literally intertwined and that’s an insane d who’s putting that into something you think anybody in the audience in Broadway is understanding that you think someone watching that like hey hey honey yeah yes dear I think the Phantom and Christine I I think the way their

Singing is meant to imply you know there’s there’s an implication here musically that she’s constantly under a trance in his in in in his area he’s placed honey g sper under a bit of a Trent like who’s picking up on that like who’s I think that people would get that

Impression conciously know or see that’s fair and that’s the thing and that’s that’s kind of where the paper go like what I write it is like the unconsciousness that this music then uses to tell a story which is such an interesting and cool and geni like like

I’m it sounds like I’m ragging on it I actually think it’s really smart it’s an incredibly like interesting interesting style of like like no one’s going to sit there and say hey honey I think but there’s this implicit nature about it and you guys know me with Minecraft I love implicit

Storytelling um and I think it’s this insanely interesting um element that’s like rarely I can’t think of another musical that’s like done it that way and I can’t find one cuz a lot of them do like call and response or they do it as like um like each character still has

Their own thought but this is making the duet song literally show oh no she’s like totally uh being manipulated and being like maneuvered into what he wants and and like it’s just crazy little aspect to it it’s sounds really EXA it’s this like whole thing of like it’s just

How they’re saying the lines cuz it’s so like wait how would she cuz he says uh uh what’s yeah cuz he’s meant to quotquot know about her fantasies because he said like in uh uh they’re like in all your fantasies you always knew uh that man and

Mystery and then she goes we’re buffing you and so it’s like this finishing F it’s crazy and I kind of love it I kind of think little things like that where it’s like um it’s kind of like the spiderverse you know what I mean that sounds insane one second what I mean by

That is like it’s it’s those little details like um where Peter swung faster in frame Than Miles did until miles learned how to swing better like so he starts at 12 gets to 24 frames in the animation as as the movie progresses it’s kind of like that but done

Musically where it’s like a visual cue in that movie to show like oh he’s learning and then he has learned uh with the fluidity of his movement versus the musicality being showing telling part of the story without ever like addressing it what you talking about I talking

About like uh how how different musicali and different like stories and musicals type things uh convey messaging without ever actually like explicitly stating it uh kind of like in spiderverse which had a whole thing of like oh uh because uh what weall it um because uh like the way they frame

Certain things made it so that like oh miles was at 12 frames animated until I think it’s 3/4 of the movie Once he’s be once he has his what’s up danger moment then he becomes 24 frames because he’s learning uh and Peter is always at 24

Frames CU he knows how to how to be Spider-Man um similarly that kind of Storytelling uh exists in musical form in the sense of like the way a duet is structured uh if you want to do like a Romancing duet is it like are they are

The characters on the same page um in the case of Aladdin they’re not they’re not on the same page they go out to have their whole like a whole new world type thing and Aladdin’s putting forward still his own version of things and he’s like oh I’m this Prince and I’m this

Whatever and and he’s here’s all what I want to do for you and then and then Jasmine has her own little internal thought of like these are unbelievable sits Indescribable feelings so tell me like like like he’s asking like tell me Princess when do you last let your heart

Decide and then she’s like wow this is a whole new world y y but they’re very separated in terms of story but then you have things like newsies where uh I basically just reto the whole story just redoing it and then you have like dooes or other musicals where it’s like um

Align to align to align to align uh as they come in line with each other to to understand what their motives are as character and Phantom of the Opera is its own wholly individualistic thing that’s insane and crazy and I kind of respect it for that I’m kind of like my

God you’re insane that’s so sick that’s awesome oh man so so I that I apologize that all came up because we were talking about Christmas music and then I was like speaking of music and then it just launched me into something I’m working on for a paper

It’s a whole thing it’s a whole thing oh man uh yeah I think I’ll add this here and then add that there cuz I want the way that I want this to come over is I want there to be a bit more stone brick

On this end uh then there will be as it gets farther away CU you’re going into quote unquote the wild you’re getting away from the city and so I want the vibe to still feel like textured but textured in a way that’s like oh it’s less kept it’s less well kept the

Farther out you go so I don’t want any gravel up here I want gravel to start appearing as you get into the road like this is where you start getting gravel you’re far enough away does that make sense I’m like well you if you’re this close to a City Gate it’s probably going to be still well-kept enough uh that you don’t got to worry about Gravel And that that and looking snazzy nice nice trick it guys I’m going to make freaking lose it in a minute you know what I’m where’s this line up oh hey another one idiot the Fon fools uh that watch this he’s going to he’s going to to come right on it where where’d you go come on yeah you missed you missed cuz you’re bad at your job you’re bad okay well everybody gets everybody gets one all right everybody gets one

Okay listen I got to be nice I got to be nice sometimes before you get got no surely I would never get got in here hey Mr andman how you how you how you doing pal you you been well very good very good um you’re just going to chill here for a while

Okay um it’s fine sick um all right okay I’m going to I’m I’m I’m just okay they really they give me some of the hee jibbies I swear to God like I don’t mean it in a mean way it’s just hey give me a bit of the hee

Jibbies you know that’s something about him man like you know when you see something and and then you’re like this is total Deja Vu like you know what I mean it’s it’s it’s it’s Unsettling give him something time move some furniture oh my God okay and the Enderman the Endermen are being a bit weird lately one could even say uh you know uh they get a little quirky at night you know it’s a Jesus Christ oh he said the thing creepy p a facee you want to confess I’ve never read a creepy p in my life I’ll be honest don’t speak I know just what you’re saying so please stop don’t tell me it hurts na to the end yeah you’re so right I went up to I

Don’t speak oh you can’t see you can’t see you can’t see my b boy moves you can’t see my you can’t see my uh and heart attack you can’t see my move don’t Speak nap I have direct confirmation from a friend that if you’ve done anything interesting this stream he will end you I mean I like to think that all my streams are interesting what are you saying MJ MJ what are you saying what are you what are you oh come on

A bad luck naps always see yeah to be abriel ni he’s not like you Edward oh my God always inter that boy see exactly exactly it’s always an interesting time you know we like the lights play the music it’s time to meet the Muppets and the Muppet Show

Tonight oh my god oh man how you doing Edward how you doing MJ I don’t think MJ’s probably hear but also who’s which friend’s going to end me I’m so confused why what I even do disinterested okay you freaking suere what the man it’s like disinterested oh my God tell yourself

Whatever you want Muppet man am I a man or am I a muppet oh my God talk to R bye oh my God I got buffalo chicken and I thought that said Kit Kat dinner I’m not going to lie I thought that said buffalo chicken and Kit Kat dinner I was like

What until I heard nap do that for which voice Why they so So Edward you missed all of our discussion you missed all of listen you guys you guys missed all of our discussion about about uh how insane The Phantom of of the Opera is you guys are crazy you you just missed it I find your Stream So do who else

Yeah see let’s go medicine my beloved oh my God yo see I got menacing on my side LT Edward LT plus ratio I do not he to be that P know this I mean true but like it was more like an interesting narrative listen nap I find

You very interesting I’ve listen to you talking about his totally wanted chat uh but if you did L without me I’ll be sad sad baby man okay my Smiles listen I just think everybody needs to be more chill that’s all that’s all that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m Saying oh my God L time Bro what are you talking I what are you oh what what are you talking about I what musical I don’t know what musical you’re talking about I I I’m just Napping I’m Napoleon I I I don’t know what you talking about you’re you’re you’re crazy I don’t what do you what do you even mean man what you what are you saying Edward’s talking about some sort of musical I I don’t know anything about it to be quite honest with you um sounds

Fake gu like G keep Goyle boss gos we run Thiss and then we’re I wish I stayed at home never mind um never mind uh the I want to raid Italy with some Edward that’s a crazy statement that’s an insane anyway and what we had been talking about was how it’s like this Wild Thing within the um is is uh I Want I can’t help but you’re uh what was I going to say oh yeah the um this this really great uh there was this interesting because I’m writing this whole thing long story short it’s for a media study Thing uh but yeah it ends up having to like examine some of the uh the the musicality of the Opera and I was like oh that’s an interesting little development thing and if anybody I for whatever reason presume you’d be interested L plus Rao Ed Edward Lloyd Weber not an X

Brother was very interesting let’s go yeah so I I I should have rephrased that as like it’s like the instant bu kind of thing but yeah cuz yeah I do genuinely think it’s like an interesting thing which is why I wanted the right topic on it that way because once I like started

Looking at it I was like oh oh watching oh my God I’m closing the app now oh my God bye MJ yeah well cuz it was about the whole um the uh the way that they they like do one off one off the other um in different musical oh my okay really

Condensed uh just cuz I I’m going to bring everyone up to speed again why not baby um to kind of further talking about what I was saying anyway was uh was it yeah uh it’s kind of this deep dive into how different like musical duets handle their

Uh handle how they frame uh the characters in how they interact within the duet if that makes sense like for instance in something like Aladdin it’s very separated they’re just in their own kind of Worlds old new worlds B Bing b boom uh uh no but they’re kind of in their

Own worlds he sings she sings he sing she sing and and they’re not totally intertwined really um then the other thing things like nosies where it’s like oh well you know it’s it’s a line into a line and they’re calling responsing but they’re their own thoughts but then you

Have something like fanom the OPA that’s implicitly implying that uh oh there’s like a total control level here and a manipulation level that like he’s absolutely uh controlling what the line’s going to be is fact uh there is a sequel what what I’m sorry huh

No no no no no no the chandelier fell what do you mean what do you mean a sequel how no no next time no no no Love Never Dies what in the James Bond title sequence what excuse me oh my God that’s Insanity a romantic music how romantic GL um a book

By Floyd Weber Ben Elton friedrick and Slater it is sequel to a long time running 1986 musical F of the operat was Loosely adapted by the The Phantom of manhatt what what what is that cringy cheesy that’s what I’m saying that sounds like a bond title that sounds like like Die Another

Day type deal like which like works when you’re making a a like Pulp Fiction spy movie but like not so much when you’re trying to be like serious it’s the worst oh my God tell me the Phantom’s back somehow and it’s still and it’s still aive still somehow

This love triangle so to speak that me it’s somehow just like nothing’s moved on and they just try to rehash the original again yeah I don’t know how it could have a sequel that’s Insanity oh my God n no no no no no it’s just no no no no

They can’t they can’t keep getting away with this they can’t keep getting away with this the same people how he tried to strangle him oh my God what Cody Island what that’s where Love Goes To Die Why would why would anyone good Lord I mean

So I’ve heard why would anyone oh my God Drown Your Sorrows on a hot dog man Jesus Christ so they’re at the Cody Island fair and just falled in love you know what fair enough if it’s good enough for Lady Gaga it’s good enough for anybody oh my God

Sometimes I go to con Island J anyway shatters shatter shatters shs I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your evening I hope it is Big POG um it sounds so bad man uh that 10 years after the conclusion of fan of the Opera Love Never Dies follows soprano oh of course I got to say soprano

Uh to New York’s Cy Island oh God where she is invited to perform for Mysterious Mr why in why was this made characters from her past begin to an edge including one with whom she shares a dark secret what in the Fabio like any Dreadful novel cover what in God’s name is that

I I need to I need bleach uh for my eyes like Anyway Chatters later skaters a man Chatters Chatters wait a minute Chatters one second H Chatters I hope you have a good weekend I hope it is Big POG I hope it’s enjoyable I hope it is big Vibe and I

Will see you on Monday bye Chad bye Jad bye Jad Bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore #111 (📺What’s Been Your Favorite Show Lately? 🎥)’, was uploaded by NapoleonVII Vods on 2023-12-31 21:30:01. It has garnered 44 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:44 or 13964 seconds.

Streamed November 10th 2023 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/napoleonvii

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  • Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!

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    DAMIIR HARITONOV - CRAZY Anarchy Phone HACK! NO XBOXVideo Information ╨Ъ╨░╨║ ╤Б ╤В╨╡╨╗╨╡╤Д╨╛╨╜╨░ ╨╖╨░╨╣╤В╨╕ ╨Я╨╛╨║╨░╨╢╨╕ ╤Е╨╛╤А╨╛╤И╨╛ ╨б╨╡╨╣╤З╨░╤Б ╨┐╨╛╨║╨░╨╢╤Г ╤Б ╤В╨╡╨▒╤П ╨╛╨▒╤П╨╖╨░╤В╨╡╨╗╤М╨╜╨╛ ╨╗╨░ ╨┐╨╛╨┤╨┐╨╕╤Б╨░╨╜ ╨┐╨╛╨│╨╜╨░╨╗╨╕ ╨┐╨╕╤И╨╡╤И╤М ╨▓╤Б╤С ╤В╨╛╤З╨╜╨╛ ╤В╨░╨║ ╨╢╨╡ ╨║╨░╨║ ╨╕ ╤Г ╨╝╨╡╨╜╤П ╨╕ ╨╜╨╡ ╨╝╨╡╨┤╨╗╨╕╤И╤М ╨╕ ╨╜╨░╨╢╨╕╨╝╨░╨╡╤И╤М ╨╜╨░ ╨║╨╜╨╛╨┐╨╛╤З╨║╤Г ╤Б╨╛╤Е╤А╨░╨╜╨╕╤В╤М ╨┐╨╛╤Б╨╗╨╡ ╨▓╤Л╨▒╨╕╤А╨░╨╡╤И╤М ╤Б╨╡╤А╨▓╨╡╤А Full Mine ╨╕ ╨╜╨░╨╢╨╕╨╝╨░╨╡╤И╤М ╨╜╨░ ╨║╨╜╨╛╨┐╨╛╤З╨║╤Г ╨┐╤А╨╕╤Б╨╛╨╡╨┤╨╕╨╜╨╕╤В╤М╤Б╤П ╨║ ╤Б╨╡╤А╨▓╨╡╤А╤Г ╨┐╨╛╤Б╨╗╨╡ ╨▓╤Е╨╛╨┤╨░ ╤В╨╡╨▒╨╡ ╨╛╤Б╤В╨░╤С╤В╤Б╤П ╨╗╨╕╤И╤М ╨╜╨░╨╢╨░╤В╤М ╨╜╨░ NPC ╨╕ ╨▓╤Л╨▒╤А╨░╤В╤М ╨╗╤О╨▒╨╛╨╣ ╨╕╨╖ ╤Н╤В╨╕╤Е ╨╗╨╛╨▒╨▒╨╕ ╨п ╨▓╤Л╨▒╤А╨░╨╗ ╨┐╨╡╤А╨▓╤Л╨╣ ╨╕ ╨▓╤Б╤С ╤Б ╤Н╤В╨╛╨│╨╛ ╨╝╨╛╨╝╨╡╨╜╤В╨░ ╤П ╨╝╨╛╨│╤Г ╨╜╨░╤З╨░╤В╤М ╤А╨░╨╖╨▓╨╕╨▓╨░╤В╤М╤Б╤П ╤Е╨╛╤В╤М ╤Б ╤В╨╡╨╗╨╡╤Д╨╛╨╜╨░ ╤Е╨╛╤В╤М ╤Б ╨Я╨Ъ ╤Е╨╛╤В╤М ╤Б ╨║╨╛╨╜╤Б╨╛╨╗╨╕ ╨▓ ╨┐╤А╨╕╨╜╤Ж╨╕╨┐╨╡ ╨╝╨╛╨╢╨╡╤И╤М ╨╕╨│╤А╨░╤В╤М ╤Г╨┤╨░╤З╨╕ Y This video, titled ‘╨Ы╨г╨з╨и╨Р╨п ╨Р╨╜╨░╤А╤Е╨╕╤П ╨╜╨░ ╨в╨╡╨╗╨╡╤Д╨╛╨╜! | ╨С╨Х╨Ч XBOX’, was uploaded by ╨Ф╨░╨╝╨╕╤А… Read More

  • Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!Video Information hello welcome to episode 284 we are going to be doing some more seats this time we’re going to use two interaction entities so we’ve got more control over where they actually sit and we’re going to make ourselves some building tools so we can um place them really easily um when your map is running I mean it looks like there’s a lot but when your map is running these are the only command blocks that will be turned on all of these other ones are for building so if we do some examples if I got… Read More

  • ЁЯОИHot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft ЁЯПа

    ЁЯОИHot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft ЁЯПаVideo Information This video, titled ‘тЫПя╕П Minecraft Tutorial :: ЁЯОИHouse in a Hot-air Balloon ЁЯПа [ызИьЭ╕эБмыЮШэФДэК╕ ьЧ┤ъ╕░ъ╡м ыкиьЦС ьзСьзУъ╕░ ъ▒┤ь╢Х ъ░ХьвМ]’, was uploaded by ызМыСРып╝ ManDooMiN on 2024-06-19 04:15:07. It has garnered 12061 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. Today we will build a house inside a hot air balloon! Sounds like a really good idea, right? тЦмтЦмтЦмтЦмтЦмтЦмтЦмтЦмтЦмтЦмтЦмтЦмтЦмтЦмтЦм тЫПя╕П Mark Version / Minecraft Versions тЫПя╕П Java Edition (JE) 1.20.4 тЫПя╕П Shaderpacks / Shaderpacks тЫПя╕П BSL Shader ver 8.2.08 – ( https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shaders/files ) тЫПя╕П ыжмьЖМьКдэМй / Resource Pack тЫПя╕П Prime’s HD Textures -… Read More


    ЁЯТО LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘ЁЯФ┤LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. ЁЯФ┤LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information today Noob versus Pro versus hacker will be battling it out to see who can make the most epic police station in Minecraft who wins you [Music] decide looks like Noob knows what the inside of a police station looks like wow [Music] Yoo here we go it’s PR’s [Music] turn all [Music] right knock knock who’s there subscribe right now that’s who Yahoo a hacker has joined the [Music] chat whoa this hacker means [Music] [Music] business [Music] Noob needs to be locked up he stole this idea from [Music] trash [Music] wow someone calls SWAT this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

    EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4Video Information yeah when we wake up we shall fight is it daytime yet yeah it’s daytime okay we shall fight to the death bring the bed over here no no no we fight with a whole whole town not just that stupid little black [Music] Castle live no and am mending okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want back here little boy a all right do myself over here okay that’s one out of let’s say best of best of five are you ready anywhere near 3 2 one um actually you can give it to me another time because I’m… Read More

  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

    Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!Video Information a huge Minecraft update just got released with tons of new blocks mobs items and even a whole new dimension that’s the 2024 April fools update poisonous potato update and as always Minecraft has gone above and beyond with adding so many cool things that I can’t wait to show you so let’s start right here on the new poisonous potato main screen and let’s generate a new single player world when a SP into the world you have a chest in here you can find a lot of potatoes but also poisonous potatoes but one of them… Read More

  • Chinchilla SMP

    Chinchilla SMPChinchilla SMP is a happy SMP about Chinchillas! We have a friendly community, so why not join now? We have many things to offer such as commands like /sit, /bellyflop, /crawl Read More

  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: renascencesmp.org Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus! In the world of gaming, where updates fly fast, We bring you the news, with rhymes that will last. From Call of Duty to Minecraft’s new show, We’ve got the scoop, so come on, let’s go! Ubisoft and Activision, a merger so grand, Bringing Mario and Shepard to the land. Kendrick Lamar in Multiverses, a sight to behold, With Doom DLC and Fortnite stories untold. Helldivers 2, with controversy in the air, PC players and macros, causing quite a scare. Sony’s Astro Boy game, a treat for the fans, And Netflix’s Minecraft series, with creeper plans. EA Games in… Read More

  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

    Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Minecraft Adventure: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Exploring the Football Team Caves In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, Sausages and his friends embark on a journey to explore the football team caves. Each cave represents a different team, with surprises and challenges awaiting inside. From Galatasaray to Fenerbah├зe and Be┼Яikta┼Я, the team caves hold mysterious rewards and traps set by the infamous Baldi. Challenges and Rewards As they navigate through the caves, our brave adventurers encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and enemies. From dodging arrows to solving riddles, each team cave presents a unique challenge. However, with teamwork and determination, they… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

    Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!Video Information for Bruh Bruh did it ever end it never ended no it ended definitely ended did it ever end it never ended nope definitely ended for oh yeah it’s slpi toggle SE in 3 minutes what’s your IGN yeah I know what ended Peter very sad yo we got two tabs that’s two columns yeah two columns how do I do backwards momentum you you uh here here let me let let me do it let me do it I got you I got you hold up so you go to this front of the block right all… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

    Unbelievable Nether Adventure - Ep. 4Video Information for all right welcome back everybody we are back with some more monumental experience I need to make myself a Lobby screen or a starting screen where I’m talking and yet you could still see the game and I I haven’t done it yet I’m just too [ __ ] fat and lazy um I keep saying I want to do that but I don’t but anyway how how’s everybody doing um we are going to try and get a little bit of create done today uh it kind of depends on what we have to make first… Read More

  • Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!

    Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Water Bending In Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:54:10. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. Latest Versions Java or Bedrock Server ip: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! ЁЯШН

    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! ЁЯШНVideo Information рдлреНрд░реА рдЧреЗрдорд╕ рдЖрдк рд╕рднреА рдХрд╛ рд╕реНрд╡рд╛рдЧрдд рдХрд░рддрд╛ рд╣реИ рдЖрдЬ рдХреА рдирдИ рд╡рд╛рд▓реА рд╡реАрдбрд┐рдпреЛ рдореЗрдВ рдХреНрдпрд╛ рдЖрдк рд▓реЛрдЧреЛрдВ рдХреЛ рднреА m рдХреЗ рдмреЗрдб рдХрд╛ рдЯреЗрдХреНрд╕рдЪрд░ рдмрд╣реБрдд рд╣реА рдмреЗрдХрд╛рд░ рд▓рдЧрддрд╛ рд╣реИ рдпрд╛ рдпрд╛ рдпрд╛ рддреЛ рдЖрдЬ рдореИрдВ рдЖрдк рд▓реЛрдЧреЛрдВ рдХреЗ рд▓рд┐рдП рд▓реЗрдХрд░ рдЖрдпрд╛ рд╣реВрдВ рдПрдХ рдРрд╕рд╛ рдЯреЗрдХреНрд╕рдЪрд░ рдкреИрдХ рдЬреЛ рдХрд┐ рдЖрдк рд▓реЛрдЧреЛрдВ рдХреЗ рдиреЙрд░реНрдорд▓ рдмреЗрдб рдХреЛ рдбрд┐рдЬрд╛рдЗрди рдореЗрдВ рдмрджрд▓рдХрд░ рдмрд╣реБрдд рд╣реА рдЬреНрдпрд╛рджрд╛ рдмреНрдпреВрдЯреАрдлреБрд▓ рдХрд░ рджреЗрдЧрд╛ рддреЛ рд╡реАрдбрд┐рдпреЛ рдХреЛ рдПрдВрдб рддрдХ рджреЗрдЦрддреЗ рд░рд╣рдирд╛ рд╡рд░рдирд╛ рдХреБрдЫ рднреА рд╕рдордЭ рдореЗрдВ рдирд╣реАрдВ рдЖрдПрдЧрд╛ рдФрд░ рдЕрдЧрд░ рдЪреИрдирд▓ рдкрд░ рдирдП рдЖрдП рд╣реЛ рддреЛ рдЪреИрдирд▓ рдХреЛ рд╕рдмреНрд╕рдХреНрд░рд╛рдЗрдм рдХрд░рдирд╛ рдФрд░ рд╡реАрдбрд┐рдпреЛ рдХреЛ рд▓рд╛рдЗрдХ рдХрд░рдирд╛ рдмрд┐рд▓реНрдХреБрд▓ рдордд рднреВрд▓рдирд╛ рдФрд░… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information рдпреЛ рдпреЛ рдпреЛ рд╡реНрд╣рд╛рдЯреНрд╕ рд╣реИрдкрдирд┐рдВрдЧ рдЧрд╛рдЗрд╕ рдорд╛рдп рдиреЗрдо рдЗрдЬ рд▓реЙрдЧреА рдФрд░ рдЖрдЬ рд╣рдо рдПрдХ рдмрд╛рд░реА рдлрд┐рд░ рд╕реЗ рдЕрдкрдиреА рдорд╛рдлрд┐рдпрд╛ рд╡рд╛рд▓реА рд╕рд┐рдЯреА рдХреЗ рдЕрдВрджрд░ рдореМрдЬреВрдж рд╣реИрдВ рддреЛ рдкрд┐рдЫрд▓реА рд╡реАрдбрд┐рдпреЛ рдореЗрдВ рдЧрд╛рдЗрд╕ рдЖрдкрдХреЛ рдпрд╛рдж рд╣реЛрдЧрд╛ рд╣рдордиреЗ рдпрд╣рд╛рдВ рдкрд░ рдереЛрдбрд╝реЗ рд╕реЗ рдкреИрд╕реЗ рдпрд╣рд╛рдВ рдкрд░ рдХрдорд╛ рд▓рд┐рдП рдереЗ рддреЛ рдЕрдЧрд░ рдЧрд╛рдЗрд╕ рдореИрдВ рдЕрдкрдиреА рдЗрдиреНрд╡реЗрдВрдЯрд░реА рдЦреЛрд▓ рдХреЗ рджреЗрдЦреВрдВ рддреЛ рдореЗрд░реЗ рдкрд╛рд╕ рдпрд╣рд╛рдВ рдкрд░ рдЖ рдЪреБрдХреЗ рд╣реИрдВ рдкреВрд░реЗ 1500 рдФрд░ рднрд╛рдИ рд╡реЛ рдЬреЛ рдЯрд┐рдВрдХреВ рд╡рд╛рд▓рд╛ рдмрдВрджрд╛ рдпрд╣рд╛рдВ рдкрд░ рдЖрдпрд╛ рдерд╛ рдирд╛ рдпрд╛рд░ рд╡реЛ рдЙрд╕рдХреЗ рдкрд╛рд╕ рдмрд╣реБрдд рдЬреНрдпрд╛рджрд╛ рдкреИрд╕рд╛ рдерд╛ рддреЛ рдЗрд╕рд▓рд┐рдП рд╣рдорд╛рд░реЗ рдкрд╛рд╕ рдЕрднреА 1500 рднреА рдЖ рдЪреБрдХреЗ рд╣реИрдВ рдФрд░ рдпреЗ рд░рд╣реЗ рдЪрдкрд╛рддреА рднрд╛рдИ… Read More

  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information рд╣реЗрд▓реЛ рдЬрдб рдЖрд░реНрдореА рдореЗрд░рд╛ рдирд╛рдо рд╣реИ рдореИрдХреНрд╕реА рдФрд░ рдЖрдкрдХрд╛ рд╕реНрд╡рд╛рдЧрдд рд╣реИ рдореЗрд░реЗ рдЪреИрдирд▓ рдореЗрдВ рдФрд░ рдЖрдЬ рдХреЗ рд╡реАрдбрд┐рдпреЛ рдореЗрдВ рдЖрдкрдХреЛ рд╕рд┐рдЦрд╛рдиреЗ рд╡рд╛рд▓реЗ рд╣реИрдВ рд╣рд╛рдЙ рдЯреВ рдбреВ рдХрдореЛ рдЖрдк рдХрдореЛ рдХреИрд╕реЗ рдорд╛рд░ рд╕рдХрддреЗ рд╣реИрдВ рдЖрдЧреЗ рд╡рд╛рд▓реЗ рдХреЛ рд╡рд╣ рднреА рдПрдорд╕реАрдкреАрдИ рдореЗрдВ рд╕реЛ рдЕрднреА рд╣рдо рддреАрди рдЗрдВрдкреЙрд░реНрдЯреЗрдВрдЯ рдЪреАрдЬреЛрдВ рдХреЗ рдмрд╛рд░реЗ рдореЗрдВ рдмрд╛рдд рдХрд░рдиреЗ рд╡рд╛рд▓реЗ рд╣реИрдВ рд╕рдмрд╕реЗ рдкрд╣рд▓рд╛ рдерд┐рдВрдХ рд╣реИ рдЗрди рдЧреЗрдо рд╕реЗрдЯрд┐рдВрдЧ рд╕реЗрдХрдВрдб рд╡рди рдЗрдЬ рдкреНрд░реИрдХреНрдЯрд┐рд╕ рдж рдПрдо рдерд░реНрдб рд╡рди рдЗрдЬ рдЗрдВрдкреНрд░реВрд╡ рдж рдореВрд╡рдореЗрдВрдЯ рд╕реЛ рд╕рдмрд╕реЗ рдкрд╣рд▓реЗ рд╣рдо рдкрд╣рд▓реЗ рдирдВрдмрд░ рдХреЗ рд╕рд╛рдЗрдб рдмрдврд╝рдиреЗ рд▓рдЧрддреЗ рд╣реИрдВ рд░реБрдХреЛ рд░реБрдХреЛ рдЬрд░рд╛ рдкрд╣рд▓реЗ рдирдВрдмрд░ рдХрд╛ рдЯрд┐рдк рджреЗрдЦрдиреЗ рд╕реЗ рдкрд╣рд▓реЗ рдЖрдк рдЪреИрди рдХреЛ рд╕рдмреНрд╕рдХреНрд░рд╛рдЗрдм рдХрд░… Read More

  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Play.creste.ro

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