EPIC Minecraft UHC Stream! Watch JacobSC Dominate Singleplayer

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I did it I was prepared this time all right I got now I get to do this fun thing called posting it everywhere in case people are here and today is not going to take a long time I actually have everything set up beforehand so we’re going to be good

You’re back live streaming again already yeah I figured I’d do it again I just wanted to do it again Jesus I am playing uh Pokemon games they said I could like use as the emulator I’m doing that right now nice sorry I was looking at the text

Uh which I need I need just need to figure out which game this is again uh oh this is a which game playing on right now Platinum ooh nice that’s a that’s a good choice yeah PL yeah platinum’s a good one but from what I heard from a bunch of people it’s

Actually kind of difficult but I’m up for the challenge uh it’s definitely harder than base Pearl and base uh diamond yeah the elite I could tell yeah I can tell from like watching some YouTubers plays that the Elite 4 is actually pretty difficult I think they upped the levels of Pokemon

By like five each and it was terrifying oh [ __ ] but the thing is like I will take that nowadays because newer Pokemon games are like baby easy yeah fair I’m glad that they’re actually like trying to like make the Pokemon games more difficult I would I honestly I I’ve said

A lot of times that I think the problem with Pokemon is the lack of a difficulty select or anything if they had a difficulty select it would uh it would fix a lot of issues in fact it’s a lot of things fan games do another instance of where fan games do

Things that the series should be doing you have received what oh my what everything all right Jacob oh my gosh dude uh yeah I posted I posted a link in code name spacy server and the link has a certain slur in it and I got an automatic warning

From the Discord bot oh my God I have to text I have to text spy hold on he he is going to he’s going to like be he’s going to eat this up this is hilarious yeah gu’s gonna laugh about it muted me I posted a link that had a slur in it

Somehow is it is it like a is it like different for like every single stuffer you posted in uh no it’s it’s the same thing that dude I don’t see I don’t see a single slur in here what okay I’m not going to say okay actually I’m I am

Going to say it uh look do you see where the question mark is uh the question mark uh yeah look about four spaces to the left please don’t say the word out loud do you see it do you see the three letters dude you can’t make this up dude you can’t make this

Up dude that is dude that is funny but also I cannot believe that just happened I cannot believe that just happened I dude that’s just insane it’s just random and funny it’s hilarious but at the same time wow but like at the same yeah exactly at the same time what the hell

What the heck YouTube I’m I’m I’m going to blame YouTube because I think that’s funny yeah yeah it’s funnier to blame YouTube oh dude mcci is on season 3 I really should play mcci again it’s been a while yeah it has actually the thing is like nothing much is going on for

Right now really yeah like no no like like like the games are all like the games are good and all but like like apart from like the season something else has really happened they’re probably busy working on new games so it makes sense well they they they’ll probably have like more

Time to do stuff because it’s winter break now that’s true yeah all uh mcci is is a really really fun server that that’s it I need to I need to actually get to work on catching Pokemon I got nothing so far you can give me a live play byplay of your

Nuzlocke I I actually probably will be doing a Nuzlocke for the channel at some point I really wanted to it’s just been a matter of I haven’t gone and done it uh should I I might just catch yeah I’ll just I might also catch this level three

Shins they’re not good early I should probably just start get to work on catching so last time we went and we built a base now we have to dude as as much as I like hold on as much as I want to uh what as I want to go outside I’m

Worried I’m going to get struck by lightning there there’s a lightning storm going on right now oh really yeah um I should bring justay just pray that you don’t lose power then oh I meant in game I should have I should have specified that I meant in game um I hope

I hope you get shuck by lightning in game in game in game in game where I can sleep through the night oh I just realized I didn’t change the screen hold on there you go cuz I’m it’s just been stuck on like starting soon or something

Yes I’m a dunce I’m sorry I forgot about that chat I’m sorry okay I should bring the since I only have one life in the entire series I might as well just bring the enchantment table no I not it’s so annoying because I don’t like have a controller to play

This game so I’m using my keyboard oh I see yeah so I’m getting really confused between the Z and X let’s see I’m just bringing some supplies that I can bring along in the event that I like you know just need it okay S is to open the menu for stu okay

Okay I don’t really go want to go along the water I just realized I could make a compass real quick actually I think I think that’ be a good move honestly I’m going to make a compass just cuz I built my I always usually build my house at

Spawn on for in case I need it I mean that is something that I would recommend doing for starters okay I’m out of here all right I might as well just grind to get my shaks leveled up okay so it looks like I might actually have to

Travel through the water cuz there is just like nothing for miles but you could just make a can’t you just make a boat I do have a boat but okay that I guess that works out oh I see sugarcane okay I actually have to be careful because I am so from last

Stream I made it down to five and a half hearts so I need to be extremely careful oh I didn’t bring the mushrooms hold on I’m I’m actually going to go back and get the mushrooms cuz I do not want to if I or sorry let me rephrase that if I

Find oxide daisies I can regen that way oh yeah oh yeah the suspicious I don’t want to use suspicious too much but at the same time like it’s just really useful yeah I’d rather just do it for like uhc’s in general or uh yeah just us in general but also

For this challenge especially when I’m by myself um let’s see all right I’m on the road again all right I got to I got to I got to make myself dinner I’ll be right back have fun all right here we go off on to the great off into the great

Unknown grab some coal from here pray that a drown doesn’t show up a drown could actually like end my entire bloodline wait I just realized I can get apples I should probably get some apples real quick there we go I should make a stone

Hoe cuz then I if I make a stone hoe I can mine the the stuff easier difficulties on hard right yep make another Stone hoe just in case I need it now it’s time to break through all these give me something good I need an apple preferably an apple

Preferably hold on let me break through this real quick oh one apple two apples there we go two apples is what I like to see okay I’m going to grab all the this wood here here we go grab a couple more trees cuz now I

Now from this I have a bunch of wood so I can keep building oh there’s a bee there’s a bee okay let’s see is this a birch tree this is a birch tree tree yeah I don’t really want a birch tree just cuz I I don’t

Really need anything from it at least I I now have enough Apple to where I get enough gold I could just make a gapple and also I have some Oak saplings so I can plant them when I get home grab all this out of the way come on give me an

Apple okay I got one I all sorry I got three apples I will I’ll just take it from there I’ll just take my three apples and leave dude I have so much in my inventory I’m not even going to be able to like pick anything up I don’t know why I put so

Much in my inventory well I can make a chest boat can I I can make a chest boat hold on let’s make a chest boat uh chest boat wait nope I need a I need a chest and then make a chest boat chest boat let’s go chest boat chest boat um

We should get some Flint actually it might be good to get some or at least just pick up some gravel creeper behind you by the way hey flog stop it it’s not nice did you gamble again dude he is just going to keep gambling that money Vlog I hope you

Realize with all that money you had you could have literally bought like the next 15 streams like you could have told me the next 15 streams to do just just as a little incentive to keep gambling I suppose I actually wait no I shouldn’t have said that cuz now

Now’s yeah he’s just going to go in and keep gambling uhoh what have I done what have I done okay I’m going to go I’m going to go kill these uh kill these these chickens over here wow my brain is not working it’s it hasn’t even

Been like a long day or anything it’s actually been a great day cuz it’s first day of break which means that I don’t have to do anything for I don’t have to do anything till January 1st so yeah don’t worry fog you’ll get more rings I believe in you knowing you

You’re probably going just going to keep gambling for a little bit and then you will just get them all back somehow because that’s how you roll oh wait hold on I should get a brush cuz I actually if we run somehow run into the stuff for it I want to

Actually like use the new mechanic okay okay so how does this work okay I could so I could just open my inventory and put stuff in there okay let’s just put a bunch of the stuff away I just wanted to carry some stuff on me in case

I needed it especially since I I do plan on going for a bit of a long journey so yeah we’ll just go for a long journey and we’ll be fine we got a bow as well um how do I want to do this I want

My bow next to me okay there we go chest boat away how you doing fog hope whatever games you’re playing are treating you well I don’t know what do you play these days wait there’s a boat okay I’m going to risk it I’m going

To try to go into the boat and just hope that a trident drown does not shoot me in the face oh oh it won’t open it won’t open it wouldn’t open why would it not open hold on um uh um what the freak dude so someone can someone clip it

Hello can someone clip that please I don’t yeah actually fun fact so uh YouTube added a recent thing where um you can actually just like people can just see the like Clips people have made which is honestly kind of awesome cuz it was like the most worthless feature for

A long time and to be fair it’s still pretty worthless but now it’s like slightly less useless cuz people can actually see the clips you make so if I say clip it it’s cuz I meet it you can clip it people can see it it’s awesome okay there’s some stuff here Moss blocks

Actually I kind of want the Moss blocks okay okay we also did get suspicious stew do I want to oh my God wait blast prop three and pro pro one hold on I’m putting those on I actually kind of want that dude look at me I look so swaggy

All right um let’s see okay there’s it’s a South this way okay I believe it’s yeah it’s like Southwest uh what else did I get I don’t want the curse of binding I’ll keep them breaking one cuz I could combine that and then we have to drink the suspicious do okay we have

To I got weakness okay well I was hoping that there was like the off chance that I got regen from it cuz that would have been lit but I didn’t get regen sadly so yeah there’s the eating dinner soon yeah it’s it’s about that time oh uh another another

Boat I think is that a boat actually that might not be a boat oh it is a boat okay honestly The Aquatic update was such a good update mostly just cuz like the ocean actually has stuff to find now and it’s awesome okay I need to put my door

Down there we go rad and potatoes and such we could start a little potato farm um I’ll take the rotten flesh just because it could be useful we also I just real I didn’t even like process that we got bamboo that’s awesome it cuz it’s it’s honestly a

Biome I like never find so I usually don’t use bamboo okay the only problem is that it is going to turn night pretty shortly here which means we need to find this uh actually we have a bed so we could just sleep the night away I’m going to put this stuff

Away put the brush away rotten flesh okay there there we go we can at least start like a pretty good farm at home now which is great so let let’s go find this buried treasure we’re going to sleep the night away and then we’re going to we’re going to loot our precious

Treasures Spacey was here but I think Spacey went to go make food and they they’re just not coming back I killed them is that a Ru portal is that a ruin portal down there I think it is yep there’s a ruined portal and there’s also

Or no that’s not a ruin portal that’s um there’s a ship okay there’s a ship there and there’s a bunch of drowned actually yeah I don’t know if I want to test that just cuz I feel like I could die from a trident that’s it I’m taking over the VC

Till Spacey comes back okay hello welcome back so anyway guys American Truck Simulator is again we’re bringing this back all let’s see all right I’m going to try this for the content and hope that I don’t get hit shot by a trident oh what the wait

All right I will do my live 10c reaction it’s very live as you can clearly tell hold on I’m first I’m going to sleep the night Away there we go I’m just going to sleep the night away so nothing spawns on me except for this creeper that’s going to one shot me nope we’re good there’s um copper here I actually want to smelt the copper because then I can get a spy glass and that will make

Me happy and then you can get a copper shortsword okay that’s true 1 2 3 4 5 6 Seven’s the free epic game for today actually actually I’ll just smell all the copper why not um let’s see where they all go oh epic games just giving out their 33% off coupon again

Nice does it apply to some good games uh I will have to check in a second it’s I found a free compass a free book that’s something that’s sick oh I got a bunch of emeralds bunch of iron that’s actually pretty sick cuz I can use that stuff

Uh you know what I’ll actually compare this with the steam storage to see if it’s the same all around so there’s some interesting titles here that’s where it is I do not care about the EA winter sale we do not care especially cuz it’s EA we really don’t care yeah okay

Okay all right I can officially make a spy glass there we go okay Allen wake 2 is not on Steam really yeah where is it it’s exclusively on Epic that’s interesting huh well that must be a pretty sick exclusive they got yeah holy cow okay so there is one problem I see

With this plan in that there are a bunch of drown and uh one of them could have a trident and just one shot me uh Simple Plan don’t go there but what if I want the thrill uh not not worth not worth it what do you want to die yes yeah give me

The full catalog epic I want to see all this I honestly the chest closing I I thought it was a um uh I thought it was a trident being thrown I’m not going to lie to you just sweet that’s a stupid idiot spawned in the

Ground I am going to get one tapped it’s going to happen okay there’s like nothing here but I recognize at all so far I mean they’re selling Hot Wheels games at less prices but I don’t know what that means let’s go slunder the arrival okay everyone’s favorite video game of course South Park

Pinball hold on a second what is this amazing it’s a South Park game South Park pinball yep you’ve got my Attention okay I’m getting out of here there is loot down there I just don’t know if I should go for it you know what I think the bigger prize is definitely the buried treasure so let’s go just do the buried treasure well uh it’s like you said all

Those years ago wor the fun if you don’t take a little risk my right fellas wait I just realized I have two different yeah also you’re right I just I have two different buried treasure maps so I can get two of them dude I’m I I like how I said uh in

The Stream description I was like we’re going to go exploring find some healing and then maybe get some ores we’re just going to be doing both at the same time really cuz I got three apples earlier so I can make gaples uh-oh scam alert Jackpot Party

Pack 10 is actually on a lesser discount than on Steam ooh R big no no it’s probably like two bucks more there it’s four bucks more but yeah oh okay I was close actually no I was game called ugly okay it’s perfect for you sorry that was mean I apologize oh

There 76 pages of this this could take a while are you like comparing are you like comparing the discounts well I’m looking to see if anything interests me first off like Blasphemous 2 is on sale but I is that on Steam at all that doesn’t sound like it be on

Steam oh it is on Steam okay that is the what you’re telling me okay no never mind I’m not telling you anything actually it’s it’s the same price on both platforms oh frick I left all that copper oh well I left the most useless material oh well oh

No okay I’m not going to lie I actually kind of want to go back for it because if I do need copper I don’t want to have to go out and mine for it I literally just do not want to have to go and mine for it

Again I have a bunch of these games on sale okay I don’t want to look at a full page of train Sim again why not you know American Truck Simulator and all its stuff yeah that’s what the training Traer backtracking for copper I’m glad you heard that uh The

Evil Within is on a huge discount oh I could buy Nautilus shells I could buy packed ice I Jo i l I’m like oh hey I’m about to record freaking uh flourished I’m like oh hey Sonic craftter streaming I’m going to go pop it and be annoying

Again uh Gambler The Evil Within is a dollar cheaper on Steam oh no everyone’s favorite game too bad I already have both of those two games also I already bought I already bought the what are those games not I don’t know I haven’t played them but I will tell you that they’re very

Big like big in file sizes or in game in file sizes yeah I was doing like a whole like game inventory and the and the evil within one is a solid like 51 gigs I surv Cy Island I got to check this out I leave most of my games undownloaded

Mostly because God isn’t that a dead game I’m pretty sure which one uh whatever the one flag set or am I think of a different I uh it just doesn’t look good never mind I’m not going to buy this game there there was a game that

Was I think also had Cast Away in it that was essentially a it was essentially there were I think 20 players and you had to essentially escape a using a helicopter however only three people can escape oh wacky okay oh they took that idea and just made it into a generic uh

Fortnite clo holy cow it’s Aur bunny girls top five reasons why every game cannot just be fortnite yeah anyways I just isolation sometime anyways I just got uh grass Knuckles and my brain just like wait why did grass Knuckles why didn’t I get captain combustable instead you play BBC heroes yes holy

Canoli fock found another person that plays PvZ her I used to be so obsessed with that game dude I used to be so obsessed with that game I was really good at it too what’s that game yeah I it’s a essentially a card game oh now I

Remember now I remember it’s really good however the game it has barely any updates uh it hasn’t gotten an update in five years so there’s a huge gigantis pack that’s like hey hey get this hero and then you also go on normal packs there’s only premium packs and there’s

No legendaries pop cap moment or I guess more EA that’s both of them freak it um I don’t think I don’t think H I know life that game and I have every single card of the game so it’s like you have every card of that [ __ ] game are you

Ser I have every single card in the game I don’t have all all the copies of them but I have every single one when did you when did you stop playing the game at about a year ago I want to say yeah um like I’ve had timately like

Once i’ i’ I’ve peeed in life I’m like okay um time to get uh like grass Knuckles and I realized oh wait I should have got Captain combustible because there’s a lot of cards in Captain combustible deck that has like a lot of cloom cards that have like a ton of

Attack and I can what happened I got hit unfortunate wait did that trident okay I’m getting out of the water I’m I don’t trust myself combustible is one combo and it’s broken dude I am now at four and a half hearts I’m not going underwater anymore my my favorite Hero

At the time uh like way way long ago was um a tie between rull and um grass Knuckles yeah fair enough those are pretty good Heroes I don’t even like B the bullseye deck grass the only thing I need right now is I just need a plants vers zombies Garden Warfare 3 like

That’s it I just I miss playing Garden Garden Warfare 2 is on sale if I recall correctly yeah the only problem is that it it’s basically dead but if you get Garden Warfare 2 I will totally get people hello if we get enough people with Garden Warfare 2 I will totally

Start hosting some stuff with that game I love it it’s just the problem is that the online community is dead or if you go on like regular servers it’s full of hackers so the best you can do is do private games oh my God who who did who

Joined while I was gone what’s to answer your question oh it’s the it’s the same it’s the same people that was here last time why I I’m on page 18 of 76 let’s keep going a I hate reading and then okay so I have I have I

Don’t have too many with cloom because oh in Tex too nice I um hey T I wish I I don’t have much in like transforming into other plans cards I do have a lot those aren’t good I’ll just tell you that right now those are not not good if you want to

Play competitively I like the randomness though I also never have I know it’s fine I also never have a cosmic don’t have any Cosmic shs and it’s been a pain in the ass oh that’s actually try cousin yeah there’s a lot of cars in um

Kum I wish I had for uh grass Knuckles but wait grass Knuckles is in Kum now are you meaningi Mega grow I me mega oh Mega grow okay but at the same time it’s I’m also getting the feeling that a lot of uh a lot of stuff in the in kblo is

I’ve already got covered in mega grow like I don’t need stack I don’t need to raise attack because I can do that with mega grow anyways yeah there a full page of a Sim I got I got wor for a second maybe maybe anti-heroes are just doing some like straight flat damage

Anti-heroes are good for doing aggro decks yeah with mushroom ring but one hero I’ve been really tempted on getting is infinity and trying to pair uh space ninja with deadly you hook me up anything I’m on the job also Jacob Jacob you know that chinx I was talking about

When I was here earlier the what the shanks that I caught um I might have missed that when you said that yeah the reason why I spat almost spat out my milk is because it got a crit and I lost like 10 HP from it

Oh jeez dude were you doing nuz yeah no I know I’m just playing Pokemon uh Platinum for fun but yeah I do not know the crits were that brutal this game yeah they um I think it’s like two times damage or something like that what the

That it only did like one damage when it didn’t land a crit what the heck skill isue it’s like I pull out a gun now skill isue you have AAL issue shut up hey uh I disagree I never have skill issues I’m perfect in every single you have a gambling

Addiction nuh-uh I would never have a gambling the freak you mean nuh okay where all your rings I would never gamble all life I need to not touch this end or I will explode I’m gambling all my life savings away again did you actually just gamble again

Did you oh my God you won W dude fre chat we did it it’s it’s it’s in the chat tally you can do you can do commands in the chat and uh F discovered the gambling uh thing and he’s like well we got it we got it chat my wealth will

Be my wealth will return oh my God he did he did say he will bring his wealth back he can’t keep getting away with this he probably can I mean he can he’s been doing it for a while what out whoa they discounted Outlast by a lot holy cow hold on a

Second what I was also I was also about to say um I [ __ ] is this scrap I can’t I can’t remember but uh yo Outlast is $3 Outlast 2 is 449 That’s crazy dude I somehow got three different buried treasure maps did they patch that out where you sto

Getting duplicates you got to find all of them now no actually for real like I’m actually just going to find all the buried treasure cuz buried treasure is a really easy way to get a bunch of good loot like I’m going to be a pirate like the tropical music is playing in the

Background like it’s awesome time wait I have a boulder and there’s a forget me nuts what am I doing oh good luck they get that of your your trick deck uh yeah I am I’ve been losing a ton of rounds because I have Heroes I don’t know what

I’m doing with wait wait you go the 99 of a chunk don’t you on if you want to send me what you’re playing with I’ll critique it I guess you f uh it’s sort of I’ve had um I it’s mostly been um my opin is it’s

One of works every time um one of the heroes it’s stuck on rose right now and I detest that hero because it’s so annoying breathing Rose is really annoying to play against yeah no it’s not really annoying well it is really annoying to play against for me it’s

Really annoying to play as hard to see really oh okay and I hate it because of it I was like dude all right here’s my plan I’m going to go back home put all my stuff away and then I’m going to go looking for some more stuff yeah to be

Fair Rose is one of the heroes where you need like legendary I don’t know if I’ll end the stre but it’s like the only thing it’s the only hero I feel is like pay to win yeah I I don’t like people who pay to win they’re just oh box elder bug no

Go away stop fine I’m PID to win right now slots 50 stop it f keep gambling I I don’t earn anything from you gambling so you can just do it you can just do it to your heart’s consent consent oh my God I landed a critical

Hit twice in a row and F think about if you get enough money you can make me hydrate or even you could you could pick a game and make me play PvZ Heroes yeah I can pick the next 20 streams if iate the W I once had wait I could I we could

Make you play game uh if you get enough rings on my stream yeah it’s it’s basically just you watch the stream and you get Rings or you can you can do like fog does and gamble them in the slots I’m assuming saying you have to be logged

In um yes yeah okay I’m not logged in oh okay I was going I was going to ask Hot Wheel stuff I’ve seen is insane I I I can just log in I was just kind of Titus the fox it’s it’s basically the same thing as how twitch does it where a lot

Of twitch streamers will do like benefits on that I like allowing people to pick a twitch stream because if there’s something they really want me to see played on stream stream is a lot easier to do than a video because like you just stream it and that’s it that

That’s that’s the I will do the slots because it would be funny yeah oh like and like here’s the thing win 900 Rings oh never mind you can win up to like I think it’s like 10 times is the max or something what you just said

Spy yeah it’s I can you talk about how F gambled like what was it like 18,000 and got like won 7,000 dude you literally had all the wealth and then you went and spent it again I was like fog why I’m going to be honest I told him to do that last time

So we told him to gamble his wealth away and he lost it all yeah I was all on that was all on last last stream I can R I can run like predictions and stuff so although I should figure got ask in the will of the W predictions well wlo all

Of his R he puts it all in I should figure out how to make it so the bot doesn’t show is there some games you just won’t like some jals you just won’t play uh anything that’s not safe for work speaking of which or yeah I think I’m not going to send an

NSFW game no no I’m not saying you would I’m saying that is like the only policy I can currently think of and it preferably it has to be something that I own which the only thing I would be like out of my control is like PS3 4 or 5

Because I have an Xbox 360 and Xbox One play Spider-Man um where the game don’t work oh 100% in fact if it’s like an Endy game I would totally play it I I went on my whole rant last stream about support Indi of okay it’s not really

Hold on St stop everything I’m scared guys are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader is on sale oh my God I saw that I saw that my on Alexa it was wait a second is it on Steam I got to check this no I’m going to check it oh my gosh

It’s $8 cheaper let’s go wow epic is scamming me for real on that one holy cow landed a crit it only did 4 HP to my tur TG I’m so scared going to keep that in mind oh all right guys buying the are you sp fifth grader

DLC that was a sentence that just came out of your mou oh god what the [ __ ] yeah I can tell that that animation what I remember I remember I bought a game uh where it was very kind of still animations that it kind of it kind of

Looks like um secret laboratory on the uh like art style for some reason oh yeah secret laboratory I forgot that was a game mhm and it it actually did seem pretty good comm’s on sale nice anyways I am failing I’m like I’m both doing really good and really

Badly right now I I have a lot of I can overpower the uh I I’m overpowering my opponent in cars but they have 20 Health wait I can make apple nothing yes I I haven’t hit this guy once yeah can you I would actually like to see what deck

You’re using just you know why not okay uh I’ll I’ll like screenshot it and send it to you do you know the actual names of these decks are really [ __ ] stupid like the deck I’m the deck the deck I’m using right now is versus green ass that’s what I named it

Yia in the crackle Stone what is this what there’s also I feel like I’ve seen that game on oh project get project zomboid it’s really good especially if you played m z and hated it it’s like m z but better like genuinely I don’t have enough storage oh

Yeah I’m going to be honest I don’t think I have enough yeah I don’t have enough storage either oh you could just uninstall some things but I like don’t know what one install that’s I’ve been having this problem well Tech let me bring you let let me suggest you the

Sponsor today’s stream windar stat now wind I you I hate you what the hell what can we kick this guy the joke is that we’re not sponsored please please don’t like destroy my kneecaps COA or anyways anyways this stream is sponsored by Ray Che I hate you hold on Tech let me

Actually send this to you real quick so Sonic not send him a virus I’m not it’s not this something I’ve used for about two years now very useful virus I don’t know I just think fog is that chaotic evil energy oh okay guys I

Guys I think I know why I have so much like space like I have Apex Legends installed I should get rid of that uh as much as I love Apex or I liked Apex Legends yeah I agree it’s Battle Royale is kind of right now yeah so Sonic the the game I

Was going to suggest it’s it’s not really much of an indie game more less a fin Nights at Freddy’s fan game oh oh boy I I know what you’re going to suggest I think I know what you’re going to say don’t say it I actually want to

Be surprised I actually I I really enjoy playing FNAF fan games no I mean no what they’re talking about is the actual Branch it’s under okay here we go here we go he’s gonna say he’s gonna say the thing take a breath take a breath you

Got this tally hold on before I say that I won against thisal user I fought this exact same guy again it’s like [ __ ] though one just conceited that’s awesome um make sure to screenshot the thing by the way yeah all right okay the the actual I’m I I just hit search so I’m

Search it the game series is five a game a series that it’s both old and new Five Nights at Warriors there we go there it is there it is you said it chat i’ I’ve played the first one a long time ago I do not like five nights of Warriors at

All I’m say how many games have you played he does a slow head turn it no it’s the prowler theme or the pr if you haven’t if you haven’t played since like 20 if you play if you st playing before 2020 the games got a lot better with like new updates and stuff

That’s usually how it goes where they just update a little bit oh um there’s there they made over five updates for the first game Jesus dude how do I freaking I just want to change something okay hold on I’m going to put the the BRB screen because I just

Have to change something on my stream real quick yeah the game over the game I’m oh right he’s Ving no I’m still here I’m still here I just I have to change something yeah I’m trying to just set it so the I just conjured secret agent hey

Ty make sure to send me your deck when you’re done yeah excuse me what reminder time uh a game I would highly recommend that’s on sale is Tiny Tina Assault on Dragon geek I thought it seen I’m G to be honest V I thought you were GNA say that truck game you kept

Mentioning I no no no no no I saw the a game I would recommend is Rage Shadow Jacob you are not sponsored don’t ruin yourself honestly if I close into buying that game flag it’s good it’s good if if they like sent me a raid like sponsorship I would just send it back

I’m I’m being like honestly I I don’t trust I don’t really like ra the and get the money the games I bought are um Here Comes Nico and Jack move I’ll be honest I got really scared for a second I couldn’t find my enchantment table it

Was in my inventory I found it the only one I bought so far in the sale was undertale cuz it was $2 undertale good understandable that Z move from what I seing it’s like a jrpg with like modern pixel art and again the the the uh description

Of the game was um a female Vigilant hacker is thrown into a world of murder H I forgot and here comes Nico is a 3D uh like 2D graphics 3D platformer um it’s like a similar art style to demon turf and I was made by uh gar for

Breakfast okay I wish I knew what half of those I totally forgot I had this game search and simulator forgot I had this game sergeon sim oh I remember my go that was a game like yeah let’s players doing that for a while yeah I I

Was playing the second one they made a sequel that’s just called um what’s that what’s that one board game that’s just that you do like the surgeon and then if if you do something wrong gets called operation dude that game terrified me I don’t know why it just terrified me I

Don’t know why so did I just kill my oh my god there stop with all what is such art genius artist simulator I think for some reason my brain thought that like operation if you got it wrong it just like Zapped you do that honestly that’s fair

American Truck Simulator demo no but it would make make it it it would vibrate if you got oh that’s probably why I didn’t like it guys just I terrible at any that scares me someone make a version of operation where it actually does shock you it’s just saw it’s

Literally just saw yes I am um also SP I’m not sure when you haven’t I’m not sure when you stopped playing F Wars but they it got to a point where that series is actually scary interesting that’s really hard to do from what I see uh don’t know how I could Betty

Almost had a heart ATT playing a game yeah Lord I don’t know oh the lore is so confused find out some war is if you have so so like the original series basically so there’s two different um universes that here yeah that’s all I need to hear as

Well let me guess there’s a side series of canonical book entries that somehow tie into the lore we just don’t know it yet guys I wonder what Ser could do s right now I’m am so sad right now why I’m not sad for you gorilla tag is not

On sale ah oh okay unfortunate you know what is on sale secret government americ do I know what it is no I should literally I should just compile a list of like games that are on sale that I think people should go buy project zomo is the first one like if

You want a good zombie game project zom it’s hard to get into it has a little bit of a has a little bit of learning curve here’s the thing Sonic the game I was going to suggest to you is a five nights at Warriors fan game I don’t

Think project Bo on Epic Games actually from what I’m looking at I’m on page like 55 of no it’s definitely only on Steam but that’s fine cuz it’s steam I’m not I’m not so yeah that exists and I don’t know I don’t know why it exists and I don’t know why they’re honestly

Really [ __ ] good game I play I forgot this like horror game existed at first I played the first one I play a little bit of the second one but it was really terrifying and I’m kind of a wuss so I didn’t finish it isolation people say

The the third one the Third one is um a lot of people say it was really terrifying the the fourth game is also really terrifying but in a different way of a more old school another wandering Trader what the heck there’s multiple dude they everywhere oh

It’s the same one it’s I think it’s just the same one bye buddy you won’t is bug snacks a good game no you’re welcome Spacey the uh the the the fifth game is literally the ring and the six game is a probably one of the like longest five

Nights at waros Fan games has ever came Out all right anyways I’m getting back to oh my gosh that sounds I had this running and I’m going to be honest I forgot I had this running what was that one fan game fog you played a bit on your channel Jolly that one yeah I remember that game yeah

What what what about it what about it no nothing I was just thinking about and how only the third game was good oh really I kind of likeed the first one yeah but we both could agree that the second one was pretty bad I haven’t played the second one yet actually I’m

Just I’m just grinding Shing so I can get him some I guess I’ll have to play the second one Oh I thought you did oh okay no I don’t play a lot of uh I don’t play a lot of FNAF games wait no you’re right I did play the second one we that

Was for the that was in the recording server and yeah it was just I don’t know it was just it was it’s hard to explain but like the first one felt like FNAF with its own spin the second one just felt like FNAF [ __ ] I’m like oh I just got

Myself killed I just [ __ ] killed myself oh God damn it in game in game yeah did you split PE yourself no um I didn’t I had a um uh Dr um I got Dr zomot five uh 1,000 and I decided not to use it and then and

Then I used a rodeo zombie and but then the opponent played a [ __ ] let’s see where is that N Out of a chunk here we go um that’ll happen and I died because there was too many nuts onf yeah just send me your deck there we go [ __ ] what Sonic Colors

Is on sale is that a good game uh okay here’s the thing the Wii version is really good I’ve heard that the um the one on Steam is not very good because they didn’t really they tried to like remake it but they made had a bunch of

Bugs in it I it might be good nowadays I don’t know all I know is that it launch it was terrible all right that’s good to know so but on but uh the original one the one on the Wii is like a game you have

To play at least once in your life cuz it’s just really good also um the second deck I’m sending you is essentially the entire thing about it is um I’m doing it’s the title is essentially a story about um some guy going in the bathroom and the lights cut out in the

Bathroom what that’s a wonderful story yeah I don’t think I want to hear about it anymore can you stop talking no it’s like the thing about it is just like please let me let me let me what what let me share the images is it not work oh is it only

Going to give free games on the okay I’m not sure if I’m actually will know I’m wrong okay I’m going to stop this what’s going on what happened I was going to say like a theory and then I got inst proven wrong so there we go stop stop okay

Caner what did you guys see the one short oh uh that’s on my end hold on what I don’t know for whatever reason I have it said to where you have to friend request me oh that makes sense I don’t know how to I I don’t I still don’t know

How to turn that off did have you guys seen the one like Game Theory short where it’s just like do you feel dominated and then it’s just the the thumbnail is let me dominate you or something like I’m not kidding I’m not kidding I’m not kidding I’m not kidding

This is a this is a a short they did they were talking about how the how the T pose is actually like effective but that is like the title is do you feel dominated and on when on on the thumbnail on the thumbnail of it the

Words on screen are let me dominate you or something like that and it’s just like like they they did this and they were like yeah this will be okay oh my God I got to figure out how to change this option because it’s now I have

To to figure out how to bleach my ears after that sorry Tech how to let anyone send you messages on Discord there you [ __ ] I killed the W trador for you yay privac I have four [ __ ] oh God why I have four no

Don’t I guess I I I bro I broke him I’m sorry I broke him he’s broken you can’t fix broken I have four there we go I think I fixed and um six plant Heroes okay I got out of one of my Decks that I okay

So I have a really bad idea do you guys want to hear the really bad idea the idea since I have like four water breathing potions and I have actually done this before I might actually just go find a guardian monument and go and M all the gold blocks from them for it

Yeah yeah that that that’s actually kind of a bad idea that’s a RIS I could pay off yeah yeah I don’t think you should do that at least it would be really fun though it would be at least have like like a decent amount of I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure bonus

Hardcore um Orchid did that in like five minutes have to do it for the content model forgot about that game Jacob you don’t need to get any more content we your easy content pass fre you all right I just okay I just content all right all right if I had to let me

Actually see because there is let me tell you about when it comes to five nights warrios there’s a ton of fan games for them fan games for five nights at warrios yes huh interesting fan games of fan games there’s there’s um J Yoshi’s game which like everyone knows

About because um because they’re both really good games and Overhills the voice actor one of the characters he is yeah I don’t know about that I think he voiced something in Maniac Mania too if I Rec correctly he did he was one of them I don’t remember which one he was

One of the maros I’m I’m very descriptive I know uh thing why am I encounters what is this uh over whatever name is what would you like out of a five nights at what would you like out of a financial Freddy’s experience or financial Warriors I guess voice act fan

Game once it was cool which one did you voice acting uh it’s one you guys have never heard of it’s called fear I’m not sure if it’s still up I have never I should look for it so I could just be like I know that guy you should play it on stream

Reference about play it on stream just make FL feel really uncomfortable sorry fog not sorry though wow of course not sorry but not sorry sorry but not sorry okay I’m going to go look for I got one last treasure map to do and then I’m

Going to see if I have enough know why but I I feel like I I don’t know why but one thing that came in mind is sending him the download for circus freaks chapter one don’t know what that is I don’t know what that is the game where

In order to defend yourself you have to close doors by hyping oh that does not sound fun that sounds incredibly stupid and I love it it is it’s actually really good atmospherically atmospher sure that sounds likeo in a million years it’s actually it’s from what I saw

It was actually pretty good I would have uploaded it but for some reason we started talking about drama and I’m like okay yeah no there nothing yeah that’s an easy way to to get something not published is just try talk about drama so anyway let’s talk about the recent

Was drama with the it was a drama with the Creator cut out hold up no do not bring it up here I’m not not this live stream will not be uploaded guys we should play dormitabis I’m sure the Creator not gotten cancel was mostly when my friends hatred with

My not doing that it was mostly when my friends hatred the creat but yeah that was that was all there was so I’m like yeah no I’m not up playing that it got to remaster I played it and I thought thought it was all right there’s also uh

Gears of entropy which I have a with apparently according to Pandora oh wait I should one of your videos on that one oh yeah you were there you okay so you joined right after Swan let left from the team finally I’m so close to just finishing this stupid I’m like a

Pirate I didn’t bring my freaking bed dude okay it they were going to make a fin night at Wars tower defense game but it got crapped that’s awesome no that’s awesome that they were going to make a tower defense that’s that’s legit that’s awesome that’s actually kind of like random um by the

Way if I if I send you the download for the six game it has like over 10 modes really yeah it is insane it is absolutely insane over 10 modes oh my God how many I another buried treasure map oh wait oh wait I might just be a

Pirate this whole stream not going to lie hey um excuse me are you not paying for that Buri treasure freak you I was going to make that’s my that’s it get him get him get him guys I don’t know what I’m doing with this can I access this through YouTube I see

Streamlabs I’m something have to be I’m going to become like every Adobe Premiere user and just pirate how do I and for the record I’m not I’m not I’m not saying it’s a bad idea it’s legally okay it’s a pirate from Adobe cuz they’re Adobe I don’t know what they

Did but they’re Adobe but don’t don’t like pirate like any game like at all don’t do that honestly yeah I would agree don’t don’t pirate games yeah I actually remember hold on people do that all the time I got a really funny story so I remember I had a I was in this

Friend group and like two of my friends started getting into an argument cuz one of them was pirating games and the other one was like what are you doing bro he’s just like the other guy was just like uh I don’t care if I pirate games or not

Just it’s not that bad is it and then and then the whole group kind of collapsed after that actually yeah that whole argument made like those two people like really angry at each other and then like I haven’t really talked to many other people since my my mentality

With with pirating games has always been like is there is there like an easy convenient way to get this game if yes then I’ll get it if no then like who cares and basically what Nintendo does it just never re-releases any of their games in it I pirate a lot of Nintendo

Games and and it’s a lot of like for the record I do it with a lot of like old NES games that they would likely not see profit from at all because why would they I honestly I kind of wanted to try to get a music disc but I feel like

That’s going to end poorly for me it is really risky but but it would be fun for the content everything is content you Jacob what it happened to you you become you’ve become a monster you have to put him down guys all right see later J I gotta go all right see you

Where’s 99 of the chunk okay where is wait this one right here like I’m I’m series you could with the five nights the sixth game of the five nights series you could actually make like a full series and have like depending on how you do cutting and

Whatnot like 20 episodes for oh jeez yeah no it is insane Diamond absolutely insane okay I’m going to go back just play Pokemon while I’m looking at Jacob’s stream this is awesome oh I got a bury treasure for the same thing oh well one game I wish that came out was

Cabin Fever chapter 2 I want that to come out so badly because it looks so good all right now that I’m now that my Shanks is equally leveled to my T I’ll actually start playing the [ __ ] game I actually I don’t know I kind of

Want to go around looking for loot but I feel like it’s going to end poorly for me well you can’t have you need at least like do you have a gapple on you Jacob yeah oh yeah I seen your inventory uh well i’ say like just like

Just Stack Up on golden apples until like you’re brave enough to like go out and fight stuff there’s probably yeah there’s also I I was going to say there’s also one game uh holl where um B role’s review of it is um all out like all Max mode is um is

Easier than winning all the Skins at a billiard mini game oh my god do you want like do you want challenging and maybe even stupid at times because I got a game five nights at Wario is the clock I see Al’s on his five nights at Warriors rant right now yeah that game

Is one of the hardest games and also and it has nothing to do with the software was you was made on huh which that software is scratch oh really nice yeah there was like um one person made like eight or nine Peta warrios fan games all

Unscratch all of them except for I think the second one is are really [ __ ] good the second one I’m just kind of eh kind of abandoned on like up being updated isn’t didn’t someone like on scratch actually make like a 3D platformer or something cuz I remember hearing about

That that might be a cool game to check out on stream yay s there’s like am I only getting female encounters the heck why you’re doing like a woodlock or Oh no you’re just playing for fun yeah I’m playing for fun got like I’ve got like almost like 20 female encounters at this

Point and all I have is a freaking female shins and a female tur wig that’s all I have I mean if I feel like it I might change this into a nuzlock but that depends if I feel like it the [ __ ] iron game is this the best game oh God Halloween week oh

God already gone someone made like a game J was like fight as a Wars Halloween week and uh I’m going to send fog the first Dage I he’s he left the call nobody was like messages yeah I made it to the city uh what what name is what name is the city again

Uh oh okay I’m getting dragged into the city oh that one has a trident oh it hit the dolphin My Savior the dolphin saw what was happening dude actual Chad let’s go what is this I guess I’m just going to go back I’m going to see what resources I have

And then I should figure out how to get more loot I think what I really should do is I should make a wall around my kind of base area just so I don’t get ambushed by things cuz that’s usually how I do idea is I make like a

Wall you you can play with the Birch boat buddy I don’t really need it I suppose actually I could really just leave it up cuz I don’t really need to get rid of it oh god spider it’s okay I can’t oh what okay I just took two hits I’m not

Sure how I did but okay well that’s unfortunate I have to chug a gapple now I did the spider hit me somehow I don’t know what happened there no dolphin get back over there you fool the drown is in your walls honestly that’s probably it I’m going to be

Honest I almost completely forgot about my uh opponent Barry I want to be honest Barry one of the worst opponents in the Pokemon series no stop stop it he’s so annoying stop slander stop the slander I you can they can find me all they want I do not give a [ __ ] Hop’s

Definitely the worst one there are some like opponents that you get in Pokemon games that are just straight up annoying one of them is not hop Pepe no hop is just no hop is bad never mind not a hop one of them is not berry berry is

Good I’m going eat the suspicious Ste give me regen that was poison I swear I guess like at start Barry is kind of annoying but then after a while he’s not as bad oh my God the poison lasts forever dude no I I gambled I gambled wrong I’m on

Three hearts I am on three hearts right now stay inside don’t go out I’m in three hearts no I got I ate a suspicious stew and I got poisoned they don’t call it a suspicious stew for no reason you know yeah yeah I deserve that it’s just

Man okay now you have to now you have to play more cautious I can make another gapple which is good I can go back to Hearts but that was kind of a throw for me I’m in jub life City yo wait I can make an anvil yes now we’re gaming now we are

Gaming I’m going to make a leggings and helmet how did it take you this long what do you mean how to take me this long I wasn’t mining for iron that’s why oh that explains everything I’m like wait how are you this far in okay I’m

Going to do the ultimate Chad move and I’m going to make a diamond sword and I’m going to go enchant it all right I’ve got uh two bookshelves up give me something good Smite one I hate this game I I didn’t I didn’t go for that I mean yeah you can use that

Against zombies and stuff which have annoying range no give me the eggs right um I guess I’ll just go for Sharp one I’m not really getting anything good on these enchants kind of annoying I forgot I forgot there’s like a like a whole like team or something that like tries

To stop sure why not I guess I’ll take that isn’t it like Team Galactic or something that go Plum I kind of want to redo my chest plate enchantment I want regular Pro protection give me something good what kind of armor what kind of armor do you

Have Jacob uh full iron and then a diamond boots oh I would I thought talkinging about the like the oh P Pro 2 for 11 levels o I’m getting that I just need three more levels yeah I’m in a sticky situation here not really sure if I can get out of

This what where’s that okay I need like one and a half more levels and then I’m good wow [ __ ] you too guy wait I need three iron for an iron axe and then I’m going to go mining for just a little bit cuz I need like streamlabs

How many do I need and how do I actually see how many I have uh you do exclamation mark rings and then for deciding stream I don’t exactly remember see it it’s not as it’s not as like uh built in as twitch because they don’t have it like built in obviously so it

Was a little harder to do a lot of that stuff but it but it’s like it’s there it works oh I had I had a 100 I had I don’t know how many but I have 50 Rings oh nice whose door is that that’s my chair

Oh is that that’s your chair do you have a swimel chair I have a wheelchair yeah heck yeah all right wheelchair aair awesome I I made a chair with wheels it’s just been a weir T it’s just been on a wheelchair this whole time Tally’s just been

Disabled this entire time and no one’s know we were never the wiser challenged by Sarah level seven oh also I I could say I could say this because it’s lost media I’m not going to be uh said but uh Spacey Skillet you on uh hes what

Yes I’m having a lot of fun holding down right click and left click while I’m just walking around cuz I have a wireless mouse I can tell you do I can talk to you guys all the way over here and still hear you uh Jacob P sucks

Hey I can I can still hear you I have wireless headphones I I’m uh think I’m going to yeah yeah see the problem is I have wired headphones I I have wireless I’m probably just going to set and jug up the uh five nights at Wario uh the

Abandoned Factory zero project and never more okay for to play I got to go get and yes that’s actually what the game is called I got to go get a couple more levels and then I don’t know what else I should do I suppose I at some point I

Should go to the nether but I feel like I’m not ready for the nether yet I need way more prep paralyze heal oh great random trainer oh I didn’t I didn’t even save gold for the um for armor WoW but do is that worth catching um Rosalia is really

Good all right I guess I’ll try it the buo line is really cool mostly just cuz I I don’t know okay never mind I okay I guess I’m not catching it cuz my shin landed a crit well tragic H it’s fine I didn’t know I didn’t really know much about bu

Anyways it’s a friendship Evolution so I mean it’s it’s a friendship Evolution and a leaf stone evolution in one Pokemon no no not Le no not leaf stone Shiny Stone oh Shiny Stone my bad oh in that case I’m just going to dump it immediately because I’m terrible at

Friendship stuff it’s really not that hard yeah but I always find a magical way to dig it up oh oh here we go wait hold on I have I have a really bad idea did you just say oh wait hold on hold on I got a really bad idea yes I

Have a really bad idea spacy just watch what is your bad idea watch this drive okay since since there’s a Magikarp I think it’s time I give my t a little time to fight that my God I shot the okay I don’t know what the idea is

But it looks bad idea oh I’m gonna I’m gonna try to get music disc no don’t shoot the boat a you stupid skeleton it shot the oh God I took I took a heart and a half okay well okay not smart not to self do not try to get

A music disc it’s not going to go well oh did you lose your bow no I lost a heart in a half oh like I was just about I’m really not trying to throw I’m just sounds like you are trying to throw it’s like except you are and it’s a skill

Issue all right absorb let’s go t twig yippe yeah meaty damage yep yep y yep I need to figure out how to find more diamonds or particularly more gold gold would be really useful right about now cuz I am super low or oxide daisies I really I suppose I

Should probably go looking for oxide daisies cuz I oh yeah you said you were going to do that the last session and you just never yeah I never did oh God two skeletons oh this might be the end uhoh this is this is my death yeah no this is

It I’m not even there’s so much stream lag I don’t know what I know I I I can’t stream the Discord okay um oh Jesus yeah this is where where we go upstairs oh wow okay I already won there’s a bell flower by this is where we go

Upstairs oh you live and don’t mess with the caves anymore because we are on two hearts I don’t even know where to look for oxide daisies like I don’t I don’t know what to do for that oh crap okay I guess I’ll take a random encounter maybe I do have to go

Look in caves I don’t know like I don’t know I don’t know what to do when I’m this low I could strip mine but it’s not very effective I mean you do I’d say just strip mine honestly you do need to find some gold the only problem is I like I

Don’t know like new strip mining strip mining in this version is very Nerf oh yeah I also forgot the only other uh the only other game I would also suggest is uh as a cat president get down Mr President and the U if you actually go on the steam page for it is

It or I guess well is it the same the store Page or no it’s not the store Page it’s me actually buying it okay I guess I’ll try strip mining a little bit but I don’t think I’m going to find anything do I I have

You it’s um I wish I couldn’t finish it but I gave up on one of the routes because I really did not like it and then got burnt out because I recorded like 10 hours worth of it and before you before you say anything it’s of like I

Wonder if this is going two stories already dude I’m on two hearts bro if that’s in case I’ll buy you and send you a cat president for you to play this UHC is not going very well is it my shins keeps critting everything out so I can’t catch

Anything see is there anything around here think okay I don’t know of what game but um and I don’t okay I don’t know and there’s like I’ve been trying to do a lot of Nu however most of them have been um archived because of uh just general problems but uh forgot how

Many levels you need to level up a shins for it to evolve I forgot 15 oh 15 okay oh 15 oh that guess I’m getting I’m already getting close cuz I’m at 11 oh God turto is at level nine so okay I did find another part of a cave I just have

To be really careful of a skeleton I’m think or a creeper that too egg lock egg oh my God the the dude the gravel almost suffocated me I almost lost my Shanks cuz it got crit from a oh that could have been bad too I I have I

Haven’t se the bat led me to the cave thank you thank you bat I will oh my God I will CH forever oh wow my shins got crit twice in a row and it’s at one HP oh jeez okay I won the bad holy crap that was

Close okay yeah I’m going back to the center wait actually I could just use my potion what am I doing uh oh that gu oh yeah I forgot about the moves that I have left the Pokemon you to play Goose goose duck the Among Us game of lore

What all right itally best explain it um uh the Chinese Revolution um are the are the ducks the ducks are chineses I think or a dictatorship what what are you going about oh guys horrible idea time the deep dark baby the did I already uhoh I already have triggered

One of those shriekers that spawns the warden uh-oh no no it’s it’s a it’s a [ __ ] you need four I know I need three of them I think okay oh the is for spawns it for spawns it you’re wrong it’s three just say no no I can actually

Confirm this it’s four I’ve I’ve had it I’ve summoned it before and died yeah I’ve actually done that once before well it’s just a tiny little cave with a bunch of skull sensors in it so there’s really not much I can do what if I what if I put a tnt down and

Run it would still you would still get blinded uh okay Yol all right uh Poke Balls I’ll try catching this buo it’s level seven so was actually a decent level like I put a tnt down ran my was that actually worth it their opponent it was just fun oh this oh oh

This is a trainer battle oopsies wait how do I get out here did You I tried to catch the this B but I forgot I oh good job so I not only found the cave I was exploring in before but I found some gold hey okay okay that’s actually perfect worth it 102 XP okay perfect another level up for my shinks

Ypp also yes I definitely just put a tnt down and blew up near the shrier cuz I thought it would be really funny and yes it was funny to answer just in case you guys are wondering a a Pokemon that Boulders I don’t have any of

That oh wait wait a second I can just Jacob Jacob do you have any apples on you nope yeah okay you got the gold though right is it enough to make a golden apple yes just barely one okay then I suggest getting the heck out so you can at least get another Golden

Apple to heal up immediately because two hearts is not a health you want to be on right now yeah if you remember your way back I don’t H well I kind of do I mean if you have to oh here we go I got it oh okay

You’re fine easy game I have to put some oak trees down cuz I forgot to put Oak saplings down might actually just turn this into a nuzlock because this is actually kind of fun oh my God I think I think at this point I’ve wiped out almost every single Pokemon

Population this is under 10 out buo all right I think I’m not making the mistake again I’m I’m actually going to press the [ __ ] Buton okay yeah I agree okay I think I’ll be able to catch it this time absorb but you will do nothing oh

Wait I forgot I was going to [ __ ] record something good job all right use Pokeball after I oh two baby let’s go oh God what’s going on oh god oh thank God I have thank God the inst B Bounty Hunter hey guys question should any I but do

Something yes um what should I name it deep slate deep slate what no I agree with this oh oh I get it because of the block oh I see yeah because um because Jacob has bad opinions what is your issue with that block I don’t like it it’s just it just

Takes forever to mine through it is that so wrong you know what just for that I’m not naming it that I’m just going to keep it as B it actually isn’t that bad from what I’ve SE it is annoying but it’s not that bad unless like they buff they nerfed it or some

[ __ ] all right it’s time to actually buy stuff from this Pokemon Mar even though it’s not really good this early in the game it’s I might actually need how am I doing about this guy is about to just see or just Rage Quit cuz he only has a

Sunflower left on the field and one random card I have a I have something I have 91 I have 91 91 that’s it 76 57 76 and two cards with bonus attack what the all right I will take 12 balls a Premier Ball and five po this guy is

About to die he feels oh my God I feels so bad all right I hear a zombie burning zombie well I took a hit but I only took half a heart from it let’s go oh man where it was the zombie it was it was burning under a tree you’re about to see

It oh okay let’s see okay all right I have honestly I have a really cool idea for a base well what what is it uh so I’m going to build let’s see I think if I build like a like a platform here I can just put a bunch

Of stuff on it I want to go fishing for Pokemon way good for you I guess the only think you would be able to ca at that point in time is a Magikarp that’s fine I can at least get like a what’s that one Pokemon then from

The from the like first or I think Second City I go to just go yeah far left can at least I can get uh what is it Gyarados or something yeah I mean Gyarados isn’t that bad I could definitely take that do not want to fight any Pokemon

Right now uh I can’t really tell if I’m like at a severe type of Advantage because I I don’t know what kind of Pokemon right here because I’ve not played this game at all I was watching J animations and one of the the thing about Digimon was so

[ __ ] cursed I was like I’m going to do it I’m going to kill a man using a DS damn oh Zubat o i game they played was so bad you want to know how bad the game they played was how bad how bad the

Hub is a [ __ ] days oh why why why is jayen do this to herself no but like content it was no it was essentially they they did like a few I think spent days researching the best one forms even going to Twitter you know Jacob the one

Time you say it you might actually have a point you might have just done that for content content uh you know I’m using my Premiere ball on the I mean I think I got most of the stuff relating to game stream that we played is just content

But like at the same time it’s also kind of funny oh wait didn’t Jaden do like a platinum Nuzlocke yep yeah yeah it’s pretty good yeah I yeah I I think I watched the the stream on that they also did a solink where they yeah yeah wasn’t

The wasn’t it with like Jacob alpharad alpharad Jacob Jacob and then also Pokemon challenges of survival oh oh yeah I forgot about uh that one guy J okay so I I also need to make a door into here so yeah for some reason I also like kind of believe that janen is

Somehow a better better at Pokemon than alpharad cuz she actually like pays attention oh yeah I know she’s a lot better than alphared yeah which honestly is kind of a actually actually actually no I think Al got a lot better well yeah but like at the like like back back when like uh

They started like doing the Nuzlocke that together Jacob was doing so bad yeah like yeah he yeah she wasn’t kidding when uh Jaden was kidding when she said Jacob had like a 50-50 nol Rao oh god um well he only two done two nuzlock on YouTube that I think the

Worst one I’ve seen like uh this person would pretend attempted to do like uh I need to find their name because I forgot what the heck why is this why is this a different kind of encounter Pokemon they had um they had five Pokemon for the gym it was a

Randomizer they didn’t they didn’t level up all their Pokemon next R three Pokemon damn oh my I I somehow found Psyduck in a cave they also he also did um reacted the pbg’s Nuzlocke it was pretty dumb oh nice uh is is is it even worth like

Trying to capture pydock and adding it to the team because depends it’s not it’s not a bad Pokemon if you especially if you don’t have a water type like grab it oh yeah oh yeah that’s true I could use a water typ okay never never mind I guess my Shanks loves

Critting things [ __ ] sake the pro the the other problem is with getting Psyduck is if you wait a little bit longer you’ll get two water you have two choices end up getting water types that are in my opinion just better than pyd oh I forgot I forgot how much I hated

The crit like mechanic in this game God damn it I think Shellos and bz are both better than Psyduck Shellos uh uh it evolves into a water ground type oh yeah Shellos yeah isn’t it like uh what doesn’t it involve it to Gaston or something yes yes and it’s also a really awesome

Pokemon I love it it’s great I think I think I heard that that’s Jayden’s favorite Pokemon Quire is still better can’t believe you said that you’re going to make a lot of people piss from that no I’m not I’m not going to debate it cuz I like both of them so I don’t

Really have a stake matter I think I actually have to go right to continue the story have you have any of you two seen like quag zire on Twitter no that that account is hilarious I don’t even like use Twitter anymore or X they just no it’s Twitter don’t nobody calls

Nobody calls it X nobody calls it that no the account is or actually you could just word Twitter into hell yeah you can just do that yeah pretty much I’m not even going to debate you on that like that’s just oh my God I forgot you have to [ __ ] sign up in order

To some of their posts are really dumb though no I was I was in a group dm with my friend and he just completely destroyed his room like everything is on the floor he he posted a picture of it and send it in the group DM they’re in

King’s game don’t worry about him he’s in King’s game like their backpack their clothes their stuffed animals everything is on the floor apparently he’s completely remodeling it but this is already a poor start well the first thing you do when you’re remodeling is you have to take everything down so yeah just just

Completely destroy your [ __ ] yeah who is that let see they’re in King’s game don’t worry about them they’ve got it under control yeah oh my God oh my God it’s a Pikachu oh Pikachu can we send a nuke on Fur Affinity just nuke that entire platform

Yeah I’m fine with that just just like for Affinity uh deleted goodbye goodby quick claw what did I just get um it’s a really good item use it unless you’re doing nuzlock in which case it’s a [ __ ] cursed item oh really uh I’ve seen so many people that when they equip

A click quall that Pokemon dies almost instantly okay well if you you don’t be bad at the game and lose a Pokemon then you’re no no no no no no no I mean like it just instinctively dies don’t be bad at the game then like it’s literally that it’s just cursed

Maryland is probably the most uh popular example of this every time he uh enables the quick Claw on anything it [ __ ] dies I guess he lost his starter in a emerald Nuzlocke to the third G bag because he did that interesting a heal ball what oh heel

Ball is pretty worthless but you can take it it’s like one of those things like if you’re doing a custom thing it can be pretty good but P that don’t bother it’s um if when you are when you CCT the Pokemon will’ll be fully

Healed but if it goes to the if if it goes to the box then it does nothing because it already gets healed so there’s no point let’s see man I wish Maryland did more nuzlock I suppose I could just do like a quick little farm here didn’t he

Actually I got coupon number three yippee I don’t even like use coupons well that that the only use you have for them is getting the Poke ET yeah I guess I guess that’s fair I do need to get that the Poke is just really good it it’s like one of the cool things

They did and they never brought it back except for a remake which doesn’t count cuz it was a remake oh group name uh guys give me ideas what uh what you make yeah I was my friend dmed me that like a group name I need a random idea I need I I got

Nothing it’s all you I got nothing okay okay nothing I like that idea yeah nothing oh God just actually name it I got nothing no I’m just naming it nothing we’re rolling of it no I think I I got nothing is funnier I I I can’t fit multiple words that’s the

Problem oh wow it fixed perfectly all right cool oh God you know what I’m not going to say it I’m not going to say it say it coward I just remembered a uh streamer that U goes on The Runaway Guys that more know number that um group yep where

During TI RC Coliseum which is essentially you know the fundraiser group yeah the fundraiser thing I remember that hey he ate his ass for charity bro I’m not I don’t think that’s something I want to hear about anymore I told to so blame blame yeah blame how

Say up that I actually wasn’t going to say anything why did you say anything because I told I told him to oh CU I thought it’d be funny he he was also the same person that um programmed his doorbell to play megalovania oh that’s awesome he’s um he’s known as the one

Person in the group that’s really [ __ ] stupid and and when proton John does what an honor what an honor worse than tea Conroy you know someone has to take that title someone has to take the title yep M and oh God chuga Conroy if you

Ever if you ever seen like any of proton John streams Chugga con acts like a completely different person in John streams than he does in his videos I’m just been spending time decorating it’s honestly kind of nice it’s kind of soothing what do you mean like I’ve literally just been decorating my house

Great also I guess I also don’t know this is kind of weird weird but Maryland is how I first found out about undertale what what and I don’t know how that and I don’t understand what you said I don’t know what that means oh sorry U

Maryland uh is how I found out about yeah I don’t know what that is though maryn’s a YouTuber oh okay I can’t remember how oh I found out about undertale like through a friend a friend had told me to play it I only found out a bit undertale cuz

Jack Septic I played it nice wow I’m disappointed it seemed like a pretty there goes tally J tally I feel like that’s how most people discovered undertale from Jack playing it y there’s other YouTubers name you know what what do you mean what what’s your problem with Jack setiyo well

To be fair I did hear about this like one like kind of like widespread drama thing that went on between like him and Mr Beast so okay who cares it was like that’s just because he personally didn’t like him who cares yeah but like yeah like but yeah

Some of my like friends actually started getting attached to the drama and kept like bugging me about it so yeah yeah I was not a fan of it and know where the [ __ ] is this last clown so I can get the stupid thing well finally someone got arrested

[ __ ] what what what what do what are you on about tally did you take your pills or something I think some guy uh some YouTuber got his house firebombed and it took them I think let me it took them I think almost a year for someone to get

Arrested for it that’s uh interesting yeah I don’t like it’s it’s insane it’s insanely political I see it’s like the definition of oh huh interesting oh no B I’m going to open up this wall to my house honestly I’m kind of happy with how this house turned out I’m not much

Of a builder so whenever I like build something cool it makes me happy yeah Fair pleas uh please I really want to watch episode 12 of Season 22 please be out quick attack okay that’s fine that is not fine that is a crit rip to XP I’ll take it oh what when will

When will it come out when does it normally come out actually I don’t know um hello what’s up why did my why did my PC cut up or my PC monitor just stopped that’s weird oh my God it’s a b bed bed is Awesome by the way love that

Guy let’s see I’m just I’m just going to put the crafting table in the floor why not easy access no what yeah I’m having a burnout I’m going to no I’ll decide tomorrow whether to like stop crunchy roll or just I don’t know I keep having I just put the

Ladders on the back of my furnace dude CU I keep stretching myself up with that I’m just going to close the I keep telling you to take a break because of how much burnout you have and you just never do it different issue entirely I kind of like this house I’m

Not going to lie although I should probably put some handrails on the top here so I don’t uh fall off I so you telling me I be I beat two kids in a Pokemon battle just to get a potion bro I think it’s a different situation if you’re still burnt out then

Wouldn’t that mean like if you’re burnt out from multiple things shouldn’t that still be in the same argument like I’m actually I’m actually mad right now the thing the the stress it’s it’s more more or less stress well it’s just like yeah I’m taking a break from that

Thing how do I I feel like you should take a break just in general not just from one thing just in general you keep saying how much you’re burnt out yeah I would agree just if you if you feel burnt out just take just genuinely just

Take a break it helps out a lot all right when will When will season 22 come out or Not Season 22 episode 12 come out Season 22 finally found this last stupid clown okay I could have Tak fall damage from that dude everything is so much

Scarier when like the damage you take is just permanent mhm city of Joy what the heck at the very least if I do end up dying at some point I can say that I made a pretty cool house so actually that’ll just make me even more depressed cuz I died wait

Apple any mobs around hold on I need this apple there’s two apples yes dude let’s go okay need to figure out how I can heal I can heal up to four Hearts you know what I’m going to leave the call and um Next Level Chef because IEP

Creep that’s a creeper that’s a creeper that’s a creeper oh God so if anyone does anyone know what that is first of all basically Gordon Ramsey’s shows oh okay yeah so see you see see yeah oh thank God the in leaves uh okay there we go

Okay back up I’m back up to four Hearts it it’s not much but it’s better than what I was before so okay now I need to now next what I need to do is I need to figure out how to get even more healing

Cuz I’m just I don’t want to die i’ i’ now that I’m like doing it I’m having fun I’m actually attached to the world now like I don’t want to lose it oh that’s what I should do I should get a bunch of wood and make some

Charcoal is there that creep is that creeper still around here fun fact there was one solo U I had done where like day two I was mining out a tree and a creeper just snuck up behind me and killed me and that was the end of my run like day two I just

Died y I got the stupid watch can now continue my stupid Journey R 203 that’s a skeleton oh okay good thing I had absorption Hearts also skeletons only deal half a heart to me now because the p Pro let’s go nice I also got a lot of arrows now which is

Great I kind of want to start a little forest fire just so I have more room like immediately available cuz I don’t like being in a birch Forest I feel like I’m going to get snuck up on yeah de station woo you been doing this whole time

T yeah just playing a playing a map F oh is that why you you been on Minecraft for an hour yes I think I’ll probably end end the stream pretty shortly here this has been pretty fun also I think I think my dad is making wings which I’m excited

About chicken wings oh Wings they’re so good that’s definitely every like it’s either Friday or Saturday night we have uh chicken wings and pizza great oh I wish I was there I have both of those Foods so much I’m hoping to get th this this like winter break I want to do some

More streaming I want to like get some videos done for next year cuz I’ve got a I’ve got a a different different plan for that well not not too different from how I did it this year but try to actually make some quality content this time twig time

CH all right and also I’m just happy cuz like after two scrap attempts we finally have like a really fun attempt of uh hardcore that’s like we’re still trying to schedule it cuz it’s going to be a longer one but I’m just really excited for it oh wait

Oh crap I am might be in trouble Chim and are even level and I’m kind of worried let’s see okay I think I’m fine okay I got a lot of wood and I also just leveled out a lot of this area Tech have you ever done a

UHC uh I think I’ve done a few UHC casuals but not like a solo UHC or anything like that I haven’t done anything I’ve done a solo UHC but not a UHC casual yet there’s a zombie is are there zombies in my walls I think there are zombies in my

Walls dude I’m not even kidding the zombies are your walls the zombies are my walls yeah that’s that’s perfect 124 XP big okay I’m digging down there just cuz I want to figure out what what is going on I’ll bet I know what it is cuz there

Was a cave around here that like I didn’t pull off hello I don’t want noisy neighbors get out of here oh all right I’m gonna I’m gonna probably go now because I’m getting to a point where I’m getting a little bit tired so once I

Save my once I save my data and Pokemon Plum I’ll leave the call but f finally got past that stupid fight with Barry and out of that stupid Town nice job oh my God all right see put a trap door there that’s kind of a makeshift door oh it’s

Raining the game has been saved all right uh I will see you guys later see you okay later I didn’t even hear me say later I’m GNA just wrap up the stream just kind of do a couple last things and then yeah I don’t I’m kind of nervous because

Next stream we have to get healing and I there’s two options we can do we can go out into the Wilderness and look for oxide daisies which is terrifying mostly just because of Natural Mobs that can spawn or we can go downstairs and try to get some gold for golden apples which is

Also really scary I think I’m probably going to go with the first option in fact I might just real quick start that just so I like it next time thinking the the the first option sounds better yeah mostly just cuz I can also just bring my

Bed I got a compass to come back home I got M I already got the mushrooms for it which is great so I think I’m just going to go off on another adventure that sounds fun I’m I’m going to start the adventure and then in like

5 10 minutes I’m going to outro the stream and it’ll be fun I always I always love doing streams in VCS because it it gives me someone to talk to um even if like not a lot is happening on stream it like gives me you know in case

It gets it’s a little boring I got someone to talk to in the background so all right let’s do it I’m out of here all right we got to go looking also I’m really hoping that over break I’m going to go try and look for a

New computer cuz this one is really good but it’s kind of I think it’s run its course it’s about 6 years old now so I think it’s it’s time to get a new one I’m not going to get anything fancy like I just want a little bit of an

Upgrade yeah that’s fair that’s fair all right oh chicken yes perfect so we still we still do need feathers for sure so I’m going to pick those up and I got a chest boat in case I got get a lot of loot so I believe what we need is we

Need a grass biome or like just a regular plains biome or if we can find a flower field that would be even better I’m trying to remember like specifically where I’ve found that kind of stuff in the past and the only really thing I can

Think of is is just like a planes biome I’m going to set you oh I can’t even like I can try to set you on fire but you’re just going to run to the Rain Oh no you’re not cuz you’re an idiot got him okay oh it’s not going to

Work cuz this guy’s in the rain no come here no I’m not even going to try I’m not even going to try to kill them I’m just going to leave them there I don’t like have it in me to kill them and then go back and smelt all their

Food yeah lazy I kind of want to start a forest fire but I I don’t want like the server to die that’s true got a bunch of pumpkins case I need it for whatever reason I could actually try to make pumpkin pie but I don’t have a lot of

Eggs I should have probably made a chicken farm I just didn’t think to do That is that a creeper okay no that’s that’s a that’s a flower I I have that happened to me so many times All right Giant mountain woo why is this world just one giant Birch forest biome I don’t know man you want Birch you got Birch yeah it’s a good thing I’m like one of three people that actually likes Birchwood cuz there’s a bunch of Birchwood around here hey I’m the other hey nice let’s

Go oh there is a cave down there do I go down no I don’t think I’m going to just kind of weighing my options it feels like I’m going to die if I go down there puppies I don’t have bones I’m I’m sad I’m upset I don’t have bones I could

Have got puppy today I I will come back and get a puppy one day I promise I will I just don’t have bones on me cuz I’m stupid oh my god dude it’s just a giant oh wait I can see a I can can see a a PLS biome in the

Distance and there are some flowers that gives me hope hope for something good to happen mhm oh oxy perfect oxide daisies let’s go you found it yeah found a couple what I could really do is like finding a structure of some kind I just enjoy exploring and finding things it’s true

I like that too okay is the rain going to start letting up Soon oh I can see a boat out on the water I can see it I’m probably going to go explore that but first what I need to do is I need to start making all these oxid into soup I’m just finding them in such like minuscule quantities hey there friend how you Doing originally I wasn’t going to start killing the cows but now I just feel like I need the food so I’m just going to do it and also the leather I need it too sorry baby chicken you’re going to be left without a mama I don’t know how to help you with

That live with it cope proba just gonna cope also it is about to turn night did I bring my bed I did I’m smart let’s go oh that’s a skeleton I love it when I do something smart and not stupid all right I’m G to kill the

Skeleton cuz then if I take its bones and go get a dog that would make me Happy oh there’s a Pillager Tower right there dude that’s awesome hold on I need I need to make some healing before I go and do that cuz I don’t want to die let me also let me get rid of all the mobs by sleeping all right there we

Go why is it still raining oh now it’s not raining okay perfect I can I can loot their bones hold on freak you there’s another skeleton over here killing shot oh I missed got him there we go all right I got like three bones okay that might be

Enough to get me a dog when I go back all right I need some wood my iron axe is about to break no all right let’s see can I make yeah I can make some bowls so then if I put the mushrooms and the oxid

There there we go okay so now I can just regen up oh and there’s an Enderman but he’s going to just teleport away a bunch I think it’s not going to work oh God he’s mad okay he got in the boat okay I just

Need you to die that’s all I need is for you to die please give me a pearl got one first Pearl first Pearl the play dude go all right I’m going to heal back up to full the officious D is kind of cheap but at the same time I’m so low right

Now that I I don’t think anyone is going to protest and and if you do that’s honestly fair I respect it everyone starts protesting just get out of Jacob’s house and starts protesting honestly I I thought it was kind of cheap too but the more I think

About it like you have to go out of your way to find a lot of very specific materials and even then they they don’t heal you by much so I don’t think it’s too big a deal like it’s just it’s just a heart and a half no absorption or anything just that okay

I’m going to put I’m going to go put my boat down over here I’m going to go loot the Pillager Tower and then run home honestly the Pillager Tower is not going to have that much good stuff it’s it’s pretty bad in terms of loot where’ that CH boat

Go oh another Apple yes perfect where did that chest boat go am I going crazy whatever I’m just going to make another one cuz I I don’t care enough to try and find it now like I literally have no idea where it went but I’m I cannot be bothered to try and find

It oh no let me out okay I don’t want to put the healing away I want to put this food away pumpkins couple spare arrows that I don’t Need bones actually I hold on the bones cuz when I’m when I head back I’m going to try and tame a dog another oxy over here so I need to get some more brown mushrooms if I want more healing which is fine I can find

Those I think I think in the dark oak forest you can find a bunch of them oh wait there’s um cages for Iron Golems actually I could probably free one to help me that’s true and my inventory is going to start filling right back up up cuz I’m killing chickens

Again wait I just realized if one of them has piercing we’re going to be in for a really bad time yeah you should be fine they go through sh problem yeah you should be fine nothing can go wrong right ow okay I took oh God wait there’s an

LA there’s an LA hold on hold on where’s my Apple oh I don’t have my apples on me no okay wait wa wait wait come here come here come here I want an aay yes I got an aay and then the Iron Golem can go

Free as well but I need to make sure to not hit the Iron Golem I do not want this guy mad at me be free yes I got an laay okay I’m just happy I’m just really happy I don’t usually get in laay in in these

So thank you buddy oh you got a friend in me I got the achievement thank you buddy all right Tech I’m just saying if you ever try to do an achievement series for the recet version I wish you the best of luck because there are so many you have

To do I don’t think I have enough friends for that it would oh there’s a goat horn and uh Smite five book that’s crazy might five oh Jesus hello okay all right let’s leave let’s leave let’s leave let’s leave let’s leave you got some good stuff from that

Yep and now it’s time to leave that that that’s like you to leave okay you’re also dying in real life after that I’ve had like something oh something’s like settled in my throat it’s not very fun it’s okay though I’ll live okay I’m going to grab one of these banners real

Quick and put it on my shield just cuz they look kind of nice I’m going grab another one over here okay so in one video I did Casual highlights I called the LA had Hera and I’m going to continue that Trend here so this is Hera 2 or just Hera just other

Version of Hera yep okay let’s go down alterate Universe Hera oh the alternate universe Hera where I didn’t lose her and didn’t show it in the video because I don’t remember why I didn’t show it okay time to go back come on Harry you’re coming with

Me we also we we I can’t even like bring the Iron Golem with me I just wanted to free him cuz I I don’t know he looked kind of he looked kind of sad and lonely yeah I don’t want to run too fast I want to make sure Hera follows me cuz

Here’s the thing like when I’m when I’m uh chopping down oak trees I can give Hara an apple and then Hara will just go look for apples hi hey what’s up live stream are you streaming too no oh okay oh why did I do that why did I do that okay

Wow I’m stupid no Hara what are you doing how do you get out of there how do I get you out I don’t want you in there Hera I accidentally ruined esam’s Iron Man and now I feel bad nice with Luigi with Luigi oh my God that’s

Amazing you know what no that that’s fair no that’s fair Sam if you’re watching this which I don’t know why you wouldn’t I’m not sorry I’m going to be real but you know what toxic Behavior I’m so sorry I beat you on Minecraft PVP my bad okay now the problem is I got to figure out how to get back home while in a boat is the whole time just cuz I I can’t remember I think I did go like I did

Boat all the way over here so I’ll I’ll be fine what is following oh wait I bet I I’ll bet I need to oh I bet I need to leave some of the stuff here CU I oh shoot What’s following you uh it’s in

Way that’s Hara is that a mod or no it’s it’s vanilla I suppose you haven’t played in a while have you I haven’t played this game since like 1.14 so yeah they uh Al are basically uh creatures they voted in from the mob vote and they fly around and if you give

Them an item they will go and collect that item when it’s on the ground I’m confused and think they and I think they can generate the same item I don’t know for certain about that if they put a mob in the mob vote would they at the very very least

Already have the design of that mob finished I don’t know or even maybe some of theam I have no idea the answer to that question unfortunately I feel like it doesn’t make much sense to even do a mob vote oh wow you’re thinking what I’m thinking

Cuz yeah the mob vote is is terrible and I wish it would end someday but at the same time yeah no the LA was probably the coolest one we’ve gotten so far just because I don’t know it actually did something kind of useful I thought I was going to fall down a

Pit I remember like way back when when the glow squid was part of the mob V theow Sid but there was like there was like another one it was like a mountain enemy I think I don’t yeah the isce oler yeah that’s what I wanted I I forgot

That you like haven’t played this game in a long time so yeah the the LA is is a new one of the creatures they changed the Vex design by the way to make it match the LA just so you’re aware but I was watching that and the whole time I was just

Thinking what the glow squid is the most pointless mob possible and guess what mob one but at the same time it’s got to be like 10 minutes of design and programming right yeah why not the the thing is that like they really should just be giving us three mobs but instead

They make us choose one and then the other ones go away forever which is dumb it’s just not a good way to keep a community engaged like fortnite’s been making making better decisions than that and I I don’t like admitting that crazy but it’s true yeah it’s crazy but it’s true all

Right there we go I am sleeping now I’m going to go run back home I’m going to try to get a dog on the way home and then I’m going to end the stream this was fun this was a long stream as well I didn’t expect it I

Didn’t expect to be streaming for this long 2 hours ago yeah that that usually I only stream for about an hour to an hour and a half so that is considered long for me I need to put some more songs in my playlist as well but the Unleashed

Marathon stream’s going to go crazy I will be playing unleash soon don’t worry I it’s in my plans like genuinely I am going to be playing it unfortunately you couldn’t finish that game in one stream if you tried it’s it’s pretty long I’ve heard or at least

I assume that it’s pretty long as long as you can consider a Sonic game yeah well what kind of Sonic game cuz there are kind of it is definitely one of the longer ones okay like maybe like I don’t know it’s definitely longer than like Black Knight colors Generations like the extremely short

Ones okay I don’t know if it’s quite as long as Frontiers probably around the same amount Frontiers is generally like 10 to 15 hours yeah well that game is more of an RPG isn’t it kind of kind of games not that good what who said that what I don’t

Know wow someone didn’t like a Sonic game crazy I like Frontiers but like people acting like it’s the best Sonic game ever ever made is so dumb well that’s because they’re coming off of a bunch of trash games so when they look at that game and see that it’s not trash they’re

Like oh we did it guys the Sonic Cycle’s broken when in reality no it’s just it’s just going to keep in reality it’s a six out of 10 game yeah I mean I haven’t played it yet so I I have no opinion on it but I will probably change that I

Have it on the switch oh that’s a five out of 10 game that’s rough H the switch is like the like worst best console ever dude it’s like the best way I can describe it like it’s a really cool concept really cool design but man like the way

Nintendo has run it is kind of frustrating to me I’m getting Prett tired I think I might H out yep we’re almost done here I’m just going to run back home and then that’s the end of the stream we’re going to next time we’re going to look for

More healing and probably get probably go to the nether honestly like we’re probably at that point now although we should we could do a little more enchanting cuz now we have an now that we have an anvil we can do double enchanting stuff which will get us some

Much better Gear with run two years I can’t even say that the soundtrack is all that good like so the so the um what’s that one song there’s that one song that everyone really likes from Frontiers what’s it called there’s a a few the boss themes are genuinely the

Best boss themes in the series I no but I I can’t remember the undef break through it all your flame I’m here it was one of those ones I had listened to it’s pretty much all of those I was going to say okay here’s my slightly I guess maybe slightly controversial thing

When the song is like normal it’s pretty good but then there’s like sections of it where it’s just like really awful ear grading screaming and I don’t really like it o he don’t like sco what he don’t like sco I don’t know it it like it

Wasn’t very pleasing to my ears it was just awful screaming for a little bit but I mean the song was pretty good it’s just that it had that so I don’t know hold on I need to make more suspicious too now on the other hand the Diddy Kong Racing soundtrack is

Amazing cuz I’m listening to it right now while streaming have you played Diddy Kong Racing no it’s pretty good I I mean I’d say it’s pretty good as we all know my opinion is worth a lot around here that was a joke for the record oh I get it now okay take an

Apple yeah I’d given the LA an apple I see I see I’m going to make two more bookshelves why does he laay when he’s like holding something he looks like he’s trying to give you back like your wallet that you dropped you dropped your wallet good

Sir good sir you dropped your wallet or in this case Apple shout outs to the people who like they find a lost wallet and they actually try to bring it back to the like owner yeah shout outs to the people who honestly just find a lost

Wallet I feel like you have to be almost paying attention for that yeah you don’t find that in many people yeah you know what I I agree with this statement actually someone who has trouble paying attention yeah I agree with this depends on what I’m paying attention to Sonic Unleashed I’m easily

Distracted at least you’re honest about it I just realized I didn’t find a dog I’m crying no dogs no dogs I got a goat horn does does that count for something it’s no dog you’re right it’s not a dog I’m glad you can identify I don’t know why I turned me in

There I’m sorry you’re old shut up okay what can I get from here sharp one wow I’m so glad that I can get sharp one from this enchanted book I’m going to get sharp one so I can get sharp two on my diamond sword uh impaling I’m not going to get

Impaling what from what I’ve realized calling people old is like the current Trend oh yeah bald people are no more they’re old now bald people are no more I’ve deleted all bald people we used to call them bald but not anymore we can’t call them bald bald

Doesn’t exist anymore o i can get Pro two it’s okay to be bald as long as you understand that you are bald and know what that means you know what yeah this is true if you embrace it it’s fine if you embra if you embrace it yeah oh my gosh if I get

Wait if I get three lapis I can can get Pro three on or I can get uh prop two which gives you gives you powerful T oh my god dude I don’t know why I like can’t breathe it’s it’s terrifying okay okay I need to go find

Lapis I should probably stop there but I need to go next time I need to find lapis I’ve got prop two now so if I can just get another prop two book that’d be perfect anyway that’s it for thisam why is my F5 f5’s not working that’s it for

This stream thank you all for watching everybody that’s going to be it we’re going to do some fun stuff next time probably win I don’t know I hope hope I hope we win do you guys want to say anything before I go no okay bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Singleplayer UHC – Stream #2’, was uploaded by JacobSC on 2023-12-23 01:50:58. It has garnered 23 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:41 or 8021 seconds.

Today we’re gonna go look for some healing items and some more ores.

STREAM COMMANDS! ~ As you watch the stream and chat, you’ll gain rings. ~ !rings – See how many rings you have. ~ !slots [rings] – Bet a certain number of rings to potentially get more back. ~ !hydrate – Make Jacob take a swig of water for 300 rings. ~ !voice – Choose a funny voice or accent for Jacob to do for 400 rings. ~ !wordban – Ban a word for 600 rings, Jacob can’t say this word for 5 minutes. ~ !stream – Choose Jacob’s next stream for 1800 rings. ~ !8ball – Ask the magical 8 ball a question.


THE BEST LINKS! Public Discord Serverhttps://discord.gg/FNEcg76 Second YT Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@jacobsc2 CurseForge – https://legacy.curseforge.com/members/jacobsc/projects Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/jacobsc_ Gaming Creators Wiki – https://gaming-creators.fandom.com/wiki/Gaming_Creators

PROGRAMS! OBS Studio – https://obsproject.com/ Blue Voice – https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/innovation/g-hub.html VSDC Video Editor Pro – https://www.videosoftdev.com/free-video-editor/download Pixlr Photo Editor – https://pixlr.com/ FireAlpaca – https://firealpaca.com/

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  • EPIC!! Visiting CRAZY Worlds in Minecraft Bedrock #shorts

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  • Minecraft Pacifist Challenge

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  • AdiExtraa’s Epic 100 Day Minecraft Island Challenge!

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  • Ultimate Showdown: Karl Builds vs 1 Billion Block Challenge

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  • Unbelievable! Ayush Sahani plays #ludo while gaming #minecraft

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  • 🔥ULTIMATE TNT RUN!! King Gaming’s Insane Minecraft Run! #MinecraftMadness

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  • Volcano ERUPTS during Hat Films Minecraft gaming #shizo

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  • Unbelievable! CraftingPerfection in GameHive Hub

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  • Epic Minecraft Pixel Art Music Remix – Viral Trending Shorts

    Epic Minecraft Pixel Art Music Remix - Viral Trending ShortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] down This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART #music #remix #viral #trending #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Unique Adhiraj on 2024-01-07 12:10:29. It has garnered 28 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Yeenon Network

    Yeenon NetworkYeenon Network, otherwise known as the new Redesky, is a server for Skywars, and will soon have bedwars and murder mystery, me and my7 brother Matan create this masterpiece of a server to help the community and make the world a better place. yeenon.net Read More

  • TheCelestialRealm – modded | geopol

    Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Discover a nation with constant innovation, a thriving economy, a robust justice system, and epic adventures. Customize your avatar, join factions, or go factionless in a vast world full of possibilities. Join us in CelestialRealm Cold War Edition 24. Join at https://discord.gg/5zWrSNKvHM. Read More

  • SoftSlayer (1.9-1.20) Play MC meet your future spouse! ☻

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: softslayer.com:25579 (GL HF) Read More