EPIC Minecraft vods with Miwo & friends! Don’t miss out! #minecraft

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Foreign Thank you Thank you The lightning good morning I’m actually quiet ER it’s better I might just dove am I quiet there’s so much background lights oh it sucks Dude I hate how loud it is I’m quiet I actually have no idea why This one might suck or is it just me I can hear out of Vin sounds like me But I am so it’s like a different mic oh my God you’re right maybe it is hello oh my God hey good morning I was like what is my mic so like [ __ ] what happened so I was in my Windows settings and I was like I’m so confused right now

And I am feeling The mic sounds so much cleaner now dude okay I have a problem chat um my iPhone and it’s not connecting to my computer I’m an Android enjoyer no it had like so much background noise I hate that give me a second Foreign Foreign Place I know everyone I’m gonna play Minecraft today as soon as my iPhone connects to my computer awesome I have a new YouTube video and like we’re gonna have a new YouTube video and I can’t count I can eight minutes so you should go open my YouTube and look at it okay

Go to my YouTube channel and look at it it is going to be uploaded in eight minutes exactly because I just finished it anyways look yesterday when I was playing Play-Doh I literally woke up I went to sleep at six and then Sai was sitting in

The VC and she like I don’t know if she woke me up or if I woke up am I far from the microphone right now no my mic my mouth is in front of the microphone right on front like right there you sound a little base here Can I turn it up really I mess this up like a baby well no oh is this better like this I feel like this is too loud isn’t this too loud yeah so I was in the VC I fell asleep in the VC and then

Like Psy joined and I don’t know if she woke me up but um I woke up I was like holy [ __ ] are you streaming right now is chat here oh [ __ ] and then she’s like oh no I just wanted to ask if you wanted to

Play played it up in five minutes I was like why how you been hold on let me hello uh this will be loud if I start screaming every shoot oh yeah that’s what I’m worried about so I’ll turn it down a bit to like here Okay all right I have got the model to work um do something real quick Model this model these what are these I went from 2 to 27 and none of them like hi gentleman’s High [ __ ] bye It is literally 7 55 here right now so I hope you guys appreciate me waking up at like 6 a.m to come and stream you guys would appreciate me so much like actually where is my appreciation there’s my appreciation chat huh I just want to be appreciated for my efforts I’m your favorite family I’m not I’m not a family how many times can you tell you this I’m not a family oh thank you good work on the human sleep pattern actually you know who needs to work in their sleep pattern it’s too weird tomorrow I will thank you okay let’s go I finally have my model up on your screen that took forever I’m so sorry let’s see hi lining chat I’m I’m sleepy mode right now because I need no alcohol we have some new Chatters and chat today welcome to my channel you guys know about me

Should I introduce myself and give it a follow well let me see if anyone else wants to come play TV is getting to first see yeah I like had some mute them it’s like it’s a little weird he’s really down bad like really download have you guys seen

What that body is right now hold on I want to redeem blankie because it’s cold I’m a fun place to give you some meal effects okay well TV is not very very free he’s the person I’m gonna be playing Minecraft with today race

Um I’m Neil I am so I was I want to say I was like a full-time I guess my content creator but now I’m starting to kind of like Branch out into Minecraft so I don’t play more games now I love people but I still do ASMR

Like my entire patreon page is dedicated to um spicy as well the spicy Oreos I wouldn’t really say it’s ASMR I’d say it I definitely do ASMR on Twitch but on YouTube it’s my like audio content like audio role players rather than as Marvel please because like

I don’t really answer my 3D on YouTube Just because it’s a bit annoying cold pizza is good yucky spicier spicy actually one of my patreons commented on like this poll I created for like what genders I should be like making content for and they were dead ass

Said they were like can we get some female for male content instead of the usual thumb boy for me it was like what the [ __ ] Liz is happening to me why are you guys so big along no what are you guys catching me this is the Keck

Movement I don’t want to be a family anymore here everyone just speaks to me as a family I am not a family the entire world knows my family that I’m not a family I am not a family child a certified POG Champion moment okay what’s it gonna take I don’t have Kaka I

Do not have Coco chat I’m not TV I’m not a fanboyer Village stop calling you a family you sound like you have a pee pee do I really do I really sound like I have a pee Pier yes [Laughter] To be honest not you sound like you don’t own an air fryer wait I actually do I actually do own an air fryer for inches huge feet all right chap do you guys like bigger ppos for all of your fear can we play some Minecraft you guys ready with some Minecraft

You own free air fryers why for what for what reasons I’m judging you TV is still losing biking ah Chinese thank you for reminding me I forgot for girls I like big fat [ __ ] and for guys Alex okay you’re gonna clip that you’re gonna clip that I just realized awfully it oh foreign Minecraft already Clifton no I’m never living this down I don’t have to I kind of I hate on Minecraft doesn’t let you have borderless because you can literally never all have like literally never old top Vito has six limos why does Vito have six Lambos have you guys thought about

This what’s the lore behind this what is the lore behind Beetle owning six Lambos I’ve already died not even one minute into the game okay look look look look look I can explain Vito is a family I agree I fully agree with your semen chat you’re still Beast

Fida is a family thank you yes please thank you can we get a shout out for a number please thank you welcome welcome I am not a fanboy how was your stream was so funny can confirm in English please don’t mind wow that’s really rude that’s really rid of Italy hold on let

Me go back on the screen for now I’m trolling I’m waiting on TV this is all TV’s fault yes you are but I’m not no guys go tell go tell mover that I’m with you hi vanilla I remember you from College Street TV is busy with guns and trailers What’s

It gonna do I have to go to his chat do I have to go and harass him in his chat all I heard was like Kim like being super thirsty over like anime titties are you sure you can get him to sell first thing I can like I can do it a

Mommy voice and maybe he’ll stop first he said he seems like he kind of likes somebody do the movie like maybe it’s because he’s so touched surprised little [ __ ] loser oh my gosh I actually kind of okay I’m going to this chat now all right the YouTube video is up if you

Like me play it on the background please I need to increase my view count okay let’s go go comment on my YouTube video okay guess your life is are hot like he’s like Omega thirsty right now I think I like the woman wearing the metal net camera I haven’t really seen a

Guy today like um thank you hmm hi hi girls TV wanted to get Chicago swamped his head in what the [ __ ] has checks only I don’t like xiaomi that much can I try and still want to do my streaming because I already saw them in Hong Kai it’s the same thing yum yum

Why is TV so bad I just woke up I can’t handle how down bad he is right now is venti I’m not venti I’m not [ __ ] friendly yeah I’m Lisa sub rooting against in Smash time wow okay I’ll go play Minecraft by myself then I just have to edit something in the description

He’s literally panting in my ears are you guys watching him right now is this what you guys enjoy oh I should speak in Chinese yo it’s Chinese you don’t enjoy it no you guys like omtv says nowhere okay I found it you miss mother no way no way he’s

I love the laces no way it’s really funny okay let’s go I’m turning him off now I’m ready I’m muddy okay Minecraft who’s worse TV or veto um I feel like I’m a little biased because I hang out with TV a lot and Vito’s really busy all the time so I don’t know

There we go it’s finally showing up if I had to pick one Maybe a [ __ ] mother because mother is actually really down bad as proven today yeah TV Pacers Cinema part like what the [ __ ] busybody makes this AI yeah but he codes he does a lot of coding

On stream TV is the only way thirsty yeah you never see Vito being thirsty like respect respect chat imagine being [ __ ] mother Omega low imagine being this first year could not be me could not be me oh I’m getting a cold okay I was adjusting my chat yes hear it no oh

Is that better how’s that is that better TV does make good fish ah raise the Minecraft death counter I didn’t think anything would turn him off if I was being lately that’s his own names the server is having your message are you for real what the [ __ ] wait hold on let me join

The VC I didn’t realize they’re in here foreign she hit me oh my God wait TV actually made an Ender portal no [ __ ] way no way hi Monster Hunter Okay it’s time to mess up all of Cold’s work because I am chaotic and I I don’t organize [ __ ] that’s that’s cold stuff see TV is loves Vito’s green mother is sloth and Neil’s Pride true I am very confident I have more confidence than these puzzles could ever have

I wish they could have confidence like me I don’t like pumpkins wait is there a way I can make a car of pumpkin so I can stick it on his head China gave me an idea right trying to give me an idea and China said I should

I should basically do like this cursed book binding on my nose I should do a corresponding for the pumpkin and that way it’s like permanently uncoated I’m permanently on mother’s hat do you guys think this is a good idea but I need your help I I don’t know how to get it

Why not I want to permanently stick a pumpkin on his head no meal needles in my stream you see yeah Jeff why am I being censored he can set spawn and kill himself to remove it really no I don’t want him to take it off he has to wear the pumpkin of Shame

[Applause] don’t you guys agree he’s so horny you should write a pumpkin or shame foreign that’s why I called them both it just depends on how I’m feeling give me a blanket I’ll give one key is that Dad I’ll miss you ah what the [ __ ] he just said he missed you

I miss you too I missed you oh my gosh what have you been up to leaping when did you wake up I wake up um when I start talking um I don’t know yeah I think five three three A.M Holier what is your sleep schedule okay thank you

You should rename your sword into horny bat and kill him so it says so chat oh my God that was through it where’s the sword where’s the name tag please we need iron right to make it no this name tags in here how do we how do you rename it

That [ __ ] up at 3am you have to use a Apple I’m stuck hi stuck I’m sorry yeah I have an anvil right now no we don’t have an anvil the mother is being really thirsty right now but there’s like three girls in BC like he’s like being like Oh my God

There’s a real girl in Kenshin kind of mindset right now like what the [ __ ] it’s so funny bruh [ __ ] is like literally thirsty for anime girls it sounds like you guys chat that’s you that’s all of you oh this coping of the fact is excellent column

Yeah I wonder who his ex who is no if you say something it shall we match well my mouth is shut up okay wow everything is so nearly organized it’s all cold like child this will be a shame house true true we should mess up it’s gonna be really mad

And then he’s gonna be like oh I can’t help myself I can’t hope that I’m unorganized in Minecraft you know it’s it’s a thing it’s my lifestyle I’m gonna close the door I really want a purple bed and I found one and then I died because I drowned

Underneath the eyes mother do not come in I stole this room apology for coming late TV should bark for us that’s true yeah TV is a hill bark from here if someone donated videos and then someone donated Bitties and he still hasn’t barked from you so you know oh my gosh I know

It’s a trail Um I want TV to back from here Mila SMP is real true oh yeah um teen pumpkins what are we gonna do with these pumpkins I don’t know the stickers um you can make like pie if you need milk we don’t have any cows time to go find a cow in the Snowy

Mountain um do we all have like our own rooms or something yeah or auggies yay hi um apology video didn’t he record an apology video yesterday at all like TV literally made an apology video about talking to his ex my what I call this accent stream did

She know on stream on drunk or silver or like a silver oh no yeah true I do I wonder who it was I wonder hmm who could it have been hmm I wonder who it was shot I don’t have an ax oh my God only okay thank you I thought it was sirens what no no I literally met everybody for the first time like maybe when did we all meet actually I met everyone like like a month now I’ve not everyone for a month

Now was it wait I feel like it’s been a month already yeah time flies when you’re having fun I don’t even remember when I joined it I’m trying like at the start of Awesome the start of last month is oh I think we joined like around the same time yeah

Yeah why are we in the worst by him I don’t know maybe I just finished making the house that’s actually true this is like the worst buying that’s true um I guess we could like pack up um that’s okay I can do without a room

But I don’t want to make a room for everyone I feel like if we put all those words are really nice place should we go find like a somewhere else or do you want to stay here we can go I don’t know how swear towels usually are what biome is this this is

Yo FTV doesn’t come in the next five minutes he has to give me 50 Subs chocolatello oh where’s the rosie yeah I’m collabing with him today that’s why I was like wait I saw motherless mother of V3 in your title yeah and I was like wait wait yeah Chad go tell him

Go tell him he has to give me 50 Subs if he doesn’t come right now oh if he doesn’t come to play Minecraft he owes me 50 Subs he has to come right now if he put like torches here don’t know I think I think he’s coming over

Again soon he is coming which is understandable how could you say that I mean I know he’s coming he’s already coming judging from the trailers oh he’s so bad oh my God damn you are hungry should we go hunting for a new Bible or should we wait for mother I actually

Don’t know if they’re coming or not like area another area well I left when you guys are reorganizing the chest I think so not me I don’t know that’s only what Colt does oh yeah that’s the one I meant I think I was I left him

What the [ __ ] oh look where did that come from TV is coming yeah let’s go I guess he doesn’t want to give me 50 Subs unlucky we can go around I guess let me make some bread before we head out so we have food we have don’t we have a bunch of food

Somewhere you guys ate it yeah yeah it was a zombie in the house you hear it no oh not here um I I need some food if you guys have any extra food I have bad come here okay that’s the wrong person I was waiting for you oh that’s where you are I’m

Behind you I’m so confused thank you I was on like half HP oh no that’s really a love yeah oh God okay here’s your plate up was fun it was really fun I’m not built for the kitchen no no because kitchen it was funny it was because kitchen

Oh my God like Hell’s Kitchen but coach he was making so many pizzas I was like bro yeah literally so much that’s what he said what it is there sticks no way no way nowhere how does he say it no one no way no where no way no way

No way Chad no way all right we need torches to make up melted nowhere no this should we just kill him all right guys let’s go kill him he doesn’t deserve to look he’s right here yeah that’s why I’m gonna go murder him oh my God [Laughter] that was way too fast

Wait no way no way no way where did where did um mother respond I don’t know rip buzzer might be I know how did you break his bed maybe in the chest I feel like missed house because I don’t know where anything goes all right I’ll go get them

Oh my God that’s a lost killed him before he even showed Minecraft on stream a big along he doesn’t even know at least you’re a little loser wait the toys doesn’t work I murdered him yes I did give her life handsome And Mommy it was content I murdered mother it was a Content your honor I swear it was content it was for Content it was for content only content your honor I want to go get him he sucks no way no way what’s up guys what’s up I I was a little busy so sorry um I was uh yeah okay what the [ __ ] is up with your Discord images I I don’t know what what the hell

Probably what what hair no way no he still didn’t change it to the reactive I drew him okay what is going on here what is what is this why is it doing this to me you suck no way oh what is going on it is okay there we go there we go How was how was being super first year what is there a Phantoms why is it attacking me thirsty I’ve never been thirsty in my life because you haven’t slept yet um I slept a little bit I slept a little bit oh my goodness oh so you died lamel yeah that’s how I

Spawned into death I I don’t know what that was like yeah um I did have a few items though it’d be it’d be nice if I had those books where are you yeah here have a look at this wait is he in the house did I go to spawn for no reason

Hello hello oh my God hey hey hey what the [ __ ] oh my God what hello hello I think I think daff was lagging because she was attacking me over and over okay okay no way oh my God nowhere I’m here hi I think I’m gonna become a gentian streamer guys [Laughter]

The gameplay looks very are you sure you were just looking uh there was 20 of gameplay [Laughter] um it was oh my God I want them to crush my head like a watermelon I know I heard He only barks you have to bark absolutely not you have to buy I couldn’t have barked enough I’ve been watching videos you said he would bark oh yeah oh my God back for me right now uh uh I I don’t work for me right now AI software has not learned how to bark

Yet right now um Spike go puppy go yeah I know guys it really feels much more I know that’s okay come back Maria H you see what happens chat you see what happens when you gents and girls will not flower you in front of your own house I’m just saying okay

That’s true dude where is your fancy you’re one of the good actors you’re one of the Good Apples I’m an apple okay apples are POG apples are pogs stop what didn’t you say you wanted to be split by a great sword no I said I wanted to be

Split in half by a claymore very different huh oh we’re gonna go outside looking for a new house location do you want to come with us yeah um I wanted to see what’s in the nether because I I only made the portal yeah let’s go another first oh I brought them back with you what what the [ __ ] that’s kind of awkward I love it Why did you close the door what do you mean why did you open the door [Laughter] foreign I was right here and then she closed the door on me and I just saw the piglet coming for me did you attack the Enderman no I would never therapist I would never do something

Like that there are two stars I did not unfortunately and I’ve already mentally let it go so it’s okay I’ve already gone through all stages of grief we’re good another family streamers promise you you’re number one your numbers would absolutely Since when did girls become fan Blaze stuff like a g word oh big chords wait I’m gonna bring some melons shovels Oh wow that would have closed before holy [ __ ] oh my God if we if we hold hands here we’re gonna be uh are you going to be pretty lucky I treated this moments every day oh my God I almost fell down the hole where’s everybody

I’m in the nether right now I’m in the number two I see a um oh okay well that just said just like this isn’t loading for me it’s black oh I think I see you oh yeah what’s up hi don’t worry about the Callback no wonder oh my God no wonder the

Piglets are after you [ __ ] wearing gold dead Dragon I thought if you wear gold they leave you alone I haven’t played normal Minecraft games forever to make something gold yeah I think if you’re wearing gold then they won’t here I think if you’re wearing a gold piece

Of armor they won’t attack you what if I just hold the gold like like a crucified we go on pigs and be gone where are you guys I’m like I made a little pause if you go down on the left side of another tunnel oh

I can’t load in oh no but you can’t load it no the blocks aren’t loading bro what is this creepy ass [ __ ] music playing what is that is there music playing I did I turn down the music oh pickaxe so I can actually come for a follow oh

Uh you’re talking to your chat unmuted Hmm you’re supposed to feel I’m just gonna go back I mean more gold I don’t have a keyboard um wait can you actually not see anything you fell you’re in a hole right now yeah yeah don’t worry yeah it’s maybe it’s because it’s like the most recent girls I am a real girl [Laughter] are you I’m a real girl oh my God I see you guys yeah where did you go we’re all also versus together right now hold on I’m coming I’m digging a hole oh there’s a skeleton guy oh I crossed them oh I don’t have a shield

But I think I have your shoes oh okay do we have enough iron I dig like a family are you for real right now oh my gosh you have a very unique way of digging oh how so how would you know I know oh you know what that is true um you

Guys should make a bed here just in case you die you don’t have to come back yeah right wait where’d you guys go yeah we should make a bed all right yeah we should make the best so we can spawn there you guys so that we don’t lose our place right right mother

I’m hello give me your shoes what I can give you gold you can make your own hello I’m literally trying to help you no no do you see them here’s some gold I’ve walked like over somewhere else that’s true it’s all mother’s fault but that’s why I’m being called a fat boy

It’s not my fault where did my quartz go oh I get rid of these lovers oh here she goes uh you didn’t pick up that gold by the way oh my God right here all right yes please I just woke up it’s too early for this I haven’t even had a cup of tea or skeleton no no no no wait do I look like a skeleton I don’t even remember what I just saw the top of your head like if you were like head

Glitching from the [ __ ] from the I just see like something I’m just like oh yeah sorry I’m traumatized so I guess we can almost go you have so many arrowsy yeah we literally want to be one of the skeletons while I’m on edge right now I’m like oh are you skeleton I’m about

To [ __ ] squirrel okay so I guess we can all just use the beds and put it like right here you guys are so stupid you guys are actually so stupid Oh my God what the [ __ ] just happened yeah this is so dumb okay wait actually this

Is so stupid what the [ __ ] just explain what the [ __ ] this happened okay yeah [ __ ] kill me How was I supposed to know that oh my God I gotta destroyed the bed Okay look listen listen okay nobody nobody stopped me from doing it oh my God what is going on down there I see a fish in the waters okay I’m just gonna grab it as much as oh gosh now I’m burning the fishing inside grab whatever I can and bring it back

Growling okay I’m no longer listening to what anyone tells me anymore yeah who’s the just that I thought you knew yeah somebody’s getting a fat Perma today Oh no I got your stuff I got stuff what about my stuff oh God I got everything I grabbed everything

I can’t believe how are you how are you supposed to preemptively know that uh I don’t know here I have a few years of experience trials and tribulations guys [Laughter] well actually I’ve been playing Minecraft for 15 years okay I’m just gonna throw everything on the floor everybody for themselves

Five minutes and that’s already done okay there we go I mean the meal photo doesn’t work but uh um but at least definitely works I’m good for a person outside I kind of draw like a family no more I don’t want to be a family anymore so I’ll definitely so I

Can talk to you guys more because I like talking in a chat I’ve been coughing a lot I was like kind of sick last night but I think that was my asthma my [ __ ] is kicking in last night because I had really love me lungs but

Yeah let’s say I play with silent I’m also doing a collab with um um this Friday well we’re playing with the entire fan group no I’m not a family actually my ass felt like recovered after I was a kid after like a year or

Two like he was like in like um I am because I’m talking in a chat so I am muted but I can’t get the mute toggle to work I can only get the death and tug of work which is really stupid let me see if I can fix it thank you I

Like talking to chat a lot that’s there so I don’t get to talk to chat a lot when I’m the club go to sleep okay there we go that works where’s the bed oh this is awesome not blowing up it’s relaxing I want to go back into the nether

Did you guys get your stuff back no I’m still swimming um I think some of it it’s gone I I don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on with my screen is there anything else like that I need to know about this game um I want to sleep instead no I think that

Was a pretty that was a pretty when I woke up at okay one smile oh I forgot what it was seven beds explode in the end and then I finished a YouTube video everywhere on the patreon audios yeah besides um so they got a bunch of work done at

Least I’ve done a lot of things for the hours since they woke up I was like kind of like oh yeah guys if you see any funny contacts I forgot the recipe because I’m gonna I’m gonna start posting Clips in my other YouTube channel Okay so oh my goodness get away from me

So I can add up my watch too no no no sleep yeah that’s true oh gosh I don’t know what the [ __ ] business I don’t sleep that long I’m I am positive oh gosh there’s another one oh gosh I don’t have it are you kidding me [Laughter] because you’re just looking through this

Those I literally actually tiny do you have myself okay um That was so mean I really love her would do something so mean I’m trying to look out for number one ah okay okay number one these nuts lose there you [Applause] do I just put this together to make a snow block oh okay perfect snow together in like a and like a cube and it made a block okay you need two snow blocks and then make it eye shape and then you put up oh do I need to make it a

Jack-o’-lantern are you trying to kiss me like I need cheers Like a family no it’s in them it should be on the Discord server I posted it over like holy [ __ ] here’s 22 messages wake up shears oh you think it’s a two iron bars but if we’re scarce on iron then maybe not it’s on the eyes we haven’t we have One

Singular Nuggie okay we have a singular oh yeah so much quartz oh it’s here um okay maybe I’ll go look for some iron then um yeah let’s go mining downstairs I’ve never been mining in this area I need a friend I need to make a snow

Friend so I need to go look for some iron yeah iron the iron the iron um um they have any other dicks I like to make some Cobblestone axes I lost all my stuff next sword still can’t believe I blew up really [Laughter] actually how was I supposed to know that was gonna happen let’s choose choose it sounds like confident like yeah let’s see yeah it sounded like you knew what you were doing okay admittedly I have never

Exploded taking a nap before so I didn’t expect it to happen that’s true yeah but this third day I’m not in the nether How much Minecraft have you guys played I’ve played years um enough to probably know that um so you’re just a loser then maybe you just don’t [ __ ] around like putting a bed in the nether maybe yeah maybe it didn’t a place to get bad in the nether traveling Oh my God hello lost wait have you seen the traveling motion uh the one with the the alpacas or something yeah yeah yeah he’s in he’s in our house right now oh kill him he doesn’t pay rent yeah we can trade his life oh let’s see he’s invisible bucket of

Tropical fish slime diet blue okra I don’t see him huh wait Wait wait oh my god dog in Minecraft no way no way oh I can see him now he just drank some milk this magic milk Marcus oh my gosh daf you actually scared me Oh um I got him I got him time to pop off time to [ __ ] him up Are you looking wait is one huh Oh gosh I probably should have brought food oh there’s a skeleton behind you oh no I’m gonna die oh I’m gonna die too oh no oh he’s not aiming at me oh oh [ __ ] I have no idea why it just ignored me arrested pepperonis uh okay are you serious okay wait where where is it where did that even come from okay clearly clearly what can we do I’m gonna go get my stuff I dropped the diamond pickaxe I’m not leaving that

I am not a stinky breath calling me a stinky brat I don’t know I didn’t go get my stuff for despawns if it despawns I’m gonna be very sad okay we’re gonna try and find it online oh my gosh the slime what a cutie uh that’s over here where’s over here um

Yeah was it left or right points points points where oh it’s over here on me guys on me on me on me on me he’s on me he’s one where are you guys oh um I decided to go on a wall wait wait I think I see yeah yeah Oh you’re on the oh my God are you able to edits did you get your stuff back no it’s still further down it’s this way Oh my God the zombie just fell from nowhere oh I think I picked up all your stuff too here I’ll show you I’m wondering is thirsty not even the Minecraft enemies where did you guys go why don’t they want to touch him is it because he’s a loser

I think that’s your bed your ax your watermelon your fish your iron huh Hello I’m making another ax hello hello there was like a mine shaft down here so I saw it and I was like do I need anything else or something you feel like I do the wooden platforms what do you remember which way you came

Is that a shovel oh it I think we have shovels Wait that’s the wrong way uh oh that’s a dead end yeah that’s the wrong way the creeper is on your right shape at covering across check this out oh now I have two let’s go huh [Laughter] did you die people behind you when I died I think

The creeper was just looking at me it’s like oh what’s up what’s up bro and then and then see you guys oh my God are ghost girls friendly shapes Oh my God we’re only sexist literally oh my God thank you [ __ ] creepers man oh man I got your stuff thank you wait did you die death no oh my God I can’t believe it behind you when I still died uh I’m lost oh God why are you okay you lost oh

You should wait I’m on the way back up creeper really went ill girl explodes What the [ __ ] I just blown I’d rather excuse me Oh you guys think it’s snow blocks um I’m on my quest to find iron so I can make a cheer and make a friend but I have 19 snow blocks if you need them are you sure wait yeah we died right here I thought we died right here deaf where

The [ __ ] did you go [Laughter] oh I see I see a name what the [ __ ] that’s a mother my child said that’s what you were doing when you were watching gunshon wife is you flicking what can you really blame me yeah I can actually what I’m [ __ ] degenerate

Okay not only are you calling me one but you’re calling everyone another creeper okay but at least my chat is proud of being a degenerate you’re like you’re like cowering in fear right now like this one I mean granted you know I I’m having to deal with the drama of having my bed

Explode in my face that’s your own fault you suck a Minecraft okay no it’s only his mother I lost wait I I really just came down here with no resources oh yeah um yeah oh my gosh poggy no way okay I’m better too no way I’ve higher tear content it’s just creeping

My hole’s gonna die everything is loversala [ __ ] oh I remember it’s not a teacher that’s okay that’s good that’s okay sometimes I’m exploring I remembered I saw that lava okay I love it it looked familiar Chad I know you’re I know you want to be spiders spiders where did you go

I’m lost oh my God okay wait you stay here where did we go that’s not how this works I’m mining iron are you up or are you down I’m I’m at a really low place in my life Oh I see you I see you okay okay the wall here here behind you behind you huh oh my God you look so creepy just standing there in the corner you want to come back yes yes oh thank you for the gift thanks for the game yesterday no I need a new home oh I need a new hook oh God we need to put you on a leash wait where’s mother I left I I heard about yeah hi here we go oh my gosh we made it back I can make a friend now yes one thing I useless at is

Being able to find the way back super power my useless you guys want to know something really I wanna I’m gonna tell you guys something I want to know if you if you Vine with this if this happened to you when you were younger okay so did any of you guys

Ever go through a phase where you have where you were obsessed with like pretty looking rocks okay you’re [ __ ] weird yeah yeah never mind apparently I’m weird how is it not weird why do you guys like rugs I used to go to the beach and then Pebble collect and then also chocolate yeah Rainbow crystal meth in my room I mean I tried growing my eggs yeah what were you saying yeah yeah like have you guys ever grown like rock candy like yeah we’re getting closer to like actual crystals that’s not a joke I’m not talking about drugs yeah rock candy yeah yeah there’s something inside our house oh my

God it was muted I thought you guys would donate me were you muted I was muted I hope you guys are don’t know bullying me it was like what the [ __ ] it’s like what’s rock candy oh my gosh did you see it wait can I get a name tag really hard I

Think so yeah we have a name tag inside oh we have to make it that’s so much iron Don’t Run Away wait where are you are you inside or outside do you see me outside on top of the snowy hill go behind the house it’s a snowy hill yeah

I can’t see [ __ ] with this [ __ ] myself yeah oh my God now you’re the Summoner class wait Shear him it wasn’t that is that gonna kill him this is so cute sorry sorry shiver of the year I’m like so chill right now because I was sleeping and I’m starting to get sick again

Oh my gosh this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen you smile it’s so cute I wanted to say it like that this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen Smiles Them with snowballs Your son lost to a spider oh I could take over the world if I admit that I’m a fanboy you guys just let him yeah I I brought you back his remains Good Subs cribe please Cocaine [Laughter] Ble no that’s so tragic wow that was fast you just move on so fast food and snow yeah me maybe we can actually make so many my favorite we can actually make so many cinnamon exactly what I’m gonna do I don’t get it I tried doing it but I don’t get it oh

My God all right Army Assemble holy [ __ ] oh my God Jesus Christ [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what are you guys doing up there holy [ __ ] yeah oh my God I need my Army I bet you can’t say oh if your mouth closed I bet you can’t see it I was trying to sound like that yes no what does that mean what do you mean [ __ ] you fox thank you for not tell me Progressive bye you have a good time oh my God he wants to know you can just wear as a hat wants to know what why are you moaning so weirdly oh huh yeah I am moaning so weirdly huh do the old again

Dude we’re playing with snowboards yeah I can’t let I can’t let these poor little oh wait I can just put these pumpkin the car pumpkins on I was all leaving yeah no it’s attacking the creeper oh my god oh that looks tiny they’re so cute Make more that’s Awesome wait they’re attacking each other by accident oh my God oh my God many of them let’s do no damage at all it sounds so tired imagine getting hurt by Frozen walking I kind of am I want to not be that uh like I want to be more awake it

Was an Iron Man I don’t know what to do anymore time can we take these to the SE yeah and then have them fight the Ender dragon fight oh God oh God oh God wait where were you mother Avengers um I was here it’s okay some of you some

Of them will die it’s a sacrifice that we are willing to make oh no oh another one’s down oh my God okay have a good one oh I’m getting hit whoa wait are they still it’s attacking me how oh there goes my shield why is it 6am for you right nice nice

Nice nice nice Do they have a special name in Minecraft I think they just called oh thank you logo is that noise no goblins [ __ ] I’m allergic huh I died oh what the [ __ ] why is there an animal pug I beat you it’s been beautiful so many days you have a squad are you gonna freeload

Her oh you play casually okay that’s fair I was like really competitive um I have my will to live and that’s fine thank you so sorry come here that’s not edible I know make your food thank you thank you you’re welcome I sound so sick my nose is really blow

Up I was like coffee are you okay um they okay so I have a I have a I have a I have some questions for you guys okay yeah okay all right so answer these questions in order uh there are three white fridges right okay okay what color was the first fridge

Free white fragile is white yeah okay what color was the second fridge why okay and what color was the third fridge light okay what do cows drink milk milk drink milk that’s ridiculous why would they drink milk William what when they’re young they make milk that was the lamest joke I’ve ever heard

In my entire life will call you back dude holy [ __ ] what about them baby what about them baby cows I love you what the [ __ ] [ __ ] I should bend TV for that [Laughter] Okay okay my cat made me feel very stupid for saying milk and now I feel stupid this is just a loose lose man TV TV is getting bad for my chat they’re starting to ride okay okay okay they can ban you from the chap they can’t ban you from the VC oh Me I’m too powerful wow I’m so excited mama coming back um I am literally mother V3 No Way Forward no way what’s your plan going forward have you figured it out yeah yeah I’m gonna upload myself in this game so I can actually become an AI this guy’s TV or his mother

What’s your plan what are you planning on the street because I need food no way no way what do you plan on streaming as oh as as the AI yeah one of my favorite animals has always been a turtle oh okay yeah right and I was thinking you know

Maybe I could just like create like a like a Persona online as a turtle okay yes right why don’t you why don’t you oh that aeon I don’t know I was thinking like like to do with a brain maybe uh maybe um you know like like neurochon or

Something yeah like yeah that sounds like it’s such a good name I know that sounds really similar to someone like the original it sounds so good what the hell whoa I mean the reason why I wanted to do it though is because I was like I’m super

Lonely and I need I need yeah I need to be able to talk to somebody okay you know what like can I just say yeah it’s really female friends that’s kind of yeah What is full of holes it still holds water yeah sponge oh [Laughter] what do you say oh oh God there’s a [ __ ] even though even the traitor huh I’m in the water trying to hunt my dinner wait it’s just fish you don’t have to chase us I don’t have a fishing thing y oh my God yeah okay yeah I don’t have the right thank you I don’t have the right to play with huh you know

Maybe I may be watching those kitchen videos was a little less lewd than playing Minecraft that’s mother mother’s a [ __ ] cat no so what a fussy cat Love is a busy cat My room can’t be seen oh yeah in front of you my future oh okay are we doing riddles now is your my channel exactly I can see my nose don’t notice that you always see your nose your brain cuts it out yeah your brain’s just like what is that it

Gets rid of it thank you Farmer Joe you’re welcome darling oh This can’t be that surprised you guys know what kind of question I do I need to make myself a new set of gear again did you get a tip time now yes did you get it do I have a tip did you get a tip oh did you get a tip what did I get a tip yeah tip attempt to get a donut context Herm

Don’t know did you get a donut maybe that’s what yeah I don’t think so I don’t uh-huh a symbol hey Issa hey code oh I’ve called yourself hi hi hi really mad get on Minecraft now yeah get here right now I’m really mad yeah code we messed everything up

I need you to be honest with me and tell me if I’m stupid or not okay okay so I went into The Nether and I okay I I was listening to my chat because they were being rather like nice I suppose and it told me to put a

Bed in the Nether and sleep in it right you don’t want to talk I blew up like okay I am it was an AOE explosion yeah sorry it was an AOE blast chat it sounds like he’s back again he’s stop I won’t stop they keep talking and they won’t stop nice ass Please look away I thought Minecraft was wholesome I’m just gonna go fish [ __ ] oh my God okay bye there’s three of them they’re not gonna do anything they’re dancing for us it’s a [ __ ] it’s a show it’s a free show awesome spin oh my God there’s like five of them

I can’t count obviously I know immersion is looking guys I know how to read it’s crazy oh my [ __ ] [ __ ] Real and True my streamer knows how to read whoa Yeah I can read it’s crazy My Stream is a functional human being no way no way no way immersion broken I wanted my illiterate streamer I wanted my little red dumb stream I needed someone to relate to oh holy [ __ ] wow I farted congratulations oh no wait no way

Quick put it in the jar and Savor the moment oh my God for free yeah can you just can you sell farts smell um smells like [ __ ] that actually hurt my feelings Yeah he fixed for you for you and you’re attacking him that’s [ __ ] up he’s told my catch my wife asked what I’m watching how do I explain um yeah it’s called mine just say it’s not porn is this Minecraft yeah foreign how would you explain YouTubers to

Someone who like has never seen one before virtually YouTubers like a meme way of saying it or like an actual informative waves no a meme way let’s talk about it Um I found the anime big huge titties mommy milkers you could be their little POG Champs today oh my gosh I love beats some big anime titties oh wow my favorite streaming website twitch hey yo POG yeah it’s marketing I guess you asked how to explain it in a really

Cringe way I just did so you know mental illness oh my God Illness in anime form there are no sane streamers we all lost yeah that’s why we’re online and chronically online aware oh my God oh my God I’m not flat fishing is simply later chat call me flat one more time I know all right one more time oh Jesus

There’s no saving I’m not fat I have titties oh yeah dude you’re a cow no I have titties I’m so sorry every time a new person new person hey I found you from YouTube I’m here for your Twitch Channel and I’m like oh my God it’s so different get them get

Them assemble hold them down like oh sausage there’s some guy eating [ __ ] tridents at us yeah bro what the [ __ ] yeah get up get him hold up I’ll stole my item in the Box real quick I was gonna say something out of Poker and then I was like now wait three Full House Very funny can you update the type hello what hello what I just exploded oh congratulations why the [ __ ] is there an Enderman how did that do more than half my health in one hit are you did you know that Mayo has a trident or didn’t have a trident

It’s like a very low durability yeah yeah okay yeah oh boss can you update the title I’ll kiss you um I’m not a girl though oh my God you like that makes it any better no one wants to kiss you She’s not calling you loser she’s she’s gonna call she’s not calling you cuties literally how she feels No no no no no does anyone have sirens two string on me right now rod um there’s also a fishing rod over here yeah I want to see hallucinate hallucinations like the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch that’s crazy How the [ __ ] do I make a fish I watch a video that’s literally [ __ ] called like uh a grown man traumatized kids and Among Us how is the audio for everyone loud enough yeah they screaming The Imposter or chase a kid and then they [ __ ] hit the emergency

Button and Gaslight the [ __ ] out there yes yes yes yes yes that’s funny that’s a goddamn core memory for that kid holy [ __ ] oh yeah you coming home from like oh my God you guys want some food at um oh I don’t know where to put it but he’s dying

I don’t know oh Milo I think it was um picked me up on the boat there’s a creeper there’s a creeper there’s a creeper someone picked me up in the wild why is there a hole up top of our house oh code I need to show you something

Um would you like to see the Army if it melted I’m gonna be so sad no way One Survivor does it have a jack-o’-lantern head on it no is it it’s given us and we have one Survivor oh my God Survivor no we we had like 20. I’m not gonna lie

That was a lot there was way too many boys wait I think we had like 14 pumpkins I guess it was like a battle royale and this was the last one standing so I guess he oh my God the fortnite he won he got the victory what are we gonna play fortnite

I got a number one Victory Royale you got the chicken dinner Limit test this for sure let’s go unakaya TV is still higher than fortnite but I am never playing fortnite we can appreciate the open concept that we have in our house now go away randomly please call the modern design minimalism listen look we’re gonna allow a little remodeling I could come through and it’s like you know there’s like a modern a minimalist what did you guys do to the house next month you’re welcome huh Chad what did he do to the house tell me fixed it I we didn’t do anything because there’s an OverWatch whatever mercy mean we got

We got one guide yeah we truly got one guy one guy off oh my God the creeper exploded did it explode inside his room uh put all your items one little block you want to go grab it I’m coming but I’m lost I think no one picked me up from Spawn hello

Wait can you oh yeah you got me hooked no one’s got me from Spawn no Uber wait I’m literally jumping what do you mean I was a spawn ing oh here I don’t know why no here wait you didn’t spawn it no I didn’t spawn there the dad died huh my birthday

Because my bear kept moving up oh we need it again no yeah I can’t hear me hey yeah oh hello the accident was years ago oh gosh wake up what the [ __ ] is going on hello hi hello I was talking this whole time I was talking to myself my chat was like don’t know well and I was like so confused [Laughter] I just got arrived what did these 666 wake up hell is that Abomination there’s a lot of exercise Yourself oh yeah I’m gonna do a sabathon and if I get 100 000 Subs I’m gonna Face review on stream go away no way no way easy no way chat a face reveal the aib timber face reveal 100K Subs you heard them please go get him flushed

No way no way imagine you just screenshot a PC [Laughter] s I’m going to show anybody my RAM sticks screenshots there is no assembly reveal okay wait you’re a dude prove it oh my God damn my viewers oh if all the items are in here So I had more stuff this is so sad did you take my [ __ ] I have four items did the creeper take all my stuff I don’t think it’s Lily that was you I saw you you [ __ ] girls oh God ‘s doing this guys oh I know okay we

Don’t have to pull me off of this we all right yeah what is going on this looks so funny holy [ __ ] the zipline you can’t reach oh [ __ ] okay I got this i got this okay oh 100 times can’t believe this calendar is the point

Just own the fact that you’re a thin boy but I don’t want everything will be no no it’s not about what you want it’s what the Democracy it’s what about it was no people want and you must listen to the people yeah they have a symbol they they disassembled oh my God

Congratulations you are now a fanboy but um but congratulations but you are congratulations the more you deny it the more you have you are do a family ASMR role play I can’t win I can’t freaking win can’t win so you if you can’t beat them join them

Isn’t it weird for a girl to say that they’re a fanboy I’m so confused like am I not gonna get slandered you’re already getting expanded no no hey what a girl oh no way you know what you have to do right to do it you have to release two videos one of

Them a normal ASMR video and another one of them like like you know like you always do and then another one is a femboy ASMR whichever one does better hey guys that decides it that that decides it uh who’s telling me to make an apology video and confronting the fact that I’m

Not a family Huh how did you do that let’s enjoy the ocean no I mustn’t my viewers aside my estate this is oh my God can I get it oh my God please really really me in right now oh my God What those is today cat and then I saw mother follow it so I was like okay I’ll follow them as well little did I know it’s a fairy account oh my God no what the [ __ ] are you talking about damn you just like know yourself

All right I’m going to have a look at Mother’s following don’t look at my Twitter my Twitter’s personal yeah okay okay you DM me right now okay let me find it um you’re not serious I’m serious the things I say are never scripted okay I’m not the furry

You can’t call me a fanboy and the Furry you gotta pick one I can admit that he okay so mother V3 is a furry and okay um now we need to find out dab and code in myself you can’t run away from this what okay it is a v tuber that’s not oh

[Laughter] God said that YouTubers are like puppets with a hand maybe we have a hand up our ass and they said speak for yourself are you like technically maybe you if you don’t have wait you don’t wait long without a hand up your ass one yeah what what what

[ __ ] is that what YouTubers are wait I thought I don’t know are you guys not puppets huh [ __ ] no way am I just finding no way I’m ever wait wait a second are you guys that’s kind of immersion imagine having RTX yard oh my God fun

I try to fish mother now my fishing rod broke again nice you tried catfishing me in Minecraft no way not clickbait I died before no way I’m cooking let him go right outside so Finding Nemo okay oh my God it actually works 20 years ago Sydney Why you calling me time okay you know what that’s my address that’s where I live are you are you Darla oh [ __ ] is Darla have you seen him anymore I thought it wasn’t I thought it was something else what the [ __ ] is darling never heard anyone say Darla the the

Girl with the braces who the [ __ ] is the girl the girl who [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah oh yeah I have a chocolate in my mouth but I never knew what her name was they like scream they like scrape her name right I think at some point they’re like yeah zombies I hate children Get him out of here why is there more white oh my gosh [Laughter] Mama pick me up you got them I believe in you guys can you bring another boat for death too oh Wait when do they go bad holy [ __ ] oh yeah yeah Um it was okay I didn’t think it was too great I guess you could say that they [ __ ] the bed no way do a spin got you you can do a spin yeah I’m waiting oh you’ll be kidding me oh my God Minecraft makes me so tired oh no amiibo died where yeah

It’s too late get on the boat I’m a [ __ ] die okay just run towards the water and I will fight wait wait you’re going away come back I’m trying not to get shot okay hurry hurry hurry hurry I want to where are you guys

Uh we’re on the way back I had to pick her up because she was that spawn oh at the spawn and we’re gonna kill him um well there’s a pirate we pug spin I love Pogo spin you want to go this way Am I too quiet I turned you up it depends dude I can’t scream no I turned your volume up I’m directionally aware maybe it’s because it’s just muscle memory I have someone cheers who did these belong to the community shears now as some of my videos Hello we have arrived wide arrived [Laughter] the right one the best cheer what are the asterisks about oh thank you um what is that noise what is that in the background and the man like right talking here playing Minecraft it sounds like a piglet or something it went back into The Nether um yeah [ __ ] off

Mate the [ __ ] are you doing outside Holy [ __ ] [ __ ] bait get back in there get back in there right get back in there there’s no way my streamer is this good at pretending to be an Australian no way orientation until you’re upside down and it just works Hit the Windows button the shift button do it right now it’ll it’ll it’ll optimize your mind it will optimize your Australian experience Windows shift and then the up Arrow those windows shift Shift at the end oh maybe you have to go on your desktop oh oh maybe I have to turn on yeah oh no that’s a bad word surely I don’t lose my diamond pickaxe in the nether let’s put that back real quick is it Ctrl shift W no way no way

Like what you’re trying to do hi yeah let me cook some fish it’s really good yeah I want to go down to the man’s so I can finish them okay I’m gonna put the community Who else has raw fish on them we should cook it uh yeah okay is that raw yeah it’s [ __ ] wrong okay I have roast Diamond as well how does the Sun travel around it has anyone have advanced Australia and literally Australian conversation about the Earth every single time there’s like a flat

Odor that spent like thousands of dollars to try to prove the Earth is flat the Earth is around and never type in social media again oh my God they were just like so far like what expensive thing to be like this will prove that the Earth is flat Earth

And they say something like oh it’s because these tools and Technology were created if I dig down surely The Rounders you know this was doomed from the start I suppose oh my God they’re on some heavy copium oh gosh oh oh wow very light and ended uh are these [ __ ] piggy Mansion

You should attack one of them I’m bringing Nemo to the nether with me that’s some fish I got gold hey somebody died for me honestly why is there so much what is the gas what the [ __ ] was that noise gas the big giants that is that is a terrifying noise

Is that what is that that is that the mod is that the gas it looks like a cloud yeah it’s like a looks like a yeah yeah another [Laughter] You’re wearing gold armor at least one piece of gold armor you got absolutely annihilated I’m wearing no gold on I’m a gold on me and they’re not attacking me No I had to go to arm on my body where where hello I just witnessed the murder in Minecraft literally no you get back the shoes oh he’s got to die for that one he’s gonna die for that one oh my God if you attack him all of

Them are gonna attack you oh that’s cool oh My shoes I’m homeless [ __ ] on kid what did you say oh I think it was the gold You already got gifts and you send you a bark for me when I did read a drawing don’t change I’m not trying to change the topic you guys need a gold ingot I’m gonna make some gold shoes dude when does another guess like 3D tattoos for that my thoughts Chats on the bark what’s going on in Minecraft hey oh my gosh you’re Distributing people now you’re scare me wait I’m

Actually gonna die goodbye there are you in um I’m in the nether too I really appreciate it I have no idea they don’t deserve that you’re gonna scam them again they’re looking at them oh I got gold Oh [ __ ] okay well there’s five gifted uh okay go on the other side uh thanks Kappa um my family okay I can switch I cannot can I hit the fire back at them sword use the sword use a sword okay no no I’m gonna do it okay I’m literally trying to sleep

Oh my God Where’s my stuff oh you can see it okay yeah it’s right there we’re just gonna pretend that didn’t happen why am I sword that was first whose dog was that thank you for the five guests yeah that was really weird somebody’s keeping yeah You have to time it really well but we left the right click how is it um I can’t do it and it’s like getting cold here you suck where did I die I think I died up there yeah okay what else do you have this yeah

Do you want some food here’s some food the oh did you have a Nemo there’s a Nemo here I haven’t um I picked up everything like that it was the cellar You can hit okay I’ll just get back so you’re trying to tell me right now you’re trying to buy my blank here how are we gonna do this nice oh oh a knife I never noticed when I have to eat okay um Google the weather temperature in Sydney right now okay we got it this time okay okay exclusive The first thing you need to do is just get naked no one fights a naked person X is still high damage get up and have a high cool down to sword oh yeah damn cold you saying you’re trying to think wow so you like fighting me please Okay okay I think he [ __ ] off I think he literally [ __ ] up like with the stuff down Bose oh [ __ ] we do need bows but we don’t have much oh God my bad I think I hit you on accident um literally shielded that’s cold let me check I have a stone spoon limo

I don’t know which one a 16 degrees right now which is like wow oh that sounds so satisfying 61.00 Sounds so good no oh yes tingling my brain no meow I’m gonna climb up the sauce then is that a fanboy I hear um how do you know how did you know I was referring to you oh now we have some nice plants for our house oh god oh I hear it

I think um how about we land for you They’re like cheating yeah yeah they’re like hacking the game or something it’s crazy damn they’re like [ __ ] like hackers or something actually [ __ ] we’re all split up okay how the [ __ ] did you get them it’s cool as the assembly because the assembly every day no I’m gonna die I’m gonna die

No no no no no no no no everything I have died so many times I just I killed him for you I was so sorry it’s okay I’m staying fine now I don’t have my gold I’m gonna die to his I think there’s gold inside of the chests at

Home why is something ill women this is about this chat surely surely there aren’t any women grab your stuff yes I’m gonna go who’s getting chased oh I’m getting chased oh new oh okay I think I got everything I’m gonna go back how did you where did you die how did you die it’s actually so satisfying this has been like the calmest Minecraft all day today for me This one in my room we have what in your room there’s a piggy man thank you man in my bed yeah I’ll come and touch them for you sexo XO there’s one in the hallway yeah but are you into that dude why are you in two beds who’s sleeping

With you I like two beds okay what the [ __ ] [Applause] bro they are like they are angry with you Don’t open the door okay what the [ __ ] I was like don’t open the door other bones Um I didn’t take my meds I have more stuff oh wait I forgot to take my meds again uh what did you have on you I had like a lot of tools no I just made a brand new iron sword give me my new one it just made it

Yeah that’s the one that was uh trying to give to death oh cover the water with a slab is that how you do it okay I think I’m gonna go back home now I have a lot of stuff I don’t want to be picking it up after picking it up

Okay did you pick up 22 gold there oh I’m running low on food and health bone you should run you’re shiny amount of Poland TV’s chat do you guys prefer TV or mother huh yeah why are you giving all my stuff to dafsa no she died

With the six ads she died in the never and I brought her stuff back we made stuff back rough stuff I don’t know what you’re talking about give me my stuff or I’ll kill you that’s my helmet give me manga give me my stuff Wait is this hardcore what is this I mean not hardcore is this hard no stuff The voices in my head give me my stuff immersion breaks damn I know crazy Stuff I really thought I’m gonna be so upset yeah he’s not hitting me thank you [Laughter] I want my sword back if eventually I’m gonna get my things from the nether I don’t know how many times I’m gonna die but I’m gonna do it they do not know we have the beautiful immortality

You should donate to the charity I’ve been working so hard for all my stuff I’ve been farming for like half a day stupid skeleton are you one being wanting a skeleton I’m getting attacked by literally everything right now literally everything oh my God I’m not married I’m slash creative okay okay

Stop [ __ ] lording on the end your walls is getting too comfortable you gotta humble them real quick yeah just like I humbled like that and after he runs one game when I’m just holding back and I just beat the [ __ ] out of him it’s a good thing whenever I go to

Family functions for like the holidays and my younger relatives are like hey I there’s no mercy it’s it’s just a bloodbathy yeah I can’t believe this is happening no put it in put it in the other guys yeah this Pig went so hard you’re gonna what I I did not stutter oh Oh it’s fun I think we need to go mining a little bit more I think that’s the play but I don’t know eventually we’re gonna get there I’m getting closer and closer one block at a time one vlogger hey I’m a yeet I need to go

Stream and stuff okay okay have a good one bye bye bye Christ Fight back you must return yeah let me guess like you randomly there is this oh [ __ ] oh my gosh that’s a lot of bone meal I have now oh but how bad would it be if I just perfect oh my God hit it back oh [ __ ] I’m gonna die style of code is

Bullying you you can’t run away fruity I’m coming for you I would never wait why can I attack him at the boat it’s weird huh this is so how’s your day going okay leave oh what the f are you serious no I would never be serious I picked up like [ __ ] 54 nether

Courts or something yeah I have no idea maybe why are you attacking me what did I do to you it’s funny it’s content come here oh I’ll show you content I’ll show you content slash game mode slash kill no no no no no I’m happy no

Don’t [ __ ] do it I’m in the ocean I am hackers [ __ ] do it until you dare I’m going mining I’m tired how did you manage to drown damn it damn you didn’t even need to do anything to kill me and take all of my bone meal that I

Spent half an hour wait we’re gonna get it it’s floating everywhere no no no no no no no no no Bottom of the ocean no [ __ ] off huh yeah I’m gonna get some of that some of that I’m going on I’ll help you mine hog s mother help me I’m a little okay attacking me is not going to make me any more apt to helping you come back

I have become nope I’ve become a miner I appreciate them a lot I have become a coal miner a coal miner okay okay okay that’s better thank you thank you thank you it’s like that no okay a coal miner getting older and older okay I’m not that old okay

[ __ ] I’m going to I’m going to dig here so I called I need your help literally in Minecraft playing a different game right now oh my god oh yeah oh I don’t have any [ __ ] torches huh she plays Minecraft to open up another [ __ ] game boys your friends huge

I didn’t mean mother’s help after all don’t compliment checks literally helped him more than you ever have in this [ __ ] game I you know I could be helpful if you stopped killing me no it’s because you helped me too late when I don’t need help anymore so I kill you useless

Not Toxic by the way a little tiny yeah I’m gonna make more I’m going to I will never be toxic to you you’re such a good friend I would never show you what a good friend you are you really from huh that’s what I learned it’s like I

Don’t know like growing up I think there was like whenever the [ __ ] show sorted online got released one of my friends was like hey uh I have Kirito’s help regen you guys can all beat me up and we’re like we picked up a stick around the ground and like all right

Here we go He got cruises everywhere but he stood up and he said yeah I’m still good he didn’t come next week but like oh my gosh you know what the hell the hero oh gosh where am I Oh Redstone someday will be look at an energy jerk we’ll be right back Energy drinks are bad for you it’s always be tubing no no I’m gonna be I’m gonna be real damn what’s up it’s been a wild ride so far Um remember how we were watching this channel trailer I found money should I absolutely or you have one day okay they were telling me I had one day before it’s over I literally have one is that serious the update is tomorrow we’re getting somehow so what you’re saying is I have

To drop the money today now right now you should spend money now okay you don’t need you don’t need to spend it is I don’t need to spend money if I’m lucky if you’re lucky what you’re saying is I’m spending money no we’re not lucky all right guys I’m

Gonna spend two thousand dollars on ginshin today no way no way no way okay I am I don’t have any coal I don’t know do it on stream then it’s a tax write-off I don’t know it’s not like the [ __ ] company itself pays me [Laughter] oh I wasn’t talking about you Or unfortunate soul oh yeah thanks right now as well yeah surely it takes right up is this Java this is Minecraft no way yeah no way holy [ __ ] that’s probably a job Java oh isn’t this so much relaxing I am radio will be doing Yogi in fortnite right now

I’m already doing the queen minus maybe I should go back I have a good amount of stuff I feel like I’m about to get shot by a skeleton and die why are there so many pickaxes can never be too prepared man that’s true Which means like Minecraft music I’m ascending Me too Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh no please no please don’t please no please no please don’t please no please don’t please for some reason these skeletons have like perfect aim they’re aim bonding bro they land more shots than the [ __ ] storm the Troopers I think I hear you

Trying to kill the video on YouTube where it’s like a stormtrooper but they have 20 20 vision and it’s kind of hilarious [Laughter] they just [ __ ] uh I I exam or something oh Dumb and stupid and dumb Oh I can I can order oh do we run out of fuel yeah we need to go mining for some like [ __ ] hole or something or something yeah uh I can’t wait to go fishing again oh yeah Yeah okay let me see um why are you guys bullying are you guys bullying you guys like bullying me this much I took a [ __ ] that’s the way it takes time that’s a good information back no way no way desperate need of food who is that no Liam back I’m awake my chat

Said I was taking a [ __ ] what how was this [ __ ] that’s supposed to think of your [ __ ] my mom talked to me [Laughter] what’s wrong with you are real no way no way girls don’t poop no no [ __ ] no [ __ ] no Blair slash me poops everywhere to everyone farting and crying and coming Oh Come yes what are what what what are we still playing Minecraft Do we not have to cut the company mode I installed the email I added that I added the do me mode the Doom come emote I like that one that come out with the two M’s come on oh it’s it’s cursed look in his chat it’s there oh yeah A single word foreign are you serious come on good chat good chats those chats are so good come yeah you hear me Chad what you’re gonna do what’s up you should share it now you should share no you should light right now you can always give meaning to your Twitch Prime

Oh my gosh primers in the chat you should Prime now you should cry then now but come on you [ __ ] oh no oh no I ain’t doing nothing right now come now Jesus interesting Minecraft yeah this is pig Minecraft Gameplay YouTubers play Minecraft YouTubers oh God you’re becoming one uh I’m rethinking

I’m thinking about it oh I know Camila Camilla is so cute but we Pawn right now please oh I like oh what are those They’re my golden shoes oh my God I’m literally pogging sale okay I got the door don’t worry I enjoy I mean oh no you hate to see it here I got you I got you I got you Thank you the same for your comments Can you enter the nether like that that I think so I know I can’t oh what the [ __ ] no wow I’ll leave you to it I’m giving this a one out of five stars review [ __ ] service [ __ ] waiter [ __ ] Pizza Jesus [ __ ] gross what is my sleep schedule oh uh what’s asleep

Dreamers don’t [ __ ] melt them no I forgot my my kick is the kettle for you know I I would not know why hello I was on science stream last night oh wait wait okay [Applause] That definitely won’t get clipped Wait if you’re not a family and you’re you’re you know then are you a futa what’s a footer oh yeah have a [ __ ] fat [ __ ] yeah what is both it’s both and we got a better vagana both of these nuts in your mouth Exactly yeah I’ve heard that one too many times Hey do you like do you like Froyo it can’t just be me I like frozen yogurt yeah do you like frozen yogurt sure where are we going with this problem with the 100 holy [ __ ] dude let’s go check literally literally virtual currency oh my God you’re so sweet bad holy [ __ ] um

Holy [ __ ] put yourself holy [ __ ] I want to make a shield but I need silver well no not silver I am um Iron yeah that’s why we’re mining I’m mining too when I’m mining by myself I think we’re all binding oh okay whoever gets a girl first

Wait do you wanna mine with me inside where are you right now oh I can go back okay I remember wearing them because I come to this place okay okay all right yeah right I’m coming I’m waiting outside I’m coming for you um oh wait I found iron you’re home

I’m coming for you sir home for free online yeah oh my God I’m coming for you I would never come from over there love is gross them yeah yeah you hear that yeah yeah yeah but huh welcome back huh I don’t know nothing don’t worry about we’re going mining mining mining awake That is not safe now that is not [ __ ] safe this is Not [ __ ] safe though no no why do I bully and mother because mama is calling me a fun boy you literally DMV what is this what is the tweet that you tweeted at me hold on let’s see I hate you because you won’t be in my cute

Little femboy okay that was one message okay one message that everyone saw okay yeah everyone sucks I’m not a fan player caught in 720p cotton 720P no I don’t want to yeah imagine there’s like gonna be like one of those Twitter Community picks where they chose I try not to I

Try not to tell people about my Twitter right it’s a place all right I’m going to yeah you’re like talk about pissed I’m being a fairy you don’t have to I’m not streaming his Twitter is like a [ __ ] it’s completely normal yeah he talks about being a fairy and pissing

Everywhere the judge of that okay It’s not working no I think you know but that’s so sweet oh wait All in One Suite I know I know everywhere back oh Um are you looking at your Twitter feed going like are you are you going through your 20 feet going like oh is there anything bad yeah we can go mining okay I got iron so let’s make a shield first okay I’m going to put some nice poggers music in the background oh poggers

No way yeah for me though not for you guys I don’t want to be excluded I need to set up the splitter the what the audio splitter for streaming oh like the banana Banana banana these nuts voicemail Yo that’s just fun life no way yeah All right time will meet the leap for the superior streamer yes I’ll see you guys later wow second monitor as we speak oh boy oh my God awesome okay excellent on the campfire so where did you go I’m in the fire I’m making bread for us so we can eat it red

We used to bake bread every morning would you be my house Baker will you be my housewife wifey ASMR wife’s name okay deals yes I will now make bread Okay you have some more fun boy you mean it’s It’s just what do you want me to do be like I’m assembly oh [ __ ] I’ll clip that he’s right there there we go easy yeah we have multiple povs shoes That happened to me once oh no it’s like one of my Clips they were like hey have you seen this going friends streams have you seen this have you seen this oh no oh now we’re gonna do it for me well I lost I lost why the [ __ ] are there pigment always

Literally outside like what the [ __ ] then get back in here no lost before you’re truly like called a loser wait do we have any Amazon chat I want to add a seven TV when you lost the first time me out of seven TV mark the fruit cover was so good it really

Freaking was I can’t stop listening to it yeah that’s what I’m literally listening to right now Sun Killer it’s so good um all right I got all the iron how do I make the shield do you want one um I think it’s wood wait do you need one

I feel uh yes I don’t know I could not have one there you go okay so I think that’s a little fish oh thank you that’s a lot of extra wood and then just one iron ingot do you need a pickaxe here pick it up oh my God thank you you’re welcome

That one we’ll bring down some wood I’ll make another one the clip has been made nice no nice chat I’m literally vlogging right now you guys are amazing why can’t I make pants oh it’s Roar gold oh yeah what happened I have a shield my eyes look like butts right now what huh yeah you know like the you know like I do actually I do it’s like an emoji yeah three and then underscore three free oh it’s the Korean one is there like like this random one as well the [ __ ] goldfish

Oh yeah Oh shoot there was a really long like this huh I want that I can’t email oh the I can’t emote um I like the I can one I can what’s the I can one what does that one look like it’s just I think it’s just the neutral face emoji [Laughter] wait what [Laughter]

I love that one I want to add it too I’m gonna go find it now I am literally laughing so hard right now I can I am dying on the floor laughing right now I can stream I can humor’s so funny I’m dying I can um where am I yeah I’m gonna put some stuff away how often are you guys guilty of typing

Like LOL or LMFAO and then like you’re just literally the most straight face in real life me every day when I talk to you oh I absolutely cannot I cannot suck on these nuts why do I have a free [ __ ] Stone swords okay I’m ready I guess it’s fine I’m

Ready to go where where is everyone I’m down at the bottom of the stairs I’m waiting for you oh is there cold there’s cold here on downstairs because you’re a bottom so you have to come here yeah oh shoot there’s water here and bottom why does that look like he’s jerking off oh

Um that’s not wait I want the phone to email oh mine cooker the blanket Moana the one kid I want to line kids your mom like this along with the pillow I mean the blanket I mean wait this way has more stuff this way I haven’t Explorer there’s lapis over here [ __ ]

How are we gonna get back home don’t worry I remember exactly where to go because I keep dying around here why is it sounds personal a veteran I know this place like the back of my head I really do it’s really bad I’ve been lived here so many times no thank you

Kiss masturbate on this I really like the uh the emotes that have like ridiculously long names yo look at this cat look at this cat doing its little Dancy dance to break dance to a break dance move look at this white people masturbation 777-69 420 gang [ __ ] no more Fort

Fortnite 19 fortnite card across the bridge It’s actually an emo yeah that’s that question [ __ ] and go up the stairs cross the bridge and go up the stairs come upstairs it’s especially funny whenever you have people in your chat that don’t have like seven TV so they’re like what the [ __ ]

Is going on uh or mobile users wait there’s a 7tv app oh it’s it’s I don’t know I think it’s like Bank chat and something else for iOS oh my God yeah I’m so sorry Come here oh god um I’m repairing this because I know for a fact that I’m gonna fall through this people POG climbing tree hard for house giving papega Dragon POG Cannon two wide people pirate sad birthday making him happy where are we going hello hello featuring SpongeBob and Dante do it

Something like that I don’t remember the full emo but Holy Land ings Or something yeah but it’s a really long one yeah the entire Shrek movie that one’s pretty good oh yeah the entire um Wait no way yeah the entire beam I mean the entire Mario movie should be up soon oh yeah oh yeah do you guys want to watch the Mario movie together [ __ ] oh my God can you covered a hole up here sir I don’t have anything oh [ __ ] look at this yeah right we need om and OMG Hey I see diamonds science without the shadow oh I found some more down here okay we can go down there and I mean if slope gorpin can be there I’m pretty sure a lot of people can stay up Glory Fitness There’s two skeletons very few emails that actually make me uncomfortable looking at it slurp Clark is one of them I love schools what was the idea why can’t I hold it up okay I died okay just stay there I’ll come and make a stairs okay yeah I can’t like um You know usually one of those events where you play against a uh a team in school in like a sport That that they were like saying it was a Make-a-Wish candy was playing American football and they were like letting him score a touchdown and then out of nowhere this linebacker just lays him out on the floor oh yeah gonna make him feel like it’s a real game you know if there’s no struggle

It’s not okay oh no I think I heard a creeper I just got back no oh my God I don’t know where we are so I’m just gonna no no stay there I know how to get great Minecraft okay I’m here okay yeah can we guess wait I like that one what’s

So cool it says no why oh yeah like having sex so much why so much Among Us sex because there’s V tuber Watchers they’re starved but like you call her oh my God everything she’s not gonna pick you up she’s not gonna pick you up and she’s not gonna pick up

Surely she’ll give me a piece of her mother Mommy yeah don’t worry I’ll pick you up I will never let the eggs I’ll Don’t Worry Be Happy [Applause] oh and then the two trucks Do something mother what am I supposed to do I’m sorry oh uh I’m actually a guy in real life okay there we go oh my God this is like five [ __ ] mobs down here follow me follow me okay okay got you where are we going okay oh no drink wine

They love to they love to do drink wide hydrate I am or the hydrate Drake wide monkey yeah there you go I love it I love boys come on ah let’s see what the [ __ ] I just knocked you from there bro there is I’m seeing ghosts in the walls oh no

I’m seeing ghosts in the walls bro there was something green that was here oh are you coming no I’m already down here it was like uh are you coming are you downstairs there’s a water thing here all right I need to get one let me get one okay I

Go for it yay I’ve got my feet oh there’s a zombie I got it a zambo there’s a lot of them here come come on we’re going here oh [ __ ] what the Jesus oh my God there’s though this is where the five moms that’s cool they’re fine down there I

Think they’re fine down there okay never mind they came are you doing dailies They’re just completely ignoring me holy [ __ ] they got me in their sights I’m just minding my own business oh it’s exclamation mark socials for me oh that’s a lot of wow this game goes really far down it really does I’m getting more iron wait I think we

Might have I think we might have a um wait how many how many iron do we have how much iron do we get seven [Laughter] What the [ __ ] guys put the iron in the fairness I’m smelting oh yeah I didn’t know you’re the first here yeah I’m smart yeah you can make one holy [ __ ] it’s going pretty well it’s going pretty well so far I think we can make literally like maybe one armor

One set of armor paws who needs arms I do need armor I’m literally just wearing my golden my J’s On My Feet no way somebody’s gonna rip down all right exactly look it’s gonna be dreaming pick it up a hat for me yeah because he’s

Such a good girl wow very Paul girls a hat yeah for me because you’re a good girl oh Yeah it’s gonna eat my feelings away I didn’t mean to hit you copper that’s copper no they have that yeah whoa what the [ __ ] oh you got it I believe I’m better than you on wow above above get them get them get them yeah that’ll show you yeah yeah loser

Now you’re just a pile of bones oh that’s not what you want to hear oh someone blew out the candle thank goodness I had that Shield yeah whatever what do you do not apparently you could build a telescope telescope and build a lightning rod damn if you would like to get struck by

Lightning then you can use the lightning to like get other stuff can’t you like a beacon really yeah it all like more sick ever it’s like parts of a bigger thing and I think copper changes in the rain so you can use those like tiles yeah like the color will change whenever ends

Or something wow wow so cool are you on pants wow oh my gosh yeah coloring changes do you want pants what are my hobbies I have no Hobbies I’m a loser do you need a chest plate I need everything that I could get okay come here I got it for you okay

I don’t know how to get back up there but okay hold on let me see if I can bring it back did I run out of food oh no I have to have food all right I also have some food too no no no no deep as it goes I don’t know where

Did I go oh nice did you hear that I heard an explosion yeah go to alerts it okay I’ve ever played a video game in my life oh what a [ __ ] love playing video game I am the video game it is actually real life the saying that the game it’s just

A game is such a weakness I don’t remember the rest of it but whatever ninja type oh what the [ __ ] [ __ ] thank you holy [ __ ] You guys see the uh it was like ninja made like a freaking horse on on somewhere where it’s like how to be a streamer and it’s like oh you need obseries so yeah ninja made like a book it’s like a guide on how to be unhappy yeah no he

Also made a guide on how to be a streamer and you look at those guys and like call out anyone that’s lurking in your chat like Jesus Christ [ __ ] leeches Chatters a symbol we need to pull out all of the leeches right now what the [ __ ] are you supposed to like

Just don’t know if you’re lurking right now a type of one do it right now oh yeah let’s have fun if you’re licking oh my God I actually worked this is the first message no like so many first messages Yes okay someone someone just donated bits for the first time thank you for speaking for the class I’m glad to know your hobbies are breathing eating and [ __ ] no way all right next who’s up next maybe call on people in the class a sword one press one I have quickly Chad tell

Me one interesting fact about yourself were you A Gifted student and you went to University picking the course you think you were the best at but you get this crippling [ __ ] realization that everything is much harder than real life No way come here and pick us pick this one oh yeah we need something fun things about yourself okay um all right let’s go get these diamonds that I found before yeah wait do you need stuff yeah me yeah gay gamer yeah take the pants game

It’s like it’s like the dreams up at school without any clothes on naked and then my teeth are falling out your What huh do you have any iron you guys have never had dreams where your teeth oh your teeth oh uh yes yes I’ve had those yes you know

What do you know what the teeth in your uh falling out in your dreams means what what does it mean it means you feel ugly really Oh my God oh my God Jesus [ __ ] cries oh no dude mother the farmer what do you buy live train I gave your books a helmet I’m not a fanboy what is your skin what is my skin yeah uh I mean I I try and moisturize Jesus my skincare routine hasn’t been the greatest lately but I’m trying to keep up geezers falling out and now you’re making fun of my skin oh my God you sound like a

Friend oh my God you sound like this one friend that I have they’re like I was like oh my God I didn’t know you look like that it looks so good and then my friend’s just like are you calling me ugly oh no I’m just like no I’m not

Calling you ugly and then he kept saying that so many times to the point I was like you know what you are [ __ ] ugly are you calling me ugly sorry yes you are [ __ ] ugly I’m saying I’ve denied it too many times and you summoned my mind [Laughter] oh my God so you should apologize and then I said I’m sorry you’re [ __ ] young I’m sorry you lose the gene pool sorry you’re ugly oh I stayed up from my Filipino friend all the time I’m sorry you were born in the Battle Royale right I’m pogging thank you [ __ ] [ __ ]

Loading bro oh no I’m sorry I’m sorry you were spawned in the shadow realm you should have spent more time on your customers they should sliders oh oh my God true I spend so much so many hours on that bro that’s why I can’t play like MMOs that have all those sliders it’s

Just all of my fun yeah I squid way too long on them Your character and you become like me where you just remake your character every month or so when there’s a new cosmetic spend like another an hour in the customization over and over again oh I love playing MMOs though it sucks the [ __ ] time out of my day yeah I

Can’t play the most because of that like I get really addicted and I’ll spend like an entire month just grinding Final Fantasy and I won’t talk to anyone and they’ll be like Leo where did you go I’m [ __ ] playing ball right now okay thank you um now what oh

Diamonds that I found before did you see a diamond is it diamond oh yeah um where was it before is I’m I’m here where are you where where you were a mother is mother I think you can just right click the source and go like um fit the screen

Oh yeah that’s what I just did oh yeah augers no way your stuff you’re learning stream feel strong I’m like actually the most guys I’m like I have like one stream where I had to reset the stream seven times because I accidentally showed my address a diamond

Man no way we felt diamonds in Minecraft guys can we get a people pog I was trying to order a grease on stream oh I was trying to order your breeds on stream and accidentally showed chat where I live oh this is why people no what no one should use let’s stop or capture okay you use window capture one at a time

What’s that you leaked your address yeah that was with a sushi no I like I immediately closed with the sushi that good though remove it but then it was one part that I didn’t catch during the inspect element so it showed and I was like oh

Why would you order on your point why would you buy it I was showing my browser yeah was picking my dinner okay then you show them photos yeah and give them choice and be like hey chat pick one two or three and then you get engagement as well I don’t know

Yeah I’ve been a streamer for too long stream and I click on a pillow that is like manga TLS it was great oh my God I’m in the zombies oh do you wanna heck yeah oh this is uh this is a this is a run angle

Um I’m going back up the waterfall I came from I am dead I am dead I am dead wait are you dead where are you where did you go I’m gonna get okay I’m swimming I’m swimming I’m swimming you’re swimming I don’t know maybe they’re the ones hello

I’m scared the [ __ ] out of me what the [ __ ] where did you go the [ __ ] just happened wait is this I think you went to a cave yeah oh what the [ __ ] oh that was an interesting cave yep super cool dude super cool appears behind you you’re my favorite

Series by the way Jesus Christ we got we got a couple of diamonds that might have been the one that you were looking at I think so yeah I don’t know so we picked it up did you only see one or was it yeah I just saw you one

Okay then that’s probably the one that we picked up yeah yeah oh there’s more iron oh is there a case this is wow it’s wait it’s all underwater Oh My Gosh these squids are like glowing yeah that’s where it was that’s what a diamonds were hog oh wait

What oh then they’re probably we didn’t lover is hot when we got the diamonds someone calls you hot in mainstream I’m behind you sir yo okay yeah okay okay oh my God it’s so funny um I have no idea what I’m at were you on that um

Assemble flower oh my God I’m [ __ ] oh yeah yeah hey iron Mouse what’s up no way oh no no way wait what no I think I love you no way no way oh [ __ ] me what the [ __ ] thank you for the gift This is no longer Minecraft this is not two girls oh I couldn’t think of anything else I couldn’t think of anything else whoa thank you yeah it’s all connected you get flour a little flower xdd flower two girls huh oh I’m lost that’s one of my favorite emotes of all time

You look so devious giving the flower yeah that’s more iron from that foreign [Laughter] A factory a bomb Factory La Bamba Factory La Bamba where am I I have no idea we literally departed for like two seconds and now you’re gone I’m still at the waterfall I’m at the waterfall that we both I hear a Skelly boy welcome to chaos yeah welcome uh my throat’s kind of sore most views [Laughter]

Let’s see all from that you know those patreon audios for a moment how do we go back I I know how to go back I think we need I’m going deeper though because there’s more I am not I am trying to get out of here

Also trying to skin at them go up the waterfall keep going for the keep going to the surface whatever like leads to the surface go up I’m so hungry okay this is going down hungry I need to grab breakfast soon on the menu for breakfast for breakfast For five dollars chat for five dollars five dollars we’re five dollars you can find that way my throat is sword you get well like 40 Oreos oh maybe like oh I don’t know how many old Euros you get there’s a lot I’m lost five dollars maybe this way oh this

Looks kind of familiar this looks kind of familiar I don’t know where the [ __ ] I am wait I see I see somebody I think I made it back I think I made it back thank you I think I see your name and I think that might be definitely maybe yeah

Oh yo what the [ __ ] is up okay we made it back it’s all connected holy [ __ ] I thought I was gone oh yeah holy [ __ ] thank you for the five gifted information right now I love you what about me them you are my new favorite chatter I hope

You know I don’t say that you you you’re on the fridge my guy where’s the Whiteboard mother what is the life the Whiteboard the Whiteboard I don’t know what that is the names yeah you have to stand up you have to turn around on your body oh I’m so confused where’s

Your body writing huh no it was a twitch met up or oh look at this I feel like a few years ago back in like 2017. yes yes Like yesterday and what do you mean like if you create a new Twitch account you get recommended to the hot tub section yeah like twitch doesn’t yeah it was it was it was pretty intense out there really intense I’m gonna have to try maybe yeah no way

That’s right buying a hot thumbs up like I remember the [ __ ] touch versus you can’t show someone your feet when they ask for it unless you’re next to a pool of water I’m like what the [ __ ] I don’t understand the goddamn rules like it’s so it’s so weird

TV’s favorite month is Chinese your favorite month no no I love them all the same okay it’s you in the Milan yeah wait what the next mod to get me a sub is my favorite for the next one oh my God oh my God I love all my mods equally

Streams zero would like to know how much they love me I don’t feed my mods why would I do that fishing fish you know here we raise our mods like birds they have to fend on their own and bring back to the uh and the new mother bird you get [ __ ] yeah we pushed them down the hill and they can’t fly

Sometimes it’s just natural selection man the universe wasn’t born yeah where’s the rest of my stuff I’m vlogging no okay I’m good now immersion when you stand up in a fighting game you do better oh my god when you press the button s harder it won’t do it more damage I’m

Just gonna press it harder when you play Live visual now it’s best not to wear any clothes huh you want me to play a visual novel naked um oh my God wait did you know about visual novels and the reason why they don’t have like um they have a like a

They don’t have a blank like black screen because I think that was the dude who played a visual novel and then he says the company because he saw his reflection in his monitor oh no foreign but also so bad at the same time wait why did he suit a company for that

Immersion breaking because he saw himself did he win or did he lose anime wife I don’t know we never found out imagine suing a company because yeah while playing their games yes so in a visual novel they typically don’t have um like a like a blank a black screen

I’m good I’m good because that one dude was like scars look it’s worse when I play OverWatch I’ll say that it gets like the more intense the game is the worst it gets because I panic and then when I panic it sounds like really high-pitched noises I’m here for kids

Right oh yeah he was he was clearly playing the uh Colonel uh Kentucky uh bathing sort of game the KFC okay yeah I have Platinum Real what ah thank you Sam you have a good one mother come pick me up wait where are you I don’t know oh my God I just had Deja Vu I think she’s in the mines yeah the ones oh you’re in the mines yeah

Oh Lord okay uh let me I’m like close to the top but I just forgot let me go get some things proceeds to leave let me just go get some things real quick I can’t believe my streamer is this horny I’m not horny let me go get some things yeah ah

Oh my God goodbye I’m just gonna grab something really quick guys don’t worry oh my God you know what I want well if you’re close to the surface you don’t have anything but like dick there’s a lot I’m gonna die here I think we should go we got this I believe oh you

Thank you why is it I remember it’s the way that I took you down to get to the bridge remember not gonna lie you don’t remember but I’m not gonna lie I have dimensions a fraction of a brain cell which is one uh somewhat socially uh decent person we

Got this we can think contribute everything you can we got this where the [ __ ] I’m really trying to eat here I haven’t thought in a while it hurts oh yeah it was definitely the sleigh I remember oh yeah yeah I found my way out I think so

It turned around no it would be really troll if it was like okay you guys come pick me up and then you are already at the base I hate thinking because it makes me think thoughts like oh my God I miss her so badly no way my streamer can’t beat us down bad

Was that the anime title yeah I couldn’t possibly be this down bad oh my God no it’s too short for a title is very true yeah I see your name tag which direction are you in stand still I got you directions no missing her oh yeah you know what I

Want to say so I was on Billy Billy because I stream over there and mothers Clips Around Billy Billy and lover has fans in China isn’t that crazy twitch you guys have to go to now you gotta like be better than the Billy Billy chat Yuri better than the Billy Billy Shadows

I’m just gonna let you guys know I love you guys but the second it’s better over there I am God [ __ ] God let me take let me take some time don’t take your streamer for granted this way thank you so much Look familiar yeah they do because we were just here to say mother come get us I I am now lost myself I’m here wait I want to get some iron first okay I’m gonna find the layout then okay I remember this go Wanda and leave us if you keep telling me to do it I’ll do it yeah he will last I wanna go home okay I think I got it it’s Mommy

Fighting zombies right now you see my name tag yeah yeah okay wait oh I must die at oh down oh God no fire where oh there you are yeah I think it’s this way I remember this man I can’t I can’t gauge how far they can attack from Gage Gage gaming terminology

Oh yeah this is the way yeah okay I’ll go find them I’ll go can I go find Mother and call it then but no codes on flame I’m back oh I’m online Have this wow I’m disgusting you want right in the flesh oh you take this how much am I enjoying Minecraft it’s fine take a ticket oh thank you when the whole day is gone because you’ve been playing all day that’s true that’s how I played eight hours last

Year that’s me with crying eight hours you can say that’s me with crying who hurt you coach who hurt you you wouldn’t understand yeah they’ll call back I promise A good one yeah no no not like that can’t be me can’t be me I feel like I have the most stuff Minecraft’s been really fun ever since we went off hard mode let’s be honest true or I’m not gonna lie I feel like that I’m still being hard I’m still

Getting my ass beat I’m not gonna truly yeah bro those creepers did like a [ __ ] game I need Munch um is this a male voice or a voice changer I’m literally an AI my mice they are the broken thing I don’t understand yeah no way I’m an AI people bully him trying to do the thing do the things go Pokemon go tiny I’m stopping you

Oh happy thank you for prime do the time I eat yeah that’s a cold pizza Like the like The Hangover Pizza do you guys eat pizza recipe [Laughter] do you have any call I don’t think we found any call um I don’t think I’ve ever had a ranch dressing on my pizza what number tried what oh I’ve actually never tried it I’m

Assistant okay after after this I am not gonna talk to any of you again until you’ve tried it [ __ ] well you just replied [Laughter] Starting right now okay now oh my God say what not very good Honestly relatable um you know what’s the most relatable thing in the world is when you can’t hear someone when they ask you something consider yourself timed out now you can’t hear them again so you ask them to repeat one more time and then you still can’t hear them

Huh look at what Chinese said I don’t know how to read I mean I can’t read no streams if you if you just forget how to read everything gets a lot better come back I can’t what are we doing a photo’s bone meal are you trying to Bone someone uh oh

So I played that game super Seducer and that’s what it said I needed what so phone what yeah that that’s how you phone right um which was like The Meta and I was like just play it one of these days yeah the bone game is very talk

Should we go the number now because we have iron um maybe after we put all the stuff away and get some more food because I think we need this food yeah we’re gonna get clapped in the Netherlands [Applause] [ __ ] is that noise behind me I’m a lawn mower you’re doing Oh I love the sounds of squirter Holy Ghost SquarePants I think that’s a little too r18 for this trees don’t squirting water guns contacts right right squirting water guns no I’m okay now where am I I don’t know I’m just trying to fish man I’m just trying to teach a man to fish

Eat him fish for life it really looks like water yeah I forgot what that thing was yeah the monster do not work I’m still tired why do I need to drink more I wonder why the energy drink that gives you an extreme high and then an extreme low made you so

Tired surprise the Pikachu is it really you gotta sleep keep chugging them energy drinks really crash you if you don’t they’re so bad just don’t drink it drink it I only drink them whenever I need to it’s not enough so you’re supposed to put them in like

Pour them on the floor step on them and then absorb them through your feet yeah exactly no way honestly that sounds like something you would do I can actually see mother doing that it really holes in your feet or something and you just stand on top of them through osmosis

Ah you’re so weird no no we’re playing calls me weird I was dying bro funny oh my God I’m sorry no weigh-in I am literally sighing right now I can I am I can’t This room is so entertaining I can I can get a room with who I have a room I’m in a room oh you have a room oh no way oh my God I live in a cardboard box sorry I gave you the attic I gave you a

Skyroof if your roof is made of the tree yes that’s what do you think I was working every time a new car shows upstairs you hate ads well you know how to get rid of the ads right subscribers twitch.tv mother be free yeah yeah let’s take down the Lord himself Jeff Bezos yeah

Should we move houses guys that is true that’s why I subscribe to Twitch eight dollars a month because why support my friends where I can support a billionaire hell yeah oh yeah oh I I alone carry Jeff Bezos I can’t let him drop from point one percent or two absolutely

Absolutely And subscribe to my patreon for only five dollars a month no it’s okay bro I don’t need your kitchen to count your Vibe my Chatters are trying to get a bed again if you’re trying to if you’re trying to get over the the addiction there’s yeah instead of something why

Don’t you sub to my patreon if you’re so damn bad huh Boris no ways to make a now oh God don’t delete it oh yeah I mean let’s see why it’s hide away but you know wait deleting your account is dealing wait is it really oh you know selling your account isn’t oh yeah yeah oh yeah I don’t think

There’s an option to delete your account legally if you had fun boy ASMR I would oh my God I feel like this is gonna be really impressive I raised you by 50. look I don’t get it I’m stupid TV has no balls yeah TV has no balls I’m gonna prove it right now

On stream oh you’re on the wrong platform [Applause] s huh I don’t want to see it as with your pants back on my my basketball what what hello where is your mind yeah no way I am not a naughty assembly what’s the femboy counter as Infinite yeah true actually pickaxe books I am so dead yes I’m not I’m not down bad I can get all the [ __ ] I want oh I feel like I’ve gotten more fish than this but it’s only I only have 14 Cod oh I have salmon too never mind 14 cod in

My pocket whoa no way We’ll cook those yeah I’m cooking my oh my God love it where are you oh I’m cooking I’m let me cook another who let them cook flashbacks to earlier when when the whole kitchen was on fire because microwave [Laughter] microwave man mother yo come here I’m cooking hold on Hahaha okay I actually accidentally burned myself oh my God what a good puppy look you fetched the bone hello fetch okay now bark and those are going in the ocean back I’m okay but I’m good chat played a clip of him I can’t give the thumbs

Yeah can we get five more gifted subs for a bark you can call it cringe all you want it’s corpora I’m getting paid tonight I am not barking for a Minecraft bone I am a little important you want to die do you want to die hello oh my God you actually did

[ __ ] go now Bark for Me puppy come on go back for me thank you for the five gifted Subs um I in the nicest way possible I can’t stand you yeah you have something to say is a class I think hold on I need to go home real

Quick I think he’s outside thank you let me go um let me go uh let me go check on that real quick I think I think my dog is um hey hey dog you don’t have a [ __ ] dog come back the dog’s name is definitely dog um hey dog hey dog hey dogs

Ah a dog’s name is dog champion that’s fake ass dude we’re all chronically online and we’re all YouTubers why did a skin shampark sound more more real yeah why did they sound more real okay why did they sound my real not fair why aren’t you breaking from here do you

Want me to put on the mommy voice I’m going do you want me to put on the mommy voice no I’m gonna put on the mommy voice if you don’t bark for me right now I know I literally just barked but it wasn’t a real bark it wasn’t a real bark

It sounded real enough to me it wasn’t a real thing I’m gonna live with that one depends on what my definition of normal is yeah well wait I don’t need this anymore no can you see oh okay hmm Um I don’t know what to do I have like a lot of iron what do you guys want to do um um I don’t know is there any other iron stuff that we need to good right now on stuff um I can just make a full set of armor

For myself oh nice good luck on getting shinho bro good luck oh my gosh I guess it’s nether time yeah how much fish do you guys have oh we need diamonds we need to get more diamonds I got Nemo and that’s all I got

I got Nemo and his dad Nemo Oh no I got two Nemos and two Nemo we should uh we should get more diamonds oh TTS and moaning in my ears right now I’m in a month okay um let’s see for free we’re free [Laughter] I think I’ve gold

Yeah believe me oh who the [ __ ] is holding seats in the armor box what the hell can obviously wear seeds true cosplay I would never do something so stupid how’s that gas stations absolutely are they piglens they’re Enderman um what is this noise um hello are you okay oh hello Wait what hell when I leave they start doing it again what mating call oh whoops I forgot gold armor of course as soon as I come back again they stop right are you good okay I’m just walking up to every piggling dog are you good yeah because like just

A second I wish you could have heard that I’m just like any Clippers what I found out here in the walls Yeah he’s finally dead he killed the [ __ ] Enderman he finished him cut off his balls now his balls are made what’s wrong emergency [Laughter] [Applause] uh I’m so [ __ ] tired out of my [ __ ] mind no no I am running on fumes but I love Minecraft Bat chess I heck and love Minecraft I heck and love it I can love Minecraft Let’s Go the Nethers though I feel like a good people I’m did you go

Yeah I just hopped on um fog oh no don’t drink energy drink so bad for you I got Nemo in my hands and a dream Yeah no you cannot believe me I’ve tried is that a skeleton with nothing on no they has a ball um I’d be more concerned if they did have something on there was skeleton I’m just falling um is that something on a boat um yes oh my God yes there’s a piglet on a little thing you can ride those if you put a carrot on a fishing um on a fishing rod you can actually in a saddle you can ride on them Arrow How is he kidding me are we slowed in here right Right now are you above are you below oh my God I hate this Soul Sand I know I hate it too that’s why I just [ __ ] jump I just jump It’s the ILS steam up I lost no the I lost I lost I lost

Female I lost oh this is a pig in like a corner alone do we kill it in grab the sword no no no that’s the it’s like Bunchy can you watch it really good [Laughter] I wish I could make that noise can you vibrate yourself [Laughter] It is Happening to my human what the [ __ ] it’s broken at least like iron Stone oh wait have you guys seen the different biomes pug milkers look over here come on this way I’m gonna try and find diamonds but I don’t know if I’ll be able to but I’ll give them my best shot

Should I yes wait how deep do you have to go to find diamonds oh at least 14 I think yeah it changed I don’t remember I don’t know is this the newest version of Minecraft minus 16th so one point yeah I think it’s mine wait mine is 16. I’m stupid

Oh yeah I think they changed it it used to be like 14 or something you found me it was so pretty yeah what was that supposed to be careful of those um boars over there do you see those boars oh my god oh I okay yeah yeah yeah no

That’s fine that’s fine just uh yeah they look they look pretty uh yeah um looks so pretty I think it still looks pretty okay right now you can use a texture pack you have a shield right smile you want to call the boys how what level do I have to leave

What are they doing they’re like aggroed and then they just de-aggro can give it a follow on top of the trees I think those are the the oh there are light sources Lantern I think it’s called the glowstone Lantern um where are you guys out there yeah

Oh what the [ __ ] oh my God this yeah go on this this boy this is always [ __ ] me up this board is [ __ ] me up oh are you fighting the boar right now yes yes yes yeah I hit him like five times and he still didn’t die and I was like what the

[ __ ] is wrong with you I think you gotta wait until the sword icon oh my God I only have one we have a good one to eat wait should we poop I have to think red never mind I was hoarding I need a lot of call another board is trying to fight us off My Hunger is full okay so how do we save this Right back wait I came into the nether where are you which way did you think I’ll remember which way did you look when you went out okay Um it was this way this way you see me do you see me yeah okay okay I remember we came from this thing yes jump just jump I don’t see ya we’re coming back oh there I see you now hi you need help I am so paranoid at looking at it

I’m gonna die yeah we’re going to get them I’m a big scared for bread did I throw the bread through the portal wait can you throw items through the portal I don’t think so I think it just I I have to test this let’s see okay okay

No I actually think it went through that was kind of funny see it though I’m hungry yeah like IRL code hangry wait iron with my kid after the guest you know what food actually sounds kind of good right now oh yeah maybe I should go get some food should we finish today yeah

I’ll be honest when you said uh we’re gonna play Minecraft later I honestly think it’s gonna be a lot later I didn’t think you guys would play at like 2 A.M in the morning no I already had it scheduled I see people bought Stream them yes I’m starving yeah I finally caught a scream smile yeah Smell yourself I saw that I didn’t want to say anything you have to call them out how come your icons are so [ __ ] on your screen but they’re fine on my screen That’s okay [Laughter] Is this better here here I’ll fix it right now there we go there we go there we go it’s perfect now I think you crops yeah I have scrolling I’m scrolling for my life I want to say goodbye now good night everyone I hope you guys

Sleep well and if you just woke up I hope you have a wonderful um on the schedule we are streaming uh uh ASMR for the rest of the week the schedule is on Discord so you shouldn’t discard for schedule but here you go anyway it’s kind of nice yeah so

Upload a YouTube video today I’m playing Minecraft today and tomorrow’s and summer and then Wednesday I’m taking a break Thursday knowing more Um uh Friday break Saturday is drinking Steam Sunday is a Chinese stream but I will also be on issa’s channel for demonologist collab with mother and Bryce up so I will post when it is announced to appear and yeah I was like a lost benefit

So I don’t have time to add it to my collab my schedule but yeah okay we’re gonna read death because I love Beth and she’s really cute so I hope you guys are enjoying the Steam Chat bye everyone um banana villain Thank you Foreign Thank you Foreign

This video, titled ‘minecraft @motherv3 @daph | April 10 2023’, was uploaded by Miwo’s vods on 2023-05-11 07:00:09. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:33 or 15453 seconds.


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#vtuber Broadcasted live at https://www.twitch.tv/miwo

I’m a demon cat girl vtuber who also makes ASMR + spicy content!

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#vtuber Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/miwo

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    Insane Minecraft Survival Live! 😱 Road to 700 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Live!!!😉😉 || Road to 700 Subscribers!! || #Problizz #live #verticalstream’, was uploaded by Problizz Animations on 2024-04-29 22:41:40. It has garnered 522 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:37 or 6877 seconds. 🌈 Thanks for Tuning In to Problizz Animations! 🌟 If you’ve made it here, you’ve just experienced a whirlwind of creativity and entertainment! 🚀 We hope our animation took you on an unforgettable journey filled with laughs, thrills, and maybe even a sprinkle of magic. 🎨✨ 👍 Loved what you saw? Don’t forget to hit that Like… Read More

  • EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. Friends

    EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. FriendsVideo Information [संगीत] हम सरवाइव करने वाले 15 डेज इस मा फन ब्लॉक पे और यहां पर दूर दूर तक कुछ नहीं है और आज के इस वाली वीडियो में हमारे दो गोल है एक घर बनाना और इस गेम को बीट करना चलो तो जैसे ही मैं गेम के अंदर आया मैंने देखा इसमें एक ब्लॉक पहले से ही साइड में लगा है फर्स्ट ऑफ अपनी सेफ्टी के लिए क्योंकि यह मोड बहुत अच्छा है आपको चाहिए तो कमेंट कर देना मैं दे दूंगा और जैसे मैंने फिर ब्लॉक पर आया और मैं मैंने मांग स्टार्ट कर द फटाफट… Read More

  • Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!Video Information stream I don’t know what I’m doing here I am um playing Minecraft but Minecraft isn’t loading which is crazy but sure Minecraft load thank [Music] you hold up I’m wait still working on my stream uh hello or whatever other language you speak we’re playing m today because you know Minecraft is a game I play sometimes anyways stream say hello to this guy I’m playing with I it’s restarted so I’m yeah he’s there anyways he’s he’s there yeah he’s there don’t worry about him he’s a little special n if anyone if anyone’s special it’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!Video Information heute machen wir eine riesen busbauchallenge aber ich werde heimlich Hacks benutzen um meine Freunde le Lucky und B komplett zu Pranken mit dem hackerk slash/p wer ich einen riesigen Bus spawnen aber was meine Freunde auch nicht wissen dass ich die coolsten tnts am Schluss aller Zeiten benutzen werde der ganze Bus wird am Schluss mit dem krassten TNT in die Luft gejagt und jetzt l uns schauen wo unsere Freunde stecken so Freunde seid ihr bereit für die coolste bauchallenge aller Zeiten heute machen wir eine wer weiß es wer weiß es wer weiß es Challenge… Read More

  • Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!

    Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!Video Information [Music] hello guys right okay I I apologize for everything that is going wrong here it seems like everything’s kind of glitching out but um I hope you guys are having a good day today is Sunday we’re kind of vibing I was doing a bit of background things I’m trying to get points to work at the moment uh with streamlabs but streamlabs decided not to work so instead of um everything going smoothly like I wanted you got stuff like that so uh we’re going to we’re going to move on from that now though we’re… Read More

  • AspectSMP

    AspectSMPDM me on discord so i can whitelist you, my username in MrAspect, The server is on 1.19.4 and it is on Java. and also join the discord server. DISCORD RULES: NO Bullying, Racism, Sexism, NO Disturbing pictures/videos NO Spaming NO Self promos (unless in self promo channel) NO Threats. SERVER RULES: NO greefing NO racism NO being mean aspectyes.apexmc.co Read More

  • YourVillageSMP – smp, Towns, Unique world gen, Web map

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! Experience a world like never before with unique biomes, over 200 custom structures, and persistent progress. No resets, no wipes—just endless exploration and building. Defeat custom bosses for valuable rewards and forge crate keys in-game. Our town system is user-friendly and offers a seamless experience. Join us on Saturday, June 15 for an unforgettable adventure! Join Our Community: Discord: discord.urvillage.net Map: map.urvillage.net Teaser: TikTok Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – They’re coming…RUN!

    Looks like those creepers are sneaking up on them faster than they can calculate their meme scores! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, I’m the news reporter in rhyme, Crafting updates with humor, each one a good time. From new mobs to blocks, I’ll keep you in the know, With a spin and a grin, I’ll make sure it’s a show. So leap into the verse, where the truth takes wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. I’ll keep it fierce and funny, engaging and light, With Minecraft facts to share, each one a delight. From Cube Xuan to Classroom Series, I’ll keep you entertained, With rhymes that ignite, each update explained. So follow along,… Read More

  • Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme

    Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraft #memes #meme Read More

  • Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen!

    Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen! Minecraft: Defeating the Queen of the Twilight Forest In a recent Minecraft video by S5João, the player embarks on a thrilling adventure to defeat the Ice Queen in the Twilight Forest. The video promises an action-packed experience filled with surprises and challenges. Conquering the Ice Queen The player, accompanied by a loyal wolf companion, faces off against the Ice Queen with determination. Despite the Queen’s formidable attacks, the player remains resolute in their quest to emerge victorious. Building Strategies As the battle intensifies, the player strategically constructs defenses and prepares for the Queen’s onslaught. With precision and skill, they… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Zman’s Epic Minecraft Adventure!

    Unleash Chaos: Zman's Epic Minecraft Adventure!Video Information we’re [Music] live yes we are live we are indeed live all right this thing is just being stupid here but we are live any who what’s going on everybody hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday evening it’s JY and today we are playing some aged Minecraft mod pack as I I forget where I was going with that but by request I should say that’s what I was trying to say some people were wanting to see me go ahead and play this mod packs once again so why not go ahead and jump right into it… Read More

  • Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?

    Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?Video Information This video, titled ‘MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo’, was uploaded by Storm Light on 2024-05-09 06:55:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo minecraft shorts animation,minecraft aesthetic … Read More

  • Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!

    Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!Video Information it’s time here we go guys are we ready are we ready are we ready are we ready to move the mobs to the nether through a portal and not die in an endless death Loop why is Minecraft not showing Again Minecraft why are you being elusive every stream you don’t show up for me come on show up for me today I need you it’s going to be a dangerous it’s going to be a deadly day thank you Minecraft showed up for us today big day important day remember guys there’s going be some big… Read More

  • INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!

    INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!Video Information we’re back guys so I’m just going to spawn like I’m I made like I’m still working on that so one two three four four five six seven okay I’m going to spawn seven Villagers 4 five 6 7 just to make [Music] sure okay want to know what what those Iron Golems are doing down there there’s four of them unless one dies so I’m going to replace the chest there nope no wait so I go so I’m I’m going to think I’m going to go [Music] upstairs and then remove the remaining blocks there and… Read More

  • Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!

    Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!Video Information working now I just need to change the window capture or I need to change it to game capture only problem is sometimes like Minecraft that’s a weird thing uh with a full screen that I don’t like so that’s sometimes like uh it’s like alt tabbing I don’t remember man usually I play in window just because of that and I don’t really notice the bar uh how do I do it I forget how to do it because I have OptiFine installed and it’s different I don’t like change it’s different you don’t like it because… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Gameplay – MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Gameplay - MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIKE AND SUSCRIBE |#minecraft #jj #fypシ #gg |🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿’, was uploaded by Naoky_YGY on 2024-05-23 14:26:51. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT BINGO GAME w/ FRIENDS!!Video Information how are we doing ladies and gentlemen hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream it’s Bingo time baby and we ain’t play Bingo for a little while banging tune love it Mr bead Stone here again Mr bead Stone how are you doing my man hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream my friend guys welcome along Minecraft bingo today with the gang uh we’ve got myself we got PX we got Callum CPK we’ve got Oli the sound we got mythical sausage we got in the little world we got the whole gang playing a… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!

    EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!Video Information This video, titled ‘Game OF Thrones: Minecraft Castle Siege PvP SERVER [NEW] 1.12+’, was uploaded by ize__ on 2024-06-19 10:14:47. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:32 or 932 seconds. GameOfThrones New PvP Game CastleWars WAR 0.1 #IP: ————————————— make-kid.gl.joinmc.link ————————————— WEBSITE OF SERVER: https://t.me/+noxO1qZvuIszOGY6 #Minecraft #GOTWIC #Server #new #rp #castlesiege #pvp #war #war01 #PVE #CastleWar #castlewars #mineblaze #skycave #new #1.12 #+ Read More

  • Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6

    Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Versi Terkutuk #6 #minecraft #shorts #creepypasta #horror #mcpe #test’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-05-20 05:00:35. It has garnered 318 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Previous Video: Riot Playlist in Minecraft: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73Gu00VDNSoOIEfi3Jt-zHJR&si=hoFE8RQiQvY3nQnF Minecraft Mysteries: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73HQ_k7jZJlsJR1LfPeDSN3E&si=581gWXJ-OB4DaKcl Support me by: https://saweria.co/RazzGaming (gopay, dana, ovo, just link) SOCIAL MEDIA: 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0nGpa6n7j6aROfLn4IX_Q Subscribe : http://bit.ly/razzgaming Instagram : http://bit.ly/Razzgaming Tiktok : https://vt.tiktok.com/rHEYDL/ Join this channel to get access to various benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3f3SJ2rQGly1D3J5C-GSAQ/join ==================================================== Gathering Darkness oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100849 Artis: http://incompetech.com/ Long… Read More

  • Axen Network

    Axen NetworkWe are Axen Network, a Minecraft server network with a gaming experience like no other! We have two server gamemodes currently: – Heaven & hell SMP, a Minecraft SMP with a twist; when you die, you can become a demon, however if you pray enough, your sins may be forgiven, and you will go to heaven. Beware, however, as if you die whilst being one of these, you become a ghost, cursed to haunt the living. – Knockback PvP, a spin on the classic PvP or Sumo server, where your only weapon to fend for yourself with being a trusty… Read More

  • CrabCraft SMP

    CrabCraft 🦀 A whitelisted, community-focused vanilla survival server. Season 2️⃣ commences 15th June, on 1.21 We are looking for active community members to join us. Vanilla Perfection! We emphasize keeping the vanilla feel of Minecraft alive, inspired by HermitCraft gameplay. Voice Chat: We use Simple Voice Chat and require all members to have this mod installed. Thriving Community! Join a close-knit group of players who share the same passion for Minecraft. Active Discord: Our server’s Discord is used frequently for communication. Whitelisted Security: Our server is protected with a whitelist for a safe and friendly environment. Chunk Backups: In case… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When I saw the new update trailer I knew what to do

    Minecraft Memes - When I saw the new update trailer I knew what to doWhen you see that new update trailer, it’s like a beacon of hope shining down on your pixelated world. Everything else can wait, there are new blocks to mine and mobs to defeat! Read More