EPIC RANT: Why I HATE Dragons in Minecraft D&D

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Are you not starting yet oh and hello yeah you just you said you caught me by a couple seconds that’s all got you by a few seconds um I’m just trying to make sure that my stream actually started here okay just like making sure it caught up because it’s a little bit yeah

There we go okay cool cool cool cool cool cool welcome welcome back one and all to our uh favorite time with adid and El adrium where we are playing Dungeons and Dragons where and Dragons definitely only seen one dragon and we have seen maybe three dungeons yes yes

And and we think we’re we’ talked about we’ve talked about more dragons though remember there’s a whole cult we have yeah and we’ve been on a phone call with dragons too there’s definitely a phone call that we were on oh yes and then there like there’s been dragon born and

Dragon Lings yeah there’s been lots of dragon stuff and and uh yeah yeah yeah yeah so we think this is going to be the last thing of Dungeons and Dragons but we don’t know because uh we may be encountering some skill issues on our part but you know we won’t know until we

Know well I know well the one thing that we definitely want wait are we in our last costume change yeah I think so oh wait you are I I think you’re you’re most of the way through your last costume change right yeah I think I just need a new hat some

Boots and some Greaves and I’ve got the staff and I I guess technically I I I could I could grind for it but I don’t know if I want to change out of my outfit yeah I’m not yeah I really like the horns I mean look at these horns they’re

Amazing yeah these are some pretty CL and here if we come over here here come over here okay cuz this is where they are we’ll see if it pops up you do have the axe yep I have the axe see like it’s like ram horns or El horns he’s got like

The El horns now those are like ram horns on that helmet I don’t know I’m not a big fan we’ll see we’ll see if it if it like end ends and they’re like okay bye get out then I guess that’ll be it but if if we finish the story and

Then let it stick around I’d like to grind for some some go some money and at least get all the last of the uh equipment oh yeah we’re uh we’re going shopping afterwards if um if we have the money in the time for sure I have an odd

Question I have an odd question for you okay I have an odd answer for you oh where okay maybe not every once in a while whenever I log into my items window my Cape is going crazy oh yeah that’s happening with me currently too I just don’t look at it

It’s like if I’m running look okay all right whatever it’s a little wonk it’s tripping me out it’s a little wonk yeah yep okay so last time we left off we just saved some dragon cultist from a really bad phone call I think and now we have to go yes

Telemarketers I think telemarketers yeah there was definitely a telemarketing call we called them um we told them don’t call us back ever again right take take our name off the list yep we put ourselves on the Do Not Call List we called the uh FCC yep the FCC is on it

We are now going to go talk to a talking Sphinx who’s probably going to ask us questions that we are going to fail at okay does that sound right to you is the FC stand for the friendly creature commission yes that’s exactly what it stands for the friendly the friendly

Creature commission okay great just checking or the friendly cargo cult okay so let’s go and uh we have a wayfinder over here you got the wayfinder working this time I see it I see it okay we’re going through fields of green well maybe which way do we need to

Go I have led us astray a couple times so why don’t you I don’t know maybe just start going towards the thingamabobber the thingamabobber we’re just going to cut through the river aren’t we I have no idea oh can we can we oh oh I can’t cut the tree

Down listen if you can’t that that is my one uh objection to this game it cannot be called a Minecraft game if you cannot punch a tree I’m sorry yeah that’s it that’s my objection well In fairness if we um if we did cut down trees you know what we

Do right what’s that we would deforce this entire all the mushrooms would come down ah hi how rude we were having a conversation sir hi there for interrupting our conversation you deserve to die that was just the friendliest of Love Taps right there yeah um so what I was saying

Before so rudely interrupted by the troll who smacked me in my back is we would DeForest this entire place we take down all the trees we take down everything we build our own thing and they don’t want us doing that do we ever find out what this thing was called by

The way I did not look it up um I was hoping someone would tell me in my comments and they didn’t yeah so uh we’ll call it uh snake Panther snake Panther I like it snake Panther mhm yep until until we get corrected all right over the things can

We go up this waterfall there’s been some blocks with waterfall oh we can’t whoa are you drowning I’m just going to die bye no good reason whatsoever you really did die wow that’ll teach you to play around and what hey kids that’ll teach you do not play at the base of waterfalls lesson

Learned no joke no joke the more you know oh um I’m paper the monsters attacking me are rock if I die again I’ll turn you into glue what I’ll need a new sock Maybe I’m hold on let me just take care of this whatever this is this Al bear I will stand and fight until you arrive as opposed to head on okay perfect perfect I don’t know where I am I’m going to arriving from another Direction I respawned at the Dragon Cult Temple

Oh oh so you’re ahead of me then I might be I’m at that big brown mushroom now oh yeah I’m I’m all right one second I got I’m fighting two two ugly dudes well I don’t want to say they’re ugly somebody I’m sure the mother thinks they’re

Beautiful well I don’t know oh you know what I forgot to do I got to switch my keyboard out sorry get back here real quick there we go a full screen everything’s pretty again I almost died don’t tell anybody well just don’t jump in the water bad guys lots of bad guys I’m

Running there’s a mountain but I’m still running running running using my Minecraft skills to run away oh they’re coming they’re still following jeez okay I’m bringing bad guys our way okay where are you I don’t know I’m a little lost head to the wayfinder oh there it

Is ow stop that’s not nice not nice stop it okay I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming the reason I’m running is because I got really low and now I’m like a couple hits away from being taken out okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I

See there that looks like where we might find the gy things oh are you I’m here oh okay hold on hold on hold on oh my gosh what yeah right I was not ready for that I’m not either oh no yucky teleporting stuff yeah here okay

I’ll let the cut scene run okay our game rule she’s beautiful well I guess we don’t need to worry about her sneaking up on us hello there haven’t had a visitor in a while my name is Sun miti I’m the guardian of Temple and so pleased to make your acquaintance super

Friendly who might you be my name’s Katra I’ve come to ask for your help of course that’s all anyone ever wants of me in this place never mind that I might want some company on occasion as no one considered paying a visit just to say hi

You eat people you do have a reputation for eating I was right only those that deserved it can’t blame me for getting rid of bad house guests that’s true that’s true that’s true I’m actually with you on this what is it that you want fyon is about to be invaded by an

Army of demons led by demorgan demorgan oh yes heard about that through the Great Vine not just want demorgan true and uh uh we had hoped that you might be willing to help us get the moon magic and strength to send demor into the ab including adequate he’s

Actually better wizard than I am that’s re and Noble request perhaps I won’t eat you right away I am com but I can wait to hunt or until you mess up my trial diser beast displacer beast the land is in Peril and thanks don’t want to see us

All perish in flame and Madness all right oh no no no no chance at all nice try though okay then so what are the trials what do I have to do first you must answer my riddle I have cities but no houses and I have forests but no

Trees I have oceans and ponds pwns and streams but no fish or at least so it seems what am I it’s going to be a map right I have the under dark a map ancient fyon a lie it’s a map cities and no houses Forest no trees it’s a map a

Map oh excellent I rather like that one and never had a chance to ask it I’m so glad you figured it out I’d been wanting to ask that one for going on 32 years I think still as much as I would love to continue with riddles in other games oh

When I have so many word games we could play I love a bit of a tight schedule yeah I actually want the word puzzles wait that wasn’t part of the trial heavens above no I can tell that your request is honest the moon Maiden allows me into the hearts of

Others I do need to test whether you are responsible and of a Spirit oh we’re we respons can you imagine how terrible riddles would be as a test of worth the most despicable villain or a complete nink poop could walk in here answer a few word games and

Walk off with phenomenal cosmic power H not on my space no instead we test the soul both of yours in this case excuse me oh she knows oh snap oh yes I can see both of you in there well I’ve never seen a dragon soul and a human’s all crammed

Into a tiny container like that looks uncomfortable it feels uncomfortable anyhow when you are ready look deep into my eyes and the trial will begin oh and keep in mind that I will eat you if you fail that part of the stories is true oh jeez look deep into her eyes

Adequate how encouraging oh he taking uh oh we’ve completed all of our unfinished business wait a minute there’s more going and it stopped talking I think there’s something hey when this happened the last time did were you making a writing a comment or something in chat and then it stopped doing

Audio no I just now replied I just said thank you for the displacer Beast comment which by the way thank you uh and now that’s continuing without any audio it says be sure you’ve taken care of any unfinished business before you start the trial oh do you see this yeah

I see that I think it’s just letting us know oh okay I think I need some time for I’ll be back all righty I’ll be here when you’re ready oh okay I was worried I messed it up uh oh once you finish the trials you may not be the same oh hold

On you might not be the same person this could be your last chance to take care of Unfinished Business the trial man the okay I don’t think we have anything else to do though well I wanted I wanted um hold on okay wait uh I think I need all

Righty I’ll be here Stu in multiple windows I’m in window hell okay can I okay there we go so um like I said I if I don’t want to get kicked kicked okay okay hold on are you serious all righty okay let’s just get out get out leave

The temple okay okay okay um I kind of wanted to buy everything before we finish the before we get kicked out yeah I agree I agree we need to we need to look fabulous before we go in and slay some beast and I think the armor stats will help too but it’s

Really about the fashion so let’s go grind some stuff I think yeah I’m going to need like five stacks of gold myself I think but you’re close you only need like one piece right uh yeah I only need I only need my hat so I but and I have my weapon I just

Need the four pieces of armor okay so let’s go let’s go go fight I was going to say something different but let’s go get that okay we don’t want to miss up our one last opportunity to go shopping it is the most important part of the day this

Is called you know Dungeons and shopping right yeah Dungeons and shopping there’s displacer beast displacer beast we now know your name someone’s going to be like no that’s not their name actually no I I I think they’re correct now now now that they’ve said the name I’m like I’m pretty sure that’s the

Name that also explains why they kind of like teleport weirdly yeah yeah yeah yeah check out here let let let me magic these away for you real quick well I know I how about you magic the one that you didn’t kill well are are are you being salty

Back there hm I’m not being salty I have got my salted pork with me right here there’s no need to be extra salty all right all right all right what is up here is this like a village there’s a campfire there’s horses there’s another campfire yeah well we don’t need more

Horses what we need is a chest full of gold that yep exactly that would be extremely this is not I got to be honest this is not the kind of place you’d think I think you’d find a chest full of gold it’s like a place where you find a chest full of

Poo that’s kind of weird well like manure I mean they’re Farmers right you regularly do you regularly like find that places you go well I mean look it’s like a mushroom area they’re Farmers I’m pretty sure manure and mushroom are like go hand in hand no maybe I do do is the mushroom

Like light pulsing for you it is that’s cool I really want to know how they did that I want to know how they did that that’s a cool Bedrock mechanic that you can do inside of the Creator tools there’s a um a w a wac call it up

Here yeah okay got to go up going up H next elevator excuse me Mr Tyler going up oh yeah good job good um but I’ve now lost you I’m up here hi is there anything up there that’s good money well I think I think going around so we go on the other

Side of this mountain to find more fighting thingies okay I have no idea what you just said you just broke up but we’ll figure it out we’re going to go on the other side of this mountain to find some FY thingies okay that’s where the dragon Temple is oh

Um let me go this way there’s a uh a Wilder bear a Wilder bear Al Beast wait where you I now lost you just follow sounds of explosion sounds of explos oh my goodness I don’t hear any explosions are we that far apart shouldn’t be I just fell down that

Jump right there where did you go oh you made the jump because you don’t have a skill issue like I do parkour master yeah well that’s what you keep saying uh well I’m uh I’m just sitting down here on the grass I’m I’m trying even an even harder parkour

Jump I’m like am I failing it or is there a barrier block that’s what I want to know probably a barrier block come on I can do it I can do it I can do it so um if you find this Archway I’m underneath the archway okay I’m coming

I’m I’ll stop wasting time yeah can you like no I’m not going to say it ah I hear an explosion yeah that’s me me glad you use up your magic what little magic you have yeah I don’t have any magic that’s a skill issue right there

It really is fact that I don’t have magic and you do oh bad guys here here’s the the gross thingy the oh that’s a gross thingy yeah I don’t know what this is he’s oh yeah it’s like a nature Beast that lightning too much that did bling we got the

Bling how many o slimes did we need so we need I’m guessing about five Stacks well you would need five Stacks well total oh yeah yeah so plus you need one uh a little over one so we need like a total of like six or so Stacks okay my magic’s being all

Baro oh fancy Mine mine’s Renaissance you’re just a renaissance man aren’t you that’s me Renaissance magician nothing happens in the Unicorn Forest that the Unicorn is unaware of o master of whatever Woodland they are unicorns have some control over their Forest too they use that influence in part to create hidden places like

These where they and other animals can come to rest without fear of intruders or violence oh my goodness and then we show up we got to see a a unicorn right every two locations so so we I know we have at least one stat point now

Do we maybe we have two I’m a look I’m a look yeah I know we have at least oh yes I do see what am going to put it in charisma’s been total crap um not that it’s bad it’s just that every time we need it the wrong person pops

Up um I’m going to go with uh this put a little bit in wisdom I’ve got 20 intelligence 18 strength 13 Constitution I think think I’m good with what I got my intelligence is one and you still have better magic than I do and my character is also one just

To as a fun fact your character is one number one number one my intelligence is number is level one and my characters apparently are both the same I found a chest watch it be a mimic or whatever it’s called BL no it’s got oh potions oh oh but take that invincibility potion

Okay you take regen I guess I have I have one already CU I never used mine what this is a I wanted to see the unicorns I know where is the pretty unicorn this is like a marsh that’s not where unicorns go I think the area up here is the Unicorn

Area but I I would have assumed just just a pretty Glade is all it is yeah monster monster over here oh monster monster where’d you go it was the mash he did the Monster Mash I have no idea where you are that season is over I went kept going um I don’t I

Don’t know I have no concept of directions in this game okay I went to the Dark Forest don’t go to the dark side I came to the dark side o spoilers dark side of the forest is spoilers yeah oh he respawned yeah it’s spoilers you know it’s

Spoilers um you don’t remember what we talked about did we no I’m sorry I’m pretty sure if it was longer than like 10 minutes ago I don’t really remember it’s literally yesterday um literally yesterday um okay it’s okay did I I talk to you yesterday yeah didn’t we didn’t didn’t we record something

Yesterday I I don’t I don’t think so I haven’t talked to you in like a week oh yeah it’s been about a week hasn’t it we I must have we’re back at the Village oh man you can’t fight things here this is going badly I don’t even have one stack

Yet where is like Mondo bad guys everything is 85 coins okay do you have here here here let’s just go ahead and get yours just so that we get that out of the way do you do you have enough coins or do you I need to

Give you some I have 72 okay here you go here’s all my coins there’s all your money got all my excuse me I was shopping here first sir there you go buy yourself something pretty buy myself something nice oh I already bought one of the boots what am I oh you’re trying

To buy hats look oh it’s aadum the white here here let me give your money back oh okay uh thanks uh maybe I don’t know I like the black better I mean Gandalf pulled it off well yeah Gandalf didn’t have turquoise on them that’s true that’s true true hold

On you can wear what but I but I want the stats oh I see the stats I’m in maxing uh okay well we need to find a much better place to fight bad guys because this is pretty pitiful yeah so you you don’t have anything do you uh none of the armor no

Uh-uh I’m halfway to one piece umh is it worth it to take the cart back and cuz that got to say that that icy area was the best what take a look in this okay no just more potions yeah yeah let’s go back to the icy area

Okay I’ll take the magic potion though it’s not pretty to look at but it’s definitely the best fighting area yeah ice wind Dale right is where it’s called yeah Made lift ice windale please you had thought that coming back but not be as bad as the first time

Plenty of time to at least somewhat harden yourself to the cold so returning to the D’s icy cines should not be as shocking right wrong it’s just as much the Frozen inhospitable Wasteland as you and your frostbitten fingers remember from last time hey don’t talk about AUM like

That yeah my fingers are a little more fabulous than that I painted my nails this morning so that’s why they look purple oh I me the more frostbitten Wasteland oh um right I I Mean right okay coming I’m coming to the rescue yes please save me from the yetis hold on not Yeti that joke won’t get old you got to wait for the yetis MOA for you it’s got to be kind you got to Petty the yeti I don’t want the yeti to Petty me

If the yeti petties me he’s going to hit me on my he and then I might feel like I need to go to Betty um I I have I have no more rhymes for you okay we tried oh Al bear I think two Al Bears Kow wow well that work swing in the

Miss I’m tanking it up baby yeah get that gold and there’s some gold over there yeah yeah so how are we actually doing we’re getting more mobs but are you actually getting enough gold yeah I’m I’m almost up to a full stack so this is definitely we’re getting gold faster for

Sure I wonder if fire looks better on these guys cuz oh I think it does I think fire is a uh like something that they’re not resistant to here I’m going to drop these right here for you okie dokie thank you just picked up a whole bunch all at

Once all right let’s see if we’re any stronger last time we were here these weirdos they killed us pretty badly but not today the answer is yes we we got better okay our skills have improved oh is there still oh look there’s still gold out

Here oh my god do we do it do we do it or do we not oh gosh yeah I get it yeah that ice thing is it’s hurts Emol uh actually that does kind of hurt a little bit oh it’s cuz I don’t have the range what for ulation no just to like on the ice I like got to get right on the ice take a lot okay okay okay and jump take a region y oh I should do that

Too I’m actually really afraid of water now um okay I I don’t think my character can swim actually I know your character can’t swim it like drown in a waterfall yeah oh oh okay you got it dropping dropping them there’s a did you just drop it in the water I

See you tried to take me out you tried to take me out uh normally I start with dinner first excuse me um aha fight ice with Fire we’re dying are you okay yeah they were they were very noisy when they were dying they they’re not very considerate ders they they should die quieter oh yeah that yeah boom oh oh there we go got it how we doing look at that I have two and a half stacks already

Boy we go we’re just going to grind up until we get some more to get adequate all his pretty pretty I’ll rock I’ll rock the ram horns for a while it’s fine oh they all came back I don’t want to fight them down there again yeah there’s but there’s

Ones that spawned over here again okay I just kind of had to prove to ourselves that we were better than we were before I actually don’t you have definitely gotten better I am still a glass Cannon there’s Half Stack yes you’re very you’re very pretty especially now that everything

Looks like I have glass on it yeah oh yeah we’re past through oh my gosh I’m G have a seizure when I go in my and see my cape and my inventory just don’t look don’t look just don’t look stay out of the inventory do we get skill points for

Doing damage or is it just funny uh I don’t know actually that’s a good question uh why am I like fov zoomed in and really slow um that was weird yeah is that you should we put a sign up saying that you’re that you’re playing what you’re really you said you’re really

Slow something’s is wrong with like everything oh I’m sorry to hear that I’m sorry I’m having a difficult time describing it like I’m stuck in a really like every time we fight these guys I get like really fov zoomed in there’s for you and I can’t fire my fire

Ball staff thing oh yeah well you you want to log out and back in or something yeah I know we were having some problems before I’m going to Rel he’s gone he’s gone oh there’s a spoiler for you if you’re watching that oh Gregor good one

He said while we’re out here we should get a Manny Yeti yeah yeah that’s a good [Laughter] one Gregor you’re a riot and go it’s okay that you’re over oh no what are you dying trouble I spawn in trouble I’m good oh sorry that’s okay I think I

Let yeah that’s much better I got magic again yay oh yeah oh yeah that’s an improvement that’s better let’s see how we looking 1 2 3 we almost have four Stacks we’ll be done with this in no time oh I forgot that we can freeze them here stay

Still there does need to be a that lets me use um improve the range I really need the range Raj bomom something that these guys are doing um I got I gota say I feel a little bad for these guys I mean now that we’re powerful like six levels above hey it’s

Their fault they keep coming back if I were them I would just not come back yeah that’s true they’re trying to avenge their relatives like we will avenge you no they’re like a um oh bye um wow I clearly was not paying attention um do you do I need to bring you back

Don’t um okay well how about this one two three four I have over four Stacks now what do you have I got 31 um I don’t know I feel a little weird like being teleported back so so 170 will give you two items 24ish will give you

Three I don’t know if you have enough 12240 no well we don’t what what I was asking was do you want to grind out there like the last stack and meet me here or do you want to teleport me I I don’t know I I don’t really know how I

Feel about teleporting around like I guess technically I should it’s that age old debate right what technically is cheating you have to Define your for yourself what it is and I think yeah I guess we’ve teleported each other so far but I think we only did that when there

Was glitches right did we teleport whenever we just flat out like died uh a couple when we were just like fighting mobs we did like we were just grinding not Story related okay since we’re not yeah since we’re just grinding Story related whatever yeah go ahead go for it oh that went

Wrong um you you that went terribly wrong okay all right I guess we’ll like grind out here I guess which is not as as fast but what did I do oh I click enter instead of space okay oh well that’s okay let me get let

Me give you let me give you the money I got a Half Stack okay all right let’s see where we at 1 two 3 4 oh well I have five Stacks let’s just go this way we’ll fight mobs on the way there and then ow no it’s just like we

Go so yeah we go this way mhm mhm and then there’s that ugly green monster whose name we also don’t know yet uh yeah I’m going to call him um Swamp Thing oh I was going to call him Frank maybe something thing’s name is Frank oh oh he grabbed me don’t worry I

Got you know how like in regular Minecraft you can like if you’re pulling your bow back you can get it to go again like like sorry you can UNP it by just changing not holding it anymore yeah I don’t think that works with Fireball I think as soon as you

Change it automat once once you’ve armed it and it’s going it goes May why that may be why all my magic’s broke very likely okay there was oh yeah there’s the the Wizard the monkey the Flying Monkey the fly monkeys my charge time for my Fireball

Is like really what is going on with the fov still weird yeah I’m like I well just just walk and listen to the Beautiful music goo fra goo oh you know what it is I think I’m am I like in a pose right now oh yeah look at you yeah so like I’m

Halfway through casting a spell oh and it won’t do it oh very weird all right let’s go let’s go buy your your presents but I wish we could can we kill the horses for gold no um no but why would you do that if we got gold don’t tell anybody but in regular

Minecraft I sometimes kill horses for leather I don’t know if we can play this game anymore together I understand that’s that’s not right that’s not right at all oh I heard that the exchange of cold hard gold do I have enough for this I do oh am I wearing it I am

Oo I gotta say yeah I like everything but the helmet the little gold gold thing I noticed this the other day when I was trying to make a short out of my costume like that little money sign is just like hanging out on my screen go away go away go

Away and he’s there it goes Gone Gone Gone Gone okay now I can look at myself oh there we are okay that’s not bad you know what actually you know what this horn reminds me of what does it remind you of have you seen Indiana Jones and the Temple of

Doom of course you know the guy who pulls the hearts out of people oh yeah wasn’t he wearing like a like a like with like horns facing forward like this I don’t remember I think he was I don’t remember it’s been a long time since I’ve seen any the old Indiana

Joneses I saw the new one new one was a little weird oh I I actually haven’t seen the new one was it was it weirder than the was it weirder than the Crystal Skull uh no okay good well yes and no I don’t know there was a lot of Harrison Ford

Looking like he was 30 years old again oh they used that that’s your thing okay I mean I don’t mind the daging stuff I mean I I know they’re doing it but there we go oh that didn’t work oh you’re just fighting you’re just fighting a fight now aren’t you you go

Right ahead nope nope nope I’m more worried about the water to be honest oh hydrophobic are you yeah I have hydrophobia mainly because I can’t swim apparently oh chest well tough luck uh where’d you go hi swam oh I can’t I can’t

Swim what do I do what do I do what do I do um there’s a displacer coming for you it’s coming it’s coming go good call good call good call there wasn’t anything behind me there totally was look oh there’s something right here though look down here look look

Look right down there that displacer was coming for you I’m more worried about these guys oh yeah those are the ones oh God ow they they punch hard that was the ones that was chasing me up the hill running running up the hill we got to okay we got to get to

Where the quest is yes oh how did you send two of them back what he just regen all his health not cool friend not cool not you the AL bear okay let’s get up to the Temple of Doom I don’t think it’s Al bear ow I think it’s a dire wolf

Ow I’m now lost oh my goodness I am made out of plastic and yarn and glass hold on I can solve this for you all I got to do is get to the destination and just start the start the sequence please please and my health is not regening oh he shot

Me with an arrow all this for a chest this like the opposite this for a chest oh did you go for a chest I got a chest and it had like a whole stack of gold in it the love of money is the root of all

Evil it’s the root of all kinds of evil okay what need a lift why is cart guy asking me for a lift when I walked inside I don’t know okay what what do we need to do I don’t know I I walked in instead of giving me the whole you ready

To go it asked me if I needed a lift okay having any company around is Pleasant though I wish we had more time for games oh well end of the world take prior doing it no ooh oh look at this look at this tail wof there’s no Spike on it there

Supposed to be like a scorpion Spike on the end of that that maybe Why didn’t it trigger I don’t I think it triggered the wrong thing I’m walking back in here let’s both of us walk out okay all the way down the stairs all

The way all the way all the way okay all the way all the way o is that diorite gross um did we break it again you know it’s something that we done from time to time oh you know what we should totally be like game testers people should hire

Us to like find all the bad stuff no I don’t want to be QA I’m that’s going to be a hard pass for me oh okay but then we can just like make says D says don’t write bugs so I don’t but I but then we can just like

Make fun of games for like professionally I don’t I don’t so how about we log out here log back in and then walk up there the logging seems to work most of the time so I’m logging out okay it today is the day of glitches

Here on our stream yeah I mean again if you’re seeing that screen right there I think the DND D glitches mainly have been happening because we’re playing as a pair I think if you play it solo you probably won’t get out any of these glitches yeah just not the experience that uh

Dungeons and Dragons or Mojang intended okay join the realm okay I’m going to walk up and see if it triggers for me oh I’m still loading oh okay no you go ahead do your thing here we go I’m in I’m in there go I’m just watching your cape go crazy

Oo okay trigger the adventure no oh I maybe there’s a actually here let’s go to menu quests Hey Hey Soul Mister what did we do wrong so many things maybe since I’m wearing a different costume she don’t recognize this um know plead for Aid be careful as you do though

Well oh I just realized you know there’s a hard mode and we’ve not been playing it yeah that’s probably for the best given how glitchy this has been there’s also a no damage mode that might have been helpful um what do we do um I don’t

Know I don’t know okay uh cart guy broke it so let’s go to cart guy okay then we’ll oh goodness we’re going to have to walk all the way back here let’s go to cart guy yes then we will take cart guy somewhere then we’ll take cart guy back

Is that Spire there in the distance where we’re going or is that something else oh no that’s the uh dragon born Temple oh the Dragon C okay we’re debugging the game because we’re Stuck got a You got a friend uh that’s okay I I just run away run away Braves are adequate ran away he ran away no I didn’t no that’s not true when danger came he turned his tail and ran bravely away oh I found a

Chest aha yeah I knew you were going to be a baddie no I found a chest too he ate me I’m oh I’m just ruined still got gold running away I don’t want to fight anything I just got knocked there’s a river I’m definitely at the edge of the

Map I don’t think I’m supposed to be here oh oh what’d you find I found a pretties um um would you say it was would you say it was precious it’s it’s it’s a building oh um but I don’t know how to get over there or if

I’m supposed to that’s a crazy looking tree I don’t think I’ve noticed that before we’re finding all kinds of fun things I know we are trying to advance the Quest for anyone watching going like what are these two Knuckleheads doing we just don’t know what we need to do to fix

It oh now I’m now I’m really in trouble I’m stuck between a tree I don’t know my way back how do I get home yeah so I so I know where we’re going now because I can see it but I don’t know how to get there oh you mean you know where

The yeah where the Sphinx is going to thein is going to oh really yeah I see it well you go that way then and I’ll go back to the cart guy and between one of us hopefully we’ll get teleported somewhere useful yeah we’ll trigger a checkpoint oh found a way around no I

Didn’t oh maybe I did yeah it’s very pretty over here oh nice okay I’m up jungle temple so I’m up on cart guide do you want me to go ahead and try it or do you want to see if you can do your thing

First um yeah go to cart guy cuz I can’t get over there just a hello cart guy LIF I do let’s see where where should we go candle keep mithil Hall um just pick one can despite the looming demonic Invasion mithil Hall seems little different than it was the

Last time you visited then again considering that they were on high alert due to starspawn back then perhaps a state of emergencies simply never ended for them the sense of tension among the bustling industrious dwarf certainly has not diminished gr gr granny we don’t need this this commentary we just need

To we need to go back we need to reset granny oh I can’t talk to him can you I’m not R I’m not talking to him either I’m walking right through him oh boy oh uh wayfinder can’t be up no well did we just break everything again well apparently like

There’s a whole commentary for coming back back here so apparently something we’re supposed to do or allowed to do why can’t we talk to them though all right we have to go back through customs you had the onions this time yeah oh yes here uh let’s see mhm I got the

Onions don’t worry you know the other thing that we could do that I’m sure would fix it is die oh yeah I imagine that would fix many problems um where are you going well I was just walking in here yeah that’s cuz there’s lava in

Here oh oh but do I take do I take fire damage um let me see do I take fire damage viewers do I take fire damage I think the answer is yes take lava damage I’m taking campfire damage I died I’m going to go for a swim oh okay and

Reset talk to me talk to me she won’t talk to me why did cart guy do the thing he did where are you I’m still swimming oh it’s the longest swim I’ve ever taken I’m regening in the lava it literally won’t let me oh the campfire literally will not let me yeah

Here we’ll just do this okay so sad oh we respawned up here uh hello Smith how’s it going yeah we respawned here and for some reason it won’t let us continue the story H is there an unstuck command I don’t know I wish is I wish there was a way to like back up in the story maybe like a safe point but I don’t think there is one yeah I mean I could always restore the realm from my backup and then we just give ourselves

Money and buy stuff I oh I’ve bought it now I don’t I mean I accomplished my goal I don’t really care if I have the equipment again please talk to me I just want to talk to you I’m going to use lightning okay all right hold on I’m going to go

Down here going to pull out my old frusty Trend old wow did you say frusty Trend whoa wow frusty Tren friend all right today’s a day my old trusty friend Google okay uh-huh uhhuh frusty Trend God we got issues today um so to recap for those of you

Who may just be here new um we walked in this place we met the uh Griffin and she was going to send us on a final mission and we’re like ho ho we need to go back and shop and we went back to shop and when we came back in

Here she’s just being quiet she won’t let us restart again or not restart but continue the mission so we’re trying to figure out if it’s a common bug we did a few things to reset Let’s see we we died we tried going right in the cart to a different

Location um um walking back and in we’re thinking we’re thinking some of the problem is the fact that we’re playing it together uh even though it’s supposed to be a multiplayer game we’ve noticed a few glitches come up because um because we’re playing it as a pair uh that may

So there’s definitely something going on uh even the quest when they refer to us they refer to us as a single person so it’s it is design for multiplayer but it’s not design design for multiplayer yeah that’s just not happy yeah hi wow hi

There like I can still see you uh as far as I know uh Smith there’s only one thing to buy I don’t think there was a different versions of the game I think there was only one version to buy yeah we bought the right thing yeah

Um so I can always restore the realm from a backup and that will at least let us Advance okay I so let me yeah I always just like should we just take a quick quick break and be right back yeah let me do that we’re GNA try to restore the realm from backup

Right because it baroke again Baro and um all right we’ll be right back in just a Moment N Yeah Oh Hello I think we’ve got it uh ler put in a pack that apparently was H how old was that pack where did it take us back to 42 minutes ago what what what were we at and I don’t I don’t have my hat yet so no I meant the original one the one

That you did that was like wrong oh it took us all the way back to fight the dragon to fight the corpse of oh jeez yeah yeah that’s great so I am okay I think this was right before we started her dialogue so we’re gonna hear her do

Our whole dialogue which actually is probably a good thing because I’m pretty sure we talked our way through our whole dialogue well here do you want do you want some money uh no I’m good I’m good I don’t I don’t I don’t feel like I need the other stuff I bought

It fine what what oh for crying out loud I’m not going to use it I’m not going to use it can I throw it down yeah I I let’s go get our stuff cuz I want us to be but I’m all the way here at the at the Griffin

Place okay well I’m I’m coming I’m coming fine fine I will get pretty for you okay uh you guys probably want to see what we’re doing too huh yeah I know that I know that looks matter to you so I will I’ll come and get prettied up for

You hey look if looks could kill i’ I’d probably be doing better um is it because you don’t look good is that what you’re trying to tell me it’s either that or the reason that people have been falling is because I look so good hey I know I know that

You’re not a real chest I’ve already explored you so you just stay right there I’m going over the mountain over the mountain Over the River and Through the Woods to the elves home we go I see it I see it that don’t take fall damage ha I surprised you ow don’t hit

Me don’t hit me what I do to you so folks uh for those watching at home this is why you always want to have good backups backs if we did not have good backups we would be in a really uncomfortable pot of hot water right now

But let’s be honest we didn’t like do anything to have the backup it’s just cuz we’re using a realm soz I don’t think either one of us thought to make a backup no I would have a backup on my normal like servers that I have so generous ah I’m drowning I’m

Drowning in the middle of the water nothing there’s no waterfall there’s no nothing it’s just holding me underwat okay that worked oh did you teleport me yeah I wasn’t going to let you die the same way I did well at least yours kind of made sense because it was like a

Waterfall holding you down but I was literally just in the middle of the river have some money Guy I got to get rid of these these ill gotten gains oh no I picked up your ill gotten [Laughter] gains here have you you done there have some money look at this hat do you like my hat no I do not like your hat goodbye bye

Goodbye sorry that’s the old like not Dr seus yeah I know oh I know what is it dogs and cars or no go Dog go that’s the name of the book Go Dog Go all right now we have to walk all the way back we’re going to pay attention to

What the Spinx has to say this time yep yep yep and then hopefully we don’t break it again I think it’s going to be one of the last dialogue things so we should probably just listen we should listen I’m not very good at like just listening and not talking it’s not really my

Thing oh there you are are we going different directions over the hill no no I’m following you oh I just was going slightly more straight than you were oh I don’t really know I’m just I just know that no matter which way we go we got to get over this

Hill no hey unicorn unicorn no way no way it is hello you’re a majestic beast that was the most exciting can can we can we ride you no you don’t ride a unicorn you stop it they’re intelligent sensient beings I think who’s also in a tree it I

Mean it depends and extremely muscular in some in some fantasy unicorns are like violent demon beasts so it all depends on which direction you’re going to go with that one well this one seems magnificent and wonderful M of gold uninterested in US yeah that’s okay all right we’ve seen our Unicorn oh dude

We’re going the totally wrong way are we look at the wayfinder where are we going we came to find a unicorn that’s right that’s tot unicorn that’s totally the reason I did it we came we saw now it’s time to go talk to things we didn’t

Conquer cuz it was unicorn it would have stomped it would have stomped us into the ground oh okay I’m still going to go up though I’m going to go up on this hill and then go over up we Goopo okay and then down oh but’s oh come on seriously we we’re ter terrified of water no I was more talking about the wall that was there that wouldn’t let us get past it oh no I didn’t see a wall I didn’t see no wall no wall I saw I’m just going to

Spend this like the whole time just like repeating what you say in a mocking voice like there we goes entire time repeating what I say in a mocking voice you’re going to spend the entire time repeating what I say in a mocking voice okay top quality entertainment do that you fight these

Guys I’m going no I don’t want to fight the bad guys no I don’t want to fight the bad guys see works great that’s just mean all right please work okay you have start start the trials begin the trial yes Splendid now look into my eyes okay oh right forgot to mention that

There is a bit of a cleverness test involved here but I’m sure you’ll Breeze through it I’m very clever and the things you’ll see they aren’t real per se but they are true not real but true that’s not helpful I think being vague and unhelpful is part of of the

Territory for sphinxes regardless we should begin I am hold on one second here okay wait yeah here to me yep yep okay I have no idea why that okay oh there you go doing good U I guess you oh H oh there’s a mirror over here no

Actually no we need to move this one this one needs to go over that one NOP this will go here and it’ll bounce back to you great now and then we’ll move that one here to here oh wait never mind whenever you shown the light over here it got like

Really bright and crazy so go to your left oh no here we got this oh it’s just like not aligned at all no is that no not doing what we think it should do this one it was whenever you you had this going pretty good look see

Oh there goes one second there we go your miserable War has persisted for long enough I have destroyed the petty tyrants who insisted on continuing this conflict you will agree to peace and uphold it if you do not no fire did this jeez fire what was

That yeah right that was one of the first times I forged peace between two Waring cities when I was a young dragon they live amicably as neighbors now okay but did you have to start killing people to accomplish that right the rulers were greedy and they tricked the common

People into wanting the war stoking their hatred and bitterness it was the most expedient solution how every war starts right enforcing the law myself and living there for a decade or so sounds kind of like you just replaced two tyrants and became one yourself yep there you go right perhaps but it was

For the sake of the people that’s what they all say Okay jeez by redirect the light to the other side okay so we just got to do this again um yeah okay so bounce exactly exactly the same as we like no oh wait the walls are different the

Walls are different now so it’s basically it is the same task it’s just we have a different yeah it’s just hard to like see where it’s going yeah so I’m going to bounce it to this mirror okay uh bounce it to yeah bounce it to this one over here actually I

Don’t think I have to there we go can hit it there you go oh sorry I I misaligned come ons um come on yeah there you go there we go please why will you not help us you are our best hope at stopping the black dragon your concerns are not mine it is

Not my place to interfere in your Affairs nor those of other dragons now leave I do not like being bothered but many of us will die if we fight him and we surrender others will die still is the bad guy of the whole story if you do

Not want to be treated like cattle do not act like cattle I will not warn you again to leave no way you let them fight a dragon by themselves oh I got it now Heroes eager to slay dragons appear around every tree and Hill if they could not defend

Themselves some mercenary or Adventurer would come and rescue them and did they beat the dragon no but as expected a group of cell swords came and freed them of the black dragon after a year or so holy crud wow but you could have saved lives you could have prevented them from

Living in fear and oppression right it was not my place they needed to learn to defend themselves and themselves in the natural order of the world then why did you get involved with the city in the first M we saw I don’t think that’s the same city like I said I

Was a young dragon idealistic it was not until later that I realized a colossal waste of time playing Peacekeeper had been one city would have conquered the other or they would have made peace once fighting became unsustainable but they didn’t fight you kept them from fighting and while I’m

Not sure I like how you did it you saved lives kept people from dying and I kept the cities from growing the people in those cities might have developed new medicines or machines or other ways to approach diplomacy All Creatures learn and grow from conflict I don’t know

Assuming surv the conflict in the first place so I’m not really learning anything about us I’m really just learning that V is not a super duper good guy right which I think we kind of already knew because he was a big jerk to us yeah oh

Goodness come on fine tun it there we go where you going over to this one okay I’m going I’m trying to oh it’s just so inaccurate would you say they’re adequate they’re really not oh no wait no no I got to go to this one over here oh you can okay

Cool uh is it working oh there you go there we go all right I would give you a part gift no darkness is not my mind is my own turn to demons demons so many to dark in the sky Please can anchor me no this Vision will break them Shere the vision yes sh vision is not a good guy to us the darkness destroy them so too much don’t everything they’ve done for you but you were a dragon your life is more important yes it’s smeagle and Gollum

Arguing with themselves what can I do for yeah I feel now yeah definitely was not consensual wasn’t an accident nope you chose to make me see that hor able Vision the one the masked man put in your head you told me it was an accident I yeah I was not thinking clearly uhhuh

Uh-huh you knew that it would hurt me could shatter my mind and you did it anyway I was afraid and in so much pain GATRA I’m sorry but I thought the two of us right but what but you’re not as important as I am but you didn’t need a saying in

This you didn’t even think to ask before you decided to risk my life my sanity I said that I was not thinking clearly really excuse what I saw seemed clear enough that wasn’t just selfish and dangerous Vier I came to help you when I could have left you in the

Caverns to die and you forced me to see something that even you couldn’t handle I thought that you could handle it with the both of oh really because you sounded pretty uncertain in that memory and I heard a few solid arguments about keeping that nightmare to yourself instead you decided to dump it

On me without warning I still get headaches when I remember that and I’m probably going to have nightmares of that thing you showed me for years I said that I am sorry what more do you want from me I want you to be quiet okay just for for a little bit jeez let

Me pretend at least for a little while that I don’t have some Invader in my head that’s just using me for their own ends Ora just wants me for this got dark yo leave me alone for a bit breathing counts as you wish I said don’t talk you

Wish that was certainly dramatic but I think that I’ve seen enough going to eat me or what no no you may have the blessing of my lady good where can we do this I want to get everything over with bring the Craftsman and anything else you may need back to this

Altar tonight what we shall Grant you seun’s power under the light of her Moon um who’s who’s this person well didn’t we ask for help from uh El right elf lady she’s flying up those stairs I know well elves are fast it’s the ears it helps them

Fly just wag a little bit Yeah like Dumbo uh that’s the most poorly ever the tool that will send demogorgan back to his smoking AOG the moon bite keep it close and aim it through I have Enchanted many blades and Oddities over the centuries this one I shall remember

Keenly though I should warn you the enchantment is powerful yes but it is impermanent it seems that salun was only willing to temporarily Grant her favor the enchantment should last through your contest against demogorgan okay right after that I cannot say for how long it

Will remain did you have to make two it seems that the moon Maiden either does not trust us or she is simply careful about the power they won let get it out of their I can respect that right because it’s not your place to interfere unless you feel like shut

Up you did not have you have any business to attend do so quickly no otherwise make for mithal Hall where your allies have gathered you can best prepare for the final battle there walk back again Katra I would have done it you know done what I would have taken on the vision of

Demogorgan with you if you’d asked if I’d known the risks I still would have done it to help you yeah cuz I’m a good person that choice for me instead I thought we shared something you know yeah our body that’s what we’ve been sharing even more than sharing my

Body for so long suffering that didn’t reing mind-breaking experience together was It Felt Like We Grown together I thought it was a sign that we were there for each other that we could lean on each other to get through something like that but you could lean on me when you

You’re not strong you didn’t trust your friend you didn’t share anything with me you took away my decision and used me I was just a means to an end and in the moment that’s all that mattered to you you were more important Katra I am sorry sorry he doesn’t cut it

I truly am I guess really to be honest there’s not much he can do at this point time you say that I can’t tell whether you’re trying to convince me that you regretted what you did or whether you’re trying to convince yourself o burn what you wanted how sorry can you really be

Sorry I made a mistake in the spur of the moment and I regret what it is caused maybe you do regret it but I’m the one who has to live with the consequences this is like packed with morals I know right there is much at stake young one

Finish your business and prepare prep for demogorgan we are done with business come on cart guy please be out here oh don’t make us walk oh man all right we’re going to have to hop it’s dark now is this the first time it’s been dark though um in the day I

Don’t think so I think that I think it was I could be wrong all right how um how good’s the sword I don’t know oh what here I’ll bear oh there we go this is what I needed in my life forget the staff like forget the

Magic I told you I’m buing all my stuff into strength I’ve been ready for this I’ve been preparing actually I think my magic might actually be a little bit better oh I got lost I got lost in the Woods use your wayfinder the woods oh oh I can actually see this

Stuff now that it’s night that’s crazy see what stuff the town oh yeah yeah yeah it’s easier to see in the night oh I want to see how good how good is this oh that slices that dices is it Julianne yeah oh that is I need to get me one of these

Well you you you have one I need to get one I can keep sorry I have to swim oh for goodness sakes did you drown again my character cannot swim are you really drowning all right where are you tping toh oh all the way back oh wait a minute

Though cart guy is not oh there’s cart guy hold on there’s much at stake young one finish your business oh I was at the cart guy if if you oh my gosh okay did it really man why did it have to bring me here I was literally just a couple

Seconds from taking you to where we to whatever the I tried to teleport myself to you too just so I would get out of there no stop it ah you are not a magician your teleporting is not good well that’s not what did it cuz it

Did it before I could press enter oh goodness okay wasn’t there a bridge I could have crossed though I don’t know how do we get across the uh the emerald thing ow and why can’t my character swim U maybe you never learned to swim it’s part of your backstory

See your father was an alcoholic and your mother was never around and you grew up on the outskirts of town and oh no no no it’s me can you not swim you can’t swim either I think there’s a certain level of depth of water that is death okay I’m

Not going to move a muscle no no move away from her cu no I not young and prepare for demorgan oh don’t teleport me don’t tell oh no I’m I’m here I’m here but I can’t talk to guy there we go yay desp demonic Invasion mythal Hall

Seems little different than it was the last time you visited then again considering that they were on high alert due to starspawn back then perhaps a state of Emer simply never ended for them the sense of tension among the buling industrious dwarfs certainly has not diminished at

Least okay what allies do we have I don’t remember making it’s the dwarves oh I they allies I thought they unfortunately yeah unfortunately it’s the dwarves I don’t know I don’t think friends throw other friends in prison for no good reason hello I heard you were returning was your mission

Successful do you have the weapon yes here it is yeah look though it enchantment will only last long enough to send demogorgan back to the abyss m a shame I’d hoped to study or keep it for emergencies still it is what we need for this we could be thankful for that but

That’s not why I came to see you I found you to tell you that endand dra’s mind is both healed and warted against the psychic damage that the star inflict if you two are ready it should be safe to attempt transferring andand drava your soul back absolutely good I’m sick of

Sharing my head with him anyhow right if that is how you feel then yes yeah don’t make me feel bad later well I cannot say is I blame you come to the arena when you’re both ready try to make me sound like the bad guy well if you if you

Don’t want me around anymore after I tortured you like dude this whole thing is about been putting you back in your body it’s not going to work though got think so I don’t think it’s going to work okay we’re in the arena oh we have to talk to him I don’t

Know okay you two ready no considering what happened last time but we should do it anyway cow I know right let’s get it over with then use the rod whenever you like R well you you alive did it work yes I why are you dis Vision but it

Is no longer painful in thinking on it does not threaten to bend my mind until it snaps well at least that makes one of us I am even weaker than before though or rather my body will not move as I commanded to we were afraid that might happen Happ whenever something

Influences the mind it could affect the body too it may be some time before your coordination returns though the impediment should be temporary at least you’ve got your body back yes will you help us fight demagorgon I do not think that would be a good idea

My goodness of course not my body will not cooperate I why will no one help us probably just get in your way right probably just get in your way how should we prepare for this fight beyond what you’ve already done well that’s up to you though you should visit the keep

Before you go it seems that you have some friends who have come to us in our time of need granted they have misten this too but it is heartening to see such formidable figures standing against the minutes we have in the the spellcaster there will be able to tell

You more about our battle plans oh good I was wondering if anyone would come having their help is reassuring I suppose this is goodbye then peace out only if you do not make it back I believe that you will yeah sure right dude no you ow I’ll just um

Hold I guess right well until then okay okay I wanted to make sure we got something back in our hands bogus okay oh the oh wow oh wow it’s a party oh goodness yeah I see we do have friends shows up for the end of the world but not when I you know

Need a little bit of gold to buy some armor oh there’s also some they didn’t do very good on this texture for the sword It’s like got some artifacts on it uh let’s go this way here we go oh hey hey yo oh it is a party over

Here hey red horn dude oh we have oh we have options I’m going to go with red horn guy fesai yeah fesai there you are I was wondering if you would show up we need our secret weapon and all that if we’re going to survive long enough to see

Supper who’s the secret weapon true but if I’m being honest I didn’t expect to see you here yes well for all my talk of running away besides I’m not about to let some quite literally two-faced demon scare me into abandoning candle keep you’ll owe me a favor after this though no we’re

Saving the world I’m not owing you any favor how about we consider me being the one to send demor back to the abyss as that F you’re right fair enough yeah anyhow tell me when you’re ready to go and I will bring us to the battlefield oh oh that’s

Convenient that you know where it’s at uh is is there someone else to talk to yeah we have the Sphinx and the giant I’ll say give me give me time give me some time to get myself together I have something I need to do okay I’ve been

Mean to check on V anyhow so I’ll take care of that while you’re gone but please make it quick I don’t think either the portal or demorgan will wait while you’re gone oh he’ll wait all right great big statue person hello again NRA I see that that’s where

I convinced you to join us after all yes though I will admit that the arch Mage was rather persuasive it’s like she’s not what’s that supposed to me she like giving me the cold shoulder I don’t want to talk about it who where’s kimaron so where’s kimin

I thought that he would want to come with you we could really use someone with his power he is not as strong as you presume child that being said he would have been useful so why isn’t he here he does not believe that we will be able to stop

Demogorgan here he is using the time we have left to gather allies of his own and spread the news that the other guardians of this world may defeat the demon Prince after we fall won you’re also useless wow encouraging so many I’m inclined to agree with him I’m so glad

Not for a that your arch mage associ preparing a more robust defense even the extra time required would cost us thousands of lives before we were ready stream sniping your chat Addie oh he’s in your chat oh hey Moss I’m sitting here reading all the uh content I was looking

Over it would be preferable to losing everyone and everything in fyon should demagorgon win yeah the dragon has been um uh less than actually you know what I got to say so the dragon veyor started off as a jerk then we became friends and now he’s a jerk again I he’s worse than

A jerk he’s useless if you are here against your will can I trust you to fight your hardest and support the others do not mistake me child I may not think that this is the optimal use of my abilities but if my strength can buy kiman and the others some time than us

We have the magic weapon I will do everything I can in the coming battle we got the McGuffin I know we got the ring I’m not sure if you heard but V’s healed now or well everyone going to go see no one wants to

Talk I heard of this yes why do you feel obliged to inform me of the dragon’s recovery I didn’t I because I felt like I had to press all the buttons that’s why well if it weren’t for you and the rod of alignment that you gave us he and

I would still be stuck in the same body or once he’s not bipolar Moss he’s like just a jerk he just he’s not right it was kimmer’s decision to give you the rod if you recall I hold no love for the dragon and would have been content to

Let him rot if not for my friend’s insistence jeez still I am glad for your sake that you no longer have to share your mind with him will he be joining us in this battle no no but he better no he’s still too weak and clumsy it’ll be a while

Before he can fight again h typical Dragon selfish and cowardly in the face of real danger yeah we got that well even if it was not your idea to come I am grateful that you’re here and for helping me in ice windale do not thank me for

Fulfilling my end of a bargain it was a simple transaction crying out loud take the thanks and move on that being I will battle crap AC hit the button whatever right thank you all right talking to her and we have nobody else to talk to right no the

Sphinx oh there is one on the Sphinx oh I can’t well hello again gotra didn’t expect to see me again so soon did you it’s like she has the face of a dog I know it’s a cute puppy uh no actually not really why are you here don’t you

Have to protect the temple yes but well guarding it seems rather pointless if there are no people left to visit it or if demogorgan destroys the temple outright so here I am ready to lend a helping paw it is s stall uh it’s supposed to be a

Lion oh maybe it’s a yeah so uh wait so actually hear the do I just ask her if she’ll like so you’ll fight or are you scared what do you think uh you you’ll fight you’ll fight okay does that mean you’ll help us in the fight

Absolutely in fact fact seun has sent me as her representative in this matter isn’t that just great come down here help and she’s given me a new power to play with during the fight this is so exciting uh yeah besides this is my world too for as long as I have to guard

The temple that is she’s the only one with a straight head on her I know well maybe she seems a little happy to go to battle I feel much better knowing that you’re here you’re quite welcome still let’s hope it makes a difference it

Would be an awful shame for us to go to all this effort just for the world to be torn to Tiny bits anyhow better get ready as best you can young one oh we’re ready th we’re ready um yeah we’re ready okay ow I was wondering if you would show up

We need our secret weapon and all that if you’re going to survive long enough to see supper we’ve already gone through all this if I’m being yes well for all you’ll owe me a favor after this then how about we because of you fair anyhow

Tell me when you’re ready to go and I will bring us to the battlefield be ready when everyone else is well speaking for myself I’ll never be ready but we do what we must now hope teleportation doesn’t make you queasy yeah how many times have you been teleported out a quit

Yeah oh glow sparkly I’m getting queasy yes this was where we were going to be I called it oh you saw it yeah this is right by the temple he’s coming get ready woo big boss fight oh he a dragon a double headed dragon oh man Beast thing

Jeez the surface world we have not seen this in quite some time nutson are impr prisonment and Watchers keep on I would not count that dungeon as the surface and I have lost track of how many centuries have passed since we last Saw green or felt the material world Stone

Beneath our Talons you forget the underd dark Aradia and that arrogant Dr sorcerer who allowed us through to his City such a brief Journey without even a glimpse of sunlight the battle though yes and a destruction you do not look like you could provide such entertainment even

All together indeed not rather than die here you would be better served in joining us okay we will spare you if you all join us should we just like join him and like take over the world we could even provide some options crushed in our arms torn apart by our claws them for

Our Delight oh that last one does sound good instead you just go back to the ab where you came from or lie down and let us slay you if you need some help getting home we won’t even charge you for the trip we tried so we did and how reasonable we

Were yes at least this way we do not have to wait before we start the killing okay it’s on you shall all suffer the oh what do I have what do I have oh oh I have my I have less potions than I had ow oh

Man I can’t get close to him to use my magic Missile here keep him distracted oh no oh no you die no he just nearly what are the other three doing they’re watching ow I’m going to run behind this wall like hyper EO emation I

Missed o I wonder if the hold will work on him I’m not really sure what this spell does but here goes nothing who that’s right finally could have like use that sooner your resistance is futile oh there we go oh that was a crit with that magic

Missile foul Beast back to the abyss with you oh yeah yeah yeah baby bow to Bow before the Lord of the new world no dude I he ain’t going to make it I know right oh now I’m all Zoomi in like you were there we go by I shall slay the

Dude not why do they think that we would have a chance this that one actually Hur let me return ow oh yeah going to knock people out need a regen oh I’m out oh man uh all of my healing potions are gone yeah oh that’s not good you have you still have your

Invincible yeah I’ll pop it SEC if I need it I have a strength I have regen ien prep for the end of all things for Oblivion jeez oh uh yeah I I got knocked out it’s nice knowing you of course finish him stabby stabby pokey pokey stabby stabby pokey pokey

Cannot stabby stabby poke no not yet we only just arrived curse you we will find the way back when we do we will find and your descendants so how did he get here so fast I don’t know better all the well I think I’ve had enough of these ruins how

About everyone else right then just a moment we’re saving one last teleport in case everything went pearshaped was tempted to use it a couple of times there if I’m being honest okay maybe every time one of his heads looked my way but oh my go there’s a shop yeah

There’s a shop here shopping wait was there better armor there no it’s just a shop oh got the what thank pleasure I will be having nightmares about that for probably the rest of my life still I am glad he’s just here in time to take all crit don’t

Ask me to do anything like this ever again all right have a good life everyone while I would not shy away from another such battle if the need arose I otherwise share the Wizard’s sympathies that will be burned into my mind for the rest of my days I honestly

For being said I was right about and I still feel that you have an interesting life ahead perhaps we should cross paths again don’t curse someone with an interesting life can say farewell Katra that’s a really bad curse yeah it is wait what everyone’s leaving already I

Wanted to see if anyone wanted to keep in touch maybe write each other I could use a pen I like her a lot well if someone were willing to deliver the letters anyhow I guess maybe I can get the elves to come visit me sometimes I promise Christmas that’s all I want

Don’t you be a stranger either all right now that you’ve passed the trial I’m not even allowed to eat you so I won’t hear any excuses about why you didn’t stop by if I meet your soul in the afterlife a century from now take care too too

Bye-bye now you’re going to leave too right no he’s going to Guilt Trip us into Mak him feeling bad that we he did what he did to us you came after all why yeah suddenly and unexpectedly you really not know no I thought you were sick on the floor and dying so not

Really or I can guess uh not really cuz I genuinely don’t know why he showed up if he was weing my being sick right this is my world too child the Affairs of small folk are one thing the end of all creation at the hands of a demon is another

Entirely sorry Moss was asking about she say eat your soul oh yeah yeah yeah yeah she totally spin yeah not Griffin oh you’re right Sphinx not Griffin Sphinx although I don’t think Griff I don’t think G uh sphinxes I guess they do have those Tails don’t they okay Griffin

Would be half L and half eagle right uh true see oh did you lie again you said about being weak was that a lie no no it was not but I am a predator I know the value of a well-timed attack and the power of how you get here so

Fast that one strike was the only Aid that I give Mountain place I think it’s like a couple beats of his wings is all it took he just GL glowed here thank you you owed me and then a couple things about ending the story I like you owed

Me yeah oh wait no wait we’re going to be the bigger person here yes let’s be the bigger sarcastic person thank you V sarcasm from on high that’s not really the sarcasm I was looking for but okay you are welcome little one okay so uh the Demon’s gone or what

Now end I’m going to do demon gone now that demogorgan has gone back to the abyss does that mean that the other demons who have come through the Rifts are gone too no I’m afraid not that being said he was certainly the biggest threat there is nothing else in the

Abyss so powerful as him and nothing else near his size and strength could could have made it through whatever demons are left will cause Havoc where they can but even all of them together could not accomplish the destruction that demoran might have had so what will

You do now demoran was not the only demon to come through the rift today I imagine that many will be rising from the Underdog in the coming months along with those who found other places in fyon where the borders between worlds thinned I will seek out my contact

Old friends and allies to spread word the danger they’ve been away too long as it is and should check on them but he has the dragon telephones right right but I will come back you will hear from me and perhaps when you have had enough Adventure I can find wherever you have

Settled and keep an eye on you too no give us the Dragon phone we’re keeping tabs on you man in case you ever need someone to talk to at least as VI at you waiting for your answer you remember everything that you have experienced together all that you have endured as a

Pair oh now we’re going to get sappy but you also cannot help remembering how hurt you felt how betrayed when you learned of V’s choice to endanger you still watching Endra ear awaits your answer the next thing you say will determine your relationship there’s no

Going back I was too harsh I was too harsh leave me alone I’d like that or I need time I don’t think I I was not too harsh definitely not I’m taking that off the table but I don’t think I want to say leave me alone and just push him

Away right so I guess are other two options the other two are I’d like that and just move on or I need time and postpone I think we chose to be the bigger person yeah right we did with with a bigger sarcastic person so we’ll get back at him with more sarcasm later

So let’s be his friends from now so I’d like that oh I sure I’d like that I guess yeah I’d like that I really would and you’ll always have me there to listen to you too okay that was too nice thank you Katra it is strange I have never had a companion for

More than a few days not in my entire life now though it is hard to imagine been living without one I am starting to sound like a puppy that cannot stand to be without their own wow that’s like a wild 36 well at least at least they didn’t call us the

Puppy everyone needs a friend or at least someone to talk to that’s right folks isolation is not good for your mental health maybe that is what the younger me was missing when I made so many mistakes when you became a tyrant I had no one close to me to tell me that I

Was wrong oh I’ll do that be safe little one one there is much to do but I will be back I’ll be back until we meet again farewell okay see you soon he got better soon yeah maybe like I don’t know maybe maybe flying maybe flying is like walking for

Him you know he just might as well get some use out of this thing while we last we can keep it oh no I’m glad we already shot okay credits okay all right you know what though I’m okay with that you know what you know

What I like about that is it feels like if it was successful they could do another one right you know that’s what that’s what I like about and I would totally play another one of these what do you think I think I would play another one

Of these yeah I definitely would um it seems seemed like a little buggy like actually a lot buggy so I wish they do like I don’t know D andd is Big right so I was hoping that d& would like this would be a little more polished and

Refined but maybe maybe this will be the swift kick in the pants that Mojang needs in order to make well particularly well like okay like a d a d and d title right because the whole point of D and D is to gather a group of people together

Yeah right yeah and so and so it seems like a group play of this would have been the ideal way to play it and they should have leaned into that yeah and they really didn’t they really missed out on that no but that’s okay uh the question is is we’re not is

Like the game just broke oh oh we’re back at the table um I’m like stuck at a table I am too Crouch oh it’s so funny I still have all my stuff in my magic can I use my magic oh oh we’re clipped is that is that it the game just ends

And it’s just we didn’t QA past this point like oh nobody’s gonna stick around and watch the credits what is that all about right well all right well that was great I’m gonna I’m gonna switch to our other My Hangout screen so that this is

Less less buggy oh do I have a do I have a hangout screen that’s a good point let’s see what do I have so for those of you who are still with us uh thanks so much for watching this has been Dungeons and Dragons with adequate and El adrium

Yeah Addie what’s up what are we doing next Monday do you want to remember what we talked about yeah I well I I know what I want to do are are we doing it well I I already spent the money so okay great well so then so we’re going from

Uh fantasy into science fiction yeah yep we are going going to be playing the Minecraft Star Wars path of the Jedi I so excited I when that came out I was excited to see the D and D but I was even more excited for the Star Wars

One yeah I am I’m looking forward to seeing how that plays I’ve seen some of the trailers oh yeah I can finally walk around right now oh so much better I can’t so me yeah you’re just gonna have to stare at me from over there so I’m hoping that

That is going to be a little less buggy cuz Star Wars is a little bit bigger and they have a little more kind of reputation behind them sure um but I’ve seen really good things from the trailer so if you guys want to see some Star

Wars yeah next Monday we’re going to be starting path of the Jedi uh I think we get to meet Obi-Wan Kenobi Anakin and everyone’s favorite person Ahsoka I don’t know how much of a Star Wars person you are Addie oh I I I know who those people are no I’m joking yes yeah

I’ve Seen It All I’ve seen everything and I watch all I I I I I I do have to pull back though when I start seeing like lots of hate because the Star Wars Community can be a little toxic so I I I like just enjoying it for what it is so

I’m really looking forward to this this game however whatever the story is so so that’s what our plan is for next Monday Addy anything we want to do here at the end anything that Granny wants to tell us I can’t I am I think I’m stuck oh there we go woo finally oh

Man hey can I oh H can I oh man we brought magic into the real world can we go what’s up here oh that’s that’s not great okay okay all right well I guess that’s yep nope I that’s nothing else I want to do so I guess

We’ll just uh see you all back here next week all right thanks so much for watching everyone we’ll see you on the next stream next Monday bye everyone Goodbye

This video, titled ‘I Hate Dragons! – Minecraft D&D part 4’, was uploaded by Merely Adequate on 2023-12-05 21:14:25. It has garnered 243 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:46 or 6826 seconds.

Why stream alone when you can stream with a friend. @Alaydriem and I have been playing through the Minecraft D&D world and laughing our way through it. Come hang out and enjoy an interesting twist on playing Minecraft as we “dad joke” and sing our way through a couple fun hours.

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    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information यो यो यो व्हाट्स हैपनिंग गाइस माय नेम इज लॉगी और आज हम एक बारी फिर से अपनी माफिया वाली सिटी के अंदर मौजूद हैं तो पिछली वीडियो में गाइस आपको याद होगा हमने यहां पर थोड़े से पैसे यहां पर कमा लिए थे तो अगर गाइस मैं अपनी इन्वेंटरी खोल के देखूं तो मेरे पास यहां पर आ चुके हैं पूरे 1500 और भाई वो जो टिंकू वाला बंदा यहां पर आया था ना यार वो उसके पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा था तो इसलिए हमारे पास अभी 1500 भी आ चुके हैं और ये रहे चपाती भाई… Read More

  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information हेलो जड आर्मी मेरा नाम है मैक्सी और आपका स्वागत है मेरे चैनल में और आज के वीडियो में आपको सिखाने वाले हैं हाउ टू डू कमो आप कमो कैसे मार सकते हैं आगे वाले को वह भी एमसीपीई में सो अभी हम तीन इंपॉर्टेंट चीजों के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं सबसे पहला थिंक है इन गेम सेटिंग सेकंड वन इज प्रैक्टिस द एम थर्ड वन इज इंप्रूव द मूवमेंट सो सबसे पहले हम पहले नंबर के साइड बढ़ने लगते हैं रुको रुको जरा पहले नंबर का टिप देखने से पहले आप चैन को सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Play.creste.ro

    Play.creste.roplay.creste.ro Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe play.creste.ro play.creste.ro Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷https://x.com/PunkichiGames ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ9ahZ5SFuo Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More

  • SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey Survived

    SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey SurvivedVideo Information [Music] let’s get started today I’m here because Mikey has something he wants to show me you’re going to love it JJ I made a really cool zombie research lab zombie what now check it out wao that’s a zombie villager right that’s right Bud he wasn’t always a zombie so I built a lab to try to cure him I’ve done a lot of research but I still haven’t found a way to cure him and turn him back to normal I’ve tried everything I can think of H here have some more are those cookies yeah… Read More