eVRydayVR – Stream: Vivecraft (Minecraft VR) with friends!

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Okay I am live finally oh you’ve been building this whole house around me okay so hi everyone I am D this is everyday and this is my friend she Cosima did I say that correctly chakashi yeah okay good so he is a friend from Germany and I’m playing Minecraft and B

Are using the by-paths mod and he’s playing Minecraft on a normal monitor because he’s a plebeian oh well I just like being able to know exactly what the [ __ ] I’m doing and not be disorientated so what here me nothing in real life sir speaking of which where the [ __ ] am I

Like to other meters I’m pretty sure you’re down there I see you so this is the vibe craft so there’s two versions of Minecraft for VR there’s by craft which is based on the Java version of Minecraft that’s compatible with all the existing mods these multiplayer servers

And all that and there’s the Windows 10 version which is the one that ships on the oculus store and that one has better performance consistently but has less options and has less compatibility you can’t do any kind of multiplayer except using Microsoft’s realms or joining with

A friend who has an Xbox Live account it’s it’s kind of shitty especially considering real again as I said I lost more than minecraft years there’s a lot of options in Minecraft but now and you don’t really need mods but um then you look over to a sir or Skylands which I think

I know I was this thing again all this kind of stuff and you simply like yeah it would be great if that was a longer minecraft – but more young it’s pretty [ __ ] lazy so it’s not going to happen in the next two centuries so yeah I haven’t actually done anything

I have played by myself for a bit and configured my controls so I had a serious performance issue I spend like hours figuring out oh I’m not gonna say too much about it except that the way I ended up working basically every 10 seconds or so there would be a little

Bit of jitter and I ended up setting my min and Max memory to eight gigs and that made it so instead of getting a little judder every 10 seconds I would get a lot of judder every 5 minutes it only lasts for a few seconds but you’ll

See me drop into the gray room whenever that happens how are you jumping in my head oh I jump next to you but I guess on your head girl I am starving already literally hitting me will kill me also I don’t know if you know this trick

Already yeah I don’t know if you can Crouch on VR can you yeah okay if you crouch and you want to like if you want to play something on microphones or something if you right-click on it it normally it will just get you into the crowd yeah exactly that’s it so You’re screaming so [ __ ] night time we could make it all day if we wanted but I haven’t actually done anything yet so I’m gonna go put some cheese so it wasn’t only reason why I am saying like a buckets and cheating are us into it being in tennis yeah you’re sweet

Exactly you’re screaming you haven’t even done anything yet I’m dying already and you started out in difficulty where a enemy side despawning so Oh so I love how you basically managed to make this interesting world work and then you look down come over here come over here training you’re running away

From reward no you can’t you should be able to so you have those entirely functioning worlds and then some ads and randomly you look into the distance and you see these things just abort birth didn’t manage to spawn it it’s just oh [ __ ] are we really ready ocean no it’s

Just they’re just sunk holes that have been filled out by the word automatically as oceans so if you were to jump down there think you can swim wipe down to bedrock so I’ve changed my controls a little bit from the default the default 5-pack controls are kind of weird because you

Move with your right hand and and and there’s any way I set it up so that I select items with my right hand and I move forwards and backwards with my left stick and I auto climb when I ever I reach a block that’s one high but I can

Also have my trigger to jump so that’s the basic control I would consider to change the auto jump because it gets disorientating you should be able and options it’s even in normal minecraft ik and turn that off minecraft that’s in controls and should be on the very top

That would be Auto jump when it was introduced I was something like I could play with this and it helps your finger a lot if you’re using a keyboard because it’s just it doesn’t hurt your finger as much but on the other end you’re simply

Like yeah if I keep doing that I will end up just M jump in manually and then it makes this strange double jump so I’m walking over to the misty village office right because I hope that oh yeah so this is a great pixel yeah you can come

Here and just look exactly at what I was saying before because you can see that the world is broken actually here which is pretty upsetting because most of NPC villages just gone what what happened here there’s a giant like me it’s just like it all out of the village no it’s not

It’s not even a lake what happened is if you jump down jump down jump into the water oh my god right down yeah so what happened is yeah you should go on up I’m not going anywhere down there like at all I have too much of her phobia to even go

Close just [ __ ] thing no some what happened is the entire world here to load correctly here so this entire chunk like up into the distance it’s just working it’s not really that great first because there will be resources we’re missing now and if I remember correctly

Back on our old server we even even ended up with the entire dungeon where you go into the end just being gone so we had to start the entire yeah we had to we had to make a public road in the community or well in our community from

Vexen and he was simply like should we restart and tireless okay which were like on 120 episodes by then or should we just cheat and build our own and portal somewhere close to our base and luckily our community was nice and say yeah guys just got cheating we don’t

Feel want to sit suppose interesting again otherwise we would probably be still up there also oh I don’t want to be in this water but I still want to decide some of the things they added the vibe crap let you do use gestures to do certain actions and one thing you can do

Is if you’re in deep water like this you can actually paddle your arms like you’re swimming breaststroke the swim through the water we are lucky did not swallow the freaking and blacksmith chest which is the most valuable thing in the entire village are there any good items in it yep

That’s are not diamonds and an iron pickaxe that’s pretty good Ruby iron pickaxe will help us oh yeah that died in the blast until we until we find some more iron yeah swimming is a little bit like that and alone okay so so yeah I’m considering to just say we should just

Ease our moves the entire on the stream to another place and have cheat ourselves to pets so we can we’ve set our spawn points I’m like yeah I know I do but the reason why I couldn’t considering it it’s just because like do we really want to have our starting

Point and aged next to a guy can’t he call into nothingness probably not and plus I would like to start over and help build our first home yeah solutely well Kent how long does it take for you to set up to reset the server I can

Reset the whole server but I prefer not to because I might screw it up and then I would have to take a while to fix that okay well can you well I mean reset to survive but I actually wanted that and we load up a new map in here that

Actually doesn’t feel like screwing us over there are a lot of amazing codes to which are on believe globe they do feel a lot nicer than one might expect but I dislike about Minecraft so much as my minecraft has a lot of possibilities but if you look around most of the stuff

That makes my craft is amazing game it’s really just some mods that fans made in order to makes it came enjoyable like they really love playing with certain mod and so so two moths I always look at our well Twilight forest which has recently been boosted a lot like I just

Checked the wiki today because I was like maybe you will want to play that also a hacer pumpkin over yeah I want them to duck here I really like the small mark so maybe we can use that then I looked into the and I looked into the

Wiki and was like holy [ __ ] that’s a lot of stuff that has been added I don’t know that works you can you can you we’re like my field of view is constricted and there’s just orange all around my head I feel like I’m Kenny from South fire pumpkins are great if

You want to fight animals but minecraft actually like did a special thing for pumpkins on your hat that’s pretty cool I mean it’s a big problem I have with Minecraft in general it’s really minecraft has so much to offer but all it will be offers its building it

Doesn’t offer any cresting stuff doesn’t know any dungeons will you decide yeah like you yeah I think it’s more of an exploring game and a survival game than it is like a questing game like yeah yeah tops that are more complex than just like go see what’s here here is it

Pretty much six that can do that like that’s the reason I love to play around with some unlimited plays not often Newseum the zombie is really slow to kill with a red flower I think I might need a better weapon at some point I think we all do but I just reset the

Time so where are we going the other plan no no I’m just running into one direction hoping that we find some place where actually it’s nice to know that we will come across a lot of flowers look like there’s a lot of stuff you can be

But all in all the stuff I so much have mostly been interested in comes to mind is Asimov’s or try leftovers of course just because they offers so much more dungeon exploring stuff and besides that it’s an adventure maps or challenge maps of the where the hell are you

I can’t so I don’t know if you’re aware that like when you when you’re in Minecraft in VR all these blocks like people don’t understand how big these blocks are they are one meter by one meter by one meter so they come up like tearaway and two of them is taller than me

They are big I mean you are really the biggest when I when I saw you yesterday I was simply like that’s to me nothing like I expected you to look like just and finally rains oh [ __ ] oh well wait did the rain end because we answered the desert is that me yeah

There’s no way oh look the rain just stopped over there to make you walk the can you should start again no it doesn’t yeah I lost facts then like half a year ago so we’re supposed to boom ah that’s you can but but it’s a rabbit do you really want to

Kill words I want to kill it I can have delicious rabbit for dinner it’s a desert bunnies they don’t drop any so there was like ideas for my craft would be included like extreme health hazards like desert storms and tsunamis and all this kind of stuff and just general

Makes game more interesting and send more yang went as things like years ago or so it sounds like oh yeah just crossing since I heard you can we can we just stop at some point I’m really not comfortable not owning any tools 34 one place where we can and stay so you well

As you can ship it ship it don’t forget headset yeah but the crackling is it’s 12 years old 12 years old it’s probably older than newer i dub that cape anyway stop some thought here’s fine everything’s fine was to stop here I’m I’m watching you climbing the mountain

While I’m touching this tree what kind of tree is this and so far not to be a cardia tree should be so when was the last time you played two games there has been a lot of changes like this volume in itself I have never really used it I

Don’t like it that much but yeah so that’s all snow over there oh [ __ ] you can see the ocean oh okay so if you were up here Oh field field of view on what I’m trying to say is there anything where is the ocean okay so sir

For the moment yes yes probably switched out so I’m if you the point of view a field of you option in their arm in Minecraft goes from 30 up to 119 and instead of having 120 it goes to quake Pro always fixed I think I’m well that’s

What ago it’s not answer this I have no idea oh my god so tall thoughts it’s not getting hurt but I think it is grumbling about me pushing oh my god okay this thing is right in my face I wonder if they spit my do you want to

Build anything out on this hilltop no I I want to get out of yeah I do mm ah yeah my song my song two llamas each one has two owls to be honest I want to get on an island and just stuff there I asked you think oh wow I’m not

Gonna be able to walk all the way back out – yeah I need a flower you know where that yours I was writing my name and instead of typing she Kashima I like TC MA they’ve forgotten don’t I still look for the book I’m ready you’re aware

That your stuff is just laying or there’s like oh do we want one of the Savannah trees it was an entire home without a freakin psychic servers and you are now wondering why the [ __ ] is an axe I know because well actually there’s any reason why I didn’t we just went on a

Journey into nothingness because there was a guy gigantic cool into some off surface and we didn’t want to stay anywhere close can we just can we just stop here I don’t want to find an island this place is fine house on maybe this hilltop here this is a nice hilltop

It’ll give us a small hill it’ll give us the ability to survey our environment four watts so we can see enemies coming oh you know we could just like elevate our home somewhere off the ground where we don’t have to climb up everything work time we want your sleep or

Something what do you I don’t work there okay well let’s see if we can get there get there pours a bit attempts at some beats on okay it’s an island yeah I’m noticing that you have not played this game and really any long while she still sings that is true I’m

Just hoping for is that we find an ocean monument not just oh the tear gas out in the open okay well I’m gonna go I don’t know if I I need that I need to build some things so I give me a few moments I need to put some torches on or else

There would be sting spawning right next to us okay trust me I had that’s what happened way to make a chance to me like we’re surrounded all right here okay so you want and you should probably cross the crossing to that’s because of just for its somewhere on the board Whyever it’s long left I don’t well we can’t make a furnace that’s okay I could go get some rock you wanna fire at against elephants and creepers and zombies I mean no but we will get four bus zombies and stuff second well there’s been a combat

Upgrade like I mean 10 pet resource or ghosts or say our kind is wrong it’s small well it’s not that they are strong skeletons are incredibly accurate and shooting you and I mean like actually really [ __ ] it’s like you hit me and you have for Noah or hitting animation

Or anything so do you see my head when I turn my head it’s pelting alike you are like a magician right now since you’ve met somehow managed to keep sliding on the same spot left and right and up and down without actually moving oh I can see your head move right now

Okay oh there’s a spider over there hi spiders two of them we only need like ten stone I get like um eight stone for some night so just so I can make some char I’m just gonna get the I don’t want us to become the fire

If the staff will follow us what about break just yeah just to make furnace which you should by the way craft I mean I I’m just sick is that just because of achievement basically achievement you can’t do everything for me that’s no fun I’m I just said I doesn’t really matter

Who office okay every rock has a name wait is andesite many sizes no any status not couple start that’s fine how big is this house gonna be what would you take at some moment America you don’t wanna know what’s the five bottom is humans I have done some pretty

Fucked-up [ __ ] already anybody watching by the way where do you not have other people are chatting one person’s there and says he’s right you need a better biome so I guess we did the right thing – well I think they immense of savanna biome which we are still basically

Inside off we know actually we are in the ocean I am richest my opinion probably one of the better ones so much and the site where is the cobblestone found it I’m amazing I can find the most common like anything in my god Oh trust me it’s not as common

Anymore I think I I spent in one playthrough I spent like 20 minutes just five huntys of a freaking stone because everything was flawless and aside granite and your white and dirt in between it was working and I don’t know if you can do that on there we just

Think it right next to this I will put it up aside opposite side like here so we can place basically two next to each other without being looking so weird so what I wanted to do is so we can I get its elastics I can make a chest

I wonder which we can take if I wanted single chest it’s time for now where should I put the chest maybe over on this third wall in between like on this wall over here oh I’m going to go on column in the middle of the room sir

Maybe you just chest on here I’m gonna leave some of my stuff in here okay and again mmm if I get a little more cobblestone I could make us some stone tools so I’m gonna go back into the yeah I mean it’s getting day now slowly so

Beautiful in the men’s that oh my god that’s again your chicken should I kill the chicken I like no don’t come extra busy good because I’m hungry okay Axl my hungers like I am basically starving but I don’t appreciate because I know that us Thing Thing or fight my hungers not

Depleting fine there’s oh that’s on being the death here zombie you I mean it’s daytime so they usually should be per unless they’re in water oh it’s cheap this is a good place of animals here sheeps if you find some island we can make shears good then we

Can get there wall yeah I mean well don’t here dot I’m wishing that how you could just me F click on the sheep stop and it will just give you it’s used to be it used to be a thing too long and you can get wool by killing sheep as well I know

But we don’t yeah what a surprise audacity doesn’t fake I wonder why wait it’s that I know I just can’t suppress my violent tendencies I’m sorry that girl we’re gonna have trees right on the ocean are they gonna be okay with saltwater oh I’m not the mechanic it’s

Not a mechanic and he’s not yet okay I’m gonna get some six I’m gonna make I’m gonna make us some stone tools I’m sure we’re gonna cycle them out as soon as we get iron but they will help us for now these stone tools I like so I can use

For because like you don’t have to worry about replacing them because they’re basically free but I usually do with my wooden tools I just use them cuz they are literally once um saying which is nice so I’m it’s I’m making some charcoal it’s funny I learnt making

Charcoal it’s one of the most useful things in my craft not being you don’t to find call and finding calls and what the [ __ ] is concrete thing what concretes the sing on surprise what are you doing I’m looking at some stuff oh yeah okay I don’t know

What concretist yeah I don’t know what concrete is new to me I don’t know why it does I assume it’s just material I know that it’s used a Bible was a lot but I don’t know anything else and I’m not sure if I can can you buy now and

Finally place of course account please of course you can place torches against the new friends still Dom’s that you come it’s really Dom okay sir sword now can I go kill some animals this is the voice of someone there’s a choice it’s yes after I had sent an

Email they haven’t done anything – but it seems you can’t honey don’t kill poor me not even my little pony servants at that bad if you were to so I want to like can I cannot do that um I might be able to will look pretty strange for it

But if I finish it at my that really really nice so yeah this what I usually tend to do is everybody else is just doing some random as really easy buildings and I’m simply like what our architecture code now we’re basically building like uploading island like like some of those floating villages have

Yeah if you can manage to get me some well officer twist if you can get me some saplings of I’m getting so much food Why am I not getting hungrier by the way because you only get getting damaged or if you won or jump like I jump and I jump all the time and swam quite a bit getting here I haven’t lost any hunger oh I don’t know then I don’t know I

Don’t think it is yeah we are playing on easy you all do like actually no that can’t eat because if you look at it it’s this way peaceful is the only mode Joe deplete any hunger or innocence like that unless it changed and that’s it changed those enemies

Actually I’m pretty yet it but we just ignore something I don’t have any dirt theft wait what really I don’t Wow surprising to me no it’s not the natural order of the novel needs to for every [ __ ] thing Well I’m I like I need pretty damn quickly sir yeah okay I’m gonna let the remaining ones live because I’m tired of killing them what did they ever do to you they were here and alive and delicious also I’m to say this right now if we go down into

The nether we are going to cheat ourselves some Tyra’s motions because [ __ ] the nether he watches like all my students here and I have two HP and spent half eating wait I have carrots some chicken I have carrots carrots are not real food come on the [ __ ] is wrong okay I need to

Garden oh no not just all the food and the leather in the test here and the way what else do I need you asked me to get something can you remind me what’s that I don’t know I wouldn’t you need to I won four shears I don’t know where the Underground’s you said

Something else saplings that’s what you wanted right I can’t Acacio twist three someone it’s getting dark again I guess they’re gonna have to retreat to our home soon well you do I am a tall building the farm well [ __ ] [ __ ] well that’s exploded that’s survival minecraft wanna walk oh the farm

I’ll make charcoal cool you’re making a tree farm for charcoal so did the creeper like blow up the sapling where’s the sapling go rally yeah and extortions destroy you know blocks that are floating around I do I also can’t see the Sun the laws of freakin ocean which makes it a loss

Laputa so okay so remind me how like you destroyed the trunk to get a sapling or you try to leave or I’m just going to do you just usually do disposal acquiring the bank will automatically makes entire leaves disappears they might might the usual the usual

Problem Oh God oh there we go I’m getting saplings now two of them and I can say hello to the big black horse white [ __ ] it’s kind of a reverse Appaloosa Oh reversed my mistake I’m sorry Horace wait now you’re so me bike or seems advice I was trying not and now

I’m being swarmed by monsters I’m getting out of here I hope I can swim faster than they can they will fighter okay I’m good I’m good they’re not gonna catch that I’m just gonna go home and lead all these monsters directly into our house if that’s cool with you

Disappointment okay we’re good we’re good they’re not even we’re safe on our island so someone asked how do you set up VR with friends let’s mango Phoenix and this is you’re not playing in VR I’m the only one playing in bi you’re playing minecraft normal minecraft on a

Normal monitor and I set up the server and I set a five craft so I can play on my wrist alongside you however Adamas tickets to that would be no problem I’m the only thing that’s a little bit tricky to set up is the mineral audio if you want to like hear

People’s voices coming from the direction that they are from you I haven’t done that yet it’s a little bit tricky but you can do that I mean you can do that with the same technology steam operates with very smart I’m just sitting here like waiting for these

Zombies to swim close enough for me to destroy them yeah that’s a moment Arctic Yeah just to source them into the onto the sequani yeah that’s not so step three cement but okay it’s happening but it’s no accepting you I gather these bands are slow do you want a coffee this might take away I don’t think it will be any later but for now with my

Maybe the nice thing about the water that’s a creeper behind you I’m not gonna let oh hi what should we do should we just ignore that did you what creep until you did you sink I’m was talking I meant that one but I see the one that’s right by us

Now I mean if you think of me as it hasn’t seen us yet it would be really problematic Richard also I what I’m really missing Mike Rowe was just for my survival point of view mm-hmm it’s literally no apple trees it’s just we are drop to get dampens also octopus

Please thanks someone asked what we’re using for voice chat we’re just using discord I’m just running discord at the same time I’m running minecraft that’s all we’re doing geez that weighs and not having in the voice chat at all yeah I just I didn’t want to bother

Setting it up and text chat is completely impractical when you’re in the eyes Take Chetan minecraft it’s freaking impractical it’s no okay Eric as it’s it’s not offset and advanced yet so I can see like cyber keyboards yeah like I mean there are virtual keyboards they work okay but they usually you have to point at each letter one at a time

Because it can’t controllers don’t track all ten of your fingers really oh you’re using controller not Louvre yeah there aren’t VR gloves commercially available yet at least for consumers like they’re just controllers you hold in your hands they track your hands they track they try I know I know

How unless what telling that to your viewers whether I’ve done that you already but I was using tracks suit can use phul if you have some basically all connections I keep us coming over creeper scholarship okay I mean on the other end it’s just going

To explode but it’s not going to do any block temperature because it’s in the water right because water is like it’s antidote to explosions in stuff to be fair which just teleport myself over to you know what my friend is leeches are fanox like he I don’t know the entire

Story but he managed to get I couldna ice present a one ourselves developers and ended up being constant by them and simply from one day off another just joined one of the development teams to be fair he isn’t well he’s genius if it comes to computers children react and

Visit CIA but yeah I don’t know the German schools very well but I figure they’re really good yeah so let me take a minute while we’re not doing too much to just go through my options for the viewers so tripping over my cord like screaming and things all according to

Chicago okay under the options there’s the VR Settings panel but you can see here there are profiles there’s the stereo rendering options this is where you increase your render scale one point I was usually pretty good you can increase that for more super sampling you can decrease it if you can’t keep up

The rendering performance on a slower GPU FSIA do I want to turn that on yeah I think idea mirrored display just turns on the mirror window in your desktop I’m using oculus mirrors so I don’t need it I have it off and then there’s the crosshair settings which affect whether the the

Crosshair is shown on the objects you’re pointing to how big it is whether it gets smaller as it gets farther away or stays the same size things like that you can mostly leave that alone the HUD affects the HUD appearing on your left hand which has all your tools the size

How big it is things like that the menu background also adds this opaque background in case you don’t like these buttons having just a transparent background the most interesting settings are the locomotion settings and the controller buttons the controller buttons just let you remap any function

To any of the buttons on the on the touch controllers I find this really useful because the initial setup I was not a big fan of I ended up remapping walk board walk backwards Jeff left strafe right to my left stick because in my current locomotion but my left stick

The direction I point at controls which direction I’m facing or which direction I’m going and that lets me like walk in one direction while looking around which is nice and and so and I walk forwards and backwards a lot if I get too close

To things I always take a step back so I like to walk backwards bound to something I changed a few other things around here I think I but not too much I’m pretty sure I put jump on my left index trigger instead of on the analog

Stick which is what it was initially on because it makes more sense for jump to be a button it just feels better and I think I hate to interrupt but we know there’s some in the test I left some in the test yeah how much is some that’s not enough okay

One second I have to go through the locomotion settings so there’s a lot of options and by craft way more than in the Windows 10 version it’s a lot of them are fairly like technical and like not the kind of thing you normally need the tweak so don’t go around messing up

All this stuff for no reason room scale jumping means you can actually jump to jump in the game I don’t like it I turned it off because it makes your jumping not match your actual motion but I did turn on room scale climbing which lets you climb by just walking up to

Something room scale sneaking which lets you actually duck to speak room scale swimming and which lets you do the dog paddle things move through the water which I showed you earlier and room-scale rowing which is you can row a boat I like growing your arms and the main thing you

Need to move here change here is the free move type so you can change here remove or teleport mode free move is not teleport modes not supported on all servers on vanilla servers you can’t use it unless you have access to teleport but if you’re on one that has a buy of

Craft mod you can use teleport it’s just the more it’s a typical VR teleport system where you can teleport short distances and that’s more comfortable for a lot of people so if you get thick moving around manually you can try that there are several types of free move

Where which don’t use teleportation the one controller I mentioned my left controller whichever way at faces is the direction I move hmd means whichever way you point your head as the direction you move when you walk forward run in place is a weird one it’s like you move your

Arms like it’s like you press forward and then you move your arms and that determines your speed based on how fast you’re running in place and joypad just uses the buttons and it’s not based on the orientation of anything so that’s the basic stuff and there’s a lot of a lot more interesting

Options here I’m not going to go through them all you can explore them at your leisure we’ll revisit them another time Okay time for trees you said you need more words I am here mean I am planting a lot of fruit of twist because remember the nose of the ground stuff all of it but all in all I will die chicken I’m collecting flowers I don’t think they’re good for anything it’s the dyeing wall is that right oh yeah they’re for basically everything that has to do that’s it I got a little bit what I should probably have a CNE I don’t know I’ve really don’t you have no

Idea how big I want to vote but yeah for now it will do I guess do you want to mind do you know to mind what you want to do I do one of the people in this chat is asking if they can join but I don’t mmm they wouldn’t be on the

Discord so it would be a little bit weird but they can what do you think I don’t mind okay put it that way I can’t stay too long anyway it’s already 2:00 a.m. I took several hours to set this up because of technical issues with that took a little while to

Figure out and now it’s 2 a.m. in Germany yeah basically what he is trying to say she done good I’m gonna drop the IP I’m just gonna say it and anyone else who wants to join in can I’m probably not gonna add you to the voice though

Get too messy sad too many I mean we can set up a disk I don’t there’s not that many people watching But still I mean it could consider this it’s this this could and still we go into something bigger so like the longer we like stream and some stream this can go pretty be a pretty quickly actually so I don’t see why not make of mop a

Descriptor of working for the K in the case in case that people are like you I think those won’t be great so let me turn to so what way are you oh you really are making a farm you’re growing wheat is that what you’re doing hmm no

That’s why careful wait did you get the mom there we go all right don’t want to have people this force to water fountains nothing it’s like it sounds like it’s away from us be careful not to walk on the farm of course I mean you can’t walk on the farm you just kind

Of jump on top of it oh did you make this little this little fenced in area with the animals Here I am together so most animals in the zone you’re a natural farmer I’ve it’s a scam a lot not recently and part enough to normal during and I’m thinking we need

To build just a two wall wall around our little platform here I’m gonna do that sing this well you can well you can do that for now I actually what I do like that adds a great base and all other for for being the ground floor but what I want to do

Is I want to get up here and build a second pink layer and makes a thick layer be a lot like go further out sand the ground layer and then make something hang down bit on forms outside so it’s basically like an orb around it okay I

Just want some depends so we don’t get creepers just one here in the middle of our base and yeah I understood what happened to that time okay I’m just gonna use wooden panels because I’m on creative yeah I’m not going to say anything about that

Okay I don’t want to get to it I never claimed to be the most creative minecraft day I should I could be really freaking me deep silence just gonna make one layer around the walk is this what is this some other kind of wet whatever all the

Concern okay I’m I’m serve well this is interesting to say the meet I did not know these achievements would be saying Adam that’s a great achievement can you look at his achievements okay I’m going to read it out serious dedication completely use up and diamond hoe and

Then we ever we ever valuate your life choices How did skeleton I told you I need to go get more way no that’s a reason why you’re usually go mining in the in night time one of my viewers has just reminded me that there is actually a a 2d client provide craft where you played in that you would be

Able to see all my head and hand movements properly we don’t have to switch but it’s good to know for the future all right it doesn’t it and now I start [ __ ] didn’t mean to do that sir was it means I should be you know all the best thing about Minecraft

There’s so much response all city-owned if yeah if we had any I wouldn’t just stay a sake overhead and built a shield we don’t have well we only need to island which we don’t have we’re gonna get we’re gonna find ya right now I just need a little bit more wood for our

Barrier but no I just need dirt do you have any worked out in your inventory I have 20 wonder gimme gimme gimme to me to destroy are you still lost no ineffective strategy is it now Did you just cheat for me I don’t know let me think alright your thighs and everything time I’m learning it’s a learning experience if you don’t die you never learn I don’t think I died once in my first place room after Eddie yes that’s not a joke hey we

Really mean that oh oh I’m I accidentally made the perfect funny balls to thank you a pretty neat you still didn’t get me yogurt yeah I was about to say you race while avoiding two burning skeletons so another thing to know about farming in particular minecraft one block of water actually is

Enough to water up it’s a seven times seven field one block can sustain you just need to get a bucket or you do like I’m always to send far the ocean and the farm around some water that’s not actually is a reason right and said I

Just want to have like so hard to stop possible Just okay now I remember what I was doing silence waiting for your work we all live realization slowly waiting come on what could I be missing well what the [ __ ] was I doing the entire speaking time there you go enjoy your dad I’m not

Going to make any sexual is one is a is a wall of just one block enough since we’re out at sea yeah and the more it is I have so many even for some to streaker bring me one of the nice things about in in VR is instead of like pointing your

Head where you want to place blocks you just aim with your hands so you can be looking in one direction and just move your arm around and place a whole row of blocks it’s pretty cool that’s useful another and you can do that with them

What it or not after and why just came over different is take off dirt you do enough melon sir yeah the worst thankful thankful that William oh I should have make it nothing here yeah well sure done makes a makes a farms here so much okay we’re pretty safe but I should make

A door I think thank you oh wow I did not mean to lose that but that’s awesome so I put the middle of the farm exactly in suraíh its way with sermon oh you got the right distance yeah without trying or anything it just which makes me happy

Because I don’t have to I don’t have to worry if I brought up into this direction hey Roy welcome what are you doing in this hole oh you’re making your own little house that’s cool no it’s good can I don’t know if we can and over here hmm

Think one needs to do that and worldedit or something I really don’t know I don’t think I ever did said anyways because we had one awesome was the maiden swords no place like we started on the flying up I don’t we were something like yeah we

Are staying here so some bad and what’s the prison wasn’t a great song yes okay so I collected a little bit of extra wood just to make the door because I’ve been running really short on wood what should not do that the boxes are shelters do those first but I want to

See over where’s our farm has its ash so I can just here sir All that swimming is tiring me out your decision to play this game with VR it’s kind of weird that when you build the door builds a set of three doors like who’s ever gonna use three doors a lot of people but I have to say here speeders it’s a bad night

If it was for it would be great or if it was true now basically what you have to do in order to get an angel attack just by by am using there is what you have to do is basically make sure so you have six but it’s pretty hard to use six so

That means I have to do if I have to in a small place where you can start thinking if you follow through the over the farm there to the wall to the right and if you follow the land I think I should be able to see it yeah on the

Right side there well not if you go past farm on the right side of the small on who exam here okay I can go over there I think I’ll sign that let me just put my stuff now I’m working was a tree farm so far I swords a bit lower I should make

Another one before I go should also try to get torturous why’d I have a bit of coal and I should have some food just in case or driving get hungry do I need that yes you will get hungry especially my consumption like I jump get saplings

I have no saplings waiter I know I know that feeling worried and all that feeling but you know what’s even better to find I found an entire diamond diamond vein in our playthrough back then thank you it was 32 diamonds because we had modern stones that made

Forests on or also were spawning a lot hearts less but they were spawning gigantic these the singers we had been searching for about 30 minutes for Ireland and it’s led a finding I we just stumbled upon diamonds better stone and some really like yeah what are we supposed to

Do with that also you took all my calls I need I need some of it it’s more with don’t have I mean if you have a try playing minecraft this photo with realism and takes a break it’s not disturbing but your PC won’t own $10

Yeah that’s that to add on on the other hand no I don’t think that that should make any difference and it’s really just after all we are is not game itself like yeah you are wanting the game while using er but the game itself doesn’t change due to from that

I think I have a spammer either that or someone pretending to be a spammer I can’t tell they say the Fitnessgram pacer test is the multistage aerobic capacity test that sounds like spam songs just dump like evil for spam it’s pretty dumb unfortunately the game is

Captured my mouth so I can’t I’m not a moderator for your stream so I can’t whines I feel like opening up a skirt just for their own experience Oh mother one took care of that Thank You Ven all right backward my meat is done just need few things yes not so that was a perfect thing for me I’m off that I’m gonna return your call now I might have used a lot of it but not all of it back

And Rustica I can give you some of my steak actually I might just cook some pork chop okay have some of my steak okay My I should eat one too because I’m about to go adventuring Eating is really weird and B are you actually like hold the meat up to your mouth Okay you don’t talk to that all feels more fun when I do it would be cool if it like automatically eats it when you hold it up to your mouth okay this is what you’re right this is a good area to start mining I started a bit I started a

Bit and best way to make this thing four blocks works hi everything yes no not not sad look at this here some also some nice so if you look at this if you could oh my usually what odd icing is best is to build whole set up for high so you go

This and the reason for that being is because later you can just put up cobblestone stairs to just go right down and even if you don’t for now if you go down like this you don’t hammer your head against blocks out of chops and I thought just break down which is a lot

Quicker which is the only reason why I adapted massive building down on mine and like sad if you if you stopped like if your window just and tell me and we can talk about how we just spread out so stuff down there so why it’s loyal yeah

I might just collide force warrior or it’s mine here if I’m not entirely mistaken it looks like it why have you down here somewhere oh why fight I am I’m getting not be just holy [ __ ] you’re gonna be fine no I am walking down Roy’s shaft right and you know

Well no not to share but you people down a staircase which is like the things that my people will do and open up an area afterward yeah okay so um why already if you keep going down there where you go right now and you will eventually end up where why has it

Already been well I mean you’re going turns out zapped into words but you get not just stuff out of it but you don’t know that’s your act unless you actually vote out like I do if I am down on the ground I just watched on here why is but I’m

Sorry I’m smiling pretty much it’s it’s funny that you’re saying which is like the most general stuff you will find and it’s on you feels a little claustrophobic being in these tight little mind shots in VR but they’re only like a few feet wide yeah I know it’s

Pretty weird so what I usually end up doing and chefs after are a bit I’m just going if I’m down there mm-hmm I am starting to put out a big room like a good chunk or so in spaced and then I’m just going to all got sad

Sack Weaver and a horse and are you think I’m not safe I’m dying I told something achievement you managed to kill one of the monsters trying to kill you I mean I’m used to it sir oh yeah there we go no I will just build out a big area down

There and from that point onward I’m like building small channels and F is looting f do you think you can like somehow managed to make an ass tournament and bits of yours make a what how Hassan I have some in the air yeah that’s why it’s okay oh my god I just

Found iron right here I hope I can get it all before my pick runs out I think I can sue for you what did that’s right oh good what’s still raining outside the rain is kind of killing my frame rate I might have to turn it off so actually it’s okay now

That’s pretty bad I’m gonna kill the rain yeah I can I can oh wait I might just do it in my client preferences there we go turn it off it’s still getting a fair amount of framedrops I’m not sure why this is the main issue spycraft it doesn’t have the

Same performance off yet like I turned it off actually I’m still having framedrops that’s weird I wonder what changed maybe Michael he’s just signing it overwhelmed are you [ __ ] kidding me you gave me one carrot out of that I have bones okay gotta be our breakfast

Today can you can you can you chip can you just empty out your inventory you know I guess I might as well well it’s good because I’m trying to gather some stuff at all that’s all I got that’s all new to me and to me okay holds up pull

That back and the flour okay I’m not giving my tools up unless you want them no I’m just I what I need is bone meal and so the thing I need at the moment I’ve been fighting many skeletons or monster II don’t have a lot of yeah

And I need strains at other precincts because with string I could craft us like that also is that all the island because I need to really only have six iron what should we prioritize it for do you need farming tools wait oh I gave Wario my I wanna [ __ ]

Get get pic access so for I don’t need I don’t I don’t need to because right now I just I need to next I only need to normally acts I still have a pickaxe no I won’t make a big exit so you wanna know yeah reason for that being yeah

Because I will be I’m getting what’s assuming because we need that’s more believe three iron we’re gonna split iron in half I’m gonna leave three in the chest fear okay you can do whatever you please okay also I just know to come up set achievement stove words look at

Me look at me look at me look at me okay so so this trip stove well shouldn’t it yes forward back at me where the hell did you get a diamond all out of the chest earlier do you things to be so for any my viewers who are wondering why my

Screen keeps going to the the vibe gray room or the scene be our great room that just happens whenever the garbage collector runs and bike because so happy every few minutes it’ll just drop into the gray room because I’ve sent my memory size very large and that means

That the garbage collection cycles are rare but very intense [ __ ] and now I got a good way again well I thought I got eggs from killing all those chickens why did you count did you loser stuff and didn’t we collected backside I’m pretty sure I recollected almost all my

Stuff unless I missed anything oh oh that’s a pretty hard choice to make what know I can make sheers to get some but I also want to have now I’m Allen max I want x-ray and you go ahead and try to galaxy yeah you don’t mind try to get

More ions yeah so I’m going to make them X and go ahead and start grinding words sorry I think on my hand I’m not sure if your MBR or not though singers can use steam has yeah it more one minute but here like you word your delay is really

Really bad I mean it it is bounce with you why are you streaming on YouTube anyways to be honest I just because I want to archive the videos on my channel and my channels on YouTube and you are I know you can alright from twitch to

Youtube I know they have a feature for that but it’s easier if I just do it on youtube because it’s automatic and also because I want to do 1080p 60 which twitch does not support last I checked so you’re supporting that for a pretty long time really pretty sure yeah I

Might be wrong it’s up to what ability you stream what qualities as a video is going to be bound to that that’s not the worst ever exactly real worse than mine and – Bess mica mind YouTube has three settings for latency I set mine for the longest to maximize

Quality because I didn’t care too much about latency but there are cases where you want better Lindsay and I could just change the setting I really wanted to I mean the question is what do you prefer quality or what do you prefer quality or interaction with your chest

Yeah in all honesty I would have to be able to interact with my chair I have I kind of I kind of go both way it’s like I want the archival cuz a lot of people don’t make my streams in person they only catch them on the archives so I

Want them to have the best view but I don’t know I do also want to be able to answer chat questions quickly so I might try the medium settings sometimes see how it goes I mean maybe you should just ask around and see what other people think about second set because you

Should also check like exactly how many people actually watch your videos on high quality because it’s not going to be there man like I think most people if I look at myself skeleton over there I don’t have shield and I don’t have smart so you

Will take care of that all in all I usually prefer to watch videos where I don’t end on for 480p instead of anything at all really the expeller to change the quality changes between 480 and do not do not claim that already in 720 look the same that is bull shop babe

One of the things that doesn’t buy craft is if you reach out so I’m sorry to say that but sacral it is not that different even if you’re trying to tell me I wanted I watch videos always at the highest possible setting I can tell the difference between 1080p m4k like easily

Like there is always a difference ok it’s a bit different than anything else since you know 4k it’s not 180 PS and we’re 20 no like not at all I’m not at all mine like like I’ve seen like Starcraft 2 streams which were where the text was completely illegible at 480p

And completely clear at 1080p it’s like again it’s a difference if you want to read some as long as you don’t want to read something it’s total snow the game elements have details too although I guess in Minecraft the game elements are huge I like computers or worms might be and

You are not letting me put through my pawns entire freakin time but I just don’t see how you say our cities really simply are thanks for watching it like on your phone on a train even then like really so on the difference say it’s between 480 and 20 is if you want

To read some saw on twice a so different basically non what about the details of the the textures and stuff you can tell what going on you can tell what’s going on understand and which most other people who use YouTube don’t understand this everything about 480p doesn’t

Increase it takes your credit II or anything it increases the sharpness of the videos which is something entirely else and if you’d interrupt me another time I’m going to mute you in discord and just talk over you and I’m going to so that’s not going to

Much for you but unlike you I am letting you speak I’m not speaking I have nothing say I think everything I’ve said is completely obvious to anyone with functional eyes and I’m not gonna explain it I’m gonna take that personally okay well I’m gonna find more iron I

Left all the iron in the chest you can use it for whatever you think is good if you want to get sword or armor or or whatever you want you’re doing a lot of farming so figure you could use more tools oh well yeah the source like

Obviously if the source is 480p then it doesn’t matter what resolution you record at it no sense going hired but in minecraft like I play minecraft on a 4k monitor so the source is 4k when I play in on a regular monitor but in VR

Mode it’s not quite as high did you set your game itself – yep lick the play ball or 4k so the way it work the way it works is the render texture that it renders to in VR is about 1.4 times larger than the device’s screen and each in width and

Height so it’s a resolution of about 1,300 by 1,300 her eye and so it renders to the ones for each eye and then one of those eyes gets cropped and applied to the mirror window so it’s resolution is going to be something like 720p roughly so why I’m pretty sure would get what

You said but it is 2:30 a.m. and I just simply blanked out halfway through I said I liked when you said when you were talking I was like the important thing is it’s just the result the effective resolution that my game is running at is comparable to roughly 720p it’s actually

More like 1280 by 1280 roughly what I was trying to get at is my craft itself months as far as I know either 4 or 80 or 7 720 No well by default yeah but I always play at a higher resolution and then in the yard definitely defaults to a higher

Resolution it defaults to like I said about about 1300 by 1300 because that’s the resolution of the rendered texture so that’s about what it renders that and then that gets that gets cropped down for the mirror window but the important thing is like because I have the

Sidebars on my stream it actually makes sense for me to have 1080p I wouldn’t bother going to 1080p if it was not actually useful because for always I just put it on I have seen people put like like original Legend of Zelda and upload in like 4k which is obviously

Ridiculous yeah great idea put an 8-bit game the sauce itself would be really good I mean the only reason you might want to do that is if you really want the pixel filtering to be nearest-neighbor filtering and the player is using like bilinear filtering and there’s no way to force it to filter

The way you want then you can just use a much higher resolution to simulate the nearest neighbor filter it’s extremely wasteful way to do that because it produces a lot of high-frequency detail and just destroy trying to figure out or underground water or something oh [ __ ]

Yeah oh you’re a bet go back up and widen the tactic to be sweet ants for because you just made one single line down which doesn’t believe help us you said it should be three yeah like goes all the way up and yeah looks like Roy is already helping with that that’s cool

Yeah I saw him looking the I already was like good gold next time I could sum all felt like you would be going to do that I just wanted to start by making a 1 D 1 1 white shop and then I could wipe that just like in a cross section I’m going

To do something I hate to do bit X I just I am grass bridge which basically means I’m building a line of stirred lane towards of towards the place where there’s no grass whatsoever just so the graph the grass will grow over and eventually manage to catch up single one we want

Some to be mean I can I can I might as well just use the boxes in my inventory and yeah if your inventory is able to hold I don’t have though I had exactly one block less than that pickaxe sector actually helping grass grow now I’m not I mean why is he or

Just set down a lot of of tourists I just got a big vein of coal we’re gonna be able to burn forever you know you only meet singer that okay oh my god gyrus Claxton okay just here oh that’s better whatever carrots are annoying – whoa are you

Growing carrots what makes them so annoying because they only have of chance to actually drop more carrots than say like say F only 50% Resort web trans in order to talk more than one thing carrot which means if you’re unlucky you’re going to sit there for eternity and Oh carrots will actually

Get off what you’ve been building in our minds yeah yep not trust me that’s not any any less annoying that as it is on the keyboard like trust me you can trust be fully on that one we still don’t have I don’t I don’t think you can’t straight melon

Seeds or anything you have to find sometimes you melons are pretty damn useful because you usually get more than eight on just fine you dirt an hour also you can build like you can easily build four chests around yeah we got plenty of coal we have like a hundred call usually takes actually

Coal blocks are better for a story really wait coal blocks did you say that’s four years Wow okay I knew about like diamond blocks and gold blocks I didn’t know about coal blocks both of them have some new texture supposin Raven mm-hmm by the way Thank You Vincent for banning more

Spammers that’s kind of interesting that I have live stream spammers now I would not be surprised for to be because we’re playing Minecraft because many are watching minecraft streams nowadays and while minecraft is so while your channel doesn’t have segment viewers if you would set up like you for example it

Will suddenly increase and people watching it because it’s more enjoying joy you still have the same people we are stuff but your people who are interesting in itself my Kostas thing oh no I know minecraft is a phenomenon I want to play a lot of different VR

Games but I like to play Minecraft sometimes and I’ve only done a few videos on it and there’s so much to doing that I could always afford to do a little bit more ok Jesus when our was that you it was you can basically another what did I want to do right I

Wanted the good thing about uh turning hope you just don’t give a [ __ ] about material there are made of I mean I can make one of our own but it’s wasted like it’s all missing where you don’t appreciate iron sword I’m ready to kill sheep with style how about you don’t

Kill anything but make some shear so we actually had for once no I I don’t see how shears are going to help us kill any animal I’m not going to answer this and you know I don’t have any weapon well how about to every single be a rebellion

Ever happen well I mean they need weapons for rebellion purposes but not for farming purposes oh you’ve done all that true I mean they might need some to fight the fights a demon cows for an every two days I could I got more bones

Make so what I am using on offs it’s one also easiest rest of peace and I ignore okay thank you okay I’m gonna go to share some she looks like a tongue twister share some she share some sheep yeah share some shapes here some fire so that’s a reason why I

Hate grass britches because just grass litter there’s another skeleton [ __ ] you I have a sword and I see sheep I’m gonna just kill everything that stands between me and the Sheep why do I have so Shearson oh wait Oh unless someone else gave you oh yeah actually met bad already

I’m not going to say that oh [ __ ] there’s and they’re men up here just hanging out with the wild animals don’t know cats I don’t I’m just gonna look away look away try not to hit the sheep with my sword how do I share I’m watching it goes

Inside set what I just yeah okay you don’t you only screen okay I can’t believe how many swords I’m not killing the scene I mean the enemies which enemy not achieve I’m killing like the skeletons and spiders and Suns ami is they take long for you to kill even with

The iron sword which surprises me they didn’t use to take that many I mean yay again combat updates so not oh no no I just noticed what you think you’re spamming them you’re spamming attack which is dumb oh you’re supposed to time it like wait between attacks right yeah

A few um attack meter absolutely there with salt as far as I know if you use your alt tag it also does a will you take which I wasn’t playing when the combat you haven’t been playing thanks this three years ago oh I’m reminded me I can place a torch

In my left hand that’s a good idea I don’t think not yeah it works totally work light beyond my surround off yeah it doesn’t scare them away but it lets me see what they’re doing oh but why one one one that’s the creeper and another one and another I’m totally not okay this

Creep seen me the Enderman won’t touch me if I just don’t look at them right yeah okay just gonna share this sheep standing right next to the Enderman and not look at him look at him oh [ __ ] creepers yeah I know yaps time quit one same tune oh and up Elden okay

Screw this I’m going in the water what happened back there you okay I made two jumping take of them it’s a steal small damage but due to that the creeper was pushed towards oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] All the zombies burning but also in water so it’s constantly fizzling it’s like zombies I got some or the stuff from creepers drop Wow wait the money I want that sheep and the creepers in my way it has to die which is moss all right that’s wrong I could

Use it I do not go into because we will need it later up sometime at least okay I got all kinds of going on I’m gonna head on back more sheep I miss some I’m going to lay bare to all of the flock they shall be completely I like how the

Zombies at the wall just trying to get in but it can and it burns every time it jumps up in the air trying to get over the wall it does it eventually die it probably does most likely cuz it’ll keep jumping out of the water and getting

Burned a little bit until it eventually I’m just gonna leave it I’m gonna leave it to it’s slow and painful death I’m sure that will entirely work but did you get a helmet or was that part of your original skin you once looked at much not someone where it said stone

Which I am will have to remove you know looks like okay I see yeah um I’m a just let’s go ahead and make like something where I can just build on chests in so we can have like stone and girls and stuff out of the way okay I’m gonna go

Back to the mind now that I have collected wha I should leave the Shearer behind in case I’ll leave this urine and the axe behind should make a wedge that won’t really do much so I think you can already guess what I’m going to do I don’t see one way I was

Although my performance is suffering again I think it would be better once again the mind has a lot of sketchy performance issues mostly because it is written in Java which is not designed to reliably keep 90 frames a second oh maybe you should go down to 6c considering our I can’t

You cannot period what why that’s how it works if you ever drop frames it’s uncomfortable you have to maintain 90 all the time I want ice are only able to perfect your eyes are able to perceive like a thousand we are not we literally are not I can easily show you examples

Of demos where the difference between 60 and 90 is very visible okay then goes against basically a freeze singing every study astronomy so far but okay oops hmm I nearly fell in a hole it’s true that yeah okay so Roy is explaining something I didn’t want to explain but

Basically on the rift if something is not able to maintain 90 it will drop to 45 and use a feature called asynchronous space warp to synthesize the intermediate frames so I if I’m running at 45 that’s pretty much fine too but if I’m not able to maintain 45 that’s when

I really get in trouble like when the garbage collector kicks in and it takes like a thousand frames I know but in the rift when you’re not seeing anything for five seconds you can’t maintain 90 you at least have to maintain 45 or you’re in trouble

Someone’s reminding me of that if I go mining I have to place mine in the tunnel I can’t just rely on the one in my hand actually I’ll take the one out of my yes when it runs at 45 you get artifacts from the Space Warp so you wanna just

For you do not put that off to your hand literally keep it in your hand yeah because YouTube is going to makes it look a lot darker and your partner is I’m playing white yeah yeah a lot of people watching on YouTube because because the window is bright way around no YouTube itself

Thanks darker like you’ll see exactly the same thing if you play the game in a window with white around this might be the same one that Roy was exploring earlier there’s lots of stuff here there’s lava and I saw some coal and some Reds I’m not entirely sure don’t just know

It’s just that you might get lost which happen I don’t get lost I always put torches on my left-hand side so I don’t get lost I wonder if I can climb up the water I wonder where Italy I swear I’m just gonna buy you Now I just have to get out and not die that’s my new objective oh I see new iron over the lava I’m not gonna get it stay away from I can’t change it I know it’s not your fault but like it’s really really bad okay I can’t really

Move my head my volume change and that’s basically the reason why am I have such as making these sounds Sara song I don’t actually know what’s causing it but it has to do with that at least okay I’m gonna deposit all our valuables before I forgot okay and now at 14

Diamonds that’s a lot you should Ken Kenny can you already like create a diamond pickaxe and try to get some obsidian like we need we need we need 10 yeah well I mean I want to keep going I didn’t want to for once in my life be

Able to beat the ring without having to cheat a freaking water to be able to actually get to it One guy is like sounds like a loose wire in the headset yeah I think that’s what it probably is it’s not even it’s just plugging in changer like that so I know which is the reason why can times make it stop because I can try to change we have bats hungry

We should probably use it once I don’t know why sometimes my performance is good and sometimes it just suddenly starts dropping frames constantly five craft is kind of random like that I’m dropping just tons of friends it looks really bad although know it well for a

Second it was good do you stop doing whatever you’re doing and lay down stop doing whatever you’re doing then lay down the breath don’t sorry lay down hold on the lines you already slept sir okay I just wanted to see what it looked like when I was sleeping I didn’t get the

Same why it’s okay now I don’t get the try again until nighttime I mean I can I mean I wanted to but it’s not really what okay so a white because I’d said it should 24 and that’s not 24 South which never reason of a cape give me a second

I need to figure this out ah that’s what sang-gon 10,000 spare any chance I’m going to catch the air station now you can’t go again okay so it looks like the way they do it and if I’ve dropped is they just dim everything and then they have you standing on the bed which I guess is the best they can do oh I

Mean yeah unless you’re actually gonna lie down on the floor which I could do but it would be kind of weird it’s actually kind of fun to do that sometimes in Minecraft like I could do that now if I just lie down and look up

At the sky and I can see the clouds going by Hmm what are you doing I was I was never mind okay I think I’m about ready to wrap up for now because these quality issues are not getting much better and I know it’s really late over there would you be okay with wrapping huh in all honesty by now I’m considering to

Just go with an all-nighter because I have to get up and five hours and let’s be honest here if I do I’m going to be more tired and if I just say anything today and it’s already like 6:00 in the evening so I am going to stop this video now

Erica thanks everyone for coming thanks for watching me in my craft the very first time doing some multiplayer it was fun Thank You Roy for joining us on the server and that’s all for today let me know any other games you want to see let me know if you want to see more

Multiplayer minecraft if you want to see the windows Timbers in Minecraft let me know what you want to see and that’s it everybody have a great everyday

This video, titled ‘Stream: Vivecraft (Minecraft VR) with friends!’, was uploaded by eVRydayVR on 2017-09-11 01:51:35. It has garnered 3297 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:17 or 9197 seconds.

I get into Vivecraft (the VR version of Minecraft based on the original Java version) and play on a server with my friend Shikaschima from Germany!

  • Aquarium Upgrade: GW’s Minecraft Makeover!

    Aquarium Upgrade: GW's Minecraft Makeover! In Minecraft, the aquarium’s in need of a change, Let’s spruce it up, make it look less strange. Start with natural blocks, like grass or dirt, Add spruce stairs, give it some flirt. Barrels on the sides, upside down they go, A frame, a slab, a banner to show. Fill the gaps with spruce blocks tight, Glass for the water, clear and bright. Fences and walls to keep it secure, Cover with barrels, make it endure. For a simpler touch, add a shelf or two, In this Minecraft world, let your creativity brew. Read More

  • Steve’s Diversity: The Great Transformation

    Steve's Diversity: The Great Transformation In the world of Minecraft, we’ve been turned into Steves, Playing Diversity 1, with tricks up our sleeves. The original map by qmagnet, a classic delight, With friends by my side, streaming in the night. Akiera and Antari, joining the fun, In a world where we’re all Steve, a race just begun. Version 1.7.4, the game we embrace, With glitches and laughs, all over the place. Check out the map, in the description below, And visit my friends’ streams, where the fun will flow. Stay tuned for more rhymes, in the Minecraft domain, As we explore Diversity, with joy… Read More

  • Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft

    Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Survival with Only One Chest! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the unique challenge of surviving with only one chest! Join Mert_mn as he navigates through this intense gameplay, striving to stay alive against all odds. Unleashing Creativity in a Limited Space With only one chest at his disposal, Mert_mn must carefully manage his resources and make strategic decisions to progress in the game. This challenge pushes the boundaries of creativity as he finds innovative ways to thrive in a world of limited supplies. Strategic Resource Management Surviving with… Read More

  • Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie – Minecraft Cities & Castles

    Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie - Minecraft Cities & Castles Exploring Castle Leslie in Minecraft Introduction In the latest episode of Minecraft Cities & Castles, the dynamic duo of Castle Leslie enthusiasts, featuring Frayte and the narrator, embark on a thrilling adventure to explore the ancient site of Castle Leslie. This historic location boasts a modern castle that has undergone numerous expansions and rebuilds over the generations. Castle Leslie: A Blend of History and Modernity The journey through Castle Leslie in Minecraft reveals a fascinating blend of history and modern architecture. The castle stands as a testament to the evolution of architectural styles, showcasing the intricate details and grandeur… Read More

  • World’s First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build

    World's First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build I Built a MEGA HEART as my Nether Portal in Hardcore SupNinjaz embarked on a monumental project in his Minecraft Hardcore series by constructing a massive Nether Portal in the shape of a heart. This ambitious endeavor took him a month to complete, utilizing over 10,000 blocks. However, as he neared the finishing touches, a chilling event unfolded, adding a mysterious twist to the project. Building the Giant Heart Nether Portal SupNinjaz outlined his game plan, dividing the project into four main parts. First, he meticulously crafted the external pixel units of the heart using black concrete to give… Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans

    Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft: Vijivaniyani Yorvordik in Uzbek Exploring the Vijivaniya Qilamiza Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Uzbek-language Let’s Play video showcasing the majestic Vijivaniya Qilamiza. Dive into the immersive experience with stunning shaders that bring the game to life! Discovering Shaders in Minecraft Uncover the beauty of shaders in Minecraft as you delve into the Uzbek-language gameplay. Spend hours exploring the vast landscapes and intricate details with the latest shaders for a truly captivating experience! Immersive Gameplay with Shaders Experience Minecraft like never before with shaders enabled in this… Read More

  • Plane Crazy: Hilarious Minecraft Animation Flight

    Plane Crazy: Hilarious Minecraft Animation Flight In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Our favorite news reporter, spinning rhymes that jive. Updates and news, all delivered with flair, In every verse, the essence of gaming is there. From funny animations to unique experiences, Each video brings joy, no room for grievances. With characters like Stress and OdoKentang in play, The world of Minecraft comes alive in a playful display. So like, subscribe, and share with glee, Supporting Kulpi Semungku, the channel that’s key. In every frame, unforgettable moments unfold, In the extraordinary world of animation, stories untold. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies!

    Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies! Celebrate Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary with Free Party Supplies Addon! 🎉 Are you ready to throw the ultimate virtual party in Minecraft? Look no further! To celebrate Minecraft’s 15th anniversary, you can now get your hands on a special party supplies addon completely free of charge. This addon includes unique decorations, party supplies, and more to take your in-game celebration to the next level. Keep reading to find out how to access and use these special items for your own virtual party! How to Get the Free Party Supplies Addon To get your hands on the free party supplies addon,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod Pack!

    Insane Minecraft Mod Pack! The Exciting World of CRAZYCRAFT Mod Paketi in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of CRAZYCRAFT mod paketi in Minecraft? RSmoody has compiled an exciting mod pack for all Minecraft enthusiasts to enjoy. Let’s explore what this mod pack has to offer! What is CRAZYCRAFT Mod Paketi? CRAZYCRAFT mod paketi is a unique collection of mods that add a whole new level of excitement to the Minecraft gaming experience. From crazy creatures to epic adventures, this mod pack has it all. Get ready to embark on thrilling quests and encounter dinazors, all within the world… Read More

  • Raju’s Sacrifice: SenpaiSpider’s Storm SMP Showdown

    Raju's Sacrifice: SenpaiSpider's Storm SMP Showdown Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where the players roam, In the land of Storm SMP, where legends are known. Raju sacrificed for SenpaiSpider, a tale to be told, In the realm of gaming, where the brave are bold. Killer’s Lands channel, a teaser so grand, With Minecraft challenges, a mod in hand. MS Gaming Zone, where heroes unite, In the world of gaming, where battles ignite. Join the adventure, with Killer’s Lands in sight, Subscribe, like, and share, with all your might. For in this world of Minecraft, where stories unfold, Every player’s journey, a tale to be… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP with Viewers!

    Ultimate Minecraft SMP with Viewers!Video Information e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay let’s see does it go all right what is up everyone welcome to the stream it’s your girl kayb boo welcome in and happy Saturday hope everyone is having an amazing weekend and also happy Mother’s Day weekend and happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing mothers out there you guys are much appreciated um happy Mother’s Day weekend what’s up Deborah what’s up and Marque what’s up Craig I appreciate you what’s up Daniel what’s up duplicate how you doing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!

    SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!Video Information hi everyone in today’s video we’re going to talk about the most popular game in the world having been purchased some 200 million times on various platforms like many of the best games it is simple on the surface but has a surprising amount of depth with unlimited play time the limiting factor is often how you choose to play it which sounds an awful a lot like life to me this is the first five things you should start doing in Minecraft otherwise it wouldn’t be fun number one which is everybody has a different experience and… Read More

  • JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!

    JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!Video Information all right y’all welcome back to the laggiest episode of Minecraft the modded Minecraft series this is episode 21 quick recap from last episode we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra um hopefully the stream is not lagging too bad but we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra and we ended up finding another n city who is your munting buddy not sure what that means L is bad lag no way hold on there’s no way we’re lagging this bad let me see uh all right are we back… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! MY BROTHER GOT A JOB! 😱🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🥺МОЙ БРО НАШЕЛ РАБОТУ😭#shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #юмор #приколы #мем #рекомендации’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-05-28 05:52:22. It has garnered 460 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🔴This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from open access on the Internet and used in acceptable forms. The author does not bear any responsibility for the rearranged material. There is swearing. All characters are fictitious and the action takes place in a parallel universe, do not take everything… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE MINECRAFT HACKS - AYUSH DON REVEALS ALL! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥😊☺️’, was uploaded by AYUSH DON on 2024-04-21 10:49:57. It has garnered 474 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥 #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok hacks… Read More

  • Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192

    Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192Video Information what’s up everybody welcome to another all the mods 8 Hardcore Minecraft video my name is Joshy and as we did yesterday we finished up the dimensional seed uh with our Emerald five times block and now we’re just working on our uh so there’s a way we can do this that will actually be quicker than just waiting for these to do their things um which actually I need to make sure these have 6400 so let’s do let’s do this real quick prediction let’s make about 10,000 more of them if we can we can’t because… Read More

  • Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housing

    Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housingVideo Information perfect how’s this look from the outside I’m curious like imagine you’re coming in and you’re like I don’t know you’ve been like shot down from the Seas you come up and you’re like wow look at that that’s pretty cool actually that’s got a Vibe right there I’m liking it it’s pretty cool [Music] yeah I think probably just flatten out the top piece maybe make it a little more stylish on the top a bit of a nice roof pattern maybe but for the most part it’s looking good so yeah eventually cuz my brain works… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Streaming Until Victory

    Endless Minecraft Streaming Until VictoryVideo Information okay oh wait okay we’re live let’s get the music going let’s get the music going let’s get the Good Vibes flowing and we’re going to be speed running Minecraft today uh I’ve gotten better at speedr running I’ll say it I’m kind of the goat now uh but my issue is I’m still bad I’m not the best in the world had what is up had okay we’ll do speed run I hardly know her that’s not I can spell hardly either okay we are speed running today we are speedr running today um we need every… Read More

  • KitaMC

    KitaMCWelcome to KitaMC, a thrilling survival adventure where you can explore a vast and ever-expanding world filled with endless possibilities! Immerse yourself in a community-driven server that revolves around the unique concept of embracing your individuality. play.kitamc.net Read More

  • MCSnips2 Modded Whitelist 1.18.2

    MCSnips Season 2 – No Bonemeal! Join us for the final week of Beta testing with custom loot tables, a unique storyline, and revamped fishing tables. We are in the process of configuring a few more mods before we reset the world and launch the official version. Experience tons of animals, dynamic trees, creative machines, biomancy, a revamped nether, deeper oceans, enchantable pets, artifacts, and NO BONEMEAL! Say goodbye to instantly obtaining infinite resources with bonemeal. In our world, crops will have real value in an economy system. Contact us for a Discord invite to learn more details and get… Read More

  • HellHoleSMP

    WELCOME TO HellHole NetworkWhat we offerAre you looking for a unique Minecraft SMP experience that supports both Bedrock and Java editions? Look no further! HellHole Network offers a cross play environment, allowing players from both editions to come together and enjoy the game.What Makes HellHole Network Special?- Plugins: Enjoy special features like tpa and teams to enhance your gameplay experience.- Active Owner: Unlike most SMPs, our owner is highly active, ensuring a vibrant and engaging server environment.- Voice Chat: Engage with other players through voice chat, fostering a strong sense of community.Bored of survival we got a solution!Join us on… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “We’re not racist, we just like skins”

    It seems Mojang values everyone, except for this poor meme. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme Madness

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • New Quests! Day 3 – PC Gamepass Challenge Minecraft

    New Quests! Day 3 - PC Gamepass Challenge Minecraft Minecraft PC Gamepass Challenge: New Quests Unveiled! Embark on an exciting journey through the Minecraft PC Gamepass Challenge with TheGuill84! This thrilling competition features daily quests and two major alliances, the Nether Alliance and the Overworld Alliance. Players must complete quests to earn XP for their guilds, contributing to their alliance’s success. Quests Galore Each day, new quests unlock, providing players with a variety of challenges to tackle. From weekly quests to daily tasks, there’s always something to keep you engaged. Whether it’s hunting down a Warden or exploring new territories, the quests offer a mix of adventure and… Read More

  • EPIC!! Visiting CRAZY Worlds in Minecraft Bedrock #shorts

    EPIC!! Visiting CRAZY Worlds in Minecraft Bedrock #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello how’s everyone doing welcome guys and also on Twitch I see a new face Ark it is nice to meet you welcome and thank you for the follow and also pg-1 13ish over on Twitch familyfriendly on YouTube but how are you guys doing and welcome Evan Arc T Crossing and on YouTube we… Read More

  • Minecraft Pacifist Challenge

    Minecraft Pacifist ChallengeVideo Information we are playing Minecraft but in pacifist mode this means that we cannot fight back we cannot attack or kill any mobs in Minecraft so it’s going to be quite hard but we’re going to have to try and survive we make some friends along the way and it’s a really cool experience trying not to kill anyone subscribe if you want to see a part two because this is not something you can do in one video it’s a very very slow challenge but if you guys like this I’ll do another one so enjoy Minecraft bu… Read More

  • AdiExtraa’s Epic 100 Day Minecraft Island Challenge!

    AdiExtraa's Epic 100 Day Minecraft Island Challenge!Video Information तो यार आज मुझे एक ऐसे आइलैंड में 100 डेज सरवाइव करना है जो पूरा का पूरा हवे में है इस वर्ल्ड में ना ही कोई बलेज है ना ही कोई स्ट्रक्चर और ना ही हम लोग कोई डायमंड माइनिंग कर सकते हैं अब मुझे नहीं पता भैया इस वर्ल्ड में मैं कैसे 100 डे सरवाइव कर पाऊंगा पर यार मेरे पास कुछ टारगेट भी होने वाले हैं जैसे अपने लिए एक फुली एंचांटेड नेदर आइड का आर्मरर बनाना सारे बंदरों के लिए एक बढ़िया सा ट्रेडिंग हॉल को बनाना एंड में जाने के बाद हमें उस काले… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Karl Builds vs 1 Billion Block Challenge

    Ultimate Showdown: Karl Builds vs 1 Billion Block ChallengeVideo Information I found a Minecraft build that literally took 1 billion blocks to make and me and my friends are going to show you the difference between that to a ton of other builds starting with this one block build let’s check it out it’s just a chest it’s like a box oh look at this oh wait a second this is more than one block I’m giving it a zero out of 10 I’ll give it a one for the one block it’s supposed to be I’ll give it a two cuz I like it but will it… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Ayush Sahani plays #ludo while gaming #minecraft

    Unbelievable! Ayush Sahani plays #ludo while gaming #minecraftVideo Information [Music] R if you like your coffee let me be a coffee po you call the shots babe I just want to be yours Secrets I have held in my heart my harder to hide than I thought mayy I just want to be yours I want to be yours I want to be want to be your want to be your This video, titled ‘#ludo if any one playing #minecraft’, was uploaded by Ayush Sahani on 2024-03-14 08:13:24. It has garnered 437 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE TNT RUN!! King Gaming’s Insane Minecraft Run! #MinecraftMadness

    🔥ULTIMATE TNT RUN!! King Gaming's Insane Minecraft Run! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-06 14:00:07. It has garnered 11630 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Volcano ERUPTS during Hat Films Minecraft gaming #shizo

    Volcano ERUPTS during Hat Films Minecraft gaming #shizoVideo Information oh I did cat in college you did cats in college up why what’s ours is yours call it meat meat spam drown the cat drown the cat drown the cat they love to be drowned did you guys make out yet I think I missed I think I missed the session you’ve gooned yourself into Oblivion and we can’t get you back out of your goon hole what’s his is yours I think a nub is bad nub nub is probably useless right a nub like a button at least 50 ,000 so where did he get… Read More

  • Unbelievable! CraftingPerfection in GameHive Hub

    Unbelievable! CraftingPerfection in GameHive HubVideo Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 3’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 11:10:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Pixel Art Music Remix – Viral Trending Shorts

    Epic Minecraft Pixel Art Music Remix - Viral Trending ShortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] down This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART #music #remix #viral #trending #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Unique Adhiraj on 2024-01-07 12:10:29. It has garnered 28 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Yeenon Network

    Yeenon NetworkYeenon Network, otherwise known as the new Redesky, is a server for Skywars, and will soon have bedwars and murder mystery, me and my7 brother Matan create this masterpiece of a server to help the community and make the world a better place. yeenon.net Read More

  • TheCelestialRealm – modded | geopol

    Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Discover a nation with constant innovation, a thriving economy, a robust justice system, and epic adventures. Customize your avatar, join factions, or go factionless in a vast world full of possibilities. Join us in CelestialRealm Cold War Edition 24. Join at https://discord.gg/5zWrSNKvHM. Read More

  • SoftSlayer (1.9-1.20) Play MC meet your future spouse! ☻

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: softslayer.com:25579 (GL HF) Read More

  • 2s1m

    2s1m2s1m: A new minecraft server that i made! It is inspired by 2b2t, and this server originated in ClassiCube. MC Server opened on June 4th, 2024, Server Opened on CC (Now Closed) somewhere in mid-2023. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft gets a pixelated makeover

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft gets a pixelated makeoverAnimator plays Minecraft: “I’m just here for the block party!” Read More

eVRydayVR – Stream: Vivecraft (Minecraft VR) with friends!