Exciting Modded Minecraft Adventure – Time for Quests! | Nighturz 1.20.1

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Hello hello welcome everybody to episode 4 the magical Number Four f l o r Wait I already screwed that up uh four three went well I hope four does too um it it can continue to go well just by me getting off this High post that I’m on here

I’m doing pretty good though I had I came up this how to take a quick picture I like taking my pictures of my beautiful Minecraft world as I’m sure anybody would especially in a modded world but that’s what we’re in that’s what we’re in and I want to work on our

Quests though we are still on the same kind of issue here and that is our location now that we got a layout somewhat of what’s around us well in this area anyway we have a village here here the the two Villages that I’m I’m really close to here though is uh this

One and this one right between them is a witch hut which is good stuffff I’m right at the moment I’m playing this game like it’s vanilla though it’s far from it but I’m playing it like it is now we have those Villages right witch hut this building right here if you

Didn’t see the episode I think it was last episode it has spawners in it too um I destroyed one but I think there’s another one of the same so we can have decent mob spawners farms in this general area and with was stes we can get to them no problem so um

Probably I’d like to go right here could G is that not a volcano right in the middle of a I mean it looks like one oh man this is such a cool map I love it oh I also need to be near an ocean well wait we have was Stones so we can

Just find an ocean and waist Stone it to death so I am right here um let’s bolt this way get on the water and we can come back down to where we uh need to be that’ll be that’ll work that’ll work there’s so much going on this is

Beautiful over here I really want to see this over here so we’re going to add um a way point head this way and let’s hurry up and get to where we need need to so we can start some of our quests the quests though you know a lot of them are pretty

Self-explanatory and and they’re easy at the beginning um they are not only good for XP but they give you stuff I mean they give you really cool stuff and sometimes they give it to you so you can uh you know mess with it whatever it may

Be I want to get me a cat too so we got to do some ficient at some point this is not a this is not a recording people this is a stream so everything will be witnessed from traveling sleeping building it’s all shown dying coffee it it’s uh it’s raw in charge

There’s nothing there’s no recording where I can beat around the bush or only show you what I want you to see it it’s live you never know what could happen and it may not always be a good thing oh this way right that Waypoint head this way

Yep there it is look at this one oh no she’s got fire protection there’s another another one that has uh XP bonus which I thought was really really cool never seen it before XP boost extra XP from mobs and blocks how cool maybe we can find one at our

Uh at our other Village that would be nice and I want to get some cows on the way yep yep we need to get some leather and when we do make our our cow and uh sheep um fcon area I don’t want to do it at The

Village at any of the villages there’s enough going on at those um if they do have any cows or sheep uh you know fenced in we’ll get rid of them and make our own elsewhere where it’s not so busy busy where it’s a little where it’s a little calmer like this area

Hey I thought it might have been just a uh wait couldn’t I do wait no yeah I got to remember to keep doing that that’s a little trick uh I saw another YouTuber do and uh it’s in this mod pack I forget what it’s called it’s called like Ultram mine or

Something but if you point at something if there’s anything around it that’s the same it’ll mine it too by you just mining that one I want to keep an eye on my map so I kind of have an idea of what I’m looking at here I’m really hoping that we might

Come across another way stone that would be so good that would be great beautiful map beautiful beautiful map I’m so glad to keep this wait what the hell is this hold on hold on hold on hold on I saw the little castle tower no big deal though we got Towers all the time

But I thought I saw something connect what the hell is this this is a legit little um okay well I like this I like it I like it let’s see careful I hear a Wandering tra that was not a Wandering Trader but there is a wandering Trader

In here all right this is when I this is when I perish I’m a it’s a it’s going to happen oh my God what am I what am I doing what am I doing people no I knew that’s what that was that’s what I thought that’s what I thought come

Here what is it’s got a backpack on you got to be kidding me look it’s got a little backpack on did he drop it I don’t think he did oh I can never hit these guys no thank God I put a waist Stone down oh wait my dudes I got to be near

One to get to it hold on we’re not that far okay no that’s doable that’s doable hold on um those little buggers they golly wait I was oh I what I’m not that far I’m right here okay this is cool I do like it I do like that

Structure I kind of wish it was just in a different spot but I do like it it’s really it’s really cool okay okay yeah we we don’t have far to go to go there we don’t have far to go there um man I wish look at that you got to be kidding

Me I was just about I literally was on just saying man I wish I left the sword in a chest that’ll help a little bit the uh these is rare Magic Stones allow you to bring back to life your last dead familiar okay interesting um okay well for the most part I’ve looked

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no no no I I okay we can we can take onions that’s all we got right now we’re going to have to we’re going to have to take the onions oh no we got more oh we got more hold

On we have all this first of all um but oh Shield let’s use it okay what I was saying was um we have we have the hay so we got we got extra bread the hell is that way out there it’s just a little patch of Island way up there thank you

Village for helping this idiot out I’m not I’m not going through every single lch I just wanted to see in the uh in a couple there we go just a little bit more I just needed that little bit more um coverage there cuz I’m going to go straight in oh

We got a we got to plan this right we’re going to go straight in or should we not go straight in those things can fly around th those things will see me uh before I see me so I mean like you know I got more food than I damn did

Before I’m going to be placing another uh wait yeah this is the right way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right no no no this way here we go okay it’s just over this heel quite literally actually so I’m going to take advantage of that and go over the heel from this

Angle and see if we can’t approach this a little differently more professionally we already know we got got a what what is it an invoker is that what makes those spawn up there is a uh remember we got to keep an ey for way stones too they’re random in the world

There is a um what’s it a spell on a scroll Book on a scroll paper that um I’m sorry go I’m sorry little man I’m sorry that uh gives you the ability to shoot those things out of the floor like what the I guess yeah the invoker

Does it doesn’t spawn the little flying guys but it does uh it does the rest it’s pretty no way yep it’s a damn blood moon hold on a minute now that’s not I mean this isn’t a real bad thing I would like to go ahead and get a uh

I just got to get a uh wooden wooden pickaxe real quick all right now check this out if I can we got to use these sparingly so there we go and we’re right above the heel of mission location so we got them by the jugular there we

Go now this is look at here I can make copper equipment this is this is good this is really good and torches I mean come on give it to me baby uhhuh uhhuh and all of the girls said that I was pretty fly for being a white

Guy that’s how you sing that isn’t it yeah it’s just like that I mean I may have sung it a little better but you know um now let’s do one of these here things a gust scroll we’re going to start trying these things out I want to know what they do ray of

Frost it probably doesn’t do it jeez I love it I just got to remember to use it CU I’ll get so into the moment that I’ll forget to actually use my power or whatever but that was cool wasn’t it that was cool that was pretty cool oh man uh let’s just do

Four we got to be careful with our stuff we only got so much so um okay we can get more fuel the nighter whatever are you going to do we’re going to win I’m looking at the map there’s not really any other mod or mobs around me spawning and I think I

Know why I think it is because I’m in here if I was out there I think oh goly it’s blood red man that’s kind of cool I mean I’ve seen the blood moon before but I I’ve been inside of there and then when then when you look at it it’s

That’s pretty cool but I bet you if I was just standing over there hell actually if you look at the map it there’s nothing directly around there is something what is that it’s a firefly there’s nothing directly around me they’re everywhere else but not around me interesting okay

Um there we go we don’t need many torches that’s way more than enough okay cool the rest of that crap can go in there um now since we got all night there’s the X it marks the spot now those fly little fairies that killed me they can actually they can go through

The walls and stuff so we got to we got to be careful about that those little bastards can just scoot right on in and they do not care how sexy you are it does not matter to them Mr Victor Victoria The Jerk o oh wait ACC wait according okay no yeah

We’re still doing good let’s go back up real quick and grab some more copper might be able to make some armor by now let’s see what we got here wait I got some armor on so yeah just leggings and boots no problem no problem okay I didn’t know what that

Button did so I thought I’d try um I can’t make gloves can I how do you do that how do you make gloves how would oh no it ain’t that ain’t it it is it that’s it okay so can I do it with copper no I can’t do it with

Copper that’s okay that’s okay it’s okay oh I didn’t set my spawn point yet my dudes I can’t rest now but I just want yeah spawn point set okay I’m happy then cool cool beans I got a map of the place I’ll be taking it over soon let me try

Uh Hey Copper Door how cool huh now I can open it just no I got to have a stupid like lever or something okay we used every bit of that wood and we used it very well whoops other way there’s other lever switches and such like that and and this mod pack

Tons of other kind of stuff like that I just don’t know them uh we’ll learn them as we go but right now like I said I’m swinging at vanilla style until we uh till we get things going but look at that guy oh well he killed himself himself

There’s no way he landed that and then did it again yeah I don’t I don’t see him my render distance is uh well I think it’s normal it’s a little bit huh yeah simulation distance that’s the one that goes to 30 no 30 yeah 30 that would be good um okay sorry

Okay reloading the chunks baby reload in the chunks all right so now as far as we can see um the simulation distance is the same having said that that means if there was a village right on the cusp if there was a village all the villagers would be in there doing their actual

Duties even though they’re way over there and I know some people will think well I thought they always that ain’t him is it no now now see he disappeared that’s that’s more render than it is simulation simulation even though we couldn’t I couldn’t physically see him right then he’s still there he’s still

You know doing his thing we just can’t necessarily see him cuz the game doesn’t see a point in it making that wizard visible when I couldn’t do anything with them anyway vice versa look at get here oh my goodness I’m loving it there we go baby that’s how you stay on top of Things when I die and I don’t mean if I mean when um I should just pop right up here goat horn I got Ponder let me write it call me a geek call me a dork call me whatever I do write stuff down I want to make it I want to collect

As much stuff as I can for my museum and so I’m really excited for it um goat horn it’s called Ponder so I’ve heard of some I’ve heard of some Dimensions that were very Bland like not much of nothing going on um hey I got a uh advancement like some some Dimensions

That are just very plain and dull well for me that’s a good thing because that’s the dimension I’ll probably build my uh museum inside of wow we got a diamond look I got diamonds this is my first diamond in this whole world yeah the whole series dudes we got our

Diamond we got our D we got to do a dance we got to figure out a dance a diamond dance look at this we got more Scrolls I can try to summon or huh summon Horse no no no wait I want to save that one I don’t want to accidentally do it

Okay that’s okay yeah that’s the gust okay I just wanted to quickly go ahead and use it um UNC Common Ink and Common Ink I do like having uh a book and quill in this I like being able to uh write stories that’s another Ponder One Can I

Stack it no it’s okay hey we got an iron pickaxe let’s get our key back out um our look at here what do we got fire aspect I’ll take it what lava wax gives the rider of the straddle board fire resistance what is the straddle board I’ve heard of

It um back when I was a kid my grandpappy used to have one Str strad light saddle okay block of strad light weird straddle board right here okay Nether Nether what what is this thing What okay so it’s like a hoverboard it is a hoverboard it’s just called straddle board okay I was wanting to quickly just see it um is it on this hm okay um cool I will there’s a uh we have a lot of mobs okay one in

Particular I want to get is a sugar glider um one moment you got to tame it with berries but if you get it to latch on top of your head it can you can glide you can actually Glide with it a sugar glider hold on I got some gloves

Wait uh oh I put it on this one all right until my skin is finished I like to keep the armor on um I’m doing a custom skin of course so it’s not so it hasn’t been worn by anything else anybody else anything else I’ll pick up the lunar gem but I

Got to cut back on picking those up man I’m getting way too many of these Little Gems and stuff and I uh paper oh yes paper is good for me normally I don’t care too much about it but uh look at that ooh hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on

Okay I think we’re good I got the I don’t know what this scroll does but I got it maybe I should Firefly swarm okay I like it maybe I should do one that I know what it well no it’s okay we’re good oh right ender pearls and Blaze Rod

What the ender pearls that’s what I’m needing right there ender pearls that’s that’s what I’m needing that’s it is he not in Here oh okay okay that that that goes down I got it blocked up what is this an inscription table all right we’re we’re not in the position to be able to check that out but uh hold on gosh there’s my stuff but the issue is right now

I’ve already got too much stuff oh no oh well this isn’t good at all I got to make a chest that’s not here we go here we go okay oh man damn it can’t do a chest right now cuz I only have enough to H here we go now I can uh place of chest and such go in and do a one click on my uh what is that thing called Damn grave yeah I can do a one clicker on it and I’ll get everything I don’t care if it’s in

Inventory in the right order or nothing but um now for okay I activated those little things again I hear them doing their little squealing oh my gosh they are right behind me I’ll still got I’ll still come get go get my chest hold on let’s get out in the open

Here do I still have a bed oh no the bed’s in my chest that’s okay all right we can get a bed right over here we did great with that heck yeah I just broke my legs that was really good so that’s the best thing to do when

You hear those little turds you just uh what the hell was that oh my God that sounds so scary that sounds so scary I thought those sheep I thought those sheep would be easier to get to holy crap mhm mobs mobs mobs danger danger danger don’t get me wrong I like the

Danger otherwise it would be just too simple you know I do have a sleeping bag what my face did not see that a second ago oh lightning bug okay do I all right we have our waist Stone still oh yes and we have the waist Stone that’s in the

Uh that’s in that castle thing uh we got our stuff so really what the f was this what does he like do you like bread man I need to be able to have somebody look this stuff up drag me oh yes Feed The Beast Wiki huh a wild dragy may be befriended by

Throwing a wild Wilden horn near it summoning to summon a drag mini use a dragon me charm received by giving a dragon me a Wild horn on a block of mossy cobblestone after a short time Cobblestone will transform into a dragy hinge and summon your drag me to summon

Additional drages use more charms on the hinge casting dispels uh or killing the drag me will return your charm okay um production e drag me working around a hinge contributes progress so wait um they can be found anywhere through somewhat rarely drag mes can be given a

Home in the world and will produce items from nearby monsters and animals as if they were slain without harming them okay well I had no I I’ve passed these little guys before and I I did not know that this the things they could do that’s cool I want to know though

Um and I can almost guarantee you the uh oh goodness gracious okay okay okay oh I’m trying to get back to the all right little guy I I know what you’re about I know what you’re about they uh they are something we will use but this is what he wants drops from w

En pack Hunters found in wden dens or by using a tablet of summon Walden W Wilden Tri obtained by defeating the Wilden Shimmer cerra see ritual of summon W tablet of this is what I was looking for a tablet used for rituals consumed on use um hold button five what’s my button

Five I got to reset that hot key okay goodness we’ll look more into that hey what’s up buddy I don’t have a horn um H those little guys can help you though from what I was reading I didn’t read too much I’ll probably try to put it on my

Website I think I got a decent screenshot of them though I think I’m telling you we I get a plan going and then I see a building like this and it throws it off well the building doesn’t throw it off I throw it off right I need to get my waist stone

Crap yeah I got to get my wa Stone okay Oh I got two pair got a lot of stuff man I like to always keep my camera on me though and some paper got to have paper for the camera I noticed look at the durability on this thing it came with 2,000 I still got 1,666 hell the iron has 250 that’d be

Funny there we go wait I have a yeah oh they heard me we ha they are flying around having a good old time ain’t they come here I need to take some of them out I just wanted to get over here at my spot where where’d he go oh right there hey cheap

Shot I got one I think they just finally slowed down and flew right in front of me so I’d finally hit their asses they knew I’d probably never hit them they’re like okay guys let’s okay for real let’s let him just go ahead and take us out he’ll

Be here forever otherwise so let’s just do it okay I’m sick of flying around in circles around this ding bag that’s what they were thinking I’ve bet you money all right cool so we got our other waist Stone Back here’s what we can do like we have at other places instead of

Uh trying to carry all this stuff I think we grab the importance like the leather like you know the importance what we consider important um and that’s it I can even I can leave a away Stone here there’s another one okay I can leave Way Stone

Here and uh we can come back and get the rest I don’t know why I had seeds in there I do have sugar cane but I’ll I’ll need it we’re going to be needing a lot of it so I don’t need black dye in there that’s everywhere I don’t even want the chicken

In there no okay well I mean I’m happy uh with that with this there all right cool I mean yeah it wouldn’t hurt to leave some of these tools in here if we had to use them again we could no put that iron back I want to take the

Bone though so if we find and the wool and the wool all right cool um I think we are good all right let’s go guys where are we at let’s let’s look at the map what we have here um we’re doing great actually um that way there it is that’s where we

Need to head deer this place looks just it just looks cool man I think it looks cool um I know I just mentioned a w well I can all right let’s let’s just do one I got a way point a away Stone um there bat fairy castle giden I’m sorry

Man yo man what’s up okay I got it it’s up I got it now the chat I mean I’m sorry I’m so sorry guys this chat’s been acting so weird I got you now though I’m good I was so focused on those those uh fairy peckers oh my gosh man they’re hard for

Me to hit I know y’all can hit them uh good but they’re hard for me to hit man but I’m getting better at it right now I am venturing oh my gosh we are going to a cool place why is y man’s chats been redacted retracted what’s going on yo man you

Still there buddy this has been great my last stream and this stream I’ve had my originals pop in I love it I love it had Gan yo man still missing a few others but nonetheless I can’t complain had a great time just having the people that we’ve had in here it’s

Fun very very fun let’s go and make our crafting table on a stick perfect can y’all hear my chat okay cuz now I’m wondering is my chat off I’m able to read the uh stream chat now um does the sound sound okay y’all have to tell me because I

Have no idea I can’t hear it unless I uh stop and turn up my volume on other devices which I could do oh gosh uhoh I honestly don’t know if they can hear me at all hold on I can also bring up my stream on my PS5 my trusty Wy

PS5 I love my PS5 there’s going to be some games I’m getting on it soon but uh right now just been on on the PC like crazy um let’s see where’s my where’s my dingling there it is I found my dingling hold on now let me check the volume um it sounds okay

Okay if I if the rain wasn’t going I think I would be a little louder so with having the rain going and still able to hear me I think it’s okay hope everybody’s having a good tonight I know the uh time zones are crazy well and for the

Viewers I have a lot of my viewers um they are on completely different time zones which is you know it’s totally fine it’s just uh I try to go from uh like you know streaming early in the morning and then I take a breather during the day uh uh

During my day and then late at night middle of the night I uh stream again so Australia and such like that would get a chance to stop in and say hello and hang out for a little bit and I love it I love it I try to do it that way

But at times it does good and sometimes it it just doesn’t work out but uh it’s okay though holy crap my health is not doing good I’m not on Hardcore but I am in hard mode and a couple of other increased difficulties um through the mod pack

Itself so every time I get hit it’s a it’s a pretty good hit and the my food uh saturation is is pretty low I have to eat often that’s a big zombie isn’t it yeah he’s bigger than normal wow he was what was that sound it was lightning and something

Spawned those are uh B little bosses like mini bosses um randomly at any time lightning will strike and spawn one of those bosses and so you got to you got to be ready as ready as you can be and uh I’m just not good at it I’m getting better

Though but you have to eat a lot I got to get better at that oh almost hit the F the Firefly that’s startled me okay I can cut that off of my map remove Spruce creeper look a creeper that’s a spruce tree at the same time look at

Him it’s a mod that’s in here that uh it makes it it changes the creepers to be all kinds of things I hope you guys can hear me again now I got the chat figured out I’m sorry guys um I did uh test my audio on my devices

It sounds pretty good considering the rain which uh I’m going to sleep and I’m going to and it should stop it it it should stop it I need to get a bed over here and uh so I can make a spawn point I do love the rain I love

Storms I want to change my icon to an arrow so I know which way I’m facing appearance Um huh where reduced color no this is the mini map but a square mini map would I would I like that better okay I can try that for a little bit um but I like I like the uh Arrow icon that I am on my mini map I wish I

Was that way for this I would like to be that way for this for um uh for uh yeah for this yes yes yes sorry oh Overworld um see they this this map has a lot to do with uh claimed chunks and stuff and um I don’t have to use claim chunks

So if we were in a server I believe I would would yeah I can’t there could be a hotkey that does that goes back to what I was saying in my previous stream the key bindings really open up a lot of things like hold on like the the map for

Example um I was just in the settings but sometimes you can go into the key bindings and it’ll show like the map and then it’ll show the config the configuration menu doesn’t have a button to do so mhm so you know it uh you um

So so you know you don’t have a button selected for it so you’ll never know that you can do the configurations on it mhm but I’m not seeing it on here anything to help me with my map that’s okay if I know I’m facing west on my

Mini map then that’s West I just will do it the common sense way oh no the common sense way now I’m looking for structures cuz I’m ready to settle in we got our ocean it’s a cold ocean but let’s see all this is a river river river we’ll open up more

Area but let’s go up here let’s go right up here I’m telling I was just uh mention it in the chat that I apologize it happens it can happen sometimes yeah now oops oops oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness I am working on getting a better solution

For having a device um on my stream chat uh lately I was using my lately I have been using my phone I set it up on a stand and I um I just have it on the stream chat that’s how I watch it uh

Oh I got to be careful I saw there sugar cane over here I want the sugar cane oh look at all that sugar canane is gold for us right now oh that’s not sugar I thought that was sugar cane that’s okay by the way if you see these it’s

From uh Gregs mod they are working on getting rid of it from doing that it’s just these things they eventually fall but uh it can just take some time but nothing’s wrong with anything it’s uh it’s just something it does on Greed Tech mod when it’s in a mod pack um it’s

Doing it to everybody but it is it it is fixable without hurting anybody’s worlds um they’re they’re just they’re working on it so look how clear this the water is on this uh oh I don’t have my uh wait a second it’s still pretty clear but I didn’t have my Shader on

Um this is the light duty Shader but it is the one that can go pitch black if that happens so this Shader is the allaround okay one that that doesn’t do all that it’s a very nice Shader when you first turn on your shaders um your computer has to to

Reload the chunks obviously so it’s good once you turn your shaders on to slowly look around in a full circle that gives your computer time to completely open the map or to completely load the map um with its uh fresh chunks and the chunks obviously will be changed into the Shader

Look hold on buddy I’m getting you some where are you there you you want some I know you like this stuff all right once I start getting some name tags a little a little more I might uh get me a pet raccoon or something I’d like to have a couple of pets

Or tamed uh mobs same thing I guess all right now I’m going to turn left as far as the directions go of the world I’m going north for a moment then switching to uh West oh wait I want to get his wool don’t I have shears no but I can make

Some then we can keep the Sheep alive and uh they will refurbish their wool it’s a it’s a win-win for everybody really okay there we go I needed to do a a cleanup there real quick now we’re good yeah I’m really proud of my map I uh really like it considering um the

Default spawn is not far from here at all and the biomes are just so cool tropical and uh mountainy oh I meant to make a uh shears there we go it’s actually better cuz sometimes I’ll get two or three uh blocks of wool instead of usually always one from killing them

All these heels are a lot of Fun it’s a really cool map and it’s 1.20 back in the day a few years ago if you wanted to play a big mod pack you’re going to you were going to be playing about six or you know sometimes seven um versions back of on Minecraft which you know it was whatever

You got a lot of stuff out of it considering what mods uh considering what mods can do um but now with the way software is and the way how they the way the the modders are doing it now letting the software do most of the work in updating their

Mods in bulk and doing it quickly oh man it’s so cool cuz you know I’m playing on 1.20 it’s the most modded I’ve ever played this game ever 411 mods and uh the the vanilla is 20 I think that’s just really cool I know that I know that seems stupid for

Most but it’s really cool I know guen the way it begs Cube what’s up cube world it is a world well I completely missed that didn’t I it is a world that is like a cube wouldn’t surprise me if that was is a uh a mobile Game Cube World you know

That was like a ripoff of Minecraft but it on mobile there’s so many uh Minecraft copers that have to name Their oh way over there we’re good just keeping an eye out my PC specs oh man what are they upper right hand uh side I have a um Intel Core I9 thir uh 13900 KF Nvidia GeForce RTX 470 TI um 32 gigs of RAM oh I meant to use my shears damn it

Dang it darn it it’s my second build I finished it a few months ago and been going strong on it’s been doing great no complaints expect oh it’s Harvest Moon never mind never mind it’s going to be green yeah that’s right that’s right we’re all good it’s supposed to be like this right

Now oh that was so close oh my God another by God remember I got a uh a whole separate mod uh just for creepers it changes them to a ton of different kind of creepers that one was a regular one I think but um yeah cow

Side this is a oh is that a meteor usually it’s got good um oh my gosh right beside a uh trench it is yay now there are different meteors this one in particular we do have obsidian that’s good I’m so stoked that Ad Astra um mod

Is in here so we can actually go to space um we can visit let me see so we can visit um right now until I research something else uh let’s see can I see them from here no well it’s um Mars uh Venus the Moon Mars Venus the moon um see if I

Typ in rocket am I right or yeah there it is yeah um there’s a tier one rocket tier 2 three 4 uh for us to get in I’ve never made none of those a NASA workbench but um there’s also these little planet Globes that’s how I know which

Uh planets we can go to but I’m probably going to get blown up by a damn living Rock I got to check that out mobs don’t really spawn uh during this so that’s kind of cool that’s part of the create mod sakur which is what I need I’m going to be

Doing one of my bases well the first base I’m doing is going to have create um Contraptions in it so but I’ve never I’ve never messed with create so um well I’ve kind of messed with it but I’ve never like straight up used it for a survival world but uh so I’ll

Be learning bear with me but it’s so cool the stuff you can do with the create mod it is amazing I mean anything you can all you can do in Minecraft already you can do it in the create mod in its own way looking around for wait where’s my spy

Glass that’s my favorite tool that I have oh no poop I love my spy glass I I you I always have it with me to the point I it’s hard for me to see it um because I see it all the time and I think I can upgrade my iron backpack to

A gold one we’re about to try it okay well do I at least have well it’s probably in another chest I bet yeah it’s got to be got to be I need two oh no I need one what are they called the purple crystals y’all know what I’m talking

About the purple ones emptiest ous tivus yeah okay well I got my two iron or my I got copper when I need when I’m ready for whenever I have my one m demonist and oh yeah let’s do let’s see if we can do it let’s see

If we can make our iron backpack into a gold one yes hell yeah hell yeah there that should have made it bigger baby there we go check it out gon check it out man I need to get another uh horse too by the way it’s always good to have more than

One to have a couple and uh the plan is we’ll have eventually we try to get a horse at each one of our bases I’m going to have a main base of course that’s what we’re looking for now oh that’s loud that’s what we’re looking for now is the location for it

Um but I’ll have small bases scattered throughout as needed um if anything some place like one of those meteors will have a lot of uh M material a bunch of uh ores and stuff and so I’ll build a mini base until all of it is

Depleted and then we uh move on from it but yeah we’re going to have little mini bases scattered throughout I’m excited about that witch hut too man and what’s so cool if it works works like I like it should like it my other one did it’s um it’s simple to do

And it’s just the witches spawning I mean that’s it and I saw a way to do it in the create mod with a a piston that shoots out and you uh attach a sword onto the tip of the piston and so the sword is constantly stabbing the mobs that fall down into

That to that fall down right in front of it it’s going to be so cool I’m also keeping a very sharp eye out for Turtles the normal regular Turtles haven’t had a haven’t seen a normal regular turtle since uh modding this again um ex except for one

Time and it was did not expect to see it but we did me and Leila not only seen one we were able to snag two and holy crap did they come in handy look over here I saw this earlier I have to do a coffee refill my dudes are y’all all right in

There if I got my phone on here on the stream and my PS5 that’s two so there’s only one person yeah yeah there’s only one person that’s right oh can I take a selfie it’s trying to switch I wish I could take a selfie picture let’s see I’d like to get up there

H yeah that would be a good uh scouting Tower directly over wait there all right that’s looking good now here there’s my little ocean that I do want to make sure is open we’re in a good spot for this um right here here I am let’s go here get a boat and let’s

Venture this way golly if oh gosh if I fall though that’s like it’ll it’ll kill me I thought about having um I did think about raising the difficulty level a little bit as in uh if I die it’s a bit more punishing let’s see how how would that how could it we

Already lose everything even though it does go into a uh a grave um we we lose items uh backpack hot bar inventory all the way around um we lose if I’m not mistaken we we lose all of our levels as well we do get some of

Them back when we make it back to the tomb um I just up I was trying to think of a way how could we make it more daring or um I don’t know uh I’ll have to think on it but I may want to be careful about doing it

Because apparently I die often oh is that a horn oh it’s a whale tooth um there actually a way to see oh yeah statistics you can do it this way uh General um where is my death I can find eaten lollipop but I can’t find my um I’ve killed one

Tortoise well that’s just a tortoise that’s not an actual turtle from the yeah that’s that’s not the actual Turtles from the vanilla game hey gon sorry I was reading something oh well there is a way to search and find my personal stats on a menu well it was in better Minecraft I don’t

Know I’m just doing a little round around the uh the base area that’s a little bitty dark forest biome a oh bit oh oh o oh sugar cane I got to remember to get it when I see it I’m so used to just watching it Go

By Sugar can’s important in this uh in this one it really is man that was loud um breaking those wasn’t that a bit loud no that’s ambient volume though I don’t I don’t want the ambient um reques hardware and this best experience with City celebrity showing the subtitles is

Sometimes really cool especially if you’re trying to be like top secret and quiet um the subtitles will show you stuff that’s uh sounds that are happening that you definitely can’t hear um nor did you even know it was happening the uh what in the Christ oh my God okay I’m safe up here

From from horrible things nothing ow I thought I had oh oh what is this string yes yes yes please please please string string string what is this what oh there’s a it’s abandoned whatever it may be what the hell guard Tower no colony was founded in this land

Yet seek out the town hall to start a new Colony oh cool this is part of mine colonies oh I see it now up up there beside my mini map it shows whenever I look at something it shows what it is this is a guard Tower from the

Mod uh mine colonies if you’ve never heard of it or seen it I hadn’t either until I started um this mod pack I looked it up it is so cool what you can do or and also I mean you create as it states your own colony of and villagers

Um actual NPCs will show up and talk to you get to know you and they actually build their home on their own they do it it’s really cool and and that’s just a little bit there’s people that have done 1,000 day Colony uh series and

Their colonies are huge it is so so cool looking and uh you know the NPC’s built home or the uh this I think this is just to give you a little jump start um this is so cool okay I’m going to mark this on my map because I would

Like to dip my toes in mine colonies that would be cool that’s so cool that they already have some of the stuff sitting out here so you know it it’ll make you think like it just did me oh hey let’s do that very neat you really should though

You really should look it up and see it um I mean there’s there’s uh YouTube videos oh crap there’s um channels that have done an entire series and dedicated their entire channel to just doing mine colonies crazy crazy no now now right now there’s nobody watching but the

Uh YouTube’s uh view counter it has been known to be way off like for hours it’s off it doesn’t ever get right this whole area was a colony it was a town it was uh yeah the the the walkway beautiful walkway what is this beige stone

Bricks oh my gosh I’m so glad I found this what kind of Bumblebee yellow carpenter bee you going to rebuild all this Mr Carpenter be what other buildings do we oh wait that’s I went the wrong way dang I knocked him out I love the roof the roofing and

Stuff isn’t that so cool but um you can just download the mine Colony uh mod pack uh mod I mean it’s not a mod pack it’s a mod and just that alone will it’ll keep you busy for so much content framed Oak planks how cool I want to start using that

Stuff oh I got a scratch can’t wait to get my D gum base found oh what is this no this is the town hall no nearby colony found right you do not currently own a colony you are able to create a new Colony here current pack is the antique you can

Switch pack and you can do different um different designs like stalactite cave Colony oh my God I might actually do that the eans conquer the Andes and grow your own eeken Empire buildings should be placed on or into the mountain ranges of your growing Empire but this cacti I didn’t even know

That existed this is the perfect pack for all the cave dwellers build up your colony and let your Builder take care of the stti you can do a fortress style medieval Oak style you can do one like the Shire welcome to the sh fire where there’s mutton to eat beer to

Drink and a nice Shady Tree to rest under pull up your underwear in a chair and rest up soon it will be time for elies I love that Lord of the Rings oh the medieval Birch style the colonel oh this is the default mine Colony style okay set in the early current Uh

Current Colonial age it mixes elements of neoclassical architecture with an early industrial flavor space wars like a more futuristic jungle treehouse kind of colony oh man that would be so freaking cool warped the perfect pack to build up a colony in the nether dude lost Mesa City my goodness they’ve added a ton

Since I watched that one guy the one guy I did watch he did the uh bison KN uh bantine other than this one they only had like three other ones and that was it and so I was like okay cool I’ll try one of the other ones that he didn’t try

I didn’t know they had like freaking 15 or 20 of them this is insane yeah gon you have to look up that mod online and watch it and watch a video of it I can create a new Colony right the hell now I’m going to take this with me because um

No I’m not I can come back and get it when I’m ready I’m not ready though and I don’t want it to just sit with the fudge butterfly I don’t want it to just sit in one of my chests I’ll forget about it oh I need to mark it though uh right there

Oh that zombie got so lucky that it started raining while he was on fire but then he met me I can’t believe you can do a mine colon he underground I didn’t even think of that that is so cool you can also do one in the I did

Think about doing one in the nether but I never would have thought that they already had a theme for it that’s so awesome look at this what is this this is the Foresters Hut yeah no calling was found this L Town H so this is one of

The guys that bu uh that splits wood and uh creates like boards and stuff for you to build your call it to for other NPCs to build the colony you’re building it too but you’re not building everything most of the stuff is built by another by

MPC and like I said they talk to you they got names they got professions Hobbies intercourse all that another Tower goodness must must have been super top secret dangerous around here very scary but yeah I wouldn’t build one here I would absolutely go to a different

Location like like the nether or uh a cave like I said I haven’t built a base in a cave and gosh 20 years at least 20 years what is this um I can’t tell what kind of oh uh Builder’s Hut that’s all it says at the moment oh a well the goes a

Well there’s so many things I watched that one YouTuber do in this mod pack I was like oh my gosh I got to do that and then I saw the next thing he did and I was like oh I got to try that then he went over to something else

And did something I was like oh I didn’t know you could do that I want to do that oh my God it was constant no we’re all good I need this wood look at this wood what the hell is that I don’t know what that was but it sounded magically

Delicious this wood is to do something I can’t remember but I remember reading it on a uh Chat thing um and let me get my there we go I can see it a little bit better um oh my God that’s what I heard uh right now it’s a solo um Adventure most of

My streams and all my other series that I’ve done of Minecraft have all been server multiplayer so um now this is modded Minecraft 411 mods um obviously Java they don’t make mods for Bedrock yet they make add-ons for Bedrock that a lot of people mistaken for mods

I do not consider an add-on a mod by no means all right cool now at our standing right now I want to get these these uh cows over here and then this ocean to this land and then we’re going to pick out where we’re settling look at that what is

That that’s a biome that’s underground there I think I know what it is there’s a lot of glowing stuff it kind of looks like the Mystic Grove over here um but it’s underground it’s got a lot of glowing stuff in it it’s really neat look at all this out here oh I

Still don’t have my uh there we go now you can’t see [ __ ] or Nothing thank you for the [Applause] leather wait there’s there a couple but that’s okay what am I on the Clover patch biome okay so cows do enjoy the Clover patch that’s cool that’s cool I do want to be near somewhere well I got I got I got white stone so

Whoa whoa wait wait wait okay is it you oh wait I’m not I’m weak oh my God oh my gosh oh my God that’s a big zombie so is that Oh I thought I saw a w a Way Stone I need a well that’ll work dang it’s dark in there

I going to disappear it ain’t even raining in here cuz there’s so many okay goodness goodness there’s a lot going on there’s got to be a Way Stone in this craziness this is indeed a very busy biome I mean it’s a beautiful biome too quite frankly it’s um reminds me of a

Monkey I’m just walking through here casually while all chaos is happening behind me I a building I thought it was okay it it’s it’s it’s not no no no that’s uh that’s pretty crazy to walk through all that you know you you really ain’t got a choice but to go steady and

Slow so you don’t sling your pecker off into the ground whoa boom that was pretty gotcha good job Mr creeper well played sir well played yeah yeah I definitely ow crackhead oh no I didn’t even look at my health oh that’s a good question um my favorite enchant what biome was that temperate

Highlands okay it’s a nice looking bio for the few seconds I got to look at it um good good question good question question Kon I would say feather falling yeah I would say feather falling um and or uh probably damn that’s a good one what can I do through the water to

Get to my my death damn where the hell is it it can be kind of hard to to see on this map I will say that um guys I don’t see it I know y’all probably do screaming at the TV right now saying right there you

[ __ ] there’s no way I’m that far from my death point I mean I got to be along this Edge somewhere right oh right there I’m an idiot I got it I’m sorry hey that’s a good thing I can go Upstream from right here where am I at now where am I

Um yeah feather falling I mean it’s useful you know it’s um it’s good to have when you don’t know you need it you know like I don’t die from falling a lot but the times I have it truly sucked like it was probably where I fell down

Into an area very hard to get to get out of or um very hard to access so yeah feather falling my next one what’s your next one after feather falling mine would probably be the obvious ones are like Unbreaking you know efficiency who doesn’t like those but favorites personal second favorite

H and we’re talking about vanilla enchants only probably oh crap there’s a necromancer right there um oh there it is that Mark I don’t know if I’ll make this gon I mean just when I had all my stuff even I was there was mobs just left and right all around

Me so I got to keep moving and I I couldn’t I couldn’t put down another spawn location oh gosh this could be a mistake I just did jumping over like no running I’m running we did it man all right second favorite okay I got feather falling yes yes feather

Falling ooh that is indeed a good one gon fortune 3 that is indeed a good one yeah that fortune three helps you out all the time and with it giving you the extra EXT ra iron the extra ores the extra stuff it basically is helping you and all the other things

Too yeah that’s a really good one I would have to agree but um I’ll put it as my third favorite probably damn son why did I do that I don’t know why I’m running the trees like I’m a freaking Crouching Tiger Hidden idiot I could fall and with the

Difficulty level on this it’ll kill me like if that thing wasn’t there I probably wouldn’t have died but I’ve been damn close all right now we’re taking up through the Northwest in order to cut down along the the ocean of of mine and we’re going to pick a location cuz I still don’t

Have a spot to call my own where I can just go back unload everything I’m trying to carry as much crap as possible which is what you don’t want to do you know cuz one death and you’ve lost nearly everything I got like what two or three waist stones out there

And the only reason why they’re out there is because they have storage units that are storing more stuff but it is it it is needed stuff like uh for when I start the quests which I am starting them uh in this episode they’re they’re absolutely worth

It too man you get so much stuff from them it’s pretty cool hey I See the Light all right cool now I cut that way wait yeah I cut that way o respiration gon you’re you’re good you’re good at this man respiration yes uh aqua infinity is a good one too

But there’s no aqua infinity like three there’s just just a respiration um oh a village from the size of it I can almost guarantee you a Way Stone wait a minute hold on if my calculations are correct 37 / 42 = to a pi of a 3.14 magnitude radius that is another

Village practically connected with a road to that Village no what this is a good biome for cows and everything like that this one the Clover patch one um and I saw it yeah Orchard The Orchard and of course your lavender field which I don’t really care for but this is

Intriguing I would like to see this and then because I’m right here I’m right I’m right next to it um we venture we cut this way I want to see what we have here for this meteor yeah respiration 3 is definitely a good one with and if you have

The turtle helmet um then you’re really in good shape this is when I need my turtle my turtle my uh horse man it would be so cool wow gon look oh it’s beautiful Let’s do an outside view or let’s go around it wow I really wish Mojang would look at

This and be like oh how did that modder make make uh procedural Villages look like this I mean this ain’t just some little village look at this now truth be told there it’s not like every every single one of them line up with a path and they’re all sitting there perfectly no

But you do have some uh you do have some issues with some things on it but it’s gorgeous you can uh the player can fix them if they’re willing to if that’s what they want to do on their game that’s not what we’re doing but uh

Yeah you you’re the player can fix them no problem okay we’re doing uh decent on sugar cane every bit of sugar cane that I’m getting is going to um magical locks of knocks no it’s going to every what was I saying oh all the sugar canane I’m getting is going to be

Planted I don’t need that that’s a load of poopy yeah that’s right poopy yeah that’s right boy that’s right Bo boy you going to get you some there now boy all right let’s see if they got any any or let’s see if they got a was Stone loyalty nah here’s their

Bell get to work you b a s t e r DS uh-oh we got got a librarian fire protection and your water loged what are the odds of that here come on bud quit being stupid why can’t I’m oh he’s he’s in the way there we go

Dude you SC scared me I thought you were a uh he’s a gatekeeper he is uh the one that has the portal that goes to that other dimension I haven’t been to it yet but it’s from the uh blue skies mod the blue skies Mod’s huge it’s really big fire protection

Yeah well I what the hell is this blocks of barn oh well I don’t need them they can keep it are you are you the loy oh you’re fire protection okay oh which one are you [ __ ] you’re the Loyalty one okay hey a be cage cool I had a be

Cage oh the Harvest Moon okay I’ll I’ll I’ll keep it at night any kind of uh crops that they have I will take this any crops that they have around this uh Village will uh grow a lot better yeah we got some building issues but I mean hell it it’s really cool I’m

Enjoying it it’s a uh town it’s a sword it’s a sword oh I’m surprised there’s not a was Stone honestly I mean I guess this Village isn’t that big but oh we’ll see if that other one’s here that other Village let me sleep I’ll sleep right over

Here there should be a Vago just to my right toe or M toe right up here it could have just been some buildings were skipped until they got out here I don’t know let’s see no way nope it’s another Village dude straight up dog let me get these Cows Oh slapping them in the face those arm block I mean oh oh okay okay okay it’s a sword statue and the iron blocks are the blade is the is the blade of the sword I got you and it’s like stuck in a stone it’s stuck in stone stone sword stuck in stone stuck

In stone now this one may have a white stone look at this this is so cool this is this is really cool really really cool and then uh does have a waist Stone by the way I see it from here boy I told myself I would have a base by

Now I literally said to myself I’m not going to be on um episode 4 and I still don’t have a base I ain’t doing that crap no more what episode am I on yeah I’m on episode 4 mhm so we got to find one or we just got to find a location I

Mean what obtain by feeding a darkened Apple to a mob and quickly throw in a book at the resulting anomaly h okay I made an advancement what is this oh look I got a trophy cool condensed blood see what I mean evil craft it’s a weird mod insert into any any machine for

Extra blood that’s weird pretty cool but weird a black lotus of Doom whoa damn we got a lot of blood what and artisian Relic allows you to create new Alloys which is coming soon I guess okay what a pocket [Laughter] piston there’s where it goes

It went on my hand oh yeah there it was look hold on look it’s on my hand whoa that was good not back so I got a piston on my right hand and a wolverine Claw on my left hand I am a badass dude I am a badass that dies on a normal

See huh that’s that’s cool I don’t know that’s a good question I wonder if that’s like um I wonder if there’s something to that you know what I mean like some kind of lore or um vampire in the village Maybe I want to try out these uh Scrolls

More once we get an En an emony to attack oh here’s another uh wow more condensed blood I’ll take the swords um Redstone alloy I’ll take the ingots I love ingots and some of the stuff can can stay here because of the oh blue ones digging claws oh I’m so

Excited I got digging claws let’s see how can I put them on I don’t have any room I don’t have any room can I put them on my forehead what the fudge what the hell is this what cockatrice oh they’re different skins of the Moa I don’t even know

Donate to the project to get MOA skins I don’t know what a MOA is oh oh gosh oh gosh it’s downloading a virus I’m getting viruses excuse me I might uh I might donate if it’s going to the uh mod P creators then yeah but

Um um then yeah cuz I want to I I do want to support the mod pack creators um this has got to be my favorite mod pack I mean good Lord especially when you add your own when you can add your own stuff into it perfect I just said a top secret Spanish

Word nobody knows let’s put some of this stuff up cuz uh cuz it’s just more like trying to hang on to a bunch of turkeys you know what I mean nobody wants to do that hang on to a bunch of stupid turkeys okay we’re ready what’s wrong with the with the sky

What oh it’s getting dark okay well I mean judging by the El mapo that’s pretty cool how close they build villages to other Villages nowadays it’s just insane you know if they oh holy [ __ ] G look there’s another one I didn’t even notice it it’s uh that

Way you have got to be kidding me that’s insane let’s get the uh wayist Stone and such from here and I’m going to sleep is a third cocking Village this deserves a cup of coffee wait a minute where’s what’ you do with my pickaxe giden okay I found it

Guen I found it I found it don’t worry about I found it I don’t know why you put it there but whatever okay whatever I’m not going to argue with you about it you keep taking my stuff and I’m sick and tired of it that’s right hold on let’s

See oh I got four ender pearls that’s not bad okay there’s just so much exploring that it’s like I just want to keep going like looking and looking and looking and I got to keep reminding myself that I can pick up exactly where I left off I just got to place a wa

Stone I can go back to base work on stuff there do whatever walk over to my waist Stone slap that [ __ ] I’m right back where I left off it is more easier now than ever and this is now the time to be a minecraftian holy crap look at this now you know you

Know that there’s some big caves and [ __ ] underneath here underneath all the this son underneath all this oh it’s right there oh my goodness it’s way up there the uh wait do we wait try to um here let’s just use these as much as I don’t want to but we kind of got

To we’re going to get up here yeah we got to eat though cuz we’re going to get some damage from this junk all up in my trunk oh I am really good at hopping trees because of how cool I am with Park hour I don’t know if you practice Park

Hour as much as I do but I’m really good at Park hour I can teach you one day gon I can teach you all kinds of park hours oh okay oh Mr Cow look he’s so excited Ed that I’m up here thank you buddy dude went flying damn um oh here we go

I need to do one of my other games too but damn I was I was thinking about how uh I just haven’t got much I’ve got exploring and opening up the map done but hell that’s it I haven’t done much more either still yep it’s a full-fledged Village

And it’s a pink one if I’ve ever seen a pink one I wonder if anybody’s ever seen one of these isn’t this not the new no it’s not the new biome but it’s very similar okay it’s got more build buildings that I thought still in

It um oh wow I’ve never seen one like that oh yeah give me that bab boy give me that Yow bab boy give me that yellow bab boy give me that yellow bab boy oh here we go four emerals yeah Cherry sapling that’s what I done went and figured I went and fingered

It may not have a uh for Highland yeah boat oh yeah damn Way Stone over here that’s so far it’s the farthest Village of oh wait was that no I thought it was atheist whoa what the hell we got two feral claws green my favorite another turtle shell but it’s

Got um when it’s on my head I get cool down reduction plus two armor 20% magic power 50 uh plus 50 Max mana and I got two empty suckets for something else um blinding turtle shell of the artificer magic damage taken is reduced by eight when attacked inflicts

Blindness on your worsest enemy I have to suck at it this Autumn ignores 16% of durability damage well that’s cool I’ve never had a uh turtle shell with that kind of stuff on it or something at all wait no yet no no I havn’t NOP sure hasn’t oh

Saddle nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope hello Mrs suck stick how have you been today I don’t see any way Stone I don’t and there’s like well there’s like one strip of buildings I mean is that right yeah it’s one it’s one strip I know Kitty I know I know

These are Big biomes wow that looks so cool let’s see can I do a oh crap attack attack attack you got to say it when you when you say it out loud like that I think it’s like five times knock back damage and stuff oh yeah there we go it took a

Picture first time I’ve looked at a photo in this one let’s see what we got here let’s see what she looks like oh yeah that ain’t bad see it that’s pretty cool I mean they’re very clear photos too so you can’t go wrong with it really and they’re just really I wish I

Really wish you can do a selfie with them that would be so cool I mean wouldn’t that be how they uh would work in real life I know Minecraft is all about realistic stuff so trying to be as realistic as possible like real life h all right well I think we’re

Ready now I I was just uh yeah I was hoping for more of a like a I’ve seen some pre-built houses I mean they’re they’re not for like well they’re they’re they’re their house style structures uh one for like the gatekeeper he’s got one one that looks pretty cool and what’s that over

There hold on I see something over there um there’s a structure over there it’s a tower but that’s not really what I would be going for and where’s my uh my compass my Nature’s compass i’ I’d like to get a hold of it and actually

See where we have a lush cave at too cuz location wise up here on the surface I’m I’m pretty content man I swear I put it at another waist Stone thing that had have been what I did what I done to it wait now we’re ultimately we’re going to want to

Go yeah that way wow I hope I’m not missing Way Stone from over here at this Village I don’t see it having one I think I would have found it by now holy crap what the hell that was the farthest I’ve ever thrown one straight up and and survived the tail the

Tail that was cool easily the farthest just sleeping with the door open for butthead I didn’t know you had a upstairs pecker brain let me go through your crap thanks man all right pathetic losers I’ll see you the hell out of my way I can’t see worth of crap pecker

Brains okay I think I’ve said that enough a bit too much uh wait um well yeah that’s my goal is that meteorite uh Landing sometimes it’s hard to yeah that one wait no is it yeah okay yeah it is I’m sorry oh my goodness I’m so aggravated with

Myself it ain’t the game that’s for sure it’s me it is all me I should have already found a spot not to mention if I had a base already going and I was already doing the quests and everything I probably wouldn’t even have to be running right now they would I would

Probably have a some type of Transportation on create already crafted or you know working on it or something but no no I want to keep looking so I make sure I cover my ground and and see the areas that I felt like I needed to see and I’m so dumb

Aggravatingly dumb too that’s even worse and I haven’t seen a horse since what the hell an eagle that was cool I hadn’t seen an eagle uh in this mod pack yet I like that there’s no telling what we ain’t seeing I know back in my day I never saw

Anything that was a punon ass whoa golly flew right over my head I have got to Cliff that and put some badass sound badass sound effects to make it look like it’s trying to kill me I think he’s catching fish I mean I know that’s what they do in real life but I

Think that’s what he’s program to do I just wasn’t sure where eagles are located at that’s cool bald eagle yeah well it looked like he had a little bit of hair but yeah bald eagle rhinos o I’m going to look up uh tonight whenever I’m doing a when I’m gaming but not

Streaming I’m going to look up and see what all mobs that not only we can tame but used you know like they can be used as a uh like a pet like a rhino you know how badass that would be that thing could carry so much material so many

Uh chests or backpacks or whatever and you can take them down to the m the depths of the mines with you you would just have to build and mine out the uh the tunnels to fit him good comfortably and to where he can uh maneuver up and down you know easily put

Some stairs stuff like that a little more work on uh my part to make it smoother for him but he’s going to be able we’ll be able to do one trip down to the mines and and mine down there for days and then come back up one time

Shoot we wouldn’t have to go back down there mine for five years this will also tell me that I’ve been here man the good thing is though is the the good thing is is the reason why I haven’t settled down yet it’s not a bad reason it’s because the the there’s so

Much cool stuff to go see that I’m nervous to settle down because I think I’m going to walk down the trail uh you know or or go to oh it’s a wizard are you stuck hey come here hey come here here okay all right all right I want to see

If I can uh let’s see see all right I like to Mark those down when I can oh this just this is just gorgeous there’s a meteor over here though I want to see what all I want to see what the meteor is made out of we usually

Got uh obsidian Crown obsidian regular obsidian um there’s a couple other things that it could be made out of too and the surrounding area you can get a bunch of coal some has a bunch of iron it just depends oh it hit right where a Greg Greg Tech mod thing is look at

That that’s okay easy fix but uh oh look this one’s made out of poop no Sky Stone obviously from ad asra that looks so cool what is it oh that’s the crying obsidian but with uh shaders on it that looks really good U let me turn that

Off oh look here what what kind is it oh zombie oh well I was really more so hoping for a SC skon one but hey that’s all right I can uh I can mark it anyway I mean I don’t ever break spawners cuz uh I always end up getting to use them for

Something some kind of farm of some kind or whatever so I try to always keep them when I can climbing oh hey what we got that’s a big old I can’t I can’t see anything Let’s uh need to cut this grass good grief yeah about to oh gosh oh that

Would have kind of sucked about to be cutting back to the um nope I don’t care about that don’t want to deal with it don’t want to deal with it oh man look at that body taking about as many screenshots as I can now I would need to get up a little higher

But nonetheless though that light scattering over there is just really nice I I have seen though some other um shaders that that do make it look a decent amount better than this than this Shader does but um if you wanted a Shader that’s not so

Resource heavy as the one to go for I mean you know it’s not so resource heavy but it’s still pretty good I mean it still makes Minecraft look a lot better than well anything makes Minecraft look better than it was uh including dog crap but oh man I am not doing too

Healthy um if I got to I’m going to chunk it oh gosh that scared me okay it’s just them we’re good hey guys oh sorry you scared me all right I need to set up a uh I am far away from any spawn or anything like that so I’ll piss off where’s the

Oh I got a bed here too cool oh come on I don’t have a damn block to to block myself off with I never have blocks in my inventory to block myself or on my hot bar I always got them in my inventory just never do I have them on my damn hot

Bar damn I got lucky as [ __ ] that was aggravating it never fails I look at my hot bar cuz I need something to build around me and there’s not a damn thing jeez that’s stressful I’ll keep this bed here hey there fellas there they all are dangerous is all crap

Look at these damn SP these creepers they’re hilarious it’s just a running game man run jump jump run clear this jump clear run jump jump clear run jumpity jump I wonder how many uh way stones I’ve missed just running right bom cuz you’re constantly having to you’re constantly having to run

Usually you can’t just walk around and enjoy the woods or anything nope nope you got to go go go to the bottom I mean not oh come on not really opening up any other fresh map right now anyway so oh mobs or uh cows on my

Uh previous a series with uh I think it was Bedrock I had more pearls and I knew what to do with it was pretty cool I mean that’s how we uh traveled me and Lea we just kept using pearls that was it it’s all we needed we uh not to mention I

Mean we didn’t use the elra in the Overworld and I probably still won’t it’s just it’s too easy it makes the Overworld boring pretty quick to me and probably not to nobody else but it just does to me and so yeah more than likely I won’t use the elra in the Overworld

Yeah more than luck more than likely whoa I thought I was up in here in the corner where nobody can see me what was that oh that’s a darn uh raccoon up top have no idea what I’m going to use that for but I’ll take it uh here we go

I don’t know what that is out there but I did notice that sugar cane there oh there was something that I give berries too and it can it could tame them it was uh oh yeah sugar gliders that’s what I’d like to find is a sugar glider that would be so

Cool it’s about coffee time y’all I do need to get something up of my little project Zomboy uh world I’ve been enjoying it a lot getting a little better at it um I am by no means good at it but I am getting better at it project zom

Boid I don’t know I’m sure there’s a reason but I don’t know the reason of why they have it called zom boid instead of just project zombie or something I don’t know I’m sure there’s a reason why they call it that but I don’t know what that reason is

I see that sugar cane but uh I wanted to quickly look here oh goodness look at you there I got I got two traveling backpack uh Golems Iron Golems again y’all dude it’s cool Isn’t that cool H that’s great I’m excited yeah I’m excited what’s in this one what do oh my

Goodness a trident an elongated Trident of blood leting when in main hand four entity reach nine attack damage one one attack damage plus 30% draw speed plus 19% life Ste that ain’t just your regular Trident man that’s is this is different this is the Trident of nighters oh I’m so

Excited nobody can throw like me except for everybody else glowing water harms Undead enemies hey I’m all about it condensed blood I think there’s something to do with h vampires in here this condensed blood is what you eat that’s what I’d be thinking I’d be thinking that all time man sure enough

Try not to sure enough to do but try not to but sure enough I do I try not to but I sure enough I do let’s see 5.8 it ain’t as good as my iron but my iron is about to fart oh that reminds me I can fart oh it’s not working

All right I’m I’m I’m trying of I’m learning uh hot Keys here still oh sorry okay uh nothing nothing anymore cuz I took it oh wa vibrant alloy Ingot if it’s vibrant then I’ll take it I want to check these out all right man hell yeah I mean

Hell I could probably shift something well nah I can use what we let’s just do that all right unas oh wow I got a bow up a bow I got a bow for myself all right speaking of boat let’s get back in ours oh wait we got it we haven’t been

Up there have we no right no yeah we haven’t been up there okay I can always get more wood so first thing on in the game first thing in the morning we’ll go out and beat some beat beat our wood that’s what we’ll do now what’s up here anything worth of poop environmental

Accumulator oh yeah I had one of these in college shoot they’re the same thing as a vibrator you know the on your old Mrs gets well it’s completely different than that I’m sure there’s something to do with this thing I don’t obviously I don’t know it but it is from evilcraft

And that kind of makes me nervous because these things are crazy evilcraft is crazy there it is all up right there found at dark temples not craftable yeah it isn’t it’s not craftable it’s apparent not very breakable either let me see let’s see evilcraft environmental accumulation destruction and trans foration oh okay

Well eventually I’m going to grab me some coffee and we’ve been in here for 3 hours I um I would like to get on my other game for a little bit see where we’re at wow I’m glad I got those book bags one to did there there is a wait a

Minute I want those um all right now let’s see man it’s a lot of stuff there boy we got to get some place for storage wait I’m just literally going to do this all right um same thing oh well I mean I’m doing that but I’m also keeping some stuff out

Obviously but uh it’s easier to throw it all in and then just snag out whatever it is you want by a long shot it’s easier there we go that right there’s that that’s a little more like it that’s a little bit more like what I like you know what I

Mean see there sleeping bag oh torches got to have some of those here now and then so there we go um camera here we go hot bar is ready potion of Mana o overgrowth seed B tenor what are these ring of recovery when worn as ring

Fif uh plus 15% cool down reduction I got a ring [ __ ] silver ring one warn as ring plus 25 Max Mana I got two [ __ ] for or two slot for uh Rings wait what right right there yeah nope yeah there we go baby oh and I just put me a little

Baggie and and and and wait what’ I just do wait wait what’ I just do did I just throw my little baggie off into the obliss uh I think I did honestly nighter taking oh I haven’t shot an actual like bow I’ve shot a crossbow whoa ancient Scroll of Aquatic

Life allows you to move freely and breathe in the water all your nearby allies will benefit from the magic effect hold right click to cast the spell now that’s cool I’ll definitely use the bamboo spikes oh I just picked up what I thought I dropped didn’t I

No I did I had to have dropped that bag it it’s got to be there it is yep I knew it from deep down in my soul I knew it son I’m not a big fan of the knockback crap yeah but whatever I’m not going to argue about it

Cuz I’m a way better person than that you know what I mean ain’t we all I just landed on my BL got them there we go go go go all right let’s get up here I’d like to be around beaches like this um for a chance to you know find turtles but

There’s no beaches this way there are over here though another damn Village dude you got it’s just you know getting L that’s all that’s all that’s it it’s just getting a little bit late I don’t know why I have a damn key for I’ve never used

It so wait if I’m a ghost at the very beginning it just says cancel the ghostly shape of I know man I know the hell was that I’m making a uh damn boat the spider bit me twice twice my health was probably already low but still it’s just right there

God dang I just it was me it was me it’s not the game I wasn’t paying attention to my health bar it was weak and I didn’t attend to it and a spider bit me that’s it that’s all it had to do fortunately whenever something does kill me whatever’s around my grave

Uh despawns so that’s pretty cool but yeah I I mean my Armor’s good all that it’s just uh wasn’t paying attention and I should have been but what I was looking at is I need to be around beaches so it’s time to settle and I think I’m going to settle over

Here but then I saw this no let’s just quickly go around the the uh let’s go up around around here yeah see if I had already settled somewhere like in episode two and I started doing the quests more than likely I would have already came across a uh object or Contraption or something

That would made me run faster or levitate or you know something like that I would have probably already came across that but since I keep running and wanting to uncover the map and look which is okay too I’m just doing it in the wrong order um since I’m rather doing

That I’m stuck with running like you do at the very beginning or like we do all the time in Minecraft honestly I don’t even when I get the elyra I don’t think I’m going to use it in the uh Overworld again I’ll use it in

All the other ones but uh all the other dimensions but probably not the Overworld no when you start using it for that it just becomes you end up to where you got to have it and you can’t hardly play the game without it and I don’t like that I

Don’t want that crutch you know what I mean doing all the running that I’ve been doing the past few episodes with uh along with exploring most people wouldn’t do this much of it for this long I’ve been doing it for hours but uh I don’t I don’t mind doing it

Obviously CU I’m still doing it and we’re going to use a lot of effing torches B baby thing is I’ll probably actually use a different oh A different light source here soon hey there we go look at that beauty I love them love them love them all

Right uh and we got a meteor right here so yeah I think we should settle right in here I wish there was a prebuilt like I don’t know like a uh oh that nature um Compass I want to get it and I want to go somewhere right in

Here and uh see if it can find the Lush caves cuz I want a lush cave I’ve been wanting to see the Lush C caves in this mod pack for a while now yeah that’s true there can be a lot more fun in it doing it this way

Than I probably should have just done it though the normal way where you uh get a base down pad and you know get oh I got a Wilden horn oh cool you know get a base uh going get comfy get settled and then go doing all the

Exploring but I didn’t I didn’t do it that way and I and I rarely ever do you know I do it my way and more than likely it’s not the right way I can assure you but that’s okay we’re still playing I’m having fun I’m enjoying

It I may not be sitting here running and going nuts and screaming and laughing and hollering but I’m having fun oh wait come compressed iron I have compressed iron I do I got five I want to use the armor for it um I think I have the helmet no I don’t not

Anymore do I have my crafting table on a stick no I thought I did oh this one has good room in it cool cool trying to use up as less of my actual backpack as I can wait okay look at my two Turtle helmets dude I’m so thrilled actually that’s

What I want to wear by God bam look at there water breathing causes you to be unable to drown an extra 10 seconds that’s just automatic that’s not with a uh enchantment on it or anything thing that’s just basic boobies basic boobies all right we got our way Stone

Um all right that’s good I’m keeping my saddle out because once I start seeing some horses I want to uh get me one the hell are y’all doing to each other look at that two more traveler backpacks and they’re Iron Golem ones cool I can’t wait to to get Like the

Wolf one that’s going to be really cool but man we’re going to be we’re going to need storage real bad real bad we’re going to need storage so yeah we need to go ahead and find a place man now we can free up our back packs

Empty them out use them for uh other things go let empty out all that stuff really I just want the bed antidote vessel Arcane Essence that’s part of that uh mod that allows me to use uh this device to pick up mobs it’s pretty cool huh do you believe in gravity

Well you should because it believes in you I don’t have an axe for God’s sakes one two three I don’t man that would have been sick as [ __ ] if there was a was Stone up here damn it I ain’t got wood I swear I don’t I’ve had to make so many damn

Boats that’s okay where are we looking at where are we going yeah down down this way and around here into the ocean I’m right there yeah cool let’s go oh crap I just broke my cornea oh careful scoop careful whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s this one made out of it doesn’t look too

Fancy Sky Stone great screw a dog in the butthole Sky Stone’s hard as hell to break if it’s even possible gravity it doesn’t exist I don’t know why that book asked me that though what what is GRA oh great let’s run over here and oh yeah I don’t have an axe

Come on we got time we got Tom we got Tom boat where’s my Armon there it is got an axe got a boat run actually I want that sugar cane what oh stupid got it we’re free we’re taking a left around this band over to my sand where I want to be

That’s my alarm for work I don’t have to go to work today though we got a good amount of kelp right here that’s good to know oh I just had something pushing me I think it was for going pretty quick what is this Maple Woods in the middle of Highlands pumpkin patch Stony

Shore just a normal Minecraft forest over here all right we’re going to go right here and work our way right into this cubby right here well I can actually already answer that it is going to be it for now as I’ve said before we have way stones in this mod pack So

Eventually I will find the perfect place but until then I need to have a place I don’t have one I’ve never built underwater before hey Mr whale now that I think about it I have it not one time now we want Turtles on the beach that’s where they spawn at default

Turtles normal Minecraft Turtles vanilla um the thing is though it can’t be sand that’s like way up here it’s got to be close to uh sweet Jesus it’s the devil oh God go Don’t Look Back niders Run I made a left-handed axe it’s a amodex I just really wish there was a decent structure around here like a house um one of the houses I’ve seen it already on this map it’s really it’s really well built it’s pretty cool um and it’s got an NPC that lives

Around it or in it or something but uh I wish it was over here that would be pretty cool oh oh no my Trident is still over there at that place stupid wait a minute that’s perfect my Trident right there uh hold on I was just talking about that trident that’s the

Trident I can get it and I don’t have to uh ride a boat all the way around I can cut through all right let’s go grab it real quick yeah see that’s why I don’t like that knockback crap because um once you hit the once you hit the the mob it knocks

Them back [ __ ] 10 ft you can’t hit them again but they can hit you if they got like a trident or uh a skeleton can a skeleton can constantly hit you but if you got knocked back on your sword nope you you can’t hit the skeleton only once it’s so

Stupid I guess the only good thing for not back is to put it on a sword but carry a different sword with you too carry both my Trident should be stuck in the log right here oh man that was a good one I had never Cen a TR didn’t like that that

Sucks I didn’t know they despawn especially since I left the location and it unloaded the area I didn’t know it would despawn huh as a matter of fact I’ve never had one despawn like that did it sink no I’ve never had that happen before it shouldn’t have despawned at

All I was back I was over here oh my God and I uh I threw it and stuck it in that lock unless my character picked it up and I don’t know and I didn’t know about it which could very well be true I don’t

Know all right if I’m right there all we got to do let’s see I was over here I got a Way Stone somewhere right here through here up in here see there’s a yeah that’s a village right there top secret Village actually very top secret there was a uh hold on

I will need room wherever I’m at it is true I will need room what is that I just put a thing that says go here how stupid am I the house that I’m talking about though there’s actually a couple a few um they are top secret

Though so after I show it to you gu and you’re you’re going to have to jump off the nearest bridge um it is about coffee time still didn’t get on my dag gum quest line well I still can just at least get get a couple of them

In I just got to go right there all right that sucks about my Trident man that’s the first Trident I’ve ever had on Java mine CFT ever I don’t just mean modded I mean ever never had a trident before I was talking about this one weapon I

Forget what it was called but uh a viewer in here earlier or last week said um are you in a server or you know uh single player and I said single player and they said then spawn it in in and I was like no I’m not going to spawn it

In I’ll have to feat the whole purpose of survival if I do that and he’s like well if you’re not going to actually use the commands or or spawn stuff in uh this is going to be a boring series and he left I was like what it’s the exact

Opposite when you start spawning [ __ ] in like that that’s when it becomes boring cuz you don’t have to go get it or anything oh don’t no and I got to thinking you know I think he’s right I think I should just start spawning stuff in and just uh you know what I mean

Like like when I start up I can spawn in the food the beds whoops I completely went the wrong way you know just stuff like that nothing uh weapons armor the best armor that I can at least find in the mod pack I think I might start doing that I mean Right crafting table on a s actually works very very well v v here we go and I like this cuz I haven’t had to open up much of my map which is always good um so I can getting to the nether I can’t wait to see

It or see where it puts me at when I come out on the other side I can’t wait to see it I’m excited for that hold on I better be able to damn use this Mossy stuff what that’s a load of poop ass and trust me I know all

About poop ass I do trust me all right hold on we’re uh we’re going to end up starving the damn death um what do you got pecker brain nothing not a damn thing huh sometimes they drop okay of course he didn’t sometimes they dropped meat but

At least one but at least he did drop some uh leather let’s just get there before dark cuz I would literally not have a single way to get through the night oh my gosh look at that biome down there gon that’s the one I was talking about

Earlier if there’s a lush cave down there too oh my gosh that would be gorgeous oh it’s getting dark okay okay there we go we’re there and I just ran out of the ability to run shoot oh my god there he is no run you bastard I can’t freaking

Run I do want to try to kill him hey I just hit 480 huh cool that’s good it’s it’s you know paying off man this uh doing the overnighters every you know about once a week I don’t do it every night of course oh another one oh golly doe they’re aim is

Insane we’re about to have a release of a game that I I and a bunch of other people are really stoked for I’m pretty sure I’ve already sent you the like the stuff on it but it’s going to it’s a game that um February 24th I’m freaking stoked about

It it’s uh it’s going to be awesome it really is it’s going to be epic I can’t wait for that game I’ve actually got a couple of games a few games that are 20 2024 is going to be exciting for uh PC Gamers from from around the world from around the world my

Friend um bring in the game on February 24th it’s going to be on my channel I mean I got to have it on my channel like the day of release it’s called whoa what the hell what was that it’s called enshrouded and uh that’s a game you need to look up

Like straight up for real dog straight up F there’s a way Stone right there oh I just picked it up thank the heavens oh book and quill cool torches Arcane esent what other things do I see in the ejaculation leftovers all right all right all right all right oh hey some red stone

That’s good it really is okay Bastards is this are these the empty ones well empty and empty enough I mean shoot you can slap every single turkey with that thing what is that noise oh I don’t see the uh other Trident guy probably scared like a little puss jeez oo oh I got to run we got to run

Run away we’re in so much trouble oh no I got to eat I got to eat oh my God it’s so scary watching it head towards me good Lord I knocked it way out there like a mother’s Uncle there’s supposed to be a trident guy down here is that

Him yeah oh God no that ain’t him that’s something else I don’t like him I don’t like that I don’t like that at all I don’t like it back up dude I ain’t got time for you I’m going to be living close to these woods so it only makes sense to do a

Little lighting around here here well damn have I slept in a bed yet no way I was just wanting to get my I did it oh my God couldn’t have normally done that if I damn want wanted to oh shoot I don’t know what that was I don’t like

It oh my God I about jumped off an embankment it wouldn’t have been too bad but I didn’t know that at the time oh it’s called um hold on I’ll typee it because it’s hard to I mean I can say it but it’s hard to tell like what it was I just

Said then you can look it up too that’s the game from what I’m seeing it’s going to be pretty damn epic and I’m definitely getting is it it it’s got everything I enjoy in a title um and then some and fortunately for my Minecraft series and 7 Days to Die series which I

Haven’t started on here yet but and my project zom void none of those titles are anything like in shrouded so it’s not like in shrouded is going to replace one you know they’re all got they’re all different and I mean very it’s not like oh yeah they got

Their own little differences here no they’re very different they they they both craft they both build bases that kind of [ __ ] but they’re different completely ways they do it different story lines and how those story lines happen all that’s different it’s it’s going to be really cool I can’t

Wait to share it on my channel that’s why I’m knocking that’s why I’m sticking with these three games right now and I’m slamming them as hard as I am uh well seven days to dying on here yet but I’m going to do a video of it this week and

I want to see what people say about it see if they care to see me play more of it or if it’s just me but a game like this right here my uh my uh ATM 9 right here all the mods 9 I don’t care if people say yay or nay I’m

Playing it anyways and I’m going to stream the [ __ ] so something like this it doesn’t matter but or like in shrouded I’m going to love it so much I want I’m going to want to uh put it on my channel for myself and I just recently purchased uh some pretty decent video

Software did I show you my intro that I made uh today my all nighters intro that I’m going to put at the beginning of my videos in the future it’s only like 4 seconds long if even that but that’s the point of it though it’s an intro

I can’t remember I did send it on a Discord but I did it in my I did it in my one uh one uh hold on I can I can send it to you um um it’s called wonderers share fil MOA 13 so uh there’s a free download of it so you

Can download it for free um I’m sending you the link it’s top secret so you know be ready I don’t know if that’s going to send it as a link or not it doesn’t look like it did hold on uh YouTube doesn’t like to have

Yeah and the free one it does yeah well you get to you can do one video but see recently Now They just added into the software uh screen recording so I can record with it and when I’m done recording my that section of my video it immediately goes into the system the

Editing software and they just released what which is what I think is really cool is uh I think you have to be a p I think you have to purchase it like I did but I can use the uh the AI I can explain to it what I want in a

Video and it’ll make me a video now more than likely it may not be exactly what I want so once you do the initial create once it does the initial creation you can uh adjust it and all that crap but same thing with uh photos I

They uh they implemented the uh chat G uh PT um photo creation by typing in what you want uh all the keywords that you want and it’ll and it will make it will paint that photo and you can do it in different paint Styles and all this

Stuff and then I can do thumbnails and not have to worry about uh copyright because no one else has that exact same thumbnail you know but they just implemented those things in uh a few weeks ago that’s what turned me to try it oh good look this is what I was looking for

I should have probably said something yep that’s exactly what I was looking for oh it did put it in as a link it sure did it uh we have Lush cave underground all right all right all right I’m happy with that I’m happy with that I saw a cow somewhere right here

There it Went blue n yeah I don’t mind doing some torches here there to kind of help with the spawning but uh now that I I know this entire area is kind of where I’m hanging for a little bit now I mean I’m not I’m not staying in this one base

Forever but it will be the main HQ and since I can since we have waste on unlike in Bedrock I can uh keep this main HQ going for here on out I’ll still have other bases but this will be the main one and that will make it so I can uh go

Out explore build another badass base and then when I need stuff like my items all the [ __ ] I’m going to store will be here I can use um there again my way Stone and pop on over here here grab what I need and pop back see with bedrock I would live at a

Location for a while and it it would be a while it’ be like a 100 episodes I would stay there and then um when the time came I would leave but I would leave like far far away like there is no going back to the original base it’s officially gone I probably

Won’t ever see it again but that’s mainly because you know you had to you had to legit travel the whole way every time since we don’t have to do that now I can play this game differently I still want to kind of look now that I got my

General um area I still want to kind of look before I just plop down a cuz see this counts too down here in the uh the beauty of Yellowstone down under here because I want to still be near the Sands the thing is is if if I’m right smack on the Sands

Then they’re loaded 90% % of the time there’s bound to be a turtle popup but I might can find a chunk loader in this mod Peg let me see something that I can place that stays loaded I knew that would happen the moment I click l for chunk load what vehicles little

Logistics oh it’s train it’s a like a minecart train but with the Minecarts it’s just a train fluid tank barge Cedar barge oh cool it’s um it’s the Minecart Track but with a little steam engine see it’s a the it’s part of the create mod I’m pretty sure

Oh without the mine cart look at that it’s a [ __ ] Tu it’s a d gum Tugboat it’s remote control too oh my gosh that’s cool yeah it just depends on the mod G it just depends on the mod and some mods don’t play nice with other mods but

Um you just got to tell me what it is I mean I I have backups of my world so um before I add it I do a quick Copy of everything then if I add it if the mod that you recommend completely destroys and explodes everything I can just load the

Copy there’s the locomotive one check it wait right here check this out this is what I thought it was a track and now now this there is one every docking station needs to have one locomotive do rail oh yeah I know all that I’m just I’m not going to ever be that tricky

With it I just want to see it I want to see it I want to see it chug chuga chug chug oh that’s so cool all this stuff you can do I don’t care about unloading and stuff I want to see it chug chug chug look at

It now that’s how you transport to a new vase man there stuff I can do with this that’s so cool oh yeah I’ve heard of uh that mod there was also one matter of fact hold on a minute I got a mod list right here of ones that I did have in

The in here of course you know me I write them down um hold on I think I have that one written down or it’s air air vehicles or something oh right here um yeah I have it immersive aircrafts I have it written down right here um I can try to add

It see what it does um and uh I do have multiple ways of uh TR of um moving in the air uh one including is my dragon mod but let’s see let me see if I can uh let me see if it’s got a 1.20 first off

There’s a lot of mods that start with immersive so it’ll probably take a while for me to find oh here it is yeah it’s got a 1.20 Um okay real quick I need to do a quick backup of my open folder all I really got to do is copy thought about before I might show it to you real quick I have another mod pack that I thought about putting on the channel and I think you would like it to

Um it’s um I think it’s pretty cool I think everybody else would like it too um I’ll send a picture of it that’s just a quick little visual and Uh I’m really into this kind of uh time period this kind of stuff you know but um obviously not everybody is but I’m sending it to you on Discord of course yeah that’s the mod that’s the same one I got so check that out that’s the next one I’m thinking about doing

Okay where did okay I got it right here all right um I haven’t put it in yet have I oh that’s what I thought no wonder I’m not seeing it okay go back go back there it is um it’s also a fabric version it’s it’s a fabric mod pack and I’ve always done

Forge I have done fabric before and it was it was fun I enjoyed it so I would like I wouldn’t mind doing it again because it plays fine with my system oh whoops hold on I got to close it out it’ll just be a black screen for just a little

Bit I’m going to start it up with it in I just added it in if I get a crash I know it’s from that I’ll see what it takes to make one of those if it loads up fine so far it’s loading being that it was a mod that’s

Uh you know items crafting that kind of thing it’s not a big deal it’s not like it was World Generation kind of stuff like it’s got to it’s got to put in a different biome and all that crazy crap but sometimes mods like the ones

You you mentioned the one I just put in and most others if they do have items and such that they you have to craft well that means they usually have you know or and [ __ ] that they got to have well to get them you got to go underr and then

You got to find them in the wall in the in you know underground in the mines well for those to be in the mine in the walls that’s part of World Generation so it can be a bit tricky yeah right wool string wood and iron that’s it wall string and

Iron it takes a while to load it first it’s a big ass mod pack so there it is now just like I always recommend recommend right when you first pop into a Minecraft world especially a big one like this is you turn around and you’ll still

See bits of the world loading out there as you do and always before I normally stream I hit the menu button because it does a quick freeze but whenever you hit it once it goes to it quickly I hit the quest menu because that does a quick

Freeze but then once you do it once it’s fine too and the obviously the uh shaders do it once a quick cycle through on and off now we can see if it’s in here um hold on let me make it to where I can always see the uh there we go there we

Go now immersive air a a immersive aircraft here it is a gyroscope not bad not bad not bad not bad not bad Steel boiler okay okay not bad not bad not bad not bad not bad hell the echo engine it’s an upgrade this is the engine itself not

Too bad honestly what the hell oh gosh that scared me I don’t what is this long what is this knockback crap I got I don’t like this I can’t hit them here I’ll just use this no flying off freaking 50 feet took all my drop took my leather and everything with

It what why is this happening to me please don’t tell me it’s in this no it’s not is it in this no is it in the yeah knock back right there in the leggings and in the fees wait that’s not I have knockback resistance is what that is is it in the

Weaponry this item is currently only used to get mob heads what do you mean I’m sitting here using it for all kinds of things I don’t know what’s making them go flying back like that but that’s annoying as crap it truly is annoying I don’t like that oh wait no here cool down

Reduction Max Mana no increases oh it’s my pocket Piston that’s what it is I’ll keep the pocket piston because I really like it it’s cool but uh I don’t want to wear it but I’ll definitely keep it you feel me you feel me dog yeah I can get pretty close to crafting those I don’t think I’ll craft

Them tonight but yeah they’re they’re definitely doable definitely doable my little friend what is that oh it’s the uh trading uh the trade being [ __ ] I just called him a [ __ ] oh here’s the empty one crap good Lord dude do you believe in gravity oh this is one that there done

No this is going to be my book I got me a book I got me a book oh I got it okay um let’s see no in reality let’s do oh it was yeah I’m going to do um table animals all right and like uh the one of the first ones is a

Um that I have here is a sugar glider with berries um how how how how um trying to figure out the best layout on um so I can try to fit it all there there we go and then continue you know is there a gyro dine let’s

See actually I thought I saw that there’s the C go Airship Oo slow and fuel hungry but carries an entire storage well then wait can I build a base on those improved landing gear cool why would you build why would you craft the unimproved landing gear if you can just go ahead and craft the land gear that’s improved there’s the gyroscope

Um enhanced propeller Eco uh Echo engine nether engine Oh well then I’ll probably just do the Eco the echo engine then okay so let me write this down if I’m writing it down that means means I’m serious about it that’s what that means ball all right so I will need well off hand see an enhanced

Propeller why would you make a regular propeller why not just straight up the enhanced one there’s no sense in making a regular one if you can already make an enhanced one that’s what I don’t get why why why so like the boiler is expensive or is as important as

Hell Lord what was that uh one furnace and uh 3 six seven copper ingots now of course what goes into that would well here’s the hole oh the hole’s no problem dude that’s easy now is the is the gyro is that like that little mini helic oh wait there’s

The bip plane here it is I got it right here I got it right here muscle powered copter give it a good push and off it flies cool whoops I didn’t mean to do that hold on oh this is fun okay so the hole wait how did I spell that um yeah okay

And yeah so Hall three iron ingot and six well I mean log six wood all right now we actually would need two of those yeah times two but then propeller is 2 4 5 iring it I should be able to build this right here on top of the damn

Tree um yeah oh the sale we got I got this stuff for that so what is uh I need two of them three string and six carpet we got to have two of those okay do the yeah I let me build it real quick that’s that’s really not a big

Deal cuz it’s uh I I got every damn thing I own right here in my freaking back pocket so uh but I do want to build a legit workbench I’m not doing this on a little stick so then uh there we go there’s both sails now the hole that’s no problem I

Got to go get the wood though that’s easy oh wait I should be able to f8 and oh gosh okay that gave me enough logs so many I can’t grab them all okay damn dude I will say this mod pack is tough in that aspect no Jesus good Lord that was

Insane my God that freaking Enderman is so freaky this is why I got that mod pack see they can stay in there and this stuff ain’t going to go flying out all over the place just because I gotta look up something or turn around or some doooo crap um

Okay all right I got both holes I got both sails both both holes now the propeller all right simple enough bam oh my God look at that Enderman no way dude that is so freaky um is this right hey there it is I got

It all it already says we got to be up somewhere high so I don’t even know if the trees I I was on is good enough for that but it’s got to be somewhere High and um where I can push it and give it some

Speed so we need to tag up onto a mountain here heel probably wherever this mountain heel is I should just make that base location for now now I don’t know if this thing just Glides down slowly or if you can actually keep it in Flight once you go I don’t know

All right all right Mr gon good board that scared me Mr gon’s excited um let’s see after this I’m grabbing my coffee dang it uh Where’d I go there am cool yeah let’s go check hell it might be best to do it up on that tree or something like that you know oh

Gosh that is a holy hole um yeah let’s get up there uh let’s get on up there yeah I’m excited too I’m excited to not die from this but uh you know it is what it is if I do look at that G I don’t trust this son [ __ ] I mean look at

It I mean like if I can get off stream and you contact me in a week I can build something better out of Cheerios let’s do it uh okay oh my God we’re doing it look I’m doing it gy I don’t know how to go up oh it’s uh you can it’s

Uh it’s space bar space bar look at us man elra my ass we don’t need that elyas are for [ __ ] I think you could probably get two people in this thing goton all right so I like how we’re not like flying 90,000 M an hour cuz you know it’s realist

Realistically they’re not fast but we are getting to fly oh I need a thumbnail okay um I mean I’m worried a little bit about Landing um so at our base I’ll need to have a landing area I think it would be best oh it is a two-seater cool so I can

Put my dog in here put my dog in here I could essential uh hey let’s go over here all right uh shift is to go down oh yeah this is easy I could have done this a long time ago this is so easy it’s a I really like it to help me

Find a place though like a location this is cool seriously cuz now I can look at the map and see about uh structures and then I can actually look look down to see if it’s uh similar to what the map shows that’s a deole uh I just opened up that little bit

Um oh I want to get this wait a minute where is is that it oh wow that looks pretty down there I wonder what else there is we can craft I mean this is all I need I like like this little thing I can use it in

The nether I can use it in the the end um Dimension all that really oh yeah the yellow I got to go down to the yellow go down down to the yellow the yellow go go to the yellow to the yellow to the yellow let’s go go to

The yellow I don’t even see the yellow just to be totally real which you it probably just hasn’t rendered In like a punon ass w oh that’s already existing okay okay cool cool cool cool cool we got this we got way stones we can get anywhere at any time as fast as we want do I know how to land uh duh no I mean it’s just it’s just low it’s like

A helicopter it ain’t like we got to land it like a like a AO plane or nothing so i’ love to try to land it like a helicopter oh my god oh no I’m too hungry to fly G I Can’t Get out how do I get out I’m trying to push everything bro

There’s a damn creeper right up there just go go go go go that’s how you land by the way what I’m the only worried about holy crap oh something spawned that’s super dangerous but it spawn down there only thing I’m worried about is how the hell you get out of something [ __ ]

Look at that there’s a village way down there and then there’s a village way up here it’s got a bunch of pink in it probably a bunch of bunch of women living up here something like that they would be in a lavender biome eat eat eat yep no worries we got it

I was hoping to see a damn structure of some kind but that’s okay we got Village village Village um that’s it right through there but wish I can find one of those houses I’m talking about I’ve already seen one in my world here but I love these uh mountains and

Stuff there has got to be an ancient city down below there’s just a gotta there’s there’s just a got we’ll have to go exploring that now now that’s pretty cool check that out Ken look let me go down to it it’s an island surrounded by water literally surrounded oh what a view

Yeah what is this shrub land beaches over there our house could be here I actually like this location because of the mountains but also because it’s not as busy and chaotic with tons of craziness going on look there’s a house too right there it’s a gatekeeper’s house just like I was talking

About whoa I was looking down don’t look down that could have caused severe severe hemorrhaging from the ablum AUM gotum hold on there we go I think it’s the what the f is that look at this gu what the hell is that oh my gosh I got to get one hold

On all right uh um oh there’s upgrade [ __ ] I didn’t know that I want to upgrade it to get me out how does that upgrade work um I’m trying to get out of it like a regular yeah that’s what I’m trying to do sneak whoops I’m hitting sneak like crazy oh no my

Pickaxe okay uh oh wait I bet there I don’t have a hot key set for it a key bind air conditioning what the [ __ ] Um I got to try to find that mod oh no for that’s the first any flying I’ve done oh you did Dismount huh hold on trying to go up to let me type it this Mount R okay R got it thank you thank you thank you what I was looking at was

Obviously this this jacked up thing but the actual mob is here in this extremely stupid Tall Grass ridiculous tall grass what where are they all going what the hell are you oh it’s got a name ivory what the hell is it I got to make that a different damn button star bunkle sweet

God what are these little effers all right star bule I grab me some coffee okay starbuckle spawn egg can I uh a starbuckle gift oh for what a stupid name for a mo for a mod but I am curious I I’m going to look it

Up and see if I can tame it or something for the museum oh I just got to drop a gold nugget near near it okay H okay good Lord so much freaking crap I mean a lot I got a lot of doubles too well hold on I just picked up a bunch of

Seeds I don’t need that’s what it is okay hold let me clear this out I got a to make this a different button that I can reach that’s easy for me to reach o I can probably just do caps lock for it even though most people don’t use caps lock um rocket boost

Jesus this is it can I do caps lock yeah that works pretty good oh well the things we got accomplished though we did good today these streams did good can’t deny it did I get my base no no not even close on that but uh we got more we got more so

Pretty excited for that one let me throw these away all right okay okay okay Okay all right we can get back over to oh it was that dude oh wait I wanted to see I don’t know what this is I never would have thought I’d see this just chilling in here Terra cot Mona Lisa that’s cool man never would have fked never would have

Fked take off we got enough air pH for I wanted to see what more sand I had available on this land over here oh there’s a structure that’s similar to a desert temple but it’s made out of dirt it’s pretty cool seen them before there’s a whole sandb um it’s a

Dun Beach which still count actually whoa no way what was that oh was it one of those I think I know no way let’s see let me look at it how far oh man that’s a good ways away I’ll have to that’s going to be on next episode that’s

Okay and it would be getting dark a boat please yes now wait what if uh way up there holy crap damn well I can do a uh what is it I have a was Stone somewhere up here I think or about halfway at least oh no I didn’t Place many way

Stones trying to save them damn yeah it was one of those little things that uh are like little tornadoes that shoot little stuff it’s just it’s crazy how that’s all it took and it took it out that’s weird I can’t even find any damn white stones at all

I know I got them out there and I’m so damn far down here that surely any of them I have dude that’s so far away it’s insane yeah that’s a whole separate trip that’s like the next stream there ain’t no way I’m going to do that right now now hey look Boat Central

Uh and I can’t just let me get over here in this water and put my gu in the boat there are bad guys everywhere and my food’s going to be dropping like a mfer I don’t know why I haven’t seen a single turtle the see haven’t you noticed no turtle that

Weird not a single vanilla Turtle anywhere they’re usually abundant you know not a not a one I mean I need two but hell I’ll be happy to see a one oh there’s there’s two of those little rabbit things in there again in the woods right there look the Blue Moon sets I don’t

Feel lucky anymore so I was feeling lucky when I got shot down that’s funny stupid feeling lucky my ass the death message of death and doom and destruction and okay that’s good that’s good am I even getting any closer it’s probably went further but since I’m on the boat I

Haven’t ate I haven’t went through that much of my food until I get on land and I’m running like a some [ __ ] am I actually almost there kind of I may have enough food I know where the cows are Crowe pick me up Crow take me to Oblivion that’s the home

Stretch cows like it in the lavender field it appears keep that in mind I just ran out of food got it oh yeah it’s a b oh a boat what the hell did all this grass come from I guess is the dunes there’s a lot of sand up here so I’m

Glad to have a lot of sand around but I mean I’m not going to sit here and decide on which sand bank I’m going to live by um I do like all the villages we have around here too that’s awesome it really is for h barely made it thought I was going to

Crash for sure I hope I don’t see one of those little tornado things again that sucker has range damage range weapons next I want to get another trident um map anything anything at tow trying to watch my map see if I see horses cuz uh I’m not

Seeing I’m still not seeing the variety I thought I was of the oh I’ll just have to look for this is pretty cool area we’ll land up here scared me um get out I want it to fall off all right for

This video, titled ‘Episode: 04 TIME FOR QUEST! |Modded Minecraft 1.20.1 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-01-03 10:59:32. It has garnered 103 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:09 or 18249 seconds.

So far so good All Nighturz! It’s time to begin working on FTB Quest in the modpack, Quest help a TON with teaching new mods and how they work as well as simply giving you awesome prizes! Its worth doing them even though you don’t have to.

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  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More

  • SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey Survived

    SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey SurvivedVideo Information [Music] let’s get started today I’m here because Mikey has something he wants to show me you’re going to love it JJ I made a really cool zombie research lab zombie what now check it out wao that’s a zombie villager right that’s right Bud he wasn’t always a zombie so I built a lab to try to cure him I’ve done a lot of research but I still haven’t found a way to cure him and turn him back to normal I’ve tried everything I can think of H here have some more are those cookies yeah… Read More

  • EPIC S4 BOY XD – Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!

    EPIC S4 BOY XD - Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!Video Information डे टू ऑन जेएस आर एस एमपी तो मैंने और डीसी प्लेयर ने इतना ग्राइंड कल ऑफलाइन में किया था और डीसी प्लेज कल वीडियो में नहीं था आज रेक्स डोर है डीसी प्लेज है और रुद्रांश भी है तो चलो ग्राइंडिंग करने के लिए निकलते हैं और आज मैं लेफ्ट हैंड यूज कर रहा हूं मैं अभी जा रहा हूं स्पन पे क्योंकि यह रेडर और रुद्रांश को मुझे यहां पर लेके आना है और रुद्रांश कह रहा था मैं 3:00 बजे खेलूंगा तो अभी थोड़ा सा ऐसे खेल के अभी वो लीव कर देगा और यह… Read More

  • DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICK

    DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Easy Iron Farm | Einfache Eisenfarm’, was uploaded by Darayans World of Gaming on 2023-12-28 12:28:09. It has garnered 81 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. A simple and quick to build iron farm without redstone. If you like the video, please leave me a like. 😇 Visit my other social media links ○ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darayanlp​​ ○ Discord: https://discord.gg/SSK6yzyk9H #minecraft #shorts #eisenfarm Read More

  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

    Saucari Live - EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch NowVideo Information oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sar’s live no way I love that guy you’re making five streams bro I’m not going to lie Shout Out b Cari yeah I played with cardi and Uzi thumbnails so far flag I mean whatever the [ __ ] is I miss the old cardi the cash cardi cardi my b m my B woke up to is my new video cooked my new video fire my new video one out of 10 remember video one out of 10 nine n is pretty good hold on let me check… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!Video Information Sunny wake up we’re stuck in a circle Minecraft again bro let me sleep how can you sleep in times like this this isn’t right this is cursed by Craft is aut about blocks not circles I hate circles I kind of like them especially if we’re playing hide and seek melon bro it’s time for hide and go seek I’m going to wreck you brother we’ll see about that one sunny I guess it’s just a normal day in Minecraft no moded hide and seek nothing weird going to have wait what’s going on what the heck… Read More

  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

    Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11Video Information yo pohon tanpa daun lagi guys di sini guys kita cek keadaan sekitar yuk Guys kita mukan pohon tanpa daun lagi nih Mantap nih Kita coba hancurin kali ya kalau misal kita hancurin apa yang bakal terjadi sama kita ya Wah mantap Guys kita Menan pohon tanpa daun lagi let’s go [Musik] nah J Kita akan ambil daging-daging What the hell guys What the hell what what the hell guys Yo what Wah ini guys ini sih ini ini ini gila gila wah di sini kita menemukan This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #11 #minecraft #mod… Read More

  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

    URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraftVideo Information I realized that we were getting a cape uh oh yeah you should am I oh I think my game crashed This video, titled ‘This is your reminder to free up space on your hard drive… #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-28 16:00:08. It has garnered 634 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. I may or may not have run out of storage space while playing minecraft… Read More

  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

    Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information how to play subwoofer lullabi from Minecraft on piano easy [Music] Edition now add the left hand [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft – Subwoofer lullaby easy tutorial #piano#nostalgia#minecraft#c418’, was uploaded by Parsa shaaker on 2024-06-22 18:32:03. It has garnered 515 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is my piano tutorial for Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft soundtrack that is made by c418 . . minecraft nostalgia – Subwoofer lullaby tutorial Recorded by parsa shaaker . . 🎹Don’t forget to Subscribe, like and comments! And please click on the bell 🔔… Read More

  • Shadow SMP

    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More