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The gentle April Rain that stained the window P last night is all but gone but lingers on inced clouds of air we watch the town awaken to the trembling morning and lights you’re so near and spring is Everywhere we danced until the stars came out and spread across the sky the we small hours of morning all and by day is here we won’t give up our dancing and across the floor we fly when you are near Spring is in the air I hold you so close I think you must

Hear my heart tingle wear hand in hand cheek to cheek and floating in the air when you are near Spring is Everywhere Oh I hold you so close I think you must feel my heart tremble where hand in hand cheek to cheek we’re floating in midair when you are near Spring is Everywhere we dance and stars are your spring is here I feel it everywhere you’re so near and love is in the A what’s going on man door knob my friend me hello sir dornob 774 is for being for being a cool dude yeah that’s right man dornob is a cool dude I’ll tell you what he’s a good man uh guys we’re playing some Minecraft well not just any Minecraft this is

Rlcraft this is uh the realest of the lives this is uh what are we doing today I don’t know what what we’re doing today I know we talked about this yesterday like what we going to do in the next episode I don’t know I haven’t decided yet

Um there’s a couple of quests right here there’s literally two more quests there’s one right here which is a big scary that uh I’m definitely a little nervous about and then there’s this bad boy which could potentially be something we could do today however I would like

It would be nice to get the power Gauntlet let me look it up here for those of you that don’t know uhoh hello little bit of lag power well let me try Gauntlet gaunt Gauntlet so those of you that don’t know uh the mechanical glove is a drop

That you can get from certain uh things in the game I think it’s actually specifically only dropped from from uh mimics which mimics are like a a chest that has like a 1% chance to spawn or something like that only from certain areas they’re not easy to find we have

The magma stone uh but we could go on a hunt for that today or what other quests do we haveo Hat’s a little tight today we could go fishing today I know Harry would be super excited about that um we specifically we need seaweed which I think is a drop

From uh fishing I think and then we need Driftwood which is a drop from items that you can either get that from digging up treasure in the dirt or you can get it from fishing um it’s like a locked chest that drops from both things

And then in that chest has a chance to be um Driftwood we have not been fortunate enough to get it yet we also need to go fishing in the rainforest we need to go fishing in a cave one fish from each of those as well as fishing in the void

Which we haven’t done at all we need three of those bad boys and fishing in the nether which takes four of those bad boys um and then we can make whale stuff uh do we have a whale you know what we have a whale in a bucket right now um

Which just for the sake of doing uh where’s it it’s in this bucket I think uhoh where going to put that whale I know we’ve got a whale in a bucket somewhere oh okay let’s take this bucket uh with the whale in it and uh so I was

Messing around the other day uh the last time we were on rlcraft and I was trying to figure out a way to get this whale out of this bucket rather than just putting it back in the water and I don’t believe there’s a way to do that I’m

Pretty sure you have to put it in the water um and we made ourselves a little farm down here uh it’s nothing fancy we just um carved out some depth here and uh slapped a couple of whales in said water yeah so now there’s another whale in there um which is cool how

Much it’s empty all right let’s get some rotten flesh and fill that up uh cuz they eat rotten flesh right the fish do and then they will breed and make more babies so that we can catch more whales uh and we went and collected a whole bunch of rotten we’re going to

Dump it all we don’t I don’t think we need rotten flesh for anything else um at least I haven’t used it up until this this point uh let me just check make sure oh you know what grave Scrolls whatever dried flesh is for yeah that’s about it oh Alchemy yeah all right let’s

Use let’s use almost all of it we’ll keep half a stack just for the sake of like having half a stack just in case and then uh those whale Yos should definitely be eaten up I don’t know if that thing has like a limit as to how

Much flesh it can hold or bait or whatever uh is there any frotten no there’s no rotten flesh in there um but so yeah that that’s that for now um put that bucket in there for now too we could goof off for a little bit could

We is it GNA are you guys going to hate me if I go fishing right now we were supposed to do some like some building um building is on the the recipe plate Art’s been made sweet dude I can check it out right now sorry I’m just replying to a

Massage Hello Lucy submitting it right now all right cool I’ll have to check it out then let me know when you drop drop it uh so all right I’ll tell you what let’s make this quick right this hello all right let’s do a little bit of

Fishing let’s use our uh our hairy luck right look we got way shrines for all the fishing spots isn’t that great oh my goodness can I help you hey buddy you’re lucky I don’t need you we already have a a two verant chupacabras what up Smithers hey to you too

Man got to keep it m muted what’s that’s no not a problemo Mr sces I’m glad you’re here anyway man hello sir good luck with your studies Mr Smith whoa we just oh no that’s charged Bullhead I thought that was a lava fish in the regular water I was like that

Doesn’t make any sense you know what we should do an apple we got an apple from fishing we should take this uh gold ore um just because we had uh a recipe the other day that needed gold ore and we needed to go find some and we made the

Recipe we found some gold ore but if we ever need to make it again we’ll get some more man uh today was not necessarily supposed to be fishing but we do need to do these quests like they they do need to be done I don’t know we’re not going to spend too long

Here I think if we fill our inventory with fishies um we’ll bail we’ll go do something else you know if we don’t get what we need by the by the time we get a full inventory Arrow recovery huh whoa we’re getting all towards of stuff sugar cane

Oh you know what I know what that was I know what that is we spent some XP points um so we’re getting bonus items now but they look like trash they’re not like two fish I would rather it be two different types of fish potentially um sorry doorknob yo EXO

When you doing IND IND fog I feel like what uh it oh I feel like watching pure Terror dude okay I’m glad you reminded me um so I did look it up last night I didn’t like look up in the fog I I went on curse Forge which is the mod Center

That I use for Minecraft and I searched up all the mods that you mentioned to me uh specifically I did not find in the fog however where where’s my list at hold on I did find sanity and I did find cave dwellers um can I help

You so as the first time I’ve used this bow it shoots fast you don’t need to do that okay oh I’ve been jipped dude hold on I think we need to get this off our inventory or will this spread wait dang it dude did you guys see what just

Happened we got hit by a Rayman and the raymen threw me up into the air with the instability right into one of those spectral fiends that cursed an item in our inventory dude I’ve never seen anything like that happen we just got jipped so hard guys I need professional

Uh information here is that is that curse going to spread that curse of Vanishing I know we can fix it we can go and do like the the curse removal thing but is that going to bro um sorry doob I I totally got sidetracked that was like ridiculous

I’ve never seen anything like that happen um you said uh so when are we doing in the fog yes I did look uh try to find in the fog um in curse Forge but I specifically cannot find oh it’s called from the fog okay I did find some

Things related to the fog uh but I couldn’t specifically find in the fog so let me let me rewrite this down okay tonight I will check again uh I will check again for specifically from the the fog cuz like I said I couldn’t find what was going on

There uh and I was like I can find the other two mods but I can’t find in the fog so I will double check that one and as far when I’m going to do it I would say after rlcraft um you didn’t like from the fog that’s okay you don’t have

To like everything Harry guys uh bro okay so it’s not going to spread I just want to make sure that it’s only that one curse it looks like it’s just that one dude I’m Blown Away We the Raymond sent us up on the ledge and there was a freaking dude

There never in my life the heck is that can we stop you playing a game you’re not going to win the heck was that all right sorry so I’m heavily distracted right now I wonder where that spectral went or if he disappears after he hits you cuz if he disappears after he hits

You that’s cool if not that’s not cool dude what are you guys coming from we’re not going to fish forever Harry I promise uh we will definitely be spending as little time here as possible I don’t really care to fish today I don’t I don’t want to do it I’m not

Interested in fishing right now um but we do have quests revolving around it the curse spreading thing is through Pandora’s curse okay sorry I got a little sidetracked and confuzzled there I was just all flustered when I got hit by that like that’s ridiculous uh I’m calling Mulligan let’s go

Back when you play in the fog from the fog uh you will be asking why doorknob uh and also what is that and a lot of uh also a lot of other a lot of other screaming can we look I’m trying to have some peaceful cave fishing it’s called peaceful cave

Fishing you know what we should do we should collect some Diamond door we don’t really need the diamonds but uh in case we ever need ore for some reason we has it stop it bro you guys are like Savages today they’re like Ying me so far into the sky

Oops all right you should check out Cisco’s fantasy medieval medieval Adventure RPG mod pack Eclipse PL it uh and it looks really good all right hang tight I’ll write that down too Cisco’s fantasy medieval Adventure RPG mod pack Cisco’s fantasy medieval Adventure it’s a long name got

Cool please just give me the one fish that I need we just need one fish from a cave I don’t want to be here nobody else wants to be here let’s just just give it to me and we’ll we’ll move on to better things watch we’ll open this this box

Right here and we’ll get a freaking clock and it’ll be like don’t forget you spent the last four episodes literally fishing type cisos you’ll find it all right you got Driftwood yet no have not have not got drift we uh we definitely have I don’t want to say a significant amount of

Fishing left do but we do have some fishing left to do but it’s not going to be done today I just thought that maybe we could like dive into the cave real quick and just get the fish we need right off rip uh unfortunately it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen

So Cisco also makes different mod packs apart from networking and cloud computing I don’t know nothing about those hey Goose absolutely riveting gameplay I know I know oh a fck it my favorite do you not need a Tracker I mean we we have a Tracker um I just I

Don’t feel like you need a Tracker um do you cuz like the fish is found in caves it’s like shouldn’t it we’re going to cave shouldn’t the fish be in this pool unless I’ve been just like doing it wrong the whole time it should I be

Figuring I don’t know should I use a Tracker um Cisco is a multinational uh billion doll company is it really see I just know Cisco kids Cisco kids was a friend Mell hello SK certain fish spots don’t uh certain fish don’t spawn in every cave well that would be the probably the

Reason why we haven’t found that specific fish that we’re looking for if that’s the case 12 just try to conserve space cuz uh if we’re using these bad boys we definitely don’t want to be wasting space that’s fine uh I reckon it’s the same Cisco that made the mod pack oh

Know all right well Harry now you’ve extended our fishing um Adventure now we have to go find a cave and find the fish that we’re looking for I was going to give up after I filled my inventory uh but now that you told me that no that’s where I was digging dirt

Looking for a cave looking for a cave looking for a cave and a cave and a cave come on caves that go down caves that have water it’s the worst cave you’ve ever seen dude what is that oh cows how about we do one of these oh wait

Looking for water looking for water I see it well this just isn’t necessary I’m trying to fish dudes holy freaking crap dude how about that dude uh all right not what we’re looking for see I was under the impression though that like uh the area that you’re fishing in

Does not necessarily have to label uh the type of fish fa to detect any fish um like this probe thing is not always going to tell you if the fish is there or not sometimes it is sometimes it isn’t holy lag dude I’m so upset about that like curse of

Vanishing I wish I could set my dragon out to find water okay this this is clearly not working I was looking for water yeah uh-huh see see what I mean professional too shallow Okay uh-huh see what I mean professional professional not what I’m looking for I don’t know maybe we got to be okay hello I do I don’t know why but I I like attacking these things like early on in my rlcraft adventure I uh I got clapped up by one

Of those spawners like just annihilated so like now when I see them I it’s just it’s a it’s a mission that we have to do we just got to destroy all of them you know what I think we should do though hold on wait I’ll run this by you professionals over here we’re

Specifically looking for cave trout if you have any ideas hit me let me know uh if you stand over the Monster Box just holding uh attack you will kill them all instantly oh my gosh really that’s we’ll try that we’ll give it a go I’m looking for underwater cave

Systems under underground water systems caves water systems with water and fish things with stuff and and things I see chests don’t do it cave trout below y40 oh so like any cave below y40 or does it have to be like a specific um what’s it called a specific

Biome s go was friend of mine this is in y40 oh my gosh well that’s just not necessary guys all right I think lava is why 12 right or Y 11 no biome but it won’t spawn in every pool of water well how do you know that like so

If the the fishing thing this uh with the fish tracker if that’s not always accurate then how do you know you know what I mean bro you guys are annoying fish oh dude I I was sitting there waiting for my water bucket to or my water bottle to track the fish that’s hilarious

Cave trout is between y15 to y45 Har you have lied to me so we got to be above 12 which I believe is where we’re at now I think we could probably here hold on let’s just be sure I’m pretty sure lava forms at y1 but let’s be absolutely positive okay that doesn’t

Give you a y-coordinate so uh back to square one stimmy just looking wait also if you hold shift and right click with the tractor and keep holding shift you can get the fish quantity as well really all right let’s test this oh I don’t have a bucket oh

Well oh now that was satisfying I’m really glad you told us about that Harry I love it how do we Timmy old tooting toot in your boot Timmy can somebody tell me where the fish is where’s the fish what let me out thank you pretty sure this is the same fishing

Hole that we were just at oh it gives you more details about it too interesting in the water so what you’re saying is I’ll tell you what we might just be giving up on this let’s um let’s go home real quick I want to test something with that fish

Thing and we might just bail on the fishing for today we’ve done so much fishing lately that uh we could definitely put our time better in other places to better use in other places I do want to check this though what do you mean the probe probe

Can only work in water we’re in water the fish are in your walls I smell yellow red now am I going insane it might be where’s my whale where is the whale why are we like lagging fiercely maybe not fiercely we should have three whales in this

Water when are you building the the zoo well we could start doing that today but I was heavily distracted by this fishing concept here um it’s just so enjoyable and so much fun all right we oh there it is there’s the whale okay hold on I

Don’t know why it’s only in this one block but let me just see the um the probe can only work in water what what I’m in water what whale okay it doesn’t tell you how many oh detected in sparse quantity okay so the best type of fishing is not

Fishing at all all right you’re right you’re right let’s let’s do something else ow okay let’s run back upstairs real quick drop this gunk out of our inventory this gunky Gunk you guys realize that like um I am a fishing YouTuber now right like this is my main focus now we don’t actually

Do anything else um we just fish when I grow up I want to be I want to be a fisherman Okay so here’s what we’re going to do today um does cuz this shelf is going to make my butt look huge okay uh all right two things two

Things you guys decide um neither of them are going to be finished today okay that’s the deal uh this is all going to be extended projects okay we could start the adventure of creating a pathway way uh around this ledge here uh and down this hill okay Harry’s unsubbing

Yeah um and then like working on this like entrance way to the Menagerie cuz this room right here this is going to be our Menagerie uh it is decided he I already unsubbed as soon as I join the stream um and then we’re going to build

A pathway that wraps down and around the wall and then this room we’ll we’ll get back to it but I’ve got plans for this room I want to do like I think I want to cover the entire floor and sand and make the floor itself a

Desert okay and then hatch our uh our deathworm eggs in the desert portion of this area and let them roam around freely because if you read the uh the Beast area it specifically says they roam a certain area around their hatch spawn point so if we post them right up

In the center they should stick generally in this vicinity and then you know live in the sand and be free Roman and they’re they’re friendly to us right so that’s cool uh they might not be friendly to other living creatures in here so we got to be careful of how we

Situate ourselves there but I think what I would like to do is um oh we ran out of Mana he dropped a wither skeleton skull nice what a good guy five Withers skeleton skulls I don’t think I have that disc Um oh they okay well I didn’t really plan on riding the death worms I just wanted to hatch them um I did see though that if you dual wield fishing rods you can actually like ride them and steer them which is really cool um no need to

Ride death worms at all agreed it would be really fun and Goofy uh but we don’t need to do that and I’m glad you told me because I I probably would have tried to do it at some point so we will not do that now all right sorry just I’m trying to

Shove some coffee in me so I’m thinking what we could do is we could either make the pathway run the whole way down this wall we’re going to fall again or we can end the pathway about here and do cuz I was thinking it would be really cool to

Do like little mini Islands spread out that float all around this room at different levels okay or just back up your world first that’s a good idea too Harry um so like little midi Islands so we could stop the pathway here at the entrance if we wanted to right buddy you

You guys are going to have to stop this is like getting a little out of control um we should probably light this place up huh and then like Island toop all around to kind of like represent the uh the different portions of the game that we’ve experienced right so we could do

Like early game where we were like dying constantly and had no armor we could like specifically put a shield up there or something say like maybe you should have wore a shield when you were like you know diving face first into all this mess um there’s a whole bunch of stuff

We could do but obviously this portion of the the build is going to come much later right now we would be focused on the building the pathway and uh okay thank you so I want to connect a pathway that runs just along the edge of the mountain and curls down into this

Hole down here as well as connect uh a pathway from this side and run the pathway down in there and then also carry it down in across and the pathway would come across this p uh this hill here down cross the river hit the uh the graveyard yeah um

Dying what’s that shut up Harry or so we could either do that today right what’s going on here why is this all like did I do that did I put all these blocks here I don’t remember doing that um anyway or we could build our uh what’s it called a water wheel right

We talked about building a water wheel in the river here that uh essentially does nothing it just looks nice um what else could we do what else did I have in mind oh another project for building uh was this Tower we could work on this Tower so

Y’all decide right now you get three seconds to the side go did you the side wow zoo and Museum yeah that’s one vote I imagine it might just be Lucy that votes here everybody else has already dipped cuz we were just fishing earlier Zoo all right that’s two for Zoo

I mean we’re technically we wouldn’t be doing the zoo itself today we would just be like creating the entrance to the zoo so I mean either way we could work on that if you guys if that’s what you guys want we’ll do it it’s looking like that’s probably

Going to be it let me hop on the bird real quick let’s decide on a pallet here oh guys check that out I think you guys both missed this bad boy we got a a lux morac uh I haven’t done much with him yet though but my new favorite Mount Dude where’s it

At this is my new favorite Mount he’s just tiny he’s like perfect for building although he’s quite loud um all right so we got to decide on a pallet how do we do this what blocks do we want to use uh to make it harder you should put all

Of the mobs and cages suspended in the air to make it harder huh like it’s going to need to be harder than it already is going to be mobs suspended in cages can we yeah but okay so my concern is that uh the mobs are going to attack

Them each other or at least attempt to to kill each other right epons are great I agree with you sir sir um that’s I think that the mobs are going to try to kill each other so we got to be really careful as to how many and what type of

Mobs we put in here oh my God freaking screw off we need to light this place up let me do that right now if we’re going to be working here we need to get rid of the mobs silver You’ V the zoo as well all right that settles it we’re doing

Excuse me we’re doing the zoo booms 64 torch should do it right epons are great epons are great get torch arrows oh yeah dude let’s do that instead that that’s just fun right wait but don’t suspend them in cages please make a room for each corresponding to their

Theme a room oh see that would be difficult all right what all right wait wait wait wait let me make these torch arrows let’s rediscount oh easy hello hello hello is it going to do the spread shot like cuz I’ve got spreadsh shot or is it just

Going to be the center Arrow should just be the center one I would think I just shoot my own bird oh goodness I like this this is just fun where have these arrows been like our entire lives they’re so much faster it only wait I just realized it’s only

Using one arrow for each shot and it’s like shooting like four torches at a time that’s actually amazing can we not okay dude the bird is a little stupid I don’t know why we’re shooting the the bird I thought that was like no longer a feature in the

Game we are torch spamming this is too fun we need to back it off a little bit um it does multi-shot but this is how you apply normal torch or this is how you multiply normal torches I didn’t realize that this was a thing like literally multiplying

Torches oh we’ve got that one all right let’s walk away real quick and come back and see if we can reload that area wait I think I suggested you use the den for your own dragon’s layer see I don’t know if I’d like to make a a layer for

The dragon at this point cuz like for one it lives in inside the horn right like literally like it it doesn’t necessarily need a physical home other than the horn um man that’s a lot of torches the dupe doesn’t work anymore they patched it allegedly well let’s try

It looks like it works to me we just got four torches back so now that this place is livable breathable okay all right what if what if instead of like making this one room The Menagerie got to report this I guess great thanks Lucy can you explain me what is this Minecraft this

Is actually what’s called rlcraft um and it’s essentially just a whole bunch of mods put together in one uh and I couldn’t even tell you all the mods off the top of my head but cuz there’s like over a hundred of them but it’s fantastic it’s a lot of fun um so

Guys I’m thinking if we want to it’s a mod pad called rlcraft yeah you got it um if we want to make a room for each creature we’re not going to do every single mob in the game that’s too much what I would like to do though however

Um let’s go get our book real quick right I I think if we’re going to do like a a zoo of sorts I’d like to do one specifically revolving around this Beast J okay so like this has one two so technically dragons are in this Beast J oh you’re

Playing Fire and Ice mod uh recently nice dude Fire and Ice is in this uh at least to a certain extent there it’s it might be tweaked a little bit but um I believe this all these mod or excuse me all these mobs right here are from Fire

And Ice Fire I fire I um if we do a zoo I think I’d like to do one specifically revolving around the beastiary uh and pretty much ignore the rest of the mobs in the game um I say do every Fire and Ice mobs and a few familiar Fallen I could get on

Board with that I could could definitely get on board with that uh it would be cool to have the Fire and Ice mobs not like the snow villagers I guess we could do that too um oh we’re going to need a gorgon okay we could do a live Zoo right we could

Try to capture every creature alive or we could take the the skulls from the gorgens and turn these creatures into stone I don’t know which creatures can and can’t be turned to stone if we do this do you guys realize what is in this list bro freaking dragons and sea

Serpents are in this list technically we have a dragon already right it’s tamed it’s in our thing that’s handleable how in the world are we supposed to capture a sea serpent and and get it in here what what I I don’t we’re going to have to think think

Outside the box for that one um you don’t want dead mobs you want real ones all right Harry what come on guys look you guys just want to see me suffer don’t you you’re like yeah yeah now you made it to endgame now you think you’re

Cool and all suffer again like try to collect all the mobs alive you say your PC can’t handle RL crap so you’re playing Fire and Ice Man I I’ve never played Just Fire and Ice um but if you ever do have an opportunity to play rlcraft I’d highly recommend it it’s very good

Um you said uh you know the Gorgon uh you know it’s a mob now which makes it’s yes yes yes it so it it does it it will turn you to Stone um it will also turn other creatures into stone I don’t exactly know which cuz there’s certain

Creatures in the game that can’t be turned to stone yeah um who goes to AO to see statues and mobs well okay so originally it wasn’t supposed to be a zoo it was more or less supposed to be a managerie and a managerie is not a zoo a

Menagerie is more like a collection of goods and stuff and things and thought thought things and thoughts and stuff um and I was under the impression that like statues would be a really cool addition to the Menagerie but if you guys want to zoo now we’re talking a whole different

Ball game here yeah so like we’ve got amphid which we can definitely do the dragons which we can do the trolls I think we can do the trolls are going to be challenging because if they touch daylight they turn to a statue automatically um they will turn to Stone

Um means rlcraft is Advanced version of Fire and Ice there’s a lot more than Fire and Ice in this though too it’s freaking crazy how much is in this um we have death worms we can do the the stallions would be interesting um the stal the stallion birds are going to try

To attack everything so if we if we make a live Zoo right first of all it’s going to have to be underground but we can’t keep like let me let me fly around we can’t keep like live creatures out here cuz everything’s always trying to kill you everything’s

Trying to kill each other the stuff that we collect uh is not going to survive so if we do a live Zoo it’s going to have to be underground and if we do a zoo it can’t just be in this room right uh I think I’m on oh dude freaking heck yeah

Dude thank you very much PR pram I hope I’m pronouncing your name right um our allcraft doesn’t use full Fire and Ice as you can get oh you can’t get dragon steel yeah I figured fire I was a little bit tweaked for rlcraft um it’s still

Good though it’s still a lot of fun uh so I don’t know I just love those torch arrows dude that’s so fun um I think I’m on board with the idea that silver uh brought up saying that if we do a live Zoo if we try to keep each animal alive we could

Potentially poke holes in these walls yeah and make little corridors that go in different directions and because we’re pretty far underground right how far underground are we we yeah we’re far enough underground that we’re not going to have to worry about this water here because this is very shallow um now obviously we’d

Probably run into caves and and things like that which that’s not a problem as long as we don’t have like an ocean pouring on our heads trying to dig holes um predom not pranom that gotcha gotcha sir freedom um so I’m thinking we rock the idea of

Different hallways so like all right for example we still make the pathway that comes all the way down here okay uh we we juice up this cave make it look nice and cool and and presentable and uh also hopefully like spawn proof that would be ideal and bring the the pathway down I

Still like the idea of creating Little Island little checkpoint islands of like uh early on in our adventure we experienced this kind of stuff and then we moveed forward we collected these armors we collected these weapons uh we ran into this kind of stuff um and like all around this room scattered uh

Floating in the air could be different islands of different uh checkpoints and and achievements that we’ve made throughout our allcraft and then down in the bottom I still would love the idea of turning the base of this into like a desert and letting the death worms roam

Around free I think that sounds fun um and potentially even turn the ceiling into an ocean right and put like the water creatures in the ceiling and like put like make a glass ceiling right and let the uh like put coral and stuff and wreath stuff on the um on the walls and

Whatnot and like turn them into basically turn the roof into an ocean maybe I don’t know we’ll we’ll think about that one too um and then the so aside from these Island that hold like your basic M Museum stuff these hallways that we would dip out into could do like

The the live Zoo so like each little segment can lead off into like this larger opened area that would allow you to see and view other creatures that we’ve collected along the way um the sea Serpent’s going to be a challenge we’re going to have to think about that one um

The sea serpent might be the toughest one for sure and that way right the mobs aren’t attacking each other hopefully they’re they’re not trying to kill each other constantly welcome back Doros um so sorry I I am missing some chats I’m just trying to get the ball rolling on my brain thoughts here

Uh ourcraft doesn’t use full Fire and Ice underground and uh make them stay in a room with glass showcase okay I’m down for that I like the glass showcase idea especially with this texture pack or sorry not texture pack but this um this Shader pack it actually makes the glass

Look invisible like literally invisible um so that would make the glass invisible right it would be a better display um and you asked have I played BW U I’m not exactly sure what that means but since I don’t know what it is I’m going to go out on a limb and just

Say no I have not played it torches torches everywhere you got to torch it um anyway in your mother’s tongue pram means first or number one oh interesting I like that um so are we are we all in agreeance that’s what we want to do we want to create like little side

Corridors that lead off into uh bedw War oh bedw Wars no I have not played bedwars um I’ve seen clips of it though it looks interesting um I’ve never really been big on PVP specifically in Minecraft um but that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t want to try it someday in the

Future I do like PVP uh to a certain extent I like uh like today I think uh later on this afternoon Zach and I are going to play a little bit of smiggy smite dude so that’ll be fun if you guys don’t know what Smite is or even um

Predecessors one or the other they’re similar to one another but we’ve been playing a lot of predecessors lately um all right so I guess with that being said we need to figure out a couple of things we need a block pallet um theoretically we don’t need to build with lanite blocks because we’re

Underground we shouldn’t have to worry about things exploding all the time um this should end up entirely spawn proof we shouldn’t have to worry about any of that kindly this year is my main year of study I’m in 12th in India 12th means main year of life that’s sick dude

Congratulations I hope you do well in your year school that’s funny man we got a bunch a whole bunch of different people from India which is um it’s getting interesting man we’re meeting so many people from all across the world I love learning about your cultures and

Having chats with you um speaking of different cultures where is jariah at that man’s got his own culture made oh man wow durability does go down quickly on this thing huh what’s our block pallet you know what I want to do I want to use uh endstone I think little

Islands of end themed stuff like the the island itself can be end themed the the one excuse me the ones that float around in the air would be cool to be made out of endstone um I do want to put a use to endstone from Germany wait I’m from

Germany sa and Britain how are you from all three of those so what okay blocks that I’d really like to use I’d really like to put a use to endstone um and we can make aition stone out of that as well and aition Stone’s a

Little bit dark um so I don’t want to use too much of it but it does look really good I would like to use some of that I think aition Stone would blend well like Limestone would look great and marble would look great too we could definitely put a use to

Marble you were playing ice and fire uh with your friend but it felt different when you have friends with mods excuse me modes modes mods uh I think so if you had somebody you also entertained yeah dude it’s it’s very fun um demon Stone’s your favorite I do like the demon Stone

It looks good um how do you make that perfect sphere for the zoo I I did not create that um that was actually a tier five Dragon Nest that just happened to be below our base and we’re going to take advantage of it

And use it as a nest or a museum so what other blocks do we have we have we’ve permafrost that we can take advantage of Red Rock prismarine marble Limestone I think for the pathway outside let’s do something like this wait a legendary weapon which one

Oh the favorite one that you have so like I mean this one’s definitely my favorite weapon so far but streamstone is also cool yeah I do like I like them all dude the all the blocks look very nice um this is our current weapon that

We use it’s Dragon icy dragon bone U but then we just got a great sentient bow recently we’re still working on that the lost cities are definitely something we need to spend more time in you luse lush stone for paths I think that’s what we’ll do the Lush Stone and

The desert stone for pathways okay so if we’re going to go all right you know what put this away um we could probably bring this with us nice sentient Cleaver thanks dude I’ve been working real hard on it okay I’m just I’m trying to use my brain here let’s grab some

Granite how much of this do we have not that much we’re going to need a bunch of this it’s like we’re going to study so many oh yeah yeah so many enchantments um and whatever enchantment is has oh dude I forgot to put a short out today I

Got a little carried away this um today yeah dude there is a ton of enchantments um as far as I know that’s all the ones that you can get on one weapon like that at least efficiently do we have any more no not really stone slabs just use dirt as the grass will

Spread uh well I wanted to use grass because um there’s going to be certain areas that we work with that the grass won’t be able to spread to uh we have plenty of grass we do have plenty of dirt too I’ll tell you what have you tried any space mods no I have

Not oh break the curse on your pickaxe thank you I forgot about that okay thank you very much what other blocks do we want oh we should get a sleeping bag I think we have an extra one in here so we’re not like screwing around with the explosions and stuff at

Night hello time out what can we get rid of in here what do we not need to carry on us all the time hello hello this we can carry this with us when we’re in the Lost Cities but for now we don’t need that all right cool deal man sounds

Good so if we’re going to work on the pathway we’re also going to need some other stuff l helloo oh course dirt is something that we should use as well and then these path stone blocks Stone path blocks where did I put all those right there all right course Dirt do we need this one us right now we should keep it right we’ll worry about path blocks later our inventory is a little full right Now so all right we’re going to make the path wrap around here let’s get rid of this tree we’ll get rid of a couple of these trees oh we got plenty of Co dirt we can make more later if we need to though okay I’m thinking we take this path

Flush right here and gradually bend it down around this corner using the side of the mountain right like I think we should probably carve it into the mountain just a little bit just a little bit not much it doesn’t have to get too crazy we don’t need these we’re going to

Carve our own path here they were just for like previous reference just to to keep it in mind of like the idea that we had going on for whatever reason those torch arrows hit our bird which is a little obnoxious okay if possible Show Your Dragon collection um all right hang tight oops

I believe you know what where do we keep those things right here Which one’s which that’s a fire dragon okay so this is just our little baby we haven’t done anything with this guy yet um and I haven’t named him either but so we got a and we have a couple of eggs that we haven’t hatched as well but so that’s our fire

Dragon and then this is our big boy oh yeah I haven’t named him either yet her or him I think it’s him dude I love the ice dragon the ice dragon is so cool he’s not even fully grown yet I think he’s still a stage four yeah that’s still a stage

Four big Honkers dude big chunky Honker uh we’ll mess around with more with the dragons in the near future but we’ve just we’ve had a lot going on there’s a lot on our plate right now as far as like what we would like to do in our

Allcraft oh man the dragons have kind of been put on the back burner you know how I can have annoying mobs living in the house they are annoying right like uh I just put these guys up here last time or last episode and all episode they’re just freaking

Driving me nuts uh I’ve kind of gotten used to them at this point if they’re breaking you guys let me know and I I’ll put them in chests or something like that cuz I I think they look nice on display but all they do is sit there and go he hello shut [Laughter]

Up you have a ice and fire stage one stage four and a baby ice dragon that’s sick dude I was so excited when we finally got an ice dragon so excited all right hold on three worst mobs pixie pixon and worst of all the trumpet skeleton you

Mean the one that you can hear right now H I think let me Define exactly where we want this pathway or you know what let’s do something like this dang it this epon is kind of hard to mount thank you I don’t want my Mana running out

Constantly you FR of me are trying to do uh just Dragon collections do the dragons are sick your base is just the worst collection of sounds basically but it’s fun I like it all we’re lining up exactly where we want the path to go two and three and two and

Three and three and three it doesn’t I don’t want it to be symmetrical I want it to look kind of rough and natural you can breed dragons if they stage four or higher that’s something I think we’ll probably mess around with in the future too possibly

Possibly all right so I think then how we take this it’s going to be something like this something around the lines of that let’s get rid of these Cobblestone so I don’t get confused and we’ll we’ll develop the path as we go cuz I I don’t know if I like the idea

Of like spiraling it down like that um I do want it to wrap around the edge natural like but I think if we go like a little bit less gradual than we had originally L laid it out like that and we take it to be a little bit more steeper

However stick to like one side rather than like cuz originally I’ll use my my face as a pointer originally we were like talking about like spiraling it the whole way down and I think maybe if we just like do something more like this

Is not going to be able to like o are we going to have to spiral that down how do we do that maybe we do that maybe we do stick with what we had originally planned and rather than rather we just like stick do like

Two blocks at a time just so it’s not too much and we can still work with half slabs all right Mr Lucy it’s going to get boring anyway so I will catch you later sir um I’ll be in the chat with you buddy I’ll let you know what’s going

On or if you uh if I have any ideas or updates I will let you know sir um I hope you have a good day tomorrow my man so like oops something like that for and then maybe we make like a little Landing platform right here something

That would like come out of the wall a little bit right it like make a little Landing platform that kind of rounds itself out and then that would lead into like the floating islands so like this would be a little bit more defined than the path that we had laid out

Earlier it’s a little bit easier to see without the the big old bird flapping around so it would cross over and spiral just a little bit but not quite as much as I had thought it would before and I don’t think I want it to be perfectly rectangular like this

Either like I kind of want it to like dip into the wall some like not much just like say it’s just like one block right just to round it out just a little bit so it’s not so Square oops hello hello wait I would do that straight down as

You would want to be able to fly into it can’t we fly into it now though right well yeah so I obviously we’re going to fly pretty much everything that we do is going to revolve around flying um however I still want to make a pathway just for the sake

Of like it looking nice what we’re doing here is Not Practical right we don’t need to make all this stuff but we want it to like look as nice as possible that’s the whole point we’re just building to build at this point cuz we’ve pretty much completed everything

Else no no it’s not going to be one wide um it’s not going to be one wide uh I’m just like laying down the path pattern here to to get an idea of exactly which direction I want this to go is this cave uh a d or a stage six I

Don’t think there are stage six but it was a stage five dragon that came out of that we were like building our base one day and we just heard this like something screeching behind us I turn around and there’s a freaking GI dragon flying around in the sky over here so I

Was like well guess we got to kill that and we did you know what I think before we go placing blocks down hang tight we’re going to do something like this it doesn’t have to go into the mountain much but I do want it to go in there a little

Bit just to kind of give it some like function in depth and that way it’s not like completely hanging over the [Applause] cliff that way it doesn’t look like it’s just like hanging on by the ledge it’s got like structure and girth to it we’ll rough it out for now we’ll

We’ll go in texture and patch up blocks later but right now we what we want is like the shape it’s okay to have a little bit of an overhang on the cliff I think too right if there’s a couple blocks that just hang up over your head like that um I think that’s

Fine just trying to feel it just trying to feel it out that’s all we’re doing we got to use uh muscles that we don’t have on the outside h Manan that Dragon really made a mess of the terrain we’ll make it look nice it looks like an absolute tragedy right

Now just trust the process it’s all about the process by the way where am I from I’m from the Americas the East Coast England we’re from all over boy the question is do we want the path itself this pathway down the hill here do we want this to dig directly into the

Wall and only be in the wall or do we want it to extend out into the path like into the hole that goes down a little bit right I think it would be a little more practical to be dug into the wall hey Blue what’s going on

Man you have a friend from the US and my one brother has come uh to the US for higher study that’s awesome man congratulations for for both you guys I hope that uh he enjoys his time here there’s a lot going on a lot to see a lot to do

It make more sense to be dug into the wall like this I think I like it dug into the wall and that way we can kind of like shape this a little bit better what’s your time there it’s 1:00 a.m. right now woo yeah it is getting

Late for you it is 2:30 p.m. on the East Coast what if we went like something like that is that one I think that one block dug in is just enough like just enough to give it just a little bit of Dimension so that it doesn’t feel so square right it doesn’t need

Much the corners are going to be a little more tricky nice dude after your final exam I hope you do well on your exam dude good luck sir all right when are we gaming what are we not gaming right now oh man hey earlier we were fishing

Okay so we we could be fishing right now careful what you ask for it’s a little funky right here on this corner we need to like two blocks two blocks down three more exams left nice dude dorov I’m excited for you man it’s going to feel good to have that

Stuff out of the way and completed we’re good is this how’s this feel still feels like Square I think that does it right there not what you meant wait what do you mean something feels not quite right maybe you know what trust the process trust it have faith in it you’ve

Eventually it’ll come together what we need to do is get the shape settled in and then start like uh putting actual like colored blocks down and stuff like that I think because it’s all gray and everything’s just kind of bland that’s what’s throwing me off a little

Bit we got to play some games together off stream oh man dude if I’m being totally honest I don’t even really do any like I don’t have much time for much else off stream I uh I stream I edit I eat I I poop I sleep I work I stream I

Edit I eat I sleep I poop I work um this has definitely consumed my life but in a good way because I really love it man I love doing this with you guys um now if you’re trying to play some multiplayer games that we could stream as well I would definitely be interested

In something like that I’ve got a whole list of games that we’re definitely going to be looking into in the near future um as far as what games those are hold tight hold on uh I don’t want to spoil too many of them quite yet but uh I

Definitely have like a whole bunch of stuff in mind that I’d like to do and uh I’ve already got like so right now we’re doing I mean Minecraft is a forever game we’re we’re always going to be playing Minecraft at least that’s the way I I see it happening right now I love

Minecraft man uh and as far as on I know you guys love Minecraft 2o so I’d like to play that game on and off forever and ever right um but every other day I’ve been staggering and playing different games uh right now we’re playing God of War uh which is not multiplayer but

We’re close to beating it right and we were discussing the other day like what games could we introduce aside from God of War uh and I’m thinking we do like two other games at a time so it’ll be like Minecraft and then you know a God

Of War type game and then something else M uh Minecraft God of War type game something else or it goes like Minecraft something else Minecraft God of War Minecraft something else Minecraft God of War right each day for streams um and if you guys have any suggestions as to

What games you’d like to see by all means hit me up if you’re new here there is a Discord channel uh the link to that is in the description of z um we’ be happy to have you there just be kind be nice respectful to one

Another uh but so with all the sales that were going on I picked up a couple of games so I definitely have my plate full as far as like what’s in the future for us uh you check out snowrunner I did not look at snowrunner yet uh but I it’s on

My list it is Boom maybe this was not the right spot for this maybe we do like a platform right here how’s that look I think that feels okay and that can be like our little Launchpad right there we need to go down further cuz we’re we’re kind of just in

The ceiling and I don’t know if that’s low enough maybe we do like how do we do this maybe we like what if imagine this like closed off right imagine this whole rectangle that’s carved out of the mountain kind of just filled in with the charge Stone

Right so it you can’t even tell that there’s a pathway leading down here however um wherever this pathway leads we’ have like a little entrance um like a little drop in point right so like say like the entrance itself like this little platform here we could dig

It out a little bit more but say there’s like a little drop in point that like lands your feet directly on the first island the First floating island here um yeah and then that floating island would lead on and on and on and on and on for all the other islands and stuff

Now obviously in order to get mobs and creatures and stuff like that in and out of here it’s not practical to just like have this little entrance point so we could leave it open for now yeah leave it open kind of as is for now as so it’s

Like a a nice little spot that we can get in and out of with the creatures and stuff that we need to to move about and once we’ve completed say like we get all the creatures in here then we can close that bad boy up that feels better it already feels

Better with the pathway in place it looks like it’s been used right it it looks like it looks like it’ll goes somewhere it doesn’t just look like a hole chopped out of the ground around [Applause] is I think this needs carved out a little bit more

Can we turn the music up a smidge is it okay with you guys we got to get in our groove here dude yes why does this pathway feel wrong it’s like trying too hard to be a pathway or something for the exit why don’t you have a dispenser with potions of surface

Teleport what surface teleport spawn teleport potions of Escape huh it’s that easy huh you may be on to something my friend don’t let me forget about that that’s a great idea that would be kind of fun totally unnecessary but fun like I like it it’s a good idea

Okay that feels a little bit better yeah it feels a little bit better I like that I know we’re going to change some blocks later on but just to get the shape and idea down what time is it 2 45 where’s my phone at all right we’re

Cool we’re cool I’m still waiting on a message from Zachariah so we can play some predecessors today or Smite whatever we’re feeling okay that yeah I like that much better it already feels better it didn’t take much texturing man I’ve been totally procrastinating I just don’t like texturing uh not that I

Don’t like texturing it’s just incredibly tedious all right let me scoot the boot of these trees out of the way real quick welcome back Mr Sir Uh okay we need to widen this up just a smidge we need to make this walkable or unless we put another door on the other side of this we could do that that’s not a problem uh let’s take a look at the inside real quick cuz we still have not

Finished the interior of this right we we kind of just like chopped it off and said well we’ll do it later we’ll figure it out what if we put like another door right here that way if you want to go that way you don’t have to walk out and all the way

Around we just have like another door right there and if we do that we’re got to move this the updated Quirk mod has a troll with r uh with randomly uh oh randomly places blocks in your hot bar dude you know what I have seen that

Right it just like you just like right click and it just picks something from your hot bar it’s like a a genuine randomizer it sounds awesome it sounds like something we could to totally take advantage of cuz um that’s texturing at its finest right there all right I don’t want that to be

Too Flat ah yes Mr Sir please please don’t call me Mis sir that was my brother’s name or that was my father’s name call me sir mister I don’t know okay I remember what I said about having blocks hanging over the ledge All right this is only going to work I think if we do a one wide door I think that’s fine that’s not a big deal the question is like I guess we’re cool with the mountain just like like morphing smushing into the wall there buddy you are very

Loud I think I like that Though I don’t want it too flat that’s what she’s it’s a good joke it is I can’t argue that it does look a little it’s supposed to look like a staircase right Like it’s not supposed to be entirely natural if it was 100% entirely natural uh it would be difficult to Traverse so like we want to take like the natural and kind of blend it with the the man-made manufact factured feel land it right you don’t want it to

Feel too manufactured I don’t want it to look like a Factory This needs to go down one like right about here we’re fine tuning it now add maybe Cobble mossy cobblestone half slag Cobblestone and brick uh stone brick to bring it together we we’ll be texturing soon we’re just trying to get the shape down right Now trust me we will be using some blocks real soon Don’t do it skeleton he did it he freaking did It these are the blocks we’ll be using well we’ll we’ll use more than this but generally this is some of the blocks that we’ll be using let’s check something real quick since a a decent amount of time has passed I’m just curious as to how many

Whales are in our pond and how much rotten flesh is down here okay I guess I okay we we’re definitely using rotten flesh I think it was this block here I think it was this block you mean it only works on water I don’t understand

It oh we got to do it like this we got to shift right click can we do it can we track uhhuh a massive C quantity oh and sparse quantity dang it I thought it said a massive quantity I was like yes there’s tons of whales

Um I don’t know how long it takes for whales to breed I didn’t look it up I don’t Know all right how do we feel about this shape you going to are you going to going to night are you going to bed dude uh good night Mr Doras sir I uh I was I don’t know I don’t know what I was doing uh glad you were here buddy I hope

We see you tomorrow as well M I hope you have a good day do we need to use grass for all this looks like there’s been a bunch of explosions here what is this get go go Away so I’m thinking what I would like is wooden pillars I know we’re we’re kind of like playing with fire here pun intended but along these like vertical walls here right that end up standing up and and kind we’re not going to be able to get away from that um it’s

Going to be a little bit difficult to to blend that into the environment in a way that looks structurally sound so I think what we could do to kind of sort of shortcut ourselves uh and make life easier maybe is by like creating like wooden pillars in different segments around the the

Pathway down um just to give it a little bit of like structure right make it look like something’s holding it up and it’s not just floating there but first of all we need to define the pathway before we worry about the walls let’s define the pathway let’s

Texture it that way we have a good representation of exactly where it is and we don’t have like the blending of the stone blocks with the walls and the floor um it’s going to be a little bit easier to say like all right well this is exactly where our cut off is it’s

Easier here cuz the dirt and the stone but like as we go down it’s just Stone makes it a little bit less user friendly and then as we finish the pathway we can work into the walls and as we blend the walls and create the structures and whatnot that are going to

Look like it’s holding it up up then we can move into the upper areas the ceiling area which I think will for for the ceiling area I it’s it’s ugly right now it’s ugly this is bad looking um but I think for that area we’ll probably do

Something similar to what we have going on here um except just not quite as drastic right cuz it’s not going to hang out this far it’s just going to be a little bit so that wouldn’t it be nice to to texture that up and and make it

Look a little bit more natural and sound and then one thing I forget what they’re called um but they’re like stalagtites and stalagmites in this game that you can actually craft we definitely need to start putting them to use man they would add so much to like the underside of our

Cliffs and uh maybe some small ones down here as we continue our path downward but who and then we will be putting a pathway that kind of like mushes itself into this as well so like we’ll do like a like a right there uh that kind of

Blends into this P maybe we’ll do it a little bit lower like maybe like right here where it kind of like starts to bend we’ll do a little bit of a y shape that curves out and up a little bit and then back down just a little bit right

Like I like if I walk the path that I’m imagining here it would be like this and it’s going to get steep oops okay I killed that tree it it would get steep how do you make a path that is that Steep and still make it look natural

Right cuz we can’t just have like a too high staircase drop off cuz what we’re talking is like dragging it straight down here you should have water going over the top of the path near The Stone or near the path above wait you should have water going

Over the top of the path near the path above you mean like oh wait you mean like a waterfall that comes like comes down here and the pathway itself like comes under here and there’s water coming down the side cuz you you might be on to

Something so that stick out a bit of mountain yeah yeah okay I like that idea and if we do that then we’re talking about like forcing the path maybe not forcing it making the path work in this direction so instead of connecting the path to this portion of

This pathway right instead of like going from here we would go from like right here which means we’d have to like mush this wall in a little bit more and uh that would help instead of like that way we wouldn’t have to go like up and over the hill a little bit we

Could just kind of like oops just kind of like squeeze it right in here and meet it about halfway maybe we’d go up a little bit just have it go up a bit first like what if we start the path like right like right here we’re jamming today dude

All right hold on let it breathe SLE on it just a little bit let’s look at it from both ways for we got to like that one dirt block uh how do we make that happen you know what hold on rip all that dirt right out d

Some maybe it’s the dirt throw me off w Cuz we got enough space down here oops all right a little bit lag So something just feels wrong here feels off I can’t figure it Out What if we just carve this out right here all right hold on hold on it’s coming together something a little bit grassier we just need we need to like differentiate the pathway from the terrain a little bit More how’s that sort of kind of we need to do a little something else with this wall here but the wall can come later needs to be wider what’s that wait how long ago did you say that I wasn’t I must have missed It good okay well oh you said that ages ago sorry dude I was in the zone dog all right good good good good I think we we mess around with the walls later like what if we just to give it a little life um I I think the

Wall would like the dimension of the wall will really help uh like the structure of the path itself as well like it doesn’t need too much just a little like ump to let you know like hey this uh this is not flat that tells a lot dude that that says

Just about everything you need needs enough the light changing kind of throws me off as well like it it makes the different light levels and and directions of this Shader pack like make the path look different at different times a day which I like it just makes

It a little difficult to decide like whether or not like is this the shape the texture the color I want you know what I mean oh yeah okay The world’s tiniest violin okay dang it I hate texturing I do I was going to I keep making the argument like oh I don’t hate texturing I just it’s something else no I think I hate texturing I just I don’t know there’s so many more enjoyable things I you know

What I love dude my favorite part about building is this right here like exactly what we were doing is like carving out the shape like I feel like I would have made a good like statue Carver back in the day back when they made like marble statues marble statues the oldfashioned

Way I love having this big mound of stone and just like taking my efficiency pickaxe and just like sh sh like just shaving Away Little Bits just finding the shape within the rock the the statue is already there you just got to find it you got to find it Harry

Okay the hole looks too Square I would literally read my mind I was just looking at that it is very Square all right bear with me here in this hole D knob that’s what she said excuse me is that all it needs we need something else this pathway makes me feel weird

Okay hold on hold on hold on hold your horses okay I think what we need to do is is mess with the pathway a little bit and that’s going to help the shape here on this corner I think sorry it takes me a minute man uh I just got to

Like process in my head and I’m not the best with words so bear with me um I I think that if we lean into the pathway a little bit more see how it’s very diagonal right I think it’s too diagonal I think if we lean into extending this

Back portion of the pathway a little bit more and pulling this side back just a bit right on each staircase extend this backs side pull this back a little bit that way it’s not so entirely diagonal uh we have enough room to work with here uh around this Edge that it’s not going

To matter if we have to work our way back out a little bit more into the hill um just as long as we get the shape and the flow right and then smoothing that out like pulling these staircases back just a little bit instead of being so

Square and diagonal right here uh will help the the rounded shape the corner shape here kind of fade away and blend into the environment the pathway just a little bit better so like for example not much hold on work with me we still want wide stairs yeah maybe one more out

Here maybe one more right there as long as we can get some half slabs in there and the half slabs will help bring it together too it’ll TR or help the transition of and reduce the squareness of the path itself even if it feels a little bit off

Now if we can get it close to what we’re looking for it’ll build itself like like you know if you build it it will come and then this is going to end up being a little bit odd here right so we can blend the mountain into this later on so

Forget about the mountain right now think about the pathway in fact pathway can probably just end about there let’s turn these into stone just to help uh ease our eyes into the transition here cuz the pathway has to leave off at some point like it it it can’t just be

An infinite pathway flowing from right to left right it’s got to have an end point we got to cut it off at some point to where it’s no longer going to be a pathway so does it need to be does it need to be perfectly like shaped or can we

Supplement the shape of the path as it curves down with some sort of railing right or like not even necessarily a railing but just like some stuff like some some Greenery some bushes uh to help kind of say like all right stop don’t don’t walk off the cliff you

Know or like even some rocks some stalagtites a mixture of natural stuff that would make it look like like if you’ve ever like carved your own path through like the woods like it starts out like just plants plants rocks stuff and as you walk and as you find your path naturally

Through the environment you eventually get this like gradual carve and flattening and and groove carved into the land and it feels very natural yet still very like manufactured in a sense so like that’s what we’re going for here we’re we’re just trying to blend nature and our structure nature and our build

Mush together to to form this like this new uh element what do you looking for natural look yeah natural look natural yet like uh tended to right like a hippie’s Garden you know like somebody that that walks around Barefoot all the time they’ve got dreadlocks like like a

Garden that they would make you know it’s not going to be square it’s not going to be Rose it’s going to be like random not necessarily random it’s going to have organization to it uh but you might not necessarily see the organization and the the the structure

To it right away what you would normally see at first would be like natural and and a little bit more chaotic but if you take a closer look and if you dive a little bit deeper into the art form of what it is that you’re looking at and

What’s been made in front of you you find that like it’s more than just natur or nature it’s more than just random chaos uh it is the two conjoined to create yin and yang uh you see there was this boat and this whale this is my Moby Dick popping in again uh

Trying to like justify the the the build here I think we’re spending a lot of time just focusing heavily on the pathway though I like doing this I want to be able to put heart and soul into it though you know I want to be able to

Like take our time and say like dude we freaking nailed it you know um not only did we like defeat rlcraft we also like defeated the the world itself okay maybe that’s a little too deep it got a little bit dark you know what I think that’s fine I

Know looks a little bit flat but I think that’s what we’re going for the pathway is very thick over here and then it gets a little more shallow and I think I I’m okay with that um you know I don’t want it to feel cuz like all right as you’re walking out

Here you’ve got this mountain on one side which is a little bit claustrophobic if you’re just looking in this direction however if you look out here it’s completely open right yeah we do still have to do that we haven’t completed our allcraft yet you’re right Harry um I didn’t mean that

Literally I just was you know what I mean um so like we’ve got this like very flat very like in-your-face a little bit claustrophobic type of mountain and on this side nothing there’s absolutely nothing here so we’ve got this like 50/50 split that as you come down it

Kind of encloses just a little bit more and then it’s very wide the pathway opens up and it’s very wide as you come out and away from the hilt side here you you feel a very large sense of openness right there’s a lot of space you got a a

Lot of air above your head um and that’s cool I like the way that feels but I don’t want it to feel like we’re walking into outer space or anything I want it to slowly condense itself like ever so gradually just get a little tighter as

We walk down the staircase here just a little tighter and then as you come down here as you get uh back to the the ledge above your head and it starts to enclose I don’t want it to feel too claustrophobic but I still wanted to just be like all right you’re in you’re

Inside the mountain now like you’re you’re coming into this like uh this enclosed structure you’re safe right uh you’ve got a lot of shelter here you’ve got um there’s more than just like uh this little cave going on here and then as you come down and imagine this like

Enclosed so you don’t even really get to see what’s going on here I don’t I don’t think I want you to have a preview of what’s down here before you get down here right let’s talk about game design real quick uh let me get on my soap box where

You at Coffee Cat uh if you for example you take Elden ring um Elden ring is very very meticulously crafted um and is that like where you start out right you start out in the the uh what are they what’s it called the tutorial basically you’re in this cave it’s cold it’s dark

It’s claustrophobic it’s like you got uh like water dripping everywhere it’s just it’s not a pleasant place right and it’s very tight very closed and as you complete it you open up these doors that are they’re pretty Grand they’re big doors and you really got to work for it

And as you open it up you’re greeted with this like Giant open area that you just you see a castle over over here you see a tree over here you see bosses over here there’s hilltops over here there’s an ocean over there like you see all

This stuff right and then you think like oh my gosh there’s so much going on here what do I do and you you got to pick a destination right you say all right first let’s just check out this Castle this Castle looks super cool so as you

Journey towards that castle you kind of get fitted very naturally into this like um it’s basically a pathway that is free right it’s free and open and it’s not necessarily like a uh like you have to specifically walk this path but you will naturally find yourself gravitating

Towards like this one type of like pathway uh and that that’s just like how your brain fits it right so like you’re going towards this castle and um as you’re traveling you’re greeted with more stuff right uh as the pathway kind of encroaches down on you and you’re

You’re really getting tight and you’re you’re narrow ing your focus down to a specific thing Castle right um You you’re greeted with other things you’re greeted with like uh you know maybe there’s caves along the side there’s more loot there’s uh other there’s all sorts of stuff going on around you right

That’s kind of the idea I’m getting at here like for so it to to draw parallels here um I guess the main focus that you’d be looking at the castle in this situation would be this hole in the ground okay this cave you’re like man like that’s a

Big cave like I I got to go check that out so like you take your your pathway down here and although this is not quite as natural as as like an Elden ring might present it I’m not exactly a professional game designer but I’m going for the idea of what they had rolling

Rolling for them so like you’re greeted with this like gigantic uh Cave in the ground and you’re like all right I got to check that out so you’re going down this pathway and it just slowly Narrows down and uh the the goal encroaches on you and as you come down here you’re

Greeted with other things you don’t necessarily know what’s down here yet all right we’re pretending that we’re we’re closing this off you can’t even see down in there um and you depending on how we decide to decorate this we might give little tips little hints to

Say like oh this is a museum or whatever it might be and um then as you get down here right as you continue the pathway boom this is your grand in the doorway that opens up into a whole new spectrum of stuff right so like as you complete the

Tutorial man you open up those grand doors and you’re just greeted with all this other stuff so and that’s kind of the idea I’m going with here like you it gets it gets tighter you get an idea you got a couple distractions here and there and as you narrow closer and closer

Towards your goal like boom gigantic open space all this fancy stuff so much to explore so much to look at and uh it can be a little bit overwhelming at first however you are greeted with this other pathway this like this level of guidance right this like this path

Forward is like all right well I could go anywhere I want right we can fly this is freaking like endgame rlcraft but we still have this kind of like designed path of like little Islands hopping from one to the next that is going to drag us

Through this and like kind of tell the story of like this was our journey through rlcraft right I don’t know that’s kind of what I’m going for here um I want to put like as much love and effort into this welcome back dude welcome back Lucy I want to

Put like as much love and effort into this like um this Memorial of our experience of rlcraft that the people that made the mods uh put into it themselves cuz like this truly is one of the most incredible mod packs I think I could have ever laid my hands on dude

And uh I love the idea of just nailing this down and saying like dude this is this is what we wanted to make like everything that we’ve experienced here this is a grand like tight representation of it because I’m thoroughly impressed with this mod pack

And uh I want to be impressed with the build as well um so I guess that’s that’s my heart and soul behind this idea of of what we got working for us here uh and you have a found a new found oh you have a new found hatred towards Ste

Uh can’t wait for you to get super chats with your channel um Lucy uh we’ll talk about that later uh like over Discord if you’d like if you’d like to um I kind of had an idea of what you were getting at like from the very beginning but I didn’t

Want to like be like oh you’re doing this um and uh I don’t we we’ll talk about it all right we’ll have a big old chat later on um but I do greatly appreciate what you’re talking about Sir um all right so so let’s start texturing I guess let’s start texturing the

Pathway cuz I think that’s our next step what what what is that dude what coffee cats meme that’s funny uh if you guys are new here and you don’t know check out our Discord channel it’s a good time it’s a lot of fun it is a nice beautiful

Place okay let’s do this let’s um drop some of this Junk uh I’ll look into some more things so that maybe I can find a solution okay cool all right Lucy good night sir I know it’s very late for you dude get some sleep Brother okay first of all we got to remove this crap bit of Lag I’m thinking are we done with the structural design of this right I don’t want to do a bunch of of detailing and texturing and then turn around and be like oh man I wish I would have put this pathway in first or like did something a little

Extra first uh and then be like all right well we’re going to do this so let’s rip up all the progress we’ve made on detailing and texturing and I’m thinking we could potentially create something here like a little bit of a pathway here but

Nah nah nah N N I was just thinking like if we if we create uh you would do the mob bit first what before Texturing you’re just saying that cuz it’s more exciting Oh you mean like this bit like carving out this area and the pathways and hallways and stuff we could do that if we do that we should empty our inventory I was just deciding on whether or not I

Want to make a connection between this platform and this lower area and if we do so I don’t want it to be just like another pathway down we could do like a spiral staircase or something like that but I don’t think that that’s necessarily practical um if we create a

Staircase like that we will literally never use it um and we’ll likely never even see it anyway so I think we just leave it as is and anytime we need to get from A to B we just jump off the cliff cuz that’s what we’re going to do

Anyway even if we made the staircase we would still just jump off the cliff so uh yeah you’ll have to build some stuff over top of it to get the mobs in what do you mean to I don’t understand what you mean oh Timmy oh Timmy toos a

Lot you’ll have to build some stuff over top to get the mobs In let me put some stuff away if we’re going to do that I want to clean up my inventory just a Smidge what’s the plan for getting the mobs in here uh literally fing with our mount like I planned on most of the mobs I planned on just like using our Mount obviously we’re going to use the mount to transport them uh but fly them in

Here and then in here I didn’t I wasn’t like anticipating a 3X3 entrance right I was just carving a 3X3 entrance just to get a an idea um I would much rather carve out like this entire circle we’re close to it like what if we did it is like that right

Oops you know what we should do what do you mean how do I get a wait so are you is telling me that I can’t pick up trolls and I can’t I didn’t expect ourselves to be able to pick up sea serpents I honestly had no idea how that

Was going to go I I figured we’d have to get real creative about it gosh dang it there’s a cave here actually this might be fantastic this might be exactly what we need is a cave here why am I complaining shut up Hunter this might be perfect this

They’ll be wait how you getting troll sea serpent Gorgon oh the gorgon’s going to be interesting right I didn’t really think about it we need to start collecting this charred uh Stone and Cobblestone so we can use it this cave is actually freaking sick this is a great uh great place to have

This What if we get like a super tiny sea serpent what are the odds we can get a troll to spawn here where we want it can we Oh nice I didn’t know we could actually break these and collect them still too big to pick up okay what biome am I in um not a forest or you know what we might actually be in a forest hold on oh we’re so right now we’re in a lush

Swamp but the biome that our house is normally in is called a Thicket and I believe a Thicket is going to cover up that wall that wall and the the Lush swamp might transition into something else going this way River Lush swamp Birch Forest but we’re not going to be going

That far I don’t think I don’t think spello spelis spell freaking screw off dude it’s running in the nether you might have an issued buddy oh my gosh 10 of those things how are they spawning here man little crazy brats dang it I was hoping that would be a a

What you call it a mimic I’ve already opened every chest except for the locked ones apparently wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what was that noise must have been my must have been in my head but dude I swear I heard dragon’s Wings just like freaking flapping

Dog I was about to panic a little bit I was like please don’t destroy our base we should probably check huh all right I think we might be okay I think it was in my head we’ve been here so long you would think that it would have like already come out and

Shown its face put subtitles on good call dude mine cart rolls huh what are these little buggers doing can you kill us I don’t think you can kill a spectre that taking off is a dragon might be it might be I was a little scared dude I was

Afraid that like a dragon was just going to shred through everything and I was like no no don’t do this don’t do this to me h I’m just trying to brainstorm while we do some miscellaneous tasks here like how exactly are we going to get a sea serpent in here I wish we could like do make a sea serpent and a death worm like live peacefully with one another but I don’t think that’s

Happening like imagine we made half of this area like desert and the other half like ocean on the floor sea serpents can’t break blocks I don’t think I maybe certain blocks but not like your typical building block I I don’t think spell oam I guess we can take all the emeralds

Out of the floor that’s interesting I don’t know man how do we get a freaking sea serpent I wonder how uh I wonder is chorus arrows work with a sea serpent what is a Teleport arrows I don’t want to kill it though what if I kill it by

Accident I guess we could try to heal it we could shoot it with an arrow and then heal it and shoot it with an arrow and then heal it I mean teleport arrows might actually do a good job especially if we make like just a a a

Crappy bow it doesn’t have to be our God bow that we use a fishing rod fishing rod would work maybe I don’t know we could try it we’ll have to do some experimenting with a a sea serpent teleport arrows teleport you yeah no the wait no so a Teleport Arrow

Makes you switch places with the mob that you hit scared me I was not ready thank you buddy for making me poop my pants you want chorus arrows no I’m pretty sure dude I’m almost actually I’m positive that teleport arrows um they literally make you swap place because

We’ve used them on the golems in the tower right I thought they removed that what when what just recently I don’t remember him doing it recently uh all right so the floor would be covered in sand and made to look like a desert these teleport Aras I’m pretty sure they make you swap

Places with the the mob let’s try it uh I might end up killing the mob that I hit with it though no when I tried at last he didn’t teleport he only lead with the chorus one when did you try it last cuz it’s only been like maybe a week since I’ve tried

It we got to find a mob that’s not going to die when we hit it can we hit our own dude probably not it works it worked on him it definitely put him up in the air where we just were ages ago I I don’t know it just worked but we

Didn’t do it with a hold on we didn’t do it with a sea serpent let’s find a sea serpent let’s take our Mount instead of using our Mana oh man it’s going to take forever to find a sea serpent cuz we’ve killed them all ah

Man if only we could take a sea serpent like through through a way shrine it’ be a little cheesy imagine we could just like find one out here but I’m pretty sure we’ve killed any sea serpents that might have spawned out here and they do not respawn unfortunately these guys are that those

Guys are something that we’ll have to mess around with hippo campus while we search for a a sea serpent real quick let me make a phone call to Mr Zachariah I think he’s probably sleeping um I’m pretty sure C serpents aren’t just going to die on ground right like a

Sea serpent can live on land right like all right the my thought process here is wait what I have heard none of what you just said for the last 30 seconds was just fighting uh 30 Withers no worries dude I wasn’t even really talking I said I was

Going to make a phone call to Mr Zachariah while we look for a sea serpent quick uh cuz him and I he wanted me to call him and wake him up so that we could play some game tonight um and I think he might be sleeping but what the heck

Oh so sea serpents can survive on land right like if they jump out of the water say we teleport a sea serpent onto the land in order to try to get it closer to our home like it’s not going to die I don’t think I was really hoping to find something

Close to the to our house don’t think they die all right so in theory we could get a a sea serpent to our house now and just like let it sit just like let it hang out until we get its enclosure made oh that’s a chunk

Man I was not thinking ahead when we were like exploring this areas here I definitely killed like every sea serpent that I’ve ever seen which means we’re going to have to travel quite a long distance to find one and they don’t just like magically teleport through way stones like we

Do it’s going to be painful dude it’s going to we’re going to have to dedicate like a whole episode a whole like six hour stream um just to get a sea serpent back to our base yikes unless we get Super Lucky and find one in this body of water we we still

Wouldn’t be that far away from home I think we might have been lucky enough recently though I don’t know if we can get this lucky that’s a nice spot for that tree to spawn I like that hey what’s going on Mr dadbod Sir your your computer like gets delivered toor Tom right oh

I found one oh it’s tiny too oh my gosh what did I just drop what did I just drop oh no my goodness okay oh my gosh dude I tried to I dropped my bow by accident and it because it has cursive possession it just swapped inventory

Spots what an absolute clutch I about cried just then I was going to be upset I don’t think our quetzel has stuff on it like I don’t think we can fly it or uh is that oh he takes a full bar oh no we did Mount him

Up I just want to try it it’s not that I don’t believe you hary I just want to see it from my own eyes you know how it is be careful though with a full inventory okay he doesn’t like my bird oh this is going to be painful it’s not working

We we can’t seem to pick him up he’s pretty tiny let me find another mob real quick I wish it would give you like a notification and be like hey this mob is too large and cannot be picked up yeah yeah see we can pick up the crab all right all right hold

On method number two we’re we’re doing some trial in air here we’re learning we’re learning some stuff I know I shouldn’t use like this super powerful bow where’d he go uh little ninja where’d you go was that serpent too tubby he was super tiny man I thought maybe we could pick

Up a large a tiny sea serpent he’s a little too Wy I guess where’d he go oh there he is watch this so what if we get up one land you know what we need to do hold on this is going to help us just for the moment we’re going to take this

Off what level is the bird maybe that has something to do with it that’s a good point I don’t know I think it’s just level one yeah it’s a little easier to see huh oh dude we were so close to hitting it oh I’m lagging whoa we’re really lagging

How much health does it oh it’s almost dead stay up here it’s it’s actually almost dead if we hit it again it dies what the heck what is that it’s not used for anything Do you guys know what it takes to level up a quitzel all right let’s try this stay there Let’s drop some items off real quick I hope that unloading that chunk will prevent him from leaving that area at least that’s my that’s my hope I’ve never seen that before endermite powder it’s not used for anything it doesn’t say it don’t not say Earth thing okay thank

You I think we need do we have a place for charred Stone no let’s do like this chest for CH okay not that chest let’s do this chest for charred objects uh so Boulder blast okay I’m just dump in our inventory quick cuz we got a mess now there he

Is well good morning there sir not too much you nuh oh that sucks dude hello so they couldn’t wait until you were actually back at work they like those words don’t they I’ve heard that used many times before Wildfire dude I can’t believe they called that’s kind of ridiculous that they called Jen

Hello 15 minutes man what a mess I don’t know how far away from work you live but like that seems like that could have been handled over the phone But hello um do they do that a lot like is that not no oh okay I was I was going to say if that happens a lot dude I’d be losing my mind I’d be like no you guys can freaking forget about it but if that’s

Like the first time it must be hopefully it’s a big deal k k hello hello hello yeah are I yeah I mean that sounds about right right and that I feel like that’s a solid way to handle it they just don’t have anything better to do with themselves okay that

Works all right dude well good luck sir I will chat with you soon bye sorry Dad bot I was not ignoring your chat dude um I didn’t know you could do this whoa I had no idea that that was a thing dude that’s actually awesome plus 10% speed plus two armor

That’s actually fantastic I’m glad you said something cuz I would have never even thought about that I like it thank you all right oh health I need potions of he how do you heal a a sea serpent can you just use like potions of regeneration potions of healing

Did you not no I didn’t know that I don’t know I never thought about it do we not have wonder if they’re upstairs I’m looking for melons chicken clucks all right hold on glistering melons is there anything these are used for aside from what what’s that glistering melon juice

Nope I don’t know what heals them we’re going to try just healing potions if you really want to hear it uh Shear splashy potions of a region oh splashy potions of regen or insta Health okay I might do insta health I think that’s probably a little excuse me might

Be a little bit more efficient maybe holy just found the rarest mob effect in the game what is that what what’s the effect tell me sir I think it’s glistering melon to make health potions oh man poor Zach has got to go to work on his day

Off he’s not like working working he said he’d be back but uh still sucks it it’s usually cheaper to make an Elixir oh well I guess uh it was an elite level it was a red bar I’ve dude I’ve seen one red bar one and I did not know that they got that

Scary hello cheaper to make how do you make regen or instant Health raw beef oh I don’t have any chamomile dude and I don’t think I have any marshmallow route either oh look Timmy’s got his effects back usually grab all kinds of stuff cuz I’m walking around early game I I tried

Picking up as much stuff as I could but I must have missed a few things uh I have a feeling it’s going to take a lot of arrows to get us to this place that we’re looking to get oh dude I think that makes it faster binding it to our

Person oh my gosh it makes it much faster I forgot we could do that cuz we have the passive that it like increases our Brewing speed and our our cooking speed and stuff it’s actually freaking outrageous stop it Timmy always grab aloe yeah did I did I did grab

Aloe with horse tail I don’t know about horse tail though fire potion I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now I don’t want to delete one that I need though we just deleted a gorgon layer that was like a Way Stone that we just left behind hey whoops we’re never going

To find that again again oh College of evil too dang it why I do that I think that one’s marked on the map though wow dude you are going to be expensive aren’t you oh he crawls on L I didn’t know he could crawl up blocks like that hey hey

Hey where are you going he knows what he’s doing all right wait yeah come on up come on up no no come back dude uh what wait what okay I don’t fully understand so we’re trying to make a menagerie dad B and to do that where’d he go oh did he

Die did he just get one shot dude we’re we’re trying to collect all the Fire and Ice creatures um and that was not how you do it that was definitely not how you’re supposed to do it uh bro okay so the normal bow does not actually teleport mobs when you hit them

With a Teleport Arrow but for whatever reason the other bow does it almost seemed like The Arrow was like bouncing off oh yeah here we go it almost seemed like The Arrow is bouncing off of him with the regular bow yeah honestly sneezed and just freaking murdered

It try and build a wall on land so it can’t go back okay I didn’t bring any blocks with me oh how about that that’s convenient 285 Health like the okay so part of the issue here is that we’re going to have to cross the

Water do you guys reckon we could get it in a mine cart wonderful job everybody big big yeah they’re they’re quite large I was hoping for a small one but we’re experimenting here we’re trying to work with what we got okay clearly our quel is not going to work

Not even on the small ones so plow Transportation cart sticks wood more wood Wheels hello wait guys I I need uh information here how the freaking heck does this Transportation cart work can you actually transport a mob with the transportation cart or is it just a stationary thing that sits on the

Ground come on Timmy like how do we how do we transport this Transportation cart skeleton dudes it doesn’t fit in a cart wa do you know have you tried this now how’d you get back out in the water dude come on hey you come here come here stop it calm down dude

You can climb up blocks right and you can move the cart look at the controls what do you mean look at the controls whoa why is this guy dying I can’t believe that’s only eight health dude art call horse maybe they do die on land that’s a good question Ender staff

Launch oh no where’s that hat dude I don’t see it I unless I missed it do we have to attach a horse to it like a category J got it thank you very much I don’t think that I think you might be right though it’s not going to work we can push him

Though we can push him with the cart we can’t do that with our person can we I mean we could but it would hurt oh my gosh let’s look let’s watch his health bar for a second see if he dies on land what’s he at 13751

13751 Okay so if we could use the cart to physically push him across land the problem is going to be getting him across the water let’s sit here and observe for just a couple of minutes you would think that if he was going to die on land that what about the other

Guy he’s been up here a while right I don’t know how this other one was taking damage but he’s full health and he’s been on land for a long time what if you come with me what what if you just come with me what if you just follow

Me what if you just followed me what have you stopped hitting me though no I don’t have thorns this guy ouch hold on hang tight no no no wait wait wait hey he yeah come come back this way he’s pretty tame he’s like I got to figure out where my house

Is and to I got to go home to get my map cuz I freaking left it behind why am I stuck I can’t what is hitting us all right hold on let me let me get this guy centered on land a little bit better he’s got a lot of range

Dude why do he got so much Range man we have teleport arrows hold on you guys need to go you’re a problem yeah can you leap out of that I need him to get over this one little Gap sorry buddy I’m sorry oh we ran out of Mana hold on all right

Come back in the water dude come on that’s a little better that’s better Brak and screw off skeletons how many of you are there where’d the cart go I don’t want my armor to Break um okay so he doesn’t get in the cart but he does get pushed easily by

The cart oh he gets stuck on blocks though okay dude dude it’s not a lost cause don’t ever say those words ah stop it dude he hits from so far away dude all right wait what if we get him in this this little Pond where

Can we get him to to flip out of that watch Dude okay never mind he just walks over top of that one I would like to be able to like use a single bucket of water to make enough water to just like let him flip so that

We could get him up over the trees and stuff we might need to carve a path through the trees to get them home he’s still aggroed he’s like stuck on something though Like it it why are we still dude he should not be hitting us from where we’re at look where he look where we’re at and he’s still trying to hit us holy guacamole dude hold on the music cut out our playlist ended oh my gosh dude the range he’s got is outrageous

I’m pretty sure home is that way but uh stay there buddy we need to go get that wayron what was that thing that’s weird looking okay so he travels real well in the Water right so we’re going to take this wayist shot oh my face we we should be killing some

Things on the way and fixing our armor up a little bit too we’ll get this uh we’re going to get okay think about it this way this is probably the most difficult creature to get to where we need to get get get um but once we’re done doing this

One we’re in really good shape right man our armor is is definitely hurting a little bit okay let’s go back and visit our friend again can he come up here or is he stuck how low is his health about halfway way 137 wait wa whoa whoa whoa where you

Going come back this way dude okay he can jump out of that yeah yeah he can go up one block at a time one land all right come on keep her moving we might have to get rid of that tree Belo oh no no wait

I think we got to get rid of this tree he’s a little fickle he you know he needs a lot of TLC he’s got to know that you love him imagine we cut that tree down and it just falls on them and kills him give him a taste of blood real quick

Oh dude the freaking Fair’s healing him what a pro Dog this is a pro move right here he seems like he’s lost aggro in me Oh no he’s back just as long as our armor doesn’t break I think we’re good where are you going wait no no no he’s going back to the water I need to get him back like in the next body of water so that he can Aggro sorry buddy don’t die we should do this at night at daytime this is an interesting challenge sorry dude all right he’s definitely agur towards me he needs quite a large body of water I’ve saw him flip out of this one once yeah that’s what we needed yeah

Dude all right keep her moving buggy what are we going to name this guy it’s working dude hold on hold on before we get him in the water I need our house map I need like a to know exactly where we’re going imagine we’ve been going the wrong way this whole

Time name tag him good uh well they can’t despawn but we’ll name tag them anyway uh who do we name him as after who do we name him after Dad bod doesn’t have a name can we name him dadbod this man travels when you load out just a little bit for god

Sakes okay we need to take him yeah we’re good this is a good spot for us to be in this body of water here watch just run into another sea serpent and they just kill each other do you guys know where we’re at [Laughter] now uhoh he deaged

Us we got to let him kill everything else and then he should Agro to us goodness dude got it I know you don’t like me you’re upset with me right now you know what we should do no dude where are we going hold on a second we need to go back through this

Corridor and this way down all the way to the big battle tower over here all right I made one Wrong Turn it’s a little tough to navigate while we’re steering a sea serpent around I never thought we would be in this situation right now but here we are

We’re doing it and it’s actually kind of working I can’t believe he hasn’t killed us yeah we need to go through this can we get him through this is the question I mean we can get him up on land again that’s not a problem it’s just going to be a little more

Tedious okay dude come here I don’t think this is what the the what shaxi had in mind okay the tree is a little bit of an issue he’s going the right direction though we got to get him through here we got to cut this this tree down

Though dude you got this you got this buddy come on dead Bud let’s go ah I’m paralyzed don’t do this to me where’d he go Oh I thought he just died I was going to be a little upset yep you’re doing you’re going the right way you got the

Idea yeah yeah yep yep yep come on yeah y okay never mind he’s like stuck on this one one corner I have a feeling we’ve we’ve caught this sea serpent a little bit early we’re not ready to put them in the Menagerie yet Harry I don’t want this guy in The

Menagerie while we’re trying to work what are we doing okay he’s out he’s free what are we doing why are we bringing him to ouro our home we’re not even ready to put him in yikes this way Buddy this is actually a lot of fun man I’m not going to lie I’m having a good time here taming a sea serpent that should have been the title of this stream we got to go across the water here like this general direction yeah we got to go

Yep and then back up to this next Corridor it’s tough navigating backwards with a sea serpent chasing you man our armor is getting a little bit low makes me nervous oh goodness we’re stuck uh okay you know what might be best if we bring them over

Here okay dude oh he gets it dude he has every idea of of what we’re doing right now he understands here he comes just going to keep an eye on our armor we’re going to go around this island I think that’s going to be a little easier dude thank goodness for the stone

Of the sea the yikes okay okay is it winter I think it’s winter time whoa whoa whoa whoa where you going buggy yeah come to me where whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where you going dead bot stop getting distracted buddy I’m going to need you to follow me buddy come

On please don’t paralyze me that would be bad timing dude it’s like down to a science it’s actually working out really well all I’d like him in this Pond of water right here cuz this is our home we could get him about here directly behind us my goodness he

Hurts all right this next part is going to be difficult oh wait which way are we going it might be easier to take them all around this is jokes it’s something dude you know what I think we take him around oh no he made it okay I’d like him to be like

Significantly on the land before we just let him sit for a while cuz they do seem to travel a bit that works all right sea serpent um we’re going to have quite a lot of land to cover um and we’re going to have to cut out a lot of trees to make it

Work but we got him most of the way here like dude he came he was literally where was he he was in this ocean right here like that that’s quite a distance to bring a sea serpent right and I feel like we did it fairly fast he might have actually been farther out

No I think he was actually around this island here cuz I think this is just about where we found that other sea serpent so and cuz wait yeah no no wait that’s not no no no no no no wait no that’s right that’s that’s

Actually I lied I lied I lied I lied I think he was I don’t know where he was dang it I don’t know what the heck you got a A friend already I hope they don’t fight each other um yeah so I think that’s going to be the plan for the

Future maybe not the immediate future we need to get his home set up first maybe we let him live outside in the like we have a way shine set up he’s fine there where he is for now right like maybe we let him live in this Pond out here here he’s big dude

That’s a big sea serpent I I was hoping for a much smaller one but like we could definitely keep him out here what is that thing it’s not algae that we need it’s it’s uh seaweed I think different things it would be nice to what are we doing what are we doing

What dude we can’t keep a sea serpent near our home like okay my idea here is that if if we have a functioning body of water like so like this right in front of us we add a little bit of depth to it we make it deeper so that he’s not just like

Sitting in one block of water that he would kind of gravitate towards said body of water that cuz obviously he’s going to be trying to kill stuff right he’s going to be out on the land he’s going to be jumping out of the water he’s going to be uh attacking other

Mobs um he’s going to be goofing around making a mess of things um but my thought is if we have a a fair body of water like this that he would generally stick to this water and if we keep trees around the trees are going to make it

Really difficult for him to just wander off right like I don’t think he’s going to get past all those trees if at at the very most like he just gets stuck in trees and stays there do we need to keep him in water though like it would be ideal to keep them in

Water or we could come up with some sort of display for him Smithers guys I got to use the bathroom so bad welcome back Smithy I got to pee so bad um give me just a minute I’ll when we come back we’ll continue to theorize a little bit

About how we want to do this cuz this is not only a challenge to get him to where we need him to how am I doing uh wonderful I’m doing absolutely wonderful uh wait until you see what we’ve been working on today Smiths um yeah hang

Tight let me use the bathroom we’ll come back we’ll start theorizing a little bit more about like how we want to display this guy cuz like uh although we talked about making a zoo a zoo is normally like yeah he lives peacefully inside this nice place that he actually likes

It’s a habitat but like to be fair we could just stick him in a couple of class blocks and be like there he is our trophy I’ll be right back guys Okay so uh Smith or is anybody that just showed up we have been trying to get a sea serpent to our house uh for a bit of a display in like a museum in a sense uh H I was just thinking it’d be cool put him on top of that that like giant Tower just for funsies um what is a sea serpent I’ll show you I’ll show you what a sea serpent is that’s a sea serpent he’s uh he’s upset with us but uh that’s his nature it’s

Okay yeah so we took him from quite a ways away and uh we’ve gotten him here where we’re like relatively close to our home um but once we if we unload the chunks he just stays there so he’s okay where he is for Now yeah it’s basically Gyarados yeah let just like let me just look at this place like we’re talking about can’t you tame them no no chance you cannot tame a sea serent H excuse me I don’t like the connecting bodies of water cuz I know that that gives him

Room to just like freaking take off running and he will take off run like if he has an opportunity to run away like he’ll just go um he’s not like most other mobs that have like a certain area that they maintain he’s not going to like uh stay

In his home sea serpents are unique in the sense that they roam like they will go any anywhere that they are able to as long as the chunks are loaded for them to do so um and if we’re going to spend a significant amount of time here he’s

Going to have plenty of time to to do the do right what if you make a large Fishbowl hanging with chains off your base a large Fishbowl with chains hanging off the base like what do you mean hanging off the base like hanging down what I’m not sure what you mean like

We could literally make a fishbowl like what what I’m thinking is if what if we carve the fish bowl right here right dead center make it large and deep enough that he can just kind of peruse his way around there and we fill in this area of the water to

Be land we fill in the gaps here so it’s not so like like patchy right cuz I I know it’s a swamp lands and it kind of fits it’s supposed to look patchy but or you know what even the small plans would be okay like that what if we

Filled this what if we made this patchy right in here to to kind of match the theme we stuck a bunch of trees in there yeah just kind of like it is here stuck some trees in so that he couldn’t just like wander across naturally and filled this in with we

Might even not even need to fill it in if we just cut this off with land add some trees add some more trees around here and then that should in theory prevent him from leaving like this area cuz even if he jumps out of the water and lands in a

Tree uh he’s just going to get stuck in the tree he shouldn’t go far wait maybe like a sign like post for a fishbowl I’m not sure what you mean I feel like this one little corner needs shaved off of that pathway when you get different perspectives on

Things gives you a little bit better Insight I like that it looks a little bit better or oh you know what dude okay this is pushing my my level of like capabilities as far as like what can we put into the world so check this out

Harry I hope you’re watching I have an idea you know like hanging signs in medieval times something like that I don’t know about that one it dude he’s big he’s a big dude like that’s stop it stop it um we need rotten flesh let me just get a grip of where I’m at

Okay okay you realize where we’re at right now now um what this is really pushing it right but what if okay what if we carved out like a large spherical tunnel tube shape that just like connected to the water out there right and like we could either bring him underr we

Could we could house the sea serpent in this area like what if we did like what if we put a glass wall like right here like basically like an aquarium right the so like the glass wall would cover this entire thing in this whole cave was filled entirely with

Water and we could get the sea serpent down here through a cave that we could dig like what if we just dug a giant hole that connected to that water source we get the the sea serpent to that water source um and we just let him fall down

In here and like like I said fill this whole thing with water we’d have to decorate it too right we’ we put like like Coral and things like that along the walls it wouldn’t be like a cave it would be like an underwater theme um and then like

This little divot can just be kind of where we we view him from so like we’d be able to see him floating around in here is that an interesting idea how does that sound or is that ridiculous does that sound stupid isn’t that too small of a cave I don’t

We could always expand it it is quite it’s it’s kind of small right it is it is a bit of a small cave I’m just trying to think of like the most efficient way we can do this like I don’t want to have to go building for

You know 14 hours just to house this uh just to house the sea serpent I want to be able to like like what if we carved out like a a large chunk of this right here well that was weird got to go to sleep no wor wor

Smithers dude I’m glad you dropped in buddy I will catch you tomorrow sir right like what if we carved out like this corner you have to make a history test tomorrow good luck brother I hope it goes well for you sir and what if you didn’t study good Lord

Smithers it’s all you ever get done doing it studying how did you not study hack dog all right Smithy good night Sir carry the boat for hi Smithy I will see you tomorrow sir like would this be enough room to to house him or should we expand it some more like

This is a toughy I don’t know Harry what do you think man you think it would be okay to keep them down here or would would it be better to keep them above above land or you know above ground you don’t want them to aggro mobs so

Like wait keep them above ground so he doesn’t Agro mobs or keep him below ground so he doesn’t Agro mobs cuz like if we glass him off in here like if we fill it this oh my gosh dude you guys are so annoying please stop if we fill this area in with water

And then like put a glass wall in for display purposes uh he shouldn’t be able to aggro through glass I don’t think below okay [Applause] you guys are so annoying goodness we’re biting off a lot here we’re we’re talking about like some really extensive building here it’s going to take a long time

For you know how like in the zoo they’ve got polar bears that like they’ve got two sections for the polar bear they’ve got like an underwater section and then they’ve got like an above ground section like what if like we let the sea serpent roam in and

Out of the cave like we we built this water tunnel that like LED out and uh he was able to have access to both too much huh he would definitely just like bail he would not stay underwater he he wouldn’t be like coming down here for his Leisure he would just

Be upstairs like killing mobs all the time you got to be careful he doesn’t get stuck in a wall oh could you imagine we get him all the way back here just for him to suffocate I don’t know I don’t know if this is enough space or not

It’s not like we have to fill this back in right we can leave this open I think time is it somewh 6 o00 my goodness okay I’ll tell you what I I think that this is probably a fair place for us to let off on today we’ve been going for quite a

While um and we definitely have good footing for where we’re going to take this in the future so I guess with that being said um if you guys have any ideas or suggestions hit me uh probably Discord is a good place to do that if you’re new here

There is a Discord channel in the link uh of the excuse me the link to that is in the description of this video uh as well as the channel too and uh as per usual we got a little bit of fan art check that one out I don’t know I

Think this one’s name is June I don’t know if there’s like a backstory to this character or not but um Coffee Cat made that bad boy so yeah guys if you have anything you want to share with us discord’s a great place to do that um everybody’s welcome man please by all

Means join us just as long as you’re respectful and kind uh but tomorrow 1: p.m. Eastern Standard Time that’s when we do this every day so far um until further notice and tomorrow is going to be some uh what you call it some um God of War we’re going to play some God

Of War tomorrow man it’s going to be a good time we’ve been got to the point to like I think God of War we’re pretty much done with it however we do have some Valkyries to kill and they’re going to be quite a challenge um so it’s going

To take a while to actually defeat them but after that I think we’re actually going to be able to cross God War off our list man so yeah guys thank you so much for hanging out with me I love you guys very much um I hope we see you in

The near future and uh I don’t exactly know if if not into other games and you’re just here for the Minecraft uh by all means tune in the day after because we we stagger them back and forth and back and forth that’s when we hit up the

Minecraft and uh if you have any ideas as to like what we can do for this whole like Museum Zoo Menagerie type of deal hit me up let me know I’m definitely interested in your suggestions um within reason you know we’re not trying to spend the next 15 years making like

Something crazy um we’re already biting off a lot but I would love to hear anybody’s ideas and or suggestions so hit me there uh that’s all I got man thank you guys man seriously the love and support’s been phenomenal so uh I hope to see you in the future good night

Everybody good night Smithy G I know you’re already in bed Harry I will catch you later too brother good luck with your hardcore run um oh by the way also if you guys don’t know uh dad Bob one of the juicy men that was already in here

He is going to be starting his uh streaming Channel soon I think he’s doing twitch and YouTube and um so check his channel out as well as scythed um I don’t have links to their channels at this exact moment but there will be links to that in the Discord Channel if

You want to check them out they’re really good people man they’re going to be making some great content as well so by all means drop by their Channel show them some love as well uh just as much as I love you guys so I will catch you

In the next one night good night good night good night good night good night

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – RL Craft Ep. 48 Does that shelf make my butt look big?’, was uploaded by ExoBeaver on 2023-11-27 22:59:58. It has garnered 41 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:38:28 or 16708 seconds.

Join us on our first adventure into RL Craft where we play on the hardest difficulty and attempt to complete just about everything. This will be a series played over a long period of time, yes we will die but that will not stop us from continuing our journey!

Join our Discord Channel for all the off-time shenanigans and great conversation with our community! https://discord.gg/cuuN9x2J6Y

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  • EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. Friends

    EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. FriendsVideo Information [संगीत] हम सरवाइव करने वाले 15 डेज इस मा फन ब्लॉक पे और यहां पर दूर दूर तक कुछ नहीं है और आज के इस वाली वीडियो में हमारे दो गोल है एक घर बनाना और इस गेम को बीट करना चलो तो जैसे ही मैं गेम के अंदर आया मैंने देखा इसमें एक ब्लॉक पहले से ही साइड में लगा है फर्स्ट ऑफ अपनी सेफ्टी के लिए क्योंकि यह मोड बहुत अच्छा है आपको चाहिए तो कमेंट कर देना मैं दे दूंगा और जैसे मैंने फिर ब्लॉक पर आया और मैं मैंने मांग स्टार्ट कर द फटाफट… Read More

  • Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!Video Information stream I don’t know what I’m doing here I am um playing Minecraft but Minecraft isn’t loading which is crazy but sure Minecraft load thank [Music] you hold up I’m wait still working on my stream uh hello or whatever other language you speak we’re playing m today because you know Minecraft is a game I play sometimes anyways stream say hello to this guy I’m playing with I it’s restarted so I’m yeah he’s there anyways he’s he’s there yeah he’s there don’t worry about him he’s a little special n if anyone if anyone’s special it’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!Video Information heute machen wir eine riesen busbauchallenge aber ich werde heimlich Hacks benutzen um meine Freunde le Lucky und B komplett zu Pranken mit dem hackerk slash/p wer ich einen riesigen Bus spawnen aber was meine Freunde auch nicht wissen dass ich die coolsten tnts am Schluss aller Zeiten benutzen werde der ganze Bus wird am Schluss mit dem krassten TNT in die Luft gejagt und jetzt l uns schauen wo unsere Freunde stecken so Freunde seid ihr bereit für die coolste bauchallenge aller Zeiten heute machen wir eine wer weiß es wer weiß es wer weiß es Challenge… Read More

  • Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!

    Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!Video Information [Music] hello guys right okay I I apologize for everything that is going wrong here it seems like everything’s kind of glitching out but um I hope you guys are having a good day today is Sunday we’re kind of vibing I was doing a bit of background things I’m trying to get points to work at the moment uh with streamlabs but streamlabs decided not to work so instead of um everything going smoothly like I wanted you got stuff like that so uh we’re going to we’re going to move on from that now though we’re… Read More

  • AspectSMP

    AspectSMPDM me on discord so i can whitelist you, my username in MrAspect, The server is on 1.19.4 and it is on Java. and also join the discord server. DISCORD RULES: NO Bullying, Racism, Sexism, NO Disturbing pictures/videos NO Spaming NO Self promos (unless in self promo channel) NO Threats. SERVER RULES: NO greefing NO racism NO being mean aspectyes.apexmc.co Read More

  • YourVillageSMP – smp, Towns, Unique world gen, Web map

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! Experience a world like never before with unique biomes, over 200 custom structures, and persistent progress. No resets, no wipes—just endless exploration and building. Defeat custom bosses for valuable rewards and forge crate keys in-game. Our town system is user-friendly and offers a seamless experience. Join us on Saturday, June 15 for an unforgettable adventure! Join Our Community: Discord: discord.urvillage.net Map: map.urvillage.net Teaser: TikTok Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – They’re coming…RUN!

    Looks like those creepers are sneaking up on them faster than they can calculate their meme scores! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, I’m the news reporter in rhyme, Crafting updates with humor, each one a good time. From new mobs to blocks, I’ll keep you in the know, With a spin and a grin, I’ll make sure it’s a show. So leap into the verse, where the truth takes wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. I’ll keep it fierce and funny, engaging and light, With Minecraft facts to share, each one a delight. From Cube Xuan to Classroom Series, I’ll keep you entertained, With rhymes that ignite, each update explained. So follow along,… Read More

  • Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme

    Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraft #memes #meme Read More

  • Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen!

    Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen! Minecraft: Defeating the Queen of the Twilight Forest In a recent Minecraft video by S5João, the player embarks on a thrilling adventure to defeat the Ice Queen in the Twilight Forest. The video promises an action-packed experience filled with surprises and challenges. Conquering the Ice Queen The player, accompanied by a loyal wolf companion, faces off against the Ice Queen with determination. Despite the Queen’s formidable attacks, the player remains resolute in their quest to emerge victorious. Building Strategies As the battle intensifies, the player strategically constructs defenses and prepares for the Queen’s onslaught. With precision and skill, they… Read More

  • Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker – Minecraft

    Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Escape Challenges! Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft with the exciting challenge of escaping from various mazes as a Noob, Pro, or Hacker? Join the adventure as you navigate through intricate labyrinths filled with surprises and obstacles! Experience the Thrill of Escape Challenges Embark on a heart-pounding journey as you attempt to escape from challenging mazes designed for players of different skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner (Noob), an experienced player (Pro), or a master strategist (Hacker), each level presents unique hurdles to overcome…. Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Zman’s Epic Minecraft Adventure!

    Unleash Chaos: Zman's Epic Minecraft Adventure!Video Information we’re [Music] live yes we are live we are indeed live all right this thing is just being stupid here but we are live any who what’s going on everybody hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday evening it’s JY and today we are playing some aged Minecraft mod pack as I I forget where I was going with that but by request I should say that’s what I was trying to say some people were wanting to see me go ahead and play this mod packs once again so why not go ahead and jump right into it… Read More

  • Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?

    Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?Video Information This video, titled ‘MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo’, was uploaded by Storm Light on 2024-05-09 06:55:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo minecraft shorts animation,minecraft aesthetic … Read More

  • Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!

    Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!Video Information it’s time here we go guys are we ready are we ready are we ready are we ready to move the mobs to the nether through a portal and not die in an endless death Loop why is Minecraft not showing Again Minecraft why are you being elusive every stream you don’t show up for me come on show up for me today I need you it’s going to be a dangerous it’s going to be a deadly day thank you Minecraft showed up for us today big day important day remember guys there’s going be some big… Read More

  • INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!

    INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!Video Information we’re back guys so I’m just going to spawn like I’m I made like I’m still working on that so one two three four four five six seven okay I’m going to spawn seven Villagers 4 five 6 7 just to make [Music] sure okay want to know what what those Iron Golems are doing down there there’s four of them unless one dies so I’m going to replace the chest there nope no wait so I go so I’m I’m going to think I’m going to go [Music] upstairs and then remove the remaining blocks there and… Read More

  • Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!

    Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!Video Information working now I just need to change the window capture or I need to change it to game capture only problem is sometimes like Minecraft that’s a weird thing uh with a full screen that I don’t like so that’s sometimes like uh it’s like alt tabbing I don’t remember man usually I play in window just because of that and I don’t really notice the bar uh how do I do it I forget how to do it because I have OptiFine installed and it’s different I don’t like change it’s different you don’t like it because… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Gameplay – MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Gameplay - MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIKE AND SUSCRIBE |#minecraft #jj #fypシ #gg |🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿’, was uploaded by Naoky_YGY on 2024-05-23 14:26:51. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT BINGO GAME w/ FRIENDS!!Video Information how are we doing ladies and gentlemen hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream it’s Bingo time baby and we ain’t play Bingo for a little while banging tune love it Mr bead Stone here again Mr bead Stone how are you doing my man hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream my friend guys welcome along Minecraft bingo today with the gang uh we’ve got myself we got PX we got Callum CPK we’ve got Oli the sound we got mythical sausage we got in the little world we got the whole gang playing a… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!

    EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!Video Information This video, titled ‘Game OF Thrones: Minecraft Castle Siege PvP SERVER [NEW] 1.12+’, was uploaded by ize__ on 2024-06-19 10:14:47. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:32 or 932 seconds. GameOfThrones New PvP Game CastleWars WAR 0.1 #IP: ————————————— make-kid.gl.joinmc.link ————————————— WEBSITE OF SERVER: https://t.me/+noxO1qZvuIszOGY6 #Minecraft #GOTWIC #Server #new #rp #castlesiege #pvp #war #war01 #PVE #CastleWar #castlewars #mineblaze #skycave #new #1.12 #+ Read More

  • Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6

    Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Versi Terkutuk #6 #minecraft #shorts #creepypasta #horror #mcpe #test’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-05-20 05:00:35. It has garnered 318 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Previous Video: Riot Playlist in Minecraft: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73Gu00VDNSoOIEfi3Jt-zHJR&si=hoFE8RQiQvY3nQnF Minecraft Mysteries: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73HQ_k7jZJlsJR1LfPeDSN3E&si=581gWXJ-OB4DaKcl Support me by: https://saweria.co/RazzGaming (gopay, dana, ovo, just link) SOCIAL MEDIA: 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0nGpa6n7j6aROfLn4IX_Q Subscribe : http://bit.ly/razzgaming Instagram : http://bit.ly/Razzgaming Tiktok : https://vt.tiktok.com/rHEYDL/ Join this channel to get access to various benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3f3SJ2rQGly1D3J5C-GSAQ/join ==================================================== Gathering Darkness oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100849 Artis: http://incompetech.com/ Long… Read More

  • Axen Network

    Axen NetworkWe are Axen Network, a Minecraft server network with a gaming experience like no other! We have two server gamemodes currently: – Heaven & hell SMP, a Minecraft SMP with a twist; when you die, you can become a demon, however if you pray enough, your sins may be forgiven, and you will go to heaven. Beware, however, as if you die whilst being one of these, you become a ghost, cursed to haunt the living. – Knockback PvP, a spin on the classic PvP or Sumo server, where your only weapon to fend for yourself with being a trusty… Read More

  • CrabCraft SMP

    CrabCraft 🦀 A whitelisted, community-focused vanilla survival server. Season 2️⃣ commences 15th June, on 1.21 We are looking for active community members to join us. Vanilla Perfection! We emphasize keeping the vanilla feel of Minecraft alive, inspired by HermitCraft gameplay. Voice Chat: We use Simple Voice Chat and require all members to have this mod installed. Thriving Community! Join a close-knit group of players who share the same passion for Minecraft. Active Discord: Our server’s Discord is used frequently for communication. Whitelisted Security: Our server is protected with a whitelist for a safe and friendly environment. Chunk Backups: In case… Read More