Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Planetary | UNLIMITED ORE GENERATION & PINK SLIME! #7 [Modded Questing Survival]

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This is what my voice sounds like right now is not fun time I sound like I’ve been smoking for ten years and welcome back to some more planetary with Janki back welcome back to the atrium Nick inside lovely of the Westlands Oh welcome back everyone we’ve just been fighting some dungeons

We have we have so last episode Nick we fought I believe two more dungeons right one was successful one was not successful Nick and thus that takes us to a grand total of 4 dungeons fought and won schematic acquired mmm and so at this rate Nick if we continued with our

25 percent success rate it would take us like 16 attempts to get or even 20 attempts to get all 5 schematics that we needed to get the telescope unlocked Nick and so one thing I did between episodes is we thought you know what we’re just gonna fight all of these in

One big old girl from dungeon to dungeon to dungeon to dungeon and just fight them all and that’s exactly what we did it was great so we just went through we fought all of the remaining dungeons we didn’t yet have schematics form we now have every single one of the five

Schematics required Nick to unlock the telescope and the telescope thankfully is not too difficult to make it needs for compressed Tim to confess aluminium two blocks of diamond which is quite expensive I think we could do it and then one glass pane and so on that at

The start of today’s episode Nick Oh whilst I do that what is your plan for today’s episode my friend well like one famous crab once said Isaac money Isaac [Laughter] from that famous TV show sponge bag right yes so obviously what the famous character you know it was obsessed with

Money just like me Isaac so mm-hmm we need some frickin cash and actually the first thing I’m gonna do is I’m gonna go to my quest book and claim all of my nine rewards that I haven’t claimed money yeah collect rewards aha look at that six eight nine ten eleven I

Got 13 coins man here we go yeah man I’m making that I’m making serious serious cashola here Isaac got 627 bucks I’m gonna side all the flex on you’re too hard Nick but I’m on 8888 dollars right now all right mr. freakin bags of doubt you yeah yeah it’s true you caught me

But yeah coins are not great for getting money so the next best thing or the even messy thing is ingots but can’t keep going to meteors to bloody mind for them because you know it’s capitalist capitalist world you don’t do that anymore I see your mind for things you

Know yourself you get other you find other nifty ways of doing it so we’re going to create some laser miners so that they can do all the dirty work for us and basically also generate money through ingots whilst you work on making little lizards or miners for us to mine

And exploit for our personal wealth I’m gonna work on standing up a simple storage okay that’s good I’ve got here we go I’ve got a latex processing units and a tree fluids extractor Nick why are you gonna be doing those trees I know I’m just I’m in you know Isaac trees

Trees needs to be happy too okay three hands needs to be happy tea they need an outlet you know fluid but needs it’s there like cows Isaac you know get the air explodes they have like people who actually like built like vents into cows yeah because cows naturally explodes right guys help

You also you have to vent cows otherwise they explode see we are we’re actually helpful to them when we farm cows because we’re helping them out right is left to their own device is everybody be freaking beYOU know Bobby’s going off with all these phonies like what well I feel like that’s a

Design flaw design hold on hold on hold on hold on do they explode naturally I’ll do the only explode because we feed them like way too much way too fast now I like to think that they explode that way cows are designed specifically for humans to help them out right

They’re like the sympathy animals they exist because of us Nick P go open this up and just way better beautiful shift-click in you can pull out instantly everyone knows but you have to be able to power instantly Nick otherwise it’s just it’s it’s a recipe for exactly I don’t have that question

Speaking of you know pulling out in fluids and stuff extract a latex processing unit because I put a tree inside this building you don’t need an actual tree you just put on log down in front of the tree food extractor breaks the will of the tree fluid extracted now it’s been like

Seven years since the last episode Nick yes in the last episode of this very show you brought up the concept of the abomination Nick that is yeah KFC X Pizza Hut so yes have you had a chance to West Germany on acquiring this monstrosity I have had a great chance to literally

Waste my money because it’s not on offer it’s not any deals right you didn’t get you put oh you hold on you did not pay full price for this pizza either I called them and I said the deals guys no no yeah did you actually pay 20 pounds for this

Wow it’s coming perspective ladies and gents over just for clarification that is like $30 but he whose I’ve committed the cardinal sin of not using these the deals which is like the the only thing you should do God when when using a pizza delivery service this is why

You’re ill NIC your body is rebelling against the kids I mean that’s fair enough oh man well if you seem as you paid a silly amount of money for this pizza dick how was it a ticket I was all my housemates were there I oh my God look

At that that is awful yeah just to refresh people’s memory this is a pizza with gravy as opposed to a tomato sauce topped with cheese KFC’s on chicken nuggets that are called popcorn chicken yeah and then sweet Conn took a slice off Isaac and I ate a sack my teeth into

It and the first thing I thought was oh that’s some popcorn chicken that is yeah and then the next thing I thought was cheese Christ that’s congealed KFC gravy and I mean it was it was something man that’s what it was I was over no I know

What to say to be honest something is something so I guess the first question Nick is was it worth 1999 unfortunately it was not why bread cheese maybe 15 pieces of popcorn chicken and a berry carp is sweet corn unfortunately I have to say on this occasion not worth 20 pounds

But like on a scale of one to ten how was it so that’s actually what everyone asked me ago I was eating and thinking this is it was weird it was just so salty right yes like salty gravy base and you’re not used to it obviously so used to eating a tomato-based pizza

That’s the thing like I think one thing that a lot people overlook is just how salty Blake most bread is a lot of bread that actually is quite solitary so then I say with like salty gravy and then salty chicken and then just sweet corn

Like it’s a lot of a lot of salt it’s a lot of salt yes I was like what it was like it wasn’t like you know didn’t taste like regular KFC gravy it was like congealed yeah like the kind of thick gravy right right it was weird

So my conclusion was weird and six point five out of ten unfortunately I tried it at the height of my illness so I feel like my like lack of breathability or taste also played a big factor into my experience right because everything tasted better anyway I was all stuffed

Up I was tired and over over it in general yeah and I was II in this weird pizza right right I feel like if I was completely healthy I might have had a different opinion of my tastes and also if I paid different price I would had a

Different opinion yeah but it was yeah it was a weird one oh it was a weird one indeed speaking of sitting on the concept of food neck which apparently is all we talk about but I like it so have you been to a restaurant in your life I have a very

Privileged to do so Isaac have you ever gone to a restaurant or even like a cafe or a fascist establishment anywhere that serves food and have you ever asked for a recommendation as to what to get from the person serving you I have yeah I have right it’s a weird one because I

Don’t know if I’ve ever done it like in a restaurant but I’ve definitely done it at food stalls so like I was in porch got a few months ago we went to a food market and I went to this like dessert place which was meant to be it

Was quite well known so I said to her you have obviously baked all of these things and made them what do you recommend and she actually seemed really happy that I asked her and she was like oh if it was up to me I’d pick the I think she

Said it’s like a Nutella cheesecake right she recommended and I was like yeah I’ll go for that then and she was like thank you for like trusting my opinion yeah and it was amazing it was probably one of the nice ever had yeah so from then on Isaac have always

Thought you know ask the people who make it kind of the pheno huh yeah it was good okay follow-up question have you ever I know the answer to this question before I ask it but have you ever or would you ever go in and just this surprised me like have them ask them

What they recommend just say it surprised me have them bring you something I’ve never done that but I have actually done that I’ve never done that in a restaurant but a lot of the time when I also want to get some something for me for some reason or the

Other ah yeah if it’s like a flavor of something I’m always like oh I don’t mind just surprise me right right a flavor of crisps or something I’ll always be like oh yeah just get get I trust your judgment right surprise me and I always like it you know because they might get

Something that I never tried before and it’s good by doing that in a restaurant yeah you could get anything you get anything also you you are putting a lot of them you don’t know what the most expensive item on the menu yeah it’s a lot of trust into the stuff yeah I mean

I guess it depends where you are right if you want you to McDonald’s and say stupid it is make that day order surprised me that was easy [Laughter] following on from there even further Nick is the concept of like a soup of the day right or like um oh yeah

Some kind of X of the day right sandwich of the day super the day whatever their you know thing of the day is I do like specials in restaurants and stuff would you ever yeah have you ever would you ever yeah I must be the soup of the day

Without knowing what it was bye oh I’d always ask right you’d never just be like yeah I’ll have the soup of the day and then not yeah for the day Isaac what if soup the soup of the day is poop of the day and then you know you know

You get this steaming turd right extremely extremely likely yeah you know I always want to know what it is but you know this is inspiring Isaac next somebody’s to a restaurant I’m I asked them surprise me yeah just like give me you know whatever you’ve got man I mean

Yeah how would you feel if you went to a restaurant it’s a fairly nice restaurant let’s say yeah you know three dollar signs on on Yelp okay and you sit down you ask the waiter or waitress and you say what we’d recommend and they say I

Would recommend that a soup of the day you know you’re like okay you don’t ask what it is you just say okay all right okay now if they then brought you a bowl of conflicts how would you feel in this scenario I’d be well happy to the other side I

Love a bet specially dry I love dry corn flakes these are these are in milk of course because it’s a super the bit dry I see it is it warm as well warm milk corn flakes no sugar with the pepper grinder tell me when to stop experience of corn flakes

Now I’d be thrilled I do it you did not ask uh sir I mean is the three dollar side restaurant ADL Peyser come it was the only French restaurants exactly exactly you did not ask I personally surprised me turns out the way to just really liked cornflakes

That’s sorry you don’t grow tired of Isaac conflicts oh I thought we go over the French accent which is also to read all the French accent yeah then feel if they charged you I’d feel I feel I could get more value that there’s something like Knicks game is value out of it

Keeps him there for a guy gives me twenty quits worth of pepper bells I just take it home on your Bowl anymore Isaac I’ve got a mob slaughter factory I don’t what to do with it what we’re going to do is we’re gonna utilize at least one of the mob spawners that we

Acquired yes last episodes dungeon fighting sure to de-spawn a lotta mobs here now wherever the question is yeah I think it might be in here card yeah they’re here so we’ve got give me a number between one and six Nick for okay let’s hope it’s not like mad scientist

Tony yeah I’d love to I’d love to bad sides this one don’t you guys have seen that footage yet I think you probably will have by this point but the mad scientist saying I don’t know which what the name of the dungeon was that had those in but they were they

Were unreal they were horrendous so I’m gonna go to the torches and then if we just come out here and if you just put the mob sorta factory on the bottom lovely beautiful it does need power and by default if we break this again you’ll see that it’s range is currently not

Large very small well did he just jump through the block he jumped it through the gaol my screen I had already put the block down through it I don’t see a block there actually and above the above the factory me it’s fake guys like it’s been lying to you

There we go beautiful all right I’m gonna make a drink yeah yes whilst I do that you want to make the aluminum cable – yes – bring over do it yes now I have noticed ACTA we are going to run into an issue here why that issue

Is that each so we need one laser base and then for laser drills for maximum laser edge but each laser drill why is 8 diamonds as 864 diamonds 32 diamonds to get all 4 laser drills we have enough to make one laser based on one laser dough

But we’re getting more diamonds if you want to get si si okay experience ok I put a range of grid and Nick the range of grid is a 9 a plus 9 range of grey lovely I believe it goes 9 box out in each direction which should fully cover

That that room there oh yeah look at this here we go look at this do you have the cable or I’ve got 18 I might be specs tiny bit more okay I think we should have the aluminium for it I think so yeah I think we might just about get

Away with that I will grab my shovel the canal will dig the first layer yeah that don’t love me yeah is this game hell I think so yeah it is I can hear okay zombies being killed Isaac yeah look we’ve got 600 mill buckets or a little

Book is neither the mo buckets of liquid meals I’ve laid a growing amount of pink slime right now we got 200 milli buckets of pink slime good stuff okay oh I see that yeah I am wondering if it’s worth putting Moss ponders in here oh yeah I assume we have six from the

Earlier question we have six Ponder’s of course we could go to any of our dungeons and pick up you know who wants to yeah exactly exactly okay cool I’m gonna start working on the laser bases then okay I have the diamonds but quiet okay the diamond gears that is so should you

Be looking for those that is I have them yes could you put them in the system in un momento and just thank you adding more months of mob spawners to our twice setup lovely here we go beautiful they look like they’re all I think I pulled these off in the same

Place because they’re all zombies spotters actually yeah you know the quite um you know not they’re not very explosive exactly basically not pain in the arse um the rest of them yeah look at you creepers with a freaking mini like rapid fire yeah it’s a shame really

Because I think some of the best dungeons were the ones that we did off camera like that yeah that scientist and the rapid firing of those quad thing certain weapons man I put the diamond gears in there for you my friends are thank you okay

Right laser base so we need one is it one laser base and for laser drills there is indeed the case yes okay I’ve got the base so the base is in the system so now it’s just the gels and then we need the it’s the laser lens don’t we yes

Now the Luther’s requires for pink slime right so we need sixteen men in total yes right it’s fine it’s fine it’s is fine we’ll do this set up some tanks for our meat and slime here if you having a plastic – I have got some tiny piles of

Plastic okay cool put small red would in front of the old tree fluid extractor beautiful yeah yeah I’ll put in some tiny dry rubber into the system and kill do you have those pipes still at the Abaddon system the transcribes that’s the one hey ho okay so I think

This should work I think I should be able to put down one transfer node right here and pipe I should pull out the meat and then another one on this side like this with the pipe like so and the tank and that should be pink slide beautiful

Alright Nick we have we have our first bucket of pink slime ready you ready to go I will grab it so the way this works is we have to put down a little pocket somewhere we’ll do it right here for a pink slime to develop it and once you put the liquid

Pink slime down you just leave it and after a certain amount of time to a boy a little boy a little tiny boy a boy little bits born this is how babies are made everyone this is exactly how this is amazing slaughter now obviously the problem is that we have one pink slime

Form a pink slime yes and we need 16 pink slime to get one like laser drill running at maximum capacity right sir right it might not be a terrible idea for us to do some refactoring for us to maybe make a mob duplicate up from inter show for going mm-hmm capture this pink

Slime boat which is out now you see a bright and then Hampshire this pink slime I am yeah then maybe instead of using a mob slaughter factor here we use a crusher the crusher could then you know kill them obviously my bison so we could then use to use a mob duplicator

That is a possibility alternatively we could just keep going with this and hope that we get where we want to go yeah I mean either methodology will work I do have Nick what’s your sword enchantments my sword in shock I’ve got smite three and vorpal one is right I

Don’t know what warp ways to be honest vorpal and summer look I think Paul is something to do with beheading okay I think that’s why we have so many heads because we both have Bob oh I see okay I’ve got bobble 600 what I think is

Why I’ve been getting yeah okay so many heads I was hoping one of us might have looting of some description of God before the ad well yeah yeah much we bought back sword yeah there’s not a lot in a sippy honest there might be some stuff in me I mean Lauren

Chanted books over here unless it would seem that no looting three naked I don’t know what let’s get a freaking and Ville oh useful yeah we don’t I’m dumb too later Bayern right okay in the system you might have an envelope I think I used the end all to make the compressor

Oh yeah that’s probably right yeah you ready for the clink Oh lovely so I will equip this gonna cost me eight that’s fine looter Tron Tron my sort alright so I now have saw pound seven volt ball six sharpness six vocal – I’ve got vocal seven and of opposites and vocal – I’m

Rooting three sir here we go hopefully like twelve pink slimes I wrote – I mean that’s not bad I think if if the flash banks – Skyy effect yeah I think that isn’t it – guess we got like zero yeah sometimes we got three and it was it was quite

Painful so sore twos not not not not too bad we’re here all week folks now our chunk loading is enabled Nick so okay I think what we should do is I’m gonna make a trashcan for fluids hmm and that is going to allow me to delete this meet

The guy is obviously once it gets filled up then the things gonna back up and its top is gonna stop getting pink slime so I think we should instead of storing the basic meat I think we should trash it carried away out of it can we use it for

Anything some liquids to resell it yeah the origin if I mamas second which I might be I thought you could like turn it into a meat cubes that you could then eat rye but right now it doesn’t seem that way it looks like you put in a washing factory to

Turn or into raw or meat so I’m just gonna delete it like his get rid of this and then to go up or down this fluid trash can which isn’t gonna go ahead and delete that kids stuff think that should be sub correctly so it doesn’t delete pink slime

I would like to Nick worked 750 ml of buckets I like to wait for the one more pink slime yeah because if we get two again we can only make one laser drill anyway but that that starts it doesn’t it we don’t have to have for exactly

Yeah but I’ll get those like the yeah we’ll get it we’ll get the whole system’s sparked off bingo a few moments later come on can do it Alright I get them if we get zero here like I’m gonna be mad on a looting three swords that would be really unlucky I got 300 he gonna live thank you so much okay right here we go is it just the white laser lens we want

Yep I’ll be fine with the white stained glass pane to me to make some stained glass Isaac here got here we go what stained glass and then I will make the panes with those and finally the lens here we go ladies drill oh oh we’re missing missing the Machine

Case of some reason I thought I made those so right oh I know why I just shift-click to the one thing there we go right I’ve got it Isaac got most beautiful heist out – so the biz does need to see bedrock right why I’m currently digging down to bedrock in

Link here we go so careful sharp drop you see the shop yeah but I put that down we should hopefully see a laser that goes to ooh bedrock as soon as I get some power one of the drip maybe if we do oh this is the wrong way right you could never

Win man you can’t never wait and can never which ever would ever know there we go so that’s connected I came now we do have to power do you have yeah the aluminum wire I can I need to make some bit yes I was the thing here

Is oh I don’t like how to click you have to click the clear search button in this crafting terminal you can you can just right click oh that’s not good way for Eve some reason jo-jo search disabled no oh the little J if you click that it was

Chlorine I mean you keep all if you like to synchronize our say yes I don’t like it I’ve been living with it yeah you can turn that off we just leave the jegos red then you you no longer sink sese right let’s I guess we can just do this

One here over ground economy yeah yeah that’s fine be right we got it we got our but we don’t got we don’t got bits we don’t go what we’re looking for do we have to increase the drill depth oh the drop is increasing on its own

Oh that was me that’s that was liking it maybe you could try something it’s like 45 here we go I’m ticking I’m clicking odds oh let me there oh well it’s the work things going up if you look on there on the left side you see that yeah

Maybe it’s just like a visual thing yeah let’s I mean it’s going up slowly yeah that emphasizes the lack of extra room laser drills doesn’t it yes actually full-on energy really like it has got full tank it did work though that we have one tritanium yeah anymore beautiful beautiful beautiful

And again Nick thanks to the power of chunk loading we should be able to come back – yeah we got like a little lob buffer down we can anymore even more goodness lovely can that so we can we could have this you know pull up maybe I

Don’t know how yeah how long yeah we’ll see we will have some also we can come back too which is good I will hopefully have like maybe a full tank of pink slime because this is still filling up slope enjoy I am going to somewhat horribly block this in because I think

The light levels are coming through right now I kind of have any CPN I see no blocking us off I think the mob saw the fact you can walk through walls so in the future I think we just move it back by wall sure thing so that it’s fully dark in there

Buttock we admit some good progress my friends we yes Ben get along mob pom for making pink slime now which is brilliant we’ve got a little pink slime hauling beer here which looks horrible we definitely to do some you know organizing Samia clean it’s a bit this

Machine wall is definitely a little bit janky he’s quite big quite good is there looking at I don’t even know why we have to pause what we do other than that everything seems to be working pretty well well I think well that we can do next wall to ultimate the tree flute

Extractor is just use a laser yeah that’s infinite would just place down therefore into a plastic which is probably something that we should look at doing in the future but for now guys we’re gonna go ahead and wrap up today’s episode of a planetary there as always

If you did enjoy the video you want to see more in the future go ahead and hit that like button erode us hope I don’t leave a comment down below subscribe if you’re new here play another fight as soon as people just go out as always

Thank you for watching I will see you guys next time door by

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Planetary | UNLIMITED ORE GENERATION & PINK SLIME! #7 [Modded Questing Survival]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2020-02-19 00:00:08. It has garnered 32560 views and 712 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:04 or 1984 seconds.

Minecraft Planetary | UNLIMITED ORE GENERATION & PINK SLIME! #7 [Modded Questing Survival] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft 1.14 Modded Skyblock! #1:

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Planetary is a wasteland themed modpack where you start in destroyed Earth and need to collect resources from meteors to build a rocket and leave to a better planet.

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

#Minecraft #Planetary #Modded

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    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More

  • SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey Survived

    SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey SurvivedVideo Information [Music] let’s get started today I’m here because Mikey has something he wants to show me you’re going to love it JJ I made a really cool zombie research lab zombie what now check it out wao that’s a zombie villager right that’s right Bud he wasn’t always a zombie so I built a lab to try to cure him I’ve done a lot of research but I still haven’t found a way to cure him and turn him back to normal I’ve tried everything I can think of H here have some more are those cookies yeah… Read More

  • EPIC S4 BOY XD – Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!

    EPIC S4 BOY XD - Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!Video Information डे टू ऑन जेएस आर एस एमपी तो मैंने और डीसी प्लेयर ने इतना ग्राइंड कल ऑफलाइन में किया था और डीसी प्लेज कल वीडियो में नहीं था आज रेक्स डोर है डीसी प्लेज है और रुद्रांश भी है तो चलो ग्राइंडिंग करने के लिए निकलते हैं और आज मैं लेफ्ट हैंड यूज कर रहा हूं मैं अभी जा रहा हूं स्पन पे क्योंकि यह रेडर और रुद्रांश को मुझे यहां पर लेके आना है और रुद्रांश कह रहा था मैं 3:00 बजे खेलूंगा तो अभी थोड़ा सा ऐसे खेल के अभी वो लीव कर देगा और यह… Read More

  • DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICK

    DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Easy Iron Farm | Einfache Eisenfarm’, was uploaded by Darayans World of Gaming on 2023-12-28 12:28:09. It has garnered 81 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. A simple and quick to build iron farm without redstone. If you like the video, please leave me a like. 😇 Visit my other social media links ○ Instagram:​​ ○ Discord: #minecraft #shorts #eisenfarm Read More

  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

    Saucari Live - EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch NowVideo Information oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sar’s live no way I love that guy you’re making five streams bro I’m not going to lie Shout Out b Cari yeah I played with cardi and Uzi thumbnails so far flag I mean whatever the [ __ ] is I miss the old cardi the cash cardi cardi my b m my B woke up to is my new video cooked my new video fire my new video one out of 10 remember video one out of 10 nine n is pretty good hold on let me check… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!Video Information Sunny wake up we’re stuck in a circle Minecraft again bro let me sleep how can you sleep in times like this this isn’t right this is cursed by Craft is aut about blocks not circles I hate circles I kind of like them especially if we’re playing hide and seek melon bro it’s time for hide and go seek I’m going to wreck you brother we’ll see about that one sunny I guess it’s just a normal day in Minecraft no moded hide and seek nothing weird going to have wait what’s going on what the heck… Read More

  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

    Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11Video Information yo pohon tanpa daun lagi guys di sini guys kita cek keadaan sekitar yuk Guys kita mukan pohon tanpa daun lagi nih Mantap nih Kita coba hancurin kali ya kalau misal kita hancurin apa yang bakal terjadi sama kita ya Wah mantap Guys kita Menan pohon tanpa daun lagi let’s go [Musik] nah J Kita akan ambil daging-daging What the hell guys What the hell what what the hell guys Yo what Wah ini guys ini sih ini ini ini gila gila wah di sini kita menemukan This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #11 #minecraft #mod… Read More

  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

    URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraftVideo Information I realized that we were getting a cape uh oh yeah you should am I oh I think my game crashed This video, titled ‘This is your reminder to free up space on your hard drive… #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-28 16:00:08. It has garnered 634 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. I may or may not have run out of storage space while playing minecraft… Read More

  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

    Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information how to play subwoofer lullabi from Minecraft on piano easy [Music] Edition now add the left hand [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft – Subwoofer lullaby easy tutorial #piano#nostalgia#minecraft#c418’, was uploaded by Parsa shaaker on 2024-06-22 18:32:03. It has garnered 515 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is my piano tutorial for Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft soundtrack that is made by c418 . . minecraft nostalgia – Subwoofer lullaby tutorial Recorded by parsa shaaker . . 🎹Don’t forget to Subscribe, like and comments! And please click on the bell 🔔… Read More

  • Shadow SMP

    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Planetary | UNLIMITED ORE GENERATION & PINK SLIME! #7 [Modded Questing Survival]