Get Ready for the Most Epic Summer Movie Lineup!

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to season two of movies and Beyond I’m your host movie Blaze and my co-host is awesome dude hello everyone Y and our guest do Hawk official hello yes and we’re so happy to be back uh I know it’s been about a week um but we’re back now and with a brand new season uh recap on what’s happening during the season uh David’s gonna pop by every now and again so is Donovan and so is Oren I don’t know about will maybe maybe not really it all depends and and if you’ve seen the intro you might notice that awesome dude is in there I mean I mean not awesome well awesome dude is in know but awesome man also them and that’s because every now and again on occasion he might pop up as a cuse so wanted to add him on that as well all right oh vitamin neck wants to join um let’s see um let’s go over the things we watch real quick all right okay I’m gonna add vitaminic uh vitaminic uh if you’re gonna join uh there’s some rules uh actually let me lay down The rules for you guys real quick so for anyone who’s like uh a host or a co-host you guys can’t be talking over each other only one at a time and um uh if I say someone’s name like for instance awesome dude what do you think about this and then we all your mics so that awesome dude can talk and then you know same goes for me same goes for dark and same thing goes for Nick and that’s how we’re gonna do it all right okay all right all right then and I put in I I’ll try to remind myself to put one in the private chat so whenever that person’s done I can just save one and then all you guys you guys can unmute yourselves and you know another thing too let’s not go off topic I know last season was insane but this season let’s try to keep it professional try to keep everything in order so with that out of the way guys and let me say hi to the chat real quick um history well history man’s the only ones yeah history man is the only one him right hello history man how you doing hello there history man Gabe the all right all right are you guys ready for this episode yes yes sir or yes I am what someone responded on the chat saying about how hold hold hold on we’ll talk about that when we get to movie new um but for now let’s head on over to things we watched well I have since it’s been about a week uh I’ve have seen if the golf I seen the golf FP movie and uh strangers and let me actually let me let me go on my another box folks and see what I have watched because that is always good if you guys have an if you guys don’t have another box I highly recommend it it’s a great way to stay on track with your movies and your watches and yep actually everything I Everything I seen I I mentioned on the last podcast episode so I really haven’t been seeing much of anything but um let’s see dog Haw what have you seen uh recently I watched well yesterday I watched guinea pig Devil’s experiment uh it’s one of the most disturbing movies ever and I hated it also watch Rambo three Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen The Day After Tomorrow Red’s dream and The Shining oh did you enjoy them yeah some of them all right that’s good uh vitaminic have you watched anything yeah recently I saw if on Tuesday I also watched the new episode of Hell of no boss you know what that is that independent am and so made by viip pop like the like it’s the same person who made hasbin Hotel it’s like an independent show on YouTube never mind anyway yeah that’s pretty much all I’ve been watching recently all I watched recently this week all right that’s good um meet you mik for awesome dude and awesome dude what have you watched all right so um I watch Lego Ninjago I just finished the second season of dragons racing I really love it and it’s great I also watched um Garfield or I watched it a few weeks ago but I watched it I just um it was really oh hold up uh before you continue uh say your thoughts on that because that’s part of the discussion for this episode all right all right um so it was um it was not that good but all right that’s everything I’m going to say and um I watched kimy toilet no no just kidding no that’s kind of like all I watch but I yeah I I watch L I love watching L and J and I’m going to watch it every single time again all right that’s was what I watched all right all right well we’re going to take a quick break and then once and then once we return we’ll talk about movie news [Music] all right and we are back and now let’s move on to movie news all right and we have quite a we have quite a few there were a few topics that I want to go over starting with this one uh with Venom the N Dance the first TR for Venom the N Dance is reportedly releasing next week any thoughts on that yeah I heard it was releasing on Monday um the funny enough that same day I’m also having a little not to get a little too personal but basically oh wait hold up up okay um wait that’s all your dots on Venom yeah I am sorry if I’m like a mess today I just woke up really um I’m kind of wondering how people are gonna respond to the trailer because coming from coming from someone who wants his R tail sometimes nowadays the Sony small off Universe easily in my opinion kind of one of the most how do I put this it’s not bad but it’s not good either so maybe like universes of all time in my opinion them be CARiD was a good movie it wasn’t as bad as everyone was making it out to be 2018 I never really got around I actually did see morbius when it came out in theaters and I think we were the only people in the theater and I if you’ve been on the podcast I you know I did force myself to watch Madam web last week on Netflix and let me just say this Madam web it was one of the most boring M movies I’ve ever watched it doesn’t even feel like a Spider-Man movie it just feels like another generic movie it just it just feels like a nothing Burger movie in my opinion oh what um been part of the story Spider-Man universe so it likely doesn’t count but still and now anyway back to you movie Blaze all right um I should have said this on now but um we see you guys on the chat we will be answering questions at the end of each each episode so any questions you guys have put them in the comments now and we’ll get to them by the end of the show also I wna I W to o mention that you guys can follow us on Spotify um you can follow us on every streaming platform that has podcast Spotify iTunes iHot radio Amazon music so if you have any of those we on now now with that out of way uh I want to go to Doc hwk official what are your thoughts on Venom Den ass dance are you excited and how are you excited for this Venom so I guess I have a little bit of a hot take with the Sony Spider-Man universe I haven’t seen Madam web but I have seen Venom and I thought Venom was great I thought it was a fun movie pretty funny know that’s kind of a hot take but at the end of the day I gave it an eight out of 10 I haven’t seen Venom Lether be Carnage but I would say say yeah I have some excitement for Venom the Last Dance yeah do hug I agree with you I haven’t seen Venom yet but the theme song is pretty good just don’t tell dumville that you like vom because oh boy and then last thing this is a little off topic but it is newer coming out soon it’s movie news I am pumped for the Mandalorian and grou coming out in 26 that’s that’s that’s definitely interesting I mean that’s not renominated but it is R movie new so good job do Haw thank you you’re welcome and N but next we have ausome dude what are your dots on venom venom dance and are you excited for the TR coming out all right boy boring let’s go to the next movie no but um for real um the movie I just I I watched like a few weeks ago because I know it was going to be a third fom movie I watched the first one and I only watched it halfway through because I was just like what the heck I watch it it it was so boring it was so boring I don’t know I I also have Minifigures of Phenom I really don’t know why because I’m the stupid boy no uh but I really don’t know uh I probably not going to see it at all or even watch the trailer I’m not a Die Hard fom or Marvel fan I like the movies but you know off topic of course um but I really don’t know how I feel about the trailer I really just do not care that much so I’m just going to say I watched only the first 30 minutes of fom and I just was just like oh this kind of boring so I skipped to the end and that was the only thing that was kind of like good I’m not saying it’s really good but there some it might sound kind of like d more but I really did not like the Phenom movies sorry guys but um yeah so I’m not really excited for it if the trailer comes out I maybe take a look at it but I know there are some Phenom fans but no I’m not so yeah that’s what I have to say yeah yeah I agree with you about not really being that much excited for the third V movie aome dude and from what I’ve heard about the plot the movie sounds interesting to say the least like I I’m a guy who has watches 3C films as sometimes and when he told and the and he I’m pretty sure you all know this but he also acally revealed the plot of Venom 3 and if don’t I know this might lead to the video G this podcast getting taken down but I’m going to say it there’s going to be Pier Parker is is going to be in the movie but he’s going to be 10 years old all right that idea already sucks but you know the only good thing about Phenom that Carnage was just the actor um that played Carnage like car was the only good thing in that movie sorry but it’s it is just I think I’m kind of like right yeah it’s too because pretty sure son’s been trying to add a Sony’s been trying to add a Spider-Man to their Sony spin-off villain Universe for a long time I mean they were going to originally they wanted Andrew Garfield to come back come back as Spider-Man so at one point this Venom morbius Universe was going to be connected to the Amazing Spider-Man movies thankfully that didn’t happen and I I remember when I was 12 this might sound off off topic I remember when I was 12 coming up with this theory that they take place in the same universe as the Sam Ry Spider-Man movies this is before I saw Spider-Man 3 so bear with me here um then one of them said that them was already and Spiderman 3 so that theory was s down and the main reason why was because the newspapers in that Universe were the same ones The Daily Bugle newspapers were the same ones seen in the Sam Ry Spider-Man movies which is where I came up with the theory I mean I feel like Sony’s kind of fumbling the bag you a little bit with this universe because I remember when morbius released in theaters and they and they were likely going to try to go for something Spider-Man related where they’re where basically they had all these connections to our Spider-Man movies and everyone was theorizing that this would have been the movie that was answered what Spider-Man was in the Venom universe but that but then Sony being the company they are just went psych this was false advertising there is no Spiderman in this universe you’re just gonna watch a vampire movie that that with the most unsatisfying ending but they still keep the Cameo where Michael cans movie where who plays as the vulture and Spider-Man homecoming is somehow in that Universe where they were trying to set up this quote unquote the C Six movie I guess and it’s like to say and don’t no like the universe is just the villains are be off to just be MCU [Music] characters and hopefully this movie could be just like one of those dumb fun movies and it and there are some people theorizing that this going to be one of those movies that happen in one day where the events just happen in one day as whole so it could be a little fun but I don’t know I might watch to anyway hopefully they get mem back to doing the cover the main theme of the movie because those were the best parts of the first movie so yeah those [Music] are sorry I like that song all right now it’s time for my thoughts on Venom the Last Dance well I made it no secret I have I have said multiple times that I love the Venom films I I know that they’re bad and trust me they are but they’re bad in a fun campy way if you guys get what I’m saying and and I’m just so excited for the D one could it be good I hope so if it’s bad that’s still count because either way I’m excited and even if it’s bad I could say well and this and this I saw a fun entertaining film and that’s I know I’m a movie critic but you know every now and again I don’t mind watching a movie that’s so dumb that just ni to have fun like like I don’t go to all these movies thinking huh what’s the what’s the art what’s the meaning behind this movie no no some sometimes I do but most of the time I’m like I’m going in to watch a film yes I’m a Critic so I also have that in the back of my mind like okay has the story how the characters etc etc but at the end of the day I just want to be entertained we got this so with that being said uh I want to take it to the comments real quick and if you guys have any question I mean if you guys if you guys have any doubts on Venom and then ask dance are you guys excited are you guys not excited just let me know in the chat and breaking news from history man and I know awesome dude said this onio but n I’m nine more subscribers away before 1K and that is very huge yeah you’ve I’m a long way like I said the first time I found out about this podcast was from awesome as as is awesome yeah this is and this is a fun podcast oh thank you that that I got the I got the chance to finally talk with aome which was kind of a nice little special thing on my own oh yeah yeah and I I know I keep saying this but I was very surprised that ausome might even agree to to be on the podcast because you know for YouTuber like him you think oh he’s probably busy he probably doesn’t care about you know SM YouTubers but he did is and he he he had a he had a fun time and just to let you guys know people who are watching the podcast on YouTube and on Twitch forgot to mention I have twitch and will be Pro broadcasting uh season two on there as well H there’s no viewers on there as of now but there will be H awesome dude do you have a question or do you want to say something oh no I was just playing with the mic sorry but yeah it is it is really cool how supports the small care hopefully one day we can have Lis mark on the podcast oh yeah I I wanted to get him on here and season for season one I me I messaged them on on Twitter or x no no no I’m not gonna kind X that just sounds cringy I’m gonna still kind of um he hasn’t responded back to me so I don’t know um no you have to say he didn’t respond to me yet because I hope it was he didn’t respond yet yes you what here’s the idea of what we could do in the future for the podcast we could get and and let’s save that towards the end of it and then we just give a ideas but you know what we can do for future episodes of movies and Beyond okay uh apparently there’s no questions so we’re just G to move right along to Penny R now now why do I say oh hold up uh history man says I will make contact with Mark through the comment section okay awesome history man is history man is an awesome guy off topic real quick but he’s awesome he’s been a moderator for a few I have a weeks or months now and he’s doing a blast you know so good job to history man right now keeping the chat in check keeping everyone in check and making sure everything goes smoothly all right so um Bill scar scard uh is officially set to return as Penny rise in the spin-off series welcome to dar dar I heard about that now now if you don’t know what that is it’s uh it’s a prequel series um for of course it the 2017 film and the sequel 2019 and I’m just gonna start off by saying that I am curious about this I’m not all that excited I’m curious still H considering that this is a prequel it could either go really good or really bad and I’m GNA say this right now I know Chris uh c three C films uh he has mentioned it on his podcast uh yeah his podcast yesterday Live and I watch and he said that if Penny wise is not in the Sone like at least every episode then yeah that’s that’s not gonna be that’s not goingon to be it like I would not be happy if he just shows up for that that for that season for that season one of series premiere and then show about to end I don’t want that I want I want pen R to SOL at least once every episode of the show oh right well uh I mean do you think Ally the series does have potential to be good not so optimistic it could it does sound like a good idea because I know sorry if I’m struggling today um I am kind of glad the ser is still moving forward even with the current state of Warner Brothers I should mention this but um this Series has been in been in well been in when not production and they started in 2020 but they sorry they had to set it down because you know obviously Co the world went to the world went to crap um but yeah I’m glad that this series is finally moving forward and it and like I said it should come out sometime in 2025 yeah for I’ve heard I do like how they’re gonna have it take place in the 60s as well so it could give off kind of like a maybe like a throwback to 1960s horror movies like guess I guess that could work yeah it’s also kind of a nice thing that they’re that bill scars guard is coming back as Pennywise rather than recasting him with some other actor unlike some other prequel ler oh oh yeah yeah I don’t know if it was because of ler but I feel like ever since that movie came out ever whenever there’s a prequel to a movie Hollywood just makes sure makes is always making sure the original actor just comes back as their respective role no matter what um uh all right do hog I see that you w to uh talk so what are your thoughts I have a feeling that the it show well the welcome to Dairy show is going to be very similar to stranger things in my opinion that’s been saying about this show that’s always like gonna be like stranger thing so everyone’s accusing it of being a stranger things ripoff what I do see where those people are coming from with like the bikes being similar to stranger things but at the same time Tech stranger things did take inspiration from Stephen King with the boys gang in danger with some terrifying entity like it took the S kind of TR to pale mods classic horror movies all right um oh wait is that all you wanted to say d yeah oh okay uh Austin dude do you have any dots okay I take that awkward sentence as a no hopefully un like unlike Andy M’s other project of another franchise they don’t try to resurrect dead people in the show with AI because there have been signs of that with his other recent project well I gotta say I think it’s gonna be like stranger things but honestly I am excited for Welcome to the spinoff C sorry same um since we’re on the topic of strange things real quick um this is we needed to Str things but I mainly talking about F and all that like look I get why I get why people want to do the if oh I mean not do the if do U the strange things you know like the 80s and the kids and all that but this is going to be set in the 60s so I don’t want what I’m saying is that I don’t want to see another V of just stranger things if that makes sense like yeah like we like if if people want watch stranger things they can go on Netflix right now and watch the four seasons of that show you know not everything has to be stranger things I know stranger things massively popping up amongst the fan base I know awesome dude and I we we have strange things stranger things as well okay ni as well and well yeah yeah so we we all have strange things um but but like let let this properties be their own thing uh stop trying to copy the stranger things model oh okay everybody your mic another thing as well is that it’s gonna hello I’m back hello welcome back uh what are your thoughts on welcome to Dair um from Penny wise right uh from Pennywise yeah yeah sorry my my mic my um my mic didn’t work which I’m recent so I was just like all right what I got to do now but it works again but all right my thoughts about it so I’m a die hard Benny Wise fan I watched the first two movies I got them on DVD I still have no somewhere in my room but I love them so I I really don’t know how I have to feel or I really don’t know how this is going to happen or why they’re making a prequel but I really don’t know how it’s going to turn out I’m kind of like scared how how it is going to be how it’s going to turn out I hope it will be good uh of course or some people are saying that the main actor is coming back and oh my gosh I can totally not wait to see him again and I I watched Penny wise movie again like a few weeks ago and I was just like bro this movie deserves way more movies instead of two movies I know yeah the book it’s split in half and finally we’re getting a preall I guess yeah preall you guys said and I think yeah it it deserved it but I really don’t know how it going to turn out so I’m a little bit scared but I I literally cannot wait when um this move or this show comes out and oh my gosh I’m hyped for this one I really don’t know why but I love horror movies slasher movies and oh my gosh and we’re getting a new Benny Wise movie I hope There Will Be Blood everywhere or uh kills or and hopefully it’s freaking scary because I love that bro I love that but yeah I’m really hyped for for this one for for this show yeah all right we’re gonna be moving on to the next uh topic all right so the next topic uh you guys ready for this next one yeah yes all right so Mich Bay will produce the outcoming Transformers and G Joe crossover what are your dos okay that’s doot dots on this might sound like a hot take but I’m all right with Michael Bay being a producer I me well the good thing with that is that he’s the producer and that the director cuz my God Transformers films I think Michael b is all right it’s just like it’s like people with Michael ba it’s kind of annoying because they either worship him like a god or they despise him or you could be or you could either those options or be like film made you know and make and whenever you you talk about a Michael Bay movie Just slap a South Park PNG of him on the thumbnails anyway yeah aome dude what are your dos so I’m not a Dior or not really a Transformers fan but I’m excited for the animated one um because I love animated movies so that’s also the reason why this is we’re talking about the night reaction one yeah I know I know but I was just mention it but I’ll talk I’ll talk about the live action one but you know um I’m not a Die Hard Transformer fan only I only watched the few movies because of um the animated one that’s coming out I was like I I kind like have to hop on to it I again I kind of have to understand the story and everything and the characters but for this movie um with GI Joe I guess yeah yeah yeah um I really yeah I’m kind of like hyped I really don’t know how this is going to turn out like we have robots fighting with humans like how is this going to turn out how how like my mind is just going crazy at this point like how how are they going to do this and everything but I’m really I canot wait for this movie to be honest I really cannot wait how they’re going to do this how this movie is going to turn out like robots fighting GI Jo characters or however and just it will be amazing I guess um but I’m not yeah I’m not a Die Hard fan I I I think the movies are just like what everybody is saying they’re just boring kind of like it is not that boring but you know everybody is just saying the same about the Transformers movies like it kind of like myth and I have the same opinion so I yeah I’m not like really hyped for this movie but I can still but I still have a brain in my head like you cannot wait for this movie so so that’s all for it Michael B was also a producer on bumblebe and Rise of the Beast as well so as long as they hire someone who who has passion for the franchise and actually and loves the franchise this could be a good to both IPS where I don’t know how to do it maybe it’s like in a way where here’s how I think they should go of it but here’s my initial ideas for how they could do it they could maybe go for like a PL where revolves around takes place maybe in the 2000s since Transformers rise of the Beast is a sequel to Bumblebee Bumblebee took place in the 80s rise of the Beast took place in the 90s so it’s like a good opportunity to have like the new transform the Transformer GI Joe crossover to take place in the 2000s where the main character from Rise of the Beast is been fighting the AR in the Army in GI Joe for years and they’re working on going mainstream but some other Transformers V I don’t know from either IP is attacking the city even though spun sped Patrick were in his house the whole the whole time that’s a joke um anyway back to that um and the GI Jo team wants to combine join forces with the Transformers because they’re the only ones who can stop this evil entity optim Prime trust trust the guy from Rise of the Beast sorry if I call him the guy from Rise of the Beast I don’t forgot his name because they both know each other okay and they could go for like maybe an aventur and F War type of plot have pet Colin voice the timus prime as usual and maybe have Chris hemworth who is going to be in the movie either play as like the main CEO of I don’t know who he’s going to play as I just said Chris hamsworth is going to be in the Transformers movie they never said the actual cast of who’s gonna play as is just my idea dude if I what were you saying awesome dude all right um let’s see in addition in addition to Transformers in GI crossover are you guys getting sick and TI of Chris hru yet I mean hey at least at least he’s not as oversaturated as the other Chris’s Chris proud no Chris hensworth is my daddy okay um well you’ll be happy to know that Chris hen is in tox star and that Transformers and GI movie I swear if I have to talk about Transformers right now I’m gonna kick Michael B’s Autobot no I’m just joking anyway all right all right all right uh dud what are your thoughts oh he’s again all right well let’s move on because we got we got a couple of more movie news to go over before the main topic so let’s talk about Sony animation shall we so okay Sony animation has a new movie coming out and it’s called goat and it’s going to be an original Sports comedy anim it’s coming out on February well in February of 20 20 2026 s for my studing now um what do you guys uh why you guys’ dots oh guys sorry um my my mic didn’t work that was the reason I didn’t talk sorry for interrupting but I was just like I have to tell you so but that work again oh my gosh that’s all right um well well since you’re back awesome dude uh why why your dos on Chris hruth um um joining uh joining in talks to star in the new Transformers and GI Joe movie I my thoughts yeah um Chris hord I love him as Thor and everything and him playing in the movie yeah I hope he could do it I really believe in him he’s he’s a really great ex was also in his Squad Busters and he also does a great job so I believe in him I hope I think he also does a great job or he will he he will also do a great job in in this movie where he is going to start in so yeah that that’s just all I have yeah that’s kind like my thoughts on it yeah I really don’t know know else what I’d say but yeah I hope it turns out good for him so it’s not a flop and I also hope the movie is also going to be good like yeah but Chris hord just a great actor so I’m really happy that he starts into this movie in this movie I really don’t know what his part or what what role he’s going to get but um I’m surprised he he got to rooll for for a character so I’m happy but you know wait you know you know what is crazy he he starts in a real life action star Transformers movie but he he also voices Optimus Prime in the animated one that’s crazy that is absolutely crazy oh oh my God that’s crazy but all right back to your movie Blaze all right thank you and also what are your thoughts on the anime of Sony making an animated film um well uh since you’re on mute you probably didn’t hear this but Sony animation is going to be releasing an original Sports comedy movie called goat and I just want to know what are your thoughts on it oh my gosh an anime sports movie no not anime animated oh oh I was just like oh my gosh if it is Anime I don’t know what could happen like um it could turn pretty weird weird all right um sorry I’m a little bit dirty about it all right let’s just get back to topic um um a sports movie animated sports movie it could be good but it could also flop like the Emoji Movie it could turn out good or it could also turn out bad like we had the amazing or the amazing sorry uh Spiderman across spider and everything those were good if they do the same animation cell if they find the same kind of like the same directors or something kind like that same producers it could be good but if they do the same as Emoji Movie and they mess up everything then I really don’t know what they have to do and a sports animated movie it could be really dope you know but it doesn’t have to be boring like the Emoji Movie like it has to be cool visual school animation I mean like it is kind of like boring I don’t know what kind of sport it’s going to be but imagine if it’s like a soccer movie or football imagine it’s like a soccer U movie where they just kicking balls or kicking but yeah you know just that um it could be boring but if they have the visuals or the animation like spider spider first course spider first like all the comic book lines it could be truly amazing it could be so cool just I mean like the ball Just Wing wi wing it could be so cool it could just be like Teenage Mutant um n mutant Mayhem kind like that is also amazing if they use if they do the same Vis or something it’d be could be amazing so I hope they do that if they don’t do it I really don’t know how it’s going to turn out but I hope it’s going to be great and I cannot wait um hopefully it’s going to be good so yeah those are my thoughts back to you movie Blaze all right well we do have a comment here it says do you know Ste Stefan uh Coy is producing goat interesting I did not know that and I don’t know who that person is but that’s awesome that’s cool all right moving on to Oh Captain My Captain Captain America or Sam roson um so it’s been reported that John Conor exposito the guy who was in the boys bringing bad B theand noan he’s apparently gonna make his MCU debut and Captain America Brave New World now I am excited for this he is a great actor and I really hope Marvel does it fumble the bag and give him a character that is memorable and you know allow him to be an actor you know don’t let him be all SNY and Goofy like that would be so disappointing because again I love this actor he’s fantastic in every World he’s in and just don’t waste him I hope they don’t RTE him they raced Christen Bale who’s a fantastic actor they raced him in D Dunder and that was just disappointing you know he had a good opening he had a good opening uh a good scene the opening scene I never I re watch that movie just to see that opening oh I’ll go on YouTube and I’ll just you know um play the opening scene with just that like he’s so he’s such good of an actor and it’s sad it really sucks that his not only his character but him in general just got like waste wasac it potential so I’m hoping the same thing would not happen with John Conor’s xpg2 and before we continue I want to address something real quick we got a Super Chat awesome keep in mind keep in mind guys if you guys want to donate you guys can and it’s a better way for your question to get answered you know because you know comments scroll grown up and when I hit 1,000 1,000 subscribers it’s going to be a more harder to keep it you know to uh see everyone’s comments so if you guys want to Super Chat you guys can all right so he says awesome dude and movie Blaze you’re all awesome thank you thank you so much man five donation let’s go yes s man you are s man and you are awesome oh yeah um oh um the thing that happened uh Austin dude is that I just all right so I want to get back to the comments awesome dude and movie voice you’re both awesome thank you so much you’re also awesome too to be that calls me awesome you’re also awesome so keep that in mind Sam the man Sam the awesome man you know that’s your new that’s your new name Sam the awesome man all right let’s get back to mov Place yeah let’s get back to it um well I wanna i w to ask you guys um both a let awesome dud first and then we head on over to Doha official uh what are your thoughts on Conor X busy um joining the MCU wait me H yeah all right sorry I um the thoughts on uh Conor okay so if you don’t know who Conor exped is he’s the same guy he’s the same guy in um Breaking Bad he’s better he’s well known as playing gu ring in that show and in B uh he’s in the Mandan season season two and I hope that he was in season three I don’t want to know because I haven’t seen season three I and I hold is bad so I don’t plan on watching an in atton and he’s also in the boys and I just wanted I just wanted to ask uh what are your thoughts on him coming into the MCU wait what what was his name again um John John Conor XB I’m sorry he um he has played in many movies if I see his face I might recognize him yeah but I really I I don’t know him but I I heard to name many times like people are talking about it but um that was a little bit off topic but to be honest he coming back like yeah if he’s he’s a great actor I hear people saying oh he’s such a great actor uh even though I don’t really really know him sorry um no offense but um he might be the best actor Ever I really don’t I know but um like yeah like I don’t know him it’s really hard to say but I believe in him you can do it man but yeah it’s really cool that he is coming wait wait what is his name maybe I could search up for a second uh John P x uh if you want me to I can um I can send you his name on Discord real quick sorry sorry about that guys um real quickly and also we got some comments here relating to the topic uh I don’t really care about Captain America fa enough oh okay all right uh while Austin dude is doing that um do Haw do you have any anything to say no I don’t know who that is oh okay yeah it it’s sad that you guys don’t know who that guy is he’s amazing wait I’m I’m J I’m joking I’m joking guys I’m joking I’m joking what’s his name what’s his name um John Conor xito I OHA yeah yeah I know him yeah yeah yeah yeah no that dude I think yeah he’s coming to the MCU right yes the he the C that he will be play I am not so as of yet but I just hope his coun is Justified and I hope he’s Justified as well because he’s a great actor and I don’t want him to be have a raced Ro um I gotta say to be honest like he is such a great actor he is like he’s really no he’s not really old no offense but he’s like he’s he’s he’s kind of like not not old but you know he’s kind of like getting old so it will be kind of sad if this movie flops or something happens to his career because this movie flopped if the movie is going to flop people are going to be like oh my gosh he’s so bad or he didn’t do well it will be sad so I really hope also for him that this movie does uh be a hit so he he does not or he does not get hate and everything because he’s a great actor like imagine if this movie flops and everybody’s going to hate him in on him but I will support him like I know him from Star Wars yeah Breaking Bad I knew him yeah love that show to be honest okay okay uh just keep him away from Tao yes oh Tao oh I I don’t want to talk about him I T to yeah yeah no no offense but what he did to Thor like come on oh yeah that that really that really annoyed me that uh really pissed me off yep you took the words right out of my mouth all right so the next um piece of news that we have today is apparently the N house is giving another movie this time it’s animated and it’s called no time to spy a n House movie oh my God and the and the Treno we out the Treno dropped I believe yesterday and I saw it and it doesn’t look interesting that’s all I say uh what are your guys’ thoughts on H on the N house and this movie if you’ve seen the trer U I don’t know if I’m going to watch it maybe I don’t know to to to be honest I love spy movies and the loud housee just kind like no time spy or I don’t know what the name is but I saw the trailer to be honest um I love spy movies so I I hope it works well kind like I hope it kind of like works well with the loud housee I’m not really into it I saw a musical movie uh I don’t really know how to think about it but yeah it is just probably just like one of the kind Nickelodeon movie just coming out of nowhere like um uh fairy up parents or something like that you know just it is all it is coming out of nowhere so but I I’ll be looking forward to this movie and I’ll just take a look and maybe just watch it or do a review on it but overall I yeah it’s just probably going to be the same as the first one just it is it is just a movie on Netflix and that’s it you know that’s it oh [ __ ] bro I gotta go oh all right well thank you for dropping by uh darkhawk yeah definitely yeah bye ma’am all right goodbye have a good day yeah have a good day you too all right thank you yeah yeah yeah all right um we got some people in the chat say no to the N House movie why why another n House movie because of nean and that um the N House movie and no time to spy is going to be just the spu at home hey that’s that’s not dump on the SP the SP is a that’s a good movie it might be the best it might be the best yes yeah uh the acting is really bad or what for the L house or the or the voice acting I guess the the voice acting yeah yeah yeah I I I saw the first um movie called The the N House movie that came out in 2021 and I it it was fun I’m not GNA say it but it was fine uh I prefer spongeb movies over this yeah makes sense all right all right those are all the the news that we have to cover movie news and yeah movie news uh also the new trer for B just dropped and I I’m not gonna say I’m excited but I’ll watch it Jenna Orga get time to shine again yes yes I love her such a great actor oh I agree actress sorry that’s okay I agree she’s a wonderful actress oh well not wonderful actress but she she’s a good actor she’s a good actor just Expos herself no but you know she she’s not ugly that’s just the only thing I’m going to say she she she’s totally not ugly yeah like scream she did a great job scream five and six she did a great job in Wednesday of course and now in Beetle ju Beetle Juice I canot wait for her yeah I can’t wait for I I I can’t on as well I have not seen Wednesday I so I can’t really say anything about that but good say good and Screen five and six did you watch those what five and six uh yeah in fact I did entire Marathon all the screen movies because I I was going to see uh the six one in datos that same week so I had to R to watch all of them and guess what I do not regret that I do not regret it at all oh man I love the fifth one with Richie and the sixth one oh my gosh ghost face with the with the freaking gun like oh it is I think yeah you know the fifth one is really great but the six one is also really great but the six one yeah it it there’s something that it doesn’t feels that doesn’t makes it better than the first one probably because the first one is kind of like a remake of the um what do you call the the original first one the um from yeah it’s like a re it’s a reboot s squel yeah and it’s it’s really good and the and the six one or the second one from from our your it is also really great like yeah it is just that that the ghost face is the best out of all the other go ghost ghost face but it’s not the best movie but it is the best ghost face to be honest yeah um Benny would has something to say real quick uh nickin it was Mr Krabs yeah yeah that that’s just the truth that’s just how nickeling works yeah that’s is uh I’m saying that now has no time to spy uh will be a dis me to ripoff Maybe Maybe Might we’ll see it might be sips anyway uh we’re GNA take a quick break and then once we come back we’ll talk about the doir movie [Music] all right and we are back with the GFI movie discussion now I had the fortunate chance to see this movie only a we well then about a couple of days only actually because they were having a screening on that Sunday the week of the mov and I decided you know what why not just go ahead and see get out of way and uh I do plan on making a review for this movie so stay tuned for that but I gota say I don’t hate this movie like I don’t hate this movie at all but I also don’t love it if that makes sense like the movie oh yeah sorry keep on cutting in and out buddy yeah I I was trying to um I was trying to click on a mic but it didn’t work and then it said you blocked your own mic and I was like wait what and then I got kicked out for some reason but now it works again but keep talking sorry for interrupting yeah it’s it’s all right um like I said I seen uh I’ve seen the movie and I’m not gonna say it’s I’m not gonna say it’s terrible because I’ve seen I’ve seen most anime movies that but that doesn’t excuse this movie for not trying I mean the opening the opening scene uh with goia as kidding is probably the best scene in the movie and after that it just goes into generic family film after that and yeah there was some times where drugs were be made and iaed I chucker not laugh chucker but for the most part the humor was is not one of the best outside of Odie the Odie there there’s this one moment where Odie is doing things in the background while goer and his dad is having a conversation and I just laughed I I just naed because of all the ridiculous stuff that OD was doing in the background was like that’s more interesting then the conversation that the two characters you know and his dad the ones that talk in the film and like and Al too the whole Father and Son thing it’s been there done that already um it doesn’t fit in it doesn’t it doesn’t yes it doesn’t fit in a goam movie I heard uh I heard dad reviews I don’t know if you have heard of them Austin dude have you heard of dad reviews um dad’s review yeah yeah that’s guy from the United Kingdom yeah yeah yeah yeah then I know him yeah yeah yeah he his review for the Go movie was hilarious uh I do agree with him when he says that it’s just corporate and just it it it it’s NY like yes I get it I I totally saw it in the film itself there was some product there was another product finement in this movie I just rolled my eyes at there’s there’s this one scene well it was towards the end but SP not for the people who haven’t seen the movie it happens U during the dir act well go after after the second act breakup because we gota have that in every anime movie well the dad goes and abandon his son yet again and the venon want to killed him both for reasons uh well well for a reason it’s a dumb reason but whatever I do when to C about that part um they played the theme song kid nut of Top Gun M oh Top Gun in general and I was like what the freak is this um this is so not golfi this is I like my question is who this movie made for is is this movie made to cater to the people who grew up a golfit because if that’s the case you fail because this is not a goare movie is this a movie for kids I guess I don’t know I mean appar yeah Austin D um to be honest the movie yeah it is definitely for kids um but you know I already gave my thoughts and my earlier live stream I didn’t so yeah um I really don’t know what I said but I’m just going to say a few things unless you you still want to talk about about the movie because I just kind like interrupted you but no no it’s all right I was I was pretty much done like the movie like I say I have more things to say about the movie when I do my review for it but I gota say John John is just wasted let’s okay let’s talk about the characters real quick this is bounty in the movie she only has one scene and that’s it you know the the cute great cat noro he’s not the well he’s in the film but he’s at the very end of it I was like oh you you what what what that can’t say on this podcast I just say that but they’re planning on making a seel probably yeah yeah and considering how how well this movie is doing at the box office you know and apparently this movie is apparently people are liking this movie which I’m not trying to take that away from people but who knows we might get we might not I don’t know who really knows um um Nick says that the go fil movie makes scoop look like a masterpiece honestly scoop is a masterpiece yeah you know what yeah scoop is a master even though it’s even though it’s uh even though they also don’t it’s also not Scooby-Doo movie uh it’s a Scooby-Doo movie for in this five minutes of it and especially during that intro but after that it’s like yeah no no not at all um yeah like I said John is been well this has been in the movie so I don’t know why she was in him John though John is has barely he’s not he’s not even a character in this movie he’s just down in the background wored wored about his Tabby and his dog I’m like yeah that’s that’s John but what like the whole F in anger I agree with dad’s reviews on this where he said that the movie could have focused on da and godfield you know instead of having Vic played by samel Jackson which I’m sorry he can’t save this movie I love Samu Jackson but he he was just there for a paycheck same thing with with Chris Pratt I know Chris Pratt is popular but he is not godfield I am sorry he is not godfield at all he’s better than Mario I’m sorry he might be or um you said um Garfield or the Chris bread is not doing good in this movie he might be even better in the Mario movie yeah yeah as as people when the TR for Mario came out everyone was CH Chris F like he’s not he’s not Mario like why did you get this this actor playing Mario but when the movie came out uh people were impressed I would say uh I was always down for it because I’m like even though he doesn’t sound like Mario it’s like well this is a tro guys we need to really we need to wait for the actual movie to come out and I I you know why I say this right now and I know this is a heart take but uh Chris PR is better in the Super Mario BR movie than Garfield yeah I say that but Austin dude what uh what were you gonna say uh yeah he really is better in the Mario movie has always been yeah when people were saying he’s going to be in a movie like oh my god when I saw the trail I was just like all right why are you guys hating he he might not sound like Mario or gari or something but you know he has the he has the same Vibe he has the same voice kind like as Garfield like gar is normally kind like hey hello like talking like Dad and I feel like Chris Brad has the same energy or KN like knocked down like energy but in the Mario movie he was just like oh like all right I get it but in yeah in a Garf movie he was just like hello hello like yeah just like how garfi always is garfi is just lazy so I think he kind like did a no he did not a great job but he yeah it was just it was just fine oh to be honest the Garfield movie itself like this could have been a short movie like I already said this could have this could have been a short movie like a one hour movie maybe a 30 minutes movie maybe a 20 minutes movie because the dad and son um thing in the movie that I was just like oh this is going to be a garal and John movie but no like he like movie Blade said John was just always there he was just in a background then the father came I was just like bro I was not expecting this from A Garfield movie like come on we just want like the original is just like it is just focusing on John and gar like the old Monster real life the CGI it’s bad I know I wanna I’m sorry to interrup I want I wna I want to add to that you mentioned the night action ones the night action movie was bad but I prefer that than the than the animated version of godfield the anime movie version of godfield and and there was something else I wanted to say too that you you said as well like the going back to the father like have at least John have John and Garfield like this could have been this could have been like new audien’s introduction to godfield like you could have made entire o story about go field you know him him get him from a kitten to an adult you know you could have done that and also too I forgot to add to this but in the KN action movies godfield is a godfield is a uh a la guy not not just lazy but he’s a world I can’t say but he is that uh and he’s he’s very mean to both Odie and John and we don’t get that in the film and I I get I get that they that that people will complain that oh godfield it’s too mean but that’s his character that’s GF GF is not nice and if it is it’s only to benefit him you know sorry awesome dude what were you gonna say say um well about the you could make a whole backstory about him like they did the same with Tom and Jerry the the animated or the life action movie like that one was great they could have done like the same with like Garfield and John but then them each other like they could have gone everywhere but instead they decided to just do 30 minutes or I don’t know how long was but it kind of long just 30 minutes of how John and Garfield man and then the rest of the movie it is just like a whole other story like imagine if those were split up in one in two movies like we got the movie when John and Garfield met and we got a movie when Garfield and his dead met like this could have work as a show as as sequels but instead it was just like no this got to be a fulllength movie bam so that’s what they did but you know families children love this movie but the critics the real people the real people the people um who know everything about movies like us the whole Community us may whoever in the whole uh Universe Ellis Mark you know all those YouTubers um they do not love the movie because they’re seeing it on a different perspective like but Facebook moms and children are just like yeah this is great because it is funny and everything but come on this is not actually yeah you know that it’s always it’s the same with Despicable Me If there weren’t children oh yeah or the Facebook moms bro nobody would have liked Despicable Me or there might be some people but not actually liked them as we like them right now because they are not making money from us they’re kind like making money from you know the Facebook moms going going to theaters with the children because oh they want to see a Despicable Me move because it’s so freaking funny but yeah that’s all I want kids also I see this fil me because the minions no those are funny yeah minions are funny I’ll say that minions are hilarious uh also to add to your point too uh I mentioned onio that I saw in on the screening of Garfield and my audience love this film they freaking loved it they even applauded at the to at the end of the movie when the credits world I’m like this movie doesn’t deserve that like what oh yeah yeah like with Marvel movies you have that or like with end game and like I am Iron Man and everybody know or everybody screaming but at A Garfield movie it is just garw like if the Mario movie gets it I’ll understand it or a yeah all right but a car movie like hey bro c l come down yeah got all things all right I’m gonna let Nick back in because he wanted to he wanted to join oh yeah so I’m just gonna read his comment real quickly hopefully the godf movie didn’t make you news faith and Humanity unlike other YouTubers yeah no no this movie this movie as bad as this movie is it did not it did not make me new fa him made well kind of it already did yeah the the Mind thing about the movie yeah yeah but I’m sorry man it may it may mean this faith in humanity I mentioned this um on uh in season one of movies and Beyond uh I saw the movie tot and a lot of people seem to really love that movie I’m like why like that movie is just bad um let’s see there’s another there’s another comment from history man and he says the people who like the new Go movie are stupid that’s all that’s all I want to say okay yeah so basically you’re saying that all every kid that next the go m is stupid but hey it’s all right also Facebook mom’s also go because n he’s so cute this movie so good no I’ve seen I’ve seen better animated movies I would say this to story is a better movie than the GF movie I say way better way might be the best way better but I would I would give GF this though at least it’s not the Emoji Movie yeah hello woo I like he he deserves Applause the Guard movie does not he deserves it yes okay so I’ve I’m nothing new just see nine millionth reviews of how bad the Garfield movie is which I do agree with I million no I don’t on which platform do you watch it no just kidding I haven’t seen the movie up for I I do not have an opinion on the movie yet because I haven’t watched it but I have seen lots of but I have seen lots of reviews basically implying this movie hasn’t had the best reception I think from watching this live stream I know why I think in my opinion I think the problem most people have with it how it how a lot of the old e like Garfield characters never really make an appearance like the only characters you have are Garfield OD and John and also nmal which I now know because of movie Blaze but than but other than that there’s a lot of new characters which again could work for some franchises like this might sound like a hot take but look at the first two smun swad movies they also had new characters Bas but they also did pretty well in a way so it’s but still felt like SWS bobad core at the end of the day the Garfield movie on the other hand it I think it has the same problems people had with scoob where it just doesn’t feel like where SAR to scoob just doesn’t feel like Scooby-Doo the Garfield movie doesn’t feel like Garfield like you can tell this was a COR I never saw the movie but from what I’ve heard there are lots of product placements including Olive Garden and trust me I don’t know if it’s if Olive Garen has a has a Garfield feus but the amount of times I saw that same olive gar and Garfield ad pop up in my YouTube video recommended section it’s like you just couldn’t escape it you just could yeah yeah it’s even featured in the Trel I think here the Garfield movie could it’s kind of a same because an animated Garfield movie could have worked really well because here’s how I love it Frank Walker voices Garfield as you us well because he’s the main voice actor for Garfield it makes sense and maybe have some other and mean I’ll have OD not talk you know the tyal voice cast yeah given it a p movie type of Animation style where it combines 2D and 3D away where it supposed to represent a newspaper comic strip it’s supposed to be look like it’s being animated in 2D and have all the original characters from the comic strip come back not rely on liens music nor pop culture references but instead just classic Garfield humor and maybe rather than have it be like the Samuel jackon and as his father type of plot that would be a plot where maybe John goes on a trip to I don’t know one landmarks there’s have it give off a Rugrats in Paris type of plot where maybe John is desperate for love so maybe like they go on a trip to like Las Vegas um I know that sounds like a Str but but trust me on this one maybe it be like in a way where John becomes the CEO starts gting money from a lasagna company and Garfield is considered the main star and we maybe have a little joke right there where it’s like the villain’s name is actually Lyman as he joke about how as The mainfield Character Lyman who who was basically John’s best friends in the comics but then just disappeared over time and everyone jokes was they got trapped in John’s basement and we have a little reference to that where it’s like I thought I was in a basement for years and it sounds like you were doing it and then John’s just like I’m sorry what and maybe where it’s like Garfield and Garfield is the the mass new mascot of this lasagna company this big corrupted lasagna company maybe like Jim lasagna would be the name of it as a reference to Jim Davis but then at one point gar we find out that there’s a Twist that they’re actually exploiting Garfield for money that they don’t actually care about him it would be kind of like social commentary about how animals are treated in media sometimes and then then and all that but he’s also manipulating John so he’s basically going drunk with power so he stops caring about Garfield and Garfield’s trying to expose the company so maybe in a where he tries to mess up in an ad for John then John is being held hostage by him and meanwhile he leaves Garfield and ODI [Music] and maybe I know normal just slby Garfield and ODI to like I know I might be stealing from Wonka a little bit with this one but where they’re left to dra and liquid lasagna does that sound too two months of like plagiarizing H what movie are you for Wonka well there’s chocolate hey and the chuck all right I love that song I Gotta stop I haven’t seen Rocka but from what I’ve heard oh I am so sorry if I just spoiled the plot of what the scene would be like and my defense was chocolate so anyway going on History man says way too familiar and Brandon is herey today awesome okay so what about this they like leave Garfield and OD to like be to am like a lasagna machine and when they escape Garfield exposes the truth about the comy you know when without words because you know John can’t understand Garfield and that would be the cat of the movie where maybe like every single line he says isn’t where he’s like talking when Jon isn’t around but when I do hear him talking with JN they’re just B bubbl and with the p movie art we like sew the thought bubbles on screen because you know what they taking advance of 2D and 3D and then after the events of the movie John and the nurse lady who who was also John ano head joh in the nurse um get married Garfield and OD live happily ever after nuro is no not n MO is in there with Garfield just siging and just saying Story of My Life am I right pan out to a comic strip type of scene with Jim Davis’s name being Ren or not related to the ending but have Jim Davis make a cameo as like maybe like a person telling Garfield that his life will get better and that he was the original owner of Garfield not like in a father way in a way where he was doing it because he just this might sound too dark for a kid’s movie but is like dying of a sickness and he’s like better in or or he like has ammonia anyway back to the ending it ends of a comic strip pan out of Garfield in the with Jim Davis’s name being signed with Garfield saying it’s a story of my life am I right with the classic Garfield drawing of him shrugging and then bam end of movie The End does that sound like a better plot a feedback I’m sorry yeah yeah yeah that yeah that sounds um that sounds interesting um um history man says also for anyone new or who are seen in this in the future spal running uh the ending is like the uh penis Movie ending oh oh and also and Al too um next time we’re just gonna say SPO no note if we’re going to talk about movie sorry I just I just wanted to get my idea of how how A Garfield movie would go in my eyes honestly it’s kind of same too because the same person who directed also directed The Emperor’s New Groove I don’t know if it’s like a chicken L scenario where maybe there was some studio medling behind the scenes but it’s like a Lora scenario where the director wanted to make this good but the companies didn’t want to do that type of stuff so instead we got we got the mid version of those movies but that’s how I would have made the Garfield movie all right that’s good um now for the final topic for today um Summer movie season so the reason why I say Summer movie season and put a question mark down is because this summer is not really uh there’s not that many movies coming out this summer thankfully June isn’t gonna be like how June was like last year oh thank God oh yes than thank goodness for that because and last June there was a lot of movies coming out and also speaking of it tomorrow is the first anniversary of Spider-Man cross spider yeah that movie was amazing that survived of the summer movie bombing and thankfully out did the flash thank God yes that movie that movie The Flash that was the reason why the actor strike happened in the first place probably right next to Indiana Jones in the dial of Destiny oh that movie was a huge disappointment to me yeah off topic but this is still for summer movies so probably not as off topic I remember having a dream that I saw this last trailer back in 2022 back when I was still hyped for it we’re basically we passed into the three Batman suits 1989’s Batman Batman Returns Batman in The Flash Batman suit with Michael Kanas saying so you want to get nuts let’s get nuts with the 1989 Batman theme being played okay oh wait we have a comment here it says this big Marine 4 is coming out in day in one month yep yeah that’s that’s that’s incredible I noticed something that’s different to what illumination usually doesn’t do is that just that they’re not overly promoting the movie have any of you have any of you know s you sorry you were I kind of kind of did uh awesome awesome dude I know you got go uh what are your thoughts on some movie seon real quick and then we’ll just wrap it up here all right um uh on thep me movie um no just the Sumer movie season oh like compared to last year because we’re get we’re we’re not getting that many um movies this summer since we haven’t gotten that much good movies this this year already um we are getting some summer movies that or summer some summer related movies that might be better than the year but I probably don’t think there will be one good movie that will actually do the best or something like it won’t be that competitive like we get um the wild robot or I don’t know what a movie is called like from movie coming out September yeah it’s coming out September all right wait let me just ins L 2 looks pretty good yeah uh yeah we got so the movies now coming out this we have inside out to we have bad boys r or die I said it multiple times they they missed opportunity to say uh Bad Boys um Bad Boys um ah crap what was for bad Bo for Life yes they missed the opportunity to put in the F film but it’s okay uh we’re getting Depo Moine uh people are excited I’m excited for it I bought my ticket for an IMAX unfortunately though and I knocked it up it’s not gonna have an it’s not gonna have that IM act that IMAX uh um aspect ratio you know where the full screen um it’s just going to be right screen but it’s okay it’s okay I’m still going to watch it in IMAX it’s going to be very awkward I’m seing a Marvel movie that’s not filmed for IMAX then that’s one to do this is Spider-Man homecoming she yeah um guys we also got Herold and the purple CR oh that that oh oh you know what yeah that’s in with the D me for movie yeah I don’t know I mean it’s a d me one of their most favorite franchises so well it could either be that or maybe it’s just that they’re they found out the problems they have and they’re trying not to overly promote the movie because same thing happened with migration as well they didn’t like they promote it but didn’t overly promote it yeah that’s they’re trying to like I think they’re trying to like here’s my thoughts they’re trying to like slow down on the marketing also let their other IPS breathe so they have like a healthy balance between marketing enough for people to actually watch it well also at the same time not sing it down their throats all right interesting um uh I’m sorry TR aome dud what were you say um so just speak with me for I’m definitely going to see because my mom is a Facebook mom so um but yeah I also I also want to see guys to do a review on it so I really cannot wait for that one Harold and a purple crayon or something no I guess is it also a summer uh it’s coming out in August so one of the most that movie has to be one of the most we are aware of the original book existing but at the same time we just don’t care about the source material for the most part movies I have watched I have not watched because the movie isn’t out yet but it looks like they’re just trying to it doesn’t really look like it’s trying to stay accurate to horse material for the most part yeah yeah I don’t even know about that that could be that could be we’re going to get an animated abas by Sony pictures animation and they’re making Harold a full grown adult yeah what the point of the original book was it was a child doing it not a grown full grown adult yeah that’s so weird I I saw both I saw the NR and look like look like crap that came out that crap too Zachary Levi doesn’t even look excited on the movie posters like I saw your T your community post about the new poster for the movie but Zachary I commented on your post about this but Zachary Levi just looks dead on the inside it’s like they just took a PNG saw of his head and then just added random crap on top of him and now was that yeah all right all right I gotta all right but seriously uh that’s a wrap on this episode of movies and Beyond I want to thank each and every one of you guys showing up H thank you awesome dude uh Nick and of course Doha official uh join us uh join us next week uh there’ll be an episode and yeah remember to uh subscribe to the channel if you want to see more from the uh from all of us here on the movies and Beyond so and that about does it and until next time guys keep blazing into the Beyond bye [Music] hey hey hey

This video, titled ‘Movies ‘n Beyond #1 | Summer of Movies…?’, was uploaded by MovieBlaze1 on 2024-06-02 07:13:05. It has garnered 52 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:33 or 6093 seconds.

New season means more AWESOMENESS! Join the Blaze crew as we talk Garfield, Minecraft and…Chris Hemsworth in another Transformers Film?


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  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

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  • Lava Craft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

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  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

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  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

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  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

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  • Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

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  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷 ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More

  • SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey Survived

    SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey SurvivedVideo Information [Music] let’s get started today I’m here because Mikey has something he wants to show me you’re going to love it JJ I made a really cool zombie research lab zombie what now check it out wao that’s a zombie villager right that’s right Bud he wasn’t always a zombie so I built a lab to try to cure him I’ve done a lot of research but I still haven’t found a way to cure him and turn him back to normal I’ve tried everything I can think of H here have some more are those cookies yeah… Read More

  • EPIC S4 BOY XD – Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!

    EPIC S4 BOY XD - Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!Video Information डे टू ऑन जेएस आर एस एमपी तो मैंने और डीसी प्लेयर ने इतना ग्राइंड कल ऑफलाइन में किया था और डीसी प्लेज कल वीडियो में नहीं था आज रेक्स डोर है डीसी प्लेज है और रुद्रांश भी है तो चलो ग्राइंडिंग करने के लिए निकलते हैं और आज मैं लेफ्ट हैंड यूज कर रहा हूं मैं अभी जा रहा हूं स्पन पे क्योंकि यह रेडर और रुद्रांश को मुझे यहां पर लेके आना है और रुद्रांश कह रहा था मैं 3:00 बजे खेलूंगा तो अभी थोड़ा सा ऐसे खेल के अभी वो लीव कर देगा और यह… Read More

  • DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICK

    DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Easy Iron Farm | Einfache Eisenfarm’, was uploaded by Darayans World of Gaming on 2023-12-28 12:28:09. It has garnered 81 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. A simple and quick to build iron farm without redstone. If you like the video, please leave me a like. 😇 Visit my other social media links ○ Instagram:​​ ○ Discord: #minecraft #shorts #eisenfarm Read More

  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

    Saucari Live - EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch NowVideo Information oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sar’s live no way I love that guy you’re making five streams bro I’m not going to lie Shout Out b Cari yeah I played with cardi and Uzi thumbnails so far flag I mean whatever the [ __ ] is I miss the old cardi the cash cardi cardi my b m my B woke up to is my new video cooked my new video fire my new video one out of 10 remember video one out of 10 nine n is pretty good hold on let me check… Read More