How to Build a Village in Minecraft 1.14 [Part 5: ANIMAL PEN/BARN TUTORIAL]

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Well hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of how to build a village this is mythical sausage how is everybody doing man I’m doing great today hopefully that’s doing amazing today we’re gonna continue with our village so far we’ve done some cool stuff let me flip let me show you right here

Wow Oh double flip there you go good stuff we’ve done our walls we’ve done our gatehouse we’ve done the blacksmith the starter house and the crop fields right here this looking very very cool today we’re gonna be jumping right here to this little corner we’re gonna be working on some animal pens there’s

Gonna be so much fun we have a whole checklist of things we have left to do so let me know what you guys want to see next right now we have left to do the bakery cafe the church the library the keep of the barracks stables and a tavern and

We’re gonna try to fit all this in this space let me know what you want to see next but you know what let’s get to started and start building our animal pens alright let’s check this out so this is the dimensions we’re gonna be working with this pen is specifically

Gonna be only for cows sheep and we’re gonna put a little back corner over here this is gonna be for a chicken so tiny little chicken coop but mostly just for those animals pigs don’t belong here maybe we did a little Pigpen over here maybe I don’t know let me know you were

Gonna put a little pig pen right there but for now we’re gonna go right here cows sheep chickens let’s do it so everywhere you see how long I’m gonna do a pop-out log everywhere you see the combo I’m gonna put some stone around there so that’s gonna start it so I’m

Gonna go right from this corner we’re gonna count it all out so right here on this block this is technically doesn’t even count as a one because we’re a little lower we want to put everything up at least minimum by four so let’s start right here this corner pretend

This doesn’t count so one two three and four let’s go here with the cob we’re gonna go one two or three one more here with a log one two three and four give it a space of three then we’re gonna go one two three and four one two three of

Cobble one two three and four right here we’re gonna turn this corner and we’re gonna go one two three take this one one two three four another one two three right here we’re gonna go one two three and four and we’re turning the corner again this is gonna be a little

Alleyway back here to get to this back end it’s gonna be pretty cool and then we’re gonna go one two three mirror exactly what we did over there so one two three four give it space three one two three four space of over one two three there’s

Gonna go bright up against this wall so one two three and four and then we’re gonna do another one two three one two three and four and another one two and three that’s it that’s the outline for this thing now let’s turn this corner right here right at this edge right

There I’m gonna go one two three let me get to this corner and we’re gonna go up again one two three and four give it eight one right there give a space a three another one and then one two three and four and then again another one two three so

We’re gonna cover that all up now over here we’re gonna recess this in buy one we’re gonna go on extra one and two right there an extra one and two right here so giving it a gap of three in the middle now on this corner another one –

Oh here another one and two three gap in the middle three gabber in the middle that’s looking awesome just like that leave that bad boy now we’re gonna have this like an open feel so don’t even worry about this part I just wanted to give you that guy as in little

Separation right there but this we’re gonna texture all this we’re gonna give it a nice little bit of patois going all the way down just like that it’s just leave it right here we can go a little path together but mostly gonna leave this for grass because this is

Gonna be our section for a sheep or it could be either side but I’m not gonna put too much stuff inside there there there we go that’s a pretty nice little path we can go and maybe add a little bit more course throw it back here but

Not too much just like something like so that looks pretty good yeah let’s just leave that there you go perfect nice okay so let’s work on the next little bit of detail so for the middle gaps right here in the center pits right there and little Center fits right there

We’re gonna be doing something cool I’m gonna go ahead and bring in a little bit of texture so we’re gonna do a mix we’re gonna do a mix of cobble we’re gonna do a mix of smooth stone or regular stone and then we’re gonna do a little bit of

A mix of more cobble a little bit of mossy so for now this is what I’m gonna do to make it easy we’re just gonna do everything at a cobweb so let’s just take it up all the way up to the top fourth one right there I’m just gonna do

It all of cow everything but you know what I’m gonna texture it as we go along and it’s a little cool so let’s just this one gonna leave it right to the in the middle we’re gonna leave those for now but take this all the way up and we’re populace

Of Windows we’re gonna come out but for now let’s just do it all like this oh that’s all wrong there we go and they were gonna take sure it after just like I like doing you don’t have to text you though you can keep it all cobble or all

Stone everything will be just fine don’t worry but I think a little bit extra make it look cool so let’s go like this we’re gonna take this one down as well all the way to the top all the way to the fourth and there we

Go so now let’s do a little bit of texture real fast All right there you go we got that texture laid out it looking really really cool now next step this what I want to do I want to go ahead and work on a roof pattern first and this is why I want to show you what a while check

This out what it do this a little bit differently okay so I’m gonna do something similar to this edge right here in the center of it but I want to do a different kind of roof on the side fit so I want to go down like this let’s

Just change it up let’s go right from here and still stare there let’s do a slab slab let’s do a stair hey watch this and then with us do one more stare right there up set out overhang okay now let’s do it here too so this what’s

There let’s do a slab let’s do a stair slab stair and should I change these up let’s do two two stairs and two slabs and okay and it’s they are they’re perfect I just want to make it very rustic and rundown so that is looking pretty good then watch this I want to

Come up on this just like so with the overhang right there upside down stair when it do slabs and I’m gonna start doing this for now we’re gonna break it up later but just slabs going up like this just like that until we meet up right here in the middle just like that

Gonna come back down and go like this we’re gonna go here and one slab at a time going all the way down so we get to about here on this one I’m gonna put a little stair like that okay this is cool now let’s just do slabs okay all the way

Down like this and stopping right there stopping up this line now let’s just keep it going we’re gonna do a double on this side I’m gonna come back I’m gonna beat it up we’re gonna do what we did over here but for now let’s make it

Clean just in case if you guys want it clean like this straight lines no brokenness no rustic look no ruin like you’re gonna get you have it clean at first you can see what it looks like and then we’ll break it up after so it’s your choice if you want to

Make it broken up or if you want to have it really really cool or different like that so for this one right here at the edge let’s go put like a little stair let’s put a slab let’s put another stair like that and that’s just to break it up it’s

Gonna look a little different from here but it’s just to make it look random so we have that roof right here on this side okay now let’s do it again over here and we’ll do it also on this one but let’s do this one first so upside

Down stair here and then we’re gonna go up a slab at a time like this did we get to the middle which is right there then we’re gonna come back down just like so right here right there I’m gonna do a double let’s do a stare right here which is

Gonna be well let’s take that down let’s put a little upside down stare on this side and it’s put a stare on this side then dome here like see let’s put you know what let’s put this one facing up let’s do two slabs to a slab let’s do a

Stair just like that and it is looking pretty good let’s see okay and it’s looking good on that side I think yep looking good now let’s go down again we’re gonna take this down and stop right here at that log so we’re gonna keep going down I’m

Gonna do doubles all the way down doubles all the way down and some of these we might have to replace here on the bottom just so we can go ahead and fill those gaps that we’re looking at this little area gasps we’re gonna come down all the way down like so okay now

Once we’re here we’re gonna go down to that it perfect all right this is looking awesome now let’s do this on the inside let’s connect these little bit so I might take that out just to lift that up let’s take this up alright there’s perfect let’s take the log up to the top

Now this one I’m gonna go ahead and just draw take that out and put it in there we go let’s put these two as smooth so that looks perfect there we go now let’s do it again on this side so let’s get rid of you go all the way down this one

Should be fine this one can take out this one can go in here and that one can take out it going there and that covers it all up that’s looking pretty good so for now let’s cross beam I’m gonna put a little cross beam going this way from

Here to here let’s do a little cross being born from hitting here let’s do a little cross beam here and let’s do a little cross beam right over on this side just like so now I’m gonna lift this up now we’re gonna go up one two three four again one two three four

Again we’re gonna go one two three four here and one two three four right there now we’re gonna do a little bit of a tutor stop we’re gonna go every other one like so every other one like so just like that that’s cool then watch this

We’re gonna go in the middle we’re gonna put some detail so let’s go ahead I’m gonna bring a little bit of the oak this time we’re being a regular oak and we’re gonna bring it a little bit of the strip and we’re gonna do a little bit of Tudor

Stuff it’s just to break up this style and have almost like another variant of a building with some style Tudor like this so I’m just gonna call up one two three one two three let’s go up three on all of these and then I’m gonna come

Back and add a little bit of texture of our strip so one two three on all of these and over here I’m gonna go one two three one two three one two three just like that I’m gonna put this down here okay we’re gonna go another one two

Three up and one up there just like so that is okay awesome actually let’s take away one more put a big old window right there now I’m gonna do the same thing on the other side so we’re gonna go one two three four five one here one two three

Four five I’m gonna put a gap of one two three put another one here and one in there and that’ll be where we do a little roofing on the top now here I’m gonna do cross beams all the way down here cross beams all the way down this

Way now then little bit of texture I promise we’re gonna go ahead and come in here with some of the stripped oak and pop it in some replace some of these that we just put down just like that I think that’s perfect maybe some here you probably won’t be

Able to see it from the outside so you’ll be able to see from the inside though so something like so maybe there is all personal preference you don’t have to put this but you can also go crazy you’ll be there and it doesn’t have to be exactly where I’m putting you

Just put it wherever you like so something like that oh that’s cool there we go oh that’s nice I like this Alex a lot now next up now what I want to do is come on me I want to modify just a tag because I want to make the chicken coop

Just look a little bit smaller than the regular roof what if we take this down one okay it’s that cool let’s do it so you can leave it the same height but let’s take it down just one just one just like that trust me watch this now let’s go with

Our stairs again and we’re gonna go this to stare let’s do a stair here let’s go with slab stair slab now let’s go on this side so I’m gonna do slab let’s do a stair here let’s do slab slab and a stair on this side and that goes like that just put a

Little upside down stair facing this direction one this way we’re gonna make the same roof but smaller look at this how cool what’s this let’s go all the way up and we should meet up right there there we go and we should meet up right there and

Then when we take it back watch this it’s gonna connect put one level lower so it just looks a little bit cooler stands out war and it just I just love that that’s a good look pretty cool now we’re gonna break this roof off in a

Little bit but for now let me show you how it looks like clean so take this all the way down and this is gonna connect to right here and connect that and we’re done with that little bit and that is looking so cool I like how it’s all

Broken up even before we broke it up here just putting these upside down stairs and slabs on the bottom breaks it up even more so you do that technically you don’t need to bring it up on top if you don’t want to but it would add even

More neater but look at that isn’t that cool I like what’s happening okay now next up let’s come over here I’m gonna come in here and we’re gonna just do a little bit of the detail here we’re gonna have to hold on this do that yeah there we go

Let’s take that down right there essentially do a little bit of texture so we have that look to it let’s grab a stair right here you can make some cobble stairs and then we can also mix some stone stairs is fine put a stone here let’s put a cobble there and

This will be our little chicken coop area so just leave that there for now we have that we have this little entrance here we have this old side and we’re gonna be adding windows and stuff let’s go along but let’s finish this roof up here now and then this one we’re gonna

Make it a little more peaked a little bit bigger than this one but only out of these out of screw so we’re gonna go all the way down like this we’re gonna come this way we’re gonna do an upside down stair regular stair upside down regular we’re gonna put in upside down stair

Here come back down and we’re gonna do a simple little group on this one ending up right there down take it all the way down like so and I like it that this building has two different roof styles we have the little arched roof down there with slabs and we have the traditional

The roof on the top just to break it up so it’s not all one specific type of roof I like that so that’s two two and two like that and it’s looking pretty good and then they just it just fill it in for one side to the other and okay

We’re gonna break it up but I’m gonna show you how it’s gonna look like clean like this but I’m gonna break up this roof it’s gonna look really really cool when it’s all broken up but you don’t have to screw it on yours so there you

Go now we’re gonna go with some slabs right here and let’s just take it down normally and that looks just alike so look how cool that is looking awesome I’m loving this now let’s do a little breakup job so this is what it looks like like this but let’s break it up now

So I’ll show you how to do this so I’m gonna come in here and we’re gonna add details so what if we do let’s start right here let’s go with a full block let’s go with to fall right here let’s go with a there we go a little full

Block right there let’s go with one here too right there maybe one here that looks awesome maybe one on this corner let’s do a tool like that I like that there we go okay let’s do it again on this side so I’m gonna go maybe one here

One there let’s do two let’s do a one and maybe one on this corner maybe one down here oh yes there we go that is looking also let’s do it again on this side so this is all random so let’s go here here it’s a two one let’s

Go one here two here and let’s go do maybe two like that I like that I like that let’s go so let’s go how about one here let’s do two there one there one here they’re gonna see how about that yeah let’s see maybe one here and one on that corner

That is I love that that’s perfect on this one let’s do maybe one of the inside is 2 to be 2 here one here and this is all just eyeballing it see what looks good see if it does look of keep it doesn’t look good take it out so I

Think that is looking good so far I like that let’s do maybe two here one still one and one I’m gonna leave that little gap middle there oh that’s it I love that look how broken impede up their lenses awesome now I’m gonna come in here and

Do it on this side so here we’re doing full block so maybe a double for maybe one here maybe another double-double for right there to come up top let’s do a double here it’s two one here let’s do two on this side oops oh that looks too symmetrical see

I’m gonna break that up there we go and I think that’s good I think that’s good I’m leaving that there we go put one here let’s put like a two there one there and a one on that side and maybe one two here yeah I like that let’s go

Ahead and work this side up let’s see it with me to hear one let’s go with two let’s go with a one here let’s go with one there I’m gonna do a two here and maybe a one right there and another one two on this side I like this I like this

A lot maybe one more right there alright I think that’s good I don’t have to mess with that too but that is that’s done that’s great okay next up this pop windows so I’m gonna put this see this put a double window here let’s put a

Double there let’s put a double here and a double right there and then I’m gonna put a fence out okay just put no not Fisk a let’s put regular fences let’s do oak fences on this one so I’m gonna do a fence here up fence there let’s add some

Trapdoors also we can add trap those to the top so let’s do a trapdoor here let’s do a trapdoor shudder here that’s looking good we can also come up top and give it a little bit of trapdoor on certain spots I think that’ll look pretty good oh no

We can’t but win it there and then I just add to the broken look to it yeah let’s do it I see maybe a couple right there maybe 100 on it let’s put two here yeah hold on yep lemons better Alex the other side nope can’t put one there too

There’s fine one here is good we can put a couple there maybe one on the bottom a couple on that side all right let’s see what we can do here nobody can’t fit that there everyone here no that’s good maybe a couple oh that looks awesome

Maybe a few more yep that looks good maybe we’ll get one there what did I just bring all right let’s see maybe a couple right there we look good one there yes oh it looks good can we put any up top if we do let’s see maybe on

These there we go not too many just every so often put one on a full block right there yeah that’s looking good and I can put any on the very very top and then here we can do another bit right there like that and cover that up

Oh listen change that up let’s do let’s do spruce on the top part just so it doesn’t just blend in too much with that I think that looks really really good here we can do a little flower box let’s do a big box right there oh if we do that let’s do this

Let’s take that little piece off let’s do some stairs because I want to put flowers and if I have this trap door there we’re not gonna be able to put those flowers and I don’t want to put the flower box down here so let’s do

That let’s do that lift it up one let’s go ahead and do this this and then maybe here put a little stair oh no let’s put a stair here here and then a slab underneath yes and then we can just put some random flowers on the top that’s

Awesome that’s looking so good so we have that going and then let’s continue with this down here we’re gonna drop those this put the shutter on that side let’s put another shutter on this side cover that up it’s cool to the back and we’ll work on this middle part in a

Second and then we can go with another little trapdoor right here and right there that’s looking good okay now next up let’s go inside so in here we can do so many things but for now whatever you want to do is let’s lift let’s do some

Things I’m gonna lift this up here let’s lift it up again up to there okay let’s do another little bit of texture as we go along boom do another one here watch my smooth stuff there you go I keep calling it smooth so please forgive me and then we’re going on with

That and like that now let’s grab our stair gonna put a stair here and here let’s put a stair here and there on the top we’re gonna grab a trapdoor we’re just gonna put that here and in there let’s grab some gates and gonna put a

Gate right here of our spruce kind and boom boom boom there we go that’s how we get to that side this is how we get to that side so that is this little section over here I’m gonna put like a little storage loft area and this

Is how we’re gonna do it I’m gonna come in with some of these beams we’re gonna put a beam here I put a beam here we’re also gonna put a beam right there up here we’re gonna mix in some trapdoors so let’s put a couple random travelers

Maybe one like this let’s throw some on the side let’s go like this and maybe one more here let’s grab some slabs and I’m gonna be putting slabs now on the random places that we didn’t have the trapdoor just to make a look a little more rustic

And some of these can actually be functional because then we put either a ladder on any one of these sides I’m thinking let’s put a ladder right here just go right there and we’re gonna put a ladder you don’t have to put it on every side if you want to be symmetrical

With it you can go everywhere with a ladder maybe one here and then mix it up let’s put another one right here so let’s break that little piece and put a little ladder so that’s how we get up one on each side different areas Oh or

You can magic put ladders on both sides of everywhere but that’s all up to you guys but I think one side would be fine and then we can have a way up and down from these corners now up here let’s break this up we’re gonna go with stair

Let’s go double stair let’s go stare like that let’s do double stair let’s do a stair here and there let’s go with a slab on one here slab there let’s do some slabs here a couple there and let’s leave the rest now this put trapdoor let’s put a

Trapdoor there trap-trap let’s put a trapdoor facing this way one in that way trapdoor here there and we’re just breaking it up we’re just making it look real messy let’s put in two actually I want another trapdoor kind of down there we go I like that I like that maybe a

Little one right there let’s twist maybe that there we go and that looks really really cool looks all broken beat up I love that so that’s okay good now P we could put a bunch of random storage and hold on I’ll do that really quick just see what I could put up here

What can we fit up here I don’t know let’s check it out there you go this is what we can do up here this is just random a junk but it looks cool and it looks like it has a purpose so over here we have some scaffold we have some

Composters with a little bit of compost inside we have hey we have a little bit of yellow carpet which looks like it’s representing that hey a little bit on the floor a couple more barrels over here with some wheat to some lanterns hanging and up here looking so good look

At that isn’t that awesome just a little bit of detail to add to your little loft area but you know what let’s finish this build this do some more stuff downstairs alright now that we’re almost done with this build let’s do some detail work

Here on the outside and to do it I want to go ahead and give a little bit of detail to the edges here so what if we had a little bit of mossy okay it’s a little bit of mossy down here down below also I want to add almost like a little

Bit of rocks kind of pushed up against this is to give it a little more support so that’s what I have in mind this just used cobble for now we can mix a little bit of regular smooth stone and a little bit of mossy down here so let’s just do

Something like this something like that kind of and even let’s grab some walls as well and then we can add maybe a little bit of almost like a little rock formation here kind of pushed up against this just add that little bit of extra detail I love doing this sometimes

Pretty cool so there still may be another one over here something like so there we go maybe a little bit of wall action okay maybe a little bit more kind of pushed up against here to grasp something like that there we go and then maybe switch some of these up for stairs there

Because that looks really really good maybe another little stair action right there and that’s looking awesome let’s do a little bit on this side as well look too much maybe just a little bit like so and I love doing this I use just a little bit of detail not yet not yet

Bush something like that oh yeah there we go over here on this side I want to put anything here because I want to have still the little way in from the side there which looks cool and we definitely do a little bit of terraforming here push this back a little bit

A little more clearance there and then maybe it’s a little bit right about here that looks so good maybe even popped out a little more outside like that oh yeah yeah yeah there we go that’s okay cool okay now over here let’s add a little bit of Bush so I have

Two different bushes I have spruce and a half oak so let’s do a little bit of let’s do spruce in the back corner maybe kind of like the base like you see those rocks there but the bush is kind of pushed up against it let’s mix and match here maybe

Let’s do how about something like that there we go and then we add a little bit of berry bush right here that’s gonna just pop even more over here just add you know what let’s add another little bit I had this bush already here so what

Did we take this little bit out and this is push it up more like so oh that’s pretty cool just take that down maybe add a little bit of mossy and maybe add like a little bit of a step up kind of like if you’re here you can still go up

Through that let’s do like a little something like that even though that’s no big deal but it looks pretty cool maybe a couple little more berry bushes on that side and maybe here we can add a little moss that looks good no more moss that is too much there we go that’s fine

Also little things you could do is add buttons add little stone buttons and then maybe add let’s do a baby one here and maybe one kind of hit it on the side here some ones are so cool don’t add too much though there we go something like

That and then then let that grow up a little bit we can add also a little bit of bone meal here a little bit of tall grass regular grass and ferns I don’t look pretty cool or we can just add a little more how about we go one here

Here and maybe one off to the side a little bit more berry bush kind of moved out to the side there oh I like that and then maybe a little bit more something like this on this end and a little bit more berries but you know what let me

Put a little bit of first dirt as well because you don’t want it to be all grass down here just make it look a little bit cooler something like this and then down here chickens don’t need all grass let’s come in here and pepper this in also get some of this pad kind

Of rolling up this way and this is kind of showing people coming in over to the chicken coop sighs so give it a little bit of path work and I’ll turn form a little bit more I’ll caddy camp and we could do all this out

Camp but just do a little bit on this he has to see how well my thought process is when I’m doing a little bit of terraforming making paths and going around like so so something like that that looks good over here we’re gonna make it fairly simple just grab a gate

And we’re gonna leave all this open so we’re gonna go gate eight eight and that’ll be perfectly fine on the top here we can grab a little bit of trap door just go trap go right here I say just to add a little bit of detail and

Then on the inside here oh we broke that it’s fine so something like this and I’m gonna go ahead and bring the chickens here in a second so that’s looking really really cool and I think we’re pretty much done but let me do a little tiny bit off cam again just adding a

Little bit more life a little bit more atmosphere put the animals in here and we should be done with our animal pen this is cool what do you guys think all right we’re all finished let me flip let me show you and oh there it is looking

Really really cool also right here let me show you how I did this little bit so I had a little bit of detail here I got rid of the trap door that we’ll see so I could put a little lamp there and I think it’s it looks pretty cool but

Check this out you see that we got little nests so let me show you really quick if you guys don’t want to do this super super simple all you got to do put an item frame put an egg inside the item frame you can twist it aha however you

Want grab a dead coral fan of any variety that looks like a little nest to close that up and it’s looking also we can even put some chickens in there and close it up and it’s kind of like they’re nesting in there and that looks so good check that out that is awesome

And then I added a couple storage bits up here with barrels chest a little bit of detail right there and you know what let me put give me a flower i want a flower just put flour in there i feel bad and then put a flower bit there you

Go enjoy chickens have a good time oh nice so there you go we got the little part all set up also edit this little bit here to the front gave it like a little door forgot to put a little door here so super simple upset downstairs here upside down stair here

Trapdoor here – trapdoors on this side – on this side and then I faced two more on that side so it looks like there’s one two three and it’s kind of swings in closes so that way closes oh so back here it close this part so these two are closing then

We have the little trap doors on this side heat on you no big deal little bear oh there with a lantern some more stories a little cold you’re in so just some little bits around here oh let’s put one back here this looks a little

Dark gray I don’t want to keep the spawn there we go going great it’s not good he’s fun and then over here we have our little entrance here for all our sheep looking really really cool make sure all this is grass though over here we have

Our cows hanging out and in the house I replaced little trap over there with our lights right there some leads in case you got to lead them out somewhere and that is all there is to it take one little spin this is looking so good

Let’s take a look from far back and yes look at that it’s matching perfect and I’m in love adding a little bit a splash of that oak just really pops it even more so we’re gonna implement that and some other bills coming up but what do

You think is this cool it’s coming out really really awesome just have all the space to work with we still have some more bills to do let me know what you guys want to see next and I am down to build when I come back very very soon

With another episode so stay tuned for that and I’ll be back also with our single-player survival we started recently so check that out gonna put a link in the description but having so much fun do some Asian inspired bills also let me know if there’s any other

Build style you want to see a tutorial I might be doing some Asian ones coming up soon to match what we’ve been doing in our single-player world but about thank you so much for watching catch you guys on the next Minecraft

This video, titled ‘How to Build a Village in Minecraft 1.14 [Part 5: ANIMAL PEN/BARN TUTORIAL]’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2019-06-16 18:35:41. It has garnered 118169 views and 3029 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:06 or 1806 seconds.

How to Build a Village in Minecraft 1.14 [Part 5: ANIMAL PEN!]

In today’s episode we’re continuing our Minecraft 1.14 Village by adding an animal pen / barn for our sheep, cows and chickens!!

Let me know what you want to see next!

Let me know what you want to see next!

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#Minecraft #Village #Tutorial

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  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

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  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

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  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

How to Build a Village in Minecraft 1.14 [Part 5: ANIMAL PEN/BARN TUTORIAL]