Insane adventures with Josh in Minecraft S2!

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[Applause] Oh [Applause] Oh [Applause] N A this is pH [Applause] Music Josh the gamer welcome Everybody night welcome to my channel if you like what you see click on the thumbs up icon And placees subscribe [Applause] [Applause] Comment This is fre Music G wave JP Yesir I on sound Production [Applause] Josh the gamer this is going to be a long stream [Applause] gamore JP sound Production Josh the gamer 8 hours LOL Gamore JP not 8 hours I am may be here cuz I’m on prm’s break [Applause] G almost started this is PH He All right hello all right um guys tell me if I need to adjust my mic a little bit because I’ve been messing around of it because it’s been uh gamore JP not the best Josh yo what’s up guys welcome welcome okay uh game wave how does my mic sound I’m just

Curious I’m just curious because uh I’ve been messing around in my mic a a little bit cuz it’s been like you know sounding really weird but how does it sound but Gore JP your mic is good all right sounds good okay episodes oh continue my story heck yeah

Uh more options all right let’s just do this wait hold on your story so far I’m so hyped uh can I continue my story cuz uh I don’t know cuz I I re recreate I don’t want to recreate no I don’t want a new story choose your choose how your story will begin Story Minecraft story one season 2 can start

As a brand new story or as a continue of the Season yeah I want to continue continue re wait what re ream wave J continue your story that won okay well what is this this is saying restart season one oh wait backstory okay I’ll do that uh be this guy there

We go oh I see I see what’s going on I just wasn’t sure I think I chose a creeper yeah creeper uh Petra I kept yeah I kept elard Josh call me on Discord damore JP so I can tell you I I I understand what I’m doing now I

Said the house has you can stay I I know what I’m doing now actually uh after Jesse after Jesse took down the evil computer Pama with help from uh Harper J the town Pama had what wasn’t happy with people of okay didn’t support Harper or support I think I supported her I think Your story oh wow this is cool I’m guys I’m going to try to read this but I can’t promise you that it’s going to be good all right the with wither storm was a mighty something okay and fues friends were lost in the battle alard Magnus JP start uh Reuben the

Pig in the end Jesse was uh some upon the monster Petra was confirmed with wither sickness and Gabriel the warrior Gabriel the warrior with the his members EMB barass Jesse and friends as now the New Order of the Stone okay uh start Story start story over

Let’s start story there we go okay here we go guys oh my gosh it’s my new first look okay we’re going to play episode one episode one season 2 wait does it say brightness look at this uh adjust the adjust so the logo can be brighter I’ll

Just say that brightest as it can go the game is kind of broken in the way because uh you can’t play this game anymore which sucks but I managed to find a way to actually get it oh this game oh my gosh story let’s see how well this goes

I always like stories where the hero has no idea that they’re destined for greatness flashback the sword of who are living their lives and that nothing will ever happen to them those are the kind of remember all this they started as just a bunch of friends in a

Treehouse looking up to their Idols who had come before them but when disaster struck and an evil monstrosity threatened to destroy the world friends discovered JP can come from the most guys can I get R Reuben world to battle that monster facing obstacles and sacrifices every step of

The way it wasn’t easy but they had each other and working together they Struck it down and saved everyone soon they were the most famous people in the whole world oh wow and their Legend their Fame just continued to grow pump stamp venturing into the great unnown and that’s how those five friends

Plus bravest pig in the world took their place in history as some of the greatest heroes who ever huh part are we at am I being awesome we thought it was great Lucas I could tell that uh Olivia’s voice changed they changed the voice actor I mean well definitely exaggerated

Here and there but it was for oh by the way guys I mean it made us sound cool and that’s a good thing yeah but it might make people think we did stuff we didn’t actually do you’re the writer Lucas I know you’ll make the right call thank you Jesse I

Had been hoping to have it ready to read it founding day but uh guys I got a surprise for you all I can’t believe it’s not really a surprise wait I’ll pause the game guys I have a surprise for you all so when I was down south I

Saw this yellow Prime and I have never tried it I want to try it on stream with you guys but there’s only game wave is the only person watching right now um I’m going to actually wait until I get more people in the Stream so I can uh drink this

Prime but I just wanted to let you all know I can’t wait I heard it was really really really good so sneaks up on me every time congrats buddy I’m proud of you for finishing it that took a lot of work I’m glad you like you did so much

Jesse you’re a real real hero but we all did right yeah we were all there for uh most of it anyway that’s true I’m the leader um well I mean I am the leader you guys it’s just the way it happened if you say so yeah kind of self-centered

Though well this has all been really helpful feedback guys once Ivor and Harper get back from their Adventures I can add a chapter about about them and then it will finally be done man they’ve been gone a long time oh Jessie oh this guy I remember

Him I think it’s uh Jessie I forgot his name oh gosh wow Radar Radar how you doing radar Olivia ma’am Axel sir Lucas sir sir sorry to interrupt everyone oh he is just adorable sincerest utmost apologies if I’ve caused any inconvenience you don’t need to apologize we’re just hanging out

Right sorry uh uh sorry I I I mean uh oh so what’s up I got a message from Petra that she’s on her way to the mines for that Adventure you scheduled if you hurry you should still have time for that and your founding day duties oh

Nice oh Petra coming back yo that’s good I thought she went on her big adventure about that we’ve actually got our own founding Day stuff we need prep for yeah I need to get back to town I’m judging TT rally in the morning guys we’re supposed to be a team here it’s our

Adventure night sorry Jesse oh come on different now you got your life we got ours none of us can just drop everything and go adventuring like we used to tell Petra I said next time for sure okay I can’t wait the is coming along from the first season to this season I

Can’t believe I’m walking out of the order Hall with the order so freaking cute who this is cool yo so the other towns have founding Day Celebrations huh yeah man we honor Magnus every year with a freaking awesome Memorial explosion rally ah he would RP over in Redstone here we’re a

Little lighter on the explosions I helped elard engineer an excellent new music machine for the evening ball well I promise I will try and stop by it was awesome to catch up with you guys totally uh this has been great won’t be the same without you guys ah buddy

You’re going to make me sad I’ll see you guys thanks again guys I’ll let you know as as soon as I’m done with the revisions oh cool can’t wait Axel first time playing season 2 I tell you I am just the luckiest yeah oh yeah getting to work with

You game present living in the Minecraft story mode this is cool Town Minecraft story mode season two Yeah That’s pretty cool man it’s too bad that they had to discontinue this cuz it could totally make more games off of this like Minecraft story mode they could have easily made a season 3 if they uh if TT games did not shut down but they’re slowly coming back I heard they’re slowly coming

Back Oh wow there’s like no one in chat I realized that some days you’d rather be out adventuring with your friends hopefully we get more people after really glad you’re our leader you just make this place awesome yeah but being out there adventuring that’s good too I mean I

Guess I’ve never really been the adventuring type myself too uh too dangerous no you can come with us I know that Petra is waiting for you in the mines but I bet people would really appreciate you helping set up for the celebration I’ll keep that in

Mind oh oh wow dude season 2 feels completely different compared to season one uh let’s go look at this I bet one of those would look awesome on order Hall front lawn H wait shift oh wow let look at that oh wait oh we’re to go oh yeah we

Should go over here cuz that’s that’s where uh dude no I thought you were out seeing the worlds did that righteous times how you doing like I love d and Daring Do as much as the next person I’m glad you’re here I’m so glad you’re here man that is

Just the sort of warm welcome I had hoped you rock Jesse dude between you and me I’m worried that I won’t like fit in here so many rad builds awesome people I really want to make like a good first impression you know which I thought might be helped if my front yard

Had a statue by the one and only Jessie not sure if I have time but I’ll see what I can do oh I see we’re at to build a statu cool scoop up that clay over there and let’s get to business all right let’s do it uh a blank

Canvas ah so we get to build our own thing uh we don’t have my logo colors oh we oh wait we kind of do but it’s different so okay uh let’s use uh let’s place we have 30 of these so no it’s not going to look that great

But okay uh let’s use light blue the dark green oh this actually might not look that bad and then the light blue hope oh how high can I go oh that’s as high as I can go no okay we’ll have to make it smaller then no oh my gosh okay

Uh we don’t have a time limit so we can do anything we want so let’s make this to this only one this one and then this can I go oh wait I can oh that actually doesn’t look all that bad okay uh that’s not too bad there okay there’s a dark

Brown that could do good enough all right and boom that’s actually not too bad uh I I can’t put lettering on here obviously but wait can I go yeah it’s not going to look exactly like my logo but that’s pretty good I want to change it perfect there

We go there we go that is some sweet work nice oh Jesse dude thanks you’re welcome dude my pleasure well it is an honor me Amigo you stranger okay well she is a fascinating woman isn’t she very free-spirited yeah kind of reminds me of Petra back in her early days speaking of

Whom you said she’s waiting for me at the M shaft mhm all right let’s go gwave JP yes all right man I was just wondering cuz uh the chat is really really quiet get back here leave Jesse alone hello there Jesse I was wondering when we R thought we’d give this town of

Yours a try it’s quite lovely yeah I can’t believe how many are here well it’s so great to see you we need to hang out that sounds wonderful yeah totally radar this is Stacy plays and Stampy Cat no oh wink here Jesse give him a bone and he’ll calm right

Down here wink nice tasty bone a see he likes you yeah you want the rest of these back nah hang on to them I’ve got tons you never know when you’re going to need to tame a wolf that’s true thanks I imagine you’re terribly busy so we won’t keep you you

But you should come and see what we’re working on because it’s pretty cool yeah what sty said anyway our place is by the gate we’ll do see you guys later let’s go see what we’re looking for uh shift okay I was wondering how you can walk faster uh oh

Wait a oh there’s the there’s Reuben’s uh Oh wait we’re going all the way over here well we’re going far it’s the England guy the England guy Stampy Jesse oh hey hey look who it is Jesse hey hey guys what are you doing glad you asked we’re working on a new

Game for founding day that I guarantee you is going to be all the rage this year slime diving oh dud give us a hand finishing it up I’ll let you take the first dive Bob design schematic sure yep that sounds awesome let’s do it we’re going to be diving off this excellent pagota

Bob designed but we can’t decide what material to use oh I see I’m just conflicted because I like a we know you do Bob but don’t wor I mean guys let that stone because you never know um if some obviously there won’t be a fire but I

Say stone stone is safer why don’t we run with that wave JP oh you chose wood wood I chose Stone I chose Stone because in case if a fire R nice that turned out great and just like I promised you Gore JP you don’t just aim for the Slime it’ll be great go

Jessie uh belly nervous don’t worry Jesse will love it triple I hope you’re right gamore JP Dam or hacker night bud welcome to my channel if you like what you see click on the thumbs up icon and place a subscribe comment seriously amazing dive thank you

For that thank you for the help before problem welcome my friend’s waiting so I got to run but nice work uh oh oh there they are Stampy hello Jesse I am Telling You Stampy it needs to be pumpkin pie but cake is the best and I would know I have it every morning

For breakfast there’s some sort of problem morning that must get H Jess we heard about this founding Day celebration of yours and we thought we’d make some sweets yeah and now I’m trying to convince Mr Stampy here to make the right right decision and pick pumpkin pie there you go of those leading

Presentations I actually cake or maybe Stampy why don’t we have both oh that’s a wonderful idea but we don’t have enough ingredients it’s true here you should just take the ingredients and decide for us yes I feel we’re going to be debating otherwise sweets is England

Candy there might be some extra eggs and stuff around town I bet you could find enough to do cake and and Pie I don’t have a ton of time but I bet they’d be super surprised by that okay uh let’s use the crafting table okay

Um I think this is how you make let’s make a cake I know how to use this game uh egg goes in the middle I think I have no idea what I’m doing guys I’m I’m trying to figure how to make cake I only have two sugar wait is this

How you do it wait ah aha it’s showing me okay uh gamore JP LOL you can tell I I I I do like Minecraft but the crafting recipes are can be complicated oh boom pumpkin how do I wait how do you make pumpkin pie oh wait wait wait wait oh I need sugar

Okay uh pumpkin sugar and an egg okay okay I guess I got to I got to go look for sugar and uh and an egg uh oh egg grab egg there we go we got an egg now all we need is sugar hey an egg maybe that’ll

Help me settle Stampy and Stacy’s little disagreement excuse me ma’am thank you co um where where could I find sugar cane Jessie jessore JP man lol about to steal an egg wait can I talk to them no I can’t ah I’m sorry sry dude I can’t talk I’m busy yeah I stole an

Egg come on Jesse no we’re going this way Stampy I’m going to come with you’re going to get your cake JP LOL Thief I ain’t a thief Jesse is wait look at no we don’t want time for that we need to find sugar cane now where would that be aha get some sugar

Can sugar nice just what I need to help Stampy and Stacy all right let’s go back to the crafting table wave JP you stole a m egg a m egg oh my gosh oh uh sugar okay now how do I do this sugar egg in

There wait come on oh I was really close but I just got the materials mixed up uh oh come on egg on the bottom okay yeah egg on egg is on the bottom and then sugar goes is here there there we go and it looked

Like I took a bite out of it okay we’re good now let’s go get both of them he said cake she said pie then I said why don’t we just have both well this is very surprising yeah that’s awesome how did you do that found some extra

Ingredients around town no big deal well that’s fantastic Jesse thank you so much oh no problem sty this is perfect hey it’s too bad that DDM didn’t be a to be in this episode G wave score JP you stole that women’s egg it was probably for their chicken

Son it didn’t look like there’s any baby chickens though all right all right Jessie look I got to run Petra’s waiting I’ll talk to you guys later okay bye bye hello bye There Stampy I might watch some of Stampy’s videos later I don’t know depends on what I’m

Doing gamore JP true uh yeah look there’s no baby chickens so really I did not steal a let’s go meet with Petra now we’ve been we’ve been wasting a lot we’re not wasting time but we’ve been like spending a lot of time with other people so let’s go see Petra I haven’t

Seen her in a while Petra nice thanks for walking with me oh no thank you Jesse it was a pleasure watching you work it truly was was stopping to help all those people helping them prepare for founding day very inspiring iron I’ll uh keep watch on things here

While you’re gone off doing your adventury things risking your life spitting in Fate’s eye you better don’t disappoint me radar I I hadn’t even thought about that being a possibility till just this moment to don’t disappoint me R time don’t I always see you radar Hey time to see Petra oh it’s poor miners gamore JP no there’s three chicken one of them can be the chicken dad and the chicken mom and chicken son you never know Petra where are you no stupid zombie it’s too bad we lost our diamond sword I missed

This gamore JP you never know though boom look at that punctual and kicking butt nice y Petra hey glad to see you remember how to use your sword that was wor You’ gotten Rusty I can’t even imagine that life I really do miss this you know us adventuring together facing the unknown

Wish we could do this more often except I’m going to have a hard time being seen with someone wearing such dingy armor what is that J want to Dent the good stuff so and look who’s talking with an iron sword where’s your fancy gold one with all the enchantments can’t remember

The last time I saw you without it I uh lost it you lost it Petra I I I I’ve seen this see then oh yeah I’ve been more already come on too slow zombies typical come on oh come on I haven’t lost my step yet well you sure

Showed me Petra I really appreciate you making it on time means a lot to me I sometimes worry you don’t have time for your friends anymore I know you enjoy your job of course we have time for friends not that I’m trying to make you feel guilty or anything

Uh I love my job what can I say my public doors me yeah I bet they do I’m just glad you’re here with me now oh yeah big time but uh can’t help but notice that we’re missing one two three Axel has Boom Town duties Olivia’s grading something or

Other in red stonia and Lucas is writing I figured man our friends have gotten lame I swear if our old fans saw what we’re doing now just saying I don’t care how good next book is enjoy now it’s not exactly slaying a Wither storm you know hey don’t get bummed even without them

We’re having fun right night bed yeah like my videos streams and more at least we’ve got the co would be a great help from you guys for any donation you can give https stream joshthe gammer tip tell you when we find it just trust me it’s important oh

Yeah oh no what was that come on let’s race wait what it’s race okay it’s Monster hunting time let’s go come On hey it’s Jessie what’s up good to see you oh perfect I’m staring that guy’s bad everyone get down it’s going to Blow oh my gosh night but oh boy want to follow me on Minecraft Discord twitch donations or tips tip donation please type Minecraft twitch Discord really not going to tell me what we’re chasing nope mystery is what makes it fun come on let’s go all right oh my

Gosh I I I’m not used to the like it’s pretty fast let’s just go let’s not bother about the zombies Walking Dead spers I see them SP who oh my gosh whoa okay I got Bob White Quail wow I did not know there was a sorry mode season 2 my the aliens who

Set this command to be up are does not exist okay okay okay yeah there is a story mode season 2 um yeah it’s pretty hard to get I mean you can get on disc but this this is not as long as the first season it’s only like that cave three no four five

Episodes I’m not sure I’m planning on streaming the whole season today so it’s going to be a long stream all right oh boy ah jeez more of these guys uh H Petra my turn to save you Petra all right let’s go oh come on RSB Josh it’s raaza I am about to go

Sleep that I will promote your stream in your server and appearance good night Josh G wave JP I had story mode on my iPad I was an it’s going to take forever to get through that’s good man maybe we can steal them off somehow I had it on my PS3 I had the

Demo version but still pretty good all right ohom oh boy the spiders are definitely not going to want to C that totally did the see you no hey no fair run run run Jesse hey okay that was cool oh my gosh oh yeah yeah in your face Petra Petra I saved you cheater

Much I totally saved you back there oh oh yeah you’re right sorry I shouldn’t be gloating I was just excited uh guys you want me to try that Prime out now cuz I got a prime here I come mystery monster it’s not even a monster I know exactly what it is

It actually sounds like a Monster okay Bob White Quail yes Bob White Quail do it a l all right it’s time to try the yellow Prime oh your owner is going to be so happy to see you wait let me get this straight this Quest was just to track down a

Stupid llama gam wave JP Bob don’t spam here we go it’s not just a stupid llama it’s uh it’s important okay wow this is good apparently like a treasure sniffing llama or night it’s important hey everyone I stream every Wednesday 700 p.m. Fridays 700 p.m. sometimes Saturday

Between 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST looking forward seeing you all okay I’m sorry if you say it’s important then I trust you just shared your stream yeah I appreciate that man yeah I might need to go for a bathroom break pretty soon so uh yeah actually uh

Uh uh all right uh hey there llama come here girl good llama all right guys I’m going to go for a quick bathroom break so I’ll be right back Gore JP Okay w What all right I am back okay let’s continue here we go whoa M that’s what you get for wearing that dor armor yeah yeah yeah I’ll just have to craft a new set dang let’s get this thing don’t let it get away just grab them whoa Lama Bob White quail

You he’s back J wave JP gross a come on let’s get after that armor wrecking thing hang on it’s super dark down there we should make a torch oh come on Petra torches are easy to make I swear if I mess this up I’m going to laugh so hard okay

Good okay good at least I didn’t mess this up Lama llama llama where’d you go after you mayor Jesse told you I’m not the mayor I’m the Peter and hero in Residence I know I know it’s just that you do a lot of paperwork and like town

Running things call a shovel a shovel it’s okay I should have said it doesn’t matter we’re friends that’s what I should have said how the heck did you get up there who knows but it’s coming down now all right Lama what the oh my gosh what is going on oh that oh

No oh no oh get out of the way I was looking at that what’s that only one way to find out I don’t know if I want to like go near this why is it saying our name creepy whisper uh I didn’t hear anything oh no

Gamore JP oh no yo yo po do Bob White Quail I have only played MC story mode on the weird TV port on Netflix ah okay oh my gosh I find it weird how Netflix has Story mod sort of glove or Gauntlet looks like it’s made out of prismarine a

Prismarine but you only find that at the bottom of the ocean uh pick up whoa no way wa oh no where what is this thing whoa okay this is cool I don’t know I don’t know it it seems like it’s not hurting you and that’s good it looks kind of okay actually it

Looks really cool I’m freaking I tell you I am freaking out here it’s going to be okay it’ll be okay we’ll figure it out well here I’ll help you take it off I don’t think it’s going to come off oh oh my gosh okay ow wow stop that thing is

Really stck I just can’t shake this feeling that maybe you were meant to find that gauntlet like maybe it was your destiny or something H I hope it’s not like a curse that’s usually what leaves things stuck to you right yeah until you die o which isn’t What’s Happening Here I

Hope oh my gosh uhoh get off the pyramid quick oh okay good oh my Gosh I think it’s either Q or oh it’s Q come on Jesse you’re a little bit Rusty now okay now what the heck is that thing it’s like a huge mouth in the ground some sort of trap heck mouth sure yeah heck mouth I I don’t think I can see the

Bottom gives me the willies we need to cover now is that sound coming from down there I don’t care whether we can see the or not we need to cover it up now right okay all right we’re going to cover this up so no one knows what is that not sure but I’m

Getting a bad feeling that it’s the actual way we’re going to fix this oh no on second thought let’s talk about it anywhere but here not getting out the way we came though H there come on come on llama you ain’t down you ain’t staying down here there’s a hole there oh my

Gosh oh we’re back we are back to the world there we go right outside Beacon town oh it’s so close to Beacon town here maybe you could leave a warning or something gamore JP back to the real world keep it off keep off the ground grass top keep off grass keep off the

Grass sure yeah that works okay then what do we do about all this Bob Quail he’s freaking out touch grass well it’s all made of prismer right and you only find that in like monuments and stuff at the bottom of the ocean there’s a treasure hunter in Beacon town named Jack

Kind of he knows everything about prismarine exploring the ocean because we definitely can’t have that happening again that sounds perfect I can’t wait to meet this guy knew you’d be excited yes and I’ll take you to Jack’s shop as soon as I’m back but first I really need to deal with this

Llama okay come on you Petra you’re just as much a part of this as me you can’t just walk away from it Savage and jell I promise we’ll take care of it up S about this llama what’s the big deal you know my sword gold one with all

The enchantments Miss butter yeah I I kind of got tricked by this person named Stella ah Stella but she just wanted to put it on display for a little while and now she won’t give it back until I do dumb quests like this for her it’s uh uh

That’s so unfair I can’t believe this person tricked you that’s terrible and so unfair I couldn’t agree with you more so yeah Bob White and she’s tell the truth when did you last touch grass says this is her last time I touched the grass uh she runs a place called

Champion city does it count there’s snow on ground Champion city right over there I had no idea their leader was like that she’s ambitious and she’s willing to do anything to get her way bullying lying cheating without my sword I just really need to get it back just hope Stella actually gives it

Back this time miguelo 45 you’re one of my bestos sounds like really record I don’t need help without snow okay uh that was whole mess sorted out probably last month then come back get thing and weirdo oh okay I didn’t know that Bob White Quail pretty good weirdo what

Do you mean weirdo game wave now I’m Confused miguelo 45 M miguelito 45 Ola This Is It champion City Hello every single one of those apartments up there is exactly the same Stella is miguel4 theore JP I timed him out 86k CS he’s spamming he’s not really spamming man he’s not really spamming like spamming is when you just come on nonstop like say like lol like

Words stop that’s spamming but if he’s just talking in chat then just really need this to go well and with Stella well it doesn’t most times Petra you’re not scared of her are you what no she she’s just she’s really manipulative all right anyway and usually has her I woke

Up at 4 p.m. today wow Gore JP he’s asking weird questions hope she’s ready for an appoint are you talking about like inappro like is he talking about inappropriate questions or just strange questions like uh stuff cuz if it’s just weird or if it’s like just uh nothing

Inappropriate then I mean wow even the I mean I don’t know I don’t know what to say but if it’s like something bad then yeah it’s good thing you talk them stuff too everyone in town owes Stella something I think that’s where she got most of the materials to build Champion

City in the first place the whole town wait the whole town how yep she’s always finding little reasons that people’s trades aren’t enough making up new rules well your sword is one trade Stella won’t be getting out of I’m going to make sure of it since when did they build this whole

City right outside Beacon Town gam wave JP it’s just weird at a weird time it’s weird I mean I guess but just next time maybe don’t time them out for that long just time them up for like maybe like 5 minutes or 10 minutes cuz uh if it’s not

Like uh like the only way you time someone out for like 24 hours is uh when they’re saying inappropriate and weird things that’s all I got to say but like yeah I get it puppies for everyone no Shing we’re not Beacon Towners ah quiet Stella you probably put

This together right now but Stella’s pretty fond of herself I would play Gore JP well that is him really I didn’t know you could do that provided you have the right payment of course okay she matches your outfit gam wave JP I un timed him okay that’s good

Man oh Luna my darling you came home you came back uh Rodrigo could you bring Luna home please undoable hi yo what’s up man welcome to my channel if you like what you see click on the thumbs up icon and place a subscribe comment look who it is Jesse leader of

Beacon town and my sworn rival I’ve never met her before right no our rivalry Beacon Town versus Champion City think as much as I like my videos streams and more would be a great help from you guys for any donation you can give are way scream theam rivalry but I’ll tell

You right now they are not going to work on me whoa I love the glove by the way absolutely darling you wouldn’t be interested in trading would you got some fine puppies here I can’t stuck to my arm of course uh I can’t take it off oh I really

Really wish I could really but I can’t too bad they’re very cute puppies a and you know I heard you need a new pet so night but hey everyone I stream every Wednesday 700 p.m. Friday 700 p.m. sometimes Saturday between 12:00 p.m. to 7: p.m. es looking forward seeing you

All I owe you a puppy no that was a diamond Maybe no I un don’t push too hard now don’t make me get tough here Stell you know what Petra wants we’re not leaving without that sword wait is this about oh Petra oh sweetie no I was very clear I make trades for

Treasures I think I’m all done here oh come on you said you just wanted to display it I thought I could still use it oh oh no she’s a liar no you wanted to become my Champion you came to me remember in exchange you got to live here instead of Beacon Town

Isn’t that nice no oh no was that supposed to be a wait you live here wait what you live here I want to follow me on Minecraft think it’s about time go back to Myas donations or tips donation pleasee Minecraft twitch Discord no one cares Bob White Quail

Okay good night everyone good night man I hope you have a good night does if you ever want to play some Champion City just ask okay we’re going to get her SW back she’s the worst undoable like your set up still upset about this Petra you lied

To me thank you man yeah I deserve that but can we please wait till we’re out of town to talk about it right now I really need to figure out how I’m going to get my sword back I just don’t know how we’re going to do that Still’s treasure room is right

There but I’ve got a bad feeling about those Bodyguards of hers could probably sneak in through the puppy kennel but night a lot of barking puppies welcome to my channel if you like what you see click on the thumbs up icon and place a subscribe comment go enter this way or

Go through the puppies where should I go guys guys what should I do we fight our way In we sneak I like sneaking I think we can we’re going to sneak our way in cuz if we fight those big bodyguards are going to like completely take us out so we’re not doing that a oh boy a distraction for those guards a that thing is so cute a oh

No a how are we going to get night here with none of them barking the Alias you set this command to be of go does not Exist all right easy puppies see you like bones right there we go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go okay perfect let’s go let’s steal the sword back wait what oh no no not again all right now all the dogs going in there okay let’s go ghost is clear

This is Stella’s treasure room yeah that’s nothing compared to ours trophy heads gold pants sponge blocks a diamond hoe yep all bought from other people half of them still have the name tags of other people on them okay now I’m just getting mad being a hero and

Being cool is more than just having a room full of treasure especially treasure you got from other people not letting her keep mine though it must be in here somewhere listen about what Stella said before about being Champion City’s hero and residence it’s really no big

Deal H it’s you know uh you could but how could you pick Champion City Stella is the worst I know I know it just uh it seemed like a good idea at the time all right come on no matter what happens no matter how much I do you’re the big hero you

Probably don’t even remember what it’s like adventuring out there scringy that was great but it’s hard to ignore that none of my friends are ever around anymore do you know how it feels to show up for quest after quest and just hearing oh man I’m sorry next time

Next time yeah you’re right I mean of course you’re right I know I haven’t exactly been the best friend lately no where’ to go where’d she put it you’re sure it was here oh no shh check it out that’s right it’s Patra armed with her mighty sword Miss butter

Huh this is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen by her side her best friend good night love the streams and videos by have a great night Jessie yeah you too man hope you have a great night together they can take on hi hello uh you you should not be

Here we’re here for the sword this this is um this is incredibly awkward oh uh just hand over the sword Stella don’t make me get tough here fine fine there go you can have your dumb sword back let’s just pretend this whole thing never happened and I will let you

Go okay I won’t forget this Jesse history will remember this as an important day in our rivalry a day GRE till still not my rival oh man Stella I get it you want to be like Jesse but you never will be man wow what feels so good to have you

Back the only thing is your uh gold the gold swords don’t last long they appreciate you still helping me anyway don’t worry about it all in the past Petra just happy to reunite you with your favorite deadly weapon oh and it feels so good keep please keep off

Grass oh my gosh it’s glowing again what is that nah whoa whoa what those are enchanted creepers or those oh that’s a lot of creepers and they’re charged that should be impossible tell them that oh boy boom boom boom no the sword I got your cover Jesse so good to have you back

Oh my gosh oh no oh no you don’t Boom that the glove is really cool I got to say oh that would have been dumb if it wasn’t so awesome okay okay oh come on let’s cover this up we need to get this thing covered up again yeah we do all right let’s dig up a whole bunch of

Grass so now they’re going to be another massive hole in the forest all right here we go wo imagine you can build this fast in Minecraft that’d be really cool boom I don’t know how we’re going to get this to hold that heck mouth blew right through the ground first your prismarine

Gauntlet then that prismarine pit spitting out creepers we need to get to Jack’s fast yeah I hope this treasure hunter knows as much as you say he does he does he’s got it come on I’ll show you the way all right let’s go let’s have more

Prime welcome to bad luck out wow I didn’t even know people hung out down here at night well yeah it’s the cool part what’s that supposed to mean oh you know these are the people who like to live off the grid outside the rules and you’re kind of the boss it’s just the

Way the world works that’s like the tradeoff when you’re in charge you still hang out with me though well yeah but that’s because I knew you when you were still just a nerd in a treeh house I’ll take it personally dude I wonder if that Tri us is still

There I mean the whole world got destroyed by the Wither storm be somewhere down here so I think wait have you never been here before you said you knew a guy okay not know him know him I know of him okay fine he’s a legend all right he

Was once one of the greatest treasure hunters in the whole world and he’s kind of a hero of mine what should I say what should I do I can’t believe I’m about to meet Jack what if he invites me to go adventuring with him be yourself well if

I can offer some advice best thing to do around your Heroes is just act like yourself otherwise it’s weird for everyone be myself got it got it all right like PC is being good Jack and nms Adventure version of Trus cuz the Villager man imagine tror being in uh Minecraft story mode that’d be funny oh that’d be really cool actually danty de Dr Trayaurus Jesse the order of the order of the stone that would be funny or no it would be awesome oh wow Guys let me know how many how many of you guys watched DDM as a kid if you’re like my age like what what YouTubers did you watch I watched DDM I still do sometimes the ice CS of Doom Petra is really Excited it’s just like I told you jack might be the best Adventurer in town this is from all over the world no we’re the best you mean best adventurers in town after us oh well yeah of course I do you’re not jealous are you no cuz that sounded kind of

Jealous of course not no of course not okay if you say so well just remember just cuz I’m excited to meet these guys does that mean I think you’re any less cool Co push the button Welcome to Jack and nm’s Adventure my oh my gosh it’s him it’s Jack sorry I’m I’m a big fan you push the button very very brave uh thanks for noticing I am very brave always good to see a hero that knows their own worth oh yeah where do he

Go the Warriors of the whispering Mountain call me the stab Walker air Tis of the East call me he who slashes like thunder but you may call me a jack yo Jack so cool you I have lots of names two the the people of Sky City called me

The the ground finder other people know me as the Wither Slayer you can call me Jesse Jesse cool names so what I do for you today desert temple Woodland Mansion Who whoa yeah that’s what we’re here about that he’s like all freaked out he knows what it is wow huh crazy glove

You got there not that I’ve ever seen one before looks real crazy though crazy stuff we know your lying Jack look at yourself we know your lying why Jack looks like a surfer dude come on Jack I that is well yeah he may be found it on top

Of a creepy bottomless pit right spitting out monsters y yeah and it had a SL with like a weird symbol you should have never picked up that Gauntlet it’s not for us Mortals to tamper with uh it’s just a glove wait no that sass won’t fix the pit any fast now

Great that pit it’s as deadly as they come oh no and that symbol you saw was the symbol of the structure block Legend BL was a mighty tool that could grow civilization I wonder what happened to Jack’s eye create cities in the blink of an eye you need

One of those to close your pit so where can I get one of these structure blocks Petra thought maybe an ocean Monument because of the prismarine oh it’s an ocean Monument all right call it that’s C see Temple oh yo I’m going to call him trus guys this is nurm even though it’s

NM but like you know the Gen he even has the white coat like tror this is Jessie hi hey nerm oh hi I was just about to tell these two that I can’t help them what I love your early work wither storm old Builders awesome but as

A purveyor of fine maps and Adventures your death would be terrible for business but sorry I just can’t uh Jack come on do I really need to list off all the amazing things we’ve done to prove that we’re tough enough to handle this we can take anything you throw at us

Yeah let me show you Something oh it’s like I said before that ain’t our world that that that is our world but world’s a lot bigger than you think it is Jesse oh yeah What yeah it is a lot bigger holy what whoa it’s massive let me guess the empty square is where we need to go yep and it’s missing because I uh kind of burned it I threw it into a volcano okay what what why you didn’t need that kind

Of danger anyway all right I swore I wouldn’t take anyone else to that Temple ever again I refuse to let it take any more lives shut up NM oh I see what’s going on here you’re scared no I’m the one the Apex Hunters of the C G pass call

Fearless dagger I don’t do scared well then why don’t you want to take us there like that once teamed up with my friends Voss and Sammy to follow its Trail neither of them made it out alive oh no rip hence uh you know lava map volcano you remember what I was saying

Anyway but burning the map couldn’t erase the horrible memories and thanks to the curse of my perfect sense of direction that’s a good story I couldn’t forget the location of that Temple if I tried so if you’re the only one who knows where it is yep without me you never get into

That sea Temple all right well let’s go that knowledge is we’ll go we’ll do This Together Jack Jack sounds to me like it’s your lucky day sucks Petra and I have a lot of great experience helping people get over their tragic backstories we do yeah yeah we’ll tackle that Temple

Together night but like my videos streams and more would be a great help from you guys for any donation you can get https stream the/ aren’t I you are right Yes then yeah the spirit oh yeah let’s go adventuring things oh yeah let’s go Jesse it’s perfect structure block sea Temple I know it’s amazing it’s almost too good to be true yes yeah Jack let’s go he is awesome right ah I can’t believe it I’m going on

An adventure with Jack let’s just hope he’s as good as he says he is he’s a little blustery but I get a good vibe off him oh to see him in action diamond sword we need to hey we need a new diamond sword want to follow me on Minecraft Discord twitch nothing donations

Here map of this place the uh whole lava volcano incident easy Nery don’t blow a gasket that’s awesome nerm welcome aboard woohoo yay he says woohoo yeah I figured that out so that means we’re off to The oh my gosh don’t you think you’re looking a little squishy for that seriously I mean you’re wearing a vest the vest of five fists give gifted to me by the singing clerics of P okay jeez I get it it’s a cool vest come on I need to make a quick

Pit stop and I can show you some real armor oh here we go hey Redstone heart oh Jesse I’m so glad you’re here hey radar there is a lot going on someone still needs to finalize the ideas for the founding Day banners the cake baking team can’t agree

On what color to make the front of their shop isn’t super happy about their Booth being next to the firework Union understandable the delegate from Boomtown left word that she wanted to make a speech at the parade really odd blue hair SM suur sorry got in the zone there what’s up

Boss I see you brought friends and a new accessory short version the town’s in danger I stopped it for now but I think this can help me fix it permanently I’ll be gone for a little bit gone but Jesse what about Beacon Town founding day is right around the corner and if it’s

Really in in danger who will protect everyone uh you can there’s no telling what could happen you can can I have so few details you can let why don’t you try leading them pal what me yeah come on man this is try not to explode Jesse I won’t let you down I

Know you won’t good luck boss Beacon town will be waiting for you when you get back oh yeah goodbye huh you said it can’t believe that’s your assistant he’s more wound up than a pack of parrots with a jukebox or a creeper in a herd of cats or a squid

In a I don’t a box or something anyway he’s real nervous what I’m saying he’s a little nuts but his hearts in the right place you say so so where’s this armor of yours let’s check this out wow you got some pretty cool stuff here stuff I’ve never

Probably only seen you know once or twice not as cool as my stuff obviously but uh you’re well on your way definitely on your way to becoming a big hero like me I best part is there’s always another adventure on the horizon yeah oh yeah like a sea Temple yeah okay

Not exactly what I meant but sure oh heck yeah wait is this not where you keep your armor anymore yeah I’m not seeing any armor no no I just had Olivia install a little upgrade while she was here oo pull the Lor wow yo we got all of that armor we can

Tally choose a different pair of armor guys should I go for the OG armor that I wore the last one or should I choose the other one wow okay guys what armor should I choose oh wow there’s a lot there’s this wow there’s a lot ah magnus’s armor WoW Tim’s

Armor this is what I was wearing before so should I go for the purple one or should I go back as this one guys people in chat if there is anyone in chat what should what should I choose I say maybe this one this one’s pretty good Ender Defender Uh Crispy Cream Ender oh you want me to go at the one I was at before Ender I mean I was already that I I had that one before actually they’re the same but just different colors okay actually you know what I’m going to go for this one because I

Actually I chose the blue one uh before so I’m going go for this one uh choose I I know you wanted the one here we go wow this is nice armor a we got our diamond sword a new diamond sword hold up yeah SVP o you look ferocious I couldn’t even keep a

Straight face saying that let’s go now that’s more like it agreed hey uh can you just give me in Jessy a minute huh a all right the Villager is funny listen with the heck mouth and everything I feel like I didn’t get to properly apologize for all

The stuff with my sword Champion City so I’m sorry you won’t hear it again so don’t get used to it I appreciate I mean it’s pretty big of you hey look I really meant it ah it really is bigam me isn’t it okay now with that sappy stuff out of the

Way let’s go find us a sea Temple Jack NM you guys ready to go always oh yeah let’s go going exactly it’s time to chart a course for Doom sea all right let’s go shut up NM it’s an awesome name wow we’re going to be traveling really

Far and boom I love how it just goes right right away here we go there we Go yo there have the old boats so I leapt off the cliff mournful blade in hand and drove it right into the head of the iara zombie I slept on an enormous pile of diamonds that night enormous oh I can only imagine gamore JP I am a hop off

Josh okay oh yeah okay I hope you’re going to come back later I mean yeah I talk to you man I hope you come back later hope you have a good night let’s make that happen it’s really far from here that sounds really cool I can’t wait either uh yeah sure of

Course gamore JP all right I will before we go down all right man I should give you one last warning the rules as you know them how the world Works those don’t always apply in this Temple hey what some people believe it’s because this Temple was made by the Admin the

Admin ooh the what supposedly he’s some all powerful ancient person built the world I don’t know but the legend of the admin is just that a legend a story bunch of superstitious Malarkey frankly I’ve been to the swamps of fja and back and that’s still one of the more

Ridiculous things I’ve ever heard well that sounds like a load of junk glad we agree but just remember what you’re going to see in this Temple it’ll stay with you we used this island as our staging area last time we were here be so it’s the same are you playing Minecraft

Perfect internal uh no I’m playing Minecraft story mode it’s kind of like Minecraft but a bit different directly below us uh what are we waiting for that’s the spirit let’s go picked up these Enchanted helmets from the deep dwellers our Kass time to suit up and

Roll out I love this guy’s voice this guy’s voice is awesome welcome to my channel if you like what you see click on the thumbs up icon and place a subscribe comment I find it really cool cuz like the fish like the Tails aren’t even moving but they’re they’re moving P

Cream phht he gives off Jack Sparrow Vibes ah Compass oh yeah right oh that’s so Cool oh yeah I should put my phone on uh silent oh I think the temple okay let’s Go okay oh there’s the temple wow dude that’s cool imagine they had this in like the real game like the temples look like this and incredible oh come on the wires driving me nuts like imagine they had the the temples like this instead of uh like the small style like they have normal Minecraft oh God oh my gosh just D nuts there we go bit better now we got to move come on let’s go oh my gosh there’s a lot of Guardians come on come on that’s where the gauntlet goes punch oh wow awesome oh this is

Cool quick get inside we got to go we got to go we got to go man the Guardians are deadly just trying to find a comfortable place for my keyboard so I don’t get distracted easily ah there we go now we’re inside the temple now we’re sure that we have all

Our limbs how about we find that structure block structure block okay here we go by the way how does my mic sound does it sound like I’m like far away whoa h dude that’s Terrifying I forgot they did that okay that’s not normal whoa okay man those things are creepy I would totally agree AR no your mic is good all right like I’m just asking if it’s like really quiet but thanks I appreciate it but you’ll never have an experience like

This ever cuz like I when I made a video of my uh when I edited my video last night I found my mic did not sound that great but it’s good it’s I’m glad to hear that it’s good I’m going to need a sec just to check my enchantments yeah

Make sure they’re all there okay well I’m going to scout ahead why are you so scared Jack you see you’re really tough what’s wrong yeah uh nothing nothing must hit a patch of Soul Sand or something oh whoa It’s got me like Frozen in place I don’t believe you good

Thing you’re better at fighting than you are at lying because you are a terrible liar yeah what I am I’m an awesome liar the deceptive uh de oh my gosh Jack come on are just tell us why you’re scared fine fine I thought I was ready for this guys hey I found

Something let’s go uh be right there hey uh let’s uh just keep this between you and me huh Migo she’s a fan it’s nice look you have no idea how it feels to have everyone around you think you’re some hasb been I don’t think Petra needs to hear about

It so just hush on it just don’t let it happen again all right of course I won’t what kind of SC do you think I am I found the next door down there but it needs that glove thingy of yours all right let’s go what’s keeping you guys oh nothing uh uh nothing

Absolutely nothing let’s check it out Y Man a temple like this in Minecraft would be really cool I know I said that a bunch I’m sure there’s like some sort of Minecraft mod that like based off of story mode the abys I know what I’m talking about there

Just remember what we talked about right jack yeah right you’re right oh I accidentally touched my mic all right punch boom yo oh my gosh red obsidian wow that’ be cool if they had that in the Elder Guardian I don’t know how I KCK that guy

Out do you remember any of this Jack i h it’s all a blur it’s a test though to see whether the adventurer is worthy of the structure block yeah okay what are those things for and it looks like it’s made of glowing obsidian H okay we’ve got Guardian fish and floating water

Blocks what um FL floating in midair that should be impossible well if I know one thing it’s definitely not the admin oh you won’t listen to me anymore it’s real what if it is real the admin I mean trapped down here with a bunch of soft-headed shulkers well I don’t know about an

Admin but I really really don’t like that floating water h okay those sponges might just be the thing to soak up the water and leave the Guardians high and dry right so we’re going to use sponges on the floating water dry it up and that should take out

The Guardians dibs on that job I think those stupid fish owe me okay but someone’s going to need to run the other way and distract the Guardians right bye you guys time wouldn’t mind having some backup whoever is doing the running uh Petra you can do this I’ll take care

Of it ah Petra let’s make you do I know you can do this Jack and I will grab the sponges cool I’m on it all right okay anyone let’s go ready ready and go hey scale heads St this whoa okay come on Jack there’s two of them Okay this is a wet one why are we grabbing a wet one okay never mind it’s a oh that’s so weird though we grabbed a wet sponge oh no no no me Jack Jack okay Jesse we’ve got a jack problem oh my gosh there we go oh oh dude I’m I’m so sorry

H uh y Jack you almost got us killed you said you were ready hey I thought I was I you’re right I failed I’m really sorry everyone that pile of inventory there that was my friend Samy Jack no I don’t need your pity I don’t I don’t deserve

It I need to be alone right now whatever is left guys can I get a poor Jack in the chat here I don’t know you but I want out of this room structure blocks got to be close Okay uh let’s take the prismarine Crispy Cream poor guy yeah that sucks

Yeah like that that must be horrible to lose your friend like that nights Crispy Cream how you doing over here Jack he’ll pay for your therapy can’t stop thinking about what happened with Jack yeah just if I saw your inventory piled down here I don’t think I’d be handling it much

Better than he is yeah that’s true uh I guess I had to go talk to jeck back so let’s go talk to him even though he said he wants to be alone oh boy Jack you okay don’t really feel like being talked to right now Jesse I’m

Brooding yeah I figured man it’s okay let’s go up here come on Jack oh not Jack Jesse sorry oh my gosh they mixed up between names let’s talk to uh nm/ hey Nerm oh yeah you must be worried about Jack right he’ll be okay a uh yeah I’ll get back to this uh there’s a chest let’s open the chest H dark prismarine not quite the structure block but seems useful all right wait do we craft something what do we well at least this

Temple was nice enough to provide a crafting table wait oh I see okay okay I got to remember this so I think these go on the sides uh and then the rest wait no and then this just go go like this okay oh wow we got a uh sea lantern sea lantern

Nice what else can we make uh make that if we can night but want to follow me on Minecraft Discord twitch donations or tips tips donations please type I was just looking at that door and I don’t think that’s what we need here maybe try a sea lantern oh right here I already

Made one the is I made one already okay I guess we’ll make another one all right all right two sea lanterns and boom got two of them night but the Alias you set this command to be of go does not exist o puzzle door let’s see this pris

Marine door look at oh wait a second okay see Lantern uh sea lantern dark prismarine prismarine uh oh yeah there we go Hey oh my gosh what oh thank the tides I’m finally free it has it has been a very very long time night look at Jack hey everyone I stream every Wednesday 7 p.m. Friday 7 p.m. sometimes Saturday between 12:00 p.m. to 700 p.m. EST looking forward seeing you

All thought you were a goner man this is unbelievable how did you survive wait how did you survive down here for so long if you sit absolutely still you’d be amazed at how long a stack of pork chops will last anyway it’s so good to meet you now

What are your names I’m Jesse this is Petra a excellent excellent well if I’m not mistaken you’ve just made it further into this Temple than anyone ever before oh wow you are truly something special well I did defeat a Wither storm after all Escape time yes time to get out of

Here and leave what yeah what come now Jesse you’ve made it this far n no you’re alive we’re going all the way that’s a victory enough oh I’d really like to see the sun shine again we’re no uh I hope it’s as nice as I remember but

We’re too but we’re so close already this far boss too far to turn back now yep even I’ll admit it would be nice to finally get some closure on this place fine but if you get me killed after all this time I’m going to be incredibly

Cross uh more of those weird statues at least these ones aren’t doing that creepy head thing yeah that’s true all right let’s punch this brick let’s go come on Jessy punch boom let’s see what’s next oh no that’s a bad sound N oh no come on o Adventurer oh my gosh what are they they’re kind of zombie shaped they sort of sound like zombies but those are definitely not zombies let’s go up those stairs come on Jesse bet you this season is almost this episode alone is almost 2 hours even

Longer we’re inside wow yes and it is incredible dude all right let’s explore okay guys structure blocks got to be in here how do you know just a feeling I guess oh that looks like a portal I feel like this is important but I don’t really

Know why that really looks like a portal to me to be honest okay uh all right let’s go up let’s go up the stairs come on Jesse all right wait no oh my gosh no I’m not used to these controls man there we go AF krq all right man appreciate you being

In the Stream means a lot guys doing okay I I don’t like any of it Jesse it’s giving me a bad feeling and my instincts are better than nine ocelots tied together that doesn’t even make any sense just like old times buddy I’m going to have to get up and stretch Soon hey nurm you think you could give me a hand with these hermy says they say once the world was flat no mountains no Rivers no trees until the admin H built the mountains sculpted the rivers crafted the trees bunch of superstitious oh I see the block I see

The the block we’re looking for oh man I remember I seen this uh I watched a bunch of videos based off of or on Minecraft story mode season 2 uh look at wow NM I’m sorry to bother you again but huh the admin saw there were no more Heroes worthy of his

Challenges so we left this world until the next great Heroes emerged oh no can’t believe you buy into this stuff that’s obviously just the copout way of saying he never really existed all right let’s go get this Block Crispy Cream yo back yo welcome back man oh I see which one should I grab oh my this must be it it’s got to be fck that symbol it looks just like the one we saw underground ooh come on see a structure block NM says there’s some writing here

Old runes H the admin gifts declaring your path Choose Wisely all he’s got I guess you can only take one I don’t know what one to grab though that’s the thing that’s fascinating ooh yeah I think this one here cuz that one has more obsidian than that one that one has arrows huh

H guys which one should I grab I say this one cuz it has more obsidian but this one has a I mean something can easily walk around that so you know what I’m grabing this one says that’s the wall of the Builder Crispy Cream OB city right nothing’s

Getting through that that’s for sure huh let me look at this one MH NM says that one’s the Tower of the warrior oh wow yeah I bet that could shred a gang of mobs in no time flat H uh I’m going to choose this one Boulder path that sounds like what we

Need well it’s supposed to be a gift right W Whoa that’s pretty Cool yeah I can’t believe we got it all right let’s get out of this Temple now these freaky soldiers perhaps they went away oh my God a scared me I’m guessing no nope they broke through wa what oh my god there are so many of them stay behind me nerm

All right here we go oh come on Jessie oh come on I’m glad I put my phone on do not uh viberate someone calling me of course oh je big hand very big now might be a good time for that structure block I don’t know how it works try everything then no

Please oh my gosh let’s try please work please work please work please workio trophy congratulations received 100 messages today the stream Chat now we at the big guy hello Jesse wow here they Come oh my gosh I know how to take the guy down come on I’ll show you what we did to our enemies and per that still behind me ner get ready you guys think you’re all cool cuz of how tall you are huh proud of how tall you are oh my gosh Oh my gosh oh my gosh these guys are big ah no Okay who okay I’m very low waa these guys are oh I’m at one heart oh my gosh boom boom okay in your face I almost died there metaphorically wow oh oh no Jordan the gamer why are you not picking up because I’m streaming Jordan I’m not I’m not I’m not going to

Call you while I’m streaming whoa too close because like I I just I would rather not like still if you know what I mean I’ll call you maybe later or tomorrow DOD cuz uham is going to be like 8 hours long I can almost reach it oh no it’s so close I

Got to save either Petra or don’t worry oh I’ve got it most s oh crap um I got to save Petra I have to she’s an OG okay as long as as long as um as long as uh Jack and nerm survive be good close call W I’m no okay

Mostly no Jack I’m I’m so sorry it’s out oh no his eye is completely gone now oh to run you are resilient so sadly still mortal I got I find this guy in the good place my hair that time didn’t work that time either dear is there a leak in here oh no

H the temple destroy every block you’ve ever stood on and I promise I will place the blocks that cover your grave the waterfalls go go I’m right behind you guys well don’t we need to take this guy out before he comes to the AR what a dangerous World Jesse you must

So tiny there is so much distance to cover also you know wow me whoa Okay H how can you put that on underwater no I was too slow come on was way too slow okay let’s try that again I placed every block you’ve ever St on and I promise place the blocks that cover your grave all right let’s go the Waterfalls go go I’m right behind you guys R come on come on come on what a dangerous World Jesse you you are so T there is so much distance to cover also you know me now I’m play my hand right on Q CU I know I’m going to need press it there we

Go what I was still too slow okay okay I had to use my other hand then come on dude how fast you need to be every last time last time soon as I get soon as I’m climb I’m put my hand other hand right on so I can

EAS I beat that game in 2 hours it’s talking you this long go go I’m right behind you guys hey uh Jordan I don’t know cuz like the seasons are long a there’s no way you can beat it in 2 hours you are so tiny and there is so much

Distance to cover also and by the way this is season two all right here we go here we go here we go here we go here we Go oh dude what I pressed hit really fast oh my gosh come every okay I’m going to try this one more time I’m going try to go as fast as I possibly can I will place the blocks that cover your yeah yeah yeah I me we know we know the waterfalls let’s

Go one more time here I know I can pass this easily go go I’m right behind you guys you got really what a dangerous World Jesse you are so tiny there is so much distance to cover also you Know dude I pessing it I can the heck IED every’ ever SE let’s try this one more time the keyboard really close to me I’m going to press as soon as it starts I’m pressing it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the waterfalls let’s try this again I don’t

Know why this is so hard go go I’m right behind you guys me it’s so fast really what a dangerous World Jesse you are so tiny there is so much distance to cover also you know me early night hey everyone I stream every Wednesday 7 p.m. Friday 7 p.m. and

Sometimes Saturday between 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST looking forward seeing you all crisp cream that thing is definitely going to follow us wow we’re going back to Beacon town and that thing is probably going to follow Us oh my there that’s where the structure block goes CL it down Jesse we’ll keep the creepers off your back all right let’s go night want to follow me on Minecraft Discord twitch donations for tips tip donation please type Minecraft twitch disc come on come on come

On really hope this works it better work boom oh wow hold Up oh this is cool it’s a Stairway is everyone okay looks all clear uh oh that victory dance I meant to impressive moves well what do you know Jesse you really did it yeah I guess I did think that’s really the end of it ah certainly

Looks that way to me then come on let’s go home you guys oh no that can’t welcome to my channel if you like what you see click on the thumbs up icon we’re fre town again should probably drink some water after all that Prime Mountain Dew this

Is more people than I’ve seen in a long time hey everyone happy founding day hey oh welcome back we were worried you’d miss it you’re back thank goodness this hasoo this has been a lot of work actually guys I’ve been drinking a lot of uh help with building hey this was just your

First time trying on the leader hat you’ll get the hang of it someday you really think so oh yeah yeah uh right guys I’m going to go for another quick bathroom break so I’ll be back night bed the areas you set this command to be up go does not exist three Okay I am back wait what oh there we go so did you find what you were searching for kind of Heck yeah it’s like I’m always telling people Teamwork Makes the Dream Work yeah teamor all my friends you brought this amazing New Treasure back there’s nothing we can’t do together happy founding day everyone you’re welcome oh Yeah y That’s cool are we going to like leave that there Though oh yeah not bad right I think they really liked it yeah they did guess You’ still really got it yeah other than having half the number of eyes I had when we left I’d call that arousing success yeah that part’s not the best Jack I’m so

Sorry I was really sure you had it back there I don’t blame you I thought so too just as frustrated with myself oh Jack I oh I I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt I was just coming to get Jack no no you’re fine friend boss

And I are heading to the shop to start planning our next Expedition oh yeah you coming Petra uh in a little bit I’m still hanging with Jesse for now Hey de Branch 9777 man this brings back some memories still don’t know what I’m going to do about that it’s a good game I’m glad I’m bringing back some memories for you man you dudes heard that too right terrifying yeah what was it no that that guy did follow us oh

No oh my gosh no you thought you could just run away from the admin what you’ve really got my attention now all right we got to do something about this guy let’s take him out P gream it’s the end of the world as we know it D Branch

9777 episode one kind of sucks that the producers got shut down and couldn’t make a third season yeah that does suck refresh to download the latest chosen oh okay wait refresh unable okay yeah I find it does suck like it does really suck oh wait there’s Lucas writing his book oh no oh

No Beacon town oh Lucas is coming let’s go Hey all right here we go time to write the next chapter oh yeah come on L let’s Go Jordan the gamer dude I’m going to watch my cousin YouTube videos he has over 300K subscribe I don’t know why when I watch a video with less than onek Subs my iPad sh shyt down I have to restart to watch yours videos oh come on

Jordan I know you’re saying by that you just want to watch you’re just saying that you don’t want to watch My Stream because I have less than a I don’t have many Subs y’ Jordan come on don’t don’t don’t be like that man don’t be that guy

All right episode two so this one has uh uh five five five episodes not bad all right Let’s Start Episode Two so I’m planning on streaming the whole thing so who knows this could take 8 hours 11 hours maybe even 12 hours never know if it

Takes 12 hours I’ll be up really late previously on Minecraft story Jord the gamer I’m just joking I’m sorry yeah don’t joke like that Jordan you know what I think of that it’s not it makes me it really annoys me pieces left behind huh yes we might not like it what but eventually

Everyone learns this is can change forever wow no matter how fraught with danger it may seem The Lure of a cre cannot be denied I don’t have SCH Tom so I can watch that’s awesome gamer are you mad at me no I’m not mad at you Jordan

Just I just don’t like when you uh say that kind of stuff cuz it it bothers me just want to be the one to discover the next an to strange new powers this new threat was more personal than any that had come before and the fight for their lives shook the

Foundation of everything they thought possible wow but in the end the town was saved the heroes had won the day let and everyone could believe for just one moment that maybe things really hadn’t changed at all and then that moment the past oh my gosh yo time to fight this

Thing this game series oh my tutorial what okay let’s let’s let’s play now it ain’t no wither story but we could take him down greetings time people I and the Admin sorry that was probably really loud to your pathetic tiny ears oh man that me what does it what see I’m scared right now well guess Jack’s eye wasn’t enough for it I wish to speak with Jesse the GED Bearer what’s going on right here you come from well quit wishing admin

Because I’m right here I know that’s why I was like looking right at you come speak with me face to face face okay I’d rather talk to him than him destroying the town so if there’s an option just to go to T I will what’s going on here gaet Bearer that rather

Suspicious isn’t it uh everyone everyone I there’s nothing to worry about the giant prismarine Colossus and I are going to work this out and everything can get back to normal I swear okay so an admin a huge Colossus at our door I’m all right with not freaking out yet

You’re going to fix this right Jesse Yeah you won’t let it destroy down will you don’t worry everyone I’m going to try talking to it okay diplomacy nice that sounds Good I would like to proceed goldet era do not test my patience okay well guess you should get up there go Gauntlet Bearer clay comeing your way thanks perfect SBP let’s talk to this Joshy Joshy yo what’s up all right be faster Crispy Cream yellow hood guy sounded like Stampy there you are

Jess cuz he is Stampy I loved what you did with the Wither storm awesome stuff this is going to be perfect okay you got an A why thank you why yes thanks for noticing seriously you’re a natural that’s why I left you the gret you left it Crispy Cream huh you

Down to the Sea Temple but now your true test begins it is time you fight a come on dude dude fight me Champion unless you’d like to see that happen to your entire town who knows what I’ll do Next enough talk let’s fight let’s do it hold on SBP Jesus will save you fighting in broad daylight is boring oh come on had some drama oh he’s powerful okay well everyone else should fight the mods so well we fight the admin just you and me now Champion don’t let de Branch 977

Like a sword going to do anything I mean there is a way to fight him like you have to go behind his head like behind his head to take him out this we need help all right Jesse come on not good Jessie you defeated a Wither storm you

Can easily defeat this admin big smash Fest to this guy we need help he’s going to break everything we to block big cut it what can we do how about a bunch of obsidian walls structure block time if you can cause a distraction I can plant some of these guys they’ll help hold

CP have faith in the Lord Josh and you will win go Jessie Chris P Stone face and he thinks it’s a fair fight yeah that’s right your courage is so much larger than your pun side oh my gosh let’s see how you deal with the enchanted Del viciousness of Miss butter

I could peek my teeth with that blade I’ll take you down one block in a time oh thank you all right let’s save these guys the best all right let’s do this Crispy Cream or lucious when we need him I don’t where Lucas is yeah we do need it

Clever using my own structure block against me all right all right let’s go where’s the structure block Finders Keepers this tiny thing won’t save you Jesse not from me what he ate it all right let’s take this thing down come on let’s do this okay this is a

Little intense but I guess a giant Colossus did follow me home hide and seek is Beneath You Jesse the champion should be better than this night like my videos streams and more would be a great help from you guys for any donation you can give https stream elements. the/

Jessie just give yourself up we ain’t going to give up there’s a way to go over here I believe uh yep climb let’s climb this ladder let’s go yeah we got to hit the the back of his head with the sword Crispy Cream sign on the back of

His to fighting your older sibling be like pris soldiers back at the sea Temple had the same symbol all right we got to go the other way okay there we are all right admin you want to fight youve got one here I am night want to follow me on Minecraft

Discord twitch donations for tips tip donation please type Minecraft twitch Discord no did I just fail leave my Josh alone rock face eat this right in the eye ouch hey Lucas thanks for the help oh thank you luas we appreciate it why do you on it quick version the admin he

Like built the world or something uh okay are you all right I mean he really had you up there now man I miss youp saying that because I pulled you from the of this admin guy down I saw a spot on the back of his

Head I’m hoping he might be the key to defeating him you can’t down sounds like I better keep him distracted then thanks Lucas be careful we don’t want to lose you come now Jessy all this stalling is just making me angrier hey load you want Jesse you

Need to go through me first and I don’t think you stand a chance boom you’re protecting Jesse you please all these interruptions are becoming annoying okay K climb on them climb on them that ends now see what you got okay okay okay come on we Will Rock You Joshi is the

Best in there all right here we go here we go here we go oh H foot I knew you’d come eventually don’t know anything about me On’s butt where are you hey oh I’m sorry Sure no no you’re going to wish you hadn’t done that admin oh my gosh oh boy do you really think you can defeat me Jess I don’t think I know oh my gosh Crispy Cream who a this guy’s going to really get beaten up now crispy gream confidence new sad Face there we go this is where we need to hit oh well is this defeated want to dance one hit dude wow I thought it would take like three hits one no I do not want to dance but dude this is cool we just defeated him and one boom one stay behind me

Stampy stamp not build a gate oh man temporary keep coming in until we get the sun back up oh yeah the sun uh how are we going to control thisa it’s a massive clock how to use it uh reset what yeah that’s cool tail taale game presents wow moing in interaction with

MOJ yeah Minecraft story mode season 2 oh man this is awesome SVP oh McDonald had a farm EO my Goodness oh man Classic I I I always loved how T games made their games what about Jack I don’t know I hope Jack’s okay but uh I don’t know how uh like the way they make their games is just awesome like I’m hoping t a really good game Jos is your favorite farm

Animal I know I don’t really like the farm animal that much I can’t believe it’s I’m not sure man this thing could be super dangerous how sure are you that this admin guy is gone uh that’s a scary question I don’t know if we destroyed that huge thing and

He’s still alive that’s kind of scary don’t be scared I don’t know how much more Beacon town can take someone should keep an eye on this thing yeah I can take First Watch actually actually I’ll volunteer I want to help Jesse I’d say we both do it but one

Of us should really get started on the repairs it’s a nice gesture but maybe you should just let me handle it look I promise then the minute I see anything out of the the ordinary I’m coming to get you as fast as my hustle sticks will carry

Me my my uh my legs come on Jesse I can do thisp Josh have you ever had Crispy Cream Donuts before this is a whole new level though all right radar I officially bequeath on you the title of clockmaster thank you Jesse I solemnly promise to uphold the duties of

Clockmaster and to only use my powers for good yeah good that’s good well radar you better you better guard this thing so what are you going to do now Crispy Cream nerd guy looks like Jason thunderer from Over the Garden Wall LOL pretty trash a oh man well that’s terrible I’m

So sorry that admin just no respect it’ll be all right damage isn’t too terrible that’s a really good outlook and um when I asked you what you’re going to do I was actually talking about that glove of yours so I got to tell you Jesse this whole admin thing it’s well

It’s very you I guess is what I’m saying well I know you say you’re trying to settle down and run Beacon town but just seems like you can’t quit that life you know M yeah uh I mean you don’t exactly see a Olivia getting mixed up in stuff like

This I don’t care if that life keeps trying to drag me back I like Beacon town I like helping people that’s great then I mean the people clearly love you SBP Josh want to arm rest I didn’t say any of that stuff to be mean we’ve had a ton of Adventures and I

Just want you to be happy and that’s what that little pig wanted for all of us yeah y a Reuben now go rebuild rip Reuben in chat I promis Stampy and Stacy I’d help them get their houses fixed honestly I don’t blame like I would totally Miss Reuben I do missu see what

We can do for you buddy ah oh we have to rebuild it ourselves oh gosh okay uh first things first let’s fix this up a little bit uh let’s do this no I like that the block I want to mine this I want to make it like look similar to what it did

Before okay we are diorite okay I need the polished one Night bud okay PA welcome to my channel if you like what you see click on the thumbs up icon and place a subscribe comment uh okay um there there okay so we got this area kind of fixed so let’s put this normal diate like right there uh put

Some that diorite or not diorite this is the prismarine uh all right actually you know what I don’t have much glass but no oh my gosh ah okay and boom all right so we got glass how much do we have eight so we might have enough to cover the back of Glass uh boom okay that looks pretty pretty good uh let’s for like the banner we should probably put some of this too so all right let’s build a roof de Branch 9777 I can’t get to the end can’t you change the view I don’t think we can change the view

Man I don’t think we can okay uh okay let’s put that on all four corners make it go Up okay uh do that I want to make it look really good cuz it’s for Reuben So okay there we go Now put there there we go actually oh man I’m going to have to leave this part for last cuz it’s the roof so we’re going to have to start this at the back Okay oh come on the there we go why isn’t it letting me place any blocks here there okay there we go there we go and boom I don’t think you go higher than that no you can’t okay so uh let’s put polish oh no not polished normal oh wait quartz we need

Quartz in this for sure okay uh put wait hold up wait is there not okay there’s no glass there but now there is Okay polish diate yeah I technically I shouldn’t have put glass there but it’s okay uh let’s remove this Uh oh come on this could take a while for me to do cuz like I want to make this look as special as possible for Reuben um okay let’s do that and then that okay Uh okay now This and that wait I want to see if this connects I’m not going to leave this here obviously okay good it does okay I just wanted to make sure all right uh let’s get this roof Done all right and this and quz I was going to make it hold on okay Uh how does that look guys how does that look for like uh for Reuben Uh oh that looks good like that oh my uh oh wait there’s quartz here so I got to get rid of De Branch 9777 it looks good that that uh maybe the corners could be quartz cuz I have plenty of quartz no I don’t want it I mean on top

Looks pretty good actually not going to lie that looks pretty good with it being on top okay what if I that hey igtg I need to help my mom with dinner all right I appreciate you watching the stream I’m man I hope you can come back later uh okay actually I get

R goodbye and good luck I appreciate it yeah I talk to you see you later my man okay I like the way that looks that’s that’s that’s it right there perfect there now that is a monument fit for Reuben hey look at that I know I never met Robin reuben reuben oh right

Righteous oh by the way Petra was looking for you before over that way thanks n what about like uh the Ruben sign like and all the banners hope some I hope somebody puts those banners on come on you remember twisting death Cavern you couldn’t even

Look at a bat for months right oh oh yes they all just start to blur together after a while hey guys Petra around heard she was looking for me oh uh yeah um helping nerm get some stuff I think she should be back in a second oh uh

Amazing work fighting that admin fellow by the way just stunning yeah I would have thought you’d been doing it your whole life it was just lucky I guess can I say just lucky I guess if there’s one thing I’ve learned about lucky people there’s always more to it than just luck

Got that on a sign back at the shop it’s a little sad that the legendary Jack the the iron sword of Muji lake has been reduced to some tour guide boss that’s why I think this adventure to twisting death Cavern is just what you need to what you should continue to keep just

Talking about for someday far off uh yeah yeah agreed uh theoretical conversations I do what I care you guys can talk about having some new adventure planned what do I care H I guess that’s true yeah we’ve just got a new Expedition on the horizon hang on hang on I missed that

Last part if we take that road it goes through a swamp and a Mesa biome oh yeah there’s okay then it settled the earlier we leave now no no no not now I don’t know wait you’re leaving with these guys uh huh yeah and that’s uh yeah

That’s why we were you didn’t even tell me being weird before and uh you know talking about uh you know B possible stuff were you even going to tell me or were you just going to sneak off of course I was going to tell you I was

Just working up to it slly Jesse I promise I can explain I just like my videos streams and more would be a great help from you guys for any donation you can give https stream joshthe gammer tip it’s snowing impossible I really want snow where I live this isn’t a snow

Biome Gabriel Nava the one only a dud dude I had so much fun during our last little battle super epic just couldn’t stay away it’s a snowman wait you’re the admin well that giant Gabriel Colossus I watched this too many times just a construct roll it up for the OCC well I

Just it’s my first time playing it and thought it be a little easier to talk a lot of people wanted me to stream it uh such a I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing you’re being a jerk you could seriously want follow me on Minecraft Discord come on don’t do me

Like that donations or tips you have to this has impossible game but like and I know a lot of people seen it I’ve seen it a lot myself I just wanted to play it for you guys and for people that possibly haven’t seen it trust me you’re going to love it oh my

Gosh no not again you hear that that’s a diamond class wave of Doom and destruction headed right for Town pretty good right what working on that one you’re insane my people you have your plans or whatever but leave my people out of it they’re innocent night innocent the Alias you

Set this command to be up go does not exist seems like they’ve got you pretty motivated your town will be trapped in Eternal snowy night forever plagued by deadly waves of mobs until you recapture that clock which is where oh you go it’s at the tippy top of my awesome fantastic

Super deadly icy Palace of Despair it’s simple just follow the path the well that sounds needlessly dangerous oh it is put inent people in danger just for your games yeah well technically you’re the one putting them in danger if you don’t go after the clock so why are you doing

This what do you want from us why why well because it’s fun obviously oh this is going to be epic uh I guess I’ll play it cool what oh come on time to show this goon with the Scaro CAG jumpers due to town Destroyers you think you’ve got it all figured out

Don’t you oh no ah Strays pesky little consequence of Eternal Night and Beacon Town’s new neighbors until you take care of that clock remember find the clock save the town bye-bye now oh my gosh ad man we need to protect the people run hide everyone oh my gosh come on guys you got

To hide at least it’s not no big giant oh my gosh that was brutal okay got fight these Things oh my gosh ah oh my gosh I keep on missing okay oh my Gosh all right I still got my fighting skills pretty good oh no ow okay these guys are the Wor boom Get Wrecked Hearts man I need to get better man got a bad feeling more will be on the way hey everyone I stream every Wednesday 700 p.m. Friday 7 p.m. sometimes Saturday between 12: p.m. to 700 p.m. EST looking forward seeing you all I know now the situation is just

Going to get worse until we get it back yeah from his icy Palace of Despair or whatever wherever you’re going I’m coming too I was given the title and the power of clockmaster if it’s to keep Beacon Town safe uh I’ll do anything really oh man proud of you Radar really

Of course well I I won’t let you down all right everyone we’ve got a clock it is really dangerous but I’ll just I’ll let radar come why not can’t let you come along on this one old friend H I promise I will come Back uh we’ll be back soon see you nerm we’ll be back soon a a poor NM is that thing gone yeah for now block this up after we leave would you on it yes we will defend Beacon town with our very lives thanks guys bye

NM see you we’re all counting on you I wish I knew more about whatever their Quest is all right we got to follow the Path what is that stay close huh I don’t mean to sound suspicious but do we really think the admin is going to keep his word about this clock yeah I don’t exactly get a trustworthy vibe off of him why would he Li listening to him he’s a total wacko I

Bet even he doesn’t know what his game plan is I wouldn’t be so quick to write him off Jesse it could all be rul I’m with Jesse actually I think he’s a few rails short of a full track oh yeah let’s hope we can defeat this admin

There’s five episodes so I don’t think we are going to defeat it GP you hit 1.7k hold on let me check let me check right uh uh me me me too hold up about yo what’s up that’s awesome guys I prom yo we never we actually never gone up

This high before it’s just a little trip okay next subscriber goal away from Beacon town uh I don’t know the next subscriber goal I would like 1.8k sure I want to get to 1.2k before this year ends so I would greatly appreciate if you guys do that for me I

Was just so excited to be hanging out with real hardcore venturers again let’s go especially because I was worried that you that you didn’t need me anymore who betra don’t say that de Branch 9777 I need you that’s ridiculous hey see this is why it would have been

So much easier if you hadn’t found out like this it’s just everything’s so different from when we first became friends everything’s changed a Pedro it’s okay man Axel Olivia they all changed too they found what made them happy their thing I’m just stretching my uh I still

Haven’t found mine you know how hard that is how how that feels your thing is that you help your friends you’re the best friend I’ve ever had Petra that’s true I guess and I feel the same way about you of course oh no what is that ah it’s a

Llama I think it’s I think the Llama name is Luna that’s Luna is that a scarf on that llama huh she ran away again uh excuse me speaking for the group you guys know a llama H long story where’d she come from uh kind of this is Luna she’s kind of

Cute right we returned her to her owner Stella she is cute isn’t she everyone get away from my llama no Stella Jesse my rival should have known I would find you here hush I’m talking yeah hi Stella hi that’s all you have to say for yourself

Okay what is going on here Lucas this is Stella the leader of champion City this is Jack Voss and radar I might open I might have some uh a snack while I’m playing if you don’t mind so what exactly are you doing here Stella I’m not going to have much little

City is currently covered in a hideous coat of snow that’s what I came out to investigate and surprise surprise it’s you if you’re smart you’ll undo whatever it is you did and put things right again just wow don’t blame stop trying to be a hero

Be a hero again just like back in your treasure room I know just I am going to fix it I believe we have it well covered Miss we’re on our way to find a mighty adversary and set things right all right let’s say I believe you

I suppose I’ll just have to find a way to fix it it’s my world too after all you’ll see I’ll fix it all on my own I don’t need any of you losers don’t call us losers whoa the the Moon is stuck okay that’s freaky oh boy so

Stella you were saying I was saying that maybe I’ll stick around for a bit just to keep an eye on you ah Stella I know you said my thing was helping my friends but I want the record to show she is not my friend just FYI yeah we know that Stella ain’t a

Great person she thinks she thinks she’s a hero but she ain’t a hero not like Jesse you okay radar guys by the way take a guess what chips I’m eating guys take a guess we need to keep an eye whoa whoa oh there’s the clock I’m actually kind of speechless right now

Man and it’s all ice astounding I Know Jack speechless Lucas you better write that down already jotted it down under rare occurrences and phenomena hey come on rude hey found the clock oh perfect but how are we going to get up there well the admin mentioned challenges I’m guessing there’s going to

Be like obstacles or something when we get wait do I have this right are you telling me that this admin is so powerful he built all of this instantly you sound almost jealous almost of course I’m jealous of power like that power is how the world is run little

Man it’s what people respect what they listen to it’s not how my world Works Stella there are more important things than who has the most power huh that’s true I wonder who he would agree with Stella you’ll never change Oh I thought I recognized you you’re the

Quitter who used to work on my inventory management team wait wait do do you two know each other yeah I uh I used to live in Champion City what I don’t know what he told you to get on this little team but I don’t think he even knows how to use a

Sword oh come on oh you don’t know anything Stella so dipp it oo how do you put up with that little voice of his Jesse I know I never could hey radar is Really Brave all right yeah really super Brave I’m sure who even invited you

Anyway I’m just telling you Jesse I’d be careful about counting on him for anything come along Luna thanks Jesse I appreciate that no problem I’m not the person she thinks I am anymore I’ve changed and I can prove it all right let’s see braver just don’t get killed that’s what the situation

Requires I’ll do it just try not have to get killed okay radar I want everyone to get home alive I uh yeah I’ll make sure it’s at the top of my to-do list I’m going to check my Subs real quick would you look at that all right haven’t seen anything

That grand since the last time I visited the overcompensating Builders of g no we need to get more people in the Stream all right I’m going to have a little break from E the chips I don’t want to eat all those chips and all the snacks I got right now pulling the

Le works we don’t have no elytra wow okay what’s going Ono everyone please please GA around don’t be shy Here We Go Again The Snowman is back oh look how many of you there are lovely your choice of company I don’t know I mean this place

Is really for the best of the best not how do I say this losers Mr admin Mighty sir I’m Stella founder of champion City maybe you’ve heard of me no never it’s actually perfect Champion I can see you all have dreams of greatness it’s very cute huh this construct before you it’s

Meant to see who’s worthy of that greatness separate the strong from the weak so we’ll see how your little companions do hey well don’t even worry about it because my friends here aren’t weak mhm cool if you say so all right come now don’t be that way this

This is all for you new creatures of my own design as well as mining fatigue at every turn wouldn’t want you cheating of course I don’t like rule Breakers it’s simple you all want to get to that clock but only the best of the best get to

Partner up with me in the future oh okay that could be you hook this place up just for you was pretty uh I was going to say pretty cool with ice Motif they seems like I was going for a lame pun anyway I’m here to save my town well of course

You are because you’re a hero it’s awesome oh I am just ecstatic that you see things my way thrilled all right so how about we get this show on the road all right snowman oh oh no oh no man this admin guy is pretty Crazy how how is he running on the wall nice landing ah it’s nothing it’s just my perfect reflexes and photographic muscle memory if you guys are wondering why I’m like doing this so much cuz I have a caner here and I’m trying to get rid of it

The way is shut yes now I suppose the only way out is through yeah and smashing that clock let smash it not going to be smashing the clock say what now you heard the admin he only wants the best of the best and that’s going to be me no

Oh you’ve got to be kidding sorry might as well quit now wait but what about your people Champion City you’re totally selling them Out Boy what do you think small if I’m working with the admin I’ll be able to help Champion City even more I

Hope yeah I would never trust the ad man come on Stella Stella don’t be like that work of us wow it’s it’s amazing little buddy Jessie Minecraft story mode partnership he’s offering oh yeah imagine everything you could create everything you could dopr like that all I know is that I

Don’t trust anything the admin says um I’d agree with that oh yeah come on Luna enough of these losers we’ve got treasure to find Luna come on Luna treasure sniffing lava the real cyber Army yeah tell your friends who yo what’s up cyber welcome to the stream hey now oh poor llama

Cheating hey that’s cheating pretty sure the admin would frown at us using an advantage like Luna the OD men said it’s about seeing how far we can go so I’m going let’s go Luna a looks like Luna does not want to be with uh that is certainly a woman who

Knows what she wants you kidding she’s nuts well no one knows better than me that the admin’s traps and construction mean business you’ve got a point there old friend oh yeah I don’t want to see anyone else get hurt yes and it’s like the admin said not everyone here might

Be up for the task I mean no offense but it just night stating like my videos streams and would be a great help from you guys for any donation you can give https stream joshthe gammer tip come with me Jack let’s try and scope this place out oh come on

I’m I’m going to go talk to them all right I have never been so offended not in my whole life yeah that wasn’t the coolest wasn’t the coolest oh no misfiling your wood during material organization week isn’t the coolest that was night that was a hey everyone I

Stream every Wednesday 7 p.m. Friday 7 p.m. sometimes Saturday between 12: p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST looking forward seeing you all skinny little arms and they think they know me they think they know me well they are wrong dead wrong I mean I have been an embarrassment sometimes but it stops

Here it ends today and I I guess I’m done sorry I need you to remember remember that out there the world is stuck in Eternal Night there are a lot of scared people back in Beacon Town who are counting on us you’re right that’s true we were talking and

Decided that it would be best for everyone if radar stays here with Lucas while we go get the clock that’s it Luna darling I completely disagree what they were saying all right later losers night we ain’t losers want to follow me on Minecraft Discord twitch donations or tips tip donation please type Minecraft

Twitch Discord just what the admin wants us to think you saw the Llama huh Jesse coming right oh come on we could really use a hand over here uh H wait what the why why can’t I move my mouse oh there we go uh I’m sorry Petra but we got to go

On this side we got to go with Lucas come on everyone would prob everyone would want to go with Lucas so I got to go with them be safe okay if you’re sure night but welcome to my channel if you like what you see click on the thumbs up icon and place a

Subscribe comment I feel bad but honestly Lucas and radar are really cool Patra has OG don’t mind wow oh boy No I questioned my J roller coaster how many of you guys ever went on a roller coaster I’ve been on a lot can Wonderland and some in Florida in Disney World it’s pretty good deep Ranch 9777 radar gets annoying at some points I wouldn’t say that but I mean sometimes yeah

But I find he’s pretty Co night bed the Alias you set this command to be of go does not exist everybody okay definitely what a rush where’s the radar did you already get out oh oh he’s in there I’m all right I’m okay I’m so sorry I’m okay really just

Getting my hold yourself together man I’ll be better in a minute oh radar pull it together feeling okay I’ve got to say if you’re having a hard time with the mine carts you might not like what comes next hello there it’s me again your friendly neighborhood

Admin oh man admin come on pretty proud of this challenge not going to lie I was feeling very inspired by the concept of Karma ah I see I’ll tell you why but well that spoiled the surprise I’m sure you understand right uh real heroes live for surprises unexpected dangers oh that’s all right tell me I’m cool with spoilers I just told you I’m not going to spoil the surprise okay play along here let’s just

Say I hope you’re feeling good about your archery yo cyber are you in here still between you and me though Champion I’m less worried about your archery than I am about your choice of companions oh if I can’t Shuffle the board a bit give you another pair of hands to help

Out ah dude where how he’s no Jesse but he’s better than that other guy right de stop talking bad about stop talking trash about radar come on man hit all the targets and the door will open Easy right okay but what are those pumpkin hits for don’t worry Jesse we’ll figure it

Out oh my gosh all right uh look at bet this will come in handy wait we can use the hopper what oh I see it gives us shooting targets with frost blue tals hello now I just need yo what’s up man welcome to the stream please drop a like And subscribe

If you’re new I would greatly appreciate that I think you need to give him a little more credit hey what you talking about night bed we were talking welcome to my channel if you like what you see click on the thumbs up icon and place a subscribe comment Jesse knows all about

That Prim yeah oh yeah Jesse’s had to go on adventures with all sorts of people ah I mean I had to learn a lot about this stuff back when I had a gang called the ocelots there was a guy named a frost tals well let’s just say he

Taught me a lot than you so much my man I greatly appreciate that we’re trying to get to 1.2k maybe by the end of the Stream greatly appreciate that and that’s what I would like so I would appreciate if you would get all of your friends to

Subscribe if you can and if you want I’m not forcing you it’ just be really nice and it’ be really helpful all right uh oh I think we need to make a oh wait look at no we got a break it would be really powerful that’s what I

Met always good to have string around Frost blue tails a r all right let’s talk to this guy boss are you okay oh Jesse it was most startling thing one minute there the next minute poof well welcome to the party I guess yeah I I know that I haven’t been at my

Best in the time that we’ known each other but I promise I I do know what I’m doing uh okay I look forward to seeing these skills of yours when they kick in like I said you’ll see oh yes you will oh come on let’s solve whatever devious

Challenge the admin has set before us all right let’s do this Frost blue Tails also try to keep an eye on Voss I don’t trust him a whole lot yeah I don’t either uh shooting okay uh oh Bush perfect break the bush time to meet your

Maker boom boom boom okay yeah I don’t trust that guy either I I already know what happens cuz I watch this but yeah I don’t trust him at all at all okay uh I think it goes like this so one here one here okay I’m a little rusty but I

Believe this is how you do it there we go boom got a bow nice sweet Frost blue Tails better wait and find out some targets huh he really reminds me of us you know back in the day eager to make his Mark always always ready for whatever’s around the next

Corner uh he’s lucky to have you giving him a helping hand and all oh yeah yeah he’ll learn from the best come on imagine I’m just imagining that uh if they were to make a season 3 that radar would be like there would be a big story based off a radar that would

Be really cool but like sadly they they had to sadly shut down like the game and stuff I need sucks need to get this thing moving uh look at okay well how do we get this thing moving I need just need to get this thing moving uh Okay wait is there how do we get this to move oh wait I see shoot at that might be the on switch can’t get to it from here though well you got to shoot at it all right button you’re mine Boom oh wow so we have to I’m guessing we have to press the buttons this is so cool all right Lucas show the admin who he’s messing with Lucas is the guy at the bow all right shoot all right oh my okay don’t shoot okay a I

See I see I need to be careful nice and easy all right all right boom okay here we go a I missed ouch hey that’s really annoying ah dude okay that be quit no okay ow dang it I keep on hitting it okay what does it

No ah there we go that was way EAS hey Jesse thanks radar huh this is going to be easy all right here we go here we go here we go come on here we go oh no I messed up again come on I got to remember I got to hit the mobs

Not the vill that was a little tougher man Jesse you’re good I’m definitely going to steal some of those moves Here Comes round three all right here we go okay all right let’s not get okay oh there’s Steve hello there Steve uh oh we’re not hitting Steve we’ll hit that ener dragon

Boom let’s go Jesse you did it hey that was easy that was easy well obviously I messed up quite a bit bad not s right bad you’re a fine shot almost feels like I made this challenge too easy for you oh wait no I’m totally messing with you time for level two

A level two oh no ah no way we have to do parkour this is going to be hard cross hang on what are you oh man an iron golem okay that’s not really that bad look out oh oh dude Jesse no take care of

Yourself oh no okay we got to go we got to go way follow me come on guys Frost blue tails oh okay oh my gosh Come on Jessie don’t lose your balance now go go go go go Go okay guys this is it all right radar jump radar come on but Boston I Jesse I don’t want to fall sometimes you just got to fake it radar it’s hero time yeah okay this is it isn’t it no it’s not not on my watch we did it let’s get out of

Here oh let me gu I going to show up wait what what oh no radar come on radar take this help Lucas hold off those golems all right all right big gu mine here we go hope I don’t mess up here oh God Frost blue Tails who okay now that’s

A snow golem oh yeah no oh oh my gosh for a second I thought I was going to die there now this oh yo yo this thing is nuts yeah you’re right ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oh my gosh ow how do I heal I’m at like two hearts

Oh there we go oh okay this guy shouldn’t be as powerful now wait what dude how did I oh great okay well I need to I’m going to actually p on oh good it’s saved perfect okay right ah what the heck oh come on no no no no Lucas help hey ugly taste

My bravery hey let’s go radar you saved us radar you did it take that you big jum chunk of ice all right time to get ourselves a pumpkin and open that door come on come on come on come on Boom come on before he thinks up a stage

Three grab this pumpkin that snow golem is like completely gone now oh my gosh Yo okay radar save today let’s go that was oh wow I mean Voss that wasn’t your fault radar Voss has to be somewhere in this place we’ll find him taste my bravery well I figured it was appropriate that was intense would it be weird for me to go in for a hug

Cuz uh I’m kind of feeling the hug vibrating I’ll give a hug oh wow you’re a good hugger thanks man oh Petra Petra hey have you guys seen Voss one second he was with us and the next Gone no no dude hello help Stella a little healthier we ain’t going to help you Stella I don’t know I want Stella no one deserves this not even Stella uh she might be a bit stuck up and she doesn’t really treat that nicely but we got to help

Them’s been totally impossible but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help her H you have a point okay no no no no no no this is all wrong people wrong you’re not supposed to help each other the losers are supposed to lose like spectacles over here there was no

Way radar would have fought his way out of that room without you oh man you should have just cut him loose no jettison that baggage you seen someone like you held back by that painful fine then just let him out of here set him free if you really don’t think he should be

Here no no I think I chose the wrong choice fine you convince me it’s not often I give Second Chances a one condition though wait no oh no no no no no no no no oh man not good no he’s so small let’s see how our

Bucko does on his own eh n what do you think the chances are without CH you I chose the wrong Decision don’t worry guys everything is a oh no oh no no this is not good we have to do something those Pistons are they’re in the way have to maneuver past all that cacti there’s a door uh go for the door it’s not going to make it can’t just stand

Here Jesse here we go oh boy come on Jesse let’s get let’s get Radar Radar the door Jesse Jesse I just had a thought maybe maybe I can do this maybe I am a hero you are a hero I I I should have to oh God radar a nah I messed up

I messed up this is impossible the admin told us to go through this stupid challenge but maybe we could find another way did anyone Luna that llama can get to the other side of the wall so can we all right yeah whenever punching through that anyone got anything to make a

Pickaxe I have some sticks three Diamonds oh Diamond H a diamond pickaxe to me hell yeah here we go diamond pickaxe one of the best pickaxes you can get boom Oh wait I I didn’t know you could click instead of pressing Q huh the tubs they’re going up and our

Friends went up and that’s where we’re headed to uh hate to point out the obvious but we can’t climb oh no oh God huh hopefully we can uh we could since we’re floating up we could like just uh make our way go up yeah oh here we go there we

Go oh my yeah this Castle is Insane we’re getting close excellent you better hurry though what if the admin comes back and finds out what broke his stuff there’s no telling how long we have before the admin figures out what we’ve done he’s going to be like really really mad yeah no

Kidding like I care I can’t wait to see the look on his stupid snowman face when he sees we’ve beaten him that is truly uh yeah that’s a bold stance Jesse B is one word for it oh there they are Jessie wo I don’t see Foss though hold

Tight we’re coming to save you you better keep my oh yeah I I knew I couldn’t trust the I knew I couldn’t trust him oh what the what the okay that’s a cool end more of the admin’s freaky mobs waa whoo whoa whoo whoo whoo it’s a creeper and man dude that’s

Cool that is sick man man I hate those icy Ender creepers end creep you and me you and me both the real cyber Army everyone Josh is going to buy a fake ps6 disc and smash it in one of his videos so stay tuned I’m not falling through the air

The next move crazy Stu I wor come on come on I’ve had wor than that for breakfast show mj8 please don’t spam too many CS you will get timed out wasn’t the last creeper things show M good let’s goet is can’t see Sid show mj8 sorry it’s all good man I just have

The my my nightbot is uh a little strict but my chat be way stricter than that so the other it’s all good man you don’t need to be sorry ah guys we’re running out of time here pet believe you go for the clock Jack you come with us okay side show

Mj8 be careful Petra is good for the clock oh yeah Luna sweetie sidh show mj8 I nice Luna oh yeah but but why Luna doesn’t like you Stella that’s why Jesse coming to my rescue just like I dreamt it uh that’s I’m so sorry I couldn’t get to

You back there I really tried honest the real cyber Army a little bit just be careful cuz the stupid bot May time you out for a ridiculous amount of time so yeah I know it wasn’t your fault uh cyber I kind of I fixed that Jessie I

Fixed that so it’s like it’s only when you like you when you spam Cs and when you like show MJ please don’t spam too many caps you will get timed out so like if you spam too many CS it’s uh it’ll time you out the real C that’s

Just a warning oh did all right there we go that melted real fast okay I got a feeling they won’t be gone for long Jesse hello Stella I could have found that clock obviously but there was some signage that was very okay Stella we’ll get you out I

Guess kept hoping the admin would drop by so I could explain the confusion but when we do talk you better believe that he’s going to realize I am the perfect the partner for him Stella would you please just stop talking already fine enough chitchat how about you get me on

Out of here really wait what fine yikes okay the real cyber Army don’t make me regret it well now they’re timed out for the next 10 minutes are interwined after all it’s because uh he kept on spamming cats I didn’t even get to see the message but uh he wasn’t spamming but

Like you like like make a long message BT WIS the next Walking Dead stream come on I’m not sure I’m not sure it’ll be probably a while depends what I’m doing wait I just want to know oh I can use my uh Mouse but I would rather just use the

Keyboard it’s probably be faster now let’s get to that clock all right get to the clock night welcome to my channel if you like what you see click on the thumbs up icon and place a subscribe comment Lama whoa okay that’s cool easy oh oh oh oh oh look at that you did

It hey we got the clock that I guess I did huh awesome job I’m so proud of you help R LS not to interrupt all the celebrating but escaping I can’t leave without Voss go ahead guys we’ll catch up just just hurry okay we’ll try not worrying about you all

Right what’s your angle waiting around for the admin I need to find him uh I know you’re upset about Voss still being missing but we can’t stay here yeah the admin could be back at any minute well this is there he is disappointing oh I knew I couldn’t trust him oh I

Tried I really really did I how did you get here Voss oh Jesse Jessie Jessie Jess I just don’t understand you letting your friends go R ey he clearly wasn’t supposed to make it despite you dragging him bom losers I knew I couldn’t trust him man supposed to lose

You boss friend what are you doing why are you saying these things you are really freaking me out right now Voss oh am I boss why are you acting this way oh haven’t you figured it out yet you don’t no no no no no no no what what

What I knew I couldn’t trust him man oh my gosh yo this there’s the admin the admin ad you are a smart cookie Jesse of course I am but I don’t like him at all boss the whole time no not the whole time you nitwit the real boss would

Never have survived in my sea Temple that long I am disappointed Jesse you obviously poor Jack guys can you find poor Jack in chat oh my Such a Pity you tricked us such a waste I just can’t believe it you tricked us you seriously think that’s

The way to make friends oh come on it was kind of exciting right sort of a surprise reveal uh excuse me Mr admin sir oh my God I just wanted to say that I would love to be your partner but you lost technically yes but unlike them I actually appreciate what you’re

Offering Stella he’s crazy I don’t know if you’ve noticed but what he’s offering is absolutely crazy you can’t really mean this no but I do Jesse you’re always crazy apprciate you saving me love you mean it but you obviously don’t understand the magnitude of what this this Paragon is

Offering huh Stella was it yes sir see huh she may not have the skills but that is a terrific attitude your attitude on the other hand oh well there’s nothing that hurts more than broken hopes I made this for you just for you and how do you repay

Me you sh it how could you do this to me well you’re I don’t know let me see because you’re crazier than a poisoned potato see now you’re just being rude and lashing out and I don’t care for it I gave you so many chances oh man oh no

Dude it hasn’t all been to waste oh no you might not be worthy oh my Petra was the winner oh don’t get me wrong there are quite a few thrs we’ll have to work through but we’ll get there in time no no no no no no no no Petra where did she

Go don’t even worry about it it’s not for a loser like you to worry about where the cool people go Petra oh no uh like I said not for you guys to worry about oh cute a I’m done letting you make me feel bad I prefer to feel good oh come on and

I’m going to feel real good when I send you two to a place where you’ll never see the light of day okay ever let’s go no dude no I yo oh man that’s that’s not good EP episode two or next time on Minecraft story mode y’ this is Cool uh I can’t see my choices but uh let’s just continue wow you must be a special class of trouble to end up here here oh what’s going on the admin well this is where he sends the people who he has special plans for okay you may have

Noticed it’s not a very nice place and the people well they’re not very nice either what the heck is that who’s that huh oh wait I see y’all episode Three jailbreak um uh gel house block okay this is cool so we’re now under the ground okay start episode three let’s go we’re going all out we’re going to go all the way to episode 5 previously on Minecraft story mode hey Minecraft story mode the world can be a very scary place oh wow villains can bear new subscri thank you so much for subscribing my man almost stream elements let’s go thanks for subscribing Sideshow mj8 thank you so much man for

Saving the world can turn even the best of friends against each other and not everyone will be on your side oh radar some will try to take advantage of your kindness but a true hero will know exactly what to do and will inspire others to do the same let’s

Go thank you so much for subscribing my man I greatly appreciate that for the bravest hero is discovering the villain is much closer than you think a man I’m so mad that the admin decided to mess with Petra like come On Wow all right oh here we go first time playing season 2 episode three wow dude scoper cat do you want to hear a joke uh as long if as long if it’s appropriate cuz my channel is family friendly so uh the joke you keep tell a

Joke as long as it’s family friendly what the heck is this whoa what happened to our armor uh where’s my stuff The Gauntlet huh hope Petra’s okay wearing it got to get back find the admin find my friends the guest will kindly follow the Orange Line in the floor to the checkin Zone

Okay the guest will kindly follow the Orange Line the check z um uh yeah my channel is family friendly Echo the guest will kindly follow the Orange Line in the floor to the Z yeah I heard you night but like my videos streams and more would be a great help

From you guys for any donation you can give all right https the/ to the che Z or else they get the lava got it Point made all right let’s go uh look at oh look and orange line Bedrock huh Bedrock the admin said a place where I’d never see the light of

Day again o what is this place Bedrock everywhere night bed want to follow me on Minecraft how was your day indestructible cage all right Jesse uh let’s look at the lava come on look at the lava and lava I’m sure this is leading me to a place full of sunshine and cheer all

Right I hope you guys are having a blast while watching my stream um those of you that are new I would greatly appreciate if you would like subscribe and share the stream to your friends because it would just mean a lot I’m trying to get to

1.2k by the end of this year wait what the who the heck is this guy oh don’t mind big Hank he’s just here to make sure all guests behave themselves W that’s a cool Iron Golem oh wow oh yes the Alias you set this command to be of goat for people the

Ad what is the hardest boss you fought I’ll be your Warden I mean if the joke is appropriate I’ll let you uh I’ll let you say the admin created this nut Hut too like do you mean a Minecraft of course the admin is an endless source of building real you mean like Minecraft

Including this beautiful behavioral adjustment I don’t belong here must be some sort of mistake I don’t belong here but the admin sent you here the admin doesn’t make mistakes so never accuse him of doing some never you know he’s not here right now right you never

Know oh come on iron golem that ain’t an iron golem I don’t know what that is that this looks like a big cat in Minecraft dungeons and it’s not a joke oh I haven’t played my D yet to get play Minecraft Legends but not Minecraft dungeons yet I have no

Idea I have no idea Lucky them that means but in in normal Minecraft it would have to be the Ender Dragon and the Wither and I bet your friend is living it up joying the high life right by the Admin side yeah you have zero idea what you’re saying mind that attitude Jesse

And if you’re friends or anything like you they’ll be making their journey to betterment right next to you I’m sure this now hang on a tick I have a another guest on my manifest male grizzled beard hair is described as Majestic long long list of Al he came down here too yeah that’s

Jack whoa oh Jesse thank goodness I found you this place no let’s get out of here wait you can’t it’s too dangerous stop them Associates we a we ain’t going to stay here this is prison I can’t believe what a mess we’re in and all because I didn’t realize Foss was actually the

Admin what a mess manipulated shamed don’t give up yet though okay still got me nurm Petra yeah and now the admin has Petra too yeah I I I hope Petra’s okay we’re going to get out of this I hope Petra is all right hey stop the alarm a chance without weapons where do

We run where wherever they aren’t go go go go go go hey Telltale Game presents night hey everyone I stream every Wednesday 7 p.m. Friday 700 p.m. sometimes Saturday between 12:00 p.m. to 700 p.m. EST looking forward to seeing you all MOJ those Iron Golems are really

Cool Minecraft story mode season 2 let’s go look at the way those Iron Golems are running it’s really cool we got to run we got to run we got to run okay go go go Go oh no oh wow okay oh so we’re going back the way we came okay we’ve got to figure out where we are what is that what okay uh we don’t have a sword oh God okay I I was clicking Q oh God come on That was kind of a not smart move great more weird monsters oh God wait those look like they had chip zombies yo those look like they had the Redstone chip in them remember from season one oh they don’t okay it really looked like it cuz they eyes are Red this thing is endless Jack Jack oh no Jesse where are you oh [Applause] great okay I clicked the right button go come On yeah maybe not this way oh my gosh it should guide us the way out oh God s wa Creeper Creeper SPID nightmares are made what that’s pretty creepy oh my gosh of course why would there be only one it’s never just one oh no oh no oh

No oh my gosh yeah I wish Minecraft would add some of these Bobs or mobs creeper SPID uh Creeper Enderman Creeper end huh oh gosh okay keep on pressing the wrong button oh man by the way guys I do have Minecraft dungeons so if you guys want me to

Stream it I can’t I can I can I’ll do a community post whoa interesting slimes this is getting Bonkers oh that’s a good idea got got you nice move oh dude wait how could it blow up a obsidian we got to get to the top of that wall okay let’s go

Okay yo that maze could go on forever dude wow oh crud goem oh no no come on really 5 minutes and already apprehended in an escape attempt a dude that is just it’s like being pris rude take this one to the mushroom oh come on Dr my off now Oh man come on I honestly thought we were going to escape what is going on oh wow H there’s the Maze Look at that close the door would you hi there do as you’re told uh uh sure obedient good you and your band of Misfits may have hope yet band of Misfits

Oh let me show you wait radar NM you see here at the sunshine Institute there are two types of guests people who make the admin extra angry such as yourself and your punch happy friend down there and there are people who the admin sends to make sure the first group will

Be uh well behaved your friend with the glasses surprisingly feisty for such a skinny guy you think you want to mess with me and my friends you think wrong you mess with me and you mess with my friend the admin and that’s something you why you want to be friends with the

Admin want come on bring up Jesse’s leverage would you skinny guy glasses funny story when I first got here I was actually talk group we were just a crazy couple of Griefers simpler times no no is radar filthy so disorganized me crazy Jesse oh I’m so glad you’re

Okay I was so I’m glad you’re okay too glad I’m okay I’m just relieved that you’re okay a you were worried about me meet the iron breathtaker wait what iron bars to hold the victim in place below sticky piston above to shove an iron block down over their

Head oh that that would just hurt n don’t do that to radar no no come on now I said before that you could follow in my footsteps that could start now ready to improve that pesky bad behavior of yours and join the good guys work for me as an associate and help

Bring order to these poor chaotic individuals don’t do it Jesse fool I don’t want to oh my gosh what’s it going to be I’ll never go no freaking way Warden go eat a slime ball some people don’t say Branch 9777 don’t do it whoa long time in there feeling a little dizzy oh

My hey oh come on oh my gosh radar are you okay oh your eye Jesse no is that you don’t worry I got you buddy oh man poor radar y not getting away with this buddy they’ll pay and it’s going to be a hefty price oh yeah heck yeah heck yeah oh

Yeah this guy is an idiot well well well Jessie Jessie J Jessy dude Stella what how well I appreciate you letting me out of that ice I can’t let that distru the new professional relationship we have now okay I’m sure you understand I knew a Day of Reckoning would come for my

Rival you two know each other I am just absolutely not surprised well I absolutely am surprised you hav’t already ruined this place too keep an eye on this one Warden where Jesse goes trouble usually follows now come on Jesse no one wants a sour rival be like me I’m a shining

Example of success I barely arrived and I’m already bossing you around isn’t it Grand let’s go R it’s radar uh that’s what I said oh man Stella’s right commitment and loyalty to the admin’s call justest I’ll have a job before you know it Warden be careful what you wish

For I have a feeling the warden uh I have a feeling that he doesn’t like the ad man I don’t blame him I don’t like him either oh I recognize these people or some of these people from uh season 1 I think at Least new arrivals show them around would you thanks excuse me who are you supposed to be we don’t have a problem do we don’t listen don’t listen to her she’s not as important as she thinks she is oh you are certainly one to talk Jesse Tata Jesse I’ll be at my post

Supervising a more impressive Sal block don’t be too jealous or do I wouldn’t blame you you okay radar wish I was I need something to eat get my strength back you’re in the right place guests make mushroom stew here huh mushrooms stew I just need some mushrooms then there’s one hey mushroom

Oh my gosh I’m going to starve waste away just grab some mushrooms and you can feed yourself no can’t do boss I’d be finished for sure if I start scrapping with those brutes uh how about we do it um hey how’s it going noticed you got a cookie there cookie what what cookie

That was just a wood slab crazy MC crazy thinking they saw cookies over here go grab a mushroom okay uh we need to get out of here talk to let’s talk to this guy hey are you busting out of here everyone get gives up on account of

The mining fatigue but they just don’t got the patience it just takes longer see huh just a little bit at a time mhm oh okay H that’s got to be tiring let’s talk to this guy oh Hi friend you just caught me putting the happy little finishing

Touches on my happy little painting here what uh what you painting there’s nothing there I so love to paint a happy little mushroom but none ever stick around long enough for me to paint do you think you could be so kind as to build me a happy little mushroom

To paint here’s some wonderful dirt for you to use uh okay sure why not a mushroom okay I’m not the best at oh okay I got clay H wait what I can’t get a different Angle all right there we go this might not look much like a mushroom uh all right and And maybe if I do a red outline how am I supposed to build on okay actually you know what and that that actually looks like a pretty decent mushroom right there so I say that’s good now that is just that is just lovely thank you ever ever so much you’re welcome

Man please you must share your thoughts on my work so far let’s see don’t you hold back now honesty is the best policy three words worst painting ever well that just fills me with an angry big rage a I shouldn’t have I have something important to ask go ahead any idea how

To get some food around down here your best BET’s the mushroom pit that’s where all the guests get their food okay well howdy howdy friend what can I do you for uh you ever try to bust out of this place too busy painting can’t quite work a canvas when you’re trying to Vose

Don’t do it who’s all in the chat I’m just wondering cuz the chat’s really been really quiet over and over again really prisoner X who’s that nuh-uh I’m not saying anything more about her uh so how did you make the admin mad oh he didn’t care for my painting so I

Threw TNT at him he didn’t care for that either hey so what’s your name Buddy three little letters r o b that’s spells Rob Rob that spells my name see you buddy I wish you happy painting and I’ll see you next time okay he doesn’t seem that mad see you de Branch

9777 mushrooms are overrated uh yeah I got to say that looks like a pretty good mushroom bu there yo hey Jesse man I’m glad you’re okay when I saw the admin teleporter take you know it was uh well it was uh I mean I I know I saw you at the entrance

But Jack we’re kind of in a tough spot here what are you trying to say I’m trying to say that I was worried about you okay I was huh I I was scared it’s all good after what happened with not Vos you know and and then Petra

And uh we’re going to stop the admin Jack I’m going to get us out of here yeah yeah I I know you are we are going to get out of here and uh you might want to get slim over there something to eat he’s looking a little peaky yeah I’m

Working on it thanks for looking out hang tight for now I’ll be back hey all right okay we should let’s see if we could find anyone else to talk to uh oh use what does that mean Oh wait it’s to wait for a mushroom mushroom great was mine not if I get it first oh dude H okay there’s a whole bunch uh let’s grab this one ah okay let’s try that again mushroom mine this was mine not if I get it first oh

Wow a we missed oh wait no we got it okay good and we got it nice I got him thanks for picking those for me noob wa nothing personal I’m just mega mega hungry give me that I’m so sorry so sorry I’m just so hungry uh

Hello what’s going on in here I should have known it was you causing more trouble Jesse disc I say TI and just who does this Contraband belong to H you you all know that weapons are strictly forbidden at the sunshine Institute so who does this belong to you

Might as well just come out and tell me it’ll be so much easier for everyone large Henry won’t have to Pummel anyone no one will need to be ped that guy attacked me with it h what refreshing honesty more like what a refreshing lie you mean you rotten

Snitch you know that misbehave means getting sent down a level and that means not the zombie m not the zombie parts yes perhaps a little time Harting rotten flesh will teach you something take him away no more fighting no more rule breaking any of oh my jeez what a

Jerk at least now I can make some doew for radar yeah it’s true all right let’s make some mushroom stew I hope you’re learning how to be a Cooperative Champion wait what is that the admin you are all here to be reminded of your potential it’s a

Recording come on and I hope you’ll see it in yourself as I do because if you don’t well we’ll cross that bridge when we come to you eh in the meantime demonstrate your Cooperative potential and you just may become the ultimate Champion okay champion of what um let’s use this we’re defeat the

Admin I know we are I think this is how you make it ah first time wow first try it’s not much but hopefully it’ll help radar get his strength back hello guests and Associates ad here with a reminder helping others will only D voila one fresh bowl of mushroom are

Supposed to lose thank you Jesse you have no idea how happy areed to lose guess I’ll drink this slap let that be your Mantra good day h interesting attitude there buddy I’m going to have to really step it up I mean this is prison so from now on I’m prison

Radar my own mushrooms make my own stew disregard my bedtime break whatever rules I feel like within reason hey that’s the spirit radar you look awesome really thanks I mean you’re welcome man tell me something I don’t know now step aside Jesse it’s time for prison radar to show this world what

He’s made of yeah what the that’s right come at me dude okay whatever you know what is going on es aped I repeat prisoner X has escaped prisoner X who the heck is Prisoner X oh wait I think I remember please report to the nearest Lounge think that’s their cute way of saying so yep and you definitely want to stay away from this oh man okay place just keeps getting weirder and weirder prisoner X other inmates were talking about her something of an Infamous escape artist

Rumor has that she even knows the way through that maze most people have never even seen her I buy it you believe all this sounds pretty suspicious we should find where this prisoner X is being held but where is she exactly she’s apparently locked up on the deepest darkest level of this place

Cell block X if you don’t a theme with the names yeah they found their groove and they’re sticking with it we need to get the cell block X those zombie minds are where troublemakers are s right seems to me you’re already pretty high up on the warden’s naughty list huh

Cause some chaos no might be exactly what we need we could break out or maybe we could break out no no feeling some Mondo mining fatigue here don’t think it’s going to happen Jesse I’d like to to meet this prisoner X they sound hardcore prison radar

Approves okay it’s a plan you stay here and rest up I’m going to find a way to get us to cell block X sounds good while you do that I’m going to study this place before we’re through I’ll know it like the back of my hand all Right I don’t know how we’re going to but how to get sent down to the lower level Oh boy talk about suspicious looking there’s got to be something in here I can use to get into trouble H you want to get into trouble wa use wait Listen oh there’s cows in There uh let’s remove oh let’s see what I can do with this I think there’s another room back there but how do I get in I think I’m not sure oh the painting punch the painting secret buttons nice now we’re on to something okay time to see what tall red and gruesome is

Hiding okay let’s press let’s push button number one okay looks like the buttons move the blocks uh number two so that button moves that block I don’t know this puzzle wait wait wait wait wait this moves those blocks got It uh okay let me try One and three ah wow that was just a guess now if only someone had been around to see me being this impressive oh a mushroom what the heck are you doing here sounding me like I could ask you the same question mind explaining what you’re doing in my most private of spaces

Visitors ain’t welcome and you are most definitely a visitor just looking for cell block X big guy well it ain’t here short stack if you hadn’t noticed you left the hole open get out of my before you regret getting in it who’s this weirdo Brandon scly Yoo

What’s up Josh it’s me Brandon yo what’s up Brandon welcome to the stream we can feed the entire room hey hands off sharing is Caring that guy’s mad huh what is going on in here oh no not this idiot of course Brandon Scully it’s you are all yours cheers this I don’t know they to write some wrongs I don’t know why but you hear this mushroom and I promise no pain

Will come to them and if I don’t then I can’t promise to keep that promise oh man come on why why is this it’s like being in prison what no don’t do it Jesse not liking your hesitation here Jesse you can’t you won’t go to the Nether and jump in a

Lava lake Warden yeah take it away no not my Jeffy poo you don’t know to stop causing trouble do you well trouble has consequences Jesse dig it up what the heck are you doing teaching you a lesson Jesse no more melum you starve you and your friends will be relocated to the lower

Levels the zombie mins well isn’t this a treat my rambunctious rival is now my poor prisoner get moving well we needed to go to the lower levels anyway let’s hope they’re survivable hopefully there’s nothing bad there a lower levels welcome to the zombie mines Jesse oh just when you think you’ve seen

It all what exactly is this place every few minutes a million gross zombies spawn the equally gross prisoners dispatch them and collect the zombie flash which is gross I get it but why don’t know don’t care do your job zombies won’t fight themselves so get to fighting that is sadistic no two

Ways around it yeah but it’s how the place works survival of the fittest and all that though survival of the grossest is more accurate here welcome to the stream yourself appreciate you being here I don’t get it you could have just joined the admin and never had to suffer

A second instead you chose to throw it all in the lava pit I think all of those people cheering for you 24/7 have made you delusional it’s who I am it’s just who I am so it would seem but consider this a warning don’t mess with the admin

You won’t will not like the outcome I’ll give you one piece of advice just one Try Not to cause any more trouble if you do you’ll get sent to maximum with her oh oh okay who’s in there you must have heard those alarms earlier that was

Prisoner X she tried to escape who the heck is Prisoner X I’m really confused now she she scares me you don’t want to end up in there huh so play nice nice come along Luna okay I still want to know who prisoner X is what on Earth was that about sounds

Like that vent is our way to prisoner x h I would not I I can’t see Jesse eating rotten flesh that’s just nasty all right we’re down here uh uh let’s see how radar is doing radar you all right hey radar you okay that mushroom it was intense huh no

Kidding standing up to the warden though that’s my Jesse through and through thanks buddy those poor prisoners no food rough stuff and Stella here we can’t catch up break but first things first let’s find this prisoner X and get out of here all right wait can we just can we look at oh

Wait a second there’s a redstone all you need JP four more hours hey let’s go that’s true four more hours to go guys man he has a hard head we just haven’t fixed it yet there’s red stone behind the wall all you needed I wonder what it connects to probably those paintings over

There hey guys found anything nothing of use especially since I refused to look away from those zombie spawners don’t want any surprises when they go off yeah keep your eyes open all right let’s go to the painting uh look at you know the name of the place has

Sun and shine in it this place doesn’t have either zombie and despair might be more accurate words H uh uh okay let’s talk to these other guys we talk to this guy no oh let’s go in there oh rotten potatoes oh hey you want some fresh

Flashh huh no wow you really like that stuff huh nah oh I love it high in protein high in flavor maybe just a little bit poisonous sometimes but you only live once okay that’s gross you don’t want some that’s gross iy to go around it yeah no I’m good you’re lost oh my

Gosh all right uh let’s go in here oh come on uh who else do we talk to I guess we go look at the door cuz I can’t see anything else to do you got to be a way in but this door won’t budge hey don’t even bother trying

To get in see those item frames only the admin and the warden have the right items they could be anything besides why would you want into prisoner x c that’s just Bonkers stay away uh yeah what dummy would want that huh yeah prisoner X hates everyone even other guests like yourself don’t even

Think about going in well I still want to go in h so that Redstone leads to this door if I can bypass the Redstone circuit I can open the door hey guys over here all right what did you find we need to find something to bypass a redstone circuit

And get this door open redstone torch prisoner X that would work must get out of here for good hey Jesse stop laughing around well there is someone in here who came from the outside who may still have a hefty inventory Stella okay do we talk to still or okay what

Uh oh wait we can all right let’s talk to her you know Jesse guests and Associates really shouldn’t be mingling yeah about that I uh need your help I need to make a lever Pronto why exactly not that I you know really care I just needed uh that’s probably stupid

You’d never know when you need a lever that’s what I always say a lever in a pris Reformatory huh really Jesse not helping you here no not risking angering the admin I had to really prove myself to get this big as it is don’t make me angry forg angering that dork you don’t

Want to anger me yeah you’re going to have to up your toughness quotient by at least 30 7% before you get me nervous I don’t know what your game is here Jesse but I won’t be intimidated Stella I have a place here respect you know Empower and the yeah the

Works it’s actually very prestigious many people would love to have this position yeah but what about Champion City you’re going to abandon them absolutely not they’ll be fine they will be just oh God who I kidding I have done so much for them in the past I mean

They can barely make bread without me supervising okay look maybe this isn’t my dream destination this place is horrible and I am worried I will never get the smell out of my hair here’s the Cobblestone and stick but you need to get me out of here

I know we’ve had our issues but I also know that you’re a hero or whatever uh sure Stella we’d be happy to have you if you’re happy I’m happy I uh I I feel bad for Stella so even though I don’t like Stella always seems to come back to

Levers I don’t like Stella but you know it’s always good to forgive people uh if you guys know what I mean like it’s always good to forgive that’s how I am in even in real life oh boy zombie wave incoming oh prepare yourself oh boy this works all right all right G4 M3

Rd0 how did you install Minecraft story mode there’s a way man I I had it I had it already oh man oh man oh my gosh I got recharge I have my way man that’s what I meant we just we just beat up a zombie with a torch oh God put a lever

Here uh C A here we go guys come on let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s see this prisoner s person you guys too don’t prisoner X will escape ah who cares oh no got to admin That prisoner X oh no I think it’s bu no that’s the admin it has to be turn stay close to me okay guys I knew it Petra no but it’s Petra no no of course of course of course it’s Jesse why am I not surprised oh my gosh it’s not enough

That you disregarded all the rules in my icy Palace of Doom tried to upset the delicate order of the sunshine Institute now you’re trying to disrupt the therapeutic benefits of my zombie mine what gives pretty sure your fellow inmates were just trying to were just the start admin I’m busting

Out of this prison oh he really think so eh boy oh boy I can’t wait to see that oh my Gosh admin sir oh my God very disappointed in you Warden I I’m I’m uh I’m just a nervous eater I’m sorry oh no not that I’m disappointed that you couldn’t keep Jesse in line for one measly day I was just trying to do my job and now I’m in trouble because of

You this job isn’t easy to begin with I had to get out of this prison nothing personal Warden oh sure nothing personal just my whole reason for existence oh for the love of enough you disappoint me no no no no no come on no that goes for you and you and you and

Especially oh my gosh and as for you I’ve been looking for an opportunity for you to prove your loyalty that’s Petra prove your worth as my Champion oh my gosh okay what’s going on here oh no he wants us to fight no come on we can’t

Unless you want to be added to my naughty list I suggest you pull out your sword and attack Jesse oh no and as for you Jesse well don’t think I don’t believe in Fair Play Oh no now we’ll have some real fun no oh no

I had such high hopes for you Jesse the highest man I hope I don’t need to fight Petra no no you gave it all away I don’t want to fight Petra No ah Petra what are you doing I’m so sorry Jesse oh no you this guy is crazy I’m going over quick if you are all no I can’t this isn’t Happening serious ouch zip it Jesse we only got one shot at this I’m going to go to the admin and then we’ll both attack him just trust me on this one okay Okay oh my gosh now Jesse oh no oh no you’re you’re joking right that’s your big idea swords can’t hurt me uhoh nah all I asked you to do is fight your friend to the death and you can’t even do well of course we’re not going to fire be my friend anymore and I don’t

Want you to be my friend either in fact as far as I’m concerned this old place can burn to the ground what about prisoner x what about all of us the Institute remains inescapable so what do I care uh I’m leaving green I’m never thinking about

Any of you ever again ah what my own friend now we don’t like you admin can’t all on the setbacks how to keep looking forward you’re really that’s so sad oh spare me the petty party I don’t need it I’m going to have loads of friends soon oh no after all

No everyone loves Jessie right what no no no way no no no no no dude you coming oh come on dude that’s not Jesse where Jesse I got your back Jesse trust me I take care of Luna for me coming darling admin Stella is just the beginning go

Your other friends will fall in line too Lucas Axel Olivia all of them don’t worry I’ll take good care of Beacon town no you’re not you’re going to destroy Beacon town no great a man Jesse we got to stop him oh Petra I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so so so so

Sorry it’s okay no no you have nothing to apologize for let’s go see prisoner X let’s hope prisoner X is really our ticket out of here oh my gosh oh dude come on that’s so not cool I don’t know what the admin has to be Jessie now everyone’s going to hate Jessie

H yeah that was that was pretty bad after he took me away I I was in this weird place time and everything was so strange I felt like I’d been there forever and I started to worry You’ given up on me Petra are you crazy we would never

Give up on you yeah never yeah what Jesse said hey well that’s a nice thing for you to say I saw Beacon Town Jesse they were all worried about you no one knew where you were or if you were alive sure the admin’s heading there right now

Oh boy wearing Jesse’s mug to boot it’s freaking messed up yo it’s true identity theft is no joke admin will wish he had never even seen my face when I’m done with him oh yeah no one wears my face except for me that’s true we made it wow who okay that’s

Cool look out no nerby oh that’s so not good okay yeah talk about some intense security just stick close to Jesse all right we’ll be fine don’t worry yeah you guys go on get prisoner X if I wanted to imprison the dreaded prisoner X that’s where I’d do it all

Right I think that’s where we need to go all right guys let’s do this H hope we get more subscribers by the end of the stream I’m only on episode three so I have two more to go okay now all we have to do is cross this conduit reach the

Platform jump down and not die yep come on I think we can make that jump all right you’re up next nerm come on nerm come on yo oh my gosh there we go okay now you Luna Luna’s got it seriously how do you do that hey Luna man oh last

Jump see who let’s see who this prisoner X is oh no what oh I see I see now it’s that teaser it was a teaser in the ending of the last uh in the last let’s take the mask off in the last episode wo wo wo wo

Wo w are you I’m Jesse you must be prisoner X bold of you to come here not knowing who you’re dealing with I could shove you right into that lava and you deserve it for being so trusting so Gable just one little push uh and Sizzle Sizzle Sizzle do it

And you’re stuck here forever so this is a rescue attempt oh how heroic look prisoner X Zara Zar you’re supposed to know how to get out of here right what where did you get that idea no one’s ever escaped the sunshine Institute don’t lie to me I don’t have

Time for lies Zara I need to get out of here oh are we supposed to be friends now I don’t owe you the truth or anything for that matter oh come on admin stole my identity and he’s running around with my face doing horrible

Things in my name I got to get out of here now Romeo was here just now well power the admin was but who’s yo what’s up man welcome to the stream you didn’t think admin was his given name did you uh he would want you to think that of

Course he would that’s funny I call him slime ball because that’s what he is and a jerk I agree he has that effect on people it’s true you must really be something if you made him so mad he almost never comes down here in person except to put the warden to the

Fire from time welcome to my channel if you like what you see click on the thumbs up icon and place a subscribe comment we won’t have any trouble escaping with that little creep out of the picture oh yeah so now you want to help me any enemy of Romeo is a friend

Of mine I always say okay let’s go then well I’ve never technically said that okay how can I trust you know the way out oh don’t worry I know the way I’m the only one who does does if you know the way then show me let’s get out of

Here just one problem this whole room is rigged to explode if I step one foot out of it explode take a look around pressure plates if someone doesn’t stand on at least one of these pressure plates on the floor these sticky pistons will retract lava meets TNT and then the

Whole place blows up before you can say Kaboom that’s a stone pressure plate that means I can’t just use a block oh it’s fine one of your silly companions can stay behind the rest of us can go no that’s the situation that’s the only way out get

Back here this is your cell oh no no no I don’t want to leave anyone behind I’m free Jesse and I intend to stay that way oh no I hate to be a wet Slim about all of this but we have to get moving I can’t

Just leave them here then just leave one of them here as long as one pressure plate is stood upon the Trap won’t spring so either the Villager or the Llama must remain behind oh no no NM no you can’t do that oh come on we seriously don’t have

Time for this I’m leaving if you’re interested in Escaping The Sunshine Institute alive I suggest you do the same no we’re going to have to choose I hope we don’t have a time limit guys I like the Villager the Villager I don’t want wait this is who to

Stay well if I leave here Stella is going to be mad I’m going to have to leave the Llama here guys I don’t want to CU I like the llama and the Llama likes me Brandon Scully save villager power Mao agreed wait oh wait

So wait so this is who I choose to come with me or is this who I choose to stay here okay no NM we have to go no I chose the wrong thing like my videos streams and more would be a great help from you guys for any donation you can give

Https stream I did choose the right thing D Branch 9777 I feel bad Lama is the best option you’re a hero a good llama you’re a hero Luna ah dude I chose the right option okay good a that’s sad how did you my straight jacket oh that was the easy

Part if you’re done with your tearful goodbyes we have a prison to escape from I so bad for Luna Luna’s going to hate us now a night bed want to follow me on Minecraft Discord twitch donations or tips tip donation please type Minecraft twitch Discord I hope Luna does not Branch

9777 the Llama finds you some good armor BTW if you it I presume oh yeah guys this is Zara Zara the guys I had to bring the Villager what’s the matter friend NM here says you wouldn’t let him stay and left Luna in his place instead

Ah NM you can’t blame yourself pal nurm Luna is she’s just a llama you’re my friend hey he says at least he know knows enough to be able to make a choice the Alias you set this command to be of go does not exist I’m glad you made him come with

You thank you Jesse can we get going or is the reunion still underway yeah we’re going we’re going come on run for your lives the guests have escaped their lounges the warden’s been fired ha zombie meat is back on the menu when I find that Warden I’m going to

Make him pay for what he put me through oh no Apes wouldn’t want to be the warden every prisoner in this place speak English it’s because he’s a villager back and his front side no not my problem yeah lots of watching in his future not my friend not my problem I’m moving

On well all right I never knew your heart had such icy Tendencies Jesse oh boy Brandon Scully oh ooh let’s see if they left us any weapons weapons sweet sweet weapons Petra’s happy ooh oh chanted iron or Diamond take the enchanted iron sword or the diamond sword with no enchantment the diamond

Sword will last longer but the iron sword is Enchanted with sharpness bad I’m going to take the diamond why not you can always enchant it later on line definitely feeling better with a sword in my hand again agreed I I I would think we need armor but all the armor is gone what

It’s versatile Night hey everyone I stream every Wednesday 700 p.m. Fridays 700 p.m. sometimes Saturday between 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST looking forward seeing you all my best friend oh boy love you Jeffy what the heck friends reunited it’s a prison Miracle does seem like spish while slaying your enemies oh jeez you’re holding us up move along now prison X oh jeez I don’t want no trouble I’m out of here come along Jeffy that was frighteningly effective well now they all scared of her can we get

Moving now please is it just me or does she look a little bit like elard like her hair I’m just curious like I’m not curious I don’t know if it’s just me the opening should be just around this corner we have a situation oh my

Back back oh no all of you one more step and it’s to Boonville Jesse Warden what’s going on here hey you’re one of us help us beat up the warden it’ll be a good team building exercise plus we beat up the warden winwin oh it’s the happy little

Jerk who didn’t like my happy little painting I’ll bet you’re not so happy now are you Jesse you free prisoner X just I thought you couldn’t ruin my life anymore what in the world were you thinking holy crud it’s prisoner ax there we go now they’re all

Scared I think you’ve clearly lost your mind she is bad news actually no she is way worse than bad news sorry bordon Zar and I made a deal did you know she was once an admin too the admin had to take her powers away she tried to destroy him I promised

The admin I’d never let her free no matter what and I’ll keep that promise okay well even if I need to blow us all up to do It oh No later T oh dude o why are you all staring at me power Meco damn he spoke too much un comfortable yeah uh so is it true what he said about you you were an admin well it’s complicated we want answer Zara fine yes I was an admin ages ago

Romeo took my admin Powers away from me just before he banished me to this pitiful prison but I’m not the villain here Romeo and his little Warden were the ones who put you down here not me so glare in another Direction uh I’m innocent we’re just uh I’m sick of

Secrets you should have said something I assumed you wouldn’t take the news well and how right I was no more secret yeah that guy did spoke too much there’s no way we can trust her now wait so an admin can be stripped of their powers

It’s not simple but yes so what do we we don’t have time for this it won’t be long before Romeo finds out what’s happened down here yeah I guess we should keep moving follow me all right let’s go let’s go I I’m sorry Jesse but do you really

Trust her she’s not right in the head jack you haven’t seen what the admin can do we need all the help we can get yeah that’s true uh she’s not she’s in your inventory hey Zara’s not the admin if it goes bad we can handle her

It’s a big gble oh Bo yeah I don’t know about that oh boy Romeo did always love creating new nightmares at every opportunity run oh my gosh spider creepers seriously what with these monsters they’re all glowing you’re pretty scary looking Jesse let’s be scarier oh I forgot we got a sword

Boom how many of these things are there let’s go just one never nice work thanks Jack skillful impressive less talking more stab all right uh oh my gosh boom take all those uh spiders out Z oh wow thanks I guess all right oh jeez NM it was hard leaving Luna there though I got to say by at least we got n you’re welcome Jessie uh yeah let’s let’s hop out uh Radar Radar give me a Boost oh wow it was amazing Jesse’s awesome he always will be awesome power me plus style points get out of here oh yeah nice short come on I tell you what she is as crazy as a hopped up ocelot oh yeah H the Ocelot that’s pretty cool

Creeper it wasn’t like this before we oh no there’s got to be a way uh Zara you all right there just shut up and let me think see I told you we shouldn’t have trusted her she’s lost I said just let me think think or make something up oh

Come on she didn’t get lost on purpose this no I didn’t thanks Jesse no problem H wait we can just build to the top of the wall and get to the other side that way yeah perfect idea just we got to make sure the zombies don’t get us okay there we

Go there we go we’re on top of the maze a really big maze waa wow what do you know there it is hey wait where are you going she ditched us oh no the gask think it’s a mega gask holy crap it is dude that’s a mega

Guess guys don’t come up here what why oh wow oh okay got it how are we going to take this thing out this a mega gas boom a three-headed gas why would the admin create that Come on okay oh I didn’t know you can shoot them back at the same time oh no we got normal gks now oh Boy who okay okay this getting crazy oh wait oh no it made him mad G everywhere Now okay uh okay this is getting crazy oh my Gosh okay I’m going to just run I’m getting low on health oh wait what no the gas pushing at the Mega Gas starting to attack the big One okay okay there we go power me there we go friendly fire oh god oh yeah here we go Friendly Fire yeah I can see that okay well okay okay okay see we made It which I think we did I think that’s a tweak point we need to go on all the gks I think that’s what I think at least oh Yes oh come On Hey shooting all the gas took out that Mega Gas let’s go he that was cool Jesse you’re amazing thanks that was unbelievable and you stuck The Landing nice oh that it’s just my perfect reflexes and photographic muscle memory well there it is guys our ticket out of here that is sparkly the

Sparkliest is that diamond where is everyone that lunatic is going to be inventory if she’s not careful so H we should lend her a hand shouldn’t we but she sounds like she’s in trouble we should not abandoning her I told her I’d help her Escape it’s time

To prove it we can’t just leave her come on come on oh I can’t believe we’re doing thisio senior hey Josh yo welcome to the stream my man welcome to my channel if you like what you see click on the thumbs up icon and place a subscribe comment Zara come

On you came back I said I’d get you out didn’t I now show us the way I know you didn’t have to do that I appreciate it oh no problem I think we made it out now I’m not sure I don’t like vases they’re the wor I’m not a very trusting person Romeo

Betrayed me I have trouble getting along with others shrim person anymore Josh I thought I took a dookie in the bathroom but it was actually in the kitchen and I had no clothes don’t get started of this crap again okay well you’re getting timed out for after what I’ve seen there’s

Something else you should know there was a third admin named Fred where is he dead he and I fought Romeo for control of the world we lost oh wow there we go we made it out at least think we did where’s the rest of it yeah how are we supposed to escape

This doesn’t even go up that far that’s because we’re not going up we’re going down down there is no down we’re stay standing on Bedrock you can’t go any lower you might think so but that’s where we need to go below the Bedrock everybody knows there’s nothing under

The Bedrock except nothing and also certain death we’re not at the bottom of the world it only appears that way sounds like another trick sounds like it but you have to trust me that it isn’t man I love chocolate bars I like my favorite chocolate bars are coffee TR Arrow bar and nickers

Of youcome to stop it stop talk all those monsters I don’t care she’s an admin an admin killed Voss then stole his identity and then remember I told you he took my admin Powers away well down there lies the secret to taking Romeo’s powers from him forever Fred the third admin discovered

It the third admin huh Jesse help me dig through this tower all right see oh wow I told you these stairs lead to our Salvation there a Josh dances in his kitchen with no clothes on yo come on Josh the gamer what do you think of my

Username I do not like it I might actually report that to the you to YouTube I don’t what I don’t not you guys don’t mess with me especially when you uh uh when you guys come into my stream and try to ruin my streams that ain’t happening oh okay here we go oh my gosh a Let’s Go episode three Wow okay well this I don’t have to watch the end credits in this one so all right as I was saying just Josh the gamer poops onions and wets the bed sorry Yung slav I have 500 YouTube Channels not cool man not Cool click continue oh no great here’s the ad man I can’t let anyone run around disguised as me or my friends the amount of chaos they could cause is well it’s Unthinkable that’s why I summoned you wait hold up what track them down make sure they’re behaving themselves who’s that man oh

Jeez run run run Jesse this fast fast as you can beg XD see already on a new one well if you’re really going to I’m going to like I’ll have to ban all of your accounts like if if this happens continues to happen so I’m not even I’m not even

Going to give you any chances I’m going to time you out cuz I know what you’re going to do so guys I’ll be right back I’m going for a bathroom break [Applause] w [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] A [Applause] W all right I’m back okay here we go time to play episode 4 I’m G to keep an eye on my chat previously on Minecraft story mode so none of this crap happens the admin a villain who can become anyone with the wave of his hand I hate the ad face of who’s never exactly as he seems do you refuse to hide who you

Really are even when it might be a better idea to stay under the radar huh not everyone can face a trickster head on some join him others put on a brave face even when they’re scared no matter what encountering that kind of evil changes you man it can turn you into a Hero or something else if there’s a lesson to be learned it’s be careful when you get close to an admin you never know what might happen if you dig too deep ah the yellow Prime is really good all right episode 4 of season 2 oh my don’t worry everyone this just like the time I jumped from The Cliffs of the PO only H who am I kidding this is nothing like that thanks again for not leaving him behind though let’s be honest no way you’d pick some llama over nury here

She’s not just some llama Luna’s back there all alone probably scared I just hope Luna is okay yeah me too she’ll be fine fine look she’s an animal she’s got survival instincts I hope I hope Luna will be all right as well I don’t know how she’s going to get

Out of there wow you were right there’s a whole world down here the First World created by us Romeo Fred and me haven’t seen it since I was imprisoned before he bedrockedition there we go made this not this this Shadow he thought I was through way worse than I imagined that he’d do

Something like this to his own world yeah how did nobody know about this it’s just been down here this whole time Romeo didn’t want anyone to know wanted people to forget he probably wants to forget about it too I knew what Romeo planned to do but still

Seeing it like this Romeo the admin oh it’s worse than I imagined well yeah this this seems pretty bad this is the room where he killed Fred o I watched it happen we refused to join him and it that sounds awful awful slow you watched your friend die that’s awful

Does have a life Wow 14 lights yo wow I appreciate that guys warm for all that time in prison Fred’s keep is that way want to defeat Romeo the weapons in there all right that sounded vaguely ominous is that a massive Ender is the biggest Enderman I’ve ever

Seen Romeo never could leave well enough alone oh boy he liked toying with the basic Order of Things oh boy here we go it would be great if I could go one day just one day without seeing something new and completely terrifying so that thing is another admin Crea

Monstrosity that’s massive time to move guys come on come on radar so resizing no Radar Radar R not in the eyes radar don’t look at it eyes sorry Jesse I don’t know what happened it was just hypnotic so big and glowy go go going stop okay here we go oh

Thanks he dismantling the tower oh boy ow wait huh what was I supposed to do here thanks I got to see what I’m supposed to do it’s just spling the tower Oh I have to press E I have to press E when it shows e okay all right here we go thanks I wasn’t sure it’s dismantling the tower there we go that’s what I was suppos supposed to do aha hey I don’t know how we’re going to get

Back up there the town isn’t far from here I’ll lead the way red keep lies just on the other side and we’ll have some cover from that thing all right let’s go let’s go let’s go come on Jesse what do you guys see J we got to go

All right let’s go tail taale games presents oh man it’s it’s starting to look like yeah it’s starting to look like the stream is going to be like over 8 hours long it’s okay though so I want to oh Minecraft story mode season 2 real cyber Army

Someone is really trying to annoy you H oh yeah big time Big Time man it’s the worst like I don’t know if you’re here to see my uh what you’re doing but it’s just the worst like people like that I I I want I’m going to probably report all those accounts that

Have those stupid names so yeah I’m going to report all of them cuz it’s messed up please soon I’m wanted to end up uh I’m I’m going to update my uh uh where my hold on I’m going to update like my chat like uh sensor or I get rid

Of the chats I’m going to update it CU it seems like a lot of people are trying to like you know say weird stuff and I’m going to completely stop that from happening is this place safe I mean you know not asking for me cuz CU cuz I’m tough whatever our defenses are

Impressive state-of-the-art Machinery automated farming the Oasis is a completely self- sustaining City it’s h home whoa oh he destroyed the city what what happened to it I’m so sorry I can only imagine if I saw Beacon town like this save your pity wait this is your town what has he done

To it oh my gosh hang on I just need to see if it’s still here we have to keep moving no telling what the admin is up to in Beacon town and they’ll all think it’s me oh Nery Nery it’s okay come here pal it’s okay wh what why is nerm crying

What’s wrong are you guys okay NM here was poken around and found a llama blanket and a it made him think of Luna ah he really likes Luna doesn’t he Luna’s in the safe place I know it’s kind of hard to think about but Luna really is safer in the sunshine

Institute fighting the admin could be really Dangerous just Luna will be by herself like that’s the only thanks Jessie years Cy by the way can you uh keep an eye on my chat just in case there people come back rest until I get there I said Zara look at this my bed a come on she’s freaking out about a

Bed really could she be any more melodramatic oh uh wow maybe we can help we should help her be my guest I’m staying as far away from her throwing arm as possible ditto I just wanted to sleep I thought if I could find this one thing one last thing still whole there’s

No hope for this place I’ll never get it back now he made sure I feel bad for her well uh he won’t get away with this we’ll get back at the admin for what he did avenge your your your bed you really believe that don’t you oh

Boy I think she’s getting a little bit mad Zara what are you doing over here by this uh you’re a portal what the portal broken now like everything else just leave me here go no don’t lose hope okay we can still we not leaving you here if you help us I

Doubt that but what about the portal where does it go anyway nowhere obviously it’s broken we built these so we could visit each other an object in the frame would teleport you to the owner my idea by the way though Romeo took credit for it Fred wanted to add the Birch he loved

Birch so you’d know how to rebuild it and get us up to the admin I don’t know if I can yeah you can uh if it was your idea then you should know how to fix it right unless it really was Romeo’s invention it was not

I don’t know not sure I buy it I see what you’re doing I don’t get it how do you keep going look where you are but you’re still fighting he hurt my friends admin hurt the people I care about nobody gets away with that nobody so I’m finding Fred’s weapon and taking him

Down fine it won’t work without a personal object something with a strong bond to Romeo to take us right to it though an object crafted on the surface could do an a pitch let me worry about finding an object for the portal you just focus on getting it running follow

The tracks they’ll lead you to Fred’s keep whatever Fred found he hid it at home that’s what he told me Jesse oh boy go I’ll see what I can do all right gam wave J I’m back yo welcome back man we had some people messing with me in my

Chat again which uh I had to deal with don’t worry about it I dealt with it g wave JP Cy join that’s where we’ll find the well I’m not going on the VC right after this something chill for a bit uh it depends what time I end my stream

Because want to go to bed like 3:00 a.m. again so uh I I could join for a bit and play my Xbox 360 with you guys on Discord but you guys will see that’s the sad thing I don’t have a capture card yet close one but like later whenever it depends

On time maybe I’d see tonight I’m going to probably try to go to bed around there like latest would be like 230 I contact the end for three sorry go oh oh man that’s a big Ender it’s okay we’re still okay as long as it doesn’t do that oh no everybody jump whoa

Okay whoa whoa whoa whoa I’m okay oh God no need to stop saying that what r a bit of a pinch ain’t you smell like a couple of admin Lackey to me Mak in trouble definitely smells like admin I’m Jesse hi and this is Jack really you’re seriously making introductions right now Gam

JP I am a BRB I’m go get a drink all right I’m good man we’ve been Scavenging these lands since the darkness fell you know what we can sniff out an outsider when we sniff one so what are you doing all the way down here small

Fry you lost we’re going to defeat take down the admin admin you’re kidding you can’t even make it off the gravel Cliff by yourself these guys are weird maybe we help you maybe we just walk away leave you here to die we’re not going to die the first one pick the first

One I don’t know seems like a lot of work getting down There my arms tired help us and we may surprise you when’s the last time you met someone new down here not a fan of surprises especially since the last one things do get pretty boring down here though oh boy folks down here we don’t do anything for free

Can’t really blame us what with the giant monsters and nothing growing so how about we take your inventory for a spin Permanently we’re really interested in any Weaponry you may have no no Warrior without their sword in a place like this is dead meat your friend doesn’t look like he’s going to last much longer what’ll it be don’t do it Jesse we can find another way your swords or Splat

Flatter than a lily pad at the bottom of this Canyon no I Ain get my sword do that got to get some leverage No Deal H well that’s disappointing yeah we’ll go our own way don’t go playing Heroes squishies huh these guys are crazy they’ll snap out a light like you real

Fast oh noing oh no tried to tell you move out yes stink bags Jack no maybe we should go down there okay I guess not then oh no Jack no I don’t think he’s dead though there’s no way he’s dead he better not be Jack sorry about your pal oh my God just

That sword was worth it this guys are weird see you oh no we have to tell the uh nerm about Jack and I’m so glad you’re okay where’s Jack oh no he didn’t make it oh no come on I’m sure he’s still alive I don’t know

Though and then he was gone did you see him land oh no Jack he a he can’t it’s all my fault he he’ll be fine right I’m I’m so sorry sorry this is all my fault if I hadn’t no Jesse this isn’t on you you said it was an accident that means it

Could have happened to anyone A he’s probably I’m sorry nerm come On guys do you think he survived guess this is how they keep the mobs out ah poor nerm strangers strangers binta what do we do here Jesse stop right there okay okay I don’t want any trouble now what I’ve never seen you before and and I know everyone everyone in the

Underneath Vint she’s not coming back is she someone in there has to know where that weapon is let’s go careful they might be well armed and now they know we’re coming have been returned festivities will close with the fireworks display as usual and don’t forget to sign up for

Our Faithful Friends of Fred trivia compe I for a chance to win one night in Fred’s house a Fred I remember this I never played it but I watch videos up competition starts Gore JP I’m back back slash yo welcome back trivia contest oh man I can’t believe Jack I don’t know if

He there or be thr with a bunch of monst including a giant I love it oh man I love trivia trivia oh God yes it’s so fun flexing those brain muscles taking your mind off the Incy in the world crushing down on you every oh this is

Going to be hard cuz I’m not good when it comes to this I know some Minecraft things so I should know old Minecraft like there’s a lot welcome to Fred’s keep my name is Benta I’m Jesse this is the part where you tell me why you’re here we’re

Looking for a weapon that belonged to Fred supposed to be hidden in his home G wave J Fred’s house is I couldn’t tell you and locked no one enters unless they win the contest it’s how we honor Fred even I only entered through its doors on special occasions most of my Town’s

People have never even been inside you have to help me this is important I don’t have to do anything for you outsider the door is locked until the contest is won no amount of arguing will change that Fred built this place made it safe from all the monsters

Out there this is his legacy his final request I’m not breaking my promise to him you’re welcome to try your luck see how well you know Fred I don’t know him very well at all i’ I’ve never met him guess you better start researching good luck oh boy this place is weird all

Right uh pick up a bone you know what let’s pick the bone up play the dog you are wow you are really cute uh play f H oh man you are a serious fetch artist uh go get It oh my gosh a okay let’s just pet the dog and then do what we were doing who’s a good dog you’re a good dog okay Uh okay uh how do we go back pet fake Out a we’ll play with the dog again for sure before we uh do the competition I play with the dog again de Branch 9777 free reminds me of the Blue Beetle but on steroids the Blue Beetle oh oh you’re talking about uh Franks all right it’s Fred huh oh Fred jeez Frank Dam

Wave JP right click uh okay let me guess Fred like to paint with his feet nope my painting hands going out into the Wilds beyond the keep nasty stuff out there brch 9777 no one ever leaves Fred reminds me of the Blue Beetle but on steroids taught myself to paint like this these

Old dogs aren’t up to crafting how about we Blue Beetle you craft me a canvas and I’ll tell you Fred’s favorite color you know some W beti you’ll have to find some more to get it done I don’t know I don’t actually know but I’m I’m

On a roll and this one’s almost finished I’m just taking a guess CU cuz he’s really blue gamore JP don’t say Steroids nice okay wait what did she want me to make again uh like some sort of painting thing wait let’s see where I have to craft cuz I have no idea I don’t have enough materials to make anything okay well what do we what do you want to make

Okay talk to see what this guy wants hey there I’m looking for information about Fred well this here was Fred’s cherished pet but you’ll never guess his name never you stay in there now don’t want that imagine his name was Reuben that’d be funny how can I get him to call out

That chicken’s name that’ be hilarious uh got to find more materials but I don’t oh wait uh uh oh more Bush there we go punch the Bush more definitely use these um wait radar was right there so we should we should talk to Radar Radar how you doing Man the real cyber Army bucket be honest I don’t see ites the bucket you need some help oh that’s okay I got it didn’t know you were uh right there oh oh like the thing I’m uh trying to find anyway the Oasis and Fred’s keep are all you

Know kind of broken but I wonder what this place looked like before bet it was amazing the admin’s not going to do this to Beacon town is he we have no idea what he’s doore JP could be all gone cyber we’d have no idea idea uh our town

Is strong enough to hold him off for a while I hope I hope so no you’re right we got to believe in that the real cyber army look no not that there’s one thing I learned in The Slammer it’s said I have to keep my body ready for anything one two and a

Half okay gamore JP cyber join VC I’m not joining VC anytime soon please please don’t hurt me stranger I did what you asked okay don’t freak out I’m backing away nice and non-threatening oh okay well we’re not a threat we’re here to Help people are really scared of us that’s for sure the real cyber army game wave dude I can’t I’m doing homework wave faithful friend of friend hey dude that sucks cyber that sucks at least you’re still on the stream appreciate that which means I always win

And that means you will lose so good luck I don’t even know what to do with that one okay uh let’s talk to this guy or girl I don’t know I I actually am getting pretty hungry guys so after the stream I’m going to be definitely making something to eat

About uh yeah actually how did you his favorite tool a diamond hole it’s why I used two and why would he like Gore JP five hours and two stream series oh yeah cool yeah sure Mak sense uh bye yeah our stream is 3 hours long so

Far I don’t know how long the stream is okay oh Petra let’s talk to Petra what are you up to uhhuh gore JP trying to figure out if if there way into yeah three hours well studying just in case this getting pretty tiring um Jesse Yeah do you think radar still

Thinks I don’t know I feel like everyone’s looking at me differently you noticed it too right he’s being weird with me like like he thinks I’m still still with the admin or something oh I was wave it’s not the time I just we’re in 5 hours and 3 hours left 5 hours let’s

Go okay wait I uh I was too slow there I don’t know why but annoying wait can I okay I’m going to talk to this lady to see what she wants that canvas done uh not yet don’t you waste those resources I gave you sacrificed my hands to get them all

Right uh let’s go to the crafting table then cuz I didn’t really see anything else we can grab so all right time to make a painting oh now I see see oh God I don’t oh wait a second I think we put this and this yes I was not sure actually I just

Guessed here you go all done it’s just lovely I am going to paint this Fred’s favorite color not just any blue lapis blue lapis okay oh same color as my underwear mine too what the weird okay let’s talk to nerm I know you miss him let me know if you need anything Okay all right let’s talk to uh her ah there you are are you ready to begin oh yes I’m ready let’s do this so lap BL and a hoe attention everyone that’s all I know Faithful Friends of Fred gather for our competition begins now oh man that caner is getting bigger

In my mouth I’m going to need to rinse my my mouth with water water later take stage please welcome reigning Champion Kent and we have a challenger Jesse Jesse Jesse that feeling of intimidation totally normal I have that effect on people comes from being the best what a pinnacle of intellectual

Fortitude you’re going be my best friend nice try Kent taking you down me taking down by you inconceivable for our first question I thought we’d mix it up a little oh boy I challenge you to build a faithful representation of our dear friended yeah Jesse’s the best at building not the time radar

Begin okay oh I don’t even know what to build okay okay I’m just going to build something I’m just going to build something random see what happens oh come on there we go uh I don’t know what’s going to happen here I hope I don’t lose from doing This uh no Uh let’s choose this oh my gosh this looks weird I don’t even know what I’m building here Uh I’m just gonna build something random like I said I’m building something completely random Okay uh I say that looks pretty good all right perfect nice yes yes yes oh wow Jesse it’s as if you’ve known Fred his whole life how can you say that that that thing looks nothing like our Fallen leader Fred’s true Spirit didn’t lie with his exterior Kent but what was underneath

This is his true Essence how okay I must give you points for accuracy such painstaking detail I didn’t have that much blue I declare this round a draw oh this was quite possibly the best presentation of Freds in the history of our competition oh boy now for the

Questions Kent you will go first all right of course remember you have a limited time to answer what was Fred’s favorite food oh that’s easy any truly faithful friend would know that Fred enjoyed bread okay it Rhymes Fred bre Jessie Fred was a fan of the color blue

We all know that but what kind of blue did he love the most your time begins now come on Jesse you can do this his favorite color was lapis blue that is correct oh yeah next question Kent Fred was a man of simple means but he had one point of

Excess his favorite tool what was it a diamond ho oh obviously very good Jesse Fred had a constant companion a fine feathery friend oh what was that pet’s name we actually met a chicken named Benedict once really silence please Fred’s pet was a little guy named nugget sadly no that is not correct

Nugget was his horse what this round goes those two k let’s see if Jessie can catch up unlikely Jesse I didn’t know the chick name is your last chance to steal Victory listen closely both of you the final question is one that only the most faithful friend of Fred could possibly

Know as such it is worth double whoever answers this question correctly first will win one One Night in Fred’s House of all the trees in the forest of all the wood we once built our homes with this was Fred’s favorite what was it wait what no one

Knows that Fred didn’t P favorites with resources it’s Birch it’s Birch you yes I I just just remembered that fr’s favorite let’s go Jessie won ha way to go Jesse w w that was very impressive I’m sure I’m not the only one surprised by this turn

Of events as your prize you will spend one night in Fred’s house oh yeah be careful not to disturb its contents and sleeping garments w w the true Mark a Fred only the champion gets to wear these I love them very special privilege I love them thank you gamore JP W in the

Chat oh yeah W in chat that guy is so sad oh man Jessie I hope you find what you’re looking for thank you I sure Will okay um huh kind of cozy okay if I were a weapon of some sort where would I be okay uh let’s not look at the bookshelf right now just look around open the door uh I’m curious where does this Go the now except that button H it’s I bet you this is where it is wa secret room oh my gosh there’s got to be something down here okay let’s see whoa that’s a cool map Whoa okay that’s s there’s the Oasis there and the keep third is Romeo BG seriously what kind of name is Romeo Berg wow okay uh let’s oh let’s look at the bookshelves look at the bookshelves this one is called the Survivors book of secrets okay secrets are good h

Um there’s got to be something over here wait I think I see something right no it’s a painting okay come on Jesse I I guess we got to read the books that’s all we can do here this book contains the collective knowledge of the survivors we’re an underground group of survival experts

Who have been around since the early days go on signed by the chief interesting uh hey what am I supposed to do here guys wa I’m very confused oh I didn’t even see that oh my gosh I knew I was going to find that I

Just did not see it I know I had my doubts but it was worth leaving home I’m glad I had Zara and Romeo with me Romeo ah no one likes Romeo this Fred’s Journal I don’t know what Romeo wants anymore it hurts all I wanted was the

Three of us together maybe we should have never left the cabin what cabin we weren’t just happy there we were home wait home then he wasn’t talking about here what there wasn’t a cabin on the map though yeah let’s put the torch back that would have took me ages to find if

I didn’t like look around B Jesse I there’s something I need to ask you about look at uh how did you know the answer to that that last question it’s not common knowledge and it was shared with me in great confidence before I knew because Zara

Told me she knew Fred better than anyone Zara as in Fred’s Zara the Zara yeah one and only she hasn’t been seen down here in a very very long time you’re more impressive than you seem maybe they’re right after all maybe you are from above the Bedrock we are rumor have been going

Around since your arrival there aren’t many people we don’t recognize down here yeah about that well did you at least find what you were looking for this weapon I don’t know why Fred would have one I found a I must admit I’m curious not the weapon exactly but some

Promising Clues Romeo Zara and Fred had a cabin that they called home we need to find it Romeo did they say Romeo the admin yes the admin right now he’s in our town pretending to be me we need to stop him problem is we don’t know where the cabin

Is I want to help you but there’s something I need from you in return okay what’s that if you’re really from up there then you must have a way back take us with you above the Bedrock above V what are you saying you don’t know what’s out there it has to be better

Than this we’re stay here I will help you Romeo in of course we’ll help you thank you sounds like you may have to do some convincing they’ll come around the melium on this island has kept the monsters from spawning and we’ve been safe here so far but it won’t

Last our only chance for a real future is up there Zara’s repairing in the portal that will take us up if you want to go through meet us at the Oasis all right Fred left this to me before he died the needle points home when he

Didn’t come back I tried to follow it but got stopped at the gates to Romeo Berg we’ve got a massive Army so be careful please take good care of it you’ve shown like trust you to respect Fred’s memory you didn’t have to do this thank you really you’re very

Welcome I’ll prepare my people you take these fireworks signal us when you’re ready and we’ll be There great you’re here we’ve got a new destination so uh wait what I I I don’t think I heard that right what did he say he says he’s not coming with us what he’s going to stay here and wait for Jack nerm we can’t just leave you here by

Yourself we don’t know where Jack is nerm or when he’ll be back I think he said he’s coming here because this was where we were Headed we understand NM wait I think he did does survive look for the fireworks once he finds Jack they’ll meet us at the Oasis hey stay safe I think he does survive not 100% sure though I just got that thought in my head but not 100%

Sure oh my gosh bad Rock that’ be crazy living in a world like that oh man man I can’t believe how obsessed those people were with that Fred guy so weird right I mean were they really that different from you with Jesse I what no I I am a stone cold professional my

Interest in Jesse was completely professional uh-huh uh-huh sure don’t be so sensitive RAR Petra’s just teasing you I know I know just a little too real sorry radar I I just tease because I love oh yeah jeez so uh what’s the compass man the mine are very very very slang on let me

Check seems like we’re still on CS out brace Yourselves rough ride man the track is a complete wreck yeah what’s up with nah okay who the heck is this guy Y what The whoa okay okay what the heck whoa okay boom oh yes only one person I know fights like that oh ior you are the real Jesse yes it is I your friend Ivor I’m a ninja now Jesse what wow what yeah what it all started when I

Felt aort into some sort of strange world everything was all white Master Shadow’s domain he claimed he was a Ninja Master a practitioner of the Shadow Arts real cyber Army rib ninja reflexes yeah R the voice actor sadly died R why’ you try to I should say

Passed away I should say that it’s better wow Master Shadow you k kill me man why do you think you tried to kill me yes that was an unfortunate way to reunite let me explain you see it all started when Harper and I returned from our vacation we discovered that while we

Were gone you had mysteriously vanished after fighting a prismarine giant named the adman right only to return having defeated this admin and taken his amazing Powers wait what yeah that’s not right uh Li that is such a lie just thinking about the admin running around

Pretending to be me makes me sick yes I would be frustrated too especially seeing how convincing the admin’s disguise is Jesse aka the admin gave me this and told me he had reprogrammed it to find the fraud AKA you but with my new ninja senses I could tell something wasn’t

Right anyone who disagrees anyone who questions Jesse disappears oh they must hate me it’s certainly not helping your reputation no but I knew that Jesse the real Jesse would never act like that that’s why I decided to try and use this opportunity to discover the truth luckily it worked

Out because I would have felt terrible about killing you oof yeah classic thing to say to your friends being sarcastic but you’d be surprised wait wait wait wait if you weren’t convinced you would have killed me the admin turned everything upside down Jesse it’s very confusing up there speaking of whom

I can’t spend much more time down here what’s up average how are you doing man if I don’t get back to the prison soon and report in the admin will know that something isn’t right that’s perfect been a while and you’ll never suspect that I’m actually down guys here greatly

Appreciate you all subscribe tell all your friends about the I really appreciate that anyway that plan is all well and good but what exactly should I tell the admin it needs to be plausible but dramatic believable but entertaining realistic but shot tell them you killed

Me tell him that I escaped but that you trapped me down and took me out yes I’m sure you’ll be delighted by descrition of our epic BR what episode you on Final on episode season 2 episode four you’re a real poet Ivor almost done it’s going to be a long

Stream very long stream I started the stream at 5:00 and it’s already 10:00 no wait can I borrow that amulet oh actually it’s 11: now certainly but why long story involving a portal and a magic frame but it’ll help us get home he’s hurry it’s getting dire up there smoke

Bomb you saw gamore JP it’s about to be 6 hours oh yeah 6 hours just saw that right you know I was in the car for around around this time like 6 hours when I came back from my tri that crusty dude couldn’t get it was a long

Ride and we’re ready to roll come on guys let’s go I can’t believe we saw Ivor and I can’t believe the admin tried to kill us wave JP more minute one more minute till 6 hours ah this is the admin’s place oh God you better not show up looks like

The compass is pointing right to that building good it only sounds like there are a few thousand big scary people between us and there Hal you there what business have you I uh think we need to go into that building behind you if that’s okay uh you know it is in fact

Not okay okay and just move along don’t go anywhere near the building or we will sick our army on you or we’ll sick our army on you we don’t want to unleash the force of our army it’s a mighty army yes we’ve heard amazing things about your

Army because we’re the new recruits but Jesse we’re not well that’s great we should let him in cuz we really don’t have a shut it we doubt your claims see this this is my Dy face hey Army you too Jeff let’s take these Invaders out oh come

On gamore JP 6 hours 6 hours that’s weird it’s not weird the Army just just took a power nap now they’re stronger than ever yeah thanks to their neck these guys are crazy we’re not going to ask you again all right you just skattle before our well-rested Army makes you regret it we

Gearing up boy yeah it’s the Army you’ve ever heard right here bring out your army I’m happy to take them on oh oh and they’re happy to take you on uh-huh but uh they’re still getting ready and it’s going to be a while and you’ll just get

Board waiting so you should probably oh go no we ain’t leaving all right we we don’t have an army exactly yeah I know but uh still can’t let you in sorry really it’s for your own good that building you’re pointing at that’s Romeo’s challenge yeah it’s

Nothing more than a death trap the worst kind of trap which is why we vowed to keep everyone out even Relentless Travelers like you I mean you should thank us for keeping you away from it okay we’re doing you a Sol I can’t wait yeah duh I escaped Romeo’s highest

Security prison the sunshine Institute think I can handle some little challenge whoa that’s hardcore W yeah anyone who escaped that place mad props all right open the gate on it no soup the the gate yet the real gate on it all right a who weird llama that reminds

Us of Luna smell Luna on you a I didn’t want to respect the Llama this place is Wast yeah uh having a town where everyone enters a mysterious challenge room that never comes out we’ll do that I uh suppose that uh might affect population levels a little we

Still don’t feel good about permitting you in the challenge room especially unarmed but trade you trade you some gear if you can build something to scare off future unwanted visitors you know like a Snowman we’re a huge flower just make something that will help us strike fear into the hearts of all who

Would see it all right keep people off our backs something to give us a little challenge accept it let’s do this depends what kind of blocks I have that’s the thing okay not bad I’m going to try to build some sort of really scary statue I’m high by the way how that’s as

High as I can go so hopefully this is not hopefully this that hopefully this does not look stupid okay you can’t go there so oh this might look pretty stupid but I mean it’s better than nothing man better than average kid I am as sleep now good stream bro GN smiley face all

Right man it’s good to see you and I I hope you sleep well man hope you have a good night and it’s good to see you too man let’s see how funny I can make This oh man um it’s too bad I don’t have more Redstone uh guess have to be like that uh I don’t know what I’m building But wait this supposed to scare people off so that’s some dirt uh let’s get bring more Redstone okay we got quite a bit of these blocks so Okay this doesn’t look too bad all right let’s see how well this this goes oh wow that will give me nightmares well yes wonderfully horrifying horrifying I mean it’s not that scary but I mean it looks more goofy to me than scary nothing organized not alphabetized not even by material this is barbaric

This is what we managed to salvage from the goofballs uh I mean residents who tried entering uh wait do we really need to get new armor cuz I like the armor we have I don’t want to get new armor uh cuz I like this summer armor looks a lot

Better it looks like we’re going to have to change this armor which I do not like uh which armor should I choose guys I like the outfit I’m wearing now look at I’m look at this one oh I Dude I accidentally chose it okay okay well oh wait we’re wearing that outfit and

Okay I wasn’t sure okay yo radar looks Cool pickaxe I turn the pickaxe Okay should grab the sword no one grabbed the enchanted swords wow good luck you poor doomed Souls wait doomed where gam radar has chats huh oh my gosh here we go so we’re in the admin not Temple but we’re in the admin’s like base of some sort those pressure plates release waterfalls

Upstairs it’s so calculated so precise judging by the multiple pressure plates gam engineering Behind These Walls radar has tattoo expect anything L from the guy who made an icy Palace of Despair I think this was meant for the three friends Romeo Zara and Fred how do you guys feel about pulling some mystery

Levers and seeing what happens oh yo thank you so much for subscribing my man I greatly appreciate it stream elements app thanks for subscribing sb21 the admin designed all this just for I appreciate it man you’re awesome death def heart pounding challenge you’ve ever experienced all right oo

Okay okay where a we have to fight Iron Golems are these things no idea but they don’t all right here we go I’ll handle the Golem another Golem this time made of magma here we go what a showdown folks the time of our oh God wave JP wa how can I

See might not be the best idea we got to try something else realiz pretty easy man you should know how to do it oh waterfalls Jesse water turns lava into Cobblestone yes we got to get them under it all right Golems time to get soaked oh man come on Golem gam wave JP

Boom now it’s a cobblestone going in time he just [ __ ] the button man all right congratulations Challengers stage one of 600 600 complete what stage two and oh dude there’s no way we’re making it to Stage 600 three LS got us into this so so maybe those three levers will stop

It oh yeah we got to get up there gam wave JP come on radar let’s bust that machine come on man you game wave you know what I’m talking about oh we should probably press that button there we go radar you have to break the machine I’ll cover you on

It all right gam JP no I don’t you just click the button on the man right nice shooting Jesse come on come on come on why don’t you come with just break the r there we go I think we broke it yeah we did okay okay good oh my goshare yourselves for

Oh no wave JP subscribe button okay now we got to somehow take this big big big golem out no one is smiling now now I’m not a monster there is a crafting table nearby oh boy this guy has a twisted way of playing with his friends maybe we can

Bring this one down with water too maybe let’s try it radar and I will be the B fine whoa whoa whoa oh God I can’t walk in fire dude all right let’s see oh God ah there we go all right mine them down to size I see what we have to

Do okay now it’s missing an arm oh my gosh come on and boom okay now it’s missing another arm all right this ain’t going to be that hard I don’t think yes oh no well the thing’s not a total dummy doesn’t want anything to do with the

Waterfalls now does it I broke my pickaxe anyway so I guess it’s time for another idea we have gunpowder TNT just got to get some sand and we’re set right good thinking Radar Radar get ready fire incoming all right let’s do it let’s do it oh God oh God oh

God DNT oh man this Iron Golem is sick man we just need like I don’t think we need that many blocks hey Golem over here come and get me you ugly stack of St Rocks come on come on I’m right here oh

No no no no no no no no come on come on come on gunpowder plac like an ax stand on all four sides come on crap crap crap wait what oh I’m I messed up over here magma face oh I had the gun power Place Wrong ah man

Okay okay okay I see how’s that TNT looking it’s on each corner all right you can’t do this forever no oh God I failed I think I failed I think I failed almost done over there about now oh man Jesse any time now oh my gosh now we failed we failed

No man if only I did not mess up that TNT recipe man my crafting SC AR that great right now hey go okay so the the gunpowder is on each side okay let me check first okay I see come and get me you ugly Stack Up Rock gam wave JP right here

Damn okay we’re getting there all I need now gunpowder placed like an XX stand on all four sides come on over here magma face no oh my gosh I hate I like the crafting okay that TNT there we go I finally created it oh my go that took forever that might work oh

Boy wa okay that’s cool Island go oh God God you’ve done it oh yes the power of our friendship prevails yes hey let’s get out of here before we stumble on a hidden stage let’s Go let’s go man woo wow ooh this is the first place down here that looks alive gamore JP nice perfect I’ll meet you over there okay let’s go check out the house we’re in Romeo’s house like the let’s look at the flowers so strange to see flowers growing down

Here someone set up these lamps after the Bedrock uh let’s open instead let’s just go in doesn’t seem to be anybody around nobody inside should be safe safe-ish oh I remember this part let’s just get that weapon and get out of here okay oh uh understand where would the weapon be oh this is a this is where they would

Hang out oh man remember I used to read all the time now I barely do things change yeah H look at the armor stand oh wow Gore JP back at the treeh I am the only one here because every got schol that’s true Man ah Petra are you okay nothing it just reminds me of I remember this part uh this this story about puppies really sad story you know me I can’t help crying about dumb stuff like that puppies don’t lie to me man come on Petra you’re lying we both know

It no puppies just make me really sad okay fine it it’s gamore JP I’m BRB you of anything our friends we used to hang out in that tree house all the time now we barely talk why does this keep happening everyone leaves and I’m just by myself

Again I get it I don’t know what I’m doing wrong I see them one by one just leaving you do kind of push people away I don’t think you mean to but when things don’t go your way you get distant that’s because I know what’s coming better to end it on my

Terms doesn’t that seem a little self-sabotaging maybe a did I choose the wrong decision Axel and Olivia are barely around we already lost Jack didn’t take long for the New Order of the stone to fall apart did it no I fult for thinking it would be different together longer than most just because

We have our own lives doesn’t mean we aren’t friends we still care about each other they’d be here if they cared I know this isn’t important right now let’s just find the weapon and get out of here yeah something’s not right here huh we need a redstone torch I

Think the beds don’t go with the banners always like the color blue something peaceful about It pick up wait wait we could pick the bed up bed kind of fun to say let’s pick up this whoa it’s an observer block what’s it looking at the Beds let’s pick up all the beds Romeo’s bed oh wait she wanted her bed I See uh look at Zara Fred and Romeo these must be their banners H but what wait sword wait let me look over here oh wait it was placed I think the torch aren’t we missing a torch yeah we are talk to I think we should talk about

This I told you it it’s not important we have bigger things to worry about right now it is important it’s important to you then it’s important to me I’m okay okay really we have to take down the admin after that we’ll figure out what comes next okay but I guess

Wait oh wait we have to play I don’t think that goes here H oh wait a second uh let me look at those posters again okay Rome was bed oh I see and then okay I see now so wait let me look again Romeo’s bed goes where the sword is red for

Romeo that did something one down now the rest of these need to go in the right order okay so I believe okay Fred’s bed goes here blue for Fred and then Last purple for Zara Zara is bad okay let’s see what’s going on now we might have just found the weapon oh we found a book another one of Fred’s journals dear Zara if you’re reading this I’m already gone I hid this in the one place I knew you would look for it

Fitting the key to ending all this would be here where it all started this is the key to defeating Romeo it says hash potato451 potato that’s the weapon what are what are we supposed to do with potato that’s not a weapon it’s a root vegetable and not a very as long as it

Works how silly it sounds as long as it works yeah I guess just potato or sorry I meant # potato451 Okay well let’s get out of here and find this weapon use it at the primary terminal you can take away his power and end this word of Passage huh I guess that’s the potato okay I still have hope for Romeo he just wanted us to stay together more

Than anything I know that’s why he’s doing this maybe I’m being foolish but I need to know for sure before taking this step though I guess if you’re here I got my answer maybe someday we’ll be together again your friend always Fred man I kind of feel bad for them don’t

You uh yeah yeah I feel kind of bad for them too this wasn’t easy for any of the admins they really cared about each other everyone talks about Romeo like he was this controlling monster but Fred wrote that Romeo just wanted to keep them together more than

Anything isn’t that what I’ve been doing especially to you yeah I don’t want you to feel forced to keep doing something you don’t want to I don’t want to be that person or or make you feel scared to tell me the truth you are nothing like the admin don’t compare yourself to

Him even he didn’t start out that way it just got bad I don’t want to cross that line too I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said about how friendship is my thing but I don’t think I can just stay put you know in Beacon town but I don’t want

To lose you you mean a lot to me Jesse I a more than anyone else you’ve been there I’ll be by your side I don’t want to leave if it means I’ll be right there with you Petra you think your place is out there then so is mine yeah it’s okay Pedra thank

You oh you’re welcome I always knew you were a big old softy you’ll never be able to prove it we’ll see we better get that book back to the portal right let’s go stop the admin his days of being Jessie are over over oh yeah oh my Gosh yo okay so I think oh we’re back in that oh we’re back in this city I think yeah who she did it this is it then it’s time to call the others we’re getting out of here oh boy all right that might attract some other people the bad people what do you

Think you’re doing the portal is hidden for a reason to keep things away we’re still missing nerm great that won’t be a burden sounding pretty admin there Zara the weapon is what we need not bodies to throw at the problem people just complicate things make everything messy inefficient it takes a village

Zara you knew that once right and then I learned that lesson as you can see the Portal’s fully functional you complete your end yep I think this should send us home and there’s Fred’s weapon potato weird right I I thought it was weird H Fred trusted him he went to Romeo with

The best of intentions and was was there is no redemption in Romeo none he needs to be stopped once and for all I agree with her worse for this and everything else it’s the only way if it comes to that maybe Jesse we can’t just take him

Out there is no maybe but heroes are supposed to help people not hurt them Romeo deserves what’s coming to him Fred should be Avenged Fred was the best of us cut down I can’t let it stand oh uh uh no have you never lost anyone someone close you wouldn’t stay

Silent Romeo destroyed my world and going to help it made me stay silent uh yeah we’re taking down Romeo we’re taking them down like no matter what uh things we Made here I found this and there are good things left if you look for them that you would I I’m not used to being wrong thank you you’re welcome but we still need to move forward all right the real cyber Army well that’s what happens when you got

Finals buddy Jessie oh yeah oh No no no no that’s our way home ah oh man everyone get out of its Way it’s the FR fol those are not the people from Freds keep those are mobs oh boy oh just what we needed find me a bed when I have been so Unhelpful go mobs don’t stand a chance all right let’s go oh my Gosh no oh that must hurt oh the radar what are you doing man Jesse help don’t let it eat me I’m really not tasty I’m not huh I know that Enderman wouldn’t really eat radar but oh my gosh wait what oh oh my gosh I end up going on my other

Monitor okay here we go oh my gosh I need to rest there we go I will not run anymore oh my gosh you just do your worst you oh man oh man oh Man boom that’s a massive Enderman oh my gosh you let Jesse go don’t you have any decency it is not cool to go around smashing everything up making a mess and grabbing people eat this look at me End oh no way looks like all my training the feel he swamps totally paid off Jack what you thought little fall will get the better of the velvet tornado please we’re great keep for the future Fight there we go we got more people someone’s got to catch me up here they’re on our side they helped us back in Fr oh the more the Marrier oh no nby hey I’m glad he survived it was sad like oh my gosh time to let my sword get a taste of monster hide it’s hungry we have to repair the building otherwise that Enderman is never going to leave us alone huh all right all right we got to build

Something so the Enderman will not this all right here we go here we go here we go this may help okay exactly sure what this will bring us but hopefully it’ll be close to home all right let’s see man that’s the thing for the order of the stone

Though oh boy radar we’re winning for now but they’re not going to be able to hold that line for much longer especially not if that Enderman takes the portal apart bad news it’s after Me oh no whoa more bad news I think it likes me but that means I can be a distraction uh yeah if you want to be stuck down here I know what if I do that let everyone get through the portal safe and sound bait for a giant Enderman radar it’s too

Dangerous hey I help the that magma Golem didn’t I I can really do something here and I want to help no way everyone’s getting through the portal with that huge creep hanging around he get left behind oh no the Enderman is after me I can buy you time you’re our friend radar we’re

Not leaving you down here we have to stick together this is my time Jesse I know it this is hard I don’t want to leave radar I’m not leaving radar here well the wait save oh no guys what should I do I want to save radar

Um I can’t I gotad I can’t let you do that lose you but the people if anyone understands how to stay alive down here it’s them oh man best thing we can do for them is stop the admin oh dude time just ran out everyone get to

The portal all right let’s go I feel bad for leaving those people a I feel bad for leaving those people but I I had to what here we go we are back guys let’s Go oh pain everywhere oh wow that’s it no more mystery portals ever ooh what nurm said that was not a quality three-point Landing sorry Nery oh wow I’m a give me a second wor in the roller Coaster whoa It’s The Old orders Temple we did it we’re back oh oh my this this is where saurin forged The Amulet of the order of the stone this dirt touched their heroic feet and now it’s touching mine oh no oh no I’m ruining it I’m not worthy oh the

Dirt is warm does the dirt feel warm everyone else you’re a hero2 radar just like the order you saved us more than once down there I did didn’t I hey it would have been nice to show bint and the others what our world looks like I hope they’re okay oh

No did you see that okay we need to hurry we’re in the old order Temple okay somebody tell me I’m losing it oh dude dude Beacon town oh my gosh dude below the Bedrock Wow guys we have one more episode to go wow guys this is cool oh boy Jesse man is it good to see you where are the others H nah come on come on I do not like this admin at all H here we go guys we’re on the last episode Brave and something okay final battle between the admin and Jesse in the order of the stone okay here we go let’s do

This oh wait let’s do this gam wave J I’ve been here just slice all right man appreciate it pat laugh yo welcome to the stream while you’re here please drop a like And subscribe okay please don’t tell me I crashed I mean if the game crashed I can always restart it but

It’s taking a while to load wait pre wait oh that’s why cuz I had the game pause oh man previously on Minecraft story mode dude season 2 there is a key difference between a good W going through all the episodes good friends do what you ask laugh you’re welcome there a $74 game

For free on epic games gamore JP perf example of what we call yeah after the stream I will uh play that game on my epic games I I got to stream for at least two hours ultimately all losers 11 oh wow going game wave how long is the stream I’m guessing it’s

Like around 7 hours stand for in gratitude so I took my gift away oh but then oh boy just when I thought I’d find a promise new friend I see the admin such disappoint I had a br idea the perfect way to weed out the bad friends from the good to be a

Appreciated n don’t be me G Jesse I was right of course the plan worked immediately was at the hospital for like 12 hours LOL JP about to be 7 hours oh boy and now poor Jesse is dead having never learned his lesson we ain’t dead oh wait Ivor told us told him that

We’re dead the saddest part of all really is that Jesse will never get to see how much better I’ve made Beacon town oh yes oh man stupid Admin here we go the last and final episode all right here we go dude they changed this JP you are evil I’m not evil the admin is evil man lucky thing that the admin didn’t think to fortify these tunnels into town hey speaking of fighting admins I can’t

Help but wish we still had Zara around I know she was well she was a little much but having an ex admin on our side seems like it could have come in handy I guess Gore JP she a lot the portal time the ad yeah yeah that’s what

I meant yeah I see what you mean maybe Sara’s lucky being where she is right now she’s not currently marching towards a fight with the admin maybe it’s for the best that binta and the Fred Towners didn’t make it out of the underneath it would really STI to get

Above the Bedrock just to have the admin you know yeah Jesse when Romeo finds out what we’re trying to do we’ve seen what he does I don’t want to end up like Fred I don’t want Beacon town to be like Zora’s Town we’ve seen so many terrible

Things that Romeo’s done I just can’t even handle thinking about that happening Gore JP hey is going to game W don’t do that please friend doore JP Us My Controller seems hopeless Gore JP there are people him down hear me yeah I hear you let’s do it yeah yeah let’s do the Thing here we go Pat laugh looks like a cat typing gamore JP it’s all good man sorry it’s all good man it’s all good your cat typing oh my gosh that’s funny no oh no Minecraft story mode season 2 episode 5 oh man we completely ruined Beacon Town

Wow everyone’s going to hate us now come on cat laugh cat always walks on keyboards Okay oh okay at least Beacon town is not the same but at least it’s um sort of there at least the ad man didn’t get rid of all the nice builds what do you guys want to bet that’s where the primary terminal is the Giant floating tower with no clear entrance yeah

Probably we’ve got to find a way up there might be a good idea to hit the map shop regroup get some supplies yeah yeah that sounds good all right we need to be careful oh god oh no guys admin Axel and Olivia he’s with Axel and Olivia we got to hide nah dude

Nah typical heading exactly where we wanted to go then I guess we just can’t get caught yeah it’s true why exactly are we having a whole festival devoted solely to you do we really have to go up on stage with you in front of everyone enough you two

Are going to need to do a lot less talking a lot more agreeing if you want to be a part of Beacon Town not so sure I do actually in fact we were just about to head home I’d be very careful if I were

You guys or there might not be a home to go back to at all it’s just so easy for something bad to happen to a town like Champion City for example and oh man yeah the admin is so evil Stella is definitely not going to work for him now my no

A I had hoped there was still a chance of redeeming Romeo no I’m not so sure Champion City he’s a murderer he blew it up yeah he’s a monster through and through and he needs to be put down oh yeah yeah I I guess you’re right let’s at least get rid of his

Powers like now how about you run along and get that fireworks show ready for the big keynote hey yes admin Jesse oh my gosh gam JP so mad 10 more minutes is distracted yeah we should grab ex Olivia while I’m so mad that he’s pretending to be me like why always

So worried about Champion City and now one less thing to worry about Olivia Axel oh my gosh I knew it I just knew it gamore JP till 7 hours oh yeah I what is come on I’ll explain everything but we have to get off the streets to the map shop quick a

Man Man Poor Stella I I don’t I never really like Stella that much cuz of how greedy she is but like man that’s got to be rough I don’t know what to say admins the real cyber Army Bedrock I mean to you it’s kind of like the same thing as

Other YouTuber being called Josh the gamer Hood I’m relieved that the Jesse out there isn’t the real you but yeah I hate it I I can’t do anything about other YouTubers being called but I’ll always be the number one what just happened outside AEL and I almost

And we’re your oldest friends I mean if we couldn’t tell I’ll just have to make them understand what happened make them I suppose if anyone could make them listen it’ be you but you said there’s a way to stop this guy right Petra Stella sucks even when she’s on our side

But nobody deserves that ever yeah her whole city gone in an instant we’ll make him pay add it to the list of horrible things the admin’s going to pay for yeah I agree with Petra on that one so glad you guys are okay did Jesse tell you about the potato yet

The what in me underneath we got our hands on something called a word of Passage # potato451 I know it sounds weird but it’s supposed to take away the admin’s powers for good that’ll be payback for what he’s done to our poor shop yeah come on hopefully it’s not a

Complete wash is it even safe to hide out in here yeah it used to be the safest place around probably not before the admin’s goons were everywhere it’s been ransacked once whoever did that might come back again comforting getting into that Tower won’t be easy hopefully there’s still something

Useful in here everyone take a look around hopefully shout if you find anything while you guys do that I’m going to keep watch all right I’m guessing we’re going to yeah we’re going have to walk around and explore uh look around okay surprise explore the map okay too bad they don’t

Help us though the real cyber Army can I rename myself Josh the gamer no no I would not like that like at all I think the map is over here yeah uh wait pull the lever oh we gotra he the real cyber Army by the why not almost forgot because you

Know I I just wouldn’t appreciate it cuz that’s my channel name I I get it there are other Josh Gamers out there but like I’m I was trying to say I’ll always be the biggest YouTuber like the biggest Jos the gamer what was that oh no I should probably have my hands on

The keyboard and my mouse uh go over here wait Luna Luna you made it never doubted it I want cookies I guess I deserve that how did Luna get out but how did you get out of that prison because I broke them M Gore J say

Pree freaking M of the order of the freaking stone that is a legend standing in front of us NM within Arm’s Reach Me Jack best thing around ivore just be yourself uh yeah that that makes a whole lot of sense thanks Jesse well here it goes Ivor of the order of the

Stone this is quite the pleasure H well yes of course it is and you are Oh Me Oh I’m uh the the uh stock the uh stab well from the I’m uh nobody cat laugh how are you well I need to try to get some rest have

Yourself a good one hello yeah you too man always nice to meet I hope you get better yeah anyway I am happy to report that your plan for the admin worked perfect he fell from my deception hook Gore JP theck I did not do it it’s my controller I’m playing rocket League you

Really know your audience and after the admin’s appetite for Jesse’s destruction was satisfied I returned to the prison by cover of of night to free your friend from that CED place I was surprised but this animal is quite the escape artist I may consider naming her my Apprentice

She will I’m sorry we left you I’m so you had to be left behind how you doing must have been Terri JP now that the team is back Ivor we need to stop I had the time we’re supposed to word of Passage at the primary terminal oh there we Jesse thinks it’s

Up in the tower yes I believe that’s exactly where it is I’ve heard him refence several I do not one things to check for is dropping ninjas I have learned a lot of information that way I’m glad it’s easy to find but it’s floating up in the air

Indeed which o poses a problem perhaps H just uh you sure we can’t like reason with this admin guy you know I’m talk out you what wanting to talk it out Jesse taught me to keep the explosions in Boom Town that’s actually not a bad idea I

Could try right I mean if you could get me to talk about my I’m sorry I’m trying to stream might be worth a shot no I’m not no I’m not getting off until I’m done formulating a plan you just needed distraction maybe a distraction like Jesse’s big speech at the start of Jesse

Con that sounds great but elytra Wings don’t exactly go up need fireworks do fireworks all right NM think you could get me a map of Beacon town all right oh wow here’s town like Jack said we need fireworks which the admin has stockpiled backstage at the event wait

Isn’t Stella in charge of fireworks for this thing perfect never get backstage without firework skilled uniforms so we find Stella and she shows us where they Are I’ll grab them there’s no way she’s going to do that and boom backstage pass that seems so unrealistic there swipe some fireworks I got be more quiet my dad wants me more quiet so wait don’t I go backst there’s no way I don’t think it’s going to be this easy

You’re going to be getting me a bucket of water we’ll get to that while we’re getting the fireworks Axel and Olivia will distract the admin are you sure I can’t just blow up the stage that would be distracting AEL then we wait until the big fireworks

Finale the what it’s Romeo I promise you there will be a huge fireworks finale Petra and Jack will will wait in the order Hall a second those fireworks go off G wave JP one more minute for 7 hours use the bucket of water to create a waterfall my bucket your secret weapon

Then the three of us will head into the tower and use # potato451 to strip the admin of his powers before he even knows okay that’s a good plan but it seems really unrealistic might just be the best crazy I’ve heard in a while Jesse this could work explosion let’s

Try to get to 20 lik excitement explosions I love it this to help us though s how yes yeah she’s pretty tight with that admin guy are you sure about that she did seem kind of awful yeah I’m not so sure about that one you’re wrong Stella might have

Caused a lot of trouble in the past but I know I got through to her in the sunshine Institute we can trust her sure hope you’re right about that all right gamore JP one more hour does know where the fireworks uniforms are hey I recognize that name from The Walking

Dead isn’t it I say how much I don’t like this you hey welcome to the stream i’ appreciate if you like W Jessie it’s you longest the admin it’s you longest Jessie you’re clothes you got to change okay H I’m the OG me Jesse I know you think Stella’s on

Our side but you can’t trust her okay be careful I think Jesse should be more worried about the admin showing up during this plan gamore JP one serving C by the way coming up this I’m looking for Clementine ah clementin well clementin isn’t here sadly clementin is uh in a different

Universe it’s good to see you though Le welcome to the stream look at uhuh this place just wave it’s cyber the real cyber Army I know it’s cyber I being serious game wave that’s not me LOL gam wave JP cyber how is it not I mean I don’t know

The real cyber Army the last one was as a joke the real cyber Army the Josh the gamer Al was mine oh okay I see hey cyber you should subscribe on that account even know it’s or delete it or something cuz it’s Gore JP it’s you no

[ __ ] it’s is you whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the game wave I’m going to have to remove that message just because yeah yo game wave stop D it the real cyber Army W bro oh your greatness I searched everywhere for you stop there I present to you the newest Jesse

Con volunteers they await your orders but I’m only saying cuz you’re gamore JP they’ll do whatever you need LOL what yeah but you still shouldn’t say that man don’t say that all right uh uh yes yes your leader is giving you a request I want to see dive so beautiful the people will

Weep oh my gosh and the real guy is going showed up I think oh my gosh no no was what what is happening I leave for even a moment pandemonium ensues game wave stop doing that and get back to your posts game wave J you know what

You did it’s not like it’s a w w wo w w w w w w w w w w don’t stand like come on man okay so he just pops in whenever he wants to I better find Stella fast before the ad real cyber Army it’s

Literally not me you can think it’s me if you want but I’m telling you it not me even if you believe or not game wave I’m just going to tell you if you’re going I I get like let’s just chill out all right let’s just chill out like we’re not arguing like over

This oh there I think it’s still gamore JP so why is he not here no more see it’s I know it no Lawrence lence I mean you could totally call me Stella though I’m actually looking for Stella blond hair looks kind of well like you but but not have you seen her

Uh no clue bro uh maybe try the order Hall all the big wig Bros hang there doing their big wig bro business telling us all what to do yeah everyone’s scared of uh Jesse now oh because of the stupid adman H everyone does not like the ad

Man the real cyber Army it maybe dude when to go grab something okay let’s see the real cyber Army I mean he’s looking for CLM so yeah that’s true yo Jessie dude just unveiled the new Statue you built yeah it’s got um character yeah I kind of liked the old

One but whoa hey I mean you know what this I want to change it canot keep my eyes off it it is is pretty great isn’t it I wouldn’t change a thing sure go with your gut totally huh who what okay I knew that was going to

Happen touch see how back still couldn’t find I did to my look how H it isry first attempt stat yeah almost blew up I really feel some of my best work put it outside keeping it the way it is forever outside then the real cyber Army see

There they are put it outside put it outside just so it doesn’t blow up in the house wow JP it’s Him that man that uh battery stinks holy crap I’m going to have to open a window now that’s pretty nasty hold on guys give me a second so if you wonder what just happened my dad brought in a battery that we were trying to charge and it almost exploded so yeah

Well I mean it did not explode but it was like boiling hot and now my room stinks so I don’t my window gam wave JP oh man it’s cyber okay game wave can we just can you just drop it like it doesn’t matter if it’s cyber or not doesn’t matter man

Let’s just not worry about it oh man I just open the window cuz I had to the real cyber Army Josh I’m tired of saying it not me yeah so game let’s just stop all right it doesn’t matter if it is him or not it doesn’t matter that’s probably not him anyway I need actually guys I’m going

Get my air freshener wait what oh no no no no no no no My Stream okay um you gota be kidding me dude okay now we’re back what if I do this okay now we’re back guys I’m going to go get my air freshman real quick so

I can make my room smell better so Gore JP probably is okay game wave stop like actually stop I’ll be right back Did it blow up the real cyber Army congrats you timed out an innocent viewer bro springing some air fresh now all right gam wave JB you mean you okay what’s going On the real cyber Army it’s literally nothing game wave okay I’m going to tell you this right now you better stop and Banners it’s not my fault I I’m all right the real cyber Army Josh He timed Lee out can you untime Le out has ever

Seen or I will personally ensure you pay the price where the heck am I supposed to get more people Bingo that’s our ticket in it’s now or never like I’m not trying to like be rude gameway but like I just perfect now cyber Army gravel where are those EX for Jessie banners

Oh Stella Jessie back so soon it was five minutes gamore JP it was 5 minutes since okay but game wave if oh God come on you’re not the admin are You uh come on of course I’m the admin I’m AB absolutely completely totally the admin Jesse I knew it keep your voice down all right I am so glad you’re back pretending to be the other Jesse’s loyal servant has been exhausting yeah I get that why am I just

Finding out now you’re back don’t you trust me Jesse I thought you’d move past your competitive nature with me I am part of your core gang I hate being left out of you have a reason I’m not seeing I wanted to but it wasn’t saved the real F

Army close to the end’s not going like this L9 l no you were protecting me we are such best friends look Stella I need these uniforms to defeat the admin I don’t have time to explain all the no problem oo oh man st’s like on our side though I

Won’t spill anything to the admin I happen to be an excellent actor I shall get into character let’s just uh separate okay Roger that ex stage left oh boy I have a feeling this is not going to go well [Applause] okay and of course course as Jessie I’ve got my best friends Olivia and axel with me don’t I okay let’s go who are you yes thanks Jesse we love being your best friend don’t we Axel yeah totally the adman can sure sure does not know much about sarcasm sleeves really

Tight my sleeves like feel like they’re cutting off my circular ulation oh my this is chafing me in all the wrong places remind me to never ask what the right places are hey before we go back there if things get hot I want you to

Know that I’ve got your back well I got your back prison I can and will fight anyone who tries to mess with you like they taught me in the big house no mercy no prisoners oh I know you can I watched you char a giant Enderman head

On yeah yeah compared to that guy Gore JP uh I am a BRB tell me when cyber is going to stop acting I meant tell me when we will be unbanned let’s go to work to oh my gosh this is kind of get annoying no one from back here except

Fireworks Union huh jeez well get back there then thank you how did they not recognize Jess face we totally qualified to Do gamore JP good luck with your firework OMG okay oh my God I’ll gra a bucket from the house just stop it’s not cyber I know it’s not he’s on how could that how could it be because cyber is um on his main account and he was on his main account when

Firks Lee was typing and by the way I come on who plans a convention with no fireworks that’s like planning a birthday party without you know now’s not the time to complain but I wasn’t complaining I’ve seen stting in a either way guy in my stream before and it’s not

I know it’s not cyber so stop blaming cyber right like stop guess we’ll just need to make some we’ll talk about it later it’s not the right place to talk about it then all we need is gunpowder and a fireworks star the real cyber Army

Add some flash can we just drop it if I just say it’s me even though it’s not yeah actually it’d be easier if you just if we just drop it like come on I don’t know what got game wave so mad like come on gam wave JP you go guys already dropped off

The which one should I take I don’t want to get rid of I I hell know like I don’t like having problems with my two mods you’re really being like you’re really really really starting to uh push it man I don’t want I don’t want to get rid of

It I do not want to get rid of the mod your mod option so you better stop I’m not trying to be rude I’m just saying I just don’t I just don’t like how you’re you’re blaming cyber for this chest must be a fan just anyway let’s just drop it now all

Right it’ just be better if we drop it so cyber just cyber game wave stop okay okay I need sugar cane oh no I need to look for sugar cane all right uh the real cyber Army Josh don’t get mad a game wave it fine the real cyber Army Asis sugarcan all

Right all right it’s just getting annoying that’s why I was getting a little F frustrated sorry game wave I just got I’m just getting I just got really annoyed okay we’ll talk about it later and we’re just dropping it right now wait some nice sugar sweet where

We oh no we were not supposed to the real cyber Army want a VC after Josh maybe it depends when I’m done how do I make paper again should know how to make paper gamore JP I am a BRB all right see you man oh there we

Go wait do you make it okay gunpowder we need gunpowder oh come on when you go oh come on jeez we need to take out that creeper for gunpowder poke we got to poke the creeper I remember uh the fake story of the old order of the stone where you had

To poke the gun where they poke the dragon okay the real cyber Army there we go funny how in real life paper is made from trees but here it’s made by canes hey let’s get crafted yeah that’s true uh okay oh wrong place yeah that’s true boom

Boom now there’s a firework nice now just need to hey Glenn I wait a minute you a’t ain’t Glenn and you ain’t oh boy take that told you I had your back what I tell you no one steps to Jesse no kidding uh yeah wow you weren’t

Kidding o nice work thank you thank you I’ll be here all night I sense the work of prison radar Maybe You Buck oh I got the bucket oh yeah here we go uh what should I do about this guy huh just get him out of the way okay like tuck him away somewhere

Roger good luck boss thanks radar okay here we go oh yeah okay all strapped in fireworks ready oh no you seeing us oh no uh Jesse hey Jesse Yeah Jesse we want to talk to you more about how great it is being your friend oh my gosh okay go go go Hey all right here we go so the plan actually worked wa wao hey hey hey than oh boy oh boy oh got it woohoo wooho okay oh man that could have been really close to oh perfect just what I needed too slow dummy come at me ugly oh boy uh-oh boom that was

Close okay time to get the others or water the admin’s going to know though that’s the thing cuz we’re pouring water oh man oh man here comes the big fight whaty was I glad to see the yeah we were getting kind of nervous down there sorry the welcoming committee was a little

Strict come on let’s get inside come on let’s do this Uh okay I’m not the only one that finds all this silence freaky right this place is dead definitely strange though I imagine you might be relieved to have a little quiet right now huh how does this look for my uh ring light my face a bit I don’t know another huge

Boss battle or something that we got in here yeah the admin definitely could be a trap but nothing don’t be fooled guys if it’s this quiet on our way to depower the admin then it’s got to be a trap well I’m not seeing anything traish yet but I’ll keep an eye out oh

Wow dude are those all prison cells dude oh wow Lucas yo what look who it is stey Stacy oh wow come out and play WoW okay uh hey guys what’s going on Stand Down ocelots Lucas looks like the tables have finally turned huh Jesse we can’t let you keep doing what you’re

Doing uh I’m the real Jessie sorry guys Lucas I think you’re confused it’s me oh we’re not confused we know exactly who you are now hang on everyone no it’s our turn to talk not yours not anymore I reformed the ocelots because I wanted to remind everyone of how things were

Before and most of all I wanted to remind you because the Jess Lucas really thinks that we’re theet but we’re not the real cyber Army IA they brought back Dan and Lizzy depending on your choice from season one yeah same I’m telling us our builds were

Ugly Lucas it wasn’t so glad you guys are all free I didn’t do any of this what are you talking about you were laughing gloating as you teleported people away everything you think I’ve told you since I came came back from the Ice Palace was a lie the admin locked me

In a prison underground took my identity came back here and pretended to be mean that is no how do we know this isn’t a trick no trick friend and it’s not the first time my friend Voss the admin did the same thing with him yeah we saw the

Whole thing is this really true all those horrible things you did that let’s just hug Lucas just give him a hug yeah it’s you well now that we have that sort of out what in the world are we going to do next wait why are you even in here we’re

Trying to get to something called the terminal we have a word of Passage potato that we can apparently use to take away the admin’s powers for good yeah a lot of that was way over my head especially the potato but potato you just lead the way and the new

Ocelots will have your back hey new ocelots are a lot bigger yeah I agree with you cyber they should have did the had the option to bring back Rome and Dan like on the choices would be cool have DanTDM in season be really awesome DanTDM and trayus oh my gosh

Imagine oh new armor okay we chose this armor and this armor so what else what other armor should I choose there’s a lot uh allig guards that’s not Allard armor magnus’s armor oh Tim’s armor oh that seems pretty cool from season one uh I say Tim’s armor looks the best out

Of all of them what do you guys think what do you guys think Tim’s armor or uh any of the any armor I say Tims I’m CH might not been a real Warrior but his armor is going help deliver a very real butt kicking oh yeah now you look like you’re ready for

A showdown agreed oh thanks guys time to end this ocelots it’s I find it cool that Stampy is like part of the aots okay if I were a terminal what would I look like o the real cyber Army I wasn’t expecting you and you made the same Choice Dan did

Yeah oh crud what’s the move here Jesse oh no maybe you’re confused but this is my office heard there might have been people trying to break in so charge let’s talk to him hang on let me try and reason with him uh hello Jesse it’s over admin we’re here to

Excuse me excuse me we what what where are they where’d they go oh I am so upset that you’re back don’t want to be ninja Ivor told me you were dead hearing that made me feel great this this makes me feel you got to play ad it’s called a hustle admin and

You fell for it hook line and sinker what better way to sneak back into Beacon town right under your uh my nose oh you smug arrogant insignificant what pre tell are you hoping to accomplish by challenging we’re to defeat this I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’m just a

Touch more powerful than you I know that’s why I’m not here to fight you I want to talk this over Jesse a Jessie talking it out what’s the point in that that’s what losers do real people awesome people settle their differences still good in you with I want to talk

Because I know there’s still good in you Romeo and I think that if we talk this out maybe we can come to an understanding you you really think that yeah oh there we go I know I was all fiery and mad when you first showed up but it’s just as well

Blim me I had no idea being you was going to be this difficult wait what oh yeah I’m I’m bloody exhausted the constant whining everyone asking for things all the time it’s insufferable I need I am block so try oh my gosh I actually know exactly what you

Mean it gets really tiring right yes and it’s like hello can I get a little me time yeah it’s just but it was fun at first I show them some super amazing display of my awesome powers they’d laugh I’d laugh but soon they were just asking me to do that all the

Time you know you know what’s funny you’ve made me see something it’s starting to feel like maybe I should just leave being Jessy to you yeah you know the genuine article for the love of finally yes that sounds like a perfect plan I’m so glad you

Agree well this has all been terribly en linning and I I think we’ve all learned some great don’t get too close to the edge that I will totally remember for next time next time yeah the next World I build after I Bedrock over yours oh I’m

Going to get it totally right with that one no oh no whole new set of people a whole new world oh I’ll be a great leader a great friend next no no I should thank you for all these these wonderful little lessons you’ve helped me to learn

Lear maybe you’re not doing this maybe I’ll have more in the next no way I’m letting you do this you know how that person subed how do I do that you don’t really have much of a choice you just you’re already subscribed to the channel

Man you have to like make a new account and then subscribe and it should just pop up on the screen oh well toles or you uh get a friend to subscribe okay we got to go we got to go we got this doesn’t seem good oh no oh

Oh you guys are okay yeah he just blipped us back to the hallways again such a such a jerk oh he’s really doing it no no no no come on no no no we got to stop this admin right now oh yeah I don’t know how to stop this how

Are we going to stop this we need to take his powers away find the terminal space okay where would where would that be that’s where the admin keeps his portal to the terminal thing okay let’s go come on we need to get to that portal before the Bedrock closes

Up go go go go go go come on come on come on come On oh my gosh go keep going stay safe okay that’s what I was going to say to you okay guys don’t tell me what’s through here so be safe all right let’s go let’s go let’s let’s go let’s go let’s Go oh wow we’re going to another world this is where the admin lives okay we’re getting this close oh let’s go we made it we’re here yeah but we don’t know where here is ooh O oh Wow I’m going to grab a drink real quick actually clock from the admin’s tower I mean uh I uh found the coloss theore how do we find unal thing I don’t know man I don’t want you unsub it there is so much stuff in here o yeah kind of hard to make sense

Of it all huh well it’s the admin he do and again he probably know where he was going so admin protocol initiated it’s him no it’s just more of his stupid recordings you’ve selected admin protocol oh it’s like a that mouth tastes assist been in my frge for a while welcome to terminal

Space well shall we all right let’s see what’s going on so wait he has this whole assistant thing set up but only he ever comes here the automated personal assistance system was developed to Aid the mighty admin in menial tasks and help his friends navigate the terminal

Space man so when you first made all this he was still hoping his friends would come here too kind of makes me feel bad for him actually nobody ever said it all right here we go Is that all right oh okay we are to solve a puzzle the puzzles in this game so far are actually not that bad but please enter your password to begin a new program password I that was all over my head password password pass word that must be the word of Passage # potato451

Huh all right let’s open this it’s empty waiting for material request I mean it must be talking about the potato right sounds right to me uh potato please acquiring potatoes items dispensed thank you oh wow let’s open chest now wait two potatoes H yeah a normal

One and a poisoned one I think we need the normal one I’m not sure word of Passage didn’t say anything about poison but it did have that weird hashtag thingy that might mean something oh I don’t think that symbol ever actually means anything H got to figure out which one is correct all

Right uh Place potato I hope this is right I still need to enter the rest of the word of Passage won’t know if this is right or not till I Do use H oh wait a second that’s exactly right huh what is this thing and what does it have to do with potato 45 okay here’s a big puzzle use uh wait wait hold on okay uh I’m just going to test this out now okay okay that’s one But H don’t think that’s exactly right okay um oh oh wait a second ah aha I just totally guessed that sounds like progress righty initi gam wave JP 10 more minutes till 8 hours oh W I’m guessing that’s not I feel like it’s going to be more than 8

Hours cuz I failed a couple times so it’s probably to be like8 hours and uh okay what about the poison potato and there we go ah was that a good thud or a bad thud hold up hold up Fred what Zara hi if you’re seeing this recording well I guess the worst

Has happened oh my you just put the word of Passage into the primary terminal I wish the terminal could just take away Romeo’s admin Powers it’d be easier that way but making this Gauntlet was the best I could do oh here we go put your hand into the pedestal to

Receive the gauntlet it’s got the power to make Romeo normal again might take a few hits to remove his power entirely but he’ll get the job done do you understand yes then good luck Sara you’re I think you might need it goes nothing let’s do wave JP what do

You think you mind doing 10 hours no what’s happening we’re here to stop you I mean it depends how long this is uh until I get to the last uh told you your world’s done no Take that oh no okay Jesse Hurry you boom that took all of those guys out what there we go gold well this should come in handy gam wave JP I only be 2 a.m. what have you done yeah but I don’t really want to stream for that long and it’s a little it’s pretty late run directly at Me oh I don’t know what you’re playing at but it ends now I said it ends we took away out of his powers what come on oh you you think you’re very clever aren’t you well how about we finish this with a little change of scenery Nah The Sea Temple K

Jesse remember when we first met take this guy out could still be even though it’s the same guy all right figures this Temple this challenge my first gift to you now it’s going to be where I bury you oh no way G wave JP are you going to

Join DC after the episode running uh not right away I’m going to make something to eat after this and then relax right hour it depends how I feel it depends how I feel actually I can’t promise you that I’ll be honest see I can still use the gauntlet just die Already all right here we go this is impossible no one gets to make me strong that your powers are going you’re almost have no more Powers man why do I feel so powerless oh boy come on I certainly hope you’re enjoying a the Snowman we got to fight all the bosses I

See right in the face oh boy oh come on okay what the the heck how am I supposed to take this guy out oh God I’m like really low oh my no okay no dude I was at one heart oh a I got to figure out find the oh I see

Now I see I wasn’t sure okay here we go holy oh boy come on we got to defeat this admin boom let’s go we’re so close he doesn’t have the power to do that anymore oh I am very much starting to hate that stupid gaet games are over

Adman give it up oh I have done you don’t don’t touch me oh boy nah Petra it’s not the real Petra we need to remember that happy to see me our friendship’s gotten a little lucky on this adventure hasn’t it little thing it’s not the real Petra I know

It’s not that I’m not listening to you admin no that’s a shame here I thought it would be a nice way of working through some things oh boy Whoa boom boom all right here we go I’m just too good oh my gosh oh my

Oh no no no no no not here not like this not oh boy wait please please stop don’t stop pass away without them I don’t know what I do you you can’t take that from me you abused your powers Romeo for everything you’ve done don’t you judge me you don’t get to judge

Me give me back that that’s the C let’s go g wave JP 10 more minutes oh boy here we go 10 more minutes okay well man I’m not I might not even go on the see I you don’t know that oh boy oh boy I can’t even teleport

Anymore true admin it’s over it’s over admin say that again how’s that Level Playing Field feel huh jerk get away from me oh boy oh boy here we go okay wave JP on the with Backslash after this you won’t be able to uh probably even lift those big rocks yeah I knew it I knew it brother die then let you beat me I am going to destroy you all of you once I get my hands back on that come on come on come on come on no

Romeo come on oh no no no no no no no no got him Jesse Qui 10s and I know you might join VC while you’re going to E A I don’t know I might not I can’t promise that oh here we go there he goes why do you have to go and make

Everything S Wave JP okay Everyone likes you and you’re nothing hey we’re not the ones trying to rule the world what no no I’m not I just I just wanted people to okay I might actually I’m not going to leave Ro here he he he with his

Powers I know he evil and everything is held together by my Powers since he doesn’t have his powers anymore it means he’s not evil anymore no more termin son he shouldn’t be evil anymore we’re doomed we’re going to get buried if we don’t get out of here

Pronto what about him what about him he’s not our problem anymore but look at him he’ll never make it out of here on his own oh she’s right just just leave me my powers are the cause of all this in the first place nah I deserve to stay here and pay for

The mess I made I can’t believe that this is what it took for me to realize redeem still fix things Romeo no matter what you’ve done you’re still a person like everyone else you can be redeemed redeemed you you really believe that don’t you yeah now’s the time you got to

Go we’re going bring him with us why not I leave me I deserve to stay in this I know what he did was not cool out come on I ain’t leaving him here to die like that’s just that would just be a uh Stupid move or should I say a not very

Good move even though even though Romeo was like evil stuck here forever he’s a human every everyone should have a second chance that’s all I got to say everyone should have a second chance without his power I would have left him here if he had his powers but since he no longer had

Powers’ be good he seems like he’s now so keep moving whoa oh great I press I pressed the wrong button okay okay here we go the lava gets to that portal before we do we’ll be stuck here forever let’s move all right here we go all right here we

Go almost there everyone keep moving oh I don’t have my Powers I can’t control it okay well it’s okay we can uh somehow make it out oh wait Gore JP w r is radar all Stone Face over here I’m the one you want come and

Get it what are you doing pant Jesse I didn’t say I would pay for my mistakes eh but you saving your lives oh man for it now so is he he’s going to get trapped in here though yo no way he got trapped okay well he’s a hero then he redeemed

Himself he’s a hero we’re alive we are alive yeah and not a minute too soon oh wow no way but he well at least he redeemed himself all right we’re back in Beacon Town let’s Go oh yeah stey now we got to tell everybody what actually happened save the world again huh doesn’t that ever get old why yes thank you for noticing thought we’d fit in a light bit of world saving before After JP and what about the admin three more minutes hey uh three more minutes Y game I mean yeah I get your counting down but there’s no way there’s no reason to sacrificed himself say like yeah like count count it down end up saving all of us seriously that doesn’t sound like the

Admin to me was actually uh pretty yeah it was he was Romeo don’t know how we would have gotten out without him actually yeah I guess in the end he actually redeemed himself redeemed himself went out trying to do the right thing pretty high cost though

Well I’m just glad that all of you are okay and I guess I guess this is all over yeah yeah I guess it is all right what do you guys say we head home I say way ahead of you oh yeah Gore JP I’m just telling you cuz you

Can’t see the time okay well yeah I I get it is the I could yeah I get that I guess I can actually technically no I can’t see but yeah that’s true man does everyone know that uh the real Jesse is back I think they do yeah they

Know Connor Lambert hi yo what’s up Connor you kind of missed the whole stream but how’s it going man how’s it Going I just wanted to let you know that you kind of missed the whole stream but it’s okay approaching you from this direction and I’m coming I hey no ninja trickery H jinkx or Tom Foolery here thanks for the heads up after all the times you’ve snuck up on

Me recently I appreciate that gam wave my intention nice finished So no more nin Minecraft story mode is an awesome game I love it no no I deci after this I’m have to stream a different game on Wednesdays which I have an idea which I’m going to do trying to heal the rift between my old friends Ellie will be easy just need to

Stop by Red stonia last I heard Gabriel was doing the wandering Warrior thing saurin no idea where he is but I got needs yeah take it from me it might be awkward but I swear it’ll be worth it good J won’t be the first time HS awward situation 8 hour long

Stream well I suppose it’s time for me to go this has been fun though hasn’t it oh yeah Jesse Jesse hey what’s up Radar Radar say goodbye to I ninja habits die hard gamore JP congrats hope you don’t mind but I’ve kind of been taking charge of the beautification project I thought

Why not at least make it look intentional really stepping it up to leader mode if I do say so myself and it’s been stressful but also fun so like fun I’m so proud of stress fun you’ve definitely been stepping it up really proud proud of you oh wow this is the

Best day oh I should have promoted him oh whoa Luna hey Luna the real cyber Army anyway uh with champion City gone I was going to make Luna a new llama house and get her set up here in Beacon Town while I help out up there but uh before I did I thought

I’d double check wave JP all watching out for her you know that she likes you so much and all if you’ve already built her a llama house when I haven’t been around I I just wouldn’t want to double up if she wants to stick with me it’ll be my honor to

Keep taking care of her hey I think she’ll really like that I may not have appreci I’m glad that Stella had a change of heart like I’m happy to hear that to spend more quality time together the real cyber Army okay Rose a legend oh yeah stupid

Emotions I do want to sincerely thank you Jesse for everything you’re welcome you saw me at my worst and you still JP f r r i p well that makes me want to try you were the worst Hing I know you were I’ll just say

That what can I say I looked below the surface and saw that you probably weren’t the worst all the way down what was that about still a being the worst H hey I was just telling Stella here that I would take care of Luna for oh cool well she seems very excited

It’ll be the new Reuben and now I must go thank you again for everything sincerely oh no problem I hope uh I hope everything and double I hope Stella actually changed like I hope she’s not like still greedy and stuff sweet for me you know it’ll be a cool thing to have a

City right beside Beacon town I wonder if someone actually built this in real Minecraft a real map like Beacon Town it would be cool just walk it through Beacon town in actual Minecraft you got it that’d be cool come on walk me to the gate okay so you’re leaving apparently for how

Long honestly probably a while but it’s good this time I’m doing it for me I’m trying to like grow or whatever okay anyway I’m about to say goodbye to everyone and I come here I promise myself I wouldn’t cry mom is broken jeez it’ll be okay so Petra’s heading off of the great

Unknown huh I figured definitely sounds make her happy everyone’s got to find their happy place for Petra it’s mostly an unexplored forests and caves oh yeah I think I’m closing that chapter of my life for a while it’s time to cele okay yeah that’s true let’s settle down let’s relax you guys are

Missing out on Prime group hug action let’s go let’s give Petra a massive hug cuz I’m thinking of staying in Beacon Town actually ding you don’t think this is like gamore JP all be together episode at five such a good one well maybe I don’t know we’re friends no matter what Petra’s leaving

Even if it is no matter what we’ll always be best friends and I know that you’ll all be the best friends I ever had oh yeah okay well I’m going to get out of here before I too late it’s all right see you be safe out there okay the

Safest and when you finish that book of yours I better have a great part in it uhhuh back in the admin’s cabin I know you promised that we’d always stick together but the invite still open if you want it no pressure wait you’re leaving I’m thinking of staying at Beacon Town cuz I

Promise oh boy it’s either to go with Petra or to go with Petra or stay in beacave j such a good episode I got to stay in Beacon Town Beacon Town’s pretty cool I don’t want to miss seeing it get even cooler all right well I was hoping that’s what you would Say I hope we didn’t break the promise or I hope I didn’t break the promise okay doesn’t look like she’s sad so I think we’re good see you Petra I for one am incredibly excited he let’s go I would go on an adventure with Petra

But I think we need a break after the ad like we need a big break executive intern intern in Chief of course he’s earned a promotion he’s co-h hero and residence now nice thanks boss this uh you have been you are what I’m trying to say is

That I promise I’ll make you proud oh yeah you already have come on you guys let’s head back to the hall the real cyber army guys guys Brothers got a Mondo crush on Petra the real cyber Army LOL I know me too just think about all the amazing things we’ll

Be able to do the new buildings the new inventions the new structures I’ve got some big plans big big plans I swear it was a good 8 hours hanging out with you guys to oh yeah conference with the it has been good A celebratory display going finally it has been awesome

Guys I might go on Discord later it depends how tired I am cuz after all it is 1: a.m. so you received a letter from someone named Aiden it is 1: a.m. so I should probably after this I’m going to end the stream I don’t know I can’t promise you

Guys will be on Discord cuz it’s pretty late already anyway point is we’ve got a lot of work to do and I can’t wait to start gam wave JP yeah ah this oh my God this is so sad it’s the last episode and I I can’t stream I mean I

Could stream it again but I already streamed the whole series so there’s no point wow wow dude that was awesome I think I think we just completed it yes we did WOW guys that was amazing it was all it was really awesome to hang out with you guys for this eight

Hours refresh main menu it’s go to the main menu gamore JP oh man so good the amazing 8 hours disappointed but relieved face hey I know it’s been like it this is the last Minecraft story mode stream so yeah obviously it could be a little bit sad in a way real Cy Army

Just look into other Telltale Games my dude if you want more I mean it depends cuz like I want a familyfriendly tilt games I would play The Walking Dead if it wasn’t if my if you know I could I stream on Twitch but it’s just not the same you know what I mean

But yeah I would love to play more tto games I love it I just love it I’m live stream Walking Dead yeah I might stream The Walking Dead on Twitch I don’t know when it could be random so uh just I’ll have to restart because I got it on my

Computer instead of on my Xbox one I put my Xbox One away cuz power supply was overheating all the time so I just bought a new I got to buy a new power supply but I can’t do that for a while uh I have my Xbox 360 o right now I’m

Going to be playing that for a while but guys I hope you guys enjoyed the stream it’s been a long one um I can’t wait to see what we’re going to stream next I have an idea what I’m going to do it’s going to be a surprise a complete

Surprise and if you’re OG you’ll remember or you should remember uh guys like subscribe and I hope I’ll see you all in the next stream you guys are all awesome samam wave JP text me when you guys stream on Twitch and YouTube I will guys I hope you all have a great night

Night or day and I’ll see you all in the next stream on Friday where I actually we’re we we’re going to get win in fortnite we’re going to do that for sure man guys I’ll see you all in the next stream peace out have a good

Night gamore JP and thanks for the shout Out N

This video, titled ‘minecraft story mode season 2’, was uploaded by Josh The Gamer on 2023-12-15 18:07:02. It has garnered 213 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 08:10:03 or 29403 seconds.

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  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

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  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More