Insane Minecraft Glitches Uncovered!

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Such an about it ever thought a feature from a mod was a really good idea we have more creatures to thank for horses the Piston mod for pistons and even more Mojang even wanted to add OptiFine to vanilla Minecraft but the mod creators said no a few mods features may have

Been implemented into the main game in the past but they say that they’ll never do it again I was hoping that they’d add my texture pack it’s beautiful Bedrock Edition had a texture left in its files for a mob variant that never got used there are normally 11 variants of cat

But here’s a secret one it’s a tamed gray tabby cat and it’s impossible possible to spawn it in game it’s unknown why it’s unobtainable or why it’s only in Bedrock Edition but if you have a copy of the game it’s somewhere in the code and speaking of cats there

Are plenty of music discs in Minecraft but one of them was removed you can get the disc for cats from chests or creepers but what about dog C418 did make a song called dog and it used to play after cat finished playing in a jukebox it’s raining cats and dogs also

The monster her at the end of the 11 disc directly inspired the warden speaking of the warden mojen confirmed they will never add any way for the warden to break blocks even though it digs out of the ground it won’t be able to destroy your defenses it’s Sonic Boom

Attack goes through walls anyway also they’ll never add a better drop for killing the warden so you don’t go trying to kill it the real loot is the friends we made along the way and the stuff in the chests another idea that was almost added and then permanently

Removed is the stone chest you find these in ancient cities where you’ve got to slowly slide the lid off without Awakening the water these would make for a cool new chest design possibly with more space but Mojang won’t be adding anything like that the same update also almost included glowing skull with

Bright lime and turquoise colors there was even concept art for a glowing Warden it was likely a bit too bright for the deep dark another underground idea that Mojang banned from being in the game are ghost miners these were actually considered for being added to the game but then rejected the ghosts of

Previous miners would have been found in caves and led you to diamonds gold or even secret loot imagine you’re alone underground and hear someone mining in a nearby cave but you’re on single player to be honest I’m surprised these were even considered in the first place when

You’re in a cave and run out of torches is it would be nice to have some kind of light source to carry around like a minus hat for example well Mojang confirmed that these are too modern for Minecraft even though we’ve already got complicated electric systems and the ability to travel between Dimensions

Okay but what about just lighting up the area around you while holding a torch they don’t seem to like that idea either even though it’s technically already possible through mods as hard as you may try there will never be a way to break bedrock wait you’re already can through

A glitch well they also scrap the idea of having any biomes below Bedrock or the ability to get to the ne by digging through the Bedrock ceiling instead they just move Bedrock lower in the caves and cliffs update I guess that works you wouldn’t expect Vines to grow in caves

That’s probably why Mojang removed this next block these are root Vines which would have grown from the top of caves this texture was left in a snapshot version and the vines look pretty similar to glowberries but without the berries or the glow when you’re digging underground and it’s taking a while it

Would be great if there were an easier way like with the mining robot however Mojang said these would work better as a mod and not a vanilla feature so no cute robots but what about just automatic quaries so you don’t have to do as much digging H jang’s designers confirmed

They don’t like things being fully automated even though we can already make automatic sorting systems with Hoppers and fully AFK mob Farms making a working Factory in vanilla is possible with Farms no magic required but you always have to manually craft the output even though Mojang rejected it they

Still added the auto crafting table to vanilla Minecraft when dinnerbone was shown this idea in 2014 he said I don’t think that suits vanilla probably for the same reason as the robot but if that’s the case then why was it in the under review section on the official

Feedback site make your mind up Mojang hopefully Mojang will add these next two remove blocks to the main game they took automation a step further in the 2023 April fools update with the pickaxe block and the place block the pickaxe block could Mine Blocks instantly with a redstone signal even Bedrock the place

Block takes blocks from the container placed behind it like a hopper and places it in front definitely some awesome redstone contraptions you can make with those two blocks they might need a bit more polish first though this update also had carvable cheese blocks copper sinks golden chests and copper sple

Some weird stuff in there but not as weird as this next April Fool’s joke 1.17 tinted glass blocks were originally an April Fool’s joke where you could changed the color of glass but couldn’t see through it anymore this was added and removed even before stained glass existed also hardened glass was added to

The education Edition this is as blast resistant as endstone and takes 15 seconds to mine with your hand so many new types this item is very fine that’s it actual name the very fine item was a secret item in an April Falls version F in the isolation dimension in an item

Frame next to this bed it uses the texture of the side of a grass block there’s no way to craft it and you can’t find it in the creative inventory it doesn’t have much of a use either so the reason it looks quite like this is a bit

Of a mystery when you walk around in real life you leave Footprints behind so Mojang were going to make Footprints into a feature in Minecraft you might be thinking that’s not an item but the same update that added the very fine item also had a footprint item found in a

Chest in the missing Dimension this is a joke referencing the unused particle that uses the same texture and how it’s Miss missing from the final game I’d love to see Footprints make a return but they might leak the locations of a few secret bases ants used to be in

Minecraft you’re thinking that’s a mob but it was actually a block it will turn right on white concrete and left on black concrete changing the color as it goes the pattern seems random at first but it will always eventually create a highway the same April Falls update also had netherite stairs called swaggiest

Stairs ever if you’re looking for something a bit more silly okay this one’s not really a feature but it was too funny to leave out the first ever publicly released version of Minecraft Pocket Edition had these five icons left in the files these three are clearly icons for multiplayer single player and

Settings but then there’s just this trash can with giant eyes maybe it was for deleting worlds either way I’m terrified you finished a massive build and want to share it with the world there’s not really an easy way to get a picture standing in front of it is there

Well with the camera this used to be possible Pocket Edition used to have a camera which looked like an egg in the Infantry you can stand it up and start a timer to take a photo it was removed in 2016 but readed as an education Edition

Exclusive a few years later now when you take a a photo it goes into a portfolio book which allows you to export them wouldn’t it be funny if you could attach balloons to mobs and watch them float away into the air you can actually do this in the education Edition Iron

Golems and pandas are extra heavy and float up a little more slowly while foxes and chickens float up pretty fast you can attach them to fences too or just hold one in your hand they’re crafted with latex helium and Elite not to be confused with lead I’m not Mark

Robo but I know that elephant’s toothpaste is a fun science experiment Mojang even removed it from the education edition of Minecraft they accidentally left a party iCal texture in the game files labeled elephant toothpaste it might have looked like this in game but the item was scrapped before Mojang could even finish making

It remember the trash can from earlier well there’s actually an item called garbage that Mojang only lets you get in the education Edition while making one of the many chemical compounds like this if you make a wrong move and use an invalid recipe you’ll be given a flaming

Pile of gunpowder imagine that happened while crafting something normally none of these compounds are in the creative menu so you have to make each one manually every time you need them you can’t get this next item in the creative menu or with with commands even with education features turned on you can

Craft glow sticks of all different colors using them will shake them causing them to light up similarly you can make sparklers with magnesium which hiss and get destroyed when you walk into water in real life magnesium Burns in air and metals change the color of the flame so this is actually quite a

Realistic item unfortunately you can’t get it normally before real fish mobs were added in the update aquatic there were only fish items one of them got removed by Mojang in this update it was just called fish and looked like this this type of fish was first added all

The way back in 2010 and could be cooked the fish was replaced with Cod which makes more sense than having fish and salmon as separate things another developer more recently mentioned adding seals and orcas but nothing has come of this just yet Notch also mentioned adding hamsters in 2010 but he was only

Joking when Notch announced that dragons were coming to Minecraft he was talking about the Ender Dragon but also mentioned the slightly less dangerous Red Dragons which wouldn’t destroy terrain when Landing allowing you to keep it as a pet Jeb has said he thinks it will be added eventually but who

Knows instead of flying a dragon what about driving a car here you can tell why Mojang won’t add this it’s not unique enough and it’s too modern at least your tires won’t get stuck in the mud when you imagine mud the first color you think of is probably Brown a lot of

People pointed this out when Minecraft mod was revealed Mojang will never change it because the art director said the gray color makes it clear where the Flor is in the mangrove swamp is that the reason they also tried adding mud BS but they decided mud should just be

Solid and not a liquid too even though Minecraft Earth had mud liquid years before Earth also had seven new Pig variants including the muddy Pig which you’ve probably seen before but did you know that you could get buckets of mud to get them muddy again if they dry out

But what happens if mud and lava flow into each other they make dirt instead of cobblestone that’s weird but the next one makes even less sense you won’t believe this but Mojang removed Acacia stairs for One update when 1.7 released Acacia stairs were in the game but you couldn’t craft them because Mojang

Forgot to add in ACAA planks this also meant that Acacia and dark oak slabs weren’t obtainable either Mojang actually had to remove the grass block at one point Pocket Edition used to have this grass block that had the side texture on the bottom it was called block 253 block 254 looked like this

Which made the crafting table the same color as leaves now this may look like a dead Bush but it’s not in the old days the dead bush had an alternate version called the shrub these were more similar to ferns as they dropped wheat seeds and were a pixel lower than dead bushes

Another Green version was created and the color changed based on the bio Mojang had to remove these glitchy blocks which also made this a little less confusing although Minecraft says it’s 90% bug free some broken blocks have slipped through the crackit points this invisible block here is actually a

Set of stairs they weren’t very good at being stairs though because you could walk right through them eventually Mojang removed these Phantom stairs and replaced them with upside downstairs this block looks like Oak planks but it’s a bit broken because clicking it drops a button after placing it again it

Looks like this a Minecraft developer once tweeted out this image which shows 16 types of colored planks he asked would this be of any use to anybody even though 80% said yes please Mojang banned this feature from being in the game you might think we’ve already got enough

Slabs in the game a good few were removed however the first ever slab variant added was removed straight away dirt slabs were added so the terrain could be a little smoother but it didn’t work for Cliffs so the feature had to be removed Coral slabs got shown at mine on

Earth but Mojang removed those two the ethos slab was added in an April Falls update they work like TNT and SPO Angels Above players TNT slabs are cool but even cooler is super TNT this was seen in Minecraft story mode and was used to craft the forid bomb story mode also had

A few impossible banners window blocks and don’t forget about the Wither stor he’s been removed in nearly every update apart from 1.17 but that doesn’t mean he’s being added in fact he’s on the list of things that will never be in Minecraft except they don’t mention him

By name so I guess we’ll never know for sure Herobrine’s never been in the game and never will be this next one permanently broke entire worlds placing one of these would crash the game and render your hard work worthless instantly you might think it’s a normal Hopper but looking from beneath will

Show that it points in no Direction luckily the only way to place this was with the set block command though Mojang probably should have tested it thoroughly before risking the world of anyone who just wanted to try the new Hoppers so you’re walking through a forest minding your own business and

Then you come across this a skeleton lying on the ground could it be the decaying remains of a previous Adventurer or will it spring into life and attack this would add a lot to the mystery of a survival world but was deemed as not a fit for Minecraft when

You get hit by a mob in Minecraft you lose Hearts so it could be more realistic if you left some blood behind mind Mojang won’t add bodily fluids like that for obvious reasons that also means they’ll never add PE to the game I’m glad they’re not adding a bladder bar

Anytime soon and there are already enough kinds of logs in the game something nicer is the Minecraft version of a Christmas reindeer the Jolly llama which Mojang added to Minecraft Earth to celebrate with this type of llama eats Ferns and then jumps around with joy jingling its Bells when you open a door

It’s a little awkward how it opens instantly right well Mojang wanted to make it possible for doors to turn with a nice smooth animation these turning doors would have had no windows and been made of oak because that was the only type of door at the time Mojang removed

All references to this version of the door in 1.6 when resource packs were added unlike the unique chest animation opening a barrel only shows a dark circle two secret textures for barrels were added one shows a square hole for the barrel and the other shows the same

Square but filled with fish these were removed but are now in Minecraft dungeons where barrels look even cooler Minecraft dungeons also has the squirrel Golem which looks like this they sit on the ground but charge towards you if the wind blows on them causing a shock wave with their quick attacks another

Dungeons iller is the Mountaineer these have Mountaineer picks which they use for attacks even scarier are the two armored versions that you can come across the Mage iller could cast spells but was only added into Minecraft dungeons arcade which is really odd ping slimes are in Dungeons and stay still

And attack from a distance using purple projectiles they can’t move or jump but they are still deadly they aren’t the only slimes though tropical slimes hold tropical fish inside and are passive at first but can turn hostile when provoked they can also swim in water and even and

Climb up ladders when killed they split into smaller Slimes like the normal ones do this dripped out villager here goes completely unused in that game and never shows up at all it’s called The Quest giver and probably would have given out quests but we’ll never know for sure as

It was cut from the game there were also more types of piglin in this game like the fungus thrower which picks up blue nether shrooms and throws them at you Ender pears are one of Minecraft’s most unique types of item I mean they let you teleport in survival however there’s

Another dimension that Mojang could give us pearls from in 2018 a developer called the radist Bro mentioned adding nether P of the game but the nether update came and we didn’t get them it didn’t say exactly what they were going to do but they might have been for

Finding a nether fortress I guess we’ll never know after you reach the end Eyes of Ender don’t have much of a use other than making ender chests throwing the Ender I can fly directly towards the dragon and cause a large blast like a bed Mojang say that this doesn’t make

Sense probably because the Ender Dragon Battle might be a little too easy I don’t think speedr Runners would have much of a problem with it is of vender could direct you to nearby end cities instead which would be a genuinely cool feature but it’s too much for the game

To process beds are some of the most useful blocks in the entire game I mean how else are you going to escape the Phantoms but when you’re out in the wilderness a sleeping bag might look better next to your campfire these could allow you to sleep without forcing you

To set your spawn point there or they could not blow up in the end however beds are a unique type of block and Mojang want to keep it that way loads of unique blocks were added in the Buzzy Bees update something that bees make other than honey that Mojang didn’t add

Is beeswax they added a texture for a wax Block in a snapshot version but it was removed because it wasn’t even meant to be added Mojang possibly tested it out but couldn’t think of a proper use for it they should have added it in 1.17 as a crafting ingredient for candles an

Early version of the Buzzy Bees update in 2019 had a secret item added to the game this is crystallized honey we don’t know exactly what this was for but some people think it would have been a food item all of the uses got fulfilled by the honeycomb item instead any

References to crystallized honey were removed less than 2 months later so this item didn’t even last as long as some real honeybees can six armor sets seems like enough but there was another armor set that got removed studded armor was in the game for a few months it was

Planned to be a mix of chain mail and leather armor also the original texture comes from the same game as the quiver mobs used to have plate armor which didn’t actually do anything apart from makeing them look slightly different boats are great but what if you could

Make a stronger type that doesn’t break when you crash into things and doesn’t burn in lava this guy doesn’t really care that Wooden Boats burn in lava so why should mojack since Striders were added they decided that lava boats are useless the obsidian boats was added to

An April Falls update but this was clearly a joke asz it just sank when you tried to place it in water Mojang have a very strong rule that nothing political will ever be added to the game oh no they can’t add L manber wow that L

Manbug reference is old but not as old as this detail removed from Alex’s skin when they made the skin there were some glasses in the alter 3D layer these were made transparent but the data is actually still in the skin file Steve used to have 3D hair in Minecraft’s INF

Phase 2 glad that one was changed also in Minecraft in De phas mojack added a texture called fluff it looks like a cloud block and that’s sort of what it was the texture was applied to clouds to add a bit more variation to them it

Would be so cool to mine clouds and get this block though the developers clearly didn’t like how it looked so textured clouds and Cloud blocks won’t be coming back the end Dimension is packed full of endstone but it used to look a lot more like this the white cobblestone was

Added before endstone and was called Whit Stone Mojang had to remove this and replace it with endstone which is easier to see and just an inverted version of cobblestone shulkers were originally going to camouflage with their surroundings but this feature was cut as it was too hard for even MO to C you

Know what I like to look at more than anything else myself which is why it’s a shame that Mojang rejected the idea of adding mirrors these could have been made out of silver just like in real life but the developers won’t add that as there’s already iron instead luckily

Mirrors are in the RTX version of Minecraft allowing you to create the illusion of an infinite room finally you can make your Diamond collection look a little bit more impressive coal iron and gold were the first ever ores added though you were originally going to combine coal and iron to make steel it

Would have been used for armor and weapons more powerful than iron this sort of explains where flint and steel gets its name it was actually added before Flint back when axes looked like this yeah they really had two sides some people who have had their unique capes

Removed by Mojang like Mike Lee who suggested the Pigman the cape was removed because too many people asked for their own unique capes this developer used to have a prismarine cape but it was removed from his account you used to get this cape by playing a lot of Scrolls Mojang’s other game that’s

Now been shut down even more recently in April 2020 gabone said that a naked Pigman bodyguard was going to be added but the feature got scrapped Minecraft biome votes from over the years have teased a bunch of new blocks that got cancelled because not enough people

Voted for them two types of trees that Mojang mentioned Were bobab Trees in savanas and palm trees in deserts the Badlands biome would have been given cacti with really cool designs and Tumbleweed blocks which somehow would have rolled you probably make a few mistakes while building with some being

A little bit too hard to fix what if you could just undo your failed build and revert to the previous day Minecraft’s already got transporting between three alternate dimensions so time travel is actually reasonable not to the game’s creators though an undo button will never be coming to Minecraft and that

Includes time travel as well signs used to be mobs well sort of when signs were first added they looked like this pressing B would drop a sign and it would bounce along the ground this was an early test as you can see from the message that was printed on every sign

Not much Point having signs if you can’t write on them signs used to have a 15 letter limit so writing this would cause the letters to hang off the edge when you place a bell on the ground it’s held by two Stone poles these used to be made

Of PL another update secretly added versions of bells with granite polished granite and diorite frames meaning that Mojang may have intended for bells to be craftable using these items there wasn’t even an andesite one which is really odd you’d also have a few more design options if lanterns could be attached to

Walls torches go on walls so why not lanterns the art directors said this was a conscious design decision they don’t want to replace the iconic torch and want people to come up with Creative Solutions to this problem so basically use other blocks to make it look like

That cuz Mojang will never let you do it without sometimes you want to use wooden planks to build but they’re just not the right color the ability to dye planks into the right shade or paint them like you would in real life would be cool to

Have no update will ever add diable or paintable wood because the current limitations are by Design which basically means just make concrete instead the reason for rejecting this one is that it inhibits creativity is it a removing wooden planks from the game B completely changing the way Redstone

Works or c a new boss that destroys most of your world it’s actually none of those the team seem to think that furniture stops people from being creative it makes some sense having to make a chair with stairs and a few signs is a little bit more creative it’s an

Odd reason and this is definitely not as comfortable Minecraft used to have these two textures they clearly look like a chair and a table and this is what they could have looked like in 3D weirdly wheat used to look like this if it somehow grew more than it should Mojang

Later on banned all furniture from being added to Minecraft just like Furniture vertical slabs inhibit natural creativity don’t tell Mojang about the glitch with walls combined slabs would be cool too but they’re also bad and don’t tell Mojang about this glitch at the world border either another idea

Mojang rejected to sneakily force you to be creative is the crawling button crawling was an accidental feature added to fix a bug where leaving water while swimming would get you stuck in a block the swimming animation worked just fine so there won’t be a crawling animation this one block rule had useful side

Effects so they decided creative methods of crawling were more fun than pressing a button it’s well known that vertical slabs will also never be added to make you find creative ways around it but what about micro blocks imagine being able to carve out blocks you can make

Your own pumpkin designs you can make so much Furniture there will never be a way to get half of a slab or Craft’s Creator says just adding normal slabs was a big mistake so no small blocks but when you’re building something big you might want a second pair of hands what if no

One’s around to help the villagers aren’t doing much Builder villagers could sell building materials or even offer their Building Services in exchange for a probably unfair price they could even construct def fences during raids to help the battle the official law from Mojang is that they don’t want to build things or do

Anything but Live and Let Live they’re pretty chill no Builders speak speaking of raids isn’t it a bit weird that you can go to sleep and just continue the battle in the morning as if nothing happened people have tried suggesting that sleeping should be disabled but sleeping during raids is going to be

Left as is it is odd that all mobs get Frozen in time when you fall asleep it would be cool if they got moved around when waking up villagers got an overhaul in 1.14 but they still kind of look the same and that won’t be changing according to Mojang’s list villagers are

Gender list they are neither male nor female it says right here on the Minecraft suggestions page please do not suggest players having relationships or making babies with villagers yeah not sure I really wanted to just like my crush Mojang rejected this relationship idea they also said that villagers won’t

Ever build follow you or fight for you since villagers are pacifists this next one was actually shown in a trailer for a Minecraft update but mojen had to make a statement confirming that this was a mistake and will not be coming to Minecraft look there it is blue stone

Yeah Mojang tricked us all and made us think that blue stone was coming to the village and pillage update how do you accidentally animate a totally new item texture we know now that it didn’t come come in the update and they’ve said that they won’t be adding an alternate

Redstone system and will instead continue adding to the readily available red Redstone Villages are all themed around their biome but Pillager outposts look identical no matter where they are you could have desert pillagers jungle pillagers maybe even end pillagers this was suggested in the official response from Mojang was pillagers don’t care

About biomes though if that were true they’d spawn in every biome okay this one wasn’t fully rejected so we might get it one day but it’s just not very likely mushroom biomes and Islands could have mushroom Villages currently they just have their ples biome outfit in mushroom biomes and houses don’t

Normally spawn there the designs could be interesting with village houses on mushrooms or even made out of mushrooms you’ll never find mushrooms that glow in Minecraft either Mojang said they won’t add this new variant because it’s too overdone in games plus a mushroom that glows isn’t enough of a unique twist for

Them what if there were a whole underground biome with big and small mushrooms you can use to make potions that give the glowing effect but that way won’t be added using a dispenser to defend your base from mobs is a little weak so what about a proper turret place

It down and it could angle itself up monsters and fire arrows right at them Mojang banned them from being in the game but they almost got added the original idea for the ravager had a Ballista on top which is a giant crossbow eventually this became a tiny

Item and they rejected the turret idea when Minecraft was first being worked on in 2009 Mojang added in a few items from their older games one of these was the quiver which held arrows you might have been able to hold more than 64 arrows inside but it made much more sense just

To hold the arrows like normal items Mojang removed the quiver and tried to add it again in 2015 but decided not to Minecraft dungeons now has a quiver so at least it managed to live on in 2016 the trendy update brought us loads of futuristic items for April Falls day one

Of these was the USB charger block it was crafted with iron gold and Redstone but what did it do it was basically a futuristic clone of the Redstone Block as it would output a constant Redstone signal and do nothing else the Redstone doesn’t even have to go into the top of

The block there’s already Minecraft in VR but there used to be VR in Minecraft an April Falls update added reality it Vision doggles that made signs look like this and added a huge hologram right in front of your eyes it’s a shame they canceled the Hol lens because we nearly

Had that in real life the tech from the future doesn’t stop there we also had a smarter watch that showed the time above the hot bar that’s better than the clock that stayed in the game this projection kind of makes sense they didn’t like the suggestion that staring at the sun just

Like in real life should give you a blindness effect the only way to get this effect currently is from the unused illusioner or from a specific type of suspicious stew the first part was also rejected since it would just be too much to manage with the hunger bar as well

You’ll also be happy Mojang rejected this idea when it starts to rain torches could lose brightness or even burn out having to reignite these things over and over again would be such a pain but more reason to use glowstone or sea lanterns this feature was in an April Falls

Update and it was genuinely considered 13 years ago but luckily Mojang came to their senses and it won’t ever be in the main game we all know that torches break in water this could be both useful and an absolute pain when it gets annoying underwater torches could be the solution

They could be but Mojang restricted them to the edge of ation Edition they’re made with a torch and magnesium in real life magnesium and iron oxide create thermites which burns underwater so many chemistry facts in one video you can use sodium to make blue underwater TNT too speaking of torches mojan also added

Colored torches to the education Edition blue red purple and green ones are made using metal chlorides they don’t even emit colored lights so they’re a bit of a scam torches used to burn out after a while for April Falls 2013 they were going to burn out after the 2010

Halloween update with lanterns replacing normal torches but look this never happened another educational item that Mojang won’t give us in the main game is super fertilizer using ammonia and phosphorus make this stuff to produce more flowers in a larger area than bone meal when used on grass it grows trees

And crops instantly when used instead of after a few uses like how bone meal used to work before Mojang made it slightly worse and finally this is the chalk board in 2016 it was accidentally added to Pocket Edition Alpha while developing education Edition this means they used

To be obtainable in regular worlds but can now only only be obtained using glitches or inventory editors there were three sizes and could be written on like a giant sign in the old education Edition there were big signs which were comically wide and looked really funny

Wow that was a lot thank you so much for watching the whole hour for even more here’s this video about all the secret features hidden in the Game when something is titled The World’s Hardest Game it C L has a lot to live up to on December 15th 2007 a 16-year-old developer named Stevie kto who went by the online Alias snubby released a very special game to his website snubby at the age of 12 he started

Making short flash games and cartoons uploading much of his work to both Newgrounds and snubby land to share his creative passion with the world his games were simple and his animations were crude but there was certainly some something special Brewing at snubby land Creative Media in late 2007 snubby spent

Several months piecing together a project that would be very different from anything that he had created before he wanted to make a flash game so difficult that calling it The World’s Hardest Game Wouldn’t be seen as a joke the objective was simple for 30 levels one needed to maneuver a red square from

One green zone to another dodging the blue purple and red enemies while collecting all the yellow coins along the way upon death the player got sent back to either the beginning of the level or the last checkpoint with all collected coins wiped away the game wasn’t too difficult at the start

Allowing most people to quickly clear the first few levels but soon after players would realize exactly what kind of monster they were up against by and large the levels only get harder as the game progresses and the game must essentially be completed in one sitting as it does not save people’s progress

Closing or Rel loading the browser tab means starting everything over from the beginning if someone gave up trying to complete the last level they would have to slog through the first 29 levels again just to get another shot at it upon completing each level the game taunts the player with a new snarky

Message seeking to eat away at their confidence and as the death counter in the top right creeps higher and higher the immense frustration felt after failing a level just before the end is only compounded the game truly pulls no punches upon release it truly may have been the most difficult but still

Completable Flash game ever created so that raises the question who was the first player to conquer the world’s hardest game upon the game’s release snubby land was a website of pretty mod size there were about 50 registered members who had contributed around 1,000 posts to the forums around 400 of which

Had come from snubby himself and around 250 that had come from somebody named maxify 895 the website’s second most active contributor he would be the first to leave a comment about the game on the 22nd of December one week after its release venting his frustration with

Level 10 a definite choke point that is noticeably harder than all the previous levels the next day someone named Ziggy claimed to make it to level 15 mexify gave more updates about his progress and after struggling with level 22 snubby jumped into one to hand just time it

Right move between the boxes you move at the exact same speed as the enemies so just wait for the opening and go through he got stuck on level 23 for 3 days and after finally clearing it he swiftly labeled level 24 as being impossible it appeared as though the rest of the game

Was going to be a complete slog but by comparison it ended up being pretty smooth sailing on December 28th with a final attempt session that lasted about 4 hours and recorded 689 deaths mexify 895 became became the first Victor of the world’s hardest game however the leaderboard showed that the developer

Was still quite a bit ahead when it came to skill mexify urged snubby to post the game on new ground so it could get more attention the game was a clear hit with the few people that had the opportunity to try it out and it certainly had the

Potential to become a smashing success by March of 2008 the game had around 10 different Victors and somebody named Terren had managed to complete the game in just 15 deaths for less than snubby best an obvious question began to loom was it possible for someone to conquer

This Titan without dying a single time on March 21st the game was published to its sponsoring website where it was finally accessible to a broader audience in just 3 days the game reached 60,000 plays and it quickly began spreading to other prominent websites like new grounds and Addicting

Games by the end of the year that play count was over 3 million the game’s easy to pick up but tough as Nails nature was able to swiftly hook countless players who wanted to see how difficult The World’s Hardest Game truly was however what happens when you mix a game that

99.9% of players give up trying to beat with a platform that makes it trivially easy to access all of the game’s assets and source code people hacking popular flash games and slapping them on Shady websites wasn’t exactly A New Concept back in 2008 but there is no question that the world’s

Hardest game had it worse than anything that had come before it players were able to vent their frustration with the game’s difficulty by skipping to the end of each level completely unharmed countless people effortlessly skipped to the end and uploaded a a score of zero deaths to the game’s official leader

Indeed within a week of the game being shared with the general public the leaderboard was completely ruined if someone wanted to prove that they got a zero death completion of the game they were going to need to get it on video as I do with pretty much every single one

Of my videos nowadays I spent hours searching YouTube to try to find the earliest recordings that I could of full completions of the war C game to probably nobody’s surprise I found a boatload of early videos claiming to complete the game in zero deaths but were just recordings of that weird

Hacked version with smiley faces drawn on all of the green areas got to love old YouTube there was a lot of garbage to sift through but I was able to find what I believe to be the first full playthrough of the game uploaded to YouTube a 24 death completion performed

By somebody named hatred copter on August 2nd 2008 because of the time limit restrictions that existed on YouTube Back in the Day copter had to speed up their completion to get it uploaded cranking it to two times speed as indicated by the title however upon analyzing the video it became pretty

Clear that it was actually sped up by a factor of 1.5 making the completion a lot faster than some may have thought though copter hadn’t completed the game in the least amount of deaths accurately recorded they did unintentionally claim the record for the fastest completion with video evidence a Time clocking in

At 13 minutes and 13 seconds the next day the they were able to cut their death’s Personal Best in half completing the game with just 12 one in level 12 one in 19 one in 23 1 and 25 2 and 26 1 and 28 2 and 29 and 2 and 30 this run

Was also sped up 1.5 times and slowing it back down to the proper speed yields a final time of 1223 a new world record copter completions of the game were certainly impressive but it was obvious that there was still some room to improve both death wise and TimeWise

Thankfully on October 18th 2008 the game would finally get the completion that it deserved as someone named haiman became the first to record a zero death completion of the world’s hardest Game [Applause] surpassing millions of other players hachiman had become the master of the world’s hardest game completing the game with zero deaths 10 months after its release if you have ever seen a video of this game on YouTube before you have almost certainly watched either this playthrough or another one that we will

Get to shortly as it currently holds the record for the most viewed video of the game with over 17 million well-deserved views haiman eased into each level with composure executing mostly predetermined movements with surgical Precision without going too overboard time was somewhat of the essence but speed was

Not the ultimate goal keeping that death counter unchanged was all that haiman needed to do to qualify the playthrough as perfection if someone wanted to prove that they were the new champion of the world’s hardest game simply completing the game with zero deaths was no longer going to cut it hachiman’s completion

Just happened to clock in at 8 minutes and 37 seconds now it was time to see how much faster the game could get in July of 2008 snubby released the next installment in the world’s hardest game series featuring 50 total levels some new mechanics a heightened level of

Difficulty and music that was composed by none other than the first installments first Victor mexify 895 the game is so challenging that to this day nobody has managed to complete it in zero deaths with the current glitchless world record of 1228 by Daner still having seven of them while both the

Sequel and the original continued to receive massive amounts of attention going into 2009 it seemed like nobody was able to top hachiman’s record of 837 people may have thought that there wasn’t much left to accomplish with the game if the death floor of zero had already been reached since people didn’t

Really care about how fast they were completing the game however on September 28th 2009 someone named Shoma would prove everyone wrong as he uploaded a zero death completion of the game that clocked in 2 seconds faster than hachiman’s record 835 shiroma just started as an average world’s hardest

Game player initially giving up trying to complete the game after struggling immensely however he was eventually able to complete the game in 450 deaths whereafter he started beating it over and over again to see how much better he could get at it each level got easier

And easier and eventually he was able to piece together his own zero death completion with no built-in goal left to accomplish he decided to try speedrunning the game he found the video of haiman Zero death completion and used it as a reference for how he could more efficiently complete the game after some

Practice and attempts he was eventually able to produce the 835 as his first run expectedly it was very similar to hachiman’s 837 and though they took somewhat different approaches in a lot of the levels the overall theme of taking extra time to increase the odds of success was readily apparent the best

Example of this is probably the long wait at the start of level 23 to get a more favorable cycle on the spinner by including a timer with the video and labeling the completion as a speedrun in the title it was clear that Shoma wanted to fully prioritize how fast he could

Complete the world’s hardest game he had gotten another zero death completion and the world record but he was certainly not yet done with the game for 2 months Shoma sought to improve his approach to each and every level until it was as fast as it could possibly be practicing

The later levels was arduous as there was no way for him to navigate to a specific level if he wanted to get another stab at something he had to go back to the main menu and play through every single level that came before it but he didn’t let that deter him he

Wanted the next World Record to be a huge step up not just another 1 to 2 second Improvement finally on November 30th 2009 he had pieced together the completion that he was looking for starting around level 9 the game play was noticeably better instead of waiting before each rapidly moving obstacle

Choma nearly bulldozed through the entire level without slowing down in level 12 he skipped an entire cycle at the start eventually equating to a level completion that was nearly twice as fast at the start of level 14 there was absolutely no waiting Shoma just dug

Right in in level 17 he saved about 5 Seconds by skipping a cycle at the end and in level 23 he didn’t wait for an easier cycle Shoma cut the completion time for yet another level in half the strategy for the end of level 24 was much improved the inaccuracies in level

26 were cleaned up level 27 had a much faster approach the lines taken in level 28 were far more optimal level 29 was played with absolutely no fear and level 30 was optimal as always the final time 6:41 Shoma had improved his record by nearly two whole minutes with this run

Shoma proved that there was nobody else who was even close to his skill level with the game he cut through each level like butter performing movements that probably looked impossible to anyone viewing back in 2009 if he quit now it would almost certainly be years before anybody could hope to

Topple his record however he still had more to do on December 11th 2009 Shoma claimed the next record in his Conquest to completely dominate The World’s Hardest Game looking at the run there was not a single facet that could be pointed out as being suboptimal the New

Path taken in level 24 was just ridiculous and all of the strategies used in his 641 had seemingly been executed to Perfection up to this point chomo was only uploading his runs to the Japanese video sharing site Nik Niko however this time he decided to upload his achievement to YouTube so he could

Share it with a wider audience a decision that would eventually pay off it was a steady performer at first but after a few years of simmering The View count just started soaring reaching over 15 million views and Counting so yes this is the other highly viewed world’s

Hardest game video that was alluded to earlier nearly matched with hachiman’s 17 million view completion it’s pretty amazing that two of the most viewed speedruns ever performed were of a flash game made by a 16-year-old in his spare time the internet truly does work in some pretty incredible ways on a

Personal note Shoma 629 was the very first speedrun I ever remember watching back in the early 2010s and I recall just sitting there in complete disbelief this was a game where I was was taking hundreds of deaths to get past the first chunk of levels and this guy was able to

Complete the whole thing in 6 and 1/2 minutes without dying a single time this is the run that initially built my curiosity when it came to speedrunning as I learned that these simple flash games that I enjoyed playing had so much potential just waiting to be unlocked

Without this run I don’t know if I’d be in the same spot in the speed running community that I am today it seemed like choma had finally perfected Ed his craft but he knew that there was still one level in particular that needed to be improved the target level 18 in all of

His previous records the strategy had always been the same Clear three rows of coins going to the right clear one row going back to the left and clear the remaining three moving right again towards the goal even if all of the rows were able to be cleared in two trips

Across the level instead of three a final movement to the right would still be required to reach the goal meaning that the Strat couldn’t be done any more optimally however on January 11th 2010 he got to show off a brand new method that effectively cut the number of trips down to [Applause]

One being nearly tied with his 629 going into level 18 he left 8 seconds ahead Shoma figured out that by buffering up and right at the start of level 19 the player would just not hit any of the enemies allowing him to complete it without ever slowing down combined with

Slightly more optimal movement in the last 10 levels Shoma grew his lead to 12 seconds and scored himself a 67 now this had to be it second place was 2 minutes and 20 seconds behind him each level looked like it had been perfected what else could possibly be done to push the

Time any lower N 14 more seconds erased Shira had somehow figured out yet another assortment of new strategies all on his own each one being some sort of cycle skip in level three instead of waiting after collecting the coin as intended Shoma was able to barely maneuver back to the goal in the same cycle barely dodging

The enemies on both the way in and on the way out in level 17 he figured out that it was barely possible to move ahead of the Enemy by buffering down and right at the start of the level which doesn’t equate to Any Time save because

Of how the Cycles work out later in the level but does make for a pretty funny swag Strat in level 25 he completely cut out all of the Waiting by buffering down at the start and barely squeezing through the spinner a cycle early finally in 27 he figured out that it was

Possible to reach the goal from the top corner with the bar still in front of it skipping having to wait for it to move back up with tighter execution in some of the other levels shura set a new record of 603 on March 31st 2010 this

Was finally the Run he had been looking for 2 minutes and 34 seconds ahead of second place he finally decided to take a rest at top his throne he had completely dismantled The World’s Hardest Game almost entirely on his own pushing the game to Heights that were

Inconceivable for many back in 2010 back then it seemed obvious that this record was going to stand for a long while but would it truly be able to stand the test of Time [Applause] 7 years passed by and nobody had even come close it was the real deal shoma’s record was truly almost a decade ahead of its time there were multiple zero death completions uploaded to YouTube during this span but in terms of speed Piza 709 performed on March 21st 2017

Was the closest anyone had gotten a run which unfortunately appears to have been lost in time however thanks to this passage of time poula had access to the Coolmath version of the game released in 2013 which had a built-in level selector allowing him to practice the game much

More efficiently than shiroma ever could for for 2 weeks Pula Port an attempts inching closer to the record by the 15th of April he had a 610 just 7 seconds away he got onto a run that started off a bit slower than choma but after implementing a more optimal route in

Level 8 he was able to pull a bit ahead Piza saved a bit more time after implementing a new death defying strategy in the middle of Level 10 the lead expanded further after he cut straight towards the goal after collecting the last coin in level 16 instead of moving around the enemy in

Level 18 Pula used a slightly different path that was a bit easier but about the same speed he took a cleaner path through level 24 and had a 4-second lead going into level 26 putting him on Pace for the first sub6 in the game’s history and then the lead was wiped away poula

Exited the level a second behind however he had one final trick up his sleeve going through the middle of level 27 was certainly a lot more difficult but it could cut out a lot of waiting and unnecessary movement up to the coin poula executed the new route almost

Flawlessly and pulled 2 and 1/2 seconds ahead of shiroma he matched shoma’s death defying movement in level 28 and took a more optimal path in 29 which grew the lead back to 4 seconds Pula once again had the potential to break what was almost certainly the game’s final minute be

All he had to do was hug the wall to the Finish staring death in the face he decided not to risk it and moved around the enemy claiming a new record of 6 minutes flat after 2,572 days shoma’s record had finally been beaten unfortunately for Piza a

Deathless run and a sub6 were going to have to wait after taking a short break bazula went back to doing attempts with some new strategies under his belt he got onto a run that had a strong first five levels but lost around 2 seconds in level six from a quick death however he

Pulled right back to even after implementing a new approach in level seven but hold on how was he able to just phase through the enemies while moving around at the bottom of the level if you’ve ever played this game before you may know about a weird glitch in

Level 7 where you can seemingly stay Invincible if you just stay at the same y level that the game starts you out at if you move up or down even a little bit the enemies can hit you once again you still have to collect the coins meaning

That you can’t just cheese the entire level by holding down the right button but it is still a pretty fun thing to mess around with the position bazula gets to by tapping up once from the bottom of the level just so happens to be another one of these seemingly random

Invincibility so here’s the flaw with the game’s Collision detection that allows this to happen the player has five hit detection points arranged in the cross pattern one in the middle of each Edge and one in the center while the coin Collision is determined with a simple bounding box check for the game

To count in interaction with an enemy as a hit the enemy must overlap one of these five test points this means that the player can move quite a bit inside an enemy from the corner without taking a hit while going in from the edge spells instant Doom facets that were

Likely intended by the developer however this system starts to break down because of flaws that exist in Flash Player itself as it turns out for a hit to be registered an enemy must essentially overlap the same one of these five points for two frames in a row a

Phenomenon that is very similar to how Spike glitch and red ball Works in Flash Player pointto pixel checks are judged based on whatever the previously runed frame was let’s say we are in a scenario where an enemy moves into the player’s right contact point the game game first

Checks if the point is within the bounding box of the enemy as this check is orders of magnitude faster than performing a full point to pixel check on every single frame regardless of how far apart the player and enemy are since the point is inside the bounding box the

Game goes ahead and performs the full point to pixel check with the Enemy however because the previously rendered frame still looks like this the check fails as no pixels from the rendered enemy are overlapping the point on the next frame the enemy moves off of the player’s right contact point the game

First performs the bounding box check but it expectedly fails therefore the game doesn’t run the full point to pixel check on the previously rendered frame that would have found the two to be overlapping got to love those janky built-in flash player functions essentially the only zones where an

Enemy can be lethal are ones where it overlaps itself for two consecutive frames because the enemies of level 7 are moving so fast the regions of enemy overlap are small meaning that as long as all five of the characters Collision points are not in these areas it cannot

Be hit unfortunately because of how unusual this looked and how ubiquitous noclip completions of the game were on YouTube poula had plenty of people in the comments calling him a hacker in a cheater a trend that unfortunately would not die out with this video bazula got a

Bit behind going into level 20 but he had fortunately figured out a way to save a boatload of time in the level after collecting the first coin it was just barely possible to squeeze behind this enemy without waiting for the next cycle leading to about 7 Seconds of time

Save mostly thanks to the Cycles later in the level lining up more favorably as a result going into level 20 Pula was easily on Pace for a sub six he maintained the same 5 and 1/2 second lead going into level 26 and after completing the level without dying he

Was now over 10 seconds ahead this run was on Pace to skip an entire 10-second barrier having the potential for a 549 unfortunately in level 28 disaster Struck One death right at the start and one death in the middle of the second section that leads shrunk to just 4.4 seconds thankfully the rest of the Run was smooth sailing and Pula slipped under the Last Enemy in level 30 to claim a new record of 5 minutes and 55

Seconds the first sub six in the game’s history bazula decided to take yet another break after attaining this Milestone but that didn’t mean the game as a whole was cooling off competition on the leaderboard was stronger than ever as poula had inspired Runners like HS blue to push their times lower and

Lower finally on February 28th 2018 poula came back with a 546 with almost all of the time save coming from him cleaning up all three of his deaths indeed Piza had finally managed to complete his first ever deathless run of the game like had been the case with

Shoma 603 there was once again a run in first place that was nearly perfect for all of the strategies known at the time with him only lacking the enemy weave in level 10 that he had pulled off in his six flat this one had the potential to

Stand for quite a while however third place Runner HS blue would soon discover something that could blow the game wide open once again on March 7th hsblue uploaded a new PB of 615 that had a pretty strange anomaly in level 17 he was able to partially clip into this

Wall while moving down towards the exit so how on Earth does that work essentially the game uses these same Edge points to check check for collisions with walls that it does to check for collisions with enemies expectedly this means that it’s possible to clip slightly into the corner of each

Wall since none of the Collision points are being hit if the player moves into a position that puts one of the Collision points out of bounds the game will move the player at three pixels per frame the game’s normal speed cap for movement in the opposite direction until it is back

In bounds however if the player starts holding the direction key opposite this Force they will be able to stay inside the wall all as the two opposing three pixel per frame velocities will cancel out this is exactly what happened in HS bl’s run on this Frame he was holding

Down and left which caused him to clip slightly inside of the wall and on this Frame he switched from holding left to holding right allowing him to stay inside of it as he moved down in this scenario this maneuver was frame perfect though he had done it by complete

Accident and it didn’t really accomplish anything however the implications of this un usual mechanic soon became obvious on August 22nd HS blue was able to implement while clipping in a useful fashion as he claimed a perfect level one time of 3.86 7 Seconds a run which

Has now been tied by 21 other people in the Run HS blue First clips into this corner by holding down and right frame perfectly releases the down button to stay inside the wall and then frame perfectly hits the up button to keep the player inside the wall while moving to

The right on this Frame the player moves three pixels to the right as usual but now also moves up three pixels as the top Collision point is no longer being activated the game then detects that the player’s left Collision point is touching a wall so it moves the player

Three pixels towards the right to force it out because of wall clipping HS blue moves three pixels up and six pixels to the right in a single frame double the game’s intended speed cap which in this instance saves a single frame from two frame perfect inputs all right all right

So wall clipping wasn’t exactly a revolutionary new strategy yet but with enough time to simmer there was hope that someone would actually figure out how to save some decent time with it however while people were still searching for more applications for this new technique bazula decided to come

Back and completely shock the community August 28th 2018 bazula stream’s World Record attempts of the world’s hardest game to a large audience of zero viewers his split show that his current PB is a 531 15 seconds faster than his leaderboard world record though he never decided to upload the Run he is laser

Focused on his mission of completing the game in less than 5 minutes and 30 seconds he is playing a version of the game that he has modified to include an in-game timer for each level and the whole run with built-in timing resetting and level navigation functionality this

Mod has been instrumental in helping him discover and practice the multitude of new strategies that he is seeking to implement in level three he uses a position-based setup to save a single frame in level five he does more moving and less waiting as he allows one of the

Enemies to clip him on the corner he hits a much faster cycle while collecting the last coin in level seven and in level 10 he hits all three possible weaves he sneaks under this enemy elevator in level 12 to save a bit of waiting he bulldozes through level 13

Without stopping a single time he takes a significantly faster route in level 16 that involves a death defying third coin grab to save a hefty chunk of time he collects all of the coins in the first 2/3 of level 18 without stopping a single time swiftly passing through the

Enemies as they move up and down he cuts through these enemies in level 22 without stopping and completes level 24 without letting go of the right key until the very end utilizing a new route that he discovered he goes to the right first in level 20 6 which makes the

Cycles line up better for the rest of the level the best possible time is 528 all he needs to do is complete the last four levels without dying just like he has done countless times Before 529 there it was Shoma 629 the most influential world’s hardest game speedrun ever performed had just been toppled by over a minute again the game had a world record where almost every single detail went exactly according to plan the video received a good amount of traction and many viewers and fellow

Runners offered their congratulations in the comments however there was also expectedly a tsunami of detractors that instantly called The Run cheated once they saw bazula getting hit by the enemies in level seven without dying I guess some people just aren’t able to Fathom that a flash game programmed by a

16-year-old back in 2007 may not have every single bolt tighten a spec regardless this impressive show of dominance placed bazula 31 seconds ahead of second place meaning that this one certainly had had the chance to stand for a while however it didn’t end up staying on top

For as long as most people may have expected as a new Runner named Aaron would quickly make himself known joining the community in September of 2018 with a YouTube channel called the IL guy runs Aaron made his first Mark with well individual level speedruns he beat or

Tied the world record in every level aside from three 18 and 30 a very impressive feat however on November 18th 2018 he dropped something even more substantial a second place full game personal best of 546 the I guy was known no longer just the IL guy he was now the

Full game guy as well Aaron kept grinding improving his PB to a 539 then a 538 then a 530 and finally a new world record of 526 in the Run Aaron took the other available path in level 9 because it turned out that it was actually slightly faster in level 18 he used

Pula’s no stop strategy the whole way through and in level 21 he maneuvered around the enemies after collecting the third coin instead of getting sandwiched in between them he used a faster return route in level 27 and he pulled off a frame perfect Collision cheese in level 29 to squeeze through these enemies

Early he didn’t do the quick exit in level 7 or the risky third coin grab in level 16 but all of the other crazy stuff that he implemented allowed him to beat pula’s Monumental record by 3 seconds it’s worth reiterating that essentially none of these strategies could have been found and perfected

Without the help of pisula speedrun mod back when shiroma pulled off his 603 the game didn’t even have a level selector it was pretty much impossible to practice anything outside of just doing runs over and over again things had come quite a long way and Aaron’s implementation of this ridiculous

Strategy in 29 to save a fraction of a second was pretty emblematic of that for over a year now hsblue had slowly been climbing up the leaderboard inching closer and closer to the world record something that he very much desired just when he felt like he could finally Chase

It down Aaron leaped into the first place spot however he wasn’t going to let that deter him he came back and started setting massive personal bests first to 545 then a 542 then a 529 then a 527 and then a 526 tying Aaron’s record to the second but actually

Clocking in just four frames slower still this run did have some impressive new tech namely a double coin grab at the end of level six and a much faster cycle in level eight that required a frame perfect Wall clip to avoid hitting the enemy finally wall clipping had a

Substantial use in full game runs hsblue emitted the third weave in level 10 and took a safer approach in level 16 that didn’t lose any time but he was still very much on Pace for a sizable new world record unfortunately disaster struck in level 18 and he had to revert

To bazula Old method of completing the level which lost him about 3 seconds regardless he pressed on no matter how long it took him he was going to keep playing until he got the record outright unfortunately for him that very same day Aaron moved the goalposts once again

Aaron uploaded a video that began with him resetting at the start of level one yes he was actually going for the double frame perfect IL wall boost to save a single frame something which he thankfully hit on the next attempt he didn’t go for the Wall clip in level

Eight because he couldn’t find the right window size to get it to work oh I guess I forgot to mention that every Wall clip in the game is dependent on the game’s window size thanks flash but he did manage to get a corner cut in level 10

To save a cycle also hitting all three of the weaves in level 12 he got past the final enemy obstacle a cycle early but in level 30 he sadly missed collecting this coin on his first go and he got to the end too late to be able to

Slide under the Last Enemy it was as if the ghost of pula’s six flat had come to haunt him Aaron lost around a second ending with a 524 instead of a 523 however since he still improved the record and wasn’t on the verge of a milestone this mistake probably didn’t

Matter that much HS bl’s attempt counter continued to rack up the there was no time better than the present for him to go for the world record Aaron would likely continue to push his times further and further making HS bl’s goal more and more difficult to attain with

Each Improvement for 4 years he had been playing The World’s Hardest Game hoping that one day he could have the record to himself all he needed to do was match his 526 without messing up level 18 and the title would be his on May 31st 2019

He got onto a run that started as planned he he hit the wall clip in8 but didn’t go for the clip or weave in level 10 he didn’t do the fast ending for level 12 because there was simply no need he was still easily on Pace without

It he messed up the last coin grab in level 16 but it didn’t end up costing him very much he approached level 18 the same level that had essentially killed his world record chances during his 526 but this time Disaster struck again he didn’t lose a full 3 seconds this time but his world record prospects had still been flushed down the drain however there was still one hail Mar strategy that could potentially save it task 23 I did it four years I’ve been dreaming of this miraculously he had done it it’s hard to overstate how much this run meant to HS blue he had put so much time and energy towards this grind he had dreamed about having this record for years and now he had it the first

Sentence of the Run description puts it the best if you put your heart and mind to it you can do anything funnily enough without Aaron’s mistake in level 30 of his 524 essentially the last mistake that one can possibly make in a World’s Hardest Game speedrun HS blue wouldn’t

Have become the Undisputed full second champion of the game with this run whether he would have later claimed the record outright or not I guess we’ll never know but it is funny to look back and see how perfectly the Stars aligned for this moment indeed HS blue seemed to

Have achieved his end goal with the game but Aaron certainly had not Aaron knew that there was still plenty of things he could do to push the record to a new 10-second barrier 51x his 524 didn’t have the quick exit in level 7 Wall clip in 8 Tas 23 and some other individual

Level strategies that could potentially be implemented and of course there was that pesky mistake in level 30 that had cost him an entire second the whole summer passed without anything new but finally he managed to piece together something pretty incredible levels 1 through 7 started out perfect but he

Still couldn’t go for the Wall clip and 8 because he still couldn’t find the right window size to make it work so what was going on at this point pretty much every single World’s Hardest Game Runner was using the official Standalone Adobe Flash Player for their runs as it

Was way more convenient allowed for better performance and allowed the game to be played at any window size including full screen however Aaron’s platform of choice was Internet Explorer for whatever reason a web browser that had been discontinued and replaced by Microsoft because of how bad it was

Actually ran the game better on his Dusty old computer Aaron’s interesting platform of choice made it far more difficult for him to find a window size where eight Wall clip and the other strategies he was going for all worked so he just decided not to bother with it despite this unfortunate handicap Aaron

Knew that he could still shatter the game’s next 10 second barrier he pressed on nailing the Wall clip and weaves in level 10 he essentially stayed perfect going into level 23 where he went for the Tas Strat first implemented by HS Blue he got it granted that he didn’t mess up level 30 the Run was now on Pace for a 520 flat just a bit shy of his goal however he had a plan that could just barely nudge it over the edge he entered level 26 and proceeded to do this on the right Side another death defying weave he was now on Pace to break into a new 10-second barrier all he had to do was clutch the ending There it was 59.63 3 plenty of geniuses in the YouTube comments completely ignored the pinned message explaining the game’s Collision mechanics to call it out for being fake but it was Absolut absolutely real Aaron took a well-deserved break after this run as it was unlikely that anyone would even get close to

Challenging his throne but he still knew in the back of his mind that more could be done going into 2020 it became apparent that there were more Tas or I only strategies that could potentially be brought over to full game runs first there was a wall clip in level six to

Collect the last coin without having to revolve with the spinner saving over a second next there was a frame perfect turnaround here in level s that allows the player to phase through this enemy saving around half a second additionally there was a cycle skip in level 12 that

Required a frame perfect elevator entry perfect character alignment to squeeze under these enemies and absolutely no slowdown for the rest of the level allowing for a ridiculous 2 and 1/2 seconds to be saved finally there was a frame perfect entry in level 26 where the player can go under the dots at the

Top right instead of going over them ultimately saving around a second of these four Aaron recognized that the strategies in 7 and 26 were the most realistic to implement and at last he had found a way to hit the wall clip in level eight which meant that he could

Save an additional 2 and A2 seconds if everything went according to plan a 514 was not out of the question now he just had to piece everything together [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] what a run aside from a somewhat suboptimal level 26 every single thing went exactly according to plan and the expected potential for these strategies was matched exactly this run is absolutely one of the greatest Flash game speedruns ever performed the time and dedication that Aaron has put

Towards perfecting his craft is truly inspiring and there is very little chance of this record being beaten anytime soon he stands in first by over 9 seconds as HS blue still sits in a distant second with his 523 as you may have guessed this run a true Cornerstone

Of Flash game speedrunning was performed on Internet Explorer you really can’t make this stuff up Aaron may come back again but as it stands he is the Undisputed champion of the world’s hardest game however it does doesn’t mean that it’s bound to stay that way forever I love the Song so I want to try and ban loaded 11 temp ban loaded 11 one day maybe subscribe to the Mr Epic did you know that one of the most popular Minecraft servers in the world regularly seeing as high as 10,000 players online daily is Russian and did

You know that this very same server allows you to buy ranks that give you the power to mute other players ban other players and even join the staff team and this is far from the only Russian server like this kitto literally just joined the servers as you can see

From message in chat I want to try and ban him subcribe to the Mr Epic and I just banned him he is gone Russian Minecraft servers are utterly insane from allowing players to access the server’s console reset the entire server for $100 crash players game with a $1

Stick buy a girlfriend and even buy the ability to slash op yourself this is something I just had to investigate really world is the biggest of the Russian servers regularly seeing 8,000 to 9,000 players daily peeking at over 10,000 sometimes the server is owned by a large Russian YouTuber named do M

Grief whose videos have some interesting thumbnails to say the least his channel is really popular in Russia clearly anywh who upon joining the server you will have to do something I’ve never seen before and basically click a link in game which opens up to your web browser prompting you to respond to a

Capture to prove you not a bot or something else furthermore this is in fact a cracked server and you have to register with a password they do seem to have some high security as you also can’t even type in the chat on the server until you’ve played on it for 30

Minutes so maybe they get bot attacks a lot anyways upon joining the server there seems to be three game modes first of all there’s grief of survival where you will not find creativity and dupe only the harsh grief of survival awaits you here from what I gather it just

Seems to be your normal Minecraft SMP but you are allowed to grief and kill players what what’s crazy though is this isn’t just one Minecraft SMP game mode as you would normally see on most servers we know this is a selection of about 30 Griefer survival servers each

With 60 to 100 players online it’s like 30 s smps right here all with active player bases pretty insane the other server they have is called Mega vulture beta which I think is a mistranslation and it’s meant to be Mega grief beta there’s only one of these and from what

I gathered it’s just another version of of the gria survival server and finally there’s Anarchy the most unpopular mode on the server which is just a crappy semi Anarchy type server but yeah the server is your pretty standard survival server it’s just got over 30 survival

Servers instead of one or two and just like your pretty standard survival server it of course contains crates and ranks if you go to their store you can see there are a lot of crates you can buy Here 21 to be exact for prices ranging from anywhere from $1 to 15

Which are totally not suspicious some of the crates even give you the chance to win ranks with this cool crate opening animation what’s truly interesting about their store is the ranks so here we have the server’s nine listed ranks the lowest one costing only 40 cents in Us

By the way seems normal right well if you go to the rank perks page you’ll see that really World offers its donators some seriously powerful perks including the ability to mute people in game temporarily or permanently ban other players and even buy staff now I genu genuinely didn’t believe this was an

Actual thing so I went and bought the imperator rank which is the lowest rank with access to the ban command costing me $7 after having to pay with cryptocurrency because none of the other payment methods they had were supported I got my rank and hopped on so I want to

Try and ban I don’t know who should we try and ban L did 11 so temp ban let’s just get this man temp ban loaded 11 let’s TR one day maybe And subscribe to Mr Epic let’s just check l l did he’s gone he I just generally

Banned a guy for one day for the reason subscribed to the Mr Epic and he was a donator as well mind you he wasn’t even just a random player I want to try maybe mute someone now oh hang on what’s happened to me now did I get banned as

Well so it seems like I got a taste of my own medicine here although after asking with a member of my Discord named meask who speaks Russian and is familiar with these servers he told me I was banned because I gave an invalid ban reason apparently some of the donators

Can see in chat when you ban someone and a lot of them do speak English so when they saw me banned some random donator for the reason subscribe to the Mr Epic in English they probably instantly knew it was a false ban apparently when you ban people you are meant to actually

List rules from the server’s official rules as the reason but I guess I didn’t read that part according to him if you do ban people for actual reasons even if it is a false ban you can often get away with it now of course you can buy unbans

With real money on This Server which means all right so we’re back on really world I just bought an unban for five bucks there’s a lot of people online again this time there’s actually a Helper and a YouTuber I’ve been I’m going to try Banning someone but this

Time for a legitimate reason which I copy and pasted from the The Forum so let’s try and find someone again Lower ranked we’re going to B Bann them for a legitimate reason let’s try this guy 18 cooli temp ban 18 Co try 7even days this time for some

Random Russian reason and I just banned him and he’s gone I wonder if I’m going to get banned now yeah no one’s doing anything against me he’s gone Can’t Ban Dela 7766 one day same reason okay so on cool down but you know what I want to try and

Do I want to try and temp mute this guy now temp mute daa 7766 F day I guess same reason all right so I think I’ve just muted this guy I think I’ve been banned for 14 days again this time for a false mute though so my ban was still fine

Apparently anyways besides being able to ban people the ranks get some kits which give you some decent gear of which was partially stolen from me and then gracefully returned some additional commands and a lot of homes and vaults however my favorite command was the broadcast command allowing you to send a

Broadcast message message to the entire server Network every 5 minutes now unfortunately most people here probably don’t speak English although the ones that do can ban me but all of you watching this video do so be sure to subscribe no pressure anyways the rank I bought isn’t the only one with the

Permission to ban nor the most powerful either the Enigma rank which I can’t find anywhere on the store by the way not only has the ability to unban players but also to permanently ban them that’s right not even a temporary ban a permanent ban luckily for the players

Though one of the ranks I could find in the store that you can buy in case an enigma ranked player decides to try to ban you is helper yep that’s right you can straight up buy the helper rank for the low low price of $75 as a helper you

Have no delays or limits on the mute command you are immune from Administration meaning you can’t be banned or muted by other players maybe even other staff as well and you even get to be a part of the project team gaining access to their group chats the

This is pretty funny you can literally buy staff and I’m assuming the main reason people do buy staff is so they can’t be banned by other players and can punish them with mutes infinitely hilarious stuff there also seems to exist a more expensive rank than even helper called bunny costing $90 but

There aren’t perks listed anywhere if this costs more than helper then God knows what it can do so while I was investigating the server something interesting happened initially things were normal but once I bought a rank and equipped my gear players immediately began paying more attention to me while

I was writing this video script I went AFK on the server and multiple times I would tab back in only to find myself in the Nether on fire and dying this kept happening to me over and over and I was so damn confused then I realized

Something while I was at spawn AFK I had to turn off sound because people kept trying to fishing rod me for some reason and it was pissing me off I kept my main monitor open at one stage and pretended to be AFK and saw play is using fishing

Rods to pull me into The Nether warp and then when in the nether in a protected area they would use fishing rods to pull me into fire trying to kill me or would try to pull me out of the safe Zone very crafty unfortunately for them the kit I

Got from donating was too strong and I fought them off pretty funny though I must have been targeted because I had a rank and gear equipped normally cracked Minecraft servers don’t get many donators because well if the players aren’t even willing to buy Minecraft why would they buy a rank on some random

Server but I guess having ranks with the ability to ban and mute makes really world’s ranks much more desirable as they had hundreds of donators on and keep in mind if there’s another 30 game modes which look just like this they would be making absolute Bank really world isn’t the only Shady

Russian server though in fact compared to other servers they are actually very good by comparison skybarn is another Russian server which gets around 1500 to 1700 Peak players daily so a so pretty big the server is also cracked and also has a capture you have to do upon

Joining after doing the capture you get thrown into a room where I’m assuming the store and some promo code for a discount are advertised This Server seems to be more miname based and has bedwar and SkyWars but also has survival servers before we go into a game mode

And take a real deep dive on what’s going on here let’s check out this Banner in the hub I’ll get a translation here so we can see what it’s saying listed here are some perks the server says you can get from donating you can get cases to give to friends which I

Assume are crates you can get access to the server console access to creative mode and flight you can punish violators which means you can ban players as we’ll get into later you will be very happy with the donation and your life will improve you are more likely to be able

To find a partner a boy or a girl on the server and the higher the donation the more chances you have to join the server staff team so to recap just buying a rank on the server not only will you get access to the server console creative

Mode and the ability to ban players but your life will also improve and you’ll be more likely to find a girlfriend or boyfriend on the server this is fantastic why can’t the paid win servers we have offer such great benefits I wouldn’t even dislike them if they could

Offer such amazing perks I think I know which server I’m playing from now on screw og- I’m switching to skyb bars. Net in all seriousness though this is by far the funniest stupidest and most manipulative thing I’ve ever seen on a Minecraft server period but it

Doesn’t stop there let’s go to the ser store this server has the most ranks and perks I’ve ever damn seen you know something’s up when the fifth cheapest rank gives you admin and only cost 28 as for the ranks will they range from 0.01 to $170 and include ranks like

Owner op helper All rights I bought a server troll console owner and/ op and another dozen or so ranks until we get to the oligarch rank at the very top not only are the ranks utterly insane but you can buy the ability to be immune from bans as well as something called

The crash stick I found a video on YouTube demonstrating how this works and I kid you not you can genuinely buy a stick for real money which when right clicked on a player crashes their game and I don’t mean just being kicked or disconnected from the server it

Genuinely crashes the player’s game and causes it to freeze and close this is insane these crash sticks cost as littleit was just $1 for one as well and of course you can pay to be immune from them this server has basically just decided to sell everything they can

Think of you can pay to hide the side menu you can pay for defense against the/ cool command which did I mention you can SL kill people with certain ranks no you can buy access to jail buy access to filter out Bots from Tab and chat buy access to see invisible players

By access to remove the delay from all commands you can completely wipe the entire survival server for 100 bucks yes that’s right the entire survival server you can buy access to other people’s private land claim regions meaning their land claims won’t work against you you can buy access to the server console for

Only $150 amongst so much other insane stuff there’s no way they give you half of this stuff like console access for $150 as well as you could literally delete the entire server and ruin the experience for everyone with it but you know I just had to try it some of the

Rank perks they were offering were just so insane these are literally administrated commands you can ban players IPS and virtually anything including editing the server permissions and there are commands made just to troll players what the hell is going on I have to see this for myself I decided

To buy one of the more expensive ranks the master rank for $15 as it literally had the ability to ban players IPS and if you go to buy a rank you’ll see they have a bunch of payment options including steam card codes yep you know something’s dodgy when it accepts steam

Gift card codes anywh who I got the rank and hopped on so first I wanted to figure out what exactly the console thing was would they actually give me access to the service console as they stated and no they don’t they give you a/ console command to use in game which

Displays the commands people type in game that’s it so it’s false advertising I did indeed have administrator like command though I could go into creative I could use world edit and I could even opt myself but I also lacked a lot of commands which I had in fact paid for

For example I couldn’t use ban IP I couldn’t edit permissions and some of the troll commands didn’t work at all and gave me internal errors it seemed like most of the commands that I paid for and that my rank was supposed to have weren’t even there or were

Completely BS and didn’t work like anybody would have thought but could I ban players kitto literally just joined the server as you can see from the message in chat I want to try and ban him subcribe to the Mr Epic and I just banned him he is gone this guy’s just

Joined the server and been banned in basically 10 seconds all right I’m in a spectator mode looking for my next victim here I reckon we just TP to someone cyber Pro YouTube let’s take take a look oh he’s building like a nice base here all right fair enough sub Pro

YouTube I hate to be the bear of bad news but ugly Build po bloke he was just trying to build his whatever the hell this is and I’ve just teleported to him in spectator mode he couldn’t even see me and banned him I ready you to build a Solid 4 out of 10 though you know what 5 out of 10

Could have been worse could have been worse yes yes I could for 10 minutes only I think that unlike really World Sky bars isn’t actually a serious server it’s designed to get unknowing kids or curious YouTubers who don’t speak Russian to spend money on ranks and perks they think are cool and super

Powerful but aren’t actually when they use them in game it’s a very shady and manipulative way to make money if I do say so myself and I’ve never seen a server be more blatant with their lies and still be successful so maybe these two Russian servers are outliers though

They just happen to be the most popular well no it seems like Russian servers are almost all like this here’s another one called TNT land which gets upwards of 500 plays daily where you can once again buy various administrative permissions like the ability to ban players mute them unban them ban their

IP and more these servers are not just outliers this seems to be how most Russian servers are so why do people even play them is it because there are no other good options is it because they actually enjoy them well I think I missing something here obviously I can’t

Speak Russian so I’m extremely Limited in what I can understand but clearly there’s more to these servers that meets the eye and they seem to function so much differently to the servers we all know even though they might look the same at face value anyways I hope you

Enjoyed this bizarre video be sure to subscribe for more like it thank you all so much for Watching first released in June of 2010 Happy Wheels has gone on to become one of the most popular and influential flash games ever created the platforming adventure Style game with comical ragd doll physics presented players with a unique gameplay experience that had quite a lot of shock and charm and the

Ability for users to create and upload their own custom levels gave the game Endless Possibilities in replay value by 2013 the game had absolutely taken YouTube by storm with Let’s Play videos uploaded by various gaming channels like PewDiePie and Jack seppy reaching upwards of tens of millions of views

Driving immense traffic towards the game’s hosting website millions of casual players browsed the seemingly NeverEnding catalog of user made levels to try them out with dozens of levels eventually achieving tens of millions of plays two of which even broke the mindboggling a 100 million barriers aside from the game’s

Essentially endless amount of content there was one mechanic that drove many people to find Value in playing these same levels over and over again upon reaching the flag at the end of Any Given level the the game presents the user with the exact amount of time that

It took to complete it moreover the game gives users the ability to view a replay of their gameplay and even upload it to the game servers for other people to view on the level’s leaderboard speedr running was essentially built into the DNA of Happy Wheels and many people

Sought to refine their skills and optimize their gameplay with certain characters and levels to try and achieve the fastest times possible unfortunately this system had a significant drawback on any popular level the top replays list is flooded with inaccurate replays that quickly desync when attempting to view them thanks to minute differences

That exist with how different versions of the web Adobe Flash Player plugin handle floating Point values when playing Happy Wheels the game checks your operating system browser and bit classification of your computer either 32 or 64 to see if a replay will likely play back properly on your machine

Unfortunately with Happy Wheels being such an old game and so many different Hardware configurations existing the game leaderboard system has become completely ineffective at properly archiving speedruns and it is impossible to really tell if a replay has decin because of some differing Hardware or because the game was tampered with using

An external program like cheat engine the problem was only made worse when the game was ported to JavaScript to keep it alive after the death of flash on the web as these slight alterations made to the game’s physics make every single replay performed before 2021 inaccurate

As they were all performed on The Flash version of the game thankfully a solution to this enormous problem was generated by an external leaderboard hosted on for any featured level in the game found under the Play tab people could submit a video recording of their own replay or live

Completion and have it be verified on a leaderboard where it could be properly preserved and where anybody could view the run as it was actually performed regardless of what computer hardware they had additionally leaderboards were hosted for all of the official levels in the mobile version of the game where the

Only official form of in-game track in came in the form of horribly inaccurate Game Center leaderboards on the iOS version that had no viewable replays and where every level was flooded with hundreds of obviously cheated runs at the top on some levels there were certain time ceilings put in place that

Were intended to mitigate this for example any runs faster than 19 seconds in level 2-3 are unsubmitted as the developers thought that getting a run faster than that was completely impossible however with speedrun skips people were actually able to achieve times faster than this limit turning the game center leaderboard into a

Ridiculous competition to see who could get the closest to that time without going under while many of the times on the gamees leaderboard are certainly impressive with Runners often pouring in hours upon hours of attempts into a single level that is often less than a minute long usually to shave off

Mere frames at a time there is one happy wheel speedrun that stands far above the rest for how insanely impressive it is and how much time and dedication was spent to make it a reality you see if you travel to the full game section of the Happy Wheels leaderboard you will

Find a few different categories that involve the completion of more than just one level at a time of these three main categories one of them revolves around a certain version of the game that wasn’t even hosted on the gamees main website a common tactic for Flash game developers

To drive more traffic to their hosting website was to provide a version of the game that external websites were allowed to host these versions allowed people to play just a portion of the game with them being given a link to the game’s main website if they wanted to

Experience the full thing if you’ve seen some of the other videos on my channel you are probably familiar with the five sight locked bonus levels in red balls 1 and two this scheme involving a very similar philosophy another version of this tactic came in the form of allowing any website to

Actually host the full game but it would display ads that would support the original developer utilized by the later red ball game sponsored by not dopping the Happy Wheels demo consists of nine different levels each providing a unique sampling of what Happy Wheels has to offer some of these levels allow any of

The characters to be selected for the completion While others default to a specific character as you may have guessed the demo category requires every single level to be completed with one of the available characters the levels can be completed in any order and timing begins upon loading the first level and

Ends upon reaching the flag platform at the end of the last while individual level speedruns of Happy Wheels challenged the player to try daring strategies hundreds if not thousands of times until they finally succeed the demo category instead challenged players to remain extremely consistent while completing each level back to back

Optimizing their movement over a span of several minutes hopefully without ever dying or making any other large mistakes unlike the full games all featured levels category that required more than 130 levels to be completed over the span of around 4 to 6 hours the length of the demos seemed just right for allowing

Players to truly optimize a multi-level category without being overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of levels the first submitted demo speedrun was performed by a runner named alagu with a Time clocking in at 523 he starts out with obstacle course as his first level possibly since it was the most

Inconsistent and he chooses the wheelchair guy as his character as his rocket booster makes him the fastest choice for this level irresponsible dad does have an exploit where Tons of Speed and height can be generated by matching the out of the left and right buttons but wheelchair guy is still

Generally the more optimal selection aligue performs a small skip in this level where this intended balce platform is completely avoided thanks to wheelchair gu rocket booster Alig performs quick menuing to the next level since it is counted in the final time of the run and he picks the wheelchair guy

Again for his completion of a large Satan eats you kind of an odd level concept but I guess that’s what happens when you give people an expansive built-in level editor with seemingly infinite possibilities next up is BMX park 2 where the irresponsible dad must be used and following this is a level

Called Snowy Mountain final where a dismounted segue guy has to hitch a ride on some kind of zipline system to reach one of the level’s seven ending platforms alagu decides to choose the fourth fastest but second safest route which involves staying on the zip line for around a minute and a half before

Dropping down to the finish at the very right side of the screen subsequently Dawn of the Dead level one requires the segue guy to escape a zombie apocalypse through a few buildings and to hit a ride on a rope hanging from a helicopter for around 25 seconds where the ending

Platform can eventually be dropped onto next up aligue goes for trap track an obstacle course style level that requires quite a bit of precise movement to avoid dying unfortunately he clipped through one of the springy platforms at the very end of the level forcing him to

Start it all over again costing quite a bit of time he then moves on to it keeps happening a level where a a true speedrunning skip can finally be observed normally the player is supposed to carefully ride down a set of stairs before they are met with a large boost

Ramp that potentially launches them back to the elevated ending platform near the start of the level Something That is intended to be very inconsistent however by leaning back on the wheelchair guy aligue is able to fly into the air and completely cheese the level completing it in 7.46 seconds finally there’s rope

Swings a fairly challenging and inconsistent level where the player is intended to Dismount the segue and use the game’s crawling mechanics to complete the level however ALU instead backs up waiting for the Rope to swing forward and he makes a jump that lands on the booster but he unfortunately

Botches the later Dismount from the segue thankfully on his second try he hits the booster and successfully Dismounts the segue at just the right time to fly over the second rope allowing him to reach the end of the level but hold on a second if you look

At aligue Splits you’ll notice that he only completed eight out of the nine demo levels which level did he leave out and why well gutb extreme is a level that was very unfavored by aligue when he originally pitched the idea for the demo category you see the player is

Supposed to enter the yellow bus by dismounting their vehicle where they are then tossed around by quite a few obstacles usually leading to the character dying or the bus stopping far before the Finish since there was seemingly no way to control the bus aligue thought that this complete RNG

Fest of a level would probably be unfit for the category he also didn’t want it included because it would make a sub five time in the category more attainable which is certainly an interesting rationale furthermore when the category was initially added a miscommunication led to gut buus extreme

Being excluded on the basis that it was impossible to complete however this was obviously not the case and in December of that year a runner named Dre would complete a demo run that did include gutb extreme with with him utilizing an inventive strategy that made the level far quicker more consistent and more

Skill dependent in his first PB of 538 Dre successfully completed gutb extreme by exiting the starting container with wheelchair guy by using a precise rocket boost it does seem like it would be impossible to fit through this Gap as the character’s wheelchair is much wider than the available space however by

Using the rocket the rotational velocity of the back wheel increases considerably and when it hits the back wall the rotation causes it to compress into the wheelchair allowing the character to barely squeeze through he flew through the air to the ending section of the level and reached the flag in under 30

Seconds with this a category split was made to house both full and no gutb extreme speedruns of the Happy Wheels demo however the latter subcategory was eventually axed as there became less and less of a reason for it to exist wiping alu’s PBS and A few others from the

Leader boards it is also worth mentioning that in his run Dre took a faster but but riskier path through the snowy mountain level that saved over 30 seconds where he rode a sled back down the mountain to reach one of the other ending platforms additionally Dre Incorporated a new strategy in rope

Swings where he landed on the spiky bottom of the level without getting stuck made possible thanks to him hitting the jump button just before hitting the ground he then promptly jumped again and dismounted reaching the ending platform From Below he also made a small adjustment and it keeps

Happening okay I’m going to stop doing that where he angled The Rock booster on wheelchair guy before boosting up instead of tilting the entire character backwards it would take an entire year for Dre to return back to the category but he came back with an absolute

Bombshell a PB of 457 the first sub five in the category’s history in the entire run he only really made three notable mistakes those being a reset in gut bus extreme and two quick resets and rope swings costing maybe 15 seconds total there was seemingly still a bit more

Room for the cat category to grow and Dre’s run description read first sub five but remember I’ll be back he was certainly right the very next day Dre achieved a 441 his BMX Park 2 was way cleaner and the character’s body seemingly exploding right before the end actually ended up working towards his

Advantage aside from two quick resets and gut buus extreme this run was extremely solid with his movement just becoming cleaner and cleaner the description of this one read luckiest run ever C 10 seconds but you know I’ll be back well there it is again Dre would

Be back but how much further could he really Go By refining his movement and implementing a new menuing strategy where he would press the escape button twice to skip the end panel Rising animation after each level saving around 10 seconds across the Run Dre had nearly achieved the first ever sub four on the Happy Wheels demo it is worth mentioning

That during Dre’s Conquest a runner named Ninjas for the win 64 was briefly displayed at first place on the leaderboard with a time of 413 since Dre didn’t end up submitting this run until later while Dre had managed to maintain his status as the record holder for

Quite a long time it certainly wasn’t without some competition something that he would later be reminded of just a week later Dre uploaded a run that started like this a floor clip to the ending platform in trap track that saved around 25 seconds a strategy that opened the door

To a sub 330 possibly being achieved in the category the explosion from the mine gave the segue guy just enough speed to barely interact with the ending platform’s hitbox before dying this strategy had been known all the way back when aligue first started playing the category with it having been utilized by

Quite a few individual level speedrunners but its sheer difficulty and inconsistency prevented it from being used in demo speed runs until now by starting with trap track Dre was able to get what was by far the most inconsistent level out of the way first and he ended up finishing with a 344 the

First sub four in the category’s history yeah I’m done with demo for a while I don’t know if I can beat this this is going to be beaten soon hopefully hopefully Dre had implemented a strategy in Snowy Mountain where he descended in crawl mode instead of riding the zipline to the sled saving

Around 9 seconds with optimal movement unlocking even more potential in the category unfortunately it would take Dre around 4 months to beat his run thankfully it would be quite the Comeback the man had done it sub 330 no deaths and no resets in trap track Dre was assisted by a more consistent setup that he developed for the Mind skip which did not require him to jump to hit the mine while going up the ramp he would hold up

Left and control to stay in a crouched position allowing him to preserve most of his speed right before reaching the top of the ramp Dre leaned forward ejected from the segue grabbed the wall behind the mine and then let go to land on it Dre commented I spent the last 2

And 1 half years grinding this game about 6 months ago I told myself I would get a sub 330 if it was the last thing I did he seemed to be quite content with the run that he achieved moving on from demo speed runs while sitting at top the

Leaderboard by 44 seconds this run was extremely impressive and truly seemed to be the Pinnacle of Happy Wheel speedr running but was it truly the greatest run that this video seeks to highlight not even close Dre truly did leave the category alone for almost an entire year

However he would have quite the rude awakening on June 22nd 2020 as a runner named Adam v247 set a personal best of 355 and 2 Days Later a world record of 325 Adam was quite the experienced Happy Wheels player holding the individual level world record in multiple of the

Demo levels prior to tackling the entire category in his 325 his Snowy Mountain completion was 10 seconds faster than it was in Dre’s record thanks to a much more optimal Kickback from the boosters and by completely avoiding all of the holes in the ground which is what Cy had

Managed to do in their slightly faster individual level World Record Dre may have been done with demo runs back in 2019 but with his record being taken he knew that he had to return in October of 2020 he snapped back with a 312 to match Adam’s gameplay in Snowy Mountain he

Decided to actually start with that level instead of trap trap this was more risky since trap track was still wildly inconsistent but his 34 second completion of snowy mountain 15 seconds faster than his previous PB really spoke for itself the only really noticeable issue with the Run was that he had some

Unoptimal movement in Dawn of the Dead due to him being unprepared to play it after accidentally selecting the level out of order however he remarked in the description that about 4 seconds were lost between BMX park 2 and Satan and that trap track and gut bus extreme each

Had around a second of time save as well with better menuing in gameplay he knew that a sub three demo run was possible and he was going to go for it a month later he shaved just a second off his PB with a 311 this shouldn’t be here for a

While sub three please don’t take too long another year passed and nothing it seems like sub3 was just too much to achieve however behind the scenes Dre was not down for the count he was still grinding the category periodically playing the game in hopes that he would finally reach the Milestone and in

December of 201 21 the bombshell finally Dropped I did it 259 on Christmas Eve Dre had finally broken the final minute barrier in demo any perent at the tail end of an over 8-hour long attempt session his last Hail Mary to achieve the Milestone before 2022 thanks to an upcoming vacation the dedication was just astonishing he had been working towards

This goal for years and years and it had actually just happened he had truly become the master of the snowy mountain Chacha as he completed the level in just around 30 seconds however in true Dre fashion he wasn’t yet satisfied with the Run especially because of the extremely

Dumb death that he had at the start of Dawn of the Dead now that he had broken the immense mental barrier standing in his path he was ready to apply his true potential in the category hoping to achieve a 250 once again he was back to

The Grind 2 months later in February of 2022 he claimed a 251 a run that tragically had a failed starting room exit in gut bus extreme costing around 1 and 1/2 seconds the same month he was on a run that was already 3.4 seconds ahead out of trap track and despite a slightly

Unoptimal Satan he was easily on 24x Pace if he got a first try gut bus extreme he got it and then grab the oh my God oh my God oh my God do you see that glass on top of the helicopter that’s a freaking like 2% chance dude that saves a second

And a half 6 seconds ahead but how had Dre saved so much time on this level and why exactly was he freaking out over a tiny piece of glass on the helicopter in Dawn of the Dead the helicopter that the player grabbed Zant to is actually Tied

By an invisible rope to a Frozen ball that is on a slightly downward sloping block when any object including the player touches the helicopter the ball and freezes allowing it to roll what had happened in Dre’s run was that a piece of glass from the window at the very

Start of the level had managed to fly and hit the helicopter after the explosion causing it to start moving much sooner than intended on the Run of his life Dre had just been handed a Time save that had only happened to him around 10 to 15 times before it in his

Thousands of attempts at playing the level he nailed it keeps happening but then oh my God it choked 249 oh my god I’ve lost 3 seconds and got a 249 a bit of a tragic end to an absolutely insane run but he still got the first two forx and that’s where the

Story ends he had finally achieved his goal oh come on do you seriously think that Dre would go out on a run that ended like that before doing more runs Dre sought to find a setup for Dawn of the Dead that would allow the early helicopter activation to be based on his

Skill of performing a series of predetermined key presses rather than at relying on pure luck in a deterministic game like Happy Wheels if keys are pressed on the exact same frames as an earlier execution it will always lead to the exact same result the first setup that he found involved buffering up and

The jump key before entering the level to cause a stationary jump releasing jump in the air and then releasing up after the explosion however because of the stationary jump this setup was barely any faster next he found a setup that involved buffering up before the level and then pressing shift on exactly

The 21st frame after starting removing the sizable time loss from the stationary jump he started going for this setup in runs despite it being slightly slower than the lucky skip in his PB however a few dozen runs in Dre would accidentally discover the definitive version of the early helicopter

Activation I missed it he pressed shift way too early on frame 18 instead of frame 21 leading him to believe that he had failed the strategy but this ended up happening instead it’s a tight window can’t be too mad okay I’m sorry what the glass had reached the helicopter way sooner than

It had on frame 21 active activating it so early that he wasn’t even able to reach it in time if he was somehow able to reach the helicopter the frame 18 setup would be half a second faster than the early activation in his PB and 1 and

1/2 seconds faster than the frame 21 setup thankfully by incorporating some more optimal movement at the start of the level he found that it was possible to not just reach the helicopter but also to grab onto its tail which saved an additional second despite having the new setup at his disposal Trey’s next

Pie May wouldn’t come so easy through his failed runs he had an additional piece of motivation pushing him forward the desire to beat the then standing world record in red ball of 24894 by the entire country of Sweden at least that’s what may lead you

To believe 2 months and more than 10,000 more attempts later Dre was 1.7 seconds ahead going into gut buus extreme after hitting the frame 18 setup sadly he failed the first try room exit and got bus extreme however this time he didn’t mess up the menuing going into rope

Swings and scored himself a 246 judging from the description there was still some more room to go the very same day he was ahead going into gut bus extreme but he unfortunately didn’t save any time due to unoptimal gameplay in the level he maintained the small lead and

Got a lower 246 still not what he wanted thankfully 4 days later the Stars would finally alive It’s over it’s finally over Dude Dre’s speedrun of the Happy Wheels demo in 2 minutes and 43 seconds is without a doubt the greatest Happy Wheel speedrun ever performed the years of dedication and the tens of thousands of attempts that he poured in all culminated in a nearly Flawless speedrun

With a essentially zero notable mistakes demo any perent was initially a category that challenged people to stay consistent instead of always attempting the craziest strategies in each level but if you broke Dre’s most recent world record up into nine different individual level speedruns it would be extremely hard to convince people that the

Completions were actually all performed back to back under immense pressure there is still a bit of room to push the Run further with a time in the 23x range certainly being attainable through movement optimization or the implementation of more risky strategies for example there is a strategy in Satan

Which Drea’s hit in previous runs where he would simply not Dismount from the wheelchair before entering the crusher able to save up to 2 seconds however with second place sitting 42 seconds behind him in this 3 minute long category there isn’t really too much incentive for Dre to climb any further

He finally got the run that he wanted in Dre’s own words I’ll return to this category when someone challenges the throne however it is currently a very very tall Throne so do you know when you started playing Happy Wheels and whatnot most people who have heard of Happy Wheels

Probably started with the online game but I never played the online game I started playing demo in middle school with my friends in study hall because I did not want to do homework wow so like how many years ago was that seven or eight years that’s crazy yeah and I’ve

Played I’ve played it consistently the whole time I’ve probably taken a six-month break at the longest I have three or four different documents where I’ve gone through and played every single level uh 100 times and I’ve done that three four times now just playing each level so I know that live split

Showed that you had roughly 14,000 attempts in the category when you got your 243 but I know that you only actually started using Liv split pretty recently so how many attempts total would you estimate that you actually have in the category attempts is really hard because this is probably the

Fastest resetting game on speeder 14,000 resets I only started doing that whenever I started streaming and that was only 5 months ago maybe so if you multiply that times 16 over 8 yeah yeah it’s it’s a lot probably over 100,000 attempts no no absolutely over 100,000 attempts if we’re talking hours I

Probably have somewhere between 2,000 $2,500 in this game only demo smokes that’s absolutely mind-blowing holy smokes Dre’s unique dedication to Happy Wheels demo speedruns is unlike anything else that I have ever seen in speedrunning the ability for someone to almost single-handedly push a category so far for so long with almost no

Attention being drawn to them is truly mindblowing Dre story is truly the most genuine representation of speedrunning someone working towards a goal solely because they themselves want to achieve it with them having zero motivation whatsoever by the reactions that other people will have to their accomplishments indeed Dre’s 243 the speedrun that he

Spent so much time and effort to achieve currently sits on YouTube with just 46 views so please do yourself a favor and go watch Dre’s full run and if you have been inspired by a story please consider dropping him a subscription as well the paths that people walk in the

Speedrunning community are often extremely unique and it’s crazy to think that if it weren’t for me randomly wanting to do happy wheels Mobile speedruns back in 2017 I probably would have never been able to witness this story and share it with you all if you did end up enjoying this video please

Also consider hitting the Subscribe button below this video as there are still so many more stories to tell however if you are on mobile don’t accidentally Miss and hit the save button or you might accidentally add one of my videos to your only public YouTube playlist for 9 months in counting

Anyways just know that speedrunning at its core isn’t about getting some kind of attention or respect for your accomplishments the most genuine fulfilling moments come when you set a goal for yourself and you do whatever it takes to achieve it so pick up a controller or keyboard and start playing

Whatever you are passionate about you never know where it might lead thank you all very much for watching an enormous thank you goes out to Dre agle Adam v247 lupus quty and Harris for all helping me out immensely with this project if you are wanting to watch more scripted Happy

Wheels content Parris actually has an entire retrospective series over on his channel that covers various topics relating to glitches in-game replays and speedrunning so I highly recommend checking those out I hope that you all have a great rest of your day tickets for the in-person sin Week

Events are available through the end of January don’t miss out on your chance to join the sin crew and the sin club for delicious food sinful movie watching and more the live event is in Nashville this March check the link in the video description for all the details welcome to S Woo an Incredible 1 minute in 5 seconds for three logos I see the F Folks at Point gry aren’t shy about being but just because you admit it doesn’t make it right also at what point would a child’s desk be subjected to a shopping cart full of groceries falling

On top of it I wouldn’t put it past this movie to up an apostrophe but on the off chance it’s deliberate I have a question did the shop Wells feel obligated to start a supermarket business because of their name or is this some marketing that someone came up with because turning

Shopwell into a name would Inspire more trust and loyalty from the community I really don’t care which I feel like either deserves a sin there’s no way this is enough carts for a store this size yes there could be more inside but we get a pretty good look at the

Entrance to the store and there is no sign of additional carts 11 stars is this some sort of new Confederate flag or something and is there a reason why the stripes get progressively bigger as it goes down I can already see that much of this movie’s humor is going to come

From animated grocery items swearing which admittedly I will find amusing for the first few seconds of this movie The Corn starts singing and I don’t think there was a good enough warning to tell me how many drugs to take before watching this granted this is a runchy animated movie about grocery store store

Items featuring Seth Rogan but you know what that’s plenty enough warning for how many drugs I was supposed to take the lyric goes we’re super sure there’s nothing waiting for us in the great beyond and I appreciate that as a joke because of the irony but wouldn’t you

Ask yourself why the song doesn’t focus on the positive like would a doctor advertise nothing will happen to you when you visit Dr hack blood because something that just barely qualifies as a song is playing here we can’t share the accents on the show so you’ll just

Have to trust me when I say that they are 1,000% more offensive than you’d expect while also being in the bottom 1% things most likely to offend you in this movie there’s way too much to unpack about this racist bottle of sauerkraut that says it wants to exterminate the

Juice but I’m going to unpack it anyway just for you first off the word play is the if you seek Amy of racist grocery anthems second some marketing genius apparently signed off on the Nazi color scheme having fur in the brand name and two FS on the bottle stylized to look

Like a goddamn SS badge this product would be unmarketable in every okay almost every state in America also from what we see in this movie most of the items do not move independent around the store like the toys and Toy Story unless it’s for the purpose of a musical number

So it’s difficult for instance to believe sauerkraut would have animosity towards apple juice because those things aren’t anywhere near each other all the hot dogs are men and horny bastards and all the buns are women and only care about intimacy no shop no matter how badly run would go to the effort of

Stacking excess stock this high or this precariously this is one Wayward card away from literally killing a person and that is a lot of paperwork Believe Me by the way why are the hot dogs not in the refrigerated section do you want leria because this is how you get

By this time tomorrow we’re all going to be 5 in deep in some bun son hey my dudes we’re all super baked but did you ever noticed hot dogs are like totally shaped and Sh and we like shove them into buns which are like totally vagina shaped dudes there’s like a movie in

There and have you noticed how dumb religion is I’m sure there’s some kind of smooshed bun out there waiting for me this movie’s version of foreshadowing a happy ending for Barry here is that as a being who doesn’t fit into the cultural norm of attractive he will only only

Find love with another being who also doesn’t fit into that Norm and I honestly don’t think the movie realizes how patronizing or offensive that is you weenies the malice behind this Fu you feels several notches of passion higher than anyone who hates their job as much

As Darren here would bring to any one task lined up waiting to get filled with my meat as beautiful as this Tale Of Love is here’s where the dream somewhat falls apart Frank said that they’ll all be paired up with buns in the great beyond the only problem is that this is

A pack of eight buns being paired up with a pack of 10 sausages either two of those buns are getting some serious DP or the eight wieners who figure this out first are going to murder the two that didn’t and the answer is as soon as we

Get to the great beyond and as deep as you’ll let me look if you’re a hot dog hoping to get inside a bun I’m not going to break down the psychology of that you love who you love but how do these hot dogs have any hope of scoring with any

Specific bun in these packs when any random set of buns and any random set of hot dogs could be picked by the gods and what if you’re in the movie UHF you’ll end up in a goddamn Twinkie I’m pretty nervous about this I don’t know how well

I’m going to per perform once it happens not exactly is their definition of Performing I mean cool they want to stuff but do they know what that actually means or entails for example how do they know it’ll feel any better than the sensation of the other wieners that are currently pressed up against

Them I realized I bought honey mustard is cool if I just go swap it I don’t give a flying homeboy it’s not just the cussing groceries it’s also the cussing humans that this movie constantly goes to for Laughs sure the humor here is that a cashier would be this blasé about

Her job but when you see scenes like this you realize you’re watching a runchy SNL skit that’s been inflated toight 90 minutes so wait you’re saying that the guy who bought honey mustard instead of regular mustard went past all the regular mustard to pick up the jar

Of honey mustard on the bottom shelf out of here with that sh you have learned the terrible truth now give it to yourself for I will slit your throat while you sleep did you guys just I hear that none of these guys heard that I was starting to worry the guys didn’t want

Douches no more even when you were the last one on the Shelf I was happy to put this off until now but we need to address how the food is moving in this universe and Why the humans aren’t questioning it I was happy to accept that the mustard walking down these

Items might be perceived as falling but how the does it roll up the rest of the shopping or is this lady not questioning why the mustard she just put in her cart is define gravity I mean what is he honey is he mustard it’s like make up

Your mind or just kill yourself Jesus Christ you’ve been to the great beyond great my does he have does he have an though I’m seeing eyes and some oddly disembodied eyebrows but when he was returned to the Shelf we got a pretty good look at his undercarriage

And there was not a sphincter to be seen show me the mustard sphincter you cowards is this seriously happening out in the open right right now I may have to forgive Toy Story all of it sins at least the inanimate objects in those worlds tried to keep a secret what kind

Of collision is going to cause all these items to fall out of it like this was the guy pushing his cart 60 MPH I liked the Saving Private Ryan parody and all but seriously how oblivious are these Shoppers to steer a cart through a bunch of flow and wasted grocery stock if they

Have the intelligence to communicate with each other and comprehend a system of beliefs they’re smart enough to have not attended the Prometheus School of running away from things I accidentally dropped a few things back there and for some reason didn’t bother to replace any of the things I lost once it’s on the

Floor I don’t go back for more like my grandpa used to say C up an A too she didn’t tell you which aisle it was dude this mil dropped a douche oh mil thank you so much Jesus Does Fox News run this grocery store is its main clientele its

Viewers you think I give a about PB or Jay man this dude sure does have a big mouth it reminds me a lot of a character named Lola on a Netflix series that I’ve watched six seasons of can’t remember the name of it but this is definitely nck croll who turned in

Hilarious performances in the league croll show and loving you like them apples who us no not you I’d love to say something about the abundance of apples correlating to assholery here but this douche says a food-based exclamation that ends up being taken literally recurring joke is soing dumb that it’s

Making me feel self-conscious about our recurring jokes thanks who us no not you this is not a question I ever imagine I’d have cause to ask but why doesn’t the douche have legs I can’t think of a single reason why the sausages and buns would have a full set

Of appendages but the douche is forced to walk around on its hands so why did this dude ask for a cleanup on M to if he’s the one who eventually clean it up hey Who you calling useless you Flappy seriously I can make a whole bonus round

Out of the number of times the movie just has something cuss to be funny but it would be a subjective and B the entire movie I’m Sammy Bagel Jr Jesus Christ I am Karim Abdul laash Jesus Christ I am to have 77 bottles of extra virgin olive oil these characters are

Depicting exactly what you think they’re depicting and somehow everyone involved still has a career as of this recording you got nothing to squ I not pretending to be an expert on feminine hygiene products but I feel like we may be over engineering douches if they’re capable of denting hub caps if youing tell

Anyone about this I’m going to deny it bro the douche wants to sexually assault juice box and I guess I’m supposed to die hilarity what a great time at the movies this is I’m juicing up so the fabric of reality in this living food dimension is exclusively pun based the

Douche getting literally Juiced means that it gets a ton of muscles and that’s supposed to makes sense be funny I feel like this movie got so excited by the R rating that it forgot to bring anything more than knock knock joke levels of effort to the comedy first you come into

Our a and occupy more and more shelf space you even have settlements now on the west shelf that you claim as your own I get that the movie wants to imitate geopolitical realities in the world using grocery store items but this sh just doesn’t make sense and it’s

Pretty gross to drag the Israel Palestine conflict into this movie all the items in the grocery store know that they have no choice where they go on the shelves and the gods are responsible for where they get placed did SAU crowd kicked us out of every decent a oh they

Did not there’s no way the bagels have been anywhere except where Brit is soul even if they were kicked out by the sauerkraut the movie hasn’t done any leg work to show us any of the political Strife because it’s been so focused on the sexual tension between hot dogs and

Bonds this whole time also the sauerkraut was focused on juice the last time we saw them because that’s such a hilarious pun but if they’re going after literal Jewish inventions how does literal juice factor into their racism we were displaced don’t you talk to me about displacement unfortunately this

Metaphor wasn’t n’t just a one-off joke the movie will continue to beat off to this conceit with no sign of a satisfying climax in sight I don’t know isn’t there room for both of you in your aisle it seems like a pretty big aisle it takes a special kind of heris to

Portray the American sausage as the one with the simple answer to peace unless peace is a metaphor for oil in this movie are you seeing this they’re all out of their packages hate to constantly bring up Toy Story But at least that movie had rules are you telling me this

Kind of stuff happens all the time out in the open and somehow the humans are unaware of it and it’s not like the grocery items can just fall limp when the humans arrive they have to get back into packaging and back on the Shelf to appear like nothing happened Plus in

This environment there would be cameras unless this is all happening in my head right now I’m calling bull on a liquored up grocery party this is a place of unparalleled sin let’s see I’ve personally written over 50 sins in the first 20 minutes alone so yeah this

Checks out want to dance no thank you man I’m quite iry Kristen wig has been nominated for an Oscar I mean not for this obviously just saying that seeing her in this movie makes me sad I’ll just be out here dry humping the sport an not

Yeah I said not doing not jokes in 2016 or really anywhere past 1992 are are truly incredible this movie came out in 2016 and not like 1982 or something the well-worn stereotypes of the past are alive and well in this movie I don’t think it’s woke to point

Out they just tired comedic tropes that don’t work anymore even in 2016 my kind once had a pristine aisle Majestic and untouched then we were driven out of it by a bunch of of godamn crackers movie continues to have all the subtly and Nuance of an unannounced shaped enema

Dispenser also in grocery store world there’s never been a time where the store sold just liquor and then pushed all that off the shelf to make room for crackers I get the joke but there has to be an element of Truth in the world you

Create for this to be funny who are you we never expire we are Immortal okay that explains why you haven’t been thrown away any by the staff but it doesn’t explain how you haven’t been purchased yet they call me Mr grits this In the Heat of the Night reference is so

Shoehorned in I thought I was about to go to a wedding and I hate weddings I can take you doing chica I take you’re doing real good early in the movie Brenda could tell Frank was because of the tone of his voice but somehow she doesn’t pick up on the

Sketchy way this guy is talking either some company went to the effort of creating aing themed bar to store their excess stock or at some point the food people hollowed out this display and created a bar themselves based on knowledge they shouldn’t have I understand neither option and I dislike

Both equally and bless me sant chimanga and protect me from the dark lord sah haak plays a sexy Mexican taco and I dare you to go out in public and say that get your nose out of my crotch there’s no reason for anyone’s nose to be in anyone’s crotch because there is

So much room back here I swear sometimes it feels like this movie was animated entirely independent of the script what gives bro you told me you had them the real question is why didn’t tequila just bring everybody straight to douche instead of just dropping them off at a

Bar so you drag me over to this fing aisle with all these illegal products wait a minute why are they illegal yes I understand the stereotype that’s being masterfully painted here but it isn’t illegal to sell Mexican food yet so what exactly is the joke here apart from the

Obviously offensive one the coyotas used this tunnel to smuggle some of us out of the aisle in Hope of a better life it’s like the US Mexico border we get it but if this was supposed to be some sort of Escape Route why does it just end up in

Another part of the store also isn’t the goal here to be purchased isn’t the great beyond the better life that everyone is searching for I know some of the greatest ideas can be conceived Under the Influence but there’s no harm in Flushing them out once you’re sober

So we the non perishables created a story the story of the great beyond so the non- perishables invented the great beyond to allow everyone to lead a happy life before their inevitably painful death cool I can see the logic in that but hundreds of items just like honey

Mustard are returned every day how are the three of them getting to every single returned item and keeping them quiet while also maintaining their very packed schedule of weed smoking it wasn’t there a part today about Exterminating juice I didn’t write that I love juice there you go with the

Juice puns again but I wonder why the racist sauerkraut didn’t include Bagels into the Rewritten lyrics since they apparently hate those as well wait do you guys have any proof of this but what exactly is this proof going to do in the long term there’s nothing they could do

To prevent being eaten the point of the lie was so they could at least live in peace until they were masticated to death oh I really needed that douche I wonder which of the movies five writers came up with this one the movie goes to the effort of

Showing that the carrots Escape look to the human like they’re just rolling off the counter but how the does she rationalize the two hot dogs that have traversed the sink and are balancing upright on the window ledge also what the was she trying to do here was she deliberately acting like a serial

Killer here instead of a regular ass Human this sticker was on the grape juice box and was used as a bandage for God knows how long then pulled off again there’s no way there’s any stickiness left get the butter we all know butter wouldn’t have worked here but no one

Ever gets any butter and Brenda’s pulled through the Gap without a problem after this somehow these salt and vinegar chips are $9.99 while the rest of the similar stuff in the aisle is priced at $3.99 I’m going to get you my pretty I’m going to get you and your little sausage

Too okay look that one didn’t even have any clever word play You’re Just ripping off dialogue from better movies I begged them to stop but they they just wouldn’t if Hot Dogs want to be inside buns for sexual gratification why don’t condoms want hot dogs also hot dogs inside them

So we know it’s not just food that’s alive this universe thanks to this animated condom so why doesn’t this shoe have arms and legs why aren’t the cars alive nice A113 reference and dragging Pixar into this but wouldn’t dixar have a different Easter egg why not a69 there

Is a great beyond without you and I’m going to go there and fill myself with something else because it’s obviously impossible for two people to have different belief systems and still have a healthy relationship the only option here is to part ways clearly and no I

Don’t think the movie is trying to make a point about relationships here as much as it’s just trying to get these two a fight so they reunion feels earned which it won’t you couldn’t fit an eggplant in there it’s too big it’ll tear you in

Half oh you’d be amazed what I could fit in here what the is going on with these two once again movie makes a pointless cutaway to a character saying a line with in it because the movie can’t survive on innuendo alone this movie is like the Logan show your scene drawn out

Into an hour and a half movie now Wast time setting up Meatloaf singing and I do anything for love but I won’t do that and you’d swear the whole movie was made just so they could do this one expensive joke bath Sals here I come providing the internet with actual instructions on how

To inject yourself with bath salts in a world where people willingly ingest Tide Pods also does this Repro mate really strike you as the kind of person that print out he’d be viewing this on his phone at best but more likely from a beer stained napkin also also why did

This guy tell the drug Forum that he got a baggie of bath salts when he clearly just bought it a few minutes ago and would not have had time to post this question get an answer and print it out in that amount of time like I get it he

Could totally say he got them before getting them so he could get an answer but why didn’t he just ask how do you do bath salts the movie now plays Little Green Bag the song you know from the beginning of Reservoir Dogs for this drug Montage but it looks more like the

Drug scene from P fiction which used the centurion’s Bullwinkle part two as the song This is reminiscent of when Mike Deone tells Mark Ratner to play side one of Leb zlin 4 during his date with Jennifer Jason Lee in Fast Times at richmont high and in the next scene Mark

Playing cashmere from Physical Graffiti and you’re like you done up Mark Ratner the kind of physical things that hot dogs can do with their secret arms and legs make me think this movie isn’t entirely on the level about real hot dog Anatomy basts must be kicking in you

Have to be this guy to enjoy this movie whoa the bath salts are showing me the real world it’sing lifted the veil of non-reality so the movie is saying that certain drugs will allow humans to see the world of talking food Etc fine whatever it’s your universe and you can

Make up whatever you want to explain it but if these two realities actually coexist and the sentient food isn’t just an entirely separate conceit of the movie you have so much more explaining to do suggests that there’s some force in the universe that’s translating all the actions of the sentient food

Dimension into what is perceived by humans in the real world Jesus there’s a God in this universe they must be reallying bored because that is a lot of unnecessary maintenance look at me I ain’t got no legs you why does an individual slice of pizza have its own

Arms and legs and isn’t it made from things that would have been sentient before it was pizza what did he do to you you don’t want to know yeah but as a sentient roll of toilet paper is the horror from tearing off the sheets or is it from the wiping are the

Individual sheets s it or just the roll the dead toilet paper roll next to the toilet suggests that it’s the roll not the sheets but you’re talking like someone who knows what it’s like to be used as a wipe and I’m calling humanit on that you know humus know him I’m

Going to go so far as to say I consider humus one of my dearest friends and yet he’s never told you about lvos of course my main complaint with this nonsense is that somehow individual Bagels know an individual named hummus when there are likely many hummuses out there and you’d

Think the Dynamics of grocery restore life would prevent you from getting attached to just one hummus I was scraped off and discarded and eventually found myself stuck to a shoe that dropped me here okay so you’re a genius and you’ve been in this druggies house the whole time and you couldn’t save the

Others who were here and why are you here is absolutely no reason you or any of these other should be waiting around to die if you’ve got a genius piece of gum that can help you out of the situation if the human operates HIS Automotive the journey

Should take 9.8 minutes great that last part was all you had to say really this weeny would be amazing at sending movies with the other weenies on our team these knives would not be outside of normal packaging because this is a tremendous safety hazard for all humans and

Children alike go yourself with this horror show of open Cutlery you dicks I’m really struggling to get past this so please bear with me here if a human stumbled upon this scene would they see a hot dog flailing against this book and just blame it on the wind how do

Humans explain away this perhaps this is bold of me but I’m going to assume that the real world cookbook doesn’t have food illustrations complete with arms and legs and face with terrified Expressions on their finished meals so how exactly is Frank seeing this sh why would illustrations

Created by humans have a secondary fourth dimension aspect to them that can only be seen by creatures they don’t know exist and if these are photographs were totally varying the lead on the camera Tech that can capture details and only visible in certain Dimensions also I understand for story purposes you’d

Show people eating this food and the absolute Horror Story it tells but to cookbooks usually show people stuffing their faces like this wouldn’t you just see the picture of the food they need to know how wrong they all are before it’s too late why what the good is it going

To do where’s the niist representation in this story just when I was beginning to enjoy this movie The I can’t finish that sentence um friends have you ever been in a supermarket or even a department store that has screens set up like this that the cashiers can

Broadcast through why the F would you ever need this and even if there was a good reason that would be so quickly abused by the first understandably disgruntled employee that they would be abandoned shortly after the first broadcasted gentia romen Country Club lemonade lend me your ears of corn the

Fact that the corn is rolling his eyes at this reference suggests an actual awareness of its origin and I just don’t know where the these creatures are getting their hands on Shakespeare in a world where a cookbook is a forbidden tone I can’t run I’ll melt okay uh uh

Then then uh we’ll hide is the ice cream right next to the computer where Frank is because there’s no way he heard that and even if he does there’s no way he hears all the groceries objections to his plans you want to believe that or this you can’t tell me that these food

Items don’t have pictures of people eating the food on the box somewhere especially the cereal movie just reuses the same animation from the beginning of the movie for this key turning sequence how do I know aing wristwatch says July 2nd both times I simply don’t believe there’s someone at 7:00 a.m. buying hot

Dog buns and taking them from the bottom rack and it just happens to be the pack Brenda is in especially after it seemed like nothing from the display got picked up until the end of the business day yesterday I’m not sure I brought it up yet but it’s weird that some of the

Senette food in the store take the form of a box and some of the sentient food takes the form of the food itself why does this box of cookie squares have life why is this always running around with his trash card at the opening instead of doing all this before

Opening does anyone ever come into this store before it opens to do jobs like this does it mean it’s too late to redeem yourself take it from me sure Barry is just hanging out in the exact vent that Frank just happens to find himself sobbing under why the

Not what and then they figured out how to drive my car SN into an AC event they did what okay maybe the chewing gum managed to figure out how to use that map to get to the supermarket but how the F did they all managed to drive a

car or even know what one was also how did their tiny bodies manage to drag this head through the AC Vents and why okay I get that you want to bring proof that the God is dead but did you need the whole head to do that you

Couldn’t have just brought one of his giant eyes or I don’t know anything other than a giant fuing head also also for the final time I hope what would have happened if a human saw this how would they have been able to rationalize a severed head being dragged Along by a

Sausage a collection of snacks and some gum in a motorized chair let’s move boys where did this baggie of bath salts come from Stoner dude ripped the top clean off this one and we only see him acquire the one bag from the dealer meaning there’s a whole section of this film on

The editing floor where all the snacks scored some More’s bath salts from the dealer or just killed him for them especially weird considering this store probably has bath salts in stock holy why aren’t the bath salt cient putting one goddamn jar on the counter

Belt as you begin to check out you have two hands people put more than one jar in the conveyor belt today and make the person behind you believe they’ll be checking out before tomorrow the bath Sals are primed Make It Rain somehow the tiny toothpicks managed to get through

Clothing and deliver a minute amount of the liquid bath salts that is still able to break reality for everyone despite having no guarantee that they’d hit an artery I hate the sentences this movie has made me say also since when are these good at archery all of

The sudden not to say I know what kind of archery skills they had before this moment but I think we can all agree they were non-existent and they’re using toothpicks how the did this woman get all of this into that one back there is no way this is going to work this works

Okay last time I promise how is Frank having an effect on objects in the real world or are we saying that in the real world this door is unlocked and it’s only locked in the fourth dimension does that mean it’s only locked for the woman because she can now perceive the fourth

Dimension how is the bun that only has hands in this Dimension pulling the human’s hair this woman squeezes Frank to the point that he’s visibly getting injured by it but somehow he doesn’t into mush the food’s possessed honestly have no clue whose first instinct would be to eat the possessed food how are

There already gumballs in these slots do these machines come with free sample gum for any customer to take this is going to hurt so much so what’s this version of the great beyond he clearly knows that his Destiny is to be opened up and have his contents used

So what the is he fighting for as the food apocalypse continues I have to wonder what happens when all the humans stop being high the sentient food divers is on a separate plane of reality to all the sober people see this fighting as some lunatics rolling around in

Inanimate food they have to keep everyone on a bath salt high in order for this revolution to work watch sure that matters at this point and I’m kind of hoping that Frank never left that campfire with fire water and this is all some insane weed and de trip not exactly

What I was looking for but it you know the question is why does the douche think he can use this guy’s body like a puppet to get revenge he could have easily found Frank earlier especially after he got on the camera system a minute ago and told everyone his

Whereabouts matter cannot be created or destroy humans sure why not now oh did Barry have anything like enough time to organize these asshol with creating a series of bumpers that would Propel poor Darren yes poor Darren because he didn’t do anything wrong here other than understandably hate working

In retail Propel poor Darren to his death using these propane tanks was purely opportunistic and there’s no way he could have built this and set this sh up you Barry even had time to pack fireworks into that thing you you it’s tough competition that this might be the single most offensive gag

Of the movie largely because it has no bearing on the plot and seems to just be there to have a stab at outdated period stereotypes so what do we do now whatever we want what uh do you want thus Begins the most famous scene in this movie and even though it’s just

Animated food we probably can’t show any of it the orgy scene I’m so glad I didn’t watch this movie in 40x hey fellas you thinking what I’m thinking so all the non- perishables decide they’re going to get it on but they already knew there was no great Beyond so why didn’t

They have sex already if they really wanted to yeah cracker can’t show you what happens to the crackers but I can’t believe the movie is still blaming them for actions that the people who run the grocery store made I love you br skip the world is a illusion bro our

Lives are being manipulated for the entertainment of monsters I’ll admit we all have the capacity to be monsters it’s the being entertained part I’m taking issue with when does that start you Frank we the play thing of a demented schlubby Jewish actor named Seth Rogan I don’t think I think this

Movie has the balls to show us who played this Native American called Firewater or the same guy who played the Mexican tequila bottle we’re going to go to this other dimension and cut the strings once and for all yeah but if you realize you’re being puppeteered by

These actors why are you able to think for yourself in this moment to make this plan apparently it took five talented people to come up with that great beyond song and since I can’t easily confirm which one of them wrote the exterminate the juice line I’m just going to award a

Sin for each of them yep I stuck around through the credits because I’m that kind of hero SL masacus you’d be glad to hear I managed to catch one last joke that was apparently worth bending in the fabric of this world’s credulity poor Darren has received an employee of the

Month certificate for not stealing much there the final unfunny nail in this orgy of effluence Fight You and Me finally going to be official just uh threw up in my mouth a little bit I’ve never opened up I mean look how tight I am it’s skinny you

Should try feeding at carbs come at you what does that mean don’t mess with a bull young man you’ll get the horns I’m excited and I feel relaxed and I’m ready to party with the best of them I love you it’s like why don’t we say that every

Day why can’t we say it more often I just love you I just want to go the rooftops and scream I love my best friend Evan the whole book stand the biased a woman’s responsible for original sin a woman cut Samson’s squa of power a woman asks for the head of John the

Baptist get the B You hormones you are a crazy hormones go your fuing bong this is like the apex of the vortex of joint engineering it’s rumored that mm o shanesy designed the first one the guy who uh designed the Golden Gate Bridge my second favorite Civic engineer you intolerant piece of sh you boo me

Nothing I’ve seen what makes you cheer you don’t need to understand you just need to relax and open wide no God please no no no This is going to be a very different kind of video now I know a lot of you right now are going hey look another YouTube Brant video as if we don’t have enough of those already Yes I acknowledge it I I know that it’s easy

For us to punch up at YouTube and to complain at nauseum but we do it because we have to keep them honest we have to hold their toes to the fire as a platform in order for us as as creators to survive it is a very unforgiving

Website in a lot of ways and there is so much collateral damage and the crossfire when it comes to copyright claims takedowns and of course Channel terminations there’s a shocking amount of times when these things happen to people who don’t deserve it I’m bringing up this topic because it happened to a

Channel for an artist an animator named teleport day I hope I’m saying your name correctly now I know that there’s a lot of channels out there that get done dirty but this one it’s shocking how bad it got for those who don’t know this person is an amazing animator who

Creates content at neck break speeds it’s remarkable but this channel has been nuked from the platform because YouTube said it violated its nudity and sexual guidelines hey folks real fast a quick update when I recorded the video initially teleport’s channel was still down it is back now and YouTube’s

Twitter account said oh it was a mistake uh it’s been resolved it’s been reinstated or bad which you know it’s cool that a entire livelihood of a person can be deleted by accident so take that for what it’s worth that being said I still have a lot of thoughts in

This video about other facets of YouTube and all of the folks who are casualties of YouTube system and aren’t reinstated because there are a lot of folks who suffer that fate so let’s continue YouTube has a very bizarre are set of rules that they bring down on content

Creators rules that are not really applied to the big corporate channels of YouTube and of course advertisers but if you are an independent Creator like teleport day then you might find yourself in the crossfire YouTube claimed that this content was a violation of their rules that oh hey one

Strike too many your channel is now gone and this is a content creator with a very substantial IAL following it goes to show you that even the big channels of independent creators can still be the victim of YouTube BS whether it be by a human review or by the algorithm which

Is more common you are taken down by them saying Oh you you broke a rule and the frustrating thing being that a lot of this rule breaking is so unclear I would know personally I I know I Walk the Line when it comes to reviewing adult animated content but I have made

It abundantly clear on my channel that it is not for children I have literally clicked the button to claim that for all of my content I like to talk about adult animation I think it’s a very fascinating facet of Animation in general but it is difficult because if

YouTube says oh no thank you get rid of it you risk the chance of having your channel deleted your livelihood erased you have the ch chance if you’re lucky on the lighter end of sentencing which they are the judge the jury the Executioner of where they go okay your

Video violates this guideline we have to age restrict it and that sounds okay at least the video is up there no it’s not not really yes it can be accessed but the algorithm kills it it’s essentially blacklisted again I know this cuz it happened to me three times this year

Whenever I upload I’m like God please I censored this I I blurred it all out I want to make it interesting and not have to hide everything but Lord knows I have to again hold my punches as far as showing this content because if I don’t YouTube might go no we’re going to

Blacklist the video delete the video maybe or on the extreme end just delete your channel and sometimes these violations come all at once so it’s an assault where YouTube goes hey by the way this this this this and this video have all at the same time time been

Found guilty which by the way that’s over three strikes you’re out Channel’s gone I do apologize for how unrefined my presentation is right now for this video I’m working off of bullet points in my mind and typically I’m a bit more scripted than this but it’s coming from

The heart from my frustrations I’ve been on this website for so long I’ve been here since 2007 watching stupid YouTube poops with Batman and the hotel Mario and I’ve seen this website evolve into a force of nature on the mainstream level Millennials and and Zoomers use this

Thing more than television but the the wild west days of making content are quickly coming to an end in a very unfair unfun way I think the first big part that led me to believe that things were changing where the bureaucracy was starting to really rear its ugly head

Was when and it’s a doubleit sword the elate issue up to that point I think YouTube was still feeling it out with Channels with what could be a success on the platform what they want to support what’s growing as a trend and then also trying to not like catch the attention

Of like the FTC or the federal government of the US when it comes to copyright i i i acknowledge that it’s not a fun situation for YouTube it really isn’t they haven’t been profitable in the basically their entire existence uh Google takes the hit and they know it’s worth it because they’re

Investing in the future and it’s just now starting to break even so I don’t envy the situation of trying to polias content to try and keep copyright lawyers from breathing down your neck it it’s it sounds like a a hell to me but you still owe it to your content

Creators especially the independent ones to at least provide some level of security where they aren’t just wiped out and the only way to get any kind of justice is to beg for it on Twitter I bring this sacrifice to the YouTube Twitter support that they might notice

Me that I don’t get an automated response and they might might reverse their decision with a human to verify if it’s actually the right decision that was made initially teleporte is huge on Twitter and the only way to get any kind of attention was again to beg to YouTube

On Twitter of all places so I want you to think about all the other channels that don’t get that Justice who are wiped out out and then gone that sucks that absolutely sucks so YouTube content creators are held to this very strict set of rules and I believe those rules

Came because of the FTC situation with elsagate uh the FTC is like wait hold on what’s this kid content nonsense going on with wow this content’s kind of bizarre it’s bad what’s Elsa doing with their feet that’s disgusting wait hold on Google have you have you been stealing information from children

That’s a against the law so when you all see how like on YouTube kid videos you can no longer leave comments you can no longer create a playlist that’s because the FTC brought the hammer down in a way on YouTube and YouTube was quick to

React and say okay we we’ll fix this so when you create an upload nowadays you have to declare like what’s in your content oh it’s there’s no violence there’s no sexual stuff at all there’s nothing that will rock the boat it is vanilla as hell that’s what YouTube

Wants they want non problematic content but as artists where’s the fun in that I’m not saying all artists have to be that way but like it completely neuters a lot of videos where it’s like we’re trying to say something whether it be a review or it’s an animation or anything

At all but it’s like nope keep it neutral keep it work safe or you might get it removed or worse you might have your channel deleted once more I love talking about adult animation that ever ready Hardon review something that was made in the late 1920s or whatever

YouTube said that was no good how about that a video that is over a century old almost and YouTube nowadays were like o that’s that’s a problem let’s let’s tone that down even though I censor the heck out of it for a channel that once more has been declared for not children I

Know as a content creator on YouTube you run the risk okay you are only as good good as the numbers you can bring in and that means if you worked your ass off to make a video over the last 3 months and then you upload it and then Viacom is

Like it’s been blocked and you’re like what can I do to fix this okay oh nothing okay I guess that last 3 months of me working has been wiped out and I have nothing to show for it or it gets age restricted which by the way to let

You all know when a video is age restricted it is once again blacklisted the it’s removed from the algorithm cuz YouTube goes oh we can’t monetize this take it out of the algorithm it’s taking a spot of a video that we can monetize it’s a revolving door where it’s all

About moving content through quickly so they can monetize it move on to the next go go go and if your video is not making them money it’s out so it kills your money and it kills your views and the video is basically a complete wash now

You’ve heard me rant so far again I apologize for how just all over the place I am I am frustrated okay I’ve seen this website go from being a place where it was initially for creators having fun wild and crazy with Fred you know remember Fred yeah and now it feels

A lot more regimented and policed because again I don’t envy that YouTube has to deal with the FTC or copyright nonsense but that’s the price you pay for your level of success all right you have to deal with it don’t wipe out content creators because you don’t want

To deal with it and the worst part is this folks and I think this is the main thing that made me want to make this video is the double standard of it all where you have YouTube gleefully taking money from advertisers who if you uploaded their content to YouTube it

Would violate the community guidelines a lot of these mobile game ads with the asses in your face and basically the lowest common denominator of sexual like oh save the girl touch her things oh brother I’m stuck in the fence with these comics and these mobile games and

All like dude what the heck why do they get the pass oh that’s right they’re paying you so it it’s clearly a double standard it’s infu creating oh you pay us do whatever you got all right if you want to promote your your sex toys literal sex toys on YouTube videos go

For it but if you upload a review of a sex story God have mercy on your soul and then to also talk about how the double standards of the big YouTube channels the ones run by corporations music labels they get huge exemptions to the rule I have nothing against the

Actual artist who do music videos or songs and like WAP that’s fine all right WAP can wap it up for all I care I have nothing against them as musicians but the the double standards of YouTube saying I’ll monetize it it’s fine go for it it’s it’s a music video therefore

It’s art and it’s Exempted from the rules and it’s like what about me I have content that I am presenting as art why is it glossed over while this content gets green lit and can move with impunity I don’t know oh yeah I do know

Money and I know that a lot of you all are probably yelling that the comments right now yeah it’s money it really is it’s the it’s the great decider of it all the mobile game ads that are borderline pornography they get a pass why cuz they pay YouTube the big record

Labels they get a pass why they’re a huge draw AKA money for YouTube the small Creator the ones who made this website what it is initially the ones who’ve been there since the very beginning they’re the ones who are paying the price they’re the ones the rules are being held against they’re the

Ones where the algorithm indiscriminately removes their content or their Channel and folks like teleport day yeah they’re the victims and the ultimate insult in all of that is that YouTube their little shorts program where they’re trying to be Tik Tok 2.0 if it’s anything like Google+ it’s going

To fail that shorts program is riddled with re-uploads of teleport to his content not credited just straight up stealing content and not just the YouTube shorts but also on YouTube itself with videos and the usual aspect ratio and presentation just so much content stealing in YouTube does nothing

For those channels they leave it alone but the person who created the content they get taken down where’s the Justice I apologize again for the overall energy of this video I don’t want to make this uh a normal thing where I’m complaining on YouTube that’s not what my Channel’s

About I want to talk about the girl version of Family Guy that Hulu made I want to talk about this weird Jehovah Witness cartoon I want to talk about Total Drama Island I want to talk about very girls yeah let’s do it I want to

Have fun and and I abide by the rules of YouTube but I live in constant fear that even if I do a lot of these content creators do it’s still not enough and a random algorithm or an unfair review from one of the human Associates of

YouTube uh that they say oh it’s not good enough you broke a rule you violated this and then without any chance of really appealing it effectively you’re gone your video your hard work your livelihood Ood gone and that’s a very Cutthroat system and I think it needs addressing I really do

It’s only going to get worse it really is but I guess um hey maybe maybe I need to start doing highlevel Productions like these music labels or or upload mobile game ads and and then I can do whatever I want but uh until that day I

Have to live in fear for my content and I’m quite certain the rest of independent creators on YouTube have to do the same and that’s not fair that’s not fair to them these rules rules are way too hostile and also restrict the art that we can make as creators it in a

Way pressures us to keep things clean if you want any chance to actually reap any benefits from your work whether it be growing your support with your viewers or making money to pay rent so that’s my YouTube rant I apologize for how all over the place it was again uh this

Won’t be a common thing I just wanted to speak up because it’s not fair to teleport day it’s not fair to other content creators out there to have the content stolen and then have their channels taken down YouTube fix this now this video is brought to you by

Warby Parker see how easy that is just a logo and a quick shout out that’s it I don’t have to clickbait you all with fake promises and bosoms and stolen assets I don’t have to sink that love oh YouTube does I’m sick of It mobile game ads are a plague upon the internet and with every passing day it gets worse it gets so much worse they’re Everywhere YouTube Facebook Google Twitter in your videos in your newsfeed on the sidebars of every website you visit they’re misleading deceptive pandering you can’t trust any of them

What you think might be a cool game with hot girls and fun gameplay is oh God no another Candy Crush clone where are the hot girls you promis me hot girls this isn’t an FPS at all oh can I solve this puzzle sure let me try oh um this game

Is nothing like the advertisement I’ve been bamboozled again the majority of these mobile game ads rely on fraudulent claims that depend more on shocking and slimy promises than actual quality when it comes to their product they don’t care if most people turn the game off after trying their free to-play game as

Long as these mobile games can get their hooks into a handful of targeted users and squeeze them with microtransactions they’ll get their money’s worth and then some like to a mindblowing degree the mobile game industry practically dwarfs every other facet of the gaming industry when it comes to revenue

Consoles they wish PC gaming oh not even close allow me to put it into perspective for you in game one of the highest grossing films of all time made around $2.7 billion worldwide when it comes to box office revenue Monster Strike a mobile game has grossed nearly 8.7 billion dollar worldwide that is

Three times the amount of endgame that is insane so now we’re stuck in a very precarious situation lowquality mobile games that cost virtually nothing to make that utilize predatory tactics in order to track down consumers with addiction problems and then get them hooked on microtransactions by promoting deceptive and manipulative advertisements with

False promises so that’s the situation awful games that cost a fraction of what console or PC games require while instead funneling money towards Marketing in a very misleading manner the entire system is corrupt and so many websites are complicit in the process especially YouTube The Audacity Of

YouTube to police the videos of content creators and fire off punishments blindly while claiming that actual human beings have reviewed said content oh yeah yeah sure they have look at this one oh this

This video, titled ‘minecraft’, was uploaded by glitches on 2023-12-03 07:38:01. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:16 or 10276 seconds.

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  • Unleashing Terrifying Monsters in Minecraft 2 😱

    Unleashing Terrifying Monsters in Minecraft 2 😱Video Information जल्दी से अबे मेरे में इतना दम नहीं है कि मैं इसको इतनी बड़ी स्ड से मार दूं यार लगता है मुझे ही मारना पड़ेगा गाइस लगता है मुझे स् ओ मिनियन ने आखिरकार अपना अपनी ताकत दिखा ली इसका साइज तो देखो गाइस मिनियन का साइज तो देखो जरा इस मिनियन का साइज देखो और इस स्ड का साइज देखो इस मिनियन का साइज देखो भाई अबे रहने दे अब तो छोड़ दे अब तो तेरी जान निकल जाएगी अबे तू तू जमीन में दस जाता भाई बच गया वो तो तू गाइस कोई बात नहीं आगे… Read More

  • Insane Skywars Win Streak with Pro Players!

    Insane Skywars Win Streak with Pro Players!Video Information [Music] the [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Hitting 43⭐ in Skywars (Uncut Teams ft. 2YP)’, was uploaded by Joshpacks on 2024-03-08 13:36:46. It has garnered 1276 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:31 or 1231 seconds. —————————————————————————————— About ➜… Read More

  • Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!

    Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!Video Information [Music] [Music] I’ve been in the wonder I’m thinking to grab the clip two three [ __ ] is dead before they can dip I’m not in the blastous ACT we see the brothers they act Federal tracks They Splat in at your back hit them You’ been waiting watching with this [ __ ] blood a PL the [ __ ] [ __ ] C before we hit slide up on the [ __ ] holy water on the clip I just hit the [ __ ] for his glutting and I dip slick Sky skinny Scissor… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack – #1 in the Game?

    Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack - #1 in the Game?Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft best Minecraft soundtrack??’, was uploaded by Greenlord on 2024-03-21 15:36:28. It has garnered 29 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Propeller Bedwars

    Propeller BedwarsThis is Propeller Bedwars This server is java and is open to all versions from 1.8-latest If you have any questions or concerns make sure to submit it as a ticket ⁠in discord. At Propeller Bedwars, we ensure QUALITY games. Currently, the only bedwars maps available are the 1v1 map (speedway), the solos map (lighthouse), and the 2v2 map (airshow). We value our players. Join today at Read More

  • 💙 Robo’s World SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Crossplay, HermitCraft Inspired, Whitelist, Squaremap

    Join Robo’s World SMP today! Looking for a small, whitelisted, community-driven, semi-vanilla Minecraft server that never resets the map? Welcome to Robo’s World! Join our dedicated community of Vanilla Minecraft enthusiasts who value teamwork and creativity. Just like the iconic Hermitcraft SMP, our server promotes a friendly environment with no stealing, griefing, or hacking. Everything is done in survival mode to encourage collaboration and fair play. With a map that never resets, your builds and ideas are safe with us. We support crossplay, so you can join us on both Java and Bedrock editions. Apply on our Discord server today… Read More

  • Minecraft Bros on Fire! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft Bros on Fire! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you and the boys are trying to build a house in Minecraft but end up accidentally setting it on fire instead. Whoops, looks like we need some fire safety lessons in the virtual world too! #minecraftfail #boyswillbeboys Read More

  • Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary

    Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary Welcome to CasualEnjoyer’s Minecraft Adventure! Introduction CasualEnjoyer, a 17-year-old YouTuber, embarks on his first Minecraft commentary video. Despite facing challenges like a loud game volume and a quiet mic, he dives into the world of Minecraft with enthusiasm. Exploring a New World CasualEnjoyer starts by creating a new world, encountering crashes whenever he dies or tries to sleep. Undeterred, he sets out to gather resources, dig for stone, and build a base. Future Plans In his commentary, CasualEnjoyer shares his plans to play classic games like the Fallout series and System Shock. He seeks viewer input on game choices… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1)

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1) Minecraft Hardcore Adventure: Building a Home with Ultra Shader (Part 1/2) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft hardcore adventure with a touch of Ultra Shader in this exciting gameplay. Join the protagonist as they navigate through the challenges of survival in the harsh world of Minecraft. Exploring the World As the journey unfolds, our protagonist has made significant progress, gathering valuable resources such as ores and cobblestones. Despite the limitations on diamond collection, with a full inventory, they managed to secure a substantial amount of materials for their upcoming projects. Enhanced Visuals With the addition of the Faithful 64×64 texture… Read More

  • EPIC Dragon Riders SMP with VTuber Kishima Doffy!

    EPIC Dragon Riders SMP with VTuber Kishima Doffy!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo hello welcome back to the Citadel of Noms today we have a special Mission we’re going to join a SMP Minecraft server so there’s going to be other people there um which is exciting because you know I have uh you know how I’ve been playing on a single player world for the longest time just you know exploring our own Minecraft world and it’s it’s Unique for me because I’ve never done a multiplayer you know modded multiplayer Minecraft ever so this… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP with Viewers!

    Ultimate Minecraft SMP with Viewers!Video Information e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay let’s see does it go all right what is up everyone welcome to the stream it’s your girl kayb boo welcome in and happy Saturday hope everyone is having an amazing weekend and also happy Mother’s Day weekend and happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing mothers out there you guys are much appreciated um happy Mother’s Day weekend what’s up Deborah what’s up and Marque what’s up Craig I appreciate you what’s up Daniel what’s up duplicate how you doing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!

    SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!Video Information hi everyone in today’s video we’re going to talk about the most popular game in the world having been purchased some 200 million times on various platforms like many of the best games it is simple on the surface but has a surprising amount of depth with unlimited play time the limiting factor is often how you choose to play it which sounds an awful a lot like life to me this is the first five things you should start doing in Minecraft otherwise it wouldn’t be fun number one which is everybody has a different experience and… Read More

  • JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!

    JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!Video Information all right y’all welcome back to the laggiest episode of Minecraft the modded Minecraft series this is episode 21 quick recap from last episode we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra um hopefully the stream is not lagging too bad but we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra and we ended up finding another n city who is your munting buddy not sure what that means L is bad lag no way hold on there’s no way we’re lagging this bad let me see uh all right are we back… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! MY BROTHER GOT A JOB! 😱🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🥺МОЙ БРО НАШЕЛ РАБОТУ😭#shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #юмор #приколы #мем #рекомендации’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-05-28 05:52:22. It has garnered 460 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🔴This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from open access on the Internet and used in acceptable forms. The author does not bear any responsibility for the rearranged material. There is swearing. All characters are fictitious and the action takes place in a parallel universe, do not take everything… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE MINECRAFT HACKS - AYUSH DON REVEALS ALL! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥😊☺️’, was uploaded by AYUSH DON on 2024-04-21 10:49:57. It has garnered 474 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥 #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok hacks… Read More

  • Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192

    Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192Video Information what’s up everybody welcome to another all the mods 8 Hardcore Minecraft video my name is Joshy and as we did yesterday we finished up the dimensional seed uh with our Emerald five times block and now we’re just working on our uh so there’s a way we can do this that will actually be quicker than just waiting for these to do their things um which actually I need to make sure these have 6400 so let’s do let’s do this real quick prediction let’s make about 10,000 more of them if we can we can’t because… Read More

  • Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housing

    Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housingVideo Information perfect how’s this look from the outside I’m curious like imagine you’re coming in and you’re like I don’t know you’ve been like shot down from the Seas you come up and you’re like wow look at that that’s pretty cool actually that’s got a Vibe right there I’m liking it it’s pretty cool [Music] yeah I think probably just flatten out the top piece maybe make it a little more stylish on the top a bit of a nice roof pattern maybe but for the most part it’s looking good so yeah eventually cuz my brain works… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Streaming Until Victory

    Endless Minecraft Streaming Until VictoryVideo Information okay oh wait okay we’re live let’s get the music going let’s get the music going let’s get the Good Vibes flowing and we’re going to be speed running Minecraft today uh I’ve gotten better at speedr running I’ll say it I’m kind of the goat now uh but my issue is I’m still bad I’m not the best in the world had what is up had okay we’ll do speed run I hardly know her that’s not I can spell hardly either okay we are speed running today we are speedr running today um we need every… Read More